2013 - Fundação Gol de Letra


2013 - Fundação Gol de Letra
PROTESTS, THE WORLD CUP AND SPORTS IN BRAZIL.................................07
15 YEARS OF GOL DE LETRA...........................................................................08
GOL DE LETRA.................................................................................................11
ORGANIZATION CHART...................................................................................12
TIME LINE........................................................................................................14
15 years of great stories......................................................................... 18
Towards a sports culture....................................................................... 19
Itaú-Unicef ​​Award.................................................................................. 21
Forum on Sports and Comprehensive Education................................. 23
ETEC Sports Center............................................................................... 25
Vila Albertina, São Paulo................................................................. 28
Turning the Game Around Program...................................................... 30
Youth Program........................................................................................ 34
Open Game Program.............................................................................. 38
Communities Program........................................................................... 42
Caju District, Rio de Janeiro............................................................ 46
Communities Project............................................................................. 48
Professional Development Goal Project............................................... 52
Two Moves Program............................................................................... 54
Goal of Culture Project........................................................................... 58
Gol de Letra Library - Vila Albertina...................................................... 64
Gol de Letra Library - Caju.................................................................... 65
Exchange Program................................................................................. 66
Dissemination......................................................................................... 68
Knowledge Management - Evaluation and Systematization 2013....... 72
Communications at Gol de Letra........................................................... 76
Fundraising (How to collaborate).......................................................... 78
France Association................................................................................. 83
Team....................................................................................................... 86
Individual Members................................................................................ 87
Individual Members - Companies.......................................................... 88
One Time Donations............................................................................... 88
Companies who participated in Sales Receipt Tax Campaign in 2013..... 89
Volunteers............................................................................................... 89
Sponsors................................................................................................. 90
The year 2013 was marked by surprising and tense street
demonstrations of popular dissatisfaction of the status quo. Diffuse but
focused, these demonstrations triggered stunning reactions in society
and especially in Congress.
Our understanding is that these protests, more than involving the right
to demonstrate, are actions needed to awaken the political class and
demand priority for changes toward creating a more just society. As
the young people say, “it took a while.”
Here at Gol de Letra, we do our share, serving 1,300
children and youth in two locations, in addition to
five dissemination projects with results that fill our
hearts with pride and hope.
In 2013, we were awarded the Itaú-Unicef Award for Integral Education,
which crowned 14 years of activities of the Turning the Game Around
Program, with recognition for all the teams who participated or are still
serving in the program. This award is also a reflection of the cooperative
relationship with the community of Vila Albertina in São Paulo.
In our unit in Rio de Janeiro, the year was marked by the installation of
the Pacifying Police Unit (UPP) in the Caju neighborhood - which brings
better prospects for our programs - and by an agreement with SOS /
Rotary Club (Social work services). These changes will allow us to expand
our facilities and improve working conditions in 2014.
2014 will surely be remembered as the year of the World Cup in Brazil
and will display this contradictory country to the world. This is a unique
opportunity to discuss the attributes and potential blessings of sports.
Gol de Letra is preparing a series of projects aimed at accelerating the
development of “Sports Culture” in the neighborhoods of Vila Albertina
and Caju as well as broaden the debate of this model in the suburban
communities. It is worth reviewing.
Sóstenes de Oliveira
General Director Gol de Letra
Fifteen years ago, we began this great adventure, born with bold
assertions and established with ambitious challenges and audacious
goals. After 15 years, what are the results that our teams have to present
to partners, volunteers and all those who believed in this dream and
helped turn this idea into a respected institution and a major player in
Brazilian civil society?
The first major challenge was to convey the credibility, values ​​and
idealism of our founders in our actions. This was achieved with great
legitimacy, attracting people and institutions who share the same ideals
and who today are true guardians of what can be considered the Gol de
Letra “soul”, carrying and strengthening values ​​such as citizens’ rights,
solidarity, dignity, seriousness, professionalism, dedication and the
passion of charitable work.
Today, I have no doubt in saying that Gol de Letra, in the collective
imagination, represents the search and the work towards achieving a
better and more just world, which in itself is already a great achievement.
Since the creation of our mission, the objectives were to value education
and public schools, while influencing public policy, using sports to
mobilize communities and become a leading example in working with
teenagers in vulnerable situations.
I think we achieved steps beyond these goals, and became a leading
example also in development work and community mobilization. I’m proud
to present some of the many services provided and results achieved:
More than 6,000 children and young people attended and
directly impacted by our activities
Transformation of the areas where we operate, with
decreased violence, improved educational levels of its
residents, income growth higher than average, increase
in youth employability and more participatory and
protagonist individuals in their communities.
Partnerships with key players in health care (Unimed and
Odontoprev) giving our beneficiaries access to a better
health care and quality of life, in addition to contributing
to greater awareness about a healthier lifestyle.
Employment programs for young people in which 50% of
participants obtained jobs.
Dissemination Program sharing our methodology in
seven other regions of the country.
Our training program of sports monitors became public
policy in the state of São Paulo with the first technical
degree in sports now available in Brazil.
Exchange program for youth and educators with
European countries, especially France, with more than
150 participants.
Gol de Letra became synonymous with social work
involving education, sports and sports players. It has
inspired dozens of athletes and sports institutions to get
involved in social projects.
Like our Brazilian youth, Gol de Letra, in its few but intense years of
existence is ready to keep working on the important phases already achieved
and face new challenges. Along with our established and new partners, we
hope to resolutely move towards our ultimate goal: turning Brazil into a more
just country constructed with the participation of the entire society, a process
in which previously excluded citizens will play a leading role.
The essence of our people must become the essence and the core values of
our country!
Raí de Oliveira
Raí, co-founder of Gol de Letra and nowadays president of Board of Trustees
Based on the four pillars
of UNESCO: learning to know,
learning to do, learning to live
with others and learning to be.
To contribute to the cultural and educational
development of children and young people so
they can act autonomously in transforming
their realities.
To be recognized as an organization that
develops and disseminates practices that
contribute to social transformation.
Dignity, Fraternity, Solidarity and
Learning: Expanding the cultural, sports, and
educational repertoire
Coexistence: Development of guidelines and
rules of coexistence
Multiply: Training of multipliers of knowledge
and attitudes
Gol de Letra Foundation is a civil society non-profit organization whose
goal is to ensure new prospects for the future for children, adolescents
and young people in socially vulnerable communities through programs
and projects of comprehensive education.
Founded on December 10, 1998 by former soccer players Raí de
Oliveira and Leonardo Nascimento de Araújo, Gol de Letra offers sport,
recreational and cultural activities and employability skills courses,
always acting jointly with educators and social workers. Through this, the
foundation aims to contribute to personal, social, cultural and educational
development of their participants, promote the participation of families
and strengthening of communities.
In 2001, just three years after then start of the foundation, Gol de Letra
was recognized by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization) as a model organization in serving children in
situations of social vulnerability. Over the years, the work of the Gol de
Letra grew, increasing the number of projects contributing to knowledge
management through systematization projects and multiplication of
practices developed for other regions. The quality of work has been
attested by the numerous recognitions received by the organization.
Among them are the Laureus ‘Sports for Good’ (considered the Oscars
of Sports, received by Raí de Oliveira for his performance with Gol de
Letra) in 2012, the 5th USP Prize of Human Rights in 2005, and recently,
the Banco do Brasil Foundation Certificate of Social Technology, and the
UNICEF Itaú National Winner Award for Integral Education, both in 2013.
Methods of performance
The proposal of Gol de Letra is configured in comprehensive education in
micro territory (operating in Vila Albertina, a neighborhood in São Paulo,
and Caju, a neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro) based on the integration
between educational practices and social assistance.
The public is selected according to the degree of social vulnerability and
risk, using criteria of PNAS (National Policy for Social Assistance - 2004),
centralizing it focus on the role of the family and the importance of the
social assistance aspect of the actions, with the aim of developing a social
environment protection for families and the community.
Moreover, since 2009, Gol de Letra disseminates its social technology
developed for other contexts and territories, through professional
training and implementation, monitoring and evaluation of new projects,
partnership with local organizations and corporate sponsors, reproducing
knowledge acquired throughout its existence.
Analysts SP/RJ
Social worker
SP assistants
RJ interns
Social mediators
Reading mediators
Social worker
Project aid Social
assistant worker
and trainees
Social workers and
Administrative assistant
Administrative interns
General services aid
Operational services
Resources and
Library Mediator training begins
for library and toy library,
inauguration of the community
library in Vila Albertina.
Establishment Association
of France.
Establishment of Gol de
Letra Foundation in São
Paulo (SP), Brazil.
Expanding activities in
Rio de Janeiro state
with the beginning of
Open Game in the Caju
Inauguration of
the program Turning
the Game Around
“Programa Virando
o Jogo”.
Beginning of social
services to the community.
Water Messengers
project, environmental
education action
in Caju.
The Community Outreach
Training Program (FAC) is
adopted in Niteroi.
Opening of the first unit in the
State of Rio de Janeiro, with
Two Moves program “Programa
Dois Toques” in Niteroi (RJ).
Recognition by UNESCO as a
model institution in supporting
children and adolescents in
situations of social vulnerability.
Establishment of the Community
Outreach Training Program
“Formação de Agentes
Comunitários – FAC”, from the
project The Face of the Village.
Expansion in training of mediators
and inclusion of young monitors
working with educators in the
Turning the Game Around program.
Start of the Sports Action School
project “Projeto Escola Ação
Esportiva” in São Paulo, and the
Two Touches program at the school
in Niteroi, both in partnership with
public schools in the communities.
Implementation of the project
The Face of the Village (currently
Youth Program) in São Paulo.
Launching of the Open Game program
“Programa Jogo Aberto”
First Gol de Letra Tournament,
in São Paulo.
Reduction in number of FAC workshops
in São Paulo, and change in name to
Youth Program.
Dissemination arrives in São Paulo (SP), Rio
de Janeiro (RJ), Belo Horizonte (MG), Salvador
(Bahia) and Porto Alegre (RS), with the Social
Ginga project, in partnership with adidas.
Closure of operations in Niteroi.
Creation of the Axis Towards Employability
(Professional Development) in the Youth
Program in São Paulo.
Opening of the library at the Caju
headquarters of Gol de Letra.
Beginning of the dissemination actions
of socio-educational practice with pilot
project in Goias.
Release of the book “Changing the Game
- an experience Gol de Letra with Integral
Education”, which explains the systematization
of practices.
Beginning of the 1st technical course for
sports monitors at the Centro Paula Souza
(Government of the State of São Paulo), a
partnership with Gol de Letra.
10 years of sports exchange program with the
French organization Sport Dans La Ville
Start of the “Winning in Caju” Project, the
first training for employability in the city of
Rio de Janeiro.
Start of the systematization of Turning the Game
Around Program
Investment in the development of the
organization with Human Resources website and
new “Social Media” design project.
Completion of the curriculum of the technical
course of Sports and Physical Activity (in
partnership with Centro Paula Souza –
educational institution under responsibility of
São Paulo State Government).
Start of Goal of Culture project in Caju,
offering dance and Brazilian folk music
activities for teenagers.
Start of Professional Development Goal project in Caju.
Celebration of ten years of Gol de Letra Foundation.
Gol de Letra Foundation arrives in Guinea-Bissau with
the Dissemination project.
Gol de Letra
Tournament completes
its 10th edition in São
Paulo and 7th in Rio de
Gol de Letra celebrates
15 years of existence.
Turning the Game
Around Program
wins the Itaú-Unicef
National Award ​​for
Integral Education.
Gol de Letra develops
the 1st Internal Forum
on Sports and Integral
Open Game project
receives the certificate
of Social Technology
by Banco do Brasil
On December 10, 2013, Gol de Letra Foundation concluded 15 years since
its establishment. The date, strategically chosen to coincide with the
International Day of Human Rights, exemplifies a series of stories and
achievements of the organization and thousands of people, children, and
young adults, who participated through the programs and events by the
Foundation and who helped build this beautiful history.
To celebrate these and other successes, Gol de Letra invited all those
who participate, follow or support the foundation to share a story or
feeling related to Gol de Letra. The messages were posted by social
media networks in December with the hash tag #15AnosGolDeLetra.
Along with the messages, there are a series of videos, texts, and pictures,
which will be released throughout the year, showing Gol de Letra’s work
today. See some examples of what was posted:
Those who still wish to participate, the 15year anniversary celebrations
will continue until December 2014! Just send a message (text, picture
or video) for Gol de Letra comunicacao@goldeletra.org.br by email or
directly through social networks.
In this moment when the whole country debates the realization of
the World Cup and the Olympic Games in Brazil, Gol de Letra invests
further efforts in improving their experiences with a focus on sports
and its potential for social transformation. Sports are a sociocultural
phenomenon, a social right and a means to improve quality of life and
human development, but are hardly taken advantage of in Brazil.
Today in Brazil, only 54% of Brazilian cities have gyms and only 27% have
a football stadium. According to a report by the Brazilian Institute for
Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in 2009, three out of ten did not have any
physical education programs. Only 12% of public schools had areas for
sports. In rural areas, this figure is only 2.5%.
In order to reverse this reality, Gol de Letra invests in social interventions
through Sports and Physical Education, with the aim of contributing to
the fundamental rights of children and adolescents and to ensure social
protection and sports experience, with suitable conditions in development
and attention to family and community.
Studies and surveys show that those who partake in sports education
acquire communication skills, improvement in self-expression, decision
making and self-confidence, learn teamwork and attitudes that can be
used in personal and professional life, and have a greater awareness
of the rights and duties as a citizen. The student of Gol de Letra, for
example, knows that their learning will be beyond sports, interacting
with other areas of knowledge and identifying changes in their
interpersonal relationships.
“My son has changed how he communicates and in his
willingness to do things because he had no desire to do anything.
After he started here he has improved a lot! Now he goes straight
to school, he doesn’t miss class. I think he has become more
responsible.” says the mother of one of the students of the athletic programs of
the foundation.
“Sports have benefits for the individual, but also changes
relationships in general. If the president of a company practices
a sport together with the elevator attendant, he never will greet
him the same way. And it can be extended to other areas,” said Raí,
adding that the training of young sports monitors developed in Gol de Letra can
help change the culture of the region, the family and the community.
In addition to issues related to diversity, health and education, Sports and
Physical Education can be seen as a reason to occupying public spaces
in communities, transforming into meeting places and communication
between people. Studies claim, for example, that sports events are able
to occupy the streets and public spaces, making them safer spaces for
democratic and peaceful coexistence.
“That sport brings important results is something accepted for
most people, but few projects, such as Gol de Letra, go to the
bottom, studying, assessing and bringing up all the benefits of
sports practice,” says Raí, one of the founders of Gol de Letra.
Gol de Letra believes that creating and strengthening a sports culture
in the country is possible and, therefore, seeks to strengthen public
policies in sports and recreation; occupy and expand sports and leisure
spaces; link the community as a strategy to integrate people and local
institutions and enhance the sport as an element of comprehensive
education. During 2013, the Foundation did its homework, implementing
actions towards strengthening sports. To this end, they promoted the
sports forum, Systematization in Sport and Dissemination actions (see
more on the following pages). At the same time, Gol de Letra keeps
investing in dialogue and interaction between government, civil society
and local social actors. Starting in 2014, these efforts should be even
higher. The sports culture is possible, but in order to achieve it we need
the involvement of everyone. Join us!
In November 2013, Gol de Letra’s Turning the Game Around (“Virando o
Jogo”) program received the title of National Grand Prize winner of the
Itaú-Unicef Award for Integral
Education, the highest recognition of its
kind, this award gives legitimacy and rewards the performance of the
program, which was born with the foundation’s activities.
Created in 1995 by Itaú Social Foundation and UNICEF, with technical
coordination of the Centre for Studies and Research in Education,
Culture and Community Action (Cenpec), Itaú-Unicef Award
Integral Education aims to identify, recognize, provide visibility and
stimulate the work of NGOs that contribute, along with public policies
in education and welfare, for the integral education of children and
young people living in conditions of socioeconomic vulnerability. In
this tenth edition, 2,713 social and educational projects developed by
nonprofit organizations in eight major regions of the country were
reviewed. Each project was registered with a partner school. In the
case of the Gol de Letra program, the school chosen
was João Ramos.
