16.10 MB Geologic Map of the Sierra Bacha, Coastal Sonora, Mexico
16.10 MB Geologic Map of the Sierra Bacha, Coastal Sonora, Mexico
GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE SIERRA BACHA, COASTAL SONORA, MEXICO 112°30'0"W 0.5 4 1 5 KILOMETERS 3 MILES 2 CONTOUR INTERVAL: 20 METERS Nor th 3 M 30°N 1 20°N e x ic o 360000 358000 364000 19 200 374000 376000 112°15'0"W 378000 3284000 29°0'0"N 3282000 29°40'0"N ¹ ¹ D D D D D ¢ 3274000 0 29°35'0"N D D ¤ D D D ¢ ¢ 3270000 D D Ta1 @ 30 i 400 0 PO i ZO @ @ 0 73 CO YO TE FA @ UL QTg Kt T  Mzc approximate strike and dip direction Tba Tc2 horizontal bedding eutaxitic foliation vertical eutaxitic foliation metamorphic foliation Ttd vertical metamorphic foliation strike and dip of fault vertical fault strike and dip of minor fault; arrow shows trend of kinematic indicator and direction of hanging wall transport Tb3 Tr2 joint @ ¢S Tc2 Tc2 Kgd 358000 362000 360000 364000 112°25'0"W 366000 368000 370000 372000 112°20'0"W na Tc3 374000 TUFF OF DESEMBOQUE - Pink to white, welded rhyolite ash-flow tuff. The base is characterized by a 0.5- to 1-mthick, discontinuous, porphyritic black vitrophyre overlain by a 5-m-thick pink, ashy crystal-rich zone; both of these ones contain abundant euhedral phenocrysts (plagioclase > quartz > biotite > alkali feldspar). The base grades upward into a 10- to 15-m-thick, moderately to densely welded zone with abundant 4- to 12-cm-long yellow pumice fiamé and 10-15% phenocrysts (feldspar > biotite ≈ quartz). The upper 30 m show extensive vapor phase alteration and abundant quartz-filled spherules in a pink groundmass that decrease in abundance upsection. The uppermost part of the unit is gray to white and not welded. Gastil and Krummenacher (1977) determined an age of 10.4 ± 0.2 Ma [K-Ar] for this unit, which they report as an unnamed rhyolite tuff (their sample S2G-114A). Total unit thickness is 40 to 50 m. Thick sequence of dark purple to black, aphanitic vesicular basalt flows with only up to 1-2% plagioclase phenocrysts in a glassy groundmass. Total exposed thickness up to 1100 m. Gray to light purple, aphanitic rhyolite lava flows. Gray lenses with glassy or frothy textures create a locally welldefined flow foliation. Secondary quartz precipitation along foliation is pervasive in some locations. This resistant unit consists of one or two 60- to 90-m-thick flows. The base of each flow contains a unique pink to red to white ash-fall tuff below a discontinuous 1- to 3-m-thick, greenish-black vitrophyre. An unpublished age of 11.7 ± 0.2 Ma [Ar/Ar] has been determined for this unit (A. Iriondo, personal communication, 2011). Total unit thickness is up to 240 m. paved highway Black, glassy, plagioclase-phyric basalt flows with up to 10% phenocrysts (plagioclase > orthopyroxene >> amphibole) and cindery pyroclastic breccias up to 5 m thick. Individual flows are typically 10 to 20 m thick. Total unit thickness is up to 210 m. Tst Well-laminated lithic tuff and tuffaceous sandstone with yellow to white to light green pumice and dark volcanic lithics in a yellow ashy matrix. Individual beds are 30 to 100 cm thick and show normal grading of pumice and lithics. Total unit thickness is up to 25 m. 10.4 ± 0.2 [K-Ar] radiometric age (± 2σ error) in Ma; isotopic system in brackets -J Td3 Kt Ta3 ec o Qal Td2 Kt @ @ 356000 Stratified to massive, pebbly sandstone to sandy pebble conglomerate and interbedded pebble-cobble conglomerate. Heterolithic clast assemblage includes andesite, dacite, basalt, rhyolite, and granitic and metamorphic basement lithologies. In the western Cerro Colorado, this unit shows locally well-developed planar stratification and mixed matrix- and clast-support in 5- to 15-cm-thick, and mostly subangular to subrounded intermediate volcanic clasts with less common basement clasts and outsized boulders up to 35 cm in diameter. In the Lomas Ona-Jeco (southeastern map area), this unit is mostly massive with local planar stratification of 20- to 50-cm-thick bedsets defined by variations in grain size. This unit is interpreted to be pre-kinematic based on its consistent dip with underlying units throughout the study area. The Tuff of Desemboque (Ttd, 10.4 Ma) is interbedded in the upper part of this unit. Total unit thickness