SHIAH, FUH-KWO, AND HUGH W. DUCKLOW. Multiscale variability
SHIAH, FUH-KWO, AND HUGH W. DUCKLOW. Multiscale variability
Limnol. Oceanogr., 40(l), 0 1995, by the Am&can 1995, 55-66 Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. Multiscale variability in bacterioplankton abundance, production, and specific growth rate in a temperate salt-marsh tidal creek Fuh-Kwo Shiahl and Hugh W. Ducklow Horn Point Environmental Laboratory, Box 775, Cambridge, Maryland 216 13 Abstract Heterotrophic bacterioplankton abundance, production, and specific growth rate in a salt-marsh tidal creek were measured weekly from April 199 1 to September 1992. During the same period, tidal and diel sampling studies were performed in May, June, and October 199 1 and May and August 1992. Seasonal variability of bacterial abundance, production, and specific growth rate was regulated by temperature during nonsummer seasons when temperature was <2O”C. During summer, bacterial variables were not limited by temperature. Daily variability of bacterial abundance, production, and specific growth rate was regulated interactively by tidal mixing, substrate supply, and temperature over several tidal cycles. Higher bacterial abundance, production, and specific growth rate observed at low tide indicated that bacterial growth rate in the tidal creek was higher than in the adjacent river waters. This pattern might be due to larger nutrient fluxes originating in the tidal creek. Occasionally, the tidal effect was overridden by temperature during study periods when temperature changed dramatically over several tidal cycles. Bacterial diel patterns in production and specific growth rate in the tidal creek occurred only when day-night temperature differences exceeded lO”C, with maximal values during daytime. Short-term temperature manipulation experiments suggested that diel patterns in bacterial production and specific growth rate were probably caused by temperature, not light intensity. Thus, temperature regulated both seasonal and diel variations in bacterial production. Determining the temporal and spatial variability in bacterial abundance and production has become an important issue during the last decade (Ducklow and Carlson 1992; Hoch and Kirchman 1993). However, most studies have concentrated on longer time (i.e. annual to interannual) and larger spatial (i.e. greater than several hundred kilometers) scales. We know that bacterial properties tend to be correlated with phytoplankton biomass (and productivity) and temperature at very large scales (Cole et al. 1988; Hoch and Kirchman 1993; White et al. 199 l), but it has not been clear at what smaller scales the relationships would also hold. As suggested by Marrase et al. (1992), the processes affecting microbial activity at the daily scale might be fundamentally different from those at seasonal scales. Seasonal changes in bacterial activity in a temperate environment might bc strongly affected by physical parameters, most notably temperature. On the other hand, short-term changes in bacterial activity might be less affected by temperature but may be more responsive to biological and chemical features, such as substrate supply, bacterivory, or both. Estuarine bacteria fluctuate within bounds set by factors that increase (e.g. substrate supply) or decrease (e.g. bacterivory) bacterial abundance. A prime requisite for understanding controlling mechanisms is determination of the spatial and time scales on which interactions take place, and it is at the smaller scales that mechanistic relationships are expressed (Dickie et al. 1987). To have better insight into the relationships among bacteria and environmental factors, it is important to study bacterial variability on shorter time scales (i.e. hours, days) and smaller spatial scales. Variability of estuarine and coastal bacteria, with growth rates of hours to a few days (Andersen and Sorensen 1986; Newell et al. 1988), might be concentrated at smaller scales. Lack of correlation between bacterial and phytoplankton biomass and production at seasonal scales has been observed in estuarine, coastal, and freshwater ecosystems (see Shiah and Ducklow 1994). These studies suggest that substrate supply from sources other than phytoplankton could support bacterial growth and, more importantly, imply that the seasonal variability in bacterial abundance, production, and specific growth rate might be regulated by factors other than substrate supply. Ducklow and Shiah (1993) and Shiah and Ducklow (1993, 1994) showed that in Chesapeake Bay and a salt-marsh tidal creek adjacent to the Choptank River, bacterial growth was principally limited by temperature and not substrate supply during the nonsummer season. High temperature dependency and the apparent lack of coupling between bacteria and phytoplankton suggested that bacterial growth in 1 Present address: Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. 