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media information
12. / 13. DECEMBER 2015
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FIS Presenting Sponsor
Official FIS World Cup Sponsors
Official Timing
Event Sponsors
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S A T U R D AY D E Z E M B E R 1 2 T H
S U N D AY D E C E M B E R 1 3 T H
11.15 h
FIS WORLD CUP Ladies – 15 km - free technique - single start
08.30 h
FIS WORLD CUP - Ladies & Men – Sprint F – PROLOG
14.00 h
FIS WORLD Men – 30 km - free technique - single start
11.00 h
FFIS WORLD CUP - Ladies & Men – Sprint F – FINAL
13.30 h
Kids-Event mit Björn Daehlie
Kids who are between 5-16 years of age, and feel comfortable
on cross-country skis will handle the the fun parcours easily. Of
course without any pressure and with the help of Björn Daehlie and other cross-country stars who join the children in small
groups on the track.*
* Information & registration
Buy as a sign of sympathy for Davos Nordic a pair of Spectators-Sunglasses! They costs
only CHF 10.- and are valid for both days of competition.
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Zahlen und Fakten
• 2015 newly installed permanent snowmaking system on Bünda - Start-Finish-Area.
• Late takeover of the races from La Clusaz (FRA) in December 2014
Davos could convince with two World Cup weekends in December 2014.
• The OC Davos Nordic and Siwss Ski managed to receive the necessary commitments
from partner, sponsors and Swiss Televsioion as well as from the city of Davos within 24
hours of time.
• For 43 years, the FIS Cross-country Skiing World Cup in Davos has, with only few exceptions, always taken place on the 2nd weekend in December.
• The organising committee consists of 23 members and was headed by Andy Hofmaenner,
its president, since 1999. In 2012 he is handing over his function as head of the committee to Adriano Iseppi.
• Approx. 150 volunteers as well as 30 soldiers of the Swiss Army are on duty during the
com-petitions as well as for the set-up and taking down works.
• The practising grounds of the Swiss Snow Sports School on “Buenda“, are converted
to the Davos Nordic Stadium. Located in the stadium are the Start/Finishing area, the
TV-compound, the catering pavilion „Nordic Lounge“ featuring a VIP-area, a big screen,
a stage and the spectators’ area
• The Media Centre is located adjacent to the stadium, in the “Buenda” school building,
featuring sophisticated infrastructure and work stations for more than 70 media
• Every day, the competitions are viewed by up to 17’000 on-site spectators.
DAVOS NORDIC - Videos und Trailers
TV / TV-Viewing Figures Dezember 2014
SF/tpc. produces the FIS World Cup Race reports with great efforts (approx. 80 individuals / 14 cameras) and broadcasts them live or recorded on SF zwei, TSI and TSR. ARD/ZDF alternately come with their own production crew
consisting of approx. 20 people. Other TV stations with camera teams are present.
