Savage Babylon 5


Savage Babylon 5
Babylon 5
Adapted by Markus Finster ( for Great White Games’ Savage
Worlds system from the Babylon 5 RPG (2nd Edition), published by Mongoose Publishing.
This is a work of fan appreciation and no challenge is meant to any copyrights and/or
trademarks contained herein, used without permission.
Special Thanks to J. Michael Straczynski for creating this wonderful universe in the first
Table of contents
Races ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Abbai (Abbai Matriarchate) ............................................................................................... 3
Racial Abilities............................................................................................................... 3
Brakiri (Brakiri Syndicracy) ............................................................................................... 3
Racial Abilities............................................................................................................... 3
Centauri (Centauri Republic).............................................................................................. 3
Racial Abilities............................................................................................................... 4
Drazi (Drazi Freehold) ....................................................................................................... 4
Racial Abilities............................................................................................................... 4
Humans (Earth Alliance).................................................................................................... 5
Racial Abilities............................................................................................................... 5
Minbari (Minbari Federation)............................................................................................. 5
Racial Abilities............................................................................................................... 5
Narn (Narn Regime)........................................................................................................... 6
Racial Abilities............................................................................................................... 6
Pak’Ma’Ra (Pak’Ma’Ra) ................................................................................................... 6
Racial Abilities............................................................................................................... 7
New Stat ................................................................................................................................ 7
Eges & Hindrances ................................................................................................................ 7
New Edges......................................................................................................................... 7
Background Edges ......................................................................................................... 7
Professional Edges ......................................................................................................... 8
Skills ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Telepathy............................................................................................................................... 8
Telepath Edges................................................................................................................... 9
Technomagery ....................................................................................................................... 9
Equipment ........................................................................................................................... 10
Weapons .......................................................................................................................... 10
Armor and Clothing ......................................................................................................... 10
Starships .............................................................................................................................. 10
Shipsizes.......................................................................................................................... 10
Spacecraft Weapons ..................................................................................................... 10
Linked Guns................................................................................................................. 11
Light or Heavy Guns .................................................................................................... 11
Starship Notes .............................................................................................................. 11
List of Starships ............................................................................................................... 12
There are an almost infinite number of races in the universe. In Babylon 5, a number of them
are playable – the major races, so to speak. The following presents the races plus the name of
their governmental body.
Abbai (Abbai Matriarchate)
The Abbai were the leading force in founding the Leage of NonAligned Worlds. A peaceful, semi-aquatic race, the Abbai are the
social glue holding the league together. Abbai found outside their
system are usually traders or pilgrims seeking either friendly
contact with other races or enlightenment as to the nature of what
community means to other sentient races.
Racial Abilities
Deep Thinkers – Abbai start with a d6 in Smarts (+2)
Peaceful – Abbai abhor the use of violence, but recognize the
value of a good defence. When taking the Defend maneuver,
members of this race gain a +3 bonus instead of +2. (+1)
Muscular Underdeveloped – Abbai need to spend 2 points during Character creation to raise
Strength and need to spend 2 leveling opportunities to raise it during gameplay. (-3)
Semi-Aquatic – Abbai can hold their breath 15 minutes. In water rich with oxygen (like in
the seas of their homeplanet), they can stay underwater for a duration equal to their Vigor in
hours. (+1)
Value Knowledge above all – Abbai start with a d6 in a knowledge skill of their choosing.
Brakiri (Brakiri Syndicracy)
The Brakiri have gained a reputation as pack rats who invent
nothing, but rather steal or buy technological advances from other
races. Still, the Brakiri Syndicate has developed into a major power
of the League of Non-Alignes Worlds through their political contacts
and trade treaties.
Racial Abilities
Darkvision – Brakiri are able to see in total darkness due to their
thermal vision. (+1)
Accustomed to Heat – Brakiri gain a +4 bonus when rolling for
Fatigue due to Heat. (+2)
Eager to Trade – Brakiri are obsessed with trading, making them predisposed for this
profession. They suffer the effects of the minor version of the Greedy Hindrance.
Centauri (Centauri Republic)
The Centauri Republic was once a mighty empire which has grown
decadent and is in a slow decline. The Centauri, a humanoid race
similar in appearance to humans, are a proud and aristocratic people
governed by an emperor and a nobility-driven senate called the
Centaurum. Centauri males wear their hair in fanlike crests, the
height of which displays the male's rank in society; females are
traditionally bald except for a long queue or ponytail.
The Centauri were the first alien race to openly contact humanity. The Centauri initially tried
to convince the humans that they were a long lost colony of the Republic. This ruse failed
once human scientists got access to Centauri DNA, but Centauri-Human trade and contact led
to tremendous technological advancement and humanity's eventual rise as a major power. For
instance, it was the Centauri who sold jumpgate technology to the Earth Alliance, allowing
humanity to start colonizing interstellar space.