2 Present address: College of William and Mary, School of Marine Sciences, and Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences, Box 1346, Gloucester Point 23062- 1346. Acknowledgments This research was supported by grants from the NOAA-University of Maryland Sea Grant and the NSF Land-Margin Ecosystem Research Program. Support for F. Shiah was provided by the Department of Education, Taiwan, Maryland Sea Grant, Horn Point Environmental Laboratory, and the EPA Multiscalc Experimental Ecosystem Research Center (HPEL MEERC). We thank H. Quinby for help with sample analysis and C. Carlson, D. Kirchman, D. Stoecker, and two anonymous reviewers for commenting on the manuscript. 55 56 Shiah and Ducklow temperate estuarine areas is probably regulated by temperature but not limited by in situ substrate supply. Physical factors such as tides, temperature, and salinity may have a strong impact on bacterial abundance and activities over tidal and diel cycles. Many studies have shown a strong diel pattern in bacterial abundance, mean cell volume, percentage of active bacteria, production, specific growth rate, and substrate uptake ability in estuarine and coastal areas (Chin-Leo and Benner 199 1; Fuhrman et al. 1985; Riemann et al. 1984). This pattern was tightly coupled with the biomass and production of primary producers, suggesting that the diel pattern of bacteria was primarily driven by the diel cycles of their nutrient sources (phytoplankton, seagrass, or both) whose production was highly light-dependent. On the other hand, Riemann and Sondergaard ( 1984) measured estuarine bacterial production by [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA, dark 14C02 uptake, and frequency of dividing cells simultaneously; none of these measurements showed a diel pattern. Riemann and Sondergaard suggested that in coastal and estuarine areas, where nutrients might come from many sources other than phytoplankton, the lack of diel pattern between bacteria and phytoplankton was not surprising. Our major purpose was to explore the environmental factors determining bacterial variability over several tidal and diel cycles and to compare short-term and seasonal variability. We demonstrate that in a salt-marsh tidal creek, the seasonal, tidal, and diel variability of bacterial properties were all primarily controlled by temperature, with nutrient supply playing a less important role in regulating bacterial growth. The temperature dependency of bacterial specific growth rate was similar across different estuarine habitats. Materials and methods Study site and sampling-The Horn Point salt-marsh tidal creek is 4 km west of Cambridge, Maryland. It flows into the Choptank River, which is the largest subestuary on the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay (Fig. 1). The creek is -600 m long, and the mean tidal amplitude is 0.5 m. The marsh is characterized by mixed vegetation zones, ranging from Spartina patens and Spartina alterniflora near the creek mouth to a fresh marsh dominated by Hibiscus moscheutos at the upper reach, a few kilometers from the river (Stevenson et al. 1977). The diurnal temperature range is 0-3°C in January and 28-3 5°C in August (Stevenson et al. 1977). Mean salinity in the pond at midmarsh ranged from O-4 in January-March to 1O-l 1 in July-September 1974 (but only 4-7 in July-August 1975) (Stevenson et al. 1977). For our seasonal study, we measured water samples from the tidal creek weekly from April 199 1 to September 1992. We collected 56 weekly samples. During the same period, we performed five diel and tidal studies in May, June, and October 199 1 and May and August 1992. For convenience, these are designated Dl D2, D3, D4, and D5. For Dl, D2, and D3, water samples were taken with 2-liter opaque polycarbonate bottles at low, mid-, and high tide over several tidal cycles at a 5-m-long, 2-m-wide spillway (Fig. 1). In D3, water samples from the spillway and the Choptank River (D3-Chop) were measured simultaneously. The Choptank samples were taken from the Horn Point Environmental Laboratory dock in a water depth of - 5 m. For D4 and D5, only low-tide water samples at the spillway were measured consecutively over several days. At the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th sampling point of D4, extra water samples were incubated separately at the in situ temperature and at the temperature of the previous sampling point. Timing of the tide was based on the 199 1 and 1992 tide tables published by NOAA. Measurements were performed immediately after sample collection. Bacterial abundance- Bacterial abundance was determined by the acridinc orange direct-count method (Hobbie et al. 1977). Samples fixed with glutaraldehyde (final concn, 1O/o)were stained with acridine orange (final concn, 0.0 1%) for 2 min and then passed through 0.2-pm polycarbonate filters prestained with Irgalan Black solution. Filters mounted in Cargille type A immersion oil on slides were enumerated at 1,605 x by epifluorescence microscopy (Zeiss Axiphot) with a 100-W mercury lamp, blue BP 450-490 exciter filter, and LP520 barrier filter. Bacterial production - Bacterial production was estimated from [3H]thymidine (Fuhrman and Azam 1980) and [3H]leucine (Chin-Leo and Kirchman 1988, Kirchman et al. 1985) incorporation rates. For thymidine (TdR) incorporation rates, duplicate or triplicate LO- or 20-ml aliquots of water samples were incubated with [methyl3H] thymidine (sp act, 20-85 Ci mmol-‘, final concn, 10 nM) in opaque