Fascinating,NOT FASTER - Robert C. Parker School


Fascinating,NOT FASTER - Robert C. Parker School
The Bee Bop
Benefit Buzz
Generous donors at The Bee Bop Auction raised over $25,000 for
school programming and financial aid. Guests enjoyed the beautiful
Crooked Lake House and music by Parker’s own George Doody and
his band. Spirited bidding garnered $4,190 in the Fund-a-Need Live
Auction for new technology. $4,000 for financial aid was raised in
honor of Margery Whiteman, who was feted for her wisdom and
many contributions during 13 years as a Parker trustee.
Christine and James Cunningham
Cathey Kennedy
Beth and Paul Schroeder
Meg and Dick Taylor
Margery and Michael Whiteman
Atlantic British, Ltd.
Gilles and Beth Chapados
Caroline Melkonian
Peg Parker
John and Tamara Arnason
Kurt and Dawn Arnold
Assemblyman Ron Canestrari
Barbey and Ned Dougherty
Erik and Margie Eddy
Emma Willard School
Hon. Kathleen M. Jimino
Laura Mandelson and Bob Katz
Bill and Kate McLaughlin
Carol and Uriel Oko
Marlisa Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warsh
Committee Chair
Jes Marcy
Committee Members
Dawn Arnold
Michele and Rob Beaulieu
Sarah Biondello
Christine and James Cunningham
Mikko and Brian Cook
Nancy Davis
Ann Delaney
Darcy DeMaria
Beth Chapados
Shelli Failing
Head-for-the-Day was a
hotly contested item at the
Bee Bop live auction. Two
lucky K-1 winners got to
greet students at the front
door, declare an extra
recess and enjoy lunch
with Head, Meg Taylor.
Fleurtacious Designs:
Floral Design Boutique
Sarah Goff
Crystal Knapp
Agi Laufer
Jessica Marcy
Susie and Mark Merrett
Laura Mandelson
Susie and Seth Powell
Michele Ridgeway
Lisa Ross
Lara Stelmaszyk
Meg Taylor
Erin Wallace
Jen Wenacur
Natalie Winne
Edith Denney
Erik and Margie Eddy
Ralph and Sandy Eddy
Sarah and Tim Goff
Kristin Koehler
Alicia and Scott Osur
John and Jane Pattison
Risa and Laird Scranton
Peter Stix
Underwriters and Sponsors
Mark Merrett, Videographer
Paul Schroeder
East Greenbush Window and Blind
Route 4 Pizzeria
Word Communications
Gifts for Financial Aid in Honor
of Margery Whiteman
Bruce Backer and Debra Spilfogel
Peter Bailey
Matthew Bender
JoAnn and Jim Bennett
Erik and Margie Eddy
Beth Chapados
Christine and Jake Cunningham
Jeri Eisenberg and Jay Martin
Peter and Beth Elitzer
Aaron and Denise Gagnon
J. C. Glendinning
and Joel Brainard
Priscilla Fairbank
and Owen Goldfarb
Karen Hitchcock
Joan and Brian Lawson
Laura Mandelson
Frank McKean
Thomas and Anne Older
Carol and Uriel Oko
Marlisa Parker
Lynne and Paul Shatsoff
Padma Sripada
Meg Taylor
Dana Wright
In this age of captivating change and instant everything,
there is one process that should not be rushed.
It takes time to develop deep thinkers. Really, it takes about nine years for a student to learn
how to write and present a great thesis. It all starts in preschool when a child’s interests ignite
a love of language.
Take yourself back and imagine you are in Pre K at Parker. You proudly tape your handwritten
labels, “tower” and “do not touch,” to the giant castle you just constructed. In kindergarten
your excitement is hardly contained as you sit with your sixth grade buddy, reading simple
reference books while together collecting facts about venomous snakes for a rain forest
exhibition. In first grade you find a caterpillar and
make observational drawings of its chrysalis. When
the butterfly emerges, you map its journey to Mexico
and write a story about its life cycle – then share the
book at Assembly.
In third grade your research on a Hindu goddess yields
an informative and engaging paragraph after you
re-draft it based on a critique from your peers. It
becomes part of a class book on India that is submitted
to a national competition. In fourth grade you give a
stump speech in a mock presidential election, and in
seventh grade you research and write a mini-thesis on
the women’s rights movement, presenting your
supporting PowerPoint and bibliography to the class.
Christine Cunningham, President of Parker’s
Board of Trustees, with Jake
(Kiki ’10, Lara ’13, Coleman ’16)
Jeri Eisenberg (Jesse ’97, Matt ’99) with
Associate Director and art teacher Susie Merrett
(Molly ’95, Sam ’97)
STEM Week Rocket Launch
Grades 6 and 7 suspended
classes for a week of STEM
activities (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)
and entrepreneurialism.
They formed Space Tourism
companies, designed and
built rockets and staged a
launch. Their humorous
marketing videos were a big
hit at Assembly.
Margery Whiteman, shown here working at
the Fall Festival ticket table, was honored at the
Bee Bop for her dedication to Parker.
Engage. Empower. Embolden.
Meg Taylor, Head
Laura Mandelson, Director of Admission
Beth Chapados, Business Manager
Carol Oko, Associate Director
Susie Merrett, Associate Director
Jamie Crouse, Planet Parker Coordinator
Jes Marcy, Development Coordinator
President: Christine Cunningham
Vice President: Kurt Arnold
Secretary: Caroline Melkonian
Treasurer: Veronica Mangione
Mission: Robert C. Parker School engages each student in a thoughtful and
challenging learning process that inspires curiosity and a passion to achieve,
nurtures confidence and community, and cultivates purposeful action.