is up to 350 m. Tb2 400 Ttd 354000 112°30'0"W BASALT OF ARIVAIPA - Horizontal to sub-horizontal, 10- to 15-m-thick basalt flows containing plagioclase microphenocrysts in a fine-grained aphanitic groundmass consisting of plagioclase >> olivine ≈ pyroxene ≈ magnetite. Individual flows contain a 1- to 3-m-thick red to black basal flow breccia, vesicular upper and lower contacts, and well-defined vertical joints with 0.5 m-spacing. Gastil and Krummenacher (1977) obtained a radiometric age of 6.4 ± 1.9 Ma [K-Ar] for this unit where it dips shallowly to the northeast in the Cerro Prieta above an angular unconformity with older late Miocene volcanic strata. Maximum exposed thickness is 90 m. Ta4 29°30'0"N S ¢ @ Mostly massive, moderately sorted, volcaniclastic, pebble-cobble conglomerate and interbedded pebbly sandstone. This unit has mixed matrix- and clast-support and rare boulders up to 50 cm in diameter. The clast assemblage is heterolithic with angular to subrounded volcanic and basement clasts in a grussy, red sand matrix. This unit is characterized by bedding dips that decrease systematically up-section from about 39° to 0°, which is best exposed in the hanging wall of the concealed Noriega fault just east of the Cerro Pelón. In addition to the fanning dips, this unit has a significantly higher percentage of tonalite, metasedimentary, and metavolcanic clasts which further distinguish it from Tc2. dike LT O Qal Tcf Kgd as Dissected, subhorizontally stratified pebbly sandstone and clast-supported sandy pebble conglomerate with local primary dip of up to 8° in the eastern Sierra Tordilla. Gravel fraction consists of mostly subangular to rounded pebbles, sparse cobbles, and rare boulders up to 90 cm in diameter. Bedsets are 7 to 35 cm thick and defined by mostly massive, clast-supported, pebble-rich beds lacking sedimentary structures except rare channel scour and upper plane-bed stratification. The clast assemblage is polymict consisting of volcanic (56%) and granitic and metamorphic clasts (44%). This unit is interpreted as widespread, locally derived debris flows and alluvium that cover and obscure older pre- and syn-extensional strata. Maximum exposed thickness is approximately 160 m. Light gray-purple, rubbly, vesicular basaltic-andesite lava flow with up to 10-20% altered red pyroxene phenocrysts. This unit only occurs in the Cerro Prieta. Total unit thickness is 45 m. U FA @  Tc3 QTg A 56 200 Ttd @ m 0 @ Kgd Qal QTg Trp G Tc2 o 58 50 approximate strike and dip of bedding 0 IE @ Ttd 30 R 58 Tc2 41 Lo O Tb2 30 N Ttd Tc2 Kgd @ 60 @ Kt o o15 ¹ Mzs 9 3266000 Tc3 52 54 Kt Qc Unconsolidated gravel colluvium consisting of pebbles to boulders of variegated volcanic clasts, except in the Cerro Las Burras and Cerro Prieta where clasts are only basalt. Typically confined to slopes near steep topography. strike and dip of inclined bedding 200 Kt 59 Qal Unconsolidated sand and gravel alluvium settlement ¹oo Kt intermediate dike (dashed where inferred) unimproved dirt road Qal 376000 378000 Gray trachydacite lava flows containing 10-15% altered phenocrysts (plagioclase > alkali feldspar ≈ amphibole >> apatite). Exposures of this unit are rare and discontinuous in the central and eastern study area. Total unit thickness is up to 430 m. Black, aphanitic basaltic-andesite lava flows containing rare lath-shaped plagioclase phenocrysts up to 2 mm long and vesicles commonly filled with white or yellow zeolite. Microlitic groundmass consists of plagioclase and altered pyroxene; no olivine is observed. This unit is well exposed ~3 km south of Pozo Coyote where it is intercalated with 2- to 3-m-thick red tuffaceous sandstones and pyroclastic breccias. An isochron age of 11.76 ± 0.08 Ma [Ar/Ar] was determined for this unit (Darin, 2011). Total unit thickness is up to 240 m. Cerro Colorado Rio San Ignacio SW 1000 ? 