Resources – Summer 2006 PDF file


Resources – Summer 2006 PDF file
Summer 2006
Fundraising for Cordwood - The Home Stretch
With $150,000 left to go, the Campaign to Save
Cordwood has been extended through the summer. “Though
we were getting close, we needed the summer months to
continue the fundraising and outreach,” according to Anne
Gould, campaign chair. “We’re almost there but these extra
months should afford us the time necessary to raise the money
to Save Cordwood.”
The goal of course is
to preserve the 23 acres
along Cordwood Road that
connect 150 protected acres
which have as their focal
point the Eagle Pond Sanctuary off Putnam Avenue in
Cotuit. To preserve the
land, BLT needs to complete the $3.3 million dollar fundraising effort by the
end of September.
To rally the community, 32 green t-shirted volunteers descended upon the
annual Cotuit 4th of July
Parade.” Crowds lining the streets couldn’t help but feel the
energy and excitement as BLT enters the homestretch of the
year –long effort to Save Cordwood.
Thousands of on-lookers took in the sights and sounds
only experienced once a year. In a Norman Rockwell kindof-way, friends and neighbors gathered to ooh and ahh at
vintage cars. A myriad of kids on decorated bicycles and on
floats smiled broadly as they shared generations of Cotuit
tradition. The Cotuit Oyster Company float celebrated 150
years. Cotuit’s Kettleer baseball team and fire trucks from
all over Barnstable added to the festivities.
In the midst of it all, BLT volunteers pedaled a red and
white surrey with the fringe on top with banners proclaiming “Save Cordwood” – the back way to Eagle Pond. Green
t-shirted kids and adults surrounded the surrey with a flurry
of activity. Handing out leaflets to the crowd they proclaimed
“Help us Save Cordwood, we’re almost there!”
Walking in the Cotuit Parade had an incredible, cozy,
down home feel,” according to Jim Power. “I was really
touched by the heartwarming response from folks who
cheered us on, excited that we are on the verge of preserving
one of Cotuit’s most precious natural assets.”
And indeed now, it does feel as though we are almost
there, especially considering that a year ago when the public
phase of the Save
Cordwood Campaign was
launched, $1.3 million of
the total $3.3 million
project costs remained to be
In fundraising it is often said that the hardest
money to raise is the first
money and the last money:
the first money because everyone wonders how in the
world so much could possibly be raised; the last
money because people
think that the goal is so
close that others will
take care of it.
In the case of
Cordwood, the first
money came from
anonymous angels
Columbo enjoys the festivities!
who snatched the property from the market and backstopped the project, providing
a window of opportunity for the community to show their
support. That made it possible for Barnstable Land Trust
and the Mary Barton Land Trust to embark upon the campaign to raise the remaining dollars.
Now, a little over a year later, more than 700 donors have
jumped on the bandwagon. A matching grant from the Edward Bangs Kelley and Elza Kelley Foundation was easily
(Continued on page 2)
THE HOME STRETCH (continued)
Mailing: P.O. Box 224
Cotuit, MA
Office: 407 North Street
Hyannis, MA
(508) 771-2585
Board of Directors:
Tom Mullen
Vice President:
Will Mason
West Barnstable
Joe Hawley
Kevin Galvin
Marston Mills
Board Members:
Christopher Babcock
Carol Carter
Kristie Kapp
West Barnstable
Sam Keavy
Diane Langeland
Gilbert Newton
Julie Seligmann
Hid Welch
Executive Director:
Jaci Barton
met. A Challenge Grant from The Kresge Foundation and major pledges from David G. Mugar
and Carole and Chuck Pieper will complete the
campaign once the remaining funds are raised.
Since the parade, additional gifts and
pledges have been rolling in, but we’re not finished yet ~ we’ve still got $135,000 left to
raise! So over the summer months we’ll be
reaching out to more folks hoping to broaden
support to Save Cordwood forever!
Jim Power and Sean Kelly spread the word!
