J!-ENT Special Feature and Interview with TRF
J!-ENT Special Feature and Interview with TRF
TRF A SPECIAL J!-ENT 15TH ANNIVERSARY TRIBUTE B Y D E N N I S A . A M I T H & H I R O S H I TA G A W A I M A G E S ( a n d B E A T F R E A K I M A G E S ) C O U R T E S Y O F A V E X E N T E R TA I N M E N T I N C . TRF OFFICIAL WEBSITE: h t t p : / / w w w. a v e x n e t . o r. j p / t r f / J!-ENT foreword I can easily remember my fondest memories of TRF. It started back in 1993. Japanese music at the time was dominated by rock music and groups such as B’z, ZARD, Lindberg, the Southern All Stars, Mr. Children, Kome Kome Club and artists such as Fukuyama Masaharu, Fuji Fumiya, Nakayama Miho and Ohguro Maki and they literally owned the charts that year. Each time I would watch an episode of TV Asahi’s “Music Station” or TBS “Count Down TV”, of the many rock bands that they would feature on the top 10 or top 20, there would be a dance group called TRF that would catch my attention. Because rock was so dominant in Japan at that time, the group’s music stood out from everyone else. One thing different back then was that TRF was known with a lowercase “trf” and the group seemed to be much larger than the five members that we know right now. And boy, can I remember... the first song that I heard from “TRF” was their second CD single “EZ DO DANCE”. I remember seeing the few seconds clip from their music video and I admit, watching the lead vocalist YU-KI in 2 J!-ENT daisy duke short shorts dancing and singing was enough to sell me on their music and make a purchase of their first album “EZ DO DANCE” and their first remix album “ trf hyper techno mix”. I can remember having my brother who was driving up to a rave hundreds of miles away making a stop into Kinokuniya in San Francisco jut to pick the album for me. Overtime, for him, he was mesmerized by the dancing of SAM, ETSU and CHIHARU and by the time I made my first purchase of “WORLD GROOVE”, he was trying to learn the dance moves of SAM from their music videos. In 1993, I created J!-ENT and one of the main features on the J!-ENT BBS at the time was TRF. I had converted so many of my friends to their music that we attended an early anime convention called “ANIME AMERICA” and we could not stand the music playing on the dance floor that we had the DJ play one of my “hyper techno mix” CD’s and pretty much jam to “survival dAnce ~no no cry more~” and “Boy Meets Girl”. I have so many pleasant memories of TRF music and could possibly have a story of what I was doing throughout my life with each CD single release because I am so passionate about TRF’s music. So, flash forward 14 years later and here I am to write this special 15th Anniversary article and to have an opportunity to interview with TRF. Now that is a dream come true. — DENNIS A. AMITH, J!-ENT J!-ENT 3 TRF I the J!-ENT interview PHOTO: TRF performing at “LEGEND OF RAVE X’MAS LIVE” at VELFARRE on Christmas day 2006. Photo by T. Hasegawa. n 2007, the group TRF which consists of lead vocalist YU-KI, DJ KOO, SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU will be celebrating their 15th Year Anniversary. For dance music in Japan, many people look at the avex trax record label as a company known for their dance music and popular artists. But back in the early 90’s, avex trax was primarily known for music compilations and a label bringing international artists to the Japanese market. But it was a group known as TRF which put avex on the buzz radar for music listeners with a countless string of chart topping hits. But the early success of TRF was primarily on the shoulders of avex president Matsuura Max and musician and producer Komuro Tetsuya who had been successful with another electronic music group TMN. In 1992, Komuro created a techno rave unit called “TRF” (Tetsuya Komuro’s Rave 4 J!-ENT Factory). Komuro wanted to take the popularity of the nightclub scene and make a music group featuring a vocalist, DJ and dancers. TRF made their debut at the Bayside Club (Live & Disco) event in which the group performed in front of 6,300 people from Dec. 25, 1992 through Jan. 23, 1993. The group released their first album “THIS IS THE TRUTH” (Feb. 25, 1993) and before they became TRF known today, the group was known by the lowercase — trf. The group released their third CD single “GOING 2 DANCE” and released their first remix album “HYPER TECHNO MIX” in May 1993. But the song that captured the attention of music listeners was the group’s second CD single “EZ DO DANCE” ( June 1993) which debuted at #16 on the Oricon Charts. From that point on, TRF would be chart toppers with each single and album release. Their second album “EZ DO DANCE” ( July 1993) would reach #4 on the Oricon Charts and in 1994 the group would reach #1 with their third album “World Groove” (Feb. 1994). From this point on, TRF would dominate the charts with each album, CD single and remix album debuting at #1 or on the top 5 of the Oricon charts. Since 1993, TRF has released 16 albums (regular, remix, concert and best albums), 34 CD single releases, 9 DVD’s and several solo projects with releases by YU-KI and works by DJ KOO. With the group celebrating their 15th Year Anniversary, J!-ENT recently interviewed the members of TRF. J!-ENT: Myself and many Americans grew up with TRF since their debut. Were you ever aware of your American fans or fans outside of Japan that were big fans of your music? “First, I thought music in a music program on TV and music at a disco club were totally different. So, I couldn’t imagine our music getting popular. ” - DJ KOO PHOTO: TRF performing at “LEGEND OF RAVE X’MAS LIVE” at VELFARRE on Christmas day 2006. Photo by T. Hasegawa. J!-ENT 5 DJ KOO: I get a lot of e-mails from fans in other countries every day. These e-mails always encourage me a lot. SAM: To be honest, I didn’t know that we have many fans in other countries. J!-ENT: Have you ever been interested in performing in the United States or in Europe? YU-KI: Yes. Of course. I am interested in performing in foreign countries. CHIHARU: I don’t know how many fans we have in foreign countries since I don’t have a chance to perform in foreign countries. But I’m very happy to hear that there are so many fans of our music and I’m very interested in performing in the USA and Europe and so on. ETSU: We have done a live concert in Shanghai before. Everyone enjoyed singing together. So, I’m interested in performing in the USA and Europe. DJ KOO: I hope that we can play in other countries and I want more people in other countries to see TRF. J!-ENT: How did the five of you come together to form TRF? Did you know each other before TRF was created? YU-KI: Komuro Tetsuya wanted to make a dance unit and TRF was born. In my case, I was picked while dancing by him. CHIHARU: Etsu, SAM and me were members of dance team called MegaMix. So, we know each other before TRF was created. DJ KOO: I knew SAM since I was 18 years old, because SAM won the 1st prize at disco championship in Shinjuku. Also, I knew Chiharu and Etsu from long time ago. J!-ENT: When you debuted, your group name was spelled “trf” and when you released your 14th CD single “Hey! Ladies & Gentlemen” the group began to spell their name as “TRF”. I always wondered why the spelling of the name changed from that point on? DJ KOO: Komuro decided to change the name but there is no special reason for the change. 6 J!-ENT PHOTO: TRF performing at “LEGEND OF RAVE X’MAS LIVE” at VELFARRE on Christmas day 2006. Photo by T. Hasegawa. J!-ENT: When you were younger, what moment in your life did you feel that you wanted to be involved in music? YU-KI: I didn’t imagine that I would be a singer. But I liked to practice playing the piano when I was a child, so I liked music very much. CHIHARU: I wanted to be a ballerina. ETSU: I liked dancing when I was a child. So, I wanted to do a job which is something about dancing. DJ KOO: When I was 12 years old, I started to play the electric guitar. And I can’t think any other job but music. In 1985, I bought a very expensive machine to make MIDI, computer sound. SAM: I never imagined being a member of a music group. I wanted to be a doctor. J!-ENT: If we were to look into your CD or MP3 player, what artists or songs would you be listening to? YU-KI: Various music from classical to punk music. CHIHARU: I don’t listen to music very often. ETSU: I listen to all kinds of music such as Utada Hikaru, Madonna, STING etc. DJ KOO: Comic monologue, ELECTRO, PINK FLOYD, BLACK SABBATH SAM: Almost HOUSE such as Jazzanova and Jazztronik. J!-ENT: On Christmas day, TRF performed at velfarre one last time. What emotions ran through your mind about the whole velfarre experience? YU-KI: We performed there when it PHOTO: TRF performing at “LEGEND OF RAVE X’MAS LIVE” at VELFARRE on Christmas day 2006. Photo by T. Hasegawa. first opened and we performed at the final LIVE of velfarre. I just want to say “Thank you very much, Velfarre!” J!-ENT: What are your favorite memories of performing at velfarre? DJ KOO: My favorite memory was the “LEGEND OF RAVE - X’MAS LIVE” last year. I felt fulfilled at that live performance. SAM: One of the year end count down LIVE because all members of the TK family came together. nese people would accept TRF. But all I could do was do my best. CHIHARU: I had no confidence that we would be popular. ETSU: I couldn’t afford to pay attention about how people felt about TRF but I was concentrating only how I would perform. DJ KOO: First, I thought music in a music program on TV and music at a disco club were totally different. So, I couldn’t imagine our music getting popular or used even for karaoke! SAM: I didn’t think TRF would be so big, but when I listened to “EZ DO DANCE”, I thought this song would be a big hit. J!-ENT: Let’s talk about the beginning of TRF. Back in 1993, a lot of popular music in Japan at the time was dominated by rock music and idol pop music. TRF’s music was so different from what was popular in Japan, did you feel that your music would gain any popularity in Japan at the time? YU-KI: Many lyrics of our songs were in English. So I was wondering if Japa- J!-ENT: My first memory of TRF was ‘Going 2 Dance”. Many of us in America were introduced to TRF through “HYPER TECHNO MIX” and loved it because it was so different from any Japanese music that we have heard. But your music video for “Going 2 Dance” was amazing! Can you tell us about that promotional concert. How was that experience? ETSU: We performed every year at the year end LIVE there, so I feel very sad about the club closing. YU-KI: I was very nervous because I’ve never sung a song in front of audience before. J!-ENT: You released “EZ DO DANCE” and it was an amazing song. Both the song and also the music video was awesome and definitely introduced something fresh in Japan. Looking back at that song today, what is your impression of that song? YU-KI: I’m very glad there are many people listening to this song now. I enjoy performing this song too. CHIHARU: When I see excited fans at a live performance, I can feel this song is awesome again. ETSU: I don’t feel it’s old even now. That was a wonderful song everyone accepts. J!-ENT: One thing that I have always been curious about. “EZ DO DANCE” was the first album to feature the main members and the background dancers on the cover of the album which I’ve never seen before. Was TRF a larger group when J!-ENT 7 PHOTO: TRF performing at “LEGEND OF RAVE X’MAS LIVE” at VELFARRE on Christmas day 2006. Photo by T. Hasegawa. it first started? SAM: Background dancers were all members of Mega-Mix. There were a total of eight dancers, one vocalist and 1 DJ consisted TRF. J!-ENT: In 1994, “survival dAnce~no no cry more~ was the first TRF song to debut at No. 1 on the Oricon charts. Having your first no. 1 CD single, what went through your mind at the time? YU-KI: I was very surprised and cried when I thought many people were listening to “survival dAnce”. CHIHARU: I’m just a dancer not a singer. But it was exciting to see that many people enjoyed the song. DJ KOO: I didn’t understand how it was great. But many people around me like parents, my friends were very happy about it. That made me very happy. J!-ENT: For your upcoming music videos, the videos were filmed in Mexico and Australia for “survival 8 J!-ENT dAnce~no no cry more~” and “Overnight Sensation”. I was very amazed of the behind-the-scenes of the making of the video on “History of TRF II”. What is your favorite memory of shooting those videos in Mexico and Australia? YU-KI: My favorite place is Mexico because in my point of view, it is very different from Japan. CHIHARU: In Mexico, the weather was nice and I enjoyed it a lot. On the other hand, in Australia, our schedule was very difficult and I remember I was just busy over there. DJ KOO: At night in Cabo San Lucas in Mexico, the moon over Cortes sea was the most beautiful view in my life. J!-ENT: You had a string of No. 1 hits with “masquerade”, “Overnight Sensation”, “Brand New Tomorrow” and your album “dAnce to positive” debuted at #1 and 1995 became a golden year for TRF. Did you feel a lot of pressure trying to keep the trend of No. 1 hits continuous? Or did you just create the music that you feel you wanted to do? YU-KI: I didn’t feel a lot of pressure. I just tried to my best and didn’t think of anything else. CHIHARU: In those days, I didn’t understand how difficult it was to get a No. 1 song on the Oricon Chart. I was busy working every day. ETSU: I didn’t feel any pressure. I was just surprised at Komuro’s music. DJ KOO: Very nice staff were always around us. And it wasn’t just us, them and our fans is what made TRF what it is. I really appreciate them. I was just concentrating on doing my best on each song. J!