Structure of CEN/TC 256


Structure of CEN/TC 256
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
GB Involvement in the Development of European Standards in the Field of Railway
This document contains an organisation chart showing the structure of CEN TC256,
European Committee for "Railway Applications" and its working groups, with equivalent GB
mirror committees.
It also provides details of committee membership and lists the associated European
Standards (ENs), for which each committee is responsible.
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Structure of
CEN / TC256
CEN/TC 256
(valid from 2015-04)
Railway Applications
Chair: Rose (GB)
Sec: Wendt (DE)
WG 51
Labour Health and Safety
Con: Mahr (DE)
Chair: C Cork
Direct reporting Groups
WG 1
Fire Protection
Con: Métral (FR)
Chair: S Ford
SC 1
SC 2
SC 3
Chair: Parente (PT)
Sec: Correia (PT)
Rolling Stock Products
Chair: Mather (GB)
Sec: Carlebur (NL)
Rolling Stock Systems
Chair: Cabillon (FR)
Sec: Whitlock (GB)
Chair: Q Phillips
Chair: G Mather
Chair: N Halliday
WG 19
Classification Syst. and
Con: Klaus (DE)
WG 4
Production and Welding of
Con: Ruiz (ES)
WG 34 - dormant
Qualification of Track Workers
Con: vacant
WG 5
WG 3
WG 32
Con: Letourneaux (FR)
Con: Plaquin (FR)
Track Construction and
Maintenance Machines
Con: James (GB)
Chair: D Anderton
Chair: D Buckley
Chair: M James
WG 43
Con: Dr Tielkes (DE)
Ground Based Services
Con: James (GB)
Chair: T Johnson
Chair: M James
WG 7 - dormant
Ride Comfort
Con: Dr Kufver (SE)
Chair: P Hinde
WG 44
Persons with Reduced Mobility
Con: Scott (GB)
Chair: Vacant
Chair: C Cork
WG 6
WG 2
Struct. Requirements
Con: P Scholz (DE)
WG 15
Track Alignment Design
Con: Dr Küfver (SE)
WG 39
Safety Protection on the Track
during Work
Con: van den Tweel (NL)
Noise Barriers
Con: Prof Garai (IT)
WG 16
WG 46
Sleepers and Bearers
Con: Pouligny (FR)
Ballastless Track
Con: Dr Lechner (DE)
Chair: Vacant
WG 33
WG 9
Lighting and Trackside
Con: Barton (GB)
Chair: M Clarke
Chair: D Polhill
Rolling Bearings, Lubricants
Con: Rosengren (SE)
WG 35 - dormant
Hot Box Detection
Con: Prof Friedrich (DE)
Chair: K Mack
Chair: vacant
WG 13 - dormant
Bogie Frames
Con: vacant
WG 38
Flange Lubrication
Con: Chalisey (GB)
Chair: B Temple
Chair: vacant
Chair: A Chalisey
Vehicle/Track Interaction
Con: Stradtmann (DE)
Con: Gielen (FR)
Chair: G Tucker
Chair: J Barber
Fastening Systems
Con: Dr Rhodes (GB)
WG 50
Monitoring and Treatment of
Con: Jürgen Reinhardt (DE)
WG 42
Vehicle Lifting
Con: Nowell (GB)
Chair: vacant
Chair: R Nowell
WG 20
WG 18
Switches and Crossings
Con: Foan (GB)
WG 14 – dormant
Suspension Components
Con: Thommeret (FR)
Track-bridge Interaction
Con: D Rhodes (GB)
Tank Wagons
Con: Métral (FR)
Chair: A Foan
Chair: M James
WG 21
Freight Wagons
Con: Böttcher (DE)
WG 26
Acceptance of Trackwork
Con: Cruz (PT)
Chair: M James
WG 28
Track Geometry Quality
Con: Coudert (FR)
WG 52
Adhesive Bonding
Con: Prof. Gros (AT)
WG 41 - dormant
Passenger Gangways
Con: tbd
Chair: B Boucher
WG 45 - dormant
Environmental Conditions
Con: tbd (DE)
Chair: H Barton
Chair: J Lewis
WG 27
WG 47
Con: Bramauer (AT)
Con: Minde (DE)
Chair: P Hinde
Chair: J Leigh
WG 36
Emergency & Alarm Systems
Con: Laporte (FR)
Chair: J Leigh
WG 48
Chair: vacant
Coupling Devices
Con: Lüneburg (DE)
Chair: A Chalisey
Chair: C Scott
WG 10
Air Cond., Heating, Ventilation
Con: Garniche (FR)
WG 11
RAE/2/-/10 (For SG6)
WG 17
WG 8
Wheels, Wheelsets
Con: Pineau (FR)
WG 12
WG 40
WG 31
Welding of Railway Vehicles
Con: Dr Jacobskötter (DE)
WG 49
Con: Huart (FR)
Chair: vacant
WG 37
WG 53
Driver’s Cab
Con: Müller (DE)
Platform Barrier Systems
Con: P Hinde (GB)
Chair: R. Stokes
Chair: P Hinde
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
TC256 WG1 Fire Protection
Scope: Standardization of performance requirements and test
methods concerning fire safety of materials and components of
railway vehicles.
David Tooley, Mott MacDonald
Richard Nowell, RSSB
Suresh Kumar, InterScience Communications
Beth Dean, Exova Warrington
John Hunter, BRE
Steve Grayson, InterScience Communications
Tony Cash, RIFA
WG1 Standards
EN 45545-1:2013 Railway applications - Fire protection on railway
vehicles - Part 1: General
EN 45545-2:2013 Railway applications – Fire protection on railway
vehicles - Part 2: Requirements for fire behaviour of materials and
EN 45545-3:2013 Railway applications - Fire protection on railway
vehicles – Part 3: Fire resistance requirements for fire barriers
EN 45545-4:2013 Railway applications - Fire protection on railway
vehicles - Part 4: Fire safety requirements for
rolling stock design
EN 45545-5:2013 Railway applications - Fire protection on railway
vehicles - Part 5: Fire safety requirements for electrical equipment
including that of trolley buses, track guided buses and magnetic
levitation vehicles
EN 45545-6:2013 Railway applications - Fire protection on railway
vehicles - Part 6: Fire control and management systems
EN 45545-7:2013 Railway applications - Fire protection on railway
vehicles - Part 7: Fire safety requirements for
flammable liquid and flammable gas installations
Simon Ford, LUL (Chair)
Richard Nowell, RSSB
Steve Grayson,
Lachlan Henderson, Arup
Suresh Kumar, InterScience
Peter Theobald, ATOC
Richard Whiteley,
Nigel Reeve, Scientifics
John Carter, LUL
James Holland, Network Rail
Elizabeth Lockwood, Porterbrook
Barry Nicholson, AEI Cables
Beth Dean, Exova Warrington
Cuthbert Chong, Interscience
Mike Edgar, Interfleet Technology
John Hunter, BRE
Peter Mundy, Xtralis
Robert Thilthorpe, Fia
Tony Cash, RIFA
David Kind, Bombardier
Jan Jarvis, Frazer-Nash
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GB Involvement in CEN TC256
prEN 45545-1:2013/A1 Railway applications - Fire protection on
railway vehicles - Part 1: General
prEN 45545-2:2013/A1 Railway applications – Fire protection on
railway vehicles - Part 2: Requirements for fire behaviour of
materials and components
prEN 45545-5:2013/A1 Railway applications - Fire safety on railway
vehicles - Part XX: Fire safety requirements for electrical equipment
including that of trolley buses, track guided buses and magnetic
leviation vehicles
prEN 45545-6:2013/A1 Railway applications - Fire protection on
railway vehicles - Part 6: Fire control and management systems
Drafting in progress
TC256 WG3 Acoustics
Scope: Standardization of measuring methods of noise inside and
outside of railbound vehicles.
Chris Jones, Independent Consultant
WG3 standards
ISO 3095:2005 Railway applications - Acoustics - Measurement of
noise emitted by railbound vehicles
EN 15610:2009 Railway applications - Noise emission - Rail
roughness measurement related to rolling noise generation
EN 15892:2011 Railway applications - Noise Emission Measurement of noise inside driver's cabs
TR 15874:2009 Railway applications - Noise emission - Road test
of standard for rail roughness measurement EN 15610:2009
EN ISO 3381:2011 Railway applications - Acoustics - Measurement
of noise inside railbound vehicles (ISO 3381:2005)
EN 15461:2008+A1 2010 Railway applications - Noise emission Characterisation of the dynamic properties of track sections for
pass by noise measurements
EN ISO 3095:2013 Railway applications - Acoustics - Measurement
of noise emitted by railbound vehicles (ISO 3095:2013)
TR 16891 Railway applications - Acoustics - Measurement method
for combined roughness, track decay rates and transfer functions
prEN ISO 3381 rev Railway applications - Acoustics - Measurement
of noise inside railbound vehicles
prEN 15610 rev Railway applications - Acoustics - Rail and wheel
roughness measurement related to rolling noise generation
WI00256765 Railway applications - Acoustics - Measurement of
doors audible signals of railway vehicles
TC256 WG6 Aerodynamics
Scope: Standardization of aerodynamical requirements and test
methods for running in tunnels and on plain track for the safety of
passengers and crew.
Terry Johnson, RSSB
CEN UAP until August 2015
CEN UAP until August 2015
Drafting in progress
Chris Jones, Independent Consultant
Neil Ovenden, ATOC
Circulated for comment and vote until
January 2016
Preliminary work item.
Preliminary work item
Preliminary work item
Terry Johnson, RSSB (Chair)
Martin Osman, RSSB
Mick Bishop, Porterbrook
Peter Theobald, ATOC
C Baker, University of Birmingham
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GB Involvement in CEN TC256
Alan Walters, Bombardier
Julian Staden, Network Rail
John Lane, RSSB
WG6 Standards
EN 14067-1:2003 Railway applications - Aerodynamics - Part 1:
Symbols and units
EN 14067-2:2003 Railway applications - Aerodynamics - Part 2:
Aerodynamics on open track
EN 14067-3:2003 Railway applications - Aerodynamics - Part 3:
Aerodynamics in tunnels
EN 14067-4:2013 Railway applications - Aerodynamics - Part 4:
Requirements and test procedures for aerodynamics on open track
EN 14067-5:2006 +A1:2010 Railway applications - Aerodynamics Part 5: Requirements and test procedures for aerodynamics in
EN 14067-6:2010 Railway applications - Aerodynamics - Part 6:
Requirements and test procedures for cross wind assessment
prEN 14067-5 rev Railway applications - Aerodynamics - Part 5:
Requirements and test procedures for aerodynamics in tunnels
prEN 14067-6 rev Railway applications - Aerodynamics - Part 6:
Requirements and test procedures for cross wind assessment
TC256 WG7 Ride Comfort (Dormant)
Scope: Standardization of a method for quantifying the effects of
carbody movements on the ride comfort of passengers.
Preliminary Work Item.
