May 2006 - Burnt Store Isles Boat Club


May 2006 - Burnt Store Isles Boat Club
MAY 2006
Volume 19, Issue 2
Commodore’s Homeport
Well, here we are. Winter is long gone
and spring has sprung. With that, we see
the flowers are blooming all around us.
The fish are jumping. The waters are
warming, and best of all the boating season is just starting. Wow! Do we live in
paradise or what?
One could not
have asked for a
better winter. We
had wonderful
weather for the
most part
throughout the
season, and
lately it’s been
getting even better. As we look
forward to spring
and summer, a
Jack Leming, Commodore great deal has
been going on behind the scenes in
planning Club activities for the year.
Our leadership teams have established
the budget, developed the activities
schedule, published a re-designed UPTHE-CREEKER (UTC), enhanced the
website, completed the Directory ad
campaign, published the Directory,
kicked off the education classes, cleaned
the canals, and have completed the boat
inspections. To those of you who have
contributed, I extend my personal
thanks and want you to know that the
Club membership is deeply grateful!
There have been some memorable
events to start the year. The lunch cruise
schedule got off to wonderful start with
our first trip of the year to Marker 17A.
It was a glorious warm, sun-filled, day
with approximately 70 people
attending. The trip there and back was
quite pleasant with little wind and light
seas. This was followed by a trip to the
Lazy Flamingo, where our helmsmen
got an opportunity to test their “skinny
water” skills while the rest of us enjoyed
some wonderful fare. A third event, albeit a little different, offered our adventurous shipmates the chance to test their
paddling skills. Here, we spent time kayaking in the backwaters of Placida, followed by an early dinner at the Fishery.
No one was lost at sea and a good time
was had by all.
Looking ahead,
Join in the Mix
the slate of activities offers diversification and funfilled events which
in 2006!
should attract a
good deal of interest for the membership. Some of the highlights include
training/education classes for CPR and
First Mates, the Commodore’s Ball,
‘Tween Waters overnight, Palm
Island overnight, Leverock’s luncheon,
Pelican Bay anchor out, etc. The list is
long, and I encourage everyone to
review the schedule with an eye towards
participating to the extent possible. The
more the merrier!
In closing, I would like to pay homage
to the memory of Mary Jo Garrison who
recently passed and congratulate Paul
and Bobbie Bankson on their recent
wedding. To Roger, Paul, and Bobbie,
our thoughts and prayers go out to you!
Until next time, may the warm winds
blow gently, the seas remain calm and
everyone have a safe and wonderful
spring and summer.
Jack Leming
Join in the Mix in 2006!
Burnt Store Isles
Boat Club, Inc.
This year’s Fourth
of July event offers a choice of a
two-night cruise
or . . . come to the
picnic by car or by
boat on the
See you at the first
Spirit of BSIBC
party on Aug. 13
The lunch cruises
are extremely
popular this year.
Make your reservations early in
case there is a
limit on number of
Inside This Issue:
Fourth of July
Spirit of BSIBC Party
Welcome Mat
Cruises start on pg.
Sept ‘06—
‘06—Jan. ‘07
Ship’s Store Gift Reminder
BSIBC Checklist
Page 2
ViceVice - Commodore & Safety Officer (cont. from February 2006)
Safety Is Everyone’s Journey, Not
a Destination
Of all the different boating organizations we have belonged to, BSIBC is
the best one!!! Why?
As we continue our journey, we
must not fall victims to complacency. We are never too old to
learn something new. As you read
this article, you will find paragraphs with a stand-alone heading.
There is a safety message; but also
think about the time, energy, and
enthusiasm our members put forth
to provide us with the opportunity
to enjoy our life in paradise.
There are other safety issues I will
highlight. My desire is to devote
most of my space to “feedback”
and “things I learned from that.”
Please share your thoughts.
Fishing Club
Check your UTC on page 6 for
where/when the Fishing Club
meets. An aspect of safety is discussed at every meeting. When
fishing, you could yank hard and
the hook could come back and hit
you in the face. If you get a hook
caught in your finger, do you know
how to get it out? Think about attending their meetings!
Bill Van Ooyen’s classes
Having taught these classes for
eight years, I guarantee that nowhere else will you receive as much
practical information as you will in
7-1/2 hours. Be sure to take them
the next time around. Great job,
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
These classes fill up in a hurry
every time. You even get to practice
in class. This class is meant for all
of us. Most of the time when you
or your loved ones may suffer a
heart attack, it is not when you are
on a boat! Thanks again, Eileen.
Canal Maintenance Advisory
Committee (CMAC)
The mangroves along our canals
have been cut back. Not only has
our visibility to oncoming traffic
improved, but we can now better
utilize the “channels” of our canals. Thanks Joe and team. See
page 9.
Canal Cleanup
If a piece of floating plastic gets
caught in your water intakes, it can
ruin your day. If you hit a floating/
half-submerged/submerged piece
of wood/debris, the event may not
have a good ending. That little
“ding” can cost thousands of dollars to repair. We are all in debt to
our Chief Garbologist Charlie Longenbarger and his crew for their
Invite Your Neighbors To Join In the Mix
Word of mouth is the best way to
spread the news about this great
BSI Boat Club. I encourage all of
you to talk to your friends and
neighbors about the quality of our
Boat Club, the benefits of membership, the activities of the Club and
the advantages of belonging to our
group. Applications are available
on the BSIBC website at or through me,
the Membership Chairman. I can
be contacted at 575-1969 or at for further information.
Frank Bichlmeier
Rear Commodore
Join in the Mix in 2006!
efforts on March 14. See page 6 for
the next cleanup and sign on.
First Mates’ Classes–
Classes–April 26 and
May 3
Your Captain becomes incapacitated. Not only are you under mental stress out of concern for your
loved one, but the boat is now in
your hands! What do you do now?
How do I get the boat back to port?
Thanks, Mary, for teaching our first
mates critical skills!
#1: “Put in something about our
website. There is a lot of good
information there.” Look on the
front of your Directory or the back
of the UTC. It is listed in both
places. We have it as one of our
#2: “Put in something about safe
harbors.” Get a chart. Learn to
(Continued on page 5)
Published quarterly for the members of
the Burnt Store Isles Boat Club (BSIBC)
Editing Team
Nancy Prafke
Dave Geggis
Marie Geggis
BSIBC Officers
Jack Leming
Vice Commodore & Safety Officer
John Jokerst
Rear Commodore & Membership
Frank Bichlmeier
Ron Levis
John Bates
Fleet Captain
Paul Hillebrand
Tom Murphy
Jim O’Donnell
Frank Wiechec
BSIBC Committees/Clubs/Etc.
