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volume 31 issue Cho me Culture Althletics the funny reloaded round-up page 15 page 12 page 22 23 Humber by Patrick Kane and Lori Paris Humber College has been preparing VP of Administrative "Wc have been communi- "Should any cases be reported the college, fall all at of our direction will under the control of the Ministry Marg-Anne cating with [public health officials] In Humber is col- Ontario, Premier Ernie Eves has declared (SARS) on campus. of six patients have to date. laborating as things evolve." Syndrome total Services. on a daily basis and Respiratory A died from the pneumonia-like illness for the worst should Acute closed. Humbcr's student any faculty or be diagnosed with Severe SARS plans for of Public Health," said John Davies, SARS should be on everyone's a medical emer- "First and foremost, students need know what SARS to command center have been quaran- symptoms and the crisis headquarters are are Jones is, and what what the do if you sure you have these symptoms," are, to severe fatigue, severe headache, dry said. cough and shortness of breath. Hong Kong for and anyone or Singapore recently that has had contact with a person diagnosed with pital visited or SARS Scarborough Grace hos- Richmond Hill's Jones added that there York to include mus- and pains, fever over 38C, no need at "The advice can give students is wash your hands," Jones said. "In 1 to any kind of building with so germs spread people, Symptoms of SARS is Humber but emphasizes prevent the spread of SARS. alarm how or Central Hospital. cle aches 2003 scenario Those at risk include people that have traveled to China, Vietnam, have mind. gency. Six doctors at the provincial tined Humber's Jones, Health Centre manger, said that pre- vention April 3, many easily from hands to mouth." Jones urges anyone exhibiting symptoms of SARS to contact an emergency room at a hospital immediately rather than dropping by Humber's Health Centre. "It is necessary that you call an emergency line in order to ensure that you don't expose anyone to the disease and that you get the proper care from people who have the prop- equipment," Jones said. er Women's and Sunny brook College Health Sciences Centre have opened a influx an attempt clinic in hospitals with deal to help the potential of patients with SARS. Simor, an infectious Dr Andrew disease consultant and head Women's microbiology at said the clinics would help of College, to ease the minds of the public. Simor said precautions are being taken to ensure there is no danger of contamination at the clinic. The 24hour clinic site located at a separate is on the campus complex, and air from the clinic is not circulated to other parts of the building. Continued on page What's 3. Inside... donates work comedy program Artist to page 6 Twenty-five dates in tliree mintues page 19 Chrissy Mowat Stephen Anastasi, Awards and Alumni orientation assistant, holds up a painting titled "John Wayne" by industrial design student Amy Koudelka. The portrait won first place in the painting category at the 2003 Humber College Art Show held March 24 and 25 at the Lakeshore Campus and March 27 and 28 at the North Campus. See story, page 5. Comments, questions? E-mail Et Cetera at: ct& nil KSDA^. AI'RII 1 2( Layton leads peace march to city hall the tenth day of war waged on, a diverse group of individuals danced and sang together March the said later As However, police be 20.000 strong. by Peter Armstrong was total closer to 3,000. "There was no where near 20.000 Toronto Sunday, protesters," Con.stable Shehara Valles 30, in peaceful protest to the from Toronto Police corporate com- U.S. -led in war against Iraq. Children, parents, munications and students at Dundas marched in protest U.S. embassy on professionals gathered Square and towards the University Avenue. Protest said. "I was speaking initially esti- mated the number of participants to Kim England had a different number. There were way under 7.000 even, that's why we don't want to give out numbers because each person can look organizers to and each reporter different reporters and tell at in Iraq line it you whatever" .'M'ter the streets of Toronto during the peace march Sunday, voicing their support for U,S. President George Bush and British PM Tony Blair. Advocates of the U.S.-led war gear outside the ciTibas,sy. most riot passing lines of police in NDP followed protesters who was leader Jack Layton, group's front line, national Durham Regional the peace. police said. A on the to Toronto's city was came back from Montreal morning and we have a just '"I early this ways to go to catch up to my hometown of Montreal, but we're gelling there," Layton said when asked if the anti-war movement in Toronto was on the "They're our inspiration. rise. The peace movement but incredible, it's Quebec is growing here in wonderfully and right across the think is amazing. country, which Three protesters were arrested 1 outside the American embassyearlier Ryan Causgrove-Carter, West of 21, Nile meet- to a public voung man was not throw them. in Board of Governors cuts Sports Equipment program by Kate Schwass Hook Richard Humber's Board of Governors voted unanimously to cancel the Sports Equipment Specialist Certificate program at their March 24 meeting. gram due stating Preparation Seminars presented the board Hook was no longer it to the lack in the GMAT GRE Academic of with the motion to cancel the pro- of said viable interest. relating to anti-war demonstrations. "Ihey're Proven Tesi-Taking Strategies Jonathon Perry. 22, was arrested assault, obstruct police, those types connection with outstanding war- of charges, also weapons dangerous, rants involving four previous cases of break and He was enter. the bulk of marchers arrived. Constable Valles doing anything to said. illegal. "He wasn't He just hap- be will the board. told low salaries." Hook during a sing-a-long of .lohn Lennon's protest anthem. Imagine. Protesters will gather again April 5. at employers sporting many manufacturers or goods training are of staff themselves. Exams over turned to ers said. Hook Personal Tulormg Available course," Thousantis of Satisfied Students leges are offering Oxford Seminars (416)924-3240 1-800-269-6719 said. "No this other col- it." The course cancellation takes immediately and no students will be taken into the program in the gram Students currently will in the pro- complete their studies and use a "green" said he will approach that plants tactic is an dragonflies, attract that harm the growing not will One environment. use pesticides water ready to fight the mosqui- is The marshy area just Humber grounds is ideal for breeding toes that carry the disease - with or Health unveiled Minister is mosquitoes because the not circulated by a pump or coping with West Nile for week last another that fears infections plan just around is the corner Two dead crows were arboretum the there is to last is work at Oxbow the slated for April and May. A it's unthinkable that it has gone Humber arboretum superin- tendent Sid Bailer said. West Nile spread to the is human population by going aren't chemi- to use Having a healthy system of natural predators helps keep mosquito populations down," Bailer insects and wildlife can be found has it plant types and sever- hundred more species of in Bailer said he doesn't want to in "willy-nilly" chemical with sprays. Another alternative to spray- summer camp for kids starts in July Arboretum Nature Center. In the absence of direction from the provincial government. Humber ing is to drain stagnant Clement promised own attack plan cals used to high num- virus. its bers of infected mosquitoes. Some cities in "It Ontario have to split was combat the West Nile a last-minute response to public pressure." Bailer said of the called for the use of chemicals, but announcement. "But the time Humans cannot Humber your ducks another person, animal or bird. The superintendent called the etc. pesticides in the arboretum said an area Oxbow Loop graduate in April. is has no plans to spray harsh the there is a specific threat to safetv. Bailer said. unless human the costs with companies of any chemi- to control the expected has put together water from high-risk areas. ease after biting an infected bird. gel the virus from the arboretum. upset the delicate balance by going at the Nile was here, last cals. al summer, and unthinkable that only be used as a About 700 "We know West Nile was here and it's already concern that reports "We know West insecti- mosqui- adult said. in this spring are linked will flying resort. "We Draining Loop against toes, gone away." found West Nile. and Spraying or "fogging" of cide waterfall. Tony Clement province's the mosquitoes, which contract the dis- effect fall. He combat deadly virus, the super- of the Humber arboretum away." "There's not the need for noon, for an international day of season underway for another out- intendent of dead owls out pointed also came to a close in the as many protesters hands and waved peace afternoon late biggest threat. says he for students to Personalized Professional Instruction Simulated Practice As Ontario braces break of West Nile summer of "The jobs pay too little money even pay off a stu- nuisance," Valles said. protest action against the war, event organiz- be checked out." Perr> fhe raised their was not of a result of anything was done at the demonstration," "It that common arrested embassy before near the U.S. off paying, full-time positions. CnmpreheiLsive Study Materials • Free Repeal Policy by Chris MacKinnon amid growing Hook to do with mischief, to insect that preys on mosquitoes. and graduates are not obtaining well "Graduates are earning extremely • Complete 25-Ilour Seminar Packages no plans virus, over the past five one-year certificate program dent loan," to similar in the sense all were that the> without help from the government.- 16-19 students enrolled years, only LSAT MCAT VP Humber's Number ready in on March 20, police said 13 people have been arrested in loronto A crowd of protesters gathered at Dundas Square and marched towards the U.S, embassy in Toronto to protest the war in Iraq. Services, Iraq carrying rocks and eggs, but he did pened in the day. weapons Police said the ing. Police Since the beginning of the war 17-year-old Scarborough male also arrested in connection with carrying hall. Kim England Toronlo. was arrested for a breach of when there in a row was was time to get last fall to deal with it responsibly over the course of the winter." llirRSDAV.AI'Kll.r 2003 Student quarantined as precaution paramedic students cancelled due to SARS Field placements for student remained under quarantine as by Jaime Taylor a Paramedic llumbcr students are being recruited to apply for immedi- Toronto Emergency ate jobs in the Medical Services (TEMS) because of the current paramedic shortage caused by the SARS crisis. from the two-year paramedic course were Lynne Urszenyi, "Ambulance weekend. want to services dents] to come testing," Urszenyi wants to ""'fEMS said. the hiring services SARS because of the On in speed up hire They want [stufor employment as possible. fast employment that testing will start this as outbreak The has not been began. "One student because he was but the placements or "ride outs" All finished at "We stopped the beginning who it However, placements decide whether they to a hospital for treatment home or quarantine themselves at based on the public health guidelines. the Michele resident is concerned with danger that SARS her family and has decided potential poses for to take extra precautions. "Em buying ily.'" my better it's For more information on ness SARS travel guides, be can how treated 1 started will have to 50 hours of place- the future. in about the fears SARS. most paramedic students are read)' to start working as " I'he course has prepared us with Wendy Wen. a secondyear paramedic student. "From doing the Job." said the field placement of 550 hours sou have your good share of experience. You don't knosv everything, but you have more experience from actually Although the came suddenly call for paramedics for students graduat- second-year uating go to student, "That happens. home - you to use them number's campus anymore. on last number's North Campus. counterfeit Canada money notified had the exact members were faculty cameras along the was ssalksvas to install one and the on the east- Davies. said John VP Administrative side." "The existing camera svasn't adequate enough security, so the best approach was to in.stall a camera middle of the svalksvav." particularly that are not fully students worried that the nesv securi- after the of it "I've tried to get into the build- "Security on a [partially] occu- pied building than on a said, is fully adding always more difficult occupied one," Davies that such buildings have been targeted by vandals in the past, "fhere are programs starting there in the summer and so there will be more We've increased secuthere until it's all hills counterfeit, the it ssas a Media Copysvriting student Campus. "The bills them. All of the by the college. "It sible to students is are to school hours have to find a secu- rity olTicer to open the building. Tsvo officers present are at at the east and - svest sites. Commission Academic hosvever. Ihc room the North Campus. Jeynes said the dent Chrissy details is still on the numerals, and the vignette signa- of the a Mowat The Bank of ed note and Canada says the $20 bill is the most counterfeitused the most often by consumers. is is no reimbursement Bank of Canada for those While there from the who unknowingly have counterfeit etc. bills, Jeynes said they should police, the RCMP Communication Team at call Compliance 1-888-513-8212. is satisfied with Humber, particu- Lakeshore Campus, and said students svith security concerns should speak to him. "Everything with regards the or the Bank Note and inci- under investigation. the security level at larly at Parliament Buildings. raised ink is of recent computer theft at Humber. In Januar)', $12,000 svorth of equipment was stolen from the result a gen- within the portrait don't svhether the locked-door policy is bill) "We open the labs carte blanche because of the computer equipment." Jeynes svould not comment on Jeynes added he The sharpness of not author- svant to are be is Jeynes said. access]," numerous that help identify if be opened, we can't [provide ized to detecting svith scratched ofl'an authentic tures, access lar opened and per that the quality coat of arms, broad bands, no good, so we on the weekends.." Students who svant "The says. The colour change patch The green dots (svhich can The effort put into security here, one each good." Jeynes said. are bank notes * Lakeshore at glad to knosv there's Lakeshore Campus on sveekends security features found on Canadian * am hut the school .should be easily acces- patrol also the bank About one circulation in problem There • of a lot "I classrooms and labs outside of regu- occupied." the $20 Bank of Canada counterfeit bills Bank of on the weekends and hassle," said Heather Clay, a ings activity there. rity leave cla.ssrooms svill less accessible. .said. is note used most often. * measures ty occupied. concerned about the lack of security request Campus Lakeshore around buildings just Jesnes said. it," and terfeited note, the loss of funds has to be covered is Security patrol has also increased at uine note. asvarc money from Food Services and Caps gets sent to the Bank of Canada. The "The money month. in the The Bank of Canada says gc'tling ver> same serial number." Humber was made raised at advises us on svhich rooms can be within a span of a couple of days." said Gary Jeynes. director of public fifties or picture of the campus." college." cent of "Tsvo of the Campus campus security Academic Council last at Lakeshore Campus operates 24-hours a day. seven days a week. But heightened patrols have .some age olV our deposit through Ihc month has forced a campus-svide ban on all $50 and $100 bills. "Betsveen $500 and $600 svorth of counterfeit $50 bills were used at Lakeshore new cam- note continues to be the most coun- run of counterfeit bills taken through Caps and Food Services at longer accepting $50 responsible for comes safety were [lumber's not It's because of SARS." he by Stephanie Crosby patrols Currently, security guard cover- director of public era gives security a "complete exteri- after concerns about Services. Campus no A and to in to hire. bills at llumbcr has beefed up surveillance said coming schools early to find nesv graduates Gary Jeynes. safety at Humber, said the ern recruiters are alsvays or www.toron- Leave your S50 won't be able by Sherri Wood "[Sonie[ infor- - second-year Industrial Design student, stands outside Number's Health posted telling students where to go if they show symptoms of SARS. a is the field in ing this year, Jason Carriere. a grad- ill- sign Lakeshore Campus beefs up security lheor> as well as practical aspects of - the A soon as possible. svorking fam- to be safe than sorry." mation on quarantine, Norm Galloway, Centre. " [masks] for she said. "I just think symptoms, May. in Despite current added that these clinics would paramedic first-year who would have students, 1 Mowat Chrissy their "ride the students' fault," she said. spread of said she doing well and are account the situation and not making ment time Toronto second-year a paramedic student, said she expects make up about Continued from page Adamson week." last "I'heir [teachers are] taking into for family go of Urszenyi said. their to placements all field out" hours will graduate. SARS, buys masks its of their mandators 550 all hours or not. have completed most of fears need has class have been cancelled for paramedic and nursing students whether ihe> Anna DIugosz, Resident help people of the rest period." Urszenyi said. situation." April 2. only one paramedic quarantine in is in the affected hospi- already passed the 10-day quarantine students He student diagnosed with SARS. by program coordinator. told in SARS tal, students graduating Forty-five he was because precaution placement when the rity seems to secu- to be running smoothly," Jeynes said, "We've had a good year at Lakeshore Campus." llll'kSI)A^ Al'KII No 3. 20(1.