Preliminary Work Item.
Peter Theobald, ATOC
Martin Osman, RSSB
WG7 Standards
EN 12299:2009 Railway applications - Ride comfort for passengers
- Measurement and evaluation
TC256 WG10 Vehicle/Track Interaction
Scope: Standardization of requirements for running characteristics
of railway vehicles on track, and test methods for the running
Gareth Tucker, RSSB
Bridget Eickhoff, RSSB
Martin Osman, RSSB
Mark Burstow, Network Rail
TC256 WG10 PT9 - Duncan MacLennan
David Burbridge
Published. Decision on revision to be
Gareth Tucker, RSSB (Chair)
Bridget Eickhoff, RSSB
Martin Osman, RSSB
Peter Theobald, ATOC
David Polhill, ATOC
Joss Apps, Lloyds Register Rail
David Hatt, Independent Consultant
Jerry Evans, Interfleet
Duncan MacLennan, Independent
Bob Calder, Network Rail
Dave Burbridge, Network Rail
Francis How, RIA
Tim Kendell, DfT
Mark Burstow, Network Rail
WG10 Standards
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or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
EN 15686:2010 Railway applications - Testing for the acceptance of
running characteristics of railway vehicles with cant deficiency
compensation system and/or vehicles intended to operate with
higher cant deficiency than stated in EN 14363:2005, Annex G
EN 15687:2010 Railway applications - Testing for the acceptance of
running characteristics of freight vehicles with static axle loads
higher than 225 kN and up to 250 kN
EN 16235:2013 Railway applications - Testing for the acceptance of
running characteristics of railway vehicles - Freight wagons Conditions for dispensation of freight wagons with defined
characteristics from on-track tests according to EN 14363
prEN 15654-1 Railway Applications - Measurement of wheel and
axle loads - Part 1: Interoperable "In-service" rail vehicles
prEN 15654-2 Railway applications - Measurement of axle loads Part 2: Type approval for new and modified vehicles
prEN 15654-3 Railway applications - Measurement of wheel and
axle loads - Part 3: Approval and verification of interoperable local
measuring sites in-service
FprEN 14363 Railway applications - Testing for the acceptance of
running characteristics of railway vehicles - Testing of running
behaviour and stationary tests
FprEN 15528 Railway applications - Line categories for managing
the interface between load limits of vehicles and infrastructure
prEN 15302 rev Railway applications - Method for determining the
equivalent conicity
EN 15839:2012 FprA1 Railway applications - Testing for the
acceptance of running characteristics of railway vehicles - Freight
wagons - Testing of running safety under longitudinal compressive
WI 00256760 Railway applications - Technical Report about the
revision of EN 14363
WI 00256761 Railway applications - Measurement of vertical forces
on wheels and wheelsets - Part 1: Interoperable on-track
measurement sites for vehicles in service
WI 00256763 Railway applications - Measurement of vertical forces
on wheels and wheelsets - Part 3: Approval and verification of
interoperable on-track measurement sites for vehicles in service
WI 00256764 Railway applications - Investigations on vehicles to
quantify running behaviour in curve radii below 250 m
WI 00256766 Railway applications - Investigations on vehicles to
quantify running behaviour on lines with a geometric track quality
representative of lines with an admissible speed ≤ 80 km/h
TC256 WG19 Classification Systems and Documentation
Scope: Standardization of requirements for technical drawings of
railway vehicles.
Ken King, Bombardier
Work Abandoned
Drafting in progress.
Work abandoned
Vote due in August 2015
Vote closed in May 2015
Work proposal accepted
Vote closed early 2015
First working document to be
circulated in November 2015
First working document to be
circulated in November 2015
Work proposal accepted
Work proposal accepted
Work proposal accepted
Cliff Cork (Chair)
Keith Rose
Bridget Eickhoff, RSSB
Andrew McKenzie-Orr, Network Rail
John Barber, RSSB
Colin Robey, Centro
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or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
Martin Elliott, Lloyds Register Rail
Graham Neil, LUL
Mick James, RSSB
Neil Halliday, RSSB
Colin Scott, Bombardier
Terry Johnson, RSSB
Paul Lugg, VTG
Phil Sharpe, ORR
Tim Shakerley, Freightliner
David Buckley, Balfour Beatty
Glenn Leighton, Network Rail
Mark Molyneux, ATOC
Geoff Mather, Independent
WG19 standards
EN 15016-1:2004 Technical drawings - Railway applications - Part
1: General Principles
EN 15016-2:2004/AC:2007 Technical drawings - Railway
applications - Part 2: Parts lists
EN 15016-3:2004 Technical drawings - Railway applications - Part
3: Handling of modifications of technical documents
EN 15016-4:2006 Technical drawings - Railway applications - Part
4: Data exchange
EN 15380-1:2006 Railway applications - Designation system for
railway vehicles - Part 1: General principles
EN 15380-2:2006 Railway applications - Designation system for
railway vehicles - Part 2: Product groups
EN 15380-3:2006 Railway applications - Designation system for
railway vehicles - Part 3: Designation of installation sites and
EN 15380-4:2013 Railway applications - Classification system for
railway vehicles - Part 4: Function groups
EN 15380-5:2014 Classification system for railway vehicles - Part 5:
Systems, system groups, system requirements
TC256 WG32 Gauges
Scope: Standardization for vehicle gauge.
David Buckley, Balfour Beatty
Martin Osman, RSSB
Paul Molyneux-Berry, Manchester University
Hugh O'Neill, RSSB
Paul Gray, RSSB
David Galloway, Network Rail
David Buckley, Balfour Beatty (Chair)
David Bateman, Interfleet
Martin Wooley, Interfleet
David Galloway, Network Rail
Steve Ingleton, Unipart Rail
David Johnson, Independent
Alex Hastie, Bombardier
Paul Molyneux-Berry, Manchester
Jenny Thompson, Interfleet
David Polhill, ATOC
Seymour Myers, Network Rail
Hugh O'Neill, RSSB
Martin Osman, RSSB
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future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
Sean Symons, Balfour Beatty
Alan Walters, Bombardier
David Hatt, independent consultant
WG32 Standards
EN 15273-1:2013 Railway applications - Gauges - Part 1: General Common rules for infrastructure and rolling stock
EN 15273-2:2013 Railway applications - Gauges - Part 2: Rolling
stock gauge
EN 15273-3:2013 Railway applications - Gauges - Part 3: Structure
prEN 15273-1rev Railway applications - Gauges - Part 1: Generic
explanations and methods of gauging
prEN 15273-2rev Railway applications - Gauges - Part 2: Rolling
prEN 15273-3rev Railway applications - Gauges - Part 3:
prEN 15273-4 Railway applications - Gauges - Part 4: Reference
prEN 15273-5 Railway applications - Gauges - Part 5: Background,
formulae demonstration, explanation and examples of calculation
TC256 WG43 Ground Based Services
Scope: Standardization of refuelling and water restocking
Mick James, RSSB (Convenor)
David Polhill, ATOC
WG43 Standards
EN 16362:2013 Ground based services – Water restocking
EN 16507:2014 Railway applications - Ground based service Diesel refuelling equipment
prEN XXXXX Railway applications – Toilet discharge equipment
TC256 WG44 People with Reduced Mobility
Scope: Standardization for people with reduced mobility.
Colin Scott, Bombardier (Convenor)
Peter Theobald, ATOC
John Bengough, Eversholt Rail
Drafting in progress.
Drafting in progress.
Drafting in progress.
Drafting in progress.
Drafting in progress.
Plant Standards Committee
Mick James, RSSB (Chair)
John Ockenden, Carillion
Nick Powell, Colas Rail
R Soper, Rexquote Ltd
Jim Nutty, Amey
Peter Ellis, Network Rail
Carl Hunt, Network Rail
John Watson, Babcock Rail
Haydn Peers, Plasser UK Ltd
David Geering, Harsco Rail Ltd
Gary Sellers, Atkins Ltd
Jordan Skey, ORR
Submitted to CEN in June 2015.
Enquiry due October 2015
Colin Scott, Bombardier (Chair)
Peter Theobald, ATOC
John Bengough, Eversholt Rail
John Welsman, Guide Dogs
Alastair Young, Transport Scotland
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future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
Giles Turner, ORR
Mike Evans, Interfleet
Nick Brown, Atkins
Jon Ratcliffe, Network Rail
David fuller, Network Rail
Neil Priest, DfT
Bob Appleyard, CH173/1
Phil Hinde, Crossrail
Margaret Hickish, Network Rail
Costandinos Visvikis, TRL
Michaela Bolt, Angel Trains
Peter Rayner, AGE UK
Phil Wilks, Passenger Focus
Micheal Pittman, TRL
Sue Rogers, DfT
Richard Nowell, RSSB
WG44 standards
CEN/TS 16635:2014 Railway application - Design for PRM Use Equipment and Components on board Rolling Stock - Toilets
prEN 16584-1 Railway applications - Design for PRM Use: General
Requirements - Part 1: Contrast
prEN 16584-2 Railway applications - Design for PRM Use - General
Requirements - Part 2: Information
prEN 16584-3 Railway applications - Design for PRM Use: General
Requirements - Part 3: Optical and Friction Characteristics
prEN 16585-1 Railway applications - Design for PRM Use Equipment and Components on board Rolling Stock - Part 1: Toilets
Draft submitted to CEN for FV June
Draft submitted to CEN for FV June
Draft submitted to CEN for FV June
Draft submitted to CEN for FV June
prEN 16585-2 Railway applications - Design for PRM Use Equipment and Components on board Rolling Stock - Part 2:
Elements for sitting, standing and moving
prEN 16585-3 Railway applications - Design for PRM Use Equipment and Components on board Rolling Stock - Part 3:
Clearways and Internal doors
prEN 16586-1 Railway applications - Design for PRM Use Accessibility of Persons with Reduced Mobility to rolling stock - Part
1: Steps for Access and Egress
prEN 16586-2 Railway applications - Design for PRM Use Accessibility of Persons with Reduced Mobility to rolling stock - Part
2: Boarding Aids
prEN 16587 Railway Applications - Design for PRM Use Requirements on Obstacle Free Routes for Infrastructure
Draft submitted to CEN for FV June
TC256 WG48 Maintenance
Scope: Standardisation on rolling stock maintenance
John Barber, RSSB
David Polhill, ATOC
Grant Jaap, Alstom
Draft submitted to CEN for FV June
Draft submitted to CEN for FV June
Draft submitted to CEN for FV June
Draft submitted to CEN for FV June
John Barber, RSSB (Chair)
David Polhill, ATOC
Alex White, Porterbrook
Jeff Garner, Sandberg
Keith Mack, East Coast
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or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
Simon Jarrett, Chiltern Railways
Simon Green, Southern
Tony Francis, Southern
Grant Jaap, Alstom
Neil Cundy, Interfleet
Mick James, RSSB
David Barney, Private Wagon
Jim Allenden, Network Rail
Robert Calder, Network Rail
Dale Needham, Hitachi Rail
Syd Scrace, Hitachi Rail
WG48 Standards
WI 00256759 Railway applications - Rolling stock maintenance Creation and modification of maintenance programs
TC256 SC1 WG4 Production and Welding of Rails
Scope: All railway rails; manufacturing, welding and jointing.
