Laugs-Tidende - Christian Den Fjerdes Laug
Laugs-Tidende - Christian Den Fjerdes Laug
Laugs-Tidende Christian Den Fjerdes Laugs Newsletter 2014 Poul Edvin Kjær Sørensen´s coffin was after the war moved to the family´s grave site in Nørresundby Cemetery The Guild laid a wreath on the grave of a resistance hero Seventy years ago on August 28th 1943 Poul Edvin Kjær Sørensen was executed by the Nazi occupation forces. That’s why “Veterans of the Resistance” had asked the Guild to lay a wreath on his grave in Nørresundby Cemetery. Poul Edvin Kjær Sørensen was the first member of the Danish resistance to get a death sentence and be executed by the Germans occupying Denmark during the Second World War. On the night of August 18th he was with a group of resistance fighters from Aalborg collecting air-dropped weapons near Madum Sø in the Rold Forest. On their way home their van was caught up by a German military patrol, and a firefight broke out. Niels Erik Vangsted was killed and Poul Edvin Kjær Sørensen was taken prisoner. The other members of the group escaped. After the death sentence and the execution in Copenhagen a few days later Poul Edvin Kjær Sørensen was buried in Warnemünde (in Germany). It was done that way by the Germans to avoid further unrest in Aalborg. After the war the body was brought back to Northern Jutland to be reburied in the cemetery in Nørresundby beside his his mother in accordance with what Poul Edvin Kjær Sørensen had asked for in a farewell letter to his father. Benchers from the Board of the Guild accompanied chief bencher Niels Voss Hansen when he laid a wreath with a band in the colours of the resistance movement on the grave in Nørresundby. Also present were members of the family of Poul Edvin Kjær Sørensen. The Guild wishes all members a happy new year The year 2013 has – as usual – been a very busy year in the Guild. The year started in fine style with the Guild receiving 25,000 DKK from “Spar Nord Bank”. The presentation itself took place at the meeting for shareholders in Spar Nord Bank in Aalborg, where CEO Henrik Schou – before an audience of 2,000 people- presented the check to the board of the Guild – who were dressed in their red cloaks and while guild troubadour Per Iversen blew a trumpet fanfare. Wednesday February 27th the annual Guild meeting took place with a nice turn out of members of the Guild. This year the event went to plan – that is: the microphones functioned. The Prize of Honour went to Orla Kops for his great work through many years for the Defense and Garrison Museum. The Aalborg Prize went to Anders Hjulmand for his great work for the cultural life in Aalborg and Ahmed Vakili got the Initiative Prize for his contribution to the Medieval Days in Kildeparken. New at the Guild meeting was also our nightwatchman, as Katharina Fogtmann-Schulz had taken over this not unimportant job. By far our prettiest watchman ever! The Guild´s connection with our branch in Oslo is still going strong. Monday July 3rd the board of Oslo and about 80 persons arrived, both new who were to be initiated and old members. Vice chief bencher Trygve Sødring had after 5 years wanted to retire. The initiation was as usual a very cheerful affair. After the initiation Trygve Sødring took off his cloak and the chief bencher draped it on the shoulders of his successor, Helge Qvigstad. The festivities of 4th of July were also this year blessed with sunshine. The main speakers were according to tradition initiated – from USA the Nobel Prize winner Dale T. Mortensen and from Denmark journalist Steffen Gram. At the tent luncheon they both received the Guild´s necktie. The new president of the Rebild National Park Society, Jesper Jespersen, was also initiated. As everybody knows, all initiations are a little different, but some are a extra different such as the initiation of 50 leaders from IBF (International Balut Federation), a Danish worldwide organization, which in June held this year´s world championship in Aalborg. The Guild has always had the best relations to the Danish Army and in 2013 we had 2 initiations for UNMILPOC (United Nations Military Police Course). We also initiated 20 officers and crew members from the Dutch Navy while their ships were at anchor in the Port of Aalborg. On August 28th the Guild was asked to – on behalf of the “Veterans of the Resistance” – place a wreath on the grave of Poul Edvin Skov Jørgensen on the 70th anniversary of his execution. The Foundation of the Guild held its yearly presentation party on December 4th where hapy receivers of the donations and onlookers gathered in the cellar and enjoyed the traditional “glögg and æbleskiver” which is mulled wine and apple dumplings. Our website – – appears to perform very well. The year 2013 has given us a fair portion of experiences – big ones and small ones. The Guild