500 Kt Ttc Kt Z PO O Ta2 CO T YO E Qal Ttsi Ttsi QTg Qal Td2 Td1 Ta2 Ta2 Ta1 Ta1 FA Tst Td1 Tba QTg Qal Qal Td2 Tc3? Ttsi Ta1 T UL Kt ? Tb3 Tc3? Tba? QTg Qc Qsi Ta1 Td1 Kt ? Kt? Tdt? Tr? LI BE AD T R LT U FA Qal Ttsi Tdt Tr? Tb3 Tb3 Tta Qal Tta? ? Ttsi? Tdt? Kt? Qal 0 SEA LEVEL Tb3 Lewis, C.J., 1994, Constraints on extension in the Gulf extensional province from the Sierra San Fermín, northeastern Baja California, Mexico [Ph.D. thesis]: Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University, 361 p. ? -500 -1000 ? ? Oskin, M., and Stock, J., 2003a, Pacific-North America plate motion and opening of the Upper Delfin Basin, northern Gulf of California, Mexico: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 115, p. 1173-1190. Oskin, M., and Stock, J., 2003b, Cenozoic volcanism and tectonics of the continental margins of the Upper Delfín basin, northeastern Baja California and western Sonora, in Johnson, S.E., Paterson, S.R., Fletcher, J.M., Girty, G.H., Kimbrough, D.L., Tr? Kt? Gastil, R.G., Krummenacher, D., Doupont, J., and Bushee, J., 1974, The batholith belt of southern California and western Mexico: Pacific Geology, v. 8, p. 73-78. ? -1500 and Martín-Barajas, A., eds., Tectonic evolution of northwestern Mexico and the southwestern USA: Geological Society of America Special Paper 374, p. 421-428. Oskin, M., Stock, J., and Martín-Barajas, A., 2001, Rapid localization of Pacific-North America plate motion in the Gulf of California: Geology, v. 29, no. 5, p. 459-462. Oskin, M.E., 2002, Tectonic evolution of the northern Gulf of California deduced from conjugate rifted margins of the Upper Delfín Basin [Ph.D. thesis]: Pasedena, California, California Institute of Technology, 481 p. Ramos-Velázquez, E., Calmus, T., Valencia, V., Iriondo, A., Valencia-Moreno, M., and Bellon, H., 2008, U-Pb and (40)Ar/(39)Ar geochronology of the coastal Sonora batholith: New insights on Laramide continental arc magmatism: Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Geológicas, v. 25, no. 2, p. 314-333. -2000 Ta1 Ttc Tr Trb Tbu Tss Tcu Tru Ttu Tcf Kg Kgd Kt Kd Mzs Mzv Mzc Purple, aphyric peraluminous trachyandesite flows containing 1 to 2% microlitic plagioclase and probable pyroxene in an aphanitic groundmass. Some flows contain a 1- to 2-m-thick red basal flow breccia. Dikes of similar composition and agglomeritic breccia zones are common in the southwesternmost Cerro Colorado. A similar aphyric andesite flow is also observed just west of the Cerro Pelón in the hanging wall strata of the Bacha fault. Total unit thickness is up to 330 m. Gray to purple, plagioclase-phyric, peraluminous vesicular basaltic-trachyandesite lava flows. Locally abundant vesicles are commonly filled with white to yellow zeolite. Exposures are typically weathered and rubbly. The age of this unit is partly constrained by the interbedded Tuff of Cerro Colorado (Ttc, 14.5 Ma). Total unit thickness is up to 290 m. TUFF OF CERRO COLORADO - Yellow to red, crystal-lithic rhyolite tuff. This unit either directly overlies the basement nonconformity or is interbedded within Ta1 throughout most of the Cerro Colorado. The base contains a 2to 8-m-thick, yellow to orange, nonwelded member with yellow, red, and purple tephra and subangular volcanic lithics, grading upward into a brick-red, partially welded crystal-lithic tuff with up to 5% yellow and gray pumice and up to 10% phenocrysts (quartz > feldspar). Locally this unit contains multiple cooling units several meters thick and/or a purple densely welded upper member with significantly less pumice and smaller lithic fragments. The uppermost welded members form resistant ridges flanked by colorful talus slopes on both sides. A maximum eruption age of 14.5 ± 0.3 Ma [U-Pb] has been determined for this unit (Darin, 2011). Total unit thickness is 10 to 40 m. Gray to light purple rhyodacite flows (Tr) with 5 to 15% phenocrysts (quartz > plagioclase >> biotite) and compositionally similar rhyolitic breccias (Trb) found only in the Cerro Las Burras. Total unit thickness is up to 1100 m. Thin, discontinuous exposures of indurated, glassy basalt flows. Some flows have an aphanitic texture while others contain up to 10% phenocrysts, including altered olivine, pyroxene, and less common plagioclase. Total unit thickness is up to 60 m. Red to orange, massive to laminated, fine- to coarse-grained sandstone consisting of moderately sorted, subangular to subrounded grains of quartz >> alkali feldspar ≈ biotite, and up to 10% red lapilli locally. Overall grussy composition resembling the underlying granitic basement units. Typically found in depositional contact with Mesozoic basement units or intercalated