Bob Sawdon, Balfour Beatty
John Hempshall, Network Rail
Sean Gleeson, Tata Steel
Drafting in progress.
Quentin Phillips, LUL (Chair)
Bob Sawdon, Balfour Beatty
Mick James, RSSB
Steve Odams, Network Rail
Anthony Darroch, Independent
David Rhodes, D R Squared Ltd.
Andy Foan,Independent Consultant
Stuart Grassie, Rail Measurement
Zizwani Mhango, Zeta Seven
David Philpott, Volker Rail
John Hempshall, Network Rail
Trevor Smith, Tiflex Ltd
David Briggs, Cooper & Turner
H Taylor, Independent Consultant
Jim Lupton, RIA
Martin Biggin, Network Rail
David Polhill, ATOC
Robert Ruddlestone, UK Steel
Andy Trowsdale, Tata Steel
Barnaby Temple, LB Foster
David Geering, Harsco
Francis How, RIA
Haydn Peers, Plasser
Ian Dean, Network Rail
James Cronje, TfL
Keith White, Tata Steel
Sean Gleeson, Tata Steel
WG4 standards
EN 14730-2:2006 Railway applications - Track - Aluminothermic
welding of rails - Part 2: Qualification of aluminothermic welders,
approval of contractors and acceptance of welds
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GB Involvement in CEN TC256
EN 14587-3:2012 Railway applications - Track - Flash butt welding
of rails - Part 3: Welding in association with crossing construction
EN 15594:2009 Railway applications - Track - Restoration of rails
by electric arc welding
EN 13674-3:2006+A1:2010 Railway applications - Track - Rail Part 3: Check rails
EN 16273:2014 Railway applications - Track - Forged rail
prEN 14587-1rev Railway applications – Track – Flash butt welding
of rails – Part 1: New R220, R260, R260Mn and R350HT grade
rails in a fixed plant
prEN 14587-2 rev Railway applications - Track - Flash butt welding
of rails - Part 2: New R220, R260, R260Mn and R350HT grade rails
by mobile welding machines at sites other than a fixed plant
prEN 16273 Railway applications - Track - Forged rail transitions
prEN 13674-1:2011/prA1 Railway applications - Track - Rail Part 1: Vignole railway rails 46 kg/m and above
prEN 13674-2 rev Railway applications - Track - Rail - Part 2:
Switch and crossing rails used in conjunction with Vignole railway
rails 46 kg/m and above
prEN 13674-4 rev Railway applications - Track - Rail - Part 4:
Vignole railway rails from 27 kg/m to, but excluding 46 kg/m
prEN 14730-1 rev Railway applications - Track - Aluninothermic
welding of rails - Part 1: Approval of welding processes
prEN 14811 rev Railway applications - Track - Special purpose rail Grooved and associated construction
prEN 16725 Railway applications - Track - Restoration and repair of
manganese crossings
prEN 16771 Railway applications - Infrastructure - Aluminothermic
welding of grooved rails
TC256 SC1 WG5 Track construction and maintenance
Scope: Running and / or working conditions for track construction
and maintenance machines.
Mick James, RSSB (Convenor)
Haydn Peers, Plasser UK Ltd
David Geering, Harsco
Ian Rawlings, TfL
WG5 Standards
EN 13977:2011 Railway applications - Track - Safety requirements
for portable machines and trolleys for construction and maintenance
EN 15954-1:2013 Railway applications - Track - Trailers and
First working document to be
circulated in November 2015
Work proposal accepted
Combined Enquiry and Vote due
12 May 2014
Enquiry due to close in July 2015
First working document to be
circulated in November 2015
First working document to be
circulated in November 2015
Dispatch of FV draft to CCMC in
September 2015
First working document to be
circulated in November 2015
Dispatch of FV draft to CCMC in
September 2015
Dispatch of FV draft to CCMC in
September 2015
Plant Standards Committee
Mick James, RSSB (Chair)
John Ockenden, Carillion
Nick Powell, Colas Rail
R Soper, Rexquote Ltd
Jim Nutty, Amey
Peter Ellis, Network Rail
Carl Hunt, Network Rail
John Watson, Babcock Rail
Haydn Peers, Plasser UK Ltd
David Geering, Harsco Rail Ltd
Gary Sellers, Atkins Ltd
Jordan Skey, ORR
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Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
associated equipment - Part 1: Technical requirements for running
and working
EN 15954-2:2013 Railway applications - Track - Trailers and
associated equipment - Part 2: General safety requirements
EN 15955-1:2013 Railway applications - Track - Demountable
machines and associated equipment - Part 1: Technical
requirements for running and working
EN 15955-2:2013 Railway applications - Track - Demountable
machines and associated equipment - Part 2: General safety
prEN 14033-1 Railway applications - Track - Railbound construction
and maintenance machines - Part 1: Technical requirements for
prEN 14033-2 Railway applications - Track - Railbound construction
and maintenance machines - Part 2: Technical requirements for
prEN 14033-3 Railway applications - Track - Railbound construction
and maintenance machines - Part 3: General safety requirements
prEN 15746-1Railway applications - Track - Road-rail machines
and associated equipment - Part 1: Technical requirements for
running and working
prEN 15746-2 Railway applications - Track - Road-rail machines
and associated equipment - Part 2: General safety requirements
prEN 15746-3 Railway applications - Track - Road rail machines
and associated equipment - Part 3: Technical requirements for
prEN 15746-4 Railway applications - Track - Road rail machines
and associated equipment - Part 4: Technical requirements for
running, travelling and working on urban rail
WI 00256770 prEN 14033-4 Railway applications - Track Railbound construction and maintenance machines - Part 4:
Technical requirements for running, travelling and working on urban
TC256 SC1 WG15 Track Alignment Design Parameters
Scope: Limits for permissible speed on existing lines as a function
of layout parameters. Limits of layout parameters for the planning of
lines based on desired speed and other requirements. Speeds to be
considered are 80-300Km/h.
Steve Odams, Network Rail
Dispatch of Formal Vote draft to
CCMC in February 2016
Dispatch of Formal Vote draft to
CCMC in February 2016
Dispatch of Formal Vote draft to
CCMC in February 2016
Due to go to Enquiry in November
Due to go to Enquiry in November
Due to go to Enquiry in November
Due to go to Enquiry in November
Work instruction accepted
Quentin Phillips, LUL (Chair)
Bob Sawdon, Balfour Beatty
Mick James, RSSB
Steve Odams, Network Rail
Anthony Darroch, Independent
David Rhodes, D R Squared Ltd.
Andy Foan,Independent Consultant
Stuart Grassie, Rail Measurement
Zizwani Mhango, Zeta Seven
David Philpott, Volker Rail
John Hempshall, Network Rail
Trevor Smith, Tiflex Ltd
Page 11 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
David Briggs, Cooper & Turner
H Taylor, Independent Consultant
Jim Lupton, RIA
Martin Biggin, Network Rail
David Polhill, ATOC
Robert Ruddlestone, UK Steel
Andy Trowsdale, Tata Steel
Barnaby Temple, LB Foster
David Geering, Harsco
Francis How, RIA
Haydn Peers, Plasser
Ian Dean, Network Rail
James Cronje, TfL
Keith White, Tata Steel
Sean Gleeson, Tata Steel
WG15 Standards
EN 13803-1:2010 Railway applications – Track - Track alignment
design parameters - Track gauges 1435 mm and wider - Part 1:
Plain line
EN 13803-2:2006+A1:2009 Railway applications - Track - Track
alignment design parameters - Track gauges 1435 mm and wider Part 2: Switches and crossings and comparable alignment design
situations with abrupt changes of curvature
prEN 13803rev Railway applications - Track - Track alignment
design parameters - Track gauges 1435 mm and wider
TC256 SC1 WG16 Sleepers and Bearers
Scope: Concrete, wood and steel sleepers.
WG16-1 Concrete sleepers & bearers
Anthony Darroch, Independent Consultant
H P Taylor, Tarmac Precast Concrete
Charlton Hawley, Network Rail
WG16-3 Hollow sleepers & bearers
Formal Vote due to be released in
February 2016
Andy Foan, Independent Consultant
WG16-4 Concrete sleepers and bearers with under sleeper
Trevor Smith, Tiflex
WG16-5 Under ballast mats
Trevor Smith, Tiflex
Peter Musgrave, Network Rail
WG16-6 Polymer Composite Sleepers and Bearers
Rod Fox, Revalutech
Anup Chalisey, RSSB
Alma Hodzic, University of Sheffield
William Mainwaring, Sicut
Guy Simpson, Network Rail
Quentin Phillips, LUL (Chair)
Bob Sawdon, Balfour Beatty
Mick James, RSSB
Steve Odams, Network Rail
Anthony Darroch, Independent
David Rhodes, D R Squared Ltd.
Andy Foan,Independent Consultant
Stuart Grassie, Rail Measurement
Zizwani Mhango, Zeta Seven
David Philpott, Volker Rail
John Hempshall, Network Rail
Trevor Smith, Tiflex Ltd
David Briggs, Cooper & Turner
H Taylor, Independent Consultant
Jim Lupton, RIA
Martin Biggin, Network Rail
David Polhill, ATOC
Robert Ruddlestone, UK Steel
Andy Trowsdale, Tata Steel
Barnaby Temple, LB Foster
Page 12 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
David Geering, Harsco
Francis How, RIA
Haydn Peers, Plasser
Ian Dean, Network Rail
James Cronje, TfL
Keith White, Tata Steel
Sean Gleeson, Tata Steel
RAE/2/-/10 – Polymer Composite
Sleepers and Bearers
Anup Chalisey, RSSB (Chair)
Rod Fox, Revalutech
Darren Sharpe, LUL
Alma Hodzic, University of Sheffield
William Mainwaring, Sicut
Guy Simpson, Network Rail
Dominic Trueman, LUL
WG16 Standards
EN 13145:2001+A1:2011 Railway applications - Track - Wood
sleepers and bearers
EN 16431:2014 Railway applications - Track - Hollow sleepers and
prEN 13230-1 rev Railway applications - Track - Concrete sleepers
and bearers - Part 1: General requirements
prEN 13230-2 rev Railway applications - Track - Concrete sleepers
and bearers - Part 2: Prestressed monoblock sleepers
prEN 13230-3 rev Railway applications - Track - Concrete sleepers
and bearers - Part 3: Twin-block reinforced sleepers
prEN 13230-4 rev Railway applications - Track - Concrete sleepers
and bearers - Part 4: Prestressed bearers for switches and
prEN 13230-5 rev Railway applications - Track - Concrete sleepers
and bearers - Part 5: Special elements
prEN 13230-6 Railway applications - Track - Concrete sleepers and
bearers - Part 6: Design
prEN 16577 Railway applications - Track - Concrete sleepers and
bearers with under sleeper pads
prEN 16730 Railway applications - Track - Concrete sleepers and
bearers with under sleeper pads
WI '00256717 Railway applications - Infrastructure - Polymer
composite sleepers and bearers - Part 1: Specifications
WI '00256719 Railway applications - Infrastructure - Polymer
composite sleepers and bearers - Part 3: Mechanical test methods
WI '00256727 Railway applications - Infrastructure - Polymer
composite sleepers and bearers - Part 2: Methodology for
assessing material ageing
TC256 SC1 WG17 Fastening systems
Scope: Test methods and performance requirements for fastenings
for concrete, wood and steel sleepers, for slab track, for vibration
attenuation, for switches, crossings, guard and check rails, and for
embedded rails.
