Untitled - Finger Brain


Untitled - Finger Brain
Rudy José Nodari Junior holds a degree in Physical Education by the University
of the State of Santa Catarina (UDESC), Specialist in Physiology of Exercise by
the University Veiga de Almeida (UVA / RJ); in Human Movement Sciences by
the University Campus Bezerra de Menezes (UNIBEM / PR); in Education for
Physical Activity in Health Promotion at the University of Contestado (UNC /
SC). Master in Human Health Science at the University of Contestado (UNC /
SC). Doctor in Health Sciences, by Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
(UFRN). Post-doctorate fellow by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain ULPGC-).
Post-doctorate studies at the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM-Spain. He has an improvement
in Theory and Methodology of Elite Athletes Training, Russian State University of Physical Education
Olympic Training Center (RSUPEST / Moscow, Russia). He is currently professor of the Unoesc, he is
responsible for Exercise Physiology Laboratory and this institution is teaching the Master’s program
in Biosciences in Health. He is a professor and Academic Mobility Coordinator for the Americas of
Euro American Network of Human Kinetics (REMH). Lecturer at universities such as Universidad
Miguel Hernández (UMH) in Elche and Universidad Catholic of Murcia (Ucam), Spain, Autonomous
University of Chihuahua (UACH) and Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC), Mexico, and the
University of Rome “La Sapienza” , Italy. Member of the Italian Society of Dermatoglyphics and has
published more than 250 publications on human movement and dermatoglyphics.
Gracielle Fin is licensed and Bachelor in Physical Education by the University
of the West of Santa Catarina (Unoesc), Specialist in Methodology of Training
and Educational Psycho-pedagogy and is currently attending the Masters in
Bioscience and Health at Unoesc, integrating the Research Group: Diagnosis
and Intervention in Health. She was guiding of physical activity, a professor
of physical education and served in the initiation and sports preparation of
handball. She has been also a collaborator in Exercise Physiology Laboratory
at Unoesc, where she began her studies and researches related to the study of Dermatoglyphics
since the year 2011. She is currently a researcher and professor at the University of the West of
Santa Catarina (Unoesc), and she works with physical exercise guiding with an emphasis on groups
seeking health and quality of life.
Dermatoglyphics: Fingerprint
as a genetic mark and
fetal development
Health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being,
and not only the absence of diseases, according to information of the World Health
Organization (WHO, 1984). This denomination was target of several critics, since
defining health as a state of complete well-being, would be ideal, although, unreal
and subjective. Unreal, once the perfection is utopic, it can seem unattainable. It is
subjective, because well-being can connote different peculiarities to each individual.
Nevertheless, at the same time, such designation attempted to demonstrate that
the criteria for health has been expanded intending to face the human being as a
whole (Segre e Ferraz, 1997).
With the advancement of the researches and techniques of genetic
manipulations, the knowledge about collective health, in addition to considering the
environment influences on the health and disease process, started to deal with the
appearance of a possible genomic approach (Martin-Llaguno and Alvarez-Dardet,
200). The studies on epidemiology start analyzing, besides the genetic phenotype
of the individual, the facts related to genotype, considering that not only genetic
factors, but also sanitary and social economic factors influence the health of the
population (Petersen and Bunton, 2002).
The studies on breast cancer are an example of this interaction, once it is
analyzed the number of cases of breast cancer caused by genetic polymorphisms
or mutations of low penetrance, however, there is always a reservation that the
environmental exposition combined to the genetic factors, generate a greater
predisposition to disease (Coughlin et al. 1998).
There is a scientific consensus that considers that the investigation of genetic
patterns can improve the clinic diagnostic, as well as the treatment of diseases,
researches have emphasized the identification of genetic causes and phenotype
variables that can determine the prognosis of diseases. The hope is that these
Dermatoglyphics: Fingerprint
as a genetic mark and
fetal development
researches may support the development of medicines, improving the capacity of
guiding therapies, consequently the clinic results. These approaches have inspired
a wave of new technologies and hundreds of new medicines. Therefore, countless
protocols have been tested on the attempt of improving the prognosis and diagnosis
in health (El-Sayed, Koenen, Galea, 2013). It is important to mention the definitions
proposed at the health sector to prognosis and diagnosis, whatever they are:
Prognosis: word originally from mid XVII century, from Greek, ‘pro’ (before)
+ ‘gignskein’ (knowing), with a meaning related to forecast or probable course of a
disease or illness (Oxford Dictionaries)
Diagnosis: word originally from Greek ‘diagnōstikos’, (able to distinguish), with
the meaning related to characteristic of determined species, gender, or phenomena,
in medicine it is related to a distinct symptom, which indicates the reason of a
disease (Oxford Dictionaries).