Racial Abilities
Born to Intrigue – Centauri are raised with intrigue, backstabbing and political maneuvering.
It’s basically their second nature. This enables them to excel in influencing others, granting
them +2 to their Charisma. (+2)
Vigorous – Centauri are noted for their personal excesses, especially of food, drink and
entertainment. This has, in turn, made them more resilient – there’s little you can do to a
Centauri, that he hasn’t already done to himself. Members of this race start with a d6 in Vigor.
Racial Enemies (Narn) – Centauri regard Narns as brutal, mindless savages, who should
rightfully be either the subjects of Centauri rule or eradicated from the face of the universe.
When dealing with Narns, Centauri are considered to be Bloodthirsty and at -4 Charisma. (-1)
Obligations to his House – There are practically no Centauri who are able to travel through
the universe and don’t belong to one of the numerous minor or major noble houses. These
connections will come to haunt the character from time to time and he will be asked to
perform some task for the benefit of his house or for the ones his house is allied with. This
works as the minor version of the Vow Hindrance (-1)
Drazi (Drazi Freehold)
The Drazi are reptilian in appearance, with green skin and thick skull
bones, although they are otherwise humanoid. They are a member of
the League of Non-Aligned Worlds. Male Drazi have a pouch in one
of their armpits; it is actually used as a reproductive area.
The ancient Drazi used to live outdoors, only sleeping inside at night.
As a result Drazi houses are constructed with large balconies and a
much smaller interior. The streets on the Drazi homeworld are very
narrow, reflecting their long history of warfare: armoured Drazi
vehicles found it impossible to invade an enemy city without first
demolishing its buildings.
Every six Earth years, the Drazi have a "civil war" among two rival
factions, green Drazi and purple Drazi. A Drazi's allegiance is decided
arbitrarily by choosing a coloured sash which is then worn around their torso, either green or
purple. There is no inherent motive or reason for the civil war at all. This "civil war" takes the
form of a series of non-lethal contests.
Racial Abilities
Strong race – Drazi start with a d6 in Strength (+2)
Slow thinkers – Drazi need to spend 2 points during Character creation to raise Smarts and
need to spend 2 leveling opportunities to raise it during gameplay. (-3)
Trained Fighters – Drazi are trained from early on for personal combat. Their Parry is raised
by +1. (+2)
Thick Scales – Their thick reptilian hide gives Drazi a natural armor of +1. (+2)
Short Fuse – Drazi are easily enticed to a fight. They suffer -2 when resisting Taunts. (-2)
First to Act – Drazi are quick to jump into action. If not surprised, they are always
considered to be On Hold during the first round of combat. (+1)
Humans (Earth Alliance)
The Earth Alliance was founded at the end of the twenty-first century after the Third World
War, first as a loose coalition of nations, then as a tight alliance of nearly every nation on
Earth as well as Alliance controlled colonies throughout the Galaxy,
though colonial populations have had a history of independence
driven rebellion, especially Mars. The Alliance is a unicameral
representative democracy under the leadership of an elected
President with a strong military.
Since the end of the Earth-Minbari War, the Alliance had prospered
in interstellar trade, though some influential factions had become
increasingly xenophobic and isolationist. Adding to the milieu is the
Psi Corps, an increasingly powerful quasi-military organization
which regulates and controls human telepaths.
Racial Abilities
Free Edge – Humans start with a free Edge as per the Savage Worlds Rulebook.
Minbari (Minbari Federation)
Already advanced when humanity was young and capable of space
travel for well over a thousand years, the Minbari Federation is a caste
society, its people divided into the worker, warrior, and religious
The Minbari are led by the Grey Council, which contains nine
representatives, three from each of the three castes. Minbari are
humanoid, usually thin and pale, though considerably stronger than
humans of the same size; they are bald, with gray bony crests across
the back of their heads. The first encounter between Minbari and Humans was a disaster - a
misunderstanding led to Earth ships firing on Minbari ships, killing their leader Dukhat,
resulting in the Earth-Minbari War. Shortly before reaching Earth, the Minbari surrendered
and retreated. To this day, the reason for this reprieve is unknown.