Priscilla Gioia
Fishing Club
Nevin Colver
Max Reese
Charlie Longenbarger
Club Photographer Paul Bankson
Caryl Bichlmeier
Jeff Nilsson
Page 3
Notes from the Chief Scribe
By now, each of you should have
received the 2006 BSIBC Membership Directory and your Yachting
Club of America (YCA) membership card. This year’s Directory has
a fresh new look and contains all
members of record through midMarch. Any additional Directory
corrections will be provided in subsequent editions of the UTC. The
Directory also contains more advertisers this year than last. Please
consider using our advertisers’
products and services and when
you do, thank them for their support. Also, we printed additional
Directories for new members and
for those of you who might like to
have an additional copy. You may
purchase a Directory for $8 from
me by giving me a call.
When you travel, take advantage of
your YCA membership for reciprocity with other member clubs.
Many yacht/boat clubs offer transient slips and good restaurants.
You can find these clubs by visiting
the website on your card, or you
may borrow a copy of the YCA Register from me.
BSIBC Growth
Among other activities, I maintain
the membership database and
mailing lists. As of mid-April, the
Club membership statistics are:
222 family memberships, 19 single
Grandma’s Attic
Kathy Schrader is our
Grandma in the attic.
We have a tremendous
shortage of items for babies
and toddlers. Please call Kathy
at 505-0658 if you have
something to lend or if you
need an item for visitors.
memberships, and
463 total members
living at 241 residences. It is clear
that your Club is healthy and growing, thanks to those of you
who recruit new members from
our neighborhood.
How to Forward Your UTC
Over the past three months, I have
discovered that it is hard to keep
track of our “traveling” members.
As a result, some of you miss important mailings when you have
your mail FORWARDED to your
“other home” or other places you
will be for more than a few weeks.
In order to keep the Club’s annual
dues as low as possible, we use
bulk rate postage (OK, we send you
junk mail). To give you an idea of
the cost savings this method affords, we can mail a one-page letter
to all 241 members for about 17
cents apiece. Sending the same
mailing by first class would cost 39
cents each. The difference is much
larger for mailing the heavier Directory. The downside of saving at
least $50 per mailing is that the US
Postal Service DOES NOT FORWARD bulk rate mail—they trash
So, what has to be done to ensure
you get your Club mail? Well, we
could use first class mail for every-
thing and increase the annual dues
by 20 to 30 percent to cover the
added cost…OR…you could let me
know when you are going to have
your mail forwarded and for how
long. Also, about 10 percent of our
members do not have e-mail. For
these members, keeping me up to
date with your mailing address is
important. With a week's notice,
I’ll be able to revise the mailing list
in time to be pretty sure your mail
from the Club will reach you.
Keep Your EE-mail Current
Speaking of e-mail…for those of
you electronically in touch with the
world, you have received about a
dozen reminders and announcements about Club activities so far
this year. Just like snail-mail, I
need to know when you change
your Internet Service Provider. So,
add me to your list of people to
notify when you get a new e-mail
Please feel free to e-mail me at or call me at
637-9596 with important information that you want to share with
the membership. I will gladly pass
along your input. I welcome your
comments and suggestions on how
we can improve Club communications.
Ron Levis, Secretary
New Webmaster Serves BSIBC—
BSIBC — Welcome!
Tom Murphy is pleased to report
that his plea for a new Webmaster
was successful. Jeff Nilsson is now
our contact for anything pertaining
to the website and its content.
Jeff is an active member of the
Fishing Club (see page 6) and will
be the Cruise Director of this year’s
Green Flash Lunch Cruise on May
Join in the Mix in 2006!
11(see page 13). He is also the Legal Liaison for the Burnt Store Isles
Association. On one of our lovely
evenings, Jeff and his wife Bonnie
can be found on their World Cat
taking a relaxing sunset cruise.
Jeff welcomes your questions and
suggestions. He can be reached at
Page 4
Fleet Captain’s Log Book
Change of Watch
The boating year for 2006 officially
began with the Change of Watch
Dinner on January 11. Yours truly
almost missed the affair. My First
Mate assured me that the start time
was 6 p.m. and not 5 p.m., and
then we missed the turn from
Highway 41 in North Fort Myers.
What a way to start the year as your
Fleet Captain! There was a good
attendance for the evening, and we
enjoyed the usual Boat Club spirit.
Marker 17 A
Our first luncheon cruise for 2006
to Marker 17A was arranged by
Bill and Sue Bareither. The weather
and the water could not have been
better. Again, we had a good attendance and many guests. We had
the added pleasure of Paul Bankson’s and Bobbie Belokur’s wedding announcement.
Lazy Flamingo
On March 3, Bob Gurreri was
Cruise Director for our trip to the
Lazy Flamingo. There was limited
docking here and many of you
drove. It was another fun day with
a good turnout. Priscilla Gioia
pulled her own winning ticket out
of the 50-50 jar! Nice going!
explain the wildlife. They saw a
pair of eagles,
and even had an
osprey dive right
down near the kayaks to retrieve
something from the water. The day
was concluded with dinner at the
Barnacle Phil’s
On March 30 we enjoyed a boatonly trip to Barnacle Phil’s. I took
over this trip for Mac McDermott,
who had to be out of town. We
had lunch outside at picnic tables.
How do we deserve all of this
beautiful weather? We didn’t have
as much time there as we would
have liked, because of another
boating group coming in, but we
were soon back to our boats and
enjoying a lovely ride home.
How We Help New Members
It has come to our attention that
some of our newer members may
be shying away from participating
in our luncheon cruises. We are
told that it’s because they are unfamiliar with the harbor and fear
going into un-charted waters. Fear
not…the Club does everything
possible to support and help our
new members.
For each cruise, we assign a Cruise
Director whose primary role is to
plan the trip and provide a detailed
packet of information concerning
the route. If there are any new
boaters who would like to see a
packet and the information it contains, please give me a call.
The Cruise Director conducts a
“skippers” meeting prior to the trip
where this information is disseminated in the form of trip rosters,
waypoint lists, routes, communication details, and rendezvous place
and times. In addition to the pretrip planning that occurs, the cruise
itself is conducted by having the
vessels travel to the site as part of a
flotilla which is led by an assigned
“lead boat” and trailed by a “lag”
or safety boat. We hope that this
information will alleviate some of
the concerns and that we can count
on your participation on future
luncheon cruises.
