of`France - Belle Epoque
of`France - Belle Epoque
~, B6 * * SUNDAY, JANUARY 4,.2004 TORONTO~STAR Leis'ure Sunday Shoppet A petit taste of France ' o'nYongeSt. ,. Canadian winter, this little bit of'" brightness would not be amiss. In Provence, floral.$lp-~J!rln.quilts kr).ownas houtis are tfiemain form of;t ,bedding. MWlYare handmade, and some ar!;)handed down from genera7 tion to generation. The look is de ri7 gueur f0ranyon~ 10CJking to do a bedJO-AII/N DODDS room Up in French ~ountry style. At TORONTO STAFf firstithe!,e qWJtsarestiffbut, like othF Have you ever wished you. were er great bedding, they become very French?, soft and fade beautifully after a few After watching films like The Uin~ washes. Nowadays, many houtis are brellas ofCherbOurg or Monsieur Humade elsewhere,pqt the concept is lot's lfolidq;, did you sigh and wish the same - the oneS available here youhali thats~e chic,complete with shUt at $185for a qu~en-sized quilt. Anotherpopular item is the vintage, black b~ret .and shoulder-shrugging insouciance? a!i.In France, advertising posters tha~ Relax: now you can d6"X;hat'they do, adorned pillars anq outdoor walls were huge, so passers-by and motor" and do it with impunity. . ists could see. th(tjm.These posters' ~elle Epoque (iOp6 YOn.g~St., just were bej;lutifullydesigned, so many northwest of the Rosedale sqbway s~ation, 416;'929"0066) ~§;;,jlist th€: people framed them and an art was Chic, beret-toting style at Belle Epoque The trend is colour the brighter the better .... .!If if If J, .j~ 1, ~ It t I. ri lac€:.St:ui; ,with a striped mll" fler 7to$65) andteamitwithapair of colou.red gloves,iind:th~l,lpiqqitous b~ret. Tq compltlttl the look, mrorw~ suggt!st a yell~w grWVy plq{! biwwe, inclqding+wiQker ~~ket to'QIDTy the necessary.yin Qrqtngir~@ngbagy.~~k l\'JQ~t Fren!'!h iJltel'Wf MsigI1 :mag~~ I t borD' , 'l'heop4ilejAlexandre Steinlen's pas" sion for animals was always reflected in his poster designs for Ne,stIe's,Climque Charon and Tournee du Chat NQir. JilelleEpoque has reproduced Mv~rtisit'igt!°sters suitable for fram~ ing t>ril!edaf ~.~~each. NOFl!Emchnwt'worthhis salt would ~~fq~r ~inJijng'\1isbreakfast coffee MqrQPcanlgo~,~M t}}t!~n!fit~m tlJ,at (Nf~f ;mrtmng but ~large bol or tasse. )1eepy€:)low<;ofl'eebowls \'lith t!yi~tl1et~ag{<l!!§(~t1fIgl'J!1.ft!. figqr!;!sprp . f'Chooolat Meuniere" graphand l,lpat ~(! ,. e). . 'Fpes~ com~ . .. .(,iol(!)!;!f§ ";;"ma. i~'~~priced at $29.95each. We~g light cologne is also very gepta, ttlr-qqols(!,a~igY~llow ~ ~g If~ngh. Natural scents such as I.aven" h~v~;agoldpand gfpaUern}!ll@t~g~n ~er;'verveine and ambree are very tIle Ba~WouI1g. Tl1ggl~~es werep1tepQ@4fer 1TIin~WJJ:PlltpQW pold te~ p9pular !!!id !,mell wonderM. Belle light!!. . ~oque' s Iiistoire ge far1.'Qni'sscents, iti large, viIiw.g@=Wompgttles, are ,Anbtl!er ~wope&1tF~p.q is G!'>loyt= eMP, Q ~esewouklf t'\1e.brlght~r, tp.~ b~1t~r. ~~U~.~lW.t!~~.pl'iGedat $EiI:S zines'fMtlrie Q,lairg,lYJl~M€lison; M(1~ paml:! JjJjgCl,r(j)'.h;iv~'Pe!:!n. higp.ligptin~ i' - . s,~l}s.PQllta,dotted .~~!' b!\)WI~U9rn germ-illY s~ing .at $~l.fJ!5.With ow:' ~ '~~:":"-..< .~. _.'" l{>okff1pWol1!~9n.a.dftJssr-g p~tmtgQ.!11 Cf'MtEW. . . iJII COLIN MCCO Andrew PYrne~'1<i of a.elletpoque,~;fto.rethat is jyst the place table or , entranced by Tl1eUmbrellas of CherbolJrg and seek somethi~ _.-: .',- "== ,.,- '-" -. ~-- - 1 ~ ~ .. , . '--- J L '. m,,_' _c' ~>" ",.. ._" ~ )ans Ie Magasin Morocco-inspired tea glasses, for $5andup. ,'" I Polka-dotted glass bowls from Germany, starting at $31.95 I I , I ," I I J A selection of classic boutis, which start at $185. J Reprints of classic advertising, priced at $23. I ..... ". .. ~~ " "'",.;. ""'. "':"'" .., ,
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