Favorite Tours - ARF
Favorite Tours - ARF
Are you looking for a receptive or a travel specializing in Quebec destinations that you agency can count on? The association of ARF-Québec is the only professional association recognized by Tourisme Québec that brings together receptives, travel agencies and tour operators whose speciality is Québec and who operate all across Canada and North America. Why do business with a member of ARF-Québec? • Their knowledge of prices, attractions and tourism regions are your guarantee of unforgettable, high-quality trips. • Each member adheres to a professional code of ethics and operates in accordance with the highest standards of quality. • To benefit from their expertise and professionalism,which bring you new, unique and varied packages at competitive prices. Favorite Tours quebectourbrochure@arfquebec.com THE ÉCONOMUSÉE EXPERIENCE! ® Fine crafts Agri-food DISCOVER ABORIGINAL TOURISM IN QUÉBEC DIVERSITY AND AUTHENTICITY The demand for aboriginal tourism has been rising over the past years. Aboriginal Québec appeals to tourists from all over the world thanks to its authenticity, ancient culture and the total change of scenery it promises. A multitude of activities exist for visitors to immerse themselves in the culture and traditions of aboriginal peoples. Did you know that aboriginal tourism attracts over 816,000 visitors every year? Tourists seek the experience of a genuine exchange with aboriginals. Meanwhile, certain themes such as cultural, adventure and nature tourism are becoming increasingly popular with travellers. These themes relate to tourism enterprises such as outfitters, traditional sites, museums, cultural transmission sites as well as public events like the pow wow, which mobilize aboriginal communities from June to September each year. Whatever tickles your fancy, be it ethnocultural tourism, adventure to u r i s m , ex p e d i t i o n s , h u n t i n g & fishing, cruises, arts & crafts, cultural institutes, accommodation (traditional and modern), or gourmet cuisine articulated around authentic dishes, aboriginal tourism has it all to guarantee an unforgettable and IXOˉOOLQJH[SHULHQFH 55 COMMUNITIES | 11 NATIONS A wide palette of aboriginal tourism activities are available, tailored to your needs and expectations– whether you are travelling alone, as a couple or with family and friends. Going solo? Travel back in time as you delve into the culture of the 11 Nations, learn about their ancient and modern lifestyles and see their contribution in shaping today’s society. Feeling the itch for adventure? Spend an enchanting night inside a teepee or an Innu tent under the starlit sky, lulled by rivers flowing. Looking to get snug and comfy? Enjoy a cosy stay in our high-end inns and 4-star hotels. Spice up your visit with a taste of our unique and WKULYLQJDERULJLQDOFXLVLQH The 11 First Nations of Québec– Abenaki, Anishinabe, Atikamekw, Cree, Huron-Wendat, Innu, Inuit, Maliseet, Mi’kmaq, Mohawk and Naskapi–invite you to explore and take part in their lifestyle and rich history. Their 55 aboriginal communities altogether welcome you to the vast Québec territory. We invite you to discover Aboriginal Québec, its rich culture and traditions. Ç Ã w u ½ ¼ l Ù * *,¿ 9"1,- ¿ ¿ " " ¿ +1 ² -¿", ¿ -* ¦ ¿ "/ ¿ "/ \ ¿ -* -1, ´ 1¿ £ " /, ¤ Ǧ ¿ "-¿ -* ¿ - " ¿ £ -/ 8 - - " /-¤ æ ¿", ¿ -* /1,¿ £ -¤ w ¦ ¿ -9¿ -* ¿ +1,/ ,¿ 8ÃÙ¿ £ ,"--,¤ u¦ ¿ -9-* ¿ £ +1 ¤ ½¦ ¿ " ,¿ 1¿ ¿ 7 ¿ ,-",/¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ E¿ -* ¿ £ -/ , ¤ ¼ ¦ ¿ -* ¿ -/ ¿ £ -/ ¤ l¦ ¿ -* ¿/1,´ 1¿ £ 6 ¤ ¦ ¿ -* ¿", ¿ -/ / " ¿ £ "¤ Ù¦ ¿ -/,(¿", ¿ -* ¿ £1 -² ¿ - ¤ ¦ ¿ -/,(¿", ¿ -* ñ £ " / -/ ,¤ -/, ½ /"7 - *- We have the specialist who meets your specific needs! ARF-Québec Specialists Top Markets Served Products Group Travel Ad HocEscorted Guaranteed Tailor-made Tour Serie Departure Adventure Canada www.adventurecananda.com Jean Bouffard, business development and products' innovation 514 506 3297 - jean@adventurecanada.com Tour operator, online travel agency Agence de voyages Lennoxville www.altaexpedition.com Pierre Bourdeau, CEO, 819-326-2582 pbourdeau@altaexpedition.com, Receptive Authentik Canada www.authentikcanada.com Jason Lehoux, General Manager 514-769-0101 # 209 • jlehoux@authentikcanada.com Tour operator, online travel agency, receptive Tailor-made “À la carte” United