Annual Report - Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union
Annual Report - Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union
Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union Limited 59th Annual General Meeting Annual Report as at December 31, 2014 Table of Contents Mission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Report of the Board of Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Board of Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Report of the General Manager/Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8 Financial Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10 Statement of Comprehensive Income. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Statement of Financial Position. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Report of the Lending Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Report of the Governance Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Report of the Audit Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Report of the Nominations Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Our New Building/Official Opening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-18 Credit Union Deposit Protection (CUDGC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Investing In Our Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Community Initiatives/Involvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Credential Financial Strategies Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Products and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Organization for 2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Volunteers 1956-2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2 Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union Mission Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union Limited is a financial cooperative committed to providing a full range of competitive financial products, services, and financial guidance for our members to enable them to meet their financial goals. Exterior Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union, Topsail Road Annual Report – 2014 3 Report of the Board Of Directors It is my pleasure and duty to present the Report of the Board to Members at this 59th Annual General Meeting of Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union. between CUDGC and your Board. The results of these audits again confirm that the governance and financial performance of Reddy Kilowatt is sound. In 2014, Reddy Kilowatt continued its journey of growth and progress. We have achieved or exceeded the targets of our 2014 Business Plan and Budget. There are many factors contributing to this success. It is a result of a fantastic team comprised of your Board providing strategic direction, the General Manager and her Management team providing operational leadership and a dedicated Staff. The loyalty of Members and use of Reddy Kilowatt by Members, as their financial centre of choice, is another contributing factor for Reddy’s success – past, present & future. You, the Members, are the owners and the reason why we exist. We are also fortunate to have operated in a time of high consumer confidence and spending in a fairly robust economy in 2014. Financial information for the year will be presented in the reports of our General Manager and external Auditors. The Board continues to use Committees, chaired by a Director, as an effective tool for governance. We acknowledge the diligent work of these Committees in guiding your Credit Union and helping the Board to fulfill its governance responsibilities. A report on the Board and Committee meetings, and the attendance record of individual Directors, is included elsewhere in this Annual Report. Corporate Governance As an elected Board, sound and effective corporate governance remains a priority for Directors. Directors continue to upgrade their knowledge. They remain current in the Credit Union system by completing courses offered by the system education provider CuSource and other educational organizations and by attending seminars and conferences at regional, national, and international levels within the system. We recognize and appreciate the continued support of our regulator, the Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation (CUDGC) with their policy of reimbursing credit unions 50% of course fees associated with training for Directors through CuSource. CUDGC also continues to support the annual NL Director Conference, thus allowing Directors to network with others in the provincial and regional Credit Union system, to access educational courses and presentations on financial matters and the economy and to be apprised of system information. The CUDGC Board and Credit Union Chairs continue to meet annually for discussion and updates on the NL system. Good governance and sound business practices require us to perform annual external and internal audits. Biannually we are also audited by CUDGC. The favourable results of the CUDGC audit conducted in the last quarter of 2013 and reported to Reddy in January 2014 were part of the discussions in a biannual Board on Board meeting 4 New Building Last year we reported on the progress of construction of our building at Topsail Road, Mount Pearl. The Board is pleased and proud to report, as many of you already know, construction was completed in 2014. We moved from our location at Newfoundland Power, Duffy Place, to the new building in August 2014 and held our official opening during the International Cooperatives Week in October. This is a spectacular landmark building of which all should be very proud. If you have not viewed it yet please do drop by! Our strategy in moving forward will be on realistic cost containment in the immediate term and a long-term strategy of focused member growth, enhanced product and service offerings and continued service excellence. With the opening of our new building, Reddy Kilowatt is positioned as a professional, member-focused financial institution. We are ready for new growth and anticipate a very bright future. “We have