Turning the Game Around was the first initiative of
the Gol de Letra Foundation and serves about 240
children (7-14 years) and 32 adolescents (15-21) in Vila
Albertina (São Paulo, Brazil), with daily after school,
workshops in visual arts, dance, theater, music,
capoeira, reading and writing, reading mediation,
playroom, computer and physical education. It also
provides conflict mediation and sexuality workshops
for the older students.
Want to know more about Turning the Game
Around Program? Visit the publications link
on Gol de Letra site and download the free
publication by the winner of the Itaú-Unicef ​​
Award 2013. If you prefer, go directly to this
link (only in Portuguese):
The award ceremony was held in the Ibirapuera
Auditorium in São Paulo, on November 28 and was
attended by representatives of the 32 finalists.
Among the competitors were important projects
from all around the country. Gol de Letra, having a
headquarters in São Paulo, led a large delegation,
composed of employees and monitors from all
its programs. The announcement of the national
winner happened only at the end of the ceremony.
Cheers and an explosion of joy were heard during the
announcement of the award winning by the master of
ceremonies Dan Stulbach.
According to the General Director of Gol de Letra,
Sóstenes Oliveira, this award is the recognition of
efforts in improving Gol de Letra processes, promoted
in recent years and represents a chapter in the
process of systematization of the program, completed
the year before:
“Winning this award, as large national winner
in front of so many organizations, it is almost
like receiving an Oscar, is the crowning of our
work,” he adds.
Self-esteem, discipline, quality of life, human development, respect,
sociability, leadership; there are countless benefits that come from
playing a sport. In thinking of how to hone these skills, employees from
both Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo offices met at the end of the year for
the 1st Internal Forum on Sports and Comprehensive Education.
The objective of the forum was to discuss Gol de Letra’s proposed
sports projects and allowing an alignment of actions focusing in the
institutional vision of the organization. Thus, eight representatives
from Rio de Janeiro came to Vila Albertina for two days, sharing their
experiences and representing one of the largest delegations in the
history of the foundation.
In all, about 20 people, including educators, social workers and
professionals from different fields analyzed how Gol de Letra develops
its sports activities, what is being done in Brazil and other parts of the
world, and discussed how activities can be enhanced to increase the
benefits to the community.
According to the founder Raí de Oliveira, the focus on sports reflects the
maturity of the organization that perceives sports activities as a way to
promote comprehensive education:
“The Foundation was created by two former athletes. In order
to emphasize that Gol de Letra work with education, in the
beginning we did not emphasize in sports. Today, I believe we are
well settled: we combine sports and education, while maintaining
the concern for social issues,” he said.
During the introduction of the meeting, each coordinator explained how
each program functions, the challenges facing and the plans for next year.
Technical data was used as a means of assessment and as a tool to enrich
the discussion and educators shared their experiences and testimonials.
One example discusses was the loyalty of the older classes, a common
challenge in two units: the Open Game (“Jogo Aberto”) experience has
shown that the most populous class varies from year to year, according
to the friendly relations between the participants. In order to maintain
the interest of teenagers in Rio, skateboarding and slack line (a famous
tightrope) classes will be created in 2014.
To stimulate discussion, participants analyzed texts and videos about
sport education and were asked to think about the work being done
by the foundation today, with questions such as “What motivates the
participants?” “What is expected from a sports activity?” and “What is the
ideal form of sport?” among other issues.
In the last part of the meeting, representatives from Rio de Janeiro and
São Paulo worked separately to consider future proposals in each city,
taking into account all the experiences presented and how they can
contribute to the work of Gol de Letra Foundation. The forum was so
well received that the organizers, Felipe Pitaro (Two Moves) and Sergio
Andrade (Open Game) already deliberated upcoming events for 2014:
“Gol de Letra is in a position to promote sports within the
community in an impressive way and therefore, the act of
knowing the other (sports-wise) is key,“ says Felipe.
In August, Gol de Letra Foundation was proud to finally open the new
sports centers ETEC Curt Walter Otto Baumgart, in São Paulo, which will
host the Technical Course in Sports and Physical Activity, the first under
degree course of sports in the country. This was a dream come true event.
This new entertainment center in Vila Maria was designed by architect
Ruy Ohtake and is a 4,000 m² building housing eight classrooms, eight
sports laboratories, seven sport courts, running track, bike and walking
paths as well as library and auditorium with capacity for 115 people.
The local community will be able to use this space during vacation time
and after school, always with the supervision of monitors. This project
represents another big step in promoting sports culture in Brazil.
Launched in 2012, the course is a partnership between Centro Paula
Souza (authority of the state government of São Paulo) and Gol de
Letra Foundation, who helped develop the curriculum from the training
experience of sport monitors from the Open Game program.
The training program lasts for one year and a half and before the
construction of this new site, classes were held at ETEC in Parque
da Juventude.
The pilot class, comprised of participants Gol de Letra and the Institute
for Sports and Education (IEE), graduated in June 2013 and participants
can now work as assistants of the Physical Education professionals, work
in sport club facilities, summer camps, sports centers, public agencies,
NGOs and other institutions.
“This is a historic moment is for the sport in the country, which
until then had no intermediate (technical) courses in the area,”
said Raí, the founder of Gol de Letra, adding that until the creation of this course,
the only way that someone could work in sports was through a university degree.
The difficulties to get in and pay for a university degree and the four-year degree
generated great chances for discouragement along the way.
The Albertina Village is a neighborhood located in the northern zone of São
Paulo occupying a portion of the southern side of the Serra da Cantareira,
belonging to Jacana-Tremembé area. According to the Brazilian Institute
of Geography and Statistics (IBGE 2010), 25,195 million inhabitants occupy
the region, which since the 1970s is the target of invasions and unsettled
territorial expansion, causing great social contrasts.
One way to illustrate this contrast is through the IPVS index which
measures social vulnerability (Paulista Social Vulnerability Index). The
IPVS varies from 1 (least vulnerable) to 6 (extremely vulnerable). In Vila
Albertina, this ratio ranges from 2 to 6, depending on location. According
to the IPVS index, 62,101 people live in Jacana / Tremembe in 16,833
households living in areas of high and very high social vulnerability. The
headquarters of Gol de Letra located at Rua Antonio Simplicio belongs to
index 3, due largely to the poor conditions of some dwellings. The street
Pedro Vaz, which is very close to Gol de Letra, belongs to index 5, which
means high vulnerability.
According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics IBGE,
about 64% of household male receives up to two minimum wages per
month and 17% live with half the minimum wage per month. Among the
women heading the households, 84.48% earn less than two minimum
wages and 21% receive less than half the minimum wage (at the time, the
minimum wage was R$ 510). Furthermore, the provision of the assistance
network services is low in the region, especially for care services to
children and adolescents (6-17 years), in which the offer represents only
20% of demand.
In a survey developed by Gol de Letra Foundation with the UN Population
Fund (UNFPA) results showed the main points of dissatisfaction of
residents with the community. Residents of Vila Albertina desire a more
organized and united neighborhood, allowing them to fight for adequate
infrastructure with better quality of life, which includes environmental
sanitation system, decent housing and public transportation for the
entire community. For residents, the Village needs more culture, sports,
recreation areas, squares, parks, outdoor futsal for children, adolescents
and activities for seniors; an area without the risk of drugs and with a
more active young population to lead and become protagonists in their
stories of life and in their community.
Gol de Letra is located in Vila Albertina since its founding. Throughout
its history, it has proposed building a comprehensive education program
through fellowship of educational practices and social promotion,
transforming people and the territory to which it belongs. To achieve this
goal, see below the activities under development.
OBJECTIVE: Increase the
educational, cultural and
social skills of children and
adolescents and promote
autonomy and citizenship role.
Turning the Game Around (“Virando o Jogo”) is the
Foundation’s oldest program. Conducted since 1999,
it offers four hours of daily activities for children
and adolescents, ages 7-14, in the areas of oral and
written expression, body and artistic expression
and cultural activities after school. In addition, it
trains scholarship recipients, ages 15-20, to become
mediators and monitors and promotes social and
educational activities and support to the families of
the participants.
Turning the Game Around’s participants are composed
of students from public schools, residents of Vila
Albertina neighborhood who come from families in
situations of social vulnerability and risk as well as
indirect beneficiaries of the programs such as parents
or guardians of the participant children and other
residents in the region.
The activities developed in each area use the same
annual theme, encouraging multidisciplinary thinking.
This theme is defined by students and educators in
the last month of the previous year. For example, in
November 2013 the topic chosen for 2014 was “sports”.
This methodology and interdisciplinary aspect allows
the collective construction of knowledge, thanks
to the interaction between two or more areas, and
promotes values ​​such as integration, partnership,
openness and exchange among participants,
which are connected by common goals. The
complementation of these areas happens through
biannual thematic workshops where educators
offer different activities that happen in the regular
schedule, and children and adolescents are grouped
by interest, mixing age groups and developing
greater interaction and autonomy1.
What Happened in 2013
An important role in the Turning the Game Around
Program and the Gol de Letra Foundation itself is the
strong relationship between educational and social
areas, with proximity to the families of those attended
and participation in the community. Consequently, the
You can access details about the routine and methodology of Changing the
Game in the book: “Changing the Game: Gol de Letra’s experience in Comprehensive Education”. The publication is free and available for download
on the Foundation’s website at the library link on www.goldeletra.org.br
strengthening of relations with schools was one of the
goals of the program in 2013.
Over the months, social workers contacted ten schools
to monitor the educational situation of participants,
request documents, and were always very well
received. The schools are: E.M.E.F. João Ramos
Pernambuco Abolicionista, E.M.E.F. Professora
Esmeralda Salles Pereira Ramos, E.M.E.F. Professor
Noé de Azevedo, E. E. Dr. Alberto Cardoso de Mello
Neto, E. E. Professor Isaac Silvério, E. E. Professor
Leônidas Paiva, E. E. Arnaldo Barreto, E.E. Professora
Maria Paula Marcondes Domingues, E. E. Professora
Judith Guimarães Santos and E. E. Pedro Alexandrino.
In 2013, the program served 240 children, adolescents
and young people (150 boys and 90 girls) and 152
children, ages 7-11, and 88 ages 12 to 14. Of these,
83% had satisfactory level of learning and 99.25% of
the 138 families who responded to the survey said that
the service provided contributes to improvement in
family relationships.
In November the Turning the Game Around program
was honored with the title of national winner of ItaúUnicef ​​Integral Education, the most important award
recognition, which had 2,713 competing projects
around the country (see more about the award on
page 21). Apart from an acknowledgment to all work
accomplished, the award is an important value of
the NGO / school partnership and one of the basic
principles for comprehensive education.
“Since the beginning of the Foundation, one of
the goals outlined in the statute was to invest
heavily in qualifying people and be a reference
in the area. Itaú-Unicef ​​award reinforces the
feeling of the mission accomplished,” said Raí de
Oliveira, the co-founder of Gol de Letra.
Healthcare in Turning
the Game Around
Gol de Letra partnered with the Center
for Support for Family Health Holy House
of Mercy (Núcleo de Apoio a Saúde da
Família da Santa Casa de Misericórdia)
in the Move Project, to promote
monthly meetings to guide children and
adolescents with nutritional issues and
encourage physical activity.
In 2013, there were eleven 1-hour
meetings with adolescent’s ages 12
to 13 from Turning the Game Around
program. In another area, the Nurturing
to Grow project (together with the Kellogg
Institute) carried out an assessment of
the nutritional status of participants, and
mentored children, adolescents and their
families to develop healthier eating habits.
The project, which was advised by the
CREN (Center for Nutritional Recovery
and Education) was to end in December
2012 but was extended until April 2013,
which fostered the development of
anthropometric measurements in 70
young children and implementation of
eight new workshops for children and two
orientations to families.
Also the new partnership with the
Odontological Clinic Reverte Salute allowed
the dental sealant application in all children
and teenager who were submitted to the
treatment. Moreover, it has been renovated
the traditional and important partnership
with Unimed (which provides since 2002
healthcare system to Turning the Game
participants) and with Odontoprev (which
offers odontological plan to participants and
monitors of the program and to Gol de Letra
employees since 2002).
The Cultural Fair, which took place on
November 26th and November 27th 2013,
marked the closing of the Movies and
Series exhibit and featured presentations
on capoeira, dance, music and theater, in
addition to the exhibitions of the movies
“Menino Maluquinho”, “Where the Wild
Things Are”, “Sanitation”, Maurício de
Souza (creator of de comic “Turma da
Mônica”, which was transformed in
movies), “Gonzaga” and their Book of
the Year. Participants included 434
people, among children’s guardians,
siblings, community and Gol de Letra
Foundation employees, who also
attended this action.
In the workshops, teachers provided different activities
options to participants, increasing the autonomy and
interaction and allowing them to choose which area they want
to focus during the semester. The options included making
carnival costumes, physical education, dancing workshops of
samba-rock, samba reggae, maracatu and building capoeira
musical instruments such as berimbau and more!
This particular week, celebrated on October 7-10th, featured
different activities to celebrate Children’s Day and the Day
of Reading. Among the activities were workshops to create
masks and toys; a walk to encourage book reading (in which
participants distributed bookmarks produced by children
to neighborhood residents), sports activities, games and
movies. Additionally, children participated in a photo shoot
with “Fuleco”, the mascot of the 2014 World Cup.
Conflict Mediation sessions are held at the headquarters of
Gol de Letra, by a qualified educator who acts as a mediator
of conflict, and includes children, teachers and parents.
In 2013, 66 conflict mediation sessions were held and 180
people (including children, adolescents, youth and family)
attended the services provided.
“I have nothing to complain about
Gol de Letra, which helped a lot in
the training and education of my
son. When you sit on the couch,
my son talks about the games and
activities in general.“ Elizete Rodrigues
da Silva, mother of Gabriel R. Luiz Correia Pinto
“Gol de Letra contributed greatly
to enhance the self-esteem of my
children. They now understand that
to be good at what they want, they
have to respect each other and
always seek to improve, and that
they have value and are talented.
Here they express the good that is
within them and this is very good
for them to grow. It’s good to know
that they have value here, and they
are the future of humanity. Thanks
for everything! “ Lidiane Mary of Sorrows
Gonçalves, mother of Livia Miranda Gonçalves
Organized by the teaching staff, “D-Day - Different Day”,
use the theme “Culture of Peace” in all the games,
activities of expression, reflection and challenges
developed for this event. The activities are guided by
positive values such
as respect for others, coexistence
and differences and are organized by age group.
“I, Francisca Alves da Silva, mother
of Gabriel Alves Peixoto, am writing
these few lines just to thank the
foundation for what you did for my
son. I had to take Gabriel out of Gol
de Letra because I moved houses
and we were very sad. But anyways,
I thank the entire staff of the Gol
de Letra Foundation. I wish you all
the best…Thank you for everything
you have done for my son, sorry for
any mischief he may have caused.
I tip my hat to all of you, mainly
Andreia, and I forgot the name of
the brunette with curly short hair “,
thank you. Thanks, from a mother
whom you’ve helped so much ...”
Francisca Alves da Silva, mother of Gabriel
Alves Peixoto - 01/05/2014 - Statement sent
(letter) by the mother who had to discontinue
her child’s participation in the program
(2013-214) because they moved out of
the neighborhood.
OBJECTIVE: To contribute to
the development of adolescents
and young people as individuals
with rights strengthening their
identity and self-esteem.
The Youth Program has existed since 2000 with the
purpose to train and empower adolescents and young
people to fully exercise their right to citizenship
through the expansion of educational, cultural, social
and professional repertoire. The target audience is
participants age 14-21 years old, residents of Vila
Albertina (North of São Paulo), coming from lowincome families and students of public schools.
The ability of social transformation, development of
critical thinking and self-expression of adolescents,
and the development or expansion of the feeling of
belonging to their neighborhood is other important
objective of the program and serves as the basis for
the choice of activities, which are divided on two areas:
In the axis Art and Communication they participate in
workshops aimed at increasing the cultural repertoire
and include Graffiti art, educational communication,
visual arts and music.
In the axis Professional development (“Rumo à
empregabilidade”), the objective is to prepare, assist
in finding job placement and monitor young people in
the labor market. This area is structured by permanent
partnerships with technical schools such as Senac
(office assistant course), Leroy Merlin and Instituto Leo
Madeiras (both courses on woodshop workshops) and
specific partnerships (such as Instituto Criar, Mostra
de Cinema de SP, Puratos, Projeto Aquarela Unilever e
Auxiliar de Vendas/Instituto Leo).