-ENT: Let’s go ahead and break off from the career questions for now and go into our FAN QUESTIONS. We have selected the following three questions from your fans in the United States: a. Hi everyone! I want to congratulate you on your 15th Anniversary. You have released many awesome songs but my question for all of you is what TRF song is your favorite and why? – Brandon, Atlanta, Georgia YU-KI: “Overnight Sensation” and “engaged” CHIHARU: “World Groove” ETSU: “BOY MEETS GIRL” DJ KOO: My favorite song changes every day. Today, my favorite one is “Frame.” b. Hi YU-KI, DJ KOO, Sam, Chiharu, Etsu! I have been a big fan of your music and my first song that made me a fan was your song “Ai ga mou sukoshi hoshii yo”. My question is for Sam, Chiharu and Etsu. I have appreciated your dance choreography for many years and I would watch your music videos over and over to learn your dance moves. I always wondered with you creating the choreography for TRF and other artists, with so many dance moves, Have you ever gotten confused with certain routines?. Charles, San Francisco, California ETSU: Yes, there are so many dance moves but I’ve never gotten confused. It’s difficult to come up with new dance moves, but I am always trying to watch many movies and look at pictures and trying to feel something new for my dance. c. I want to wish everyone on TRF congratulations on your 15th Anniversary! I have always felt that TRF were innovators for dance music and even choreography in Japan. I always wondered who inspired you as a music artist? Jessica, Honolulu, Hawaii YU-KI: Komuro Tetsuya, Chaka Khan and Patti La Belle. CHIHARU: I never imagined that I would become a member of a big music group when I was young. But I always love dancing for a long time. So I was practicing dancing all the time. As a result, I am what I am now. DJ KOO: I started working as a DJ at a disco at the age of 18. And I made many remix and played at a disco. A record company offered me to release my music. PHOTO: The cover of TRF’s 33rd CD single “Where to Begin” (Jan. 2006, AVCD-30087) J!-ENT: Going to 1996, you the song “LOVE & PEACE FOREVER”. It was such a big change from the style of music that you released before. How did that come about? YU-KI: Komuro wanted to do a dance classic and we wanted to expand the TRF world. So, we made “Love and Peace Forever”. J!-ENT: Moving ten years later, in 2006, you released the album “Lif-eMotions”. An album which featured a tribute of artists such as Hamasaki Ayumi, BoA, AAA, every little thing and many others singing your songs. How did that feel to have these artists celebrate your career by singing your popular songs? YU-KI: I am very happy that they sung TRF songs using their perspective and style. I am also glad to collaborate with them. DJ KOO: I appreciate that they have their own sense of TRF. Also I am very happy they were willing to join this project. J!-ENT: Let’s talk about your latest release “TRF 15th Anniversary BEST MEMORIES”. Looking back at your career from when you first debuted to now, what has been the biggest learning experience that each of you have experienced as a member of TRF? YU-KI: Spirit and concentration. Love. Consciousness as a Komuro Family. Appreciation. reflection and having a positive attitude. CHIHARU: To never forget appreciation. DJ KOO: Making music while thinking of the listeners heart. J!-ENT: Not many groups have had lasted as long as TRF, what’s the secret to your chemistry of staying together as a group for 15 years? YU-KI: To believe in each other and good teamwork. ETSU: Our family, fans, and staffs helped TRF a lot and we are one. DJ KOO: Do without gain or loss. Ambition. J!-ENT: On the DVD, the “HISTORY J!-ENT 9 OF TRF II”, was a chance for your fans to see you up close and personal. I felt that including this on the anniversary release was awesome. To have your fans watch these personal moments, how did you feel about it? YU-KI: This was a good chance to show our personal and natural side. CHIHARU: I was a little worried that fans might feel let down. (laughing) ETSU: I like to see my favorite artists’ personal video. So, I wanted TRF fans to feel closer to us by showing our personal videos. J!-ENT: After watching all of your music videos, I enjoyed your music videos back then but watching your recent videos such as “Life signs again”, “Silence Whispers” to name a few, I really like the creativity of those videos. Do you all have creative input in the making of your music videos? DJ KOO: Dance is inevitable for a TRF music video. So Chiharu, Etsu and I always check our dancing. And we coworked with director to make creative and high quality video J!-ENT: Let’s get to know more about the each of you individually. If you have one word to describe yourself, what word would that be and why? YU-KI: “Only one”. Because I wish and want to have confidence in myself. CHIHARU: “DANCE BAKA”. Because I can only dance. ETSU: “Muscle”. Because I am a muscle moll. DJ KOO: Human. J!-ENT: A question for YU-KI. You have released your latest solo single “Shiroi Tsuki” in November and also been involved with acting. This past January you and La’Cryma Christi’s Taka were in a play for “LOVE”. How was that experience? YU-KI: It was very difficult to play part where the exchanges of 50 years of letter writing of a lady who is only sitting and without any movement. But I could express it with only my voice and facial expressions. After I acted in the role for “LOVE LETTERS”, I thought I wanted to make lyrics more important when I sing. J!-ENT: A question for DJ KOO. Back in 2004, you worked on a project for WILL PROJECT. Can you tell us more about that and if there are other projects that you are working on? DJ KOO: I have spent the last two years on starting up WILL PROJECT. Now I am working on several songs to make them better quality and planning to release it in the summer or J!-ENT 11 early fall this year. A few big artists may join me. Please look forward to listening to WILL PROJECT. J!-ENT: For SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU – I know that the three of you have been active in dance auditions, producing dance events and choreography. Can you tell us what future projects your are currently working on? CHIHARU: Dancer auditions for a-nation coming up this summer will be the one major project that I have to work on now. I want to find a dancer with future potential. J!-ENT: In every interview, we have a word play where I give you five words, you give me your definition for those words: a. LOVE YU-KI: Forever 12 J!-ENT DJ KOO: The most important thing b. SUCCESS YU-KI: Get myself DJ KOO: The place to start for the next goal c. HAPPINESS DJ KOO: Family and smile YU-KI: Fellow and smile d. WORLD GROOVE DJ KOO: Strong commitment YU-KI: Needed in the world e. KOMURO TETSUYA YU-KI: Former teacher and great musician DJ KOO: Former teacher J!-ENT: What final words would you love to leave with your fans all over the world? YU-KI: Thank you for cheering for TRF every time. I want to work hard to let everyone have a fun with our songs. I want to make more songs and have more performances where you won’t need to understand Japanese. See you some day! DJ KOO: There are many people that I met through the Internet but we haven’t met each other yet. I would like to meet them some day at one of our live performances. We can’t make the best stage without you. I believe we can make it if our wish goes to the same direction. Let’s have fun when it comes true. DENNIS A. AMITH is the founder/owner of J!-ENT and is an entertainment-writer-at-large. HIROSHI TAGAWA is J!-ENT Chief of Operations, Japan For more information on TRF, please visit their official website at: www.avexnet.or.jp/trf/ TRF CD SINGLE REVIEW “GOING 2 DANCE”/”OPEN YOUR MIND” 1ST CD SINGLE Rel. February 25, 1993 AVDD-20036/AVCD-31098 1. GOING 2 DANCE 2. OPEN YOUR MIND 3. GOING 2 DANCE (English Version) A new group emerged from mega producer Komuro Tetsuya (TK) on Feb. 25, 1993. The group known as TRF would come out with their first album “THIS IS THE TRUTH” (which would debut at #14 on the Oricon charts) and the groups first CD single “GOING 2 DANCE” would enjoy a simultaneous debut. The music would showcase dance music which would feature a direction towards synth pop with integration of scratching and mixing from DJ KOO. The CD single would include an English version in the attempt to bring TRF’s music into dance clubs worldwide and give a taste of TK’s rave music. I remember struggling whether or not to buy this CD single when it first came out and I decided in the end to wait until the group released their next CD single. I will say that the English remix versions of “GOING 2 DANCE” and “OPEN YOUR MIND” will find a more energetic and exciting version featured on the groups “HYPER TECHNO MIX” released in May of 1993. “EZ DO DANCE” 2ND CD SINGLE Rel. June 21, 1993 AVDD-20042/AVCD-31099 1. EZ DO DANCE (7” MIX) 2. EZ DO DANCE (INSTRUMENTAL MIX) 3. DO WHAT YOU WANT Many would consider “EZ DO DANCE” the song that would define TRF for all time. Over a decade since this CD single was released, it continues to be a fan favorite and listening to the song today, you couldn’t tell that it was released nearly 15 years ago. The song would feature the TRF sound that made the group so popular in the early to mid 90’s and demonstrated the pure energy of their music. The song was coupled with “DO WHAT YOU WANT” which was a slowpaced English song that was not sung by YU-KI but IZUMI, SUZI KIM with CHIHARU and ETSU. The CD single debuted at #16 on the Oricon charts and was used for a “Sea Breeze” commercial. One of the big factors that led people to check TRF out was the music video for “EZ DO DANCE” which would feature choreographed dancing and YU-KI, CHIHARU and ETSU sporting tiny, white shorts. It was a sexy and energetic video that demanded a second take and definitely was what led me to purchase the CD single. “Ai ga Mou Sukoshi Hoshii yo * Xmas dance wiz U” 3RD CD SINGLE Rel. November 21, 1993 AVDD-20060/AVCD-31100 1. Ai ga Mou Sukoshi Hoshii yo 2. Xmas dance wiz U 3. Ai ga Mou Sukoshi Hoshii yo (INSTRUMENTAL) 4. Xmas dance wiz U (INSTRUMENTAL) TRF would have its first two CD single simultaneous release on Nov. 21, 1993 with “Ai ga Mou Sukoshi Hoshii yo” and “Silver and Gold dance”. The song would be a smooth, slowerpaced but beautiful song that unlike the previous CD single feature ten people (including their background dancers - Mega-Mix) but focus on the fab five. The CD single would debut at #29 on the Oricon Charts. At this point in time of Japanese music, the music scene was dominated by rock music in the early 90’s and rarely would we see dance groups in the top 10 or let alone the top 20. The coupling song “Xmas dance wiz U” would be used as a CM theme song for “World Pool Yokohama”. Over a decade later, this song continues to be one of my top 5 favorite TRF songs to date. J!-ENT 13 TRF CD SINGLE REVIEW “Silver and Gold dance” 4TH CD SINGLE Rel. November 21, 1993 AVDD-20061/AVCD-31101 “Samui Yoru Dakara” 5th CD SINGLE Rel. December 16, 1993 AVDD-20062/AVCD-31102 “survival dAnce ~no no cry more~” 6TH CD SINGLE Rel. May 25, 1994 AVDD-20070/AVCD-31103 1. Silver and Gold dance (DANCE MIX) 2. Winter Grooves 3. Silver and Gold dance (INSTRUMENTAL) 4. Winter Grooves (INSTRUMENTAL) 1. Samui Yoru Dakara 2. Samui Yoru Dakara (INSTRUMENTAL) 3. Samui Yoru Dakara (ALTERNATIVE MIX) 1. survival dAnce 2. survival dAnce (ORIGINAL 12” MIX) 3. survival dAnce (CXTV 17”S MIX) 4. survival dAnce (ORIGINAL SINGLE CHART KARAOKE MIX) “Silver and Gold dance” was TRF’s 4th CD single which received a simultaneous release with their 3rd CD single “Ai ga Mou Sukoshi Hoshii yo”. This CD single fared better at #25 on the Oricon charts and was the song that was prominently promote on music television at the time. If “EZ DO DANCE” is the TRF theme song, “Silver and Gold dance” was the song that showed that this group can combine together and makeup one hell of a musical, dance group. With YU-KI on vocals, DJ KOO rapping and SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU demonstrating awesome choreography in their live performances, I truly felt that this song was what put them on the music viewers radar because the music scene was dominated by rock and TRF stood out. “Silver and Gold dance” is just an awesome dance song from TRF and the music video showed how awesome the dynamics are between the group members. Coupling song “Winter Grooves” was used as a CM for JAL SKI `94. 14 J!