Core Values: Emotional security. Intellectual vibrancy. Ethical awareness.
Social responsibility.
Motto: In caring for our world, our community and ourselves, we reach out to
others with kindness, speak and act with respect, strive for understanding of
differences, and share our time, our talents and our energy.
Robert C. Parker School does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, religion, color, national origin,
gender, disability, sexual orientation, or age in the administration of its educational policies,
admission policies, financial aid programs, and athletic or other related school programs.
John Arnason, Martin Burke, Jamie Crouse, Barbey Nyce Dougherty,
Joan Evans Giddings, J.C. Glendinning, Kristin Koehler, Agi Laufer, Joan Lawson,
Rachel Leibson ’00, Max Levine, Morgan Lindsay ’00, William McLaughlin,
Susan Merrett, Padma Sripada, Meg Taylor, Jennifer Wenacur, Nancy Wolf
Preschool through grade 8 • Coeducational
4254 NY Route 43, North Greenbush, NY 12198
(518) 286-3449
Now it’s eighth grade, and you are ready to take steps that will result in an oral and visual
presentation of your 18-page thesis “Arthurian Legend: Fiction or Reality” before assembled
parents, friends and teachers in the gym.
By supporting Parker, you are supporting education
that is deep, motivating and lasting…education that
will make a difference in the lives of Parker students
now and for years to come, as they engage the world
in ways that make a difference. Thank you!
At Parker, when children are encouraged to pursue fascinating topics in meaningful ways,
excellent skills in research, writing and oral communication result. It takes time to develop
curiosity, self-direction and a creative intellect. But it is time well spent – because once Parker
students internalize these traits, they have them for life.
Meg Taylor, Head
After many wonder-filled afternoons in Muddy Boots Club – balancing on branches,
collecting treasures and making observations in the woods – students learn to care
deeply about natural science and the environment. And this year, the Muddy Boots
program was extended from Pre K to K-1 and 2-3.
Students spend time on Fridays conducting nature scavenger hunts or determining
“Who eats what in the woods?” The Muddy Boots Club curriculum goals include:
Developing a sense of place, wonder and discovery; observing the connections and
relationships between living and non-living things; and fostering stewardship of
the environment.
Strategizing with friends to negotiate the “Wild Woozy” or “Up and
Over,” students learn about perseverance, teamwork and trust on
the low ropes course. They come away with increased confidence
and the knowledge that they can be leaders.
Parker Alumni
Model Lives of
Purposeful Action
Robert C. Parker School expresses its appreciation to the parents, alumni parents, trustees, alumni, faculty and friends who made a difference by donating to the
Annual Fund and other projects during the past year. This strong demonstration of support recognizes the exceptional program that Parker offers its students.
Gifts of $5000+
Henry and Susan Flint
Cathey Kennedy
Kate and Bill McLaughlin
Gifts of $2500+
John and Tamara Arnason
Christine and James Cunningham
John A. Parker Fund of Triangle
Community Foundation
Marlisa Parker
Meg Taylor
Richard Taylor
Margery and Michael Whiteman
Morgan Lindsay ’00 is now a Parker trustee. A dedicated bobsledder through
middle school and then in high school at Doane Stuart, Morgan switched to
crew while at the University of Chicago. Creating her own major in Scandinavian
Studies, Morgan graduated Phi Beta Kappa in 2008. She received study grants at
the University of Oslo during two summers and wrote her bachelor’s thesis
about literary and pop-cultural assertions of Norwegian national identity,
entitled “Et lite eventyr” meaning “A Little Fairytale.”
When Morgan decided to attend medical school, she got a job as a medical
assistant in a primary care clinic. She completed all the pre-med requirements
in one year in the Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Program at Bennington
College while also working part-time as a nanny and a medical assistant.
In August 2011, Morgan began medical school at Albany Med, joining the U.S.
Army’s Health Professions Scholarship Program. She is president of the Outing
Club, helping to organize medical student involvement at the Capital Region
Stand Down for Homeless Veterans event, and she is training to become a
Tobacco Cessation Counselor.
Tom Dollar ’00 attended Troy High after Parker. He graduated from Princeton
University in 2008 where he majored in public and international affairs, also
maintaining an interest in Latin American literature. Tom recently wrote:
“I just started my first year at NYU Law School. I’m interested in doing public-advocacy
litigation when I finish, but realize that I may change my mind one or two times before all is
said and done. Before law school, I worked at a reproductive rights nonprofit in Washington,
DC, and for the political blog “FiveThirtyEight.” And before that, I spent a year working
in Sierra Leone on public health projects. Sierra Leone was a real eye-opener for me, and
helped push me in the direction of legal advocacy for human rights, especially women’s rights.
“I think Parker really created a foundation for me for being intellectually curious, not
taking for granted that the way the world works is how it has to work, and valuing
giving back to the community.”
2-3 students search for
clues about Troy’s past.
Gifts of $1500+
Gilles and Beth Chapados
Erik and Margie Eddy
Charles Johnson and Trudy E. Hall
Beth and Paul Schroeder
John and Charlotte Wunderlich
2-3 Students Curate
Historical Society Exhibition
In December 2012 Parker 2-3’s will be mounting and curating a
display at the Rensselaer County Historical Society about the
development and transformation of rural, suburban and urban
communities. Their study has taken them on a historic scavenger
hunt in Troy, a visit to
Hancock Shaker Village,
and all over the Parker
grounds as they analyze
census data, maps and
historic photos. The study
incorporates language arts,
social studies, history, art,
and statistical analysis and
culminates in an evening
Mapping the topography of
event that will be open to
Parker’s land: What did it look like
when Native Americans lived here?
parents and the public.
