14 August 2015 - Thomas Hassall Anglican College
14 August 2015 - Thomas Hassall Anglican College
Term 3 I 14 August 2015 From the Principal There is certainly an excitement around the College with so many things to look forward to over the next two weeks. The first of our Junior School Creative Nights next Tuesday 18 August will feature the production Cinderella and Rockafella and Jonah – A Fishy Tale the following week on Wednesday 26 August. The students are practising for what will be a most enjoyable evening for us all. Next week we also look forward to the showcase of the Year 12 Major Works at Illuminate on Thursday 20 August. Our biggest event of the year, the South West Festival has only one week to go – next Saturday 22 August! We are all looking forward to our occasion which builds and engages our College community, assists our learning program and is a real opportunity to invite and involve the wider Community. Please pray for great weather on the day, the main organising teams, particularly Mrs Jo Hutchens, the P & F Committee and the Class Parent Network for the final week of preparations. Make sure you spread the word and invite your friends and families along. There will be so many activities, fabulous food, and some great items in the Silent Auction. I look forward to seeing you all for a day that is shaping up to be our best Festival ever! Be sure to read the Marketing and Community Relations page in this edition to catch up on all the latest news. Our Cafeteria and Hospitality Centre is nearly complete. After many months and some delays we are excited to see and start using this wonderful complex. We are privileged to have this state of the art facility as part of the Campus and you will have an opportunity at the South West Festival to take a walk through. Today our Year 12 students complete their HSC Trial Examinations. Please continue to pray for these students as they move now to the final phase of their studies and course work and begin preparations for their main HSC Examinations in October. Late last week we enjoyed a visit from our Japanese Sister School, Takayama Junior High, which is a small country school several hours away from Tokyo. This is always a rich cultural and enjoyable experience for students from both schools. The students had an Australian Wildlife Experience, with animals such as ring tailed possums, goannas and even a python that they all got to touch. They visited The Leppington Pastoral Company, a working dairy farm at Luddenham and participated in an AFL workshop. We look forward to welcoming them again in 2016. Thank you for your continued support. Looking forward to seeing you next week at the Festival. Mr Ross Whelan And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. 1 John 4:16 Awards CARMICHAEL Brielle Bithio Oscar Garard Liana Logozzo Jazmine Graham Lily Hozeph Luke Agar Arron Bartlet Zachary Taylor David Romanic Brittany Phillips Adina Varkey Lily-Joy Darmo Aida Sulejmanovic Dimitri Alexopoulos Madison Georgey LEWIS Lauren Vassallo Emily Fitzgerald Godwin Alorbi Ritisha Singh Laura Monti Leah Chegwyn Andrew Carrano Stratos Demertjis Sophia LoBasso Taylor Briggs Rose Galea Roemeta Kalid Laani Jansen Adrian Zeng Thomas Choi LIDDELL Danica Harkness Mia Walker Jeremy Woods Sarah Cameron Ivan Shamoon Nicholas Mosca Anthony Trimboli Natasha Vrsek Rachel Faull Nelly Warda Mark Szoszkiewiez WILBERFORCE Dane Infanti Iona Reynolds Monisha Sharma Petar Lozusic Stephan Taleski Nikoleta Hatzipetros Mia Fernandopulle HSC Trials have almost been completed but for students in the subjects that have a practical Major Work component the pressure is still on. Drama, Art, Music, Design & Technology and Industrial Technology Timber are subjects that all have a practical component, and students are busy completing major works or preparing for their practical performances. From experience with my own sons completing the HSC, this is a very testing time of the year. Nevertheless, the results for my boys were very satisfying. One of my sons designed and built a new outdoor deck for Design and Technology, which we still enjoy today. He later went on to complete a carpentry apprenticeship and benefited greatly from his Year 12 experience. Another of my sons completed the Music 1 Major Performance component and did very well. He went onto form a band, record some albums and perform across Australia and NZ. He works professionally