-ENT I suppose that “Samui Yoru Dakara” could be looked as the group’s first slow jam despite being a mid-tempo CD single. Where the group was seen a major dance group, this song would show viewers on television that YU-KI was a competent vocalist and that her voice could venture into different musical areas. The song became the first CD single to break the top 10 on the Oricon Charts debuting at #8. Interesting fact is that this song continued to stay on the Oricon top 100 over a year later (#84 on Oct. 25, 1995). The song would also have several versions with an English (Euro-House) version featured on Hyper Mix III album and a Winter Version. The song would also feature TRF singing a reggae style version titled “HOT SUMMER NIGHT” from their album “BRAND NEW TOMORROW”. As for the music video, two versions were shot. The earliest promotional video of this song featured the group in New York. 1994 would become the year that TRF would dominate the charts and bring Komuro Tetsuya (TK) and Avex to prominence. Rock music would start to give way to pop bands and artists on the music charts. Komuro Tetsuya would unleash a two-punch barrage with music from TRF and Shinohara Ryoko that would top the charts. The song would become the theme song for the popular Uchida Yuki drama “at Seventeen” (and who would later join the TK family) and would sell over 1.49 million copies. Also, unlike previous TRF songs, you could hear TK’s background vocals more pronounced on this song. The music video would feature the group in Mexico and would be more candid and personal with the group having fun during their trip. Starting with “survival dAnce”, TRF would enjoy many more #1 hit CD singles. A wonderful song! TRF CD SINGLE REVIEW “BOY MEETS GIRL” 7TH CD SINGLE Rel. June 22, 1994 AVDD-20080/AVCD-31104 “CRAZY GONNA CRAZY” 8TH CD SINGLE Rel. January 1, 1995 AVDD-20082/AVCD-31055 “masquerade” 9TH CD SINGLE Rel. February 1, 1995 AVDD-20083/AVCD-31106 1. BOY MEETS GIRL 2. BOY MEETS GIRL (DANCE 12” MIX) 3. BOY MEETS GIRL (TRIBAL MIX “JAPANESE TRADITIONAL”) 4. BOY MEETS GIRL (TWILIGHT MIX “TRIBUTE TO AYRTON SENNA) 1. CRAZY GONNA CRAZY 2. CRAZY GONNA CRAZY (DISCO MIX) 3. CRAZY GONNA CRAZY (EUROBEAT MIX) 1. masquerade (original rock simulation mix) 2. Winter Grooves (VELFARRE snow club mix) 3. masquerade (INSTRUMENTAL) On June 22nd, TRF would release their seventh CD single “BOY MEETS GIRL” which would be used for a CocaCola CM. The song would debut at #4 on the Oricon Chart but would be a major selling CD single with 1.29 million copies sold. As for the song, “BOY MEETS GIRL” was a very fun song and one of the few songs which I saw people in the US start to open up to TRF and purchase their CD single. My friends especially became big fans of TRF because of this song and would become a song that would receive constant play on our Asunaro trips to SF Japan Town. Interesting thing about this CD single was a tribute mix of “BOY MEETS GIRL” for the Brazilian F1 triple world champion Ayrton Senna who was huge in Japan and in many countries around the world. The music video for “BOY MEETS GIRL” would be the second shot in Mexico. With the group having a succesful concert tour and various album releases, the next CD single “CRAZY GONNA CRAZY” from TRF would reach the #1 position on the Oricon Charts (it debuted at #2, but #1 the next week). The CD single would sell 1.60 million copies and would be used as a theme for a Fuji TV drama. The song was immensely popular and remains a fan favorite. This CD single would be the first to feature SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU taking on vocal roles instead of being the dancers of the group. SAM could be heard singing with YUKI in the beginning of the song. As well as jamming with DJ KOO during the rap segments. CHIHARU and ETSU can be heard singing with YUKI before the chorus. The music video also features the three singing vocals with YUKI on the song and features the group singing in front of a live audience. This song would have a different take of TRF with more use of guitars and have a pop/rock feel to it. The song would be featured as a image song for the Kameria Diamond CM and debut at #1 on the Oricon Charts. The CD single would go on to sale 1.43 million copies. The music video for “masquerade” featured awesome choreography by SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU as the three dance in a factory-like setting. YU-KI and KOO are seen walking around the factory, while YU-KI is seen singing. The music video shows a return of TRF to a style of music video that is choreography heavy and reminiscent to videos such as “EZ DO DANCE” and “Silver and Gold dance”. Also, the song “Winter Grooves” returned as a coupling song but getting a VELFARRE treatment ala “snow club” mix. J!-ENT 15 TRF CD SINGLE REVIEW “Overnight Sensation” 10TH CD SINGLE Rel. March 8, 1995 AVDD-AVDD-20084/AVCD-31107 “BRAND NEW TOMORROW” 11th CD SINGLE Rel. October 25, 1995 AVDD-20105/AVCD-31108 “Happening Here” 12TH CD SINGLE Rel. December 11, 1995 AVDD-20116/AVCD-31109 1. Overnight Sensation 2. Overnight Sensation (Extended MIX) 3. Overnight Sensation (Original Karaoke) 1. BRAND NEW TOMORROW 2. BRAND NEW TOMORROW (J.V.N. MIX) 3. Brand New Tomorrow (Tv MixBRAND NEW TOMORROW) 1. 2. 3. 4. For TRF, 1995 would continue to be a gold year. At the same time people would want to jam with their synth pop music, the group wanted to try something different with Komuro Tetsuya leading the charge. The group would dwelve into an experimental stage with their music and for the hit “Overnight Sensation”, the group would start to incorporate more of a live house feel with a funky feel and continue with each member having their vocal involvement. The song would be used for a “HONDA Live Dio” CM song and would debut at #1 on the Oricon Charts. The CD single would sell 1.19 million copies and would open up another exciting album “dAnce to positive” (their 4th album) which would also debut at #1 on March 27th. From this point on with TRF’s music, the group would begin to incorporate the live house band to their live concert performances and later CD singles. The music video for “Overnight Sensation” was shot in Australia. 16 J!-ENT With the release of “BRAND NEW TOMORROW”, the 11th CD single from the group would debut at #1 on the Oricon Charts. It was also another song since “survival dAnce” that would feature a song that you can hear TK sing clearly in the chorus. With “Overnight Sensation” utilizing the funky live house band feel, “BRAND NEW TOMORROW” would have a twostep type of feel and return the group to their synth pop dance roots. The song would still incorporate a bit of the funkiness found on their previous CD single, so “BRAND NEW TOMORROW” would seem like a perfect marriage between the music of TRF’s present and past. But if one would think that TRF was going to go back to its roots of synth pop in their next CD single, they would be wrong because “BRAND NEW TOMORROW” would be the last CD single to retain the TRF sound that people knew and love. The group would venture into new territory with their next CD single. Happening Here (More dAnce) teens Happening Here (Instrumental) teens (instrumental) After a tour through the fall of 1995 and an album release for “BRAND NEW TOMORROW”, YU-KI’s slow song “teens” would be featured in a chocolate CM and their new CD single “Happening Here” would debut at #3. The song would continue the live house feel but the choreography for “Happening Here” was excellently demonstrated in music show performances as TRF brought back the many background dancers (which the group did in its earlier years) and rocked the house. The music video for “Happening Here” would also feature the amazing choreography for this song. TRF would end the year as one of the most successful groups in Japan topping the sales chart in Japan and being the #1 group in 1995 with the most sales with their CD single “Overnight Sensation” and their album “dAnce to positive”. TRF CD SINGLE REVIEW “Love & Peace Forever” 13TH CD SINGLE Rel. March 21, 1996 AVDD-20121/AVCD-31110 “Hey! Ladies & Gentlemen” 14TH CD SINGLE Rel. June 12, 1996 AVDD-20134/AVCD-31111 “BRAVE STORY” 15TH CD SINGLE Rel. July 24, 1996 AVDD-20130/AVCD-31112 1. Love & Peace Forever 2. Love & Peace Forever (ORIGINAL MIX) 3. Love & Peace Forever (70’s MIX) 4. Love & Peace Forever (TV MIX) 1. Hey! Ladies & Gentlemen 2. Hey! Ladies & Gentlemen (BUFFALO MIX) 3. Hey! Ladies & Gentlemen (TV MIX) 1. BRAVE STORY (EDDIE DELENA CLUB MIX) 2. BRAVE STORY (DIO MIX) 3. BRAVE STORY (DIO MIX INSTRUMENTAL) With the release of the group’s 13th CD single, TRF would continue to use the live house band music incorporated into their later music but now incorporate a 70’s hippy-pop style, moreso in the music video for “Love & Peace Forever” than “BRAND NEW TOMORROW”. The song was a major departure from their synth pop/dance club days and the latest song was very disco in feel and the move into this new direction was made by Komuro Tetsuya who wanted the group to embrace the world with their music and in this case promote love and peace. Despite the change of style, the music still stayed within the realms of the group’s dance music roots. Despite using synth and being more electronic focused, this song utilized more strings, live house and very discolike in feel. I was actually quite surprised to see this change in the music and worried if this was a permanent change or if it was temporary for this song only. For “Hey! Ladies & Gentlemen”, the group quickly returned to a synth pop song and no longer using the live house band. Unlike past TRF songs that had unique transitions in its music, “Hey! Ladies & Gentlemen” was very subdued and simple compared to their past singles. The song was definitely a YU-KI-centric song which spotlighted on mostly YU-KI’s vocals. In fact, the music video for “Hey! Ladies & Gentlemen” featured only YUKI as she is driving her car and taking photos in another country. For those wanting the original style of sound of TRF, the BUFFALO MIX of “Hey! Ladies and Gentlemen” was definite a nice addition to this CD single. This CD single is also the first time that TRF was used instead of the lowercase “trf”. Personally, as much as I enjoyed the song earlier on, I really craved the fast pace music that I was used to hearing from TRF. With the release of “BRAVE STORY”, TRF incorporated a World Groove style to the music. The song had another unique feel to it with the music incorporating rock and a bit of other types of instruments and giving it a worldly feel to it. Although not incoporating the live house band, the song does use the background dancers heavily used in their music since “Overnight Sensation”. The song that people are used to hearing is the “DIO MIX” version (track 2 on the CD single) and the version that was used in the music video but track one features an Eddie Delena Club Mix instead of the original version. The music video was also another YUKI-centric video as the other four members were busy pursuing solo projects. SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU were working on dance events such as “DANCE REPUBLIC” and DJ KOO working on producing “DJ TRAIN ~Dance Mixture~” that summer. The group went on a fall tour titled “TRF ‘96 ARENA TOUR” in Sept. J!-ENT 17 TRF CD SINGLE REVIEW “SILENT NIGHT” 16TH CD SINGLE Rel. November 6, 1996 AVDD-20152/AVCD-31113 “LEGEND OF WIND” 17TH CD SINGLE Rel. December 11, 1996 AVDD-2017/AVCD-31114 “Unite! The Night!” 18TH CD SINGLE Rel. February 18, 1998 AVDD-20226/AVCD-31115 1. SILENT NIGHT 2. SILENT NIGHT (UP ALL NIGHT MIX) 3. SILENT NIGHT (INSTRUMENTAL) 1. LEGEND OF WIND 2. LEGEND OF WIND (WHISKEY BAR MIX) 3. LEGEND OF WIND (INSTRUMENTAL) 1. 2. 3. 4. For TRF, their 16th CD single was a return to their dance roots. Although utilizing a bit of electric guitar and brass horns, the group tried to recapture the “Silver and Gold Dance” style of feel. Also, for the music video of “SILENT NIGHT”, everyone was featured together again despite their busy solo projects. It’s been awhile since we have seen SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU on a TRF music video, so it was great to see everyone unite and do something similar to TRF yesteryear. For the fans who were not feeling the direction the group went musically with the release of “Love & Peace Forever”, I believe that they could embrace the dance music that TRF is truly known for with “SILENT NIGHT”. Also, returning was TRF’s incorporation of English and Japanese lyrics which is another nod to their past work. For this song, Komuro Tetsuya produced, composed, written and arranged the music with a return of EDDIE DELENA for the remix. 19 J!