Cornubia House Case Study MFI#1—Volume 3—Part 2—Folder
Cornubia House Case Study MFI#1—Volume 3—Part 2—Folder
('J co co NTP.1701.500.1560_0003 ., (UTIU1u (1){10: ( fti)Inns Quote No:3040 '\;f;· II.__ 600 ---lL 276.61.Giif>"· _ _ _ 1100 - - --!;1H'd'9 -+-25 1!1>.5 1117 3T14 316.5 it ::11 -- ~ ~ I ""-........._ 1"--"' / / ..,. ..•· -J - K~ J_-= / /f'-. . . . . ._ I'- """ ... "~ J! =7 / ' . :L~ 1!5' T g 0~ \ .·:. " .... (• ~· "~( J! #34 #35 lil I <(_;.'' '" ~ I> .... •...,'!': J, t7-: t ., r ~ •: ;/ .. - \ I \ I v #39 - - ~ Acceptance of Drawings P•: Date \ I ....................... .............................................. Design Drawings -- Reasonotc. that.aft slmsa.res\ltllec! tonnatslte moAMe and $inks and appflancc:. aro Mt tncludcel un1e.1s spe;if~oed wa the q.11ote. -- ,...fil ., #D ······················· # 41 #!0 -- ., ·' / 2012 Print Name: \ .•. I Signature: \ -- ~ Customer Detail s: Jason \I 1\ I .,.... Site Address: I \ ~ ~~ ~ [\<.;- "'· -;. ~· .. 0 Renex •• ~-. ::....._~ ~~ ··,{' Builder: 1 316.6-!k .. :-. '\;:·. '<~ // / "' - aso,f,-...., r .,. "·'· :ttf.-;R :lt"\R ." * I LED strip light to back of - #~ #~ .,~1~'~.3;---900 _ _--;-!~lL,.----- 11 00 v~ #~ #V - - -.,..:l,h-- 741.5 ----if------ #28 '/#Z.'D 741.5~~ Kitchen NTP.1701.500.1560_0004 r---------------- 2000 ________________~ r---------------- 2000 ________________~ I". T 0 0 co ~ Q 1 1 r ·-. ·. ·- ... •. .... ' ., ' '<) . - .... ~::r• ·· ; 'j Lt ~·. ~ '< '\"' \ J - .. -... - ''!til' - ~ 3 Signature: PrintName: I Design Drawings I r---r-- 'q' r-- L ..................... .. r--- ,., - "' Buil er: '<t·, .~.9~ ..,, ; /-. . .;~· Sink Centre of ~ab\m~~( '-- Quote No:3040 _1 ~---~--- 900 - ~ - --; NTP.1701 .500.1 560_0005 Quote No:3040 1~':3---708.6 _-t--708.6 _-t--708.6----1~ e.'·~ .... . ~1----~.. ,~~~~-··~oo-~_______~ #77 ,, ''I•~~~ \ < / # 8 L ., ' \ - -- #79 "- J "'""' // J IL_/ """~ ......._ !:; .... - / . Design Drawings =--~ ~ ----:= #70 1171 .~."=' .3 -- 1081 .7 _ _ Signature: ....................... Print Name: ....................... Plcuu;e nol•lh•t II a zos ara SIJbicd and sink$ and apr.llanecs .,. "'" """'' - I unte" ® oeilif!ld «t tho II - + - - -900----J Pantry L() 00 00 NTP.1701.500.1560_0006 Quote No:3040 ·.-:. ... • l;~~ flo~ '·I ~·(~. ... "'v -. -..- ·~~ '· "!'":t.. '•.;.\ Date Signature: Print Name: / 201 2 ....................... ....................... Design Drawings "·~· ·. ·., <.0 00 00 NTP.1701.500.1560_0007 1 - -- -- -1810 _ _ __ _ -1 CJ T ~ l ,. f - - - - - - -- - - - - -3514.6,, _,_..;::,.,_ _ _ __ • ·~'\. I! _ __ -1 Date 12012 Signature: Print Name: ....................... Design Drawings Plcese nQto ~hat oB ~ 4rc :RJbjf!ct to and alnks and appl!a11cn un!cn t:iPe..iUiCd on the ·. Laundry ,..--- - - - - 1 112.3 _ _ __ ---1 ------rco co NTP.17 01.500 .1560_ 0008 . f - -- - -- - -- -2550 _ (UTTI~fj ([)fjl . (fiiYHtflfS _ __ __ _ _ _- 1 • r-----------26~-----------~ Quote No:3040 T"' 8 1 Bui 11150 _ _ 737.8 - - - r - - - ;:7.37.6_'{ _ _,._ _ 737.8 ___ _ j 11&.3 1 16.3 I '·"\/~ •.. ~150190 Date / 2012 Signature: Print Name: ....................... Design Drawings Ruse note that all ~s are subject 10 and sinks and t:1 plk.lnce$ ar\1 n~ !lpe:H'ied on tho q.~otc. Tap centre of leo & fN«hea ' . ~sr _ _ aso _ _-+_402.5-j- 402 .5 - + - Basins c~ntre oftaps - undermount CX) CX) CX) .. ; NTP.1701.500.1560_0009 (UTTU 1(r ~-------- 1200 ([){r( ________~ ( fll)li1(JS r---------1200 ________~ L T'"' 0 0 co Quote No:3040 Builder: / Ill Renex I 1 1 --- dress: 3 ,. ·-r~: " - Notes on elevation .;Y ... L- 0 0 ~ - ~. "'=i.. - ~ ' ~·(.' ...~ .... < ·- / ,. / """ ' Signature: Print Name: =--=;:r--= =-~-= ~ ~=-:o / l= - 19 ) ""' --= 1 = . - . - = # 120 ""'#\ # 121 Tap centre o! top & over head t Basins oenlre or taps - undermount 22 1\ 1\ LED strip Ut~llo back of cat inet 0 (0 I # 15 ' # 116 \ . # 117 Check drawers around pipes - ....................... Design Drawings c:;___ - ~ D 0 ~ ....................... llliqor doors <') . Date / / =-~-= F-;x=-:= ~=-:J IL _ _ 575 - - - 1- 25 # 1~8 en co co NTP.1701.500.1 560_0 01 0 {UJTU14i ( ()frf (fiiB r-------------1 ~ ------------~ r-------------1 ~ ------------~ I'- T 2 :l J Ill 1111 1 3 o/ ... Notes on elevation ': '' ' ;~ ·~ I' _ _ 945.5 _ .. ,~ I- ~6~3_ Quote No:3040 1111 Semi recessa c 1 • / ____1--__,_ <'.._ ~ - 94?.,6__ _~ 1~.3 Date 1 " - .,. . "' t. ./I"' ~ ·/ =- , ~ ~-= =-~ Signature: ...................... . Print Name: ...................... . / / -== ~ 'Mirr)' ~o~ Mirr~~rs =- T ., ~-= =---~~r:s:- '""= ' 'I / T ~ 'g ·~---= --~~ ~ ················--···························· Design Drawings = -0 ~ ...~.· · .; ~ I# 30 ~ J lij 'Ot # 131 # 132 _/Undermount basins~ .12_ Basins centre of taps # Fl<au IS' I'" I""~ Lm•"'>~tounoe:>lded"'•"lllleablnet EF /2012 FF _1#~2~5--~#~1~2~6----~#~1~2~7~--~#~1~2~8--~#~129 1:~---800 ____~200 -r---- 600 ____~ 0 0') <Xl - - - 1260 - - - - 1 260 Vanity depth to 450mm If basin will fit T -----1 ~ - I= = ~ 1.- . 01 0 0 1 2 ~ = N -= = - otes on elevafJon . u Mirror to wa:l by CEC 900ITJT1 high eoorrmwlde Signature: Print Name: 1250mmFFL \ Design Drawings F1~Jaunote ·-:· r 0 ~ 1 # 43 11$...3__ Zl # 144 # 145 597.3 _ --1k NTP.1701.500.1561 {UJTII1fr (f)(jf (fiiJII1lTS f/1 Sydal Sl, Caloundra, Qld, 4551 P: 075477 0019 F:07 5477 1180 wv.w.aJbilgedgecabilels.CD! To: Renex Quotet: 3040 Jason Davies 6/08/2013 1/1/e are pleased to submitourquotal/on for the supply and instalation of the joinery for your project. The quob3~on is based on the peciflcations 85 delafled below. $ Kitchen & Pantly & Walk Through: Doors & Drawers Stylelite Arctic gloss Kick races Brushed steel Laminate Handles C79 160 & 296 - Sized to su~ Hardware Blum TandemboX Sotlclose drawer runners and Blum Softclose hinges with bins as pm plan Bench tops Essa stone New Crystal Salt With waterfall ends Balkheads Raw MDF Painted by others square set $ Laundry: Doors & Pane~ ~1ylelite Graphite Gloss Brushed Steel Laminate Kick faces C79 160mm Handles Blum SOtlclose hinges Hardware Bench tops Essa stone Carbon 20mm Ensuite: Doors & Drawers Kick faces Handles Hardware Bench tops Stylellte Arctic gloss Wall mounted Push to open tipon & finger pull Blum Meta box drawer runners and Blum Softclose hinges Bianco Venalo 20mm 1athroom: •oors & Drawers 'k faces Handles Hardware Bench tops Stylelite SilVer gloss- Mirrors to overheads wanmounted Push to open lipan & finger pull Blum metabox drawers and Blum Softclose hinges Quantum Quartz INhite Swirl20mm Bed 3,5 Ensuite: Doors & Drawers Kick faces Handles Hardware Bench tops Stylellte Graphite gloss- Mirrors to overheads Vllal mounted Push to open tipon & finger pull Blum metabox drawers and Blum Sol!close hinges Quantum Quartz ll\lhlte Swirl 20mm Bed 2 Ensuite: Drawers & Panels Kick faces Handles Hardware Bench tops StyleOte Arctic gloss Wall mounted Push lo open bpon Blum metabox drawers ~ssa Slone New Crystal Salt 20mm BBQ: Doors & Drawers Kick faces Handles Hardware Bench tops Design Design Bins g 717.00 285.64 $ 3134.10 s 1 957.76 s 3069.86 $ 994.59 $ 2722.64 Style lite Graphite Gloss Brushed Steel Laminate laid on Nyoell C7S 160 Blum Melabox Softdose drawer runners and Blum Sofclose hinges Essa Stone Carbon /\11 carcass and kicks In waterproof Nycell - Doors & drawers in water resistant Stylolite Vents to doors of BBQ cabinel Blum tandem box bins 2x17L 891 NTP.1701.500.1561_0001 Powder Room: Drawers & Panels Klck faces Handles $ 955.59 $ 2126.53 Bench lops Stylelite Silver gloss WaU mounted Push to open tlpon Blum metabox drnwers Wessa Stone New Crystal Salt 20mm Bed 4Robe: Drawers & Panels KJck faces Handles Hardware Lamlnex White melamine Board with 1mm edge Brushed Steel Laminate C79 160 Blum metabox drawers LED Lighting: As marked on plan- Drivers, Aluminium Extrusion & LED Ribbon suppRed - Electrician to connect Hardware •fRMS: Sub-Total: _::.$_ __::2::..4.::::963::::::..7:....:1~ G.S. T: ...;$!..-_....:2~4.::9:::::6·:.:::37,:_ Total: .$:__.:, 27:..;::46~0::,:.0~8:. 1 Quotation valid for 30 days from date or quotatiOn. 2 Prices are subject to change pendinglhe outcome of a final site check measure. 3 Price Includes delivery and cabinet installation but not the supply or sin!a;, bowls or appliances unless specifically stated. 4 AB stone benchtops are anis finish unless otherwise specified 5 Projects containing glass splashbacks wiU be invoiced on the date of glass measure If you have any questions about Cutting Edge Cabinet or this quotation, please contact me on the office numbe r or on my mobile. Mob:· -· Yours sincerely Ben Garnsey 892 NTP.1701.500.1562 From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Mat McAllum [] Wednesday, 7 August 2013 2:37 PM Jenny Hanna; Daave Hanna Cabinet quot e 3040 Quote.pdf; 3040 Plans.pdf; 3040 Plans 2.pdf Jenny I David, Please find attached quote for joinery. The attached price includes all vanities, mirrors, kitchen., BBQ, laundry and Bed 4 robe. Price includes cupboards and stone. For the amount of work this is a fa ir price. The only items outstanding are the remaining robes including main bedroom. Please call me should you have any questions gards ..( From: Ben Garnsey f Sent: Tuesday, 6 August 2013 7:06 PM To: Mat McAllum Cc: Subject: Cornubia - CEC Hi Mat, Attached are the redesigned plans and quote from our meeting Friday at Cornubia. Kind Regards, (UJIU1c [I)Cf {t11)Jflfl) PH: 07 5477 0018 FAX: 07 5477 1180 Mob: Shop 1/1 Syda! S! Calc!.!n'.:!r2 4551 The information trnnsrrJtted is intended only for the person or entity to which l! is addressed and may contain proprietary, business--confidential and/or privileged material. If you are no! the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any use , review, retransmission, dissel)1inaffon, distribution, reproduction or any action taken in rena nee upon this message is prohibited. II you received this in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the material from any computer. Any v~ws expressed In this message are those of the individual s ender and may not necessarily reflec t the views of the company. 