with Ta1. Typical unit thickness is 1 to 3 m, with a maximum of 15 m. Undifferentiated conglomerate (Tcu), rhyolite lava- and ash-flows (Tru), and rhyolite ash-fall tuffs (Ttu). Ttu is yellow to white to pink, nonwelded to welded, thinly laminated tuffs with an ashy, quartz-rich matrix, volcanic lithics, and up to 10% euhedral phenocrysts of plagioclase, biotite, quartz, and sanidine. Individual tuffs are up to 20 m thick. Well-stratified, clast-supported pebble-cobble conglomerate and interbedded pebbly sandstone. Conglomerate beds contain a white to red granular, grussy matrix and sparse boulders up to 60 cm in diameter. Well to very well rounded clasts include quartzite, tonalite, chert, limestone, and various metamorphic lithologies along with subordinate volcanic clasts. This unit is correlated with the distinctive conglomerate unit of Gastil et al. (1973) and Bryant (1986) based on the exotic clast assemblage, the presence of similarly unique Permian limestone clasts containing fusulinid and gastropod fossils, and proximity to previously mapped outcrops along strike to the southeast in the Sierra Seri (Gastil & Krummenacher, 1976). Correlatable outcrops in Baja California are overlain by and intercalated with volcanic flows as old as ca. 20-21 Ma (Lewis, 1994; Stock, 1989); additional stratigraphic constraints on Baja (e.g., Dorsey & Burns, 1994; Oskin & Stock, 2003b) suggest an Oligocene to middle Miocene age for this unit. Medium- to coarse-grained tonalite (Kt), granodiorite (Kgd), granite (Kg), and quartz diorite (Kd). Kt is composed of plagioclase > quartz > biotite >> alkali feldspar, and contains locally abundant metasedimentary enclaves typical of S-type granites formed from sedimentary protoliths. Kgd is composed of plagioclase > quartz > alkali feldspar ≈ biotite. Kg contains microcline megacrysts up to 3 cm in length and quartz > alkali feldspar >> biotite ≈ plagioclase; it is only found in the central study area as 10- to 30-m-thick dikes and a single concentric pluton that forms a prominent peak in the Cerro Pelón, where cross-cutting relationships and the presence of tonalite xenoliths within Kg indicate that it postdates emplacement of Kt. Kd consists of fine- to medium-grained quartz diorite containing plagioclase > amphibole ≈ biotite > quartz ± orthopyroxene; it is only present as a single intrusion in the Sierra Tordilla. A Late Cretaceous age has been assigned to these units based on radiomentric ages from proximal areas with similar lithologies representing the coastal Sonora batholith (Gastil et al., 1974; Gastil and Krummenacher, 1977; Ramos-Velázquez et al., 2008). Mostly black to gray, low-grade hornfels facies metasedimentary rocks (Mzs) with a coarse-grained to granular texture and abundant primary quartz and secondary muscovite. Metavolcanics (Mzv) include dense, glassy black basalt and andesite(?) flows commonly containing plagioclase and amphibole phenocrysts and showing a streaky black and white schistosity locally. Metacarbonates (Mzc) consist primarily of 5- to 25-cm-thick beds of low-grade meta-limestone and intercalated calcite-cemented sandstone; this unit contains 1- to 3-cm-long unidentified, fragmentary, silicified fossils(?) with both cylindrical and 4- to 6-sided prismatic/angular forms that are very rare, but locally abundant in densely packed layers up to 10 cm thick (29.52353°N, 112.31983°W). Low-grade metamorphism is likely the result of contact metamorphism during emplacement of the Late Cretaceous coastal Sonora batholith (Ramos-Velázquez et al., 2008); protolith ages are inferred to be Mesozoic, although older ages are possible. Very fine-grained quartzite. Outcrops are usually weathered and rubbly. Only exposed in one locality, just southwest of Pozo Coyote. This lithology is not observed elsewhere in Mesozoic strata of Sonora, leading some to interpret it as an unusual facies of Paleozoic strata west of the miogeoclinal margin (Gastil and Krummenacher, 1977; Stewart and Poole, 2002). *Petrologic descriptions of volcanic units are based on a combination of whole-rock geochemical analysis, petrography, and texture. Geochemical data are presented in Darin (2011). Dorsey, R.J., and Burns, B., 1994, Regional stratigraphy, sedimentology, and