in the Health Service Industry but he still plays and enjoys his music. The demands these practical Major Works place upon students help to focus them and develop a discipline that can become an asset for the future. There is a HSC Major Works Presentation on Thursday 20 August called, Illuminate. Any Year 10 or 11 student thinking of taking up a HSC subject that includes a major work is strongly encouraged to come and view the 2015 results in order to better understand some of the requirements for these subjects. Both Year 8 and Year 10 students have selected subjects for either their electives or Year 11 Subjects. In each case we encourage students to choose subjects on the basis that there is something that sparks an interest in them. It would not be very good to have students undertaking a course of choice and end up not enjoying what they are doing. Indeed the term, “Right Student + Right Subject = Best Result”, is something to be considered carefully before choosing. With this in mind we are now looking at the student choices and determining the subject matrix for 2016. In some cases we will come back to the student and possibly parents to have some further discussion. As a result of these discussions students might change their selection of subjects. It is an important process to get right and one in which will reap benefits later when students embark upon the HSC Courses. In the past week we have enjoyed hosting Japanese students and teachers from Takayamamura Junior High School. This is part of a reciprocal arrangement we have with a number of Japanese schools; earlier this year our students paid a visit to the same school. Our students warmly received the Japanese guests and enabled them to catch a glimpse of what it is like to be a student here in Sydney. In a week that marked the anniversary of the dropping of the Atomic Bomb in Nagasaki I was grateful at the strong commitment of all the students and teachers to grow in understanding and acceptance of each other. I would like to thank parents who have volunteered and are currently assisting with the coming South West Festival. I look forward to seeing you there! For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 Mr Roger Young Term 3 Diary Dates Week 5 Thursday 20 August Illuminate: HSC Showcase Saturday 22 August South West Festival Week 6 Monday 24 August Staff & Students Mid Term Break Tuesday 25 August Musical 2016 Information Night Friday 28 August THYC There is an air of excitement over the College this week as we prepare for the many events that are coming up. The Stage 3, Prep and Stage 2 children are putting the finishing touches to their performances and they look great. There are so many positives for learning that flow from participating in a show like this, it builds self confidence, being part of a team, strengthens engagement and makes learning fun! I would ask that all students attend unless there are exceptional circumstances. If you have booked tickets for either show but find you cannot attend please cancel your booking or give the ushers your spare tickets so that we can accommodate those that have missed out. The South West Festival is going to be amazing and again there is a real buzz around the College as we gear up for that. It is great to see the community coming together to prepare for this event and it is going to be the biggest and best show yet, so make sure you come and join in the fun on the day. Parking and drop off - This is an area that seems to regularly cause concern for many parents around the College. A number of parents have raised safety concerns for our children because of the actions of a few drivers. Please read the following directions carefully and abide by them for the safety of all concerned. Drop off zones are designated around the College. Please stay in the queue and only allow your children to get out of the car when you have reached the designated zone. Do not exit the car in a drop off zone, each car should be there for a very limited time to make the flow of traffic work. Children should be prepared and capable of exiting the car without your help, it is not a time for packing bags, checking homework or fixing uniforms. Do not let your child exit the car from the middle of the carpark. Do not use the driveways as a drop off zone. When crossing the road use the designated pedestrian crossing. When approaching the pedestrian crossing please