Mare Nostrum 2016® - Barcelona
Mare Nostrum 2016® - Barcelona
Mare Nostrum 2016® - Barcelona Barcelona, November 2015. To the kind attention of All interested Federations website: MARE NOSTRUM 2016 Dear Mr. President, The Mare Nostrum Tour®, is one of the most prestigious swimming meetings from around the world. The 2016 event will be as follows: MONACO 4 – 5 June CANET 8 – 9 June BARCELONA 11 – 12 June Mare Nostrum® is glad to offer to the best swimmers financial aid as follows: Category Achievement Assistance Individual Olympic Champions 2012 (London) Flight tickets 200 € for Europe and 400 € for A (*) Individual World Champions 2015 (Kazan) World (for meeting) and Winner Mare Nostrum 2015 Intermeeting transportation and accommodation Individual Olympic Medalist 2012 (London) Flight tickets 150 € for Europe and 250 € for B (*) Individual World Champions Medalist 2015 (Kazan) World (for Meeting) and Individual World Record holders Long course Intermeeting transportation and accommodation C (*) D (*) E Individual European Champions 2014 (Berlin) Individual European Champions 2016 (London) Relay Olympic Podium 2012 Relay World Podium 2015 1 coach for “A-B-C” swimmers category Flight tickets 75 € ( for Meeting) and Intermeeting transportation and accommodation Intermeeting transportation Flight tickets 100 € for Europe and 160 € for World (for Meeting) and Intermeeting transportation and accommodation (*) These categories are exempt from payment participation costs. Some major changes have been made with regards to pricing of the Mare Nostrum Trophy. The awards have grown to 21.000 €, and will be awarded to the top 8 swimmers of the circuit!. We will pay 600 € for each Mare Nostrum record broken in any of the three meetings. Additionally, each of the three meetings will reward the best swimmers with a minimum of 19.818 € awarded plus special compensation in case a record is broken. Mare Nostrum 2016® - Barcelona In 2016, the Winners of the Mare Nostrum Circuit will be given awards as follows: MEN 7.000 euros 2.000 euros 1.000 euros 500 euros WOMEN 7.000 euros 2.000 euros 1.000 euros 500 euros Upon receipt of your entry, we will send you all t h e relevant information on the event and the Final, Accommodation and Travel Forms. If you have any other questions concerning this event, please do not hesitate to contact the Organizing Committees of the Mare Nostrum Circuit. MONACO (MON) 4 - 5 June XXXIV Meeting International de Natation Tel +377 92 05 40 59 Fax +377 92 05 40 69 e-mail: contact: Sthéphani Cabiot – Déléguée // Roland Trabaries – Coordinator CANET (FRAN) 8 - 9 June – XXIX Meeting de Canet en Roussillon Tel + 33 4 68 73 54 03 Fax +33 4 68 867232 e-mail: contact: Stephaniè Bonnet – Secretary BARCELONA (ESP) 11 - 12 June – XXXVII Gran Premi Internacional Ciutat de Barcelona Tel +34 93 345.67.89 – Fax +34 93 345.63.04 e-mail: contact: Elisenda Pascual – General Manager // Adolf Ayza - Coordinator – contact : Rosa Iglesias – Federación Catalana de Natación Mare Nostrum 2016® - Barcelona Schedule of submission: As soon as possible: Attendance Form May 2nd, 2016 : Pre-entry file May 16th : Reservation for your lodging and your intercity transportation Coinciding with the release of the Mare Nostrum in Barcelona in 2016, there will be another great event being held in the city. For this reason, to ensure you have accommodations for the swimming meeting, you will need to make your hotel reservation before May 16, 2016 so that we can guarantee your reservations. May 16th : Hotels payment for lodging in Barcelona by bank transfer to: Name of Account : HOTEL CATALONIA ATENAS – BARCELONA May 23th : Total payment of intercities transportation by bank