April 26, 2015 - St. Theresa of the Infant Jesus
April 26, 2015 - St. Theresa of the Infant Jesus
Church of St. Theresa A Caring Community Reaching Out To One Another in Christ 2855 St. Theresa Avenue, Bronx, New York APRIL 26, 2015 SUNDAY MASSES Saturday at 5:00pm, Sunday at 7:30am, 9:00am(Italian), 10:30am(Family Mass) 12:15pm , 1:30PM (Spanish) & 5:00pm WEEKDAY MASSES Monday thru Saturday 8:00am & 9:00am DEVOTIONS Miraculous Medal & St. Theresa Novenas after Monday morning Masses St. Anthony Novena after Tuesday morning Masses. Thursday 12 Noon Mass & Eucharistic Adoration Exposition & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday 7:30pm to 8:30pm followed by silent adoration. adoration until 9:00pm. CONFESSION Saturdays from 4:00pm to 5:00pm and by appointment BAPTISMS Baptisms take place most Sundays after the 12:15pm Mass. We ask parents to attend the Baptism preparation meeting. Register at the Rectory for the meeting. The date of the Baptism will be discussed at the Baptism meeting. MARRIAGES Call the Rectory at least six months in advance of the wedding date to make an appointment with parish clergy. Rev. Msgr. Thomas Derivan, Pastor Rev. Joseph Ligory, Parochial Vicar Rev. Thomas D’Angelo, In Residence Rev. Robert Imbelli, Weekend Associate Deacon Anthony P. Cassaneto RECTORY: 718-892-1900/1901 FAX: 718-892-1146 Mrs. Josephine Fanelli, Principal Mrs. Marie McCarrick, Dir. of Religious Education Dr. Liya Petrides, Music Director WEBSITE: www.sttheresachurchbronx.org E-MAIL: rectorystc@aol.com SCHOOL: 718-792-3688 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: 718-792-8434 CHURCH OF ST. THERESA, BRONX APRIL 26, 2015-FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS FROM THE DESK OF FATHER DERIVAN We all have our favorite pictures of Our Lord. Of course we do not have an exact picture of Our Lord as He walked on the earth. But for all the centuries of Christian history, artists have tried to represent Jesus in their art, showing their faith in the paintings they produced. There are so many. Perhaps you think of the beautiful painting of Leonardo da Vinci, the Last Supper, with Jesus giving His apostles Holy communion for the first time. Perhaps you think of Michelangelo’s magnificent picture of Jesus coming again in glory in the Last Judgment, which the artist painted in the Sistine Chapel in Rome. It is interesting to know that the most common representation of Our Lord in the early church was of Jesus the Good Shepherd, as He described Himself in the gospel we have just heard. In the catacombs in Rome, those underground burial places for those who died for Christ, we find the picture of Jesus as a young shepherd, carrying a sheep on His shoulders, bringing the sheep safely home. Notice the Lord Jesus is portrayed as a young shepherd, filled with life, filled with love for His sheep. Is there any more beautiful way of thinking of Our Lord Jesus than as the Good Shepherd, the Shepherd of our lives, the Shepherd who carries us on His shoulders and leads us home? “I am the Good Shepherd,” the Lord tells us, “I know my own, and my own know me.” We do not live in a society familiar with shepherds and sheep. But even so, this beautiful image of our Lord says so much. “I know my own and my own know me.” Our retired Pope Benedict has a beautiful reflection on this. The Pope writes, “Truly, Jesus ‘knows us’, even more deeply than we know ourselves, and he has a plan for each one of us. We know, too that wherever he calls us, we will find happiness and fulfillment; indeed we will find our very selves.” The shepherd of centuries ago and shepherds even in our time knew their sheep. They knew them individually, calling each by name. The sheep were other members of the shepherd’s family, as dear to him as his children. We can understand what the Lord means when He says, “I know my own and my own know me.” Jesus knows us, as the Pope says, and He has a plan for us. The question of our lives, the question of every day is, “Do we know Him?” Do we know Him in prayer? Do we take more time in prayer to know Him better? Do you know Him in our families, realizing that the Lord Jesus is the hidden member of every Christian