polycarbonate bottles at in situ temperature for 0.5-l .O h. The reaction was stopped by adding formaldehyde (final concn, 1%). Killed samples were passed through 0.2-pm polycarbonate filters, then rinsed four times with ice-cold 5% trichloroacetic acid and four times with 80% ethyl alcohol. Ten milliliters of scintillation cocktail (formula 963, DuPont) were added after filters had been dried at 35°C overnight in the vials. Radioactivity was counted by liquid scintillation counter (2200CA, Packard). For leucine (Leu) incorporation rates, water samples were incubated with L-[3,4,5-3H-(N)]leucine (final concn, 22 nM; 1 nM labeled leucine and 21 nM unlabeled leucine). Incubation, extraction, and radioactivity measurement procedures were the same as those for TdR incorporation. The Leu incorporation rates covaried with TdR incorporation rate in all studies except Dl (P > 0.05, but see below). Correlation coefficients between Leu and TdR ranged from 0.46 (for Dl) to 0.99 (for D2). The Leu data are presented only for the weekly and D4-D5 studies. TdR incorporation rates normalized by bacterial abundance were used as indices of bacterial specific growth rate. Other measurements-Chlorophyll was determined following the method of Parsons et al. (1984). Water depth at different tidal amplitudes was measured at the spillway sampling station by a meter stick (+O. 1 m). Salinity was 57 Diel temperature eflects on bacteria N I I I 77 76 75’ / N CHOPTANK Fig. 1. RIVER Map of the Chesapeake Bay region, showing the Horn Point salt-marsh creek study area. measured in the Dl study in May 199 1 only. Salinity varied irregularly and was not correlated with tidal height. Tidal height is used as an indicator of tidal stage. Data analysis - ANOVA, ANCOVA, and regression analysis including multiple linear and simple linear regression (model 2, Edwards 1985) were used to analyze the relationships among abundance, production, and growth rate and other factors, such as temperature and chlorophyll. Statistical analysis was performed with SYSTAT (Wilkinson et al. 1992). Variances in bacterial abundance, thymidine incorporation rate, and specific growth rate were equalized by natural-log transformation. Normality of transformed data was tested by the KomogorovSmirnov test. Results Table 1 lists the range of all measured variables in these studies. The ranges and coefficients of variation (C.V.) of the weekly data were greater than those of diel and tidal data. For the seasonal data, bacterial abundance varied 12-fold, and rate parameters (TdR, Leu) varied > 3 orders of magnitude. For tidal and diel studies, day-night tempcrature difference in some studies was > 10°C (D 1, D4, and D5). The ratio of the highest to lowest bacterial abundance within the diel experiment ranged from 1.2 (in D4) to 1.7 (in D3) and was stable across these short-term studies, but ratios for TdR and Leu were higher, with values ranging from 2 to 5 for TdR and 3 to 6 for Leu. Weekly, seasonal, and interannual variability- Figure 2 shows the weekly changes of measured variables in the salt-marsh tidal creek. Bacterial abundance, TdR and Leu incorporation rates, TdR incorporation rate per cell, and Leu incorporation rate per cell (not shown) showed strong seasonal signals (Fig. 2B-E). They were low in winter (December, January, and February), started to increase after March or April, attained maxima in summer, and declined after mid-October. Chlorophyll ranged from 1 to 34 pg liter- l, basically following same trends as temperature (Fig. 2A, F), except that there was a chlorophyll maximum in November 199 1 and a bloom in April 1992. Three points should be noted here. First, week-to-week variability within months sometimes was greater than month-to-month variability, especially for the rate parameters. For example, the monthly average for TdR in May 199 1 (34 l&202 pM h-l, n = 5) was not significantly different from that for June 199 1 (525 +92 pM h-l, n = 4) (ANOVA, P > 0.05). Note the high variance of the May data, which ranged from 145 to 64 1 pM h- l. Second, annual variability was still higher than at the shorter time scales. Some interannual patterns seem significant even with data for only 17 months. Bacterial abundance in April and May 199 1 (3-5 x lo9 cells liter-l) was -2O40% that of 1992 (8-10 x lo9 cells liter-l) (Fig. 2B). The 199 1 abundance maximum was in August (17.5 x lo9 cells liter-l), but in 1992, the maximum was in late May and was -80% of that of 199 1. In addition, bacterial abundance during the April-September 1992 period was less variable than in 199 1. Third, in contrast to bacterial 58 Shish and Ducklow Table 1. Range (minimum-maximum observed) and C.V. (%, in parentheses) of measured variables temperature (“C), chlorophyll (pg liter-l), bacterial abundance (cell, 10” liter-l), TdR and Leu incorporation rates (PM h-l), and TdR and Leu incorporation rates per cell (10 -9 pM h-l cell- I) in all studies performed in the salt-marsh creek. (Not analyzed--a.) Variables Weekly* T 0.5/34 (49) 1.3/34.9 1B/27.5 (13) 2.5i5.9 (61) (20) Chl Cell TdR Leu Tdr cell I Leu cell-’ * April Dl 1.5i17.5 (47) l/878 (89) 4/7,650 (89) 0.4/62 (70) 20/660 (75) 199 I-September 4.8/7.2 (10) 139/296 (18) 52 