VENUS Organizer Service


VENUS Organizer Service
Organizer Service
List of Contents - page 1
prior to the event
Phone: +49(0) ...
General Information
Technical Guidelines
Stand Construction on the Open Air Grounds
Information on the Management of Stands
Prevention of Theft
Hall Inspectors
Parking Vouchers
Parking Space for Exhibitors
4 weeks
Sitings for Containers/Vehicles
4 weeks
Traffic Coordination
Permits, Directives, Hall Technology
Construction Period, advanced
Messe Berlin
Dismantling Period, prolonged
Messe Berlin
Fire Officer and Application for Work with heat sources
30/3038-4022 to 28
Inflammable Liquids
4 weeks
30/3038-4022 to 28
Compressed Gas and Liquid Gas Cylinders
4 weeks
30/3038-4022 to 28
Radio Broadcasting Installation (Registration)
4 weeks
Laser Devices
4 weeks
Load Distribution Measures/Timber Packing
4 weeks prior the construction period
30/3038-4022 to 28
Playing/Performing Music at Trade Shows
4 weeks
Test for Construction (requiring official approval)
6 weeks
30/3038-4022 to 28
Pyrotechnics (Application for the use)
4 weeks
Registration of events on the stand
Compressed Air
4 weeks
Extractor Hoods
4 weeks
Electrical Installations (Halls)
4 weeks
Electrical Installations (Open Air Grounds)
4 weeks
Gas Installations
4 weeks
Internet and WLAN Access
4 weeks
Cable TV and Radio Conneciton
4 weeks
Air-Conditioning (Water Supply)
4 weeks
Satellite and DVB-T Sites
4 weeks
Sprinkler Installations
4 weeks
Telephone and Fax, ISDN
4 weeks
Water Installations (Halls)
4 weeks
Working Platforms (Agility / Schenker)
see Forwarding Service
Forwarding Services: Agility Fairs & Events
Forwarding Services: Schenker Deutschland AG
List of Contents - page 2
prior to the event
Phone: +49(0)...
Construction and Dismantling Staff
4 weeks
Hostesses and Hosts
2 weeks
4 weeks
4 weeks
Staff and Stand Services
Photographic Services
Security Cover
Staff Placement
Stand Cleaning
Waste Disposal (Order)
4 weeks
30/3038-1333, -4106
Waste Disposal (Registration)
4 weeks
30/3038-1333, -4106
Other Services and Service Facilities
Business Center (Office Service)
30/3038-4123 to 4125
Organising Services for Events and Congresses
Stand Equipment
Suspended Decorations, Suspension Points
4 weeks
Floor Covering, Carpets
4 weeks
Desktop Copiers
4 weeks
Furniture for Hire
4 weeks
PC Equipment, Notebook
4 weeks
Plants and Flower Decoration
4 weeks
Video Audio Projection
4 weeks
Exhibition Services
Technical Guidelines
List of Contents
Preliminary remarks
House rules
Opening times
Construction and dismantling periods
Duration of the event
Traffic on the exhibition grounds, escape / rescue routes, safety installations
Traffic regulations
Escape and rescure routes
Manoeuvring areas for the fire service, hydrants
Emergency exits, escape hatches, aisles in the halls
Safety equipment
Stand numbering
Emergency evacuation
Technical data and equipment for the halls and open-air grounds
Hall data
General lighting, type of current, voltage
Compressed air, electricity, natural gas and water supply
Communication systems
Sprinkler system
Disruptions to services
Open-air grounds
Stand construction regulations
Stand construction permits
Inspection and approval of structures and intended uses subject to prior approval
Vehicles and containers
Alterations to non-regulation stand structures
Scope of liability
Construction heights
Fire prevention and safety regulations
Fire prevention
Stand covers and awnings
Glass and acrylic glass
Common rooms / lounges / rooms which are only indirectly accessible and spectator spaces
Exits, escape and rescue routes, doors
Exits, escape and rescue routes
Doors along escape and rescue routes
Platforms, balustrades, ladders and raised walkways
Stand design
Visual appearance, non-fixed seating groups
Inspection of the rented area
Alterations to the building
Hall floors
Suspending items from hall ceilings
Stand construction and decoration materials
Exhibiting motor vehicles
Explosive substances / ammunition
Balloons / flying objects
Smoke machines
Ash bins, ashtrays
Receptacles for refuse, recyclables, waste materials
Spray guns, solvents
Work using angle grinders, cutting wheels and open flames
Empty containers, packaging and advertising flyers / sheets
Fire extinguishers
Heavy suspended items
Stand boundary partitions
Advertising material / presentations
Air conditioning
Restoring the stand / event area to its original condition
Open-air grounds
Page 1 (33)
Important amendments and additions to the preceding version (06.2012) are printed in red.
Up-to-date: April 2014
Technical Guidelines
Two-storey and multi-storey construction
Construction enquiries
Requirements concerning constructions over stand areas, safety distances, heights of stand interiors
Live loads/design loads
Escape and rescue routes / stairways
Construction materials
Upper storeys
Operational safety, technical safety regulations, technical rules, technical services
General rules
Use of operating equipment
Electrical installations
Stand installations
Assembly and operating regulations
Safety measures
Safety lighting
Water and waste water installations
Compressed air / gas installations
Compressed air
Gas installations (natural gas)
Mechanical installations, pressurised containers, exhaust gas installations
Machinery noise
Product safety
Pressurised containers
Inspection certificate
Rented equipment
Exhaust gases and vapours
Exhaust gas extraction systems Exhaust gas pipes and ducts
Use of compressed gases, liquid gases and inflammable liquids
Pressurised and liquid gas systems
Protective devices
Test and inspection procedures
Prohibition of equipment operation
Application for use of pressurised gas cylinders
Use of liquid gas
Installation and maintenance
Inflammable liquids
Storage and use
Storage of supplies
Supply tanks
Storage site
Operating regulations
Filling with liquids
Empty containers
Asbestos and other hazardous materials
Stage areas for performances and other presentations
Protection against radiation
Radioactive materials
X-ray equipment and devices causing stray radiation
Laser equipment
High-frequency equipment, radio-communications systems, electromagnetic compatibility, harmonics
Cranes, forklifts, working platforms, empty packaging
Reproduction of music
Beverage dispensing facilities
Inspection and monitoring of foodstuffs
Environmental protection
Waste management
Waste disposal
Hazardous waste
Bringing waste to the site
Water, waste water, soil protection
Oil, fat separators
Cleaning / Cleaning products
Environmental damage
Protection against noise
Page 2 (33)
Important amendments and additions to the preceding version (06.2012) are printed in red.
Up-to-date: April 2014
Technical Guidelines
Preliminary remarks
Messe Berlin GmbH has drawn up a set of technical guidelines for trade fairs, consumer fairs and other
events (meetings, congresses, concerts, etc). The aim of these guidelines is to provide all exhibitors /
organisers / clients with the best possible conditions for presenting their exhibits and addressing their visitors
and other interested parties.
These technical guidelines are contractually binding and are to be followed by all customers, organisers and
exhibitors, including the exhibition service and stand construction companies commissioned by them to
perform work on site, all of which shall be referred to as "customer / exhibitor” in the following guidelines.
The guidelines also contain safety regulations intended to serve the interests of our customers / exhibitors
and visitors by ensuring that technical equipment and design elements used at the event are made as safe
as possible.
The public building authorities, police, fire department or Messe Berlin may specify additional requirements
concerning safety and fire-prevention on stand / event areas if the type and extent of the planned event
involve higher risks to human life and material property.
These technical guidelines, including the associated technical notes and/or special requirements, apply to all
event areas on the Berlin ExpoCenter City exhibition grounds:
Exhibition halls 1 – 26, South Entrance (EMS), Marshall-Haus and Funkturm-Lounge
Palais am Funkturm
CityCube Berlin (to be inaugurated in May 2014)
Outdoor areas (including the Funkturm inner courtyard, the "Sommergarten" gardens and the railway
tracks in the southern section of the exhibition grounds [“Gleisanlage”] ).
Wherever special safety regulations and rules for exhibitors apply to specific sections of the site, the
technical guidelines make reference to the relevant technical notes or additional provisions, these also being
binding for customers / exhibitors, who must comply with them accordingly.
The building regulations, fire protection and other safety regulations have been drawn up in consultation with
the Building Supervisory Department of the relevant borough of the City of Berlin.
Messe Berlin reserves the right to check compliance with these regulations. Statutory regulations in their
respective valid form must also be observed.
If detected defects have not been remedied by the start of the event, the staging of an event and the use of
an exhibition stand and/or event area may be prohibited in the interests of all participants. We reserve the
right to make additional demands which may become necessary regarding the safety and construction of
The order forms for services are available on the internet. These should be filled in and returned within the
specified time. It they are not received on time, Messe Berlin can give no guarantee regarding correct and
punctual fulfilment of the ordered services.
Furthermore, Messe Berlin reserves the right to impose a surcharge on the standard rates in accordance
with the details given in the service folder if orders are submitted after the specified deadline.
Where applicable and for their own information, exhibitors may be sent additional circulars with details on
preparations and staging of the event.
The content and structure of these technical guidelines have been agreed upon with the following major
German trade fair companies:
Deutsche Messe AG Hannover
Koelnmesse GmbH
Leipziger Messe GmbH
Messe Berlin GmbH
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Messe Frankfurt Venue GmbH
Messe München GmbH
Nürnberg Messe GmbH
Building laws are part of the laws of the respective “Land” (federal state). This means that the exhibition
grounds of Berlin ExpoCenter City are governed by the provisions of the Berlin Building Regulations
(BauO Bln - Bauordnung von Berlin) and those provisions of the Ordinance on the operation of buildings and
structures – Operating ordinance (BetrVO - Verordnung über den Betrieb baulicher Anlagen) pertaining to
utilisation as a public gathering place.
As a result, and due to the different structural conditions at the individual exhibition grounds, differences may
occur in the various implementary regulations. Messe Berlin also reserves the right to make alterations.
The German text is binding.
Page 3 (33)
Important amendments and additions to the preceding version (06.2012) are printed in red.
Up-to-date: April 2014
Technical Guidelines
House rules
Scope of applicability
The exhibition grounds are private property. The latest up-to-date version of the house rules applies to the
entire exhibition grounds of Messe Berlin, including all exhibition halls, access routes, outdoor areas, openair sites and parking areas. The house rules must be observed by all visitors, tenants, exhibitors /
customers, service providers and all other persons. They do not apply to employees of the Messe Berlin
Anyone found breaking these rules can be immediately expelled from the exhibition grounds, excluded from
the respective event, banned from entering the exhibition grounds, and/or prosecuted. Furthermore,
damages can be claimed from such person(s).
Rights of access Access to the site during events is only granted upon presentation of a valid admission ticket, a valid
accreditation pass for the day on which the event is taking place or another kind of access authorisation.
Persons are only allowed to access the site during the times and in the buildings and for the purpose
specified in the admission ticket. Admission tickets must be retained while on the site and must be
presented to the supervisory personnel upon request. Children and young people under 14 years of age may only access the exhibition grounds accompanied by
a parent, legal guardian or equivalent supervisor pursuant to the German Protection of Young Persons Act
(JuSchG – Jugendschutzgesetz). Only construction workers and employees of Messe Berlin as well as their
representatives are granted access to construction and dismantling areas. Children and young persons
under 18 years of age are not allowed to access construction areas at any time. Single admission tickets become invalid upon their bearer leaving the exhibition grounds. Visitors are obliged to leave the exhibition grounds immediately as soon as the event has ended. Persons not employed at Messe Berlin must obtain special permission from Messe Berlin before they are
allowed to access administrative areas or technical service rooms of any kind. Exhibition stands and event areas being used by the exhibitors may only be entered under the supervision
of stand staff or one of the exhibitor's employees.
Denial of access
Visitors who
• do not follow the instructions of supervisors/security personnel,
• are clearly under the influence of alcohol or drugs,
• have been banned from entering the exhibition grounds,
• refuse to be searched by security personnel,
• clearly intend to disturb the event,
shall be denied access to the exhibitions grounds without refund of their admission ticket price.
Security The instructions of supervisors/security personnel must be followed at all times. In the interest of the property owner’s rights, parts of the exhibition grounds are subject to video surveillance.
These areas are marked accordingly. Messe Berlin may order the closure or evacuation of rooms, buildings, temporary buildings and open-air
sites for safety reasons. All persons in these areas must leave the respective areas immediately when
requested to do so and must follow the instructions of Messe Berlin’s staff whenever an evacuation order is
given. Messe Berlin is authorised to check the contents of bags and other receptacles as well as clothing, such as
coats, jackets and cloaks of persons attending events. Depending on the kind of event, it may be prohibited to bring larger bags (as individually specified) and
similar receptacles to the event. The following objects may only be brought into the grounds after prior written approval by Messe Berlin:
• weapons or other dangerous objects which might be used as a weapon or missile,
• fireworks, pyrotechnical products and explosives,
• illegal drugs as specified in the German Narcotics Act (Betäubungsmittelgesetz)
General behaviour All facilities on the exhibition grounds are to be handled and used with care and respect. On the exhibition grounds, all visitors are to behave in such a way that they do not harm or endanger any
other persons or annoy them more than is unavoidable. Any soiling, contamination or pollution of exhibition ground facilities is prohibited. Waste, packaging materials and empty receptacles must be disposed of in the containers provided.
Page 4 (33)
Important amendments and additions to the preceding version (06.2012) are printed in red.
Up-to-date: April 2014
Technical Guidelines
Traffic regulations The provisions of the German Road Traffic Regulations (StVO – Strassenverkehrsordnung) apply
throughout the exhibition grounds and on the parking areas belonging or designated to the exhibition.
Vehicle and pedestrian traffic signs must be observed. Motor vehicles are only allowed access to the exhibition grounds if the driver has a valid access permit. Officially marked areas such as fire brigade access areas, escape routes and emergency exits must be kept
clear at all times.
General bans Commercial photography, filming and the production of audio and video material, in particular of exhibition
stands and exhibits, is prohibited on the exhibition grounds unless the prior written consent of Messe Berlin
is obtained. Access to the exhibition grounds with roller skates, inline skates, skateboards, kickboards, scooters, electric
scooters, Segways or similar mobility vehicles is prohibited without the prior written consent of Messe Berlin. No animals may be brought onto the exhibition grounds. Special exemptions apply to animals involved in or
on display at animal-related events. The distribution of printed matter or advertising material, the affixing of stickers and posters, as well as the
unauthorised use of advertising media is prohibited unless prior written permission has been obtained from
Messe Berlin. Special rules and regulations apply to exhibitors. Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed spaces on the exhibition grounds, including the CityCube Berlin.
Personality rights
We expressly point out that Messe Berlin or third parties commissioned by Messe Berlin to take photographs
or produce film, audio and video material for reporting, advertising and documentation purposes are entitled
to do so. Visitors and other persons have no right to prevent, impede or hamper such activities. By entering
the exhibition grounds, visitors and other persons consent to such photographs and recordings being made
and published.
Limitation of liability All persons entering and using the exhibition grounds do so at their own risk. All persons entering the exhibition grounds run the risk of possible damage to their health owing to the
increased noise at various events. Messe Berlin only assumes liability for such damage to health within the
scope of legal liability and only if Messe Berlin or its vicarious agents are found guilty of intent or gross
negligence in this respect.
Opening times
Construction and dismantling periods
During the general construction and dismantling periods work may be carried out in the halls and on the
open-air grounds between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m., unless, in the case of a specific trade fair, other times have
been announced by means of a circular.
For reasons of general safety on the exhibition grounds, the halls and the entire exhibition grounds will be
closed outside these times.
Duration of the event
For the duration of the event, halls will be opened one hour before the start of the fair and closed again one
hour after the official closing time.
If exhibitors / customers have valid reasons for working on their stands beyond these opening hours, they
may apply for special written permission from Messe Berlin.
Page 5 (33)
Important amendments and additions to the preceding version (06.2012) are printed in red.
Up-to-date: April 2014
Technical Guidelines
Traffic on the exhibition ground, escape / rescue routes, safety installations
Traffic regulations
To ensure that traffic flows smoothly during the construction and dismantling periods and during the actial
event, the rules for regulating and directing traffic as well as the instructions of supervisors/security
personnel must be strictly observed.
The provisions, definitions and restrictions set out in the house rules, item 1.1.6, apply in full and without
exception to the entire exhibition grounds. The maximum permitted speed on the exhibition grounds and
parking areas belonging to the exhibition grounds is 20 km/h.
Before moving or transporting loads on Messe Berlin’s exhibition grounds and/or in the exhibition halls,
exhibitors / customers or the companies commissioned by them shall enquire about permitted ground loads
and the nature of the ground and surface and whether the respective area can be negotiated by vehicles.
Motor vehicles may only enter the halls for the purposes of unloading or loading. In this case, the permitted
floor load (axle load) shown on the notices at the hall gates are to be observed. Engines should be turned off
while vehicles are being loaded or unloaded. Vehicles may not be parked or left in the halls.
Fork-lift trucks and low-lift devices
The driving of fork-lift trucks and electric low-lift devices (electric pallet lifters and stackers) is not allowed in
any foyer/entrance hall area, in the CityCube (Level E 03) rooms, on the floors of the Palais am Funkturm,
the Funkturm Lounge, the Marshall-Haus and halls 7.3, 19 and 24, nor in any of the intermediate, entrance
and transition buildings between exhibition halls.
Pallets or similar objects may be moved using manually-operated devices (e. g. low-lift pallet trucks with
rubber rollers), as long as the total weight does not exceed 2.5 kN (approx. 250 kg).
Access restrictions and rules regarding payment of deposits during events and the construction and
dismantling periods will be announced for each specific event in the information sent to exhibitors, or in the
traffic advice notice [Verkehrsleitfaden]. Illegally parked vehicles, semi-trailers, containers, receptacles and
all kinds of empty packaging will be removed at the expense and risk of the owner.
The instructions of staff appointed by Messe Berlin to direct and regulate traffic must be strictly followed and
attention must be paid to any relevant information.
Escape and rescue routes
Manoeuvring areas for the fire service, hydrants
Approach routes and manoeuvring areas for the fire service, as indicated by no-parking signs, must be kept
clear at all times. Any vehicles or items parked or deposited on the rescue routes or the safety areas will be
removed at the risk and expense of the owner.
Above-ground hydrants on the open-air site shall not be covered, obscured or obstructed.
Emergency exits, escape hatches, aisles in the halls
Escape and rescue routes must be kept clear at all times.
It must be ensured that doors along the escape routes can be fully and freely opened in the direction of the
escape route. Emergency exit doors and hatches and the signs indicating these may not be obstructed,
blocked, covered by suspended objects or obscured in any other way.
Passageways in the halls must never be obstructed by items deposited in or extending into the aisle. These
aisles are needed as escape and rescue routes in case of emergency.
Materials required for stand construction and exhibits delivered for immediate installation on the stand area
may be placed in the aisles temporarily during the construction or dismantling period, provided that the aisle
width specified for safety reasons is not restricted and due consideration has been paid to logistical aspects.
This regulation is deemed to have been fulfilled if such objects are deposited along the perimeter of the
stand on an area not wider than 0.9 m. Regardless of the width of the aisle and the items deposited there, a
passageway of at least 1.2 m in width must be kept free at all times.
This rule does not apply to escape areas directly in front of emergency exits and to the area where two hall
aisles cross. Here, the entire width of the area must be kept free. Hall aisles may not be used for setting up
assembly workplaces or machinery (e. g. woodworking machine tools, workbenches). Messe Berlin is
entitled to order immediate clearance of the aisles for logistics reasons.
Page 6 (33)
Important amendments and additions to the preceding version (06.2012) are printed in red.
Up-to-date: April 2014
Technical Guidelines
Safety equipment
Sprinkler installations, fire alarms, fire extinguishing installations, smoke alarms, smoke extractors, air vents,
devices for closing the hall doors, other safety devices, signs referring to them and the green emergency exit
signs must be accessible and visible at all times and must not be blocked or obstructed.
Stand numbering
Normally, the organiser will identify each stand with a number.
Messe Berlin is responsible for overall supervision of the exhibition halls and the open-air grounds for the
duration of the fair/event. Overall supervision is only provided at certain times during construction and
dismantling. Messe Berlin is entitled to take any control and/or security measures it deems to be necessary.
Exhibitors / customers must themselves organise any stand surveillance which they deem necessary.
Exhibitors / customers are only permitted to contract security firms confirmed by Messe Berlin to guard their
In case of extended periods work for construction or dismantling, means in the night between 10 p.m. until 7
a.m. the exhibitor / costumer has to order a stand surveillance additional during the night working hours.
Such night guard for the stand area / event area are only permitted from the contractor security firm of
Messe Berlin, in charge to the ordering exhibitors / costumer.
Emergency evacuation
Messe Berlin may order the closing or evacuation of rooms, buildings, halls and open-air sites for safety
reasons. All persons in these areas must follow the instructions given and leave the respective areas
immediately when requested to do so.
Exhibitors / customers must inform their staff, stand employees and service providers about this procedure
and where appropriate, prepare and announce their own evacuation plans. They are responsible for
ensuring that their stand areas / event areas are evacuated immediately when the evacuation order is given.
Page 7 (33)
Important amendments and additions to the preceding version (06.2012) are printed in red.
Up-to-date: April 2014
Technical Guidelines
Technical data and equipment for the halls and open-air grounds
Hall data
See following page “Overview of technical facilities in the halls”
Page 8 (33)
Important amendments and additions to the preceding version (06.2012) are printed in red.
Up-to-date: April 2014
Lichte Höhe m
clearence height m
Installationboden auf Massivdecke
utility floor on a base
Massivboden mit Kabelkanälen
solid floor with cable ducts
Zulässige Bodenbelastung kN/m²
maximum permissible surface load kN/m²
Gabelstapler und LKW Radlast t
fork lift and truck with wheel load t
Vorhandene Zwischendecke
available intermediate ceiling
Hängepunkte 2 kN/Pkt.
suspension points max. load 2 kN/pt.
Fenster Tageslicht
(1) einseitig, (2) zweiseitig, (3) dreiseitig, (4)
daylight from window
(1) one sided, (2) two sided, (3) three sided, (4)
four sided
Anzahl Tore
numbe of gates
5,80 x 4,87
5,00 x 5,50
4,85 x 5,30
4,85 x 5,30
4,85 x 5,30
4,85 x 5,30
4,85 x 5,30
4,85 x 5,30
4,85 x 5,30
4,85 x 5,30
4,85 x 5,30
5,30 x 4,00
4,69 x 5,00
über/via a+c
4,73 x 5,00
5,30 x 3,95
5,30 x 4,00
7,60 x 4,85
über/via 14.1
4,50 x 4,15
4,50 x 4,15
über/via 15.1
4,28 x 4,65
Toreinfahrtsgrößen (Breite x Höhe) m
entrance dimensions (width x height) m
Durchfahrtshöhen auf dem Messegelände 4 m
height of passageways across the exhibition
grounds 4 m
Gasanschluss möglich
gas connection possible
Wasseranschluss bis ø = mm
water connection up to ø = mm
Wasserabfluss bis 100mm
water drainage up to 100mm
Vorh. Brandschutz
firefighting system
sprinkler system
freight elevators
Hallentechnik / Technical Information
Ebene 1 / Level 1
Brutto m²
gross area m²
Stand April 2014
Breite m
width m
The dimensions indicated have been rounded to the nearest metre.
EMS Entrance Messe south
kN kilonewton
* In the vicinity 10kN/m²
(1°) no continuous windows
x° Suspension approx. 0.35 kN7m cross section, screwed connection, applied vertically
Länge m
lenght m
Die angegebenen Längen- und Breitenmaße sind auf volle Meter gerundet.
EMS Eingang Messe Süd
kN Kilonewton
* Im Kanalbereich nur 10kN/m²
(1°) Kein durchgängiger Fensterverband
x° Abhängung ca. 0,35k/Nm Kahneisenprofil in senkrechter Richtung
CityCube Berlin Halle A
hall number
Eingangshalle Nord
Länge m
lenght m
Brutto m²
gross area m²
Breite m
width m
Die angegebenen Längen- und Breitenmaße sind auf volle Meter gerundet.
EMS Eingang Messe Süd
kN Kilonewton
* Im Kanalbereich nur 10kN/m²
(1°) Kein durchgängiger Fensterverband
x° Abhängung ca. 0,35k/Nm Kahneisenprofil in senkrechter Richtung
CityCube Berlin Halle B
hall number
Zulässige Bodenbelastung kN/m²
maximum permissible surface load kN/m²
Gabelstapler und LKW Radlast t
fork lift and truck with wheel load t
Vorhandene Zwischendecke
available intermediate ceiling
Hängepunkte 2 kN/Pkt.
suspension points max. load 2 kN/pt.
Fenster Tageslicht
(1) einseitig, (2) zweiseitig, (3) dreiseitig, (4)
daylight from window
(1) one sided, (2) two sided, (3) three sided, (4)
four sided
Anzahl Tore
numbe of gates
5,80 x 4,87
4,85 x 5,30
4,85 x 5,30
4,85 x 5,30
4,85 x 5,30
4,85 x 5,30
4,85 x 5,30
4,85 x 5,30
4,85 x 5,30
4,85 x 5,30
4,85 x 5,30
4,85 x 5,30
5,30 x 5,30
5,30 x 5,30
5,30 x 5,30
4,40 x 4,85
4,75 x 5,00
4,80 x 5,00
4,80 x 5,00
4,80 x 5,00
4,80 x 5,00
4,80 x 5,00
4,80 x 5,00
11,20 x 10,50
4,90 x 5,00
4,90 x 5,00
4,90 x 5,00
Toreinfahrtsgrößen (Breite x Höhe) m
entrance dimensions (width x height) m
Durchfahrtshöhen auf dem Messegelände 4 m
height of passageways across the exhibition
grounds 4 m
Gasanschluss möglich
gas connection possible
Wasseranschluss bis ø = mm
water connection up to ø = mm
Wasserabfluss bis 100mm
water drainage up to 100mm
Vorh. Brandschutz
firefighting system
sprinkler system
freight elevators
Hallentechnik / Technical Information
Ebene 2 / Level 2
10,00 + 5,00
10,00 + 5,00
10,00 + 5,00
10,00 + 5,00
10,00 + 5,00
10,00 + 5,00
7,00 + 4,64
7,00 + 4,64
Massivboden mit Kabelkanälen
solid floor with cable ducts
Stand April 2014
Installationboden auf Massivdecke
utility floor on a base
The dimensions indicated have been rounded to the nearest metre.
EMS Entrance Messe south
kN kilonewton
* In the vicinity 10kN/m²
(1°) no continuous windows
x° Suspension approx. 0.35 kN7m cross section, screwed connection, applied vertically
Lichte Höhe m
clearence height m
Exhibition Grounds
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Messe Berlin GmbH · Messedamm 22 · 14055 Berlin · Germany
Tel. +49 (0)30 3038-0 · Fax +49 (0)30 3038-2325 ·
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Technical Guidelines
General lighting, type of current, voltage
The general lighting in the exhibition halls and the exhibition levels of the CityCube Berlin has an intensity
of at least 100 Lux, measured 1 m above the hall floor.
Available types of current and voltages on the exhibition grounds:
Type of supply: TN – C – S - mains
AC 230 volts (± 10 %) 50 Hz
AC 3 x 400 volts (± 10 %) 50 Hz
Compressed air, electricity, natural gas and water supply
Compressed air, electricity, natural gas and water supply are provided to the stands / event areas through
piping and wiring in the false floors of the halls (see Î item 3.1 ‘Hall data’). In halls 9 a-c, 13, 16, 25 and 26
a-c and in the CityCube, they are routed through ducts in the hall floors.
Communication systems
Telephone, telefax, data and antenna connections to the stands / event areas are laid in the false floors of
the halls. In halls 9 a-c, 13, 16, 25 and 26 a-c and in the CityCube, they are routed through ducts in the hall
Sprinkler system
The exhibition halls are equipped with sprinkler systems, except for hall 19, the Marshall-Haus and the
Funkturm-Lounge, which do not have sprinkler systems installed.
For enclosed stand areas exceeding 30 m² (with closed ceiling area) a temporary sprinkler system
complying with the VdS standard must be installed. Connections for the sprinkler systems required for stand
superstructures of this kind are provided from piping in the false floor. In halls 9 a-c, 13, 16, 25 and 26 a-c
and in the CityCube, water is fed to the sprinkler system through ducts in the hall floors or the hall ceilings.
Heating / ventilation / AC
The exhibition halls are equipped with ventilation systems. The South Entrance (EMS – Eingang Messe
Süd ) is equipped with underfloor heating.
The halls are heated or cooled as required for the duration of the event.
Disruptions to services
If technical utility supplies are disrupted, the exhibition / event management shall be notified immediately.
Messe Berlin accepts no liability for loss or damage caused by such disruptions.
Open-air grounds
The surfaces of the open-air grounds consist of paved or asphalted traffic areas as well as uneven and
uncompacted gravel turf areas. After dark, lighting will be provided for roadways and paths on the grounds
during the opening times of the event.
The necessary supply connections are spaced at irregular intervals.
There is a rail connection to the exhibition grounds.
CityCube Berlin (to be inaugurated in May 2014)
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Important amendments and additions to the preceding version (06.2012) are printed in red.
Up-to-date: April 2014
Technical Guidelines
Stand construction regulations
All structures installed for a specific event, as well as exhibition stands, including installations, special
structures, exhibits and advertising displays, must be sufficiently stable that they do not endanger public
safety and order, in particular, do not to endanger life and limb.
Exhibitors / customers are responsible for ensuring the load-bearing capacity and stability of such structures
and may be required to furnish the relevant proof documents.
The provisions of the Berlin Building Regulations (BauO Bln – Bauordnung von Berlin) and the following
regulations, in their currently valid versions, apply in all cases:
BetrVO – Regulation Concerning the Operation of Building Structures (Verordnung über den Betrieb von baulichen
MVStättV – Model Ordinance Concerning the Construction and Operation of Places of Public Assembly
(Musterverordnung über den Bau und Betrieb von Versammlungsstätten)
M-FlBauR – Model Guideline on the Construction and Operation of Temporary Structures
(Musterrichtlinie über den Bau und Betrieb Fliegender Bauten)
The following rules always apply in exhibition halls and all other buildings and facilities which have dedicated
event areas:
Upright vertical structural elements and special structures (e. g. free-standing walls, tall exhibits, tall and
slender decorative elements) which may possibly tip over shall be designed to have a horizontally effective
equivalent area load qh as follows:
x qh1 = 0.125 kN/m²
x qh2 = 0.063 kN/m²
for sections up to 4 m above floor surface
for all structure sections above 4 m from floor surface.
In both cases the reference area is the visible vertical surface.
Calculations proving compliance to these rules must be presented to Messe Berlin upon request. Exceptions
may be permitted in cases where they are justified by special reasons, but in these cases more detailed
proof of stability must be provided.
In justified cases, Messe Berlin reserves the right to arrange for a structural engineer to conduct an on-site
inspection of the object’s stability and to charge for this service.
Stand construction permits
Provided that design and construction of the stand / event area conform to the technical guidelines, no
drawings of single-storey stand structures in the halls need to be submitted for approval.
If a stand or an event area occupies an entire hall, halls or large sections of a hall through which public
routes / aisles have to pass and/or through which access to emergency exits has to be ensured, the
respective stand or event area plans of single-storey structures as well have to be submitted to Messe Berlin
for inspection and approval.
Messe Berlin is prepared to inspect any stand construction plans submitted (in duplicate) by a exhibitor /
customer, if so requested.
Apart from this, all other stand structures, temporary structures, mobile stands, outdoor structures (see
Îitem 4.8) and special structures are subject to inspection and approval. In all cases, proof of stability must
be provided.
Stand structures that are subject to approval include all temporary building structures that are classed as
standard temporary structures in accordance with BauO § 75 (1) or M-FlBauR, or are categorised as such
by the nature and method of construction, such as:
• stages (> 100 m²) including stage roofs and awnings
spectator stand installations
equipment for games, sports or entertainment
free-standing scaffolding and advertising structures / monitor and LED screen walls
all other stand structures that persons can walk on and/or are covered or free-standing: pedestals, walkways, roofs and
awnings, container systems comprising 2 or more storeys
• installations with fully enclosed cinemas or other types of auditoriums and visitor rooms.
Inspection and approval of structures and intended uses subject to prior approval
For the inspection and approval of:
• stand structures with two or more storeys Î 4.2.1
• special structures / structural components, temporary structures, structural components above areas open to the public,
spectator stands Î 4.2.1
• enclosed spectator / visitor areas (accommodating more than 200 persons) Î 4.4.4
• show trucks Î 4.2.2 and Î
• walkways, ramps, stairways, railings, parapets Î 4.6
• outdoor buildings and structures Î 4.8
• exhibits and special structures placed outside of the stand area
• altered usage of entire halls or larger stand areas / event areas (≥ 1,500 m²) Î 4.5.1
• display and performance areas (≥ 200 m²) Î 5.9
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Important amendments and additions to the preceding version (06.2012) are printed in red.
Up-to-date: April 2014
Technical Guidelines
the following stand construction documents shall be submitted to Messe Berlin as paper copies and as
digital pdf files:
o for exhibition and trade fair events:
o for conferences, congresses and meetings:
The following documents are required in German or English at the latest 6 weeks prior to the start of
construction work:
a) Stability calculations*) in compliance with Eurocodes (EC), German DIN standards (DIN EN) and technical rules for all
listed stand structures requiring approval.
Stability documents (including the examination report) in the aforementioned sense are considered as having been
verified only if they have been examined in accordance with the respective state building regulations by an officially
certified testing engineer or authorised building stability expert.
b) Description of construction, site plan;
c) Stand construction drawings to a scale of 1:100 (ground plans, projections, sectional views), structural details to a
larger scale;
d) Escape and rescue route plan on which the lengths and widths of the escape and rescue routes are marked;
e) Item a) does not apply if a verifiable type approval certificate or a valid inspection and test log in accordance with
the Model Guideline on the Construction and Operation of Temporary Structures (M-FIBauR – Muster-Richtlinie über
den Bau und Betrieb Fliegender Bauten) is submitted. Messe Berlin will present submitted valid inspection and test
logs to the responsible testing authority on behalf of the exhibitor, whereupon that authority will conduct an on-site
approval inspection at the exhibitor’s / customer’s expense.
In addition to type testing / type approval of individual items of technical equipment, e. g. sports and games
equipment with mechanical or electrical mechanisms, the following should be submitted, in German, for
o construction and operation descriptions,
o design drawings,
o stability proof calculations,
o TÜV test certificates, approvals
o EU conformity declaration in accordance with the Machinery directive 2006/42/EC or a performance declaration in
accordance with the European Construction products regulation (BauPVO – Bauproduktenverordnung). In addition,
the aforementioned documents may also be required.
The stand installation is not considered as having been approved until Messe Berlin has confirmed this in
writing. The exhibitor / customer will be invoiced for costs and fees incurred for the construction approval
If no verifiable structural stability proof documents as described above are available, Messe Berlin reserves
the right to take further action or impose additional conditions. Any costs resulting from such action shall be
borne by the exhibitor / customer.
Any additional costs arising from documents not being submitted on time may be charged to the exhibitor /
Vehicles and containers
Vehicles (including show trucks, stage trucks, buses etc.) and containers used as exhibition and
presentation items in halls, other enclosed event areas and the open-air grounds are subject to approval.
Show trucks / stage trucks with mobile semi-trailer sections that can be placed on substructures or which
have stage elements
In accordance with a decision (in Nov. 2010) of the “temporary structures” working committee (AKFlB –
“Fliegende Bauten”), parked vehicles which have retractable additional structures at the sides and/or top and
which possibly have load-bearing supports may fulfil the general criteria for classification as a “temporary
structure”, in which case they are on all accounts subject to approval and permission.
If such parked show truck or stage vehicles are intended for use / for being walked on by the general public,
appropriate test certificates (Î item 4.2.1) must be submitted to Messe Berlin.
Normally these vehicles will only be released for use after an on-site inspection / inspection of utilisation of
the finished vehicle setup. Messe Berlin reserves the right to impose special regulations on operation of the
vehicle during the event, especially with regard to fire prevention, after documentation has been submitted
and inspection has been approved. Any costs resulting from such measures shall be charged to the
exhibitor / customer.
If vehicles of this kind are placed inside the exhibition halls or the CityCube, in particular the fundamental
requirement shall apply that such mobile exhibition stands (show trucks, buses, trailers etc.) are to be fitted
with a sprinkler system if they cover a contiguous area of more than 30 m² in the completed state.
Currently a verified original document including the relevant examination report must be included (a digital file will not be accepted).
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Important amendments and additions to the preceding version (06.2012) are printed in red.
Up-to-date: April 2014
Technical Guidelines
Alterations to non-regulation stand structures
Stand constructions that have not been approved or do not conform to the technical guidelines or to
statutory requirements may have to be modified or removed.
If this work is not carried out within the specified time, Messe Berlin is entitled to carry out the necessary
modifications itself at the exhibitor’s / customer’s expense.
Scope of liability
If the exhibitor / customer and/or his appointed service provider does not comply with the above stand
construction regulations, he/they shall be liable for any damage resulting from infringement of the stand
construction regulations.
Furthermore, the exhibitor / customer and/or his appointed stand constructor shall exempt Messe Berlin from
any third-party claims that may be asserted on the basis of infringement of these stand construction
Construction heights
Unless stated otherwise for the particular event involved, the maximum height of stand structures is equal to
the clear internal height of the event area minus 0.50 m.
The exhibitor / customer is obliged to install a white partition separating his stand and the directly adjacent
stand. This partition shall be structurally stable, have no visible gaps and bear no advertising of any kind
(see Î item 4.7.7).
Advertising facing immediately adjacent stands or event areas must be situated at least 1.0 m from the
boundary to the neighbouring stand or event area. This provision does not apply to exhibits. Construction
restrictions may apply. In halls 8.1, 10.1 and 11.1, maximum heights shall not exceed 3.60 m.
Fire prevention and safety regulations
Fire prevention Stand construction and decoration materials
No easily inflammable materials or materials which produce burning droplets or toxic gases and/or smoke,
such as polystyrene hard foam, PVC or similar, various acrylic glass products, may be used. In the event of
a fire the materials used should not generate dense smoke.
For safety reasons, special requirements may be imposed on structural supporting elements in individual
cases (e. g. the specification that they must be non-inflammable). Plastic cable ties may not be used to
secure any supporting components which contribute to the stability of the structure.
Decoration materials must be at least flame-retardant, class C – s3, d0 in accordance with DIN EN 13501-1
and/or at least class B1 in accordance with DIN 4102-1, and should not form burning droplets. Decoration
material of normal flammability may be used in some parts, provided that appropriate measures have been
taken during installation to ensure that it is adequately protected against being ignited. Test certificates on
the building material classification of the materials used must be made available.
Deciduous plants, conifers and other plants may only be used as decorations if their root balls are damp or if
they have been freshly cut (i. e. leaves or needles must be fresh and green). If it is determined that trees
and plants are drying out in the course of the exhibition, making them more easily inflammable, they must be
removed. Bamboo, reeds, hay, straw, bark mulch, turf, (coniferous) trees without root balls or similar
materials do not normally satisfy the above requirements.
Candles, kitchen and food warming equipment
Subject to prior agreement with Messe Berlin, candles ("guarded candlelight") and similar lights may be used
as table decorations, and other open flames (such as paste fuels) may be used in appropriately designed
kitchen equipment in order to keep food warm. Candlesticks and similar items must be stable and, where
necessary, shall be fastened to the surface on which they are placed. Exhibiting motor vehicles
Vehicles with internal-combustion engines may only be exhibited in the halls and other enclosed event areas
after obtaining permission from Messe Berlin. The contents of the vehicle’s tanks shall be reduced to the
minimum level required to drive the vehicle into and out of the area and, wherever possible, the tank caps
shall be locked. Depending on the event in question and the location of the exhibit, other safety measures
may be required, such as rendering fuel tanks ineffective, disconnecting batteries and/or the posting of
security guards.
In the case of electrically propelled vehicles, the propulsion batteries shall be disconnected from the drive
using the safety cut-off switch (main switch).
For rules concerning gas-fuelled engines see Î 5.6.3 (Pressurised containers) and Î 5.7 (Use of
compressed gases, liquid gases and inflammable liquids).
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Important amendments and additions to the preceding version (06.2012) are printed in red.
Up-to-date: April 2014
Technical Guidelines Explosive substances / ammunition
Explosive substances are regulated by the Law on Explosives (SprengG – Sprengstoffgesetz) in its current
amendment and may not be exhibited at trade fairs or exhibitions. This also applies to ammunition as
defined by the Armaments Law (Waffengesetz). Pyrotechnics
Pyrotechnical displays and aerial fireworks on the open-air grounds are subject to prior permission, whereby
the intended pyrotechnical effects / aerial fireworks must be jointly agreed upon with Messe Berlin and shall
be supervised by a qualified person in accordance with the Law on Explosives (SprengG –
Sprengstoffgesetz). Copies of proof documents on the permit holder, the qualification certificate and the
insurance policy (pyrotechnics third-party liability) as well as:
a copy of the application for such authorisation (at Landesamt für Arbeitsschutz, Gesundheitsschutz und
technische Sicherheit Berlin – LAGetSi – Turmstrasse 21, 10559 Berlin, [] ) and/or
x in the case of aerial fireworks, a copy of notification to the local public order office (i. e. Ordnungsamt
Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf - Hohenzollerndamm 174 – 177, 10713 Berlin [ veranstaltungenord])
shall be submitted to Messe Berlin not later than 2 weeks before the start of the event.
Any costs incurred in obtaining other required approvals and permissions and in securing the performance
area / stand area / event area for the use of pyrotechnical equipment and objects shall be borne by the
exhibitor / customer. Balloons / flying objects
Approval must be obtained from Messe Berlin for the use of balloons filled with safety gas and for remotecontrolled flying objects, as well as for the distribution of balloons in the halls and on the open-air grounds.
The use and operation of such flying objects may not obstruct or damage technical safety installations at any
time. Any cleaning costs incurred due to the use of such objects will be charged to the exhibitor / customer. Smoke machines
Stage smoke generators and other fog machines may only be used subject to obtaining prior permission
from Messe Berlin; this permission must be obtained before the equipment is tested and put into operation. Ash bins, ashtrays
In the designated smoking areas, the exhibitor / customer must ensure that a sufficient number of ashtrays
or other containers made of non-inflammable material are provided and must arrange for these to be
emptied at regular intervals. Receptacles for refuse, recyclables, waste materials
No containers for recyclable materials or waste bins made of inflammable materials may be installed on the
stand areas and event areas. Containers for recyclable and residual materials must be emptied regularly, at
least every evening after the exhibition closes, and their contents are to be emptied into the recycling
stations located outside the hall entrances. If larger quantities of inflammable materials are accumulated,
they must be removed several times daily. Spray guns, solvents
The use of spray guns and substances and paints containing solvents is not permitted. Work using angle grinders, cutting wheels and open flames
Welding, flame-cutting, soldering, abrasive grinding and cutting and other work involving the use of exposed
flames or which produce sparks is strictly prohibited on all exhibition and event areas belonging to Messe
In exceptional cases and subject to written request, approval may be granted for hot work during the setting
up and dismantling of exhibition and event installations. For this purpose, Messe Berlin will engage a fire
officer equipped with suitable fire extinguishing equipment who will be present to supervise the work from its
commencement to its completion, and will charge this service to the exhibitor / customer. Hot work during
the event is prohibited. Empty containers, packaging and advertising flyers / sheets
Inside the halls, the storage of any kind of empty packaging (e. g. combustible packaging and packaging
materials, including the hard cases (normally used for stage equipment) is prohibited both on and outside
the stands / event area. Packaging materials, refuse and residual materials must on no account be left under
stages, spectator stands or pedestals. All empty packaging must be removed immediately.
Not more than one day´s supply of flysheets is allowed on the stand area / event area.
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Important amendments and additions to the preceding version (06.2012) are printed in red.
Up-to-date: April 2014
Technical Guidelines Fire extinguishers
During construction and dismantling and for the duration of the event, all stands and event areas > 100 m²
must be equipped with a suitable fire extinguisher conforming to DIN EN 3, for fire categories A, B, and C,
and with at least 10 extinguishing units (LE). In addition, suitable fire extinguishers (fire categories A, F) shall
be located in kitchens / catering areas where food is prepared (involving heated fats and oils).
On two-storey stands an additional fire extinguisher should be provided in the upper storey at the top of
each stairway leading down from that storey. Where required, the provision of more fire extinguishers may
be mandatory on large stand and event areas.
All fire extinguishers shall be mounted securely and within easy reach (either on a floor stand or mounted on
a wall) in a clearly visible and permanently accessible location indicated by signs in keeping with the
accident prevention regulations /BGV / A8 (Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzkennzeichnung am
Stand covers and awnings
In order not to compromise the protection afforded by sprinklers, the tops of stands and event areas in halls
equipped with sprinkler installations must always be left open. Ceilings shall be considered as being open if
no more than 50 % of the area, based on the square metre area of each individual stand, is covered.
Ceilings suitable for incorporating a sprinkler system and with a grid size of at least 2 x 4 mm or 3 x 3 mm
are permitted for areas of up to 30 m², whereby separate individual areas can be added. Fabric coverings
should be tensioned in a horizontal direction and should consist of a single layer only. Sagging of fabric
awnings and other overhead sheets should be avoided. Open grid ceilings are permitted. For two-storey
structures, refer also to item Î 4.9.2.
Approval must be obtained for horizontal decorations and for ceiling areas over individual and collective
The materials used for these areas must be at least flame retardant and of material class C –s3 in
accordance with EN 13501-1 and/or B1 as specified in DIN 4102-1, and must not form burning droplets.
Proof of these properties must be furnished in the form of a valid test certificate.
Under the above provisions, the following regulations apply to all stands and event areas:
a) Contiguous areas may not constitute a single area of more than 30.0 m² (floor plan projection).
b) If there are several such individual areas, these must be clearly separated from one another (floor plan
projection). The spacing shall be determined individually in each case.
c) If coverings or decorations exceed the stated maximum area, a sprinkler system must be installed.
Glass and acrylic glass
Only safety glass suitable for the purpose and capable of supporting the required loads may be used.
We expressly refer to our information sheet Î “Use of glass and acrylic glass in stand construction and
design inside trade fair halls” for all applications using for load-bearing structures made of glass (in floors,
ceilings, façades and/or balustrades and parapets) on stands and in event areas inside the halls.
For stand structures / event areas on the open-air exhibition grounds, the requirements and specifications of
the following technical building regulations (in their latest valid version) apply to all glass structures:
x TRLV – Technical rules for the use of linearly supported glazing (Technische Regeln für die Verwendung von
linienförmig gelagerten Verglasungen)
x TRAV – Technical rules for the use of safety glazing (Technische Regeln für die Verwendung von absturzsichernden
x TRPV – Technical rules for the dimensioning and design of glazing supported at individual points of contact (Technische
Regeln für die Bemessung und die Ausführung von punktförmig gelagerten Verglasungen)
x DIN 18 008 – Glass in Building - Design and construction rules
Based on the technical information sheet and the building regulations referred to above, all glass structures
shall be classified, according to their intended use as:
x vertical glazing, made of safety glass if necessary;
x overhead glazing;
x glazing capable of supporting persons,
and their stability must be verifiable and the respective glass construction must be installed according to the
applicable rules.
Under no circumstances may panes of glass with damaged edges be used. Any exposed edges of the glass
should be reworked or protected in such a way as to prevent the risk of injury. All-glass components
spanning room height must be visibly marked at eye level.
Common rooms / lounges / rooms which are only indirectly accessible and spectator spaces
All common rooms/lounges which are enclosed on all sides (enclosed rooms) and are visually and
acoustically isolated from the hall must be equipped with a visual and auditory system to ensure that alarms
can be seen and heard on the stand at all times.
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Important amendments and additions to the preceding version (06.2012) are printed in red.
Up-to-date: April 2014
Technical Guidelines
Substitute measures may be approved in exceptional cases. A special permit is required for all rooms in
which more than 200 persons may be present at any one time (see Î item 4.2.1).
Rooms which are only indirectly accessible (enclosed common rooms/lounges which can only be exited
through other rooms used for another purpose) are not permitted.
Exits, escape and rescue routes, doors
Exits, escape and rescue routes
The walking distance between any point within the stand area / event area to an aisle in the hall must not
exceed 20 m.
In some cases, which are subject to special approval, and especially with exhibition stands / event areas
covering very large areas inside an exhibition hall, it may be necessary to create a straight aisle through the
exhibition stand / event area. In such cases, the exhibitor / customer is responsible for ensuring that a clear
hall aisle width of at least 3.0 m is maintained over the entire length of the aisle, and that this remains
barrier-free and unobstructed.
Common rooms / lounges / separated exhibition areas with a floor area in excess of 100 m² must have at
least two exits to escape and rescue routes. These exits must be as far apart as possible and lead in
opposite directions. Depending on the size and type of the exhibition area / event area and the maximum
number of persons permitted on it, the following minimum number and clear widths of escape and rescue
routes (exits, stairs, hallways) shall be ensured:
• up to 100 m² and < 200 persons
• over 100 m² (≥ 200 persons) up to 200 m² (< 400 persons)
• over 200 m², less than 300 m² (< 600 persons)
1 escape/rescue route, at least 0.90 m wide
2 escape/rescue routes, each 1.20 m wide
2 escape/rescue routes, 1,20 m + 2.4 m wide,
or 3 escape/rescue routes, each 1.20 m wide.
All escape and rescue routes are to be clearly indicated by signs in accordance with the accident prevention
regulations (BGV A8 – Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzkennzeichnung am Arbeitsplatz).
Doors along escape and rescue routes
It must be possible to open double-leafed doors fully and easily from the inside (in the direction of
evacuation) using a single handle.
Swinging doors, rotating doors and other access restrictions requiring force to operate them are only
permitted on escape and rescue routes if they have certified building authority approval (abZ - ausweisbare
bauaufsichtlicher Zulassung).
Swinging doors on escape and rescue routes must be equipped with a device to prevent them from swinging
back. Manually-operated rotating doors / turnstiles on escape and rescue routes are only permitted if they
are equipped with a mechanical device that can be used in an emergency to open the rotary door / turnstile
fully (across the entire passageway width) and easily from the inside.