family and that He is with our families day in and day out? Do we know him here in this church and in every church, do we take time to adore Him in the Blessed Sacrament, realizing that this is Jesus the Good Shepherd who gives Himself to us? Do we know Jesus in the eyes and faces of those in need, those we try to help, those we treat with compassion and love? Do we know Jesus? And then do we know ourselves? Do we realize that we are the sheep in that picture from the catacombs? Do we realize that Jesus hoists us on His shoulders, not letting us wander away, bringing us safely home to His Father? In our most difficult moments, do we trust Jesus enough to put our lives in His hands and let Him lead us on? Do we really believe that Jesus knows His own and that He means that each one of us is His own forever? Reflect on this beautiful image of Jesus the Good Shepherd. Let that image be in your mind and heart and in your prayers this week. Pope Benedict gives us this message, “Rejoice that the Lord has made you members of his flock and knows each of you by name” Follow Him with joy and let him guide you in all your ways. Jesus knows what challenges you face, what trials you endure, and the good that you do in His name. Trust in him, in his enduring love for all the members of his flock, and persevere in your witness to the triumph of his love.” Father Thomas B. Derivan A MESSAGE OF POPE FRANCIS FOR THE EASTER SEASON “He rose again on the third day, in accordance with the Scriptures”. Our belief in Christ’s Resurrection is the very heart of our faith, the basis of our hope in God’s promises and our trust in his victory over sin and death. The first witnesses of the Resurrection were women: moved by love to go to the tomb, they accept with joy the message of the Resurrection and then tell the good news to the Apostles. So it must be with us; we need to share the joy born of our faith in the Resurrection! In Church’s history, women have had a special role in opening doors to faith in Christ, for faith is always a response to love. With the eyes of faith, we too encounter the Risen Lord in the many signs of his presence: the Scriptures, the Eucharist and the other sacraments, and the acts of charity, goodness, forgiveness and mercy which bring a ray of his Resurrection into our world. May our faith in the Risen Christ enable us to be living signs in our world of the triumph of life and hope over evil, sin and death. Pope Francis ST. THERESA’S ANNUAL CARD PARTY THE ROARING 20’S MA Y 7, 2015-7:00pm—MAESTRO’S CATERERS Once again it is time for us to come together as a parish family to celebrate and enjoy one another’s company at our Annual Card PartyThe Roaring 20’s. The Card Party will take place on May 7th at 7:00pm at Maestro’s Caterers. The price of a ticket is $50.00 per person which includes an Open Bar, Dinner, Dessert & Coffee. There will be wonderful prizes so bring lots of friends and relatives for a fun-filled night out! Tickets will soon be on sale in the Rectory and in the school. Please remember that the success of our Card Party rests largely upon the support of all our wonderful school parents and dedicated parishioners. You are always there when we need you. Come and enjoy a night of friends, food and fun and maybe take a home a few prizes. FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER FROM THE DESK OF FATHER DERIVAN II: Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Shkodra, patroness of Albania. We rejoice with our Albanian parishioners in celebrating this feast of Our Lady, patroness of their country. As you will read below, the story of the miraculous image of Our Lady of Shkodra (Good Counsel) involves both Albania and Italy. The image of Our Lady of Shkodra provided consolation to the Albanian people during time of persecution. Then by God’s miraculous power the image was transferred to the town of Genazzano in Italy where it continues to be revered. Our Lady of Shkodra therefore is a manifestation of her love and help both to the people of Albania and to the people of Italy and reflects the fine tradition of unity among the Albanian and the Italian people. To honor Our Lady of Shkodra is to honor Our Lady