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GENE - SMU Digital Collections
... Merchandising and Advertising Manual GENE WILDER and RICHARD PRYOR dress up as woodpeckers and get framed for robbing a bank... and when they discover that • prison life is for the birds they go... COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents A HANNAH WEINSTEIN PRODUCTION GENE WILDER· RICHARD PRYOR in STIR CRAZY Mu sic by TOM SCO TT • Executive Producer MELVI LLE TUCKER Produced by HANNAH WEINSTEIN • Written by BRUCE JAY FRIEDMAN f-------'-'-"=:..:..=..,., -<O= . ~I ro.'o. D irected by SIDNEY POITIER I .~ ."1--'£ I ... COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents A HANNAH WEINSTEIN PRODUCTION GENE WILDER· RICHARD PRYOR in STIR CRAZY Mu sic by TO M SCOTT · Executive Producer MELVILLE TUCKER Produced by HANNAH WEINSTEIN· Written by BRUCEJAY FRIEDMAN Directed by SIDNEY POITIER ... CoIamIJia O riginal so undtrack album available o n Posse Record s and Tap es. THEATRE C'_ COlU¥.~NOUIT",n. INC PUBLICITY COLUMBIA PICTURES presents A HANNAH WEINSTEIN PRODUCT ION GENE WILDER RICHARD PRYOR "STIR CRAZY" THE CAST Skip Donahue GENE WILDER Harry Monroe RICHARD PRYOR Rory Schultebrand GEORG STANFORD BROWN Mered ith JOBETH WILLIAMS Jesus Ramirez MIGUELANGEL SUAREZ Deputy Ward Wilson CRAIG T. NELSON Warden Walter Beatty BARRY CORBIN Blade CHARLES WELDON Warden Henry Sampson NICOLAS COSTER Len Garber JOEL BROOKS Jack Graham JONA THAN BANKS Grossberger ERLAND VAN L1DTH DE JEUDE LEWIS VAN BERGEN Guard No.1 Susan LEE PURCELL THE CREDITS Directed by SIDNEY POITIER Produced by HANNAH WEINSTEIN Written by BRUCE JAY FRIEDMAN Executive Producer MELVILLE TUCKER Director of Photography FRED SCHULER Production Designer ALFRED SWEENEY Music by TOM SCOTT Edited by HARRY KELLER Assoc iate Producer FRANCOISE deMENIL Special Effects LARRY FUENTES Costume Designer PATRICIA EDWARDS "CRAZY" - Sung by GENE WILDER " EAT YOUR HEART OUT" Sung by LEATA GALLOWAY Courtesy of Ariola-Eurodisc, GMBE " LOVE" - Sung by RANDY GOODRUM " THE LOVE OF A COWBOY " Sung by MARY GREGORIY "WATCH HER DANCE" - Sung by . LEROY GOMEZ " NOTHING'S GONNA STOP US NOW" Sung by KIKI DEE Courtesy of Ariola Records , Ltd . Title and Opticals - MGM Color by METROCOLOR® Lenses and Panatlex" Camera by PANAVISION ® Running Time: 1 hour 51 minutes MPAA Rating: " R" COMEDY TEAMS : UNITED THEY FLY Wh y is it th at certai n perform ers - as enter tai ning as th ey are o n their ow n - becom e even funn ier when the y join forc es? A nswe ring the qu estion are two ex pe r ts o n th e subjec t - Ge ne Wild er and Rich ard Pryor , who sta r as a pair of show biz hope fuls falsely arrested for bank ro bbery in Co lumbia Pictures' " Stir Crazy," o pening the........Th eatre. Recallin g thei r first team ing, in t he su per hit , " Silve r Streak ," Pryor says th at "fro m th e moment we first met, we con nected with eac h othe r. We had a ba ll and the a udience had a goo d time with us." " O ur instin cts coa lesced," adds Wild er, wh ose wide-eyed cha rac ter of tr ust ing innocence is the co medic o pposi te of Pryor 's born-wise pencha nt for expecting th e wor st. W hile th e co-s ta rs sha re a similar versati lity - as write rs and director s as well as ac tors - th ey come fro m mar kedly different backgro unds . At about the time that Jerr y Silberman was changing his name to Gene Wilder and transferring from the University of Iowa to the Old Vic T hea tre Schoo l in Bristol, England, R ich ar d Pryor was racking ba lls at his gra ndfa ther's billiard pa rlor in Peori a , Illinois, or ente rta ining th e guests at his gran dmo ther's brothel. A nd while Wilde r was winning a British fenc ing cha mpions hip, Pr yor was wan dering through the Ca nadian wilds as stra ight man to a dan cing bear. Th at di versity recalls ano ther pair first brought together on a Hollywood set. It was in 1926 th at dire ctor Leo M cC ar ey intr oduced Arthur Stanley Jefferson of Ulverto n, England to Oli ver No rvell H ard y, a lawyer 's so n fro m Harlem , Georgia . Je fferson , in Am erica as C ha rlie C ha plin's understudy in a mu sic hall revue , cha nged his nam e to Sta n Laurel and toured th e va udeville circuit for nearl y ten years befor e he settled in Holl ywood . Hardy, who had dropped o ut of th e U niversity of Georgia law schoo l in 1910 to o pen a movie theatre, first faced th e cam eras as a heavy - in Flo rida. Fro m th e moment of th eir first meet ing in th e Hal R oach Studios, Laurel and Hardy became inseparable. D urin g th e next th ree decad es, they sta rred in some 70 two -ree lers a nd 27 feat ures befo re Hardy 's death in 1957 brou gh t a n end to their astonishing record of hits. An even less like ly meet ing of two performers occurred in 1931 at a Brookl yn va udevi lle theatre. O n the b ill was Lo uis F ra nc is C ristillo, a baggy-pant s burl esq ue co mic who now ca lled him self Lou Cos tello. Ma nning th e cas hier 's booth was William Abbo tt, bette r kn own as " Bud." Both had had the ir share o f failures. Ex-prize fight er Cos tello had tried to break int o th e mo vies thro ugho ut the 1920s, landing job s on ly as a st un t m a n a n d d a y lab or er. A bbo tt , who had grown up in Co ney Island , was Mickey r;;""J - ..... ~ ..... ...... ..1 .-.