We have had fabulous weather for
the first quarter of our boating
year. Each of our boating events
has been well attended by members and guests. Thank you to our
Cruise Directors and to John Jokerst for all of his work in putting
together a route packet for each trip
to ensure our pleasure and safety.
The Fishery
We celebrated St. Patrick’s Day at
The Fishery. This has always been
one of our favorites. Art Koon was
the Cruise Director and we had 90
members in attendance. Great job,
Art and Fran! Sadly, I was informed
that the restaurant has been sold to
make room for condos.
Kayak Trip
Eileen Leming’s kayak trip included
14 Boat Club members. There was
a naturalist guide to point out and
BSIBC Club Photographer
As outlined in the February 2006,
UP-THE-CREEKER; Bobbie Belokur
and I have now gone through all of
the BSIBC Albums and delivered
pictures to many of our members.
Since we are in
the digital age,
we will no
longer maintain albums or framed
In addition, all framed pictures of
past BSIBC Officers have been delivered as well.
Pictures depicting events from late
2003 and beyond are now captured
on CDs providing permanent re-
Join in the Mix in 2006!
Page 5
New on the Web — A New Address!
Thank You Tom!
First, we all need to acknowledge
and appreciate the efforts that Tom
Murphy has invested in the BSIBC
website over the past years. Until
you try to learn the structure of the
site, you cannot fully appreciate
Tom’s contribution in time and
effort. We are fortunate that we
have an informative and working
electronic presence.
ing on any of the boxes at the bottom of the page, you should be
able to move to different subject
pages. From those pages, a singleclick will return you to the home
page so you really cannot get lost.
Taken in order, the major pages are
“2005 Club Officers,” “2005 In Review,” “2006 In Review,” “Tide
Charts,” “Ship’s Store,” “Cruising
Info,” “Items 4 Sale,” “Canals and
Creek,” “Fishing Club,” and
What’s on the Website?
“Weather.” In addition to the conFor those of you who are unfamiltent of each of these pages, many
iar with the website, I’d like to take
are linked to addia moment to tour
tional information
the site as it stands.
or valuable sites. As
Our website has
an example, Len
been moved from
Harris has provided
a range of subjects
boatclub to
which are accessed
by first
When you open the
moving to “Fishing
site found at
Club,” where you, the
will discover links to
entry page provides
current fishing conyou with a set of opditions, Club schedA BSIBC canal scene greets
tions to explore variules, area tournayou on the BSIBC website
ous areas. By click-
ments, etc.
There are several pages in the website that provide critical information. The “Tides” page provides
monthly tidal calendars for the
year as well as notes regarding the
impact of wind and season. The
“Weather” page provides links to
weather forecasts and radar. From
an entertainment standpoint, the
two “In Review” pages document
the Club’s social events thanks in
large measure to Paul Bankson.
These pages have provided many a
new member with a means of
putting names with faces.
Over time, the objective will be to
build on what Tom has provided.
The possibility has been advanced
that we might move toward coordinating the UP-THE-CREEKER and
the website, a goal that Nancy
Prafke and I will be talking about.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. You can reach me at
Jeff Nilsson, Webmaster
Vice Commodore Continued
(Continued from page 2)
identify where you are. The most
important thing to remember is to
get a piece of land between you
and the wind. Depending on the
wind direction, here are a few:
Burnt Store Marina, Ponce Inlet,
entrance into Bokeelia, Useppa,
Old Miller Marina, Pelican Bay,
and the Fishery. This writer hesitates to give you Lat./Long. of these
locations. Hitting “go to” on your
GPS can lead to more problems.
What if I have to hole up until after
dark? Read the next UTC.
#3: Region Vessel Safety Check
Staff Officer: “We always look for-
ward to coming to BSIBC. Your vessels are always well prepared and
your organization of the activity is
the best of all the clubs we visit.”
We had 62 boats inspected! My
personal thanks to all our members, guides and previous Safety
Officers who made my job a “no
Good Guys
#1 and #2: Bill Van Ooyen and
Charley Longenbarger, certified
scuba divers, volunteered to remove debris from the “channels”
of our canals. If you see or hit
something, let me know, and I will
coordinate with them. If they can’t
Join in the Mix in 2006!
handle it, I’ll pass it on to CMAC.
#3: Were you away and missed the
boat inspections? Mac McDermott,
a certified Coast Guard Aux. Vessel
Safety Check Inspector, has graciously volunteered to come to
your house and inspect your boat.
Contact him directly at or 639-7762.
What I Learned From That
Most flying magazines have a regular department article titled “From
the Left Seat” or “What I Learned
From That.” The object is to pass
on experiences to the readership
(Continued on page 18)
Page 6
Fishing Club
The Fishing Club will be meeting at
9 a.m. on the second Monday of
the month through November at
the Charlotte Harbor Environmental Center, 10941 Burnt Store
Road, Punta Gorda, 575-5435.
We are sure everyone enjoyed the
speaker, Noah Parry, at our March
meeting. His talk on equipment
and fishing the flats was very informative, and he answered many
questions from the audience.
April through June Meetings
April: The topic for this meeting
was how to keep and clean your
fish. We had fish there to be
cleaned, and Marc Weiser from the
Artistic Gourmet in Punta Gorda
was there to cook the fish and offer
cooking tips for everyone. We
hope the ladies who attended enjoyed this month’s meeting.
May: We are very lucky to have
Captain Ralph Allen of the Kingfisher Fleet at Fishermen’s Village
as our guest speaker. Captain Allen
has been fishing this area since approximately age 4. He also writes
articles for the Waterline and for
the CCA.
June: We will be having knot
tying demonstrations so everyone
can become proficient at tying
good knots. This meeting will be
broken up into small groups so all
can participate.
Results of Our First
ArtificialArtificial-Lure Tournament
This tournament was held on
March 22 and was a great success. Nine boats entered with a total of 22 anglers, which made a
nice tournament. The winner of
the tournament was Captain Jeff
Nilsson with crew Tom Kasprzak
and Len Harris. They caught 11
trout that weighed a total
of 28 pounds. Now that is
a significant amount of
fish! Congratulations to
Jeff and his crew for a job
well done! Two boats
came in with their limit in
trout. Captain Dick Sellers with Bill O'Dell on
board took second place,
and third place went to
Captain Nevin Colver
with John Del Sasso on
board. Dick Sellers’s boat
had the largest single
fish. That fish measured
23 inches.