Mother of God. We have many titles under which Our Lady is honored. Many of them reflect places such as Lourdes (France), Fatima (Portugal), Guadalupe (Mexico), Czestochowa (Poland) and La Vang (Vietnam). Both, in a sense, all of them are the same. They all manifest our love for Mary and our trust that she will lead us closer to Jesus her Son. We should always remember the devotion to Mary is devotion to Jesus her Son. Mary always leads us to Jesus. This week we also observe the feast of St. Louis de Montfort (see below). St. Louis encouraged what he called “true devotion to Mary,” emphasizing “To Jesus through Mary.” Let the feast of Our Lady of Shkodra and the feast of St. Louis de Montfort remind us of the importance for each of us to grow in our love for Our Blessed Mother. As we begin the month of May this week, may we all come closer to Mary for, in so doing, we come closer to Jesus. May Our Blessed Mother, whom we honor today under the title of Our Lady of Shkodra continue to guide and protect the people of Albania and Italy and indeed all of us. Father Thomas B. Derivan APRIL 28 ST. LOUIS MARY DE MONTFORT (1673-1716) Louis’s life is inseparable from his efforts to promote genuine devotion to Mary, the mother of Jesus and mother of the Church. Totus tuus (completely yours) was Louis’s personal motto; Karol Wojtyla chose it as his Episcopal motto. Born in the Breton village of Montfort, close to Rennes (France), as an adult Louis identified himself by the place of his Baptism instead of his family name, Grignion. After being educated by the Jesuits and the Sulpicians, he was ordained as a diocesan priest in 1700. Soon he began preaching parish missions throughout western France. His years of ministering to the poor prompted him to travel and live very simply, sometimes getting him into trouble with Church authorities. In his preaching, which attracted thousands of people back to the faith, Father Louis recommended frequent, even daily, Holy Communion (not the custom then) and imitation of the Virgin Mary’s ongoing acceptance of God’s will for her life. Louis founded the Missionaries of the Company of Mary (for priests and brothers) and the Daughters of Wisdom, who cared especially for the sick. His book, True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin, has become a classic explanation of Marian devotion. Louis died in Saint-Laurent-sur-Sévre, where a basilica has been erected in his honor. He was canonized in 1947. Like Mary, Louis experienced challenges in his efforts to follow Jesus. Opposed at times in his preaching and in his other ministries, Louis knew with St. Paul, “Neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who causes the growth” (1 Corinthians 3:7). Any attempt to succeed by worldly standards runs the risk of betraying the Good News of Jesus. Mary is “the first and most perfect disciple,” as the late Raymond Brown, S.S., described her. Quote: “Mary is the fruitful Virgin, and in all the souls in which she comes to dwell she causes to flourish purity of heart and body, rightness of intention and abundance of good works. Do not imagine that Mary, the most fruitful of creatures who gave birth to a God, remains barren in a faithful soul. It will be she who makes the soul live incessantly for Jesus Christ, and will make Jesus live in the soul” (True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin). WANTED-FEAST VOLUNTEERS AND SPONSORS: Preparations for our 19th annual Feast to be held July 22-26, are well underway. We are blessed to have wonderful volunteers who help in many different ways at the Feast. But we are always in need of more volunteers. Please consider becoming a Feast volunteer either for all or for part of the Feast. If you can help, please call the Rectory at 718-892-1900 and leave your name and other information there. We appreciate your help and we hope that you can help us make this year’s Feast better than ever. We are also blessed to have businesses as sponsors for the Feast. Please pass this information on to local merchants and stores which you visit. Likewise they can call the Rectory for sponsorship information. This year all sponsors will have a special “I Am A Sponsor