In addition, the Program has activities for dialogue
between participants in various workshops through
the Center for Projects and activities such as forums,
art openings and cultural and artistic events in the
In 2013, one of the highlights of the Youth Program
was the development of activities in partnership
with local schools and businesses, expanding and
qualifying service offered.
The partnership began in the axis Art and
Communication, with the development of morning
Graffiti workshops at the State School Alberto Cardoso,
with the participation of 25 secondary school students.
In the State School Leonidas Paiva, the relationship
between different partners allowed Gol de Letra to
bring a pilot program focused in sales course for 20
participants, event promoted by Leo Madeira Company.
Still in Professional Development young people
participated in a Basic Patisserie course, in partnership
with the company Puratos, and a workshop of
customization tennis, chatting about the creative process
and exchange of experiences among the staff of Graffiti
workshop, adidas employees (partner of the Foundation)
and the Argentine artist invited named “Tec”.
Another new project developed in 2013 was the
beginning of the Life Project (“Projeto de Vida”), with
the goal to offer young people a chance to reflect on
their future. In addition to planning their professional
future, the activities encouraged young people to think
about other dimensions of life such as their role in
society and the affective relationships they want to
create. In the beginning, the project received some
resistance on the part of young people. However,
after this initial unfamiliarity, participants stated that
this workshop gave them a chance to reflect on the
direction of their lives. Some even have outlined which
projects will be worked out in 2014.
Throughout the year, the Youth Program served 224
young people, divided as follows: 161 in Professional
Development courses (72 male and 89 female) and
63 young people in cultural workshops, (33 male
and 30 female). In total, 53 % female and 47 % male
participated in the program.
The quality of the program was certified by the
students themselves. In 74% of cases, workshops
and courses were evaluated as good or very good,
validating the work.
In early 2013, during assembly young
people chose the topic “Popular
Culture” as the guide for the year.
The theme was developed transversely
in all workshops and also in the
activities of Joint Training. Moreover,
the approach with other stakeholders
and a greater concern with social
issues were very present in the
Youth Program in 2013. Some of the
activities were:
On May 28 the Youth Program held its first “ballad”
without alcohol beverage. About 150 young people from all
workshops attended the event, whose purpose was to show
that it is possible for young people to have fun without using
alcohol beverage. The party, which had music and nonalcoholic drinks, had the special participation of the DJs
MC Mamuti and Gustavo (educator from Turning the Game
Around Program). The issue of responsible consumption of
alcohol is part of the Responsible Youth Project (“Jovens de
Responsa”), in partnership with AmBev, and was also present
at the event Responsibility Graffiti Festival (Responsa Graffiti
Fest) and Coffee meeting with parents.
The 1st Festival of Arts and Culture
was held on December 7 and marked
the closure of the Youth Program
for 2013. The event is an important
occasion in which participants show
their work productions and learning to
their families, friends and community.
This year, in addition to the exhibitions
of the workshops, the event featured
the presentation of the music
workshop by Ôncalo band.
Throughout the year, the Youth Program has met twice to
address and discuss about Popular Culture, guiding theme
of for 2013. The event included the participation of youth
collectives in the Northern Zone, which reinforced the
importance of knowing and strengthening local culture and
build a network of partnerships to develop activities in support
of local art.
On May 18 and September 28, the Youth Program
took their work to other areas, with the Community
Intervention event. In the first activity, in partnership
with the NGO Reciclação, the aim was to spread
environmental awareness to the residents of Vila
Albertina. The event featured area to exchange books,
thrift store clothes and children’s activities (Puppet
Theater and storytelling). In the second intervention,
the Responsibility Graffiti Festival (Responsa Graffiti
Fest) was a festival of styles and techniques of urban
art, including exhibition of products developed in the
program. Headquartered in Lions Park, the activity
included workshops and cultural experiences circuit,
and receive information about sexuality and prevention
of the abuse of alcohol.
“I thought the Graffiti Festival
was wonderful because it was
the moment that we share with
people at the park our art work
that we created at the Foundation
and even more than share our
art I think that she also shared
our knowledge and also opened
ourselves to receive feedback.
I can say it was worth all the
work!“ Leticia Santos (Graffiti Fest)
“It was a special moment, many
people singing, dancing, telling
things from their culture and
even other cultures. A time
of learning and fun together,
music, capoeira, graffiti,
everyone together representing
one culture, one people - it was
very good “! Paloma Demezio
(Art with Parents)
“I did not expect this activity at
school, I found it interesting and
was encouraged to participate
since it was a different activity
that I could do in the company
of my friends. I was happy and
surprised with the presence of
Gol de Letra Foundation in my
school (smiling from ear to ear)
and also do a different activity. I
have never worked with a wooden
box I felt comfortable and liked
very much. I took the most of
it, because they are unique
moments in my life that I have
always had a smile, courage and
will.“ Gustavo Pacheco Mendes (Sales
Assistant course student in school)
On December 15, young people from the Center of Projects
exhibited at Viela Tamborim showed their photos and art
work on the Vila Albertina. The idea was to enhance the
production of both local artists and expose the landscapes
and relationships that young people found in the
neighborhood outlets, sensitizing the look of residents to
the beauty of the place where they live.
“It was great to spend the
morning with you, I can only
thank the Foundation and Josival
and Gilberto for all the good they
provide for my daughters. Kisses
to all the staff” Rita de Cassia, (mother
of Dara and Dalila)
OBJECTIVE: To contribute
to the integral education
of children, adolescents
and youth, through socioeducational learning of sport
and leisure.
Created in 2003, the Open Game Program
(“Programa Jogo Aberto”) uses the principles of
sport education and participation to spread sports
culture in the Vila Albertina region. It prioritizes
inclusion, diversity, the use of dialogue and
leadership, encouraging involvement, access to
sports and the collective construction of political
and ethical values.
Open Game is divided into four areas:
Center for Sport and Development - NED: offers
sports, futsal, volleyball, basketball, handball,
tchoukball and capoeira for adolescents and
youth 12-18 years and a group of sports school for
children 8-10 years. Thematic workshops are also
offered periodically.
Sports Action Project School: offers sports, futsal,
soccer, track and field, gymnastics, tchoukball,
handball and various team sports for adolescents
and youth 12-18 in five public schools in the region.
Training for Sports Monitors: contributes to the
development of personal and social skills of young
people aged 16 to 20 years, through educational
activities of sport and leisure, especially focusing in
their autonomy to become critical thinkers, a role
model as a citizen, develop creativity and become a
Recreation: offers sports, recreational and leisure
activities at night and on weekends for children,
youth and adults.
The activities take place in four different spaces: the
headquarters of the Gol de Letra in Vila Albertina;
NED - or Center for Sport and Development - an area
also in Vila Albertina for the sports practice; Lions
Club Park in Tucuruvi and five partner schools. They
are: E. E. Arnaldo Barreto; E. E. Leônidas Paiva;
E.M.E.F. Prof. Noé Azevedo; E.M.E.F. João Ramos
Pernambuco Abolicionista e E.M.E.F. Dr. Aberto
Cardoso de Melo Neto.
In 2013, the Open Game program addressed the
issue of “Sport and Health: the importance of healthy
eating and the benefits of regular physical activity.”
This theme was promoted daily during workshops
and training of monitors through
various activities, including
films, lectures, talks, physical
assessment and meetings with
families where parents and
caregivers were advised to create
healthier habits for their children.
A great outcome for this period
was the expansion of outreach
activities thanks to changes in
the timetable of educators which
allowed the inclusion of three more
schools, increasing the numbers
from two to five school participants
in the project Sports Action School,
which attended children ages 8 to
10 years of age in the NED program with the newly
created School of Sports. These changes and the
promotion of activities resulted in the increase from
450 to 488 attendees in 2013 (242 for NED program
and 246 in schools), benefiting even 200 more people
with available space for sports activities and leisure
for the community.
In the training of monitors, 22 young adults
participated in the training for sport and leisure
activities. The expectation for 2014 is that by the end
of the process, which lasts two years, young people
develop a project to promote the sports culture in the
Finally, the actions and results of the Open Game for
the establishment and expansion of a sports culture
in the community allowed further recognition in 2013
with the certification of Social Technology granted by
BB Foundation (Fundação Banco do Brazil). With this
recognition, the Open Game Program became part of
social technologies of BB Foundation and can serve
as inspiration for other projects, encouraging the
principles of sports education and may participate in
other venues.
Paula Souza Center
In June 2013, Gol de Letra took another
big step in promoting sports culture,
through a new pilot program providing
training course for a technical degree in
sport and physical activity. The course
lasts a year and a half and is designed
in partnership with Paula Souza Center
and Gol de Letra Foundation, with a
curriculum developed from the training
experience of sports monitors from the
Open Game Program. Now with new
classes in progress, starting in 2014, the
course will be held in a new space, ETEC
Curt Walter Otto Baumgart at Vila Maria
(see more on page 25).
In order to integrate the participants
in all locations where the project is
held (NED and 5 schools), the festival
functioned as a strategy for the
integration and dissemination of sport
in the community, putting into practice
the content learned and developed
throughout the year. The festival lasted
a week with average attendance of 180
students per day, between morning and
afternoon activities.
The tours contextualize content learned
in class, expanding knowledge and
promoting the exercise of citizenship
for the use of public spaces. The focus
this year was to bring students to assist
professionals in various modalities such
as basketball, futsal, handball, and an
exhibition at the Soccer Museum and
capoeira initiation.
Brazilian Championship Tchoukball:
Gol de Letra took part in the
championship since the sport began
developing in 2009, participating in the
Brazilian championship with a team of
children under age 13 (category M13)
and 15 years of age (M15). Gol de Letra
M15 team was the champion of that
year and M13 finished in fifth place.
The classification was very celebrated,
but it is also important to highlight
results as increasing in self-esteem,
leadership, group interaction and
increase in motor development skills.
Two walking events were held in one year (one at the end of
each semester) and were well accepted by the students and
surrounding community. Each edition brought together around
70 participants, encouraging exercise and providing physical
activity to everyone.
“I believe we participate in the Open
Game Program because we hear that Gol
de Letra has sports activities to young
people. We intend to go there to play
sports, like after school activities. But in
fact we learn a lot more. We learn a lot
about sustainability, citizenship, and how
to exercise my right as a citizen. It is not
the intention of training athletes only but
exercising the rights of citizens.“
Testimony of young sports monitor*
Bringing games like hopscotch, trampoline, sporting
games, and many free activities for sport, leisure and
health, Recreational Street Games included about 500
participants gathered in the street in front of the NED.
In a community where opportunities to practice spots
is rare, the goal of the event is to disseminate and
promote the sports culture and maintain street games
alive. Most of participants were children but adults also
attended, participating in activities such as gymnastics,
physical assessment with guidance from a nutritionist.
The action had partnerships like the ClicloBr Institute
who led a workshop for bikes.
Workshop Kin-ball, the sport of Giant Ball, was held by
Canadian Professor Pierre-Julien Hamel. The Kin-ball
was developed with the goal of making people more
engaged in sports. In addition to team spirit, Kin-ball
develops cooperation, participation and helps make
participants more active.
The workshop Rope Skipping was conducted by Pé de
Mola group. Founded 13 years ago, the group began as
part of a school of artistic sports, but since 2010 they
hope to professionalize the activity. Quite popular in
the USA, Rope Skipping is nothing more than jumping
rope, but with stunts and maneuvers movements.
“My son has changed the way he
communicates and his willingness to
do things because before he had no
desire to do anything. Going to school,
for example, he repeated one year
because he didn’t want to go to school.
After he started here he improved very
much! He goes straight to school, does
not miss a class. He does not miss his
activities here either. I think he is more
responsible.“ Testimony of family member*
“Open Game Program (sports project in
SP) was a treat for the community from
this neighborhood, because since the
program started our lives have improved.
The program has lots of activities for our
families and the community: workshops,
meetings and parties. I think that for
the family is very important because
we know what our child is doing here
and they (the professionals from Gol de
Letra) are also aware of our situation:
the reasons why our child is here, how is
our daily life. We’re in need of this, right?
Families need this support.“ Testimony of
family member*
“My experience as Open Game monitor
was very important. The Foundation
opens our mind for a lot of things. I
think that my life would have been very
different if Gol de Letra Foundation had
not appeared here. In every new place
or experience that I have, I can modify
and extend my knowledge from what
I learnt here. We have the tendency to
improve / evolve, always! After engaging
with the Foundation and feeling the
effects of the experience, you believe in
a better future.“ Testimony of young monitor*
*Testimonials collected during focal groups (meeting with
research objectives) of Systematization of practices. For this
reason (to maintain the exemption), they haven’t been identified.
OBJECTIVE: To contribute
to the induction process of
community development
of the Vila Albertina.
Families and communities participate in the proposal
for Comprehensive Education of Gol de Letra
Foundation, using as reference the National Social
Welfare Policy (PNAS) and the National Plan for the
Promotion, Protection and Defense of the Right of
Children to Family and Community Living (PNCFC).
These documents assume the central role of the
family as a vital and essential to the humanization and
socialization of children and adolescents. It highlights
the importance of social assistance actions, with the
aim of developing social protection in contexts of
family, community and coexistence as a community.
Thus, the São Paulo Communities program, sponsored
by Gol de Letra Vila Albertina, focuses its actions
on family and community care and developing the
following projects:
Project Around the neighborhood (“Projeto
Arredores”): this project aims to offer spaces for
information and knowledge sharing for and with
the community as well as to promote the effective
participation of local stakeholders, validating their
expectations as a group at all phases of the project:
planning, implementation and evaluation.
Training Social Mediators Project (“Projeto
Formação de Agentes Sociais”): the goal is to
identify and train local individuals in the process of
community development, focusing on the expansion
of information, knowledge and practices.
Reading in the Village (“Leitura na Vila”): this
project aims to promote access to books and
reading to encourage the involvement of the
community Vila Albertina.
In 2013, the Communities Program invested in
structuring projects and partnerships and greater
interaction with other areas of the Gol de Letra,
especially in sexuality and youth training. In addition,
local development planning had great prominence
in the institution. The proposed action program
developed by, with and for the community, was
considered an important point of discussion in
the actions directed to the construction of Sociopedagogical Institutional Policy Project.
Throughout the year, the program promoted several
activities in three areas of expertise. Altogether,
Communities program assisted 3637 people directly
and 11,000 indirectly. A highlight was the Reading
in the Village (“Leitura na Vila”) project. Created in
2012 and lasting for exactly 12 months, 25 young
people graduated as reading mediators and assured
the presence of eight young fellows performing
actions to encourage reading in the Vila Albertina
community. Apart from training, the project included
hiring a social organizer, expansion and reform of
the collection of the library, which has a pleasant
atmosphere and contributed to a larger attendance of
residents from the community.
Moreover, in order to increase awareness about
the area and improve service to the community, Gol
de Letra partnered with UNFPA (United Nations
Population Fund) to develop a local survey diagnostics.
UNFPA is the UN agency responsible for expanding
the opportunities for women and
young people to lead a healthy
sexual and reproductive live. The
diagnosis, funded by the agency,
resulted in the updating and
revision of socioeconomic data in
the region of the neighborhoods
Jacana and Tremembé, using tools
such as interviews, testimonials,
focus groups discussions,
and the participation of local
representatives of the government
and local civil society, youth
participants programs, Gol de
Letra employees, social mediators
and monitors in training and
representatives of the community
of Vila Albertina.
In 2013 informational activities for
teenagers and young adults have
been developed with the aim of
raising awareness of issues such as
prevention of STD / HIV , combating
child sexual exploitation , healthy sex
life and unplanned pregnancy , and
ensure opportunities for discussion
about sexual health and reproductive
life .
Among the regular activities, we
highlight the sexuality workshops
for youth in the Gol de Letra and
actions of training / capacity building
for social mediators. While regular
activities are aimed at small groups,
specific activities are intended to
reach a large number of people.
The major events (Valentine’s Day
and HIV / AIDS Prevention Day)
and Sexuality Workshops for the
Community, in partnership with the
Center for Integration of Citizenship
were held in May and October 2013,
and had direct impact for 200 people
and indirect impact in 600 people in
each event . The project Discussing
Sexuality (“Sexualidade em Ação”)
served 1003 with an indirect impact to
3009 people.