stop behind the line. Do not cross or allow your children to cross between the buses. Do not queue next to the buses when waiting to enter the College in the afternoon. Do not drive in the exit gates. Be patient and courteous to other drivers. Keeping our children safe is our number one priority and following these directions will mean that all our students get to College and then get home safely. Mrs Christine Bessant Private Music Tuition: Year 1 Incursion Year 1 were recently provided the opportunity to hear one of our talented tutors, Zoran Cirevski, perform on the piano. Students were invited to ask questions about the piano, request songs and find out more about tuition at the College. If you are interested in your child learning a musical instrument, please fill in an instrument application form available from the College Reception or the College website. Please contact nlane@thac.nsw.edu.au for more information. Mr Nicholas Lane Music Teacher Term 3 Diary Dates Week 5 Tuesday 18 August Creative Arts Night (Prep, Yrs 5 & 6) Thursday 20 August NASSA Junior Sports Carnival Saturday 22 August South West Festival Week 6 Monday 24 August Staff & Students Mid Term Break Tuesday 25 August Musical 2016 Information Night Wednesday 26 August Creative Arts Night - Years 3 & 4 In many places around the world, children are going hungry. Living in poverty, their families are not able to buy or grow enough food. Hunger means much more than just an empty stomach. It can affect vital organs like the heart, liver, kidneys and brain – often permanently. This can make children sick and hold back their mental development. So when they grow up, they are less able to support their own families. This weekend, many students and staff from the College are joining the 40 Hour Famine to help children break free from the cycle of hunger and poverty. By giving something up for 40 hours, participants raise awareness and funds to help fight global hunger. Some people give up food, furniture, technology, talking – anything! This year World Vision are celebrating 40 Hour Famine’s 40th anniversary. Since 1975, millions of Australians have participated in or donated to the 40 Hour Famine. Around $200 million has been raised, providing practical help to reduce hunger and malnutrition. This has transformed the lives of many children, families and communities around the world. In the past seven years alone, more than two million people have benefited from food assistance through 40 Hour Famine funds. There’s still much more to be done. But with each year, a real difference is being made. In 2015, the funds will be supporting World Vision projects in Bangladesh, Cambodia, East Timor, Laos, Malawi, Nepal, Swaziland and Uganda. The funds will go towards solutions like nutrition training for parents, child health services and better agricultural practices. Why does World Vision run programs like this? It is an organisation committed to the poor because they are Christian. They work with people of all cultures, faiths and genders to achieve transformation. They do this through relief and development, policy advocacy and change, collaboration, education about poverty, and emphasis on personal growth, social justice and spiritual values. World vision will exhibit at the South West Festival if you are interested in more information or child sponsorship. Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honours God. Proverbs 14:31 Rev Stuart Tye Important College Dates Term 3 Tuesday 18 August 2015 Creative Arts Night - Prep, Year 5 & 6 Thursday 20 August 2015 NASSA Junior Athletics Carnival Illuminate : HSC Showcase Saturday 22 August 2015 South West Festival Monday 24 August 2015 Mid Term Break Staff & Students Tuesday 25 August 2015 2016 Musical Information Evening Wednesday 26 August 2015 Creative Arts Night - Years 3 & 4 Friday Thursday Friday 28 August 2015 3 September 2015 4 September 2015 THYC Father’s Day Stall (Prep & Blue) Father’s Day Stall (Prep Red & White, K-12) Thursday 17 September 2015 Friday 18 September 2015 P - 2 Tabloid Carnival Year 12 Graduation Assembly Term 3 Concludes Term 4 Monday 5 October 2015 Labour Day Holiday Tuesday 6 October 2015 Term 4 Commences Friday - Sunday 16 - 18 October 2015 Jam Camp Thursday 22 October 2015 Orientation Day - Prep to Year 6 Wednesday 28 October 2015 Year 11 Parent Teacher Night Thursday 29 October 2015 Orientation Day - Year 7 Monday 9 November 2015 Mid Term Break (Students Only) Thursday 3 December 2015 Celebration - Junior School - 10am to 12noon - Senior School - 2pm to 5pm Friday 4 December 2015 Term 4 Concludes Sympathy We extend our deepest sympathies to Mr Simon Payet with the loss of his father. Simon has served on our P & F Committee for the past two years. Our thoughts and prayers are with Simon and his family along with their extended family at this sad time. National Literacy and Numeracy Week This year the Junior School are going to celebrate National Literacy and Numeracy Week (NLNW) in Week 8 (7/09 – 11/09). 