ONLY ONE CITY. ONLY ONE SHOW. 2011 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board TiTle Name TiTle CompaNy Chairman daniel Schwartz CEO Schwartz & Benjamin, Inc. Vice Chairman Scott Silverstein CEO Nina Footwear President Joseph moore President&CEO FFANY Treasurer Jim issler President&CEO H.H. Brown Shoe Co., Inc. Secretary debbie King VP,DMM,Women’sShoes Bloomingdale’s andré assous President Ahhh... André Inc. rick ausick DivisionPresident,FamousFootwear Brown Shoe Company anna Bakst President,Shoes&Accessories Michael Kors Corporation Joe Brennan VP,Shoes Dillard’s Julee Butler VP,DMM,LadiesShoes Neiman Marcus Vince Camuto Chairman&CEO Camuto Group Greg Connors President White Mountain ron Fromm Chairman&CEO Brown Shoe Company Blake Krueger Chairman,CEO&President Wolverine World Wide, Inc. Steve madden Founder,Creative&DesignChief Steve Madden Tracy margolies VP,DMM,Women’sShoes Saks Fifth Avenue dave mcTague CEO Cole Haan Scott meden EVP,GMMShoeDivision Nordstrom Fred mossler rick muskat ExecutiveVP Deerstags Tsering Namgyal President CL by Laundry david Neri ExecutiveVP Belk Tim o’donovan FormerChairman Wolverine World Wide, Inc. rick paterno GroupPresident,GlobalFootwearWholesale The Jones Group Tony pelle GroupVP,DMM Macy’s, Inc. donald J. pliner Owner&CEO Donald J. Pliner of Florida, Inc. Chuck Schuyler President National Shoe Retailers Assoc. larry Tarica President Jimlar Corporation Stuart Weitzman Chairman Stuart Weitzman FFANYStaff: MarieLouCampo,CFO PhyllisF.Rein,Senior Vice President ShelleyBerquist,VP, Operations & Marketing NicoleRivers,Account Executive LizCarroll,Executive Assistant FFANY website: I email: 2 WElCOmE DearGuestsofFFANY, WelcomebacktoNewYork.Onceagain,wearepleasedto presentallthelooksfromthebrandsthatwillhighlightthe upcomingseason.You’llfindeverything—andeveryone—you’re lookingforatourpermanentMemberShowrooms,aswellas theexhibitorswhoarepresentingattheHiltonNewYorkHotel. Ourfirstitemof“NewYearsNews”isthatwehavemovedour office.We’renowlocatedat274MadisonAvenue(atEast40th Street),Suite1701,NewYork,NY10016.Ourothercontact informationremainsthesame—Phone:212.751.6422;Fax: Morefantasticnews:FFANYShoesonSaleisontrackforits 18thyear.Todate,we’veraisedover$35milliondollarsfor breastcancerresearchandeducation.Thisyear’seventwillbe heldThursday,October13th,andweareexcitedtoreturnto thefabulousWaldorfAstoriaHotel.Asalways,yourgenerosity makesthesuccessofthiseventareality. ThenextNewYorkShoeExpoisJune7–9,2011,somakesure tosavethedate.ArecordnumberoftouristsvisitedtheBig Applein2010,andweareconfidentaboutthisyear.Didyou knowyoucanbookyoursleepingroomreservationsforevery showin2011onourwebsite, andlockinthegreatrateswehavereservedexclusivelyforyou. Haveagreatshow,andwelookforwardtoseeingyouagain inJune. Joe Moore President & CEO, FFANY 3 ’S mISSION FFANY’smissionistopromoteandassistthecommon businessinterestsofitsmembers,whoincludeover300 footwearmanufacturers,representingover800fashion footwear,accessoryandrelatedapparelbrands. FFANYextendsitsmissionbybeingcommittedto philanthropyandby“givingback”toitsmembersandthe footwearindustry.Throughthegenerousdonationsofits membercompaniesanditsvitalpartnershipwithQVC, FFANY’scharitableevent“ShoesonSale”hassoldmore thanonemillionpairsofshoesandhasraisedover$35 millionforbreastcancerresearchandeducation.FFANY hasreachedouttomillionsofwomenacrossAmericawith anessentialmessageaboutbreastcancerawareness. FFANYalsosupportsscholarshipprogramsandcharitable organizationswithinthefootwearindustry,suchasthe TwoTenFootwearFoundationandShoesThatFit. How to join FFANY Pleasecompletetheenrollmentformswhichmaybe downloadedfromourwebsite, TEAm JosephC.Moore President & CEO 11 Years at FFANY >ext. 11 // Joehasspenthisentirecareer inthefootwearindustry.Hisimpressive resumeincludespositionsatBullocks, NeimanMarcus,nineteenyearsasPresident &CEOofCharlesJourdanUSAandnine yearsasSVPatSaksFifthAvenue.Joe’s contributiontothegrowthofFFANYand developmentofShoesonSaletothe prestigiouslevelthatitistoday,arevery rewardingachievements. MarieLouCampo Chief Financial Officer 8 Years at FFANY >ext. 14 // MarieLouhasspentoverthirty yearsintheshoeindustry,manyofthoseas ExecutiveVicePresidentatCharlesJourdan USA.WhileatCharlesJourdan,MarieLou wasafoundingmemberoftheoriginalFFANY BoardofDirectorsin1979. ShelleyBerquist Vice President, Operations & Marketing 11 Years at FFANY >ext. 12 // Shelleyisresponsibleforshowoperations, travelprograms,marketingandspecialevents atFFANY.PriortoFFANY,Shelleywasin corporateoperationsatSaksFifthAvenue. NicoleRivers Account Executive Joined FFANY in 2008 >ext. 16 // Nicoleisresponsibleforexhibit sales,clientserviceandistheprimaryliaison forallFFANYmembershowrooms.Shealso managesbrandpromotion,sponsorship partnersandpress/mediarelations.Nicole’s previouscareerexperienceincludes showroomsalesandeventplanninginthe wholesaleapparelindustry. PhyllisRein Senior Vice President 21 Years at FFANY >ext. 15 // PhyllisReinhashadanillustrious careeratFFANY.Herresponsibilitiesinclude alltradeshowstrategicplanningand management.Fromvendorrelations,exhibitor salesandplacementtocontractnegotiations, Phyllisisthe“heartandsole”ofFFANY. LizCarroll Executive Assistant Joined FFANY in 2010 > ext. 10 // Lizprovidesadministrativesupporttothe FFANYstaffandisalsoresponsibleforvendor billing,accountsreceivableandretailer relations.LizhasworkedinNewYorkCityfor over15yearsandisexcitedtobeapartofthe footwearindustry. 5 Fashion Footwear COntEntS Hilton New York Hotel and NY Showroom Exhibitors February 1st –3rd, 2011 8 New Exhibitors association of New York Presents thE nEw YOrk ShOE ExPO at the hilton new York hotel and FFAnY Member Showrooms Show Hours Tuesday1st Wednesday2nd Thursday3rd 9am–6pm 9am–6pm 9am–4pm New York Showrooms open all week. Hilton New York Hotel 9 Hilton Exhibitors 1335 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019 Tel: 212.586.7000 • Hotel Fax: 212.315.1374 64 FFAnY uPCOMing ShOwS Exhibitors by Floor June 7–9, 2011 I Tuesday–Thursday 76 Men’s Exhibitors 77 Children’s Exhibitors 78 Handbags & Accessories Exhibitors August 2–4, 2011 I Tuesday–Thursday November 30–December 2, 2011 I Wednesday–Friday Note our new mailing address Fashion Footwear Association of new York 274MadisonAvenue Suite1701 NewYork,NY10016 Tel:212.751.6422•Fax:212.751.6404 email: i website: Design MAYApressiwww.mayapress.netitel:212.260.5869 79 Showroom Addresses 6 Production TYPEFLOWiwww.typeflownyc.comitel:917.370.8219 General Information Hilton restaurants New York Marketplace (breakfast and lunch) ChoosefromanAmericanorJapanesebreakfast buffet,oraninternationallunchbuffet.Breakfast buffetserveddailyfrom6:00amto11:00am. Lunchbuffetserveddailyfrom12noonto2:00pm. Bridges Bar Sophisticatedsurroundingscelebratetheromance ofManhattan’ssevenbridges.Sipyourfavorite cocktailatouroversizedbarorinanintimate banquette.Open11:30amtomidnight. Etrusca (dinner) EnjoycontemporaryMediterraneancuisinein thiscasualyetelegantrestaurantandbar.Steps awayfromBroadway,Etruscafeatureshomemade pastas,risottos,salads,freshfishandsteak.The cellarwineselectionoffersover100varietals. Etruscacanbebookedforgroupsupto80.Come andvisitEtrusca,notedbytheNew York Post asarestaurantinhotelheaven.Makeanonline reservationorcall212.261.5750.Open5:30to 11:00pmnightly. Lobby Lounge (light bites and snacks) Sitandrelaxwhileyouenjoyapassingparadeof facesfromaroundtheworld.Enjoyyourfavorite wine,cocktailsandlightfareinthisunique setting.OpenMondaythroughSunday,11:30am tomidnight. Starbucks Hotandcoldbeveragesandbreakfastpastries, locatedinthemainlobby;adjacenttotheNewYork Marketplace,locatedon53rdStreet,betweenSixth andSeventhAvenues.Openweekdays5:30am to10:00pm. restrooms Locatedrearoflobby,2nd,3rdand4thfloors telephones Locatedinlobby,2ndand3rdfloors Business Center Locatedonthe2ndfloor,open7:00amto9:00pm 24hoursaccesswithroomkey. Tel:212.586.7000x5212 Concierge Locatedinlobby 7:00amtomidnight Bag check Locatedinlobby 7 Hilton New York Hotel and NY Showroom Exhibitors February 1–3, 2011 FIRST-TImE ExHIBITORS • hilton • Showrooms FFANY is pleased to welcome these first-time exhibitors. brand booth/ room FLoor w m c a Footwear International, USA LLC M/S. Tirubala International Rowen Bussola U.S.A. Camper Choudhary International PVT. LTD. 1442, 144 1234, 1235 1317 1212, 1213 1334, 1335 1344 14 FL 12th FL 13th FL 12th FL 13th FL 13th FL W W W W W W W C W W C Arbec Group Daniele Ancarani SRL DR Shoes Factory (Guangzhou) DR Shoes Factory (Guangzhou) Grace Carter Design JSL Studio Intl. LLC Klogs–USA and Kravings by Klogs Klogs–USA and Kravings by Klogs DR Shoes Factory (Guangzhou) Footwear International, USA LLC Footwear International, USA LLC DR Shoes Factory (Guangzhou) POSH Footwear M/S. Tirubala International Rowen Tecnica M/S. Tirubala International European Collection Inc./V Italia Velvet Sole Waldlaufer Rowen DR Shoes Factory (Guangzhou) DR Shoes Factory (Guangzhou) Waldlaufer 1452 1539 1314 1314 1408 1418, 1419 1228 1228 1314 1442, 1443 1442, 1443 1314 1315 1234, 1235 1317 1427 1234, 1235 1338 1217 1215 1317 1314 1314 1215 14th FL 14th FL 13th FL 13th FL 14th FL 14th FL 12th FL 12th FL 13th FL 14th FL 14th FL 13th FL 13th FL 12th FL 13th FL 14th FL 12th FL 13th FL 12th FL 12th FL 13th FL 13th FL 13th FL 12th FL W W company 88EIGhtyEIGht aaLm blakelee Footwear bussola camper choudhary International pVt. Ltd., mumbai, India copenhagen daniele ancarani darLing dr Grace carter design J.LItVacK Klogs—USa Kravings by Klogs man ying marIo brUnI nana next Style poSh private Label rowen Footwear tecnica tirubala International V Italia Velvet Sole Waldlaufer Whitley V designs yan yang yi Xiang Waldlaufer th A W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W M W C A A FFANY is pleased to welcome these first-time Showroom exhibitors. company ZiGi New York LocatIon FLoor room 1370 avenue of the americas 11th FL Suite E W M C A w m c a 9 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M w men women C children a accessories W M W M W 1883 by Lucchese Lucchese, Inc. A. hasenbohler SrL via Dolores Bello, 9 28100-Novara Italy 39.0321.611668 W M | Aliipes by A. Hasenbohler S.r.l Adrienne Vittadini New York Transit, Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 500 Hilton 14th FL 1450, 1451 M 1999 by zigi ZiGi New York 1370 Avenue of the Americas 11th Floor, Suite E Hilton 14th FL 1409 W 2 Lips too— 11th Floor Two Lips 1370 Avenue of the Americas 11th Floor W M 2 Pod Washington Shoe Company Hilton 12th FL 1248, 1249 W 7 for All Mankind Schwartz & Benjamin, Inc. 20 West 57th Street 4th Floor M 88EightYEight Footwear International, USA LLC W M C W Aigle Boots Calieagle LLC A. Marinelli A. Marinelli Hilton 12th FL 1252 Hilton 15th FL 1503 W W A. Marinelli 8101 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 206 Miami, FL 33138 305.350.7797 W | A. Marinelli W | Anna Capri W | Marinelli Shoes Hilton 14th FL 1442, 1443 Ak Anne klein Nine West Group 1411 Broadway 17th Floor W M Aliipes by A. hasenbohler S.r.l A. Hasenbohler SRL Hilton 14th FL 1409 W ALiMA RAS-ALIMA/MARSHOES, S.L. Hilton 43rd FL 4315 Hilton 15th FL 1503 W W AALM M/S. Tirubala International ALL BLACk All Black Hilton 12th FL 1234, 1235 W Adesso Madden Steve Madden 1370 Avenue of the Americas 14th Floor 10 W M Ahnu Footwear Tsubo Footwear 24 West 57th Street Suite 603 Hilton 43rd FL 4344 Hilton New York Hotel and NY Showroom Exhibitors • hilton • Showrooms W All Black c/o MJ Rose Associates 523 East Putnam Avenue, Suite 4 Greenwich, CT 06830 203.344.9220 W | ALL BLACK Hilton 43rd FL 4344 W W W Anna Capri A. Marinelli Aquatalia by Marvin k. 1310 Greene Avenue Suite 520 Montreal, QC H3Z 2B2 Canada 888.932.7463 W | Aquatalia by Marvin K. Hilton 15th FL 1503 W Antelope Antelope Inc. Hilton 14th FL 1447 W Antelope inc. 1430 Broadway Suite 14E New York, NY 10018 212.515.2400/703.627.2990 W | Antelope Amalfi by rangoni Amalfi by Rangoni 12 West 57th Street Suite 701 W Amalfi by rangoni 12 West 57th Street Suite 701 Hilton 14th FL 1447 W W M C Amimoc of Canada Auclair & Martino Hilton 14th FL 1433 W André Assous 130 West 57th Street Suite 14C Apepazza Everybody Shoes LLC. & Horizon Footwear LLC Hilton 15th FL 1504, 1505 W Aquatalia by Marvin k. Aquatalia by Marvin K. Hilton 43rd FL 4327, 4329 W André Assous André Assous 130 West 57th Street Suite 14C Hilton 43rd FL 4327, 4329 W Aquatherm by Santana Santana Canada Hilton 14th FL 1434, 1435 A ara handbags ara Shoes 12 West 57th Street Suite 1001 M ara Mens ara Shoes 12 West 57th Street Suite 1001 W ara Shoes 12 West 57th Street Suite 1001 W Ann Marino New York