Sensitive dependence of hydrogen Balmer-alpha


Sensitive dependence of hydrogen Balmer-alpha
Sensitive dependence of hydrogen Balmer-alpha laser-induced fluorescence
signal from hydrogen neutral beam on background magnetic field
E. L. Foleya兲
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08543
F. M. Levinton
Nova Photonics, Inc., Princeton, New Jersey 08540
共Received 16 March 2004; accepted 21 September 2005; published online 8 November 2005兲
A previously unreported result for the dependence of a laser-induced fluorescence 共LIF兲 signal from
the H-alpha 共Balmer-alpha兲 transition in a hydrogen neutral beam passing through a background of
neutral hydrogen gas is presented. The LIF signal from a 30 kV beam is found to be enhanced and
the fine-structure line amplitudes in the H-alpha spectrum are seen to vary significantly with an
applied perpendicular magnetic field over the range of 0 – 0.01 T. The phenomenon has also been
observed and investigated in a background electric field of ⬃0 – 300 V / cm, and in the presence of
crossed perpendicular magnetic and electric fields, demonstrating that the magnetic-field effect is
due to the motional Stark electric field perceived in the beam reference frame as it passes through
the magnetic field. The effect has been studied with variations of background neutral gas pressure,
laser power, and polarization direction and at different locations along the neutral beamline. The
phenomenon could be exploited as a low-field diagnostic technique in environments that are not
appropriate for magnetic probes. © 2005 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2121935兴
Very sensitive dependence on magnetic fields in the region of 0 – 100 G has been observed in a laser-induced fluorescence 共LIF兲 signal from the H-alpha transition in a hydrogen neutral beam. The total magnitude of the signal as well
as the individual fine-structure lines observed from the beam
were found to vary significantly. The phenomenon is understood to be due to the mixing of the atomic sublevels in the
␷ ⫻ B Lorentz electric field that is perceived in the beam
atom’s frame as it moves at the beam velocity ␷ through the
background magnetic field B. It has the potential to be exploited as a low-magnetic-field diagnostic in experiments
which are hostile to magnetic probes and have neutral gas
backgrounds or limited charged particle interactions. The
possibilities include measuring the self-generated magnetic
fields of ion1 or electron2 beams or measuring magnetic
fields in vacuum or low-density plasma devices with hostile
The experiment in which this phenomenon has been observed is primarily a test bed for the development of the
motional Stark effect with laser-induced fluorescence 共MSELIF兲 diagnostic. The motional Stark effect 共MSE兲 diagnostic
has been widely applied to measure magnetic-field pitch
angle in high-field toroidal plasma devices3–5 since its
development.6 The technique of this measurement is to observe the polarization of the Stark manifold of spectral lines
emitted by a hydrogen neutral beam passing through a ␷
⫻ B electric field in a magnetized plasma. It was originally
employed in 1989 to achieve a measurement of the central
rotational transform, q共0兲, in a tokamak and has since bea兲
Present address: Nova Photonics, Inc., Princeton, NJ 08540; electronic
come the standard technique for q-profile measurement in
tokamaks worldwide7–9 due to its high spatial and temporal
resolution, accuracy, and nonperturbing nature.
While the motional Stark effect diagnostic has been very
successful as it has been previously applied, the technique
has limitations that prevent it from being extended to the
measurement of magnetic-field magnitude and pitch angle in
devices with magnetic fields under ⬃0.75 T, many of which
have recently been built.10–15 The MSE-LIF technique16 is
being developed to extend the low-field limit of MSE. It is
also designed to allow the determination of the magnitude of
the magnetic field and allow MSE measurements to be taken
on machines without heating beams or at times when the
heating beams are not operating or desired on the machines
that have them. More details on the MSE-LIF technique and
the apparatus discussed in this paper can be found
Previous work on laser-induced fluorescence on the
Balmer-alpha line has been done in various contexts, but the
enhanced LIF phenomenon in low magnetic fields has not
been reported. Some other work has focused on using LIF on
neutral hydrogen atoms in plasmas as a density and/or temperature diagnostic.18–20 A series of experiments was performed using LIF on the Balmer-alpha line of hydrogen atoms in a neutral beam in background electric field with the
aim of producing a hydrogen beam with a significant population in selected sublevels of the n = 3 state for atomic physics studies.21–24
Figure 1 shows a diagram of the experiment. A
30– 40 kV neutral hydrogen beam is created by chargeexchange neutralization of a proton beam extracted from a
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J. Appl. Phys. 98, 093101 共2005兲
E. L. Foley and F. M. Levinton
FIG. 1. 共Color兲 Schematic diagram of experimental system.
multicusp rf source through a three-grid electrode system.