Dispatch of Formal Vote draft to
CCMC due in February 2016
Dispatch of Formal Vote draft to
CCMC due in February 2016
Dispatch of Formal Vote draft to
CCMC due in February 2016
Dispatch of Formal Vote draft to
CCMC due in February 2016
Dispatch of Formal Vote draft to
CCMC due in February 2016
Drafting complete.
Submitted to Enquiry but abandoned
work item.
Dispatch of Formal Vote draft to
CCMC due in September 2015
Work Proposal accepted
Work Proposal accepted
Work Proposal accepted
Page 13 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
David Rhodes, D R Squared Ltd. (Convenor)
Bob Hamilton, Pandrol
Quentin Phillips, LUL (Chair)
Bob Sawdon, Balfour Beatty
Mick James, RSSB
Steve Odams, Network Rail
Anthony Darroch, Independent
David Rhodes, D R Squared Ltd.
Andy Foan,Independent Consultant
Stuart Grassie, Rail Measurement
Zizwani Mhango, Zeta Seven
David Philpott, Volker Rail
John Hempshall, Network Rail
Trevor Smith, Tiflex Ltd
David Briggs, Cooper & Turner
H Taylor, Independent Consultant
Jim Lupton, RIA
Martin Biggin, Network Rail
David Polhill, ATOC
Robert Ruddlestone, UK Steel
Andy Trowsdale, Tata Steel
Barnaby Temple, LB Foster
David Geering, Harsco
Francis How, RIA
Haydn Peers, Plasser
Ian Dean, Network Rail
James Cronje, TfL
Keith White, Tata Steel
Sean Gleeson, Tata Steel
WG17 standards
EN 13146-2:2012 Railway applications - Track - Test methods for
fastening systems Part 2: Determination of torsional resistance
EN 13146-3:2012 Railway applications - Track - Test methods for
fastening systems Part 3: Determination of attenuation of impact
EN 13146-4:2012+A1:2014 Railway applications - Track - Test
methods for fastening systems - Part 4: Effect of repeated loading
EN 13146-5:2012 Railway applications - Track - Test methods for
fastening systems Part 5: Determination of electrical resistance
EN 13146-6:2012 Railway applications - Track - Test methods for
fastening systems Part 6: Effect of severe environmental conditions
EN 13146-8:2012 Railway applications - Track - Test methods for
fastening systems Part 8: In service testing
EN 13481-1:2012 Railway applications - Track - Performance
requirements for fastening systems - Part 1: Definitions
EN 13481-3:2012 Railway applications - Track - Performance
requirements for fastening systems - Part 3: Fastening systems for
wood sleepers
EN 13481-4:2012 Railway applications - Track - Performance
requirements for fastening systems - Part 4: Fastening systems for
steel sleepers
prEN 13146-1 rev Railway applications - Track - Test methods for
fastening systems Part 1: Determination of longitudinal rail restraint
Revision work approved
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Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
prEN 13146-7 rev Railway applications - Track - Test methods for
fastening systems Part 7: Determination of clamping force
pEN 13146-9 rev Railway applications - Track - Test methods for
fastening systems - Part 9: Determination of stiffness
prEN 13146-10 Railway applications - Track - Test methods for
fastening systems - Part 10: Proof load test for pull-out resistance
EN 13481-2:2012/prA1 Railway applications - Track - Performance
requirements for fastening systems - Part 2: Fastening systems for
concrete sleepers
EN 13481-5:2012/prA1 Railway applications - Track - Performance
requirements for fastening systems - Part 5: Fastening systems for
slab track with rail on the surface or rail embedded in a channel
prEN 13481-7 rev Railway applications - Track - Performance
requirements for fastening systems - Part 7: Special fastening
systems for switches and crossings and check rails
WI '00256771 Railway applications - Infrastructure - Determination
of laboratory test parameters for assessing the mechanical
durability of rail fastening systems
Revision work approved
TC256 SC1 WG18 Switches & Crossings
Scope: Special definitions, design, tolerances, performance and
acceptance of switches and crossings.
Andy Foan, Independent Consultant (Convenor)
Joss Apps, Lloyd's Register Rail (Secretary)
Ian Bostock, Network Rail
Adrian Nicholes, LUL
Iqbal Chadda, SPX Rail Systems
WG18 standards
WI 00256602 Railway applications - Track - Switches and crossings
- Mechanical requirements for actuation, locking and detection
prEN 13232-1 Railway applications - Track - Switches and
crossings for Vignole rails - Part 1: Definitions
prEN 13232-2rev Railway applications - Track - Switches and
crossings for Vignole rails - Part 2: Requirements for geometric
prEN 13232-3rev Railway applications - Track - Switches and
crossings for Vignole rails - Part 3: Requirements for wheel/rail
prEN 13232-4rev Railway applications - Track - Switches and
crossings for Vignole raills - Part 4: Actuation, locking and detection
prEN 13232-5rev Railway applications - Track - Switches and
crossings for Vignole rails - Part 5: Switches
prEN 13232-6rev Railway applications - Track - Switches and
crossings for Vignole rails - Part 6: Fixed common and obtuse
prEN 13232-7rev Railway applications - Track - Switches and
crossings for Vignole rails - Part 7: Crossings with movable parts
Revision work approved
Enquiry due in 2016
Dispatch of the UAP draft due to
CCMC in November 2015
Dispatch of the UAP draft due to
CCMC in November 2015
Revision work approved
Proposal for work completed in May
Andy Foan, Independent Consultant
Joss Apps, Lloyd's Register Rail
Andy Garwood, Pandrol
Anup Chalisey, RSSB
Calvin Lamb, Prorgess Rail
Darren Sharp, TfL
Graham Barnard, Amey
Work item waiting to be activated.
Dispatch Formal Vote draft to CCMC
by August 2015
Dispatch Formal Vote draft to CCMC
by March 2016
Dispatch Formal Vote draft to CCMC
by March 2016
Dispatch Formal Vote draft to CCMC
by March 2016
Dispatch Formal Vote draft to CCMC
by March 2016
Dispatch Formal Vote draft to CCMC
by March 2016
Dispatch Formal Vote draft to CCMC
by March 2016
Page 15 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
prEN 13232-8rev Railway applications - Track - Switches and
crossings for Vignole rails - Part 8: Expansion devices
prEN 13232-9rev Railway applications - Track - Switches and
crossings for Vignole rails - part 9: Layouts
prEN 16843 Railway applications - Track - Mechanical
requirements for joints in running rails
TC256 SC1 WG21 Acceptance of Trackwork
Scope: Acceptance of trackwork after renewal and / or
maintenance work in switches, crossings and plain track.
Stuart Grassie, Rail Measurement
Martin Saxon, Rail Measurement
David Geering, Harsco Rail Ltd.
WG21 standards
EN 13231-1:2013 Railway applications – Track – Acceptance of
works – Part 1: Works on ballasted track – Plain line, switches and
crossings and expansion devices
EN 13231-4:2013 Railway applications – Track – Acceptance of
works – Part 4: Acceptance of reprofiling rails in switches and
TC256 SC1 WG28 Track Geometry Quality
Scope: Characterisation of track geometry, - Specification for
measurement devices
Dispatch Formal Vote draft to CCMC
by March 2016
Dispatch Formal Vote draft to CCMC
by March 2016
Enquiry set to close in July 2015
Quentin Phillips, LUL (Chair)
Bob Sawdon, Balfour Beatty
Mick James, RSSB
Steve Odams, Network Rail
Anthony Darroch, Independent
David Rhodes, D R Squared Ltd.
Andy Foan,Independent Consultant
Stuart Grassie, Rail Measurement
Zizwani Mhango, Zeta Seven
David Philpott, Volker Rail
John Hempshall, Network Rail
Trevor Smith, Tiflex Ltd
David Briggs, Cooper & Turner
H Taylor, Independent Consultant
Jim Lupton, RIA
Martin Biggin, Network Rail
David Polhill, ATOC
Robert Ruddlestone, UK Steel
Andy Trowsdale, Tata Steel
Barnaby Temple, LB Foster
David Geering, Harsco
Francis How, RIA
Haydn Peers, Plasser
Ian Dean, Network Rail
James Cronje, TfL
Keith White, Tata Steel
Sean Gleeson, Tata Steel
Page 16 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
Simon Hardy, Network Rail
Zizwani Mhango, Abtus Ltd
Quentin Phillips, LUL (Chair)
Bob Sawdon, Balfour Beatty
Mick James, RSSB
Steve Odams, Network Rail
Anthony Darroch, Independent
David Rhodes, D R Squared Ltd.
Andy Foan,Independent Consultant
Stuart Grassie, Rail Measurement
Zizwani Mhango, Zeta Seven
David Philpott, Volker Rail
John Hempshall, Network Rail
Trevor Smith, Tiflex Ltd
David Briggs, Cooper & Turner
H Taylor, Independent Consultant
Jim Lupton, RIA
Martin Biggin, Network Rail
David Polhill, ATOC
Robert Ruddlestone, UK Steel
Andy Trowsdale, Tata Steel
Barnaby Temple, LB Foster
David Geering, Harsco
Francis How, RIA
Haydn Peers, Plasser
Ian Dean, Network Rail
James Cronje, TfL
Keith White, Tata Steel
Sean Gleeson, Tata Steel
WG28 standards
EN 13848-3:2009 Railway applications - Track - Track geometry
quality - Part 3: Measuring systems - Track construction and
maintenance machines
EN 13848-4:2011 Railway applications - Track - Track geometry
quality - Part 4: Measuring systems - Manual and lightweight
EN 13848-6:2014 Railway applications - Track - Track geometry
quality - Part 6: Characterisation of track geometry quality
CEN/TR 16513 Railway applications - Track - Survey of track
geometry quality
prEN 13848-1 rev Railway applications - Track - Track geometry
quality - Part 1: Characterisation of track geometry
prEN 13848-2 rev Railway applications - Track - Track geometry
quality - Part 2: Measuring systems - Track recording vehicles
prEN 13848-5 rev Railway applications - Track - Track geometry
quality - Part 5: Geometric quality levels - Plain line
WI '00256729 Railway applications - Infrastructure - Survey on
isolated defects
First working document to be
distributed in November 2015
Revision work accepted
Enquiry closed in May 2015
TCA draft to be dispatched to CCMC
in November 2015
Page 17 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
TC256 SC1 WG34 Qualification of Track Workers (Dormant)
Scope: According to the European Directive 93/38/EU, amended
with the Directive 98/4/EU, co-ordinating the procurement
procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and
telecommunications sectors, a qualification system of construction
and maintenance trackworks contractors, which considers the
specific railway problems is required and should be object of a
standard project , which should have the scope to determine: Procedures for qualification and validity; - Requirements for
qualification; a) Administrative and legal; b) Financial; c) Technical;
d) Quality; - Classification by type of work; - Classification by size of
David Philpott, Volker Rail
WG34 standards
EN 14969:2006 Railway applications - Track - Qualification system
for railway trackwork contractors
Quentin Phillips, LUL (Chair)
Bob Sawdon, Balfour Beatty
Mick James, RSSB
Steve Odams, Network Rail
Anthony Darroch, Independent
David Rhodes, D R Squared Ltd.