States, Canada, Europe, Australia • • • • United States, Canada, Quebec www.voyageslennoxville.com Guylaine Jutras, Manager 819-346-7500 • guylaine.allezhop@hotmail.com Travel agency, tour operator, receptive Alta Expedition Specialities FIT Fly and Drive Europe, Canada, United Kingdom, Austria, Germany, Ireland, Switzerland France, Belgium, Switzerland, UK, Germany, Luxembourg, United States, Australia • • • • • Hiking and trekking, mountain biking, ski mountaineering, snowshoeing, Nordic and cross-country skiing, sea kayaking • Fly and Drive (road trip), car rental, camper rental, winter activities, snowmobiling, honeymoon, family, camping • • • Aventures Nouvelle-France – Summer Division Europe www.aventuresnouvellefrance.com/ete/ Laurent Loine, President 819-321-2721 • laurent@aventuresnouvellefrance.com Travel agency, Receptive Aventures Nouvelle-France – Winter Division Canadaxperience.com www.canadaxperience.com Martin Houde, Director 514-217-3111 • m.houde@canadaxperience.com Tour operator, travel agency, receptive Canadian Odysseys Odytours www.canadianreceptivetours.com Hector Teigeiro, President 514-636-8778 • Hector@canadianreceptive.com Receptive Carte Postale Tours • France, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, United States, UK, Germany www.dominiontours.ca Mayra Castro, Manager 514-337-4839 gerencia@dominiontours.ca • Receptive Géo Tours Inc. www.geotours.net Claude Fettaya, President 514-331-7076 • cfettaya@geotours.ca Receptive Transactional website • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Winter product, snowmobiling, gastronomy, rail or cruise vacation, nature and resort holiday, city escape, meeting, conference and incentive travel, individual customized travel • • • • Meeting, conference and incentive travel, gastronomy, winter product (snowshoe, cross-country skiing, dog sled), snowmobile, skiing, train package, holiday resort (spa/nature observation), city escape City escape, train package, skiing, soft adventure, holiday resort , fishing, winter product, snowmobile, gastronomy, meeting, conference and incentive travel, golf Incentive trip, meeting and conference, shows and concerts, museums, train and cruise package Quebec, France • All-inclusive packages with winter activities (snowmobile, dog sled, buggy, etc.) Discovery package and soft adventure, fishing, winter products, snowmobiling, skiing, gastronomy, rail or cruise vacation, nature and resort holiday, city escape, meeting, conference and incentive travel, golf Canada • City escape, adventure, shows, gastronomy Canada, United States, Antilles • Canada (Quebec) www.detournature.com Carole Roy, General Manager 514-271-6046 • info@detournature.com Tour operator Dominion Tours Canada • • • Stéphane Charbonneau, group and fit Product Development, Coordinator 819 539 5943; 819 247 1261 stephanecarbonneau@clubvoyages.com Receptive, travel agency Détour Nature • Mexique, Brasil, Spain, Argentina, Central America www.boislardpoirier.com Patrice Dion, Group coordinator 450 774 6436 – pdion@boislardpoirier.com Tour operator, travel agency Club Voyages Super Soleil • France, Belgium, Switzerland www.cartepostale.ca Yves Banville, Manager 418-653-5233 # 2 • Yves.banville@cartepostale.ca Tour wholesaler Club Voyages Boislard Poirier • Europe www.canody.ca • www.odytours.ca Michel Zaloum, President 514-861-9368 • mzaloum@canody.ca, Receptive Canadian Receptive Tours All-inclusive packages with summer activities • www.aventuresnouvellefrance.com/hiver/ Michel Bellerose, President • 819-424-1248 michelbe1@hotmail.com Travel agency, Receptive Gastronomy, city escape, nature and resort holiday, rail or cruise vacation, festival, cultural and performing arts travel • • • Expedition cruises with accent on local cultures; from the St-Laurence River and Gulf, Labrador and Ungava to the Far North. Short themed stays available. New product 2015 : St-Laurence River to Mingan, Anticosti, Bonaventure, Magdalen Islands and St-Pierre-et-Michelon Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Brasil, Argentina, Chili, Colombia, Central America, Italy • • • • • • Europe, Mexico, Brazil • • • Hiking, sea kayaking, bike tour, snowshoe, cross country skiing,wildlife observation and photography, canoeing, tree climbing, bus rental with trailer and outdoor equipment, student outdoor educational tours, Mountain bike. • • Meeting, conference