TABLE OF CONTENTS - Anastasia Lester Literary Agency
TABLE OF CONTENTS - Anastasia Lester Literary Agency
ANASTASIA LESTER LESTER LITERARY AGENCY PRESENTS : SPRING 2016 FICTION TABLE OF CONTENTS FICTION .............................................................................................. 3 BEST-SELLERS 2016 ..................................................................................... 3 HIGHLIGHT SPRING 2016 .......................................................................... 7 DISCOVERED WRITER ............................................................................. 12 LITERARY FICTION .................................................................................. 15 DEBUT NOVEL ............................................................................................ 23 WOMEN WRITING ..................................................................................... 26 CONTEMPORARY UP-MARKET COMMERCIAL TRENDS ............. 32 BIOGRAPHICAL & HISTORICAL NOVEL........................................... 40 COMMERCIAL FICTION .......................................................................... 47 CRIME & SUSPENSE NOVELS ................................................................. 55 (Michel Lafon, March 2016, 480 pages) ....................................................... 56 Winner of : Prix du polar européen 2016 du “Point” .................................. 56 THRILLERS .................................................................................................. 60 SCIENCE-FICTION & FANTASY ............................................................. 66 YOUNG ADULT & CROSS OVER ............................................................ 69 ALL TITLES ...................................................................................... 75 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; Email: 1 FICTION FICTION BEST-SELLERS 2016 Bourdeaut, Olivier: EN ATTENDANT BOJANGLES (WAITING FOR BOJANGLES) (Editions Finitude, January 2016, 160 pages) English sample chapter available! N°4 in the bestseller’s list!!! 80,000 copies sold! Awarded the Grand Prix RTL-LIRE and, the Prix des Etudiants France Culture-Télérama and the Prix du ROMAN FRANCE-TELEVISIONS. A wacky family whose madness is so appealing it’s almost contagious. An exuberantly madcap saga that will make readers want to enter the characters’ unlikely world, on the verge of insanity. Colorful writing that switches easily between humor and emotion: readers will swing delightfully from laughter to tears, from the first to the last page. The wacky tale of an extraordinary couple, for which every day has to be special, seen through their only child innocent eyes. Along with his whimsical mom who changes names every day and his writer father who is as surprising as he is unpredictable, the narrator lives in an apartment filled with weird and wonderful objects, overseen by a demoiselle crane. Every day, his parents dance to Nina Simone’s "Mister Bojangles" over and over, in front of their spellbound son. They have deliberately chosen to turn their backs on adult responsibilities in order to enjoy a sometimes risky spontaneity. But the real world finally catches up with them. When the family gets into trouble with administrative services, the mother slides into true madness, and is committed against her will. The threesome is introduced to the surprising and sometime hilarious world of insanity, with all sorts of borderline and unusual people. Willing to do anything to get her out of there, the father and son foment a tremendous kidnapping. Readers will follow them into this unusual but marvelous adventure. Olivier Bourdeaut was born in 1980 in a house with no television, so he has been a voracious reader since a very young age. He hesitated for a long time before he decided to write, because he felt so puny compared to the writers on his bookshelf. But a “surge of megalomania” (in his own words) allowed him to finish his first novel, “En attendant Bojangles”. Ongoing offers from Brazil and China!! Rights sold in pre-empted Germany (Piper Verlag): rights sold in Spain (Salamandra), Italy (Neri Pozza), the Netherlands (Wereldbibliotheek), Israal (Kinneret Zmora Dvir), Sweden (Sekwa), Bulgaria (Colibri), USA/World English (Simon & Schuster), Denmark (Jensen & Dalgaard), Portugal (Guerra & Paz), Hungary (Magvetö) and Czech Republic (Albatros Media). Pocket rights have also been preempted (Folio)!! “Olivier Bourdeaut entre en littératuure avec une histoire simple, belle, folle et triste. Son récit navigue entre la légèreté du Vian de “l’Ecume des jours” et le roman d’apprentissage à la Salinger.” Le Figaro “Les bons sentiments font parfois les bons livres, et c’est le cas de cette histoire drôle, inventive et touchante, dont le ton malin et personnel séduit à chaque page.” Technikart “Un roman audacieux et rythmé dans lequel les influences de Vian et de Lewis Carroll se marient avec talent.” Point de vue “On retrouve ici le sens du rythme et de la prose imagée de l’Écume des jours de Vian, et la légèreté du désespoir de Tendre est la nuit de Fitzgerald. À l’instar des deux classiques, “En attendant Bojangles” se lit comme une belle histoire d’amour fou.” Les Inrockuptibles “Il y a quelque chose qui, à chaque page, rappelle joliment la légèreté du Vian de l’Écume des jours. Tout pour plaire en somme, et à tout lecteur de 7 à 77 ans.” — Livres-Hebdo Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 3 BEST-SELLERS 2016 Boltanski, Christophe: LA CACHE (THE HIDEOUT) (Stock, August, 2015 344 pages) Movie rights sold! Awarded the Prix Fémina and the Prix des Prix 2015! 80,000 copies sold!!! ! Like Georges Perec’s TALES OF ELLIS ISLAND, this funny and affectionate autobiographical narrative about a man searching for his own identity goes in search of the history of a family that has tried to erase every trace of its own past. ! An elegantly ironic writing style that intertwines descriptions of the characters to a place, as if the author were trying to anchor a rootless family. ! Complex, multi-facetted characters described seriously, but with humor, too. Christophe Boltanski’s journalistic style grants their story factual and historical depth. In a similar vein to Georges Perec, Christophe Boltanski offers readers an extremely moving first novel about the story of his family, Jews who emigrated from Russia to Paris at the turn of the last century. From the massacres of Odessa to their support for the Algerian Liberation Front, the author looks back over almost a century of history, including both World Wars , the Shoah and the Occupation. Upon arriving in France, the Boltanskis move into an apartment on Rue de Grenelle, which they immediately start calling “The Hideout.” At once a refuge and a prison, it protects the family from antiSemitism while cutting them off from the outside world. The apartment’s complicated layout and many nooks and crannies are like symbols of past suffering endured. Described one by one, each member of the family is shrouded in mystery; between their murky pasts and their multiple identities multiples, they are like pieces of a puzzle that can’t be solved. With restraint and a dash of self-deprecating humor, the narrator manages to follow the path of events the family lived through in order to recompose his family’s painful and fragile history. Christophe Boltanski is a journalist and war reporter for the national daily Libération and the magazine Le Nouvel Observateur. His previous book MINERAIS DE SANG (Gallimard, 2014) was an investigation into modern slavery. LA CACHE is his first novel. Rights sold in: Germany (Hanser Verlag), Netherlands (Cossee), USA (University of Chicago Press), Italy (Celerio) and Romania (Casa Cartii de Stiinta). “The incarnate portrait of the Boltanski family, both peculiar and fascinating” Livres Hebdo Enard, Mathias: BOUSSOLE (COMPASS) (Actes Sud, August 2015, 378 pages) Winner of the Prix Goncourt 2015 and Prix des Libraires de Nancy/LE POINT Magazine Listed for the Prix Femina, Prix Interallié, Prix Jean Giono and Prix du Style # 1 on Bestseller Lists, more than 300.000 copies sold ! ! The lush and masterful writing that is Mathias Enard’s signature style takes readers for a whirl on a passion-filled literary merry-go-round. ! A dense and detailed saga bringing both Eastern and Western history to life that weaves them together with a tale of falling in love and journeys of self-discovery. ! A knowledgeable description of the arts and sciences of the Middle East, and of their contributions to western culture, which are still little-known and often ignored in the West. ! A precise evocation of Orientalism and the Orientalists, from its 19th-century roots to the present, including the controversies and key figures (Goethe, Lawrence of Arabia, Louis Massignon, Edward Said and others). After ZONE, PARLE-LEUR DE BATAILLES, DE ROIS ET D’ELEPHANTS (“Talk to them about Battles, Kings and Elephants), and RUE DES VOLEURS (“Thief Street”)... Mathias Énard’s impressive writing career blossoms into full maturity in this epic saga that is also an ode to the Middle East. A passionate love affair told over a background brimming over with fascinating information about Middle Eastern culture. Franz Ritter is unwell. Hunkered down in his Vienna apartment, this musicologist specialized in Middle Eastern influences is suffering from insomnia. All night long, he reflects on his love for Sarah, a French Orientalist who he first met at a conference in Austria. Their story unfolds over a background of the history of 4 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION Orientalism, the modern Arab world and its upheavals (the Arab spring, the Islamic Caliphate the Iranian revolution and more) as well as his own travels to Istanbul, Damascus, Teheran and elsewhere, where he frequently runs into Sarah. The bumps in their relationship will be resolved in the morning, when Franz receives an e-mail from Sarah, announcing her arrival in Vienna and her love for him. A passion-filled inventory of the East’s incredible contributions to Western culture and identity, BOUSSOLE is a melancholic, enveloping novel that digs through memories of centuries of dialogue and artistic influences in an attempt to heal the wounds of the present. BOUSSOLE is a sublime tale, a Middle-Eastern variation on Claudio Magris’ DANUBE, in which the many disparate charms of a little-known world are intertwined. Born in 1972, Mathias Enard studied Persian and had several extended stays in the Middle East. He now lives in Barcelona. This is his sixth novel published by Actes Sud, after: LA PERFECTION DU TIR (2003, Prix des Cinq Continents de la Fancophonie; Babel n° 903), REMONTER L’ORENOQUE (2005), ZONE (2008, Prix Décembre, Prix du Livre Inter; Babel n° 1020), PARLE-LEUR DE BATAILLES, DE ROIS ET D’ELEPHANTS (2010, Prix Goncourt des Lycéens, Prix du Livre en Poitou-Charentes 2011) and RUE DES VOLEURS (2012). Rights sold: US (New Directions), UK (Fitzcarraldo), Italy (e/o Edizioni), Germany (Hanser Berlin), Spain (Literatura Random House), Croatia (Fraktura), Netherlands (Arbeiderspers), Portugal (Dom Quixote), Greece (Stereoma), catalan (Empuries), China (Shanghaï 99), Turkey (Can), Bulgaria (Prozoretz), Ukraine (Old Lion), Slovenia (MKZ), Serbia (Akademska Kniga), Arabic (Al-Kamel), Albania (Buzuku), Poland (Wydawnictwo Literackie), Hungaria (Magveto Kiado). “C'est l'un des plus beaux livres de l'année. (...) roman somptueux. (...) Grandiose !” L'Express “Dans Boussole, le romancier invite à une nuit d'insomnie et à un voyage dans les souvenirs d'un musicologue amoureux du Proche-Orient. Hypnotique. Boussole, dont chaque page sort le lecteur de lui-même, le confronte à une infinité de sujets et de personnages dont il ignore tout pour les lui rendre plus proches. “ Le Monde des Livres “Superbement noués dans Boussole, les liens entre Orient et Occident ressemblent à la relation entre Franz et Sarah : passionnée, contrariée, tissée de désir et de frustration, de fantasmes et d'incompréhensions. Sublime et tragique histoire d'amour.” Les Inrockuptibles Khadra, Yasmina: LA DERNIÈRE NUIT DU RAÏS LE RÉCIT DES DERNIÈRES HEURES DE MOUAMMAR KADHAFI (THE DICTATOR’S LAST NIGHT THE LAST HOURS OF GADDAFI’S LIFE) (Robert Laffont, August 2015, 216 pages) “When I was a boy, my uncle – my mother’s brother – sometimes took me with him into the desert. For him it was a journey that meant more than going back to his roots. It was a cleansing of his spirit. I was too young to understand the things he was trying to instil in me, but I loved to listen to him. My uncle swore that I was the ghous clan’s chosen one, the child who would restore to the Kadhafa tribe all its legends and former lustre. I am Muammar gaddafi. That should be enough for faith not to waver. I am him through whom salvation will come”. And so commences the new powerful novel by Yasmina Khadra which will be simultaneously published around the world in October 2015. Yasmina Khadra is the author of LES HIRONDELLES DE KABOUL (The Swallows of Kabul) and L’ATTENTAT (The Attack). his work has been translated in 42 countries. Rights sold: Italy (Sellerio), UK/US (Gallic Books), Spain (Alianza), Poland (Sonia Draga), Portugal (Bizancio), Turkey ( Affectum Libris), Germany (Osburg Verlag), Arabic (Dar Al-Saqi) Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 5 BEST-SELLERS 2016 Seurat, Alexandre: LA MALADROITE (CLUMSY GIRL) (Le Rouergue, August 2015, 128 pages) 20,000 copies sold! Winner of Prix “Envoyé par la poste”, new literary prize rewarding a manuscript sent by post. Shortlisted for the Prix Régine Desforges. N° 8 in Livres Hebdo’s Top 20 of Booksellers’ favorite French novels/Fall 2015. Was long-listed for the Prix Femina, was one of five finalists for the Prix du Roman FNAC. The publisher chose to publish this debut novel by a complete stranger because they were convinced about the strength and necessity to address the difficult subject of child abuse. In a docu-fiction way, the author chose to give voice to all the witnesses: teachers, family, police, social services; all left powerless and horrified as they only speak up after the final tragedy. An efficient, fact oriented, straight-to-the-point read that opens to debate and discussion. Based on a true event, this first novel is written in a style utterly free of artifice and has a breath-taking authenticity. It is a compulsive read, leaving us reeling. An extraordinarily necessary book. It all starts with a “Missing persons” announcement for an eight-year-old girl. Her former teacher realises immediately that she hasn’t been kidnapped but that her parents are responsible for her “disappearance”. One by one the powerless witnesses to this drama have their say, teachers, grandmother and aunt, doctors, halfbrother, social workers, policemen. This chorus of voices lays out the events and gradually fills in the story’s blanks. They all anticipated this imminent crisis but could do nothing to stop it. Born in 1979, Alexandre Seurat teaches French literature in Angers. He wrote a thesis on general and comparative literature in 2010. Rights sold in the Netherlands (Meridiaan) and Italy (Codice Edizioni), two books deal!!! “Le premier roman d’Alexandre Seurat impressionne. Par sa capacité, justement, à ne pas jouer des ressorts ouvertement émotionnels que ce type de fait divers semble appeler. Il n’en est que plus terrible, sans doute, mais il a cette délicatesse des écritures respectueuses de leur sujet, cette façon d’en saisir l’essentiel sans le jeter de manière accusatrice à la figure du lecteur.” Le Monde des Livres “LA MALADROITE est un texte qu’il faut lire, quelles que soient ses appréhensions. On en sort étonnamment réconforté par la puissance des mots et de la littérature, qui savent donner corps, esprit et vie à tous ceux que d’autres nient.” Le Monde des Livres “La force de ce roman choral : reconstituer une mécanique mortelle en juxtaposant sans commentaires les voix de ceux qui ont vu et n’ont rien pu faire, de ceux qui n’ont pas voulu voir.” Livres Hebdo “Entre effroi et malaise, on lit ce roman poignant en apnée, avec la sensation de faire face à une force venimeuse, contre laquelle on ne peut rien.” Elle Une charge magistrale, un récit saisissant dont on sort bouleversé.” L’Obs Gillot, Alain: LA SURFACE DE RÉPARATION (REPAIRING SURFACE) (Flammarion, March 2015, 240 pages) ! An atypical approach to, and explanation of, Asperger’s syndrome, with an important message about tolerance. ! Complex but universal family relationships, as well as loneliness, anger and the sense of being on your own are all portrayed very convincingly. ! A low-key happy ending; readers will find themselves rooting for the characters to find happiness; throughout the novel, both their personalities and their relationships with others develop and evolve realistically. Vincent, a forty-year-old, coaches a team of young football players and lives a solitary life in a soulless suburban block in the French city of Sedan. From his unhappy childhood onwards, his sole emotions have been resentment towards his relatives and a fear of human relations. But everything changes when his sister shows up at his home and entrusts him with the care of her thirteen-year-old son Léonard for two weeks. Quiet and solitary, Léonard spends his time playing chess and avoids any contact with his uncle. When Vincent tries to initiate him into football, he tackles the game with his incredibly logical mind: he watches hundreds of matches and gets to know every possible permutation of the game 6 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION by heart. On the pitch, he emerges as an outstanding goalkeeper: passive and almost lost for most of the game, and then considered and focused when the action unfolds close to his territory. This young man is also far from the average as regards his daily life: one gesture or word which differs from his mental patterns and he is overcome by panic. He suffers, we learn, from Asperger Syndrome. This book is the story of a man who no longer expected anything from life and who, while attempting to help his nephew, gradually challenges his beliefs and also breaks away from his own personal confinement. A perfectly-mastered novel, of powerful emotion, whose two lead characters are larger than life. Alain Gillot is 63. He is a playwright. LA SURFACE DE RÉPARATION is his first novel and it is currently being adapted for the cinema. Rights sold to: Italy (Edizioni E/O), UK US (Europa editions), Germany (Limes Verlag) Daoud, Kamel: MEURSAULT, CONTRE-ENQUÊTE (MEURSAULT, COUNTERINVESTIGATION) (Actes Sud, May 2014, 160 pages) English samples available! Awarded the Prix Goncourt du premier roman. Shortlisted for the Prix Goncourt, the Prix Renaudot, the Prix François Mauriac, the Prix des Cinq Continents and the Prix Ulysse. ! A superb tribute to literature and a lesson of tolerance. A novel inspired by Albert Camus' THE STRANGER yet creating its very own atmosphere. This is not a sequel. This is an original vision of all that the narrator in Camus' THE STRANGER did not see. The man talking to himself in a bar night after night is the brother of the Arab killed by a certain Meursault in a famous 20th century novel: Camus' THE STRANGER. Seventy years later, with all his pent-up anger and frustration, the old man gives the dead man his name back and brings to life a figure that literature has ignored: the Arab. MEURSAULT, CONTRE-ENQUÊTE plays with doubles and subterfuges to discuss identity issues. Kamel Daoud, known for his controversial newspapers' articles, chose literature this time to reflect the complexity of the legacies that shape the present of contemporary Algeria. An original project that granted Daoud the following highly praising review in Le Monde: “A l'avenir L'ÉTRANGER et MEURSAULT, CONTRE-ENQUÊTE se liront comme un dyptique.” / “From now on, THE STRANGER and MEURSAULT, CONTRE-ENQUÊTE will be read as a two-part literary work.” Born in Algeria in 1970, Kamel Daoud lives in Oran and is a journalist for the Quotidien d’Oran – the third largest Algerian daily in French. His articles are regularly reprinted across the world (Libération, Le Monde, Courrier international). He has written several narratives, some of which were collated in the collection LE MINOTAURE 504 (2011), which was first published in Algiers and won the 2008 Mohammed Dib Prize for the best short story collection. Rights sold in Greece (Patakis), Italy (Bompiani), Hungary (Ab Ovo), Turkey (Epsilon), UK (Oneworld Publications), USA (Other Press), Germany (Kiepenheuer & Witsch), Denmark (Turbine) and China (Shanghaï 99), Slovenia (to MKZ), the Czech Republic (to Euromedia) and Poland (to Karakter). HIGHLIGHT SPRING 2016 Laurens, Camille: CELLE QUE VOUS CROYEZ (THE PERSON YOU THINK I AM) (Gallimard, January 2016, 192 pages) First print-run – 32 500 copies in France ! Five years after her latest book Romance nerveuse Camille Laurens returns to the novel in which thanks to a fake Facebook profile a woman manipulates a younger man enjoying herself and her readers This is the story of Claire Millecam, a 48 year old woman, teacher, divorced, who creates a fake profile on Facebook to try to have access to information about Jo, her occasional, elusive and inconstant lover. Under Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 7 HIGHLIGHT SPRING 2016 the false identity of Claire Antunès, a young and beautiful 24 year old woman, she starts a correspondence with Chris, a 36 years old friend of Jo, soon turning into a virtual love affair… The person you think I am asks the question about feminine desire in relation to the time which passes, and more generally, gives a detailed view of love in a time of social media networks. Facebook appears to allow you to expose yourself publically, to indulge in secrets, but above all to lie, to invest in another life, a mixture of sentimental naivety and manipulative perversity, which does not compare unfavorably to the short stories and debauched novels of the 18th century. Novelist Camille Laurens lives in Paris. She received in 2000 the prestigious literary prize “Prix Femina” for Dans ces bras-là. Her published works with Gallimard include: Tissé par mille (2008) and Romance nerveuse (2010). Rights sold: USA (Other Press), Greece (Gema), Romania (Nemira), Serbia under negociation. “Un roman délicieusement roué, où se mélangent gravité et grâce joueuse avec une grande puissance de séduction.” Le Monde des Livres “D'une écriture brillante, Celle que vous croyez brasse avec vivacité, franchise et cruauté les questions de l'âge, de la trahison, du désir, du plaisir - sexuel et textuel.” Les Echos Trévidic, Marc: AHLAM (AHLAM) (JC Lattes, January 2016, 340 pages) 45 000 copies sold in France Marc Trévidic is a French judge and widely known expert on antiterrorism and terrorist networks. In this novel, he presents the unrelenting, chilling portrait of a world capsizing into madness. When Paul, a famous French painter, arrives in Kerkennah, Tunisia, in the year 2000, the island is a tiny paradise for all those seeking peace and beauty. He settles in “the house on the sea” and begins what will become an enduring friendship with the family of a local fisherman, Fa- rhat. The artist grows particularly close to Farhat’s children, Issam and Ahlam, both incredibly gifted in music and painting. Paul begins to hope that the three of them together might realize his dream of creating a unique and global work that would combine all the arts. Ten years go by and the troubles of the world reach Kerkennah. Ben Ali is deposed and radical Islam is gaining ground. The clash between artistic beauty and religious fanaticism begins. Marc Trévidic is a judge specialized in antiterrorism with the French high court in Paris and one of the leading international experts on terrorist networks. He is the author of two highly praised books, Au Coeur de l’antiterrorisme and Terroristes, both published with Lattès in 2010 and 2013. He is also president of the AFMI (Association Française des Magistrats Instructeurs). Rights sold to: Rowholt (Germany), Utopia (Greece), Muvelt Nep (Hungary), Rizzoli (Italy), Suma (Spain) “This first novel is a gripping portrait of Tunisian youth torn between radical Islam and progress. Proof that fiction can be as powerful as non-fiction in portraying reality.” Lire “Like a crime novel, we are immediately caught up in a relentless, merciless forward momentum.” Télérama “Sometimes it’s fiction that illustrates reality best. A riveting narrative that dissects its subject without judgment – the tour de force of a man of law who is also a novelist.” Le Parisien Magazine “In his first novel, Ahlam, Marc Trevidic takes on fanaticism. Armed with his experience, he describes the mechanisms of indoctrination to better eradicate it.” Le Soir Jeanneret, Anaïs: NOS VIES INSOUPCONNEES (OUR UNSUSPECTED LIVES) (Albin Michel, April 2016, 250 pages) ! An unusual construction for a novel with multiple narrators: all of the little stories come together in the end. The multiplication of viewpoints highlights how subjective our perceptions can be. ! A novel that touches simply and movingly on such universal themes as filial and conjugal love, making choices, the passage of time and our encounters with other people. 8 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION ! A thoughtful and poetic style from an author whose last novel, LA SOLITUDE DES SOIRS D’ETE, won the Prix François-Mauriac de l’Académie française A multiple-narrator book that evokes, in the manner of Paul Auster, the role of chance and circumstances in our existence. A little girl lost. A woman who made the wrong choice. A police superintendent who’s become disillusioned but still romantic. An angry primary school teacher. A celebrity with an unusual life. A mother and son whose reunion has forged bonds as solid as their pasts were unstable... So many seemingly ordinary lives whose subtle discrepancies and interconnections are revealed by Anaïs Jeanneret’s writing: that little element of chance, the meetings, or perhaps desire, that suddenly sets their hearts throbbing and links them together under the effect of an unsuspected force. The Russian-doll-like structure clearly illustrates that human beings cannot be summed up in one life. Actress Anaïs Jeanneret now devotes her time to writing. She has published several novels, including LES YEUX CERNES, LES POUPEES RUSSES, LA TRAVERSEE DU SILENCE and LA SOLITUDE DES SOIRS D’ETE. Foenkinos, David: LE MYSTÈRE HENRI PICK (THE HENRI PICK MYSTERY) (Gallimard, April 2016, 288 pages) Initial print-run: 100,000 copies ! Jean-Pierre Gourvec, a librarian of Crozon in the Finistère, has adopted one of Richard Brautigan’s ideas - to create a library of manuscripts publishers have refused. Delphine Despero is a young editor who’s on a roll. During a visit to her parents in Crozon with her writer lover, Frédéric, Delphine discovers a manuscript she deems brilliant among the rejects of the library. Les dernières heures d’une histoire d’amour is apparently the work of Henri Pick, a pizza chef from Crozon, now deceased. Delphine takes the manuscript to Paris and has it published. The book is a stunning success, interest in it piqued by the mysterious identity of its uneducated and taciturn author. Skeptical voices begin to murmur their suspicions of a hoax. How could he have written such a masterpiece? Jean-Michel Rouche, an obstinate journalist, leaves for Crozon to investigate. From then on, one event leads to another, love stories intertwine, carried along by the sparks of the intrigue. Until the very last page, the reader is still asking himself, who is the author of this rediscovered manuscript? Novelist, scenarist, and musician, David Foenkinos was born in 1974. He is the author of fourteen novels translated into forty languages, among them La délicatesse (2009), Les souvenirs(2011), Je vais mieux (2013), Charlotte, Prix Renaudot et Prix Goncourt des Lycéens (2014), all published by Éditions Gallimard. In 2011, he and his brother adapted his work La délicatessefor a film starring Audrey Tautou and François Damiens. In 2014, he co-adapted Les souvenirs, directed by Jean-Paul Rouve. Russian righs are under option with Azbooka-Atticus Aderhold, Carl: ROUGE (RED) (Les Escales, January 2016, 320 pages) ! Musings on how political passion is transmitted from father to son. ! Four generations of a family saga intertwining personal and political history. Along with the story of the Aderhold men, we get a refresher course in 20th-century French political history. ! The author combines a genealogical narrative with psychanalytic reflections on his identity as a father. In this memoir of a French childhood, Carl Aderhold paints the portrait of a Communist family during the Fifth French Republic, from De Gaulle to Mitterrand. Carl looks back over a childhood lived to the rhythm of victories and defeats for the Communist cause around the world, and how they affected his alcoholic father’s violent moods. Haunted by the ghosts of the past, Carl decides to finally carry out his youthful project of writing a history of his family. Intertwined with the narrative of his father’s political struggles that spoiled his childhood are those of the generations of Aderholds who preceded him. From the German deserter who moved to France before WWI to the activist actor in the 1960s, Aderhold fathers have always made their sons’ lives miserable. Carl struggles to overcome this family curse. Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 9 HIGHLIGHT SPRING 2016 Born in 1963, Carl Aderhold is a historian specialized in the 18th century. He found a large audience with his novel MORT AUX CONS (“Death to Squares”, Hachette littératures, 2009), which sold 170,000 copies, as well as LES POISSONS NE CONNAISSENT PAS L’ADULTÈRE (“Fish Don’t Know Anything About Adultery”, JC Lattès, 2010) and FERMETURE ÉCLAIR (“Zipped Up” JC Lattès, 2012). “Rouge est un roman de belle littérature, avec une force, des émotions – sans rien de sentimental –, un œil juste comme on en voit rarement. L’écriture de Carl Alderhold est si fine qu’en deux ou trois mois il fait le tour de la question, il peint une époque, qui change et mue avec les pensées du jeune garçon narrateur, tout cela ne fait qu’un tout. Le portrait du père est formidable : ni à charge, ni rancunier, sans sensiblerie non plus, mais très touchant. Ce père qui pousse son fils à accuser son professeur de fasciste, qui lui interdit d’aller voir les films du fâcheusement à droite Louis de Funès, qui le dégoûte à jamais du fâcheusement capitaliste Monopoly, et qui perd la tête au moment où il aimerait tant la retrouver pour, peut-être une dernière fois, sauver le communisme de l’infamie où l’époque le condamne.” [..] Rouge m’a amenée vers une réflexion riche et parfois douloureuse sur l’histoire des idéologies en France : comme si par son roman Carl Alderhold réglait une bonne fois pour toute le XXe siècle et son lot de croyances aux fameux lendemains qui chantent. Le sort du communisme français, vraie foi pour les uns, opportunisme pour les autres, est définitivement clos avec Rouge ; le communisme n’a plus de mémoire car toute mémoire lui est fatale, il n’est plus qu’un vieil homme pathétique qui, une fois disparu, aura laissé le souvenir d’une longue tyrannie, des névroses, des blessures mais aussi au fond une profonde tendresse. Rights sold in Germany (Arche) and Greece (Siolas). French pocket rights sold (Pocket)! Colin, Fabrice: LA POUPÉE DE KAFKA (KAKFA’S DOLL) (Actes Sud, January 2016, 272 pages) ! The mystery of Kafka’s doll and lost manuscript honors the Prague writer while showcasing the modernity of his literature. ! A quest that leaves room for universal themes such as the father-daughter relationship and injuries of passionate and complex characters caught in the vortex of history. ! In a contemporary and sensitive style, the author weaves his plot from Prague to Berlin to the Alps, linking past and present. In a literary and yet saucy book, Fabrice Colin features a father and daughter struggling with the last secret of Franz Kafka: a hidden manuscript. A well-crafted novel that is a love story for literature and for family, as much as a historical thriller. During a stay in Berlin, young Julie Spieler, hoping for a very unlikely reconciliation with her father – a disappointing husband, impenitent womaniser, inveterate liar, and a teacher of German literature at the Sorbonne – finds the presumed recipient of some unpublished texts by Kafka, a writer who fascinates her father to the point of obsession. She embarks on the difficult process of approaching this especially recalcitrant old woman who harbours memories of a whole century of wars, exiles and horrors. These three characters end up together in a chalet looking out towards Mont Blanc, trying to settle – severally or separately – their respective affairs. Known for his works in science-fiction, fantasy, young adults’ literature or thrillers, Fabrice Colin, born in 1972, also occasionally writes graphic novels and radio plays. In addition, he is a literary critic and Editorial Director for Editions Super 8. “Un père, sa fille, une vieille femme mystérieuse, et Kafka dans le rôle du spectre bienveillant sont les protagonistes de ce roman, merveilleux de style et de sensibilité.” Télérama “Bien structuré, n’abusant pas des flash backs, alternant les focalisation avec grâce et écrit dans un style résolument contemporain, Fabrice Colin ficelle un bien joli thriller. A la fois très référencé et très fluide, complexe dans ses personnages et simple dans sa narration, La poupée de Kafka est une histoire d’amour de la littérature et d’amour filial, autant qu’un thriller historique évitant avec pudeur les affres du point Godwin. Un très bon bouquin à lire et à offrir sans modération.” “Partant de l'épisode, Fabrice Colin, maître des sortilèges littéraires, tire une envoûtante intrigue où vont s'opposer Abel Spieler, kafkaïen fanatique et sorbonnard libertin, sa fille Julie, errant d'un compagnon à l'autre, entre Paris et Berlin, et surtout Else Falkenberg, la fillette enfin retrouvée. Autour de la poupée aux lettres, œil magnétique de ce redoutable cyclone psychodramatique, Colin fait tournoyer en virtuose trois êtres marqués par le siècle, dont il cisèle les portraits et millimètre l'évolution psychologique.” Le Monde des livres 10 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION “C'est une histoire d'amour entre un père et sa fille, une histoire d'apprivoisement sur lequel plane la figure silencieuse et tutélaire de Kafka (…) c'est un très joli livre.” Radio Classique Fouchet, Lorraine: ENTRE CIEL ET LOU (IN LOU’S TWILIGHT) (Eho, March 2016, 432 pages) ! The setting on the Ile of Groix, which is reminiscent of THE GUERNSEY LITERARY AND POTATOPEEL PIE SOCIETY for the friendly solidarity and the island atmospherics. ! The multiple points of view make for a very lively narrative, one that will make readers feel very close to the characters. ! A novel that reminds readers about the most fundamental values: love, a sense of humor, and communication ! With this good family saga filled with laughs, disputes and love that is a veritable page turning and feel good book, the author touches each of us and will warm up our long winter evenings. In the charming setting of the Ile of Groix, off the coast of Brittany, a widower has been tasked by his deceased wife with making their children happy : he'll do his best. Ile of Groix, Brittany. Lou, 56, has just passed away, leaving her widowed husband, Jo, in deep despair. Even her children and grandchildren feel like orphans, because Lou was the keystone of the family. In her will, she sets a final challenge for Jo: do whatever it takes to make their children happy. It won’t be easy for this former cardiologist who had returned to his native island for a peaceful retirement in the company of his wife and his old friends. He was no longer very close to his children, whose lives he doesn’t really understand. But he has no choice but to honor Lou’s memory, and her last wish. Between a self-defensive son and a broken-hearted daughter, it’s a difficult mission… but one that reserves him some pleasant surprises as well. It’s never too late to reconnect, and their family bonds will be strengthened by the ordeals they face together. Lou will have gotten what she wanted: making sure her whole family is happy, even without her. Lorraine Fouchet was born in 1956 in Neuilly-sur-Seine. She’s a writer, a screenwriter and also a doctor. ENTRE CIEL ET LOU is her seventeenth novel. Rights sold in Germany (Hoffmann und Campe/ Atlantik (Daniel Kampa), Spain/Castillan (Roca Editorial), Spain/Catalan (La Campana), Italy (Garzanti) and Poland (Media Rodzina). The author's previous novels have already been translated in Germany (Lübbe), Italy (Garzanti), Greece (Horizon) and Slovakia. “L’intrigue est prenante et l’écriture de Lorraine Fouchet toujours aussi efficace. Groix, ses paysages, ses lieux emblématiques, ses habitants, réels et imaginés, et surtout sa magie, habitent littéralement ce roman, bel hommage à une île qui lui est chère.” Ouest France “Il y a de l’iode, du champagne, des histoires de cœur, de jolis mots, des rebondissements, des chansons, quelques recettes de cuisine, bref un fumet d’humanité que l’on respire avec tant de plaisir qu’à la fin, on cherche le numéro de l’office de tourisme groisillon. Il doit bien rester une petite maison à louer pour l’été…” Le Figaro magazine “Voilà ce qui s’appelle un roman tonique et revigorant (…) qui ferait un excellent scénario pour unecomédie romantique à la française. Parce qu’il y a plein de bons sentiments, des paysages superbes ; beaucoup d’amour. Et, évidemment, un happy end.” Sud Ouest Mourlevat, Jean-Claude: MES AMIS DEVENUS (THE REUNION) (Univers Poche, 12 May 2016, 230 pages) Reader’s report available ! A sensitive and beautifully written novel dealing with universal topics: friendship, memories, lost loves, old age... What have we done with our pledges of friendship? With our dreams? Silvère has rented a house on the Ouessant Island for a five days reunion with old friends. Jean, with whom he has shared everything, will be coming. And so will Luce, Lours’ and Mara who he hasn’t seen for forty years. The reunion is the occasion for them to remember what they once shared: their dreams, their disillusionments, everything that has made them and still connects them. Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 11 DISCOVERED WRITER Russian rights are under option with Sindbad d'Epenoux, François: LE REVEIL DU COEUR (THE RISE OF HEART) (Editions Anne Carrière January 2014, 256 pages) Winner of the Prix Maisons de la Presse 2014! 35 000 copies old in France ! ! An affectionate and nostalgic novel that is less about the generation gap than about the change of eras. ! Touching and authentic male characters whose lifestyles and belief systems are called into question by the arrival of a child. ! Delightful dialogues with a scathing sense of humour. ! François d'Epenoux has written a touching and truthful novel, tinged with nostalgia, that queries what it means to be a man and a father in a modern world in which ancestral identities have been swept away. At age 30, Jean is the stereotypical Parisian hipster. He works for a PR firm that he hates, has been dating the same woman for the last three years without the slightest intention of getting married, reads the paper, goes out to eat, and feels like he’s treading water. His father, the Grand-Pariah, hasn’t read a newspaper since 1968. He lives in a house where time stopped when everything was simpler – when men were men and women were women and everybody knew what that meant. But the unintended birth of Malo upsets everything. The son becomes a father, and feels like a man for the first time. The old man has to make room in his heart for this unexpected grandchild. He gets caught up with introducing Malo to nature, opening his eyes to what children don’t notice any more: animals, plants, the seasons and more. The little boy, in turn, opens his grandfather’s mind to the world’s evolution. François d’Epenoux, 46, writes both novels and screenplays. His novel DEUX JOURS A TUER, 2001) was adapted for the screen by Jean Becker (one million tickets sold!). Rights sold to: Penguin Random House / Grijalbo (Spain), the Netherlands (Xander Uitgevers). "À l'humour caustique succède une écriture empreinte de tendresse. Et aux séparations ou oppositions des premières pages, une véritable rencontre." Paris Match "Les détours et les surprises de cette tendre complicité entre le vieil homme et l'enfant sont au fil des pages drôles, insolites et touchants." Télé Z DISCOVERED WRITER Mérindol, Pierre: FAUSSE ROUTE (A LAST ONE FOR THE ROAD ) (Le Dilettante, February 2016, 128 pages) ! The author embellishes his prose with Parisian slang, swearwords and colourful images, but without deviating from his natural elegance. ! A road movie in the France of the fifties. A must (re)read. This novel radiates the charm of a France swallowed by the passage of time, urban and economic changes. We are reminded of Dabit, of Mac Orlan, of all that quality interwar literature. A “cold”, descriptive, almost veristic, naturalistic style. The author passes no judgements, only giving facts, bare, neutral facts that link together naturally. Published by Editions de Minuit in 1950, this little known social novel is modern by its subject: truckers and their horizons limited by the “austere monotony of the Nationale road”. The author is a figure of post-war bohemian Paris, a comrade of Robert Giraud and Robert Doisneau, who dabbled in bric-a-brac. Poetic Realism! “All that to say that there are possible temporary suicides against moral hangovers and boredom. The life we led was continually filled with events such as parties, flat tires, fights, accidents, but it should not be assumed this is the real action, at most a distraction and, as the novelty wears off, we lapse back into boredom; or we can resort to daydreams of prodigious destinies, stories in which we are the imaginary heroes, love, detective films, belote or, better still, poer.” 12 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION There are some beautiful pages about nights in France and the volatility of emotions. Under Mérindol’s pen, a stroll through the flea market has the oscillating pain of a hammock, after driving four thousand kilometres. There are also some Blondin-like finds (a night-shift pump attendant in a glass cage is likened to a “lighthouse keeper”), suggesting an emotional affinity between the two writers, the happy conveyors of a simple, enviably delectable style. With this road movie, the reader finds himself transported into the cab of a Berliet 10-tonne truck, watching plane trees whiz by on Highway 7 during the night in post-war France. On the menu: pallid dawns, gas-lit streets, rounds of Cinzano, fun fairs that get out of hand. And sometimes, a gift of life, a sweet Françoise who lets herself be fondled at the back of the truck. “The road smelt of wet grass, the smoke of the night express, the vegetated waters of the dead branches of the Rhône, overheated hoses, and wafts of ‘burned bread’ as they crossed towns”, Mérindol writes with melancholy, without ever sinking into Parisian ‘titi’ slang. This Jules and Jim at the wheel of a 10-tonne truck is as graceful as a feather fluttering in the air of the fifties.” L’Express “Fausse Route plunges us into post-war France when girls were called Marie-Suzon and Françoise, the elated lover who constantly cropped up in their conversations. In those years of black and white, the guys nonchalantly lost at cards before going to the ball at the Place de la Contrescarpe to find ladies of the night wearing patchouli perfume. Fausse Route is a book that delicately exudes nostalgia and red plonk. It does us a power of good and brings a tear to the eye.” Lire Laferrière, Dany: MYTHOLOGIES AMÉRICAINES (AMERICAN MYTHOLOGIES) (Preface by Charles Dantzig) (Grasset, January 2015, 555 pages) ! This volume brings together Dany Laferrière’s first novels - Comment faire l’amour avec un nègre sans se fatiguer (1985), Cette grenade dans la main du jeune Nègre est-elle une arme ou un fruit ? (1993), Fête chez Hoki (1987) – and the unpublished: Truman Capote au Park Hotel. ! These books make up what he called his “American mythology.” We first follow Dany Laferrière to Canada, then to the US. The young Dany dreams about himself and the great writers he loves. He seems to do nothing but converse with a friend and try to pick up girls, while ironically speculating about the “White woman/Negro male” question. But, in actual fact, he spends all his time writing. From his very first books, we find the Laferrière of L’Enigme du retour (The Return) and Je suis un écrivain japonais (I Am a Japanese Writer) – a man who plays with clichés in order to better circumvent them, the falsely casual writer who patiently builds a body of work, the humourist who talks about serious things, and especially, the flexible and enchanting stylist and novelist who invented his own literary genre. “This is not a novel. I say this, thinking of Magritte drawing a pipe and writing underneath: This is not a pipe. I write this book with notes taken on the fly just about everywhere in North America.” Dany Laferrière was born in Port-au-Prince in 1953. He won the Prix Médicis in 2009 with L’Enigme du retour (Grasset, 2009 – The Return in English, 2011) and, in 2013, became the first Québécois author of Haitian birth to be elected to the Académie française. Foreign rights sold for previous titles: Castillian (Alianza), Chinese (simplified: Shanghai 99 Reader), Danish (Turbine Forlaget), English (United Kingdom: MacLehose Press, Canada: Douglas and McIntyre, Arsenal Pulp Press), German (Das Wunderhorn), Italian (Gremese 66Thand2nd), Japanese (Fujiwara Shoten, The Open Books), Korean (The Open Books, Thinking Tree), Polish (Swiat Ksiazki), Romanian (Echinox), Russian (Text), Serbian (Laguna) Perec, Georges: THINGS. A STORY OF THE SIXTIES 50th Anniversary Edition (Robert Laffont, September 2015, 176 pages) ! Julliard is reprinting the indispensable first novel of one of the most important French authors of the second half of the 20th century. Sylvie and Jérôme live on their meager salaries as market researchers. But they yearn for the luxury of beautiful things: tailor-fitted clothing, elegant furniture, and a life of idleness in a setting where every detail would be considered. But this dream opposes the triviality of their actual life: a tiny two-bedroom with haphazard piles of books, records, and secondhand clothing. They are incapable of adding value to their Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 13 DISCOVERED WRITER existence. Why does happiness seem inaccessible to them? is it because they cannot escape the condition of possessing “things”? Georges Perec is one of the most prominent writers of the second half of the 20th century. Awarded the Renaudot prize in 1965 and the Médicis prize in 1978, his work is recognized for its great originality. Rights sold to English by David Bellos; published by David R. Godine in the U.S. and HarperCollins in the U.K. Perec, Georges: QUEL PETIT VÉLO À GUIDON CHROMÉ AU FOND DE LA COUR? (Denoel, New Edition January 2014, 90 pages) ! A brilliant literary fantasy by Georges Perec, exceptional language explorer. This short novel is set in France during the Algerian War. Between Invalides and Montparnasse, the narrator tells the story of his friend Henri Pollack, and how he dragged his friends into a crazy adventure. By day, Henri Pollak is a sergeant, and a bohemian artist by night. Whenever he is away from the barracks, he rides his small bike with a chrome handlebar dressed in civilian clothes, and meets up with his friends to have a few drinks and speak about life, literature and poetry. One evening, Henri asks his friends to help one of his comrades get out of military service. The guy in question, who bears the name of Kara-something (throughout the story, his name is constantly mispronounced, to the extent that his actual name remains a mystery) was drafted to go to Algeria to fight. After giving the matter a good thinking, they decide that Kara-something had better pretend to suffer from psychiatric problems. All he has to do is stage a mock-suicide, and leave a note so crazy that he will be considered a lunatic when he wakes up. Kara is so happy about the plan that he celebrates and drinks all night, and only wakes up the morning after to the sound of the fanfare, just in time to leave for Algeria. Georges Perec (1936-1982) needs no introduction. This lover of the French language experimented with it, and pushed its boundaries as a writer, and as a member of the Oulipo (Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle). Quel petit vélo à guidon chromé au fond de la cour ? (1966) is the second novel published by Perec, right after Les Choses (1965, winner of the Renaudot Prize). His stellar career also includes instant classics such as La Disparition (1969), W ou le souvenir d’enfance (1975) and La Vie mode d’emploi (1978, winner of the Médicis Prize). QUEL PETIT VÉLO... has previously been translated into Greek, Dutch, Japanese and Korean. All these rights have reverted to Denoël and are currently available. Rights sold: UK (Harvill Press), USA/Canada (Godine), Germany (Diaphanes), Spain (Alpha Decay) / World Castilian, Italy (Baldini & Castoldi), Israel (Babel), Turkey (Metis), Czech Republic (Rubato), Sweden (Modernista), Norway (Solum forlag) “A short story brimming with figures of speech, as always with Perec, to be read in one go like a prose poem.” Midi Libre “One never ceases to rediscover the works of Perec, and that is how it should be.” Le Figaro Littéraire Cendrars, Blaise: LA MAIN COUPÉE ET AUTRES RÉCITS DE GUERRE (THE SEVERED HAND AND OTHER WAR STORIES) (Denoel, New Edition October 2013, 250 pages) ! In August 1914, a young Swiss poet living in Paris volunteers to join the French army. After being transferred to the Foreign Legion, Blaise Cendrars (1887-1961) fights on the front at the Somme, and then participates in the considerable offensive in the Champagne district. Severely wounded whilst assaulting German trenches on September 28, 1915, his right arm, the very one he uses to fight and write, is amputated, making him the most famous armless writer in French literature. During his extensive and versatile career, Cendrars wrote about that life-turning year spent at the Front, and his many memories of the Great War. The Former caporal condemns the ideologies that unleashed and exploited violence, and sides with the men who fought and suffered like he did. With cold clarity, he demonstrates how European civilization betrayed its values and turned into a bloodthirsty monster. A great figure of modern poetry, a close friend of Apollinaire, Chagall and Léger, the author of La Prose du Transsibérien (Prose of the Trans-Siberian), Moravagine and L’Homme foudroyé (A Man Struck by Lightning) also stands as a major witness of WWI, the conflict that damaged the contemporary world beyond repair, and wreaked havoc on his life as a man and writer. 14 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION This volume compiles for the very first time Cendrars’ most important war stories: LA MAIN COUPÉE (The Severed Hand), L’ÉGOUTIER DE LONDRES (The Sewer worker of London), DANS LE SILENCE DE LA NUIT (In the Silence of the night), J’AI TUÉ (I killed) and J’AI SAIGNÉ (I bled). LA MAIN COUPÉE has previously been translated into English (under the title Lice), Portuguese (Brazil), Czech and German. The rights have reverted to Denoël, and are currently available. “La Main coupée pays tribute to fallen or missing comrades by restoring their identities and casting a humane light onto the inhumanity of the front.” Le Magazine Littéraire LITERARY FICTION Darrieussecq, Marie: ETRE ICI EST UNE SPLENDEUR (BEING HERE IS A SPLENDOUR) (POL, March 2016, 155 pages) ! The life of Paula Modersohn-Becker, a major, visionary figure in German expressionism. Inspired by Matisse and Picasso, she was close to Rodin, Rilke and the Nabi movement. ! A woman who flew in the face of the conventions of her time, choosing to focus on her career as an artist rather than to embrace her destiny as a wife and mother. ! A clear, insightful and enjoyable style that suits the rich and fascinating life of the artist it describes perfectly. The life of Paula Modersohn-Becker, a brilliant, independent-minded artist who contributed extraordinary masterpieces to German avant-garde painting. Marie Darrieussecq describes this talented woman with such insight that she brings us into the artist’s inner circle. Paula Modersohn-Becker only wanted to be a painter. Her best friend was Rilke. She didn’t really enjoy being married. She liked rice pudding, apple sauce, walking in heathland, Gauguin, Cézanne, swimming in the sea, being naked in the sun, reading whereas earning money. She may have wanted a child – her letters and diaries are ambiguous about it. She has been here for real, from 1876 to 1907. Paula Modersohn-Becker will be exhibited at the Modern Art Museum in Paris in 2016. Marie Darrieussecq was born in 1969 in the Basque Country. She’s a writer and a psychoanalyst. She won the Prix Médicis with her last novel IL FAUT BEAUCOUP AIMER LES HOMMES published in 2013. “On comprend vite ce qui a fasciné l’écrivaine dans cette figure de femme artiste : création au féminin, corps et maternité, il est facile de voir ce qui résonne.” Livres Hebdo Richard, Emmanuelle: POUR LA PEAU (FOR YOUR SKIN) (Editions de l’Olivier, January 2016, 224 pages) Winner of: Le Prix Anaïs Nin Longlisted for: Prix Marie Claire du roman feminine & Grand prix RTL Lire ! A very profound text in which the character counts out her memories, one by one, like worrying a rosary. ! Truly introspective, frank, thoughtful and without pretense: the young woman’s thoughts and feelings are entirely exposed. ! A book that includes powerfully erotic scenes while also describing the character’s constant affection for each other; In a similar vein to Annie Ernaux’s PASSION SIMPLE, a tale of a passionate, violent, fusional love affair, rooted in an absolute present. Emma has left Paris to move in with her boyfriend in a seaside town. But their ho-hum existence doesn’t suit her, and they soon break up. Emma signs up for an extramarital dating site, because the last thing she wants is to fall in love again. Then she happens to meet the man whose studio she’s renting. Despite her misgivings, she agrees to go out with him. Little by little, they build a strange and chaotic relationship, one that is both fusional and profoundly destructive. The man is still seeing his ex, who he does drugs with / shoots up with. He can’t seem to break off that toxic relationship, yet nor can he bring himself to leave Emma, who he is in love with. He and Emma are sliding into a relationship with no future, until they reach a breaking point. Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 15 LITERARY FICTION Emmanuelle Richard asks contemporary readers a question: what does meeting someone and falling in love mean in this day and age, when everything can happen on line? Through a tale that flies in the face of current conventions, she shows that an apparently anodyne encounter can still lead to a passionate relationship. Emmanuelle Richard was born in 1985. She wrote a first novel about adolescence LA LEGERETE, which has been very considered. POUR LA PEAU is her second novel. “POUR LA PEAU is one of the best surprises of the season, pairing an extremely modern tale with topof-the-line writing,” Culture box, France TV News “ (…) tant le livre est original et réussi, l’écriture courageuse et maîtrisée, et la voix singulière de l’auteure intensément présente de bout en bout.” Le Monde des Livres Arsand, Daniel: JE SUIS EN VIE ET TU NE M’ENTENDS PAS (I’M ALIVE AND YOU CAN’T HEAR ME) (Actes Sud, March 2016, 272 pages) ! A breathtaking ode to love, life and freedom. ! The history of a pink triangle Nazi camp survivor. When Klaus Hirschkuh alights at Leipzig station one day in November 1945 he gradually discovers a devastated city. The young man walking through the ruins is himself broken. He has just spent four years in Buchenwald. Because he is homosexual. He is exhausted, a shadow, a ghost. Yet scandalously alive. And he has plenty to atone for. An arresting chronicle of an everyday difference, I’m Alive and You Can’t Hear Me is written with a bracing and explosive combination of abruptness, anger and luminosity. By tackling what is still a burning issue and by putting his own hand into the fire, Daniel Arsand writes literature and there is a nakedness, an intensity to his writing, a ruthless precision true to the challenge that drives him, as it does all of us. Renowned author Daniel Arsand has written a dozen books including DES AMANTS (Stock, 2008) and UN CERTAIN MOIS D’AVRIL À ADANA (Flammarion, 2011). “À chaque page, ce roman hurle la nécessité absolue d'exister et d'être lu. Poésie et colère pour ne pas être oublié.” Les Inrockuptibles “Un hymne à la fraternité dans une langue qui sonne tout le temps juste.” Le Magazine Littéraire “Daniel Arsand réussit I'infiniment rare : donner corps et voix à un silence.” Transfuge Parisis, Jean-Marc: À CÔTÉ, JAMAIS AVEC (BESIDE, NEVER WITH) (JC Lattes, January 2016, 190 pages) ! The most memorable hours of childhood with their places, emo- tions, words, shocks, apparitions and epiphanies. “Childhood from around age 3 to 13, a life within a life, or what’s left of it, and what I think of it now. A childhood that is unimaginable today so far removed it was, in every sense of the word, from adult life. I wish in no way to glorify or mystify this childhood. I know what made it and unmade it and how it ended. I have no nostalgia. I’m just describing a sunken island.” Jean-Marc Parisis recounts a childhood, his own, or maybe ours. A childhood that takes place against the backdrop of a small town, with parents, family, a gang of buddies, a few girls too. And Bruno, the first and only friend, so close and yet now out of touch. Jean-Marc Parisis is the author of seven novels, among which Le Lycée des artistes (Grasset, 1992, prix de la Vocation), Avant, pen- dant, après (Stock, 2007, prix Roger –Nimier) and Les Aimants (Stock, 2009) finalist for the Renaudot award), as well as four essays, notably Les Inoubliables (Flammarion, 2014) also finalist for the Renaudot award. “Parisis has a gift of resurrecting the tiniest of memories – they are the epiphanies that hold, curled up inside, all the intensity and cruelty of life.” Elle “Young and old alike, the new book by the King of melancholia is for you. Parisis gives reality a touch of fantasy in every sentence. An amazing writer.” La Point 16 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION Echenoz, Jean: ENVOYÉE SPÉCIALE (SPECIAL FEMALE CORRESPONDANT) (Éditions de Minuit, January 2016, 316 pages) ! With both humor and keen perception, the investigation offers a clever parody of spy novels, whose popularity hasn’t flagged in over a century. ! A darkly comic and off-beat style that plays with police and secret-service jargon to draw us into a world of terribly perilous ambitions. ! Deliberately clichéd characters, from Constance the perfectly passive, manipulated female character in spy films, to Paul Objat, with his dubious methods. Famous French novelist Jean Echenoz offers readers a biting parody of spy novels that reveals with a sly grin the arcana of a world which has become totally out-of-date. Bourgeaud, a general at the end of his career, and Paul Objat, counter-espionage agents, are looking for a woman to send on a secret mission to North Korea. They set their sights on Constance, who will be kidnapped and subjected to a period of isolation as training for the challenges that await her. She accepts the test with the passivity typical of the heroines of spy novels. Catapulted into the highest spheres of Korean power, her mission is cut short because of the extravagant amateurism and archaic practices of the secret services. The poorly organized operation fails, and Constance and Paul Objat are the only ones who manage to slip out of the country. This entertaining investigation offers readers all the pleasures they expect from a novel by Jean Echenoz, with comical twists on the genre’s clichés. Jean Echenoz was born in Orange (in the Vaucluse region) in 1947. He won the 1983 Prix Médicis for CHEROKEE, and the 1999 Prix Goncourt for JE M'EN VAIS (I’m Gone). Rights sold in China, Italy, Germany, Spain (catalan & castillan), Poland (Noir sur Blanc), Turkey and the Netherlands (De Geus). Offers from Greece and Korea!!! “En ces temps heurtés, commencer l’année 2016 avec un nouveau roman de Jean Echenoz, gorgé de fantaisie et d’aventure, est on ne peut plus bienvenu. Pour le dire simplement : Envoyée spéciale fait du bien. Comme de converser avec son auteur, romancier ultradoué et archi-reconnu, pourtant toujours modeste et étranger à l’esprit de sérieux, bien que fidèle à une esthétique exigeante.” Politis “Plus sophistiquée, plus maîtrisée que jamais, la “machine à fiction” de Jean Echenoz est une incomparable fabrique de sortilèges...” Télérama “Jean Echenoz, lui, au contraire de son compositeur en panne, est en grande forme. Envoyée spéciale fait craquer les coutures du polar dans sa première partie, du roman d'espionnage dans la seconde. C'est drôle, jouissif, subtilement ironique.” Journal du Dimanche “Envoyée spéciale est une impeccable réussite.” La Croix Winckler, Martin: ABRAHAM ET FILS (ABRAHAM & SON) (P.O.L, February 2016, 576 pages) ! A book that intertwines history with a personal story through the careful explorations of a young fan of adventure literature. ! The setting is 1960’s France: the human and social consequences of World War II, life in a small town in the country. ! The book’s two plots are interwoven smoothly and cleverly: while investigating other people’s pasts, Franz yearns towards his own. Like a nod to Georges Pérec, the story is told by an unusual omniscient narrator: the house itself. Staying true to his own style, Martin Winckler’s latest book is almost a detective story. Filled with enigmas, it handles filial relations with great insight and subtlety. 1963: After a mysterious journey from Algeria to France via the USA, Abraham, a doctor, and his 10year-old son, Franz, arrive in a small town in the Loiret. Franz lost his memory a year before, after an accident that his father refuses to talk about, and doesn’t know the circumstances of his mother’s death. Father and son maintain a strange relationship: founded on secrets, but full of love. Abraham replaces one of the town’s doctors, and father and son move into the old doctor’s house. Franz finds a secret passageway as well as the diary of a young Jewish man who hid there during the war and who writes about his love for a partisan woman. Unable to access his own memories, and a fan of adventure stories, Franz investigates the town’s past, particularly the Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 17 LITERARY FICTION people who lived in his house. When he finds the couple’s hidden letters, Franz faints, and winds up in the hospital. His father realizes that it’s time for his son to learn about his own past. A story that reads like a police investigation or an adventure tale: hidden letters, secret passageways and an impossible love affair, the plot’s many unexpected twists and turns draw readers to the center of the characters’ lives. Martin Winckler is a doctor, novelist, essayist and journalist who is very well-known for his book LA MALADIE DE SACHS (The Case of Doctor Sachs: A Novel), which was translated into many languages and adapted for the screen. He has also written many other novels, including LE CHOEUR DES FEMMES (Women’s Choir). Orsenna, Erik: L'ORIGINE DE NOS AMOURS (OUR LOVE AFFAIRS AND THEIR ORIGINS) (Stock, March 2016, 288 pages) “A father and son who barely talk. Then one summer they both get divorced at the same time. The son from his first wife, the father from his son’s mother. And now father and son talk compulsively and at length about love. We succeed in everything except in love. Do our failures stem from an inherited gene, the ‘impossible relationships’ gene? And surely that gene comes from Cuba, the island of a thousand temptations and our family’s birthplace?” Moving from Bréhat to Cuba, this is the story of a family, but particularly of two men. Life binds them together just when they had given up hope of a connection: as their loves come and go so does loneliness, with the inevitability of the tides. Because these two men “crippled by marriage” refuse to stay stranded. Over the course of their conversations they trace right back to their ancestor Augustin, a tailor by profession, a pianist by improvisation, who set off to Cuba for a brush with destiny and with women. This shy man initiated the family curse with his extraordinarily quixotic life 150 years ago. Meanwhile, the narrator of Our Love Affairs and their Origins has inherited the “storytelling chromosome’’ that injects rhythm and humour into his talented accounts of the joys and upheavals of these lives. Erik Orsenna, a member of the Académie française, is the author of an award-winning, prolific body of work which is remarkably varied both in style and content. Two years after MALI, Ô MALI (2014), he has returned as a novelist. Kauffmann, Jean-Paul: OUTRE-TERRE (OVER EARTH) (Equateurs, February 2016, 336 pages) Long-listed for: Prix Essai France Télévisions ! An unusual book, both instructive and narrative. The author brings the Battle of Eylau and its forlorn landscape to life, intertwining his own memories and reflections into the tale. ! The realistic and very visual writing creates a wonderful reconstitution of the other-worldly atmosphere, the sequence of events and the Pyrrhic victory: readers will feel like they are strolling over the battlefield. ! A literary and visual voyage: the book is loaded with references, from Kant to Hitchcock via Balzac, Victor Hugo and Stanley Kubrick. Jean-Paul Kauffmann takes us to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, wedged between Poland and Lithuania, the site of the Battle of Eylau, one of the bloodiest and most mysterious battles of the Napoleonic Wars. A journey through both space and time. The author/narrator, a history buff with a particular interest in the Napoleonic era, convinces his wife and two sons to come with him to Kaliningrad, not far from the Eylau battle site, to attend the commemoration ceremony organized in honor of the bicentennial of the battle. Alongside the Kauffmann family, readers will visit and learn about the intriguing town of Kaliningrad, which was a German province before Stalin annexed it in 1945. The Soviets carefully erased every trace of the city’s Germanic past. Just a few kilometers from Kaliningrad lies the village of Eylau, where Napoleon’s Grand Army lost a great number of men in a dreadful battle that took place on February 8, 1807. The carnage was such that even Napoleon himself was hard put to claim it as a victory. Based on eyewitness accounts by both French and Russian soldiers, Jean-Paul Kauffmann describes the bitter clash, which took place in the snow and fog, in lively and realistic detail. Kauffmann has a fondness for neglected, out-of-the-way sites, and the book is filled with fascinating and unusual travel writing about a landscape laden with history and shaded with melancholy. 18 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION Jean-Paul Kauffmann is a journalist and a writer. He has had over 20 books published, including LA CHAMBRE NOIRE DE LONGWOOD (THE DARK ROOM AT LONGWOOD), which won both the Femina Essay Prize and the Roger Nimier Prize in 1997, and which was hugely successful in France and many other countries. “D’où ce livre qui se lit comme un roman de cape et d’épée mais vous laisse mélancolique.” Paris Match “Quand il parle de lui, il parle des autres. Extraordinaire écrivain. C’est toujours l’homme désarmé, l’homme nu, l’homme vulnérable qui intéresse Jean-Paul Kauffmann.” Journal du Dimanche “Alors, récit, promenade historique, reportage? Contrairement à ce que redoutait le conférencier intrigué, Outre-terre est surtout un texte passionnant, une confidence partagée où le murmure de l’histoire a recouvert le fracas de la bataille.” Telerama “Il y a quelque chose d’irréconciliable entre le passé et nous.” Et cette simple phrase donne au livre une mélancolie qui nous prend.” Le Figaro Spaak, Isabelle: UNE ALLURE FOLLE (CRAZY ALLURE) (Equateurs, February 2016, 187 pages) Long-listed for: Prix Roman France Télévisions 2016, Prix de la Closerie des Lilas ! A novel that uncovers the unusual story of a socialite family, from the 1920s to now, and takes place in several European countries. ! Unique style that uses both first person narration and letters. ! The story and characters are both intriguing and keep the reader spellbound. In this powerful novel, impregnated with women figures, Isabelle Spaak gives justice to her mother. It is a captivating tale about identity and time perception. UNE ALLURE FOLLE tells the story of a woman who wants to know who her mother, Annie, really was. In order to do so, she must recount her grand mother’s history – Mathilde – a Belgian socialite known for her many lovers, and the mistress of an Italian business man, Armando. Thanks to letters, pictures, and the places where these characters lived, the narrator is able to piece together their story, from the 1920s to now. Annie is Armando’s illegitimate daughter. She is part of Brussels’ society life, travels across France, Italy, and Belgium, but lacks motherly affection. The narrator will be able to uncover Mathilde’s society life thanks to the many letters she has found, as well as Annie’s life. Annie falls in love with Guillaume and participates in the Belgian Resistance during World War II. Just like an investigation, the narrator manages to reconstruct the past in order to discover who her mother really was and to free herself from the unsaid. Isabelle Spaak starts this novel with the story of a socialite with a bad reputation and ends it with the revelation of a heroic character. Isabelle Spaak is a journalist. She lives in Paris. “A wonderful novel! A touching, vibrating and lucid portrait of Isabelle Spaak’s mother and grandmother written with great delicacy, sensitivity and poetry. I loved it!” Tatiana de Rosnay. “Isabelle Spaak tells us this incredible story, these astonishing fact with great delicacy, always oscillating between the fear of waking up ghosts and the will to reveal the truth without hurting past and present lives. In a whispering of love, this gracious novel gives life to a dead mother.” Elle Engel, Vincent: LE MIROIR DES ILLUSIONS (SMOKE AND MIRRORS) (Les Escales, May 2016, 512 pages) Shortlisted for the French-Italian Marco Polo Venise prize. From Venice to San Francisco, passing by Milan and New York, LE MIROIR DES ILLUSIONS follows the destinies of characters driven by their thirst for revenge, at the cost of happiness and peace; and in spite of their lives. In their attempts to play God, taunted men seek revenge.Can one ever shift destiny? Geneva, 1849. The young Atanasio, fresh from his Tuscan village, learns about the death of his forever mentor and protector, Don Carlo. He is given a sealed letter by his attorney, together with five portraits: that of three women and two men. The legacy of a father to his ignoring son. A legacy that soon becomes a mission: avenge Don Carlo’s death, and kill the ones who poisoned his existence. Venice,1800. As the Grand Canal rumbles, a child is born in a decaying palace: Alba. Dazzling and wild, she grows up mocking men and morale alike. A life she refuses to give up Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 19 LITERARY FICTION marrying the prince Giancalro Malcessati, alias Don Carlo. One night, around the corner of a shady street, Wolfgang appears like a bolt from the blue. He will fall in love with Alba. Between them however, there will be less adultery than crime. Vincent Engel lives near Brussels. He authored twenty books including RETOUR À MONTECHIARRO (Fayard, 2001, prix Rossel des jeunes et prix des Libraires du Livre de Poche). He is a playwright and a screenwriter. He is a frequent contributor to the Cirque du Soleil, and to the newspaper, Le Soir. He teaches in Brussels and at Louvain-la-Neuve University. Praise for RETOUR À MONTECHIARRO (100 000 copies sold) : “Retour à Montechiarro impresses as much for the perfection of the reconstruction of events and decors as for the scope of its generous narrative.” L’Express “The talent of Vincent Engel orchestrating - on more than 700 pages - lives in turmoils, tying a net of intimate resonances between them is admirable” La Croix Chefdeville: L’AMOUR EN SUPER 8 (LOVE IN SUPER 8) (Le Dilettante, January 2016, 270 pages) ! Chefdeville’s direct, sometimes blunt style, and fabulous sense of humor. ! Interesting thoughts on alcoholism and amnesia are worked into the mystery plot. ! The book is filled with references to photography and cinema, introducing us into those worlds. A one-time photographer and filmmaker is sliding into alcoholism and amnesia. Finding a photo-booth picture in his wallet of a woman he has no memory of will gradually prompt memories of both his past and his profession. The photo-booth picture of a woman called Emma will lead Chefdeville to a suitcase full of pictures of spell-binding Sarah, Emma’s grandmother. That gives Chef an idea: he can pretend to be the photographer, and show the pictures as his own. At the same time, Chefdeville shoots a Super 8 ode to the mysterious Sarah, with Ombeline, a Parisian actress, in the role of Sarah. Meeting Ombeline will wake up all sorts of ghosts. Soon it is the film of his own life and memories that Chefdeville sees developing right before his eyes. Thanks to this unexpectedly introspective viewing, which was actually orchestrated by his former agent and his psychiatrist, Chefdeville rediscovers his own past, his talent, and his love for a woman whose very existence he had forgotten. With panache and dark humor, Chefdeville brings to a life a tragi-comic detective tale full of unexpected plot twists. Chefdeville was born last century in Auvergne. He grew up in the suburbs of Paris, in a family with six children. His previous books at the same publisher are L’ATELIER D’ÉCRITURE (The Writing Workshop, 2009) and JE ME VOYAIS DÉJÀ (I Nearly Made It, in 2012. He also wrote two earlier novels signed Serguei Dounovetz: MOVIOLA (1994, Le dilettante) and ODYSSÉE ODESSA (1999, Fleuve noir). Fermine, Maxence: ZEN (Michel Lafon, October 2015, 138 pages) ! A story that reads like a traditional legend, both universal and timeless, and leads us straight to the heart of Japanese culture. ! Stunningly simple writing that describes the Nippon lifestyle with the graceful beauty of Japanese haiku. ! Subtly-drawn, sincere characters, who discover love with restraint and innocence. With the delicacy of a poet and the musicality of a story-teller, Maxence Fermine helps us discover the beauty of traditional Japan through a tale of a great calligrapher passionate love for his student. Master Kuro, renowned as the most eminent Japanese calligrapher, lives a simple and solitary life. One day he receives a letter from Yuna, a magnificent young woman who wants to pursue her apprenticeship in traditional calligraphy at his side. Her grace and talent gradually begin to trouble the older man’s spirit, threatening the exquisite balance of his peaceful existence. Upset to find himself in such a vulnerable state, he decides to stop teaching, and to distance himself from Yuna by retreating to a monastery. Assailed by doubt, Master Kuro will have to face the throes of love. A simple and spontaneous novel that alights like a breath of fresh air. 20 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION Maxence Fermine, the author of the best-selling NEIGE (Snow), has composed a singular book combining poetry and fiction. After an incursion into children’s literature with the LA PETITE MARCHANDE DES RÊVES (The Little Dream-Seller) trilogy, he returns to adult literature with an ambitious saga borne by the wind of history and the melody of words. Rights sold in Latvia (Zvaigzne)! Grimbert, Sybille: AVANT LES SINGES (BEFORE THE GREAT APES) (Anne Carrière, January 2016, 210 pages) ! "Between a fantastic tale and inner speech, [this ninth novel] explores themes dear to the author: the wanderings of identity, the weight of destiny, lucidity and hyper-sensitivity. " Marie-France ! A genuine reading experience that leaves the reader contemplate with its own life and relation to others. ! Zany, virtuoso, a black satire about family between Will Self's fantastic and Lewis Carroll's nonsense. A fascinating insight view on our most intimate and acute wonderings: have I made the right choice, is my life the way it was supposed to be? By putting her characters into all sorts of alternative and parallel paths, the author actually brings them some peace of mind by showing that the best choices were indeed already made. Sabine thought this week-end in a hotel lost in the middle of the mountains would mark the beginning of a new life. Her husband was to receive an award for his most recent miraculous invention. She would be associated with his triumph as she was with his work, and at last take revenge on a thwarted destiny. But in the first moments, the dream falls apart. Not only is his dreadful mother invited to the event for no reason, she is well placed in the congress agenda. An unknown woman seems strangely familiar to Sabine, she feels as though she’s looking in a mirror at a reflection that mocks her. Soon her unease affects the other guests. The doors close and they are all prisoners of a night where the borders between dimensions melt away, and time loses all logic. Should Sabine run away, or, on the contrary, find herself? Sibylle Grimbert creates a unique universe, at the crossroads of Loup des steppes by Hermann Hesse and Philip K. Dick’s Ubik. With a feeling for suspense and a wild sense of humour, she leads her characters and readers to the very borders of their humanity, where the great ape they meet many have a few revelations to make. Everything is possible in this novel, which invents a new way of reading the fragile beauty of existence on every page. AVANT LES SINGES is Sibylle Grimbert’s ninth novel. “About Fils de Sam Green: ‘This is fiction, of course, but the striking lucidity of the subject, combined with the superb sensitivity in the analysis of the psychological factors, is astonishing.” Le Nouvel Observateur “Loufoque, virtuose, le nouveau roman de Sybille Grimbert est une comédie grinçante où la satire familiale rencontre le fantastique à la Will Self et le nonsense de Lewis Carroll.” Madame Figaro “Entre conte fantastique et discours intérieur, ce [neuvième roman] explore les thèmes chers à l’auteure, les errances de l’identité, le poids du destin, la lucidité et l’hyper-sensibilité.” Marie France “Dans ce roman brillant, porté par une imagination visionnaire mais qui retombe toujours sur ses pieds […] Sybille Grimbert confirme son talent extrême et sa maîtrise de l’univers familial et des identités multiples.” Marie Claire “Chacun prendra comme il veut ce livre loufoque et halluciné, mais en même temps très lisible, sans perte des repères ni confusion générale.” Le Magazine Littéraire “Dans cette farce cauchemardesque, Sybille Grimbert livre une interprétation sidérante du paradoxe de notre existence éphémère confrontée à l’éternel engendrement des possibles.” L’Observateur Peylin, Diane: MÊME LES PÊCHEURS ONT LE MAL DE MER (EVEN FISHERMEN GET SEASICK) (Les Escales, June 2016, 220 pages) ! Told over a backdrop that is at once summery – composed of blue skies, the sea and fishing – and striking, in the manner of ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE, because of the characters who are crushed by their own fate on a small Mediterranean island. ! Three main characters who seem very different, but who, each in their own way, become terribly endearing as they tell their stories. Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 21 LITERARY FICTION A poignant tale about fate and transmitting a family legacy that will make readers think about their own life choices. The day I turn five, he wakes me up at four in the morning and takes me to his boat. It is time for me to learn the trade. He watches me throw up for hours without saying a word. He handles the nets, bait and tanks without paying the slightest attention to me. I think he is disappointed in me; I am a burden to him. His skin looks black in the dark. When I realize how much he scares me, I throw up some more. On a small sandy and volcanic island, colored by the Mediterranean, three men of the same family, three fishermen, have to face a lifetime of regrets and silence. Valence Orozco, the untamed and sparing father never overcame the death of his wife Rocio. Rafa, the grandfather, a steel-gazing giant, never indulged to Valente, yet inexplicably started smiling one morning to never stop. And Salvi, the son, left the island for the continent, fleeing his preordained destiny. Salvi hates the sea, the nets, the fish smell, and above all the patriarchal values of a society that does not resemble him. Three men plagued by secrets, the weight of the unsaid puts a strain on each next generation. The women stand in their wake, alternate suns and daggers. Delicately intertwined, these moving trajectories lay bare three sons in search of their father. Born in 1978, Diane Peylin ran a Bed&Breakfast in Ardèche, was a teacher, and toured the world in a sailing boat. Today, she teaches creative writing and is a full time novelist. She is the author of À L’ENDROIT OÙ ELLES NAISSENT (Les Nouveaux Auteurs, grand prix du roman de l’été 2011, 40 000 copies sold) and QUAND JE SERAI GRANDE, JE SERAI VIEILLE (Flammarion, 2015). Germain, Sylvie: À LA TABLE DES HOMMES (AT THE MEN’S TABLE) (Albin Michel, Janvier 2016, 272 pages) ! A novel that challenges humanity in its entirety and men’s inherent aggressiveness. ! A narrator with a dark past, who has to discover a new life, a new language, and grow up in a world that he finds too brutal. ! A text of the highest literary quality. Abel, a child coming from the wild, was born during the war. He is adopted by two brothers from different countries who try and teach him the culture of words. In his search for identity, he will face men’s brutality in all its forms. During a fratricidal war, a strange birth takes place in the heart of a forest; the fruit of an alliance between the fear and pain of two beings, one human and the other animal. Discovered by village women, Abel is a wild boy who has never learned to speak and cannot understand what they say. Although he is a quick learner, he becomes a scapegoat, the victim of other children’s malice. Adopted in another country by twin brothers, a cultivated yet melancholic pair, he is initiated to the mystery of words while preserving his intimate link with nature. As an adult, he becomes a gardener and believes he has at last found a refuge from the tragic circumstances of his birth. But stupidity and hatred know neither limits nor frontiers... A sombre, captivating tale, À la table des hommes is a twilight novel that will haunt readers long after they have closed the book, for the core of Abel’s quest is one essential and enigmatic question: what is a human being? Sylvie Germain has received many literary prizes for her unique work: Prix Femina for Jours de colère; Grand Prix Jean Giono for Tobie des Marais; Prix Goncourt des lycéens for Magnus; Jean Monnet Prize for European Literature and the Grand Prix SGDL de Littérature for her entire writings. Albin Michel published Magnus, L’inaperçu, Hors champ, Le monde sans vous, Rendez-vous nomadeS and Petites scènes capitales. d'Astier, Jérôme: DANS UNE VILLE ÉTRANGÈRE (IN FOREIGN CITY) (Arléa, March 2016, 188 pages) ! The author in sparkling language, gives us here a spellbinding novel about the search for self through, a chance encounter that will change forever the one who will be the storyteller. Thomas, a twenty-three years old young man, just failed for the second time in the agregation's contest. His mother can provide to his needs anymore, so he finds a job with a landscape gardener. This one asks him to follow him to Amsterdam to provide tulips. 22 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION On site, at the option of wandering in the city, Thomas is landing in a disco and met a young German, Peter. They speak little, their mutual presence is enough. Proximity is obvious and immediate. In this foreign city, they finish the evening in Peter's room. The conditions are suitable for confidence. Thomas confess to him. They met again the following night in a hotel room. But in the morning, Peter's heart stops beating. For Thomas, this sudden absence, this definitive retirement, can't remain without explanation. He must trace the history of the unknown man. Fortunately this one sowed clues. With the elements the dead man left him, Thomas keeps with him a contact, an unresolved dialogue. The items left for him is clearly an invitation to learn about Peter's life and find out what he has left behind on earth. Jérôme d'Astier published eight novels in French reputable publishing houses: Gallimard, Verdier, Mercure de France, Seuil, Le Rocher. DEBUT NOVEL Laburte, Pauline-Gaïa: RITZY (Albin Michel, February 2016, 208 pages) ! The little-known tale of the founder of the Ritz, a visionary and a self-made man who built his own reputation and rose to the top of his profession thanks to his unique talent. ! The setting is early-19th-century Europe: Proust’s Paris, the World Fairs, European conflicts leading up to the First World War. ! A thrilling exploration of the world of luxury hotels and their codes: splendor, opulence and pleasure. The fabulous story of the man who built the Ritz, in time for the legendary hotel’s reopening in March 2016. Born into a family of Swiss shepherds, César Ritz, goes to hospitality school, where he becomes a winetaster’s apprentice and realizes that he is a true “people person”. César dreams of Paris and glory. Working his way up through the ranks in a range of hotels, restaurants and wine bars, he eventually comes to manage top-ofthe-line hotels – even the Savoy, in London. But still he dreams of owning his own place. Finally, he manages to open several hotels, creating his own brand. Glory is his. But as he ages, a worn-out César Ritz has a nervous breakdown, and winds up in an asylum, still obsessively drawing hotels, hotels and more hotels. A terse, impactful style – not unlike Jean Echenoz’s – that suits the protagonist’s dynamic life to a T. Pauline-Gaïa Laburte was born in Nancy in 1984. After studying Philosophy and History of art, she graduated from HEC. RITZY is her first novel. Causse, Manu: LA 2CV VERTE (THE GREEN CITROËN 2CV) (Denoël, March 2016, 256 pages) ! An outstanding, poignant debut novel! ! Manu Causse uses La 2CV verte as a vehicle to speak about father-son relationships and family secrets, and also tackles themes like guilt, atonement, and how one can overcome dramas. ! A most touching tale, with original and endearing characters. A most unusual novel that takes the form of an initiatory road-movie to better deal with subjects such as the relationships between fathers and sons, autism and family secrets in a witty, sweet and realistic way. Isaac seems like an empty little boy. He is autistic. He has a body; he has eyes, but seems void inside. He only screams every now and again. Ever since he was born, his parents have ceaselessly destroyed one other with constant bitterness and guilt. The father, Éric Dubon, is exhausted and distraught. But when he inherits an old, beat up 2CV at the death of his uncle, everything goes wild. Behind the wheel of his little car, he decides to remove his son from the institution where he is confined, and to run away with him. Surrounded by ghosts and old memories, the two fugitives embark on a strange journey. What happened in Éric Dubon’s past, and what are his plans for his son? With the help of a moody teen-age girl, tracked down by a mushroom-loving cop and accompanied by an arrogant and talkative kitten, the father and son duo will hit the road to live a bewitching rite of passage. The strange ride in the green 2CV is tipped to be eventful. Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 23 DEBUT NOVEL An original novel tapping into various genres – road movie, thriller, fairy tale – to tell a heartwarming family story. Manu Causse was born near Paris, but grew up in Aveyron. He worked as a cultural organizer and a teacher, before giving up teaching ten years ago to dedicate himself to writing and translating. He lives in Toulouse with his life partner, also a writer, and their kids. Rights sold in Germany (Droemer) after auction, Italy (Nord/Mauri Spagnol), and the Netherlands (Signatuur/Bruna). Ongoing offers for the French pocket book edition too! Gauchard, Yan: LE CAS ANNUNZIATO (THE ANNUNZIATO CASE) (Minuit, January 2016, 125 pages) ! A wild and ironic adventure told with a caustic tongue ! The background of 21st-century history and politics lead to all sorts of unexpected plot twists: Berlusconi’s return to power, nation-wide strikes and the manhunt for the Red Brigades Rouges, who our hero may have connections to ! Filled with literary and artistic references: the theme of retiring to a convent, which is so typical of 17thcentury novels; LA CHARTREUSE DE PARME; Fra Angelico’s frescoes, which grace the walls of the Convent San Marco in Florence,and more. During a politically troubled period in Florence, Fabrizio, a translator, manages to get locked into the same monastery where Fra Angelico once lived. Like a modern Fabrice del Dongo, over the course of his captivity, he will get to know an attractive waitress he can see from the window of his cell. Friday March 16, 2002, Florence, in the Convent San Marco Museum, Fabrizio Annunziato, a translator from Paris, falls prey to a practical joke. He lets a museum employee lock him into the very cell that Fra Angelico once occupied. Only everyone forgets he’s there. Fabrizio figures he’ll be let out by Monday, but the museum stays closed due to a strike. It’s actually pretty good timing, because Fabrizio has a translation to do. Through the window of his cell, he notices that the attractive waitress he had met earlier woks nearby, and that he can talk to her. So he stays until the museum reopens and he is discovered, half-dead with hunger. After the surprise wears off, the police investigate him as a possible terrorist. Then he becomes the first official resident of Convent San Marco. He winds up leaving Florence before mysteriously disappearing in the northern Italy countryside. A first novel that plays with the codes of the genre, updating them through a resolutely current style. Yan Gauchard is a journalist. LE CAS ANNUNZIATO is his first novel. “A first novel by Yan Gauchard, in which the plot’s twists and turns are well-served by a style that is as light as it is ironic.” Livres Hebdo Barsacq, Stéphane: LE PIANO DANS L'ÉDUCATION DES JEUNES FILLES (PIANO’S ROLE IN YOUNG LADIES’ EDUCATION) (Albin Michel, January 2016, 384 pages) ! A modern ‘sentimental education’ that portrays the mores of the Parisian intelligentsia. ! An unfettered writing style with a deliberately daring tone that will enchant fans of love histories that end badly. ! An endearing main character whose research into women and love leads him to get caught in his own trap. In this funny and offbeat novel, Stéphane Barsacq describes the torments of a young writer who tries in vain to understand women. Volodia is a joyful young man, but he has a tortured soul. A specialist in history and literature, he is an associate professor at the Sorbonne. But as much as he loves his field of study, he’s even more interested in women… to the point that he decides to write a paper about young ladies’ education, even if everyone he knows laughs at him about it. When he meets Sonia, a young musician with a strong character, it’s love at first sight. They have a passionate relationship, and when they break up over a misunderstanding, Volodia believes his broken heart will never mend. But when he meets Sophie Baxter, a famous musician, he falls desperately in love again. She is mysterious and inaccessible, and their relationship is a Platonic one, based on travel and endless 24 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION conversation. This is an unusual novel about a man who thinks he understands women, but winds up being victimized by them. Born in 1972, Stéphane Barsacq’s work includes non-fiction books about music (JOHANNES BRAHMS, Actes Sud, 2008), philosophy (CIORAN, ÉJACULATION MYSTIQUES, Seuil, 2011) and poetry (RIMBAUD, CELUI-LÀ QUI CRÉERA DIEU, Seuil, 2014). LE PIANO DANS L'ÉDUCATION DES JEUNES FILLES is his first novel. Maeght, Sarah: C’EST OÙ LE NORD (WHICH WAY NORTH?) (Albin Michel, April 2016, 250 pages) ! The portrait of a generation of young people who claim their freedom, their independence and their commitment in their lifestyle choices. ! Humoristic writing style. ! A lucid and tender viewpoint on the “Bataclan Generation”. In a modern, assertive style, Sarah Maeght signs a first novel full of humour, tenderness and sensuality, with a whole procession of picturesque characters. In Ella’s little world, mothers pass their time on Tinder, grandmothers on Facebook, teachers are depressed, men immature and heroines are single... At the age of 24, she shares a flat in Belleville and hangs out in the bars around Canal St-Martin. With Klaus, her goldfish, Lou, her best friend and Gaspard - a very active gay friend - she faces up to the solitude and hardship of life in the high school where she teaches children with difficulties. Until one day she gives in to the seductive powers of Chloé, a fascinating lesbian who teaches her all about corporeal pleasures, Parisian nights, and, why not? Love... In a modern, assertive style, Sarah Maeght signs a first novel full of humour, tenderness and sensuality, with a whole procession of picturesque characters. Sarah Maeght is a 24 yeard-old teacher. C’EST OÙ LE NORD is her first novel. Peano, Marco: L'INVENZIONE DELLA MADRE (THE INVENTION OF THE MOTHER) (Minimum Fax, January 2015, 256 pages) English and French samples available. Winner of Premio Volponi Opera Prima ! Awarded the prestigious Book of the Year 2015, given by the listeners of the radio showFahrenheit (Rai– Radio 3), one of the most important and prestigious Italian literary prices ! Without withdrawing in front of the brutality of the illness, The Invention of Mother prodigiously gets to touch the opposite pole of the absence of belief. It’s not a low cost consolation, but the miraculous capacity of literature of giving shape (and sense) to what seems to be meaningless. There is one test in life that everyone has to face: saying goodbye to the persons we love. Mattia is an everyday man. He lives in a small town, he works in a video store, he’s got a girlfriend, and he will maybe find one day the necessary power to realize his projects. His existence seems to be normal, until his mother gets a cancer. From that moment his life overturns like in a daily horror movie where even the most apparently common events become obstacles that have to be heroically overcome. But in this journey, in which everything seems to be scandalously out of place (and revelatory at the same time), the relationship between Mattia and his mother is the deepest emotional dimension, a place of the soul where things, in the very same moment in which abandon us, finally reveal their true meaning. Marco Peano was born in Turin in 1979. He is editor of Italian literature for Einaudi. This is his first novel. Rights sold in France (Phébus). Offer from Serbia! “We are beyond any rational bond, that is where literature should venture” Giorgio Vasta, Il Manifesto “Theme, title, cover will last over and beyond book charts” Grazia “An attempt of pacification with nature and life, all through one death” La Repubblica Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 25 WOMEN WRITING Calbérac, Ivan: VENISE N’EST PAS EN ITALIE (VENICE IS NOT ITALY) (Flammarion, March 2015, 250 pages) The first novel of the author of L'Étudiante et monsieur Henri, the revelation of the 2012/2013 winter. This comedy is still performed across France and Germany. When you are fifteen, living in the outskirts of Montargis, your parents a father who is sweetly eccentric and a mother who has been dying your hair blond ever since you can remember, because, apparently, one is more attractive that way, falling in love with the daughter of a conductor seems like a really bad idea. When the damsel in question invites you to come to Venice because she is giving a performance there during the Easter holidays, Italy seems somewhat… distant. This is the story of a child born into an unpredictable, hard-to-pin-down family. This is the story of a first love faced with the absurdities of the adult world. This is the story of an outlandish journey of initiation in which life often catches you off guard, and in which Venice herself, brings everything to a head. Ivan Calbérac is a director (of Irène in particular, which was nominated for the César Award for best first film). A playwright and dramatist, he is also the author of the play L'ÉTUDIANTE ET MONSIEUR HENRI which was a major success in Paris and across France (about 200,000 spectators), before receiving the Grand Prix of the French Theatre Academy and being made into a film. WOMEN WRITING de Peretti, Camille: BLONDE A FORTE POITRINE (BLOND GIRL WITH LARGE BREASTS) (Kero, February 2016, 234 pages) Long-listed for: Prix de la Closerie des Lilas ! An endearing character stuck with an image she had to build to survive. ! A moving writing style that draws a portrait of a playmate that is more complex than the reader could have thought. ! Interesting point of view on an insane society full of consumption and excesses. A short, evocative and beautiful written novel inspired by the tragic life of playmate Anna Nicole Smith. “This girl was the abolute fantasy ; both virgin and whore at the same time. It was inconceivable that nobody has never noticed her.” At 17 years old and from a little town in Texas, naive and pretty Vickie is already a mother. Rejected by her family, she seeks refuge in a strip club with her baby. Everyone can see she has something special and at 27 years old, she is known all over the world for her spectacular breasts. Married to an insane and rich octogenarian, she lives a jet-set life full of excesses. But that’s not easy not remain yourself when the whole world is lusting after your body. Camille de Peretti was born in 1980 and lives in Paris. She is the author of five critically acclaimed movels. Her first book, THORNYTORINX, was awarded the Prix du premier roman de Chambéry. “Un roman fort, qui se lit presque d’une traite, qui pose beaucoup de questions…” Chroniques Vassé, Claire: OÙ VA LE CHAGRIN QUAND IL S’EN VA? (WHAT HAPPENS TO GRIEF WHEN IT’S GONE?) (JC Lattes, 250 pages March 2016 ! Story is written in veine of Martin-Lugan’s novels. What if one day, after years of silence, the number of the love of your life lights up on your phone? And if that person was dead... would you answer? Four years ago, Solange lost the man she loved, the father of her daugh- ter, Lenny. Since then, she has rebuilt a life with Paul. They are a quiet, happy family until the day Lenny’s phone number lights up on her cell 26 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION phone. Could it be just a coincidence? Or an imposter? Or even a sign from Destiny? Solange is not even really sure she has properly mourned Lenny’s passing. What happens to grief when it’s gone? In order to find the courage to face this question, Solange finds herself exploring the darkest corners of the supernatural, where the living encounter the dead, where fear is not an obstacle but only a mirror to pass through in order to reach the vitality of one’s feelings. Claire Vassé is a novelist, screenwriter and movie critic. She has published four novels as well as essays based on her interviews with Claude Miller and Catherine Breillat. Rights sold in Italy (Mauri Spagnol) Lièvre, Éloïse: HAPPY PEOPLE HAVE NO HISTORY(LES GENS HEUREUX N’ONT PAS D’HISTOIRE) (JC Lattes, 200 pages April 2016) “During the forty days that preceded my birthday, I wrote a text every day inspired by a photograph taken of me each year from birth to age 39. The quote by Tolstoy ‘Happy people have no history’ kept running through my thoughts since I felt I was happy and didn’t think I had experienced anything noteworthy in my life. This highly personal advent calendar, ne- cessarily fictional, recounts how a person becomes an individual, how dreams and ambitions are guided, determined and polished by parents, friends, acquaintances, lovers, teachers.. And of course all those things that leave their mark: movies, paintings, books, songs, but also important events, the election of a president, terrorist attacks, the first contact with mortality at the birth of our children. Not to mention the first and only slap in the face, the first sexual experience, the first breakup, and the painful drudgery of everyday life.” Éloïse Lièvre was born January 10th 1974 in Agen. A college professor, she has two children. Her first novel La Biche ne se montre pas au chasseur was published with Editions D’un noir si bleu in 2014. Fontanel, Sophie: LA VOCATION (MY CALLING) (Robert Laffont, January 2016, 162 pages) Spanning the twentieth century, My Calling tells the story of a family of Armenian immigrants fascinated by French elegance. in 1923, 22-year-old Méliné flees Turkey after her father was hanged in the persecution. she heads to France with a page from Vogue stuffed up her sleeve. she dreams of fashion. 80 years later, her granddaughter sophie, though initially planning to become a linguist, instead becomes a journalist and accepts the job of Fashion Director at ELLE, thus realizing, in a way, the family destiny. Across some fifty chapters, the books goes back and forth between the saga of Méliné, who dreams of meeting Coco Chanel, and the everyday life of sophie at the head of one of the greatest fashion magazines in the world. Sophie Fontanel is a novelist. her latest book L’ENVIE (THE ART OF SLEEPINg ALONE) was translated into ten languages. Bordes, Lucile: 86, ANNÉE BLANCHE (86,THE LOST YEAR) (Liana Lévi, March 2016, 140 pages) Longlisted for the Prix Orange du livre 2016! ! Poignant and touching main and secondary characters that will have to give up on their former lives. ! A simple and realistic writing style that manages to describe with both subtlety and precision the character’s feelings and the circumstances of the disaster. This is the only accident in the history of commercial nuclear power and a key factor in the collapse of the Soviet Union. Thirty years after the Chernobyl disaster, the safety of nuclear power remains a hotly debated topic. On 26 April 1986, the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the Ukrainian town of Pripyat explodes, launching vast quantities of radioactive particles into the atmosphere. Three women from three different backgrounds, are living through the aftermath of this disaster. Lucie is a 15 year old French girl. She hears about the accident on the television and starts panicking. The big black cloud is coming but nobody seems aware of it. Feeling misunderstood by her dad and with what seems to be end of the world approaching, she is determined to experience life. Ludmila lives at Pripyat, 3 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 27 WOMEN WRITING kilometers from the nuclear power plant. She leaves the town with her daughter to Kiev while her husband decides to stay behind and help. Her world crumbles few days later ; he’s dying at the hospital.Ioula lives in Kiev with her family, just far enough from Pripyat for her to feel safe. But her secret French lover, fearing for his life, decides to go back to France. Devastated, she’s barely able to realize that their lives are threatened. Based on the harrowing true catastrophe,still vivid in everyone’s memories, the author brings to life three moving stories, highlighting the different attitudes and mindsets of both countries. Lucile Bordes is a writer and professor at the University of Toulon. She’s the author of two novels published by Liana Levi : I AM THE MARQUISE OF CARABAS (2012) and DECORAMA (2014). She was born and raised in the south of France. “Radiation sickness, an unhappy love affair, redundancy, the end of child- hood. . ., Lucile Bordes sets small disasters within great ones.” Livres Hebdo “Mal des rayons”, chagrin d’amour, licenciement, fin de l’enfance…, Lucile Bordes enchâsse “les petits désastres dans les grands”, toutes ces liquidations alors sans mots et sans images. Rendant hommage à toutes ces femmes qui se demandaient, ces jours de mai 1986, pourquoi personne ne leur disait rien. Pourquoi trente ans plus tard, tout a changé, tout est pareil.” Livres Hebdo Poulain, Véronique: CÉLIBATAIRE LONGUE DURÉE (CONFIRMED BACHELOR GIRL) (Stock, April 2015 232 pages) “I’m THE bachelor in my family. The one who never does anything like anyoe else. The one who persuades herself anything is possible. The one who always goes to family reunions alone. The one whose confirmed bachelordom is universally acknowledged. I fit the part I’ve been given. I even enjoy it. I sometimes wonder whether I’m deliberately messing up all my relationships to please my family, to make sure they’re right... Let’s recapitulate: I’ve just been made redundant, I’ve been on my own for two years, a single mother to my two children, and the love of my life still hasn’t come knocking at my door. Either I have a nervous breakdown right now or I tell myself I’m at a turning point in my life and I need to negotiate this corner intelligently.” On the eve of turning fifty Vanessa Poulemploi, must face a threefold challenge: finding love, earning a living and... getting married. The problem is – despite the advice of her best friends Greta, Marie and Alex, and the weekly sessions with her psychiatrist – she has absolutely no idea how to go about it. Well, when we realise that she has a very noisy cough, pulls her trousers up every two seconds, smokes like a chimney and leaves ash all over the place, eats way too much cold meat, garlic and camembert, and tells her whole life story to anyone who will listen, then we know it won’t be easy. And yet, despite her alarming love-sex prospects, she will overcome all the obstacles to give us an ending that is, to say the least, unexpected... Véronique Poulain has one previous book published by Stock, the highly acclaimed memoir LES MOTS QU’ON NE ME DIT PAS about her childhood as the daughter of deaf parents, which was translated into seven lan- guages. Confirmed Bachelor Girl is her first novel. Rights under option in China, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Korea, Spain and Taiwan Curiol, Céline: LES VIEUX NE PLEURENT JAMAIS (OLD PEOPLE NEVER CRY) (Actes Sud, January 2016, 346 pages) Selected for the Marie-Claire reader’s prize 2016 and longlisted for the Prix de la Closerie des Lilas! ! Céline Curiol depicts with humour the paradoxes of old age and the mysteriously enduring connections between people, whether they are friends, siblings or lovers. Seventy-year-old Judith Hogen now lives alone. As a retired actress she has stopped gracing the New York theater stages and makes do with the company of her neighbour, Janet, a capricious and mischievous woman the same age as herself. Browsing through a Louis-Ferdinand Céline novel one evening, Judith finds an old photograph between the pages and is transported back fifty years. Confronted with the face she loved for so long, she finds herself questioning the choices she once made. At this point Janet suggests they go away, taking a bizarre, farcical package tour during which they develop a happy companionship beyond the usual propriety of the elderly. Back in Brooklyn, Judith realises she can no longer bear being passive, sensible and socially-acceptable. She decides to make another journey, to her native France that she left in the 60s, the place where this man – the one from the photo, the hero – still lives. 28 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION Céline Curiol is the author of six novels and of the personal account UN QUINZE AOÛT À PARIS. HISTOIRE D’UNE DÉPRESSION (Actes Sud, 2014). Her first novel, VOIX SANS ISSUE (2005), was published in translation in nearly 20 countries. She has lived abroad for over ten years, mostly in New York. “Bien loin des romans qui ricanent devant le troisième âge ou feignent de s'en extasier, celui-ci, signé Céline Curiol, accompagne une authentique héroïne dans sa dérive, ses angoisses et ses instants de renaissance.” Télérama "Ce nouveau texte, elle l'a construit comme un roman à l'américaine en mêlant humour, intrigue et émotion." Les Inrockuptibles "Fort d'une langue vive et souple … Les vieux ne pleurent jamais fait plus qu'interroger avec une belle empathie ce que signifie être vieux dans un monde voué à la consommation ardente." Le Monde Des Livres "Le passage du temps permet les retrouvailles. Elles sont nombreuses et donnent au roman ses plus belles scènes ; à cette fiction sur la vieillesse, son prix." Libération "Céline Curiol pose un regard d'une précision glaçante sur l'angoisse et le dégoût condescendant que le grand âge inspire à une société vouée au culte de la jeunesse éternelle." L'Obs “Miroir impitoyable du réel, l'écriture sait rendre la présence, au fond de l'être, d'une inquiétude muette" Le Matricule Des Anges "Les Vieux ne pleurent jamais, qui démarre comme un road-trip américain entre vieilles dames pour se métamorphoser en émouvante fresque sur l'attachement." Exit Mag de Chocqueuse: Bérangère: UNE QUESTION D’HARMONIE (A QUESTION OF HARMONY) (Belfond, April 2016, 336 pages) ! The encounter of a lifetime can come at any age... Achieving harmony is not a question of age but of meeting the right person. This is the story of a wonderful friendship between two individuals who may be separated in age by half a century but who have so many things to learn from each other... She is Julia, and she is 25. He is Paul, and he is 80. She enjoys going out with her friends, spending the weekends at her parents’ and studying art history, but she often finds herself wondering exactly what she’s going to do with her life. He is a former musician in the National Orchestra of France, enjoys locking himself away in his apartment with just his double bass for company, his parents have been dead for many years and every day he pines for a love of yesteryear. Each time they meet, she tries to find out a little more about him. He keeps his feelings tightly under wraps, and yet he never misses a single one of their meetings. Bérengère de Chocqueuse lives in Paris. For many years she worked as a freelance journalist and editor while continuing to dedicate herself to creative writing. UNE QUESTION D’HARMONIE is her first novel. Khayat, Ondine: LES PETITS SOLEILS DE CHAQUE JOUR (EVERY DAY’S RAYS OF SUNSHINE) (Michel Lafon, April 2016, 256 pages) ! Realistic and endearing characters, an inter-generational tale, a setting that attracts millions of people a year (Paris). ! The reflections on the meaning of life and the world as seen through the eyes of a child invite us to enjoy life’s little pleasures fully every day. ! The two heroines, Colline and Clélie, have a touching and, most importantly, a mutually beneficial relationship: both of them draw new strength from it ! Paris is pictured as a warm and welcoming village with friendly and thoughtful neighbors: who wouldn’t want to live on Place des Ternes after reading this book! A little girl who has lost her zest for life since her parents’ divorce spends the summer with a wise and creative older woman who helps the girl feel like a child once again. Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 29 WOMEN WRITING Colline is 9 years old, and her parents are getting divorced. What would be an ordeal for any child is particularly hard on Colline, a “glass” child, who feels emotions very deeply. To help her get her zest for life back, a friend of the family, 69-year-old Clélie, takes her in for the summer. Clélie’s apartment building is inhabited by a rogue’s gallery of off-beat but complementary characters, neighbors most of us can only dream about. Readers will spend the summer with Colline and Clélie, a summer filled with the little girl’s serious questions about life and Clélie’s attempts to answer them, with the help of the other people in the building. There’s Théodore, an elderly philosopher who’s hooked on meditation; Rose, a former French teacher who’s a serious film lover; an opera diva, and a young couple that’s deeply in love. Each in their own way, they will all help Colline. Thanks to the attention and love she will receive all summer long – precious tools that will help her feel secure – Colline will learn to enjoy life’s simple pleasures and to feel like a child once again. A tender and moving novel that describes an inter-generational friendship. Born in 1974, Ondine Khayat has Lebanese, Armenian and French roots. Very committed to humanitarian causes, she is also the author of LUCINE, (Bernard Pacuito, 2007), Henri-Verneuil Prize, and PAYS SANS ADULTES (Anne Carrière, 2011). LES PETITS SOLEILS DE CHAQUE JOUR is her fifth novel. Fascinated by psychology, she has also trained in the helping relationship and as a therapist in humanist psychologist Carl Rogers’ person-centered approach. Peronnet, Valérie: UN PETIT GLAÇON DANS LA TÊTE (AN ICE CUBE IN MY HEAD) (Calmann Levy, March 2016, 140 pages) ! The deeply affecting portrait of a little boy trapped inside his own head. Max is not like other little boys: He has never uttered a single word; the wor- ld to him is a palette of colors. Even when his adorable little sister Emma is born, he is unable to speak to her. His parents have worried about him from the day he was born, especially since he began hiding under the staircase for hours on end. Why does he refuse to speak? Is it his response to the tears so often flowing down his mother’s cheeks? Why does Max feel like there is an ice cube in his head that is freezing his mind? Could the answer be buried in secrets from past generations? A poetic and heartfelt second novel constructed as a back-and-forth between childhood and adulthood, insouciance and the unspoken, family secrets and reverberations. Valérie Péronnet was born in Dakar in 1964. A journalist for Télé- rama for over fifteen years, she writes for Psychologies maga- zine and has ghostwritten over thirty stories, essays and ac- counts. Her debut novel, Jeanne et Marguerite (Calmann-Lévy, 2011) was adapted for the stage at the Theatre La Bruyère in Paris. Camille Anseaume: TA FACON D’ETRE AU MONDE (YOUR WAY OF BEING IN THE WORLD) (Kero, January 2016, 234 pages) ! The second novel of a very popular French blogger, after the success of UN TOUT PETIT RIEN. ! Everyone will recognize themselves in this group of friends and will be thrilled to be part of this team for a little while. ! A moving tragedy that will disrupt the characters’ lives, allowing readers to face their own choices. A poignant novel about friendship and the irreversible moment in time when childhood and innocence ends. They have been friends ever since they were little girls. One, the narrator, is a dreamer, serious, shy. Her friend Justine is outgoing and joyful. Inseperable despite their differences, they grow up together, always surrounded by a close-knit group of friends. Ker Timéoscor, the holiday cottage in Brittany owned by Justine’s family, is where they spend unforgettable summers and discover life and also love. This is where Justine meets charming and handsome Gabin. The two form a golden couple, under the narrator’s watchful and fascinated eye, who herself has to make do with the occasional attentions of a remote and unavailable man. And then tragedy strikes. After Gabin’s untimely and sudden death, the group of friends gather around Justine, who is inconsolable. Of course the narrator is called upon helping her best friend through this brutal ordeal. But nobody knows that she herself is hiding a guilty secret… 30 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION Camille Anseaume is a journalist for women’s magazines. She also runs the blog “Café de filles”, voted “best blog” by ELLE magazine’s editorial team. Option publisher: Germany (Ullstein), the Netherlands (Karakter) and Korea (Open Books) Plantagenet, Anne: HOROWITZ) APPELEZ-MOI LORCA HOROWITZ (CALL ME LORCA (Stock, January 2016, 216 pages) “When Rocío Perales and her husband took on Lorca Horowitz at their firm of architects in Carmona in the early 2000s, they would never have guessed that this awkward, overweight secretary would end up ruining their lives. Dreaming she was rich and beautiful, and imitating her boss’s wife down to the tiniest detail, she siphoned off her boss’s money to lead a completely different life. Why did this minor news story that I chanced across in a magazine grab my attention? Was it because of this strange secretary’s name and personality? The way she took another woman’s place? Or because this all happened in Andalucia where I lived and loved and even had a child? Besides my son, I have nothing from that period of my life. The woman I was then is incomprehensible to me now and that’s mind-blowing. I didn’t know but I had to investigate. That’s why I set off in search of Lorca Horowitz.” Anne Plantagenet is the author of several novels, including Trois jours à Oran published by Stock; of biographies (MARILYN MONROE, Folio biographies, 2007; MANOLETE, LE CALIFE FOUDROYÉ, Au Diable Vauvert, 2010); and short stories (POUR LES SIÈCLES DES SIÈCLES, Stock, 2008); she is also a prolific translator of novels from Spain and South America. Bertholon, Delphine: LES CORPS INUTILES (USELESS BODIES) (JC Lattes, February 2015, 360 pages) ! How do you survive when you cannot feel the touch of a raindrop on your skin or the warmth of a caress on your body? ! Clémence has just turned 15 when she is the victim of an assault in the middle of a street by a man with a knife. This traumatic incident will have long term repercussions on her life. To start with, she begins to lose the sense of touch... At age 30, Clémence is a confirmed bachelorette, solitary and withdrawn. After working as a makeup artist for the cinema, she finds a job with a very particular type of factory that makes life-size, hyper-realistic dolls. The novel alternates between the voices of Clémence adolescent, haunted by the assault that she never dared speak of to her family, and that of Clémence adult, trying to work through the physical and psychological consequences of her past. But life, as always, is full of surprises... Delphine Bertholon is the author of TWIST, L’EFFET LARSEN, of the critically acclaimed Grâce (translated in Russian, Spanish, German and Dutch) and, more recently, of LE SOLEIL À MES PIEDS, all published with Lattès. “A striking, heart-stopper of a book. [...] A pen sharpened by talent and a highly sensitive way with words.” Version Femina “Delphine Bertholon signs an engrossing and absolutely essential novel.” Elle “A story that will hit you in the gut.” Marie-Claire Coulon, Cécile: LE COEUR DU PELICAN (THE HEART OF THE PELICAN) (Viviane Hamy, January 2015, 250 pages) 15,000 copies sold up-to-date-on the bestsellers' list of L'Express Shortlisted for the Françoise Sagan award and the RTL-Lire award 2015 An injured champion will have to give his all to win the race against mediocrity. Anthime and Helena are an inseparable brother and sister. When their family moves to a small town, they have to find their place in the community. One day at the village fair, while taking part in a game, Anthime beats all the children his own age when he runs with lightning speed, so becoming part of the group. From that moment on, it is his racing that will set him apart. Under the heel of Brice, his personal trainer and a round- Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 31 CONTEMPORARY UP-MARKET COMMERCIAL TRENDS bellied chap, he becomes a champion, named “the Pelican” and admired by all, including Joanna, a neighbour who loves him from afar, and by the inaccessible Béatrice... Pélican is about glory and its fragility, about sport and its pain. It is the story of courage and the life, both banal and extraordinary, of a man who becomes great, falls and picks himself up again. Cécile Coulon was born in 1990. She is studying and working on a Phd on Sport and Literature. She has already published three novels at Viviane Hamy and is considered as one of the raising talent of contemporary French fiction. She has a keen interest in running and rock n’ roll music. “A sharp, intense novel: as heart-stopping as crime fiction and as heart-stirring as a road movie.” L'Express “Cécile Coulon writes like a boxer fights. (...) the Antigone of literature.” ELLE “A delicate, cruel and physical novel.” Lire CONTEMPORARY UP-MARKET COMMERCIAL TRENDS Tadjer, Akli: LA REINE DE TANGO (THE QUEEN OF TANGO) (JC Lattes, March 2016, 250 pages) ! A well-written novel that is easy to read, lighthearted, touching and entertaining; a real “feel-good” story. ! A heroine and other characters that are endearing, up-to-date and easy to identify with. A modern, humorous and melancholic fairytale where we learn that tango is more than a passion, it’s an addiction. Suzanne is the only child of a single mother who was known as the famous Queen of Tango, a wonderfully talented and successful dancer. Her premature death left her daughter with some spectacular memories, a passion for dance and an immense fear of abandonment. But Suzanne doesn’t dare dance the tango herself and decides to teach dance instead. Happiness eludes her however and her incapacity to tango prompts her to explore her childhood, discover who her mother really was, calm her irrational fears and find a man capable of being her partner, on stage and in life. When she meets Yan, a small-time thief, she feels ready for anything. Akli Tadjer is the author of eight novels, three of which have been adapted to television: Le Passager du Tassili, Le Porteur de Cartable and Il était une fois.. peut-être pas. His previous novel, Les thermes du Paradis was published with Lattès in 2014 and translated in Germany, Italy and Sweden. Fontenaille, Élise: BEL-ORDURE (HANDSOME BASTARD) (Calmann-Lévy, January 2016, 240 pages) ! A heart-breaking novel about being different, and about how hard it can be to face facts. ! Insightful and moving writing that analyses the workings of love and hate, as well as of racism and jealousy, with tremendous finesse. ! Readers are privy to the main character’s most personal thoughts and feelings, and share the intensity of her joys and disappointments. A young woman’s all-consuming passion for a Senegalese man who was once a professional dancer. Their love affair will be both intense and damaging. Eva is an independent single woman who enjoys being alone and prefers to keep men at arm’s length. Until the night she meets Adama, a bewitchingly handsome Senegalese man in his 60s who still has the taut, willowy build of the dancer he used to be. He lives like a dharma bum in a squat outside of Paris, refusing emotional and material attachments. From the moment they meet, Eva worships him and is ready to sacrifice everything for their relationship. But little by little, their happiness disintegrates: Adama is drinking more and more, and seems to be a man who lives off of men... Wanting to know the truth, Eva decides to investigate, and starts gathering fragments of his past. Shattered by what she finds out, Eva tries to leave the man who has caused her so much suffering. Presented as a mosaic of memories, this novel, with its tragic ending, is also a story about how hard it can be to be confront the world when you are part of a visible minority. 32 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION Élise Fontenaille has written over 20 novels, in various genres: history, young adult, human-interest stories and science fiction. Calmann-Lévy has already published her books: LE PALAIS DE MÉMOIRE (The Memory Palace) and MA VIE PRÉCAIRE (My Precarious Life). Egloff, Joël: J’ENQUÊTE (I’M INVESTIGATING) (Buchet Chastel/Libella, March 2016, 192 pages) ! A man is leading an investigation. Around him, everything is opaque. He himself seems quite strange, too… In Joël Egloff’s latest novel, the absurd, poetry and humor reign. “’If what I’m reading here is correct,’” I then asked the sacristan, after clearing my throat, ‘You, Monsieur Beck, are the one who first noticed the theft?’ He furrowed his brow. ‘The theft?’… he repeated, sounding disconcerted and turning towards the priest as though he needed him to translate what I’d said. ‘You mean the kidnapping,’ Father Steiger said, trying to catch my eye in the rear-view mirror.” A snowy, freezing-cold winter’s night. A sleepy town. A private eye - the narrator – arrives on the scene for a very strange investigation. This shy detective doesn’t like to bother his fellow men. But he’s broke and isn’t really accustomed to this job. He comes across more like someone who feels cornered… J’ENQUÊTE is the latest novel from Joël Egloff. Readers will be thrilled to reconnect with his off-beat characters, his poetry, and his sense of the absurd. Joël Egloff was born in 1970 in Lorraine and lives in the city of Metz. Having studied filmmaking, he worked at various jobs in film, wrote screenplays, then his first novel, EDMOND GANGLION & SON, which was published by Éditions du Rocher in 1999 and won the Alain-Fournier Prize. He then chose to dedicate himself entirely to writing and produced Les Ensoleillés in 2000 then in 2003, Ce que je fais là assis par terre, for which he won the Grand Prix de l’Humour Noir (Grand Prize for Black Humor). In 2005, he won the prestigious Livre Inter Prize for L’Étourdissement: 62,000 copies of the hardback edition were sold and translation rights were sold in 9 countries. He then published another novel in 2008 L’Homme que l’on prenait pour un autre followed by a collection of short stories, Libellules in 2012. “Discret et talentueux, éloigné des agitations littéraires mais pro- che d'un public ren- contre pour le plaisir de la lecture, Joël Egloff a imposé tout naturellement son art de romancier.” Figaro Litteraire “Le roman a l'histoire tenue, joue avec les cliches attaches aux prives, pour mieux les tourner en derision <…> Le style sobre tire son humour de la candeur du regard sur les situations et l'absurde qui en de coule” La Croix Kapriélian, Nelly: VERONICA (VERONICA) (Grasset, January 2016, 288 pages) ! Nelly Kapriélian is fascinated by Hollywood and uses it as the backdrop of her dark, captivating novel. More than a tragic story about an actress, she uses the figure of the doppelgänger, which has forever haunted film and literature. Los Angeles, 2015. A journalist follows in the footsteps of a fallen movie star who died young in the 1960s and whose career turns out to have its fair share of grey areas... What secret was Nicole Smith – aka Nikkie, aka Veronica, the Golden Age Hollywood star – hiding? Why does it look like she was running away from her mother, from men, and even from her children? And what exactly do the disturbing memoirs found next to her dead body reveal? Fifty years after Veronica’s death, a French journalist decides to reopen this unresolved case. But the LA film world does not give up its secrets quite so easily... Loosely based on the life of Veronica Lake, Nelly Kapriélian has written a thrilling crime novel where reality and dreams tangle together, simultaneously confusing and gripping the reader, all of which is aided by her incisive and captivating style. Nelly Kaprièlian heads the literary sections of Les Inrockuptibles magazine, and Vogue. Her first book, LE MANTEAU DE GRETA GARBO (2014) was hailed by critics and booksellers. Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 33 CONTEMPORARY UP-MARKET COMMERCIAL TRENDS Besson, Patrick: NE METS PAS DE GLACE SUR UN COEUR VIDE (DON’T PUT ICE ON AN EMPTY HEART) (Plon, January 2016, 192 pages) ! A written style that will undoubtedly draw the reader into the story and will make a simple story turns into a detailed and humoristic tale. ! A main character with many flaws, which makes him very endearing. ! The novel’s structure, intertwining past and present, gives us an intense story. When Karima decides to enter into Vincent’s life, his neighbor Philippe couldn’t expect such a tragic outcome; twenty years later, he gives us a powerful tale. In the 1990’s, Philippe, a literature teacher meets his neighbor Vincent who suffers from a heart disease. Totally different from each other, they become friends yet. The truth is Philippe has many adventures with Vincent’s girlfriends and all it’s going well until Karima arrives into their life. After Vincent has received a heart transplant, he feels finally ready for real love and gets married with Karima. Philippe, unable to stop seducing women, feels frustrated and starts suspecting her to want Vincent’s money. But he’s all wrong, what she really wants is getting pregnant from Vincent, who has been transplanted with her deceased husband’s heart and finally running away with this child. The author, through a tragicomedy full of suspense, plunges the readers into the 90’s. Patrick Besson is a writer and journalist. Winner of Grand Prix de l’Academie Française for DARA in 1985 and Winner of Prix Renaudot for LES BRABAN in 1995, he has already published fourteen novels. d’Epenoux, François: LES JOURS AREUH (THE GOO-GOO DAYS) (Anne Carrière, January 2016, 144 pages) ! François d’Epenoux is the father of three grown up children and a 3-year-old son born of his second marriage. This half narrative, half fiction, is inspired by his own experience. ! In this silent dialogue, which begins at the very real time when the bottle is due and ends in some timeless imaginary zone, all the paradoxes of a confrontation between a new born and a father who’s still young but well on in life - and all the stakes and questions posed by the event are expressed. 3 o’clock in the morning. Sitting in an armchair in a halo of light from a lampshade, a 50-year-old man is bottle-feeding his 3-month-old son. Between them, half a century and 96 kilos. On the one hand a mature man, who still hasn’t got over this late paternity. Rejuvenated by new life, yet acutely aware of how his own life will now be measured, and suddenly projected into a distant future: he’ll be 80 when this child is 30. Confident in the hope this little being inspires, but also terrified at the idea of thrusting it into the flow of a tormented world. Ill at ease in the posture of the doting father, this man who was single just a few months before was feeding a baby as best he could in the night-time world. Proud of the new patriarchal roots, but sad at the idea of giving up travel, the unexpected, and to a large extent adventure, now that he is ‘settling down’. On the other, tiny in his father’s arms, a baby whose whole life is in front of him; who sucks greedily between naps; who wriggles in his bodysuit, gurgling and groaning as though drunk, all the hungrier for life since he was born ‘in a state of apparent death’ and resuscitated after a 7-minute cardiac massage. In brief, a strange little fable to discover. A nursery rhyme, part-anecdote part-dream, funny and poetic, takes a look at the world and the awesome happiness of being a father. At 51, François d’Epenoux has published 9 books with Editions Anne Carrière, two of which have been adapted for the cinema: DEUX JOURS À TUER (by Jean Becker in 2008) and LES PAPAS DU DIMANCHE (by Louis Becker in 2012). LE RÉVEIL DU CŒUR, his ninth book, received the Prix Maison de la Presse 2014. Kerninon, Julia: LE DERNIER AMOUR D'ATTILA KISS (THE LAST LOVE OF ATTILA KISS) (Le Rouergue, January 2016, 128 pages) Long-listed for the Prix de La Closerie des Lilas and the Prix Orange du livre 2016!. ! 34 A short and powerful novel that dissects precisely the mystery of love and feelings. Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION ! Filled with tensions and antagonisms, Julia Kerninon enjoys opposing the contraries: the life instinct and the death instinct, masculine and feminine, light and shadow, youth and old age, wealth and poverty Hungary and Austria. ! A smart use of a specific historical background and of memory to illustrate the deep differences one has to overcome in order to love fully. After the success of her first novel, BUVARD, awarded the Françoise Sagan Prize in 2014 Julia Kerninon takes us between Austria and Hungary to tell us about the birth of love between two people who might have nothing in common. At 51, Attila Kiss has left his wife, his children and his mistress, and scrapes a living with a night shift in a foie gras factory. He describes himself as “a powerless man in a country of powerless men”, with his native Hungary thrown open to Western tourists. A chance encounter in a Budapest café with 25-year-old Theodora Babbenberg from Vienna, and the ensuing romance will turn all his plans upside down. As she describes their affair, Julia Kerninon plots the developments of a love which is not merely passion but almost the art of warfare in what is theoretically an impossible relationship... considering the forces at work, memories of historic conflicts, the borders and boundaries to cross, the differences to overcome and compromises to make. Born in 1987 in the Nantes region, Julia Kerninon is a doctoral student in French Literature. Her first novel, BUVARD (Rouergue, 2015) won several prizes including the Prix Françoise Sagan. She was awarded the Lagardère du jeune écrivain grant in 2015. Khan, Rachel: LES GRANDES ET LES PETITES CHOSES (THE BIG THINGS AND THE LITTLE ONES) (Anne Carrière, January 2016, 208 pages) Long-listed for the Prix Maison de la Presse 2016! ! An endearing heroine with a unique biracial identity. Her search for her identity was inspired by the life of the author, who has been very successful at finding a place for herself. ! The story is very representative of today’s youth, which wants to look to the future and free themselves from the weight of the past. Based on the author’s own life, this is the moving story of a biracial young woman with a richly varied background who searches for a way to define her own place in the world: running will be her answer. With a black father and a Jewish mother, Nina Gary, 18, doesn’t seem to fit into any social pigeonholes. Her racial heritage feels too heavy for this young woman, who just wants to get beyond the divisions. Track, and specifically running, will be her answer. When she runs, she forgets about her wounds and her family. She just feels alive. Readers will enjoy discovering her story, her misunderstandings, her heritage, and her endless switching between her Jewish culture, her African one, and the society where she actually lives. Running will allow her to find an answer to her endless self-questioning, and to finally accept the richness of her biracial background. Born in 1976 to a Gambian father and a French bookstore-owning mother with Polish-Jewish roots, Rachel Khan is now an actress and a cultural counselor for the Paris region. As an elite athlete, she was the 1991 French 60-meter- indoor champion, and 80-meter vice-champion. In 1993, she joined the French national athletics team. She won the 4 x 100 meter relay at the 1995 France championship. LES GRANDES ET LES PETITES CHOSES is her debut novel. Paravel, Dominique: GIRATOIRE (ROUNDABOUT) (Serge Safran, January 2016, 197 pages) Longlisted for the Prix Cazes Brasserie Lipp 2016, Prix de la Page 112, Prix des lecteurs À la Page, Prix du Bazar't des Mots 2016. ! Strong and genuine characters. ! Fast pace writing with universal themes of loneliness, fear and avoidance. A modern tale about life and death, commitment and avoidance, risk and safeness, through the odd journey of two strangers in their way to present a new traffic circle design project at a local council meeting in the south of France. Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 35 CONTEMPORARY UP-MARKET COMMERCIAL TRENDS Joaquin is on an important mission. His company has trusted him with a significant project, the design of the embellishment of a new traffic circle for a small town in the south of France. This is his chance to finally show the world his talent and to prove his value to his employer. And he better do well, because times are rough and layoffs are to come. But Joaquin is confident. Everything should go as planned. As long as his disease does not ruin everything. And as long as the consultant from Paris who has pressed to come with him to the town council meeting finally shows up. Vivienne Hennesy is exhausted. She has had a short night and has been driving for hours to go pick up a random employee of the company she has recently inherited. Then, she is supposed to accompany him to a local council meeting where he would have to present some project for the developing of a new traffic circle. Pointless, laughable. Like the life she has been living for years. Reluctantly, Joaquin and Vivienne embark on a journey, which will lead them to affront their inner fears and desires, and, maybe, to stop running away. Dominique Paravel grew up in Lyon, and spent over twenty years in Venice. NOUVELES VÉNITIENNES, her collection of short stories received excellent reviews, strong support from booksellers and won several awards just like UNIQUE, her first novel. Both are about to be published in pocket format. GIRATOIRE is her second novel. Rights preempted in Germany (Nagel & Kimche) “Au diapason de son titre et de son élément central, le roman de Dominique Paravel mène le lecteur de surprise en surprise : ce qui devait être plié en quelques heures se dévoile au fil des fantaisies des personnages et ne se réalise qu'après bien des détours.” Cosy Corner “C’est glaçant, désespéré, mortellement drôle.” Encres Vagabondes “Intelligent, bien construit et doucement drôle” Coup de Coeur de La Librairie Actes Sud Ledig, Agnès: ON REGRETTERA PLUS TARD (WE CAN REGRET IT LATER) (Albin Michel, March 2016, 311 pages) ! The energy, warmth and emotion in Agnès Ledig’s novels, her unique way with words and with love, her knack for loving her characters and guiding them along love’s unpredictable paths. ! A lively, endearing heroine with a capacity for sharing, who women readers will want to identify with. ! The novel’s structure, providing both Valentina and Eric’s point of view, as well as the story of Suzanne, Valentina’s grandmother, bring depth to the tale and to its conclusion. The success of her earlier books JUSTE AVANT LE BONHEUR (more than 140,000 copies sold by Albin Michel + 300,000 paperback copies sold by Pocket) and PARS AVEC LUI (90,000 hardcover copies sold). Valentina is a school teacher in an Alsatian village. One stormy night, a man knocks on her door with his daughter, who is ill, in his arms: Eric and Anna-Nina. Valentina has no idea how her life will change thanks to opening her door. This is a book about love. Between children and adults, to begin with: the affection that grows spontaneously between Valentine and Anna-Nina. Love also grows between the two adults, although not until they are able to accept and get beyond their past. For Eric, that means his wife’s death while giving birth to their daughter, a death that led him to try to escape reality by living in a gypsy caravan. But reality will catch up with him at Valentina’s place. Without realizing it, she carries within her the story of her grandmother, Suzanne. She had been tortured by the Nazis during World War II, because she wouldn’t tell them where her husband, a partisan, was hiding. She unconsciously transmitted the idea that you can die for love to her daughter and granddaughter. Readers will be pleased to have this new novel by Agnès Ledig, who encourages us all to live in the moment, and to enjoy the people who love us. Agnès Ledig’s talent and sensitivity once again touch the reader’s heart, with a moving, novel in several voices about the intertwined destinies of endearing characters who strive to find happiness in themselves…and others. Agnès Ledig is a midwife and a novelist. ON REGRETTERA PLUS TARD is her fourth novel. JUSTE AVANT LE BONHEUR, published in 2013, won the Prix Maisons de la Presse. Option publishers: Italy (Mondadori), Spain (Grijalbo), Norway (Gyldendal Norsk), Suède (Forum), Russia (Azbooka-Atticus) 36 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION Laurrent, Éric: UN BEAU DÉBUT (A BEAUTIFUL BEGINNING) (Minuit, March 2016, 208 pages) ! A hard-hitting novel about a mad dash towards fame that takes root in a complete lack of affection received during childhood, and invites us to reflect on the foundations of the “star system”. ! A writing style filled with references to classic works of literature that make the author a veritable spiritual son of Marcel Proust. Laurrent’s fans will find the refined, elegant prose they have come to expect from him, and which he puts to use in all situations. Even – if not especially – the most trivial ones: portrayed in long sentences and sophisticated vocabulary; debauchery and drifting seem all the more dark, depressing and devastating. ! Characters who inspire both hatred and compassion. They are absolutely lacking in morals, yet overwhelmingly human: true mirrors of our times A hard-hitting novel about an unwanted child who grows up to me be a nude model for girly magazines. Abandoned by her mother, Nicole, a well-behaved, devout child, is taken in by her grandparents in a provincial town. Raised in a chaotic home, as a teen, she becomes obsessed with her own image and an unconscious desire to attract attention. With centerfold girls her new idols, Nicole’s only goal in life is to become a star too. From amateur photo-shoots with her boyfriend, she moves on to the big city – Paris – to try to become a professional model. The result is a subtle, insightful narrative that stunningly renders an emotionally deprived child’s unquenchable thirst for love and recognition. Eric Laurrent lives near Clermont-Ferrand. All of his work, from his first novel, COUP DE FOUDRE (Lightning Strike/Love at First Sight, Minuit, 1995), has an instantly recognizable style, which is often compared to Marcel Proust’s. His 2011 LES DECOUVERTES (The Discoveries, Minuit) won the Wepler Prize. “A narrative borne aloft by Proustian phrasing.” Télérama “The circumlocutions, humor and style of Eric Laurrent’s latest novel are all absolutely stunning.” Les Inrocks Rahmy, Philippe: ALLEGRA (ALLEGRA) (La Table Ronde, January 2016, 192 pages) ! A main character in an unstable mental state wanders confusedly through space and time: as London’s frantic pace flows by, flash-backs from his childhood intertwine with the present. ! A whole gallery of characters, each more deeply trapped by poverty than the last: migrants, refugees and lost souls living on the edge of reality, on the margins of society ! A story that paints a violent picture of today’s world, where hopeless people left to their own devices can slide into chaos. A book that describes the terrible collapse of a man who has lost everything – his family, his job – and is searching for himself in the midst of existential chaos. London, 2012. Abel, a brilliant mathematician, is the son of Algerian immigrants to France. He works in London, where he lives with his wife, Lizzie. But their marriage has been on the rocks since their daughter Allegra was born. Step by step, Abel loses everything: his job, his wife and his child. Then he falls under the sway of Firouz, a dangerous, manipulative extremist who forces him to do something. Abel wanders through London with all his worldly belongings in a few shopping bags. The present intertwines with violent memories from his childhood as a second-generation immigrant in France. In a state of tremendous distress and absolute denial, he gets confused, and can no longer remember exactly what has happened to him. Trapped by Firouz, he has to plant a bomb and blow himself up during the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics. The day before the ceremony he finally remembers the event that brought him where he is: his darling daughter is no longer alive, and her death was his fault. That realization keeps him from setting off the bomb. Philippe Rahmy takes on a sensitive and terribly-up-to-date subject: the political and religious radicalization that can turn someone into a suicide bomber. He portrays the quick downward spiral that can lead to a desperate act – but one that his character will not in fact commit, because he happens to witness an ordinary scene that somehow manages to bring him back to real life. Philippe Rahmy is an Egyptologist with a degree in philosophy. He also contributes to the site His narrative BÉTON ARMÉ (Reinforced Concrete), won several literary prizes, including LIRE magazine’s Best Travel Book of the Year award. Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 37 CONTEMPORARY UP-MARKET COMMERCIAL TRENDS “Without turning his back on the charms of crime fiction, Rahmy has been brave enough to write authentic political fiction, proving that the pen is mightier than the sword.” Livres Hebdo “Phillipe Rahmy clearly knows his subject well; he manages to delve deep into a character who is tempted by radicalization, wallowing in denial almost to the extent of madness.” From an article by Thierry Raboud “ALLEGRA is the story of the brutality of our times, when empires strikes back; the psychological trauma of having to choose one identity over another […]. ALLEGRA is the story of the suffering that trauma can cause, and to what extremes it can lead.” Blog, Marie 873 “Philippe Rahmy maîtrise son sujet, et parvient à creuser en profondeur ce personnage tenté par la radicalisation, plongé dans un déni qui épouse les contours de la folie.” “… un roman polyphonique, sombre, crépusculaire.” La Liberté Revel, Serge: LES GRANDES ÉVASIONS DE PAUL MÉTRAL (THE GREAT ESCAPES OF PAUL MÉTRAL) (Actes Sud/Rouergue, October 2015, 136 pages) ! Funny at times, sweetly melancholic at other times, always endearing and brilliant. Life must have an end, but what kind of end is up to us to decide. And Serge Revel is perfectly fit to remind us such an elemental and precious truth. ! While Jonas Jonasson enchanted readers with his picaresque humor, Serge Revel’s humor is more teethgrinding and cynical. ! The book offers both a comic situation and also an uncompromising portrait of the life of the elderly. Serge Revel’s gleefully frenetic narrative follows Paul’s escapades as he is pursued by his niece, the manageress, the police, doctors, nuns... all people who want only the best for him. Repeatedly captured but still determined to escape, he manages – with the help of a few good Samaritans – to come up with increasingly daring exploits. Paul is eighty-nine, an inconsolable widow who lives alone in a house in the countryside, happy to have his garden, his chickens and his Savoie wine. But you think you’re immortal and eter- nally young, then along comes an accident and bang, old age trips you up and your only niece sticks you in a care home. A miserable Paul moves into “The Birds”, run by the authoritarian Hortense Tremblon, and he’s soon fostering wild dreams of escape. A sparkling, comic yet gently melancholic novel about the freedom to be yourself in old age. Born in 1946, Serge Revel was a senior lecturer at the Institut de la Communication Université Lumière-Lyon2. His novel LES FRÈRES JOSEPH (Rouergue, 2013) won the 2014 Prix Claude-Farrère des Écrivains Combattants. LE MAÎTRE À LA GUEULE CASSÉE was published in 2014. Silla, Karine: AUTOUR DU SOLEIL (AROUND THE SUN) (Plon, January 2016, 228 pages) Longlisted for the Prix Orange du livre 2016! A very insightful novel about the wounds of the past, that deals brilliantly with the difficulties of maternal and filial love. The text gradually weaves a gently warm and spell-binding atmosphere, guiding us from a Vietnam reminiscent of Marguerite Duras’s to the drowsy warmth of summer in the south of France. Female characters trapped by fate who attempt to resist their own desires. In a novel filled with passion and desire, Karine Silla powerfully describes the torments of maternal and filial love and devotion, and the temptation to abandon everything in order to live intensely. Louise is married to a man she has never loved, with whom she has a young daughter. She leaves them both behind to follow the man of her dreams to Vietnam, where she starts her life over. Louise’s daughter, who believed that her mother died when she was very young, is so traumatized when she finds out the truth that the secret upsets the harmony she had managed to create within her own family. On vacation in the south of France, where they are visiting Georges Buñuel, a friend who is a spiritual father to her husband, Samuel, she gets to know Jean, a young man who is as attractive as he is mysterious, and 38 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION who will shake up her convictions. This period of time will allow her to assuage the demons of her past and to make peace with the memory of her absent mother. After MONSIEUR EST MORT, Karine Silla continues to explore how family secrets echo and ricochet. Playwright, filmmaker and screenplay-writer Karine Silla is the author of MONSIEUR EST MORT, a critically acclaimed début novel published by Plon in 2014. “Une véritable forteresse lumineuse dont l'écriture subtile et émouvante de Karine Silla est la clé” Libraire Maisons de la presse “D'une plume précise, Karine Silla décrit ses personnages avec la distance d'un astronome observant une galaxie lointaine, ce qui confère aux actions qui se déroulent page après page quelque chose de lumineux.” Le Monde des Livres “D'une plume précise, aiguisée, élégante, Karine Silla nous donne à goûter cette histoire enivrante qu'on ne peut lâcher et qui continue de nous poursuivre longtemps, longtemps, longtemps.” Librairie Lavocat “Karine Silla offre un très beau portrait de femme, d'épouse et de mère qui prend le temps de s'interroger sur ses sentiments, sur le désir, sur son couple, l'amour, la fidélité... mais aussi sur ces secrets qui façonnent et induisent des comportements, inexplicables si l'on en ignore la cause.” “Un roman humain, empreint de sensibilité et d'authenticité, largement consacré à la nature humaine et à sa complexité. Avec un détachement quasi-chirurgical, Karine Silla dissèque les relations entre ces adultes et analyse avec intelligence et clairvoyance leurs tenants et aboutissants. Enfermés le temps d'un été, ces hommes et ces femmes s'étudient, s'aiment, se méprisent, se découvrent, ... sous nos yeux et nous rappellent toutes la complexité et l'irrationalité de nos rapports aux autres. Fascinant.” Blog Psyché des Livres Yared, Hyam: TOUT EST HALLUCINÉ (EVERYTHING IS HALLUCINATED) (Fayard, January 2016, 440 pages) Shortlisted for the Prix Ouest-France Etonnants voyageurs! Was short-listed for the Prix Roman France Télévisions. ! A book that presents the recent history of Lebanon, Egypt and Turkey through the prism of people steeped in Arab culture and who have lived– and sometimes suffered– through the founding events of these modern nations. ! The novel explores the ties between identity and family history, and investigates how an individual’s identity can be based on lies, and how they can survive or be reborn when they realize that. ! Writing that incorporates both Arab expressions and Christian parables, for a style as lush and dense as the lives of the characters whose voices we hear. ! A text that shows the importance of books, which can be both protective and revelatory, and of writing, which can help overcome suffering From the streets of Cairo in the 1990s to the Arab Spring, via the Lebanon War, readers will be drawn into the contemporary history of the Mashriq region, interwoven with the fate of a young Lebanese woman searching for her identity. Justine, a motherless child, was born at age five in Cairo. For when she came out of a coma, she could no longer remember her early childhood. In order to hide the truth and encourage Justine to be devout, her father, who restores icons, makes up a very faith-filled family history. Justine comes from a Christian family in a Muslim country on the cusp of political upheaval. She attends the Lycée Français, where her friends are teens like her, who seek refuge in books. At age 20, fed up with her father’s tales, and having found out by chance that she has roots in Lebanon, Justine heads off to that country. There she meets Dalal, a brazen young Palestinian woman who enlightens Justine on the subject of religion… and of and men. When Justine’s father dies – in the midst of the Arab Spring – she returns to Cairo, where she finally learns the truth about her own origins. Yared Hyam tells her tale in many voices – Justine’s, Dalal’s and their friends and relatives’, offering a composite, diverse portrait of several Arab countries, focusing in particular on their inhabitants’ relationship to politics and religion. Hyam Yared, who is Lebanese, writes in French. Her books describe her life in Lebanon, the war, and her relationship to traditions. Her previous book was LA MALÉDICTION (Les Équateurs, 2012). Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 39 BIOGRAPHICAL & HISTORICAL NOVEL Bailly, Pierric: L’ETOILE DU HAUTACAM (THE HAUTACAM STAR) (P.O.L, January 2016, 336 pages) ! An epic and fantastic tale at the crossroads between American blockbusters, Japanese animated films and science-fiction films. ! An inventive author with a rich and creative universe, playing with cinematic references and contrasts. ! Well-written characters, at once scatterbrained and engaging. Simon Meyer, a forty-year-old failure, is about to live the greatest adventure of his life, greater and more whimsical than all the films he loves so much. And it all starts with a car accident... Simon is a broken heart with broken dreams. His career in the film industry is over for a long time, as his relationship with Mariette. After having assisted to his grandmother's funeral, in his native village, Simon takes an important decision: settling in her house in order to make a clean break with his past. On the road to his new life, a strange car accident throws him in a different universe. In this world, his native village is still present, but it hangs far above the clouds and is tied to the Earth thanks to a giant reinforced concrete tower. Because of its unique situation, the village has become a major tourist attraction visited by people from all over the world and a holiday club for celebrities. Simon doesn't seem upset by all the changes and fits in this world naturally, as if it has always been there. In this place, he rebuilds his life, finds a job and falls in love. But his return induces the awakening of the piece of magma, which enables the village to stay in the air. Even if it is difficult for Simon to believe it, the fragment and he are linked to each other. When Simon expresses feelings, it comes to life and causes tremors. Simon will have to act as a hero, otherwise the village will be destroyed. Pierric Bailly has studied cinema at the university. He is the writer of POLICHINELLE and MICKAEL JACKSON, two stories about adolescence and becoming an adult. L'ÉTOILE DU HAUTACAM is his third novel published by P.O.L éditeur. “Portraitiste des troubles de l’adolescent, Pierric Bailly enchante la rentrée avec un conte planant, une épopée fantastique gorgée de références pop.” Les Inrocks Desjours, Ingrid: LES FAUVES (WILD ANIMALS) (Robert Laffont, October 2015, 446 pages) Your most dangerous predator is the one who has tamed you... Haiko is a young woman at the head of an Ngo battling the recruitment of young people by isis. its ultra-radical methods and taste for the spotlight have made it a choice prey for all kinds of extremists. As a veteran of Afghanistan, Lars has been to hell and back. When he returns to Paris and becomes a bodyguard, he finds he is lost in a society he no longer understands. As the number of deaths among haiko’s associates rises, she calls on Lars to protect her. imprisoned by the traumas of their pasts, haiko and Lars are like caged wild animals. Wild animals much more ferocious than they appear. Ingrid Desjours has published four thrillers, the most recent one being TOUT POUR PLAIRE in 2014. The series KALEB that she wrote under a pseudonym was a resounding success selling 65.000 copies. Rights sold: Japon BIOGRAPHICAL & HISTORICAL NOVEL Lapierre, Alexandra: MOURA, LA MÉMOIRE INCENDIÉE (MOURA, BIRNED MEMORY) (Flammarion, March 2016, 720 pages) In the upheaval of the Bolchevist revolution, from a war to another, Moura has crossed a thousand of worlds. An aristocrat with Russian origins, she was called Maria Zakrevskaïa, Madam Benckendorff , Baroness Budberg… She was a British secret agent’s lover, Maxim Gorki’s muse, H. G. Wells’ partner, and admired by London’s intelligentsia. She socialized with the twentieth century’s finest: the Tsar, Staline, Churchill and de Gaulle. Adored by those she loved, despised by those who found her elusive, Moura did indeed exist. 40 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION Some sung her courage, her warmth and her loyalty. Others denounced her lies. But all agreed on the same point: Moura embodied life. Life at all costs. On her heroine’s footsteps, Alexandra Lapierre has made researches in libraries around the world for three years. She has slipped into her character’s contradictions to paint this wonderful portrait of a woman. Her talent as a novelist and her eye, both lucid and kind, bring life to a great many captivating figures, whom shed some light on some great historical moments. Alexandra Lapierre is known for her rigorous research and the humanity of her characters. Her books bring back to life the figures of great women neglected by history. She is notably the author of FANNY STEVENSON (Grand Prix des lectrices de ELLE), ARTEMISIA (which was awarded the Prix du XVIIe siècle and “Book of the week” by the BBC), ELLES ONT CONQUIS LE MONDE: LES GRANDES AVENTURIÈRES, 1850-1950 and JE TE VOIS REINE DES QUATRE PARTIES DU MONDE (Prix Historia of the best historical novel 2013), translated worldwide. Ravenne, Jacques & Giacometti, Eric: L’EMPIRE DU GRAAL (THE EMPIRE OF THE GRAAL) (JC Lattes, 400 pages May 2016) Giacometti and Ravenne take us to the heart of one of the most fabulous enigmas of all time! The year of our Lord 1190: Chrétien de Troyes reveals the existence of the most sacred relic of medieval times in the Western world: the Grail. The Church decides to destroy his text and replace it with a Christianized version of the legend. The Vatican 2016: The scientific institute of the Holy See delivers the conclusion of a secret report: the Church is headed for inevitable ruin in just a few decades. The Pope decides that finding the Grail will create an immense shock among Christians worldwide and thus bolster Christianity. At great risk, Police commissioner Marcus delves into a ring of antique smugglers and strives to recover a deviant sepulcher that might hold the secret to the Grail... But what is that secret? Christ’s descendants? An elixir of eternal life? A means of communicating with God? And is that se- cret revealed in Chrétien de Troyes’ original text? Eric Giacometti was a journalist with le Parisien. He has conducted several investigations into Freemasonry and had been an observer of the society for many years. Jacques Ravenne is a writer and Freemason. He is a specialist of ancient manuscripts. Old friends, they share a passion for symbology and secret societies, real or imagined. Djavann, Chadortt: LES PUTES VOILÉES N’IRONT JAMAIS AU PARADIS ! (WHORES IN HEADSCARVES WILL NEVER GO TO HEAVEN!) (Grasset, April 2016, 240 pages) ! Chadortt Djavann returns with a powerful new novel, this time inspired by the true story of Iranian prostitutes wearing hijabs... The author of Bas les voiles ! and Big Daddy offers us a strong and brilliantly constructed work with a gallery of very realistic characters, questioning the notions of Good and Evil, and revealing the hypocrisy of Islamic ideology in his native land. Who knew that Iran, the land of mullahs, was filled with hijab-clad prostitutes? In Teheran, Ispaphan... and the religious city of Mashhad, an important site for Shiite pilgrims. There are even halal hookers! And yet, Iranian sharia law condemns prostitutes and homosexuals to death because their blood is “worthless.” In the name of this Islamic law, murderers decide to kill those whom they consider to be “the filth of depraved women who spread Evil,” since the government will not eradicate them (even if they do hang their fair share). As we follow the lives of two friends separated at the age of twelve, we hear the voices of these murdered women and their life-stories from beyond the grave. These enticing and sensual silhouettes are mischievous, courageous, irreverent and... politically incorrect. Their tone, words, and faces make them unique. These women surprise us with their intelligence and overwhelm us with their stories, while the more provocative ones awaken our desire, and the most capricious among them defy us with their dark humour. They unveil how the criminal puritanism of a few men spreading a gospel of hatred for women’s bodies and feminine desire have made the entire country an Islamic prison. Chahdortt Djavann, novelist and essayist, is the author of several shocking works of fiction and nonfiction, including: Bas les voiles !, Comment peut-on être Français ?, La muette, Je ne suis pas celle que je suis, La dernière séance and Big Daddy (2014). Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 41 BIOGRAPHICAL & HISTORICAL NOVEL Foreign rights sold for BIG DADDY: Dutch (De Bezige Bij) Octeau, Jean: LES TILLEULS DE BERLIN (LIME TREES IN BERLIN) (Grasset, February 2016, 544 page) ! This grand novel about impossible love spans over fifty years of history. ! th Jean Octeau, who was born in the first half of the 20 century, writes about a young art critic’s adventures through Europe – from Berlin to Bucharest, by way of Vienna, Paris and Budapest. ! The author’s alter-ego crosses paths with the great figures of his time, be they artists and intellectuals, from the Resistance or unsung heroes. Captivating. th The author’s life extends across the 20 century. Drawing from his own experience, he takes us on a fascinating journey featuring characters both real and fictional, and giving a voice to Hermann Voss, Hitler’s last collaborator, associated with the gigantic project for the Linz Museum. An historical fiction that investigates the top secret downward spiral of Nazi medical authorities. Out of this, long repressed secrets from those dark years are brought to light. Moreover, Jean Octeau also recounts the many scandals tied to the theft of countless works of art by the Nazis. Jean Octeau is a former senior civil servant in Canada, born in Quebec in 1928. He was the Director of the Latin America service at Radio Canada International, Managing Director of Les Arts et les Lettres for the Ministry of Cultural Affairs in Quebec, as well as the curator for two World Expo’s, in Montreal and Osaka. Bois, Ariane: LE GARDIEN DE NOS FRÈRES (OUR BROTHERS’ GUARDIAN) (Belfond/Place des editeurs, January 2016, 336 pages) An adventure novel and a love story set between Paris, the south-west of France, Israel and New York, which brings to light a little-known period of history... This is the story of a young man and woman whose paths, in 1945, should never have crossed - Simon is a member of the Parisian Jewish bourgeoisie, while Lena is from Poland and the daughter of lowly tradespeople. But the war robs them of everyone they had loved. Simon was injured while fighting in the Resistance. Lena managed to survive the Warsaw Ghetto. In 1945, in a France in total chaos and bled dry, they live out a grand love affair as they engage in a dual quest: to find Elie, Simon’s youn- ger brother, who disappeared in mysterious circumstances, and to take on the unusual task of seeking out Jewish children hidden with other families or in orphanages or convents during the war, once it becomes clear that their parents will not be returning from the camps... Ariane Bois is a journalist and literary critic. She has already published three novels: ET LE JOUR POUR EUX SERA COMME LA NUIT (Ramsay, 2009), LE MONDE D’HANNAH (Robert Laffont, 2011) and SANS OUBLIER (Belfond, 2014). “Cette fresque historique passionnante et bouleversante est aussi une belle histoire d’amour.” Le Nouvel Obs “This fascinating and moving historical epic is also a beautiful love story.” Le Nouvel Obs Garcin, Christian: LES VIES MULTIPLES DE JEREMIAH REYNOLDS (THE MULTIPLE LIVES OF JEREMIAH REYNOLDS) (Stock, January 2016, 180 pages) Longlisted for the Prix Orange du livre 2016! ! Half fiction, half historical document, an evocation of 19th century scientific expeditions and exploration of the North Pole via the real life of Jeremiah Reynolds. ! In line with the Russian myth of Sannikov Land (Земля Санникова), we discover the wealth of fantasies the North Pole has created both in science and literature with many references to Herman Melville, Edgar Allan Poe. This is the story of the adventurous life of Jeremiah Reynolds, born fatherless in Pennsylvania at the very end of the Eighteenth Century. At 20 he met a captain who longed to test the theory he had that the earth 42 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION was hollow, probably inhabited under the surface, and that this underworld could be reached through openings at the poles. Reynolds’s love of adventure and exploration drove him to attempt his first great escapade, after he had convinced the President of the United States himself to finance the expedition. He set off for the then unexplored Antarctic, and was probably the first man to set foot on the continent. He then became a colonel in Chile, commander in chief of the Mapuche armies, undertook a half circumnavigation of the world, worked as a lawyer in New York, befriended a young journalist called Edgar Allan Poe – who would remember him in his Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym – and in 1839, twelve years before Melville’s book, wrote an account of a whale hunt called Mocha Dick, imagining the events based on the accounts of a sailor he had met in Chile. He died unrecognised at the age of 58, in a small cottage in the Bronx, just as the Poe novel he inspired was published in France in its translation by Baudelaire. Christian Garcin is the author of many books (novels, novellas, essays, travelogues…) including LA PISTE MONGOLE (Verdier, 2009), DES FEMMES DISPARAISSENT (Verdier, 2011), LES NUITS DE VLADIVOSTOK (Stock, 2013) and SELON VINCENT (Stock, 2014). Gibert, Sylvie: L’ATELIERS DES POISONS (THE CHAMBER OF POISON) (Plon, March 2016, 352 pages) ! Elegantly written, this novel exposes two fascinating realms: the daily life of a police station and the art world in the age of impressionism. ! At the end of the 19th century in Paris, women were attempting to make a mark on the art world – and on the world itself. In the wake of the charming Zélie Murineau, here is a fascinating investigation. Paris, 1880. The Académie Julian (now Penninghen School of Art) is the first to open its doors to women. Yet, life is not easy for them. Learning the trade of a painter is an arduous, long and expensive process. Only talented – and persistent - young ladies will overcome the obstacles along the way. Zélie Mourineau does not lack talent, nor character. In the past, she proved that she was up for anything, and unveiled a real talent for pastiche. When Alexandre d’Arboug, the Police Chief of the Palais Royal station, hires her to paint the portrait of his goddaughter, Zélie’s confidence is shaken: Is she threatened? Does this order masks somber intentions? No matter the risks, she cannot refuse the assignment of the handsome Police Chief. From shady public houses to upper class receptions, she will help him discern what only the great master painters are able to see: the truth hidden behind appearances. Sylvie Gibert is the author of three novels published by de Borée. She lives and works in Toulouse. Grenier, Daniel: L'ANNÉE LA PLUS LONGUE (THE LONGEST YEAR) (Le Quartanier, September 2015, 432 pages) Short-listed for the Prix littéraires des collégiens (equivalent to the French Goncourt des lycéens) and long-Listed for the Prix des libraires and the Prix France-Québec. ! An unforgettable voice, an ambitious and intricate plot, a story that delights, provokes, and entertains. It reminds us of the pleasure of reading and it gives us the chance to get lost in another world. An ambitious debut with this epic novel written in a dense skillful style, both sweeping and intimate, packed with action and psychological refinement. A saga that goes over two centuries or so, embarks on a journey from Montreal to Philadelphia to New York, from the British invasion through the Patriots’ War till the Civil War. The hero, Aimé Bolduc, enjoys an exceptional life expectancy. Born on February 29th 1760, he doesn’t get old but on leap years. This curse that removes him from the rest of the world makes him a mix between a wandering Jew and a wandering Canadian. When his descendants go looking for him, the references to historical characters and events increase and it seems Aimé Bolduc might have actually existed. He was in turn an alcohol smuggler during Prohibition, a soldier, an inventor, a person of independent means and a bashful lover. He has also seen Comet Halley three times, fought on the battlefield and known a long life full of "bends and truncated episodes". Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 43 BIOGRAPHICAL & HISTORICAL NOVEL With his debut novel, Daniel Grenier signs here a great Northern-American saga encompassing nearly three centuries, an indelible story about lives too short and long-lasting ones. Daniel Grenier is altogether a writer, a translator and a bookseller so he knows it all about "causing a sensation". After a collection of short-stories (Despite it all we keep laughing in Saint-Henri) noteworthy in their variety, he has put a lot into this book and hasn’t spared anything to make it big. English rights sold to House of Anansi, French rights sold to Flammarion! “Daniel Grenier proposes a first novel with an epic breath and a masterfully controlled pen. (...) L’ANNÉE LA PLUS LONGUE goes with enthousiasm through the centuries and the North American continent, from Tennessee to Québec. A solid and captivating work: one of the great surprises of this autumn.” La presse “An ambitious novel, epic, with a dense and controlled writing, as large as intimate, made of action and psychology. A tour de force making us go through eras and borders, that does not hesitate to flirt with fantasy. (...) Passionate, the author uses all available means. Even his encrypted literary nerd/geek references could go unnoticed without the pleasure of reading being made heavy nor diminished. It’s a simple coat that the wishful reader could scratch.” Le Devoir “It is a tale of burned bridges and lost family ties, of belonging and not, of personal tragedies and major world events, of too many parallel stories to list here but not too many to lose track of, all combined in a satisfying blend of the everyday and the enchanting. (...) But make no mistake: this is not science fiction. (...) Grenier is first and foremost a storyteller, bringing to life the poetry of the everyday in a story that is intricately put together without ever appearing convoluted or contrived. (...) This is a fine story, well told. What more could we ask for?” — Review by Peter McCambridge Guéreau, Étienne: LA SONATE DE L'ANARCHISTE (THE ANARCHIST’S SONATA) (Denoël, October 2015, 368 pages) ! A fascinating portrayal of Paris’s artistic circles and the inner workings of the Third Republic. ! A lush, well-handled plot with characters that are actually subtler and more complex than they seem at first glance. ! A novel that draws you into its world, with both philosophical and political aspects. Paris, late 19th century. In a Third Republic riddled with scandals, corruption and terrorist attacks, Fédor, who is entirely devoted to his piano playing, wonders despairingly if he will ever become a famous soloist. Although he is well-known, audiences don’t love him for his interpretations of classical pieces, but for his own compositions, which have a strangely hypnotic power over those who hear them. This power has caught the attention of several people who want to use it for their own purposes: a boorish corrupt cop who wants to use Fédor as a double agent; an ageing musician’s agent who sees Fédor as his own last chance for fame and fortune; a young woman anarchist who wants truth to triumph – through bombs if need be. As Fédor finds himself caught in a violent plot in which everyone is trying to manipulate him, he gradually realizes the extent of his own power: he can read and influence people’s inner feelings. In a sort of adult coming-of-age story, this naïve, selfish man must come to see his role in a complex world and take responsibility for his own actions. A well-known musician, Etienne Guéreau, 38, has a degree in philosophy and his own blog. Après LE CLAN SUSPENDU (2014), LA SONATE DE L'ANARCHISTE is his second novel. Lechrist, Aude: UNE ALLURE IMPECCABLE (IMPECCABLE APPEARANCES) (Stock, January 2016, 324 pages) ! A lively immersion into the atmosphere of Parisian haute couture in the 1940-50s ! We travel from Paris to Rome and Rio and meet iconic stars such as Rita Hayworth, Marlene Dietrich, Robert Capa, and the great couturiers Givenchy, Dior, Balmain, Lanvin. ! A glamorous novel yet far from superficial: a modern vision of modeling, showing that women can be both beautiful and smart using their body to build their carrier relying only on themselves. 44 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION Taking as her starting point the real life of a woman who was enough of a star to publish the successful Mémoires d’une mannequin vedette in 1956, Aude Lechrist adds imagination and style to fill the gaps in this unique life. The young Christian Dior and Hubert de Givenchy, the eccentric Jacques Fath and the house of Lanvin... she modelled for them all. The Second World War had just finished, it was a time for creativity, and haute couture was on a meteoric rise. Freddy was a young star model who earned her own freedom. She depicts fashion shows, the euphoria in the wings, the waves of excitement fuelled by the press, the love affairs. She also describes her group of friends, Bettina, Praline, Lucky and Patricia. From fashion houses to fancy dress balls, they conquered the world. Until tragedy caught up with them. The other side of the coin: Freddy by day was Frédé by night. As manager of the famous Carroll’s nightclub, she dressed as a man and led a double life, unbeknown to anyone. Encouraged by Marlene Dietrich, with whom she had a brief affair, she reigned supreme over Paris night life. But then came a burglary in which she was implicated, forcing her to vanish forever. A novel that is by turns pacy and intimate, just like these glittering young women, their loves and their dreams. Aude Lechrist is a weekday evening news presenter for France 24. Her first novel, UN CORPS DE FEMME, (L’Éditeur, October 2014) enjoyed considerable critical acclaim. Lossky, Olga: LE REVERS DE LA MÉDAILLE (THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN) (Denoël, January 2016, 195 pages) Longlisted for the Prix Orange du livre 2016! ! From Budapest to Rome and London, three pivotal moments in the life of a gifted Jewish Hungarian artist who cannot free himself from a haunting memory. ! A fascinating insight into the creative world of numismatics and engraving. ! A touching story that resonates with the thousands of families torn by the tragedy of WW2. The author was inspired by the life of her own great-uncle, medallist and coin designer Paul Wincze. Olga Lossky’s beautiful and captivating writing style is one of the major assets of Le revers de la médaille. After Lebanon in La Maison Zeidawi, she now plunges the readers into the destiny of an exceptional man, marked by his time. In the late 1930s, Pal is a young Hungarian artist studying at the Budapest School of Fine Arts. In search for a model for a medal project, he makes the acquaintance of a young piano player, Erzsebet. Fascinated by her beauty, he uses her features for his medal project, and wins the prestigious contest organized by the Budapest City Council. However, Pal never receives the prize he was awarded because of his Jewish origins. As Hitler’s troops invade Austria, Pal resigns himself to leaving Erzsebet, his family and his country to move to Italy, where he hopes his talent will be recognized. Years go by... Fast forward to the post WWII years: the artist now lives in London, and has, with the help of his faithful wife Nicky, become one of the leading medal artists of his time. Prominent musicians, painters and political leaders have solicited his talent since the Queen of England commissioned him to immortalize her crowning. It is now the Pope’s turn to call upon Pal. The medal artist is reluctant to accept, as he fears to be confronted with distant memories he wishes to forget if he has to stay in Rome. During the last days of his life, Pal has come to terms with the loss of most of his abilities as an artist, and now looks at his career retrospectively. But things take an unexpected turn when a young boy appears in his life. What if a surprising answer was to be found in his facial features, strangely reminding him of someone? After REQUIEM POUR UN CLOU (Gallimard, 2004), LA RÉVOLUTION DES CIERGES (Gallimard, 2010) and LA MAISON ZEIDAWI (Denoël, 2014. Rights sold: Romania/Adantis, Israël/Keter), LE REVERS DE LA MÉDAILLE is Olga Lossky’s fourth novel. Weber, Patrick: LES NOCES ASSASSINES (THE MURDEROUS MARRIAGE) (Plon, February 2016, 336 pages) ! A historical novel plus a coming-of-age story, with romance, espionage and political plotting woven in too. Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 45 BIOGRAPHICAL & HISTORICAL NOVEL ! A journey through 1930s Italy, a land torn between zealous supporters of Il Duce, opportunists, opponents willing to resort to terrorism, and those who just want to be left alone to go about their business. ! Colorful characters who do verbal battle in lively, high-spirited dialogues. On May 6, 1938, Hitler paid a visit to Mussolini in Rome, to celebrate the union of Fascism and Nazism. Taking this actual historical event as his starting point, Patrick Weber presents a political coming-ofage story with a fast-paced and intriguing plot. Claudio Rocchi, a naïve but opportunistic young archeologist, is the least remarkable member of the Rocchi clan, a family of country bumpkins that has recently moved to Rome. When he is chosen to be the guide for the tour of Rome that Hitler is being given as a sign of friendship between the two dictatorships, he suddenly finds himself in over his head, being drawn into all manner of plots. The State Police, Socialist terrorists, beautiful strangers and even his own mother: suddenly everybody wants something from Claudio – from keeping an eye on his Socialist brother, to joining in a terrorist attack, via marrying a young woman from the country. Patrick Weber has penned a lively historical novel with high-spirited dialogues that offer an intimate glimpse at the mentalities of a complex era, before anyone realized that war was about to break out. It is a fascinating backdrop for a coming-of-age novel in which a cowardly young man will learn to stand up to those who weren’t expecting it, motivated by the desire to protect his loved ones. Trained as an art historian and an archeologist, royalty specialist Patrick Weber has presented RTL Belgium’s royal chronicle since 2011, as well as hosting daily debate shows on Bel RTL. He is the author of numerous historical novels and books of non-fiction, as well as writing screenplays and comic books. He divides his time between Brussels, Paris and Rome. Gallo, Max: MOI, CHARLEMAGNE, EMPEREUR CHRÉTIEN (I, CHARLEMAGNE, CHRISTIAN EMPEROR) (Editions XO, February 11, 2016 186 pages) ! The astonishing portrait of the one of the “fathers of Europe” depicted through the eloquent writing of Maz Gallo ! A gripping story written in the first person that plunges the reader into the very origins of the Christian civilization. When the time came to place his soul into the hands of the Lord, Charlemagne felt neither fear, nor doubt, nor anxiety. Throughout his forty-six years reign the King of the Francs, who was crowned Emperor in Rome on December 25, 800, had been a fervent defender of the Holy Church. He converted all the nations he conquered to its faith. He carefully orchestrated his appearance in front of the Lord, confiding the principal acts of his life to Eginhard, a young and talented scholar. Through this exchange Max Gallo reveals the extraordinary character, composed of authority and subtle intelligence, of the man who built the Christian Empire while setting the foundations of Europe. He portrays a relentless conqueror, but also a refined reformer and a lover of arts, literature and women. After his passing, the crumbling of the Empire served to reinforce his legend. His successes were a continued source of obsession for Napoleon. Max Gallo has always been at the forefront of his career as a novelist, essay writer and historian. With a degree in History, a PhD in Literature, and having taught for a long time, he is the author of many novels and biographies. He became a member of the Académie Française in 2007. Among his publications with XO are: the series on the 2WW, as well as the biographies of Victor Hugo, Julius Caesar and Louis XIV which have been hugely successful. Lépée: Denis: LE LOUP ET LE LION (THE WOLF AND THE LION) (Plon, February 2015, 408 pages) ! Somewhere between Robert Merle for its historical substance and Game of Thrones for its power games and violent intrigues ! A classic and effective style, a well-documented narrative, a suspenseful plot, likeable characters and the imaginative twists Denis Lépée is known for 46 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION ! A troubled period in the history of France. We meet its main protagonists (Henry III, Henry of Navarre, Catherine de Medici, the Duke of Guise, etc.), the kind of characters who have come back into fashion with the success of Game of Thrones and the French mini-series Les Rois Maudits (“A Cursed Monarchy”) 1588. The crown worn by Henry III is about to topple and with it the kingdom of France: the next king could be a Protestant, Henry of Navarre. The Duke of Guise, head of the Catholic League, is fighting to avert this intolerable prospect and to prevent another civil war from engulfing towns and countryside. Meanwhile the queen mother, Catherine de Medici, is scheming to protect both her son and the kingdom, relying on the influential sorcerer Cosimo Ruggieri. Not to mention the strange Naussac, a mysterious adventurer whose influence seems limitless. In these troubled times, the young squire from the province of Auvergne, Gabriel Lespéron, has only one dream ̶ to leave his family’s estate, ride to the capital and take part in shaping the future of France. By chance, along the road, he meets the children of the Duke of Guise, Marie and François, and saves their lives. He is engaged as master of arms to François, a close friend of the Guise family. In the turmoil of Paris, Gabriel finds himself propelled to the center of the power struggle. An exciting coming-of-age novel along with a gripping reflection on power, somewhere between Robert Merle for its historical substance and Game of Thrones for its power games and violent intrigues. Denis Lépée has published four novels, reissued in paperback and translated in more than ten countries, as well as several biographical essays. His previous novel, LE CHEMIN DES FAUX-SERMENTS (The Way of False Oaths) was published in 2010. Rights sold in the Czech Republic (Brana). COMMERCIAL FICTION Rubinstein, Marianne: NOUS SOMMES DEUX (THERE ARE TWO OF US) (Albin Michel, January 2016, 288 pages) ! A kaleidoscopic narrative that describes the same event from several different points of view, giving them greater depth ! The characters evolve over the course of various events and encounters, enabling readers to consider their own feelings about them, to appreciate them or not. ! Twins are always an appealingly mysterious subject; they often hide the closeness of the bonds they have been weaving almost from birth. Three families will soon be united by the bonds of marriage; all sorts of things will happen in the year before the big day… things that will have a profound effect on the characters’ outlook on life. Emma and Axel are twins. When they turn 30, they inform their parents that they’re both getting married the following year: they have decided to have a double wedding. The novel includes all three families, over the course of the year preceding the double union. A lot happens in that year: sickness, death and affairs, testing both the fiancés and their families, as if to show everyone that you have to get beyond appearances to truly understand how a shared life can be established, despite each person’s separate attachments and backgrounds. In a similar vein to Stéphanie Janicot, Alice Ferney and Véronique Olmi, Marianne Rubinstein intertwines issues about relations between couples, families, generations and specific cultures, including Jewish identity. Marianne Rubinstein teaches economics at the University of Paris 7. She also writes both non-fiction, novels and children’s books. NOUS SOMMES DEUX is her fifth novel, the second one published by Albin Michel. “Sans se départir jamais de la vivacité propre à ce type de comédies, Rubinstein y introduit un élément de douceur et de tristesse qui l’apparente bien plus aux maîtres de la comédie noire new-yorkaise qu’aux romancières trop hexagonales du couple et de la midlife crisis.” Livres Hebdo “Sensible sans jamais être mièvre, réfléchi sans jamais être pesant, ce roman se dévore et se referme avec la douce envie de le relire sans attendre. Un moment de lecture époustouflant.” Page des libraires Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 47 COMMERCIAL FICTION Balance, Catherine: UNE AUTRE VOIX QUE LA MIENNE (ANOTHER VOICE THAN MINE) (JC Lattes, 300 pages April 2016) ! A telepathic encounter between a successful author and a young reader. Story is written in veine of Marc Levy’s novels. Maude first discovers famous author Thomas Lubeigt when she comes across one of his books while on vacation. She is seized by a stupefying revelation: entire sections of her own life can be found in Lubeigt’s novels. What is this mysterious connection they share? Could the incredible coincidences she finds only be the result of chance? She can find no one capable of answering her questions, not even Thomas Lubeigt himself. Maude becomes obsessed with her attempt to understand and one day loses conscience. Upon awakening, she has forgotten the existence of Thomas Lubeigt. Thus begins a search into the deep folds of her memory that take her all the way to Bali where she finds herself in the midst of an intrigue rife with unexplained phenomena, irrational occurrences and ancestral rituals CATHERINE BALANCE lived in Quebec for ten years.Therapist and coach, she is also specialized in NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), Eriksonian hypnosis and EFT(emotional freedom techniques). Bongrand, Caroline: VOUS AIMER (LOVING YOU) (Robert Laffont, May 2016, 180 pages) ! It will be impossible to not identify with the heroine, an intelligent mix of serious and crazy, willful and desperate - perfect ingredients for a romantic novel! A man and a woman meet during a business lunch. One is married, the other remarried, both with children. With a few messages, everything changes dramatically. Worn out by a day-to-day life facing continual criticism from an unsatisfying husband, the woman suddenly discovers a life within herself that she in no way suspected. Believing that it will save their respective families, she decides, with what remains of her reason, to make a pact with the man, and he accepts: they will never, ever make love. But the restraint has the reverse effect from what they expected. Between charm and heartbreak, their crazy love falls into the trap of reality. Caroline Bongrand published PITCH, L’ENFANT DU BOSPHORE ET TROIS DÉFINISTIONS DE L’AMOUR already with Les Editions Robert Laffont. Pécassou, Bernadette: JE SUIS DE CELLES QUI RESTENT (I AM ONE OF WHO STAY STILL) (Flammarion, April 2016, 336 pages) Alice, in her fifties, a part-time teacher who lives in a charming suburban home, has just unexpectedly lost her husband Michel when she receives a package addressed to him. Both intrigued and disoriented, she opens it to find an antique lighter. A somewhat surprising item since her husband didn't smoke. What was the man with whom she shared her life hiding from her? The man whose death left her so suddenly lonely, almost abandoned. Searching through Michel's computer, she finds out that he had ordered the lighter online, and that it may be linked to his brother, whom he hadn't seen in years. Her investigation leads her to the South-West of France, the place of their birth, which they had left a long time ago to make their way to the Paris region. Driven by the mystery she is trying to solve as well as nostalgia for her roots, this journey into her past and the rediscovery of the place where she grew up will help Alice to regain confidence, rebuild herself and cope with grief. Bernadette Pécassou was a TV journalist and director. She has published seven novels with Flammarion: LA BELLE CHOCOLATIÈRE (2001), LE BEL ITALIEN (2003), L'IMPÉRATRICE DES ROSES (2005), LA VILLA BELZA (2007), LA PASSAGÈRE DU FRANCE (2009), LA DERNIÈRE BAGNARDE (2011) and SOUS LE TOIT DU MONDE (2013). Artus, Isabelle: LA PETITE BOUTIQUE JAPONAISE (THE LITTLE JAPANESE SHOP) (Edito editions/Mon Agent, April 2016, 310 pages) ! French feel-good at it’s best with a Japanese twist. ! A very rare jewel: an exotic journey into Japanese culture and traditions, as well as a search for identity! 