The new techniques and studies in genetics allow not only identifying
precociously the potentialities to the development of determined diseases, but
also detecting susceptible individual, assessing the endogen and hexogen aspects
(Wünsch Filho and Gattás, 2001). Environmental factors, the ones linked to the
style of life, as well as the ones resulting from the expositions at the place of work or
at general environment, have distinct influence over the individuals related to the risk
of specific diseases.
The inter-individual differences seems to be associated to the influence of
the environment on the DNA and these to the capacity of repairing the damages
caused on the biological material of the cells that each individual has, facts, which,
singly or in groups, would increase the risk of the occurrence of diseases, always
observing the determining dependence of the interaction with the environmental
factors (Khoury, 1998; Taningher et al., 1999).
Dermatoglyphics: Fingerprint
as a genetic mark and
fetal development
Through different indicators of health it is possible detecting and recognizing
previously some diseases (biophysical, biochemical and diagnosis by images). In
Brazil, a great majority of patients and families affected by diseases purely genetic
or influenced by genes do not know the medical condition that they carry, which
have not been investigated appropriately to avoid the genetic factors involved.
This way, it is necessary to increment measures that provide a system by which
the majority of population have access to services and procedures that show
the potentiality to genetic diseases, which they might carry. From this, they may
understand their health condition and the alternatives available for treatment and
prevention (Bunoni, 2002).
One of the possibilities of investigation at the health sector is the
dermatoglyphics, which consists of a scientific method that studies the fingerprints
as a genetic mark and of fetal development. For the understanding, during the
third and the sixth months of pregnancy are developed the fingerprints and these
ones are a minute of the relation existent between the genetic inheritance and the
intrauterine environment provided by the mother keeping it stable throughout life,
once that the fingerprints are immutable.
The papillary patterns arise between the twelfth and twenty fourth week
of fetal life, on the nervous system of the blastogenic layer, of the ectoderm and,
independently of time of life elapsed; the dermatoglyphics standards are unaltered,
what demonstrates the immutability after the birth. The analysis of the patterns of
the dermal papilla has been investigated by areas of knowledge, as anthropology,
legal medicine and health (Nanakorn et al., 2008).
Vucetich (1957), on his studies verified that the fingerprints are uncontestable
marks linked to the genotype of the human being, since the patterns formed by the
fingerprint on the internal face of the phalanx of fingers of both hands differentiate
Dermatoglyphics: Fingerprint
as a genetic mark and
fetal development
each individual of his similar, taking him to deduce that it does not exist even a
square centimeter perfectly equal between the fingerprints of two human beings.
According to Cummins (1961), the epidermis ridges sculpted on the tegument
are considered dermatoglyphics elements differing, however, of the lines of flexion
and other folds which are not considered dermatoglyphics features. The process of
identification and combinations investigated by dermatoglyphics can be analyzed in
three ways, considering the fingerprints (tip of the finger), the palm printings (palm of
the hands) and foot printings (sole of feet).
According to Abramova (1995, 2000), the analysis by the dermatoglyphics
method, considering the fingerprints, include the type of pattern, the quantity of lines
of the fingers (the amount of ridges inside of the patterns), the notorious complexity
and the total quantity of lines (Abramova, Nikitina, Ozolin, 1995).
The dermatoglyphics presents some particularities that ended up identifying
its scientific value (Croce; Croce Junior, 1998), it happens through of the following
1. Immutability: the dermatoglyphics patterns are not altered with the time,
what allows a unique collect to analysis;
2. Variability: the number of architectonic combinations is unlimited;
3. Classificability: there are variations on the patterns that can be used as
base to a classification;
4. Practicability: the collect of fingerprints and the consequent mark of
points demand only a few minutes;
5. Individuality: the fingerprints are uncontestable marks; there is not the
same fingerprint in two individuals.
It is important to remember that all of the human beings without fingerprinting
anomalies present three kinds of patterns. What differs each of them in an infinite
Dermatoglyphics: Fingerprint
as a genetic mark and
fetal development
way are the math arrangements feasible by the gradient of combinations on the
manifestations of patterns, once it also represents the genetic individuality and the
fetal development that has formed them.
The Malformation on the growing of a limb, before the formation of epidermal
patterns, may be reflected in such patterns modifying so, the genetic characteristic
that would be inherited (Napier, 1980).
In case of alcoholic mothers, it has been observed that the children are usually
born with a set of anomalies, as the case of articular anomalies and abnormal palm
lines, besides others. It is believed so, that the environment as well as the inherited
facts influence on the fetal development of the human beings at a point of causing
congenital malformation (Campell, 1998). In case of occurrence of any traumatic
reason on the period in which the ridges have already started their formation, the
anomaly will reach only the areas that are not in development yet (Cummins; Midlo,
The external pressure (crushing) over the dermic papillae at the fetal phase
may modify its development, in other words, altered ridges may appear on their
beginning form in some areas, under the form of a “whirlwind”, fragmented lines or
similar to a scar (INI, 1987).