-ENT With “SILENT NIGHT” spurring excitement of TRF returning to its dance roots, with the release of “LEGEND OF WIND”, the next song from TRF would be a slow jam. With the last CD single with everyone returning for the “SILENT NIGHT” music video, again... everyone but YU-KI are not on this music video. As for the CD single, I found “LEGEND OF WIND” and the music video to be quite beautiful. The music video featured a tropical island feel with YU-KI singing in her hotel room with the palm trees in the background and singing near the beautiful blue ocean. “LEGEND OF WIND” would be the final TK-produced CD single for TRF and in 1997 would spend the Spring and Summer on tour and would not return with another CD single until Feb. 1998. As for YU-KI, she would release her first solo CD single “dragon’s dance” in June 1997. Unite! The Night! Realize Unite! The Night! (INSTRUMENTAL) Realize (INSTRUMENTAL) The last TRF CD single was back in Dec. 1996, so it was great to hear from TRF again. Having been busy with their concert tour in 1997, the group returned with “Unite! The Night!” and collaborated with Akio Togashi (aka m.c.A-T) and what a wonderful collaboration it was. In true m.c.A-T fashion, it was like another dose of adrenalin to the music of TRF. The group needed a fresh shot of something new and being a fan of the music of Akio Togashi, it was definitely a surprise to get something different. For years, we have gotten used to TRF ala TK style but here was a TRF song done in m.c.A-T style. The music video also brought everyone together and became another heavily choreographed music video featuring a lot of dancing. The coupling song “Realize” was written by DJ KOO and featured a mix by EDDIE DELENA. TRF CD SINGLE REVIEW “Frame” 19TH CD SINGLE Rel. March 25, 1998 AVDD-20235/AVCD-31116 “TRY OR CRY” 20TH CD SINGLE Rel. April 29, 1998 AVDD-20247/AVCD-31117 “BE FREE” 21ST CD SINGLE Rel. September 23, 1998 AVDD-20262/AVCD-31118 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. TRY OR CRY 2. TRY OR CRY (DEEP SPRING NIGHT MIX) 3. TRY OR CRY (INSTRUMENTAL) 1. BE FREE 2. It’s MY TIME 3. BE FREE (GET YOUR GROOVE BACK BACK MIX) 4. BE FREE (INSTRUMENTAL) Frame frisky a Go-Go! Frame (INSTRUMENTAL) frisky a GO-GO! (INSTRUMENTAL) The 19th CD single “Frame” by TRF featured a song composed and arranged by Kimura Takashi. I’m assuming that this is the same T.Kimura of Favorite Blue and m.o.v.e fame and if that is the case, that would definitely be another awesome collaboration like their last CD single with m.c.A-T. The song was written by Maeda Takahiro and DJ KOO and features another style of music that is different from what TRF has done before. A pop song that has a lot of brass horns and but with a cool beat that makes it an all out enjoyable song to listen to. The coupling song “frisky a GO-GO!” had a old school hip-hop feel to it and is written by YU-KI and composed and arranged by DJ KOO. The song is mostly in English and I’m still trying to find out what the lyrics “E to the S to the C to the K & Y” is supposed to mean. The 20th CD single “TRY OR CRY” was the first CD single not produced by TK or a famous music producer. The song had it’s chance to become a full on slow-jam but with the mid-tempo bass going on throughout the song, the song becomes more of a mid-tempo groove that seemed like another YU-KIcentric song. Although “Hey! Ladies and Gentlemen” seemed as a major departure for TRF music-wise, at least the song sounded like a TRF song. For me “TRY OR CRY” doesn’t. It’s definitely more adult contemporary and it sounds more like something that I would hear from Nakamori Akina not TRF. Not to say it’s a bad song but it’s so different from any TRF song that I heard. It just strays to far from what makes their music so energetic and beautiful. Despite it being different, on it’s own, it’s alright but for a TRF song, it felt out of place. After the release of “TRY OR CRY” which was a CD single that was so unlike something to be released by TRF, the group returned with their 21st CD single “BE FREE”. The group returns with a synth pop dance song. The music video features the group having fun and dancing with many of the dancers which always makes a TRF video fun when they do that. Something that you will see on this video for the first time is the use of the younger dancers which are the dancers of the future that SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU have been scouting for their future potential and it’s nice to see them return to the dance element that made TRF so popular. Although not a techno or rave style of song, nor does it really incorporate any break beat or two-step type music, for what its worth, I enjoy TRF so much more when they are back in the element of dance music and it was nice to hear that with “Be Free”. J!-ENT 20 TRF CD SINGLE REVIEW “embrace/slug and soul” 22ND CD SINGLE Rel. November 5, 1998 AVDD-20277/AVCD-31119 “JOY” 23RD CD SINGLE Rel. February 3, 1999 AVDD-20295/AVCD-311120 “WIRED” 24TH CD SINGLE Rel. April 21, 1999 AVDD-20302/AVCD-31121 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. WIRED (single edit) 2. THE SONG REMAINS THE EARTH 3. WIRED (Instrumental) 4. THE SONG REMAINS THE EARTH (Instrumental) embrace slug and soul embrace (INSTRUMENTAL) slug and soul (INSTRUMENTAL) TRF’s latest CD single “embrace/slug and soul” is a beautiful mid-tempo song since “Ai ga Mou Sukoshi Hoshii yo”. The song is definitely my favorite post-1997 songs to come from TRF and I actually felt a bit giddy because it was such a beautiful and yet strong song vocally by YU-KI. “embrace” is the third song which TRF worked with the writer Kudo Jyunko and this time around, the third time is definitely a charm. Some may feel it to be more of a YUKI-centric song rather than a TRF song but I love it. It’s a beautiful song that I feel is one of their best mid-tempo jams. As for “slug and soul”, the song takes TRF is that energetic song that I have been waiting for and boy, does the group deliver. “embrace/slug and soul” is definitely one of the biggest surprises to come from TRF. Definitely a TRF CD single worth checking out! 20 J!-ENT JOY Reason of love JOY (Instrumental) Reason of love (Instrumental) TRF’s 23rd CD single “JOY” surprisingly is another consecutive mid-tempo song that is written by Kudo Junkyo and YUKI. “JOY” is actually a unique song to come from TRF and I actually felt this song was a nice and fresh song for the group as it has a gospel feel to it with the choir vocals but it’s done really well. The music video for “JOY” is black and white but shot quite beautifully, showing a loneliness of a person who wants to see joy between her and her lover and not wanting to be alone. As for the coupling song “Reason of love”, this song is written and composed by DJ KOO and is arranged by DJ KOO and Tashiro Takahiro. At this point of listening to TRF, with their past few songs sounding more adult contemporary with coupling songs that are more experimental, I wonder if TRF has become more of a mature group targeting a different demographic than what they were after before. Nevertheless, its starting to grow on me. With the last two CD Single from TRF being more mid-tempo jams, the group returns with a faster up-beat song titled “WIRED”. The song was a surprise and lately, with each CD single, you never know what you are going to get with each TRF CD single release. As for the music video if “WIRED”, Artistically (costume-wise), this is the latest video to feature the group in a different type of setting. Whereas “Silver & Gold Dance” (UK version) featured the group in futuristic outfits and YU-KI sporting red hair, “WIRED” looks to be in a futuristic world whereas the women are held in cages and YU-KI sporting orange hair. Featuring a lot of dancing and intricate set design, it’s interesting to see how the music videos for TRF have become much more interesting to watch. The coupling song “THE SONG REMAINS THE EARTH” is an upbeat song written and composed by DJ KOO and the chorus is by YUKI. TRF CD SINGLE REVIEW “Where to begin” 32ND CD SINGLE Rel. January 18, 2006 AVCD-30887/AVCD-30886-B (DVD) “Silence Whispers” 33RD CD SINGLE Rel. Aug. 30, 2006 AVCD-31003/AVCD-31002/B “We are all BLOOMIN’” 34TH CD SINGLE Rel. Nov. 29, 2006 AVCD-31095/AVCD-31094 (DVD) 1. Where to begin 2. TRUTH ‘94 - meets Tomiko Van 3. Where to begin - Back Track- 1. Silence whispers 2. GOING 2 DANCE ‘06 3. Silence whispers - MUZIK-CHANNEL MIX4. Silence whispers -MIZ TRANCE MIX5. Silence whispers - Back Track6. GOING 2 DANCE ‘06 - Back Track- 1. We are all BLOOMIN’ 2. My Revolution 3. We are all BLOOMIN’ - Music Video Edit 4. We are all BLOOMIN’ - Back Track 5. My Revolution - Back Track - After the release of TRF’s 25th CD single “He Lives in You” (note: The only TRF single we don’t have, so we can’t review) which was the Japanese theme for “Lion King II” back in Aug. 1999 (AVCD-30048), TRF would not release another official CD single for nearly 8 years. In 2000, there were five more CD singles from TRF released but they would be “Burst drive Mix” CD singles and a special SEB presents “BOY MEETS GIRL with TRF” CD single. Between 2000-2006, the group would release several “Burst drive Mix” CD singles and album but YU-KI would work on her solo career and acting, KOO would work on producing another group and SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU would go on to be part of dance auditions, events and choreograph for artists such as Hamasaki Ayumi.. The 26th CD single “Where to begin” came out on Jan. 18th of 2006 and was an awesome return for TRF. It was a fast-paced, energetic song that I have not heard from the group in so many years. TRF’s early music for me was pure energy and this CD single was definitely pure energy. I love it! Featuring an awesome choreographed DVD with TRF and many of the dancing entourage with the group performing in another country in front of the locals. Simply awesome! TRF returns with another energetic song with “Silence whispers” which was used as a theme for the “Black Jack” anime series. I really enjoy TRF’s return back to electronic, mixed, full energy music where everyone is contributing. Especially when you hear DJ KOO rap with YUKI, so reminiscent of the early years and I really enjoy that! The music video is also pure energy featuring a slick dance video of each member in their element. DJ KOO on the turntables, everyone dancing and yes, there is pole dancing! Another awesome release from TRF! The CD single also offers various remixes of “Silence whispers” and definitely enjoy the remix tribute to “GOING 2 DANCE”. This was the first CD single that I can remember that included several mixes on one CD single and more than 3-4 tracks. The mixes are awesome! The CD single is definitely worth checking out! This is the third consecutive CD single from TRF that is full of energy and continues the synth dance pop sound that the group is known for. So, it’s great to have three straight dance songs from TRF that are reminiscent of their older, energetic but yet so freakin’ awesome style that I love. The coupling song is the 1986 classic “My Revolution” (originally sung by Watanabe Biri and written by popular writer Kawamura Masumi). The song gets the TRF treatment and it’s a very cool version of the song and YU-KI does a great job. The music video features the five acting as dance audition judges, while their counterparts (the five playing dancers) are competing with other dancers. This one definitely shows SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU’s utilization of dancers from Japan, children, teens and young adults. An awesome CD single from TRF that fans should definitely pick up! J!-ENT 21 J ! - E N T ’ S D E N N I S A . A M I T H & H I R O S H I TA G AWA I N T E R V I E W S M A X R E A D T H E S P E C I A L F E AT U R E N O W O N J ! = E N T SONIC GROOVE worldgroove J!-ENT A J!-ENT MUSIC REVIEW trf EZ DO DANCE Avex Trax AVCD-11128 Website: trf.avexnet.or.jp RELEASE DATE: July 21, 1993 | Dur: 40:36 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. EZ DO DANCE ROCK IT ON!! ISLAND ON YOUR MIND ON MY WAY ONE MORE NIGHT RAVING ZONE EZ DO DANCE (UK DANCER VERSION) ONE MORE NIGHT (UK DANCE VERSION) Back in 1993, I recall one CD single and its video clip that would capture my attention and instantaneously make me a TRF fan. I remember how excited I was when I received trf’s (note: In the early 90’s, the group used a lowercase “trf”) “EZ DO DANCE” album. During the early 90’s, pop music was primarily dominated by idol pop. May it be WINK or Hikaru Genji, the scene was dominated by rock music. But I always kept my eyes for groups that featured great music and great choreography and there was ZOO (which featured dancer Higashi Hiroyuki who went on to create and become leader of the R&B group EXILE) and there was trf. The group which stood for “tetsuya komuro’s rave factory” featured vocalist YU-KI, DJ KOO and dancers and background vocalists SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU. When the group first began, as seen on the cover of the “EZ DO DANCE”, there were more members of the group who were dancers and thus may have been seen as a large R&B/dance troupe like ZOO. At the time, avex trax was promoting a lot of their acts with the Juliana’s Tokyo nightclub which would bring popular DJ’s from UK and at the time techno rave was quite popular. Mega producer and musician Komuro Tetsuya wanted to bring together the music of the night club scene together with a music group and trf was born. In February 1993, trf released their first CD single “GOING 2 DANCE, OPEN YOUR MIND” (AVDD-20036) but their second CD single “EZ DO DANCE” (AVDD-20042, rel. June 21, 2003) was the song that would turn many listeners attention to the new group. Used as a CM song for “Sea Breeze”, the CD single broke the Oricon top 20 debuting at #16 and when the album “EZ DO DANCE” came out, their second album would reach #4 on the Oricon charts. What made this album even more special was that the album continued to sell well two years later and still on the Oricon Album Charts top 100 (at #62) in Jan. 1995. I can easily recall the music video for “EZ DO DANCE” turning heads as the women would dance wearing daisy duke shorts and the guys jamming with awesome choreography. At this time in Japanese music, nothing was < THE DYNASTY BEGINS... trf’s second full-length album becomes the spark that will help create the synergy for many years