Schweiz - SRF, 13.-14.12.2014
13.12.14 10 km Damen (SRF zwei):
13.12.14 15 km Herren (SRF zwei):
14.12.14 Sprint Damen & Herren (SRF zwei):
Zuschauer 64’341
22.781 %
28.283 %
16.575 %
Schweiz - SRF, 20.-21.12.2014
20.12.14 10 km Damen (SRF info):
20.12.14 15 km Herren (SRF zwei):
21.12.14 Sprint Damen & Herren (SRF zwei):
Zuschauer 9’854
3.051 %
25.425 %
25.057 %
Accredited Media - Dezember 2014
Total Media repersentatives (without TV-Stations)
Photographers 182
From a practising race to the World Cup…
The “Flüela-slope”, which is cut out for racing events, was established in the course of the Davos cross-country slopes
extension. It splendidly passed its qualification in 1972 during the Swiss Junior Championships. Leonhard Beeli, attendant head of the cross-country ski department of SSV (Swiss Ski Federation), and his trainer, Lennart Olsson, came
to appreciate the quality of the facility as well as the organisation. Already in the following year, they held a training
week with the national team in Davos. At this opportunity, these experts encouraged Heini Conrad to arrange for a
When the Swiss national team was again training in Davos in 1974, four Norwegians, two Swedish as well as the German
Junior World Champion Georg Zipfel joined in. It was then that the Davos initiators, with agreement of SSV, decided
to hold a „Race upon Invitation“. 24 Swiss athletes from training units I to IV received the opportunity to contest
seven designated foreign athletes in a race. On December 22nd, 31 competitors took off to a 15 km run consisting
of two 7.5 km long laps. The attempt was rewarded with a huge popular success. Around 8000 spectators witnessed
the Swede Thomas Magnusson triumphing, followed by the Norwegians Martinsen, Braa and Formo. As for the junior
category, the Swede Thomas Wassberg, a future super-champion, was the one to excel. The media reported in detail
on the successful event, athletes and spectators were thrilled. Therewith, the ice was broken. In 1975, Leonhard Beeli
and Lennart Olsson assured their support for a professionally organised execution, lead by Enrico Giacometti, President of the organising committee, and Heinrich Conrad, technical section leader. Some of the Nations still appeared
a bit reserved, thus 44 athletes were going to compete. Magnusson won again as in the previous year, while the
Norwegian team won the relay, followed by the surprising Swiss.
For the first time, a television broadcasting service was present. Same as in 1975, the third execution of the race was
rated in the “off-the-record World Cup”. This time, 86 athletes from 11 different Nations participated. With this third
successful execution, it was clear that the International Cross- Country Skiing Days were meant to become tradition.
In 1979, the programme was expanded with a Women’s competition. In 1980, the single race was granted the status
of an Official World Cup Race. Five TV- and seven radio broadcasting services reported the event in collaboration with
75 journalists. Davos had made it!
A first, real Highlight took place in 1984 when 136 men and 91 women from 17 different Nations participated and
all of the four races were officially rated in the World Cup. From then on, the World Cup established itself with few
interruptions and the World Elite is present in Davos on a yearly basis. The organisation has not rested on its laurels
but has adjusted to the continuously changing and increasing requirements. Adjusting to the new technic required
a rede-sign of the race courses, which was assured in 1997 by a positive referendum regarding an extension and
the production of artificial snow for the Davos cross-country slope network. «Davos Nordic» – as the international
cross-country skiing days are now called – has emerged as a Top-Event. The fantastic images shown on television, the
fascinating competitions, the media response as well as the high number of spectators strongly enhance the reputation of Davos as a Winter Sports Resort.*
*Text excerpts from «100 Jahre Ski Club Davos» by Karl Erb
DAVOS NORDIC – Then and Now
In the past 5 years, DAVOS NORDIC has advanced further and made important progress. The stadium, the courses as well
as the whole infrastructure were continually expanded and optimized in collaboration with the FIS and Swiss Ski. This is
why today, DAVOS NORDIC justifiably claims to have reached, or even set, international standards!
SwissTopSport has also come to appreciate this fact and therefore has, in 2010, accepted DAVOS NORDIC to the association of the most important sports events in Switzerland! From 2009 to 2010, the number of on-site spectators increased by approx. 20%. From 2010 to 2011 another increase of again approx. 50% to now around 17‘000 people was
recorded. Beside the attractive supporting programme, excellent Catering-Services and a grandstand in the stadium, the
outstanding achievements of the Swiss Ski athletes incl. Dario Cologna & Co. have likewise contributed to this positive
For many years now, Davos has not only served as training location – but also as a place of residence for the majority of
the Swiss National Team. In 2009, it was made the National Swiss Ski High Performance Centre for Cross-country skiing.
Coaches and athletes feel very well looked after and find perfect training conditions year round. Even so in fall, when already a few hundred metres of slopes are provided in the Flüela valley which can be prepared thanks to the snow farming
project of the Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF) and the Davos Community Services. Even international
athletes such as the Swede Emil Jönsson have made Davos their place of residence. The thought of relocating to Davos
is also haunting Peter Northug (NOR).