Racial Abilities
Strong Race – Minbari start with a d6 in Strength. (+2)
Distant and Indifferent – Minbari are said to care only for themselves and regard other races
as mere children compared to themselves. They suffer a -2 penalty to their Charisma. (-1)
Resilient – Minbari are hard to defeat and are quite stubborn when they have their mind set
on a task. They gain +2 to Fatigue rolls. (+1)
Caste – Every Minbari is part of a caste. At character generation, the player has to choose the
Religious Caste – Members of this caste gain a +2 bonus to Common Knowledge
rolls, but suffer the Pacifist Hindrance (Minor). (0)
Warrior Caste – Drilled to excellence, Minbari Warriors are told to be almost
unstoppable. They gain the effect of the Quick Edge. Characters taking the Quick
Edge as well discard any card lower than 8 instead of 5. On the downside of their
training, Warrior caste members feel superior to others (maybe rightly so). They suffer
the effect of the Overconfident Hindrance. (0)
Worker Caste – Members of this caste gain a free d6 in the repair skill. They also
halve all times when constructing or repairing equipment. Workers are hesitant to
engage in combat. During combat, they always draw two cards and act on the lower of
the two. (0)
Narn (Narn Regime)
Another "young race" like humanity, the Narn Regime were previously occupied and
enslaved by the Centauri, and bear them deep ill-will because of the brutal methods of control
employed. Narns are widely perceived to be primitive and barbaric, a stereotype the Centauri
engendered during their occupation.
The Narn are led by the Kha'Ri council. Their religion
venerates philosopher prophets, and most Narn draw
strength from various different holy writings, the
most noted being The Book of G'Quan. Narns are tall
and have a stocky build; they are bald, with a
yellowish complexion, mottled with brown and/or
green spots. Although they appear reptilian, they are
in fact marsupial and at least presumably mammalian,
in nature.
Racial Abilities
Hardy – Narns are able to take a beating and still keep coming. A second Shaken result never
incurs a wound. (+3)
Low Light Vision – Narns halve all lighting penalties except in total darkness (+1)
Reputation as Savages – Narns are considered to be upstarts among most of the other races,
suffering a -2 to their Charisma. (-1)
Racial Enemies (Centauri) – Narns regard Centauri as ruthless oppressors, turning the once
peaceful and agrarian Narns into a warlike people fighting for indepence. When dealing with
Centauri, Narns are considered to be Bloodthirsty and at -4 Charisma. (-1)
Pak’Ma’Ra (Pak’Ma’Ra)
The Pak'ma'ra are members of the League of Non-Aligned Worlds. For
religious reasons, they are dedicated carrion eaters, partly because the
Pak'ma'ra consider themselves superior to other races. The pak'ma'ra
are generally considered stupid and lazy by members of other races,
who are also generally disgusted by their eating habits. They have the
reputation for scavenging not only their foods but also technologies.
Broadly humanoid in form, the Pak'ma'ra have tentacles around a
mouth cavity containing an inflexible beak, somewhat reminiscent of
the mind flayers or Cthulhu. As this combination renders their mouths
incapable of forming words in most other species' languages, they rely
on machine translation for interspecific communication.
Racial Abilities
Carrion Eaters – The Pak'ma'ra subsist on corpses. Most other races find this repulsive,
resulting in a -2 to Charisma when dealing with them. (-2)
See No Evil – Because of this, said races will subliminally ignore the presence of any
Pak'ma'ra in the area. This results in a +2 to any Stealth rolls which the player can convince
the GM are relevant to this trait. (+2)
Strong Stomach – Corpses are a prime location for the development of all sorts of vomitinducing nastiness and Pak'ma'ra physiology has adapted accordingly. Starting Vigor is d6
instead of d4. (+2)
New Stat
Every character has a P-Rating (normally 0), which can be influenced by Edges and
Hindrances. For mundanes, this rarely comes into play. But for Telepaths, it can make all the
difference: Whenever a Telepath has to engage in an opposed Telepathy roll, he or she can
add his P-Rating to the roll.
This makes it easy for a Psi-Cop to scan a mundane even without the latter noticing it. A
trained Telepath has a much better chance of blocking telepathic contact.
Eges & Hindrances
All Hindrances from the Core Rulebook are allowed.
The following Edges are not suitable:
Champion, Gadgeteer, Holy/Unholy Warrior, Soul Drain, Wizard,
The following edges are either re-named or work slighty different:
Arcane Background (Psionics): This also raises the P-Rating of a Character by +1.
Arcane Background (Weird Science): This is renamed to Technomancy.
Mentalist: This Edge is renamed to Telepath. In Babylon 5, this is also a Background Edge
instead of a Professional Edge. It raises the P-Rating of a character by +2.
(Improved) Arcane Resistance: This is re-named to Latent Telepath. While not giving the
characters any powers, it raises your P-Rating by +1 or +2 respectively.