Transit, Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 500 11 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M w men women C children a accessories W W M C A W M C Arbec group 90 Wingold Avenue Unit 6 Toronto, Ontario M6B 1P5 Canada 416.921.7723 W | D.CO Copenhagen Ash Highline United 530 West 25th Street Penthouse Auclair & Martino 2277 De La Faune Quebec, QC G3E 1S9 Canada 418.842.1943 W M C | Amimoc of Canada W | Mael By Martino W M | Martino of Canada W Attilio giusti Leombruni Attilio Giusti Leombruni Hilton 14th FL 1452 W M A Hilton 15th FL 1548, 1549 Hilton 14th FL 1433 W A Arche 130 West 57th Street Suite 5D W Arcopedico Simco Imported Shoes Hilton 12th FL 1221 Attilio giusti Leombruni Viale Bettino Craxi 1 63014 Montegranaro Italy 213.327.4529 W | Attilio Giusti Leombruni W Hilton 15th FL 1548, 1549 Ardiente Demand Shoes (Luichiny) Hilton 14th FL 1404, 1405, 1406, 1407 W Attitudes/Paul Mayer Attitudes Footwear Inc W M C Hilton 15th FL 1522 Art Sole Mio Footwear W Hilton 13th FL 1336 W Arturo Chiang— 8th FL Camuto Group 1370 Avenue of the Americas 8th and 15th Floors Attitudes Footwear inc 1040 First Avenue 232 New York, NY 10022 212.754.9113 W | Attitudes/Paul Mayer W | Paul Mayer/Attitudes Hilton 15th FL 1522 W Audley Audley/Yum Spain Corporate, S.L. Hilton 14th FL 1448 W Audley/Yum Spain Corporate, S.L. Allemania 87, (P.I.C.A.) Elda/Alicante, 03600 Spain 34 966981240/805.636.4030 W | Audley W | Swap By Audley Hilton 14th FL 1448 W B Brian Atwood Nine West Group 1411 Broadway 17th Floor W B. Makowsky 1333 Broadway 8th Floor 12 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M men w women C a children accessories W M W M A W B.O.C H.H. Brown Shoe Company 1441 Broadway 14th Floor Bates Wolverine World Wide, Inc. 717 Fifth Avenue 4th Floor (entrance on 56th Street) BeautiFeel 21828 Lassen Street Suite A Chatsworth, CA 91311 818.709.2860 W | BeautiFeel W W Bacio 61— Suite 1001 Consolidated Shoe Company 1370 Avenue of the Americas 56th Street and 6th Avenue BC Footwear/Seychelles Seychelles/BC Footwear 730 Fifth Avenue Suite 607 W W Badgley Mischka Titan Industries Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 3rd Floor BCBgeneration— 8th FL Camuto Group 1370 Avenue of the Americas 8th and 15th Floors W W BallaSox Corso Como Hilton 42nd FL 4206, 4207, 4210 M Banana Blues— 11th Floor Two Lips 1370 Avenue of the Americas 11th Floor BCBgMAxAZriA— 8th FL Camuto Group 1370 Avenue of the Americas 8th and 15th Floors Bandolino Nine West Group 1411 Broadway 17th Floor W BArEFOOt OriginALS Wolff Shoe Company 680 Fifth Avenue 21st Floor W bebe Titan Industries Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 3rd Floor W BELLE by Sigerson Morrison Fisher Sigerson Morrison 28 Prince Street W Bernardo Bernardo Footwear Hilton 15th FL 1513 W M Be Comfortable by Blondo Blondo Canada W Hilton 15th FL 1538 Hilton 15th FL 1534, 1535 W M C BEArPAw Romeo & Juliette, Inc./BEARPAW Hilton 12th FL 1250, 1251 W Bernardo Footwear 9330 West Airport Boulevard Suite 190 Houston, TX 77031 800.867.5054 W | Bernardo Hilton 15th FL 1513 W BeautiFeel BeautiFeel W Hilton 15 FL 1538 th Bernie Mev Bernie Mev-Medici Hilton 13th FL 1347 14 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M w men women children a accessories W W A W M Bernie Mev-Medici 128C Engle Street Englewood, NJ 07631 201.871.0005 W | Bernie Mev W | Medici Big Buddha Steve Madden 1370 Avenue of the Americas 14th Floor Blondo Canada Blondo Canada W Blondo Canada 655 Rue de l’Argon Quebec, QC G2N 2G7 Canada 418.849.7997 W M | Be Comfortable by Blondo W M | Blondo Canada W | Ramarim Hilton 13th FL 1347 W A Betsey Johnson Steve Madden 1370 Avenue of the Americas 14th Floor W Bettye Muller Bettye Muller 12 West 57th Street Suite 1003 BiViEL Biviel/Fardattchio, S.L. Hilton 43rd FL 4317 W Biviel/Fardattchio, S.L. Alfred Nobel, 6 (Elche P.I.) ELCHE/Alicante, 03203 Spain 011.34.965681819 W | BIVIEL Hilton 43rd FL 4317 W W M Bettye Muller 12 West 57th Street Suite 1003 Blackstone Blackstone Shoes Hilton 13th FL 1309 W W M Beverly Feldman Beverly Feldman Collections Blackstone Shoes 422 South Tamiami Trail Osprey, FL 34229 941.323.7822 W M | Blackstone Hilton 15th FL 1509, 1510, 1511 W Beverly Feldman Collections 83 East Avenue Suite 101 Norwalk, CT 06851 203.899.9999 W | Beverly Feldman Hilton 15th FL 1509, 1510, 1511 16 C 13th FL 1309 W blakelee Footwear Rowen Hilton 13th FL 1317 Hilton 15th FL 1534, 1535 W M Hilton 15th FL 1534, 1535 W Blowfish Malibu 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 1204 C Blowfish Malibu kids Blowfish Malibu 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 1204 W M C BOgS The Combs Company Hilton 12th FL 1218, 1219 W M Born H.H. Brown Shoe Company 1441 Broadway 14th Floor NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M w men women children a accessories W M W W Born Crown H.H. Brown Shoe Company 1441 Broadway 14th Floor Boutique 9 Nine West Group 1411 Broadway 17th Floor Butter Molli Enterprises, LLC M C Label SMAC Inc. W Bos & Co Fly London-Ground Hogs-Bos & Co. Hilton 13th FL 1328, 1329 W M Hilton 15th FL 1517 W Bronx Men’s Diba Imports Hilton 13th FL 1348, 1349 Hilton 13th FL 1308 W Bronx Shoes Diba Imports Boss Black Hugo Boss 601 West 26th Street 8th Floor, Suite 845 Hilton 13th FL 1308, W Brown Shoe 156 West 56th Street 14th and 15th Floors W M Boss green Hugo Boss 601 West 26th Street 8th Floor, Suite 845 W M W A Hilton 15th FL 1540 Hilton 12th FL 1252 W M W M Calvin klein Jimlar Corporation 711 Fifth Avenue 7th Floor W M Bourne/Lola Cruz 704 South Broadway Unit #L Redondo Beach, CA 90277 206.226.6433 W A | Bourne/Lola Cruz W M C Calieagle LLC 4230 LBJ FWY Suite 215M Dallas, TX 75244 972.386.6500 W M C | Aigle Boots Bussola Bussola U.S.A. Hilton 12th FL 1212, 1213 Boss Orange Hugo Boss 601 West 26th Street 8th Floor, Suite 845 18 C Bussola u.S.A. 8424 Santa Monica Boulevard Suite A865 Los Angeles, CA 90069 323.806.0656 W M | Bussola Hilton 12th FL 1212, 1213 C Buster Brown— 15th Floor Brown Shoe 156 West 56th Street 14th and 15th Floors W M C Camper Camper Hilton 13th FL 1334, 1335 W M C Camper 270 Lafayete Street New York, NY 10012 516.991.3561 W M C | Camper Hilton 13th FL 1334, 1335 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M w men women children a accessories W W W M Camuto group 1370 Avenue of the Americas 8th and 15th Floors Casitas 5105 West New Shadow Way Marana, AZ 85658 520.572.4005 W A | Casitas W A | Hispanitas W | Wonders Charles David of California 5731 Buckingham Parkway Culver City, CA 90230 310.348.5050 W | Charles by Charles David W M | Charles David W Caparros Corporation 1370 Avenue of the Americas 10th Floor W C A Capelli new York 1 East 33rd Street 9th Floor Hilton 14th FL 1449 W M C Capelli new York kids Capelli New York 1 East 33rd Street 9th Floor CAt Wolverine World Wide, Inc. 717 Fifth Avenue 4th Floor (entrance on 56th Street) Hilton 15th FL 1530, 1531, 1547 W Charles Jourdan Titan Industries Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 3rd Floor W M Charlie 1 horse Lucchese, Inc. Hilton 14th FL 1450, 1451 W M C A W Chaco Wolverine World Wide, Inc. 717 Fifth Avenue 4th Floor (entrance on 56th Street) Caressa Caressa 65 West 54th Street Davies Room W Chainson Footwear inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 5th Floor, Suite 502 W Carlos by Carlos Santana— 14th Floor Brown Shoe 156 West 56th Street 14th and 15th Floors W A Hilton 14th FL 1449 Hilton 15th FL 1516 Chelsea Paris Chelsea Paris LLC. Hilton 15th FL 1543 W W Charles by Charles David Charles David of California Hilton 15th FL 1530, 1531, 1547 W M Charles David Charles David of California Hilton 15th FL 1530, 1531, 1547 Casitas Casitas W Chelsea Crew Demfon Int’l W W Caressa 65 West 54th Street Davies Room 20 C Chelsea Paris LLC. 4611 Camino Del Sol Calabasas, CA 91302 818.917.1112 W | Chelsea Paris W | M.O. by Chelsea Paris Hilton 15th FL 1543 Hilton New York Hotel and NY Showroom Exhibitors • hilton • Showrooms W M W Chilis Impo 65 West 54th Street Choudhary international PVt. LtD. Plot No. 26, Road, No. 9 Phase II Marol Industrial Area. MIDC Adheri (E), 400 093 Mumbai India 91.22.406.236.0099 W M C | Choudhary International PVT. LTD., Mumbai, India Coach Jimlar Corporation 711 Fifth Avenue 7th Floor W Chinese Laundry 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 401 W Chinese Laundry Chinese Laundry 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 401 Hilton 13th FL 1344 W M C Choudhary international PVt. LtD., Mumbai, india Choudhary International PVT. LTD. W Chocolat Blu Chocolat Blu Hilton 13th FL 1344 Hilton 43rd FL 4321 A W Chocolat Blu 57 West 8th Street New York, NY 10011 212.777.2242 W | Chocolat Blu Hilton 43rd FL 4321 W Chooka Washington Shoe Company Hilton 12th FL 1248, 1249 Ciao Bella Corso Como W Coconuts Matisse Footwear Hilton 13th FL 1322, 1323 W M A Cole haan Cole Haan 45 West 18th Street 3rd Floor W M A Cole haan 45 West 18th Street 3rd Floor W Hilton 42nd FL 4206, 4207, 4210 W Circa Joan & David Nine West Group 1411 Broadway 17th Floor Consolidated Shoe Company 1370 Avenue of the Americas 56th Street and 6th Avenue W Contesa Luisa D’Orio — Contesa Made in Italy Hilton 15th FL 1514 W Claudia Ciuti 12 West 57th Street Suite 903 W W Cordani Cordani Calzature Hilton 15th FL 1529 Cliffs White Mountain 65 West 54th Street 21 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M w men women C children a W W W A Cordani Calzature 76 Albion Street Wakefield, MA 01880 781.245.2131 W | Cordani Cougar Shoes inc. 830 Harrington Court Burlington, ON L7N 3N4 Canada 1.888.268.4271 W | Cougar W | STORM by Cougar Cynthia Vincent Cynthia Vincent 80 West 40th Street Suite 53 Hilton 15th FL 1529 Hilton 42nd FL 4215, 4217 W M A Corso Como 6901 Westside Avenue North Bergen, NJ 0747 415.254.1813 W | BallaSox A | Ciao Bella W | Corso Como A | Corso Como Bags Hilton 42nd FL 4206, 4207, 4210 Couleur Pourpre Peter Finnie & Associates Creative international Chinese Laundry 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 401 Hilton 42nd FL 4223 W M C Corso Como Bags Corso Como Hilton 42nd FL 4206, 4207, 4210 W Cougar Cougar Shoes Inc. Crocs, inc. 6328 Monarch Park Place Niwot, CO 80503 516.799.6999 W M C | CROCS Hilton 42nd FL 4223 Hilton 42 FL 4215, 4217 Hilton 14th FL 1452 W M C W Hilton 42nd FL 4206, 4207, 4210 A D.CO Copenhagen Arbec Group Hilton 15th FL 1533 CrOCS Crocs, Inc. Corso Como Corso Como W A Cynthia Vincent 80 West 40th Street Suite 53 W W W M C W nd W M Cushe Wolverine World Wide, Inc. 717 Fifth Avenue 4th Floor (entrance on 56th Street) 22 accessories Dan Post Dan Post Boot Company Hilton 13th FL 1312, 1313 W M C Dan Post Boot Company 1751 Alpine Drive Clarksville, TN 37040 800.447.3533/931.645.4466 W M C | Dan Post W M C | Dingo W M C | John Deere W M C | Laredo Western Boots Hilton 13th FL 1312, 1313 W Dana Davis Dana Davis Hilton 15th FL 1528 Hilton New York Hotel and NY Showroom Exhibitors • hilton • Showrooms W W W M C Dana Davis 321 South Beverly Drive Suite X Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310.205.0300 W | Dana Davis Danssara 3943 Irvine Boulevard Suite 167 Irvine, CA 92602 213.587.2616 W | Danssara W | SEE U Deer Stags Concepts 902 Broadway 3rd Floor Hilton 15th FL 1528 W Hilton 14th FL 1410 daniblack Schwartz & Benjamin, Inc. 20 West 57th Street 4th Floor A DarLing DR Shoes Factory (Guangzhou) Hilton 13th FL 1314 W W Daniele Ancarani Daniele Ancarani SRL Hilton 14th FL 1539 W Daniele Ancarani SrL Piazza Di Porta Ravegnana1 Bologna, 60126 Italy 39.051.273309 W | Daniele Ancarani dav 561 Kinetic Drive Unit B Oxnard, CA 93030 805.485.5334 W C A | däv W W C A Hilton 14 FL 1539 däv dav M C Danssara Danssara Hilton 14th FL 1410 Deer Stags Deer Stags Concepts 902 Broadway 3rd Floor Demfon int’l 55-62 56th Street Maspeth, NY 11378 718.784.9011 W | Chelsea Crew W | Navid O Nadia Hilton 15th FL 1516 Hilton 15th FL 1542 W W M Demand Shoes (Luichiny) 3630 Corporate Trail Drive Earth City, MO 63045 314.209.0150 W | Ardiente W | Luichiny Hilton 14th FL 1404, 1405, 1406, 1407 Hilton 15th FL 1542 th W Delman Nina 200 Park Avenue South 3rd Floor W Dereon Footwear Dereon Footwear 1370 Avenue of the Americas 56th and 6th Avenue, 3rd Floor 23 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M men w women C children accessories W W W M Dereon Footwear 1370 Avenue of the Americas 56th and 6th Avenue, 3rd Floor Diba imports (Private Label) Diba Imports Donald J Pliner 745 Fifth Avenue 25th Floor Hilton 13th FL 1308 W A W M Designs by nancy katz Nancy Katz Designs Diba Shoes Diba Imports Dr DR Shoes Factory (Guangzhou) Hilton 