Special thanks to Steve McElheny who secured
the surrey from Holiday Cycles of Falmouth
and to the other volunteers listed here who
helped ignite Cotuit’s community spirit! Anne
Gould, Dean Perron, Renee, Maia, Sunny and
Ayla Fudala, Bill Dickson, Mark, Gray and
Johnny Robinson, Lorenzo Lanza, Brittany
Jacobs, Nicholas, Andrew, Michele, and John
Solomon, Helen Picard, Sean Kelly, Phyllis
Walsh, Jim Power, Graham and Joanne
Harrison, Sue Hardy, Wingate and Janet
Lloyd, Paula Schnepp, Wendy Boothman and
Shayne, Tina, Kelly, and William McKenna.
Gray Robinson, Bill Keto and Jim Power
at the ready with leaflets!
The 23 acres along Cordwood Road are the “missing link,” tying together the 150 acres of
conservation land. Preservation of these 23 acres will:
• prevent wildlife habitat fragmentation by joining existing protected woodland at Eagle Pond
with the Almy Atlantic White Cedar Swamp;
• retain Cordwood Road, an historic sandy cartpath (dating to before 1830), in its original
• maintain the integrity of Cordwood Road as a quiet but popular walking trail that is the back
way into the Eagle Pond Sanctuary;
• preserve the scenic quality and Cotuit’s rural seaside charm;
• protect the water quality of Cotuit Bay; and
• preserve down gradient shellfish beds, an important part of our community’s cultural heritage.
Newsletter Editors:
Jaci Barton
Beth Marcus
Andrea Seddon
Aileen Sanger Chase
Design and Layout:
Newsletter Sponsor:
Page 2
Make a Gift ~ Volunteer to hand out leaflets
Spread the Word ~ Buy a doggie bandana
Make a Gift in honor or memory of a loved one
On July 7, 2006 the BLT completed Phase 2 of the Bayview
At the completion of the project, BLT and project partFarm Preservation Initiative!
ners had raised $745,000 toward the total project goal of
Now, the 2 acres of upland behind the historic home$805,000. Still short $60,000, BLT moved forward to perstead and the 7.65 acres of marshland along Bridge Creek
manently preserve the almost 10 acres in Phase 2 by borare forever preserved, affording future generations the oprowing from BLT’s “Green Fund”. The Green Fund is money
portunity to appreciate and learn from the foresight and genthat has been set aside for a situation just like we found ourerosity of their ancestors.
selves in days before the closing. State funding was at risk
So what did the community and future generations oband the facts were too compelling. The bridge loan from the
tain with this vital conservation effort? Bayview Farm ofGreen Fund enabled us to make this deal happen.
fers, an amazing opportunity to appreciate the vast
The significant objectives of the project that conand exquisite views of Sandy Neck and the
vinced the Board to utilize the Green Fund to preBarnstable Great Marsh and a chance to observe
serve the 9.65 acres were to:
the critters that rest, play, and restore themselves
• leverage $439,000 in State funding;
in the uplands and wetlands of Bridge Creek. We
• protect the water quality of Bridge Creek and the
also gained the knowledge that the lands surroundgreater Barnstable Harbor watershed;
ing this historic home site will always be part of
• maintain and enhance a significant wildlife
the preserved land of Barnstable.
Because of all of the participants in The Save
preserve the scenic landscape surrounding the
Bayview Farm Phase 2 Campaign an incredible
historic homestead;
Left to
feat was accomplished. In less than a year corpo• connect hundreds acres of already conserved land;
rations, foundations, the State, the Town of
• and enhance passive recreation opportunities.
Barnstable, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), and
It’s not hard to understand BLT’s decision to
over 350 contributors, joined forces and made this
move forward. But it is also vital to understand that
vision a reality. It should be noted that without
BLT needs to raise the remaining money as soon as
the leadership and support from TNC’s Robb
possible. Replenishing the Green Fund is critical if
Johnson and the financial support of the State’s
we are to continue efforts to preserve the open spaces
Department of Conservation and Recreation, sucand special places of our community.
cess at Bayview Farm would not have been posThe bottom line is that everyone realized that
there was a once in a life time opportunity to save
The property was purchased on June 16th
this land. Now we need to find a few more wise
from the Bayview Farm Realty Trust and on
souls who will make BLT’s Green Fund whole
July 7th, the deal was completed when the state
and ready to seed the next land campaign.
to Date!
purchased the conservation restriction that ensures that the land will remain in its current state.