\- -vv •• 1...... "After 'Silver Str eak ,' we kept looking for a no ther pr oject which wo uld give us a chan ce to playoff eac h ot he r," says Wild er. "Now tha t 'Stir Crazy' is completed ," adds Pryor , " we're on the look-out for ano ther pr operty to do togeth er. When we find it, we' ll k no w it. Meanw h ile, we'll keep doing ou r own thing." In th at sense , the relati on ship recalls such pairings as Bob Hope and Bing Crosby in the 1940s and J ack Lemm o n and Walter Mattha u two dec ad es later. Both H o pe an d Crosby we re establi shed sta rs and close personal friend s swapping appea ra nces o n ea ch oth er's radio shows when the y co-starred in " T he R oad to Sin gap or e," the fir st of the illustri ou s " Ro ad" pictures. During th e next dec ade , when the mood str uck the m - or the studio needed a no t her mon ey sp in ner - they wo uld hit the " Road" agai n, meandering to Za nzibar, Morocco, Utopia (the Klondike), R io, Bali and Hong Ko ng in searc h of mischie f and Dorothy Lamo ur. T he co m ic a llia nc e o f W al ter M at uschanskavasky (Ma tt ha u) of Manh att an 's Lower Eas t Side and the Yid dis h Th eatre and John (Jack) Lem mon of Boston and H ar vard comes closest perh ap s to th e approach tak en by Wild er and Pr yor. It was Billy Wilder who first brought the two togeth er as an injured TV cam er am an a nd hi s unscrupul ou s lawyer in "The Fo rtune Cookie," for which M atth au won an Oscar nomin ati on. Th at was 1966 and M atth au spent th e next yea r o n Broad way in Neil Simon 's " T he Od d Co uple," af ter which he returned to Holl ywo od to repea t his ro le as Oscar M adi son o ppos ite Lemm o n's Felix Unger. Pr yor an d W ilde r ag ree th at th ey wo uld enjoy a similar working relati on shi p - pr ovided , as always, th ey find the elusive " right vehicle." Wil der notes tha t th ey first met profess iona lly d uring Me l Brook s' " Blazi ng Sa dd les," wh ich Pr yor co-aut hored and in whic h W ilder played a wayward gunslinge r. "For now , thou gh , we' ll be happ y - and lucky - to find a pr op ert y th at works as well for us as 'Sil ver St reak' a nd ' Stir Crazy,''' says Pryo r. " But next time, I'll play th e st reetwise black realist ," says W ilder . "A nd I'll be the sensitive dre am er ... " adds Pryor. Ge ne Wild er a nd Rich ard Pr yor sta r in " Stir C razy," a Co lumbia Pictures release o f a H ann ah Wein stein Production . Pr oduced by Wein stein and dir ected by Sidney Poitie r from an origina l scree nplay by Bruce Jay Friedma n, " Stir Crazy," also sta rs G eor g Stanford Brown , J ob eth William s and Lee Pur cell. Mel ville Tu cker was exec utive produc er. ·,.J ..-... -..... ......I,;.. ~ r ~ a nd 27 feat ures befo re Hardy 's death in 1957 brou ght a n end to their astonishing record of hits. An even less like ly meet ing of two performers occurred in 1931 at a Brookl yn va udevi lle th eatr e. On the b ill was Lo uis F ra nc is C ristillo, a baggy-pant s burl esqu e co mic who now ca lled him self Lou Cos tello. M ann ing th e cas hier 's booth was William Abbo tt, bette r kn own as " Bud." Both had had the ir share o f failures. Ex-prize fight er Cos tello had tried to break int o th e mo vies thro ugho ut the 1920s, landing job s o n ly as a st un t m a n a n d d a y lab or er. A bbo tt , who had grow n up in Co ney Island , was Mickey Finned and sha ngha ied o n a boat to No rway at the age of 15. On th at fateful night in 1931, however , co mic Costello's straig ht m an was tak en ill a nd cas hier Abbo tt was pre ssed int o service. During the next few yea rs, th ey wo uld sta r in burl esqu e, vaudeville and Broadw ay, create a routine lat er en shrined in the - Baseb _. all H all. " But next time, I'll play th e st reetwise black realist ," says W ilder . "A nd I'll be the sensitive dre am er ... " adds Pryor. Ge ne Wild er a nd Rich ard Pr yor sta r in " Stir C razy ," a Co lumbia Pictures release o f a H ann ah Wein stein Production . Pr oduced by Wein stein and dir ected by Sidney Poitie r from an origina l scree nplay by Bruce Jay Friedma n, " Stir Crazy," also sta rs G eor g Stanford Brown , J ob eth William s and Lee Pur cell. Mel ville Tu cker was exec utive produc er. HOT STUFF To Gene Wilder. who stars with Richard Pryor in "Stir Crazy." Columbia Pictures over-the-wall comedy opening at the . Theatre. director Sidney Poitier's penchant for realism posed a problem . "Poitier is a stick ler for details," Wilder explains. "When you lift a rock, under Sidney 's direction, you lift a real rock - not a bals a wood phon y. When you dig a ditch , the earth better mo ve for you, baby. In one scene. I'm confined to a torture chamber called ' the box ,' a sealed met al compartment 3 feet by 4 feet, as puni shment. " It was 95 degree s outside and hot enough in the 'box' to cook stea k. I came out dripping per spir ation and my legs were wobbling. "Sidney was delighted. 'You're really acting,' he said . "'Who's acting?' I asked ." Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor sta r in " Stir Cr azy ," a Columbia Pictures release of a Hann ah Weinstein Production . Produced by Wein stein and directed by Sidney Poitier from an origin al screenplay by Bruce Jay Friedman, "Stir Cr azy" also sta rs Georg Stanford Brown , Jobeth Williams and Lee Purcell. Melville Tucker was executive producer. Gene Wilder stars with Richard Pryor in "Stir Crazy, " a Columbia Pictures release, opening at the ........... Theatre. Sidney Poitier directed the off -the-wall comedy about two zany New York ers heading west to find fam e and fo rtune. Hannah Weinstein produced the screenplay by Bruce Jay Friedman. M elville Tucker was exec utive producer. Lewis Van Bergen gives Gene Wilder and Ri chard Pryor some pointers on proper behavior in the wild west in " S tir Crazy ," opening at the . Theatre. Sidn ey Poitier directed the tale of two zany New Yorkers heading west to fam e and fortune . Hannah Weinstein produced the outrageous comedy written by Bruce Jay Friedman. Melville Tucker was ex ecutive producer f or the Columbia Pictures release. "STIR CRAZY" AT THE OPENS _ _ _ _ THEATRE "Stir Crazy," Columbia Pictures' over-the-wall comedy starring Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor, opens the The atre. Marking their first re-te aming since the super succe ssful " Silver Stre ak ," Wilder a nd Pryor play two show biz hopefuls from New Yo rk who head west to seek their fame and fortune. Stranded in a sma ll Arizon a town when their van breaks down , the y take an emergency job a s singing, dancing " woodpeckers" to help open a new bank. But when their costumes a re swiped and next seen stomping through a daring daylight bank robbery, Wilder and Pryor find themselves railroaded into the state pen. to begin serving their 125year sentences. "Happy-face" Wilder con siders it a ch ance to meditate and grow. but "born-wise" Pryor knows better. The onl y sa ne thing to do is fly the coop ... if the y can . Directed by Academy Award actor Sidne y Poitier from a screenpla y by Bruce Jay Friedman . " Stir Crazy," a Hannah Weinstein Production . was filmed on location in New York City. Los Angeles . Tucson and the Arizon a State Prison. "Stir Crazy" is rated "R:' A PRO FOR THE CONS r.\-:' ~ - _ A:.... · j uJ.. .... r") l~ .. , __ ~ ....._ the The atre. Marking the ir first re-te aming since the super succe ssful " Silver Stre ak ." Wilder and Pryor play two show biz hopefuls from New York who head west to seek their fame and fortune . Stranded in a small Arizona town when their van breaks down, they take an emergency job as singing. dancing " woodpeckers" to help open a new bank. But when their costumes a re swiped a nd next seen stomping through a d arin g daylight bank r - ... ~ - L. . . ......:.. ...._ .. ...."" ....A a gate by an enraged bull . " T ha t bull was no bull , if you get my drift ," say s Pryor. " H e was a mean mother and he really was comin g after me wasn't trick photograph y." " Y o u h ad a fifty - fo ot he ad _ 0- _ _ .. " _ .... _:_-1 .... -1 On a crisp March morning some ninety newcomers were inducted into the maximum security cell block at the Arizona State Penitentiary at Florence. Leading the way were Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor. The y were in the slammer for a two-week stretch. filming ofT-the-wall sequences in " Stir Crazy," Columbia Pictures' outrageous comedy opening the Theatre. In their first reunion since their super-successful "Silver Stre ak," Wilder and Pryor star as a pair of show biz hopefuls stranded in a small southwestern town enroute to Hollywood . Framed for a bank robbery they didn't commit. they soon find themselves packed off to prison to start serving their sentence - 125 years . tr aditional in that township. As described by the film' s director . Academ y Award winning actor Sidney Poitier, "Their initi ation into prison life is funny because it's also scary. "It's a fulfillment of a fear virtually every law- abiding citizen has experienced . What if'. .. through no fault of your own ... you are suddenly thrown in the can. surrounded by muggers. murderers. the dregs of society ? How do you cope ?" As H arry Monroe - an out -ofwork actor whose street-wise realism lead s him to expect onl y the worst - Pryor think s the answer is ob viou s. " W hen in stir. do as the stirrees." To a suddenly nerv ou s Wilder as happy-faced innocent Skip Don ahue - he advises: "You gotta be baa a ad . Walk b aaa ad , look baa aad, and nobody's gonna hassle you ." To shoot the sequence with authenticity, director Poitier elected to use a real prison . Although prison officials are generally reluctant to throw open their clanging gates to filmmakers on the grounds that while actors and technicians are swarming in. the permanent residents ma y be wandering out. Arizona State's warden. Robert Raine s. obliged in this instan ce. The "Stir Crazy" compan y could use his facilit y if security could be maintained. a nd if Columbia Pictures met his fee - the construction of a prison rodeo arena. "There was a fringe benefit we didn 't anticipate," adds Warden Raines . "Morale in the prison was never higher. Some 350 inmates signed on as extras. pla ying themselves. and the rest - even the most notorious troublemakers stayed on their best beh avior. " Th at did not minimize the initi al a nx iety of co-st ar s Wilder and Pryor. "It looks mean ," was Pryor's first reaction to the imposing stone compound with its barbed wire decor . "It looks like where I went to school ," suggested Wilder. "Stay out of the laundry ," advised Pryor . "Why?" asked his co-star. " T ha t's where Jimm y Cagne y got it in 'E ach Dawn I Die .' In the laundry . Trust me . I know . They always do it to you in the laundry." Such bantering aside. howe ver. both sta rs were soon at ease in their new surroundings. Pryor. who has headlined pri son shows in the pa st. staged impromptu comedy performances during the long waits between "takes." Wilder played checkers and dominoes with the inm ates a nd a ns wered a steady stre am of que stions about acting. filmm aking a nd career opportunities in the arts. A basketball game was staged between the inm ate team and a squad composed of production wo rkers. "The bigge st threat to a well-run pr ison is boredom ," said Warden Raines later. " F o r twelve da ys . everyone .. .guards as well as inmates ... had something new and different to do ." The same can certainly be said of the " Stir Crazy" cast and crew . Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor star in "Stir Crazy." a Columbia Pictures relea se of a Hannah Wein stein Production . Produced by Weinstein and directed by Sidney Poitier from an original screenplay by Bruce Jay Friedm an. "Stir Crazy" also sta rs Georg Stanford Brown. Jobeth Williams and Lee Purcell. Melville Tucker was executive producer. Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder are two zany New York city boys temporarily detain ed on their journ ey west to find fam e and fortun e in " S tir Crazy ," a Columbia Pictures release opening at the Theatr e. Sidn ey Poitier directed the outrageous comedy from a screenplay by Bruce Jay Friedman which was produced by Hannah Weinstein. M elville Tuck er was exec utive producer. b .. 11 yea r sentences. " H appy-face" Wilder con siders it a ch ance to med itate and grow. but " born -wise" Pryor knows better. The onl y sa ne thing to do is fly the coop ...if they can. Directed by Academy Award actor Sidney Poitier from a screenplay by Bruce Jay Friedman. "Stir Crazy," a Hannah Weinstein Production. was filmed on location in New York City . Los Angeles. Tucson and the Arizona St ate Prison. " Stir Cr azy" is rated " R:' A PRO FOR THE CONS Being directed by a fellow actor is a "w onderful experience," according to Gene Wilder, who stars with Rich ard Pryor in Columbia Pictures " Stir Cr azy," opening at the The atre. Their dire ctor for the off-the-wall WILDER AND PRYOR: BIG TIME IN THE BIG HOUSE \1 1:1.·1...... Richard Pry or and Gene Wilder are two zany New York city boys temporarily detained on their journ ey west to find fam e and fo rtune in " S tir Crazy ," a Columbia Pictures release opening at the Theatre. Sidn ey Poitier directed the outrageous comedy fr om a screenplay by Bruce Jay Friedman which was produced by Hannah Weinstein. M elville Tuck er was exec utive producer. LINE-UP When "Stir Crazy," Columbia Pictures' off-the-wall comedy opening the The atre. was filming on loc ation at the Ari zon a State Prison. security measures were almost Fortunately. the film's production coordinator noticed th at one of his acto rs was missing. and ru shed to the rescue . " T he guard said to me. ' I could PROMOTION INTRODUCTION The bank is burgled and the "woodpeckers" become jailbirds. Under Sidney Poitier 's deft direction , from a screenplay by Bruce Jay Friedm an , it's the team work th at counts . There is, for example, the glorious moment when Pryor trie s to teach his pal how to beh ave in stir - by "walking baaad ;' "talking baaaad ;' and " looking baaaaaaaad as the y co me:' Wilder gives it his best sho t - but he's about as men acing as a bowl of yoghurt. Headlining an antic cast are Jobeth Willi ams (from " Kra mer vs. Kr amer") as a sexy social worker who becomes a strip teaser to help spring the bo ys from stir Barry Corbin ("Urban Cowboy") as a blu stering warden Cr aig T. Nel son (" . . . And Justice For All") as the meanest " screw" since they closed up Alcatraz . .. Miguel Suarez as a Latin Lothario with an escape plan . .. and 300 pound Erland Van Lidth de Jeude ("The Wanderers") as the fearful Grossberger, a homicidal mani ac who becomes the duo's cellmate . The climax is an uproarious rodeo at which both con s discover how to make a quick getaw ay by throwing the bull. But it's the co-st arring chemi stry that counts - in STIR C RAZY and Columbi a Pictures' ca mpaign. Or to put it another way, our Pryor-ity is to tell the world th at this picture is Wilderand funnier - th an anything yo ur audience ha s seen a ll yea r. Th at 's a sure way to put a lock o n the box office ... Th ey' re the funn iest team since the New York Mets . .. the best blend since egg and nog ... the mo st outst anding pair since Doll y Par ton's. Th ey are G ene Wilder an d Rich ard Pryor, who are together agai n co urtesy of Columbia Pictures, in STIR CRAZY. Th e last time the y jo ined force s, " Silver Stre ak " strea ked to st unn ing grosses on every track . Now, in STIR CRAZY, the y're stra nded in a sma ll town ... framed as bank robbers . . . and sentenced to spend 125 yea rs in the toughest slammer west of the Mississippi . As unproduced pla ywright Skip Donahue, Wilder is a gentle soul who believes th at deep down in everyone - no matter how rotten the y seem - is some good . That's how he comes to lose his job as a department store detective. Trying to teach luscious shoplifter Lee Purcell a moral lesson , he lets her walk off with half th e store. Un empl oyed actor Harry Monroe-that's Pryor-is a realist. He's been down so long , he wouldn't know up if he fell over it. He, too, loses his job - as a wa iter with a catering ser vice- when his Aca pulco Gold is accidenta lly sprinkled on the salad at a church banquet. T he two pals decide to head for Hollywood, where fame and fort une await. But when the y go to work alo ng the way - as singing-da ncing "woodpec kers" to pr omote a new bank - their woes o nly moun t. A BIRD-BRAINED PROMOTION to victory. Of co urse, the sta di um a nnouncer should credit the se " masco ts:' tied to yo ur enga gement of STIR CRAZY. Co lumbia Pictures' a ntic ad look for STIR CRAZY spotlights Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor getti ng " dow n" in bright yellow woo dpec ker cos tumes. Th