The development of our event naturally brings about responsibility for environmental and sustainability issues. To encourage
the use of public transportation, the special offer ‚single for return‘ was launched in collaboration with the Rhaetian Railway
(RhB) and Post Buses Graubünden. Thus, spectators travelling to and from the cross-country skiing World Cup only need to
buy a single fare ticket. Further pursuits take place in the section of waste separation as well as for the catering services in general (reusable dishes etc.). With, a Swiss Olympic organisation, additional measures are proofed and implemented.
What has hardly changed in the last 30 years is the amount of voluntary work and the immense manpower which the organising committee and its partners put in during the last few weeks be-fore the races. Even though Davos is known as a snow-sure
area, the natural amounts of snow have not always been sufficient for the races to be carried out. Already in 1982, snow had
to be brought to the Bünda terrain from the Flüela valley – nowadays, the snow guns and a more up-to-date ma-chinery help…
Never yet were the races cancelled!
Swiss Federal Council member Ueli Maurer, Head of the Federal Department
of Defence Civil Protection and Sport
«It is the most important event of its kind in Switzerland. DAVOS NORDIC is widely broadcasted in
„Nordic Ski Sports“ countries and therefore popularizes Switzerland and Davos. It is the Swiss Nordic Ski
Sports Event par excellence. A reservoir of young athletes is established since they all strive to compete
in Davos one day.»
Jürg Capol, FIS Cross-Country skiing race director (until 2012) / FIS Marketing AG
«Many of the members of the Davos World Cup organising committee are friends of mine and I
know that I can rely on them 100 % and that, every year, they do everything possible to create a fantastic World Cup event. We have been very demanding in the past years, the organising committee
came up with solutions and the event has made progress accordingly. The World Cup event in Davos
belongs to the yearly FIS calendar and is very popular with many teams. Davos features extraordinary
Dario Cologna, Double Olympic champion in Sochi 2014, Triple overall World Cup
Winner, World Champion and Athlete of the Year 2013
«To me, DAVOS NORDIC is one of the most important competitions in the season, because I present
myself in front of a local audience in my adopted home town. When, after the general qualification
for university entrance, I committed myself to sports, I decided on Davos because here, I find excellent
training conditions and infrastructure year-round. The fact that cross-country skiing is of such great
interest in Davos is strongly connected to Davos Nordic and this is only favourable to us top athletes..»
Hippolyt Kempf, Swiss-Ski Head of the Cross-country skiing division
«DAVOS NORDIC 2011 has made a further step in the direction of a professional event that meets or
even exceeds international standards. DAVOS NORDIC has become the international business card of
Swiss Cross-country skiing.“»
Björn Daehlie, the most successful winter sports athlete of all times
«Davos is and always was something special for me, because here my dream came true. I was participating
for the first time when I was 19 years old and it was my start as an international racer against stars like
Gunde Svan and Thomas Wassberg. Ever since, Davos has played an important role in my training and
preparation for international championships. Since 1987 I came to Davos every year and for me it is a place
to rest and mentally prepare in a fantastic surrounding cross-country wise. The weather, the landscape
and the blue sky are a fantastic combination. To be here now after my career and work with kids in this
Kids Race has another dimension: It is important that we also think of the future and hopefully can have
the same fun and joy as I had as a boy. I hope this can motivate young Swiss skiers to become new “Dario
Peter Minder, President Verein Freunde der Schweizer Nationalmannschaft
«Davos Nordic has become a constant in the World Cup programme of FIS Nordic because from the athletes and technicians point of view the most important requirements are fulfilled. Part of these requirements
from a sporty aspect are the slope in the wild romantic Flüela valley, peppered with technical challenges
which prove technic and tactics meaningfully and lead to dramatic contests. The Davos infrastructure
offers such excellent possibilities for the world’s top cross country skiers, that teams featuring world-class
athletes hold their training camps here. Compared to all interna-tional World Cup venues, I would unhesitantly put Davos on the podium.»