Funding for Bayview Farm Phase 2 came in part from: The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), Orenda
Wildlife Trust, William P. Wharton Trust, Entergy, Ducks Unlimited, Cape Cod Five Charitable Foundation, Cape Cod
Cooperative Bank, The Seth Sprague Charitable Foundation, Bafflin Foundation, the Town of Barnstable – Community
Preservation Act and over 350 individual donors.
Our thanks to the following volunteers who in the past few months have helped us in the Save Bayview Farm
effort: Marsha Alibrandi, Gay Black, Linda Cahoon, Kris Clark, Ken Creighton, Judy Desrochers, Peter and Sylvia
Doiron, Rosita and Wolfgang Fattler, Debbie Fitton, Judy Galvin, Anne Gould, Sue Handy, Cynthia Hayden, Ellen
Harmansky, Eleanor Harrison, Graham Harrison, Barbara Hill, Holly Hobart, Bert Jackson, Linda Johnson, Kristie Kapp,
Sam Keavy, Dianne and Doug Langeland, Toni Malouf, Andy Morris, Mark Nelson, Deidre Paster, Diane Philos-Jensen,
Sallie Pellman, Barbara Rittel, Andre and Elsie Sampou, Kareem Sanjahgi, Julie Seligmann, Aimee Silberman, Debbie
and Peter West, Helen Wirtanen, Mark Wirtanen, and Priscilla Wrenn.
Thank You to everyone who helped Save Bayview Farm!
Page 3
The passing of Townie Hornor and the subsequent sale of his property made it necessary for BLT to search out a new
location for “Gifts from the Sea”. We reluctantly began our search, feeling saddened by Townie’s passing and doubtful that
we would ever find a place as beautiful. When we approached Jim McGowan, who owns the house at Bayview Farm, he
embraced the idea. The new location was confirmed: the meadow at Bayview Farm, Route 6A, West Barnstable!
For those hesitant to change, rest assured, the things you have grown to love about “Gifts from the Sea” remain.
We will still have an open bar, a raw bar, and music by “Three Cats & a Dog”. Thankfully Arthur & Barbara Rittel remain at
the helm as Food Co-Chairs - so you can expect the buffet to be as bountiful and the desserts to be as delectable as ever!
So what’s different? First and foremost, the location: Bayview Farm, Route 6A, West Barnstable. As many of you
already know, a portion of Bayview Farm is BLT’s most recent acquisition. In 2004, with the help of several project partners,
BLT preserved 14 of the 40 acres at Bayview Farm. Over the last 6 months we have been actively fundraising to preserve 10
additional acres: the 2-acre upland backdrop and 8 acres of saltmarsh that fringe Bridge Creek. With its open fields and
views of Sandy Neck, Bayview Farm is a wonderful place to celebrate “Gifts from the Sea” and BLT’s accomplishments!
An added bonus to the Bayview Farm location: On Site Parking.
To better highlight the most interesting auction items, the
Live Auction has been expanded. We have some different and
exciting items to bid on! We are also happy to welcome Charles
Bailey Gates as Auctioneer. Charles, a friend of BLT board
Bayview Farm, West Barnstable
member Carol Carter, also happens to be a professional AuctionAugust 19th ~ 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
eer. A former soap opera star, Charles promises to add some
5:30 p.m. Event Begins
excitement to the evening! A (very) short program by Executive
Enjoy Open Bar, Raw Bar,
Director Jaci Barton will update you on BLT projects.
Live Music and a Delicious Buffet
Year after year the most challenging portion of the event is
while bidding on a variety of Silent Auction items
check out. Adding credit cards several years back made it easier
for supporters, but added complexity to tracking the sales. You
7:00 p.m. Silent Auction Closes
commented - we listened. This year we will be utilizing auction event software to help facilitate the check out process.
