the itinerary. - World Affairs Council of Greater Houston


the itinerary. - World Affairs Council of Greater Houston
12 days / 10 n i g h t s
November 5-16
Cost $ 3,900
Single S u pplement $984
Airfare $1,040 - $1,325 est.
The history of Israel & Palestine is the study of the past in the region, generally defined as a geographic
region in Western Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River and various adjoining lands.
Situated at a strategic point between Europe, Asia, and Africa, and the birthplace of Judaism and
Christianity the region has a long and tumultuous history as a crossroads for religion, culture, commerce,
and politics.
World Affairs Council of Houston | Box 920905 | Houston, TX 77292-0905 | phone: 713-522-7811 | fax: 713-522-7812 |
Tel Aviv: Dan Panorama Hotel
The Dan Panorama Hotel offers easy access to everywhere you want to be. Across
the street is the Mediterranean sea and within minutes you find yourself on an inviting
sandy beach with warm and clear waters.
Tiberias: Kibbutz Nof Ginosar
Nof Ginosar's exceptional location is only a short drive
from all major tourist attractions in the Galilee region,
Tiberius, the Jordan Valley, the Sea of Galilee and the
Golan Heights.
Ramallah: Movenpick Hotel
The Mövenpick Hotel Ramallah is located in one of the most
vibrant cities in the West Bank. In a place where historic and
religious sites capture the eye you will find our exquisite hotel.
Dead Sea: Isrotel Ganim
Isrotel Ganim Dead Sea in known for its cozy and welcoming
atmosphere, it is only a couple of minutes' walk from the public
shores of The Dead Sea (Isrotel Ganim offers a free shuttle
service to and from the beach a few times a day).
Jerusalem: Dan Boutique Hotel
The Dan Boutique Hotel is situated in a prime Jerusalem setting and is
only a 20 minute walk away from the Old City.
Tel Aviv
November 5 - 16, 2016
12 Days / 10 Nights
Day 1: Sat, Nov 5 2016
Houston - Tel Aviv
We will leave U.S.A. for Tel Aviv, Israel.
Day 2: Sun, Nov 6 2016
Tel Aviv
Upon arrival at Ben Gurion Airport, after the passport control, we will meet our local representative.
He will assist us with our luggage and introduce our guide to us. Our guide and driver will transfer us
to our hotel in Tel Aviv.
Overnight in Tel Aviv
Day 3: Mon, Nov 7 2016
Meals: -
Tel Aviv
We will start our tour of Israel by taking a scenic drive to Jaffa, the oldest port in the world.
The Biblical tradition has it that Jonah set sail for Tarshish from Jaffa, but was swallowed by a large
fish. Jaffa was also the home of Tabitha, who was raised from the dead by Peter. Peter had his vision
here while lodging in the home of Simon the Tanner. It is also where King Solomon imported the
cedars of Lebanon to build the Temple in Jerusalem.
We walk through the Old City of Jaffa through the Artists's Quarter. We will enter the visitor center in
Kedumim Square that showcases the history of the city.
continues on the next page
Tel Aviv - continued
We will continue to Tel Aviv and visit the White City at the Neve Tzedek neighborhood, a collection of
over 4,000 buildings built in a unique form of the Bauhaus or International Style in the 1930s by
German Jewish architects who immigrated to the British Mandate of Palestine after the rise of the
The White City of Tel Aviv is a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site. We will enjoy the Bahaus
buildings including the Independence Hall, where Ben-Gurion declared independence in 1948.
Sheinkin Street is famous for its fun shopping, dining and people-watching in a youthful atmosphere,
while the open-air Carmel fruit and vegetable market is a treat for all the senses.
After lunch, we will drive to the Ramat Aviv neighborhood to visit the Eretz Israel Museum. Being
established in 1953, the museum houses large collections of archaeological, anthropological and
historical artifacts organized under certain subjects, such as ceramics, glassware, coins, copper, etc.
Apart from having a planetarium, the museum's “Man and His Work” Center displays the traditional
material culture of Israel in numerous spheres of daily life, among them agriculture, crafts, domestic
work, design, and decoration.
Overnight in Tel Aviv
Meals: B / L / D
Day 4: Tue, Nov 8 2016
Caesarea - Nazareth - Tiberias
After breakfast, we will drive by the Mediterranean coast today, stopping first at the Caesarea National
Park to see the remains of the former Roman capital, including the ancient theater, hippodrome, port
and the aqueduct.