to come. close to what trf was doing. The top 20 would be dominated by B’z, Lindberg, ZARD, DEEN and other rock bands in 1993 but there would be one dance group that would stick out that I had to discover what this group was all about. The group’s music would be entirely synth based which was no surprise since the songs were written and composed by Komuro Tetsuya. Although not complete techno rave in the sense of what people in the US and UK were listening to at the time, the music was definitely inspired by it. Playing the album for the first time, the song would start off with the group’s hit song “EZ DO DANCE” which was just irresistibly catchy. Featuring TK’s music, DJ Koo’s rapping and YU-KI’s agile and warm vocals, the group had struck a unique balance. The second track “ROCK IT ON!!” seemed like a dance-inducing song as the group would repeat three phrases over and over again but feature more of Koo’s hipster banter (which all rap parts were not included in the lyrics booklet). The third track “ISLAND ON YOUR MIND” was simply an innocent pop song featuring everyone singing the chorus. I found the song so addicting that even to this day, I can never get enough of it. The fourth track “ON MY WAY” would be a TK song that had a certain sound that would be recognized in future TK songs. It’s also a song that would feature YU-KI and KOO rapping together and hear a lot of Komuro’s background vocals which was prevalent throughout this track. The fifth and sixth track “ONE MORE NIGHT” (used on Fuji TV’s “RAVE’N ROUGE”) and “RAVING ZONE” would be the groups English songs in an effort to help cross-promote a Japanese rave group in different countries. The final two tracks “EZ DO DANCE (UK DANCE VERSION)” and “ONE MORE NIGHT (UK DANCE VERSION)” would feature YU-KI and KOO performing in English. The group’s music (in English) would be featured in several European techno/rave dance compilations (sold in Europe and the US) and trf would be on the sole group from Japan promoted on this compilations. “EZ DO DANCE” will continue to be an album that I can never foresee myself letting go. This album was my first fore into the music of trf and what turned me on to the group. This album is definitely a J-POP classic. worldgroove J!-ENT A J!-ENT MUSIC REVIEW trf HYPER TECHNO MIX II avex trax AVCD-11122 Duration: 49:24 OFFICIAL WEBSITE: trf.avexnet.or.jp RELEASE DATE: October 21, 1993 1. EZ DO DANCE (TRANCE DRIVE MIX) 2. ROCK IT ON!! (Hi-BPM MIX) 3. ISLAND ON YOUR MIND (OZ CONTINENTAL MIX) 4. ON MY WAY (HOUSE MIX) 5. ONE MORE NIGHT (POWER MIX) 6. ROCK IT ON!! (HARD-HOUSE MIX) 7. RAVING ZONE (GTE MIX) 8. ON MY WAY (M-II MIX) 9. ROCK IT ON!! (RAVE MIX) 10. EZ DO DANCE (EXTENDED VERSION) The second of the HYPER TECHNO MIX albums came out back in October 1993. During this time, trf was not yet the powerhouse group that they would later become. With two full-albums released and a remix album, Komuro Tetsuya and KOO were back working on the next “HYPER TECHNO MIX” album that would feature DJ’s MAXIMIZOR, OZ, M-II, IWA, STARR GAZER, AXISS-SEQUENCE and other DJ’s that were known during the JULIANA’S TOKYO years. The latest HYPER TECHNO MIX album would remix songs from the album “EZ DO DANCE with several HTM versions of “EZ DO DANCE” and “ROCK IT ON!!”. Why I enjoy this album so much is because it was so different from any Japanese music that I was listening to back in 1993. So, it’s a bit nostalgic for me. During that time, rock was dominating the Japanese music charts and with “EZ DO DANCE” introducing me to TRF, I picked up this album and because it was so different to other CD’s in my collection, it became one of the top CD’s that I would have in my player for years. I enjoyed it so much that I wanted friends to listen to it because I felt it was that good. My favorite tracks from the album were “EZ DO DANCE” (TRANCE DRIVE MIX), “ROCK IT ON!! (Hi-BPM MIX)” and “ISLAND ON YOUR MIND (OZ CONTINENTAL MIX)”. The album debuted at #62 on the Oricon Charts but as the group would released their third album “WORLD GROOVE”, this is when popularity of trf would gain amazing synergy and in the next incarnation of “HYPER MIX” would reach the #1 position on the Oricon charts. < trf GETS HYPER TECHNO MIXED! Right after the debut of trf’s first album, avex trax releases two hyper techno mix albums THE FIRST OF THE HYPER TECHNO MIX ALBUMS trf HYPER TECHNO MIX avex trax AVCD-11122, Rel. May 21, 1993 Duration: 37:39 Not long after the debut of trf’s first album “trf ~THIS IS THE TRUTH~” (AVCD-11102, rel. Feb. 25, 1993), avex trax released “HYPER TECHNO MIX”. With JULIANA’S TOKYO receiving its fair share of remix albums from avex trax, it was obvious that avex trax wanted to have a Japanese group on those techno rave albums. In May 1993, “HYPER TECHNO MIX” was released and featured six tracks with the majority of the tracks in English. One of the reasons for purchasing this album was “GOING 2 DANCE (STARR GAZER MIX)” which was in my opinion the best version of “GOING 2 DANCE” ever. Also, the clips of trf performing this song at Tokyo Dome was a sight to be seen as YUKI, KOO and MEGAMIX (the eight dancers which include SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU) just gave an awesome performance (you can see this on the “World Groove” video or DVD). In 1994, the track “OPEN YOUR MIND (U.S. MIX)” would be added on the US compilation album “100% ENERGY” as the sole Japanese band on the compilation. All in all, a very cool remix album which was a bit pricey for only 6 songs at the time. worldgroove J!-ENT A J!-ENT MUSIC REVIEW trf WORLD GROOVE avex trax AVCD-11183 Duration: 1:03:28 OFFICIAL WEBSITE: trf.avexnet.or.jp RELEASE DATE: Feb. 9, 2004 1. WORLD GROOVE 1st. chapter 2. Feel the CENTURY 3. Samui Yoru Dakara (SEQ OVER DUB MIX) 4. CAMILLE CLAUDEL 5. WORLD GROOVE 2nd. chapter 6. Waiting Waves (Natsu no Kibun wo Machiwabite) 7. Silver and Gold dance (Remix) 8. Beauty and Beast 9. Ai ga mou sukoshi hoshii yo 10. Winter Grooves 11. WORLD GROOVE 3rd chapter (main message) 12. Watashi ga nozomumono...anata ga Hoshi mono (Do what you want) trf’s third album “WORLD GROOVE” was released in Feb. 9, 2004 and became the first album to hit #1 on the Oricon Charts for the emerging pop/dance group. By October 1995, the album had reached 1.6 million in sales. Featuring a string of hits such as “Samui Yoru Dakara”, “Ai ga mou sukoshi hoshii yo”, “Silver and Gold dance”, the album would contain non-release hits such as “WORLD GROOVE”, “Feel the CENTURY”, “CAMILLE CLAUDEL” and “Winter Grooves”, if one wondered how the group would do for their album after their last hit album “EZ DO DANCE” no need to worry. “WORLD GROOVE” is a fantastic album featuring catchy, energetic songs that define TRF and makes you want to get on the dance floor and dance. This album for me was trf showing the world that music is truly global and whether or not you understand the lyrics or not, by listening to the music, we have the same emotion and just wanting to groove. “WORLD GROOVE”, the song, continues to be one of my favorite songs from trf and over a decade later, this album still remains one of my favorite. Just an FYI, after the 12th track is a hidden track which is more or less an instrumental by Komuro Tetsuya (who tend to end an album in the 90’s that he produced with an instrumental). All in all, one of trf’s highlight albums featuring great music that continues to stand the time. Absolutely awesome! < trf Shows Us the Path to World Groove trf’s third album features multiple hits and the third time is definitely a charm. Featuring Three Years, Three Live Albums of trf trf THE LIVE avex trax AVCD-11408, Rel. February 21, 1996 3 LIVE ALBUMS With the release of “avex dance matrix `95” CD which featured avex and TK family artists performing live, it was great to see that a trf live album would be released. More surprising was the release of a box set with not one but three live albums. Included are “TOUR `94 - BILLIONAIRE - BOY MEETS GIRL” (12 tracks), “dAnce to positive TOUR `95 Overnight Sensation” (13 tracks), “BRAND NEW TOMORROW in TOKYO DOME -presentation for 1996-” (10 tracks). Granted that their are video releases for these three trf concerts but during the mid-90’s, concert videos and LD’s were very expensive. One of the difficulties of live albums are getting good recordings but with these three albums, you get great audio quality and a good balance of clarity between vocals and the audience. It was very exciting to hear the audience really pumped during the performances. Included with the box set was a photo booklet with concert photos and autograph by each member of trf and a keychain. This is the definitive trf purchase for those wanting to hear trf perform live. worldgroove J!-ENT trf BILLIONAIRE BOY MEETS GIRL avex trax AVCD-11230 Duration: 42:54 OFFICIAL WEBSITE: trf.avexnet.or.jp RELEASE DATE: July, 27, 1994 1. Billionaire (Original Summer ‘94 MIX) 2. Le Bleu (Grand Bleu Dance) 3. BOY MEETS GIRL (12” Club Mix) 4. Sexual in Gravure (Jazzy Groove Mix) 5. Truth ‘94 (Unplugged Style Remix) 6. Kool Lovers Sentimental (Meaning of 3 Mix) 7. Survival dAnce (12” Remix) 8. Billionaire (Club Beatmasters Mix) trf dAnce to positive avex trax AVCD-11288 OFFICIAL WEBSITE: trf.avexnet.or.jp RELEASE DATE: March 27, 1995 1. Welcome to Funky positive world 2. SEE THE SKY ~1999...Tsukiga Chikyuuni KISS wo suru~ 3. masquerade 4. FUNKY M 5. CRAZY GONNA CRAZY 6. Destiny to love (Aisuru Unmei) 7. ESCAPE 8. Let it go! (trival dAnce) 9. Never give up on love (interlude) 10. dAnce is my Life Kei 11. ENGAGED 12. Overnight Sensation 13. OVERNIGHT PIANO DREAM trf BRAND NEW TOMORROW avex trax AVCD-11354 OFFICIAL WEBSITE: trf.avexnet.or.jp RELEASE DATE: December 11, 1995 1. BRAND NEW TOMORROW 2. ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE 3. Xmas Dance Wiz U [HAPPY NEW MIX] 4. Happening Here 5. Hold The Line 6. Silver And Gold Dance [TK KC] 7. Teens 8. Winter Grooves 96 9. R&r,who?”t”koo-l 10. HOT WINTER NIGHT ~samui yoru dakara~ 1. Realize 2. Frisky A Go Go 3. Frame 4. In The Move To Be 5. Darkscape 6. Earl Grey 7. TRY OR CRY A J!-ENT MUSIC REVIEW When trf came out with their fourth full-length album “BILLIONAIRE BOY MEETS GIRL”, it debuted at #2 on the Oricon charts and the next week at #1. This album would be the synergy that lit the spark for trf with the release of their CD single “survival dAnce” and “BOY MEETS GIRL”. One of the most interesting things about this album is that every track is somewhat of a remix. Although it is not classified as a remix album. Nevertheless, similar to “WORLD GROOVE”, you get a great does of trf hits that were not released as CD singles such as the enjoyable “Billionaire”, the slow jam “Truth `94” and the breakbeat, P5-like track “Sexual in Gravure”. Despite being only 8 tracks, still a very strong trf album with a number of cool songs. Perhaps the most successful trf album. “dAnce to positive” debuted at #1 and topped the album sales chart in 1995. On April 3, 1995, the album sales total was 1.80 million and by October 1995, “dAnce to positive” reached 3.36 million in overall sales. At this point in trf’s illustrious career, each CD single released at this time was debuting at #1 and this album featured a string of hits such as “masquerade”, “Overnight Sensation” and “CRAZY GONNA CRAZY”. With trf still topping the charts, their sixth full-length album “BRAND NEW TOMORROW” would reach #2 on its second week on the charts. The album would feature the group’s 11th and 12th CD single “Happening Here” and “BRAND NEW TOMORROW” and would mark the return of previous hits in a new version such as “Silver and Gold Dance [TK KC] (Komuro Tetsuya and Cozy Kubo)”, “Winter Grooves 96” and a reggae version of “Samui Yoru Dakara” aka “HOT WINTER NIGHT”. 8. Meltin You 9. Future Shock 10. Friends 11. Its My Time 12. Get Up Stand Up Unity 13. Unite The Night TRF LOOP #1999 avex trax AVCD-11723 OFFICIAL WEBSITE: trf.avexnet.or.jp RELEASE DATE: May 19,1999 1. slug and soul 2. Be Free 3. Sign Of The Innocence 4. Youre My Soul 5. embrace 6. We Can Do That Sit Everything 7. Dj Big Beat 8. JOY 9. Lookin For The Paradise 10. Stand Up And Dance 11. Close To The End 12. WIRED 13. HE LIVES IN YOU 14. Song Remains The Earth,the 15. BREATH In May 1999, TRF would release their eighth full-length album “LOOP #1999”. The album would contain their 23rd through 26th CD singles such as “JOY”, “WIRED”, “embrace/slug and soul” and “HE LIVES IN YOU” which was used as the theme song for the Japanese version of Disney’s “LION KING II”. “LOOP #1999” would be the last album we would get from TRF until Feb. 2006 with the release of “Life eMotions”. TRF UNITE avex trax AVCD-11645 OFFICIAL WEBSITE: trf.avexnet.or.jp RELEASE DATE: May 20, 1998 The seventh full-length album from TRF featuring the group’s 18th-20th CD singles “Unite! The Night!”, “Frame” and “TRY OR CRY”. Their first album in over three years! worldgroove J!-ENT A J!