warsaw university of technology


warsaw university of technology
Institute of Computer Science
ul. Nowowiejska 15/19, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland
phone: (+48 22) 234 7432, fax: (+48 22) 234 6091
e-mail: sekretariat@ii.pw.edu.pl
Internet Information: http://www.ii.pw.edu.pl
From the Director
The Institute of Computer Science is one of the very few academic institutions in Poland
with the longest tradition in computer research & development, as well as in education. The
history of the Institute goes back to the year 1953 when the Division of Communications and
Radio Equipment was established at the Faculty of Communications (was so called then). In
1960, the Division has designed and built one of the first industrially produced electronic
computers in Poland, called UMC1. Teaching in the field of computing and computers has
started early in 60's, so that the first few M.Sc. degrees in Computer Science were granted in
1962. From then on, the regular curricula in the field have been proposed.
In 1970 the Division was transformed into Institute for Construction of Mathematical
Machines. Finally, in 1975 the Institute was given its present name. From the very beginning
up to 1978 the Division, and then Institute was headed by the late Professor Antoni Kiliński.
In 1997 his professional contribution to the field of computers was posthumously honoured
with “Computer Pioneer Medal” awarded by IEEE Computer Society.
Yet another person has significantly marked the history of the Institute – the pioneer of
Polish Computer Science, late Professor Pawlak, well known worldwide as the one who
created the Rough Sets Theory. It is worth noting that in early sixties of the last century he
was one of the main contributors in constructing the first Polish computer UMC1. In the years
1989-1996 Professor Pawlak was Director of the Institute.
During the history of the Institute many former staff members of the Institute and our
alumni have made careers in computer science at well-known universities in USA, Canada,
Europe and Australia.
The main activities of the Institute of Computer Science concentrate around teaching of
undergraduate and graduate computer science students, as well as, doing research in the field
of computer science. This Annual Report summarizes both types of the activities of the
Institute, i.e. the teaching and research activities in the academic year 2011/2012.
Our staff provides courses in English for the track in Electrical and Computer
Engineering, offered by the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology. Since 1995
the Institute has been running Evening Undergraduate Studies in Computer Engineering, with
their own curriculum approved by the authorities of the Faculty. From 1999 on, the graduate
level of evening studies is provided, and in 2001 first MSc degrees were granted. Also, since
1990 the Institute has organised (together with the Faculty’s Institute of Telecommunications)
a study for postgraduate students, which offers courses in computer science,
telecommunications and system management, called CITCOM. In 1994 the Institute’s
postgraduate studies in computer science for high school teachers have been organized. They
are held continuously up till now.
Now, each year some 80 students receive their BSc degrees, and 118 students are
awarded MSc degrees. Additionally, we are proud of our PhD students. In 2012, seven PhD
students have completed their theses and have been awarded with PhD degrees.
The Institute’s main research areas include computer graphics, information systems, data
and text mining, artificial intelligence, computer systems’ architectures, dependable
computing and software engineering. In 2012 the Institute has organized a technical workshop
devoted to the research being performed within the nation n-wide project SYNAT, which is
devoted to the development of the infrastructure for scientific information in Poland. The
workshop turned out to be a very successful event.
With the acknowledged excellence of our research activities the main funds for research
are obtained not only from the Polish governmental authorities responsible for scientific
research, but also from EU Programmes and industry. In the framework of FP6 we have
participated already in 2 projects. The cooperation with the industry has a long tradition,
going back to the pioneering works in 60-ties and 70-ties of the last century. In late 90-ties we
have enjoyed a co-operation with Siemens, and ERA GSM. In 2005-2007 we cooperated with
France Telecom, continuing it now with its Polish research branch CBR. We have also
initiated a co-operation with UN organizations, in 2007 with UNEP, and in 2009 with FAO.
In 2012 we have been continuing our very successful cooperation FAO, and started a
cooperation with TP ORANGE, In 2012 we also continued work on the strategic project
SYNAT, advancing work on a scientific knowledge base for the University.
Our co-operation with industry involves not only the Institute’s academic staff but also
our PhD and MSc students, who participate in the research projects. The outcome of the
research run by the Institute staff is well reflected in our publication record. In 2012 our staff
have authored and co-authored 84 publications (2 authored books, 4 co-edited books, and 78
papers in international scientific journals, and conference proceedings, as well as chapters in
the books).
The research achievements of the Institute’s staff are well recognized in the academic
community. In 2012 Professor Z. Raś received the title of professor of technical sciences, and
Dr Tomasz Martyn defended his habilitation. Our colleagues are invited to the programme
and organizing committees of international conferences. They are also often invited for
reviewing papers for renowned international journals. It is my pleasure to express my
appreciation to the Institute’s staff for their efforts and contributions in the Institute’s
achievements in teaching and research.
Warsaw, January 2013
Henryk Rybiński
GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................... 5
MISSION OF THE INSTITUTE ........................................................................................................................... 5
NOTEWORTHY EVENTS IN '12 ........................................................................................................................ 5
BOARD OF DIRECTORS .................................................................................................................................. 7
ORGANISATION OF THE INSTITUTE ................................................................................................................ 8
DIVISION OF COMPUTER GRAPHICS .............................................................................................................. 8
DIVISION OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS ........................................................................................................... 9
DIVISION OF COMPUTER ARCHITECTURES AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ................................................. 10
COMPUTER LABORATORY .......................................................................................................................... 11
STAFF ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
SENIOR ACADEMIC STAFF............................................................................................................................ 13
JUNIOR ACADEMIC STAFF ............................................................................................................................ 23
RESEARCH STAFF ........................................................................................................................................ 26
TECHNICAL AND ENGINEERING STAFF ......................................................................................................... 26
ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF ............................................................................................................................. 27
TEACHING ACTIVITIES ..................................................................................................................... 28
BASIC COURSES OFFERED BY THE INSTITUTE .............................................................................................. 28
ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPUTER SCIENCE COURSES .................................................................................. 30
SPECIAL COURSES ....................................................................................................................................... 31
RESEARCH PROJECTS ........................................................................................................................ 33
PROJECTS GRANTED BY THE UNIVERSITY ................................................................................................... 33
PROJECTS GRANTED BY THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ........................................................ 33
OTHER PROJECTS ........................................................................................................................................ 34
INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION ................................................................................................................. 37
TITLES AND DEGREES AWARDED .................................................................................................. 38
PROFESSOR TITLES ..................................................................................................................................... 38
DSC DEGREES............................................................................................................................................. 38
PHD DEGREES ............................................................................................................................................ 38
MSC AND BSC DEGREES............................................................................................................................. 39
PUBLICATIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 54
6.2. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PAPERS IN JOURNALS...................................................................................... 56
– JCR. LIST A – MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION ............................................................. 56
LIST B – MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION ......................................................................... 57
6.2.3. OTHER JOURNALS ....................................................................................................................................... 58
6.3. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PAPERS IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS........................................................... 58
RESEARCH REPORTS .......................................................................................................................... 64
AWARDS .................................................................................................................................................. 65
PATENTS ................................................................................................................................................. 66
PATENT ISSUED .................................................................................................................................... 66
CONFERENCES, SEMINARS AND MEETINGS............................................................................... 67
10.1. ORGANISATION OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES .................................................................................... 67
10.2. PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ..................................................................................... 67
10.3. LOCAL CONFERENCES ................................................................................................................................. 68
LIBRARY OF THE INSTITUTE ........................................................................................................... 69
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
1.1. Mission of the Institute
The Institute of Computer Science is one of the six institutes at the Faculty of Electronics
and Information Technology, Warsaw University of Technology. The main activities of the
Institute are teaching of undergraduate and graduate students in computer science, as well as
performing research projects in the field of computer science.
The main Institute’s research areas include computer graphics, information systems,
artificial intelligence, data mining, computer systems’ architectures, dependable computing
and software engineering. Both, the research and teaching areas have influenced the
organisation of the Institute: its staff is subdivided into three divisions, namely Computer
Graphics, Information Systems, and Computer Architecture and Software Engineering. Each
division has a dedicated set of computer facilities used for research by the Institute staff, and
by students in performing their advanced projects, including the diploma projects. In addition
to these three research divisions and their specialised equipment and software, the Institute
also has a common Computer Laboratory, which provides system resources, know-how and
the organisational framework for the teaching process.
At the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology the Institute is responsible for
the teaching tracks in the field of computer science, including the track Electrical and
Computer Engineering, which is provided in English. Our staff members are involved in
supervising the BSc, MSc, and PhD projects. In 2011/2012 we have awarded 118 students
with BSc degree, 80 students with MSc degree, and 8 PhD students with PhD degree.
1.2. Noteworthy events in '12
First prize in "Kinetis 1st anniversary contest" has been won by our student. Program
named “Science fiction real time voice modulator” implemented by David Obrycki,
student of the 4th year of Computer Science at the Institute of Computer Science,
Warsaw University of Technology won the first prize in “Kinetis 1st Anniversary
Contest” organized by Arrow company. The first prize - multifunction iPad device –
was handed over during seminar “Designing with Freescale Market Solution Seminar
Poland” http://www.kinetis.pl/node/86 held on May 23rd 2012 in Warsaw. Mr Obrycki
developed the winning program working on Digital Signal Processors course project
using KwikStik-K40 Development Tool with Freescale Kinetis K-40 processor
(MK40X256VLQ100). The program called “Science fiction real time voice
modulator” produces modified speaker's voice imitating Star Wars movie effects. The
presentation of the program can be found under the address
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jilaIg82Im0. The prize celebration can be seen
under http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5G-_R5YSz4&feature=player_embedded.
Rajmund Kożuszek – Laureat of the Golden Chalk Distiction for the Pattern
Recognition Laboratory (2012)
The programming contests are organized at national and international level.
International Collegiate Programming Contest traces its roots to competition held in
1970. Now it is organized under auspices of Association for Computing Machinery.
The competition held in Poland is called Academic Championships in Collegiate
Programming (Akademickie Mistrzostwa Polski w Programowaniu Zespołowym) and
has been organized for 17 years. The rules for national and international contest are
very similar. Students of our faculty participate in both contests. This year the
Academic Championships in Collegiate Programming were held in Warsaw (26-29
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
October) and ACM Central Europe Programming Contest in Kraków (16-18
November). Our team (Adam Mościcki, Michał Krawczak, Mateusz Romański)
competed with teams from Austria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Hungary and Poland.
The local programming contest has been organized for nine years in order to form a
team which competes in national and international contests. The faculty programming
contest was held on 20 October at the beginning of academic year. The participants
tried to solve a set of 5 algorithmic problems within 4 hours time. The solutions were
implemented in C/C++ language. The final rank was based on number of accepted
solutions and time needed to solve the problems. The local faculty contest site is
available at following address: galera.ii.pw.edu.pl/konkurs/ (in polish).
The faculty programming contest is organized by the staff members of Institute of
Computer Science Andrzej Pająk and Zbigniew Szymański.
In 2012 Waldemar Grabski was a faculty coordinator of the co-operation with the
secondary schools and a member of the Curriculum Council of the Open School of the
Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology. Within the frames the Open
School programme Professor Piotr Gawrysiak gave lecture “Is it possible to be
anonymous online?”
The Institute of Computer Science provides courses for University of the Third Age.
The courses are run at the Institute’s Computer Laboratory. The course covers: basics
of Microsoft Windows XP, basics of the Microsoft Office 2010, basics of the Internet
(viewing and searching the web, email), and web publishing.
The classes were divided into 3 equal parts. Each part consisted of four meetings. The
classes were held in winter and summer semester 2011/12, duration: 12 sessions of 2
hours- in total 24 hours.
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
1.3. Board of Directors
Henryk Rybiński, Tenured Professor
Room: 204
Phone: (+48-22) 234-7432
Fax: (+48-22) 234-6091
e-mail: H. Rybinski@ii.pw.edu.pl
Deputy Director for Research (until 31.08.2012)
Piotr Gawrysiak, PhD, DSc, Professor
Deputy Director for Research (since 1.09.2012)
Mieczysław Muraszkiewicz, Tenured Professor
Room: 204
Phone: (+48-22) 234-7432
Fax: (+48-22) 234-6091
e-mail: M. Muraszkiewicz@ii.pw.edu.pl
Deputy Director for Academic Affairs
Rajmund Kożuszek, MSc
Room: 205
Phone: (+48-22) 234-7853
Fax: (+48-22) 234-6091
e-mail: R. Kozuszek@ii.pw.edu.pl
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
1.4. Organisation of the Institute
1.4.1. Division of Computer Graphics
Head of Division: Jan Zabrodzki, Tenured Professor
Room: 306
Phone: (+48 22) 234-5521
e-mail: J.Zabrodzki@ii.pw.edu.pl
Przemysław Rokita, PhD, DSc, Professor
Jerzy R. Chrząszcz, PhD, Assistant Professor
Kamil Kompa, PhD, Assi stant Professor
Tomasz Martyn, PhD, DSc, Assistant Professor
Andrzej Pająk, PhD, Assistant Professor
Jacek Raczkowski, PhD, Assistant Professor
Michał Rudowski, PhD, Assistant Professor
Janusz Rzeszut, PhD, Assistant Professor
Cezary Stępień, PhD, Assistant Professor
Henryk A. Kowalski, MSc, Senior Lecturer
Rajmund Kożuszek MSc, Senior Lecturer
Grzegorz Mazur, MSc, Senior Lecturer
Julian Myrcha, MSc, Senior Lecturer
Marek Pawłowski, MSc, Senior Lecturer
Krzysztof Chabko, MSc, Lecturer
Krzysztof Gracki, MSc, Lecturer
Paweł Radziszewski, MSc, Lecturer
Zbigniew Szymański, MSc, Senior R&D Engineer
Research profile: image generation and image processing: modelling and rendering, colour
in computer graphics, modelling of natural phenomena and objects, real time image generation
and processing (algorithms, hardware and software), virtual reality systems. Current research
projects include:
modelling and rendering of plants and their growth,
colour spaces,
applications of image processing methods in computer graphics,
interaction in virtual reality systems,
data visualisation,
document processing,
visualisation of fractal objects,
compositing computer generated and real images,
computer games.
Facilities: The computer facilities provided for CGD members and their students consist of
many PC machines networked to the Institute’s network. Graphics resources include
stereoscopic viewing system, helmet VCR and other I/O devices (plotter, tablet, 3D scanner,
colour frame grabber with a camera, Kodak 8660 Thermal Printer etc.). Several software systems
are accessible on PCs (3DStudio, ModelView, PhotoStyler, PhotoShop, Corel Draw etc.).
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Since 1993, in co-operation with Computer Science Committee of Polish Academy of
Sciences, Computer Graphics Laboratory has been organising seminars entitled “Computer
graphics, image processing and pattern recognition”. The seminars are held monthly during
academic year and are open to the public. Lectures given by invited speakers cover broad
range of image-related topics ranging from research and applications to technology and art.
Seminar schedules are distributed to over 150 regular attendees and published on website
together with short abstracts.
1.4.2. Division of Information Systems
Head of Division: Marzena Kryszkiewicz, PhD, DSc, Professor
Room: 318
Phone: (+48 22) 234-7701
e-mail: M.Kryszkiewicz@ii.pw.edu.pl
Mieczysław Muraszkiewicz, Tenured Professor
Henryk Rybiński, Tenured Professor
Zbigniew Raś, PhD, DSc, Tenured Professor
Piotr Gawrysiak, PhD, DSc, Professor
Krzysztof Walczak, PhD, DSc, Professor
Piotr Andruszkiewicz, PhD, Assistant Professor
Robert Bembenik, PhD, Assistant Professor
Jarosław Chudziak, PhD, Assistant Professor
Tomasz Gambin, PhD, Assistant Professor
Piotr Kołaczkowski, PhD, Assistant Professor
Jakub Koperwas, PhD, Assistant Professor
Grzegorz Protaziuk, PhD, Assistant Professor
Dominik Ryżko, PhD, Assistant Professor
Łukasz Skonieczny, PhD, Assistant Professor
Anna Wróblewska, PhD, Assistant Professor
Jan Kaczmarek, MSc, Assistant
Jacek Lewandowski, MSc, Assistant
Przemysław Więch, PhD, Assistant (until 30.09.2012)
Patrycja Węgrzynowicz, MSc, Assistant
Andrzej Ciemski, PhD, Senior Lecturer
Piotr Parewicz, MSc, Senior Lecturer
Piotr Salata, MSc, Senior Lecturer
Research profile: practice and theory of information, database and knowledge systems as
well as knowledge representation and discovery, data, text, spatial and Web mining, privacy
preserving data mining, reasoning about knowledge, machine learning, natural language
processing, rough sets, bioinformatics, multi-agent systems, mobile technology. Current research
projects include:
tools for semantic Web and databases,
knowledge discovery, data, text, space, multimedia and Web mining,
information retrieval and extraction,
distributed default logics for reasoning in multi-agent systems,
building and maintenance of ontologies,
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
creation and maintenance of knowledge bases,
modeling of scalable digital data repositories,
indexing multiple-inheritance hierarchies,
implementation of decision support systems,
analysis of genome data.
Facilities: the computer facilities provided for ISD staff members and their students
consist of computers and servers integrated into Institute’s network: PC computers, notebooks
(Dell, Lenovo Thinkpad), tablets (HP), accelerator Java Zing, servers Windows 2008, servers
Linux, server AIX.
In 2012, an extensive series of seminars was organized, mainly devoted to the research
carried out within the SYNAT-PASSIM project granted by The National Centre for Research
and Development (NCBiR), which has been launched on August 16, 2010. The lectures were
given both by the staff and Ph.D. students of Division of Information Systems, as well as
guests from other academic institutions. In addition, the SYNAT 2012 Workshop was
1.4.3. Division of Computer Architectures and Software Engineering
Head of Division: Janusz Sosnowski, Tenured Professor
Room: 141
Phone: (+48 22) 234-7915
e-mail: J.Sosnowski@ii.pw.edu.pl
Bohdan Butkiewicz, PhD, DSc, Professor
Paweł Kerntopf, PhD, DSc, Professor
Roman Podraza, PhD, Associate Professor
Grzegorz Blinowski, PhD, Assistant Professor
Ilona Bluemke, PhD, Assistant Professor
Krzysztof Cabaj, PhD, Assistant Professor
Wiktor Daszczuk, PhD, Assistant Professor
Anna Derezińska, PhD, Assistant Professor
Henryk Dobrowolski, PhD, Assistant Professor
Piotr Gawkowski, PhD, Assistant Professor
Artur Krystosik, PhD, Assistant Professor
Dariusz Turlej, PhD, Assistant Professor
Jacek Wytrębowicz, PhD, Assistant Professor
Waldemar Grabski, MSc, Senior Lecturer
Research profile: system dependability (reliability, availability, performance, fault
diagnostics and fault tolerance), advanced software engineering problems, software quality
issues, advanced system and logical synthesis, formal methods and tools for system design
and verification, parallel processing architectures, communication protocols, embedded and
real-time systems. Current research projects include:
testing and analysis of fault effects in computer systems (hardware and software),
fault injection techniques, error detection and fault handling techniques,
monitoring/analysing event and performance logs
simulation techniques, modelling and formal methods for specification, design and
verification of software, communication protocols, complex embedded systems, etc.,
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
distributed system design problems, including multi-agent and SOA systems,
modern technologies of software design and development, system life cycle,
project management, model driven engineering, component based and aspect
programming, data analysis tools, data mining applications,
designing digital reversible circuits.
Facilities: The computer facilities provided for CASED members and students consist
of many PC machines connected to the Institute’s network. Moreover the division laboratory
is equipped with four servers (with virtualization based on Vmware, HyperV and Zen),
multiprocessor workstations with RAID disk array and PCs connected to local and faculty
network. This equipment is dedicated for research purposes and students’ projects as well. In
addition to this there is a special stand for experiments with multi-agent systems (embodied
agents represented by small mobile robots), real time systems and a simulation platform for
tracing fault effects in computer systems. Various specialized software packages are available
(locally and remotely) for research and educational purposes.
In 2012 a series of seminars has been organized devoted to dependable computing
problems, embedded systems and software engineering. Members of CASED co-operate with
other scientific groups (Institute of Control and Computation Engineering, Faculty of
Transport, Institute of Telecommunication, Gdansk University of Technology, Scietific
Network for Synat task) and industry within various projects.
1.4.4. Computer Laboratory
Head: Mariola Jamiołkowska, BSc
Phone: (+48 22) 234-5318
e-mail: M.Jamiolkowska@ii.pw.edu.pl
Activity profile: The Computer Laboratory provides computational facilities and
services for both teaching and research carried out in the Institute. It consists of several
laboratories dedicated to programming, hardware design, performing different software and
hardware projects (i.e. diploma theses)
Facilities: The resources of the Computer Laboratory are closely integrated with other
computer resources of the Institute (the research laboratories, staff-members’ personal
computers) into one, multiprotocol, heterogeneous network. This LAN consists of several
main servers (IBM pSeries, IBM x3650M3, IBM x3755M3, SUN X4600M2, Agilent N2X,
LINUX, Windows Advanced Servers), common disk matrices (Hitachi), and a large number
of PCs and workstations. All the computers at the Institute have full access to the University's
campus network and to the Internet.
The Software Division of the Computer Laboratory supports various operating systems (AIX,
Solaris, LINUX, Windows) and various applications (compilers, simulators, CASE tools,
ORACLE RDBMS, IBM DB2, IBM Rational, Delphi, Eclipse, SQL Server, and many others.
The Hardware Division of the Computer Laboratory is equipped with specialised hardware
development workstations, each consisting of a modular microprocessor/hardware assembly
system (SML3), linked to a personal computer. Oscilloscopes and development systems for
several types of microprocessors are provided as additional equipment.