The source has been carefully designed and constructed to
minimize the axial energy spread of the beam. This includes
floating the rf generator at the extraction potential with fully
shielded leads and installing a magnetic filter which limits
the spread in plasma potential in the source over the region
where the beam ions are born.25,26 The acceleration power
supply and rf generator were designed to apply minimal oscillation to the extraction voltage to keep the axial energy
spread of the beam as low as possible for a maximally precise spectroscopic measurement. The linewidth of the LIF
measurement is presently limited by collisional processes
within the neutralization cell and beamline which cause the
energy spread in the beam. The beam travels through a partially evacuated beamline with a background neutral hydrogen pressure of 0.1– 0.5 mT. Two sets of magnetic coils are
positioned along the beamline to apply transverse magnetic
fields to the beam. At 1 m from the acceleration region, the
magnetic coils and associated power supply can create an
applied field of 0 – 0.01 T and at 2 m, a field of 0.1– 0.35 T
can be attained.
A Coherent 899-21 dye laser, pumped by a Coherent
Sabre argon-ion laser at 7.5 W and 514 nm, is used with
DCM dye in EPH solvent to excite the Doppler-shifted
H-alpha transition from n = 2 to n = 3 in the hydrogen beam
near 650 nm. The laser interacts with the neutral beam axially, passing through a window in the rear of the neutral
beam source. The laser is coupled to a single-mode fiber at
the output and recollimated at the location of the neutral
beam source to be ⬃1 cm in diameter to match the size of
the neutral beam. A lens is set up to collect light from the
beam at the center of the magnetic coils. The light is focused
on a bundle of optical fibers and transmitted through a thermally tuned narrowband 共8 Å兲 filter, which selects only the
Doppler-shifted H-alpha emission from the beam and blocks
both the background H-alpha from stationary atoms and
stray laser light signals. The transmitted light is focused onto
an avalanche photodiode 共APD兲 with a 1 cm diameter active
area. The APD, from Advanced Photonix, is cooled to
−20 ° C to reduce dark current noise. Its intrinsic gain is
variable and on the order of ⬃300. It employs a high-gain
transimpedance amplifier which gives 106 V / A followed by
a 10⫻ voltage amplifier. The APD output is the input to the
lock-in amplifier.
Experimental data for the LIF signal with no applied
field are shown in Fig. 2. Data with magnetic fields of 20, 45,
60, and 105 G applied perpendicular to the beam are shown
in Fig. 3. In these spectra, the laser was tuned close to the
Doppler-shifted H-alpha line and the neutral beam voltage
was swept over 400 V, centered at 30 kV, to cover all of the
possible resonant transitions. The vertical axis is the lock-in
signal magnitude output and the horizontal axis is the sweep
voltage. The conversion factors between sweep voltage, frequency, and wavelength are approximately 100 V ⬃ 6 GHz
⬃ 0.09 Å.
The H-alpha transition, even in the absence of applied
fields, consists of a series of lines due to the fine structure of
the n = 2 and n = 3 levels. Figure 4 displays the levels, to scale
within each n, including the spin-orbit interaction and the
Lamb shift, but neglects the hyperfine structure. The energy
FIG. 2. LIF data with no applied fields.
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E. L. Foley and F. M. Levinton
J. Appl. Phys. 98, 093101 共2005兲
FIG. 3. LIF data with perpendicular magnetic field applied: 共a兲 20, 共b兲 45, 共c兲 60, and 共d兲 105 G.
differences are given in cm−1 and the levels are identified in
spectroscopic notation l j, where s, p, and d refer to the l or
orbital angular momentum quantum number of 0, 1, and 2,
respectively, and j is the total angular momentum quantum
number, which in the case of hydrogen with a single electron
of spin 21 is given by j = l ± 21 .