-ENT MUSIC REVIEW trf HYPER MIX III avex trax AVCD-11200, Duration: 49:22 OFFICIAL WEBSITE: trf.avexnet.or.jp RELEASE DATE:April 27, 1994 1. Silver and Gold dance (BATTERY MIX) “133BPM” 2. Feel the CENTURY (HARD CORE ODESSEY) “139.5BPM” 3. WORLD GROOVE (Esprit da Funk Mini Mix) “105.5BPM) 4. SAMUI YORU DAKARA (EURO-HOUSE MIX) “130BPM” 5. Beauty and Beast (TRANCE ACTIVE 40627) “130BPM” 6. Waiting Waves (NEO-RAGA MIX) “94.58BPM” 7. Time after Time (LAND-MARK) “135BPM” 8. Silver and Gold dance (WAKO’S POWER MIX) “133BPM” 9. impression of trf (VERSION 3:1:9) “137.5BPM” 10. WORLD GROOVE (Esprit da Funk Maxi Mix) “105.5BPM) As much as I love the first two “HYPER TECHNO MIX” albums of trf, “HYPER MIX III” probably stayed on my CD player for the longest time. “HYPER MIX III” which topped the charts on May 16, 1994 at #1 on the Oricon Charts achieving something that hasn’t been done in Japan at that time and rarely happens today. With the success of trf’s third album “WORLD GROOVE”, there was definitely a lot of awesome music for DJ KOO to remix for the fans. Without having to do 2-3 remixes of the same song, fortunately many of the hits on the “WORLD GROOVE” album get remixed and the result is fantastic. The interpretations of the songs this time are polished and well-planned with “WORLD GROOVE” receiving a groovy, jazzy remix. “Feel the CENTURY” gets the true trf pure energy boost and becomes the better version over the original. “SAMUI YORU DAKARA” gets a Eurohouse mix and features YUKI singing the song in English. The tropical trf song “Waiting Waves” gets a reggae style remix. “Silver and Gold dance” and “WORLD GROOVE” get two remixes each and that’s perfectly fine with me as both are definitely the two super hits from the “WORLD GROOVE” album. Unfortunately, trf’s hit “Ai ga Mou Sukoshi Hoshii yo” is the only track that did not get the remix treatment. All in all, a solid remix album and possibly the best trf hyper mix version of the four that were released. < THE FIRST JAPANESE REMIX ALBUM TO REACH #1 trf’s third remix album is a charm as it reaches #1 position on the Oricon Charts THE FINAL trf HYPER MIX ALBUM trf hyper mix 4 avex trax AVCD-11313, DURATION: 1:15:24 Rel. June 21, 1996 The fourth and final CD in the trf “HYPER MIX” series would feature hits from their top albums “BILLIONAIRE BOY MEETS GIRL” (July 1994) and “dAnce to positive” (March 1995). I have to admit that I wasn’t sure how the songs would get the remix treatment as trf was heading to more of a live house direction. Featured on this album are hits such as “Overnight Sensation (Energy SHOW time Mix)”, “BOY MEETS GIRL (Perfect Sunshine Mix)”, “CRAZY GONNA CRAZY (Local Angel Mix), “Destiny to Love (Real tonight Mix), “masquerade” (R and M and PLANT Mix), “survival dAnce (95 TUBE Drive Mix), “Island On Your Mind (99’s Sea Side Mix), “SAM thing Nite (t. komuro’s Mix) and “SEE THE SKY (70’s Flower Mix). On the past remix albums, DJ KOO and several well known DJ’s contributed to the remix album but for “trf hyper mix 4”, this album would be a Komuro Tetsuya produced album. Komuro Tetsuya, Mick Guzauski and Dave Ford would be the main remixers on this album. The remixes incorporate the live house band feel with a DJ dance hall club mix feel. So, unlike previous remix albums which were very energetic and dance club feel, this album would be different in style. All in all, a good album but different from what I would expect from a “HYPER MIX” album. worldgroove J!-ENT A J!-ENT MUSIC REVIEW TRF WORKS - THE BEST OF TRF avex trax AVCD-11633 OFFICIAL WEBSITE: trf.avexnet.or.jp RELEASE DATE: January 1, 1998 DISK 1: (DURATION: 55:33) 1. Samui Yoru Dakara 2. Silver and Gold Dance 3. EZ DO DANCE 4. GOING 2 DANCE (STARR GAZER MIX) 5. Ladies & Gentlemen 6. Ai ga mousukoshi Hoshii yo 7. BILLIONAIRE 8. Love & Peace Forever 9. Survival dAnce ~no no cry more~ 10. Overnight Sensation 11. Truth ‘94 (Do what you want) DISK 2: (DURATION: 60:27) 1. BRAVE STORY 2. SILENT NIGHT 3. masquerade 4. Happening Here 5. teens 6. See The Sky 7. BRAND NEW TOMORROW 8. BOY MEETS GIRL 9. CRAZY GONNA CRAZY 10. LEGEND OF WIND 11. WORLD GROOVE With so many albums and CD single releases, one would wonder when TRF was going to release a best album. On New Year’s Day of 1998, TRF’s first best album “WORKS - THE BEST OF TRF” was released right on the heels of the group’s fifth year anniversary. The best album would include TRF’s first 17 CD singles from the first GOING 2 DANCE (and it’s the better and hipper “STARR GAZER MIX from “HYPER TECHNO MIX”) up to “LEGEND OF WIND”. Also, included are 5-non singles but were hits for TRF such as “BILLIONAIRE, “WORLD GROOVE”, “Truth `94”, “teens” and “See the Sky”. At this time, this was the best album to get if you wanted to own a TRF album. You get all the hit songs and several more hits that are pretty much the best songs to come from the group thus far. Although, 15 years later since TRF’s debut and if you are wondering if “WORKS - THE BEST OF TRF” is worth getting, I highly recommend the 2007 “TRF - 15TH ANNIVERSARY BEST MEMORIES” release for more bang for the buck. Otherwise, if you find a good deal on this album, you can’t go wrong. < FINALLY! A TRF BEST ALBUM IS RELEASED! Celebrating the group’s fifth year anniversary, TRF’s first best album is released. THE NEXT GENERATION TRF REMIX ALBUM TRF Burst drive MIX -albumavex trax AVCD-11879, DURATION: 1:15:24 Rel. December 27, 2000 For remix albums, I really like nonstop remix albums and for fans of TRF remixes, “Burst drive MIX -album-” is just that. Featuring 15 tracks of remixes for songs such as “BOY MEETS GIRL”, “WIRED”, “masquerade”, “Overnight Sensation”, “HE LIVES IN YOU” and much more. Despite the cover having “non-stop remixes by DJ KOO”, only a few of them are. In fact, songs such as “It’s MY TIME” and “Unite the Night!” are Soul Solution Mixes by Bobby Guy and Ernie Lake. The track “slug and soul” is remixed by Gomi, “Silver and Gold Dance” is remixed by world reknown Thunderpuss, “masquerade” is remixed by Jason Nevins, “Brave Story” is remixed by Jonathan Peters, “Overnight Sensation” is remixed by K-Klass and a few others. So, there are quite a few good names on this remix album. DJ KOO’s remixes are actually very well done. The remixes range from dance club to industrial remixes and the songs largely retain its vocal content. So, it’s great to see a DJ KOO remix album since “HYPER MIX IIII”. If you need your TRF remix fix or looking for different interpretations of your favorite TRF songs, definitely check this album out. worldgroove J!-ENT A J!-ENT MUSIC REVIEW TRF Lif-e-Motions avex trax AVCD-17858~9/B (with DVD), AVCD-17860 (CD) OFFICIAL WEBSITE: trf.avexnet.or.jp RELEASE DATE: February 15, 2006 DISK 1: (DURATION: 1:01:35) 1. Good day, Sunshine 2. Everlastings 3. Where to begin 4. You & me 5. Precious 6. As it is 7. Urbanature 8. Signal Theta 9. Life signs again 10. Be ever wonderful 11. One Nation 12. ENGAGED ‘06 13. DANCE LOOP #4 14. DANCE LOOP #5 15. DANCE LOOP #6 DISK 2: (DURATION: 54:37) 1. EZ DO DANCE -meets KEIKO2. Silver and Gold dance - meets T.M. Revolution 3. survival dAnce ~no no cry more~ -meets BoA4. TRUTH ‘94 - meets Tomiko Van 5. CRAZY GONNA CRAZY - meets AAA6. masquerade - meets Youki Kudoh 7. Overnight Sensation - meets Goro Kishitani & Yasufumi Terawaki 8. teens - meets AYUMI HAMASAKI 9. BRAVE STORY - meets Every Little Thing 10. JOY - meets Koda Kumi DVD: 99 minutes, Region 2, 4:3 1. History of TRF 2. Music Video Clips (short 10 Videos) 3. TRF & Collabo Artists Special Interview 4. Special Work Shop in DVD Vol. 2 (4ch MultiAngle) It has been seven long years without a TRF full-length album. The last time we have heard from TRF was back in May 1999 with “LOOP #1999” but since 2000-2005, all there was available from TRF was “Burst drive MIX” remix CD singles and albums. That all changed in Feb. 2006 with the release of TRF’s 9th full-length album “Life e-Motions” and would get TRF fans excited because not only would it be their longawaited album but the album would feature a tribute version featuring popular stars and actors singing TRF songs. Also, a special DVD that would include the history of TRF, dance lessons and much more. The new album would include the group’s 32nd CD single “Where to Begin” and the track “Life signs again” which was a track that was not released as a CD single but a short film ala music video was created and < FINALLY! A NEW TRF ALBUM! TRF’s long awaited full-length album in seven years features a tribute album and DVD. would feature an awesome track featuring trf and rapper HIDE from dt. The overall album is purely dance in nature and has the feel of the music they released back in the “dAnce to positive” and “BRAND NEW TOMORROW” years. You also, you get a few instrumental tracks such as “Signal Theta” (from DJ KOO’s latest project WILL”). You also get the “DANCE LOOP” tracks for the dance training lessons featured on the DVD. As for the tribute album, you never know what you are going to get with them and the TRF tribute album is definitely an album where you get something similar and something very different. KEIKO (of globe) and Komuro Tetsuya gives an interesting version of the popular hit “EZ DO DANCE”. Mainly an instrumental featuring TK, KEIKO does her own spin (and lyrics) for the song. The most surprising was the rock version of “Silver and Gold dance” by T.M. Revolution. To be truthful, I was not expecting T.M. Revolution to be involved in this album but overall, he does the song some justice in definite Nishikawa unique fashion. Another big surprise was the slow ballad version of “TRUTH ‘94” by Tomiko Van (Do As Infinity) which was included on the “Where to begin” CD single. Also, another beautiful rendition was Hamasaki Ayumi’s version of “teens” and Koda Kumi’s version of “JOY”. These three are awesome, relaxing renditions of the original songs and the three that are definitely the best tribute songs on the album. As for similarities, AAA is like the new, young generation TRF featuring five men and three women and they do a great job with “CRAZY GONNA CRAZY”. For Overnight Sensation, instead of TK, KOO and SAM on the vocals, surprisingly you get YUKI singing with veteran actors Kishitani Goro and Terawaki Yasufumi. The DVD includes a 4-minute “HISTORY OF TRF” video, the 10 short music video clips of TRF’s songs that fellow avex artists sung on the tribute album. Also, an interview with the artists who performed on the tribute album and as TRF music videos have been inspirational for people to pick up really cool dance moves, the DVD includes a “Special Work Shop in DVD Vol. 2” featuring SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU teaching dance moves in 4ch Multi Angle. All in all, a great release and it’s great to see TRF back in full force again! worldgroove J!-ENT A J!-ENT MUSIC REVIEW TRF 15th Anniversary BEST MEMORIES avex trax (A) AVCD-23167 (Limited Edition), (B) AVCD23170 (CD + DVD), (C) AVCD-23172 (CD only) OFFICIAL WEBSITE: trf.avexnet.or.jp RELEASE DATE: February7, 2007 DISK 1: - LISTENERS SELECT(DURATION: 1:11:59) 1. Where to begin 2. BOY MEETS GIRL 3. Samui Yoru Dakara 4. LEGEND OF WIND 5. Love & Peace Forever 6. BRAND NEW TOMORROW 7. masquerade 8. JOY 9. Unite! The Night! 10. CRAZY GONNA CRAZY 11. survival dAnce -no no cry more12. EZ DO DANCE 13. We are all BLOOMIN’ 14. Overnight Sensation DISK 2: - TRF SELECT (DURATION: 1:12:54) 1. THIS IS THE JOY 2. Silver and Gold dance (BATTERY MIX) 3. ISLAND ON YOUR MIND 4. Winter Grooves 5. Destiny to Love 6. FUNKY M 7. Friends 8. CLOSE TO THE END 9. Frame 10. Sign of the Innocence 11. WIRED (Album Full Version) 12. Silence Whispers 13. BRAVE STORY (DIO MIX) 14. WORLD GROOVE 3rd. chapter (main message) DISK 3:- REMIX (DURATION: 1:10:26) 1. Overnight Sensation (12” Remix) 2. CRAZY GONNA CRAZY (Damien’s Classic Mix) 3. BOY MEETS GIRL (Baement Boys 12” Remix) 4. Destiny to Love (Masters At Work Remix) 5. survival dAnce (Damien’s Classic Mix) 6. Overnight Sensation (S-Man Sensation) 7. Escape (12” American Rap) 8. Funky M (12” Version) 9. OVernight Sensation (Basement Boys 12 Remix) 10. survival dAnce (Damien’s 8:00 Dub) DVD 1: - TRF Music Video Clips 1 DURATION: 73 minutes, Region 2, 4:3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. OPEN YOUR MIND EZ DO DANCE Ai ga Mousukoshi Hoshii yo Silver and Gold dance Samui Yoru Dakara Feel the CENTURY WORLD GROOVE < THE DEFINITIVE TRF ALBUM! Featuring three albums and three DVD’s. The best TRF release ever! 8. Silver and Gold dance (HYPER MIX III version) 9. srurvival dAnce -no no cry more10. BOY MEETS GIRL 11. CRAZY GONNA CRAZY 12. masquerade 13. Overnight Sensation 14. Samui Yoru Dakara... (1994 version) DVD 2: - TRF Music Video Clips 2 DURATION: 77 minutes, Region 2, 4:3 1. BRAND NEW TOMORROW 2. Happening Here 3. Love & Peace Forever 4. Hey! Ladies & Gentlemen 5. SILENT NIGHT 6. LEGEND OF WIND 7. Unite! The Night! 8. BE FREE 9. JOY 10. WIRED 11. HE LIVES IN YOU 12. Where to begin 13. Life signs again 14. Silence whispers 15. We are all BLOOMIN’ DVD 3: -15th Anniversary Special DVDDURATION: 88 minutes, Region 2, 4:3 1. History of TRF II 2. TRF TVCM & SPOT Clips 3. 