Osburn replacement parts
Osburn replacement parts
Nouvelle page 1 Page 1 of 68 Osburn replacement parts http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 2 of 68 OSBURN REPLACEMENT PARTS CATALOG This catalog covers all of our current Osburn products and some of our discontinued ones. Soliciting your implication : We are soliciting your implication in improving this catalog. Do not hesitate to communicate any suggestion or comments via internet to tech@sbi-international.com . REPLACEMENT PARTS ORDERING POLICY A minimum order value of $20.00 before taxes is required. A 25% restocking charge applies to unauthorized returns; Prices are subject to change without notice; Your cost is calculated by applying your discount (or multiplier) to the list price; Shipping terms are F.O.B. Quebec City. http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 3 of 68 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1000 stove 1100 stove 1600 insert 1600 stove 1800 insert 1800 insert (CONTINUATION) 1800 stove 1800 stove (CONTINUATION) 2200 insert 2200 insert (CONTINUATION) 2200 stove 2200 stove (CONTINUATION) 2300 stove 2400 insert 2400 stove 1050 stove Cordova insert LA 30 LA 30 (CONTINUATION) Romance 28 Mandalay insert Mandalay insert (CONTINUATION) Westbay 38 Westbay 38 (CONTINUATION) G2 / G2D Bay Vista stove K serie J serie J serie (CONTINUATION) Dv36 fireplace Saturna stove Hybrid-45MF http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 4 of 68 1000 stove http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 4 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 5 of 68 1000 stove ITEM PART # 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 14 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 PL34036 AC07860 AC09185 AC09187 SE24022 SE24022BO SE34102 SE34060 OA11395 PL38039 PL38030 44070 44082 44080 44093 SE42055 SE42035 SE42036 24023P 24023PG SE42037 SE42024 SE34021 PL42027 30103 29006 29015 VP00003 VP00023 29001 1-3/8-9 AC03020 SE16059 SE38025 AC05959 45126 SE38012 VG00017 DESCRIPTION Ash lip (6s0059) Gold plated sping handle 1/2 Door latch kit Door handle and latch kit Black cast iron door (wd203) Gold cast iron door (wd204) Glass with gasket 10" x 16" (HM12) Glass retainer with gasket (db0004+db0007) Door glue & gasket kit 1/2 Column brass trim (th0027) Rear heat shield (TH0031) Blower single fan115v Blower 240v Rheostat 2 speed rocker switch (he23) Pedestal model ash drawer Leg support leftside Leg support rightside Black cast iron leg (el0002) Gold cast iron leg (el0010) Leg model ash drawer Air control rod Air control plate (th010) Air control panel coil handle 1/4 Refractory brick 3 x 9 Refractory brick 1.25” x 4” x 9” Refractory brick 1 1/4 x 4 Refractory brick 4 1/2 x 9 x 1/2 x 1/2 refractory brick 4 x 8 x 1¼ Refractory brick 1 3/8" x 9" refractory brick 4.5 x 9 (59-010-005, hm05, fl147) Dump cap (ep001) Baffle (th004) Metallic black spray paint (6309) Owner's manual osburn 1000 stove Firebrick set osburn 1000 Old round ashdump cover (ep001) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 5 Qty / stove 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 6 of 68 1100 stove http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 6 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 7 of 68 1100 stove ITEM PART # 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 20 22 23 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 PL34036 AC07860 AC09185 AC09187 PL42019 SE24022 SE24022BO SE34102 AC06400 SE34060 OA11395 30103 PL42027 SE42021 SE42024 PL42034 PL42033 SE42006 44093 44070 44082 44080 SE42055 SE42035 24023P 24023PG SE42037 AC03020 SE42045 SE42044 SE16059 PL42008 VP00021 SE42036 45127 AC05959 VG00017 DESCRIPTION Ash lip (6s0059) Gold plated sping handle 1/2 Door latch kit Door handle and latch kit Manifold Black cast iron door (wd203) Gold cast iron door (wd204) Glass with gasket 10" x 16" (HM12) U shaped self adhesive glass gasket Glass retainer with gasket (db0004+db0007) Door glue & gasket kit 1/2 coil handle 1/4 Air control panel Air control plate Air control rod Air jacket leftside (EB0033) Air jacket rightside (EB0034) Convection cover 2 speed rocker switch (he23) Blower single fan115v Blower 240v Rheostat Pedestal model ash drawer Leg support leftside Black cast iron leg (el0002) Gold cast iron leg (el0010) Leg model ash drawer refractory brick 4.5 x 9 (59-010-005, hm05, fl147) Rear baffle support Front baffle support Dump cap (ep001) Dump cap cover for insert Refractory brick 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 Leg support rightside Owner's manual osburn 1100 stove Metallic black spray paint (6309) Old round ashdump cover (ep001) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 7 Qty / stove 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 15 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 8 of 68 1600 insert http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 8 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 9 of 68 1600 insert ITEM PART # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 32 32 32 44092 44085 44080 PL34079 SE34078 AC07860 AC09185 AC09187 SE24022 SE24022BO SE34102 SE34060 OA11395 SE34065 30103 PL34070 PL34087 PL34092 PL34089 PL34090 PL34088 PL34091 20020A 20021A 20020 20021 20020B 20021B PL34062 SE15099 PL34019 SE34013 PL34047 AC03020 VP00091 VP00030 29016 VP00005 VP00031 OA10510 44070 44076 44071 AC05959 45084 DESCRIPTION 3 speed rocker switch (he25) Rheostat knob Rheostat Ash lip brass trim (6n0027) Ash lip (6N009) Gold plated sping handle 1/2 Door latch kit Door handle and latch kit Black cast iron door (wd203) Gold cast iron door (wd204) Glass with gasket 10" x 16" (HM12) Glass retainer with gasket (db0004+db0007) Door glue & gasket kit 1/2 Air control plate (6n001) coil handle 1/4 Brass trim (6n005) Faceplate rightside 44 Faceplate rightside 32 Faceplate top 32" X 44" Faceplate top 29 Faceplate leftside 44 Faceplate leftside 32 Faceplate right brass trim 29'' clip version Faceplate right brass trim 32 Faceplate brass top molding 44" Faceplate brass top molding 50 Faceplate left brass trim 29 Faceplate left brass trim 32 Faceplate extension (6n004) Faceplate hardware kit (af001 & af121) Manifold (6S0031) Top baffle support (6s008) Insulation blanket (6s0041) refractory brick 4.5 x 9 (59-010-005, hm05, fl147) Refractory brick 1-7/8 x 4 1/2 Refractory brick 4 1/2 x 9 x 7/8 x 5 Refractory