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
As a result of long term cooperation with Texas Instruments, the Hardware Division is
equiped with ten two core DSP/ARM processors development kits (H52C1 Concerto control
Card), and floating licences for the Code Composer Studio v5 have been obtained. There are
eZdsp6713 Kit, TMS320VC5505 DSP Evaluation Module, MSP430 USB Debugging
Interface, MSP430F55xx USB 80-Pin Target board, F28035 Piccolo Experimenter’s Kit,
Delfino C28343 Experimenter’s Kit, Delfino C28346 DIM168 Experimenter’s Kit, C2000
Peripheral Explorer Kit, Dual Motor Control and PFC Developer’s Kit and C2000 Renewable
Energy Developer’s Kit in laboratory linked to the computers with Code Composer Studio v5
software. This equipment is used for digital signal processor architecture and programming
courses, preparation of BSc and MSc projects, research and scientific work in the field of real
time systems and ECG signal analysis.
In 2012 together with Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. As a partner an Embedded Computing
Lab has been created. The partner donated several development tools:
10 TWR-K70F120M kits (includes elevator and serial modules)
10 TWR-LCD graphical LCD modules
10 TWR-PROTO modules
10 TWR-WIFI-G1011MI Wi-Fi modules
1 TWR-K53N512 kit (includes elevator and serial modules)
1 MED-EKG kit for Tower system
1 TWR-MEM-PISMO memory module
1 TWR-WIFI-RS2101 Wi-Fi module
100 seat floating license for CodeWarrior Academic version for MCUs
Also in 2012 the server resources of the Institute have been enhanced by a powerful IBM
x3755 M3 with four 16-core CPU.
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
In 2012, 68 staffers were employed in the Institute of Computer Science, including
55 scholars: 11 professors, 1 associate professor, 28 assistant professors with a PhD degree,
3 assistants and 9 senior lecturers and 3 lecturers. The remaining employees are the engineers,
laboratory and office staff.
2.1. Senior academic staff
Piotr ANDRUSZKIEWICZ, MSc (2005); PhD (2012);
Computer Science, Assistant Professor, Information
Systems Division; Data- and Web-Mining; Privacy
Preserving Data Mining; Machine Learning; Databases;
Mobile Phone Technologies; [Edu41]; [BSc27]; [Pub47],
Room: 302/304
phone: 22 234-7715
Robert BEMBENIK, MSc (2001), PhD (2007); Computer
Science, Databases, Spatial Databases, Spatial Data Mining,
Data Mining, Assistant Professor, Information Systems
Division; [Edu45]; [BSc1], [BSc16], [BSc73]; [Pub6],
[Pub25], [Pub45], [Pub75].
room #302
phone: 22 234-7715
Grzegorz BLINOWSKI, MSc (1993), PhD (2001);
Assistant Professor; Computer Science, Division for
Computer Architecture and Software Engineering; operating
systems and distributed systems, with special emphasis on
large scale distributed systems: P2P and grid computing.
Other research interests include computer network security;
[Edu15], [Edu31]; [MSc10], [MSc31], [MSc45]; [BSc80]; [Pub3].
Room: 206
Phone: 22 234-7184
Ilona E. BLUEMKE, MSc (1978), PhD (1989); Assistant Room: 206
Professor; Computer Science; Division for Computer Phone: 22 234-7184
Architectures and Software Engineering; Member of the e-mail: I.Bluemke@ii.pw.edu.pl
Polish Computer Society (1980-); Member of Technical
Committee on Software Engineering IASTED (2001);
Rector's Award in Education (2005); Rector’s Award in
Science (2008); [Edu7], [Edu21], [Edu32], [Edu65], [Edu67],
[Edu84], [Edu94]; [MSc2], [MSc27], [MSc36], [MSc50],
[MSc77], [BSc90]; [Pub9], [Pub10], [Pub20], [Pub51].
Bohdan BUTKIEWICZ, MSc (1964), PhD (1972), DSc
(2003); Fuzzy systems, Reliability theory, Control theory;
Professor; Circuit and Signal Theory Division; Member
nominated of the faculty; IEEE Member (1991-); IEEE
System, Man. and Cybernetic Society Member, IEEE
Society Member,
Computational Intelligence Society Member; [Edu38]; [MSc46]; [BSc19];
Room: 449
Phone: 22 234-5314
Krzysztof CABAJ, MSc (2004), PhD (2009); Computer Room: 134
Science, Assistant Professor, Division for Computer phone: 22 234-7711
Architecture and Software Engineering; Computer e-mail: K.Cabaj@ii.pw.edu.pl
Networks, Security, Data-Mining; Cisco Certified Instructor
of CCNA, NS, CCNP courses; [MSc3]; [BSc70], [BSc71];
[Pub11], [Pub35], [Pub63].
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Krzysztof CHABKO, MSc (1993); Senior R&D Engineer
(2002-2011); Computer Graphics Division; Lecturer (2011-);
Rector’s Award in Education (2012); [Edu107], [Edu115],
[Edu117], [Edu132], [Edu128]; [MSc13], [MSc63];
[BSc29], [BSc31], [BSc44], [BSc72].
Room: 309
Phone: 22 234-7810
Jerzy R. CHRZĄSZCZ, MSc (1986), PhD (1994);
Assistant Professor; Microprocessor Systems and
Programmable Logic, Computer Graphics Division;
Member of the Curriculum Committee (1994-1995);
Secretary of Seminar on Computer Graphics, Image
Processing and Pattern Recognition (1993-); Member of the
Polish Information Processing Society (1986-); Rector's
Award in Education (1992), (2002); Minister of Education Award (1995);
[Edu17], [Edu60]; [MSc42]; [BSc46], [BSc79], [BSc86], [BSc109].
Room: 310
Phone: 22 234-5562
Jarosław CHUDZIAK, MSc (1988), PhD (1990); Assistant Room: 316
Professor; Information Systems, Databases, Decision Phone: 22 234-7825
Support Systems; Information Systems Division; [Edu24].
Andrzej CIEMSKI, MSc (1995), PhD (2000); Assistant Room: 316
Professor (2000-2012); Senior Lecturer (2012-); predictive Phone: 22 234-7825
modelling with special emphasis on business applications; e-mail: A.Ciemski@ii.pw.edu.pl
business information systems in theory and practice. Over
15 years experience in professional services for business
solutions including IT; Information Systems Division;
Wiktor DASZCZUK, MSc (1982); PhD (2003); Assistant
Professor; Computer Science; Specification and verification
of concurrent systems; Division for Computer Architecture
and Software Engineering; Member of the Polish
Information Processing Society (1981); Siemens Award in
R&D Projects (1996); [Edu16], [Edu19].
Anna DEREZIŃSKA, MSc (1984); PhD (2002); Assistant
Professor; Computer Science; Research interests: software
engineering, especially different aspects of model driven
development, software testing - including mutation testing,
system dependability evaluation and improvement. Division
for Computer Architectures and Software Engineering;
Rector’s Award in Education (2005); Rector’s Award in
Science (1993), (1998), (2003), (2008); [Edu21], [Edu32],
[Edu67], [Edu94]; [BSc105]; [Pub12], [Pub13], [Pub55], [Pub56]; [Rep1].
Room: 319
Phone: 22 234-7812
Room: 321
Phone: 22 234-7953
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Henryk DOBROWOLSKI, MSc (1975), PhD (1986);
Assistant Professor; Computer Science, Division for
Computer Architectures and Software Engineering; Rector’s
Award in Science (1996), (1999), (2003); Siemens Award in
R&D Projects (1996); Deputy Director for Research (20012008); Rector's Award in Education (2002); Member of
ACM (2006-); Minister of Education Award (2011); [Edu3],
[Edu26], [Edu53], [Edu68].
Room: 350
Phone: 22 234-7650
Tomasz GAMBIN, MSc (2007); PhD (2012); Computer Room: 304/302
Science, Assistant Professor, Information Systems Division; phone: 22 234-7184
Bioinformatics, Genomics; Data Mining and Statistical e-mail: T.Gambin@ii.pw.edu.pl
Methods in Molecular Biology and Medicine; [Pub26],
[Pub27], [Pub28], [Pub32], [Pub34], [Pub36].
Piotr GAWKOWSKI, MSc (1998); PhD (2005); Computer
Science, Assistant Professor; Division for Computer
Architecture and Software Engineering; Rector’s Award
(2003), (2006), (2008), (2009), (2011); Member of IEICE
(2002-2008); [MSc4]; [MSc56]; [BSc14], [BSc100],
[BSc110]; [Pub40], [Pub41].
Piotr GAWRYSIAK, MSc (1998), MA (2001), PhD
(2002); DSc (2010); Professor; Information Systems
Division; text and web mining, with special emphasis on
natural language processing related methods and document
structure analysis. Other research interests include data
mining, mobile and embedded systems and user interfaces.
Deputy Director for Research (2008-2012); IFIP TC14
representation for Poland (2011); [Edu42]; [MSc6], [MSc9],
[MSc12], [MSc19], [MSc29], [MSc38], [MSc48], [MSc54], [MSc75];
[BSc95]; [Pub15], [Pub16], [Pub52].
Room: 134
Phone: 22 234-7074
Room: 317
Phone: 22 234-7098
Waldemar GRABSKI, MSc (1994); Computer Science, Room: 320
Senior Lecturer, Division for Computer Architecture and Phone: 22 234-7812
Software Engineering; Siemens Award in R&D Projects e-mail: W.Grabski@ii.pw.edu.pl
(1996); Coordinator of co-operation with secondary schools
and Member of the Curriculum Council of the Open School
of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology
(2009-); [Edu14], [Edu48]; [BSc24], [BSc47], [BSc59].
Krzysztof GRACKI, MSc (1992); Senior R&D Engineer Room: 312
(2001-2011); Lecturer (2011-); Computer Graphics Division; Phone: 22 234-5031
Rector’s Award in Education (2012); [Edu101], [Edu108]; e-mail: K.Gracki@ii.pw.edu.pl
[MSc70]; [BSc6], [BSc53], [BSc82], [BSc102]; [Pub22],
[Pub42], [Pub64].
Paweł KERNTOPF, MSc (1962), PhD (1973); DSc (2006); Room: 134
Professor; Computer Science, Division for Computer Phone: 22 234-7711
Architectures and Software Engineering; Member of the Faculty e-mail: P.Kerntopf@ii.pw.edu.pl
Election Committee (1996-2003); Member of ACM SIGDA
(Special Interest Group on Design Automation); Rector’s Award
(2007); [Edu22], [Edu39], [Edu78]; [Pub18]; [Pub22],
[Pub42], [Pub43], [Pub44], [Pub60], [Pub68], [Pub72],
[Pub73], [Pub79], [Pub80], [Pub81].
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Piotr KOŁACZKOWSKI, MSc (2005), PhD (2011);
Computer Science, Assistant Professor, Information
Systems Division; Data- and Web-Mining; Artificial
Intelligence; Database System Design and Implementation;
Software Engineering; [BSc8], [BSc43], [BSc63],
Room: 302
phone: 22 234-7715
Kamil KOMPA, MSc (2006), PhD (2010); Information Room: 308
Technology, Industrial Electronics, Renewable Power Phone: 22 234-7451
Systems; Laureate of Georgius Agricola scholarship (2008), e-mail: K.Kompa@ii.pw.edu.pl
(2009); Laureate of Mazovia scholarship with special award
for achievements in research on modern electrical power
systems (2009); PhD project realized in cooperation of
Warsaw University of Technology (Poland) with Zentrum
für Angewandte Forschung und Technologie Dresden
(Germany), Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) and Hochschule für
Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden (Germany); [BSc64], [BSc87].
Jakub Janusz KOPERWAS, MSc (2004), PhD (2010);
Computer Science, Assistant Professor, Information
Systems Division; Software Engineering; Data-Mining;
Bioinformatics Sun Certified Java Programmer, Sun
Certified Web Component Developer, Sun Certified
Business Component Developer. [BSc21], [BSc25],
[BSc67], [BSc97], [BSc108].
Room: 302
phone: 22 234-7715
Henryk A. KOWALSKI, MSc (1987); Senior Lecturer;
Computer Science, Computer Graphics Division; Digital
Signal Processing, DSP Processor Architecture and
Programming, Computers in Cardiology; Rector’s Award in
Education (1998), (2007), (2012); [Edu25], [Edu88];
[BSc52], [BSc83]; [Pub4].
Room: 308
Phone: 22 234-7451
Rajmund KOŻUSZEK, MSc (1988); Senior Lecturer;
Computer Science, Computer Graphics Division; Minister
of Education Award (1995); Deputy Director for Academic
Affairs Institute of Computer Science (2008-); Rector’s
Award in Education (2012); Laureat of the Golden Chalk
Distinction for the Pattern Recognition Laboratory (2012);
[Edu44], [Edu61], [Edu103], [Edu111], [Edu124]; [MSc16],
[MSc34], [MSc51]; [BSc35], [BSc45], [BSc68], [BSc81], [BSc118].
Room: 205
Phone: 22 234-7853
Artur KRYSTOSIK, MSc (1994), PhD (2008); Computer
Science, Assistant Professor, Laboratory for Computer
Architecture and Software Engineering; Siemens Award in
R&D Projects (1996); [Edu30], [Edu37], [Edu69];
Room: 320
Phone: 22 234-7812
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Marzena KRYSZKIEWICZ, MSc (1988); PhD (1995);
DSc (2003); Professor; Computer Science, Data Mining and
Knowledge Discovery, Intelligent Information Systems,
Machine Learning, Approximate Classification and Concept
Learning, Information Systems Division; Member of the
Faculty Council Committee for Scientific Research (19961999); Member of the Faculty Council (2003-); Member of
the Dean’s Committee for Quality of Education (2005);
Member of the Faculty Council Committee for Education (2008-); WUT coordinator of the field specialization “Computer Information System
Engineering” (2008-); Member of the Faculty Council Committee for
Accreditation of Courses (2009-2012); Vice-chief of the Faculty Council
Committee for Elections (2004); WUT co-ordinator of EU–Canada Student
Mobility Program “International Distributed Computer Science Degree”
(2004-2008); Faculty co-ordinator of EU–Canada Cooperation programme in
the field of higher education and vocational training “Building Internationally
Distributed Computer Science Joint Degree Programs” (2008-2012); Faculty
co-ordinator of the Agreement on Dual Degree Master Program in Computer
Science between Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics
and Information Technology and Technische Universität Berlin, School of
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2008); Member of the
Committee for Invited Visiting Lecturers of Development Programme of
Warsaw University of Technology (2009-); Member of Program Committees
and reviewer for several international conferences and journals; Award of
Foundation for Polish Science (1995); Award of the Dean of the E&IT
Faculty (1996); Rector’s Award in Science (1999), (2001), (2005); Rector’s
Award in Education (2002); Minister of Education Award (2004); Associate
Dean for Academic Affairs (2005-2008); Head of the Group of the E&IT
Faculty Council Committee for Education for Creating Master Program in
Computer Science (2009-1010); Head of the Group of the E&IT Faculty
Council Committee for Education for Creating Master and BSc Education
Programs in Computer Science (2011-); Head of Division of Information
Systems (2009-); [Edu35], [Edu86], [Edu112], [Edu130]; [MSc58], [MSc72],
[MSc76]; [Pub1], [Pub65], [Pub66]; [Rep2], [Rep3].
Room: 318
Phone: 22 234-7701
Tomasz MARTYN, MSc (1995), PhD (1999), DSc (2012); Room: 312
Assistant Professor; Computer Graphics Division; Author Phone: 22 234-5031
and coauthor of 4 books as well as many research papers e-mail: T.Martyn @ii.pw.edu.pl
and articles published in various peer-reviewed international
journals and conferences; Research: fractal geometry,
scientific visualization, real-time rendering techniques, and
game engine programming; Member of the IEEE; Rector’s
Award in Education (2012); [MSc18], [MSc20], [MSc41],
[MSc64]; [BSc30], [BSc62], [BSc93]; [Pub33].
Grzegorz MAZUR, MSc (1987); Computer Science, Senior Room: 310
Lecturer; Computer Graphics Division; Member of IEEE phone: 22 234-5562
Computer Society (1987); Minister of Education Award e-mail: G.Mazur@ii.pw.edu.pl
(1995); Rector’s Award (1998), (2007); [Edu4], [Edu58],
[Edu63], [Edu81], [Edu98]; [BSc55].
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Mieczysław MURASZKIEWICZ, MSc (1972), PhD
(1978), DSc (1984), Computer Science, State Professor
(1993); Information Systems Division; Specialization:
information and knowledge systems, databases, networking;
Research: semantic databases, knowledge representation
and discovery, data mining, mobile technology, parallel
computer architecture, and related topics; Thesis
supervision: 15 PhD and some 160 MSc theses; Author and co-author of over
110 scientific papers and monographs; Leader of some 55 ICT projects
carried out in 45 countries; Member of several professional associations and
scientific boards abroad and in Poland, including European eMobility
Platform and Polish eMobility Platform. Expert and consultant to United
Nations, World Bank and European Commission; Laureate of the Golden
Chalk Distinction for excellence in teaching (2008); Associate Dean for
Research & Int. Cooperation (2008-2012); Member of Informatics
Committee at Polish Academy of Science (2011-); Deputy Director for
Research (2012-); [Edu40], [Edu90]; [MSc7]; [MSc15], [MSc43], [MSc68];
[BSc32]; [Pub17], [Pub38].
Room: 204
Phone: 22 234-7432
Julian MYRCHA, MSc (1991); Computer Science, Senior Room: 322
Lecturer, Computer Graphics Laboratory; Rector’s Award Phone: 22 234-7753
(1998); [Edu28], [Edu70], [Edu79]; [MSc21], [MSc26], e-mail: J.Myrcha@ii.pw.edu.pl
[MSc49]; [BSc4], [BSc10], [BSc28], [BSc48], [BSc69],
[BSc84], [BSc88], [BSc111]; [Pub70].
Andrzej PAJĄK, MSc (1969), PhD (1978); Assistant Room: 321a
Professor; Computer Science; Computer Graphics Division; Phone: 22 234-7063
Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Institute of Computer e-mail: A.Pajak@ii.pw.edu.pl
Science (1987-1999); Member of the Faculty Council
(1993-1996); Member of the Curriculum Committee II
(1993-1996); Member of the Dean's Financial Committee
(1993-1999); Member of Education Committee (1996-1999;
2005-2008); Member of the Steering Committee for
Applied Mathematics Courses (PAS, 1990-1997); Minister of Education
Award (1995); Rector’s Award in Eng. Education (1996); Member of
Program Committee for KKIO'2001; Rector’s Award in Education (2011);
[Edu1], [Edu7], [Edu18], [Edu73], [Edu96]; [MSc32].
Piotr PAREWICZ, MSc (1975); Senior Lecturer; Database
Systems, Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence
Information Systems Division; Deputy Director for
Academic Affairs Institute of Computer Science (19992005); [Edu8], [Edu23]; [MSc65]; [BSc41].
Room: 321b
Phone: 22 234-7149
Marek PAWŁOWSKI, MSc (1977); Senior R&D
Engineer (1989 -2011); Head of Comp. Lab. (1991-2011);
Rector’s Award in Education (2007), (2011), (2012).
Lecturer (2011-2012); Senior Lecturer (2012-); Computer
Science, Computer Graphics Division (2011-); [Edu11];
[BSc54]; [Pub22], [Pub42].
Room: 361
Phone: 22 234-7811
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Roman PODRAZA, MSc (1981), PhD (1986); Associate Room: 206a,
Professor; Computer Science; Division for Computer Phone: 22 234-7995
Architectures and Software Engineering; Faculty e-mail: R.Podraza@ii.pw.edu.pl
Coordinator for English-Medium Studies (1995-), Member
of Joint Undergraduate and Graduate Admission Committee
for English-medium Studies (1994-), Member of FEIT
Committee on Faculty Organisation (1991-1993), Member
of EAIE (1996-2008); Member of Education Committee
(1999-2002); Rector’s Award (2010); Faculty co-ordinator of EU–Canada
Cooperation programme in the field of higher education and vocational
training “Building Internationally Distributed Computer Science Joint Degree
Programs” (2012-); [Edu2], [Edu12], [Edu47], [Edu64], [Edu80], [Edu87],
[Edu92], [Edu93], [Edu105], [Edu126]; [MSc23], [MSc80]; [BSc7],
Grzegorz PROTAZIUK, MSc (2001); PhD (2006);
Computer Science, Assistant Professor, in Information
Systems Division; Interest in: Knowledge and Data
Discovery, Data and Text Mining, Management Information
Systems; [Edu45]; [MSc33]; [BSc112]; [Pub25], [Pub45],
Room: 302
Phone: 22 234-7715
Jacek RACZKOWSKI, MSc (1986), PhD (1996);
Assistant Professor; Computer Graphics; Computer
Graphics Division; Member of the Rector’s Committee for
Computer Infrastructure (1994-1999); Minister of Education
Award (1995); Rector’s Award in Education (1998), (2012);
Member of Interklasa Task Force (2001-); [MSc30],
[MSc79]; [BSc39], [BSc96].
Room: 311
Phone: 22 234-5562
Paweł RADZISZEWSKI, MSc (1993); Senior R&D
Engineer (2002-2011); Lecturer (2011-); Computer Graphics
Division; Rector's Award in Education (1992), (2005);
[Edu104], [Edu125]; [MSc35]; [BSc38], [BSc49], [BSc61],
[BSc77], [BSc92], [BSc107].