893 ·. NTP.1701 .500.1563 (IJTTU1C .tDCf {fll)lfifTS - __, NTP.170 1.500.1 564 (UTTII1C t I)(Jf (flf)lf1fTS 111 Sydal s~ Coloundta, Qfd, 4551 P: 07 6477 0018 F: 075477 1160 To: Ren ex Quote: 3040 Date:: 61081201 3 Jason Davies I ( Ne are pleased to submit our quotation for the supply and lllSlatation of the joinery for your project. The quotation Is based on the -pacifications as detailed below. Kitchen & Pant!)' & Walk Throug h: $ Doors & Drawers Stylelite Arctic gloss l<lclc faces Bru&tled Steel laminate Handles C79 160 & 296 - Sized to sua Hardware Blum Tandem box Sollclose drawer runners and Blum Sottclose hinges with bins as per plan Bench tops Essa Slone New Crystal Salt vlith waterfan ends Bulkheads Raw MDF Painted by others square set Lau ndl)': $ Doors & Panels Stylelitc Graph~e Glt'£S Kick faces Brushed Steel Laminate Handles C79 160mm Hard'ltare Blum Sottclose hinges Bench lops Essa Stone Carbon 20mm 25 267.10 Ensuite: Doors & Drawers Kick faces Handles Hard!r'lare t;~ench tops $ 5427.05 Stylelito Arctic gloss Wafl mounted Push to open tipon & linger pull Blum Meta box drawer runners and Blum Sottclose hinges Bianco Veneto 20mm "athroom: .>ors & Drawers :k faces . •andles Hardware Bench tops $ 2884.54 Stylelite Silver gloss- Mirrors to overheads Wall mounted Push to open tipon & finger pull Blum metabox drawers and Blum Soltclose hinges Quantum Quartz White Swirl20mm Bed 3,5 En suite: Doors & Drawers Kick faces Handles Hardware Bench tops $ 3700.03 Styleftte Graphite gloss - Mirrors to overheads WaD mounted Push to open tipon 8. finger pull Blum metabox drawers and B1um Sottclose hinges Quantum Quartz WhHe SWirl 20mm Bed 2 Ensulte: Drawers& Panels Kick faces Hanole:. Hardware Bench tops $ 1 612.45 Stylelite Arctic gloss \Alai mounted Pu::.h iu OIJ<:II Iijlun Blum metabox drawers Wessa Stone New Crystal Salt 20mm BBQ: Doors & Dl"l!wers Kick faces Handles Hardware Bench tops Design Design Bin s $ 7652.95 Slylelile Graphite Gloss Brushed Steel Laminate laid on Nycell C79 160 Blum Metabox Soflclose drawer runners and Blum Sofclose hinges Essa Stone Carbon All carcass and kicks in waterproof Nycell- Doors & drawers In water resistant Stylellte Vents lo doors of BBQ cabinel Blum ta ndembox bins 2x17L 1466.05 89 5 NTP.1701 .500.1564_0001 Powder Room: Drawers & Panels Kick races Handles Hardware Bench lops $ 955.59 $ 2126.53 Style lite Sliver gloss INa II mo unfed Push to open tipon Blum metabox drawers Wessa Stone New Crystal Salt 20mm Bed4 Robe: Drawers & Panels Kick Faces Handles Hardware · Lamlnex IM!ite melamine Board with 1mm edge Brushed Steel La minate C79160 Blum metabox drawers LED lighting: As marked on plan - Drivers, Aluminium Extrusion & LED Ribbon supplied - Electrician to connect e'ERMS: Sub-Totall; _$:::-_..::.5:,.1..:.;09;.::2;:..:.3;.::0G.S. T: -:$~--:~5-=: 10:-':9"= .237Total: _,s;;......,.5;;;6;.;2;;o0,;; 1 •., 53;;.. 1 Quotation valid for 30 days from date of quotation. 2 Prices are subject to change pending tl)e outcome of a final site check measure. 3 Price includes delivery and cabinet installation but not the supply of sinks, bowls or appliances unless specifically slated. 4 All stone benchtops are arris finish unless otherwise specified 5 Projects containing glass spJashbacks will be invoiced on the date of glass measure If you have any quesUons about Cutting Edge Cabinet or this quotation, please contact me on the office nurnl:ll!r or on my mobile. M ob;· -Yours sincerely Ben Garnsey 896 rcn co NTP.1701.500.1565 ----r-~- ~~~~1~6 "W" 3020 (flml1tTS - - -- Q. 0 O·~oO 1 / 2012 Signature: Print Name: ....................... ............... ..............................~~--~~--.- ~. BBQ 1100.2 CX) (j) CXl NTP.1701.500.1565_0001 ·T "" "" I I ~ .... = J 1/ / " - "" #2 800 _ 111113 70[2 - "'-.I - / / 7 I" #1 / _ · I'\ [ ( ~ I #3#4 +---450, ... I I . I ~ '" \ I <' ~~ ,._, ,? "~··· ~~ ;~. ·~ .--;· . .. .\ . ' #5 11 1131.5 _ _----J / 2012 Date r---------------~-----4~ --------------------~ Signature: .. ...... I {~:· Print Name: .,. ....................... ' ,, ' ....................... Design Drawings - .,,.. ·. J 1) ~ J ~ 1"--, 1 1 / / "'- "'- I 1 / / r=-? ~-==.. ~~ --=7 ~~ // I "' ""'-, / / // ""'- ........ -#1 1 #6 #7 #10 ~H #9 j - 6 9 0 - - - - j -409.1 -ois--450 ._ ,_ _ 1018.5 _ _,___532.5 -..,.JI.....---898.5 ----\81~3 BBQ 0) 0) co NTP.1701 .500.1565_0002 (UTHII1Cr ((){fll: {flflli1US 1-- - - - - 1916 _ _ _ _ _-1 Quote No:3040 Builder: 1------------3~0-----------~ T 1 ~ \~.: ~-. ,. §1 ' IL._584.8 -I--- 58~.8-I---58~.S 18.3 . . I ,.. 3 •• ~ Renex 8l 1 ~.., ~-- 584.a ____l______·566.5-lL-679.4 _jl ~ T"' 18.3 3 1$. Date ~.· Sig nature: I j Print.Name: ~ - # 23 1124 Plsue note thet ell slZl'Sare sub(e~l lr!d !i!nk~ and appJo.noos unle:s$ speel~ed on 1he # 25 + ' .,. ,:,. ., ·. ·~ ....................... Design Drawings ~ ~ ~. <: i:,. ....................... # 7 .. .t .. '" / 2012 Fridge Walk through pantry Freeze ] 1- - ~----------.#+, 16.---#n1~7--~L---·~" 18,---#~1as------~ t - - - -1030 _ _~~a____s3s.7 _ _-;--- s~ ---rli':J---s97.7 6 1 -l ~ 0 0 0) NTP .1 701 .500 . 1565_000~ (IJTfl~(r' • L ~ I I 1710 1 I 2 T" 0 0 1710 T.~ 3. 1 CD 1 (fiiBlllflU~ Quote No:3040 / ! Basin "'~~~ o· '<<.. @l "'·· . :~.: 1 . ''if '-- :;-.~ '- I 1710 -, - ·~ -~ .;;. ~ I .. ·~~- Builder: Renex Site f11ddress: Customer Det ails: 1 ... (()Crl: Jason -· 1 ;cceptance '~~ Date ~.. Signature: Print Name: ·~ ·~i~. I , \ . ., {t . 0 o· ''1 ~ Design Drawings + J 0 1 - ....................... o •• •• • • • • • • • • • •• •• •• •• •• Ho ooO OoOOOOoOooo, oo ooo .. ·~ ....................... Reose note tl\ ~t l'll sizes ace subject to flna1 Silo mea$Urt bnd sink$ tlnd !PP!iances e~e not lndudcd unless 5peclntd on the quote. 'V ·~ ··: / 2012 ~··-· '-i: ·~j.· . ·-·~ I Basin ' + Powder 0 F # 8 FF #29 #30 #31 # 2 _..._ IL_733.3 25 I I 463.3--+- 463.3 ~k / J ,.... 0 CT.I NTP.1701.500.1565_0004 I-635 _ __ 1 - - - - - -- 1365 _ I!! _ _-1 T ! --680---J # 34 ~•o I~ ~ I Quote No:3040 ~ ~ ·.• ' ~ ~ 'J ~ t ·.l ~~, 0 .... "' - J! ~35 , _ .., #.p __ .. ~ ,... ~~· - k t.( k1f:-8~ 5 t;; ..1! I'~ 24 !i ~ ~ r--1 c::~ #41 655.4~ 644~ Signature: 8 Print Name: ~ ~ .- 7· 1 Date /2012 ....................... ...................... . ·- *1 9 ~ j ..,. 1139 .- : Window ~ Design Drawings = IIII - II II ~,, ., (I~ • ' 'ts 0 " ::: Bed 4 WIR ~--·~~1~ ----~ IHir 1145 .CII #4 NTP.1701.500.1566 f -- -- 1339.t _ _ _-+-- +--- - 902.1 _ _ r----------------~80 _ _ _ __ OJHlllfiCr f()(Tf (fliiYUIU~ 1341.1 ______--l _____________ • T * 1 Quote No:3040 T8 1 f------ 900-----1 T Notes on elevatio n "' ;» "' ...... 1\) 1 01 0 Qa.te Signature: I Pipes l Print Name: t 2012 ....................... ...................... . Design Drawings 3000 Kitchen 7 ) lll800 - - - J I~ NTP.17.01.500. 1566_0001 ~(UTIII'1{[ ~tl){[( Quote No:3040 ·~ Double undermount sinl<s . < -- -""" """ Semi ~-: .~ - - ·; / ' ~/. =-:"-r-:: 7 ~ · /- .... -~--· ~/ F #42 IL_ 450 18.6 1-r:,; "' - ~ / - -- - """ "'-, -- ,#4'3 #44 #45 600 - - - 1 - - - 923.4 - - - + -- - - 9 8 8 /2012 Date :-= Signature: Print Name: #46 _;_-- -::lib ..................... .. Design Drawings Island - NTP.1701.500.1566_0002 ~lr--- 659.7-----1---662 - - + - -- 450 -+--- 450 - + -- - 662 - --1--- 662~---'311~ # 11 1 T =~ 7~ =~ 1"- 1"'- lJ") (1) (!) t C> C!i # 13 \ C\1 J -~ / / "~ =~ -/ "-.. ... ,;4}'· ... - - =--~ I I v '• ~·· #3 #4, I IL,2501 I ' 18.3· t - ...... ..~ '\ - ·.~~0 I~ \ ': ; ~ ~ / v/= Site Address: ~""= L - -~# 19 Customer Detail s: # 18 Jason Pn: Acceptance of Drawings Date /2012 Signature: Print Name: oooobo - 71 I -- I [\L-= 'l. -- \ v'\ -- ....................... ..................... .. - j· I Design Drawings ~-' ACI!Lse noto that al s!to9 oro sut:{oct to ina! site mcuuro end sWG and apptllln,~s aro not inchlded unfe$5 specified on the q.tcte. \ \ \ t- 0 lJ") . #5 812.8 Renex .,_. "' - =--~I I > ~ l~'\ ., -f=' = ~ / v -- \ ·~ .. •r \-- . 7 #15 . ., ·, Flush mounted R/R /• G.['- \ .4- ~-~ =.=b ~=-= =If'~ LED strip light to back ?f bottom shelf - e~t1si!e of R/H ...... ...... - ==-=~ ~=-= / __A' '"'(· ~ ...... "-.. #14 co l "'/ /1 I'-..._ -~ k = #12 0 / ___/_ =d. b-"'= =-= 7 ~ ""= / ~// b.= =-.::£ / Quote No:3040 Builder: #1 6 ...... I I #6 \ 250 l I \ W1re pull out racK 920.1 #7 l 250 I I l #8 812.8 #9i!t10 250 i'3 l 6 _l Kitchen LO 0 m NTP .1701.500.1566_000~ (UITU1([ fiD{lt (fll)ll'!fU • Quote No:3040 - r ~i ll.__600-JL276.81$::!"----1100 _ _---!.Jjj.~9 -+----85b....,_ , ---,.-:---~-l-316.6_! 1 25 1$.5 1117 3fl4 316.5 ,,... ... \ .~ Jj~ :1!:'\A Jj j / 0 "' ji I '-..'-...... // '<I' Ui ~ #34 -. ~ .... "· ( ~' ~l J. ~ 'i',. ,, ~- q ·- ... '\ - .,. ·- .... "\' ··. \ "·' :P ~ ' ~~ .~ I/ #39 - ---...,. ' I I I \I 1\ I \ Date \ / 2012 Signature: Print Name: \ # 0 - -- I "\ " I' ,, 1--· ( :- -~ 11'~( #35 - li /['--. '-...... ""' '>- ' "'-~ r.- .; !'*·. ·._, // / li_--.. f2 LED strip light to back of "-'~-; .\~ '"'" =7K= v=.L-=. / "' \ T .,. ,.... 2 ,...,. fJ!i:'!R ! ....................... -#41 - Design Drawings 0::-.;, #23 #24 #25 •,,,~!~"::;.3:---- 900 _ _ _,i~L.,---~ 11()() 3 #26 #27 #28 2llll ----..,.,,!3---741.5---+--741.5---l~• # Kitchen (.() 0 0) NTP..1701 ,5QQ.1566_ Q0QL 2000 - 2000 T g co 1 ... N Signature: Ol Print Name· ....................... . ...... 0 ... 0'1 G) 0 .... 900 r0 en NTP.1701 . 500.1 566_0 0 0~ Quote No:3040 Bu er: ··~ 11..._ 7oa.s_-t-_7oe.e - -r--7oa.s ___ ;u a 1 6 18.3 ;./~ 0 ·- Renex ~--------~ ., - ~~----------~ y ·~ ~,,.... L l ' ~ Date "---------- /2012 Signature: Pli nt Name: ,. - , ,. ~----~~----~~~#~4--~#~7~5~#~76 ~ - -----'"P.-- 50o --f- 450 ---1W ,. J !:; ... J I"-.. '-..., // =--~ / L_ 1170 FE---= ""' ~~--1081 .7 _ 18.3 _ ....................... Design Drawings ......... #71 ....................... Jl --1-- -900-----1 r--- Pantry 00 0 0) NTP.17.01.500.1566_000E Quote No:3040 ... ', Date / 2012 Signature: P11nt Name: ....................... t· . ':\,.. Design Drawings ,.. ·. 