l/3,298 (61) 28/44 (14) 72/458 (55) D2 D3 D3-Chop D4 D5 27/3 1 (4) 11.7/27.6 (32) 10.3/14.6 (13) 279/640 19/23.5 (7) 6.2i44.3 (72) 8.5114.6 19/23 17/30 (27) 6.7/l 5.3 (42) 11.6/14 (7) 134/515 (59) na 23/34 (13) 9.5/28.8 (36) 9.8/14.7 (14) 234/634 (37) 2,252/7,650 (44) 20/55 (33) 195/604 (40) (28) 1,050/3,63 1 (38) 27/45 (17) 100/254 (27) (18) (6) na 5.8/10.7 (21) 112/521 (45) 845/2,898 (32) 13/36 (27) 99/198 70/158 (33) 325/937 (18) (22) (28) 9/17 (21) 54/l 11 1 l/37 (57) na 1992. abundance, rate parameters reached minima in November 199 1 before temperature was minimal (January 1992) and stayed low even after temperature started to increase (Fig. 2A, C-E). This lag indicates that the rate parameters were sensitive to low temperature and that bacteria were growing in excess of removal in all except lowest temperature period (see below). Table 2 shows the linear correlations among measured variables. Temperature was positively correlated with all other variables. Multiple regression was performed to analyze the relative impact of temperature and chlorophyll on bacterial variables. Table 3 shows that -60% of the variability for bacterial abundance could be explained by temperature alone. For rate parameters, the R2 values were higher, ranging from 70 to 82%. After including chlorophyll in the model, all the R2 values increased; however, the contribution of chlorophyll to the model in explaining variability never exceeded 8%. The minor role for chlorophyll suggests that bacterial variables in the creek were controlled primarily by temperature at weekly to annual time scales (perhaps also true for interannual time scales). Table 4 shows the slopes for linear regressions of bacterial variables on temperature at four temperature ranges. The < 10°C data represents winter and spring, the 1O20°C data represents spring and fall, and the >2O”C data represents summer data. The slopes for all bacterial variables of the < 10°C and lo-20°C data sets were about 23 times of those of the >2O”C data set (ANCOVA, P < 0.05). This difference indicates that the seasonal variability of bacterial properties in the creek was highly correlated with temperature; however, the temperature effect on these variables was more profound during nonsummer seasons. Billen et al. (1990) proposed that at steady state, the rate of utilization of substrate (i.e. dissolved organic matter) should be very close to the substrate supply rate; thus, a strong correlation between bacterial production and bacterial abundance is presumptive evidence for bottom- up control. A slope ~0.7 suggests strong bottom-up con- , trol (Ducklow 1992). The effect of substrate (i.e. bottomup) control on bacterial abundance was analyzed with linear regressions of log,,bacterial abundance on log,,TdR at the four temperature ranges noted above that were performed, and the slope was used as an index of strength of bottom-up control. The slopes for log,,bacterial abundance on log ,,TdR for them all, < 1O”C, lo-20°C and >20”Cdata were 0.33~0.08,0.20+0.05,0.29+0.06, and 0.76 L 0.11. The slope of the > 20°C data was significantly higher than the other three slopes (ANCOVA, P < 0.05). These results suggest that temperature and substrate effects on bacterial biomass might change in different seasons; that is, from fall to spring (cool-water seasons), bacterial biomass was positively correlated with the change of temperature, and the strength of bottom-up control on biomass was either weak or nonexistent. In summer, when temperature was high (>2O”C), substrate supply might have been the major factor regulating bacterial biomass. To test this, we plotted the slopes of log,,bacterial abundance vs. log,,TdR (bottom-up control index) against the slopes of In bacterial abundance vs. temperature (temperature control index). Figure 3 shows that there is a negative relationship between the bottom-up control index and the temperature control index. The slope (- 10.7) was very similar to the slope value (- 11.3) presented by Shiah and Ducklow (1994) for Chesapeake Bay data (ANCOVA, P > 0.05). Tidal and diel variability- Figures 4-6 show the results of the diel studies. Choptank River water enters and leaves the Horn Point salt marsh through the spillway sampling station over a tidal cycle. Samples collected at different tidal amplitudes represent different water masses of the river: high-tide samples represent inflowing river waters, and low-tide samples represent river waters that stay in the salt marsh over a tidal cycle (i.e. 12 h). Our sampling included spring, neap, and intermediate tides. The last lunar quarter was 7 May 199 1, just before the D 1 study 59 Diel temperature efects on bacteria 800 8000 , AM 0 d J JASONDJFMAMJJASAM 1991 Month J JASONDJFMAMJJAS 1991 1992 Month 1992 Fig. 2. Annual cycles of measured variables in the salt-marsh creek, April 199 1 to September 1992. A. Temperature. B. Bacterial abundance. C. Thymidine incorporation rate. D. Thymidine incorporation rate per cell. E. Leucine incorporation rate. G. Chlorophyll. of lo-12 May (neap). There was a full moon 27 June before the D2 study of 30 June-July (spring tide). D5 (3 1 August-5 September 1992) was also during a neap tide. The tide height cycles shown