brick 2-1/2 Refractory brick 2 1/8 x 9 Refractory brick 4 1/2 x 9 x 1 x 1 Fan assembly single cage 115v Blower single fan115v Blower double fan 115v (fd003) Blower 240v (fd007) Metallic black spray paint (6309) Owner's manual Osburn 1600 insert http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 9 Qty / stove 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 12 2 2 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 10 of 68 1600 stove http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 10 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 11 of 68 1600 stove ITEM PART # 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 AC07860 AC09185 AC09187 SE24022 SE24022BO SE24022BN SE34102 AC06400 SE34060 OA11395 PL34019 PL34039 PL34039-01 30103 PL34027 SE34021 SE34024 44092 44070 44082 44080 44085 SE34025 PL34047 SE34044 SE34010 SE34009 24023P 24023PG SE34037 29016 AC03020 VP00005 VP00030 VP00031 VP00021 VP00091 SE34013 SE16059 45022 AC05959 VG00017 DESCRIPTION Gold plated sping handle 1/2 Door latch kit Door handle and latch kit Black cast iron door (wd203) Gold cast iron door (wd204) Cast iron door nickel osburn 1600 Glass with gasket 10" x 16" (HM12) U shaped self adhesive glass gasket Glass retainer with gasket (db0004+db0007) Door glue & gasket kit 1/2 Manifold (6S0031) Column brass trim (6s009) Brush nickel column coil handle 1/4 Air control panel Air control plate (th010) Air control rod (6s017) 3 speed rocker switch (he25) Blower single fan115v Blower 240v Rheostat Rheostat knob Heat shield (6s005) Insulation blanket (6s0041) Pedestal model ash drawer (6s018) Right leg support Left leg support Black cast iron leg (el0002) Gold cast iron leg (el0010) Leg model ash drawer (6l005) Refractory brick 2-1/2 refractory brick 4.5 x 9 (59-010-005, hm05, fl147) Refractory brick 2 1/8 x 9 Refractory brick 4 1/2 x 9 x 7/8 x 5 Refractory brick 4 1/2 x 9 x 1 x 1 Refractory brick 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 Refractory brick 1-7/8 x 4 1/2 Top baffle support (6s008) Dump cap (ep001) Owner's manual Osburn 1600 stove Metallic black spray paint (6309) Old round ashdump cover (ep001) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 11 Qty / stove 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 4 1 4 11 4 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 12 of 68 1800 insert http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 12 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 13 of 68 1800 insert ITEM PART # 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 AC07860 30105P 142 AC26005 AC09185 OA10040 OA10045 OA10050 SE37150 SE37154 SE37155 OA11390 PL37151 PL37152 SE37100 SE37100-01 44046 44075 44074 44092 44084 AC07861 PL37119 PL37104 PL37104PG SE37106 PL35135 PL37031 PL37030 SE15098 PL37131 PL37134 PL37132 PL37135 PL37133 PL37130 PL35142 20020A 20002A 20019A PL35147 20021A 20006A 20009A 20020 20002 20019 PL35141 20020B 20002B DESCRIPTION Gold plated sping handle 1/2 Coil handle 1/2 black (10-985-202)chrome spring handle 1/2 Door handle & latch kit Door latch kit Black door overlay (8s1060) Gold door overlay (8s1061) Brushed nickel door overlay for 1800 Door assembly w/o overlay Side glass (8s1047) Center glass (8S1048) Door glue & gasket kit 7/8 Side glass & gasket retainer Top/bottom glass & gasket retainer Bottom louvre and 115V fan assembly (8N103) Bottom louvre and 240v fan assembly Blower thermodisc (he57) Blower 115v Blower 240V 3 speed rocker switch (he25) Rheostat (he85) Gold plated spring handle ¼ Air control plate (8n101) Top black louvre (8n1020) Top gold louvre Top louvre assembly (8n102) Handle heatshield Front manifold (8s1051) Mid & rear manifold (8s1050) Faceplate hardware kit Faceplate rightside 29 Faceplate rightside 32 Faceplate top 29 Faceplate top 32 Faceplate leftside 32" X 44 Faceplate leftside 29 Faceplate right brass trim 29 Faceplate right brass trim 29'' clip version Faceplate right nickel trim 29 Faceplate right black trim 29 Faceplate right brass trim 32" screwed version Faceplate right brass trim 32 Faceplate right nickel trim 32 Faceplate right black trim 32 Faceplate brass top molding 44" Faceplate nickel top molding 44 Faceplate black top molding 44" Faceplate left brass trim 29 Faceplate left brass trim 29 Faceplate left nickel trim 29 http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 13 Qty / stove 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 14 of 68 1800 insert(CONTINUATION) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 14 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 15 of 68 1800 insert(CONTINUATION) ITEM PART # 28 28 28 28 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 37 20019B PL35146 20021B 20006B 20009B SE35021 PL35056 PL37027 29015 29006 VP00015 AC03020 SE37005 PL37101 PL37101PG VG00004 VG00003 VG00001 DESCRIPTION Faceplate left black trim 29 Faceplate left brass trim 32"screwed version Faceplate left brass trim 32 Faceplate left nickel trim 32 Faceplate left black trim 32 Hinge assembly Shim Baffle insulation (8s1033) Refractory brick 1.25” x 4” x 9” Refractory brick 3 x 9 Refractory brick 2 x 9 refractory brick 4.5 x 9 (59-010-005, hm05, fl147) Baffle support front (8S103) Bottom black louvre (8N1022) Bottom gold louvre (8n1023) Right hand side med faceplate retrofit 1800 (37134k) Right hand side reg faceplate retrofit 1800 (37131k) 1800 old gold door assembly (1800gd) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 15 Qty / stove 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 10 1 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 16 of 68 1800 stove http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 16 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 17 of 68 1800 stove ITEM PART # 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 AC07860 142 30105P AC26005 AC09185 OA10040 OA10045 SE37150 OA10150 SE37154 SE37155 OA11390 PL37151 PL37152 30103 30100N 30104P PL37029 SE37035 SE34024 PL37031 PL37030 PL37025 SE37050 PL37050 PL37050PG PL37018 SE35052 SE35052PG SE35052PN 44080 44085 PL37019 44070 44071 PL35056 SE35021 SE37036 SE37037 28060 28062 PL37028 PL37027 29015 29006 VP00015 AC03020 VP00020 SE16059 SE37005 DESCRIPTION Gold plated sping handle 1/2 (10-985-202)chrome spring handle 1/2 Coil handle 1/2 black Door handle & latch kit Door latch kit Black door overlay (8s1060) Gold door overlay (8s1061) Door assembly w/o overlay Brushed