The Around the Neighborhood project promoted
different activities between courses and
exhibitions film for small groups to large events
offering free services to more than a thousand
people. In all, the ultimate goal is to contribute
to the local development of Vila Albertina
community. See some examples of activities:
Participation in networks and local councils;
Promotion of events that offer community service
as Citizenship Goal (offers documentation services,
legal advice, beauty workshops and wood shop
workshops) and Citizenship and Community exercise
(conducted in partnership with local organizations,
offers in addition to the above services, health
guidelines, craft workshops and environment).
Recycle Workshops, video presentation about the
Earth Charter and reflection on the importance of
environmental rehabilitation
Bakery and confectionery Course and chocolate
workshop in partnership with the company Puratos
“I learned a lot here, I could not
even turn on the computer and now
I work with computer. Today I see
the world differently. If we think of
family relationships in community
relations, in how we relate to the
neighbor, is a change, because we
are looking at and have to have a lot
of courage to look at and change.“
Former social mediator.
“Very good, I love, I find it very
interesting. Keep it up; this can’t
stop, because it helps many people
on prevention. It contributed a lot in
my life; I was able to get answers for
a lot of questions about my body.”
Teenager participating in the workshop on
*Depoimentos coletados durante os grupos focais
(encontros com fins de pesquisa) da sistematização
de práticas. Por isso (para garantir a isenção), não
foram identificados”.
“We have a great partnership
with Gol de Letra Foundation, where
our priority is to bring better health
for the population in which we
operate ...” Primary Care Local Manager
Marcelo Nascimento.
In its one year of existence, the project Reading in the
Village promoted 99 activities to encourage reading in
the library’s foundation; 61 activities to promote reading
in the community (public areas and local organizations)
and 51 training activities / training in reading mediation,
collection organization, citizenship and library, totaling
183 hours / activity. Altogether, during his one-year
project, the reading practices in the village encouraged
reading to 1368 people directly and more than four
thousand indirectly.
Located in the central area of the
​​ city and port of Rio de Janeiro, Caju is a
complex of favelas formed in place of former mangrove swamps, landfills
and areas occupied uphill from the 50s.
Today, according to the IBGE of 2010, Caju gathers about 20500 inhabitants
in its dozens of communities. However, the Municipal Health Center Dr.
Fernando Lopes Braga (local clinic) accounts for the existence of 31300
residents in the region. The difference in numbers denotes an obvious
population growth that sometimes cannot be accompanied by official
data. According to the organization “Rio, como vamos” that is based on
IBGE and Pereira Passos Institute, Caju growth from 2000 to 2010 was
16%, while the city of Rio de Janeiro grew 7%, less than half. This growth
happens in a disorderly manner, with the occupation of empty land and old
buildings, like the abandoned “Hospital São Sebastião”, which gave rise to
communities “Terra Abençoada” and “Vila dos Sonhos”, both not counted
by the census, for example.
The average per capita income for residents of Caju, according to studies
by the town hall in Rio de Janeiro is R$ 478.00 and this prevents them from
accessing services and practices and regular sports and leisure insurance.
A major achievement of 2013 was the pacification of the Caju complex by
the military police, a fact that increased the chance of effectiveness of
social actions undertaken in the region and allowed access to banned sites
before or at high risk.
Moreover, the pacification brought some new concerns and data before
not as widely researched, as an age-grade in elementary school where
66% of students are behind at least two years, and the high illiteracy rate,
since 1022 of 1,819 illiterates identified the port area (more than half) are
residents of Caju.
These data demonstrate that only the formal school work has not been sufficient
to meet the educational needs of the population in different age groups.
Besides them, the locals cite problems of an inadequate supply of educational
and cultural spaces for children, teens and youth in supplementing the school
period; lack of programs to meet the learning needs and development of
children, adolescents and young people made ​​vulnerable by poverty and social
and cultural exclusion; and dispersion and weakness of organized community
actions to support, protect and support children and youth.
Within this context, Gol de Letra Foundation offers a proposal for a
comprehensive education for the child population of the Caju neighborhood
in a situation of social vulnerability and risk since 2006. The actions
developed by the Foundation seek to promote the acquisition of specific
knowledge on sport, leisure and citizenship and local development through
networking. See below for more details.
OBJECTIVE: Contribute to the
construction of broad contexts
of social protection (healthcare,
social assistance and education)
together with the families and
residents of the Caju District
through social and educational
activities that promote the
full exercise of citizenship
by qualifying the relations of
belonging and social identity.
Partnerships for referral/
social counseling
Instituto de Neurologia
Instituto Municipal Philippe Pinel
Sociedade Pestalozzi do Brasil
Fundação Leão XIII
Grupo Pão de Açúcar
Ação Comunitária do Brasil (ACB)
Instituto Pró-Mundo
Instituto da Família
AL-Anon (Associação de Atendimento
aos familiares de alcoólatras)
Hospital Estadual Anchieta
Ciam (Centro Integrado de Atendimento
à Mulher)
Defensoria Pública
Posto de Saúde da Família Fernando
Antonio Braga Lopes
Cras XV de Maio
Creas Simone de Beauvoir
SMPD (Secretaria Municipal de Pessoa
com Deficiência)
1ª CRE (Coordenadoria Regional de
Projeto Aprender Brincando
(Organização Não Governamental)
Rede de Escolas Públicas e Privadas do
Unidade de Polícia Pacificadora (UPP)
The Communities Project is responsible for developing
initiatives focused on families living in Caju District,
whether or not they are served by other programs and
projects of the Foundation.
The basis of the project is the partnership with
stakeholders who can contribute to meet the various
direct and indirect demands made ​​by the public
assisted by Gol de Letra. The networking is the
foundation for the classification of work performed, as
well as providing better assessment of demands of the
users, which allows the institution to be strengthened
as a political participant.
Partnerships were established around three areas:
1) Routing/Social Monitoring; 2) Assembly events 3)
Insertion in the labor market (in partnership with
the Professional Development Goal (“Gol de
Trabalho”) project.
What happened in 2013
In 2013, a military occupation installed a Pacifying
Police Unit (UPP) in Caju District, making the social
assistance network essential for joint actions and
partnerships for the qualification of a citizenship
element of the neighborhood. Gol de Letra act as
the main liaison and promoter of the network by the
Communities project, which doubled the number of
institutions and residents involved in relation of 2012.
The Communities project also help finding physical
space in the area for events and meetings with
residents, training and reviews of teamwork.
Throughout the year twenty events took place
benefiting approximately 500 citizens including
residents, professionals from different fields,
policymakers (health and social care) and nongovernmental organizations were held during the
year. Moreover, two events were also promoted in
the area of training:
1. Seminar
“Challenges facing social workers in
popular spaces in Rio de Janeiro”: action in
partnership with the CRAS XV de Maio, with the
support of professionals from Veiga de Almeida
University, Fluminense Federal University, the
Pontifical Catholic University and the Regional
Council of Social Service. Seventy participants
including professionals, social work students and
neighborhood residents took part on the seminar.
2. The
workshop “Shared Construction of Local
Solutions” in partnership with a team from CEDAPS
- Centre for Health Promotion - for training of
residents and community leaders in methodology
development of social projects and strategies for
mobilizing local actors from the experience in the
territory had the participation of 30 adults with a
workload of 24 hours.
Since the public government introduced the
Police Pacification Unit (UPP) in Caju District,
local companies are showing more interest in
hiring locals that went through the training and
learning programs offered by Gol de Letra. The
Communities Program has become the liaison
due to the establishment of a network between
companies and residents, assisting with preparation
for job interviews and resumé development and
dissemination of job opportunities. As a result,
sixty trainees were placed in administrative
positions, welding and logistics and more than
one hundred people participated in formal
employment interview processes.
Number of Ordinary
Meetings (Monthly)
Number of Meetings for organization
and dialogue with partners
Institutions involved
Residents involved
Partnerships for assembly
events and activities outside
the community
Escola de Educação Física UFRJ
Nesa – Núcleo Estadual da Saúde do
Prefeitura do Município do Rio de Janeiro
(subprefeitura centro)
Cras XV de Maio
Associações de Moradores do Bairro do
Banco Nacional de Empregos (BNE)
Pame – Parque de Material Eletrônico da
Referências comunitárias (Ivan e Thiago
CMS Fernando Antonio Braga Lopes
Projeto Dançarte
Vila Olímpica do Caju
Escritório de Advocacia Cavalcante
Universidade Federal Fluminense
Universidade Veiga de Almeida
Unidade de Polícia Pacificadora (UPP) –
Polícia Militar do Rio de Janeiro Unidade
Caju/Barreira do Vasco
UPP Social
Instituto Pereira Passos
(Photos: July Festival and Citizenship
These events aim to provide
opportunities to gather families served
by the institution and residents of the
communities learn about social issues
and their role in contributing to the full
participation as citizens. Moreover, it is
an opportunity to mobilize local partners
and other areas of the city to think about
the issues that affect the daily lives of
residents of the neighborhood.
FRAENKEL - 13/07/2012
This event that celebrates Brazilian
Folklore focuses on family and
community life includes games and food
stalls organized, produced and sold
by local families to generate income.
This year, 20 families have benefited
from the sale of food products. In this
opportunity, they present the Culture
Goal Project (Projeto Gol de Cultura)
in partnership with Prof. Walter Carlos
de Magalhães Fraenkel. Attendance
was 300 people, including children,
teenagers, adults and seniors.
HEALTH AND MOTION - 14/09/2013
Citizenship Goals Project organizes
events with the objective of providing
services to the population. In 2013,
there were two editions of Citizenship
Goals Project, with 250 and 150
participants, addressing issues of
Sport, Health, Law and Motion. Among
the activities developed in the two
events are: Dental Hygiene, several
individual and collective sports
activities, postural evaluation with
physical therapists, dance lessons for
children, first aid workshop and legal
services with lawyers.
“I brought Verusk here to do ballet.
When I got here they explained
there wasn’t ballet and told me
about the dance classes. She
nooded and I enrolled her in. She
liked it so much that she no longer
wanted to do ballet. She comes
home from school, has no laziness,
gets dressed and comes right back
here.” Maria Gonçalves Paiva, mother of the
student Verusk Paiva and participanting of Goal
of Citizenship (“Gol de Cidadania”) event
“My daughter, Marcela, participates
of Goal of Culture and she likes it a
lot. Gol de Letra is everything to her.
I have a son had been in Professional
Development Goal Project and was
graduated last week. I think it’s
important to the youth, specially
at her age. Better than be on the
streets, doing nothing and here they
are safe, growing and evolving”.
Jeane Maria da Conceição, mother of the student
Marcella da Conceição during Goal of Citizenship
(“Gol de Cidadania”) event
ede Socioassistencial do Caju
Conselho Municipal de Defesa da Criança e do
Conselho Municipal de Assistência Social
Rede Não Bata, Eduque!
OBJECTIVE: To promote the
education and training of youth
living in poor communities
so that their education and
entering the labor market will
help enable social, economic
and cultural transformations
that allow them to become
better citizens.
The Professional Development Goal Program
promotes educational activities to develop personal
and professional skills for youth and adults between
17 and 30 years of low-income residents of poor
neighborhoods of Rio de Janeiro, and preferably from
12 communities of Caju neighborhood.
The work is divided into two phases: the first phase
involves technical training in the administrative area
and includes personal development of students with
training in ethics, culture and role of citizenship,
computers, English language and mathematics.
Training is conducted in a total of 355 hours of
activities in two classes per year, in the morning and
afternoon, with groups of 60 students per semester. In
addition to activities within the classroom, the syllabus
includes events and outings such as visits to partner
companies, which fosters the content taught in class
and contributes with practical skills such as business
routine and living outside their neighborhood. The
second phase of the program refers to referral
to job openings and with the goal to see 50% of
young graduates inserted in internship activities,
apprenticeship programs and / or formal entry into
the labor market.
What Happened In 2013
In 2013, Professional Development Goal Project assisted 144 adolescents and young adults,
between 17 and 30 years. Of these, 102 completed the course and 42 were included in the labor
market. In addition, 23 other alumni from previous courses found a job throughout the year.
In 2013, there was greater interaction among students from Professional Development project
with other projects of the Foundation, through activities such as Carnaval project; putting
up tents in Cultural July Festival of Gol de Letra; participation in workshops held by Goal of
Culture project; participation in the events of Role of Citizen Goal and participation in musical
presentations with singing performance and percussion.
Also, 2013 marked the beginning of the pilot project Marking Time, an initiative of the Gol de
Letra with French companies Voyageurs du Monde and ASO training in promoting tourism to
the youth of Goal of Work hosting French tourists during the World Cup World. The project also
included a partnership with History Department of the university PUC-RJ, which offered Rio de
Janeiro’s history classes to the youth.
To improve the content of the course, an initial survey was conducted with participants to
identify gaps in Portuguese language, computer science and mathematics. As a result, 80%
of participants received an average grade equal or above 70 points and 90% of students
excelled in social skills.
“Participating in the Sports
Tournament was nice because
we got to meet people from other
projects, such as teachers and
students” Magno Mulinari - Student of
Administrative skills course
“It was a very interesting day to visit
the company Cacique and expand
our horizons with respect to the
routine of the company and they
served a great snack!” Marcelo Junior Student of Administrative skills course
“It was one of the best tours I
have ever been to! Gol de Letra
Foundation was the best thing that
ever happened to me. In addition
to be our teachers, they end up
being our parents and friends! Gol
de Letra Foundation makes my
life happier “ Rai Cruz Neri - Student of
Administrative skills course
“The visit to the company Queiroz
Galvão was very interesting. We
watched a lecture on sustainability,
a subject that is always discussed,
but we never understand. Today it
became clear”. Gisele dos Santos Borges Student of Administrative skills course
Events and tours foster content taught in class and
contribute to personal and professional development
of students. See some of the activities outside the class
room in 2013:
Participation on “Sunday is Movie Day” to watch the
movie “Mais Náufragos que Navegantes” Visit to Cacique company
Graduation of English course at YES school
Visit to the company Queiroz Galvão
Tour at Christ The Redeemer
Meetings with Families members and participants to
discuss job market, youth and family
OBJECTIVE: To contribute
to the integral education of
children, adolescents and
youth through sports learning
and social interaction, which
also involve their families and
other stakeholders, such as
public schools and residents
of local communities in Caju
The Two Moves Program (“Programa Dois Toques”)
is a socio-educational action that benefits children
and adolescents aged 7 to 15 with weekly workshops
in physical education, sports and literacy. Classes
are held Monday through Friday, after school. Each
group participates three times a week, alternating
attendance among children and adolescents.
The program is structured around the principle of
comprehensive education, including the development
of interdisciplinary projects, integrating different
aspects of literacy and bringing the discussion of
relevant themes to the local reality. The pedagogical
and social services are performed to cater to families
of participants with the objective to mobilize and
empower the community (see more on p. 48).
The program annually accredits twelve monitors
(ages 15-21) in the areas of literacy and sports. The
training includes specific skills depending on the
task involved and also a joint related to culture and
identity, democracy, health, community work and
fundamental concepts of citizenship. The aim is that
these young people can act as mentor in situations
where they can exercise their youth leadership, for
example, in carrying out projects and social activities
in communities.
What happened In 2013
In 2013, Two Moves Program assisted 235 children
and adolescents (of these, 200 were active in
December, with 71 females and 129 males) divided
into classes in physical education and literacy,
Portuguese language, literature, arts and computer
activities which last for 1,5 hour each.
All literacy workshops follow a theme, which in 2013 was
“Learning about the past, conquering new paths.” The
objective of this theme was to contribute to the expansion
of historical knowledge of children, adolescents, youth
and families served by Gol de Letra Foundation in their
Caju neighborhood and on other similar areas of the city
of Rio de Janeiro, which enables the appreciation of the
collective and individual achievements and building new
citizenship perspectives.
Moreover, the multidisciplinary approach
fosters understanding and encourages collective
construction of knowledge. The results show that the period of the
initial evaluation until December, rose from 49% to 78% the level of
student achievement in relation to reading, re-reading and storytelling,
which shows an expansion in the ability to understand and communicate
ideas. In the same period, increased from 35% to 51% rate of students
who mastered concepts such as graphic conventions, and phonological
units alphabetic nature of the writing system.
