Contents - Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
Contents - Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India The Indian Telecom Services Performance Indicators July– September 2008 New Delhi, India 13th January 2009 Mahanagar Doorsanchar Bhawan, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, New Delhi-110002 Tel: +91-11- 23211934 Fax: +91-11- 23211998 Website: Contents Chapter Topic Introduction Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 1 2 3 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Executive Summary Performance Indicators at a glance Performance of Wireline Services Performance of Wireless Services Performance of Internet Services Performance of Value Added Services (i)PMRTS (ii) VSAT Quality of Service (QoS) Performance Performance of Cable TV, DTH & Radio Broadcasting Services Financial details of Telecom Service Sector Page Number 1 2 17 20 25 33 37 38 48 53 TABLES Table 1 Table 2 Table Table Table Table Table 3 4 5 6 7 Table 8 Table 9 Table 10 Table 11 Table 12 Table 13 Table14 Table 15 Table 16 Table 17 Table 18 Summary of Performance of Wireline Service Providers Summary of Performance of Wireless Service Providers Growth of Wireline & Wireless Services Growth of Internet & Broadband Services Wireline Subscribers Base Wireless Subscriber Base List of Wireline Service providers alongwith their Area of Operation List of Wireless Service Providers The Wireless Operators on the basis of Market Share Growth in Revenue of GSM Service Providers Average Revenue Per Unit (Rs.per month during the quarter)- GSM Composition of Revenue (%)- GSM Average Revenue Per Unit (Rs.per month during the quarter)-CDMA Composition of Revenue( %)- CDMA Market Share of Top 5 Internet Service Providers Top 10 Service Providers providing Broadband The Status of Wireline Service Providers who have not met the benchmarks Parameter wise performance of Wireline Service Providers i 12 14 17 18 19 19 20 25 28 29 29 30 31 31 33 36 38 39 Table 19 Table 20 Table 21 Table 22 Table 23 Table 24 Table 25 Table 26 Table 27 Table Table Table Table Table Table 28 29 30 31 32 33 Table 34 Table 35 Table 36 Table 37 Table 38 Table 39 Table 40 Table 41 Table 42 Table 43 Performance of Wireless Service Providers not meeting the benchmarks Parameter wise performance of Wireless Service Providers Status of Non-Compliance of Qos Benchmarks for Internet Service Providers providing Broadband Service List of New Pay Channel launched Figures of the Quarter II of F.Y 2008-09 Comparison of Gross Revenue, Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR), Licence Fee and Spectrum Charges(Ist Quarter & IInd Quarter of 2008-09) Service wise Gross Revenue, Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR), Licence Fee and Spectrum Charges (IInd Quarter of 2008-09) Category-Wise share in the Access Revenue (GR) Subscribers Base of Wireline Services as on 30th September 2008 Details of Public Call Offices (PCO) Details of Village Public Telephones (VPT) Subscribers Base of Wireless Operators Market Share of Wireless (GSM) Operators Market Share of Wireless (CDMA) Operators Market Share Distribution Wireless Subscribers Details of Wireless Subscribers Base Subscribers Base of Internet Services Subscriber Base of Public Mobile Radio Trunk Services (PMRTS) Subscriber Base of VSAT Service Providers List of Broadcasters alongwith their pay channels List of operationalised private FM radio station in India as on 30.9.2008 Number of applications received/ letters of Intent issued/Licenses issued in respect of Community Radio Stations List of applicants who have been granted DTH Licences. List of Companies permitted by Ministry of I & B to set up teleports at various locations in India as on 30.9.2008 Summary Statement of GR, AGR, Licence Fee and Spectrum Charges ii 42 43 46 49 53 54 55 55 56 57 58 59 60 60 61 61 62 66 67 68 74 80 81 82 84 ANNEXURES Annexure A Annexure B Annexure C Annexure D Annexure E Annexure F Annexure G Annexure H Annexure I Annexure J Annexure K Annexure L Annexure M Annexure N Annexure O List of Wireless Wireline & Unified Access Service Providers List of New Unified Access Service Providers between December 2007 to January 2008 Usage Pattern for GSM Average Subscriber Outgo (Rental + Call Charges) Per Min. for GSM (Full Mobility) Usage Pattern for CDMA Average Subscriber Outgo (Rental + Call Charges) Per Min. for CDMA(Full Mobility) Growth Pattern of Internet subscribers List of Internet Service Providers reporting Internet Telephony Service Growth Rate of PMRTS Subscribers Growth Rate of VSAT Subscribers Quality of Service Performance for Wireline Services Quality of Service Performance for Wireless Services Quality of Service Performance for ISPs Quality of Service Performance for Internet Service Providers providing Broadband service Graph of GR, AGR, Licence Fee, Spectrum Charges & Pass Through for the quarter April-June 2008 iii 85 88 91 93 94 97 98 99 100 101 102 107 115 116 121 INTRODUCTION (i) This report presents the growth trends for the telecom services in India for the quarter ending September 2008. This report provides a broad perspective on the Telecom Services to serve as a reference document for various stakeholders, research agencies and analysts. Under the Unified Access Service (UAS) Regime, the details of subscriber base under wireless services, both GSM & CDMA (WLL(F) + WLL(M)) technologies has been combined. The Executive Summary of various Telecom Services has been given in the beginning followed by ‘Performance Indicators at a Glance’ showing the growth pattern of Wireline, Wireless, Internet and Value Added Services (VAS) in the first four chapters. Chapter Five includes QoS performance analysis of various service providers. Chapter Six is on performance of Cable TV, DTH & Radio Broadcast services. Financial details of telecom services sector is given in Chapter Seven. (ii) The report has been compiled on the basis of information received from various telecom service providers. TRAI collects performance-based data from various service providers on quarterly basis to monitor the growth trends in the telecom sector. (iii) This performance indicator report is also available on TRAI’s website ( Any suggestion pertaining to this may please be addressed to S. K. Gupta, Advisor (CN), TRAI; Tel. +91-11-23217914, Fax. +91-11-23211998 and e-mail: or ************ 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. Wireline Services A.1 Wireline services subscriber base stood at 38.35 million in quarter ending September 2008 as compared to 38.92 million in quarter ending June 2008. Figure –1 : Subscriber Base (Wireline) 38.35 38.92 39.42 39.25 QE Sept 07 QE Dec' QE Mar'08 QE June 07 08 QE Sept 08 Rural Wireline Subscriber base stood at 10.95 million in quarter ending September 2008 as compared to 11.33 million in quarter ending June 2008. Figure- 2 : Rural Wireline Subscribers Rural Wireline Subscribers 12.50 Rural Wireline (in million) A.2 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 39.58 Wireline DELs (in Million) Subscriber Base (Wireline) 12.00 11.75 11.64 11.33 11.50 10.95 11.00 10.50 10.00 QE Dec' 07 QE Mar'08 2 QE June'08 QE Sept 08 A.3 Number of Village Public Telephones (VPTs) have decreased from 5.63 lakhs in quarter ending June 2008 to 5.62 lakhs in quarter ending September 2008. Figure-3 : Village Public Telephone Village Public Telephone (VPT) 7.00 VPTs (In Lakhs) 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.63 5.60 5.62 5.30 5.00 4.50 4.00 QE Dec' 07 QE March 08 QE June' 08 QE Sept' 08 Net decrease in VPTs during the quarter is 1,531 (The figures of M/s Tata Teleservices Ltd are as on 31.3.2008.) Number of Public Call Offices (PCOs) have increased from 6.22 million in quarter ending June 2008 to 6.27 million in quarter ending September 2008. Figure-4 : Public Call Office Public Call Office (PCO) 6.50 PCOs (In million) A.4 5.90 6.19 6.22 6.27 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 4.00 QE Dec' 07 QE March 08 QE June' 08 QE Sept' 08 Net increase in PCOs during the quarter is 47,623. (The information has not been furnished by MTNL (Delhi & Mumbai) and by M/s Tata for some of the circles, therefore figures of 30.6.2008 have taken into account in respect of these service providers.) 3 B. Wireless Services B.1 The Wireless subscribers have reached to 315.31 million as on 30th September 2008 as against 286.87 million subscribers in the previous quarter. During this quarter 28.44 million wireless subscribers were added. Wireless Subscribers (in millions) Figure-5 : Wireless Subscribers 350 315.31 286.87 300 261.07 233.62 250 200 150 100 50 0 QE-Dec - 07 QE-Mar - 08 QE-Jun - 08 QE-Sept - 08 Figure-6: Total Subscriber Base (Wireless) 315.31 350.00 Subscriber (in million) 300.00 261.07 250.00 165.11 200.00 98.77 150.00 100.00 33.69 52.22 50.00 0.00 QE-Mar-04 QE-Mar-05 QE-Mar-06 4 QE-Mar-07 QE-Mar-08 QE-Sep-08 B.2 Technology-wise Wireless Market Share There are 233.68 million GSM subscribers (74.11%) and 81.63 million CDMA subscribers (25.89%) at the end of September 2008. Figure-7: Technology wise Wireless Market Share CDMA 25.89% (81.63 million) GSM 74.11% 233.68 million B.2.1 GSM The GSM subscriber base has reached 233.68 million in the quarter ending September 2008 as against 212.51 million at the end of the previous quarter. Figure-8 : GSM Subscriber Growth in millions 250 233.68 212.51 200 150 100 50 0 QE-Jun- 08 5 QE-Sept-08 B.2.2 CDMA The CDMA subscriber base has reached 81.63 million in the quarter ending September 2008 as against 74.36 million at the end of the previous quarter. Figure-9 : CDMA Subscriber Growth 81.63 90 80 74.36 In millions 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 QE-June-08 QE-Sept-08 B.3 Average Revenue Per User (ARPU), Minutes of Usage (MoU) etc. (B.3.1) • • • • • • GSM – Full Mobility Service The all India blended ARPU per month has declined by 7.5% from Rs. 239/- in June 2008 to Rs. 221/- in September 2008. ARPU for postpaid service has shown a decline of 2.8% from Rs. 600/- in June 2008 to Rs. 584/- in September 2008. Prepaid service has also shown a decline in ARPU of 7.5% from Rs. 204/- in June 2008 to Rs. 189/- in September 2008. Reversing the general increasing MOUs trend of network usage, total MOU per subscriber on an all India basis has declined from 505 minutes in June 2008 to 499 minutes in September 2008, thereby showing a decline of 1.33% as against an increase of 2.55% in June 2008. The outgoing MOUs declined by 1.45% and incoming by 1.22%. Postpaid segment alone has shown an increase of 7.86% in MOUs per subscriber. On the other hand, prepaid segment has shown a decline of 2.27%. The overall ratio of incoming-outgoing MOUs has been 52:48 as compared for 51:49 in June 2008. Outgoing SMS per subscriber showed a reversal of trend – an increase of 11.6% from 22 in June 2008 to 25 in September 2008. 6 Figure-10 : Key Indicators for GSM 257 233.68 242 221 92 25 Subscriber base (Million) Share of prepaid (%) Incoming Outgoing Outgoing MOU per sub MOU per sub SMS per per month sub. Per per month month ARPU (Rs. per month) Figure-11 : Variation in Key Indicators over Last Quarter 11.6% 10% 0.7% Outgoing Subscriber Share of Incoming base (Million)prepaid (%) MOU per sub MOU per sub per month -1.2% per month -1.5% Outgoing SMS per sub. Per month ARPU -7.5% 7 Figure-12: GSM Originated Traffic- distribution by terminating network Inter-circle to Mobile 12.4% Inter-cricle to Fixed 1.1% Intra-circle to ILD Fixed 0.5% 4.9% Intra-circle to Mobile 81.1% 8 (B.3.2) CDMA (Full Mobility) • • All India blended ARPU (per month) for the quarter ending September 2008 is Rs.122/- as compared to Rs. 139/- for the quarter ending June 2008. All India Total Blended MOU per subscriber per month has shown a decline from 354 minutes for the quarter ending June 2008 to 332 minutes for the quarter ending September 2008. Figure-13 : Key Indicators for CDMA 171 161 122 92.09 65.66* 14 Subs base (Million) Share of Incoming Prepaid MOUs per Subs (%) sub per month Outgoing MOU per sub per month Outgoing SMS per sub per month ARPU (Rs. Per month) *Does not include WLL (F) & WLL (M) subscriber. Figure-14 : Variation in Key Indicators over last quarter 11%* 12.14% 9.60% -5.8% -6.7% -11.9% Subscriber Share of base Prepaid Subs Incoming MOUs per sub per month Outgoing MOU per sub per month * Does not include WLL (F) & WLL (M) subscriber. 9 Outgoing ARPU (per SMS per month) sub per month Figure-15 : CDMA Originated Traffic- distribution by terminating network Inter Circle to Mobile 14.36% ILD 0.33% Intra Circle to Fixed 4.31% Inter Circle to Fixed 1.03% Intra Circle to Mobile 79.97% Internet Services C.1 There are 12.24 million Internet subscribers at the end of September 2008 as compared to 11.66 million at the end of June 2008 registering a growth of 4.97%. This growth rate is less than the growth rate of 5.09% at the end of June 2008. C.2 Besides above, there are 88.27 million wireless data subscribers at the end of September 2008 (capable of accessing data services including internet through mobile handsets (GSM/ CDMA)). Figure-16 : Internet Subscriber Base No of Subscribers(in million) C. 14.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 9.63 10.36 11.09 11.66 12.24 QE Mar'08 QE Jun'08 QE Sep'08 2.00 0.00 QE Sep'07 QE Dec'07 Quarter/Year Ending 10 C.3 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 41.84 4.61 1.22 0.59 0.56 0.19 0.01 ne LAN m ode i ed L ers Oth s Lea io Ra d r t erne le M Fibe Eth Cab DSL Subscriber Base(in lakhs Apprx.) C.4 Broadband Subscriber Growth - The number of Broadband subscribers (with a download speed of 256 Kbps or more) was 4.90 million at the end of September 2008 as compared to 4.38 million at the end of June 2008. The growth rate of broadband subscribers in this quarter is 11.87%. Broadband Subscribers Share (Technology wise) – Out of total 4.90 million broadband subscribers, 4.184 million are DSL based; 0.461million Cable Modem; 0.122 million Ethernet LAN; 0.059 million Fiber; 0.056 million Radio, Leased Line 0.019 million and 0.001 million use other technologies. Figure-17 : Technology Trends for Broadband Access Technology Used D. Quality of Service Performance D.1 Wireline Services This report covers 84 licences providing basic services. In this quarter the performance of the Basic Service Providers have improved as compared to the previous quarter in respect of parameters like Provision of Telephones, Faults incidences, Call Completion Rate, Customer Care Services (Shifts, Closures). 11 However, the performance of Basic Service Providers have deteriorated in this quarter, as compared to the previous quarter, in respect to parameters like Faults repaired by next working day, Mean Time to Repair, Metering & Billing credibility, Customer Care Services (Additional Facilities), Response time to the customer for assistance %age of calls answered by Operator (i) Voice to voice: within 60 sec (ii) Voice to voice: within 90 sec and Time Taken to Refund. The performance of the Basic Service Providers remained at same level as compared to the previous quarter in respect of the parameter like Response time to the customer for assistance - %age of calls answered (Electronically) within 20 sec and within 40 sec. The summary of performance of the service providers who have not met the benchmarks in this quarter as compared to previous quarter is given in the table –1. Table 1: Summary of Performance of Wireline Service Providers No. of operators not meeting the benchmarks Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Parameters Provision of Telephones after registration of demand Fault incidences per 100 subs/month Fault repaired by next working day MTTR Call Completion Rate (in local network) Metering & billing credibility - % of bills Customer Care Service (95% of requests) (i) (ii) (iii) 8 Shifts Closures Additional Facilities Response time to the customer for assistance (i) %age of calls answered (electronically) Within 20 sec = 80% within 40 sec = 95% Benchmark June, 2008 September, 2008 Out of 78 In Nos Out of 78 In %age Out of 84* In Nos Out of 84* In %age 52 66.67% 35 41.67% <3 46 58.97% 43 51.19% >90% 17 21.79% 21 25.00% <8Hrs 21 26.92% 29 34.52% >55% 4 5.13% 3 3.57% <0.1% 1 1.28% 6 7.14% <3 Days <24 hrs. <24 hrs. 18 8 9 23.08% 10.26% 11.54% 12 5 12 14.29% 5.95% 14.29% 80% 95% 1 2 1.28% 2.56% 1 2 1.19% 2.38% 100% within 7 Days 12 (ii) %age of calls answered by operator (voice to voice) Within 60 sec = 80% within 90 sec = 95% Time taken for refund of deposits after closures 9 NOTE : 80% 95% 2 8 2.56% 10.26% 4 22 4.76% 26.19% 100% within 60 days 2 2.56% 7 8.33% * M/s Tata Teleservices has commissioned its services in Orissa, Rajasthan, MP, UP-E, UP-W, HP service areas in June 2008. So, total no. of Licensees providing PMR is 84 D.2 Wireless Service This report covers performance of 93 GSM Cellular Mobile Licensees and 44 CDMA service Licensees vis-à-vis the QoS benchmarks prescribed by TRAI. All Cellular Mobile Service Providers have achieved prescribed TRAI benchmark in respect of the following parameters:1. Accumulated down time of Community isolation 2. Call Drop Rate 3. Response time to the customer for assistance (i) %age of calls answered (electronically) within 20 sec. (ii) %age of calls answered (electronically) within 40 sec. 4. %age of complaints resolved within 4 weeks. 5. Period of all refunds/payments due to customers from the date of resolution of complaints. The performance has improved in this quarter as compared to the previous quarter in respect of the following parameters:1. Service access Delay. 2. %age of Connections with good voice quality. 3. Response time to the customer for assistance (i) %age of calls answered (electronically) within 40 sec (ii) %age of calls answered (voice to voice) within 60 sec (iii)%age of calls answered (voice to voice) within 90 sec 4. %age of complaints resolved within 4 weeks 5. Period of all refunds/payment due to customers from the date of resolution of complaints. The performance has deteriorated in this quarter as compared to the previous quarter related to the parameters like Call Set-Up Success Rate (Within Licensee’s Own network), Blocked Call rate (SDCCH/paging channel congestion and TCH Congestion) & Complaints per 100 bills issued. The performance of the Cellular Mobile Service Providers is at same level as compared to the previous quarter in respect of the parameter of Accumulated down time of community isolation, Call drop rate, Response 13 time to the customer for assistance – %age of calls answered (electronically) within 20 sec., all the operators met the benchmark on the lines of previous quarter. The comparative statement of the key parameters is given in the table 2:Table 2 : Summary of Performance of Wireless Service Providers No. Of Operators Not Meeting The Benchmarks Sr.No. Parameters Benchmarks 1 Accumulated down Community isolation 2 Call Set-Up Success Rate (Within Licensee’s Own network) 3 4 Service access delay Blocked call (i) SDCCH/paging congestion time of Quarter Ending June, 2008 Quarter Ending September, 2008 Out Of 134 (Nos.) Out Of 134 (in %) Out Of 138* (Nos.) Out Of 138* (in %) <24 hrs 0 0.00% 0 0.00% >95% 5 3.73% 6 4.35% <15 Sec 2 1.49% 1 0.72% <1% 6 4.48% 8 5.80% <2% 12 8.96% 13 9.42% rate channel (ii) TCH Congestion 5 Call drop rate <3.0% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 6 %age of Connections with good voice quality >95% 6 4.48% 3 2.17% 7 Response time to the customer for assistance (i) %age of calls answered (electronically); within 20 seconds = 80% 80% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% (ii) %age of calls answered (electronically); within 40 seconds = 95% 95% 1 0.75% 0 0.00% (iii) %age of calls answered by operator (voice to voice); within 60 seconds = 80% 80% 22 16.42% 13 9.42% (iv) %age of calls answered by operator (voice to voice); within 90 seconds = 95% 95% 47 35.07% 39 28.26% 8 Complaints per 100 bills issued <0.1% 2 1.49% 3 2.17% 9 % Of complaints resolved with 4 weeks 100% 1 0.75% 0 0.00% 14 10 Period of all Refunds/Payment due to Customers from the date of resolution of complaints As In (9) above <4 Weeks 1 0.75% 0 0.00% NOTE : * a) M/s Dishnet Wireless has commissioned its services in Kolkata circle on 05.05.2008 and has submitted PMR for same. b) M/s Vodafone has commissioned its services in Orissa on 28.07.2008, in Assam & NE on 09.09.2008 and submitted the PMR for these circles also. So, total no. of licensees providing PMR is 138. D.3 Broadband Service Regulations on ‘Quality of Service of Broadband Service Regulations 2006’ came into force with effect from 1st Jan 2007. Total number of the Service providers providing Broadband was 72 in last quarter (June, 2008). No new service provider is added in this quarter. This report covers performance of 13 Service Providers providing Broadband vis-à-vis the QoS benchmarks prescribed by TRAI. E. Broadcasting and Cable Services E.1 Based on the data received from various Multi System Operators (MSOs) across the country, the maximum number of Free-to-Air (FTA) and Pay Channels being carried in the cable networks are 161 and 113 respectively. There are 129 pay channels as reported by 19 broadcasters/their distributors at the Quarter ending September 2008. E.2 Apart from All India Radio, there were 236 FM Radio station in operation as on June 30, 2008. During the quarter ending September 30, 2008, no new private FM radio station came into operation. E.3 No DTH license was issued during the quarter ending September 2008. Therefore, at present, apart from free to air DTH service of Doordarshan, there are 6 private DTH licensees. Out of these 6 licensees, 4 licensees are offering pay DTH services to the customers as on 30.09.2008, while two other are in the process of rolling out its services. Total number of reported registered subscribers being served by these four Private DTH operators is 7.99 million at the end of quarter ending 30.09.2008. E.4 Upto quarter ending June 2008, there were 51 Community Radio Station licensee and out of these, 35 were operational. In the quarter ending September 2008, 6 more licenses were issued. Now, at the quarter ending September 2008, out of 57 licensees of community radio stations, 36 stations are in operation. E.5 At the end of the quarter June 2008, there were 681650 number of set top boxes (STBs) installed in the CAS notified areas of Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. Now, at the quarter ending September 2008, the STB number has increased to 717722 in the CAS notified areas of Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. E.6 Upto quarter ending June 2008, there were 50 Teleport Service Providers in operation in India. In the quarter ending September 2008, 4 more licenses were issued. Now, at the quarter ending September 2008, 54 Teleport Service providers are in operation in India. 