Room: 309
Phone: 22 234-7810
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Zbigniew W. RAŚ, MSc (1970), PhD (1973), DSc (2004); Room: 317
Tenured Professor (2012); Professor; Division of Phone: 22 234-7098
Information Systems; Professor with tenure in the e-mail: Z.Ras@ii.pw.edu.pl
Department of Computer Science at the University of North
Carolina, Charlotte (1987-); Previously affiliated at:
University of Warsaw, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Jagiellonian University, University of Florida (Gainesville),
Columbia University (New York), University of Tennessee (Knoxville), and
Lockheed Research Lab (Palo Alto); Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of
Intelligent Information Systems (Springer) and the Editor-in-Chief of the
International Journal of Social Network Mining (InderScience Publishers);
Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Fundamenta Informaticae Journal (1994-2009);
Member of the Editorial Board of many international journals, the editor/coeditor of 35 books and the author of more than 220 papers in the area of
Intelligent Information Systems, Soft Computing, Knowledge Discovery and
Data Mining, and Music Information Retrieval; He has received a number of
competitive research grants and contracts (NSF, US Army, ORNL, ONR),
and he is the recipient of the Harshini V. de Silva Graduate Mentor Award
(UNC-Charlotte, 2009), the recipient of COIT Graduate Faculty Excellence
in Teaching Award (UNC-Charlotte, 2003), and the recipient of the Alcoa
Foundation Outstanding Faculty Award (in 2000); Finalist of the Bank of
America Award for Teaching Excellence (2008); [Edu91]; [Pub2], [Pub5],
[Pub7], [Pub54], [Pub57], [Pub61].
Przemysław ROKITA, MSc (1985), PhD (1993), DSc Room: 322
(2000); Professor; Computer Science, Computer Graphics Phone: 22 234-7753
and Image Processing, Computer Graphics Division; e-mail: P.Rokita@ii.pw.edu.pl
Member of SPIE, ACM, IEEE; Minister of Education
Award (1995); Rector’s Award in Science (2001); Laureate
of the Golden Chalk Distinction for excellence in teaching –
WUT (2005), (2006); [Edu36], [Edu75]; [MSc44]; [BSc11],
[BSc76], [BSc116]; [Pub62], [Pub70].
Michał RUDOWSKI, MSc (1980), PhD (1986); Assistant
Professor; Computer Science and Computer Engineering;
Database Systems, Information Systems, Computer
Graphics; Computer Graphics Division; [Edu28]; [MSc37];
Room: 321a
Phone: 22 234-7063
Henryk RYBIŃSKI, MSc (1970), PhD (1974), DSc Room: 204
(1988), Tenured Professor (2001); Specialization: Phone: 22 234-7432
information systems, knowledge representation, data and e-mail H.Rybinski@ii.pw.edu.pl
text mining, databases, Professor, Director of the Institute
(2008-), Head of Division of Information Systems (19942008), Co-ordinator of the Curriculum on Software
Engineering and Information Systems (1994-2008), Coordinator of the Subject Class “Databases and Information
Systems” (1995-2001), voting member of ACM and SIGMOD (1989-),
Affiliate Member of IEEE (1990-1996); Member of several programme
committees of international conferences and workshops, among others: IIS,
MCD; member of CREST Working Group; expert and consultant of many
UN agencies and European Commission; Member of Informatics Committee
at Polish Academy of Science (2011-); Editoroal Board Member of the
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems (2012-); [Edu33], [Edu85];
[Pub6], [Pub7], [Pub25], [Pub75].
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Dominik RYŻKO, MSc (2001), PhD (2007), Assistant Room: 317
Professor; Division of Information Systems; Scientific Phone: 22 234-7098
interests: Multi-Agent Systems, Emergence, Machine e-mail D.Ryzko@ii.pw.edu.pl
Learning, Database Systems, Logical Programming;
[Edu43], [Edu54]; [MSc11], [MSc17], [MSc28], [MSc67];
[BSc20]; [Pub16], [Pub21], [Pub58], [Pub76].
Janusz RZESZUT, MSc (1978), PhD (1989); Assistant Room: 311
Professor; Computer Science, Computer Graphics, Division phone: 22 234-5562
Graphics Laboratory; Member of the Faculty Council e-mail:J.Rzeszut@ii.pw.edu.pl
(1996-1999); Association of Polish Electrical Engineers
(1982-) Association for Image Processing (1993-); Minister
of Education Award (1995); Rector’s Award (1998);
Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Institute of Computer
Science (2005-2008); Director of Postgraduate Studies for Teachers in
Computer Science (2008-); [Edu10], [Edu55], [Edu82]; [MSc78].
Piotr SALATA, MSc (1987); Computer Science, Senior Room: 318
Lecturer; Information Systems Division; [Edu9], [Edu34]; Phone: 22 234-7701
e-mail: P.Salata@ii.pw.edu.pl
Łukasz SKONIECZNY, MSc (2004), PhD (2010);
Computer Science, Assistant Professor, Information
Systems Division; Data Mining, Graph Mining, Graph
Theory; Digital Libreries and Repositories. Rector's Award
(2011); [BSc66], [BSc74]; [Pub6].
Janusz SOSNOWSKI, MSc (1969). PhD (1976), DSc
(1993); Tenured Professor (2006); Computer Science and
Computer Engineering, Professor, Director of the Institute
(1996-2008), Deputy Director of the Institute (1984-1988),
Head of the Division for Computer Architectures and
Software Engineering (1994-), Head of FEIT Council
Committee on Faculty Organisation (2008-); Co-ordinator
of the Subject Class "Computer Systems" (1995-); Member of the German
Fault Tolerant Interest Group VDI/VDE – GMA ITG, (1992-1996), Member
of IEEE Computer Society and Reliability Society; Test Technology
Technical Council (1998-); Member of Euromicro board of directors (19982010); Euromicro correspondent (2010-) Member of IFAC and POLSPAR
(2008-), Program Committee member of many international conferences,
reviewer for many int. conferences and journals; Minister of Education
Award (1983), (1987), (1994), (2006); Rector's Award (1998), (2003),
(2008), (2009), (2011); Member of Informatics Committee Polish Academy
of Science (2007-2010); [Edu20], [Edu74]; [MSc74]; [BSc50], [BSc115];
[Pub23], [Pub31], [Pub40], [Pub46].
Room: 302
phone: 22 234-7715
Room: 141
Phone: 22 234-7915
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Cezary STĘPIEŃ, MSc (1974), PhD (1983); Assistant Room: 308
Professor; Computer Graphics, Computer Graphics Phone: 22 234-5413
Division; Minister of Education Award (1995); Rector’s e-mail: C.Stepien@ii.pw.edu.pl
Award in Education (1998), (2002), (2012); Director of
Postgraduate Studies for Teachers in Computer Science
(2000-2006); Member of the Advisory Board, Machine
Graphics & Vision (1999-); [Edu27], [Edu56], [Edu97],
[Edu116], [Edu119], [Edu133]; [BSc12], [BSc13], [BSc17].
Dariusz TURLEJ, MSc (1981), PhD (1990); Assistant Room: 206a
Professor; Computer Science, Division for Computer Phone: 22 234-7995
Architecture and Software Engineering; Director of e-mail: D.Turlej@ii.pw.edu.pl
Postgraduate Studies for Teachers in Computer Science
(1994-2000), (2006-2008); Microsoft Certified Trainer
(1996-); Siemens Award in R&D Projects (1996); Associate
Dean for Academic Affairs (1999-2005), (2008-2012),
(2012-); Rector’s Award (2000), (2002), (2005); Faculty
Coordinator for International Student Mobility (2005-2008); Member of the
University Senate (2005-2008), (2008-); [Edu4], [Edu50], [Edu62]; [BSc99].
Krzysztof WALCZAK, MSc (1972), PhD (1976), DSc
(1988); Professor; Data Mining and Knowledge
Bioinformatics; Information Systems Division; Polish
Academy of Sciences Award (1981, for research),
Minister of Education Award (1981); Rector’s Awards
(2002, 2008); Medal of Committee of National Education
(2006); [Edu39]; [MSc62]; [BSc5], [BSc33], [BSc40], [BSc101].
Room: 321b
Phone: 22 234-7149
Anna WRÓBLEWSKA, MSc (2002) in Applied Computer
Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science
(previously Faculty of Technical Physics and Applied
Mathematics), Warsaw University of Technology; PhD
(2008) in Computer Science (specialization: computer
vision, pattern recognition, image understanding, computer
aided diagnosis systems, biomedical engineering, contentbased search and retrieval), Faculty of Electronics and Information
Technology, Warsaw University of Technology; Research Assistant
Professor, Division of Information Systems; scientific interests: semantic
search and modeling, ontology engineering and learning, ontology-based
systems, image understanding and pattern recognition. [Pub25], [Pub45],
Room: 302
Phone: 22 234-7715
Jacek WYTRĘBOWICZ, MSc (1982), PhD (1995);
Assistant Professor; Computer Science, Division for
Computer Architecture and Software Engineering; Deputy
Director for Research (1999-2001); Member of program
committees and reviewer for several int. Conferences and
journals; Member of The International Association for
Computer and Information Science ACIS (2000-2002);
Minister of Education Award (1987); Rector’s Award (1996), (2008); Coauthor of 4 books, author or co-author of 39 papers in technical journals and
conference proceedings; [Edu6], [Edu52], [Edu83]; [BSc18], [BSc26].
Room: 319
Phone: 22 234-7812
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Jan ZABRODZKI, MSc (1965), PhD (1971), DSc (1979),
Tenured Professor (1989); Informatics, Computer Graphics,
Computer Hardware; Head of Computer Graphics Division
(1991-2012); Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Electronics,
WUT (1978-1981); Deputy Director (1975-1978) and Director
(1981-1987) of the Institute of Computer Science, WUT;
Member of IFIP WG3.2 (1985-) (Computer Education at the
University Level); member of IEEE Computer Society
(1990-); member of Committee for Informatics, the Polish Academy of Sciences
(1989-); member of program committees and reviewer for several conferences,
member of State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN 1997-2000); member
of Scientific Councils in several Institutes; member of the State Board for
Scientific Degrees and Titles (1994-2000); Managing Director of Evening
Studies in Comp. Eng. (1995-); Rector’s Award (1998), (2012); [Edu5],
[Edu51], [Edu102], [Edu123]; [MSc61]; [BSc34], [BSc36].
Room: 306
Phone: 22 234-5521
2.2. Junior academic staff
Jan KACZMAREK, MSc (2005), Assistant, Information Room: 304
Systems Division; [Pub58].
phone: 22 234-7148
Jacek LEWANDOWSKI, MSc (2006), Computer
Science, Assistant, Information Systems Division;
Semantic Web, Neural Networks, Multi-Agent Systems,
Ontologies, Databases. [BSc22], [BSc23], [BSc42],
Room: 304
phone: 22 234-7148
Patrycja WĘGRZYNOWICZ, MSc (2007); Computer
Science, Assistant, Information Systems Division;
Automated Software Engineering, Program Verification,
Large-Scale Repositories, Architectural Patterns, Design
Patterns, Compiler Design.
Room: 302
phone: 22 234-7715
Przemysław WIĘCH, MSc (2005), PhD (2011); Room: 302
Computer Science, Assistant, Information Systems phone: 22 234-7715
Division; Semantic Web, Multi-Agent Systems, e-mail: P.Wiech@ii.pw.edu.pl
Ontologies; [BSc63]; [Pub16], [Pub24].
PhD students:
Izabella ANTONIUK, MSc;
Sławomir CHYŁEK, MSc;
Przemysław Rokita, PhD, DSc, Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
e-mail: I.Antoniuk@ii.pw.edu.pl
Professor Janusz Sosnowski
Konrad CIECIERSKI, MSc; [Pub54]. Professor Zbigniew Raś
Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
e-mail: S.Chylek@ii.pw.edu.pl
Room: 304
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Phone: 22 234-7148
e-mail: K.Ciecierski@ii.pw.edu.pl
Katarzyna DĄBROWSKA-KUBIK, Bohdan Butkiewicz, PhD, DSc, Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
MSc; Professor Janusz Sosnowski
Piotr Zbigniew GRASZKA, MSc
Professor Jan Zabrodzki
Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
e-mail: .P.Graszka@ii.pw.edu.pl
Konrad K. GROCHOWSKI, MSc; Professor Janusz Sosnowski
Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
Professor Janusz Sosnowski
Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
e-mail: M.Iwinski@ii.pw.edu.pl
Professor Janusz Sosnowski
Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
e-mail: P.Janczarek@ii.pw.edu.pl
Professor Janusz Sosnowski
Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
Professor Janusz Sosnowski
Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
Marek KOZŁOWSKI, MSc; [Pub16]. Professor Henryk Rybiński
Room: 302
Phone: 22 234-7715
Marcin Łukasz KUBACKI, MSc; Professor Janusz Sosnowski
Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
e-mail: M.Kubacki@ii.pw.edu.pl
Michał KUROWSKI, MSc; [Pub67].
Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
Professor Jan Zabrodzki
Paweł Tomasz ŁACIŃSKI, MSc; Piotr Gawrysiak,
[Pub19], [Pub69].
DSc, Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
e-mail: P.Lacinski@ii.pw.edu.pl
Michał MOSDORF, MSc; [Pub40].
Professor Janusz Sosnowski
Marzena Kryszkiewicz, PhD, DSc, Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
e-mail: B.Nachyla@ii.pw.edu.pl
Stanisław Jerzy NIEPOSTYN, MSc; Professor Janusz Sosnowski
[Pub9], [Pub20].
Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
e-mail: M.Mosdorf@ii.pw.edu.pl
Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
e-mail: S.Niepostyn@ii.pw.edu.pl
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Professor Janusz Sosnowski
Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
e-mail: A.Olszak@ii.pw.edu.pl
Professor Henryk Rybiński
Room: 302
Phone: 22 234-7715
Przemysław PODSIADŁY, MSc
Marzena Kryszkiewicz, PhD, DSc, Room: 302
Phone: 22 234-7715
e-mail: P.Podsiadly@ii.pw.edu.pl
Piotr Lech SZCZEPAŃSKI, MSc; Professor Mieczysław
Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
e-mail: szczep.pl@gmail.com
Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
Professor Jan Zabrodzki
MSc; Paweł Kerntopf,
[Pub43], [Pub44], [Pub79], [Pub80], Professor
[Pub81], [Pub82].
DSc, Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
Przemysław Rokita, PhD, DSc, Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
e-mail: K.Trzciński@ii.pw.edu.pl
Bartłomiej TWARDOWSKI, MSc
Piotr Gawrysiak,
DSc, Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
Piotr Gawrysiak,
DSc, Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
Maciej ZBIERSKI, MSc; [Pub84].
Professor Janusz Sosnowski
Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
e-mail: M.Zbierski@ii.pw.edu.pl
Professor Jan Zabrodzki
Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
Professor Mieczysław
Room: 304
Phone: 22 234-7148
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
2.3. Research staff
Zbigniew SZYMAŃSKI, MSc (1998); Computer
Science, Senior R&D Engineer, Computer Graphics
Division; Administrator of Linux server in the
computer laboratory of the institute. Co-organizer of
the faculty programming contest. Lecturer at
Postgraduate Studies "Computer Science". Research
interests: machine learning – optimization of
statistical classifiers, digital processing and analysis
of biomedical signals; Rector’s Award in Education (2012); [Edu100],
[Edu106], [Edu109], [Edu122], [Edu127], [Edu129]; [MSc60];
[BSc3], [BSc37], [BSc58], [BSc78]; [Pub14], [Pub50], [Pub71],
[Pub78], [Pub83].
Room: 361
Phone: 22 234-7811
e-mail: Z.Szymanski@ii.pw.edu.pl
2.4. Technical and engineering staff
Rafał BAJOREK, MSc (1991); System Engineer. He Room: 140a
works in Institute of Computer Science since 1991. Phone: 22 234-5318,
UNIX servers and TCP/IP network administration.
e-mail: R.Bajorek@ii.pw.edu.pl
Mariola JAMIOŁKOWSKA, BSc (2010); System Room: 140a
Engineer. She works in the Institute of Computer Phone: 22 234-5318,
Science since 1987. Windows servers and CASE tools e-mail: M.Jamiolkowska@ii.pw.edu.pl
administration. Head of Comp. Lab. (2011-);
Henryk JEŻ, MSc (1987); Senior R&D Engineer.
Room: 314
He works in the Institute of Computer Science since Phone: 22 234-7811
1983. He is involved in the maintenance of laboratory e-mail: H.Jez@ii.pw.edu.pl
equipments and computers.
Jarosław PARTYKA, BSc (1983); System Engineer; Room: 140
He Works in the Institute of Computer Science since Phone: 22 234-7728,
1999. MS Windows servers administration; e-mail: J.Partyka@ii.pw.edu.pl
Coordinator of Public Procurement (2005-2012);
Director’s Representative for Work Safety and Health
Piotr SMAŻYŃSKI, MSc (1984), System Engineer. Room: 140
He works in the Institute of Computer Science since Phone: 22 234-7728,
1984 (with a break from 1997 to 2012). Deputy Head e-mail: P.Smażyński@ii.pw.edu.pl
of Computer Laboratory (1991-1997). Interests:
Windows servers and hardware support. Rector’s
Award in Science (1992). Rector’s Award in
Education (2002). Member (1987) and expert (1993) of Polish Electrical
Association (SEP). Member (1988) of Polish Information Processing
Society (PTI).
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Krzysztof WACŁAWSKI, Technician; He works in Room: 314
Warsaw University o Technology since 1972. He is Phone: 22 234-7811,
involved in assembly and maintenance of laboratory e-mail: K.Waclawski@ii.pw.edu.pl
2.5. Administrative staff
Anna FILIPOWSKA-CHLEBEK, MSc (1979); Room: 142
Accountant; She works in the Institute of Computer Phone: 22 234-7664
Science since 2011, where she leads Financial Office. e-mail: A.Filipowska@ii.pw.edu.pl
Coordinator of Public Procurement (2012-);
Wiesława DUSZYŃSKA, Didactic Process Specialist; Room:205
She works in the Institute of Computer Science since Phone: 22 234-7853
1976, where she leads the Office for Student's Affairs. e-mail: W.Duszynska@ii.pw.edu.pl
Gold Medal for long duty service (2011).
Joanna KONCZAK, MSc (1983); Senior Accountant; Room: 142
She works in the Institute of Computer Science since Phone: 22 234-7664
1991, where she leads Financial Office.
e-mail: J.Konczak@ii.pw.edu.pl
Bożenna SKALSKA, Administration Affairs Specialist; Room: 204
She works in the Institute of Computer Science since Phone: 22 234-7432
1984, where she leads Office of the Institute.
e-mail: B.Skalska@ii.pw.edu.pl
Ewa SZTYBER, Secretary; She works in the Warsaw Room: 204
University of Technology since 1954.
Phone: 22 234-7432
e-mail: E.Sztyber@ii.pw.edu.pl
Krystyna SOSNOWSKA, MA (1980); Librarian; She
works in the Institute of Computer Science since 1976.
Leads Library of the Institute.
Room: 135
Phone: 22 234-7304
e-mail: K.Sosnowska@ii.pw.edu.pl
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
3.1. Basic courses offered by the Institute
Each item listed below specifies the course title (e.g., Computer Architecture), its
acronym or code (e.g., ARKO), number of hours per week (lecture, classes, laboratory,
project hours respectively, e.g., ‘3-1-’ means three hours of lecture per week, no classes, one
hour of lab, and no project), its placement in the curriculum (e.g., ‘undergraduate course for
CSE students’) and the name of the person(s) responsible for the course. Persons marked with
an asterisk (*) are not employed in the Institute.