0) 0 0) NTP.1 701.500.1566_0007 ~(UTTUI(i ~((){If f--- - - - 1810 _ _ _ _--t _ _--1 f------------35,1~.6 _ _ _ _ _ __ I 1 ~ Quote No:3040 Bu .,_ J 1--- - - - - -- - - 3 514.6 _ _ ...,__ _ _ __ _ _ ~-. Signature: ... Prln! Name: ....................... ....................... ............................................... ~· · · Design Drawings -..:;. Laundry .,.__ __ _ 17123 _ _ _ _-l 0 NTP.1701.500.1566_0008 (UTHI'Iu ltDuf (flmr1fU 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.550 _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _---1 • 1--------------26~---------~ 1'. T ~ Ill I 1 Ill "" 737.6 _ I < ·<: : ""' . ...... : / ~-:L - / "\f -- # 11'96 #99 I" - ~ror door Flxed Mirror """= ...... j c=::..,_~--=--= c=...o\ / / #100 ~ 1 # 1 \ #9\ #93 #94;/ Check drawers around pipes -; lk--_ t/ "" ...... 1#"'f. p~ (/ #95 # 6 _ a5o _ _ _+-402.s + <~o2.S -i----sso _ _-,-!'g1.7 1$.3 I Basins centre of taps - undermount Signature: Print Name: ....................... Design Drawings __._ 25 /2012 / ~j b,_~ / FF Date ~ LED sblp ~ ~ 10 back or tha\lltlg cabt\tl b<:lt 1 . - ~-== I/ 0 ·. ... r : ~-~~ ~0~/ J • 1 1 J,~~~ ... ·' Top centre oltop&.ov•rhnri Renex ·~ -+-----.:.;f?37.a_'-_, .-r--737.6------j I - 8 (• -; ~~ •.....;.:;.,.. T 1~;. 11150 _ ' . I- ·::; ~~i' 18.3 ' ., ........,, l:l, Quote No:3040 Builder: Notes on elevation L_ .; . .Ill ,.' lA .... ,if• -· • ., 1 (6 '1\. ------..--- --..-0') NTP.1701.500.1566_ DD09 r--------- 1200 ________~ r---------1200 ________~ T 0 a co 1 1"'- -~ Jll / 1 ,,, ..._ ·--.'\ 3 ·~. "' . {i ·-.: \ Notes on elevation ~~- -.· '- . U'J;.> ~ t a Date / """' ' F-r -= ~==-=> doors =-~ F-~-= ~==-=> =-~-= / IE::19 --= 1=- # 120 --= """ Desi gn Drawings """ # 12 11F\ 2 Tap centre or top & over head j Basins cen!re ortaps - undermount I\ 1 I\ LED strip ligl1t tc back of cabinet 0 00 ...,. # 15 ~-~ #116 #1 17 Check drawers around pipes IL _ 575 _ 25 -+- ....................... .............................................. c::.._- ~ 0 /2012 Signature: Print Name: ~iqor (') '• / // # 1p8 N NTP.1701 .500.1 566_0010 CuTnnc r - - - - - - -- - - ----1 930 ______________~ [I)(![ r -- -- -- -- - - -- -- 1930 • 2 "'"' T ~ / IU IIU 1111 3 Semi recesseu 1 A .;~~ Notes on elev ation '-(~ 3'!:'3'--1 - ?-!t· I ..., (') '\ ~ '. t 0 <0 l ·.· ~~ ~ .. '-- "'-i;.. r 18.3 - Date Window - . /I"- Signature: I ·- Print Name: ....................... ·············································· ·-Mz~rs ~ =-~~-= Design Drawings / ' ~, "-..,. ""'--= ~ ;r~ ~- ""'--= ~=---==- ~L # 131 --# 132 30 ~# /~ndermount basins Basins centre of taps\ ~ r\ I,I;D •tl1p 111'11 to undaaiOo 01 :lllcvlt\g cablno:~ Ef # 25 /2012 // 1\\ f=v-·T ~ ... •. 1 T .., .''l ! 945.5----t-1-,--..2"-i';,.. ··-..· _ 9~..8 ___ ---,~JI 16 I"'- Quote No:3040 Ill 1 Cfm F #126 # 127 # 128 #1 9 J5~--- eoo ___~2oo ~---- 800 _ __~ r - - -- 1260 - - -- 1260 Vanity depth to 450mm if basin will fit -----; ~ T 1 7 1.- "··~ = 01 ..,. . 0 0 1 ----J -= = -= ' 2 1260 - - -- = Notes on elevation Mirror to wall by CEC SOOIMl hlgh 600nrnwide Signature: 1250mmFFL ~· Print Name: Basin centre o f taps Undermoun basin 100mm from lo to centre or tap P 0 co '<I' 1 #143 #144 # 145 597.3 _~k .......... ············ NTP .1701.500.1754 From: Sent: To; CC! Subject : Sor ry got my daY~ Jason Vieusseax Oason.vleusseux@mi'] Thursday, 8 AiJgust20.13 9:34AM AQam (VIoore Jason Vieusseux RE-: Atfam Mobre letter of r.esignation mixed up . ... I meant tomorrow 1~ your last d;i'/ (not' toC!.aY). -----Original Mes sage-- - - From: Jason Vieusseux Sent: Thursday, 8 August 2013 9:31 AM. To: Adam Moore Subject: RE: Adam Moore letter of resignation ·r ve a.skec;l stuart Pear.sori to ~eterm:i,ne a· payout !:lased. 9h. yc;1u finish; up today. 1: om no1; sure· how you l,)eing on .leave next we~k affects t('l~t, bu.t St1u <;<m figure that out , 0 R~ JV -- -- -Or iginal Message----From: Adam Moore Sent: Tuesday, 6 Augost 2913 4:19 PM To: Jason Vieusseux; .Stuart Pearson Subject: ~dam Moore letter of resignat~on J~s.on, Please find attached my letter of resignation fpr your ~onsid~~at~ori as our discussion on Monday 5th August 2012 . My time at Mirvac has been very rewarding and I am p r oud, -of the: re.sults and· the achievements t .hat ou r team has produc.ed over t he p~st 115.' y.e.ars .Per.sonally:, r; wi.~h ,ypu the very best i n the f uture, and thank you for all your support you .nave provided over the last eighteen mont hs~ egards Adam· Moore Construction Director QLD Development & WA Mir vac Level 9, 349' Adel aide :St Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia PO Box 1.0'8 47 Acfela±de Street Brisoane QLD 4009 r +61 7 adam. moore@mirvac. com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please con.sitler the enV.ironrn_!:!n't l:ie.f ore pi"il')ting this f!niail ana attachments 914 NTP.1701.500.1753 Adam Moore Jason Further to our discussion I hereby submit my resignation as Construction Director, Development Qld effective 51h August 2013 for your consideration. My time at Mlrvac has been very rewarding and I wish you personally all the best in future ....... Yours sincerely Adam Moore 9 15 I NTP.1701.500.1567 From : Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Ben Garnsey [] Thursday, 8 August 2013 10:31 AM Revised Quote . Cornubia 3040 Plans 4.pdf; 3040 Quote. pdf; 3040 Quote l.pdf Hi Mat, Please see attached quote, plans, Designs for the robes requested by Dave. I have attached both new job total and the difference to be sent to the customer. Quote - Job total wte 1 -Customer extra amount t.;an you please forward to the customer when you can. If you have any questions please feel free to call me. Kind Regards, {tJlllfiu IV Of {fiBiflfiS .... .. : 07 5477 0018 FAX: 07 5477 1180 Mob:Shop 1/1 Sydal St Caloundra 4551 The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may coniain proprietary, busfness-ronfidential and/or privileged material. If you are not the iniendad recipient of this message you are hereby r10tiHed that any usa, revie'>'l, retransmission, dissemiina!ion, dlsfribuUon, reproduction or any action taken in reliance upon this message Js prohlblted. If you received this in eJTOr, piEiase notify the sender immediately and delete the material from any computer. ~lnY views expressed In this message are those the individual sender and may not necessarily reilect the views oi the c:ompany. or 916 z -l -u CX) T""" 'NTP.1701 ~ 0.1! {UITU1tr f---600--J I c s l 4 .;j t - - -- -- --2200 _ 1----1034.2--lr--533. 6 - t- Quote No:3040 Bu er: g2 g ~ .--- " _ __ _ _---l Ren ex 1 616.2--j ·Date f-318.5--t-- --1181.5·- - -t /2012 Signature: ....................... Print Name: ....................... .............................................. - I~IT r 4 IIII Design Drawings - ~ F== ~ Ctlm • I 1 T fl)(r( I= 0 ~ IH ~ - -! Mirror to wall 0 - r=== ~ F== #7 #3 #8 #5 #6 1----1034.2-fli.L_ 533.6 - f - -- 600-318 S!s- 1dl.2 Please note !hat all sins e.rcsubjeO: tofnatst:e and sinks and appJiancn aro not lndUded UnlcGs $p\!1Ciled t:n the q.Jotc.. #1 ~ Typical Robe ..- NTP.1701.500.1m 9_0 (UTTlf!fr fi)CJ( (fll)lf!U\ • r--------------2000 ______________~ 1'- _t:> Quote No:3040 / - 7 I ~ 0 0 t-- _1 000 k:: ... ! r-- ' -& < -, \=~·,. 9 .... 5 T 1 700 -------j I // I ~ Signature: Print NC~me: . ., ....................... ....................... Design Drawings . :2 ·,;, Please n01e lhel d .sizeS ace subJect to ~ al and sinkS end appHane.os cro no! Utlleu 1pedftcd Ql tho q.;ole, ·. '·.I ..,. .. v .., ' .. I ... . __1_ ~ J j----------------------~00----------------------~ l Master robe ;j ~' 1 - - -700 -------j . 0 N NTP.1701. 5 00.1~9_0 l-638_--t---892_ _ _,~,!.----- 909 _ -t-- -- _ 1145 _ _ ..v,:: 1120 II II ---l , ltl Quote No:3040 Buil r -.. ., -· " rr .. .• "':> - - ~ II l, .... ·.:- '<! •• Renex -~ ' ' .~_._~ . I # 17 f--610 _ 1116 ... l .--- ~ 19 -- #22 ' - - •,• #23 #21 1a_424--.lL_4.56~::JL.::::::504---L.401.5~588.5 n. 545 ---J 13T "'I, · ·16;;> 315 · 11 5 1 ··"' ~-a41'<l...--..:...JL__847 _ _ -+-_ __ ,,4s _ _ ---l 1! ... ~ . ~ill 1 - -- ... ., .. - 1145 · Signature: Print Name: ' #24 - ., . ..................... .. .............................................. ~' - ..................... .. Design Drawings Rease nolo lhot all $l.tos are subJect to #'lJj m IIII and 5lnkS Bfld epp!illnce.s #211 unless spceile<l en the ..... ~ -:_;;" ' .,. ~ 8.... ... - 8 Master robe ~ 1m - - ! 1126 /--490--!'11' ---------------- 1131 #28 ~ #32 #30 -600-+335-L_508.5 ----lL...462----:f,;381.5 - j - P ' 3!5 - : 3.5 J..._536.5 --j _:: 8!:,. 55 - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- -- - .N NTP .1701 .500. ~69_1 1----1000 _ 1-- -- 1155·----1--- 657-lir--672--j - #3:-. r ,Ill 1 (~~ II~ ' ..;; ~ -· _ -----! r # 0 ·,~ ., 'I 8.... 0 - ~ 1111 Quote No:3040 - -§ ·.. #34 #38 # 36 #39 r :... #41 #42 #43 #4.4 Signature: Print Name: ....................... Design Drawings , Plea so note thai all SlZl!s &re Sl.lblectto t nsl &lie ' '? and sinks end eppt!ences are unloss 'pecltied onlhe Master robe '( 1112 --+--866.9 _ - - r - - # 14 'I .2 ('J ('J NTP.1701.500. m39_C (UTIUiq f[)(Jf (fU3II'IfTS • Quote No:3040 Builder: Renex Site Adqress: Customer Details: Jason Ph: Mob: Signature: Print Name: ...........•........•. . ....................... ·············································· Design Drawings flea.., note U\al eJ sizes 11e siJbiect to !1\el silo measuce •M sin.'ct and uppltanees El'·~ noc InclUded 1.111loss specl:fied on the quote. (\') N NTP .170 1.500.'~9_1 (UTTU1fr (l){r[ (fi()I(1fl~ • Quote No:3040 ---------Print Name: ....................... .............................................. qN NTP.1 701.500. 