Furthermore, the following may be permitted: automatically or electrically-operated sliding door systems,
provided that certified building authority approval (abZ - ausweisbare bauaufsichtlicher Zulassung) for the
respective system can be presented, that the system is installed in conformance with the approval
conditions and that escape and rescue routes are in no way impaired by installation of the sliding door.
Platforms, balustrades, ladders and raised walkways
Generally accessible walkways and other areas immediately adjacent to areas which are more than 0.20 m
lower must be surrounded by parapets or balustrades. These shall be at least 1.10 m high.
Balustrades and parapets on areas accessible to trade fair visitors must be equipped with a firm, non-slip
handrail. In order to prevent visitors (especially children) from climbing over the balustrades and parapets,
only unbroken infills or vertical bars spaced not more than 0.12 m apart in any one direction are permitted in
such areas (§11 (2) of the MVStättVO, see Î item 4.9.6).
As a minimum requirement, balustrades/parapets in areas with restricted visitor access must be equipped
with a continuous, firm, non-slip handrail, as well as centre and lower braces.
Verifiable proof of stability must be presented for platforms and the balustrades/parapets required for these.
Depending on the intended use, the floor load must be designed to bear at least 3.0 kN/m in accordance
with DIN EN 1991-1-1 /NA in conjunction with the national annex, Table 6.1 DE (formerly DIN 1055-3,
Table 1) [Cat. C1].
Platforms that are accessible using a single step may not exceed a height of 0.20 m. Ladders, ramps, raised
walkways and stairs must comply with the accident prevention regulations.
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Important amendments and additions to the preceding version (06.2012) are printed in red.
Up-to-date: April 2014
Technical Guidelines
Stand design
Visual appearance, non-fixed seating groups
Exhibitors are responsible for the design of their stands, taking the type of event into account. Partitions
adjacent to aisles that are used by visitors should be brightened up by the installation of showcases, niches,
displays and similar items. Where the rear of a stand (above h ≥ 2.5 m) adjoins a neighbouring stand, its
appearance must be neutral so that is does not have an adverse effect on the design of the other stand.
Products made by means of exploitative child labour as defined by ILO Convention 182 may not be used in
the design and fitting out of the stand.
Arrangement of non-fixed seating and table groups
Free-standing table groups and seating on the stand /event area should always be arranged in a random,
informal manner.
According to §10 (6) of the MVStättV, the distance between tables has to be at least 1.5 m to ensure safe
Inspection of the rented area
The rented area is marked out on the hall floor by Messe Berlin, or, subject to approval by Messe Berlin, by
the event organiser. All exhibitors / customers are required to inform themselves on site about the rented
area’s location and dimensions and about any fittings, safety installations etc. This also applies to the
locations of suspension points which the exhibitor / customer has ordered and which may only be located
perpendicularly within the rented stand area. The boundaries of the stand must be strictly observed.
Alterations to the building
No parts of the halls / buildings or technical installations may be damaged, contaminated or altered in any
way (e.g. by drilling holes, or by inserting screws or nails); they may not be painted or papered over, and
nothing may be pasted on them.
No parts of the hall or technical installations may be used to support stand structures or exhibits. However,
provided that no damage is caused to them, the hall columns/supports within the rented area may be
enclosed/covered up to the permitted construction height.
No wedges or other objects may be used to keep fire doors / smoke containment doors and hall gates open;
only existing dedicated retention systems (with automatic self-closing mechanism) shall be used for this
Third parties are not allowed to enter any accessible part of the intermediate floors, galleries or technical
installation gangways.
Hall floors
Carpets and other floor coverings must be laid in such a way that accidents are prevented. They may not
extend beyond the boundaries of the stand. Exhibitors / customers wishing to lay floor coverings across two
or more aisles in order to join stands require special permission to do so and the work has to be carried out
in such a way as to rule out any danger of tripping or other accidents in the aisles. Only adhesive tape which
can be removed without leaving any residues may be used to hold floor coverings in place. Self-adhesive
carpet tiles are not permitted. All the materials used must be removed without leaving any residues.
The following event and congress areas are either permanently fitted with carpeting (anthracite) or such
carpeting is laid down in them for the duration of the event:
CityCube / Rooms (in halls): New York, London, Paris (7.1) / Helsinki, Budapest, Dublin (7.2) / Berlin
(7.3), and halls 14.2 /15.2 as well as the Palais am Funkturm (beige)
Substances such as oils, grease, paints etc. must be removed immediately from floors. No paint or
adhesives may be applied to the hall floors.
If any areas are left in an exceptionally dirty condition or there are adhesive residues which are difficult to
remove, Messe Berlin will charge the extra cleaning effort to the exhibitor / customer.
Group-dynamic activities (such as conga lines, dances, rhythmic jumping or similar actions)
None of the intermediate floors of the multi-storey exhibition halls (1 – 8 / 10 / 11 / 14 / 15 / 17: Pool – area)
CityCube at levels E 02 + E 03 as well as at ground floor level, nor the partially open upper floor gallery level
and stairs in the Palais am Funkturm + Marshall Haus are designed for dynamic group activities such as
dances with a repetitive rhythm, conga lines, techno dancing etc. For this reason, all kinds of dancing or
motion activities with a repetitive rhythm that may incite visitors to stamp their feet or jump up and down are
forbidden during events held in these halls and event areas.
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Technical Guidelines
Suspending items from hall ceilings
Items may be suspended from the hall ceilings using the technical installations provided for this purpose
(existing ceiling load points or defined roof truss load points), whereby all parts of such work must be
executed in accordance with the rules for event and production locations for scenic presentations – BGV C1
(Accident-Prevention Regulation for Staging and Production Facilities for the Entertainment Industry).
Provision and technical preparation of the suspended load points is on all accounts the responsibility of
Messe Berlin or contractors commissioned by Messe Berlin.
For safety reasons, the stage and backdrop pulley systems available in some places (hall 19, Palais am
Funkturm) may only be operated by Messe Berlin or contractors commissioned by Messe Berlin.
Messe Berlin must be notified of plans to install suspended items, and these are subject to approval.
The exhibitor's / customer's order requesting such suspensions shall be accompanied by a verifiable
annotated floor plan showing the calculated loads on each point and the location of the desired suspension
points above the stand or event area. In addition, verifiable technical design descriptions of the structure or
item to be suspended (structure, light/sound system trusses, installation components etc.), of the intended
assembly and installation method (lifting by chain hoists / from manlifts /climbing equipment) and of the type
of safety measures (second safety system) shall be submitted together with the order.
All suspended structures and items, whether suspended from existing hall ceiling and roof truss points in the
stand or event area or using ground supported truss systems, tripods, stands or other structures (stage roofs
and awnings), shall be executed in accordance with BGV C1 as well in conformity to event engineering
standards (SQ P 1-3, BGl 810-et sqq. or comparable standards). Heavy suspended items
In all cases, heavy suspended loads (> 2.0 kN/point) must be inspected by an authorised expert and are
subject to structural stability approval by Messe Berlin.
Messe Berlin or a party commissioned by Messe Berlin shall review the documents and monitor the
construction and installation work and shall charge the exhibitor / customer for such services. Orders for this
service must be submitted using the “Suspended Decoration” form and must be accompanied by a
description of the assembly, an annotated location plan showing the trusses or other hanging objects
together with the planned suspension points, including the loads at these points and installation
details. The exhibitor / customer shall submit these in German not later than 6 weeks prior to the start of
Stand boundary partitions
The rented stand or event area is marked out on the hall floor by Messe Berlin or, subject to approval by
Messe Berlin, by the event organiser.
Partitions for marking the boundaries of the stand are not normally provided by Messe Berlin. The backs of
the partitions belonging to neighbouring stands may not be used unless a prior arrangement has been made
with the occupants of these stands.
If required, partitions and the walls for booths in the halls and event areas can be ordered from Messe Berlin,
for which a charge will be made. A floor plan drawing must be included with the order form, showing the
arrangement of the partitions.
The partitions are made of perforated panel elements with a white plastic surface finish (thickness approx.
25 mm, height approx. 2.50 m). Such partition walls, which may also be used for stand boundaries, are reusable and may be wallpapered. Only dispersion paints are allowed and these may only be applied on top of
To allow for partitions, a tolerance of up to 50 mm must be allowed in both directions when calculating the
dimensions of the rented area.
Advertising material / presentations
Lettering of the stand and exhibits and company or brand logos must not exceed the prescribed construction
height (see also Î item 4.3). These elements should contribute towards a harmonious overall impression.
To separate a stand from the stand directly adjacent, the exhibitor / customer is obliged to install a white
partition which is structurally stable, has no visible gaps, and bears no advertising message of any kind
Advertising facing immediately adjacent stands or event areas must be located at least 1.0 m from the
boundary to the neighbouring stand or event area. This rule does not apply to exhibits.
Exhibitors are only permitted to distribute printed matter and conduct advertising on their own stands or
event areas. Exhibitors / customers are obliged to inform Messe Berlin if they intend to operate larger stage
areas for presentations / performances of any kind on their stand or event area (see also Î item 5.9).
Other presentations, optical, slow-moving or acoustic advertising as well as the reproduction of music are
permitted, provided that they do not cause annoyance to adjoining stands, or a congestion of visitors in the
aisles, or drown out public announcements from the Messe Berlin PA systems in the halls and event areas.
The sound level of acoustic or musical performances shall not exceed 70 dB(A) at the boundaries of the
stand or event area.
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Technical Guidelines
Even if a performance has already been approved, Messe Berlin still reserves the right to restrict or prohibit
performances which cause excessive noise or visual annoyance or considerably endanger or impair the
ongoing exhibition/event or visitors, other exhibitors and event organisers.
If the above rules are repeatedly ignored, the electricity supply to the exhibitor’s / customer’s stand or event
area may be shut off without taking any consideration of an associated shut-down of the complete stand
power supply.
The exhibitor / customer shall have no right to claim for damages resulting directly or indirectly from the
power outage in such cases. The burden of proof that the rules have been adhered to lies with the exhibitor /
customer. The standard DIN 15905-5 Event-Technology - Sound Engineering - Part 5: Measures to prevent
the risk of hearing loss of the audience by high sound exposure of electroacoustic sound systems is
considered to be authoritative in defining the generally accepted state-of-the-art.
Barrier-free access shall be taken into consideration when designing stands and event areas. Persons with
disabilities should also be able to access and use stands, installations and separate event areas without
Where walk-in or multi-storey stand constructions and/or event areas are to be freely accessible to visitors,
one main entry/exit of the stand construction and/or event area shall be barrier-free. As an alternative,
organisational measures regarding operation of the stand (exhibitor’s / customer’s staff available to provide
assistance or similar measures) shall be implemented in order to ensure accessibility, accompaniment and,
in particular, emergency evacuation of visitors with impaired mobility and of wheelchair users. Upon request,
the exhibitor / customer / stand operator shall explain to Messe Berlin what alternative measures are being
Air conditioning
Evenly distributed air conditioning from the hall’s central HVAC system cannot be guaranteed for stands with
enclosed ceilings or on the upper storeys of stands.
If an exhibitor / customer wishes to install an air conditioning unit on his stand, he must observe that the use
of air-cooled condensers inside the hall is not allowed. Fresh water may only be used in air-conditioning
units to cool the refrigerating compressors. The water consumption of such air-conditioning units must be
recorded by means of a water meter.
4.7.10 Kitchens
For safety reasons, no kitchen appliances using inflammable gases from pressurised cylinders are allowed
in the halls (see itemÎ 5.5.2).
Kitchen vapours must be conducted out of the hall in order to avoid offensive odours.
In the interests of the environmental protection, cooking oils, fat from deep fat fryers and similar substances
shall be disposed of separately. Appropriate containers should be kept ready on the stand.
Pollutants in any waste water intended for release into the sewage system should not exceed the
concentrations normally produced in domestic situations. Fat separators must be used if waste water
containing large amounts of fat or grease is to be disposed of.
4.7.11 Restoring the stand / event area to its original condition
Exhibitors must ensure that the stand / event area is handed over in a clean and its original condition at the
end of the dismantling period, at the latest. Any necessary restoration work, including the removal of
adhesive strips, paint residues etc., must be completed by this time.
If the exhibitor / customer causes any damage to or soiling/contamination of the hall and event areas and
rooms, including equipment, or outdoor installations on the open-air grounds, he must on all accounts report
this to Messe Berlin.
Open-air grounds
All event-related stand structures on the open-air grounds are defined by the local Berlin building regulations
§ 52 (1) BauO Bln as being temporary structures, so-called special structures, which may have uses
similar to public assembly within the fair and exhibition grounds.
Accordingly, such special structures must comply with current regulations as stated in the local building
regulations [BauO Bln], and in particular with the following rules and regulations in their currently valid
BetrVO – Regulation Concerning the Operation of Building Structures
MVStättV – Model Ordinance Concerning the Construction and Operation of Places of Public Assembly
M-FlBauR – Model Guideline on the Construction and Operation of Temporary Structures
DIN EN 13 782 – Temporary structures - tents
DIN EN 13 814*) – Temporary structures and installations for event venues
Substitute for the former DIN 4112 – Temporary Structures, Technical Building Regulations for Calculation and Implementation
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Technical Guidelines
The stand structures on the open-air grounds requiring approval include all building structures classed as
standard temporary structures in accordance with § 75 (1) BauO Bln, or M-FlBauR, and/or categorised as
such by nature of their type and method of construction, such as:
Marquees with a floor area of ≥ 75.0 m²
Tent structures with a ground area of < 75 m² and similar structures are classed as temporary structures. These are
only exempt from design approval and official approval for use. These installations must on all accounts still conform
to the technical specifications for temporary structures (in compliance with DIN EN 13 782)
Stages, including roofs and awnings
Spectator stands
Playground / sport and pleasure installations as well as fairground amusement installations.
Free-standing scaffolding and advertising installations / large viewing screens
Free-standing masts and signalling installations intended for exhibition or presentation purposes
Additional extensions to existing exhibition halls and/or Messe Berlin’s own exhibition marquees
All other stand structures that can be walked on and/or are covered or free-standing:
¾ platforms, walkways;
¾ canopies and connecting passageways
¾ single-storey and multi-storey pavilions and/or container installations;
¾ installations with a fully enclosed cinema or other type of auditoriums and visitor room.
Approval is required on all accounts for the aforementioned installations and structures even if they are only
erected for short periods. In this respect, see items Î 4.1, 4.2 and 4.2.1 (Inspection and approval of
structures and intended uses subject to prior approval) .
Refer also to our information sheet “Stand structures in the open-air grounds (Berlin ExpoCenter City)”
Two-storey and multi-storey construction
Construction enquiries
The erection of two-storey or multi-storey structures is allowed, provided that these have been approved by
the responsible project management at Messe Berlin. Application must be made as soon as approval has
been granted for the stand.
Two-storey structures are not allowed in halls 8.1, 10.1, 11.1, 14.2, 15.2, in the rooms Paris, London, New
York (7.1), Helsinki, Budapest, Dublin (7.2), Berlin (7.3) of hall 7, the Palais am Funkturm, Marshall-Haus,
Funkturm-Lounge and in the CityCube foyer; in halls 14.1 and 15.1, two-storey structures are allowed in
certain areas only.
Requirements concerning constructions over stand areas, safety distances, heights of stand
In two-storey structures, interior rooms of the ground floor and the upper storey must have at least 2.30 m
headroom. A sprinkler installation must be provided if superstructures covering an area of more than 30 m²
are to be built.
Above a height of 2.50 m, stand structures adjoining neighbouring stands must be painted in neutral white.
Live loads / design loads
For floors above and between the storeys of a two-storey or multi-storey exhibition stand / special structure
inside an exhibition hall / event area and which are intended to bear human loads, the following vertical live
load shall be assumed in accordance with DIN EN 1991-1-1 / NA in connection with the National Annex
Table 6.1 DE (formerly DIN 1055-3, Table 1) [Cat. C]:
In areas/rooms subjected to restricted use by trade visitors or by stand or event personnel engaged in
discussions with or assisting customers, i. e. furnished with non-fixed table and chair arrangements, or in
discussion booths, the following live load [Cat. C1] applies: qk = 3.0 kN/m²
The following live load [Cat. C3 and upwards] applies for unrestricted use as freely accessible exhibition or
meeting areas or as an event area, either with or without closely-spaced seating: qk = 5.0 kN/m²
Stairs and rostrums with stairs must always be designed for a live load [Cat. T2] of qk = 5.0 kN/m .
In order to achieve sufficient lateral and longitudinal stability, a horizontal load of 1/20 q k (qk =
perpendicular live load) shall be assumed for the top floor of two-storey or multi-storey stands or viewing
For balustrades, parapets and railings, a horizontal live load [for areas of Cat. C1 – C4] of qk = 1,0 kN/m
shall be assumed at capping height (h = 1.10 m) in accordance with DIN EN 1991-1-1 / NA in connection
with the National Annex Table 6.12 DE (formerly DIN 1055-3, Table 7).
To prove that loads are correctly distributed, proof must be provided that the permitted point loads on the
raised hall floor (≤ 35 kN kN/m ) will not be exceeded (≤ 35 kN, see Îitem 3.1 ).
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Technical Guidelines
Increased loads (> 35 kN) on individual supports due to the type of stand construction implemented by the
exhibitor / customer or the placement of exhibits (transportation loads) must be indicated separately and
noted in an annotated, scale plan showing the position of the supports in relation to the boundaries
of the stand and giving details of the loads imposed on these supports. This information must be
provided in German and submitted to Messe Berlin for review.
In such cases, Messe Berlin will be required to investigate the effects of the increased loads on the hall
floors (e.g. to determine whether installation of reinforcing underpinning is necessary) and shall charge
this work to the exhibitor / customer. The structural examination documents and the support location plan
will be checked and verified by order of the exhibitor / stand construction company / customer and this work
will be charged to him. Any corrective measures shall be binding for the exhibitor / stand constructor /
Escape and rescue routes / stairways
On the upper storey of a two-storey exhibition stand, the walking distance from any accessible point to the
hall aisle must not exceed 20 m.
Stairs shall be arranged in such a way that they are as near as possible to the hall aisles or emergency exits
leading outside.
The minimum number and clear width of escape and rescue routes (exits, stairways, corridors) that must be
provided are listed below:
• up to 100 m² and < 200 persons
1 escape/rescue route, at least 0.90 m wide
• over 100 m² (≥ 200 persons) up to 200 m² (< 400 persons)
2 escape routes, each 1,20 m wide
2 escape/rescue routes, 1,20 m and 2.4 m
• over 200 m², less than 300 m² (< 600 persons)
wide, or 3 escape/rescue routes, each 1.20
Upper-storey areas exceeding 100 m² shall have at least two sets of stairs as far apart as possible and
leading in opposite directions. All stairways must always be constructed in conformity to DIN 18065. The rise
(riser height) shall not exceed 0.19 m. and the tread going (depth) shall not be less than 0.26 m.
The clear width of necessary stairs shall not exceed 2.40 m. Stairs with a width exceeding 2.4 m must be
provided with two outer handrails and a centre handrail. The clear passage height shall be at least 2.0 m.
Only closed risers shall be used. If stairways are required, these must not be spiral or solid newel staircases.
If the upper storey area is < 100 m² and the number of persons permitted on it is < 200 trade visitors, a
staircase with a clear width of at least 0.90 m is adequate. If the upper-storey area exceeds 100 m² and/or
more than 200 persons are permitted on it, at least two stairways – each with a minimum useable stair width
of 1.2 m – are required.
The handrails must be firmly attached, be non-slip and must have no free ends. A gap of at least 0.05 m
must be provided between the handrails and adjacent structural components.
Construction materials
For two-storey / multi-storey stands and special structures, the load-bearing components, the ground floor
ceiling and the floor on the upper storey must be made of materials that are at least flame-retardant, comply
with EN 13501-1 C, d0, -s3 and/or DIN 4102-1 B 1 and do not form burning droplets.
Upper storeys
If necessary, on the upper storey, skirting with a height of at least 0.05 m must be provided in the vicinity of
parapets, balustrades or railings and especially above areas near the hall aisles, in order to prevent items
from rolling off the upper-storey floors. Parapets, balustrades and railings must be constructed in
accordance with Î items 4.6 and Î 4.9.3.
The tops of the upper storeys of stands in halls equipped with sprinkler installations must always be left
open. In addition to fire extinguishers provided on the ground floor, at least one fire extinguisher must be
placed in a conspicuous place where it is readily accessible at the top of the stairs. Fire extinguishers must
be installed in a stable manner so that they do not tip over (i. e. on a floor stand or wall mounting) (see Î
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Technical Guidelines
Operational safety, technical safety regulations, technical rules, technical
General rules
The exhibitor / customer and all companies contracted by him are responsible for ensuring operating safety
and compliance with industrial safety and accident prevention regulations on his stand / event area.
Construction and dismantling work may only be carried out in compliance with all applicable occupational
safety and accident prevention regulations, in particular UVV /BGV A1/ and UVV / BGV C1/ . In particular,
the exhibitor / customer and all companies contracted by him must ensure that no other persons present on
the site are endangered during construction and dismantling work.
If necessary, the exhibitor / customer shall ensure that appropriate coordination measures are introduced for
carrying out the work.
Any damage caused by the exhibitor / customer or his contractors on the exhibition grounds, to buildings or
installations will be remedied by Messe Berlin at the exhibitor’s / customer's expense.
Use of operating equipment
The use of bolt-firing devices is not permitted in the exhibition halls.
Woodworking equipment that is not fitted with chip, shaving and dust extractors may not be used in the halls.
Only forwarding companies under contract to Messe Berlin are permitted to use cranes, forklift trucks and
working platforms. For safety reasons, the use of the company’s own cranes, forklift trucks, manlifts and
working platforms is not permitted (see item Î 5.12).
Rented manlifts may only be operated by suitably qualified persons over 18 years of age. The operator’s
qualification shall at least meet the requirements of the German employers’ liability insurance principles
/BGG 996/. Proof of the operator's qualifications, valid and adequate commercial third-party liability
insurance and a test certificate in accordance with the accident-prevention regulations shall be provided.
Electrical installations
One or more connection points with fuse boxes and master switches will be provided for each stand / event
area for which an electrical power order is received. These connections (main connections) will be installed
by Messe Berlin or its contractors at a fee.
A floor plan drawing showing the required connection locations must be submitted together with the order
form. The sum total of power [in kW] required for all consumer units (electric lights, motors, appliances etc.)
must be stated to allow calculation of an adequate power line cross-section.
On the final day of the exhibition/event, power will normally be switched off for safety reasons one hour after
the exhibition/event has closed.
Stand installations
If so ordered, electrical installation work on the stand can be carried out by Messe Berlin or its appointed
contractors at the exhibitor’s / customer’s expense. The exhibitor / customer may also let his own
electricians or approved electrical contractors carry out installation work on the stand, in accordance with
valid VDE regulations, valid European regulations and the current state-of-the-art.
Earth leakage circuit breakers (residual-current devices – RCDs, formerly also called FI-circuit breakers)
rated at 30 mA are compulsory for all circuits.
Assembly and operating regulations
All electrical equipment must be installed and operated in accordance with the currently valid safety
regulations of the German Electrical Engineering Association, VDE, or currently valid EU standards (EN). In
particular, the provisions of VDE 0100 et. seqq., 0100-560, 0100-718, 0128 and ICE standard 60364-7-711
shall be observed.
Compensation must be provided for installations using fluorescent tubes (single-ballast compensation or
dual-ballast circuit).
The level of high or low frequency interference to the mains must not exceed the values stated in VDE 0160
and VDE 0838 (EN 50 006).
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Technical Guidelines
The measures intended to provide protection in case of indirect contact must include conductive structural
components (earthing of the stand). Only cables of type NYM, H05VV-F or H05RR-F (only for indoor use)
and H07RN-F (for outdoor use and in temporary buildings and constructions) with a minimum cross-section
area of 1.5 mm² Cu are permitted for use. The only exceptions to this rule are mobile consumer device
power cables (for appliances etc.) with a length of up to 1.5 m.
Flexible cables (even flat cables) without protection against mechanical loads may not be laid under floor
Bare electrical wires and terminals may not be used in low-voltage installations (low-voltage lighting
systems) and even stranded wiring must be fully insulated. Secondary circuit wiring must be protected
against short-circuits and overloading.
Transformers and converters should be protected by primary and secondary fuses. Electronic protection
systems do not qualify as automatic cut-out devices as defined in the VDE regulations.
Measures to prevent lamps from falling out of their fittings shall be in place. Only lamps fitted with a
protective disc may be used in halogen-lamp luminaires. Busbars must be provided with protective covers.
Mounting of busbars with the aid of plastic cable ties is not permitted. Lamps should be placed at a suitable
distance from inflammable materials, depending on the amount of heat generated.
Electrical installations on the stand may not be put into operation for the respective event until they have
been inspected and approved by the technical surveyor commissioned by Messe Berlin to carry out such
inspections. Messe Berlin will arrange for the inspection.
Uninsulated electrical wires and terminals may not be used for voltages exceeding 25 V AC or 60 V DC (and
must be protected against being touched directly).
No unauthorised extensions or alterations may be made to electrical installations once these have been
approved. No power shall be taken from neighbouring stands. Stands are not allowed to use proprietary
power generator systems.
Safety measures
As a means of protection, all heat-dissipating and heat-producing electrical appliances (hotplates, spotlights,
transformers etc.) must be installed on non-inflammable, heat-resistant and asbestos-free bases. Lamps
should be placed at a suitable distance from inflammable materials, depending on the amount of heat
generated. Lighting equipments must not be attached to inflammable decorations or similar items. The
manufacturer’s safety instructions must be observed.
Safety lighting
Stands / event areas on which due to the special nature of their construction the existing general safety and
emergency lighting is not effective must be equipped with their own, additional safety lighting in conformity
with VDE 0100-560, -718 and/or 108-100 (DIN EN 50172). This shall be installed in such a way that persons
can safely find their way to the general rescue and escape routes.
Water and waste water installations
Each stand / event area which is to be equipped with water and waste water facilities will be provided with
one or more connections. A floor plan drawing showing the required location of the connections must be
submitted together with the order form.
Supply lines without waste water connections are only permitted for permanently connected consumer units.
No drain pipes with a nominal diameter of < 50 mm (<DN 50) will be installed.
If commercial dishwaters are to be used, separate fresh water and waste water connections must be
ordered using the corresponding form.
Water supply pipes and drain pipes will be installed by Messe Berlin or its contractors up to floor surface
level (hall floor), and this work will be charged to the exhibitor / customer. Exhibitors / customers are not
allowed to make any proprietary installations under the raised false floor of the halls. Any above-floor-level
installations made by exhibitors / customers or their contractors which do not meet normal professional
standards will be removed or improved by Messe Berlin, and this work will be charged to the exhibitor /
Any further proprietary installations (leading to the main fresh water and waste water connections which are
subject to charge) by exhibitors / customers or their contractors within the stand area / event area must
conform to the state-of-the-art as well as to the currently valid version of the German Drinking water
ordinance (TrinkwV – Trinkwasserverordnung) in order to ensure that installation and operation of the
connections have no lasting negative effect on drinking water quality.
For safety reasons the water supply may be cut off on the final day of the event after closing of the exhibition
/ event.
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Technical Guidelines
Compressed air / gas installations
Compressed air
Pre-installed basic compressed air supply is only available in some of the exhibition halls.
Each stand / event area which is to be supplied with compressed air will be provided with one or more
connections. A floor plan showing the required location of the connections must be submitted together with
the order form. These connections will be installed by Messe Berlin or its contractors. A charge will be made
for this work.
During the exhibition / event period, the compressed air supply will be switched off for safety reasons every
day after the exhibition or event has closed.
Gas installations (natural gas)
Each stand / event area which is to be supplied with gas will be provided with one or more connections. A
floor plan showing the required location of the connections must be submitted together with the order form.
Natural gas connections will be installed by contractors appointed by Messe Berlin, and a charge will be
made for this work.
Installations must conform to the German technical rules for gas installations ( TRGI – Technische Regel für
Gasinstallationen ) as set down in the currently valid version of the DVGW code of practice /G 600/. Exhaust
gases from large items of equipment must be led out into the open.
Mechanical installations, pressurised containers, exhaust gas installations
Machinery noise
In the interests of other exhibitors / customers, the operation of loud machinery and appliances should be
kept to a minimum. Noise levels at the stand boundaries must not exceed 70 dB(A).
Product safety
All technical working equipment and exhibited consumer products must conform to the current and valid
provisions of the Equipment and Product Safety Law (ProdSG – Produktsicherheitsgesetz).
Technical working equipment and consumer products that do not meet these requirements must carry a
clearly visible sign stating that the item does not comply with the aforementioned law and may only be
purchased after conformity to statutory requirements has been achieved.
The manufacturer’s EU declaration of conformity must be available on the stand / event area for all technical
working equipment and consumer products bearing the CE symbol.
When demonstrating exhibits, stand personnel and operators must take all necessary precautions to protect
spectators from injury or harm. The stand personnel is also responsible for ensuring no unauthorised
operation of the equipment. Protective devices
All protective devices must be in place when operating machinery and devices. The normal protective
devices may be replaced by a safe cover made of acrylic glass or a similar transparent material.
When equipment is not in operation, protective devices may be removed in order to show visitors the design
and construction of the parts that would normally be covered. In such cases, the protective devices must be
placed next to the machine, where they can be clearly seen. Test and inspection procedures
To ensure that safety requirements are being met, the relevant supervisory authority (Landesamt für
Arbeitsschutz, Gesundheitsschutz und technische Sicherheit Berlin – LAGetSi – Turmstrasse 21, D-10559
Berlin, []), where appropriate in cooperaton with the relevant technical commissions of
the employers’ professional liability insurance, is entitled to inspect the technical working equipment on
display with regard to accident prevention and technical safety features.
The EC declaration of conformity must be kept available for inspection on the stand / event area so that the
supervisory authorities can examine the equipment for conformity to CE symbol requirements. In case of
doubt, the exhibitor/ customer should contact the relevant authority in good time before the start of the
exhibition / event. Prohibition of equipment operation
Messe Berlin is entitled at any time to prohibit the use of machinery, apparatus and appliances if it considers
that there is good reason for assuming that such operation might present a material or personal risk.
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Technical Guidelines
Pressurised containers Inspection certificate
Pressurised containers may only be operated on the stand / event area if the tests stipulated in the currently
valid version of the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV – Betriebssicherheitsverordnung )
have been carried out.
The test certificates issued following these tests must be kept in the vicinity of the pressurised container at
the exhibition venue (stand area /event area) and be presented to the relevant supervisory authority upon
request. Further information can be obtained from the competent supervisory authority (Landesamt für
Arbeitsschutz, Gesundheitsschutz und technische Sicherheit Berlin – LAGetSi – Turmstrasse 21, 10559
Berlin []). Testing
A construction and water pressure test certificate is not adequate.This also applies to foreign containers and
hired pressure vessels.
Provided that application is received at least 4 weeks before the start of the exhibition / event, pressurised
containers requiring testing can be subjected to inspection and testing up to one day before the start of the
exhibition / event by the Technical Supervisory Body (TÜV Rheinland, Prüfstelle Berlin – Schöneberg,
Alboinstrasse 56, 12103 Berlin
provided that the construction and water pressure test certificate is presented and a mechanic is appointed
to be present on the stand during inspection.
Further information may be obtained from Landesamt für Arbeitsschutz, Gesundheitsschutz und technische
Sicherheit Berlin – LAGetSi – Turmstrasse 21, D-10559 Berlin, [], which is the
competent supervisory authority. Rented equipment
Since the relative short period of exhibitions / events does not allow much time for testing pressurised
containers from other countries, exhibitors are advised to hire/rent pressurised containers that have already
been tested. Monitoring
During the exhibition / event, the required inspection and approval documentation should be available for
inspection by the supervisory authority. Further information may be obtained from Landesamt für
Arbeitsschutz, Gesundheitsschutz und technische Sicherheit Berlin – LAGetSi – Turmstrasse 21, D-10559
Berlin, [], which is the competent supervisory authority.
Exhaust gases and vapours
Gases and vapours emitted by exhibits or equipment and which are inflammable, are harmful or hazardous
to health or cause a general nuisance may on no account be emitted in the halls. They must be conducted
into the open using suitable ductwork as specified by the currently valid version of the German Federal
Pollution Law (BimSchG – Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz).
The operation of recirculating kitchen hoods can be made mandatory for frying, grilling and cooking
Exhaust gas extraction systems
For exhaust gases which are inflammable, injurious to health or inconvenience the general public, an
exhaust gas duct leading to an exhaust vent opening into an outdoor area shall be installed. Official approval
must be obtained for the installation, including the ductwork and the vent opening to the outside of the
building. Exhaust gas pipes and ducts
Pipes or ducts for smoke and exhaust gases must be made of non-inflammable materials. Exhaust pipes or
ducts must be located at least 0.50 m away from any inflammable material and shall be enclosed in a
protective outer tube or sleeve if necessary.
Only Messe Berlin or its contractors are allowed to install piping or ductwork using their own materials, from
the extraction cowls to the outdoor areas, by suspending it to the roof truss suspension points and a charge
will be made for this work. Only Messe Berlin or its contractors are allowed to install the connecting line /
ducting from the suspended ducting to the exhibitor’s / customer’s exhibit or equipment.
The actual connections to the equipment or exhibit emitting the exhaust gases are to be made by the
exhibitor / customer in a professional and technically correct manner.
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Technical Guidelines
Use of compressed gases, liquid gases and inflammable liquids
Pressurised and liquid gas systems
The storage and use of pressurised gas and liquid gas in the halls and on the grounds is prohibited unless
prior written permission has been obtained from Messe Berlin. Application for use of pressurised gas cylinders
Written permission must be obtained from Messe Berlin on the form provided, if liquid gas or other
inflammable gases in pressurised cylinders is/are to be used for presenting exhibits. In keeping with the
relevant accident prevention regulations, pressurised gas cylinders must be secured against impact, from
falling over, and against access by unauthorised persons and heat. Use of liquid gas
The use of liquid gas inside the exhibition halls is prohibited at all times. Installation and maintenance
The Technical Rules for Liquid Gas (TRF 88 – Technischen Regeln Flüssiggas ) issued by the German
Technical Association for Gas and Water (DVGW – Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches) and the
Technical association for the use of liquid gas (DVFG – Deutscher Verband Flüssiggase) as well as the
Guidelines for the use of liquid gas (Richtlinien für die Verwendung von Flüssiggas / ZH 1/ 455/
(Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften)) must be complied with when installing,
operating and maintaining liquid gas systems on the open-air grounds after permission has been obtained
to do so.
Inflammable liquids Storage and use
Storage and use of inflammable liquids in the halls and on the open-air grounds is prohibited unless prior
written permission has been obtained from Messe Berlin.
Approval for the storage and use of inflammable liquids can only be given for the operation or demonstration
of exhibits. The appropriate application form should be submitted to Messe Berlin together with the safety
data sheet.
The requirements and provisions of the currently valid versions of the Operating safety ordinance (BetrSichV
– Betriebssicherheitsverordnung) and, for a transition period, of the Technical rules for inflammable liquids
(TRbF – Technischen Regeln für brennbare Flüssigkeiten ) or Technical rules for hazardous substances
(TRGS – Technischen Regeln für Gefahrstoffe ) shall apply here in all cases. Storage of supplies
Not more than one day’s supply of inflammable liquid for the operation and demonstration of equipment is
allowed on the stand / event area. The respective daily demand volume and the storage location on the
stand shall be specified on the application form. Supply tanks
The day’s supply must be kept in a clearly visible place in closed, unbreakable containers. It must be
inaccessible to unauthorised persons. Storage containers shall be placed in catchment containers or basins
of adequate capacity and be unmistakably identified by a corresponding warning sign in accordance with
DIN 4844-1 and/or BGV A8.
Damaged storage containers shall be emptied and replaced immediately. Inflammable liquid spills or
leakages into the catchment containers / basins shall be disposed of outside of the halls and event areas in
an expert and proper manner. The emptied catchment containers / basins shall then be replaced. Storage site
Smoking is strictly prohibited at the site where the containers are stored. Appropriate signs shall be
displayed in accordance with BGV A8. An adequate supply of suitable fire-extinguishing material shall also
be provided, ready for use when necessary. Operating regulations
The tank filling inlets and any other parts where liquids may leak out of equipment which is to be operated or
demonstrated using flammable liquids shall be fitted with catchment containers made of non-flammable
Due to the danger of fire or explosions, the catchment containers/basins containing any spilled or leaked
inflammable liquids shall be taken out of the hall / event area immediately using a safe method and shall be
disposed of in an expert and proper manner. The emptied catchment containers / basins shall then be
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Important amendments and additions to the preceding version (06.2012) are printed in red.
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Technical Guidelines Filling with liquids
Utmost care should be taken when pouring liquids from one container into another due to the hazards
involved. Empty containers
Empty containers which have been used to store inflammable liquids may not be deposited or stored on the
stand / event area or in the halls.
Asbestos and other hazardous materials
The use and application of construction materials or products containing asbestos or other hazardous
substances is prohibited.
The basis for this prohibition is the Law for Protection against Hazardous Materials (ChemG – Gesetz zum
Schutz vor gefährlichen Stoffen) in conjunction with the Prohibited Chemicals Regulation (ChemVerbotsV –
Chemikalien-Verbotsverordnung) and the Regulation on Hazardous Materials (GefStoffV –
Gefahrstoffverordnung ), each in the currently valid version.
Stage areas for performances and other presentations
Stage areas inside exhibition stands / in event areas are areas reserved for artistic or other performances,
as well as for demonstrations or presentations.
Messe Berlin must be informed in advance if stage areas larger than 50 m² are planned on stands / in event
areas, in which case a verifiable stand plan, a description of the type of use / programme, sequence of
events, participants/performers and any technical stage equipment must be submitted to Messe Berlin.
The provisions of item Î 4.7.7 and the currently valid statutory requirements in accordance with BetrVO
apply without exception to all stage and presentation areas on exhibition stands / in event areas.
In keeping with these provisions, the exhibitor / customer, when notifying Messe Berlin, shall also nominate
a qualified event engineering expert (Fachkraft für Veranstaltungstechnik) as required by § 34 (4)
/BetrVO/ or a respective supervisor, who shall have proven qualifications for the task, be on site to supervise
or manage the setting-up, rehearsals, performances, demonstrations and procedures on the scene areas
from the technical / organisational aspect as required by /BGV C1/
For stage areas of > 200 m², Messe Berlin must be informed of the person responsible for event
engineering (Verantwortliche/r für Veranstaltungstechnik), who shall be professionally qualified for halls
or similar as well as for illumination) as required by § 34 (3) /BetrVO/ and who is familiar with the stage
equipment / lighting and other technical equipment on the stage areas and can ensure their safety and
functionality during the ongoing event, particularly with regard to fire prevention.
The sound level of any acoustic or musical performances and/or stage performances shall not exceed 70
dB(A) at the stand or event area boundaries.
Even if a performance or presentation has been permitted in advance, Messe Berlin reserves the right to
restrict or prohibit performances which cause excessive noise or visual annoyance or which considerably
endanger or impair the ongoing exhibition/event or visitors, other exhibitors and event organisers. If the
above provisions are repeatedly ignored, the electricity supply to the respective exhibitor’s / customer’s
stand or event area may be shut off without taking any consideration of the associated shut-down of the
complete stand power supply ( see Î item 4.7.7).
The design of cinemas / spectator areas / demonstration rooms and other rooms for scenic performances on
the stand / event area is subject to the provisions and structural requirements for recreation rooms etc. as
well (see also itemÎ 4.4.4).
Protection against radiation
5.10.1 Radioactive materials
The use of radioactive materials is subject to official approval and requires the agreement of Messe Berlin.
In accordance with the currently valid version of the Regulations on Protection Against Radiation (StrlSchV –
Strahlenschutzverordung), applications must be made to the responsible authority and approval must be
submitted to Messe Berlin no later than 6 weeks prior to the start of the exhibition / event.
If approval has already been granted, proof must be provided that the planned use of radioactive materials
on the Messe Berlin exhibition grounds meets all legal requirements.
5.10.2 X-ray equipment and devices causing stray radiation
The operation of X-ray equipment and devices producing stray radiation is subject to official approval and
requires the agreement of Messe Berlin. The provisions of the currently valid version of the Ordinance on
Protection Against Damage Caused by X-rays (RöV – Verordnung über den Schutz vor Schäden durch
Röntgenstrahlen ) must be observed.
Operation of X-ray equipment and devices emitting interference is subject to approval and notification of the
responsible authorities in accordance with §§ 3, 4, 5, 8 /RöV/.
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Technical Guidelines
The responsible supervisory authority is the Landesamt für Arbeitsschutz, Gesundheitsschutz und
technische Sicherheit Berlin – LAGetSi – Turmstrasse 21, D-10559 Berlin, [], to which
applications or notifications must be submitted at least 4 weeks prior to the start of the exhibition / event.
5.10.3 Laser equipment
Operation of laser equipment is subject to notification and requires the agreement of Messe Berlin. Laser
equipment shall conform to the requirements of DIN EN 60825-1 (Safety of laser products - Part 1:
Equipment classification and requirements).
In case of the intended operation of laser equipment in accordance with § 6 of the laser radiation accident
prevention regulations (UVV Laserstrahlung) /BGV B2/ up laser classes 3R and 4, the equipment shall be
inspected at the installation site by an officially appointed expert / surveyor to ensure that it is technically
safe and harmless. Notification must be accompanied by the test/inspection certificate, written appointment
of a Laser Protection Officer who will be responsible for operating the laser equipment and a valid policy of
third party insurance.
High-frequency equipment, radio communications systems, electromagnetic
compatibility, harmonics
To ensure uniform frequencies and to eliminate mutual interference between the various systems as far as
possible, the relevant regulatory authority Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post
und Eisenbahnen, Berlin offices, Seidelstr. 49, 13405 Berlin, [] shall be notified
and both its approval and the agreement of Messe Berlin shall be obtained to operate high frequency
equipment, radio communications systems and other transmitters for telecommunications purposes, pager
systems, microport systems, two-way intercom and remote control systems.
High frequency equipment and radio systems may only be operated if they conform to the terms of the
currently valid versions of the Telecommunications Equipment Law ( FAG – Gesetz über
Fernmeldeanlagen) and the Law on the Electromagnetic Compatibility of Equipment (EMVG – Gesetz über
die elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit von Geräten).
The provisions of the 26 Regulation on the Implementation of the German Anti-Pollution Law (26. BimSchV
– Verordnung zur Durchführung des Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes) and the Electromagnetic
compatibility law /EMVU/ must be complied with if exhibits or stand decorations generating electrical,
magnetic or electromagnetic fields are used.
The electrical installations used in exhibits should be designed to prevent excessive effects on the exhibition
grounds’ mains power supply as a result of harmonics (see Î item 5.3.3).
Cranes, forklifts, working platforms, empty packaging
Only those forwarding companies under contract to Messe Berlin are permitted to use cranes and forklift
trucks. Exceptions to this rule require a permit and payment of a fee, and must be approved by Messe Berlin.
The forwarding and shipping companies on contract to Messe Berlin have sole and exclusive freighthandling rights on the exhibition grounds, i. e. for moving exhibits, stand components etc. onto the stands,
including provision of any required handling equipment, and for handling customs formalities for temporary
and final import of goods. Orders placed with these forwarding companies are subject to the latest version of
the General German Forwarders’ Conditions (ADSp – Allgemeinen Deutschen Spediteurbedingungen) and
to the forwarding charge schedule for trade fairs and exhibitions organised by Messe Berlin.
Messe Berlin accepts no liability for any risks caused by the activities of forwarding companies. No empty
packaging of any kind may be stored on the stands. The exhibitor / customer shall request immediate
removal of any empty packaging from the hall and, where applicable, transportation of this to a packaging
storage area, by the forwarding company on contract to Messe Berlin, such services being subject to charge.
Reproduction of music
Under the provisions of the currently valid version of the Copyright Law, (§ 15 UrhG – Urheberrechtgesetz),
the reproduction of music of any kind whatsoever is subject to the approval of the Gesellschaft für
musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte (GEMA), Bezirksdirektion Berlin –
Messesachbearbeitung, Keithstrasse 7, 10787 Berlin, [] .
If music is performed/reproduced without prior notification, GEMA may claim for damages in accordance
with § 97 Copyright law (§ 97 UrhG – Urheberrechtgesetz).
Beverage dispensing facilities
The installation and operation of beverage dispensing facilities on the stands / in an event area is subject to
the currently valid provisions of the German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV –
Betriebssicherheitsverordnung) and the employers’ liability insurance trade rules on the Installation and
operation of beverage-dispensing facilities (BGR 228 – Fachregel für Errichtung und Betrieb von
The operator of the beverage-dispensing facility is on all accounts solely responsible for its safety and
hygiene. This means that the operator must provide proof that he has met his duties of supervision and care
for the system’s technical and hygienic safety as foodstuff handling equipment and must show how he has
fulfilled these obligations.
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Important amendments and additions to the preceding version (06.2012) are printed in red.
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Technical Guidelines
It is recommended that the guideline values for cleaning intervals given in DIN 6650-6 should be observed.
Source for DIN standards: Beuth Verlag GmbH, Burggrafenstrasse 6, 10787 Berlin [].
Inspection and monitoring of foodstuffs
If foodstuff samples are to be offered for consumption on site, or if food and beverages are to be sold on site,
statutory provisions, in particular those of the currently valid versions of the Food hygiene ordinance (LMHV
– Lebensmittelhygiene - Verordnung) and the Food, utensils and animal feeds law (LMBG - Lebensmittel-,
Bedarfsgegenstände- und Futtermittelgesetzbuch), must be observed.
Any queries should be addressed to the responsible local authority: Bezirksamt Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf
von Berlin, Veterinär- und Lebensmittelaufsichtsamt, Hohenzollerndamm 177, 10713 Berlin,
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Technical Guidelines
Environmental protection
Messe Berlin is committed to protecting the environment.
Exhibitors / customers, as the contractual partners of Messe Berlin, are obliged to ensure that themselves
and their contractors also observe all the regulations and requirements relating to environmental protection
and to the protection of species and biodiversity. All resulting costs for relating to these protection demands
are in charge to the exhibitor / costumer.
Waste management
All the following provisions are based on the currently valid versions of the Berlin Recycling and Waste
Management Act (KrW-/AbfG Bln – Kreislaufwirtschafts- und Abfallgesetz Berlin) as well as the associated
implementation regulations and ordinances including the Ordinance on the disposal of problematic waste
from households, commercial, trade and business facilities (ProbAbfV – Problemabfallverordnung).
Exhibitors / customers are responsible for proper and environmentally compatible waste disposal in the
course of construction and dismantlement of their stands as well as for the duration of the event.
Technical arrangements for the recycling and removal of waste are the sole responsibility of Messe Berlin
and its appointed contractual partners.
Waste disposal
In accordance with the principles of recycling, every effort should be made to avoid producing waste on the
exhibition grounds. Caterers should avoid using disposable plates and cups.
Exhibitors / customers and their contractual partners are obliged to make an effective contribution to such
efforts at all stages of the event. This objective must be pursued at the planning stage already as well as in
coordinating the efforts of all involved. As a general rule, materials which are re-usable and have a low
environmental impact should be used for stand construction and operation.
Any materials left behind by exhibitors / customers will be disposed of at the exhibitor’s / customer’s
expense and at higher cost without ascertaining their value.
Hazardous waste
Exhibitors / customers are required to inform Messe Berlin about any waste materials which, by their nature,
condition or quantity, present a particular health hazard (in particular foods and other organic waste), are
hazardous to air or water, or are explosive or inflammable (e. g. batteries, paints, solvents, oils, fuels and
lubricants, dyes etc.), and to arrange for their correct disposal by Messe Berlin’s contractual partners.
Bringing waste to the site
Materials and waste that are not produced during the event and are not the result of construction and
dismantling work may not be brought onto the exhibition / event grounds.
Water, waste water, soil protection
Oil, fat separators
Water introduced into the sewage/waste water network must not contain higher levels of harmful materials
than as are allowed for regular domestic use. Effective oil/grease extractors must be used if water containing
higher concentrations of oils or grease than those mentioned above are to be disposed of in the
sewage/waste water system.
If mobile caterers are deployed, especially in the open-air grounds, these must ensure that fats and oil are
retained and disposed of separately.
Cleaning / Cleaning products
Only biodegradable products are allowed for cleaning work. In accordance with the regulations, cleaning
products that contain potentially injurious or hazardous solvents may only be used in exceptional cases and
in compliance with the respective regulations.
Cleaning work during the event and during the construction and dismantling periods may only be carried out
by a cleaning company appointed by Messe Berlin.
Environmental damage
Environmental damage/contamination (e.g. by gasoline/petrol, oil, solvents, dyes or other environmentally
hazardous substances) must be reported to Messe Berlin immediately.
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Important amendments and additions to the preceding version (06.2012) are printed in red.
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Technical Guidelines
Protection against noise
Every effort must be made to avoid unnecessary noise during the construction and dismantling of exhibition
structures and during the event. The applicable rules and statutory regulations of the Land Berlin must be
complied with.
Noisy activities must be avoided on weekdays before 7 a.m. and after 8 p.m., on Saturdays after 4 p.m. and
on Sundays and public holidays.
This applies in particular to the areas near Entrance E 21, halls 21 b … 23 b, 25, 26 a+b which border on a
residential area, as well as for the CityCube facility deliveries yard area. In these areas the hall gates shall
be kept shut at all times except when vehicles are entering or leaving. Transportation and loading operations
on the vehicle routes in these areas shall also be limited to the absolutely necessary extent. Failure to
observe these rules may result in construction and dismantling work being prohibited in these areas during
the above periods.