General William Mayer Foundation
Supports Creativity and Collaboration
Robotics Rules!
Thanks to a 2011 grant from the General William Mayer
Foundation and funding through RPI’s CIPCE program,
Parker students are engaged in critical thinking, creativity and
collaboration as they design and program their own unique
robots. Math teacher Shelli Casler-Failing has brought LEGO
Robotics to Parker’s math classes, after-school programs, and
popular summer camp sessions. The Parker Robotics Team
will compete for the second year in First LEGO League.
Gifts of $1000+
Atlantic British Ltd.
Peter Baily
JoAnn and James Bennett
Nancy Hershey Lord
Joseph Braun and Pearl Weisinger
Gifts of $500+
Ellen Bettigole and William Lloyd
Edward and Barbey Dougherty
J.C. Glendinning
Laura Mandelson and Robert Katz
Peter J. Kasius
Joan Lawson
Marion Lister
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Melkonian
Carol and Uriel Oko
Mrs. John Parker
Patti Sachs and Dr. Barton Sachs
Padma Sripada
Triad Foundation
Judy and Bob Warsh
Joann Wellner
Jennifer and Russell Wenacur
Dana Wright
Gifts of $250+
Kurt and Dawn Arnold
Marta and Stephen Banks
Amy Barasch and Ray Brescia
Assemblyman Ronald Canestrari
Martin Burke and Lara Stelmaszyk
Columbia Internal Medicine
Edith Denney
Jeri Eisenberg and Jay Martin
Priscilla Fairbank and Owen Goldfarb
Hon. Kathleen M. Jimino
Jory and Hope Langner
Luis A. Leon and Birgit M. Asbornsen
Frank McKean
Sarah and Timothy Goff
Alicia and Scott Osur
Susan Davidson Powell and Seth Powell
Gifts of $100+
Vincent Armanino and Sarah Biondello
Sandra Baptie and Lawrence Linder
Joel and Andrea Bartfield
Stephenne A. Brown
Katherine Brainard ’99
Jerry Cosgrove and Judy Anderson
Jonathon Clement and Barbara Hawn
Ann and Tom Connolly
Nancy Davis
Alumni-parent Cathey Kennedy (right) with preschool
teacher Michele Ridgeway on the preschool playground.
Cathey has been instrumental in securing General William
Mayer Foundation funding to support science and leadership
education as well as professional development at Parker.
Gifts to the Library in Honor of
Robert C. Parker’s Birthday
Peg Parker
Carol Kanalley
Ben Katz and Becky Carmen
Crystal and John Knapp
Pablo Leon ’12
Morgan Lindsay ’00
Jenna Litton ’12
James Lizardo
Jonathan Lord ’97
Kristhal Marianjelias Ayala-Campos ’12
Jessie Martin ’97
Nancy Messer and Ethan Bloch
Joseph and Daphne Muench
John and Jane Pattison
Kate Perry
Efrain Pontaza
Sophie Pratt ’12
Jan and John Reilly
Renee Davis Ricci ’12
Dani Pontaza-Santander ’12
Lynn Scheiner
Sara Schuman
Jennifer and Emil Slane
Aniz Taylor ’12
Erin and Cory Wajda
Erin and Dan Wallace
Jacqueline Weaver and H. Craig McMillan
Christopher White
Russell Youngman and Cynthia Fox
Gifts for Scholarship
Sugi and Keith Pickard
Gifts for Teacher Travel
Gifts for Planet Parker
Peg Parker
Gifts for the Pre K Playground and Playhouse
Kurt and Dawn Arnold
JoAnn and Jim Bennett
Martin Burke and Lara Stelmaszyk
Chandree and Antonio Cogliandro
Brian and Mikko Cook
Jessica Duffy
Sarah and Tim Goff
Shawn and Noelle Hardy
Ben Katz and Becky Carmen
John and Crystal Knapp
Shira Love and Alex Grinshpun
Carter and Jes Marcy
H. Craig McMillan and Jacqueline Weaver
Joseph and Daphne Muench
Dorothy-Jane and Theodore Porpeglia
Seth and Susie Powell
Jan and John Reilly
Jennifer and Emil Slane
Erin and Cory Wajda
Jay Murnane Scholars Fund
Steven Axelrod and Gwenn Mayers
Bruce Backer and Debra Spilfogel
Gift for Professional Development
Cathey Kennedy
Thomas and Alberta Baker Professional
Development Fund
Carol and Frank Curran
Gift for Professional Development
and LEGO Robotics
General William Mayer Foundation
International Student Scholarship
The Bert Johnson Charitable Foundation
Gift for Teacher Wishes
Jerry Cosgrove and Judith Anderson
John and Tamara Arnason
Dawn and Kurt Arnold
Ray Brescia and Amy Barasch
Lara Kay and Carl Mas
Ann and George McAvoy
William Lloyd and Ellen Bettigole
Dorothy Jane and Theodore Porpeglia
Jennifer and Russell Wenacur
In Honor of Aaron and Sadie Banks
Marta and Stephen Banks
In Honor of Rose Nolan
Jerry Cosgrove and Judith Anderson
In Honor of Marlisa Parker and Dana Wright
Edith D. Denney
Kathleen Denney
In Honor of Kallana Manjunath’s
18th Birthday
Carol and Uriel Oko
Gifts up to $99
Muriel T. Asbornsen
Colette Beal
Rob and Michelle Beaulieu
Ben Barker-Benfield
Ben Braun ’12
Eve Burstein ’00
Sherri Ceravolo
Chandree and Antonio Cogliandro
Tina Lieberman-Cohen
Brian and Mikko Cook
Jamie and Russell Crouse
Tamara DeMartino
Angelina Doherty ’07
Amy Elitzer ’02
Deborah and Henry Epstein
Rocky and Shelli Failing
Shelli Failing
Sanford Fels ’12
Marie-Josee Fonseca
Veronica Fuentes ’12