and incentive travel, soft adventure, fishing, snowmobiling, nature and resort holiday, rail or cruise vacation, city escape, gastronomy Meeting, conference and incentive, soft adventure, winter products, snowmobiling, skiing, nature and resort holiday, city escape ARF-Québec Specialists Top Markets Served Products Group Travel Ad HocEscorted Guaranteed Tailor-made Tour Serie Departure Global Tourisme www.globaltourisme.com Christophe Gorlier,Vice-President 418-684 0662 # 3228 • cgorlier@globaltourisme.com Receptive, tour operator Globe-Trotter Tours Canada www.iglobe-trotter.com Marc-André Plouffe, General Manager 514-634-5000 # 222 • maplouffe@iglobe-trotter.com Receptive, tour operator Go West Tours www.gowesttours.com•www.book.gowesttours.com Florence Solal, Sales Manager 415-837-0154 • fsolal@gowesttours.com Receptive Groupe Spiritours www.spiritours.com Anne Godbout, Presidente 514-374-7965 # 201 • anne@spiritours.com Tour operator, receptive Groupe Voyages Québec www.gvq.ca Victoria Klaus - Manager Receptive 418-525-4585 • vklaus@gvq.ca Receptive, tour operator Jonview Canada Inc. www.jonview.com Anne Element, Sales and reservations manager 514-861-9190 # 4680 • aelement@jonview.com Receptive JPDL / Vitamine Canada www.jpdl.com/vitamine Véronique Kerjean, General Manager 514-526-0217 • vkerjean@jpdl.com Receptive Laflèche Tourisme Alain Laflèche, President 418-682-2850 • alain@laflechetourisme.ca Receptive Les aventures Makwa French-speaking Europe (France, Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg), Spain, Latin America, United States, Portugal France, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, UK, Spain, Luxembourg, Scandinavia, Brazil, Latin America Europe, Latin America, Central America Quebec, Canada, United States, France, Belgium France, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, UK, Quebec, United States, Germany France, Belgium, Spain, French West Indies, Luxembourg, Greece, Portugal, Morocco, Turkey, Italy, UK, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, India France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany, Canada, United States Greece, Holland, Turkish, South Africa France, Belgium, Germany, Canada www.misatours.ca Rudolf Hegetschweiler, Account Manager 819-758-3155 • Rudolf@misatours.ca Receptive Omnitour www.Omnitour.ca • www.omnitour-ecm.ca Jacques Morissette, President 418-692-1223 • 1-800-363-1222 • jmorissette@omnitour.ca Tour operator student Passion Terre www.passionterre.com Isabelle Pécheux, General Manager 514-288-6077 • ipecheux@passionterre.com Travel agency, sustainable tourism, receptive Prometour www.prometour.com Sébastien Letailleur, General Manager 514-848-7292 # 207 • sebastien@prometour.com Tour operator, receptive RCG Tours www.rcgtours.ca Roger Gervais, Director 418-682-6702 # 207 • roger-gervais@rcgtours.ca Tour operator, receptive Transactional website • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Winter products, snowmobiling, rail or cruise vacation, nature and resort holiday, meeting, conference and incentive travel Holiday resort, city escape, train package, snowmobile, winter product, soft adventure, fishing, gastronomy, golf, religious tourism, meeting, conference and incentive travel Specialist FIT and group tour and travel, winter products, snowmobiling, multi-activities package, skiing, rail or cruise vacation, nature and resort holiday, city escape, meetings, conference and incentive travel, soft adventure, gastronomy, fishing, golf, cultural and educational programs for student, winter products, ski, packages, train, theme programs • • • • • • • • • • • • • Canada, Quebec, United States, France, Italy, Spain, UK • • • Meeting, conference and incentive travel, rail or cruise vacation, city escape, nature and resort holiday, skiing, gastronomy, soft adventure, golf Nature and resort holiday, city escape, meeting, conference and incentive travel, rail or cruise vacation, snowmobiling, winter products, soft adventure, fishing, skiing, gastronomy, golf Specialist of educational and cultural student tours since 1980, customized corporate travel, 4-season products, snowmobiling, skiing, meeting, conference and incentive travel European French market, Quebec, Canada, United States • Incentive travel, professional agritourism tour, tailor-made, snowmobile, culinary discovery, soft