transfer to: Name of Account: FÉDÉRATION MONÉGASQUE DE NATATION – MONACO It is very important that you fill out the Attendance Form for the inter-meeting charter transportation, and return it to us, so we can arrange all of your transportations needs. Failure to submit this form will resolve in no scheduled transportation. The teams that made reservations on the charter must pay 50% of the amount by April 25th and the balance by May 23th. We are always available for any questions or concerns you may have. We send you our best regards. Organization Mare Nostrum Website NATACIÓN ‐ SWIMMING 1. Competición ‐ Competition. Evento ‐ Event Fecha ‐ Date Sede ‐ Venue XXXVII Trofeu Internacional Ciutat de Barcelona de Natació. XXXVII International Swimming meeting 11 – 12 de Junio de 2016 / June 11 – 12, 2016 Club Natació Sant Andreu, Barcelona La Federación Catalana de Natación y el Club Natación Sant Andreu organizan el “Gran Premi Internacional de Natación Ciutat de Barcelona”, reunirá la primera línea de la natación mundial en la 37a edición, una competición fundadora del prestigioso circuito europeo, Mare Nostrum juntamente con Canet en Roussillon i Mónaco. Together, the Catalan Swimming Federation and the Sant Andreu Swimming Club have organized the International Swim Meeting “ Gran Premi Ciutat de Barcelona” trophy. This meet will join the world top swimmers in the 37th edition of the International Swimming Meeting, a founding competition of the prestigious Mare Nostrum tournament with Canet en Roussillon and Mónaco. 2. Normativa de competición / Competition Rules. 2.1. ORGANIZACIÓN – ORGANIZATION. La competición se desarrollará en sesiones de mañana y tarde. Las sesiones de mañana (eliminatorias) empezaran a las 08:30 horas y las sesiones de tarde empezaran a las 16:00 horas. Las finales “A” y “B” se realizaran según la retransmisión de TV. Se podrá utilizar la piscina para realizar calentamientos dos horas antes hasta quince minutos antes del inicio de cada sesión. The competition will consist of morning and afternoon sessions. The morning heats will begin at 08:30 and afternoon sessions begin at 16:00 hours. The "A" and "B" finals will be made according to the TV broadcast. You may use the pool for warm‐ups two hours prior to each session. Warm ups must be completed fifteen minutes before the competition. 2.2. PARTICIPACIÓN – PARTICIPATION. Las Federaciones participantes deberán estar afiliadas a la Federación Internacional de Natación Amateur (F.I.N.A.). Pueden participar todos los nadadores/as de Clubes afiliados a la Federació Catalana de Natació y aquellos que pertenezcan a otras federaciones territoriales, debidamente invitadas, y que acrediten los tiempos “topes” de inscripción en piscina de 50 metros. All t h e F e d e r a t i o n s participating must be affiliated with the Amateur International Swimming Federation (FINA). All clubs affiliated with Catalan Swimming Federation and members of other regional Spanish Federations, must meet time limits in the 50 meters pool to participate. 2.3. INSCRIPCIONES ‐ ENTRIES Las inscripciones a Club Natació Sant Andreu – Sr. Adolf Ayza Coordinador ( y Sra. Rosa Iglesias – Federación Catalana ( antes de las 20:00 horas del día 31 de mayo de 2016. No se aceptarán inscripciones posteriores a las recibidas en la fecha y hora especificadas. El precio de inscripción será de 12 € por nadador. Este importe deberá ser abonado antes del 31 de mayo de 2016 mediante transferencia bancaria en el Banco de Sabadell : Código IBAN : ES30-0081-0058-8300-0110-5320 Código BIC : BSABESBB Entry forms must be at Club Natació Sant Andreu – Mr. Adolf Ayza – Coordinator ( and Ms. Rosa Iglesias – Federación Catalana ( no later than 