nickel door overlay for 2200/wb38 Side glass (8s1047) Center glass (8S1048) Door glue & gasket kit 7/8 Side glass & gasket retainer Top/bottom glass & gasket retainer coil handle 1/4 1/4 Black coil handle 1/4 Air control panel (2S1084) Air control plate Air control rod (6s017) Front manifold (8s1051) Mid & rear manifold (8s1050) Ash lip (2s1022) Top black louvre assembly (8S104) Black louvre Gold louvre Air jacket rightside (8s1065) Black trivet (2s1012) Gold trivet (2s1087) Nickel trivet Rheostat Rheostat knob Air jacket leftside (8s1064) Blower single fan115v Blower 240v (fd007) Shim Hinge assembly Pedestal outline Pedestal model ash drawer (2s101) Brass drawer handle 3" 3/4 Black ash drawer handle Base Baffle insulation (8s1033) Refractory brick 1.25” x 4” x 9” Refractory brick 3 x 9 Refractory brick 2 x 9 refractory brick 4.5 x 9 (59-010-005, hm05, fl147) Refractory brick 4 x 4½ Dump cap (ep001) Baffle support front (8S103) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 17 Qty / stove UNIT PRICE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 9 1 2 6 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 18 of 68 1800 stove(CONTINUATION) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 18 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 19 of 68 1800 stove(CONTINUATION) ITEM PART # 45059 AC05959 VG00001 VG00017 DESCRIPTION Owner's manual osburn 1800 stove Metallic black spray paint (6309) 1800 old gold door assembly (1800gd) Old round ashdump cover (ep001) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 19 Qty / stove 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 20 of 68 2200 insert http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 20 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 21 of 68 2200 insert ITEM PART # 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 AC07860 142 30105P AC26005 AC09185 OA10140 OA10145 OA10150 SE35101 SE35107 SE35108 AC06400 OA11390 PL35102 PL35103 SE35130 SE35130-01 44046 44076 44070 44071 44092 PL35137 PL35137PG 44084 SE34021-02 AC07861 SE35126 PL35135 PL35029 PL35174 PL35027 PL35177 PL35028 PL35176 SE15098 PL35139 PL35145 PL35150 PL35138 PL35143 PL35148 PL35140 PL35144 PL35149 PL35142 20020A 20002A 20019A PL35147 DESCRIPTION Gold plated sping handle 1/2 (10-985-202)chrome spring handle 1/2 Coil handle 1/2 black Door handle & latch kit Door latch kit Black door overlay for 2200/wb38 (2s1101) Gold door overlay for 2200/wb38 (2s1088) Brushed nickel door overlay for 2200/wb38 Door assembly w/o overlay Side glass with gasket 5 x 12 (2s1044) Center glass with gasket 12 x 17.5 (2s1045) U shaped self adhesive glass gasket Door glue & gasket kit 7/8 Glass & gasket retainer Top & bottom glass retainer Bottom louvre and fan assembly 115v (2n102) Bottom louvre and fan assembly 240v (aus) Blower thermodisc (he57) Blower double fan 115v (fd003) Blower single fan115v Blower 240v (fd007) 3 speed rocker switch (he25) Black single bottom louvre (2n1004) Gold single bottom louvre (2n1035) Rheostat (he85) Air control plate & extension rod (2n201+2n202) Gold plated spring handle ¼ Top louvre assembly (2n105) Handle heatshield Front manifold (2s2004) 2200 old front arched sec. air tube (2s1014) Mid manifold (2s2002) 2200 old middle sec. air tube (2s1027) Rear manifold (2s2003) 2200 old rear sec. air tube (2s1013) Faceplate hardware kit Faceplate rightside 29"X 44" Faceplate rightside 32"X 44" Faceplate rightside 32 Faceplate top 29 Faceplate top 32" X 44" Faceplate top 32 Faceplate leftside 29" X 44" Faceplate leftside 32 Faceplate leftside 32" X 50" Faceplate right brass trim 29 Faceplate right brass trim 29'' clip version Faceplate right nickel trim 29 Faceplate right black trim 29 Faceplate right brass trim 32" screwed version http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 21 Qty / stove UNIT PRICE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 22 of 68 2200 insert(CONTINUATION) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 22 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 23 of 68 2200 insert(CONTINUATION) ITEM PART # 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 42 42 20021A 20006A 20009A 20020 20002 20019 20021 20006 20009 PL35141 20020B 20002B 20019B PL35146 20021B 20006B 20009B SE35021 PL35056 PL35030 29001 AC03020 29015 29006 29005 VP00012 SE35032 SE35031 PL35127 PL35127PG PL35127PN AC05959 45056 VG00002 DESCRIPTION Faceplate right brass trim 32 Faceplate right nickel trim 32 Faceplate right black trim 32 Faceplate brass top molding 44" Faceplate nickel top molding 44 Faceplate black top molding 44" Faceplate brass top molding 50 Faceplate nickel top molding 50 Faceplate black top molding 50 Faceplate left brass trim 29 Faceplate left brass trim 29 Faceplate left nickel trim 29 Faceplate left black trim 29 Faceplate left brass trim 32"screwed version Faceplate left brass trim 32 Faceplate left nickel trim 32 Faceplate left black trim 32 Hinge assembly Shim Baffle insulation (2s2005) refractory brick 4 x 8 x 1¼ refractory brick 4.5 x 9 (59-010-005, hm05, fl147) Refractory brick 1.25” x 4” x 9” Refractory brick 3 x 9 Refractory brick 6'' x 8'' x 1.25'' Refractory brick 2 5/8 x 6 Rear baffle support (2s201) Front baffle support (2s202) Black single top louvre (2n1003) Gold single top louvre (2n1034) Brush nickel top louver Metallic black spray paint (6309) Owner's manual osburn 2200 insert Right hand side faceplate retrofit 2200 (2n107) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 23 Qty / stove 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 12 3 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 24 of 68 2200 stove http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 24 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 25 of 68 2200 stove ITEM PART # 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 21 21 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 30 30 31 32 33 AC07860 142 30105P AC26005 AC09185 OA10140 OA10145 OA10150 SE35101 SE35107 SE35108 OA11390 PL35102 PL35103 30103 30100N 30104P PL35023 SE35013 SE34021-01 PL35029 PL35174 PL35027 PL35177 PL35028 PL35176 PL35015 PL35105 PL35105PG PL35105PN SE35105 SE35105PG SE35105PN PL35042 SE35052 SE35052PG SE35052PN 44070 44071 44080 44085 PL35041 SE35021 PL35056 28060 28061 28062 PL35030 VP00004 AC03020 DESCRIPTION Gold plated sping handle 1/2 (10-985-202)chrome spring handle 1/2 Coil handle 1/2 black Door