15 F. Financial Details of the Telecom Network: F.1 The Gross Revenue of the Telecom Service Sector for the IInd Quarter (July – September 2008) of the financial year 2008-09 was Rs.37196 Crores as against Rs. 35311 Crores for the Ist Quarter thereby showing increase by 5.34%. The Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR) for the Quarter under review is placed at Rs.27,357 Crores as against Rs. 26,990 Crores for the previous quarter thereby showing increase of 1.36%. F.2 The Gross Revenue and AGR of the Public Sector units in Telecom Sector is Rs.10265 Crores and Rs.8544 Crores respectively as against Rs. 9756 Crores and Rs. 8467 Crores for the previous quarter. F.3 The Gross Revenue and AGR of the Private Sector enterprises in Telecom Sector is placed at Rs.26931 Crores and Rs.18813 Crores respectively as against Rs. 25555 Crores and 18524 Crores for the previous quarter. F.4 The Share of Public and Private sector enterprises in the total AGR from Telecom Service is 31.23% and 68.77% respectively as against 31.37% and 68.63% in the previous quarter. F.5 Overall % of License Fee paid by Telecom Service Providers to AGR is 8.55%. F.6 The Pass Thru as % of GR for the ILD services is highest at 58.23% followed by NLD at 27.54% and Access at 23.39%. 16 G. Performance Indicators at a Glance for Quarter ending 30th September 2008 Table 3 : Growth of Wireline & Wireless Services:%age %age %age growt %age growth growth h over growth Mar over over over 2008 June Sep Dec QE (6 2007 2008 2007 mont Sep QE Dec QE Mar QE Jun QE Sep (12 (3 (9 2008 2008 2008 months) months) hs) months) 2007 2007 1) Subscriber's Base (in million) i) Wireline 39.58 39.25 39.42 38.92 38.35 -3.11 -2.29 -2.71 -1.46 ii) Wireless 209.08 233.62 261.07 286.87 315.31 50.81 34.97 20.78 9.91 Gross Total 248.65 272.87 300.49 325.79 353.66 42.23 29.61 17.69 8.55 2) Traffic (MOU) (minutes of use/ sub/month) Wireless i) GSM 462 464 493 505 499 8.01 7.54 1.22 -1.19 ii) CDMA 413 375 364 354 332 -19.61 -11.47 -8.79 -6.21 3) ARPU (Rs./sub/ month) Wireless i) GSM 275 261 264 239 221 -19.64 -15.33 -16.29 -7.53 ii) CDMA 173 176 159 139 122 -29.48 -30.68 -23.27 -12.23 4) Teledensity Population in million (Estimated) 1137 1143 1146 1150 1154 3.48 3.43 3.44 3.38 3.32 -4.51 -3.11 -3.39 -1.81 ii) Wireless 18.39 20.44 22.78 24.95 27.32 48.58 33.68 19.94 9.53 Gross Total 21.87 23.87 26.22 28.33 30.64 40.13 28.39 16.88 8.18 i) Wireline 17 Table 4: Growth of Internet & Broadband Services:%age growth %age %age %age over Sep growth growth growth 2007 QE QE QE QE over Dec over Mar over June Sep Dec Mar Jun QE Sep (12 2007 2008 2008 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 months) (9 months) (6 months) (3 months) 1) Subscriber's Base (in million) i) Internet ii) Wireless Internet * ii) Broadband Connections (>=256 Kbps download speed) 2) Minutes of Use (Dialup Internet) (MOU/ subs/month) 3) ARPU (Dialup Internet) (Rs/subs/month) 9.63 10.36 11.09 11.66 12.24 27.10 18.15 10.37 4.97 46.37 57.83 65.50 75.97 88.27 90.36 52.64 34.76 16.19 2.67 3.13 3.87 4.38 4.90 83.52 56.55 26.61 11.87 206 210 220 225 212.34 3.08 1.11 -3.48 -5.63 200 210 220 225 213.08 6.54 1.47 -3.15 -5.30 * Accessing Internet through wireless (GSM & CDMA) networks %age Growth figures are calculated by rounding the actual figures to nearest million. These may vary with values given in the subsequent chapters of this report. 18 H. Performance of Service Providers during the quarter: Table 5 : Wireline Subscriber Base(in Million) 1) Wireline Service QE Sep QE Dec 2007 Providers 2007 QE Mar 2008 QE Jun 2008 QE Sep 2008 %age %age %age %age growth growth growth growth over Sep over Dec over Mar over June 2007 2007 2008 2008 (12 (9 (6 (3 months) months) months) months) BSNL 32.22 31.71 31.55 30.87 30.12 -6.52 -5.01 -4.53 -2.43 MTNL 3.63 3.60 3.68 3.63 3.57 -1.65 -0.83 -2.99 -1.65 Bharti 2.08 2.18 2.28 2.39 2.51 20.67 15.14 10.09 5.02 Reliance 0.70 0.78 0.87 0.95 1.02 45.71 30.77 17.24 7.37 Tata/ Hughes 0.63 0.67 0.72 0.77 0.82 30.16 22.39 13.89 6.49 HFCL 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 -6.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 Shyam 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.58 39.25 39.42 38.92 38.35 -3.11 -2.29 -2.71 -1.46 Total Table 6: Wireless Subscriber Base (in Million) Service QE Sep Providers 2007 QE Dec 2007 QE Mar 2008 QE Jun 2008 QE Sep 2008 %age %age %age %age growth growth growth growth over Sep over Dec over Mar over June 2008 2007 2007 2008 (3 (12 (9 (6 months) months) months) months) Bharti 48.88 55.16 61.98 69.38 77.48 58.51 40.46 25.01 11.67 Reliance 36.32 40.96 45.79 50.79 56.05 54.32 36.84 22.41 10.36 Vodofone 35.66 39.86 44.13 49.20 54.63 53.20 37.05 23.79 11.04 BSNL 34.13 36.81 40.79 41.96 43.86 28.51 19.15 7.53 4.53 Tata Tele 19.50 21.74 24.33 26.33 29.33 50.41 34.91 20.55 11.39 Idea 18.67 21.05 24.00 27.19 30.38 62.72 44.32 26.58 11.73 Aircel 8.04 9.43 10.61 11.92 13.88 72.64 47.19 30.82 16.44 Spice 3.48 3.80 4.21 4.55 3.60 3.45 -5.26 -14.49 -20.88 MTNL 2.99 3.20 3.53 3.72 3.96 32.44 23.75 12.18 6.45 BPL 1.15 1.24 1.29 1.38 1.66 44.35 33.87 28.68 20.29 HFCL 0.15 0.25 0.30 0.34 0.36 140.00 44.00 20.00 5.88 Shyam 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.12 20.00 20.00 9.09 9.09 233.62 261.07 286.87 315.31 50.82 34.97 20.78 9.91 Total 209.07 19 CHAPTER ONE PERFORMANCE OF WIRELINE SERVICES Subscribers Base: 1.1 The Wireline services were provided by 5 licensed private operators (UASL) in addition to incumbents BSNL and MTNL as on 30th September 2008. List of Wireline Service providers along with their areas of operation is given in the Table 7. The Operator wise details of Wireline Subscriber Base as on 30th September 2008 is given in Table 27. Table 7: List of Wireline Service Providers along with their Area of Operation Sl. Name of the Area of Operation No. Service Provider 1 BSNL All India except Delhi & Mumbai 2 MTNL Delhi & Mumbai 3 Bharti Airtel Ltd Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Kolkata, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Mumbai, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu(included Chennai circle), UP-East,UP-West (including Uttaranchal) and West Bengal. 4 Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Ltd. Maharashtra, Mumbai 5 Tata Teleservices Ltd. Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chennai, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Kolkata, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, UP(E), UP(W) including Uttaranchal and West Bengal 6 HFCL Infotel Ltd Punjab 7 Shyam Telelink Ltd Rajasthan Reliance Communications Ltd. Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chennai, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Kolkata Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Mumbai, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, UP(E), UP(W) and West Bengal 8 20 Market Share of Wireline subscriber base. 1.2 As on 30th September 2008, the total subscriber base of fixed (Wireline) lines stood at 38.35 million. The incumbents BSNL and MTNL have 78.55% and 9.32% market share respectively in the subscriber base, while all the five private operators together have 12.13% share. The market share of total Fixed (Wireline) lines is shown in the Figure below:Figure 18: Distribution of Market share of Urban + Rural Wireline subscriber Total Market Share of Wireline Subscribers as on 30th September 2008 BSNL 78.55% Other Private 12.13% MTNL 9.32% Figure 19 : Distribution of Market share of Urban Wireline subscriber Market Share of Urban Wireline Subscribers as on 30th Septem ber 2008 BSNL 70.03% MTNL 13.04% Other Private 16.93% 21 Figure 20 : Distribution of Market share of Rural Wireline subscriber Market Share of Rural Wireline Subscribers as on 30th Septem ber 2008 BSNL 99.87% Other Private 0.13% Subscriber Base of Wireline for last five quarters 1.3 The subscriber base of the Wireline service sector for last five quarters is depicted below: Figure 21: The subscriber base of the Wireline service sector for last five quarter Subscriber Base (Wireline) Wireline DELs 43.00 41.00 39.58 39.25 39.42 38.92 38.35 39.00 37.00 35.00 30th Sept 31st Dec' 31st Mar'08 30th June 30th Sept 07 07 08 08 Status of Wireline services 1.4 The Fixed (Wireline) subscriber base registered a decrease of 568,187 lines during the quarter starting from the month July' 2008 to September' 2008. The net number of fixed (wireline) has decreased to 3,83,49,054 from 3,89,17,241 as on 30th September 2008. The overall percentage of decrease in subscriber base during the quarters is 1.46%. 1.5 During the quarter ending 30th September 2008 some service providers have increased their respective wireline subscriber base such as M/s Bharti Airtel Ltd. from 23,93,732 to 25,09,460(+115,728), M/s Tata Teleservices Ltd. (TTL) (including TT(M)L) from 772,202 to 821,602(+49,400), M/s Reliance Communications Ltd. (RCL) from 951,615 to 10,21,484(+69,869) and M/s HFCL Infotel Ltd. from 147,755 to 152249 (+4,494). The reduction in the subscriber base of Wireline during the quarter ending September' 08 reported 22 by M/s BSNL from 3,08,66,077 to 301,22,269(-7,43,808), M/s Shyam Telelink Ltd. from 155,675 to 149,529 (-6,146) and M/s MTNL from 36,30,185 to 35,72,461 (-57,724) Figure 22 : Percentage Growth Rate of Wireline Subscribers Percentage Growth Rate of Wireline Subscribers 1 1 0.42 0 -1 -0.82 -1 -2 -1.27 -1.27 -2 Jul-Sept 07 Oct-Dec'07 Jan-Mar'08 Apr-June'08 -1.46 Jul-Sept 08 Other Performance Indicators: Public Call Offices: 1.6 During the quarter ending 30th September 2008, 47,623 new PCOs have been added. Total number of PCOs in the country as on 30th September 2008 is 62,68,713*. The share of BSNL in is 19,15,106 i.e. 30.55% of the total PCOs. The share of MTNL and other private operators combined is 2,34,941 (3.75%) and 41,18,666 (65.70%) respectively. Operator-wise (BSNL/MTNL/Other Private Operators) market share of PCO is depicted in the chart below. Service area and operator wise details of PCO’s are available at Table 28. Figure 23 : Market Share of Public Call Office as on 30.09.2008 Market Share of Public Call Office as on 30th Septem ber 2008 Pvt. Operators 65.70% BSNL 30.55% MTNL 3.75% * The information has not been furnished by MTNL (Delhi & Mumbai) and by M/s Tata for some of the circles, therefore figures of 30.06.2008 have been taken into account. 23 Village Public Telephones (VPT): 1.7 There are 5,93,485 villages in India as per census 2001 as reported by BSNL. During the previous quarter ending 30th June 2008 there were 5,63,494 VPTs in the country whereas by the end of this quarter i.e. 30th September 2008, the total number of VPTs have decreased to 5,61,963 Thus 1,531 VPTs have decreased during the current quarter. The total number of villages left uncovered, are 31,522 as on 30th September 2008. The status of VPT’s is depicted in the Figure 24 Figure 24 : Village Public Telephones as on 30.09.2008 Village Public Telephones (VPTs) as on 30th September 2008 Villages having VPT as on 30th September 2008 95% Balance Villages to be covered 5% (* M/s Tata Teleservice Ltd. figures are as on 31.3.2008.) Circle-wise and Operator-wise details of village public telephones as on September 2008 and addition/deletion during the quarter are available in Table 29. 30th ********* 24 CHAPTER TWO PERFORMANCE OF WIRELESS SERVICES Wireless Subscriber Base reached 315.31 million PART A 2.1 Details of service providers: The list of all the Wireless service providers currently providing services along with their licensed service areas is given in table 8. Table 8: List of Wireless Service providers Area for which Area for which not licensed licensed with No. UASL Service Licensed SLNO Service Provider 1 BSNL/MTNL All India (23) 2 Bharti All India (22) All India except NE 3 Aircel Group All India (23) 4 Reliance Group All India (23) Reliance Infocomm All India (except Assam & NE) (20) Assam & NE All India except Chennai & TN All India except NE & AS All India except NE & AS Reliance Telecom Kolkata, MP, WB, HP, Bihar, OR, Assam & NE (8) Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, MH, Gujarat, AP, KTK, TN, KR, PB, Har, UP (W), UP (E), Raj & J&K 5 Vodafone All India (23) 6 Tata Teleservices All India (20) 7 IDEA All India (22) 8 Shyam Telelink All India (22) All India 9 BPL/Loop Telecom Private Ltd All India (22) All India except Mumbai 10 M/s Unitech Wirless All India (22) All India 11 Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 12 Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd 13 Spice Communications All India except Pb (21) Delhi, Mumbai, Mah, Guj, AP, Ktk, KR, Chennai & TN, Punjab, HR, UP (W), UP (E) & Raj (13) Delhi, Mah, AP, KTK, Punjab, Har (6) 14 S Tel Ltd HP, Bihar, Orissa, Assam, NE, J&K (6) 15 HFCL Punjab (1) MP, WB, HP, Bihar, OR, Assam & NE UP-W, MP, WB, HP, Bihar, OR, Assam, NE, J&K All India Mumbai, Chennai & TN, Kol, KTK, Pb, WB, Bihar, OR, Assam, NE & J&K Punjab All India except Pb Kol., MP, WB, HP, Bihar, OR, Assam, NE & J&K All India except Kol., MP, WB, HP, Bihar, OR, Assam, NE & J&K All India except Delhi, Mah, AP, KTK, (Delhi, Mah, AP, Pb, Har KTK, Pb & Har) All India except HP, HP, Bihar, OR, Bihar, OR, Assam, Assam, NE, J&K NE, J&K All India except Punjab Punjab Circle-wise details of all Wireless, Wireline & Unified Access Service providers for the quarter ending September 2008 are given at Annex A & B. 25 Growth of Subscribers Base: - GSM 2.2 The GSM subscribers base has reached 233.68 million in the quarter ending September 2008 as against 212.51 million at the end of the previous quarter. The quarterly growth for this quarter is 9.96%. M/s Bharti with 77.48 -million subscriber base remains the largest GSM mobile operator followed by M/s Vodafone, M/s BSNL and M/s Idea with subscribers base of 54.62 million, 39.17 million and 30.38 million respectively. The market share of different GSM operators is given below: Figure 25 : Operator-wise Market Share of GSM service providers as on 30th September 2008 MTNL Spice BPL Reliance 1.57% 1.54% 0.72% 3.94% Aircel Bharti 5.94% 33.16% Idea 13.00% BSNL 16.76% Vodafone 23.37% CDMA 2.3 The CDMA Subscribers Base has reached 81.63 million during the quarter ending September 2008 as against 74.36 million at the end of previous quarter. The quarterly growth in this quarter is 9.78% as against 8.76% for the previous quarter. M/s Reliance remains the largest CDMA mobile operator followed by M/s Tata Teleservices and M/s BSNL with subscribers base of 46.84 million, 29.33 million and 4.70 million respectively. 26 Figure 26: Operator-wise Market Share of CDMA Wireless as on 30th September 2008 HFCL 0.44% MTNL Shyam 0.34% Telelink 0.15% BSNL 5.76% Tata Teleservices 35.93% Reliance Infocomm 57.38% Wireless Subscriber Base 2.4 At the end of September 2008, the Wireless (Mobile and WLL (F)) market has reached 315.31million subscriber as against 286.87 million subscribers at the end of previous quarter. Addition in Subscribers Base 2.5 During this quarter 28.44 million subscribers were added. The total subscriber base of 315.31 million comprises of 233.68 million GSM mobile (74.11%) & 81.63 million CDMA Mobile (25.89%). The growth rate in this quarter is 9.92% as against 9.88% in the previous quarter. 27 Company wise Market Share 2.6 M/s Bharti has maintained its 1st position with a subscriber base of 77.48 million. It has market share of 24.57% w.r.t total subscriber base. M/s Reliance is on 2nd position with a total subscribers base of 56.05 million. M/s Idea Cellular limited has started its services in Mumbai & M/s Vodafone has started its service in Orissa, Assam & North East. 2.7 The Wireless operators on the basis of market share are given below: Table 9: The Wireless Operators on the basis of Market Share SLNO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Wireless Group (with number of Circles) Bharti (22) Reliance (22) Vodafone (19) BSNL(21) Idea (12) Tata (11) Aircel ( 10) MTNL (2) Spice (2) BPL (1) HFCL (1) Shyam (1) Total Subscribers Base as on September 08 (In millions) 77.48 56.05 54.63 43.86 30.38 29.33 13.88 3.96 3.6 1.66 0.36 0.12 315.31 Market Share (in %age) 24.57% 17.78% 17.33% 13.91% 9.63% 9.30% 4.40% 1.26% 1.14% 0.53% 0.11% 0.04% 100% The details of operator-wise subscribers of GSM and CDMA are given in Table 31and Table 32. 2.8 Distribution of Subscriber base and market share of Wireless services as on September 2008 among Metros, Circles A to C is given in Table 33, Table 34 and Figure 36. 28 PART B : ARPU and MoU GSM (Full Mobility) Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) 2.9 The all India blended ARPU per month has declined by 7.5% from Rs. 239/- in June 2008 to Rs. 221/- in September 2008. 2.10 ARPU for postpaid service has shown a decline of 2.8% from Rs. 600/- in June 2008 to Rs. 584/- in September 2008. Prepaid service has also shown a decline in ARPU of 7.5% from Rs. 204/- in June 2008 to Rs. 189/- in September 2008. 2.11 As per the revenue reports furnished by the service providers, revenue from subscribers adjusted for interconnect charges, is about Rs. 14,772 Crores in the quarter ending September 2008 as against Rs. 14,470 Crores in the June 2008 quarter, thereby showing a growth of 2%. Table 10: Growth in Revenue of GSM Service Providers Period Revenue* (Rs. in Crores) 11,903 12,738 14,329 14,470 14,772 July-07 to Sept-07 Oct-07 to Dec-07 Jan-08 to Mar-08 Apr-08 to Jun-08 Jul-08 to Sep-08 Quarterly rate of growth 5.0% 7.0% 12.5% 1.0% 2.0% * Net of pass through Table 11: Average Revenue Per Unit (Rs. per month during the quarter) Circle Circle A Circle B Circle C Metro All India All private SPs BSNL/MTNL Postpaid 580 534 533 627 584 Prepaid 193 181 196 193 189 642 403 193 174 29 Blended ARPU 225 198 212 275 221 226 198 Table 12: Composition of Revenue (%) Item Rental Revenue Revenue from Call charges (usage) Revenue from Roaming Revenue from SMS Other Revenues * Jun-08 Sep-08 19.6% 19.2% 58.9% 59.2% 9.1% 4.2% 8.2% 8.4% 4.2% 8.9% Notes: * Other revenue includes revenue from other value added services, installation etc. Usage Pattern 2.12 Reversing the general increasing MOUs trend of network usage, total MOU per subscriber on an all India basis has declined from 505 minutes in June 2008 to 499 minutes in September 2008 thereby showing a decline of 1.33% as against an increase of 2.55% in June 2008. The outgoing MOUs declined by 1.45% and incoming by 1.22%. 2.13 Decline in MOUs is seen only in local (Intra-circle) segment. MOUs under NLD segment have shown a growth. 2.14 Postpaid segment alone has shown an increase of 7.86% in MOUs per subscriber. On the other hand, prepaid segment has shown a decline of 2.27%. 2.15 The overall ratio of incoming-outgoing MOUs has been 52:48 as compared for 51:49 in June 2008. 2.16 Outgoing SMS per subscriber showed a reversal of trend – an increase of 11.6% from 22 in June 2008 to 25 in September 2008. 2.17 The MOUs have recorded an increase in Metros and “A” category circles. However, there has been substantial decline in MOUs in other areas (“B” & “C” category circles) resulting in an overall negative trend for the GSM Industry. Detailed data is given in Annex. C. Average Subscriber outgo (rental + call charges) per minute 2.18 The tariff plans are of bundled nature and the trade-off is generally between monthly fixed charges and Variable (call) charges. The average outgo per outgoing minute (Rental revenue + Airtime revenue per outgoing minute), therefore, is a realistic indicator of tariff levels. Annex D indicates the average outgo per outgoing minute i.e. Rental revenue + Airtime revenue per outgoing minute. 2.19 All India average outgo per minute has declined from Rs. 0.84 in June 2008 to Rs. 0.79 in September 2008 indicating an overall decline in tariff for GSM services in the country. 30 CDMA ( Full Mobility Service) ARPU (Average Revenue Per User per month) 2.20 2.21 2.22 All India blended ARPU per month for the quarter ending September 2008 is Rs. 122/- as compared to Rs. 139/- for the quarter ending June 2008. According to the revenue reports submitted by the service providers for the quarter ending September 2008, revenue, net of “pass through”, from CDMA full mobility service is Rs. 2289.33 crores which was 2332.68 crores in the quarter ending June 2008 registering a decline of 1.85%. The huge difference between postpaid and prepaid ARPU noticed in the last quarter continued to remain valid for this quarter as well. Postpaid ARPU has been 4.56 times that of prepaid ARPU, which perhaps, could be attributed to declining importance of processing fee on recharge coupon/ voucher purchased by prepaid subscribers. The gap is lowest in Circle C (3.99 times) and highest in Circle A (4.86 times). Table 13: Average Revenue Per Uuit (Rs. per month during the quarter) Circle Circle A Circle B Circle C Metro All India Postpaid 431 406 474 448 432 Prepaid 89 93 119 101 95 Table 14: Composition of Revenue (%) Item Jun-08 Rental Revenue Blended ARPU 118 111 132 147 122 Sep-08 23.0% 24.3% 60.5% 62.1% Revenue from SMS 2.1% 2.3% Roaming Revenue 6.3% 4.0% Other Revenues* 8.1% 7.3% Revenue from Call Charges (usage) * Includes revenue from other value added services, installations etc. 31 Usage Pattern (Minutes of Usage) 2.23 In the traffic pattern: The total MOU per subscriber/ month has shown decline from 354 minutes (Q.E June 2008) to 332 minutes (Q.E September 2008). 2.24 The O/G MOU per subs/ month has also shown decline from 182 minutes in previous quarter to 177 minutes in the current quarter. 