5924 COSP SCCIP Guidelines2011
5924 COSP SCCIP Guidelines2011
A RT S • H E R I TAG E • E T H N O C U LT U R E CITY OF ST. CATHARINES C U LT U R A L INVESTMENT P R O G R A M A P P L I C A T I O N G U I D E L I N E S 2 0 11 St. Catharines Cultural Investment Program APPLIC ATION GUIDELINES 2011 Purpose and Goals of Program The City of St. Catharines is making funds available to not-for-profit arts and heritage organizations through the Cultural Investment Program (SCCIP). The purpose of this investment is to strengthen, build and invest in the cultural community of the City in order to improve the spirit and quality of life for residents of St. Catharines. The program aims to achieve the following goals: • Provide access to cultural opportunities for all of St. Catharines’ citizens. • Enhance St. Catharines’ desirability as a community in which to live, work and play. • Celebrate and encourage our cultural and artistic diversity. • Promote civic identity. • Stimulate economic development and cultural tourism opportunities. Eligibility Arts • • • • • Music Theatre Dance Visual arts Media arts Heritage • • • • • Oral traditions Cultural landscapes Archeological sites Structures Artifacts and records SCCIP funds are available to organizations that: • are not-for-profit cultural organizations; • engage in ongoing creation, production, presentation and dissemination activities related to the performing, visual, literary and media arts, and/or to locally relevant heritage, both historical and ethno-cultural; • have a diversified revenue base, which can include memberships, significant earned revenue, funding from other levels of government, and support from the private sector through fund-raising activities, donations and sponsorships. • are based and active in St. Catharines; • provide programming or services that are open to the public and publicized city-wide; • and/or are a service organization, with permanent administrative staff and a mandate to provide a range of ongoing services to professional artists and/or non-profit arts and heritage organizations based in St. Catharines. Organizations that operate on a not-for-profit basis, but are not registered, may apply to the Cultural Development Program. First-time applicants that are not incorporated are eligible for a maximum of $3,000.00 in funding. Cultural Diversity Additional Eligibility by Program Celebrating ancestral heritages through the preservation of ancestral traditions, arts and language. There are three* separate programs in SCCIP. Each program has additional eligibility requirements and evaluation criteria. Please review all materials carefully to ensure you are eligible for the program to which you are applying. If you are unsure which program best suits your organization’s needs, please contact the Cultural Services Office before developing an application. *The third SCCIP program stream is currently under review. Please contact staff for additional information or to provide feedback on a new program concept: "Building Community through Culture." Programs of SCCIP Sustaining Program Evaluation Criteria Each program of SCCIP has specific evaluation criteria that will be considered when applications are being reviewed. This criteria is attached to the program-specific application package and should be reviewed prior to developing an application.The areas of evaluation are: • • • • • Community Impact Cultural Interest Activities and Services Organizational Competence Purpose and Goals of SCCIP Cultural Development Program Available funds for 2011 City Council has approved a fund of $150,000 for this year’s Cultural Investment Program. Deadline The 2011 deadline for all SCCIP program applications is Friday August 26, 2011 at 4:30pm. Applications must be received prior to this deadline to be considered. All applicants must speak with the staff contact prior to submitting an application. Ineligibility SCCIP will not fund any project or operation in its entirety, nor will it provide funds retroactively. In addition, the program will not fund the following activities, purposes or organizations: • civic departments, commissions or committees (ie. libraries, community centres) • social service, religious, sports organizations • educational institutions (schools, colleges etc.) • club or community centre programmes • conferences and conventions • workshops, courses and other forms of training (with the exception of service organizations providing services to their members) The Sustaining Program is intended for established cultural organizations that have an ongoing presence in St. Catharines and a track record of quality programming or services. Under this program, organizations may be eligible for multi-year funding for a maximum of three years, at which time a renewal of funding would be considered. • scholarships, prizes and awards • individuals • as donations (including the waiving of fees and charges) • for groups raising funds for non-cultural causes • for uniforms or personal equipment • for deficit reduction In addition, Sustaining Program funds are not available for: •travel, accommodation and tours outside St. Catharines •capital projects Exceptions Should a social service, religious or sports organization have a significant heritage resource and develop a project that will substantially engage the broader community, they may be eligible to apply through an established cultural organization in St. Catharines. The Cultural Development Program is intended for new and developing ar ts, ethnocultural and heritage or ganizations, for established organizations that work on a project basis, and for cultural organizations undertaking a special one-time cultural initiative, festival or celebration. Equipment and small capital costs will be considered under this program, if it is demonstrated that providing these funds will directly satisfy the goals of the St. Catharines Cultural Investment Policy. Artist in the Community Program This program stream is currently under review. Please contact staff for additional information or to provide feedback on a new program concept:“Building Community through Culture.” APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE SENT TO: SCCIP Committee c/o Rebecca Cann, Cultural Planning Supervisor Recreation and Community Services Department City of St. Catharines 320 Geneva St., PO Box 3012 St. Catharines, ON L2R 7C2 For More Information Contact Rebecca Cann, Cultural Planning Supervisor 905-984-8931 ext 232 or rcann@stcatharines.ca Original Photo Credits: Front page, starting at the top left hand corner going clockwise: Artwork by John Sakars, installed at the Children's Discovery Centre; South Pacific presented by Garden City Productions, Photo by Kevin Argue; Enku Sculpture: Ryuto-Kannon by Kawaziri Tatsuo; Betsy Tauro in South Pacific presented by Garden City Productions, Photo by Kevin Argue; Chorus Niagara performs Gilbert & Sullivan’s The Gondoliers, Photo by Kevin Argue; STRUTT 2010, Photo by Brian Yungblut Inside Pages, left to right: STRUTT 2010, Photo by Brian Yungblut; Dee Jones in The Keith Richards One Woman Show, by Suitcase in Point, Photo by Bonez Poley Back Page: Monica Dufault in Saving Lonesome George by Gail Bowen presented by Carousel Players, Photo by Joe Lapinski