handle & latch kit Door latch kit Black door overlay for 2200/wb38 (2s1101) Gold door overlay for 2200/wb38 (2s1088) Brushed nickel door overlay for 2200/wb38 Door assembly w/o overlay Side glass with gasket 5 x 12 (2s1044) Center glass with gasket 12 x 17.5 (2s1045) Door glue & gasket kit 7/8 Glass & gasket retainer Top & bottom glass retainer coil handle 1/4 1/4 Black coil handle 1/4 Air control panel (2S1084) Air control rod (2s1019) Air control plate Front manifold (2s2004) 2200 old front arched sec. air tube (2s1014) Mid manifold (2s2002) 2200 old middle sec. air tube (2s1027) Rear manifold (2s2003) 2200 old rear sec. air tube (2s1013) Ash lip(2s1022) Black louvre Gold louvre Nickel louvre Black louvre assembly (2S106) Gold louvre assembly (2s107) Brushed nickel top louvre assembly Right air jacket sides (2s2019) Black trivet (2s1012) Gold trivet (2s1087) Nickel trivet Blower single fan115v Blower 240v (fd007) Rheostat Rheostat knob Left air jacket sides (2s2013) Hinge assembly Shim Brass drawer handle 3" 3/4 Nickel drawer handle 3" 3/4 Black ash drawer handle Baffle insulation (2s2005) Refractory brick 4 x 4 refractory brick 4.5 x 9 (59-010-005, hm05, fl147) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 25 Qty / stove UNIT PRICE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 13 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 26 of 68 2200 stove(CONTINUATION) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 26 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 27 of 68 2200 stove(CONTINUATION) ITEM PART # 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 29015 29000 VP00010 29006 VP00017 29005 SE16059 SE35032 SE35031 SE35047 45055 AC05959 VG00017 DESCRIPTION Refractory brick 1.25” x 4” x 9” Brick 4 x 8 x 4.25 Refractory brick 2 3/4 x 4 Refractory brick 3 x 9 Refractory brick 3-1/2 x 5-1/8 Refractory brick 6'' x 8'' x 1.25'' Dump cap (ep001) Rear baffle support (2s201) Front baffle support (2s202) Pedestal model ash drawer Owner's manual osburn 2200 stove Metallic black spray paint (6309) Old round ashdump cover (ep001) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 27 Qty / stove 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 28 of 68 2300 stove http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 28 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 29 of 68 2300 stove ITEM PART # 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 17 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 23 24 30450 AC07860 142 30105P AC07900 AC09185 SE24076 SE24076PG SE24076PN SE30082 AC06100 PL39060-01 PL39060 PL30163 29005 PL30164 VP00029 PL09524 29015 VP00025 SE35047 28060 28061 VP00054 VP00055 SE30028 PL30207 SE16059 44080 44073 44086 242 232 44085 DESCRIPTION Brushed nickel osburn logo Gold plated sping handle 1/2 (10-985-202)chrome spring handle 1/2 Coil handle 1/2 black Door handle kit osburn 1500-2300 Door latch kit Cast iron door black with handle Cast iron door gold with handle Osburn 2300 nickel door Glass and gasket 14 5/8 Door glue & gasket kit(1/4 Column brushed nickel trim Column brass trim (4S008) Rh side decorative panel Refractory brick 6'' x 8'' x 1.25'' Lh side decorative panel Refractory brick 4 x 9 x 2 1/16 x 4 3/4 Brick retainer Refractory brick 1.25” x 4” x 9” Refractory brick 4 x 5-3/8 Pedestal model ash drawer Brass drawer handle 3" 3/4 Nickel drawer handle 3" 3/4 Brass drawer handle 4" Nickel drawer handle 4" Air control plate Glass retainer Dump cap (ep001) Rheostat Blower 115v Blower 240v Door nickel plated coil handle 1/4 1/4 Rheostat knob http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 29 Qty / stove UNIT PRICE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 30 of 68 2400 insert http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 30 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 31 of 68 2400 insert ITEM PART # 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 22 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 44092 44076 44071 SE39150 PL39151 AC07860 AC09185 AC09187 SE24026 SE24026BO SE39105 PL39102 OA11400 PL39160 30103 SE34021-04 PL39094 PL39162 PL39166 PL39161 PL39164 PL39165 PL39163 PL39167 20020A 20021A 20020 20021 20020B 20021B SE15099 PL39047 PL39022 SE39024 SE39024-90 PL39023 PL39013 PL39018 PL39015 PL39027 29000 29010 29015 VP00007 VP00028 VG00005 DESCRIPTION 3 speed rocker switch (he25) Blower double fan 115v (fd003) Blower 240v (fd007) Fan assembly (4s0054)fan brass trim Gold plated sping handle 1/2 Door latch kit Door handle and latch kit Black cast iron door (DC003) Gold cast iron door (dc001) Glass and gasket 10 Gasket & glass retainer (dc0003-dc0006-dc0014) Door glue & gasket kit 3/4, 8 feet Column brass trim (4n006) coil handle 1/4 Air control plate (4n002) Faceplate extension (4n005) Faceplate rightside 44 Rh side for faceplate (32x50) Faceplate top 29" x 44" Faceplate top 32 Faceplate top 32 Faceplate leftside 44" Faceplate leftside 32 Faceplate right brass trim 29'' clip version Faceplate right brass trim 32 Faceplate brass top molding 44" Faceplate brass top molding 50 Faceplate left brass trim 29 Faceplate left brass trim 32 Faceplate hardware kit (af001 & af121) Baffle insulation blanket (4s0050) Front baffle support (new) Middle baffle support (new) Middle baffle support (old 4S007) Rear baffle support (new) Side baffle support 2400 (4s004) Middle & back air tubes (4s0032c) Front manifold (4s0036c) Rear baffle retainer Brick 4 x 8 x 4.25 Refractory brick 4 1/2 x 9 Refractory brick 1.25” x 4” x 9” Refractory brick 4 x 6 1/2 Refractory brick 4 x 9 x 1 x 2 Ash shelf braff trim 2400 (4s0054) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 31 Qty / stove 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 15 10 12 2 2 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 32 of 68 2400 stove http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 32 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 33 of 68 2400 stove ITEM PART # 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 AC07860 AC09185 AC09187 SE24026 SE24026BO SE39105 PL39102 OA11400 PL39036 30103 SE34021-03 PL39060 PL39025 PL39041 SE39040 SE39048 44085 44080 44092 44070 44071 PL39023 SE39024 SE39024-90 29000 PL39047 PL39022 PL39013 PL39018 PL39015 PL39027 AC03020 29015 29009 VP00008 VP00018 VP00027 VP00024 VP00028 SE16059 45110 AC05959 DESCRIPTION Gold plated sping handle 1/2 Door latch kit Door