2015 is the 17th NLNW and celebrates the importance of literacy and numeracy skills for all Australian students. Students will be involved in literacy and numeracy activities including, ‘The Great Book Swap’, Mini Story and Poetry competitions, ‘Maths in your Pocket’ and ‘Getting the Message’ which is about solving everyday problems. Parents and Carers are invited to participate in NLNW. There will be an afternoon information session regarding the new NSW K-6 Maths Syllabus. During the week, Parents and Carers are invited to join in their child’s maths group lesson. More information on this will follow from your class teacher. Mrs Irene Smith Learning Support - Junior School Fruit and Veg Breaks in Junior School During Week 3 of this term we successfully launched Fruit and Veg Breaks in our classrooms (Prep to Year 4) as part of our healthy eating and nutrition initiatives at Thomas Hassall. Fruit and Veg Breaks are an opportunity to have a quick and healthy break, particularly when we have long mornings. These breaks do not replace recess and lunch. Fruit and Veg Breaks may be during: reading a book to the class; sitting outside the classroom together in the sunshine; during News; or whilst completing a task at their desks, etc. Your class teacher will choose to provide these breaks at their discretion, in a manner that best suits the needs of their class. Here are just a few of the positive responses classes have had to us launching Fruit and Veg Breaks... “My class loves it especially using the apple peeler. They ask everyday when we are having fruit break. Their eating habits during this time have improved and they love whole apples now.” (Year 4 Teacher) “Brill!!!! I am doing slinky day on Fridays and almost every child brought in an apple J victory!” (Year 1 Teacher) “We have been doing our fruit breaks all year but I only do it on Monday, Thursday and Friday during the long mornings. It hasn’t cut into my routine as it is part of it. It’s a good lesson break and I will sometimes use it as a 15 minute modelled reading lesson.” (Year 2 Teacher) 1G enjoying Fruit and Veg Break during News time. It’s never too late for your child to join in Fruit and Veg Breaks in their class. Why not have a chat with them today about what they would like to bring for their Fruit and Veg Break. The key is that it needs to be fresh! Some popular choices at the College for Fruit and Veg Break have included: * a banana * a mandarin * an apple (sliced or whole) * a small bunch of grapes * cherry tomatoes * watermelon pieces * carrot or cucumber sticks Mrs Lynn Gross - Primary Teacher Jazz Workshop On Friday 7 August, students from the Senior Stage Band represented the College at a PPP (Practice Pizza Performance) Jazz Workshop hosted at Penrith Anglican College. Together with their 20-piece band, our students worked with their musicians, developing many areas of technique and performance, including ensemble playing, listening, improvising, vocal arranging and building a strong groove. As well as a focus on music, the evening was a great social outing for students sharing pizza together and developing friendships. The evening concluded with a concert for family and friends of students involved in the combined ‘super band’. Conducted by Mr Lawrence and Mr Mark, this is one of many joint initiatives between Thomas Hassall and Penrith Anglican Colleges. Since mid 2014, both schools have been collaborating together on different events, the highlight being the combined College International Music Tour to New Zealand in April 2015. Students who participated in Friday night’s event were Karl Baresic, Zeta Petersen, Georgia Cosier, Domenico Stambe, Ali Dursun and Jacob Pallone. Mr Byron Mark Ensemble Conductor Year 7 Have Fun with Maskmaking In Year 7 students do a unit on “The Face” and are required