Robin L. Galinsky and Gregory P. Miller MD
Gordon-Christenfeld Family
Aaron and Marina Gore
Liz Hanna and Hank Olzak
Shawn and Noelle Hardy
Kathy and Michael Hatch
Amy Jesaitis
Gifts for Technology
Vincent Armanino and Sarah Biondello
Ray Brescia and Amy Barasch
Gilles and Beth Chapados
Christine and Jake Cunningham
Ann and Michael Delaney
Margie and Eric Eddy
Sean Fagan
Priscilla Fairbank and Owen Goldfarb
Aaron and Marina Gore
Jennifer and Bill Hallock
Crystal and John Knapp
Terry and Tricia Lasky
Agi and Andras Laufer
Joan and Brian Lawson
Veronica Mangione
Laura Mandelson and Bob Katz
Kate and Bill McLaughlin
Caroline and Michael Melkonian
Annette Nanes and Scott Meyer
Carol and Uriel Oko
Beth and Paul Schroeder
Steve Springer
Richard Taylor
Judy and Bob Warsh
Jennifer and Russell Wenacur
Margery and Michael Whiteman
In Honor of Agi Laufer, the many three
year olds I have taught at Parker, in honor
of my first grandchild, Phillip Vincent Bruce
and in honor of Meg
JoAnn and Jim Bennett
In Honor of all the Parker administration,
faculty and staff
Joseph Braun and Pearl Weisinger
In Honor of Liliana DeGiorgio
Isabella Corina, Triad Foundation
George and Ann McAvoy
In Memory of Matthew A. Asbornsen,
grandfather to Pablo and Diego Leon
Luis Leon and Birgit Asbornsen
Laura Mandelson
Nancy Messer
In Memory of Joel Brainard
Ann and Tren Dolbear
Joyce Gallimore and Sam Swanson
In Memory of Emanuel Glantz
and Ethel Spitalny
Linda and David Kahn
In Memory of Walter Lister
Marion Lister
In Memory of Nan Rosenbach
Marta and Stephen Banks
This report recognizes contributions made between July 1, 2011,
and June 30, 2012. Every effort has been made to ensure the
accuracy of this list. If we have made an error or omission, please
accept our apologies and contact Jes Marcy at 518-286-3449
or jmarcy@parkerschool.org to submit a correction.
Gifts to the Library in Honor of
John C. Parker’s Birthday
Peg Parker
Preschool Play Scape – Naturally
Parents and teachers donated over $1,400 to help create a
natural play scape for the preschool. Combined with a 2012
grant from the General William Mayer Foundation, the Pre K
playground has been transformed into a space of wonder
and whimsy, enhancing students’ experience of discovery
and creativity. Phase II will be completed in the spring with
a boulder garden, playhouse and labyrinth – and a big
ribbon-cutting ceremony.
Liliana DeGiorgio
Kathleen Denney
Kim Denney and Rich Jakshtis
Ann and Tren Dolbear
Stephen and Shelagh Dorn
Ralph and Sandy Eddy
Sarah Firisen and Michael Tanenblatt
Nina Fleishman and Barry Leibson
Roberta Fox
Aaron and Denise Gagnon
Joyce Gallimore and Sam Swanson
Anna K. Hong
Marc Judson and Sooyeon Kwon
David and Linda Kahn
Wendy Kahn and Robert Gibbs
Joan Evans Giddings and Mark Giddings
Fran and Bob Godgart
Lara Kaye and Carl Mas
Kristin Koehler
Thomas and Margaret Koehler
Terry and Tricia Lasky
Rachel Leibson ’00
Max Levine and Janel Leone
Shira Love and Alexander Grinshpun
Veronica Mangione
Carter and Jessica Marcy
Mr. and Mrs. George McAvoy
Susie and Mark Merrett
Annette Nanes and Scott Meyer
Rose Nolan
Michael and Carol O’Brien
Linda Passaretti
Jesse Pickard ’98
Sugi and Keith Pickard
Theodore and Dorothy-Jane Porpeglia
Lisa Ross and Jamie Pilkington
Michelle and Kevin Richardson
Lynn Schuster
Risa and Laird Scranton
Lynne and Paul Shatsoff
Nina and Aaron Sher
Janet A. Smith
Jordan and Mary-Alice Smith
Jeremy Snyder and Elana Marton
Peter Stix
Nick and Vicky Stoneman
Lucie and Hugh Van Der Veer
Barb and Mike Weiler
Alissa and Rob Worden
Elizabeth Young and Terry Fina
Who gave to the Parker Annual Fund?
Sources of Funds
Board of Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100%
Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100%
Application of Funds
Graduating Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100%
Current Families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73%
Total Contributions to the
Parker Annual Fund, Grants,
Gifts, and Benefit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $165,700
The Parker Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $540,780
(as of June 30, 2012)
y Tuition 79%
y Auxiliary and Other Income 11%
y Contributions 10%
Salaries 58%
Financial Aid 17%
Maintenance and Mortgage 13%
Instructional 7%
Administrative Costs 5%
Parker Alumni
Model Lives of
Purposeful Action
Robert C. Parker School expresses its appreciation to the parents, alumni parents, trustees, alumni, faculty and friends who made a difference by donating to the
Annual Fund and other projects during the past year. This strong demonstration of support recognizes the exceptional program that Parker offers its students.