^ spitting please! HSF presents campaign deter to Ten 'spitters' at a U.S. IRAQ by Shannon Henry and roadblock troops open fired LJ.S. KoWa Darcie civilians killed on a vehitoward a U.S. road- cle speeding block near Karbala, Iraq March The Humber Students Federation (HSF) has noticed that smokers are The giving the college a bad name, and them to stop. Student smokers have been spot- are asicing ted spitting outside the college registration doors at the The was brought up by conmembers and was taken school's Health and Safety the Kermin Uhoi Multimedia students Paul Pigozzo, John Thai and Sara Mariuz say they have experienced problems with the college server since first semester. The college is seeking a resolution. Committee. "It's like the by Kermin Bhot From day one of multimedia students living >ear. in resi- access to college servers they need to do their "We are the object of many hackers, so we have built a security wall that Nancy Bryant HSF Sonia Tessaro, for and Safety Health college." coordinator good example said. and Communications Coordinator said signs have been placed around the college to generate awareness. walking up the "It's like the idiot stairs and [they] hoark of you," Tessaro said. it needs to stop." right in front "It's gross and HSF it is president Craig Wilson said difficult to the beginning of the enforce a no-spitting policy. the problem, "There's not spitting a Nazi "We want said. students to be health conscious." to solve but students are encountering the same still ditTiculties. media design and production problem is worse said the student, for stu- dents living in residence. last summer's major hacker breaches, Humber down on server access, resulting College clamped in Mark Naylor, Humber's chief storage and student information services can be accessed only physically inside the if one college is and .Among the dead were age of five, and a man who medics said would likely not survive. on "It was the most hard drive to post course descriptions, downloadable tutorials and lesson plans. She added teachers often send links to the through e-mail, but students in liv- residence receive an error page when they try to open the link. "Many of us have invested a lot of money in buying really good com- to $500 external upload their work from "I have to come over to school my drive, last students in either residences current- under construction and hook it up to the my home (to Rez] and use computer," Pigozzo it capabilities, "Having them. resort using the to lab to computers isn't a great option, it's very lime consuming." Thai said a lot of assignments the students do aren't paper based. to They send a link to the teacher and post the assignment online. and they can't plug The into at North and until late 2004. Teach English Overseas Respiratory Toronto, bringing were both latest victims their day. these FireWire hard drives and then The March not even giving us the accessibility." Hospital in "They were forcing us to buy fourth 29, SARS victim died York at Richmond Central Hill. Officials said the victim had Thai said. Dean of Media Studies William Manna said he is looking for a solu- direct contact with SARS patients one of the at Grace hospital before being tion that will benefit .students. first Scarborough Richmond Hill trans- March open said development: grammar, pronun- and writing Comprehen.sive teaching materials Teaching practicum included Listings of schools, agencies, from around the world For Mora lirfo Contact Oxford Samlnan! 416-924-3240/ I-800-2A9-67I9 in 1 20 cases Ontario and thou- sands more have been exposed to ST the bug and are quarantined. I More than 2,200 cases of SARS disease. will attempt to open the south wing of the Campus residence 2004 and the north wing ing summer. in Playboy joins war Januarv UNITED STATES the follow- American Meanwhile, the college is pushing the opening date for the Lakeshore Campus residence buildin February 2004, Davies Playboy war in girlie magazine joining the U.S.-led is by Iraq launching "Operation Pia'ymatc'" to perk up soldier moral. said. Davies said the opening dates U.S. troops will be able to e- are subject to change but added con- mail the magazine centrefolds is moving on time. tell anybody "We won't opening dates Davies until said. "If construction] we know can move we can earlier who the in." finish |thc we'll The dence new rooms with shared semi-private bathroom, ing room and per tentative date for move apartment-style resi- suite. The send back autographed spokesmen Bill Farley said playmates won't be sending any nude photos, stating the Playboy bunnies will e-mail a building will house 318 stu- dents while the Lakeshore building will accommodate 425. Allison Alexander, the manager at year because no date has been set for Humber student residence, said resi- dence operations such as food and staff services would not expand next etc headshot of themselves in a T- the residence opening. "The new rez is still under construction." Alexander said. "Nothing liv- two North kitchenette for will photos of themselves. Playboy two new residences has not yet been determined. School officials anticipate opening in early 2004. A Campus will feature single students Hoida.s the students in." and recruiters college the exact date students Detailed les.son planning SARS ple have died from the mysterious Davies courses Cla-ssroom mi>naf;enienl techniques C O N There are more than of said. struction ciation, speaking, reading 2004 have been confirmed worldwide and more than 70 peo- ESI. Teacher Training Courses TESL in Administration Services John Davies ing Skills in 70s and patients at Scarborough Grace hospital. One victim died March 31, and the second victim died the following in John Thai, a student. Acute in said. ones in the labs," said people have died from Severe the death toll to six. and then left Thai said some of the labs such as L234 and LI 59 don't have Fire Wire multimedia Two more anything that had been mer and fall 2004 for students to move into the new residence." VP of North Intensive 50-hour Mario Toronto hospital in computers, download any lessons or go back over never I claims sixth Syndrome "There'll be opportunities in sum- week they make commitments to house Lakeshore campuses Sgt. TORONTO the school computers. with SARS to puters that might be better than the rez slated to College olllcials said ly hope said again," it 16. by Angela So will not horrible thing I I've ever seen, and stu- dents were told that they would have $400 five children, said to appear under the ferred to New the road- Manzano, an Army medic. gram because teachers use them have at block. up accounts At the beginning of the year, to purchase a network all down sign of slowing just crappy and not reliable." he said. sometimes firewalls being put into place. which the troops vehicle, he doesn't see the residence as said servers are crucial to her pro- site to set might have it see being on campus. ing Paul Pigozzo, a first-year multi- information officer, said walking around," he the semester. fall Another server was provided After The HSF has put together a campaign to get smokers to stop spitting. with existing server used inside the school at Marketing problems experiencing started had a late. with GcoCities and others, which are said, Multimedia student Sara Mariuz Multimedia students also We the .server. it but the described as a threat, showed no had to create accounts on the Internet, rather than just posting as adding around the college." he course work. doesn't set a "We inside the firewall. the school dence have been unable the been too server problems leave rez students empty-handed walk- idiot up the stairs and they hoark right in front of you ." "It fired vehicle approached, Web Infantry warning shot The ing Army's 3rd U.S. Division reported they issue cerned stalT to North Campus. of the 15 passen- 31, killing 10 gers. [for the new residence] established at this point." has been shirt. Playboy also deployed "Operation Playmate" in Nov. 2001 for troops in Afghanistan. THURSDAY. Student new by Lisa Conlin experience for her. A new generation of talented artists showcased their number College works art the 2003 show and cele- at submit give Brian Henderson, for their works in opportunity to thought I'd I Mousseau a go," it won first school and art at show lauded art "This was the colour photography, media category. Humber Vice student body." the The number's second- year Public Relations students. PR Yolanta Gaworecki. a 1 student and Jurors judged display included portraits, landscapes, minia- house models and made out of wine corks. were for selected colour and white sculptures The winners main cate- five photography, black talent. media, painting and drawing. Sarah Mousseau, a film and vision student, said the contest at was she McMichael Gallery, said impressed with this year's submissions. "There's a really strong balance between mediums, a strong calibre David Dubinsky, a ner of best black and white photography, took courses and was a high throughout second time enter- his is ing a competition. saw "I (of artists)," Freyee said. Greg Holman, juo' member and Humber teacher, agrees. "We mixed media in photography school. This my tele- first-year cre- ative photography student and win- mixed photography, of talent thirty pieces from a of artwork that ture the Pat Freyee, a jury member and curator 2 last year." 1 colourful gories: breadth of that in illustrat- ing the "incredible breadth were submitted. That's eight pictures PR outside of the workforce." illustrat- ing the incredible said "One hundred Jury Day chair. up from well," was art exhibit successful in He added exhibit was successful art very contributors and jurors, was impressed by "a marathon expression of strength of the 17th annual awards ceremony, gone Academic students that he The winning art pieces of this IValk of Art. ..Leave Your Prints Behind show were announced "It's President Richard Hook told an audience of artists, year's put together by and painting drawing, respectively. who said, for her piece in the mixed brated their achievements. at Holman Very entries. "We've got said. strong tal- Humber]." ent (at Holman's advice to future conwas to submit as many pieces the opportunity and tried luck," he said. had very strong balanced, really a nice cross section," Courtesy/Sarah Mou.s.seau Participants the U.S. Other contest winners include Kyle Tryhorn, Amy Koudelka and you as win can "because opportunity to high." is be prepared for a strike. "We're going to have negotiate a some which may provincial strike," Ontario's college teachers arc set to to new contract with the government and are prelough bargaining process for a have their demands to tough bargaining, lead us to the brink of a Wall said. "And faculty have be ready very to vote for a strike to pur- sue our demands in this round." met. from Representatives for be ready the Wall said that these process and Hook government bargaining team on March 31 to exchange issues such as workload and staffing, which are high on the priority list for will demands. faculty across the province. union president Maureen Wall said while its early to predict will go. faculty how still too the negotiations and students need to "This round we're some underlying problems." tackle she said. Despite signs of a tough union VP Humber stance. DATE "It's in 7:30 p.m. integral factor in this • Fire Wednesday, June 18 inevitable," is he the scale. 2:00 p.m. tion But properly. over the phone, if we're talking can I the interrupt (North I With some faculty having several hundred students in their program. student and ask for clarification." Humber coordinator to ask instructors say the best for help is way not through e-mail. Paul Piepcr. in.structor and pro- gram Humber's Management and coordinator Business for commu- Marketing program, prefers nication "I person. in discourage hard asking time from students mailing me bcpause too clear, questions," said Pieper, e- many have a succinct who teaches multiple classes with up to 50 stu- dents program coordinator for the college's second largest program, he prefer talking to students, or even voice mails, because it make things easy to clarify." he said. "In an e-mail, if I being asked, don't understand what's I program the Business program, finds e- increase will way of communicating. School of Media Studies (North & Lakeshore) hursday, June 19 7:30 p.m. The Business School (North increase in "The would said. So I Friday. June 20 2:00 p.m. is e-mail, when allows me the question strikes. to respond to questions School of Health Sciences • Early Childhood Education (Day & Evening) to tors probably more do so. "Sometimes Management it's I can't make olTice Vu. a Business student. "Mosi instruc- do prefer face interaction but sometimes to Advanced Studies in Special & Evening) • Community Integration Co-operative play a to • Funeral Service Education the negotiations this • Practical Nursing (Day in class size, a problem that the face that's not Friday June 20 7:30 p.m. double & Evening) a Emergency Telecommunications • Nursing classes are getting very. • Occupational Therapist Assistant full." Wall said. • Paramedic • Personal Attendant/Support Worker • Pharmacy Technician • Physiotherapist Assistant/Technician Wall added the faculty union in School of Health Sciences • Clinical Research • teachers." I say they e-mail because instructors convenient - Education expected better position coinciding with the expiration Saturday October 25 1 :00 p.m. Ifyou wish to attend the June scheduled for April always possible." can't answer the ques- etc. 7. School of Creative and Performing Arts of Fhe current agreements for both academic and support staff will expire Aug. 31. Fhe next bargaining session between the liicultN union and the is • All other Health Sciences (Part-'fime) during these their contracts. province • Post-Diploma Nursing is negotiations with the double cohort students Lakeshore) Needs (Day "Where we used to have classes of 25. now 35 is more the standard, and this is cau.sing a lot of stress for .students and It get at 3 a.m." Some & • E.C.E. colleges probably be compounded by "Our very I'm not lied down to returning calls or making connections," furner said. "Sometimes I'll get e-mails sent at 3 a.m. because that's (Lakeshore) 2:00 p.m. cohort. mail to be an extremely convenient "With in & Tourism Sciences year is stalT workload due to the Furner, for hours," said Sarah oversees 700 students. "I Laurie Administration their in each. .As But major role issue & & hursday. June 19 give out more money than Another Services & Continuing Education School of Ho.spitality, Recreation they're getting in." by Melissa Lim & Community a salary won't be an imagine the only sticking point the fact that the & and Emergency Services Liberal Arts I only debate can't SCHOOL/DIVISION School of Information lechnology Corporate round of nego- would expect an 28. School of Applied Technology tiations. is on March 27 and (Lakeshore) we have," added that while it in the Department of Accounting Studies is that spirit that debate will take place, "I dents' centre TIME Tuesday June 17 be pleased with the outcome of salary not be best to contact teachers way said. college Convocation said he's faculty strike that only to participate in All of the pieces submitted this that next round of negotiations." the of may E-mail said atmosphere and the its the year were put on display in the stu- incredibly fortunate of faculty Hook really trying to is in competition. be held in the United States. very hopeful that our faculty I'm faculty both with include a salary increase and tougher Humber will School of Social "Humber province's faculty union met with the provincial Show, which unlikely. quality demands that a Humber was Canada invited College in The League of Innovation's Annual International Art compete to the only Canadian college invited. 200i bargaining the about optimistic Humber Holman and Freyee Academic Richard Hook to show will go on this year's art This year's batch of artists will go on to represent contract talks with province by Catherine Gerow in Humber was testants College teachers to begin pared Al'KII. 3. 2()(« 2003 Convocation you can apply by: C.H.RI.S.: 416.798.1034 Telephone: 416.675J;000 Online (Website) http://convocatk) MAlL/lN PERSON: Submit appUcation to the Customer Service and Registration Centre THURSDAY. APRIL 3. 2()(B Tories promise more money education for by Andrew Hetram the Tories' campaign promises at the annual heritage fundraiser early With Queen's Park gearing up for an election this year, students are get- from can- ting an earful of promises didate hopefuls. using Ontario to persuade voters that Sherri Joe Flaherty stands beside a donated his collection of 300 portrait of himself created by portraits of Toronto famous comedians Wood Ron Kasman who artist to the college. Many of the past century's funniest at Humber College as part of Toronto artist Ron Kasman's donated collec- Kasman donated the Face of Comedy series of 300 portraits last week to the Humber School of Comedy to keep the collection together. set," "And Humber audience who appre- said. comedy." The ing. of Charlie Chaplin. Gilda portraits Radner and Lucille Ball. Kasman he tried to portray the true character of the comedian in each piece said using different ink, collage mediums such it. thanked the the more "For Keaton here they are, back Sherri called stoneface' him a woodcut because wood was a because he never smiled, so I did Wood Ron Kasman donated for the Humber collection to School The was created 1991 for combined haven't done much spending Harris fund in in funding appren- train propossaid. She said NDP Ontario's at the White al," the will cut Comedy of to accept col- number of we better prepared to face will be these chal- the ing grants at colleges was announced Awards for Graduates of Ontario Colleges of think (the collection] art Jake said Comedy is Premier's "Colleges student. "We like growth of "nearly every industry and this this to the us lets explore art related production." Eves said. field." Ontario Liberal See page 14 for Kasman feature Humber ahead in wants is currently to by reduce post10 per cent post-secondary education for students," White said. First-year accounting student Sean Aloysius claims education is not a high priority for the Tories. have a feeling [McGuinty] will follow through with election promises for education. Aloysius said. "Ernie Eves and Mike Harris combined haven't done Dallon leader McGuinty, whose party these portraits." in province - from forestry to film NDP immediately and eventually provide "1 have supported the to explore all kinds of art. School of "I'he secondary tuition Applied Arts and Technology. Labow, Humber fund their changes to education. free Another $73.4 million for operat- attended increase taxes at the highest bracket to students entering our the collection. of heroes," "Our [student] comedians want to become the people in funding to private universities and lenges head-on," Eves said. Kertes said. Several students of the for that facilities realistic, same pot of money on every education." upgrad- are being at this year's of Humber's our hall But NDP spokesman Sheila White said the Liberals haven't shown where they're going to get the monev for their programs. "Ernie Eves and Mike apprenticeship programs, the series. is dents from poor backgrounds. the reception and were impressed with School of Creative and Performing "This of list for stu- Liberals the his order to keep of 300 portraits together. rebelled "And now he was very glad McGuinty "s promises arc Kiiiion wavers lion dollars to the lege training facilities and doubling his collection school!" in students. Also on don't community colleges "By expanding community of including said. Kertes, dean Joe Arts, said they 'old Guttman school," two years and tuition fees for at least guaranteeing a spot for double cohort I great." make each one fit the Kasman instance, everything, against election Liberal's calling for a freeze on "We tices programs, artists improve is believe ing would "enhance of these Ontario I'he February. Fund. the school's individuality." "Many be cuts. Eves gave $10 mil- will publicly it will billion in tax me." interest- artistic director artist at coming the I'urther Enhancement "I as oil, and airbrush. "I tried to as look at comedy number's [comedian's personality]," Buster I Allan Guttman, period of four years, and