Once that the fingerprint is resulting of a combination of factors related to a
genetic code and to the fetal development it is possible, from the observation of
this genetic mark, the identification of potentialities of an individual. The researches
demonstrate that this dermic representation presents a straight correlation to
the biophysical capacities, besides of the physical combinations between these
valences (Abramova, Nikitina, Ozolin, 1995; Nikitjuk, 1988). These observations are
viable through the possibility of recognition of patterns or the identification of rare
Dermatoglyphics: Fingerprint
as a genetic mark and
fetal development
The patterns analyzed at the dermatoglyphics are presented on their base
forms, in other words, Arch, Loop, and Whorl. Once that, the Arch (A) is a patterns
with no deltas, which is featured by the absence of Triradius, or deltas, and is it
comprised of ridges, which pass through, transversally, the fingerprint pad, The
Loop (L) is at the shape of a delta. It is a patterns a bit closed, in which the ridges
of the skin start from an extreme of the finger, bending itself, distally, in relation to
the other, without getting close to the one at the beginning. The whorl (W) is the
patterns, in which two deltas are found. It is a closed pattern, in which the central
lines focus around the core of the patterns.
All of the patterns have multiple variations in its form of presentation, by the
disposition of core and deltas, forms of patterns, number of lines and minuteness.
The architecture of the disposition of lines in its infinite math combinations is
what determines the infinite statistic possibility of arrangements, consequently so
permitting the chance almost void of equality between both samples.
From this methodology, the researchers (Masjkey et al., 2007; Lopuszanska,
Jankowska, 2001) have found at the dermatoglyphics a supporting possibility on the
restructuration of prognosis in health; examples of this conduction are the support
that this technique offers to the observation of adverse events on the intrauterine
development. In these cases, it is realized the relation between the phenotype and
the dermatoglyphics on the diagnosis of the schizophrenia (Fearon et al., 2001;
Martin et al., 2004; Sivkov, Akabaliev, 1998), diabetes at middle age (Kahn et
al.,2009), eczema, psoriasis and alopecia areata (Pour-Jafari et al., 2003).
Other examples of fingerprint at the prognosis in health are the recognition
of dermatoglyphics patterns present, likewise, in diseases as cancer (Chintamani
et al., 2007; Zivanovic-Posilovic et al., 2003; Bierman et al., 1988), Syndrome of
Down (Rajangam et al., 1995). It can be said, so, that the clinic prognosis possible,
Dermatoglyphics: Fingerprint
as a genetic mark and
fetal development
based on the dermatoglyphics, it can represent a strong instrument on the previous
observation of genetically predisposed diseases.
Researchers as Mavalwala et al. (1991) observe that innovative works in
dermatoglyphics have been developed by science and that new technologies must
be developed to qualify even more the methodologies of observations of fingerprints.
And, still, affirms that the human embryology and the genetic are the areas of
knowledge that are in huge expansion and that the comprehension of complex
patterns of skin may improve when supported by new tools of dermatoglyphics
The math combinations presented by the fingerprint transcribe direct
information about the neuron-motor intrauterine of individuals. The reading of
these characteristics by the dermatoglyphics method, from the math architecture
presented, allow the structuration of a tool that provides also an orientation of
sport talents, the prescription of physical training exercises and the qualification of
performance aiming the athletic excellence.
According to what has been exposed previously, the viability of
dermatoglyphics prognosis is realized. The scientific community points to a
considerable progress on the understanding of the association between the
fingerprints and the diseases, what enables, so, the indication that the researches
regarding to the relation between the dermatoglyphics and prognosis, making
them to be encouraged. It is important to note that many questions still permeate
the scientific world regarding the wide-ranging of the correlation and to the
methodology used (Schaumann, Opitz, 1991). This gap may be linked to the lack
of longitudinal researches, with numerous samples or, still, by technical limitations
on the applications of methodology, for instance, the traditional method, already
obsolete, which used ink, paper and magnifying glass.
Dermatoglyphics: Fingerprint
as a genetic mark and
fetal development
To the observation of fingerprints as genetic mark the science recognize the
dermatoglyphics according to the method proposed by Cummins and Midlo (1961).
This methodology, in a nutshell, consists of:
1) Identifying the current pictures
2) Identifying core and deltas;
3) Patterns line
of Galton;
4) Counting the number of delta;
5) Counting the number of lines.
Dermatoglyphics: Fingerprint
as a genetic mark and
fetal development
The possible math combinations, from the findings, allow the recognition
of patterns, the structuration of predicting formulas and the identification of
potentialities of the human being.