At the renovated ancient port, we will watch “the Caesarea Experience”, a fascinating computerized
presentation of the city's history and best-known historical figures.
We will continue driving north to Mount Carmel to the forested Carmel National Park to a Druze
village on the Mount Carmel, where we will experience the Druze life and culture, and enjoy the
Druze cuisine at a family restaurant.
After lunch, we will drive to the Arab town Nazareth to visit Mary’s Well, where the Annunciation
took place according to the Greek Orthodox tradition, and then the Church of the Annunciation, which
was erected at the site, that this event took place according to the Roman Catholic tradition.
We will continue on to visit Cana, a town best known as the place where, according to the Fourth
Gospel, Jesus performed his first public miracle, the turning of a large quantity of water into wine at a
wedding feast when the wine provided by the bridegroom had run out.
Our overnight will be at a kibbutz hotel.
Overnight in Tiberias Area
Meals: B / L / D
Golan Heights
Day 5: Wed, Nov 9 2016
Tabgha - Capernaum - Golan Heights - Sea of Galilee
After breakfast, we will drive to three places on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee, which are
significant to the Biblical history.
The first one is the Mount of Beatitudes, that refers to a hill where Jesus is believed to have delivered
the “Sermon on the Mount”. Then the quiet cove of Tabgha, the scene of many Gospel stories,
including the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes. Third one is Capernaum, where the Franciscan
archaeologists believe that they have uncovered the house of Peter.
Then we will drive to the Golan Heights, a rocky plateau, bordering Lebanon, Syria and Jordan, that
has a political and strategic significance which belies its size. After enjoying a panoramic view of these
three countries from a standpoint, we will visit a Druze village in the plateau.
Today we will enjoy a wine tasting and lunch at a famous winery which produces the best wine in
After lunch, we will drive south and by the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee passing by Kursi, the
site of Jesus' miracle at Gadarenes/Gergesa, where he healed the madman, driving out his devils into a
herd of pigs who then drowned in the Sea of Galilee. We will stop at the Kibbutz Ein Gev, where we
will take a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee to Tiberias.
Overnight in Tiberias Area
Meals: B / L / D
Day 6: Thu, Nov 10 2016
Beit She’an - Megiddo - Nablus - Ramallah
This morning we will drive to the city of Beth Shean (Scythopolis), which has played historically an
important role due to its geographical location, at the junction of the Jordan River Valley and the
Jezreel Valley.
The city was a major administrative center in Solomon's kingdom, but excavations show that the site
was an important one long before and after the kings of Israel reigned over it, revealing a 6,000-year
history of settlement. We will explore the magnificent Roman and Byzantine ruins of the site and see
the theatre, bathhouses, latrinas, forums and the colonnaded streets.
Then we will drive east through the Jezreel Valley and stop at Megiddo - Har Megiddo in Hebrew,
which gave its name to Armageddon. According to the Bible it was King Solomon's regional capital.
Megiddo’s fortifications, water system, palaces, stables and dwellings going back to thousands of years
and its great biblical significance well deserved a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
After driving even more south through the Jezreel valley, we will pass the Jalameh check point into the
Palestinian town of Jenin and then arrive in Nablus, the main Palestinian city in the north. We will take
a leisurely walk through the labyrinthian Old City of Nablus adorned with the Ottoman period
buildings. We will visit the ancient Turkish baths and an olive oil soap factory and have the
opportunity to sample knafeh, the well known Nablus sweet.
We will also have lunch at a restaurant with a fantastic view. Then, we continue to the Mt. Gerizim to
visit the Samaritan community, the smallest ethnic community in the world. Then, we will drive to the
nearby Jacob's Well, site of the Jesus' conversation with a Samaritan woman.
Continuing south, we will arrive in the modern city of Ramallah to spend two nights.
Overnight in Ramallah
Meals: B / L / D
Day 7: Fri, Nov 11
Since the inception of the Palestinian National Authority, Ramallah has acted as the de facto capital
city of the Palestinian administration. The city is, without question, the cultural capital of the West
Bank, with a highly educated and fashionable population.
In the morning, we will drive through the city passing by the Muqata'a where the Tomb of Arafat is
located, and where the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas lives and maintains his
Then we will visit the Mahmoud Darwish Museum, which exhibits the poet's belongings, and some of
his original poetry manuscripts. It also has a hall with large screens to display videos of the poet.