includes said. The more will that portrait," more is added. "In Apprenticeship Flaherty said. "I'm so used to seeing donation, saying was created over a series event made Flaherty. caricatures, but this and northern rural Ontario's education system." like it!" Kasman small, weeks, more announcements member and SCTV faculty "I'm happy about the didn't want to break up the College has an ciate Humber premier the schools, the press release given out The newest addition to the collection was unveiled at I'he Face of Comedy reception on March 26 at Lakeshore Campus, in honour of alumnus Joe tion. "1 support In famous people can now be seen when March, look." still re- to pas for all McGuinty asked. Ihcs're already four billion behind platform In the low are the) going I'm promising zero tax cuts. the prudent is announced support to the tune of $149 million in new funding to help donates collection to Humber School of Comedy Wood party choice. Artist by Sherri PC electing the is Premier of position as his "I these programs?" "They're promising $4 Conservative leader l>nie Lves last month. tion. much What's the point in for educa- voting if they don't follow-up on their promis- the latest polls, criticized Toronto police cancel Block Parents program by Chris MacKinnon program with Police said the end of the program police. "For five years we've been warn- Block Parents, the volunteer child safety program, ended a 30-year run in Toronto on March 23, when ing the Toronto police cancelled the program She said only three people showed up at community meetings due to a lack of public support. "It's a local end of an the Elizabeth era," said Hawley of Crime Concern, group that tried to revive the program was Hawley n't said. held across the city. No new volun- could be found to manage the program after Crime Concern Toronto ally at least of &^ O ^Q 7 ^ the week. MONDAY one adult at was home started Block Parent as a usu- during height of its popularity in the 1970s, said. with double income families," said Parent signs in their Rob Police's Radbourn Community of Toronto Policing Support department. Volunteers quit. in day of the WEDNESDAY Mac' McChicken* By red and white Block home windows. the time police pulled the plug. only about 600 Block Parents kids against 3 Cheeseburgers larity er become a better Radbourn kids safe, also noted that the popu- of Neighborhood Watch, anoth- crime prevention program, is FRIDAY Filet-O-Fish* ^ on the rise. I'his year would have marked the loronto. m weelc. MpPLUS TAX Big make 30ih anniversary of the program Street-proofing THURSDAY to Hawley dis- remained. London, Ontario TUESDAY in thousands of Toronto volunteers the potential danger has way played Sgt. pilot pro- 1968. At the gram 35 years ago a sign of the times. the day. That's not the case any more Playing your favourites, every McDealsevery day is "Thirty years ago there in dire straits," "The support just wasthere anymore." teers in in ^jftff-' • FOR THE ATTENTION OF ALL HUMBER STUDENTS Notice of Election for the Student Representative to the Board of Governors of Number College An be held on Wednesday, April 9 and Thursday, April on the Board of Governors of Number College. The term of office for August 31 2004. There are two candidates for this position: Election will 10, 2003 for the position of Student Governor this position is September , Burrows Usman Ghani Tyler Please note the following timelines Wednesday, April 2 for this Election: 1, 2003 through IIIIKSDAV. APRILS. :()()3 Editorial Humber America the Et Cetera Staff SARS strong - nothing WARMOf/GfR Peter Criscione but a nasty bully Managing Editor Kyle what Stanley Kubrick depicted in Full Melal Jackei, his film about the Vietnam war. The first half of the fiick focuses on weeding the good soldiers from This war is surprisingly similar to The scene the bad in preparation for combat. especially when Mamoch Copy Editor Mowat Chrissy and green, tense, sick is the drill sergeant goes over the edge. In his Hoidas Joel Editor in Chief Photo Editor meanness he pushes just enough to get himself shot and killed. may seem extreme It of way the United to say, but in a behaviour, could be cast as the bully its States, because Kim Clark already drill .sergeant. It is News Editor wounded. Since the start of the U.S. ment, and especially lies. - War on led blood-thirsty its They have namecalled and pointed failed to support Bush's decision to New The Iraq, the American govern- media mongrels, have been UN and storm Opinion Editor who fingers at those countries defy the Christine Atkinson bul- Iraq. Aaron Olegario York Post hosted a front page with a photo of French leader Jacques Chirac and Editorial Cartoonist Germany's Gerhard Schrocder shaking hands and smiling under the headline: "Axis of Weasel: Germany and Wimp France Anna Rozbicka out on Iraq." Sush a display can't even be attributed tight deadline. It all comes down a disgruntled editor with a to Arts Editor opinion and the to respect for the decisions of other independent countries, but bullies generally don't Julet Alien have much respect or consideration for others. This includes the whole Freedom Fries which made no sense. bit Yasna Markovic There are worse diseases Life Editors (Bullies.generally aren't all that bright either) But thankfully, Canada continues to stand up to the bullying and isn't going to dive into combat with those who have Kyle labelled us as Letter to the Editor "traitors." And someone inadvertant, should point out to the United States some Canadian there are at least 31 soldiers are Canadian troops the frontline. although Right now, Bill government could not reveal Canadian soldiers are involved Dear whereabouts of our soldiers. Since exchange programs in Oklahoma's Editor: Jiilian Canadian military personnel are have been reading the issues of El Cetera online for several months. The 1 reason 1 read the online issue lege's North Campus and is my because daughter is a student lives at the college's residence. at the col- The Hi Cetera gives Desert Rats," the 32 the 7th into the journalism danger Second Lt. Angle Little, terribly close graduated from military college The 23-year-old Nova Scotian is stationed with "The Armoured Engineer Regiment which is a part of Armoured Brigade deep in Iraq. Lt. Little sits nested in a tank than a year ago. in Basra with about half a dozen other Canadians But we will not rub this loudly about we how hard we in America's are will point out that bullying working gram we trumpet will will imitate art, like Kubrick's, in a perfectly eerie at program, but chose Terri Mohawk College my decision. instead, attend the Communiciation Arts pro- to where I majored in print journalism. I do Amott Tina Ivany Editorial Advisors not regret to help resolve this conflict. But does not work and that sometimes Distribution Assistant I in action. Nor face. Ryan Lamey I less Ness Online Editor me some insight into what the issues are at lumber College and has provided me with some information on events occurring on campus. What really piques my interest, however, is the reporting and writing skills of the journalism students at Humber College. Many years ago was accepted to Miles Wienecke the in 552nd Air Control Wing, some of whom are currently serving in Iraq, no saying exactly how many Canadians there are in action. thing's for sure, Christina Sports Editors that there's One Amy Etc. lost online on military exchange duty. Graham confessed last week that "technical" roles in the War on Iraq and said Foreign Affairs Minister Canadians are playing on the in Iraq that, Mamoch Cash and Gizmos Editor Why life did the online version of El Cetera stop at Why January 30, 2003? are Lara King the writing styles of the contributors so similar? Creative Advisor way. Sincerely. Nancy Larin Aileen Power Advertising Co-ordinator Beware of U.S. television From the ED: At pation of the networks: spineless journalists running America's war coverage the end of January, the college switched our servers have hod problems since then. We have As for site liept and Me our hank of news stories in antici- going up within the next week the familiar writing styles - I Will Dix Steve Vanloffeld encourage you to pick up The Star or of writing vary from the Life to Arts to News sections, but the writing within each section remains similar, which is what you might be notic- the Globe. Styles ing Thank you for your attention and taking the time to write. Our web address for the online Et Cetera is Advertising Sales The Humber Et Cetera is a of the Humber College School of Media publication Studies: the war. exchange In the most televised global con- history, the flict in war on Iraq is by American-led far the most acces- sible. media discretion, to gel real and and fast. OF Dubya is running a public relations game and journalists are jumping all nalism been as important as while we wrap up week two now of over fill entire days of on news coverage when the only information being relea.sed it. Despite anchors turning in their conservative looking threads in and is and un-excluslve. will jump on forces seven-year old boy crashed his bike into a garage, and every showed up to report on the incident, the essential W's of who. what. when, where and why would be the same. But when it comes to political, military or more heavy-handed cov5 anything. Ihe control stems from the Gods - the administrative and governmental If a daily newspaper Journalists are over-paid gossips exercise a heightened .sense of Never before has responsible jour- must be hard to full trite Or is it? The public needs by Tamara Holmes it for bright spring colours, - above. They that control erage, the nation's dailies act only as a ha/y crystal ball speculating what what the media know and therefore could, would and should be happen- what the public know. ing. this If it weren't way. there would be no such thing as investigative reporting. etc! Cont'd on page 9 205 Humber College Etobicoke, Blvd., M9W 5L9 ON, Phone:(416)675-6622 ext. 4514 Please direct advertising all inquiries (416)67.5-6622 Comments and to: ext. letters be sent 4513 should to: them off at the front desk of the newsroom located atL231. or drop j rilURSI)AY.AI'RII.3. 2003 The road curved to Utopia Tips to become us into speed addicts a U.S. President been nearly 10 hours since It's on my have arrow over your head and "Ml!' relieved to be almost big block letters. But sured just by seeing you looking papers. the time. when Ihink grow up I want I to be may seem This doers were underestimated. But unrealistic, but I've done some research need to ivnow and what into pretty it's all Maybe straight forward. surely they can't be right. I if you're you should read this as well. safe is of Defence to call these critics "a it's mortems. Worried you're not smart enough? There's no need The your Secretary thing to do that to get to be, It's a the issue, but Another who can come up phrases such as, "No it tip early to write little it hardly addresses sounds so ... deep. on handling the critics: with great you're not running a democratic smoke "em out. hunt "em down..." And if you decide you want speeches, that's line too. You can "Families example. say. for make any doesn't OK. actually a is bomb is being president. rorist You get that you'll be sur- most bomb to a country that you say is linked to the A! rounded b> the in world. When Qaeda group and is making weapons of mass destruction the a country pisses oil. wa\ to a good you show them your dis- pleasure to is have one of your intelligent friends. ma\he the chairman of the committee to change freedom menu. Americans fries and begin to take a stand and get rid of any French wine they may have in their house. Now. the fact that French fries didn't originate from France that pouring wine probably down isn't really France's economy, Another of you and and the drain hurting irrelevant. Try to get pictures tip: all is your smart friends to go oval olTice with move because we if all is a smart know you you wear glasses) and shuining through paper. Sure, may Just polite passive person it. quickly be doodles of you am, I with just enough force to 1 did I time it up my I double- it where to stand, where to needs proof where how instilled in us since birth, And clue where Cont'd frontpage 8 Tactical information of out of date." men- it's applies to uhere newer, a world all. It's faster, of choice and We sleeker gadgets have access to an unlimited variety of stimulation at a split sec- ond's desire a world where in these "toys" are meant to all have we will continue to find newer, faster, quicker gelling our da> s done so ways of that we can then relax. of make our Like the junkie with a needle in away from when we only it's hit rock bottom and unplug from the speed, that it becomes clear that our attempts to create a Utopia have instead resulted in creating a prison. is being here's need After mentioning helping Always have to be per- congress dollars over the National Geographic have publicly dropped renowned veteran reporter Peter Amett after he gave a 15-minute feel he was betraying any loyalties view. never (hopefully) have money you can become president inter- wonder what I NBC would do nity to interview an Iraqi reporter? I should think that standards would not interfere with an "exclusive" such as that, often equates to filing a story in a dilTerent time zone. When reporters set out to cover global confiict Fisk said, they often get off the plane, check into their public needs to get NBC without even having the majority that of America vote for you. age organization" is the "best news cover- in the world and then called himself stupid before etc. file From there, photos to accompafor their story. and exercise a heightened sense of media discretion, and normal behaviour of media fast. know Whether Fisk real is detailing the mem- bers or just adding to his quest for responsible media coverage, that we joumalists are out on the job, trying to safely bring the best coverage they can from The cial it's all about the spe- perspective interviews. Controversial veteran British reporter Robert Fisk, primarily for who writes The Independent Iraq. public needs to hear every side to every story and needs to To constant news coverage organizatfons, as far as saying for briefings. ny Embassy-released data The forced to publicly apologize and He even went once hotel and head directly to the U.S. no? The following Monday mornNBC's Today, Amett was understanding. how "foreign assignment" to a journalist ing on did nothing short of grovel for The in rant." Embassy Including the Gulf War, and me Toronto Star, told they gather by giving the impromptu a second term, London but can be seen Amett defends that he has covered 40 years worth of global con- HIV/AIDS. Don't worr> about not him the interview to Iraqi television. next five years to help fight actually doing this right away. Five told White House called him "igno- should they have a similar opportu- NBC, MSNBC and how you Gotta love democracv! a computer, Today host Matt Lauer was asked his views by Iraqi repoilers. Amett says he didn't Hell, life death, home, and Africa .seems may How where the ".second you buy eaten up by the buying public. released, thus being deliberately the lack to worr>' about giving the we are come that our culture's drug to and controlled. in for is We the high. become slaves to sit Union You may is faster, a differ- his arm, only an inch m> and a long lime. ent world today" slogans. talitv to "it's with- scariest thing about our down from heard the all me plans. are released everv year and are some we simply have no set And I slow, others are personal preference. and might miss the coming subway and throw off my weekend lator sign, how the failing econo- to ask the me of all: giving your really might have some- I in front training ourselves to never make flict. is What happened The Some of them have fun. have been to act. go. change fool gets Without the velvet out the "stand right, walk left" esca- to the Utopian lifetyle that our parents dreamed of? We've fast to might have to wait 10 sec- back another 30 seconds. its annoyed me remind you hou I speed addicted world Fvcryone has a dilTerent set of walk around with in rules optimize our to hasn't lived up to damn much? hey are there to to need the signs, on how one cut about someone not I free- us. We've come roped line-ups, or the right? that all this ultimate convenience billing. I left never seem to speed has supposedly directing us this culture of street, the revela- a diversion from what's going on at years that for a twenty. turn the final Why me. dom We enjoy onds while some do get so annoyed with something so small? Why should care if someone was tion hits down and sign ... I an escalator. slow brought it of the escalator the rest Who for, say, 15 billion point to our society's him let Satisfied with myself, how move on about Promise I from the main- ride we time. Without the "exact change" was annoyed. speak, .some poor countries. fect. beliefs vary and speed. rules that they providing an\ You don't it. for order. the most gentle of ways, but proof whatsoever. into detail about so you these is address mention plan on fixing human need being the our society run smoothl). These When Maybe you in the Of course, tion without actu- State of the even be voted must be smart group and information of published across the country. your glasses on (which past. obeying the rules ter- the most helpful the fun part. on the will hear this my way so Now. fries to Yorker and shoved Qaeda health care. House operations, New their heads. responsible for French My I pulled a linked to This might be : desire for eternal obedi- stream. What was a your word? needs proof when we have your word? high-speed connections that don't even have enough patience to its addiction to elTiciency. convenience did the unthinkable. ultra-fast cell Fgo and Canadian I environment with our Freudians would point to the Super- point to the it in phones, pagers, palm pilots and was my U hour day. or may be it was just too much cofl'ee, but as a standing to the when we have without actually providing any proof whatsoever. Who culture need ence of rules. Conservatives would most Maybe making weapons of mass destrucally intelligent people you why does our I country that you say Another Bui up are so caught our "faster, faster" speed-obsessed these rules to live out our lives? in the we Instead walk right, irritated voice possible. know what's best. the Al is that party. came from. tliev all one big Cireek grape eating just by Ben Rycroft decide to be really bold corner onto of the bonuses of bonus you thought that one up), the sweet deal. You get to That's one I who Being president ask myself I is that'.' and head home. As that this to. tell hard awe" campaign, (another great catch phrase. Must applaud the one know sense, but that's doesn't have It them port the war. but as president, hope, where wings take dream." Now. some may claim let majority of Americans did not sup- where our nation finds is Don't How of me in "Don't people know and say. "excuse me" country. Just before the "shock and during your to ad lib boil. side left to become dread, so our lives would Oblivious to the dirty looks I'm in writers around evil doers, begins to the he frustration I its we have robots doing the things rush 1 early for post- little history." Again, because you'll have the best speech the escalator. to to the Utopi- By now we were supposed of.' someone standing on up lived an lifestyle that our parents dreamed can I the sin of all sins, is, it sending, "second guessers" and maybe add becoming president interested in and there left." so my get to the escalator in I The sign says "stand some critics overseas ma> claim that mas be, (Just possibly) the evil the I'resident of the United Stales. home of ultimate this culture What happened billing. evening. the rules of society?" time of war, for example, In a I down- h\ having smarty pants' around fall all at should warn, though, that I there appears to be a slight my start rca.s- However, convenience hasn't halls, • don't worry. People will feel by Miriam Osborne TIC walking through the in lives easier. 