Andy Foan,Independent Consultant
Stuart Grassie, Rail Measurement
Zizwani Mhango, Zeta Seven
David Philpott, Volker Rail
John Hempshall, Network Rail
Trevor Smith, Tiflex Ltd
David Briggs, Cooper & Turner
H Taylor, Independent Consultant
Jim Lupton, RIA
Martin Biggin, Network Rail
David Polhill, ATOC
Robert Ruddlestone, UK Steel
Andy Trowsdale, Tata Steel
Barnaby Temple, LB Foster
David Geering, Harsco
Francis How, RIA
Haydn Peers, Plasser
Ian Dean, Network Rail
James Cronje, TfL
Keith White, Tata Steel
Sean Gleeson, Tata Steel
Page 18 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
TC256 SC1 WG39 Safety protection on the track during work
Scope: To establish the supplementary prescriptions and
competences required in order to minimize the risks on a railway
work site, especially when trains are circulating on the adjacent
Martin Biggin, Network Rail
WG39 standards
prEN 16704-1 Railway applications - Track - Safety protection on
the track during work - Part 1: Railway risks and common principles
for protection of fixed and mobile work sites
prEN 16704-2-1 Railway applications - Track - Safety protection on
the track during work - Part 2.1: Common solutions and technology
- Technical requirements for Track Warning Systems (TWS)
prEN 16704-3 ‘Railway applications - Track - Safety protection on
the track during work – Part 2.2: Common solutions and technology
– Separation’
prEN 16704-2-2 Railway applications - Track - Safety protection on
the track during work - Part 3: Competences of personnel working
near or on tracks
TC256 SC1 WG40 Noise Barriers
Scope: To prepare an European Standard on noise barriers for
railway applications.
Quentin Phillips, LUL (Chair)
Bob Sawdon, Balfour Beatty
Mick James, RSSB
Steve Odams, Network Rail
Anthony Darroch, Independent
David Rhodes, D R Squared Ltd.
Andy Foan,Independent Consultant
Stuart Grassie, Rail Measurement
Zizwani Mhango, Zeta Seven
David Philpott, Volker Rail
John Hempshall, Network Rail
Trevor Smith, Tiflex Ltd
David Briggs, Cooper & Turner
H Taylor, Independent Consultant
Jim Lupton, RIA
Martin Biggin, Network Rail
David Polhill, ATOC
Robert Ruddlestone, UK Steel
Andy Trowsdale, Tata Steel
Barnaby Temple, LB Foster
David Geering, Harsco
Francis How, RIA
Haydn Peers, Plasser
Ian Dean, Network Rail
James Cronje, TfL
Keith White, Tata Steel
Sean Gleeson, Tata Steel
Formal Vote draft to be dispatched to
CCMC in April 2016
Formal Vote draft to be dispatched to
CCMC in April 2016
Formal Vote draft to be dispatched to
CCMC in February 2016
Formal Vote draft to be dispatched to
CCMC in April 2016
Page 19 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
Trevor Smith, Tiflex
Nicholas Craven, Network Rail
Quentin Phillips, LUL (Chair)
Bob Sawdon, Balfour Beatty
Mick James, RSSB
Steve Odams, Network Rail
Anthony Darroch, Independent
David Rhodes, D R Squared Ltd.
Andy Foan,Independent Consultant
Stuart Grassie, Rail Measurement
Zizwani Mhango, Zeta Seven
David Philpott, Volker Rail
John Hempshall, Network Rail
Trevor Smith, Tiflex Ltd
David Briggs, Cooper & Turner
H Taylor, Independent Consultant
Jim Lupton, RIA
Martin Biggin, Network Rail
David Polhill, ATOC
Robert Ruddlestone, UK Steel
Andy Trowsdale, Tata Steel
Barnaby Temple, LB Foster
David Geering, Harsco
Francis How, RIA
Haydn Peers, Plasser
Ian Dean, Network Rail
James Cronje, TfL
Keith White, Tata Steel
Sean Gleeson, Tata Steel
WG40 standards
EN 16272-1:2012 Railway applications - Track - Noise barriers and
related devices acting on airborne sound propagation - Test method
for determining the acoustic performance Part 1: Intrinsic characteristics - Sound absorption in the laboratory
under diffuse sound field conditions
EN 16272-2:2012 Railway applications - Track - Noise barriers and
related devices acting on airborne sound propagation - Test method
for determining the acoustic performance - Part 2: Intrinsic
characteristics - Airborne sound insulation in the laboratory under
diffuse sound field conditions
EN 16272-3-1:2012 Railway applications - Track - Noise barriers
and related devices acting on airborne sound propagation - Test
method for determining the acoustic performance - Part 3-1:
Normalized railway noise spectrum and single number ratings for
diffuse field applications
prEN 16272-3-2 Railway applications - Track - Noise barriers and
related devices acting on airborne sound propagation - Test method
for determining the acoustic performance - Part 3-2: Normalized
railway noise spectrum and single number ratings for direct field
FprCEN/TS 16272-5 Railway applications - Track - Noise barriers
and related devices acting on airborne sound propagation - Test
method for determining the acoustic performance - Part 5: Intrinsic
Page 20 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
characteristics – In situ values of sound reflection under direct
sound field conditions
prEN 16272-6 Railway applications - Track - Noise barriers and
related devices acting on airborne sound propagation - Test method
for determining the acoustic performance - Part 6: Intrinsic
characteristics – In situ values of airborne sound insulation under
direct sound field conditions
prEN 16272-4 Railway applications - Infrastructure - Test method
for determining the acoustic performance - Part 4: Intrinsic
characteristics - In situ values of sound diffraction under direct
sound field conditions
prCEN/TS 16272-7 Railway applications - Infrastructure - Test
method for determining the acoustic performance - Part 7: Extrinsic
characteristics - In situ values of insertion loss
prEN 16727-2-2 Railway applications - Infrastructure - Noise
barriers and related devices acting on airborne sound propagation –
Non-acoustic performance - Part 2-2: Mechanical performance
under dynamic loadings caused by passing trains – Calculation
prEN 16727-3 Railway applications - Track - Noise barriers and
related devices acting on airborne sound propagation - Nonacoustic performance - Part 3: General safety and environmental
WI '00256741 Railway applications - Track - Noise barriers and
related devices acting on airborne sound propagation - Nonacoustic performance - Part 2-1: Mechanical
WI '00256720 Railway applications - Track - Noise barriers and
related devices acting on airborne sound propagation - Nonacoustic performance - Part 1: Mechanical performance under static
loadings - Calculation and test methods
'00256774 Railway applications - Track - Noise barriers and related
devices acting on airborne sound propagation - Procedures for
assessing long term performance - Part 1: Acoustic characteristics
'00256775 Railway applications - Track - Noise barriers and related
devices acting on airborne sound propagation - Procedures for
assessing long term performance - Part 2: Non-acoustic
TC256 SC1 WG46 Ballastless Track
Scope: Standardization of requirements concerning the design and
acceptance for ballastless track systems.
Andy Foan, Independent Consultant
Charles Penny, Balfour Beatty Rail Ltd.
Peter Barber, LUL
Barnaby Temple, Portec Rail Products (UK) Ltd.
John Porrill, Pandrol International Ltd
Dispatch of Formal Vote draft to
CCMC in March 2016
Submitted for vote, closure of vote in
May 2016
Dispatch of Formal Vote draft to
CCMC in September 2015
Dispatch of Formal Vote draft to
CCMC in October 2016
Circulation of first working document
due in November 2015
Circulation of first working document
due in November 2015
Circulation of first working document
due in November 2015
Circulation of first working document
due in November 2015
Barnaby Temple, L.B Foster Rail
Technologies Ltd. (Chair)
Tim Kendell, DfT
Andy Foan, Independent Consultant
Charles Penny, Independent
Peter Barber, LUL
John Porrill, Pandrol International
John Lane, RSSB
Page 21 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
Trevor Smith, Tiflex
Anthony Fifield, Mott MacDonald Ltd.
Ian Knowles, Rhomberg Rail UK
Graham Barnard, Amey
Graham Hall, Carillion Rail
Sean Ring, Beazley Sharpe
(Railwise) Ltd.
Phil Sendall, Carillion Rail
Paul Insley, L.B Foster Rail
Technologies Ltd.
Dermot Kelly, Balfour Beatty Rail Ltd.
Alan Phear, Arup Campus
Nick Sartain, Arup Campus
Niall Fagan, HS2 Ltd.
Andrew Went, HS2 Ltd.
Geoff Hunt, Lloyd’s Register Rail
(Joss Apps G Hunt’s alternate)
Steve O’Brian, Network Rail
WG 46 standards
EN 16432-1 Railway applications - Ballastless Track Systems
Part 1: General requirements
EN 16432-2 Railway applications - Ballastless Track Systems
Part 2: Subsystems and components
EN 16432-3 Railway applications - Ballastless Track Systems
Part 3: Acceptance
TC256 SC1 WG50 Monitoring and Treatment of Rails
Scope: Rail monitoring, rail defect management and treatment of
railway rails in switches, crossings and plain track
Sam Brougeni, Balfour Beatty Rail
Robert Crocker, Sperry Rail
Mark Evans, Guided Ultrasonics
David Geering, Harsco
Stuart Grassie, Independent Consultant
John Harris, Network Rail
Mike Jones, Sperry Rail
Rail Defect Management
Dominic Trueman, LUL
Brian Whitney, Network Rail
Drafting in progress.
Work Item approved
Submitted for enquiry, due to close in
February 2016
Quentin Phillips, LUL (Chair)
Bob Sawdon, Balfour Beatty
Mick James, RSSB
Steve Odams, Network Rail
Anthony Darroch, Independent
David Rhodes, D R Squared Ltd.