New Edges
Background Edges
Family Ka’Toc
Prerequisite: Narn only, Novice
The character starts with a valued piece of heirloom – a ka’toc, a ceremonial sword. It is
similar in most respects to a katana carried by the samurai of feudal Japan, but with a longer
hilt, wider hand guard, and slightly shorter blade. Narn warriors carry these over their
shoulders. The Ka'tok must be kept in its sheath, for if it is removed, it must shed blood
before being sheathed. If it cannot shed the blood of its enemy, it will shed the blood of its
Use the statistics for a Katana (see SWRB). Among Narn, a wielder of such a blade gains +2
to his charisma.
Prehensile Tentacles
Prerequisite: Centauri (males) only, Novice
Some Centauri males train to grasp small objects with their tentacle-like appendages. This
takes a great deal of practice to be of any use beyond sexual activity.
On taking this edge, the character can extend two of his tentacles up to 5 feet from his torso.
(If the clothes are loose enough, that is.) The tentacles can be used to pick up small objects
up to a weight of 1 pound. Fine manipulation, like pulling a trigger, is not possible.
Should the character gain a reputation for his dexterity, he gains +2 Charisma among female
Centauri as well…
Professional Edges
Ranger (Anla’shok)
Prerequisite: Investigation d6, Spirit d8, Agility d8, Piloting d6, Stealth d6, Notice d6,
Fighting d6
The Rangers are an old organization, founded a thousand years ago by Valen, the great leader
of the Minbari. Only recently were their ranks opened for members of other races. Today,
Minbari and Humans make up the bulk of the rangers, but slowly, the other races join them.
Every ranger undergoes a rigorous training on Minbar. Ready to lay down their life for the
cause of watching the ever-growing darkness in the galaxy, they are basically fanatics, but not
foolish. They are well-trained for most tasks and work just as well alone as in teams. Often,
they are employed as couriers or scouts but they are great and disciplined soldiers as well.
Every ranger receives, upon completion of his training, the traditional weapon of the ranger,
the denn’bok, also known as the Minbari Fighting Pike. This weapon can be collapsed into a
small cylinder as a free action which can be easily hidden. It can just as quickly be expanded
again – it might even knock out an unsuspecting enemy! If used in such a situation, the pike
does 2d6 damage.
In normal melee combat, the pike can be used for two attacks at -2, both rolled at the same
time (two Fighting dice, one wild die). The Frenzy and Improved Frenzy edges change the
modifier to 0 and +2, respectively.
Also, this edge gives the character ranger’s robes.
All of the skills from the SWRB are available in this setting. There are a few additional or
changed ones as well:
Telepathy: replaces Psionics.
Ship Operations (Smarts): When using a ship’s sensors or trying to fire a ship’s guns, this
skill comes into play.
Any character with the Arcane Background (Telepath) has a number of powers at his
disposal. This variant of the Arcane Background works just like the example “Telepathy”
from page 48 (and following) from the SciFi Worldbuilder Toolkit.
A Telepath who rolls a ‘1’ on his skill die, is Shaken.
The Mind Probe from the section works a little different here: Probing that deep into a mind
might damage it, if the attempt is resisted. Whenever the target of a mind probe tries to resist
a probe, this incurs an opposed roll. If he target rolls a ‘1’ on his roll (either Spirit or
Telepathy for Telepaths), he takes damage from the probe. For every success and raise that
the winner of the opposed roll scored, the loser takes one wound. No information is gathered
during such an attempt, as the mind is overcome with pain. Probing too deep is therefore
dangerous to the winner of such an opposed roll as well – if the mind he’s searching is the
only source for the information he’s looking for.
Additionally to the powers listed in the descriptions, the following new powers from the SciFi
Worldbuilder Toolkit are available to Telepaths as well:
Anger/Peace, Block, Confuse the Mind, Forget, Mind Rape
Telepath Edges
Psi Cop
Prerequisite: AB (Psionics), Telepathy d8, Investigation d6, Persuasion d6, Intimidation d6
Humans only
The Corps Is Mother, The Corps Is Father – this mantra holds for nobody truer than for one of
those dedicated hunters of rogue telepaths. This edge gives an additional +2 bonus to the Prating. Plus, it allows a character to draw on the resources of the Psi Corps – depending on the
rank of the character and the nature of the request.
Technomages first appeared a thousand years ago. Mysterious figures, they are a rare sight
these days, almost passed into the realm of legend and fairy tales. Before playing one of these
scholars, any player has to get the consent of his GM. A technomage can easily force a
campaign into a different direction – which may directly interfere with the GM’s plan!
Technomages use the Arcane Background (Weird Science) as per the
Through their cybernetic implants and through their suits they are able to
establish a connection with their ships, staffs, places of power or other
compatible technology. This is called Associating and Disassociating.