1 just gotten olTniy last. I'm and your family, complete with an written got I bus of the day and first in take the speculative news coverage with a grain of When "exclusive," there is it salt. often more room reporting. it means says that for error in llirRSDAY.AI'RIl.1.20(13 & Gizmos Cash Profs may have a problem with students using the Web to cheat "It A new software called gives teachers a new way to ensure that the papers their students are handing in are not lifted from the Internet easy is Cheating alive is and well but it's not epidemic caused by the Web that tiie some believe. Some universities software have purchased called to shut them down. I'm sure naive, I I may be ma\' be ignorant, but from where sit it (cheating) is not an enormous problem." Baird said. Ausra Karka, a Communications teacher at Humber. shares the I semester," Karka language and the copied material to benefit them sounds students. They Karka said. Baird believes there are two dif- teaches ferent types who those who - cheat are dishonest of mistaken solutions those who of students or to their stress, are deliberately dishonest. com- "The monest cases are to when students is Baird it it to buy essays, why do can get it that when you on Google?" Baird for free said. agree that "I who this small a it's percentage sludenls ol cheat actually and useful. "It \sant to it caters believe and most their education." However is as easy to track down Internet copycats as is to find the information. The Internet puts a new slant on a problem but also has a new slant on the solution. "You don't need the tumitin program to do it. Google is terrific. Most students don't want to spend mone> over- are edu- from said. of are verv respectful catch cheaters, but not all ESL But most correct. students are very honest and fabulous said. communication courses and English as a Second Language students. Karka said a few ESL students have plagarized whole Karka The great majority of stu- students. dents are honest their teachers," by Laura Youmans cheating detect to because they are unfamiliar with the they are that usually is inse- attracting cure in their more atten- abilities." then tion Karka said. it deserves." P r o fe s s o John "Students r Baird, -^ Associate its don't English dence at U ofT said. "I don't like to use titrnitin because it sends students it The Baird said growing attention and college level The due date night before partly because is tumitin was an essay '70s there in nothing new. Back is in cheating that means by Angela Homister and Ambarish Maharaj morning the paper, through the news section. inevitably find rally -, You will numerous crime sto- but it is I cry of the hardened shoplifter in - "Everyone maybe even the guy you just And this points to Murder stories? Sure, right on the Armed robbery? Still caught those two guys. Gang employee According page. haven't related violence? working on Hey, the cops are the language. determined after consideration of But how about shoplifting? Er, didn't see anything. There was some- sive employee to in 1999. know just how ficult about that shooting? resented moming paper is nals that are getting their due probably the that's Maybe it's way because - and it. shoplining is lawyer does it really hurt if you pocket a candy bar on your way out of the thefl And don't forget that well-known is it large a slice up nicely. "I employee is and of itself because of the breach of trust involved," he says. Beyond that. Pain says people all, it's Penalties for shoplifit- A tiny frac- somevery very few turnitin neat scheme, range from a discharge to serving a jail ing because managers and staff are often well. unwilling to discuss them. tems may prevent They are generally reluctant to measures discuss disciplinary for this (offender's] sentence same theft are sub- essential penalties as which "range from It's is caught with internal security. difficult to gain insight into secu- etc. some at Magcn Security and EAS system works by triggering an alarm to alert stalT Systems, says the or when such as an article removed from the tag is of the store, removed from that item. fired. have a for of money lot Why them?" Duncan the I way Of course, operandi to to build trust always modus realistic According for to Pain, these stores have "internal security personnel - both uniformed and plain clothes." kinds of theft. [employee Oded to prevent all account for theft] says, citing a all shoplifting," much larger fig- ure than the Retail Council's figure. He such a tight knit isn't "According to industry publications, 60 to 70 per cent of says. best is to should with employees. many of most employee Automation is tence." that by used are Olin Oded. a manager Home clothing, it Surveillance businesses too. two decades. All of employees who were caught were in the past larger businesses. adds (EAS) systems theft. internal Article item, a discharge to serving a jail sen- Pain has Electronic when an Duncan says who commit employee Aja.x, play as into While cameras and alarm sys- dozen avoid employee theft theft is the buy ject to the in dealt with internal theft half a spend on [inventory]. this not ignored by the courts. Al Duncan, owner of a small 'I don't sentence. Technology comes measures by larger chain stores rity times other shoplifters, of the dimension of employee disloyalty inherent in sort of theft? According to Pain, "The at the right source. independent pet shop have no how much [employee] goes unnoticed. After And what students need." Baird said. advice an aggravating fact in actually rep- unnoticed," Pain says. is store? sums estimate of seen as a victimless crime. often fact that the is by employee thefl. Tushar K. Pain, a Toronto based any they like The shoplifting per cent of annual stock of the shoplifiing pie if the theft rep- However, the elunature of the crime makes it dif- shrinkage thing like one per cent, feel talk. Security Report, 1 "The tion of the population cheats, workload and to the Retail Council doesn't count. But hey, did you read So, tempting than programs have a everyone is stampeding for the new technology, but no one is looking to see if its really what the the under pressure and do not seek theft. thing about a car thefl, although that indication, shopliflers aren't crimi- all the facts, both aggravating and miti- of Canada's 2000 Canadian Retail resented 3 it. them with whelmed by employees caught shoplifting. The owners of smaller stores sometimes prove more willing to traded shifts with. ing, because depend on secondary' sources to help gating. it." words, Internet, but students are very unsure of their writing skills and often one of the majorelements of shoplift- front more the scourge of the shop owner That's right, "'everyone." In other skim chunks olT the ESL defense of their crime ries. Who increased would say we get about one or two cases a does up not rampant problem. not a Shoplifting Pick has "Yes, cheating does the here service Toronto. There were legal is because of the before. because of the Internet. e.xist. "This it cheating insist that increased Internet but is programs like not has given to cheating from the Internet it and their in their ideas Both sources from university says, wrong message." and they that ability to write well." don't trust you' and the not do it. they Just have enough confi- can't Chair of the department lack confidence. the says a number of factors are taken into consideration when deter- mining the numbers, but he feels that the figures he cites are accurate. If that's the case, then it's a small wonder businesses are investing in EAS systems and other ways of fighting employee theft. IIIIKSDAV. AI'KII.3. 2003 Economics 11 partly responsible for 'boonnerang kids' by Kerry- Ann Taylor away After having been home. at school for four years, the 27-year-old may be one the major rea- lived sons "boomerang kids" - adult chil- year. Finances who dren home - choice. num- 2001 I'he Statistics found vey Canadians aged 20 Trucks accidents may get a lot with Dietsche. Peter number with resulting pass, provoked tractor-trailers fhe because they do not realize they are caught in the middle of the turning truck's path. scattered about the road and a heap Trucking Association to recruit 10 of its finest drivers to lead a special information project. These of metal arc drivers with "l-verNone has to learn to co-operate stop at the side of the 401. Shards of glass and personal belongings are the middle of a west- lies in Ontario 1998 class driving first bound lane, now on fire and mangled far beyond recognition. records and numerous awards and commendations. I'heir mission is to This twisted piece of machinery was once a car. Behind the wreckage, aid in a crusade across Ontario to a tractor-trailer over-turned. is It's teach tions drivers about safety precau- when they drive around trans- road Anderson safety." and had this to say, "I see all young guys out there in their recently these sports cars trying to several lanes of traffic, spilling "The Road Knights program is an program geared says Stephen the public," to girlfriends the oncoming its lanes. Both directions on the 401 are nowclosed because a tractor-trailer is involved industry awareness like or not, it they have to share the roads with these monsters. more trucks highways are as days go by. using Toronto's major source of travel. as a Over And Mary phone the Lynn Villeneuve. an Ontario truck driver who owns a trucking business with her husband Richard, expresses her car "Of course... roads more our in every General Motors for instance, to in have eliminated most of their ware- their clients on the same day instead of storing for a it many more few days. This puts trucks on the road," she The tension in her voice betrays the fact this is a very heated issue to can't stop car can. If is that I "What the media fails to realize is have breaks buddy your to little a goner." is I have was to buddy, your little car The Road Knights teach drivers prevent accidents with trac- such as how to stay clear is backing up. Tractor- 200 pounds. In most cases, it's not the driver of the truck who is at fault. Although a truck driver might thoroughly examine his rig before setting out on the road, he or she can't detect all mechanical errors that might occur. "If more people would pay closer attention to trucks them as treating actual them on the road, maybe we wouldn't have accidents that the media are very large, there at the best to leave as a fairly much room chance Villeneuve, Either to cover," way you look at it, tractor- ways. With groups like the Ontario per cent accidents tance. Drivers often Trucking More involving cars. drivers need to be educated on the rules of the road involving truck safety so that we can avoid these accidents before they even happen," possible fail to see the briefly to Association's the road will have a chance to be allow more room for a educated on how to safely share a large tum. cars will try to speed up to have know. to let her not a curfew or anything, it's I come It's just so that she doesn't worry-." Although for the most liv- the part, been a smooth one. he the B.C. Council children return for Families said home for many rea- sons. "It could be economically related, overwhelming student loans... socially related, the break-up job loss, health issue," For old Malowaniec Luxmen student Osgoode back home after own was "partly "Law would to live his first year at five years for move is on his expensive and on my own even with and go to school OSAP and work- ing a part-time job," Aloysius said. Finances also played a part Angela Forth's decision to in return I from my to worry had about myself," Aloysius said. Wendy Angela's mother said her relationship with Forth Angela has changed. first time that she came back after university as I it was very hard expected her to still tell me where she was going and what she was doing." Wendy Forth "My before 1 not have been financially able full-time distance only money reasons for familial obligations." school independence, family. ..and "The Aloysius, a 24-year- in I I said. Hall, the decision to and partly a ..or still was role that am I that house, my had in my mind the should follow was that the mother, "Now I said. with Angela relationship you are the rules," Wendy child, I my Forth said. changed ...we have more respect for each other and she is more than just my child She is a it has grown woman." Ontario Construction Industries Inc Wc arc a mid-size millwork fal)ricalDr servicing retail iiidusUy. We arc looking for a C.A.D. Operator who is energetic and extremely organiiced lo join our learn. Must Ix; comi)elcnt in C.A.D., liavc excellent computer and liave some knowledge of woodworking. skills road with a transport. etc. We offer training for llie successful candidate. Road lane left just I if involved in the smallest Knights, hopefully every driver on passes into the home, to stay out late or not to so misses living on his.own. "The five years lived away from home, enjoyed it because it offered number of accidents on our city high- and as tractor-trailers turning signals the truck trailers are am going lot, says Richard Mary Lynn's husband. passing and maintaining a safe dis- .8 "My tends transition has these Ontario's highways. That leaves 98.2 1 than 35 home. Leah Malowaniec. a Health Promotion Content Coordinator with jumps between you and the trailer. The team also emphasizes unsafe about Aloysius treat per cent of the collisions on that trucks are only responsible for less to need- llic fatal of the driv- figure drops off sig- age 31 if ed." worry- a age 30. with be make agrees. home, and 51.72 per The to ing at as obstacles in the road, then is still also. willing mom 13 per cent of those and stop vehicles, when back- use side mirrors home deci- and promises my on the sions... some small com- financially live cent of students age 23 to 24 are at of wheels. One ing up, and although these mirrors er. It is a windshield with a force equivalent to munications for the Ontario Trucking of a truck that when wheel crashed through the woman's Association. to young women killed while traveling in her car direction, lost a set is Anderson, assistant manager of com- tor-trailers, Toronto for a transport travelling in the opposite a goner." how in along the Ontario highway on my breaks, slann able to own." of a marriage or relationship. long time. In 1995, a as fast as a large blind spot to the left her. I an ongoing problem trailers says. my are living at can't I don't realize order house space and are now directly transporting their goods via truck to that especially along the 401, have been day. cut costs within their factories, is "What these yahoos trucks are on city realize Accidents involving transports, opinion on the issue. the yahoos don't slam on on one of Toronto's busiest highways. Whether drivers by speeding up and cutme. What these ting out in front of stop as fast as a car can. If yet another fatal accident in impress their I is 30 age category nificantly after An angered truck driver appeared on Much Music's Speaker's Corner port trucks. into says. on the road." strewn along the median, blocking contents in to 2002. Almost 35 per cent of Humber students in the 25 to "All road users are partners and have been sive from expenwould not school "Lav\/ figures rctlect sur- "squeeze" a in with age group. Current taken comfortable be stu- dents pre living by veys fast rules for this, but both the child and the parents should keeps of where track Fall Issues such as sharing the roads no hard and Humber at College, said that Educating public best way to avoid deadly collisions she says. ent," said of director Research Institutional baby's car seat comes to a rolling home, both by the child and the parMalowaniec. "There are ry- Sharing our roads with trucks A "Many adjustments need to be made when an adult child returns into that catego- fell is with com- in made. tions to be an is said. plete strangers, there are considera- 29 were living This could afford," she same as moving not the of cent I a to find Although moving back home sur- from 20 years ago when only 27 per cent by Ashley Hickey to parents. their increase of attention, but trucks cause only 1.8 per cent of collisions. per 41 that Canada after a much of really was not being able It a place that bers. Ashley Hickey wasn't "It leave the nest then return are increasing in record on her own but returned Please forward your resume willi salary expectation to iuigchr@2(xi.C()ni or fax your resume to 41(>-741-89fX). mm TIILRSDAN-. AI'l<IL.v2()()3 A contact Online archive of pop culture goodies lens that deals drugs Chauhan By Sarah Ternoway said. "While eye-drops are convenient and well accepted have developed a new Scientists kind of contact lens used to deliver order tiiat drugs could be to the eye in diseases such as glau- to treat coma. Dr. Chauhan and Anuj col- leagues at the University of Florida have invented a method of encapsulating drugs in microscopic droplets called nanoparticles. These embedded in when it's made. nanoparticles can be soft contact lens When cornea the lens of the eye, drug the out of the lens get absorbed directly into the Chauhan This attractive alternative to is an eye drops, most common method of delivering drugs to the eye. "Current methods of [eye] drug delivery are highly in the drops of the drug is lost due to tear drainage." Because the drug is placed exactly where it's needed and doesn't have to travel through the bloodstream, it can start working quickly. This chance of side also reduces effects, since the only The for up drugs time. contact lenses can be to The worn lenses to manner over could also be provide vision correc- Now is lenses are still in the design stage and have not yet been tested The research was pre- sented at the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society week. that winter fans is over and the snow slowly melting away, all last the differ- ent layers of ice, dirt, lost mittens river and as a giant "Whether it's comic books or DVDs, we view ourselves as a direct undeniably appealing to the eye. The says Web user 14- Anthony Loring. "They seem to give equal representation of news from all parts of [pop culture], which is something refresh- is being taken it inefficient." bv Brian everyone." it." Though unquestionably strong in amount of content that it pro- vides, Jacks sees Slush's success as a result of the culture feel Gen-X that created it. main strength Slush's is Wilkinson E. flair that our readers will find interesting," he says. near future. Jacks hopes to In the would enable This ing for a Web Created of 2000, Slush April Factory has seen readership its comic books, to check out fea- new novels and seems video a diverse to be an impossible chal- "Not necessarily," Jacks says. "With our to Web site design we're able more adequately present range of pop culture content a wide- in a for- mat friendlier to our readers. In terms of covering content, the writ- it all to pop cul- ture slush. "! feel we have what people arc looking for." Jacks says. "And they could connect with a inuch wider audience if [others knew we lenge. new film and print personalities and the touch that turns t'llm releases, games. Maintaining such site Jacks also hopes to add ers, Several thousand visitors flock to tures dealing with site. users to take a Flash-based animation gaines. grow leaps and bounds. month its break from reading articles and play site." in the site each m for add a videogame channel to the in Jacks. something Lauren content goes, far as definitely like "I Wanderings into content," says publisher Brian is our ability to deliver content with a purest form - entertainment. "While there are more than a few pop culture Web sites, we feel we bring a measure of uniqueness to the table by incorporating a 'free spirit' atmosphere with a wide range of var- layout writer 1 "I first and well organized," 2 -year-old there's Web takes the best and worst of what the has to offer and condenses crisp, Dougherty. "As the Factory (www.slu.', that ied "Upon is well-displayed content," says year-old that first impres- it's glance. Slush Factory clean, with the online pop culture. Slush its For readers, sion that counts the most. pop culture conduit between our writers and our readers," he says. "I'm impressed by the amount of of slush. A similar approach 'net tion along with the drugs. clinically. site for two weeks, releasing the in a controlled designed Slush Factory a clean, organized garbage are becoming one the eye receives the drug. The said. new technology currently the patients, a majority contained a placed on the eye, move nanoparticles and is by people know Slush out there is is out there] only existed. Letting that our primary goal for the future." only problem comes in finding writers." $ in our artwo r the hands of every Number Student Create your most creative piece which will be featured on the cover of 14,000 student handbooks. Best cover will WJN $250 in cash. Subnfiisslons can be handed in Campus or AX1 01 Lakeshore office. Deadline for submission Is April 11 #4:(^PMv For more information email us at lhfo#hs^ Of drop by the HSF the HSF office I0C105 North Courtesy Matrix movies are one of the many topics covered on among other pop culture goodies. 