Gifts of $5000+
Henry and Susan Flint
Cathey Kennedy
Kate and Bill McLaughlin
Gifts of $2500+
John and Tamara Arnason
Christine and James Cunningham
John A. Parker Fund of Triangle
Community Foundation
Marlisa Parker
Meg Taylor
Richard Taylor
Margery and Michael Whiteman
Morgan Lindsay ’00 is now a Parker trustee. A dedicated bobsledder through
middle school and then in high school at Doane Stuart, Morgan switched to
crew while at the University of Chicago. Creating her own major in Scandinavian
Studies, Morgan graduated Phi Beta Kappa in 2008. She received study grants at
the University of Oslo during two summers and wrote her bachelor’s thesis
about literary and pop-cultural assertions of Norwegian national identity,
entitled “Et lite eventyr” meaning “A Little Fairytale.”
When Morgan decided to attend medical school, she got a job as a medical
assistant in a primary care clinic. She completed all the pre-med requirements
in one year in the Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Program at Bennington
College while also working part-time as a nanny and a medical assistant.
In August 2011, Morgan began medical school at Albany Med, joining the U.S.
Army’s Health Professions Scholarship Program. She is president of the Outing
Club, helping to organize medical student involvement at the Capital Region
Stand Down for Homeless Veterans event, and she is training to become a
Tobacco Cessation Counselor.
Tom Dollar ’00 attended Troy High after Parker. He graduated from Princeton
University in 2008 where he majored in public and international affairs, also
maintaining an interest in Latin American literature. Tom recently wrote:
“I just started my first year at NYU Law School. I’m interested in doing public-advocacy
litigation when I finish, but realize that I may change my mind one or two times before all is
said and done. Before law school, I worked at a reproductive rights nonprofit in Washington,
DC, and for the political blog “FiveThirtyEight.” And before that, I spent a year working
in Sierra Leone on public health projects. Sierra Leone was a real eye-opener for me, and
helped push me in the direction of legal advocacy for human rights, especially women’s rights.
“I think Parker really created a foundation for me for being intellectually curious, not
taking for granted that the way the world works is how it has to work, and valuing
giving back to the community.”
2-3 students search for
clues about Troy’s past.
Gifts of $1500+
Gilles and Beth Chapados
Erik and Margie Eddy
Charles Johnson and Trudy E. Hall
Beth and Paul Schroeder
John and Charlotte Wunderlich
2-3 Students Curate
Historical Society Exhibition
In December 2012 Parker 2-3’s will be mounting and curating a
display at the Rensselaer County Historical Society about the
development and transformation of rural, suburban and urban
communities. Their study has taken them on a historic scavenger
hunt in Troy, a visit to
Hancock Shaker Village,
and all over the Parker
grounds as they analyze
census data, maps and
historic photos. The study
incorporates language arts,
social studies, history, art,
and statistical analysis and
culminates in an evening
Mapping the topography of
event that will be open to
Parker’s land: What did it look like
when Native Americans lived here?
parents and the public.
General William Mayer Foundation
Supports Creativity and Collaboration
Robotics Rules!
Thanks to a 2011 grant from the General William Mayer
Foundation and funding through RPI’s CIPCE program,
Parker students are engaged in critical thinking, creativity and
collaboration as they design and program their own unique
robots. Math teacher Shelli Casler-Failing has brought LEGO
Robotics to Parker’s math classes, after-school programs, and
popular summer camp sessions. The Parker Robotics Team
will compete for the second year in First LEGO League.
Gifts of $1000+
Atlantic British Ltd.
Peter Baily
JoAnn and James Bennett
Nancy Hershey Lord
Joseph Braun and Pearl Weisinger
Gifts of $500+
Ellen Bettigole and William Lloyd
Edward and Barbey Dougherty
J.C. Glendinning
Laura Mandelson and Robert Katz
Peter J. Kasius
Joan Lawson
Marion Lister
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Melkonian
Carol and Uriel Oko
Mrs. John Parker
Patti Sachs and Dr. Barton Sachs
Padma Sripada
Triad Foundation
Judy and Bob Warsh
Joann Wellner
Jennifer and Russell Wenacur
Dana Wright
Gifts of $250+
Kurt and Dawn Arnold
Marta and Stephen Banks
Amy Barasch and Ray Brescia
Assemblyman Ronald Canestrari
Martin Burke and Lara Stelmaszyk
Columbia Internal Medicine
Edith Denney
Jeri Eisenberg and Jay Martin
Priscilla Fairbank and Owen Goldfarb
Hon. Kathleen M. Jimino
Jory and Hope Langner
Luis A. Leon and Birgit M. Asbornsen
Frank McKean
Sarah and Timothy Goff
Alicia and Scott Osur
Susan Davidson Powell and Seth Powell
Gifts of $100+
Vincent Armanino and Sarah Biondello
Sandra Baptie and Lawrence Linder
Joel and Andrea Bartfield
Stephenne A. Brown
Katherine Brainard ’99
Jerry Cosgrove and Judy Anderson
Jonathon Clement and Barbara Hawn
Ann and Tom Connolly
Nancy Davis
Alumni-parent Cathey Kennedy (right) with preschool
teacher Michele Ridgeway on the preschool playground.