ey look - for all the wo rld -like the sort of mascot s Major League baseball team s (And other spo rts franchi ses) are using these days to turn-on the crowd. And it's the inspiration for thi s bird -br ained scheme - to dre ss two performers in similar feathery costumes and send them all over town to herald your upcoming playdat e! Enlist the aid of. a little the atre or costume design class at a local un iversity to create the woodpecker outfits . Then stuff those bird s with a pair of up-and-coming comedians (from a comedy nightclub or collegi ate theatrical group) looking for an opportunity to sprea d their wings with some inspired improvisational hum or. Finally, comma nd your winged warriors to make a big flap abo ut STIR CRAZY anywhere and everywhere people congregate. Here are so me suggestio ns on ho w to give yo ur community the birds: • When yo u forwa rd your STIR CRAZY press releases to the medi a, send them "a irma il" In other word s, let your giant birds bring the good word to the press . (It 's a whole new twist on the old expression, "A little birdie told me .. ." ) • Invite a local television weatherman to step aside one night a nd let your STIR CRAZY woodpeckers give the weather report. This would be particularly effective when the forec ast is for drizzle and rain - a prediction that's " for the birds :' • Send your STIR CRAZY birds on person al appearance s at pet sto res, the zoo , fast-food fried chicken sta nds, shopping centers, etc. In these instances, be sure to have the woodpecker s distribute her ald s for yo ur engagement - accented with a yellow feather on each - to the crowds th at swa rm aro und. These winged messengers a re cert ain to att ra ct tremendous att ention for STIR CR AZY wherever the y appea r. Which onl y goes to prove the old maxim: " T he earl y bird get s the promotion !" • Arran ge for yo ur woodpeckers to join the cheerleading sq ua ds of local footb all, hockey, basketball and soccer team s, joi ning the cheerleaders in jiggling the hometown heroes on A "SPOTTED" WOODPECKER town. Wh en listeners spot the birds, all .they have to say is " (na me of sta tion) drives me STIR CRAZY " to receive two passes for an exclusive screening of the picture! To expand the scope of this tie-in, invite the station to adopt your birds as their mascots - and include the STIR CRAZY cuckoos in all of their contests, promotions, events, personal appearances, etc. Earlier in thi s manual we suggested dre ssing two local " fea therbr ains" as woodpeckers - mirroring the outrageous action in STIR CRAZY. But here's a way yo u can use these birds as the basis of a radio promotion th at's lighter-than-airwaves! Arrange for a leading youth-m arket st ation to sponsor a "Catch Th e Cuckoos" promotion. Here's how it works. Dee jays at the participating station tell their audience to be on the lookout for two giant woodpeckers wandering around ~ '-I ua u.3 GO "STIR CRAZY" Vl1v\.. a l 1 V V l u au , uv . . . l\."'~ ~~ "'JI':.U ~~~l ~ · · jo ining the cheerleaders in jiggling the hometown heroes on a ~!J~ II~~"'.I. . . . ~~~~ u.pp ..... u • • • • va u } goes to prove the old maxim : " T he earl y bird get s the promotion !" H I I V . . . . . . . ""' . . . . . . . . . . . ) 111 ....... A "SPOTTED" WOODPECKER Earlier in thi s manual we suggested dre ssing two local " featherbr ain s" as woo dpeckers - mirroring the outrageou s action in STIR CRAZY. But her e's a way you can use the se birds as the basis of a rad io promotion th at's lighter-than- airwaves ! Arra nge for a leading yo uth-ma rket sta tio n to sponsor a " Ca tch Th e Cuckoos" promotion . Here's how it works. Dee jays at the participating sta tio n tell their audience to be on the lookout fo r two giant woodpeckers wandering around town . When listeners spot the birds, all .they have to say is " (na me of statio n) dr ives me STIR CRAZY" to receive two pas ses for an exclusive screening of the picture ! To expand the scope of thi s tie-in, invite the station to adopt yo ur birds as their mascots - a nd include the STIR CRAZY cucko os in all of their contests, promotions, events, personal appea ra nces, etc . GO "STIR CRAZY" WITH MERCHANT TIE-INS IF YOU THINK OUR PRIZES ARE CRAZY, WAIT 'TIL YOI J S F F " ST I R rR AZV" AT THE (NAME OF) THEATRE! CHECK OUT OUR CRAZY PRIZES . THEN SEE " ST IR CRAZY " AT THE (NAME OF) THEATRE ! GO "STIR CRAZY" AT WATERING HOLES Where's the perfect place to go STIR CRAZY? At the leading bars, taverns, restaurants and singles throughout your area ... where owners and proprietors than appreciate a slogan that stirs up business! The idea is to blend your attraction with theirs, for tional "mix" that benefits both of you. Here are some examples of what you can do with participating taverns . . . hangouts will more a promoand in- • Arrange for a banner to be stretched across the back of the bar, informing patrons that "All our bartenders are STIR CRAZY!" • Suggest a STIR CRAZY hour - at which time all drinks that require stirring are offered at half-price! In which case the slogan changes to something like this ... "Join us at the 'Happy Hour' and we'll go STIR CRAZY for you!" • Provide bartenders and cocktail waitress with tee shirts that say "I'm STIR CRAZY" • Supply participating watering holes with STI R CRAZY stickers for blenders and mixing machines. • Print STIR CRAZY on coasters, napkins, cups, table tents, and - of course - swizzle sticks, using the title treatment and key art. For an extra promotional splash , hold a STIR CRAZY