Points of Interest - City of Kings Mountain
Points of Interest - City of Kings Mountain
Points of Interest CENTRAL SCHOOL HISTORIC DISTRICT A SHELB Y RD. (U.S. 74 BUSINESS) WEST END HISTORIC DISTRICT MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICT Ö Ö S Ö B Ö ÖÖÖÖ Ö ÖÖÖ Ö Ö ÖÖ Ö Ö Ö E H O F I M BY PA S Q J K N R Ö T KING ST. G S L GOLD ST. BA TT LE G RO UN D (N .C .2 16 ) P 4 C D MOUNTAIN ST. U. S. 7 5 I- 8 U Ö MARGRACE MILL VILLAGE HISTORIC DISTRICT E 0 500 Feet 7/7/11 A. B. C. D. Kings Mountain Art Center/Train Depot Magnolia Manor Bed and Breakfast Southern Railway Overhead Bridge King Street Overhead Bridge E. William Mauney House F. Mauney Memorial Library G. McGill Filling Station H. Joy Performance Center I. Sage Sport Building J. Kings Mountain Historical Museum K. Kings Mountain Women's Club L. City Stadium M. Historic Mule Stable N. O. P. Q. Barber Log Cabin Pre-Revolutionary Era 1780 Mural Gazebo/Patriots Park Kings Mountain 1800's Mural R. S. T. U. City Hall/Fire Station YMCA Patrick Senior Center Gateway Trailhead 1,000
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