Then we will drive to Taybeh, a village that has the last all-Christian community in the West Bank. In
the courtyard of the Roman Catholic Church stands a 250-year-old Palestinian house, called the
“Parable House”. The entrance is claimed to be 2000 years old, wih five religious symbols of that time
engraved on the stone facade above the door.
We will have our lunch at a local brewery which was opened by an expatriate family returned to
Taybeh. After lunch, we will stroll Al-Manaka Square, enjoy the ice cream made with arabic gum, and
stroll the old streets of “Tahta”, the old city with the Ottoman period buildings.
We will visit the Friends School, one of the oldest schools in the region. Then we will visit the Hisbeh
produce market.
Overnight in Ramallah
Meals: B / L / D
Day 8: Sat, Nov 12 2016
Jericho - Masada - Dead Sea
Our day begins with a descent into the Judean desert, a barren wilderness in the heart of the Holy
En-route, we will pass by the Inn of the Good Samaritan on our way to Jericho. In Jericho, we will
visit the Tel of this oldest city of Israel and view the site of Jesus’ temptation.
We will, then, drive south towards the Dead Sea and drive by the ancient settlement of Qumran. Here,
in Qumran caves, fabled Dead Sea Scrolls, about 900 parchment documents of religious significance,
were discovered.
After driving along the western shores of the Dead Sea, we will arrive in Masada (means fortress in
Hebrew). We will reach the mountaintop site of Masada by cable car. The cliff's remoteness and
difficult access made it a perfect fortress, and it was here that King Herod built two fortified palaces
over 2,000 years ago. After exploring the archeological ruins of Masada with our guide, we will drive
to our hotel located on the shore of the Dead Sea.
After we check in, we will enjoy the surreal experience of floating in the salt-rich water, 1,312 ft below
sea level! Don't miss the chance to have a mud bath in the world's richest source of natural salts.
Overnight in Dead Sea area
Meals: B / L / D
Day 9: Sun, Nov 13 2016
Hebron - Bethlehem - Jerusalem
After breakfast, we will drive south to Mamre and then to Hebron, which is the largest Palestinian city
in the West Bank.
First we will visit the Tomb of the Patriarchs, known by Muslims as the Ibrahimi Mosque, which is a
series of subterranean chambers located in the old city of Hebron. According to tradition, that has been
associated with both the Torah and the Quran, the cave and adjoining field were purchased by
Abraham as a burial place for his wife Sarah. The Tomb of the Patriarchs is the world's most ancient
Jewish site and for the Jewish people, is the second holiest place after the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Here, from outside, we will observe a well-preserved Herodian structure, which is identical in design
to the exterior of the vanished Jerusalem Temple.
Hebron is famous for its crafts such as its glass production which was established in the city during the
Roman rule in Palestine. Hebron's old city still contains a quarter named the “Glass-Blower Quarter”.
Time permitting, we will visit a glass factory.
Then, we will drive to a hilltop for a view of Bethlehem, noting its location in relation to the rest of the
central mountain range, including Jerusalem, as well as to the desert and the area of the ancient Moab.
After heading down and visiting Solomon’s Pools, Jerusalem’s main source of water for almost 2,000
years, we will pass by the Monastery of Hortus Conclusus, “the Sealed Garden” in Artas and continue
to one of the traditional sites of the Shepherds' Fields. We will see the contrast between the shepherds
and the kings when we visit King Herod’s Summer Palace, the Herodium.
According to the historian Josephus Flavius, Herod wanted to be buried in the Herodion. Depending
on its research on the area, the Hebrew University concluded in 2007 that this is where Herod was,
indeed, buried.
We will continue on to Bethlehem. We will stroll through the narrow streets of the restored old town to
the Church of Nativity, visit the manger and Jerome's Grotto where he lived and translated the Vulgate
Bible. Then we will drive to Jerusalem.
Overnight in Jerusalem
Meals: B / L / D
Day 10: Mon, Nov 14 2016
Jerusalem - Old City
In the morning, we will start exploring the beautiful and charismatic city of Jerusalem, the hub of the
three monotheistic religions.
After enjoying a panoramic view of the Old City from the Mount of Olives, we will drive to the Old
City. We stroll down the Palm Sunday Road and stop at the Russian Church of Maria Magdalene
before we continue on to the Church of Gethsemane.