Andy Foan,Independent Consultant
Stuart Grassie, Rail Measurement
Zizwani Mhango, Zeta Seven
David Philpott, Volker Rail
John Hempshall, Network Rail
Trevor Smith, Tiflex Ltd
David Briggs, Cooper & Turner
H Taylor, Independent Consultant
Jim Lupton, RIA
Martin Biggin, Network Rail
David Polhill, ATOC
Robert Ruddlestone, UK Steel
Andy Trowsdale, Tata Steel
Barnaby Temple, LB Foster
Page 22 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
David Geering, Harsco
Francis How, RIA
Haydn Peers, Plasser
Ian Dean, Network Rail
James Cronje, TfL
Keith White, Tata Steel
Sean Gleeson, Tata Steel
WG50 standards
EN 13231-3:2012 Railway applications - Track - Acceptance of
works - Part 3: Acceptance of reprofiling rails in track
EN 13231-4:2013 Railway applications - Track - Acceptance of
works - Part 4: Acceptance of re-profiling rails in switches and
prEN 13231-5 Railway applications - Track - Acceptance of works Part 5: Procedures for rail reprofiling in plain line, switches,
crossings and expansion devices
WI 00256628 Railway applications - NDT on rails in track - Part 2:
Requirements for describing and identifying internal and surface rail
prEN 16729-1 Railway applications - NDT on rails in track - Part 1:
Requirements for ultrasonic inspection and evaluation principles
WI 00256777 Railway applications - Infrastructure - Non-destructive
testing on rails in track - Part 2: Eddy current testing of rails in track
WI 00256778 Railway applications - Track - Acceptance of works Part 2: Acceptance of reprofiling rails in plain line, switches,
crossings and expansion devices
WI 00256779 Railway applications - Infrastructure - Rail defects Part 1: Rail defect management
WI 00256780 Railway applications - Infrastructure - Non-destructive
testing on rails in track - Part 3: Requirements for identifying internal
and surface rail defects
WI 00256781 Railway applications - Infrastructure - Non-destructive
testing on rails in track - Part 4: Qualification of personnel for nondestructive testing on rails
TC256 SC2 WG2 Structural Requirements
Scope: Standardization of structural requirements and test
methods of railway vehicle car bodies and passive safety.
Richard Nowell, RSSB
David Turner, Lloyds Register Rail
Stephen Wood, Interfleet
David Howes, Bombardier
Nigel Randell, Bombardier
Mick Roe, Bombardier
WG2 Standards
EN 15152:2007 Railway applications - Cab windscreens of high
First draft for circulation due in
November 2015
Formal Vote draft to be submitted to
CCMC in September 2015
Work Instruction accepted
Work Instruction accepted
Work Instruction accepted
Work Instruction accepted
Work Instruction for proposal since
May 2015
Mick Roe, Bombardier (Chair)
Richard Nowell, RSSB
Peter Theobald, ATOC
Nigel Tate, LUL
Stephen Wood, Interfleet
David Bell, Bombardier
David Turner, Lloyd's Register Rail
Neil Halliday, RSSB
Nigel Bailey, Dellner
Richard Kendall, Bombardier
David Howes, Bombardier
Nigel Randell, Bombardier
Page 23 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
speed trains
EN 12663-1: 2010 Railway applications — Structural requirements
of railway vehicle bodies — Part 1: Locomotives and passenger
rolling stock (and alternative method for freight wagons)
EN 12663-2:2010 Railway applications - Structural requirements of
railway vehicle bodies - Part 2: Freight wagons
EN 15663: 2009 Railway applications - Definition of vehicle
reference masses
EN 16116-1:2013 Railway applications - Design requirements for
steps, handrails and associated staff access - Part 1: Passenger
vehicles, luggage vans and locomotives
EN 15227:2008+A1:2010 Railway applications - Crashworthiness
requirements for railway vehicle bodies
WI 00256561 Railway Applications - Fatigue strength assessment
of railway vehicle structures based on cumulative damage
prEN 12663-1:2010/A1 Railway applications — Structural
requirements of railway vehicle bodies — Part 1: Locomotives and
passenger rolling stock (and alternative method for freight wagons)
prEN 15227 rev Railway applications - Crashworthiness
requirements for railway vehicle bodies
TC256 SC2 WG11 Wheels and Wheelsets
Scope: Standardization of design guides and product requirements
for wheelsets and components.
John Snell, Interoperability Services Ltd
Richard McCune, Bombardier
Ken Timmis, RSSB
WG11 Standards
EN 15313:2010 Railway applications - In-service wheelset
operation requirements - In-service and off-vehicle wheelset
CEN/TS 13979-2:2011 Railway applications - Wheelsets and
bogies - Monobloc wheels - Technical approval procedure - Part 2:
Cast wheels
CEN/TS 15718:2011 Railway applications - Wheelsets and bogies Product requirements for cast wheels
EN 13260:2009+A1:2010 Railway applications - Wheelsets and
Preliminary Work Item.
Combined Enquiry and Vote sent to
CMC 29 January 2014
Preliminary Work Item.
Andy Skinner, Siemens
David Bridges, Angel Trains
Edward Davison, Network Rail
Geoff Mather, Independent
John Snell, Interoperability Services
Ken Timmis, RSSB
Martin Clarke, Chair
Mick Bishop, Porterbrook
Neil Pimperton, Unipart Rail
Robert Morley, ESG
Richard McCune, Bombardier
Rob Winning, Bombardier
Sean Barson, Lucchini
Stephen Porter, Serco
David Polhill, ATOC
Page 24 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
bogies - Wheelsets - Product requirements
EN 13261:2009+A1:2010 Railway applications - Wheelsets and
bogies - Axles - Product requirements
EN 13715:2006+A1:2010 Railway applications - Wheelsets and
bogies - Wheels - Tread profile
EN 13979-1:2003+A2:2011 Railway applications - Wheelsets and
bogies - Monobloc wheels - Technical approval procedure - Part 1:
Forged and rolled wheels
EN 13262:2004+A2:2011 Railway applications - Wheelsets and
bogies - Wheels - Product requirements
EN 13103:2009+A2:2012 Railway applications - Wheelsets and
bogies - Non-powered axles - Design method
EN 13104:2009+A2:2012 Railway applications - Wheelsets and
bogies - Powered axles - Design method
WI00256666 prEN 13261 Railway applications - Wheelsets and
bogies - Axles - Product requirements
WI00256639 prEN 13262 Railway applications - Wheelsets and
bogies - Wheels - Product requirements
WI00256535 prEN 13979-1 Railway applications - Wheelsets and
bogies - Monobloc wheels - Technical approval procedure - Part 1:
Forged and rolled wheels
WI00256656 prEN 15313 Railway applications - In-service wheelset
operation requirements - In-service and off-vehicle wheelset
Wi 00256615 prEN 13260:2009+A1:2010/A2 Railway applications Wheelsets and bogies - Wheelsets - Product requirements
WI 00256637 Railway applications - Wheelsets and bogies - Axles Design method
WI 00256643 Railway applications - Rolling stock - Requirements
for non-destructive testing on running gear in railway maintenance
WI00256644 prEN 13715 rev Railway applications - Wheelsets and
bogies - Wheels - Tread profile
WI 00256670 Railway applications - Variable gauge wheelsets Running gear for manual change of wheelsets - Changeover
TC256 SC2 WG12 Rolling Bearings, Lubricants
Scope: Standardization of requirements and test methods for roller
bearings and their lubricants.
David Aindow, Timken UK Ltd.
Drafting Complete with CEN for
Drafting Complete with CEN for
Drafting in progress.
Enquiry closed in November 2013.
Formal Vote due to be sent to CMC
by 21 July 2014
Drafting in progress.
Preliminary Work Item.
Preliminary Work Item.
With CEN with final comments.
Preliminary Work Item.
Keith Mack, East Coast (Chair)
Geoff Mather, Independent
David Aindow, Timken UK Ltd.
Daniel Travis, Fuchs Lubricants
David Goves, Schaeffler
Steve Wakelam, SKF
Martin Gleed-Owen, SKF
Deryk Shead, Serco
Andrew Skinner, Siemens
Antony Boyle, Siemens
Alastair Bell, Wabtec
Edward Davison, Network Rail
Page 25 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
John Collins, Angel Trains
Ken Timmis, RSSB
Neil Pimperton, Unipart
Paul Antcliff, DB Schenker
Steve Gill, ESR Technology
Nick Pinder, Network Rail
Alan Ingman, Network Rail
Tony Francis, Southern Railway
Nicholas Kay, Siemens
Jeremy Spencer, Schaeffler
John Williams, Alstom
Michael Blaber, Bombardier
Peter Theobald, ATOC
WG12 standards
EN 12080:2007+A1:2010 Railway applications - Axleboxes - Rolling
EN 12081:2007+A1:2010 Railway applications - Axleboxes –
Lubricating greases
EN 12082:2007+A1:2010 Railway applications - Axleboxes –
Performance testing
EN 14865-1:2009+A1:2010 Railway applications - Axlebox
lubricating greases - Part 1: Method to test the ability to lubricate
EN 14865-2:2006+A2:2010 Railway applications - Axlebox
lubricating greases - Part 2: Method to test the mechanical stability
to cover vehicle speeds up to 200 km/h
prEN 12080 rev Railway applications - Axleboxes - Rolling bearings
Drafting in progress.
prEN 12081 rev Railway applications - Axleboxes – Lubricating
prEN 12082 rev Railway applications - Axleboxes – Performance
Drafting in progress.
TC256 SC2 WG13 Bogie Frames (Dormant)
Scope: Standardization of requirements and design guides for
bogie frames.
Allan Carter, Independent Consultant
WG13 Standards
EN 15827:2011Railway applications - Requirements for bogies and
running gears
EN 13749:2011 Railway applications - Wheelsets and bogies Methods of specifying structural requirements of bogie frames
TC256 SC2 WG14 Suspension Components
Scope: Standardization of requirements for steel springs.
Stephen Thompson, Sabre Rail
Drafting in progress.
Peter Theobald, ATOC
David Polhill, ATOC
Robert Winning, Bombardier
Allan Carter, Independent Consultant
Andrew Bell, SKF
John Snell, Interoperability Services
P Brown, Ferra Byrne
Page 26 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
Peter Theobald, ATOC
WG14 standards
EN 13597:2003 Railway applications - Rubber suspension
components - Rubber diaphragms for pneumatic suspension
EN 14817:2006 Railway applications - Suspension components Air spring control elements
EN 13913:2003 Railway applications - Rubber suspension
components - Elastomer-based mechanical parts
EN 13298:2003 Railway applications - Suspension components Helical suspension springs, steel
EN 14200:2004 Railway applications - Suspension components Parabolic springs, steel
EN 15049:2007 Railway applications - Suspension components Torsion bar, steel
EN 13802:2013 Railway applications - Suspension components Hydraulic dampers
TC256 SC2 WG20 Tank Wagons (Dormant)
Scope: Standardization of requirements for markings and for
equipment components of tank wagons.