of St. Theresa’s Feast” sign to display in their windows, to show our thanks to them. You may want to bring this bulletin to stores you visit so that they can have the information. APRIL 26, 2015 THE STORY OF OUR LADY OF SHKODRA (OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL) The story of Our Lady of Shkodra ( Good Counsel) is in part the story of Albanian Catholicism. Albanians nourished a particular devotion and love for the Virgin Mary and in particular, a beautiful icon of Our Lady which hung on the wall over the main altar in the Church of Zoja e Bekueme. During the time when the Ottoman Turks were advancing in the fifteenth century, it became a source of consolation and encouragement. One day during the siege of Shkodra, two escaping Albanians stopped at the Church of Zofa e Bekueme to pray for their safe journey. While praying fervently, they suddenly noticed the painting moving away from the wall. The two Albanians followed the painting, as if it were a bright star, all the way to Rome, where the image disappeared. They heard rumors that a miraculous image had appeared in Genazzano. They went to the nearby town and there discovered the painting of their beloved Zoja e Bekueme. The two settled down and made Genazzano their home. Who is Our Lady of Good counsel? When Pope Sixtus III (1432-1440) called for help in renovating the Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major, the people of Genazzano contributed generously and property was given to the town on which a church was eventually built, with the title Our Lady of Good Counsel. With the passage of time the church became decrepit and ill-kempt. During the year of the miracle, 1467, a local widow named Petruccia de Geneo felt herself called to spend her meager funds on needed repairs. Her friends and neighbors thought her plan presumptuous. They scoffed and ridiculed her, laughingly calling the effort “Petruccia’s Folly.” Her efforts were nevertheless rewarded in a marvelous manner. On St. Mark’s Day, April 25, 1467, the entire population of the city was participating in the yearly festival in honor of the day’s patron. About 4 o’clock in the afternoon the merrymakers began to hear the strains of exquisite music. Then, while they silently gazed at the sky for the source of the singing, they saw, in an otherwise clear sky, a mysterious cloud that descended until it obliterated an unfinished wall of the church. Before the thousands of awe-struck revelers, the cloud parted and dissipated, revealing a portrait of Our Lady and the Christ Child. This was resting on the top of the unfinished wall that was only a few feet high. It is said that the church bells of the city rang of their own accord, attracting people from outlying areas who hurried to investigate the untimely ringing. Petruccia, who had been praying in another area, rushed to the scene when she heard the bells and fell down in tears before the miraculous image. All of Italy came to visit the blessed and very beautiful image of Mary which appeared on the wall without human intervention. The fresco has unexplainably remained suspended in the air close to the wall of the chapel in the church of Our Lady of Good Counsel for over five hundred years, whence the image derives its name. The Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel is April 26. CONFESSIONS are heard every Saturday from 4:00PM-5:00PM or by appointment in the Rectory. A PRAYER FOR PRIESTS O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, We adore You and we love You with all our hearts. We come before You, humbly and prayerfully, to intercede for all Your holy priesthood. (We lift up in a special way all the priests who reside in our diocese) Father, we give You thanks with grateful hearts for the faithful witness of so many priest-sons. Bless and protect them, Father, hold them and shelter them in the palm of Your Hand. Jesus, Eternal High Priest, we lift up to You those priests who suffer and struggle, those who are heavy-burdened, and those who have lost their way. Bless and heal them, Jesus, You Who have said, “Come to Me all you who find life burdensome… and I will give you rest.” Holy Spirit, Eternal Love of the