achieved or exceeded the targets of our 2014 Business Plan and Budget.” The Board extends its gratitude and thanks to Newfoundland Power for the space afforded us at Duffy Place, and other locations, and for its tremendous support over the years. Atlantic Central As a financial central and trade association, Atlantic Central (AC) provides services and products to most credit unions in Atlantic Canada to help them succeed. AC is presently, Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union in collaboration with its Credit Union members, working on changes and evolutions of the regional system to better prepare Credit Unions for the future. Your Board and its Directors continue to be engaged in this process by attending and participating in the Annual General Meeting, the Fall Conference and information webinars of AC. Your Chair is also a member of the Credit Union Chairs Association of Atlantic Credit Unions (CUCA) and, again, serves as Chair of CUCA. Newfoundland-Labrador Federation of Cooperatives The Newfoundland-Labrador Federation of Cooperatives (NLFC) is the trade association of non-financial cooperatives in the province. We are pleased to announce an initiative of Credit Unions and NLFC to have credit unions (financial cooperatives) become members of the NLFC. A resolution proposing changes to the By-Laws of NLFC, to review membership criteria allowing credit unions to become full members, was passed unanimously at the 65th AGM of the Federation in September 2014. It is expected the revised criteria and By-Laws will be presented for approval at the next AGM in 2015. This will bring all cooperatives, in the province, into one organization and provide an opportunity for all to work together for the benefit of cooperative members and citizens of the province. Community Investment and Social Responsibility As in previous years, Reddy Kilowatt continues to sponsor, support, and participate in community organizations, initiatives and charities, as listed in this Annual Report. We are also a contributor to the Kids Eat Smart Foundation as a Bronze Partner, in both volunteer time and funds. Youth Representative Colin Rose finished his term on the Board in mid-2014 upon graduation from Memorial University. He is now pursuing a career as an Engineer in Alberta. The Board thanks Colin and presented him with a gift for his service prior to his departure. The Board has since appointed another Youth Rep, James Goodridge, who as a former employee of Deloitte, is no stranger to credit unions. He is now an employee of Fortis Inc. Welcome aboard James! Our Thanks I extend my appreciation to Directors, Committee Members, and Employees for their contribution to another successful year. Thanks and appreciation again to Members for your continued loyalty and patronage. Looking Forward The coming year poses some challenges due to changes in the economy as a result of the drop in oil prices and the downward change in the Bank of Canada interest rate. Your Board remains confident that, with your support, Reddy Kilowatt will have a successful year in 2015. Our team is up to the task! Respectfully submitted, Robert G. Dicks, President We are proud to invest in our province’s youth by awarding two scholarships to students entering and/or continuing post-secondary studies and by having a Youth Representative on the Board. The scholarship winners are noted elsewhere in this Annual Report. Congratulations and best wishes to the recipients! The responsibilities of the Youth Committee include presenting ideas and recommendations regarding youth business and involvement, actively participating in youth community events as well as any other duties assigned by the Board. By engaging young people and seeking out new ideas in the youth market, the Youth Committee serves as a link between the Board of Directors and the youth. Annual Report – 2014 Robert Dicks, President of the Board, at the Official opening of Reddy Kilowatt’s building, October 2014 5 Board of Directors – 2014 Back (L-R): Robert Pike, Glenn Samms, Colin Rose, Greg Murphy Middle (L-R): Michelle Ward, Dana Pope, Robert Dicks, Gail Tucker, Peggy Mercer (Recording Secretary) Front (L-R): Carl Bishop, Andrea Avery, Sean Budgell Board and Committee Meetings – Attendance Summary For 2014 Board/Committee Member 6 Board (5 Meetings) Audit (2 Meetings) Governance (2 Meetings) Human Resources (3 Meetings) Executive (3 Meetings) Avery, Andrea 5/5 - - 3/3 - Bishop, Carl 5/5 - 2/2 - - Budgell, Sean 5/5 2/2 - - - Dicks, Robert 4/5 - 2/2 3/3 3/3 Murphy, Greg 5/5 2/2 2/2 - - Pike, Robert 5/5 - - 3/3 3/3 Pope, Dana 5/5 2/2 - - - Samms, Glenn 5/5 - 2/2 3/3 3/3 Tucker, Gail 3/5 1/2 - - - Ward, Michelle 5/5 2/2 2/2 3/3 3/3 Rose, Colin (Youth Rep) 2/3 (Jan-May) - - - - Goodridge, James (Youth Rep) 1/1 (Oct-Dec) - - - - Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union Report of the General Manager/Treasurer This has been a pivotal year for Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union and it is my pleasure to present the Report of the General Manager/Treasurer for 2014. Reddy Kilowatt continues to achieve favorable results despite an increasingly competitive market and the low interest rate environment that has existed for the past several years. Our income before taxes and rebates was $374,188 (2013 $593,179). We are pleased with this outcome given we have experienced significant increases in expenses, kept service charges at or below market prices and were able to continue to pay above market rates to members for their investments. We are especially proud that our new state-of-the-art building is mortgagefree and are pleased to be in a position to recommend rebates of $200,000 this year. Reddy Kilowatt ended the year with on-book assets of $60.5 million; up 8.7 percent or $5 million over 2013. Our portfolio for lending products grew by 12%, ($5.1 million) and members’ deposits grew by 9.3% ($4.9 million). We have been entrusted with, and now manage on behalf of our members, a combined lending and deposit portfolio in excess of $106 million. In addition to our on-balance sheet