ArtificialArtificial-Lure Tournament winners Jeff Nilsson,
Len Harris, and Tom Kasprzak take time out for a
group photo on one of their fishing expeditions.
BSI Inshore Tournament
Our inshore Tournament was
scheduled for April 19. This is our
regular tournament which includes
a number of different fish and any
live, natural, or artificial baits. Final rules for this tournament were
set at the April 10 meeting.
Fishing Club Web Page
If you would like to contribute an
article or photos of your catch for
Next Canal
June 6
Chief Garbologist
Join in the Mix in 2006!
inclusion in the website, please forward them to Max Reese or Len
Tight lines and good fishing!
Max Reese and Nevin Colver
Resuscitation (CPR)
Date: Wednesday, July 12
1-5 p.m.
Reservation Deadline: July 5
Instructor: Eileen Leming
Location: 319 Segovia Drive
This course covers adult choking,
CPR, and use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). This is a
Red Cross certified course given by
a Red Cross certified instructor. To
pass the course you must be able to
demonstrate the skills (this means
getting down on the floor and doing CPR on the mannequin) and
also pass a written test. (No one
fails the written test.)
The Red Cross administration fee is
$5. The Boat Club picks up expenses for the materials. Classes fill
quickly! Contact Eileen Leming at
637-3966 or at
Page 7
Annual Fourth of July Picnic
Come by car or boat and celebrate our nation’s birth
on the deck of Porto Bello at Latitudes
in Burnt Store Marina, 3200 Matecumbe Key Road, 639639-3650
Overnight Cruisers, please also sign up for this event!
Tuesday, July 4, 2006
Appetizers served at 3 p.m.
3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Pretzels, Chips, Veggies, and Dip
Buffet begins at 4 p.m.
Black Angus Burger
1/4 Lb. Hot Dogs
Grilled Chicken Breast
Pasta Salad
Tossed Confetti Salad
Potato Salad
Coffee, Iced Tea, Soda
$15.50 per person
Cash Bar All Day
RSVP by Wednesday, June 28, to Sue Sleight or Fran Koon
Burnt Store Isles Boat Club Reservation Form
Tuesday, July 4, 2006
Annual Fourth of July Picnic
First Mate_____________________________
Check here if you are a new member____
Amt. Enclosed ($15.50/person)________
Submit Reservation Form with check payable to B.S.I.B.C. by Wednesday, June 28, to
Sue Sleight, 340 Segovia Dr., 639-3731 or Fran Koon, 668 Monaco Dr.,505-9810
Page 8
Chief Garbologist’s Report
We had the first canal clean-up for
2006 on March 14. The day began
with refreshments before volunteer
assignments started.
Keep Charlotte Beautiful
Glenda Anderson of Keep Charlotte Beautiful and their sponsors
gave T-shirts, key chains, calendars,
and litter bags to all the volunteers
who were present. We would like
to thank Glenda and the sponsors
for the gifts. I have seen the T-shirts
being worn by people when I walk
in the morning.
NonNon-BSIBC Members
Join In!
Some BSI residents
who are not Boat
Club members
joined the effort.
This is not the first time we have
had others participate in the canal
clean-up. Rich McDonough helped
in December. Gary Wehner and
Henry Suarez helped this time with
Henry donating the use of his boat.
Henry, we really appreciate the use
of the boat as we are always in
need of small boats on canal cleanup days.
16 Members Collect 465 Pounds
Fleet Captain Paul Hillebrand,
Commodore Jack Leming, and
Secretary Ron Levis display the
T-shirt presented to canal cleanclean-up
volunteers by Keep Charlotte Beautiful.
I would like to thank Marty
Amodeo, Fred Bader, Paul Bankson, Bill Bareither, Royal Brant,
John Gioia, Bob Gurreri, Len Harris, John Jokerst, Jack Leming, Ron
Levis, Mike Martone, Eric Muñoz,
Max Reese, and Ed Zimmerman for
volunteering their time on canal
clean-up day and the captains who
donated their boats. Royal and Bill
deserve a special thanks as they
rowed the canals in a dingy and
collected so much debris they had
to unload at someone's dock. I
thank the person who took in the
debris. The volunteers collected
465 pounds of debris from our canal system.
DropDrop-Off Docks Needed!
There is a need for members to
think about volunteering to host a
drop-off dock on every canal as it
would save us time. Presently we
return to our own docks to
unload. If we could unload in the
area where we are working, it
would be very helpful. If you
would be interested in volunteering in this way, please contact
me before the next clean-up.
Charlie Longenbarger
Going Away
for the Summer?
When you are out of town, are you
missing the UP-THE-CREEKER? It
arrives Aug. 1 and Nov. 1. If you’ll
contact me to let me know I will
make sure the UTC is mailed to
your designated alternate address.
No more feeling homesick!
Ron Levis, 637-9596,
Annual Fourth of July Picnic
Reservation Form
(On reverse side)
Please patronize the businesses and organizations
who advertise in our BSIBC Directory.
Page 9
Spirit of BSIBC Party
Our founders first met in September 1988.
We’ve grown through the years!
Hurricane Charley tried to dampen the spirit.
But, we’re back in the water again!
Join us in celebrating the Spirit of BSIBC at
a very special party at Burnt Store Marina.
Hosted by BSIBC members Lew and Joyce Frichette
at the Grand Isle III & IV Amenities Building .
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Bring your own grillables (grills furnished), a dish to share, cooler
(B.Y.O.B.), and chairs
2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Activities: Swimming, Spa, Pool Table, Big Screen TV, Fun, Socializing
RSVP: Call the Frichettes by Wednesday, August 9 at 639-0314
Directions: Mention the BSIBC Party at the main security gate of the Marina. Go to
first stop sign; turn left. Go straight after second stop sign. Enter the gate at Prosperity Point. Once across the bridge, turn right at next stop sign. Continue to the sign
for Grand Isle III & IV. Party will be in the Amenities Building , 3331 Sunset Key.
(Canal Maintenance Advisory Committee)
No news is good news, as the
saying goes, and it appears that is
the case with the recently completed major mangrove trimming
project on the perimeter canal. We
have received no complaints from
the community to my knowledge.
Repair work is scheduled to begin
in April on the most recent sea wall
failure and on wall cap replacement.