1~9_0 Quote No:3040 Builder: Renex Site Address: Customer Details: Jason Ph: Mob Acceptance of Drawings Date I Signature: Print Name: 12012 ....................... ..................... .. Design Drawings Please noCe ther all sites are J1Jbjed site tnei$Uro and stnks and 8pflllat\ces are not tnduded. Unlc.n speetfled on the c:potc. NTP.1701.500.1570 (UJTIJ1C fDCf (flf>Ir11LTS 1/1 sYdal S~ Caloundm, Qld, 4551 P : 07 6477 0018 F: 07 54771180 To: Renex Jason Davies Quote: 3040 Date: 6/08/2013 We are pleased to submit our quotation for the supply and lnstalatlon ofthe joinery for your project. The quotation is based on the specifications as detailed below. Kitchen & Pantry & Walk Through: $ Doors & Drawers style lite Arctic gloss Kick races Brushed Steel Laminate Handles C79 160 & 296 ·Sized to suit Hardware Blum Tandem box Softclose drawer runners and. Blum Softclose hinges with lilins as per plan Bench tops Essa Stone New Crystal Salt with waterfall ends Bulkheads Raw MDF Painted by others square set $ Laundry: Stylelite Graphite Gloss Doors & Panels Brushed Steel Laminate ..rg~t f?~~~ .·J·iandles C79160mm Hardware Blum Soflclose hinges Essa stone Carbon 20mm Bench tops Ensuite: Doors & Drawers Kick faces Handles Hardware Bench tops Style lite Arcl!c gloss Wall mounted Push to open tipon & finger pull Blum Meta box drawer runners and Blum Softclose hinges Bianco Venato 20mm Bathroom: Doors & Drawers Kick faces Handles Hardware Bench tops Stylelite Silver gloss- M irrors to overheads Wall mounted Push to open tipon & finger pull Blum meta box drawers and Blum Softcfose hinges Quantum Quartz White Swirl 20mm Bed 3,5 Ensuite: Doors & Drawers Kick faces Handles · Hardware Bench tops Style lite Graphite g loss- Mirrors to overheads Wall mounted Push to open Upon & finger puff Blum metabox drawers and Blum Softclose hinges Quantum Quartz White Swirl 20mm Bed 2 Ensuite: Drawers & Panels Kk:k faces Handles Hardware Bench lops Styfefite Arctic gloss Walt moun!"'ct Push to open tipon Blum metabox drawers Wessa Stone t;~ew Crystal Salt 20mm BBQ: Doors & Drawers Kick faces Handles Hardware Bench tops Design Design Bins Style lite Graphite Gloss Brushed Steel Laminate laid on Nycelf C79160 Blum Meta box Softclose drawer runners and Blum Sofclose hinges Essa Slone Carbon All carcass and kicks in waterproof Nyceff- Doors & drawers in water resistant :Stylelite Vents to doors of BBQ cabinet Blum tandembox bins 2x17L 25267.10 1 406.05 $ 5 427.05 $ 2884.54 $ 3 700.03 $ 1 612.45 $ 7 652.95 NTP.1701.500.1570~0001 Powder Ro om: Drawers & Panels Kick faces Handles Hardware Bench lops Bed4Robe: Drawers & Panels Kick faces Handles Hardware laminex Wlite melamine Board with 1mm edge Brushed Steel laminate · C79160 Blum metabox drawers Master Robe: Drawers & Panels Kick faces Handles Hardware Laminex Wlite melamine Board with 1mm edge Brushed Steel laminate C79160 Blum metabox drawers Typical Robe: Drawers & Panels Kick faces Handles Hardware Cost per room laminex Wlite melamine Board with 1mm edge Brushed Steel Laminate C79160 Blum metabox drawers ~·· _, LED Lighting: TERMS: $ 955.59 $ 2126.53 $ 8 684.15 $ 1 552.49 Stylelite Sliver gloss Wall mounted Push to open lipan Blum metabox drawers Wessa Stone New Crystal Salt 20mm ... '\- ·;f. ~-.: . '(.' .; As marked on pian - Drivers, Aluminium Extrusion & LED Ribbon supplied - f:lectrician to conneGt Sub-Total: _$;-._..::6:::,.1.:;::32:;::8;.::.9~4; G.S.T: ....:$:-~:-:':6-:1-732~.89~ Total: =$'===6..,7.,;4:.;;.6.;.; 1•..., 83'= 1 Quotation valid for 30 days from date of quotation. 2 Prices are subject to change pending the outcome of a final site check measure. 3 Price includes delivery and cabinet installation but not the supply of sinks, bowls or appliances unless specifically stated. 4 All stone benchtops are arrls finish unless otherwise specified 5 Projects containing glass splashbacks will be Invoiced on the date of glass mE!asure If you have any questions about Cuttin_g Edge Cabinet or this quotation, please contact me on the offi•::e number or on my mobile. Mob:· · · Yours sincerely Ben Garnsey 926 I NTP. 1701.500.1571 ( UTTII1C fDCf ( flf>Ir11fTS 1/1 Sydal S~ Caloundra, Qld, 4551 .~~.,.!:\ P : 07 6471 0018 CLtt P \ b o ve" F:07 5477 1180 To: Ren ex Quote: 3040 Date: 6/08/2013 We are pleased to submit our quotation for the supply and instalation of the joinery for your project. The quotation is based on the specifications as detailed below. $ Kitch en & PantJy & Wa lk Through: Doors & Drawers Style lite Arctic gloss Kick faces Brushed Steel l aminate Handles C79 160 & 296 -Sized to suit Hardware Blum Tandembox Softclose drawer runners and Blum Softclose hinges with lbins as per plan Bench tops Essa Stone New Crystal Salt with waterfall ends Bulkheads Raw MDF Painted by others square set l aundry: $ Doors & Panels Stylellte Graphite Gloss Kick faces Brushed Steel laminate C79160mm Handles Blum Sottclose hinges Hardware Essa Stone Carbon 20mm Bench tops Ensuite: Doors & Drawers Kick races Handles Hardware Bench tops Stylelite Arctic gloss Wall mounted Push to open tipon & finger pull Blum Me!abox drawer runners and Blum Softclose hinges Bianco Venato 2Dmm Bathroom: . Doors & Drawers Kick races Handles Hardware Bench tops Style lite Silver gloss- Mirrors to overheads Wall mounted Push to open tipon & finger pull Blum metabox drawers and Blum Softclose hinges Quantum Quartz IMllte Swirl20mm Bed 3,5 En suite: Doors & Drawers Kick races Handles Hardware Bench tops Style lite Graphite gloss- Mirrors to overheads Wall mounted Push to open tipon & finger pull Blum metabox drawers and Blum Softclose hinges Quantum Quartz IMlite Swirl20mm Bed 2 Ensu ite: Drawers & Panels Kick faces Handles Hardware Bench tops Stylelite Arctic gloss Wai1111ount<:d Push to open tipon Blum metabox drawers Wessa Stone New Crystal Salt 20mm BBQ: Doors & Drawers Kick races Handles Hardware Bench tops Design Design Bins Stylelite Graphite Gloss Brushed Steel Laminate laid on Nycell C79160 Blum Metabox Softclose drawer runners and Blum Sofclose hinges Essa Stone Carbon All carcass and kicks in waterproof Nycell- Doors & drawers in water resistant .Stylelite Vents to doors of BBQ cabinet Blum tandem box bins 2x17l 9 717.00 285.64 $ 3 134.10 $ 1 957.76 $ 3069.86 $ 994.59 $ 2722.64 927 NTP.1701.500.1571_0001 Powder Room: Drawers & Panels Kick faces Handles Hardware Bench tops Stylelite Silver gloss Wall mounted Push to open Upon Blum metabox drawers Wessa Stone New Crystal Salt 20mm Bed4 Robe: Drawers & Panels Kick faces Handles Hardware Laminex White melamine Board with 1mm edge Brushed Steel laminate C79160 Blum metabox drawers Master Robe: Drawers & Panels Klck faces Handles Hardware Laminex White melamine Board with 1mm edge Brushed Steel laminate C79160 Blum metabox drawers Typical Robe: Drawers & Panels Kick faces Handles Hardware Cost per r oom Laminex White melamine Board with 1mm edge Brushed Steel Laminate C79 160 Blum metabox drawers LED Lighting: TERMS: $ 955.59 2126.53 $ 8 684.15 $ 1 552.49 As marked on plan - Drivers, Aluminium Extruslon & LED Ribbon supplied - Electrician to connect Sub-Total: _$=---=3=-5~20::-;0;..:..3~5= G.S.T: -'$:----::-:=3-::5~20~.04'- =Total: ...;$..,__.;.38;;..;.;72;.;0;.;..3;;,;9;,., 1 Quotation valid for 30 days from date of quotation. 2 Prices are subject to change pending the outcome of a final site check measure. 3 Price includes delivery and cabinet installation but not the supply of sinks, bowls or appliances unless specifically stated. 4 All stone benchtops are arris finish unless otherwise specified 5 Projects containing glass splasJibacks will be invoiced on the date of glass mE:asure If you have any questions about Cutting Edge Cabinet orthis quotation, please contact me on the office number or on my mobile. Mob: Yours sincerely Ben Garnsey 928 NTP. 1701.500.1572 From: Sent: To: Subject: Mat McAllum [] Thursday, 8 August 2013 11:14 AM Jenny Hanna; Daave Hanna Costs for robes Jenny I Dave, Option cost below tor robes as discussed with BenMast er Ro be:$ 8 684.15 Drawers & Panels Laminex White melamine Board with 1mm edge Kick faces Brushed Steel Laminate Handles C79 160 Hardware Blum metabox drawers ( Ty pical Robe: Cost per room$ 1 552.49 Drawers & Panels Laminex White melamine Board with 1mm edge Kick faces Brushed Steel Laminate Handles C79160 Lfardware Blum metabox drawers Let me know if any questions Regards Mat 929 NTP.1701 .500.1573 From: Sent: To: Subject: - Mat McAllum [] Thursday, 8 August 2013 4:51 PM Jenny Hanna; Daave Hanna Drawings for robes ---· ------~--------·-·-- --~--·........-------~--. A fife has been sent to you via the YouSendlt File Delivery Service. Download the file - 3040 Plans 4.pdf Your file will expire after 7 days or 100 downloads. Jenny I Dave, Please find attached drawings for robes. ( Regards Jlat 930 t I NTP.1663.901.0004_00 04 .Tax Invoice t 1. Date ., ~10812013 POBOX1279 STAFFORD QLD 4053 Tax Invoice# 110?25 ABN: 99 01 0 942 462 PHI: 07 3856 4415 Ship To Tax Invoice To .... Tilecorp Pry LTd Cl· A.13S Transport Tilecorp Pty ltd 113 Bukulla Street Waco! Qid 4076 95 lndu~ia! Ave WAOOL TREVOR: 0419 806 358 (Y\ \ )\\ C) . I \. Description - .. ·- ...,. ............. do.-cx~959t(Cha;cQiJ l>oliSii~C!i "6tJ076a·o nii Delivery (N.B. Ground lioor unload only) R. C9GP0-105 Polished (Grigio)'295/595 m2 .. ·- -·· .....· - Dl~.tCT DEPOSIT _,. P.O. No. TeiTTis Delivery Date Dayid: PAD2 30 DaysEOM 9/0812013 Rate Amounl Unlf Qty 64.8 ; qm 4 !00.44 sqm 25.00 .35.00 32:00 l,62o:oo l40.Q0 3,214.08 Subtotal $4.974.08 Tax Total !;497.41 Bani': .ANZ Na nte: CHADLAND PTY LTD T/a TILE CITY Remitta nce: Fax 073,856 ~Oi9 Email: trudy@tilecity.corn.att TOTAl fiNCl ~ST) • $5,47,1.49 ', 930-1 SEI.017.001.0034 '~\';GROUP PURCHASE ORDER VALUE ADDED ENGINEEF?li')IG Date: Order No: VAE Group Pty Ltd PO Box2648 FORTITUDE VALLEY BC QLD 4006 AUSTRALIA . . P: +61 7 3161 9632 w.WI. 13-AUG-13 10001852 Purchase order numbers are to· be quoted on all inVoices or payment will not be authorised. ABN 48 080 489 756 Arcfick: AU29520 QBSA- 12072!l2 Supplier GRAY BROS AIR CONDITIONING POBOX3253 SUNNYBANK SOUTH QLD 41 09 Deliver To: VAE Group Suile2 236 Arthur Street N~wstead Qld 4006 Account No: · Ph:ey1 0732767674 Fax: 61 0732767Q99 .,_ Authorised Officer Total Na·me: BEN GETLEY GST 1,136.50 Total (Inc G This Purchase order is issued In accordance with our standard purchase order Terms & Conditions which are available on our website www.vaegroup.comau: No Variations to this cider apply unless lt has been approved in writing by the VAE Group or one of its·subsidiary Companies. 