adventure Multi-activities and discovery package, cultural, student and youth travel, winter products, snowmobiling, skiing, city escape, cultural and educational programs for student Canada, Quebec France, Germany, Switzerland, UK, Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, Luxembourg, India Snowmobiling, winter products, customized fly and drive vacation, nature and resort holiday, soft adventure, skiing and heliskiing, city escape, meeting, conference and incentive travel, rail or cruise vacation, golf, fishing, gastronomy, seaplane Personal and spiritual development journeys and Christian pilgrimages for small groups with an accent on fair-trade tourism. Its profits benefit the host country’s local economy and sustainable development, stay with aboriginal communities • • Autotour, city escape, nature and resort holiday, meeting, conference and incentive travel, winter products, multi-activities program, guided tour in Spanish and Portuguese, FIT, VIP package, skiing, rail or cruise vacation, language, cultural and educational programs for student, Great North experience Incentive trip, seminar and conventions, pre-and post-convention, business trip • www.laurierduvallon.com Michèle Landry,Manager Receptive 418-653-1882 • mlandry@laurierduvallon.com Receptive, tour operator, travel agency Misa Tours International • • Tailor-made “À la carte” France, Switzerland, England www.makwa.net Marc-André Fortin,Manager 514-285-2583 • info@makwa.net Receptive Les voyages Laurier du Vallon • Specialities FIT Fly and Drive • • United States, Canada, France, Spain, UK Sustainable tourism, small group tour & tailor-made, bio and terroir products exploration and gourmet cuisine, privilege meeting with locals • Cultural and educational travel for student and youth, student exchange, language immersion, meeting, conference and incentive travel, winter products, snowmobiling • Meeting, conference and incentive travel, youth educational tours, scientific, technical and industrialmissions, cultural tours (festival, concert, exhibition, choral), nature and resort holiday, rail or cruise vacation, snowmobiling, winter products, soft adventure, gastronomy United States, Canada, UK, Australia • • • • ARF-Québec Specialists Products Top Markets Served Group Travel Ad HocEscorted Guaranteed Tailor-made Tour Serie Departure Receptour Canada www.receptourcanada.com Linda Fiumara, General Manager 514-987-0022 • lfiumara@receptourcanada.com Receptive Sentiers Privés www.sentiersprives.com Yoann Ronsin, President 514-360-3716 • yoann.ronsin@sentiersprives.com Receptive Simon & Kelley Fabienne Milliand, General Manager 514-525-8544 • simkel@simkel.ca Receptive SN Tourisme Culturel Spain, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Russia,Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile,Venezuela, Colombia France, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg,Monaco, French Europe, Germany, Great Britain, Brazil, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Sweden France, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain www.thinkincentive.com Lea Menrath, Manager 514-523-8731 • info@thinkincentive.com info@thinkincentive.com • Receptive Toundra Voyages Inc. www.toundravoyages.com Jean-Christophe Viard, President 514-523-8731 • jcviard@toundravoyages.com Receptive Tours Chanteclerc www.tourschanteclerc.com Mireille Chartier, Supervisor 514-398-9535 • mchartier@tourschanteclerc.com Tour wholesaler, receptive VDM Global France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Spain UK, France, Italy, Brazil, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland www.voyagesintermissions.com Isabelle Pécheux, General Manager 514-288-6077 • ipecheux@qc.aira.com Travel agency, tour operator, receptive Voyages Terre et Monde Inc. www.terre-monde.com Eric Forget, President 450-964-3574 • eric@terre-monde.com Receptive, travel agency, tour operator Voyages Terra Natura Inc. www.voyagesterranatura.ca Manuel Cerrud,Manager and co-owner 819-595-1115 # 221 • josema@voyagesterranatura.ca Tour operator, receptive Voyages Tour Étudiant www.vte.qc.ca Paul Leblanc, General Manager 418-835-3336 • paull@vte.qc.ca Tour operator, receptive, travel agency Transactional website • • FIT specialist ,VIP FIT tailor made 4* sup, group of less than 20 pax, incentive tailormade, professional mission, incentive