Top Income earner JImmy SmITh TurnS 80


Top Income earner JImmy SmITh TurnS 80
Meet Our Two New Millionaires: Follow Their Path to Success
spring 2008
Top Income Earner
Jimmy Smith Turns 80
Find Out How He’s Living and
Sharing the Dream
Impacting World Health
Isagenix® Expands to Taiwan
20 Tips to Carefree Cleansing
Red, Yellow...Greens!
Three recipes to mix up our new
and improved Greens!
Success Stories
arathoner named nationwide
“Picture of Health” finalist
• Ice skater returns to the rink
ssociate switches from fad
cleanse to nutritional cleanse
in this issue
6 Jimmy Smith Turns 80
There’s no slowing down Top Income Earner
Jimmy Smith. In fact, in his words, he’s
only just begun. Find out what keeps him
motivated and his best business-building tips.
10 Meet Our New Millionaires
Jimmy Smith celebrates
his 80th birthday
Sean and Crystal Escobar are the youngest
Isagenix® millionaires, but their journey
to success has been a long one. Joyce
Patrick has spent half of her life in network
marketing, but found her niche with Isagenix.
Learn how these new millionaires reached
their ultimate pinnacle of success.
World Headquarters Tours in
Chandler, Ariz. are Fridays at
11:30 a.m. • For reservations
call: 480-889-5747, ext. 0
18 Go Greens!
Check out our new and improved Isagenix
Greens!™ packed with powerful green
nutrients for increased health benefits. Also,
learn three recipes to mix things up with the
new Greens!.
15 20 Carefree Cleansing Tips
Learn 20 tips to carefree Cleanse Days and
how you can make the most of them.
16 M arathoner Named “Picture of Health”
New Isagenix®
Millionaires Sean and
Crystal Escobar
MaryKay Mullally was voted among
thousands as a finalist for Prevention
Magazine and ABC News Now’s annual
“Picture of Health” Contest.
19 I mpacting World Health
Isagenix® expands its reach across the globe
with our recent opening of Taiwan. Find out
how we’re accomplishing our mission to
impact world health.
17 Ice Skater Returns to the Rink
Samantha Marchant was burnt out from
professional skating at the young age of 24,
but returned to the rink healthier than ever
with Isagenix®.
Professional Skater
Samantha Marchant
Toll-Free Order Line
Hours: M-F 6 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Sat. 6 a.m. - 2 p.m.
(U.S. Pacific Time)
Customer Service
English 480-889-5777
Chinese 480-889-5755
French 480-889-5766
Spanish 480-889-5788
in every issue
4 Events Calendar
5 Isagenix® Insider
20 David Wood
21 Recognition
International Offices
Hong Kong (011) 852 2779 0222
Australia (011) 61 2 8705 8900
Taiwan (886) 2 8758 2860
E-mail Addresses
Doctor Questions
Success Stories
Customer Service
For a full list of contacts, visit
Event Inquiries
of your Back Office Library.
the “Business Training” section
Product Questions
Editorial Board • Jim and Kathy Coover, Jim Pierce, Rick Despain, Liz Harvey, Joel Bikman Managing Editor • Julie Meyer Copy Editor • Jennifer Pinner
Creative Manager • Michael Dorval Graphic Design • Kelly Christiansen, Magdalena Weinkein, Kirsten Peterson Contributing Writers • Jim and Kathy Coover, Andrea Henkart,
Mary Barry, David Wood, Jack Frantz, Victoria Olson, Lori Works, Carol Tragash, Alexi Estepa Photography Credit • Cover photo by David Tevis
Send comments to:
IsaNews is published quarterly by Isagenix® for Associates and Preferred Customers.
©2008 Isagenix. All rights reserved. The statements in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Earning levels for Isagenix® Associates that appear in this publication should not be construed as representative of fixed or typical income earned with an Isagenix business, nor are they intended to represent that other Associates will
eventually achieve the same level of income. Income level achievements are dependent upon individual business skills, personal ambition, timing, commitment, activity and demographic factors.
Isagenix Celebrates Six Years
It was MOre than six
years ago when John Anderson first approached
us about creating a nocompromise company
complete with top-ofthe-line nutritional
products that would
truly change lives
across the globe.
At first, we were
reluctant to come
out of retirement,
but John’s heartfelt
vision and persistence intrigued us.
Even though John had also retired, he never stopped
searching for the newest and greatest nutritional botanicals
from around the world. Traveling to places like India and
the Himalayas, he returned to the U.S. with cutting-edge
ingredients that would eventually become some of the key
nutrients for our Isagenix® products.
We discussed our vision, which was to impact world
health and free people from physical and financial pain
and in the process create the largest health-and-wellness
company in the world. We knew we needed to create a
complete nutritional system with a cleansing element, a
natural metabolism accelerator, meal replacement option
and a blood sugar-stabilizing supplement. From this, the
Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System was born.
Three days later, John presented the system to us and
we were the first ones to experience it. We felt and saw
the results in a matter of days and were calling each other
constantly to share our excitement. We began testing the
system on 300 people. Our phones started ringing off the
hook. That was the moment we realized we had created
something magical. The “magic” is in the more than 200
nutrients in the system that cleanse the body of impurities
while also helping to achieve optimal health.
We never could have imagined that our mission to
spread health and wealth throughout the world would
happen so quickly. We’ve reached remarkable milestones,
accomplished incredible success and experienced
phenomenal growth along the way. We have nearly
200,000 Associates and Preferred Customers worldwide
sharing in our vision and have reached over a half a
billion dollars in cumulative sales. Each of these dollars
represents a life changed from our amazing products and
business opportunity.
All of this wouldn’t be possible without your dedication and enthusiasm. We’re already one of the fastestgrowing, most successful companies in North America and
are beginning to establish our footprint in the Asia-Pacific
region. With your support, we’re going to make a huge
difference worldwide — we’re just getting started.
We look forward to another exciting and recordbreaking year and are truly honored to have you with
us on this journey.
With much love and excitement,
For more information on the history of
Isagenix® from Master Formulator and Founder
John Anderson and Co-Founders Jim and
Kathy Coover, visit your Back Office Library
“Conference Call Schedule and Archive”
section to listen to the Sixth Anniversary Call.
Jim Coover, John Anderson and Kathy Coover joined forces in
2002 to introduce Nutritional Cleansing to the world.
2008 “Commitment to Greatness”
Celebration • Las Vegas, NV
August 3–5
See the back cover for details.
june 25–26
Mastering the Stage • Phoenix, AZ
If you dream of standing in the spotlight, your first step toward success is learning the tools to master the stage. Join Isagenix® Executive
Training Consultant David Wood for a powerful two-day event that will
empower you with techniques to take your stage presence and training
skills to a new level.
june 26
Business Briefing • 7-10 p.m. • Phoenix, AZ
Invite your prospects to join our top leaders and learn about the
health and financial opportunities that Isagenix® offers. $10 per
Associate, FREE for guests and those attending Isagenix University.
june 27–29
Isagenix® University • Phoenix, AZ
Everything you need to know about our products, compensation
plan and sales tools, you’ll learn at an Isagenix® University. This
three-day event is both educational and inspiring and is a “must
attend” for new Associates to help kickstart your business. The event
is hosted by Co-Founders Jim and Kathy Coover along with a team
of trainers and top income earners. $199 per Associate.