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Notice: Outdoor stand constructions
This notice gives the technical specifications and requirements for stand constructions for which permits are required and
which are to be erected on the outdoor areas on the Exhibition Grounds of Messe Berlin GmbH. If not included as a
supplement to this notice, the Technical Directives of Messe Berlin GmbH shall apply (
4.8.01 Definitions, Explanations
According to the Berlin Construction Regulations [BauO Bln, § 2 (4)], all stand constructions erected on the open air
grounds and intended for use at events, as well as special structures, are defined as temporary structures. Accordingly
special structures must in all cases conform to the requirements of the valid public provisions of the Berlin Construction
Regulations [§ 52] and the following conditions and rules in their current versions:
 BetrVO – Regulation concerning the uses of special structures [Operating Regulation] (for places of public assembly in
accordance with section 4 – BetrVO)
 M-FlBauR Standard Directive for the Construction and Use of Temporary Structures
 MVStättV – Standard Regulation for the Construction and Operation of Places of Public Assembly [Standard Regulation
for Places of Public Assembly]
 DIN 4112 Temporary Structures; Technical Building Regulations Concerning their Dimensions and Design
4.8.02 Open air grounds
The open air grounds encompass all areas outside the existing exhibition halls. These are as follows:
 Forecourts and intermediate courtyards: around and next to the exhibition halls, mostly with an even paved or asphalt
surface suitable for vehicles.
 Summer Garden: bounded on the north side by lawns: in front of Halls 18 and 20. The surface mainly consists of an
uneven combination of gravel and grass or non-compacted lawns.
 Funkturm inner courtyard: consisting mainly of an asphalt surface suitable for vehicles, together with individual lawn
 Rail track area (south): Rail track set in concrete, interspersed with small concrete paving stones.
 South Entrance / Forecourt: slabbed.
 Parking areas P 3 / P 15 / P 17 / P 18 / external galleries (in front of H. 18 and H. 20): level surface for vehicles, mainly
with small paving stones.
Stand structures requiring approval
The stand structures in the open air grounds that require approval include all constructions that are either classed as regular
temporary structures in accordance with § 75, BauO and M-FlBauR or are of the corresponding type and method of
 marquees with a ground area of ≥ 75.0 m
 stages, including roofed areas
 equipment for games/sport or pleasure
 Free-standing scaffolding and advertising installations / banks of monitors
 Free-standing masts and signalling installations for exhibition or presentation purposes
 All other stand structures suitable for pedestrian traffic and / or covered stand construction installations:
 platforms, gangways:
 overhead cover:
 single or multiple storey pavilions and / or container facilities;
 installations with fully enclosed cinema, viewing or visitor rooms.
Barrier-free access for trade fair visitors to stand structures suitable for pedestrian traffic
If stand installations suitable for pedestrian traffic are to be accessible to the general public, the main entrances and exits of
the stand installation must be suitable for the disabled and for wheelchair users. Alternatively the stand operator / exhibitor
shall designate operational, organizational measures on the stand (stand personnel or similar persons to provide
assistance) to ensure safe access for wheelchair users.
Examination / acceptance of structures requiring permits
In such cases the requirements of the Technical Directives, Item 4.2.1 apply
Stand security
All outdoor stand structures requiring a permit must be of the required stability. Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring the
load-bearing capacity and stability of such structures.
Proof of stability must be supplied in all cases.
The Construction Regulations for Berlin as well as the directives and rules stated in Item 4.8.01 apply.
Live loads / Design loads
For the upstairs floor of a two storey stand structure, the live loads shall be determined in accordance with the specifications
of DIN 1055-3, Tab 1 or in accordance with the Technical Directives, Item 4.9.3.
Wind loads
In the case of all stand structures on the open air grounds the regular wind pressure and wind suction loads must be taken
into account in accordance with DIN 1055-4 or EC 1 (DIN ENV 1991, Part2 – 4) for all load-bearing roofs and external walls,
and evidence must be provided thereof.
- Outdoor Stand Construction Messe Berlin GmbH - Seite 1 von 3
With reference to the location of the trade fair: Berlin (height of site: approx. 55 m above mean sea level) the following, siterelated parameters and simplified shear forces are obtained:
Berlin: Wind zone 2 (inland area)
ave. wind speed vref = 25,0 m/s
and wind shear force: qref = 0.39 kN/m
Simplified speed of gusts at
stand structure heights up to 10 m
q = 0.65 kN/m
stand structure heights >10 – 18 m
q = 0.80 kN/m
The open air fair grounds are strictly classed as a Category IV site (urban area).
However, this does not apply to temporary structures with a proven reduced wind pressure as defined by DIN 4112, 4.5.2 :
stand structure heights up to 5 m
qred = 0.3 kN/m²
Other reductions apply to temporary buildings, as defined by DIN 4112, 4.5.3 for the following:
stand structure heights up to 5 m
Stand structure heights > 5 m
q = 0.15 kN/m
q = 0.25 kN/m
are only permitted if, due to the type, form and usage of the structure, the required cessation of operations when the wind
force reaches 8Bft. ( vwind = 20 m/s – even if this is only in gusts -) is ensured.
If operations need to be suspended, following the call for such action by Messe Berlin GmbH (see Item 4.8.6 - Warning in
the event of bad weather) the following measures shall be implemented without delay by the exhibitor or stand operator:
The stand structure shall be secured in accordance with the terms of the operating permit (inspection log), including
closure of entrances to marquees, the lowering of stage covers and/or sheets at the sides of the stage.
Complete evacuation of visitors, guests and personnel from the stand structure.
If necessary the entire open air area should be cleared and safety sought immediately in the exhibition halls, upon the
instructions and under the local supervision of the security services of Messe Berlin GmbH. Snow loading
It is not necessary to consider snow loading with regard to the stand construction during the snow-free period (April - Oct.)
In the case of stand construction measures during the winter (Nov. - March) the regular snow loads must be taken into
consideration in accordance with DIN 1055-5 for all supporting roof structures and for accumulated drifts on all wall
structures (hw > 0.5 m) and evidence must be provided thereof:
With reference to the location of the trade fair: Berlin (height of site: approx. 55 m above mean sea level) the following, siterelated minimum design loads shall apply:
Berlin: snow load zone 2
min. snow load (minimum amount): sk = 0.85 kN/m²
In the case of stand constructions that are classified as temporary structures, reduced snow loads in accordance with the
old DIN 1055-T.5 (June 1975), 3.4.3 may continue to be applied:
red. so = 0.25 kN/m², if
the accumulation of snow during the time that the installations are being operated can be demonstrably prevented as a
result of suitable stand construction measures such as heating (>12° C under the roof) or short-term clearance.
Parapets and railings
In such cases the requirements of the Technical Directives, Item 4.9.3 apply, i.e. a horizontal load:
qH = 1.0 kN/m at cap height.
For all other walls rising through all stories, or free-standing wall elements, evidence must be provided of compliance with
DIN 1055-4 (see also Item in order to provide sufficient stability under regular wind loads.
Permissible floor loads
As a rule pedestrian and vehicle areas with asphalt or paved surfaces are constructed and marked as emergency fire
accesses in accordance with the bridge category SLW 30 (DIN 1072).
Stand construction materials
The requirements of the Technical Guidelines, Item 4.4.1, apply to all stand construction materials.
Structures built onto existing exhibition halls
Structures intended to be built in the immediate vicinity of or onto existing halls or buildings require testing and the express
approval of Messe Berlin GmbH (Dept. ST 21).
In such cases all supporting and cladding elements of the stand construction up to a distance of < 5.0 m from the external
wall of the hall must be constructed using non-inflammable materials.
Tensioned areas that have an effect on stability and mountings attached to necessary weights or to maintain the position of
free-standing masts or advertising installations must be made of non-flammable materials.
- Outdoor Stand Construction Messe Berlin GmbH - Seite 2 von 3 Glass
Only suitable safety glass may be used in the construction of all stand structures on the outdoor areas.
The requirements and terms of the following technical construction regulations apply exclusively in their current, valid form.:
 TRLV –
Technical rules for the use of linearly installed glazing
Technical rules for the use of safety glazing
Technical rules for the measurement and installation of glazing supported in place
Forming the basis for all the specifications referred to herein, and in accordance with the intended purpose, all glass
construction must be
vertical glazing, made of safety glass if necessary;
overhead glazing,
glazing to support the weight of persons.
In no circumstances may panes of glass with damaged edges be used.
Any exposed edges of the glass should be worked in such a way or protected so as to prevent the risk of injury. Room-high,
all-glass components must be marked at eye-level.
Floor areas
Carpets and other surface coverings supplied by exhibitors must be laid in such a way as to prevent accidents and may not
extend beyond the confines of the stand.
All the materials used must subsequently be removed from the surfaces without leaving any residues.
Oil, fat, paints and similar substances must be removed immediately from the surfaces.
Existing surfaces may not be painted or covered in any other type of coating.
Anchor points in the floor
In order to obtain written approval for any anchor points for marquees, tensioned surfaces, flagpoles and other work in the
ground on the outdoor areas, precise positional plans must be submitted in advance to Messe Berlin GmbH, Abt.
Veranstaltungstechnik ST21.
No anchoring of any kind is permitted in the ground on the open air site without written approval.
Before commencing any work in the ground on the site the engineering department Veranstaltungstechnik ST 21 of Messe
Berlin GmbH must be notified.
The ground will be restored to its original state by Messe Berlin GmbH or its contractors, for which charge will be made.
Interference with the permanent building fabric
Roadways and pedestrian areas may not be occupied or obstructed by stand structures or other stand installations, and this
applies during construction and dismantling too.
To allow access for the fire service these areas should be kept clear over their entire width, including marked display areas.
Existing safety equipment (including fire hydrants) must not be damaged, contaminated or altered in any other way. They
should not be blocked and made inaccessible by stand structures nor should they have any weights placed on them.
Exhibitors are not permitted to carry out any work on the existing rails and track facilities at the south-western end of the
Advertising measures, presentations, flag poles
The requirements of the Technical Directives, Item 4.7.7 apply.
Advertising activities may only be carried out on one’s own stand area. Advertising measures must not cause obstruction or
interference to gangways or to neighbouring stands.
Shows / product presentations with performance elements must be registered beforehand with the engineering department
(Abteilung Veranstaltungs-technik) ST21 of Messe Berlin GmbH.
Flagpoles / masts on the outdoor grounds must not exceed a height of 8.0 m.
Severe weather warnings
If severe weather is expected with forecasts of winds with a force of > 7 Bft. (v = approx. 15 m/s – including in gusts) a
general severe weather warning will be issued by Messe Berlin GmbH to all exhibitors on the open air grounds.
Thereupon all exhibitors with stand constructions with a reduced wind load or with temporary buildings must immediately
undertake all the measures stipulated in Item and cease their activities.
The instructions of the on-site security staff and other employees of Messe Berlin GmbH must be complied with immediately
and in all cases.
Dismantling, restoration and handing back of the site
All display areas must be handed back to Messe Berlin GmbH clean and restored to their original state at the end of the
All installation work that has been carried out on the stand such as the spreading of gravel and the inclusion of approved
anchor points if required etc. must be removed.
Any resulting building rubble should be immediately removed by the contracting firm appointed by Messe Berlin GmbH.
Exhibitors must maintain site security until the area has been completely restored and handed back.
If the restoration work has not been completed by the stipulated end of the dismantling period Messe Berlin GmbH shall be
entitled to arrange for it to be done by its contractors at the expense of the exhibitor / stand construction firm.
Grass areas shall be restored exclusively by Messe Berlin GmbH at the expense of the exhibitor / stand construction firm.
- Outdoor Stand Construction Messe Berlin GmbH - Seite 3 von 3
Information on Management of Stands
We specifically draw the attention of our exhibitors to the following statutory regulations:
Company name
The full address of the exhibitor (and if applicable, the branch office responsible for the participation) must be
clearly displayed in adequately sized letters on all stands (company name, full address, including city. street,
house number).
(Only valid if in accordance with the General Conditions of Participation the direct sale is
In accordance with the Regulation on Pricing which came into force on 18 October 2002, BGBI page 4197, the
persons offering goods for sale to the ultimate private consumer are responsible for displaying the price
(including value added tax). The price labels on the goods must be displayed in an unambiguous way and
should be clearly legible from a distance. When using price lists for goods which are only displayed as models
or depicted in brochures, such lists should be displayed open to view, thereby eliminating any need to enquire
about details of the sales price. This regulation does not apply if the supplier of goods makes it clear that he
only wishes to sell items to the trade for use in a professional or commercial capacity. If sales, even
individually, are made to private sector end-users, the obligation to display prices applies in full. Exhibitors will
be monitored to ensure that they observe this regulation. In order to avoid action being taken against
exhibitors, they are requested to strictly observe this regulation.
Order books
If the exhibitor is using orderbooks from suppliers, thesupplier’s full address must be printed or stamped on
each form, along with that of the exhibiting firm.
Addressing visitors
Visitors should only be addressed from within the confines of the stand, and in a correct and polite form, even
if such persons are only seeking information.
Advertising statements
(only valid if direct sale is permitted)
All statements about the goods on display, especially concerning their materials, performance, price and
ancillary costs must be accurate and comprehensive.
Delivery dates
Delivery dates should only be agreed upon if they can actually be met. If delivery is delayed for some pressing
reason, the customer must be notified immediately.
Items manufactured to order
The greatest care should be taken in recording the details for items which are to be manufactured to order, in
particular with regard to colour, design and dimensions. Care should be taken to ensure that the client is not
burdened by the risks of manufacturing defects and with the cost of eliminating such defects.
Claims and complaints must be dealt with correctly within a suitable period of time. If disputes occur it is
advisable to call in the services of the exhibition management – the organisers. Failure to observe these
regulations, even after suitable warnings have been given, may result in enforced closure of the stand, and
the exhibitor may be prohibited from attending other exhibitions.
Complaints by exhibitors
Complaints by exhibitors must be reported or notified in writing to the organiser or the exhibition management
during the exhibition.
10. GEMA-(Performing Rights Society) – Fees
(Notification required)
Approval must be obtained from the GEMA (Performing Rights Society) for any public performance of
copyrighted music by sound media (e.g. phonograph records, CDs, magnetic tapes, musiccassettes),
picture/soundmedia (e.g.videorecorders), for instrumental performances or musical presentations as part of
radio or television broadcasts or the screening of films.
Applications should be made prior to the start of the exhibition to the following address:
GEMA Bezirksdirektion Stuttgart, Herdweg 63, 70174 Stuttgart (Deutschland)
Telefon: +49(0)711/2252-794, Telefax: +49(0)711/2252-800,
11. Energy Consumption Labelling Regulation (EnVKV)
Item 4 of the Energy Consumption Labelling Directive requires that end-users should be provided with a label
giving details about the consumption of electrical energy and other important resources with regard to the
products offered for sale, hire or hire-purchase, or which are being exhibited to end-users. § 4 Section 2 of the
Energy Consumption Labelling Regulation (EnVKV) specifies the following: “Before the household
appliances named in Section 1 Line 1 are being displayed, dealers must attach the labels specified in Section
1 Line 2 No. 1 to the front or top of these appliances, so that such labels can be clearly seen and are not
obstructed in any way.”
Furthermore, since 20 December 2011, the Delegated Regulations (EU) Nos. 1059/2010, 1060/2010 of the
Commission from 28 September 2010, supplementing the Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament
and the Council concerning the labelling of domestic dishwashers, domestic refrigerators and domestic
washing machines with reference to energy consumption, and which require the attachment of an updated,
extended energy efficiency label to the aforementioned appliances being exhibited, are directly applicable.
12. Sale of drugs, advertising of remedies
(Notification required)
A Special information referring to the dispensing of drugs: If exhibitors are planning to sell or dispense
drugs (see § 2, Arzneimittelgesetz 1976 (Drugs Law) for a definition of what constitutes drugs under this law)
e.g. free of charge, exhibitors are required to notify the Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales (LAGeSo),
Turmstrasse 21, 10559 Berlin, Germany. No specific form is required for this notification. (The obligation to
notify the authorities is laid down in § 67 item 1 of the Arzneimittelgesetz.)
B Special information regarding advertising of remedies: Advertising that contains references to health is
subject to the law on advertising for remedies.
Information in this respect is also available from the same address:
Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales (LAGeSo , Telephone: +49(0)30/90229-0,
13. Copyrights, protected trade marks or patents
The exhibition company expects exhibitors to observe the legal copyrights, patents or protected trade marks
of other exhibitors. If the regulations of the exhibition company are not observed, it reserves the right to take
action and to refuse admission to future events. This regulation does not imply any obligation on the part of
the exhibition company in cases of infringement of protected copyrights, trademarks or patents. Under no
circumstances may claims be made against the exhibition company.
14. Gamblings
(Notification required)
Gamblings organised in connection with trade fairs or exhibitions are public events and, if a monetary stake is
involved, require official approval in accordance with the lottery regulations.
Applications should be made to the following office: Landeseinwohneramt Berlin, Referat Verschiedene
Ordnungs-aufgaben – II B 122 – Friedrichstraße 219, 10958 Berlin, Germany,
Telephone: +49(0)30/90269-0, Fax: +49(0)30/90269-1299
15. Cleaning
Messe Berlin will arrange for display areas to be swept before handing them over. If exhibitors do not leave
their display areas clean and tidy after the event, Messe Berlin will arrange cleaning at the exhibitor’s
expense. Any adhesive strips or nails left over after carpets have been removed must be taken up, or this will
be done at the exhibitor’s expense.
16. Hygiene requirements for unpackaged food items dispensed on the Exhibition Grounds
The Guidelines of Public Health and Building Inspectorate as listed overleaf and the Technical Guidelines
must be observed when setting up kitchen areas for preparing food which is intended for dispensing and
immediate consumption on site.
All persons preparing or dispensing unwrapped foodstuffs of animal origin, food for babies and infants, ice
cream, bakery products with fillings that are not fully baked, delicatessen salads etc. must have received
instructions in accordance wit the Law on the protection against Infection (please see information in the annex
to the PDF form).
For queries please contact:
Bezirksamt Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf von Berlin – Gesundheitsamt Lebensmittelpersonal-Beratungsstelle, Hohenzollerndamm 177, 10713 Berlin, Germany
Telephone: +49(0)30/9029-18407, Fax: +49(0)30/9029-18428
Structural requirements for sales stands
Suitable waste air extraction systems for ovens, deep fat fryers, roasting, baking cooking units or
similar facilities. Annoyance caused to neighbouring exhibitors and visitors by smoke should be avoided.
Failure to comply may result in enforced closure of the stand. An additional fire extinguisher must be installed
next to each cooking, frying and grilling installation.
The assembly, design and operation of such installations must be discussed with Messe Berlin GmbH
before they are installed - Technical Dept., T: +49(0)30/3038-4022 to 4028
Please note, that liquid gas containers are not allowed on the Exhibition Grounds. Please
see also Technical Guidelines, Item 5.5 Compressed air and gas installation and item 5.7 Use of pressurised
gases and inflammable liquids
(Notification required)
Wipe-resistant floor coverings (e.g. plastic sheets) and washable wall coverings on the stands
Washable storage and sales surfaces (e.g. plastic sheets) at a height of at least 60 cm above the
Running hot and cold water for cleaning plates, cups and glasses in dual sink units or dish-washers
(or in the case of rinsing units, cold water only).
Hand-washing facilities with running hot water and with liquid soap and disposable hand towels.
Effective protection against spitting or coughing (e.g. Plexi glass panels or similar barriers).
Effective refrigeration facilities for perishable foodstuffs
General hygiene requirements
Foodstuffs may not be stored, handled or sold anywhere except on the sales stands.
Hygienic storage (protected against dust and dirt, refrigerated if necessary) of all foodstuffs and
utensils (e.g. plates, cooking pots).
Water intended for consumption or for cleaning purposes may only be obtained from drinking water
taps. No water may be obtained from toilet areas.
Prohibition on smoking on stands containing foodstuffs.
Clean working clothes for all personnel employed on the stands.
Live mussels must be stored under cool conditions at between +2 and +10 ˚C. Fresh oysters may only
be served by suitably qualified personnel who are properly informed about the edibility of such items.
For queries please contact: Bezirksamt Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf von Berlin – Veterinär- und
Lebensmittelaufsichtsamt – Hohenzollerndamm 174-177, 10713 Berlin, Germany,
telephone: +49(0)30 9029-18407, E-Mail:
18. Installation used for dispensing drinks
The guideline data regarding the intervals between cleaning, as stipulated by DIN 6650-6, apply to all
installations used for dispensing drinks. This specifies that regular cleaning of the dispensing installations
(e.g. taps, lines, fittings) should be conducted at the following intervals:
Fruit juices, sweetened fruit drinks,
fruit juice drinks
Still water, non-alcoholic Beer
1 – 7 days
Beer (excluding alcohol-free beer)
every 7 days Wine, carbonated, non-alcoholic
refreshing drinks, carbonated water
7 – 14 days
Primary ingredients of drinks, spirits
30 – 90 days
This imposes a documentary obligation, i.e. the
operator must provide proof that he has met his
duties of supervision and care, and of the way in
which he has fulfilled these obligations.
Reference source for DIN standards: Beuth Verlag GmbH, Burggrafenstraße 6, 10787 Berlin,
19. Law Governing Restaurants (Gaststättengesetz)
(notification required)
An approval, subject to a fee, in accordance with § 12 of the Law Governing Restaurants (Gaststättengesetz)
only need be applied for if alcoholic drinks are being dispensed (also together with food).
The application may be made without the need for a specific form, or by using the application form GASTG
(approval application) and should be submitted to:
Bezirksamt Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf von Berlin, - Wirtschaftsamt
Hohenzollerndamm 174-177, 10713 Berlin, Germany
telephone: + 49(0)30 / 9029-29000
Fax: + 49(0)30 / 9029-29039
(official form please see in the annex to the PDF form)
Regulations and Legislation:
– Lebensmittel- und Futtermittel-Gesetzbuch (LFGB) of 28.04.2006 (Bundesgesetzblatt/Federal Gazette I,
page 945), in the current valid version
– Food Hygiene Regulation of 08.08.2007 (Bundesgesetzblatt/ Fed. Gazette – BGBl. I, page 1816),
amended on 29.04.2004 (EC regulations No. L 226 page 3),
For queries please contact:
Bezirksamt Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf von Berlin
- Veterinär- und Lebensmittelaufsichtsamt Hohenzollerndamm 174-177
10713 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: +49(0)30/9029-18407 Fax: +49(0)30/9029-18428
Information for employers about the Law on the Prevention of
(Details correct as of November 2009)
Employers also require a certificate stating that they have received initial instructions in accordance with
§ 43 IfSG (Law on Protection against Infection) or a bill of health / “Red Card” in accordance with § 18
BSeuchG (superseded on 01.01.2001 by the IfSG), if they carry out the relevant work on or with foodstuffs,
deal with equipment used in the production of food, or market foodstuffs.
Employers or principals are required to instruct their staff about the Law on the Prevention of Infection; the
obligation upon the employer to provide such instruction applies to all staff engaged in the relevant
activities (production, handling or marketing of the foodstuffs listed in the written instructional material) –
including those who are still working with a valid “Red Card” in accordance with § 18 of the Federal Law on
Contagious Diseases (Bundesseuchengesetz).
Initial instruction by the employer must take place immediately after the staff have taken up employment.
Important: The initial instruction from the Health Department or an appointed physician may not have
been received more than 3 months prior to the initial employment in the food sector. Subsequently such
instruction shall be provided each year.
In this respect it is useful to include instructions about hygiene in accordance with the rules laid down by
the LMHV (Food Hygiene Regulations), (maintenance of the cool chain, cleaning rules etc). It is the
responsibility of employers (including managers) to ensure that sufficient specialist knowledge about
hygienic methods of production and processing is available. The directives contained in the LMHV also
stipulate that such instruction is obligatory. Both forms of instruction must be carried out, and neither of
them replaces the other!
Documentary evidence of the instruction must be provided and confirmed by the signature of the staff
The certificates referring to the instruction in accordance with § 43 IfSG (initial instruction and
documentation of the subsequent instruction as carried out by the employer) must be available at the place
of work and must be presented for inspection by the Veterinary and Food Supervisory Office or by staff of
the Health Department. The absence of a certificate confirming initial instruction by the Health Department
or a physician appointed by the Health Department and the lack of documentation about subsequent
instruction may lead to the imposition of substantial fines.
Advisory office for Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf
Bezirksamt Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf von Berlin
Gesundheitsamt Lebensmittelpersonal-Beratungsstelle
Hohenzollerndamm 177 10713 Berlin
Tel. +49(0)30/90 29-18407; Fax +49(0)30/90 29-18428
Permission for alcoholic beverages (only available in German)
Ordnungsamt Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, 10713 Berlin
Tel: +49(0)30/9029-29045 /-29051 /- 29052 /-29060
Fax: +49(0)30/9029-29039
Please apply for permission in good time before the beginning of the
fair. The fee will be 100.00 € for each booth and has to be paid in
There are controls during the fair. If you do not have any permission,
the fee will be 140.00 € for each booth.
Or please use the website, which will guide you to the appropriate form in the
801&file=antrag___12_gastg_gestattung___wi523.pdf Der Antrag ist zu richten an:
Bezirksamt Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Wirtschafts- und Ordnungsamt
Hohenzollerndammm 174-177, 10713 Berlin oder an Fax: +49(0)30/9029-29039
Information concerning fisheries products and shellfish
There has been a continuous increase in the trade in fish, crustaceans and molluscs in recent years.
However, fish and other fisheries products are among the most sensitive of food items.
Customs offices, in collaboration with the food inspection authorities, monitor imports of such items to
ensure that they comply with the Fish Hygiene Regulations (FISCHHV). The measures that are
undertaken with regard to imports apply to fresh, treated, frozen and processed fisheries products and
live shellfish.
The term fisheries products (§ 2 FischHV) applies to the following:
Fish, other saltwater or freshwater animals, parts of such animals, including spawn and roe and products
obtained from these animals, also in combination with other foodstuffs, provided that the latter do not
predominate, excluding aquatic mammals, frogs, live shellfish, echinoderms, tunicates and sea snails, if
Imports are subject to the following conditions:
fisheries products and live shellfish may only be imported if a veterinarian at a border crossing point (a
so-called border veterinarian) has checked the prescribed documents, carried out identity checks and
has examined the goods.
Fisheries products and live shellfish may only be imported from certain approved third countries.
Prior to the initial importation of fisheries products and live shellfish contact must in all cases be
established with the official veterinarian, a border crossing post or your own veterinary authority.
If fisheries products or shellfish are obtained from or dispatched to other member countries of the
European Community, notwithstanding the existence of the single market, procedural regulations
must still be observed.
The food inspection authority with responsibility for the place where the shipment is unloaded may, for
example, carry out tests on samples.
Before they can be dispatched to the fair please note that, in particular consignments of oysters
must undergo spot checks. Bacteriological tests must be carried out at the very least to identify the
possible presence:
noroviruses and hepatitis A viruses, and
bacteriological tests must be carried out at the very least to identify the possible presence
of fecal coliforms and escherichia coli per 100 g of shellfish meat and fluid and for
salmonella in 25 g of shellfish meat.
The results of this examination must e available for inspection during the fair and must be ready for submission
for examination by the Veterinary and Food Inspection Department..
If you have any further queries please contact:
Bezirksamt Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf von Berlin – Veterinär- und Lebensmittelaufsichtsamt –
Hohenzollerndamm 174-177, 10713 Berlin, Germany, phone: +49(0)309029-18407
Information about preventing Legionnaire’s Disease
Please pass on this information sheet to your appointed service providers (agencies, trade fair construction
companies etc.).
In general the General Terms of Business and Technical Guidelines of Messe Berlin apply, along with such
valid and recognised technical rules as the DVGW worksheets (in particular DVGW W 551), DIN standards,
VDE regulations, the relevant accident prevention regulations (BGV C1), MVStättV and the Drinking Water
In addition the following conditions issued by the Health Department of the District of Charlottenburg –
Wilmersdorf apply:
In order to prevent the spread of legionella and thus protect visitors and employees at trade shows,
permanent chemical disinfection must be provided for the water in all exhibits containing water and in
which aerosols can be created by the movement of water e.g. by means of fountains, waterfalls,
whirlpools, bathtubs etc.
In accordance with the guidelines laid down by the Health Department the following recommended
values must be adhered to:
Exhibits without occupants:
-free chlorine: upper recommended value 1.5 mg/l - lower recommended value 0.5 mg/l
pH value: no specified figure
Exhibits with occupants (the Bathing Water Directive applies):
-free chlorine: upper specified amount 0.6 mg/l - lower specified amount 0.3 mg/l
(for short periods a peak of max. 1.2 mg/l s is permitted)
pH value: upper recommended value 7.5 - lower recommended value 6.5
It is advisable to use chlorine tablets / chlorine granules without isocyanuric acid for disinfection purposes,
because this product presents fewer technical safety problems than sodium hypochlorite or chlorine gas.
When using chlorine products and pH-correcting agents the relevant provisions of the Hazardous
Materials Regulation (GefahrstoffV) and the Prohibited Chemicals Regulation (ChemVerbotsV) must be
complied with.
During trade shows adherence to these conditions is monitored by the Charlottenburg – Wilmersdorf
Health Department.
The Health Department draws particular attention to the fact that disinfection carried out using UV
radiation is not as effective because it cannot reach the Legionella bacteria in any biofilm that may be
used inside the installation.
Any further queries should be addressed to the health department of the local authority:
Bezirksamt Charlottenburg – Wilmersdorf von Berlin
Herr Klaus Brück
Telephone: +4930 – 9029 – 16168
Fax: +4930 – 9029 – 16050
Hohenzollerndamm 174 – 177
10713 Berlin
Issued: 04.03.2010
Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf Health Department, Mr. Klaus Brück
Messe Berlin – Dipl.-Ing. Martin Bomke, Head of Hygiene Department
Prevention of theft
Help to prevent and avoid thefts from occuring
In conjunction with the criminal investigation department of the police we
have prepared the following preventive safety measures:
11 important recommendations:
Appoint your own stand security staff. In this respect we should like to point out that the
security staff employed by the fair management cannot supervise each individual stand.
You should not leave items unsupervised or unsecured on your stand during the
construction or dismantling periods. Since 01 January 2007 all persons involved with
construction or dismantling must carry appropriate IDs. In the event of security staff
encountering any persons without appropriate IDs they shall have the right to eject said
persons from the hall.
Bring your exhibits to the stand at the latest possible time, and certainly not before the day
preceding the start of the fair.
If you are leaving the stand after the end of the fair you should remove all valuable and
non-secured exhibits.
When planning your stand architecture, take into account security aspects.
Ensure that your stand is well lit.
Shelves containing items should not be placed above eye height.
Alarms that react when items are moved will help to reduce the risk of theft.
Small items are best kept close to stand personnel.
10. Arrange definite dates and times with your forwarding company for the delivery and
collection of items for the fair, to ensure that the stand and the items on display there are
not left unattended.
11. Take out insurance on your items. In this way you can at least cover the risk of
financial loss.
Fire Officer for Work with
Heat Sources
Order Form 2015
Messe Berlin:
Mailing address:
Technical queries:
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-4198
Messe Berlin GmbH, Event Service, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: +49(0)30/3038-4022 to -4028, E-Mail:
Hot work like welding, cutting, soldering, abrasive cutting and other work involving the use of naked flame or flying
sparks are strictly prohibited on all operational and display areas belonging to Messe Berlin.
In exceptional cases and subject to submission of a written request approval may be granted for hot work during the setting up and dismantling
of events. For this purpose Messe Berlin will deploy a fire officer, for whom a charge will be made, who will be present to supervise the work
from its commencement to its completion and check up afterwards.
Hot work during the event is prohibited. (please see Technical Guidelines, item Hot work)
In exceptional cases and subject to submission of a written request approval may be granted for hot work during the setting up and
dismantling of events. For this purpose Messe Berlin will deploy a fire officer, for whom a charge will be made, who will be present
to supervise the work from its commencement to its completion.
For the work we are planning (see application) and in accordance with the above conditions we hereby apply for the following
Date: …………………………….
Commencement of work ……………………….. a.m./p.m.
Expected completion of work ……………………….. a.m./p.m.
one fire officer (duty period: at least 4 hours)
- notification at least 3 working days prior to start of work
Flat rate 160.00 EUR
for each additional hour 38.50 EUR/hr.
- notification at least 12 hours prior to start of work
Flat rate 212.00 EUR
for each additional hour 52.00 EUR/hr.
- notification less than 12 hours prior to start of work
Flat rate 318.00 EUR
for each additional hour 77.00 EUR/hr.
Remark Messe Berlin:
Application received (Date/hour) ………………………………………………………………………
passed on:
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
VAT Reg. No.
Telefax :
Name of the customer (in block letters):
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
As of: July 2014 / Subject to alteration/Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Application for permission
B 10
Hot work during setting up and dismantling of events
Work site location:
Proposed timeframe of work:
Hall no.
From (a.m. / p.m.) …………to…………
Other hot work
Contractor (company / person):
Mobile phone no.:
Stand no.
Required safety measures within a radius of approx. 10 meters around the work site prior to commencement
of work:
The undersigned is responsible for
X Removal of all inflammable, movable materials, packaging, fabrics,
carrying out the safety measures listed
liquids, gases from danger zone
Covering of all fixed, inflammable fabrics and items with nonabove:
X inflammable materials/fabrics and/or damping with water if
Sealing/covering of apertures, joints, cracks in floors, walls or
supply pipes and ducts
Signature of the
(in block capitals)
Hot work during setting up and dismantling of events
is granted
is refused
The approval to carry out work involving
fire risk:
Approval having been granted, the following conditions
must be observed under all circumstances :
Signature ES
Telephone no.
(in block capitals )
The safety measures referred to above must be checked by the
fireguard prior to the commencement of the work
A fireguard must be present on site while the work is being carried
Fire safety checks must be carried out by the fireguard on
completion of the work
Advance notification by telephone to company performing work,
informing them whether and when the work may be carried out.
Date, time
Commencement of hot work
Mobile phone no. of fireguard:
Name / Signature of fireguard representative:
Implementation of the safety measures referred to above prior to
commencement of hot work has been checked.
The work may not be
The work may be
carried out.
carried out.
Report by telephone to control and safety centre:
+ 49 (0)30 -3038 4444
Conclusion of hot work
Hot work concluded, checks have been carried out after 30 min.
Report by telephone to control and safety centre:
+ 49 (0)30 -3038 4444
Signature of fireguard:
Hot work has been completed.
Signature of person carrying out work:
Security staff have instructed inspection to be carried out,
acknowledgment has been received.
Effective: June 2013
Distribution list:
Original: Ausführender
Leit- und Sicherheitszentrale
FAX: 2808
Tel: 0151 161 30 056 oder 030-3038 5866
FAX: 1460
FAX: 1399
Usage of Inflammable
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Messe Berlin:
Mailing address:
Technical queries:
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to event
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-4198
Messe Berlin GmbH, Event Service, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-4022 to -4028, E-Mail:
For approval of using inflammable liquids please fill in the below mentioned questionnaire:
Period of usage:
Type of inflammable liquids:
Group A
|__| Hazard category A I
|__| Hazard category A II
|__| Hazard category A III
Gruppe B
Type of usage:
Daily requirement:
................ l in .................. qty. unbreakable cylinder
Where are the liquids stored
on the stand?
................ l in .................. qty. breakable cylinder
Do vapour/air mixtures
or waste gases occur during
|__| yes
|__| no
|__| mechanical ventilation
|__| no ventilation
Are fire extinguisher
automatic extinguishers
|__| yes
|__| no
portable extinguisher
|__| yes
|__| no
................ qty. with powder / CO2 filling
By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
VAT Reg. No.:
Telefax :
Name of the customer (in block letters):
................................................. ..........................................................................
As of: July 2014 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Installation of Compressed
Gas Cylinders
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Messe Berlin:
Mailing address:
Technical queries:
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-4198
Messe Berlin GmbH, Event Service, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-4022 to -4028, E-Mail:
For approval of installation of compressed gas cylinders please fill in the below listed questionnaire:
Period of usage:
Type of compressed gas used:
Type of usage:
Location of cylinders
on stand:
Daily requirements:
Number of cylinders:
......................... qty.
Contents of cylinders:
......................... kg resp. litre
Will the compressed gas be
supplied via piping?
|__| yes
over a distance of ......... m in ........................... pipes
Are stop valves installed?
|__| yes
Are stop valves
|__| yes
Are fire extinguishers available?
automatic extinguishers
|__| yes
portable extinguishers
|__| yes
|__|no ................... nos. with powder filling/with CO2 filling
Proof of last
pressure test
The pertinent instructions for the use of the compressed gas cylinder units are available at the location of the exhibition.
Messe Berlin will schedule the official dates for inspection and will inform the exhibitor accordingly
(please see C1 Technical Guidelines, item 5.7).
By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
VAT Reg. No.:
Telefax :
Name of the customer (in block letters):
................................................. ..........................................................................
As of: Juli 2014 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Operation of a Radio
Broadcasting Installation
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Customer Service:
Mailing address:
Technical queries:
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143
Messe Berlin GmbH, c/o MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-1400; E-Mail:
The term „radio broadcasting installation“ applies to all fixed or mobile broadcasting installations operated by non-public terrestrial
broadcasters (nömL) and to all wireless radio-control and relay installations.
Messe Berlin must be notified at least 6 weeks prior to the start of the event about the use of any radio broadcasting installations
(pls. see Important Information).
Details about the radio broadcasting installation:
Operating frequency:
Transmitter output:
Location of broadcasting
equipment (antenna):
(an explanatory sketch must be in included)
Queries should be addressed to:
Fax No.:
E-Mail address:
Remark Messe Berlin:
passed on:
By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
VAT Reg. No.:
Telefax :
Name of the customer (in block letters):
................................................. ..........................................................................
As of: July 2014/ Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Important information for operation of a radio broadcasting installation on the Fair
1. The term “radio installation” applies to all fixed or mobile broadcasting installations operated by nonpublic terrestrial broadcasters
(nömL) and to all wireless radio-control and relay installations.
2. Messe Berlin must be notified at least 6 weeks prior to the start of the event about the use of any radio installations. 3. Operating
frequencies are allocated, subject to mandatory approval, to be shared with other users of the frequencies, thereby
creating the possibility of mutual influence on the signals. When carrying out radio operations, discipline must be exercised, and the
transmission periods must be kept as short as possible to keep interference to a minimum for the benefit of all those users conducting radio
4. The frequencies are allocated to the subscriber for his or her own use. The allocated frequency may only be transferred with the prior
written approval of the regulating authority (Bundesnetzagentur – BNA), and it remains subject to the existing allocation regulations.
5. Under the terms of this frequency allocation, any radio installations used must comply with the relevant licensing regulations if BNA
for the prescribed purpose, and must be marked with the appropriate licensing symbol.
6. Use of the frequencies must not interfere with other telecommunications installations and equipment. The relevant technical rules
should be applied to eliminate any interference caused by use of the allocated frequency. If interference is being caused, BNA is
authorized to restrict or prevent use of the corresponding radio equipment. The subscriber must comply with these instructions
7. The prior approval of BNA must be obtained before connecting up to any other telecommunications installations/telecommunications
8. Officials of BNA must be permitted or enabled to gain access during normal operating times to sites, buildings, rooms and
vehicles housing radio installations and equipment in order to examine the installations and facilities. These officials must be
supplied with all required information about the radio network, radio installations and radio operations. The necessary documents
must be made available.
9. Any alterations to the frequencies used by means of changes (e.g. change of location) and extensions to the radio network or to the
radio installations may only be undertaken subject to the prior written approval of BNA.
10. Radio operations must be restricted to what is absolutely necessary. If necessary BNA reserves the right to impose an automatic
limitation on the time spent on air.
11. Only internal information may be transmitted over the allotted frequency/frequencies.
12. Within reasonable limits BNA may subsequently impose conditions and restrictions if, after allocation, it is established that
increased use of the frequency range is causing harmful interference in the frequencies used.
13. BNA may allocate one frequency or more other frequencies if the increased demand for communications by a user has caused
such far-reaching changes to the occupancy of the allocated frequency or frequencies as to prevent other users from making use of the
same allotted frequency or frequencies, if these restrictions are caused by the party to whom the frequency has been allocated, and if the
situation cannot be remedied by any other action.
14. The frequency allocation may be revoked either partially or entirely if a) the conditions governing the frequency allocation
subsequently no longer apply, or if other factors subsequently emerge, on the basis of which BNA would be justified in not allowing
allocation of the frequency, or not allowing its allocation in this form. b) the holder of the allocation fails to meet the obligations incurred as
a result of the allocation, and this applies in particular to failure to comply with conditions regarding the allocation, or failure to comply
within a specified time. c) BNA were entitled, on the basis of subsequent changes to a legal regulation, to no longer permit the allocation
of the frequency, or its allocation in this form, provided that the party receiving the allocation has not made use of it, or if public interest
were to be jeopardised, or d) the public interest were to be severely prejudiced in some other way, or if this detriment could not be
15. The document authorizing the allocation must be presented to BNA or the police officers on request.
16. The holder of the frequency allocation must instruct service personnel about the obligation to adhere to the operational conditions with
regard to the frequency allocation. The holder of the allocation is responsible for ensuring that the relevant regulations are observed.
17. This frequency allocation is not concerned with radiation safety nor with electrical and mechanical safety of the radio installation, for
which separate rules and regulations apply.
18. The use of radio installations for monitoring purposes is prohibited.
19. The monitoring and recording of information intended for others is not permitted. The contents of such Information and the fact that it
has been received may not be communicated to others, even if its reception was accidental. Information about the allocation of
frequencies can be obtained from the relevant regulating authority, Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und
Eisenbahnen, Berlin Phone: +49(0)30/43 74-0
Postal address:
Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation,
Post und Eisenbahnen Außenstelle Berlin
Seidelstraße 49
13405 Berlin, Germany
Operation of Laser Devices
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Messe Berlin:
Mailing address:
Technical queries:
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-4198
Messe Berlin GmbH, Event Service, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Exhibition Grounds: Phone: +49(0)30/3038-4026, E-Mail:
In accordance with § 5 Section 1 of the Accident Prevention Regulations „LaserBeams“ (BGV B2) we hereby state our intention
to operate in the following laser devices(s) of category 3 R, 3 B or 4:
Radiated power or
Wave length(s):
|__| Continuous wave laser
|__| Pulse laser
Pulse duration: ........................... Pulse repeat frequency: ............................
member of staff:
Laser protection official (in
accordance with § 6 GUV 2.20):
Installation site:
Date of use:
Date/time that approval was issued:
Approval given by:
Test runs: date/time::
By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
VAT Reg. No.:
Telefax :
Name of the customer (in block letters):
................................................. ..........................................................................
As of: July 2014 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Load Distribution Measures
Timber packing
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Messe Berlin:
Mailing address:
Technical queries:
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to construction period
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-4198
Messe Berlin GmbH, Event Service, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-4022 to -4028, E-Mail:
The floors of the halls are constructed either in the form of cavity floors to take supply pipes and wiring or as solid floors containing cable
Basements are also provided in some areas of the halls.
Proof must be submitted that the permitted loads on the hall floors, e.g. from columns, are not exceeded (see item3.1 Hall Data).
The normal permitted loads on the cavity floor are:
p = 10,00 kN/m² or
p = 35,00 kN for individual loads with a contact area  25/25 cm
No special measures need to be undertaken for individual loads of
up to 35 kN per column (contact area  25/25 cm)
For individual loads  35 kN up to80 kN per column standard timber
packing is required on the base of the hall or basement invert, taking
into consideration any existing supply pipes or wiring.
Construction Services
pcs. Standard timber packing
per unit 120.00 EUR = .............................. EUR
Please enclose a dimensioned sketch with your order, showing layout of columns and position.
In the case of individual loads  80 kN/column special constructions with additional stability calculations
are required.
We recommend the services of the following company for the additional stability calculations:
Dipl.- R. Axthelm & Dipl.-Ing. H.J. Kawski
Beratende Ingenieure VBI
Friedbergstr. 23, 14057 Berlin, Deutschland
Tel.: +49(0)30/326912-0, Fax: +49(0)30/326912-20
All services listed above will be charged together with the stand rental in the final invoice after the event ends, unless otherwise noted in the appropriate
order form.
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
VAT Reg. No.:
Telefax :
|_| We are the exhibitor.
These services will be charged
within the final invoice of
Messe Berlin GmbH.
Your order number for the invoice:
| _| We are only ordering
by order of the exhibitor.
|_ | We are not the
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
(a written confirmation is
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: Juli 2014/ Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Playing/Performing Music
at Trade Fairs and Exhibition
Mailing address:
As of: February 2015
GEMA-Bezirksdirektion Stuttgart, Postfach 10173, 70015 Stuttgart, Germany
Phone: +49(0)711/2252-794
+ 49(0)711/2252-800 or 030-21292795
Offices: GEMA
Bezirksdirektion Stuttgart,
Herdweg 63, 70174 Stuttgart,
For exhibitors from abroad: Please send your application to the above mentioned address.
For exhibitors from Germany: Your application will be passed on to the appropriate regional head office. You may also send your
application directly. The corresponding addresses and contact details you will find overleaf as well as under:
Only a fully completed form can be processed!
1. Company details
Name: …………………………………………………….………………………..
Person to contact at company:
Head office: ………………………………………….……………………………
Street: ……………………………………………….…………………………….
Dept.: ...............................................................................................................
City: ……………………………………………….……………………………….
Phone: .............................................................................................................
VAT Reg. No.: ……………………………………………………………………..
E-Mail: ………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Trade fair/exhibition details
Description: ……………………….……………………………………………..
Hall No.: ..........................................................................................................
City: ……………………………………………………………………………….
Stand No.: .......................................................................................................
Duration: ………………………………………………………………………….
Stand area in m²: .............................................................................................
3. Music to be played/performed as follows:
3.1 At stand (no event/show/party)
3.4 Shows/Performing/Live playing
 Radio
 Audio media
(e.g. singers, dancers, musicians, lottery show, promotion campaigns, others)
 yes
(cassette recorder/CD player/MP3 etc.)
Number of performances/daily : …………………….….
 on all days
 only on: ….………………….…
 a
 d
 c
 e  f
a) Musician/singer; b) CD-/MP3-/MC/PC or similar device, with self-made recordings;
c) CDs/MCs without self-made recordings; d) Video-/DVD-Player with self-made recordings;
e) Video-/DVD-Player without self-made recordings; f) Playback of television broadcasts
3.2 Playing of audiovisual content
 TV broadcast
No. of screens: …………..
 imanges protected on large screen
No. of screens: …………..
 using wall equipped with monitors
No. of walls:
3.5 Parties at stand, informal get-togethers after 6 p.m.
 yes
 Video/DVD screening
No. of screens: ………….
 projected on large screen
No. of screens: ………….
 using wall equipped with monitors
No. of walls:
date: ……………………………………………………..…
 with Live music  audio media (CDs etc.)
No. of monitors per wall: ………….
Separate entrance fee for stand party required?
 Yes
 No
If Yes, ………………EUR
Charges for using music: ………………………………………………………..
Number of invited guests: ……………………………………………………….
3.6 Events outside the exhibition grounds
 yes
date: …………………………………………………………
 with Live music  audio media (CDs etc.)
3.3 Multimedia applications
 Computer
Overall total: ………….
Charges for using music: …………………………………………………..…….
total: …………..
Details of location: ……………………………………………………………..….
 using multimedia applications,
internet and otherwise
Number of invited guests: …………………………………………………..…....
4. Issuing of licences for business films and screening of audiovisual content
(see items 3.2 and 3.3)
Has a licence been issued for screening in public?
 yes
 no
(it is necessary to enclose copy of licence)
Place, date
Contractual partner: GEMA Bezirksdirektion Berlin
Information for Exhibitors
GEMA – Playing/performing music protected by copyright
Anybody who makes music available to the general public in Germany is normally automatically a customer of GEMA. In the
case of radio and television broadcasters, cinemas or companies who produce audio visual media, the situation is easily
understood and clear.
However, all organisers of music to be played/performed in public, and thus exhibitors who intend to play/perform music, or TV
broadcasts and/or videos/DVDs at their stand, are also customers of GEMA.
In this context, German copyright law states: “Playing/performing a work is an act which is public whenever it is intended for
several persons, unless such a group of persons is specifically delimited and either its members have personal links with each
other by way of personal links with the organiser, or they have personal links with each other as such.”
In simpler terms this means that virtually every situation in which one or more persons listen to music together is public.Thus a
celebration at a stand also takes place “in public”.
For this reason, registration is required in order to play/perform music protected by copyright. GEMA is obliged to issue such a
licence. That is to say that after an applicant has handed in his registration in the correct way, a licence will be issued
automatically. The arrival of a bill for fees to be paid is tantamount to approval. If you play/perform music without registering for a
licence, then on behalf of GEMA we hereby expressly draw your attention to GEMA's right to lodge claims for damages.
If you wish to query the amounts charged by GEMA, as to whether they are fair and reasonable, then you may do so by having
either a court or the arbitration tribunal of the German Patent Office review them. However, it should be noted that GEMA does
take care to ensure that the fees charged to all concerned are fair and reasonable. On the one hand GEMA is subject to
inspections by the state. On the other hand, for virtually every type of fee charged, an agreement exists between GEMA and
such bodies who represent the interests of those who play/perform music.
GEMA registration
Please return the filled form to GEMA Key Account Management Messen or, to register without a form, list how music will be
played/performed (how often, date, duration, whether music is to be played or performed). GEMA will send you the
appropriate forms, and charge you a licence fee according to the details you have specified.
Fee category WR-VR-MES for works played from the GEMA repertoire, for entertainment purposes, not in the sense of
organised events, at trade fairs and exhibitions
Each item subject to additional 7 % VAT (fees charged outside Germany are exempt)
Details valid for 2015. We reserve the right to make changes.
1. audio media
per Stand EUR 19.56/day
2. radio broadcasts
per Stand EUR 15.91/day
3. television broadcasts
3.1 per TV set
EUR 8.32/day
3.2 per large video screen or per wall
equipped with monitors up to 100 m²
EUR 15.91/day
4. visual media
4.1 per monitor
4.2 per large video screen or per wall
equipped with video screen up to 100 m²
EUR 34.40/day
EUR 68.67/day
Please note:
According to § 15 and subsequent sections of German copyright law, dated 9.9.1965, GEMA approval is required to publicly
play/perform music protected by copyright.
The fees which apply in order to be granted a licence to make use of copyright and performance protection rights are scaled
according to how music is played/performed and, where applicable, the area of the exhibition stand.
The amounts quoted above include all extras charged by the GVL (Collecting Society for Neighbouring Rights) and the
VG Wort collecting society.
In case of queries please contact us. Our advisers will be at your disposal.
GEMA Key Account Management Messen,
Phone: (0711) 2252-794 Fax: 0711-2252-800 or 030-21292795, E-mail:
Contractual partner: GEMA Bezirksdirektion Berlin
Test for construction
requiring official approval
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Deadline: 6 weeks prior to the event *)
Orders which are placed within the last 4 weeks prior to the construction period are subject to a 20 % surcharge.