contest in which bartenders and mixmasters are challenged to concoct a drink called the . .. STIR CRAZY! (Obviously, you should have to "stir" it!) The winning bartenders should receive passes as well as other appropriate prizes (such as fine spirits) . In fact, a local liquor distributor might participate by sponsoring additional prizes (based on using his most popular potable in the drink recipe). For the final effect, print up the winning drink recipe as a herald and distribute it to restaurants and liquor stores throughout your area. After all, STIR CRAZY is the most "spirited" entertainment in town! A SCRAMBLED TITLE QUIZ FOR CONTEST PROMOTIONS It's time for our favorite game-the scrambled title quiz-which celebrates the STIR CRAZY talents of Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder in their performances of the past. The quiz is perfect for a newspaper contest in which readers attempt to "unscramble" the titles in order to win passes to see STIR CRAZY Here's the challenge. We've listed ten fictitious titles, all drawn from ten "reel" titles starring either Richard Pryor or Gene Wilder. All you have to do is figure out the original titles! Sounds simple, right? To make it easier, the fictitious titles contain the same number of words as the original titles .. . even though they've been "scrambled" for fun. Now . . . see if you can unscramble them! "CRAZY" TITLES ••• IN A MOVIE QUIZ When it comes to titles, STIR CRAZY immediately evokes the kind of lunacy that's right on target for today's audience. But there's a history of other titles that also capture the spirit of madness, which is the point of this movie quiz designed for newspaper or radio promotions. To win passes, the challenge is to identify these other "crazy" movie titles. But remember, some are direct references to the state of madness ... while others are "flipped out" for fun . Ready? I. Here's a larcenous tale that's literally filled with madness ... from beginning to end. Directed by Stanley Kramer, it starred Spencer Tracy, Mickey Rooney, Milton Berle . .. and more comics than a Saturday night in Vegas. (IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD) 2. Here's a "crazy" classic from Alfred Hitchcock - all about a young lad who went berserk ... in grandma's dress. In the film's classic scene, Anthony Perkins "showered" Janet Leigh with something other than affection! Get the picture? (PSYCHO) 3. In this fractured flick, Woody Allen starred as a lunatic inventor who specialized in such inspired creations as electric warmers for toilet seats (for cold days) . For a clue to the title,just "peel" your memory and go ape! (BANANAS) 4. Or how about this bio pic, based on the life of Elroy Hirsch - the all-star receiver for the Los Angeles Rams back in the 50's. For the right title, think of lunatic limbs .. . or running amok! (CRAZY LEGS) 5. Jack icholson won an Academy Award for his performance in this film, all about institutionalized madness and the neurotic abuse of power. Louise Fletcher also starred as "Nurse Ratched" - the queen of the looney bin where she taught the residents how to flip out for freedom . Remember? (ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST) 6. In this touching story, Liza Minnelli was "touched" as a neurotic college girl who couldn't deal with the real world. Clue: unlike Nicholson in No.5, she never quite got her "wings!" (THE STERILE CUCKOO) 7. Here's a recent release, starring Bruce Dern and AnnMargret in a comic case of male menopause. When Bruce hit his 40th birthday, he celebrated his second childhood with new toys .. . like a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader! (MIDDLE AGE CRAZY) 8. This underground classic is an all-time favorite with the college crowd . Made as an "educational" documentary, it demonstrates what can happen if you "go to pot" (REEFER MAD ESS) 9. Here's the tie-breaker. These are not exactly merry melodies, although that fits. Wh at we're talking about is the series of cartoons that have entertained generations of moviegoers. For the final bonus, think of orchestrated madness ... (LOONEY TUNES) 10. If you think that was a tie-breaker, try this zany Marx Brothers classic about a Florida land boom. The title is only one word ... and only one-half of that word suggests the inspired craziness in the picture. The question is ... can you name it? (COCONUTS) THE "SCRAMBLED" TITLES CHOCOLATE SADDLES WHICH WAY IS THE BLAZING FACTORY? BLUE STREAK LIGHTNING PRODUCERS Here's the challenge. We've listed ten fictitious titles, all drawn from ten "reel" titles starring either Richard Pryor or Gene Wilder. All you have to do is figure out the original titles! Sounds simple, right? To make it easier, the fictitious titles contain the same number of words as the original titles .. . even though they 've been "scrambled" for fun. ow .. . see if you can unscramble them! LOONEY TUNES or... CRAZY LIKE A 'E'ft., ...... ft.... cartoons that have entertained generations of moviegoers. For the final bonus, think of orchestrated madness . .. (LOONEY TUNES) 10. If you think that was a tie-breaker, try this zany Marx Brothers classic about a Florida land boom. The title is only one word ... and only one-half of that word suggests the inspired craziness in the picture. The question is . . . can you name it? (COCONUTS) THE "SCRAMBLED" TITLES CHOCOLATE SADDLES WHICH WAY IS THE BLAZING FACTORY? BLUE STREAK LIGHTNING PRODUCERS START THE CAR GREASED LOVER WASH WILLIE WONKA UP THE REVOLUTION THE WORLD'S GREATEST