Father and the Son, pour out Your Love, Your Gifts, and Your Graces on every priest of God. Strengthen them, Holy Spirit, fill them and assure them of our love. O Mary, Mother of Jesus, Queen and Mother of all priests, intercede for these special sons of Yours. Hold them in Your Immaculate Heart, cradle them in Your arms, Protect them from every evil bent against them, We would like to thank Gina Gentile and the members of the Cabaret for the wonderful performances and laughs they provided for their audience. The Cabaret was a great success and the money raised will be used for Scholarships for the children of our school. SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS: Please support our Advertisers; it is their support that makes this bulletin possible, and when you visit them, please let them know that you read their advertisement in St. Theresa’s bulletin. ST. ANTHONY NOVENA The St. Anthony Novena is every Tuesday at 7:00pm. Come join the other devotees for the 13 week Novena as they petition, praise and thank God for all the blessings received through the intercession of St. Anthony. THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION On Friday, April 24, the Sacrament of Confirmation was conferred by Bishop Gerald Walsh, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of New York, to seventy-five of the young people in our school and our CCD program. We pray for these young people, that they will remain strong in their commitment to grow in their faith through prayer, Sunday Mass, and service to others. We congratulate Mrs. Marie McCarrick, Religious Education Director, and catechists Mrs. Maria DePalma, Mrs. Debbie Zottola-Addario and Ms. Jillian Bauman for preparing our Confirmandi. Those confimed are: Erin Bridget Acosta Skyla Monica Iezza Christiana Anne Popovic John Anthony Albertelli Luis Tomas Almonte Monica Thea Jankovic Isabella Stefana Jennison Gabriana Isabelle Rivera Kristopher Anthony Rivera Leonthe Anthony Barrios Alejandro Luke Jimenez Richard Francis Rivera Daniella Mary Bruno Andi Anthony Kodra Natalia Francesca Rodriguez Vincent Luke Bufano Kaitlyn Theresa Lopez Destiny Veronica Roldan Jeremy Michael Bulatt Jocelyn Abigail Martinez Salvatore Angelus Santelli Carmela Cecilia Cassara Joseph Anthony Martino Christopher Patrick Santos David Anthony Cerbone Steven Francis Mazza Givonna Teresa Schettino Kaylene Elizabeth Collado Larissa Joan Mendoza Angelina Cecilia Schneider Ruben Valentine Concepcion Kasey Kateri Middleton Vincent Sebastian Sciubba Amanda Elizabeth Connors Isabella Elizabeth Miles Zachary Michael Smith Alexa Catherine Costanz Keith Peter Mina Kaiden Patrick Sookdar Ariel Joseph Cruz Ava Martha Miranda Daniela Thea Spinola Juan David DeJesus Victoria Veronica Modica Isabella Thomas Tarantino Damian Anthony Delfino Peter Anthony Monteleone Deanna Bernadette Torres Gabriela Veronica Dema Grismeldy Bernadette Moronta Christopher Thomas Truoccolo Isabella Veronica DiLullo Daniela Lucia Muccio Nicholas Angelo Tulipano Victor Michael DiPierro Anabel Mercedes Nolasco Brandon Raphael Tumminello Ahmari Marie Fails Mikayla Elizabeth Pabón Jamie Blaise Tumminello Jessica Frances Garcia Antonia Theresa Paturzo Alanah Rose Vasquez Alex John Grande Tyler Francis Perez Sarabeth Catherine Vasquez Andrew Michael Hall Dominic Anthony Pesca Victoria Marie Ventola Donald Francis Hartnett Rianne Kateri Phillips Christopher Paul Wells Brandon Jude Hernandez Hailey Elizabeth Polgano Daniela Lucy Zoquier THIS WEEK’S ALTAR BREAD IS IN LOVING MEMORY OF MARY & FRANK SANSALONE LOVE, MARIE & JOSEPH THIS WEEK’S ALTAR BREAD IS IN LOVING MEMORY OF IRMA ORRICO LOVE, FRANK & FAMILY ST. THERESA SCHOOL REGISTRATION St. Theresa School is now accepting applications for the 20152016 school year. Tours are available daily from 9-11. Please call the school office at 718-792-3688 to schedule a tour. We are accepting applications for Grades K-7. Information about our school is available on our website: www.sttheresaschoolbronx.org. If you are interested in UPK- applications are now available on line at: www.nyc.gov/prek. The application period is now open until April 24th. We no longer accept applications at the school, you