growth, we hold approximately $20 million in mortgages with our mortgage partner, League Savings and Mortgage (LSM). Excerpts from our financial statements are included in this report. The financial reports were audited by Deloitte LLP who issued their unmodified opinion dated February 25, 2015. The complete audited statements and notes are included in your meeting materials package and are also available on our website or by contacting our office. Membership in Reddy Kilowatt continues to grow. We welcomed 142 new members in 2014 bringing our total to 2,147. We remain committed to our goal of attracting young families to our membership and are pleased to report that the average age of our new 2014 members continues to trend younger, with over 50% of them under 35 years of age. Conceivably, the biggest change of 2014 was the opening of our new building in a well-travelled area on Topsail Road. With the move to our new highly-visible home, comes the ability to become more known in the open marketplace. In fact, almost half of the new accounts opened in 2014 were opened in the last quarter of the year, after we moved. Annual Report – 2014 Thank you to our many partners especially Newfoundland Power on which our credit union has relied for almost 60 years. We value this long-standing relationship and look forward to seeing it flourish even further in the years ahead. Our commitment to partnerships, and the belief that they strengthen our business outcomes, remains strong. We continue to focus on providing the best possible service for our members and increasing income opportunities by availing of partners’ services including CUMIS, LSM, CUETS, Johnson, and Credential. As always, we promote the benefits of cooperation between credit unions in our region in an effort to maximize access and benefits for all Reddy Kilowatt members. Further to this thinking, 2014 saw us enter a cost-share relationship with EasternEdge Credit Union to hire a Marketing & Communications Officer who is responsible for increasing promotion and marketing efforts of both credit unions. This venture is proving to be very successful and we are pleased to have Rhonda Goodridge as part of our team. Our community is at the heart of Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union and, in 2014, we continued to provide support for many worthwhile causes and organizations. A complete listing of the organizations supported by Reddy Kilowatt in 2014 can be found in this Annual Report. “Reddy Kilowatt is known to be a great place to work. Our team is happy and strongly committed to providing top-notch member service”. Reddy Kilowatt continues to invest in youth and youth initiatives and we were very pleased to award 2014 scholarships to Tyler Slade and Sarah Manning. We offer our congratulations to these outstanding individuals and wish them every success in their chosen fields of study. Additionally, in May, Ashley Warren represented Reddy Kilowatt and our youth at the 2014 Canadian Conference for Credit Unions by attending the Credit Union Nexgen Leadership Intensive in Charlottetown, PE. 7 Report of the General Manager/Treasurer (cont.) Our Board of Directors remains a valuable source of insight and leadership. You are dedicated, committed, and devoted to the members of Reddy Kilowatt and I remain truly grateful for your guidance and support. Reddy Kilowatt is known to be a great place to work. Our team is happy and strongly committed to providing top-notch member service. We enjoy our jobs and work hard on your behalf and have a lot of fun while doing it. During 2014, besides the marketing position previously mentioned, we welcomed three new employees to our team – Jennifer Piercey, Jared Amaral and Pam Hillyer. Also in 2014, we said goodbye to Rosalind Piercey as she accepted a promotion with another credit union. Though sorry to see Rosalind leave, we are happy she remains within the credit union system and wish her much success. Also two employees were recognized and received awards for years of service within the credit union system: Peggy Mercer, 10 years; and Ashley Warren, 5 years. We offer our congratulations and recognition on the achievement of these milestones. Also congratulations are extended to Ashley Warren who, in December 2014, became a Fellow of the Credit Union Institute of Canada. Employees are encouraged to pursue educational opportunities and we, currently, have several employees availing of credit unionspecific courses. We wish to reiterate our strong commitment to closely monitoring expenses and continually seeking ways to become more efficient while exploring opportunities for prudent and well managed growth. We are well positioned to continue providing competitive financial services in a sustainable and profitable manner. We confidently boast that we have a proven record of excellent member service and ask you, as our best marketers, for your continued assistance in helping us grow, by referring family, friends and colleagues. Next year, we celebrate 60 years since Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union was incorporated. Thank you for your continued loyalty and we look forward to serving you in the future. Robert Dicks and Michelle Ward presenting Brenda Holden with service award, 25 years Robert Dicks and Michelle Ward presenting Sharon Bradley with service award, 15 years Respectfully submitted, Michelle Ward, General Manager Robert Dicks and Michelle Ward presenting Sheila Smith with service award, 10 years 8 Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union Financial Trends Assets $70,000,000.00 $60,000,000.00 $50,000,000.00 $40,000,000.00 Other Assets Property, PPlant Property, lant aand nd Equipment Equiptment Cash & Cash Equivalents $30,000,000.00 Investments Mortgages $20,000,000.00 Loans $10,000,000.00 $0.00 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Deposits $70,000,000.00 $60,000,000.00 $50,000,000.00 Savings Accounts Membership Shares $40,000,000.00 Tax Free Savings Accts Chequing Accts $30,000,000.00 RRIFs $20,000,000.00 Demand Deposits RRSPs $10,000,000.00 Term Deposits $0.00 