7/)e ?;?i^N!i^ssv;v;';»i»i'i*i'W!i!i'i!i!t!i!i}i!i*^ Supporting 271 art groups For grant information, call 1-800-398-1141 AS SEEN BY du Maurier Arts IIICRSDAY. Al'l<ll,3. 2003 Arts makes funny faces Artist day without doing some work on those Collection of portraits donated Number to portraits," he said. While by Hayley Stephens it took him less than an hour lay in sketch to deciding which method would best capture the comic's per- Having worlced publisiier in the funnies. for almost every Canada and comic book the United States, seven Today, he has over 300 faces spans a century of comedy. in a collection that What was born acci- on a life of its own. 'T did a portrait of W.C. Fields as a classroom demonstration. I did that and seven others as dentally has taken demonstrations for my students. stop at that but eventually thought to 304," "It it won't go beyond it Kasman was I thought grew to 50, that, and then would I and then 1 it grew laughingly recalled. my consuming to do With Charlie Chaplin, stuff out because Kasman said. "An accurate of the it was important silent to leave nature of the comic, I oil painting, more obvious than it others, the admitted. artist intuitive, with the Lucille Ball is art. I rarely By long forgotten. funny, Kasman capturing what made them of them back tries to bring a part & DVD it's went a Harry Poller and the Chamber of Secrets Hard Core Logo: Hard Core Edition Movies to Phone Booth life. "You you read what they read their life stories, and they Just don't deserve did, to be forgotten," he Good The Thief Assassination Tango Cowboy Bebop To number's comedy students, the artist Le Marais behind the faces also doesn't deserve to be forgot- Kasman has donated his collection of porThe Face of Comedy, to the school. "The thing about Humber is, they've got the audience for them. The students that care about ten. CD's traits. them, they'll display them, and passion over the space did no other Video and some are of comics who are said. showing every single aspect of him, wouldn't have made any sense on Chaplin," he said. Instead, Kasman chose a heavy contrast with construction paper on marbled paper The approach to take for some comics was "Some of was with markers and coloured pencils." of Kasman 's portraits are of comics who are long dead, tact of those years. this Many what made them funny, in a few cases, particularly the Chaplin, I got it on the mark, sometimes 1 got it close, and there are a few that missed by a mile," Kasman said modestly. I years ago he began doing portraits of comedians. I 1 sonality, "I tried to capture Ron Kasman draws Love Lucy was in black and show they kept saying you crazy redhead' so had to show her hair red and the rest of her in black and white. The best way easy to explain. up... white, but on every single each comic, the challenge artistic Coming it will remain in as a visual encyclopedia, so Kasman a match." it's said. Mother Earth: Quicksilver Meat Dream David Bowie: Ziggy Stardust & The Spiders From Mars: Motion / 2SET Picture Marie Presley: To Whom May Concern Godsmack: Faceless Lisa It Things to Do: Donny Osmond is still and he's ready whip to Casino into a frenzy at April 3. He kickin' the ladies Rama on performing will be "Go Away such huge hits like "Puppy Love" Little Girl," and "Sweet and Innocent." Tickets start at $35, call 416- 870-8000. Annie Lennox turns a "Whiter Shade of Pale" on April 4, at the Toronto Centre for the Arts. new album new songs She's promoting her Dare, so look for mixed with favourites. in Tickets are $115-$ 35 call. 1 Ticketmaster If you read Jim Carrey and Woody Allen are Ron Kasman's passion. He has created over 300 of them. review of out' Everclear's Portraits like these of Bill Murray, (416)870-8000. at new album (see page 17) and can't wait to see them live, it's your lucky day sparky! They're rollin* into show on April 7 for a Students organize Feud to support Canadian artists at the town Kool Haus with The Exies. Tickets $25 in advance at are veyed answers are (remember Family Feud?). Teams play five rounds and gain points each round they win. by Nicole Gibbs In the end, The perfect escape from the constant bombardment of images of war is a night full of laughs, prizes and a game of Feud - and it helps Canadian declares victory. artists. and the host Feud, A Game Show for the Arts by comedian Joe hosted Flaherty, Humber faculty, corporate executives will pair up in teams of Canadian celebrities (CARFAC), going to be a hilarious night where teams will entertain the- audience," Morley said. Representation Lakeshore Arts and at Ontario Humber day who is also the marketing coordinator of the event. In Feud, two teams of five face oflf against each other to try to discover what the top four sur- Artist Emergency The support will Relief provides visual artists est free loans for health life." Fund vyith inter- fundraising event filled with cocktails, you're having fun and supporting great causes everyone wins," the event will be able to participate in a silent auction, expect to walk away with great prizes and from a bal- loon-bust and raffles. "You purchase a balloon, pop it and a ticket etc. Guvemment. at the Tickets are $22 in advance at Ticketmaster. Morley for a table of 10 two said. Ticket prices include: teams of five minimum, $490 not completely deathly and disgustingly sick of Avrii Lavigne (not that at and $49 $1,000 for indi- am or anyat the Canada Centre with Swollen Members. Hey! Maybe you can learn how Maybe she can to spell! Tickets are $35 in advance at Ticketmaster. Enough music, go see a play! Sweeney Todd is' a musical thriller that explores one of England's legendary crime playing at the St. at CAR- tales, Lawrence $35-75, call 416- 366-1656. . Air Centre for the Arts. Tickets are vidual tickets. For more information contact Lesley FAC Ontario at (416) 340-8850. I show thing) she's got a be a SkSter Boi! expenses. wine and beer gives guests the opportunity to play games, rub elbows with so-called famous Canadians and help raise money for a good cause. She also adds that people attending Fischerspooner com- is up on April 8 If you're jam packed with excitement and not disappoint," Stump said. "When student, have the opportuni- is Ontario, which presents the event that takes management also the event's exec- ing network with politicians and other business- CARFAC's 6:30 p.m. ing and volunteer is Proceeds raised from the event "People can expect a distraction from every- "People can expect a distraction from everyday life," said Chantal Morley, a 24-year-old fundrais- who utive chair adds, students will will place April 3, 2003 at York Event Theatre begin- ning student, "This event College's postgraduate Fundraising and Volunteer Management program management es attending the event. and student, city councillor Olivia week!) ty to which in Another great concert (whatta cates to restaurants. Jennifer Stumpf, a fundraising and volunteer Toronto Blue Jays' mas- like Ace and Diamond and Chow, to a game of feud. Artists' an event team with the most point five to challenge so-called cots Canadian is "It's the Ticketmaster. your prize inside," Morley said. Morley adds balloon-bust prizes include theatre tickets, suitcases, art supplies and gift certifilists for 15 rill'kSI)AY.AI'RII.3. 2003 Gho It's by Marisa Zucaro said. "[My work] way a is gain control over things. If given the chance, there are three comedian Margaret Cho would change about the world. "1 would cure all disease, banish all weapons of mass destruction on things sides and," she says, giggling into all the receiver, would make Anna Sui ""I confused I homophobic We feeling. shouldn't of behaviour that completely respectful of us as isn"t human " Her \oice drops starts is in real kind of involved a affin- product That's my tribe." And comedy is her calling. would "I don't know what it. [if I wasn't a comedian]. said, splashing in lii-l'ohir Soul." around " be Cho her bathtub. each other after strides is of control over what's going on." she everybody. then always people that can't get .so appealing. There script, but the trulli may she'll say next. rappers. Cho c.\at CHO show. Notorious that person." Revolution will take place Convocation Hall on Fri. April 4. Tickets are $38.50-545. 50, This lime around Cho plans to Courtesy call. Margaret Cho (416)870-8000. is bringing her stand-up Film Festival Disposable music literature create the current time. want." handful of decades because books are individual- Giacomino doesn't think acquiring music like Napster or Kazaa is "It's ly Toronto "It has Lasting legends Lee Williams in is town for the official launch of the third annual Festival. in the role of Olivia Winters on the soap The Young and the Restless. She is the founder and president of the festival which started in 2001 work of racially and diverse Canadian and to celebrate the international film To and video makers. highlight the launch there will be an Opening Night Gala Novotel Hotel in North York. There will be Adam stars at the on hand like year's festival had faces like Eriq Lasalle and Robert Townsend. industry to and build opportunity come to together improve the appeal of Canadian films. The festival started books fact that as soon as on your computer, in ritf on, you're instantly sick of it." he said. "I do have and a stuck yesterday 6. For more information or for 416-598-7933. tick- will the new Dominic Giacomino. received the acclaim at that readers said. "They have in a year, let we remain are only even think of one band." Giacomino laughed, literally scratching his head. "The music Modern-day answer to sound ever since." scene known in the Toronto electronic music DJ Dominic. Giacomino at is a 10-year vet- to Shakespeare? exist in the age of the remix." he continlet radio dials get cold before three remixes are released. Rather than try moguls to create and evolve music, industry are spreading hit songs too thin, and faith in Canadians, Look Look though. at how cians take every opportunity We're more valuing and Nyron serious we at The we musi- get to play. pride-filled about our of Chapters on Richmond Street also reads between the lines for Canadian success in Ali the future. without being to leave you feeling literature." is ever renew- no longer any new ideas in non- "The only possibilities that memoires and biographies and they're it's for a while," Ali this Giacomino said that lasting power has little to do with a band being considered mainstream. "Music has become disposable," Giacomino used to be that tabuy a record, cassette because the person changes. a new-age style of book, nothing in is ever brand new. need to blow open brand new Canada Reads nod from CBC said. "It and I won the really think it has lasting power." and William Shakespeare had new ideas. Writers need to keep them coming. There will always be people wanting to read." "It's almost cool to listen to days," Giacomini said. "Although, with music, Sum old school, so there is etc. old school vinyl busted out from your parents' collection these even Green Day or Philip Pullman as the staple will always stand," Ali said. "It all comes back to having a new idea. Back then, Charles Dickens reads at least four novels a week, also pegs ets, call that go out of style. "Shakespeare will always be recommended reading and the list of the world's greatest authors who Ali, an English major in university now Both Ali and Giacomini agree "classics" will never just "Michael Ondaatje's In the Skin of a Lion will be around every genre." said. "It to read however long-lasting, they music." eran of the industry. ued. "The industry can't even be concepts." Tragically Hip. Better to "If books are going to have a chance to be industry ran out of ideas seven or eight years ago numb a said. different Unless alone stand a truer test of have been in St. non-fiction listeners are fiction," Ali music that will never imagined possible," Ali Ali doesn't think non-fiction time. "I can't good novels you've just been reading great like location can't think of any bands that will be around for "Great books have to capture a moment way "There HMV's Queen a continue to be grabbed off the shelf. able or lasting, a self-proclaimed make pelling characters classics be? expert working the tloor in According to Ali, illustrative depictions of most interesting times paired with com- condescending and they have that our kids are destined to. What is in with the "Industry Series" and runs through to Sunday, April Few books have do with the listened to the song or these days have the power to melt to be regulated in classroom curriculum so "We Williams says she has created the atmosphere for people in the film- making out tongue. to be around history's the car, at your friend's house, in the club and so gtncrations together over a guitar and Beach and Danny Glover. The previous The Rolling Stones like more books or emerg- certain that will so great that nothing ever gets replaced." can thumb through the same grade nine English Williams can be seen culturally you've Shakespeare are a dying breed. Few bands Tonya actress ReelWorld Film the problem, though. by Tamara Holmes down hard to pin and existing authors ing through shared networks Canadian Toronto. or CD, it took more than half your allowance so you wanted to f***ing love every song on that album. Now. you can just download anything you lack of future classics. by Annasta Campbell-Clarke show to our generation be remembered for anything? Will and Id be fault. her togeth- and they just don't do anything and it's everybody else's you never is There's it er in their lives ReelWorld in blames carel.ess live per- know what Female last be one of those weird long, in boyfriends and her mother inspired a lack I'd what makes Clio's formances be a Maybe in people w ho doesn't do anything and Hearing unusual uords running her opens have such an because I'm for [them] doing people that for ing of and feeling such commu- raised in the gay said. "I I one dealing with this war and the meanit she tion. serious. is was I Like Heroin for the Cho is incredibly pensive, almost timid. When she begins to speak "The world of the Soul like there's needed atti- "I'd probably be in a menial institu- life is Soup for feel I San in liberal are reall\ smart and really troubled sive on-stage performances, again her tone but her that's really raunchy and aggres- for her -- for a it and she proclaimed "fag-hag" and self famous when the bath water stops running. "A book of retlection. Kind of like hate Chicken 1968 in credits doing too hot for F!" not what then, running a bath. She she .seems. A ity I born it's gay community. nity," books beings." guess her upbringing in a predominantly institution." war against being oppressed." she "We need to somehow rise above racial or se.\ual discrimination tolerate any kind I tudes and her passion for equality to said. or "We were Francisco, I'd says. "She's so [kissing]," she says, dis- it Cho, I mental Cho They didn't show very long time. would be doing if wasn't a comedian. probably be in a of personal a kind television show. "I love her!" appointed. know what to terous former Playboy of the Year's much of don't and lesbianism - evil Cho made out Anna Nicole Smith on the bois- beautiful. "I light district, Last Christmas, at make people acts to is few. hit laugh and learn. "My show of name a e.xhausting. shou, Clio Revoliiiiun, comedy the a.\is with fhc stand-up comedian, on tour uses her is." Her words drag slowly from her mouth like the whole of what she has to say is so large - words are heart are no laughing matter. latest it about her experience travelling bartering sex for household chores, and sociological political with her talk through Thailand's red who we're and why we're to [Americans] fighting but the causes close to her issues, to "I'm writing a book," Cho says. has a knack For poking fun serious me for feel really I fighting and what the point of clothes in plus size." Cho as time! new and kid's book writer of "And that's the 41 could be considered no keeping up. way the industry likes it." ilH;RSI)A^-.APKll,3. 