has been met with good will from everybody: our members, our partners and the citizens of Aalborg. I want to thank you all for your support and good will towards the Guild. With kind regards Niels Voss Hansen Chief Bencher 100,000 DKK from the Guild´s Foundation On behalf of the Pensioners Orchestra Rudi Lykkegaard received a check from the chairman of the foundation, Kaj Kjær. Rudi Lykkegaard also participates in the voluntary work in the Guild and he is one of the Guild´s troubadours. Even though the rate of interest is low these years the Foundation of the Guild was able to donate 100,000 DKK to social, humanitarian and cultural activities in the municipality of Aalborg. Every year the Foundation gives away the yield from the capital – but this year a little help from the Guild was needed in order to secure the 100,000 DKK. “And once again we have decided to give out many but more modest amounts of money, so that we can reach far out and reward as many as possible” said the chairman of the foundation´s board, former lord mayor Kaj Kjær, when he distributed checks to 24 applicants. It is the 16th time the foundation gives out donations – and true to tradition it took place in a good Christmas-mood with glögg (mulled wine) and apple-dumplings in Duus´ Winecellar in Jens Bang´s Stonehouse in Aalborg. The foundation´s capital comes from the work of the Guild and from it´s members all over the world. Earlier in the year seven other applicants have received donations from the foundation. It has been to special projects which were in need of immediate financial support and could not await the December distribution. All the 31 recipients are from organizations and groups where the board has decided that they contribute to “the voluntary and unpaid work for the lesser privileged groups and members of our society”. The 31 recipients cover a wide field: Kamillus, which is a support group for Kamilianergaardens Hospice, Hassinghave, which is a residential home for elderly and disabled people, the Danish Red Cross, The Athletic Association for the Disabled in Aalborg – but also the Pensioners Orchestra, the “Multisingers”, a club for retired “Tobacco Girls” from the former Obel´s tobacco factory and Aalborg Minitown got their share of the money the Foundation was able to give out in 2013. Besides Kaj Kjær the board of the Foundation consists of the former Minister of Ecclesiastical Affairs, author Mette Madsen, CEO Ernst Trillingsgaard from AKKC, chief bencher Niels Voss Hansen and the daily administrator Per Svensson, the last two also members of the board of the Guild. The group behind the summer´s theatrical performance “The Merchant Jens Bang” in Aalborghus Castle received support from the foundation earlier in the year, and at the Christmas event instructor and actor Martin Schwab thanked for the donation. Donation to the Guild from Spar Nord Bank Normally it is the Guild (or the Foundation) who are giving out the cheques, but at this year’s annual meeting in the Aalborg Kongres og Kultur Center for the shareholders of Spar Nord Bank it was the other way around: the benchers of Christian The Fourth´s Guild were summoned to the stage to receive a cheque. “Christian The Fourth´s Guild is an organization which is making a difference in everyday life here in Aalborg – and possibly in most of the world” said CEO Henrik Schou, when he handed over this extra help to the work of the Guild. This generous donation will help the Guild to continue its work – and among this also to ensure that the Foundation every year in the future can distribute a handsome sum to beneficent purposes. Happy benchers receive the generous cheque from CEO Henrik Schou, Spar Nord Good Spirit Prizes presented to students in Aalborg Every year in December a Good Spirit Prize is donated by Christian the Fourth´s Guild to a student at each of the colleges in Aalborg. This year however the board of the Guild had decided that also a student at the Construction College should have a prize. It is up to each college to decide which student is worthy of the prize – but every year the Guild itself wants to present the prize at one of the colleges. This year a group of the benchers went to both the Commercial College and the Construction College. To get the prize the receivers are not necessarily the cleverest or most diligent students but they are expected to be cheerful and positive persons with a sense of good fellowship. “But if a student can be found who combines these qualities, it is fine” the chief bencher remarked. The rather modest sum of money that comes with the prize is not meant for books, pens and other practical items, but for the more cheerful aspects of student life – as the chief bencher pointed out. Carpenter apprentice Rasmus Lyngbak Søgaard receives the donation from chief bencher Niels