August 16 - St. Anthony of Padua Parish


August 16 - St. Anthony of Padua Parish
St. Anthony of Padua
101 E Virginia Ave - Effingham, IL 62401 - 217-347-7129
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Padre’s point of view . . .
Padre's Point of View...Little sacrifices prepare you for larger ones, it is essential not to avoid the little ones.
These little sacrifices give us an opportunity to deny ourselves. For example, answering the phone and speaking
to a friend or family member when we don't feel like talking to them. Small sacrifices prepare us for larger ones
that God gives us making us closer to him if we accept the sacrifice or push ourselves farther away if we do not.
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Fr. Chris
Fr. Chris will be in the St. Anthony Church office on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
He will be in the Sacred Heart Church office on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Dear Parishioners,
Grace to you! It is with sadness that I inform you that Kim
Deters has resigned and accepted the position of Liturgy &
Music Director for St. Francis Parish in T-Town.
Kim has been an extraordinary part of our parish and
schools for the last 7 years offering her gift of music to
students and parishioners of all ages. We are very grateful
to her for these years of service. I loved celebrating the
Holy Mass with her at the piano and directing the
choirs. We pray that she continue to share these gifts in
service of our Lord with our neighbors across the
creek. Kim's last day will be August 31. Please join me in
wishing Kim all the best in her new position. We will be
posting an ad for Director of Liturgy & Music.
Pre-Cana Workshops
Sacred Heart Parish on Saturday, September
19 please register at Any questions, please call Darlene at 347-7177 to register.
St. Aloysius Parish on Sunday, November 8
Call 925-5788 to register.
St. Mary of the Assumption, St. Marie on Saturday,
March 19, 2016. Call 618-455-3155 to register.
Wedding Banns
Megan Dust/Mark Heuerman
August 22, 2015 (III)
Katie Haarmann/Bradley Yusko
August 29, 2015 (II)
Yours in Christ’s love,
Fr Chris
Protecting God’s Children Workshop
Pray for Vocations
Attention . . . In the event of a death, accident or other
life emergencies, while offices are closed, please contact
(217) 703-1042.
Please pray for Restoration of Religious Liberty,
those who are ill, those in hospitals and nursing
homes, those recovering from surgery, and all
those serving our country. Also, Steven A
Bierman, Brenda Braunecker, Olivia Clayton, Mary
Conder, Doris Dasenbrock, Betty Esker, Sally Gaca, Gerry
Haarmann, Mary Harris, Eric Hartke, Jason Hooper,
Jeaneane Jenne, Mark Jirak, Janet Keller, Ted Keller,
Delores Kiefer, Katie Kroeger, Isabel Lustig, Bob Ludwig,
Mrs. Don McDevitt, Bill Mette, Larry Mulcrone, Tony A.
Niebrugge, Floyd Pagel, Michael Poterucha, Nancy
(Rexroat) Thompson, Anna Sparling, Sr. Carolyn Sur,
Nicole Szymonik, Charlie Vansaghi, Gruen VonBehrens.
St. Isidore the Farmer, Dieterich
Tuesday, September 1st, at 6:30pm in the
Bishop Parish Hall. Call 217-925-5788 to register
Mom's Ministry will meet on Wednesday, August 26,
2015 at St. Anthony High School in room 7:7, from 8:00pm
– 9:30pm. Please join us for fellowship with other Moms.
Any questions please contact Karie Sudkamp at 217-8213154 or
Sacred Heart Mass Times
Monday - Friday 7:15 a.m.
Saturday 4:00 p.m.
Sunday 8:30a.m. & 10:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m.
Spanish Mass Sunday 7:00 p.m.
St. Mary’s Mass Times
Saturday 5:30 p.m.
Sunday 8:30 a.m.
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 16, 2015
Calendar of Events
Mass Intentions
Monday, August 17:
6:30 a.m. Mass: Carl & Clara Broeker Family
8:30 a.m. Mass: Marian Schultz Anniversary
Tuesday, August 18:
6:30 a.m. Mass: Florence Goldstein Anniversary
8:30 a.m. Mass: Tony & Barb Niebrugge Family
Wednesday, August 19:
6:30 a.m. Mass: Norbert J Stumborg
8:30 a.m. Mass: William Peters, Jim Charters Sr,
Ambrose & Stella Probst, Ron
Shoffstall, Cornelia Gardweine
Thursday, August 20:
6:30 a.m. Mass: Marcella Niebrugge
8:30 a.m. Mass: Bill Peters
Friday, August 21:
6:30 a.m. Mass: Willy Niebrugge Anniversary, Bernard
Deters, Antonette Feldhake, Special
8:30 a.m. Mass: Mildred Buff & Family
Saturday, August 22:
4:30 p.m. Mass: Bob Roepke
Sunday, August 23:
7:30 a.m. Mass: Parishioners of St. Anthony
9:15 a.m. Mass: George & Louise Willenborg
11:00 a.m. Mass: Cliff Kaufman Anniversary
Pro-Life Corner
“…it should not surprise us that the nationwide abortion
provider Planned Parenthood has been exposed for trafficking and selling the body parts of aborted babies. I say we
should not be surprised, but we still should be shocked and
appalled at this moral depravity.