Then, we will drive through the Kidron Valley, which runs between the Mount of Olives and the
eastern wall of the Temple Mount and the City of David. Today there are many tombs in the Kidron,
since burying people here became a practice in the days of Josiah. Zechariah’s Tomb, named after the
First Temple priest, the Tomb of the Sons of Hezir, a Second Temple-era priestly family, and
Absalom’s Tomb are only a few examples.
Then, we will walk through the Dung Gate to reach the Western Wall, the holliest site of Judaism. We
will also get a glimpse of the Dome of the Rock, one of the oldest and most divine works Islamic
We will continue on to the Church of St. Anne, a Byzantine basilica with great acoustics, fit for a
beautiful Gregorian chant, making the church a pilgrimage site for soloists and choirs. In the same
compound, we will also view the two Pools of Bethesda built during the Roman period as a pagan
shrine to either the Egyptian god Serapis or the Greek god Asclepius, both gods of healing.
Unsurprisingly, this is the site where Jesus healed a lame man.
We will walk along the Via Delarosa, the Byzantine Way of the Cross to the Church of the Holy
Sepulcher and the Mosque of Omar. We will enjoy enjoy the labyrinthine streets of the Arab Souks and
bazaars till we reach the Damascus Gate.
Overnight in Jerusalem
Meals: B / L / D
Day 11: Tue Nov 15 2016
We will start our last day of sightseeing from Jaffa Gate and walk to the Wujoud (means “existence” in
Arabic) Museum, which showcases the Christian presence in the Old City, and Palestinian life and
history during the 19th and 20th centuries.
From the museum, we will walk through the souks of the Old City to the Western Wall. We will enter a
modern tunnel that will enable us to understand the length of the outer Herodian Temple wall, the bestpreserved one. Then we will check out the ruins near the southern part of the Temple complex,
including the steps, which Jesus and his disciples used. We will go down the slope of the first
Jerusalem, “the City of David” to reach the Gihon Spring through the Hezekiah's Tunnel.
Then, we will drive to West Jerusalem passing by the Knesset to the Israel Museum. Along with a vast
collection of artifacts in its various wings; the Archaeology, the Fine Arts, the Jewish Art and Life and
the Youth, the Museum houses the Shrine of the Book, exhibiting the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Model
of Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period. It also has an art garden adorned with modern and abstract
sculptures. We will end our tour with a visit to the Yad Vashem Museum, the Jewish people's living
memorial to the Holocaust.
Overnight in Jerusalem
Day 12: Wed, Nov 16 2016
Meals: B / L / D
We will be transferred to Ben Gurion Airport for our departure flight.
Meals: B
ISRAEL & PALESTINE November 5-16, 2016
Please select one:
❑ New Traveler
☐ Regular Traveler (1-3 trips) ☐ Frequent Traveler (4+ trips)
Contact Information
First Name: Last Name: Name As It Appears On
Street Address: City, State, Zip: Home phone: Cell Phone: Citizenship: Authority: Emergency Contact Information
Name: Phone: E-mail address:
E-mail address: Tour Costs: Israel & Palestine
Tour Cost (est.):
Credit Card Information
$ 3,900
$ 984
Airfare (est.): $ 1,040 - $ 1,325
Tips (est.): $$ 160
National Park Fees:
World Affairs Council of Houston Trip Commitment Form Passport Information
Number: D.O.B: Issued: Expires:
Circle one:
Card Number:
Name on card:
Page 1 of 6 Single
CVS Code
Sharing a room
Payment Terms
By providing the World Affairs Council of Houston your credit card information you are authorizing
the use of your credit card to make these trip payments:
1. Deposit of $500 is due with application. The deposit is non-refundable unless World
Affairs Council cancels the trip.
2. The final tour payment due on (to be announced)
3. Payment for tips due on ( t o b e a n n o u n c e d )
*Please note that if you do not indicate a roommate and none is available, you will be charged for a
single supplement.
I plan to book the suggested flight* on
my own
I will make my own custom flight
I plan to book the suggested flight* with
the assistance of the World Affairs
Travelers not taking the group flight MUST:
1. Provide World Affairs Council of Houston a copy of your flight itinerary at least two weeks
prior to the departure date.
2. Arrive at the destination no later than the group.
Health Policy Notice
Participants in any Council trip must be in good physical and psychological health
and be able to keep up with the pace of the group.
Does your health allow you to:
Travel internationally?
No ☐
Handle your own luggage?
No ☐
Enter and exit a motor
coach easily?
No ☐
World Affairs Council of Houston Trip Commitment Form Walk on uneven surfaces and
varied terrain?