Trix Heberlein, President of the Association of Friends of the Swiss National Team
«Being President of the Association of Friends of the Swiss National Team, means the tradition of Davos
Nordic plays a very special role to me. The always perfectly organised races at the beginning of the season
in Davos offer our top-athletes as well as our young athletes a unique opportunity to compete with the
world’s best cross-country skiers. The huge media exposure opens up invaluable advertising possibilities
for cross-country skiing, Davos and our country.»
Men’s Winner Ranking from 1980
1980 15 km WC
Beljajev Evgeny, SOV
3 x 10 km
15 kmKirvesniemi Harri, FIN3 x 10 kmSOV
1982 15 km WC
Mikkelsplass P.G., NOR
3 x 10 km
15 kmSimjatov Nikolaj, SOV
1984 30 km WC
Aunli Ove, NOR
4 x 10 km WC
15 kmGrünenfelder Andi, SUI3 x 10 kmNOR
1986 30 km C WC Eriksson Thomas, SWE
4 x 10 km F WC
15 km C WC
Svan Gunde, SWE
---(nur Damen-Rennen)
15 km C AC
Bauroth Holger, DDR
1990 15 km C WC Smirnov Vladimir, SOV
4 x 10 km F WC
1991 15 km F/C AC Deviatiarov Michail, SOV (Verfolgungsstart)
1992 15 km F/C AC Alsgard Thomas, NOR (Verfolgungsstart)
1993 15 km F WC
Dählie Björn, NOR
4 x 10 km C WC
1994 --- AC
1995 30 km C WC Dählie Björn, NOR
4 x 10 km C WC
1996 10 km C WC Myllyla Mika, FIN
4 x 10 km C WC
1997 30 km C WC Dählie Björn, NOR
1998 30 km C WC Dählie Björn, NOR
4 x 10 km C WC
1999 30 km C WC Estil Frode, NOR
4 x 10 km C WC
2000 30 km C WC Myllylae Mika, FIN
2001 15 km C WC Jevne Erling, NOR
4 x 10 km WC
2002 15 km C WC Tore Bjonviken, NOR
4 x 10 km WC
2003 15 km C WC Veerpalu Andrus, EST
4 x 10 km WC
2004 15 km COC
Huard Anael, FRA
10 km COC
Chauvet Benito, FRA
2006 Sprint WC
Lind Björn, SWE
15 km C WC
Svartedal Jens Arne, NOR
2007 15 km F WC
Livers Toni, SUI
15 km F WC
Vittoz Vincent, FRA
4 x 10 km WC
2008 Sprint F WC
Hattestad Ola Vigen, NOR
15 km C WC
Olsson Johan, SWE
2009 15 km F WC
Heikkinen Matti, FIN
Sprint F WC
Dahl John Kristian, NOR
2010 15 km C WC Poltaranin Alexey, KAZ
Sprint F WC
Joensson Emil, SWE
2011 30 km F WC
Northug Petter, NOR
Sprint F WC
Petukhov Alexey, RUS
2013 15 km F WC
Olsonn Johann, SWE
Sprint C WC
Poltoranin Alexey, KAZ
2013 30 km F WC
Manificat Maurice, FRA
Sprint F WC
Gloeersen Anders, NOR
2014 15 km C WC Sundby Martin Johnsrud, NOR
Sprint F WC
Krogh Finn Haagen, NOR
2014 15 km F WC
Gloeersen Anders, NOR
Spirnt F WC
Pellegrino Federico, ITA
w w w. d a v o s n o r d i c . c h
Women’s Winner Ranking from 1980
1980 5 km WC
Aunli Berit, NOR
3 x 5 km
5 kmSmetanina Raissa, SOV3 x 5 kmTCH
5 kmPettersen Brit, NOR3 x 5 kmNOR
5 kmBoe Anette, NOR
1984 10 km WC
Aunli Berit, NOR
4 x 5 km WC
1985 5 km
Opitz Simone, DDR
3 x 5 km
1986 5 km C
Smetanina Raissa, SOV
3 x 5 km F
---(nur Herren-Rennen)
1988 10 km C WC Shamshurina Yulia, SOV
4 x 5 km F WC
5 km C AC
Wezel Heike, DDR
1990 5 km C WC
Välbe Elena, SOV
4 x 5 km F WC
5 km F/C AC
Gavriljuk Nina, SOV (Verfolgungsstart)
1992 5 km F/C AC Myklebust Marianne, NOR (Verfolgungsstart)
10 km F WC
Välbe Elena, RUS
--- ACAbgesagt
1995 5 km F WC
Välbe Elena, RUS
10 km C/V WC
Egorova L.