7:15 p.m. Live Auction Begins
Now, if you swipe your card on the way in, you’ll be ready for
Live Auction and a short presentation
express checkout on your way out. As always, cash and checks
by Executive Director, Jaci Barton
are welcome.
We’re very excited about the changes taking place this year.
8:15 p.m. Dessert & Coffee Served
to make “Gifts from the Sea 2006” our best event ever!
Music and drinks continue until 9:00 p.m.
Please join us on August 19th at Bay View Farm!
The Evening’s Schedule
~ Some of our Fabulous Live Auction Items ~
Cruise aboard the “Cruceros Australis” from Chile to
Argentina ~ 5 days, 4 nights for 2 people
Explore Patagonia, Chile on a “cargo ferry expedition”
aboard the “Navimag” ~ 4 days, 3 nights for 2 people
Be an “Extra” on the set of Dan Adam’s film “Chatham”
Explore the Sandy Neck Lighthouse with historian Ken
Morton on a private tour and picnic for 4
Vacation at Hummingbird Villas, St. John, U.S. V. I. ~7 days
Daytrip to Nantucket or MV on the motor yacht “Carousel”
Enjoy a romantic 3-night stay in Woodstock, NY
2 Nights for Nagging In-Laws at the Lamb & Lion
Page 4
“Bon Appetit”, a framed print by Ralph Cahoon, signed
by Julia Child
Handmade Nantucket Basket “Tote”
Original Fish Printing (Striper) by Bob Livingston
Restored 1972 Boston Whaler “Squall” Dinghy
Original Watercolor by Margrit Mason
Hand Carved End Table from West Barnstable Table
Original Marsh Scene by Marian Waldron Nicastro
Pond Boat donated by Cotuit Santuit Historical
….and more!
Silent Auction Sampling
Original Artwork
Alison McMurry
Carol-Jean O’Toole
Carol Lummus
Tickets on Cape Air/Nantucket Air
Trips on the Hy-Line
Ballroom Dancing Lessons
Sight Seeing Flight over the Cape
Horseback Riding
Dinner on the Cape Cod Railroad
Kayak Rentals
Objects d’art
Sailor’s Valentine
Quilts & Samplers
Fun Items from
The Plum Porch
The Queen Bee
Summerhouse Soaps
Framed Prints
Martha Cahoon
Gene Chu
Barbara Kauffman
Peaco Todd
Susan O’Brien McLean
Bonnie Brewer
Gift Certificates
The Regatta
Bradford’s Hardware
Puritan Cape Cod
Yoga & Stretching
Manicures & Pedicures
And lots more…..
Last Call for Auction Items, Volunteers & Sponsors
It takes an enormous amount of effort to pull off this event every year. We count on volunteers, artists and local businesses
to help us!
Volunteers: Before, during or after the event ~ for an hour or a day ~we’ve got something fun for everyone. Interested?
Please call Andrea at 508-771-2585 or email her at
Sponsor: It’s not too late to be a sponsor! Put an ad in our auction program. There are varying levels and all include at least
one ticket to the event! Interested? Call Beth at 508-771-2585 or email her at
Auction Donations: The deadline is quickly approaching so call us today at 508-771-2585 if you have something to donate.
Be creative ~think outside the box. Show your friends and neighbors that you support BLT.
Still Need Tickets?
Tickets are $75 per person and are available directly through the BLT office. Please send a self-addressed stamped envelope
to BLT, 407 North Street, Hyannis, MA 02601. We will mail out your tickets up until 4 days before the event, after which we
will hold them at the door. We hope to see you there!
Page 5
Cordwood Kids PoeTREE Reading & Contest
Nearly 250 Cape Cod poets came out of the ”woodwork” for the
first annual PoeTREE Reading and Contest held on June 24th at the
Cotuit Center for the Arts. Or maybe they came out of the woods, since
all the poems were about or featured trees.