The following powers (with the mentioned trappings) are available to
Armor: With practice a Technomage can cast a shield around their
bodies to absorb damage or contain atmosphere in hostile environments. This power is
renamed Shield.
Blast: This power is renamed Fireball
Fly: This ability generates an invisible platform that can suspend items above the ground.
With further abilities, mages can move and even ride on these platforms. This power is
renamed Platform.
Hologram: Technomages can generate holograms like Alwynn's famous red-eyed, golden
dragon or more complex holodemons, which can actually interact physically with their
environment. This power uses the stats of the Elemental Manipulation spell.
Electron Incantation: Through this technique, Technomages can establish real-time
communication with another Technomage regardless of distance. While under the effect of
this ability, the speakers consciousness is manifest within a sort of dreamscape in which time
moves quickly enough for the participants to have whole conversations in the span of
seconds. This power uses the stats of the Speak Language spell.
Invisibility: This power is renamed Cloak
Bolt: This power is renamed Plasma Beam
PPG, Auricon EF-7
PPG, W&G Model 10
Minbari Holdout Laser
Centauri Guardsmen Rifle
PPG Rifle
Narn D’Va’Tak Assault
Pulse Rifle
AP 1, standard
AP 1, civilian
use allowed
Recharges after
two rounds
AP 4
AP 2
AP 3
Armor and Clothing
Chainmail Vest
Flak Jacket
Minbari Battle Armor
Narn Battle Suit
Padded Armor
Ranger Robes
Armor Rating
+4 against projectile weapons
Non-Minbari suffer -2 to Agility rolls
Non-Narn suffer -2 to Agility rolls
Also gives +1 to Stealth
Starships and space combat play an important role in the B5 universe. Following are a number
of starships of the various races. But first, a few notes.
Every ship on the following list has a size stat, ranking from Tiny to Gargantuan. This has the
following effect:
In combat, very often ships of different sizes will engage. A ship trying to hit a ship of a
different size gains a bonus of +2 or penalty of -2 for each level of difference. The table
below shows the modifiers for a medium ship against the other ships. Note that a tiny
spacecraft would be at +10 to hit a Gargantuan ship. While this is certainly impressive, a tiny
or small fighter will have a hard time to penetrate the armor of one of the massive capital
To Hit
Spacecraft Weapons
Combat Laser
AP 15
Discharge Gun
AP 120
Electro-Pulse Gun
Fusion Cannon
AP 10
Gatling Pulse Cannon
AP 15
Graviton Beam
AP 45
Graviton Pulsar
AP 22
Laser Cannon
AP 22
Molecular Pulsar
AP 20
Molecular Slicer Beam
AP 200
Neutron Laser Cannon
AP 75
Particle Array
AP 30
Particle Beams
AP 9
Particle Blasters
AP 12
Particle Clutter
AP 15
Particle Gun
AP 5
Plasma Accelerator
AP 25
Plasma Cannon
AP 22
Polarity Cannon
AP 50
Pulse Cannon
AP 12
AP 6
AP 140
Mk I Interceptor
See Savage Worlds
Mk II Interceptor
See Savage Worlds
Particle Impeder
See Savage Worlds
Small bombs Atmospheric
Medium bombs Atmospheric
Large bombs Atmospheric
Fighter Missile Rack
Mine Launcher
Anti-Missile Counter Measures
Dropped Ordnance
* per size category of the maximum ship the weapon can affect.
Linked Guns
Every additional cannon linked together with another one raises the die type by one, to a total
of 4 guns.
Light or Heavy Guns
Many guns come in Light or Heavy variants. They share the same basic statistics, but are
more or less able to penetrate armor.
Ultra-Light guns: AP value is at a quarter of the “medium” variant (rounded down)
Light guns: AP value is halve of the “medium” variant (rounded up)
Heavy guns: AP value is double of the “medium” variant
Starship Notes
Adaptive Armour
reduces the AP capability of enemy’s weapons to quarter (rounded up)
Ships with this feature can “run” in a combat round, adding 20 to their Acc & Top Speed.
Bio-adaptive Shielding
EM Shield
Fixed Gun
Gravitic Engine
Heavy Armor
Heavy Weapon
Jump Engine
Living Ship
Minbari Flight
Minbari Jamming Suite,
Shadow Jump
Targeting Computer +x
This counts as an action, so all other actions suffer the usual MAP.
Only Small and Medium ships can be Atmospheric. Atmospheric craft have a Climb rate
equal to one-quarter of their Acceleration (rounded down).
halves the AP capability of enemy’s weapons (rounded up)
When active, cancels the bonus of a vessel’s targeting computer
Usually applies only to fighter weapons and spinal mounts
Creates Artificial gravity aboard the vessel without needing rotating parts
All ships have Heavy Armor
All starship weapons are Heavy Weapons
Enables spacecraft to open up a jump point
These spacecraft don’t need a crew. If on its own, any skill checks are done with a level of
d12. Additionally, Wild Card crew piloting such a ship roll a d10 instead of a d6 for Wild
Die for all Ship maneuvers.