To the analysis through the dermatoglyphics method, the researchers
(Almeida et al., 2005; Araujo, Pasquali, 2006; Fernandes Filho et al., 2003; Silva
Dantas, 2004) use traditional materials and traditional processes, in other words,
paper of media density and roughness (A4 size paper), a printing pad for collecting
and a magnifying glass. After the collection, the evaluator proceeds the qualitative
identification of the images and the quantitative of lines, using the magnifying glass
and taking notes the results observed at the paper sheet of collection. After that,
the data is typed at a math spreadsheet. This procedure allows the construction
of a database that may, by the recognition of patterns and crossing with what has
already been researched, identifying prognosis issues in health. These procedures,
via traditional method, involve high qualification of the researcher and collector of
the fingerprints and, besides that, the transcription of what has been observed via
magnifying glass to the paper of collection and the transcription of the data to a
spreadsheet, raise errors that will reflect the future math analysis, as well as on the
results of the researches.
Proposals of computerization of the methodology of capture, quantitative and
qualitative analysis and structuration of the spreadsheet data, by dermatoglyphics
method has been studied by different researchers, being for biometric, forensic
or clinic purpose. This way has also been taken toward public health, once the
importance of observation of the genetic marker of the fingerprint and of the
prognosis in health (Nanakorn et al., 2008).
Dermatoglyphics: Fingerprint
as a genetic mark and
fetal development
To the use of the method of Cummins and Midlo at the scientific form,
more accurately and with consistent results the use of a gold standard reader
Dermatoglyphics® is proposed (Nodari Júnior, 2009). The digital process to the
dermatoglyphics reading is constituted of a reader and an optic rolling scanner, that
collects, interprets the image and builds, in binary code, a pattern, that is captured
by specific software of treatment and reconstruction of real images and binarized
in black and white. From this stage on, the interference of the evaluator occurs on
marking the core and delta points, when, then, the software makes the qualitative
identification of image and the quantitative of lines, generating the spreadsheet
coming from processed data. At this case, the collection of fingerprints is carried
out by pressing the phalanx, immediately (side of the ulna), on the dermatoglyphics
reader, and turning it around its own axle longitudinal, until the lateral side (radius).
This instrument is four times more accurate and ten times faster than the
traditional method. The new technology presented is a real tool of great importance
to the investigation and qualification of the scientific researches. Beyond this
application, at this case, the new instruments collaborate to the formulation of new
concepts on the observations and analysis of the genetic mark fingerprint (Nodari
Júnior; Heberle 2008).
The dermatoglyphics, that starts with the computing observation, finds on
the Dermatoglyphics® reader a real way as a quantifier and qualifier tool of analysis
of patterns and of its correlation with the biophysical capacities, and also, with
diseases and specific syndromes, allowing a technological evolution of collection,
processing, storage and math treatment.
Dermatoglyphics: Fingerprint
as a genetic mark and
fetal development
The possibilities of statistic treatment of observable data on the fingerprint
generate the recognition of the patterns to the different dermic representation, with
the capacity of processing crossing of information what qualifies even more the work
of the researchers, scientists, sport trainers and professionals of the health sector.
According to Batista (2011), at the last decades, many studies have been
analyzing the use of technologies on the health sector, with the aim of preventing
or healing diseases, and promoting the public health likewise, among which one of
the most used regarding to the genetic, is the dermatoglyphics. It is perceived that
the biological sciences and health have been seeking to find the relations of the
dermatoglyphics with some other aspect, and not only identifying our classifying
determined groups as for its fingerprints.
The studies about dermatoglyphics produced in Brazil from 2004 to 2014,
come from the same group of authors that publish at a restricted number of periodic.
Besides that, a few associations are made as it is already made at other areas as the
biological and health science. This fact may be the reflex of several factors, among
which can be mentioned a failed application of the method, the lack of theoretical
and reflexive deepen or even the lack of creativity in asking other questions, usually
limited by traditional paradigms on the scientific circle of physical education. The
lack of relations with groups of control is also a limiting factor of these researches.
The information process of the dermatoglyphics method has allowed the
conduction of stronger and more directed statistical analysis, once that not only
the qualitative variables (types of patterns), but also quantitative (number of lines),
started to be analyzed on different way, considering the possibilities of statistical
inference. Besides the evolution on the statistics analysis, this information process
permitted the observation of minuteness found on the fingerprints.
Dermatoglyphics: Fingerprint
as a genetic mark and
fetal development
The minuteness are usually alterations of ridges and valleys characterized
by forks, discontinuity, islets and points (Cappelli et al., 2010), in other words,
we can consider as inimitable points of the printings that can be also represent
phenotypic marks of intrauterine environment. These images may be observed at
the chart below which represents a small sample of the possibilities of variations of
Dermatoglyphics: Fingerprint
as a genetic mark and
fetal development
These patterns, found from the development of the information system,
let the research field in Dermatoglyphics. There is also a possibility that each
minuteness or group of minuteness may have own meaning or correlation with
indicators of neuromotors, or still with a potentiality of being a mark of development
of specific diseases.