tour, pre or post cruise package, seaplane or helicopter private tour, holiday multi generational, theme holiday, fishing and hunting, DMC exclusive Traveller Made. DMC exclusive Traveller Made Soft adventure , winter product, snowmobiling, nature and resort holiday in outfitter,meeting, conference and incentive travel, gastronomy, train and cruise package, city escape • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Quebec • • • • • • • Quebec • French European market, Quebec, Canada, United States France, Belgium, United States, UK, Canada Canada (Quebec-Ontario) United States,Mexico, Panama, Central America, Peru, Argentina, France • • • • • Rail or cruise vacation, winter products, specialist FIT and group tour and travel, nature and resort holiday, meetings, conference and incentive travel First class and high quality market, meeting, conference and incentive travel, pre and post cruise, fly and drive, culinary tour, terroir product, group tour, train package, cultural tour • • Sustainable tourism, exploration and soft adventure for small group with or without guide on the North Coast, ecotourism, outfitter journey, winter product, iceberg and marine wildlife observation, ornithology Skiing, golf, bicycle,motor coach group tour, customized tour, gastronomy, rail or cruise vacation, nature and resort holiday, city escape, meeting, conference and incentive travel Taylor-made pilgrimage and cultural and spiritual tour, personal growth, resourcing journey • • Student and youth travel tour, winter products, snowmobiling, city escape, meeting, conference and incentive travel, golf, skiing, nature and resort holiday, gastronomy • Religious tourism, soft adventure, fishing, winter product ( snowshoe, cross-country skiing, dog sled ), snowmobile,downhill skiing, gastronomy, train package, holiday resort (spa/nature observation), urban stay, meeting, conference and incentive travel, golf Canada, France, United States • • Soft adventure, winter products, snowmobiling, city escape, nature and resort holiday,meeting, conference and incentive travel, golf, skiing, gastronomy, rail or cruise vacation, fishing Short and long group tour packages all across North America, winter soft adventure, sport trips, agritourism tour France, Quebec • Cultural tourism tour, concert, exhibition, music festival, visit to artist's studio, encounter, history, French immersion, rail or cruise vacation, city escape, gastronomy, urban bike tour Incentive trips, seminars and conventions, events • United States, Canada, Europe www.voyagesgendron.com 1-800-561-8747 Tour operator, travel agency Voyages Inter-Missions • • www.voyagescoste.ca Nicole Caron, President 1-877-573-2678 • direction@voyagescoste.ca Receptive, tour operator Voyages Gendron • Exclusively first class and high quality market, guided tour in Italian and Spanish, FIT first class, unique Platinum product, customized incentive, winter products, snowmobiling, skiing, gastronomy, rail or cruise vacation, nature and resort holiday, city escape, meeting, conference and incentive travel, golf, fishing France, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Germany, Québec, Canada www.vclubselect.com June Poli, General Manager 418-830-0646 • junep@vclubselect.com Tour operator, receptive, travel agency Voyages COSTE (Coopérative de solidarité en tourisme équitable) • • • www.vdmglobal.com • www.MontrealFoodTours.com Jean-Claude Guay, Tours coordinator 514-933-6674 • tours@vdmglobal.com Tour operator, receptive, travel agency, online travel agency Voyages Club Sélect • Tailor-made “À la carte” United States, Canada www.Quebecculture.travel Sylvie Nadeau, President 819-424-5268 • Sylvie.nadeau@sntourismeculturel.com Tour operator, receptive Think Incentive • Specialities FIT Fly and Drive • • • • Cultural and educational programs for student and youth, language immersion, short and long stay in Ottawa,Montreal et Quebec, family immersion stay or hotel Destinations / Partners As proud ARF-Québec partners, those associate members have chosen to work hand in hand with the distribution network in order to offer a most authentic and attractive Quebec destination! Tourisme Montréal Hôtel de glace www.tourisme-montreal.org www.hoteldeglace-canada.com Tourisme Outaouais Hôtel Espresso Montréal www.tourismeoutaouais.com www.hotelespresso.ca MDM Inc. Tourisme Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean Hôtel Le Concorde Québec www.monacoh.com www.saguenaylacsaintjean.ca www.hotelleconcordequebec.com QuebecFranceXpress.com Tourisme Sept-Îles Hôtel Le Roberval www.QuebecFranceXpress.com www.tourismeseptiles.ca www.leroberval.com Staff – Personnel Événementiel / Staff Académie Tourisme Trois-Rivières Hôtel Les Suites Labelle www.tourismetroisrivieres.com www.hotellabelle.com TourismeWendake Hôtel Manoir St-Sauveur Business Partners AGauthier – Tourisme d’affaires Clientis – Développement d’affaires www.clientis.ca www.staffpersonnel.com Destination Marketing Organisations and Sector Tourism Associations www.tourismewendake.com Association Hôtellerie Québec Air Transat www.airtransat.com www.hotelleriequebec.com Association des villages d’accueil du Québec www.villagesdaccueil.com Association Maritime du Québec www.nautismequebec.com Association québécoise des spas www.associationquebecoisedesspas.com ATR associées du Québec www.atrassociees.com Cree Outfitting and Tourism Association www.creetourism.ca Tourism products and services www.atlific.com Hôtel Sacacomie Auberge Internationale de Québec www.sacacomie.com www.aubergeinternationaledequebec.com Hôtel Universel Alma Au Sommet Place Ville-Marie www.ausommetpvm.com www.hoteluniversel.com Hôtels Gouverneur Autobus Fleur de Lys www.gouverneur.com www.fleurdelys-bus.com Hôtels Villegia www.hotelsvillegia.com Boréalis www.borealis3r.ca Kéolis Canada www.keoliscanada.ca www.pourvoiries.com www.canyonsa.qc.ca Fédération des transporteurs par autobus – Bienvenue Québec Centre commercial Laurier Québec www.quebecauthentique-pro.org www.manoir-victoria.com www.hotelrimouski.com Atlific Hotels Canyon Sainte-Anne Lanaudière-Mauricie, Le Québec authentique Hôtel Manoir Victoria Hôtel Rimouski, Suites et Centre de congrès Fédération des pourvoiries du Québec www.federationautobus.com www.manoir-saint-sauveur.com www.laurierquebec.com Cocathédrale Saint-Antoine-De-Padoue www.cocathedrale.ca Complexe Capitale Hélicoptère – GoHelico La Plaza Salles de Réception – Centre de Congres www.la-plaza.ca /www.plazapmg.com Le Club Odanak www.clubodanak.com Le Forfaitiste, services touristiques Le Québec maritime www.gohelico.com/www.complexech.com www.leforfaitiste.com www.quebecmaritime.ca Condos et Hôtel Stoneham Le Grand Lodge Mont-Tremblant Office du tourisme de Québec www.condoshotelstoneham.com www.quebecregion.com Cosmodôme Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership www.cosmodome.org www.legrandlodge.com Manoir du Lac Delage www.lacdelage.com www.tourismpartners.com Croisières AML Les plaines d’Abraham / Commission des champs de bataille nationaux Sanctuaires nationaux du Québec www.croisieresaml.com www.ccbn-nbc.gc.ca DoubleTree by Hilton Gatineau-Ottawa Location Écho Sports www.doubletreegatineau.com www.locationechosports.ca Ferme Nouvelle-France Musée Grévin Montréal www.fermenouvellefrance.com www.grevin-montreal.com Festival Western de St-Tite Musée McCord www.festivalwestern.com www.musee-mccord.qc.ca Fête des vendanges Magog – Orford Restaurant À l'improviste www.sanctuairesquebec.com Société des attractions touristiques du Québec / Événements Québec www.quebecvacances.com Société du Réseau Économusée® www.economusees.com Tourisme Abitibi-Témiscamingue www.tourisme-abitibi-temiscamingue.org Tourisme Autochtone Québec http://fetedesvendanges.com/ www.tourismeautochtone.com Groupe Écorécréo Tourisme Cantons de l’Est www.cantonsdelest.com Groupe Hôtelier Tidan Tourisme Centre-du-Québec Guidatour www.tourismecentreduquebec.com Tourisme Charlevoix www.tourisme-charlevoix.com Tourisme Laurentides www.laurentides.com Tourisme Laval www.tourismelaval.com Tourisme Montérégie www.tourisme-monteregie.qc.ca restaurantalimproviste.com Restaurant l’Entrecôte St-Jean www.ecorecreo.ca www.entrecotesainjean.com Resto de la Plage www.tidanhotels.com Restodelaplage.com SEPAQ www.guidatour.qc.ca www.sepaq.com Héli-Tremblant Tours Voir Québec www.heli-tremblant.com www.toursvoirquebec.com Hilton Québec Village historique de Val Jalbert www.hiltonquebec.com www.valjalbert.com Hôtel Château Mont-Ste-Anne www.chateaumsa.com VIA Rail www.viarail.ca Hôtel Clarendon www.hotelclarendon.com ARF-Québec Marilyn Désy, General Manager Tel. 418-522-0976 mdesy@arfquebec.com / www.arfquebec.com
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