Undergraduate courses for CSE students
Analysis of Algorithms (AAL, 2--2); Andrzej Pająk, PhD
Algorithms and Data Structures (AISDI, 211-); Roman Podraza, PhD
Basics of Computer Programming (PRI, 212-); Henryk Dobrowolski, PhD
Computer Architecture (ARKO, 3-1-); Grzegorz Mazur MSc, Dariusz Turlej, PhD
Computer Graphics (GKOM, 2-2-); Tenured Professor Jan Zabrodzki
Computer Networks 2 (SKM2, 2-11); Jacek Wytrębowicz, PhD
Compiling Techniques (TKOM, 2--2); Andrzej Pająk, PhD, Iona Bluemke, PhD
Databases Systems (BD, 2-2-); Piotr Parewicz, MSc
Databases Systems (BD2, 2--1); Piotr Salata, MSc
Digital Electronics (ECY, 211-); Janusz Rzeszut, PhD
Digital Systems Design (PUCY, 2--1); Marek Pawłowski, MSc
Event-Driven Programming (PROZ, 2--2); Roman Podraza, PhD
Fundamentals of Digital Systems (PTCY, 2-2-); Andrzej Skorupski, PhD*
Interactive Applications Programming (PAIN, 2-1-);Waldemar Grabski, MSc
Internet Techniques (TIN, 2--1); Grzegorz Blinowski, PhD
Introduction to Computer Science (WI, 31--); Wiktor Daszczuk, PhD
Microprocessor Systems (TM, 2-2-); Jerzy Chrząszcz, PhD
Object Oriented Programming (PROI, 2-2-); Andrzej Pająk, PhD
Operating Systems (SOI, 2-2-); Wiktor Daszczuk, PhD
Peripheral Devices and Interfaces (UZINT, 2-1-); Tenured Professor Janusz Sosnowski
Software Engineering 2 (IOP2, 2-1-); Ilona Bluemke, PhD, Anna Derezińska, PhD
Systems and Networks Security (BSS, 2-1-); Professor Paweł Kerntopf
Symbolic Data Processing Languages (JPS, 2--1); Piotr Parewicz, MSc
Elective courses for CSE students
Data Warehouses (ZBD, 2--1); Jarosław Chudziak, PhD
DSP Processors (PS, 2-11); Henryk Kowalski, MSc
Embedded Systems (SWB, 2-11); Henryk Dobrowolski, PhD
Object Modelling for Computer Animation (MOA, 2-2-): Cezary Stępień, PhD
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
ORACLE System Architecture and Database Administration (ORACL, 2-1-);
Michał Rudowski, PhD
Rapid Application Prototyping Tools (NTR, 2-2-); Julian Myrcha, MSc
System's Programming in Windows NT (PWNT, 2--1); Artur Krystosik, PhD
UNIX System Architecture, Programming and Administration (UXP1A,2--1,);
Grzegorz Blinowski, PhD
Advanced courses (graduate level)
Advanced Methods of Software Development (ZMWO, 2-1-); Ilona Bluemke, PhD,
Anna Derezińska, PhD
Advanced Topics in Data Base Systems (ZPBD, 2--1); Tenured Professor Henryk
Analysis and Design of Information Systems (APSI, 2--2); Piotr Salata, MSc
Data Mining Methods (MED, 2-11); Professor Marzena Kryszkiewicz
Digital Image Processing (POBR, 2-11); Professor Przemysław Rokita
Distributed Systems (SR, 2--1); Artur Krystosik, PhD
Fuzzy Systems (SYROZ, 2--1); Professor Bohdan Butkiewicz
Fundamentals of Theoretical Computer Science (PTI, 21--); Professor Paweł Kerntopf,
Professor Krzysztof Walczak
Intelligent Information Systems (ISI, 2--1); Tenured Professor Mieczysław
Introduction to Data and Text Exploration in WWW (WEDT, 2--1); Piotr
Andruszkiewicz, PhD
Introduction to Mobile Applications Programming (WPAM, 2--1); Professor Piotr
Multi-Agent Systems (SAG, 2--1); Dominik Ryżko, PhD
Pattern Recognition (ROB, 2-2-); Rajmund Kożuszek, MSc
Spatial Databases (SPDB, 2--1); Robert Bembenik, PhD, Grzegorz Protaziuk, PhD
Courses for Evening Undergraduate Studies in Computer Science
Administration of UNIX (UNIX, 1-1-); Zdzisław Michalski, MSc*
Algorithms and Data Structures (AISDA, 2-1-); Roman Podraza, PhD
Application Programming in Windows (PAW, 1-1-); Waldemar Grabski, MSc
CAD/CAM Systems (SYSCA, 1-2-); Professor Maciej Bossak(*)
Computer Architecture (AKO, 2-1-); Dariusz Turlej, PhD
Computer Graphics and Image Processing (GPOB, 2-2-); Tenured Professor Jan
Computer Networks (SIEKO, 2-2-); Jacek Wytrębowicz, PhD
Computer Systems (SYSKO, 2---); Henryk Dobrowolski, PhD
Data Bases (BADA, 2-2-); Dominik Ryżko, PhD
Digital Integrated Circuits (CUS, 2-2-); Janusz Rzeszut, PhD
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
DTP Systems (SYDTP, 1-2-); Cezary Stępień, PhD
Fundamentals of Digital Technology (PTCYF, 2-2-); Andrzej Skorupski, PhD*
Hardware Project (PROJ2, ---2); Grzegorz Mazur, MSc
Introduction to Computer Science (WDI, 1---); Jerzy Mieścicki, PhD*
Microprocessor Systems (SYSMI, 2-2-); Jerzy Chrząszcz, PhD
Object Oriented Programming (PROGO, 2-2-); Rajmund Kożuszek, MSc
Operating Systems (SYSOP, 2-2-); Dariusz Turlej, PhD
Personal Computer (PCET, 1-2-); Grzegorz Mazur, MSc
Programming in Java (PROGC, 2-2-); Roman Podraza, PhD
Software Project (PROJ1, ---2); Ilona Bluemke, PhD
Software Tools and Systems (OUK, 1-3-); Zbysław Rozwadowski, MSc*
Software Technology (TPO, 2-2-): Iona Bluemke PhD, Anna Derezińska, PhD
Structured Programming in C (PROGP, 2-2-); Henryk Dobrowolski, PhD
Courses for Evening Graduate Studies in Computer Science
Advanced Programming (ZAAP, 2--1); Artur Krystosik, PhD
Analysis and Design of Information Systems (AIPSI, 2--2); Julian Myrcha, MSc
Artificial Intelligence Methods (MSZI, 2--1); Paweł Wawrzyński, PhD*
Computer Networks Security (BSK, 2-2-); Ryszard Kossowski, PhD*
Compiling Techniques (TEKO, 2--1); Andrzej Pająk, PhD
Dependable Computer Systems (WISK, 2--1); Tenured Professor Janusz Sosnowski
Digital Image Processing (CPOM, 2-2-); Professor Przemysław Rokita
Digital Signal Processing (CPSM, 2-1-); Zbigniew Gajo, PhD*
Distributed Systems (SYRO, 2-1-); Ewa Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz, PhD, DSc*
Fundamentals of Theoretical Computer Science (POTI, 21--); Professor Paweł Kerntopf
Rapid Application Prototyping Tools (NRAD 2-2-); Julian Myrcha, MSc
3.2. English language Computer Science Courses
The Institute of Computer Science provides the following courses to the students of
English-language Electrical and Computer Engineering Studies. The course title, its code, the
number of credit points and the name of the person responsible is given for each item.
Algorithms and Data Structures (EADS, 211-) (E); Roman Podraza, PhD
Computer Architecture (ECOAR, 211-) (E); Grzegorz Mazur, MSc
Computer Graphics (ECOGR, 22--); Janusz Rzeszut, PhD
Computer Networks (ECONE, 2-2-) (E); Jacek Wytrębowicz, PhD
Compiling Techniques (ECOTE 211-); Ilona Bluemke, PhD
Data Bases (EDABA, 211-); Tenured Professor Henryk Rybiński
Data Mining (EDAMI, 2--2); Professor Marzena Kryszkiewicz
Diploma Seminar (EDISE, -2--); Roman Podraza, PhD
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Digital Signal Processor Architecture and Programming (EDSPA, 211-);
Henryk Kowalski, MSc
Graphical User Interface (EGUI, 2--2); Michał Nowacki, MSc*
Intelligent Information Systems (EINIS, 2--2); Tenured Professor Mieczysław
Knowledge Systems (EKNOS, 2--1); Tenured Professor Zbigniew Raś
MSc Diploma Seminar (EMDS, ---2); Roman Podraza, PhD
Programming 3 (EPRO3, 2-2-); Roman Podraza, PhD
Software Engineering (ESOEN, 211-); Iona Bluemke, PhD, Anna Derezińska, PhD
3.3. Special courses
Applied Problems of Physics, Postgraduate Studies For Teachers in Computer
Science, Professor Jarosław Parka
Algorithmic Problems and Programming in C++; Postgraduate Studies For
Teachers in Computer Science, Andrzej Pająk, PhD
Computer Graphics; Postgraduate Studies For Teachers in Computer Science,
Cezary Stępień, PhD
Computer Hardware; Postgraduate Studies For Teachers in Computer Science,
Grzegorz Mazur MSc
Data Bases; Postgraduate Studies For Teachers in Computer Science,
Wojciech Kamiński, MSc*
Edition of School Internet Portals; Postgraduate Studies For Teachers in
Computer Science, Zbigniew Szymański, MSc
Event Programming – Delphi; Postgraduate Studies For Teachers in Computer
Science, Krzysztof Gracki, MSc
Final Project; Postgraduate Studies For Teachers in Computer Science,
Tenured Professor Jan Zabrodzki
Introduction to Computer Science; Postgraduate Studies For Teachers in
Computer Science, Rajmund Kożuszek MSc
Internet; Postgraduate Studies For Teachers in Computer Science, Paweł
Radziszewski, MSc
Introduction to Java; Postgraduate Studies For Teachers in Computer Science,
Roman Podraza, PhD
Linux Operating System; Postgraduate Studies For Teachers in Computer
Science, Zbigniew Szymański, MSc
Multimedia; Postgraduate Studies For Teachers in Computer Science, Krzysztof
Chabko MSc
Programming C++/Delphi – Project; Postgraduate Studies For Teachers in
Computer Science, Krzysztof Gracki, MSc
School Computer Network Administration; Postgraduate Studies For Teachers in
Computer Science, Z. Szymański, MSc
Selected Problems of Mathematics, Postgraduate Studies For Teachers in
Computer Science, Katarzyna Litewska, PhD
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
[Edu111] Software Tools; Postgraduate Studies For Teachers in Computer Science,
Rajmund Kożuszek, MSc
[Edu112] Spreadsheets; Postgraduate Studies For Teachers in Computer Science, Marzena
Professor Kryszkiewicz
[Edu113] Teaching Methods – Computer Science; Postgraduate Studies For Teachers in
Computer Science, Zdzisław Nowakowski, MSc*
[Edu114] Teaching Methods – Information Technology; Postgraduate Studies For Teachers
in Computer Science, Zdzisław Nowakowski, MSc*
[Edu115] Windows Operating System; Postgraduate Studies For Teachers in Computer
Science, Krzysztof Chabko, MSc
[Edu116] Word Processing and Desktop Publishing; Postgraduate Studies For Teachers in
Computer Science, Cezary Stępień, PhD
[Edu117] Administration of Local Network, Postgraduate Studies in Computer Science,
Krzysztof Chabko MSc
[Edu118] Basic Aspects of Telecommunications, Postgraduate Studies in Computer
Science, Sławomir Kula, PhD
[Edu119] Computer Graphics; Postgraduate Studies in Computer Science, Cezar Stępień, PhD
[Edu120] Computer Architecture; Postgraduate Studies in Computer Science, Grzegorz Mazur, MSc
[Edu121] Data Bases; Postgraduate Studies in Computer Science, Wojciech Kamiński, MSc*
[Edu122] Edition of Internet Portals; Postgraduate Studies in Computer Science, Zbigniew
Szymański MSc
[Edu123] Final Project; Postgraduate Studies in Computer Science, Tenured Professor Jan
[Edu124] Introduction to Computer Science; Postgraduate Studies in Computer Science,
Rajmund Kożuszek MSc
[Edu125] Internet; Postgraduate Studies in Computer Science, Paweł Radziszewski MSc
[Edu126] Introduction to C++ Programming; Postgraduate Studies in Computer Science,
Roman Podraza, PhD
[Edu127] Linux Operating System; Postgraduate Studies in Computer Science, Zbigniew
Szymański, MSc
[Edu128] Multimedia; Postgraduate Studies in Computer Science, Krzysztof Chabko, MSc
[Edu129] Software Tools; Postgraduate Studies in Computer Science, Zbigniew Szymański, MSc
[Edu130] Spreadsheets; Postgraduate Studies For Teachers in Computer Science, Marzena
Professor Kryszkiewicz
[Edu131] Teaching Methods – Information Technology; Postgraduate Studies in Computer
Science, Zdzisław Nowakowski, MSc*
[Edu132] Windows Operating System; Postgraduate Studies in Computer Science,
Krzysztof Chabko, MSc
[Edu133] Word Processing and Desktop Publishing; Postgraduate Studies in Computer
Science, Cezary Stępień, PhD
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
4.1. Projects granted by the University
4.1.1. Projects granted by the Dean of the Faculty of Electronics and Information
Henryk Rybiński, Professor – Head of the project: “Development of new methods
and algorithms in the following areas: computer graphics, artificial intelligence,
and information systems, and distributed systems”, (in Polish – Rozwój nowych
algorytmów w obszarach: grafiki komputerowej, sztucznej inteligencji, systemów
informacyjnych oraz systemów komputerowych). 26 July 2011 30 November 2012.
Henryk Rybiński, Professor – Head of the project: “Development of new methods
and algorithms in the following areas: computer graphics, artificial intelligence,
and information systems, and distributed systems”, (in Polish – Rozwój nowych
algorytmów w obszarach: grafiki komputerowej, sztucznej inteligencji, systemów
informacyjnych oraz systemów komputerowych). 29 May 2012 30 November 2013.
Henryk Rybiński, Professor – Head of the project: “IT infrastructure for the
Faculty of EIT - continuation of the 2011”, (in Polish – Rozwój infrastruktury
informatycznej Wydziału EiTI – kontynuacja prac z 2011 roku). 2 January 2012 –
29 September 2012.
4.2. Projects granted by the Ministry of Education and Science
Paweł Kerntopf, Professor – Head of the project No. N N516 418038; 17 May
2010 – 16 November 2012, “Synthesis of reversible logic circuits – new
approaches and algorithms”, (in Polish – Projektowanie odwracalnych układów
cyfrowych – nowe koncepcje i algorytmy). Abstract: Development of algorithms
for designing reversible digital circuits, based on new concepts and determination
of efficiency of these algorithms. It will be a continuation of previous theoretical
research as well as construction of new design algorithms. Computer programs
implementing developed algorithms will be written and then evaluated using
benchmarks described in the literature. The results will include publications, two
PhD theses and design tools for generating optimal circuits (for small number of
variables) and quasi-optimal circuits (for large number of variables). Current
results will be presented at international conferences and published in journals.
A book describing state-of-the-art of designing reversible digital circuits, the first
in Poland and one of a few in the world will be prepared. Collective project.
Henryk Rybiński, Professor – Head of the project No. N N516 432738; 20 April
2010 – 31 October 2012, “A hybrid method of indexing multiple-inheritance
hierarchies in ontology”, (in Polish – Hybrydowa metoda indeksowania hierarchii
dziedziczenia wielokrotnego w ontologiach). Abstract: The problem of efficient
processing of the basic operations on ontologies, such as subsumption checking, or
finding all subtypes of a given type, becomes of a very high importance. Currently,
there are two main approaches addressing this issue. The first one uses numbering
schemes, which are particularly effective in plain hierarchies having a mean
number of parents per node close to one. The second approach bases on gene
inheritance and it is especially useful for complex hierarchies which are not too
deep. Our approach combines these two methods mentioned above, to achieve a
better functionality and performance in terms of consumed memory and time
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
required to search through and update the hierarchy. A significant advantage of our
solution is its effectiveness independence of a hierarchy structure properties.
The aim of the project is to create a set of algorithms performing all needed
operations, such as finding the latest common descendant or the greatest common
ancestor, collecting all ancestors or descendants of a particular node, testing for
inheritance relation between two nodes, as well as incremental encoding (updating,
deleting and inserting nodes without recoding whole hierarchy). Participant: Jacek
Lewandowski PhD Student.
Krzysztof Walczak, Professor – Head of the project No. N N516 531839;
22 September 2010 – 21 September 2012, “Design of experiments and genomic
data analysis in array-based CGH technology”, (in Polish – Projektowanie
eksperymentów i analiza danych genomowych w technologii mikromacierzy
CGH). Abstract: The goal of the project is development of new algorithms for
experiments made in aCGH technology (array-based Comparative Genomic
Hybrydization). aCGH was invented for high resolution detection of genomic copy
number variations. This technology is commonly used in medicine, e.g. for
discovering associations between diseases and DNA aberrations, as well as in
diagnosis of genomic diseases. The project will focus on designing experiments
and aCGH results processing. The PhD thesis will describe bioinformatics tools
that are developed to support different stages of aCGH data processing. There will
be presented conclusions pertaining to the process of designing CGH microarrays,
which includes sequence analysis, probes selection and designs comparison. The
proposals for new algorithms will be discussed in details in the context of existing
solutions. Apart from experiment designs, the special attention will be devoted to
the algorithms used for experiment results analysis. One of the most important
stage in the data analysis is a process called segmentation, in which the aberrated
regions in genome are detected. Next data with annotated regions can be used for
classification in order to support the diagnosis. The thesis will present different
approaches of experimental data processing. There will be described methods from
the field of data mining and artificial intelligence, including Jumping Emerging
Patterns (JEP), Hidden Markov Models(HMM) and Bayesian models. New
algorithms will be compared to previously proposed methods. Finally, there will be
shown a complete system for the analysis of aCGH data, which integrates
developed algorithms. The conclusions from the design, implementation and its
application to real data analysis will be summarized. Participant: Tomasz Gambin
PhD Student.
4.4. Other projects
Strategic Project of NCBIR INFINITY-PASSIM - Interdisciplinary system for
interactive scientific and technical information, 08.2010–08.2013, Professor
Marzena Kryszkiewicz; Abstract: PASSIM is a part of the large scientific project,
aiming to create a universal hosting and scientific content storage and sharing
platform, financed by the National Centre for Research and Development. This
project itself is one of the elements of a strategic research initiative “Interdisciplinary
system for interactive scientific and technical information”. The project will be carried
out in 2010-2013 by the research consortium directed by Warsaw University of
Technology (Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology) and including
Jagiellonian University, Scientific and Academic Computer Network (NASK),
Military Technical Academy (WAT), Warsaw University (Faculty of Mathematics,
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Computer Science and Mechanics), National Library and Lazarski University. Second
part of the aforementioned research initiative is Project INFINITY, carried out by the
consortium led by Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational
Modelling of the Warsaw University.
Dominik Ryżko, PhD, Head of the project “Analysis of methodologies for user
identification and authorization in financial services environment based on
SOA paradigms and standards. Recommendation of security policy ie.
methods for implementation of user identification and authorization in Oracle
SOA Suite (BPM, OSB, BR) with the use of WS Security and WS Policy
standards”, (in Polish – Analiza metod identyfikacji i autoryzacji uzytkowników
w środowisku realizacji usług finansowych opartych o paradygmaty i standardy
SOA. Rekomendacja polityki bezpieczeństwa tj. metod implementacji identyfikacji
i autoryzacji użytkowników w środowisku opartym o Oracle SOA Suite (BPM,
OSB, BR) z wykorzystaniem standardów WS Security, WS Policy). Project for
SOFTMAN S.A. Abstract: The project aims at development of methodologies for
identification and authorization of users in SOA architecture based on Oracle tools
with the use of WS Security and WS Policy standards. Recommendations for
implementation of this policy will also be introduced. 02 May 2012 – 31 May
2012. Collective project.
Henryk Rybiński, Professor – Head of the project “Cross Way – Design,
development and implementation of a technology for multi-platform 2D and
3D game development and cross-platform resource management” (in Polish –
Cross Way – Opracowanie, rozwój i wdrożenie technologii wspierającej tworzenie
gier wieloplatformowych 2D i 3D oraz zarządzanie zasobami projektów crosspatform). Project for QubicGames Sp. z o.o. Abstract: Cross Way Project is about
designing and prototyping a novel video games engine accompanied with a
developer's toolkit meant for 2D and 3D games (2D in particular) developers
supporting fast and facilitated creation of multi-platform games projects, in
particular for platforms with limited capacities (in particular mobile platforms). 01
June 2012 – 31 May 2013. Collective project.
Mieczysław Muraszkiewicz, Professor – Head of the project No. 4400292221 “The
development of a method of the internet content categorization based on URLs
analysis, with special emphasis on advertisements”, (in Polish – Opracowanie
metodologii kategoryzacji treści internetowych w oparciu o analizę URLi, ze
szczególnym uwzględnieniem treści reklamowych). Project for Polska Telefonia
Cyfrowa S.A. Abstract: The project purpose is the development of a method for
identifying ads and similar information in the web pages downloaded to mobile
devices. 18 April 2012 – 31 December 2012. Collective project.
Mieczysław Muraszkiewicz, Professor – Head of the project No. 38/012
“Development of convergent services WebServices/Telco based on the
TP/Orange Network in the frame of the project ‘Open Middleware 2.0 and
API Telco 2.0”, (in Polish – Tworzenie konwergentnych usług Web
Services/Telco w oparciu o sieć TP/Orange w ramach projektu Open Middleware
2.0 i API Telco 2.0). Project for Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. Abstract: (1)
Definition of (i) innovative architectures of mediation platforms, (ii) technical
assessments of the proposed solutions in the context of Open Middleware 2.0 and
API Telco 2.0. (2) (i) Cost-benefits analysis of the proposed solutions in the area of
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Open Middleware 2.0 and API Telco 2.0. (ii) BSc and MSc theses. 19 June 2012 –
31 January 2013.
Research groups from the Institute of Computer Science participate also in the following
research projects led by persons from other institutes of WUT:
Project – Future Internet Engineering (Inżynieria Internetu Przyszłości) http://www.iip.net.pl/, w ramach projektu innowacyjna gospodarka, supervisor
from Institute of Telecommunication: Józef Lubacz, participant from Institute of
Computer Science: Krzysztof Cabaj.
Project – Eco-Mobility. A team from Institute of Computer Science is involved in
the project Eco-Mobility, 85% co-financed by European Regional Development
Fund within the Innovative Economy Programme. The project coordinator is
Professor W. Choromański from the Faculty of Transport. The team composed of
A. Derezińska, W. Daszczuk, H. Dobrowolski, W. Grabski, J. Mieścicki, A. Pająk
and J. Wytrębowicz deals with the concept and design of computer system within
Task I – PRT (Personal Rapid Transit), the automated system for urban passenger
transportation. Project completion is scheduled for 2013.
Zbigniew Szymanski is involved in the “Warsaw University of Technology
Development Programme” project (No: 20 UDA-POKL.04.01.01-00-002/08-00)
task 20 “Long-term placements for students of the Faculty of Electronics and
Information Technology Warsaw University of Technology”. Zbigniew Szymanski
deals with the current administration of the web site (praktyki.elka.pw.edu.pl)
concerning task 20 and performs necessary modifications of the site content. His
duties include: modifications of the page content, monitoring of the application
used for the implementation and publication of announcements, solving of the
problems concerning publication of announcements, introducing necessary
modifications to the application used for entering and publishing of the
A team: Waldemar Grabski, Jerzy Mieścicki, leaded by Wiktor Daszczuk,
participate in Eco-Mobility Project. The project is run at the Faculty of Transport,
WUT, and in cooperation with several other faculties. The aim of the team from the
Institute of Computer Science is to build a simulation environment for analysis of
traffic in Personal Rapid Transit systems, modelling and simulation experiments on
Personal Rapid Transit systems.
Janusz Sosnowski has been involved in the project “MAYDAY EURO 2012”
Supercomputer platform for contextual analysis of multimedia data streams
targeted at identification of specified objects or dangerous events. The project has
been supervised by Gdańsk University of Technology. The main contribution
related to the methodology of monitoring cluster platform KASKADA and
multimedia data stream processing [Pub23].