in Figs. 4A and 5A show no difference in tidal amplitude between spring and neap tides for our studies. One common pattern is shown in the D2 and D3 (June and October 199 1) studies (Figs. 5, 6). When measured variables were correlated with tidal height, the correlation was always negative (Table 5); that is, they were highest at low tide and lowest at high tide, suggesting that bacterial abundance, production (i.e. TdR), and specific growth rate (i.e. TdR cell-l) in the Choptank waters that entered and stayed in the salt marshes over 12 h were higher than those in the river waters outside the salt marshes. This pattern of higher abundance in the marsh Table 2. Matrix of correlation coefficients for the measured variables (as in Table 1) for the weekly sampling, April 199 l-September 1992. All variables were natural-log-transformed except temperature (T). (Not analyzed--a.) All values shown are significant at P < 0.05. Variables T Cell TdR LCXl Tdr cell-’ Leu cell- * Chl T *** Cell TdR LeU 0.76 *** 0.90 0.82 *** 0.90 0.78 0.97 *** TdR cell-’ Leu cell-’ 0.86 na na na *** 0.84 na na na na *** Chl 0.58 0.64 0.64 0.66 0.36 0.38 *** 60 Shiah and Ducklow Table 3. Coefficient of determination (R2) values for multiple linear regressions of natural-log-transformed bacterial properties (abbreviations as in Table 1) on temperature (T) and chlorophyll. All values are significant at P < 0.05. Bacterial variables Cell TdR LkXl TdR cell- I Leu cell-’ R2 for T R2 for T and Chl % increase 0.57 0.82 0.81 0.74 0.70 0.61 0.83 0.84 0.76 0.74 7 2 3 3 3 can be further confirmed by comparing D3 and D3-Chop. Figure 6C-E shows that bacterial variables of D3-Chop did not vary much over several tidal cycles (see also Table 6), and they were all lower than those of D3 except at high tide, when bacterial variables were very close to each other, as expected. Table 5 also indicates that bacterial abundance, TdR, and TdR cell- I of D 1 were not correlated with tidal height (e.g. Fig. 4), suggesting that some factor other than tide might affect bacterial variability in this study. Multiple regression analysis showed that bacterial abundance, TdR, and TdR cell-l of D 1 were positively correlated with temperature (n = 17, P < 0.05). Temperature explained 22% (bacterial abundance), 4 1% (TdR), and 27% (TdR cell-l) of the variability of these three variables. Leu and Leu cell-l were not correlated with temperature (n = 17, P > 0.05, but see below). When tide was included in the analysis, R2 values of abundance, TdR, and TdR cell-l increased to 3 1, 50, and 30%. Tide did not contribute much to explaining bacterial variability, suggesting that temperature sometimes can have an overriding effect on bacterial growth parameters. Data on the relationship between bacterial variables and other environmental factors besides tide must be analyzed from the same tidal regimes, because samples collected at different tidal amplitudes represent different water masses. Chlorophyll concentration in the low-tide waters was not significantly different from those of high-tide waters in Dl, D2, and D3 (ANOVA, P > 0.05). To examine whether there was a diurnal effect in the D 1, D2, D3, and D3-Chop studies, we compared bacterial variables measured during the day and at night. There were two criteria for comparing these data: they had to be at the same tidal stage, and in situ temperature difTable 4. Slopes for natural-log-transformed bacterial variables (as in Table 1) on temperature (7’) for four temperature ranges in the creek, April 199 l-September 1992. Not significant--s; otherwise, significant at P < 0.05. T range W) All <lo 10-20 >20 n 56 10 17 29 Cell TdR Leu TdR cell- ’ Leu cell- I 0.05 0.12 0.06 ns 0.16 0.50 0.21 ns 0.16 0.49 0.22 0.10 0.11 0.38 0.15 ns 0.11 0.36 0.15 0.09 0.0 0.0 -b I 0.1 -0.2 Temperature control index Fig. 3. The relationship between regression slopes for abundance vs. production (bottom-up control index) and abundance vs. temperature (temperature control index). Indices are described in the text. The line of best fit is plotted. ferences among them could not exceed 2°C. For example, in Dl, the 3rd (day), 7th (night), 11th (day), and 15th (night) sampling points were chosen because they were all high-tide data and in situ temperatures for these points were -2O-22OC. ANOVA showed that there was no daynight effect in Dl, D2, D3, and D3-Chop studies at any tidal amplitude (P > 0.05). Figure 7 shows the results of the D4 and D5 diel studies conducted in May and August 1992. Note that only lowtide water samples were measured in these two studies, so the tidal factor was excluded. That is, these observations address the diurnal variability of bacterial properties sampled at the same tidal stage over 3-6 d. All measured variables except bacterial abundance showed a very strong diel pattern. Chlorophyll, TdR, and TdR cell-l values of the day samples were -2-3 times higher than the night samples (Fig. 7A, C, F; ANOVA, P < 0.05). The low-tide data set of Dl (five low-tide samples) and the whole data sets of D3-Chop, D4, and D5 were used to determine the relationships among bacterial and environmental variables while isolating the tidal effect on variability. D2 and D3 had only two