Also shown in Fig. 4 are the allowed transitions in the
absence of applied fields. Their relative locations in frequency or wavelength space are shown on the bottom of the
figure, and the seven lines are numbered, in order of increasing wavelength, for ease of comparison to the experimental
data. These lines are overlaid on the experimental data plots
for reference.
An examination of the zero-field spectrum shown in Fig.
FIG. 4. Diagram showing fine structure and allowed transitions for H-alpha
2 reveals that some of the possible fine-structure transitions
are seen, while others are not. In this figure, lines 2, 4, and 7
are all present, while lines 1, 3, 5, and 6 are either significantly smaller in amplitude or not present at all. In the zerofield spectrum, it is important to note that the phase of line 7
is opposite to that of the other lines; that is, while lines 2 and
4 represent an increase in the observed fluorescence due to
laser tuning at those wavelengths, the negative phase of the
lock-in output for line 7 means that the total fluorescence
actually decreased when the laser was tuned to this transition. When a magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the
beam in the observation region, the LIF spectrum changes
dramatically and continues to change with fields up to
100 G. Figure 5 gives a summary of the background collisionally induced fluorescence 共CIF兲 signal and the integrated
LIF signal versus applied magnetic field. Here, the integrated
LIF signal is calculated by summing the total area under the
curves such as those in Figs. 2 and 3. From Fig. 5, it is clear
that the LIF signal magnitude increases dramatically as the
applied field rises from zero to about 40 G and then begins to
decrease. Over this same range of applied field, the background collisionally induced fluorescence signal decreases
and then flattens out.
The detailed spectra of Fig. 3 show that the individual
lines observed are also varying over this range of applied
field. Line 1 appears, and line 7 disappears at low field, the
gap between lines 2 and 4 grows, and line 4 appears to split
in two and then returns to a single line. All of the lines begin
to stray from their original field-free line locations.
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E. L. Foley and F. M. Levinton
FIG. 5. Background collisionally induced fluorescence 共CIF兲 signal and
integrated laser-induced fluorescence 共LIF兲 signal vs applied magnetic field.
In order to investigate the effects of an electric field
applied directly to the neutral beam, parallel water-cooled
copper plates were positioned on either side of the beamline
a few centimeters from the beam and a voltage of 0 – 5 kV
was applied across the plates. Scans of the LIF signal with
applied electric field reveal behavior that is very similar to
the applied magnetic-field case. Figure 6 shows the LIF data
with applied voltages of 75, 150, 230, and 325 V / cm. Figure
7 shows the background CIF signal, and the integrated LIF
signal, for a scan of applied voltage on the parallel plates.
The horizontal axis displays the applied voltage divided by
the distance between the plates, in units of V/cm. This quantity is not exactly the same as the actual applied electric field
between the plates, as there are charged particles between the
plates which can create a sheath and shield the center from
the applied voltage. In fact, the first few data points in Fig. 7
are nearly unchanged from the zero-applied-voltage case because a sheath is created between the plates and there is no
applied electric field at the beam location at this low voltage.
As the voltage rises, the influence of the sheath is overcome
FIG. 6. LIF data with electric field applied, given as volts applied divided
by capacitor plate spacing: 共a兲 75, 共b兲 150, 共c兲 230, and 共d兲 325 V / cm.
Actual electric field in the beam line varies due to nonlinear sheath effect.
J. Appl. Phys. 98, 093101 共2005兲
FIG. 7. Integral under signal and background CIF signal for applied electric
and the changing LIF and CIF behavior is seen. Applied
voltage scans with a background magnetic field were done as
well. In some cases, the background magnetic field was directed to create a Lorentz electric field in the beam frame
which was parallel to the electric field from the applied voltage, and in other cases the magnetic field was in the opposite
direction, creating a Lorentz electric field in the beam’s
frame which is opposite to the electric field created by the
applied voltage.