Wild Card crews on board of this ship roll a d8 instead of a d6
-3 to being hit (cancelling out most Targeting Computers)
Can phase in or out of Hyperspace as an Action
All starships are Spacecraft
Gives a bonus of x to firing a ship’s weapons
* Per space the weapon uses.
** Per base Space of the ship. For example, if you want to Stealth Paint to a gargantuan ship,
the cost is $10M x 100, or $1 billion.
List of Starships
Avioki, Brakiri Syndicate - Huge
The cornerstone of the Brakiri fleet, this is the
single most common vessel the Brakiri field.
Acc/Top Speed: 80/FTL; Climb: —;
Toughness: 53 (28); Crew: 50; Size: Huge;
Handling: -2
Notes: Spacecraft, Jump Engine, Gravitic
Engine, Targeting Computer +2
Cargo Spaces: 20
• Front Arc
o Twin-Linked Graviton Beam
o Twin-Linked Graviton Pulsar
• Port Arc
o Graviton Beam
• Starboard Arc
o Graviton Beam
• Aft Arc
o Twin-Linked Graviton Pulsar
• 2 light Shuttles
Cargo Loader, Earth Alliance - Small
A common sight around every heavily trafficked port and space station of the Earth Alliance.
Acc/Top Speed: 60/600; Climb: 20; Toughness: 20 (10); Crew: 1; Size: Small;
Handling: -1
Notes: Spacecraft
Cargo Spaces: 6
Civilian Trader, Earth Alliance - Medium
These are the typical stats of one of the many ships of the smaller and independent traders
Acc/Top Speed: 100/FTL; Climb: 25; Toughness: 30 (15); Crew: 1+3; Size: Medium;
Handling: 0
Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft, Targeting Computer +1
Cargo Spaces: 6
• Turret: Light Particle Gun
Corporate Freighter, Earth Alliance - Large
A typical freighter as fielded by one of the megacorporations of Earth
Acc/Top Speed: 100/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 40 (20); Crew: 12; Size: Large;
Handling: -2
Notes: Spacecraft, Targeting Computer +1
Cargo Spaces: 20
• Particle Gun Turret
Delta-V Light Fighter - Tiny
Favored by raiders and smaller military forces,
this fighters can be found throughout the galaxy.
There no match against the heavy fighters of the main races, though.
Acc/Top Speed: 150/950; Climb: 30; Toughness: 17 (7); Crew: 1; Size: Tiny;
Handling: +2
Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft
Cargo Spaces: 6
l Twin-Linked Light Particle Guns
Flyer, Minbari Federation - Small
A standard space fighter designed to protect capital
ships or fly short-range patrols.
Acc/Top Speed: 150/1000; Climb: 40; Toughness:17 (7);
Crew: 1+3; Size: Small;
Handling: +1
Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft, Minbari Flight Computer, Minbari Jamming Suite,
Targeting Computer +2
Cargo Spaces: 3
l Light Fusion Cannon
Frazi Heavy Fighter, Narn Regime - Small
The most common fighter fielded by the Narn, it can sustain an
incredible amount of damage. It lacks raw maneuverability,
Acc/Top Speed: 180/1000; Climb: 30; Toughness: 24 (14);
Crew: 1; Size: Small;
Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft, Grapple, Targeting Computer +2
Handling: 0
Cargo Spaces: 2
l Twin-Linked Particle Guns
G'Quan Heavy Cruiser, Narn Regime - Huge
This is perhaps the best-known ship of the Narn Regime
Acc/Top Speed: 75/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 61 (36); Crew: 110;
Size: Huge;
Handling: -2
Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft, Jump Engine, Targeting Computer
Cargo Spaces: 15
• Front Arc
o Twin-Linked Heavy Laser Cannon
o Energy Mine Launcher
o 2x Twin-Linked Particle Array
• Port Arc
o Twin-Linked Particle Array
• Starboard Arc
o Twin-Linked Particle Array
• Aft Arc
o Twin-Linked Particle Array
• 6 Frazi
Hyperion Heavy Cruiser, Earth Alliance - Huge
A standard space fighter designed to protect capital
ships or fly short-range patrols.