2.24 ARPU has also decreased from Rs. 139/- (Q.E June-2008) to Rs. 122/- (Q.E September-2008) for the CDMA operators by 12.23%. Detailed data is given in Annex E. Average Subscriber Outgo (rental + call charges) Per Minute 2.25 Average Subscriber Outgo per minute (Rental Revenue + Airtime Revenue per outgoing minute) is given in Annex. F. The All India Average Subscriber Outgo per minute is Rs. 0.67/- in September 2008 as against Rs. 0.68/- in June 2008. ********** 32 CHAPTER THREE PERFORMANCE OF INTERNET SERVICES Service Providers & Subscribers Base: 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 There are 12.24 million Internet subscribers at the end of September 2008 as compared to 11.66 million at the end of June 2008 registering a growth of 4.97%. This growth rate in quarter ending September 2008 is slightly less than the growth rate of 5.09% at the end of June 2008. Among 141 ISPs who reported their subscribers figure for Quarter ending 30th September 2008, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) has retained its top position and reported a subscriber base of 6.38 million Internet subscribers against 5.94 million at the end of last quarter. Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) has retained second position with a subscriber’s base of nearly 1.95 million. M/s Bharti Airtel Ltd is third with subscriber base of 0.93 million. (Ref. Table 35). Besides above, there are 88.27 million wireless subscribers at the end of September 2008 (capable of accessing data services including Internet through mobile handset (GSM/ CDMA)). Internet Telephony: - The Internet Telephony has been permitted to all Internet service providers w.e.f 24th August 2007. Total 35 ISPs have been providing Internet Telephony services during the quarter ending 30th September 2008, the list is enclosed as Annex H. Total minutes of usage for Internet Telephony during the quarter were 132.66 million, as compared to 111.68 million for the last quarter. Market Share: 3.5 3.6 The growth trend of Wireline Internet Subscribers indicates a slight increase in the market share of PSU owned ISPs vis-à-vis private operators. During the quarter, private ISPs market share has slightly decreased to 31.96% as against 32.56% in the preceding quarter. The PSU owned ISPs market share has increased from 67.44% to 68.04% at the end of September 2008. The market share of top 5 ISPs is given in Table 15. Table 15: Market Share of Top 5 Internet Service Providers Sl. ISP Subs. base Share in % 1 Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. 6377051 52.09 2 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. 1951851 15.94 Bharti Airtel Ltd. (Bharti 3 Televentures Ltd.) 938251 7.66 Reliance Communications 4 Infrastructure Limited 878252 7.17 5 Sify Technologies Ltd. 510071 4.17 Among PSU owned ISPs; M/s BSNL has shown an increase of 7.30% in the subscriber base and have 52.09% share of total wireline Internet subscriber base. MTNL is at second position and have a market share of 15.94% Wireline Internet Subscribers. 33 Figure 27: Internet Subscriber Base as on 30.09.2008 You Telecom Pvt Ltd 1.63% Data Infosys Ltd Hathway Cable & 1.63% Tata Datacom Pvt Ltd communications 2.35% Internet Services Ltd 3.26% Sify Technologies Ltd 4.17% others 4.10% Reliance communications Infrastuture Ltd 7.17% BSNL 52.09% Bharti Airtel Ltd 7.66% MTNL 15.94% Figure 28: Growth Trends of Wireline Internet Subscribers No. of Subscribers (in million) 14.00 12.00 11.09 10.00 11.66 12.24 10.36 9.62 7.86 7.54 8.00 6.22 8.33 PSU 6.84 Private Overall 6.00 4.00 3.40 3.52 3.55 3.79 3.91 2.00 0.00 QE Sep'07 QE Dec'07 QE Mar'08 Quarter Ending 34 QE Jun'08 QE Sep'08 3.7 The growth trend of Wireless Subscribers capable of accessing data services including Internet through their mobile handsets is shown in Figure 29. No. of Subscribers (in millions) Figure 29 : Growth of Wireless Subscribers Capable of Accessing Data Services/ Internet 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 88.27 75.97 66.09 57.83 46.37 QE Sep'07 QE Dec'07 QE Mar'08 QE Jun'08 QE Sep'08 Quarter/year ending This segment has been showing an increasing trend during the year 2008. These subscribers can use mobile handsets which are having "Internet enabled" feature. Leased Lines Connectivity: 3.8 The numbers of Internet Leased Line connections are 24076 at the end of September 2008 as compared to 24154 at the end of June 2008 registering a decrease of 0.32%. Broadband Connectivity (>=256 Kbps): 3.9 The number of Broadband subscribers (with a download speed of 256 Kbps or more) was 4902881 at the end of September 2008. Out of these 4184336 are DSL based; 461448 Cable Modem; 122367 Ethernet LAN; 58578 Fibre; 56130 Radio customers; Leased Line 18511 and 1511 Others. Company wise market share of Broadband Service Providers: 3.10 The Top 10 Internet Service Providers providing broadband service on the basis of market share are:- 35 Table 16: Top 10 Service Providers providing Broadband Sl.No ISPs Offering Broadband Subscribers Share in % Services Base 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. Bharti Airtel Ltd. Tata Communications Hathway Cable & Datacom Pvt. Ltd. You Telecom India Pvt Ltd Sify Limited Reliance Comm. Infra. Ltd. Asianet Satellite Communication Limited HFCL Infotel Ltd Sub Total Others TOTAL 2688739 616235 653502 201883 236273 148324 67488 96774 54.84 12.57 13.33 4.12 4.82 3.03 1.38 1.97 49619 17877 1.01 0.36 4776714 126294 4903008 97.42% 2.58% 100% Minutes of Use (MoU) per subscriber for Dialup Internet access: 3.11 The average minutes of usage per subscriber/ month for dialup subscribers was approximately 212.34 minutes during day time i.e. between 8 a.m to 8 p.m and approximately 108.01 minutes during night time i.e. between 8 p.m to 8 a.m. at the end of September 2008. . Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) for ISPs: 3.12 The average revenue per user (ARPU) per month for dialup Internet usage was Rs 213.08/- at the end of September 2008 as compared to Rs 225/- at the end of June 2008 having a decrease of 5.29%. International connectivity: 3.13 The bandwidth owned by various ISPs for their ISP operations and Internet Leased lines is reported to be 162 GB for downlinking and 162 GB for uplinking at the end of September 2008 as compared to 63 GB for downlinking and 62 GB for uplinking at the end of June 2008. Revenue of ISP Operators: 3.14 The total Revenue of the Internet Service Sector as reported by ISPs was Rs.1402.94 crores at the end of September 2008 as compared to Rs. 1316.92 crores at the end of June 2008 showing an increase of 6.53%. *************** 36 CHAPTER FOUR PERFORMANCE OF VALUE ADDED SERVICES Public Mobile Radio Trunk Service (PMRTS): 4.1 The subscriber base of PMRTS decreased from 35157 in June, 2008 to 34846 in September, 2008 registering a negative growth of 0.89%. 4.2 It has been observed that M/s Arvind Mills Limited leads the tally of subscribers with a subscriber base of 11747 followed by M/s Procall (8779), M/s Quick Calls India Pvt. Ltd (3828), M/s.Smartalk Pvt. Ltd (2560), M/s United Liner Agencies of India (1988), M/s Arya Doot Transport Pvt Ltd(1774), M/s.Bhilwara Telenet Services Pvt. Ltd. (1461). M/s. Arya Offshore Services Pvt. Ltd. (1294), M/s. German Express Shipping Agencies of (India) Pvt. Ltd.(778), M/s JetAiu(481),M/s India Satcom(150) and M/s Container Movement Transport Pvt Ltd (6). Operative area Delhi leads the tally with 9093 subscribers followed by Bangalore, Mumbai and Chennai with 5637, 5170 and 4105 subscribers respectively which accounted for 68.88% of the total subscribers. 4.3 M/s. India Satcom have registered maximum negative growth rate of –16.67 in their subscriber base followed by M/s. Quick Calls (-4.85). M/s Arya Offshore Services (-2.71), M/s Procall Ltd (-2.53) and M/s. Jet-Aiu Skyline Transport (2.04). The subscriber base of service providers of PMRTS is given in Table 36. VSAT services: 4.4 VSAT services are being provided by 9 VSAT Service Providers. 4.5 In this quarter, there was an addition of 4568 new subscribers. The total number of subscribers increased from 89868 in June,2008 to 94436 in September,2008, registering a growth of 5.08% as against the growth rate of 10.41% in quarter ended June, 2008. M/s Hughes Communication Limited is the market leader with subscriber base 29670 followed by M/s HCL Comnet with 24885 and M/s Bharti Airtel Limited Bangalore with 23989 VSAT subscribers respectively. M/s BSNL has the highest growth rate of 20.26% in this quarter. 4.6 4.7 4.8 There is no change in the subscriber base for the VSAT operators M/s ITI and M/s GNFC. 4.9 Number of VSAT Subscribers has been steadily growing over the last four quarters. Service Providers especially M/s BSNL, M/s Hughes Communications Ltd and M/s Bharti Airtel Limited have reported good increase in their Subscriber base during this quarter. 4.10 The number of subscribers of each service provider from quarter ending June, 2007 to September, 2008 along with the Market Share in terms of Percentage of Subscribers as on 30.09.2008 is given in Table 37. *************** 37 CHAPTER FIVE QUALITY OF SERVICE (QoS) PERFORMANCE Quality of Service performance of Wireline Service Operators: 5.1 Based on Quality of Service Parameters reported by all the Wireline Service Operators for the quarter ending September 2008, the information on QoS performance is attached to this report at Annex K. 5.2 The summary of status of the service providers who have not met the benchmarks in this quarter as compared to previous quarter is given in the Table below: Table 17: The status of Wireless Service Providers who have not met the benchmarks No. of operators not meeting the benchmarks Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (i) (ii) (iii) 8 (i) Parameters 9 NOTE : September, 2008 Out of 78 In Nos Out of 78 In %age Out of 84* In Nos Out of 84* In %age 100% within 7 Days 52 66.67% 35 41.67% <3 46 58.97% 43 51.19% >90% 17 21.79% 21 25.00% <8Hrs 21 26.92% 29 34.52% >55% 4 5.13% 3 3.57% <0.1% 1 1.28% 6 7.14% <3 Days <24 hrs. <24 hrs. 18 8 9 23.08% 10.26% 11.54% 12 5 12 14.29% 5.95% 14.29% within 40 sec = 95% 80% 95% 1 2 1.28% 2.56% 1 2 1.19% 2.38% %age of calls answered by operator (voice to voice) Within 60 sec = 80% 80% 2 2.56% 4 4.76% within 90 sec = 95% 95% 8 10.26% 22 26.19% 100% within 60 days 2 2.56% 7 8.33% Provision of Telephones after registration of demand Fault incidences per 100 subs/month Fault repaired by next working day MTTR Call Completion Rate (in local network) Metering & billing credibility - % of bills Customer Care Service (95% of requests) Shifts Closures Additional Facilities Response time to the customer for assistance %age of calls answered (electronically) Within 20 sec = 80% (ii) June, 2008 Benchmark Time taken for refund of deposits after closures * M/s Tata Teleservices has commissioned its services in Orissa, Rajasthan, MP, UP-E, UP-W, HP service areas in June 2008. So, total no. of Licensees providing PMR is 84 . 38 Table 18:The Parameter wise Performance ofWireline Service Providers Service Providers not meeting the benchmarks Parameters Benchmarks Provision of Telephones 100% within BSNL = AP (88.73%), GJ (97.81%), MH 7 Days (86.39%), PB (97.17%), HR (99.03%), KTK after registration of (99.44%), A&N (80.57%), Assam (96.60%), demand Chennai (99.44%), Jharkhand (97.59%), Kerala (97.69%), Kolkata (97.24%), NE-I (82.83%), Orissa (99.63%), UP-E (98.75%), UP-W (94.16%), Uttaranchal (96.93%) MTNL = Delhi (98.72%), Mumbai (93.98%) Reliance = Delhi (38.80%), HR (55.52%), KTK (42.30%), (65.32%), HP Mumbai (0.51%), Kolkata (24.76%), Orissa (0.00%), UP-E (97.01%), UP-W (47.72%), WB (81.23%) Tata = GJ (99.02%), MH (92.74%), PB (99.00%), Mumbai (92.73%) HFCL = Rajasthan (99.07%) Shyam = Rajasthan (98.72%) Fault incidences per 100 BSNL = AP (5.00), Bihar (5.00), GJ (6.60), <3 Chhattisgarh (8.20), MP (4.10), MH (8.20), subs/month Punjab (10.20), RJ (6.10), Haryana (5.10), KTK (6.20), A&N (7.10), Assam (6.80), HP (9.70), Jharkahand (4.70), J&K (9.30), KR (8.00), Kolkata (4.70), NE-I (4.40), NE-II (5.30), Orissa (4.40), UP-E (5.80), UP-W (7.30), Uttaranchal (6.40), WB (5.80) MTNL = Delhi (7.33), Mumbai (11.49) Reliance = AP (3.46), GJ (5.22), MP (4.48), PB (3.47), UP –E (11.45) Bharti = AP (6.00), Delhi (4.00), MP (6.50), TN (6.00), HR (5.00), KTK (5.00), KR (4.00), Kolkata (4.00), UP-E (5.00), UP-W (5.00) Shyam = Rajasthan (6.70) HFCL = Punjab (6.70) Fault repaired by next BSNL = AP (89.27%), Bihar (76.73%), >90% Chhattisgarh working day (84.84%), MH (88.42%), Punjab (88.05%), A&N (79.28%), Assam (86.07%), HP (87.79%), J&K (65.56%), KR (86.03%), Kolkata (87.53%), (89.73%), WB (78.89%) MTNL = Mumbai (87.16%) 39 UP-W Tata = AP (85.77%), Delhi (87.81%), PB (52.78%), RJ (71.43%), HR (58.62%), Chennai (82.41%), UP-E (55.56%) MTTR BSNL = AP (16.15 hrs.), Bihar (8.42 hrs.), <8Hrs GJ (8.44 hrs.), Chhattisgarh (10.75 hrs.), MH (9.07 hrs.), PB (16.62 hrs.), RJ (8.34 hrs.), KTK (10.24 hrs.), A&N (8.03 hrs.), Assam (12.89 hrs.), Chennai (8.20 hrs.), Jharkahand (8.16 hrs.), KR (15.45 hrs.), Kolkata (11.50 hrs.), NE-I (16.13 hrs.), NEII (11.21 hrs.), Uttaranchal (8.26 hrs.), WB (8.98 hrs.) MTNL = Delhi (8.71 hrs.) Mumbai (18.00 hrs) Bharti = AP (9.00 hrs), TN (9.00 hrs.) Tata = AP (12.30 hrs.), Delhi (8.80 hrs.), PB (38.80 hrs.), RJ (28.10 hrs.), HR (52.40 hrs.), Chennai (20.10 hrs.), UP (16.40 hrs.) Call Completion Rate (in BSNL >55% = Jharkhand (53.70%), J&K (50.46%) local network) MTNL = Delhi (49.76%) Metering & billing Tata = MH (0.500%) <0.1% Bharti =AP (0.460), TN (0.500), KTK credibility - % of bills (0.130), KR (0.500), Mumbai (0.220) Customer Care Service (95% of requests) Shifts BSNL = AP (81.00%), MH (88.00%), A&N <3 Days (83.33%), Assam (93.00%), Kerala (89.00%) MTNL = Delhi (84.68%), Mumbai (87.83%) Tata = AP (78.72%), Delhi (65.44%), PB (16.67%), KTK (13.41%), Chennai (33.33%) Closures <24 hrs. BSNL = AP (91.41%), A&N (92.86%), NE-I (91.30%), WB (42.37%) Tata = MH (91.65%) Additional Facilities <24 hrs. BSNL = AP (88.16%), Bihar (85.51%), A&N (89.08%), HP (94.01%), J&K (88.79%) MTNL = Delhi (91.33%) Tata = Delhi (94.92%), Gujarat (82.35), HR (94.44%), UP-E (18.18%) Bharti = HR (90.00%) Response time to the customer for assistance 40 (69.23%), UP-W %age of calls answered electronically Within 20 sec = 80% 80% BSNL - Uttaranchal (37.90%) Within 40 sec = 95% 95% BSNL - NE-II (90.53%), Uttaranchal (50.33%) %age of calls answered by operator (voice to voice) Within 60 sec = 80% 80% BSNL =Uttaranchal (63.10%) Tata - Delhi (65.00%), MH (76.00%), Mumbai (76.89%) within 90 sec = 95% 95% BSNL = Uttaranchal (82.43%) MTNL = Mumbai (83.72%) Bharti = Delhi (91.00%), GJ (94.00%), MH (94.00%), PB (92.00%), RJ (92.00%), HR (92.00%), Kolkata (92.00%), Mumbai (94.00%), UP-E (92.00%), UP-W (92.00%) Tata = AP (92.00%), Delhi (72.00%), MH (81.00%), PB (90.00%), HR (88.00%), Chennai (93.00%), HP (90.00%), Mumbai (86.58%), UP-E (90.00%), UP-W (88.00%) Bharti = Delhi (97.00%), MP (98.00%), RJ Time taken for refund of 100% within (94.00%), deposits after closures 60 days (99.00%) Kolkata (83.00%), Mumbai Tata = Delhi (83.00%), Gujarat (81.00%) 41 Quality of Service performance of Wireless Service Providers for quarter ending 30th September 2008: 5.3 This report covers performance of 93 GSM and 44 CDMA service operators vis-àvis the QoS benchmarks prescribed by TRAI. The summary of performance of service providers not meeting the benchmark as compared to previous quarter is given in the table below: Table 19: Performance of Wireless Service Providers not meeting the benchmarks No. Of Operators Not Meeting The Benchmarks Sr.No . Parameters Benchmarks 1 Accumulated down time of Community isolation 2 Call Set-Up Success (Within Licensee’s network) 3 4 Rate Own Service access delay Blocked call rate (i) SDCCH/paging channel congestion (ii) TCH Congestion Quarter Ending June, 2008 Quarter Ending September, 2008 Out Of 134 (Nos.) Out Of 134 (in %) Out Of 138* (Nos.) Out Of 138* (in %) <24 hrs 0 0.00% 0 0.00% >95% 5 3.73% 6 4.35% <15 Sec 2 1.49% 1 0.72% <1% 6 4.48% 8 5.80% <2% 12 8.96% 13 9.42% 5 Call drop rate <3.0% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 6 %age of Connections with good voice quality >95% 6 4.48% 3 2.17% 7 Response time to customer for assistance (i) %age of calls answered (electronically); within 20 seconds = 80% 80% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% (ii) %age of calls answered (electronically); within 40 seconds = 95% 95% 1 0.75% 0 0.00% (iii) %age of calls answered by operator (voice to voice); within 60 seconds = 80% 80% 22 16.42% 13 9.42% (iv) %age of calls answered by operator (voice to voice); within 90 seconds = 95% 95% 47 35.07% 39 28.26% <0.1% 2 1.49% 3 2.17% 100% 1 0.75% 0 0.00% <4 Weeks 1 0.75% 0 0.00% 8 9 10 Complaints issued per 100 the bills % Of complaints resolved with 4 weeks Period of all Refunds/Payment due to Customers from the date of resolution of complaints As In (9) above NOTE : * a) M/s Dishnet Wireless has commissioned its services in Kolkata circle on 05.05.2008 and has submitted PMR for the same. b) M/s Vodafone has commissioned its services in Orissa on 28.07.2008, in Assam & NE on 09.09.2008 and submitted the PMR for these circles also. So, total no. of licensees providing PMR is 138. 42 Table 20: The Parameter wise Performance of Wireless Service Providers Parameters Accumulated down time of Community isolation Call Set-Up Success Rate (Within Licensee’s Own network) Service Access Delay Blocked call rate (i) SDCCH/paging channel congestion (ii) TCH Congestion Benchmarks Service Providers Not Meeting The Benchmarks All <24 hrs the Operators meeting this Benchmark MTNL - Delhi (94.35%)– GSM Service >95% BSNL - NE (16.00 sec) BSNL - J&K (1.10%) <15 sec. <1% Bharti Airtel – KTK (2.18%), RJ (2.58%), WB (3.02%), Bihar (7.65%), Assam (2.42%), J&K (1.62%), NE (3.36%) BSNL - MH (2.53%), AP (2.89%), KR (2.60%), PB (2.01%), MP (2.58%), J&K (2.50%) MTNL - Delhi (3.13%) – GSM Service <2% Bharti Airtel - KTK (4.39%), RJ (2.83%), WB (3.07%), Bihar (5.58%), Assam (2.13%), NE (5.15%) Call Drop Rate %age of Connections with good voice quality Response time to the customer for assistance %age of calls answered (electronically) within 20 seconds = 80% %Age of calls answered (electronically) within 40 seconds = 95% %Age of calls answered by operator (voice to voice); within 60 seconds = 80% %Age of calls answered by operator (voice to voice); within 90 seconds = 95% All the Operators meeting this Benchmark Bharti Airtel - KTK (87.18%), TN (93.48%) <3% >95% RTL - Assam (94.60%) All the Operators Benchmark 80% 95% meeting this All the Operators meeting this Benchmark BSNL - AP (74.00%), Raj (76.00%) Bharti Airtel - UP-E (76.64%), Orissa (73.72%), 80% Assam (73.65%) Reliance Comm - AP (78.05%), UP-E (78.53%), WB (78.53%), Bihar (44.33%), Kolkata (67.28%) RTL - HP (73.60%) SPICE – KTK (75.00%) Idea - GJ (75.00%) BSNL – AP (82.00%), KTK (92.00%), KR (93.00%), UP-E (94.00%), RJ (91.00%), Assam (93.00%), NE (92.00%), Kolkata (94.00%) 95% MTNL - Delhi (92.00%)– GSM Service Bharti Airtel - TN (92.05%), KR (92.18%), UPW (93.60%), UP-E (85.15%), RJ (94.87%), MP (94.77%), WB (91.65%), Orissa (79.13%), Assam (80.25%), NE (89.50%), Kolkata (91.65%) Reliance Comm - AP (82.41%), KTK (94.63%), PB (92.59%), HR (83.16%), UP-E (82.58%), WB (78.36%), RJ (94.71%), HP (92.59%), Bihar (51.55%), Kolkata (78.36%) RTL - Kolkata (87.00%) Tata Tele - MH (84.99%), Delhi (89.00%), Mum (92.29%) Vodafone - Kolkata (91.00%) Idea – GJ (90.00%), UP-W (92.00%), RJ (92.00%), HP (90.00%) 43 Complaints per 100 bills issued <0.1% % Of complaints resolved within 4 weeks Period of all Refunds/Payment due to Customers from the date of resolution of complaints 100% Tata Tele - <4 Weeks MH (0.110%), HR (0.120%) Idea - GJ (0.140%) All the Operators Benchmark All the Operators Benchmark meeting this meeting this Some of the Service Providers are having problems in achieving the benchmarks in respect of parameters (i) %age of calls answered by operator (voice to voice); within 60 seconds (ii) %Age of calls answered by operator (voice to voice); within 90 seconds. Details of Quality of Service Parameters : 5.4 Detail of performance related to Network Performance, Customer help line and billing complaints are available at Annex L. 44 Quality of Service Performance of Internet Service Providers for quarter ending 30th September 2008: 5.5 Annex M indicates the Quality of Service achieved by the ISPs during the quarter. The observations on QoS Benchmarks are as follows: 5.6 Service Activation Time (6 hrs): All the ISPs have met the TRAI benchmark of 6 hrs. M/s HFCL Infotel LTD and M/s Tata Teleservices (MH) have not provided the data. 5.7 Time to Access ( 30 sec) : All the ISPs have met the TRAI benchmark of 30 sec 5.8 Probability of Accessing the ISP Node All the Internet Service Operators have met this benchmark of 80% for first attempt, 90% for second attempt and 99% for third attempt in this quarter. 5.9 ISP Node Unavailability ( 30 min): ISP Nodes unavailability should not exceed 30 minutes in a month. All the ISPs have met the TRAI benchmark except M/s Tata Communications, M/s. HFCL Infotel Ltd. and M/s Tata Teleservices (MH) have not been provided data. 5.10 Grade of Service ( 1 in 100): ISPs are required to maintain the Grade of Service on the link connecting PSTN Node to the ISP Node as 1 in 100. M/s.Reliance Comm. Infrastructure Ltd., has not provided data. M/s Tata Communications has informed that information not provided by BSO. 5.11 Mean Time to Restore (MTTR) ( 3 days): As per clause 1.9 schedule “C” of ISPs license. ISPs are required to rectify 90% of faults resulting due to subscriber complaint within 24 hours and 99% within three days. All the Operators have met this benchmark. 45 Quality of Service Performance of Internet Service Providers providing broadband service for quarter ending 30th September 2008 5.12 Broadband Regulations came into force with effect from 1st January of 2007. Total number of the Broadband Service providers was 72 at the end of quarter ending June, 2008. No new service provider is added in this quarter. 