COLLAR WITHOUT ME AND SILVER LOONEY TUNES or... CRAZY LIKE A FOX·TROT! There are all sorts of songs that suggest craziness in their titles . And spotlighting those tunes is a great way for a radio station to invite listeners to an advance screening of STIR CRAZY! Contact a leading station in town and arrange for the dee jays to announce that - during the promotion period - every time "CRAZY" COMBO'S IN A MOVIE QUIZ Gene Wild er and Rich ard Pryor pr ove once again th at when you've got comi c chemi str y, the fun of the whole is even zanier th an its parts. Th at 's the subject of this quiz about other superb performers who have teamed up in the past. Just for laughs. It 's perfect for a radio contest. Or use it for a newspaper contest, backed by stills o f Pryor and Wilder in their "stirring" role s. Either way, here's the cha llenge. Can you name the se craz y co mbos based on the following clue s? 4. As alumni of " Saturday ight Live',' the se funn y friends hit the big screen for laughs. If yo u need another clue ,just catch " T he Blues Brothers" in their latest act . . . on screen or in co ncert! (JOHN BELUSH I and DAN AYK ROYD) I. How abo ut thi s mar velou s mismat ch , pairing two marital mishap s as the " odd est" couple in town . eil Simon supplied th e scena rio, but we' re look ing for the name s of the two actors who stirred up the laughs on screen. (JACK LEMMON and WALTER MATTHAU in "T HE ODD COUPLE") 6. Speak ing of o ld timers, here 's a pair to dr aw two ! The y had more th an one generatio n rollin g in the aisles with the crazy co medy o f thi ck and thin , and the inevitable line ... "This is a fine mess you've gotten me into !" (LAU REL and HARDY) 5. When the groaner and old ski-nose got together, the road was paved with laughs from Singapore to Hong Kong . These close friend s - off-screen as well as on - never missed finding Amour, or Lam our ! (BOB HOPE and BING CROSBY) 7. This frantic film was filled with loco -motion , thanks to the comic timing of its stars ... and a speeding locomotive ! For a fast answer, think of "Silverstreak " before you go STIR CRAZY. (GENE WILDER and RICHARD PRYO R) 2. The inspired idea of confronting one of the movies' most colorful leading men with television's "great one" led to a crosscountry chase that was so good , they did it again. This time, name both the stars a nd the titl e. (BURT REYNO LDS and JACKIE GLEASON in " SMO K EY AND THE BANDIT" ) 8. Here 's a final comedy combo th at brought the hou se down ... laughing . . . back in the '40s and ' 50s. Th ey " met" everyone from Fr anken stein to Dr. Jek yll and Mr. Hyde in their co medy clashes, but the que stion is .. . " Who's o n first?" Which is to say, that's a clue ! (BUD ABBOTT and LO U COSTELLO) 3. Try these co ntempo ra ry comedian s, who sent the laughs "U p In Smoke" in their first screen outing. Just think of a " low rider " a nd a " high flyer " who have become the Laurel and H ard y o f the subculture. Their name s? (CHEECH and C HON G) GENE <~_WILDER ?/ j; and RICHARD PRYOR Together H " . +] Again in ... COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents A HANNAH WEINSTEIN PRODUCT ION GENE WILDER RICHARD PRYOR Musi c by TOM by Produced SCOT~U.~~e~~t;~~~~~,by . MELVillE TUCKER HANNAH WEINSTEIN · Written .. I '. H }h, BRUCE JAY FRIEDMAN O~:i:~:~:~a~~b~~~~a~l~o~~,~:~~~, and Tapes C ~.~I'I C,1MO COlU ....... PICTURES INOUS TIHES. INC THEATRE AD 403 4 Col X 75 Lines = 300 Lines I i I pcod~~;~~~T~A~~~~il~}~:;~~~~~~,~~~~~:A~pF,u_~EsE~:~~~ ·.~ -x: '!i,~!t~) R "';:'::~~~~::'tJ::'W;,,· • ..•_:.•.•:..•..•.•.:•.,•• 0"8' nal so und" ack album ava'iable on Posse Reco'ds and Tapes. _ • •_ ~::~W " Cl ' M O CO LU " ' IA PICTURES INOU STRlIES . INC THEATRE AD 403 4 Col X 75 Lines = 300 Line s an d RICHARD PRYOR Together f. i.'.:.•..••.>..: 1. N.• :..:!..·: :.. :.1 •: •• .,:.,.•.,.:•••.' ....# •:••. ..' •' :.• ..•' .•'.• 1# GENE WILDER and RICHARD PRYOR dress up as woodpeckers and get framed for robbing a bank... and when they . discover that • pnson i, life is for the birds ": ", they go... srm (~lll'ZY j ~-------...COL UMBIA PICTURES Presents A HANNAH WEINSTEIN PRODUCTION GENE WILDER · RICHARD PRYOR in STIR CRAZY srm (~lll'ZY COL UMBIA PICTURES Presents A HANNAH WEINSTEIN PROD UCTIO N GENE WILDER· RICHARD PRYOR in STIR CRAZY Mu sic by TO M SC OTT · Executive Producer MELVILLE TUCKER Produced by HANNAH WEINSTEIN • Wri tt en by BRUCE JAY FRIEDMAN Directed by SIDNEY POITIER R RESTRICTED «Dl> UND~R.~7.~~O.U"!.~~C.CO.".~"!'NG I Or izinal so u ndtrac k album available on Posse Records and Taoes. ... I Columbia Pictures GENE WILDER and RICHARD PRYOR dress up as woodpeckers and get framed for robbing a bank... and ... when they , discover A that prison life is for . the birds they go... . ~ COLUM BIA PICTUR ES Presen ts A H A N N AH WEI N STEI N PROD UCTIO N GENE WILDER· RICHARD PRYOR in STIR CRAZY Mu sic by TOM SCOTT · Execu ti ve Pro du cer ME LVILLE TUCKER Pro d u ced by HA N NAH WEIN STEIN • W ritt en by BRUC EJA Y FRIEDM A N Directed by SIDNEY POITIER Original soundtrack album available on Posse Records and Tapes. A ~ THEATRE AD 301 3 Col R 1lIl...nUCUD X 133 Lines = 399 Lines CJi '*~:J~r::':lf::=:11lIi Or igina l soundtrack album available on Posse Records and Tapes. THEATRE AD 301 3 Col X 133 Lines = 399 Lines GENE i~; ~t.,:WI LDER and RICHARD PRYOR dress up as woodpeckers and get framed for robbing a bank. . . and when they discove r that prison life is for the birds they go.. . Q ~~ <0 :~ ~ ZQ (jllllZY 1.1.1- ~- ~ COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents A HANNAH WEINSTEIN PRODUCT ION GENE WILDER· RICHARD PRYOR in STIR C RA Z Y Mu sic by TOM SCOTT · Executive Pro d ucer MELVILLE TUCKER Produ ced by HANNAH WEINSTEIN· Written by BRUCE JAY FRIEDMAN RESTRICTED _ PAIIUIT 011 ADULT GUAROIAII A Dir ect ed by SIDNEY PO ITIER UNDER l111EOUIIIES ACCOMPANYING Origi nal soundtrack album available on Posse Recor ds and Tapes. I AD 502 5 Col X J""','V.