to work in pairs to make masks using plaster bandage on their own faces. They then decorate these masks to form an imaginary character. This is the 7.1 class celebrating their completion. Congratulations to the Year 7 students for such good work. Mrs Cheryl O’Mara and Mr Jules Brattoni Visual Arts Illuminate - An Evening of Excellence presented by the Class of 2015 Each year the College hosts an evening to showcase the work of Year 12. We warmly invite all families of the College to attend this special event on Thursday 20 August. We will be displaying the major works of our current Year 12 students, featuring work from Extension subjects as well displaying examples of Assessment Tasks from various faculties. Doors open to the John Lambert Auditorium at 6.50pm, where guests are welcome to vote for their favourite art work in the ‘People’s Choice’ awards. The evening will be officially opened at 7.45pm, and the winner of the ‘People’s Choice’ will be announced. At 7.50pm performances from Drama, Music and readings of Extension major work extracts will commence in various locations around the College. Please make note of this date in your diary. We look forward to a wonderful evening celebrating the hard work of our Year 12 students. Mrs Elizabeth Ford Creative Arts Coordinator We are fortunate to have inspirational speaker Nikki Heald coming into the College on two occasions in August to advise, motivate and train our Year 10 and Year 11 cohorts in the processes of applying and presenting for work as well as performing impressively under interview. Nikki has had vast experience in assisting students to present professionally in the corporate environment especially. She encourages girls to consider executive positions and helps those who are shy to operate with confidence. Nikki's first book, "Views On The Way To The Top", which she co-authored with other business women, inspires Australian women to follow their dreams. In an extract from the book, Nikki writes "incumbent to my business success was developing a client base and the biggest incentive I had to offer clients was me! Interestingly, what I have found is that clients do not necessarily want the "big names". More importantly, what they crave is exceptional service, a great attitude, credibility and commitment." Copies of the book can be purchased at Nikki's presentations nationally or by contacting the Corporate Training office. See www.corptraining.com.au Nikki will also be assisting our students to attempt mock interviews so that they can gain experience and confidence. These will be held in term four and those students who elect to do this will need to prepare for specific job advertisements and dress accordingly. Students who want to try this need to give their names to Careers Advisor, Mr J Ward, as soon as possible. Year 10 students heard Nikki on 14 August and Year 11 students will receive her coaching on 28 August 2015. Term 3 Sport - for Years 3 - 6 The Winter IPSSO competition continues until the end of Term Three. Training will continue each Wednesday 7.30 – 8.15am. In the event of wet weather, only the Boys Soccer team will train in S Block, due to additional coach coming in to train the team. Term 3 Team Game Time Netball Soccer AFL and Softball Newcombe Ball 19-Aug St Mary's 12.10 - 2.00 Hammondville Pk Hammondville Pk Hammondville Pk Hammondville Pk 26-Aug St Mary's 12.20 - 2.10 THAC Hoxton Park Res THAC THAC 2-Sep if teams make it to Grand Final 9-Sep Semi & Grand Final CIS Athletics 16-Sep Back-up Finals SASC Netball Gala Day On Thursday 30 July, Thomas Hassall had 2 Primary Netball teams enter the Jessica Clark Memorial Netball Gala Day at Kellyville. The Junior and Senior teams played against other schools within the Anglican Corporation. The Junior team played consistently well throughout the day and gained valuable experience. The Senior team showed fine teamwork and great sportsmanship in all of their matches. Miss Donaldson and I were proud of the way the teams played and encouraged each other. Congratulations girls on a great performance!!! Years 3 –6 Athletics Carnival – results Congratulations to WILBERFORCE, who won the House Point Competition. The Primary Carnival results were; 1st – Wilberforce 1,701 points 2nd – Carmichael 1,669 points 3rd – Lewis 1,485 points 4th – Liddell th 5 – OPAC 1,418 points 637 points The following students were the Age Champions: AGE GIRLS BOYS 8 