Register for these events today
in your Back Office
ISAGENIX® insider
Autoship Rewards Program
Isagenix® has launched one of our most exciting
incentives ever! If you’re currently on Autoship
(with a minimum of 100 BV), you can earn $10
every month for each of your personally enrolled
Associates or Preferred Customers who does
the same.
Prices & Shipping Rates Change
The wholesale prices of most products have been
adjusted by approximately 5 percent to offset the
escalating costs of goods driven by raw materials.
To adjust for rising fuel costs, standard shipping
rates have increased by $1 or 1 percent ($10.95 or
7 percent, whichever is greater, and orders under
$50 will be reduced to a $8.95 shipping fee).
Celebration Cash Contest
Win your share of $15,000 in cash and other great
prizes including an invitation to the Founders’
Gala during the Celebration Cash Contest. You’ll
earn points each time one of your personally enrolled Associates advances in rank or purchases
a qualifying product pak or system. The contest
runs through July 6.
Three New Paks
New Associates can get a jump start on reaching their health and business-building goals by
choosing from two new Paks: the Cleansing President’s Pak or IsaDelight™ President’s Pak. The
Paks include the $49 membership fee, $80 Product Introduction Bonus and certificate(s) for $50
off an upcoming Isagenix® event. Members of our
existing Isagenix family can boost their business
with the new IsaDelight™ Mega Pak, which includes a 120-count Value Pak and eight 30-count
boxes. The IsaDelight™ President’s Pak and Mega
Pak ship for only $45, offering you even
greater savings.
Take a Fresh Look at IsaFruits®
Check out the new IsaFruits® with fresher, fasteracting and higher-grade ingredients including
more antioxidants, flavanoids and carotenoids
to boost your health benefits. IsaFruits® contains natural flavors and only one gram of sugar
per serving.
IsaDelight™ Summer Shipping
During the summer months of May through
September, separate packaging and expedited shipping for IsaDelight™ orders are required. IsaDelight™ will continue shipping
in a special insulated foil bag with cool packs
to keep the product at a lower temperature. A
surcharge of $15 for each increment of up to a
120-count of IsaDelight™ applies during the
summer months. IsaDelight™ will also only ship
on weekdays.
IsaLean® Bars Available for Summer
For the first time ever, we’re now offering
our coated IsaLean® Bars during the summer.
The bars will be shipped on weekdays only in
special packaging to keep the product cool. A
$15 surcharge will be added for every two boxes
of bars.
Isagenix® Becomes a DSA Member
Isagenix® is now a proud member of the Direct
Selling Association (DSA), the national trade
association of the leading firms that manufacture
and distribute goods and services sold directly
to consumers.
Take the Crystal Challenge
The coveted ranking of Crystal Executive can
only be reached within your first six months of
enrollment or once a year during the Crystal
Challenge. Qualify by July 6 in order to be recognized on stage at Celebration.
New Lower Magazine Pack Price
Get the ultimate sales tool at the lowest price:
Success from Home – $20 per 10 pack and Your
Business at Home – $10 per 10 pack.
New eNews Launched
Isagenix® has launched a new and improved
eNews full of company and product information,
event details, conference call schedules and other
great features. If you’re not receiving our weekly
eNews, visit your Back Office Library to view the
archive and learn how you can subscribe.
cover story
Living and Sharing the Dream
You’d think turning 80 in March would have
caused Isagenix® Top Income Earner Jimmy Smith to
pause and take some time off to enjoy his success. But
rather than lying on a secluded beach somewhere or
traveling the country in his 40-foot luxury motor home,
Jimmy is on the same mission as always — to change
lives and help others fulfill their dreams.
“I’m just getting started. You haven’t seen anything
yet,” says Jimmy. “When you have this knowledge in
your head and have worked as hard as I have for so little
(money) for so long, I want to share this with everybody
I can. I can’t sit home and watch television or take a nap
with this in my head.”
Jimmy is passionate about sharing what he has
learned about network marketing over the past 20 years
and he’ll talk to anyone who will listen. Jimmy is a 9-Star
Golden Circle, multi-million dollar earner* who has more
than 150,000 people in his team with an average of 300 to
400 additional Associates joining each day.
He earns more than $2 million each year* from his Isagenix business and is working on maxing out his second
re-entry position. But don’t let all of his success intimidate you. He started his business just like many others: a
man who left a stable, full-time job to take a leap of faith
and try network marketing.
“If my creator asked me to write this script down
when I was in my 20’s, 30’s or 40’s, I couldn’t have written this,” says Jimmy of his life. “It’s just beyond my
wildest dreams.”
So what could a man who has everything possibly
want for his birthday? Even though he celebrated the
milestone occasion with family, friends and his Isagenix
team, there’s still one thing he wants — the chance to
share with others what he has learned. In person, he’s
a soft-spoken, humble man who doesn’t brag about his
earnings, but wants others to see the potential of Isagenix
and make their own dreams a reality.
* Earning levels for Isagenix® Independent Associates that appear in this publication
should not be construed as representative of fixed or typical income earned with
an Isagenix business, nor are they intended to represent that other Associates will
eventually achieve the same level of income. Income level achievements are dependent
upon the individual Associate’s business skills, personal ambition, time, commitment,
activity and demographic factors.
A Butcher Reborn
There are two
facts most people
already know about
Jimmy Smith. One, he
used to be a butcher.
Two, he’s a millionaire
from his Isagenix business. But often, what
people tend to miss are
how the two facts
are related and
After 40 years
as a butcher, the
physical nature of the
job had taken a toll on
his body. Jimmy was
Jimmy followed in his
to either retire
father’s (inset) footsteps
by becoming a butcher. He
or find another career
recommends the filet mignon as path. His entrepreneurial
the best cut of meat.
spirit and lifelong desire to
have a family business led him to discover another industry called network marketing. He learned all that he could
about the business and recruited friends and family, including his daughters Kathy and Grace who now head up each
of his Isagenix legs. His years as a butcher taught him how
to work with people, become more outgoing and how to
serve others.
“I started working as a butcher at the age of 15 and
learned a strong work ethic from my father, who was very
dynamic and great with people,” explains Jimmy. “I’ve
been waiting on the public all of my life. When you wait on
people for their meat for 40 years, you learn patience.”
His ability to connect with people led him to earn a very
comfortable six-figure income with his first network marketing company. Yet, he felt something was still missing. When
he heard about Isagenix and its leadership he decided to try
the products. He lost 21 pounds* and four inches* and knew
Isagenix was his calling. Leaving behind the other network
marketing company and the income was a risk, especially at
the age of 74, but he was convinced it was the right decision
to make.
“Isagenix was the company I was looking for. I knew
where I was going and I wanted to get there,” says Jimmy.
“I was determined to go from being the ‘best butcher on the
block’ to the ‘best network marketer on the block.’”