and three low-tide points and thus were not included in this analysis. D3Chop data were used for analysis because the results in Table 5 showed that bacterial variables were independent of tide. Among the independent factors, only temperature was consistently and positively correlated with bacterial variables in all studies (Table 6; P < 0.05), although there was no correlation between bacterial abundance and temperature in D3-Chop, D4, and D5. Interestingly, chlorophyll explained much less variability of bacterial properties than temperature did. The daily variation in temperature could be large, and this variation was the most important factor influencing short-term changes in bacterial growth. In Dl, Leu and Leu cell-’ were not correlated with temperature and were negatively correlated with tidal height when the entire data set was used (Table 6). However, after isolating the tidal influence, > 90% of the variability could be explained by temperature alone. Also, l 61 Diel temperature efects on bacteria 1.00 - 30 1 A B 8B0.50 !! 0.75 0.25 0.00( - 25 c I Ii I Y - 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 300 '6 .4 \\ d .2 9 15 21 3 Sampling time Fig. 4. Thymidine tide. 9 15 21 3 9 Sampling time Tidal cycle study of lo-12 May 199 1 (Dl). A. Tidal height. B. Temperature. C. Thymidine incorporation rate per cell. E. Abundance. F. Chlorophyll. Day samples-O; night samples-O. the previous analysis showed that 22% of the variability of abundance, 41% of TdR, and 27% of TdR cells-’ in Dl could be explained by temperature even when the whole data set was used. After removing the tidal factor from the analysis, these R2 values for temperature increased to 63, 68, and 43%. In D4 and D5, chlorophyll was positively correlated with bacterial variables (except bacterial abundance). However, chlorophyll was also positively correlated with temperature. These results indicate that all measured variables were highly autocorrelated in the two studies. In D4, extra samples collected at the 2nd (night), 3rd (day), and 4th (night) sampling points were incubated at the temperature of the previous sampling point (i.e. lst, 2nd, and 3rd). This experiment examined the temperature effect on TdR cell-‘. More specifically, we hypothesizcd that if temperature was the major factor regulating bacterial growth rate, then TdR cell- 1in samples collected at time X but incubated at the temperature of previous sampling (time X - 1) would be very close to the TdR cell- * value at time X - 1. Figure 8 shows that changing 3 & 2.f incorporation rate. D. 9-10 May was a neap incubation temperature forced TdR cell- 1at time X back to those of time X - 1. For example, the in situ TdR cell- 1 for sampling 2 was 10 x 1O-” pmol h- 1 cell- I, but when incubated at the previous sample temperature, the rate (18 x 1O-9 pmol h-l cell-l) was closer to the in situ rate of sampling 1 (17 x 1O-” pmol h-l cell-‘). This effect suggests that the diel variability of TdR cell-’ in D4 (and perhaps the other studies) was driven by temperature and was independent of light and chlorophyll conditions. Discussion Tidal variability-The negative correlation between tidal height and bacterial variables clearly indicated that bacterial abundance, production, and specific growth rate in the low-tide waters were higher than those in the Choptank River. Kirchman et al. (1984) observed the same phenomenon in Great Sippewissett Salt Marsh. By plotting bacterial abundance vs. chlorinity and fitting data into a simple exponential model, Kirchman et al. dem- Shish and Ducklow 62 35 30 i? 25 20 - 50 800 C -40 -30 $ ‘;s “0 g 4‘ 0 M t I I I I I I I I I I I - 1E F c I 20 2 8 14 20 2 Sampling time Fig. 5. 20 30 As Fig, 4, but for 30 June-l 20 I I 2 -20 Tb 0 .s 2 - 10 I I 8 I I 14 I I 20 I I 2 Sampling time July 199 1 (D2). 29-30 June was a spring tide. onstrated that most of the tidal variation in bacterial abundance was due to conservative mixing from tidal exchange. By calculating the specific growth rate of bacteria in marsh water, they further showed that the difference in bacterial abundance between low and high tide was due to bacterial growth in a water mass that remained in the marsh. That hypothesis can be supported for our tidal creek by the following evidence: TdR cell- l and Leu cell-’ were all higher at low tide in D2 and D3 when temperature did not vary much during the study period. This pattern indicates that bacterial specific growth rate in the lowtide waters was higher than that in the Choptank River and can also be observed by comparing D3 with D3Chop, which shows that the differences in TdR cell - l and Leu cell-’ between the spillway and the Choptank River were highest at low tide. Two important questions arise. Why are bacterial growth rates different in these two systems, and, within each system, what factors determine temporal variability of bacterial properties? The tidal variability in bacterial abundance, production, and specific growth rate in D2 and D3 may have been determined by different conditions of nutrient supply. The tidal creek is shallow and small compared to the Choptank River, but it is surrounded by well-developed marsh vegetation (Stevenson et al. 1977). Additional nutrient