years Breana Steele Stefan Ruhs 9 years Jessica Weston Luke Moran 10 years Nyah Monti Harrison Curl 11 years Shayal Mudaliar Wiremu Taylor 12 years Phetmanee Vongpoothorn Michael Cuello Important Junior School Sport Dates for Term Three… Week 5 - Thursday 20 August– NASSA Junior Athletics Carnival - Campbelltown Week 6 - Thursday 27 August – TIGS Trophy Soccer Gala Day (Yr 5 & 6 Boys and Girls team) Week 7 - Wednesday 2 September – IPSSO Winter Finals Week 8 - Friday 11 September – THAC Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 Tabloid Carnival Week 9 - Thursday 17 September – THAC Prep and Kinder Tabloid Carnival School Holidays - Monday 21 - Friday 25 September - Holiday Football Camp Years 3 –6 Athletics Carnival NASSA Junior Athletics Carnival The NASSA Junior Athletics Carnival will be held on Thursday 20 August at Campbelltown Athletics Stadium. The team representing out College will be displayed on the Primary Sports Notice Board. Just a reminder that Field events are based in Junior age category – so representatives are selected from all results for students in the 7, 8, 9 and 10 year old age groups. Angelina Christopher Andrijevic Atlagic Tatiana Banjas Estella Beltran Kassandra Bulaong Sarah Casanova Sophia Castiglione Cooper Clifford Dillon Cruz Michael Cuello Harrison Curl Lucas Currao Sreya Diddee Adrian Duric Zach Emerton Taneisha-Lee Fitzhenry Brooke Fulton Sebastian Ghisso Alexander Giakoumelos Andrej Grgurevic Aleksandar Jarod Kate Gvozdenovic Hooker Iisakka Tamara Kiosoff Byron Kulper Praise Lauano Arielle Logozzo Christopher Logozzo Isabella Logozzo Mekai Meads Tatiana Mendez Ryan Micallef Emilia Michalak Joseph Mikhail Nyah Luke Monti Moran Shayal Ebadath Mudaliar Mudaliar Sharneece Nakhl Sidney Njovu Cody Nkomo Sebastian Petrovski Dion Petrovski-Durzi Chloe Roberts Hayley Rodgers Stefan Ruhs Matthew Russo Ruban Sarvaparipalan Aidan Sayasith Isabella Scarfone Aliyah Shamon Olivia Smith Nicholas Spasenovic Breana Steele Isabella Sultan Wiremu Taylor Mandie Teoh Dominic Ticic Stefan Todorovic Mia Tran Bianca Venditti Justin Vidic Bianca Vitale Phetmanee Vongpoothorn Isabella Walker Braeden Webster Jordan West Jessica Destiny Weston Younes Prep – Yr 2 Tabloid Sports Carnivals PREP, Kinder, Year One and Year Two will have their own Tabloid Sports Carnivals at College. These will be held on: Friday 11 September – Prep Red, Prep White, Kindergarten Thursday 17 September – Prep Blue, Prep Purple, Years 1 and 2 We will be holding a sports fundraiser on both days to assist our NSW CIS and NSW PSSA sporting representatives. Please come along and support the day. There will be: CAKE STALL at RECESS ICEBLOCKS PIZZA slices available for purchase at Lunch PE and Sport Reminder It is advisable that your child has a refillable drink bottle on Sport and PE days to ensure that they are able to re-hydrate after exercise. All children are required to wear the PE cap or College hat for sporting activities. Uniform Shop IMPORTANT NOTICE The Uniform Shop will be CLOSED Friday 21st August 2015. Mrs Sharon Evans P-6 Sports Coordinator NSW All Schools Cross Country Adrian Neoklis and Scott Reynolds participated in the all schools cross country in the Term 2 holidays. Adrian came 38th in the 14 year old age group and Scott Finished 25th in the 18 year olds age group. The track was very muddy and slippery and Adrian didn’t run to his full potential. He did enjoy the challenging experience falling in the mud and trying to avoid getting trampled on and making it to the end of a gruelling 4km race. Both students are to be congratulated on an amazing achievement! NASSA Football Gala Day On Monday 3 August Thomas Hassall took five teams to compete in the NASSA Football Gala Day. On the day, the Thomas Hassall Senior Girls made history. AICES Football Tournament The following Thomas Hassall students were selected into the NASSA 15’s Football teams to play at the AICES Football tournament. Congratulations on a fantastic effort! Lachlan MarlowAnthony Trimboli Dylan Mosiejczuk Conway Adrian Neoklis Gian Sacco Anthea Mihalatos Rhea DeMello Opening Girls Grand Final Premiers The day started with a high in the girl’s first game against Wollondilly High School with a 4-0 victory. Anthea, Courtney, Domenica and Alana C kept it tight in the defence and Georgia was fearless in goals. It was a great start to the day and then put us in good stead for our game against Penrith