In the sports axis, the goal of 2013 was strengthening the sport as a mean
of community integration and quality of life within the Caju complex.
Therefore, the link between Two Moves and the Communities project
(responsible for the social part of Gol de Letra Rio de Janeiro) became
even more visible.
One example is that the two events Goal of Citizenship held in 2013 were
conducted by the theme Sport. In each attended about 300 people, who
had contact with physical activities and lectures encouraging sports
and healthy lifestyles (see more on page 48). In addition, there was
a massive participation of schools in the Caju Games of Integration sporting event organized annually by the Two Moves and the community,
with the purpose of integrating schools and other institutions in the
neighborhood, regardless of the children participating in the program.
In this latest edition, the goal was to get the attendance of around 50%
of public schools in the event. But thanks to a good relationship action,
the participation index in the Games was 75% of public schools!
Even with the change of venue in the middle of the period - when the Two
Moves returned its activities for the SOS (“Serviço de Obras Sociais”)
Rotary Club after one year been based at Caju Olympic Village – there
were realized an overcoming of the program goals in 2013!
These achievements demonstrate the importance of the program in
the community, maintaining the link with the assisted and the role of
disseminator of sport within Caju. In order to continue fulfilling this
mission, in 2014 the Two Moves is going to increase the number of seats
from 200 to 250 and include workshops of extreme sports (skateboarding
and slackline) for teens and sports and recreation for families of
students. In addition, it must insert reading mediations in the library, as
part of strengthening the literacy strategy.
There are some of the activities
developed in 2013 in the workshops of
physical education, sports and literacy:
Implementation of Folklore Games,
at which time the students had
contact with folklore traditions and
rhythms (legends, tales, proverbs,
songs, dance, theater, crafts, religion,
games). August 2013
Involved five schools, two local projects
and students of the Caju Olympic
Village and of Gol de Letra Foundation.
May 2013
Implementation of Sports
Tournament. November 2013
In order to raise awareness of environmental issues,
was developed gardening workshop where students
were able to plant and monitor the growth of plants,
vegetables and grains. June 2013
“In Two Moves is like a sport. Except
it’s a different sport. For example,
we not only play soccer, we do other
things, we learn other modalities.
Learns to use some things we never
saw. It has also literacy, computers,
library.“Participant of Two Moves Program*
“Participating in Two Moves is
great, you study and teachers teach
things we do not know. Has a lot
of information.” Participant of Two
Moves Program*
*Testimonials collected during focal groups (meeting
with research objectives) of Systematization
of practices. For this reason (to maintain the
exemption), they haven’t been identified.
Cultural soiree held by the area of literacy with activities of
interpretation and art plus the launching of the book “Gol
de Letrinhas 6”. Dec. 2013 .
The Goal of Culture performs cultural activities
centered on presentations and workshops in
performing arts, in order to preserve and promote the
Brazilian culture through education and exhibition of
popular art forms.
OBJECTIVE: Promote the
expansion of artistic-cultural
repertoire of children and
adolescents in the Caju
neighborhood in the city
of Rio de Janeiro, through
experimentations in theater,
arts and production of public
theatrical performances.
The workshops are held three times a week for 3
hours and include rounds of conversation, music
lessons and drama/dance exercises. Learning
is achieved by mounting and conducting public
performances of dances and plays, which are
performed in the surrounding communities, schools
and cultural venues in the city of Rio de Janeiro. This
project hopes to revive folk traditions and create new
elements that enhance and strengthen the social and
cultural identity of the resident population in Caju,
allowing participants to develop performing skills.
In 2013, the project received 80 children and
adolescents between 10 and 15 years old. Throughout
the year, 14 presentations were held and students
had the opportunity to experiment important cultural
tours like watching a play at the Maritime Museum;
attending a “frevo” workshop, visit Cartola Cultural
Center and attend “Folclorando” Festival, sponsored
by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
The result of the evaluation of the program by
educators and participants showed that technical
objectives were achieved: 60% of participants rated
as “excellent” items such as: “to promote learning
of concepts related to the development of scenic
spectacle” and “provide body awareness, coordination
motor and physical activity of the participants and
their relationship to rhythm, space and time.”
In addition, the project had positive results due to the
experience in the last two years where participants
feel more comfortable doing presentations in public
places and about 50% of participants are in their
second year of activities. Another positive result is
the increase of interest from local institutions in the
project where presentations held increased from
three in 2012 to six in 2013 in Caju. On the other
hand, the foundation would like to see a greater
participation of boys in the activities (especially this
year, 75% of participants were girls) and greater
family involvement. The reduction of high turnover
in the project (typical challenge of projects aimed at
adolescent population) is still one of the objectives of
Goal of Culture project.
Gol de Letra Foundation
History of Carnaval
Gol de Letra Foundation
Homenage to the Grupo
Segurador Banco do
Xaxado, Carimbó
and Coco de Praia
Centro Luiz Gonzaga de
Tradições Nordestinas
Day for Prevention
of Child Abuse
Boi da Paraíba and Xaxado
Gol de Letra Foundation
Openning of VII
Integration Games
in Caju
E.M. Mascarenhas de Moraes
Festa Caipira
(Folklore Festival)
Carimbó, Xaxado and
Rodas de Coco Nordestinas
CIEP Henfil
Festa Caipira
(Folklore Festival)
Carimbó, Xaxado and
Rodas de Coco Nordestinas
Gol de Letra Foundation
Arraiá Gol de Cultura
(Folkclore Festival)
Siriá-Carimbó, Coco
de Praia, Rodas de Coco,
Xaxado and Boi da Paraíba
Creche Sempre Vida
Northeast in Caju –
For a Culture of Peace
Carimbó, Coco de Praia,
Roda de Coco Nordestina
Gol de Letra Foundation
Caju Folklore Games
Lavagem do Bofim,
Suites de Danças
Gauchas, Trezado
EDI. Parque Alegria
Presentation at
a Daycare Center
Roda de Coco, SiriáCarimbó, Rodas de
Coco Nordestinas
SEPTEMBER E.M Roberto da Silveira
Roda de Coco,
GEO Vila Olímpica/ Ciep
Roberto da Silveira/ EM Josué
de Castro/ Ciep Henfil, EM
Mascarenhas de Moraes/ EM
Olof Talme/ EM Francisca
Cabrine/ EM Cornélio Tenna/
EM Antônio Bandeira
Love for reading
(“Paixão de Ler”)
Carimbó, Coco de Praia,
Rodas de Coco Nordestinas
Parque Madureira
Marcada para Viver”
(Youth Festival)
Siriá-Carimbó, Rodas
de Coco Nordestinas
and Coco de Praia
(Folklore Festival)
Siriá- Carimbó and History
of Carnaval in Rio de Janeiro
History of Carnaval
Boi da Paraíba
e Xaxado
“My love for this project is very
strong. I hope to grow more in Goal
of Culture. I think my future will
be bright because of you.“ Marcela
da Silva Cruz
“I like dance, teachers and music
and I would not want to change
anything.” Tamires Rodrigues Araujo
Xaxado, Carimbó e Coco de Praia
“In class I participate, I like learning
the dances and I like teaching,
dancing and participate, because
the dances are different every
time. I love being part of the public
presentations. I like very much what
I do.“ Izabella Pessoa de Melo
“What I liked in class this year is
that during class I was realizing
that these dances are very nice
and are not voodoo, like me and
my friends thought they were”
Rosângela da Silva Egídio
“The performances are good,
costumes are beautiful, my family
is eager to see more presentations
and my friends say that the
performances are very beautiful,
I love it.” Queila Maximiniano de Lima
Lavagem do Bonfim, Suítes de
Danças Gauchas, Trezado
Every space is a space for
reading. It was with this
proposal that Reading in the
Village was born, a unique
initiative of Gol de Letra
Foundation that aimed to train
local people as mediators in a
protagonist role for expanding
reading in the community,
increasing access to children,
adolescents, and young adults
to books and literature and
enhance the library of Gol
de Letra Foundation for the
community of Vila Albertina.
Use of the library
in 2013
IN 2013
IN 2012
The increase
was over 100%
in book loans)
users / month
Increase was
over 300%
of computer
The project, which was part of the Communities
program, was funded in 2013 by the Credit Suisse
Hedding Griffo Institute and HSBC Institute and
included the upgrading of the Library Gol de Letra in
Vila Albertina and the costs for the training of young
people as mediators of reading.
Throughout the process, the mediators - young
people 14-18 years old, residents of Vila Albertina
- participated in various trainings and over 160
activities to encourage reading (99 Gol de Letra and
61 in the community), which ranged from storytelling
for children or elderly to distributing books in public
spaces, among other activities, always with the
objective of disseminating reading habits.
The result was a greater use of the library space for
both students and local residents (see table aside).
The goal now is to maintain the best practices in
various community settings.
“I can‘t say that we have completed, but that
we have just started. There is an open path to
the continuity of our steps. Our library is a place huge - of possibilities. Let’s create new stories!”,
urges our social coordinator responsible for training
mediators, Fabiana Chiotolli.
The only library open to
the public in the Caju
neighborhood, Gol de Letra
community library is part of
the socio-pedagogical proposal
of Two Moves (“Dois Toques”)
program, serving to support
literacy activities and offering
people a space valued by the
neighborhood population
that serves as an area of ​​
concentration and relaxation.
Consolidated Use of the
Community Library September to December 2013
Computer usage
Library Visitors
Use of play area
Book queries
Book Loans
To ensure routine service to the community
and expand assistance, the Reading Project in Caju
was elaborated by the end of 2012 and it was based
on the model adopted in São Paulo, for training of
social workers focused on care and organization of
reading spaces.
During the first half of 2013 the library was
exclusively intended for the support of projects
and programs developed by the foundation. The
reopening to the public took place in September,
with the offering of Internet services, book loans,
queries to books, magazines and comic books;
scheduling spaces for study groups and reading
and access to the local play area.
In addition, changes were made in the management
of the library where social services and pedagogical
CULTURE GOL DE LETRA strategies were set to increase the nature of socioSTUDENTS EMPLOYEES
pedagogical action of the space. Two reading advisors
are working in the library to control of access, act as
mediators and promote the library services in Caju
Since this shift in management, the demand for library
services has increased in the neighborhood. The
space, now revived, is a new and free option in the
neighborhood for those seeking a place for reading,
relaxation and leisure!
OBJECTIVE: The exchange is
a rich opportunity for cultural
exchange and expansion of the
worldview of young people and
educators involved, as well as
providing moments of learning,
cooperation, friendship, respect
and coexistence.
Gol de Letra Exchange Project is held every year
in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paris and Lyon, in
partnership with the French organization Sport Dans
La Ville. Travel costs are funded by a Gala dinner for
companies in the Copacabana Palace in Rio de Janeiro
- event to be held in 2014.
Since 2002, when the project began, a group of about
ten young French and some educators come to Brazil
in April (during school holidays in Europe) and another
group with approximately the same number of young
Brazilian and educators, went to France in July.
Since its inception, more than 200 young people have
participated in the project.
In Brazil, participants experience various integration
activities at the headquarters of Gol de Letra
Foundation in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, as well
as cultural sightseeing in the two capitals. In France,
after touring the cities of Paris and Lyon, the Brazilian
group share unforgettable moments with young
French people during a camp with several ecotourism
activities, historical and cultural discoveries.
The participants of the exchange in 2013 were:
the supervisor of the sector in Rio de Janeiro Social
Crislaine Lima and educators from São Paulo: André
Freitas (Music - Turning the Game Around Program)
and Gilmar Dingos Del Barco (Graffiti - Youth
Program). Among young people who participated
in the trip were two participants from each of the
following programs: Turning the Game Around,
Open Game, Youth Program, Two Moves and Goal
of Culture.
Additionally, young people participated in a mini-camp
in April, during the French visit. For the first time this
year, exchange students from Caju participated in
the mini-camp, an important activity to integrate the
team of educators and students. Students met online
prior to the trip and this year, a mediator for social
issues was in charge of the exchange to facilitate the
interdisciplinary educational and social services side
of the exchange program that included greater family
participation when compared to 2012.
For the Brazil trip to France, after nearly two weeks
of intense exchanges and training, young people
return to Brazil with an increased ability to think about
their life goals and with increase interest in themes
related to culture.
During the visit to Brazil,
the French young people from Sport
Dans La Ville participated of the
activities with Gol de Letra’s youth.
“A unique, special, and memorable
experience! I learned and shared
things that are for life, encountered
a different place, a different way of
living, a different culture, a different
reality! I met people I will never
forget and I became closer to those
who I already knew. I learned to
deal with different people, relate,
communicate and express myself.
I had fun, learned new things and
taught others at the same time. I
am grateful for what I learned, and
grateful that I experienced this; it
was something I will never forget.
Thank you! “ Paloma Demézio
This trip made me
​​ grow a lot as a
person, because I learned to deal
with a different culture and I could
also interact with youth who live in
my country but have very different
traditions. The things I saw, heard
and learned will be with me for
the rest of my life. I think that if
everyone could have the same
opportunity, they would have
another view about life, like the
new vision I could see and bring
with me”. Leticia Santos
“I’m a different person after this
magnificent experience. I have
been awakened with the desire
to get to know other cultures
closely, I learned that I am able to
challenge my limits and I have a
lot of good fortune to be part of a
beautiful educational history full
of methodologies and didactics
that made all
​​ the difference in the
journey to the fantastic world! “
Gilmar Dingos Del Barco, educator
At the farewell, the French visitors made crepe
to the people from Gol de Letra Caju. In July,
was the time of the Brazilians, with a trip to
Paris and Lyon (Sport Dans La Ville’s basis).
OBJECTIVE: Influence people
and social organizations to
engage in the process for social
“To be recognized as an organization that develops
and disseminates practices that contribute to social
transformation”: that is the institutional vision of Gol
de Letra. As a way of contributing to this process,
in 2009 the foundation created an area focused on
the development of administrative skills, helping to
spread the vision of Gol de Letra to other areas.
The methodologies developed are the same that are
used in the programs and projects of the foundation.
These methodologies include: comprehensive
education, family engagement, project methodology,
youth and community leadership, teacher training,
conflict mediation and culture of peace, sports
education and participation; evaluation and
planning; organizations’ sustainability.
The actions of Dissemination are always a
combination of Gol de Letra with other social
organizations, companies, and financial institutions.
To reach this objective, the field constantly revises
the practices carried out in the programs, and
searches for possible financial partners and
interested organizations, beyond the job training
and supervision.
In 2013, one of the goals of Dissemination was to
create spaces for discussion involving employees
from different areas in order to evaluate the quality
of the program and promote the understanding and
participation in the process.
As a result of this discussion and exchange of
ideas between coordinators and collaborators, it
was collectively identified the need for creation
of audiovisual material about the processes and
practices of the foundation. The first materials were
produced in November, which included a series of
videos covering different aspects of Gol de Letra.
Furthermore, important analysis were possible as
a result of the implementation of a systematization
process for sports practices that took place during the
1st Forum of Sports Gol de Letra ( see more on 72 and
73, respectively).
The year also brought major advances in relation to
the projects, with the expansion of development fronts
such as the Social Vibrancy (“Ginga Social”), which is
a project in partnership with adidas to bring sports
activities and physical education to schools in five
World Cup host cities with total of 1,800 participants.
The results include an external evaluation of projects,
creating an online presence in social networks, skill
training for fundraising, and increasing the number
of communities served for 2014 (see the table below
for more information).
For the upcoming year, the goal is to continue to
expand the opportunities for discussion and exchange
with other areas within the foundation in addition to use
this special project Dissemination as a contribution to
sustainable development at Gol de Letra.
Social Vibrancy
The Social Vibrancy (“Ginga Social”) is
currently Gol de Letra’s largest project
of transferring practices to other NGOs.
In partnership with Adidas Company,
Gol de Letra is bringing its expertise and
methodology in Educational and Sport
Participation to five cities hosting the
World Cup which are: Belo Horizonte,
Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador
and São Paulo. The project will last 34
months in each of the five cities. In 2014
it will expand to Brasilia and to another
community in the city of São Paulo.
The creation of the Social Vibrancy
enabled training to thirty one
professionals, fifty three monitors, and
served 1161 children and teenagers.