The transition to Isagenix was not an easy one since
he had cut himself off from his earlier network marketing
income. He borrowed money to assure his solvency while
he got his new business going and committed to working
harder than he ever had before. Jimmy frequently says, “I’m
doing today what others won’t, so I can do tomorrow what
others can’t.” It’s a statement he lives by and often made
others laugh when he first began his quest. But he stuck by
his word and as he has pounded the pavement and worked
his way to success, it’s clear that no one is laughing at
him now.
Jimmy’s Business-Building Tips
• Know you’re in the right place at the right
time with Isagenix.® Timing is everything.
Recognize you’re there and get into massive
action. The more people you talk to, the more
successful you’ll be.
• Three ways to kill your business are pride,
greed and impatience. Make sure to ask for
help when you need it.
• Network marketing is all about leveraging
yourself through people. For a small investment
you can be on your way to building a successful
business. You can’t do that in other industries.
• The greatest tool is the threeway call. Use it to stay in
touch with team members
and prospects. I learned long
ago that I can cover more
ground with my cell phone
than by plane or car.
• To turn “pro” in network
marketing, read as many
books as you can about the
industry. Listen to audio CDs,
watch DVDs, etc.
* Weight-loss results may vary
cover story continued
Wealth and Misconceptions
Quite possibly the most misunderstood fact about
Jimmy is his personal relationship with money. His success
has afforded him a 10,000-square-foot home, a luxury motor
home, a Mercedes and many other perks, but he says none
of it matters to him.
“The material things I have are not important to me. I
share them with others,” says Jimmy. “My wife said ‘Jimmy
why are you building this big house?’ It was about fulfilling my dreams. I had a picture of a beautiful home, a motor
home and a Mercedes above my desk and I got them. I set
my goals and I go after them.”
The motor home hasn’t had much of a chance to hit the
open road lately because he’s been too busy building his
business and helping others to do the same. And the Mercedes he purchased to fulfill his dream was later traded in
for a Honda. He, in many ways, is a paradox: a simple man
who freely shares his success with family, friends and charitable organizations rather than keeping his trade secrets to
himself and reveling in the fortune he has accumulated.
“I’m sure a lot of people think that I’m all about money,
but I’m really not. I don’t want to be remembered when
I leave this earth for the house that I lived in or the car I
drove,” says Jimmy. “I’d like to be remembered for the positive impact I have made on everybody I’ve met.”
Part of how he makes his impact begins with his travel
schedule. For several weeks of the year, Jimmy travels all
over North America to offer his personal support not only
to his own team, but to any of the members of the Isagenix
family who need assistance — and he insists on absorbing
all of the costs himself. He’s quick to share the tools he cre-
ates and has never charged a fee for his help. He’s always
available for three-way calls with team members and loves
to “close” deals for them. He shares products with his team
and never expects a dime in return. He’s the first guy to pick
up the check at dinner. He even wants to pay for the weddings of all 32, soon to be 33, of his grandchildren.
“I thank God every day for the life I have,” Jimmy says.
“I feel like I am the most blessed man on earth. I don’t know
why God gave me all of this, but I am grateful.”
“None of this would have been possible without the efforts of so many others,” Jimmy points out.
He’s grateful for his sponsor, Carole Taylor, a long-time
friend who took the initiative to introduce him to Isagenix.
He continually “gives thanks to the many thousands of ambitious men and women who listened to me and followed
me into successful careers of their own” and says a person is
only as good as the people they work with.
As a daily reminder of what he’s grateful for and how
he should lead his life, Jimmy always carries two note cards
in his front suit pocket. One is his “code of ethics,” which he
reads every day for inspiration. The other is a breakdown
of the income he earns every year, month, week and day
all the way down to the second. He’s clear to state that he
didn’t create the income card to make himself sound great,
but rather to make a point about the potential for success
available in network marketing if you commit to making it
happen and never quit.
“I’d have to work over 200 years as a butcher to make
what I make with Isagenix,” says Jimmy.
Jimmy and his son-in-law Tom and daughters Kathy and Grace have experienced phenomenal success with Isagenix® not only
financially, but also in boosting their health and wellness by using products including the IsaLean® Shakes faithfully over the
last six years.
Jimmy says he’s extremely thankful that Founder and Master Formulator John Anderson and Co-Founders Jim and Kathy Coover
followed their vision and dreams, which have enabled him to achieve his own.
Building a Legacy
Jimmy sums up his personal characteristics in a handful
of words: sincere, passionate, giving and caring. He easily
captures that in his colorful yet genuine catch phrases.
“When your vocation becomes a vacation there’s no
such thing as work in life. I do what I love and I love what I
do. And I do it with passion,” shares Jimmy with a smile. “I
have a vision for myself and for a lot of other people.”
That vision is what Jimmy is out sharing in order to
build what he hopes will be his legacy for his family, friends
and Isagenix.
“Ghandi said ‘every man wants to live, every man
wants to love, every man wants to learn, every man wants
to leave a legacy,’” explains Jimmy. “I’ve done a lot of the
first three and am working on the legacy right now.”
He in part also credits his success to a lesson he learned
early on called the “law of reciprocity,” what goes around
comes around.
“I believe if you help enough other people to get what
they want, then you’ll have whatever you want. What you
put out there is what you get back,” says Jimmy. “I had a
dream, a vision, a goal, and I worked hard and never quit.
Quitting was never an option for me. I just kept going and I
got there. I try to inspire people to do the same thing.”
Jimmy’s mission is to continue to help as many people
as he can to reach their goals and dreams starting with his
children, grandchildren and his friends. He’s already helped
to create several millionaires in Isagenix, including his two
daughters, and helped thousands of others in his team to increase their income. The year ahead looks brighter than ever
for Jimmy. He doesn’t foresee slowing down anytime soon
either—he wants to live to 120 years old. He attributes his
youthful energy and health to taking care of his body with
Isagenix products and still doing what he’s always done:
dreaming of the future.
“The day you stop dreaming in this life, it’s over,” he
says. “You have to keep dreaming. Dream as far as you can
and when you get there, dream further.”
Jimmy’s Code of Ethics
Share your love, your joy, your happiness,
your time, your food, your money gladly
with all. Give out all the love you can with a
glad free heart and hand. Do all you can for
others, and back will come countless doors
of blessings. Sharing draws others to you.
Take all who come and are sent by God
and give them a royal welcome. You may
never see the results of your sharing: today
they may not need you, but tomorrow may
bring results for the sharing you did today.
Lifetime Network Marketer Finds
Millionaire Success With Isagenix®
success tips
Joyce Patrick of California
knows a thing or two about network
marketing. At age 72, she has spent
nearly half of her life in the industry
and didn’t hesitate to give Isagenix®
a try when she heard that John Anderson and Jim Coover
were behind it.
“I knew that John Anderson was known as the ‘mineral man’ and that Jim Coover was one of the best business
leaders in the industry,” says Joyce.
Joining the Isagenix family turned out to be her best
career decision as she celebrates becoming a new millionaire, the friendships she has developed and the “superstar”
team she has built.
In 2002, on the heels of the launch of Isagenix, Joyce
attended a financial conference that featured guest speaker
Les Brown. She thought to herself, “someday he’ll be talking about Isagenix.” Sure enough, almost six years later
at 2008 Top Achievers, Les was the keynote speaker and
shared his love of Isagenix products.