Messe Berlin:
Mailing address:
Technical queries:
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-4198
Messe Berlin GmbH, Event Service, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038 4022 to -4028, E-Mail:
Construction requiring official approval are (pls. see Technical Guidelines):
Stand structures with two or more storeys, see item. 4.2.1
Special structures/constructions, special structural components, temporary structures, structures over public access areas,
platforms, see item 4.2.1
Aisles, gangways, steps, railings, parapets, see item 4.6
Outdoor structures, see item 4.8
In accordance with the Technical Guidelines of Messe Berlin we hereby apply for the issue of an approval, limited to the duration of the fair,
for the following:
Size/Area for construction .................................................................... m²
The following documents are hereby enclosed, in German, with reference to the relevant DIN technical standards:
Description of structure
Location plan
proved statical calculation/Test book/Type test (Original issue) – pls. see item 4.2.1
Load for column each/conductive load into the floor
Construction drawings
Groundplans, views, sections (3 copies)
Calculation of area for construction, able to be proved
Messe Berlin will charge 7.00 EUR per m² stand construction, at minimum 300.00 EUR for approval of the supplied documents being
correct and complete, and for one technical inspection of the construction incl. stairways and parapets.
If the submitted structural analysis has not been checked then Messe Berlin can be requested to carry out a check.
For the test of construction drawings and statical calculation, Messe Berlin will charge 7.00 EUR per m² of the presented stand construction,
at minimum 420.00 EUR. Additional inspections will be charged with proof of time.
The documents must be signed by the exhibitor (client) and by the person preparing the design/structural engineer !
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Remark Messe Berlin
passed on:
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
VAT Reg. No.:
Telefax :
|__| We are the exhibitor.
These services will be charged
within the final invoice of
Messe Berlin GmbH.
Your order number for the invoice:
|__| We are only ordering
by order of the exhibitor.
|__| We are not the
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
(a written confirmation is
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: July 2014 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Approval, testing and exemption of structures requiring a building permit
(see Technical Guidelines items 4.2.1, 4.9.3, 4.9.4, 4.9.5 and 4.9.6)
Assuming that the Technical Directives for the design and construction of the stand are adhered to, it is not necessary to submit drawings in order to obtain
approval for single-storey stand structures in the exhibition halls.
Construction application /
Structures requiring a building permit
AIl other stand structures, mobile stands, outdoor structures, special structures and constructions require approval.
Two-storey structures may possibly be allowed, subject to the approval of the relevant project management of Messe Berlin. The application must be
submitted immediately after receiving notification that a stand has been assigned.
Two-storey structures are not possible in Halls 8.1, 10.1 and 11.1, and only at certain locations in Halls 14.1 and 15.1.
Unless stated otherwise for the trade fair in question, the maximum height of stand structures is equal to the inside height of the hall minus 0.50 m.
If an area of more than 30 m² is covered over with material that is not suitable for use with sprinkler systems, a sprinkler system must be installed.
Stand structures bordering on neighbouring stands must be painted in neutral white above a height of 2.50 m.
The following documents in German are required no later than 6 weeks prior to the start of construction when applying for approval for
– Stand structures with two or more storeys (see item 4.2.1)
– For special structures / special structural solutions, special components, temporary structures, components above areas frequented by
visitors, grandstands (see item 4.2.1)
– Showtrucks
– Aisles, gangways, steps, railings, parapets (see item 4.6)
– Outdoor structures (see item 4.8)
the following documents, in German (in duplicate) are required at least 6 weeks prior to the start of the event:
examined static calculation in accordance with German industrial standards and technical rules. Examined in the aforementioned sense
applies to stress analysis documents (incl. test report), which have been examined exclusively by a technical inspector or a structural
stability expert approved in accordance with the respective state building regulations,
description of the building, location plan,
stand construction drawings to a scale of 1 : 100 (layout, elevations, sections),
item a) does not apply if a type certification suitable for examination or a valid inspect and test log in accordance with FIBauR (Directive on the
Construction and Operation of Temporary Structures) is submitted. Submitted valid inspect and test logs will be shown by Messe Berlin on behalf of the
exhibitor to the local Building Inspectorate responsible for the final acceptance.
The exhibitor / stand constructor will be invoiced for the costs of the construction approval process.
In addition to type testing/type certification for individual items of technical equipment, e. g. sports and games equipment with mechanical or electrical functions,
the following documents, in German, must be submitted for inspection:
– Description of construction and operation,
– Design drawings,
– Proofs of stability,
– TÜ V test certificates, approvals or
– Statement of EU conformity issued by a recognised certification authority or an equivalent manufacturer’s statement in accordance with BauPG, §§ 9, 10.
The above documents may also be required.
If none of the stress analysis documents examined as stated above are available, they may be drawn up with the assistance of Messe Berlin. The costs will be
borne by the exhibitor / stand constructor.
Individual loads on supporting pillars
The load to which the floor can be subjected varies between the different halls (see Hall Data). Proof must be provided that the foundation pressure of the pillars
does not exceed the permitted foundation pressure of the hall floors.
Responsible site supervisor
The “site supervisor” appointed by the stand construction company or the exhibitor to oversee the work, and whose name must be supplied to Messe Berlin, is
responsible for ensuring compliance with the Technical Directives. If this site supervisor does not have sufficient specialised knowledge or experience of
particular items of work or aspects of the work, he must obtain the services of suitable experts.
Stand construction approval
After scrutiny, the copy of the stand construction plans, endorsed as approved, will be returned to the exhibitor /stand constructor.
Stand construction work may not commence until the approval endorsement has been granted.
Acceptance will be carried out or coordinated by Messe Berlin after approval has been granted for the construction of the stand, and following the erection of
the supporting structure, the responsible site supervisor shall apply to Messe Berlin for acceptance.
Cladding may only be added to the supporting structure after the structure has been approved as being free of defects.
During the construction phase, if it is established that a stand or stand construction that was initially categorised by the exhibitor or stand constructor as being of
a basic design subsequently proves to comprise a non-standard design (as determined by Messe Berlin), an acceptance process must immediately be
Prior to the start of the fair a final acceptance of all the fair structures will be carried out. If required, Messe Berlin GmbH will call in the services of specialised
authorities or qualified experts (e. g. construction supervisory authority, professional association, fire service, trading standards department, police, technical
supervisory board – TÜV).
If defects are discovered in structures at trade fairs a deadline will be given in writing for their elimination.
If defects are not remedied, even after instructions to do so have been issued, partial or even complete use of the stand for the exhibition may be prohibited.
This prohibition on the use of the stand may be effected by Messe Berlin by the imposition of certain measures (cordoning off, closure of the stand, interruption
of supplies to the stand. Such measures do not affect the obligation to pay the stand rental charge.
Messe Berlin will apply the scale of fees listed overleaf for examination and approval of the documents submitted, to ensure that they are correct and
complete, and for single acceptance of the supporting structure including stairs and railings / parapets.
For single-storey exhibition stands or stand structures the usable stand area is calculated on the basis of the usable area, usually that accessible to persons, of
the upper floor, and, if appropriate, this will also include the stand area covered by other, special stand constructions.
Work involving fire risks
Work involving the risk of fire may only be carried out subject to prior application and approval.
This approval is issued by Messe Berlin together with the certificate. Application forms / certificates should be requested if required.
Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Commercial Register: HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg 92 HRB 5484
Board of Management: Dr. Christian Göke (CEO)
VAT Id No. DE 136629714, Tax No. 27/453/ 04182
Use of Pyrotechnics
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Messe Berlin,:
Mailing address:
Technical queries:
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to event
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-4198
Messe Berlin GmbH, Event Service, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-4042; E-Mail:
Person(s) responsible for
letting off the spezial effects:
Name and address:
No. and date of the approval
issued in accordance with
§ 7 SprengG:
No. and date of certificate
of competency in
accordance with § 20 SprengG:
Name and address:
Issuing authority:
Date and time at which the
special effects are to be let off
Place (Hall / room /site):
We wish to arrange an
appointment for a demonstration
of the intended special effects, for
technical safety purposes
on: ..................... at: ........................ a.m./p.m., because by this time the work of setting up
should sufficiently advanced to allow a realistic demonstration.
If you do not consider such a demonstration necessary, please notify using writing.
Type and extent of the intended
special pyrotechnical effects:
Quantity / designation:
duration / height:
.................................................. .................................................. ....................................................
.................................................. .................................................. ....................................................
If necessary, enclose a supplementary list of details:
(a printed supplement form may be obtained from: Messe Berlin GmbH, ES 22,
Phone + 49(0)30 / 30 38-38 35, fax + 49(0)30 / 30 38-38 38)
The organizer is required to make
the following safety arrangements:
|_| a minimum of ................. fire extinguisher
|_| a team of firefighters commensurate with the size of the event (theatre firefighters)
from the relevant fire brigade
|_| maintenance of clear emergency exits and free access for the fire brigade
By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
VAT Reg. No.:
Telefax :
Name of the customer (in block letters):
................................................. ..........................................................................
As of: Juli 2014/Subject to alteration/Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Shows and Events
during opening hours of the fair
Stand No.:
Registration 2015
Customer Service:
Mailing address:
For queries:
Fax: +49(0)30-3038-1460 or 3039-0009143; Phone: +49(0)30/3038-1400; E-Mail:
Messe Berlin GmbH, c/o MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-4091; e-mail:
Please note that events in the evening require registration. Events can take place at the stand from 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
We are planning the following events during the fair::
Date: ...................................................................
Time from: ................................................. to: .........................................................
Title/type of event:
Planned number of persons:
Place of event:
Please send us an offer for the following services on the occasion of our planned event:
|__| Guards for the event
|__| Medical service
|__| Miscellaneous:
|__| Wardrobe/Staff
|__| Cordon posts/exclusion zone/walls
|__| Toilet supervision
|__| Taxi dispatcher
|__| Catering service
Telephone: ..........................................................
E-Mail: ...................................................................
Our person in charge for the event:
Name: .................................................................
(For musical performances please see application form “Playing/performing music at trade shows” – GEMA)
Guests who enter the fairground before 6. p.m. need an entrance ticket. After 6 p.m. they need a written invitation of the inviting exhibitor.
Otherwise the security will not permit them to enter. The event may only take place within the areas specifically allocated for the purpose.
If you rearrange furniture you must ensure that the emergency exits are not obstructed and that they remain clear at all times. Companies
contracted by the organizers, i.e. catering companies, musicians, beverage vendors etc. are also required to observe these instructions.
By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact: for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Telefax :
Purchase number for the invoice:
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Name of the customer (in block letters):
................................................. .........................................................................................
As of: August 2014/Subject to alteration/Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
(20 % TO 30 %)
Compressed Air Installation
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Orders which are placed within the last 4 weeks prior to the opening of the event are subject to a 20 % surcharge.
Customer Service:
Mailing address:
Technical queries:
Order No.
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143; Phone: +49(0)30/3038-1400; E-Mail:
Messe Berlin GmbH, c/o MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-5771 or +49(0)172/3014922, E-Mail:
Price each
Price total
Main connection (10 bar)
The quality of the compressed air at the transfer point from the compressor station to the Messe
Berlin pipeline network meets the following classification in accordance with DIN ISO 8573-1:
Oil content: Class 1 = max. oil concentration 0,01 mg/m³;
Solid matter content: Class 1 = max. particle size 0,1 mg/m³;
Water content: Class 4 = dew point under compression < +3 ºC
Installation of compressed air line to connection point on the stand, incl. non-return
valve (not including any additional distribution within the stand area)
Main connection up to 300 l/min (incl. connection on the stand)
545.00 EUR ……......... EUR
Main connection up to 600 l/min (incl. connection on the stand)
1.064.00 EUR ……......... EUR
Main connection up to 1 500 l/min (incl. connection on the stand)
1.565.00 EUR ……......... EUR
Main connection up to 2 500 l/min (incl. connection on the stand)
1.899.00 EUR ……......... EUR
Compressed Air line up to 9 mm ø, per runn. m.
4.50 EUR ……......... EUR
Compressed Air line up to 19 mm ø, per runn. m..
6.90 EUR ……......... EUR
Compressed Air line up to 50 mm ø, per runn. m..
Compressed air regulator (for hire)
12.50 EUR ……......... EUR
Regulator up to 300 l/min.
32.80 EUR ……......... EUR
Regulator up to 600 l/min.
44.00 EUR ……......... EUR
Regulator up to 2 500 l/min.
55.10 EUR ……......... EUR
Branch (each)
26.20 EUR ……......... EUR
Additional work according to expense and time
Installation, maintenance and removal of regulator incl manometer for unloading presure 0,5 to 10 bar
Compressed Air installations can be provided on the open-air grounds but, therefore, individual arrangements must be made in each case if
installations are required on the open-air grounds.
Please enclose a sketch for disposition of the ordered installation. Please indicate the position of your stand on the sketch (aisles,
adjacent stands). The exhibitor will be charged for additional charges for necessary alterations due to missing sketches.
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Your order number for the invoice:
|_| We are the exhibitor.
|_| We are only ordering
by order of the exhibitor.
These services will be charged
within the final invoice of
Messe Berlin GmbH.
|_| We are not the
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
(a written confirmation is
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: December 2014 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
../page 2 – Installation Guide Compressed Air
Page 2
Installation Guide Compressed Air
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143
Exact details avoid the need for further enquiries, save time and trouble and ensure punctual execution. Space for sketch for disposition of technical
installations required as listed overleaf.
Please indicate the position of your stand on the sketch (aisles, adjacent stands)
General Guidelines for Installations (Water, compressed air, vapour extractors)
All orders for assembly or hire equipment must be in writing. For installation work with proof of work the following hourly rates will be charged (plus
surcharge in force of tariffs): Foreman: 45.70 EUR/h, Plumber: 41.30 EUR/h, Helper: 34.90 EUR/h.
If an order is placed by a hirer after the application deadline of which he has been notified, the installation company provides no guarantees that delivery and
assembly can be made in time or in full. If the work can still be carried out in such cases, the order is subject to a 20 % surcharge for the additional costs involved.
The entire material is hired and remains the property of the installation company. The hirer is liable for damage or loss to the items hired, including any such
damage or loss due to force majeure, even if such damage or loss has been caused by third parties. Liability commences with the delivery of the items to the
stand, and ceases with their collection by us, even if the exhibitor has already left the stand.
In the absence of any stand personnel when delivering the ordered services, they will be considered to have correctly fullfilled when installed on the stand.
The installation company is not obliged to check the credentials of the personnel on the stand when excecuting the assembly work.
Any complaints regarding the fulfilment of the services ordered should be made to Messe Berlin on the same day, in writing. Complaints made at a later date will
be excluded. An obligation exists to rectify justifiable complains. Cancellation of the contract or a reduction in the remuneration are only possible if the rectification
of the complaint is unsuccessful.
The exhibitor will be charged with additional charges for necessary alterations due to missing sketches.
The legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg.
Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Commercial Register: HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg 92 HRB 5484
Board of Management: Dr. Christian Göke (CEO)
VAT Id No. DE 136629714, Tax No.27/ 453/04182
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Extractor Hoods and
Vapour Extractors
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Orders which are placed within the last 4 weeks prior to the opening of the event are subject to a 20 % surcharge.
Customer Service:
Mailing address:
Technical queries:
Order No.
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143; Phone: +49(0)30/3038-1400; E-Mail:
Messe Berlin GmbH, c/o MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-5771 or +49(0)172/3014922, E-Mail:
Price each
Price total
Extractor hood available for hire
Dimensions to be agreed up to 2 500 x 1 000 x 500 mm
Extractor hood for hire
1,799.00 EUR ……......... EUR
Due to the special structural conditions in Halls 8.1, 9b, 10.1, 11.1, 13,
14.1, 14.2, 15.1, 15.2, 16 + 25, the installations of extractor hoods
is only possible following prior consultation. Quotes available on request.
Connection/Installation of exhibitor’s own hood
Quote available
on request
Please enclose a sketch for disposition of the ordered installation. Please indicate the position of your stand on the sketch (aisles,
adjacent stands). The exhibitor will be charged for additional charges for necessary alterations due to missing sketches.
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Your order number for the invoice:
|_| We are the exhibitor.
These services will be charged
within the final invoice of
Messe Berlin GmbH.
|_| We are only ordering
by order of the exhibitor.
|_| We are not the
Legally binding signature and company stamp
(a written confirmation is
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above..
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: December 2014 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
../page 2/Installation Guide Extractor hoods
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Page 2
Installation Guide Extractor Hoods
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143
Exact details avoid the need for further enquiries, save time and trouble and ensure punctual execution. Space for sketch for disposition of technical
installations required as listed overleaf.
Please indicate the position of your stand on the sketch (aisles, adjacent stands)
General Guidelines for Installations (Water, compressed air, vapour extractors)
All orders for assembly or hire equipment must be in writing. For installation work with proof of work the following hourly rates will be charged (plus
surcharge in force of tariffs): Foreman: 45.70 EUR/h, Plumber: 41.30 EUR/h, Helper: 34.90 EUR/h.
If an order is placed by a hirer after the application deadline of which he has been notified, the installation company provides no guarantees that delivery and
assembly can be made in time or in full. If the work can still be carried out in such cases, the order is subject to a 20 % surcharge for the additional costs involved.
The entire material is hired and remains the property of the installation company. The hirer is liable for damage or loss to the items hired, including any such
damage or loss due to force majeure, even if such damage or loss has been caused by third parties. Liability commences with the delivery of the items to the
stand, and ceases with their collection by us, even if the exhibitor has already left the stand.
In the absence of any stand personnel when delivering the ordered services, they will be considered to have correctly fullfilled when installed on the stand.
The installation company is not obliged to check the credentials of the personnel on the stand when excecuting the assembly work.
Any complaints regarding the fulfilment of the services ordered should be made to Messe Berlin on the same day, in writing. Complaints made at a later date will
be excluded. An obligation exists to rectify justifiable complains. Cancellation of the contract or a reduction in the remuneration are only possible if the rectification
of the complaint is unsuccessful.
The exhibitor will be charged with additional charges for necessary alterations due to missing sketches.
The legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg.
Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Commercial Register: HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg 92 HRB 5484
Board of Management: Dr. Christian Göke (CEO)
VAT Reg. No. DE 136629714, Tax No. 27/453/04182
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Electrical Installations
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event *)
*) For advanced construction the deadline is 1 week prior to the individual construction period.
Orders which are placed within the last week prior to the official construction period are subject to a 20 % surcharge.
Customer Service:
Mailing address:
Technical queries:
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143; Phone: +49(0)30/3038-1400; E-Mail:
Messe Berlin GmbH, c/o MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Exhibition Grounds Phone: +49(0)30/3038-5807/-5874,
Basic Electrical Installation 230/400 V, installation on site accord. to VDE 0100
Order No.
3,3 kW/16 A AC with neutral conductor 230 V
Price each
Price total
177.00 EUR ……......... EUR
incl. distribution and 1 socket + 1 socket for night current
(max. 1,1 kW for 1 fridge only)
3 phase AC 400 V incl. night current
(with 1 CEE socket each)
(RCD [= Fi protected switch gear] to be provided by the exhibitor)
up to 6.5 kW / max. 10 A with CEE 16
up to 11.0 kW / max. 16 A with CEE 16
up to 22.0 kW / max. 32 A with CEE 32
up to 44.0 kW / max. 63 A with CEE 63
Increase of supply, additional kW
190.00 EUR
238.00 EUR
317.00 EUR
592.00 EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
17.30 EUR ……......... EUR
(accord. to standard cut-outs; available for 44 kW))
3 phase AC 230/400 V incl. distribution
with 1 socket for nightcurrent, RCD [=Fi protected switch gear],
without sockets - increase of supply - pls. see below
up to 6.5 kW (sockets for distribution to be ordered in addition – see 5081849)
up to 11.0 kW (sockets for distribution to be ordered in addition – see 5081849)
up to 22.0 kW (sockets for distribution to be ordered in addition – see 5081849)
up to 44.0 kW (sockets for distribution to be ordered in addition – see 5081849)
Increase of supply, additional kW
Sockets for distribution in addition - incl. safety cut-out B 16 each
Ground connection
201.00 EUR
250.00 EUR
333.00 EUR
620.00 EUR
17.30 EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
(accord. to standard cut-outs, available for 44 kW)
23.70 EUR ……......... EUR
19.50 EUR ……......... EUR
Electrical parts for hire (in addition to basic installation)
Ceekon socket 5 pole/16 A
Ceekon socket 5 pole/32 A
Ceekon socket 5 pole/63 A
Ceekon socket 5 pole/125 A
Spot mounted on arm, low voltage 50 Watt
Spot mounted on arm
Ground floor socket incl. installation
Ceiling connection, 2 kW *)
Halogen projector lamp, 500 Watt
Halogen projector lamp, 1000 Watt
Halogen projector lamp, 1500 Watt
Halogen projector lamp, 2000 Watt
Suspension of Halogen projector lamp, up to 6.00 m height **)
Suspension of Halogen projector lamp, up to 9.00 m height **)
Potential equalisation, separate
49.40 EUR
84.10 EUR
113.00 EUR
149.00 EUR
43.10 EUR
31.60 EUR
59.90 EUR
163.00 EUR
59.50 EUR
103.00 EUR
118.00 EUR
140.00 EUR
100.00 EUR
107.00 EUR
56.80 EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
41.00 EUR
33.60 EUR
36.80 EUR
43.10 EUR
49.40 EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
*) not in hall 25 **) not in halls 9, 18, 20 or 25
Additional Services
Installation work per hours
Installation of distribution provided up to 11 kW
Installation of distribution provided up to 22 kW
Installation of distribution provided up to 44 kW
Installation of distribution provided for 44 kW and more
Electricity supply from the neighbouring stand is not allowed !
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH 2/Installation guide - Electrical Installation
Page 2
Installation Guide Electrical Installations
Event :
Date :
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143
Please enclose a sketch for disposition of the ordered installation. Please indicate the position of your stand on the sketch
(aisles, adjacent stands). The exhibitor will be charged for additional charges for necessary alterations due to missing sketches.
Electrical installations can be provided on the open-air grounds but, therefore, individual arrangements must be made in each case if
installations are required on the open-air grounds.
Exact details avoid the need for further enquiries, save time and trouble and ensure punctual execution. Space for sketch for disposition of
technical installations.
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Your order number for the invoice:
We are the exhibitor.
We are only ordering
by order of the exhibitor.
These services will be charged
within the final invoice of
Messe Berlin GmbH.
We are not the exhibitor.
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
(a written confirmation is
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: July 2014 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
General Notes to Electrical Installations
If no personnel are present on the stand when delivery is made, the services shall be considered to have been duly provided upon
fulfilment of the services or delivery of the hired equipment to the stand.
The service provider / lessor is not required to check the authority of the personnel encountered on the stand when the services
are provided or when hired goods are delivered. Any complaints regarding the fulfilment of the services ordered should be made
to Messe Berlin on the same day, in writing.
Complaints made at a later date will be excluded. An obligation exists to rectify justifiable complaints. Cancellation of the contract
or a reduction in the remuneration are only possible if the rectification of the complaint is unsuccessful.
Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg.
Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Commercial Register: HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg 92 HRB 5484
Board of Management: Dr. Christian Göke (CEO)
VAT Reg. No. DE 136629714, Tax No. 27/453/ 04182
Electrical Installations
Stands on Open Air Grounds
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event *)
*) For advanced construction the deadline is 1 week prior to the individual construction period.
Orders which are placed within the last week prior to the official construction period are subject to a 20 % surcharge.
Customer Service:
Mailing address:
Technical queries:
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-000 91 43; Phone: +49(0)30/3038-1400; E-Mail:
Messe Berlin GmbH, c/o MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Exhibition Grounds: Phone: +49(0)30/3038-5807/-5874,
Basic Electrical Installation 230/400 V, installation on site accord. to VDE 0100
Order No.
3,3 kW/16 A AC with neutral conductor 230 V
Price each
Price total
193.00 EUR ……......... EUR
incl. distribution and 1 socket + 1 socket for night current
(max. 1,1 kW for 1 fridge only)
3 phase AC 400 V incl. night current
(with 1 CEE socket each)
(RCD [= Fi protected switch gear] to be provided by the exhibitor)
up to 6.5 kW / max. 10 A with CEE 16
up to 11.0 kW / max. 16 A with CEE 16
up to 22.0 kW / max. 32 A with CEE 32
up to 44.0 kW / max. 63 A with CEE 63
Increase of supply, additional kW
224.00 EUR
284.00 EUR
368.00 EUR
706.00 EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
19.50 EUR ……......... EUR
(accord. to standard cut-outs, available for 44 kW)
3 phase AC 230/400 V incl. distribution
with 1 socket for nightcurrent, RCD [=Fi protected switch gear],
without sockets - increase of supply - pls. see below
up to 6.5 kW (sockets for distribution to be ordered in addition – see 5095262)
up to 11.0 kW (sockets for distribution to be ordered in addition – see 5095262)
up to 22.0 kW (sockets for distribution to be ordered in addition – see 5095262)
up to 44.0 kW (sockets for distribution to be ordered in addition – see 5095262)
Increase of supply, additional kW
Sockets for distribution in addition - incl. safety cut-out B 16
Ground connection
238.00 EUR
297.00 EUR
390.00 EUR
736.00 EUR
19.50 EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
(accord. to standard cut-outs, available for 44 kW)
27.40 EUR ……......... EUR
22.60 EUR ……......... EUR
Electricity supply from the neighbouring stand is not allowed !
Please enclose a sketch for disposition of the ordered installation. Please indicate the position of your stand on the sketch
(aisles, adjacent stands). The exhibitor will be charged for additional charges for necessary alterations due to missing sketches.
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
|__| We are the exhibitor.
These services will be charged
within the final invoice of
Messe Berlin GmbH.
Your order number for the invoice:
|__| We are only ordering
by order of the exhibitor.
|__| We are not the
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
(a written confirmation is
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: December 2014 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Installation Guide
Stand No.
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143
Exact details avoid the need for further enquiries, save time and trouble and ensure punctual execution. Space for sketch for disposition of technical
installations require as listed overleaf.
Please indicate the position of your stand on the sketch (aisles, adjacent stands)
General notes:
Liability commences with the delivery of the items to the stand, and ceases with their collection by us, even if the exhibitor has already left the stand.
If no personnel are present on the stand when delivery is made, the services shall be considered to have been duly provided upon fulfilment of the
services or deliver of the hired equipment to the stand. The service provider/lessor is not required to check the authority of the personnel encountered
on the stand when the services are provided or when hired goods are delivered.
Any complaints regarding the fulfilment of the services should be made to Messe Berlin on the same day, in writing. Complaints made at a later date will
excluded. An obligation exists to rectify justifiable complaints. Cancellation of the contract or a reduction in the remuneration are only possible if the
rectification of the complaint is unsuccessful.
Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22,14055 Berlin, Germany
Commercial Register: HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg 92 HRB 5484
Board of Management: Dr. Christian Göke (CEO)
VAT Reg. No. DE 136629714, Tax No. 27/453/04182
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Gas Installation
(Natural Gas)
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Orders which are placed within the last 4 weeks prior to the opening of the event are subject to a 20 % surcharge.
Customer Service:
Mailing address:
Technical queries:
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143; Phone: +49(0)30/3038-1400; E-Mail:
Messe Berlin GmbH, c/o MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-5771 or +49(0)172/3014922, E-Mail:
At the present time natural gas with a calorific value of 11,07 kW/m³ is available on the Exhibition Grounds at a static pressure of 20 mbar.
Order No.
Price each
Price total
Main Gas Connection to the Stand (incl. consumption)
Connection up to 15 kW/H
424.00 EUR ……......... EUR
Connection up to 25 kW/H
479.00 EUR ……......... EUR
Connection up to 55 kW/H
562.00 EUR ……......... EUR
Connection up to 120 kW/H
885.00 EUR ……......... EUR
Installation of gas appliances with thermic safety device incl. flexible gas
pipe material for hire incl. installation.
78.20 EUR ……......... EUR
If exhibitors supply their own equipment, this must comply with DVGW
(Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water) installation
Please note:
Upon request and subject to consultation, cooking equipment may be converted
to natural gas or hired for the duration of the event.
Please enclose a sketch for disposition of the ordered installation. Please indicate the position of your stand on the sketch (aisles,
adjacent stands). The exhibitor will be charged for additional charges for necessary alterations due to missing sketches.
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Your order number for the invoice:
|_| We are the exhibitor.
These services will be charged
within the final invoice of
Messe Berlin GmbH.
|_| We are only ordering
by order of the exhibitor.
|_| We are not the
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
(a written confirmation is
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: December 2014 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
../page 2 – Installation Guide Gas installations
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Page 2
Installation Guide Gas Installations
Date :
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143
Exact details avoid the need for further enquiries, save time and trouble and ensure punctual execution.
Space for sketch for disposition of technical installations required as listed overleaf.
Please indicate the position of your stand on the sketch (aisles, adjacent stands)
General Guidelines for Installations (Water, compressed air, vapour extractors)
All orders for assembly or hire equipment must be in writing. For installation work with proof of work the following hourly rates will be charged (plus
surcharge in force of tariffs): Foreman: 45.70 EUR/h, Plumber: 41.30 EUR/h, Helper: 34.90 EUR/h.
If an order is placed by a hirer after the application deadline of which he has been notified, the installation company provides no guarantees that delivery and
assembly can be made in time or in full. If the work can still be carried out in such cases, the order is subject to a 20 % surcharge for the additional costs involved.
The entire material is hired and remains the property of the installation company. The hirer is liable for damage or loss to the items hired, including any such
damage or loss due to force majeure, even if such damage or loss has been caused by third parties. Liability commences with the delivery of the items to the
stand, and ceases with their collection by us, even if the exhibitor has already left the stand.
In the absence of any stand personnel when delivering the ordered services, they will be considered to have correctly fullfilled when installed on the stand.
The installation company is not obliged to check the credentials of the personnel on the stand when excecuting the assembly work.
Any complaints regarding the fulfilment of the services ordered should be made to Messe Berlin on the same day, in writing. Complaints made at a later date will
be excluded. An obligation exists to rectify justifiable complains. Cancellation of the contract or a reduction in the remuneration are only possible if the rectification
of the complaint is unsuccessful.
The exhibitor will be charged with additional charges for necessary alterations due to missing sketches.
The legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg.
Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Commercial Register: HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg 92 HRB 5484
Board of Management: Dr. Christian Göke (CEO)
VAT Id No. DE 136629714, Tax No. 27/453/04182
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Internet connections available on the exhibition grounds
A local high-speed data network (LAN) provides users with internet connections on the exhibition grounds.
This LAN connects to the internet via an external line at speeds of 622 Mbit/s. The maximum available bandwidth depends on the volume of traffic on
this external line and on the performance of the entire internet backbone.
Article no.
Broadband internet connection, bandwidth up to 10 Megabit/s, max. no. of terminals 24
Standard internet connections are supplied with non-public IP address.
These connections offer unlimited surfing, e-mailing and file downloads
and do not support a direct web presence on the internet, neither routers nor proxies, and only limited use of VPN.
Premium internet connections are supplied with public IP address.
These connections support a direct presence on the web (webcam, web servers etc.) from the exhibition grounds,
include unlimited use of VPN connections, bidirectional file transfers and naturally surfing and e-mailing.
Standard broadband internet connection
Up to
10 Mbit/s
non-public IP
Premium broadband internet connection
Up to
10 Mbit/s
public IP
No router
Internet connection via S-DSL, bandwidth up to 3 Megabit/s, max. no. of terminals 4
Economic internet connections are supplied with non-public IP address.
These connections offer unlimited surfing, e-mailing and file downloads
and do not support a direct web presence on the internet, neither routers nor proxies and only limited use of VPN.
Business internet connections are supplied with public IP address.
These connections support a direct presence on the web (webcam, web servers etc.) from the exhibition grounds,
include unlimited use of VPN connections, bidirectional file transfers and naturally surfing and e-mailing.
Economic internet connection
Up to
3 Mbit/s
non-public IP
Business internet connection
Up to
3 Mbit/s
Wireless LAN internet connection
WLAN internet connections are supplied with non-public IP address.
This method of providing mobile access offers unlimited surfing, e-mailing and file downloads.
These connections do not support a direct web presence on the internet, neither routers nor proxies and only limited use of VPN.
WLAN internet connection
rental period up to 3 days
rental period exceeding 3 days
rental period for 1 day
Up to
5 Mbit/s
Additional WLAN internet connection
non-public IP
Rental period equal to that of primary connection INT_E5/INT_E6
More than 10 WLAN connections per offer
Individually designed networks and services to customer specifications.
Individually designed network
advisory service, planning and provision of an individually designed network
(routing, switching etc.) to customer specifications anywhere on the exhibition
Up to
1000 Mbit/s
Cancellation /Express charge for orders/cancellations not in time:
WLAN cancellation charge (after receipt of order confirmation with access data) : 60.00 Euro (plus VAT)
Cancellation charge for wired connections (after installation of cable): 60.00 Euro (plus VAT)
Additional alterations/Installation in the stand: 60.00 Euro (plus VAT)
Express flat : (in case of order 1week before start of the event): 100.00 Euro (plus VAT)
As of: January 2012 / Subject to change
For individual items, e.g. cabling on stand, IP addresses, network devices and installation services, see order form.
For a detailed description of specifications for the above items, see next page
No router
Specifications for internet connections and single components
Standard - Broadband Internet connection - 10 Mbps
INT_E3 (specifications)
Bandwidth up to 10 megabits/sec;access to a non-public IP address (automatically via DHCP); type of network: Ethernet (LAN); exhibitor stand connected by
screened Cat. 5 data cables (3 to 5 metres supplied on hall floor); standard RJ45 plug connections at stand; flatrate
Premium- Broadband Internet connection - 10 Mbps
INT_E1 (specifications)
Bandwidth up to 10 megabits/sec;access to a public IP address; type of network: Ethernet (LAN); exhibitor stand connected by screened Cat. 5 data cables (3 to
5 metres supplied on hall floor); standard RJ45 plug connections at stand; flatrate
Economic- S-DSL Internet connection - 3 Mbps
INT_E4 (specifications)
(S-DSL = symmetrical DSL) bandwidth up to 3 megabits/sec (depending on location); access to a non-public IP address (automatically via DHCP); type of
network: Ethernet (LAN); exhibitor stand connected by screened Cat. 3 data cables (3 to 5 metres supplied on hall floor); standard RJ45- plug connections and SDSL modem at stand; Flatrate
Business – SDSL Internet connection – 3 Mbps
INT_E2 (specifications)
(S-DSL = symmetrical DSL) bandwidth up to 3 megabits/sec (depending on location); access to a non-public IP address; type of network: Ethernet (LAN);
exhibitor stand connected by screened Cat. 3 data cables (3 to 5 metres supplied on hall floor); standard RJ45- plug connections and S-DSL modem at stand;
Single components
INT_E12-KR (specifications)
Installation LAN router hardware;
Security router with integrated 4 port switch at internet connection for operating the user’s own network; includes installation service (30 mins.) for installing/configuring
the router to customer specifications; the router provides the following functions: Firewall, Network Address Translation (NAT. Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), Virtual
Private Network (VPN), Dynamic Host Controll (DHCP)
INT_E12-WR (specifications)
Installation WLAN router;
WLAN router with integrated security functions at internet connection for operating the user’s own secure network; includes installation service (30 mins.) for
installing/configuring the router to customer specifications; the router provides the following functions: Firewall, Network Address Translation (NAT. Demilitarized
Zone (DMZ), Virtual Private Network (VPN), Dynamic Host Controll (DHCP)
Installation of LAN router and WLAN router hardware only at Internet connection Premium (INT_E1) or Business (INT_E2)!
INT_E14-8S (specifications)
Installation 8 port switch;
8 port LAN switch (10/100 Mbps) at internet connection for operating
user’s own devices; includes installation service (30 mins.)
INT_E14-16S (specifications)
Installation 16 port switch;
16 port LAN switch (10/100 Mbps) at internet connection for operating
user’s own devices; includes installation service (30 mins.)
Wireless LAN
WLAN-Account/internet connection,
WLAN primary connection; one user account (user name / password); bandwidth up to 5 megabit/sec;
INT_E5 (specification) - for a rental period up to 3 days
a non-public IP address (assigned automatically via DHCP);
INT_E6 (specification) - for a rental period exceeding 3 days
a non-public IP address (assigned automatically via DHCP)
INT_E7 -(Separate connection) - for a rental period of 1 day
a non-public IP address (assigned automatically via DHCP)
Optional package for Wireless LAN
INT_E56-M (specification)
Additional WLAN-Account/internet connection;
Rental period equal to that of the primary connection; bandwidth up to 5 megabit/sec; a non-public IP address
(assigned automatically via DHCP); more than 9 additional connections per offer.
Planning, provision, supervision of complete networks
Ranging from basic to complexe networks we can offer the following IT services for your exhibitor stand:
bandwidths up to 1 000 Megabit/sec at terminal devices
network devices: switches, router, WLANs and cabling on stand
network services: VolP, IPTV
terminal devices: PCs, laptop and servers
As a rule orders must be placed at least 8 weeks prior to the installation date or at the beginning of the event.
Cancellation / express charges for orders / cancellations not in time:
WLAN cancellation charge (after receipt of order confirmation with access data): 60.00 Euro (plus VAT)
Cancellation charge for cable connected accesses (after installation of cable.): 60.00 EUR (plus VAT)
Additional alterations/Installation in the stand: 60.00 EUR (plus VAT)
Express flat (in case of orders 1 week before start of the event): 100.00 EUR (plus VAT)
Internet Access
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Customer Service:
Mailing address:
Technical queries:
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143
Messe Berlin GmbH, c/o MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-1400; E-Mail:
Rental period from ………………… t o … … … … … … … … … … Installation date: ……………………………………………….
Please note:
In case the exhibitor wishes to install his own network/terminal devices (WLAN, switches, routers, servers or cables)
this needs to be registered with Messe Berlin GmbH in order to prevent disturbances with others. Please fill in order
form “Registration for operating an exhibitor’s own WiFi access point at the stand”
Order No.
Price each
Price total
Broadband internet connection, bandwidth up to 10 Megabit/s for max. 24 terminals
incl. a non-public IP address, flat rate volume tariff
625.00 EUR
............ EUR
incl. a public IP address, flat rate volume tariff
800.00 EUR
............ EUR
Internet connection via S-DSL, bandwidth up to 3 Megabit/s (depending on location) for max. 4 terminals
incl. a non-public IP address, flat rate volume tariff
380.00 EUR
............ EUR
incl. a public IP address, flat rate volume tariff
480.00 EUR
............ EUR
Other items
LAN Router 4-Port, incl. installation (for access with public.IP only)
130.00 EUR
............ EUR
WLAN Router, incl. installation (for access with public.IP only)
400.00 EUR
............ EUR
8-Port Switch
80.00 EUR
............ EUR
16-Port Switch
105.00 EUR
............ EUR
Additional public IP address (for Internet access Premium o. Business)
70.00 EUR
............ EUR
Cat.5 cabling on stand, up to 90 m in length (laid in the cavity floor)
205.00 EUR
............ EUR
Cat.5 cabling on stand, up to 20m in length (laid over floor)
60.00 EUR
............ EUR
Technical/IT-Support (30 minutes each)
80.00 EUR
............ EUR
Primary connection Wireless LAN Account, Internet access up to 3 days
160.00 EUR
............ EUR
Primary connection Wireless LAN Account, Internet access
260.00 EUR
............ EUR
Additional WLAN connection each
100.00 EUR
............ EUR
Separate connection Wireless LAN Account, Internet access for 1 day
60.00 EUR
............ EUR
more than 3 days
Cancellation / express charges for orders /
cancellations not in time
WLAN cancellation charge
(after receipt of order confirmation with access data)
60.00 EUR
Cancellation charge for cable connected accesses
(after installation of cable.)
60.00 EUR
Additional alterations/Installation in the stand:
60.00 EUR
Express flat (in case of orders 1 week before start of the event)
100.00 EUR
In order to be able to supply you with the above items we require a sketch of your stand specifying the exact details of the locations of connections
and terminal devices. (please see next page).
../page 2/Installation Guide Internet access
- Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Page 2
Installation Guide Internet Access
Date :
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143
Please enclose a sketch for disposition of the ordered installation. Please indicate the position of your stand on the sketch
(aisles, adjacent stands). The exhibitor will be charged for additional charges for necessary alterations due to missing sketches.
Exact details avoid the need for further enquiries, save time and trouble and ensure punctual execution.
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Vat Reg. No.:
Contact for queries:
We are the exhibitor.
These services will be charged
within the final invoice of
Messe Berlin GmbH.
Order number for the invoice:
We are only ordering
by order of the exhibitor.
(a written confirmation is
We are not the exhibitor.
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: July 2013/Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
- Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Registration for operating an
exhibitor's own WiFi access
point at the stand
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Customer Service:
Mailing address:
Technical queries:
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143
Messe Berlin GmbH, c/o MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-1400; E-Mail:
In case the exhibitor wishes to install his own network/terminal devices (WLAN, switches, routers, servers or
cables) this needs to be coordinated with Messe Berlin in order to prevent disturbances with others. Please see
General Terms.
Please make sure that the following technical rules are complied with. By complying with these rules, you help to
ensure that the WiFi network offers sufficient bandwidth for all users while helping to avoid service disruptions.
Please use only one access point per stand.
You are permitted to use channels 1, 6 and 11 in the 2.4 GHz band (802.11 g/n); other channels on request.
Please note that channel bonding is not permitted.
The maximum transmission power must not exceed 80 dBm at the border of the stand.
Your detailed specifications:
Type of encryption (e.g.: WPA-PSK, WPA, WPA2-PSK or WPA2):
Manufacturer and model of the access point:
WiFi standard:
Number of clients:
802.11 a/n (5 GHz)
The customer confirms that the information they have provided is correct. ln addition, the customer also agrees
that Messe Berlin GmbH shall be entitled to block the connection in the event that the information is incomplete or
Name and address of recipient of company:
Contact for queries:
Name of the customer (in block letters):
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
................................................. ..........................................................................
As of: August 2014/Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
- Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
General conditions for the use of Internet connections
Standard, Premium, Economic and Business
As of: December 2014
General notes
Depending on the site and position of the area around the internet connection, in individual cases the availability of the named products may be subject
to restrictions. Supplementary products such as switches, routers, DSL modems and public IP addresses are only of limited availability. If orders for
Internet connections are placed within the specified deadline, i.e. 4 weeks prior to the start of the event, the services will be supplied on time without
incurring any additional costs. Orders received after the expiry of the deadline may not be available, or may only be available at an increased cost,
which will be passed on to the party placing the order. If no personnel are present on the stand when delivery is made, the services shall be considered
to have been duly provided upon fulfilment of the services or delivery of the hired equipment to the stand. The service provider/lessor is not required to
check the authority of the personnel encountered on the stand when the services are provided or when hired goods are delivered.
Any complaints regarding the fulfilment of the services ordered should be made to Messe Berlin on the same day, in writing. Complaints made at a
later date will be excluded. An obligation exists to rectity justitiable complaints. Cancellation of the contract or a reduction in the remuneration are only
possible if the rectification of the complaint is unsuccessful.
Notes on LAN/internet lines
Access to the internet is provided by a LAN on the exhibition grounds and a 622 Mbit/s external line to a POP (Point-of-presence: provider's internet
Interface). Simultaneous access to the LAN and the extemal line is available to all users on the exhibition grounds. This infrastructure is a shared
medium where all network users are able to access the same network components and lines, but must therefore share the 622 Mbit/ S bandwidth
accessing the internet.
The Internet is a field of wide-ranging responsibilities and Messe Berlin GmbH cannot assume any guarantees regarding end-to-end bandwidth
availability. The Messe Berlin GmbH network will be subject to varying levels of utilisation (bandwidth) by its users during exhibitions and congresses.
Gateways to various internet providers and web service providers are outside the jursdiction and the responsibility of Messe Berlin GmbH.
Information about operating a WLAN on an internet connection
If intending to use your own WLAN please notify Messe Berlin in writing prior to the event.
Use of a WLAN can interfere with other radio systems. For this reason the Installation of such a WLAN on the Messe Berlin grounds is only permitted
subject to the following conditions/stipulations:
The WLAN access points must be modified to avoid causing interference to other radio networks:
— Output adjustment: reduction of the output to a maximum of 30 mWatts
— Channel allocations: use of the free Channel 13 or of the channels made available by Messe Berlin for the respective halls
— Transmission of a fixed SSID containing a reference to the stand and/or company
— The provisions of Orders 89/03 and 35/2002 of BNA concerning the general allocation of frequencies in the case of WLAN radio usage must be
comptied with at all times.
WLAN networks may only be used for the purposes of providing networks on one's own stand. Allowing visitors access to the internet via a public
WLAN system (HOTSPOT) is strictly prohibited. Infringements of these regulations will result in the immediate withdrawal of approval to use WLAN
technology on the Exhibition Grounds and may also result in more far-reaching claims for damages.
The aforementioned provisions must be adhered to under all circumstances. In the event of infringement of these provisions or interference to the inhouse WLAN system, Messe Berlin is entitled to require the user to adjust the parameters as necessary and, if there is continued interference, may
insist that operations are suspended. Interference resulting from infringements of the afore-mentioned rules can cause considerable expense for Messe
Berlin as well as damage to its relationship with users of the in-house WLAN network. Messe Berlin draws attention to the fact that, if interference is
caused as a result of infringements to the rules and provisions stated above, it will charge its users accordingly for the additional costs incurred and the
costs of any damage.
Special configurations — details to be clarified with Messe Berlin prior to an event
The use of DHCP or DNS services is not permitted because this could impede the correct functioning of the internet connections of fellow exhibitors.
The laying of cables by users themselves, including the installation of active components (hubs, switches, routers or servers) is subject to approval by
Messe Berlin GmbH, who must be notified accordingly in all cases. Messe Berlin GmbH reserves the right to close down any self-installations that have
not received the necessary approval. In principle we shall only ensure that a functioning LAN/internet line is provided. If computers are not configured
to the necessary requirements, then Messe Berlin GmbH shall be able to carry out adjustments (fees will depend on time/labour needed).
If interference within the network is proved to be due to a faulty configuration (PC, notebook, router, proxy etc.), then we may carry out
adjustments/make configuration changes at your expense, and if necessary disable the systems/devices in question.
VPN solution
Due to the existence of different VPN technologies not every type of VPN operation can be guaranteed if used with NON-public IP addresses. If one's
own VPN installation is being used Messe Berlin GmbH advises that products with official IP addresses should be ordered and used.
Two functional alternatives for internet access/operation:
For normal use, an IP address range which enables you to use all internet services and applications on your PC or notebook will be supplied. However
this does not allow access to your system from the internet.
You will receive a non-public IP address. Internet access will be provided by means of a NAT (Network Address Translation).
You will require an official IP address in order to be accessible on the internet or to enable the following services to be provided:
— video-conferencing
— streaming
— router or proxy
(See order form, Product INT_E1 — Internet Premium)
Product availability:
Messe Berlin GmbH shall only be able to supply the products listed on condition that the relevant service(s) and the necessary technical facilities are
available at the requested location (stand or hall).
In case of an application for LAN/internet lines services being made at least 4 weeks prior the event, these services will be provided on time and free of
extra-charge. In case of applications which arrive after this date, providing these services will require additional time/labour. Depending on when the
application is received, additional costs for express Installation work will be incurred and subsequently billed.
Rental period
Orders for connections, lines and services should be made using the appropriate form, which should be returned by the specified 4 week deadline.
Orders received after this deadline will be dealt with on a first come first served basis and are subject to a surcharge of 20 %. Services and equipment
will then only be provided according to the number of call numbers/ lines available.
All the necessary connections will be provided exclusively by Messe Berlin GmbH. The communication equipment and installation are provided on a
rental basis. The rental period extends from the time the facilities begin operating until they are disconnected. Cancellation of connections that have
already been registered should be made in writing no later than 4 weeks prior to the start of the event (date of postmark). A cancellation fee is payable
for cancellations made after this time.
Responsibility for Installing cables
Cable installation work for all communications equipment outside the rented stands may only be carried out by Messe Berlin GmbH or its appointed
Approval of equipment
All equipment that is to be connected must comply with the Telecommunications Approval Regulations and must be approved by the official authority
"Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen" (BNA). In the absence of such approval the applicant's
connections will be terminated at his own expense.
1. Subject to the following provisions (Sections 2 to 8) Messe Berlin - irrespective of the legal grounds - will only be liable for damage or injury caused
as a result of its own gross negligence or that of its legal representatives.
2. If the damage or injury is due to the gross negligence of other persons employed by Messe Berlin, the latter's liability towards individual users will
be timited to 12,500 EUROs, and liability towards the users in their entirety shall not exceed 5 000 000 EUROs for each event causing damage or
injury. If the multiple damages, due to the same event, exceed the stipulated maximum figure, the amount of damages payable shall be reduced in
accordance with the ratio of the total clams for damages to the maximum figure.
3. Messe Berlin shall be liable for infringement of substantial contractual obligations, according to the merits of the particular case. Contractual
obligations shall be considered to be substantial if compliance with them is of particular importance in fulfilling the purpose of the agreement
(cardinal Obligation). In the case of an infringement of a cardinal obligation the amount of liability shall be limited in accordance with Item `Liability",
Number 2.
4. The limitations on liability in accordance with Nos. 1 to 3 do not apply to the assumption of a guarantee in accordance with § 276 Section 1 BGB in
cases in which warranted characteristics are lacking, to liability under the terms of the Product Liability Law, or to liability in the case of loss of life,
physical injury or impaired health. The assumption of a guarantee or of the risks pertaining to the condition of an item in accordance with § 276
Section 1 BGB is only agreed if this has been expressly indicated as such by Messe Berlin GmbH and forms the subject of a written declaration.
5. Messe Berlin GmbH is not liable for damage which could have been avoided had the user saved the data in good time. Messe Berlin's liability,
irrespective of responsibility, for initial defects in the rented items (guarantee liability) is excluded.
6. Exhibitors shall be liable in accordance with the statutory provisions. Exhibitors are advised to take out suitable insurance. More details can be
found in the exhibitors' service folder. In the case of equipment that has been misplaced or destroyed, lessees shall be required to pay the
manufacturer's list price at the time the item is replaced, and in cases of damage the cost of the repair plus 10 % to cover additional expenses shall
be payable.