15th FL 1519 Hilton 13th FL 1314 Hilton 13th FL 1308 W W M C W M C A Diane von Furstenberg Schwartz & Benjamin, Inc. 20 West 57th Street 4th Floor Dingo Dan Post Boot Company W Dirty Laundry Chinese Laundry 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 401 Dr Shoes Factory (guangzhou) Room A231, 2/F, XinQiLu Shoe Plaza W. Huanshi West Road #133 Gangzhou, Guang Dong, 510010 China 86.20.2834.6837 A | DarLing M | DR C | Man Ying W | Next Style W | Yan Yang A | Yi Xiang Hilton 13th FL 1312, 1313 W Diba imports Diba Imports (China First Cost) Hilton 43rd FL 4325 W M W Diba imports 3630 Corporate Trail Drive Earth City, MO 63045 314.209.0150 M | Bronx Men’s W | Bronx Shoes W | Diba Imports (Private Label) W | Diba Shoes M | Robert Cameron Diva by Lucchese Lucchese, Inc. Hilton 13th FL 1308 W Diba imports (China First Cost) 3630 Corporate Trail Drive Earth City, MO 63045 314.209.0150 W | Diba Imports Hilton 43rd FL 4325 24 a Hilton 14th FL 1450, 1451 Hilton 13th FL 1314 W DknY DKNY 240 West 40th Street W DknY 240 West 40th Street W Dockers Nine West Group 1411 Broadway 17th Floor W M Dr. Scholl’s Shoes— 15th Floor Brown Shoe 156 West 56th Street 14th and 15th Floors W M Earth Earth Brands Hilton 12th FL 1224, 1225 Hilton New York Hotel and NY Showroom Exhibitors • hilton • Showrooms W M W M W Earth Brands 135 Second Avenue Waltham, MA 02451 781.893.7474 W M | Earth W M | Earth Origins W | Earthies Eastland Shoe Mfg. Corp. 4 Meetinghouse Road Freeport, ME 04032 207.865.6314 M | Eastland “Made in Maine” W M | Eastland Shoe Corp. Eleganza elli + tee Hilton 12th FL 1224, 1225 W M Earth Origins Earth Brands Hilton 13th FL 1324, 1325 W Elizabeth Brady Elizabeth Brady Hilton 15th FL 1536 W Ed hardy Shoes PSDI USA Hilton 13th FL 1331, 1330 W Earthies Earth Brands W M Hilton 12th FL 1224, 1225 W Elizabeth & James Steve Madden 1370 Avenue of the Americas 14th Floor W Easy Spirit Nine West Group 1411 Broadway 17th Floor W M C Hilton 12th FL 1224, 1225 Hilton 13th FL 1342 Eddie Moran Washington Shoe Company Elizabeth Brady 505 Greenwich Street Suite 3A New York, NY 10013 917.287.6760 W | Elizabeth Brady Hilton 12th FL 1248, 1249 M Eastland “Made in Maine” Eastland Shoe Mfg. Corp. Hilton 13th FL 1324, 1325 Hilton 15th FL 1536 W A w Elaine turner Elaine Turner elli + tee elli + tee Hilton 15th FL 1551 W M Eastland Shoe Corp. Eastland Shoe Mfg. Corp. Hilton 13th FL 1324, 1325 Hilton 13th FL 1342 W A W Elaine turner 320 Fifth Avenue Suite 1102 New York, NY 10001 212.239.8966 W A | Elaine Turner elli + tee 1545-56 Street Brooklyn, NY 11219 917.544.9589 W | Eleganza w | elli + tee Hilton 13th FL 1342 Hilton 15 FL 1551 th 25 Hilton New York Hotel and NY Showroom Exhibitors • hilton • Showrooms W W W Encanto Volatile Footwear Etienne Aigner— 14th Floor Brown Shoe 156 West 56th Street 14th and 15th Floors Evolution Design Lab 65 West 54th Street 2nd Floor Hilton 43rd FL 4303 W EnigMA Enigma/More Shoes W M Hilton 14th FL 1430, 1431 W Enigma/More Shoes 200 NW 22nd Street Miami, FL 33127 305.573.0967 W | ENIGMA Hilton 14th FL 1430, 1431 W Envy Footwear GoMax/Envy Footwear 1370 Avenue of the Americas 10th Floor W European Collection inc./V italia 1565 Carroll Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 347.450.SHOE W M | V Italia w | Manas Hilton 13th FL 1338 W Eurosoft H.H. Brown Shoe Company 1441 Broadway 14th Floor W Everybody Everybody Shoes LLC. & Horizon Footwear LLC Enzo Angiolini Nine West Group 1411 Broadway 17th Floor W Faryl robin Faryl Robin 200 Park Avenue South Suite 1610 W Faryl robin 200 Park Avenue South Suite 1610 W Fergalicious by Fergie— 15th Floor Brown Shoe 156 West 56th Street 14th and 15th Floors W Fergie Footwear— 15th Floor Brown Shoe 156 West 56th Street 14th and 15th Floors Hilton 15th FL 1504, 1505 W W W EriC JAVitS Wolff Shoe Company 680 Fifth Avenue 21st Floor W Eric Michael Laurevan Shoe Corporation Hilton 12th FL 1229 Everybody Shoes LLC. & horizon Footwear LLC 27 Eliot Street South Natick, MA 01760 508.653.9600 W | Apepazza (1504) W | Everybody W | Khrio (1504) Hilton 15th FL 1504, 1505 Fisher Sigerson Morrison 28 Prince Street W FLExx The FLEXX USA, LLC Hilton 12th FL 1226, 1227 W Flexx Studio The FLEXX USA, LLC Hilton 12th FL 1226, 1227 27 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M w men women children a accessories W A W M A W Fly London Fly London–Ground Hogs–Bos & Co. Fossil Fossil 366 Fifth Avenue Suite 200 gabor Kanner Corporation W A W M A Fly London — ground hogs— Bos & Co. 3375 North Service Road Unit A4/A5 Burlington, Ontario L7N 3G2 Canada 905.335.9951 W | Bos & Co W A | Fly London W | GroundHogs Fossil 366 Fifth Avenue Suite 200 gee wawa Footwear Gee WaWa Footwear Hilton 13 FL 1328, 1329 th Hilton 13th FL 1328, 1329 W Foot Petals Shoes Deer Stags Concepts 902 Broadway 3rd Floor M Footwear international, uSA LLC 136 River Mews Lane Edgewater, NJ 07020 201.941.8938 M | 88EIGHTYEIGHT M | MARIO BRUNI M | NANA Hilton 14th FL 1442, 1443 28 C Hilton 12th FL 1214 W Hilton 14th FL 1414 W W Franco Sarto— 14th Floor Brown Shoe 156 West 56th Street 14th and 15th Floors W gee wawa Footwear 33155 Transit Avenue Union City, CA 94587 562.209.0737 W | Gee WaWa Footwear Hilton 14th FL 1414 French Sole FS/nY French Sole FS/NY & FS/NY Comfort Hilton 15th FL 1515, 1521 W French Sole FS/nY & FS/nY Comfort 985 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10021 212.737.2865 W | French Sole FS/NY Hilton 15th FL 1515, 1521 W M C A Frye Jimlar Corporation 711 Fifth Avenue 7th Floor W M gentle Souls by kenneth Cole Kenneth Cole Productions 603 West 50th Street W M gentle Souls by kenneth Cole Gentle Souls by Kenneth Cole Hilton 15th FL 1526 W gentle Souls by kenneth Cole 603 West 50th Street New York, NY 10019 212.265.1500 W M | Gentle Souls by Kenneth Cole Hilton 15th FL 1526 Please visit us at the Hilton Hotel Rooms 1515 & 1521 February 1st to 3Rd NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M w men women children a accessories W W C gloria Vanderbilt Nine West Group 1411 Broadway 17th Floor groove Groove Footwear guppy Love kids Blowfish Malibu 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 1204 W groove Footwear 11150 Dana Circle Cypress, CA 90630 714.897.9697 W | Groove Hilton 13th FL 1320 W gomax Footwear GoMax/Envy Footwear 1370 Avenue of the Americas 10th Floor W goMax/Envy Footwear 1370 Avenue of the Americas 10th Floor W Hilton 13th FL 1320 W groundhogs Fly London-Ground Hogs-Bos & Co. grace Carter Design Grace Carter Design Hilton 13th FL 1328, 1329 Hilton 14th FL 1408 w grace Carter Design 1128 North Bonneville Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84103 347.439.6534 W | Grace Carter Design W guillaume hinfray Guillaume Hinfray 130 West 57th Street Suite 6C W gwyneth Gwyneth Shoes Hilton 13th FL 1352 W gwyneth Shoes 790 Washington Avenue Suite 121 Brooklyn, NY 11238 646.330.1440 W | Gwyneth Hilton 13th FL 1352 W M h.h. Brown Shoe Company 1441 Broadway 14th Floor W W M guillaume hinfray 130 West 57th Street Suite 6C W W harley-Davidson Wolverine World Wide, Inc. 717 Fifth Avenue 4th Floor (entrance on 56th Street) grazie Volatile Footwear gun Metal Highline United 530 West 25th Street Penthouse heart n Soul Heart n Soul Hilton 14th FL 1408 Hilton 43 FL 4303 rd W grizzleez by Zigi ZiGi New York 1370 Avenue of the Americas 11th Floor, Suite E 30 C W guppy Love Blowfish Malibu 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 1204 W Hilton 13th FL 1340 Hilton New York Hotel and NY Showroom Exhibitors • hilton • Showrooms W W heart n Soul 18525 Railroad Street City of Industry, CA 91748 626.912.1818 W | Heart n Soul house of harlow 1960 Modern Vintage 159 West 53rd Street Suite 22F Hilton 13th FL 1340 W house of harlow 1960 Modern Vintage Hilton 14th FL 1424 W helle Comfort Helle Comfort M Hilton 12th FL 1220 W helle Comfort 20701 North Scottsdale Rd., 107 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 480.515.0411 W | Helle Comfort W | Martina & Peter H Hilton 12th FL 1220 W highline united 530 West 25th Street Penthouse hugo Hugo Boss 601 West 26th Street 8th Floor, Suite 845 W A W hot kiss— 15th Floor Brown Shoe 156 West 56th Street 14th and 15th Floors W irregular Choice-Suite 1004 Consolidated Shoe Company 1370 Avenue of the Americas 56th Street and 6th Avenue W W M hugo Boss 601 West 26th Street 8th Floor, Suite 845 W W M C A hunter Boot uSA Hunter Boot USA 140 West 57th Street J. reneé & Jessica Bennett 130 West 57th Street Suite 10A W M C A J. reneé & Jessica Bennett Shoes J. Reneé & Jessica Bennett 130 West 57th Street Suite 10A W W M C Hilton 14th FL 1449 W international Nine West Group 1411 Broadway 17th Floor isolá H.H. Brown Shoe Company 1441 Broadway 14th Floor hunter Boot uSA 140 West 57th Street hispanitas Casitas impo 65 West 54th Street hush Puppies Wolverine World Wide, Inc. 717 Fifth Avenue 4th Floor (entrance on 56th Street) W J.LitVACk JSL Studio Intl. LLC Hilton 14th FL 1418, 1419 W M W ilse Jacobsen Lines of Denmark Jaguar Footwear Jaguar Footwear Hilton 12th FL 1216 Hilton 13th FL 1321 31 BOSS Black HUGO BOSS FASHIONS INC. Phone +1 212 940 0600 BOSS Black HUGO BOSS FASHIONS INC. Phone +1 212 940 0600 HUGO BOSS Fashions, Inc. 601 West 26th Street, Suite 845 212.940.0600 HUGO BOSS Fashions, Inc. 601 601 West 26th Street, Suite 845 212.940.0600 212.940.0600 HUGO BOSS Fashions, Inc. West 26th Street, Suite 845 Hilton New York Hotel and NY Showroom Exhibitors • hilton • Showrooms W W W M C Jaguar Footwear Pazzo Inc./Pure Sole LLC Jellypop Shoes Evolution Design Lab 65 West 54th Street 2nd Floor John Deere Dan Post Boot Company W John Lennon R W Footwear Hilton 15th FL 1524, 1525 W Jaguar Footwear 430 Rear North Main Street Taylor, PA 18517 570.562.4570 W | Jaguar Footwear Hilton 13th FL 1321 W Jasmin Marlboro Footworks Hilton 42nd FL 4221 W Jean-Michel Cazabat Highline United 530 West 25th Street Penthouse W Jeffrey Campbell Jeffrey Campbell Footwear Hilton 13th FL 1350, 1351 W Jeffrey Campbell Footwear 10338 Northvale Road Los Angeles, CA 90064 310.202.8868 W | Jeffrey Campbell Hilton 13th FL 1350, 1351 Hilton 13th FL 1312, 1313 M Jenny by ara ara Shoes 12 West 57th Street Suite 1001 Hilton 15th FL 1523 W W Jessica Simpson— 15th FL Camuto Group 1370 Avenue of the Americas 8th and 15th Floors JSL Studio intl. LLC 73 The Intervale Roslyn, NY 11576 516.808.4836 W | J.LITVACK Hilton 14th FL 1418, 1419 W M C A W C Jimlar Corporation 711 Fifth Avenue 7th Floor Juicy Couture Schwartz & Benjamin, Inc. 20 West 57th Street 4th Floor W W M Joan & David Nine West Group 1411 Broadway 17th Floor W Joe Sanchez Sole Mio Footwear Hilton 13th FL 1336 kanner Corporation 1467 Lawrence Drive Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 805.375.0038 W | Gabor W | Think! W Joe’s Footwear Titan Industries Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 3rd Floor Hilton 12th FL 1214 W kate Spade Schwartz & Benjamin, Inc. 20 West 57th Street 4th Floor 33 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M w men women C children a accessories W W M C A W M kathy Van Zeeland B. Makowsky 1333 Broadway 8th Floor kickers 3333 New Hyde Park Road Suite 200 New Hyde Park, NY 11042 914.325.5336 W M C A | Kickers USA klogs–uSA and kravings by klogs 1000 Independence Drive Suite 1 Sullivan, MO 63080 573.468.5564 W M | Klogs–USA W | Kravings by Klogs W kelsi Dagger Pour La Victoire 10 West 33rd Street Penthouse 1 Hilton 12th FL 1247 W M C Hilton 12th FL 1228 kickers uSA Kickers USA W M kenneth Cole new York Kenneth Cole Productions 603 West 50th Street W W M C klub nico Klub Nico kickers uSA Hilton 43rd FL 4351 W M C W M C A kenneth Cole Productions 603 West 50th Street kickers uSA Kickers W A Hilton 12th FL 1247 W M C kenneth Cole reaction Kenneth Cole Productions 603 West 50th Street W kiss Me SMAC Inc. Hilton 13th FL 1348, 1349 W kensie girl— 8th FL Camuto Group 1370 Avenue of the Americas 8th and 15th Floors W M klogs–uSA Klogs–USA and Kravings by Klogs Hilton 12th FL 1228 klub nico 516 Sand Dorlak Drive La Selva Beach, CA 95076 831.724.3100 W | Klub Nico Hilton 43rd FL 4351 W M C koolaburra Koolaburra Hilton 14th FL 1428 W M C W khrio Everybody Shoes LLC. & Horizon Footwear LLC Hilton 15th FL 1504, 1505 koolaburra 436 East Gutierrez Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 888.566.5282 W M C | Koolaburra Hilton 14th FL 1428 34 FOR APPOINTMENT PLEASE CALL Mike Mangiaracina Vice President LLOYD Nor th America 630-707-9776 Or stop by at Room 1426 MEN WOMEN ACCESSORIES NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M w men women children a accessories W M W M C W M kork-Ease H.H. Brown