“At that time I was lucky to be making enough income
to cover my hotel costs for the conference,” explains Joyce.
“I’ve come a long way since then, but was shocked to learn
that I was the newest Isagenix millionaire.”
• The best people are those you have
not met yet. Your superstars are still
out there.
• Everyone’s speed of success is going to
be different. The important thing is that
you commit to a path and stick with it.
• You’re not alone in your business.
You have the support of a team and
Isagenix® corporate.
• Dream big and realize that dreams
don’t have deadlines.
• All you need is a flat rate phone
service, computer and the enthusiasm
and desire to succeed to make it in
this business.
*Weight-loss results may vary
Joyce recently attended an Isagenix Business Briefing
and was amazed to witness the enthusiasm of new Associates and the testimonials they had of success with the products. She shares the story of a mortgage consultant who
stood up and said she now depends on her Isagenix income
to keep her afloat during these difficult times.
“That’s the ultimate example of why it’s so important
to have residual income, because you never know when
you’ll have to depend on it,” says Joyce. “We have the
amazing opportunity to start a business for only $36 and
a small monthly commitment. It’s the most duplicatable
thing out there.”
Joyce credits her success to the generous Isagenix
compensation plan, company leadership, her devoted team
and the effectiveness of the products. She lost 30 pounds*
with Isagenix and loves the energy it has given her. Her
millionaire success hasn’t changed her lifestyle too much
except that she hopes to spend a little more time in her
garden, sleeping in late and hiring a house cleaning service.
She already envisions her retirement home out on a lake
where she’ll be able to spend her time fishing and says, “I
don’t even know where it is at, but it will find me.” It’s that
special spirit, support and belief that has earned her the
nickname of “team mom.”
Joyce Patrick with team member and friend 7-Star Golden Circle
Renata Lee enjoyed the day at the Santa Anita Race Track near Los
Angeles after 2007 Top Achievers.
Sean and Crystal Escobar of Utah may be the youngest Isagenix® millionaires, but their journey to success has
been a long one full of lessons learned, self discovery and
lots of hard work.
As the son of Top Income Earners Tony and Randi Escobar, Sean knew what was possible in Isagenix. He had been
taught from an early age to never work for anyone else. At
age 16, his father loaned him money to start a business selling Ginsu knife sets door to door. Pretty soon, Sean started
to get it; trading time for money would not create freedom
and wealth.
Sean’s Isagenix journey began in April 2002 at the age
of 21. As a self-proclaimed “know-it-all” unwilling to heed
the advice of his parents, all that he learned about network
marketing came from books he read.
“The books claimed the key to success was simply to
call everyone you know and promise them that they’re
going to be rich,” says Sean. “It sounded easy enough so I
jumped in with both feet and started making calls.”
Discouragement set in a few months later when Sean
realized that his success was short lived. He wasn’t retaining loyal customers or creating leadership. Humbled by his
lack of results, he went to his parents for guidance. They
put him in touch with their partner, Peter Greenlaw, who
mentored Sean for several months focusing on experiential
learning with the underlying theme, “the work will teach
you how.” Peter always stressed that, “first you learn, then
you earn!”
success tips
Surrendering to the
Learning Curve is Key for
Young Millionaires
• Even though you desperately want
it, be patient. It takes time to build
your business. Surrender to the
learning curve.
Sean and Crystal Escobar with their
two-year-old daughter Lily.
With renewed enthusiasm, Sean began to treat the
business like a bonafide profession. Soon he grasped the
core fundamentals of permission-based sharing, utilizing a
higher authority, engaging a living, breathing third-party
validation, and most importantly, following through.
Through repetition, emotional involvement, and teamwork,
success was born.
“We’re a product results-driven company and nurturing and supporting the cleanser is crucial,” explains
Sean. “They will not become lifelong cleansers or refer
their friends unless they have a good experience with
our products.”
Sean focused on developing leadership from the
ground up, one person at a time. He recruited up, rather
than taking the path of least resistance and enrolling everyone that looked up to him. This was especially true in the
case of his most prized recruit, Crystal, who was pursuing a
career with another network marketing company. Crystal’s
results with cleansing eventually proved to be the deciding
factor in her joining Isagenix. She dropped from a size ten
to a size five.* Not only did she become his business partner, but his life partner, as well.
“Joyfully overwhelmed is the only way to describe how
we feel about our Isagenix success,” says Crystal. “Building
financial security for our posterity is what network marketing stands for.”
Sean adds, “It’s a team effort, we owe all of our success to our mentors, but more importantly, to the beautiful
people within our organization, our team!”
• Enroll in “Network Marketing School,”
so to speak. Make a three to five-year
commitment, dig your heels in and
don’t look at the scoreboard.
• Work the numbers. You may have to
talk to 10 people to generate just one
or two customers. Those are actually
pretty good odds in business. Just
remember, all it takes is five good
leaders on the left and five on the
right, and suddenly you’re the expert!
*Weight-loss results may vary
Isagenix ®
to date.
are you next?
You’ve been working hard, faithfully using your
Isagenix® products and creating a healthy lifestyle. Now
that you’re in the home stretch of the IsaBody Challenge™
there are only two things left to do: take a fabulous “after”
shot and write a winning essay. We’ve got the tips to help
you edge out the competition.
The “After” Picture
• F
ollow the Challenge rules. Photos should be high
quality, 4" x 6" in size and with a white, light colored or
solid background. Your three “before” and three “after”
pictures must be front, back and profile and include a
copy of the appropriate newspaper to verify the date.
(See rules for details).
• M
ake sure to clearly label all of your pictures and the
rest of your submissions. Mail them in clear sandwich
bags in between two pieces of cardboard so they don’t
get damaged.
• T
ake a second “after” shot doing something you didn’t
do before. The judges want to see a picture of you in
action! Show your body transformation in creative ways
such as posing in your backyard, doing a fitness activity
or showing your daily routine.
• I nclude a “before” picture demonstrating your
previous lifestyle.
IsaBody Challenge™ Dates*
Creating a
IsaBody Challenge™ ‘After’
Challenge Ends
June 27
Deadline to submit essay
and photos.
Top three finalists in each category
will be notified by phone or e-mail.
August 3–5
Winners and finalists will be
announced at Celebration.
*For the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico Challenge
The Winning Essay
• I t’s all in the first sentence and paragraph. Lead with
your best stuff to intrigue the judges. Use true statements
and be bold and direct.
• B
e real. Talk about how you felt throughout the
Challenge and the obstacles you overcame.
• F
ocus on the impact the Challenge has had on your life
both physically and emotionally. If you kept a diary
through the process, share some of your entries.
• B
e descriptive. Give examples of the changes you made
so that the judges can visualize your story. Remember
it’s not just about numbers on the scale; it’s about a total
lifestyle change.
• K
eep it simple; don’t be too lengthy. You’ve got 500
words or less to tell your story.
• F
ollow the essay rules and include your name, before
and after weight, height and other supporting materials.
• F
or the family category, only one essay is necessary.
Provide short paragraphs on each person’s progress,
but link it to a bigger theme of how you’ve helped one
another achieve success.