Paul Lugg, VTG
WG20 standards
EN 12561-1:2011 Railway applications - Tank wagons - Part 1:
Identification plates for tank wagons for the carriage of dangerous
EN 12561-2:2011 Railway applications - Tank wagons - Part 2:
Bottom emptying devices for liquid products including vapour return
EN 12561-3:2011Railway applications - Tank wagons - Part 3:
Bottom filling and emptying devices for gases liquefied under
EN 12561-4:2011 Railway applications - Tank wagons - Part 4:
Devices for top filling and emptying of liquid products
EN 12561-5:2011 Railway applications - Tank wagons - Part 5:
Devices for vapour return while filling or emptying of liquid products
EN 12561-6:2011 Railway applications - Tank wagons - Part 6:
EN 12561-7:2011 Railway applications - Tank wagons - Part 7:
Platforms and ladders
EN 12561-8:2011 Railway applications - Tank wagons - Part 8:
Heating connections
Paul Lugg, VTG
Robert Dale, RAL
David Minshull, Network Rail
Mick James, RSSB
Ian Willson, Network Rail
Peter Davidson, PIA
Geoff Mather, Independent
Colin Graham, Rail Freight
Also mirrored by FTC
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Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
TC256 SC2 WG26 Freight Wagons
Scope: Standardization of requirements for measuring freight
Mick James, RSSB
Colin Graham, GB Railfreight
WG26 standards
EN 13775-1:2003 Railway applications - Measuring of new and
modified freight wagons - Part 1: Measuring principles
EN 13775-2:2003 Railway applications - Measuring of new and
modified freight wagons - Part 2: Freight wagons with bogies
EN 13775-3:2003 Railway applications - Measuring of new and
modified freight wagons - Part 3: Freight wagons with 2 wheelsets
EN 13775-4:2004 Railway applications - Measuring of new and
modified freight wagons - Part 4: Bogies with 2 wheelsets
EN 13775-5:2004 Railway applications - Measuring of new and
modified freight wagons - Part 5: Bogies with 3 wheelsets
EN 13775-6:2004 Railway applications - Measuring of new and
modified freight wagons - Part 6: Multiple and articulated freight
EN 15723:2010 Railway applications - Closing and locking devices
for payload protecting devices against environmental influences Requirements for durability, operation, indication, maintenance,
EN 16116-2:2013 Railway applications - Design requirements for
steps, handrails and associated access for staff - Part 2: Freight
EN 15877-2:2013 Railway applications - Markings of railway
vehicles - Part 2: External markings on coaches,
motive power units, locomotives and on track machines
WI 00256470 Railway applications - Loading rules for freight
TC256 SC2 WG31 Welding
Scope: Welding of railway vehicles and components.
Mick Roe, Bombardier
Nigel Tate, LUL
Chris Eady TWI Certification Ltd
Paul Lugg, VTG
Robert Dale, RAL
David Minshull, Network Rail
Mick James, RSSB
Ian Willson, Network Rail
Peter Davidson, PIA
Geoff Mather, Independent
Colin Graham, Rail Freight
Also mirrored by Freight Technical
Preliminary Work Item.
Mick Roe, Bombardier (Chair)
Richard Nowell, RSSB
Peter Theobald, ATOC
Nigel Tate, LUL
Stephen Wood, Interfleet
Nigel Bailey, Dellner Couplers
Richard Kendall, Bombardier
Page 28 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
David Turner, Lloyd's Register Rail
Francis How, RIA
Neil Halliday, RSSB
WG31 Standards
EN 15085-1:2007+A1:2013 Railway applications - Welding of
railway vehicles and components - Part 1: General
EN 15085-2:2007 Railway applications - Welding of railway vehicles
and components - Part 2: Quality requirements and certification of
welding manufacturer
EN 15085-3:2007/AC:2009 Railway applications - Welding of
railway vehicles and components - Part 3: Design requirements
EN 15085-4:2007 Railway applications - Welding of railway vehicles
and components - Part 4: Production requirements
EN 15085-5:2007 Railway applications - Welding of railway vehicles
and components - Part 5: Inspection, testing and documentation
BS EN 16116-1:2013 Railway applications - Design requirements
for steps, handrails and associated access for staff - Part 1:
Passenger vehicles, luggage vans and locomotives
TC256 SC2 WG33 Coupling Devices
Scope: Standardization for coupling devices.
David Polhill, ATOC
David Polhill, ATOC
Richard Neil, Angel Trains
Geoff Mather, Independent
WG33 Standards
EN 15566:2009+A1:2010 Railway applications - Railway rolling
stock - Draw gear and screw coupling
EN 15551:2009+A1:2010 Railway applications - Railway rolling
stock - Buffers
EN 15020:2006+A1:2010 Railway applications - Rescue coupler Performance requirements, specific interface geometry and test
prEN 16019 Railway applications - Automatic coupler Performance requirements, specific interface geometry and test
prEN 15551 rev Railway applications - Railway rolling stock Buffers
Due to be published early 2014.
CEN Enquiry closed October 2013,
to be sent to CMC for FV by 02 June
prEN 15566 rev Railway applications - Railway rolling stock - Draw
gear and screw coupling
CEN Enquiry closed October 2013,
to be sent to CMC for FV by 02 June
prEN 15020 rev Railway applications - Rescue coupler Performance requirements, specific interface geometry and test
WI 00256640 Railway applications - Rolling stock - Head stock
Draft to be submitted to C<C for
Enquiry by 03 June 2014.
Drafting in progress.
Page 29 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
TC256 SC2 WG35 Hot Box Detection (Dormant)
Scope: Standardization for hot box detection.
David Carter, Amey
Brian Mattock, Eversholt Rail
Chris Meakin, Network Rail
Paul Antcliff, DB Schenker
Martin Gleed Owen, SKF
Tim Shakerley, Freightliner
Gareth Tucker, RSSB
Geoff Mather, Independent
Nick Pinder, Network Rail
David Polhill, ATOC
WG35 standards
EN 15437-1:2009 Railway applications - Axlebox condition
monitoring - Interface and design requirements - Part 1: Track side
equipment and rolling stock axlebox
EN 15437-2:2012 Railway applications - Axlebox condition
monitoring - Interface and design requirements - Part 2:
Performance and design requirements of on-board systems for
temperature monitoring
TC256 SC2 WG38 Flange Lubrication
Scope: Standardization for flange lubrication.
David Polhill, ATOC (Convenor)
Jasper Peen, Lloyd's Register Rail
Gareth Evans, Network Rail
David Polhill, ATOC (Chair)
Gareth Evans, Network Rail
Harry Hastwell, Delimon
Geoff Mather, Independent
Ian McEwen,
J Cotter, Kelsan
John Snell, Interoperability Services
WG38 Standards
EN 16028:2012 Railway applications - Wheel/rail friction
management - Lubricants for trainborne and trackside applications
EN 15427:2008+A1:2010 Railway applications - Wheel/rail friction
management - Flange lubrication
WI 00256616 Railway applications - Wheel/Rail friction
management - Top-of-rail friction management
TC256 SC2 WG42 Vehicle Lifting
Scope: Lifting and jacking of a vehicle.
Richard Nowell, RSSB (Convenor)
David Polhill, ATOC
Drafting in progress
David Polhill, ATOC
Geoff Mather, Independent
Richard Nowell, RSSB
WG42 standards
prEN 16404 Railway Applications - Re-railing and recovery
requirements for railway vehicles
Publication early 2014.
Page 30 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
TC256 SC3 WG8 Air Conditioning, Heating, Ventilation
Scope: Standardization of requirements for comfort parameters of
compartments and saloons of passenger-carrying main line rail
vehicles, and type tests.
Syd Scrace, Hitachi
WG8 standards
EN 13129-1:2002 Railway applications - Air conditioning
for main line rolling stock - Part 1: Comfort parameters
EN 13129-2:2004 Railway applications - Air conditioning
for main line rolling stock - Part 2: Type tests
EN 14750-1: 2006 Railway applications – Air conditioning for urban
and suburban rolling stock – Part 1: Comfort parameters
EN 14750-2: 2006 Railway applications – Air conditioning for urban
and suburban rolling stock – Part 2: Type tests
EN 14813-1:2006+A1:2010 Railway applications - Air conditioning
for driving cabs - Part 1: Comfort parameters
EN 14813-2:2006 Railway applications - Air conditioning for driving
cabs - Part 2: Type tests
prEN 14750-1rev Railway applications – Air conditioning for urban
and suburban rolling stock – Part 1: Comfort parameters
prEN 14750-2rev Railway applications – Air conditioning for urban
and suburban rolling stock – Part 2: Type tests
prEN 14813-1rev Railway applications - Air conditioning
for driving cabs - Part 1: Comfort parameters
prEN 14813-2rev Railway applications - Air conditioning for driving
cabs - Part 2: Type tests
prEN 13129 Railway applications - Air conditioning for main line
rolling stock - Comfort parameters and type tests
WI 00256669 Railway applications - Air conditioning for
rolling stock — Safety relevant aspects
TC256 SC3 WG9 Lighting and Trackside Signage
Scope: Standardization of requirements for design and construction
of electrical lighting systems in the interiors of railway rolling stock.
Hugh Barton, OptiConsulting Ltd (Convenor)
Alan Tomlinson, BMAC
Paul LeVesconte, ATOC
John Stafford, RSSB
Jonathan Rees, Translec
Peter Theobald, ATOC
Neil Halliday, RSSB
Francis How, RIA
Syd Scrace, Hitachi
Peter Theobald, ATOC
Preliminary Work item.
Preliminary Work item.
Preliminary Work item.
Preliminary Work item.
Enquiry launched in October 2013
and will close in March 2014.
Preliminary Work item.
Hugh Barton, OptiConsulting Ltd
Alan Tomlinson, BMAC
Clive Porter, Dorman
Gareth Tucker, RSSB
Graham Goswell, Network Rail
Alan Chatfield, Network Rail
John Hesketh, LPA-Excil
John Stafford, RSSB
Jonathan Rees, Translec
Liz-Newell Hart, 3M
Nathan Orton, Marl
Paul LeVesconte, ATOC
Peter Theobald, ATOC
Page 31 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
Robert Woodhouse, Marl
WG9 standards
EN 13272:2012 Railway applications – Electrical lighting for rolling
stock in public transport systems
EN 15153-1:2013 Railway applications - External visible and
audible warning devices for trains - Part 1: Head, marker and tail
EN 15153-2:2013 Railway applications - External visible and
audible warning devices for trains - Part 2: Warning horns
EN 16494:2015 Railway applications – Requirements for ERTMS
trackside boards
prEN 15153-1:2013/A1 Railway applications - External visible and
audible warning devices for trains - Part 1: Head, marker and tail
prEN 15153-1 rev Railway applications - External visible and
audible warning devices for urban rail applications Part 1: Head,
marker and tail lamps
New work item
prEN 15153-2 rev Railway applications - External visible and
audible warning devices for urban rail applications - Part 2: Warning
New work item
prEN 13272 rev Railway applications - Electrical lighting for rolling
stock in urban rail applications
New work item
TC256 SC3 WG27 Doors
Scope: Standardization of requirements concerning design and
function for external doors of railway vehicles.