7. Messe Berlin accepts no liability for damage or injury resulting from force majeure or from unforeseen, temporary conditions which are outside the
control of Messe Berlin, and in particular which are due to official directives, the breakdown of communications networks, strikes or lockouts.
8. The rules concerning liability also apply to the personal liability of legal representatives, staff and other persons employed to carry out work or fulfil
Security and data security
Data will be transferred in uncoded form between the users' terminals and the internet using a local area network (LAN) in place on the Exhibition
Grounds. Consequently it may be possible for third parties to view personal data. Messe Berlin GmbH does NOT undertake protective measures within
the scope of the LAN, such as the use of firewalls, encoding and virus scanners.
Users must undertake suitable measures of their own, for which they are themselves responsible, to protect against data theft, attack by viruses or
worms, or unauthorised access to the system. Suitable state of the art measures consist, for example, of:
— adequate password protection for the operating system
— the use of current security patches for the operating systems
— virus scanners with a current virus database
— firewalls (hardware or software)
— the use of VPN and SSL connections
Any claims for damages resulting from the use of an unprotected computer system are excluded, provided that the event causing the damage is not the
result of wilful intent or gross negligence on the part of Messe Berlin GmbH.
Use of the internet, which accessible to the public, shall be at the user's own risk. The user is solely responsible for any damage to his hardware or
software, and for loss of data or other forms of loss which can be traced back to his use of these services, provided that the event causing the damage
is not due to wilful intent or gross negligence on the part of Messe Berlin.
Steps must be taken to ensure that any terminals which are connected cannot adversely affect operation of the LAN or the internet.
The user is required to check that his hardware is provided with up-to-date security patches or to activate the security settings for his system as
recommended by the manufacturers, as well as ensuring that other security systems and devices (firewall, anti-virus protection etc.) are used. In this
respect the latest manufacturers' recommendations regarding security and service levels must be observed. The user is liable for damages resulting
from infringements of these security obligations.
Messe Berlin reserves the riht to disconnect ports and sockets or even entire terminals if the connected equipment jeopardises the interference-free
operation of the platform. As a rule such action will be taken 30 minutes after the order is given by telephone to eliminate the fault or the interference. If
an acute risk to the operational capabilities of the internet platform exists, disconnection may take place without any prior announcement.
Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Commercial Register: HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg 92 HRB 5484,
Board of Management: Dr. Christian Göke (CEO)
VAT Reg. No. DE 136629714, Tax No. 27/453/04182
General conditions for the use of internet connection WLAN
As of: August 2013
1. Subject
The following provisions govern the use of the WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) service of Messe Berlin GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “Messe
Berlin”). Messe Berlin offers this service under the term “Messe Berlin WLAN”. Terms and conditions that differ from those stated here are not
applicable, even if Messe Berlin does not explicitly deny their validity.
2.1 Services provided by Messe Berlin/service description
Messe Berlin offers users pay access to the Internet via WLAN at selected locations and within the scope of technical and operational capabilities.
WLAN is a wireless technology for data transmission. The network can achieve net bit rates of 5– 6 Mbits/sec. These bit rates represent the
maximum value and can vary depending on the level of system utilization. There is no guarantee of a minimum bit rate. The frequency range used for
the WLAN is not subject to a licence and is also used for other purposes (e.g. Bluetooth) and consequently no guarantees can be given regarding
freedom from interference or the minimum quality of radio transmissions.
2.2 The coverage of the Messe Berlin WLAN system is limited to the halls of the exhibition grounds. Coverage in other specially marked areas of
Messe Berlin is a fee-based service provided by T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH and is not covered by this agreement.
Due to the current state of WLAN technology, complete coverage of all areas cannot be guaranteed. Messe Berlin endeavors to provide the most
complete coverage possible within the scope of what is technically and operationally feasible.
2.3 Users may gain WLAN access to the internet using a WLAN-enabled terminal
(WiFi Standard) operating in accordance with the IEEE 802.11b/g/n standard. The provisions of Orders 89/03 and 35/2002 of RegTP concerning the
general allocation of frequencies in the case of WLAN radio usage must be complied with. Allowing visitors access to the internet via a public
WLAN system (HOTSPOT) is strictly prohibited. Infringements of these regulations will result in the immediate withdrawal of approval to use WLAN
technology on the Exhibition Grounds and may also result in more far-reaching claims for damages.
2.4 The services described in Section 2.1 can be utilized for the fees listed in the currently valid exhibitor service folder.
2.5 The access points provide access to the Internet. Communication between clients through a single access point or between two access points is
not possible.
2.6 Roaming between the access points is only possible within the exhibition hall.
3. User duties and obligations
3.1 When applying for WLAN access, users are obliged to provide complete and accurate information.
3.2 Users are solely responsible for the security and secrecy of the login information assigned to them. This includes the SSID, user name and
password combination.
4. Complaints
Complaints concerning the ordered services are to be submitted in written form to the following address: MB Capital Services GmbH, Thü ringer Allee
12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany. Complaints filed at a later date will be excluded. Messe Berlin is obliged and entitled to subsequent improvement.
Rescission of the contract or abatement of the purchase price is admissible if subsequent improvement fails.
5. Duration
5.1 Users are provided access for the duration according to the customer order.
5.2 Messe Berlin reserves the right to disable an existing WLAN connection if the user violates the terms of this agreement or other legal restrictions.
After access has been disabled, Messe Berlin reserves the right to claim full payment for the initiated access period.
6. Security and System Integrity
6.1 The data transmitted between the users’ laptop/PDA and Messe Berlin access points is unencrypted. Hence, it may be possible for third parties
to access data transmitted from laptops/PDAs using the Messe Berlin WLAN. Messe Berlin does NOT guarantee security for data transmission within
the WLAN.
6.2 Ensuring the security of this data is the responsibility of the users themselves(e.g. VPN Client or SSL encoding). Finally, any liability on the part of
Messe Berlin is regulated by the terms of Item 7.
6.3 Use of the internet, which accessible to the public, shall be at the user’s own risk. Unless Messe Berlin is liable under the terms of Item 7, users
themselves shall bear responsibility for damage attributable to use of the WLAN service, and especially for damage to their hardware or software, or
for damage due to loss of data.
6.4 Messe Berlin will provide the user with transparent internet connections. Steps must be taken to ensure that any terminals which are connected
cannot negatively affect operation of the internet platform.
The user is required to check that his hardware is provided with up-to-date security patches or to activate the security settings for his system as
recommended by the manufacturers, as well as ensuring that other security systems and devices (firewall, anti-virus protection etc.) are used. In this
respect the latest manufacturers’ recommendations regarding security and service levels must be observed. The user is liable for damages resulting
from infringements of these security obligations.
6.5 Messe Berlin reserves the right to disconnect ports and sockets or even entire terminals if the connected equipment jeopardises the interferencefree operation of the platform. As a rule such action will be taken 30 minutes after the order is given by telephone to eliminate the fault or the
interference. If there is an acute risk to the operational capabilities of the internet platform, disconnection may take place without any prior
7. Liability
7.1 Messe Berlin only provides internet access via the WLAN. Any such content that may be accessed will not be examined by Messe Berlin. In
particular Messe Berlin will not check for harmful software (e.g. viruses). If not expressly marked otherwise, all content accessed by the user via the
WLAN contains content from other sources as defined by § 5 Section 3 Teledienstegesetz (Telecommunications Services Law). Messe Berlin
provides no guarantees and accepts no liability for the correctness or completeness of the content offered by itself or by third parties.
7.2 Save for the provisions of Items 7.3 to 7.7, Messe Berlin – irrespective of the legal grounds – will only be liable for damage or injury caused as a
result of its wilful intent or of the gross negligence of its legal representatives or supervisory employees.
7.3 If the damage or injury is due to the gross negligence of other persons employed by Messe Berlin, the latter’s liability to individual users will be
limited to 12,500 EUROs, and liability to the users in their entirety shall not exceed 5,000,000 EUROs for each event causing damage or injury. If the
multiple damages, due to the same event, exceed the stipulated maximum figure, the amount of damages payable shall be reduced according to the
ratio of the total clams for damages to the maximum figure.
7.4 Messe Berlin shall be liable for infringement of substantial contractual obligations, according to the merits of the particular case. Contractual
obligations shall be considered to be substantial if compliance with them is of particular importance in fulfilling the purpose of the agreement (cardinal
obligation). In the case of an infringement of a cardinal obligation the amount of liability shall be limited in accordance with Item 7.3 .
7.5 The limitations on liability in accordance with Nos. 7.1 to 7.3 do not apply to the assumption of a guarantee in accordance with § 276 Section 1
BGB in cases in which warranted characteristics are lacking, to liability under the terms of the Product Liability Law, or to liability in the case of loss of
life, physical injury or impaired health. The assumption of a guarantee or of the risks pertaining to the condition of an item in accordance with § 276
Section 1 BGB is only agreed if this has been expressly indicated as such by Messe Berlin GmbH and forms the subject of a written declaration.
7.6 Messe Berlin GmbH is not liable for damage which could have been avoided had the user saved the data in good time.
7.7 Messe Berlin’s liability, irrespective of responsibility, for initial defects in the rented items (warranty liability) is excluded.
7.8 Messe Berlin accepts no liability for damage or injury resulting from force majeure or from unforeseen, temporary conditions which are outside
the control of Messe Berlin, and in particular which are due to official directives, the breakdown of communications networks, strikes or lockouts.
7.9 The rules concerning liability also apply to the personal liability of legal representatives, staff and other persons employed to carry out work or
fulfil obligations.
8. Data protection
The data provided in the application process for the user name/password combination are used exclusively for the application process, for
organizational purposes or amendments related to the services described above. Specifically, no data will be passed on to third parties. Users have
the right to view their personal data maintained by the service provider free of charge at any time. After the contractual relationship ends, all data will
be immediately erased, as soon as this information is no longer needed for transactions connected with the contractual relationship. Data
disseminated through the use of the Internet is not covered in the data protection provided by Messe Berlin.
9. Other conditions
9.1 Supplementary verbal agreements are not valid.
9.2 Messe Berlin may transfer the rights and obligations stipulated in this agreement to an affiliated company without the consent of the participant.
In this case, participants have the right to terminate the agreement without notice.
9.3 This agreement is subject to German law to the exclusion of UN commercial law.
Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany, Commercial Register: HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg 92 HRB 5484,
Board of Management: Dr. Christian Göke (CEO), VAT Reg. No. DE 136629714, Tax No. 27/453/04182
Cable Television and Radio
Connection (FS/HfK)
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Customer Service:
Mailing address:
Technical queries:
Order No.
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143
Messe Berlin GmbH, c/o MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-1400 ; E-Mail:
Price each
Price total
165.00 EUR
……......... EUR
proof of work and
……......... EUR
Cable TV/FM Radio connection
65 db µV
in the halls
Cable TV/FM Radio connection
65 db µV
on the open-air grounds
Completion: ..........................................................................................
Dismantling: ..............................................................................................
Please enclose a sketch for disposition of the ordered installation.
Please indicate the position of your stand on the sketch
(aisles, adjacent stands).
Additional costs arising from changes in connections will be charged to the applicant.
Stand installation:
We have appointed the following company to carry out installation work
on the stand behind the main connection:
|__| Installation company appointed for the hall
|__| Company:
(The contracting firm is aware of the conditions applying to connection work).
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Your order number for the invoice:
|_| We are the exhibitor.
|_| We are only ordering by
order of the exhibitor.
These services will be charged
within the final invoice of
Messe Berlin GmbH.
|_| We are not the exhibitor.
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
(a written confirmation is
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: July 2014 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
../page 2 – Installation Guide Cable TV connection
Page 2
Installation Guide Cable TV Access
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143
Please indicate the position of your stand on the sketch (aisles, adjacent stands).
The exhibitor will be charged for additional charges for necessary alterations due to missing sketches.
Exact details avoid the need for further enquiries, save time and trouble and ensure punctual execution.
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
General notes
If no personnel are present on the stand when delivery is made, the services shall be considered to have been duly provided upon
fulfilment of the services or delivery of the hired equipment to the stand.
The service provider/lessor is not required to check the authority of the personnel encountered on the stand when the services are
provided or when hired goods are delivered.
Any complaints regarding the fulfilment of the services ordered should be made to Messe Berlin on the same day, in writing.
Complaints made at a later date will be excluded. An obligation exists to rectify justifiable complaints, Cancellation of the contract or
a reduction in the remuneration are only possible if the rectification of the complaint is unsuccessful
Connection Conditions for Cable Television and Radio Connections
Preliminary remarks
The broadband distribution network will be set up by Messe Berlin in a fully operational state to the distribution points in the halls. lt may only be extended
onto the stands by Messe Berlin or one of its appointed contractors. However, installation work on the stand itself may be carried out by a specialist firm
appointed by the exhibitor.
Connection conditions
The following conditions apply to the installation and operation of passive and active broadband communication components on the exhibition stands from the
transfer point in hall onwards:
All the conditions specified in the FTZ guideline 1 R 8/Part 15 must be observed. Particular attention should be paid to the following:
- screening factor
- level, level reduction
- decoupling RF sockets
Level reduction (minimum values)
Amplifier specifications
Number of
Ref. Value according
to DIN 45044 B
2 Channels
19,0 dB
20,0 dB
Ref. Value according
to 1 R 8/15
12 Channels
4,5 dB
5,5 dB
Ref. Value according
to 1 R 8/15
35 Channels
0,0 dB
1,0 dB
Additional recommended
level reduction
(reserved for fluctuations
in level)
35 Channels
2,0 dB
2,0 dB
For single stage amplifiers the rated gain for the amplifier (type) should be selected as accurately as possible for
the input/output level situation, because any reduction in level using the adjuster at the amplifier input will worsen the
signal-to-noise ratio at input levels < 65 dB µV.
Single-ended amplifiers cannot be used.
More extensive stands should be supplied from serveral hall transfer points. Cascades of amplifiers are not recommended
because this leads to a loss of quality.
TV sets should be supplied from the RF sockets with levels between 65 ... 70 dB µV (the ideal setting depends on
manufacturer’s recommendations).
Radio stations broadcasting in the long, medium or short wave-bands (LMS) are not served by broadband network. Following
Prior approval by Messe Berlin, LMS receiving installations should be set up by exhibitors themselves.
Only a limited number of satellite dishes can be installed. Applications must be made in writing. You should allow for cable
lengths of < 100 m between the dish and the exhibitor’s stand when preparing your plans.
Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22, D-14055 Berlin, Commercial Register HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg 92 HRB 5484
Board of management: Dr. Christian Göke (CEO)
VAT Id No.: DE 136629714, Tax No. 27/453/04182
Air-Conditioning Installation
(Water supply)
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event *)
*) For advanced construction the deadline is 1 week prior to the individual construction period.
Orders which are placed within the last week prior to the construction period are subject to a 20 % surcharge.
Customer Service:
Mailing address:
Technical queries:
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-00091 43; Phone: +49(0)30/3038-1400; E-Mail:
Messe Berlin GmbH, c/o MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-5771 or +49(0)172/3014922, E-Mail:
General hint:
Considering individual air-condition at the stand, the prior consent with „Event Service“ of Messe Berlin is prerequisite.
Fresh water can be provided for cooling, however, depending on sector and operation the temperature and pressure can differ in some cases.
Order No.
Price each
Price total
Basic Water supply for Air-Conditioning
Supply for air condition up to DN 25
707.00 EUR ……......... EUR
(supply and drainage 15 m length each)
incl. shut-off device, non-return valve and water meter (DN 20)
Supply for air condition up to DN 50
(supply and drainage 15 m length each)
974.00 EUR ……......... EUR
incl. shut-off device, non-return valve and water meter (DN 25)
Pipe lengths over 15 m will be charged according to prices in form D4 water
Water consumption
The water consumption are based on meter readings and will be charged
at EUR 5,60/m³ (plus VAT) by Messe Berlin.
The water readings will be taken after the installation and after dismounting,
in the presence of the exhibitor.
Independently executed assembly work within the false floor area is not permissible. Water installations can be provided on the open-air
grounds but their availability is limited and they are subject to increased costs. Therefore individual arrangements must be made in each case if
installations are required on the open-air grounds.
Please enclose a sketch for disposition of the ordered installation. Please indicate the position of your stand on the sketch (aisles,
adjacent stands). The exhibitor will be charged for additional charges for necessary alterations due to missing sketches.
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Vat Reg. No.:
Contact for queries:
Your order number for the invoice:
|_| We are the exhibitor.
These services will be charged
within the final invoice of
Messe Berlin GmbH.
|_| We are only ordering
by order of the exhibitor.
|_| We are not the
(a written confirmation is
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above..
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: December 2014 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
../page 2/Installation guide Air conditioning water
Page 2
Installation Guide Air Conditioning/Water
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143
Exact details avoid the need for further enquiries, save time and trouble and ensure punctual execution.
Space for sketch for disposition of technical installations required as listed overleaf.
Please indicate the position of your stand on the sketch (aisles, adjacent stands)
General Guidelines for Installations (Water, compressed air, vapour extractors)
All orders for assembly or hire equipment must be in writing. For installation work with proof of work the following hourly rates will be charged (plus
surcharge in force of tariffs): Foreman: 45.70 EUR/h, Plumber: 41.30 EUR/h, Helper: 34.90 EUR/h
If an order is placed by a hirer after the application deadline of which he has been notified, the installation company provides no guarantees that delivery and
assembly can be made in time or in full. If the work can still be carried out in such cases, the order is subject to a 20 % surcharge for the additional costs involved.
The entire material is hired and remains the property of the installation company. The hirer is liable for damage or loss to the items hired, including any such damage
or loss due to force majeure, even if such damage or loss has been caused by third parties. Liability commences with the delivery of the items to the stand, and
ceases with their collection by us, even if the exhibitor has already left the stand.
In the absence of any stand personnel when delivering the ordered services, they will be considered to have correctly fullfilled when installed on the stand.
The installation company is not obliged to check the credentials of the personnel on the stand when excecuting the assembly work.
Any complaints regarding the fulfilment of the services ordered should be made to Messe Berlin on the same day, in writing. Complaints made at a later date will be
excluded. An obligation exists to rectify justifiable complains. Cancellation of the contract or a reduction in the remuneration are only possible if the rectification of the
complaint is unsuccessful.
The exhibitor will be charged with additional charges for necessary alterations due to missing sketches.
The legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg.
Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Commercial Register: HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg 92 HRB 5484
Board of Management: Dr. Christian Göke (CEO)
VAT Id No. DE 136629714, Tax No.27/453/04182
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Satellite and DVB-T Sites
Installation of Units
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Customer Service:
Mailing address:
Technical queries:
Order No.
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143
Messe Berlin GmbH, c/o MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-1400; E-Mail:
Price each
Site(s) for satellite unit
according to allocation by Messe Berlin
Price total
300.00 EUR ……......... EUR
Measurements of the receiving unit (diametre): ..........................................
Name of satellite, the unit should be directed to:
DVB-T Site
300.00 EUR ……......... EUR
Date of installation: ................................................................................
Date of dismounting: …..........................................................................
Installation of Unit
Sat or DVB-T aerial/branching off to the exhibition stand/distributed network at the stand
A or B, please tick where applicable
|_| We kindly require assistance
and/or quotation (please enclose plan of exhibition stand)
|_| Installation of our unit will be executed by the following company:
(if not identical with the exhibiting company)
We hereby confirm, that the installation company authorized by us has noted the
guidelines for installations.
All installation guides need the written approval by Messe Berlin
(responsible: Service + Technik)
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Your order number for the invoice:
|_| We are the exhibitor.
|_| We are only ordering
by order of the exhibitor.
These services will be charged
within the final invoice of
Messe Berlin GmbH.
|_| We are not the
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
(a written confirmation is
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: July 2014 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Sprinkler Installations
and Fire Extinguisher
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Orders which are placed within the last 4 weeks prior to the opening of the event are subject to a 20 % surcharge.
Customer Service:
Mailing address:
Technical queries:
Order No.
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 oder 3039-0009143; Phone +49(0)30/3038-14 00; E-Mail:
Messe Berlin GmbH, c/o MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/7000-080; E-Mail:
Price each
Sprinkler system installed in accordance with local conditions
The installation will be designed on the basis of the plans submitted for the
stand design, and ill be submitted to the exhibitor as a firm offer.
The costs of project planning includes:
- preparation of installation drawings
- consultations with licensing authority
Prices for the various available services
Sprinkler exposed
219.00 EUR
Sprinkler hidden
279.00 EUR
Angled to adapt sprinkler
Undercover sprinkler
Installation of pipes, incl. shaped and connecting pieces per runn. mtr.
De-activating or activating, emptying or filling the sprinkler system
403.00 EUR
Reconnecting to existing sprinkler system
345.00 EUR
Flexible Sprinkler installation system
Complete draining of installation
173.00 EUR
Isolating valve DN 50
168.00 EUR
Isolating valve DN 80
337.00 EUR
Flow monitor
757.00 EUR
Supply of scissor-type extending platform
716.00 EUR
60.50 EUR
50.50 EUR
Fire extinguisher
42.50 EUR
352.00 EUR
Fire extinguisher for hire incl. delivery and collection
72.00 EUR
………… EUR
Please enclose a sketch for disposition of the ordered installation. Please indicate the position of your stand on the sketch (aisles,
adjacent stands). The exhibitor will be charged for additional charges for necessary alterations due to missing sketches.
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Your order number for the invoice:
|_| We are the exhibitor.
These services will be charged
within the final invoice of
Messe Berlin GmbH.
|_| We are only ordering by
order of the exhibitor.
|_| We are not the exhibitor.
Services have to be charged
(a written confirmation is
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: August 2014 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
../Page 2 – Installation Guide Sprinkler Installations
Page 2
Installation Guide Sprinkler Installations
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143
Please enclose a sketch for disposition of the ordered installation. Please indicate the position of your stand on the sketch (aisles,
adjacent stands). The exhibitor will be charged for additional charges for necessary alterations due to missing sketches.
Exact details avoid the need for further enquiries, save time and trouble and ensure punctual execution.
Space for sketch for disposition of technical installations required as listed overleaf.
Please indicate the position of your stand on the sketch (aisles, adjacent stands)
General remarks
In the absence of any stand personnel when delivering the ordered
services, they will be considered to have correctly fulfilled when
installed on the stand.
The installation company is not obliged to check the credentials of the
personnel on the stand when executing the assembly work.
made at a later date will be excluded. An obligation exists to rectify
justifiable complaints. Cancellation of the contract or a reduction in the
remuneration are only possible if the rectification of the complaint is
The legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg.
Any complaints regarding the fulfilment of the services ordered should
be made to Messe Berlin on the same day, in writing. Complaints
Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Commercial Register: HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg 92 HRB 5484
Board of Management: Dr. Christian Göke (CEO)
VAT Reg. No. DE 136629714, Tax No. 27/453/04182
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Telephone and Telefax
Analog and ISDN
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Customer Service:
Mailing address:
Technical queries:
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143
Messe Berlin GmbH, c/o MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-1400; E-Mail:
Price each
Price total
Rental period from .......................................... to .............................................
Date of installation: .........................................……............................................
Telephone connections without terminal
………. Analog connection without terminal (please mention if modem/Tele Cash is required)
135.00 EUR
……......... EUR
………. Standard Telephone/Connection, cordless
160.00 EUR
……......... EUR
………. Standard Telephone/Connection, cable connected
150.00 EUR
……......... EUR
………. Telefax machine/Connection
280.00 EUR
……......... EUR
………. Telephone and Telefax machine/Connection
410.00 EUR
……......... EUR
240.00 EUR
……......... EUR
640.00 EUR
……......... EUR
………. ISDN terminal equipment
65.00 EUR
……......... EUR
………. ISDN facsimile equipment
200.00 EUR
……......... EUR
10.00 EUR
……......... EUR
Telephone connections incl. one terminal each
ISDN Connection without terminal
………. ISDN standard line
incl. installation ready for operation and work performed on site
………. Primary rate multiplex access
as an feature, PABX access incl. installation ready for operations and
work performed on site
ISDN Terminals
Other services
………. Call itemisation
………. Complete Telephone units (e.g. central office unit)
………. Technical support, for every starting ½ hour each
upon request
80.00 EUR
……......... EUR
Cancellation charge / Express flat sums will be charged:
Cancellation charge (for connections cancelled not in time (pls. see overleaf))
60.00 EUR
Additional alterations/installation in the stand
60.00 EUR
Express flat sum 1 (in case of orders 48 hours before start of the event or later)
100.00 EUR
Express flat sum 2 (in case of orders 24 hours before start of the event or later)
200.00 EUR
Tariff units: Charges are calculated at 0,12 EUR per time-based unit.
If cable-connections are requested, please include an assembly sketch to identify the position of the equipment (please see form).The exhibitor
will be charged with additional charges for necessary alterations due to missing sketches.
../page 2 – Installation Guide Telephone and Fax
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Page 2
Installation Guide for Telephone/Fax
Stand No.:
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143
Please enclose a sketch for disposition of the ordered installation. Please indicate the position of your stand on the sketch
(aisles, adjacent stands). The exhibitor will be charged for additional charges for necessary alterations due to missing sketches.
Exact details avoid the need for further enquiries, save time and trouble and ensure punctual execution.
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Your order number for the invoice:
We are the exhibitor.
We are only ordering
by order of the exhibitor.
These services will be charged
within the final invoice of
Messe Berlin GmbH.
(a written confirmation is
We are not the exhibitor.
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: July 2014 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
General notes for telecommunications
If no personnel are present on the stand when delivery is made, the services shall be considered to have been duly provided upon fulfilment of the
services or delivery of the hired equipment to the stand.
The service provider / lessor is not required to check the authority of the personnel encountered on the stand when the services are provided or when
hired goods are delivered.
Any complaints regarding the fulfilment of the services ordered should be made to Messe Berlin on the same day, in writing. Complaints made at a later
date will be excluded. An obligation exists to rectify justifiable complaints. Cancellation of the contract or a reduction in the remuneration are only possible if
the rectification of the complaint is unsuccessful.
Notes on telecommunications lines
A locally installed PABX system provides the exhibition grounds with analogue and digital telecommunications lines. The following dialling restrictions
Barred dialling codes
The following network dialling codes are not available
010 call by call / internet by call
012 innovative services
0190-0 premium rate services
0192, 0193
online services
0194 to 0199
11880, 11881,
information enquiries
Only those online service providers (prefix 0191) which bill users directly via the following customer access code are available
T-Online 0191011
Compuserve 019160
Messe Berlin reserves the right to make modifications to the list of non-available and available dialling codes.
ISDN lines
ISDN lines correspond to the European ISDN standard (DSS1 D-channel protocol). For transferring data, B-channel bundling (2  63 KBit/s) is supported.
A terminal device can make manual or automatic use of this feature.
Packet-switched data transfer according to X.31 (X.25 via ISDN D channel), e. g. as a means of transferring to the Datex-P network, is not supported.
Each ISDN S0 line can connect up to 8 terminal devices to an S0 bus. It is possible to install up to 8 MSNs (multiple subscriber numbers).
PSTN exchange prefix
A “0” prefix must be dialled before making any external calls. It is possible to configure the telecommunications line to omit the “0” prefix requirement
(hotline configuration).
Enabling lines
Telecommunications lines will be enabled on the day prior to the beginning of the event and disabled on the day following the event. If the customer so
requests, enabling/disabling can be carried out on a daily basis
Availability of telecommunications services
(stand construction/dismantling)
Stand construction/dismantling can take place between 8 a. m. and 8 p. m. prior to, during and following the official days of an event.
In the case of an application for telecommunications services being made at least 4 weeks in advance of the start of the event, these services will be
provided on time and free of charge.
In the case of applications which arrive after this date, providing these services will require additional time/labour. Depending on when the application is
received, additional costs for express installation work will be incurred and subsequently billed.
Telecommunications system repair service
The telecommunications system repair service is available from Monday to Sunday between 8 a. m. and 8 p. m. In the case of repairs being required
during the normal event opening hours, the service will be provided within a maximum waiting time of one hour.
Rental period
Orders for connections, lines and services should be made using the appropriate form, which should be returned by the specified deadline. Orders received
after this deadline will be dealt with on a first come first served basis. Services and equipment will then only be provided according to the number of call
numbers/lines available.
All the necessary connections will be provided exclusively by Messe Berlin GmbH. The communication equipment and installations are provided on a
rental basis. The rental period extends from the time the facilities begin operating until they are disconnected. Cancellation of connections that have
already been registered should be made in writing no later than 4 weeks prior to the start of the event (date of postmark). A cancellation fee is payable
for cancellations made after this time.
Retaining previous numbers
If you wish to be given the same numbers that you had at previous events you should state “previous number” on your application. This arrangement
is, of course, only possible if the number in question is still available.
Responsibility for installing cables
Cable installation work for all communications equipment outside the rented stands may only be carried out by Messe Berlin GmbH or its appointed
Official approval of equipment
All equipment that is to be connected must comply with the Telecommunications Approval Regulations and must be approved by the official authority
“Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen”. In the absence of such approval the applicant’s connections will
be terminated at his own expense.
1. Subject to the following provisions (Sections 2 to 8) Messe Berlin – irrespective of the legal grounds – will only be liable for damage or injury
caused as a result of its own gross negligence or that of its legal representatives.
2. If the damage or injury is due to the gross negligence of other persons employed by Messe Berlin, the latter’s liability towards individual users will be
limited to 12,500 EUR, and liability towards the users in their entirety shall not exceed 5,000,000 EUR for each event causing damage or injury. If the
multiple damages, due to the same event, exceed the stipulated maximum figure, the amount of damages payable shall be reduced in accordance with
the ratio of the total clams for damages to the maximum figure.
3. Messe Berlin shall be liable for infringement of substantial contractual obligations, according to the merits of the particular case. Contractual
obligations shall be considered to be substantial if compliance with them is of particular importance in fulfilling the purpose of the agreement (cardinal
obligation). In the case of an infringement of a cardinal obligation the amount of liability shall be limited in accordance with Item “Liability”, Number 2.
4. The limitations on liability in accordance with Nos. 1 to 3 do not apply to the assumption of a guarantee in accordance with § 276 Section 1 BGB in
cases in which warranted characteristics are lacking, to liability under the terms of the Product Liability Law, or to liability in the case of loss of life,
physical injury or impaired health. The assumption of a guarantee or of the risks pertaining to the condition of an item in accordance with § 276 Section
1 BGB is only agreed if this has been expressly indicated as such by Messe Berlin GmbH and forms the subject of a written declaration.
5. Messe Berlin GmbH is not liable for damage which could have been avoided had the user saved the data in good time. Messe Berlin’s liability,
irrespective of responsibility, for initial defects in the rented items (guarantee liability) is excluded.
6. Exhibitors shall be liable in accordance with the statutory provisions. Exhibitors are advised to take out suitable insurance. More details can be
found in the exhibitors’ service folder. In the case of equipment that has been misplaced or destroyed, lessees shall be required to pay the
manufacturer’s list price at the time the item is replaced, and in cases of damage the cost of the repair plus 10 % to cover additional expenses shall be
7. Messe Berlin accepts no liability for damage or injury resulting from force majeure or from unforeseen, temporary conditions which are outside the
control of Messe Berlin, and in particular which are due to official directives, the breakdown of communications networks, strikes or lockouts.
8. The rules concerning liability also apply to the personal liability of legal representatives, staff and other persons employed to carry out work or fulfil
Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Commercial Register: HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg 92 HRB 5484,
Board of Management: Dr. Christian Göke (CEO)
VAT Reg. No. DE 136629714, Tax No. 27/453 / 04182
Water Installations
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event *)
*) For advanced construction the deadline is 1 week prior to the individual construction period.
Orders which are placed within the last week prior to the official construction period are subject to a 20 % surcharge.
Customer Service:
Mailing address:
Technical queries:
Order No.
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-00091 43; Phone: +49(0)30/3038-1400; E-Mail:
Messe Berlin GmbH, c/o MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-5771 or +49(0)172/3014922, E-Mail:
Price each
Price total
Basic water connection (up to floor level)
(A charge will be made for at least 1 supply pipe, 15 mm dia., and 1 drain, 50 mm
dia.; excluding hired items)
Normal tap connection, 15 mm supply piping
107.00 EUR ……......... EUR
Supply piping, 20 mm
140.00 EUR ……......... EUR
Supply piping, 25 mm
144.00 EUR ……......... EUR
Normal connection, 50 mm drainage piping
226.00 EUR ……......... EUR
Drainage piping, 70 mm
297.00 EUR ……......... EUR
Drainage piping, 100 mm
341.00 EUR ……......... EUR
Grease separator, 0,5 ltr/sec., complete hire charge
977.50 EUR ……......... EUR
Surcharge for pipe lenghts over 3 m (over floor)
material, installation and dismantling
Supply piping, NW 15 mm, per runn. metre
23.80 EUR ……......... EUR
Supply piping, NW 20 mm, per runn. metre
28.90 EUR ……......... EUR
Drainage piping, NW 50 mm, per runn. metre
22.10 EUR ……......... EUR
Drainage piping, NW 70 mm, per runn. metre
25.20 EUR ……......... EUR
Basic Water Connection – Kitchenette
Kitchenette for hire please see „Installation on the Stand“
Water supply 15 mm, drainage 50 mm
Additional water supply for dishwasher DN 15/50
including installation of dishwasher
407.00 EUR ……......... EUR
299.00 EUR ……......... EUR
Charges for Installation/Assembly on the stand
(without hire for items; items for hire see below)
Single sink
Double sink
Bar counter
Water boiler
Hot water geyser
Bar counter tap
Fixed or swivel faucet
Single-hole sink battery
Coffee machine
95.60 EUR
104.00 EUR
104.00 EUR
37.50 EUR
72.40 EUR
20.40 EUR
20.40 EUR
21.70 EUR
53.60 EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
Items for Hire (Hire charges do not include installation)
Single sink, incl. base
Double sink, incl. base
Water boiler, 5 l/2 kW
Hot water geyser, 18 kW
Double or bar counter tap
Fixed or swivel faucet
Single-hole sink battery
incl. single sink, refrigerator, 2 hot plates and water boiler
40.30 EUR
72.40 EUR
48.40 EUR
75.60 EUR
19.90 EUR
7.50 EUR
15.90 EUR
246.00 EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
……......... EUR
Professional dishwasher (for installation pls. see. item 94920)
Cancellation fee for Professional dishwasher
788.00 EUR ……......... EUR
333.00 EUR ………….. EUR
Independently executed assembly work within the false floor area is not permissible
Water installations can be provided on the open-air grounds but, therefore, individual arrangements must be made in each case if installations
are required on the open-air grounds.
../page 2/Installation Guide Water Installation
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Event :
Page 2
Installation Guide for Water Installations
Stand No.
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143
Please enclose a sketch for disposition of the ordered installation. Please indicate the position of your stand on the sketch (aisles,
adjacent stands). The exhibitor will be charged for additional charges for necessary alterations due to missing sketches.
Exact details avoid the need for further enquiries, save time and trouble and ensure punctual execution.
Space for sketch for disposition of technical installations required as listed overleaf.
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Vat Reg. No.:
Contact for queries:
|_| We are the exhibitor.
These services will be charged
within the final invoice of
Messe Berlin GmbH.
Your order number for the invoice:
|_| We order on behalf of
the exhibitor
|_| We are not the exhibitor.
Legally binding signature and company stamp
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
(the written confirmation of
coverage of costs is available).
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: December 2014 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
General Guidelines for Installations
(Water, compressed air, vapour extractors, gas Installation)
All orders for assembly or hire equipment must be in writing. For installation work with proof of work the following hourly rates will
be charged (plus surcharge in force of tariffs): Foreman: EUR/h 45.70, Plumber: EUR/h 41.30, Helper: EUR/h 34.90.
If an order is placed by a hirer after the application deadline (4 weeks prior to event) of which he has been notified, the installation
company provides no guarantees that delivery and assembly can be made in time or in full. If the work can still be carried out in such
cases, the order is subject to a 20 % surcharge for the additional costs involved.
The entire material is hired and remains the property of the installation company. The hirer is liable for damage or loss to the items
hired, including any such damage or loss due to force majeure, even if such damage or loss has been caused by third parties. Liability
commences with the delivery of the items to the stand, and ceases with their collection by us, even if the exhibitor has already left the
stand. In the absence of any stand personnel when delivering the ordered services, they will be considered to have correctly fullfilled
when installed on the stand. The installation company is not obliged to check the credentials of the personnel on the stand when
excecuting the assembly work.
Any complaints regarding the fulfilment of the services ordered should be made to Messe Berlin on the same day, in writing.
Complaints made at a later date will be excluded. An obligation exists to rectify justifiable complains. Cancellation of the contract or a
reduction in the remuneration are only possible if the rectification of the complaint is unsuccessful. The exhibitor will be charged with
additional charges for necessary alterations due to missing sketches. The legal venue and place of jurisdiction is BerlinCharlottenburg.
Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Commercial Register: HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg 92 HRB 5484
Board of Management: Dr. Christian Göke (CEO)
VAT Id No. DE 136629714, Tax No. 27/453/04182
Working Platforms
for construction + dismantling
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Mailing address:
Agility Fairs & Events:
MB Capital Services GmbH, Standbau + Service, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Fax: +49(0)30/3069-2849; Phone: +49(0)30/30 69-280
Schenker Deutschland AG: Fax: +49(0)30/3012995-429; Phone: +49(0)30/3012995-420
We require working platforms for installing and dismantling our exhibits and stand equipment:
Scissor ( height: 6 m to 22 m )
Booms ( height: 12,30 to 39 m )
Knuckle boom ( height: 11 m to 47,5 m )
Kind of work:
Working space available:
Max. working height:
Laterial reach rquired:
Loads to be transported:
Starting time of use:
Period of use/days:
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax.
Name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
VAT Reg. No.
Telefax :
Name of the customer (in block letters):
................................................. ..........................................................................
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
As of: August 2014/Subject to alteration
Contractual partner: Agility Fairs & Events / SchenkerDeutschland
Price list for Working Platforms and Lifts 2015
Working Platforms
Scissor lift
rent per day
rent per day
m/m 4 hours
1 to 4 days
5 to 9 days
per lift
per day
until 7,9m
55,00 EUR
100,00 EUR
82,00 EUR
116,00 EUR
5,00 EUR
from 8m – 11,9m
73,00 EUR
135,00 EUR
112,00 EUR
116,00 EUR
5,00 EUR
from 12m - 16m
99,00 EUR
195,00 EUR
165,00 EUR
116,00 EUR
5,00 EUR
from 8m - 11,9m
90,00 EUR
175,00 EUR
153,00 EUR
140,00 EUR
10,00 EUR
from 12m - 15,9m
135,00 EUR
230,00 EUR
210,00 EUR
140,00 EUR
10,00 EUR
from 16m - 22m
240,00 EUR
285,00 EUR
250,00 EUR
140,00 EUR
10,00 EUR
from 8m - 11,9m
105,00 EUR
195,00 EUR
170,00 EUR
140,00 EUR
15,00 EUR
from 12m - 15,9m
145,00 EUR
245,00 EUR
220,00 EUR
140,00 EUR
15,00 EUR
from 16m - 22m
175,00 EUR
295,00 EUR
270,00 EUR
140,00 EUR
15,00 EUR
Cherry picker
Cherry picker
with pivot
Rent for more than 9 days on request / day = calendar day - All above mentioned rates are excluding VAT.
Lifts with basket or crank
rent per day
rent per day
m/m 4 hours
1 to 4 days
5 to 9 days
per lift
per day
up to 4,5m
50,00 EUR
80,00 EUR
60,00 EUR
75,00 EUR
5,00 EUR
up to 7,5m
60,00 EUR
100,00 EUR
80,00 EUR
75,00 EUR
5,00 EUR
up to 7,5m
80,00 EUR
120,00 EUR
100,00 EUR
100,00 EUR
10,00 EUR
lift with basket
with crank
lift with basket
electrical lifting
Rent for more than 9 days on request / day = calendar day - All above mentioned rates are excluding VAT.
Forwarding Services:
Agility Fairs & Events
Official Forwarding Agent of Messe Berlin
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Mailing adress:
For queries:
Fax: + 49(0)30 / 3069-2849
Agility Fairs & Events GmbH, Jafféstraße 2, Service Building South, Access 25, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Phone: + 49(0)30 / 3069-280; E-Mail:
O We place an order for the below marked services:
O We kindly ask for an quotation for the below marked services:
Transport to Messe Berlin
Transport after the event
from (place): .........................................................................
to (place): .............................................................................
Date of delivery (fair ground):
Date of collection (fair ground):
Shipping details: ...................................................................
Shipping details: ...................................................................
Weight: .................................................................................
Weight: .................................................................................
Order of technical equipment
Please note: A charge will be made if you are using your own transport and loading equipment on the Exhibition Grounds and an official approval
is also required, 800.00 EUR plus VAT per event (incl. construction/ dismantling). Approximately 4 weeks before the first official day of construction, the
booking system goes online. Loading zones can be booked for the period from the first official construction to the
last official day of dismantling. Reservations can be made up to 3 days before the desired date.
O Forklift with driver
weight: .............................. t
O Packer
O Supply of a 20" container O Store
O Office O Chill
O Miscellaneous: .........................................................
Time: ........................................
Time: ........................................
Time: ........................................
Date: .................................. Time: ........................................
Handling of empty containers
Volume approx.: ........................................................ m3
Collection on: ..............................................................................
Customs clearance for import / export
O Temporary customs clearance
O Final customs clearance
Business is undertaken subject to the German Forwarders’ Standard Terms and Conditions (ADSp) latest edition.
Forwarders liability insurance has been signet by us. The conditions are available on request. In addition the Fair and Exhibi- tion Conditions are
applicable. Court of law is Berlin. The required dates for loading or transport are only binding after confirmation by the forwarding agent.
Customer / Invoicing address:
Customer No.:
VAT Reg No.:
Postal code / City / Country:
We hereby confirm that we have noted the conditions.
We accept them as binding and agree to their application.
Contact at the stand:
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Name of customer (in block letters):
As of: August 2014 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Agility Fairs & Events GmbH
Forwarding Services:
Schenker Deutschland AG
Official Forwarding Agent of Messe Berlin
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Fax: + 49(0)30 / 3012995-429
Mailing address: Schenker Deutschland AG, DB Schenkerfairs, Jafféstr.2, Service Bldg. South, Access 25,14055 Berlin, Germany
For queries:
Phone: + 49(0)30 / 3012995420; E-Mail:
O We place an order for the below marked services:
O We kindly ask for an quotation for the below marked services:
Transport to Messe Berlin
Transport after the event
from (place): .........................................................................
to (place): .............................................................................
Date of delivery (fair ground): ..............................................
Date of collection (fair ground): ............................................
Time: ....................................................................................
Time: ....................................................................................
Shipping details: ...................................................................
Shipping details: ...................................................................
Dimensions: .........................................................................
Dimensions: .........................................................................
Weight: .................................................................................
Weight: .................................................................................
Order of technical equipment
Please note: A charge will be made if you are using your own transport and loading equipment on the Exhibition Grounds and an official approval
is also required, 800.00 EUR plus VAT per event (incl. construction/ dismantling). Approximately 4 weeks before the first official day of construction, the
booking system goes online. Loading zones can be booked for the period from the first official construction to the
last official day of dismantling. Reservations can be made up to 3 days before the desired date.
O Forklift with
weight: .............................. t
O Packer
O Supply of a 20" container
O Store O Office O Chill
Miscellaneous: .........................................................
Time: ........................................
Time: ........................................
Time: ........................................
Date: ................................Time: ........................................
Handling of empty containers
Volume approx.: ........................................................ m3
Collection on: ..............................................................................
Customs clearance for import / export
O Temporary customs clearance
O Final customs clearance
Business is undertaken subject to the German Forwarders’ Standard Terms and Conditions (ADSp) latest edition.
Forwarders liability insurance has been signet by us. The conditions are available on request. In addition the Fair and Exhibi- tion Conditions are
applicable. Court of law is Berlin. The required dates for loading or transport are only binding after confirmation by the forwarding agent.
Customer / Invoicing address:
Customer No.:
VAT Reg No.:
Postal code / City / Country:
We hereby confirm that we have noted the conditions.
We accept them as binding and agree to their application.
Contact at the stand:
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Name of customer (in block letters):
As of: August 2014 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Schenker Deutschland
Official Exhibition Freight Handling Tariff - Messe Berlin GmbH
Unloading / loading of general cargo, part- and complete trailer loads, container and accessible goods
1 cbm = 333 kg / per beginning 100 kg
Unloading at forwarder’s warehouse or directly to exhibition booth,
or vice versa, each way
Transfer from warehouse to the exhibition booth or vice versa
Storage charges per exhibition, starting with the official build up,
ending with the official end of dismantling / further on request
Surcharges as per tariff 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6
11,00 EUR
15,00 EUR
10,00 EUR
Handling of empties / exhibition goods
Collection of the empty packing materials from exhibition booth,
marking, storage including warehouse handling and return
to exhibition booth, per piece and cbm – minimum 2 cbm
from 50 cbm total volume, per booth – each cbm
over 100 cbm total volume, per hall – each cbm
Collection of exhibition goods from the booth, marking, storage
including warehouse handling and return to the booth
per piece and cbm – minimum 2 cbm
40,50 EUR
37,00 EUR
32,50 EUR
57,50 EUR
Surcharges as per tariff 4.1, 4.5 and 4.6 – no further surcharges, no forklift assistance
Supply of equipment and manpower, per beginning hour
Rates in EUR
Transport worker / forklift driver
Supervisor / packer
Mo – Fr
Minimum working time 1 hour / surcharges as per tariff 4.1, 4.5, 4.6
Forklift including driver for loading / unloading / movement / assembling **
Rates in EUR
Mo – Fr
up to 3 t
up to 4 t
up to 5 t
Minimum working time 1 hour / surcharges as per tariff 4.1, 4.5, 4.6
* hourly rates including the partial surcharges for weekend and holidays
** Excluding special equipment e.g. lifting height over 5,50m; ropes / shackles
loading / unloading of empties, without storage by the
official forwarders of the Messe Berlin GmbH
each cbm and way
Mobile cranes including driver
Rates in EUR
Mo – Fr
up to 20 t
up to 50 t
Surcharges as per tariff 4.5, 4.6
Minimum working time 1 hour additional 1,5 hours travelling time
Set up time is working time
* hourly rates including the partial surcharges for weekend and holidays
15,00 EUR
Storage container
Office container
Reefer container
All rates per exhibition including placing and removal
Other Equipment
Pallet truck per day
Sack barrow per day
Ladder up to 2m, each day
620,00 EUR
800,00 EUR
1.600,00 EUR
52,00 EUR
26,00 EUR
25,00 EUR
All charges of tariff 3.5 are additional deposit of 100,00 EUR minimum.
Surcharges for tariff 1, 2 and 3
Saturday surcharge
Sunday surcharge
Holiday surcharge
Late booking surcharge – for services booked later than 24 hours before requested
operation time – related to manpower, forklifts, cranes, general cargo, handling of
empties and exhibition goods – on the order value
forwarders insurance / BSK
per tariff
Customs clearance of exhibition goods at the on-site customs office
Cancellation of transit documents, clearance for temporary
or permanent import – per shipment and clearance
including one customs tariff item
Each additional customs tariff item
Customs import / export bond fee based on CIF value
each way / per month, minimum 21,00 EUR
Transit customs clearance on T-Form per shipment
and clearance
Customs examination fee per examination and shipment
Customs officer fee
99,00 EUR
10,00 EUR
99,00 EUR
46,50 EUR
per outlay
All above mentioned charges are excluding VAT.
General condition
The exhibition freight handling tariff is valid for all operations and services undertaken on the Berlin exhibition ground by the official forwarding
agents of Messe Berlin GmbH. This includes all on-site handling of freight and carrying out of all necessary formalities for both domestic and
foreign shipments.
The official tariff will form the basis for all invoices by the official forwarders. Prices shown are maximum rates, Calculations 1cbm = 333kg, and
exclude German VAT.
The administration charges cover planning and supervisory work carried out by the official forwarders (i.e. arranging and holding available
sufficient labour and equipment, handling of empties / exhibition goods, etc.). Commission will be levied for non-pre-booked orders percental on
the order value.
In addition to the fairs and exhibition tariff all orders are undertaken strictly as per the “German Forwarders Terms and Conditions” (ADSp) latest
issue. All orders of cranes and heavy load orders are undertaken as per the “BSK” – terms and conditions latest issue, copies of both terms are
available on request.
Shipments can only be accepted on a Freight Prepaid basis up to “free arrival exhibition ground Berlin.” In order to ensure prompt delivery to stand
it is imperative each individual package marked with exhibitor’s name, the name of the exhibition together with the hall and stand number.
Official Forwarding Agents Contractual Responsibilities and Liabilities.
The responsibility and liability for the freight ends once the goods have been delivered to the exhibitors stand, whether the exhibitor is present or
not. In the absence of written instructions to the contrary, goods may be delivered to the stand commencing on the first day of the official build-up
The responsibility and liability for storage during the exhibition of empty packing materials and / or freight commence with collection of same from
the exhibitors stand and ends when the material has been returned at the close of the exhibition. Under no circumstances are goods to be left in
cases labelled for empty case storage. In such instances no liability can be accepted for such goods. Goods which are required to be storage
during the exhibition are to be separately declared and labelled as such.
The responsibility and liability for freight at the close of the exhibition commences with its collection from the stand during the official dismantling
period whether the exhibitor is present or not.
The surrendering of documents by the exhibitor at the Forwarders office and the acceptance of same does not constitute any admission
responsibility or liability for freight which has not yet been collected from the stand.
Exhibitors are recommended to take out transport and storage insurance for their goods, details of such insurance can be obtained from the
official forwarders. Insurance cover over the storage of empty packing materials can only be obtained on special request from the official
The official forwarder cannot be held responsible for any verbal order or instructions given by the exhibitors directly to the labour force.
The collection and storage of empty packing material is carried out by the official forwarder following receipt of a written order. The Building and
Fire authorities do not allow the storage of empty packing materials in the exhibition halls. Should such materials be discovered following the end
of the official build-up period, it will be removed by the official forwarders of the Messe Berlin GmbH at the exhibitors cost even in absence of an
official order.