~ ee--bia ...... . ,_C...._ ..~OOOU" ...1'IOC THEATRE 100 Lines = 500 Lines • ..QJ ~= ~ .c .. C 1 -QJ.eo ~ K).. srm R ... C t2:t, Q ~~ <0 ~= .c.. .-. :~ ~ 1 ~ ZQ 1.1.1- ~- ~ •• QJ C -QJ.C t)t)~ ~~ iii~ ~ ." r , ~ .-==.. ~ ~ GENE WILDER and RICHARD PRYOR Together Again in ... CO LUM BIA PICTUR ES Presents A HA NN AH W EIN STEIN PRO D U CTI O N GENE WILDER RICHARD PRYOR in STIR CRAZY TH EAT RE AD 302 3 Col >~i~ X 65 Lines = 195 Lines GENE RICHARD .W ILD ER and PRYOR Together Again in ... ~'J ii:1 ... -iii\1 • - AD 101 1 Col x 28 Lines = 28 Lines " GENE d RICHARD tW ILD ER an PRYOR Together Again in ... AD 101 1 Col X 28 Lines = 28 Lines A CoIumbio :.... . """""'" C 1geO COLU MBIA PICTURES INOUSTRIES. INC TO BE USED IN THE NEW 6 COL. WIDTH NEWSPAPERS GENE WILDER d an RICHARD PRYOR dress up as woodpeckers and get framed for robbing a bank... and when they discover that • prison life is for the birds they go... ;;;.:~ COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents A HANNAH WEINSTEIN PRODUCTION GENE WILDER· RICHARD PRYOR in STIR CRAZY Mu sic by TOM SCOTT • Executive Producer MELVI LLE TUCKER Pr NA Wi=IN"Ti=IN. Writtpn hv RRI nMAN COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents A HANNAH WEINSTEIN PRODUCTION GENE WILDER· RICHARD PRYOR in STIR CRAZY Mu sic by TOM SCOTT· Executive Producer MELVILLE TUCKER Produced by HANNAH WEINSTEIN • Written by BRUCE JAY FRIEDMAN R RES TRI CTED Directed by SIDNEY POITIER ... Ori ginal sou ndtrack albu m availab le on Posse Records and Tapes . ~ - UNOE" l1 11EOUIIIE5 ACCOMPANYING ' ARUT OII ADULT GUARDI...M GENE and RICHARD WILDER PRYOR dress up as woodpeckers and get framed for robbing a bank... and when they discover that prison life is for the birds they go... srm (~lll'ZY COLUt\. COLUMB IA PICTURES Presen ts A HA N N AH W EINSTEIN PROD UCT ION GENI GENE WILDER· RICHARD PRYOR in STIR CRAZY Mu Produ o Mu sic by TOM SCOTT · Exec ut ive Pro du cer MELVI LLE TUCKER Produ ced by HA N N A H WEINSTEIN · Wr itten by BRUCEJA Y FRIEDM A N A Direct ed by SID NEY POl li ER Original sou nd track album available U ll _ u. " . __ " r u n IC M ::... UIU1o .• _ .nu , . ~ . I ~ THEATRE AD AD 402 W 4 Col X 75 Lines = 300 Lines GENE WILDER and RICHARD PRYOR dress up as woodpeckers and get framed for robbing a bank... and when they discover A that • prison life is for . the birds { they go... P ", COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents A HANNAH WEINSTEIN PRODUCTION GENE WILDER· RICHARD PRYOR in STIR CRAZY Musi c by TOM SCOTT • Executive Producer MEL VI LLE TUCKER HANNAH WEINSTEIN • Written by BRU Produ ~.1. IIt, JAY FRIEDMAN (~lll'ZY . . .. 1" COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents A HANNAH WEINSTEIN PRODUCTION GENE WILDER· RICHARD PRYOR in STIR CRAZY Musi c by TOM SCOTT • Executive Producer MEL VI LLE TUCKER Produced by HANNAH WEINSTEIN • Written by BRUCE JAY FRIEDMAN R RESTRICTED <0 UND~:R~~~~~U~RDEJl~CGC~~~~::ING Directed by SIDNEY POITIER Ori gin al sou ndtrack album avai lab le on Po sse Re cords an d Tap e s. ~ . ,_ ,o,u••~oum". '.' GENE WILDER and RICHARD PRYOR Together Again in ... COL UMBI A PICTURES Present s A HANN AH WEINSTEIN PROD UCTION GENE WILDER RICHARD PRYOR in STIR CRAZY Mu sic by TOM SCOTT · Executive Producer MELVILLE TUCKER Produ ced by HANNAH WEINSTEIN' W ri tt en by BRUCEJA Y FRIEDMAN A %r .... D i rected by SIDNEY POITIER . _-- ~_ . _.~. - ~ , TH EATRE AD 304 W 3 Col X 65 Lines = 195 Lines GENE WILDER and RICHARD PRYOR Together Again in ... 8'1'111 (~lll'ZY COLUMBIA PICTU RES Presents A HANNAH WEINSTEIN PRODUCTION GENE WILDER· RICHARD PRYOR in STIR CRAZY GENE WILDER and RICHARD PRYOR Together Again in ... srm (~lll'ZY COLUMBIA PICTURES Present s A HANNAH WEINSTEIN PRODUCTION GENE WILDER· RICHARD PRYOR in STIR CRAZY Mu sic by TOM SCOTT ' Executive Producer MELVILLE TUCKER Produced by HANNAH WEINSTEIN ' Written by BRUCE JAY FRIEDMAN Directed by SIDNEY PO ITIER c I teO COLUM BIA PICTURES INDUS TRIES,INC A ~ GENE WILDER and RICHARD PRYOR Together Again in... ~ 01980 COLU MBI A PICTU RES INOUSTAIES. INC Columbia Pic:tures THEATRE AD 203 W 2 Col x 50 Lines = 100 Lines GENE RICHARD WILDER and PRYOR Together Again in... ~(@l ... C 1980 COLUMBIA PICTURES INDUSTRIES, INC. <jPI=:~. AD 204 W 2 Col x 37 Lines = 74 Lines AD 204 W 2 Col x 37 Lines = 74 Lines - srm II"~' (~lll'ZY AD 101 W 1 Col x 28 Lines = 28 Lines AD 102 W 1 Col x 14 Lines = 14 Lines Columbia Pictures TV SPOTS RADIO Also availab le in regular and wide sizes SPO~. . . . ." FULL PAGE U i i 4x 300 Lines = 1800 Linas Pictures TV SPOTS RADIO SPOTS Order your radio and /or television spots from : Ric k Davidson Columbia Pictures, Columbia Plaza Burbank, CA 9 1505 Also availab le in regu lar and wide sizes FULL PAGE AD 603 6 Col. x 300 Lines = 1800 Lines AD 602 6 Col. x 250 Lines = 1500 Lines AD 601 6 Col. x 225 Lines = 1350 Lines AD 604 6 Col. x 200 Lines = 1200 Lines AD 501 5 Col. x 200 Lines = 1000 Lines AD 7017 Col. x 115 Lines = 805 Lines AD 401 WC 4 Col. x 200 Lines = 800 Lines AD 601 WC 6 Col. x 116 Lines = 696 Lines AD 501 WC 5 Col. x 120 Lines = 600 Lines