Carole Epstein –
2007 Winner
Shawna Johnston –
2007 Winner
• G
et creative with your presentation. Include a video,
poster board or anything else you believe demonstrates
the changes in your life.
For more information visit
7 16
Poun d
C l u b
® is
3 2
Answer to Associate’s Prayers
Krista Ferrell of Texas finally
hit her personal breaking point
while at a church retreat a few years
ago. At 403 pounds, she struggled
Pou nd to find the energy she needed to do
C l u b
everyday things and was tired of
trying fad diets.
“That weekend I told God that I was sick and tired
of being fat and that I needed something to change in my
life,” says 34-year-old Krista.
Luckily for Krista, her prayer partner knew someone
that had recently lost 40 pounds* using Isagenix®. At first,
Krista was hesitant to try the products because it seemed
like past diet programs she’d tried that encouraged replacing meals with shakes. However, after just a week of having an IsaLean® Shake for breakfast and feeding her body
the nutrients it needed, she knew it wasn’t a diet plan, but
a lifelong solution.
“This is something to keep me healthy for the rest of
my life,” says Krista. “It was an answer to my prayers.”
Not only did she begin to lose weight, but her energy
level skyrock“It still amazes me...
eted. Working
It’s something I can
all day as a first
grade teacher
do the rest of my life.”
became less of a
challenge – she could finally keep up with her students.
As her waistline and body began to transform while
losing 100 pounds*, her colleagues at school awarded her
$100 to buy new clothes. Even though she hit her target
weight loss, she kept going and was more encouraged with
every increment of 25 pounds that she lost. She continued
exercising every morning and following the Isagenix system and amazing-ly hit the 200-pounds* lost milestone.
Now, as the first female member of the Isagenix 200Pound Club, Krista says she’s honored to be the “first”
at something.
“It still amazes me that I found something that works
this well and is this easy,” says Krista who’s a Consultant.
“It’s something I can do for the rest of my life even after I
reach my goal weight.”
She still wants to lose another 50 pounds to reach a
weight she feels is the best for her body and says shopping
used to be a chore but now it’s a joy since going from a size
34 pant to a size 16.* She’s also looking forward to starting
32 31
7 16
3 2
Krista before (403 lbs)
Krista after* (201 lbs)
a family and is especially excited about how her outlook
on life has changed.
“Everything is so much easier now. I’m much more
outgoing and I have energy at the end of the day,”
explains Krista. “When we do school field trips, walking
with the kids isn’t nearly as hard anymore. I’m even
leading the pack.”
success tips
• Start exercising even if it’s just a little bit.
The more exercise you do, the better
you’ll feel so you’ll stick with the system.
• Get a support system. Tell everyone
around you about your goals so that you
can get encouragement on a daily basis,
especially when things get hard.
• Do it for you. Make up your mind that
you want to change. If you try to change
for someone else, your success won’t last.
*Weight-loss results may vary
Nutritional Cleansing Purifies
Lori’s Outlook on Life
success tips
Five words changed
Lori Works’ life forever. “You
just need to cleanse.”
But when those words came
from the lips of her chiropractor
just a few short years ago, all
she could do was burst into
tears. After all, the now 55-yearold from California thought
she’d already been “cleansing”
for three weeks using a prodLori stopped using fad
cleansing products and
uct that contained everyday
now nourishes her body
ingredients like lemon juice and
with Cleanse for Life.™
cayenne pepper.
Her chiropractor explained that what she was doing
wasn’t thorough and didn’t replenish her body with the
vitamins and minerals she so desperately needed. Nutritional Cleansing with Isagenix® was the real answer.
Five days later, Lori began her journey to health
freedom. “I immediately felt the power of the products
working in my body,” she says. “By day four, I was finally
sleeping for eight hours solid.”
Now 74 pounds* lighter, she nourishes her body with
fresh vegetables, lean protein and her Isagenix products.
While she exercised rigorously before she began using
Isagenix products, she now exercises sensibly and is finally
seeing the results of her hard work with a smaller waistline
and a toned physique emerging.
Currently a Star Consultant building her business, Lori
encourages others to look within themselves and make a
choice between what she calls the “it” and the “ick.”
“Do you want to achieve your ‘it’ or be bogged down
by the ‘ick’ in your life,” explains Lori. “Before Isagenix,
my life was very deep in the ‘ick.’ The ‘ick’ was feeling like
I was 90 years old, plagued by discomfort every day. Mine
was not a happy life.”
She used to avoid having her picture taken, but now
inspires others with a postcard featuring photos of her
gradual transfor“I immediately felt the mation. But she
power of the products reminds
that her pictures
working in my body.” only tell half
the story.
“People are attracted to the weight loss, but the biggest
thing is that I’m a different person now,” says Lori. “It’s
not just about what we’re ingesting — it’s about how we
perceive our world. Isagenix gave me my life back. It’s
about a balanced life.”
•Be patient with others when
they say they’re not interested in
cleansing. They may be looking at
Isagenix® as a diet when it’s not.
•When you’re struggling to make it
through a Cleanse Day, remember:
it’s only one day. You can change
your choices even just for one day.
•To take the edge off Cleanse
Days, have an IsaDelight™ and
vegetables that are as close to
natural as possible.
*Weight-loss results may vary
Lori before (188 lbs)
Lori after* (114 lbs)
20 Tips to Carefree Cleansing
Things to Do
Stay busy. Find activities to do outside of your home.
2. Enjoy a spa day with a sauna, steam room or even
a massage.
3. Get your hair done with non-toxic products.
4. Write in a journal when intense emotions are
being released.
5. Enjoy a hot bath with rose petals and relaxing
scented oils.
6. Listen to your body. You may want to be very active
on some Cleanse Days or lay low, restore, and renew
yourself on others.
7. Avoid the grocery store. Do your shopping on non-
Cleanse Days to avoid temptation.
8. Find a cleansing partner to help keep each other
accountable and provide encouragement and support.
9. If you’re going to exercise, do so gently. Your body
needs time to rest and rebuild. Try gentle stretching,
short walks in the fresh air or yoga.
10. Do something during your cleanse that boosts
your spirit, such as caring for a loved one or doing
something kind for a stranger.
11. Modify your cleansing schedule if needed. Start the
evening before so you can eat a light meal later the
next day.
12. Understand what’s happening in your body.
Cleanse for Life™ offers gentle cleansing botanicals
(not laxatives) that encourage better digestion and
absorption of nutrients as well as B vitamins such
as niacin that help to produce a healthy metabolism,
improve blood flow and eliminate impurities.
13. Don’t forget to take IsaFlush!®, Natural Accelerator™
and Ionix® Supreme. These support circulation and
harmony of nutrients in the body.
14. Take C-Lyte® on pre-Cleanse Days and throughout the
system. It helps to create an environment in the body
that helps enhance the effects of cleansing.
Great Snack Ideas
15. Drink plenty of purified water to improve your skin,
boost your immune system and mood as well as aid
in weight loss. To determine the minimum amount
of water you should drink daily, weigh yourself and
divide your number in pounds by two. That’s how
many ounces you should drink per day.
16. To get over a weight-loss plateau, try one scoop of
IsaPro® with your IsaLean® Shake. It increases your
protein intake and may help boost your metabolism.