Empty cases are to be clearly labelled and suitably secured for removal before being handed over to the official forwarder for storage.
All claims of whatever nature must be made in writing at the forwarders office immediately. Verbal claims alone cannot be accepted.
Forwarder invoices are payable upon receipt. The customer is deemed to be default (without warning or other preliminary action being required) at
the latest 10 days after receipt of invoice. In case of such default the forwarder is entitled to charge interest as per the German Forwarders Terms
and Conditions (ADSp).
The sole place of performance for all contractual obligations is Berlin. The sole place of jurisdiction for the both parties in any lawsuit arising from
such contracts is Berlin.
§ 10
This tariff takes effect as from March 1st 2010, at which date all previous tariffs are deemed to be invalid.
Schenker Deutschland AG
Servicegebäude Süd / Einfahrt Tor 25
Jafféstraße 2
14055 Berlin, Germany
Agility Fairs & Events GmbH
Servicegebäude Süd / Einfahrt Tor 25
Jafféstraße 2
14055 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3012995420
Fax: +49(0)30/3012995429
Phone: +49(0)30/3069280
Fax: +49(0)30/30692849
Waste Disposal
Construction and Dismantling
Stand No.:
Order form 2015
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143; Phone.: +49(0)30/3038-1400; E-Mail:
Messe Berlin GmbH, c/o MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-1333, -4106
Customer Service:
Mailing address:
Queries for disposal:
incl. collection
Small Containers (Collection Container 1,1 m³)
Collection incl. supply
5082357 mixed waste
99.90 EUR
5082358 paper/cardboard
41.10 EUR
5095215 DSD-Leichtverpackung (light packaging)
77.90 EUR
5095216 Foils
41.10 EUR
Waste sacks. 100 Liters each,
in distinguished colours, incl. disposal
5082359 mixed waste
10.20 EUR
5082360 paper/cardboard
4.20 EUR
5082361 glass
5.50 EUR
5082362 foils
4.20 EUR
5082363 DSD-Leichtverpackung
5.50 EUR
(light packaging)
Self collection
|__| yes
Date of delivery:
|__| no *)
*) plus 9.10 EUR for delivery on the
stand/charge for delivery (if no date
is specified, delivery will be made in the
morning of the first day of the event for which a charge will be made)
Constr/approx. m³
Dismantl/approx. m³
5,5 to 25 m³ or refuse loosely loaded
Prices include provision, collection and disposal. Charge according to volume collected not to size of container.
- up to 11 m³
110.00 EUR
- more than 11 m³
87.20 EUR
35.40 EUR
5082365 Mixed waste
5082366 Paper/cardboard – up to 11 m³
5082367 Timber (treated/coated) - up to 11 m³
66.00 EUR
56.40 EUR
- more than 11 m³
We require a free non-binding consultation:
at our stand:
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for you company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Telefax :
Purchase number for the invoice:
We are the exhibitor.
We are only ordering
by order of the exhibitor.
These services will be charged
within the final invoice of
Messe Berlin GmbH.
(a written confirmation is
We are not the exhibitor.
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: May 2015/Subject to alteration/Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
General notes
In accordance with Technical Guidelines, item 6.1 “Waste Management”, Messe Berlin GmbH or its appointed contractors bear sole
responsibility for waste disposal.
Sack or containers for re-usable materials which are incorrectly filled will be charged at the maximum rate plus a handling charge. Other
services are also available but are not listed here (e.g. loading of bulk materials, disposal of special waste materials). Details are available on
If no personnel are present on the stand when delivery is made, the services shall be considered to have been duly provided upon fulfilment of
the services or delivery of the hired equipment to the stand.
The service provider/lessor is not required to check the authority ofthe personnel encountered on the stand when the services are provided or
when hired goods are delivered.
Any complaints regarding the fulfilment of the services ordered should be made to Messe Berlin on the same day, in writing. Complaints made
at a later date will be excluded. An obligation exists to rectify justifiable complaints. Cancellation of the contract or a reduction in the
remuneration are only possible if the rectification of the complaint is unsuccessful.
Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Commercial Register HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg 92 HRB 5484
Board of Management: Dr. Christian Göke (CEO)
VAT Id No. DE 136629714, Tax No. 27/453/04182
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Waste Disposal
Duration of the Event
Stand No.:
Order form 2015
Customer Service:
Mailing address:
Queries for disposal:
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143; Phone.: +49(0)30/3038-1400; E-Mail:
Messe Berlin GmbH, c/o MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-1333, -4106
Date/Cons tr.
incl. collection
Small containers (Collection incl. supply)
1,1 m³
1,1 m³
240 L
1,1 m³
240 L
1,1 m³
1,1 m³
240 L
120 L
240 L
120 L
60 L
glass waste
mixed waste
mixed waste
DSD light packaging
food waste
food waste
biological waste
biological waste
waste grease
75.70 EUR
99.90 EUR
29.70 EUR
41.10 EUR
14.10 EUR
77.90 EUR
41.10 EUR
37.70 EUR
25.10 EUR
24.60 EUR
18.60 EUR
24.50 EUR
Other sizes on request
Delivery on the first day of the event, prior to the opening.
Price incl.
Waste sacks 100 Ltr.
In distinguishing colours
10.20 EUR
4.20 EUR
5.50 EUR
4.20 EUR
5.50 EUR
mixed waste
DSD light packaging
(plastic packaging, metal)
Self collection
no *)
Date of delivery
*) plus 9.10 EUR for delivery
on the stand/charge for delivery
(if no date is specified, delivery will be
made in the morning of the first day of
the event for which a charge will be made)
Filled sacks should be sealed and placed in front of the stand each day after closing time.
We require a free non-binding consultation:
at our stand:
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for you company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Telefax :
Purchase number for the invoice:
We are the exhibitor.
We are only ordering
by order of the exhibitor.
These services will be charged
within the final invoice of
Messe Berlin GmbH.
(a written confirmation is
We are not the exhibitor.
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: May 2015 / Subject to alteration/Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
General notes
In accordance with Technical Guidelines, item 6.1 “Waste Management”, Messe Berlin GmbH or its appointed contractors bear sole
responsibility for waste disposal.
Sack or containers for re-usable materials which are incorrectly filled will be charged at the maximum rate plus a handling charge. Other
services are also available but are not listed here (e.g. loading of bulk materials, disposal of special waste materials). Details are available on
If no personnel are present on the stand when delivery is made, the services shall be considered to have been duly provided upon fulfilment of
the services or delivery of the hired equipment to the stand.
The service provider/lessor is not required to check the authority ofthe personnel encountered on the stand when the services are provided or
when hired goods are delivered.
Any complaints regarding the fulfilment of the services ordered should be made to Messe Berlin on the same day, in writing. Complaints made
at a later date will be excluded. An obligation exists to rectify justifiable complaints. Cancellation of the contract or a reduction in the
remuneration are only possible if the rectification of the complaint is unsuccessful.
Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Commercial Register HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg 92 HRB 5484
Board of Management: Dr. Christian Göke (CEO)
VAT Id No. DE 136629714, Tax No. 27/453/04182
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Declaration of Waste Disposal
Stand No.:
Registration 2015
Customer Service:
Mailing address:
Queries for disposal:
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143; Phone.: +49(0)30/3038-1400; E-Mail:
Messe Berlin GmbH, c/o MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-1333, -4106
Waste materials which have not been registered and / or are not placed in the appropriate containers but left in the halls can be subject
to a higher charge of 115.00 EUR/ m3 for waste disposal. Hazardous waste materials should not be included in the normal waste.
Manufacturing waste that has been mixed, for example, with oil or emulsions shall be considered as special waste material.
Our stand is a:
|_| System stand / re-usable stand
|_| Disposable stand
|_| disposable carpeting
|_| re-usable carpeting
| _ We have appointed the following company to construct our stand:
Company: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………..
Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Telephone: ………………………………………………………… Fax: ……………………………………………………………..
|_| We have appointed the following company to fit our carpet:
Company: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………..
Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Telephone: ………………………………………………………… Fax: ……………………………………………………………..
Waste disposal for our stand (Please mark where applicable):
|_| We place an order with Messe Berlin or the responsible recycling company for disposal of waste
(Order form).
|_| We will be removing re-usable materials ourselves
Please note: According to the German Recycling Law, you are not allowed to take non-recyclable materials off the Exhibition Grounds yourself.
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Telefax :
Purchase number for the invoice:
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: August 2014/Subject to alteration/Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
General notes
In accordance with Technical Guidelines, item 6.1 “Waste Management”, Messe Berlin GmbH or its appointed contractors bear sole
responsibility for waste disposal.
Sack or containers for re-usable materials which are incorrectly filled will be charged at the maximum rate plus a handling charge. Other
services are also available but are not listed here (e.g. loading of bulk materials, disposal of special waste materials). Details are available on
If no personnel are present on the stand when delivery is made, the services shall be considered to have been duly provided upon fulfilment of
the services or delivery of the hired equipment to the stand.
The service provider/lessor is not required to check the authority ofthe personnel encountered on the stand when the services are provided or
when hired goods are delivered.
Any complaints regarding the fulfilment of the services ordered should be made to Messe Berlin on the same day, in writing. Complaints made
at a later date will be excluded. An obligation exists to rectify justifiable complaints. Cancellation of the contract or a reduction in the
remuneration are only possible if the rectification of the complaint is unsuccessful.
Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Commercial Register HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg 92 HRB 5484
Board of Management: Dr. Christian Göke (CEO)
VAT Id No. DE 136629714, Tax No. 27/453/04182
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
Staff Placement:
Construction/Dismantling/Stand Assistants
Vermittlungsauftrag für Arbeitskräfte – kostenlos / Staff placement order – free of charge
Auftraggeber / Employer
Town and postal code
Agentur für Arbeit Berlin Nord
(especially for exhibitions, conferences and trade fairs)
Streitstrasse 6-7, 13587 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/555572-1204
Fax: +49(0)30/555572-1999
Stand number
Rückfragen an
During the fairs:
Branch office Exhibition Grounds Hall 13:
Contact upon agreement by telephone
Fair Hotline: +49(0)30-3038-5730
Berlin ExpoCenter Airport:
Contact upon agreement by telephone
Phone: +49(0)30/555572-1204
Stellenbeschreibung / Job description
Tages-/Stundenhonorar netto
von … bis
von … bis
Daily or
hourly rate
Occupation time
from ... until
Working time
from …until
Hilfen zum Standaufbau und –abbau
Assistants (labour) for
stand constructions
and dismantling
Sales persons
Sonstige Berufe
- bitte erläutern Other occupations
- please specify Stand: April 2013 / Änderungen vorbehalten
As of: April 2013 / Subject to alteration
Datum, Unterschrift und Firmenstempel
Date, Signature and company stamp
- Contractual partner: Bundesagentur für Arbeit
Security Cover
Stand No.:
Order form 2015
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Services which are ordered less than 2 weeks prior to the fair are subject to an allover surcharge of 25 %.
Customer Service:
Mailing address:
Queries for security:
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143; Phone: +49(0)30-3038-1400; E-Mail:
Messe Berlin GmbH, c/o MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/34740477066; e-mail:
According to the Technical Guidelines, item 2.5 „Security Cover“, stand security officers may only be obtained from the security company appointed by Messe
No. of pers.
(please attach separate schedule if necessary)
a: Personnel to provide stand security cover
b: Escorting security personnel (e.g. for photographers)
Dates (from - to): ……………………………………..
daily (h, from - to): …………………………..
 a
Dates (from - to): ……………………………………..
daily (h, from - to): …………………………..
 a
Dates (from - to): ……………………………………..
daily (h, from - to): …………………………..
 a
Dates (from - to): ……………………………………..
daily (h, from - to): …………………………..
at / hour:
End of security cover on: ………………………………
 a
Additional services upon request
(e.g. body guard, stage guard, security technology, special staff (e.g. multi-lingual))
22.00 EUR
as per offer
We require further consultation:
We can offer other technical solutions for security or a comprehensive security analysis for the stand.
Minimum period for which these services will be provided is 4 hours. Separately 100 % surcharge for official holidays will be charged.
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Telefax :
We are the exhibitor.
These services will be charged
within the final invoice of
Messe Berlin GmbH.
Purchase number for the invoice:
We are only ordering
by order of the exhibitor.
(a written confirmation is
We are not the exhibitor.
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: October 2014/Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
General Guidelines for Security Cover
All orders must be placed in writing and should be sent either to
Messe Berlin GmbH, Exhibitor Service, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin/Germany or
MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12 A, 14052 Berlin
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460
(postal address of order forms in the Exhibitor Service Manual).
§ 1 General details
The contractor's services and offers are provided solely on the basis of the following contractual conditions. Additions,
supplements and amendments to these contractual conditions, or deviations from them, shall only be effective if confirmed
in writing by both contracting parties.
§ 2 Subject of the Agreement
By means of this agreement the client entrusts the contractor with the security of the aforementioned property.
The contractor shall appoint a project manager, who shall be responsible for the technical and organisational
implementation of this agreement, and shall be in authority over his/her employees.
The contractor shall draw up the instructions required for the fulfilment of the services. During the performance period the
client or his representative shall be granted access to the places of employment. On request the contractor shall supply the
client with all necessary information about the properties and, if required, shall provide him with all available documents.
§ 3 Terms of Payment
Invoices shall be submitted after the performance of the services. Payment becomes due immediately.
Only bills and cheques will be accepted as payment. They are not to be considered as a cash payment. Their acceptance
does not imply any guarantee with regard to punctual and correct submission or protests. The client shall bear all costs and
charges, and discount charges in particular.
A set-off or assertion of a claim to withhold payment of the client's claim is only possible if the client's claim is uncontested,
or has been recognised by declaratory judgement.
§ 4 Objections
If no personnel are present on the stand when delivery is made, the services shall be considered to have been duly
provided upon fulfilment of the services or delivery of the hired equipment to the stand.
The service provider/lessor is not required to check the authority of the personnel encountered on the stand when the
services are provided or when hired goods are delivered.
Any complaints regarding the fulfilment of the services ordered should be made to Messe Berlin on the same day, in writing.
Complaints made at a later date will be excluded. An obligation exists to rectify justifiable complaints. Cancellation of the
contract or a reduction in the remuneration are only possible if the rectification of the complaint is unsuccessful.
§ 5 Liability
The contractor is answerable for any damage or consequential damage caused by a defect resulting from unauthorised
actions, negligence in making the contract, infringement of contractual or statutory collateral duties, the impossibility of
performing the services, or delay, provided that such damage has been caused by deli berate or gross negligence on the
part of his legal representative or employees.
The client's claims for liability fall under the statute of limitations after 6 months from the time that the respective services
are completed.
The contractor shall take out liability insurance for the following amounts: A lump sum of 1,000,000.00 EUR for personal
injury or damage to property and 10,000.00 EUR to cover the loss of guarded items.
In each case of damage or injury the amount of liability is limited to the sums given above.
§ 6 Law, Place of Jurisdiction
The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to the terms of this agreement and to the entire legal relationship
between the client and the contractor.
Berlin shall be the place of jurisdiction for any legal disputes arising out of this agreement.
Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Commercial Register: HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg 92 HRB 5484
Board of Management: Dr. Christian Göke (CEO)
VAT Id No. DE 136629714, Tax No. 453/04182
Photographic Service
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Construction + Service: Fax: +49(0)30/3067-2018
Mailing address:
MB Capital Services GmbH, Standbau + Service, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
For queries:
Phone: +49(0)30/8826488; mobil: +49(0)171/5183045; Homepage:
Price each
Price total
Photographs of the Stand
Digital photographs with optimum of lighting incl. Digital imaging
(during night, with complete lighting of stand)
85.00 EUR
.............. EUR
Group photo of the stand-team
85.00 EUR
.............. EUR
180.00 EUR
.............. EUR
Virtual panoramic view, 360 º
280.00 EUR
.............. EUR
Multimedia show (DVD) (text, logos, music, label)
from 380.00 EUR
.............. EUR
Documentation during the opening hours of the fair incl. digital imaging
185,00 EUR
.............. EUR
Documentation of stand (up to 25 perspectives), colour
Other copies of CD with label
9.00 EUR
.............. EUR
Additional colour print 18/24 cm
18.00 EUR
.............. EUR
Additional colour print 13/18 cm
14.00 EUR
.............. EUR
Discount for larger quantities available on request
For more information please contact
Mr. Ms.: ..................................................................................................................
Telephone/Fax: ............................................................................................................
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax.
If no other arrangements have been made with the client, the photographs will be delivered to the stand within 48 hours. Payment shall be made in cash when the
photographs are handed over, or on submission of invoice without deduction, at the latest.
Payment by credit card:
Credit card No.: |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___|
valid until: |___|___| |___|___|
Card holder: .....................................................................................................................................
Legally binding signature
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
VAT Reg. No.:
Telefax :
Purchase number for the invoice:
Name of the customer (in block letters):
................................................. ..........................................................................
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
As of: July 2014 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Atelier Nieswand & Pletschke
Stand Cleaning
Stand No.:
Order form 2015
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Orders received within the last 3 days prior to the start of the event are subject to a 20 % surcharge.
Customer Service:
Mailing address:
Queries for cleaning:
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460 or 3039-0009143; Phone: +49(0)30/3038-1400; E-mail:
Messe Berlin GmbH, c/o MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-4102
Stand size - first floor/m² ........................
Company name/lettering on the stand:
Stand size – base/m² .........................
Please tick where applicable
Basic cleaning during construction period
5091511 Cleaning of the stand (floor, furniture, removal of foil)
5091512 Cleaning of areas of glass and plastic
(mirrors, walls, acrylic surfaces, tiles)
per hour
28.10 EUR )
per hour
39.10 EUR )
per m²
1.30 EUR
per hour
57.13 EUR
Cleaning on the even prior to the event (during the night)
5095110 Cleaning on the even prior to the event (during the night)
(floor, furniture, removal of foil)
5082422 Cleaning of areas of glass and plastic (during the night)
(mirrors, walls, acrylic surfaces,tiles)
Cleaning between the days of the fair (during the night)
(starting in the evening of the first day of the event)
Daily cleaning of the stand (during the night)
(tables washing off, waste baskets emptying, hard floor covering wet mopping,
0.61 EUR/m²
151-500 m²
0.57 EUR/m²
501-1000 m²
0.51 EUR/m²
More than 1001 m²
0.45 EUR/m²
(mirrors, walls, acrylic surfaces, tiles)
per hour
57.13 EUR
Additional services
5082698 Services at hourly rate
per hour
28.10 EUR )
and carpets vacuum cleaning), payment according to m² and days
up to 150 m²
5095469 Daily cleaning of areas of glass and plastic (during the night)
(e.g. auxiliary personnel, cleaning exhibits, washing dishes,
dry cleaning of carpets)
Premium Cleaning – All-Inclusive-Package
(floors, glass, furniture, exhibits); basic cleaning, daily cleaning in the evening,
1 service staff always stand by; Phone: +49(0)30/3038-4102
individual flat fee
according agreement
We require extra services. Please contact us on the stand: Date: .......................................... Time: ................................
Contact: ...........................................................................................
) You will be charged for surcharges in force locally work during nights, and work carried out on Sundays (50%) and public holidays (100%) with proof of hours worked.
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Telefax :
We are the exhibitor.
These services will be charged
within the final invoice of
Messe Berlin GmbH.
Purchase number for the invoice:
We are only ordering
by order of the exhibitor.
We are not the
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
(a written confirmation is
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: May 2015 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: Messe Berlin GmbH
General Guidelines for Stand Cleaning
All orders must be placed in writing and should be sent either to
Messe Berlin GmbH, Exhibitor Service, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin/Germany or
MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12 A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1460
(Postal address of order forms in the Exhibitor Service Manual).
Disposal of refuse or construction material should be ordered separately (please see order for Refuse Disposal).
According to the Technical Guidelines, item 6.2.2 “Cleaning” all cleaning services should only be executed
by the cleaning company authorized by Messe Berlin GmbH.
The exhibition area has to be left clean and tidy. A necessary cleaning will be charged to the exhibitor (especially
for remaining adhesive tape).
For daily cleaning of closed rooms, please mention a date for handing over the keys.
Preliminary cleaning (Cleaning during the night prior to the event)
Preliminary eleaning entails the collection and disposal of all packaging and rubbish (superficial cleaning) as well as dusting
and washing of furniture and floor (and where applicable vacuuming of carpets). Payment is for all confirmed hours of work.
Regular cleaning
Regular cleaning includes the removal of dust from floors and furniture and the wiping of these areas with a damp cloth, as well
as vacuum cleaning of carpets (no shampooing).
Other duties of the client
The client must clear all objects to be cleaned; this is not included in the duties of our cleaning personnel unless stipulated in
writing in this order.
Cleaning periods
Preliminary cleaning will take place in accordance with verbal agreement, and at the latest on the night prior to the opening of
the event. Regular cleaning will be carried out each day of the exhibition/fair after the official closing time.
Clients must ensure that we are granted access to the areas to be cleaned and to power points. If necessary they should
supply us with keys.
If no personnel are present on the stand when delivery is made, the services shall be considered to have been duly provided
upon fulfilment of the services or delivery of the hired equipment to the stand.
The service provider/lessor is not required to check the authority of the personnel encountered on the stand when the services
are provided or when hired goods are delivered.
Complaints about the standard of cleaning work should be made to us on the day in question in writing. We cannot consider
later objections. We are obliged and entitled to make up for any proven deficiencies. Cancellation of the contractor or a
reduction in the amount payable is only possible if the subsequent improvement is inadequate.
Charges will be based on the square metre area of a stand as listed in the official hall plan of Messe Berlin, and may also
include aisles that are inside the stand areas, as well as second floor stand areas.
10. Our rates may be adjusted on a percentage basis in accordance with wage increases.
11. Remuneration
Invoices will be submitted at the end of the event. Because of the labour-intensive nature of the work, all invoices will be
payable net without deductions following receipt of the invoice, or payable on submission of receipts.
12. Liability
The amount and extent of our liability for any damage of personal injury caused by our staff is listed below. The client
undertakes to carry out an immediate inspection after the cleaning work has been carried out, in order to establish whether any
damage has been caused. Obvious cases of damage must be reported in writing immediately, and at the latest within a period
of three days. All cases of damage and injury will be dealt with and paid for exclusively by our insurers. We have taken out
public liability insurance against damage or injury for the following amounts: up to EUR 1,000,000.00 for personal injury, up to
500,000.00 EUR for damage to property and objects, for failure to provide suitable care or for damage due to bad
workmanship, up to 50,000.00 EUR.
Ancillary agreements are only effective if they are made in writing.The contractor will store and process personal data in the normal
way, and using data processing. An undertaking is given to abide by the regulations of the Federal Data Protection Law.
The place of jurisdiction shall be Berlin. Each of these regulations shall be valid in its own right.
Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany
Commercial Register: HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg 92 HRB 5484
Board of Management: Dr. Christian Göke (CEO)
VAT Id No. DE 136629714, Tax No. 453/04182
Stand personal
Hostesses and Hosts
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Mailing address:
For queries:
Deadline: 2 weeks prior to the event
Fax: +49(0)30/3038-1440
MB Capital Services GmbH, Hostessen, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-1435; E-Mail:
Orders which are placed within one week prior to the event are subject to a 20 % surcharge on the mentioned prices. According to the
general terms of business, for withdrawal within the last 6 working days prior to the start of the employment, there will be invoiced 50 % of the
original order volume.
Price each day
Price total
Employment period: date: ................................. time: from : ................ to: ..................
As stand assistant, or for information and counter services; with the languages:
.......... German and English
rate for each additional hour
........ days at fair *) at
180.00 EUR
22.00 EUR
.............. EUR
.......... German, English and 1 other European
........ days at fair *) at
rate for each additional hour
200.00 EUR
.............. EUR
…..… days at fair *) at
.......... German, English and 2 other European
rate for each additional hour
230.00 EUR
.......... German, 1 European and 1 other
Special language **)
rate for each additional hour
250.00 EUR
…….. days at fair *) at
24.00 EUR
.............. EUR
28.00 EUR
.............. EUR
.......... Personnel supervisor
rate for each additional hour
30.00 EUR
..….… days at fair *) at
240.00 EUR
29.00 EUR
.............. EUR
We provide our staff with entrance passes to the exhibition.
Our staff wears business attire.
Would you prefer the suite colour to reflect you corporate identity or do you wish to supply an outfit for the promotion?
Do you wish to brief your stand personnel on the day preceding the fair?
Do you have any other requirements?
Please talk to us – we look forward to hearing from you. We can also call you back.
Please call back: Mr./Ms. ................................................................. Telephone: ...................................................................................
*) A day at the fair consists of 9 working hours incl. the statutory breaks. The minimum number of hours worked per day is 7 hours.
**) Special languages on request: Arabic, Georgian, Ukrainian, Icelandic as well as Asian languages
The CSG TEAM GmbH reserves the right to invoice exhibitors directly via contractual partners for the services of hostesses and stand personnel.
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
VAT Reg. No.:
Telefax :
Purchase number for the invoice:
Name of the customer (in block letters):
................................................. ..........................................................................
As of: April 2015 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: CSG TEAM GmbH
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
General Terms of Business of CSG Team GmbH
as per: 20.04.2015
As a result of an official notification issued by the State Employment office Berlin-Brandenburg on December 30, 2004, CSG Team
GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin (referred to hereinafter as the Hiring Agent) has been granted approval to hire out staff as
temporary workers for profit.
Scope of these terms
The following terms form part of all, including future, offers, confirmations of orders and contracts pertaining to the hiring out of
staff as temporary workers.
Any divergent agreements and ancillary agreements are only valid if made in writing and signed by both the Hiring Agent and
the Hirer. This also applies to any amendments to the clause requiring the written form.
Offer/Conclusion of the Contract
The Hiring Agent´s offers shall take the form of an invitation to submit an offer on the basis of these present terms of
Agreements must be in writing and only become binding upon the Hiring Agent when the latter has received a contract
document signed by the Hirer. The contracts have to be signed 14 days prior the event.
Withdrawal from the contract/Release from performance obligations
The Hiring Agent may withdraw from the contract either partially or fully if and in as much as the hire of staff is continuously or
temporarily impeded by exceptional circumstances. In particular such exceptional circumstances may include labour disputes,
public service measures etc. No rights of withdrawal exist if the Hiring Agent is itself responsible for these exceptional
If the Hirer gives notice in writing of his intention to withdraw from the contract within a period of 2 weeks prior to the
commencement of the hire of temporary staff, the Hiring Agent reserves the right to invoice the Hirer for 10 % of the original
value of the order. If the Hirer gives notice in writing of his intention to withdraw from the contract within a period of 6 working
days prior to the commencement of the hire of temporary staff, the Hiring Agent reserves the right to invoice the Hirer for 50
% of the original value of the order. The determining factor shall be the time at which the Hiring Agent receives the notice of
withdrawal. The Hirer retains the right to provide proof that no loss has been incurred, or that the loss was less than the
amount stated. The Hiring Agent may assert claims for increased losses.
Employment relations
The Hiring Agent is the employer of the temporary staff in accordance with the law pertaining to the hiring out of temporary
staff – Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetz (AÜG).
During the period of employment the temporary staff shall be subject to the instructions of the Hirer. The Hirer may only allocate
such tasks to the temporary staff as come within the scope of the contractually agreed activities. In particular the Hirer is
prohibited from instructing a member of the temporary staff to handle or collect money or other forms of payment without
the express written approval of the Hiring Agent.
Working hours/ Duration of statutory breaks:
A day at the fair normally consists of nine working hours including the statutory break of 30 minutes (§ 4 Satz 1 ArbZG). If the
working hours per day are more than nine and up to twelve hours, the statutory break has to be 45 minutes per working day (§
4 Satz 1 ArbZG). The statutory breaks are paid by the hirer within the daily rate.
If no other agreement has been expressly made, the stated rates shall apply subject to confirmation and without surcharges.
If the Hirer places an order after the expiry of the deadline for applications, of which he has been notified (generally 2 weeks
prior to the start of the event), the Hiring Agent cannot guarantee prompt or complete fullfilment of the ordered staff.
If acquisition within the stipulated deadline is possible, the additional costs incurred by late orders made one week prior to the
event will be charged to the Hirer in the form of a 20 % surcharge on top of the original ordered total amount.
The total amount for the agreed personnel placement (generally for 9 hours per day) plus statutory value-added tax is payable
prior the start of the event without any deduction, at the latest upon receipt of invoice.
If no other arrangements have been made, for overtime assignment which occurs during the event accounts shall be
submitted at the end of the event. Accounts shall be based on the record of the time worked by the temporary hired employee,
signed by the Hirer.
The Hiring Agent shall be liable in accordance with statutory regulations for damages incurred through loss of life, physical
injury or impairment of health. The same applies to liability due to a lack of warranted characteristics and to liability in
accordance with the Product Liability Law.
The Hiring Agent is liable in full for damage or injury resulting from his own intentional or grossly negligent actions or those of
his statutory representatives or managerial employees.
On the merits of the case, the Hiring Agent is liable for damage or injury resulting from the gross negligence of its regular
employees. The amount of the liability shall be limited to such damage or injury that could typically be expected to occur under
contracts of this type.
In all other respects the liability of the Hiring Agent is excluded. In particular the Hiring Agent shall not be liable for the
execution of the work by the temporary hired employee or for damage or injury caused by the latter in the performance of his
work. The Hirer is obliged to exempt the Hiring Agent from all claims by third parties in connection with the execution and
performance of the work assigned to the assigned employees.
Legal venue and applicable law
If the Hirer is defined as a merchant (Kaufmann), the sole legal venue for all disputes in connection with this present contract
shall be the Hiring Agent´s domicile. This shall also apply in all matters pertaining to bills of exchange, to actions concerning
the payment of cheques and summary procedures. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply.
Partial invalidity
If any part of these provisions is or becomes invalid, the validity of the remaining points shall remain unaffected. An invalid
provision should be replaced by one that most accurately fulfils the purpose of the invalid provision.
CSG Team GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin
Commercial Register: HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 81907
Board of Management: Nadja Plonka, Christian Friede
Tax No. 27/453/04182, VAT No. DE217619438
Business Center
on the Exhibition Grounds
Office Service: Fax: +49(0)30/3038-4135
For queries:
Phone:+49(0)30/3038-4123 to 4125; E-Mail:
Offices: Großer Stern, 3. Floor,
Entrance: Hall 20/21;
Opening hours: daily: according to opening hours of the fair
The opening hours will be communicated in the exhibitors’ information prior to the fair.
Price list
(payment in cash only) – As of August 2014
DIN A 4 colour
01-49 Copies
50-250 Copies
more than 250 Copies
01-49 Copies
50-99 Copies
100-499 Copies
01-49 Copies
50-250 Copies
more than 250 Copies
Telephone calls
Charge per unit
Prepaid telephone cards
SIM cards
Sending a fax
Receiving a fax
per 15 minutes
per 15 minutes
Use of PC/Scanner/CD Burner
per 15 minutes
Printing DIN A 4
Black and white
Business cards
For sale
Compact disk recordable
Compact disk rewritable
DVD rewritable
Typing Service (German, English)
Other languages on request
All prices are inclusive the statutory value-added tax
0.25 EUR
0.20 EUR
0.15 EUR
1.00 EUR
0.90 EUR
0.80 EUR
0.30 EUR
0.25 EUR
0.20 EUR
0.30 EUR
5.00/10.00 EUR
19.95 EUR
1.30 EUR
0.70 EUR
3.00 EUR
3.00 EUR
3.00 EUR
p/ page DIN A4
20 copies
50 copies
100 copies
0.50 EUR
1.00 EUR
15.00 EUR
30.00 EUR
50.00 EUR
1.80 EUR
3.20 EUR
3.20 EUR
8.00 EUR
Organising Services for Fairs, Conferences, and Events
Advice – Concept – Performance – Efficiency Review
We offer the following
Support Services
Mailings to Exhibitors and Visitors
Catalogues/Participants’ List
Ticketing (Call Center and Internet Advance Ticketing)
Registration for Trade Visitors and Participants
Hosts and Hostesses Service
Visitor Promotion
Ticket Sale on site and others
For information: Phone +49(0)30/3069-6931/ -69, Fax: +49(0)30/3069-6930
Advertising spaces
for Exhibitors
Advertising on the outdoor areas and entrances as well as
and hall passage ways
(mega banners, bench displays, flags, display towers, ellipse
displays, mobile poster cases or large-size advertising for the
outdoor areas)
For information: Phone +49(0)30/3038-2406/ -2402, Fax: +49(0)30/3038-2239
Exhibitor Service
Planning of a unified stand construction offer for the fair
Offer for single stands
(modular system or according to requirements of exhibitors)
Stand equipment and other services
For information: Phone +49(0)30/3067-2052/ -48, Fax: +49(0)30/3067-2059
Design and Events
individually planned stand construction
Special Programmes and Events
Marketing Services
For information: Phone +49(0)30/3067-2044, Fax: +49(0)30/3067-2019
Illustration for unique system stands:
MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12 A, 14052 Berlin, Germany,, e-mail:, werbeflä
Contractual partner: MB Capital Services GmbH
Suspension points &
Fabric Coverings
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
We reserve the right to fulfill the services only upon receipt of the total sum of confirmation in advance.
Orders within the last two weeks prior to the official construction period are subject to a surcharge of 30 % on the offered prices.
Orders on site are accepted upon presentation of a credit card.
At the time placing the order, orders will be considered as complete if accompanied by a sketch including measurements, weights
and installation heights.
Construction + Service:
Mailing address:
For queries:
Fax: +49(0)30/3067-2018
MB Capital Services GmbH, Standbau + Service, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3038-5786; E-Mail:
Suspended advertising and stand structure supports
Items may only be suspended subject to structural conditions and only from the technical installations provided for this purpose.
Please observe the conditions as stated in the Technical Guidelines item 3.1 „Hall data“ and items 4.7.5 „Suspended items ..“ and „Heavy suspended items“.
Price upon request
………. Suspension points for:
|_| Suspension of advertising structure incl. attachment with tested
attachment points (in accordance with DIN 1142)
Weight/each: ............................................. kg
|_| Stand structure support
|_| Suspension of steel tube construction
Weight: .............................................. kg
Depending on the location of the stand it may be necessary to use cross pieces to distribute the load, because items may only be attached to
existing points in the hall (please see technical documentation of Messe Berlin). There are differing technical requirements for suspension points in
the halls. Please contact Messe Berlin if you are missing the information about the possible suspension point in your hall layout.
Required completion date: ........................................ Required installation height: ................................
Textile sheets and tensioned wall coverings
Available qualities see overleaf
Please send us a quotation for
|_| Textile ceiling for the stand
|_| Tensioned wall covering
Quality: ............................................................ colour:..................................................................
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions.
Payment by credit card:
Credit card No.: |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___|
valid until: |___|___| |___|___|
Card holder: .....................................................................................................................................
|_| VISA
|_| MasterCard
|_| Amex
Legally binding signature
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Your order number for the invoice:
|_| We are the exhibitor.
|_| We are only ordering by
order of the exhibitor.
The service is an additional
order to our fair packiage with
Messe Berlin GmbH.
|_| We are not the exhibitor.
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Services have to be charged
(a written confirmation of
to our own address as
cost transfer is enclosed)
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: July 2014/ Subject to alteration/Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: MB Capital Services GmbH
Remarks to tensioned structures:
(As of: March 2014)
(Extract from the Technical Guidelines)
Approval must be obtained for horizontal decorations and ceiling areas covering individual and collective stands, one important reason being
to ensure the correct functioning of spray and sprinkler system.
The materials used for such areas must be at least “flame-resistant”, and a certificate must be provided showing that they conform to the
standard DIN 4102/B1.
In the preliminary remarks, the following regulations apply to all stands:
Continuous areas may not comprise a single area in excess of 30.00 m² (projected layout)
A number of individual areas may only be set up together if a suitable space is left between them (projected layout).
A sprinkler system must be provided if the indicated maximum surface area is exceeded.
Textile sheets and tensioned wall coverings
(ready-made, delivered and tacked smoothly onto supplied wooden background, incl. removal after end of fair)
Rayon tulle
fire-resistant according to DIN 4102 B1
Can be used for sprinklers
seamless up to 11.20 m
Colours: white and black
Rayon net
fire-resistant according to DIN 4102 B1
Can be used for sprinklers
seamless up to 5.20 m
Colours: white and black
Furnishing molleton, 165 gr/m²
Fire-resistant according to DIN 4102 B1
Various colours on request
Stage molleton, 300 gr/m², width 3.00 m
Fire-resistant according to DIN 4102 B1
Various colours on request
Fabric for acoustic absorption, 380 gr/m², width 1.40 m
Fire-resistant according to DIN 4102 B1
Various colours on request
Curtains (incl. rails, extractable)
Fire-resistant according to DIN 4102 B1
Various colours on request
Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 65470
Board of Management: Manfred Gleich, Wilfried Wartenberg
VAT Reg. No.: DE 191413151, Tax-No.: 27/453/04182
Contractual partner: MB Capital Services GmbH
Floor Covering, Carpet
for Hire
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Construction + Service:
Mailing address:
For queries:
Order No.
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Fax: +49(0)30/3067-2018
MB Capital Services GmbH, Standbau + Service, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3067-2015; E-Mail:
Price each
Price total
Velours carpeting
delivered in rolls, width 2 m , laid on two-sided adhesive tape
incl. covering foil and collection after the event, per sqm.
grey mottled
10,90 EUR
10,90 EUR
10,90 EUR
10,90 EUR
10,90 EUR
10,90 EUR
10,90 EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
9,90 EUR
9,90 EUR
9,90 EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
Needled felt carpeting
delivered in rolls, width 2 m , laid on two-sided adhesive tape
incl. covering foil and collection after the event, per sqm
grey mottled
Sealing of edges of carpeting using coloured fabric tape
Coloured fabric tape, per
9,90 EUR
9,90 EUR
9,90 EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
1.50 EUR
.............. EUR
PVC Floor covering, mottled (for kitchen areas)
delivered in rolls, width 2 m , laid on two-sided adhesive tape
incl. covering foil and collection after the event, per sqm
PVC Floor covering
11,50 EUR
Preferred date of execution: .......................................................................
(only binding upon
written confirmation)
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions. Order on site will only be accepted
under reserve (pls see item 5 of General Terms of Hire).
Payment by credit card:
Credit card No.: |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___|
valid until: |___|___| |___|___|
Card holder: .....................................................................................................................................
|_| VISA
|_| MasterCard
|_| Amex
Legally binding signature
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
|_ We are the exhibitor.
The equipment for hire is an
additional order to our fair
package with Messe Berlin
Your order number for the invoice:
|_| We are only ordering by
order of the exhibitor.
(a written confirmation of
cost transfer is enclosed)
|_ We are not the exhibitor.
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: July 2014 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: MB Capital Services GmbH
General Terms of Business and Conditions of Hire of MB Capital Services GmbH
As of: January 1, 2010
The following General Terms of Business and Conditions of Hire of MB Capital Service GmbH (in the following: lessor) apply to all hire contracts for movable items
and construction. Any conflicting conditions of the lessee are hereby repudiated. Any divergence from these terms and conditions, or ancillary agreements, are only
valid if confirmed in writing by the lessor.
All orders for hire equipment must be in writing. The lessor will confirm all orders prior to the event, provided that such orders have been submitted before the
prescribed deadline for applications as stated in the order forms contained in the Exhibitors’s Service Folder. If exhibitors do not receive written confirmation of their
orders, provided that such orders have been submitted on time, they should notify the lessor immediately.
The lessor reserves the right to execute services ordered or deliver items for hire only upon receipt of payment.
Details about the loan of items
The lessee is aware that the items available for hire are usually used several times at exhibitions and may not always be new.
The items for hire will only be made available for the agreed purpose and for the duration of the event. They are for the use of the lessee only at the agreed place of
No hired item may be transferred to third parties. Plans, designs, drawing, production and assembly documents and all rights thereto remain the property of the
lessor, even when given to the lessee.
The lessee should ascertain whether the hired items are in a suitable condition, safe to use and complete when they are handed over.
By his acceptance of the items entrusted to his care the lessee acknowleges that they do not contain any defects, unless he immediately notifies the lessor of such
defects in writing.
Deliveries within the stipulated period of all items ordered from the lessor will be made promptly, to ensure that the hired items are available at the start of the event.
In the absence of any stand personnel when the hired items are delivered, they will be considered to have been correctly delivered when left on the stand.
The lessor is not obliged to check the credentials of the personnel on the stand when delivering the hired items.
No delivery times or special requirements will be considered effective unless confirmed in writing by the lessor.
If the lessee makes use of his right to notify the lessor of any defects, the lessor's warranty is limited solely to making the necessary improvements, provided that the
defective items is one that has already been used. The lessor may supply a replacement if he thinks fit.
Hire charges
The charges as listed are net, subject to statutory value added tax plus an insurance premium of 5 % of the hire charge for items hired 4 % of the hire charge for the
complete stand incl. equipment. The charges are valid for the duration of the event.
The cost of delivery to and removal from the exhibition grounds, and for any assembly or dismantling that may be required, are included in the hire charge.
Orders placed after the application deadline
If the lessee places an order after the expiry of the deadline for applications, of which he has been notified (generally 4 resp. 2 weeks prior to the start of the event),
the lessor cannot guarantee prompt or complete deliveries. Above in such cases no guarantees can be provided that the items can be supplied as ordered.
If delivery within the stupulated deadline is possible, the additional costs incurred by the delayed order will be charged to the lessee in the form of a 20 % surcharge
on the original hire charge.
Deviations from the details in catalogue
All the dimensions stated in the catalogue are approximate. The lessor reserves the right to make reasonable alterations to dimensions, shape and colour of the
items ordered for hire. The items supplied must be equal or superior to those ordered.
Terms of payment
Upon submission of the invoice the sum due, including statutory value-added tax if not otherwise stated in the invoice, is payable no later than the start of the event.
Payment should be made to one of the accounts of the lessor without deduction.
If the lessor has no record that the payment has been received by a date four weeks prior to the start of the event at the latest, it is entitled to withdraw from the
Order received by the lessor two weeks prior to the start of the event,or later, will only be accepted if accompanied by payment in advance (a cheque should be
enclosed with the order).
Failure to make use of previously ordered hire items
If the lessee will not make use of previously ordered hired items and give notice in writing no later than 4 weeks prior to the event, the lessor charges 5 % of rental
charge. If notice is given no later than 7 days prior to the event, 10 % of hire charge will be charged.
For orders worth more than 10,000.00 EUR or involving a stand construction area in excess of 100 m², if notice of withdrawal is given in writing no later than 10
weeks prior to the start of the event, a sum equivalent to 10 % of the rental charge/value of the order will be charged. This sum will increase to the equivalent to 20 %
of the rental charge/value of the order if the written notification is received within 6 weeks of the start of the event.
If non-defective hire items cannot be handed over to the lessee on the agreed delivery date or if he does not take delivery of the items as agreed, the lessee shall be
liable for payment of the full hire charge. If delivery date is not been expressively agreed, stand construction will be handed over to the lessee or his representative at
the stand no earlier than 5 days but no later than 3 days, other hire items usually 2 days prior to the event. If another lessee can be found for the hire items that have
not been delivered, the original lessee shall only be required to pay 25 % of the invoice sum to meet additional expenses.
In cases as mentioned in 8.1 and 8.2, the onus shall be on the lessee to prove that the lessor has not incured the flat rate charges as invoiced. The lessor is entitled
to assert the actual damage incurred.
The liability of the lessee
The liability of the lessee for any damage to or loss of the items hired to him commences with the hand over and ceases with collection by the lessor after the end of
the event at the latest.
Liability also applies to the lessee`s employees and to third persons, but only in cases of negligence on the part of the lessor or its employees. The lessor only bear
liability in cases deliberate and malicious damage.
The lessee is obliged to handle the hired items with care. Nothing may be stuck, nailed or painted onto these items, nor may they be damaged in any other way.
Without prior approval of the lessor the lessee is not permitted to alter the items in his care. Any particular distinguishing marks that may exist may not be removed.
Damages should be reported to the lessor immediately.
The hired items must be made ready and available for collection immediately following the end of the event.
Should the lessee delay in returning the hired items, The lessor is entitled to prepare such items for removal at the lessee`s expense, subject to the lessee`s
The lessee will be informed immediately if the lessor finds any defects on the hired items being returned. Such statements will be considered acknowledged if the
lessee does not contest them in writing within one week.
The liability of the lessor
The lessor accepts no liability for any kind of personal injury or damage to property, unless such injury or damage is due to deliberate and malicious damage on the
part of the lessor or his employees.
If the lessor is delayed in providing its service it will not be held liable for slight negligence. This also applies in cases where it proves impossible to provide the
required services.
The objects and equipment offered for hire must be insured. The insurance premium for the hired items and equipment shall amount to 5 % of the hire charge. This
insurance shall cover replacement in the event of loss. The lessee is not entitled to a replacement. A replacement during the event shall only be provided if ordered
and paid for by the lessee.
The premium for insuring the hired modular stand, incl. stand equipment and hired items, shall amount to 4 % of the hire charge. If no insurance cover is taken out
for the hired modular stand, the lessee shall be liable for damage to or loss of the hired items.
The following shall be excluded from the insurance: artwork, water and electricity connections, an on-site services.
Federal Data Protection Law (BDSG)
In accordance with §§ 28 and 29 BDSG, personal data concerning our business associates will be stored and processed for the purposes of the contractual
Final provision
The validity of the „General Terms of Business and Conditions of Hire“ is not affected by the invalidity of any individual regulations or clauses.
Only the German Version is legally binding.
Provided no agreement has been made to the contrary the regulations contained in the Civil Code of the Federal Republic of Germany apply.
The legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg.
MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Commercial Register HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg No. HRB 65470
Managing Directors: Manfred Gleich, Wilfried Wartenberg
VAT-Id No. DE 191413151, Tax No. 27/453 / 04182
Desktop Copiers,
Office Equipment
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Construction + Service:
Mailing address:
For queries:
Order No.
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Fax: +49(0)30/3067-2018
MB Capital Services GmbH, Standbau + Service, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3067-2015; E-Mail:
Price each
Small copier, A 4
12 copies per minute (incl. 500 sheets white A4 paper)
Desktop copier, colour, A4
18 copies per minute
Price total
200.00 EUR
.............. EUR
430.00 EUR
.............. EUR
460.00 EUR
.............. EUR
800.00 EUR
.............. EUR
750.00 EUR
.............. EUR
incl. 500 copies black free of charge, from 501 copies there will be a surcharge of 0.05 EUR each
Incl. 200 copies colour free of charge; from501 copies there will be a surcharge of 0.20 EUR each
Large desktop copier with sorter and ADF, A3/A4,
25 copies per minute (incl. duplex feature)
incl. 1 000 copies free of charge, from 1 001 copies there will be a surcharge of 0.05 EUR each
with proof of copies required
Large desktop copier with sorter and ADF, colour, A3/A4
25 copies per minute
incl. 1 000 copies black free of charge, from 1 001 copies there will be a surcharge of 0.05 EUR each
Incl. 500 copies colour free of charge; from 1 001 copies there will be a surcharge of 0.20 EUR each
with proof of copies required
Large desktop copier with sorter, ADF, duplex and stapling feature
approx. 55 copies per minute
incl. 5 000 copies black free of charge; from 5 001 copies on there will a surcharge
of 0.05 EUR each – with proof of copies required.
Office supplies (e.g. paper toner) on request
Further office equipment on request
Preferred date of execution: ........................................................................
(only binding upon written confirmation)
The mentioned prices are subject to a premium equivalent of 5 % of hire charge for insurance. They are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the
order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions. Order on site will only be accepted under reserve (pls see item 5 of General Terms of Hire).
Payment by credit card:
Credit card No.: |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___|
valid until: |___|___| |___|___|
Card holder: .....................................................................................................................................
Legally binding signature
Please note: Please clarify the inernal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
|_| We are the exhibitor.
The equipment for hire is an
additional order to our fair
package with Messe Berlin
Your order number for the invoice:
|_| We are only ordering by
order of the exhibitor.
(a written confirmation of
cost transfer is enclosed)
|_| We are not the exhibitor.
Legally binding signature and company stamp
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: December 2014 / Subject to alteration / Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: MB Capital Services GmbH
General Terms of Business and Conditions of Hire of MB Capital Services GmbH
As of: January 1, 2010
The following General Terms of Business and Conditions of Hire of MB Capital Service GmbH (in the following: lessor) apply to all hire contracts for movable items
and construction. Any conflicting conditions of the lessee are hereby repudiated. Any divergence from these terms and conditions, or ancillary agreements, are only
valid if confirmed in writing by the lessor.
All orders for hire equipment must be in writing. The lessor will confirm all orders prior to the event, provided that such orders have been submitted before the
prescribed deadline for applications as stated in the order forms contained in the Exhibitors’s Service Folder. If exhibitors do not receive written confirmation of their
orders, provided that such orders have been submitted on time, they should notify the lessor immediately.
The lessor reserves the right to execute services ordered or deliver items for hire only upon receipt of payment.
Details about the loan of items
The lessee is aware that the items available for hire are usually used several times at exhibitions and may not always be new.
The items for hire will only be made available for the agreed purpose and for the duration of the event. They are for the use of the lessee only at the agreed place of
No hired item may be transferred to third parties. Plans, designs, drawing, production and assembly documents and all rights thereto remain the property of the
lessor, even when given to the lessee.
The lessee should ascertain whether the hired items are in a suitable condition, safe to use and complete when they are handed over.
By his acceptance of the items entrusted to his care the lessee acknowleges that they do not contain any defects, unless he immediately notifies the lessor of such
defects in writing.
Deliveries within the stipulated period of all items ordered from the lessor will be made promptly, to ensure that the hired items are available at the start of the event.
In the absence of any stand personnel when the hired items are delivered, they will be considered to have been correctly delivered when left on the stand.
The lessor is not obliged to check the credentials of the personnel on the stand when delivering the hired items.
No delivery times or special requirements will be considered effective unless confirmed in writing by the lessor.
If the lessee makes use of his right to notify the lessor of any defects, the lessor's warranty is limited solely to making the necessary improvements, provided that the
defective items is one that has already been used. The lessor may supply a replacement if he thinks fit.
Hire charges
The charges as listed are net, subject to statutory value added tax plus an insurance premium of 5 % of the hire charge for items hired 4 % of the hire charge for the
complete stand incl. equipment. The charges are valid for the duration of the event.