15th Anniversary Message from TRF It’s hard to believe that the 15th year anniversary for TRF is here. I can clearly remember watching “EZ DO DANCE” and being entranced by the music video, me and my friends dancing to “BOY MEETS GIRL”, my brother watching TRF music videos and to learn SAM’s dance moves and so many memories made because of the music of TRF. So, here we are in 2007 with perhaps the definitive TRF album ever in three different releases on launch date. “TRF 15th Anniversary BEST MEMORIES” would feature three CD’s featuring the songs that listeners have selected (on disc 1), songs that TRF selected (on disc 2) and remixes (on disc 3). Album A would feature primarily the three music CD’s without the DVD’s. If you purchased album B, you would get the additional 2-DVD’s that would include 29 music videos. If you purchased the Limited Edition (album A), this is where you are in for a treat as you get an additional DVD that contains the history of DVD (if you are a TRF fan, this is an important reason to purchase the limited edition), TRF TV CM and SPOT clips and a 15th Anniversary message from TRF. The limited edition also comes with a towel and personalized headphones. So, you get a lot for what is included in the Limited Edition version. Now, going back to 1998, TRF released “WORKS - BEST OF TRF” to celebrate their 5th Year Anniversary. Back then i called it the definitive TRF album because it had nearly ever CD single released but this time around, the “TRF 15th Anniversary BEST MEMORIES” eclipses the last best album in every way. Although this version doesn’t include every CD single that the group has released, every top hit that TRF has released is on this album. There are a few that I wish were on here such as “Happening Here”, “HE LIVES IN YOU” “engaged”, “GOING 2 DANCE”, “BILLIONAIRE” and “Waiting Waves” but what can you do when the group has so many CD single and non-CD single release hits. As for the DVD’s, as mentioned, 29 music videos which also include non-CD single releases such as “Samui Yoru Dakara ... (1994 version) and “Life signs again”. Similar to the CD albums, not all music videos are on the two DVD’s such as “BRAVE STORY”, “Frame”, “Silver and Gold dance (UK Version)” and “GOING 2 DANCE” (Live at Tokyo Dome) but nevertheless, you get pretty much every music video released. Now, the third DVD which is the “15th Anniversary Special” is just awesome. I am not sure if “album B” includes the “15th Anniversary Special” or if it’s only on the Limited Edition version but the “History of TRF II” is just the ultimate video to own if you are a TRF fan. When we first got the “History of TRF” on the “Life-e-Motions” CD+DVD, it was more or less 4-minutes long. This time, it’s close to an hour and a half long and it’s not in documentary format. What you get to see is the personal videos recorded by staff and members of TRF. This includes the 8mm footage from when the group was filming their music videos for “BOY MEETS GIRL”, “survival dAnce”, “Overnight Sensation” in Mexico and Australia. You get to see SAM and CHIHARU always dissing each other but having fun like brother and sister. You get to see how big a dog fan that YU-KI is and how other members of TRF treat her dogs like family. What’s very interesting was to see that YU-KI brings her dogs on shot locations and studio recordings. You get to see SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU coming up with dance moves for TRF and also for Hamasaki Ayumi. You get to see personal videos of birthdays of TRF members held by management and label staff. In one video, members of TRF visit CHIHARU’s apartment after she cooks a spaghetti meal. Quite a bit of footage of the group eating and making jokes with each other. Another segment showed SAM going near cliff areas and just defying warning signs and standing on the steep rocks over looking the ocean. There is behind-the-scene concert footage and so much more included that I have to highly recommend this limited edition version. These are rare moments that people will ever see of TRF and I was pretty much surprised to see them interact personally with each other. So, three CD’s full of hit songs and three DVD’s full of music videos and extra footage that this is the definitive TRF album out there! Highly recommended! AVA I LA B LE NOW ON J!-ENT ANNA TSUCHIYA J! DVD REVIEW trf - WORLD GROOVE trf - WORLD GROOVE avex trax Catalog #: AVBD-91431/AVVD-90007 Format: DVD, Region 2 DURATION: 60 minutes, Region 2, 4:3 Release date: November 29, 2006 (original: September 26, 1994) OFFICIAL WEBSITE: trf.avexnet.or.jp CONTENTS: 01. WORLD GROOVE (Forest Ambient) 02. Feel the CENTURY 03. EZ DO DANCE 04. OPEN YOUR MIND 05. Silver and Gold dance 06. GOING 2 DANCE (Live in Tokyo Dome) 07. RIGHT HERE! RIGHT NOW! (Live in Tokyo Dome) 08. EZ DO DANCE (Live in Tokyo Dome) 09. Ai ga mousukoshi Hoshii yo 10. Samui Yoru Dakara 11. WORLD GROOVE (main message) A s TRF celebrates its 15th Year Anniversary, 2006 has been a year of re-releases of nearly all of the group’s CD singles and videos, including older re-releases in DVD format. The first DVD release of TRF is “WORLD GROOVE”. It has been well over a decade since I watched “World Groove”, so it’s somewhat of a blast in the past for me to re-review this DVD. In many ways, this release still stands among one of my favorite video releases. It was also during the time TRF was all in lowercase format and the group was starting to gain attention with their music, during a time when Japanese music was mostly dominated by rock acts and also when a record label called Avex was still at its infant years. I enjoyed their music so much because it was so different from what was coming out of Japan during that time. Their live performances and their music videos were just full of energy. “WORLD GROOVE” is TRF’s first video clip collection with TRF talking about their experiences of working on certain music videos and also live concert clips from their performance at the Tokyo Dome. The music videos were all directed by Muto Masashi. The video starts off with a “Forest Ambient” short intro of “WORLD GROOVE”. The second video clip and TRF’s first CD single “Feel the CENTURY” is a music video definitely spotlighting the dancing of SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU. Showing why the three are among Japan’s top choreographers and how during that time, they raised the bar for dance acts. It’s also the only video that does not feature lead singer YUKI. The third video clip is the group’s anthem “EZ DO DANCE”. A video clip that was briefly shown on the music video shows but enough to catch attention to see a glimpse of lead singer singing in tight and very short shorts. Showing that the group is not just an awesome dance group but the lead singer YUKI is just pure sexy. The fourth clip “OPEN YOUR MIND” is a sexy video spotlighting on the dancing but making the members of the group wear wild, futuristic and artsy costumes. The fifth clip “Silver and Gold dance” is another hit song featuring TRF and another awesome choreographed music video focusing on SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU. The sixth clip “GOING 2 DANCE” (Live in Tokyo Dome) will always stand up in my best as one of the coolest TRF music videos. The song was featured in the group’s first “HYPER TECHNO MIX” album but the video is a live concert performance with a club appeal. On stage, TRF and their dancers showcasing their choreography but cut to the audience (with some just dancing in the audience as if they were in a night club with platform girls with boa’s and fans). It was just a cool video to watch back then and even now, I still enjoy it. The seventh and eight clip “RIGHT HERE! RIGHT NOW!” and “EZ DO DANCE” (Live in Tokyo dome) continue TRF’s live performance clips. The ninth video clip “Ai ga Mou sukoshi Hoshii Yo” features TRF outdoors together. No major choreography but the group together looking cool and walking around and standing and looking cool. It seems simple but because it’s so different from their other fast-paced music, I enjoyed the music video’s simplicity. The tenth video clip is “Samui Yoru Dakara” featuring TRF walking around New York and performing inside a bus and near the Brooklyn Bridge. Even today, surprises me how they manage to capture the shots that they did. The final video clip is “WORLD GROOVE (main message)”, the name of the group’s second album and first video. The music video was filmed in Indonesia. Featuring cool choreography by SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU. YUKI sporting the clothing of the country and young traditional dancers in the background while she sings in a temple setting. And at times performing in a jungle-like setting with trees, waterfalls and all. With all the TRF music videos I have watched, this video clip collection ranks among my highest. Possibly for nostalgic reasons but its among the first videos to watch TRF when they first began. As for the DVD itself, since it’s an older video made to DVD, you’re not going to find special features or sound selections. Booklet is mainly a foldout with lyrics. So, it’s pretty bare bones in that sense. But in terms of content, if you are looking for the early TRF video clips, “WORLD GROOVE” is definitely the video to check out. trf - ultimate films 1994-1995 J! DVD REVIEW trf - ultimate films 1994-1995 avex trax Catalog #: AVBD-91433/AVVD-90015 Format: DVD, Region 2 DURATION: 45 minutes, Region 2, 4:3 Release date: November 29, 2006 (original: June 21, 1995) OFFICIAL WEBSITE: trf.avexnet.or.jp CONTENTS: 01. Opening 02. Silver and Gold dance (HYPER MIX Version) 03. survival dAnce ~no no cry more~ 04. BOY MEETS GIRL 05. Samui Yoru Dakara... (1994 Version) 06. CRAZY GONNA CRAZY 07. masquerade 08. Overnight Sensation I can’t believe that it’s been over a decade when I purchased this video. “ultimate films 1994-1994” (VHS) featured a lot of their hit songs from 1994-1995 and here we are 12 years later with a re-release on DVD format. The first music video featured is a new version of “Silver and gold dance” (HYPER MIX Version). This English version of their hit song was featured on the “HYPER MIX III” album and features a cyberpunk style of setting. Definitely futuristic with YU-KI sporting red hair waltzing into a club with unusual patrons. SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU sport Middle Eastern clothing and dance in the club while DJ KOO is on the turntables. For the second music video “Survival dAnce ~no no cry more~”, the music video was shot in Mexico and features the five members at the Beach, hanging out and having fun. The video was mostly shot with camcorder and you watch the group just having fun, dancing, eating, joking with one another and traveling. For the third music video, TRF continues with a music video filmed in Mexico for the filming of “BOY MEETS GIRL”. The music video features the group in a desert-like setting, as they dance near cliffs, cactuses and near a missionary. For the fourth music video “Samui Yoru Dakara (1994 Version)”, whereas the last music video of the song featured the group in New York, the 1994 music video rendition of their song had a Winter feel and had a Christmas feel to it as the group dance in a snow-filled area. For the fifth music video, “CRAZY GONNA CRAZY” featured the group performing in front of a live audience and the first time you see SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU more than just dancers but supporting vocalists. For the sixth music video, “masquerade” featured awesome choreography by SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU as the three dance in a factory-like setting. YU-KI and KOO are seen walking around the factory, while YU-KI is seen singing. The music video shows a return of TRF to a style of music video that is choreography heavy and reminiscent to videos such as “EZ DO DANCE” and “Silver and Gold dance”. For the final music video, “Overnight Sensation”, the music video was shot in Australia in another outdoor setting. The music video utilizes special color filters for different scenes. So, you get a orange hue throughout the music video. Compared to “WORLD GROOVE”, “ultimate films 19941995” doesn’t have the personal interviews and there are no special concert scenes. Just the seven music videos plus an intro and outro featuring the music of TRF founder Komuro Tetsuya. If you are looking for a DVD to reminisce about the past, you’ll definitely find a lot of their hit songs on “ultimate films 19941995”. It is very nostalgic to see their videos once again and remember two of the amazing years for the group. trf - Concert DVD’s 1994-1996 J! DVD REVIEW trf - TOUR ‘94 BILLIONAIRE BOY MEETS GIRL avex trax Catalog #: AVBD-91432/AVVD-90010 Format: DVD, Region 2 DURATION: 60 minutes, Region 2, 4:3 Release date: November 29, 2006 (original release: December 16, 1994) OFFICIAL WEBSITE: trf.avexnet.or.jp trf - TOUR ‘95 dAnce to positive Overnight Sensation avex trax Catalog #: AVBD-91434/AVVD-90021 Format: DVD, Region 2 DURATION: 120 minutes, Region 2, 4:3 Release date: November 29, 2006 (original release: November 22, 1995) OFFICIAL WEBSITE: trf.avexnet.or.jp trf - BRAND NEW TOMORROW in TOKYO DOME ~presentation for 1996~ avex trax Catalog #: AVBD-91435/AVVD-90022 Format: DVD, Region 2 DURATION: 116 minutes, Region 2, 4:3 Release date: November 29, 2006 (original release: February 21, 1996) OFFICIAL WEBSITE: trf.avexnet.or.jp CONTENTS: 01. World Groove 1st. Chpter 02. BOY MEETS GIRL 03. Samui Yoru Dakara... 04. BILLIONAIRE 05. Truth ‘94 06. WORLD GROOVE 2nd. Chptr 07. Sexual in Gravure ~ Feel the Century 08. survival dance ~no no cry more~ 09. EZ DO DANCE 10. World Groove 3rd. Chptr CONTENTS: 01. World Groove 1st. Chpter 02. BOY MEETS GIRL 03. Samui Yoru Dakara... 