We continue to see incidents of
excessive speed in our canal system
involving both non-residents and
residents of BSI. Excessive speed
and the resulting wake action are a
clear danger to our sea walls and
ultimately our wallets. Replacement costs for sea walls is now at
$300 per linear foot and rising.
This will be a major factor in our
budget planning for the coming
reporting any obstructions you encountered throughout our waterway system. Please report these incidents promptly and make a good
effort to either mark the obstruction or obtain a good fix on its location. Please report the problem
to me or any of the other committee members: Corby LeSiege, Stan
Munson, Frank Wiechec, and
Chuck Will.
I would like to remind residents
again of the importance of
Join in the Mix in 2006!
Joe Gil, Chairman
Page 10
Change of Watch, January 11, 2006
The 2006 Board of Governors
Currie & Judie Boswell
Jim & Judy Du Mez
Bob Pepsny & Connie Leigh
Ted & Ronnie Nerlinger
Bill & Vaunnie Westfall
Meredith & Ted Harvey
Joe & Barb Lakatos
Lunch Cruise, Feb. 18, 2006
Carol & Tom Murphy
Larry & Tracey Norwood
Gina & Joe Osborne
Mirko & Nancy Vlcko
John Cutone & Bob Gurreri
Lunch Cruise, Mar. 3, 2006
For more photos, go to
Don & Sue Hallman
Jack Leming & Fred Bader
John & Marilyn Kenison
Page 11
Fishery Lunch Cruise, March 17, 2006
Frank & Anna Finkler
Bernie &
Penny Crock
Connie Levis & Claire Phelen
Don Clark, John Prafke,
Nancy Prafke,
& Chris Clark
Diane Smolen & Chuck Bettinson
Charmaine &
Gary Ponkratz
Frank Regan, Howard Elkin, & Marty Amodeo
Ed & Marge Zimmerman
Marie & Dave (hidden) Geggis
Placida Kayak Trip
Mar. 25, 2006
Joyce Frichette
For more photos, go to
Claudia & Tom
Annabelle Gombar
& Lew
& Keith
Fran Messmer, Harry & Theresa Bowie
Donna & Mike Ritz
Chris & Teddy Gudis
Tom & Arlene Tomamichel
Page 12
What I Learned
from That!
Mat is Out!
NEW MEMBERS (in directory):
Clive & Pauline Carruthers
3500 Mondovi Ct. #512
Mark & Patsy Mattox
3605 San Sebastian Ct.
Judi Jokerst’s spill into the
water after lunch at the Fishery
was an attention getter with a
planned emergency response!
Sheila Moye
3628 S Crete Dr.
Rod & Penny Sanders
3500 Mondovi Ct. #321
I would like to thank everyone for
their concern after my little “swim”
at the Fishery. Nothing was hurt
except maybe my pride!
Don & Gerrie Straka
423 La Sila Ct.
Many of you know my right leg is
weak from a broken kneecap that
occurred in a fall on a very slippery
tile floor. I try to be very careful
when boarding a boat. We often
board boats and cross over boats
that have been rafted together. I
had a plan in the event I did lose
my footing.
Carlos & Hilda Carcas
326 Segovia Dr.
Boat: FINALLY, 35' power
This plan was to push off as far as I
could from the boat as I felt my
footing going to prevent any contact with the boat, cleats, davits,
motor, etc. John and I always have
a firm grip of hand to wrist. The
grip is very important, but when
the fall is apparent, the person
gripping needs to let go. Otherwise,
holding on to a person can cause
some very serious injuries.
As planned, John let go and I had a
safer landing. Try to remember the
water is softer than the boat and
you don’t need a bum knee to fall.
A few unplanned things I learned:
NEW MEMBERS (not in directory):
Be sure to pass your purse, billfold,
cell phone, or anything of importance over before boarding. Wear
non-slip shoes, and if you can’t
swim, wear a life vest! Just as a
little added note: it cost $250.00 to
replace my cell phone and I still
don’t know what it will cost to repair a garage door opener that no
longer works.
This article may be a little lengthy,
but if it prevents just one of you
from an injury or losing something
personal to you, my “BIG SPLASH”
will be worth it!! By the way the
water was great!!
Judi Jokerst
Join in the Mix in 2006!
Past Commodore Jack & Catherine
535 Toulouse Dr.
(no e-mail)
Joe and Lydia Conte
728 Monaco Dr.
203-980-8728 (no local phone)
Boat: BOB-N-ALONG, 20’ power
Brian and Dana Flannery
567 Macedonia Dr.
Boat: NO NAME, 24’ power
Bill & Sylvia Stanwyck
3604 Tripoli Blvd.
Phone: 639-1449
Cell phone: 847-340-2232
Unfortunately there are several errors in the Club’s 2006 Directory
you just received. Please note the
corrections below:
E-mail Addresses
KASPRZAK, Tom & Pease
KAVULIC, Dave & Nancy
BOSSERT, change Jay to Ray
LEVIS, change Connnie to
Street Address
NILSSON, Jeff & Bonnie
3632 S Crete Dr.
Page 13
‘Tween Waters Inn, Day Spa and Join the other BSIBC cruisers on
‘ Tween Waters
this relaxing, four-day, three-night
trip, our first of 2006 on Captiva. Overnight Cruise
For your pleasure, enjoy the Old Captiva House – ‘Tween Waters’ flagship
restaurant, open daily for breakfast
and dinner. The Crows Nest Lounge
– ‘Tween Waters’ night spot with casual dining and Tuesday through Sunday musical entertainment for your dancing or listening pleasure. There’s also the
Canoe and Kayak – ‘Tween Waters’ quaint little luncheon spot right on the water
adjacent to the marina. For total vegging out, try the Oasis Pool Bar – seasonal
lunch spot with full beverage service year round.
Wed.-Sat., May 10-13
Reservation Deadline:
Monday, May 1
Cruise Director:
Gary Brewster
Skippers’ Meeting:
PLUS . . . beach, pool, canoe, kayak, bicycles, tennis, marina store, and shuttle to Monday, May 8 at 10 a.m.
other parts of Captiva . . . this is going to be a very good time!
3538 St. Florent Dr.
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Come and join the overnighters from ‘Tween
Waters overnight cruise. Situated on the waters
of Roosevelt Channel, The Green Flash
restaurant overlooks the Intracoastal
Waterway, the tranquil waters of Pine Island
Sound, and the pristine beauty of Buck Key. It
is easily navigable by boat and is located
southwest of Marker 38 on the Intracoastal Waterway. Enjoy a picturesque view,
watch the otters cavort, and fantasize about the elusive green flash while their
distinguished chefs prepare your culinary delight!