931 NTP.1 701.500.1578 From: Sent: To: Subj ect: Ben Gamsey [ben@c uttingedgecabine] Monday, 12 August 2013 11:01 AM 'Mat McAllum' Cornubla Hi Mat, How are we going with the Cornubia job? Am I right to send Tim down for a final site measure? Kind Regards, (UIJIJ1(j tvuf (iJBII1fJ~ PH: 07 5477 0018 FAX: 07 54771180 Mob: Shop 1/ 1 Sydal St Caloundra 4551 The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which It ls addressed and may contain p>ropriat<Jry, business-confidential 'ld/or privileged material. •ou are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any use, review, retransmission, dissemination, distribution, .production or any action taken In renance upon this message is prohibited. If you received this in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete ihe material from any computer. f ,ny views expressed in this message are those of the indMdual sender and may not necessarily reflect the vietws of the company. I i r 932 ' I ' ' ,. -: r - .- ;f"' -- ' ,., z -l :u -..J ~33 0 0 NTP.1701.500.1580 From: Sent: To: Subject: Mat McAllum [] Thursday, 15 August 2013 8:17AM FW: Bradnams screen quote for - Attachments: 491441.pdf David, Revised price for screens. Regards Mat From: [] Sent: Friday, 2 August 2013 10:39 AM ro: Mat McAllum ~ubject: Bradnams screen quote for Gramzow Rd Regards Suzann S uzann Tomlinson Inte rnal Sales AUTO DESK REVlT. 934 -. ~ . NTP.1701.500.1582 136 Zillmere Road Boondall QLD 4034 Phone: 07 3131 3777 Fax: 07 3131 3888 ABN 78 010 409 819 PTY LID Web: /{~ -Bradnam·s ::51r ·windows &doors l • TO: 900010 -- QUOTE No:·-491441 il/ll/11111/llllllllfi/IIIIII/U/ IIIIIII/ Sales Contact: Adam Byrne. DAVIDHANNA ADDRESS: CONTACT: PHONE: MOBILE: FAX: DAVID Suzann Tomlit:1son ORIGINAL Supervisor: Entry Date: Map Reference: DELIVERY ADDRESS: - Sl S upp1yand InstaII Building Type: Housing Aluminium: "lilver Gloss DAVID- 02-08-2013 2441H9 DAVID HANNJ!\ -- Water: Serviceability: 1000pa 150pa Reveals: Glass Colour: C116- Pine Finger Jointed Primed, Clear Size: 116 All ••.• 1dows and/or doors viewed from the outside The below sizes a(ealuminium frame sizes only Jl details are meant to be read from Left to Right In relation to the diagram, with only differences displayed. ,. . Ultimate: 1500 ~a - .tem:1 ESS DOUBLE HUNG STL VIEW ,, t Quantity: 1 Location: Size: Frame: Handing: Screen: Product Weight approx: ; ~ .> v I LOUNGE (H)2100 mmx(W) 610 mm 52mm D Stainless 'View 7kg .::!> . ·' ~ { I ESS DOUBLE HUNG STL VIEW ltem:2 - ' I ' J ' I I .' •' .. i -~ ·:-: .:: > 'V ~ ~ ~ ; ,, f ; / I I ,, v Quantity: 1 Location: Size: Frame: Handing: Screen: Product Weight approx: LOUNGE (H)2100 mm x{W)-1810 mm 52mm ODD Stainless View 19kg ~ .' ·'' t) : ! ' i I Enlered By: suloml Quole No: 491441 E&O.E. Page 1/ 5 2/08/2013 10:33:51 AM 936 NTP.1701 .500.1 582_0001 4/'G> Bradnam"s y~ windows 6 doors f / . ABN 78 010 409 819 PlY LTD 136 Zillmere Road Boondall OLD 4034 Phone: 07 3131 3n7 Fax: 07 3131 3888 QUOTE No: 491441 Vfeb: IIIIIII 111111111111111111111111111111111 Item: 3 ESS DOUBLE HUNG STL VIEW Quantity: 2 Location: Size: Frame: Handing: Screen: Product Weight approx: ., ~ i 'V' BED1 (H) 2100 mm x (W} 610 mm 52mm D Stainless View 7kg .0. J: ;~ -··' - Item: 4 ESS SLIDING DOOR STL VIEW I I ! l ,;· . ,! I' .'I I ,'1 I ,.i .,,o; ,,.: , .. {,; ..~·' :,' " i. ...." - ---- .• Location: Size: Frame: Handing: Screen: Lock Type: Comments: Product Weight approx: . -···--· --··- """"" ...... /.'/ ltem:6 Quantity: 1 ! I ~ I· '•' I .. "... _:.: ,. POWDER (H) 900 rilm x (W} 61 omm 52mm D Stainless View 3kg Quantity: 1 ESS SLIDING DOOR STL VIEW ..., < ··-- Localion: Size: Frame: Handing: Screen: Product Weight approx: Jl / / BED1 (H) 2400 mm x (W) 2984 mm BOmm FSSF Stainless View Triple Lock- Screen I Black **STANDARD SIZE** 28kg i ESS DOUBLE HUNG STL VIEW ltem:5 ' ' r;'··· 1: : ! ,· Quantity: 1 Location: Size: Frame: Handing: Screen: Loci<Type: Procluci Weigh: appiO;;: BED2 (H)2100 mm x (W) 1810 mm SOmm FS Stainless View Triple Lock- Screen I Black 14!~g :! I .. - Entered By: sutoml Quote No: 491441 E &O.E. Page2/5 2/08/2013 10:33:51 AM 937 ' NTP.1701 .500.1582_0002 /-(0 Bradnams -~ windows& doors r ~~-- ABN 78 010 409 819 PTY LTD 136 Zillmere Road Boondall QLD 4034 Phone: 0731313777 Fax: 07 3131 3888 Web: QUOTE No: 491441 IIIII llllllllll l/1/llllllllllllll 1111111 ltem: 7 ESS SLIDING DOOR STL VIEW ' ! ,, ,-' .... ri:· .,~ · ,· ' ~ 'J I, "·,, Quantity: 1 Location : Size: Frame: Handing: Screen: Lock Type: Product Weight approx: BED3 (H) 2100 mm x (W) 1810 mm BOmm SF Stainless View Triple Lock- Screen I Black 14kg ,. ! -· - Item: a ESS SLIDING DOOR STL VIEW v- - . . .. / I ~ ~: ;, _._ ! Item: 9 ,,; / ' .,'.t~ Quanlity: 1 Location: Size: Frame: Handing: Screen: Lock Type: Product Weight approx: I ' .... I I ~ / I /Z Quantity: 1 Location: Size: Frame: Handing: Screen: Product Weight approx: Location : Size: I .,' I } ' Frame: Handing: Screen: Product Weight approx: .-· v LAUNDRY (H) soo mm x (W) 910 mm 52mm SF Stainless Vlew 3kg Quantity: 2 ESS DOUBLE HUNG STL VIEW Item : 10 BOmm FS View Triple Lock- Screen 1Black 14kg .-. ESS SLIDING WINDOW STL VIEW I GUEST (H)2100 mm x(W) 1810 mm BED4 (H) 2100 mm x (W) 610 mm 52mm D Stainless View 7kg ; ~. I i ·' t ' I Entered By: sutoml Quote No: 491441 E & O.E. Page 3/ 5 2/0812013 10:33:51 AM 938 I I NTP. 1701 .500.1582_0003 136 Zillmere Road Boondall OLD 4034 Phone: 07 3131 3777 Fax: 07 3131 3888 Web: www.bradnam ABN 78 010 409 819 PTY LTD .-/~::;\ Bradnanis .~ windows I doors l ,<Y Item: 11 / l QUOTE No: 491441 IIIIII/IIIII /llf/11111 IIIIIf/11111111111 ESS DOUBLE HUNG STL VIEW Quantity:2 Location: Size: Frame: Handing: Screen: Product Weight approx: / BATH (H) 1500 mm x (W) 450 mm 52mm D Stainless View 4kg .! if.• -l I Item: 12 ESS SLIDING WINDOW STL VIEW Item: 13 Quantity: 1 Location: Size: Frame: Handing: Screen: Product Weight approx: SIG lOWAE'STL VlEW Quailii:Y: 4 location : Size: Frame: Handing: Vertical Break Polnt(s): Screen: Product Weight approx: Item: 14 DOOR ACTUAL SIZE STL VIEW ESS SLIDING DOOR STL VIEW Location: . Size: Frame: Direction: Handing: Screen: Lock Type: Product Weight approx: ATTENTION: Item: 16 Description: Entered By: sutoml LOY (H) 2100 mm x (W) 900 mm Ll Triple Lock- Screen #MEASURE REQUIRED# 12kg Quantity: 1 DINE (H) 2400 mm x (W) 6970 mm 140mm 90 Degree External Corner Stacker FSS-SSF 90E Stainless View Triple Lock- Screen 1 Black 75kg This product cannot be screened by Bradnams Quantity: 1 INSTALLATION OF SCREENS Quote No: 491441 ENS (H) 450 mm x (W) 600 mm 125mm L1B 165 Stainless View 2kg Quantity: 1 Location: Size: Handing: Door Lock: Comments: Product Weight approx: Item: 15 OFACE (H) 450 mm x (W) 301 omm 52mm FSSF Stainless VIew 4kg E&O.E. INSTALLATION OF SCREENS Page 4/5 2/08/2013 10:33:51 AM 939 NTP.1701.500.1582_0004 _. /.. \ -c·"\~ >'·1~?) -~ f ·"' · .s a·~dnam Ill windows& doors ABN 7a 010 409 819 PTY LTD 136 Zillmere Road QUOTE No: 491441 Boondall QLD 4034 Phone: 0731313m Fax: o1 3131 3888 Web: /.llll/11/lll/llll/lllll/ll/ IIIII Ill/ /Ill ## MEASURE REQUIRED FOR LOY HINGED DOOR## Full payment required up front Total price for supply $9,710.45 GST $971.05 TOTAL $10,681.50 NOTE: BEFORE YOU SIGN This quote remains valid for 30 days from entry date 1/We certify that all information above is fully understood and accepted as being correct Y • ~ceptance (sign) Date: I 1rlse Bradnam's Windows & Doors to proceed with the above job In accordance with Bradnam's Standard Terms and cL......!ions of Sale 'lfease note any payments made Visa or Mastercard will incur a .2'lk bank fee Entered By: sutoml Quote No: 491441 E&O.E. Page 5/5 2/0812013 10:33:51 AM 940 NTP.1701.500.1583 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: David Mullan] Thursday, 15 August 2013 12:19 PM Mat McAllum Pads 2 Are we doing the epoxy grout? This was an extra over cost Regards David Mullan Tilecorp Pty Ltd :113 Bukulla Street, Wacol. Qld 4076 1:5 ~ : 07 3271 5655 : 07 3271 5678 'if :~ 1ii .81 : ..:;; \ .. , ~·"' 941 NTP.1701.500.1584 From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Dan Greenland [] Thursday, 15 August 2013 5:35 PM Mat McAllum Updated pad costs Pad-V016-Q3350.pdf; Pad-V017-Q3351.pdf; Pad rl.xlsx; JobNo2062.pdf Regards, Dan Greenland ~ v..., "K'LENNER MURPIIY ••• I • • •I 1 r I KME SERVICES t. ~ •• . ·' 942 NTP.1701 .500.1585 (7;~NER ABN 53 082 907122 MURPHY Phone: 07 3299 4322 Unit 2016 Maunder Street Fax: 07 3299 4622 Email: Slacks Creek, Brisbane QJd 4127 PO Box 2066 Springwood, Brisbane QJd 4127 VWWV: elec trical pty ltd CUSTOMER QUOTATION NO. 3350 Mat Mcallum MIRVAC CONSTRUCTIONS (QLD) Pty Ltd PO Box 10047 Brisbane QLD 4000 Phone Fax Salesperson Date Location Address 3859 5888 3010 1600 Dan Greenland 15-08-2013 Orion Pad Sites Stage 2 1 Main Street Springfield QLD 4300 ascription -Additional 6x 20 amp power circuits. - Additional3 phase roller door supply. -Additional exit light. - Increase switchboard capacity to maintain spare capacity ratio. Summary V016 - BCF layout changes ..