A series of scans such as those in Fig. 7 was taken with
varying applied magnetic fields in order to verify that the
effect was due to the perceived electric field in the beam
frame. By combining applied magnetic fields with applied
voltage, it was seen that the location of the LIF peak in each
case was consistent with it being approximately constant
with the total perceived electric field. This can be seen in
Fig. 8, which displays the applied electric field at the peak of
the LIF enhancement versus the applied magnetic field. The
“turn-on” field, due to sheath effects, was subtracted from
the peak location as an estimate of the sheath effect, though
this simplification clearly becomes increasingly inaccurate at
higher applied electric fields as the slope of the data deviates
from the lower field values.
FIG. 8. Applied electric field at the peak of LIF enhancement vs applied
magnetic field.
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E. L. Foley and F. M. Levinton
FIG. 10. 共Color兲 Experimental results for neutral density filter scan.
horizontal polarization case, where the laser is perpendicular
to the perceived/applied electric field, includes a peak which
is absent in the vertical polarization case.
An understanding of this enhanced laser-induced fluorescence phenomenon can be gained through consideration
of the variation in atomic sublevel parameters with the applied electric field. In the absence of field, the 2s state is
FIG. 9. 共Color兲 Experimental results for pressure scan. Laser-induced fluorescence data shown in 共a兲, collisionally induced fluorescence data shown
in 共b兲.
Magnetic-field scans were taken under various conditions of background gas pressure in the beamline. The data
are shown in Fig. 9. For these scans, hydrogen gas was
added through a gas inlet located in the viewing region. All
of the pressures indicated are measured in this location, and
are higher than for usual operating conditions, where the
pressure there is typically measured to be ⬃0.2 mT. As the
pressure rises, it is seen that the enhancement phenomenon is
less pronounced and the background CIF signal is increased.
The results of a scan of input laser power, attenuated
with neutral density filters, is shown in Fig. 10. It shows that
the transition is not being fully saturated under the usual
operating conditions, as the LIF signal decreases as the input
laser power decreases. It also shows that the enhancement
phenomenon is present even as the laser power is reduced.
Scans were repeated with the laser polarization parallel
to the perceived electric field as well as with the laser polarization perpendicular to the perceived electric field; in both
cases the laser beam itself is parallel to the beam and the
polarization is therefore perpendicular to the neutral beam
propagation direction. The enhancement phenomenon was
seen in both polarization cases, with no observed differences
in the enhancement behavior. Differences were observed in
the individual spectra, as shown in Fig. 11. Most notably, the
FIG. 11. 共Color兲 LIF data taken with varying laser polarization in a magnetic field of 45 G 共a兲 and with an applied voltage of 150 V / cm 共b兲. Here,
vertical polarization is parallel to the perceived/applied electric field and
horizontal polarization is perpendicular to it.
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FIG. 12. Overlap of 2s and 2p wave functions vs applied magnetic field.
metastable and, due to its long lifetime, is likely to have a
significantly higher population than the 2p states. In the
zero-field spectrum of Fig. 2, the dominance of lines 2 and 4,
which represent the allowed transitions from the 2s state as
shown in Fig. 4, is due to the excess of electrons in the 2s
state. In the absence of fields, the 3s lifetime is significantly
longer than the 3p, 3d, and 2p states. The negative-going
line 7 can be understood as a sign that the 3s state has a
higher population than the 2p3/2 state and that stimulated
emission occurs when the laser is tuned to resonance with
that transition. The change in the shape of the gap between
lines 2 and 4 as field is applied and line 7 disappears is an
indication that stimulated emission is also occurring at line 3
with no applied field, showing that the 3s population is
higher than the 2p1/2 population.
As field is applied, the 2s state begins to mix with the 2p
states and transitions that were previously forbidden become
allowed. Figure 12 shows the result of a calculation of the
overlap of the states which the zero-field 2s and 2p states
evolve into as the field is turned on. These forbidden transitions can be seen as the additional lines that appear in the
spectra of Figs. 3 and 6 when a field is applied. Calculations
of the expected wavelengths of these transitions were performed and fits were made to the data for these calculated
wavelengths at different field values. Examples are shown in
Fig. 13. Here the individual colored peaks represent the average locations of the lines from the 3d5/2, 3d3/2, 3p3/2, 3p1/2,
and 3s1/2 states. The line amplitudes are obtained from a
least-squares fitting routine and the line shapes were defined
as exponentially modified Gaussians to match the line shapes
produced through a combination of symmetric broadening
mechanisms and the asymmetry caused by nuclear straggling
and neutralization of beam protons before the full acceleration potential gradient is traversed.