inputs, including particulate and dissolved organic matter (DOM) might come from detritus and sediments. Resuspension of sediments is an important input of both POC and DOC (particulate and dissolved organic C) to the water column (Morales-Zamorano et al. 199 I), and the DOC released in the early stages of decomposition might be ecologically more significant than POC for microheterotrophic processes (Mann 1988). By measuring DOC concentrations and carbon isotopic composition (i .e. 13C), Fry et al. (1992) suggested that DOC from both phytoplankton and marsh plants (Spartina) were important in supporting bacterial growth in the Parker estuary, Massachusetts, although Coffin et al. (1990) showed that DOM from phytoplankton was probably the dominant source of C for estuarine bacteria. With a higher substrate flux, higher bacterial abundance and growth rate in the creek would be expected. Stevenson et al. (1977) showed that the creek system was heterotrophic (i.e. photosynthesis : respiration ratio < 1) all year, except in winter. Furthermore, chlorophyll concentrations in the creek and the Choptank River waters were similar in D 1, D2, and D3. These observations suggest that nutrient supplies from Diel temperature efects on bacteria 63 - 50 - 40 -30 YJ -20 2 I 12 I I 18 I I I 24 I 6 I I I 12 12 Sampling time I I 18 I I I 24 -0 1--v-- 6 10 12 Sampling time Fig. 6. As Fig. 4, but for 6-7 October 1991 (D3). Salt-marsh creek: day samples-O; night samples-o. samples-A; Choptank River: day night samples-A. nonphytoplankton sources are important and that they might support higher bacterial abundance and growth rate in the creek. However, this does not necessarily mean that other factors are less important in determining short-term variability. The positive correlation between temperature and TdR cell- I, over several tidal cycles (Fig. 4) indicated that the actual limit for bacterial growth rate was set by temperature instead of nutrient supply. In D 1, TdR cell- l in the river waters (i.e. high-tide data) was sometimes higher than that in the tidal creek waters (Fig. 4D) and was also positively correlated with temperature (P < 0.05, n = 4, R2 = 0.68). This relationship implies that bacterial growth rates in both systems may not be limited by nutrient supply (see below). If nutrient supply is limiting bacterial specific growth rate in either system, then a strong and consistent correlation between temperature and TdR cell-l would be less likely. Diel variability-Only D4 and D5 showed a strong diel pattern, which was not observed in D 1, D2, D3, and D3Chop. Riemann and Sondergaard (1984) and Scavia and Laird (1987) hypothesized that in aquatic systems where nutrients might come from sources other than phytoplankton, the lack of diel pattern between bacteria and phytoplankton was predictable. Their hypothesis is applicable to Dl, D2, and D3. As mentioned earlier, the prevailing explanation for bacterial diel pattern has been that bacteria are regulated by their nutrient sourcesphytoplankton, whose photosynthetic activity is strongly controlled by light intensity. The basic discrepancy between these observations seems to depend on different nutrient supply conditions. That is, diel bacterial patterns might occur more often in environments where phytoplankton are the major source of substrate. However, one important point previous studies have not emphasized is the possible role temperature plays in determining shortterm bacterial diel patterns. Higher temperature always occurs in the daytime, so either of these factors could be the driving force for bacterial diel variation. We hypothesize that the diel pattern observed in the tidal creek is controlled by temperature but not by light intensity for the following reasons. Evidence comes from the temperature manipulation experiments performed in D4 (Fig. 8). When incubated at daytime temperature, the TdR cell-* of night samples could be as high as those of Shiah and Ducklow 64 ples. If bacterial growth in the river is nutrient limited, then a strong diel pattern should be observed. Also note that during these four studies, day-night temperature difference did not exceed 5”C, but in D4 and D5, the daytime temperature was at least 10°C higher than at night. Table 5. Correlation coefficients between measured variables (see Table I) and tidal height. All values shown are significant at P < 0.05. Not significant--s; data not availableNA. Study Dl D2 D3 D3-Chop Chl ns ns Gi Cell TdR -gns59 -0.86 -o”.