17. Try new drinks during a cleanse including warm,
spicy tea (caffeine free), low-sodium organic vegetable
soup broth or fresh ginger boiled in purified water or
peppermint tea.
18. Eat light snacks throughout the day to maintain normal
blood sugar levels.
19. Great snack ideas include Isagenix Snacks!™
IsaDelight™, raw, unsalted almonds or raw veggies like
20. Try the new Isagenix Greens!™ mixed with 8 ounces of
cold water on a Cleanse Day.
Tips contributed by: 5-Star Golden Circle and Nutritionist Andrea Frank Henkart, Consultant Victoria Olson,
Consultant Lori Works, Consultant Carol Tragash and Consultant Alexi Estepa.
San Diego Marathon Runner is
the “Picture of Health”
MaryKay Mullally of San
Diego California is 47 years old, in
the best shape of her life, and truly
is the “picture of health.” So much
so, that she was voted among thousands of applicants as one of five
finalists for Prevention magazine
and ABC News Now’s annual
“Picture of Health” contest.
“The ‘picture of health’ to me
means feeling and looking good,
being at my ideal weight and body
shape, and having a healthy mind,
body and spirit,” says MaryKay.
“It’s knowing that I can accomplish
anything, and it’s magnetic.”
A sense of accomplishment is
nothing new to MaryKay, who turned
to running as a stress-free outlet from
a demanding 20-year career in the
technology industry. At the age
of 40, she felt she was still missing
something and began training for
and competing in marathons.
Her love of running ultimately
inspired her to help others find the
same sense of accomplishment she
had from competing in marathons.
She developed a beginner’s half
marathon training program called
“Step Up For Life,” which has given
MaryKay Mullally was voted among
thousands of applicants as one of five
finalists for Prevention magazine and
ABC News Now’s annual “Picture of
Health” contest.
more than 600 women the training,
inspiration and support they needed
to cross the finish line and achieve
greater health and fitness.
MaryKay was introduced to
Isagenix® in August 2006 when her
sponsor, Ariana Muenker, suggested
it would be a great complement to her
training program. MaryKay learned
about Nutritional Cleansing and began incorporating Isagenix products
into her daily routine.
“When I turned 45, stopped
competing in marathons and started
the training program, I gained some
weight and didn’t feel like I had
enough energy,” explains MaryKay.
“Isagenix made me feel better than
I ever have. I lost 20 pounds*,
dropped my body fat by seven
percent* and most importantly,
reclaimed my energy, built greater
endurance and learned to manage
my food cravings.”
She now shares Isagenix with
people all over the country, including
her training program participants,
to help others to reach their absolute
best. She’s a 2-Star Golden Circle,
3-Star Crystal Executive and has already sponsored nearly 2,000 people
in Isagenix.
“By being the picture of health,
I get to inspire others to take the
first step,” shares MaryKay. “That
not only lights me up, it keeps me
MaryKay’s Tips for Becoming Your
Own “Picture of Health”
• I follow the formula of 80 percent nutrition and 20 percent exercise
for weight management. Nutrition is a major focus and because of
Isagenix® I feel like I don’t have to pound the pavement running and
working out so hard all the time.
• Health is a choice. If you visualize the results, work through to remove
the barriers, and take actions to make it happen, you can accomplish
your goals.
• Be the best you can be wherever you are, and be gentle with yourself.
Health is a means to change our lives, to fulfill our dreams and talents
and be the gift we are to the world.
Prevention Magazine © 2008 Rondale, Inc.
Check out MaryKay’s story in the June issue of Prevention.
*Weight-loss results may vary
Professional Skater
Samantha “Sammi”
Marchant has been figure
skating since she was three years
old and has competed at the
junior, national and international
level. However, at the age of 24,
she was burnt out from competitive skating. With the toll it had
taken on her body, she felt like
her career could be over. It was
at that time that she was introduced to Isagenix® and began her
first cleanse.
“After using Isagenix, I felt ten times better than I had
before,” explains Sammi. “Not only did I lose inches, but I
felt more energy, clarity and less fatigue. I thought that if I
could feel this great in just a short period of time; just imagine what it could do for me every day.”
The true “recovery and regeneration” Sammi felt from
Isagenix helped her return to skating where she has spent
the last two years performing in ice shows with Royal Caribbean International Cruise Line. One of the highlights of
her cruise career was performing in front of members of her
Isagenix family as part of the Adventures in Paradise cruise
in March 2008.
“It was amazing to feel the support and excitement of
Isagenix and to be able to skate for the first time in front
of my sponsors, trainers and friends, Brad and TL Bartch,”
says Sammi.
Now she sails around the world for seven months at
a time performing as many as six shows a week, sometimes four shows in a 24-hour period. She also hosts public
skating sessions, lessons, makes appearances in parades
and other cruise shows,
and works out six days
a week. She relies on
IsaLean® Shakes as
well as other Isagenix
supplements to stay lean,
healthy and energized.
“Cruise food is
limited and not always
nutritionally balanced,”
explains Sammi.
Sammi performs with her partner
“Isagenix is the cornerBradley Dalziel in the show “Ice
stone of my diet, espeUnder the Big Top” on Royal
Caribbean International’s Mariner cially as an athlete.”
of the Seas.
favorite products
Sets Sail With Isagenix®
•Chocolate IsaLean® Shakes with
extra ice so it turns out thick like
ice cream.
•IsaDelight™, which she tried for the
first time in March, and now uses
to replace her coffee cravings.
•Citrus Want More Energy?®
provides extra electrolytes so she’s
energized between shows.
•Ionix® Supreme and Cleanse for
Life™ daily.
*Weight-loss results may vary
A week of sun, sand and sea excursions! It was bon
voyage for more than 100 Isagenix® Associates and
Executives who sailed to the Caribbean March 2-9,
2008. Congratulations to all of the Adventures in
Paradise cruise winners.
Healthy Family Recipes
Try these fun recipes to blend up
the new Isagenix Greens!.™
reens rt,
k Henk
k Fra
ntz, 1
1 yea
rs old
8 –10
oz. O
½ Ba
ge Ju
1 cup
nic Fr
Rasp er ries, Blu en Ber r y
ber rie
eber r
1 sco
op Is
aFruit ®
1 sco
op G
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nd en
rea Fr
—And rnia
p Gree
1 scoo
p IsaFr
1 scoo
e Cube
8 –10 Ic
ell and
Share your Isagenix® recipes at
k Shak
Eat to L
ive Isag
Family R
2 scoop
s Vanilla
IsaLean ®
8 oz. Pu
rified Wa
¼ tsp. Is
aFruits ®
1 scoop
1 handfu
l Ice
Blend w
ell and e
Isagenix® Goes
for the Greens!
Isagenix Greens!™ is back with a
new and improved formula packed with
powerful nutrients for increased health
benefits and it has our previous version,
well, “green” with envy.
Our new Greens! formula helps to
support greater overall well-being of the
body, improved digestion* and greater
cardiovascular health.* It’s full of more
condensed green nutrients, antioxidants,
prebiotic fiber such as inulin, omega-3
fatty acids and has significantly lower
levels of gluten.