The total LIF signal increases for a combination of reasons. The greater number of allowed transitions results in a
larger overall signal. Also the branching ratios for the 3p3/2
state to all of the n = 2 states increase with field, accounting
for some of the total signal increase. Additionally, it is not
possible in this apparatus to discern between the wavelength
of a 2s – 3d5/2 transition and the 2p1/2 – 3d3/2 transition. Both
would appear nearly at the location marked as line 1. The
fluorescence observed there may be a combination of previ-
FIG. 13. 共Color兲 Example of peak fitting to data at 27 共a兲 and 97 G 共b兲.
ously forbidden transitions from 2s to 3d5/2, and some contribution from the 2p1/2 state, to which 2s electrons may
transition27 as they experience the time-changing field upon
entering the viewing region.
As the field continues to increase, the LIF signal decreases because the population in the 2s state drops as transitions to ground become allowed. The lifetime of the 2s
state decreases significantly over the course of the measurement and it approaches the 2p state lifetime by 100 G, as
shown in Fig. 14. The variation in the total enhancement
factor and peak field value at maximum enhancement between the applied magnetic field case of Fig. 5 and the applied electric field case of Fig. 7 may be due to the difference
FIG. 14. Variation in lifetimes of n = 2 states with applied magnetic field.
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FIG. 15. Variation in lifetimes of n = 3 states with applied magnetic field.
in the fringing field distribution along the beamline as the
atoms approach the viewing region in the two geometries.
The electric field is applied with a steeper gradient and lesser
penetration of field into the beamline than the magnetic field,
thus this case allows a greater signal enhancement before the
competing effect of 2s-state loss through quenching during
the approach to the viewing region comes to dominate. The
difference in the fringing field extent and sheath effects are
responsible for the line representing the equivalent electric
field expected to match the 40 G magnetic-field peak being
lower than the data in Fig. 8.
The reduced penetration of field into the beamline in the
applied electric field case similarly accounts for the smaller
decrease of CIF signal with field in the applied electric field
case as opposed to the applied magnetic field case. The CIF
signal decreases with applied field as the 3s lifetime decreases and the excess population in 3s diminishes. The disappearance of the stimulated emission at lines 3 and 7 is
supporting evidence that the 3s population significantly decreases with the applied field. The variation of the n = 3 lifetimes with applied field was calculated and is shown in
Fig. 15.
As pressure in the viewing region is increased, Fig. 9
shows that the collisionally induced fluorescence signal increases and the effect of the applied field changes from causing a drop in the CIF signal with field at low background
pressure to causing an increase in the CIF signal with field at
high background pressure. This, too, can be understood in
terms of the competing effects populating each level and the
variation of the sublevel parameters. At low pressures, the
relatively long lifetime of the 3s state as compared to the 3p
and 3d states is likely to cause an excess of electrons in the
3s state, and these transitions contribute significantly to the
total CIF signal. Thus, as a field is applied, and the 3s lifetime drops, this enhancement is reduced and the signal goes
down. At higher pressures, even without an applied field the
total CIF signal goes up because of enhanced collisional excitation from ground and n = 2 states. The effect of collisional
depopulation of the 3s state may come to dominate over
radiative decay, and so the sublevels of the n = 3 level are
expected to be more evenly distributed. As field is applied,
many previously unseen radiative transitions from n = 3 sublevels to n = 2 sublevels become allowed and the net effect
J. Appl. Phys. 98, 093101 共2005兲
FIG. 16. Collisional destruction time for 2s metastable beam vs background
gas pressure.
could be an increase in the overall branching ratio from n
= 3 to n = 2, and thus an increase in the CIF signal. The LIF
signal enhancement phenomenon relies heavily on the excess
of electrons in the 2s state due to that state’s long lifetime
with no field. Figure 16 shows the collisional destruction
time for the metastable 2s versus gas pressure, where the
cross section for collisional destruction is taken from Gilbody et al.28 As the background gas pressure rises, the effective lifetime of the 2s state, always dominated by collisions
rather than radiation in the absence of external fields, drops.