Heath Caddy, Bombardier
WG27 standards
EN 14752:2005 Railway applications – Bodyside Entrance Systems
for rolling stock
prEN 14752 rev Railway applications – Bodyside Entrance Systems
for rolling stock
TC256 SC3 WG36 Emergency and Alarm Systems
Scope: Emergency and Alarm Systems.
Neil Halliday, RSSB
Phil Hinde, Cross Rail (Chair)
Neil Halliday, RSSB
Peter Matthews, Poised Ltd
Peter Theobald, ATOC
Dom Borgese, LUL
Richard Nowell, RSSB
Scott Condie, Bombardier
Heath Caddy, Bombardier
Peter Hubbard, National Express
Mike Jones, ORR
Formal Vote approved - October
David Horsley, Independent
Page 32 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
Neil Halliday, RSSB
Chris Wells, Railway Braking
Peter Theobald, ATOC
Jon Leigh, Faiveley Transport
Gilbert Rowe, LUL
Steve Morris, Becorit GmbH
Andy Nicholas, Knorr-Bremse Rail
Nigel Anstey, Knorr-Bremse Rail
David McMillan, Parker Domnick
Jim Lupton, RIA
WG36 standards
prEN 16334 Railway applications – Passenger alarm - Emergency
brake override system
prEN 16683 Railway applications - Call for aid and passenger
communication - Functional requirements
TC256 SC3 WG37 Driver’s Cab
Scope: Driver’s Cab.
Comments resolution meeting held
June 2013. Formal Vote approved
April 2014.
Comments resolution meeting held
June/July 2014. Sent to CEN for
Richard Stokes, Independent
Consultant (Chair)
John Pullinger, RSSB
Martin Stout, RSSB
Richard Stokes, Independent Consultant
Martin Stout, RSSB
Mick James, RSSB
Neil Halliday, RSSB
Richard Butterfield, Bombardier
Dave Bennett, ASLEF
Claire Dickinson, ORR
Nicolas Edwards, DB Schenker
Mark Turner, Altran Praxis
Phil Hinde, Crossrail
Jon Wackrow, LUL
William Wells, Eurostar
F Wiltshire, Independent Consultant
Peter Theobald, ATOC
Daniel Mann, ATOC
WG37 standards
prEN 16186-1 Railway applications - Driver's cab - Part 1: Visibility,
layout, access
prEN 16186-2 Railway applications - Driver’s cab - Part 2:
Integration of screens, controls and indicators
prEN 16186-3 Railway applications - Driver’s cab - Part 3: Design of
prEN 16186-4 Railway applications - Driver’s cab - Part 4: Interior
design and access applications
Comments Resolution meeting held
in October 2013. Formal Vote
approved September 2014.
Second Enquiry closes July 2015
Second Enquiry completed June
2014. Comments submitted.
Preliminary Work item.
Page 33 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
TC256 SC3 WG41 Passenger Gangways (Dormant)
Scope: Gangway systems between vehicles.
Brian Boucher, Bombardier
Nigel Bailey, Dellner Couplers
WG41 Standards
EN 16286-1:2013 Railway applications - Gangway systems
between vehicles - Part 1: Main applications
EN 16286-2:2013 Railway applications - Gangway systems
between vehicles - Part 2: Acoustic measurements
TC256 SC3 WG45 Environmental Conditions
Scope: Environmental Conditions.
Jerry Lewis, Kilfrost Limited
Peter Theobald, ATOC
Geoff Mather, Independent
Richard Nowell, RSSB
Neil Halliday, RSSB
Peter Theobald, ATOC
David Polhill, ATOC
Richard Nowell, RSSB
Jerry Lewis, Kilfrost Limited
WG45 standards
prCEN/TR 16251 Railway application – Environmental conditions Design guidance for rolling stock
TC256 SC3 WG47 Braking (formerly WG 22, 23, 24, 25)
Scope: Braking.
Neil Halliday, RSSB
Chris Wells, Railway Braking Associates
Jon Leigh, Faiveley Transport
Steve Morris, Becorit GmbH
Gilbert Rowe, LUL
David Horsley, Independent
WG47 standards
EN 14535-2:2011 Railway applications – Brake discs for
railway rolling stock – Part 2: Brake discs mounted onto the wheel,
dimensions and quality requirements
EN 15734-1:2010 CORR1 2013 Railway applications - Braking
Following a decision at SC3 meeting
in Sep 2013 the EN will now be
published as a TR (Technical
David Horsley, Independent
Consultant (Chair)
Neil Halliday, RSSB
Chris Wells, Railway Braking
Peter Theobald, ATOC
Jon Leigh, Faiveley Transport
Steve Morris, Becorit GmbH
Gilbert Rowe, LUL
Andy Nicholas, Knorr-Bremse Rail
Nigel Anstey, Knorr-Bremse Rail
David McMillan, Parker Domnick
Jim Lupton, RIA
Page 34 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
systems of high speed trains - Part 1: Requirements and definitions
EN 15179:2007 Railway applications - Braking - Brake systems for
passenger coaches
EN 13452-1:2003 Railway applications – Braking – Mass transit
brake systems – Part 1: Performance requirements
EN 13452-2:2003 Railway applications – Braking – Mass transit
brake systems – Part 2: Methods of test
EN 15327-1:2008 Railway applications braking Passenger alarm
subsystem – Part 1: General requirements and passenger interface
for the passenger emergency brake system
EN 15734-2:2010 Railway applications - Braking systems of high
speed trains - Part 2: Test methods
EN 15807:2011 Railway applications – Pneumatic half couplings
EN 15806:2010 Railway applications - Braking - Static test
procedures for vehicles
EN 15220-1:2008 + A1:2011 Railway applications - Braking - Part
1: Pneumatically operated brake indicators
prEN 16452 Railway applications – Brake blocks
prEN 16241 Railway applications – Braking – Slack adjuster
prEN 14535-3 Railway applications – Brake discs for railway rolling
stock – Part 3: Brake discs, performance of the disc and
prEN 16185-1 Braking systems of multiple unit trains - Part 1:
Requirements and definitions
prEN 16185-2 Braking systems of multiple unit trains - Part 2:
Methods of test
prEN 14478rev Railway applications - Braking - Generic vocabulary
prEN 14535-1rev Railway applications - Braking - Brake discs for
railway rolling stock - Part 1: Brake discs pressed
or shrunk onto the axle or drive shaft
prEN 16207 Railway applications – Braking – Functional and
performance criteria of electromagnetic track brake systems for use
in railway rolling stock
WI 00256536 Railway applications – Braking – Passenger coach
test procedure
WI 00256537 Railway applications – Brake performance evaluation
[Old title: Railway applications - Braking - Brake performance]
WI 00256560 Railway applications - Braking – Eddy current track
brake systems
prEN 14531-2 (EN 14531-6rev) Railway applications - Methods for
calculation of stopping and slowing distances and immobilisation
braking - Part 2: Step by step calculation for train sets or single
prEN 16451 Railway applications – Brake pad holders
prEN 14531-1rev Railway applications - Methods for calculation of
stopping distances, slowing distances and immobilization braking Part 1: Generic calculations
Confirmed for further five years. Next
review due in 2017.
Confirmed for further five years. Next
review due in 2017, unless work
under urban rail mandate is started in
the meantime.
Confirmed for further five years. Next
review due in 2017, unless work
under urban rail mandate is started in
the meantime.
Decision on 5 year revision is being
Review due in 2015.
Review due in 2016.
Review due in 2015.
Review due in 2016.
CRM in January 2014.
Formal Vote finished in October
CRM in March 2014.
CRM held in July 2013. Formal Vote
likely in early 2014.
CRM held in July 2013. Formal Vote
likely in early 2014.
Drafting nearing completion.
Preliminary work item.
CRM held in July 2013. Formal Vote
approved June 2014.
Work item registered in December
2010, following cancellation of
WI 00256342.
Drafting in progress.
Drafting in progress.
CRM in March 2014.
Sent for Formal Vote March 2015.
Formal Vote Approved June 2015.
CRM in March 2014.
CRM in March 2014.
Sent for Formal Vote March 2015.
Formal Vote Approved June 2015.
Page 35 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email
GB Involvement in CEN TC256
prEN 14198rev Railway applications – Braking – Requirements for
the brake system of trains hauled by a locomotive
prEN 15595rev Railway applications – Braking – Wheel slide
prevention equipment)
prEN 15328 Railway applications - Braking - Brake pads
prEN 15329 Railway applications - Braking - Brake block holder and
brake shoe key for rail vehicles
EN 15611:2008 + A1:2010 Railway applications - Braking – Relay
EN 15612:2008 + A1:2010 Railway applications - Braking Brake pipe accelerator valve
EN 15625:2008 + A1:2010 Railway applications - Braking Automatic variable load sensing devices
EN 15624:2008 + A1:2010 Railway applications - Braking –
Empty loaded changeover devices
EN 15355:2008 + A1:2010 Railway applications - Braking Distributor valves and distributor isolating devices
EN 14601:2005 + A1:2010 Railway applications - Braking Straight and angled end cocks for brake pipe and main reservoir
TC256 SC3 WG49 Glazing
Scope: DRAFT SCOPE: This working group deals with all kind of
glass intended for use in railway rolling stock. This includes glass
for windscreen and side windows as well as glass for partitions in
compartments. The working group will distinguish between
application for High Speed and Conventional Rail and all kind of
applications for Urban Rail. The intended approach is to use as
much as possible standards existing in other industries (e.g.
automotive), but identify relevant requirements and pass fail
criterias applicable for Railway applications. Emergency windows
are also in the scope of this Working Group
Richard Nowell, RSSB
WG49 standards
prEN 15152 rev Railway applications - Front windscreens for train
TC256 SC3 WG53 Platform Barrier Systems
Phil Hinde, CrossRail
John Bentley, Transport for London
Brian Harvey, Faiveley Transport
Drafting in progress.
Preliminary work item.
Preliminary WI. On hold till early
2015 to allow completion of
UIC 541-3.
Reactivated and will be sent out for
UAP early 2014.
Confirmed for further five years. Next
review due in 2018.
Confirmed for further five years. Next
review due in 2018.
Confirmed for further five years. Next
review due in 2018.
Confirmed for further five years. Next
review due in 2018.
Confirmed for further five years. Next
review due in 2018.
Review due in 2015.
Peter Theobald, ATOC
Richard Nowell, RSSB
Preliminary work item.
Peter Theobald, ATOC
Phil Hinde, CrossRail
John Bentley, Transport for London
Brian Harvey, Faiveley Transport
WG53 standards
Page 36 of 36
Issue Five Updated June 2015 For
future information see RSSB website (European Standards) or contact RSSB enquiry desk
or email