handle and latch kit Black cast iron door (DC003) Gold cast iron door (dc001) Glass and gasket 10 Gasket & glass retainer (dc0003-dc0006-dc0014) Door glue & gasket kit 3/4, 8 feet Ash lip (4s0061) coil handle 1/4 Air control plate (4s002) Column brass trim (4S008) Rear heat shield (4s0035) Base Pedestal outline Pedestal model ash drawer (6s004) Rheostat knob Rheostat 3 speed rocker switch (he25) Blower single fan115v Blower 240v (fd007) Rear baffle support (new) Middle baffle support (new) Middle baffle support (old 4S007) Brick 4 x 8 x 4.25 Baffle insulation blanket (4s0050) Front baffle support (new) Side baffle support 2400 (4s004) Middle & back air tubes (4s0032c) Front manifold (4s0036c) Rear baffle retainer refractory brick 4.5 x 9 (59-010-005, hm05, fl147) Refractory brick 1.25” x 4” x 9” Refractory brick 6 x 6 Refractory brick 2 1/4 x 4 Refractory brick 3''x 4'' Refractory brick 4 x 9 x 1 x 2 Refractory brick 4 x 5-3/4 Refractory brick 4 x 9 x 1 x 2 Dump cap (ep001) Owner's manual osburn 2400 stove Metallic black spray paint (6309) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 33 Qty / stove 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 15 1 1 2 2 1 1 7 13 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 34 of 68 1050 stove http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 34 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 35 of 68 1050 stove ITEM PART # 6S006 PL03132G PL03132-1G OA11400 AC06000 SE07923 OA10505 SE38025 DESCRIPTION Ash Dump Cover Glass gasket retainer frame (da0003) Glass retainer strips (da0006) (2 per door) Door glue & gasket kit 3/4, 8 feet Door glue & gasket kit 1/2dia Replacement glass with gasket (hm11) Blower 115v Baffle (th004) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 35 Qty / stove 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 36 of 68 Cordova insert http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 36 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 37 of 68 Cordova insert ITEM PART # 44047 44046 44080 44085 44093 49051 49072 49127 49151 49151N HB06 40011 49063 49061 49129 HG60 HG61 HM22 KA1008 KA1030 KA1036 KA1038 KA1047 KA1126 KA1127 KA1128 KA121 SE36032 KA155P KB1007 KB1008 KB1010 KB1026 KB112 KC1026 KC1026 KC110 KC112 KC114 KC120 KD1005 KD1013 KD1014 21003 44075 49133 49126 DESCRIPTION Exhaust thermodisc (spill switch) (he32) Blower thermodisc (he57) Rheostat Rheostat knob 2 speed rocker switch (he23) S.i.t. pilot assembly - ng (hg77) Burner orifice lp-gas #52 S.i.t. pilot assembly - lp (hg71-hg36) Bottom convertible lp pilot orifice (hg51) old model Pilot orifice-ng (hg52) Door gasket - 3/8 Tadpole 1/4 Thermopile 20 Hg37 thermocouple for fixed pilot hood Piezo igniter (hg58) S.i.t. extension knob on/off (flush) S.i.t. extension knob high/low (flush) Access grille springs (2 per unit) Faceplate mounting bracket (2 per unit) Burner orifice – ng (49072 drilled @ #38) Flush door replacement glass Flush ka / kd door trim upper brass Flush ka louvre, top brass Main log Top log Front left log Log Set Burner natural gas Burner lp Front glass bay door Side glass bay door (2) Bay kb louvre, top brass Flush kb / kc door trim lower, brass Kc door assembly Bay kc louvre, gold KC Bottom Gold Strip KC Grille Assembly Lower, Black Bay kc door trim lower, gold Bay kc door trim upper, gold Bay kc grille assembly upper, black Flush KD Louvre, Gold Flush kd door trim upper, gold Flush kd door trim lower, gold Ember kit Blower 115v Valve s.i.t nova 820 natural gas Valve s.i.t nova 820 propane http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 37 Qty / stove 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 38 of 68 LA 30 http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 38 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 39 of 68 LA 30 ITEM PART # 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 29 29 30 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 28060 PL40037 44093 PL40031 44080 44085 49173 49174 49129 SE40106 SE40106PG PL40033 PL40042 PL40172 40011 SE40101 SE40100 40018 PL40028 PL40170 PL40171 40009 49051 49127 21021 21022 49126 49133 SE07706 49151-N 49151 49001 49041 9071-0 9071-01 44047 SE40150 PL40053 44079 44078 OA11150 44046 PL36042 PL40030 30013 OA11380 OA11385 30439 30454 PL40034 DESCRIPTION Brass drawer handle 3" 3/4 Control panel door inner 2 speed rocker switch (he23) Control panel Rheostat Rheostat knob Extension knob Extension knob Piezo igniter (hg58) Victorienne door trim Bayvista door trim Control panel frame Ash lip (la1034) Door overlay Tadpole 1/4 Side glass (la1066) Front glass (la1065) Glass gasket 1/16 Base Glass gasket retainer Rope retainer Black square rope 1/2 S.i.t. pilot assembly - ng (hg77) S.i.t. pilot assembly - lp (hg71-hg36) Pilot support gasket Pilot gasket Valve s.i.t nova 820 propane Valve s.i.t nova 820 natural gas Dormont gas line 10 Bottom convertible ng pilot orifice (hg52)old model Bottom convertible lp pilot orifice (hg51) old model Top convertible lp pilot orifice (hg79) Top convertible ng pilot orifice (hg78) Natural gas orifice ng p0505s 1/8 Lp orifice p0505s 1/8 Exhaust thermodisc (spill switch) (he32) Burner (la145) Top insulation Blower 115v Blower 240v Blower assembly complet fg007 Blower thermodisc (he57) Fan thermal switch bracket Pedestal rightside Hinge Main log (la1124) Y log (la1125) Clamp Double magnet Firebox support http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 39 Qty / stove 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 9 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 4 2 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 40 of 68 LA 30(CONTINUATION) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 40 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 41 of 68 LA 30(CONTINUATION) ITEM PART # 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 46 PL40029 PL40021 SE40023 PL40060 21038 21027 21024 49037 PL40038 21023 OA11270 OA11275 DESCRIPTION Pedestal leftside Decorative side panel left/right Stove top Front hatch insulation 3/4 Air inlet tube gasket Flue outlet gasket 4" flue outler adapter Air control cover Air inlet plate gasket Conversion kit s.i.t. ng to lp Conversion kit s.i.t. lp to ng http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 41 Qty / stove 1 2 1 1 1 6 1 1 3 3 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 42 of 68 Romance 28 