It is important to remember that until the end of the writing of this chapter
there was no published research in the scientific circle which makes any correlation
to the minuteness and potentialities. At a first moment this finding may seems as
a lack of interest of scientists in investigate the fact by its nullity of the correlation
previously noted, however, in fact what is realized is the newness of the tool. The
information system, gold standard in dermatoglyphics is still an instrument that
is being inserted in the laboratories of research; the authors suggest the validity
of researches about the minuteness, what would allow the identification even
more accurate of the potentialities to the sport, the exercise and the previous
observation of diseases.
The guidelines of the method, using the samples and considering a controlling
group, difference by gender and age, let answers to questions being given at more
scientific and reliable way.
Recent researches in
Dermatoglyphics in
Brazil toward Health
Recent researches in
Dermatoglyphics in
Brazil toward Health
An example of improvement of the researches in dermatoglyphics related to
health is a current study (Nodari Júnior et al., 2014), with sample comprised of 400
individuals, being 200 women with positive diagnosis of breast cancer (clinic and
mammography), and 200 women that represent a controlling group, being these
healthy in relation to the diagnosis of cancer.
The women of the group of control were chosen considering the age
corresponding to the group with breast cancer, being selected randomly at a
databank pre-structured and in expansion, with more than 6.000 individuals,
available at the Laboratory of Physiology of the Exercise from the University of the
West of Santa Catarina (Unoesc), located in the county of Joaçaba, in the State of
Santa Catarina, Brazil.
This research was submitted and approved by the Committee of Ethic
in Research of the University of the West of Santa Catarina (Unoesc), Campus
Joaçaba, Brazil (Protocol # 60.987, 25/07/2012) and in conformity with the
Declaration of Helsinki and the Resolution #196/96.
The collection happened in two different places: at the Center of Image
(CDIH) of the University Hospital of Santa Teresinha (HUST), the fingerprint of
women with positive diagnosis of breast cancer (CA) were collected; and at the
University of the West of Santa Catarina (Unoesc) the collect of the group of control
was carried out (GC).
The chosen protocol to analyze the genetic potential through of the collect
of the fingerprint was the Dermatoglyphics, proposed by Cummins and Midlo
(1961), by the use of the Dermatoglyphics® reader validated by Nodari Junior and
Heberle (2008).
Recent researches in
Dermatoglyphics in
Brazil toward Health
The mammography machine used to obtain the mammographic image was
the E DMR Plus, manufactured in the year of 2000. The mammographic image
is formed coming from beams of x-rays that go through the breast and reach a
detector, which turn them into electric signs, transmitted to a computer, where the
image may be handled to a better understanding of the radiologist doctor.
The statistical analyses were processed on the Statistical Package for the
Social Science (SPSS), version 20.0, being set the level of significance p≤0, 05.
On the comparison between the two groups and their quantitative variables,
to observe the distribution of normality, it has been used the test KolmogorovSmirnov. On the observation of the distribution non-normal, it was applied to the
inference the non-paramedic test Mann-Whitney to the comparison between
the numerical variable: left hand, sum of quantity of lines of the finger 1 – thumb
(MESQL1), left hand, sum of quantity of lines of the finger 2 – index finger (MESQL2),
left hand, sum of quantity of lines of the finger 3 – middle finger (MESQL 3), left
hand, sum of quantity of lines of the finger 4 – ring finger (MESQL 4), left hand,
sum of quantity of lines of the finger 5 – little finger (MESQL 5), total sum of quantity
of lines of the left hand (SQTLE); right hand, sum of quantity of lines of the finger
1 – thumb (MDSQL1), right hand, sum of quantity of lines of the finger 2 – index
finger (MDSQL2), right hand, sum of quantity of lines of the finger 3 – middle finger
(MDSQL3), right hand, sum of quantity of lines of the finger 4 – ring finger (MDSQL4),
right hand, sum of quantity of lines of the finger 5 – little finger (MDSQL5), total sum
of quantity of lines of the right hand (SQTLD); sum of total quantity of lines – both
hands (STQL). In this case it has not been found any significant difference between
groups, as shown at the chart 1.
Recent researches in
Dermatoglyphics in
Brazil toward Health
Chart 1 – Average of the quantity of lines of the fingerprints of the fingers
of the left and right hand, and the distribution of normalities between the group of
women CA and the GC
To the comparison of the categorical variables: Arch (A), Radial Loop (RC),
Ulnar Loop (UC), Whorl (W), patterns of the left hand, finger 1 (MET1), finger 2
(MET2), finger3 (MET3), finger 4 (MET4), finger 5 (MET5) and, of the right hand ,
finger 1 (MDT1), finger 2 (MDT2), finger3 (MDT3), finger 4 (MDT4), finger 5 (MDT5), it
has been used the test Chi-squared and, as found any significant difference, it was
applied the analysis adjusted residuals analysis. In this case it was noted significant
Recent researches in
Dermatoglyphics in
Brazil toward Health
difference between the groups, in all the variables of the fingerprints, in other words,
the ten fingers, as per the chart 2.