The maximum number of boats is 12 so please carry as many passengers as
possible. Reservation deadline is April 27. Plan to drive to the restaurant if the
weather precludes going by boat as the restaurant has made arrangements for
additional staff. We will meet at the restaurant at 11:30 a.m. The Green Flash is
located at 15183 Captiva Drive, Captiva Island.
Green Flash
Lunch Cruise
Thursday, May 11
Reservation Deadline:
Thursday, April 27
Cruise Director:
Jeff Nilsson, 637-5794
610-858-5830 (cell)
Skippers’ Meeting:
Tuesday, May 9 at 10 a.m.
3632 S. Crete Dr.
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
The name itself conjures up visions
of a wild Caribbean experience. Join
fellow BSIBC adventure seekers by
escaping to Rumrunners restaurant at
Cape Harbour where waterfront
dining is accessible by car or boat. After dining, enjoy all the waterfront
shops and promenades at The Marina
at Cape Harbour. Cape Harbour is
located at 5710 S. Chiquita Blvd.,
Cape Coral.
Unlike last year, we do not have an
overnight cruise scheduled in
conjunction with this lunch cruise.
We hope to see you there!
Lunch Cruise
Thursday, May 25
Reservation Deadline:
Thursday, May 11
Cruise Director:
Bob Slade
Skippers’ Meeting:
Thursday, May 18 at 10 a.m.
3814 Paola Dr.
Page 14
Come to a place that is
surrounded by natural
beauty, with undeveloped Punta Blanca Island to the east and Cayo Costa State
Park to the west. There is virtually no development along the entire 7 mile length
of Cayo Costa. Cayo Costa and Punta Blanca are bird sanctuaries, harboring,
among others, magnificent frigate birds, ospreys and bald eagles. Vegetation is
lush. For almost its entire length, Cayo Costa’s powdery gulf-side beaches are utterly deserted.
Pelican Bay
Overnight Cruise
Imagine the peace and serenity of star
gazing without the ambient light of civilization. Can you see the Milky Way? What
incredible shells will you find?
Cruise Director:
Tom Murphy
Join your BSIBC friends as they relax to the
max in nature’s playground on this threenight cruise!
Skippers’ Meeting:
Monday, June 5 at 10:30 a.m.
3714 Tripoli Blvd.
Pelican Bay Anchor Out I
Wed.-Sat., June 7-10
Reservation Deadline:
Wednesday, May 31
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cabbage Key
Lunch Cruise
A panoramic view of Pine Island Sound is provided from the front porch atop a
38 foot Indian shell mound. There are no cars here, not even a paved road. You
will find winding nature trails, picturesque views and relaxation. While far from
civilization, they still serve the best cheeseburgers around (it’s “rumored” that
Jimmy Buffet wrote his song “Cheeseburger in Paradise” here). Accessible only
by boat, technology takes a backseat; there are no fried foods or a microwave. Try
the grouper special and key lime pie. Almost $65,000 in $1 bills cover every inch
of the walls and ceilings of the dining room and bar. “We sweep it up and give it
to charity.” according to the owner about the bills that fall off.
Explore the lore and enjoy the ambiance with the Pelican Bay overnighters.
Thursday, June 8
Reservation Deadline:
Monday, June 5
Cruise Director:
John Gioia
Skippers’ Meeting:
Thursday, June 7 at 10 a.m.
3492 Tripoli Blvd.
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Join in
the fun
at the
pool, listening to the birds, watching the
boats, and sharing time with your
BSIBC friends. We’ll cook out on
the pavilion on Wednesday—
bring hors d’oeuvres, a side dish,
and a dessert to share. We’ll join
the Leverock’s lunch cruise on
Thursday and enjoy dinner at Rum Bay on Friday.
Palm Island
Overnight Cruise
Make your reservation directly through the cruise director only. Additional information is available at
Skippers’ Meeting:
Tuesday, June 20 at 10 a.m.
319 Segovia Dr.
Wed.-Sat., June 21-24
Reservation Deadline:
Thursday, June 15
Cruise Director:
Jack Leming
Page 15
Johnny Leverock’s Seafood House
Johnny Leverock’s Seafood House has enjoyed having
the reputation of the freshest seafood and most
unique decor in the area. Started by Johnny Leverock
himself in 1948, the small, friendly restaurant offers a
wide variety of appetizers, freshly prepared salads,
steak, and chicken entrees in addition to the their
namesake, seafood. Their casual outdoor patio overlooks a picture perfect view of Palm Island Marina on
the Intracoastal Waterway. The Palm Island Marina cruisers will join us.
Lunch Cruise
Thursday, June 22
Reservation Deadline:
Thursday, June 15
Cruise Director:
Paul Hillebrand
Bring as many people on your boat as possible. Since there is VERY limited dock-
ing, the reservation deadline will be as soon as we have 6-8 boats. By car, take Rt.
Skippers’ Meeting:
776, left onto Rt. 771 to 7279 Placida Road. Turn left into the Sea Ray dealerWed., June 21 at 10 a.m.
ship, Marine Max, and Leverock’s is at the rear of their parking lot.
622 Brindisi Ct.
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Imagine arriving on Monday morning, July 3, hanging out at the pool, riding
bikes, walking, and warming up for the BSIBC Fourth of July picnic. You wake up
on July 4, and the picnic comes to you (See page 7). Celebrate the holiday in
grand style without having to go anywhere. Depart for
home on July 5. Contact Nick Hay to make your reservation. Let him know the boat and captain’s names, and
boat length and beam. Our marina rate is $1.50 per foot,
30-foot minimum. Don’t miss out on this fun time!
Fourth of July
Overnight Cruise
Mon.-Wed., July 3-5
Reservation Deadline:
Friday, June 16
Cruise Director:
Nick Hay
Swimming Pool
Skippers’ Meeting:
Saturday, July 1 at 10a.m.
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Matlacha Oyster House
Founded in 1971, the Matlacha Oyster House is
a destination dining experience on the pass of
land that connects Pine Island to Cape Coral
named Matlacha (mat-la-shay). The restaurant
boasts an upscale casual atmosphere with elegant style of menu offerings, and what a menu!