Additionally, the revival of sporting
spaces allows about 4,800 people from
the communities to participate in leisure
activities after school.
In order to improve the quality of the
program, funds from the Laureus
Sport for Good Foundation were
used to develop an Evaluation and
Systematization System (named as
“Percurso Avaliação e Sistematização”)
that will allow the implementation of new
software developed by Aqument Social
Enterprises to facilitate data storage and
communication among the five projects.
For the coming year, NGOs involved in the
project will receive training in fundraising
and sustainability of organizations, to
help them develop their own projects and
achieve autonomy. In Belo Horizonte, the
project began in February/2012 and ends
in December/2014.
Social Vibrancy Results
ABAFE Belo Horizonte
ACM Porto Alegre
AMCSL Salvador
Not offered
IMDS Rio de Janeiro
Not offered
of Ginga Social
team at the
exchange event
Football for
Hope, promoted
by FIFA with the
partnership of
Sports Field Inauguration
(ABAFE February 2013; Children
Center Casa dos Meninos) August
2013; ACM October 2013; IMDS
December 2013)
Internship weeks between
April and August
High degree of satisfaction with
the training of professionals
offered by Gol de Letra
Professional organizations positively evaluate the
training in three aspects:
a. Trained professionals utilizing not only concepts, but
stimulating the understanding of the importance of
the practice of sport education;
b. Worked with content and strategies that met the
expectations and demands of the teams;
c. Increased ability to adapt knowledge according to a
problems or goal within the local reality.
The Social Vibrancy (“Ginga Social”) is considered
by NGOs as an interesting opportunity to partner
because it interacts with the characteristics and
knowledge of local actors. In addition, the project
proposes a participatory training and a concern
with the quality of care within a vision of sport
education and participation. The teams showed great
engagement with formative assessment practices and
highlighted two major challenges that today guide
the changes in their routine care:
a. integration of pedagogical and social assistance area
sports projects
b. the training of young sports monitors .
“So far, it can be observed that the Social
Vibrancy (“Ginga Social”) strengthens good
practice sport as an educational tool and social
transformation, through cooperative work
with different social networks, public policies
and other partners. This proposal is perceived
by the teams of the five cities as an investment
in securing rights to: the reversal of social
inequality, the guaranteed right to sport and
social protection of children and adolescents”.
“The training helps us to rebuild
practices and collectively build
solutions. I made a complete
180°, now I know what educational
sports are and I know how to
implement. I have less concern
with the technique of the sport,
rather I seek possibilities for
interventions for civic education.”
Educator of Social Vibrancy (“Ginga Social”)*
“The training meetings strengthen
performance, and our way of
thinking was already similar to Gol
de Letra. A different issue was the
monitors training. It is a challenge
to motivate and work with young
people. There are new strategies
and my vision was expanded ...
and when I learnt​​about Integral
Education, I changed my view on
the subject. One must realize that
we are one ‘arm’ of the school and
we have to enter the life of the
child through the social side (in
social assistance).” Educator of Social
Vibrancy (“Ginga Social”)*
*Testimonials collected during the evaluation of the
project. Thus there are not identified.
Over the last years, Knowledge Management in Gol de Letra has been
strengthened through the evaluation and systematization processes that
were put into place, allowing the Foundation to transform into data the
experience in projects and knowledge acquired throughout the years.
This new process gives visibility to the work and allows results sharing
more easily.
The material produced is distributed to stakeholders such as third sector
institutions and government (departments, municipalities and other
institutions) so that they can use the data from these reports to discuss
integral education and sport today. At the same time, a condensed version
of the report is published in the blog, helping the promotion of the activities.
A unique characteristic of the Knowledge Management tool - evaluation
and systematization - held at Gol de Letra is the practical aspect of
it, where conceptual bases and social intervention techniques of the
institution are share with stakeholders.
When it comes to evaluation, the foundation chose to focus their analysis
in a qualitative view, producing data from group interactions and
listening to different perceptions of the beneficiaries. It is crucial for the
Institution to understand how the
projects affect the participant’s
lives and try to find answers to the
question: “What is the meaning
of the experience of participating
in the activities for every child,
young person or family from Vila
In the systematization process, it
was necessary to find out what was
learned in everyday practice and
then capture and share the results.
The main goal in 2013 was the
systematization of the experiences
of the institution involving sport
in the communities as a tool for
social transformation. The process
included eight experiments (Rio
de Janeiro and São Paulo units) and all the material collected was
analyzed and recorded, following procedures of qualitative research.
Data validation was possible after meetings or email exchange with
coordinators and staff.
Another project analyzed using the systematization process in 2013 was
the experience of training social mediators, women living in the community
that can replicate the experiences they learn – they are social mediators
qualifying Gol de Letra’s activities (learn more about social agents in
Communities Program, on page 42). This proposal with the mediators
proved equally or more important than the direct service to students
because it is essential to understand issues related to area coverage,
diversity, life situations of residents and their cultural influences.
Furthermore, the 2013 report also included the elaboration of a Practical
Guide for Gol de Letra Tournament, which aimed to help employees of
the foundation to learn how to organize this traditional fundraising event
created in 2004 and it is considered the most important strategy for
institutional relationship with sponsors.
The main challenge for the knowledge management area is to continue
the evaluation process of a large range of different projects that the
Institution is involved with and have implemented. The evaluation process
requires investment, time to listen to participants, involvement of a large
group of people and a viable schedule. The results, which are partially or
fully disclosed on the website or blog of the foundation, help to improve
the performance and fulfill the institutional mission to be recognized as
an organization that develops and disseminates practices that contribute
to social transformation.
Institutional Development (ID) is responsible for the financial
sustainability of the organization and communications, contributing
to the implementation of programs and projects and strengthening
the brand Gol de Letra.
The basis of Institutional Development is the pursuit of resources
(companies, individuals, events, advocacy campaigns), which
includes relationship with partners and investors (individuals and
corporations), writing projects, fundraising and accountability.
The communications department, another core of ID, supports
fundraising and works hard to mobilize people in support of
sport and education causes and strengthen the institutional
presence with business and civil society. The activities of
the Foundation are promoted via press release, blog, social
networking, videos, news and more.
See details on the following pages.
To communicate is to make it public, promote what is being done and
make certain topics more visible. For Gol de Letra, communication
is at the core of many different functions of the foundation such as:
strengthening the institutional presence with business and civil society,
accountability, promoting the programs of the foundation and attracting
investor, acting in partnership with the area of fundraising.
In 2013, while fulfilling its role in publications and accountability, Gol de
Letra’s communications department started to work more in favor of
fundraising, with a series of initiatives. Early in the year, the website was
relaunched, which has gained more content and began to allow online
donations via PagSeguro system. Furthermore, actions were taken in
order to allow individuals to donate, either in social networks sites or by
email. The monthly newsletter “Tá Na Letra!” was redesigned and opened
a space for monthly testimonials from regular donors of Gol de Letra.
One of the most important ways to communicate with the general public
is through our social networks and blog, with the publication of day-today activities which allows stakeholders and supporters of the foundation
to follow its functions, even if at a distance. Moreover, as in other years,
national and international media has frequently sought
Gol de Letra out. Throughout the year, the foundation
appeared in 363 quotes from press clippings, between
large and small news media outlets. The annual event
“Gol de Letra Tournament” receives great media
coverage and is considered the major fundraising
event for the foundation. It brings together soccer
teams from several companies located in Rio de
Janeiro and Sao Paulo, where the final game is at the
major soccer stadiums of Maracana and Morumbi
against famous soccer players. (see more page 77)
For 2014, anticipating an increase projection due to
the World Cup and the following 2016 Olympics, the
expectation is to work even harder to bring attention
to the Foundation, providing more visibility and more
resources for projects. Please find below the main
figures and highlights of 2013. Enjoy and follow Gol de
Letra on our social networking sites, to see our dayto-day content.
quotes from
the press
texts in blog
to website
views a month
on the site
followers on
on Twitter
Financial sustainability is a challenge for all social organizations and
for Gol de Letra is no different. To maintain its programs and projects,
the Foundation seeks partnerships with companies, institutes and other
foundations. It also promotes events such as Gol de Letra Tournament
(RJ and SP) and Gala Dinner at the Copacabana Palace, which are only
possible thanks to the collaboration of local partners.
Fundraising campaigns, Sales Receipt Tax Subsidy in São Paulo and
donations from individuals – Individual Member Program - are other
sources of funding, contributing to the financial health of the organization.
The latter, Individual Member Program and regular donors have always
been a part of the organization, but beginning in 2013, the foundation has
intensified the Individual Member Program offering easier ways to donate
by offering electronic payments options to reduce administrative costs
and optimizing the amount raised.
Here are the main ways to collaborate with the Foundation.
Sponsors (Gold, Silver, Bronze and Donors): financial
donations from corporations, foundations and institutes
that contribute to financing the activities of Gol de Letra.
Fundraising Campaigns: brand
association with the Foundation.
Gol de Letra Tournament: soccer
event between teams from sponsored
companies held annually in Rio de
Janeiro and Sao Paulo. This is the main
fundraising event for the Foundation.
Individual Member Program: regular
donations starting at R$1 per day or
R$30 per month, contributing to the
daily operations of Gol de Letra. To
become an individual member, visit
One time donations: also
possible though the website
Sales Receipts Tax Subsidy in São
Paulo: companies located in São Paulo
can collaborate incentivizing consumers
to donate the tax coupons in benefit of
Gol de Letra’s projects
If you have any questions or need more
information, just write to projetos@
goldeletra.org.br or call 55 (11) 2206.5520
extension 534
Gol de Letra Tournament
In 2013, Gol de Letra Tournament held the 10th edition in São Paulo
and 7th in Rio de Janeiro. The tournament, created by the founders Rai
de Souza Oliveira and Leonardo Nascimento de Araujo is the greatest
competition of corporate social soccer in the country and is the main
fundraising event for Gol de Letra Foundation. Besides the two cities, the
tournament also takes place in Paris, but in a different format (see more
on page 81).
In São Paulo, the event was held on 18 and 19 of October (at Hipica
Jaguari) and the final game on October 23 was held at Morumbi stadium.
Sixteen male teams and five women teams participated, a record of
the female teams in the competition. Natura won the male competition
and CCR was a three-time champion for female competition. Fair Play
competitor was Grupo Abril. Several soccer starts attended the event
as well as the media. Among them were Adilson, Alan Kardec, Amaral,
Belletti, Cafu, the comedian Carlinhos, Cesar, Danilo, Eduardo, Eliel,
Evair, Gil Baiano, Juninho Paulista, Mauro Silva, Paulo Henrique Ganso,
Pavão, Raí, Rivaldo, Ronaldo, Roque Jr., Valdivia, Vampeta, Velloso,
Wladimir e Zetti. The individual donor for Gol de Letra
Foundation João Vicente won the drawn and played
among the soccer personalities in Morumbi stadium.
In Rio de Janeiro, the tournament took place in the
traditional Zico Football Center (CFZ) on December
7-8, shortly after the end of the Brazilian soccer
championship. On December 10th, the final game,
after being held for two consecutive years in Engenhão
stadium, was held again at the legendary Maracanã
stadium. The commemorative game featured a team
of stars Adílio, Nunes, José Aldo, Felipe Andreoli,
Hélio de La Peña, Júnior, Bebeto, Mattheus, Tony
Garrido, Serginho, Válber, Macula, José Roberto
Wright, Ana Paula de Oliveira, Nélio, Athirson,
Gonçalves, Nalbert, Djalminha, Júlio César Uri Geller,
Empresas Participantes
Rio de Janeiro
São Paulo
Grupo FQM
Irmãos Passaúra
Queiroz Galvão
Rede D’Or
Som Livre
White Martins
Abril Comunicação
Crédit Agricole
Cury Construtora
Grupo Segurador
BB e Mapfre
Leroy Merlin
Martin Brower
Schneider Eletric
Unimed Paulistana
Rio de Janeiro
São Paulo
Barra Shopping
Centro de Futebol
Hípica Jaguari
São Paulo Futebol
Rio de Janeiro
São Paulo
3 corações
CSM Brasil
Delta Tech
Le Vin
MV Vídeos
Refinaria Design
Ind. Vitória
Delta Tech
MV Vídeos
Refinaria Design
Sala Raí
Unimed Paulistana
Lúcia Furlan
Assessoria de
ABRH Nacional
Empresa Organizadora
Rio de Janeiro
São Paulo
Gol de Letra
F2 Sports
the founders Rai and Leonardo and the individual donor Jorge Luiz
Barbosa Anthes. The game marked the return of Leonardo (co-founder of
Gol de Letra) to Brazilian lawns and had a cake celebration for the fifteen
years of Gol de Letra Foundation.
Mobilization Campaigns
The mobilization campaigns have, as a basic principle, the direct
association of an initiative or product brand Gol de Letra, and allocating
part of the proceeds to the foundation.
Thus, the company discloses its brand while investing in the work of the
Gol de Letra and mobilizes consumers and the entire society to contribute
to social transformation of children, adolescents and youth of the
communities served.
See below campaigns from/in 2013:
BGC Liquidez (Brazil Charity Day)
Johnson &Johnson
(donation 1% of the revenue of Johnson’s Baby products
and action during Confederations Cup)
Leroy Merlin (“Saldão Solidário” – Solidarity Sales)
Cesta Nobre
(donation of part of the revenues to Gol de Letra)
French Consulate
(dinner and beneficent auction with the revenue
directed to Gol de Letra)
adidas (Energy Boost Campaign)
Starbucks (“Maria Luisa Day for Education”)
Novotel (“Feijoada” on the Child Days)
Individual Member
Since the beginning of its activities, Gol de Letra
promotes the participation of individuals, partners
and enthusiasts concerned in financing the
organization. With the purpose of encouraging and
recognizing their involvement, the Individual Member
program, responsible for part of the financing of the
activities of the organization was created.
With regular donations starting at R$ 30,00
per month, individual members become active
contributors to Gol de Letra, becoming coresponsible for the results obtained and receiving
day to day follow up of the projects under
development, whether through social networks,
blog, e-newsletter (called Tá na Letra!) or through
visiting tours to the Foundation.
The Individual Members can also win the possibility
to play soccer with the co-founder Raí de Oliveira
and other famous soccer players during the annual
Gol de Letra Tournament – that takes place at the
famous soccer stadiums Maracanã and Morumbi
(see more 77). But this is only one of the activities
that take place throughout the year exclusively for
members. But a member won’t need to hope for
luck to win the biggest benefit to become a member.
By contributing to Gol de Letra’s Individual Member
Program, participants will receive the benefit to
cause a direct impact in thousands of stories;
stories of children, adolescents and young people
that will have chances for new life opportunities.
Check out some of the testimonials of membership
holders and beneficiaries and become part of our
team. Spread this idea. For more details:
“What motivates me is being able
to help in some way, simple as it
is, with this champion team who is
Gol de Letra! What can be simple or
whimsy to us, sure to be a “Gol de
Letra” in someone’s life! And with
great pride that I have been doing
my Gol de Letra for almost 10 years
now! With pride!” Helio Kawakami
“Everyone in Brazil who had the
opportunity to have a quality
education and a minimally good
life have an obligation to help pay
the enormous Brazil’s social debt.
Well managed and competent
organizations as Gol de Letra help
us fulfill this obligation.” Fabio Kon
“Society needs more support and
it behooves us to be allies of those
who know how to help.” Norberto Braz
“I’ve always been passionate
about football and at the same
time had a strong desire to help
people. When I met Gol de Letra
Foundation, I realized it was the
perfect opportunity to combine the
two things. Moreover, with reports
sent and frequent interactions with
members of the Foundation, I’m
sure that the investment is done in a
responsible manner!” Fábio Chezzi
“I donate to Gol de Letra because
I want to participate of a Project
promotes changes in people.” Paulo
Chedid Simão Filho
“I support Gol de Letra because
it has roots which branches and
produce flowers and fruit in the
form of young citizens!” Márcia Attias
“I donate for the hope and the trust
with just a few we can do something
for the people need support“ Silvio
France Association was established in 2002 by friends
of the founders of Gol de Letra Foundation, Raí de
Oliveira and Leonardo Nascimento de Araújo, and has
the main objective to articulate and mobilize resources
from companies abroad, especially in France.