Cathey has been instrumental in securing General William
Mayer Foundation funding to support science and leadership
education as well as professional development at Parker.
Gifts to the Library in Honor of
Robert C. Parker’s Birthday
Peg Parker
Carol Kanalley
Ben Katz and Becky Carmen
Crystal and John Knapp
Pablo Leon ’12
Morgan Lindsay ’00
Jenna Litton ’12
James Lizardo
Jonathan Lord ’97
Kristhal Marianjelias Ayala-Campos ’12
Jessie Martin ’97
Nancy Messer and Ethan Bloch
Joseph and Daphne Muench
John and Jane Pattison
Kate Perry
Efrain Pontaza
Sophie Pratt ’12
Jan and John Reilly
Renee Davis Ricci ’12
Dani Pontaza-Santander ’12
Lynn Scheiner
Sara Schuman
Jennifer and Emil Slane
Aniz Taylor ’12
Erin and Cory Wajda
Erin and Dan Wallace
Jacqueline Weaver and H. Craig McMillan
Christopher White
Russell Youngman and Cynthia Fox
Gifts for Scholarship
Sugi and Keith Pickard
Gifts for Teacher Travel
Gifts for Planet Parker
Peg Parker
Gifts for the Pre K Playground and Playhouse
Kurt and Dawn Arnold
JoAnn and Jim Bennett
Martin Burke and Lara Stelmaszyk
Chandree and Antonio Cogliandro
Brian and Mikko Cook
Jessica Duffy
Sarah and Tim Goff
Shawn and Noelle Hardy
Ben Katz and Becky Carmen
John and Crystal Knapp
Shira Love and Alex Grinshpun
Carter and Jes Marcy
H. Craig McMillan and Jacqueline Weaver
Joseph and Daphne Muench
Dorothy-Jane and Theodore Porpeglia
Seth and Susie Powell
Jan and John Reilly
Jennifer and Emil Slane
Erin and Cory Wajda
Jay Murnane Scholars Fund
Steven Axelrod and Gwenn Mayers
Bruce Backer and Debra Spilfogel
Gift for Professional Development
Cathey Kennedy
Thomas and Alberta Baker Professional
Development Fund
Carol and Frank Curran
Gift for Professional Development
and LEGO Robotics
General William Mayer Foundation
International Student Scholarship
The Bert Johnson Charitable Foundation
Gift for Teacher Wishes
Jerry Cosgrove and Judith Anderson
John and Tamara Arnason
Dawn and Kurt Arnold
Ray Brescia and Amy Barasch
Lara Kay and Carl Mas
Ann and George McAvoy
William Lloyd and Ellen Bettigole
Dorothy Jane and Theodore Porpeglia
Jennifer and Russell Wenacur
In Honor of Aaron and Sadie Banks
Marta and Stephen Banks
In Honor of Rose Nolan
Jerry Cosgrove and Judith Anderson
In Honor of Marlisa Parker and Dana Wright
Edith D. Denney
Kathleen Denney
In Honor of Kallana Manjunath’s
18th Birthday
Carol and Uriel Oko
Gifts up to $99
Muriel T. Asbornsen
Colette Beal
Rob and Michelle Beaulieu
Ben Barker-Benfield
Ben Braun ’12
Eve Burstein ’00
Sherri Ceravolo
Chandree and Antonio Cogliandro
Tina Lieberman-Cohen
Brian and Mikko Cook
Jamie and Russell Crouse
Tamara DeMartino
Angelina Doherty ’07
Amy Elitzer ’02
Deborah and Henry Epstein
Rocky and Shelli Failing
Shelli Failing
Sanford Fels ’12
Marie-Josee Fonseca
Veronica Fuentes ’12
Robin L. Galinsky and Gregory P. Miller MD
Gordon-Christenfeld Family
Aaron and Marina Gore
Liz Hanna and Hank Olzak
Shawn and Noelle Hardy
Kathy and Michael Hatch
Amy Jesaitis
Gifts for Technology
Vincent Armanino and Sarah Biondello
Ray Brescia and Amy Barasch
Gilles and Beth Chapados
Christine and Jake Cunningham
Ann and Michael Delaney
Margie and Eric Eddy
Sean Fagan
Priscilla Fairbank and Owen Goldfarb
Aaron and Marina Gore
Jennifer and Bill Hallock
Crystal and John Knapp
Terry and Tricia Lasky
Agi and Andras Laufer
Joan and Brian Lawson
Veronica Mangione
Laura Mandelson and Bob Katz
Kate and Bill McLaughlin
Caroline and Michael Melkonian
Annette Nanes and Scott Meyer
Carol and Uriel Oko
Beth and Paul Schroeder
Steve Springer
Richard Taylor
Judy and Bob Warsh
Jennifer and Russell Wenacur
Margery and Michael Whiteman
In Honor of Agi Laufer, the many three
year olds I have taught at Parker, in honor
of my first grandchild, Phillip Vincent Bruce
and in honor of Meg
JoAnn and Jim Bennett
In Honor of all the Parker administration,
faculty and staff
Joseph Braun and Pearl Weisinger
In Honor of Liliana DeGiorgio
Isabella Corina, Triad Foundation
George and Ann McAvoy
In Memory of Matthew A. Asbornsen,
grandfather to Pablo and Diego Leon
Luis Leon and Birgit Asbornsen
Laura Mandelson
Nancy Messer
In Memory of Joel Brainard
Ann and Tren Dolbear
Joyce Gallimore and Sam Swanson
In Memory of Emanuel Glantz
and Ethel Spitalny
Linda and David Kahn
In Memory of Walter Lister
Marion Lister
In Memory of Nan Rosenbach
Marta and Stephen Banks
This report recognizes contributions made between July 1, 2011,
and June 30, 2012. Every effort has been made to ensure the
accuracy of this list. If we have made an error or omission, please
accept our apologies and contact Jes Marcy at 518-286-3449
or jmarcy@parkerschool.org to submit a correction.