48 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION A Parisian geisha looks for her samurai. Pamela's aim in life is to become an accomplished geisha. Waitress in a Chinese restaurant in the Parisian suburbs, she meets doctor Atsuro, owner of a small bonsai's shop. After a bleak childhood in Brittany suburb of St-Brieuc punctuated by TV series such as Kung Fu, Thad has become the henchman of a Japanese general. Thad and Pamela are made for each other and between them it is love at first sight. But one day Thad disappears, leaving behind him an enigmatic letter and an heartbroken Pamela. The brave geisha does not hesitate to leave to Tokyo to look for her warrior. But to find her lover, she will have to learn more about herself and to live many amazing adventures in the Land of the Rising Sun. Isabelle Artus works for a perfume company. LA PETITE BOUTIQUE JAPONAISE is her first novel! Rights sold to France (Flammarion), Germany (Piper), Spain (Salamandra) and Italy (La Nave di Teseo)ю Piper and Salamandra have bought the rights of this first novel after a nice 5-figures deal! Mademoiselle Peppergreen: N’OUBLIEZ PAS DE TOMBER AMOUREUSE A PARIS (DON’T FORGET TO FALL IN LOVE IN PARIS) (Mazarine, April 2016, 252 pages) ! A romantic comedy where an endearing character will meet international celebrities such as Madonna, Sting, Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce, Jamiroquai, Mariah Carey. ! Going behind the scenes of the show business world reminds us LE DIABLE S’HABILLE EN PRADA. ! A beautiful description of Paris that will make the reader dream about. Both quest for love and for celebrity, this novel shares with us real anecdotes and secret lives of show business. Gemma, a young Franco-American girl has just graduated. She doesn’t realize it yet but she has got the job that everybody dream about: she’s going to work with famous people from the TV show « Lost in Music ». Her mission: dealing with extravagant claim from Beyonce, Madonna or even Mariah Carey… but also with the crazy behaviors from the producers. Behind glitter and glamour, Gemma discovers a hostile world. Even though Paris is the most romantic city in the world, that’s not easy to find your place and not to lose yourself, especially when you fall in love with the star presenter… Behind the username of Mademoiselle Peppergreen, two childhood friends wrote this first novel. Cartier, Alex: MOVIE STAR (Belfond, March 2016, 528 pages) ! A spicy female character who is not afraid to follow her dreams ! Welcome to the hot and glamorous world of Hollywood icons, and the fantasies which they inspire! Ophélie is a young press officer working in film industry. She is 25 and is leading a quiet life in Paris, spreading her time between her boyfriend Christophe, her best friend Laure, her cat Roméo and her parents. A perfectly unremarkable life… Until one day she manages to persuade her boss to send her to the Festival of Deauville to work as Cate Blanchett's press officer. Once there, Ophélie comes face to face with Michael Brown, one of Hollywood's most bankable and sexy actors. He has been the object of her fantasies for years… Michael does not seem entirely immune to her charms, as he immediately gets rid of his own press officer to make way for Ophélie. It is the start of a torrid and dangerous love affair… For twenty years, Alex Cartier worked for a film studio in the United States and Europe Ruiz, Gavin’s Clemente: COMMENT PAPA EST DEVENU DANSEUR ÉTOILE (DADDY IS A PRIMA BALLERINA) (Fayard, January 2016, 160 pages) ! A contemporary story with reality TV show capable to highlight a more classical leisure such as classical dance. ! A very interesting and fresh point of view on the entire story. Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 49 COMMERCIAL FICTION ! Humorous experiences that will make the reader smile throughout the book. Gavin’s Clemente Ruiz offers a hilarious and heartfelt comedy that will surprise the readers. Welcome to the Minchellis. Forty-seven-year-old Lucien, unemployed, has been lounging on the couch for an entire year. His wife Sophie can’t take it anymore. Suddenly he decides to get up – in hyperactive mode, and starts to run. He even signs up for his daughter Sarah’s ballet class. The teenager is mortified. Paul, the youngest, takes refuge at his grandmother’s, which one is a former lead dancer at the Bolshoi Theater, abandoned by her husband when she had announced she was pregnant. Lucien finally explains that he has spotted his long-lost father, Luigi, on a reality TV show. Luigi is a ballet producer famous for staging performances with pot-bellied dancers. And he is in Paris holding auditions for his new show! Lucien would do anything to get to know him, even if it means slipping on a pair of ballet slippers. But will Lucien and Luigi’s father-son bonding moment upset the balance of Lucien’s own family? Who exactly is this man? Will Lucien be able to win his father’s affection by getting the lead role of the ballet? A hilarious and heartfelt family comedy. Gavin’s Clemente Ruiz was born in 1978. He travels and writes for the Guide du Routard. COMMENT PAPA EST DEVENU DANSEUSE ÉTOILE is his first novel. French Pocketbook rights sold. Dô, Marie: LES DUNES SAUVAGES (WILD DUNES) (Plon, March 2016, 224 pages) ! A delicious novel, both light and humorous, with endearing characters and outlandish situations. ! The main character is going through an existential crisis that readers can relate to. ! A novel that addresses contemporary issues: the gap between intense urban life, reconnecting with nature, spiritual focus, chosing between individualism and altruism. A funny and moving novel echoing to our lifelong quests for meaning, and our attempts to free ourselves from the contemporary individualist hubris. Sebastian is an extremely busy 40 something. He goes fast, travels far, and works a lot. Too much? Since he divorced Tess, nothing works out. Neither drunken nights nor sleeping pills can shut down his regrets, his guilt, and his arising existential crisis. The alarming diagnosis of his doctor is unquestionable: he needs a vacation. However, the catastrophic state of his bank account leaves no room for extravagance. Ironically, he will have to stay in a bungalow at camp Robinson, one that he bought to his wife ten years ago to make up for his recurring absence – and in which he never set foot in. When he gets there, a big surprise awaits, Sebastian is appalled: Camp Robinson is in fact a naturist camp! A nightmare for this control-freak, obsessed by his appearance. Among the dunes in his birthday suit, Sebastian is at odds with the ghost of his ex-wife, his doubts and his regrets. To make things worse, he has to comply with his new neighbors: a guru that speaks to his defunct wife; a cougar artist plagued by self-doubt along with her abandoned husband and a young, pretty and mysterious yoga teacher... This bittersweet novel, fun and moving, filled with gleams of sunshine, exposes a self quest against the backdrop of a midlife crisis. It also tells the story of an attempt to escape from the hubris of individualism in order to find new horizons. Marie Dô is a dancer, choreagrapher, and a comedian. Her former novel FAIS DANSER LA POUSSIÈRE, was adapted into a movie and met a wide audience. It sold 20,000 copies in France, and was translated to Italian by Piemme. Rattazzi, Monica: COMME UN POISON ENTRE NOUS (LIKE A POISON BETWEEN US) (Scrinéo, February 2016, 350 pages) ! A striking novel about the slow erosion of a couple, triggered by a frightening child… ! A feminine point of view with great aptness. Julie has everything she always dreamt about : her husband-Pierre- and two lovely little girls whom she raises in the suburbs. So why does she struggles so much to fit this life? Why isn’t she happy? When Hadrien, 14, moves in the house which faces theirs, with his mother everything changes… 50 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION Monica Rattazzi was a translator on many broadcasts music and cinema. In 2000, she won the Beaumarchais Foundation for her play DANS L'ENFER DE MA MÉMOIRE, J'AI RETROUVÉ UN SOUVENIR SANS POUSSIÈRE. She is now a writer and was awarded the the noir novel SACD prize for the script of STADE ULTIME. COMME UN POISON ENTRE NOUS is her first novel. “A tremendous and captivating novel ! What could have been a plain story about a love story which collapses is becoming a terrifying yet surprising “behind closed doors” story […] An intense novel!” Chroniques de Madoka “A very dark and frightening novel (…) Monica Rattazi perfectly depicts this disturbing yet atypical atmosphere.” Psyche des Livres Riva, Alex: LA GRÈVE DES FEMMES FORMIDABLES (THE WONDERFUL WOMEN STRIKE) (Denoël, March 2016, 240 pages) ! Alex is already working on a sequel, to be published in May 2016. ! A formidable foursome that is reminiscent of the four heroines in Sex and the City. ! Alex Riva is one of these formidable women. She went on strike in her own life after approaching a burn out. ! A novel for a female audience, at once sharp, witty and moving, easy to identify with. Ditch everything and join the Wonderful Women Strike! Have you ever wanted to ditch it all? To say “stop”? To take a bit of time, even just an hour, to yourself only? Emma is thirty-nine. She is divorced, has two beautiful daughters and a career in communication. She brilliantly juggles with her family, her work and her quest for a charming prince. Like so many women in her generation, she still hopes to find happiness, just like in the movies and in the magazines. But where to find the time to look for it when you do not have a minute to yourself? Thankfully, Emma can count on Alice, Andrea and Chloé, her long time girlfriends. The four of them go through the exact same thing: always busy taking care of other people’s needs, they have lost touch of themselves, and are not as happy as they used to be. One evening, as the four friends are gathered around a drink, Chloé shares an idea of hers: go on strike, the Wonderful Women Strike. The plan is simple: run away for a week without leaving any means to contact them, and finally take the time to think about themselves, and reflect upon the past, the present and the future. They head to Greece, determined to forget all about daily life, work, family and sentiments. Alex Riva was born in 1973 in Tours. She is the mother of two girls aged 14 and 11, and works as a freelancer in communication. She also teaches in several schools in Paris and in the rest of France. LA GRÈVE DES FEMMES FORMIDABLES is her debut novel. Riva, Alex: QUAND L’IMPRÉVU S’EN MÊLE (WHEN THE UNEXPECTED STRIKES) (Denoël, June 2016, 240 pages) ! Alex Riva stages the come back of her four heroines in this new volume filled with humour, emotions and numerous twists. ! Funny, witty, and touching, a fine example of “Chick Lit” that readers will easily relate to. After LA GRÈVE DES FEMMES FORMIDABLES, the eagerly awaited return of Emma, Alice, Andrea and Chloe for new adventures. After a magical week spent in Greece, it is time to return to Paris for our beloved wonderful four Emma, Alice, Andrea and Chloe. Yet going back to the ways of the past is not an option. Their stay in Greece proved a game changer on many levels, and each of them is determined to get her life back on track professionally and personally. For their men too, the strike also provided an opportunity to reflect upon things, and they seem willing to make a fresh start. But sticking to these resolutions is not that simple, especially when the unexpected strikes... The wonderful four will have to change their plans for various reasons: for Andrea a baby she was no longer hoping for, a fabulous professional opportunity for Chloe, a re-acquaintance with an old flame for Emma, including a terrible ordeal. Alice is going through a rough sentimental patch. Paul has undergone a complete transformation ever since she came back, and has become the man she wanted him to be, and yet, she only has eyes for Olivier, whom she fell for during her Greek spell. And things will only get worse, as she is diagnosed Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 51 COMMERCIAL FICTION with breast cancer. The four friends need to stick together more than ever. Who knows, maybe all these unforeseen events, whether good or bad, will prove to be blessings in disguise? Alex Riva was born in Tours, France, in 1973. She is the mother of two daughters aged 16 and 12, and works in communications. She also teaches in several schools in Paris and in the rest of France. QUAND L’IMPRÉVU S’EN MÊLE is the sequel to LA GRÈVE DES FEMMES FORMIDABLES. de Villenoisy, Sophie: JOYEUX SUICIDE ET BONNE ANNÉE (MERRY SUICIDE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!) (Denoël, May 2016, 256 pages) France: pocket book rights sold after a splendid auction! ! A novel supported by Tatiana de Rosnay and Delphine de Vigan! ! In turn hilarious and moving, a salutary read in today’s world: it is a celebration of life written with finesse and wit. ! At the crossroads of Frank Capra’s It’s a Wonderful Life and Bridget Jones, the writing style seduces the reader from the very first lines, delivering a most enjoyable mix of humor and tenderness, with plenty of surprises to boot. Completely washed out, Sylvie, 40 years old, single with no children, is about to end it all... But a series of unexpected events will thwart her plans! A merry comedy that will give you the desire to live to the fullest. “What are you doing for Christmas? I’ll commit suicide, how about you? Of course, if you put things like that, it may sound sinister, but at 45, it’s my best option. It’s not like I’m leaving mourning loved ones behind. I don’t desert a husband and child. I don’t even have a dog, or a cat, or a parrot, who’ll miss me. That leaves me two months to get to know the real me. Two months is very short. But it can also be long, depending on what actually happens in the meantime…” Single, with a handful of friends, no parents, no boyfriend and no children, Sylvie is convinced that her life is meaningless. Suicide seems to be the only appealing option. She is monitored by a shrink called Franck, who imposes all kinds of off-kilter challenges on her. But her mind is made up: she is to commit suicide on December 25th. However, an unexpected encounter with a homeless woman will shake her beliefs to the core. Sophie de Villenoisy is a journalist and a writer/scriptwriter. She is the author of several how-to books for Éditions Leduc, and of eight humorous comic books. The last one to date, BIEN FAIT !, a graphic comedy, was released in 2015, at Éditions Delcourt. Maulin, Olivier: LA FÊTE EST FINIE (PARTY’S OVER) (Denoël, June 2016, 230 pages) ! “The funniest writer in France is back.” Le Figaro Magazine. A sharp criticism of our contemporary world, and of the dehumanizing and nature-devastating impact of contemporary economics, yet mitigated with a highly-charged wit and gall: Olivier Maulin’s touch is unlike any other, and is easily recognizable. Victor and Picot are two friends living on the fringe. The former spends his days as a coach potato listening to Bach, while the latter works dead-end temp jobs. The two find jobs as night guards at a camper van park with two dogs they found in a dog shelter. The two walking failures fall asleep in a camper van that eventually gets stolen. When they wake up, they are near the German border, and decide to run away. They finally find a remote campsite in a valley in Alsace, where they meet a young girl and her father, who, along with a few friends, are awaiting the end of the world. The two friends share the life of the small community, and are trained to hunt and use weapons. But “Progress” soon threatens the peaceful valley: plans are being made to have a landfill and a 200- acre-recreation park take it over. The community decides to strike back... Olivier Maulin lives and works in Paris. He is the author of several novels, including EN ATTENDANT LE ROI DU MONDE, winner of the Ouest-France/Étonnants Voyageurs 2006 Prize. LA FÊTE EST FINIE is his 9th novel. “More outrageous and over-the-top than ever, Olivier Maulin goes full throttle with no helmet on! Those who love him will follow his lead!” Livres Hebdo 52 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION “In addition to grouches, reading GUEULE DE BOIS is not recommended for delicate readers, progressive liberals and overjoyed morons alike, in other words, all those who believe we live in amazing times.” Le Point “In these times of global gloominess, opportunities like this are too rare not to be seized: a hilarious immersion into a small community of screwballs that has broken free from consumer society.” — L’Express “A shooting gallery whose verve is reminiscent of Michel Audiard’s, where no one, and nothing, is spared.Olivier Maulin shoots anything that moves, and dark humour reigns supreme. Irresistible.” Le Figaro littéraire Fitzgerald, Marie: NOS NUITS DEVIENDRONT DES JOURS (CHASING MIRACLES) (Univers Poche, May 2016, 230 pages) Reader’s report available ! In the vein of Barbara Constantine and LES INTOUCHABLES, a feel-good novel where solidarity and helping one another are the central themes. These four strong voices and touching humanities will stay with the reader long after the end of the book. Friendship has no age, it is always young. Claude, an 80 year-old blind man, lives alone and has finally decided to do whatever he likes. Corentin is angry at his overwhelming mother and cannot wait to be of age and flee from home. Alain is a sixtysomething whose life has gone adrift. The 3 men will find one another and decide to rescue Corinne who is beaten by her husband. During a trip to Spain, these four lonesome souls will perhaps find the will to start things over. Barbérat, Angélique: LOLA OU L’APPRENTISSAGE DU BONHEUR (LOLA OR LEARNING TO BE HAPPY) (Michel Lafon, March 2016, 512 pages) The sequel of Bertrand and Lola, the emotional story of an impossible love affair which sold more than 30,000 copies. ! Readers will be delighted to discover Bertrand and Lola’s evolution. ! A moving writing style. ! Getting through daily events and hard times, the characters are living an outstanding love story. Bertrand has been hold hostage in Africa and Lola got divorced. But both want to forget about the past. Still deeply in love with each other and willing to form a family, they decide to move in together. But Bertrand is haunted by what he has been through, he cannot stop having nightmares and little by little feels depressed. Lola is trying to do her best but Bertrand is hiding his feelings from her and she cannot perceive how deep is his despair. One day, truth comes to light. Will Bertrand and Lola find a way to live together despite their indelible scars? Angélique Barbérat brings to life a beautiful novel, highlighting the delicate border between trust and destruction, silence and truth, passion and love. Raised by a Russian grandfather that told her fairy tales throughout her childhood, Angélique Barbérat writes since she’s a child. After the success of L’INSTANT PRECIS OÙ LES DESTINS S’ENTREMÊLENT and BERTRAND ET LOLA, she offers a new and beautiful novel. Barbérat, Angélique: BERTRAND ET LOLA (BERTRAND AND LOLA) (Michel Lafon, February 2015, 500 pages) 30,000 copies sold in France ! ! A new novel from Angélique Barbérat after the highly successful L’instant précis où les destins s’entremêlent (more than 20,000 copies sold in bookstores and over 30,000 by the France-Loisirs book club). ! The keen expectations of the bloggers and critics who loved her first book. ! The emotional story of an impossible love affair. Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 53 COMMERCIAL FICTION Why did Lola ring that doorbell? Why did Bertrand let a stranger in? And how can you fall madly in love with someone in just a few seconds? Life would never be the same after that hot June day. For a few blissful, carefree hours, Bertrand and Lola forget all their other concerns: Lola, that she is getting married in a week; international reporter and photographer Bertrand, that he refuses to be tied down. Finally, in spite of their sudden overwhelming passion, they make the most cautious and worst decision possible: to go their separate ways and return to their former lives. So Lola gets married and continues to work as a flight attendant, while Bertrand flies off to a distant country. But despite their decision, each is still obsessed with the other. And even if they might be strong enough to live their lives apart, fate seems to take a wicked pleasure in throwing them together… until the day Bertrand is captured and held hostage by an armed group while reporting from Africa. So do they have the slightest chance of being reunited one day? Koenig, Gaspard: KIDNAPPING (Grasset, January 2016 368 pages) ! In this very insightful social comedy, Gaspard Koening tells the story of David, a banker in the City, and his son’s Romanian nanny, Roxy. Although they have nothing in common, their lives will come together in the most explosive way. ! Written as a crime novel, Kidnapping is also a story of immigration, Europe, and the many challenges every individual must face in a world where, although borders have disappeared, cultures still diverge. Ruxandra, aka Roxy, has moved to London in the hopes of finding opportunities her native Romania cannot offer her. She finds a job as the nanny of a two-year-old boy named George, pampering him while his stunning mother, Ivana, looks on coldly. As for the father of the family, David devotes every second of his life to the City and hardly notices the young woman. That is, until the day a massive European highway project places Romania at the heart of his ambitious preoccupations. Roxy, who had dreamt of getting rich and climbing the rungs of London society, is suddenly very useful to him. But, just how far can the Eldorado of a Europe without borders cope with cultural disparities? Gaspard Koenig is the author of many novels for Grasset: Octave avait vingt ans (2004), Un baiser à la russe (2006), La nuit de la faillite (2013) – as well as the essays, Les discrètes vertus de la corruption (2009), and Leçons de conduite (2011). Foreign rights sold for previous titles: Italian (RCS Libri) Abtey, Benoît & Deschodt, Pierre: LES NOUVELLES AVENTURES D’ARSÈNE LUPIN – LES HÉRITIERS (NEW ADVENTURES OF ARSÈNE LUPIN THE HEIRS) (Editions XO, March 2016, 351 pages) Partial English translation available All the panache and elegance of a legendary hero. ! Arsène Lupin is one of France’s most popular fictional characters. He is La Belle epoque’s most elegant of gentleman thieves. ! A thrilling adventure, From The dark alleys oF paris To The moroccan desert. With ‘The Heirs’ Benoît Abtey and Pierre Deschodt bring the ‘gentleman thief’ back to life, a fascinating character who has captivated generations of readers. Who is he? Where does he come from? No one knows. Arsene Lupin is everywhere but nobody knows what he really looks like. The most famous villain of his time, and the most distinguished as well. one doesn’t attack the most powerful people on earth, however, without feeling their wrath. In 1897, the day after the fire at the charity Bazaar – the pillar of the parisian high-society – Lupin disappears. He is blamed for the drama. Above all, Athena, the love of his life, was killed in the blaze. Afterwards nothing holds any importance to him. Ten years later a scandal breaks and he resurfaces. could he have become a traitor? A daily newspaper, Le patriot, accuses him of having stolen military secrets in order to sell them to Germany! War is imminent! 54 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION Benoît Abtey, 41 year-old illustrator and graduate of the ecole normal superieur des Art Decoratifs, has written several novels. He lives in Paimpol with his wife and children. Pierre DeschoDt, born in 1971, is a journalist and a writer who lives in Paris. Together they wrote a series of illustrated novels ARSENE LUPIN, THE ORIGINS published at rue de sevres editions. CRIME & SUSPENSE NOVELS Hénaff, Sophie: RESTER GROUPES (REMAIN TOGETHER) (Albin Michel, March 2016, 336 pages) Option publishers: UK (Mc Lehose) ! Madcap, endearingly off-beat characters that readers can reconnect with after, POULETS GRILLES, the first tome, or be pleased to be introduced to, and look forward to seeing them again for more adventures ! The lively yet refined writing is a real pleasure to read, the text flows so smoothly that it’s almost like watching a film ! A police investigation that will appeal to mystery lovers and everyone else, as well: Sophie Hénaff has a knack for creating situations that are so comical they can turn anyone into a fan. After POULETS GRILLÉS, this 2nd tome reunites us with the unique and lovable characters that made the first novel so original. Far from having recovered their lost glory, the ‘poulets grillés’ – cops in disgrace - now pass for traitors at 36 Quai des Orfèvres, the police headquarters. Their spirits have never been so low. Only Anne Capestan still has faith. But she would have preferred to avoid the investigation they’ve just been landed with: the murder of Superintendent Serge Rufus, her ex-husband’s father. She detested the father, and still hasn’t succeeded in getting the son out of her mind! Meanwhile, in a village in Provence, a man discovers his name freshly engraved on the war memorial ... A short, lively and original novel and a perfectly well-structured investigation. Journalist with Cosmopolitan, where she runs the famous Cosmoliste feature, Sophie Hénaff wrote POULETS GRILLES, her first novel, now translated into four languages and winner of the Prix Polars for a series (Quais du polar/Le Monde des livres), the Arsène Lupin Prize 2015 and the Prize for the best French detective novel. Grange, Jean-Christophe: CONGO REQUIEM (CONGO REQUIEM) (Albin Michel, May 2016, 650 pages) Les Morvan.The Morvans. There’s Grégoire, former secret agent now France’s n° 1 cop, Maggie, the wife he’s in the habit of beating, and their three kids: Erwan, a crime investigator, Loïc, a coke-snorting golden boy and Gaëlle, a second rate actress and first rate call-girl. A strange family, bound together by hatred like a toxic sort of love, in the hold of heaven knows what horrific secret. It was in Lontano in the Congo that their sordid story began with the Nail-Man affair. And in Lontano, where the Tutsis and the Hutus are massacring each other, the final act will be played. Perhaps…A heart-stopping plot, plenty of unexpected twists and turns and relentless tension… A concoction of past and present, the electrifying, diabolical followup to Lontano keeps much more than its promises! From Vol des cigognes to Kaïken, Jean-Christophe Grangé has authored unique thrillers which are regularly adapted for the screen. The only French novelist capable of rivalling the international master of the genre, his work is translated into about thirty languages. The first part of this thriller, Lontano, sold more than 200,000 copies and was licensed for translation into German, Italian, Turkish, Russian, Polish and Danish. Favan, Claire: SERRE-MOI FORT (HOLD ME TIGHT) (Robert Laffont, February 2016, 384 pages) Prix Griffe noire du meilleur polar français 2016 ! “Hold me tight.” This could be a cry for help. First, a cry from Nick, a collateral victim of his sister’s unexplained disappearance who is forced to live in a broken home with two parents totally obsessed with their quest for the truth. All he wants is for his mother Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 55 CRIME & SUSPENSE NOVELS to hold him in her arms. Then, a cry from Adam Gibson, the police officer in charge of the team investigating a horrifying mass grave that has been discovered in Alabama. He must identify the victims—all women— and try to trace them back to the killer, who left the scene of the crime without a trace. Claire Favan works in finance and writes in her free time. The success of her diptych, The Intimate Killer and The Shadow Killer, has made her one of France’s major thriller writers. Laurent, Jean-Claude: TOUTANKHAMON) OPERATION TUTANKHAMUN (OPÉRATION (JC Lattes, 200 pages April 2016) ! A new series of historical crime novels both modern and inventive. Louis Porier has a gift: when gripped by an emotion, he is able to travel to the past. For a young professor of history and geography, it’s true bliss. While on a class visit to the Louvre one day, he is fascinated by the famous statue of a sitting scribe and is suddenly whisked back to Egypt in 1400 BC where he finds himself a scribe in the service of the Pharaoh. His name is Hapy and his mission is to investigate the abrupt death of the grand priest of the Amon Temple. He will uncover several sinister plots that threaten the Pharaoh’s life and suspects hiding at the highest levels of government: fanatic priests of the ancient cult of Aton, ministers, and even the queen. Jean-Claude Laurent is the pseudonym of Jean-Claude Perrier and Laurent Lemire who are journalists and well-known writers (Livres Hebdo, L’Obs, etc.). They have written several books: historical novels, biographies and essays for the former, and biographies and essays for the latter. Norek, Olivier: SURTENSIONS (OVER-TENSION) (Michel Lafon, March 2016, 480 pages) Winner of : Prix du polar européen 2016 du “Point” Lost souls and crimes of passion: before redemption, there is sometimes a need for revenge. For ending his trilogy about the Captain Coste’s investigations, the author makes the characters reach their point of no return. Can a sister accept to risk her life for helping her brother to escape from the most dangerous prison in France ? What is a father willing to do to save his family from four predators that have penetrated into his house, ready to stay as long as they need. How can five criminals – a paedophile, a murderer, a former Serbian legionary, a kidnapper and a robber – end up in the same story and why Captain Coste get involved in this nest of vipers that is threatening all the persons he cares the most about. Olivier Norek is a police Lieutenant at the research section of the SDPJ 93 for seventeenth years.He is the author of CODE 93 and TERRITOIRES, both acclaimed by critics. “Les polars d’Olivier Norek ne ressemblent à aucun autre.” France Info “Avec son regard implacable sur notre époque et nos malfrats, Olivier Norek a électrisé le jury.” Le Point Bussi, Michel: LE TEMPS EST ASSASSIN (TIME IS A KILLER) (Presses de la cite, May 2016, 592 pages) More than 100,000 copies of OF AFTER THE CRASH sold in UK ! A terrible car accident, broken lives, family secrets... Once again, Michel Bussi serves us up a gripping detective novel, this time set amid the beautiful scenery of Corsica. August 2016. 42-year-old Clotilde is spending her holiday in Corsica with her husband Franck and her teenage daughter Valentine. It is the first time she has been back to the island since the terrible car accident in which her parents and her brother were killed 27 years earlier. She was in the car too, but miracu- lously escaped with her life. This return to the island plunges Clotilde back into the deepest recesses of her adolescence. She reacquaints herself with her paternal grandparents, Lisabetta and Cassanu, whom she hasn’t seen since the 56 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION accident. They come from a powerful Corsican family who reign supreme over one whole part of the island. The young woman is pleased to be able to introduce them to her hus- band and daughter, but this immersion in her past is the source of a great malaise. And then strange indications emerge which suggest that Palma, Clotilde’s mother, might not have died in the accident after all... Could it be that Clotilde is not in possession of the whole truth? Michel Bussi is a professor of geopolitics. His works have been translated in 31 countries. Le temps est assassin is his 6th novel published by Presses de la Cité since 2011. Beatrix, Anne-Laure & Dillard, Francois Xavier: AUSTERLITZ 10.50 (Belfond, March 2016, 272 pages) ! Paris and its iconic places are the background to this cross novel between dystopia and noir genre. ! The authors play with the reader’s fears and expectations bringing a story that could happen. Imagine a world where the Mona Lisa has disappeared… A fascinating novel which takes us into a secret Paris, into the wings of the Louvre and into the murky corridors of power. In 1810, the River Seine reached its highest level during the Great Flood of Paris: 8.62 metres on the hydrometric scale at the Pont d’Austerlitz. Cut to the present day, and it has been raining in the capital for four days. The electricity has been cut off, the city is in total blackout and panic is starting to spread among its inhabitants. As the first buildings begin to collapse and a massive wave of mud spreads across the city, Parisians are seized with a collective hysteria and terrible abuses are committed in the name of survival… Beneath the Pont d’Austerlitz, the water has reached a record level: 10.5 metres. And now one year on, people realise that Paris will never be the same again. For police officer François Mallarmé, who lost his wife and daughter in the disaster, life has become one long nightmare. He is struggling on with his job in a city where life has lost all meaning. Up until the day when a string of sordid murders starkly revives his nightmare, in the very heart of the Louvre - a museum which has become a symbol around the world, and from which even the Mona Lisa has disappeared… Following on from two novels published by Fleuve Noir, UN VRAI JEU D'ENFANT and FAIS-LE POUR MAMAN (25,000 copies sold in hardback), AUSTERLITZ 10.5 is the first François-Xavier Dillard novel to be published by Belfond. Grand, Emmanuel: LES SALAUDS DEVRONT PAYER (THE BASTARDS WILL PAY) (Liana Lévi, January 2016, 380 pages) On the bestseller’s list (n°9). ! At times a social novel with troubling overtones, at times a fast-paced thriller, The Bastards Will Pay is a machiavellian story of vengeance and redemption. ! Emmanuel Grand here confirms his skill at interweaving devilishly well-paced and effective scenarios. Between Douai and Valenciennes, Wollaing is one of those little northern French towns beleaguered by unemployment. The good Doctor Antoine Vanderbeken treats some of his patients free of charge. The less charitable Freddie Wallet works in strong-arm debt recovery on behalf of an illegal credit operation. So when Pauline Leroy, a young addict whom Vanderbeken had taken under his wing and who owes money to Wallet, is found murdered, the locals give free rein to their anger.Wallet is the designated guilty party and the bastard must pay—and all the other bastards along with him. Yet behind the murder of little Pauline, police captain Erik Buchmeyer and Lieutenant Saliha Bouazen will discover other grudges linked to the industrial past of the town. Here, everyone remembers the days when the Berga factory employed nearly a thousand workers.A time of full employment and the great union struggles, it was also the setting for violent clashes and dramatic accidents. Berga shut down at the start of the 80s and the abandoned site has become a revolving door of serious drug trafficking. Perhaps the shadows of the villains of the past are crossing paths there with the murderers of today? Emmanuel Grand was born in 1966 and lives in Colombes in the Paris region. His first thriller, TERMINUS BELZ (LianaLevi 2014 and Points Seuil 2015), was selected for, among others, the 2015 Best Thriller Prize, and was sold to Germany (Aufbau) and Spain (Salamandra). He has already won three prizes and Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 57 CRIME & SUSPENSE NOVELS is in the running for the SNCF Thriller Prize. An unpublished short story appeared in the summer collection of the «Petits Polars Le Monde-SNCF.» Rights sold in Germany (Aufbau)! Rights preempted in Italy (Neri Pozza). Pocket rights sold (to Livre de Poche) after a heating auction! “Roman policier et roman sur la violence du monde de l'entreprise, la trame est la désindustruialisation que subissent les personnages du livre. Perte d'un paradis perdu, de repères, les plans sociaux qui ont des conséquences sur les gens des dizaines d'années plus tard.” France 3 "His incandescent thriller brilliantly rekindles the flame of the social crime novel." Paris Match "Emmanuel Grand confirms the hopes placed in him in this excellent social thriller; a gripping tableau of a France gone adrift." François Lestavel, Onlalu "A somber crime story superbly written." Biba "Half-thriller, half-social novel that, from many points of view, is in the same vein as certain titles by Didier Daeninckx." Les Echos "Emmanuel Grand knows how to create atmospheric novels. Midway between Didier Daeninckx and Fred Vargas." France Culture "The rhythm is sustained, the language and style of formidable effectiveness." Metro Levison, Iain: ILS SAVENT TOUT DE VOUS (MINDREADER) (Liana Lévi, October 2015, 250 pages) Original English manuscript available! Selected for the Elle reader’s Prize. ! States secrets, manipulations, murders... In-between science fiction and thriller, this novel will not give you a rest. ! A double-sided character, The Agent Terry, whom real mission is to exterminate all mind readers, a complex and fascinating lady. ! Reading minds, an aptitude that have fascinated for centuries and still do nowadays. For a few days now, Snowe, a cop, has been aware of a strange power: he can read people’s minds. It was while arresting a junkie that he first realised it and, since then, arrests and investigations have taken a much more positive turn for the police. Meanwhile, in another part of the country, Brooks Denny, a prisoner on death row, is experiencing the same phenomenon. The government has noticed that his prowess in jailhouse poker is putting a tidy sum in his prison bank account. They send Agent Terry Dyer to investigate. Oddly, Brooks can’t read the thoughts of this young woman... At the end of their interview, Terry makes Brooks a very tempting offer: to accompany her to the UN to assist in negotiations between an African head of state and the American government. In exchange, his life will be spared. It’s surely too good to be true, but Brooks gives it a go... Through the unexpected fate of his characters, Iain levison denounces the manipulation and surveillance, at the highest levels of state, of anonymous citizens, who could, almost, be you or me. Iain Levison was born in Aberdeen, Scotland. His first novel Since the Layoffs (Soho Press ; more than 50.000 copies sold) attracted much attention. His last novel ARRÊTEZ-MOI LÀ ! (Liana Lévy 2011, more than 30.000 copies sold) is turning into a movie for 2015 and is directed by Gilles Bannier, and awaits selection at a film festival... Rights of his previous novels sold to: Germany (Matthes und Seitz and Hanser/Deuticke), Italy (Feltrinelli), Netherlands (De Geus), UK and USA (Bitter Lemon Press). Rights sold in Germany (Deuticke). Film rights sold! (Coffee and Films directed by Didier Jacob). Offer from Portugal! “A delight of an action novel, combined with a subtle thoroughgoing demolition of covert video surveillance.” Lire “It's dark, grotesque, caustic, irresistible.” Le Point “A convoluted intrigue, intelligent, surprising, with farcical scenes, unexpected implications, and characters that constantly surprise us.” Mediapart 58 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION “One of those rare books that happily marry an unstoppable plot you can't put down with intelligent subject matter - all spiced by a good dose of humour. Excellent.” “Formidably effective!