5.13 Out of 72 Broadband Service providers only 13 Service Providers are having subscriber base more than 10,000 subscribers and these 13 Service providers share the 98.64% of total subscriber base in this quarter. The total number of Broadband Subscribers of these 13 Service Providers have increased from 4320498 to 4846810 by adding 5,26,312 (12.18%) subscribers in the quarter ending September, 2008. This report covers performance of 13 broadband Service Providers vis-à-vis the QoS benchmarks prescribed by TRAI. 5.14 Broadband Regulations came into force with effect from 1st Jan 2007. Based on Quality of Service Parameters reported by Internet Service Providers providing broadband service for the quarter ending September 2008, the information on QoS performance is attached to this report as Annex N. 5.15 Following table indicates the status of non-compliance in respect of QOS benchmarks for Internet Service Providers providing broadband service: Table 21: Status of Non-Compliance of QoS benchmarks for Internet Service Providers providing Broadband Service. Sl. No. Parameters Benchmarks Name of Service Provider not Meeting the Benchmark 1 Service Provisioning/ Activation Time 100% in =< 15 working days BSNL:- AP(88.90%), Assam, (99.80%), Bihar(97.80%), Chhattisgarh (99.30%), HP(99.40%), J&K(84.20%), Jharkhand (99.50%) ,KTK (68.20%), KR (98.40%), Kolkata (64.60%), MH (88.60%), NE-I(89.40%), Orissa (91.70%), Punjab(99.60%) TN(81.80%), UP(W)(88.10%), Uttaranchal (69.50%) ,WB(93.30%). MTNL:Delhi(81.02%), Mumbai(73.01%). Bharti Airtel:- MP&CG(99.00%), MH(99.00%) Tata Communications:- East(88.00%), North (99.00%) South1 (99.00%), South2 (98.00%), South 4(99.00%), West 1(98.00%) Hathway:- Guj(92.50%), MH(92.00%) Reliance :- All India (99.00%) 2 Faults Repair /Restoration Time % of faults repaired by next working day >90% BSNL:Chennai (89.30%), Kolkata(48.20%), NEI(89.70%) MTNL:- Delhi (71.00%), Mumbai (62.56%) Tata Communications :Central Region(86.00%), East(84.00%) North(81.00%), South1(84.00%), South2(87.00%), South3(76.00%), West1(81.00%), West2(84.00%) You Telecom: AP(89.68%), MH(86.00%) 46 % of faults repaired within 3 working day 3 4 5 6 7 8.1 =>99% BSNL:Bihar(93.70%), Jharkhand((98.90%),Kol(74.40%), MH(98.20%), NEI(83.70%), TN(95.30%), UP(W)(97.20%), WB(97.60%) MTNL:- Delhi (90.51%), Mumbai(84.68%) Bharti Airtel:- KTK(98.00%), Delhi(98.00%). Tata Communications:Central Region (97.00%) East (95.00%), North (93.00%), South 1 (96.00%), South 2(97.00%), South 3(90.00%), South 4(98.00%) West 1 (93.00%), West 2(95.00%) You Telecom India Pvt Ltd.: Guj(98.28%), MH(98.41%) Billing Performance %age of bills disputed <2% %age of billing complaints resolved within 4 weeks 100% within 4 weeks %age of cases to whom refund of deposits is made within 60 days of closures 100% within 60 days Response Time to the Customer for assistance %age of calls answered by operator (voice to Voice) within 90 sec >80% BSNL:- AP(98.30%), Bihar(72.00%), HR(96.30%), Karnataka(99.70%), Kolkata(74.00%), Orissa(96.20%), Raj(99.90%), UP(W) (87.50%) Bharti Airtel: AP(97.00%), KTK(97.54%) Hathway: Delhi(99.00%) Ortel: Orissa(00.00%) BSNL:- AP(99.90%), Bihar(73.20%), HR(96.30%), Kolkata(87.00%) Orissa(85.50%), UP(W)(83.30%) Bharti Airtel:- Delhi(96.00%), Kol(80.00%) You Telecom India Pvt. Ltd.: Guj(99.00%) Ortel : Orissa (00.00%) Asianet : Kerala (99.56%) Bharti Airtel:- Delhi(78.00%), Haryana(78.00%), Kolkata(78.00%), Punjab(78.00%), Raj(78.00%), UP-East(78.00%), UP-West(78.00%) Bandwidth utilisation/throughpu t No. of Intra network links having Bandwidth utilisation >90% during peak hours (TCBH) % of International bandwidth utilization during peak hours (TCBH) Enclose MRTG) Benchmark<90% Service availability /uptime (for all users) in %age Packet loss (for wired broadband access) in %age User reference point at POP/ISP Gateway node to IGSP/NIXI Bharti Airtel:- Delhi(14 Links), Raj (1 Link) Alliance : Kolkata (93.00%) >98% BSNL: J&K(96.50%), NE I (94.10%), NE II (96.20%) Tata Comm. Ltd.):- North (97.21%), South 2(97.51%), South 3(95.34%), West 1 (97.29%), West 2 (96.29%) Reliance: All India (68.02%) <1% Bharti Airtel: AP(55.67%), KTK(52.89%), TN(58.54%) <120ms Bharti Airtel: MP&CG(162 ms) ************* 47 CHAPTER SIX PERFORMANCE OF CABLE TV, DTH AND RADIO BROADCASTING SERVICES Cable TV Services 6.1 6.2 Figure 30 depicts the maximum number of FTA channels, Pay channels and local channels being carried by the MSOs in their network across the country. This is based on the reports received from some of the major service providers regarding the number of channels being carried by them in their networks analogue and/or in digital form. These channels have been reported across different networks of the service providers having different combinations of pay, FTA and Local channels in their network. The maximum number of Free-to-Air (FTA) and Pay Channels reportedly being carried in the cable networks are 161 and 113 respectively in this quarter. However, these numbers relate to different networks and hence cannot be added for arriving at the total number of channels. Figure 30 : Maximum Number of Channels 180 151 160 161 140 120 113 99 100 80 60 40 11 8 20 0 Pay Channels FTA Channels Local Channels Upto quarter ending 30.06.2008 Upto quarter ending 30.09.2008 6.3 At the end of the quarter June, 2008, there were 681650 number of set top boxes (STBs) installed in the CAS notified areas of Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. Now, at the quarter ending September 2008, the number has increased to 717722 in the CAS notified areas of Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. The Figure 31 shows the city-wise status of STBs installed at these four places. 48 Figure 31: Set Top Boxes (STBs) 717722 681650 CAS notified areas Total 182259 164177 Chennai 75474 74296 Kolkata 252394 247797 Mumbai 207595 195380 Delhi 0 Upto quarter ending 31.09.2008 200000 400000 600000 800000 Number of STBs Upto quarter ending 30.06.2008 Satellite TV Channels 6.4 At the end of September, 2008, there are reportedly 129 pay channels in existence. These 129 channels are being broadcasted / distributed by 19 broadcasters or their distributors. The list of broadcasters/distributors of pay channels alongwith the rates of pay channels for Non-CAS areas is at Table 38. 6.5 During the quarter ending September 2008, 4 pay channels were launched by the broadcasters and one channel namely "Reality TV" was deleted by the broadcaster (M/s Zee Turner Limited). The details of new pay channels are as under:Table 22 : List of New Pay Channel Launched S.No Name of the Broadcaster Name of the pay channel 1 M/s New Delhi Television Limited NDTV Lumiere 2 M/s New Delhi Television Limited NDTV Showbiz 3 M/s VIACOM 18 Media Private Limited COLORS 4 M/s Star Den Media Services Pvt Ltd The MGM Channel 49 FM Radio Services 6.6 Apart from All India Radio, there were 236 FM Radio station in operation as on June 30, 2008. During the quarter ending September 30, 2008, no private FM radio station came into operation. The list of these stations is at Table 39. 6.7 The total Advertisement Revenue up to the quarter ending June’ 08 in respect of 23 FM Radio Service Providers and for quarter ending September, 2008 in respect of 23 FM Radio Service Providers who have given their reports is given in the Figure 32 below. However, the details do not pertain to the same set of service providers. Figure 32 : Comparative Position of Revenue of FM Radio Station 23 123.79 23 Revenue from Advertisements Quarter ending 30 Sep, 2008 134 No of Radio Stations ** Quarter ending 30 June, 2008 148.96 152 No of service providers** Revenue (Rs in Crores)/no of Stations 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ** Some of the service providers have not reported the advertisement revenue details. Community Radio 6.8 Upto quarter ending June 2008, there were 51 Community Radio Stations licensees and out of these, 35 were in operation. In the Quarter Ending September, 2008, 6 more licenses were issued At the quarter ending September, 2008, out of 57 licensees of community radio stations, 36 stations are in operation. The status of applications for community radio station licenses received in Ministry of Information and Broadcasting upto the end of September 2008 is at Table 40. The Figure 33 gives the status of applications for Community Radio licenses upto the quarter ending September 2008 received by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting:- 50 Figure 33 : Status of Community Radio Stations Applications 450 387 Number of applicant 400 350 350 300 Upto quarter ending 30.06.2008 Upto quarter ending 30.09.2008 250 200 168172 150 100 51 57 36 37 50 35 36 0 Applications Received Licenses issued Letters of Applications No of stations Intent Issued rejected operational DTH Services No DTH license was issued during the quarter. Therefore, at present, apart from free to air DTH service of Doordarshan, there are 6 private DTH licensees. The Figure 34 below gives the status of applications for DTH licenses upto the quarter ending September 2008 received from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting:Figure 34: Status of DTH Applications 12 10 10 10 8 Upto quarter ending 30.06.2008 Upto quarter ending 30.09.2008 6 6 6 3 3 4 2 1 1 0 0 51 App. under consideration Applications rejected Letters of Intent Issued Licenses issued 0 Applications Received Number of applicant 6.9 6.10 Out of 6 DTH licensees, only 4 licensees are offering pay DTH services to the consumers as on 30.09.2008. Total number of reported registered subscribers being served by these 4 DTH operators as on 30.09.2008 is 7.99 million. The list of DTH licensees is at Table 41. Teleport Service 6.11 Upto quarter ending June, 2008, there were 50 Teleport Service Providers in operation in India. In the quarter ending September 2008, 4 more licenses were issued. At the quarter ending September, 2008, 54 Teleport Service Providers are in operation in India. The list of these stations is at Table 42. ********** 52 CHAPTER SEVEN FINANCIAL DETAILS OF TELECOM SERVICE SECTOR Analysis of GR, AGR, License Fee & Spectrum Charges for the Quarter ending September 2008 (IInd Quarter of the fin. year 2008-09) 7.1 Figures for the Industry as a whole for Quarter II of F.Y 2008-09 are given below: Table 23: Figures for the Quarter II of F.Y 2008-09 Item Amount (Rupees in crore) Gross Revenue (GR) 37196.21 Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR) 27356.60 License Fee 2339.33 Spectrum Charges 754.65 Pass through (GR – AGR) 9839.60 7.2 Increase in Gross Revenue and AGR by 5.34% and 1.36% respectively over the previous quarter. Last Quarter, there was a decrease in GR and AGR by 1.30% and 3.17% respectively over the previous quarter. 7.3 Service Provider wise GR, AGR, LF & Spectrum Charges for quarter ending September 2008 are available at Table 43. 7.4 In Access services, GR is increased by 4.13%, AGR by 0.94%, License Fee (LF) by 0.70% and Spectrum charges by 1.34%. In NLD, GR is increased by 10.35%, AGR by 8.79% and LF by 8.83%. In ILD, GR is increased by 7.93% whereas AGR and LF are decreased by 7.02% and 7.03% respectively. The ILD Traffic (incoming & outgoing) has increased by 10.49% over the previous quarter with incoming increased by 11.49% and outgoing minutes by 7.90%. 7.5 In case of access services, the pass through as % of Shyam is the highest 67.59%(37.96%). It is followed by Reliance – 33% (21.61%), Tata – 32.18% (28.92%), BPL – 28.56% (29.16%) and Spice – 27.68% (19.31%). Figures in brackets are for previous quarter. 7.6 In NLD, pass thru is highest of Idea –81.82%(76.92%) followed by Tulip –53.60% (47.09%), Reliance – 40.61% (42.16%), Vodafone –35.85% (43.50%) and Tata29.55%(29.76%). Figures in brackets are for previous quarter. BSNL, Sify and HCL have not shown any pass thru. 7.7 In ILD, BSNL, Aircel, BT, AT&T and Sify have not shown any pass thru. Amongst the four SPs which have shown pass thru, pass thru % of GR is highest in case of Vodafone –76.11%(73.07%) followed by Tata-69.93%(61.91%), Bharti – 69.55%(62.55%) and Reliance – 64.63%(53.43%). Figures in brackets are for previous quarter. 53 7.8 As in the previous quarter, Bharti – Airtel Group again has the highest Gross Revenue (Rs. 10007.04 crore) followed by the BSNL (Rs. 8800.07 crore). However, in terms of AGR, BSNL is still No. 1 – Rs. 7449.58 crore against Rs. 7214.09 crore for Bharti Group, despite a higher GR of Bharti. Pass Thru component of Bharti is Rs.2792.95 crore (27.91% of GR) as against BSNL’s Rs.1350.48 crore (15.35% of GR). 7.9 The AGR share of Public and Private sector is 31.23% and 68.77% respectively as against 31.37% and 68.63% respectively in the previous quarter. 7.10 The License Fee contribution of Bharti is 25.96% followed by BSNL (25.92%), Vodafone (15.01%) and Reliance (10.03%). 7.11 Overall % of License Fee to AGR is 8.55% as against 8.58% in previous quarter. 7.12 Vodafone has added data for Assam, North-East and Orissa Service Areas, all in Category – C. Idea has added data for Mumbai Service Area. Their services in Bihar were launched in October, 2008 for which Spectrum Charges have been indicated. 7.13 MTNL has shown a decrease in GR and AGR by 5.04% and 4.32% respectively from the previous Quarter. In last quarter, there was an increase of 3.87% and 2.55%. 7.14 Reliance has shown an increase in GR by 8.97%. However, there is a decrease of 5.46% in AGR. In last quarter, their GR decreased by 3.24% whereas AGR increased by 3.56%. 7.15 Shyam Telelink has shown a decrease in GR and AGR by 10.67% and 53.34% respectively from the previous Quarter. In last quarter, there was a decrease in GR by 2.83 and an increase in AGR by 10.79%. 7.16 Service Providers viz., Tata Teleservices, Aircel (in two circles only), Shyam, Tata Communications, HCL, Tulip and Railtel have included Service Tax in GR and also taken Service Tax billed/paid as deduction for AGR. An amount of Rs. 246.54 crore for Service Tax has been shown as deduction by them. Tata Teleservices has also shown an amount of Rs. 1.59 crore as deduction for Sales Tax. Shyam Telelink and Aircel have also shown Rs. 0.02 and 0.01 crore as Sales Tax Deduction respectively. Rest of the SPs, including Bharti, BSNL, Reliance, Vodafone and Idea have not shown any amount of service tax for GR or as deduction nor any Sales Tax as deduction. Table 24: Comparison of Gross Revenue, Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR), Licence Fee and Spectrum Charges (Ist Quarter & IInd Quarter of 2008-09) (Rs. in Crore) Gross Revenue Ist Qtr. IInd Qtr. 35311 37196 129082* AGR % Chang e Ist Qtr. IInd Qtr. 5.34% 26990 27357 % Change 1.36% 101484* Licence Fee Ist Qtr. IInd Qtr. 2316 2339 8363* * Figures for last financial year (2007-08) 54 Spectrum Charges % Chang e Ist Qtr. IInd Qtr. % Chang e 1.01% 744 755 1.38% 2665* Table 25 : Service wise Gross Revenue, Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR), Licence Fee and Spectrum Charges (IInd Quarter of 2008-09) (Rs. in Crore) IInd Service GR Access Providers Qtr of F.Y. 2008-09 AGR % Share Spectrum Charges LF GR AGR LF Spectrum Charges 99.87 30899.44 23672.36 2118.29 753.66 83.07 86.53 90.55 NLD 3514.15 2546.31 152.79 0.16 9.45 9.31 6.53 0.02 ILD 2017.45 842.77 50.56 0.00 5.42 3.08 2.16 0.00 765.17 295.17 17.70 0.83 2.06 1.08 0.76 0.11 37196.21 27356.60 2339.33 754.65 100% 100% Others (reported) Total 100% 100% Table 26: Category-wise Share in the Access Revenue (GR) Category Metro A B C Total GR 6329 12068 9858 2644 30899 % 20% 39% 32% 9% 100% Revenue (Last Quarter) 6193 11805 9208 2468 29675 % (Last Qtr.) 21% 40% 31% 8% 100% % change 2.20 2.23 7.06 7.13 4.12 Note: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Source: Figures are un-audited and as submitted by the Operators. The figures have been regrouped for analysis purpose. The Spectrum charges are now reported on “Payment due for the Quarter” basis. However some operators are reporting on payment basis or on estimate basis on projected AGR for next quarter. Metro area includes Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata only. Chennai is clubbed with Tamilnadu. VSNL indicates VSNL Broadband Ltd. Rest is now Tata Communications Ltd. and hence, included in Tata Group. *********** 55 Table NO 27(Chaper One/Para No 1.1) Subscriber Base of Wireline Services as on 30th September 2008 Sl. No. Service Provider (Wireline) Area of Operation Urban Rural Urban Rural 11304320 30866077 19187701 10934568 30122269 Delhi & Mumbai 3630185 0 3630185 3572461 0 3572461 Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Kolkata, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Mumbai, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu (included Chennai circle), UP-East, UP-West (including Uttaranchal) and West Bengal. Maharastra & Mumbai 2393732 0 2393732 2509460 0 2509460 421422 10201 431623 460324 0 460324 BSNL All India 2 MTNL 3 Bharti Airtel Ltd 4 Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Ltd. Tata Teleservices Ltd 6 7 8 HFCL Infotel Ltd Shyam Telelink Ltd Reliance Communication Ltd 30th Sept. 2008 19561757 1 5 30th June 2008 Total Total AP, TN, Chennai, Karnataka, Gujarat, Delhi, Bihar, Orissa, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, U.P. (E), U.P (W) including Uttaranchal, West Bengal and Kolkata Punjab 340578 1 340579 361278 0 361278 147755 0 147755 152249 0 152249 Rajasthan 141791 13884 155675 136162 13367 149529 AP, Bihar, Delhi,Gujarat, Haryana, HP, KN, Kerala, MP, MH,Mumbai, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan,TN Chennai UP(E), UP(W), WB, Kolkata 950885 730 951615 1020733 751 1021484 27588105 11329136 38917241 27400368 10948686 38349054 Grand Total 56 Table No 28(Chaper One/Sub Para 1.6) Details of Public Call Offices (PCO) Public Call Office PCOs as on 30.09.08 PCOs added during the quarter ending 30.09.08 S.No Service Providers Area of Operation 1 2 BSNL MTNL All India Delhi & Mumbai 1915106 234941 -84075 0 3 Bharti Airtel Ltd. Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Kolkata, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Mumbai, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu (included Chennai circle), UP-East, UP-West (including Uttaranchal) and West Bengal. 189122 -7581 4 HFCL Infotel Ltd. 32283 -1760 5 TATA Teleservices Ltd. 1543544 -24401 6 Reliance Communications Ltd. 2318943 170134 7 Shyam Telelink Ltd. 34774 -4694 6 268 713 47 623 Punjab Maharashtra, Mumbai ,AP, TN, Chennai, Karnataka, Gujarat, Delhi, Bihar, Orissa, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, U.P. (E), U.P (W) including Uttaranchal, West Bengal and Kolkata Karnataka, Gujarat, Delhi, Bihar, Orissa, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, U.P. (E), U.P (W) including Uttaranchal, West Bengal and Kolkata Rajasthan TOTAL * The information has not been furnished by MTNL (Delhi & Mumbai) and by M/s Tata for some of the circles, therefore figures of 30.06.2008 have been taken into account. 57 Table No 29 (Chapter One/Sub Para 1.7) Details of Village Public Telephones (VPT) VILLAGE PUBLIC TELEPHONES S.No Service Providers Area of Operation VPTs as on 30.09.08 Achievement during the Qtr. ending 30.09.08 1 BSNL All India 522120 -1499 2 MTNL Delhi & Mumbai 0 0 3 Bharti Airtel Ltd. Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Kolkata, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Mumbai, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu (included Chennai circle), UP-East, UP-West (including Uttaranchal) and West Bengal. 0 0 4 HFCL Infotel Ltd. Punjab 255 -32 5 Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Ltd. Maharastra & Mumbai 2542 0 29921 0 4115 0 3010 0 561963 -1531 6 TATA Teleservices Ltd. 7 Reliance Communications Ltd. 8 Shyam Telelink Ltd. AP, TN, Chennai, Karnataka, Gujarat, Delhi, Bihar, Orissa, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, U.P. (E), U.P (W) including Uttaranchal, West Bengal and Kolkata AP,Bihar,Delhi,Gujarat,Haryana,HP, Karnataka, Kerala, MP, Maharashtra,Mumbai Orissa,Punjab, Rajasthan, TN, Chennai, UP(E), UP(W),West Bengal Kolkata Rajasthan TOTAL (* M/s Tata Teleservice Ltd. figures are as on 31.3.2008.) 58 Table No 30 (Chapter Two/Sub Para2.1) Subscriber Base of Wireless Operators Wireless Group Bharti (22) Reliance (22) Vodafone (19) BSNL(21) Idea (12) Tata (11) Aircel ( 10) MTNL (2) Spice (2) BPL (1) HFCL (1) Shyam (1) Total Subscribers Base Rural Percentage Market Share Technology as on Sep 08 Subscribers of rural (in %age) used (in Millions) (in millions) subscribers Of Internet Subscribers 77.48 24.57% GSM 33.74 43.55 17.78% GSM & CDMA 56.05 11.12 19.84 54.63 17.33% GSM 16.78 30.72 43.86 15.17 13.91% GSM & CDMA 34.59 30.38 29.33 13.88 3.96 3.6 1.66 0.36 0.12 315.31 7.58 1.77 4.42 0.00 0.39 0.00 0.002 0.001 90.98 9.63% 9.30% 4.40% 1.26% 1.14% 0.53% 0.11% 0.04% 100% 24.95 6.02 31.87 0 10.85 0 0.50 0.78 28.85 Figure 35: Market Share of Wireless Service Providers as on 30th September 2008 MTNL Spic e BPL HFCL 1.26% 1.14% 0.53% 0.11% Aircel 4.40% Shyam 0.04% Bharti 24.57% Tata 9.30% Idea 9.63% BSNL 13.91% Reliance 17.78% Vodafone 17.33% 59 GSM CDMA GSM CDMA GSM GSM CDMA CDMA Table No 31(Chapter Two/Sub Para 2.7) Market Share of Wireless (GSM) Operators a) The market share of different GSM Service Providers is given below: GSM Group Bharti Vodafone BSNL Idea Aircel Reliance MTNL Spice BPL Total No of Subscribers (in Millions) 77.48 54.62 39.17 30.38 13.88 9.21 3.68 3.60 1.66 233.68 Market Share (in %age) 33.16 23.37 16.76 13.00 5.94 3.94 1.57 1.54 0.71 100.00 Source: Service Providers Table No 32(Chapter Two/Sub Para 2.7) Market Share of Wireless (CDMA) Operators b) The market share of different CDMA Service Providers is given below: Company Name Reliance Infocomm Tata Teleservices BSNL MTNL HFCL Shyam Telelink Total No of Subscribers (in Millions) 46.84 Market Share (in %age) 57.38 29.33 4.70 0.28 0.36 0.12 81.63 35.93 5.76 0.34 0.44 0.15 100 Source: Service Providers 60 Table No 33(Chapter Two/Sub Para 2.8) Growth Pattern of Wireless Subscribers Base Wireless Subscriber Base: The market share distribution among Metros & Circles A to C is given below: Circle Metros Circles’A’ Circles’B’ Circles’C’ No.of Subscribers 52.25 million 111.83 million 116.72 million 34.51 million Market Share 16.57% 35.47% 37.02% 10.94% Table No 34(Chapter Two/Sub Para 2.8) The details of subscriber base in various categories of service areas for the last four quarters are given below: Category No. of Dec.’07 Mar’08 June’08 Sept'08 Service Areas Figures (in millions) Metros 4 41.47 44.81 48.21 52.25 A' Circle 5 84.11 93.95 102.55 111.83 B' Circle 8 84.80 95.09 105.51 116.72 C' Circle 6 23.24 27.22 30.59 34.51 % Growth in Sept’08 8.39 9.05 10.62 12.80 Figure 36: Growth Trend of Wireless Subscribers 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Metros A' Circle B' Circle Dec'07 Mar.08 June'08 Quarter ending 61 Sept'08 C' Circle Table No 35(Chapter No Three/Sub Para 3.2) Subscribers Base of Internet Services S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Name of ISP Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. Bharti Airtel Ltd. Reliance Communications Infrastructure Limited Sify Technologies Ltd. Tata Communications Internet Services Limited Hathway Cable & Datacom Pvt. Ltd. Data Infosys Ltd. YOU Telecom India Pvt. Ltd. Asianet Satellite Communications Ltd. B A Geographica l Area of Operation All India Delhi & Mumbai All lndia A A All India All India 878252 510071 824026 564790 6.58 -9.69 A A A A B All India All India All India All India Kerala Punjab Telecom Circle All India 399478 288142 199819 199352 66506 434640 247165 199833 193157 59761 -8.09 16.58 -0.01 3.21 11.29 55868 42367 51985 42603 7.47 -0.55 41010 35173 32681 31079 33078 27568 31.95 6.33 18.55 27253 26743 23933 18001 17661 12470 26782 23951 21495 18001 15862 12470 1.76 11.66 11.34 0.00 11.34 0.00 Cate gory A Sep'08 Total 6377051 June'08 Total 5943093 % Growt h 7.30 1951851 938251 1922713 871256 1.52 7.69 HFCL Infotel Ltd. HCL Infinet Ltd. Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Ltd. (Hughes Telecom) Punj Lloyd (Spectra Net Ltd.) Shyam Internet Services Ltd B A B A B B B A A B All India Mumbai 9653 6386 9792 5035 -1.42 26.83 B B B B A A A Kolkata, WB Mumbai Delhi Delhi 7758 5187 6179 3559 -23.64 -11.09 -26.61 17.34 All India All India 5924 4612 4535 4176 4031 3963 3867 4595 5129 -13.75 -24.61 A A All India All India 3649 3253 3649 3253 0.00 0.00 33 34 35 36 Beam Cable System Pvt. Ltd. Hughes Communications India Ltd. Ortel Communication Ltd. Vodafone Essar Gujarat Ltd. Alliance Broadband Services Pvt. Ltd. Broadband Pacenet (I) Pvt. Ltd* Indusind Media & Communications Limited (In2cable (I) Ltd.) Rajesh Multi Channel Pvt. Ltd. West Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corp. Ltd. Trikon Electronics Pvt. Ltd. WWW Communications Ltd. Spacenet Internet Services Pvt Ltd D-Vois Broadband Private Limited Trak Online Net India Pvt.Ltd Swiftmail Communications Ltd. Wire & Wireless (I) Ltd.*(Siti Cable Network Ltd) HCL Comnet Systems & Services Ltd. Hathway Bhawani Cabletel & Datacom Pvt. Ltd. Bhupati Hotels Pvt Ltd* Geocity Network Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Star Broadband Services (I) Pvt Ltd All India All India Rajasthan Andhra Pardesh All India Orissa Gujarat Kolkata Mumbai B C B B 2886 2415 1957 1916 2687 2415 2214 1619 7.41 0.00 -11.61 18.34 37 38 39 40 Descon Ltd*. Value Healthcare Ltd. Tata Communications Limited Cable Combine Communication Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai Delhi Delhi Delhi Kolkata & Burdwan District Mumbai All India Siliguri SSA 1805 1693 5015 1478 1805 1682 1313 1426 0.65 281.95 3.65 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 A A B B&C B A C 62 41 42 CJM Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. Dishnet Wireless Ltd* B A 43 44 45 46 Broadlane Networks Pvt. Ltd. Space Online Ltd* ERNET India Digital2Virtual ISP Pvt. Ltd. C B A B 47 48 49 50 51 Sanchar Telenetwork Pvt Ltd Blazenet Ltd.* Rajesh Patel Net Services Pvt. Ltd. Honesty Net Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd* North East Dataa Network Pvt Ltd C B C B B 52 53 ISP Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. Tulip Telecom Limited C A 54 55 Amber Online Services Ltd. Quest Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. B C 56 Pioneer eLabs Ltd B 57 58 Southern Online Bio Technologies Ltd. Software Technology Park of India (STPI) B A 59 B,C 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Sab Industires Ltd. F/X Wireless Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd NetMagic Solutions(P) Ltd. Bohra Pratisthan Pvt. Ltd*. Kelnet Communication Services Pvt. Ltd Speed Pvt. Ltd. Bhiwani Communications Pvt. Ltd. Ice Network Private Limited* 67 68 69 Gomti Cable Network Pvt. Ltd. Ankhnet Informations Pvt. Ltd. Netcom Online Solutions India Pvt Ltd 70 71 delDSL Internet Pvt Ltd Rida Communication Pvt. Ltd. C B B B& C C 72 Mynet Services India Pvt. Ltd. C 73 74 C C 75 76 77 78 iPath India Pvt. Ltd. Khetan Cable Network (P) Ltd Rainbow Communications (India) Pvt Ltd* Micky Online Pvt Ltd* Multinet (Udaipur) Pvt. Ltd. Pacific Internet India Pvt. Ltd. 79 80 R.S. Broadband Service Pvt Ltd* Atria Convergence Technologies Pvt. Ltd.* B B 81 82 Vainavi Industries Ltd*( Verizon Communications India Pvt. Ltd.* B A 83 Eastern Teleservices Pvt Ltd C B A C C C C B C C C A Delhi All India Dombivli, Maharastra Gujarat All India Gujarat Bhavnagar SSA Gujarat Indore(MP) Mumbai Karnataka Coimbatore SSA All India Andhra Pradesh Valsad SSA Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh All India Punjab, Karnal, Ambala, Hisar Mumbai All India Udaipur SSA Trivandrum Rajkot Rohtak Bangalore Lucknow SSA Mumbai Tamil Nadu Delhi & Gurgaon Aligarh SSA Tamil Nadu SSA Ernakulam SSA Indore SSA Salem SSA Moradabad Udaipur SSA All India Tamil Nadu SSA Karnataka Andhra Pradesh All India Jamshedpur SSA 63 1303 1278 1390 1278 -6.26 0.00 1084 1023 1012 998 1135 1023 1005 1046 -4.49 966 834 808 781 761 880 834 810 781 758 9.77 -0.25 757 750 731 584 3.56 28.42 727 677 453 599 60.49 13.02 653 851 -23.27 625 618 609 550 2.63 12.36 608 562 8.19 605 594 535 517 515 495 460 532 506 535 885 548 444 460 13.72 17.39 415 392 324 519 947 321 -20.04 -58.61 0.93 305 305 335 360 -8.96 -15.28 280 272 2.94 276 270 387 262 -28.68 3.05 260 260 247 237 260 260 257 224 -3.89 5.80 230 202 230 202 200 186 200 186 182 175 0.70 -4.59 0.40 -41.58 -6.02 11.49 4.00 177 187 -5.35 B A Ghaziabad SSA Andhra Pradesh & Karnataka All India 159 152 148 148 7.43 2.70 A A All India All India 150 143 157 84 -4.46 70.24 C C Guwahati Mysore SSA 131 127 95 127 37.89 A A A All India All India All India Ghaziabad SSA Andhra Pradesh Coimbatore SSA GhaziabadSSA Gujarat Guwahati SSA Erode Trichy Kanpur SSA Madurai SSA 106 99 97 106 90 95 95 95 94 79 18.99 93 86 8.14 92 84 92 96 -12.50 83 82 75 65 58 83 37 75 74 72 Chennai ALL INDIA All India Ghaziabad SSA All India J&K, Chandigarh Ghaziabad Thiruvanath apuram Andhra Pradesh All India Bhuvaneshw ar All India Jamshedpur SSA Chennai & Pondicherry 55 54 53 62 54 53 -11.29 0.00 47 29 63 39 -25.40 -25.64 27 25 27 27 -7.41 24 24 22 21 22 21 21 21 21 21 18 18 17 12 41.67 15 20 -25.00 14 11 11 11 27.27 11 10 11 10 84 Quick Online Pvt. Ltd. C 85 86 91 92 93 City Online Services Ltd. Primenet Global Ltd. BT Global Communications India Pvt. Ltd. World Phone Internet Services Pvt LTd STN Communication & Advertising Pvt Ltd. Aeroway Networks Pvt Ltd DCT Networks Pvt Ltd (Manipal Software Pvt. Ltd.) Karuturi Telecom Private Limited Reach Network India Pvt. Ltd. 94 Adya Tech One Services Pvt Ltd* C 95 Nettlinx Ltd. B 96 Readylink Internet Services Pvt Ltd C 97 98 Nihar Internet Services (P) Ltd* Guj Info Petro Ltd. (GIPL) C A C C C C C 104 105 106 Tarang Communications Pvt. Ltd.* Eronet Broadband Service India Pvt. Ltd. ISP Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. Harisree Cable Net Pvt. Ltd. Shri Vinayagaa Internet Pvt Ltd Mylai Karpagambal Information Systems (P) Ltd. Bharti Broadband Ltd* Nextgen Communications Ltd*( 107 108 Konark Infocomm Pvt Ltd Gateway Systems (I) Ltd. C A 108 110 C C 111 Conjoinix Technologies Pvt Ltd* CJ Online Pvt. Ltd. Kerala State Electronics Development Corp. Ltd*.(Keltron) 112 113 Online Media Solutions Ltd. Global One India Pvt Ltd B A 114 115 United Villages Networks Pvt Ltd* Nelco Ltd.* C A 116 Maple PC & Peripherals Pvt Ltd 117 119 120 Pulse Telesystems Pvt. Ltd. Chemical And Metallurgical Design Co. Ltd Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, C-DAC Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. C B& C 121 122 Virtela India Pvt. Ltd. My Own Infotech Pvt. Ltd* 87 88 89 90 99 100 101 102 103 118 B A A C B C A B&C C 64 Delhi Ghaziabad SSA All India Mumbai, Bangalore, Gurgaon Surat SSA 10.00 2.11 121.62 -12.16 -19.44 123 124 Astro Network India Pvt. Ltd. Godrej Infotech Ltd. A B 125 126 Pan India Network Infravest Pvt. Ltd. National Stock Exchange of India Ltd B A 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 ABT Ltd. Manipal Ecommerce Ltd.* Opto Network Pvt. Ltd. GTL Ltd. Tata Internet Services Ltd. Compucom (I) Pvt. Ltd. L&T Finance Ltd. (L&T Netcom Ltd.) Apna Telelink Ltd. Karuturi Networks Ltd. Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizer Co. Ltd. (GNFC) C B A A A C A C B 136 137 138 139 Spectrum Softech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Swastik Netvision Telecom P. Ltd. VSNL Broadband Ltd*. Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation 140 Ltd.(GSPC) 141 Tatanet Services Ltd* TOTAL * ISPs have not submitted the report Mumbai Mumbai, Navi Mumbai ALL INDIA Coimbatore SSA Karnataka All India All India All India Jaipur All India Jalandhar Karnataka A C B A All India Ernakulam SSA Gujarat All India B A Gujarat All India 65 9 6 7 -14.29 4 3 5 3 -20.00 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 202 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12242398 0 0 11662578 -33.33 -99.50 4.97 Table No 36(Chapter Four/Sub Para 4.3) Subscriber Base of Public Mobile Radio Trunking Services (PMRTS) Summary of reports received from PMRTS Operators Sr. No. Name of the Service Provider 1 Aryadoot Transport Pvt Limited Subscriber Base as on 31.06.2008 Subscriber %age Base as on Growth in 30.9.2008 Subscribers %age in Market Share 1694 1774 4.72 5.09 491 481 -2.04 1.38 3 Container Movement (Bombay) Transport Pvt Ltd. 5 6 20.00 0.02 4 Arya Offshore Services Pvt Ltd. 1330 1294 -2.71 3.82 5 German Express Shipping Agency (India) Pvt Ltd. (Hapag Llyod) 776 778 0.26 2.23 6 United Liner Agencies of India (Pvt) Ltd 1965 1988 1.17 5.64 7 Procall Limited 9007 8779 -2.53 25.85 8 The Arvind Mills Ltd. 11742 11748 0.05 33.70 9 Smartalk Pvt Limited 2527 2560 1.31 7.25 10 QuickCall 4023 3828 -4.85 11.54 11 Bhilwara Telenet Services Pvt Limited 1417 1461 3.11 4.07 180 150 -16.67 0.52 35157 34846 -0.89 100.00 2 Jet-Aiu Skyline Transport Pvt Ltd. 12 India Satcom Ltd. Total 66 Table No 37(Chapter No Four/Sub Para 4.10) Subscriber Base of VSAT Service Providers (ii) Subscriber Base, Growth Rate & Market Share of VSAT Service Providers for quarter ending September, 2008 Sr. No. Name of Service Provider Quarter ending June,2008 Sept,2008 %age growth rate %age Market Share 1 Hughes Communications Ltd. 27065 29670 9.62 31.42 2 HCL Comnet 24431 24885 1.86 26.35 3 Bharti Airtel Limited, Bangalore 23101 23989 3.84 25.40 4 Bharti Broadband 5388 5572 3.41 5.90 5 Essel Shyam 2647 2654 0.26 2.81 6 Tatanet Services* 5069 5069 0.00 5.37 7 ITI 45 45 0.00 0.05 8 GNFC 0 0 0.00 0.00 9 BSNL 2122 2552 20.26 2.70 Total 89868 94436 5.08 100.00 67 Table No 38 (Chapter Six/Sub Para 6.4) List of Broadcasters alongwith their pay channels S. No 1 Name of the Broadcaster S.No M/s ZeeTurner Limited 1 2 3 Name of the channel 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Zee TV Zee Cinema Cartoon Network Zee Marathi Zee News CNN Zee Café Zee Studios Zee Bangla Zee Gujrathi Zee Punjabi Zee Trendz HBO POGO Zee Business Zee Classic Zee Action Zee Premier Zee Sports Zee Telugu Zee Kannada Play TV ETC Punjabi ETC Zee Music Zee Jagran Zee Smile 24 Ghante 24 Taas Zee Talkies Zee Next 32 Ten Sports Reported Rates( in INR) 12.97 12.97 12.50 08.00 07.50 01.50 08.00 07.00 08.10 01.50 01.50 01.00 15.60 12.50 04.80 10.00 10.00 11.20 10.40 10.40 07.46 04.00 09.00 03.00 05.00 02.00 06.14 06.00 08.50 15.50 20.00 15.00 68 Remarks Till 31.03.2008, this channel was being distributed by M/s MSM Discovery India Private Limited. 2 M/s MSM Discovery India Private Limited 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 3 M/s Plus Channel 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 20.00 SET(Sony Entertainment Television) MAX Discovery Animal Planet AXN Animax Discovery Travel and Living SAB TV SET PIX MTV NICK VH1 NDTV 24X7 NDTV Profit Aaj Tak Headlines Today Tez SUN TV Gemini TV Udaya TV K TV Teja TV Udaya Movies Sun Music Gemini Music Sun News Gemini News Udaya Varthegalu Gemini Cable Vision Adithya Teja News Ushe Udaya News 17.00 15.00 05.00 14.50 02.00 09.00 13.74 12.00 07.00 06.00 03.00 8.50 06.00 07.00 03.00 02.00 12.40 10.30 11.50 15.00 05.30 14.40 07.00 07.00 01.40 07.50 07.35 17.00 03.00 01.60 15.00 01.50 69 4. M/s STAR DEN Media Services Private Limited The discounts if any, given on bouquet rate to existing affiliate(s) will also be extended to ala-carte rate(s) in the same proportion as the discounted bouquet rate. 66 67 68 69 70 Star Plus Star Gold Star Movies Star World Vijay TV 17.50 16.50 16.50 04.55 04.00 71 72 NGC The History Channel Channel (V) 05.75 04.40 Star One The Disney Channel Toon Disney Hungama Times Now Zoom CNBC TV 18 CNN-IBN 20.50 08.90 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Rate of this channel is Rs. 11.80 in Tamilnadu 01.00 08.90 07.80 08.50 07.80 8.50 5.00 70 These channels were distributed by M/s Zee Turner Limited upto 31.03.2008 at a-la-carte rate of Rs 7.50 (CNBC TV 18), Rs 2.00 (CNN-IBN) & Rs 3.50 (CNBC Awaaz) respectively. M/s Star Den started distributing these channels w.e.f 01.04.2008. M/s Star Den has been directed vide TRAI's direction dated 28.08.2008 to reduce the a-lacarte rates of these channels from the reported level (as in the column on the left) to Rs 7.50 (CNBC TV 18), Rs 2.00 (CNN-IBN) & Rs 3.50 (CNBC Awaaz). Broadcaster has approached Hon'ble TDSAT against this direction vide Appeal No 11(C) of 2008. M/s Star Den has given an undertaking to Hon'ble TDSAT during the course of the hearing on October 1, 2008 for a-la-carte offering of the channels. The rele ant extract of the 82 CNBC Awaaz 4.50 relevant extract of the interim order dated 1st October, 2008 is as under:"….The learned counsel for the appellant adds without prejudice to the rights and contentions in the present appeal that if, in the meanwhile, any party wants to opt for a-la-carte, the appellant will give only the rates specified at page 58 para -7 of the paper book". The a-la-carte rates specified at page 58 para -7 of the paper book are as under:- 5. M/s Ushodaya Enterprises Private Limited 83 The MGM 6.00 84 85 ETV ETV 2 10.00 05.60 86 87 88 89 90 91 ETV Bangla ETV Marathi ETV Kannada ETV Gujarathi ETV Oriya ETV UP 10.40 10.40 10.40 10.40 10.40 10.40 92 ETV Bihar 10.40 93 ETV Urdu 10.40 94 ETV Rajasthan 10.40 71 1) 7.50 (CNBC TV 18) 2) 2.00 (CNN-IBN) 3) 3.50 (CNBC Awaaz) M/s Star Den has started distributing this channel w.e.f 15.09.2008. Rate under examination. Converted from channel w.e.f 2008. Converted from channel w.e.f 2008. Converted from channel w.e.f 2008. Converted from channel w.e.f 2008. FTA to pay 12th May FTA to pay 12th May FTA to pay 12th May FTA to pay 12th May 6. 7. 8. 9. M/s UTV Global Broadcasting Limited M/s BBC World India Private Limited 95 ETV MP 10.40 96 Bindass 10.00 97 Bindass Movies 10.00 98 World Movies 10.00 99 UTV Movies 15.00 100 UTVi 08.50 101 BBC World 05.00 102 BBC Entertainment Cbeebies ESPN 06.50 06.50 33.13 Star Sports 33.13 Star Cricket Raj TV 28.00 11.00 108 Raj Digital Plus 07.72 109 Vissa TV 04.68 110 9XM 07.00 111 112 9X NewsX 20.50 08.50 103 M/s ESPN 104 Software India Private Limited 105 M/s Television Limited 106 Raj 107 10. M/s INX Media Private Limited 72 Converted from FTA to pay channel w.e.f 12th May 2008. Newly launched channel, reported vide letter dated 11th February, 2008 Newly launched channel, reported vide letter dated 11th March, 2008 Newly launched channel, reported vide letter dated 2nd April, 2008 Rate is Rs. 07.72 in Andhra Pradesh Rate is Rs. 04.68 in Andhra Pradesh Rate is Rs. 11.00 in Andhra Pradesh Newly launched channel, w.e.f 27.03.2008 11. M/s Neo Sports Broadcast Private Limited 12. 113 114 NEO Cricket NEO Sports 33.13 24.87 M/s New Delhi 115 Television Limited 116 NDTV 'Imagine' NDTV Good Times 20.50 NDTV Lumiere NDTV Showbiz Firangi 15.00 120 Sahara One 20.50 121 Filmy 16.50 117 118 13. M/s Reach Mega 119 09.00 8.00 15.00 Newly launched channel, w.e.f 21.01.2008 Has been declared pay channel vide their letter dated 3rd April, 2008 Newly launched channel w.e.f 10.10.2008 Newly launched channel w.e.f 15.08.2008 Newly launched channel, w.e.f 25.02.2008 Converted from FTA to Pay w.e.f 06.06.2008 Converted from FTA to Pay w.e.f 06.06.2008 14. M/s B4U Television Network (India) Private Limited 122 B4U Movies 06.00 15. M/s MAA Television Network Limiter 123 124 MAA TV MAA Music 05.50 7.00 16. M/s TV Today Network Limited 125 Dilli Aaj Tak 08.50 E-24 15.00 Newly launched channel, w.e.f 27.03.2008 COLORS 20.00 Newly launched channel, w.e.f 21.07.2008 Boomerang TCM Turner Classic Movies 10.00 10.00 Rate under examination Rate under examination 17. M/s Allied 126 Infotainment Distribution Private Limited 18 19 M/s VIACOM 127 18 Media Private Limited M/s Turner 128 International 129 India Private Limited 73 Newly launched channel, w.e.f 30.05.2008 Table No 39 (Chapter Six/Sub Para 6.6) S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 List of operationalised private FM Radio Stations in India as on 30.09.2008 City Name of the Company Date of Operationalisation DELHI CLEAR MEDIA 01.09.2006 DELHI DIGITAL RADIO 29.04.2003 DELHI E.N.I.L. 29.04.2003 DELHI H.T. MUSIC 30.10.2006 DELHI M.B.P.L. 29.04.2003 DELHI RADIO MID-DAY 23.09.2006 RADIO TODAY DELHI 28.05.2007 BROADCASTING LTD DELHI ADLABS FILMS 24-09-2006 MUMBAI ADLABS FILMS 14.11.2006 MUMBAI DIGITAL RADIO 29.04.2002 MUMBAI E.N.I.L. 23.04.2002 MUMBAI H.T. MUSIC 15.01.2007 MUMBAI M.B.P.L. 21.05.2002 RADIO TODAY MUMBAI 26.01.2008 BROADCASTING LTD MUMBAI RADIO MID-DAY 29.04.2003 KOLKATA ADLABS FILMS 21.10.2006 RADIO TODAY KOLKATA 04.10.2007 BROADCASTING LTD KOLKATA ANANDA OFFSET 28.02.2007 KOLKATA DIGITAL RADIO 03.05.2003 KOLKATA E.N.I.L. 03.05.2003 KOLKATA HITZ FM 03.05.2003 KOLKATA INDIA FM 03.05.2003 KOLKATA H.T. MUSIC 23.01.2008 CHENNAI ADLABS FILMS 27.09.2006 CHENNAI E.N.I.L. 05.05.2003 CHENNAI M.B.P.L. 10.07.2006 CHENNAI MALAR PUBLICATIONS 02.10.2006 CHENNAI MUTHOOT FINANCE 04.01.2008 CHENNAI NOBLE BROADCASTING 18.01.2007 CHENNAI RADIO MID-DAY 10.01.2007 CHENNAI SUN TV 05.05.2003 AGARTALA POSITIVE RADIO 07.08.2007 AGRA ADLABS FILMS 18.08.2007 AGRA PAN INDIA 28.05.2008 AGRA SHRI PURAN MULTIMEDIA 08.07.2007 AHMEDABAD E.N.I.L. 10.12.2001 AHMEDABAD M.B.P.L. 25.07.2007 AHMEDABAD RADIO MID-DAY 26.08.2007 AHMEDABAD SOUTH ASIA 20.04.2008 74 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 AHMEDABAD AHMEDNAGAR AHMEDNAGAR AJMER AJMER AJMER AKOLA ALIGARH ALLAHABAD ALLAHABAD ALLAHABAD AMRITSAR AMRITSAR 53 AMRITSAR 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 AMRITSAR ASANSOL AURANGABAD AURANGABAD BANGALORE BANGALORE BANGALORE BANGALORE BANGALORE BANGALORE BANGALORE BAREILY BAREILY BHOPAL BHOPAL BHOPAL BHOPAL BHUBANESHWAR/ CUTTAK BHUBANESHWAR/ CUTTAK BHUBANESHWAR/ CUTTAK BIKANER BILASPUR CHANDIGARH CHANDIGARH COCHIN COCHIN COCHIN COIMBATORE COIMBATORE COIMBATORE 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 SYNERGY MEDIA B.A.G. INFOTAINMENT M.B.P.L. ADLABS FILMS KUSHAL GLOBAL SYNERGY MEDIA M.B.P.L. ADLABS FILMS ADLABS FILMS PAN INDIA SOUTH ASIA ADLABS FILMS PAN INDIA RADIO TODAY BROADCASTING LTD SYNERGY MEDIA ADLABS FILMS E.N.I.L. SOUTH ASIA ADLABS FILMS E.N.I.L. H.T. MUSIC INDIA RADIO VENTURES KAL RADIO M.B.P.L. RADIO MID-DAY ADLABS FILMS SHRI PURAN MULTIMEDIA ADLABS FILMS E.N.I.L. SOUTH ASIA SYNERGY MEDIA 09.10.2006 17.04.2006 06.03.2007 01.10.2006 06.11.2006 10.06.2001 01.08.2006 30.03.2007 09.04.2007 20.05.2007 26.05.2007 06.11.2007 26.05.2007 ADLABS FILMS 14.04.2007 EASTERN MEDIA 04.05.2007 SOUTH ASIA 28.06.2007 ADLABS FILMS SYNERGY MEDIA ADLABS FILMS SYNERGY MEDIA KAL RADIO MALAYALLA MANORAMA THE MATHRABHUMI E.N.I.L. M.B.P.L. MALAR PUBLICATIONS 19.01.2007 27.09.2007 12.02.2007 19.02.2007 17.05.2008* 18.05.2008 17.05.2008 03.11.2007 12.11.2007 29.10.2007 75 21.07.2007 01.03.2008 07.02.2008 28/08/2007 12.09.2007 31.08.2007 13.03.2008 08.12.2006 29.10.2007 29.05.2008 18.03.2008 01.08.2007 26.01.2008 15.05.2008 27-7-2007 29.06.2007 24.07.2007 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 COIMBATORE DHULE GORAKHPUR GULBERGA GUWAHATI GUWAHATI GUWAHATI GUWAHATI GWALIOR GWALIOR GWALIOR GWALIOR HISSAR HISSAR HISSAR HISSAR HYDERABAD HYDERABAD HYDERABAD HYDERABAD INDORE INDORE INDORE INDORE JABALPUR JABALPUR JABALPUR JABALPUR JAIPUR JAIPUR JAIPUR JAIPUR JAIPUR JALANDHAR JALANDHAR JALANDHAR JALANDHAR JALGOAN JALGOAN JAMMU JAMSHED PUR JAMSHED PUR JHANSI JODHPUR JODHPUR 129 JODHPUR 130 JODHPUR SUN TV B.A.G. INFOTAINMENT SHRI PURAN MULTIMEDIA KAL RADIO ADLABS FILMS POSITIVE RADIO PURVY BROADCASTING SOUTH ASIA ADLABS FILMS GWALIOR FARMS ITM SOFTWARE SYNERGY MEDIA ADLABS FILMS B.A.G. INFOTAINMENT SHRI PURAN MULTIMEDIA SINGLA PROPERTY ADLABS FILMS E.N.I.L. KAL RADIO M.B.P.L. ADLABS FILMS E.N.I.L. SOUTH ASIA SYNERGY MEDIA B.A.G. INFOTAINMENT E.N.I.L. SOUTH ASIA SYNERGY MEDIA E.N.I.L. M.B.P.L. RAJASTHAN PATRIKA SOUTH ASIA SYNERGY MEDIA ADLABS FILMS E.N.I.L. SHRI PURAN MULTIMEDIA SYNERGY MEDIA B.A.G. INFOTAINMENT M.B.P.L. ADLABS FILMS ADLABS FILMS SOUTH ASIA ADLABS FILMS ADLABS FILMS KUSHAL GLOBAL RADIO TODAY BROADCASTING LTD SYNERGY MEDIA 76 07.03.2003 15.08.2007 03.06.2007 02.06.2008 14.04.2007 13.04.2007 09.10.2007 11.04.2008 06.08.2007 04.08.2007 07.09.2007 06.08.2007 02.03.2007 18.06.2007 21.03.2007 17.03.2007 25.09.2006 19.04.2006 06.11.2006 30.05.2006 03.08.2007 01.10.2001 09.12.2007 11.08.2007 01.03.2008 15.02.2008 19.03.2008 15.02.2008 17.04.2006 08.09.2006 15.08.2006 06.11.2006 28.05.2006 14.04.2007 24.04.2007 14.04.2007 19.04.2007 22.04.2008 22.05.2008 07.12.2006 07.11.2007 13.04.2008 19.01.2007 14.12.2007 14.12.2007 01.06.2008 20.12.2007 131 KANNUR 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 KANNUR KANNUR KANNUR KANPUR KANPUR KANPUR KARNAL KARNAL KHOZIKODE KHOZIKODE KOLHAPUR KOLHAPUR KOTA KOTA KOTA LUCKNOW LUCKNOW LUCKNOW MADURAI MADURAI MADURAI MANGALORE MANGALORE MANGALORE MUZAFFARPUR MYSORE MYSORE NAGPUR NAGPUR NAGPUR NAGPUR NANDED NASIK NASIK PANAJI PANAJI PANAJI PATIALA PATIALA PATIALA PATNA PONDICHERRY PONDICHERRY PONDICHERRY PUNE PUNE ASIANET COMMUNICATION KAL RADIO MALAYALLA MANORAMA THE MATHRABHUMI ADLABS FILMS E.N.I.L. SOUTH ASIA B.A.G. INFOTAINMENT SHRI PURAN MULTIMEDIA KAL RADIO MALAYALLA MANORAMA E.N.I.L. PUDHARI PUBLICATION ADLABS FILMS RAJASTHAN PATRIKA SYNERGY MEDIA E.N.I.L. M.B.P.L. SOUTH ASIA E.N.I.L. KAL RADIO MALAR PUBLICATIONS ADLABS FILMS E.N.I.L. KAL RADIO B.A.G. INFOTAINMENT ADLABS FILMS KAL RADIO E.N.I.L. M.B.P.L. SOUTH ASIA SYNERGY MEDIA M.B.P.L. E.N.I.L. SOUTH ASIA ADLABS FILMS E.N.I.L. INDIA RADIO VENTURES ADLABS FILMS B.A.G. INFOTAINMENT PAN INDIA E.N.I.L. ADLABS FILMS KAL RADIO MALAR PUBLICATIONS E.N.I.L. M.B.P.L. 77 13.01.2008 12.03.2008* 30.12.2007 30.12.2007 14.06.2007 16.06.2007 28.01.2008 18.06.2007 02.04.2007 07.12.2007 29.11.2007 18.09.2007 21.09.2007 21.01.2008 25.02.2008 02.02.2008 13.08.2007 10.12.2001 06.11.2007 28-09.2007 05.10.2007 