“…For those of us who believe in the sanctity of all human
life from conception to natural death, may we never grow
apathetic to the plight of unborn babies and may our government officials act decisively to put an end to this gruesome practice.”
Bishop Thomas John Paprocki
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
St. Paul tells us to be careful in the way we live. Do we
listen and follow God’s voice so we can discern His will in
our own lives and marriage relationship? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is September 25th to
27th. To register or for more information call 314-6497317 or go online to
Sun 8/16
10:06 am Radio Mass on AM 1090 or FM 100.5
10:00am - 11:00am Scrip Store Open
Mon 8/17
10:00am - 2:00pm Scrip Store Open
Tues 8/18
Wed 8/19
9:00am - 2:00 pm Scrip Store Open
Thurs 8/20
Fri 8/21
10:00am - 2:00pm Scrip Store Open
Sat 8/22
8:00am - 10:00am Scrip Store Open
Parish School Religion (PSR)
PSR is a parish sponsored program designed to teach our
children more about their Catholic Faith. It is offered to
students attending public school in grades 1 through
8. There is no charge this program.
PSR begins on Wednesday, August 26, from 6:30pm to
7:30pm, at St. Anthony High School with an informational
meeting for parents and students. Calendars and handbooks
will be passed out that night. PSR will be from August 26,
2015 through April 27, 2016.
Classes will meet every Wednesday from 6:30 pm to 7:30
pm at St. Anthony High School.
Registration information will be sent to parents of all
previously enrolled PSR students. You may also pick up a
registration form at the parish office or download it from
the parish website.
Please contact Tom Purcell, PSR Coordinator, at 217-8217077 if you have any questions regarding PSR.
The Effingham Knights of Columbus invites you to refresh,
relax and renew by attending a WHITE HOUSE RETREAT on Sept. 17th – 20th . This peaceful Jesuit Retreat
facility is located high on the scenic bluffs of the Mississippi River just south of St Louis. For more info visit or contact Bob Mette at (217) 8211272
Host Families Needed for Exchange Students -Host families
are needed for foreign exchange students wanting to attend St
Anthony High School. Please contact Greg Fearday if interested. or 342-6969.
How to Submit Bulletin Articles - Please submit written
bulletin articles to: or mail to
Bulletin, PO Box 764, Effingham, IL 62401. Articles must
be in the office by noon Monday prior to publication.
Mission Statement - Philippians 3:14
Pressing on to the Goal of service to the Lord by stretching our intellect, confirming our values, and living our faith.
Weekday Mass Servers
Church Cleaning for August
Cleaning is done Saturday morning from 8:30-9:30. If you
are unable to clean, please call a replacement.
