Award of Garden Merit Plants
Award of Garden Merit Plants
The Royal Horticultural Society Registered charity no: 222879 Award of Garden Merit 2003 excluding fruit & vegetables Key Hardiness ratings: H1 H2 H3 H4 requires heated glass requires unheated glass hardy outside in some regions or particular situations, or which need frost-free protection in winter hardy throughout the British Isles H1-2 H2-3 H3-4 H1+3 intermediate between H1 and H2 intermediate between H2 and H3 intermediate between H3 and H4 requires heated glass; may be grown outside in summer Please note: the hardiness rating is an integral part of the AGM, and should be included in any citation of the award. After the plant name: (v) variegated (f) female (F) fruit (D) dessert (d) (m) (C) Abelia (Caprifoliaceae) 93 floribunda (H3) × grandiflora (H4) 93 02 schumannii (H4) Abies (Pinaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 02 93 balsamea Hudsonia Group (H4) ~ previously listed as A. balsamea f. hudsonia concolor (H4) —'Compacta' (H4) koreana 'Silberlocke' (H4) lasiocarpa var. arizonica 'Compacta' (H4) nordmanniana (H4) —'Golden Spreader' (H4) pinsapo 'Glauca' (H4) procera (H4) 99 93 93 93 93 99 baileyana (H2) —'Purpurea' (H2) dealbata (H2) paradoxa (H2) pravissima (H2-3) retinodes (H2) Acaena (Rosaceae) 93 microphylla (H4) Acalypha (Euphorbiaceae) 02 93 brevifolia (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 Abutilon (Malvaceae) 93 93 93 93 99 'Souvenir de Bonn' (v) (H2) × suntense 'Jermyns' (H3) vitifolium 'Tennant's White' (H3) —'Veronica Tennant' (H3) Acacia (Mimosaceae) Abromeitiella (Bromeliaceae) 93 double-flowered male culinary 'Canary Bird' (H2) 'Cannington Carol' (V) (H2) 'Cannington Peter' (v) (H2) 'Kentish Belle' (H2-3) 'Linda Vista Peach' (H2) ~ as a pot plant for the glasshouse 'Marion' (H2) megapotamicum (H3) × milleri (H2) 'Nabob' (H2) 'Orange Glow' (v) (H2) ~ foliage mottled 'Savitzii' (v) (H2) ~ as a foliage plant for summer bedding and cultivation under glass 02 02 hispaniolae (H1) ~ min. 15C hispida (H1) ~ min. 15C wilkesiana 'Hoffmannii' (H1) ~ min. 15C —'Marginata' (H1) ~ min. 15C —'Musaica' (H1) ~ min. 15C Acanthus (Acanthaceae) 93 spinosus (H4) Acer (Aceraceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 1 campestre (H4) capillipes (H4) cappadocicum 'Aureum' (H4) —'Rubrum' (H4) davidii 'George Forrest' (H4) —'Serpentine' (H4) griseum (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 02 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 grosseri var. hersii (H4) japonicum 'Aconitifolium' (H4) —'Vitifolium' (H4) palmatum 'Bloodgood' (H4) —'Burgundy Lace' (H4) —'Chitoseyama' (H4) —var. dissectum (H4) ——'Crimson Queen' (H4) ——'Garnet' (H4) ——'Inaba-shidare' (H4) ——'Seiryû' (H4) —'Katsura' (H4) —'Nigrum' (H4) —'Osakazuki' (H4) —'Red Pygmy' (H4) —'Sango-kaku' (H4) —'Trompenburg' (H4) pensylvanicum (H4) platanoides (H4) —'Crimson King' (H4) —'Schwedleri' (H4) pseudoplatanus 'Brilliantissimum' (H4) rubrum 'October Glory' (H4) rufinerve (H4) shirasawanum 'Aureum' (H4) triflorum (H4) 02 Aconitum (Ranunculaceae) 93 93 02 93 93 99 99 93 99 99 99 99 99 93 99 99 99 99 99 93 99 99 99 93 93 93 93 93 02 ageratifolia (H4) 'Belle Epoque' (H4) 'Christine's Pink' (H4) 'Coronation Gold' (H4) ~ re-confirmed 1999 after trial 'Credo' (H4) filipendulina 'Cloth of Gold' (H4) —'Gold Plate' (H4) ~ re-confirmed 1999 after trial —'Parker's Variety' (H4) 'Heidi' (H4) 'Helios' (H4) 'Hella Glashoff' (H4) 'Lachsschönheit' (H4) × lewisii 'King Edward' (H4) 'Lucky Break' (H4) 'Martina' (H4) millefolium 'Kelwayi' (H4) —'Lansdorferglut' (H4) 'Mondpagode' (H4) 'Moonshine' (H3) ptarmica 'Aunt Stientje' (H4) —(The Pearl Group) 'The Pearl' (clonal) (d) (H4) 'Summerwine' (H4) tomentosa (H4) 93 02 02 kolomikta (H4) Adenium (Apocynaceae) 02 obesum (H1) ~ min. 10C; shrubby Adiantum (Adiantaceae) 97 97 97 93 97 97 97 93 02 93 aleuticum (H4) —'Subpumilum' (H4) ~ previously listed as A. aleuticum var. subpumilum × mairisii (H3) ~ sterile, needs vegetative propagation pedatum (H4) raddianum (H2) —'Brilliantelse' (H2) —'Fritz Lüthi' (H2) —'Kensington Gem' (H1) ~ min. 10C tenerum 