must apply on line. The program is available to all 4 year olds (Born in 2011) who reside in NYC. Our UPK (Pre-K for All Children) has been offered at St. Theresa School since 2008. Call the school for additional information 718-792-3688 St. Theresa School, has done very well in keeping up with technology, every classroom has a Smart board and computer. Our computer lab houses 38 computers, a smart board and printers, our school library also has 2 computers, printers and a scanner. We have been able to update our system on a regular basis, however we are looking for assistance with expanding our technology. We will be doing our best to purchase tablets for the students. We would like to start with 35 tablets that can be shared by the classes with eventually purchasing one for each child. Perhaps you would like to donate to our technology fund? Maybe you need to make a donation for tax purposes, whatever the case think of St. Theresa School. The average cost of a tablet is between $300.00-$500.00. Any donation is welcomed. Please make all checks payable to St. Theresa School. Mrs. Fanelli the school principal is always available to discuss the needs of the school and the students with you. Please call the school to speak to Mrs. Fanelli at 718-792-3688. BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION: St. Theresa School is collecting Box Tops for Education. We receive 10 cents for every box top we send in. Thank you to the efforts of our families and many parishioners we have received over $1300.00 for the school this year. Every penny helps in allowing us to make improvements to our school and supply our children with supplies that are needed. Thank you to all who help by cutting out box tops and dropping them at the school or rectory! SATURDAY APRIL 25, 2015 5:00PM Sr. Grace & Mary Sabatello SUNDAY APRIL 26, 2015 7:30AM Pro-Populo 9:00AM Asadulla Kasim 10:30AM Francesca Giaquinta 12:15PM Irma Orrico 1:30PM Francesco B. Diaz 5:00PM Lydia Cloughessy MONDAY APRIL 27, 2015 8:00AM Vito DiFigola 9:00AM Antonia Antonella Gusmano TUESDAY APRIL 28, 2015 8:00AM Lillian Marro 9:00AM (Special Intention) WEDNESDAY APRIL 29, 2015 8:00AM Asadulla Kasim 9:00AM Deceased Members of the D’Onofrio Family THURSDAY APRIL 30, 2015 8:00AM Vito DiFigola 9:00AM Patricia Hamilton 12NOON Karen Negro FRIDAY MAY 1, 2015 8:00AM Henry Masso 9:00AM Rosa & Domenico Perrino SATURDAY MAY 2, 2015 8:00AM Adele Kahwaty 9:00AM Vito DiFigola 5:00PM Alberto Morante & Family SUNDAY MAY 3, 2015 7:30AM Madeline Benza 9:00AM Special Intention 10:30AM Maria Zottola 12:15PM Marie Gaetano 1:30PM Nyza Anton 5:00PM Benita Zingaro PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH: Yolanda Vides Cardona, Phyllis Caruso, Peter Corbo, Maryann DiBattista, Daley Gribbon, Sean Howell, William Keenan, Frank Maiorana, Maryann Maiorana, Diane Martino, Joe Martino, Theresa Martino, Tina Maskara, Vincent Mastrogiovanni, Jeannete Montalbano, Isabelle O’Brien, Paula Piluso, Joseph Pisano, Marie Russillo, Toni Spahr, Florence Valentine, MANY THANKS We are most grateful to all our wonderful parishioners who so generously donate to our Sunday contributions. Your contributions help to build up and improve our parish. We are thankful to all of you who help make a difference in our community. Please continue to help us in order to keep St. Theresa Parish the vital, growing parish that it is. 3LOJULPPHARMACY Julius C. DiFiore 2941 Westchester Avenue 3231 Ampere Avenue Bronx, NY 10465 OPEN 7 DAYS 11AM-11PM 718-828-6407 718-792-2803 or 347-657-1750 347-657-1749 Member, St. Theresa Parish Appointments at your convenience FREE DELIVERY • CASH & CREDIT CARDS (MIN. $20) 3036 WESTCHESTER AVE. • BRONX, NY 10461 Attorney at Law (cor. Buhre Ave.) 718-823-1085 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK WE ACCEPT ALL MEDICARE PART D Rx PLANS Scovotti Insurance & Real Estate “Serving the Community For over 60 Years” (718) 824-4500 24 Hour Emergency Medical Services David J. Stevens D.D.S. Practice Limited To Orthodontics 1228 Pelham Parkway South Paying too much for insurance on your 3 or 4 family house? We make it easy to compare rates! 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