… For anyone who enjoys a thriller/humour cocktail with a hint of the bizarre, a new Iain Levison is a real treat.” Elle Sénanque, Antoine: WEAKSHIELD (Grasset, April 2016, 300 pages) ! Antoine Sénanque offers readers a grand, modern novel, mixing fratricidal hatred and tragic love. It is a sort of "Gangs of London" as powerfully cinematic as Martin Scorsese’s "Gangs of New York." Welcome to Les Misérables of the English industrial revolution. On the dirty, fog- covered banks of the Thames stands the shadow of Jonathan Weakshield – a rare brand of hero. It is 1897 in London and Scotland Yard is far from handling its last gruesome case. Jack the Ripper had made headlines ten years earlier and now another case is about to be reopened: that of Jonathan Weakshield. This former underworld kingpin has been declared dead for fifteen years. The leader of the notorious “Seven Dials” ghetto in London once ruled the streets alongside Viking, the bloodthirsty dwarf at the head of the city’s gangs, and was officially hanged in 1884. But an intercepted letter containing his handwriting proves he’s still alive... While a tenacious inspector tirelessly retraces his past – from his years in the penal colony of Australia to making his fortune in the gold mines of Bathurst – the investigation, led by two journalists of the Daily News, slowly uncovers the secrets of the man nicknamed the “Wolf of Seven Dials” for his cruelty. Who is he? And why is he resurfacing now? To answer this, one must go back in time, put the screws to former gang leaders, revisit the Ireland of his youth and the Great Potato Famine, follow his rise through the ranks of the underworld, relive the Battle of Strugglefield, the bloody clash where the best gang leaders are selected, his split with his friend Viking and his secret affair with Fine the Irishwoman. Weakshield returns to London to find her. But when unfinished business remerges, it looks like a lot of bad blood might have to spill. With Grasset, Antoine Sénanque has published Blouse (2004), La grande garde (Prix Jean Bernard, 2007), L'ami de jeunesse (Prix Découverte Figaro Magazine, 2008), Salut Marie ! (Prix Version Fémina, 2013) and Etienne regrette (2014). Foreign rights sold for past works: Italian (Barbes Editore, Edizioni Clichy) Barde-Cabuçon, Olivier: LES ENQUÊTES DU COMMISSAIRE AUX MORTS ÉTRANGES (INVESTIGATIONS OF THE COMMISSIONER OF DEAD STRANGE) (Actes Sud, 2012-2013) A series of historical crime novels featuring Volnay, a police commissioner whose title is Inspector of Suspicious Deaths, and his no-less-unusual partner, a heretic monk, who poke into the darkest corners of the Age of Enlightenment. ! A light-hearted police procedural, full of unexpected plot twists, that transports us to 18th-century Paris. Vol I: CASANOVA ET LA FEMME SANS VISAGE (Actes Sud, February 2012, 328 pages) Grand Prix Sang d'Encre 2012 The first exhilarating installment of a promising set of historical detective novels starring Volnay, the Inspector of Suspicious Deaths. In 1759 a faceless woman is found dead in Paris… Vol II: MESSE NOIRE (Actes Sud, March 2013, 368 pages) Historia magazine’s Grand Prix du roman policier 2013 A not very peaceful night in 1749, in a Paris cemetery. A young girl’s body is found on a tomb. She may well have been sacrificed as part of a Satanic rite… Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 59 THRILLERS Vol III: TUEZ QUI VOUS VOULEZ (Actes Sud, February 2014, 384 pages) ! This droll and light-hearted crime novel makes for a very enjoyable read. ! Entertaining characters that make you want to read more books featuring them. ! 18th century Paris seen from a novel point of view. In 18th century Paris, the Inspector of Suspicious Deaths and his partner, a heretic monk, have to investigate the unresolved assassinations of three young men of very different backgrounds. Over a backdrop of political intrigue and religious tension – as well as the cheerful chaos caused by the Feast of Fools – a sort of Saturnalia – they learn that the assassin is the father of a young woman. The first two victims had gotten a bit too close to his daughter for the man’s liking. Then he killed the third young man at random, as a red herring. Olivier Barde-Cabuçon lives in Lyon. Fascinated by books, art and history, his taste for crime novels combined with his interest in the 18th century led him to create the character of an Inspector of Suspicious Deaths. TUEZ QUI VOUS VOULEZ is his third investigation, after CASANOVA ET LA FEMME SANS VISAGE (2012, winner of the 2012 Grand Prix Sang d'Encre) and MESSE NOIRE (winner of Historia magazine’s 2013 Grand Prix du roman policier). “Entre fait divers et affaire d’Etat, cette nouvelle enquête d’Olivier Barde-Cabuçon fait le portrait d’une ville au bord de l’implosion” Telerama THRILLERS Carayon, Christian: SOUFFLE UNE OMBRE (A BREATH, A SHADE) (Fleuve Noir, April 2016, 320 pages) Sample English translation and Reader’s report available ! An unputdownable thriller. ! When the sense of the intrigue of Michel Bussi meets the faultless narration of Pierre Lemaitre. ! The rights have been sold in 4 countries before the French publication after auctions and pre-empts. 1980. A party to celebrate the end of summer is in full swing in the southern part of the Massif Central. Justine, Guillaume, Emmanuel and Florie, aged 10 to 14, are given the per- mission to sleep on a small island in the middle of a lake. When the parents don’t see them coming back in the morning, they swim there and discover a horror scene: three children have been slaughtered and the fourth one has been left for dead. 2014. Whole families – those of the victims and of the many suspects –, the town and even the region never got over this trauma. Marc-Édouard is a history teacher in Tou- louse, whose career has come to a standstill. His personal life is not going better (his wife has left him and Siobhan, one of his students, has tried to commit suicide after the end of their affair). A disastrous gala at the univer- sity drives him to see a psychiatrist. There, he confesses that his life has been oversha- dowed by fear because of the multiple murder that took place when he was 11 years old. To get rid of it, Marc-Édouard starts over the investigation, on the pretext of writing a thesis. Christian Carayon is a history teacher and a true lover of cinema. His first novel Le Diable sur les épaules, a historical crime, has been well received by the critics and the readers. Un souffle, une ombre is his third novel Rights sold: Germany (BTB), Italy (Sperling & Kupfer), Spain (Salamandra), The Netherlands (Luitingh-Sijthoff) Giebel, Karine: DE FORCE (BY FORCE) (Belfond/Place des editeurs, March 2016, 528 pages) ! A psychological thriller which keeps us on tente- rhooks as we try to figure out exactly who is manipulating whom... 60 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION One summer’s evening, Maud Reynier, a young woman of 20 and the daughter of the famous Nice surgeon Armand Rey- nier, is violently attacked while she is out walking along the banks of the River Siagne. A passing jogger, Luc, arrives in the nick of time to scare off the attacker and to save Maud. A few days later, Armand Reynier receives a threatening message. Deeply disturbed by it, he calls on Luc, who is a professional bodyguard, to provide them with protection. Who has a grudge against him? Why did this unknown person attack his daughter and why is he threatening to strike again? And, above all, why does Reynier obstinately refuse to call in the police? Luc soon begins to realise that everybody in this family has something to hide... Karine Giebel has published several crime thrillers, including Les Morsures de l’ombre (Fleuve Noir, 2007and Juste une ombre (Fleuve Noir, 2012). De force is her first novel to be published by Belfond. Her books have been translated into Italian, Dutch, Russian, Spanish, German, Polish, Czech, Vietnamese and Korean. Some of them are currently being adapted for the screen. Peillon, Vincent: AURORA (AURORA) (Stock, May 2016, 384 pages) Good or evil, justice or revenge, war or peace? From Greenland to Tel Aviv via Hamburg, Copenhagen and Paris but also Izmir, we slip behind the scenes of a story that belongs to all of us, a story whose existence we all suspect but choose to ignore. Operation Pinocchio. That is the name of a top secret Nato operation to clean up the alliance that has grown up – at the instigation of a former Nazi visionary who is now a captain of industry – between major European energy companies and hawkish Americans pursuing their war of civilisation. This alliance has a name and a symbol: Aurora. When strategic interests, economic appetites and ideological whims become confused history starts heading towards oblivion in a river of hatred and blood. Who will stand up and really deal with this? An apparently dormant Mossad team dispersed across Europe; the “kidons” who specialise in targeted action have all the necessary daring and talents... except perhaps the ability to resist the occasional bout of melancholy. But this does not take into account the betrayal of their Nato commander and of their friends, including Israelis – and that really woke them up. They thought they were the hunters but have now become prey. A Member of European Parliament Vincent Peillon was French Education Minister from 2012 to 2014. He has the prestigious agrégation teaching qualification and is a doctor of philosophy; he is a director of philosophical research and an associate lecturer at the Univer- sité de Neuchâtel in Switzerland. He has published many books on philosophy and history. Collette, Sandrine: IL RESTE LA POUSSIÈRE (THE DUST REMAINS) (Denoël, January 2016, 320 pages) Short-listed for the Prix Landerneau Polar 2016. ! The alternating points of view contribute to the painful, increasing tension that reigns within a family torn between love and hate. ! A tale full of violence: violence between people, but also the violence of untamed nature and a harsh climate ! Finding treasure will lead, not to wealth and happiness, but to death and destruction With this dark novel, in a sublime but hostile natural setting, Sandrine Collette explores unbearable family relations and the fate of a boy who tries to escape this suffocating, isolated family. Argentina, 19th century. A woman lives alone with her four sons on desolate land in Patagonia. One angry night, she killed her drunkard husband. She hides the crime from everyone, and acts like a man: she goes to the bar, plays cards and more. Her sensitive youngest son, Rafael, grows up with his three brutish brothers, two viciously violent twins who beat him up often, and a third brother who everyone assumes is mentally retarded. One night, the mother loses one of the twins in a card game. Now there are just three boys, and they have to work all the time. One day when his big brother beats him even harder than usual, Rafael forgets to closes the stable, and the horses get away. Rafael wanders for days, trying to find them. In his wandering, he meets a wounded man who he tries to help, but the man dies, leaving a bag full of bills that Rafael brings back to the family farm. Instead of solving all their problems, the money winds up breaking the family apart. They fight over it, badgering the mother, who has hidden it. She pretends to be dead, and gets buried alive. The twin who stayed behind goes crazy and tries to kill Rafael before getting shot dead by the third brother, who runs off, Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 61 THRILLERS leaving Rafael alone on the farm. He takes the bills out of their hiding place – which he knew – and scatters them to the winds. The author describes the characters’ feelings with great subtlety, portrays Argentina’s harsh landscapes beautifully, and keeps the suspense up throughout the book. Readers will enjoy both the quality of the writing and the well-constructed plot. Sandrine Collette was born in 1970. She divides her time between writing and working on her horse farm in Morvan. She is the author of DES NOEUDS D’ACIER (Denoël, 2013) and UN VENT DE CENDRES (Denoël, 2014). DES NOEUDS D’ACIER proved a commercial and critical success with almost 65,000 copies sold, and was awarded the Grand Prix de littérature policière in 2013. Mey, Louise: LES RAVAGE(E)S (DEVASTATED) (Univers Poche, 12 May 2016, 230 pages) Reader’s report available ! A dazzling first novel anchored in social realism. • Unexpected victims for an unforgettable feminist thriller. Fear changes side. Alex, a single mother, is working in the sex crimes unit of the Parisian police. Sex offenders, raped women, indecent exposures are her eve- ryday lot. One might think she has seen everything. But in the regular flow of investigations, two new cases are brought to their attention and cause quite a stir: the savage rapes of two men. Two straight men with nothing in common, except their shame and refusal to go to the police. When 1% of all rapes concern men, there’s certainly something to investigate on... Louise Mey, 33, lives and works in Paris. LES RAVAGÉ(E)S is her first thriller. Bruckner, Julie Ewa: LES PETITES FILLES (THE LITTLE GIRLS) (Albin Michel, January 2016, 416 pages) ! A fascinating thriller thanks to the main character who is a rebellious, persevering and courageous Chinese woman. ! A living polar with a light tone contrasting with a harsh and cold reality. ! A complete immersion in rural China, highlighting traditions, beliefs and especially women conditions. In this beautiful and terrifying thriller, a French “feminist” author, shows us the injustices that are inflicted to Chinese women who were saved at birth and a country where being a woman is a curse. China, in a small cursed town called Mou Di, the one-child law has wreaked havoc. Many little girls disappear without a real reason. When Lina, a young French woman is charged with the investigation helped by an NGO, some people not seem to want her to remain any longer in the country. Volunteer in an association "Pink Blouses" which cares for children, Lina decided to go to China to study Chinese language. At the exit from the airport, Lina meets Thomas, a member of an NGO "Child Heart" fighting for the defense of children's rights and prevention of child abuse in the world. He asks her to go to the village of Mou-Di, to investigate children’s disappearance occurred twenty years ago. Since the authorities don’t seem willing to take the problem head on, Lina agrees to bring her help and comes to the village. When Lina discovers a terrible secret, the “mouse” trap closes on the young French girl. Throughout the pages we discover a rural society where girls are often despised, rejected and sometimes killed at birth to allow the couple to have finally a boy and not to be disgraced. A young French writer aged of 24 years, Julie Ewa graduated in philosophy. LES PETITES FILLES is his second novel. She won her first novel with the “grand prix” of polar VSD 2012, awarded by Jean-Christophe Grange. Today, Julie EWA studies the Rights of the child. “Avec une intrigue puissante, servie par une écriture exigeante, ce roman est le coup de coeur du jour de Catherine Fruchon-Toussaint qui a rencontré l'auteur.” RFI Greggio, Simonetta: BLACK MESSIE (BLACK MESSIE) (Stock Noir, May 2016, 360 pages) A line of cypress trees picking out the soft hillside, swallows on the rooftops of villages in golden stone: the timeless Tuscany of old masters. But a series of murders has spilled blood over this picture postcard spring, and everyone immediately asks: Is the Monster of Florence back? 62 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION More than thirty years have passed since the killings that horrified the region between 1968 and 1985. The presumed offender, an ageing peasant, died long ago. Was there some mistake back then? Has someone decided to continue the macabre work of this killer who so deserved his name, inspiring novels and films, including the famous Silence of the Lambs? Jacopo D’Orto, a Carabinieri captain nearing retirement, leads the enquiry. He soon comes across Miles Lemoine, an enigmatic American teacher who has come to work in Florence. The day his seventeen-year-old daughter disappears, all of Miles’s old demons come back to haunt him. Who is he really? Is Jacopo right to suspect him? In order to understand, the Carabinieri captain takes some risks and digs up the ditch where a sludge of Italian mysteries has accumulated. He knows that ever since the Renaissance, evil has buried itself underground then resurfaced to feed on the world before burying itself again, sated. Until the next time. Present-day Italy seems to have been purified of these secrets. What if behind outward appearances there was chaos, violence and power struggles? Italian born Simonetta Greggio writes in French and lives in Paris and the South of France. Her best known titles published by Stock include LA DOUCEUR DES HOMMES (2005), DOLCE VITA 1959-1979 (2010), L’HOMME QUI AIMAIT MA FEMME (2012) and LES NOUVEAUX MONSTRES (2014). Delzongle, Sonja: QUAND LA NEIGE DANSE (DANCING SNOW) (Denoël, April 2016, 350 pages) ! With a breathtaking cold and frozen scenery as background, Sonja Delzongle delivers a relentless story with many unexpected twists and turns. ! The answer lies in the past, as the storyline inexorably builds up to a terrifying finale. Four little girls have gone missing in Crystal Lake, a small town near Chicago paralyzed by a blizzard. Hannah Baxter is on the case. The winter of 2014 is the coldest Crystal Lake has ever known. The peaceful town near Chicago seems petrified, but the snow and the blizzard are not the only ones to blame for it. Four young girls have disappeared in the last four weeks. The locals are in shock. One morning, as he gets ready for yet another search through the woods, Joe Lasko receives a parcel. Inside it, he finds a beautiful doll with long ginger hair, like his missing daughter Lieserl. To make things even worse, the doll is dressed exactly like Lieserl on the day of her disappearing. On the same morning of February 2014, all the families of the missing girls also receive a doll... That is the last straw for Joe. Lieserl is the only thing that matters in the life of recently divorced Joe. He decides to start his own investigation, with the help of Eva Sportis, a private eye he was secretly in love with years ago. Eva quickly understands the case is too complicated for her, and asks the famous and charismatic profiler Hanah Baxter, who once was her professor at university, for help. Equipped with her pendulum, Hanah realizes that someone in Crystal Lake has been attacking children for a very long time. Does this person keep them as hostages? Are they still alive? A multi-convicted criminal could be an ideal culprit, yet Hanah, Eva and Joe are convinced that the police are on to the wrong man. Sonja Delzongle is a former journalist and graduated from the Beaux-Arts of Dijon. She lives in Lyon, and has a great interest in Africa. She was born in 1967 to a French father and a Serbian mother, and was raised in both cultures. QUAND LA NEIGE DANSE is her second novel, following DUST, also published by Denoël. About DUST : “Disturbing and powerful: Dust is to be read urgently.” Le Monde “Guaranteed chills.” Cosmopolitan “An unusual thriller, at once dark and captivating.” Le Progrès Fel, Jérémy: LES LOUPS À LEUR PORTE (THE WOLVES AT THEIR DOOR) (Rivages, September 2015, 448 pages) Shorlisted for the Prix Cultura ‘Talents à découvrir’ 2015. Longlisted for the Prix du Style 2015 ! This dark, fast-paced page-turned is like a cross between Stephen King’s dark vision and the violence of family relations in Joyce Carol Oates’s work. ! A startlingly realistic writing style that portrays with both precision and subtlety just how far violence and monstrosity can go. ! Ambiguous characters, who all have at least a touch of humanity; the serial killer’s psychology is reminiscent of MY FRIEND DAHMER (Abrams, 2012). Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 63 THRILLERS In a fast-paced and Machiavellian first novel, Jérémy Fel explores the limits of human cruelty. The author weaves several dark and violent tales into the story of a serial killer who changes his identity after killing his parents, taking us through the American mid-west from the 1970s to the present day. This is the story of Daryl Greer, an ordinary young American who turns into a serial killer by the name of Walter after burning his parent’s house down when he was still a teen. A few years later, Walter has a son with a young woman named Mary Beth, who leaves the boy with a couple she knows, for his own safety. The son, Scott, is raised by the Lambs until he turns 16, when Walter kidnaps him and sets off to find Mary Beth. After a terrifying chase scene, Mary Beth manages to rescue her son from his ultra-violent father’s clutches. Sub-plots also tell the story of a serial killer on the loose in the region of Nantes, France; of a childabusing camp counselor; and of a man who, after a crime of passion, saves a young woman by helping her fly to the USA... All these disparate strands come together into a single narrative of man’s barbarity, but also of hope for redemption. Jérémy Fel has been a scriptwriter for short films. He has also opened a bookstore in Rouen. LES LOUPS À LEUR PORTE is his first novel. Rights sold in Germany (DTV). “This debut novel about the monstrous face of American self-made men has a fascinatingly Faulkneresque construction.” L’Obs “A tribute to the resources of sotry-telling that is also a demonstration of narrative structure.” Le Monde des livres “Stephen King has found a spiritual son in Jérémy (ortho?) Fel, who, with Les Loups à leur porte, offers us one of the most exciting (and important) novels of the season.” Technikart “Bristling with American culture, but never weighed down by the references, Jeremy Fel has written a brilliant debut novel in the guise of a fictional jigsaw puzzle, while demonstrating tremendous mastery in both narration and construction.” “A highly addictive tale: shades of Stephen King and David Lynch.” Vogue “The revelation of the literary season.” Les Inrockuptibles “… a fairy tale for adults: you won’t devour this book; it will devour you.” Le Figaro Magazine Tackian, Niko: LA NUIT N’EST JAMAIS COMPLÈTE (NIGHT IS NEVER COMPLETE) (Scrinéo, March 2016, 268 pages) Pocket bought paperback rights before it was even released. ! Breathtaking suspense and a totally unexpected final plot twist that isn’t revealed until the last 30 pages. ! An efficient, cinematic writing style. ! A fascinating reading experience: the author cleverly introduces codes and symbols, the better to overturn them later. ! All of the ingredients of a thriller that convinces you that it’s a true story: the anxiety-inducing atmosphere, inexplicable mysterious events, macabre details and more. After his first thriller, QUELQUE PART AVANT L’ENFER (Somewhere Before Hell), winner of the 2015 Library Association Award at the Festival de Cognac and nominated for 5 other prizes, Niko Tackian is back with a breathtaking new huis-clos set in a coal mine in the middle of the American desert. The road stretches on through rocky desert as far as the eye can see. Arielle and Jimmy are eating up the asphalt at the wheel of their battered old Ford. But when father and daughter stumble upon a police roadblock and are forced to spend the night there, everything goes haywire... Along with three other travelers, they wake up alone, abandoned, capsized by the road. A few miles away, two immense metal towers thrust into the sky like rusted corpses suffering the ravages of time. A few forlorn houses of crumpled sheet metal huddle together against the wind. This abandoned mine will be their refuge… or their worst nightmare: mysterious noises, the gruesome discovery of children’s bones, the disappearance of one member of the group and the amputation of one leg of another... A journey into darkness that Jimmy holds the key to, and for a very good reason: the whole tale is in fact a nightmare Jimmy had when he slipped into a coma after a stroke. A psychological thriller based on the themes of psychic exploration and how the brain handles trauma. 64 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION From writing to filmmaking, Niko Tackian expresses himself with the same verve in films and comic books, TV and video games. He has written the screenplays for over 20 films, and directed Azad, which won prizes at film festivals around the world. Rights to his first novel, QUELQUE PART AVANT L’ENFER (2015) have been sold to the France Loisirs book club, to Pocket for paperback and to the producer Capa TV. Gustawsson, Johana: BLOCK 46 (Bragelonne, October 2015, 227 pages) ! A dark, raw thriller that leads us on the trail of Nazi monsters who took refuge in Scandinavia. ! An investigation led by two strong and mysterious women who make their male counterparts feel uncomfortable. ! A well-documented, masterfully executed detective novel, very much in the same vein as MILLENIUM. 2014: London is being terrorized by a serial killer who is leaving mutilated bodies of little boys all over the city. Emily Roy, a brilliant profiler with an icy personal manner, is taken aback when she finds out that a woman’s body with the same mutilations has been found in Sweden. Convinced that they are dealing with a sociopathic duo, Emily leads the investigation with the help of a French writer, Alexis Castels. In addition to being specialized in serial killers, Alexis is also an old friend of the Swedish victim. The two women delve into the tortured psyche of the two killers whose profile gradually emerges: a father and son, the older man is a deathcamp survivor suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Unless he is a front for a Nazi scientist who is intent on continuing his experiments. Johana Gustawson presents the first Emily Roy-Alexis Castells investigation. With a dark and chilling atmosphere, this psychological and historical thriller has a truly unexpected ending. Born in Marseille in 1978, and a graduate of Sciences Politiques (France’s School of Political Science), Johana Gustawsson has been a journalist for French press and television. She is currently living in London, England. BLOCK 46 is her second novel. Rights sold in the Czech Republic (Vikend). Beuglet, Nicolas: PATIENT 488 (Editions XO, MAY 12, 2016 530 pages Partial English translation available ! A terrifying countdown. A shocking truth for humanity Norway, winter 2015. Sarah Geringen, police detective in Oslo, visits the psychiatric hospital in Gaustaud. A patient has died. The man, interned for over thirty years with amnesia, has no identity. His only distinguishing feature is an old scar in the shape of the number 488 on his forehead. As soon as Sarah begins to ask a few disturbing questions a fire breaks out in the hospital. The autopsy reveals that a state of remarkable fear was the cause of Patient 488’s distress. Soon after, the body disappears... In Paris, while investigating a French laboratory, Sarah teams up with a certain Christopher Clarence, brilliant journalist whose brother, an ex-employee of the lab, has been assassinated. Trailed by hitmen, this makeshift couple will discover secrets that would have been better left undisclosed. Secrets that reveal the darkness of the human soul... After graduating from business school, Nicolas Beuglet went on to become a TV host, chief editor, producer and artistic director at M6 over a 12 year period. For the past two years he has devoted his time to screenwriting for television. He is 41 years old and lives in Boulogne-Billancourt, France. His debut thriller is called THE FIRST SKULL. Sender, Elena: SURTOUT NE MENS PAS (NO LIES ALLOWED) (Editions XO, September 2015, 350 pages) 50,000 copies sold of her two first novels! ! A scientific novel which uncovers the terrifying possibilites of sciences. She is a virtuoso cellist. He is a famous Icelandic scientist, specialized in the brain. Laura and Erik live in Paris. A united, passionate and admired couple. Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 65 SCIENCE-FICTION & FANTASY Until the party that was thrown for Erik’s 40th birthday. He is found unconscious, hanging from a barbed wire. Suicide? Attempted murder? Everything was going right for Erik, who had recently isolated a revolutionary molecule that affects the brain. Laura’s world falls apart. What was Erik working on exactly? She discovers that he had some strange acquaintances. She is being followed. Someone is tracking her through the streets of Paris. Her life is in danger. Around her people are being killed. In her quest for the truth she finds herself immersed in a world of terror. Before falling into a coma Erik had written a text message to Laura: “It is no longer possible to live a lie….” Elena Sender is a scientific journalist at Science and Avenir and has written several documentary films (Canal Plus, Arte). She is the author of two highly acclaimed novels: INTRUSION (2010) and BLOOD OF THE BLACK DOLPHINS (2012). NO LIES ALLOWED is her third novel. Rights under option:Germany Regarding her previous work: “Elena Sender (…) has made a big splash into the exclusive circle of French thriller authors (...) A staggering grasp of suspense” ELLE Sire Cédric: AVEC TES YEUX (THROUGH YOUR EYES) (Presse de la Cité, October 2015, 560 pages) Other titles in the backlist section! ! The author has already met a large audience, selling around 15,000 of all his previous books, translated into English, Polish (rights reverted) and Turkish. ! A gripping thriller that will give you the goose bumps: anxiety, hallucinations, tracking, killing spree, Sire Cédric definitely does not go easy on the reader! ! A solid, incisive, fluid writing, with terribly endearing characters, al the ingredients to a great read! Sire Cédric, the master of suspense and horror, is back with a disturbing thriller which takes us beyond the realm of the rational... Thomas, a young thirty-something, is going through a difficult period. His girlfriend Sophie, who he had been living with for years, has just left him out of the blue and his career is going nowhere. As if this were not enough, for some time now he has been having terrible dreams. Really awful dreams which are waking him up with a start, further aggravating his insomnia. Unfortunately, it doesn't stop there. After a session of hypnosis intended to overcome his insomnia, Thomas falls prey to visions. Through the eyes of somebody else, he sees himself torturing a young woman... Convinced that a murder really is in the process of being committed, he sets out in search of the victim. The nightmare is only just beginning... Sire Cédric is the author of seven novels and two collections of short stories. He won the Prix Masterton for his novel L’ENFANT DES CIMETIÈRES and the Prix Polar (Festival of Cognac) for his thriller DE FIÈVRE ET DE SANG. His books have been translated into English, Polish and Turkish. SCIENCE-FICTION & FANTASY Kloetzer, Laurent: VOSTOK (Denoël, March 2016, 400 pages) ! The great solo come back of Laurent Kloetzer, after the success of Anamnèse de Lady Star, which received the Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire Award. Located in the same future era as in Anamèse de Lady Star, Vostok tells the incredible story of a very young woman, Leonora, who is condemned to leaving the last remains of her childhood in the great white desert. Vostok in Antartica is the most inhospitable and coldest place on Earth, with temperatures as low as 90°c. The Russians built a permanent base there, in 1957, which is perched on top of a 3500-meter- thick-glacier. They then did not know that right there, underneath the ice, a vast lake sealed since the tertiary era was to be found. They drilled the ice for decades, one pit, two pits... up until five of them, perhaps searching for new, unknown life forms. Nobody had ever drilled that deep before. 66 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION Twenty years after the base was shut down, a team of men and women land there illegally. They plan to warm up the frozen and asleep body, and awaken the ghosts within. They intend to find out the secret of the lake. If they fail, they will not make it back home alive. Laurent Kloetzer is the author of memorable novels like LE ROYAUME BLESSÉ. He is also the author of two novels written in collaboration with his wife, under the pseudonym L.L. Kloetzer: CLEER and ANAMNÈSE DE LADY STAR. Dixen, Victor: PHOBOS Vol. I: 448 pages Vol. II: 432 pages Vol. III: approx 450 pages Publication in France: Vol. I: september 2015 Vol. II: November 2015 Vol. III: June 2016 The new trilogy by Victor Dixen, double laureate of the Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire. In the near future, Atlas is going to launch the most ambitious TV reality show of all time: Genesis. six girls and six boys aged between 17 and 20 have been chosen to establish the first human colony on Mars. They are in perfect health, thirsty for adventure, and thoroughly trained for the mission that awaits them. They will take a one-way trip lasting six months to Phobos, Mars’ largest moon, with one goal: to find the partner with whom they will have children, under the prying eyes of the cameras filming the vessel 24/7. Thus begins a show of a never-before-seen depth. Victor Dixen is no newcomer to YA writing: his series LE CAS JACK SPARK and ANIMALE were both published by Gallimard, and both garnered the coveted Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire (2010 and 2014). Rights sold: Poland (otwarte) Paquet, Olivier: STRUCTURA MAXIMA (L'Atalante, June 2015, 368 pages) ! Before the successful MELKINE series, STRUCTURA MAXIMA is Olivier Paquet's début novel, published first in 2003. It was joint winner, with LES FABLES DE L’HUMPUR by Pierre Bordage, of the Prix Imaginales des Lycéens. ! A spectacular steampunk universe, inspired by the works of Miyazaki, Jules Verne and Fritz Lang. ! A bilgdungsroman that plays with the codes of futuristic novel and YA literature, in line with Divergente or The Hunger Games. ! A rich and immersive work that invites to reflection while plunging into an exciting adventure! The structure is a breathtakingly dizzy world of girders and levels, where a civilization, whose origins are lost in the mists of time, has evolved. Now this civilization has reached its point of rupture. War is brewing between the Steam, the community that produces electricity from magma, and the Girders, who, in the name of their god, forbid the opening of the dome covering the city. In this suffocating atmosphere, Victor Mégare and his son Jehan are looking for a different destiny. Victims of the Steam and the Girders, they are searching for the sources of this antagonism. What are the Girders protecting with their divine prohibitions? What goal are the Steam trying to achieve by encouraging the entire Structure to overturn old stability? And where are the answers to be found? Between light and shadow, in the steam of the furnaces or in the magnitude of the girders? Or are they to be found behind the scenes, on the other side of the dome wall? As well as being a Doctor in Political Science and a specialist on Czechoslovakia, Oliver Paquet is fascinated by science fiction, Japanese animated productions and mangas. He is a radio journalist on France Culture's “Mauvais genres”, and regularly makes broadcasts on his preferred subjects. He also wrote LES LOUPS DE PRAGUE (Prague’s Wolves, 2011), the MELKINE trilogy (Prix Julia Verlanger 2014) and BLEU ARGENT (Silver Blue, 2014) “The main attraction of this book lies essentially in the world created by Olivier Paquet. Those lucky enough to have seen the stunning animated film LE CHÂTEAU DANS LE CIEL will recognise its legendary city, as well as the myth of Laputa. The author guides us through a strange world of metal we would like to wander around at once. The characters are engaging and quite finely drawn. Of course, we're told that in the end survival depends on the understanding of others, but why not state the obvious, when it's done so well here.” Claire Bauchat, Actusf Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 67 SCIENCE-FICTION & FANTASY “Right from the start, Olivier Paquet knows how to create a world of metal and light, steam and noise that is reminiscent of Metropolis. The plot provides structure to an extremely well-written text.” Mes imaginaires Rozenfeld, Carina: LA QUÊTE DES PIERRES DE LUET (THE QUEST FOR THE LUET STONES) (L’Atalante, February 2015, 223 pages) ! A reader-friendly style, combining spoken language and lush description, makes it easy for readers to identify with the heroes and enter their world. ! A planet with fascinating and unusual details, including winged natives and a purple sky. ! Funny characters with a sense of humor, and a range of different, endearing personalities. ! A multi-facetted plot intertwining detective work, archeology, travel and adventure. Zec, Eden and Louis seem like ordinary teens: after their high-school graduation, they’re going on vacation… only they’re going to Cheberith, the planet they saved in LA QUÊTE DES LIVRES MONDE. But a mysterious pink stone is discovered in the Etlal desert, and with it, an ancient and dangerous power. If it falls into the wrong hands, the planet and its saviors could wind up back at the mercy of the Swallower of Worlds. Having saved Cheberith from the Swallower of Worlds, Zec and Eden, Cheberian teens who were raised on the planet Earth, are going to Cheberith on summer vacation with their high-school friend Louis. Their plans to relax and have a good time are totally disrupted by the discovery of a gigantic pink stone in the Cheberian desert of Etlal, under mysterious ground drawings that are strikingly similar to those in Nazca, Peru. Secret organizations that had been dormant reappear when the stone is discovered. It seems that five of these stones were hidden in different places 3,000 years earlier. When all five stones are together, it becomes possible to time travel. In the wrong hands, that power could allow the Swallower of Worlds to return and to destroy, not only Cheberith, but its saviors – before they are even born! Once again, Carina Rozenfeld and her inseparable threesome embark on a thrilling new adventure combining detective work, archeology and travel. Carina Rozenfeld was born in Paris in 1972. An award-winning author from her very first novel, LUCILLE ET LES DRAGONS SOURDS (2004 Prix du Lutin d’Or and 2006Prix du Mélusine), her specialty is young adult literature and science fiction. Her trilogy, LA QUETE DES LIVRES MONDES (The Book Worlds, 2008), won the Prix des Incorruptibles (2010), the Prix Littéraire d’Issoire (2010) and the Prix Imaginales des Collégiens (2009). LA QUETE DES PIERRES DE LUET features the same characters, allowing readers to return to their fantasy world. Pevel, Pierre: LE PARIS DES MERVEILLES (PARIS OF WONDERMENT) (Bragelonne, 2015, 300 pages per title) 1 - LES ENCHANTEMENTS D’AMBREMER - THE ENCHANTMENTS OF AMBREMER 2 - L’ELIXIR D’OUBLI - THE ELIXIR OF OBLIVION 3 - LE ROYAUME IMMOBILE - THE IMMOBILE KINGDOM English detailed summaries for the three volumes of the awarded trilogy available ! A sort of Sherlock Holmes in Wonderland that is utterly unique. The use of real places and characters (Paris, Voltaire and more), alongside magical ones (Merlin, pixies, and more) is clever and unusual. ! The humorously ironic tone creates a light, easy-to-read style and makes the characters all the more endearing. ! Both the historical context (political situation in Europe), and 20th-century habits and technology are scrupulously respected – making the investigations even trickier and more exciting. The investigations of a gentleman-magician and a pixie-burglar – in a Belle Epoque Paris where winged cats rub shoulders with fiery dragons and laughing willows – can get awfully complicated, especially when they turn out to be mixed up with political machinations from another era. Louis Denizart Hippolyte Griffont, a magician renowned for his skills as a detective and for his knack for getting into trouble, has been asked to help resolve one of the greatest mysteries of a 20th-century Paris that has been transformed by the magic of the Otherworld – the land of fairies, pixies and sprites, which is connected to the French capital by a magical metro line. Alongside Aurélia, his enchantress-burglar- spy of a wife, and with 68 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION the help of his own powers and the police force, he will do his utmost to preserve a fragile peace that is threatened by an evil conspiracy. A trilogy of gripping stand-alones filled with humor and fantasy, set in an idyllic, but still dangerous Paris. Pierre Pevel, born in 1968, is one of the foremost writers of contemporary French fantasy. The author of nine novels, he was awarded the Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire in 2002 and the David Gemmell Morningstar Award 2010 for The Cardinal’s Blades, published internationally. YOUNG ADULT & CROSS OVER Daumas, Emma: SUPERNOVA (Scrineo, April 2016, 210 pages) ! No fake suspense in this story: the violent extinction of fame is planned from the very beginning. ! We are dealing with the initiation of a teenager to the adult world in the most cynical and exciting way. An accelerating formation that inevitably leads to the death of illusions. This is the story of Annabelle, sixteen years old, a lovely singer from the country and her avatar- Bella born from her participation to Starcatcher, a famous TV show which helps teenagers to promptly become famous. Love and seduction, narcissism and self-respect are confusingly close. In such a world, how will Annabelle succeed to find the path to true light, her inner light? In 2014, Emma Daumas met editor Jean-Paul Arif. He urged her to start writing a novel which would be based on her personal experience of reality-tv. SUPERNOVA comes from a long thought about the consequences and effect of what had been such a disruption of her entire life. In 2002, Emma Daumas participated in “la Star-Academy”, a music contest’s tv-show. Then, three albums came out at Polydor. She also published a disk-book for children. She finally settled down in Provence and started a family. In 2012, she starts writing new songs. She writes, performes and multiplies artistic’s adventures as far as contemporary art. Mel, Andoryss: L’ARCHITECTIVE (THE ARCHITECTIVE) (Bragelonne, June 2016, 350 pages) ! An investigation traveling through centuries in search of mysterious relics. ! An original and fascinating power: the ability to see the soul of places. Adventures, conspiracies, and a secret brotherhood, all against the backdrop of family, friendship, and teenage stories. A cross between Sherlock Holmes and Darkest Powers by Kelley Armstrong. Knowing the history and secrets of a house simply by entering it doesn’t make him weird... Or does it ? Everyone can tell you that Armand, age fifteen, is like any other teenager. Clever, headstrong, and perhaps a bit shy, but not weird. And yet, Armand has inherited a gift from his father. When he enters a house, he can dive into the soul of the building, reading its memories, injuries, hidden rooms, and every last secret. The walls remember, and they tell their story to those who know how to listen. The life of an Architective is far from being restful, so between two investigations Armand tries to lead a normal life at high school. But add to that an absentee father, a secret organization, and a suspicious new classmate, and the worries have only just begun ! Armand has no choice. He is the only one able to find traces of the lost relics everyone covets. So to hell with normal ! Andoryss Mel is a devoted fan of imaginary worlds that inspire her: Miyazaki, Clamp, Michael Ende, Lewis Carroll and J.M. Barrie. She began her career writing scenarios for bande dessinée and has now published several middle-grade and YA novels. Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 69 YOUNG ADULT & CROSS OVER MIDDLE GRADE Beorn, Paul: UN OGRE EN CAVALE (OGRE ON THE RUN) (Bragelonne, March 2016, 288 pages) ! An engaging main character in which numerous young girls can identify ; at the crossroad between childhood and adolescence, torn between staying who she is and what society wants her to be, unconfident about her feminity and physique and full of childhood dreams. ! A novel which broaches subjects like the lack of self-confidence, bullying and first love. ! A gripping race around the most iconic places of Paris : the cathedral of Notre Dame of Paris, the Louvre Museum, the Place Vendome and the Galeries Lafayette. ! A story which is likely to be developed in several volumes. Being the last person on Earth to believe in magic is not particularly relaxing, Jeanne can't say otherwise... While she's at the hospital, in the coma, a rude, terrifying and extremely repugnant ogre slips into her room, steals her heart and runs away, destroying everything in his path. Then, a man dressed as a musketeer and a talking cat use her body as a gate to enter her world and go into search of the monster without thanking her or even showing her any sign of gratitude. Jeanne's chances of survival are tiny, but staying at the hospital waiting for her death is not an option. Despite the danger, this combative and determined girl enters an epic chase against the ogre to get her heart back, at all costs. On this terrific adventure, she teams up with the cat, which appears to be an attractive teenage boy able to shift shape. When she retrieves her heart, she can't hide her feelings for the young man anymore and she leaves everything behind to follow him in his world. In this frantic race, Jeanne will make friends with a ghost princess, meet goblins with a strange hobbie, fight against nougat gargoyles and prevent an evil Comtess to control Earth. UN OGRE EN CAVALE is a thrilling novel, playing with references from the fantastic and adventure genres, comical situations and surprising twists and turns. Paul Beorn vowed once to become ‘the most exciting writer in the whole wide world’. With all the solemnity a 5-year-old could manage. Since then, he committed to keep that promise and has already written several adult fantasy, YA and middle-grade novels which have earned him numerous awards. He already published 14-14 (rights sold in Lithuania) awarded by the Prix Gulli. Edgar, Silène: LES LETTRES VOLÉES (STOLEN LETTERS) (Bragelonne, May 2016, 300 pages) ! A dive into the childhood of a famous character surrounded by major figures who have left their mark on history. ! Excerpts from the letters give rhythm to the narrative. ! An exceptional and fascinating context : the famous château de Vaux-le-Vicomte and French court life during the 17th century Under the Sun King, one teenage girl’s search for identity in the merciless world of nobility Françoise is the daughter of the famous Marquise de Sévigné, whose thinking and prose have enchanted the French court. The young woman has been invited to her first dinner with nobles, where she must dazzle everyone with both her vivacity and beauty. Intimidated by the idea of meeting Jean de la Fontaine and Madame de La Fayette, the young girl commits a faux pas. Furious, her mother is prepared to instil in her once again all the rules of morality and good manners. What rotten luck! But when her mother’s cousin suggests that Françoise spend some time at the château of the famous Fouquet, she is given the opportunity to make her start in the world. She will also learn that her perfect mother is hiding a secret that must be kept under wraps at all costs. Navigating her way through malicious gossip, scheming, and compliments with double meanings, the young Mademoiselle de Sévigné will lead an investigation and find the traces of a compromising paper that might prove the existence of a liaison between her mother and Fouquet... Could he be Françoise’s secret father? Silène Edgar teaches French and runs a website for middle school teachers. She was awarded the Prix Gulli 2014 for best novel, along with her accomplice Paul Beorn, for the middle-grade novel 14-14. 70 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION Plichota, Anne & Wolf, Cendrine: SUSAN HOPPER v.1: the lost Perfum v.2: THE FORCES OF GHOST (Editions XO, 2016, 320 pages) Fantasy series in 2 volumes Partial English translation of v.1 available SUSAN HOPPER, a new cocktail dreamed up by these fantasy-loving authors: a unique and endearing protagonist, a haunted mansion in Scotland, both zany and unsettling characters and...a mystery to solve! After THE LOST PERFUM (elected best youth novel in 2013), here is the long awaited return of the strange and loving heroine by Anne plichota and cendrine Wolf! After spending years in a Scottish orphanage, Susan has finally found a family who loves her. But the past quickly comes back to haunt her. To ward off this terrible curse, Susan must battle relentlessly against the ghosts of her ancestors. Luckily, eliot, the Hopper’s son, Alfred, the crazy but tender-hearted grandfather and even Helen, the woman of the lost scent, are at her side. This second volume brings us to the end of the dark tale. Will we see the young orphan overcome her past to finally become Susan Hopper, the person she hopes to be? After studying the chinese language, Anne Plichota spent some time in Korea and worked in china. sha had several jobs: chinese teacher, nurse’s aide, librarian... Cendrine Wolf studied sports and worked in the socio-cultural environment. she loves illustrating. They live in strasbourg. “Nightmares, curses, phantoms... You will devour the first volume of this dark tale with fear in your stomach. A definite bestseller.” Elle “Brilliant, spirited, terrifying and full of emotion. we also recommend this young adult novel to parents – the suspenseful narrative is so addictive.” Le Parisien “They made you dream with Oksa Pollock and they’ll give you goose bumps with SUSAN HOPPER.” Le Monde des ados Plichota, Anne & Wolf, Cendrine: TUGDUAL – VOLUME 3 RETOUR À EDEFIA Tugdual V.3 : La Terre des origins (Tugdual V.3: Battle for Earth) (XO Editions, November 2015, 320 pages) Series in 3 volumes Already 60.000 copies sold of the series! ! By the authors of Oksa Pollock ! This time, Tugdual, Zoé and Mortimer are going to use all their powers to annihilate the Conquerors. ! The challenge? To save humanity…a thrilling finale. Underground at the Denver airport, the Cobb’s, Tugdual, Zoé and Mortimer are received by Robert Fowler, a great leader of the Order, who reveals a truth that has been concealed for over sixty years: some governments are in direct contact with beings from another planet. But these beings are divided. On one side, the brainy and brutal Conquerors who aim to colonize the Earth in defiance of the humans; on the other side, the Cooperators, who wish to return to their planet after regaining the faculties they have lost. In this fight to the death, Tugudal, Zoé and Mortimer have the power to tip the scales in favor of the Cooperators… They thus engage in a merciless fight to annihilate the Conquerors. Once Oksa joins them they will do anything to deliver a fatal blow to those who wanted to jeopardize the Earth and Edefia… Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 71 YOUNG ADULT & CROSS OVER Jacq, Christian: SETNA T1-4 à JE T’ENVOIE LE T3. TU AS NORMALEMENT DÉJÀ LES T1.2 V.1: THE CURSED TOMB (LA TOMBE MAUDITE) (XO, November 6, 2014, 288 pages) Partial English translation available Hidden in its cursed tomb, Osiris’ vase, the most precious of treasures that holds the secret of life and death, is deemed inaccessible. A black mage has nonetheless stolen it and plans to use it as a powerful weapon against Ramses the Great and establish the Kingdom of Darkness. Setna, who is none other than Ramses the Great’s youngest son, is a brilliant magician. He will have to find the famous vase and stop the black mage, with the help of Sekhet who he happens to be madly in love with. V. 2: THE FORBIDDEN BOOK (LE LIVRE INTERDIT) (XO, January 29, 2015 288 pages) An intricate web in the court of Ramses II. Will love be strong enough to foil the evil plot? Prince Setna must go to the capital to interrogate his father about the disappearance of Osiris’ sealed vase, which contains the secret of life and death. But the path to its recovery is riddled with danger and there is no guarantee that the Pharaoh will accept to tell him the truth. Setna nonetheless has a mission to accomplish: obtain the forbidden Book of Thot, which is the only way to stop the thief, a black mage with fatal designs. At the same time, Setna’s fiancé Sekhet has been in hiding ever since her father made a terrible revelation to her and has since wanted to kill her. Undercover at a farmer’s home, she will once again be forced to flee to escape her executioners. Will Sekhet be able to transmit the terrible secret she holds to Setna? All the while the black mage is making his way down the path of evil… V.3: THE SOUL THIEF (LE VOLEUR D’ÂMES) (Editins XO, April 23, 2015) Danger in the Court of Ramses II Prince Setna has just escaped from the river where the Gods had thrown him for having stolen the Forbidden Book. While all believe he is dead, Setna makes his way towards the sacred city of the Cat-Goddess where he hopes to find the vase of Osiris, without which he cannot stop the black mage. Meanwhile Sekhet is hiding in the temple of the Lion Goddess, the patron saint of physicians. She is aware that time is running out and that they must fight together against the Darkness. Nonetheless, and in spite of all warnings, she stays within reach of the black mage, her father, who, with the help of his Syrian network, is preparing a vast offensive against Ramses. Separated and distraught, how can Setna and Sekhet continue to fight against the relentless progress of the mage? V.4: CLASH OF THE MAGI (LE DUEL DES MAGES) (XO, To be published May 21, 2015 An explosive ending After many trials and tribulations Setna and Seket are finally reunited. Together they will be on equal grounds in their fight against Evil and the dreaded black mage Kekou. But Kekou has hidden the vase of Osiris in a place as unexpected as it is inaccessible. He knows the danger that the union of the prince and his own daughter represents: Kekou will do anything to destroy this hope and thwart their reunion… In this staggering final, Setna must fight his last combat against Kekou. Will Kekou’s devilry prevent Setna from finally uniting with Seket? More than ever Setna and Seket will have to use all their powers, because if the mage is able to transform Osiris’ vase into a weapon of destruction, all will be lost. A breathtaking combat where cunning, intelligence and magic clash. Rights sold: Planeta (Spain), Euromedia (Czech Republic) 72 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; FICTION Desjardins, India: AURÉLIE LAFLAMME’S DIARY (Éditions de l’Homme , 2014-2015, 8 volumes / 2 movies) A million copies sold! The second movie, based on volumes 7 and 8, has come out in April 2015 in Québec. Rights sold to: France, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Lithuania, Hungary. Aurélie Laflamme is a fourteen-year-old girl—a bit shy, pretty funny and very clumsy—who feels like she’s been left behind on Earth by some extraterrestrials after an intergalactic journey! Aurélie is still grieving the loss of her father, who died when she was nine. Her sense of humor and her determination helped her overcome this ordeal. But once you turn fourteen, a whole new range of explosive emotions inevitably show up to complicate your life. With humor and sensitivity Aurélie Laflamme faces the haz- ards of teen life, such as friendship (and the sacrifices she must make to preserve it); academic success (loaded with obstacles, especially when you have the feeling they’ve transplanted squirrel synapses into your brain by mistake), the desire to see her mother find a boyfriend who’s good for her (and to make sure she doesn’t fall for just any-old- body!) and of course, love. The Diary of Aurélie Laflamme, is the story of an ordinary teenager in search of her place in the universe. To find it, like the heroes of epic fantasy, she will have to fight any number of monsters and demons. But hers are in her heart... A literary success The series was originally launched in Quebec in 2006 and the eight volumes have sold over a million copies (best- sellers in Quebec generally average sales of 3,000 copies)! It is one of the biggest hits in the history of Quebec literature. The series was launched in France in autumn 2010 with sales of over 500,000 copies. It has assumed a solid position on the list of “teen chick lit” favorites. Two movies: An international success In Quebec, the first film, based on volumes 1 and 2, pulled in over $1M at the box office in a market where success is de- fined by $300,000 in sales. The film Aurélie Laflamme’s Diary has traveled to festivals around the world and been received with great success, winning three prestigious awards: the audience choice for Grand Prize Feature, the NY/SF International Children’s Film Festival audience choice for Best Feature Film, The Tel Aviv International Children’s Film Festival Jury’s Grand Prize. Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 73 ALL TITLES FICTION .............................................................................................. 3 BEST-SELLERS 2016 ..................................................................................... 3 Bourdeaut, Olivier: EN ATTENDANT BOJANGLES (WAITING FOR BOJANGLES) ......... 3 Boltanski, Christophe: LA CACHE (THE HIDEOUT) .............................................................. 4 Enard, Mathias: BOUSSOLE (COMPASS) ................................................................................. 4 Khadra, Yasmina: LA DERNIÈRE NUIT DU RAÏS LE RÉCIT DES DERNIÈRES HEURES DE MOUAMMAR KADHAFI (THE DICTATOR’S LAST NIGHT THE LAST HOURS OF GADDAFI’S LIFE) .................................................................................................. 5 Seurat, Alexandre: LA MALADROITE (CLUMSY GIRL) ......................................................... 6 Gillot, Alain: LA SURFACE DE RÉPARATION (REPAIRING SURFACE) ........................... 6 Daoud, Kamel: MEURSAULT, CONTRE-ENQUÊTE (MEURSAULT, COUNTERINVESTIGATION)......................................................................................................................... 7 HIGHLIGHT SPRING 2016 .......................................................................... 7 Laurens, Camille: CELLE QUE VOUS CROYEZ (THE PERSON YOU THINK I AM) ......... 7 Trévidic, Marc: AHLAM (AHLAM)............................................................................................. 8 Jeanneret, Anaïs: NOS VIES INSOUPCONNEES (OUR UNSUSPECTED LIVES) ............... 8 Foenkinos, David: LE MYSTÈRE HENRI PICK (THE HENRI PICK MYSTERY)................. 9 Aderhold, Carl: ROUGE (RED) ................................................................................................... 9 Colin, Fabrice: LA POUPÉE DE KAFKA (KAKFA’S DOLL) ................................................. 10 Fouchet, Lorraine: ENTRE CIEL ET LOU (IN LOU’S TWILIGHT) ..................................... 11 Mourlevat, Jean-Claude: MES AMIS DEVENUS (THE REUNION) ..................................... 11 d'Epenoux, François: LE REVEIL DU COEUR (THE RISE OF HEART) ............................ 12 DISCOVERED WRITER ............................................................................. 12 Mérindol, Pierre: FAUSSE ROUTE (A LAST ONE FOR THE ROAD ) ................................ 12 Laferrière, Dany: MYTHOLOGIES AMÉRICAINES (AMERICAN MYTHOLOGIES) ....... 13 Perec, Georges: THINGS. A STORY OF THE SIXTIES .......................................................... 13 Perec, Georges: QUEL PETIT VÉLO À GUIDON CHROMÉ AU FOND DE LA COUR? ... 14 Cendrars, Blaise: LA MAIN COUPÉE ET AUTRES RÉCITS DE GUERRE (THE SEVERED HAND AND OTHER WAR STORIES) ................................................................... 14 LITERARY FICTION .................................................................................. 15 Darrieussecq, Marie: ETRE ICI EST UNE SPLENDEUR (BEING HERE IS A SPLENDOUR) .............................................................................................................................. 15 Richard, Emmanuelle: POUR LA PEAU (FOR YOUR SKIN)................................................. 15 Arsand, Daniel: JE SUIS EN VIE ET TU NE M’ENTENDS PAS (I’M ALIVE AND YOU CAN’T HEAR ME)....................................................................................................................... 16 Parisis, Jean-Marc: À CÔTÉ, JAMAIS AVEC (BESIDE, NEVER WITH) ............................ 16 Echenoz, Jean: ENVOYÉE SPÉCIALE (SPECIAL FEMALE CORRESPONDANT) ........... 17 Winckler, Martin: ABRAHAM ET FILS (ABRAHAM & SON) .............................................. 17 Orsenna, Erik: L'ORIGINE DE NOS AMOURS (OUR LOVE AFFAIRS AND THEIR ORIGINS) ..................................................................................................................................... 18 Kauffmann, Jean-Paul: OUTRE-TERRE (OVER EARTH) ..................................................... 18 Spaak, Isabelle: UNE ALLURE FOLLE (CRAZY ALLURE) .................................................. 19 Engel, Vincent: LE MIROIR DES ILLUSIONS (SMOKE AND MIRRORS).......................... 19 Chefdeville: L’AMOUR EN SUPER 8 (LOVE IN SUPER 8) ................................................... 20 Fermine, Maxence: ZEN ............................................................................................................. 20 Grimbert, Sybille: AVANT LES SINGES (BEFORE THE GREAT APES) ........................... 21 Peylin, Diane: MÊME LES PÊCHEURS ONT LE MAL DE MER (EVEN FISHERMEN GET SEASICK) ............................................................................................................................ 21 Germain, Sylvie: À LA TABLE DES HOMMES (AT THE MEN’S TABLE) ......................... 22 Contact : Mrs Anastasia Lester Email : 75 ALL TITLES d'Astier, Jérôme: DANS UNE VILLE ÉTRANGÈRE (IN FOREIGN CITY) .........................22 DEBUT NOVEL.............................................................................................23 Laburte, Pauline-Gaïa: RITZY ...................................................................................................23 Causse, Manu: LA 2CV VERTE (THE GREEN CITROËN 2CV)............................................23 Gauchard, Yan: LE CAS ANNUNZIATO (THE ANNUNZIATO CASE) ...............................24 Barsacq, Stéphane: LE PIANO DANS L'ÉDUCATION DES JEUNES FILLES (PIANO’S ROLE IN YOUNG LADIES’ EDUCATION) ..............................................................................24 Maeght, Sarah: C’EST OÙ LE NORD (WHICH WAY NORTH?) ...........................................25 Peano, Marco: L'INVENZIONE DELLA MADRE (THE INVENTION OF THE MOTHER) .......................................................................................................................................................25 Calbérac, Ivan: VENISE N’EST PAS EN ITALIE (VENICE IS NOT ITALY) ......................26 WOMEN WRITING .....................................................................................26 de Peretti, Camille: BLONDE A FORTE POITRINE (BLOND GIRL WITH LARGE BREASTS) .....................................................................................................................................26 Vassé, Claire: OÙ VA LE CHAGRIN QUAND IL S’EN VA? (WHAT HAPPENS TO GRIEF WHEN IT’S GONE?) ...................................................................................................................26 Lièvre, Éloïse: HAPPY PEOPLE HAVE NO HISTORY(LES GENS HEUREUX N’ONT PAS D’HISTOIRE) ...............................................................................................................................27 Fontanel, Sophie: LA VOCATION (MY CALLING) ................................................................27 Bordes, Lucile: 86, ANNÉE BLANCHE (86,THE LOST YEAR) .............................................27 Poulain, Véronique: CÉLIBATAIRE LONGUE DURÉE (CONFIRMED BACHELOR GIRL) .......................................................................................................................................................28 Curiol, Céline: LES VIEUX NE PLEURENT JAMAIS (OLD PEOPLE NEVER CRY) ........28 de Chocqueuse: Bérangère: UNE QUESTION D’HARMONIE (A QUESTION OF HARMONY) ..................................................................................................................................29 Khayat, Ondine: LES PETITS SOLEILS DE CHAQUE JOUR (EVERY DAY’S RAYS OF SUNSHINE) ..................................................................................................................................29 Peronnet, Valérie: UN PETIT GLAÇON DANS LA TÊTE (AN ICE CUBE IN MY HEAD) .30 Camille Anseaume: TA FACON D’ETRE AU MONDE (YOUR WAY OF BEING IN THE WORLD) ........................................................................................................................................30 Plantagenet, Anne: APPELEZ-MOI LORCA HOROWITZ (CALL ME LORCA HOROWITZ) .......................................................................................................................................................31 Bertholon, Delphine: LES CORPS INUTILES (USELESS BODIES) .....................................31 Coulon, Cécile: LE COEUR DU PELICAN (THE HEART OF THE PELICAN) ...................31 CONTEMPORARY UP-MARKET COMMERCIAL TRENDS .............32 Tadjer, Akli: LA REINE DE TANGO (THE QUEEN OF TANGO) ........................................32 Fontenaille, Élise: BEL-ORDURE (HANDSOME BASTARD) ................................................32 Egloff, Joël: J’ENQUÊTE (I’M INVESTIGATING) .................................................................33 Kapriélian, Nelly: VERONICA (VERONICA) ...........................................................................33 Besson, Patrick: NE METS PAS DE GLACE SUR UN COEUR VIDE (DON’T PUT ICE ON AN EMPTY HEART) ...................................................................................................................34 d’Epenoux, François: LES JOURS AREUH (THE GOO-GOO DAYS) ...................................34 Kerninon, Julia: LE DERNIER AMOUR D'ATTILA KISS (THE LAST LOVE OF ATTILA KISS) .............................................................................................................................................34 Khan, Rachel: LES GRANDES ET LES PETITES CHOSES (THE BIG THINGS AND THE LITTLE ONES) ............................................................................................................................35 Paravel, Dominique: GIRATOIRE (ROUNDABOUT) ..............................................................35 Ledig, Agnès: ON REGRETTERA PLUS TARD (WE CAN REGRET IT LATER) ................36 Laurrent, Éric: UN BEAU DÉBUT (A BEAUTIFUL BEGINNING) ......................................37 Rahmy, Philippe: ALLEGRA (ALLEGRA) ................................................................................37 Revel, Serge: LES GRANDES ÉVASIONS DE PAUL MÉTRAL (THE GREAT ESCAPES OF PAUL MÉTRAL) ....................................................................................................................38 Silla, Karine: AUTOUR DU SOLEIL (AROUND THE SUN) ..................................................38 76 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; ALL TITLES Yared, Hyam: TOUT EST HALLUCINÉ (EVERYTHING IS HALLUCINATED) ................ 39 Bailly, Pierric: L’ETOILE DU HAUTACAM (THE HAUTACAM STAR) .............................. 40 Desjours, Ingrid: LES FAUVES (WILD ANIMALS) ................................................................ 40 BIOGRAPHICAL & HISTORICAL NOVEL........................................... 40 Lapierre, Alexandra: MOURA, LA MÉMOIRE INCENDIÉE (MOURA, BIRNED MEMORY) .................................................................................................................................... 40 Ravenne, Jacques & Giacometti, Eric: L’EMPIRE DU GRAAL (THE EMPIRE OF THE GRAAL)......................................................................................................................................... 41 Djavann, Chadortt: LES PUTES VOILÉES N’IRONT JAMAIS AU PARADIS ! (WHORES IN HEADSCARVES WILL NEVER GO TO HEAVEN!) ......................................................... 41 Octeau, Jean: LES TILLEULS DE BERLIN (LIME TREES IN BERLIN) ............................ 42 Bois, Ariane: LE GARDIEN DE NOS FRÈRES (OUR BROTHERS’ GUARDIAN) ............. 42 Garcin, Christian: LES VIES MULTIPLES DE JEREMIAH REYNOLDS (THE MULTIPLE LIVES OF JEREMIAH REYNOLDS) .................................................................. 42 Gibert, Sylvie: L’ATELIERS DES POISONS (THE CHAMBER OF POISON) .................... 43 Grenier, Daniel: L'ANNÉE LA PLUS LONGUE (THE LONGEST YEAR) ........................... 43 Guéreau, Étienne: LA SONATE DE L'ANARCHISTE (THE ANARCHIST’S SONATA) .... 44 Lechrist, Aude: UNE ALLURE IMPECCABLE (IMPECCABLE APPEARANCES) ............ 44 Lossky, Olga: LE REVERS DE LA MÉDAILLE (THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN) ....... 45 Weber, Patrick: LES NOCES ASSASSINES (THE MURDEROUS MARRIAGE) ................ 45 Gallo, Max: MOI, CHARLEMAGNE, EMPEREUR CHRÉTIEN (I, CHARLEMAGNE, CHRISTIAN EMPEROR)............................................................................................................ 46 Lépée: Denis: LE LOUP ET LE LION (THE WOLF AND THE LION) ................................. 46 COMMERCIAL FICTION .......................................................................... 47 Rubinstein, Marianne: NOUS SOMMES DEUX (THERE ARE TWO OF US) ..................... 47 Balance, Catherine: UNE AUTRE VOIX QUE LA MIENNE (ANOTHER VOICE THAN MINE) ........................................................................................................................................... 48 Bongrand, Caroline: VOUS AIMER (LOVING YOU) .............................................................. 48 Pécassou, Bernadette: JE SUIS DE CELLES QUI RESTENT (I AM ONE OF WHO STAY STILL) ........................................................................................................................................... 48 Artus, Isabelle: LA PETITE BOUTIQUE JAPONAISE (THE LITTLE JAPANESE SHOP) ....................................................................................................................................................... 48 Mademoiselle Peppergreen: N’OUBLIEZ PAS DE TOMBER AMOUREUSE A PARIS (DON’T FORGET TO FALL IN LOVE IN PARIS) .................................................................. 49 Cartier, Alex: MOVIE STAR ...................................................................................................... 49 Ruiz, Gavin’s Clemente: COMMENT PAPA EST DEVENU DANSEUR ÉTOILE (DADDY IS A PRIMA BALLERINA) ......................................................................................................... 49 Dô, Marie: LES DUNES SAUVAGES (WILD DUNES) ........................................................... 50 Rattazzi, Monica: COMME UN POISON ENTRE NOUS (LIKE A POISON BETWEEN US) ....................................................................................................................................................... 50 Riva, Alex: QUAND L’IMPRÉVU S’EN MÊLE (WHEN THE UNEXPECTED STRIKES) . 51 de Villenoisy, Sophie: JOYEUX SUICIDE ET BONNE ANNÉE (MERRY SUICIDE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!) .................................................................................................................. 52 Maulin, Olivier: LA FÊTE EST FINIE (PARTY’S OVER) ..................................................... 52 Fitzgerald, Marie: NOS NUITS DEVIENDRONT DES JOURS (CHASING MIRACLES) .. 53 Barbérat, Angélique: LOLA OU L’APPRENTISSAGE DU BONHEUR (LOLA OR LEARNING TO BE HAPPY) ...................................................................................................... 53 Barbérat, Angélique: BERTRAND ET LOLA (BERTRAND AND LOLA) ............................. 53 Koenig, Gaspard: KIDNAPPING ............................................................................................... 54 Abtey, Benoît & Deschodt, Pierre: LES NOUVELLES AVENTURES D’ARSÈNE LUPIN – LES HÉRITIERS (NEW ADVENTURES OF ARSÈNE LUPIN THE HEIRS) ...................... 54 CRIME & SUSPENSE NOVELS ................................................................. 55 Hénaff, Sophie: RESTER GROUPES (REMAIN TOGETHER) .............................................. 55 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ; 77 ALL TITLES Grange, Jean-Christophe: CONGO REQUIEM (CONGO REQUIEM) ..................................55 Favan, Claire: SERRE-MOI FORT (HOLD ME TIGHT) ........................................................55 Laurent, Jean-Claude: OPERATION TUTANKHAMUN (OPÉRATION TOUTANKHAMON) ....................................................................................................................56 Norek, Olivier: SURTENSIONS (OVER-TENSION) ...............................................................56 (Michel Lafon, March 2016, 480 pages) .......................................................56 Winner of : Prix du polar européen 2016 du “Point” ..................................56 Bussi, Michel: LE TEMPS EST ASSASSIN (TIME IS A KILLER) .........................................56 Beatrix, Anne-Laure & Dillard, Francois Xavier: AUSTERLITZ 10.50 ................................57 Grand, Emmanuel: LES SALAUDS DEVRONT PAYER (THE BASTARDS WILL PAY) ....57 Levison, Iain: ILS SAVENT TOUT DE VOUS (MINDREADER) ...........................................58 Sénanque, Antoine: WEAKSHIELD ..........................................................................................59 Barde-Cabuçon, Olivier: LES ENQUÊTES DU COMMISSAIRE AUX MORTS ÉTRANGES (INVESTIGATIONS OF THE COMMISSIONER OF DEAD STRANGE) .............................59 THRILLERS ..................................................................................................60 Carayon, Christian: SOUFFLE UNE OMBRE (A BREATH, A SHADE) ..............................60 Giebel, Karine: DE FORCE (BY FORCE).................................................................................60 Peillon, Vincent: AURORA (AURORA) .....................................................................................61 Collette, Sandrine: IL RESTE LA POUSSIÈRE (THE DUST REMAINS) .............................61 Mey, Louise: LES RAVAGE(E)S (DEVASTATED) ..................................................................62 Bruckner, Julie Ewa: LES PETITES FILLES (THE LITTLE GIRLS) ..................................62 Greggio, Simonetta: BLACK MESSIE (BLACK MESSIE) ......................................................62 Delzongle, Sonja: QUAND LA NEIGE DANSE (DANCING SNOW) ......................................63 Fel, Jérémy: LES LOUPS À LEUR PORTE (THE WOLVES AT THEIR DOOR) .................63 Tackian, Niko: LA NUIT N’EST JAMAIS COMPLÈTE (NIGHT IS NEVER COMPLETE)64 Gustawsson, Johana: BLOCK 46 ................................................................................................65 Beuglet, Nicolas: PATIENT 488 ..................................................................................................65 Sender, Elena: SURTOUT NE MENS PAS (NO LIES ALLOWED) ........................................65 Sire Cédric: AVEC TES YEUX (THROUGH YOUR EYES) ....................................................66 SCIENCE-FICTION & FANTASY .............................................................66 Kloetzer, Laurent: VOSTOK .......................................................................................................66 Dixen, Victor: PHOBOS .............................................................................................................67 Paquet, Olivier: STRUCTURA MAXIMA ..................................................................................67 Rozenfeld, Carina: LA QUÊTE DES PIERRES DE LUET (THE QUEST FOR THE LUET STONES) .......................................................................................................................................68 Pevel, Pierre: LE PARIS DES MERVEILLES (PARIS OF WONDERMENT) ......................68 YOUNG ADULT & CROSS OVER ............................................................69 Daumas, Emma: SUPERNOVA ..................................................................................................69 Mel, Andoryss: L’ARCHITECTIVE (THE ARCHITECTIVE) ................................................69 Beorn, Paul: UN OGRE EN CAVALE (OGRE ON THE RUN) ...............................................70 Edgar, Silène: LES LETTRES VOLÉES (STOLEN LETTERS) ..............................................70 Plichota, Anne & Wolf, Cendrine: SUSAN HOPPER .............................................................71 Plichota, Anne & Wolf, Cendrine: TUGDUAL – VOLUME 3 RETOUR À EDEFIA ............71 Jacq, Christian: SETNA T1-4 à JE T’ENVOIE LE T3. TU AS NORMALEMENT DÉJÀ LES T1.2 ................................................................................................................................................72 Desjardins, India: AURÉLIE LAFLAMME’S DIARY ..............................................................73 ALL TITLES ...................................................................................... 75 78 Contact: Mrs Anastasia Lester ;