The cost of delivery to and removal from the exhibition grounds, and for any assembly or dismantling that may be required, are included in the hire charge.
Orders placed after the application deadline
If the lessee places an order after the expiry of the deadline for applications, of which he has been notified (generally 4 resp. 2 weeks prior to the start of the event),
the lessor cannot guarantee prompt or complete deliveries. Above in such cases no guarantees can be provided that the items can be supplied as ordered.
If delivery within the stupulated deadline is possible, the additional costs incurred by the delayed order will be charged to the lessee in the form of a 20 % surcharge
on the original hire charge.
Deviations from the details in catalogue
All the dimensions stated in the catalogue are approximate. The lessor reserves the right to make reasonable alterations to dimensions, shape and colour of the
items ordered for hire. The items supplied must be equal or superior to those ordered.
Terms of payment
Upon submission of the invoice the sum due, including statutory value-added tax if not otherwise stated in the invoice, is payable no later than the start of the event.
Payment should be made to one of the accounts of the lessor without deduction.
If the lessor has no record that the payment has been received by a date four weeks prior to the start of the event at the latest, it is entitled to withdraw from the
Order received by the lessor two weeks prior to the start of the event,or later, will only be accepted if accompanied by payment in advance (a cheque should be
enclosed with the order).
Failure to make use of previously ordered hire items
If the lessee will not make use of previously ordered hired items and give notice in writing no later than 4 weeks prior to the event, the lessor charges 5 % of rental
charge. If notice is given no later than 7 days prior to the event, 10 % of hire charge will be charged.
For orders worth more than 10,000.00 EUR or involving a stand construction area in excess of 100 m², if notice of withdrawal is given in writing no later than 10
weeks prior to the start of the event, a sum equivalent to 10 % of the rental charge/value of the order will be charged. This sum will increase to the equivalent to 20 %
of the rental charge/value of the order if the written notification is received within 6 weeks of the start of the event.
If non-defective hire items cannot be handed over to the lessee on the agreed delivery date or if he does not take delivery of the items as agreed, the lessee shall be
liable for payment of the full hire charge. If delivery date is not been expressively agreed, stand construction will be handed over to the lessee or his representative at
the stand no earlier than 5 days but no later than 3 days, other hire items usually 2 days prior to the event. If another lessee can be found for the hire items that have
not been delivered, the original lessee shall only be required to pay 25 % of the invoice sum to meet additional expenses.
In cases as mentioned in 8.1 and 8.2, the onus shall be on the lessee to prove that the lessor has not incured the flat rate charges as invoiced. The lessor is entitled
to assert the actual damage incurred.
The liability of the lessee
The liability of the lessee for any damage to or loss of the items hired to him commences with the hand over and ceases with collection by the lessor after the end of
the event at the latest.
Liability also applies to the lessee`s employees and to third persons, but only in cases of negligence on the part of the lessor or its employees. The lessor only bear
liability in cases deliberate and malicious damage.
The lessee is obliged to handle the hired items with care. Nothing may be stuck, nailed or painted onto these items, nor may they be damaged in any other way.
Without prior approval of the lessor the lessee is not permitted to alter the items in his care. Any particular distinguishing marks that may exist may not be removed.
Damages should be reported to the lessor immediately.
The hired items must be made ready and available for collection immediately following the end of the event.
Should the lessee delay in returning the hired items, The lessor is entitled to prepare such items for removal at the lessee`s expense, subject to the lessee`s
The lessee will be informed immediately if the lessor finds any defects on the hired items being returned. Such statements will be considered acknowledged if the
lessee does not contest them in writing within one week.
The liability of the lessor
The lessor accepts no liability for any kind of personal injury or damage to property, unless such injury or damage is due to deliberate and malicious damage on the
part of the lessor or his employees.
If the lessor is delayed in providing its service it will not be held liable for slight negligence. This also applies in cases where it proves impossible to provide the
required services.
The objects and equipment offered for hire must be insured. The insurance premium for the hired items and equipment shall amount to 5 % of the hire charge. This
insurance shall cover replacement in the event of loss. The lessee is not entitled to a replacement. A replacement during the event shall only be provided if ordered
and paid for by the lessee.
The premium for insuring the hired modular stand, incl. stand equipment and hired items, shall amount to 4 % of the hire charge. If no insurance cover is taken out
for the hired modular stand, the lessee shall be liable for damage to or loss of the hired items.
The following shall be excluded from the insurance: artwork, water and electricity connections, an on-site services.
Federal Data Protection Law (BDSG)
In accordance with §§ 28 and 29 BDSG, personal data concerning our business associates will be stored and processed for the purposes of the contractual
Final provision
The validity of the „General Terms of Business and Conditions of Hire“ is not affected by the invalidity of any individual regulations or clauses.
Only the German Version is legally binding.
Provided no agreement has been made to the contrary the regulations contained in the Civil Code of the Federal Republic of Germany apply.
The legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg.
MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Commercial Register HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg No. HRB 65470
Managing Directors: Manfred Gleich, Wilfried Wartenberg
VAT-Id No. DE 191413151, Tax No. 27/453 / 04182
Furniture for hire 1
Chairs + Tables
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Construction + Service:
Mailing address:
For queries:
Order No
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Fax: +49(0)30/3067-2018
MB Capital Services GmbH, Standbau + Service, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3067-2015 or 3038-5780; E-Mail:
Description (WxDxH) / Other furniture upon request
Plastic chair, white, 54x53x78 cm
Upright chair, chrome/anthracite, 53x57x46/80 cm
Chair 3D Colour, 56x52x44/82 cm
Chair Balloon,chrome/beech, 42x47,5x45/86,5 cm
Chair Breeze, alu polished/plastic, 50x40x45/70 cm
Bistro table, round, chrome/white, Ø 70 cm, height 72 cm
Bistro table, stainless steel/white, 70x70x75 cm,
Bistro table, round, black/beech, Ø 70 cm, height 72 cm
Bistro table, round, chrome/black, Ø 70 cm, height 72 cm
Bistro table, black/black, 80x80x72 cm
Bistro table, chrome/beech, 80x80x72 cm
Conference table, chrome, 80x80x72 cm
|__| 61 black/white
|__| 62 orange/white
|__| 40 blue
|__| 01 white
|__| 01 grey
|__| 02 black
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
21,00 EUR
33.00 EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
27.00 EUR
46.00 EUR
36.00 EUR
27.00 EUR
29.00 EUR
36.00 EUR
29.00 EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
34.00 EUR
.............. EUR
38.00 EUR
.............. EUR
54.00 EUR
65.00 EUR
56.00 EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
|__| beech
Conference table, chrome, 160x80x72 cm
39.00 EUR
38.00 EUR
19.00 EUR
21.00 EUR
21.00 EUR
|__| 22 black
|__| 70 white
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
|__| 44 red
Conference table, chrome, 120x80x72 cm
15.00 EUR
19.00 EUR
25.00 EUR
|__| 02 black
|__| 42 black
|__| 21 white
Price / total
|__| 65 red/white
Chair Vanilla, chrome /white, 53x55x77 cm
Chair Alina, black, 54x58x78 cm
Chair Kuadra, white, 45x53x84/45 cm
Conference chair, chrome/black/grey, 51x53x47/81 cm
Chair Trav, leather, 51x51x45/82 cm cm
|__| 00 white
Price each
|__| 42 black
Couch table, black/glass, 70x70x40 cm
Couch table, chrome/glass, 100x60x40 cm
Couch table, chrome/glass, rund, d: 70 cm, height 40 cm
The mentioned prices are subject to a premium equivalent of 5 % of hire charge for insurance. They are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the
order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions as listed overleaf. Orders on site will only be accepted under reserve of the availability (§5 of General Terms).
Payment by credit card:
Credit card No.: |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___|
valid until: |___|___| |___|___|
Card holder: .....................................................................................................................................
Legally binding signature
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Your order number for the invoice:
We are the exhibitor.
We are only ordering
by order of the exhibitor.
The equipment for hire is an
additional order to our fair
package with Messe Berlin
(a written confirmation of
cost transfer is enclosed)
We are not the exhibitor.
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: July 2014/Subject to alteration/Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: MB Capital Services GmbH
Furniture for hire 2
Bar stools + Upright tables
Armchairs + Sofas
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Construction + Service:
Mailing address:
For queries:
Order No
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Fax: +49(0)30/3067-2018
MB Capital Services GmbH, Standbau + Service, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3067-2015 or 3038-5780; E-Mail:
Description (WxDxH) / Other furniture upon request
Bar stools
Bar stool Z, 37 x 82 cm
Price each
Price / total
27.00 EUR
.............. EUR
32.00 EUR
.............. EUR
65.00 EUR
28.00 EUR
29.00 EUR
28.00 EUR
29.00 EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
40.00 EUR
44.00 EUR
56.00 EUR
56.00 EUR
51.00 EUR
51.00 EUR
109.00 EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
33.00 EUR
.............. EUR
56.00 EUR
.............. EUR
99.00 EUR
.............. EUR
113.00 EUR
.............. EUR
92.00 EUR
.............. EUR
65.00 EUR
……….. EUR
|__| 01 white I__I 04 red I__I 06 blue I__I 07 yellow |__| 00 black
Bar stool 3D-Colour, 48x55x113,5/75 cm
|__| 61 black/white
|__| 62 orange/white
Bar stool LEM white, 37x42x79-87/66-74
Bar stool Shaker, chrome/beech, 49x53x87 cm
Bar stool Trav, chrome/black, 40x48x96 cm
Bar stool Breeze, alu polished/plastic, black, 50x40x75/109
Bar stool Kuadra, white, 45x54x105,5 cm
Upright tables
Upright table, chrome/white, Ø 70 cm, height 112 cm
Upright table, chrome/black, Ø 70 cm, height 112 cm
Upright table, stainless steel, white,70x70x112 cm
Upright table, stainless steel, black,70x70x112 cm
Upright table, chrome/beech, 80x80x112 cm
Upright table, chrome/white, 80x80x112 cm
Upright table, oval, lightgrey, 180x100xx107 cm
Armchairs, Sofas
Conference armchair, synthetic leather, 62x60x46/85 cm
|__| 04 white
|__| 03 black
Club armchair, 74x66x47/78 cm
|__| 100 white
|__| 000 black
Club sofa, 122x60x47/78cm
|__| 11 white
|__| 10 black
Lounge element Dado with 2 backrest 60x60x79/45 cm
|__| 51 white
|__| 61 black
Lounge element Dado, 1 backrest, 60x60x79/45 cm
|__| 50 white
|__| 65 red/white
|__| 60 black
Lounge element Dado, without backrest, 60x60x79/45 cm
|__| 52 white
|__| 62 black
The mentioned prices are subject to a premium equivalent of 5 % of hire charge for insurance. They are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge
the stipulated conditions as listed overleaf. Orders on site will only be accepted under reserve of the availability (§ 5 of General Terms).
Payment by credit card:
Credit card No.: |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___|
valid until: |___|___| |___|___|
Card holder: .....................................................................................................................................
Legally binding signature
Please note: Please clarify the inernal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Your order number for the invoice:
We are the exhibitor.
We are only ordering by
order of the exhibitor.
The equipment for hire is an
additional order to our fair package
with Messe Berlin GmbH.
(a written confirmation of cost
transfer is enclosed)
We are not the exhibitor.
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: January 2015/Subject to alteration/Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: MB Capital Services GmbH
Furniture for hire 3
Lounge / Office furniture,
Kitchen equipment
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Construction + Service:
Mailing address:
For queries:
Order No
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Fax: +49(0)30/3067-2018
MB Capital Services GmbH, Standbau + Service, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3067-2015 or 3038-5780; E-Mail:
Description (WxDxH) / Other furniture upon request
Armchair Zarutti, chrome/black, 87x77x41/77 cm
Sofa Zarutti, chrome/black, 145x77x41/77 cm
Seating cube, synthetic leather, 50x50x45 cm
|__| 70 white
82.00 EUR
139.00 EUR
36.00 EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
……….. EUR
45.00 EUR
……….. EUR
45.00 EUR
……….. EUR
65.00 EUR
29.00 EUR
44.00 EUR
32.00 EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
58.00 EUR
58.00 EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
|__| 76 black
Table cube, synthetic leather, 55x55x45 cm
|__| 80 white
Price / total
|__| 71 black
Rectangular seat, synthetic leather, 100x50x45 cm
|__| 75 white
Price each
|__| 81 black
Desks, Office chairs
Desk, chrome/white, with container, 120x80x72 cm
Revolving chair, black/anthracite, 48x56x43-56/82-95 cm
Counter chair, black, 60x51x57-82/93-118 cm
Revolving chair, black/anthracite, 48x44x44/52 cm
Filing cabinets, containers, others
Sideboard, black, aluminium frame, doors, lockable, 80x40x72 cm
Sideboard, white, aluminium frame, doors, lockable, 80x40x72 cm
Sideboard, lightgrey, with sliding doors, lockable, 100x50x72 cm
53.00 EUR
.............. EUR
Container, removable, 45x45x52 cm
38.00 EUR
.............. EUR
27.00 EUR
.............. EUR
86.00 EUR
5.00 EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
78.00 EUR
137.00 EUR
17.00 EUR
230.00 EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
|__| 51 white
|__| 50 black
Shelving, low, white: 80x28x106 cm, black: 77x40x110 cm
|__| 06 white
|__| 07 black
Locker column, 4 partitions, grey
Waste paper bin, grey
Kitchen equipment
Refrigerator, 140 ltres, white, 50x60x84 cm
Refrigerator for bottles, 350 litres, 60x62x186 cm
Coffee machine
Kitchenette, white, 100x60x90 cm, (water installation required)
The mentioned prices are subject to a premium equivalent of 5 % of hire charge for insurance. They are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the
order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions as listed overleaf. Orders on site will only be accepted under reserve of the availability (§5 of General Terms).
Payment by credit card:
Credit card No.: |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___|
valid until: |___|___| |___|___|
Card holder: .....................................................................................................................................
Legally binding signature
Please note: Please clarify the inernal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Your order number for the invoice:
We are the exhibitor.
We are only ordering
by order of the exhibitor.
The equipment for hire is an
additional order to our fair
package with Messe Berlin
We are not the
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
(a written confirmation of
cost transfer is enclosed)
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: July 2014/Subject to alteration/Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: MB Capital Services GmbH
Furniture for hire 4
Brochure stands, Cordon posts,
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Construction + Service:
Mailing address:
For queries:
Order No
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Fax: +49(0)30/3067-2018
MB Capital Services GmbH, Standbau + Service, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3067-2015 or 3038-5780; E-Mail:
Description (WxDxH)
Brochure stands
Brochure stand, foldable, 25x30x157 cm
Folded 50 cm Special features: foldable, 4 compartments for A4
Brochure stand, revolvable, 40x40x170 cm
Brochure stand, zig zag, birch natural, 40x50x160 cm
|__| 10 birch natural
|__| 11 white
Price each
Price / total
87.00 EUR
..…...…. EUR
67.00 EUR
99.00 EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
87.00 EUR
70.00 EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
49.00 EUR
25.00 EUR
29.00 EUR
29.00 EUR
1.50 EUR
19.00 EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
19.00 EUR
19.00 EUR
49.00 EUR
28.00 EUR
5.00 EUR
12.00 EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
|__| 12 black
Brochure stand Easy, foldable, 5xA4 shelves, alu/acrylic, 27x37x144 cm
Brochure stand „Pi“, silver/black, 35x40x131 cm
Mirrors and coat racks
Stand mirror, chrome, 45x45x180 cm
Coat rack, small, chrome, 100x150-190 cm
Coat rack, big, chrome, 150-210x160 cm
Coat rack, chrome, with 24 hooks, 130-190x160 cm
Coat hanger
Coat and hat stand, chrome, Ø 67 cm, height 175 cm
Cordon posts and ropes
Cordon post, chrome, Ø 30 cm, height 90 cm
Cordon post, lightgrey, Ø 30 cm, height 100 cm
Cordon post, stainless steel incl. rope, 2 m, black,
Cordon post, steel black, 31x93 cm incl. rope, 2 m, blue,
Chain, plastic grey, 200 cm
Rope, velvet, 180 cm
|__| black |__| white |__| red |__| blue |__| green |__| natural
The mentioned prices are subject to a premium equivalent of 5 % of hire charge for insurance. They are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the
order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions as listed overleaf. Orders on site will only be accepted under reserve of the availability (§5 of General Terms).
Payment by credit card:
Credit card No.: |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___|
valid until: |___|___| |___|___|
Card holder: .....................................................................................................................................
Legally binding signature
Please note: Please clarify the inernal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Your order number for the invoice:
We are the exhibitor.
We are only ordering
by order of the exhibitor.
The equipment for hire is an
additional order to our fair
package with Messe Berlin
(a written confirmation of
cost transfer is enclosed)
We are not the exhibitor.
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: July 2014/Subject to alteration/Legal venue and lace of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: MB Capital Services GmbH
General Terms of Business and Conditions of Hire of MB Capital Services GmbH
1. Contract
(1) The following General Terms of Business and Conditions of Hire of MB Capital Service GmbH (in the following: lessor) apply to all hire contracts for movable items and
construction. Any conflicting conditions of the lessee are hereby repudiated. Any divergence from these terms and conditions, or ancillary agreements, are only valid if
confirmed in writing by the lessor.
(2) All orders for hire equipment must be in writing. The lessor will confirm all orders prior to the event, provided that such orders have been submitted before the
prescribed deadline for applications as stated in the order forms contained in the Exhibitors’s Service Folder. If exhibitors do not receive written confirmation of their
orders, provided that such orders have been submitted on time, they should notify the lessor immediately.
(3) The lessor reserves the right to execute services ordered or deliver items for hire only upon receipt of payment.
2. Details about the loan of items
(1) The lessee is aware that the items available for hire are usually used several times at exhibitions and may not always be new.
(2) The items for hire will only be made available for the agreed purpose and for the duration of the event. They are for the use of the lessee only at the agreed place of
(3) No hired item may be transferred to third parties. Plans, designs, drawing, production and assembly documents and all rights thereto remain the property of the lessor,
even when given to the lessee.
(4) The lessee should ascertain whether the hired items are in a suitable condition, safe to use and complete when they are handed over.
(5) By his acceptance of the items entrusted to his care the lessee acknowleges that they do not contain any defects, unless he immediately notifies the lessor of such
defects in writing.
(6) Deliveries within the stipulated period of all items ordered from the lessor will be made promptly, to ensure that the hired items are available at the start of the event.
(7) In the absence of any stand personnel when the hired items are delivered, they will be considered to have been correctly delivered when left on the stand.
(8) The lessor is not obliged to check the credentials of the personnel on the stand when delivering the hired items.
(9) No delivery times or special requirements will be considered effective unless confirmed in writing by the lessor.
3. Warranty
(1) If the lessee makes use of his right to notify the lessor of any defects, the lessor's warranty is limited solely to making the necessary improvements, provided that the
defective items is one that has already been used. The lessor may supply a replacement if he thinks fit.
4. Hire charges
(1) The charges as listed are net, subject to statutory value added tax plus an insurance premium of 5 % of the hire charge for items hired 4 % of the hire charge for the
complete stand incl. equipment. The charges are valid for the duration of the event.
(2) The cost of delivery to and removal from the exhibition grounds, and for any assembly or dismantling that may be required, are included in the hire charge.
5. Orders placed after the application deadline
(1) If the lessee places an order after the expiry of the deadline for applications, of which he has been notified (generally 4 weeks prior to the start of the event), the lessor
cannot guarantee prompt or complete deliveries. Above in such cases no guarantees can be provided that the items can be supplied as ordered.
(2) If delivery within the stupulated deadline is possible, the additional costs incurred by the delayed order will be charged to the lessee in the form of a 20 % surcharge on
the original hire charge.
6. Deviations from the details in catalogue
(1) All the dimensions stated in the catalogue are approximate. The lessor reserves the right to make reasonable alterations to dimensions, shape and colour of the items
ordered for hire. The items supplied must be equal or superior to those ordered.
7. Terms of payment
(1) Upon submission of the invoice the sum due, including statutory value-added tax if not otherwise stated in the invoice, is payable no later than the start of the event.
Payment should be made to one of the accounts of the lessor without deduction.
(2) If the lessor has no record that the payment has been received by a date four weeks prior to the start of the event at the latest, it is entitled to withdraw from the
(3) Order received by the lessor two weeks prior to the start of the event,or later, will only be accepted if accompanied by payment in advance (a cheque should be
enclosed with the order).
8. Failure to make use of previously ordered hire items
(1) If the lessee will not make use of previously ordered hired items and give notice in writing no later than 4 weeks prior to the event, the lessor charges 5 % of rental
charge. If notice is given no later than 7 days prior to the event, 10 % of hire charge will be charged.
(2) For orders worth more than 10,000.00 EUR or involving a stand construction area in excess of 100 m², if notice of withdrawal is given in writing no later than 10 weeks
prior to the start of the event, a sum equivalent to 10 % of the rental charge/value of the order will be charged. This sum will increase to the equivalent to 20 % of the
rental charge/value of the order if the written notification is received within 6 weeks of the start of the event.
(3) If non-defective hire items cannot be handed over to the lessee on the agreed delivery date or if he does not take delivery of the items as agreed, the lessee shall be
liable for payment of the full hire charge. If delivery date is not been expressively agreed, stand construction will be handed over to the lessee or his representative at
the stand no earlier than 5 days but no later than 3 days, other hire items usually 2 days prior to the event. If another lessee can be found for the hire items that have
not been delivered, the original lessee shall only be required to pay 25 % of the invoice sum to meet additional expenses.
(4) In cases as mentioned in 8.1 and 8.2, the onus shall be on the lessee to prove that the lessor has not incured the flat rate charges as invoiced. The lessor is entitled to
assert the actual damage incurred.
9. The liability of the lessee
(1) The liability of the lessee for any damage to or loss of the items hired to him commences with the hand over and ceases with collection by the lessor after the end of
the event at the latest.
(2) Liability also applies to the lessee`s employees and to third persons, but only in cases of negligence on the part of the lessor or its employees. The lessor only bear
liability in cases deliberate and malicious damage.
(3) The lessee is obliged to handle the hired items with care. Nothing may be stuck, nailed or painted onto these items, nor may they be damaged in any other way.
(4) Without prior approval of the lessor the lessee is not permitted to alter the items in his care. Any particular distinguishing marks that may exist may not be removed.
Damages should be reported to the lessor immediately.
(5) The hired items must be made ready and available for collection immediately following the end of the event.
(6) Should the lessee delay in returning the hired items, The lessor is entitled to prepare such items for removal at the lessee`s expense, subject to the lessee`s approval.
(7) The lessee will be informed immediately if the lessor finds any defects on the hired items being returned. Such statements will be considered acknowledged if the
lessee does not contest them in writing within one week.
10. The liability of the lessor
(1) The lessor accepts no liability for any kind of personal injury or damage to property, unless such injury or damage is due to deliberate and malicious damage on the
part of the lessor or his employees.
(2) If the lessor is delayed in providing its service it will not be held liable for slight negligence. This also applies in cases where it proves impossible to provide the required
11. Insurance
(1) The objects and equipment offered for hire must be insured. The insurance premium for the hired items and equipment shall amount to 5 % of the hire charge. This
insurance shall cover replacement in the event of loss. The lessee is not entitled to a replacement. A replacement during the event shall only be provided if ordered and
paid for by the lessee.
(2) The premium for insuring the hired modular stand, incl. stand equipment and hired items, shall amount to 4 % of the hire charge. If no insurance cover is taken out for
the hired modular stand, the lessee shall be liable for damage to or loss of the hired items.
(3) The following shall be excluded from the insurance: artwork, water and electricity connections, an on-site services.
12. Federal Data Protection Law (BDSG)
(1) In accordance with §§ 28 and 29 BDSG, personal data concerning our business associates will be stored and processed for the purposes of the contractual agreement.
Final provision
The validity of the „General Terms of Business and Conditions of Hire“ is not affected by the invalidity of any individual regulations or clauses.
Only the German Version is legally binding.
Provided no agreement has been made to the contrary the regulations contained in the Civil Code of the Federal Republic of Germany apply.
The legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg.
MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Commercial Register HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg No. HRB 65470
Managing Directors: Manfred Gleich, Wilfried Wartenberg
VAT-Id No. DE 191413151, Tax No. 27/453 / 04182
As of : 2013
Mobiliar zur Miete / Furniture for Hire
Illustration 1
10101 Schalenstuhl
Plastic chair
10200 Objektstuhl
Upright chair
12061 Stuhl 2D-Colour
Chair 3D-colour
12539 Alina
12680 Stuhl Kuadra, weiß
Chair Kuadra, white
15605 Konferenzstuhl
Conference chair
13201 Trav, grau
Trav, grey
12070 Stuhl Vanilla, weiß
Chair Vanilla, white
12030 Balloon, Buche
Balloon, beech
12544 Breeze, rot
Breeze, red
26000 Bistrotisch,
Bistro table
26120 Tisch Edelstahl
Table stainless steel
25151 Bistrotisch
Bistro table
26010 Bistrotisch
Bistro table
21004 Bistrotisch
Bistro table
22210 Bistrotisch
Bistro table
21021 Besprechungstisch
Conference table
27065 Couchtisch, Glas
Couch table, glass
27053 Couchtisch, Glas
Couch table, glass
27050 Couchtisch, Glas
Couch table, glass
MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Deutschland/Germany
Tel. +49(0)30/3067-2015 oder/or 3038-5780, Fax: +49(0)30/3067-2018 oder/or 2058, E-Mail:
Mobiliar zur Miete / Furniture for Hire
Illustration 2
16101 Barhocker Z
Bar stool Z
16022 Barhocker LEM
Bar stool LEM
16062 Barhocker 3D-C
Bar stool 3D-C
16010 Barhocker Shaker
Bar stool Shaker
16550 Barhocker TRAV
Bar stool TRAV
16630 Barhocker Breeze
Bar stool Breeze
29080 Stehtisch
Upright table
29090 Stehtisch
Upright table
29120 Stehtisch
Upright table
29083 Stehtisch
Upright table
29086 Stehtisch
Upright table
29440 Stehtisch
15604 Konferenzsessel
Conference armchair
15011 Clubsofa
15100 Clubsessel
Club armchair
15152 Loungeelement
15150 Loungeelement
15400 Sessel Zarutti
15500 Sofa Zarutti
Sofa Zarutti
Club sofa
Armchair Zarutti
Upright table
MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Deutschland/Germany
Tel. +49(0)30/3067-2015 oder/or 3038-5780, Fax: +49(0)30/3067-2018 oder/or 2058, E-Mail:
Mobiliar zur Miete / Furniture for Hire
Illustration 3
15670 Sitzkubus, weiß
Seating Cube,white
15675 Sitzquader
Rectangular Seat
15680 Tischkubus
Table Cube
14000 Drehstuhl
Revolving chair
14100 Counterstuhl
Counter chair
50018 Sideboard
50020 Sideboard
50045 Sideboard
50050 Rollcontainer
Container removable
60300 Kühlschrank
60311 Getränkekühlschrank
Refrigerator for bottles
50827 Prospektständer
Brochure Stand
50202 Aktenregal, niedrig
50206 Regal, niedrig
Shelving, low
50820 Prospektständer
Brochure Stand
50810 Zickzack
50825 Prospektständer Easy
Brochure stand easy
50840 Prospektständer PI
Brochure stand Pi
Shelving, low
21100 Schreibtisch
MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Deutschland/Germany
Tel. +49(0)30/3067-2015 oder/or 3038-5780, Fax: +49(0)30/3067-2018 oder/or 2058, E-Mail:
Weiteres Mobiliar auf Anfrage, z.B.: / Other Furniture upon request., e.g.:
30301 Standspiegel
30005 Konfektionsständer
Stand mirror
30110 Garderobenständer
Coat rack
Coat hanger
44050 Absperrständer
Cordon post
12560 Piuma
12011 Arne Jacobsen
12553 Blueswinger
Alu poliert, gepolstert, anthrazit
Chrom, Farben auf Anfrage / chrome
Colours on request, 47x53x45/83cm
Chrom, Auflage blau / hrome
cover blue, 50x50x46/85
alu polished, upholstered anthracite
44x46x58/80 cm
16004/05 Jack Nase „007“
28105 Angolo
Chrom, Buche o.sw,/ch., beech o black
Chrom, Glas / chrome, glass
D:45 c, h: 53 cm
27040 Glastisch/Glass table
Aluminium, Glas / aluminium,
glass, 180x85x72 cm
Beleuchtete Stehtische
Illuminated upright tables
Bar stools
Beleuchtete Präsentationselemente
Beleuchtete Counter
Illuminated Presentation Elements
Long counters
Illunimated counters
MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Deutschland/Germany
Tel. +49(0)30/3067-2015 oder/or 3038-5780, Fax: +49(0)30/3067-2018 oder/or 2058, E-Mail:
PC, Notebook, EDP Equipment
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Construction + Service:
Mailing address:
For queries:
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Fax: +49(0)30/3067-2018
MB Capital Services GmbH, Standbau + Service, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3067-2015; E-Mail:
Rental period from: .............................. to: ..............................................
Date of installation: ..................................................................................
Order No.
Price each Price total
PC and Notebook for hire
Standard operation system: WIN-XP / MS WIN 7 (other configuration on request)
(Intel CPU, incl. 24” screen)
Office Notebook (Intel CPU, 15,4” or comparably)
Multimedia Notebook, (Dell i7, 15,4” or comparably
Apple PC (on request)
Presentation Tower, stainless steel (17” touchscreen, internal PC)
Various touchscreens on request
EDP Equipment (other equipment on request)
TFT monitor (table stand), up to 24“
Laser printer, b/w, approx.15 page/min. (network capable)
(Please ask for supplies)
Colour laser printer, 600/1 200 dpi, approx.15 page/min (network capable).
360.00 EUR
280.00 EUR
350.00 EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
690.00 EUR
.............. EUR
154.00 EUR
210.00 EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
210.00 EUR
.............. EUR
25 prints/day included, surcharge for additional prints 1.00 EUR/each
The mentioned prices are subject to a premium equivalent of 5 % of hire charge for insurance. They are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the
stipulated conditions as listed overleaf. Orders on site will only be accepted under reserve of the availability (§5 of General Terms).
Payment by credit card:
Credit card No.: |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___|
valid until: |___|___| |___|___|
Card holder: .....................................................................................................................................
Legally binding signature
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Your order number for the invoice:
We are the exhibitor.
We are only ordering by
order of the exhibitor.
The equipment for hire is an
additional order to our fair
package with Messe Berlin
(a written confirmation of
cost transfer is enclosed)
We are not the exhibitor.
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: July 2014/Subject to alteration/Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: MB Capital Services GmbH
General Terms of Business and Conditions of Hire of MB Capital Services GmbH
1. Contract
(1) The following General Terms of Business and Conditions of Hire of MB Capital Service GmbH (in the following: lessor) apply to all hire contracts for movable items and
construction. Any conflicting conditions of the lessee are hereby repudiated. Any divergence from these terms and conditions, or ancillary agreements, are only valid if
confirmed in writing by the lessor.
(2) All orders for hire equipment must be in writing. The lessor will confirm all orders prior to the event, provided that such orders have been submitted before the
prescribed deadline for applications as stated in the order forms contained in the Exhibitors’s Service Folder. If exhibitors do not receive written confirmation of their
orders, provided that such orders have been submitted on time, they should notify the lessor immediately.
(3) The lessor reserves the right to execute services ordered or deliver items for hire only upon receipt of payment.
2. Details about the loan of items
(1) The lessee is aware that the items available for hire are usually used several times at exhibitions and may not always be new.
(2) The items for hire will only be made available for the agreed purpose and for the duration of the event. They are for the use of the lessee only at the agreed place of
(3) No hired item may be transferred to third parties. Plans, designs, drawing, production and assembly documents and all rights thereto remain the property of the lessor,
even when given to the lessee.
(4) The lessee should ascertain whether the hired items are in a suitable condition, safe to use and complete when they are handed over.
(5) By his acceptance of the items entrusted to his care the lessee acknowleges that they do not contain any defects, unless he immediately notifies the lessor of such
defects in writing.
(6) Deliveries within the stipulated period of all items ordered from the lessor will be made promptly, to ensure that the hired items are available at the start of the event.
(7) In the absence of any stand personnel when the hired items are delivered, they will be considered to have been correctly delivered when left on the stand.
(8) The lessor is not obliged to check the credentials of the personnel on the stand when delivering the hired items.
(9) No delivery times or special requirements will be considered effective unless confirmed in writing by the lessor.
3. Warranty
(1) If the lessee makes use of his right to notify the lessor of any defects, the lessor's warranty is limited solely to making the necessary improvements, provided that the
defective items is one that has already been used. The lessor may supply a replacement if he thinks fit.
4. Hire charges
(1) The charges as listed are net, subject to statutory value added tax plus an insurance premium of 5 % of the hire charge for items hired 4 % of the hire charge for the
complete stand incl. equipment. The charges are valid for the duration of the event.
(2) The cost of delivery to and removal from the exhibition grounds, and for any assembly or dismantling that may be required, are included in the hire charge.
5. Orders placed after the application deadline
(1) If the lessee places an order after the expiry of the deadline for applications, of which he has been notified (generally 4 weeks prior to the start of the event), the lessor
cannot guarantee prompt or complete deliveries. Above in such cases no guarantees can be provided that the items can be supplied as ordered.
(2) If delivery within the stupulated deadline is possible, the additional costs incurred by the delayed order will be charged to the lessee in the form of a 20 % surcharge on
the original hire charge.
6. Deviations from the details in catalogue
(1) All the dimensions stated in the catalogue are approximate. The lessor reserves the right to make reasonable alterations to dimensions, shape and colour of the items
ordered for hire. The items supplied must be equal or superior to those ordered.
7. Terms of payment
(1) Upon submission of the invoice the sum due, including statutory value-added tax if not otherwise stated in the invoice, is payable no later than the start of the event.
Payment should be made to one of the accounts of the lessor without deduction.
(2) If the lessor has no record that the payment has been received by a date four weeks prior to the start of the event at the latest, it is entitled to withdraw from the
(3) Order received by the lessor two weeks prior to the start of the event,or later, will only be accepted if accompanied by payment in advance (a cheque should be
enclosed with the order).
8. Failure to make use of previously ordered hire items
(1) If the lessee will not make use of previously ordered hired items and give notice in writing no later than 4 weeks prior to the event, the lessor charges 5 % of rental
charge. If notice is given no later than 7 days prior to the event, 10 % of hire charge will be charged.
(2) For orders worth more than 10,000.00 EUR or involving a stand construction area in excess of 100 m², if notice of withdrawal is given in writing no later than 10 weeks
prior to the start of the event, a sum equivalent to 10 % of the rental charge/value of the order will be charged. This sum will increase to the equivalent to 20 % of the
rental charge/value of the order if the written notification is received within 6 weeks of the start of the event.
(3) If non-defective hire items cannot be handed over to the lessee on the agreed delivery date or if he does not take delivery of the items as agreed, the lessee shall be
liable for payment of the full hire charge. If delivery date is not been expressively agreed, stand construction will be handed over to the lessee or his representative at
the stand no earlier than 5 days but no later than 3 days, other hire items usually 2 days prior to the event. If another lessee can be found for the hire items that have
not been delivered, the original lessee shall only be required to pay 25 % of the invoice sum to meet additional expenses.
(4) In cases as mentioned in 8.1 and 8.2, the onus shall be on the lessee to prove that the lessor has not incured the flat rate charges as invoiced. The lessor is entitled to
assert the actual damage incurred.
9. The liability of the lessee
(1) The liability of the lessee for any damage to or loss of the items hired to him commences with the hand over and ceases with collection by the lessor after the end of
the event at the latest.
(2) Liability also applies to the lessee`s employees and to third persons, but only in cases of negligence on the part of the lessor or its employees. The lessor only bear
liability in cases deliberate and malicious damage.
(3) The lessee is obliged to handle the hired items with care. Nothing may be stuck, nailed or painted onto these items, nor may they be damaged in any other way.
(4) Without prior approval of the lessor the lessee is not permitted to alter the items in his care. Any particular distinguishing marks that may exist may not be removed.
Damages should be reported to the lessor immediately.
(5) The hired items must be made ready and available for collection immediately following the end of the event.
(6) Should the lessee delay in returning the hired items, The lessor is entitled to prepare such items for removal at the lessee`s expense, subject to the lessee`s approval.
(7) The lessee will be informed immediately if the lessor finds any defects on the hired items being returned. Such statements will be considered acknowledged if the
lessee does not contest them in writing within one week.
10. The liability of the lessor
(1) The lessor accepts no liability for any kind of personal injury or damage to property, unless such injury or damage is due to deliberate and malicious damage on the
part of the lessor or his employees.
(2) If the lessor is delayed in providing its service it will not be held liable for slight negligence. This also applies in cases where it proves impossible to provide the required
11. Insurance
(1) The objects and equipment offered for hire must be insured. The insurance premium for the hired items and equipment shall amount to 5 % of the hire charge. This
insurance shall cover replacement in the event of loss. The lessee is not entitled to a replacement. A replacement during the event shall only be provided if ordered and
paid for by the lessee.
(2) The premium for insuring the hired modular stand, incl. stand equipment and hired items, shall amount to 4 % of the hire charge. If no insurance cover is taken out for
the hired modular stand, the lessee shall be liable for damage to or loss of the hired items.
(3) The following shall be excluded from the insurance: artwork, water and electricity connections, an on-site services.
12. Federal Data Protection Law (BDSG)
(1) In accordance with §§ 28 and 29 BDSG, personal data concerning our business associates will be stored and processed for the purposes of the contractual agreement.
Final provision
The validity of the „General Terms of Business and Conditions of Hire“ is not affected by the invalidity of any individual regulations or clauses.
Only the German Version is legally binding.
Provided no agreement has been made to the contrary the regulations contained in the Civil Code of the Federal Republic of Germany apply.
The legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg.
MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Commercial Register HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg No. HRB 65470
Managing Directors: Manfred Gleich, Wilfried Wartenberg
VAT-Id No. DE 191413151, Tax No. 27/453 / 04182
As of : 2013
Plants and Flower Decoration
for Hire
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Construction + Service:
Mailing address:
For queries:
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Fax: +49(0)30/3067-2018
MB Capital Services GmbH, Standbau + Service, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3067-2015; E-Mail:
Order No.
Price each
Bowls for hire with green and mixed flowers
Bowl on floor, Ø approx. 50 cm with green plant, height 150 cm with additional plants
Container, approx.15 cm wide, with green plants and mixed flowers
61.00 EUR
Price total
39.50 EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
38.50 EUR
48.50 EUR
64.00 EUR
84.50 EUR
43.50 EUR
54.00 EUR
69.00 EUR
99.50 EUR
28.00 EUR
55.00 EUR
55.00 EUR
75.00 EUR
21.00 EUR
33.00 EUR
30.00 EUR
5.00 EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
Green plants for hire with decorative bowl - standard
(plastic white or terra-cotta colour; pottery on request)
Ficus Benjamini, approx. 150 cm h, bowl |__| white |__| terra-cotta
Ficus Benjamini, approx. 180 cm h, bowl |__| white |__| terra-cotta
Ficus Benjamini, approx. 200 cm h, bowl |__| white |__| terra-cotta
Ficus Benjamini, approx. 250 cm h, bowl |__| white |__| terra-cotta
Kentia Palm/Areca, approx. 150 cm h, bowl |__| white |__| terra-cotta
Kentia Palm/Areca, approx. 180 cm h, bowl |__| white |__| terra-cotta
Kentia Palm/Areca, approx. 200 cm h, bowl |__| white |__| terra-cotta
Kentia Palm/Areca, approx. 250 cm h, bowl |__| white |__| terra-cotta
Ferns Ø approx. 50 cm
Laurel tree pyramid, height 180 cm, bowl |__| white |__| terra-cotta
Laurel tree globe, height 160 cm, bowl |__| white |__| terra-cotta
Laurel tree globe, height 180 cm, bowl |__| white |__| terra-cotta
Desktop bowls, Ø approx. 20 cm
Desktop bowls, Ø approx. 30 cm
Bunch of flowers with bowl
Bowl for bunch of flowers
We would be pleased to offer seasonal plants and flowers according to your individual requirements.
Bunches of flowers for special purposes upon request.
The mentioned prices are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions. Order on site will only be accepted under reserve (pls see
item 5 of General Terms of Hire).
Payment by credit card:
Credit card No.: |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___|
valid until: |___|___| |___|___|
Card holder: .....................................................................................................................................
Legally binding signature
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Your order number for the invoice:
We are the exhibitor.
We are only ordering by
order of the exhibitor.
The equipment for hire is an
additional order to our fair
package with Messe Berlin
(a written confirmation of
cost transfer is enclosed)
We are not the exhibitor.
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: July 2014/Subject to alteration/Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: MB Capital Services GmbH
General hints for plants and floral decorations
All orders must be placed in writing and should be sent to:
MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12/12 A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Fax: +49(0)30/3067-2018/58
(Postal address of order forms in the Exhibitor Service Manual).
The charges indicated on the order form are subject to statutory value-added tax.
The lessor agrees to supply the goods at a suitable date and time but does not imply that the client is
entitled to assert legal claims on the basis of such an undertaking. Orders should therefore be made at the
earliest possible time prior to the start of the event and if necessary a suitable time and date for delivery
should be arranged with the client.
The client is required to ensure that the items hired are maintained correctly from the moment that they
are supplied by the lessor to the time at which they are returned. The client undertakes to ensure that the
plants are properly cared for throughout the period of hire.
The client agrees to notify immediately if he intends to vacate his stand before the end of event.
Invoices will be submitted when the items are delivered. The sum invoiced is payable immediately and
without deductions and a receipt will be issued. No other arrangement is permitted unless prior agreement has
been reached when placing the order. The items remain the property of the lessor until payment has been
made in full.
Additional agreements are only valid if made in writing. Place of jurisdiction and delivery is Berlin.
MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12 / 12A, 14052 Berlin
Commercial Register: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 65470
Board of Management: Manfred Gleich, Wilfried Wartenberg
VAT Reg. No. DE 191413151, Tax No. 27/453/04182
Contractual partner: MB Capital Services GmbH
Dekoration mit Pflanzen und Blumen
Decoration with Plants and Flowers
Beispiele für Tisch- oder Tresendekorationen
Illustrations of floral table or counter decorations
auf Anfrage / on request
60,00 Euro / 60.00 €
10,50 Euro / 10.50 €
55,00 Euro / 55.00 €
12,50 Euro / 12.50 €
65,00 EUR / 65 €
Gern unterbreiten wir Ihnen Dekorationsangebote nach Ihren individuellen Wünschen.
We are pleased to offer flower arrangements according to your individual requirements.
MB Capital Services GmbH
Blumen Rühl
Tel./Phone: +49/30/8111051
Grünpflanzen / Green Plants
Anz/Qty Thuja, 150 – 250 cm
Thuja, 150 – 250 cm
auf Anfrage / on request
Anz/Qty Lorbeerpyrmide, ca. 180 cm
Lauren pyramid, approx. 180 cm
s. Bestellschein / see order form
Anz/Qty Areca-Palme
Areca palm
auf Anfrage / on request
Anz/Qty Ficus Benjamini, grün, 150 – 250 cm
Ficus Benjamini, green, 150 – 250 cm
Anz/Qty Yucca-Palme, ca. 160 cm
s. Bestellschein / see order form
Anz/Qty Lorbeerkugel, 160/180 cm
Lauren globe, 160/180 cm
s. Bestellschein / see order form
Anz/Qty Dracaena
Anz/Qty Kentia-Palme 159 bis 259 cm
Kentia palm, 150 – 250 cm
s. Bestellschein / see order form
Anz/Qty Phönix-Palme
auf Anfrage / on request
Rückfragen und formlose Anfragen richten Sie bitte an / For queries and requests please contact:
MB Capital Services GmbH
Yucca palm, approx. 160 cm
Auf Anfrage / on request
Blumen Rühl
Tel./Phone: +49/30/8111051
Phenix palm
auf Anfrage / on request
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Construction + Service:
Mailing address:
For queries:
Order No
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Fax: +49(0)30 - 30 67-20 18
MB Capital Services GmbH, Standbau + Service, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, D-14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30 - 30 67-20 15; E-Mail:
Price each
Projection Screens
Projection screen on stand, 1,5 x 1,5 m
Projection screen on stand, 2,0 x 2,0 m
2,1 x 2,8m / stentering frame, 4:3 format, free-standing
2,7 x 3,6m / stentering frame, 4:3 format, free-standing
3,0 x 4,0m / stentering frame, 4:3 format, free-standing
60.00 EUR
85.00 EUR
290.00 EUR
350.00 EUR
390.00 EUR
Microphone Systems for Speakers
System incl. microphone (with cable) up to 50 m² area covered by PA system
200.00 EUR
System incl. microphone (with cable) up to 100 m² area covered by PA system
310.00 EUR
System incl. microphone (with cable) up to 500 m² area covered by PA system
430,00 EUR
System incl. wireless hand-microphone up to 50 m² area covered by PA system
360.00 EUR
System incl. wireless hand-microphone up to 100 m² area covered by PA
430.00 EUR
incl. wireless hand-microphone up to 500 m² area covered by PA
530.00 EUR
Wireless Microphone (handhold))
240.00 EUR
Wireless Headset-Microphone
300.00 EUR
Table microphone (with cable)
60.00 EUR
Microphone with stand (with cable)
60.00 EUR
CD Player
50.00 EUR
DVD Player (Standard)
60.00 EUR
Blu Ray DVD-Player (Full HD))
110.00 EUR
Speaker’s Desk
240.00 EUR
Required date of delivery on: ........................... time (from/to)...................................
Price / total
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
.............. EUR
(over a period of 3 hours - 2. delivery – based on an hourly rate)
The mentioned prices are subject to a premium equivalent of 5 % of hire charge for insurance. They are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the
order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions as listed overleaf. Orders on site will only be accepted under reserve of the availability (§5 of General
Payment by credit card:
Credit card No.: |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___|
valid until: |___|___| |___|___|
Card holder: .....................................................................................................................................
_| MasterCard
_| Amex
Legally binding signature
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Your order number for the invoice:
_| We are the exhibitor.
_| We are only ordering by
order of the exhibitor.
The equipment for hire is an
additional order to our fair
package with Messe Berlin
(a written confirmation of
cost transfer is enclosed)
_| We are not the exhibitor.
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: July 2014/Subject to alteration/Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: MB Capital Services GmbH
Stand No.:
Order Form 2015
Construction + Service:
Mailing address:
For queries:
Order No
Deadline: 4 weeks prior to the event
Fax: +49(0)30/3067-2018
MB Capital Services GmbH, Standbau + Service, Thüringer Allee 12/12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49(0)30/3067-2015; E-Mail:
Price each
Price / total
Monitors (Video/Data)/Plasma Displays – (dimensions on request)
24" LED/LCD Display Full HD
202.00 EUR
.............. EUR
32" LED/LCD Display Full HD, USB-Port
510.00 EUR
.............. EUR
750.00 EUR
.............. EUR
40"/42" LED/LCD Display Full HD, USB-Port
50"/52" LED/LCD Display Full HD, USB-Port
880.00 EUR
.............. EUR
55" LED/LCD Display Full HD, USB-Port
980.00 EUR
.............. EUR
65" LED/LCD Display Full HD, USB-Port
1.530.00 EUR
.............. EUR
75" LED/LCD Display Full HD, USB-Port
1.650.00 EUR
.............. EUR
Notebook-/DVD-board for Floor stand
60.00 EUR
.............. EUR
Wall mount
Ceiling mount
Design floor stand
upon request
upon request
150.00 EUR
.............. EUR
700.00 EUR
.............. EUR
Projectors (Video/Data)
LCD projector, 3000 ANSI-Lumen SD (1025x768 Pixel)
DLP projector, 3000 ANSI-Lumen HD (1920x1080 Pixel
700.00 EUR
.............. EUR
LCD projector, 6000 ANSI-Lumen SD (1025x768 Pixel)
1.430.00 EUR
.............. EUR
LCD/DLP projector, 10000 ANSI-Lumen
Projector table (up to 5000 ANSI-Lumen)
55.00 EUR
.............. EUR
upon request
Required date of delivery on: ........................... time (from/to)...................................
(over a period of 3 hours - 2. delivery – based on an hourly rate)
The mentioned prices are subject to a premium equivalent of 5 % of hire charge for insurance. They are subject to statutory value-added tax. By signing the
order you acknowledge the stipulated conditions as listed overleaf. Orders on site will only be accepted under reserve of the availability (§5 of General
Payment by credit card:
Credit card No.: |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___| |___|___|___|___|
valid until: |___|___| |___|___|
Card holder: .....................................................................................................................................
|_ MasterCard
|_ Amex
Legally binding signature
Please note: Please clarify the internal PO number for your company/your client for these services.
For later alteration of invoices 30.00 EUR plus VAT will be charged in addition.
Company name and address of recipient of invoice:
Contact for queries:
Vat Reg. No.:
Your order number for the invoice:
_| We are the exhibitor.
_| We are only ordering by
order of the exhibitor.
The equipment for hire is an
additional order to our fair
package with Messe Berlin
(a written confirmation of
cost transfer is enclosed)
_| We are not the exhibitor.
Legally binding signature and company stamp:
Services have to be charged
to our own address as
mentioned above.
Name of the customer (in block letters):
.................................................. ........................................................................
As of: July 2014/Subject to alteration/Legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg
Contractual partner: MB Capital Services GmbH
General Terms of Business and Conditions of Hire of MB Capital Services GmbH
1. Contract
(1) The following General Terms of Business and Conditions of Hire of MB Capital Service GmbH (in the following: lessor) apply to all hire contracts for movable items and
construction. Any conflicting conditions of the lessee are hereby repudiated. Any divergence from these terms and conditions, or ancillary agreements, are only valid if
confirmed in writing by the lessor.
(2) All orders for hire equipment must be in writing. The lessor will confirm all orders prior to the event, provided that such orders have been submitted before the
prescribed deadline for applications as stated in the order forms contained in the Exhibitors’s Service Folder. If exhibitors do not receive written confirmation of their
orders, provided that such orders have been submitted on time, they should notify the lessor immediately.
(3) The lessor reserves the right to execute services ordered or deliver items for hire only upon receipt of payment.