01.10.2007 24.11.2007 24.11.2007 21.02.2008 01.08.2007 14.10.2007 07.12.2007 18.10.2007 21.10.2007 04.05.2008 21.10.2007 15.05.2008 06.07.2007 16.04.2008 22.05.2007 22.05.2007 25.06.2007 01.08.2007 18.06.2007 26.01.2008 02.04.2007 01.12.2007 20.12.2007 22.12.2007 18.10.2002 10.04.2008 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 PUNE RACHI RACHI RACHI RAIPUR RAIPUR RAIPUR RAJAHMUNDRY RAJKOT RAJKOT RAJKOT ROURKELA ROURKELA SANGLI SHILONG SHOLAPUR SHOLAPUR SILIGURI SILIGURI SILIGURI SRI-NAGAR SURAT SURAT SURAT SURAT THIRUVANANTHA PURAM THIRUVANANTHA PURAM THIRUVANANTHA PURAM THIRUVANANTHA PURAM 207 THRISSUR 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 THRISSUR THRISSUR THRISSUR TIRUCHI TIRUCHI TIRUNELVELI TIRUNELVELI TIRUPATI TIRUPATI TUTICORIN TUTICORIN UDAIPUR UDAIPUR RADIO MID-DAY ADLABS FILMS B.A.G. INFOTAINMENT SHRI PURAN MULTIMEDIA E.N.I.L. RANEKA FINCOM SYNERGY MEDIA KAL RADIO ADLABS FILMS E.N.I.L. SOUTH ASIA ADLABS FILMS EASTERN MEDIA M.B.P.L. POSITIVE RADIO ADLABS FILMS M.B.P.L. CHINAR CIRCUITS PCM CEMMENTS SYNTECH INFORMATICS ADLABS FILMS ADLABS FILMS E.N.I.L. M.B.P.L. SYNERGY MEDIA 12.05.2008 24.10.2007 15.11.2007 27.10.2007 11.01.2008 15.01.2008 16.01.2008 19.01.2008 13.06.2007 13.06.2007 18.04.2008 06.01.2008 22.01.2008 08.02.2008 16.10.2007 08.11.2007 14.11.2007 12.03.2008 14.11.2007 24.11.2007 10.12.2006 29.08.2007 21.08.2007 22.08.2007 27.08.2007 ADLABS FILMS 29.01.2008 E.N.I.L. 29.01.2008 KAL RADIO 06.02.2008 THE MATHRABHUMI 29.01.2008 ASIANET COMMUNICATION KAL RADIO MALAYALLA MANORAMA THE MATHRABHUMI KAL RADIO MALAR PUBLICATIONS MALAR PUBLICATIONS SUN TV ADLABS FILMS KAL RADIO KAL RADIO MALAR PUBLICATIONS ADLABS FILMS RAJASTHAN PATRIKA 78 23.12.2007 26.12.2007 14.12.2007 14.12.2007 17.01.2008 14.01.2008 13.10.2007 07.03.2003 01.08.2007 27.08.2007 05.10.2007 15.10.2007 03.08.2007 27.08.2007 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 UDAIPUR VADODARA VADODARA VADODARA VADODARA VARANASI VARANASI VARANASI VARANASI VIJAYWADA VIJAYWADA VISHAKAPATNAM VISHAKAPATNAM VISHAKAPATNAM VISHAKAPATNAM WARANGAL SYNERGY MEDIA ADLABS FILMS E.N.I.L. M.B.P.L. SOUTH ASIA E.N.I.L. PAN INDIA SHRI PURAN MULTIMEDIA SOUTH ASIA E.N.I.L. KAL RADIO ADLABS FILMS E.N.I.L. M.B.P.L. UDAYA TV KAL RADIO 79 07.07.2007 05.06.2007 05.06.2007 11.06.2007 17.04.2008 14.07.2007 29.05.2008 20.07.2007 29.12.2007 11.12.2007 25.12.2007 27.10.2007 26.10.2007 29.10.2007 06.02.2003 28.05.2008 Table No 40 (Chapter Six/Sub Para 6.8) Number of Applications received / Letters of Intent issued / Licenses Issued in respect of Community Radio Stations As on 30.09.2008 387 57 172 37 36 Total No. of Applications Received No of Licenses issued No of Letters of Intend Issued No of Applications rejected No of stations operational 80 Table No 41 (Chapter Six/Sub Para 6.10) List of applicants who have been granted DTH License 1. M/s. Tata Sky Ltd., 3rd Floor, Bombay Dyeing A.O. Building, Pandurang Budhkar Marg, Worli, Mumbai – 400 025 Tel: 022-6613 3000 Fax-022-6613 3030/6616 3013 2. M/s Dish TV India Ltd. FC-19, Sector-16A, Film City, Noida-201301 Tel: 91-120-2511064-78 Fax: 91-120-2511186 3. SUN Direct TV(P) Ltd. 4/1017, 3rd Cross Street, 9th Link, Nehru Nagar, Kottivakkam, Chennai-600 041 Tel: 044-4341 1434 Fax: 044-4341 1010 4. Bharti Telemedia Ltd. Unitech World Cyber Park Tower-B, 8th Floor Sector -39, Gurgaon – 122 001 Tel: 95124-424 4000 Fax: 95124-424 4282 5. Reliance Big TV Pvt. Ltd. BHQ, 4th Floor, Dhirubai Ambani Knowledge City Navi Mumbai- 400 710 Fax: 022-3037 1099 6. M/s Bharat Business Channel Ltd. 12th Floor, Videocon Tower Block E-1, Jhandewalan Extension New Delhi – 110 055 Tel: 41593100/41593114 Fax; 41593150 81 Table No 42(Chapter Six/Sub Para 6.11) List of companies permitted by Ministry of I&B to set up teleports at various locations in India as on 30.09.2008 S.No City Name of the Company 1 New Delhi M/s TV Today Network Limited 2 Greater Noida M/s Jain Studios Limited 3 Chennai M/s Sun TV Network Limited 4 Mumbai M/s Entertainment Television Network Limited 5 Hyderabad M/s Ushodaya Enterprises Limited NOIDA, Mumbai, Aroor M/s Essel Shyam Communications Limited 6 (Kerala) Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala) M/s Asianet Communications Limited 7 NOIDA M/s Sahara Sanchar Limited 8 New Delhi, Mumbai, NOIDA M/s Television Eighteen India Limited 9 New Delhi M/s New Delhi Television Limited 10 Kochi (Kerala) M/s Indiavision Satellite Communications Ltd 11 Greater Noida M/s Noida Software Technology Park Ltd 12 NOIDA M/s DISH TV 13 Guwahati, Noida M/s Positiv Television Private Ltd 14 Mumbai M/s Channel Guide India Ltd 15 Chennai M/s Coxswain Technologies Limited 16 NOIDA M/s Independent News Service Pvt Limited 17 18 Gurgaon, Kolkata, Chennai, M/s Indiasign Private Limited Hyderabad, Noida 19 Hyderabad M/s Associated Broadcasting Co Private Limited 20 Bhopal M/s A V Entertainment Private Limited 21 Thiruvananathapuram M/s Amrita Enterprises Private Limited 22 Chennai M/s Mavis Satcom Limited 23 New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, M/s Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd Kolkata, Cochin, Chennai 24 Mumbai M/s Lamhas Satellite Services Limited 25 Thiruvananthapuram M/s Malayalam Communications Limited 26 Mmbai M/s Sanskar Info TV Private Limited 27 Mumbai M/s Bennett, Coleman & Co Limited 28 New Delhi M/s Senior Media Limited 29 Ahmedabad M/s Lok Prakashan Limited 30 Kolkata M/s Calcutta Television Network Pvt Ltd 31 Rajpura (Punjab) M/s Kohinoor Broadcasting Corpn Ltd 32 Bhubaneshwar M/s Kamyab TV Private Limited 33 Bangalore M/s Kasthuri Media's Private Limited 34 Kolkata M/s SST Media Private Limited 35 Alapuzza M/s MM TV Limited 36 Hyderabad M/s IN Cablenet (Andhra) Limited 37 Hyderabad M/s Indira Television Limited 38 New Delhi M/s Tata Sky Limited 82 39 NOIDA 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Bangalore Delhi New Delhi Surat New Delhi Hyderabad Hyderabad Bhubneshwar Hyderabad NOIDA Guwahati New Delhi Bhubaneshwar Jaipur Guwahati M/s Media Content & Communications Services (India) Private Limited M/s Satish Sugars Limited M/s MH One TV Network Limited M/s S TV Enterprises Limited M/s AIRR X Media Limited M/s Broadcast Equipment (India) Private Ltd M/s Winning Edge Communications Limited M/s Rachna Television Private Limited M/s Ortel Communications Limited M/s Sowbhagya Exports Limited M/s Pragya Vision Private Limited M/s Brahmaputra Tele-Productions Pvt Limited M/s G-Next Media Private Limited M/s Eastern Media Limited M/s Rajasthan Patrika Private Limited M/s Pride East Entertainment Private Limited 83 Table No 43 (Chapter Seven/Sub Para7.3) Summary statement of GR, AGR, License Fee and Spectrum Charges For the quarter ending Sep 30, 2008 (Q-2 of F.Y. 2008-09) Sl. NO. Spectru Subscrib Subscrib m ers (in AGR Licence Licence ers Charge millions) Name of GR (Rs. in AGR (Rs. %age of Fee (Rs. Fee %age Market s (Rs. as on Company crore) in crore) GR in crore) of AGR Share in 30.09.08 (%) crore) * 1 BSNL 8800.07 7449.58 84.65% 606.30 8.14% 86.82 73.98 20.92% 2 1464.65 1094.27 74.71% 115.62 10.57% 10007.04 7214.09 72.09% 4553.53 5 MTNL BhartiAirtel Group Reliance Group Vodafone Group 8.18 7.53 2.13% 607.18 8.42% 270.05 79.99 22.62% 2853.52 62.67% 234.65 8.22% 44.62 57.07 16.14% 5273.13 3854.20 73.09% 351.05 9.11% 168.41 54.62 15.44% 6 Tata Group 2954.09 1744.87 59.07% 150.79 8.64% 36.29 30.16 8.53% 7 Idea Group 2472.05 1870.98 75.69% 169.09 9.04% 98.61 30.38 8.59% 8 10.17 9.05 88.99% 0.54 5.97% 0.00 168.99 120.73 71.44% 12.07 10.00% 6.37 1.66 0.47% 310.26 248.33 80.04% 21.85 8.80% 10.53 3.60 1.02% 47.47 34.33 72.32% 2.75 8.01% 0.16 0.51 0.14% 24.87 8.06 32.41% 0.64 7.94% 0.31 0.27 0.08% 13 VSNL BPL Mobile Comm Spice Group HFCL Infotel Shyam Telelink Aircel Group 778.03 575.34 73.95% 50.07 8.70% 23.74 13.88 3.92% 14 Others 331.85 279.25 84.15% 16.74 5.99% 0.56 Rail -TEL Tulip IT Services 48.82 48.82 100.00% 2.93 6% 0.16 31.58 14.52 45.98% 0.87 6% 0.00 BT Group 59.94 59.94 100.00% 3.60 6% 0.00 AT & T Sify Comm Ltd 91.04 91.04 100.00% 5.46 6% 0.00 77.50 46.41 59.88% 2.78 6% 0.00 HCL Group 22.97 18.52 80.63% 1.10 Grand Total of All SPs 37196.21 27356.60 73.55% 2339.33 * Source: TRAI Press Release No. 89/2008 dated 24.11.2008 6% 0.40 3 4 9 10 11 12 84 8.55% 754.65 353.65 100.00% Annexure A(Chapter Two/Sub Para 2.1) List of Wireless, Wireline & Unified Access Service Providers Operators Circle Delhi Mumbai Chennai Kolkata Wireless CMTS Vodafone MTNL Idea Cellular BPL Vodafone MTNL Aircel BSNL Vodafone Vodafone BSNL Reliance Telecom Vodafone Maharashtra Idea Cellular BSNL Gujarat Vodafone Idea Cellular BSNL Andhra Pradesh Idea Cellular Vodafone BSNL BSNL Vodafone Karnataka Tamilnadu Kerala Punjab Vodafone Aircel BSNL Idea Cellular Vodafone BSNL BSNL Unified Reliance Infocomm Tata Teleservices Bharti Airtel Ltd Aircell Ltd. Reliance Infocomm Tata Teleservices Bharti Airtel Ltd Aircell Ltd. Idea Cellular Reliance Infocomm Tata Teleservices Bharti Airtel Ltd Reliance Infocomm Tata Teleservices Bharti Airtel Ltd Dishnet Wireless Ltd. Reliance Infocomm Tata Teleservices Bharti Airtel Ltd Aircell Ltd. Reliance Infocomm Tata Teleservices Bharti Airtel Ltd Aircell Ltd. Reliance Infocomm Tata Teleservices Bharti Airtel Ltd. Aircell Ltd. Spice Communications Reliance Infocomm Tata Teleservices Bharti Airtel Ltd. Aircell Ltd. Reliance Infocomm Tata Teleservices Bharti Airtel Ltd Reliance Infocomm Tata Teleservices Bharti Airtel Ltd Dishnet Wireless Ltd. Reliance Infocomm 85 Wireline MTNL MTNL BSNL BSNL BSNL BSNL BSNL BSNL BSNL BSNL BSNL Vodafone Haryana Idea Cellular Vodafone BSNL Uttar Pradesh(W) Idea Cellular BSNL Uttar Pradesh(E) Vodafone BSNL IDEA Cellular Rajasthan Vodafone BSNL IDEA Cellular Madhya Pradesh Idea Cellular BSNL BSNL WB&A&N BSNL IDEA Cellular Himachal Pradesh Bihar BSNL HFCL Infocom Tata Teleservices Bharti Airtel Ltd. Spice Communications Dishnet Wireless Ltd. Reliance Infocomm Tata Teleservices Bharti Airtel Ltd. Dishnet Wireless Ltd. Reliance Infocomm Vodafone Tata Teleservices Bharti Airtel Ltd. Dishnet Wireless Ltd. Reliance Infocomm Tata Teleservices Bharti Airtel Ltd. Dishnet Wireless Ltd. Reliance Infocomm Tata Teleservices Shyam Telelink Bharti Hexacom Ltd. Reliance Infocomm Tata Teleservices Reliance Telecom Bharti Airtel Ltd. Dishnet Wireless Ltd Reliance Infocomm Tata Teleservices Reliance Telecom Bharti Airtel Ltd Vodafone Essar South Ltd. Dishnet Wireless Ltd. Reliance Infocomm Tata Teleservices Reliance Telecom Dishnet Wireless Ltd. Bharti Airtel Ltd. Essar Spacetel Pvt. Ltd.(Vodafone) Reliance Infocomm Tata Teleservices Reliance Telecom Bharti Airtel Ltd. Dishnet Wireless Ltd. Essar Spacetel Pvt. Ltd.(Vodafone) 86 BSNL BSNL BSNL BSNL BSNL BSNL BSNL BSNL Orissa Assam North East Jammu & Kashmir Aditya Birla Telecom Ltd. BSNL Reliance Infocomm Tata Teleservices Reliance Telecom Bharti Airtel Ltd. Dishnet Wireless Ltd. Essar Spacetel Pvt. Ltd.(Vodafone) BSNL Dishnet Wireless Ltd. Bharti Airtel Ltd. Reliance Telecom Essar Spacetel Pvt. Ltd.(Vodafone) BSNL Dishnet Wireless Ltd. Bharti Hexacom Ltd. Reliance Telecom Essar Spacetel Pvt. Ltd.(Vodafone) BSNL Dishnet Wireless Ltd. Bharti Airtel Ltd. Reliance Infocomm Essar Spacetel Pvt. Ltd.(Vodafone) 87 BSNL BSNL BSNL BSNL Annexure B (Chapter Two/Sub Para 2.1) List of New Unified Access Service Providers Licences issued between December 2007 To January 2008. Slno Service Area Name of Licensee 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam 12 13 14 15 16 17 Assam Assam Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Bihar Delhi Delhi Delhi Delhi Delhi Delhi Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat 30 31 32 33 34 35 Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana 36 37 38 39 Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Unitech Wireless (South) Ltd Spice Communications Ltd Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd Loop Telecom Private Ltd Shyam Telelink Ltd Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Loop Telecom Private Ltd Shyam Telelink Ltd Idea Cellular Ltd Unitech Wireless (East) Private Ltd Tata Teleservices Ltd S Tel Ltd Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Loop Telecom Private Ltd Shyam Telelink Ltd Unitech Wireless (East) Private Ltd S Tel Ltd Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Spice Communications Ltd Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd Loop Telecom Private Ltd Shyam Telelink Ltd Unitech Wireless (Delhi) Ltd Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd Loop Telecom Private Ltd Shyam Telelink Ltd Unitech Wireless (West) Private Ltd Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Spice Communications Ltd Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd Loop Telecom Private Ltd Shyam Telelink Ltd Unitech Wireless (North) Private Ltd Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Loop Telecom Private Ltd Shyam Telelink Ltd Unitech Wireless (North) Private Ltd 88 Effective Date of Licence 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 Slno Service Area 40 41 42 43 44 45 Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Kerala Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh 69 70 71 72 73 74 Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai North East North East North East North East North East North East North East Orissa Name of Licensee Effective Date of Licence S Tel Ltd 25.1.2008 Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 25.1.2008 Loop Telecom Private Ltd 25.1.2008 Shyam Telelink Ltd 25.1.2008 Idea Cellular Ltd 25.1.2008 Unitech Wireless (North) Private 25.1.2008 Ltd Tata Teleservices Ltd 25.1.2008 S Tel Ltd 25.1.2008 Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 25.1.2008 Unitech Wireless (South) Ltd 25.1.2008 Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd 25.1.2008 Loop Telecom Private Ltd 25.1.2008 Shyam Telelink Ltd 25.1.2008 Idea Cellular Ltd 25.1.2008 Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 25.1.2008 Unitech Wireless (South) Ltd 25.1.2008 Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd 25.1.2008 Loop Telecom Private Ltd 25.1.2008 Shyam Telelink Ltd 25.1.2008 Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 25.1.2008 Loop Telecom Private Ltd 25.1.2008 Shyam Telelink Ltd 25.1.2008 Idea Cellular Ltd 25.1.2008 Unitech Wireless (Kolkata) Ltd 25.1.2008 Essar Spacetel Pvt. Ltd. 19.12.2007 Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 25.1.2008 Loop Telecom Private Ltd 25.1.2008 Shyam Telelink Ltd 25.1.2008 Unitech Wireless (West) Private 25.1.2008 Ltd Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 25.1.2008 Spice Communications Ltd 25.1.2008 Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd 25.1.2008 Loop Telecom Private Ltd 25.1.2008 Shyam Telelink Ltd 25.1.2008 Unitech Wireless (West) Private 25.1.2008 Ltd Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 25.1.2008 Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd 25.1.2008 Shyam Telelink Ltd 25.1.2008 Unitech Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd. 25.1.2008 Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 25.1.2008 Loop Telecom Private Ltd 25.1.2008 Shyam Telelink Ltd 25.1.2008 Idea Cellular Ltd 25.1.2008 Unitech Wireless (East) Ltd 25.1.2008 Tata Teleservices Ltd 25.1.2008 S Tel Ltd 25.1.2008 Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 25.1.2008 89 Slno Service Area 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Orissa Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab 97 98 99 100 Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Name of Licensee Effective Date of Licence Loop Telecom Private Ltd 25.1.2008 Shyam Telelink Ltd 25.1.2008 Idea Cellular Ltd 25.1.2008 Unitech Wireless (East) Ltd 25.1.2008 S Tel Ltd 25.1.2008 Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd 25.1.2008 Loop Telecom Private Ltd 25.1.2008 Shyam Telelink Ltd 25.1.2008 Idea Cellular Ltd 25.1.2008 Unitech Wireless (North) Private 25.1.2008 Ltd Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 25.1.2008 Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd 25.1.2008 Loop Telecom Private Ltd 25.1.2008 Unitech Wireless (North) Private 25.1.2008 Ltd Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 25.1.2008 Tamilnadu (including Chennai) Tamilnadu Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd (including Chennai) Tamilnadu Loop Telecom Private Ltd (including Chennai) Tamilnadu Shyam Telelink Ltd (including Chennai) Tamilnadu Idea Cellular Ltd (including Chennai) Tamilnadu Unitech Wireless (Tamil Nadu) (including Chennai) Pvt. Ltd Uttar Pradesh (East) Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Uttar Pradesh (East) Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd Uttar Pradesh (East) Loop Telecom Private Ltd Uttar Pradesh (East) Shyam Telelink Ltd Uttar Pradesh (East) Unitech Wireless (East) Ltd Uttar Pradesh (West) Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Uttar Pradesh (West) Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd Uttar Pradesh (West) Loop Telecom Private Ltd Uttar Pradesh (West) Shyam Telelink Ltd Uttar Pradesh (West) Unitech Wireless (West) Private Ltd West Bengal Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. West Bengal Loop Telecom Private Ltd West Bengal Shyam Telelink Ltd West Bengal Idea Cellular Ltd West Bengal Unitech Wireless (East) Ltd 90 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 25.1.2008 Annexure C (Chapter Two/Sub Para 2.17) Usage Pattern for GSM (Full Mobility) MoU & SMS (per subscriber per month Postpaid Circle Circle A Circle B Circle C Metro All India O/G MOU 661 692 723 519 622 Prepaid Total MOU 1189 1197 1329 969 1123 I/C MOU 528 505 605 451 501 O/G SMS 59 45 25 65 56 O/G MOU 203 217 213 193 208 I/C MOU 239 236 252 209 235 Total MOU 442 453 464 403 444 BLENDED [Postpaid + Prepaid] Circle Circle A Circle B Circle C Metro All India O/G MOU 241 239 237 255 242 I/C MOU 262 248 268 255 257 Total MOU 503 488 505 511 499 O/G SMS 33 15 12 38 25 Composition of outgoing minutes of use Circle Local (Intracircle) NLD (Intercircle) ILD Circle A 88.09% 11.38% 0.53% Circle B 88.43% 11.07% 0.50% Circle C 87.02% 12.83% 0.15% Metro 74.48% 24.78% 0.74% All India 85.93% 13.56% 0.51% 91 O/G SMS 31 13 12 32 22 Composition of outgoing Local (Intra-circle) minutes of use Circle Circle A To Fixed On-net To Mobile Off-net Total 6% 52% 42% 94% Circle B 5% 62% 33% 95% Circle C 5% 70% 25% 95% Metro 7% 48% 46% 93% All India 6% 57% 37% 94% Composition of outgoing NLD (inter-circle) minutes of use Circle Circle A Circle B Circle C Metro All India To Fixed 9% 8% 8% 9% 8% To Mobile Off-net 54% 61% 54% 69% 61% On-net 38% 31% 38% 22% 31% Total 91% 92% 92% 91% 92% Composition of Total outgoing minutes of use (excl. ILD) To Mobile Off-net 44% 36% 29% 52% 40% On-net 50% 58% 66% 41% 54% Total 94% 94% 95% 93% 94% Composition of outgoing MoUs 100% 90% 0.57% 0.55% 12.95% 0.51% 13.22% 0.49% 13.16% 0.51% 12.50% 13.56% 80% 70% 85.93% 40% 87.02% 50% 86.33% 60% 86.23% Circle A Circle B Circle C Metro All India To Fixed 6% 6% 5% 7% 6% 86.48% Circle Sep-07 Dec-07 Mar-08 Jun-08 Sep-08 30% 20% 10% 0% Local (Intra-circle) 92 NLD (inter-circle) ILD Annexure D (Chapter Two/Sub Para 2.18) Average Subscriber Outgo (Rental + Call Charges) Per Minute (Rs. Per Minute) for GSM (Full Mobility) (Rs. Per Min) Circle A Circle B Circle C Metros Postpaid Prepaid Blended 0.78 0.83 0.82 0.70 0.73 0.72 0.73 0.82 0.80 0.93 0.87 0.89 All India 0.80 0.79 * Outgo includes both Rental and call charges 93 0.79 Annexure E (Chapter Two/Sub Para 2.24) Usage Pattern – CDMA (Full Mobility) MoU & SMS (per subscriber per month) Postpaid Circle Outgoing Incoming MOU MOU Total MOU Prepaid Outgoing Outgoing Incoming Total Outgoing SMS MOU MOU MOU SMS Circle A 475 282 757 17 111 135 246 15 Circle B 492 287 779 18 155 160 315 9 Circle C 670 309 979 8 203 204 407 5 Metro 491 265 759 21 155 139 294 26 All India 492 278 770 18 143 150 293 14 Blended Circle Outgoing MOU Outgoing Incoming SMS MOU Total MOU Circle A 142 147 289 15 Circle B 175 167 342 9 Circle C 221 208 429 5 Metro 200 156 356 25 All India 171 161 332 14 Composition of outgoing minutes of use Local (Intra-circle) NLD (Inter-Circle) ILD Circle A 87.3% 12.4% 0.3% Circle B 87.8% 11.6% 0.5% Circle C 90.1% 9.9% 0.1% Metro 72.9% 26.9% 0.2% All India 84.3% 15.4% 0.3% Circle 94 Outgoing MoUs per subscriber per month Local (Intra-circle) NLD (Inter-Circle) ILD Circle A 124 18 0.40 Circle B 154 20 0.92 Circle C 199 22 0.14 Metro 145 54 0.38 All India 144 26 0.56 Circle Composition of outgoing Local (Intra-circle) minutes of use based on terminating network. To Fixed To Mobile To Own Network (Mobile) Circle A 6% 94% 49% Circle B 4% 96% 70% Circle C 2% 98% 62% Metro 6% 94% 67% All India 5% 95% 62% Circle Composition of Outgoing NLD (Inter-Circle) minutes of use based on terminating network To Fixed To Mobile To Own Network (Mobile) Circle A 9% 91% 56% Circle B 6% 94% 57% Circle C 6% 94% 56% Metro 6% 94% 47% All India 7% 93% 52% Circle 95 Composition of Total outgoing minutes of use (excl. ILD) based on terminating network. Circle To Fixed To Mobile Circle A 7% 93% Circle B 5% 95% Circle C 3% 97% Metro 6% 94% All India 5% 95% 96 Annexure F (Chapter Two/Sub Para 2.25) Average Subscriber Outgo (Rental + Call Charges) Per Minute (Rs. Per Minute) for CDMA (Full Mobility) Prepaid Postpaid Blended Category Rent + call Revenue per Outgoing Minute Rent + call Revenue per Outgoing Minute Category - A 0.68 0.92 0.75 Category - B 0.54 0.87 0.60 Category - C 0.52 0.81 0.55 Metro 0.62 0.96 0.73 All India 0.59 0.92 0.67 97 Rent + call Revenue per Outgoing Minute Annexure G (Chapter Three) Growth Pattern of Internet Subscribers Growth Trends-I No. of Subscribers (in million) 14.00 12.00 10.00 9.62 8.00 6.22 10.36 8.33 7.86 7.54 6.84 12.24 11.66 11.09 PSU Private Overall 6.00 4.00 3.40 3.91 3.79 3.55 3.52 2.00 0.00 Q3'07 Q4'07 Q1'08 Q2'08 Q3'08 Quarter Ending Growth Trends-II 12.00 PSU 9.95 10.17 Private 10.00 Overall 6.90 7.64 4.00 6.72 7.08 6.00 5.09 4.32 4.37 5.89 4.97 3.42 3.06 2.00 1.08 1 Quarter Ending 98 Q3'08 Q2'08 Q1'08 Q4'07 0.04 0.00 Q3'07 % Growth 8.00 Annexure H (Chapter ThreeSub Para 3.4) List of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) reporting Internet Telephony services S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Name of ISP Apna Telelink Ltd. Asianet Satellite Communications Ltd. Blazenet Ltd.* Broadband Pacenet (I) Pvt. Ltd.* City Online Services Ltd. CJ Online Pvt. Ltd. Data Infosys Ltd. DelDSL Internet Pvt. Ltd. Digital2Virtual ISP Pvt. Ltd. Dishnet Wireless Ltd.