20:00 h. May 31th, 2016. The organization will not accept entries after this date and time. Each swimmer must pay 12 € to participate. This amount should be paid before May 31th, 2016 by bank transfer to Banco de Sabadell : IBAN code : ES30-0081-0058-8300-0110-5320 BIC code : BSABESBB DATA‐ DATE 31/05/2016 ACCIÓN – ACTION Fin periodo de inscripción Deadline entry form 03/06/2016 Publicación listado participantes provisional Provisional participants list 07/06/2016 Publicación listado participantes Definitivo Ultimate participants list PRUEBA EVENT PARTICIPACIÓN ENTRIES FORMATO COMPETICIÓN COMPETITITON FORMAT 40 mejores inscr. Eliminatorias – Final A 50 m espalda‐braza‐mariposa Heats – A Final 50 m backstr‐breaststr‐butterfly Best 40 entries 50 m libres 80 mejores inscr. Eliminatorias – Finales A y B 50 m freestyle Best 80 entries Heats – A & B Finals Pruebas 100 m 80 mejores inscr. Eliminatorias – Finales A y B 100 m events Best 80 entries Heats – A & B Final Pruebas 200 m 64 mejores inscr. Eliminatorias – Finales A y B 200 m events Best 64 entries Heats – A & B Finals Pruebas 400 m 24 mejores inscr. Eliminatorias – Finales A y B 400 m events Best 24 entries Heats – A & B Finals 1500 m masc. y 800 m fem. se nadaran en Canet y Barcelona 16 mejores inscr. Contrareloj (ult/serie tarde) 1500 m men and 800 m women will swim in Canet and Barcelona Best 16 entries Time trial (best heat afternoon) ________________________________________________________________________ 2.4. TROFEOS Y PREMIOS – AWARDS & PRIZE MONEY . Medallas y trofeos a los tres primeros clasificados en cada prueba. Trofeo a la mejor marca masculina y femenina, según Tabla FINA. Medals and awards will be given for the top‐three swimmers in each event. Trophies for the best man and woman will be awarded according to the FINA Table. RÈCORD PREMIO PRIZE 9.000 € 1.500 € 600 € 600 € 600 € 300 € Record del Mundo – World Record Record de Europa – European Record Tabla FINA femenina – Women FINA Table Tabla FINA masculina – Men FINA Table Record Mare Nostrum – Mare Nostrum Record Record del campeonato – Meeting Record Premios por prueba – Prize money per event Primer/a clasificado/da – First classified Segundo/a clasificado/da Second classified Tercer/a clasificado/da – Third classified 330 € 180 € 90 € Premios Mare Nostrum – Mare Nostrum Awards: Premio especial Mare Nostrum a la mejor puntuación según tabla FINA (suma de puntuación de los tres meetings). Sólo se valorarán las marcas de las Finales A. Mare N ostrum s pecial prize money w i l l b e a w a r d e d for the best scores according t o t h e FINA Table (scores in the three meetings) We will only consider performances in the A Finals. Primer/a clasificado/da – First classified Segundo/a clasificado/da – Second classified Tercer/a clasificado/da – Third classified Cuarto/a clasificado/da – Fourth classified FEMENINA WOMEN 7.000 € 2.000 € 1.000 € 500 € MASCULINA MEN 7.000 € 2.000 € 1.000 € 500 € 2.5. INFORMACIÓN GENERAL – GENERAL INFORMATION Las medidas de la piscina son: 50 x 21 metros. La competición seguirá normativa y reglamento de la FINA. Cronometraje: Electrónico Omega. Pool sizes: 50 x 21 meters. Competition will be conducted in accordance to FINA Rules and Regulations. Timing: Electronic Omega. 