tectonic significance of Oligocene-Miocene sedimentary and volcanic rocks, northern Baja California, Mexico: Sedimentary Geology, v. 88, no. 3-4, p. 231-251. Gastil, R.G., Lemone, D.V., and Stewart, W.J., 1973, Permian fusulinids from near San Felipe, Baja California: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 57, no. 4, p. 746-747. ? ? Kt Ta2 Porphyritic dacite lava flows with abundant diagnostic euhedral plagioclase phenocrysts (10 to 20%) up to 6 mm long, sub- to euhedral biotite (2 to 5%) and quartz (2 to 5%) phenocrysts in a gray to red groundmass. Locally exposed basal flow breccias are up to 3 m thick. Intercalated with Tdt in the Sierra Bacha and Sierra Tordilla. Total unit thickness is up to 270 m. Gastil, R.G., and Krummenacher, D., 1977, Reconnaissance geology of coastal Sonora between Puerto Lobos and Bahía Kino: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 88, p. 189-198. 500 ? C BA HA FA Tdf Monolithologic, lithic-rich dacite tuffs with subordinate interbedded tuff breccias and dacite lava flows (Tdf). Tuffs and breccias have a nearly homogeneous composition of porphyritic dacite (Tdf) clasts. The matrix is ashy and varies from yellow, orange, and white to pink. Outcrops are typically hard and non-friable. This unit is interpreted as a proximal to medial dacite stratovolcano facies. Typical unit thickness is 100 to 200 m, with a maximum of 660 m. Darin, M.H., 2011, Late Miocene extensional deformation in the Sierra Bacha, coastal Sonora, Mexico: Implications for the kinematic evolution of the proto-Gulf of California [M.S. Thesis]: Eugene, Oregon, University of Oregon, 95 p. 1000 Tr2 i Kt T UL Td2 Td1 Tst s Tt ELEVATION (meters above sea level) T UL Tdt Bryant, B.A., 1986, Geology of the Sierra Santa Rosa Basin, Baja California, Mexico [M.S. thesis]: San Diego, California, San Diego State University, 75 p. NE ? Kt Ttsi Ta2 Ta3 Tr2 ? -1500 Tss Qal Mzs Tss Tb3 Tb1 2 Ta -1000 FA I R SE Ttc Qal A′ Rio San Ignacio 2 Td -500 Ta2 1 Ta ? Qsi Ta 1 1 Ta 0 GROUND SURFACE Qal Qal Qal Tc3 Tc1 Massive, poorly sorted, volcaniclastic pebble-cobble conglomerate and breccia with a gray, ashy matrix. This unit has a monolithologic assemblage of clasts from underlying dacite flows and tuffs (Tdf, Tdt) in the northwestern study area. Virtually all clasts are porphyritic dacite, which is diagnostic of this unit. Total unit thickness is up to 750 m. Gastil, R.G., and Krummenacher, D., 1976, Reconnaissance geologic map of coastal Sonora between Puerto Lobos and Bahía Kino: Geological Society of America Map and Chart Series MC-16, scale 1:150,000, 1 sheet. 3 Ta Tbu sf Tt Tdt Tss Tb2 Cerro Las Burras Bennett, S.E.K., Oskin, M.E., and Iriondo, A., 2013, Transtensional rifting in the proto-Gulf of California near Bahía Kino, Sonora, Mexico: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 125, p. 1752-1782. Ta2 Tss Qal Sonora Highway 003 Densely foliated rhyolite flow containing up to 5% phenocrysts (quartz ≈ sanidine > feldspar) in a pink to purple groundmass. Found only in the Cerro Colorado. Maximum unit thickness is 50 m. Pzq Bennett, S.E.K., 2013, The role of rift obliquity in formation of the Gulf of California [Ph.D. thesis]: University of California - Davis, 205 p. A Tr1 Purple to gray, aphanitic trachydacite lava flows containing up to 5% blocky sanidine and plagioclase phenocrysts and accessory pyroxene in a microlitic plagioclase groundmass. Like Td1, this unit consists of multiple 20- to 60-mthick flows with 1- to 4-m-thick red basal flow breccias in the Cerro Colorado. This unit commonly displays a welldefined 1- to 4-cm-spaced flow foliation, which helps to distinguish it from Td1. Total unit thickness is up to 330 m. REFERENCES CITED TUFF OF ARIVAIPA - Deep maroon to red, partially welded, crystal- and lithic-rich rhyolite tuff only exposed in the Cerro Las Burras. Up to 5% quartz and plagioclase phenocrysts and undeformed yellow, ashy pumice are diagnostic of this tuff. This unit contains a 1- to 4-m-thick, white to red breccia at its base, which grades upward into a partially welded lithic-rich zone containing 15% brown, red, purple, and black, subangular volcanic lithics and rare granitic xenoliths. The upper 2 to 3 m of the unit are nonwelded and contain abundant yellow and