• Sub-Total GST Total $6938.65 $6938.65 $693.87 $7632.52 943 NTP.1701.500.1585_0001 <:~NER ABN 53 082 907 122 Phone: 07 3299 4322 07 3299 4622 Fax: MURPHY e lectrical pty ltd Unit 20 /6 Maunder Street Slacks Creek, Brisbane Qld 4127 Email: PO Box 2066 VWVI/V: Springwood, Brisb_ane Qld 4127 CUSTOMER QUOTATION NO. 3350 Mat Mcallum MIRVAC CONSTRUCTIONS (OLD) Pty Ltd PO Box 10047 Brisbane QLD 4000 Phone Fax Salesperson Date Location Address 3859 5888 3010 1600 Dan Greenland 15-08-2013 Orion Pad Sites Stage 2 1 Main Street Springfield OLD 4300 V016 - BCF layout changes Items . IP56 20 Amp 1 Phase Isolator C/W 30 Meters 4mm T&E lP56 20 Amp 3 Phase Isolator C/W 30 Meters 4mm 4C + E Lighting point em box, 8 met 25mm conduit & 1Omet 2.5mm T&E Exit light Switchboard expansion · ·' - :,N ", mise Day Rate .. Quantity 6 1 1 1 1 •" . -· · Section Sub-Total (ex GST) Quote valid for 30 days Thank you n ...... ...,.., /.., 1 $6938.65 NTP.1701 .500.1586 ~ -- ABN 53 082 907 122 ~=NNER Unit 20 / 6 Maunder Street Slacks Creek, Brisbane Qld 4127 PO Box2066 Springwood, Brisbane Qld 4127 Phone: 07 3299 4322 Fax: 07 3299 4622 Email: \IIJVINV: MURPHY electrical pty ltd CUSTOMER QUOTATION NO. 3351 Mat Mcallum MIRVAC CONSTRUCTIONS (QLD) Pty Ltd PO Box 10047 Brisbane QLD 4000 Phone Fax Salesperson Date Location Address 3859 5888 3010 1600 Dan Greenland 15-08-2013 Orion Pad Sites Stage 2 1 Main Street Springfield QLD 4300 escription -Additional 4x L2 extemallight fittings. -Additional 2x power circuits for water coolers. - Additional light switch for cleaners store. - Additional F2 for cleaners store. - Additional hot water unit supply. • V017 - .. • 4 Summary ___. Commun ity~_rv ices changes . "' Sub-Total GST Total $5504.42 $5504.42 $550.44 $6054.86 945 NTP.1701.500.1586_0 001 ,., ABN 53 082 907 122 '~NER MURPHY elect rical pty ltd Phone: 07 3299 4322 07 3299 4622 Fax: Email: WWW: Unit 20 / 6 Maunder Street Slacks Creek, Brisbane Qld 4127 PO Box 2066 Springwood, Brisbane Qld 41 27 CUSTOMER QUOTATION NO. 3351 Mat Mcallum MIRVAC CONSTRUCTIONS (QLD) Pty Ltd PO Box 10047 Brisbane QLD 4000 Phone Fax Salesperson Date Location Address 3859 5888 3010 1600 Dan Greenland 15-08-2013 Orion Pad Sites Stage 2 1 Main street Springfield QLD 4300 V017 -Community services changes Items IP56 20 Amp 1 Phase Isolator C/W 30 Meters 4mm T&E Switch point CMJ 1Omet 2.5mm T&E Lighting point C/W box, 8 met 25mm conduit & 1Omet 2.5mm T&E 4x L2 light fittings 1X F2 fitting ' Mise Day Rate -- .... - ~ - .. Section Sub-Total (ex GST) Quantity 3 1 5 1 1 1 $5504.42 Quote valid for 30 days Thank you 946 o-.,..o ? /? NTP.1701.500.1587 Client Entertainment Expenses Job Section 3 19-V2 20-V3 21-V4 22-V5 23 24-V6 25-V7 26-V8 27-V9 28-V10 29-V11 30-V12 31-V13 32-V14 33-V15 34-V16 35-V17 Item Night for Janice Night for Janice Sharks night Mat's joint Cornubia #1 Lap top & screens Mirvac Lions game Origin Jerseys Origin tables Origin tables Origin tables Origin tables Cornubia #2 Cornubia #2 Cornubia #2 Cornubia #2 Cornubia #2 Cornubia #2 Cornubia fixtures Cornubia fixtures Pad Site S2 Item cost $ 10,000.00 $ 10,700.00 $ 850.00 $ 3,800.00 $ 7,865.00 $ 4,070.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 600.00 KME Cost $ 10,141.00 $ 28,470.00 $ 388.12 $ 636.02 $ 2,028.88 $ 3,324.79 $ 1,823.71 $ 2,988.56 $ 2,188.91 $ 3,587.03 $ 304.81 $ 499.50 $ 1,130.57 $ 1,852.70 $ 2,500.00 $ 4,438.65 $ 2,500.00 $ 3,004.42 $ 82,720.00 $ 30,472.67 $ 113,192.67 Approved $ 10,000.00 $ 9,200.00 $ 9,555.00 $ 8,465.00 $ 4,070.00 $ 4,100.00 $ 9,678.00 $ 8,118.00 $ 7,626.00 $ 9,184.00 $ 1,024.14 $ 5,353.67 $ 4,812.27 $ 5,775.94 $ 804.31 $ 2,983.27 $ 6,938.65 $ 5,504.42 $ 113,192.67 Percentage calculator for Cornubia #2 $ 12,888.60 $ 7,865.00 0.610229195 Check: $ 7,865.00 Notes / reminders Darryl Gabagas - Security & GPOs etc Cornubia claim #2 Cornubia lighting fixtures 947 NTP.1 701 .500.1588 ~ ~~NER ABN 53 082 907122 Phone: 07 3299 4322 Fax: 07 3299 4622 Email: MURPHY VWW.J: elecl rlcal pty ftd Unit 20 / 6 Maunder Street Slacks Creek, Brisbane Qld 4127 PO Box 2066 Springwood, Brisbane Qld 4127 CUSTOMER JOB NO. 2062 Natalie Croghan MIRVAC CONSTRUCTIONS (QLD) Pty Ltd PO Box 10047 Brisbane QLD 4000 Phone Fax Salesperson Date Order No. Location Address 3859 5888 3010 1600 Dan Greenland 08-04-2013 STAGE/9005 Orion Pad Sites Stage 2 1 Main Street Springfield OLD 43qo Summary 1. Design & documentation I $5500.00 I $511 5.00 I $1 0000.00 I I $31813.16 $-181 3.16 I $30932.39 I $33068.79 I $121678.00 I $7069.66 I $35615.90 I $9317.31 I $66297.06 I $15050.52 I $66640.73 I $1045.00 I $1100.00 I $3278.00 I $16496.20 2. Temporary power works 3. Early works 4. Preliminaries & EBA expenses ..., ' 5. Excavation, underground conduits & pits 6. Infrastructure light & power 7. Sub Mains 8. Communications lead-ins & terminations New main switchboard & metering 10. Hogs breath tenancy works 11 . Pet Bam tenancy works 12. A-Mart tenancy works 13. BCF tenancy works 14. Operation & maintenance manuals 15. 12 month defects & liability period 16. Hogs Breath toilet 17.8 Existing pole upgrades & 15 wall flood lights 948 NTP.1701.500.1588_0001 ABN 53 082 907 122 Unit 20 I 6 Maunder Street Slacks Creek, Brisbane Qfd 4127 PO Box 2066 Springwood, Brisbane Qld 4127 Phone: 07 3299 4322 Fax: NER 07 3299 4622 Email: WNVV: MURPH\' eleccrlcal pty ltd CUSTOMER JOB NO. 2062 Natalie Croghan MIRVAC CONSTRUCTIONS (QLD) Pty Ltd PO Box 10047 Brisbane QLD 4000 Phone Fax Salesperson Date Order No. Location Address 3859 5888 3010 1600 Dan Greenland 08-04-2013 STAGE/9005 Orion Pad Sites Stage 2 1 Main Street Springfield QLD 4300 18. V001 - CCTV stage 2 I $50628.00 I I $10700.00 $-1500.00 I I $1 0991 .00 i $-1436.00 I .. $8465.00 I $4070.00 I $41 00.00 I $9678.00 I $81 18.00 I $7626.00 I $91 84.00 I $1024.14 I $5353.67 19. V002 -Additional Temp Services 20. V003 - LED down lights to shop front awnings ':: .. 21 . V004 - Community services changi?.S . 22. V005 - Design changes 23. Replace cables cut after install - ·' - 24. V006 - Tenancy 1 switchboard and mechanical s ervices upgrades 25. V007- Tenancy 2 switchboard and mechanical services upgrades i. V008- Tenancy 3 switchboard and mechanical services upgrades 27. V009- Tenancy 4 switchboard and mechanical services upgrades 28. V010 - Additional exit light to HBC outdoor dining area 29. V011 -Change emergency lights to Stanalite fittings 30. V012- Additional light and power to showcase (BCF) 31. V013 -Additional emergency lights to Amart - compliant with A mart control drawings 32. V014- Provide power to Amartfor Zip water unit I $4812.27 I $5775.94 -- J $804.31 33. V015 - Sl#4 Roof Temp 08 I . $2983.27 I $6938.65 34. V016- BCF layout changes 7 949 II I NTP.1 701.500.1588_0002 ABN 53 082 907 122 Unit 20/6 Maunder Street Slacks Creek, Brisbane QJd 4127 Phone: 07 3299 432 2 Fax: 07 3299 4622 Email: WVINV: W\W/ MURPHY electrlcaJ pty ltd PO Box2066 Springwood, Brisbane Old 4127 CUSTOMER JOB NO. 2062 Natalie Croghan MIRVAC CONSTRUCTIONS (QLD) Pty Ltd PO Box 10047 Brisbane QLD 4000 1 J5. Phone Fax Salesperson Date Order No. Location Address 3859 5888 3010 1600 Dan Greenland 08-04-2013 STAGE/9005 Orion Pad Sites Stage 2 1 Main Street Springfield QLD 4300 V017- Community services changes I Sub-Total GST Total $5504.42 $612025.23 $61202.52 $673227.75 Thank you, 950 n--- "='I? NTP.1701.500.1589 From : Sent: To: Subject: Mat McAllum [] Thursday, 15 August 2013 8:41PM David Mullan; Natalie Croghan RE: Pads 2 David, Yes mate. Regards Mat From: David Mullan [ Sent: Thursday, 15 August 2013 12:19 PM To: Natalie Croghan Cc: Mat McAllum .iubject: Pads 2 Are we doing t he epoxy grout? This was an extra over cost Regards David Mullan Tilecorp Pty Ltd e:\ : i 13 Bukulla Str<;at, Waco!. Qld 4076 'if ·- - v : 07 3271 5655 ~ : 07 3271 5678 ~ : JV!! 951 NTP.1701.500.1590 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Peter Baldwin [peter.baldwin@mirvac.coin] Friday, 16 August 2013 7:41AM Mat McAllum Marco Sedano FW: BCF- Proposed Tiles for approval Mat, TIIecorp are supposed to be starting BCF monday. and back to Petbarn is t here st:ill no ceiling in the Facility room as the wall sheeting·rs called up as 2.7 high. regards ~--mrrvac Peter Baldwin Foreman Apartments & Commercial Development Please consider the environment before printing em ans and attachments From: Mat McAllum Sent: Tuesday, 13 August 2013 1:55PM To: Mieha~l Croker Cc: Daryl Gabagas; David Sipinkoski; Marco Bedano; Peter Baldwin; Natalie Croghan Subject: RE: BCF - Proposed Tiles for approval Michael, . .. ; . ~' We urgently require this information should you want to hand over this tenancy earfy. · Regards ~at .~-·- · ... ·-- . - ...... . -~·-~· .. .. From: Mat McAllum Sent: Tuesday, 6 August 2013 2:26 PM To: Michael Croker Cc: Daryl Gabagas; David Sipinkoski; Marco Sedano; Peter Baldwin; Natalie Croghan Subject: BCF- Proposed Tiles for approval Michael, Can you .Please forward the attached picture to BCF of the proposed tiles to the unisex, security, staff and O ffice for ··,eir approval. 'lfer to attached drawing A 1661 (03) for extent oftiling. .oar tile- 300mm x 300mm charcoal (textured surface) Skirting tile- 300mm x 100mm charcoal (same as f loor tile) Splashback-150mm x 150mm white gloss ceramic Could you also have BCF confirm the colours for the staff room cabinets including details: Require response by COB Friday 9 111 August 2013 Regards ·-- . (lrV<:lG m Mat McAllum Project Manager Development Level 9, 340 Adelaide St Brisbane OLD 4000 Australia PO Box 10047 Adelaide StreeiBris:bane OLD 4000 Please consider the environment before printing emaiis and attachments 952 NTP.1701 .500.1592 From: Se nt: To: Subject: David Hanna Friday, 16 August 2013 8:37AM Mat McAllum Hi Mat Can they also price the back comer door On 15/08/2013, at 8: 17AM, Mat McAllum < > wrote: David, Revised price for screens. Regards Mat · ·- From: [] sent: Friday, 2 August 2013 10:39 AM To: Mat McAllum Subject: Bradnams screen quote for Gramzow Rd Regards Suzann Suzann Tomlinson <iLutrgeOO l.gif.