Half of the entries came from fifth and sixth grade students at the
Barnstable Horace Mann Charter School, where teachers used the contest
to explore different poetic forms, such as Haiku, rhymed and metered
verse. An eighth grade class at the Barnstable Middle School adopted
individual trees and really got to know them before writing poems about
them. Cotuit Elementary School students wrote their poems after a field
trip to Eagle Pond, while first graders from Bourne turned the contest into
a cooperative effort by writing a tree-shaped book of poems as a class
project. Mashpee, Dennis-Yarmouth, and Falmouth students also submitted poems, some at the urging of teachers, and others independently.
While the winning entries won prizes and were performed at the
PoeTREE Reading at Cotuit Center for the Arts, the focus of the event
wasn’t prizes, but trees, poetry, and conservation. The reading was an
awareness and fund raising event for Save
Many thanks go out to Laura Opie and
Cordwood Kids for organizing this fantastic
event, and to the Cotuit Center for the Arts for
generously donating the use of their space for
the reading. Our gratitude also extends to all of
the teachers who engaged their students in the
idea of PoeTREE, and to all of the brave souls
who shared their poems with us. For more info
about Cordwood Kids go to
Restoring Nature, Restoring Self with BLT & Yoga
Also on Saturday, June 24th BLT held our first ever Yoga Retreat at a
beachfront cottage in Cotuit along the shores of Cotuit Bay. With the help
of Yoga instructors, Diane Kovanda and Catherine Paulson, massage therapists, Linda Harmon and Beth Madden, and all who attended this retreat,
we raised more than $1,500 to benefit BLT.
The idea of a Yoga Retreat was the brainchild of BLT supporter and
Yoga instructor, Diane Kovanda, and BLT staff member, Andrea Seddon.
As Andrea explains, “There seemed to be an obvious connection between
BLT’s mission to preserve and restore the environment to its natural state
and the practice of Yoga to restore and revitalize the body through stretching and deep breathing. What better way to unite the two than to hold a
Yoga Retreat to benefit BLT?”
Diane readily volunteered her services to lead the retreat with the
help of her good friend, Catherine Paulson, a master gardener, horticulturist, and Kripalu Yoga teacher who was more than happy to help out.
Through the hard work and dedication of these two women, and the
open hearts and minds of the attendees, the retreat was not only a great
success, but an inspiration for all who participated. A warm thanks to
everyone who made this event possible. Thanks to your positive feedback, BLT anticipates hosting another retreat in the future. Stay tuned.
Page 6
Some of our favorite winning poems
Watch that Tree
by Adriana Cericola, West Yarmouth
First Place, ages 4 -6
Watch that tree
if you see a squirrel
going into the nest
please tell me
by Kyla Rose White, Quashnet School, Mashpee
First Place, ages 7 - 9
Tall and majestic, they climb so high
Almost reaching all the way to the sky.
They come in all different sizes and shapes
There are a lot of beautiful ones here on the Cape.
We have pine and maple, to name a few,
Always offering us an awesome view.
If you look out your window you might see
A beautiful weeping willow tree.
Some have fruit and some may have flowers,
But I love to sit and watch them for hours.
Save a Tree
by Patience Uhlman,
Barnstable Horace Mann Charter School
Second Place, ages 10 -12
Pine, cedar, oak, or birch,
Trees are a great place for birds to perch.
Eastern White Pine or Weeping Willow,
Some leaves are rough, some soft like a pillow.
Large trunks, thin trunks,
Leaves fall single or in chunks.
Providing shade,
When all of the clouds fade.
I know this paper is almost filled,
But the more paper I use,
the more trees will be killed.
So use less paper and save the trees,
Leave a home for the birds and the bees.
by Kelsie O’Connor, Barnstable Middle School
Second Place, ages 13 - 15
My tree weaves a story
a history, a place in time
look up and listen
Together we will climb
Kay Walcott loved Cotuit. She met her husband at the former Pines
Hotel in Cotuit in 1938. They settled on the Cape year-round, in 1976.