“Our new super version of Greens!
is a great source of green nutrients for
your body and has an amazing new
taste,” says Chief Science Officer Dr. Bill
Wheeler. “It’s packed with major green
food sources including alfalfa, barley
grass, wheat grass and chlorella.”
With less than one gram of sugar
and only 30 calories, Greens! can also be
taken on Shake or Cleanse Days. Greens!
contains nutrients that support cleansing* such as milk thistle, which supports
liver health and inulin, a fiber that helps
with cleansing the digestive track. These
key nutrients make Greens! the ultimate
complement to any Isagenix® system.
Enjoy Greens! with 8 ounces of
purified water or juice or add it to your
IsaLean® Shake. It can be taken daily
with IsaFruits® to give your body the
greens and fruit nutrients it needs.
Order Greens!
in Your
Back Office
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and
Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Expands Internationally
to Impact World Health
As Isagenix® celebrated its
sixth anniversary, our mission to impact
world health and free people from
physical and financial pain is more
tangible that ever before, especially
with our international growth. With
the celebration of our Grand Launch in
Australia and New Zealand, our first
anniversary in Hong Kong and our
current expansion to Taiwan, Isagenix
is poised to bring Nutritional Cleansing
and our business opportunity to people
across the globe.
“This is an exciting time for
Isagenix as our growth not only gives
us the ability to build our international
family, but the opportunity for all of
our Associates to build their business in
How to
other markets,” says President of International Operations Warren Te Brugge.
Isagenix ventured into the Asia
Pacific region over a year ago with the
opening of the Hong Kong office and
the response was tremendous. With a
solid operations framework and foundation in place to support the business
model, our growth continues with the
opening of Taiwan. The enthusiasm in
Taiwan was high with a series of softlaunch events held April 12 through 14
in Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung,
“With over 1,000 people attending
the initial events, I can truly feel their
passion, energy and desire to support
the Isagenix vision. It was a perfect
start for the Taiwan market and we are
expecting tremendous results in the
coming months,” says Te Brugge.
“Our Taiwan expansion is a natural
next step to bringing our amazing
health and wealth opportunity to meet
the demands and interest of Associates in the Asia Pacific region,” says
President and CEO Jim Coover. “This is
an important step in our international
growth as we continue to expand and
share the gift of Isagenix worldwide.”
Build Your
• F
irst, be sure to pay the annual
international sponsorship fee of
US $49, which allows you to do
business in all markets outside of
North America.
• Identify any members of your
team that have international
connections and an interest
to build their business in other
• C
onnect with leaders in your
upline that are doing business
internationally and use them for
support and guidance.
• L
isten to the conference calls
in each market for news, events
and leadership updates.
• C
ontact the local offices in each
market for business-building
resources and support. For a list
of contacts visit your Back Office
Library “Business Training”
International Growth Timeline
April 2008
Taiwan Opens
September 2007 Australia/New Zealand Opens
March 2007
Where will Isagenix® expand to next?
Hong Kong Opens
January 2005 Canada Opens
March 2003 Puerto Rico Opens
March 2002 Isagenix® Launched
The Power of Relationships
By David Wood
Isagenix® Executive
Training Consultant
It’s a funny thing. Everywhere I go and
everyone in my extended Isagenix® family
seems to be saying the same thing. “I am not
just building a business; I’m developing lifelong relationships.” In fact, many Associates
say their closest friends are from within the
Isagenix family.
Any of you who know me can guess that
I have probably spent some time pondering
why this is the case. Why do so many of us
spend more social and fun times together? Is
there some potion hidden in the products that
somehow fills our lives with open, wonderful, passionate and visionary people? Is there
something in the products that leads us to become more open, available, curious, passionate and committed to growing ourselves and
I’m willing to be wrong about this, but my
hunch is that our Isagenix “culture” is to see
the best in others, recognize greatness and possibility and see past the poverty, obesity, fear
and doubt that mask many people we meet.
Where else can someone who is 157 pounds
overweight, broke, fatigued, sick, or lacking
self-confidence and belief be welcomed into
a family where they can shed the weight,
get healthy, discover their voice and shatter
the paradigm of their worth? And where else
can they become some of the highest paid
in our society and stand with confidence and
humility on stages around the world
speaking “greatness and possibility” into
those they meet.
We spend our time together dancing,
laughing, supporting one another, sharing
these products and this undeniable opportunity, our secrets to success, and picking each
other up and dusting each other off on the
“not so good days.” If it’s true that we are
the sum of the five people that we spend the
most time with, then it’s not surprising that
we choose to spend more and more time in
each other’s company.
As a person who left home at age 15,
backpacked for nearly 11 years, never returned home and whose children are now
growing up in Canada, I feel blessed to have
all of you as part of the fabric of my life. It’s a
living tapestry that I’m convinced will allow
me to discover all of my possibilities and for
my children to lead richer, fuller lives.
Speaking of children, please join us in
supporting the less fortunate. As you know,
the Isagenix family has actively supported
Childhelp® with contributions totaling over
$500,000. Our goal is to double our contributions in 2008. We have the ability to impact
the more than 9 million North American
children and 40 million kids worldwide who
are in abusive situations. Together we can
do what is impossible alone. We hope you will
do your part to help the children by supporting Childhelp.®
Isagenix® was recognized
for its commitment to
children by receiving the
Childhelp® Corporate
Award during the National
Day of Hope® Luncheon in
April in Washington, D.C..
(Photo by Jan Miller)
Donate to Childhelp® in your Back Office today.