The project has been initiated by the Mazovia Region Development Strategy,
which indicates the need for a system of teacher education and the implementation
of innovative approaches and methods of teaching. It aims at building a system for
teacher education and the implementation of innovative approaches and methods of
teaching. A major problem is the poor preparation of teachers to use ICT in the
educational process. The project will help to fill gaps in succumbing to rapid
obsolescence of knowledge in the field of electronic and in the application of
information technology in education. Training on equal opportunities for teachers
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
to gender realizes their role in breaking stereotypes about gender and the potential
ability of deepening girls interest in technical studies. Leader R. Kożuszek
4.5. International co-operation
EU-CANADA EACEA/HRSDC Transatlantic Exchange Program (TEP), Project
Partner: Professor Marzena Kryszkiewicz, September 2008 – April 2012.
EU-CANADA EACEA/HRSDC Transatlantic Exchange Program (TEP), visit of
prof. Marzena Kryszkiewicz to York University, Toronto, Canada, within the
faculty exchange component of TEP, February 16 – March 4, 2012.
EU-CANADA EACEA/HRSDC Transatlantic Exchange Program (TEP), visit of dr
Roman Podraza to York University, Toronto, Canada, within the faculty exchange
component of TEP, March 18-31, 2012.
EU-CANADA EACEA/HRSDC Transatlantic Exchange Program (TEP),
consortium meeting, visit of dr Robert Bembenik, Heraklion, Greece, 14 – 17
March, 2012.
Visit of Professor Jarek Gryz from York University, Toronto, Canada, August,
2011 – June 2012. Invited lecture “Sztuczna inteligencja: powstanie rozwój i .., co
dalej”, 1 March 2012.
Visit of Michał Okoniewski, PhD, from Functional Genomics Center Zurich,
Uni/ETH Zurich Department for Clinical Neuroimmunology and Multiple Sclerosis
Research, UniSpital Zurich, 6 December 2012, invited lecture “Metody
obliczeniowe bioinformatyki transkryptomowej”.
Visit of Professor Janusz Zalewski from Dept. of Software Engineering Florida
Gulf Coast University, USA, May 2012 – meeting devoted to historical documents
regarding Polish contributions to computing.
Visit of Professor Janusz Zalewski from Dept. of Software Engineering Florida
Gulf Coast University, USA, September 6–17 – Discussions on offering Webbased Courses and Fault injection tools.
Visit of Professor Christophe Wolinski from Universite Rennes, Equpie Projet
CAIRN IRISA – creating a plan of future cooperation in the area of research and
student exchanges. Coordinating person prof. J. Sosnowski.
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
5.1. Professor Titles
Zbigniew Raś – received the title of professor of technical sciences,
Warsaw, August 7, 2012
5.2. DSc Degrees
Tomasz Martyn, Algorytmy geometryczne w wizualizacji fraktali
układów odwzorowań iterowanych, Warsaw, October 9, 2012.
5.3. PhD Degrees
Piotr Nazimek, Discovering, Efficiency Measurement and Usage
Optimization of Software Assertions, supervisor: Professor Janusz
Sosnowski, Warsaw, February 2012.
Piotr Lasek, Efficient Density-Based Clustering,
Professor Marzena Kryszkiewicz, Warsaw, May 2012.
Tomasz Gambin, Design of Experiments and Genomic Data Analysis
in Array-based CGH Technology, supervisor: Professor Krzysztof
Walczak, Warsaw, May 2012.
Tomasz Łoziński, Context Dependant Reasoning in Argumentative
Logics, supervisor: Professor Mieczysław Muraszkiewicz, Warsaw,
June 2012.
Jarosław Konrad Lipowski, D-buffer: acceleration and reduction of
memory requirements in visualization algorithms through gathering
and ordering of irregular frame buffers, supervisor: Professor
Przemysław Rokita, Warsaw, June 2012.
Łukasz Ciszak, Knowledge Discovery Approach to Repairs of Textual
Attributes in Data Warehouses, supervisor: Professor Henryk
Rybiński, Warsaw, November 2012.
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Kobyliński Łukasz, Data Mining Methods in Classification of
Images, supervisor: Professor Krzysztof Walczak, Warsaw, November
5.4. MSc and BSc Degrees
For each BSc and MSc thesis listed below, the name of the scientific supervisor and the final
grade awarded by the reviewers follow the author’s name and the title of the thesis. The notes are
provided in parentheses. They range from (excellent) through 5 (very good), 4 (good), to 3
(acceptable), with possible values in between (e.g., 4.5). The theses are generally written in
Polish and they are available in the library of the Institute. The theses marked with an asterisk (*)
are written in English.
ADAMEK MAREK, The concept of a dynamic system for use in software
engineering (in Polish – Koncepcja dynamicznego systemu dla zastosowań w
inżynierii oprogramowania), supervisor: Jan Mulawka, (4,5)
AUGUSTYŃSKI MARCIN, Ruby code generation based on UML class diagrams (in
Polish – Generacja kodu języka Ruby z diagramów klas UML), supervisor: Ilona
Bluemke, (excellent)
BEDNASZYŃSKI ŁUKASZ, Using of data mining methods for analysing application
security logs (in Polish – Zastosowanie metod eksploracji danych do analizy logów
bezpieczeństwa systemów komputerowych), supervisor: Krzysztof Cabaj, (4,5)
BORUTA PRZEMYSŁAW, Fault detection and tolerance mechanisms for the AIX
operating system and IBM Power platform (in Polish – Mechanizmy odporności
na błędy sprzętowe na platformie IBM Power), supervisor: Piotr Gawkowski, (4)
BUDZYŃSKI MICHAŁ, System for evaluation of load balancing strategies in file
redistribution system based on peer to peer architecture, supervisor: Michał
Nowacki, (4)*
BURAKOWSKI GRZEGORZ, HTML5-based Digital Audio Workstation, supervisor:
Piotr Gawrysiak, (5)*
BYCZUK MACIEJ, A private cloud based on the OpenNebula toolkit, supervisor:
Mieczysław Muraszkiewicz, (5)*
BYSZEWSKI PAWEŁ, Continuous work. Unification issues of Data Spaces, keeping
continuity of work and elements of smart buildings on example of system that
supports work environment migration (in Polish – Praca ciągła. Unifikacja
zagadnień zachowania ciągłości pracy, przestrzeni danych oraz elementów
inteligentnego otoczenia na przykładzie systemu wspierającego migrowanie
środowiska pracy), supervisor: Piotr Gawrysiak, (5)
CEGIELSKI MICHAŁ, Exploiting contextual information acquired from smartphones
and web services for higher-level data (in Polish – Wykorzystywanie informacji
kontekstowych uzyskanych ze smartphone’ów i usług internetowych do wysoko
poziomowej nalizy), supervisor: Michał Nowacki, (4)
CIECHAŃSKA KATARZYNA, The efficient SMTP protocol filter (in Polish –
Wydajny filtr SMTP), supervisor: Grzegorz Blinowski, (4,5)
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
DĄBROWSKI TOMASZ, Artificial intelligence module in computer implementations
of classic strategic games (in Polish – Moduł sztucznej inteligencji w
komputerowych implementacjach klasycznych gier strategicznych), supervisor:
Dominik Ryżko, (5)
DENDEK PIOTR JAN, Author Name Disambiguation in documents from a virtual
library (in Polish – Rozróżnianie autorów dokumentów na podstawie
metadanych), supervisor: Piotr Gawrysiak, (5)
DUTKIEWICZ HANNA DOROTA, Studies on the impact of stereo correspondence
and skin detection algorithms on speed and reliability of 3D hand movement
modelling (in Polish – Badanie wpływu algorytmów stereo dopasowania i
wykrywania skóry na szybkość i niezawodność modelowania trajektorii 3D ruchu
dłoni), supervisor: Krzysztof Chabko, (5)
DYBIEC SŁAWOMIR PAWEŁ, Evolutionary design of microwave low-pass filters
realized in microstrip line technology (in Polish – Ewolucyjne projektowanie
mikrofalowych filtrów dolnoprzepustowych w technologii linii mikropaskowej),
supervisor: Jarosław Dawidczyk, (5)
DZIEDZICKI RAFAŁ, Design and implementation of a prototype of alumni
management system on the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology (in
Polish – Projekt oraz implementacja prototypu system do współpracy z
absolwentami na Wydziale Elektroniki i Technik Informacyjnych), supervisor:
Mieczysław Muraszkiewicz, (5)
ERD JACEK, Algorithms in 3D scanning (in Polish – Algorytmy w skanowaniu
3D), supervisor: Rajmund Kożuszek, (5)
GASZEWSKI GRZEGORZ PAWEŁ, Application of multi-agent systems in customer
relationship management systems (in Polish – Zastosowanie systemów
wieloagentowych w systemach zarządzania relacjami z klientem (CRM),
supervisor: Dominik Ryżko, (4,5)
GIERSZEWSKI MACIEJ, Expansion of the graphics engine (in Polish –
Rozbudowa silnika graficznego), supervisor: Tomasz Martyn, (5)
GOCAŁ MARCIN, Prediction market application on facebook platform (in Polish –
Aplikacja rynku przewidywań na platformie Facebook), supervisor: Piotr
Gawrysiak, (5)
GRYDZIUSZKO KAROL, Car body visualization using programmable graphic card
(in Polish – Zaawansowane sposoby prezentacji nadwozia samochodu z
wykorzystaniem programowalnych kart graficznych), supervisor: Tomasz
Martyn, (5)
JAKLIK KRZYSZTOF, Presentation and analysis of cloud computing based
solutions (in Polish – Przedstawienie i analiza rozwiązań opartych o
przetwarzanie w chmurze), supervisor: Julian Myrcha, (4)
JANIKOWSKI STANISŁAW ALEKSANDER, Adaptation of multimedia streams by
providing seamless handover (in Polish – Adaptacja strumieni multimedialnych
poprzez zapewnienie płynnego przełączania), supervisors: Wojciech
Burakowski, Jordi Mongay Batalla, (5)
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
JARKA MACIEJ, Discovery of frequent itemsets in dynamic data streams,
supervisors: Roman Podraza, (5)
JUREWICZ WOJCIECH, The automatization of the digital resources descriptive
metadata creation process based on descriptions within textual documents
(in Polish – Automatyzacja tworzenia metadanych opisowych zasobów cyfrowych
na podstawie opisów w formatach edytorów tekstu), supervisors:
Tomasz Traczyk, (4,5)
KAPICA PAWEŁ, Platform virtualization in x86 architecture (in Polish –
Wirtualizacja platform w architekturze x86), supervisor: Tomasz Jordan Kruk,
KAMELAK MARIUSZ, Internet application security (in Polish – Bezpieczeństwo
aplikacji internetowych), supervisor: Julian Myrcha, (3,5)
KŁAPACIŃSKA ALEKSANDRA ANNA, System for structured storage of documents
(in Polish – System do ustrukturalizowanego przechowywania dokumentów),
supervisor: Ilona Bluemke, (excellent)
KOGUT TOMASZ PIOTR, Brokering platform for heterogeneous information
sources (in Polish – Platforma brokerska dla niejednorodnych źródeł informacji),
supervisor: Dominik Ryżko, (5)
KOŁODZIEJSKI MICHAŁ, The research on applicability of data obtained from
smartphone to construct a context model in context-a ware systems (in Polish –
Badanie możliwości zastosowania danych pozyskanych ze smartphone’a do
budowy modelu kontekstu w systemach świadomych kontekstu), supervisor:
Piotr Gawrysiak, (5)
KORNILUK MARCIN, 3D mesh destruction (in Polish – Destrukcja modeli 3D),
supervisor: Jacek Raczkowski, (5)
KOWALSKI TOMASZ, Authentication and authorization on the Internet (in Polish
– Uwierzytelnianie i autoryzacja w sieci internet), supervisor: Grzegorz
Blinowski, (4,5)
KRYGIEL KRZYSZTOF, Web application for interactive transformation of contextfree grammars and generation of parsers tables (in Polish – Serwis internetowy
do interakcyjnej transformacji gramatyk bezkontekstowych i generacji tabel
parserów), supervisor: Andrzej Pająk, (4,5)
KRZEŚNIAK MICHALINA, Giving buy/sell recommendations based on articles
coming from websites with use of sentiment analysis (in Polish – Generowanie
rekomendacji giełdowych na podstawie informacji z serwisów internetowych
z wykorzystaniem analizy sentymentalnej), supervisor: Grzegorz Protaziuk,
KSIĘŻNIAK JAKUB, Theory of wave optics in ray tracing algorithms (in Polish –
Zastosowanie optyki falowej w logarytmach śledzenia promieni), supervisor:
Rajmund Kożuszek, (5)
KUKOŁOWICZ KAMIL, Usage of hop-by-hop header for transmission of control
information in wireless ad-hoc networks (in Polish – Wykorzystanie nagłówka
hop-by-hop protokołu IPv6 do transport wiadomości kontrolnych
w bezprzewodowych sieciach ad-hoc), supervisor: Paweł Radziszewski, (4,5)
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
KULESZA KAROL, Mutation testing computational cost reduction using mutants
sampling and selective mutation methods (in Polish – Redukcja kosztów
obliczeniowych testowania mutacyjnego za pomocą metod próbkowania
mutantów i mutacji selektywnych), supervisor: Ilona Bluemke, (4,5)
LI JING, Partitioning in Oracle11g Database: The assessment of potential and
actual benefits, supervisor: Michał Rudowski, (4)*
MACHOŃ JAKUB, Visual programming application for mobile devices (in Polish –
Aplikacja programowania graficznego dla urządzenia mobilnego), supervisor:
Piotr Gawrysiak, (5)
MAJCHER PIOTR, Autonomous mobile robot collecting table tennis balls (in
Polish – Autonomiczny robot mobilny zbierający piłki do tenisa stołowego),
supervisor: Tomasz Winiarski, (5)
MATEJA ANDRZEJ, Examination of the impact of transmitted signal shape on the
result of its correlation with received signal (in Polish – Badanie wpływu kształtu
sygnału nadawanego w wyniku korelacji z sygnałem odbieranym), supervisor:
Tomasz Czarnecki, (4,5)
MIELCARSKI WIKTOR, Fractal adaptive level of detail in real time, (in Polish –
Adaptacyjny poziom szczegółowości fraktali IFS w czasie rzeczywistym),
supervisor: Tomasz Martyn, (5)
MIELNICKI MATEUSZ, Duplicates and near duplicates management of graphics
files (in Polish – Zarządzanie duplikatami i prawie duplikatami plików
graficznych), supervisor: Jerzy Chrząszcz, (5)
MISIUKANIS MICHAŁ, Examining the possibility of using social networking
systems in order to build a strong mechanism of interaction between the Faculty
and its students and devising its prototype (in Polish – Zbadanie możliwości
wykorzystania systemów społecznościowych dla zbudowania silnego
mechanizmu interakcji Wydziału z jego studentami oraz wykonanie prototypu),
supervisor: Mieczysław Muraszkiewicz, (5)
MODERAU MIRON, Animation control using web camera (in Polish – Sterowanie
animacją przy użyciu kamery internetowej), supervisor: Przemysław Rokita,
NARLOCH JAKUB MATEUSZ, Selected aspects of SOA system security (in Polish –
Wybrane aspekty bezpieczeństwa systemów SOA), supervisor: Grzegorz
Blinowski, (5)
NIECHCIAŁ ALEKSANDRA, Self-reconfigurable systems (in Polish – Układy samorekonfigurujące się – wizualizacja), supervisor: Bohdan Butkiewicz, (5)
NIKIEL TOMASZ, Physics engines comparison in the context of rigid body
dynamics and collisions detection (in Polish – Porównywanie bibliotek do
symulacji zderzeń sprężystych i wykrywania kolizji w czasie rzeczywistym),
supervisor: Witold Ładyński-Wysota, (excellent)
OBEL ZIEMOWIT, Sensor fusion in augmented reality system for mobile (in Polish
– Wykorzystanie fuzji sensorów w systemie rzeczywistości rozszerzonej dla
urządzeń mobilnych), supervisor: Piotr Gawrysiak, (excellent)
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
OGÓRKIS STANISŁAW, Video compression in Linux (in Polish – Kompresja
sekwencji wideo w systemie Linux), supervisor: Julian Myrcha, (5)
PAPROCKI PRZEMYSŁAW ADAM, Modernization of the CERN’s Geant4 software
configuration management system (in Polish – Modernizacja systemu zarządzania
konfiguracją Geant4 w CERN), supervisor: Ilona Bluemke, (excellent)
PASZNIK PAWEŁ GRZEGORZ, Pattern recognition algorithms using GPGPU
computations (in Polish – Algorytmy rozpoznawania obrazów wykorzystujące
przetwarzanie GPGPU), supervisor: Rajmund Kożuszek, (5)
POLATYŃSKI ANDRZEJ, Reliable computing in grid environment (in Polish –
Obliczenia rzetelne w środowisku gridowym), supervisor: Bartłomiej Jacek
Kubica, (4,5)
RAŚ KAMIL, Application of evolutionary algorithms to optimize fuzzy sets in the
system for predicting stock prices (in Polish – Zastosowanie algorytmów
ewolucyjnych do optymalizacji zbiorów rozmytych w systemie do predykcji
kursu akcji), supervisor: Jarosław Dawidczyk, (excellent)
RĘBIŚ TOMASZ, ETL engine (in Polish – Silnik ETL), supervisor: Piotr
Gawrysiak, (excellent)
SAŁKIEWICZ PAWEŁ, QCL language simulation of selected quantum algorithms
(in Polish – Symulacja wybranych algorytmów kwantowych w języku QCL),
supervisor: Andrzej Skorupski, (5)
SENECZKO PRZEMYSŁAW JERZY, Prototypical kernel mode fault injection tool
for 32-bit Linux (in Polish – Prototypowy symulator błędów w trybie jądra 32bitowego system Linux), supervisor: Piotr Gawkowski, (5)
SEREDYŃSKI DAWID, Control system of two-wheeled mobile robot with two
modes of locomotion (in Polish – System sterowania dwukołowym robotem
mobilnym o zmiennym sposobie lokomocji), supervisor: Tomasz Winiarski,
SIUDZIŃSKI JAKUB, Mining from partial knowledge (in Polish – Wnioskowanie
z wiedzy niepełnej), supervisor: Marzena Kryszkiewicz, (excellent)
SKRZYPKOWSKI MACIEJ, Controlling team of robots participating in Robocup
competition, using BK-BGT algorithm and PSO optimization (in Polish –
Zastosowanie optymalizacji PSO oraz algorytmu BK-BGT do sterowania drużyną
robotów w zawodach Robocup), supervisor: Paweł Wawrzyński, (4,5)
SŁODOWNIK ADRIAN, Use of differential evolution algorithm for optimization of
least-square support vector machines in regression and classification (in Polish –
Wykorzystanie algorytmu ewolucji różnicowej do doboru hiperparametrów
sterujących średniokwadratowej maszyny wektorów nośnych w regresji
i klasyfikacji), supervisor: Zbigniew Szymański, (4,5)
STEPANIAK PIOTR, A two camera system for reconstruction of 3d coordinates of
light sources (in Polish – Dwukamerowy system rekonstrukcji współrzednych 3d
źródeł światła), supervisor: Jan Zabrodzki, (excellent)
SUROWIECKI RAFAŁ, Classification of sequential data (in Polish – Klasyfikacja
danych sekwencyjnych), supervisor: Krzysztof Walczak, (5)
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
SYROKA LESZEK, Autonomous vehicle simulator based on stereovision images (in
Polish – Badanie wpływu algorytmów przetwarzania obrazów na działanie
symulatora pojazdu autonomicznego), supervisor: Krzysztof Chabko, (excellent)
ŚWINIARSKI KAROL, SailingMaster – sailboat simulator (in Polish – SailingMaster
– symulator jachtu żaglowego), supervisor: Tomasz Martyn, (4)
SZALAST TOMASZ, Sofware environment to learn basic algorithms of artificial
intelligence (in Polish – Środowisko programowe do nauki podstawowych
algorytmów sztucznej inteligencji), supervisor: Piotr Parewicz, (5)
SZLENBAUM DOMINIK TADEUSZ, The use of global optimization methods for MOS
parameters extraction (in Polish – Wykorzystanie metod optymalizacji globalnej w
ekstrakcji parametrów tranzystora MOS), supervisor: Jarosław Arabas, (5)
TRYBEK WERONIKA, Production planning in multiagent system (in Polish –
Planowanie produkcji w systemie wieloagentowym), supervisor: Dominik Ryżko, (5)
TUCZAPSKI TOMASZ, Implementation and management of computing cloud with
virtualization technology (in Polish – Implementacja i zarządzanie chmurą
obliczeniową z uwzględnieniem technik wirtualizacji), supervisor: Mieczysław
Muraszkiewicz, (4,5)
TULWIN RAFAŁ, Irp-6 manipulator trajectory optimization based on state
feedback (in Polish – Optymalizacja trajektorii w manipulacyjnym systemie
robotycznym Irp-6 przy użyciu danych uzyskiwanych on-line), supervisor:
Tomasz Winiarski, (3,5)
TURCZYŃSKI DAMIAN, Computer – user interface optimization using GPU (in
Polish – Optymalizacja interfejsu komputer-użytkownik z użyciem procesora
graficznego), supervisor: Krzysztof Gracki, (4,5)
WACHULSKI MARCIN FILIP, Implementation of inherence calculus in the
PowerLoom environment (in Polish – Implementacja rachunku inherencji
w środowisku PowerLoom), supervisor: Jan Mulawka, (excellent)
WAWER JAROSŁAW, Density-based clustering by means of the triangle inequality
(in Polish – Gęstościowe grupowanie danych z użyciem nierówności trójkąta),
supervisor: Marzena Kryszkiewicz, (5)
WODZIŃSKI TOMASZ MARCIN, The software life cycle optimization for care and
delivery of efficient information systems (in Polish – Optymalizacja cyklu życia
oprogramowania pod kątem dostarczania oraz pielęgnacji wydajnych systemów
informatycznych), supervisor: Artur Krystosik, (3,5)
WOŁOSEWICZ ANNA KATARZYNA, The analysis of application event logs in
Windows (in Polish – Analiza dzienników aplikacji w systemie Windows,
supervisor: Janusz Sosnowski, (5)
WÓJCIK MICHAŁ, Detection of relevant and irrelevant web pages’ parts (in
Polish – Wykrywanie istotnych i nieistotnych fragmentów stron WWW),
supervisor: Piotr Gawrysiak, (excellent)
WYRZYKOWSKI MARCIN, Discovery of graph patterns, association rules and
theirs concise representations (in Polish – Odkrywanie grafowych wzorców, reguł
asocjacyjnych i ich reprezentacji), supervisor: Marzena Kryszkiewicz,
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
WYSOCKI MICHAŁ KRZYSZTOF, System for monitoring and management of tests
based on TTCN-3 (in Polish – System monitorowania i zarządzania wykonaniem
testów opartych o TTCN-3), supervisor: Ilona Bluemke, (4,5)
ZAWADZKI JAKUB, Modular battery analyser, supervisor: Janusz Rzeszut, (5)*
ZUBRZYCKI MARIUSZ, Modelling of surface phenomena in simulations of liquid
(in Polish – Modelowanie zjawisk powierzchniowych w symulacjach cieczy),
supervisor: Jacek Raczkowski, (excellent)
ŻUKOWSKI ANDRZEJ, Strukture and performance of applications based on SOA
(in Polish – Budowa i wydajność aplikacji opartej o SOA), supervisor: Roman
Podraza, (5)
ADAMIEC TOMASZ, Product ingredients analyser – mobile application analysing
product content, supervisor: Robert Bembenik, (5)*
BALICKI NORBERT, Mixing images from video files – new filter for VirtualDub
(in Polish – Miksowanie obrazu w plikach video – utworzenie wtyczki dla
programu VirtualDub), supervisor: Piotr Witoński, (5)
BARCZ ALEKSY STANISŁAW, Optimization of aminoacid sequences classifier (in
Polish – Optymalizacja klasyfikatora sekwencji aminokwasów), supervisor:
Zbigniew Szymański, (5)
BARCZYK ZBIGNIEW PAWEŁ, Requirements management tool (in Qt) (in Polish –
System do zbierania i zarządzania wymaganiami (realizacja w Qt), supervisor:
Julian Myrcha, (5)
BARUK ARTUR, Image mining – spatial association rules (in Polish – Eksploracja
obrazów – przestrzenne reguły asocjacyjne), supervisor: Krzysztof Walczak, (5)
BAWEJ TOMASZ ADRIAN, Game artificial intelligence algorithms (in Polish –
Algorytmy sztucznej inteligencji w sterowaniu postaciami i obiektami w grach
komputerowych), supervisor: Krzysztof Gracki, (4,5)
BAZYLEWICZ ARKADIUSZ, ARES modules implementation in SOA architecture