> lntemalSa!es 953 NTP. 1701.500.1593 From: Mat McAllum [] Saturday, 17 August 2013 2:16PM Peter Baldwin; Glen Wadsworth Marco Sedano RE: BCF - Proposed Tiles for approval Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Peter, No ceiling to facility room. All wall linings whether on stud or concrete are to go to the roof. This was made clear to all. Regards . Mat From: Peter Baldwin Sent: Friday, 16 August 2013 7:41AM To: Mat McAllum .:c: Marco Sedano Subject: FW: BCF- Proposed Tiles for approval Mat, Trlecorp are supposed to be starting BCF monday. and back to Petbarn is there still no ceiling in the Facility room as the wall sheeting is called up as 2.7 high. regards t~ m1rvac Peter Baldwin Foreman Apartments & Commercial Development Please consider the environment before printing emails and attachments "=rom : Mat McAllum 'ent: Tuesday, 13 August 2013 1:55 PM ,·o: Michael Croker Cc: Daryl Gabagas; David Sipinkoski; Marco Sedano; Peter Baldwin; Natalie Croghan Subject: RE: BCF - Proposed Tlles for approval Michael, We urgently require this information should you want to hand over this tenancy early. Regards Mat From: Mat McAllum Sent: Tuesday, 6 August 2013 2:26 PM To : Michael Croker Cc: Daryl Gabagas; David Sipinkoski; Marco Bedano; Peter Baldwin; Natalie Croghan Subject: BCF - Proposed Tiles for approval Michael, Can you please forward ihe attached picture to BCF of the proposed tiles to the unisex, security, staff and Office for their approval. 954 . NTP.1701.500.1593_0001 Refer to attached drawing A1661 (03} for extent of tiling. Floor tile - 300mm x 300mm charcoal (textured surface) Skirting tile- 300mm x 100mm charcoal (same as floor til e} Splash back- 150mm x 150mm white gloss ceramic Could you also have BCF confirm the colours for the staff room cabinets including det;ails Require response by COB Friday 9 th August 2013 Regards Mat McAllum Project Manager Development Level9, 340 Adelaide St Brisbane OLD 4000 Australia PO Bo:t 10047 Adelaide Street Brisbane OLD 4000 T ~61 7 3859 5353 Please consider the environment before prtnling em ails and attachments 955 NTP.1701.500.1595 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: David Mullan [] Monday, 19 August 2013 3:42PM Mat McAllum · Pad - 2 Could you send through the revised drawing for the bike storage area Is there a 150mm skirting tile required? Regards David Mullan Tileco''P Pty Ltd {;5 : 113 Bukulla Street, Wacol. Qld 4076 v : 07 3271 5655 ~ : 07 3271 5678 ~ := ~ 956 I NTP.1701.500.1596 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Mat McAllum [] Monday, 19 August 2013 4:07 PM David Mullan Marco Sedano; Natalie Croghan; Peter Baldwin Addit ional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor A fife has been sent to you via the YouSendlt File Delivery Service. Download the file - img-819160214-0001.pdf Your file will expire after 7 days or 100 downloads. David, Please find attached mark up for extra tiling including skirting. .:;an you please foJWard variation price. Let me know if any questions Regards Mat From: David Mullan [ Sent: Monday, 19 Aug11st 2013 3:42PM To: Natalie Croghan Cc: Mat McAllum Subject: Pad - 2 Could you send through th e revised dra wing for the bike storage area Is there a 150mm skirting tile required? Regards David Mullan Tilecorp Piy Ltd ~ lil ~ : 113 Bukulla Street, Waco!. Qld 4076 : 07 3271 5655 : 07 3271 5678 'iii' Jgj 957 NTP.1 701.500.1597 From: Sent: To: Subj ect : David Mullan [ Monday, 19 August 2013 4:22 PM Mat McAllum · RE: Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor The tiles we are using in the wet areas are 300x300 not 500x300 Regards David Mullan Tilecorp Pty Ltd ~ :113 Bul<ulla Street, Waco!. O.ld 4076 1il ~ if [gJ : 07 3271 5655 : 07 3271 5678 :~ : . ,... .... .... - .... : .... ... . -.:rom: Mat McAllum [] ,:;ent: Mdnday, 19 August 2013 4:07PM To: David Mullan Cc : Marco Sedano; Natalie Croghan; Peter Baldwin Su bje ct: Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor A:=~~~:;,;:·;~:~;~~-:::;::::;~:;::~ Sewlce Yourfile,wil! expire after 7 days or 100 downloads. ~~ J ~==~=-=========-==~==-==-=~-=-----=----=======--=----~----====---======--~-- David, Please find attached mark up for extra tiling including skirting. Can you please forward variation price. Let me know if any questions egards Mat From: David Mullan [] Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 3 :42PM To: Natalie Croghan Cc: Mat McAllum Subject: Pad - 2 Could you send through the revised drawing for the bike storage area Is th ere a lSOmm skirting t ile req uired? Regards David Mullar1 Ti!ecorp Pty Ud ~ ~ ~ :113 Bulculia Street, Waco!. Qld 4076 : 07 3271 5855 : 07 3.271 56"18 "! !II! if : 181 958 I NTP.1701 .500.1598 From: Sent: To: Subj ect: David Mullan [ Monday, 19 August 2013 4:44PM Mat M cAllum RE: Additional Tiling- Bike Store and Corridor Price for additional tiling as drawn - $14,080.00 +gst Regards David Mullan Tilecorp Pty Ud 1::1 :113 Bukulla Streat, Waco!. Qld 4076 ~ il' : 07 3271 5655 : 07 3271 5678 121 : JVf!€ w·!!ll! '=rom: Mat McAllum Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 4:07 PM To: David Mullan Cc: Marco Bedano; Natalie Croghan; Peter Baldwin Subject: Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor A file has been sent to you via the YouSendlt File Delivery Service. qa:~~o~d the file - imq-819160214-0001.pdf l_; .' ~~-~~!~expire after 7 days or 100 downloads. David, Please find att~ched mark up for extra tiling including skirting. Can you please forward variation price. Let me know if any questions egards Mat From: David Mullan [ Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 3:42PM To: Natalie Croghan · Cc: Mat McAllum Subject: Pad - 2 J Could you send through t he revised drawing for the bike storage area Is th ere a l SOmm skirting tile required? Regarcis David Mullan Tiiecorp Piy Uti ~ ~ ~ 'it : '1.13 Bu!arlla Si:;eet, Waco!. Qld 4076 : 07 3271 5555 : 07 3271 5678 -~ 12! : 959 1 NTP.1701 .500.1599 From: David Mullan [] Monday, 19 August 2013 5:05 PM Mat McAllum FW: Pad - 2 springfield Sent: To: Subject: Tile is available in 600x300 Please confirm Regards David MuJJan Tilecorp Pty Ltd ~ :113 Sul<ulla Street, Wacol. Qld 4076 : 07 3271 5655 ~ : 07 3271 5678 'il v ·! !ll! !EJ :~ro. com .au From: Allan Creighton [] Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 4:46PM To: David Mullan Subject: RE: Pad - 2 springfield Yes we do- ex M elb Regards Allan From: David Mullan [] Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 4:33 PM To: Allan Creighton Subject: FW: Pad - 2 springfield We will need an extra 110m2 in total. They are doing a corridor as well Do you have this quantity of t he same tile in a 600x300 size? ' egards J avid Murlan TiJecorp Pty Ltd . 1:3 :113 Bukulla Street, Waco!. Qld 4076 5' ~ a ~ : 07 3271 5655 : 07 3271 5678 ·~ . : . a u 960 NTP.1701.500.1600 From: Mat McAllum [] Monday, 19 August 2013 5:20PM Natalie Croghan FW: Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor Sent: To: Subject: Natalie, = Additional Floor area approx 100m2 neat. Additional skirting =approx 651m Price is OK. Can you follow up with David for relevant paperwork to support variation. Regards Mat From: David Mullan [] ;ent: Monday, 19 August 2013 4:44 PM fo: Mat McAllum Subject: RE: Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor Price fo r additional tiling as drawn - $14,080.00 +gst Regards David Ml.lllan Tilecorp Pty Ltd 1::1 : 113 Bukul!a Street, Waco!. Qld 4076 ~ ~ 'ii' : 07 3271 5655 : 07 3271 5678 181 From: Mat MCAllum [mailto:mat.mcallum@mirvac.coml Sent: Monday,·19 August 2013 4:07PM To: David Mullan Cc: Marco Sedano; Natalie Croghan; Peter Baldwin ":ubject: Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor David, Please fi nd attached mark up for extra tiling including skirting. Can you pleas~ forward variation price. Let me know if any questions Regards Mat From: David Mullan [ Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 3:42 PM To: Natalie Croghan Cc: Mat McAllum 1 961 I NTP.1701 .500.1600_0001 Subject: Pad - 2 Could you send through the revised drawing for the bike storage area Is there a lSOmm skirting tile required? Regards David Mullan Tilecorp Pty Ud ~ il ·- - :113 BukuiJa Street, Waco!. Qld 4076 'iii' : 07 3271 5655 ~ : o7 3271 ss7s 121 : 962 NTP.1701.500.1601 From: Mat McAllum [] Monday, 19 August 2013 5:23 PM David Mullan Natalie Croghan RE: Additional Tiling- Bike Store and Corridor Sent: To: Cc: Subject: David, Just getting up from being knocked down by price- I assume includes epoxy grout? Natalie ·will chase you for formal paperwork for variation. Regards Mat From: David Mullan [ Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 4 :44 PM To: Mat McAllum Subject: RE: Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor Price for additional tiling as drawn - $14,080.00 +gst Regards David Mullan Tilecorp Pty ltd eJ : 113 Bukulla Street, Wacol. Qld 4076 · w : 07 3271 5655 ~ ii' L8l : 07 3271 5678 •IIJI! : From: Mat McAllum [mailto:mat.mcallum@mirvac.comJ Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 4:07PM To: David Mullan . Cc: Marco Bedano; Natalie Croghan; Peter Baldwin 'iubject: Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor David, Please find attached mark up for extra tiling including skirting. Can you please forward variation price. Let me know if any questions Regards Mat From: David t~ ullan [] Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 3:42PM To: Natalie Croghan Cc: Mat McAllum 963 NTP.1701.500.1601_0001 Subject: Pad - 2 Could you send through the revised drawing for the bike storage area Is there a 150mm skirting tile required? Regards David Mulian Tilecorp Pty Ud W :~ :"1 13 Bukuila Sireet, Waco!. Q fd 4076 w : 07 3271 5655 ~ : 07 3271 5678 181 : l 1 964 NTP .1701.500.1602 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Mat McAllum [] Monday, 19 August 2013 5:24PM David Mullan Natalie Croghan RE: Pad- 2 springfield Yes mate- Thanks From: David Mullan ( Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 5:05PM To: Mat McAllum Subject: FW: Pad - 2 springfield Tile is available in 600x300 Please confirm . ~egatds David Mullan Tilecorp Pty Ltd ~ : 113 Bulmlla Street, Waco!. Qld 4076 : 07 3271 5655 ~ : 07 3271 5578 if :!!Ill! 1lr 1:BJ : From: Allan Creighton fmailto;] Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 4:46PM To: David Mullan Subject: RE: Pad - 2 springfield Yes w e do -ex Melb Regards Allan rom: David Mullan fmailto:david@t] 6ent: Monday, 19 August 2013 4:33 PM To: Allan Creighton Subject: FW: Pad - 2 springfield We wiJI need an extra 110m2 in total. They are doing a corridor as well Do you have t his quantity of the same tile in a 600x300 size? Regards David Mulian Tih~COi'P f:)~l! U d ~ : 113 Bukulla Street, Wacol. Qld 4076 ~ . n7 !127i 561)5 ~ : 07 3271 5678 ~:: I:BJ 965 J'~/. Gray l!iros. Air Conditionjng Pty Ltd G~Y ~~@So Email: AH~ <CONWHTHONH~~G f1IY HIDl ABN3207242J J88 ACN072421188 o-te. O'tz/. ool 7 6147 Mu~grave Road, Coopers ~lains PO Box 3253, Sunnyba~k South, Qld 4 I 09 Plilone: (07) 3276 7674 ·fax; (07) 3276 7699 ARCnumberAU02111 ( • Bill To: Ship To: VAE GROUP PTY LTD P 0 BOX2648 FORTITUDE VALLE_Y BC QLD 4006 VAE GROUP PTY LTO p 0 80)( 2648 . FORTITUDE VALLEY BC QLD 4006 . INVOICE NO: DATE: ORDER NO: 00016794 20/08/2013 10001852 ( Description RE: 41 O'CONNELL TERRACE BOWEN H ilLS- E12-009 SUITE 2 1ST ClAIM Amount Code $8,922.00 GST Jo bNo; 14416 .. GAS INSTALLATION ( General Ledger I Co51 Category: Over Budget Approval: Yes/No f\IR CONDITIONING PTY LTD ARC AUTHORISATiON NO: AU0211'1 COMMENT Terms: Net 3oth after EO Jill "This is a Payment Claim made under the Building & Construction Industry Payme!'Jt Act .20D4" -- I. Fr~ight:: $0.00 GST: Total Inc GST: $892 •.20 $9,814.20 Amount $0.00 Barance D ue:: $9,814.20 • ORDER NO: 10001852 966 ·.