Monday, Aug 17
6:30am High School
8:30am Bridget & Claire Sudkamp
Tuesday, Aug 18
6:30am High School
8:30am Bridget & Claire Sudkamp
Wednesday, Aug 19 6:30am Jessica Wilson & Megan Koenig
8:30am Grade School
Thursday, Aug 20 6:30 am Jessica Wilson & Megan Koenig
8:30 am Grade School
Friday, Aug 21
6:30 am Jessica Wilson & Megan Koenig
8:30 am Grade School
Eric & Stephanie Habing
Chris & Dana Hakman
Clarence & Kathy Haney
Gary & Linda Hanner
Ken & Ann Harris
Bruce & Dixie Hartke
Martin & Alice Hahn
Jim & Leigh Hammer
Tony & Ellen Hann
Kyle & Dannielle Harden
Robert Harris
Carl & Erin Hartke
Liturgical Ministers for August 22 & 23
Saturday - 4:30pm
Sunday - 7:30am
Sunday - 9:15am
Sunday - 11:00am
Fr. Michal Rosa
Fr. Michal Rosa
Fr. Michal Rosa
Fr. Michal Rosa
Carolyn Spraul
Joe Spraul
Peggy Valenti
Doug McDevitt
Brian Sehy
Anne Wilson
Liz Schmidt
Kent Schmidt
Eucharistic Ministers
Jernice Rhodes
Cindy Thies
Karla Hodge
Pat Emmerich
Mary Sur
Jamie Schuette
Mary Beth Stuckey
Marge Pearcy
Carlene Weber
Don Wente
Twila Wente
Kelly McDevitt
Barb Carie
Lawrence Carie
Carolyn Rohlfing
Connie Rudolphi
Lori Rentfrow
Janet Probst
Mary Jane Day
Jane Kabbes
Mark Kenter
Georgia Willenborg
Connie Roewe
Kathleen Green
Sue Palmer
Sasha Althoff
Gary Hanner
Josh Hanner
Carly Spraul
Olivia Spraul
Abby Repking
Kyle Bourgeois
Blake Niebrugge
Kaitlyn Zeller
Jessica Wilson
Caroline Deters
Claire Scheidemantel
George Scheidemantel
Darin Hutchison
Don Niebrugge
Dan Ritz
Don Wente
Terry Westendorf
Mike Wilson
Zach Wilson
Dave Emmerich
Grade School Back to School Night - Important Dates
August 17 - Welcome Back Night from 6-8:00 pm
• New family informational meeting in the gym at 7:00pm
• Kindergarten parents will meet in the kindergarten room
107 at 6:00 pm for an informational meeting
• Gr. 5&6 students and new gr. 7&8 students and their
parents: MANDATORY iPad Orientation Meeting in
the gym at 6:30 pm
• Table will be set up in the foyer to turn in forms (ie—
physicals, dental, eye exam, registration)
• Table will be set up in the foyer to pay for school lunch.
• Table will be set up in the foyer to sign-up for lunch supervision
August 18 - Teachers Institute
August 19 - First day of school - 2 :00pm dismissal
August 20 - Second day of school - 2 :00pm dismissal
August 21 - Third day of school - 2:00pm dismissal
**Yearly School Calendar is available in the digital locker.
**Please note that we will again follow the schedule provided by Effingham Unit 40, as they offer bussing for our
students. This year, there is an exception. We will be in
school on Monday, March 7, 2016 and not observing the
Casmir Pulaski holiday. We will instead not have school on
Holy Thursday, March 24, 2016.
High School Orientation Day
Monday, Aug. 17
Yearbook Photos & Information Pickup
All students should report to SAHS for yearbook photos and
information pickup during the following times:
• 8:30-9:30am: Seniors Yearbook Photos (if not already
taken at JaFa)
• 9:30-10:30am: Juniors Yearbook Photos in school
• 10:30-11:30am: Sophomores Yearbook Photos in
school Uniform
• 12:00-1:00pm Freshmen & New Student Yearbook
Photos in school uniform. Please bring your completed
freshman physical.)
• 1:00-2:30pm Freshmen Student Orientation/Meeting
(students only)
PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS The advertisements that
appear in this bulletin completely defray all publishing costs
which the church would otherwise incur. Please patronize the
sponsors on the back of this bulletin and thank them for their kind
2015 Picnic Winners– Big Raffle
• $17,500 cash or choice of cars - Karlee Roepke
• 65" LG 4K Smart TV - Al’s Tire Mart & Electronics Center and
Grunloh Construction- Jeff Ungrund
Riding Lawn Mower - Jack & Jane Kabbes Family - Marilyn Vogt
Walnut Country Work Table - John Boos & Co - Christy Harris
$1000 Cash - The Y-Yard Auto & Truck Inc - Mary Willenborg
$500 cash - J&J Ventures - Dorothy Bushur
$500 cash - J&J Ventures - Gerald Brown
$500 cash - Southtown Car Wash - John & Gerry Lohman
4 St Louis Cardinals tickets - Dan Hecht Chevrolet - Max Knight
Weber Grill - Effingham Tire Center - Charles Platz
5 Pc Patio Set - Wal-Mart - Barbara Doedtman
Air Compressor - Dust & Son Auto Supplies - Mary Seiler
$350 Travel Gift Cert. - Effingham Travel Agency - Richard Flach
Fire Pit & Accessories - Gene & Rhonda Fearday Family - Dale
Sunbeam Stand Mixer, Chicago Baking Set & variety of baking mixes
- Siemer Milling Co - Barbara Doedtman
Gym Dandy Bouncing Teeter Totter - Ted, Doug & Chuck Habing of - Phillip Adams