* Karuturi Telecom Pvt Ltd. HCL Infinet Ltd. IndusInd Media Communications Ltd. Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. Manipal Ecommerce Ltd.* My Own Infotech Pvt. Ltd.* Mylai Karpagambal Information Systems (P) Ltd. NetMagic Solutions (P) Ltd. Nettlinx Ltd. Opto Network Pvt. Ltd. Pioneer Online Pvt. Ltd. Pulse Telesystems Pvt. Ltd. Sify Ltd. Southern Online Bio Technologies Ltd. Swiftmail Communications Ltd. Swastik Netvision Telecom P. Ltd. Trak Online Net India Pvt.Ltd Trikon Electronics Pvt. Ltd. Value Healthcare Ltd. Tata Communications Ltd Tata Communications Internet Services Ltd YOU Telecom India Pvt. Ltd. World Phone Internet Services Pvt Ltd Cordia L T Communicatations Private Ltd IOL Netcom Ltd. * ISP has not submitted report at the end of September 2008. 99 Annexure I (Chapter Four/Sub Para 4.1) Growth Rate of PMRTS subscribers %age of Growth Rate of PMRTS 5 4 4.46 4 3.45 3 2 1 0 -1 -0.89 -1.44 -2 -2.99 -3 -4 %age of Growth June, 2007 Sept, 2007 -1.44 4.46 100 Dec, 2007 March, 2008 June, 2008 3.45 4 -2.99 Sept, 2008 -0.89 Annexure J (Chapter Four/Sub Para 4.5) Growth Rate of VSAT Subscribers Growth Rate of VSAT Subscribers from Quarter Ending June, 2007 to Sept, 2008 30 25 20.75 % Growth 20 15 10.41 10 4.29 5 5.08 3.15 3.04 Quarter Ending 0 Percentage Growth June, 2007 Sept, 2007 Dec, 2007 March, 2008 3.04 4.29 3.15 20.75 Percentage Growth 101 June, 2008 10.41 Sept, 2008 5.08 Annexure K (Chapter Five/Sub Para 5.1) Quality of Service (QOS) Performance for Wireline Services 100% in < 7days 1 ANDHRA BSNL 88.73 PRADES RELIANC H E 100.00 BHARTI 100.00 Time taken for refund of deposits after closoures <8 hrs a) Junction between local exchang e (2/1000) Metering & billing credibility- % of bills disputed Grade of service (calls per thousan d) Call completion rate in local network Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) Rent Rebate (Total no. of cases) Fault repaired by next working day Service Service Provider Area s Fault incidences per 100 sub/month) Sl. No New connections after registration of demand Performance Monitoring Report of Quality of Services for Basic (Wire-line) Services for the Quarter ending September 2008 <3* >90% For faults pending > 3 days to >15 days 5.00 89.24 Nil 16.15 NR 64.23% 0.010 100.00% 3.46 98.30 NR 3.46 0.0000 NR 0.014 6.00 95.00 189 9.00 0.0160 73.00% 0.460 102 >55% Shifts Closures Additi Response Time to the Customer onal for Assistance facility 95% of requests 100% <0.1%, within 60 < 3 days days %age of calls %age of calls answered by answered operator (voice to (electronically) voice) < 24 hours Within within Within within < 24 20 sec 40 sec 60 sec = 90 sec = hours = 80% = 95% 80% 95% 81.00 91.41 88.16 100.00 100.00 83.60 95.48 100.00% 98.02 98.95 97.88 100.00 100.00 93.00 100.00 100.00% 99.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 92.00 96.00 2 3 4 5 6 TATA 100.00 1.20 85.77 283 12.30 0.0013 95.60% 0.010 100.00% 78.72 100.00 96.13 100.00 100.00 88.00 92.00 BSNL 100.00 5.00 76.73 599 8.42 NR 60.98% 0.020 100.00% 100.00 95.65 85.51 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 TATA 100.00 RELIANC E 100.00 0.02 100.00 Nil 0.00 NA 95.83% 0.000 NA NIL 100.00 100.00 100.00 95.00 100.00 0.29 100.00 NA 2.24 0.0000 NR 0.000 100.00% NA NA 100.00 100.00 100.00 93.00 100.00 MTNL 98.72 RELIANC E 38.80 7.33 92.66 35623 8.71 0.0005 49.76% 0.080 100.00% 84.68 98.09 91.33 99.00 100.00 89.50 98.67 1.57 97.10 1 3.36 0.0000 NR 0.025 100.00% 98.08 97.31 98.45 100.00 100.00 93.00 100.00 BHARTI 100.00 4.00 96.00 2150 7.00 0.0000 95.00% 0.000 97.00% 99.00 100.00 97.00 100.00 100.00 86.00 91.00 TATA 100.00 1.90 87.81 12 8.80 0.0000 97.00% 0.020 83.00% 65.44 100.00 94.92 100.00 100.00 65.00 72.00 BSNL 97.81 RELIANC GUJARA E 100.00 T BHARTI 100.00 6.60 91.76 675 8.44 NR 63.24% 0.040 100.00% 98.00 100.00 99.96 100.00 100.00 98.07 98.07 5.22 98.10 9 4.59 0.0000 NR 0.045 100.00% 96.39 98.82 99.15 100.00 100.00 93.00 100.00 2.30 99.00 17 6.80 0.0007 60.00% 0.000 100.00% 99.00 100.00 98.00 100.00 100.00 90.00 94.00 99.02 0.00 92.91 43 0.00 0.0000 99.73% 0.070 61.00% 97.26 100.00 82.35 100.00 100.00 93.00 96.00 100.00 8.20 84.84 Nil 10.75 NR 64.93% 0.020 100.00% 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 BSNL 100.00 RELIANC E 100.00 4.10 94.74 465 5.90 NR 68.35% 0.030 100.00% 100.00 100.00 100.00 90.00 99.00 99.90 4.48 97.76 NR 5.29 0.0000 NR 0.032 100.00% 100.00 98.28 93.00 100.00 TATA NIL 0.00 Nil Nil 0.00 NA NR 0.010 100.00% NIL 100.00 100.00 100.00 95.00 97.00 100.00 6.50 97.00 2023 7.90 0.0010 59.00% 0.030 98.00% 99.00 100.00 99.00 100.00 100.00 95.00 100.00 BSNL 86.39 RELIANC MAHARA E 100.00 SHTRA BHARTI 100.00 8.20 88.42 3391 9.07 NR 62.41% 0.020 100.00% 88.00 96.82 97.43 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 2.71 98.10 1 3.11 0.0000 NR 0.018 100.00% 97.06 97.64 97.58 100.00 100.00 93.00 100.00 2.90 98.00 92 7.80 0.0001 62.00% 0.000 100.00% 98.00 99.00 97.00 100.00 100.00 90.00 94.00 2.13 93.44 NR 7.80 0.0020 58.00% 0.500 100.00% 99.40 91.65 95.35 100.00 100.00 76.00 81.00 BIHAR DELHI TATA CHATTIS GARH BSNL MP BHARTI 7 TATA 92.74 103 NIL 95.00 98.95 100.00 100.00 NIL 8 9 PUNJAB BSNL 97.17 10.20 RELIANC E 100.00 3.47 85.05 Nil 16.62 NR 67.12% 0.010 100.00% 96.00 98.66 99.69 100.00 100.00 90.00 98.33 98.72 NR 2.04 0.0000 NR 0.025 100.00% 100.00 99.25 98.25 100.00 100.00 93.00 100.00 BHARTI 100.00 3.00 98.00 35 6.00 0.0000 97.00% 0.060 100.00% 100.00 100.00 99.00 100.00 100.00 88.00 92.00 TATA 99.00 0.41 52.78 Nil 38.80 0.0000 97.00% 0.010 NA 16.67 NA 97.79 100.00 100.00 85.00 90.00 HFCL 98.72 6.70 98.20 29 5.10 0.0002 55.28% 0.086 NR 97.12 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 95.00 96.00 BSNL 100.00 RELIANC E 100.00 6.10 92.69 472 8.34 NR 61.62% 0.010 100.00% 100.00 99.93 99.98 100.00 100.00 81.33 95.00 0.54 99.67 NR 0.51 0.0000 NR 0.051 100.00% 100.00 98.61 98.17 100.00 100.00 93.00 100.00 100.00 3.00 97.00 17 7.00 0.0000 92.00% 0.040 94.00% 97.00 100.00 99.00 100.00 100.00 88.00 92.00 100.00 0.97 71.43 Nil 28.10 NA NA 0.000 100.00% NIL NIL NIL 93.00 96.00 99.07 6.70 92.26 NR 5.00 0.0010 92.18% 0.090 100.00% 100.00 100.00 98.67 NA 92.00 NA 2.96 94.89 Nil 5.73 NR 80.57% 0.010 100.00% 100.00 100.00 98.38 99.43 99.67 2.40 90.13 NR 6.32 0.0000 NR 0.015 100.00% 100.00 98.59 95.73 100.00 100.00 93.00 100.00 6.00 95.00 188 9.00 0.0010 81.00% 0.500 100.00% 98.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 97.00 98.00 100.00 0.00 NIL Nil 0.00 NA NA Nil 100.00% NI 100.00 96.43 100.00 100.00 99.00 100.00 BSNL 99.03 RELIANC HARYAN E 55.52 A TATA 100.00 5.10 94.90 1035 7.31 NR 73.59% 0.000 100.00% 99.00 99.88 99.68 100.00 100.00 80.00 100.00 NA NA NA NA 0.0000 NR 0.039 100.00% Nil Nil 100.00 100.00 93.00 100.00 0.33 58.62 1 52.40 NA 96.00% 0.000 100.00% NIL 100.00 94.44 100.00 100.00 83.00 88.00 BHARTI 100.00 5.00 99.00 20 5.00 0.0000 96.00% 0.060 100.00% 98.00 100.00 90.00 100.00 100.00 88.00 92.00 BSNL 99.44 RELIANC KARNAT E 42.30 AKA BHARTI 100.00 6.20 92.57 14689 10.24 NR 65.06% 0.030 100.00% 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.90 99.96 0.98 99.53 1 1.58 0.0005 NR 0.017 100.00% 97.78 98.80 98.03 100.00 100.00 93.00 100.00 5.00 98.00 3223 5.00 0.0000 78.00% 0.130 100.00% 97.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 97.00 99.00 0.21 98.38 9 4.66 0.0000 95.84% 0.010 100.00% 13.41 100.00 97.63 100.00 100.00 92.00 95.00 RAJAST HAN BHARTI TATA SHYAM 10 BSNL 100.00 RELIANC TAMILN E 100.00 ADU BHARTI 100.00 TATA 11 12 TATA 100.00 104 100.00 100.00 NA 100.00 98.38 Nil 13 A&N BSNL 80.57 7.10 79.28 Nil 8.03 NR 57.98% 0.000 100.00% 83.33 92.86 89.08 NR NR NR NR 14 ASSAM BSNL 96.60 6.80 86.07 87 12.89 NR 70.38% 0.050 100.00% 93.00 96.35 95.27 97.00 99.67 93.33 97.67 BSNL 99.44 CHENNA RELIANC I E 100.00 2.93 96.03 1471 8.20 NR 82.77% 0.010 100.00% 99.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 98.66 99.49 2.08 98.28 NA 1.58 0.0000 NR NR 100.00% 96.63 97.31 97.33 100.00 100.00 93.00 100.00 TATA 100.00 RELIANC E 0.51 0.04 82.14 4 20.10 NA 96.00% 0.010 100.00% 33.33 100.00 96.97 100.00 100.00 89.00 93.00 NA NA NA NA 0.0006 NR 0.000 100.00% Nil Nil Nil 100.00 100.00 93.00 100.00 TATA 100.00 0.17 100.00 Nil 2.70 NA NA 0.000 100.00% NIL NIL NIL 100.00 100.00 86.00 90.00 BSNL JHARKH AND BSNL 100.00 9.70 87.79 1765 7.47 NR 70.31% 0.000 100.00% 100.00 97.14 94.01 NR NR NR NR 97.59 4.70 90.36 15 8.16 NR 53.70% 0.060 100.00% 96.00 98.71 97.42 NR NR NR NR BSNL NR 9.30 65.56 Nil 7.60 NR 50.46% 0.000 100.00% NIL 95.05 88.79 NR NR NR NR BSNL 97.69 8.00 86.03 7757 15.45 NR 70.03% 0.000 100.00% 89.00 99.91 96.98 100.00 100.00 87.26 100.00 100.00 4.00 93.00 117 7.00 0.0000 83.00% 0.500 100.00% 97.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 97.00 98.00 TATA 100.00 RELIANC 100.00 E 0.00 100.00 Nil 11.80 NA 97.27% 0.000 100.00% NIL NIL 100.00 100.00 100.00 93.00 96.00 1.07 97.96 1 1.57 0.0000 NR 0.017 100.00% 100.00 98.00 98.45 100.00 100.00 93.00 100.00 4.00 98.00 46 6.00 0.0000 94.00% 0.010 83.00% 98.00 100.00 99.00 100.00 100.00 88.00 92.00 2.51 98.46 1 4.42 0.0000 NR 0.039 100.00% 100.00 98.68 97.05 100.00 100.00 93.00 100.00 0.00 Nil Nil 0.00 NA 96.00% 0.000 100.00% 100.00 100.00 98.59 100.00 100.00 92.00 100.00 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 HP J&K KERALA BHARTI BHARTI 100.00 RELIANC KOLKAT E 65.32 A TATA 100.00 BSNL 97.24 4.70 87.53 4082 11.50 NR 57.91% 0.080 100.00% 97.00 100.00 99.55 100.00 100.00 88.64 100.00 TATA 92.73 2.33 96.74 NR 5.74 0.0000 58.00% 0.271 100.00% 98.53 100.00 98.02 100.00 100.00 76.69 86.58 2.60 95.00 875 7.70 0.0040 63.00% 0.220 99.00% 98.00 100.00 98.00 100.00 100.00 89.00 94.00 0.40 98.99 2 4.30 0.0000 NR 0.027 100.00% 97.27 96.62 97.19 100.00 100.00 93.00 100.00 11.49 87.16 145395 18.00 0.0000 55.71% 0.050 100.00% 87.83 98.88 97.76 100.00 100.00 83.35 83.72 BHARTI 100.00 MUMBAI RELIANC E 24.76 MTNL 93.98 105 22 NE-I BSNL 82.83 4.40 93.02 1648 16.13 NR 62.89% 0.040 100.00% 96.00 91.30 23 NE-II BSNL 100.00 5.30 90.69 2372 11.21 NR 58.10% 0.020 100.00% 100.00 100.00 BSNL 99.63 4.40 93.25 2956 7.47 NR 62.10% 0.040 100.00% 96.00 99.91 0.00 Nil Nil 0.00 0.0010 97.81% 0.000 100.00% NIL 100.00 0.03 100.00 NA 1.30 0.0000 NR 0.000 100.00% Nil 98.75 5.80 93.71 1723 6.59 NR 68.43% 0.000 100.00% 100.00 5.00 98.00 43 6.00 0.0030 97.00% 0.050 TATA 100.00 0.08 RELIANC E 97.01 11.45 55.56 Nil 16.40 NA 99.97% 99.98 2 0.53 0.0000 BSNL 24 100.00 ORISSA TATA RELIANC E 0.00 BSNL 25 UP-E BHARTI 100.00 100.00 93.00 96.67 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 92.00 100.00 Nil 100.00 100.00 100.00 93.00 100.00 98.00 98.83 99.99 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00% 100.00 100.00 99.00 100.00 100.00 88.00 92.00 0.000 100.00% NIL 100.00 69.23 100.00 100.00 86.00 90.00 NR 0.069 100.00% 100.00 99.09 99.24 100.00 100.00 93.00 100.00 100.00 86.17 90.53 99.85 100.00 100.00 NIL 94.16 7.30 89.73 979 7.30 NR 61.70% 0.030 100.00% 97.00 96.82 99.15 100.00 100.00 94.88 98.44 100.00 5.00 99.00 25 5.00 0.0020 95.00% 0.100 100.00% 99.00 100.00 99.00 100.00 100.00 88.00 92.00 TATA 100.00 RELIANC E 47.72 0.00 Nil Nil 0.00 NA 98.70% 0.000 100.00% NIL NIL 18.18 100.00 100.00 83.00 88.00 NA NA NR NA 0.0000 NR NA 100.00% Nil Nil 100.00 100.00 100.00 93.00 100.00 6.40 96.49 3 8.26 NR 72.44% 0.000 100.00% 95.00 99.15 301 8.98 NR 65.31% 0.020 100.00% 99.00 42.37 NR 2.02 0.0000 NR 0.000 100.00% Nil 100.00 BHARTI 26 UP-W 27 UTTARA NCHAL BSNL 28 97.81 100.00 100.00 96.93 BSNL 100.00 5.80 78.89 WEST BENGAL RELIANC E 81.23 0.29 100.00 Operator not meeting the prescribed benchmark NR = Data Not Reported 106 NA = Not Applicable 97.30 37.90 50.53 63.10 82.43 100.00 94.00 96.00 NR NR 93.00 100.00 Nil 100.00 100.00 Annexure L (Chapter Five/Sub Para 5.4) Quality of Service Performance for Wireless Services Performance of QoS Parameters for Cellular Mobile Services as reported by CMSPs for the quarter ending September, 2008 Parameters (i) Name of Sl. Licensees & No. Service area Accumu lated down time of commu nity isolation <24 hrs (ii) (A) Network Performance (iii) (iv) (v) Call Set-up Service Success Access Rate (within Delay licensees own network) >95% Between 9 to 20 seconds depending upon number of paging attempts (Average of 100 calls = <15 sec) Blocked Call Call Rate Drop (Averaged over Rate the quarter) SDCCH TCH / Paging Congest Channel ion <2% Congest ion <1% (vi) (B) Customer help lines (i) (vii) %age of cells having more than 3% TCH Drop %age of connection s with good voice quality I Billing Complaints (i) (ii) Response time to the customer for assistance Complai nts per 100 bills issued Benchmarks >95% (I) %age of (I) %age of (I) %age of (I) %age of <0.1% calls calls calls calls answered answered answered by answered by (electronicall (electronicall operator operator y) y) (voice to (voice to within 20 within 40 voice); voice); seconds = seconds = within 60 within 90 80%, 95% seconds=80 seconds = %, 95%, <3% % of complaint s resolved within 4 weeks Period of all refunds/ payment due to customers from the date of resolution of complaints as in (ii) above 100% <4 weeks ‘A’ Circle I Maharashtra 1 Vodafone Essar 2 IDEA Cellular 3 BSNL Bharti Airtel Limited 4 1.17 99.80% 13.20 0.46% 1.31% 1.16% 4.93% 97.27% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.030% 100.00% 15 days 21.10 98.23% 12.13 0.88% 0.99% 1.45% 12.19% 97.46% 100.00% 100.00% 99.00% 99.00% 0.028% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 97.00% 10.00 0.86% 2.53% 2.13% 25.38% 96.00% 100.00% 100.00% 83.00% 95.00% 0.090% 100.00% 30 days 18.00 95.73% 10.00 0.93% 1.81% 1.66% ## 96.49% 100.00% NA 89.20% 95.87% 0.040% 100.00% 30 days 107 5 6 Reliance Comm Tata Teleservices ii Gujarat 7 Vodafone Essar 8 IDEA Cellular 0.50 99.29% 4.02 0.00% 0.42% 1.01% NR 99.56% 98.14% 98.14% 92.62% 95.44% 0.080% 100.00% 30 days 4.46 97.93% 10.00 0.00% 0.57% 0.84% 3.26% 96.59% 100.00% 100.00% 80.33% 84.99% 0.110% 100.00% 30 days 19.17 98.91% 13.47 0.38% 0.44% 1.06% 4.64% 98.00% 100.00% 100.00% 99.30% 100.00% 0.060% 100.00% 15 days 2.32 99.16% 13.10 0.89% 0.41% 1.81% 25.31% 95.66% 100.00% 100.00% 75.00% 90.00% 0.140% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 99.36% 2.00 0.46% 1.52% 2.08% 27.43% 95.33% 100.00% 100.00% 83.00% 96.00% 0.030% 100.00% 30 days 18.30 96.13% 10.76 0.96% 1.23% 1.77% ## 96.07% 100.00% NA 88.48% 95.27% 0.000% 100.00% 30 days 0.44 99.37% 3.83 0.00% 0.43% 0.88% NR 99.45% 98.14% 98.14% 95.86% 97.79% 0.080% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 98.69% 5.09 0.00% 0.04% 0.51% 0.97% 98.68% 100.00% 100.00% 96.00% 98.00% 0.070% 100.00% 30 days 13 IDEA Cellular Bharti Airtel 14 Limited 23.16 99.84% 7.00 0.47% 0.63% 1.48% 12.19% 96.70% 100.00% 100.00% 90.00% 98.00% 0.020% 100.00% 30 days 22.70 96.74% 5.02 0.59% 1.60% 1.20% ## 99.02% 100.00% NA 92.77% 97.63% 0.010% 100.00% 30 days 15 BSNL 20.00 98.61% 7.00 0.62% 2.89% 1.84% 9.49% 97.50% 100.00% 100.00% 74.00% 82.00% 0.000% 100.00% NIL 16 Vodafone Essar 18.03 98.42% 9.00 0.10% 0.13% 1.12% 8.03% 98.00% 100.00% 100.00% 87.00% 100.00% 0.070% 100.00% 15 days 17 Reliance Comm Tata 18 Teleservices 0.46 99.09% 3.67 0.00% 0.32% 0.67% NR 99.53% 98.14% 98.14% 78.05% 82.41% 0.090% 100.00% 30 days NIL 98.67% 5.90 0.00% 0.07% 0.41% 0.10% 98.57% 100.00% 100.00% 94.00% 96.00% 0.010% 100.00% 30 days 9 BSNL Bharti Airtel 10 Limited 11 Reliance Comm Tata 12 Teleservices Andhra iii Pradesh iv Karnataka Bharti Airtel 19 Limited 18.30 94.61% 4.66 2.18% 4.39% 1.97% ## 87.18% 100.00% NA 95.20% 98.50% 0.000% 100.00% 30 days 20 Spice Comm. 23.28 98.22% 8.20 0.36% 1.21% 1.14% NR 96.66% NA NA 75.00% 100.00% 0.010% 100.00% 30 days 21 BSNL 8.00 97.45% 11.00 0.56% 1.99% 1.23% 20.13% 97.23% 100.00% 100.00% 88.00% 92.00% 0.080% 100.00% NIL 22 Vodafone Essar 23 Reliance Comm 24 Tata Teleservices v Tamil Nadu 22.96 99.88% 10.20 0.11% 1.38% 1.11% 0.04% 97.60% 98.00% 100.00% 98.30% 99.30% 0.080% 100.00% 15 days 0.63 99.25% 3.97 0.00% 0.48% 0.73% NR 99.49% 98.14% 98.14% 92.19% 94.63% 0.090% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 99.25% 5.40 0.00% 0.00% 0.70% 1.63% 98.43% 100.00% 100.00% 96.00% 98.00% 0.030% 100.00% 30 days 25 Vodafone Essar 19.34 99.21% 14.56 0.29% 1.82% 1.53% 1.72% 99.15% 100.00% 100.00% 96.00% 100.00% 0.070% 100.00% 15 days 108 26 Aircel 12.11 98.46% 11.13 0.07% 1.79% 0.69% NR 97.16% 100.00% 100.00% 99.80% 100.00% 0.040% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 96.15% 10.00 0.50% 1.40% 1.13% 6.90% 97.40% 100.00% 100.00% 87.00% 96.00% 0.000% 100.00% NIL 11.80 96.80% 12.85 0.75% 0.72% 1.23% ## 93.48% 100.00% NA 87.91% 92.05% 0.000% 100.00% 30 days 0.33 99.21% 4.62 0.00% 0.53% 0.83% NR 99.37% 98.14% 98.14% 95.73% 97.51% 0.080% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 99.77% 5.47 0.00% 0.29% 0.84% 0.93% 98.33% 100.00% 100.00% 99.00% 100.00% 0.020% 100.00% 30 days 31 IDEA Cellular 22.43 99.50% 12.73 0.49% 0.75% 1.48% 8.10% 99.33% 92.00% 97.00% 82.00% 96.00% 0.073% 100.00% 30 days 32 Vodafone Essar 11.00 98.03% 14.25 0.12% 0.82% 1.06% 0.03% 98.79% 100.00% 100.00% 91.30% 100.00% 0.040% 100.00% 15 days 0.00 95.60% 5.00 0.27% 2.60% 1.39% 1.49% 98.10% 100.00% 100.00% 88.00% 93.00% 0.000% 100.00% 30 days 18.20 98.80% 9.46 0.22% 0.18% 1.12% ## 97.25% 100.00% NA 82.87% 92.18% 0.040% 100.00% 30 days 27 BSNL Bharti Airtel 28 Limited 29 Reliance Comm Tata 30 Teleservices B’ Circle vi Kerala 33 BSNL Bharti Airtel 34 Limited Tata 35 Teleservices 0.00 99.25% 5.40 0.00% 0.00% 0.70% 0.00% 98.43% 100.00% 100.00% 95.00% 97.00% 0.020% 100.00% 30 days 0.18 99.26% 4.91 0.00% 0.58% 0.85% NR 99.48% 98.14% 98.14% 95.16% 97.87% 0.090% 100.00% 30 days 37 Spice Comm. 10.63 96.88% 9.20 0.04% 0.25% 0.68% 2.48% 97.62% NR# NR# NR# NR# 0.010% 100.00% 30 days 38 HFCL – CDMA Bharti Airtel 39 Limited 15.30 99.22% 13.00 0.00% 0.01% 0.74% 98.13% 100.00% 100.00% 96.00% 97.00% 0.060% NR 30 days 17.75 98.14% 14.50 0.27% 0.68% 1.44% ## 95.37% 100.00% NA 91.49% 97.55% 0.010% 100.00% 30 days 40 Vodafone Essar 9.14 99.35% 10.00 0.03% 0.01% 1.19% 0.06% 98.01% 97.60% 97.60% 88.30% 95.60% 0.020% 100.00% 15 days 41 BSNL 1.00 96.80% 4.00 0.98% 2.01% 1.42% 28.80% 95.00% 83.00% 96.00% 85.00% 97.00% 0.000% 100.00% NIL 42 Reliance Comm Tata 43 Teleservices 0.34 99.36% 4.07 0.00% 0.59% 0.78% NR 99.32% 98.14% 98.14% 92.28% 92.59% 0.090% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 98.70% 5.35 0.00% 0.00% 0.33% 0.69% 98.65% 100.00% 100.00% 95.00% 97.00% 0.040% 100.00% 30 days 17.40 99.74% 10.21 0.39% 0.87% 1.57% 23.71% 96.67% 100.00% 100.00% 94.00% 97.00% 0.050% 100.00% 30 days 45 Vodafone Essar 2.20 99.92% 12.50 0.34% 0.19% 1.39% 0.05% 95.98% 100.00% 100.00% 96.60% 98.60% 0.080% 100.00% 15 days 46 BSNL Bharti Airtel 47 Limited 6.00 95.20% 7.00 0.80% 1.80% 2.90% 63.00% 95.70% 100.00% 100.00% 80.00% 95.00% 0.010% 100.00% 30 days 22.28 97.95% 10.22 0.47% 0.69% 1.18% ## 95.86% 100.00% NA 94.44% 96.59% 0.000% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 99.08% 3.80 0.00% 0.43% 1.41% NR 99.44% 98.14% 98.14% 80.99% 83.18% 0.090% 100.00% 30 days 36 Reliance Comm vii Punjab viii Haryana 44 IDEA Cellular 48 Reliance Comm 109 Tata 49 Teleservices ix 0.00 98.39% 5.22 0.00% 0.28% 0.31% 1.54% 98.97% 100.00% 100.00% 97.00% 98.00% 0.120% 100.00% 30 days UP – W 50 Vodafone Essar 51 IDEA Cellular 52 BSNL Bharti Airtel 53 Limited 54 Reliance Comm Tata 55 Teleservices UP –E Bharti Airtel 56 Limited 0.00 99.85% 9.00 0.93% 1.92% 1.86% 0.18% 95.21% 100.00% 100.00% 97.60% 99.00% 0.030% 100.00% 15 days 18.70 99.52% 10.75 0.39% 1.64% 1.54% 9.90% 97.70% 100.00% NA 85.00% 92.00% 0.020% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 99.00% 14.00 0.51% 1.62% 2.93% 0.18% 99.00% 99.00% 100.00% 80.00% 95.00% 0.000% 100.00% 1 day 21.47 96.02% 9.35 0.96% 1.15% 1.24% ## 99.41% 100.00% NA 91.72% 93.60% 0.020% 100.00% 30 days 0.23 99.09% 3.47 0.00% 0.31% 0.93% NR 99.73% 98.14% 98.14% 94.19% 96.64% 0.090% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 98.38% 5.38 0.00% 0.43% 0.84% 0.74% 98.40% 100.00% 100.00% 97.00% 99.00% 0.020% 100.00% 30 days 21.07 95.51% 14.05 0.94% 1.92% 1.83% ## 99.00% 100.00% NA 76.64% 85.15% 0.050% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 96.90% 9.00 0.61% 1.82% 2.06% 0.03% 95.50% 99.60% 99.60% 96.66% 99.30% 0.000% 100.00% 15 days 20.52 98.73% 11.20 0.39% 1.02% 1.23% 11.81% 96.85% 100.00% 100.00% 90.00% 96.00% 0.027% 100.00% 30 days x 57 Vodafone Essar 58 IDEA Cellular 59 BSNL 4.00 96.80% 10.00 0.80% 1.85% 2.80% 6.23% 96.20% 90.00% 95.00% 82.00% 94.00% 0.080% 100.00% 30 days 60 Reliance Comm Tata 61 Teleservices 0.60 99.04% 3.95 0.00% 0.34% 0.99% NR 99.47% 98.14% 98.14% 78.53% 82.58% 0.090% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 98.53% 5.77 0.01% 0.10% 0.86% 1.25% 98.26% 100.00% 100.00% 98.00% 99.00% 0.020% 100.00% 30 days 62 Vodafone Essar 20.50 97.81% 9.46 0.34% 0.24% 1.17% 0.08% 96.10% 100.00% 100.00% 99.00% 100.00% 0.000% 100.00% 15 days 63 BSNL 23.00 97.70% 7.00 0.21% 1.20% 2.20% 23.04% 97.50% 99.00% 100.00% 76.00% 91.00% 0.080% 100.00% 30 days 64 IDEA Cellular Bharti Airtel 65 Limited 19.53 99.04% 8.78 0.51% 0.53% 1.69% 22.97% 97.16% NA NA 90.00% 92.00% 0.080% 100.00% 30 days 22.42 93.05% 12.58 2.50% 2.83% 1.84% ## 97.82% 100.00% NA 89.65% 94.87% 0.000% 100.00% 30 days 0.75 99.31% 3.67 0.00% 0.31% 1.02% NR 99.62% 98.14% 98.14% 91.11% 94.71% 0.080% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 98.11% 5.69 0.00% 0.11% 0.98% 0.91% 99.38% 100.00% 100.00% 97.00% 99.00% 0.030% 100.00% 30 days 17.30 98.68% NR 0.00% 0.06% 0.47% 1.65% 99.53% NR** NR** 92.66% NA 0.090% 100.00% 30 days xi Rajasthan 66 Reliance Comm Tata 67 Teleservices Shyam Telelink 68 Ltd Madhya xii Pradesh 110 69 IDEA Cellular Reliance 70 Telecom 22.59 98.34% 22.65% 96.20% 100.00% 100.00% 94.00% 95.00% 0.020% 100.00% 23.03 100.00% 4.00 97.60% 1.38% NR 95.90% 1.67% 10.49% 97.38% 100.00% NA 92.00% 100.00% 0.010% 100.00% 1 day 100.00% 100.00% 83.00% 95.00% 0.000% 100.00% 21 days 22.20 97.95% 11.65 0.34% 1.05% 0.48 99.24% 4.09 0.00% 0.47% 1.16% ## 98.70% 100.00% NA 1.74% NR 99.46% 98.14% 98.14% 91.26% 94.77% 0.000% 100.00% 30 days 97.93% 98.96% 0.080% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 98.05% 5.89 0.00% 0.00% 0.90% 0.00% 98.34% 100.00% 100.00% 98.00% 99.00% 0.020% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 94.98% 9.56 3.02% 3.07% 2.09% ## 96.15% 100.00% NA 86.86% 91.65% 0.000% 100.00% 30 days 23.23 99.00% 7.85 0.60% 1.82% 1.45% NR 97.48% 100.00% NA 87.23% 90.96% 0.000% NA Immediate 77 BSNL Tata 78 Teleservices 0.00 97.80% 10.00 0.72% 1.48% 2.10% 10.50% 97.80% 85.00% 95.00% 96.00% 97.00% 0.070% 100.00% 2 days 0.00 