“sl -0.8 1 ns ns Leu TdR cell- I Leu cell- 1 -0.76 -0.81 -0.89 -on:86 -0.75 -0.81 -0.83 -0.8 1 ns ns ns the day samples and vice versa. If bacterial growth in night samples was limited by phytoplankton production-which was controlled by light intensitythen TdR cell-’ would not increase when incubation temperature increased. The second line of evidence is derived from the results showing that there was no day-night effect on bacterial variables in Dl, D2, D3, and particularly for D3-Chop, which represented the Choptank River sam- Short-term variability vs. seasonal variability- Bacterial variability over daily scales was much smaller than at the seasonal scale (Table 1). For example, bacterial abundance in the diel and tidal studies varied about 2-fold, but it varied 12-fold over the seasonal scale. Rate parameters (i.e. TdR, Leu, TdR cell- l, and Leu cell- I) showed the same trend but with more dramatic differences be_ tween these two time scales. The most probable explanation for this is temperature. Seasonal temperature difference could be as great as 33”C, while the temperature difference over single days was -4-l 3°C. Although the absolute range and variability of bacterial variables on short-term scales were lower than on the seasonal scales, the dependency of bacterial variables on 40 A - 30 30 -b 5 20 2 10 0 700 600 500 400 300 -25 I’ 00 - 15 - 8000 - 6000 2g I1 - 4000 $ a - 2000 Ii'\ I 4 \I x & i \ a 4 I' '\ \y/ \ / '\ \ \ /8 '11 \ 4 \I \ AO 255r 0 12243648607284 Sampling time 108 0 12243648607284 108 Sampling time night samples-O) and 3 1 August-5 September 1992 (D5: day Fig. 7. Diel studies of 21-23 May 1992 (D4: day samples-O; samples-A; night samples-A). A. Chlorophyll. B. Temperature. C, D. Thymidine and leucine incorporation rates. E. Abundance. F. Thymidine incorporation rate per cell. 5 September was a neap tide. 65 Diel temperature e#ects on bacteria Table 6. Slopes and coefficients of determination (%, in parentheses) for linear regressions among measured variables (see Table I). All values shown are significant at P < 0.05; not significant - ns; data not available - NA. All variables were natural-log-transformed for analyses. Study Dl Variables T D4 TdR cell-’ Leu cell-’ 0.12 (91) ns ns ns 0.04 (63) ns ns 0.09 (68) 0.16 (95) 0.4 :;67) 0.2:;69) 0.57 (85) T NA Cell TdR 0.17 (54) 0.47 (58) iii ns ns 0.13 (34) 0.41 (41) 0.69 (52) 0.14 (81) ns ns 0.10 (32) ns ns 0.06 (38) ns ns ns - 0.08 (90) 1.47 (94) ns NA NA NA 0.08 (89) 1.46 (92) ns NA NA NA 0.06 (38) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 0.13 (66) 0.66 (3 1) 0.19 ns 0.13 (88) 0.68 (45) ns ns 0.12 (83) 0.63 (47) T T Chl Cell TdR temperature L&U ns ns ns Chl Cell D5 TdR 0.04 (43) ns ns ns Chl Cell TdR D3-Chop Cell Chl was the same across different time scales and even systems. The slopes for TdR cell-’ on temperature in D3-Chop (0.14-1-0.02) and D5 (0.13+0.02) are the same as those at seasonal scales (0.15 kO.03, < 20°C data set). These three slopes are not different from each other (ANCOVA, P > 0.05). The reason for choosing D3-Chop and D5 was that the former represented the Choptank River system and the latter had the most low-tide data points (n = lo), which might be more representative than other short-term studies. This result clearly demonstrates that bacterial growth in temperate ecosystems is primarily controlled by temperature across different temporal scales, and its effect seems to be independent of location. Shiah and Ducklow (1993, 1994) showed that in Chesapeake Bay areas, bacterial properties are strongly regulated by temperature during nonsummer seasons, when temperature is ~20°C. They also showed that the temperature dependency of bacterial growth rates was uniform over seasonal and hourly scales. Our study suggests that temperature can be very important in determining the temporal variability of bacterial growth in the tidal creek and the Choptank River at daily scales. Bacterial growth in these two systems probably was not limited by in situ nutrient supply during nonsummer seasons. More interestingly, the three slope values (0.14f0.02, 0.13 10.02, and 0.15 kO.03) presented in our study are close to those presented earlier (Shiah and Ducklow 1993, 1994). In summer, the temperature effect was less important, and some other factor must limit bacterial growth. Shiah and Ducklow (1993) presented results of substrate manipulation experiments performed in the salt-marsh creek and Chesapeake Bay. Substrate additions (glucose, ammonium, or dissolved free amino acids) only increased bacterial properties and rates when the temperature was >2O”C, suggesting the potential importance of nutrient limitation in summer. - 0.12 0.59 0.17 0.86 (66) (33) (20) (87) ns ns Conclusions Our results in a small salt-marsh creek suggest that the relationships among bacterial growth rate, temperature, and substrate supply rate are complex and interrelated. Substrate sources may come from allochthonous and autochthonous inputs. These inputs were not measured, and the annual cycle of substrate flux is still undefined. Our major point is that both bacterial growth rate and the substrate effects on bacterial growth are functions of temperature. We hypothesize that during nonsummer seasons, substrate stocks and supply rates are always higher than bacterial demand and this leaves temperature regulation as the major determinant of bacterial growth rate. During summer, when bacterial demand exceeds sub- 45 -z 4035 - 0 0 In situ Manipulated 8 0 0 0 l To 30 ; 25 E a 20 T 2 15 10 5 0 0 : 0 8 I 1 I 2 I I 3 4 Sampling Point I 5 6 Fig. 8. Effect of temperature manipulation on TdR cell- I during D4. Rates at the in situ temperature-O; rates in samples incubated at the temperature of the previous sampling-a. 66 Shiah and Ducklow strate supply rate, substrate supply rate may limit terial growth. bac- References ANDERSEN,P., AND H. SBRENSEN.1986. 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