Chart 2 – Difference between the pictures of the fingers of tne right and the
left hand of the group of women CA and GC.
Once it was identified a significant difference between the categorical variables
between the groups CA ad GC, it was carried out the adjusted residuals analysis.
to check which picture presents any significance in the groups may, so, determine
the mark of predominant fingerprint and different in the group CA, while compared
to the GC. Observed the significant difference between the pictures presented by
the groups from the Chi-squared, it has been opted for recommendation made by
Pereira (2001) on carrying out the adjusted residuals analysis. In this case, the data
was compared between themselves noting the standard value of 1,96, it means, all
the resultus found upper the standard showed the presence of significant difference
between groups and which of the pictures of the fingerprint is more frequent on the
CA group, as seen at the chart 3.
Recent researches in
Dermatoglyphics in
Brazil toward Health
Chart 3 – Adjusted residuals of the variables studied.
Recent researches in
Dermatoglyphics in
Brazil toward Health
Differently of the research found related to dermatoglyphics and breast
cancer (Sridevi et al., 2010; Oladipo et al., 2009) that found significant differences
on the quantity of lines of women with or without breast cancer, at the other sample
observed herein, with data collected in the region of the middle West of the state
of Santa Catarina, Brazil, with a population of multi-cultural features and distinct
ethnic groups with European predominant miscegenation, as analyzed the statistical
quantitative of number of lines there were no significant differences on the SQTLR
and SQTEL and on the SQTL when compared to the groups CA and GC.
This current study, when analyzed, the qualitative patterns of the
dermatoglyphics patterns, it has been observed a significant difference between CA
and GC, in all of the fingers of the left hand there was a major incidence of Ulnar
Loop (UC); and at the index finger of the left hand (LHT2) it was noted, also, a minor
incidence of Whorl (W). When analyzed the fingers of the right hand, it was noted
a significant difference between the CA and GC, being a major incidence of Ulnar
Loop (UC) in all of the fingers of the right hand, and the presence of Whorl (W) in
minor incidence was found on the right thumb (MDT4).
It was also identified the genetic mark of Radial Loop (RL) manifested only
on the group of control (MET1, MET5, MDT1, MDT3, MDT4, MDT5), what could
determine a mark of protection to the breast cancer, in other words, the women that
present this mark (RC) may have lower chance of developing breast cancer.
These characteristics are distinct of the African ones (Oladipo et al., 2009).
It is possible to consider that there is a difference between the marks found to the
women with diagnosis of breast cancer according to the ethnic group and race.
Recent researches
in Dermatoglyphics
toward Sport
Recent researches
in Dermatoglyphics
toward Sport
The assessment of athlete of elite permit to be plotted parameters related
to the physical valences, anthropometric, and the genetic profile of individuals, that
present specific characteristics to each modality. Tools and methods that support
the process of assessing, as well as guiding athletes of high performance, are
essential to the quest for a better performance in sport (Volkov e Filin, 1983).
Following that, the study on the press (Nodari Júnior et al., 2014), with sample
comprised of 340 individuals of male gender, divided in two groups, being them
Group A, comprised of 170 of futsal professional athletes and Group B, made for
170 individuals of control group selected randomly, observing the gender and age, it
was carried out with the objective of comparing the distribution of dermatoglyphics
indicators of futsal athlete of high performance and of a group of control of nonathlete.
The futsal athletes make part of the three best teams ranked of the Italian,
Spanish and Portuguese championship of futsal of 2010 and the Brazilian league
of futsal of 2010, all of them represented the sporting elite on the sport modality of
their respective countries. The data of the futsal athletes were collected at the club
of each team in Brazil, Italy and Portugal and during the king’s cup in Spain.
The protocol chosen to analyze the genetic potential through the collect of
fingerprint was the Dermatoglyphics, proposed by Cummins and Middlo (1961). To
the capture, processing and analyze of fingerprint, it has been used the information
process to the dermatoglyphics reading, it means, a reader made of an optic rolling
scanner, which collect, interpret the image and build, in binary code a patterns, that
is captured by a specific software of treatment and reconstruction of real images
and binarized in black and white, through the Dermatoglyphics® reader validated by
Nodari Júnior e Heberle (2008).