Gym Dandy Bouncing Teeter Totter - Ted, Doug & Chuck Habing of - Rosemary Hoelscher
Hammock & stand - Dr. Charles & Cecilia Horin - Richard Feldhake
Porch Swing - Paul Rexroat, Frank Hoelscher, Heartland Hardwoods,
Effingham Builders Supply, Effingham Equity, Sherwin Williams,
Dust & Son & Bierman Welding - Cottie Dial
$150 Gift Certificate - Travel Quarters - Bruce Ochs
Personalized Photo Frame - Burkland’s Florist & Greenhouses - Kate
18 Holes w/Cart for 2 - Cardinal Golf Course - Kenneth Bierman
Decorative Mirror - Lustig Cabinets - Nick Nosbisch
$100 Cash - First Mid-Illinois Bank & Trust - Pat Wendling
$100 Cash - First National Bank of Dieterich - Brad Thoele
$100 Cash - LJ Swingler & Sons - Mary Willenborg
$100 Cash - Tri-Power Towing - Todd Kabbes
$100 Gift Certi - Effingham Builders Supply - Dr. Henry Poterucha
$100 Gift Certificate - Habing Furniture - Ron Worman
$100 Gift Certificate - Weber's Clothing - Holli Lecher
$100 Gift Certificate - WS Broom & Co - Leonard Boerngen
9 Holes w/cart for 4 - Fore-Way Golf Course - Chuck Schumacher
Family Photo Frame - K&M Floral Shoppe - Nathan Niemerg
Golf Accessories - Fifth Third Bank - Peyton Fearday
$50 SCRIP card - Crossroads Bank - K Niebrugge
$50 Cash - Carl & Deanna Koester Family - Fred Buening
$50 Cash - Central Illinois Care Services, Inc (Ron Niebrugge & Rich
Probst) - Scott Kabbes
$50 Cash - Effingham Asphalt Company - Mary Einhorn
$50 Cash - Midland States Bank - Kathy Bushur
$50 Cash - PeaceofMind Alert, Inc (Ron Niebrugge & Rich Probst) Carl Bushue
$50 Cash - Stevens Industries - Betty Boos
$50 Cash - Stevens Industries - Mildred Buff
$50 Cash - Washington Savings Bank - Michael & Kristie Thomas
$50 Gift Certificate - Joe’s Pizza & Pasta - Stanley Dust
$50 Gift Certificate - Joe’s Pizza & Pasta - Bertha Bushur
$50 Gift Certificate - Walnut Street Weddings - Samuel Sudkamp
$50 Gift Certificate - Wright’s Furniture - Marcie Kruger
$25 Gift Certificate - Evergreen Golf - Joe Kerner
$25 Gift Certificate - Evergreen Golf - Holli Lecher
$25 Gift Certificate - Evergreen Golf - J Adams
$25 Gift Certificate - Evergreen Golf - Elmer Lawyer
$25 Gift Certificate - Firefly Grill - Marie Burton
2015 Picnic Winners– Big Raffle - Cont.
$25 Gift Certificate - Firefly Grill - Dick Kabbes
$25 Gift Certificate - Heartland Landscaping Inc - Patsy Funneman
$25 Gift Certificate - Heartland Landscaping Inc - Thomas Wegman
$25 Gift Certificate - Niemerg’s Steakhouse - Patricia Horwath
$25 Gift Certificate - Niemerg’s Steakhouse - Jenny Deters
$25 Cash - John & Aimee Hoene Family - Larry Jansen
Flag & flagpole - Charles Harris - Kathy Fehrenbacher
2015 Picnic Winners– Jr Raffle
32 GB iPad Air - Jim & Donna Niemann
John Deere Pedal Tractor - Scott Kabbes
Banzai Plummet Falls Water Slide - Dylan Lawhead
Go Pro Hero+ with Touch Display - Ben Duffy
14' Trampoline with Enclosure - Will Unkraut
32" Vizio HD 1080p Smart TV - Alex Reed
Battery Powered Disney Frozen Jeep - Hannah Arbogast
Battery Powered Yamaha Raptor ATV - Sue Kabbes
Mystery Jar of Cash - Jonathan Willenborg
Beats Pill 2.0 Portable Bluetooth Music Speaker - Monica Lin
16GB iPad Mini - Evie Sayne
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 Tablet - Dan & Margie Willenborg
Step 2 Playhouse - Cathy Field
4 Superhero Capes with Matching Figurines - James Uebinger
American Girl Doll - Mary Louise Hoene
Lego City Police Station - Charles Schuette
Birthday Party at Cayla's Tumbling Center - Brett Wesselman
Birthday Party for 6 at Stang Arts - Callie Emmerich
16" Spiderman Bike with Helmet - Cindy Hoene
16" Princess Fairies Bike with Helmet - Barbara Barnes
Micro Mini 3 in 1 Scooter Ages 1-5 - Ben Sudkamp
Radio Flyer Pathfinder Wagon - Sharon Miller
KOOAK Kustoms Hand-Painted Toms Certificate - Kiley Kabbes
Melissa & Doug Shopping Cart with Food - Dustin Brown
Razor Electric Scooter - Juls Hardin
Coach Purse - Mildred Buff
Princess Spa Package with Jackie Having - Kay Koerner
$50 Jedco School Uniform Gift Certificate - Peyton Clark
Little Tikes Cozy Coupe - Ann Tice
Little Tikes Spiralin' Seas Waterpark - Noah Sandschafer
Once again God has blessed us with a beautiful weekend
for our picnic. We would like to express a heart filled
thank you to all who made our church picnic such a huge
success this year. Thank you to each and everyone of you
who chaired a stand, volunteered to work a shift or two, set
up the picnic, those who kept the lights on all night, those
who cleaned up, and to all who attended. We could not
have done it with out you.