Shoe Company 1441 Broadway 14th Floor Lacoste Footwear 156 West 56th Street Suite 1002 Laurevan Shoe Corporation 520 East 3rd Street Mount Vernon, NY 10553 914.663.2300 W | Eric Michael W M | LaPlume W | RelaxShoe W | Worishofer W kOrS Michael kors MICHAEL Michael Kors 11 West 42nd Street 20th Floor W kravings by klogs Klogs–USA and Kravings by Klogs Hilton 12th FL 1228 W W L.A.M.B./harajuku Lovers Titan Industries Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 3rd Floor W W La Canadienne 130 West 57th Street Suite 9A W M Hilton 12th FL 1229 LaPlume Laurevan Shoe Corporation Hilton 12th FL 1229 W M C Hilton 13th FL 1312, 1313 Hilton 14th FL 1432 La Canadienne La Canadienne 130 West 57th Street Suite 9A W M C Lacoste Footwear Lacoste Footwear 156 West 56th Street Suite 1002 Laredo western Boots Dan Post Boot Company kumfs Ziera Shoes 36 C W Lauren Jones Lauren Jones Footwear Hilton 14th FL 1420 w Lauren Jones Footwear 7036 Judi Street Dallas, TX 75252 972.679.0386 W | Lauren Jones Hilton 14th FL 1420 W Leifsdottir Leifsdottir 209 West 38th Street 7th Floor W Leifsdottir 209 West 38th Street 7th Floor W Libby Edelman Libby Edelman 130 West 57th Street Suite 9B W Libby Edelman 130 West 57th Street Suite 9B W LifeStride— 15th Floor Brown Shoe 156 West 56th Street 14th and 15th Floors 1230/1231 Suite 01-03, 2011 Autumn / Winter 2011 Collections women mens kids comfort fashion work wear These are the elements of Sanita. / Artistically handcrafted clogs since 1907. Suite1231 Introducing Room #1450-1451 14th Floor February 1st - 3rd, 2011 The New York Hilton Hilton New York Hotel and NY Showroom Exhibitors • hilton • Showrooms W M W M C W M Lines of Denmark 502 B Custer Way Olympia, WA 98501 360.200.1015 W M | Ilse Jacobsen Lola romona/Sanita Clogs, inc. 40980 County Center Drive Suite 100 Temecula, CA 92591 866.726.4822 x218 W | Lola Romona W M C | Sanita Lucchese Classics Lucchese, Inc. Hilton 12th FL 1216 W Lisa for Donald J. Pliner Donald J Pliner 745 Fifth Avenue 25th Floor M LLOYD LLoyd Footwear Hilton 14th FL 1426 M LLoyd Footwear 2924 Hapner Way Batauia, IL 630.707.9776 M | LLOYD Hilton 14th FL 1426 W M Loints Sole Mio Footwear Hilton 13th FL 1336 W Lola romona Lola Romona/Sanita Clogs, Inc. Hilton 12 FL 1230, 1231 th Hilton 12th FL 1230, 1231 W Loquita Pour La Victoire 10 West 33rd Street Penthouse 1 W Lovely People Lovely People Hilton 14th FL 1450, 1451 W Lucchese Contemporary Lucchese, Inc. Hilton 14th FL 1450, 1451 W M Lucchese, inc. 40 Walter Jones Boulevard El Paso, TX 79906 915.778.3066 W M | 1883 by Lucchese W M | Charlie 1 Horse W | Diva by Lucchese W M | Lucchese W M | Lucchese Classics W | Lucchese Contemporary Hilton 14th FL 1450, 1451 Hilton 15th FL 1508 W W Lovely People 1385 Broadway 5th Floor New York, NY 10018 212.398.9050 W | Lovely People Lucky Brand— 15th FL Camuto Group 1370 Avenue of the Americas 8th and 15th Floors W Luichiny Demand Shoes (Luichiny) Hilton 14th FL 1404, 1405, 1406, 1407 Hilton 15th FL 1508 W W M Luisa D’Orio Luisa D’Orio — Contesa Made in Italy Lucchese Lucchese, Inc. Hilton 14th FL 1450, 1451 Hilton 15th FL 1514 39 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M w men women C children a accessories W W M Luisa D’Orio — Contesa Made in italy 9350 North West 58th Street Miami, FL 33178 305.477.9206 W | Contesa W | Luisa D’Orio W | Toscanella Madden girl Steve Madden 1370 Avenue of the Americas 14th Floor MAriO Bruni Footwear International, USA LLC W Mark and James Titan Industries Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 3rd Floor Hilton 15th FL 1514 Madeline— Suite 1000 Consolidated Shoe Company 1370 Avenue of the Americas 56th Street and 6th Avenue W W Mael By Martino Auclair & Martino Luxury rebel Highline United 530 West 25th Street Penthouse Hilton 14th FL 1433 W M.O. by Chelsea Paris Chelsea Paris LLC. Hilton 12th FL 1234, 1235 W Mad Love Steve Madden 1370 Avenue of the Americas 14th Floor W Marlboro Footworks Marlboro Footworks Hilton 13th FL 1314 Hilton 42nd FL 4221 W Marc Joseph new York Marc Joseph New York Hilton 15th FL 1527 W Marc Joseph new York 225 34th Street Floor 3 Brooklyn, NY 11232 212.575.2254 W | Marc Joseph New York Hilton 15th FL 1527 W Marlboro Footworks 60 Austin Street Newton, MA 02460 661.254.0652 W | Jasmin W | Marlboro Footworks Hilton 42nd FL 4221 W Martina & Peter h Helle Comfort Hilton 12th FL 1220 W Martinez Valero MV Footwear LLC Hilton 43rd FL 4323 Marinelli Shoes A. Marinelli Hilton 15th FL 1503 40 W MArk tuCkEr inC. Me Too Shoes 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 1103 C W W C W Man Ying DR Shoes Factory (Guangzhou) Hilton 15th FL 1543 M/S. tirubala international C-7, Panki Industrial Area, Site-1 Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, 208022 India 91.512.269.2461/26.924.63465 W | AALM W | Private Label W | Tirubala International Hilton 14th FL 1442, 1443 Hilton New York Hotel and NY Showroom Exhibitors • hilton • Showrooms W M w a W C Martino of Canada Auclair & Martino Matt Bernson 434 Greenwich Street New York, NY 10013 212.941.7634 W A | Matt Bernson MEL MEL Hilton 14th FL 1433 W Matiko Matiko Footwear Hilton 15th FL 1532 Hilton 13th FL 1326, 1327 W W Matiko Footwear PO Box 41099 Long Beach, CA 90853 949.631.5550 W | Matiko Hilton 13th FL 1326, 1327 W Matisse Matisse Footwear Hilton 13th FL 1322, 1323 Max Studio New York Transit, Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 500 W Hilton 13th FL 1322, 1323 W A W A Menbur Menbur S.A. Hilton 43rd FL 4331 W W Mea Shadow Mea Shadow Menbur S.A. Poligono Artegran S/N 18230 Atarfe, Granada 18230 Spain 39.617.483001 W A | Menbur W A | Pilar Abril W Mea Shadow 78 Fifth Avenue 9th Floor New York, NY 10011 212.255.8606 W | Mea Shadow W Hilton 15th FL 1532 Hilton 13th FL 1316 W Hilton 15th FL 1506 Matt Bernson Matt Bernson W C MEL 520 West 27th Street Suite 601 New York, NY 10001 646.478.8967 W C | MEL Me too Shoes 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 1103 Hilton 15th FL 1506 Matisse Footwear 110 Maryland Street El Segundo, CA 90245 310.640.1700 W | Coconuts W | Matisse W | the Mix Hilton 13th FL 1316 Medici Bernie Mev-Medici Hilton 43rd FL 4331 W M C A Merrell Wolverine World Wide, Inc. 717 Fifth Avenue 4th Floor (entrance on 56th Street) W Hilton 13th FL 1347 Messéca Messeca International Hilton 15th FL 1507 41 Hilton New York Hotel and NY Showroom Exhibitors • hilton • Showrooms W W W Messeca international 78 Fifth Avenue 9th Floor New York, NY 10011 212.643.7066 W | Messéca MiA Limited Edition Mia Shoes, Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 12th Floor MiChAEL Michael kors 11 West 42nd Street 20th Floor W Mini MiA Mia Shoes, Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 12th Floor Hilton 15th FL 1507 W Mia Shoes, inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 12th Floor W MiA 2 Mia Shoes, Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 12th Floor W MiA Amore Mia Shoes, Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 12th Floor MiA Shoes First Cost Division Mia Shoes, Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 12th Floor W Michael Antonio Footwear group Michael Antonio Footwear Group 156 West 56th Street Suite 2003 W Michael Antonio Footwear group 156 West 56th Street Suite 2003 W Michael Jolie Michael Jolie MiA girl Mia Shoes, Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 12th Floor C MiA kiDS Mia Shoes, Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 12th Floor W Miss Me SMAC Inc. Hilton 13th FL 1348, 1349 W Miss robertson Chainson Footwear Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 5th Floor, Suite 502 W Missoni Shoes Missoni Shoes/Mosaicon Fashion Group Hilton 14th FL 1422 Hilton 14th FL 1412, 1413 W C W Michael Jolie 916 NE Tillamook Road Portland, OR 97212 503.708.8889 W | Michael Jolie W A Missoni Shoes/Mosaicon Fashion group 19 Union Square West Suite 9, 9th Floor New York, NY 10003 212.690.3000 W | Missoni Shoes Hilton 14th FL 1412, 1413 Hilton 14th FL 1422 W Miucha Miucha Hilton 14th FL 1411 43 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M men w women C children a accessories W W W Miucha 320 South Military Trail Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 800.269.5033 W | Miucha Molli Enterprises, LLC 307 Seventh Avenue Suite 2307 New York, NY 10001 212.366.1822 W | Butter W | Something Bleu MV Footwear LLC 1099 Wall Street West Suite 179 Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 201.531.0288 W | Martinez Valero Hilton 14th FL 1411 W Hilton 15th FL 1517 Moda Spana Chainson Footwear Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 5th Floor, Suite 502 W Modern Vintage Modern Vintage W Modern Vintage 4120 St. Catherine Street West 6th Floor Montreal, QC H3Z 1P4 Canada 514.448.4343 W | House of Harlow 1960 W | Modern Vintage Hilton 14th FL 1424 Modern Vintage 159 West 53rd Street Suite 22F Mootsies tootsies Nine West Group 1411 Broadway 17th Floor W M Hilton 14th FL 1424 W W C Mountrek Jimlar Corporation 711 Fifth Avenue 7th Floor W M C n.Y.L.A. Shoes 4833 Everett Avenue Vernon, CA 90058 323.582.8168 W M C | N.Y.L.A. Shoes Hilton 13th FL 1332, 1333 W M C n.Y.L.A. Shoes N.Y.L.A. Shoes Hilton 13th FL 1332, 1333 W Mtng MTNG Europe Experience Hilton 13th FL 1318, 1319 M nAnA Footwear International, USA LLC Hilton 14th FL 1442, 1443 W M Mtng Europe Experience c\ Severo Ochoa, 38 Eche Parque Industrial Elche, Alicante 3203 Spain 917.881.9313/37.966.632.474 W | MTNG W | SIXTYSEVEN Hilton 13th FL 1318, 1319 44 Hilton 43rd FL 4323 W A nancy katz Designs Nancy Katz Designs Hilton 15th FL 1519 Hilton New York Hotel and NY Showroom Exhibitors • hilton • Showrooms W C A W W nancy katz Designs 20462 NE 34th Court Miami, FL 33442 305.682.8107 W A | Designs by Nancy Katz W A | Nancy Katz Designs W A | Shoe Accents by Nancy naya— 15th Floor Brown Shoe 156 West 56th Street 14th and 15th Floors nina 200 Park Avenue South 3rd Floor Hilton 15th FL 1519 A nAOt Dead Sea treasures Yaleet Inc./NAOT Hilton 12th FL 1222, 1223 W M W nina Footwear Nina Footwear W M neosens Sole Mio Footwear Hilton 14th FL 1421 Hilton 13th FL 1336 W new York transit New York Transit, Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 500 W nAOt Footwear Yaleet Inc./NAOT Hilton 12th FL 1222, 1223 W natural Soul— 15th Floor Brown Shoe 156 West 56th Street 14th and 15th Floors W naturalizer— 15th Floor Brown Shoe 156 West 56th Street 14th and 15th Floors new York transit, inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 500 naughty Monkey 1370 Avenue of the Americas 56th and 6th Avenue, 3rd Floor Hilton 14th FL 1421 C W next Style DR Shoes Factory (Guangzhou) Hilton 13th FL 1314 W nickels— 15th Floor Brown Shoe 156 West 56th Street 14th and 15th Floors W W W C nina Footwear 200 Park Avenue South 3rd Floor New York, NY 10003 646.884.6100 W | Nina Footwear nicole-Suite 1000 Consolidated Shoe Company 1370 Avenue of the Americas 56th Street and 6th Avenue nina kids Nina 200 Park Avenue South 3rd Floor W C nine west Nine West Group 1411 Broadway 17th Floor W C nine west group 1411 Broadway 17th Floor W navid O nadia Demfon Int’l Hilton 15th FL 1516 45 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M men w women C children a accessories W W M A W nine west Vintage America Nine West Group 1411 Broadway 17th Floor Old gringo 683 Marsat Court Suite A Chula Vista, CA 91911 619.575.2810 W M A | Old Gringo Paul green Paul Green W not rated Naughty Monkey 1370 Avenue of the Americas 56th and 6th Avenue, 3rd Floor W Oh! OH! Shoes, LLC Hilton 14 FL 1429 th Hilton 13th FL 1303, 1304, 1305 W OtBt-Suite 1004 Consolidated Shoe Company 1370 Avenue of the Americas 56th Street and 6th Avenue W W Oh! Footwear OH! Shoes, LLC Hilton 14th FL 1429 W Oh! Shoes, LLC 4009 NW DeVoto Lane Portland, OR 97229 503.297.2154 W | OH! W | OH! Footwear Paris hilton Paris Hilton Footwear 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 403 Hilton 15th FL 1520 W Paul Mayer/Attitudes Attitudes Footwear Inc Hilton 15th FL 1522 W Pazzo Pazzo Inc./Pure Sole LLC Hilton 15th FL 1524, 1525 Paris hilton Footwear 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 403 W Pas de rouge “Made in italy” Team Roselli Corporation Hilton 15th FL 1552 W M A W M Old gringo Old Gringo Patagonia Wolverine World Wide, Inc. 717 Fifth Avenue 4th Floor (entrance on 56th Street) W M Pataugas Sole Mio Footwear Hilton 13th FL 1336 46 W Paul green 4337 Carpinteria Avenue Carpinteria, CA 93013 805.566.0097 W | Paul Green W Hilton 14th FL 1429 Hilton 13th FL 1303, 1304, 1305 Hilton 15th FL 1520 W Pazzo inc./Pure Sole LLC 430 Rear North Main Street Taylor, PA 18517 