Voss Hansen while the bencher Børge Clausen, treasurer Ib Regnarsson and troubadour Per Iversen are looking on. Jacob Østergaard Nordtorp receives the prize cheque from chief bencher Niels Voss Hansen, who is escorted by guild clerk Henrik Jensen, the Guild´s treasurer Ib Regnarsson and one of the Guilds troubadours, Per Iversen, who blew a fanfare . Rebild guests in the Guild of Christian the Fourth The new president of the Rebild National Park Society (right) together with the Danish main speaker Steffen Gram and the American Main speaker Dale T. Mortensen in procession around Jens Bangs Stenhus Beverly Mortensen, wife of the American main speaker Dale T. Mortensen, tested the key to the secret back entrance, escorted by guild clerk Henrik Jensen. According to tradition the main actors from the festivities in Rebild Hills were initiated into the Guild in Aalborg before they went away to the Rebild National Park. The Danish main speaker, Danish Radios foreign correspondent Steffen Gram, the American main speaker, professor in economics Dale T. Mortensen and the new president of the Rebild Park Society, Jesper Jespersen, were together with several other participiants in the Rebild festivities initiated into the Guild at the traditional ceremony in Duus´ Wine Cellar in Jens Bangs Stenhus. And they were - like all new members of the Guild - presented with a key to the wine cellars secret back entrance. The initiation in the cozy and a little gloomy Duus´ Vine Cellar produced as usual a solemn happiness in the many Rebild guests, both those who were to be initiated and those who already have been Thirsting Baluteers initiated into the Guild International Balut Federation is a gathering of fun-loving people, so it was most appropriate that about 50 IBF-chairmen were initiated into the Christian the Fourt´s Guild, when IBF held their world championship in Aalborg at the end of July. Members of IBF are Danes living and working in foreign countries. There are more than fifty branches all over the world. The members are “baluteers”, and they meet to play Balut, which is a fine game of dice. IFB is a network, but mostly it is fun and happiness and fun and happiness are exactly what you find in the Guild too, and when 300 baluteers visited Aalborg for the world champion-ship, where about 50 chairmen from all over the world were initiated. Balut demands cold beer, and is was a ghastly experience for the chairmen, when they had to endure their thirst while looking at the benchers declaring: “Our thirst first!” - but they had their revenge later on. The Guild got a new Norwegian vice chief bencher As most members of Christian the Fourth´s Guild know the Guild has for many years had an extremely active branch in Oslo. It has about 200 members. At least once a year the Guilds board visits Oslo – and every summer the Norwegian members visit Aalborg. Due to the tight ties the Guild for many years has had a Norwegian vice chief bencher. Since 2007 it has been Trygve Sødring, but he wanted – after 5 years to retire. In connection with the Norwegian branch´s visit in June was Helge Qvigstad appointed new vice chief bencher. He is also leader of the Guild´s Norwegian branch. Helge Qvigstad has had a long career in trade and exports, but is now retired – and he is married to the well known Danish actress Berit Kvorning. There was laughter and good spirit in- and outside Duus´ Wine Cellar when about 80 Norwegian members of Christian the Fourth´s Guild visited the guild. They enjoyed the summer weather and the “out of doors” refreshments – and to “Danish prices” as they happily remarked. The new Norwegian vice chief bencher Helge Qvigstad takes over the guild cloak from the former vice chief bencher Trygve Sødring (center) while chief bencher Niels Voss Hansen (left) and vice chief bencher Kaj Handberg are lending a helping hand. Guild Meeting 2014 Wednesday the 26th of February 2014 at 7.00 p.m. in Duus´ Vinkjælder in Jens Bangs Sten hus (booking of table directly to Duus´ Vinkjælder, telephone +45 98 12 50 56). Subscription for 2014 For members paying annually the rates are: 100 DKK, 110 NOK, 125 SEK, 12 GBP, 20 USD, or 14 EUR. Lifelong membership You can get a lifelong membership of the Guild by paying 600 DKK, 650 NOK, 750 SEK, 70 GBP, 120 USD or 100 EUR. As a new lifelong member you will receive a special letter of welcome, signed by the chief bencher and the treasurer, and your name will be entered into the Guild´s “Golden Book”. Christian Den Fjerdes Laug Jens Bangs Stenhus Postboks 1644 DK 9100 Aalborg. Tlf.: +45 98 13 16 48. Giro: 547-5376. Bank: 9280-1940028473, IBAN DK 1692801940028473, SWIFT: SPNO DK 22 E-mail: Hjemmeside: Change of address: Directly to the Guild or by the website. Members who have not yet signed up for the Newsletter are requested to do so on the website.