Gifts to the Library in Honor of
John C. Parker’s Birthday
Peg Parker
Preschool Play Scape – Naturally
Parents and teachers donated over $1,400 to help create a
natural play scape for the preschool. Combined with a 2012
grant from the General William Mayer Foundation, the Pre K
playground has been transformed into a space of wonder
and whimsy, enhancing students’ experience of discovery
and creativity. Phase II will be completed in the spring with
a boulder garden, playhouse and labyrinth – and a big
ribbon-cutting ceremony.
Liliana DeGiorgio
Kathleen Denney
Kim Denney and Rich Jakshtis
Ann and Tren Dolbear
Stephen and Shelagh Dorn
Ralph and Sandy Eddy
Sarah Firisen and Michael Tanenblatt
Nina Fleishman and Barry Leibson
Roberta Fox
Aaron and Denise Gagnon
Joyce Gallimore and Sam Swanson
Anna K. Hong
Marc Judson and Sooyeon Kwon
David and Linda Kahn
Wendy Kahn and Robert Gibbs
Joan Evans Giddings and Mark Giddings
Fran and Bob Godgart
Lara Kaye and Carl Mas
Kristin Koehler
Thomas and Margaret Koehler
Terry and Tricia Lasky
Rachel Leibson ’00
Max Levine and Janel Leone
Shira Love and Alexander Grinshpun
Veronica Mangione
Carter and Jessica Marcy
Mr. and Mrs. George McAvoy
Susie and Mark Merrett
Annette Nanes and Scott Meyer
Rose Nolan
Michael and Carol O’Brien
Linda Passaretti
Jesse Pickard ’98
Sugi and Keith Pickard
Theodore and Dorothy-Jane Porpeglia
Lisa Ross and Jamie Pilkington
Michelle and Kevin Richardson
Lynn Schuster
Risa and Laird Scranton
Lynne and Paul Shatsoff
Nina and Aaron Sher
Janet A. Smith
Jordan and Mary-Alice Smith
Jeremy Snyder and Elana Marton
Peter Stix
Nick and Vicky Stoneman
Lucie and Hugh Van Der Veer
Barb and Mike Weiler
Alissa and Rob Worden
Elizabeth Young and Terry Fina
Who gave to the Parker Annual Fund?
Sources of Funds
Board of Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100%
Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100%
Application of Funds
Graduating Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100%
Current Families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73%
Total Contributions to the
Parker Annual Fund, Grants,
Gifts, and Benefit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $165,700
The Parker Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $540,780
(as of June 30, 2012)
y Tuition 79%
y Auxiliary and Other Income 11%
y Contributions 10%
Salaries 58%
Financial Aid 17%
Maintenance and Mortgage 13%
Instructional 7%
Administrative Costs 5%
The Bee Bop
Benefit Buzz
Generous donors at The Bee Bop Auction raised over $25,000 for
school programming and financial aid. Guests enjoyed the beautiful
Crooked Lake House and music by Parker’s own George Doody and
his band. Spirited bidding garnered $4,190 in the Fund-a-Need Live
Auction for new technology. $4,000 for financial aid was raised in
honor of Margery Whiteman, who was feted for her wisdom and
many contributions during 13 years as a Parker trustee.
Christine and James Cunningham
Cathey Kennedy
Beth and Paul Schroeder
Meg and Dick Taylor
Margery and Michael Whiteman
Atlantic British, Ltd.
Gilles and Beth Chapados
Caroline Melkonian
Peg Parker
John and Tamara Arnason
Kurt and Dawn Arnold
Assemblyman Ron Canestrari
Barbey and Ned Dougherty
Erik and Margie Eddy
Emma Willard School
Hon. Kathleen M. Jimino
Laura Mandelson and Bob Katz
Bill and Kate McLaughlin
Carol and Uriel Oko
Marlisa Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warsh
Committee Chair
Jes Marcy
Committee Members
Dawn Arnold
Michele and Rob Beaulieu
Sarah Biondello
Christine and James Cunningham
Mikko and Brian Cook
Nancy Davis
Ann Delaney
Darcy DeMaria
Beth Chapados
Shelli Failing
Head-for-the-Day was a
hotly contested item at the
Bee Bop live auction. Two
lucky K-1 winners got to
greet students at the front
door, declare an extra
recess and enjoy lunch
with Head, Meg Taylor.