2003 Comer Celebrity by Anna Rozbicka Garner and her Jennifer cutie-pic husband Scott Foley are the latest Hollywood relationOne week after being named casualty ships. in hangout, Joseph's, reports and that Spears friends sauntered and immediately in Too bad for them, one of In Touch magazine's top 10 bouncers asked them power couples they announced gies USA Today their split. the speculation dom dle. reports that Garner's is star- got too big for Foley to han- Did he even see DaredeviH back facing assault is charges Kansas in connection with an attack on his sister This inforin mation was never because his last spelled the in discovered name was police illegal and to put the cig- Spears' bodyguards retorted that she didn't have to. Well she did, and she got kicked out. Now if only she'd light up in out. :i recording studio... Corey Clark has been kicked off American Idol and surprisingly, it's not for his god-awful singing. Clark cigrettes. lit it's mis- Last year SpongeBob Square- Pants, the cartoon about sea a sponge living in the ocean, made over $750 million. The cartoon is a huge even hit with fan. He Magazine Star Lance reports that and parents kids, celebrities. Bass is a huge the purty colours. likes report. new Another contestant, Trenyce, also Shannen Doherty has a criminal past but her record She'll be hosting Scare Tactics, a would probably never be found since she doesn't even seem to have a last name. Move over, Cher. new has a half-hour series that sets up innocent people in staged situations and proceeds to scare the bejeezus out of them, reports Madonna has pulled her contro- "American Life" video versial say- gig. Shannen that herself will also be a par- ticipant, putting victims in horrify- ing she thinks her message would ing, dangerous situations. In other be misunderstood. I'm sure words, nothing to do with the when the Dixie cize George Bush, prom sales in their the on a she'll regular Speaking of the Charmed news, Dixie Hilton over her ex-husband. She claims Hilton slept with her ex and Who's again thrown at is with star, she's currently in a feud with Paris they fought outside Britney Spears them along life. Middle East skyrocket... lines just invite day of her criti- sales panties on In other night. Chicks has fact that Chicks dared dropped faster than it a nightclub. Paris Hilton you ask? She's making head- the heiress to the Hilton fortune and her a uber-hot hissy-fit Hollywood socialite. SpongeBob Bet Now Open! wamvim~^ CINEMAS WOODBINE CENTRE (Hwy 37 & Rexdale Blvd nnlin.$4.25 you fan too... l $7.S0 she's a nil'RSDAY. APRIL Comments Critic's What we read What we rented by Steven Cojocaru Fiennes plays a disturbed individual, and while he's VICTORIA you gave a crush on Ralph Fiennes and would like it intact, stay away from Red Dragon. This intense and creepy movie is the prequel of the Lambs and Hannibal, Silence Hannibal Lecter's COfiF[SilONS Of A to first telling the tale I then needs his help to solve another case. keep BECKHAM much prefer him less scary. Anthony Hopkins is fantastic yet again as Lecter and Edward Norton plays the detective that catches him and brilliant in the part, Universal Pictures If CCKX Mil SlIiVRN Red Dragon Learning to Fly by Victoria Beckham Red Carpet Diaries 2003 3. The movie to of is gory and frightening, so one that kind of thing, snatch this Just don't forays into having people for din- watch home it if you're into up. alone at night. 7tQ|® GUMOUH tON earning Hugh if Cameron you've ever wondered If Grant Diaz a jerk or is really if my as nice as she seems, this is Steven Cojocaru the is fasiiion correspondent for The Today Show, and fashion guru zine. life People maga- at This book tells the tale of his and dishes out some celebrity you take away the Gucci clothes band, you might mistake Victoria Beckham The book could use a about his childhood, and a Although gossip. his less little more lot journey is cleverly written and laugh out loud not it's why you hilarious fashion it From headed full of celebrity also writes be part of the most watched about his early some Catherine something What kind of a il up: Zcta- name pushing is 'She's going to have Mask of 1997 and the "It's have to look The studio her. that? is I think, one movie. The Zorro. and then she'll go away." Grab this the parties, the in Britain. of the celebs he encountered before Jones. life: like to days as a writer for people and were famous: famous couple hair."' is to Fly auto- McQueen one for some entertain- ing fluffy reading that will make you laugh out loud. Courtesy/Uni\ersal "Norton, could you ask the warden to drill a few more air holes in my cage? Also, see can get them to include a piece of Ray Liotta's brain in my stew tonight?" if you Through her short and spoiled tles. I and life. "[Gwyncth] was shows off her sagging name speed into family kidnapping attempts, the famous friends and tells readers what it is blunders: or other. her pretty- Beckham's Learning yodcling Heidi actress" press. British spice-girl-with-no-talent-image life, they from the Beckham has escaped boobs with black Elvira eyeliner and He I'osh life as up for Cojocaru 's descriptions that her high profile biography gives readers a glimpse wearing a Goth Alexander gown llnglish from the Spice Girls, to the constant into her pick ordinary an pick the book up. You for lady. scrutiny gossip. funny, If and the gorgeous soccer-star hus- friend, is the boot; for you. Beckham has fought many 8 Mile bat- DVD She has and continues to battle her insecurities with weight, and life With fear for her family's safety. Beckham allows in her portrayal of the trailer park trash mother who sleeps with her son's classmate and gets them evicted. One entertaining aspect of this film is the rap battles goes overboard Universal Pictures all of the rumours readers to see that 8 Mile getting circled about "Rabbit" (Eminem) that away do. her designer clothes and shows a good movie. The best thing DVD's She the real side of her. woman strips who famous, fabulously about this fiick is the one yearns for acceptance and comfort thing that got an Oscar, the like a theme song "Lose Yourself" The movie is dry and bor- 13-year-old girl entering the world of womanhood. Her imagery and her British play on words surprises readers and illustrates that Beckham's writing is not only therapeutic churning out a mediocre performance by Eminem as, well, himself and a complete- actually good. is it ing, over-the-top performance by ly Kim Basinger as his tries so hard to win. They're sharp and clever, demonstrating what good writers can Oscar nominations, one would have thought it was a I say good writers because it becomes evident in the extras that ofT-the-cufT battles aren't nearly as well done. The bit extras in the film got a chance to compete for a part in the film by improvising a battle. Sadly, they weren't all that good, and "preserve his voice" or probably isn't all that This film Eminem lip-synchs his part to maybe keep his dignity since mildly entertaining, but is dozen better movies he clever at a moment's notice either. for 1 can think of a your next Blockbuster night. mother. by Anna Rozbicka by Nicole Gibbs by Anna Rozbicka Basinger seemed to be aiming for an Oscar nod, but What we heard Slow IMotion Daydream brings Everclear melodies to Slow Motion Daydream. But the their band has stayed their catchy power-chord usual driven afioat over the years with melodic tunes and quirky, insight- ful lyrics by Everclear frontman Art Alexakis. The "Volvo Driving first single is albums, but why mess with success? by Clark Kim Mom" - Alexakis maintains his witty lyricism mom Die A Beautiful Death" Everclear is back with their sixth studio- recorded album proving the post-grunge era still is alive. Ihe alt-rock trio from Portland. Oregon Want To lot like their previous one doesn't offer anything it. Faceless also includes the song "1 Stand Rock's The Scorpion King soundtrack. "Science Godsmack's new album may sound accompanied Slow Motion last disappointed Alone," originally released on wrestler The their first two, but it's still like better than a lot of the hard rock out there these days. With bassist Craig Monioya and drummer the mix. little There are plenty of "Alive," "Greed" and by strings. And look for the secret track "White Noise" - it's a hidden gem. Greg Ekiund back in Daydream sounds a assured that the "Keep Away" sound alikes and the last song on the album, "Serenity," has a "Voodoo" vibe to and Fiction", a softer acoustic tune 8. new. living in the suburbs. "I rest however may be a really album full-length third picks up right where their that Faceless where on life America - singing about a woman who has changed her ways as a wild teenager into that Other standout tracks include their Fans of the band can new album left off, in perfect in Faceless, due out in stores April Faceless Godsmack the highly infectious Soccer screams If Hard rockers Godsmack are at it again with their pounding guitar riffs and harmonic etc. album hard rock's your bag, then check out. It's Creed with a this soul. by Joel Hoidas " I<S1)A^. AI'KIl 2003 3. Lifestyle How meet a mate to 3 minutes in The Et Cetera sent reporters Jelani Lowe and Marisa Zucaro to check out Here's what happened. Speed dating extravaganza their by Jelani Lowe best keep to touch in mostly by hosting their clients, finally arrive Wine Lounge on Front I'm running way behind Grille and Street. schedule as usual, but it's said. too, although he's In time couple could soon hear wedding bells in their future. So what you can do single night The realization of what I've got- me on ten myself into hits way ride What downtown. if we don't have anything to What if one? Gawd, what if talk about? can't pick any- I no one picks me? But by this point to turn back. that one way way it's Besides, I too here are late ple said. "We kind of just jump "They find the peo- said. size I through get barely two the self-styled door cupids Stamni'ler and Erin Hunt, greet me. Never mind my being late. It turns they're just happy out that all since they had I came at few no-shows a women greet me with this kind I'll here tonight of enthusiasm set me up with a they are company the in biggest speed the city. Still, that dating they do some details of handling a bad looking bunch a Ever) one is black leather jack- and the ladies with glossed lips particular rest, but I who I figure just girl cool little it though, time to that is find it romance no not like risk or pressure, where you may end up someone know a bar at If good and know work doesn't it does if it person again. soon is cut gives the finally signal game is about begin. meet Gentlemen prepare mack on. to get your then you then Stamm'ler to out. you never have that Our conversation short. "You talking said. that everyone is here to it's all that he else's girl," someone. least ation." because there's perfect is to the that at continued on page 19 see a no-lose situ- It's I'll I hope luue by Marisa Zucaro can afford to play I don't have to my A chimes, singing one train whistle long blow, followed by On ble. heels by the bar and whine moving a a short war- track, that train room full men and of 25 25 women, the whistle hailed the start those are only "Blue's a good colour." he said. to break up the way nametags in. the life head everyone He leaves ing anything. stole 1 seconds she could have spent enjoy - is exchanged through email if the attraction between individuals is man take a seat right next to her. "What am thinking?" she asked me smiling. my I mother." "You're thinking, ing two spoonfuls of cookies and creme ice cream instead of facing ofi'with is a great in way to one night. Mr .." . he said, bobbing his head up and down and pinching his you walked to get to > When She says nothing. All these guys same. They all sit down waiting for her to choose questions the dining eye twitches every time he answers a and comments and lead ed question. She tries not to shut her (iia's first visitor. Steven, enough. "You seem very His seems left to stare at it. nudge him otT to the next table. "You remind me of my mother." His mother? She looked down at her scorecard and found way Is his name and there a section for no in hell? There romance. etc. isn't. No would going sation, but this time she was moulh and do fhe man sweet," he said, just as the whistle blew to the conver- his the same. any- don't know." he said, looking around. "What's your favourite you the minute all night" the final whistle chimed room. Someone was a cigarette; a drink. say ing they need- someone Gia wanted wanted to get out of there. matches good-byes to good way out. rid- crowd makes Gia wonders if its anyone found good matches. A week "Like what?" one it." and I've been wailing dance, the small say to lose to sit to 50 people stumbled quietly out of FroiTi thing?" he asked, finally. "I in our table across the table arches eyebrows and smiles. She waits. "Aren't you going to need She laughed. lips together. are the dates I "I'm Ryan." he said, extending his hand. "I noticed Boring. if same thing more guy I'm going "So. "Speed dating of here and say the mutual. meet a lot of people Stamm'ler said. thinking." "You seem very sweet. You remind 'yes' or "no'. they don't. Personal information number. the table without sa>- Ryan know what you're someone was saying. scorccards. check whistle the She looked up and watched the given is if harmless bobbing, 80 seconds of guy one of the they like their date; no. if and she'd never get back. 180 last dates could be and Participants can After another minute of silence the trail way down said. "You'.'" chimes. The her nametags at and "I disasters," said Gia, On gives participants a chance "Blue," Gia yes's sheet. participants. Yes, go. of the event. "You know, 25 25 to more exchanges of no's worming their signals trouble. In Restaurant 134. with a courtesy colour?" to do. Three Her scorecard has two get the chance to that 25 disasters spell in wait too long. I of money. What he stands out from the her later in the evening any- ways. of work and only do with "This 25 dates could their pcrfectl> and Pegabo shoes. cool since meet the has something to lot camera. for tlie dressed to impress. (ju>s in their ultra-cool ets gives him at all discussing to his line it becomes cagey he comes does say about ' nametag and scorecard. I'm told anything under the sun. For though, pose (far right) through the usual channels. about it and Ragna Stamm'ler It discuss just when (centre) more is willing to than Stamm'ler and Hunt true. he out turns I it be in business. While they c()urtes>- Hunt Erin size up the crowd. Not more a journalist's is dream come minutes to There's one fine-looking the Raj hints that this evening. If all women little cautious." reason 10 a make some last minute preparations. figure now would be a good time to Ragna, behind might be to up have about and say "what the heir whereas and, when you have a match with someone, you know they're interested in you as well." spare while cupids before the in out are single and want available Wc like this surprised." meet other single people. And the good thing is you know everyone here is great story. something pleasantly myself tell arc more open women" he the people good time and want a men than who come have to am. I think generally for simi- to or another, the night make for one will the sub- chances than it "I a upbeat who come "Sometimes Stamm'ler man. a that to in a my about time his first more little success? will, but the prospect of 25 blind dates are game, lie in tonight's I'm told one particular fact, back lar if another hopeful me late. tre'pidation Raj. up a conversa- says besides the desire to be fashionably it with 27-year-old this something else has held Call tion ihe\ 've I Copia the trendy at .strike own why It's Just one reason managed to form close bonds with some of their dalers. Stamm'ler events. when half past seven about It's with later she got an email from She had four matches; Rvan was one of them. to IIIUKSDAY. Finding romance continued from page 18 came with a friend the last time was all good until the ver)' end when it turned out we were interested in the same guy," she said. "I and Ragna quickly lays down The rules. seated slay girls the the at Ouch. the room. At the end of three minutes By move on to scorecards, we a bell will signal daters to On our fully into m> the most part. into a routine is mutual, our contact information will be exchanged via e-mail few a in days. And have one so. after my is first down up a napkin into itsy bitsy own nervous we manage to make small ticks. Still, time runs out. talk until the Nice they say. we grew up enough, school it turns same neighsame elemen- and, in all likelihood same kindergarten class. How we managed to cover all that in the some I that put a check in the "yes" col- I only for the chance to contin- down memory lane. make a very interesting I also covery around this point. dis- Nearly all Natasha effect this phenomenon could explain this main reason, I'm the rule of safety in evening that told, is the knew what University. "It's easier at She mentions something about moment? embarrassing Still, even this never could get What's worse ing up with an answer to this one) about as One date .sends me on an ego-trip when she compliments my style and versation turns to look like flattery. I I stepped out of a put a big > es' column checkmark in the beside her name. best ones that some feel though are the as they have been if painfully cut short. Take Ingrid for I make one casual remark about the Philip Marlowe novel lying Come date? to think A of book on a maybe it, interest my when ta.ste in at Slevie Wonder It wards. Still the optimist, he odds are everyone least one match. It tells when you asked what she thought evening. "There's no its another date, get to when I of the way you can know someone in that short time. Just when the con- amount of 22-year-old Tanya, yet another stu- versation begins to get interesting the dent from Ryerson. bell rings and you start all over one of them is arrives my email in my me that And old kinder- garten playmate, Christine. it Not that shoul^ have come as any surprise though- there were too many coinci- dences for either of us to look the other way. go on and to become playmates of in your face and hair and make-up artists primping and prodding you while you're being at fitted in the past Renfrew, Bloor Saturday, St., Holt at do just that. of Sixty Canada, distributors Miss Sixty sponsored an event the with Holt Renfrew, Polaroid camera and Elle Canada. The event signalled the launch of the Miss Sixty brand Holt in Renfrew, as well as a chance for Camera to display its latest Sixty Canada collaborated with another kind. the stylists posed for DOWNTOWN CLUB. DON'T MISS 22^ RICHMOND ST. WEST • FOR RESERVATIONS OR INFORMATION lAUGHS GUARANTEED! (Ai6) etc. IT! CALL 967-6425 All Polaroid picture. Only five photogin the world work with this camera. was "Polaroid when Miss Christina really Sixty M. excited called," Smith, said marketing manager for Polaroid Camera. "Miss Sixty and Holt Renfrew are They like us in a lot of respects. have the same tastes. They're fashionable and trendy. They're not only trendy, they're trend leaders, fashion leaders and lifestyle lead- We thought that was a great compliment to our company and YET! irt,-;^;rifV!»