Anglican College. Rosa, Rhea and Cody kept things very tight in the mid field and up front. Their hard work and determination meant we won 1-0 thanks to some wonderful through balls from Alanna S, Drisanna, Dana, Carol and Taylor. Due to the wonderful nature of soccer on the day, the girls were up against Georges River Grammar School in the semi-finals. It was an exciting match and suspense built as the girls scored goal, after goal, which led to a 4-0 victory…On to the Grand Finals we went! The level of excitement of the day was unmatched and the girls went into the Grand Final knowing that they had been playing outstanding soccer throughout the day. The girls kept good control of the ball and the defence was tight as we kept possession in our half. We were up by one at half time and ready for the second half. The energy electric and the ball moved quickly as each teams took shots at goals. In the final few minutes TIGGS got a lucky goal in. At the finality of the game it was a one all draw. Six players from each time were then selected from each team to play in extra time. Anthea got to the ball first and Georgia guarded the box with aggression. Courtney did a magnificent run up the side line, it was amazing! With the help of Rosa, Rhea and Cody, the ball slipped in to the goal and it saw out first ever win at NASSA Grand Final day!! Year 7 Boys Team- Runners Up The Year 7 Soccer team put on a brave performance at the NASSA gala day. They ended the competition finishing in 2 nd place. In the first game the boys took on the might of Penrith Anglican and put on a brave performance. The first half saw Thomas Makko lead the team well as we managed to hold our structure. However, as we entered the second half the lay of the field saw a couple of bad bounces and put Penrith in the lead and take the victory. Our second game was a much better result with an easy 6-0 victory over TIGS. Matthew Frances led the team from the front and Michael Ruhs worked hard in the middle to win plenty of ball create many opportunities to score. Our third game was against Wollondilly and again the boys turned up to play. Collins Aneke was a brick wall in the back shutting down many opportunities. Jayden Tran slotted a couple of goals in to the top corner and ensured a comfortable victory. 8-1 was the final score. Our final game was against Georges River Grammar. The boys managed a solid 3-1 performance. This was a tough game and the boy’s structure held together well. Alex Pascuzzi and Thomas Camelleri were essential in shutting down our opponents and created many opportunities. The boys worked well as a team and gave their best effort in every game. Well done boys, it was a great day. Coach Coulton Congratulations Congratulations to our College Counsellor, Miss Clare Calderwood who married Tim Lhao at the end of last term. We wish Tim and Clare all the very best for a very happy future together. 2016 Term Dates Term 1 Tuesday 26 January 2016 Australia Day Public Holiday Wednesday 27 January 2016 Term 1 Commences Years 1-7, 11 & 12 commence Thursday 28 January 2016 Years 8, 9 & 10 commence Friday 29 January 2016 Kindergarten Commence Tuesday 2 February 2016 Prep Blue/Purple commence Wednesday 3 February 2016 Prep Red/White commence Friday 18 March 2016 College Open Day Friday 25 March 2016 Good Friday Public Holiday Monday 28 March 2016 Easter Monday and Public Holiday Friday 8 April 2016 Term 1 Concludes Monday 25 April 2016 ANZAC Day Wednesday 27 April 2016 Term 2 Commences Tue –Fri 10-13 May 2016 NAPLAN Testing Monday 13 June 2016 Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday Friday 24 June 2016 Term 2 Concludes Monday Saturday 18 July 2016 27 August 2016 Term 3 Commences South West Festival Monday 29 August 2016 Mid Term break - staff and students Friday 23 September 2016 Term 3 Concludes Tuesday 11 October 2016 Term 4 Commences Monday 14 November 2016 Mid Term Break - students only Wednesday 7 December 2016 Celebration Night Thursday 8 December 2016 Term 4 Concludes Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Parent Portal A reminder to all parents : Please update any changes to contact details including phone numbers and email addresses to ensure that all correspondence from the College is received. All student absences need to also be verified through the Parent Portal within 7 days of each day of absence. Any enquiries please email parentportal@thac.nsw.edu.au