Recent researches
in Dermatoglyphics
toward Sport
The statistical analyses were processed at Statistical Package for the Social
Science (SPSS), version 20.0, being set the level of significance in p≤0,05. On the
comparison between the two groups and their quantitative variables, to observe the
distribution of the normality, it is applied to the inference of the non-parametric test
Mann-Whitney to the comparisons between numerical variables, left hand, sum of
quantity of lines of finger 1 – thumb ( MESQL1), left hand, sum of quantity of lines
of the finger 2 – index finger (MESQL2), left hand, sum of quantity of lines of the
finger 3 –Middle finger (MESQL3), left hand, sum of quantity of lines of the finger 4
– ring finger (LHSQL4) and left hand, sum of quantity of lines of finger 5 – little finger
(MESQL5); sum of quantity of total lines of the left hand (SQTLE); right hand, sum
of quantity of lines of the finger 1 – thumb (MDSQL1), right hand, sum of quantity of
lines of finger 2 – index finger (MDSQL2), right hand, sum of quantity of line of finger
3 – middle finger ( MDSQL3), right hand, sum of quantity of lines of finger 4 – ring
finger (MDSQL4), right hand, sum of quantity of lines of finger 5 (MDSQL5); total
sum of quantity of lines of the right hand (TSQLR); sum of total quantity of lines of
both hands (STQL).
To the comparison of categorical variables: Arch (A), Radial Loop (CR), Ulnar
Loop (UC), Whorl(W), patterns of right hand, finger 1 (LHT1), finger 2 (LHT2), finger
3 (LHT3), finger 4 (LHT4) and finger 5 (LHT5) and, of the right hand, finger 1 (RHT1),
finger 2 (RHT2), finger 3 (RHT3), finger 4 (RHT4) and finger 5 (RHT5), it has been
used the Qui–square test and, when found significant differences, it was applied the
adjusted residuals analysis.
Recent researches
in Dermatoglyphics
toward Sport
After the observation of the distribution not normal of quantitative variables,
through the test of Kolmogorov-Smirnov, it was carried out the non-parametric
test Mann-Whitney, in order to compare the numerical variables, the result found
demonstrated that the quantity of lines of the patterns, of six possible variables
on the fingerprints, is significantly bigger at the Group A, (Futsal Athletes), when
compared to the Group B (Control), as observed in the chart 4.
Chart 4: Average quantity of lines of fingerprints of fingers of the left and right
hand, SQTLH, SQTRH, SQTL and significant difference found between the Group
A, when compared to Group B.
Recent researches
in Dermatoglyphics
toward Sport
The characteristics observed on the Group A, when compared to the Group
B, demonstrated a larger quantity of lines that may be related to larger quantity of
complex pictures, once that as farther from the core in relation to the delta, larger is
the existing space marked by the line of Galton.
To the categorical variables the result of the Chi-squared demonstrated
significant difference between the groups in four variables of fingerprints, as noted at
chart 5.
Chart 5: Significant difference between the pictures of the fingers of the right
and left hand found when compared to the Group A and the Group B.
Once identified the significant difference of categorical variables between the
Group A and Group B, it was carried out the adjusted residuals analysis to verify
which picture presents value of significance on the groups, being able of determining
the mark of fingerprint predominant and different on Group A, when compared to
the Group B. Observed the significant difference between the pictures showed by
the groups from the Chi-squared, it was opted by the recommendation made by
Pereira, 2001 on carrying out the adjusted residuals analysis. Herein, the database
was compared among itself observing the standard value of 1,96, it means, all the
results found higher than the standard show the presence of significant difference
Recent researches
in Dermatoglyphics
toward Sport
between groups and which of the pictures of fingerprints is more frequent on the
Group A as seen at chart 6.
Chart 6: Adjusted residuals analysis, with the standard value of 1,96, from
the Chi-squared of categorical variables with significant difference between Group A
and Group B.
On the fingerprints in which it has been found the significant differences,
there is a standard of picture predominant at Group A when compared to Group B,
in other words, it is observed at Chart 6 that the standard of fingerprint to Group A
presents higher quantity of W at MET1 and MDT1; higher quantity of RL at MDT3
and MDT5.
Recent researches
in Dermatoglyphics
toward Sport
This study presented relevant differences in athletes of high performance
at futsal, when compared to a group of control made by non-athletes individuals,
regarding to the quantitative dermatoglyphics characteristics (quantity of lines)
and qualitative (kinds of pictures), since the investigated athletes presented higher
quantity of lines and predominance of pictures of Whorl(W) and Radial Loop (RC).
With this format of investigation, it is observed that the difference or genetic
mark found in athletes may be associated to the place where this mark is found at
the fingers, and not only to the kind of pictures and the sum of lines found.
Dermatoglyphics on
the accuracy of
the exercises
Dermatoglyphics on
the accuracy of
the exercises
At the decade of 60, scientific researches, aiming to develop the sporting
modality at the youth, were carried out in the USoviet Socialist Republics. So,
at this time appear studies carried out by Bulgakova (1978), Nikitiuk e Filipov
(1984), Abramova, Ozolin e Martirosov (1989), Abramova e Nikitina (1990),
Abramova, Nikitina e Ozolin (1995) between other researchers that demonstrated
the employment of fingerprints at the sporting selection. Abramova (1995) while
studying the fingerprints of sporting talents of Russia, it was verified that the rate
of fingerprint (ID) were different according to the sport modality, the position at the
team, differentiating the sprint of resistance and motor coordination. The studies
conducted by the Soviets allowed relate the fingerprints and the possibilities
sporting performance.