white pumice clasts with no phenocrysts. A white, discontinuous, ashy, quartz-rich layer up to 10 m thick is observed approximately 30 m below the top of the unit. Total unit thickness is 50 to 80 m. Tb1 Pink, porphyritic trachydacite lava flows containing up to 15% phenocrysts of feldspar (up to 5 mm long) and accessory quartz and biotite. Flows commonly display a non-planar, distorted flow foliation. The base of each lava flow consists of a 1- to 10-m-thick yellow ash-fall tuff, which is usually overlain by a discontinuous 1- to 3-m-thick vitrophyre. Individual flows are up to 130 m thick. Total unit thickness is up to 650 m. 380000 112°15'0"W TUFF OF SAN IGNACIO - Bright pink to white or orange, ashy, crystal-poor, spherulitic rhyolite ash-flow tuff. This unit contains uncommon cm-scale, white to pink pumice fiamé and unique subrounded to angular, vesicular, plagioclasephyric andesite lithics with an average diameter of 1 cm (max. 5 cm). Abundant 0.5- to 3-cm-diameter quartz-filled spherules and lithophysae in a pink to white, ashy groundmass are especially diagnostic of this tuff and pervasive throughout the vapor-phase alteration zone. Very rare small pumice fragments and partially dissolved potassium feldspar, quartz, and biotite phenocrysts are also observed. The base is commonly a 1- to 5-m-thick, dense black to brown vitrophyre with rare feldspar micro-phenocrysts. A 0.5- to 1.5-m-thick, orange to brown, laminated basal surge deposit in the central and southern Cerro Colorado locally contains abundant subrounded tonalite (Kt) pebbles and cobbles. The basal unit is overlain by a 5- to 8-m-thick, pink to orange, crystal- and lithic-rich welded zone with uncommon phenocrysts (quartz >> feldspar > biotite). The welded zone grades upward into a spherulitic, partially welded zone of vapor-phase alteration 10 to 30 m thick in most exposures. Internal rheomorphic flow deformation in the form of disharmonic folds and recrystallized pumice fiamé is characteristic of this unit in the Cerro Las Burras. Flow-banding is densely-spaced (<1 cm) and rheomorphism is local and irregularly distributed within the unit; pumice lineations show various degrees of deformation, with some stretched up to 30 cm long (1:50 aspect ratio). A high precision age of 12.56 ± 0.09 Ma [U-Pb] has been determined for this unit (Darin, 2011). Typical unit thickness is 20 to 40 m; maximum thickness is 350 m in the Cerro Las Burras. Indurated, glassy basalt flows containing up to 10% altered olivine and subordinate pyroxene phenocrysts. Total unit thickness is up to 40 m. improved dirt road 46 39 200 @ Unconsolidated fine- to very coarse-grained sand and minor gravel alluvium of the Rio San Ignacio @ Kg 10.4 ± 0.2 [K-Ar] Tc2 Kgd Qsi 300 Tc3 24 25 Kt Kt Tts Tdt  Tts Tdt 42 3268000 Ta2 @ S Kgd Kt 30 73 Mzs 19 Qal 3272000 D D D D D D D D S ¢ ¢ D 20 D @ D D D D D D D D D S D D D D D ¢¢ D DD D D D ¢ ¤ ¢ ¢ D D ¢ ¤ D D D D D D D DD D D ¢ D @ @ D ¢ D D @ D D @ @ @ 3276000 0 D @ A N IG N A S 20 @ LT U FA IO C 200 @ S¢ ¢¢ ¢ D D D 0 3276000 29°35'0"N3274000 ¢S S 0 20 60 200 @ SS D D @ Mzs Kt Tta felsic dike (dashed where inferred) 0 Kt p  D  D S o D D ci ¢ D na D 3282000 D Ig Qal j n 20 Ta1 14.5 ± 0.3 [U-Pb] Tss S ¹ 41 42 p Sa S 38 l o ¢ Ta1 Qal Qa Ri ¢S S D ¹ 3270000 Ttc ¢ Ttsi ¹ 3268000 ¢60 Mzv ¢ 50 77 ¨ 66 ¢71 2 Ta 0 34 o¹ o 3266000 ¦ ¨ 38 40 33 Kt Qal Mzs 112°0'0"W @ Kt e Ta1 S 38 p Qal Kt Mzs 28 29°30'0"N p 2 Td1 @ 51 TUFF OF SAN FELIPE - Maroon to brown to orange, densely welded tuff containing abundant yellow to white pumice, 10-15% anorthoclase phenocrysts, rare zoned pyroxene, and absolutely no phenocrystic quartz. Abundant flattened pumice fiamé reach lengths of up to 25 cm and form a well-defined eutaxitic foliation. Trachyte-rhyolite inclusions containing abundant alkali feldspar in a dark glassy groundmass are a common diagnostic feature of this unit. This unit is a well-documented and regionally extensive rhyolite ignimbrite exposed over an area of greater than 4,000 km² in northern Baja California and Sonora, Mexico that serves as a key stratigraphic marker and geologic tie-point across the Gulf of California (e.g., Stock et al., 1999; Oskin et al., 2001; Oskin and Stock, 2003a). Bennett et al. (2013) report a high-precision age