The Association also helps in the organization of the
exchange program - held annually in partnership with
the foundation of the French sports organization Sport
dans la Ville (see more on page 66) -, promotes the
work of Gol de Letra in Europe and organizes different
events every year such as the Trophèe Gol de Letra,
European version of Gol de Letra Tournament. In
2013, as well as São Paulo, the European tournament
completed its 10th edition.
The funds raised by the Association France revert to
their projects Gol de Letra, in Brazil.
Contact Gol de Letra Association France:
Véronique Delorme
E-mail: goldeletra.fr@gmail.com
Cel.: +33 (0) 6 78 90 62 56
Site: www.goldeletra.fr
Trophee Gol de Letra
Sixteen teams participated in the 2013
edition of the Trophèe: Artis Construction,
Betc Bees, Coface, Decatlhon, Ecole Sainte
Thérèse, Famesport, Fidelidade, Lacoste,
Loreal, Lsc Levallois, Maison Hermes,
Novedia Group, Peugeot, PSG, Salesforce
and Tunisiana.
In the final results, Lacoste won Fair
Play and Fideldade (insurance company)
was the champion. Several famous
players and former players in France
participated in the event: Vincent Guérin,
Laurent Fournier, Steve Marlet, Basile
Boli, Sonny Anderson and Séan Garnier
(world champion freestyle football), along
with Lucas Moura (Former Sao Paulo
Futebol Clube player) and the founders
Leonardo Nascimento de Araújo and Raí
Souza de Oliveira.
Guillaume Couzy
Raí Souza de Oliveira
Yves Bonnifet
Philippe Oddou
Carlos Vinhas Pereira
Maria Isabel dos Santos-Nivault
Alexis Vintraud
Véronique Delorme
Beatriz Pantaleão, Dirce Cristina
Bellíssimo, Leonardo Nascimento de
Araújo e Raí Souza Vieira de Oliveira
Coordination: Silvana Berti de Gusmão
Aline Araujo Silva
Camila Andrade Vaz
Claudia Regina Silva Francisco
Angela Maria Gervasio Neves, Daniela Diane Boda
Rodriguez de Castro, François Alain
Elisabete Rodrigues
Dossa, Guilherme Amorim Campos
Gabriel Alves de Souza Mourão
da Silva, Leonardo Nascimento de
Gilmar del Barco Junior
Araújo, Paulo Aris Velasco Boyadjian, Josival da Silva
Philippe Jean-Marie Ormancey, Raí
Miriam Egle Torturelli
Souza Vieira de Oliveira e Sérgio
Miriam Franco Junqueira
Arthur Ribeiro da Silva.
Coordination: Sergio Andrade
Raí Souza Vieira de Oliveira
Andrea Caetano Binder Lembo
Eduardo Palone Brunello
Janaina Duarte Carvalho
Daniela Rodriguez de Castro
Juliana Lie Ioshimatsu
Mauricio Amatto
Pamella Cristina Miranda de Souza
Beatriz Pantaleão
Rodrigo Pereira
Willian de Jesus Santana
Dirce Cristina Bellíssimo
Coordination: Luciano Pereira De
Emília Maria Camargo Nagle
Amanda Cristina Eugênio
Anderson Thiago da Silva Faustino
Sóstenes B. S. de S. V. de Oliveira
Barbara Cherobino Longo
Assessora de Diretoria: Meire Bottura Evandro do Prado
Fernanda Lima Neves
Juliana Vasco de Melo Cândido
Coordination: Patricia Liberali
Luciana Cristina dos Santos Aquino
Ademildes Rodrigues Moura
Paulo dos Santos de Jesus
Adriana Pereira Silva
Ana Paula Andrade Moreira da Silva
Coordination: Sandra Leite
Andre Luiz Ribeiro de Freitas
Andrea Cristina Chiareto
Ana Carolina Pereira de Morais
Ana Cláudia Borges Duarte
Andrea Faria Agostinho
Andre Aparecido Torres de Mello
Angelica Patricia da Silva
Bruna Mello de Cenço
Flavio Gomes Matteucci
Carolina de Souza Luiz
Gustavo Arantes de Souza Lima
Gabriel Braccio Pirozzi
Irene Nunes Damasio
Gabriel Nunes de Santana Quadros
Ivanise Helena Lopes dos Santos
Jacqueline Kawaguchi Araujo
Laís Maia Aulicino
Juliana Barrena Silva
Lidia Bonduki
Raphael Freitas da Silva
Marcio de Araujo Furtado
Rosana Marques
Margarida Alves de Moura Campos
Tânia Regina Campos
Victor de Lima Prudencio
Maria Helena dos Santos Goncalves
Paula Cristina Santos Ambrozio
Rio de Janeiro
Rosana Conceição Costa da Silva
Soraya Barreto Teixeira Machado
Beatriz Pantaleão
Coordination: Olga Cristiane Lembo
Aline Monte Silva
Coordination: Augusto Mota
Cristiane Mariano Narciso
Alessandro Vieira Santos
Edgard Arantes Franco Neto
Antônio Carlos Barros Mendes
Fabiana Chiotolli de Assumpção
Antônio Carlos Rodrigues de Sá
Jeremie Nicolae Dron
Edvaldo Pereira da Silva
Silvania de Abreu E Silva
Elymar Machado Teixeira
RH E OPERACIONAL Coordination: Telma Jobes
Alessandra Amado Moura
Alessandra Kelly da Silva Catarino
Andrea dos Santos
Dinalva Rodrigues dos Santos
Edna Rodrigues Barros
Francisca Barbosa da Silva Martins
Jorge de Souza Franco
Juvelina Maciel de Souza
Kelly Cristina Fernandes Penha
Marcos Alexandre da Silva
Mauro Fernandes de Souza
Monica Barros da Silva Prudencio
Paulo Sergio do Sacramento
Priscila Castro Silva
Rodenilson Cesário Camilo
Sebastiana Cecilia Domingos dos
Sebastião de Oliveira Paes
Silvana da Silva
Francisco Maxell Lopes de Sousa
Gabriela Vieira Vidalete
Gilson Leal
Girlene Maria Melo Aragão
Jailson Alves da Cruz
Leandro Peçanha Rodrigues
Luciano Nunes Cardoso
Luis Cesar Mendes do Nascimento
Nelson Ferreira das Neves
Pedro Edson Araújo Pereira Filho
Raquel Souto Guimarães Vellozo
Ricardo Barbosa dos Santos
Robson Ferreira Lopes
Roger Antônio Machado Teixeira
Sandra Soares de Oliveira
Victor Ribeiro Horta
Zenaldo da Silva
Coordination: Sandra Leite (SP)
Claudio Freitas de Andrade
Michelle Mendes Baçal
Veronica de Souza Carraro
Felipe Pítaro Ramos
Assistant: Tainá Ometto Bezerra
Adriana Mendes Campos de Almeida
Ana Salvadora de Carvalho Cortes
Carolina Tibiriçá Argolo dos Santos
Cristiane Barbosa Barreto
Elaine da Silva Marinho
Estevão Nascimento Neto
Lurimar Aparecida Jacques Moreno
Munique Reis
Priscila dos Santos Pereira
Raimundo Claudino da Silva
Sara Regina de Oliveira Nascimento
Silvania da Conceição da Silva
Suelen Barbosa da Silva
Aline dos Santos Barros
Bruno Cesarino dos Santos
Camila Deschamps da Silva
Carlos Alberto Tavares Cruz
Crislaine Maciel de Lima
Dayane Santos de Abreu
Deise de Moura Almeida
Ebener dos Santos Pinto
Elisiane Vieira dos Santos
Elizabeth Cristina Sampaio Pires
Fernando Mendes do Nascimento
Flávia Alves da Silva Mendes
Gabriel Magalhães R. Coelho
Geovania da Silva Andrade
João Rafael da Conceição
Maria Aparecida de Souza Silva
Maria Cristina Passeri Salomão
Maria da Guia Ávila do Nascimento
Marina Boechat da Cunha
Michelli Silva Sousa Agra Amorim
Midori Hayama
Osvaldo Luiz da Silva
Rafael Silva Machado
Rosiani Lima da Silva
Valdeci Alves Moreira
Caroline Moreira de Carvalho
Gabriella Silva de Souza Muniz
Julio Maicom dos S. Moita
Dilson Medeiros Coelho
Haroldo Pereira Braga
Marcelo Augusto Barbosa
Mauro Mattos Ferreira
Valdete Helena Lopes Vieira
Vanderson Ramos dos Santos
Wanderley Fernandes da Silva
Ana Beatriz Arruda da Silva
Marciano Silva
Mauro de Mattos Ferreira Filho
Alicia Santos Paiva
Bianca Rodrigues Pereira
Bruno Wanderson da Costa
Carine da Silva Menezes
Gustavo Cantanhede Alves
Joyce Lorena Soares de Araújo
Julia Tävares Ferreira Barros
Laura Maria Araujo Bernardo
Leandro de Jesus da Silva
Leonardo da Silva Dias
Lucas T. dos Santos Clementino
Luis Matheus Curssu dos Santos
President: Guillaume Couzy
Vice-President: Raí Souza de Oliveira
Treasurer: Yves Bonnifet
Council of Administration
Philippe Oddou
Carlos Vinhas Pereira
Maria Isabel dos Santos-Nivault
Alexis Vintraud
Representative: Véronique Delorme
Aclebson Calaca da Silva
Admilson Monteiro Garcia
Adriana Gomes da Silva Milanez
Adriano S. Aquino
Aglaê Vallim Braidatto
Ailton Guimaraes Jorge Jr.
Alcibiades Ney Vieira
Aleteia Batistela
Alexandre Drumond Chichorro
Soares Lacerda
Alfredo Monteiro de Castro
Ana Luiza Corderon
Ana Maria Garcia de Oliveira
Ana Paula Cunha
Anderson Fazoli
Andre da Silva Barbosa
Andre Eduardo Santos Zacari
Andre Gustavo Cividanes Fu
Andre Luis Cipresso Borges
Andre Marques de Assis
Andreia Billarrubia
Angela Maria Couto
Angela Maria Gervasio Neves
Anselmo Bonservizzi
Antonio Bevilacqua
Antonio Carlos Pereira
Antonio Carlos Pestana
Antonio Marcos Lycero
Augusto Yookiti Muraoka
Aurelio Miguel Pena
Beatriz Campos Pantaleão
Bruno Pires Dumas
Bruno Taglieri dos Santos
Caio Parente Barbosa
Caio Vinicius Cavalcante Dimov
Camila Rondon Curado
Camilla Lapa Hala
Carlos A. W. Loureiro
Carlos Antonio Ferreira
Carlos Armando Lemes
Carlos Augusto Curiati Bue
Carlos Eduardo de Abreu Sodre
Carlos Eduardo de Castro Paciello
Carlos Ferreira de Almeida
Carlos Henrique Duarte D Avila
Carlos Nakao
Carlos Weis
Carolina de Napoli
Carolina Plascak Jorge
Cassio Ricci Azevedo
Cassius Medauar
Christiane de Primo France
Cintia Carla Condack Ponci
Claudia Alvarenga Carvalho
Claudia Renata Cres
Claudio Shindi Kinoshita
Cleyton Alves da Silva
Cristiano Cassio Canela
Cristina Doria Sobral Vieira
Daniel Correa de Sá
Daniel Martins Doval
David Cesar de Jesus Nery
Decio Alves Ribeiro Junior
Delfio Jose Tomaselli
Delio Valdetaro Junior
Denis Escudeiro Pereira
Denise Palerosi Pacheco
Denise Tomizaki
Diego Ribeiro dos Santos
Diogo Selingardi
Douglas Felix de Castro
Douglas Sako
Duilio Augusto Zulini da Costa
Edson Aguiar de Melo
Edson Alves Teixeira
Edson Portella de Azevedo
Eduardo de Toledo Mendes
Eduardo Nogueira da Silva
Eduardo Pitwak
Elisabeth Furlan
Elisabeth Pavao de Castro
Elizabete R. T. Oliveira
Elizabeth Monnerat Franco
Eloisa dos Santos Gomes
Elza Rosa Martins
Erico Traldi
Ernesto Martini
Ewely Bongonovi Camargo Nagle
Eymard Duarte Tibaes
Fabiano Clemente dos Santos
Fabiano Pavanelli
Fabio Alessandro Comassett
Fábio Chezzi
Fabio Gordon
Fabio Kon
Fabio Marcellino
Fabio Munhoz Jordao
Felipe Pitaro
Fernando Gervásio Bastos Visser
Fernando Von Oertzen
Flavio Leitao de Azevedo
Flavio Lucio Guandalini
Francieli Cristiani Carrei
Francisco Buarque de Hollanda
Francisco Carvalho
Francisco Ney Vianna de Ar
Gabriel Araújo Silva
Gabriel Braccio Pirozzi
Gabriel Máximo
Giovani Balen Meneghel
Giovanni Benicio Sales
Guido Guattari
Guilherme Amorim
Guiomar Souza Vieira de Oliveira
Gustavo Jose Cardoso Braz
Gustavo Pedro Strenger
Gustavo Teixeira
Habib Dakil Filho
Haroldo da Silva Gali
Helena Miriam Camilo Silva
Helio Freitas de Carvalho
Helio Kiyoto Kawakami
Henrique Daniel S Martins
Hercules Marin Munhoz
Humberto Strahlr da Silva
Ian Yuji Kimura
Irineu S Meira Filho
Isau de Paula
Jacqueline Lorena Ribeiro
Jaimar Barreto Azevedo
Jaime Caetano de Almeida
Jair José de Souza
Jane Marins Ribeiro
Jayme Bernardo Jovchelevic
João Claudino Marques
Joao Paulo Contar Risoleo
Joao Paulo de Andrade Vergueiro
Joao Vicente Cavalcante Mimoso
Jorge Luiz Barbosa Anthes
Jose Ary Fragnam Jr.