According to Matveev (1997), the physical capacities depend mostly of
aptitudes inherited; therefore, a better sporting performance may be resulting of
previous knowledge of potentialities of an individual.
The Dermatoglyphics arises as a guiding tool to support sporting talents,
through the identification of modalities, the appropriate guidance to a better
adaptation of the potentialities, or compensation of genetic characteristics not well
present in the individuals.
At the moment of the prescription of training to athletic performance, the
focus is on the maximization of the potentialities, condition that, forward the athletes
to better results possible from the genetic characteristic observed.
Once that the dermatoglyphics has showed as a minute of neuromotor, in the
period from the third and the sixth month of pregnancy, from the genetic potentiality
of father and mother and the uterine environment provided by the mother, it is
noted that it is possible understand the best performance arising from the inherited
characteristics that each individual carries.
Dermatoglyphics on
the accuracy of
the exercises
High performance athletes and physical trainer of this same area may benefit
of the Dermatoglyphics to the improvement and enhancement of the excellent
characteristics that each individuals own.
The readjustment of the athlete into the sport modalities either by
predominant proof or position in game, is also a possibility arising from the tool here
introduced, once that the sporting modalities present their own characteristics in
which the athletes may have their best showed. Thus, it is highlighted the laterality
as an important factor of distribution in the court, for instance. Another important
fact is that in the observation of the potentialities of the individuals it is possible to
qualify even more the strategies of athletic actions, either in the teams of relay or still
on the action of match that face the quality presented by the adversary teams.
Observing oxidative speed, potency, resistance, high motor coordination or
agility may qualify the strategic action of the trainers and coaches at the moment
of structuring its form of action in game or race. This is an area of knowledge
in the Dermatoglyphics that still needs further investigation, although, what is
already proposed by the authors mentioned at the end of this chapter generates
enough information for logic deductions about the capacities that the individuals
may develop and that must be made use, as well as the deficiencies that must be
compensated by training, by tactic or by strategy of action.
To the practicing athletes of programs of exercises on the promotion of
health, the dermatoglyphics may present which are the potentialities that, at the
first moment, must be prioritized, increasing so, the possibilities of adhesion to a
routine of physical activities and once the first results are reached inserting regularly
exercises that will compensate the characteristics less evident.
Dermatoglyphics on
the accuracy of
the exercises
The association of both Dermatoglyphics and prescription of exercise from
the information herein, provide to the individual a better condition of work with a
possibility of an innovative differential, arising from technology based on results of
scientific investigations.
In case of prescription of exercises the Dermatoglyphics it may be presented
as an important tool when observed the four primary factors: kind of exercise,
intensity, frequency and duration.
There are several possible combinations to the understanding of the
dermatoglyphics reports as conductors of the construction of a program of
exercises; it can be mentioned as example people with high capacity of motor
coordination, typical of individuals with high frequency of whorl patterns. In this
case it is suggested, to optimize the initial results, the exercises that use free
weight, rubber implements, equipment that generate instability or even exercises
of suspension. The activities to these individuals will demand a better motor
coordination and, therefore, the results have the possibility of being perceived faster.
Individuals with higher number of lines have higher capacity of resistance
(Abramova, 2000), and this quality must be associated to the type of pattern, as
for example, individuals with higher number of loops, that have higher capacity
of speed. This association suggests to the professional that the prescription may
demand activities of resistant speed, in other words, propose activities of speed for
long lasting, in this case the use of circuits with fast exercises and small intervals.
It is important to remember that is responsibility of the physical education
professional the comprehension of the prescription of the exercise from the physical
capacities, and that the dermatoglyphics points which are the potentials to these
capacities. From this point the prescription of exercises to individuals with distinct
potentialities must be a normal action and of specific knowledge of this professional.
Dermatoglyphics on
the accuracy of
the exercises
Other suggestions on form of prescription might make part of this text, yet
this is chapter of knowledge at a broader approach about the subject.
Summing up it is important to highlight that the genetic mark and the fetal
development, as it is presented the Dermatoglyphics, are examples of supporting
tools on the orientation of the sports talent, on the prescription of exercises, on
the physical preparation and on the prognosis in health. However, it is essential to
remember that the researches give it density of being a strong tool.
Guiding the understanding of the potentialities at sport, in the exercise and
in the prognosis on health, using the Dermatoglyphics, seems to be an innovative
process that generates differentiation on the implementation and that expands the
safety with the professionals that of it make use. We still leave the recommendation
and the invitation likewise to more researchers get involved on the development of
its so promising methodology.
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