(in Polish – Implementacja modułów systemu ARES w architekturze SOA),
supervisor: Roman Podraza, (5)
BIELAWSKI ALEKSANDER JAN, Uninitialized field access detection in Scala
language using static code analysis (in Polish – Wykrywanie dostępu do
niezainicjalizowanych pól składowych w języku Scala, przy pomocy statycznej
analizy kodu), supervisor: Piotr Kołaczkowski, (5)
BIEŃKOWSKI DANIEL, Advanced recommendation mechanisms in systems of web
portals (in Polish – Mechanizmy zaawansowanych rekomendacji w systemach
portali internetowych), supervisor: Piotr Salata, (5)
CHODKOWSKI SZYMON, Detection of source code plagiarism (in Polish –
Wykrywanie plagiatów kodów źródłowych), supervisor: Julian Myrcha, (5)
DĄBAŁA ŁUKASZ, Visualisation using ray tracing algorithm (in Polish –
Wizualizacja z użyciem metody śledzenia promieni), supervisor: Przemysław
Rokita, (5)
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
DOMARADZKI JAKUB, Modelling of snow deposition phenomena in 3ds Max
program (in Polish – Modelowanie zjawiska osadzania się śniegu w programie
3ds Max), supervisor: Cezary Stępień, (excellent)
DRĄŻKIEWICZ KATARZYNA, Modelling different vehicle suspension types using
3ds Max Reactor (in Polish – Tworzenie modeli różnych typów zawieszenia
pojazdów mechanicznych z użyciem system 3ds Max Reactor), supervisor:
Cezary Stępień, (5)
DŻAMAN MICHAŁ MARCIN, Hard drive monitoring and state acquisition system
(in Polish – System monitorowania i akwizycji stanu dysków twardych),
supervisor: Piotr Gawkowski, (5)
GASZYŃSKI PIOTR, Point-based graphics visualization engine, supervisor:
Tomasz Martyn, (5)*
GAWRYŚ KRZYSZTOF, Daily deals aggregator (in Polish – Agregator zakupów
grupowych), supervisor: Robert Bembenik, (4,5)
GECOW MARCIN, Modelling and animation of steam locomotive valve gear in 3ds
Max (in Polish – Modelowanie i animacja układów napędowych parowozów
w programie 3ds Max), supervisor: Cezary Stępień, (5)
GŁODEK JACEK, Tools supporting agile project management methodologies (in
Polish – Narzędzia wspomagające zwinne metodyki zarządzania projektem
informatycznym), supervisor: Jacek Wytrębowicz, (5)
GODLEWSKI ŁUKASZ, Human behaviour recognition on video using fuzzy logic
(in Polish – Rozpoznawanie zachowania ludzi na nagraniu wideo
z zastosowaniem logiki rozmytej), supervisor: Bohdan Butkiewicz, (4,5)
GOSK MARCIN, Just-in-time e-learning in corporate environment (in Polish –
Szkolenia Just-in-Time w środowisku korporacyjnym), supervisor: Dominik
Ryżko, (4,5)
GÓRA MATEUSZ RYSZARD, MMO augmented reality game for the Android
platform (in Polish – Gra typu MMO z elementami augmented reality na
platformę Android), supervisor: Jakub Koperwas, (5)
GÓRNICKI MACIEJ, Web application for mind mapping with real-time team
collaboration (in Polish – Aplikacja internetowa do tworzenia map myśli ze
współpracą grupową w czasie rzeczywistym), supervisor: Jacek Lewandowski,
GRABOWSKI MACIEJ, Database design web application – laboratory toolkit (in
Polish – Webowa aplikacja do projektowania baz danych – narzędzie
laboratoryjne), supervisor: Jacek Lewandowski, (4)
GRZYBOWSKI MACIEJ, Application development for android mobile devices (in
Polish – Tworzenie aplikacji dla urządzeń mobilnych z systemem Android),
supervisor: Waldemar Grabski, (5)
GUMOWSKI PIOTR, The mechanism of storing data in Java Content Repository
using NoSQL databases (in Polish – Mechanizm utrwalania danych
w repozytorium treści Java Content Repository w oparciu o bazy typu NoSQL),
supervisor: Jakub Koperwas, (5)
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
HARASIMCZUK MARCIN, Measurement of 802.11 frames latency – hop-sniffer
tool (in Polish – Pomiar opóźnień ramek standardu 802.11 – narzędzie hopsniffer), supervisor: Jacek Wytrębowicz, (5)
HAZAN RAFAŁ, Researcher’s homepages identification and information
extraction from them (in Polish – Identyfikacja stron domowych ludzi nauki
i wydobywanie z nich informacji), supervisor: Piotr Andruszkiewicz, (5)
HO QUYEN, Online store developed in ASP.NET MVC technology (in Polish –
Opracowanie aplikacji: sklep internetowy w technologii ASP.NET MVC),
supervisor: Julian Myrcha, (3)
HUCAŁ TADEUSZ, Subspace video stabilization system (in Polish – System
stabilizacji sekwencji wideo metodą podprzestrzeni), supervisor: Krzysztof
Chabko, (5)
JABŁOŃSKI SZYMON ANDRZEJ, The game engine that allows the destruction of
three-dimensional scences in real time (in Polish – Silnik gry trójwymiarowej
umożliwiający destrukcję sceny w czasie rzeczywistym), supervisor: Tomasz
Martyn, (5)
JAGIEŁŁO TOMASZ, Video sequence editor (in Polish – Edytor sekwencji wideo),
supervisor: Krzysztof Chabko, (4)
JANUSZEWSKI MICHAŁ, Internet ad filtration system (in Polish – System filtracji
reklam internetowych), supervisor: Mieczysław Muraszkiewicz, (5)
JASIŃSKI MARIUSZ, Shape matching with contour descriptor (in Polish –
Porównywanie kształtów przy pomocy deskryptora konturu), supervisor:
Krzysztof Walczak, (5)
JASTRZĘBSKI PIOTR KRZYSZTOF, Simple digital circuit diagrams vectorization
(in Polish – Wektoryzacja prostych schematów układów cyfrowych), supervisor:
Jan Zabrodzki, (4)
JASTRZĘBSKI PAWEŁ, Visualization library of adhesive objects (in Polish –
Biblioteka służąca do wizualizacji obiektów adhezyjnych), supervisor: Rajmund
Kożuszek, (5)
JĘDRYSIAK PAWEŁ, Online game “The betting league” (in Polish – Gra
internetowa – „Liga bukmacherska”), supervisor: Jan Zabrodzki, (4,5)
KAROLEWSKI RAFAŁ, Implementation of the evolutionary algorithm on
programmable graphics processing units using parallel computing architecture
Nvidia CUDA (in Polish – Realizacja algorytmu ewolucyjnego na
programowalnych jednostkach przetwarzania graficznego z wykorzystaniem
równoległej architektury obliczeniowej Nvidia CUDA), supervisor: Zbigniew
Szymański, (5)
KĄCKA JOANNA, Hiding information in TCP receive window (in Polish –
Ukrywanie informacji za pomocą okna odbiorczego TCP), supervisor: Paweł
Radziszewski, (4)
KIEŁBASZEWSKI BARTOSZ MATEUSZ, A helper application for learning to play on
an electronic keyboard instrument (in Polish – Aplikacja ułatwiająca naukę gry na
elektronicznym instrumencie klawiszowym), supervisor: Jacek Raczkowski, (4)
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
KMIEĆ PAWEŁ JAN, Comparison of selected algorithms for clustering sequential
data (in Polish – Porównanie wybranych algorytmów grupowania danych
sekwencyjnych), supervisor: Krzysztof Walczak, (excellent)
KOPERTOWSKA ANNA, Didactic software supporting construction and
verification of knowledge bases for requesting system (in Polish –
Oprogramowanie dydaktyczne wspomagające konstruowanie i weryfikację baz
wiedzy dla system wnioskujacego), supervisor: Piotr Parewicz, (5)
KOSMOWSKA EWELINA, Household budget system (in Polish – Aplikacja webowa
do zarządzania budżetem domowym), supervisor: Jacek Lewandowski, (5)
KOSZOŁKO WOJCIECH, Clustering articles using references (in Polish –
Grupowanie artykułów naukowych za pomocą list cytowań), supervisor: Piotr
Kołaczkowski, (5)
KOT JAKUB, System of computer-vision for automatic recognition of plant species
basing on seed image (in Polish – System rozpoznawania i klasyfikacji nasion),
supervisor: Krzysztof Chabko, (5)
KRAJEWSKI ROBERT, Use of translation memories in the process of segmentation
(in Polish – Wykorzystanie pamięci tłumaczeniowych w procesie segmentacji),
supervisor: Rajmund Kożuszek, (4,5)
KRÓL PIOTR, Aggregated e-mail statistics for Microsoft Outlook 2010, (in Polish
– Statystyki zbiorcze wiadomości e-mail dla Microsoft Outlook 2010), supervisor:
Jerzy Chrząszcz, (5)
KSIONEK KAROL, Programming applications for mobile devices with Windows
mobile (in Polish – Programowanie aplikacji dla urządzeń mobilnych z systemem
Windows Mobile), supervisor: Waldemar Grabski, (3,5)
KURDEJ MAREK, Speech recognition algorithm implementation with the CUDA
library (in Polish – Implementacja algorytmu rozpoznawania mowy przy
wykorzystaniu biblioteki CUDA), supervisor: Julian Myrcha, (5)
LASKOWSKI MARCIN, Mobile employees monitoring system (in Polish – System
monitorujący pracę pracowników mobilnych), supervisor: Paweł Radziszewski, (5)
LATOSIŃSKI PIOTR, Analysis of e-mail handling on system bolek (in Polish –
Analiza obsługi poczty w systemie bolek), supervisor: Janusz Sosnowski,
LEŚNIEWSKI MICHAŁ KRZYSZTOF, Training algorithm for decomposed neural
networks (in Polish – Algorytmy uczenia zdekomponowanych sieci
neuronowych), supervisor: Mariusz Rawski, (5)
LEWANDOWSKI MARCIN, The computer system for the service of laboratory stand
(in Polish – Komputerowy system obsługi stanowiska laboratoryjnego),
supervisor: Henryk Kowalski, (excellent)
LICHOCKI KRZYSZTOF, Simulator of simple mobile robots behaviour (in Polish –
Symulator zachowania prostych robotów mobilnych), supervisor: Krzysztof
Gracki, (4)
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
LIEBER KRYSTIAN, Set of SML3 modules implementing fast serial interconnect
protocols (in Polish – Zestaw modułów SML3 wspomagających modelowanie
szybkich interfejsów szeregowych), supervisor: Marek Pawłowski, (5)
LITWINIUK PIOTR, Graphical LED display with multiple primary colours (in
Polish – Wyświetlacz graficzny LED o wielu kolorach składowych), supervisor:
Grzegorz Mazur, (excellent)
LUDWIG BARTOSZ, Accessing data in the cloud through a filesystem (in Polish –
Sieciowy system plików jako metoda dostępu do zasobów w chmurze),
supervisor: Tomasz Jordan Kruk, (5)
MACIEJEWSKI JULIAN, Security systems integration using Eclipse Rich Client
Platform (in Polish – Integracja systemów bezpieczeństwa z wykorzystaniem
technologii Eclipse Rich Client Platform), supervisor: Michał Rudowski, (4,5)
MARCINKOWSKI WOJCIECH, Application to process pictures of eye bottom with
neural networks (in Polish – Aplikacja do przetwarzania obrazów dna oka za
pomocą sieci neuronowych), supervisor: Zbigniew Szymański, (3,5)
MAZUR KACPER, Using the mobile application to supervise location of children
(in Polish – Użycie aplikacji mobilnej do monitorowania położenia dzieci),
supervisor: Waldemar Grabski, (5)
MĄKOSA GRZEGORZ, Support system for the social legislative acts creation
process – an application in three-tier architecture (in Polish – System wspierania
procesu społecznościowego tworzenia aktów legislacyjnych – aplikacja
w architekturze trójwarstwowej), supervisor: Jarosław Dawidczyk, (5)
MICHAŁOWSKI ANDRZEJ, Application of NVIDIA CUDA architecture in
steganography (in Polish – Zastosowanie architektury NVIDIA CUDA
w steganografii), supervisor: Paweł Radziszewski, (5)
MIZERA MICHAŁ, Mixed reality based game development (in Polish – Tworzenie
gier wideo z wykorzystaniem rzeczywistości mieszanej), supervisor: Tomasz
Martyn, (5)
MOMOT DAMIAN, Asynchronous architecture for publication data harvesting (in
Polish – Asynchroniczna architektura akwizycji i przetwarzania danych publikacji
naukowych), supervisors: Przemysław Więch, Piotr Kołaczkowski, (5)
MULTARZYŃSKI MAREK, Design and construction of BMS controller equipped
with interfaces LON, MODBUS, BACnet, M-BUS and KNX (in Polish – Projekt
i realizacja sterownika BMS wyposażonego w interfejsy LON, MODBUS,
BACnet, M-BUS oraz KNX), supervisors: Kamil Kompa, (excellent)
NAŁĘCZ KATARZYNA MARIA, Implementation of tracking algorithm in
distributed data fusion system (in Polish – Implementacja algorytmu śledzenia
w rozproszonym systemie fuzji danych), supervisor: Robert Nowak, (5)
NAWALANY JOANNA, Implementation of a department’s server-client android
mobile application (in Polish – Implementacja aplikacji klienckiej serwera
wydziałowego pod kontrolą system Android), supervisor: Łukasz Skonieczny, (5)
NAZIMEK MARCIN, A web application for management of a film and photography
agency (in Polish – Aplikacja internetowa wspierająca zarządzanie agencją
filmowo-fotograficzną), supervisor: Jakub Koperwas, (4,5)
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
OBRYCKI DAVID, Development of a program intended to collect measured data
from the scales (in Polish – Opracowanie programu przeznaczonego do zbierania
danych pomiarowych z wag), supervisor: Rajmund Kożuszek, (excellent)
OCET WIKTOR ALEKSANDER, Development of the mobile application supporting
the learning process of foreign languages vocabulary for the android system (in
Polish – Tworzenie aplikacji mobilnej wspomagającej naukę słów języków
obcych pod system Android), supervisor: Julian Myrcha, (5)
OCZKO MACIEJ, Client honeypot in virtual environment (in Polish – Kliencki
honeypot w środowisku wirtualnym), supervisor: Krzysztof Cabaj, (5)
OSOJCA DAWID, Application supporting malware analysis using the Xen
hypervisor (in Polish – Aplikacja wspierająca analizę złośliwego oprogramowania
w oparciu o monitor maszyn wirtualnych Xen), supervisor: Krzysztof Cabaj,
PACHOCKI MACIEJ, System publishing multimedia materials in internet (in Polish
– System publikacji w internecie materiałów multimedialnych), supervisor:
Krzysztof Chabko, (4,5)
PALCOWSKI KRZYSZTOF, Recommendations Platform: prototype of a
recommendations system (in Polish – Recommendations Platform: prototyp
systemu rekomendacji), supervisor: Robert Bembenik, (5)
PAKULSKA KATARZYNA HALINA, GPU usage in algorithms of data mining (in
Polish – Wykorzystanie GPU w algorytmach eksploracji danych), supervisor:
Łukasz Skonieczny, (5)
PAKUŁA ADAM, Slit-scan special effects generator – application in Java (in
Polish – Generator efektu specjalnego slit-scan – aplikacja w języku Java),
supervisor: Piotr Witoński, (5)
PANEK ŁUKASZ, Reconstruction of three-dimensional face geometry based on two
photographs (in Polish – Rekonstrukcja trójwymiarowej geometrii twarzy na
podstawie pary zdjęć), supervisor: Przemysław Rokita, (excellent)
PASZKIEWICZ RAFAŁ, Congestion control mechanisms in a TCP/IP network (in
Polish – Mechanizmy unikania przeciążenia w sieci TCP/IP), supervisor: Paweł
Radziszewski, (5)
PAWŁOWSKI MICHAŁ, PC simulator of radar and environment model for
unmanned flying vehicles (in Polish – Symulator radaru statku powietrznego),
supervisor: Zbigniew Szymański, (4)
PĘKALSKI PIOTR, Tool to support group operations on files (in Polish –
Narzędzie do wspomagania operacji grupowych na plikach), supervisor: Jerzy
Chrząszcz, (3,5)
PIECZAREK TOMASZ, SMTP gateway for e-mail encryption in S/MIME standard
(in Polish – Bramka protokołu SMTP, szyfrująca przesyłki w standardzie
S/MIME), supervisor: Grzegorz Blinowski, (4,5)
PIETRZYK PIOTR, Disaster recovery centre with virtualization technology usage
in small size company (in Polish – Zapasowe centrum danych w przedsiebiorstwie
małej wielkości z wykorzystaniem technologii wirtualizacji), supervisor:
Rajmund Kożuszek, (4)
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
PODKOWIŃSKI RAFAŁ, BDI agent framework (in Polish – Platforma do tworzenia
agentów inteligentnych o architekturze BDI), supervisor: Krzysztof Gracki, (4,5)
RADZIEJEWSKI RAFAŁ, Computer based real time heart beat detection system (in
Polish – Komputerowy detektor pobudzeń serca w czasie rzeczywistym),
supervisor: Henryk Kowalski, (excellent)
ROZALSKI-NAGY DANIEL, The implementation of an algorithm of speech
recognition using CUDA framework (in Polish – Implementacja algorytmu
rozpoznawania mowy wykorzystująca bibliotekę CUDA), supervisor: Julian
Myrcha, (5)
RÓŻ PIOTR, Classification of RNA secondary structures (in Polish –
Automatyczne odtwarzanie klas na podstawie struktur drugorzędowych RNA),
supervisor: Robert Nowak, (4,5)
RUBIKOWSKI MACIEJ, Software framework for computational authorship
attribution (in Polish – Rozpoznawanie autorstwa tekstów. Platforma w języku
Java), supervisor: Jerzy Chrząszcz, (excellent)
RZĄCA GRZEGORZ, Contactless laptop computer interface using built-in camera
(in Polish – Bezdotykowy interfejs do komputera typu laptop z wykorzystaniem
wbudowanej kamery), supervisor: Kamil Kompa, (4,5)
SADOWSKI PIOTR, Elaboration of the set of database components using Qt,
supervisor: Julian Myrcha, (4,5)*
SANCEWICZ GRZEGORZ, Impedance matching – Java application for didactic
purposes (in Polish – Dopasowanie impedancji – aplikacja do zastosowań
dydaktycznych w języku Java), supervisor: Jarosław Dawidczyk, (5)
SEGIT PAWEŁ, Use of formal methods in software engineering, on example of the
B method (in Polish – Wykorzystanie metod formalnych w procesie wytwarzania
oprogramowania, na przykładzie metody B), supervisor: Ilona Bluemke, (5)
SKONECZNY KAMIL, Application for reading and generating contact cards stored
in 2D barcodes (in Polish – Aplikacja do odczytu i generowania wizytówek
zapisanych w kodach dwuwymiarowych), supervisor: Witold Wysota, (5)
SKURA MICHAŁ ARTUR, An application of NVIDIA CUDA architecture for image
synthesis with radiosity method (in Polish – Zastosowanie architektury NVIDIA
CUDA do generowania obrazów metodą energetyczną), supervisor: Paweł
Radziszewski, (5)
SOCZEWKA MICHAŁ, Artificial intelligence engine based on neural (in Polish –
Silnik sztucznej inteligencji wykorzystujący sieci neuronowe na przykładzie bota
w strzelance 2D), supervisor: Tomasz Martyn, (4)
SOWA ŁUKASZ SZYMON, Modern security mechanisms in Linux (in Polish –
Nowoczesne mechanizmy bezpieczeństwa w systemie Linux), supervisor:
Tomasz Jordan Kruk, (excellent)
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
STALEWSKI BARTOSZ, Application for publication of open data (in Polish –
Aplikacja do publikacji otwartych danych), supervisor: Piotr Gawrysiak, (5)
STAROŃ MICHAŁ, The program for the design of asynchronous automaton based
on the given transition and exit table (in Polish – Program do projektowania
automatów asynchronicznych na podstawie tabeli przejść i wyjść), supervisor:
Jacek Raczkowski, (5)
STEFAŃSKI BARTŁOMIEJ, Comparison of Google Web Toolkit, Errai and Vaadin
in terms of creating rich internet applications (in Polish – Porównanie technologii
Google Web Toolkit, Errai oraz Vaadin w kontekście tworzenia bogatych
aplikacji internetowych), supervisor: Jakub Koperwas, (5)
SUŁEK MACIEJ BARTŁOMIEJ, Object classification in the data fusion systems (in
Polish – Klasyfikacja obiektów w systemach fuzji danych), supervisor: Robert
Nowak, (4)
SZMIT KAMIL ARTUR, Timetable arrangement and visualization system for
English-speaking students (in Polish – System układania i wizualizacji planu zajęć
dla studentów anglojęzycznych), supervisor: Dariusz Turlej, (4,5)
[BSc100] SZNAJDER ADAM GERARD, Supervision of native applications’ execution
correctness using dynamic code injection (in Polish – Kontrola poprawności
wykonywania aplikacji natywnych z wykorzystaniem dynamicznego
wstrzykiwania kodu), supervisor: Piotr Gawkowski, (5)
[BSc101] SZPAK ŁUKASZ, Automated classification of DNA-binding protein domains (in
Polish – Automatyczna klasyfikacja domen białkowych wiążących DNA),
supervisor: Krzysztof Walczak, (5)
[BSc102] SZWEMBERG SEBASTIAN, System for automatic generation of training materials
(in Polish – System automatycznego generowania materiałów szkoleniowych),
supervisor: Krzysztof Gracki, (4)
[BSc103] ŚLAZIŃSKI MICHAŁ, Logic circuit designer – web application (in Polish –
Aplikacja internetowa do projektowania i symulacji układów logicznych),
supervisor: Jacek Lewandowski, (5)
[BSc104] ŚLESZYŃSKI ARTUR, Skiers’ position tracking system (in Polish – System
śledzący położenie narciarzy), supervisor: Witold Wysota, (5)
[BSc105] TRZPIL PIOTR, Mutation testing in ASP.NET MVC (in Polish – Testowanie
mutacyjne w ASP.NET MVC), supervisor: Anna Derezińska, (5)
[BSc106] TWARDOWSKI JAN, Distributed queueing system (in Polish – Rozproszony system
kolejkowania), supervisor: Tomasz Jordan Kruk, (4,5)
[BSc107] WANG ZHEFU, Image processing using CUDA technology, supervisor: Paweł
Radziszewski, (5)*
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
[BSc108] WASILUK MICHAŁ, A web application with CDI/Seam 3 technologies (in Polish –
Aplikacja internetowa z wykorzystaniem technologii CDI/Seam 3), supervisor:
Jakub Koperwas, (excellent)
[BSc109] WIJAS SYLWIA MAGDALENA, Design of tool for verification of the correctness of
the structure of documents (in Polish – Opracowanie narzędzia do weryfikacji
poprawności struktury dokumentów), supervisor: Jerzy Chrząszcz, (4,5)
[BSc110] WITOWSKI RAFAŁ DOMINIK, Software fault simulator for 32- and 64-bit Linux
systems (in Polish – Programowy symulator błędów dla 32- i 64-bitowych
systemów Linux), supervisor: Piotr Gawkowski, (excellent)
[BSc111] WŁODARCZYK MARCIN TOMASZ, Ray tracing algorithm with CUDA library (in
Polish – Wykorzystanie biblioteki CUDA w algorytmie śledzenia promieni),
supervisor: Julian Myrcha, (excellent)
[BSc112] WOJDOWSKI RAFAŁ, An Application to searching new research articles (in
Polish – Aplikacja do wyszukiwania nowych artykułów naukowych), supervisor:
Grzegorz Protaziuk, (5)
[BSc113] WOŚ KRZYSZTOF, System CRM supports dentist clinic (in Polish – System CRM
wspomagający przychodnię dentystyczną), supervisor: Andrzej Ciemski, (5)
WÓJCIK STEFAN, Learning management system, supervisor: Roman Podraza, (5)*
[BSc115] ZAKRZEWSKI KAROL, Service database for mid-size company (in Polish –
Serwisowa baza danych dla średniego przedsiębiorstwa), supervisor: Janusz
Sosnowski, (4,5)
[BSc116] ZIELIŃSKI PAWEŁ MATEUSZ, Using GPU cores to accelerate the visualization in
the ray tracing method (in Polish – Zastosowanie procesorów GPU do
przyspieszania wizualizacji z wykorzystaniem metody śledzenia promieni),
supervisor: Przemysław Rokita, (excellent)
[BSc117] ŻUKOWSKA MARTA, Clustering of scientific publications using bibliographic
metrics (in Polish – Grupowanie artykułów naukowych na podstawie analizy listy
cytowań), supervisor: Piotr Kołaczkowski, (5)
ŻURAWSKI MAREK, Modelling explosions in 3ds max program (in Polish –
Modelowanie eksplozji w programie 3ds max), supervisor: Rajmund Kożuszek, (4,5)
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
6.1. Scientific and technical books, chapters in books, translations, editorships
Editorial functions:
Kryszkiewicz Marzena, Obiedkov Sergei, Raś Zbigniew W.: Concept Lattices
and Their Applications, in: Fundamenta Informaticae, vol. 115, no. 4, 2012,
Guest Editors, pp. 265–420
Raś Zbigniew W., Tsay Li-Shiang: Special Issue on Interesting Knowledge
Mining, in: International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management,
vol. 4, no. 3, 2012, Guest Editors, pp. 205–308
Authored books:
Blinowski Grzegorz J.: Systemy poczty elektronicznej. Standardy, architektura,
bezpieczeństwo, 2012, BTC, ISBN 978-83-60233-83-2, 268 p.