Everything in their kitchen is made from scratch, and they procure the freshest
seafood and meats available. Their produce is from local growers, and their
shrimp is literally right off the boat. They pride themselves in offering everything
homemade, hand-breaded, and prepared with care. Savor the food now!
Come by boat or car, rain or shine. For boaters, there’s a six-boat, 25’, 2 1/2’ draft
limit. Make your reservation early—there’s a 60-person limit for this event.
Matlacha Oyster House is located at 1930 Pine Island Rd., Matlacha.
Dinner Cruise
Thursday, July 13
Reservation Deadline:
Tuesday, July 4
Cruise Director:
Bob Gurreri
Fax 505-9691
Skippers’ Meeting:
Cruise Director will notify Skippers
Page 16
Pelican Bay Anchor Out II
This is your second chance to join
your fellow BSIBC cruisers at an
extraordinary illustration of the
pristine barrier islands that once
lined Florida’s coastline. Adjacent
Cayo Costa State Park enchants the
visitor with its miles of unspoiled
beaches. This is a scenic and peaceful retreat. Enjoy the benefits of Cayo Costa
State Park during your stay. Swim or snorkel in the surf; enjoy the sun; and picnic in the shade. Nature trails provide opportunities for hiking and off-road bicycling. Salt-water anglers can fish from their boats or throw a line out into the surf.
Can you catch a tarpon, snook, flounder, redfish, trout, or sheepshead?
Call Len or Mavis Harris to make your reservation now! Cruisers, call Paul Hillebrand if you are joining the Cayo Costa picnic on August 11 (below).
Pelican Bay
Overnight Cruise
Wed.-Sat., Aug. 9-12
Reservation Deadline:
Friday, August 4
Cruise Director:
Len Harris
Skippers’ Meeting:
Monday, August 7 at 3 p.m.
3979 San Pietro Ct.
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
BSIBC picnic beach
Cayo Costa State Park
With miles of beautiful beaches
and acres of pine forests, oak-palm
hammocks, and mangrove
swamps, this barrier island park is
a Gulf Coast paradise. Go shelling;
walk on the beach; watch Boca
Grande pass; or just relax with a
cool beverage. Someone has to do
it. Let it be you!
Come join the Pelican Bay Anchor Out cruisers on Cayo Costa for a fun day on
the beach. Pack up the cooler with your favorite beverages and lunch items. Bring
a grill if you’ll need it. Don’t forget the sunscreen, camping chairs, and your beach
umbrella. We always have a great time in this beautiful setting on the east side of
Cayo Costa State Park. Stay as long as your schedule, weather, or daylight permits. This is always a favorite event and accessible only by boat!
Cayo Costa
Picnic Cruise
Friday, August 11
Sign Up Deadline:
Friday, August 4
Cruise Director:
Paul Hillebrand, Interim
Skippers’ Meeting:
Wed., August 9 at 10 a.m.
Check with Paul for location
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Do you dream of filling your vacation days with play, activity, adventure and fun?
Or do you prefer a simple day devoted to daydreaming? Either way, you’ve come
to the right place at ‘Tween Waters Inn. Here, from beach to backbay to everywhere in between, across 13 gorgeous Gulf-to-bay acres, you can enjoy just about
anything, land or sea—or if you’re so inclined, enjoy doing absolutely nothing at
all. Join other BSIBCers on this wonderful and relaxing trip. There is more information about our destination and what it offers on page 13. Don’t miss the fun!
‘Tween Waters Inn, Day Spa and Marina
‘ Tween Waters
Overnight Cruise
Wed.-Sat., August 23-26
Reservation Deadline:
Friday, August 11
Cruise Director:
Ed Minzer
Skippers’ Meeting:
Friday, August 18 at 10 a.m.
3432 Tripoli Blvd.
Page 17
‘Tween Waters Inn, Day Spa and Marina
Come and join the overnight cruisers at ‘Tween Waters Inn
on Captiva Island for a day of fun, sun, swimming, lunch
and camaraderie. Whether you come by car or boat, it will
be a special day! Driving directions are:
‘ Tween Waters
Lunch Cruise
Thursday, August 24
Turn Right onto Tamiami Trl. Continue to follow US-41 S about 25 miles.
Turn Right onto Boy Scout Dr. Stay Straight to go onto Summerlin Rd. / CR-869 S
about 10.5 miles.
Summerlin Rd. / CR-869 S becomes CR-867 S (Portions toll). CR-867 S becomes
Causeway Blvd.
Turn Right onto Periwinkle Way. Turn slight Right onto Palm Ridge Rd.
Palm Ridge Rd. becomes Sanibel-Captiva Rd., Sanibel-Captiva Rd. becomes Captiva
End at ‘Tween Waters Inn 15951 Captiva Dr, Captiva, FL 33924, US.
You will find the ‘Tween Waters website at
Reservation Deadline:
Friday, August 18
Cruise Director:
Howard Elkin
Skippers’ Meeting:
Wed., August 23 at 10 a.m.
590 Port Bendres Dr.
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Cruise with the BSIBC
Thank you for
the very positive feedback
on the
changes and
additions to
(UTC). Our goal was to stimulate
readership and participation in
BSIBC. Something must be
working with the great turnouts
we’ve been getting at our lunch
What You Liked:
Commodore’s Checklist, pg. 1
Inside This Issue, pg. 1
Two pages of photos
Cruise information format
Table of future BSIBC events,
pg. 18
BSIBC Checklist, pg. 19
What You’ve Requested:
We’re now including all BSIBC activities in the BSIBC Checklist on
pg. 19. We’ve made it easier to find
the article headings by shading behind the text. The photos have
been lightened for printing. The
What a Surprise!
anti-aging feature isn’t working yet.
Contributors are also getting creative. Photos are coming with articles to make the articles more interesting. Members are also giving us
ideas for future content. This will
make the UTC even better.
Join the Editing Team
We continue to seek additional editing team members. It’s an opportunity to do something creative
once every three months. It only
takes a few hours. If you spoke to
me at Marker 17A, please call me.
In the last issue I mentioned the
former Charlotte Sun computer columnist Cort Nederveld who helped
me out of a jam. The Charlotte Sun
has discontinued his column for
the time being until they pull together a technology section. If you
are interested in computing, Cort’s
column can be found at .
Please contact me at 639-0804 or
at at anytime.
Nancy Prafke
Join in the Mix in 2006!