A special thank you to Graham & Jane Wagner, Christie
Heuerman and Ron Heuerman for chairing the picnic this
year. You did a great job!
The Financial Corner as of August 10, 2015
Loose & Children’s
Jul 1 - Jul 31
YTD Budget
Jul 1 - Jul 31
Total Budget
Jul 1 - Jun 30
$87,013.25 $101,454.15 $1,470,681.76
Bequests, Gifts & Trusts
Holy Days
Sunday Collection from August 8 & 9
Week of
Aug 3 - 9
$24,109.00 $27,155.52
Loose & Children’s
Holy Days
$25,218.00 $28,128.91
Tuition & Resource Fees $123,995.04 $120,501.82 $1,446,021.84
Total Income
$271,113.49 $302,313.56 $3,873,391.67
Jul 1 - Jul 31
Salaries & Benefits
$245,765.16 $259,900.70 $3,320,840.89
YTD Budget
Jul 1 - Jul 31
Total Budget
Jul 1 - Jun 30
Insurance (P & L)
Repairs & Maintenance
Equipment & Furniture
Total Expenses
$356,519.54 $365,045.94 $4,109,803.77
Net Profit/Loss
Fall Tennis League 1st Grade and Older Boys
and Girls - Great fun for both beginners and
more advanced tennis players. Practices are
Wed 5-8 & Fri 4-7 Evergreen behind pool (less
experienced 1st hours and older 3rd hour - Also Sat & Sun
options with or without matches. Since understand other
things going on it is come to whatever you can whenever
you can as we will find a spot for you (I have options for
most everyone) First practice is Wed Aug 26th and will
end sometime in middle to late October. Starting only at
$20. Any questions please contact Alan Kowalke at or 217-347-2692.
YOU Can Help Your Marriage – 25% of surveyed couples say they are “Happily Married”. For everyone else
there is Retrouvaille. Are you frustrated or angry with each
other? Does talking only make it worse? For information on
the Retrouvaille Program, visit the website at or call 1-800-470-2230. The
next program begins the weekend of January 29, 2016.
The Diocesan Child Abuse Reporting and Investigation
Number is 217-321-1115.
Week of
Aug 3 - 9
Jul 1 - Aug 9
Sister Parish in
Catholic Commu$5.00
nication Campaign
Africa Mission
Please see in the left column, Year-to-date
income and expenses will be reported
monthly. Please note: Under expense, both
supplies & technology are over budget due
to adding a third kindergarten room and the
addition of the iPads for our 5th grade
St. Thomas School - Duck Race
Purchase your duck for $5. Only 500 ducks will be sold.
Choose the right number and you may win a special BLUE
duck. All Blue duck winners will be entered for a chance to
win a $50 gift certificate to a local business.
When: Saturday, August 22nd at 9:00 am
Where: Newton Aquatic Center.
For more info call St. Thomas School @ 783-3517.
Special Olympics Bowling Tournament
The special Olympics bowling tournament at the K-Bowl in
Effingham is coming up on Saturday, August 22nd. 32
Volunteers are needed on the morning shift from 8:00 am (8
to 9 for registration and training) to 12:30 and 20 for the
afternoon shift from 11:30 am (11:30 to 12:00 for
registration and training) to 3:30 pm and volunteers are
more than welcome to work both shifts. High School
student volunteers are always welcome and can earn service
hours for this event. You can register as a volunteer online
at: If you would like to
volunteer and do not want to register online, please call or
text Greg Koester at (217) 821-7731.