April Top 25 Income Earners
Jimmy Smith, PA #1
Carole Taylor & Peter
Oelmann, QC #2
Tony & Randi Escobar, UT #3
Renata Lee, CA #4
Kathy & Tom Smith, PA #5
The RGG Group, CO #6
Grace Smith, PA #7
Kirk Metz, NV #8
Ken & Lisa Seto, FL #9
Susan Sly & Chris Arkeveld, ON #10
George & Adhis Ruiz, UT #11
Don & Laree Nooner, UT #12
Jay Bennett, CA #13
Peter & Sarah Greenlaw, CO #14
Ron Reid, WA #15
Sean & Crystal Escobar, SD #16
John Gray, CA #17
Bill & Kathy Hellwig, CO #18
Bette Laughrun, CO #19
Terry Trecarten, QC #20
Todd & Joni Brewer, WA #21
Ellen Bradley Ganus, CA #22
Mark & Laurel Siena, TX #23
Dr. David Singer, FL #24
Lenny Evans, UT #25
2008 Winter Windfall
Top Winners
April Top 25 States & Provinces
New York
British Columbia
New Jersey
North Carolina
1st Place ($5,000)—Dr. Darshan Shah, FL
2nd Place ($4,000)—Bev Lessman, IO
3rd Place ($3,000)—Pamela and
Henry Fahey, OK
4th Place ($2,000)—Rick and
Paris Kinmon, WA
5th Place ($1,000)—Patti Holmvig and
Chris Mehas, CA
6 Star Golden Circles
Bette Laughrun, CO
Ellen Bradley Ganus, CA
Lenny Evans, UT
(4 Star Golden Circles continued)
Dr. Steve Dunbar, CA
(3 Star Golden Circles continued)
Dr. Terry & Susan Bernstein, ON
Deborah Kirk, WA
Doris Guelich, WA
Drew Berman, NY
Erich Breiten Moser, CA
Dr. Michael Aruta & Mari
Lotito, FL
Dr. Monte & Gay Hudson, TX
Jennifer Smith, NY
Kathy & Jim Rhoades, UT
Gary & Tami Hess, UT
Malcom & Christina Murray, ON
Mary Pike, TX
Nicole Stewart, BC
Michele Miller, CA
Robin & Stryker Dunda, TX
Rose & Dan Nino, UT
Shannon & Chris Doran, ON
Steven Munn, CT
Terry Probst &
Lance Merrick, ON
5 Star Golden Circles
Alicia Barwick, UT
Becky Natrajan, M.D. and
Dan Maes, CO
Andrea Henkart, CA
Herb & Patty Cepeda, NY
Richard & Karen Hirsch, FL
Hilari Courtney, MO
Sharlene May, NJ
Robert & Joy Arthur, TX
4 Star Golden Circles
Susan Lord Shaffer, CA
4 Star Golden Circles Not Pictured:
Barb Curtice, CA
Bill & Nicole Constain, NY
Christa Schleicher, NY
David Ciccarelli, CA
Kathy & Frank Domenicucci, VT
Matthew Widmer, OR
Pam & Henry Fahey, OK
Teresa Van Hoesen, ON
3 Star Golden Circles
Bob & Pam Crosetto, WA
Craig & Lynne Lapp, CA
Amy & Steve Sever, TX
Dr. Corey Cameron, FL
Anna & Bob Chandler, ON
Wendy Moore, CA
3 Star Golden Circles Not Pictured:
Bonnie Richards, WA
Ellen Reach, NY
Global Ventures Services, Inc., NY
Terry & Tim Probart, CA
2 Star Golden Circles
Anna Reyna, CA
Barbara Faber, NY
Beverly Hellwig, CO
Bob Lucas & Tracy Tsui, CA
Camille Lawson, ON
Drs. Glenn & Ina Nozek, NJ
*Rankings as of April 30, 2008
Cindy & Bryce
Jorgensen, UT
Crystal Andrus, ON
DEC 2007–APRIL 2008
Clara & Paul Smith, ON
Cynthia Hedges, WA
Dale Vaughn & Robyn Hawk, WA
Dave Helsel, MO
Debbie Wysocki, FL
Dorothy Fest, CA
Dr. Julio Rosado, FL
Dr. Rick Lee, ON
Dr. Steven Borders, CA
Eldred Taylor, GA
Ellen Reach, NY
Kathy Domenicucci, VT
Lisa Possanza, FL
Lori Marano, NY
Mary Lou Stults, TX
Mitja Kadow, WA
Natalie Griepp, CA
Pam McLellan, MD
Patrick Brittain, NV
Patrick Greenlaw, TX
Performance Coaching, ON
Rene Dumas, CA
Rich Tarantino, CA
Richard Bogdanski, NY
Tammy Laughlin, BC
Taylor Medical Group, GA
1 Star Golden Circles
Airong Dong, QC
Alex Tirado, FL
Alicia Pina, CO
Angie La Favor, AB
Bryan Lund, UT
Carolyn Bryce, FL
Daniel & Josephine Wong, BC
Donna Cicotte, TX
Dr. Juan & Esther Otero, FL
Dr. Rick Lee, ON
Durant & Sharon Fleming, TN
Erin Waggoner, UT
Erma & Larry Woodis, FL
Evelyn Belden, VT
Fernando Camareno, PR
Gina Ratliffe, CA
Hollee Cummings, CA
Janet Davis, TN
Jeanne Grosso, FL
Jenny Davidson, TX
Joe Johnson, NV
Karen Cunnyngham, CA
Karen Palmer, TX
Karrie Galerno, ON
Katherine & Duane Maeda, CA
Kathy Domenicucci, VT
Kelly Famiglietti, ON
Kim Hiemstra, CA
Margaret Truant, BC
Matt & Christine Healy, CA
Nancy Heather, ON
Nina Aly Elshiekh, NC
Rhonda & Eric Lynch, CA
Richard Morris, AZ
Rick Reynolds, CA
Sara Bruckshaw, MO
Stella Studer, OH
Stephanie & Steve Farrell, CA
Steve & Terrie Woodis, UT
Terri Gibbons, ON
White Harvest Enterprises, LA
World Innovative Technologies, NY
Kelly Arroyo, TX
Kevin Steele & Siana Frerick, AZ
Larie St. John, CA
Larry & Linda Brisbin, WA
Lisa Cabrera, CA
Lori Marano, NY
Margaret Truant, BC
Michael Page, NV
Nikki Raichart, OR
Randy & Lupe Bash, AZ
Rusty & Lisa Parrish, TX
Sara Bruckshaw, MO
Sherri Peck, IN
Stella Studer, OH
Terry Bernier, AZ
Theresa Smith, TX
The Wellness Network, GA
6 Star Executives
Susan Lord Shaffer, CA
Angie La Favor, CA
Anna Reyna, CA
Baiza Muhammad, GA
Beverly Hellwig, CO
Bill Macmunn, BC
Carolyn Bryce, FL
Catherine Rietta, ON
Chris Dusseault, BC
Cindy & Bryce Jorgensen, UT
Dakota Rea, OR
Dawn Cermak, MD
Erma & Larry Woodis, FL
Fernando Camareno, PR
Global Ventures
Services Inc., NY
Hollee Cummings, CA
Jim & Janie Luton, CA
Jocelyne Poirier, QC
Julie Dabo, CA
Karen Palmer, TX
Kelly Famiglietti, ON
Kim Hiemstra, CA
Lucie Courchesne, QC
Matt & Christine Healy, CA
Nancy Heather, ON
Nina Aly Elshiekh, NC
Rhonda & Eric Lynch, CA
Richard Bogdanski, NY
Rick Reynolds, CA
Shannon Schlotman, CA
Steve & Terrie Woodis, UT
Tammy Laughlin, BC
White Harvest Enterprises, LA
World Innovative Technologies, NY
1 Star Executives
Katherine & Duane Maeda, CA
Crystal Executives
Alex Tirado, FL
Amy & Steve Sever, TX
Angie Strickland, NC
Barbara Faber, NY
Bernette Wagner, MT
Bobby Dalby, TX
Bonnie Carrell, WA
Bryan Lund, UT
Carol Ann Lemon, NY
Cesar Lozoya, UT
Dayle & Mike Jones, GA
Dr. Darshan Shah, FL
Dr. Juan & Esther Otero, FL
Dr. Nancy & Larry Busch, AZ
Dr. Robin Terrero, TN
Durant & Sharon Fleming, TN
Erin Waggoner, UT
Evelyn Belden, VT
Gary Covert, TX
Gina Ratliffe, CA
Glenda Chaput, ON
Herbal Energetics, FL
Janet Davis, TN
Jenny Davidson, TX
Jens & Silke Wenzel, CA
Joe Johnson, NV
Karen Cunnyngham, CA
Kathy & Frank Domenicucci, VT
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