/fi,<i^y5: gain 20x24 a our brand." YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY $100 TO SEE THEM PERFORM EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT AT YUK YUK'S NEW participants ers. invention, Polaroid One. help recognition for their work. was an oppor- tunity for the ladies to line, hairstylists to get the ladies in gear and raphers latest styles. Polaroid With any luck now, the two of us will up and coming Toronto make-up by Amie Bozzo This An have not one but two matches. I ye.s, me will find at turns out he's right. Raj tell 1 the bar after- that detective fiction that ends up with us sucks because three minutes Renfrew at Holt Imagine having cameras fiashing wasn't meant to be when we meet up by exchanging some personal "It Miss Sixty arrives is downright unforgivable. inbox a few days later telling just isn't enough." Ingrid said con- music. might have been willing to overlook the hockey thing but shrugging I picks. shows the I your shoulders dates The 20x24 Polaroids are on display at the Bloor St. Holt Renfrew. Only five photographers use this camera. into that sport. that Natasha unforgivable tel- for Always up much is sparks a long conversation about Ryerson precaution has I waste the whole three minutes com- I Amie Bozzo blah blah blah blah blah... nearly (I old to fun?" for choked) from have your friends beside you." own drawbacks warns I should have been insulted), which expect." said Charlene, a student of Fashion Communications ice. but numbers. "None of us sit I my mind races for question with which to seat, hockey and being a big Leafs fan and by her elbow (Hold up. in earlier. her name. As is my the mystery girl is someone comes along and throws a curveball like "What is your most group. There a two-for-one ladies fate in a while though; exaiTiple. special in (okay, so the girls used the buddy system and came out with a friend or in a large is I "So what do you do The ue our trip good conversation no me. What need are for my eye caught an original Every once the llreworks and as real down says if a it just so happens, I evision show. umn three- would have it. my chance finally comes during my last date who, it "One date sends me on an ego-trip when she says look like stepped I'll comes. some for an eternity only saved by I'm longer cuts ground in such a short space of time, never know. When the time cover any case, there comes a time In much runs in the borhood, attended the were then break the conversation industry. Strangely tary and out of a television show." more smoothly with my next date. Charmagne. 25. a recent college graduate now working in the fashion out the other hand, buzzer. for fun"? column. The to eternity On do put a check in the "no" I otT in by the as possible. minute dates drag on no chemistry as but girl, me that myself racing find "What do you do for a living" and the ever popular "What do you from". date and thank- pieces, oblivious to her bell cut I much ground when even me. For the entire three minutes, she tears dates settle be just as nervous as fully appears to the through conversations just of "Where are you fun. the courtship begins. Denisc exactly what she means. mid-sentence so much reminder to last defeats the whole purpose." The sound of as 2()(B admittedly having a good time. For like too see again; the feeling It know I 3. night end of the night and fourth round I'm the swing of things and the third check olT the names of anyone we'd if again. it tables while the guys rotate around the next dale. one in AI'RII llll'RSDAY.Al'RII.1.2003 Early exposure to violence can affect you as an adult Dumyn by Lydia Freedman, professor of p.sychology Roadrunner cartoons communicate more negative message than the meep" to the kids television does not have any bearing signature "meep. who according watch, to a The psychological spanned which study, favour violent The by Louis Campos and scantily clad people play beach volleyball around you. How about snowboarding Alps the you as ence down backpack is Eiffel how some Steps students spend their spring breaks or rich history its and '"I summer vaca- Tower in in Rome. want to like the eral public travel get at Although we live a country in with a weak dollar and factors such as 9/1 way we affect the 1 dents are to Brown, Sherry a number of eling to Europe than 90 per cent of our Europe,'" Brown Lisa Azoory, clients are who Travel Cuts, said this also is is accepted world-wide as works for of the time your trav- set to Brown said. Brown recommends bus tours card, which cost $16 and can in party Daytona in should look in the this at all the ditferent interested to visit in over 90 countries. "The card basically gives students the advantage to do things cheaper." Azoory said. For most student travelers. Brown Breakaway Tours site "The and Contiki fours ai their a very criti- "ungrounded study" the "Freedman's been deny- .said, ing the connection for years. "There clear evidence very is the violence viewed and the We've done way fail and to .see the connection between the make-believe-telcvi- and violence does not look it sells like television good stations are going to provide and clean programming lake to protect their children. "Some important interventions include parents watching lelevision their children whether ing viewed is discuss being and they can appropriate, responses elTectivc problems outlined the lo the program," in Cheryl-Lynn said and evaluat- violence the co- Podolski. author of the study. Jonathan life. the research." case, sex shows with said. F-;ron and this certainly womanhood." sion-world and real any In fheir are measures parents can a very but the aggression definitely there," Some is said. Freedman's In response to husbands. indirect, alTects them in at Freedman violent acts committed are related. certain www.break- increases the risk specific claim," to "Girls-are conditioned to behave Contact at claim that even one violent TV show their wives. was at suggested researchers the that were student travel Web their iour resulted from television viewing. direct type of aggression, females Travel Cuts or go consider alternate have pushed, shoved, or grabbed "While males displayed options Freedman. to his colleagues did sutTiciently Eron objects summer behav- explanations for the violent behav- men. have punched, beaten or choked another adult and they were more likely to have thrown and services olTered. packages can not cism about their peers to Amsterdam the cobblestone streets of Travel Cuts locations, gives sturail swim to Huesmann and violence were four times as likely as good value." fhose planning and life-style." According been convicted of criminal to alterna- iour in adulthood, such as personal- offences three times more than other Female viewers of television "These bus tours are worry-free really Psychology, They were also more likely commit traffic violations and across Canada and the United States or passes and admission to attractions said. all beaches of the Caribbean, walk along dents discounts on travel, lodging, going to book to arrangements so you'll be (ISIC), the only piece of identifica- The About had and a all last year. passes and student travel cards go," Azoory be purchased from student unions and are trav- Cuts, recommends, should purchase an International Student Identity Card stu- despite the rising costs. more students students, Developmental for first-time travelers. said. proof of student status. dents traveling from previous years, "Actually, traveling tion that travel agent with Travel Cuts, a stu- dent travel agency, there hasn"t been a difference in the Kawaguchi All exotic vacation. According the architecture [sites] as possible," travel, stu- traveling abroad for an still many of rail his March issue of the in showed males who had been loyal viewers of shows like The Six Million Dollar Man, Starsky and Hutch and Roadrunner cartoons, student prices. "We're able el l"m a history freak. tions. Travel Rowell Huesmann and colleagues, agency, student trav- like in their early 20s, in many tive explanations for violent ity gist L. Breakaway Tours and Contiki fours, will book airline, accommodations, Paris and the Spanish go to Europe because want to see as 1 agencies el 1977 University of Michigan psycholo- Unlike a gen- specifically to students. to see its world-class architecture, in Switzerland? This agencies that cater vacation packages George Brown Fashion Management students Fiona Fat Ka Chan and Chieko Kawaguchi, say they are going to Europe to experi- Picture yourself lying on a beach in Mexico while advises going through student travel backpack through Europe. in behave more difilcult to tear these apart. There are The conclusion, presented by and the majority are choosing to Shiho Futaba ages six and nine inter- 1992. year students are planning their vacations, at and then again the road were participants TV and becomes very "It adulthood. "Aggressive people said. aggressively." in characteristic." personality a I'reedman young behaviour violent viewed hitting tele- vision violence and their aggressive and still "fhose who watch a lot of \ ioIV were more aggressive to begin with - which makes it seem like 15 years, indicated a link between children's exposure to Students on future violent behaviour. lent University of Michigan study. Shiho Futaba Toronto, reviewed the study and said violent a Travel Cuts helps students plan the perfect vacation with limited financial resources. of University the at Private thoughts shared online "Someone could by Catherine Gerow diary, but diary. Online diary communities represent one of the fastest-growing trends on LUNCH BUFFET 11:30 am -4:00 pm DINNER BUFFET 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm $6.99 $8.99 * Catering Available 45 Woodbine Downs * - 10 pm, Fri-Sat \k 10am - 11a.m. 1 off Mon-Fri Your Entire Food ONLY Offer expires Mar 31, 2003 25 Woodbine Downs Blvd Etobicoke 416 798 9494 know who you don't of other are happening are encouraged, and users say online diaries are forums for venting their feelings. Most users protect their privacy by using a screen name in place of their real very secure are," he said. McMillan, said he maintains online diary partly because unlike!) that his members v\ill rend etc. friends it. it's an verj- or family there's no threat I thai an online diary was a younger, four younger siblings and is had a have 'But written diary," she said. it didn't work I I in my house out. ..end read her diary lo allow likes are mostly having the friends to read her "I of the appeal can't McMillan tunity to some anonymous '"There's some said. people you tell feel silly about." enJoNs the opporother people's read about lives. have several favourites every day." he them. I said. ""I I read never talk to Just read about their lives." Mulani reading and com- said menting on other people's Journals is also a great way lo gel involved in an online community. "That's or how sites," have made friends I she said. make commenls on ple's journal entries, finding out that life we "I respond other peo- and we end up share views or experiences." It's also an inleresiing read lo entries. gave the link friends life Jour- the support he gets is know, or would on these Mulani said although the people ability you things of story." strangers, she also said part diary feedback," he secure than a traditional diary. "When web ""I Mulani agrees more my from the online community. it." Sheridan College student Nilufer who College student, David and of a "It's nice lo get but they it, of anybody you know finding out about Mohawk Bill "Strangers can read in nal," she said. entries. through feelings and things that name. ,v\^^^^S by .sort many I mation out of his diary happenings of m> the before they read ihem McMillan his privacy These sites allow users to create and maintain their own seeming lack of privacy involved, flhC" McMillan ensures a very secure place to be able lo interaction between members is commonplace, but despite the Blvd. forever," he said. know cyberspace." ""It's actually (416) 798-9494 Sun-Thurs 10am hundreds of thousands of Comments Menu secret people are posting their hopes and users. Available Take-Out such as and www.blur- diary, as well as read those Mixed Vegetables, Desserts Menu Also sites fears online. 20 Menu Buffet Items to Choose From Selection Includes: Tandoori Chicken, Fried Fish, Regular Every day, through, It's ""It's lost in keeping personally revealing infor- the Internet. SWEETS & TANDOORI CUISINE find a written no one can find the online who would lo a lew close probably already get other people's perspectives life." on Cocktail concoctions don't serve Number by • number sludenls hospilalily mix stretched their imaginations to some up potions for the design-a- Grand drink contest, sponsored b> Hosted Marnier. made to the finals. The two $500 winners both came from Centennial College. Brenda Sin's Sweet and Sour won in Ontario colleges: Niagara. George Centennial, Brown and number. the entries it Although Number students sub- The Grand l'imblett"s I'inale won plans a in late start," spend her 1 making preparations night he reason, she says, I was because to sneak .America," she said. is for the students. "They had a great time down was almost like a It party," he said. "It's a good there. learning experience." As dent Reeves says host ty I own it's "We Izabela Jaroszynski competition. lumber sex "would be there and planning to it her boyfriend and to Occasionally she said would sneak prizes host will own its of and Talwar used the same techunder her bed sheets to fool her par- her. are afraid of ents and unplug what types in Toronto. the are wake up unnecessarily. Although she was All they pay attention crime stories the in the She said she often feels as camp should My cover assignment: Personal Camp" Training Plus "Bridal Boot objective: me and tossed and a T- Parkinson already notices an Nike runners, sweat of pair a shorts, "You've got experience to get the Two > ears had passed since "1 the inside of a gym. But the challenge. What I said Parkinson. "It's great and I'm way to Slinking out ol'the change room. shuflled into the teaching studio. Three other women flexed. Light bounced off of the dia- mond rings on their Technotronics' stretched left "Move from a small stereo Trisha and hands, and I'his ' blasted in the corner. Gordon, the instructor, bounced into the room, wearing a camoullage bandana tied around her an army green head, pair t-shirl and a of black spandex shorts. "Bridal Boot workout Camp is a full-body that targets the arms, shoul- and buttocks, key areas for women getting ready to wear a wedding gown," Gordon said. ders, The all idea originated from a Client of Vendramini's who got back from vacation and found that she had put on a client bit of weight while away. The was where. getting rnarried, and sug enjoying Within the Urst 10 min- utes of the my my lungs about to collapse. I cardio exercise House legs Mariga were trudged Bridal boot camp straight air! focused attention on each Lift those weights! Push yourself!" I women increasing interest in the class, and said considering he's Saturday class to adding whose name is a must "My name has have no reason go out some- turn I have will parents loosen up when to 1 to because 8, they have no other choice," Potter said. Before he sneaks out, he makes sure the area is secure for both leav- ing and re-entering the house. Once all that plete. Potter has of Canada, said Vicky Singh, Singh, whose his parents allow him to planning is com- one more piece of advice. also "Get out of there as the hell quick as possible." a week. my for Rent - Detached 2 story,4 bedrooms, finished basement, A/C, Appliances Martingrove and Fincfi area $1900/mos plus ties 905-794-3927 Bus to Toronto, Montreal, Reasonable Prices Ottawa Daily Thiursday to Sunday — Hov\/ard Transport 416-676-9041 or Toll utili- — Free the program a as pri- vate boot camps," Vendramini said. mat. The other "If a bride wants to have sessions pressed on with deter- with her bridesmaids and mother, mination and drive. "The course started as a 12week program, but many of the women involved plan on continuing even after the wedding," Gordon ESL els, tutor. TESL Native speaker. Master's Degree certified. private/group Essays edited Reasonable rates All lev- Downtown Toronto Stacey (416) 535-0430 well. "I'm also willing to arrange flipped and flopped around in a sweaty pool on three 17. Vendramini said he has noticed woman. She clapped, shouted, and encouraged. "Keep that butt up in the necessary to sneak 1-866-433-9633 said. and ab crunches. Trish it Potter. CLASSIFIED ADS from the bowels of hell I'm sure), it a teenager as often as twice takes brides-to-be through the circuits of push through a gruelling process to get ups, shoulder presses, burpies in shape for the big day. (a find hour long class, qui\ered. shook, and towards the door, even one been changed, said she snuck out as been really my arms when wanted," Sanchez said. 25. it." than to Join the front line? Brad said. of class," accepted give an honest, comprehensive report I this kind better who out. to not side she are not the only know who don't even does saw last I ones out know what floorboards in the house and where to place body weight on the way out. Sneaking out is not an uncommon preoccupation for many young girls whose parents' were bom out- improvement, but especially where her cardio change room. retreated to the readily creak and shoulders are concerned. hand!" I Young women clothes under your pajama.s, if step overall shirt. would have probably gotten has been changed, said he sneaks Lastly, before taking classes three times a week. owner Personal Training Plus, greeted first the of snap a few pictures Vendramini, the door, down me at rigor- of the gruelling process. Mark women for planning to walk Audrey Parkinson, 32, a manager of commercial office spaces, plans on getting inarried by the end of the year. She enrolled in February and attends the observe the ous work out routine, interrogate the brides-to-be, and workout regime and place in would have a beating as well," "Or you could even put your you intensive aisle. for the Kl Cetera. The an start are consequences "I to" advice accessible. gested to Vendramini that he by Vanessa Mariga "how making sure the door is unlocked early on in the evening and making sure that clothes and includes shoes she had been, been heavy. though she has no other choice but sneak out. Her never if caught, she said news," Sanchez said. to the phones in all her house so her parents wouldn't of things go on amongst teenagers boot it. niques as Singh. She'd put pillows to licious" at thrill these things for fear of what might "They Brides-to-be get "booty- she that out just for the parents forbid her to do happen to drinlts competition next year. her night. at midnight adult to see go over to her friends, or just stay out past direct wasn't I sneak out to houses friends' supervision. to hospitali- some gel She also had go clubbing with without wasn't "I boys at night," she to see said. fler up supposed Canadian to "Spanish parents are too strict," Sanchez said, who is for- have some fun." Number adjusting to school dances. allowed to go because the opposite culture. contest. will open students, is I years ago, her parents have had bidden to date, a result of the positive stu- reaction to the "Another one go difficulty in North parents' biggest worries laving moved to Canada from Mexico and Salvador eight \'.