Kay cherished her time spent outdoors sailing, gardening, bird-watching, and walking her dog Ty. One of their favorite walks was along Cordwood
Road over to Eagle Pond, where Kay could observe the ever changing landscape as the seasons turned. Her love of nature was shared by her husband
Hank who was, for many years, the treasurer of the Mary Barton Land Trust,
stewards of Eagle Pond.
In her lifetime, Kay and Hank made contributions to the Save Cordwood
Campaign and bought doggie bandanas as gifts for friends. According to
Hank, “When Kay died this spring we decided there was no better tribute
than to encourage friends and family to make memorial gifts to help Save
Cordwood. It seemed the natural order of things.”
Kay, making friends at Eagle Pond.
Donations made in memory of Kay Walcott to help Save Cordwood
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Abrahamson
David and Beryl Adcock
June Albaugh
James and Jennifer Asher
Marianne & Donald Barth
Mary Brenner
Dulce W. Bryan
Barbara Steller & Frank Caruso
Jack Chang
Richard & Alexandra Clark
William & Ann Cook
Laura & Jay Cromarty
Rev. Diane Cusumano
Maureen and Ward Dunning
Dale Edmunds & Barbara Fay
Elizabeth Green
Anne and Jim Gould
Richard & Susan Hamilton
Ms. Clare E. Hannan
Virginia Keil
James & Barbara LeClair
Dr. Maryjane Luke
J. Thomas and Sophie MacMahon
Robert & Kathleen Markert
Mary & Terence McCourt
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Odence
Edward T Pound
John & Frances Quinn
Mrs. Richard A. Reilly
Marie Scales
Mr. Benjamin H. Walcott
Letitia C. Wells
Ali, Margot, Tom Bloch & Jessica Wolfe
Army Team of Deloitte and Touche
Knight Ridder Washington Bureau
Knight Ridder/ Tribune
Please use this form if you would like to support a project currently underway or general operations of BLT
Help preserve open space and protect water quality, scenic vistas and wildlife – forever.
❒ $1000
❒ $500
❒ $100
❒ $50
❒ $35
❒ Other $
Cape Mailing Address
At Cape Address from ____________ thru____________
Off-Cape Mailing Address
❒ My employer will match my contribution:
(Matching gift form enclosed)
❒ I wish to make a special gift:
❒ in memory of _______________________________
❒ in honor of _________________________________
❒ Green Fund for land acquisition $
❒ designate my gift for:
Please mail your tax deductible contribution to: Barnstable Land Trust, P.O. Box 224, Cotuit, MA 02635
For office use:
Date rec’d.___________ No.___________ amt.__________ renewal______ new_____ TY__________ DB____________
Summer 2006
Page 7
In Honor of:
Mr. & Mrs. Graham Harrison from Delores A. Viarengo
For Bayview Farm
Anne Gould from Graham & Joanne Harrison
Caroline & James Ross from Jack & Sylvia Furman
The Fitzpatrick Grandchildren: Carolina, Nicola, Emmett
& James from John & Judith Fitzpatrick
Nye Crowell from John Crowell & Sheila Bearse
Virginia Klug from Stephen Klug
For Cordwood
Bean from John Swanson
Millie Godiva Kanzer from Dr & Mrs. Gordon Kanzer
Riley from Chris Blauvelt
Wilbur & Buttons from Cornell & Peggie Bretz
Izzy from Mary & Paul Simonetti
Magellan from Susan Limoncelli
Ozzie Robertson from Tracey Fern
Henry-Higgins from Virginia Smithers
Joey Gallus from Lisa Peterson
Lucille Webber from Nancy & Edward Cobden
The Bidwell & Almy Families from Matthew
& Marjorie Goetz
Elizabeth Lowell on her birthday from Garry
& Mary Margolius
Frances S. Park from Mr. & Mrs. Victor Mastro
Jim & Anne Gould from David & Anne Nisula
Kiera’s Birthday (who loves eagle pond) from
Nancy J. Willets
Phyllis Walsh from Patricia Barrett
Cotuit Oyster Co. from Edward and
Barbara Gargiulo
Our Parents from David W. and Carol M. Allen
Elizabeth Almy from John Bidwell, Jr.