570.562.4570 W | Jaguar Footwear ☼ W | Pazzo W | Perlina Luxury Comfort Footwear Hilton 15th FL 1524, 1525 W Pelle Moda Chainson Footwear Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 5th Floor, Suite 502 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M men w women children a accessories W W A W Penny Loves kenny Titan Industries Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 3rd Floor Pilar Abril Menbur S.A. Pour La Victoire 10 West 33rd Street Penthouse 1 W W W A Plenty by tracy reese Highline United 530 West 25th Street Penthouse PrEVAtA international Prevata International W Prevata international 8090 Metropolitan East Anjou, QC PQ H1K1A1 Canada 514.355.8381 W A | PREVATA International Perlina Luxury Comfort Footwear Pazzo Inc./Pure Sole LLC Hilton 15th FL 1524, 1525 W Peter Finnie & Associates 134 Old Ridgefield Rd Wilton, CT 06897 203.563.9155 W | Couleur Pourpre W | SHERIDAN MIA Hilton 15th FL 1533 W M A Pikolinos Pikolinos Intercontinental S.A. Hilton 42nd FL 4225 W M A Pikolinos intercontinental S.A. Galileo Galilei 2 03203 Elche (Alicante) Spain 34.965.683231 W M A | Pikolinos Hilton 42nd FL 4225 48 C Hilton 43rd FL 4331 Poetic Licence-Suite 1001 Consolidated Shoe Company 1370 Avenue of the Americas 56th Street and 6th Avenue W Pons Quintana Santiago Pons Quintana S.A. Hilton 14th FL 1444 W POSh POSH Footwear Hilton 13th FL 1315 Hilton 43rd FL 4319 W Hilton 43rd FL 4319 W Private Label H.H. Brown Shoe Company 1441 Broadway 14th Floor W W POSh Footwear 1255 Corporate Center Drive Suite 203 Monterey Park, CA 91754 323.980.0900 W | POSH Hilton 13th FL 1315 Private Label M/S. Tirubala International Hilton 12th FL 1234, 1235 W A Projectart Arche 130 West 57th Street Suite 5D Hilton New York Hotel and NY Showroom Exhibitors • hilton • Showrooms W M C W W A PSDi uSA 2829 Sante Fe Avenue Vernon, CA 90058 213.748.1038 x418 W M C | Ed Hardy Shoes ragazza Caparros Corporation 1370 Avenue of the Americas 10th Floor rebecca Minkoff Rebecca Minkoff LLC W M rebecca Minkoff LLC 33 West 17th Street 6th Floor New York, NY 10011 212.677.7829 W A | Rebecca Minkoff Hilton 13th FL 1331, 1330 ralph Lauren Ralph Lauren 625 Madison Avenue 6th Floor Hilton 15th FL 1541 ralph Lauren 625 Madison Avenue 6th Floor W A W M Pura Lopez Pura Lopez W A Pura Lopez 704 South Broadway Unit #L Redondo Beach, CA 90277 206.226.6433 W A | Pura Lopez r w Footwear 558 Main Street Stroudsberg, PA 18360 570.421.2296 M | John Lennon M | Robert Wayne Hilton 15th FL 1523 M r.J. Colt Jimlar Corporation 711 Fifth Avenue 7th Floor W ramarim Blondo Canada Hilton 15th FL 1534, 1535 W rAS RAS-ALIMA/MARSHOES, S.L. Hilton 43rd FL 4315 W M W A Hilton 14th FL 1425 W Hilton 15th FL 1541 Hilton 14th FL 1425 rAS-ALiMA/MArShOES, S.L. Alfred Novel, 1A (Eleche P.I.9) Elche/Alicante, 03203 Spain 011.34.965681410 W | ALIMA W | RAS Hilton 43rd FL 4315 reed Evins 417 East 57th Street 32B New York, NY 10022 212.980.1282 W | Reed Evins Hilton 15th FL 1518 W relaxShoe Laurevan Shoe Corporation Hilton 12th FL 1229 W re-Mix Classic Vintage Shoes Re-Mix Classic Vintage Shoes Hilton 13th FL 1337 W re-Mix Classic Vintage Shoes 7605 1/2 Beverly Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90036 323.545.4747 W | Re-Mix Classic Vintage Shoes Hilton 13th FL 1337 49 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M men w women children a accessories W M W report Footwear 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 404 robert Cameron Diba Imports rocket Dog Rocket Dog 50 West 57th Street 8th Floor Hilton 13th FL 1308 W M restricted Footwear 17448 Railroad Street City of Industry, CA 91748 626.961.8889 W | Restricted Shoes W | UNRestricted Footwear robert wayne R W Footwear Hilton 42nd FL 4251 W Hilton 15th FL 1523 W rocawear— Suite 1003 212.582.6041 Report Footwear 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 404 W W restricted Shoes Restricted Footwear Hilton 42nd FL 4251 W rock & Candy by Zigi ZiGi New York 1370 Avenue of the Americas 11th Floor, Suite E rock & republic Rock & Republic Hilton 14th FL 1423 W rJ girl (A Division of Lane int’l. ) 33155 Transit Avenue Union City, CA 94587 714.267.5813 W | RJ Girl (A Division of Lane Int’l. ) W M rock & republic 400 West Broadway 5th Floor New York, NY 10012 310.218.3432 W M A | Rock & Republic Hilton 14th FL 1423 Hilton 14th FL 1403 M M rJ girl (A Division of Lane int’l.) RJ GIrl (A Division of Lane Int’l.) Hilton 15th FL 1403 rocket Dog 50 West 57th Street 8th Floor W M C romeo & Juliette, inc./BEArPAw 7524 Old Auburn Road Citrus Heights, CA 95610 916.726.4413 W M C | BEARPAW Hilton 12th FL 1250, 1251 W A W M A rialto White Mountain 65 West 54th Street 50 C rOCkadelic Deer Stags Concepts 902 Broadway, 3rd Floor rowen 280 West Coleman Boulevard Suite M Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 843.860.4094 W | blakelee Footwear W | Rowen Footwear A | Whitley V designs Hilton 13th FL 1317 W rowen Footwear Rowen Hilton 13th FL 1317 Handcrafted in Brazil Pricepoints starting at $60 The Hilton 13th Floor, Room 1317 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M men w women children a accessories W M W M C W Sacha London 140 West 57th Street Suite 8B Sanita Lola Romona/Sanita Clogs, Inc. Schutz 641 Lexington Avenue Suite 1436 New York, NY 10022 212.634.6459 W | Schutz Hilton 12th FL 1230, 1231 W W Sachelle Sacha London 140 West 57th Street Suite 8B Santana Canada Santana Canada Hilton 14th FL 1434, 1435 W Hilton 15th FL 1537 W Salpy 9272 Borden Avenue Sun Valley, CA 91352 818.767.2045 W | Salpy W C w Sam Edelman Sam Edelman 130 West 57th Street Suite 11B W Sam Edelman 130 West 57th Street Suite 11B Santana Canada 2120 Bristol Circle Oakville, ON L6H 5R3 Canada 905.829.3000 x224 W | Aquatherm by Santana W | Santana Canada Hilton 14th FL 1434, 1435 W Hilton 15th FL 1537 Sam & Libby Nine West Group 1411 Broadway 17th Floor Hilton 14th FL 1416 W Salpy Salpy 52 C SAntiAgO POnS QuintAnA S.A. San Antonio, 120 Alaior-Menorca, 07730 Spain 011.34.971.371.050 W | Pons Quintana W C Schwartz & Benjamin, inc. 20 West 57th Street 4th Floor W M Sebago Wolverine World Wide, Inc. 717 Fifth Avenue 4th Floor (entrance on 56th Street) W SEE u Danssara Hilton 14th FL 1410 W SEStO gOLF Wolff Shoe Company 680 Fifth Avenue 21st Floor Hilton 14th FL 1444 W W Sbicca of California Volatile Footwear Hilton 43rd FL 4303 SEStO MEuCCi Wolff Shoe Company 680 Fifth Avenue 21st Floor W Seychelles/BC Footwear 730 Fifth Avenue Suite 607 Hilton New York Hotel and NY Showroom Exhibitors • hilton • Showrooms W W W ShEriDAn MiA Peter Finnie & Associates SMAC inc. 17559 Rowland Street City of Industry, CA 91748 626.839.5255 W | C Label W | Kiss Me W | Miss Me Something Bleu Molli Enterprises, LLC Hilton 15th FL 1533 W A Shoe Accents by nancy Nancy Katz Designs Hilton 15th FL 1519 Hilton 13th FL 1348, 1349 W Simco imported Shoes 1480 Kleppe Lane Sparks, NV 89431 775.322.0492 W | Arcopedico Hilton 12 FL 1221 th W SixtYSEVEn MTNG Europe Experience Hilton 13th FL 1318, 1319 W A Skemo Shoes & Bags Skemo Shoes & Bags Hilton 14th FL 1415 w a Skemo Shoes & Bags 7400 NW 7th Street Suite 106 Miami, FL 33126 305.267.8404 W A | Skemo Shoes & Bags Hilton 14th FL 1415 W Söfft H.H. Brown Shoe Company 1441 Broadway 14th Floor W Softspots H.H. Brown Shoe Company 1441 Broadway 14th Floor W M C Sole Mio Footwear C3-802 Southdown Road Mississauga, ON, L5J 244 Canada 905.822.2334 W M C | Art W | Joe Sanchez W M | Loints W M | Neosens W M | Pataugas Hilton 15th FL 1517 W Sonata Impo 65 West 54th Street W M C Sorel Sorel 525 Seventh Avenue Suite 502 w m c Sorel 525 Seventh Avenue Suite 502 W M Staheekum Washington Shoe Company Hilton 12th FL 1248, 1249 W M C A Steve Madden 1370 Avenue of the Americas 14th Floor C Steve Madden kids Steve Madden 1370 Avenue of the Americas 14th Floor M Steve Madden Mens Steve Madden 1370 Avenue of the Americas 14th Floor Hilton 13th FL 1336 53 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M w men women C children a accessories W A W W Steven by Steve Madden Steve Madden 1370 Avenue of the Americas 14th Floor team roselli Corporation 75 South Riverside Avenue Suite B Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520 914.862.0270 W | Pas de Rouge “Made in Italy” thE FLExx The FLEXX USA, LLC W StOrM by Cougar Cougar Shoes Inc. Hilton 15th FL 1552 Hilton 42 FL 4215, 4217 nd W Stuart weitzman 50 West 57th Street 9th Floor Hilton 14th FL 1427 W the FLExx uSA, LLC 8 Wentworth Street Charleston, SC 29401 843.722.1371 W | FLEXX W | Flexx Studio W | THE FLEXX W M A Stuart weitzman handbags Stuart Weitzman 50 West 57th Street 9th Floor C Stuart weitzman kids Stuart Weitzman 50 West 57th Street 9th Floor W Swap By Audley Audley/Yum Spain Corporate, S.L. Hilton 14th FL 1448 W taryn rose 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 500 W taryn rose Taryn Rose 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 500 54 W M tecnica Tecnica Hilton 12th FL 1226, 1227 Hilton 12th FL 1226, 1227 tecnica 19 Technology Drive West Lebanon, NH 03784-1673 603.298.8032 W M | Tecnica Hilton 14th FL 1427 W M W the Mix Matisse Footwear Hilton 13th FL 1322, 1323 W thierry rabotin Thierry Rabotin USA Inc. Hilton 15th FL 1544, 1550 ted Baker Footwear Ted Baker Footwear W W M C the Combs Company 16 Oakway Center Eugene, OR 97401 800.201.2070 W M C | BOGS thierry rabotin uSA inc. 111 Lee Road Scarsdale, NY 10583 917.439.9337 W | Thierry Rabotin Hilton 15th FL 1544, 1550 Hilton 12 FL 1218, 1219 th W think! Kanner Corporation Hilton 12th FL 1214 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M w men women C children accessories W W W M tiggErS TIGGERS Gmbh toscanella Luisa D’Orio — Contesa Made in Italy united nude Highline United 530 West 25th Street Penthouse Hilton 14th FL 1417 Hilton 15th FL 1514 W W tiggErS gmbh Bahnhofstrasse 11 Pirmasens, 66953 Germany 011.49 151.276.19371 W | TIGGERS tracy reese Highline United 530 West 25th Street Penthouse Hilton 14th FL 1417 W tignanello B. Makowsky 1333 Broadway 8th Floor W tirubala international M/S. Tirubala International Hilton 12th FL 1234, 1235 W titan industries inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 3rd Floor W tory Burch Tory Burch 11 West 19th Street 7th Floor w tory Burch 11 West 19th Street 7th Floor 56 a W true religion Titan Industries Inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 3rd Floor W M tsubo Footwear 24 West 57th Street Suite 603 W two Lips 1370 Avenue of the Americas 11th Floor W M uES Steve Madden 1370 Avenue of the Americas 14th Floor W M C A ugg Australia UGG Australia 730 Fifth Avenue Suite 1000 W M C A ugg Australia 730 Fifth Avenue Suite 1000 W unleashed Unleashed 50 West 57th Street 8th Floor W unleashed 50 West 57th Street 8th Floor W M unlisted, a kenneth Cole Production Kenneth Cole Productions 603 West 50th Street W unrestricted Footwear Restricted Footwear Hilton 42nd FL 4251 W M V italia European Collection Inc./V Italia Hilton 13th FL 1338 W Valdini Sacha London 140 West 57th Street Suite 8B NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M w men women C children a accessories W W W C A VAnELi Wolff Shoe Company 680 Fifth Avenue 21st Floor Vera wang Lavender— Call for Appt. Brown Shoe 156 West 56th Street 14th and 15th Floors Volatile Footwear 1010 Sandhill Avenue Carson, CA 90746 310.669.8800 W | Encanto W | Grazie W | Sbicca of California W | Very Volatile W | Volatile A | Volatile Handbags C | Volatile Kids W W VAnELi SPOrt Wolff Shoe Company 680 Fifth Avenue 21st Floor Very Volatile Volatile Footwear Hilton 43rd FL 4303 W W Velvet Angels 2900 Bristol Street H201 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714.754.9910 W | Velvet Angels Via Spiga— 14th Floor Brown Shoe 156 West 56th Street 14th and 15th Floors Hilton 15th FL 1512 W Velvet Sole Velvet Sole W A Volatile handbags Volatile Footwear Hilton 43rd FL 4303 Vigoss Shoes Evolution Design Lab 65 West 54th Street 2nd Floor C Volatile kids Volatile Footwear W Hilton 12th FL 1217 W Velvet Sole 3 Cedarfield Terrace Saint James, NY 11780 516.509.8410 W | Velvet Sole Hilton 12th FL 1217 Hilton 43rd FL 4303 Vince Camuto— 8th FL Camuto Group 1370 Avenue of the Americas 8th and 15th Floors W M waldlaufer Waldlaufer Hilton 12th FL 1215 W M W M Vintage Shoe Company H.H. Brown Shoe Company 1441 Broadway 14th Floor waldlaufer 21 Blacksmith Lane E. Northport, NY 11731 866.537.8363 W M | Waldlaufer W Hilton 12th FL 1215 Volatile Volatile Footwear Hilton 43rd FL 4303 58 Hilton 43rd FL 4303 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M w men women C children a accessories W M W W walk-Over H.H. Brown Shoe Company 