Climb up and down stairs/hills
without help?
Walk for long distances (up to
3 hours)?
Page 2 of 6
List any medical conditions you have that we should be aware of:
List any medications you are taking:
List any allergies (including food allergies):
Primary care physician contact information
Physician’s Name:
Physician’s Phone
The Council has the right to refuse the participation of any applicant if it decides
that the applicant's condition is not adequate for a group tour.
Traveler Preferences and Additional Information:
Dietary Preferences:
I am allergic to:
Leisure Preferences:
I enjoy some leisure time
I enjoy ample leisure time
I prefer very little leisure time
Lodging Preferences:
3 star
3-4 star
4 star
Preferred Touring Pace:
Slower, more relaxed
World Affairs Council of Houston Trip Commitment Form Slow with ample rest breaks
Page 3 of 6 Liability Waiver
(print name) am participating in the World Affairs Councilsponsored travel to Israel and Palestine. I hereby RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE AND
AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS the World Affairs Council, including any employees, agents,
or representatives of the World Affairs Council or assignees or successors thereto
(“Releasees”), from and against any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, or causes of
action whatsoever, including but not limited to negligence, personal or bodily injury,
including death, property damage, losses and expenses, other damages, or attorneys’ fees,
arising out of or in any way related to participation with this Trip. I am aware that there are
possible risks and dangers associated with my participation in the trip.
I hereby choose to voluntarily participate in said Trip with full knowledge that said Trip may
be hazardous to me and my property. I VOLUNTARILY ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR
that may be sustained by me, or any loss or damage to property owned by me, as a result of
being engaged in such an activity, WHETHER CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF
RELEASEES or otherwise.
REPRESENT that I have read and understood this document, waiver of liability, and the
travel information provided by the World Affairs Council. I fully agree and understand all
terms and conditions incorporated into this document and waiver of liability.”
Name: (Printed)
I am signing to give parental consent on behalf of my son/daughter who is a minor.
Minor’s Name: (Printed)
World Affairs Council of Houston Trip Commitment Form Page 4 of 6 Refund & General Travel Policy Notices
Please initial on every line to indicate your agreement to these terms (required):
Your reservation will be confirmed upon receipt of your $500 deposit. The deposit is
not refundable unless the Council cancels the trip.
Any cancellation after final payment is made, regardless of the reason or
circumstances, will result in a full loss of payment.
Unless otherwise stated, travel insurance is NOT included in the World Affairs Council
of Houston’s trip package. The Council encourages you to evaluate your own specific
needs when considering travel insurance and is available, upon request, to assist your
If any traveler proves to be either slowing down the group or harmful to her/himself or
to the group, the Council has the right to terminate that traveler’s expedition without
any refunds.
World Affairs Council travelers are prepared to obey and respect the laws of the
United States as well as the laws of the country/countries they are visiting.
The World Affairs Council of Houston is responsible for the arrangements and services
described in their brochures. World Affairs Council of Houston, its employees, and
agents cannot be held responsible, in the absence of their own gross neglect, for
events over which they have no control, nor for acts and omissions by persons,
companies or agencies, including hotels, airlines, restaurants, and sea and land
transportation companies or any other unnamed entities that are not directly
controlled by the World Affairs Council of Houston.
Acknowledgement (required):
❑ I have read, understand, and agree to the terms and conditions stated in this form
and I confirm that all the information is accurate.
❑ I understand that Council trips often include walking tours, which last 1-3 hours at
a time and are reasonably paced. I agree that my health allows me to comfortably
participate in walking tours.
❑ I understand that a deposit of $500 is due with this form to assure my reservation.
This deposit is non-refundable unless the World Affairs Council of Houston cancels
the trip.
World Affairs Council of Houston Trip Commitment Form Page 5 of 6 Checklist:
Please make sure that you have checked all three of these boxes before proceeding
to sign.
Have you submitted a color photocopy/scan of you passport?
Have you submitted a color photocopy/scan of your health insurance card?
Have you filled in all required fields of this trip commitment form?
Please share comments or any additional information you would like us to know:
Send completed Trip Commitment Form, a color copy of your passport and
required documents via the following: *Email preferred if possible.
Email to:
Fax to: 713-522-7812
Mail to: World Affairs Council of Houston
PO Box 920905
Houston, Texas 77292-0905
World Affairs Council of Houston Trip Commitment Form Page 6 of 6