2.6. PROGRAMA DE COMPETICIÓN – COMPETITION PROGRAM. SESSIONS DE MATÍ – SESIONES MAÑANA – MORNING SESSIONS: 11 de junio, 08:30 h, series eliminatorias: June 11th, 08:30 hrs, heats: Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Event 800 FREESTYLE WOMEN 50 BACKSTROKE MEN 50 BREASTSTROKE WOMEN 50 BUTTERFLY MEN 400 IND MEDLEY WOMEN 100 FREESTYLE MEN 100 BACKSTROKE WOMEN 100 BREASTSTROKE MEN 50 FREESTYLE WOMEN 200 BRACKSTROKE MEN 200 BREASTSTROKE WOMEN 200 BUTTERFLY MEN 100 BUTTERFLY WOMEN 200 IND MEDLEY MEN 200 FRESTYLE WOMEN 400 FREESTYLE MEN Heats 1 5 5 5 3 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 10 0 8 8 3 Limit time 08:50,47 00:29,26 00:34,81 00:26,19 04:55,45 00:51,81 01:06,01 01:05,57 00:27,50 02:07,54 02:37,65 02:05,03 01:03,44 02:09,13 02:05,93 04:02,90 12 de junio, 08:30 h, series eliminatorias: June 12th, 08:30 hrs, heats: Order 17 18 1 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Event 1500 FREESTYLE MEN 50 BACKSTROKE WOMEN 50 BREASTSTROKE MEN 50 BUTTERFLY WOMEN 400 IND MEDLEY MEN 100 FREESTYLE WOMEN 100 BACKSTROKE MEN 100 BREASTSTROKE WOMEN 50 FREESTYLE MEN 200 BACKSTROKE WOMEN 200 BREASTSTROKE MEN 200 BUTTERFLY WOMEN 100 BUTTERFLY MEN 200 IND MEDLEY WOMEN 200 FREESTYLE MEN 400 FREESTYLE WOMEN Heats 1 5 5 5 3 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 10 8 8 3 Limit time 16:18,92 00:31,58 00:30,53 00:29,42 04:35,75 00:58,68 00:58,90 01:13,76 00:24,20 02:20,95 02:21,72 02:18,92 00:56,53 02:22,55 01:54,26 04:24,19 SESIONES TARDE – AFTERNOON SESSIONS: 11 de junio, 16:00 h según TV, Finales: June 11th, 16:00 hrs according to the TV broadcast, Finals: Order Event 1 800 FREESTYLE WOMEN 2 50 BACKSTROKE MEN 3 50 BREASTSTROKE WOMEN 4 50 BUTTERFLY MEN Delivery of medals events 1 to 4 5 400 IND MEDLEY WOMEN 6 100 FREESTYLE MEN 7 100 BACKSTROKE WOMEN 8 100 BREASTSTROKE MEN Delivery of medals events 5 to 8 9 50 FREESTYLE WOMEN 10 200 BRACKSTROKE MEN 11 200 BREASTSTROKE WOMEN 12 200 BUTTERFLY MEN 12 Delivery of medals events 9 to 12 13 100 BUTTERFLY WOMEN 14 200 IND MEDLEY MEN 15 200 FRESTYLE WOMEN 16 400 FREESTYLE MEN Delivery of medals events 13 to 16 Start training B Finals session 5 400 IND MEDLEY WOMEN 6 100 FREESTYLE MEN 7 100 BACKSTROKE WOMEN 8 100 BREASTSTROKE MEN 9 50 FREESTYLE WOMEN 10 200 BRACKSTROKE MEN 11 200 BREASTSTROKE WOMEN 12 200 BUTTERFLY MEN 13 100 BUTTERFLY WOMEN 14 200 IND MEDLEY MEN 15 200 FRESTYLE WOMEN 16 400 FREESTYLE MEN Heats 1 1 1 1 A Final A Final A Final A Final 1 1 1 1 A Final A Final A Final A Final 1 1 1 1 A Final A Final A Final A Final 1 1 1 1 A Final A Final A Final A Final 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B Final B Final B Final B Final B Final B Final B Final B Final B Final B Final B Final B Final 12 de junio, 16:00 h según TV, Finales: June 121th, 16:00 hrs according to the TV broadcast, Finals: Order Event 17 1500 FREESTYLE MEN 18 50 BACKSTROKE WOMEN 19 50 BREASTSTROKE MEN 20 50 BUTTERFLY WOMEN Delivery of medals events 17 to 20 21 400 IND MEDLEY MEN 22 100 FREESTYLE WOMEN 23 100 BACKSTROKE MEN 24 100 BREASTSTROKE WOMEN Delivery of medals events 21 to 24 25 50 FREESTYLE MEN 26 200 BACKSTROKE WOMEN 27 200 BREASTSTROKE MEN 28 200 BUTTERFLY WOMEN Delivery of medals events 25 to 28 29 100 BUTTERFLY MEN 30 200 IND MEDLEY WOMEN 31 200 FREESTYLE MEN 32 400 FREESTYLE WOMEN Delivery of medals events 29 to 32 Start training B Finals session 21 400 IND MEDLEY MEN 22 100 FREESTYLE WOMEN 23 100 BACKSTROKE MEN 24 100 BREASTSTROKE WOMEN 25 50 FREESTYLE MEN 26 200 BACKSTROKE WOMEN 27 200 BREASTSTROKE MEN 28 200 BUTTERFLY WOMEN 29 100 BUTTERFLY MEN 30 200 IND MEDLEY WOMEN 31 200 FREESTYLE MEN 32 400 FREESTYLE WOMEN Heats 1 1 1 1 A Final A Final A Final A Final 1 1 1 1 A Final A Final A Final A Final 1 1 1 1 A Final A Final A Final A Final 1 1 1 1 A Final A Final A Final A Final 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B Final B Final B Final B Final B Final B Final B Final B Final B Final B Final B Final B Final Para cualquier otra información no dude en contactar For further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Club Natació Sant Andreu Tel + (34) 93 3456789 Fax + (34) 93 3456304