Fleurtacious Designs:
Floral Design Boutique
Sarah Goff
Crystal Knapp
Agi Laufer
Jessica Marcy
Susie and Mark Merrett
Laura Mandelson
Susie and Seth Powell
Michele Ridgeway
Lisa Ross
Lara Stelmaszyk
Meg Taylor
Erin Wallace
Jen Wenacur
Natalie Winne
Edith Denney
Erik and Margie Eddy
Ralph and Sandy Eddy
Sarah and Tim Goff
Kristin Koehler
Alicia and Scott Osur
John and Jane Pattison
Risa and Laird Scranton
Peter Stix
Underwriters and Sponsors
Mark Merrett, Videographer
Paul Schroeder
East Greenbush Window and Blind
Route 4 Pizzeria
Word Communications
Gifts for Financial Aid in Honor
of Margery Whiteman
Bruce Backer and Debra Spilfogel
Peter Bailey
Matthew Bender
JoAnn and Jim Bennett
Erik and Margie Eddy
Beth Chapados
Christine and Jake Cunningham
Jeri Eisenberg and Jay Martin
Peter and Beth Elitzer
Aaron and Denise Gagnon
J. C. Glendinning
and Joel Brainard
Priscilla Fairbank
and Owen Goldfarb
Karen Hitchcock
Joan and Brian Lawson
Laura Mandelson
Frank McKean
Thomas and Anne Older
Carol and Uriel Oko
Marlisa Parker
Lynne and Paul Shatsoff
Padma Sripada
Meg Taylor
Dana Wright
In this age of captivating change and instant everything,
there is one process that should not be rushed.
It takes time to develop deep thinkers. Really, it takes about nine years for a student to learn
how to write and present a great thesis. It all starts in preschool when a child’s interests ignite
a love of language.
Take yourself back and imagine you are in Pre K at Parker. You proudly tape your handwritten
labels, “tower” and “do not touch,” to the giant castle you just constructed. In kindergarten
your excitement is hardly contained as you sit with your sixth grade buddy, reading simple
reference books while together collecting facts about venomous snakes for a rain forest
exhibition. In first grade you find a caterpillar and
make observational drawings of its chrysalis. When
the butterfly emerges, you map its journey to Mexico
and write a story about its life cycle – then share the
book at Assembly.
In third grade your research on a Hindu goddess yields
an informative and engaging paragraph after you
re-draft it based on a critique from your peers. It
becomes part of a class book on India that is submitted
to a national competition. In fourth grade you give a
stump speech in a mock presidential election, and in
seventh grade you research and write a mini-thesis on
the women’s rights movement, presenting your
supporting PowerPoint and bibliography to the class.
Christine Cunningham, President of Parker’s
Board of Trustees, with Jake
(Kiki ’10, Lara ’13, Coleman ’16)
Jeri Eisenberg (Jesse ’97, Matt ’99) with
Associate Director and art teacher Susie Merrett
(Molly ’95, Sam ’97)
STEM Week Rocket Launch
Grades 6 and 7 suspended
classes for a week of STEM
activities (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)
and entrepreneurialism.
They formed Space Tourism
companies, designed and
built rockets and staged a
launch. Their humorous
marketing videos were a big
hit at Assembly.
Margery Whiteman, shown here working at
the Fall Festival ticket table, was honored at the
Bee Bop for her dedication to Parker.
Engage. Empower. Embolden.
Meg Taylor, Head
Laura Mandelson, Director of Admission
Beth Chapados, Business Manager
Carol Oko, Associate Director
Susie Merrett, Associate Director
Jamie Crouse, Planet Parker Coordinator
Jes Marcy, Development Coordinator
President: Christine Cunningham
Vice President: Kurt Arnold
Secretary: Caroline Melkonian
Treasurer: Veronica Mangione
Mission: Robert C. Parker School engages each student in a thoughtful and
challenging learning process that inspires curiosity and a passion to achieve,
nurtures confidence and community, and cultivates purposeful action.
Core Values: Emotional security. Intellectual vibrancy. Ethical awareness.
Social responsibility.
Motto: In caring for our world, our community and ourselves, we reach out to
others with kindness, speak and act with respect, strive for understanding of
differences, and share our time, our talents and our energy.
Robert C. Parker School does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, religion, color, national origin,
gender, disability, sexual orientation, or age in the administration of its educational policies,
admission policies, financial aid programs, and athletic or other related school programs.
John Arnason, Martin Burke, Jamie Crouse, Barbey Nyce Dougherty,
Joan Evans Giddings, J.C. Glendinning, Kristin Koehler, Agi Laufer, Joan Lawson,
Rachel Leibson ’00, Max Levine, Morgan Lindsay ’00, William McLaughlin,
Susan Merrett, Padma Sripada, Meg Taylor, Jennifer Wenacur, Nancy Wolf
Preschool through grade 8 • Coeducational
4254 NY Route 43, North Greenbush, NY 12198
(518) 286-3449
Now it’s eighth grade, and you are ready to take steps that will result in an oral and visual
presentation of your 18-page thesis “Arthurian Legend: Fiction or Reality” before assembled
parents, friends and teachers in the gym.
By supporting Parker, you are supporting education
that is deep, motivating and lasting…education that
will make a difference in the lives of Parker students
now and for years to come, as they engage the world
in ways that make a difference. Thank you!
At Parker, when children are encouraged to pursue fascinating topics in meaningful ways,
excellent skills in research, writing and oral communication result. It takes time to develop
curiosity, self-direction and a creative intellect. But it is time well spent – because once Parker
students internalize these traits, they have them for life.
Meg Taylor, Head
After many wonder-filled afternoons in Muddy Boots Club – balancing on branches,
collecting treasures and making observations in the woods – students learn to care
deeply about natural science and the environment. And this year, the Muddy Boots
program was extended from Pre K to K-1 and 2-3.
Students spend time on Fridays conducting nature scavenger hunts or determining
“Who eats what in the woods?” The Muddy Boots Club curriculum goals include:
Developing a sense of place, wonder and discovery; observing the connections and
relationships between living and non-living things; and fostering stewardship of
the environment.
Strategizing with friends to negotiate the “Wild Woozy” or “Up and
Over,” students learn about perseverance, teamwork and trust on
the low ropes course. They come away with increased confidence
and the knowledge that they can be leaders.