Acc/Top Speed: 60/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 60 (35); Crew: 114; Size: Huge;
Handling: -3
Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft, Jump Engine, Targeting Computer
Cargo Spaces: 15
• Front Arc
o Twin-Linked Heavy Laser Cannon
o Twin-Linked Medium Plasma Cannon
o Medium Pulse Cannon
o Tri-Linked Particle Beams
o Mk I Interceptor
• Port Arc
o Medium Pulse Cannon
o Mk I Interceptor
• Starboard Arc
o Medium Pulse Cannon
o Mk I Interceptor
• Aft Arc
o Twin-Linked Heavy Laser Cannon
o Mk I Interceptor
• 2 light Shuttles
• 6 Starfuries
Light Shuttle - Small
A standard utilitarian workhouse that can be found in the service
of all of the major races. Designs vary, but the basics are the
Acc/Top Speed: 70/700; Climb: 15; Toughness: 20 (10); Crew:
1+3; Size: Small;
Handling: 0
Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft
Cargo Spaces: 3
Nial Heavy Fighter, Minbari Federation
The main front line fighter of the Minbari Federation, the
Nial is an utterly lethal craft.
Acc/Top Speed: 180/1100; Climb: 50; Toughness: 24 (14);
Crew: 1; Size: Small;
Handling: +3
Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft, Gravitic Engine, Minbari Flight Computer, Minbari
Jamming Suite, Targeting Computer +4
• Tri-Linked Fusion Cannon
Nova Dreadnought, Earth Alliance - Gargantuan
Once viewed as the ultimate weapon in EarthForce’s arsenal, the
Nova ensured victory in the Dilgar War.
Acc/Top Speed: 30/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 84 (54); Crew:
392; Size: Gargantuan;
Handling: -4
Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft; Jump Engine, Targeting Computer
Cargo Spaces: 36
• Front Arc
o Laser/Pulse Array
o Mk I Interceptor
• Port Arc
o 5x Laser/Pulse Array
o Mk I Interceptor
• Starboard Arc
o 5x Laser/Pulse Array
o Mk I Interceptor
• Aft Arc
o Laser/Pulse Array
o Mk I Interceptor
• 2 light Shuttles
• 24 Starfuries
Omega Heavy Destroyer, Earth Alliance Gargantuan
The Omega is the pride of the Earth Alliance,
designed to stand against the Minbari in the
event of another war.
Acc/Top Speed: 45/FTL; Climb: —;
Toughness: 79 (49); Crew: 287; Size:
Handling: -2
Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft, Jump Engine, Targeting Computer +3
Cargo Spaces: 30
• Front Arc
o Twin-Linked Heavy Laser Cannon
o Twin-Linked Heavy Pulse Cannon
o 2x Mk II Interceptor
• Port Arc
o 6x Particle Beam
o Mk II Interceptor
• Starboard Arc
o 6x Particle Beam
o Mk II Interceptor
• Aft Arc
o Twin-Linked Heavy Laser Cannon
o 2x Mk II Interceptor
• 2 light Shuttles
• 24 Starfuries
Shadow Cruiser
Fearless and unstoppable, there is no ship among
the Younger races that stand a chance against a
Shadow vessel in open combat.
Acc/Top Speed: 60/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness:
72 (42); Crew: 1; Size: Gargantuan;
Handling: +3
Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft, Self-Repairing,
Adaptive Armour, Shadow Jump, Targeting Computer +4
Cargo Spaces: 40
• Molecular Slicer Beam (Turret)
• 6 Shadow fighters
Shadow Fighter - Small
These vessels are as deadly to other fighters as the bigger cruisers are
to capital ships.
Acc/Top Speed: 200/1200; Climb: 50; Toughness: 22 (12); Crew:
1; Size: Small;
Handling: +4
Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft, Self-Repairing, Adaptive Armour, Shadow Jump, Targeting
Computer +3
Cargo Spaces: 1
• Polarity Cannon
Sharlin Warcruiser, Minbari Federation - Gargantuan
This is the primary front line spacecraft of the Minbari
Acc/Top Speed: 70/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 72
(42); Crew: 476; Size: Gargantuan;
Handling: -1
Notes: Spacecraft, Gravity Engine, Jump Engine, Minbari
Flight Computer, Minbari Jamming Suite, Targeting
Computer +5
Cargo Spaces: 54
• Front Arc
o Twin-Linked Neutron Laser Cannon
o 2x Twin-Linked Fusion Cannon
o Electro-Pulse Gun
• Port Arc
o 2x Twin-Linked Fusion Cannon
• Starboard Arc
o 2x Twin-Linked Fusion Cannon
• Aft Arc
o Twin-Linked Neutron Laser Cannon
o 2x Twin-Linked Fusion Cannon
• 4 Flyers
• 24 Nials
Slightly larger than the Light Shuttle
Acc/Top Speed: 70/800; Climb: 12; Toughness: 22 (12); Crew: 1+7; Size: Small;
Handling: 0
Notes: Spacecraft
Cargo Spaces: 7
Space Liner, Earth Alliance
A standard space fighter designed to protect capital
ships or fly short-range patrols.