· NTP.1701.500.1603 From: Sent: To: Subject: David Mullan [] Tuesday, 20 August 2013 1:01 PM Mat McAllum RE: Additional Tiling- Bike Store and Corridor No, epoxy would be an extra $2000+gst Regards David Mullan Tilecorp Pty ltd 1:::1 : 113 Bukulia Street, Waco!. Qld 4076 fir ~ if t8l : 07 3271 5655 : 07 3271 5678 "!!Ill!! : ( =rom: Mat McAllum [ Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 5:23PM To: David Mullan Cc: Natalie Croghan Subject: RE: Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor David, . Just getting up from being knocked down by price - I assume inc!udes epoxy grout? Natalie will chase you for formal paperwork for variation. Regards Mat From: David Mullan ( 1 Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 4:44 PM To: Mat McAllum >ubject: RE: Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor Price for additional tiling as drawn- $14,080.00 +gst Regards David Mullan Ti!ecorp P~y Uti 1:::1 : 113 Sulmiia Street, Waco!. Qici 4076 ~ ~ ~ t8l : 07 3271 5655 : 07 327-1 5678 "1!11!1! : From: i'"iat NcAiluiJI [ u,aillu:JtJaL.,·,1Callurn®mirvac.ccm 1 Sent: t'londay, 19 August 2013 4:07PM To:David Mullan Cc: Marco Sedano; Natalie Croghan; Peter Baldwin Subject: Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor .. .. r-·-·~~=~..;::.·:.~"';:1~::..:-~·.~-===~=-=~~-~ ·,.:,;,.:,=:~.-:7..~=~·.~:-.;~ :~--;:~-~.:.::.:;.~~.:..':.loi. :;•-:J:;.f.>.'.~~ ~~.:..:.~£... .•;~·:·:..::.:.=-.:."';;,;::; ·-:-: :-:-··=-···c=·~·~· e-,;.;-.:-:;=~·r~.::::.:;~'!'.~~ J A file has been sent to you v ia the YouSendlt File Delivery Service. , !! Download the file- img-819160214-0001 .Qill .,ji ~ n f L.~"=:.~~:~~~:.:~~- ~:~:~--=~~~,~=~aV.~ .~~-~~~. ~o_~~~~-~~. . "-··"···~-----,.· ··~"'~·~~~~~''"~··~-~~··-·-·-"'-···~·=~J 967 NTP.1 701 .500.1603_0001 David, Please find attached mark up for extra tiling including .skirting. Can you please forward variation price. Let me know if any questions Regards Mat From: David Mullan [ Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 3 :42 PM To: Natalie Croghan J Cc: Mat McAllum .,ubject: Pad - 2 Could you send through the revised drawing for the bike storage area Is there a 150mm skirting tile required? Rega1·ds David Mullan Tilecorp Piy Ltd L::l :113 Bulmlla Street, Waco!. Qld 4076 w·- w : 07 3271 5655 ~ : 07 3271 5678 tBJ : ( 968 NTP.1701.500.1604 'From: Sent: To: .Subject: Mat McAllum [ma] Tuesday, 20 August 2013 1:34 PM David Mullan RE: Additional Tiling- Bike Store and Corridor Your hurting me Dave! From: David Mullan fmailto:dav! uJ Se nt: Tuesday, 20 August 2013 1:01PM To: Mat McAllum Subject: RE: Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor No, epoxy would be an ext ra $2000+gst Regards David Mullan Tilecorp Pty Ltd d :113 Bukulla Street, Waco!. Qld 4076 'iii' ~ : 07 3271 5655 : 07 3271 5678 v ·!!!l!l! CfSI : JW!! From: Mat McAllum fmaifto:mat.mcallum@mirvac.coml Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 5::73 PM To: David Mullan Cc: Natalie Croghan Subject: RE: Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor David, Just getting up from being knocked down by price - I assume includes epoxy grout? Natalie will chase you for formal paperwork for variation. qegards From: David Mullan ] Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 4:44PM To: Mat McAllum Subject: RE: Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor Price for additional t iling as drawn- $14,080.00 +gst Regards David Mullan r:::::~~;; r·~~, L~~ ~ : 113 Bul:ulla Street, Wacol. Qld 4076 fi :~ if : 07 3271 5655 : 07 3271 5678 181 : -· .......-..... .................... . . . ., _, ...............-................ _, ............. . . .. -······· ... _......... ~ ~.- ~-·· · ..... ..4. ... .......... -·-· __,_.,_,, _.._ _........ --·· .............. ,. ...... ........... ... .. ~ From: Mat McAllum [ ] Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 4 :07 PM To: David Mullan Cc: Marco Sedano; Natalie Croghan; Peter Baldwin Subject: Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor 969 NTP. 1701.500.1604_0001 A file has been sent to you via the YouSendlt File Delivery Service. Download the file- imq-81 9160214-0001.pdf Your file will expire after 7 days or 100 downloads. David, Please find attached mark up tor extra tiling including skirting. Can you please forward variation price. Let me know if any questions Regards \A at •'-'-;......_.. . . . .- - . . - . . - - - • " ' ' ' ._,L, .._,._,.__......,~ .. I"''V •-...-- '" ..... '""" • '·'•"' ., ~ •r,....--,.._._ '' M• From: David Mullan [ 1 Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 3:42 PM To: Natalie Croghan Cc: Mat McAllum Subject: Pad.- 2 Could you send through tne revised drawing for the bike st orage area Is there a lSOmm skirting tile required? Regards David Mullan Tilecorp Pty Ltd ~ : 113 Bukulla Street, Waco!. Qld 4076 ir ·- w : 07 3271 5555 ~ : 07 3271 5678 181 : .au NTP.1701.500.1605 From: Sent: To: Subject: David Mullan [] Tuesday, 20 August 2013 1:35 PM Mat McAllum RE: Addit ional Tiling- Bike Store and Corridor Could be worse, could be your money Why are we using epoxy anyway? . Regards David Mullan Tiiecorp Pty Ltd ~ 'iii' ~ :113 Bukulfa Street, Waco!. Old 4076 : 07 3271 5655 : 07 3271 5678 W : ~ ==="'--'-"-'==== from: Mat McAllum [mailto:mat.mcallum@mirvac:com] Sent: Tuesday, 20 August 2013 1 :34 PM To: David Mullan Subject: RE: Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor Your hurting me Dave! Fro~~. :Javid Mullan 1 Sent: Tuesday, 20 August 2013 1:01PM To:·Mat McAllum Subject: RE: Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor No, epoxy would be an extra $2000+gst Regards David Mullan Tilecorp Pty Ltd j$ :113 Bukulla Street, Waco!. Old 4076 : 07 3271 5655 " 0 1 : 07 3271 5678 '!!!!!! ~ : 121 From: Mat McAllum [ 1 Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 5:23PM To: David Mullan Cc: Natalie Croghan Subject: RE: Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor David, Just getting up from being kn ocked down bv orice- I assume includes epoxy orout? Natalie wiil chase you for formal pap~rwork for variation . .Regards Mat From: David Mullan [ ] Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 4:44PM To: Mat McAllum l 971 I I NTP.1701.500.1605_0001 Subject: RE~ Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor Price for additional tiling as drawn- $14,080.00 +gst Regards David Mullan Tilecorp ~ty Ltd 1:::1 : 113-Bukull.a Street, Waco!. Qld 4076 1i : 07 3271 5655 : 07 327•i 5678 ~ if: ~ 121 :~rp. com. au From: Mat McAllum [ Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 4:07 PM To: David Mullan Cc: Marco Sedano; Natalie Croghan; Peter Baldwin Subject: Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor J A file has been sent to you via the YouSendlt File Delivery Service. Download the file- imq-819160214-0001.pdf Your file will expire after 7 days or 100 downloads. David, Please find attached mark up for extra tiling including skirting. Can you please forward variation price. Let me know if any questions Regards Mat torn: David Mullan [] Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 3:42PM To: Natalie Croghan Cc: Mat McAllum Subject: Pad - 2 Could you send through the revised drawing for the bike storage area Is there a lSOmm skirting tile required? RegS~ rd!s David MuHan Tilecorp ~y Ltd t:l : i ;s Ou~uj;d St,t;:::L, V"\ia._,_,;. c,;~; ../VTV ii' : 07 3271 5655 !J : 07 327i 5678 : ~!!!ll! i 972 1 NTP.1701.500.1606 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Mat McAllum (mat.mcalfum@mirvac.comJ Tuesday, 20 August 2013 1:41 PM David Mullan Natalie Croghan RE: Additional Tiling- Bike Store and Corridor David, Confirming total Variation $ 16,080 + GST (including epoxy grout) Natalie will be in contact should she require further details. Let me know if any questions. Regards Mat From: David Mullan [ Sent: Tuesday, 20 August 2013 1:01PM · To: Mat McAllum Subject: RE: Additional Tiling - Bike St ore and Corridor No, epoxy would be an extra $2000+gst Regards David Multan Tilecorp Pty Ltd : 113 Bukulla Street, Wacol. Qld 4076 ~ w : 07 3271 5655 ~ fi ~ : 07 3271 5678 "!!Ill!! : Dav! From: Mat McAllum [mailto:mat:mcallum@mirvac.coml Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 5:23PM To: David Mullan :C: Natalie Croghan .. ubject: RE: Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor David, Just getting up from being knocked down by price - I assume includes epoxy grout? Natalie will chase you for formal paperwork for variation. Regards Mal From: David Mullan [ 1 Sent: Monday, 19 August 2013 4:44PM To: Mat McAllum · Su~ject: RE: Additional Tiling - Bike Store and Corridor Price for additional·t iling as drawn - $14,080.00 +gst f<egards David Mullan Tilecorp Pty Ud 1:3 : 113 B ukuila Street, Wacol. Qld 4076 973