1441 Broadway 14th Floor white Mountain White Mountain 65 West 54th Street worishofer Laurevan Shoe Corporation Hilton 12th FL 1229 W W M C A W M C white Mountain 65 West 54th Street wanted Wanted 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 1101 whitley V designs Rowen Yaleet inc./nAOt 80 Ruland Road Suite 2 Melville, NY 11747 516.465.6268 A | NAOT Dead Sea Treasures A Hilton 13th FL 1317 W M C wanted 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 1101 w Hilton 12th FL 1222, 1223 wild Dices Washington Shoe Company Hilton 12 FL 1248, 1249 th W M C washington Shoe Company 21001 72nd Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 253.234.3000 W M | 2 Pod W | Chooka W M | Eddie Moran W M | Staheekum C | Western Chief Kids w | Wild Dices Hilton 12 FL 1248, 1249 th C western Chief kids Washington Shoe Company Hilton 12th FL 1248, 1249 W Hilton 13th FL 1314 wolff Shoe Company 680 Fifth Avenue 21st Floor W C Yellow Box Yellow Box Corp. W M A Hilton 43rd FL 4333, 4335 wolverine Wolverine World Wide, Inc. 717 Fifth Avenue 4th Floor (entrance on 56th Street) W M C A wolverine world wide, inc. 717 Fifth Avenue 4th Floor (entrance on 56th Street) W C Yellow Box Corp. 13775 Ramona Avenue Chino, CA 91710 909.287.0900 W C | Yellow Box Hilton 43rd FL 4333, 4335 A W Yi xiang DR Shoes Factory (Guangzhou) wonders Casitas Hilton 14th FL 1449 60 W Yan Yang DR Shoes Factory (Guangzhou) Hilton 13th FL 1314 Hilton New York Hotel and NY Showroom Exhibitors • hilton • Showrooms W W Ziera Ziera Shoes Zigi ny ZiGi New York 1370 Avenue of the Americas 11th Floor, Suite E Hilton 14th FL 1432 w Ziera Shoes 59 Mahunga Drive Mangere Bridge Auckland New Zealand 649.633.2000 W | Kumfs W | Ziera Hilton 14th FL 1432 C W Zigi ny black label ZiGi New York 1370 Avenue of the Americas 11th Floor, Suite E W Zodiac uSA— 15th Floor Brown Shoe 156 West 56th Street 14th and 15th Floors ziggies ZiGi New York 1370 Avenue of the Americas 11th Floor, Suite E W Zigi girl ZiGi New York 1370 Avenue of the Americas 11th Floor, Suite E A Zigi handbags and Accessories ZiGi New York 1370 Avenue of the Americas 11th Floor, Suite E W M C A Zigi new York 1370 Avenue of the Americas 11th Floor, Suite E 61 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M NOTES 62 men w women C children NOTES a accessories THIS PAGE COULD FEATURE YOUR BRAND! Make your brand stand out from the crowd in the next FFANY Directory There is no better place to unveil your newest collections than right here at the New York Shoe Expo, where thousands of independent owners, retail and boutique buyers, department store merchants and industry press come in search of the next big trend. Phyllis REIN Nicole RIVERS CONTACT 212.751.6422 x15 212.751.6422 x16 Hilton Room 1428 • Full page, 6” x 9”, 4-color + bleed Ad • Deadline - 3 weeks before each Shoe Expo • All Ads must include the FFANY logo, your room/booth number, be submitted in highresolution, digital format PDF and emailed to for approval in advance. HIlTON HOTEl | 12 Floor Exhibitors M men w women C children a accessories th February 1-3, 2011 Hilton 12h Floor End of Floor Tirubala Tirubala 1238 1239 1237 1236 1240 1241 1235 1234 1242 1243 1233 1232 1244 Stairway A 1231 1230 1247 Kickers Laurevan Shoe Klogs-USA 1229 1228 1248 1249 Washington Shoe Washington Shoe The FLEXX USA The FLEXX USA 1227 1226 1250 1251 BEARPAW BEARPAW Earth Footwear Earth Footwear 1225 1224 1252 Aigle Boots Yaleet Inc./ NAOT Yaleet Inc./ NAOT 1223 1222 Wall Arcopedico Helle Comfort S BOG S BOG Ice Wall Elevator 1221 1220 1219 1218 Velvet Sole Ilse Jacobsen 1217 1216 Waldlaufer Gabor / Think! 1215 1214 1203 Bussola U.S.A. Bussola U.S.A. 1213 1212 1204 1205 1211 1210 1206 1207 Stairway B 1209 1208 End of Floor 64 Window Corridor Sanita Clogs Sanita Clogs HIlTON HOTEl | 12 th brand 2 pod aaLm aigle boots arcopedico bEarpaW boGS bussola chooka Earth rm 1248 1249 1234 1235 1252 1221 W M 1250 1251 1218 1219 1212 1213 1248 1249 1224 1225 1224 1225 1224 1225 1248 1249 1229 W M C 1226 1227 1226 1227 1214 W 1220 W 1216 W M 1247 1228 W M C A W M 1228 W 1229 W M 1230 1231 1220 W Washington Shoe Company Earth Brands Earth origins Earth Brands Earthies W M C A company Washington Shoe Company M/S. Tirubala International Calieagle LLC Simco Imported Shoes Romeo & Juliette, Inc./BEARPAW The Combs Company Bussola U.S.A. Earth Brands Eddie moran Washington Shoe Company Eric michael Laurevan Shoe Corporation FLEXX The FLEXX USA, LLC Flexx Studio The FLEXX USA, LLC Gabor Kanner Corporation helle Helle Comfort comfort Ilse Lines of Denmark Jacobsen Kickers USa Kickers Klogs—USa Klogs–USA and Kravings by Klogs Kravings Klogs–USA and by Klogs Kravings by Klogs Laplume Laurevan Shoe Corporation Lola romona Lola Romona/ Sanita Clogs, Inc. martina & Helle Comfort peter h naot Yaleet Inc./ NAOT dead Sea treasures naot Yaleet Inc./ NAOT Footwear private Label M/S. Tirubala International relaxShoe Laurevan Shoe Corporation Sanita Lola Romona/ Sanita Clogs, Inc. brand Staheekum Floor Exhibitors company Washington Shoe Company thE FLEXX The FLEXX USA, LLC think! Kanner Corporation tirubala M/S. Tirubala International International Velvet Sole Velvet Sole Waldlaufer Waldlaufer Western Washington chief Kids Shoe Company Wild dices Washington Shoe Company Worishofer Laurevan Shoe Corporation W W M C W W M C W M W W M rm W M C A 1248 1249 1226 1227 1214 W M 1234 1235 1217 1215 1248 1249 1248 1249 1229 W W W W W M C w W W M W W M W W W W A 1222 1223 1222 1223 1234 1235 1229 W M 1230 1231 W M C W W 65 HIlTON HOTEl | 13 Floor Exhibitors I lTO | 13 C F l children o o r E xah iaccessories bitors MNmenH O T Ewlwomen th TH February 1-3, 2011 Hilton 13h Floor End of Floor V Italia/ European Collection 1338 1339 O’ Neill Re-Mix Sole Mio 1337 1336 1340 1341 Heart n Soul Camper Camper 1335 1334 1342 1343 H &F Dizzy N.Y.L.A Shoes N.Y.L.A Shoes 1333 1332 1344 Choudhary Ed Hardy Shoes Ed Hardy Shoes 1331 1330 1347 Bernie Mev-Medici Bos & Co. Bos & Co. 1329 1328 1348 1349 SMAC Inc. SMAC Inc. Matiko Matiko 1327 1326 1350 1351 Jeffrey Campbell Jeffrey Campbell Eastland Shoe Eastland Shoe 1325 1324 1352 Gwyneth Matisse Matisse 1323 1322 Wall Ice Wall Elevator Window Corridor Stairway A Jaguar Footwear Groove 1321 1320 MTNG/SIXTYSEVEN MTNG/SIXTYSEVEN 1319 1318 Rowen MEL 1317 1316 POSH DR Shoes Factory 1315 1314 1303 Old Gringo Dan Post Dan Post 1313 1312 1304 1305 Old Gringo Old Gringo Diba Imports Diba Imports 1311 1310 1306 1307 Diba Imports Diba Imports Blackstone 1309 1308 Diba Imports Stairway B End of Floor 66 HIlTON HOTEl | 13 th brand art bernie mev blackstone blakelee Footwear bos & co company bronx men’s bronx Shoes c Label Sole Mio Footwear Bernie Mev-Medici Blackstone Shoes Rowen Fly London-Ground Hogs-Bos & Co. Diba Imports Diba Imports SMAC Inc. camper Camper choudhary International pVt. Ltd., mumbai, India coconuts Choudhary International PVT. LTD. dan post Dan Post Boot Company DR Shoes Factory (Guangzhou) Diba Imports darLing diba Imports (private Label) diba Shoes dingo dr Eastland “made in maine” Eastland Shoe corp. Ed hardy Shoes Eleganza elli + tee Fly London Groove Groundhogs Gwyneth heart n Soul Jaguar Footwear Jeffrey campbell Joe Sanchez John deere Kiss me Matisse Footwear Diba Imports Dan Post Boot Company DR Shoes Factory (Guangzhou) Eastland Shoe Mfg. Corp. Eastland Shoe Mfg. Corp. PSDI USA elli + tee elli + tee Fly London-Ground Hogs-Bos & Co. Groove Footwear Fly London-Ground Hogs-Bos & Co. Gwyneth Shoes Heart n Soul Jaguar Footwear Jeffrey Campbell Footwear Sole Mio Footwear Dan Post Boot Company SMAC Inc. rm 1336 1347 1309 1317 1328 1329 1308 1308 1348 1349 1334 1335 1344 W M C A W M C W W M W W brand Laredo Western boots Loints man ying M W W W M C W M C W matiko matisse Matisse Footwear medici mEL miss me Bernie Mev-Medici MEL SMAC Inc. mtnG MTNG Europe Experience N.Y.L.A. Shoes 1308 W 1308 1312 1313 1314 W W M C 1324 1325 1324 1325 1331 1330 1342 1342 1328 1329 1320 1328 1329 1352 1340 1321 1350 1351 1336 1312 1313 1348 1349 M neosens next Style W M C A old Gringo pataugas poSh re-mix classic Vintage Shoes robert cameron rowen Footwear SIXtySEVEn M W M the mix W M C V Italia W w W W W A company Dan Post Boot Company Sole Mio Footwear DR Shoes Factory (Guangzhou) Matiko Footwear n.y.L.a. Shoes 1322 1323 1312 1313 1314 Floor Exhibitors Sole Mio Footwear DR Shoes Factory (Guangzhou) Old Gringo Sole Mio Footwear POSH Footwear Re-Mix Classic Vintage Shoes Diba Imports Rowen MTNG Europe Experience Matisse Footwear European Collection Inc./V Italia Whitley V designs Rowen yan yang DR Shoes Factory (Guangzhou) yi Xiang DR Shoes Factory (Guangzhou) rm W M C A 1312 1313 1336 1314 W M C 1326 1327 1322 1323 1347 1316 1348 1349 1318 1319 1332 1333 1336 1314 W 1303 1304 1305 1336 1315 1337 W M 1308 1317 1318 1319 1322 1323 1338 1317 1314 1314 W M C W W W W C W W M C W M W A W M W W M W W W W M A W A W W W W W W M C W 67 HIlTON HOTEl | 14 Floor Exhibitors M men w women C children a accessories th February 1-3, 2011 Hilton 14h Floor End of Floor 1438 1439 1437 1436 1440 1441 The Yellowstone Company S.L. Santana Canada Santana Canada 1435 1434 1442 1443 Footwear International Footwear International Auclair & Martino ZIERA 1433 1432 1444 Pons Quintana Enigma Enigma 1431 1430 1447 Antelope OH! Shoes, LLC Koolaburra 1429 1428 1448 1449 Audley Casitas Tecnica LLoyd Germany 1427 1426 1450 1451 Lucchese Lucchese Rebecca Minkoff House of Harlow 1960 1425 1424 1452 D.CO Copenhagen Ice 1454 Wall FFANY OFFICE 1423 1422 Wall Elevator Window Rock & Republic Missoni Corridor Stairway A FFANY Registration Nina Footwear Lauren Jones 1421 1420 J.LITVACK J.LITVACK 1419 1418 TIGGERS Schutz 1417 1416 Skemo Gee WaWa 1415 1414 1403 RJ Girl Michael Jolie Michael Jolie 1413 1412 1404 1405 Luichiny Luichiny Miucha Danssara 1411 1410 1406 1407 Ardiente Ardiente A. Hasenbohler SRL 1409 1408 Grace Carter Designs Stairway B End of Floor 68 HIlTON HOTEl | 14 th brand company room 88EIGhtyEIGht aliipes by a. hasenbohler S.r.l amimoc of canada antelope aquatherm by Santana ardiente audley casitas charlie 1 horse W M C A 1450 1451 Footwear 1442 International, USA LLC 1443 A. Hasenbohler SRL 1409 W M Auclair & Martino 1433 W M C Antelope Inc. Santana Canada 1447 1434 1435 1404 1405 1406 1407 1448 W W W W M 1883 by Lucchese Lucchese, Inc. Demand Shoes (Luichiny) Audley/Yum Spain Corporate, S.L. Casitas Lucchese, Inc. W M W Gee WaWa Footwear Grace Carter Design 1408 W Casitas Modern Vintage 1449 1424 W W JSL Studio Intl. LLC W Koolaburra Kumfs Lauren Jones Koolaburra Ziera Shoes Lauren Jones Footwear LLoyd Footwear Lucchese, Inc. 1418 1419 1428 1432 1420 EnIGma LLoyd Lucchese Lucchese classics Lucchese contemporary Luichiny mael by martino marIo brUnI Enigma/ More Shoes 1426 1450 1451 Lucchese, Inc. 1450 1451 Lucchese, Inc. 1450 1451 Demand Shoes 1404 (Luichiny) 1405 1406 1407 Auclair & Martino 1433 Footwear 1442 International, USA LLC 1443 room W M C A Auclair & Martino 1433 W M Michael Jolie 1412 1413 1422 W 1411 1424 1442 1443 1421 1429 1429 1444 W W 1425 1423 1434 1435 1410 1415 W W M W W W 1448 W 1427 1417 1449 1432 W M W W W company missoni Shoes W Gee WaWa Footwear Grace carter design hispanitas house of harlow 1960 J.LItVacK copenhagen Arbec Group danssara Danssara diva by Lucchese Lucchese, Inc. martino of canada michael Jolie M 1449 1450 1451 1452 1410 1450 1451 1430 1431 1414 brand Floor Exhibitors A W W W Missoni Shoes/ Mosaicon Fashion Group miucha Miucha modern Vintage Modern Vintage nana Footwear International, USA LLC nina Footwear Nina Footwear oh! OH! Shoes, LLC oh! Footwear OH! Shoes, LLC pons Quintana SANTIAGO PONS QUINTANA S.A. rebecca minkoff Rebecca Minkoff LLC rock & republic Rock & Republic Santana canada Santana Canada SEE U Skemo Shoes & bags Swap by audley W W A tecnica tIGGErS Wonders Ziera Danssara Skemo Shoes & Bags Audley/Yum Spain Corporate, S.L. Tecnica TIGGERS Gmbh Casitas Ziera Shoes W M W W W W A A A W M C W W M W M W M W W W M 69 HIlTON HOTEl | 15 Floor Exhibitors M men w women C children a accessories th February 1-3, 2011 Hilton 15th Floor End of Floor BeautiFeel 1538 1539 Daniele Ancarani Salpy Elizabeth Brady 1537 1536 1540 1541 Bourne / Lola Cruz Pura Lopez Blondo Canada Blondo Canada 1535 1534 1542 1543 dav Chelsea Paris Peter Finnie Matt Bernson 1533 1532 1544 Thierry Rabotin USA Charles David Charles by Charles David 1531 1530 1547 Charles David Cordani Dana Davis 1529 1528 1548 1549 Attilio Giusti Leombruni Attilio Giusti Leombruni Marc Joseph New York Gentle Souls by Kenneth Cole 1527 1526 1550 1551 Thierry Rabotin USA Elaine Turner Pazzo /Perlina Luxury Pazzo /Perlina Luxury 1525 1524 1552 Pas de rouge R W Footwear Attitudes /Paul Mayer 1523 1522 Wall Ice Wall Elevator Window Corridor Stairway A French Sole FS/NY Paul Green 1521 1520 Nancy Katz Reed Evins 1519 1518 Butter Demfon Int’l 1517 1516 French Sole FS/NY “Luisa D’ Orio - Contesa” 1515 1514 1503 A. Marinelli Bernardo Velvet Angels 1513 1512 1504 1505 Everybody Everybody Beverly Feldman Beverly Feldman 1511 1510 1506 1507 Mea Shadow Mésseca Beverly Feldman 1509 1508 Lovely People Stairway B End of Floor 70 HIlTON HOTEl | 15 th brand a. marinelli anna capri apepazza (1504) attilio Giusti Leombruni attitudes/ paul mayer be comfortable by blondo beautiFeel bernardo beverly Feldman room A. Marinelli A. Marinelli Everybody Shoes LLC. & Horizon Footwear LLC Attilio Giusti Leombruni Attitudes Footwear Inc 1503 1503 1504 1505 1548 1549 1522 W Blondo Canada 1534 1535 1538 1513 1509 1510 1511 1534 1535 1517 1530 1531 1547 1530 1531 1547 1516 1543 1514 W M 1529 1533 W W 1528 1539 W W 1542 1519 W W C A A 1551 1536 1504 1505 W W W A 1515 1521 1526 W 1524 1525 1523 W BeautiFeel Bernardo Footwear Beverly Feldman Collections blondo canada Blondo Canada butter charles by charles david Molli Enterprises, LLC Charles David of California charles david Charles David of California chelsea crew chelsea paris contesa w m c a W W W company Demfon Int’l Chelsea Paris LLC. “Luisa D’Orio— Contesa” Made in Italy cordani Cordani Calzature couleur pourpre Peter Finnie & Associates dana davis Dana Davis daniele Daniele Ancarani SRL ancarani däv dav designs by Nancy Katz Designs nancy Katz Elaine turner Elaine Turner Elizabeth brady Elizabeth Brady Everybody Everybody Shoes LLC. & Horizon Footwear LLC French Sole French Sole FS/NY FS/ny & FS/NY Comfort Gentle Souls by Gentle Souls by Kenneth cole Kenneth Cole Jaguar Pazzo Inc./Pure Footwear Sole LLC John Lennon R W Footwear brand Khrio (1504) Lovely people Luisa d’orio m.o. by chelsea paris marc Joseph new york marinelli Shoes matt bernson mea Shadow messéca nancy Katz designs navid o nadia pas de rouge “made in Italy” paul Green paul mayer/ attitudes pazzo W W W W W M W W W M perlina Luxury comfort Footwear pura Lopez ramarim W W W robert Wayne Salpy ShErIdan mIa Floor Exhibitors company room Everybody Shoes LLC. & Horizon Footwear LLC Lovely People “Luisa D’Orio— Contesa” Made in Italy Chelsea Paris LLC. 1504 1505 w m c a W 1508 1514 W W 1543 W Marc Joseph New York 1527 W A. Marinelli Matt Bernson Mea Shadow Messeca International Nancy Katz Designs 1503 1532 1506 1507 1519 W W W W W Demfon Int’l Team Roselli Corporation Paul Green Attitudes Footwear Inc 1516 1552 W W 1520 1522 W W Pazzo Inc./Pure Sole LLC Pazzo Inc./Pure Sole LLC 1524 1525 1524 1525 W Pura Lopez Blondo Canada 1541 1534 1535 1523 1537 1533 W W 1519 W 1517 1544 1550 1514 W W R W Footwear Salpy Peter Finnie & Associates Nancy Katz Designs Shoe accents by nancy Something bleu Molli Enterprises, LLC thierry rabotin Thierry Rabotin USA Inc. toscanella “Luisa D’Orio— Contesa” Made in Italy A A W A M W W A W W M M 71 HIlTON HOTEl | 42 Floor Exhibitors 1-3, 2011 M men w women CFebruary children a accessories nd Hilton 42nd Floor End of Floor Stairs Pikolinos 4225 Crocs 4223 Marlboro Footworks 4221 Elevator 72 Cougar Shoes 4217 Elevator/Ice Cougar Shoes 4215 Stairs Corso Como 4210 4206 4207 End of Floor 42 - 6th Avenue Restricted Window 4251 Corso Como Corso Como HIlTON HOTEl | 42 nd brand company ballaSox Corso Como ciao bella Corso Como corso como Corso Como corso como bags Corso Como cougar Cougar Shoes Inc. crocS Jasmin marlboro Footworks pikolinos restricted Shoes Storm by cougar Crocs, Inc. Marlboro Footworks Marlboro Footworks Pikolinos Intercontinental S.A. Restricted Footwear Cougar Shoes Inc. Unrestricted Footwear Restricted Footwear room W 4206 4207 4210 4206 4207 4210 4206 4207 4210 4206 4207 4210 4215 4217 4223 4221 4221 4225 4251 4215 4217 4251 W M Floor Exhibitors C A A W A W W W W W W W M M C A W 73 HIlTON HOTEl | 43 Floor Exhibitors M men w women C children a accessories rd February 1-3, 2011 Hilton 43rd Floor Yellow Box 4335 4333 Menbur S.A. 4344 Stairs All Black 4351 Klub Nico 4331 4329 4327 Diba Imports 4325 Martinez Valero 4323 Chocolat Blu 4321 Prevata 4319 Biviel 4317 Elevator/Ice RAS-ALIMA 4315 Stairs Elevator 4303 74 Window Aquatalia By Marvin K. Volatile Footwear HIlTON HOTEl | 43 rd brand company aLIma aLL bLacK aquatalia by marvin K. RAS-ALIMA/ MARSHOES, S.L. All Black Aquatalia by Marvin K. bIVIEL chocolat blu diba Imports Encanto Grazie Klub nico martinez Valero menbur pilar abril prEVata International raS Sbicca of california Very Volatile Volatile Volatile handbags Volatile Kids yellow box Biviel/Fardattchio, S.L. Chocolat Blu Diba Imports (China First Cost) Volatile Footwear Volatile Footwear Klub Nico MV Footwear LLC Menbur S.A. Menbur S.A. Prevata International RAS-ALIMA/ MARSHOES, S.L. Volatile Footwear Volatile Footwear Volatile Footwear Volatile Footwear Volatile Footwear Yellow Box Corp. room W 4315 4344 4327 4329 4317 4321 4325 4303 4303 4351 4323 4331 4331 4319 4315 4303 4303 4303 4303 4303 4333, 4335 W W W Floor Exhibitors M C W W W W W W W W W W W W W W A A A A A W C C 75 men’s Exhibitors M men brand w company 1883 by Lucchese Lucchese, Inc. 2 pod Washington Shoe Company Footwear International, USA LLC Calieagle LLC A. Hasenbohler SRL Auclair & Martino Sole Mio Footwear Blondo Canada 88EIGhtyEIGht aigle boots aliipes by a. hasenbohler S.r.l amimoc of canada art be comfortable by blondo bEarpaW C women Loc rm W M C A W M John deere W M John Lennon Kickers USa Klogs—USa 12th FL 1252 14th FL 1409 W M C W M 14th FL 1433 13th FL 1336 W M C W M C th M W M W M C W M W M W M C M W M accessories brand 14th FL 1450 1451 12th FL 1248 1249 14th FL 1442 1443 15 FL 1534 1535 Romeo & Juliette, 12th FL 1250 Inc./BEARPAW 1251 blackstone 13th FL 1309 Blackstone Shoes blondo canada 15th FL 1534 Blondo Canada 1535 boGS 12th FL 1218 The Combs Company 1219 bronx men’s 13th FL 1308 Diba Imports bussola 12th FL 1212 Bussola U.S.A. 1213 camper 13th FL 1334 Camper 1335 charles david 15th FL 1530 Charles David of California 1531 1547 th charlie 1 horse 14 FL 1450 Lucchese, Inc. 1451 choudhary 13th FL 1344 Choudhary International pVt. International Ltd., mumbai, India PVT. LTD. crocS 42nd 4223 Crocs, Inc. FL dan post 13th FL 1312 Dan Post Boot Company 1313 dingo 13th FL 1312 Dan Post Boot Company 1313 dr DR Shoes Factory 13th FL 1314 (Guangzhou) Earth 12th FL 1224 Earth Brands 1225 Earth origins 12th FL 1224 Earth Brands 1225 Eastland “made 13th FL 1324 Eastland Shoe in maine” Mfg. Corp. 1325 Eastland Shoe corp. Eastland Shoe 13th FL 1324 Mfg. Corp. 1325 Ed hardy Shoes 13th FL 1331 PSDI USA 1330 Eddie moran 12th FL 1248 Washington Shoe Company 1249 Gentle Souls by 15th FL 1526 Gentle Souls by Kenneth cole Kenneth Cole Ilse Jacobsen Lines of Denmark 12th FL 1216 76 a children W M C M W M W M M W M W M C W M W M W M W M C W M 13th FL 1312 1313 14th FL 1426 13th FL 1336 W M C 14th FL 1450 1451 14th FL 1450 1451 14th FL 1442 1443 W M Footwear International, USA LLC Auclair & Martino 14th FL 1433 13th FL 1332 N.Y.L.A. Shoes 1333 14th FL 1442 Footwear International, 1443 USA LLC Yaleet Inc./ NAOT 12th FL 1222 1223 13th FL 1336 Sole Mio Footwear 13th FL 1303 Old Gringo 1304 1305 th 13 FL 1336 Sole Mio Footwear 42nd 4225 Pikolinos Intercontinental FL S.A. 13th FL 1308 Diba Imports 15th FL 1523 R W Footwear Rock & Republic 14th FL 1423 12th FL 1230 Lola Romona/ Sanita Clogs, Inc. 1231 12th FL 1248 Washington Shoe Company 1249 14th FL 1427 Tecnica 13th FL 1338 European Collection Inc./V Italia 12th FL 1215 Waldlaufer nana naot Footwear old Gringo pataugas W M C 14th FL 1428 12th FL 1229 marIo brUnI martino of canada n.y.L.a. Shoes pikolinos robert cameron robert Wayne rock & republic Sanita Staheekum tecnica V Italia Waldlaufer W M C A W M C Lucchese, Inc. W M C W M C rm Lucchese classics Laredo Western boots LLoyd Loints neosens W M Loc 13th FL 1312 1313 15th FL 1523 12th FL 1247 12th FL 1228 Lucchese Koolaburra Laplume W M C W M company Dan Post Boot Company R W Footwear Kickers Klogs–USA and Kravings by Klogs Koolaburra Laurevan Shoe Corporation Dan Post Boot Company LLoyd Footwear Sole Mio Footwear Lucchese, Inc. M W M C A W M M W M W M M W M W M C M W M W M W M A W M W M A M M W M A W M C W M W M W M W M Children’s Exhibitors C brand company W M C A Loc rm aigle boots amimoc of canada art bEarpaW Calieagle LLC Auclair & Martino Sole Mio Footwear Romeo & Juliette, Inc./BEARPAW 12th FL 14th FL 13th FL 12th FL W W W W boGS The Combs Company 12th FL camper Camper 13th FL choudhary International pVt. Ltd., mumbai, India crocS dan post Choudhary International PVT. LTD. 13 FL 1252 1433 1336 1250 1251 1218 1219 1334 1335 1344 Crocs, Inc. Dan Post Boot Company 42 FL 13th FL W M C W M C däv dingo dav Dan Post Boot Company 15th FL 13th FL Ed hardy Shoes PSDI USA 13th FL John deere Dan Post Boot Company 13 FL Kickers USa Koolaburra Laredo Western boots Kickers Koolaburra Dan Post Boot Company 12 FL 14th FL 13th FL man ying mEL n.y.L.a. Shoes DR Shoes Factory (Guangzhou) MEL N.Y.L.A. Shoes 13th FL 13th FL 13th FL Sanita Lola Romona/Sanita Clogs, Inc. 12th FL Volatile Kids Western chief Kids Volatile Footwear Washington Shoe Company 43 FL 12th FL yellow box Yellow Box Corp. 43rd FL 4223 1312 1313 1542 1312 1313 1331 1330 1312 1313 1247 1428 1312 1313 1314 1316 1332 1333 1230 1231 4303 1248 1249 4333 4335 th nd th th rd M M M M C C C C W M C W M C W M C W C A W M C W M C W M C W M C A W M C W M C C W C W M C W M C C C W C 77 Accessories and Handbags Exhibitors M w men women C brand 78 children company a accessories Loc room W M C A 1449 4206 4207 4210 4206 4207 4210 1314 1542 1519 1551 1328 1329 1449 1247 1532 4331 1519 1222 1223 1303 1304 1305 4225 4331 4319 1541 1425 1423 1519 1415 4303 1317 1314 W casitas ciao bella Casitas Corso Como 14 FL 42nd FL corso como bags Corso Como 42nd FL darLing däv designs by nancy Katz Elaine turner Fly London DR Shoes Factory (Guangzhou) dav Nancy Katz Designs Elaine Turner Fly London-Ground Hogs-Bos & Co. 13th FL 15th FL 15th FL 15th FL 13th FL hispanitas Kickers USa matt bernson menbur nancy Katz designs naot dead Sea treasures Casitas Kickers Matt Bernson Menbur S.A. Nancy Katz Designs Yaleet Inc./ NAOT 14th FL 12th FL 15th FL 43rd FL 15th FL 12th FL old Gringo Old Gringo 13th FL pikolinos pilar abril prEVata International pura Lopez rebecca minkoff rock & republic Shoe accents by nancy Skemo Shoes & bags Volatile handbags Whitley V designs yi Xiang Pikolinos Intercontinental S.A. Menbur S.A. Prevata International Pura Lopez Rebecca Minkoff LLC Rock & Republic Nancy Katz Designs Skemo Shoes & Bags Volatile Footwear Rowen DR Shoes Factory (Guangzhou) 42nd FL 43rd FL 43rd FL 15th FL 14th FL 14th FL 15th FL 14th FL 43rd FL 13th FL 13th FL th A A A W W W W A C A A A A a W A W M C A W A W A W A A W M A W M W W W W W M W W A A A A A A A A A A A NY Showroom Exhibitors W W W Amalfi by rangoni 12 West 57th Street Suite 701 New York, NY 10019 212.247.6786 W | Amalfi by Rangoni B. Makowsky 1333 Broadway 8th Floor New York, NY 10018 917.325.5579 W | Kathy Van Zeeland W | Tignanello Brown Shoe 156 West 56th Street 14th and 15th Floors New York, NY 10019 212.489.9771 C | Buster Brown— 15th Floor W | Carlos by Carlos Santana— 14th Floor W M | Dr. Scholl’s Shoes— 15th Floor W | Etienne Aigner— 14th Floor W | Fergalicious by Fergie— 15th Floor W | Fergie Footwear— 15th Floor W | Franco Sarto— 14th Floor W | Hot Kiss— 15th Floor W | LifeStride— 15th Floor W | Natural Soul— 15th Floor W | Naturalizer— 15th Floor W | Naya— 15th Floor W | Nickels— 15th Floor W | Vera Wang Lavender— Call for Appt. W | Via Spiga— 14th Floor W | Zodiac USA— 15th Floor W André Assous 130 West 57th Street Suite 14C New York, NY 10019 212.399.4600 W | André Assous W ara Shoes 12 West 57th Street Suite 1001 New York, NY 10019 212.247.8618 A | ara Handbags M | ara Mens W | Jenny by ara W M A Arche 130 West 57th Street Suite 5D New York, NY 10019 212.262.1937 W A | Projectart W Bettye Muller 12 West 57th Street Suite 1003 New York, NY 10019 212.246.3298 W | Bettye Muller W Blowfish Malibu 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 1204 New York, NY 10019 310.566.5700 C | Blowfish Malibu Kids W | Guppy Love C | Guppy Love Kids 79 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M men w women children a accessories W W W M A Camuto group 1370 Avenue of the Americas 8th and 15th Floor New York, NY 10019 203.243.5436 W | Arturo Chiang— 8th FL W | BCBGeneration— 8th FL W | BCBGMAXAZRIA— 