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Annual Report – 2014 9 Financial Trends Loans and Mortgages $50,000,000.00 $45,000,000.00 $40,000,000.00 $35,000,000.00 $30,000,000.00 $25,000,000.00 Mortgages Loans $20,000,000.00 $15,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 $5,000,000.00 $0.00 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 10 Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union Financial Statement Reddy Credit Union UnionLimited Limited Reddy Kilowatt Kilowatt Credit Statement Income andand Retained Earnings StatementofofComprehensive Comprehensive Income Retained Earnings Year December31, 31, 2014 Yearended ended December 2014 (CDN dollars) (CDN dollars) 2014 $ 2013 $ 2,636,049 157,322 2,793,371 2,445,760 271,672 2,717,432 Cost of funds Interest on members' deposits (Note 5) Net financial margin 1,339,240 1,454,131 1,238,686 1,478,746 Other income Commissions Other Financial margin and other income 387,690 293,019 2,134,840 379,881 244,672 2,103,299 Operating expenses Personnel General business (Note 12) Members' security Total operating expenses 760,575 678,608 321,469 1,760,652 743,271 554,421 212,428 1,510,120 374,188 593,179 Financial revenue Members' loans and mortgages (Note 4) Investment income Earnings before income taxes Income taxes (Note 14) Net comprehensive income for the year Retained earnings, beginning of year Dividends and patronage rebates (Note 11) Retained earnings, end of year Annual Report – 2014 374,188 2,512,546 (200,000) 2,686,734 42,621 550,558 2,261,988 (300,000) 2,512,546 11 Financial Statement Reddy CreditUnion UnionLimited Limited Reddy Kilowatt Kilowatt Credit Statement Position StatementofofFinancial Financial Position As at December 31, 2014 As at December 31, 2014 (CDN dollars) (CDN dollars) 2014 2013 $ $ Assets 395,274 1,642,368 5,805,894 8,074,415 42,624 10,083 Loans and mortgages receivable (Note 8) 48,519,000 43,378,938 Property, plant and equipment (Note 10) 5,598,247 2,329,655 114,375 215,674 60,475,414 55,651,133 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 289,180 487,353 Dividends and patronage refunds payable (Note 11) 200,000 300,000 57,299,500 52,351,234 57,788,680 53,138,587 2,686,734 60,475,414 2,512,546 55,651,133 Cash and cash equivalents (Note 6) Investments (Note 7) Income taxes receivable Other assets Liabilities Members’ deposits (Note 11) Members' equity Retained earnings Approved on behalf of the Board: ______________________________ Director 12 _______________ ______________________________ Director Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union Report of the Lending Committee All loans at Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union are approved by the Board of Directors, Lending Committee, lending staff or management . Directors are required to approve any loan applications that are outside the established lending policy . The Lending Committee is responsible for approving loan applications for directors, committee members, employees and their families . All other loans are approved by lending staff or management . In 2014, the Lending Committee met 24 times and approved 30 applications for an approximate total of $802,814 . During 2014, loans advanced were over $18 .2 million . The following is a summary of all Personal Loans, Lines of Credit and Mortgage Loan activity, by purpose, for the period January 1 to December 31, 2014 . PERSONAL LOANS / MORTGAGES Purpose Vehicle Purchase Amount 126 3,393,400 27 5,916,216 136 3,055,597 Other 46 546,007 Recreation/Vacation 29 415,598 5 149,949 29 1,479,736 9 150,243 68 1,380,020 473 16,486,766 Mortgage Consolidation Loans Investment Home Improvements Refinanced - no new funds Loan Line of Credit Subtotal Personal Lines of Credit Total 1,730,350 18,217,116 I would like to thank the lending staff for their cooperation and dedication over the past year . Their role in the lending process is an important part of your Credit Union’s continued success . Respectfully Submitted on behalf of the Committee, Personal Loans/ Mortgages 2014 Personal Loans / Mortgages 2014 Vehicle Purchase Mortgages Consolidation Loans Other Recreation/ Vacation Investment Home Improvements Re=inanced-‐no new funds Loan Line of Credit Personal Lines of Credit Personal Loans / Mortgages 2013 Personal Loans / Mortgages 2013 Vehicle Purchase Mortgages Consolidation Loans Other Recreation/ Vacation Investment Home Improvements Re=inanced-‐no new funds Loan Line of Credit Personal Lines of Credit Sean Budgell, Chairperson Annual Report – 2014 13 Report of the Governance Committee The Board of Directors of Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union (RKCU) is ultimately responsible for stewardship of the credit union. The Chair of the Board of Directors appoints a Governance Committee, consisting of board members to assist them with that responsibility, with the following specific duties: • To ensure that the Board of Directors acts within the specified guidelines relating to stewardship, independence, effectiveness, assessment, new director recruitment and orientation, size of the Board and its committees and director remuneration; • To ensure that the By-Laws of the Credit Union are complete and consistent with The Credit Union Act and Regulations and to ensure that the Directors and Credit Union operate within these By-Laws; • To ensure that all policies are in accordance with the By-Laws and are in the best interest of the Credit Union and its Members; • To ensure that the Credit Union and its Board act within the standards of sound business and financial practices as set out by the Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation; • To ensure that there is a viable succession plan for both the Board of Directors and the Credit Union’s Management; and • To ensure that there is an assessment process in place for the Board, Management and the Credit Union overall, and that the assessments are conducted on a regular basis. The Governance Committee was appointed in May 2014 and consists of Robert Dicks, Greg Murphy, Glenn Samms, and Chairperson Carl Bishop. Michelle Ward