Acc/Top Speed: 70/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 55 (30); Crew: 39+512; Size: Huge;
Handling: -4
Notes: Spacecraft, Targeting Computer +1
Cargo Spaces: 6
• Front Arc
o Particle Beam
• Port Arc
o Particle Beam
• Starboard Arc
o Particle Beam
• Aft Arc
o Particle Beam
• 4 Shuttles
Starfury Heavy Fighter (Aurora), Earth Alliance
The older model of the first line of defense of the Earth
Acc/Top Speed: 150/1000; Climb: 30; Toughness: 24
(14); Crew: 1; Size: Tiny;
Handling: +3
Notes: Spacecraft , Grapple, Targeting Computer +2,
Weapons: (only one of them may be fired in one round)
• Twin-Linked Uni-Pulse Cannon
• Twin-Linked Ultra-Light Pulse Cannon
Starfury Heavy Fighter (Thunderbolt), Earth Alliance
These models enter service in the beginning of 2259 and is
set to replace the older Aurora model.
Acc/Top Speed: 190/1200; Climb: 45; Toughness: 25
(15); Crew: 1 (+1); Size: Tiny;
Handling: +3
Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft, Targeting Computer +2,
Grapple, Afterburners
• Gatling Pulse Cannon
• Fighter Missile Rack
Sunhawk Battlecruiser, Drazi Freehold
Possible the most common military ship of the Drazi
Freehold, the Sunhawk is capable of going toe-to-toe with
other races’ capital ships when deployed in squadrons.
Acc/Top Speed: 120/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 44
(24); Crew: 38; Size: Large;
Handling: -1
Notes: Spacecraft, Targeting Computer +2
Cargo Spaces: 10
• Front Arc
o Particle Clutter
o 2x Twin-Linked Particle Blasters
Tiraca, Abbai Matriarchy
The standard attack vessel of the Matriarchy.
Acc/Top Speed: 100/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 42
(22); Crew: 24; Size: Large;
Handling: +1
Notes: Spacecraft, Targeting Computer +2
Cargo Spaces: 10
• Front Arc
o Combat Laser
o Quad-Linked Particle Array
• Port Arc
o Quad-Linked Particle Array
• Starboard Arc
o Quad-Linked Particle Array
• Turret Weapons
o Particle Impeder
• 2 light Shuttles
T'Loth Assault Cruiser, Narn Regime
This is an old ship among the Narn Fleet, some date back to
their first exploration of space. It is still, however, brutally
effective, especially as bridgehead for invasions.
Acc/Top Speed: 25/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 64 (34);
Crew: 194+300; Size: Gargantuan;
Handling: -4
Notes: Spacecraft, Jump Engine, Targeting Computer +2
Cargo Spaces: 70
• Front Arc
o 2x Twin-Linked Heavy Plasma Cannon
o 2x Light Pulse Cannon
• Port Arc
o Light Pulse Cannon
• Starboard Arc
o Light Pulse Cannon
• Aft Arc
o 2x Light Pulse Cannon
• 4 Shuttles
• 12 Frazi
Vorchan Warship, Centauri Republic
The backbone of the still-mighty Centauri Republic.
Acc/Top Speed: 65/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 59 (34); Crew:
50; Size: Huge;
Handling: -1
Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft, Gravitic Engine, Jump Engine,
Targeting Computer +3
Cargo Spaces: 14
• Front Arc
o Plasma Accelerator
o 2x Particle Array
• 2 Shuttles
Vorlon Transport
The Vorlons are the most technological advanced race yet
encountered and even their transports are wonders to behold.
Acc/Top Speed: 100/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 42 (22);
Crew: 0-1; Size: Large;
Handling: +3
Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft, Adaptive Armour, Biological Engine, Jump Engine, Living
Ship, Self-Repairing, Targeting Computer +5
Cargo Spaces: 20
• Turret Discharge Gun
White Star, Interstellar Alliance
These ships are based on Vorlon and Minbari technology and
after being introduced soon become the fleet of the Rangers.
Acc/Top Speed: 130/FTL; Climb: 40; Toughness: 46 (26);
Crew: 24; Size: Large;
Handling: +2
Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft, Gravitic Engine, EM Shield,
Jump Engine, Minbari Flight Computer, Self-Repairing,
Targeting Computers +5
Cargo Spaces: 10
• Front Arc
o Improved Neutron Laser Cannon
o 4x Molecular Pulsar
• 2 Nials