98.57% 4.86 0.00% 0.05% 0.88% 0.85% 98.42% 100.00% 100.00% 96.00% 99.00% 0.020% 100.00% 30 days 79 Reliance Comm 0.56 80 Vodafone Essar 0.00 98.87% 4.02 0.00% 0.42% 99.96% 14.20 0.74% 1.55% 1.46% NR 99.33% 98.14% 98.14% 67.28% 78.36% 0.080% 100.00% 30 days 1.54% 2.25% 96.93% 100.00% 100.00% 91.33% 95.66% 0.060% 100.00% 15 days 81 Dishnet 0.00 98.65% 9.00 0.97% 0.94% 0.61% 44.58% 96.71% 100.00% 100.00% 98.58% 98.58% 0.000% 100.00% 30 days 17.05 97.94% 10.57 0.51% 0.65% 1.61% ## 97.00% 100.00% NA 93.52% 99.31% 0.000% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 99.59% 12.40 0.15% 0.19% 1.44% 21.55% 96.45% NA NA 88.00% 90.00% 0.000% NA 30 days 23.35 99.00% 6.52 0.43% 1.90% 1.24% NR 96.42% 100.00% NA 73.60% 100.00% 0.000% NA NA 85 BSNL 2.00 95.30% 5.00 0.90% 1.90% 2.90% 34.00% 95.40% 100.00% 100.00% 80.00% 95.00% 0.000% 100.00% 1 day 86 Reliance Comm Tata 87 Teleservices 0.00 99.29% 3.95 0.00% 0.82% 0.93% NR 99.36% 98.14% 98.14% 92.28% 92.59% 0.080% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 98.39% 5.78 0.00% 0.09% 0.59% 1.33% 98.66% 100.00% 100.00% 96.00% 98.00% 0.020% 100.00% 30 days 88 Dishnet 0.00 99.11% 9.00 0.99% 0.98% 0.67% 33.62% 98.30% 100.00% 100.00% 98.40% 98.40% 30 days 71 BSNL Bharti Airtel 72 Limited 73 Reliance Comm Tata 74 Teleservices xiii West Bengal Bharti Airtel 75 Limited Reliance 76 Telecom C' Circle Himachal xiv Pradesh Bharti Airtel 82 Limited 83 IDEA Cellular Reliance 84 Telecom 7.86 0.92% 0.97% 2.29% 7.25 0.20% 1.21% 10.00 0.70% 2.58% xv Bihar 111 NA 100.00% 30 days Reliance 89 Telecom 18.60 90 BSNL 97.00% 9.51 21.00 98.20% 11.00 0.40% 0.71 98.79% 4.77 0.00% 18.72 95.33% 12.30 7.65% 0.00 98.78% 5.73 94 Dishnet 0.00 97.74% 9.00 xvi Orissa Reliance 95 Telecom 91 Reliance Comm Bharti Airtel 92 Limited Tata 93 Teleservices 0.96% 1.73% 1.57% NR 95.99% NA NA 96.00% 96.00% 0.000% 100.00% 1.10% 1.20% 12.47% 98.90% 89.00% 98.00% 87.00% 98.00% 0.000% 100.00% 30 days 0.43% 1.50% NR 99.41% 98.14% 98.14% 44.33% 51.55% 0.090% 100.00% 30 days 5.58% 2.30% ## 99.73% 100.00% NA 96.57% 96.12% 0.000% 100.00% 30 days 0.00% 0.09% 0.92% 0.00% 98.58% 100.00% 100.00% 98.00% 99.00% 0.010% 100.00% 30 days 0.94% 0.87% 0.71% 33.43% 97.52% 100.00% 100.00% 98.28% 98.28% NA NA NIL NA 23.17 99.17% 6.89 0.54% 1.53% 1.34% NR 98.32% NA NA 96.00% 100.00% 0.000% 100.00% NA 96 BSNL Bharti Airtel 97 Limited 4.00 98.00% 12.00 0.97% 1.20% 1.25% 14.27% 98.00% 83.00% 97.00% 83.00% 97.00% 0.030% 100.00% NIL 0.00 96.60% 8.00 0.57% 1.37% 1.90% ## 99.02% 100.00% NA 73.72% 79.13% 0.000% 100.00% 30 days 98 Reliance Comm Tata 99 Teleservices 0.63 99.44% 3.97 0.00% 0.26% 1.11% NR 99.69% 98.14% 98.14% 97.93% 98.96% 0.070% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 98.79% 5.63 0.00% 0.29% 0.97% 1.90% 98.69% 100.00% 100.00% 97.00% 99.00% 0.010% 100.00% 30 days 100 Dishnet 0.00 98.71% 9.00 0.99% 0.98% 0.70% 33.30% 97.02% 100.00% 100.00% 98.86% 98.86% 0.050% 100.00% 30 days 101 Vodafone Essar 16.15 98.26% 13.00 0.03% 0.01% 1.90% 13.00% 97.05% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.000% 100.00% 15 days xvii Assam Bharti Airtel 102 Limited 11.41 95.18% 9.00 2.42% 2.13% 1.70% ## 95.19% 100.00% NA 73.65% 80.25% 0.000% 100.00% 30 days 3.00 95.32% 11.00 0.95% 1.85% 1.41% 10.50% 96.50% 96.00% 98.00% 83.00% 93.00% 0.030% 100.00% 30 days 103 BSNL Reliance 104 Telecom 22.49 97.70% 7.48 0.91% 1.86% 2.20% NR 94.60% NA NA 85.89% 95.17% 0.070% 100.00% NA 105 Dishnet 0.00 98.89% 9.00 0.88% 0.82% 0.74% 30.15% 96.89% 100.00% 100.00% 98.03% 98.03% 0.000% 100.00% NIL 106 Vodafone Essar 8.04 98.95% 7.46 0.02% 0.00% 1.69% 97.30% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00 96.00% 14.00 1.10% 2.50% 2.60% 31.10% 96.00% 82.00% 96.00% 13.23 94.65% 4.80 1.62% 1.81% 1.95% ## 95.30% 100.00% 0.00 97.99% 9.00 0.94% 0.95% 0.65% 33.79% 97.41% 100.00% 100.00% NA NA NA 91.00% 95.00% 0.000% 100.00% 21 days NA 91.33% 98.22% 0.010% 100.00% 30 days 100.00% 95.69% 95.69% 0.000% 100.00% 30 days xviii J & K 107 BSNL Bharti Airtel 108 Limited 109 Dishnet 112 xix NE 110 BSNL Bharti Airtel 111 Limited Reliance 112 Telecom 0.00 98.22% 16.00 0.92% 1.32% 2.24% 6.30% 97.33% 90.00% 95.00% 95.00% 92.00% 0.050% 100.00% 30 days 14.54 90.00% 9.00 3.36% 5.15% 2.45% ## 95.00% 100.00% NA 84.70% 89.50% 0.000% 100.00% 30 days 16.23 97.33% 7.43 0.73% 1.87% 1.82% NR 95.29% NA NA 90.00% 100.00% 0.090% 100.00% NA 113 Dishnet 0.00 98.60% 9.00 0.85% 0.74% 0.62% 39.53% 95.96% 100.00% 100.00% 98.73% 98.73% 0.000% 100.00% NIL 114 Vodafone Essar 0.00 98.71% 6.03 0.17% 0.00% 1.44% 98.76% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00 98.47% 8.37 0.27% 0.30% 1.12% ## 95.94% 100.00% NA 116 Vodafone Essar MTNL – GSM 117 (i) MTNL – CDMA 117 (ii) 0.00 98.41% 7.64 0.48% 0.28% 1.03% 2.86% 97.34% 96.30% 0.00 94.35% 11.55 0.18% 3.13% 1.45% 3.44% NR 99.88% NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 118 IDEA Cellular Tata 119 Teleservices 0.00 99.81% 9.00 0.14% 0.56% 0.78% 3.30% 98.37% 100.00% 100.00% 92.00% 0.00 98.61% 5.74 0.00% 0.24% 0.74% 0.74% 98.61% 100.00% 100.00% 120 Reliance Comm 0.00 99.24% 4.18 0.00% 0.31% 0.66% NR 99.60% 98.14% 98.14% 121 BPL Mobile 6.55 99.18% 9.03 0.84% 1.02% 1.55% 4.48% 96.50% 88.99% NA 122 Vodafone Essar MTNL – GSM 123 (i) 0.00 95.80% 10.00 0.74% 0.98% 1.45% 0.04% 95.36% 100.00% 0.00 96.63% 9.34 0.38% 1.21% 1.30% 12.05% 96.42% 0.00 97.02% 2.81 0.79% 0.04% 1.21% 100.00% NA NA NA 93.63% 96.96% 0.040% 100.00% 30 days 98.00% 96.00% 98.00% 0.010% 100.00% 15 days 99.97% 83.64% 92.00% 0.060% 100.00% 30 days METRO xx Delhi Bharti Airtel 115 Limited NR NR 98.00% 0.051% 100.00% NR NR 30 days 86.00% 89.00% 0.040% 100.00% 30 days 95.92% 97.75% 0.090% 100.00% 30 days 84.08% 95.01% 0.040% 100.00% 30 days 100.00% 93.00% 96.00% 0.000% 100.00% 15 days 90.00% 98.00% 87.00% 96.00% 0.040% 100.00% 30 days 97.14% NA NA NA xxi Mumbai MTNL - CDMA 123 (ii) Bharti Airtel 124 Limited 125 Reliance Comm Tata 126 Teleservices NA NR NR NR 0.00 95.60% 3.40 0.43% 1.11% 1.52% ## 99.60% 100.00% NA 92.16% 96.01% 0.040% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 99.20% 0.00 0.00% 0.36% 0.85% NR 99.34% 98.14% 98.14% 91.11% 95.00% 0.090% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 98.28% 9.00 0.00% 0.78% 0.73% 0.18% 96.17% 100.00% 100.00% 89.74% 92.29% 0.030% 100.00% 30 days xxii Chennai 113 Aircel Cellular 127 Ltd 0.00 96.97% 14.60 0.05% 1.83% 0.53% NR 95.50% 95.00% 100.00% 89.00% 100.00% 0.100% 100.00% 30 days 128 Vodafone Essar 0.00 99.40% 11.15 0.03% 0.74% 0.95% 0.02% 99.86% 100.00% 100.00% 95.00% 96.00% 0.030% 100.00% 15 days 129 BSNL 0.00 99.10% 8.00 0.10% 0.80% 1.00% 0.03% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 95.00% 97.00% 0.000% 100.00% 30 days 130 Reliance Comm Tata 131 Teleservices Bharti Airtel Limited * 0.00 99.31% 4.18 0.00% 0.57% 0.72% NR 99.30% 98.14% 98.14% 95.53% 97.33% 0.090% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 99.48% 5.48 0.00% 0.04% 0.22% 0.00% 99.20% 100.00% 100.00% 95.00% 97.00% 0.020% 100.00% 30 days xxiii Kolkata Bharti Airtel 132 Limited 0.00 97.53% 6.69 0.61% 0.60% 1.20% ## 96.34% 100.00% NA 86.86% 91.65% 0.010% 100.00% 30 days 133 Vodafone Essar 0.00 99.75% 14.00 0.46% 0.84% 0.78% 1.49% 97.95% 100.00% 100.00% 88.30% 91.00% 0.020% 100.00% 15 days 134 BSNL Reliance Telecom (Reliable 135 Internet. Ser.**) Tata 136 Teleservices 0.00 98.47% 9.00 0.66% 0.90% 0.78% 5.41% 98.95% 98.00% 99.00% 83.00% 94.00% 0.030% 100.00% 30 days 0.00 98.67% 8.10 0.13% 0.61% 1.37% 96.46% 100.00% NA 83.63% 87.00% 0.030% NA NIL 0.00 98.98% 4.63 0.00% 0.04% 0.93% 1.17% 98.55% 100.00% 100.00% 97.00% 99.00% 0.020% 100.00% 30 days 137 Reliance Comm 0.00 99.06% 4.19 0.00% 0.40% 0.94% NR 99.45% 98.14% 98.14% 67.28% 78.36% 0.090% 100.00% 30 days 138 Dishnet 0.00 98.41% 9.00 0.02% 0.51% 1.40% 20.24% 97.31% Service Providers not meeting the benchmarks NR=Data Not Reported NA = Not Applicable, * The License of M/s Bharti Airtel Chennai has been merged with Tamilnadu Circle. 100.00% 100.00% 98.84% 98.84% NA NA ** The License of M/s Reliable Internet Service has been merged with Reliance Telecom Ltd. Kolkata NR* IVR service not provided by MTNL (Mumbai) & Reliance Telecom Shyam has not reported for B (i)a & b as they do not have a system to measure the % of calls answered by operator (voice to NR** voice) NR# Spice has informed that the data is unavailable for this parameter due to the migration of their Call Centre to new ACD platform in last quarter and the reports are being built currently. ## Bharti Airtel has informed that Data could not be provided this month due to Automation changes in the software program in the Network Management Centre to start reporting this parameter 114 NA Annexure M (Chapter Five/Sub Para 5.5) Quality of Service Performance for ISPs Sr. No . Performance of Internet Service Providers on Quality of Service Parameters Name of Dial-up access the Service Service GOS on Provider Service Accessibility Activatio the link Time to Probability of accessing ISP n time connect Access the ISP node (%) node ing to unavail PSTN 1st 2nd 3rd ability node to Attem Attemp Attemp in a ISP pt t t month Mean time to Restore of faults resulting as per subscribe r complain ts 6 hrs 30 Sec 80.00 % 90.00% 99.00% 30 Min 1 in 100 3 days 0-4 hrs 15-30 Sec 90.00% 95.00% 100.00% Nil 1.100 4 hrs Online 30 Sec 99.73% 99.99% _ Nil 0.01 5 Min Immediate 26 Sec 100.00% _ Nil 0.005 15 Min Online 30-35 Sec 99.80% 100.00% 100.00% <0.01 <0.01 5.02 hrs RELIANCE COMM. INFRASTRUCT URE LTD SIFY LTD. Online <25 Sec 98.00% 100.00% _ _ _ <8 hrs 3 Min 30 Sec 90.00% 95.00% 99.00% 20 Min 0.005 4 hrs 6 TATA COMMUNI CATIONS 2-4 hrs 30Sec 80 90% 99% 75Min 10-15Min 7 DATA INFOSYS LTD. 2-3 Min 20-25 Sec 95.00% 97.00% 99.00% 30 Min (Data Not provided by BSO) approx >1% 0.01 8 YOU TELECOM INDIA PVT. LTD. ASIANET SATELITE COMMUNICATI ONS HFCL INFOTEL LTD. HCL INFINET LTD. TATA TELESERVICE S (MH)* 2 Min 20 Sec 98.00% 99.00% 100.00% Nil 34 hrs Immediate 10 Sec 98.00% 99.00% 100.00% <30Min. Data Not provided by M/s BSNL 0.002 NA 30Sec 98% 99% 100% NA 0.005 3.46hrs 4 Min 8-24 Sec 99.40% 99.20% 99.10% 24 Min 0.01 17-19 hrs - 20Sec 99.00% 100.00% Nil NA 0.001 1 hrs 5 Min 20 Sec 98.50% 99.50% 99.99% 15 Min 0.01 1.5 hrs 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LTD. MAHANAGAR TELEPHONE NIGAM LTD, Delhi MAHANAGAR TELEPHONE NIGAM LTD, Mumbai BHARTI AIRTEL LTD. SHYAM INTERNET SERVICES LTD. * NA = Service Providers have not provided the data Not meeting the parameters. 115 15 Min 18. 47 hrs Annexure N (Chapter Five/Sub Para 5.14) Quality of Service Performance for Broadband Service Providers Quality of Service of Broadband Service Providers for Quarter Ending September, 2008 Service Operat Service ors Provision ing %age of connectio ns provided within 15 days of registrati on of demand Sl. No. 1.2 100% 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Faults Repair Billing Performance %age of % of % of billing %age faults faults compla repaired of repaired Rent ints bills by next within 3 Rebate resolve working disput working d ed day day within (>90%) 4 weeks 2.2 >90% 2.3 >99% 2.4 3.3 in nos. <2% 3.4 Response Time to the Customer for assistance Packet Loss Bandwidth utilisation/throughput No. of Upstrea m links No. of for Intra Internati network onal links connectiv having ity Bandwidth having utilisation bandwidt >90% h during utilisatio peak n >90% hours during (TCBH) peak hours (TCBH) % Internat ional bandwid th utilizati on during peak hours (TCBH) (Enclose MRTG) <90% Broadba nd Connect ion Speed availabl e (downlo ad) from ISP node to user Service availabil ity /uptime (for all users) in %age Packet loss (for wired broadba nd access) in %age Network latency (for wired broadband access) User refere nce point User at ISP refere Gatew nce ay point node at to POP/I Intern SP ationa Gatew l ay neare node st to NAP IGSP/ port NIXI abroa d (terre strial) %age of cases to whom refund of deposits is made within 60 days of closures %age of calls answer ed by operato r (Voice to voice) within 60 sec %age of calls answered by operator (Voice to voice) within 90 sec 3.5 4.2 4.3 5.2 5.4 5.7 5.8 6.3 7.0 >80% 0 0 <90% >80% >98% <1% 86.60% 91.30% 0 78.30% 89.70% 99.60% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 100.00% 86.30% 96.40% 0 78.30% 94.40% 99.80% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 95.00% 96.00% 0 78.30% 87.00% 100.00 % 0.10% 63 273.7 0 100.00% 78.40% 90.80% 0 78.30% 88.90% 98.70% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 100% 100% within 60 >60% days 8.1 8.2 <120 <350 ms ms User reference point at ISP Gateway node to International nearest NAP port abroad (satellite) 8.3 <800 ms BSNL Andhra Pradesh Assam Bihar 88.90% 96.10% 99.70% 0 0.10% 99.80% 94.30% 99.50% 0 0.00% 97.80% 96.90% 93.70% 0 0.10% 113 0.30% 0 0.00% 100.00% 94.60% 99.80% 47 0.20% 100.00% 96.20% 99.90% 3 0.10% Chhatti 99.30% 94.50% 99.50% sgarh Chennai 100.00% 89.30% 100.00% Gujrat Haryan a 98.30 % 100.00 % 72.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 96.30 % 99.90% 73.20% 2 100.00% 99.40% 100.00% 0 78.30% 86.40% 99.90% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 100.00% 78.70% 91.40% 0 78.30% 89.20% 99.90% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 95.10% 0 78.30% 89.20% 99.30% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 96.30% 87.00% 116 Himach al Pradesh Jammu & 1.9 Kashmi r Jharkh 1.10 and Karnata 1.11 ka Kerala 1.12 1.8 1.13 Kolkata 99.40% 94.60% 99.90% 0 0.00% 100.00 100.00% 76.90% % 92.20% 0 78.30% 85.80% 99.40% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 84.20% 95.50% 99.90% 1 0.40% 100.00 100.00% 74.80% % 91.50% 0 78.30% 89.20% 96.50% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 99.50% 92.10% 98.90% 0 0.00% 100.00% 86.70% 95.30% 0 78.30% 84.40% 99.40% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 68.20% 96.00% 99.50% 515 0.30% 100.00% 87.00% 95.90% 0 78.30% 90.70% 99.80% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 98.40% 94.80% 99.60% 1 0.70% 100.00% 79.50% 91.80% 0 78.30% 88.00% 99.60% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 64.60% 48.20% 74.40% 0 0.40% 0 78.30% 87.20% 99.70% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 8 0.20% 0 78.30% 87.20% 99.40% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 0 0.30% 0 78.30% 92.00% 99.60% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 5 0.00% 0 0.00% 3 0.20% 0 0.10% 0 0.10% 0 0.10% 4 1.00% 61 0.30% 20 0.00% 7 0.20% 0 0.00% 0.09% Mahara 88.60% 93.50% 98.20% shtra Madhya 100.00% 96.40% 100.00% 1.15 Pradesh North 1.16 89.40% 89.70% 83.70% East I North 1.17 100.00% 92.70% 100.00% East II Orissa 1.18 91.70% 94.50% 99.10% 1.14 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 2 2.1 2.2 3 3.1 Punjab 99.60% 93.60% 99.80% Rajasth 100.00% 96.90% 99.80% an Tamil 81.80% 92.20% 95.30% Nadu UP100.00% 95.50% 100.00% East UP88.10% 92.30% 97.20% West Uttaran 69.50% 97.50% 100.00% chal West 93.30% 96.00% 97.60% Bengal A&N 100.00% 90.70% 99.80% 100.00 % 99.70 % 100.00 % 74.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 96.20 % 100.00 % 99.90 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 87.50 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 87.00% 87.70% 100.00% 100.00% 83.70% 94.80% 100.00% 89.60% 100.00% 100.00% 89.70% 98.30% 0 78.30% 86.60% 94.10% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 100.00% 89.90% 95.30% 0 78.30% 80.00% 96.20% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 81.90% 91.60% 0 78.30% 82.10% 99.00% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 100.00% 85.00% 94.60% 0 78.30% 88.00% 99.70% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 100.00% 89.10% 97.00% 0 78.30% 88.30% 99.60% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 100.00% 87.90% 93.90% 0 78.30% 90.30% 99.90% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 100.00% 88.90% 98.10% 0 78.30% 94.20% 99.60% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 78.40% 91.10% 0 78.30% 87.70% 99.50% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 100.00% 88.20% 96.30% 0 78.30% 90.80% 98.30% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 100.00% 91.80% 99.40% 0 78.30% 91.00% 99.20% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 0 78.30% 87.00% 99.60% 0.10% 63 273.7 0 85.50% 83.30% 100.00% 84.00% 100.00% MTNL Delhi Mumbai 81.02% 71.00% 90.51% 4958 73.01% 62.56% 84.68% 0 Bharti Airtel Ltd. Andhra 100.00% C/DNF Pradesh C/DNF 82 100.00 100.00% 98.69% % 0.044 100.00 NA 64.52% % % 1.00% 97.00 % 100.00% 90.00% 98.90% 0 0.33 80.31% 0 2 94.00% 0 0 117 C/DN C/DNF F C/DN C/DNF 85.81% C/DNF C/DNF C/DNF F 79% 0.80% 95.00% 99.98% C/DNF 95.00% 100.00 55.67% % 23 247 NA NA NA 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Delhi Gujarat 100.00% 96.00% 98.00% 1357 0.00% 100.00% 96.00% 100.00% 48 0.00% 21 0.00% 549 0.00% 52 0.00% 42 0.00% 387 0.00% 41 0.00% Haryan 100.00% 99.00% 99.00% a Karnata 100.00% 97.00% 99.00% ka Kerala 100.00% C/DNF C/DNF Kolkata 100.00% 97.00% 98.00% Madhya Pradesh 99.00% 94.00% 99.40% & CG Mahara 3.9 99.00% 98.00% 100.00% shtra Mumbai 3.10 100.00% 95.00% 100.00% 3.8 3.11 Punjab Rajasth an Tamilna 3.13 du UP – 3.14 East UP – 3.15 West Tata Commu 4 nicatio ns Central 4.1 Region East 4.2 3.12 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5 North South 1 South 2 South 3 South 4 West 1 West 2 212 0.00% 100.00% 99.00% 99.00% 41 0.00% 100.00% 98.00% 99.00% 7 0.00% 100.00% 96.00% 99.00% 109 0.00% 100.00% 98.00% 99.00% 57 0.00% 100.00% 99.00% 99.00% 31 0.00% 100.00% 86.00% 97.00% 0.75% 88.00% 84.00% 95.00% 0.69% 99.00% 81.00% 93.00% 1.44% 99.00% 84.00% 96.00% 0.65% 98.00% 87.00% 97.00% 45268 0.50% 100.00% 76.00% 90.00% 0.28% 99.00% 92.00% 98.00% 0.43% 98.00% 81.00% 93.00% 1.50% 100.00% 84.00% 95.00% 0.82% 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 97.54 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 96.00% 70.00% 78.00% 14 0 100.00% NR NR 0 DNF 100.00% 70.00% 78.00% 0 3 100.00% 90.00% 95.00% 0 0 100.00% 94.00% 97.00% 0 NA 78.00% 0 0 0 0 0 DNF 80.00% 70.00% 100.00 100.00% 90.00% 100.00% % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00% NR NR 100.00 99.97% 0.04% % 100.00 NR 95.00% 0.00% % 100.00 69.00% 99.96% 0.00% % 111.00 100.00 0.78% 52.89% % % 104.00 100.00 0.00% NA % % 100.00 77.00% 99.93% 0.00% % 19 61 NA 88 82 NA 61 96 NA 47 212 NA 64 232 NA 83 121 NA 0.00% 162 88 NA 0.00% 67 82 NA 0.00% 39 82 NA 99.95% 0.00% 34 83 NA 99.91% 0.00% 15 62 NA 100.00 58.54% % 58 128 NA 99.92% 0.00% 48 99 NA 76.00% 75.00% 99.00% NR 97.00% 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 111.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00% 89.00% 95.00% NA 0 76.00% 100.00% 70.00% 78.00% 0 0 78.00% 100.00% 70.00% 78.00% 1 0 79.00% 100.00% 95.00% 98.00% 0 0 0.84% 100.00% 70.00% 78.00% 0 0 90.00% 100.00% 70.00% 78.00% 0 0 33.00% 99.85% 0.00% 33 80 NA 100.00% 76.92% 83.55% 0 0 64.70% C/DNF 99.05% 0.00% 80 180 NA 100.00% 76.92% 83.55% 0 0 64.70% C/DNF 98.44% 0.00% 80 180 NA 100.00% 76.92% 83.55% 0 0 64.70% C/DNF 97.21% 0.00% 80 180 NA 100.00% 76.92% 83.55% 0 0 64.70% C/DNF 98.38% 0.00% 80 180 NA 100.00% 76.92% 83.55% 0 0 64.70% C/DNF 97.51% 0.00% 80 180 NA 100.00% 76.92% 83.55% 0 0 64.70% C/DNF 95.34% 0.00% 80 180 NA 100.00% 76.92% 83.55% 0 0 64.70% C/DNF 99.24% 0.00% 80 180 NA 100.00% 76.92% 83.55% 0 0 64.70% C/DNF 97.29% 0.00% 80 180 NA 100.00% 76.92% 83.55% 0 0 64.70% C/DNF 96.29% 0.00% 80 180 NA Hathwa y 118 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Andhra 100.00% 91.00% 99.00% Pradesh Chennai 100.00% 97.00% 100.00% Delhi Gujarat 1.85% 2629 1.57% 32 1.91% 321 0.04% 0 0.00% 1915 0.76% 4302 1.57% 0 1.00% 614 1.63% 0 0.97% 727 0.32% 62 0.22% 237 0.32% 100.00% 99.81% 100.00% 0 0.16% 100.00% 93.00% 100.00% 8 0.24% 100.00% 86.00% 98.41% 410 0.39% 100.00% 94.79% 100.00% 11 0.47% 100.00% 92.00% 99.00% 84 0.00% 0.00% 97.33% 99.33% 10 0.16% NR 100.00% 90.00% 99.00% NR 1.00% 100.00 % 100.00% 90.00% 99.00% 92.50% 90.00% 99.00% Haryan 100.00% 90.00% 99.00% a Karnata 100.00% 91.00% 100.00% ka Mahara 92.00% 90.00% 99.00% shtra Punjab 100.00% 95.00% 99.00% Tamilna 100.00% 98.00% 100.00% du Uttar 100.00% 90.00% 99.00% 5.10 Pradesh YOU Teleco 6 m India Pvt. Ltd. All India 100.00% 90.00% 99.00% 5.9 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 7 Andhra 100.00% 89.68% 99.34% Pradesh Gujarat 100.00% 90.00% 98.28% Haryan a Karnata ka Mahara shtra Tamilna du SIFY All India 8 9 100.00 % 100.00 % 99.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 792 Relianc e All India 99.00% 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 100.00% % DNF 0 0 87.50% DNF 98.00% DNF 0 0 87.50% DNF 99.00% C/DNF 100.00% 85.00% DNF 0 0 87.50% C/DNF 99.00% 100.00% 70.00% 85.00% 0 DNF NA 100.00% 87.50% DNF 0 DNF NA 100.00 % DNF 0 0 87.50% 100.00% 70.00% 85.00% 0 1 87.50% 85.00% 99.00% 100.00% 87.50% DNF 0 DNF DNF NA 100.00% 87.50% DNF 0 DNF DNF 100.00% 87.50% DNF 0 DNF DNF 100.00% 87.00% 91.00% 0 0 100.00% 85.33% 94.00% DNF 85.84% 90.82% 100.00% 86.33% 100.00% 80 350 NA 80 350 NA 100 320 NA 85.00% 97.00% C/DNF 100 350 NA DNF 100.00 % 100 320 NA DNF 98.52% C/DNF 80 350 NA DNF 80 350 NA 100.00 % DNF 100 320 NA DNF 99.00% DNF 100 320 NA DNF 100.00 % DNF 100 320 NA 77.85% 85.00% 98.70% C/DNF 40 300 NA 0 77.17% 85.00% 98.70% C/DNF 40 300 NA DNF 0 77.57% 85.00% 98.80% C/DNF 40 300 NA 94.00% DNF 0 77.78% 85.00% 99.40% C/DNF 40 300 NA 100.00% 85.00% 90.20% DNF 0 78.95% 85.00% 98.90% C/DNF 40 300 NA 100.00% 84.33% 89.00% 0 0 78.22% 85.00% 98.50% C/DNF 40 300 NA 100.00% 87.33% 91.33% DNF 0 77.97% 85.00% 98.90% C/DNF 40 300 NA 78.00% 94.00% 0.00 0 85.00% 95.00% 100.00 % C/DNF 45 300 NA 100.00% 88.00% 92.00% 0 0 25.00% 90.00% 68.02% 0.68% DNF DNF DNF NR 0 0 86.00% 90.00% 99.00% C/DNF 50 260 600 100.00% 99.00% 0.00% DNF DNF DNF Asianet Kerala 99.56% NR 119 10 11 HFCL Infotel Lt.d Punjab 13 3 0.19% 100.00% 90.00% 100.00% 0 0.38% 0.00% 100.00 99.80% % 80.00% 0 0 82.33% 0.00% 31 231 NA NA 0 0 73.00% 90.60% 99.00% C/DNF 82 256 NA 0.71% 66 300 NA 99.00% C/DNF NA NA NA Ortel Orissa 12 100.00 100.00% 73.00% % 100.00% 98.20% 99.90% Tata Teleser vices (Mahar ashtra) Ltd. Mahara shtra & 93.00% 91.96% 100.00% Goa Allianc e Broadb and Service s Pvt. Ltd. Kolkatta 100.00% 98.75% 100.00% Service Provider s not meeting the Benchm ark 0.00% 100.00 % NA 0.66% 100.00 100.00% 65.23% % 78.58% 0 0 89.00% 93.00% 99.75% 11 0.11% 100.00 % 96.00% 0 0 93.00% DNF= Data not as per Format NA 81.00% NR= Data not reported by the Service Provider 120 DNF NA = Not Applicable C/DNF= Complied the parameter but Data is not in the required format Annexure O (Chapter Seven) 121
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