attends our meetings as a resource person. Over the past year we have held five meetings via teleconference or in person. Significant accomplishments of the Committee for the past year include: • Review of all RKCU committees’ Terms of Reference. • Organize the nominations process for new Board of Directors. • Review and recommend new policies to the Board that are consistent with the standards of sound business and financial practices. • Review board remuneration and make recommendations to the Membership. • Review and recommend changes to RKCU’s ByLaws. • Recommend appointment of a new Youth Representative to the Board, James Goodridge. • Review of RKCU’s Capital Adequacy requirements. This report is respectively submitted on behalf of our Governance Committee by, Carl Bishop, Chairperson Carl Bishop receiving his accreditation certificate from Robert Dicks at AGM, March 2014 14 Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union Report of the Audit Committee The Audit Committee provides a knowledgeable, wellinformed communications bridge between the Board of Directors, the various auditors and our regulators. Our role is to assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its supervisory tasks. The responsibilities of the Audit Committee are set out in the Credit Union Act and Regulations. In addition, the Audit Committee is responsible for other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee has the overall responsibility for monitoring: • The integrity of the financial statements; • Internal accounting and financial controls; • The external and internal auditors’ qualifications and independence; • The performance of the external and internal auditor; and • Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. During 2014, the following were the key activities of the Audit Committee: • Reviewed quarterly and annual financial statements; • Met with the external auditor, Deloitte, to discuss the results of the 2014 audit; Annual Report – 2014 • Met with the internal auditor, Brian Scammell, to discuss the results of the 2014 audit; • Ensured the independence of the external and internal auditors; • Ensured Financial Transactions Reports Analysis Center of Canada’s Report (FINTRAC) Biennial Review completed as required; • Monitored compliance with respect to legal and regulatory requirements as prescribed in the Credit Union Act and Regulations; • Reviewed various management reports including the Asset Liability Management Report and Delinquency Report, as well as received reports on Remittances to Canada Revenue Agency and CUMIS pension remittances. It is the opinion of the Audit Committee that in 2014, your Credit Union operated in a reasonable and responsible manner and in the best interest of, you, the Members. Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Committee, Dana Pope, Chairperson 15 Report of the Nominations Committee The Nominations Committee of Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union (RKCU) is responsible for identifying and encouraging qualified members of our credit union to fill vacant positions on our Board of Directors. Since opening our bond, the potential for market growth is endless and with that, comes new opportunities for leadership in our strategic development. The Board recognizes that future Directors of our organization will come from the general population who are members of RKCU. We must continue to ensure that their skill sets match the strategic needs of the organization. The role of Director is becoming increasingly demanding in a world of changing economic factors that influence how we direct our future. Candidates must possess a wide range of talents and knowledge to assist the Board with recognizing significant risks to the organization. They must be diligent in ensuring adequate controls are in place to ensure operational efficiency while providing support to the management team. Communications with all stakeholders is a vital component of director responsibilities in today’s environment. James Goodridge, Incoming Youth Representative The Board of RKCU recognizes the opportunity, and challenges, of securing continued growth for our organization. Although we believe opening our bond has created much more potential for growth than ever in our history, we have also identified the need for attracting youth to our membership. As a result, we created a Youth Representative position on our board. We believe the youth representative, and the committee he/she will Chair, will provide important consumer behaviour insight to help direct our marketing to that key demographic. Our Youth Representative participates in all Board activities and will help steer our strategic plan for growth. On January, 23, 2015, we issued a call for nominations for three vacating Director positions currently occupied by Andrea Avery, Greg Murphy, and Dana Pope. All three incumbents offered themselves for re-election and no other nominations were received by the deadline date of February 6, 2015. As a result, the incumbents have been elected by acclamation. Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Nominations Committee, Carl Bishop, Chairperson 16 Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union Our New Building 2014 marked the opening of Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union’s environmentally friendly and efficient new home at 885 Topsail Road, Mount Pearl. Directors, managers, and employees were all smiles (with maybe a few happy tears!) when our long-awaited move came to fruition on August 18, 2014. After years of happily sharing space with NF Power, we are pleased to finally be in a position to offer members additional services such as a drive-through ATM and privacy for their meetings and transactions. Located in a very high-traffic area in Mount Pearl, we look forward to the increased opportunity to welcome new members under our open bond. - High velocity electric hand dryers as opposed to paper towel dispensers. - No Added Urea Formaldehyde (NAUF) panel materials in the woodwork or finish carpentry. - High recycled content in things like gypsum board, ceiling tile and carpeting. The Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union building was officially opened on Wednesday, October 15, 2014. Designed by LAT49 Architecture Inc. (formerly Sheppard Case Architects Inc.), the design Architect was Jim Case with Jeremy Bryant as the project Architect. The construction was administered by Jeremy in partnership with Terry and Jim Power from J & T Construction Limited. The building committee was comprised of Gail Tucker (Chair), Robert Dicks, Robert Pike, Glenn Samms, and Michelle Ward. Besides being visually appealing, this building has substance! It was designed with efficiency and the environment in mind. Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union is proud of its many environmentally friendly features such as: - A geothermal system which provides heat at onethird the energy cost of a traditional electrical heat system. This particular system also has the ability to move heat within the building from rooms-incooling to rooms-requiring-heat which improves efficiency even further. Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union, Topsail Road - A heat recovery ventilation system that recovers 60% of the heat contained in the building exhaust air and pre-heats the required fresh air. - Low-flow faucets and fixtures for water conservation. - Occupancy based interior lighting control. Michelle Ward, General Manager, in her office. - Exterior lighting controlled with an astronomic time clock. - High performance fluorescent and LED light sources. Annual Report – 2014 Brenda Holden, Manager, Operations & Compliance, in her office. 17 OFFICIAL OPENING 18 Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union Credit Union Deposit Protection Did you know that Credit Union Members’ deposits are insured up to $250,000 per account type which is more coverage than what is available at chartered banks? Even better, it isn’t necessary to apply - insurance coverage is automatic and free . Depositors should ensure that each joint and trust deposit is designated as such and the names and address of each participant is identified . For trust deposits, if there is more than one beneficiary, the portion owned by each beneficiary must be recorded and updated annually . The Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation (CUDGC) is a Provincial Crown Corporation that was established in the late 1980’s to insure deposits of Credit Union Members in Newfoundland and Labrador . Superior Deposit Insurance – just one more reason why it pays to be a Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union member . For more information visit cudgcnl .com . There are some exceptions noted below . However, to demonstrate the great significance of the insurance, the following table represents the CUDGC NL coverage for credit union members, Mary and Bob, including the trust account for their daughter, Krista . G UA RAN O TEE C R EDIT UNION CR Balance Insured D E P O SIT DEPOSIT PROTECTION R AT IO N Depositor PO D E P O SIT DEPOSIT PROTECTION R AT IO N EDIT UNION CR Mary Chequing, Savings, Term Deposits Mutual Funds RRSPs TFSAs 251,000 .00 5,000 .00 252,000 .00 20,000 .00 Bob Chequing, Term Deposits US Dollar Savings RRSP RRIF 53,000 .00 15,000 .00 100,000 .00 255,000 .00 53,000 .00 100,000 .00 250,000 .00 Bob, In Trust for Krista Term Deposit 255,000 .00 250,000 .00 255,000 .00 250,000 .00 250,000 .00 RRAN E CO TE 250,000 .00 20,000 .00 PO G UA Mary and Bob (Joint) Total Coverage for Mary and Bob 1,423,000.00 Exceptions: Mutual funds, foreign currency deposits, term deposits with a maturity date more than five years from date of deposits, bonds and debentures issued by chartered banks, governments, and corporations, treasury bills, and investments in mortgages and stocks . Annual Report – 2014 19 Investing In Our Future Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union recognizes the contribution of our community builders of tomorrow. We aim to encourage qualities of good citizenship and co-operation through our scholarship program. We are proud to support our youth and recognize their achievements. Congratulations to our worthy 2014 Scholarship recipients, Tyler Slade and Sarah Manning. The Directors, Managers, and Employees of Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union wish you the very best in all of your future endeavours! Do you know someone who will be graduating high school or pursuing post secondary education this year? They could be one of the next recipients of the Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union scholarships. Watch for eligibility requirements and other details on Applications will be due by August 31, 2015. Tyler Slade Carbonear Collegiate, Class of 2014 Memorial University 20 Sarah Manning Queen Elizabeth High School, Class of 2014 Memorial University Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union Community Initiatives/Involvement Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union remains committed to the community in which we operate. As such, we were very pleased to provide support for the following worthwhile organizations in 2014. Athletic Groups • Mount Pearl Blades Minor Hockey • North East Minor Hockey Association • Goulds Hoopsters Basketball Team • Newfoundland and Labrador Bantam Boys Fast Pitch Team Health & Wellness • Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Care Foundation • Daffodil Place • Young Adult Cancer Canada – Shave for the Brave • Prostate Cancer Fight Foundation - Motorcycle Ride for Dad • Heart and Stroke Foundation • Children’s Wish Foundation • Annual Central Northeast Health Foundation’s Regatta • Health Care Foundation Dialysis Unit • Canadian Mental Health Association • Canadian Breast Cancer Society • Power of Life Youth & Schools • Kids Eat Smart Foundation • Holy Heart of Mary High School Other Worthwhile Causes • Heavenly Creatures Bark In The Park Walk-A-Thon • Portugal Cove - St Philip’s Regatta • NLCU Charitable Foundation Annual Rod Benson Memorial Golf Tournament • Terry Fox Foundation • Drugs & Addictions Awareness Campaign Community Support • Choices for Youth • Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Newfoundland • Seniors Resource Centre • Newfoundland and Labrador Foster Families • Community Food Sharing Association • Stella’s Circle • Salvation Army Newfoundland & Labrador • The Gathering Place Membership Associations/Business Engagement • Mount Pearl/Paradise Chamber of Commerce • St. John’s Board of Trade • NF Power Employee Association & Retiree Groups NLCU Rod Benson Memorial Golf Tournament L-R Sean Budgell, Paddy Bragg, Brenda Holden, Keith Holden Annual Report – 2014 21 Credential Financial Strategies Inc. Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union is constantly seeking ways to add quality products, services and convenience to members’ lives. In partnership with EasternEdge, Public Service and Community Credit Unions, we are pleased to continue to offer the services of Credential Financial Strategies to our Members. Wanda Howlett is your Credential Financial Strategies Wealth Consultant and is available to assist members of Reddy Kilowatt with their insurance and retirement planning needs. Wanda is an Investment Specialist with 12 years experience in the insurance industry. She offers a number of investment products as well as retirement and insurance planning options to help safeguard your future and, most importantly, your family. Wanda will work with you at no charge to create a personal financial blueprint to help achieve your monetary objectives. In 2014, Wanda successfully completed her Certified Financial Planner 1 exams and we congratulate her for being a recipient of the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT). MDRT is recognized internationally as the standard of excellence in the life insurance and financial services business. As such, the MDRT continues to be the benchmark qualification for all financial advisors worldwide. Wanda also leads the way for the most net sales for the Credential Atlantic Group in 2014. Wanda Howlett Credential Financial Strategies Wealth Consultant Reddy Kilowatt is pleased to continue offering this service at no charge to members and Wanda can now be reached at: Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union 885 Topsail Road, PO Box 126 Mount Pearl, NL A1N 2C2 709-739-1080 709-691-9423 *Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc. Credential Financial Strategies Inc. is a member company under Credential Financial Inc., offering financial planning, life insurance and investments to members of credit unions and their communities. Credential® is a registered mark of Credential Financial Inc. and is used under license. 22 Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union Products and Services YOUR MONEY Chequing Services • Personal Chequing • Business Chequing • Student Chequing • US Chequing Savings • High Interest Savings Accounts • Power Plus Savings • Youth Savings • Monthly Savings Plan Electronic Services • MemberDirect™Integrated - Online Banking • TeleService™ • Mobile Web Banking • Interac® • Interac® direct payment • Interac® PLUS network • Interac® e-Transfer • E-Statements • ding-free® (Surcharge-Free ATMs) • Drive-through ATM • IntelliResponse • Cross-border Debit YOUR FINANCING Loans and Mortgages • Personal Loans • Mortgage Loans • Home equity loans • Personal Line of Credit • Student Loans • RRSP and Investment Loans • RRSP Line of Credit YOUR FUTURE Investment Products and Services • Term Deposits • RRSP/RRIF/RESP • Mutual Funds • Trust Accounts • Index Linked Deposits • On-line Trading • Retirement Planning • Tax-Free Savings Accounts • Incentive Shares Insurance • Travel Insurance • Term Life Insurance • Credit Life & Disability Insurance • Critical Illness Insurance • Mortgage Insurance • Home/Auto Group Insurance Financial Management • Wealth Management Services • Trust Services • Financial Counselling Additional Services • Travellers’ Cheques • Foreign Exchange • Canadian/Foreign Money Orders • Bill Payments • Safety Deposit Box Rentals • Legal Witnessing Coming soon… • iPhone and Android Apps (2015) • Deposit Anywhere™ (2015) Card Services • Small & Medium Enterprise Merchant Card Services • MasterCard® Credit Card • MasterCard® Global Payment Card • Choice Rewards™ Points Program • Member Card™ • Debit Card Purchase Protection & Extended Warranty Plan Annual Report – 2014 23 Organization for 2014 Board of Directors Robert Dicks, President Robert Pike, Vice-President Glenn Samms, Corporate Secretary Michelle Ward, General Manager/Treasurer Andrea Avery Carl Bishop Sean Budgell Greg Murphy Dana Pope Gail Tucker Colin Rose, Outgoing Youth Representative James Goodridge, Incoming Youth Representative Peggy Mercer, Recording Secretary Employees Human Resources Committee Robert Pike, Chairperson Robert Dicks Andrea Avery Glenn Samms Michelle Ward, Resource Governance Committee Carl Bishop, Chairperson Robert Dicks Greg Murphy Glenn Samms Michelle Ward, Resource Audit Committee Michelle Ward, General Manager Brenda Holden, Manager, Operations & Compliance Peggy Mercer, Manager, Lending Services Jared Amaral, Member Service Officer Sharon Bradley, Member Service Officer Lisa Bungay, Member Service Officer Rhonda Goodridge, Mktg. & Comm. Officer Pam Hillyer, Member Service Rep. April Kelly-Barnes, Member Service Rep. Suzanne Maher, Member Service Rep. Ursula Maloney, Member Service Officer David Mercer, Member Service Rep. Jennifer Piercey, Member Service Officer Tina Samson, Member Service Officer Sheila Smith, Member Service Rep. Ashley Warren, Accounting Admin. Officer Dana Pope, Chairperson Sean Budgell Greg Murphy Gail Tucker Michelle Ward, Resource Lending Committee Sean Budgell, Chairperson Youth Committee Colin Rose , Outgoing Youth Chairperson James Goodridge, Incoming Youth Chairperson Back L-R: Jared Amaral, Pam Hillyer, Suzanne Maher, Sheila Smith, Jennifer Piercey, David Mercer, Michelle Ward, Front L-R: Ursula Maloney, Sharon Bradley, Ashley Warren, April Kelly-Barnes, Lisa Bungay, Brenda Holden, Missing from photo: Peggy Mercer, Rhonda Goodridge, Tina Samson 24 Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union Volunteers 1956-2014 Abbott, Raymond Adams, Charlie Adams, George Adams, Gerry Ainsworth, Scott Ainsworth, Verne Alteen, Peter Anstey, Gerry Antle, Austin Avery, Andrea Ball, Anne Banfield, Ester Barnes, Diane Barrett, Kelvin Batstone, Dale Benger, G. Bennett, Sharon Beresford, Kevin Birmingham, Llewellyn Birmingham, Tony Bishop, Carl Bishop, Chari Bishop, Noel Bonnell, Aubrey Bragg, Don Brennan, Rose Briffett, Kirk Broderick, Don Bruce, Christie Budgell, Sean Butt, Darryl Butt, Wayne Canning, Tom Carpenter, T. Casey, Jack Chafe, Carl Chafe, Doug Chancey, Roy Chaulk, Frank Christie, Bruce Clark, Gwen Clark, Jeff Clark, Ron Clarke, Blair Clarke, D. Colford, Robert Collins, Peter Collins, R. Conway, Richard Cook, Jeffrey Annual Report – 2014 Coombs, Kevin Corbett, J Crane, Ronald Crewe, Carol Anne Critch, Theresa Cumby, Eric Curtis, Gerard DaSilva, Tony Dawe, Ron Delahunty, Brian Dicks, Robert Dodd, R. Duke, Nora Dymond, B. Earles, Joseph Emberly, Ches Evans, Barbara Evans, John Fitzgerald, Megan Flynn, Noel Follett, Doug French, Frank French, Rod French, Ted Gaye, Cavell Gifford, Kingsley Gladden, M. Goodridge, Eileen Goodridge, James Green, Wayne Greenland, Lewis Griffin, Joe Grouchy, Doug Hall, Ewart Hall, Fred Halliday, Peter Hancock, Karen Hancock, Scott Hann, Chesley Hannaford, Pat Hanrahan, John Hapgood, A. Harris, Darlene Harvey, Gerard Henderson, John Henderson, Lorne Hennessey, Clara Henry, C.W. Henry, Charles Hoffe, Dennis Howell, Baxter Humby, Gary Hunt, R.P. Hynes, Hubert Hynes, Remi Ivany, Lawrence Ivany, Lester Jamieson, Alex Janes, Elaina Jardine, Mike Joy, Anna Keough, John Keough, Robert Kielley, J.S. King, Les King, R. Knight, Alex Knight, Steve Kohout, Doug Lane, Frank Learning, Walter Legge, Gerald Lester, Crosbie Ludlow, Earl MacDonald, Stan Mahar, Kevin Mandeville, George Manning, Elizabeth Marshall, Stan Martin, James McLeod, Neil Meaney, Jennifer Meyers, Maureen Mowbray, Lynn Moores, Henley Mouland, Lillian Murdoch, Robert Murphy, Dick Murphy, Greg Murphy, John Murphy, Robert Nickerson, Bruce Nurse, Richard O’Brien, Maurice O’Leary, Sean O’Neill, Ronald O’Reilly, Albert E Peters, Brendan Piercey, William Pike, Robert Pittman, Fred Pollett, Graham Poole, Carol Ann Pope, Dana Pope, Mike Press, Fred Roberts, Derek Rockwood, S. Rodway, Wayne Rose, Colin Rowe, Linda Russell, Don Ryan, Aiden Ryan, Bernie Ryan, Patrick Samms, Glenn Schofield, Ray Sheppard, Graham Simms, Lloyd Slaney, Bill Snow, Boyd Stack, Marilyn Stewart, Cyril Styles, Albert Taylor, Leah Templeton, David Thompson, Lorne Tilley, Barry Toner, Kathy Trask, William Tremblett, Don Tucker, Gail Tulk, Jeff Tulk, Zeta Underhay, Robert Vincent, Blair Vincent, Peter Walsh, Brian Walsh, Gerry Walsh, Ken Warr, Kevin Warren, Elroy White, Cluney White, Wade Whittle, Brian Whittle, Maureen Williams, Beverly 25 Did you know? The bank of choice for many businesses is no bank at all. Credit unions ranked #1 in serving small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), according to a survey by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB). Credit unions have been ranked #1 by CFIB members in four of the last five triennial surveys. Celebrating 10 Years of Excellence e For the 10th consecutive year, Canadians ranked credit unions #1 in overall Customer Service Excellence among all Canadian financial institutions in the 2014 Ipsos® Best Banking Awards program.* Best Places to Work Six Atlantic credit unions are proud to be included as Best Places to Work by Progress Magazine. *The Ipsos 2014 Best Banking Awards are based on quarterly Customer Service Index (CSI) survey results. Sample size for the total 2014 CSI program year ended August 2014 was 45,428 completed surveys yielding 68,738 financial institution ratings. MORE As A MEMBER yOu gEt MORE. thEn yOu gEt As a member of the Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union, you get more when you choose Johnson Insurance. On top of the extensive coverage, personalized service and bundled savings packages that Johnson provides, you get access to: • Additional group discounts • Identity theft management services • First accident forgiveness • AIR MILES® reward miles Get your Home + Auto Insurance quote today! 1 Call 1-877-742-7490 (Mention your group code RW when you call.) HOME+AUTO INSURANCE P.S. THERE’S MORE. Group members can get a quote for a chance to win BIG and win MORE – a new BMW 3 Series, PLUS a dream trip to the Bahamas, PLUS $5,000 cash.* BAhAMAs tRIP fOR twO $5,000 CAsh Visit for details. Johnson Inc. (“Johnson”) is a licensed insurance intermediary. Home and auto policies are primarily underwritten by Unifund Assurance Company (“Unifund”). Unifund and Johnson share common ownership. Auto insurance not available in BC, SK or MB. Alternate plan available in QC. Eligibility requirements, limitations, exclusions or additional costs may apply, and/or may vary by province or territory. AIR MILES® reward miles awarded only on home and auto insurance policies underwritten by Unifund. One AIR MILES reward mile is awarded for each $20 premium paid (including taxes). AIR MILES not available in SK, MB or QC. ®™Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. used under license by LoyaltyOne, Co. and Johnson (for Unifund). * Contest runs from Aug 1/14 to July 31/15. Contest open to persons who, at the time of entry are: (i) members of a recognized group as defined in the Contest rules, (ii) resident of Canada (excluding QC, NU) and (iii) of age of majority in their province of residence. No purchase necessary. Chances of winning depend on number of entries received. Skill-testing question required. 1 prize with approx. total value of $60,000CAD. Vehicle may vary from illustration. BMW Canada Inc., including its parent company, subsidiaries, divisions and other operating entities, has neither authorized, sponsored, nor endorsed this contest. BMW, BMW model designations and all other BMW related marks and images are the exclusive property and/or trademarks of BMW AG. Contest details: 1 Notes
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