http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 42 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 43 of 68 Romance 28 ITEM PART # 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 12 49045 49029 49201 49115 9117-01 49095 49200 49603-01 49122 49122-01 29027 44047 PL29006 29023 29028 AC05791 AC05791-01 AC05791-02 AC05791-03 AC05791-04 AC05791-05 PL29015 SE09011-02 PL29082 GP18147311911 GP12801370153 GP12227370153 GP12252370153 GP12226370153 GP12251370153 GP12839311911 GP12831388253 SE29087 AC29092 AC06300 GP12306370153 GP12302370153 PL29039 GP11101370153 PL29095 GP11434380153 AC06400 AC02050 44080 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 DESCRIPTION Dormont pipe 90° elbow 3/8 Honeywell ng valve Thermocouple interruptor block Thermostat bypass wire (blue) Thermopile 750 mv Pilot assembly nat gas and lp honeywell Honeywell igniter electrode Thermocouple s.i.t. 0.290.118 Honeywell thermocouple(n/a) order 49200 Pilot gasket Exhaust thermodisc (spill switch) (he32) Honeywell valve cover Pressure burst disc gasket Side plate gasket 5 fiberceramic logs set Log # 1 Log # 2 Log # 3 Log # 4 Log # 5 Log support Burner & venturi kit Decorative grate Ash door handle Anthracite ash drawer door Anthracite jurassien epa left front leg Anthracite jurassien epa left back leg Anthracite jurassien epa right front leg Anthracite jurassien epa right back leg Loading door handle loading door charcoal Glass and gasket Glass retainer kit Door glue & gasket kit (5/16 Jurassien epa anthracite left side Anthracite right side Insulating wool Top charcoal Lid Lid flange U shaped self adhesive glass gasket Ultra-quiet crossflow blower Rheostat http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 43 Qty / stove UNIT PRICE 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 44 of 68 Mandalay insert http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 44 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 45 of 68 Mandalay insert ITEM PART # 10002 44046 44047 44083 44093 49001 49051 49071 49127 9312-03 AF083 AF085 AF087 AF095 VG00015 VG00016 CA1058 HB06 40011 49063 49061 HG55 49129 HG60 HG61 HM22 JD0006 JD0007 JD0028 VG00021 VG00022 VG00024 JF1008 JF1025 JG1008 VG00027 VG00028 JG1024 JG118 JG122 JG130 JG131 JH1009 JH1010 JH1011 JH113 21014 21014A 21014B 21014C DESCRIPTION Stamped brick panel set Blower thermodisc (he57) Exhaust thermodisc (spill switch) (he32) Blower 115v 2 speed rocker switch (he23) Top convertible lp pilot orifice (hg79) S.i.t. pilot assembly - ng (hg77) Burner orifice (ng) S.i.t. pilot assembly - lp (hg71-hg36) Piezo wiring kit Faceplate trim kit brass 28 x 41 Faceplate trim kit brass 32 x 44 Faceplate trim kit brass 32 x 50 Faceplate hardware kit Stamped right brick panel c serie (ca1027) Stamped rear brick panel c serie (ca1031) Gas line (without fittings) (valve to burner) Door gasket - 3/8 Tadpole 1/4 Thermopile 20 Hg37 thermocouple for fixed pilot hood Flex gas line with fittings Piezo igniter (hg58) S.i.t. extension knob on/off (flush) S.i.t. extension knob high/low (flush) Access grille springs (2 per unit) Three piece bay - front glass Three piece bay - sides (2) Jd louvre, brass top Upper door trim brass (jd0074) Lower door trim brass (jd0080) Mandalay bay door (jd035) Jf/jh door trim lower, brass Jf louvre, top brass Jg louvre, top gold Upper door trim gold (jg1022) Lower door trim gold (jg1023) Jg bay door upper brass trim Jg grille assembly lower, black (bay) Jg grille assembly upper, black Jg access door gold Jg side grill gold Jh bay door lower gold trim (flush) Jh bay door upper gold trim (flush) Jh louvre, top gold (flush) Jh access door assembly, gold (flush) Log set Front right hand log Front left hand log Rear log http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 45 Qty / stove 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 46 of 68 Mandalay insert(CONTINUATION) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 46 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 47 of 68 Mandalay insert(CONTINUATION) ITEM PART # 21014D MF1002 21003 49133 49126 JF1005 SE45080 49174 49173 DESCRIPTION Top log Burner orifice – lp (49072 drilled @ # 50) Ember kit Valve s.i.t nova 820 natural gas Valve s.i.t nova 820 propane One piece flush glass Burner assembly Extension knob Extension knob http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 47 Qty / stove 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 48 of 68 Westbay 38 http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 48 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 49 of 68 Westbay 38 ITEM PART # 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 32 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 40 41 42 43 SE41008 28060 PL41023 PL41016 44084 44085 44093 SE41037 OA10172 OA10140 OA10145 OA10150 SE41101 40011 21019 PL41104 SE41107 PL35102 PL35103 OA11390 30439 30454 PL41014 PL41015 PL41004 PL41003 PL41005 PL41006 PL41026 30457 PL41028 44070 44079 21029 49052 SE07706 49051 49127 49041 49001 SE41021 PL41022 21022 21030 PL41031 49071 9071-01 SE41150 PL41044 PL41075 DESCRIPTION Control panel door (wb128) Brass drawer handle 3" 3/4 Valve control panel (wb1096) Ash lip (wb1097) Rheostat (he85) Rheostat knob 2 speed rocker switch (he23) Black trim Gold plated louver kit Black door overlay for 2200/wb38 (2s1101) Gold door overlay for 2200/wb38 (2s1088) Brushed nickel door overlay for 2200/wb38 Door assembly w/o overlay Tadpole 1/4 Door gasket Center glass 12 Side glass 5 Glass & gasket retainer Top & bottom glass retainer Door glue & gasket kit 7/8 Clamp Double magnet Air jacket leftside Air jacket rightside Cabinet inner door panel Base Pedestal rightside Pedestal leftside Inner pedestal support Single magnet Rear pedestal cover Blower single fan115v Blower 115v Module gasket Valve honeywell ng (hg93) Dormont gas line 10 S.i.t. pilot assembly - ng (hg77) S.i.t. pilot assembly - lp (hg71-hg36) Top convertible ng pilot orifice (hg78) Top convertible lp pilot orifice (hg79) Air shutter inner plate Air shutter handle Pilot gasket Air inlet gasket (b-vent) Front air inlet cover plate Burner orifice (ng) Lp orifice p0505s 1/8 Burner (wb122) Side pressure relief hatch Side hatch insulation http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 49 Qty / stove UNIT PRICE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 2 1 2 2 2 1 4 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 50 of 68 