Kowalski Henryk: Procesory DSP w przykładach, 2012, BTC, ISBN 978-8360233-78-8, 430 p
Edited books:
Appice Annalisa, Ceci Michelangelo, Loglisci Corrado, Manco Giuseppe,
Masciari Elio, Raś Zbigniew W. (eds.): Proceedings of the Workshop on New
Frontiers in Mining Complex Patterns (NFMCP 2012), 2012, 206 p
Bembenik Robert, Skonieczny Łukasz, Rybiński Henryk, Niezgódka Marek
(eds.): Intelligent Tools for Building a Scientific Information Platform, vol. 390,
2012, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-24808-5, 277 p., DOI:10.1007/978-3-64224809-2
Chen Li, Felfernig Alexander, Liu Jiming, Raś Zbigniew W. (eds.): Foundations
of Intelligent Systems, vol. 7661, 2012, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-34623-1, 468 p
Pascal Bouvry, Kłopotek Mieczysław A, Leprévost Franck, Marciniak
Malgorzata, Mykowiecka Agnieszka, Rybiński Henryk (eds.): Security and
Intelligent Information Systems International Joint Conferences, SIIS 2011,
Warsaw, Poland, June 13-14, 2011, Revised Selected Papers, vol. 7053, 2012,
Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-25260-0, 410 p., DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-25261-7
Book chapters:
Bluemke Ilona, Niepostyn Stanisław Jerzy: Consistency of UML Diagrams
Generated from Three Dimensional Document Circulation Diagram, in:
Computing in Science and Technology 2011 / Kwater Tadeusz [et al.] (eds.),
2012, ISBN 978-83-7583-378-2, pp. 7–22
Bluemke Ilona, Tarka Marcin: Detection of Anomalies in a SOA System by
Learning Algorithms, in: Complex Systems and Dependability / Zamojski
Wojciech [et al.] (eds.), vol. 170, 2012, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-30661-7, pp.
Cabaj Krzysztof, Kołaczek Grzegorz, Konorski Jerzy, Kotulski Zbigniew,
Kucharzewski Łukasz, Pacyna Piotr, Szałachowski Paweł: Architektura
bezpieczeństwa Systemu IIP, in: Inżynieria Internetu Przyszłości. Część 1 /
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Burakowski Wojciech, Krawiec Piotr (eds.), 2012, OW PW, ISBN 978-83-7814042-9, pp. 43–60
Derezińska Anna, Szczykulski Marian: Interpretation Problems in Code
Generation from UML State Machines – a Comparative Study, in: Computing in
Science and Technology 2011 / Kwater Tadeusz [et al.] (eds.), 2012, ISBN 97883-7583-378-2, pp. 36–50
Derezińska Anna, Ołtarzewski Przemysław: Towards Specialization of the
Contract-Aware Software Development Process, in: Advanced Information
Systems Engineering Workshops / Bajec Marko, Eder Johann (eds.), Lecture
Notes in Business Information Processing, vol. 112, 2012, Springer, ISBN 978-3642-31068-3, pp. 494–501
Dwulit Marek Piotr, Szymański Zbigniew: Dwulit’s Hull as Means of
Optimization of kNN Algorithm, in: Human – Computer Systems Interaction:
Backgrounds and Applications 2 / Hippe Zdzisław S., Kulikowski Juliusz,
Mroczek Teresa (eds.), Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 99,
2012, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-23171-1, pp. 345–358, DOI:10.1007/978-3-64223172-8_23
Gawrysiak Piotr: Portale internetowe – zagrożenia realne i pozorne, in: Internet.
Prawno-informatyczne problemy sieci, portali i e-usług / Szpor Grażyna,
Wiewiórowski Wojciech R. (eds.), 2012, C.H.Beck, ISBN 978-83-255-3908-5,
pp. 145–151
Gawrysiak Piotr, Ryżko Dominik Paweł, Więch Przemysław B., Kozłowski
Marek: Retrieval and Management of Scientific Information from Heterogeneous
Sources, in: Intelligent Tools for Building a Scientific Information Platform /
Bembenik Robert [et al.] (eds.), vol. 390, 2012, Springer, ISBN 978-3-64224808-5, pp. 37–48, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-24809-2_3
Jacobfeuerborn Bruno, Muraszkiewicz Mieczysław: ICT and Big Data as a
Game Changer, in: Rola informatyki w naukach ekonomicznych i społecznych.
Innowacje i implikacje interdyscyplonarne / Zieliński Zbigniew E. (eds.), 2012,
Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa, pp. 51–60
Lukac Martin, Perkowski Marek, Kerntopf Paweł, Kameyama Michitaka: GPU
Acceleration Methods of Representations for Quantum Circuits. Chapter 4, in:
GPU Computing with Applications in Digital Logic / Astola Jaakko [et al.] (eds.),
2012, Tampere University of Technology, ISBN 978-952-15-2920-7, pp. 97–159
Łaciński Paweł Tomasz: Managment challanges of SOA Intergration Platform.
Chapter 7, in: Multimedia and Internet Systems: New Solutions / Zgrzywa
Aleksander, Kukla Elżbieta (eds.), 2012, TEMPO s.c., ISBN 978-83-86520-10-7,
pp. 83–92
Niepostyn Stanisław Jerzy, Bluemke Ilona: The Function-Behaviour-Structure
Diagram for Modelling Workflow of Information Systems, in: Advanced
Information Systems Engineering Workshops / Bajec Marko, Eder Johann (eds.),
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol. 112, 2012, Springer,
ISBN 978-3-642-31068-3, pp. 425–439
Ryżko Dominik Paweł, Radziszewska Weronika: Integration between Web
Services and Multi-Agent Systems with Applications for Multi-commodity
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Markets , in: Modeling Multi-commodity Trade: Information Exchange Methods /
Traczyk Tomasz, Kaleta Mariusz (eds.), vol. 121, 2012, Springer-Verlag, ISBN
978-3-642-25648, pp. 65–77, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-25649-3_4
Skorupski Andrzej, Pawłowski Marek, Gracki Krzysztof, Kerntopf Paweł:
FPGA-Based Simultion of a Cipher Unit Built Using Reversible Logic. Part 1.
Models of Information Management for Business Organizations, in: Information
Systems Architecture and Technology. The Use of IT Models for Organization
Management / Wilmowska Zofia [et al.] (eds.), 2012, Oficyna Wydawnicza
Politechniki Wrocławskiej, ISBN 978-83-7493-701-6, pp. 79–88
Sosnowski Janusz, Kubacki Marcin, Krawczyk Henryk: Monitoring Event Logs
within a Cluster System, in: Complex Systems and Dependability / Zamojski
Wojciech [et al.] (eds.), vol. 170, 2012, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-30661-7,
pp. 259–271
Więch Przemysław B., Gidlewski Tomasz: A Semantic Web Approach to the M3
Model , in: Modeling Multi-commodity Trade: Information Exchange Methods /
Traczyk Tomasz, Kaleta Mariusz (eds.), Advances in Intelligent and Soft
Computing, vol. 121, 2012, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-25648, pp. 99–111,
Wróblewska Anna, Podsiadły-Marczykowska Teresa, Bembenik Robert,
Protaziuk Grzegorz M., Rybiński Henryk: Methods and Tools for Ontology
Building, Learning and Integration – Application in the SYNAT Project, in:
Intelligent Tools for Building a Scientific Information Platform / Bembenik
Robert [et al.] (eds.), Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 390, 2012,
Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-24808-5, pp. 121–151, DOI:10.1007/978-3-64224809-2_9
6.2. Scientific and technical papers in Journals
6.2.1 Scientific and technical papers published in journals listed in the Journal
Citation Reports – JCR. List A – Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Bartnik Magdalena, Szczepaniak Elżbieta, Derwińska Katarzyna, WiśniowieckaKowalnik Barbara, Gambin Tomasz, Sykulski Maciej, Ziemkiewicz Kamila,
Kędzior Marta, Gos Monika, Hoffman-Zacharska Dorota, Mazurczak Tomasz,
Jeziorek Anetta, Antczak-Marach Dorota, Rudzka-Dybała Mariola, Mazurkiewicz
Hanna, Goszczańska-Ciuchta Alicja, Zalewska-Miszkurka Zofia, Terczyńska
Iwona, Sobierajewicz Małgorzata, Shaw Chad, Gambin Anna, Mierzewska
Hanna, Mazurczak Tadeusz, Obersztyn Ewa, Bocian Ewa, Stankiewicz Paweł:
Application of Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization in 102 Patients With
Epilepsy and Additional Neurodevelopmental Disorders, in: American Journal of
Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.,
2012, pp. 1–12, DOI:10.1002/ajmg.b.32081
Bi Weimin, Breman Amy , Shaw Chad A., Stankiewicz Pawel, Gambin Tomasz,
Lu Xinyan , Cheung Sau Wai, Jackson Laird G., Lupski James R., den Veyver
Ignatia B. Van, Beaudet Artur L.: Detection of ≥1 Mb microdeletions and
microduplications in a single cell using custom oligonucleotide arrays, in:
Prenatal Diagnosis, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, vol. 32, no. Issue 1, 2012,
pp. 10–20, DOI:10.1002/pd.2855
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Dittwald Piotr, Gambin Tomasz, Gonzaga-Jauregui Claudia, Carvalho Claudia
M.B., Lupski James R., Stankiewicz Paweł, Gambin Anna: Inverted low-copy
repeats and genome instability—A genome-wide analysis, in: Human Mutation,
WILEY-LISS, 2012, pp. 1–12, DOI:10.1002/humu.22217
Kalinowska Zofia, Andrzej Kasperczyk, Pisarczyk Tadeusz, Chodukowski
Tomasz, Guskov Sergey Yu, Demchenko Nikolay N, Ullschmied Jiri, Krokusy
Eduard, Pfeifer Miroslav, Skala Jiri, Pisarczyk Paweł: Investigations of
mechanisms of laser radiation absorption at PALS, in: Nukleonika, vol. 57, no. 2,
2012, pp. 227–230
Kasperczuk Andrzej, Pisarczyk Tadeusz, Chodukowski Tomasz, Kalinowska
Zofia, Guskov Sergey Yu, Demchenko Nikolay N, Klir Daniel, Kravarik Jozef,
Kubes Pawel, Rezac Karel, Ullschmied Jiri, Krousky Eduard, Pfeifer Miroslav,
Rohlena Karel, Skala Jiri, Pisarczyk Paweł: Plastic plasma as a compressor of
aluminum plasma at the PALS experiment, in: Laser and Particle Beams, vol. 30,
no. Issue 01, 2012, pp. 1–7, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0263034611000528
Latosiński Piotr, Sosnowski Janusz: Monitoring Dependability of a Mail
Server, in: Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, Sigma NOT, no. 10b, 2012, pp. 223–226
Li Jian, Harris R. Alan, Cheung Sau Wai , Coarfa Cristian, Jeong Mira, Gambin
Tomasz, Goodell Margaret A., White Lisa D., Patel Ankita, Kang Sung-Hae,
Shaw Chad, Chinault A. Craig, Gambin Anna, Lupski James R., Milosavljevic
Aleksandar: Genomic Hypomethylation in the Human Germline Associates with
Selective Structural Mutability in the Human Genome, in: PLoS Genetics, Public
Library of Science, vol. 8, no. 5: e1002692, 2012, pp. 1–17, DOI:
Martyn Tomasz: The chaos game revisited: Yet another, but a trivial proof of the
algorithm’s correctness, w: Applied Mathematics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 25, no. 2,
2012, pp. 206–208, DOI:10.1016/j.aml.2011.08.020
Wiśniowiecka-Kowalnik Barbara, Kastory-Bronowska Monika, Bartnik
Magdalena, Derwińska Katarzyna, Gambin Tomasz, Dymczak-Domini Wanda,
Szumbarska Dorota, Ziemka Ewa, Szczałuba Krzysztof, Sykulski Maciej, Gambin
Anna, Shaw Chad A., Mazurczak Tadeusz, Obersztyn Ewa, Bocian Ewa,
Stankiewicz Paweł: Application of custom-designed oligonucleotide array CGH
in 145 patients with autistic spectrum disorders, in: European Journal of Human
Genetics, European Society of Human Genetics – ESHG, 2012, pp. 1–6,
6.2.2 Scientific and technical papers published in journals listed in the Journal
Citation Reports. List B – Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Cabaj Krzysztof, Kotulski Zbigniew, Szałachowski Paweł, Kołaczek Grzegorz,
Konorski Jerzy: Implementation and testing of Level 2 security architecture for
the IIP System, in: Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny-Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne,
SIGMA NOT, vol. LXXXV, no. 8-9/2012, 2012, pp. 1426–1435
Derwińska Katarzyna, Bartnik Magdalena, Wiśniowiecka-Kowalnik Barbara,
Jagła Mateusz, Rudziński Andrzej, Pietrzyk Jacek J , Kawalec Wanda,
Ziółkowska Lidia, Kutkowska-Kaźmierczak Anna, Gambin Tomasz, Sykulski
Maciej, Chad A Shaw, Gambin Anna, Mazurczak Tadeusz, Obersztyn Ewa,
Bocian Ewa, Stankiewicz Paweł: Assessment of the Role of Copy-Number
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Variants in 150 Patients With Congenital Heart Defects, in: Medycyna Wieku
Rozwojowego, vol. 16, nr 3, 2012, pp. 175–182
Gębarowski Tomasz Michał: A Hybrid Extension for IP Multicasting in Pushto-talk over Cellular Systems, in: International Journal of Electronics and
Telecommunications, PAN, vol. 58, no. 1, 2012, pp. 77–83, DOI:10.2478/v10177012-0011-9
Jacobfeuerborn Bruno, Muraszkiewicz Mieczysław: ICT Based Information
Facilities to Boost and Sustain Innovativeness, in: Studia Informatica – Zeszyty
Naukowe, Politechnika Śląska, vol. 33, no. 2B (106), 2012, pp. 485–496
Komorowski Michał Paweł: Enhancing and Extending the Intellitrace
Debugging Capabilities, in: Studia Informatica – Zeszyty Naukowe, Politechnika
Śląska, vol. 33, no. 1 (104), 2012, pp. 107–118
Mosdorf Michał, Grochowski Konrad, Sosnowski Janusz, Gawkowski Piotr:
Gas-flow computer with SBST, in: Pomiary-Automatyka-Kontrola, Wydawnictwo
PAK, vol. 58, no. 7, 2012, pp. 665–667
Sidoruk Grzegorz, Gawkowski Piotr, Lewczuk Andrzej, Ciostek Piotr:
Wykorzystanie Wolnego Oprogramowania w systemie informatycznym oddziału
chirurgii, in: Roczniki Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych, Szkoła Główna
Handlowa, no. z. 25, 2012, pp. 153–163
Skorupski Andrzej, Pawłowski Marek, Gracki Krzysztof, Kerntopf Paweł:
Modelowanie w FPGA szyfratorów implementowanych w logice odwracalnej, in:
Pomiary-Automatyka-Kontrola, Wydawnictwo PAK, vol. 58, no. 07, 2012,
pp. 620–622
Szyprowski Marek, Kerntopf Paweł: Metody konstrukcji optymalnych układów
odwracalnych, in: Pomiary-Automatyka-Kontrola, Wydawnictwo PAK, vol. 58,
no. 7, 2012, pp. 647–649
Szyprowski Marek, Kerntopf Paweł: Odwracalne układy programowalne, in:
Pomiary-Automatyka-Kontrola, Wydawnictwo PAK, vol. 58, no. 7, 2012,
pp. 644–646
Wróblewska Anna, Protaziuk Grzegorz M., Bembenik Robert, PodsiadłyMarczykowska Teresa: LEXO: A Lexical Layer for Ontologies – Design and
Building Scenarios, in: Studia Informatica – Zeszyty Naukowe, Politechnika
Śląska, vol. 33, no. 2B (106), 2012, pp. 173–186
6.2.3 Other Journals
Sosnowski Janusz: Exploring Application Logs, in: Computer Research
Repository, Cornell University Library, 2012, pp. 1–2
6.3. Scientific and technical papers in conference proceedings
Andruszkiewicz Piotr: On the Relations between Retention Replacement,
Additive Perturbation, and Randomisations for Nominal Attributes in Privacy
Preserving Data Mining, in: Foundations of Intelligent Systems / Chen Li [et al.]