Jose Carlos Pereira
Jose Luiz Mancusi
Jose Tadeu Schumann de Lima
Juliana Cid Couto Roman
Keneth Guidin Kadow
Lauro Barbosa do Nascimento
Lazaro Boaventura Chaves
Leandro Tobara Crema
Leiko Suguimoto da Cruz
Leonardas Mitrulis
Leonardo Zago Serrano
Leticia M. S. M. Lazaro
Lilian de Mello Lauria
Liliane Ribeiro de Sousa
Loreda Del Bove Barbosa
Lucas Patury Machado Dias
Luciana Novakoski
Luciano Duarte Rosso
Luis Eduardo de Oliveira Lima
Luis Pedro Fernandes da Silva
Luiz Afonso Freire Barbosa
Luiz Alberto Pestana
Luiz Dantas de Oliveira
Luiz Eulalio de Moraes
Luiz Gallotti Povoa
Luiz Henrique de Almeida Pereira
Luiz Jose Marques Junior
Luzia Miyazawa
Maira de Magalhaes Gomes
Manfredo Garmatter Barretto
Manoel Soares de Oliveira
Marcel Bruno Salgueiro
Marcel Lopes Scatolin
Marcelo Correa Ramos
Marcelo de Almeida Prado
Marcelo Soares Luiz
Marcia Attias
Marcia da Costa Braga
Marcia Dertinate Nogueira
Marcio Barradas Quitete
Marcio Cavalaro Nogueira
Marcio Mitsuishi
Márcio Pereira Cardoso
Marcio Zeraik de Souza
Marcos Antonio Severo
Marcos Gaspar de Moraes
Marcus Giovanni de Salvado
Maria Aparecida Ferreira
Maria Aparecida Goncalves
Maria Cristina Pereira de Sousa
Maria Cristina Roveri Nagle
Maria das Gracas Machado Freire
Maria de Fátima Rodrigues da Silva
Maria Izabel Campos Pantaleao
Maria Izabel G da Silva
Maria Lucia Ciampolini
Maria Sueli Scorsi
Mariana Bettin
Marina Motoike Hitomi
Mario Jose da Silva Leao
Mario Tadeu do Nascimento
Marisa Bertoncini
Marlon Dias Fernandes
Mateus Ramos Esteves
Mauricio Amatto
Mauricio Penteado Trentin
Mauro da Silva
Mauro Dias Ferreira
Mauro Simoes Alves
Milton Neves Filho
Moisés Guimarães Coelho Filho
Monica Silva Freitas
Myriam Fidosz de Melo Davi
Myrna Pia Favilli
Nair Gervazio dos Santos
Najla Romanos Soares
Nalzira Ramos dos Santos
Nazareth Rosa Martins Pestana
Neide Mattos Franco Olivei
Nelson Pintaude
Norberto Braz de Barros Martins
Olavo Masayuki Machado Shi
Olisabel Macedo Silveira
Orlando Marcos Pereira
Otavio Augusto Cardoso Amaral
Pasqual Totaro
Patricia Poyares Franca
Paula Franco Mendes
Paula Tonini Moura
Paula V. Brandao Melendez
Paulo Aris Velasco Boyadji
Paulo Arteaga
Paulo Cesar Guarnier
Paulo Cesar Padilha Menezes
Paulo Chedid Simao Filho
Paulo Coelho Mendes Bueno
Paulo Dabague Cossermelli
Pedro Corderon
Peter Byrd Rodenbeck
Priscila do Amaral Rovere
Rafael de Magalhaes Gomes
Rafael de Souza Santos
Rafael Leao Camara Felga
Rafael Martins da Silva
Rai Souza Vieira de Oliveira
Raphael da Graca Ito
Raul Ricardo Paciello
Reinaldo F. Aguiar Medeiros
Renata Gomes Fonseca
Renata Vilhena
Renato Nogueira Domingues
Renato Sampaio Ferrari
Renato Simoni
Ricardo Arjonas
Ricardo Artur Leite
Ricardo Jahn
Ricardo Miguel Kuraim
Ricardo Oliveira Godoi
Ricardo Pinto Guimaraes
Rita de Cassia de Siqueira Pereira
Roberto Becker
Roberto de Carvalho Aprigliano
Roberto Quintela Fortes
Roberto Rotta
Roberto Savio de Oliveira
Roberto Silva Dutra de Oliveira
Robson Rocha
Rodineis Marco S Souza
Rodrigo Ferri
Rodrigo Ginez de Lara
Rodrigo Holanda Costa Pimentel
Rodrigo Mendonca
Rodrigo Minguez Flores
Rodrigo Morales
Rodrigo Santander de Carvalho
Rodrigo Vasconcellos do Nascimento
Rosana Santarosa
Rosane Lemos
Rosemary Silva de Melo
Rubens Jose N F Velloza
Rui Castelo Branco Pinheiro
Sandor Vasconcelos Selber
Sandra Leite
Sandra Maria Moreyra
Sebastiao Neto Rodrigues
Sergio Arthur Calmon
Sergio Cabral Santos
Sergio da Costa Leite
Sergio Fernandes Santos
Sergio Leal de Oliveira
Sergio Luiz Tavares
Sergio Oliveira da Silva
Sigueru Ietsugu
Silvia Cristina Pinto Teixeira do Amaral
Silvio Garcia Evangelista
Simone Carlos Mendes
Sostenes B. S. de S. V. de Oliveira
Suzana Felix Tassara
Sylvia de Carvalho Mendes
Sylvia Maria de Camargo Passos
Taymar Maria de Moraes Celaro
Telma Arieta
Thais de Lourdes Macieira
Thalita Cogo Pires
Theodossios N. Roditis
Tiago Branco Monteiro
Vaclav Soukup Filho
Valeria Almondes de Oliveira
Valeria Favero
Valter Ferreira do Nascimento
Vera Christina Rebello Chaves
Vera Regina Alves da Fonseca
Veronica Mori
Viviane Lescher
Waldemar Jorge Menendez Marchetti
Walter Roberto Jaqueire
Washington Flavio Pereira
Wendell Fontana
Wesley Siqueira Vilela
Wilian Ruy Giusti
Yara Maria Rodrigues
Yeso Ribeiro
Zeina Et Jean-urbain Hubau
Andre Rodrigues Teixeira Advogados
Com. Ferrag. Acessorio Ocorrimao Ltda Me
Daeve Com, Imp e Exp Ltda
Empenho Empresa de Cobrança Ltda
Falcon Organização Contábil Ltda
Fesesp - Fed. de Serviços do Est. de S. P.
Gaia Fomento Empresarial Ltda
Godoi Aprigliano Zambo (advogados Associados)
Logquimica Transportes e Logistica Ltda
Lojas Eskala Tecidos e Confeccoes Ltda
Macro Tecnica Auditoria e Consultoria Ltda
Marcato Advogados
Mcm Adm de Serviços Ltda
Nacerta Comercial Elétrica e Hidraulica Ltda
Nagib Seguritizadora S/a
Percequillo Cavalcanti Advogados Associados
Plenitude Com e Ind. de Artigos Para Festas Ltda
Riot Games Serviços Ltda
Rjc Engenharia
Serviço Social do Comercio
Sia Sistemas Inteligentes de Assessoria Ltda/
grupo Pro Security
Sylink Comercio de Importacao e Exportacao
Airton Tadeu Dias
Alessandra de Souza Okuma
Alex Joacy Ozelin
Antonio Augusto Barboza Pinto
Carlos Antônio Ivanichen
Carlos Pedro Diniz Alves
Carlos Suplicy F Borges
Claudio Felippe Cruz e Creus
Claudio Neuron Fonseca
Daniel Dórea Andrade
Daniel Guerra Diniz
Debora Visconte
Durval Rosa Borges Junior
Edson Wakassa
Eduardo Coube de Carvalho
Eduardo Dias Lima
Elcio Fernandes
Elio Estrada
Faustino Mendes da Silva Junior
Felipe Legrazie Ezabella
Felipe Sbardelini
Fernando de Farias
Fernando Pantaleao
François Patrick Postal
Heitor Sica
Henrique Peixoto
Humberto Maia Rozalen
Ian Bussinger
Jaime Luiz Crespin
Jefferson Prestes
Joao Seminate
Jorge Luis Oliveira
Jorge Scartezzini
José Wilson dos Santos Junior
Juliana Cintra Mercadante
Julio Cesar Gomes
Leandro Conceicao Romera
Liliana Costa Miguel Lopes
Luciano Avanço
Luis Allan de Carvalho
Luis Guilherme Aidar Bondioli
Luiz Carlos dos Santos Fial
Madeleine Boursy
Marcel Bittar
Marco Aurelio Lima de Queiroz
Maria Antonieta Seabra de Godoi
Mariana Falcao Dalla Vecchia
Mauro Munhoz Parras
Mayra Fukasawa
Paulo Ricardo Soares Muniz
Paulo Roberto Marelli de Amorim
Pericles Mattos
Rafael de Magalhães Gomes
Raimundo Vieira de Oliveira Filho
Raphael Burleigh de Medeiros
Raquel B Andrade
Renato Odakara
Ricardo Amorim Menezes
Ricardo Jorge M da Carvalheira
Robson Rogerio Pinheiro da Rosa
Rodrigo Buzati Ferraz Me
Rogerio Mollica
Simone Akemi Terrin
Sylvia Barbosa Angelini
Animale Boutique Shop.Villa
Armazém Cerveja Gourmet
Arezzo Shopping Villa Lobos
Atol Bar
Bar do Ton
Bar e Pizzaria Monte Verde
Bar e Restaurante Cacilda
Bar General
Bar Jericó
Bar Lisboa
Bar Pompéia
Bar Tribunal
Bendita Boutique
Burger Lab
Boteco Coutinho
Boteco Freguesia
Boteco São Paulo
Botequim Bar e Grill
Restaurante Bread&Co
Brigadeiro Pizzas
Casa do Pão de Queijo Shop. Villa
Capitano Gastronomia
Carnes Perdizes / Grill
Rotisseria ao lado
Casa Barão
Chef Vivi Restaurante
Chiffa Wok
Cuca Toys Brinquedos
Desembargador Bar
Empório Canto da Cerva
Empório da Sogra
Espaço Lock
Espaço Santa Terra
Fabrica Livros e Brinquedos
Família Burguer
Flavia Aranha
Jacaré Grill
Lazzarini Restaurante
Liz Café
May Patissiére
MB Modas
Mercearia São Pedro
Miçanga Brasil
My Fots
Pé de Manga
Pizzaria Jardim de Napole /
Giardino Gastronômico
Pompéia Pizza Bar
Rei do Mate Shopping Villa Lobos
Restaurante Boa Mesa
Restaurante Macedos
Restaurante Marakutai
Restaurante Marialima
Ruella Bistro - Pinheiros
Ruella Restaurante
Santa Fé Cervejaria
Seletti Jundiaí
Ultraforma Suplementos / Good
UZ Games Villa Lobos e UZ
Games Jundiaí
Velho Rabo Restaurante
Vila Bia Modas
Spazio Vintagé Café
Zapatine Calçados
Adriana Peixoto Dias
Alessanderson Silva de Oliveira
Alessandro Bezerra
Alodie Leila Mourier
Amanda Leticia dos Santos
Amanda Monteiro da Silva
Ana Abe
Ana Alice Cafolla
Ana Beatriz Magalhães Queiroz
Ana Claudia Borges Duarte
Ana do Amaral Mesquita
Ana Maria Teixeira
Anderson Barbosa
André Anizio da Silva
André Olive
André Santos Furtado de
Andresa Polito
Angela Regina Sanchez Pinto
Anna Carolina Ferreira Cosenza
Ariella Hasegawa Galvão dos
Ariett Gouvea
Beatriz da Silva Matos
Beatriz Domingues Franco
Bruna Vial Muri
Caio Gabriel
Camila Pitrè
Camila Santana da Silva
Camila Valério da Silva Oliveira
Carla Kishi Kuroishi
Carolina Ayumi Nakamura
Célia Suman
Cesar Castello Branco Martins
Ciro Barboza Soares
Claudio Uburajara do Nasc.
Barragan Jr
Cristiano Giamarco
Daniel D’Amelio
Daniel Pinton Schilklaper
Daniela Szasz de Franco
Danielle Rossi de Souza
Débora Pedro Rodrigues
Décio Junior
Degival Soares
Dener Gustavo Santos
Diego Andreda de Freitas
Diego Cyrilo Teixeira
Diego Neves de Almeida
Diego Rodrigues Passos
Dier Marinho
Dihego Ferreira
Diomar Batista Resende
Douglas Oliveira
Erika Azevedo
Fábio André Fadiga
Fabio Barrocal
Fábio Vernille
Fani Lemos Zaborowski
Felipe Lima Cruz
Felipe Vouguinha dos Santos
Fernanda Amaral Pascarelli
Fernando Firmino da Silva
Gabriel Parente
Geraldo Luis da Silva
Gilvan Oraggio
Giovanna Maradei
Giovanna Pungilli Minelli
Gleice Moraes de Oliveira
Gleiza Santos Oliveira
Graziela Pacheco
Guilherme Barrena
Guilherme Fortins de Aquino
Hermes Binder
Hugo Moraes Erse
Isaque Willames dos Santos
Jacy Toledo Maia
Janaína Maciel de Oliveira
João Gabriel Campos
João Guilherme C Rosa
Josy Negro
Julia Beatriz da Silva Souza
Julia Pantaleão de Araujo
Juliana Castello Brigagão
Juliana Santos Rosa
Juliana Thais Oliveira de
Kaique Souza dos Santos
Karol Martins
Katia Cardoso Rocha da Silva
Laís Oliveira
Laura Isabel Furtado
Laurence Guenoun Trivulce
Leandro Lima
Leandro Teodósio da Silva
Leila Cristina Davico Campanella
Leo Aversa
Leonardo Azevedo
Leonardo Carvalho Machado
Leonardo Duarte de Oliveira
Lidia Rocha Fadigas de Souza
Lucas Lima da Silva
Lucas Mazzotti Branco Ricken
Lucas Pantaleão de Araujo
Luciano Giles
Lucienne Gimenez de
Ludmila Alfaro
Luiz Fernando Rocha Rodrigues
Luiz Henrique Martins D’Aguiar
Luiz Mello
Marcella Nina Soares
Marcelo Mendes da Silva
Marco Antônio Noguti
Marco Bianchi
Marcos Hermes
Maria Beatriz de Oliveira
Maria Candida Sabino Petean
Maria Carolina Betioli
Maria Fernanda Romero
Maria Provedel Martins Moreira
Marília Passos
Marília Silva Camargo Passos
Mathias Pólen
Maura Soares
Maxwell Gomes Santos
Mayara Cristiny Silvério Sampaio
Michael da Silva Basiluio
Michelle Pereira
Michelli de Souza Nascimento
Monique Dias do Nascimento
Mozart Silva Neto
Muniky Rakele C.P. Ferreira
Nanci Lopes
Nancy Lissner Mester
Othon Diego da Silva
Othon Diego da Silva
Paula Fernanda Souza Ruhling
Paula Lopes de Melo
Pedro Nunez Brilho
Priscila Lastri Nascimento
Quimbili Brito Queirós
Rafael Silva Machado
Rafaela Righetti Barbosa
Rafaella Sally Barroso
Ramon Diego Santos
Raphael Carvalho de Almeida
Raquel Cubarenco
Regina Maria Bueno de Azevedo
Reinaldo Marques
Ricardo Aprigliano
Roberta Machado Reis
Roberto Mello
Rosangela de O. Zanesco
Sandra Zimmermann
Saulo Carlos da Silva Costa
Sergio Cordeiro
Sérgio Miranda
Silvia Bassi
Soraya Farina
Suzane Mello
Tatiane dos Santos Silva
Thiago Diniz
Thiago Nascimento
Thiago Santos dos Anjos
Toni Angelo de Oliveira Torres
Vadico Oliveira
Valdeci Alves Moreira
Vitor Mascarenhas Duarte
Viviane Helena Eugênio
Waldemar Felinto de Oliveira
Yu Breno
Eternit, Extra Supermercados, Gerdau, Kellogg´s, Omni Financeira, Scania Banco, Staples e Prudential
Embratel, Etc e Tal, Cantareira Telecom, Consulado Geral
Britânico, Ganish, Mandic, Nube e Quanta Educacional
SÃO PAULO: AAPF - Associação Amor Por Favor; Alfasol; BEMVINDO Grupo de Apoio a Gestantes
e Adolescentes; Busca Jovem; Centro de Integração da Cidadania - CIC Norte; Centro Paula Souza;
COMUDA - Conselho Municipal de Álcool e Drogas; EE Arnaldo Barreto; EE Professor Leônidas;
Fundação Carlos Chagas; Grupo Harmonia; IBEEA (Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Especializados e
Avançados), Instituto Criar; Instituto EcoFuturo; ISBET (Instituto Brasileiro Pró Educação, Trabalho e
Desenvolvimento); Parque Municipal Lions Clube Tucuruvi; Prima Informática; PRODHE - Programa
de Desenvolvimento Humano pelo Esporte; Projeto Diversidade (Unilever); Projeto Family (Novotel);
REMS - Rede do Esporte pela Mudança Social; Sebrae; SENAC; Sindicato dos Comerciários; UBS Vila
Albertina; UMAPAZ; UNFPA; UNINOVE e Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.
RIO DE JANEIRO: Yes Idiomas; Arsenal de Guerra do Rio de Janeiro; Câmara de Comércio Franca-Brasil; CEDAPS - Centro de Promoção da Saúde; CRAS XV de Maio; Faculdades Integradas Hélio
Alonso; France Libertes; Instituto Embratel; Lego Education; Parque de Material de Eletrônica da
Aeronáutica; Secretaria Municipal de Pessoa com Deficiência; SESC; SESI/SENAI; Universidade Castelo Branco; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Escola de Serviço Social e Universidade Federal
Fluminense - Escola de Serviço Social.
CMDCA (Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents); Fumcad (Municipal Fund for
the Rights of Children and Adolescents); Government of the State of São Paulo; Law for Promotion of
Culture - Ministry of Culture; Sports Incentive Law; City of São Paulo; REMS (Sports Network for Social
Change); SOS Service (Social Work Service) Rotary Club; Caju’s Olympic Village.
TEXTS AND REVISION PORTUGUESE Gisele C. Batista Rego | istárion
TRANSLATION Ana Carolina Abe Romero and Jasmine Delgado
PICTURES Ana Mesquita, Laurence Guenoun, Regina Grammont
e Divulgação Gol de Letra
Gol de Letra Foundation Contacts
+5511 2206 5520
+5511 2206-5520 extension line 548
Comunication Gol de Letra:
+5511 22065520 extension line 548
+5521 3461 4616
+5511 2206-5520 extension line 534
+5511 2206-5520 extension line 533