Westbay 38(CONTINUATION) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 50 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 51 of 68 Westbay 38(CONTINUATION) ITEM PART # 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 66 66 67 67 67 68 PL41033 PL41083 OA11170 OA11170A OA11170B OA11170C OA11170D OA11170E PL41034 21033 PL41012 21032 PL41010 21031 PL41011 21024 49069 21034 49073 PL41025 PL41030 SE41002 PL41046 PL41046PG PL41046PN PL41036 PL41036PG PL41036PN PL41047 45124 21003 AC05959 OA11295 OA11300 44046 DESCRIPTION Front pressure relief hatch Front hatch insulation Log set (wb101) Front log (wb1083) Back log (wb1084) Left-top Centre-top Right-top Baffle Air inlet plate gasket Air inlet plate Air inlet box gasket Air intake duck Exhaust gasket Exhaust plate Flue outlet gasket Adapteur inner 4'' direct vent (hm112) Air inlet adapter 6 5/8 Adapteur outter 6-5/8'' direct vent (hm113) Rear heat shield Rear air inlet cover plate Stove top Black trivet back venting Gold trivet back venting Top decorative nickel trivet Black trivet top venting Gold trivet top venting Top decorative nickel trivet Restrictor plate Owner's manual osburn westbay 38 Ember kit Metallic black spray paint (6309) Conversion kit ng to lp Conversion kit lp to ng Blower thermodisc (he57) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 51 Qty / stove 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 52 of 68 G2 / G2D http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 52 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 53 of 68 G2 / G2D ITEM PART # N/D N/A VG00018 DESCRIPTION No part available Fan kit for g2d (gfan155) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 53 Qty / stove UNIT PRICE 0 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 54 of 68 Bay Vista stove http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 54 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 55 of 68 Bay Vista stove ITEM PART # 23050 44046 44047 44079 44093 49051 49053 49053P 49127 49151 49151N 9312-03 BC0059 BC045 VG00006 VG00007 VG00008 VG00009 BC0138 BC0139 BC0151 BC0152 BC0153 BC042 CN0063 49063 49061 HG43 HG44 VG00020 49129 HM22 OA11395 21003 VG00010 VG00011 VG00012 VG00013 VP00065 DESCRIPTION Bay glass one piece (bc0088) Blower thermodisc (he57) Exhaust thermodisc (spill switch) (he32) Blower 115v 2 speed rocker switch (he23) S.i.t. pilot assembly - ng (hg77) Robertshaw natural gas valve Robertshaw propane gas valve S.i.t. pilot assembly - lp (hg71-hg36) Bottom convertible lp pilot orifice (hg51) old model Pilot orifice-ng (hg52) Piezo wiring kit Bottom trim strip - gold Log set Top right log bay vista (bc0095) Log top left bay vista (bc0096) Log bottom rear bay vista (bc0097) Log bottom front bay vista (bc0098) Burner orifice – ng (49072 drilled @ # 32) Burner orifice – lp (49072 drilled @ # 1/16) Stamped brick panel set - back Stamped brick panel set - left Stamped brick panel set - right Baffle stainless steel Tube burner Thermopile 20 Hg37 thermocouple for fixed pilot hood S.i.t. extension knob on/off (bay) S.i.t. extension knob high/low (bay) Igniter electrode (hg54) Piezo igniter (hg58) Access grille springs (2 per unit) Door glue & gasket kit 1/2 Ember kit Vermiculite package (bc043) Stamped brick panel set bay vista (bc097) Conversion kit ng to lp (bc201) Conversion kit lp to ng (bc202) Tube burner "s" cn0061 http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 55 Qty / stove 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 56 of 68 K serie http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 56 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 57 of 68 K serie ITEM PART # 44047 44046 44093 49051 49072 49127 49151 49151N 9312-03 AF095 CZ0097 HB06 40011 49063 49061 VG00020 HG55 49129 HM22 JD0062 KA1008 KA1022 KA1023 KA1024 KA1030 KA1036 KA1038 KA1047 KA1063 KA1064 KB1007 KB1008 KB1010 KB1026 KC1026 KC112 KC114 KC120 KD1005 KD1013 KD1014 21003 44083 DESCRIPTION Exhaust thermodisc (spill switch) (he32) Blower thermodisc (he57) 2 speed rocker switch (he23) S.i.t. pilot assembly - ng (hg77) Burner orifice lp-gas #52 S.i.t. pilot assembly - lp (hg71-hg36) Bottom convertible lp pilot orifice (hg51) old model Pilot orifice-ng (hg52) Piezo wiring kit Faceplate hardware kit Burner orifice jam nut Door gasket - 3/8 Tadpole 1/4 Thermopile 20 Hg37 thermocouple for fixed pilot hood Igniter electrode (hg54) Flex gas line with fittings Piezo igniter (hg58) Access grille springs (2 per unit) Gas line (valve to burner) Faceplate mounting bracket (2 per unit) Stamped Brick Panel - Left Stamped Brick Panel - Right Stamped Brick Panel - Back Burner orifice – ng (49072 drilled @ #38) Flush door replacement glass Flush ka / kd door trim upper brass Flush ka louvre, top brass Front Log Rear Log Front glass bay door Side glass bay door (2) Bay kb louvre, top brass Flush kb / kc door trim lower, brass Bay kc louvre, gold Bay kc door trim lower, gold Bay kc door trim upper, gold Bay kc grille assembly upper, black Flush KD Louvre, Gold Flush kd door trim upper, gold Flush kd door trim lower, gold Ember kit Blower 115v http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 57 Qty / stove 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 58 of 68 J serie http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 58 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 59 of 68 J serie ITEM PART # 10002 23050 44046 44047 44083 44093 49051 49127 49151 49151N 9312-03 AF095 CA1023 VG00015 VG00016 CZ0097 HB06 40011 49063 49061 HG43 HG44 VG00020 HG55 49129 HG60 HG61 HM22 JD0006 JD0007 JD0048 JD0049 JD0062 JD0071 VG00021 VG00022 VG00024 JF1005 JF1008 JF1025 JG1008 VG00027 VG00028 JG1024 JG118 JG122 JG130 JG131 JH1009 JH1010 DESCRIPTION Stamped brick panel set Bay glass one piece (bc0088) Blower thermodisc (he57) Exhaust thermodisc (spill switch) (he32) Blower 115v 2 speed rocker switch (he23) S.i.t. pilot assembly - ng (hg77) S.i.t. pilot assembly - lp (hg71-hg36) Bottom convertible lp pilot orifice (hg51) old model Pilot orifice-ng (hg52) Piezo wiring kit Faceplate hardware kit Tube burner Stamped right brick panel c serie (ca1027) Stamped rear brick panel c serie (ca1031) Burner orifice jam nut Door gasket - 3/8 Tadpole 1/4 Thermopile 20 Hg37 thermocouple for fixed pilot hood S.i.t. extension knob on/off (bay) S.i.t. extension knob high/low (bay) Igniter electrode (hg54) Flex gas line with fittings Piezo