04. BILLIONAIRE 05. Truth ‘94 06. WORLD GROOVE 2nd. Chptr 07. Sexual in Gravure ~ Feel the Century 08. survival dance ~no no cry more~ 09. EZ DO DANCE 10. World Groove 3rd. Chptr The first concert video for TRF was their “TOUR `94 BILLIONAIRE –BOY MEETS GIRL-“ which is an hour long concert plus interviews. The video starts off with interviews with each of the members and some footage which looks like it was shot on location in Australia for their “Survival dAnce ~no no cry more~” music video. The stage of the concert featured a several video screens behind them and the main stage with two platforms on top. Where the last concert in Tokyo Dome featured TRF with a multiple number of dancers and very hyper techno with a club-like vibe, this concert was somewhat subdued but a very good turnout. As for audience participation, the audience was supportive. No close ups on the audience or anything for this concert. No interaction MC with the audience was included. All in all, “TOUR `94 BILLIONAIRE – BOY MEET’S GIRL” is a straightforward concert which goes from song to interview to song. All in all an average concert which was a bit short in terms of content but all in all, a pretty good trf concert. It is said that only the best groups can perform in Budokon and how fitting was it to see TRF perform. The group was dominating the charts during the mid-90’s and was definitely a great opportunity for people to watch the group perform these songs during the height of their career. Performing with a live band and watching SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU with their other dancers perform really cool routines which was pretty exciting to watch. The three are now becoming more than just dancers but also providing more involvement in the vocals. I found the performance of “dAnce is my Life” with YU-KI and ETSU pretty entertaining. Two men try to get close to YU-KI while Etsu questions why they are not flirting with her. But definitely an interesting performance. Also, spotlighting choreography of SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU for “SAM thing Nite” and DJ Koo performing live with the band (and introducing them) for “BAND PLAY SESSION”. If there was one caveat about this concert is that even though it was packed, the audience were there to watch than participate. Although supportive audience after each performance, definitely not a loud audience. CONTENTS: 01. Welcome to Funky positive world 02. SEE THE SKY ~1999~ 03. masquerade 04. BILLIONAIRE 05. Destiny to Love 06. FUNKY M 07. dAnce is my Life 08. Let it go! (tribal dAnce) 09. ENGAGED 10. DJ Jungle Solo 11. Robot dAnce 12. SAM thing Nite 13. BAND PLAY SESSION 14. RIGHT HERE! RIGHT NOW! 15. EZ DO DANCE 16. survival dAnce ~no no cry more~ 17. BOY MEETS GIRL 18. CRAZY GONNA CRAZY 19. Overnight Sensation What a difference compared to past concert performances from TRF. I’ve read that several songs would be getting a musical type of treatment via stage and for “BRAND NEW TOMORROW IN TOKYO DOME”, that is what you get. The concert starts out with a dark, costumes, masks galore with an exciting musical style opening and dancers galore. The concert was very energetic, exciting and the audience participation was great. It was the first time I would see a TRF concert become so elaborate, so exciting to watch because of the stage presence, the choreography and most of all, each member of TRF had a solo performance. Of the three concert video releases, this is the concert I highly recommend for TRF fans. TRF - Concert DVD’s 1997-1999 TRF - TRF LIVE in YOKOHAMA ARENA avex trax Catalog #: AVBD-91436/AVDD-90021 Format: DVD, Region 2 DURATION: 119 minutes, Region 2, 4:3 Release date: November 29, 2006 (original release: April 30, 1997) OFFICIAL WEBSITE: trf.avexnet.or.jp TRF - TOUR ‘98 Live in Unite! avex trax Catalog #: AVBD-91437/AVVD-90046 Format: DVD, Region 2 DURATION: 119 minutes, Region 2, 4:3 Release date: November 29, 2006 (original release: September 17, 1998) OFFICIAL WEBSITE: trf.avexnet.or.jp CONTENTS: 01. OPENING 02. BRAVE STORY 03. ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE 04. HOT WINTER NIGHT ~samuiyorudakara~ 05. BOY MEETS GIRL 06. Love & peace Forever 07. STANDING HERE 08. CRAZY GONNA CRAZY ~DO WHAT YOU WANT 09. Gang Michael~sexual in Gravure 10. masquerade 11. BRAND NEW TOMORROW 12. survival dAnce ~no no cry more~ 13. Hey! Ladies & Gentleman 14. SILENT NIGHT 15. LEGEND OF WIND 16. EZ DO DANCE 17. WORLD GROOVE 3rd.chapter CONTENTS: 01. Opening Movie 02. Future Shock 03. Frame 04. Samui Yoru Dakara... 05. Overnight Sensation 06. frisky a GO-GO! 07. darkscape 08. In the move to be 09. Meltin’ You 10. Realize 11. EZ DO DANCE 12. Unite! the Night! 13. BOY MEETS GIRL 14. It’s MY TIME 15. TRY OR CRY 16. WORLD GROOVE ~3rd chapter~ Typically with concerts on video, especially when they are released nearly every year, I usually want to see more variety and something different and not a rehash or anything to similar to previous concert on video releases. “TRF LIVE in YOKOHAMA ARENA” goes different in that it’s more akin to being almost like watching a concert documentary. With many video clips of behind-the-scenes footage featuring clips such as YU-KI working out at the gym, SAM walking to a cafe, DJ KOO and YU-KI doing promos, CHIHARU being interviewed, ETSU receiving vocal training and then the concert itself. Unlike previous videos which TRF has done that, this one shows more of a personal side to TRF that many will not get to see from the group. A very good concert video and also an appearance from Komuro Tetsuya (TK). TRF celebrates their fifth year anniversary and a new direction for TRF as they go on without their teacher, Komuro Tetsuya. In fact, the 34-minute opening movie is like a chronicle showing the new beginning of TRF as they prepare for their latest tour and in each of the 17 venues performed, SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU will take dancers from each area and utilize them on their concert tours. Definitely more challenging than previous TRF concerts, it sort of explains why on many of the music videos at the time, why YU-KI was typically featured by herself. The challenges that SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU went to find dancers from all over to perform at this concert was intense. Unlike previous concerts, not all the songs are played throughout and also during a few performance, making of videos are shown. You do get backstage footage of the dancers as they wait to go on stage. A very different but yet cool vibe for Tour 98 compared to past concerts on video. J! DVD REVIEW TRF - TOUR 1999 EXICOAST TOUR AT OSAKA 1999-9-14 avex trax Catalog #: AVBD-91438/AVVD-90067 Format: DVD, Region 2 DURATION: 124 minutes, Region 2, 4:3 Release date: November 29, 2006 (original release: December 15, 1999) OFFICIAL WEBSITE: trf.avexnet.or.jp CONTENTS: 01. Opening 02. WIRED 03. masquerade 04. You’re my soul 05. Frame 06. Overnight Sensation 07. BILLIONAIRE 08. we can do that sit everything 09. slug and soul 10. CLOSE TO THE END 11. JOY 12. Reason of love 13. survival dAnce 14. EZ DO DANCE 15. The Song Remains the Earth 16. He Lives in You 17. BOY MEETS GIRL 18. WORLD GROOVE The latest concert video from TRF would feature a beautiful and elaborate stage design compared to past concerts. A very good turnout in Osaka for this TRF concert and the difference with previous concert videos is that this is pretty much a straight concert with obviously a nicer budget for stage and lighting. Straying away from the documentary or video then song then video type format used in previous videos, this video goes back to a similar format from their earlier concert videos. Of course, main difference is stage setup, better lighting, more dancers and definitely better camera work, angle footage and editing. The audience has a great vibe throughout the performance and I like the addition of more cameras around DJ KOO’s work area and showing him perform. TRF - Lif-e-Motions TOUR 2006 TRF - Lif-e-Motions TOUR 2006 avex trax Catalog #: AAVBD-91408 Format: DVD, Region 2 DURATION: 137 minutes, 16:9, Region 2 Release date: August 30, 2006 OFFICIAL WEBSITE: trf.avexnet.or.jp CONTENTS: 01. Opening 02. BRAVE STORY 03. Urbanature 04. You & me 05. Overnight Sensation 06. Happening Here 07. As it is 08. LEGEND OF WIND 09. Signal Theta 10. ENGAGED ‘06 11. One Nation 12. masquerade 13. Unite! The Night! I t has been eight years since the TRF had released an album, CD single and the last TRF concert DVD was “TOUR 1999 EXICOAST TOUR AT OSAKA” released back in Nov. 1999. TRF made their long awaited return with “Lif-e-Motions TOUR 2006” The concert began on June 4, 2006 at ZEPP Osaka and concluded on July 1st at ZEPP Tokyo. Compared to previous concerts, the stage setup is similar to past concerts with a smaller stage setup and it was interesting to see the stage displaying the words “TK RAVE FACTORY”. Definitely paying homage as the group has returned to the energetic, electronic synth energetic dance music that is reminiscent to their pre-1995 works. Audience participation was well-done and they were into the performances. One thing that just puts a smile to my face is to see the audience, parents with their children because pretty much similar to myself, I literally grew up with TRF and to see others grow up, with their children at a TRF concert is simply golden. Especially those with children now grown up, who are dancing at a TRF concert on stage, that is simply awesome! Camera angles were also different and very well done on this concert than on previous concerts. With many multiple camera angles all over the concert venue area, it really cap- tures the excitement of TRF, the dancers and also the audience. I also liked how the concert did include the final goodbye and the group communicating with the audience. As for video, this DVD is the first TRF DVD to be featured in 16:9 letterbox format. It’s also their first DVD to feature a special feature. The nearly 20-minute feature is a short film on the making of the “Life-eMotions Tour 2006”. The special features would show the planning that went behind-the-scenes for the concert and similar to “TOUR ‘98 Live in Unite!”, SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU would continue to utilize dancers from all over Japan who would perform with the group at a live concert in each of the six venues in Osaka, Sendai, Fukuoka, Sapporo, Nagoya and Tokyo. Also, one thing that you don’t see on a TRF concert are the interaction segments between TRF and the audience. It’s great to see some of that shown on the special feature. Another thing that you will realize on this DVD is that TRF continues to foster the new generation of dancers from all over Japan but are also including the very young boy and girl dancers and incorporating them to their performances. I found the special feature exciting as it literally details the group’s concert tour at all six venues. J! DVD REVIEW 14. CRAZY GONNA CRAZY ~ EZ DO DANCE 15. Where to begin 16. Precious Encore 01. Good day, Sunshine 02. BOY MEETS GIRL 03. survival dAnce ~no no cry more~ 04. WORLD GROOVE SPECIAL FEATURES: Making of Lif-e-Motions TOUR It’s definitely great to see TRF again and 15 years later, the group are still as exciting as they were back when I started seeing them on television back in 1993. As the 15th Anniversary celebration has brought re-releases of the CD singles and a DVD version of every TRF video released, as far as concerts go, each concert has their own feel and with “Lif-e-Motions”, you can get the return of the TRF energy that the group is known for. Let alone that this is actually the first DVD from TRF (the others were previously on VHS video converted to DVD) and part of the reason why we are able to get the 16:9 format and the addition of a special feature. The DVD also comes with a booklet featuring photos from the “Life-e-Motions” concert. All in all, I found this concert so enjoyable. TRF treats their staff and dancers as a full family unit and have always given their staff and their fans credit. You see that on this video and it’s great to see this talented group back. Full of energy and again, just as exciting as I saw them back in 1993, their music is simply timeless. “Lif-e-Motions” is a very good TRF concert DVD and I highly recommend it to TRF music fans. TRF YU-KI DJ KOO TRF RF SAM CHIHARU TRF RF ETSU epilogue For 15 years, TRF has earned the respect from music fans. From emerging at a time in Japan that was devoid of music dance groups, especially one that has had its roots tied to the club scene in Tokyo, TRF was doing their own thing. Not really expecting to be the legendary group that they are today, they did their own music and music fans all over the globe listened and danced along with them. The contributions TRF has had in the beginning in catapulting avex trax and generating countless hit after hit will always be remembered. Especially as many of their songs continue to remain timeless and can be enjoyed in the future and now, as they continue as a group and also foster the upcoming generation of dancing talent throughout Japan. As we celebrate the 15th Anniversary of TRF, we look forward to the future of TRF for many years to come but most of all, we thank YU-KI, DJ KOO, SAM, CHIHARU and ETSU for entertaining us for 15 years and showing their appreciation to their fans. Happy Anniversary and we look forward to celebrating with you for many years to come. - DENNIS A. AMITH, J!-ENT COMI NG SO ON TO J!-ENT J!-ENT