Club Photographer Paul Bankson
and Bobbie Belokur (not changing
her name) surprised everyone at
the Marker 17A Cafe lunch cruise
on February 18. Their wedding on
the previous evening was announced to loud cheers and applause. Best wishes!
Thank You . . .
To all our wonderful friends in the
BSIBC for your warm wishes on
our marriage. We are so lucky to
have so many great friends.
Paul and Bobbie
Page 18
Sept 2006—
2006 — January 2007 BSIBC Events
(see for updates in between UPUP-THETHE-CREEKER issues)
Make sure to put the
events to the right on
your calendars if you
have not already done
so. With the increased
attendance at all of
our events this year,
make sure to get your
reservations in early.
We wouldn’t want you
to miss out on your
favorite lunch cruise if
there is a limitation on
the number of boats.
Please note the date
changes for the Fleet
Captain’s Dinner to
October 18 and the
General Meeting
Luncheon to November 6. These dates are
in italics to reflect the
date change.
2006 Events
Cruise Director/Contact
Boats Without Potties BBQ Lunch Cruise
Judy Guttschalk
Canal Cleanup
Charlie Longenbarger
South Seas Overnight Cruise (3 nights)
Frank Wiechec
Rum Bay Lunch Cruise
Bob Slade
Uncle Henry's Overnight Cruise (3 nights)
John Gioia
John Jokerst
Sunset Cruise to South Reef
Fleet Captain’s Dinner
Cultural Center of Charlotte County
2280 Aaron Street, Port Charlotte
Palm Island Overnight Cruise (4 nights )
George/Judy Guttschalk
Leverock’s Lunch Cruise
Mac McDermott
Fishery Lunch Cruise
Jeff Nilsson
Social Committee
John Jokerst
General Meeting Luncheon
Burnt Store Dinner Cruise
Charlotte Harbor Lighted-Boat Parade on the
Good Times II
Canal Cleanup
Charlie Longenbarger
BSIBC Christmas Dinner Dance
Social Committee
Fishing Club Meeting CHEC 9 a.m.
Max Reese/Nevin Colver
BSI CMAC Meeting 1:30 p.m.
Chuck Will
PGI Canal Tour
John Jokerst
BSI Canal Lighted Boat Parade
John Jokerst
New Year’s Eve Celebration
Social Committee
(Continued from page 5)
that we are never too
old to learn. If you
care, send me some of
your “near-miss” boating incidents, and I’ll
be happy to place
them within my articles. Never in my
wildest dreams did I
think my “Admiral”
would be the first! See
page 12, “What I
Learned from That.”
Fly your BSIBC burgee
John Jokerst
Social Committee
Social Committee
2007 Events
Change of Watch Dinner
Burnt Store Marina Lunch Cruise
Social Committee
Bill/Sue Bareither
Ship’s Store Has Great Gifts
Mother’s Day is upon us and Father’s Day is
not far away. Don’t forget the BSIBC Ship’s
Store has wonderful gifts that can be personalized, for example, with your boat’s name.
The Cookbook is on special now at three for
$10, normally $5 each. To download the order form, go to and click on
Ship’s Store. Contact our Ship’s Store Proprietor Barry Gordon at 833-3338 or at with questions or to
place an order. Wear your BSIBC spirit!
Join in the Mix in 2006!
Caryl and Frank Bichlmeier sport BSIBC apparel at the Marker 17A Cafe lunch cruise.
Page 19
May — August 2006 BSIBC Checklist!
* Reservation
Cut along the dotted line and post as a reminder
(see for updates in between UPUP-THETHE-CREEKER issues)
Wed., May 3
Mary Will
Mon., May 8
Nevin Colver
Max Reese
Wed.-Sat., May 10-13
Gary Brewster
Mon., May 1
Thurs., May 11
Jeff Nilsson
Thurs., Apr. 27
Thurs., May 25
Bob Slade
Thurs., May 11
Tues., June 6
Charlie Longenbarger
Wed.-Sat., June 7-10
Tom Murphy
Wed., May 31
Thurs., June 8
John Gioia
Mon., June 5
Mon., June 12
Nevin Colver
Max Reese
Wed.-Sat., June 21-24
Jack Leming
Thurs., June 15
Paul Hillebrand
Thurs., June 15
Mon.-Wed., July 3-5
Nick Hay
Fri., June 16
Tues., July 4
Fran Koon
Sue Sleight
Wed., June 28
Mon., July 10
Nevin Colver
Max Reese
Wed., July 12
Eileen Leming
Wed., July 5
Bob Gurreri
Tues., July 4
Mon., Aug. 8
Nevin Colver
Max Reese
Wed.-Sat., Aug. 9-12
Len Harris
Fri., Aug. 4
Paul Hillebrand
Fri., Aug. 4
Sun., Aug. 13
Lew and Joyce
Wed., Aug. 9
Wed.-Sat., Aug. 23-26
Ed Minzer
Fri., Aug. 11
Thurs., Aug. 24
Howard Elkin
Fri., Aug. 18
Join in the Mix in 2006!
MADE Burnt Store Isles Boat Club, Inc.
P.O. Box 510203
Punta Gorda, FL 33951-0203
Presorted Standard
U.S. Postage
Punta Gorda, FL
Permit #104
BSIBC Members Get BoatU.S. Discount
BSIBC is again participating with
BoatU.S. with a Cooperative Group
Agreement. Our Club members are
offered annual BoatU.S. dues at
$12.50 instead of the regular $25.
This applies to renewals or new
memberships. You cannot do this at
your local store. You must call the
membership desk at 800-395-2628
and give them a credit card number
and our group number: GA82305B.
Currently 41 BSIBC members are
also members of BoatU.S..
Members save on everyday boating
expenses with the BoatU.S. 1,100page Discount Catalog which offers
over 50,000 discount boating prod-
ucts at low BoatU.S. prices, or visit
the Online Store and shop for discount items any time of the day or
evening. Additionally, BoatU.S.
members get a 5% rebate on equipment purchases made at BoatU.S.
and West Marine through the Member Rewards program.
Members also save money every
time they use their membership card
at over 825 cooperating marinas for
discounts on fuel, overnight slips,
and boat repairs. BoatU.S. also offers
on-the-water and on-the-road
towing service levels provided by the
nation's largest towing fleet and insures billions of dollars worth of
members’ boats offering unparalleled service at competitive prices.
For more information, go to
Join in the Mix in 2006!
Burnt Store Isles
Boat Club, Inc.
We’re on the web!