My Grandmother Georgia C Ferguson from
Amy Daubert
Ted Bellingrath from Mr. & Mrs. Richard Harrison
For Bayview Farm
Sandra Lee DeLucia from Rosemary & Thomas Wall
Winnie Chase from Richard and Barbara Kiusalas
Wood Fox from Alice Pitcher
Frances Bush-Brown from Mary Pat Martin
& Richard Livingston
Austin R. Gramlich from Mr. & Mrs
Ray L. Mendelsohn
Bert French from Susan & Richard French
Bogie my lab that hunted ducks on Bridge Creek
from Jeffrey R. Greenwood
Evald Nilsson from Benjamin & Susan Gilmore
Peter Toennies from Ramona D. Fryer
Charles Edwards from Jeanne Edwards
John G. Howard Jr. from Mr. William Daniel Knott
Hannah Johnson Bourne from Ms. Maureen Johnson
Judy Carlson from Ms. Priscilla Jones
Rosa Johnson from Pearl and Ireton Bradshaw, Jr.
John B. Wright from Ms. Elizabeth C. Wright
Mickey Schneider from Kyla & David Allen
Skip Batchelder from Constance St. Hilaire
Waino and Martha Ojala from Martha Tooker
Gert Hoffman from E. E. Megathlin
Irma Meyer from Anne Sivek & Robert Meyer
James Carr from James & Nancy Conroy
For Cordwood
Kjellfrid Lone Thorp from Olaf J. Thorp
Bill & Martha Wadsworth from Ellen & Terry Lloyd
Bette Mae Wilson Burrell from Lawrence
& Bettina Brown
Charlotte G. White from Richard & Kathy White
In Memory of:
John W. Nichols from Mark Nichols
Russ & Amy Mather from Susan & John Brennan
Donald C. Kneale from Doug Kneale
Edward J. Hopley from Bill & Gail Fioretti
Ira Louis Campbell from Thomas & Laurie Hadley
John T Connor from Geoffrey Connor
Kjellfrid Lone Thorp from Olaf J. Thorp
Loring G. Jones For All The Great Times We Had
There from Adele Jones
Nancy & Kiera Willetts, Thanks for helping with
Rusty from Jane Zulkiewicz
Ted Bellingrath from Robert S. & Susan E. Morrison
Ruth Whittaker Whalen from Robert Whalen
Samuel Cabot Almy from John Bidwell, Sr.
Sydnor Almy Dever from John Bidwell, Sr.
Thelma G. Heselbarth from Ruth Anne Heselbarth
Tom Skenderian from Dennis Berkey
William & June Riemenschneider from Edmund
& Louise Foster
Ann Curtin from Thomas J. Curtin
Bette Robinson from Mr & Mrs Richard Lord
Columbo- Happy 119th birthday from all who love
you from Susan Hardy and Paul Souza
John Curtin from Frank & Joanne Curtin
Robert Anderson from Richard & Connie Curtin
Anthony J. DeCrosta from Ms. Susan A. DeCrosta
Charles & Dorothy Bodurtha
from Sean Kelly & Helen Picard
from Katie Rohrer & Catherine Picard
Earl H Grant from Mrs. Mae Grant
Ellsworth Mitchell from Mrs. Ruth Mitchell
Ernest T. Carlson, Jr. from Ms. Gloria Carlson
H. Leighton Morrill from Mrs. H. Leighton Morrill
Mary McCormack from Stanley & Theresa Goldstein
Robert Leigh from Janet T. Leigh
Sheba from Kathleen Pratt
Harriot Ropes Cabot from Sally Hinkle
Gerry Henderson from Rika Henderson
Elizabeth Hatfield Hanson & Mary Hatfield Shaffer
from Bette & Bill Hanson
From gifts received between May 9th and July 25th, 2006
Box 224, Cotuit, Massachusetts 02635
visit our website:
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