8th FL W | Jessica Simpson— 15th FL W | Kensie Girl— 8th FL W | Lucky Brand— 15th FL W | Vince Camuto— 8th FL Caressa 65 West 54th Street Davies Room New York, NY 10019 704.502.1930 W | Caressa Cole haan 45 West 18th Street 3rd Floor New York, NY 10011 212.763.3000 W M A | Cole Haan W Caparros Corporation 1370 Avenue of the Americas 10th Floor New York, NY 10019 212.582.2265 W | Ragazza 80 C W W Chainson Footwear inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 5th Floor, Suite 502 New York, NY 10019 212.262.4565 W | Miss Robertson W | Moda Spana W | Pelle Moda Consolidated Shoe Company 1370 Avenue of the Americas 56th Street and 6th Avenue New York, NY 10019 800.368.7463 W | Bacio 61— Suite 1001 W | Irregular Choice— Suite 1004 W | Madeline— Suite 1000 W | Nicole— Suite 1000 W | OTBT— Suite 1004 W | Poetic Licence— Suite 1001 W Chinese Laundry 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 401 New York, NY 10019 212.246.2333 W | Chinese Laundry W | Creative International W | Dirty Laundry W C A W Capelli new York 1 East 33rd Street 9th Floor New York, NY 10016 212.684.3344 C | Capelli New York Kids Claudia Ciuti 12 West 57th Street Suite 903 New York, NY 10019 212.246.7621 W A Cynthia Vincent 80 West 40th Street Suite 53 New York, NY 10018 212.938.0297 W A | Cynthia Vincent NY Showroom Exhibitors W M C W W Deer Stags Concepts 902 Broadway 3rd Floor New York, NY 10010 212.888.2424 M C | Deer Stags W | Foot Petals Shoes M | ROCKadelic Evolution Design Lab 65 West 54th Street 2nd Floor New York, NY 10019 626.960.9388 W | Jellypop Shoes W | Vigoss Shoes goMax/Envy Footwear 1370 Avenue of the Americas 10th Floor New York, NY 10019 212.714.9800 W | Envy Footwear W | Gomax Footwear W Dereon Footwear 1370 Avenue of the Americas 56th and 6th Avenue, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10019 212.245.2186 W | Dereon Footwear W DknY 240 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018 212.768.6066 W | DKNY W M Donald J Pliner 745 Fifth Avenue 25th Floor New York, NY 10151 212.688.6900 W | Lisa for Donald J. Pliner W Faryl robin 200 Park Avenue South Suite 1610 New York, NY 10003 212.219.1211 W | Faryl Robin W Fisher Sigerson Morrison 28 Prince Street New York, NY 10012 212.897.0783 W | BELLE by Sigerson Morrison W M A Fossil 366 Fifth Avenue Suite 200 New York, NY 10001 212.971.7800 W M A | Fossil W guillaume hinfray 130 West 57th Street Suite 6C New York, NY 10019 W | Guillaume Hinfray W M h.h. Brown Shoe Company 1441 Broadway 14th Floor New York, NY 10018 W M | B.O.C W M | Born W M | Born Crown W | Eurosoft W | Isolá W M | Kork-Ease W | Private Label W | Söfft W | Softspots W M | Vintage Shoe Company W M | Walk-Over 81 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M men w women children a accessories W W W M C highline united 530 West 25th Street Penthouse 212.242.8581 W M C A | Ash W | Gun Metal W | Jean-Michel Cazabat W | Luxury Rebel W | Plenty by Tracy Reese W | Tracy Reese W M | United Nude J. reneé & Jessica Bennett 130 West 57th Street Suite 10A New York, NY 10019 214.507.6569 W | J. Reneé & Jessica Bennett Shoes kickers uSA 914.325.5336 W M C | Kickers USA W M hugo Boss 601 West 26th Street 8th Floor, Suite 845 New York, NY 10001 212.940.0600 W M | Boss Black W M | Boss Green W M | Boss Orange M | Hugo W M C A hunter Boot uSA 140 West 57th Street New York, NY 10019 212.401.1230 W M C A | Hunter Boot USA impo 65 West 54th Street New York, NY 10019 800.367.4676 W | Chilis W | Sonata 82 C W M C A Jimlar Corporation 711 Fifth Avenue 7th Floor New York, NY 10022 212.888.1280 W M | Calvin Klein W | Coach W M C A | Frye W M | Mountrek M | R.J. Colt W M C kenneth Cole Productions 603 West 50th Street New York, NY 10019 212.265.1500 W M | Gentle Souls by Kenneth Cole W M | Kenneth Cole New York W M C | Kenneth Cole Reaction W M | Unlisted, a Kenneth Cole Production W La Canadienne 130 West 57th Street Suite 9A New York, NY 10019 212.586.5554 W | La Canadienne W M C Lacoste Footwear 156 West 56th Street Suite 1002 New York, NY 10019 212.265.3336 W M C | Lacoste Footwear W Leifsdottir 209 West 38th Street 7th Floor New York, NY 10018 646.728.2168 W | Leifsdottir W Libby Edelman 130 West 57th Street Suite 9B New York, NY 10019 212.245.7993 W | Libby Edelman NY Showroom Exhibitors W W W C Me too Shoes 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 1103 New York, NY 10019 212.246.3939 W | MARK TUCKER INC. Modern Vintage 159 West 53rd Street Suite 22F New York, NY 10019 212.245.4548 W | House of Harlow 1960 nine west group 1411 Broadway 17th Floor New York, NY 10018 212.391.5000 W | “B” Brian Atwood W | AK Anne Klein W | Bandolino W | Boutique 9 W | Circa Joan & David W | Dockers W | Easy Spirit W | Enzo Angiolini W | Gloria Vanderbilt W | International W | Joan & David W C | Mootsies Tootsies W C | Nine West W | Nine West Vintage America W C | Sam & Libby W W Mia Shoes, inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 12th Floor New York, NY 10019 212.265.SHOE (7463) W | MIA 2 W | MIA Amore W | MIA Girl C | MIA KIDS W | MIA Limited Edition W | MIA Shoes First Cost Division C | MINI MIA naughty Monkey 1370 Avenue of the Americas 56th and 6th Avenue, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10019 828.824.2999 W | Not Rated W Michael Antonio Footwear group 156 West 56th Street Suite 2003 New York, NY 10019 212.792.7588 W | Michael Antonio Footwear Group W MiChAEL Michael kors 11 West 42nd Street 20th Floor 212.201.8100 W | KORS Michael Kors W new York transit, inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 500 New York, NY 10019 212.977.7662 W | Adrienne Vittadini W | Ann Marino W | Max Studio W | New York Transit W nina 200 Park Avenue South 3rd Floor New York, NY 10003 646.884.6100 W | Delman C | Nina Kids W Paris hilton Footwear 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 403 New York, NY 10019 212.397.3078 W | Paris Hilton W Pour La Victoire 10 West 33rd Street Penthouse 1 New York, NY 10001 646.723.9200 W | Kelsi Dagger W | Loquita 83 NEW YORK SHOE ExPO | February 1st – 3rd, 2011 M men w women children a accessories W M W C W ralph Lauren 625 Madison Avenue 6th Floor New York, NY 10022 212.642.8600 W M | Ralph Lauren Schwartz & Benjamin, inc. 20 West 57th Street 4th Floor 212.541.9092 W | 7 for All Mankind W | daniblack W | Diane von Furstenberg W C | Juicy Couture W | Kate Spade Stuart weitzman 50 West 57th Street 9th Floor New York, NY 10019 212.582.9500 A | Stuart Weitzman Handbags C | Stuart Weitzman Kids W taryn rose 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 500 New York, NY 10019 212.977.7662 W | Taryn Rose W report Footwear 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 404 New York, NY 10019 212.664.0696 W | Rocawear— Suite 1003 212.582.6041 W rocket Dog 50 West 57th Street 8th Floor New York, NY 10019 212.977.9119 W | Rocket Dog W M Sacha London 140 West 57th Street Suite 8B New York, NY 10019 212.541.4224 W | Sachelle W | Valdini W Sam Edelman 130 West 57th Street Suite 11B New York, NY 10019 212.245.7993 x103 w | Sam Edelman 84 C Seychelles/BC Footwear 730 Fifth Avenue Suite 607 917.816.3511 W | BC Footwear/Seychelles w m c Sorel 525 Seventh Avenue Suite 502 W M C | Sorel W M C A Steve Madden 1370 Avenue of the Americas 14th Floor New York, NY 10019 212.247.8680 W | Adesso Madden W A | Betsey Johnson W A | Big Buddha W | Elizabeth & James W | Mad Love W | Madden Girl C | Steve Madden Kids M | Steve Madden Mens W A | Steven by Steve Madden W M | UES W W M ted Baker Footwear New York, NY 10019 310.406.2109 W M | Ted Baker Footwear W titan industries inc. 1370 Avenue of the Americas 3rd Floor New York, NY 10019 212.977.8355 W | Badgley Mischka W | bebe W | Charles Jourdan W | Joe’s Footwear W | L.A.M.B./Harajuku Lovers W | Mark and James W | Penny Loves Kenny W | True Religion NY Showroom Exhibitors w W W M C A tory Burch 11 West 19th Street 7th Floor 212.683.2323 W | Tory Burch unleashed 50 West 57th Street 8th Floor New York, NY 10019 510.579.9819 W | Unleashed wolverine world wide, inc. 717 Fifth Avenue 4th Floor (entrance on 56th Street) New York, NY 10022 212.223.8055 W M A | Bates W M | CAT W M C A | Chaco W M | Cushe W M | Harley-Davidson W M C | Hush Puppies W M C A | Merrell W M | Patagonia W M | Sebago W M A | Wolverine W M tsubo Footwear 24 West 57th Street Suite 603 201.321.3004 W M | Ahnu Footwear W two Lips 1370 Avenue of the Americas 11th Floor New York, NY 10019 201.406.2001 W | 2 Lips Too— 11th Floor M | Banana Blues— 11th Floor W M C A ugg Australia 730 Fifth Avenue Suite 1000 New York, NY 10019 212.247.8552 W M C A | UGG Australia W M C wanted 1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 1101 New York, NY 10019 212.765.5247 W M C | Wanted W white Mountain 65 West 54th Street New York, NY 10019 212.314.7779 W | Cliffs W | Rialto W | White Mountain W wolff Shoe Company 680 Fifth Avenue 21st Floor New York, NY 10019 212.974.9005 W | BAREFOOT ORIGINALS W | ERIC JAVITS W | SESTO GOLF W | SESTO MEUCCI W | VANELI W | VANELI SPORT W M C A Zigi new York 1370 Avenue of the Americas 11th Floor, Suite E New York, NY 10019 646.861.3784 or 631.470.4804 M | 1999 by zigi W | Grizzleez by ZiGi W | Rock & Candy by ZiGi C | ziggies W | ZiGi girl A | ZiGi Handbags and Accessories W | ZiGi ny W | ZiGi ny black label 85 One great cause, many great contributors Shoes on Sale Event 2010 sPeCiAL ThANKs To ANd To The NUMeroUs shoe doNors ThAT sUPPorT This ViTAL eFForT sPeCiAL PiNK BeNeFACTors ($500,000 +) NiNe WesT FooTWeAr CorPorATioN Congratulations to AK ANNE KLEIN, BANDOLINO, CIRCA JOAN & DAVID, EASY SPIRIT, ENZO ANGIOLINI, MOOTSIES TOOTSIES, NINE WEST BroWN shoe CoMPANY NATURALIZER, DR. SCHOLL’S, VIA SPIGA, SAM EDELMAN, FRANCO SARTO, FERGIE, ETIENNE AIGNER, CARLOS BY CARLOS SANTANA, ORIGINAL DR. SCHOLL’S, LIFESTRIDE, NICKELS SOFT BeNeFACTors ($200,000 - $499,999) CAMUTo GroUP: BCBGENERATION, JESSICA SIMPSON, LUCKY BRAND,VINCE CAMUTO doUBLe PLATiNUM doNors ($100,000 - $199,999) Ronald a. FRomm Chairman and CEO Brown Shoe Company, Inc. Sidney Kimmel Founder and Chairman Jones Apparel Group recipients of the FFany Jodi FiSheR humanitaRian awaRd Award by sculptor Charles Strain The FFANY Humanitarian Award is dedicated to the memory of Jodi Fisher, whom we lost much too soon last year after her valiant battle with leukemia. Jodi was the visionary Co-Founder of “FFANY Shoes on Sale” and active advocate for Jodi Fisher this cause every step of the way. Jodi’s passion continues to inspire us all and has left a tremendous legacy raising funds to find a cure for breast cancer. CLARKS: BOSTONIAN, CLARKS UNSTRUCTURED, PRIVO / DANSKO DECKERS OUTDOOR: UGG AUSTRALIA / H.H. BROWN: BO⁄RN, KORK-EASE, SOFFT, SOFTSPOTS / JIMLAR CORPORATION: CALVIN KLEIN, COACH FOOTWEAR, FRYE, MOUNTREK, R.J. COLT / LIZ CLAIBORNE SHOES: LIZ CLAIBORNE / MARC FISHER FOOTWEAR: GUESS, MARC FISHER, UNISA / TOPLINE CORPORATION: REPORT, REPORT SIGNATURE / VZI INVESTMENT CORP.: B. MAKOWSKY, KATHY VAN ZEELAND / WOLVERINE WORLD WIDE: CAT, CHACO, HUSH PUPPIES, MERRELL, SEBAGO PLATiNUM doNors ($50,000 - $99,999) AVIA / CHINESE LAUNDRY / COLE HAAN / COLE HAAN COLLECTION DANIBLACK / JOHNSTON & MURPHY / KENNETH COLE NEW YORK MICHAEL BY MICHAEL KORS / NINA / RIALTO / SKECHERS / WHITE MOUNTAIN / WILD DIVA shoe oF The dAY doNors ($20,000 - $49,999) ADRIENNE VITTADINI / BC FOOTWEAR / BEBE / BIRKI’S / BLOWFISH CAPARROS CORPORATION / CAPE CLOGS / DKNY / FARYL ROBIN FLY FLOT / JELLYPOP / MUNRO AMERICAN / ONESOLE / PAZZO / ROCKET DOG / YELLOW BOX QVC.CoM doNors ($10,000 - $19,999) ANDRÉ ASSOUS / DEER STAGS / EASTLAND / KEDS / LA GEAR / STRIDE RITE desiGNer shoe sALoN AQUATALIA BY MARVIN K / BETTYE MULLER DESIGNS / BEVERLY FELDMAN BUTTER SHOES / CALVIN KLEIN COLLECTION / CASADEI / CLAUDIA CIUTI COACH / DELMAN / DIANE VON FURSTENBERG / FERRAGAMO / FRYE GIUSEPPE ZANOTTI / GUCCI / JIMMY CHOO / KATE SPADE / KELSI DAGGER / KORS / MANAS / MARC FISHER / MARTHA DAVIS / MICHAEL KORS / MODERN VINTAGE / POLO RALPH LAUREN / SIGERSON MORRISON / SOMETHING BLEU / STUART WEITZMAN / TORY BURCH VALENTINO t F F Special thankS to he iSher amily For their moSt generouS underwriting giFt and exceptional leaderShip commitment to thiS event upcoming Shows hilton new York and FFAnY Member Showrooms June 7–9, 2011 Tuesday–Thursday august 2–4, 2011 Tuesday–Thursday November 30–december 2, 2011 Wednesday–Friday Fashion Footwear Association of new York 274MadisonAvenue Suite1701 NewYork,NY10016 Tel:212.751.6422 Fax:212.751.6404 email: website: Follow us on twittEr: FFAnYShoeShow Become a FFAnY fan on Facebook: Fashion Footwear Association of new York (FFAnY)