igniter (hg58) S.i.t. extension knob on/off (flush) S.i.t. extension knob high/low (flush) Access grille springs (2 per unit) Three piece bay - front glass Three piece bay - sides (2) Burner orifice – ng (49072 drilled @ # 34) Burner orifice – lp (49072 drilled @ # 51) Gas line (valve to burner) Top log Upper door trim brass (jd0074) Lower door trim brass (jd0080) Mandalay bay door (jd035) One piece flush glass Jf/jh door trim lower, brass Jf louvre, top brass Jg louvre, top gold Upper door trim gold (jg1022) Lower door trim gold (jg1023) Jg bay door upper brass trim Jg grille assembly lower, black (bay) Jg grille assembly upper, black Jg access door gold Jg side grill gold Jh bay door lower gold trim (flush) Jh bay door upper gold trim (flush) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 59 Qty / stove 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 60 of 68 J serie(CONTINUATION) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 60 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 61 of 68 J serie(CONTINUATION) ITEM PART # JH1011 JH113 21003 VG00023 VG00025 VG00026 DESCRIPTION Jh louvre, top gold (flush) Jh access door assembly, gold (flush) Ember kit J serie log set (jd030) Conversion kit to lp (jd209) Conversion kit to lp (jd210) http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 61 Qty / stove 1 1 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 62 of 68 Dv36 fireplace http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 62 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 63 of 68 Dv36 fireplace ITEM PART # 44080 44085 44093 21003 CZ0096 VG00032 44046 HG60 HG61 49051 49127 JD0049 44079 DV2025 DV2027 DV1200 DV1201 DV1256 DESCRIPTION Rheostat Rheostat knob 2 speed rocker switch (he23) Ember kit Burner orifice – ng (49072 drilled @ # 31) Log set complete (dv100) Blower thermodisc (he57) S.i.t. extension knob on/off (flush) S.i.t. extension knob high/low (flush) S.i.t. pilot assembly - ng (hg77) S.i.t. pilot assembly - lp (hg71-hg36) Burner orifice – lp (49072 drilled @ # 51) Blower 115v Fiber panels - left Fiber panels - rear Brass top door trim Brass bottom door trim Gold front base kit for bay window http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 63 Qty / stove UNIT PRICE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 64 of 68 Saturna stove http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 64 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 65 of 68 Saturna stove ITEM PART # 10002 23050 44046 44079 44093 49051 49127 49151 49151-N 9312-03 AF083 AF085 AF087 AF095 VG00015 VG00016 HB06 40011 49063 49061 HG43 HG44 VG00020 49129 HG60 HG61 JD0028 VG00021 VG00022 JF1005 JF1025 JG1008 VG00027 VG00028 JG1024 JG118 JG122 JG130 JG131 JH1009 JH1010 JH1011 JH113 21014A 21014B 21014C 21014D 21003 9071-01 9071-0 DESCRIPTION Stamped brick panel set Bay glass one piece (bc0088) Blower thermodisc (he57) Blower 115v 2 speed rocker switch (he23) S.i.t. pilot assembly - ng (hg77) S.i.t. pilot assembly - lp (hg71-hg36) Bottom convertible lp pilot orifice (hg51) old model Bottom convertible ng pilot orifice (hg52)old model Piezo wiring kit Faceplate trim kit brass 28 x 41 Faceplate trim kit brass 32 x 44 Faceplate trim kit brass 32 x 50 Faceplate hardware kit Stamped right brick panel c serie (ca1027) Stamped rear brick panel c serie (ca1031) Door gasket - 3/8 Tadpole 1/4 Thermopile 20 Hg37 thermocouple for fixed pilot hood S.i.t. extension knob on/off (bay) S.i.t. extension knob high/low (bay) Igniter electrode (hg54) Piezo igniter (hg58) S.i.t. extension knob on/off (flush) S.i.t. extension knob high/low (flush) Jd louvre, brass top Upper door trim brass (jd0074) Lower door trim brass (jd0080) One piece flush glass Jf louvre, top brass Jg louvre, top gold Upper door trim gold (jg1022) Lower door trim gold (jg1023) Jg bay door upper brass trim Jg grille assembly lower, black (bay) Jg grille assembly upper, black Jg access door gold Jg side grill gold Jh bay door lower gold trim (flush) Jh bay door upper gold trim (flush) Jh louvre, top gold (flush) Jh access door assembly, gold (flush) Front right hand log Front left hand log Rear log Top log Ember kit Lp orifice p0505s 1/8 Natural gas orifice ng p0505s 1/8 http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 65 Qty / stove 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 66 of 68 Hybrid-45MF http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 66 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 Page 67 of 68 Hybrid-45MF ITEM PART # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 SE52520 30527 SE52555 OA10140 OA10145 OA10150 OA10170 OA10172 OA10174 SE52707 SE52710 PL52552 PL52553 PL52512 PL52513 SE52508 SE52523 PL41016 PL52545 44032 PL52505 PL52506 44039 44040 44038 24017 30528 30335 44029 44041 44057 44058 44059 44098 OA10025 21114 21115 21116 45165 AC06100 AC05959 AC01240 21045 SE52571 DESCRIPTION Hopper lid assemly Loading lid handle Pellet stove door assembly Black door overlay for 2200/wb38 (2s1101) Gold door overlay for 2200/wb38 (2s1088) Brushed nickel door overlay for 2200/wb38 Black louver kit Gold plated louver kit Brushed nickel louver kit Center glass with gasket Side glass with gasket Glass & gasket retainer Glass air wash spacer Left side decorative panel Right side decorative panel Pedestal access door assembly Ash drawer Ash lip (wb1097) Pellet burn pot Pc board assembly Pedestal right side decorative panel Pedestal left side decorative panel "combex" combustion and exhaust blower Convection blower Auger motor Auger Copper bushing for the auger Rubber chock absorber for the auger motor Pressure switch (50-004-055)l-250 thermodisc ''reset'' (50-004-075)f-140 ceramic thermodisc (50-004-050) f-160 thermodisc (50-004-060)l-250 thermodisc Hopper security switch Decorative log set Osburn pellet lh side decorative brick panel Osburn pellet rh side décorative brick panel Osburn pellet center decorative brick panel Owner's manual osburn Silicone and door gasket replacement kit 1/4" x 1/2"(8 feet) Metallic black aerosol paint Fresh air kit Magniclass ring pellet lighter Pc board access panel http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 67 Qty / stove 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13/04/07 Nouvelle page 1 http://catalog.sbi-international.com/catalogueprn.asp Page 68 of 68 13/04/07
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