As the 2s effective lifetime drops, so does the excess electron
population in that level and thus also the enhancement.
The decrease in the total LIF signal with decreasing laser
power is an indication that the transition is not saturated. An
accurate calculation of the saturation parameter in this case
would need to include the effect of collisions on the lifetimes
of the upper and lower states.
The polarization effect shown in the data of Fig. 11 can
also be seen in a model of the system, shown in Fig. 17. This
calculation solves for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the
n = 1, n = 2, and n = 3 states in hydrogen neutrals in an energetic beam, including the Stark, motional Stark, and Zeeman
effects, as well as the fine structure from the spin-orbit coupling and the Lamb shift. The calculated intensities at each
wavelength for all possible transitions to n = 2, shown as bars
in Fig. 17, are calculated as the square of the appropriate
dipole moments. The aggregate peaks shown in Fig. 17 are
the result of individual Gaussian curves assigned to each
intensity component and summed to represent a more physical spectrum. The actual spectral line shape in this experiment is very asymmetric and is better represented by the
exponentially modified Gaussians of Fig. 13. The peaks in
Fig. 17 serve to demonstrate the difference between the orthogonal polarization cases. The horizontal polarization case
has additional transitions in the center of the spectrum, leading to a shallower decay on the right side of the main peak
共in Fig. 11兲 and an additional small peak being observed.
This line could be exploited for a measurement of the
magnetic-field direction. With the laser wavelength fixed to
excite this wavelength, the polarization of the laser could be
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J. Appl. Phys. 98, 093101 共2005兲
E. L. Foley and F. M. Levinton
The LIF enhancement phenomenon described in this paper displays a very sensitive dependence on magnetic field in
the range of 0 – 100 G. A conceptual understanding is given
in terms of the variation of the sublevel lifetimes and transition probabilities in electric field. For a more complete understanding of the phenomenon, and in order to use the enhancement to diagnose the magnetic field in a given system,
a detailed computer simulation of the neutral beam system,
including the calculation of the sublevel parameters, consideration of the effects of laser pumping, and collisions with
background particles on the populations, is necessary. Such a
calculation for the parameters given in this experiment is in
progress and will be reported in a future paper.
This work is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Grant No. DE-FG02-01ER54616. One of the authors
E.L.F. gratefully acknowledges the support of a Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowship. The authors would like to thank
D. DiCicco, K. Hirst, V. Corso, and J. Taylor for their excellent technical support; K. N. Leung, S. K. Hahto, S. T.
Hahto, and S. Wilde of LBNL for useful discussions in addition to the development of the neutral beam source; L.
Grisham and P. Efthimion for useful discussions; and J. Kallman for the construction of the parallel-plate apparatus and
assistance with data gathering.
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FIG. 17. 共Color兲 Result of simulation showing asymmetry in polarization
direction: 共a兲 no applied fields, 共b兲 magnetic field of 45 G, and 共c兲 electric
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rotated in time and the LIF signal observed. The alignmentdependent resonance would result in a sinusoidal LIF signal
of the same frequency as the input polarization rotation, but
with shifted phase. This phase shift could be used to extract
the direction of the observed magnetic field.
For the measurement of the magnetic-field magnitude,
two techniques are possible. The sensitive dependence of the
integrated LIF signal on the background field would allow a
measurement based on the total LIF signal, whereas the enhanced signal also allows resolution of the fine-structure
components, and the field magnitude can be determined by
fitting these to a comprehensive model such as the one
shown in Fig. 17. Based on the variation of the total signal
with field as shown in Fig. 5, measurement resolution on the
order of a few Gauss should be possible with the integrated
signal technique. The line location measurement is very dependent on the energy spread of the beam used, but even
with the tens of volts seen in the present experiment, fitting
can distinguish at least on the order of 5 G.
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