2. Details about the loan of items
(1) The lessee is aware that the items available for hire are usually used several times at exhibitions and may not always be new.
(2) The items for hire will only be made available for the agreed purpose and for the duration of the event. They are for the use of the lessee only at the agreed place of
(3) No hired item may be transferred to third parties. Plans, designs, drawing, production and assembly documents and all rights thereto remain the property of the lessor,
even when given to the lessee.
(4) The lessee should ascertain whether the hired items are in a suitable condition, safe to use and complete when they are handed over.
(5) By his acceptance of the items entrusted to his care the lessee acknowleges that they do not contain any defects, unless he immediately notifies the lessor of such
defects in writing.
(6) Deliveries within the stipulated period of all items ordered from the lessor will be made promptly, to ensure that the hired items are available at the start of the event.
(7) In the absence of any stand personnel when the hired items are delivered, they will be considered to have been correctly delivered when left on the stand.
(8) The lessor is not obliged to check the credentials of the personnel on the stand when delivering the hired items.
(9) No delivery times or special requirements will be considered effective unless confirmed in writing by the lessor.
3. Warranty
(1) If the lessee makes use of his right to notify the lessor of any defects, the lessor's warranty is limited solely to making the necessary improvements, provided that the
defective items is one that has already been used. The lessor may supply a replacement if he thinks fit.
4. Hire charges
(1) The charges as listed are net, subject to statutory value added tax plus an insurance premium of 5 % of the hire charge for items hired 4 % of the hire charge for the
complete stand incl. equipment. The charges are valid for the duration of the event.
(2) The cost of delivery to and removal from the exhibition grounds, and for any assembly or dismantling that may be required, are included in the hire charge.
5. Orders placed after the application deadline
(1) If the lessee places an order after the expiry of the deadline for applications, of which he has been notified (generally 4 weeks prior to the start of the event), the lessor
cannot guarantee prompt or complete deliveries. Above in such cases no guarantees can be provided that the items can be supplied as ordered.
(2) If delivery within the stupulated deadline is possible, the additional costs incurred by the delayed order will be charged to the lessee in the form of a 20 % surcharge on
the original hire charge.
6. Deviations from the details in catalogue
(1) All the dimensions stated in the catalogue are approximate. The lessor reserves the right to make reasonable alterations to dimensions, shape and colour of the items
ordered for hire. The items supplied must be equal or superior to those ordered.
7. Terms of payment
(1) Upon submission of the invoice the sum due, including statutory value-added tax if not otherwise stated in the invoice, is payable no later than the start of the event.
Payment should be made to one of the accounts of the lessor without deduction.
(2) If the lessor has no record that the payment has been received by a date four weeks prior to the start of the event at the latest, it is entitled to withdraw from the
(3) Order received by the lessor two weeks prior to the start of the event,or later, will only be accepted if accompanied by payment in advance (a cheque should be
enclosed with the order).
8. Failure to make use of previously ordered hire items
(1) If the lessee will not make use of previously ordered hired items and give notice in writing no later than 4 weeks prior to the event, the lessor charges 5 % of rental
charge. If notice is given no later than 7 days prior to the event, 10 % of hire charge will be charged.
(2) For orders worth more than 10,000.00 EUR or involving a stand construction area in excess of 100 m², if notice of withdrawal is given in writing no later than 10 weeks
prior to the start of the event, a sum equivalent to 10 % of the rental charge/value of the order will be charged. This sum will increase to the equivalent to 20 % of the
rental charge/value of the order if the written notification is received within 6 weeks of the start of the event.
(3) If non-defective hire items cannot be handed over to the lessee on the agreed delivery date or if he does not take delivery of the items as agreed, the lessee shall be
liable for payment of the full hire charge. If delivery date is not been expressively agreed, stand construction will be handed over to the lessee or his representative at
the stand no earlier than 5 days but no later than 3 days, other hire items usually 2 days prior to the event. If another lessee can be found for the hire items that have
not been delivered, the original lessee shall only be required to pay 25 % of the invoice sum to meet additional expenses.
(4) In cases as mentioned in 8.1 and 8.2, the onus shall be on the lessee to prove that the lessor has not incured the flat rate charges as invoiced. The lessor is entitled to
assert the actual damage incurred.
9. The liability of the lessee
(1) The liability of the lessee for any damage to or loss of the items hired to him commences with the hand over and ceases with collection by the lessor after the end of
the event at the latest.
(2) Liability also applies to the lessee`s employees and to third persons, but only in cases of negligence on the part of the lessor or its employees. The lessor only bear
liability in cases deliberate and malicious damage.
(3) The lessee is obliged to handle the hired items with care. Nothing may be stuck, nailed or painted onto these items, nor may they be damaged in any other way.
(4) Without prior approval of the lessor the lessee is not permitted to alter the items in his care. Any particular distinguishing marks that may exist may not be removed.
Damages should be reported to the lessor immediately.
(5) The hired items must be made ready and available for collection immediately following the end of the event.
(6) Should the lessee delay in returning the hired items, The lessor is entitled to prepare such items for removal at the lessee`s expense, subject to the lessee`s approval.
(7) The lessee will be informed immediately if the lessor finds any defects on the hired items being returned. Such statements will be considered acknowledged if the
lessee does not contest them in writing within one week.
10. The liability of the lessor
(1) The lessor accepts no liability for any kind of personal injury or damage to property, unless such injury or damage is due to deliberate and malicious damage on the
part of the lessor or his employees.
(2) If the lessor is delayed in providing its service it will not be held liable for slight negligence. This also applies in cases where it proves impossible to provide the required
11. Insurance
(1) The objects and equipment offered for hire must be insured. The insurance premium for the hired items and equipment shall amount to 5 % of the hire charge. This
insurance shall cover replacement in the event of loss. The lessee is not entitled to a replacement. A replacement during the event shall only be provided if ordered and
paid for by the lessee.
(2) The premium for insuring the hired modular stand, incl. stand equipment and hired items, shall amount to 4 % of the hire charge. If no insurance cover is taken out for
the hired modular stand, the lessee shall be liable for damage to or loss of the hired items.
(3) The following shall be excluded from the insurance: artwork, water and electricity connections, an on-site services.
12. Federal Data Protection Law (BDSG)
(1) In accordance with §§ 28 and 29 BDSG, personal data concerning our business associates will be stored and processed for the purposes of the contractual agreement.
Final provision
The validity of the „General Terms of Business and Conditions of Hire“ is not affected by the invalidity of any individual regulations or clauses.
Only the German Version is legally binding.
Provided no agreement has been made to the contrary the regulations contained in the Civil Code of the Federal Republic of Germany apply.
The legal venue and place of jurisdiction is Berlin-Charlottenburg.
MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12A, 14052 Berlin, Germany
Commercial Register HRG Amtsgericht Charlottenburg No. HRB 65470
Managing Directors: Manfred Gleich, Wilfried Wartenberg
VAT-Id No. DE 191413151, Tax No. 27/453 / 04182
As of : 2013
Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
zu einem erfolgreichen Auftritt Ihres Unternehmens gehört auch ein gutes gastronomisches Angebot!
Wir, der Ausstellerservice der Capital Catering GmbH, sind direkt auf dem Gelände der Messe Berlin und im City Cube
für Sie da! Nutzen Sie unseren Standortvorteil und lassen Sie sich von unserer Kompetenz, Schnelligkeit und Flexibilität
Ob für die Verpflegung Ihres Aufbauteams, die Versorgung Ihrer Gäste, Ihres Messestandes oder Ihrer Standparty - das
folgende Bestellformular zeigt Ihnen unser Angebot. Im Interesse einer reibungslosen Bearbeitung Ihrer Wünsche bitten
wir Sie um eine frühestmögliche Bestellung.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich bei unserem Service um eine reine Anlieferung handelt.
Auf Wunsch unterbreiten wir Ihnen gerne individuelle Angebote für Ihre Standparty, Ihr Bergfest oder für Ihr
Tagescatering am Stand.
Konzentrieren Sie sich auf Ihre Gäste, wir kümmern uns um das Übrige und beraten Sie gern!
Ladies and Gentleman,
Excellent gastronomical service is a key part of your company's successful trade fair presence.
Capital Catering GmbH is located in the Berlin exhibition grounds and in the new City Cube. Take advantage of our
perfect location and let our expertise, promptness and flexibility wow both you and your customers.
Whether you're interested in providing for your construction team, guests, exhibition stand or booth party - the enclosed
order form shows our entire range of products and services. In order to help us process your order as efficiently as
possible, we would like to ask you to send us your requests as soon as possible.
Please note that our service is delivery only.
Upon your request, we would be happy to create an individual offer for your booth party or for daily catering at your stand.
Concentrate on your guests - and we'll take care of the rest!
Für Ihre Buchung oder Anfrage / For your booking or enquiry:
phone: + 49 (0)30 3038 - 2993 / - 1952
+ 49 (0)30 3038 91 2993
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch / We are looking forward to your visit!
Ihr Team von Capital Catering / Your Capital Catering
Tel. / Phone: +49 30 3038 2993 * E-Mail / email:
Seite | page 2
Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
Ausstellerservice / Exhibitor Service
Messedamm 22
14055 Berlin
phone: + 49 (0)30 3038 - 2993 / - 1952
Seiten / pages
Ihre Bestellung / Your order:
Zurück an / back to:
Delivery date:
Delivery time:
+ 49 (0)30 3038 91 2993
Stand name:
Ihre Daten / Your date:
Ausstellername, Rechnungsempfänger / Name of exhibitor, invoice recipient
Straße / Street
PLZ, Ort, Land / Post code, town, country
Telefon / Phone
Telefax / Fax
Ansprechpartner am Stand (Name und Telefonnummer) / Contact Person at exhibition stand (name and phone number)
Wir haben die Lieferbedingungen zur Kenntnis genommen, erkennen sie als verbindlich an und sind mit deren Anwendung einverstanden.
We have read the terms and conditions of delifery, recognize them as legally binding and consent to their application.
Datum / Date:
Auf der Basis der Geschäfts- und Lieferbedingungen der CCG bestellen wir verbindlich die auf den folgenden Seiten markierten Leistungen:
In accordance with the general terms and conditions of business and delivery of CCG, we have placed a legally binding order encompassing the services marked on the
ensuing pages:
Bitte geben Sie Ihren Zahlungswunsch an:
Please indicate your preferred method of payment:
Barzahlung / Cash
EC Karte / EC Card
Kreditkarte / Credit Card
USt ID Nummer:
VAT Reg. No.:
Art der Kreditkarte:
Type of credit card:
gültig bis:
Card number:
valid until:
Alpha Code:
Karteninhaber (Bitte in Druckbuchstaben):
Name of cardholder (please write in block capitals):
Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass Sie den Rechnungsbetrag über die angegebene Kreditkartennummer abbuchen.
I hereby grant authorisation to charge the invoice amount due to the credit card mentioned above.
Rechtsverbindliche Unterschrift:
Legally binding signature:
Tel. / Phone: +49 30 3038 2993 * E-Mail / email:
Seite | page 3
Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
Belegte Brötchen, Canapée
Bread rolls, canapé.........…….............................................................…………….…….........…………...............05
Salate & Suppen, Brot
Salads & soups, bread……….………………..………………………………………….…….………..........………...07
Snacks Fingerfood warm
Snacks & fingerfood hot..............……..….………………………………...……...….……..........………...............…08
Fingerfood Arrangements
Fingerfood packages.....…………………..…………….………...……..........………….……………………........…..09
Obst & Gebäck
Fruit & Pastries...........................…………………..………………………………….……….…...…..........…………11
Dessert & Knabbergebäck
Dessert, chips & cookies...............…….……….……..……………………………….……….…...…..........…………12
Softdrinks, Sekt, Prosecco & Champagner
Soft drinks, sparkling wine & champagne..……..……………………………….……….…..………..........…..…..…13
Wein, Bier
Wine, beer….………………………………………………..………………………..........……...…………………..….14
Coffee service packages……………………….………..…………………………..........………….…………..….…..15
Kaffee & Tee
Coffee & tea…….……………………………….………..……….…….……………..........……………………..….…..16
Personal, Geschirr, Mietgeräte
Staff, Dishes, Rental Equipment
Geschirr & Mietgeräte
Dishes & rental equipment...……………………….……………………..………..........…………………….….…….18
Einweggeschirr, Tischdecken, Servietten etc.
Disposable dishes, table cloths, napkins etc………………………….....................………..........………………….19
Mietgeräte, Mundeis, Crushed Eis
Rental equipment, ice cubes, crushed ice....………………………….....................………..........………………….20
Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen
Terms and conditions….………......................…………………………….........………..........………………….…..21
Tel. / Phone: +49 30 3038 2993 * E-Mail / email:
Seite | page 4
Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
Belegte Brötchen, Canapée
Bread rolls, canapé
Bitte beachten Sie, dass bei allen Speisenlieferungen automatisch Servietten 100 Stk./ 6,00 EUR mitgeliefert werden.
1/2 Ciabattabrötchen
1/2 Caibatta roll
1/2 Baguettebrötchen
1/2 Baguette bread roll
1/2 Vollkornbrötchen
1/2 Wholegrain bread roll
1/2 Veneziabrötchen
1/2 Venetian roll
1/2 Vollkornbrot
1/2 Wholegrain bread
Please note that all food deliveries are with napkins for 100 pcs./ 6,00 EUR.
Preis in EUR pro Stück
Price in EUR per piece
Bitte Bestellmenge eintragen! Mindestabnahme 5 Stück pro Brotsorte & Belag.
Please indicate order quantity! Minimum purchase 5 pcs per variety.
Holländischer Gouda mittelalt
Dutch Gouda (medium mature)
Gekochter Schinken
Cooked ham
Schwarzwälder Schinken
Black Forest ham
Roast turkey breast
Set 1 - 15 ½ Ciabattabrötchen / Ciabatta roll
5 Gouda / dutch gouda, 5 Putenbrust / roast turkey breast, 5 Schwarzw. Schinken / Black Forest ham
Preis pro Set / price per set
36,50 EUR
Set 2 - 15 ½ Baguettebrötchen / Baguette bread roll
5 Gouda / dutch gouda, 5 gekochter Schinken / cooked ham, 5 Salami / salami
Preis pro Set / price per set
36,50 EUR
Alle Preise zzgl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. - Nicht verbrauchte Waren werden nicht zurück genommen.
All prices are subject to value-added tax - Purchase goods are not refundable.
Tel. / Phone: +49 30 3038 2993 * E-Mail / email:
Seite | page 5
Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
1/2 Ciabattabrötchen
1/2 Caibatta roll
1/2 Baguettebrötchen
1/2 Baguette bread roll
1/2 Vollkornbrötchen
1/2 Wholegrain bread roll
1/2 Veneziabrötchen
1/2 Venetian roll
1/2 Vollkornbrot
1/2 Wholegrain bread
Belegte Brötchen, Canapée
Bread rolls, canapé
Preis in EUR pro Stück
Price in EUR per piece
Bitte Bestellmenge eintragen! Mindestabnahme 5 Stück pro Brotsorte & Belag.
Please indicate order quantity! Minimum purchase 5 pcs per variety.
Mozzarella mit Tomaten
Mozzarella with tomatoes
Italienische Salami
Italian salami
Parma ham
Roast beef
Chicken breast
Smoked salmon
Set 3 - 15 ½ Vollkornbrötchen / Wholegrain bread roll
5 Mozzarella / mozzarella, 5 Parmaschinken / Parma ham, 5 Poulardenbrust / chicken breast
Preis pro Set / price per set
38,00 EUR
Set 4 - 15 ½ Veneziabrötchen / Venetian roll
5 Mozzarella / mozzarella, 5 Räucherlachs / smoked salmon, 5 Roastbeef / roast beef
Preis pro Set / price per set
35,50 EUR
Alle Preise zzgl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. - Nicht verbrauchte Waren werden nicht zurück genommen.
All prices are subject to value-added tax - Purchase goods are not refundable.
Tel. / Phone: +49 30 3038 2993 * E-Mail / email:
Seite | page 6
Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
Salate & Suppen, Brot
Salads & soups, bread
Price EUR
Order quantity
Salate / Salads
(Mindestbestellmenge / minimum order 10 Einheiten / units oder / or 2 kg)
Kartoffelsalat mit Essig und Öl
Potato salad with oil and vinegar
Mini Mozzarella mit Kirschtomate und Pesto
Mini mozzarella with cherry tomatoes and pesto
Couscous-Tabouleh salad
Avocado-tomato salad
Portion 200 g
portion 200 g
Portion 180 g
portion 180 g
Portion 180 g
portion 180 g
Suppen / Soups
(Mindestbestellmenge / minimum order 25 Tassen / cups mit jeweils 200ml / 200 ml each)
Inklusive kleiner Brötchen und Chafing-Dish zum Warmhalten. / Including small bread roll each and chafing dish.
Gulaschsuppe / Goulash soup
Italienische Minestrone / Italian minestrone
Passierte Kartoffelsuppe mit Speck & Pfifferlingen
Cream of potato soup with bacon & chantarelles
Chili con Carne / Chili con Carne
Berliner Erbsensuppe mit Speck & Wurst
Berlin pea soup with bacon and sausage
Nudeleintopf mit Gemüse & Huhn
Noodle soup with chicken & vegetables
Frühling : Spargelsüppchen / Asparagus soup
Sommer : Gazpacho / Gazpacho
Herbst : Waldpilzsuppe / Wild mushroom soup
Winter : Kürbiscremesuppe / Pumpkin cream soup
Tasse / cup
Tasse / cup
Tasse / cup
Tasse / cup
Tasse / cup
Tasse / cup
Tasse / cup
Tasse / cup
Tasse / cup
Tasse / cup
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Brot & Brötchen / Bread & bread rolls
Brötchen / Bread rolls
Partybrötchen / Party rolls
Veneziabrötchen / Venetian rolls
Baguettestange, 250 g / Baguette, 250 g
Alle Preise zzgl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. - Nicht verbrauchte Waren werden nicht zurück genommen.
All prices are subject to value-added tax - Purchase goods are not refundable.
Tel. / Phone: +49 30 3038 2993 * E-Mail / email:
Seite | page 7
Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
Snacks & Fingerfood warm
Snacks & fingerfood hot
Price EUR
Order quantity
Snacks / Snacks
(Mindestbestellmenge / minimum order 10 Stück, Protionen / pieces, portions)
Bockwurst mit Senf & Brötchen
Bockwurst with mustard and bread roll
Stk. / pc
Berliner Boulette mit Senf & Brötchen
Berlin-style meat pattie, with mustard and bread roll
Stk. / pc
Bayerische Weißwurst mit süßem Senf
Bavarian white sausage with sweet mustard
2 Stk. / 2 pc
Kartoffelsalat mit 3 kleinen Bouletten
Potato salad with 3 small meat patties
Fingerfood warm / hot
(Mindestbestellmenge / minimum order 25 Portionen pro Sorte / 25 portions per varity)
Chicken Stick „Sweet Pepper“
Chicken sticks „Sweet Pepper“
2 Stk. / 2 pc
Asia Sticks mit Sweet Chili Sauce, vegetarisch
Asian sticks with sweet chili sauce (vegetarian)
2 Stk. / 2 pc
Pikante Rinderhackbällchen mit Mango-Cuminragout
Spicy beef meatballs with mango-cumin-ragout
3 Stk. / 3 pc
Mini-Rostbratwürstchen mit Senf
Small sausages with roll and mustard
3 Stk. / 3 pc
Mini-Bouletten mit Senf
Mini meat patties with mustard
3 Stk. / 3 pc
Chicken Fingers „Tikka“ mit Minz-Dip
Chicken fingers tikka-style with mint dip
3 Stk. / 3 pc
Mini-Geflügel-Schnitzel mit BBQ Dip
Mini chicken escalope with BBQ dip
3 Stk. / 3 pc
Kleine Tomaten-Käse-Bällchen
Mini tomato-cheese balls
3 Stk. / 3 pc
Alle Preise zzgl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. - Nicht verbrauchte Waren werden nicht zurück genommen.
All prices are subject to value-added tax - Purchase goods are not refundable.
Tel. / Phone: +49 30 3038 2993 * E-Mail / email:
Seite | page 8
Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
Fingerfood Arrangements
Fingerfood packages
Price EUR
Order quantity
Internationales Fingerfood / International fingerfood
(1 Portion / portion = 6 Teile / pcs, Mindestbestellmenge / Minimum order 10 Portionen / portions)
Würfel von der Charentais Melone in Serrano-Schinken am Spieß
Diced Charentais melon wrapped in Serrano ham on a skewer
Gekräuterter Ziegenfrischkäse mit Lavendel auf kleinem Bauernbrot
Herbed chèvre with lavender on small country bread
Crêpes gefüllt mit Oregano & Paprika
Crêpes filled with oregano & pepper
Pastrami-Artischocken-Happen auf Knäckebrot
Pastrami-artichoke bites on crisp bread
Gurken-Lachshäppchen mit Dill
Cucumber-salmon bites with dill
Portugiesischer Mandelkuchen im Holzkistchen
Portuguese almond cake in a small wooden box
Portion / portion
Berliner Spezialitäten / Fingerfood "Berlin style"
(1 Portion / portion = 6 Teile / pcs, Mindestbestellmenge / Minimum order 10 Portionen / portions)
Deftiges Zwiebelmett mit Frühlingszwiebel auf Pumpernickel
Minced pork and onions with scallions on pumpernickel
Mit Kasslerfilet belegte Laugenstange
Smoked pork chop filet on a soft pretzel
Kleines Schwarzbrot mit, in Kirschwasser, eingelegtem Harzer Käse und roten Zwiebeln
Brown bread with Harz cheese and red onions, marinated in kirschwasser
Häckerle auf Pumpernickel
Diced fish filet with pickles and onions on pumpernickel
Berliner Schinkenknacker mit Spreewälder Gurke am Spieß
Berlin-style knockwurst with Spreewald pickles, on skewer
Mini-Berliner Pfannenkuchen
Berlin-style mini jelly doughnuts
Portion / portion
Alle Preise zzgl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. - Nicht verbrauchte Waren werden nicht zurück genommen.
All prices are subject to value-added tax - Purchase goods are not refundable.
Tel. / Phone: +49 30 3038 2993 * E-Mail / email:
Seite | page 9
Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
Fingerfood Arrangements
Fingerfood packages
Price EUR
Order quantity
"Was Besonderes" / "Something special"
(1 Portion / 1 portion = 6 Teile / pcs, Mindestbestellmenge / Minimum order 10 Portionen / 10 portions)
Gebackene Rote Bete mit Himbeeressig mariniert auf Vollkornbrotsockel
Baked beetroot, marinated with raspberry vinegar on whole-grain bread
Pumpernickel mit einem Ragout von Linsen und luftgetrocknetem Rindfleisch
Pumpernickel with a ragout of lentils and air-dried beef
Kleines Vollkornbrötchen mit Meerrettichcreme und weißem Heilbutt
Small whole-grain roll with horseradish-cream and white halibut
Crêpes gefüllt mit getrockneten Tomaten und knackigen Gemüsen
Crepes filled with dried tomatoes and crunchy veggies
Vollkornbrot mit Quark und Radieschensprossen
Whole-grain bread with curd cheese and baby radishes sprouts
Kleine Tartelettes mit Erdbeeren
Small tart with strawberries
Portion / portion
Fingerfood "Mini Wrap" / Fingerfood "Mini Wrap"
(1 Portion / 1 portion = 5 Teile / pcs, Mindestbestellmenge / Minimum order 10 Portionen / 10 portions)
Mini Wrap Oriental Chick´n
Mini Wrap African Chick´n
Mini Wrap Asian Veggie
Mini Wrap BBQ Chick´n
Mini Wrap Lemon Chick´n
Portion / portion
Alle Preise zzgl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. - Nicht verbrauchte Waren werden nicht zurück genommen.
All prices are subject to value-added tax - Purchase goods are not refundable.
Tel. / Phone: +49 30 3038 2993 * E-Mail / email:
Seite | page 10
Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
Obst & Gebäck
Fruit & pastries
Price EUR
Order quantity
Obst / Fruit
(Mindestbestellmenge / minimum order 10 Portionen oder 1 kg / portions or 1 kg)
Gemischtes Handobst / Assorted fruit
Mundgerechtes Obst, verschiedene Sorten
Bite-sized fruit, assorted
Frischer Obstsalat / Fresh fruit salad
Portion / portion
1 kg / 1 kg
1 kg
Frischer Obstsalat 200g / Fresh fruit salad 200g
Portion / portion
Kleine Obstspieße / Small fruit skewers
Stk. / pc
Gebäck süß & herzhaft / Sweet and savoury baked goods
(Mindestbestellmenge / minimum order 10 Einheiten / units)
Süß / Sweet
Blechkuchen / Traybake
Stk. / pc
Mini-Berliner Pfannkuchen / Berlin jelly donuts
Stk. / pc
Mini-Croissant, Natur / Mini butter-croissant
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Mini-Croissant, süß gefüllt / Mini-croissants, sweet filling
Stk. / pc
Muffin Schoko / chocolate muffin
Stk. / pc
Muffin Blaubeere / blueberry muffin
Stk. / pc
Mini-Croissant, herzhaft gefüllt
Mini-croissant, savoury filling
Stk. / pc
Laugenbrezel / Pretzels
Stk. / pc
Gebutterte Laugenbrezel / Pretzels with butter
Stk. / pc
Verschiedenes Plundergebäck
Small Danish pastries, assorted
Herzhaft / Savoury
Alle Preise zzgl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. - Nicht verbrauchte Waren werden nicht zurück genommen.
All prices are subject to value-added tax - Purchase goods are not refundable.
Tel. / Phone: +49 30 3038 2993 * E-Mail / email:
Seite | page 11
Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
Dessert & Knabbergebäck
Dessert, chips & cookies
Price EUR
Order quantity
Feine Mini-Cakes* / Fine Mini Cakes*
(1 Portion besteht aus 8 Teilchen / 1 portion consists out of 8 pieces, Mindestbestellmenge / minimum order 5 Portionen / 5 portions)
Kakao-Orange / cocoa-orange
Haselnuss-Himbeere / hazelnut-raspberry
Apfel-Cassis mit Mandelstückchen / apple-cassis with almond
Mandarine / tangerine
Pistazie und Schattenmorelle / pistachio and dark cherry
Zitrone / lemon
Rharbarber / rhubarb
Pfirsich-Lavendel / peach-lavender
Portion / portion
* enthält Alkohol / made with alcohol
Midi-Muffins, gemischt
Medium sized muffins, mixed
(1 Portion besteht aus 3 Teilchen / 1 portion consists out of 3 pieces, Mindestbestellmenge / Minimum order 10 Einheiten / 10 units)
Cappuccino / Cappuccino
Cheesecake / Cheesecake
Cocos-Schokolade / Coconut-chocolate
Portion / portion
1 kg
Cracker / Crackers
300 g
150 g
Salzstangen / Pretzel sticks
150 g
Kartoffelchips / Potato chips
200 g
Erdnüsse / Peanuts
200 g
Knabbergebäck / Chips & Cookies
Teegebäckmischung / Mixed tea biscuits
Snack Hits Knabbergebäckmischung
Snack Hits savoury mix
Alle Preise zzgl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. - Nicht verbrauchte Waren werden nicht zurück genommen.
All prices are subject to value-added tax - Purchase goods are not refundable.
Tel. / Phone: +49 30 3038 2993 * E-Mail / email:
Seite | page 12
Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
Softdrinks, Sekt, Prosecco & Champagner
Soft Drinks, sparkling wine & champagne
Price EUR Order quantity
Alkoholfreie Getränke / Soft Drinks
12 Fl. / 12 bott.
1,0 l
Coca-Cola light*
Mineralwasser Gerolsteiner Sprudel* / Sparkling water*
24 Fl. / 24 bott.
24 Fl. / 24 bott.
0,33 l
0,33 l
12 Fl. / 12 bott.
0,75 l
Mineralwasser Gerolsteiner Sprudel* / Sparkling water*
24 Fl. / 24 bott.
0,25 l
Mineralwasser Gerolsteiner Naturell* / Still water*
12 Fl. / 12 bott.
24 Fl. / 24 bott.
6 Fl. / 6 bott.
6 Fl. / 6 bott.
24 Fl. / 24 bott.
24 Fl. / 24 bott.
24 Fl. / 24 bott.
0,75 l
0,25 l
1,0 l
1,0 l
0,33 l
0,33 l
0,33 l
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
0,75 l
0,75 l
0,75 l
0,75 l
Mineralwasser Gerolsteiner Naturell* / Still water*
Apfelsaft* / Apple juice*
Orangensaft* / Orange juice*
Rhabarberschorle* / Rhubarb juice spritzer*
Bionade Holunder* / elderberry
Bionade Kräuter* / herbal
Mindestbestellmenge 1 Kiste. / minimum order quantity 1 crate.
Premix-Getränke und Anlagen auf Anfrage. / Premix drinks on request.
Wasserdispenser / Water dispenser
Wasserdispenser, mietweise / Hire of water dispenser
Wasserdispenser heiß/kalt, mietweise
Hire of water dispenser, hot/cold
Wassergallone (18,9 l)* - inkl. 100 Becher
Water container (18,9 l)* - incl. 100 cups
Sekt, Prosecco, Champanger / Spearkling Wine, Champagne
Rotkäppchen trocken / dry
Mumm Extra dry
Prosecco di Valdobbiadene
Veuve Clicquot
Fl. / bott.
Fl. / bott.
Fl. / bott.
Fl. / bott.
Weitere Sekt- und Champagnersorten auf Anfrage.
Other sparkling wines and champagnes on request.
Alle Preise zzgl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. - Nicht verbrauchte Waren werden nicht zurück genommen.
All prices are subject to value-added tax - Purchase goods are not refundable.
Tel. / Phone: +49 30 3038 2993 * E-Mail / email:
Seite | page 13
Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
Wein, Bier
Wine, beer
Price EUR
Dörrenbacher Guttenberg
Grauburgunder, trocken
Fl. / bott.
0,75 l
Vin de Pay d`Oc “Les Vigneaux”
Fl. / bott.
0,75 l
Château d`Orsan
Côtes du Rhone
Fl. / bott.
0,75 l
Chianti Classico
Lamole di Lamole
Fl. / bott.
0,75 l
24 Fl. / 24 bott.
24 Fl. / 24 bott.
24 Fl. / 24 bott.
24 Fl. / 24 bott.
20 Fl. / 20 bott.
Fass / barrel
Fass / barrel
Fass / barrel
Fass / barrel
0,33 l
0,33 l
0,33 l
0,33 l
0,50 l
30 l
50 l
30 l
50 l
Order quantity
Weißwein / White wine
Rotwein / Red wine
Bier / Beer
Berliner Kindl Jubiläums Pils*
Bitburger Pils*
Beck's Pils*
Clausthaler alkoholfrei*
Erdinger Hefe*
Berliner Kindl Jubiläumspils*
Radeberger Pilsner*
Mindestbestellmenge 1 Kiste = 20/24 Flaschen. / Minimum order quantity 1 crate. = 20/24 bottles.
Andere Biersorten auf Anfrage oder Vorbestellung.
Other beers on request or by advance order.
*Für Mehrwegkisten, Wassergallonen, Premixcontainer und Bierfässer berechnen wir bis zur Rückgabe Pfand:
*Deposit on reusable crates, water containers, premix containers and beer barrels refundable on terurn:
Pfand Wassergallone / Deposit water container
Stk. / pc
Pfand Getränkekiste / Deposit beverage crate
Stk. / pc
Pfand Bierfass / Deposit beer barrel
Stk. / pc
Alle Preise zzgl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. - Nicht verbrauchte Waren werden nicht zurück genommen.
All prices are subject to value-added tax - Purchase goods are not refundable.
Tel. / Phone: +49 30 3038 2993 * E-Mail / email:
Seite | page 14
Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
Coffee service packages
Price EUR
Order quantity
Alle Kaffeeservicepakete werden mit Porzellan-Geschirr ausgeliefert.
Auf Nachfrage liefern wir Ihnen auch gerne Einweg-Geschirr.
All coffee service packages are delivered with porcelain tableware. Disposable tableware on request.
Kaffeeservicepaket groß / Coffee service package large
1 Kaffeemaschine Darbomat, mietweise / 1 Coffee machine, rental price
Leistung bis zu 100 Tassen/Stunde / output up to 100 cups/hour
50 Filterbeutel à 60 Gramm Kaffee / 50 filter bags of 60 grams coffee each
50 Kaffeegedecke Porzellan / 50 coffee sets, porcelain
2 Kartons Kaffeesahne à 240 Stück / 2 boxes coffee cream, 240 portions each
500 Beutel Portionszucker / 500 sugar sachets
1 Karton Teegebäckmischung à 1,0 kg / 1 box mixes tea biscuits, 1.0 kg
- ausreichend für ca. 550 Tassen / sufficient for about 550 cups
Kaffeeservicepaket klein / Coffee service package small
1 Kaffeemaschine (10 Tassen-Automat), mietweise / 1 Coffee machine rental price
1 Karton Kaffeesahne à 240 Stück / 1 box coffee cream, 240 portions
300 Beutel Portionszucker / 300 sugar sachets
2 x 500 g Kaffee, 100 Kaffeefilter / 2 x 500g coffee, 100 coffee filters
20 Kaffeegedecken (Porzellan) / 20 coffee sets (porcelain)
Espressomaschinen-Servicepaket / Espresso machines & Service package
1 Jura X9 Espressomaschine / 1 Jura X9 espresso machine
oder ähnlich, mietweise / or similar, rental price
30 Kaffee- und 30 Espressogedecke / 30 coffee and 30 espresso sets
25 Latte Macchiato Gläser / 25 latte macchiato glasses
2 kg ital. Espressobohnen / 2 kg premium Italian espressobeans
120 Port. Kaffeesahne, 5 Liter H-Milch / 120 portions coffee cream, 5 litres UHT milk
200 Beutel Portionszucker / 200 sugar sachet
Nespressomaschinen-Servicepaket / Nespresso machines & Service package
1 Nespressomaschine mietweise / 1 Nespresso machine, rental price
25 Kaffee- und 25 Espressogedecke / 25 coffee and 25 espresso sets
100 Kaffee- und 100 Espressopads / 100 coffee and 100 espresso pads
120 Port. Kaffeesahne, 2 Liter H-Milch / 120 portions coffee cream, 2 litres UHT milk
200 Beutel Portionszucker / 200 sugar sachets
Alle Preise zzgl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. - Nicht verbrauchte Waren werden nicht zurück genommen.
All prices are subject to value-added tax - Purchase goods are not refundable.
Tel. / Phone: +49 30 3038 2993 * E-Mail / email:
Seite | page 15
Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
Kaffee & Tee
Coffee & tea
Espressobohnen / Espresso beans
Kaffeebohnen / Coffee beans
Kaffee, gemahlen / ground coffee
Kaffee Darbomat / Coffee Darbomat
Espressopads / Espresso pads
Kaffeepads / Coffee pads
Tee / Tea
Kaffeesahne 240 Stk. / Coffee cream 240 pce.
Zucker, Portionsbeutel / Sugar, portions
Süßstoff Spender/ Sweetener Dispenser
H-Milch, 1,5% Fett / UHT milk, 1,5% fat content
Kaffeefilter / Coffee filter bag
1 kg
1 kg
500 g
60 g
50 Stk. / pcs
50 Stk. / pcs
25 Btl. / bags
Karton / Box
100 Stk. / pcs
Stk. / pc
Liter / litre
100 Stk. / pcs
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Thermoskanne 1 Liter, mietweise
Thermos flask 1 litre, hire price
Wasserkocher, mietweise / Water kettl, rental price
Kaffeemaschine (10 Tassen-Automat), mietweise
Coffee machine (10 cups), rental price
Price EUR
Order quantity
Kaffee in Thermoskanne oder elektrischer Thermophore
(Mindestabnahme 5 Liter, inkl. Zucker, Sahne)
Coffee in thermos flask or electric „Thermophore“ dispenser
(minimum purchase 5 litres, incl. sugar & cream)
mit Einweggeschirr / with disposable crockery
Liter / litre
mit Porzellangeschirr / with porcelain crockery
Liter / litre
Alle Preise zzgl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. - Nicht verbrauchte Waren werden nicht zurück genommen.
All prices are subject to value-added tax - Purchase goods are not refundable.
Tel. / Phone: +49 30 3038 2993 * E-Mail / email:
Seite | page 16
Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
Mindestberechnung 4 Stunden/Person
Minimum 4 hours/person
Serving staff
Std./ Person
26,50 EUR
26,50 EUR
Datum: / date:
Head waiter
Std./ Person
Personen á
people per
Uhrzeit: / time:
32,00 EUR
32,00 EUR
Datum: / date:
Personen á
people per
Uhrzeit: / time:
(ab 3 Servicekräften obligatorisch / required if there are 3 serving staff or more)
Std./ Person
32,00 EUR
32,00 EUR
Std./ Person
Datum: / date:
Uhrzeit: / time:
Datum: / date:
Personen á
people per
30,00 EUR
30,00 EUR
Personen á
people per
Uhrzeit: / time:
Eine Buchung von Personal für den Service auf Ihrem Messestand oder bei Ihren Empfängen während der Messe ist nur
bei gleichzeitiger Bestellung von gastronomischen Leistungen möglich. Eine Bestellung von Personaldienstleistungen
setzt die Akzeptanz des Gleichbehandlungsgesetzes voraus.
We will provide service staff for your exhibition stand or your receptions during the exhibition, on condition that catering
services are ordered as well. An order for personnel services presupposes acceptance of the Equal Treatment Act.
Alle Preise zzgl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. - Nicht verbrauchte Waren werden nicht zurück genommen.
All prices are subject to value-added tax - Purchase goods are not refundable.
Tel. / Phone: +49 30 3038 2993 * E-Mail / email:
Seite | page 17
Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
Geschirr & Mietgeräte
Dishes & rental equipment
Price EUR
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Latte Macchiato Glas m. Löffel
Latte macchiato glass and spoon
Stk. / pc
Messer / Knife
Gabel / Fork
Suppenlöffel / Soup spoon
Kaffee, Dessertlöffel / Coffee, dessert spoon
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Tablett, ca. 45 x 32cm / Tray ca. 45 x 32 cm
Tablett, rund rutschfest / Tray, round, non-slip
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Saftglas, Bierglas, 0,2 l / Juice, beer tumbler
Sektglas 0,1 l / Champagne glass 0,1 l
Weinglas 0,2 l / Wine glass 0,2 l
Biertulpe 0,3 l / Beer glass
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Order quantity
Geschirr, Besteck, Gläser / Crockery, cutlery, glasses
Teller klein / Plate small Ø 20 cm
Teller groß / Plate large Ø 27 cm
Suppentasse, Untertasse 250ml
Soup bowl, saucer 250ml
Kaffeegedeck inkl. Löffel / Coffee set incl. spoon
Espressogedeck inkl. Löffel / Espresso set incl. spoon
Geschirrspülmaschine / Dishwasher
(B/H/T) / (W/H/D) 60 x 85 x 60 cm
oder / or
(B/H/T) / (W/H/D) 60 x 95 x 60 cm
380 V, 16 A
1/2" Zulauf, 50 mm Abfluss / 1/2" inflow, 50 mm outflow
inkl. Montage und Reinigungsmittel / incl. installation and detergent
Stk. / pc
Alle Preise zzgl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. - Nicht verbrauchte Waren werden nicht zurück genommen.
All prices are subject to value-added tax - Purchase goods are not refundable.
Tel. / Phone: +49 30 3038 2993 * E-Mail / email:
Seite | page 18
Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
Einweggeschirr, Tischdecken, Servietten etc.
Disposable dishes, table cloths, napkins etc.
Price EUR
Order quantity
Einweggeschirr / Disposable dishes
100 Trinkbecher, klar, 0,2 l
100 beakers, clear 0,2 l
10 Sektgläser, Einweg, 0,1 l
10 champagne glasses, disposable
75 Kaffeebecher, Einweg
75 coffee to go cups, disposable
100 Kaffeelöffel, Plastik / 100 coffee spoons, plastic
100 Teller klein, Plastik / 100 plates small, plastic
100 Teller groß, Plastik / 100 plates large, plastic
Weitere Einwegartikel auf Anfrage. / other disposable items on request.
Tischdecken weiß, Servietten etc. / Table cloths white, napkins etc.
Tischdecken / table cloth 1,40 x 1,40 m
Tischdecken / table cloth 2,10 x 1,40 m
mietweise / hire price
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Servietten, weiß einfach / Napkins, white, plain
Servietten, Zellstoff / Napkins, paper
weiß, rot, blau, gelb (Farbe angeben)
white, red, blue, yellow (state colour)
Spülmittel / Washing-up liquid
Glasreiniger / Glass cleaner
Spülschwamm / Sponge
Schwammtuch / Sponge cloth
Küchenrolle / Paper towels
Müllbeutel 20 l, 20 Stück / Waste bags 20 l, 20 pce.
Müllbeutel 120 l, 5 Stück / Waste bags 120 l, 5 pce.
Stk. / pc
50 Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
2 Stk. / pcs
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Stk. / pc
Equipment mietweise / rental equipment
Mülleimer, 20l / Waste bin 20 l
Korkenzieher / Corkscrew
Küchenmesser / Kitchen knife
Geschirrtuch / Dish towel
Schneidebrett / Cutting board 33 x 22 cm
Alle Preise zzgl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. - Nicht verbrauchte Waren werden nicht zurück genommen.
All prices are subject to value-added tax - Purchase goods are not refundable.
Tel. / Phone: +49 30 3038 2993 * E-Mail / email:
Seite | page 19
Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
Mietgeräte, Mundeis, Crushed Eis
Rental equipment, Ice cubes, crushed ice
Price EUR
Order quantity
Zapfanlage / Beer pumps (chiller)
Zapfanlage (Durchlaufkühler)
Beer pump (chiller)
CO² tank
Zapfanlage (Untertisch)
Spigot (Beer pump)
Schanksäule "Classik" verchromt
Stainless steel beer column
Zapfanlage (Durchlaufkühler) mit Edelstahlzapfsäule
Beer pump (chiller) - Stainless steel tap
Zapfanlage (Durchlaufkühler)
Beer pump (chiller)
Tag / per day
Stk. / pc
Tag / per day
Tag / per day
fair flat
fair flat
Die Pauschale beinhaltet den Anschluss und die Kohlensäure.
CO2 tank is included in the fair flat.
Mundeis, Crushed Eis / Ice cubes, crushed ice
per 10 Liter brutto / per 10 litres gross
Mundeis mit Getränkebestellung
Ice with beverage order
10 l
Mundeis ohne Getränkebestellung
Ice without beverage order
10 l
Crushed Eis mit Getränkebestellung
Crushed ice with beverage order
10 l
Crushed Eis ohne Getränkebestellung
Crushed ice without beverage order
10 l
Alle Preise zzgl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. - Nicht verbrauchte Waren werden nicht zurück genommen.
All prices are subject to value-added tax - Purchase goods are not refundable.
Tel. / Phone: +49 30 3038 2993 * E-Mail / email:
Seite | page 20
Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
Ergänzungen zu den AGB
Auszug Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für den Ausstellerservice der Capital Catering GmbH (Stand 01.01.2014)
Die nachgenannten Geschäftsbedingungen stellen lediglich einen Auszug aus den allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der Capital Catering
GmbH (CCG) für den Ausstellerservice dar. Es gelten die vollständigen, derzeit gültigen AGB der CCG. Diese finden Sie unter:
Dieses Angebot gilt, wenn nicht ausdrücklich anders vereinbart, nur für Aussteller in den Veranstaltungshallen und des Freigeländes des
Messegeländes Berlin sowie des Messegeländes ExpoCenter Airport und den Ausstellerständen im ICC bzw. CCB Berlin. Preis- und
Artikeländerungen sind vorbehalten.
Alle Preise sind reine Lieferpreise und beinhalten keine weiteren personellen Dienstleistungen. Diese können gesondert bestellt werden.
Unsere Preise verstehen sich zzgl. derzeit gültiger MwSt. von 19% und Pfand. Mit Erscheinen einer neuen Preisliste werden alle vorherigen
Preislisten ungültig.
Eine verbindliche Bestellung der Erstanlieferung benötigen wir spätestens 10 Tage vor Veranstaltungsbeginn. Bestellungen für Großgeräte
benötigen wir 4 Tage vor Veranstaltungsbeginn. Die Bestellung ist telefonisch, per Fax oder per E-Mail an zu richten.
Sonderartikel, die nicht auf Basis des gültigen Artikelsortiments des Ausstellerservice für den Besteller seitens der CCG
beschafft oder produziert werden müssen, sind bis spätestens 2 Tage vor Ablauf der genannten Vorlauffrist für die Beschaffung verbindlich
zu bestellen.
Änderungen bereits bestätigter Bestellungen können nur bis 12:00 Uhr des jeweiligen Vortages der Lieferung vorgenommen werden.
Ausgenommen davon sind Sonderbestellungen und bereits produzierte Waren. Diese werden mit 100% des Bestellwertes in Rechnung
Stornierungen bereits bestätigter Bestellungen werden gestaffelt berechnet: Bis 10 Tage vor dem Liefertermin kostenfrei, bis 3 Tage vor dem
Liefertermin 50% des Auftragswertes, danach 100% des Auftragswertes.
Bei einem Einzelauftragswert unter 100,00 EUR berechnen wir eine Transportgebühr i. H. v. von 20,00 EUR zzgl. derzeit gültiger MwSt. von
Der Besteller hat sicherzustellen, dass die Lieferung zum vereinbarten Zeitpunkt am Ausstellerstand durch eine von ihm dazu bestimmte
Person entgegengenommen und quittiert wird. Kann die Ware zum vereinbarten Zeitpunkt nicht angeliefert werden, weil der Besteller oder
sein Beauftragter nicht vor Ort ist, werden alle zusätzlichen Anlieferungen/-versuche mit 20,00 EUR zzgl. derzeit gültiger MwSt. von 19%
zusätzlich berechnet.
10. Eine Auslieferung der Ware erfolgt nur gegen vorherige Abgabe einer gültigen Kreditkartennummer (einschl. anderer Kreditkartendetails) als
Zahlungsgarantie oder gegen Barzahlung. Mit Übergabe der Ware gegen Unterschrift wird der Rechnungsbetrag sofort fällig.
11. Die Waren werden nur in den von uns angebotenen Mindesteinheiten ausgeliefert. Die Anlieferung auf Kommissionsbasis ist nicht möglich.
Der Auf- und Abbau unserer Waren erfolgt nur auf der Grundlage weiterer Leistungsberechnungen.
12. Reklamationen, insbesondere über Fehlmengen und nicht bestellte Artikel, sind bei Übergabe sofort unserem Lieferpersonal zu melden.
Spätere Reklamationen können nicht akzeptiert werden. Die Rücknahme ausgelieferter und entgegengenommener Waren kann
grundsätzlich aufgrund lebensmittelrechtlicher Vorschriften nicht erfolgen, sie wird in vollem Umfang berechnet.
13. Mietequipment und Pfandsachen sind bei Verlust bzw. Beschädigung entsprechend ihres Wiederbeschaffungswertes zu
ersetzen. Die Haftung des Mieters beginnt bei der Übergabe und endet mit der Rückgabe an den Vermieter.
14. Die Abholung des Mietequipments erfolgt am letzten Veranstaltungstag oder nach Vereinbarung. Der Kunde hat die
Sicherungspflicht bis 24 Stunden nach Veranstaltungsende.
Tel. / Phone: +49 30 3038 2993 * E-Mail / email:
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Messen & Kongresse
Exhibitor Service
Fairs & Congresses
Excerpt Terms and Conditions for the Exhibitor Service of the Capital Catering GmbH (effective 01.01.2014)
The following Terms and Conditions constitute only an excerpt of the Terms and Conditions for the Exhibitor Service of the Capital Catering
GmbH (CCG) for the Exhibitor Service. The complete, currently effective Terms and Conditions of the CCG apply. These can be found at:
Unless explicitly agreed upon otherwise, this offer only applies to exhibitors in the display halls and open air spaces of the Messe Berlin
fairgrounds, the fairgrounds ExpoCenter Airport and the exhibitor stands at the ICC or CCB Berlin. Changes in price and items are subject to
All prices are pure delivery prices and do not include additional personnel services. These can be ordered separately. Our prices quoted
exclude the currently applicable VAT of 19% and deposit fee. With any new pricelist, all previous price lists are void.
A binding order for the first delivery is required 10 days before the event at the latest. Orders for large machinery are required 4 days before
the event. Any orders are to be made by phone, fax or email to:
Special articles not based on the current range of articles available from the exhibitor service, and which are not to be ordered or produced by
the CCG are to be ordered 2 days before expiration of the quoted deadline for their procuration. This order is binding.
Changes in orders already confirmed may be requested only up to noon on the day before the delivery date. Exempt from this are special
orders and already produced articles. These will be invoiced at 100% of the order value.
Cancellation of confirmed orders are charged progressively: up to 10 days before delivery date free of cost, up to 3 days before the delivery
date 50% of the order value, after that 100% of the order value.
For any individual order value of less than 100.00 EUR, we charge a transport fee of 20.00 EUR plus the currently applicable VAT of 19%.
The orderer is to insure that the delivery is received and receipted at the exhibitor stand at the time agreed upon by a person designated by
the orderer. If the goods cannot be delivered at the agreed upon time due to the orderer or their representative is not present, all additional
deliveries or delivery attempts will be charged extra with 20.00 EUR plus the currently applicable VAT of 19%.
10. The delivery of goods ensues only after prior submission of a credit card number (incl. other credit card details) as a guarantee of payment or
after cash payment. With the delivery of goods against signature, the amount invoiced is due immediately.
11. The goods are delivered only in the minimum units offered by us. Delivery on commission basis is not possible. The set-up and take down of
our goods are subject to further service calculations.
12. Complaints, particularly with regard to shortage or articles not ordered are to be reported immediately upon delivery to our delivery staff. Later
complaints are not accepted. Taking back delivered and accepted goods is not possible due to food regulations and will be invoiced at full
13. In the event of loss or damage, rental equipment and pledged assets are to be replaced according to their replacement value. The leaser's
liability begins with delivery and ends with the return to the lessor.
14. Pickup of the rental equipment takes place on the last day of the event or by arrangement. The customer is obligated to insure the
equipment's safety up to 24 hours after the end of the event.
Tel. / Phone: +49 30 3038 2993 * E-Mail / email:
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