of 12.50 ± 0.08 Ma [Ar/Ar] for this unit. It is only exposed in two localities within the study area, representing the northernmost identified outcrops of the Tuff of San Felipe on the eastern rifted margin of the Gulf of California. Northeast of El Desemboque, the unit is ~25 to 70 m thick with a thin (<1 m) discontinuous black vitrophyre. The lower densely welded, fiamé-rich member (20 to 40 m thick) grades upward into a non-welded zone with intact, undeformed pumice (5 to 30 m thick). Source: i-cubed 15m eSAT imagery, courtesy of Esri @ ¹ Td 3 Tr 2 p oS So o ¢¹ ¢ D 30 Ta1 Td Mzv Ttc 5636 38 54 ¹40 42 Ta1 Ttc Tr1 54 @ Td1 Qal Ttsi D ¢S 70 Tb3 40 @ Ta1 Ttc D Ta2 300 @ Mzv D 31 Ta2 Kt ¹ @ 75 65 55 200 ¹ o j ¹ ¹ oD jD D 79 @ Td1 @ 74 o ¹ ¹ ¹o D 3272000 @ @ 0 Ta1 75 D @ D 26 Ta1 19 78 40 km @ 20 ¹ Td1 Mzs 47 40 km ¹ e 0 o 0 D 0 o Tc2 Mzs Kt @ 27 Tc2 Ttd Mzs Td2 Tc3 Kt Kt @ j D n 30 o40 Qc 43 Kt 38 @ 0 Kt D 0 D D ló Tss QTg Td2 o 10 20 D Pe Mzs Kt Tdt Qal 26 85 @ Qal j37 QTg 57 Mzs D 30 o21 55 81 Kt 32 ¹51¹45 Qal 85 35 34 30 44 D j 71 Tdt Tcu El Desemboque ¹ 0 Kg Kt Kt o ¹ ¹D ¹ o o ¹ pp o 66 Tc3 Qc D oo ro 0 35 43 37 o 75 ¹ 30 66 D 50 o32 ¹¹o32 Td1 9 Tr2 Qal o Kt Ttd 36 Kt 26 28 S Kt 23 Tss 86 30 50 72 D Tb3 45 ¹ 4341 60 o 53 Ta1 40o o 50 ¹ Ttc Ttu o34 Ttc Tss D 60 Ta2 83 T S s Tr1 ¹ s 58 77 44 Ttsi @ er Ta1 o ¹ Kt ¹ j D 0 Tbu ¢41 50 u 39 80 Kg Kg Kt Ta2 Tb 00 Ta2 ¹ Ta2 p28 Ta1 o 40 78 o o Kg o Qal Qal @ Qal @ Qal 60 76 j D t Tss D Td 40 Qal Ta2 Ttsi 54 Ta 2 D C Ta 1 Ttsi 32 Qal Tr2 Td Ta1 2 38 Tr1 Ta1 @ Ta1 65 Tb2 Qal @ 39 o ¹ ¹¹ Mzs @ A Kt Ttsf Kt Ttsf Tbu Qsi Gulf of California Mzc o 52 82 Tss 84 Kt 0 0 o Kg Tbu Tdt 45 Mzs Ta2 @ D o45 Tba Tba Td2 ¹35 76 ¹ TstTd2 Ttu 53 65 o 41 52 ¢S 43 Qal Td1 Td1 D 20 70 39 Tr2 Ta1 ¨ 0 LT @ 77 Kt 3 ¹ ¹¹¹ ¹ U Mzs 59 Kt 60 58 34 Ttsi 38 D Kt 44 Qa 30 Kt 43 Mzc Tb2 @ @ FA 400 D ¨ Mzc Kt Tr1 Qal Ta1 Ta1 S Td2 34 Ta1 66 53 Kt I Ta2 71 @ Kt ¹40 49 Td1 54 38 D D D 0 Tb3 300 Tb3 Td2 Ta 2 l Tc3 Tdt R Ttsi 0 20 Tba p8 Td1 Td1 12.56 ± 0.09 [U-Pb] Tst 49 Qal 200 15 Ttsf SE 1 Tr2 Qal D Kt Kt Td Ta2 j ¨ Kt 10 @ Qal 76 Ttsi 47 Mzc T Qal Kt @ 35 30 D Kt 100 o 45 ¹j D Tss Ta1 DD Kt Td2 45 Ta2 Td2 D D D D Ttc Pzq UL @ 0 @ Tst D D @ Kt FA 20 Ttsi p39 Ta2 D 300 100 o 53 Tss A Qal 1 Ttsi Tb1 Ta1 Ta 1 Ta1 CH Tc1 45 Td D Kt 0 Tb2 Ta3 Tst Ta3 Td2 300Td2 52 46 18 Td1 @ Pzq ¹ 57¹4546 ¹4748 54 2 l Ta Qa Ttc 100 Ta2 4549 Tss 47 Ttsi Â15 51 Td2 j @ Tdt Td2 ¹ @ Kg 49 60 o 44 Ttsi Ta1 BA @ Ta1 Ta2 Qal Kt QTg Tc1 Ta3 Ttsi Tb1 D 51 Kt Td2 20 oD p Kt Tdt Tb2 Td1 49 ¹50 ¹42 ¹42Tst @ Ta3 QTg Tr2 36 Tr2 o p @ Kg 44 ¹43 ¹ ¹¹ Td2 p35 QTg ¹¹ ¹ 54 Tr2 D QTg 20 Td3 Qal 40 9 Tdt la 33 Qc Qal p Tc3 Tc2 Tb1 o o11 Tc1 Cerro Colorado Td2 T 20 fault, dashed where approximate, dotted where concealed, ‘?’ where queried; ball and bar on downthrown side; arrows indicate relative lateral motion Qal Tba Tba 53 Qsi @ Kt p Qal o 0 Qal UL 50 Qc Td2 0 15 11.7 ± 0.2 [Ar/Ar] Ttsi QTg Tc1 0 @ FA 20 11.76 ± 0.08 [Ar/Ar] Tdf Qal il Td3 @ Ta3 QTg Tdt Tdf 40 30 rd @ Tc1 40 o TE Tc2 Tc3 Kt 10 QTg p T Kg YO Qsi QTg @ a O Pzq lithologic contact, dashed where approximate, dotted where concealed, ‘?’ where queried QTg Td3 o 50 C 200 Qal 100 o Tdt 0 o 0 40 ¹ 20 rr Qal p Kt p @ ie QTg 60 o f Td QTg @ Tr2 ¹ QTg Qal 20 Qsi 100 f 0 S Qal Kt ¹ QTg Tdt 62 Qal 39 Tbu 400 0 Tdt Tbu Kg Tb3 Qal QTg QTg ZO Td 10 @ @ Tc2 O o 45 10 o 50 Mzs QTg 7 oo 8 Tc1 Kd @ @ Qal ¹66 Td3 P p 45 Qal @ 0 ¹¹ 0 Tb2 Tdt Kg 20 LT 20 63 20 Pozo Coyote Tr2 Tbu 60 ¹¹ U ¹ 0 34 Mzs Td1 Tba QTg Td3 Tru 100 QTg @ 54 PALEOZOIC EXPLANATION OF MAP SYMBOLS Qal 55 Td3 27 Qc 200 Tb3 Tb2 Kg Kgd Kt Kd 0 FA Tr2 66.0 Mzs Mzc Mzv Tb3 Tdt 8 Qsi @ 33.9 20 Td3 ¹55 63 Qc Td1 30 Mzs 53 QTg 500 Qal @ f Tc1 Kd Tcu S e ¢ TE Td 0 Tba? 5 ¹49¹57 ? DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS* Qal 24 @ YO o O a 20 Tr ¹ Tdt o o 10 Trb Qsi Tc2 Td1 Cretaceous Tb3 p Tc2 47 0 0 Ttsi Qal Mzs 57 Tta C h QTg Qal 53 @ c 48 ¹ Td1 Ttsi Late Cretaceous Tb3 56 26 Ttp ZO a QTg Tc1 Kt 400 100 23.0 Tcf ? TUFF OF CERRO PRIETA - Pink, densely welded trachydacite tuff with a 1- to 2-m-thick basal vitrophyre, eutaxitic foliation defined by flat recrystallized pumice fiamé, and 10 to 15% phenocrysts (sanidine > biotite > quartz). This unit bears a slight resemblance to the Tuff of San Ignacio (Ttsi) in both mineralogy and the abundance of spherules in the vapor phase alteration zones. However, this unit overlies both Td1 and Ttsi, has a higher abundance of phenocrystic quartz and biotite, and has a distinctly different bulk geochemical signature (Darin, 2011). Tbu 44 Cerro Las Burras ? 