\ competition was a great experience it was would become pregnant." Talwar had to sneak out just to that her parents is ver>' m> Primarily dilTerent than in India of started, I and adolescence family grant There started. why belonged to an immi- I hursday are inciprotective. the said I mostly cultural ones. whose natue I Reeves Nonetheless, when 15 wear out of the house the follow ing night. two weeks." was "I were many reasons this article, will when she her parents tell her boyfriend's house or to cerns aren't about what outfit to has been changed for the purpose of Dan Reeves, who entered number's recipes into the contest. "Most of the colleges knew about the contest last year, but we only picked it up in the to clubs. this Friday, but Instead. Sanchez, little goes Mississauga's to unlike her friends, Sanchez's con- said last go to Karma nightclub the hot drink section. "We had doesn't Eighteen-year-old Maria Sanchez the cold drink category, while Family mitted 43 recipes into both the hot Even though she is now an adult, Singh, of Indian descent, still by Priya Ramanujam test accepted original drink recipes containing orange liqueur from four force teens to "creep" around and cold drink categories, none of Brown (jeorge at up it Toronto, the con- in demands Cultural students mix College Izabela Jaroszynski up a win I'm willing Each Training to do that too." class costs $15. Plus is located Personal at 1644 Bayview Ave. For details go www. hriclalhootcamp. ca etc. to A + Computer Technician system $275.00 For erfix4u.trlpod com/ puter In Home sen/ice complete comphone 416-252-4774 fittp://comput- Offering details . ADVERTISE IN TIHE NUMBER ET CETERA CLASSIFIEDS " 22 nil RSDAY. Al'KII 3, 20113 Athletics toasts athletes by Humber athletics Liz Byers had a year they can be proud Whether was it H home of. the national champi- onship win men's golf for we have had we have had in rugby team, there were a number of years involved our program," he iceomplishments. springs eternal. able to identify them their all in a Jim it is great to start oil' the school year with sports litce cer because of well the "The teams perform. always a treat. fall is You have from sports instant results is the department, but to the I Humber Chris Next year champi- will host the national already preparing is for the big event. "Right now wc it Wilkins said. to looks very promising and will be fighting for the championship." gives us great motivation "It •! work from." Adversity has been the name of the He year for Wilkins. this game even though said that were so many injuries and line up girls were able to forge there changes, the ahead. think." Germain for this year, bin make still "They head Sanchez, men's soccer, knows llrst hand what [Jiaiek is referring to. His team was young \ coach volleyball onships, so the team like important not only athletes in other sports also coach time of year this is the really excited." Women's golf and soc- how =*?^' and have the Wilkins agreed with Biaiek. liiaiek said This mix. then right hope As long as you are some athletes, bring into the school you get wide variety Assistant athletic direc- to in through and coaches gave year spring time and "It's until the of sports. iliese. said. Straight end of second semester, •m "1 think this from September athletes for. the to potential next year carries. impressive the debut season lor the tor and looks stride in it the best people or *<«AV amount of hardware they uere hoping the Biaiek takes managed responded constantly everything that was thrown The girls showed tremendous char- coming acter \o { do w II h It to the tlnal it to them at ^^final stretch this year." in onships. ""This year, for the tenth time in a we were ^MK^^fv;^; Men's hockey coach the provincial champi- Joe Washkurak echoed Wilkins" sentiments. "These are row able to get to the llnal four out of 18 the many schools The indoor season was also men ncredibly successful. The took the gold at the championships for the third straight year. "One of our players signed a profes- and another may sional contract in Italy be signing one I'urkcy." in stressed that at Humber. the beginning and end of the season always end on a highnote. "So even if you- wallow around in the middle a little, you can still be up throughout the entire that a "perfect world" of course in Humber would win every national championship and every team would go undefeated. fact is that is not Biaiek said you can "We on every aspect. and there are not a Humber lot did struggle put a positive spin are always in the running of schools who can say some this year finals different tournaments around the provinc way the with men was he said impressed the acted and themselves. carried "We were a very classy group." he said. Sanchez summed up - word important, but to the one "enjoyable." winning "The is very me so group chemistry behaviour. 1 is and was always very proud of the group. he said. Of course, the in eiul. ttf- Biaiek always wants a team other benefits if the athletes playing for you are great people who "Sometimes the going to happen." still OCAA win. but he stressed there are season," he said. He joked "The captured silver at the the entire .sea.son in Biaiek •/::S«Sr- many Sanchez said. §^-' men Sanchez can say that." bunch The men's soccer team was fortunate enough to travel to teams." Sanchez said. "Not the best of guys I've ever coached." he said after end try their best getting the gold isn't as at important as the many successes of your stu- dents." that." and did not bring etc. All photos courtesy of Athletics IIIIIRSDAY. AI'Kli 23 2003 3. Students to be given more priority for recreational use of college's gyms by Chris Goulding and Jesse letic department's full Athletic director Grass lem," Fox resources. Doug Fox has Humber shape by playing a ball in the "I'm well aware pick-up- little North Campus gym the difficulty in booking students wanting to stay in time. away at the Jeremy Taium, turned law clerk book gym numerous has he times to the the Robotics people, so use of the gym. said. "| have spoken they have told me that and wasn't able I latum said. "I don't bother going anymore because know the chances of me being able to get in to," I gym the arc slim to nil." the In near evenings gym discontinued, be will corporate in the early making time for student night. Fox said. He for students in the day. renting out the gyms, like the I'eel Police, leadership classes fitness atl'ects it every- basketball and volleyball that can't gym due $450,000 the Baksh, both groups. system of the gym. for use lime out for the use g\ m. but times that are available for me out are always booked up by the public." Baksh said. departmcnl simply settle for one when you can have both? have to say that I've never given basketball a really chance. fair nip through chan- week- age sports polygamist. And I every now and then while it nels on lazy end I to admit Chris Goulding just be couldn't bothered anymore," Baksh said. "I have gone in there before with my & Jesse Grass Students are finding it difficult to book time for gym use, but the athletic department is hoping to resolve the situation. game of friends for a though, my say the at can it's ACC safe to by been Philly for The excitement taking on Smiles and high a feverish spirits 1 9,000 that filled the pitch. could be seen on every single person as they munched on popcorn and peanuts. round one I Cup start in the city Let's just Buds until the At this Glen Wesley and Phil Housely of brotherly love. hope the love never thought basketball could bring the same joy to me that hockey does. mean Basketball Night in sure Canada doesn't exist yet, but would tune in if they decide to offer it I to the my mind But up days when Fred front is penalty box. the by Ron A. Melihen mid seventies. might be not fony Amonte and possible Dmitri Yuskevich. this version of the Philidelphia Flyers might give the Toronto Maple Leafs a good run. These two teams match up closely on paper with With Stanley Cup winner "Fddie the eagle" stopping Philly's Roman Chechmanek, who his head to ensure the Flyers in goals over will have to stand on even have a chance of I do have enough love rules installed will restrict me not as a two- since these two teams are leaders is uti- Illlllllllll KAKUACKS I all come down to who can control their tem- 56 Widmer Street Beside the Paramount Theatre per better. The team keeps its cool less penalties will find its big that tell was the Stanley Cup or the NBA Championships, we would all come together, celebrate in the streets whether and it party like that, 1 obsession in new was I (sorry for 1999. it's thought over my Prince grade eight) Watching Vince Carter the steal and slam dunk it was as thrilling as one of Alexander Mogilny's glory ball goals into in overtime. my My while throat in heart crept my palms anticipation of a close win. Basketball wonderful. is To fantastic. Hockey and dociih't take needboys scoring goals and 416-593-0499 is a toss up with Philly counting on veter- ans like Yuskevich and Fric Weinrich carrying the load. Toronto will sink or swim with guys like I'omas This year the Buds their self-destructive look good and if sports fan, both are as good as it gets. AN EXCITING BI-CURIOUS, BISEXUAL & GAY MEN Jock Night - Apr 3, 8pni FREE Coffee and Pizza Students ALWAYS 1/2 Price with valid Student card they can shake ways, the love they take away from Philly can carr> them to the Cup. etc. is this small but feisty BATHHOUSE FOR tflTHii: Both teams are almost mirror images of each other on otTence. Toronto and Philly will count on bruising forwards like Owen Nolan. Gary Roberts. ony Amonte It to by grabbing. will here teams clutching and in am the any edge will be this, to spread around to both of these amaz- timing cheater, but rather as a in the carrying the play. advancing. Defence And w ith Yes, and John LeClair. only one distinct edge going to the Buds. pucks. Toronto will have the advantage lost be found big lineups and help smaller ones speed. lize wildcard The new governing body w ith the "Broadstreet bullies' anymore, but with key acquisitions like will pro- the difference it'll 1 became sweaty the future. ing sports. Think of where going to be noticed, Shero coached and Bobby Clarke They in experience bring. captained the Cup-winning team of the like vide the calming presence that years of lasts take care of business. time of year, wanders back Kaberle and Brian McCabe. Veterans on the road to the or I I Toronto will Byers The crowd was reached to either you that you can. would like to believe, large and in charge - around The Leafs Liz - to arena of my lot you can't truly be wholehearted fans of both. altered. plus. it all saying other, basketball and someone has always come A seem choose one opinion has definitely hear. friends Sunday past Scream it. loud and proud so afternoons. game many more think there are I out there just like me. Don't be afraid After attending the this "1 book of the "I've gone to the office to some Why these computer technology student, said he has also given up on the scheduling gym students rather than a first-year 19, no problem with is but time given out should Humber favour it stu- attempting to offer equal time to athletic facilities. athletic The students. the public having access to the $36 ($28 works on the dents say there cover daily to day does not make available all easier high in fact that public access rentals." Fo.\ said. Ra\mon athletic pro- its from the student body. in watch to is any 12.500 full-time students With I the is gymnasium demand, the various times," students pay and other related "I've got teams as well, such as in at department one, not Just the students. practice greatest dis- make With so many dilTerenl groups and high schools, is and lack of oppor- facilities With the set use of the gymnasium, weight room pulls more lime no month. ailending the college, that to is use of the gym) each to the athletic usage of high school cham- week "My without a doubt, grams, she facilities, Humber to pionships during the pay- a post- appointment about Humber College she said. also mentioned he plans to cut the for ever> gym are using the at am as far as athletics go," Tatum said. to "Our schedule changes every month because of us renting it out and the ditTerent sports teams that for the future, leagues using the I to get tunities." gym schedule mem- back really given was it students." She also explained there efTorts to statT the to gym money secondary education and nothing extra in appalling that ing this kind of athletics department. we gave unavailable bers about booking court time "| find it "For example, right before the spring break, secure a suitable time slot for the However, he said, his have been unsuccessful. bring to return for their payments. little in rented out to the public and is organizations 21, a first-year said assistant Ursula Fletcher explained that the income for the front desk. student, attempted Athletics department reserved is have found themselves being time that there is a of disapproval from the students and we are trying to fix the prob- soon have the chance to use the ath- time students attempting to but lot gym may gym on a first-come, first-served basis, reacted to student complaints about The students say they arc getting kick us out." said. Currently, . . r 24 illlI|<S[)AY.AI>l<ll.3. 2003 Let's not play ball by Phil Messina and Geoff Rohoiiian haschall. "I think uouki be il great if llie league expanded." he says. II you build diamond ball one of the many is why reasons Humber College hasn't existed in the his- tory of athletics due to a lack at of lumber, mostly I parking soccer field a now 13 lot where stands, but OUA. time in the near future. leagues Humber College Doug Fox. It says run," to Athletic Director also very expensive. is Fox estimates starting that would baseball team a wanted to," says "fhe OUA is for either colleges or universities," he says. U of f has the same fielding make field one do. Humber, but they fhey split behvecn one in in their Mississauga. "Students expand sports to dilUculi he gel to says. a fee min- utes to watch a at Humber definitely ihink Humber should have a baseball team," says summer of AAA try to baseball Ramirez, a first player Damian year business administration student. "I think swing to northern hearts in he says. baseball team. "1 The boys play cam- pus." sup- port the idea of creating a school Baseball North ad campaigns are on posters, television and the subway promoting the Blue Jays. team (iff students to 25 drive increase." Some home Toronto and Fox says Humber tries to have teams that have facilities available lo them on campus. cost approxi- based on enrollment," courtesy another won't want "We're trying it's in baseball coach. mately $10,000. "Bui are Lang, University of loronlo's problems as "Baseball and Softball are very difficult I'hcy OUA again if they there are no plans lo rebuild a dia- mond any OD.A in ilic league now, but they could join the Dan facilities. There used to be a baseball dia- mond and ipated the doesn't have a baseball team. A team two colleges particleague, George Broun and Durham. "Durham used to have a team in Last season uill tonic. llic) il, of an on-campus base- I'hc lack would be think really we competitive... we could compete I with uni- versity teams." Currently eight teams partici- by Mat Langford and Eric fans. "We Collins this The boy car., backseat of the in the sits expression solemn as he tosses new his brand baseball glove to the we needed felt that team to market an aggressive manner in pate Blue Jays. "I would say Athletics baseball league. Brock, tle bit, was a it factor, but there which and bus rumbling up a Blue the beside them and looks out the win- increase sales. dow fill on the side of it. lo see a sign a picture of a baseball It's cap with He cocks head to the side his moves smiles and slightly, across the seat to look a bit closer His dad, knows new about the all much says. will to an It's ad 8 Toronto Blue Jays dling interest for making "We to the to. Toronto Blue Jays down won two World back-to-back in felt that we need- ed to market this team in an aggressive manner with a strong message. This is a team that will hustle and be North Skydome for the games has gone they - 1 baseball with the fact in perceived not it's lacrosse, curling as the compared to and hockey. buy don't "I 1 cite the decline "Canadian-game," that at says all," Bloom. "I've heard from more people that grew up seeing the old minor Maple Leaf baseball games. grow league I've seen the attendance steadily ly in the As 1992 and wasn't it it in the four was certain- three million." the for team, many of the foronto Blue Jays arc getting into the Hope who Inc. a major player owns also in the Sportsnet, Canadian televi- With the increased exposure on and the new "Baseball North" campaign launched March 3, hope to reverse the declining popularity of baseball in North America. To achieve this Ihey will try to market the team in a way the Toronto Blue Jays will entertaining make for it interesting and be launched will through the television, bus ads and Commercials other popular venues. North for Baseball evision sion sports arena. television The campaign on the horizon however, is with the purchase of the Blue Jays by that few years with the exception of Sept. million area [per year], 1993. Rogers sporting relatively steady in the last interest will be seen on throughout screens Greater Toronto Area and presenting comedic a m differ as across Canada. [in 1994), to why in the North specifically blame says Jim "People tend Canadian baseball I'hese fans Bloom, idle to the team, with the emphasis on being Canadian. boy takes the bus ad, his eyes slumps back and grabs the ba.seball away from into his seat glove he had tossed beside him. He the strike I. and buses ads are designed to have relate I'he to Vernon Wells and Cory the BulTalo, behind-the- baseball at America, and more Canada, has declined. Phelps, Delgado. Eric Hinske. Josh are featured on billboards Dunedin, Florida. Opinions attendance Carlos thetnselves. Rookie of the Year tel- scenes Can-adian look at spring training ads smiles. This just might be a great experi- ence after all. of Toronto base- Matthew Spagnalo says the addition of more teams in the league would help OUA player Team Highlights 2002-2003 that is events, mainly hockey, has remained for 25 years. If entertaining." well you other at York, Kyle aspect of this attendance the that a dwin- in Canadians are not flocking since in price well the University Western, Toronto, Marnoch/2003 to expect, how always affects it One puzzling of "Baseball baseball stadiums like they used at the down 1 how do." Some people may America. Attendance tickets for $8 ownership The expect. to team was doing and what who him what renew to baseball in season games 1 what 51,517 seat venue as its as possible this season, certain North," a campaign launched by the Series' hope Jays Management hopes ads, notices the boy's interest, and tells it most of suit." deals with the Toronto Star to bring earflaps. of ball now on The boy hears McMaster, know what was going on as far as how well the team was doing and change always affects way Guelph. "This is a team that and be entertaining. Our in a press release. Another management strategy is the lowering of seasons ticket prices his the Waterloo and Laurier marketing efforts should follow is were in not performing as well. People didn't CEO about joining a game. lit- Paul Godfrey Jays President and ment with baseball league, he a Univerity will hustle to his first that, for other bigger factors such as the team with a strong message," says Blue seat beside him. After a long arguhis father Ontario University Marketing Director for the Toronto OCAA Results Season
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