(eds.), vol. 7661, 2012, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-34623-1, pp. 99–104,
DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-34624-8_12, (20th International Symposium on
Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS’12), Macau, China 2012)
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Andruszkiewicz Piotr: Retention Replacement in Privacy Preserving
Classification, in: Advances in Databases and Information Systems / Morzy
Tadeusz, Härder Theo, Wrembel Robert (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, vol. 7503, 2012, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-33073-5, pp. 15–28,
DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-33074-2_2, (16th East European Conference of ADIS,
Poznań, Poland 2012)
Badziak Jan, Jabłoński Sławomir, Pisarczyk Tadeusz, Rączka Piotr, Chodukowski
Tomasz, Borodziuk Stefan, Kalinowska Zofia, Parys Piotr, Rosiński Marcin,
Wołowski Jerzy, Korusky Eduard, Pfeifer Miroslav, Skala Jiri, Ullschmied Jiri,
Liska Roman, Pisarczyk Paweł: Highly Efficient Laser-Induced Cavity Pressure
Acceleration of Dense Plasma, in: 39th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 16th
International Congress on Plasma Physics / Ratynskaya Svetlana, Blomberg Lars,
Fasoli Ambrogio (eds.), vol. 36F, 2012, European Physical Society, ISBN
2-914771-79-7, O2.204, pp. 1–4
Barcz Aleksy, Szymański Zbigniew: Optimization of short amino acid
sequences classifier, in: Proceedings of SPIE 8454, Photonics Applications in
Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments
2012, / Romaniuk Ryszard (eds.), 2012, SPIE, 84541U-1–84541U-10,
Bluemke Ilona, Rembiszewski Artur: Dataflow Testing of Java Programs with
DFC, in: Advances in Software Engineering Techniques / Szmuc Tomasz,
Szpyrka Marcin, Zendulka Jaroslav (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
vol. 7054, 2012, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-28037-5, pp. 215–228,
DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-28038-2_17, (4th IFIP TC 2 Central and East European
Conference on Software Engineering Techniques, Kraków, Poland 2009)
Burdziej Jan, Gawrysiak Piotr: Using Web Mining for Discovering Spatial Patterns
and Hot Spots for Spatial Generalization, in: Foundations of Intelligent Systems /
Chen Li [et al.] (eds.), vol. 7661, 2012, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-34623-1, pp. 172–
181, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-34624-8_21, (20th International Symposium on
Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS'12) Macau, China 2012).
Butkiewicz Bohdan: Fuzzy Clustering of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Data, in: Artificial
Intelligence and Soft Computing / Rutkowski Leszek [et al.] (eds.), Lecture Notes
in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 7267, no. Part I, 2012, Springer, ISBN 978-3-64229346-7, pp. 213–220, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-29347-4_25, (11th International
Conference, Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Zakopane, Poland 2012)
Ciecierski Konrad Andrzej, Raś Zbigniew W., Przybyszewski Andrzej W.:
Foundations of recommender system for STN localization during DBS surgery in
Parkinson’s patients, in: Foundations of Intelligent Systems / Chen Li [et al.]
(eds.), vol. 7661, 2012, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-34623-1, pp. 234–243,
DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-34624-8_28, (20th International Symposium on
Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS’12), Macau, China 2012).
Derezińska Anna, Szustek Anna: Object-Oriented Testing Capabilities and
Performance Evaluation of the C# Mutation System, in: Advances in Software
Engineering Techniques / Szmuc Tomasz, Szpyrka Marcin, Zendulka Jaroslav
(eds.), vol. 7054, 2012, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-28037-5, pp. 229–242, (4th
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
IFIP TC 2 Central and East European Conference on Software Engineering
Techniques, Kraków, Poland 2009)
Derezińska Anna, Rudnik Marcin: Quality Evaluation of Object-Oriented and
Standard Mutation Operators Applied to C# Programs, in: Objects, Models,
Components, Patterns / Furia Carlo A., Nanz Sebastian (eds.), Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, vol. 7304, 2012, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-30560-3, pp. 42–57,
DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-30561-0_5, (50th International Conference, TOOLS 2012
Prague, Czech Republic 2012)
Hajja Ayman, Wieczorkowska Alicja A., Raś Zbigniew W., Gubrynowicz
Ryszard: Object-driven Action Rules and their Application to Hypernasality
Treatment, in: Proceedings of the Workshop on New Frontiers in Mining Complex
Patterns (NFMCP 2012) / Appice Annalisa [et al.] (eds.), 2012, pp. 104–115
Kaczmarek Jan, Ryżko Dominik Paweł: A Framework for Experience
Representation, w: Advances in Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems / Zhang
Huaguang [i in.] (red.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 7366, 2012,
Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-31560-2, pp. 223–231, DOI:10.1007/978-3642-31561-9_25, (5th International Conference, BICS 2012, Shenyang, China 2012)
Kasperczuk Andrzej, Pisarczyk Tadeusz, Chodukowski Tomasz, Kalinowska
Zofia, Ullschmied Jiri, Krousky Eduard, Pfeifer Miroslav, Rohlena Karel, Skala
Jiri, Pisarczyk Paweł: Methods of backward and forward formation of metallic
plasma jets at PALS, in: 39th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 16th
International Congress on Plasma Physics / Ratynskaya Svetlana, Blomberg Lars,
Fasoli Ambrogio (eds.), vol. 36F, 2012, European Physical Society, ISBN
2-914771-79-7, P4.128, 1–4
Kerntopf Paweł, Perkowski Marek, Krzysztof Podlaski: Synthesis of Reversible
Circuits: A View on the State-of-the-Art, in: 12th IEEE International Conference
on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO) / Jiang Kyle, E Richard Palmer (eds.), 2012,
IOP Institute of Physics, University of Birmingham, 6 pages
Kohli Deepali, Raś Zbigniew W., Thompson Pamela L., Jastreboff Pawel J.,
Wieczorkowska Alicja A.: From Music to Emotions and Tinnitus Treatment,
Initial Study, in: Foundations of Intelligent Systems / Chen Li [et al.] (eds.), vol.
7661, 2012, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-34623-1, pp. 244–253, DOI:10.1007/9783-642-34624-8_29, (20th International Symposium on Methodologies for
Intelligent Systems (ISMIS’12), Macau, China 2012)
Komorowski Jacek, Rokita Przemysław: Extrinsic Camera Calibration Method
and Its Performance Evaluation, in: Computer Vision and Graphics / Bolc
Leonard [et al.] (eds.), vol. 7594, 2012, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-33563-1,
pp. 129–138, (International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics
(ICCVG 2012), Warsaw, Poland 2012)
Konorski Jerzy, Pacyna Piotr, Kołaczek Grzegorz, Kotulski Zbigniew, Cabaj
Krzysztof, Szałachowski Paweł: A Virtualization-Level Future Internet Defensein-Depth Architecture, in: Recent Trends in Computer Networks and Distributed
Systems Security / Thampi Sabu M. [et al.] (eds.), Communications in Computer
and Information Science, vol. 335, 2012, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN 9783-642-34134-2, pp. 283–292, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-34135-9_29, (International
Conference of Information Technology and Management-Kerala (IIITM-K))
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Kot Maciej, Nagahashi Hiroshi, Gracki Krzysztof: Simplification of mass spring
models, in: Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Computer
Graphics & Virtual Reality (CGVR’12) / Arabnia Hamid R., Deligiannidis
Leonidas, Solo Ashu M. G. (eds.), 2012, CSREA Press, ISBN 1-60132-206-2,
pp. 90–96
Kryszkiewicz Marzena: Efficient Determination of Binary Non-negative Vector
Neighbors with Regard to Cosine Similarity, in: Advanced Research in Applied
Artificial Intelligence / Jiang He [et al.] (eds.), Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence, vol. 7345, 2012, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-31086-7, pp. 48–57,
DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-31087-4_6, (25th International Conference on Industrial
Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, Dalian, China
Kryszkiewicz Marzena: The Triangle Inequality versus Projection onto a
Dimension in Determining Cosine Similarity Neighborhoods of Non-negative
Vectors, in: Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing / Yao JingTao [et al.]
(eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science, vol. 7413, 2012, Springer-Verlag,
ISBN 978-3-642-32114-6, pp. 229–236, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-32115-3_27,
(8th International Conference, RSCTC 2012, Chengdu, China 2012)
Kurowski Michał: Procedural generation of meandering rivers inspired by
erosion, in: WSCG'2012 Conference Proceedings / Skala Vaclav (eds.), vol. I,
2012, Vaclav Skala – Union Agency, ISBN 978-80-86943-79-4, pp. 79–86
Lukac Martin, Kameyama Michitaka, Perkowski Marek, Kerntopf Paweł:
Minimization of Quantum Circuits using Quantum Operator Forms, in: Proceedings
of the 21st International Workshop on Post-Binary ULSI Systems / Homma
Naofumi, Nagayama Shinobu (eds.), 2012, University of Victoria, pp. 88–95
Łaciński Paweł Tomasz: Architecture of an Integration Platform Management
System, in: Proceedings of the UNITE 2nd Doctoral Symposium R&D in Future
Internet and Enterprise Interoperability / Jardim-Gonçalves Ricardo, Stefanova
Kamelia (eds.), 2012, AVANGARD PRIMA, ISBN 978-619-160-040-3,
pp. 100–107
Myrcha Julian, Rokita Przemysław: Multimedia Objects Conversion for a
Digital Repository – A Case Study, in: Computer Vision and Graphics / Bolc
Leonard [et al.] (eds.), vol. 7594, 2012, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-33563-1,
pp. 196–203, (International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics
(ICCVG 2012), Warsaw, Poland 2012)
Pawłowski Michał, Szymański Zbigniew: Environment model for unmanned
flying vehicles based on simulated radar data, in: Proceedings of SPIE 8454,
Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and HighEnergy Physics Experiments 2012, / Romaniuk Ryszard (eds.), 2012, SPIE, pp.
845420-1–845420-6, DOI:10.1117/12.2000250
Perkowski Marek, Fiszer Robert, Kerntopf Paweł, Lukac Martin: An Approach to
Synthesis of Reversible Circuits for Partially Specified Functions, in: 12th IEEE
International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO) / Jiang Kyle, E Richard
Palmer (eds.), 2012, IOP Institute of Physics, University of Birmingham, 6 pages
Perkowski Marek, Fiszer Robert, Kerntopf Paweł, Lukac Martin: Synthesis of
Reversible Circuits with PSE Gates, in: Proceedings of the 21st International
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Workshop on Post-Binary ULSI Systems / Homma Naofumi, Nagayama Shinobu
(eds.), 2012, University of Victoria, pp. 54–61
Pisarczyk Tadeusz, Kasperczuk Andrzej, Chodukowski Tomasz, Kalinowska
Zofia, Ullschmied Jiri, Krousky Eduard, Pfeifer Miroslav, Rohlena Karel, Skala
Jiri, Pisarczyk Paweł: Interaction of the copper plasma jet with different media,
in: 39th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 16th International Congress on
Plasma Physics / Ratynskaya Svetlana, Blomberg Lars , Fasoli Ambrogio (eds.),
vol. 36F, 2012, European Physical Society, ISBN 2-914771-79-7, P5.127, 1–4
Protaziuk Grzegorz M., Wróblewska Anna, Bembenik Robert, Rybiński
Henryk, Podsiadły-Marczykowska Teresa: Lexical Ontology Layer – A Bridge
between Text and Concepts, in: Foundations of Intelligent Systems / Chen Li [et
al.] (eds.), vol. 7661, 2012, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-34623-1, pp. 162–171,
DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-34624-8_20, (20th International Symposium on
Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS’12), Macau, China 2012)
Ryżko Dominik Paweł: Reasoning in Multi-agent Systems with Random
Knowledge Distribution, in: Advances in Databases and Information Systems /
Morzy Tadeusz, Härder Theo, Wrembel Robert (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, vol. 7503, 2012, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-33073-5, pp. 310–317,
DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-33074-2_23, (16th East European Conference ADIS
Poznań, Poland 2012)
Szczepański Piotr Lech, Michalak Tomasz, Rahwan Talal: A New Approach to
Betweenness Centrality Based on the Shapley Value, in: Proceedings of the 11th
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
(AAMAS 2012) / Conitzer Vincent [et al.] (eds.), 2012, pp. 239–246
Szymański Zbigniew, Jankowski Stanisław, Szczyrek Jan: Reconstruction of
environment model by using radar vector field histograms, in: Proceedings of
SPIE 8454, Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and
High-Energy Physics Experiments 2012, / Romaniuk Ryszard (eds.), 2012, SPIE,
pp. 845422-1–845422-7, DOI:10.1117/12.2001354
Szyprowski Marek, Kerntopf Paweł: A Study of Optimal 4-bit Reversible
Circuit Synthesis from Mixed-Polarity Toffoli Gates, in: 12th IEEE International
Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO) / Jiang Kyle, E Richard Palmer
(eds.), 2012, IOP Institute of Physics, University of Birmingham, 6 pages
Szyprowski Marek, Kerntopf Paweł: Generalized Templates for Reversible
Logic and Their Uses, in: IWLS 2012 – 21st International Workshop on logic and
Synthesis / Brisk Philip (eds.), 2012, University of California, Berkeley, pp. 18–24
Szyprowski Marek, Kerntopf Paweł: Optimal 4-bit Reversible Mixed-Polarity
Toffoli Circuits, in: Preliminary Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Reversible
Computation (RC) / Glück Robert, Yokoyama Tetsuo (eds.), 2012, pp. 123–135
Szyprowski Marek, Kerntopf Paweł: Reducing Quantum Cost of Pairs of MultiControl Toffoli Gates, in: Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on
Boolean Problems / Steinbach Bernd (eds.), 2012, Technische Universität
Bergakademie Freiberg, ISBN 978-3-86012-438-3, pp. 263–268
Węcławski Jakub, Jankowski Stanisław, Szymański Zbigniew: Feature selection
from short amino acid sequences in phosphorylation prediction problem, in:
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Proceedings of SPIE 8454, Photonics Applications in Astronomy,
Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2012, /
Zbierski Maciej: A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for GPU Clusters, in:
Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics / Wyrzykowski Roman [et al.]
(eds.), vol. 7203, 2012, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-31463-6, pp. 750–759,
DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-31464-3_76, (9th International Conference Parallel
Processing and Applied Mathematics, Toruń, Poland 2011)
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Derezińska A., Rudnik M.: “Empirical Evaluation of Cost Reduction Techniques
of Mutation Testing for C# Programs”. ICS Research Report 1/2012, Warsaw,
February 2012, 40 p.
Kryszkiewicz M.: “The Triangle Inequality versus Projection onto a Dimension in
Determining Cosine Similarity Neighborhoods of Non-Negative Vectors”. ICS
Research Report 2/2012, Warsaw, February 2012, 12 p.
Kryszkiewicz M.: “Bounds on Lengths of Vectors Similar with Regard to the
Tanimoto and Cosine Similarity”. ICS Research Report 3/2012, Warsaw,
December 2012, 13 p.
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
[Award 1] Professor Jan Zabrodzki received the Rector’s of Warsaw University of
Technology award for the lifetime achievement.
[Award 2] Henryk Kowalski, MSc, received the Rector’s of Warsaw University of
Technology individual award for the excellence in education in 2011.
[Award 3] Tomasz Martyn, PhD, received the Rector’s of Warsaw University of
Technology individual award for the excellence in education in 2011.
[Award 4] The team: Krzysztof Chabko, MSc, Krzysztof Gracki, MSc, Marek Pawłowski,
MSc, Jacek Raczkowski, PhD, Andrzej Skorupski, PhD and Zbigniew
Szymański, MSc, received the Rector’s of Warsaw University of Technology
collective award for the excellence in education in 2011.
[Award 5] The team: Cezary Stepień, PhD, Krzysztof Chabko, MSc, Krzysztof Gracki,
MSc, and Rajmund Kożuszek, MSc, received the Rector’s of Warsaw University
of Technology collective award for the excellence in education in 2011.
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
9.1. Patent issued
Mazur G., Pawłowski M., Skorupski A.: “Zestaw elektronicznych modułów
laboratoryjnych”, Polish Patent Office, No. 212215, decision data: March 15,
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
10.1. Organisation of international conferences
ISMIS 2012 – The 20th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent
Systems, University of Macau, Macau, China, 4 – 7 December 2012. General Chair –
Zbigniew Raś, Steering Committee: Marzena Kryszkiewicz, Henryk Rybiński.
ECML-PKDD Workshop on New Frontiers in Mining Complex Patterns, 24 – 28
September 2012, Bristol, UK. Organizing Committee – Zbigniew Raś (co-Chair).
10.2. Participation in international conferences
11th International Conference, ICAISC 2012, Zakopane, Poland, April 29 – May 3
2012, participants: B.S. Butkiewicz, D. Ryżko.
International Conference IEEE EDCC 2012, Romania, 8 – 11 May 2012, participant:
J. Sosnowski.
“The book died? ...... Rumors of its death are greatly exaggerated.” International
Conference “e-Gutenber”, Institute of Information Science and Book Studies,
University of Warsaw, Warsaw, May 25th, 2012, participant: M. Muraszkiewicz.
18th International Multi-Conference Advanced Computer Systems – Artificial
Intelligence, Software Technologies, Biometrics and IT Security, 30 May – 1 June
2012, participant: S. Chyłek.
IWLS 2012 – 21st International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis, California,
USA, 1 – 3 June 2012, Berkeley, participant: P. Kerntopf.
11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
AAMAS 2012, Valencia, Spain, 4 – 8 June 2012, participant: P. Szczepański.
25th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Other Applications of
Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2012, Dalian, China, 9 – 12 June 2012,
participant: M. Kryszkiewicz.
WSCG’2012, 20th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer
Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, Plzen, Czech Republic, 25 – 28 June
2012, participant: M. Kurowski.
Seventh International Conference on Dependability and Complex Systems
DepCoS-RELCOMEX 2012, Pałac Brunów, Poland, 25 – 29 June 2012
participants: I. Bluemke, M. Kubacki.
CAiSE 2012 International Workshops, Gdańsk, Poland 25 – 29 June 2012
participants: A. Derezińska, St. Niepostyn.
4th Workshop on Reversible Computation (RC), 2 – 3 July 2012, Copenhagen,
Denmark, participant: P. Kerntopf.
IEEE 12th International Confernece on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO 2012),
Birmingham, UK, 20 – 23 August 2012, participant: P. Kerntopf.
16th East European Conference, ADBIS 2012, Poznań, Poland, 18 – 21 September
2012, participants: P. Andruszkiewicz, D. Ryżko.
Second Workshop on Modeling Multi-commodity Trade: Data models and
processing, Poznań, Poland, 17 September 2012, participant: D. Ryżko.
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
MISSI’12 – 8th International Conference on Multimedia and Network
Information Systems, Wrocław, Poland, 19 – 21 September, 2012, participant:
B. Twardowski.
International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics ICCVG 2012, Warsaw,
Poland, 24 – 26 September 2012, participants: J. Myrcha, P. Rokita.
ASHG 2012 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 6 – 10 November 2012, participant:
ISMIS 2012 – The 20th International Symposium on Methodologies for
Intelligent Systems, University of Macau, Macau, China, 4 – 7 December 2012,
participants: P.Andruszkiewicz, G. Protaziuk, Z. Raś.
10.3. Local conferences
VIII Krajowa Konferencja Naukowa BDAS’12: Bazy Danych Aplikacje
i Systemy, Ustronie, 29 May – 1 June 2012 r., Instytut Informatyki Wydziału
Automatyki, Elektroniki i Informatyki Politechniki Śląskiej w Gliwicach,
participant: M. Muraszkiwicz.
XV Konferencja Naukowa RUC (Reprogramowalne Układy Cyfrowe) Szczecin
31 May –1 June 2012 participants: P. Gawkowski, M. Pawłowski, M. Szyprowski.
Annual Report 2012 of the Institute of Computer Science
Krystyna Sosnowska, MA, Manager
Room: 135
E-mail: K.Sosnowska@ii.pw.edu.pl
Phone: (+48 22) 234 7304
The Institute’s Library the collection comprises more than 7000 books and 620 volumes
of scientific journals and magazines. They are available to the Institute’s staff as well as to the
Computer Science students. Over ten Polish and foreign scientific and technical magazines
are permanently subscribed. Additionally, the Institute’s Library has in stock more than 4700
special library items, including hardware/software product catalogues, software
documentation, etc., as well as the wide range of research reports, diploma theses etc., issued
by the Institute itself and by other Polish and foreign research institutions. The collection of
books and handbooks is systematically updated and it is very representative for the computer
science and computer engineering domains.
The Library’s information system provides the access not only to own database of books,
magazines and publications, but also to the similar specialised libraries of five other Institutes
constituting the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, to the Library of the
Faculty (all located in the same building), as well as to the Main Library of the Warsaw
University of Technology and, generally, to the national library information system. The
library users have an access to the Internet (2 workstations) and to the ALEPH system – the
library of the Institute is integrated with the library information system of the University.
K. Sosnowska has provided a specialised course “Library and Information Science
Training” for the students of the Faculty.