14.5 Ttc* ¹Approximate ages from timescale of Walker et al. (2012). Radiometric ages of dated units from within field area (indicated by asterisks) are italicized; see Darin (2011) for summary. 112°30'0"W ¹ Tc2 12.5 Tb3 Tdt @ Ttu Tb3 Trb Tr Qal @ 0 49 LT @ ¹57 Ta4 @ PO 30 Qal Tdf 100 Tru Trp LT B Tdf U @ Tc 2 Tc 2 ¯ ¯ 5 76 ¹ Kt FA ¹39 48 U a 47 D oD o 45 Tc1 Ttp FA D Qal A rr Tdf Tru D 0 H Tru ¹50 Trp 20 C Qal 43 Tb3 TA @ A ie 64 1 Td1 Tc 2 ER ¹ B Tdt ¹ S Tdf Td B 76 @ o53 42 34 ¹62 Tru Trp Tb3 Tru ¹ Tc1 Tdf 50 Tc2 ¹ ¹ D o 40 39 o 500 300 46 Tru 50 56 58 Tta LI A′ Tb3 S ¢ 400 46 40 Tba @ 45 @ 40 Tc2 6.4 ± 1.9 [K-Ar] ¹ ¹ ¹ 55 ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹¹ Kt o jo o Kt Tc1 0 @ Tdt 30 @ ¢ 72 Trp Tc1 0 ¹40 ¹ 20 9 ¹ 50 68 45¹ Tc2 56 ¹ 45 40 42 p43 Qc ¹ p Qal 0 p9 Tb3 Ta4 Tru Ta1 11.8 MESOZOIC Tba 0 Tdf Ttsf UNCONFORMITY 3280000 0 3 Oligocene 3 4 3278000 @ 20 p Kt 30 Qal 20 @ Qc 00 ¹ 0 o 40 Tb3 Tc2 ay 5 Paleogene @ 30 300 Tc1 Tc2 hw S D o Qc Hig 200 Qal Tc1 70 Qc ra S D D t Tc1 no Tss @ Td Cerro Prieta 46 D 61 60 oo D ¹ D D Tc2 @ S 56 46 D D So D 3284000 59 t Tdf Tdt D 47 29°40'0"N Td1 D D SS 33 Tr Trb 3 10.4 Ttd* Tb3 Tr2 Ta4 Tb2 Td3 Trp Ta3* Td2 Tru Td1 Ttp Ttu Tcu Ttsf* Ttsi* Tta Tr1 Tb1 Tdt Ta2 Miocene @ Tc1 Tdt Td 62 69 45 Tc2 Stony, purple-gray, aphanitic trachydacite lava flows with <2% altered sanidine phenocrysts and accessory pyroxene in a microlitic plagioclase groundmass. In the Cerro Colorado, this unit consists of multiple ~20- to 60-m-thick flows each containing a 1- to 4-m-thick reddish (oxidized) basal flow breccia. Individual flows are separated by 2- to 3-mthick beds of yellow to green tephra in the northern Cerro Colorado. Total unit thickness is 80 to 300 m. UNCONFORMITY Tst 0 ¹ S D Tc1 20 Qal Tba? Qal 0 0 S 40 ¹¹ 15 20 Ttp 6.4 Tba* 380000 @ 300 Kt D 3280000 372000 Tc2 Neogene 29°0'0"N Tc1 Tdt 65 Qal 3278000 112°20'0"W 370000 368000 Tc2 Mzs 200 366000 5.3 Tc1 70 Tc1 112°25'0"W 362000 2.6 ? (AT MAP CENTER, 2011) o Kt 356000 Qc UNCONFORMITY CENOZOIC PLUTONIC & METAMORPHIC ROCKS Age¹ (Ma) VOLCANIC ROCKS Tc3 29°30'0"N 112°30'0"W 354000 Qal Td1 QTg Pliocene 29°30'0"N 0 2 U.S.A. Other Geologic Maps 2 - Gastil & Krummenacher (1976) 3 - Oskin (2002) 4 - Bennett et al. (2013) 5 - Bennett (2013) Magne tic 1 True North Base map (contours & water drainage) constructed from 1:50,000 scale digital topographic maps from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico (INEGI) 0.5 2 Qsi Quaternary 40°N 120°W 10.4º SCALE 1:30,000 0 Map Area (This Study) 1 - cf. Darin (2011) SEDIMENTARY ROCKS 112°0'0"W 110°W Geology by Michael H. Darin & Rebecca J. Dorsey Datum: WGS 84 Projection: UTM Zone 12N CORRELATION OF MAP UNITS LOCATION MAP -2000 Stewart, J.H., and Poole, F.G., 2002, Inventory of Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic strata in Sonora, Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-97, 50 p. Stock, J.M., 1989, Sequence and geochronology of Miocene rocks adjacent to the Main Gulf Escarpment: Southern Valle Chico, Baja California Norte, Mexico: Geofísica Internacional, v. 28, p. 851-896. Stock, J.M., Lewis, C.J., and Nagy, E.A., 1999, The Tuff of San Felipe: an extensive middle Miocene pyroclastic flow deposit in Baja California, Mexico: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 93, no. 1-2, p. 53-74. Walker, J.D., Geissman, J.W., Bowring, S.A., and Babcock, L.E., compilers, 2012, Geologic Time Scale v. 4.0: Geological Society of America, doi: 10.1130/2012.CTS004R3C. DIGITAL MAP AND CHART SERIES DMCH021 DOI:10.1130/2014.DMCH021 Published by The Geological Society of America, Inc. 3300 Penrose Place • P.O. Box 9140 Boulder, Colorado 80301-9140 Darin, M.H., and Dorsey, R.J., compilers, 2014, Geologic map of the Sierra Bacha, coastal Sonora, Mexico: Geological Society of America Digital Map and Chart Series 21, doi:10.1130/2014.DMCH021. For permission to copy, contact editing@geosociety.org. © 2014 The Geological Society of America. All rights reserved.