A427-125-001-jpeg - Historical Papers
A427-125-001-jpeg - Historical Papers
HAVE YOUHEARD HOT TH ESE. HITS K U G A T O O M A N D IN A C H O K A T H R E E T IM E S I L O O K E D O N T H E W IN D O W E nock E vans w ith G uitar BAZOOKA IM F A IL IB E C H ISO N I E nock E vans w ith G uita r A N Y A M A T A A P A L IM B E K U K W A T IL A T IL E K E C H IL E N JE JI V E K A B W A T A JIV E T he Jazz Jivers M A M A M A R IA NAM ATAM A John A kapelw a A kakulubelw a w ith G uitar. E nock E vans w ith G u ita r AND T IY E N E R A K U K O N D W A N D IN A P IT A P A C H U L U JP 429 Obtainable SO L E E nock E vans w ith G u ita r E veryw here D IS T R IB U T O R S FO R THE DALLAS N Y ASALAN D GIGSTER' D RU M THE TIMES GRAMOPHONE AGENCY K IT in co rp o ratin g » BR A SS D R U M • SID E D R U M THE TIMES GRAMOPHONE SHOP ►P E D A L • STA N D • C Y M B A L I C Y M B A L PO ST a nd H O L D E R » SPU RS • STICK S • M O D E R N T u n ab le T O M -T O M m i \ i a V A - J iS l LTD FIRST STREET SALISBURY PHONE 22061 V BOX 109* The Music Specialists I t&<4 I *+ 1 ffefa XCtey> .......* ' ; v o ic e THEs S yUaB^ , ! ^ S , Egoli (based on ‘Roll P re tty B “ g a a a jsg * SAM UEL M W E N A & B O N IFA CE .* ^ a s s s A .s s s ir wi,h a ^,°;o, ; ENol S H - ^ hGu"°r I I YELELE PH IRI & C O M P A N Y WESs L.. ^ z Lr j s « A,“ " - ‘ v, BA SU T H O L A N D SINGERS SOLOIST: B. ZIKALALA GB 1999 Imini Enhele (Oh Happy Day) Nyonyobu (The Creep) GB 1993 M akoti Come Ouze ' t t r -K THE PLAY SINGER m uix, E-Jozbela (Zulu) J P 437 "X Inkosi 'M s Ivuma im p r o v e d T o n e and L o n g er R ec o r d L ife Fo r N O W O N SALE EVERYW H ERE SOLE D IST RIBU T O RS: U SE B » O U LI^ C B « 1 2 4 PRESID EN T STREET, JO H A N N E SB U R G , P.O . BOX 3 0 0 8 /7 F > ? t 'C * " * ' A lso a t 241 C h u rc h S t., P re to ria ; C a p e T ow n; D u rb a n ; B u law ay o a n d S alisb u ry . ----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %. gold g ra m o p h o n e i O N LY 2 / 3 PER T IN OF 100 C O M E T O T H E M U S IC S H O P C oronation House, C am eron & B ank Streets. Telephone 22151. SALISBURY h C H IE F Special offers in NEW and SECOND-HAND RADIOS and GRAMOPHONES. BENNY BAXTER W EEKLY LO W D E P O S IT A N D FRO M ATTIE DAVIS GS 649 Quela Van GS 647 Dop Dop Dop Sonskyn Quela GS 648 Ry Quela Ry Fixed Up Allies Quela GS 639 Quela Quela Of Course Ja MASTERKEYS GS 650 Josephina Sunday Quela SONNY’S JAZZ REVELLERS GS 654 Lena Samba Bouncers Quela ON SALE IN SHOPS EVERYW HERE MUSICAL LATEST RECORDS Studio P o rtraits — W eddings — Parties — Dances. DEVELOPING ENLARGING and ADVICE FREE and PRINTING SEPIA TONINGS W R IT E O R CALL A T ALL p- » - « m m INSTRUMENTS RADIO, GRAMOPHONE & W ATCH REPAIRS. CAMERAS AND FILMS IN STOCK PHOTOGRAPHS E L E C T R IC A L A PP L IA N C E S & FIT T IN G S f> < x y ~ r x d .^ w ith spares and repair services. / We are stockists of K o d ak Cam eras, Cine C am eras and films. i .' C Corner President « Joubert Sts. Johannesburg. Phone 23-2531. fe r n * -------------S yf f e\ rFu O t *R » C \ BATTEHY - ;iW 0 :: Collection Number: A427 Collection Name: African newspaper advertisements, 1953-1957 PUBLISHER: Publisher: Historical Papers Research Archive Location: Johannesburg ©2014 LEGAL NOTICES: Copyright Notice: All materials on the Historical Papers website are protected by South African copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise published in any format, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Disclaimer and Terms of Use: Provided that you maintain all copyright and other notices contained therein, you may download material (one machine readable copy and one print copy per page) for your personal and/or educational non-commercial use only. People using these records relating to the archives of Historical Papers, The Library, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, are reminded that such records sometimes contain material which is uncorroborated, inaccurate, distorted or untrue. While these digital records are true facsimiles of paper documents and the information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to be accurate and reliable, Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand has not independently verified their content. Consequently, the University is not responsible for any errors or omissions and excludes any and all liability for any errors in or omissions from the information on the website or any related information on third party websites accessible from this website. This document is part of a private collection held at the Historical Papers Research Archive, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.