1996 10 km C WC Belmondo Stefania, ITA
4 x 5 km C WC
15 km C WC
Välbe Elena, RUS
1998 15 km C WC Danilova Olga, RUS
4 x 5 km C WC
1999 15 km C WC Danilova Olga, RUS
4 x 5 km C WC
15 km C WC
Tchepalova Julija, RUS
2001 10 km C WC Skari Bente, NOR
4 x 5 C/F WC
2002 10 km C WC Skari Bente, NOR
4 x 5 C/F WC
2003 10 km C WC Shevchenko Val., UKR
4 x 5 C/F WC
2004 10 km COC
Rocheva Olga, RUS
5 km COC
Sidko Alena, RUS
2006 Sprint WC
Dahlberg Anna, SWE
10 km C WC
Kuitunen Virpi, FIN
2007 10 km F WC
Kuitunen Virpi, FIN
4 x 5 km WC
2008 Sprint F WC
Majdic Petra, SLO
10 km C WC
Kuitunen Virpi, FIN
2009 10 km F WC
Khazova Irina, RUS
Sprint F WC
Majdic Petra, SLO
2010 10 km C WC Bjoergen Marit, NOR
Sprint F WC
Bjoergen Marit, NOR
2011 15 km F WC
Bjoergen Marit, NOR
Sprint F WC
Randall Kikkan, USA
2013 10 km F WC
Johaug Therese, NOR
Sprint C WC
Kowalczyk Justyna, POL
2013 15 km F WC
Björgen Marit, NOR
Sprint F WC
Björgen Marit, NOR
2014 10 km C WC Johaug Therese, NOR
Sprint F WC
Oestberg Ingwild Flugstad, NOR
2014 10 km F WC
Björgen Marit, NOR
Sprint F WC
Björgen Marit, NOR
w w w. d a v o s n o r d i c . c h
ORGANISING-COMMITEE Iseppi Adriano President
Branschi RetoVice President
Matthey OlivierRace-Director
Gruber Norbert
Construction / Stadium Organisation
Comps Nicole
Head-Office & Marketing
Cyprian Sutter Media
Galliker RosarioCatering
Naef RalfInstallations
Rauch MenEnvironment/Sustainability
Ruosch DanielaSide-Events & Voluntaries
Arioli MarcelStyle-/Competition Checking
Filli MarioKids-Event (construction)
Kindschi AndréConstruction / Army
Kistler WalterMedical Services
Krummenacher Edi
Vice-Course Director
Matthey ClaudeVice-Director Competition
Mori Renata Kids-Event (organisation)
Neff HansCompetition Administration
Putzi WernerCourse Preparations
Schärrer Peter
Time Measurement / Data Processing
Schmutz BettinaAccomodation
Wenger JohnyCourse Director
Wild MichiWaxing Pavilion
w w w. d a v o s n o r d i c . c h
FIS Calendar
Davos is listed as following in the FIS Calender Cross-Country:
Season15/16 12./13. December 2015
Season 16/17 10./11. December 2016
Season 17/18 09./10. December 2017
w w w. d a v o s n o r d i c . c h
If you have any questions feel free to contact us:
Cyprian Sutter, Medien & Unterkunft
Nicole Comps, Head-Office & Sponsoring
Tel. +41 (0)81 415 21 18
Tel. +41 (0)81 415 21 56
Ski Club Davos Weltcup - DAVOS NORDIC
Talstrasse 41
CH-7270 Davos Platz
Tel. +41 (0)81 415 21 56
Fax +41 (0)81 415 21 58 /