'Farleyense' (H1) ~ min. 10C venustum (H4) Aechmea (Bromeliaceae) 93 'Inferno' (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 Achimenes (Gesneriaceae) 02 matsumurae 'Elstead' (H4) ~ previously listed as Cimicifuga simplex var. matsumurae 'Elstead'; dislikes lime pachypoda (H4) ~ awarded as A. alba; dislikes lime racemosa (H4) ~ previously listed as Cimicifuga racemosa; dislikes lime rubra (H4) ~ dislikes lime simplex (Atropurpurea Group) 'Brunette' (H4) ~ dislikes lime Actinidia (Actinidiaceae) × Achimenantha (Gesneriaceae) 02 'Bressingham Spire' (H4) ~ likes moist soil × cammarum 'Bicolor' (H4) ~ likes moist soil carmichaelii 'Arendsii' (H4) —(Wilsonii Group) 'Kelmscott' (H4) ~ likes moist soil 'Spark's Variety' (H4) ~ likes moist soil Actaea (Ranunculaceae) Achillea (Asteraceae) 93 99 99 93 ~ min. 10C 'Stan's Delight' (d) (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 'Ambroise Verschaffelt' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Hilda Michelssen' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Paul Arnold' (H1) 93 93 2 chantinii (H1) ~ min. 10C fasciata (H1) ~ min. 10C Foster's Favorite Group (H1) ~ min. 10C fulgens var. discolor (H1) ~ min. 10C nudicaulis (H1) ~ min. 10C Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 93 orlandiana (H1) ~ min. 10C racinae (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Royal Wine' (H1) ~ min. 10C Agave (Agavaceae) 94 94 94 Aeonium (Crassulaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 arboreum (H1) ~ min. 2C —'Atropurpureum' (H1) ~ min. 2C haworthii (H1) ~ min. 2C tabuliforme (H1) ~ min. 2C undulatum (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Zwartkop' (H1) ~ min. 2C 94 94 94 94 94 02 Aeschynanthus (Gesneriaceae) 93 93 02 93 94 longicaulis (H1) ~ min. 15C pulcher (H1) ~ min. 15C radicans (H1) ~ min. 15C speciosus (H1) ~ min. 15C Ageratum (Asteraceae) 95 95 93 02 93 02 Aesculus (Hippocastanaceae) 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 × carnea 'Briotii' (H4) flava (H4) hippocastanum (H4) —'Baumannii' (d) (H4) indica 'Sydney Pearce' (H4) × neglecta 'Erythroblastos' (H4) parviflora (H4) pavia (H4) 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 × domesticum 'Variegatum' (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C Aira (Poaceae) 95 africanus (H1) ~ min. 2C —'Albus' (H1) ~ min. 2C campanulatus subsp. patens (H3) caulescens (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Loch Hope' (H3) praecox subsp. praecox 'Variegatus' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C elegantissima (H3) ~ annual grass for drying Ajuga (Lamiaceae) 93 reptans 'Catlin's Giant' (H4) Albizia (Mimosaceae) 93 julibrissin f. rosea (H2-3) Alchemilla (Rosaceae) 93 93 erythropoda (H4) mollis (H4) Allamanda (Apocynaceae) Agapetes (Ericaceae) 02 costatum f. immaculatum (H1) ~ min. 15C modestum (H1) ~ min. 15C 'Silver Queen' (H1) ~ min. 15C Aichryson (Crassulaceae) grandiflorum (H4) —Pulchellum Group (H4) 'Warley Rose' (H4) Agapanthus (Alliaceae) 93 houstonianum 'Blue Danube' (H3) ~ annual, from seed —'Blue Horizon' (H3) ~ annual, from seed —'Blue Lagoon' (H3) —'Hawaii White' (H3) —'Pacific' (H3) —'Pacific Plus' (H3) Aglaonema (Araceae) Aethionema (Brassicaceae) 93 93 93 americana (H1) ~ min. 2C —'Mediopicta' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C; leaves with a yellow centre stripe —'Mediopicta Alba' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C; leaves with a white centre stripe —'Variegata' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C; leaves with a yellow edge filifera (H1) ~ min. 2C parviflora (H1) ~ min. 2C potatorum (H1) ~ min. 2C stricta (H1) ~ min. 2C utahensis (H1) ~ min. 0C victoriae-reginae (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 'Ludgvan Cross' (H1-2) ~ min. 2C serpens (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 cathartica 'Hendersonii' (H1) ~ min. 15C schottii (H1) ~ min. 10C Allium (Alliaceae) 95 93 3 'Beau Regard' (H4) caeruleum (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 02 93 02 93 93 93 93 95 95 95 95 93 02 93 93 93 93 02 02 caesium (H4) carinatum subsp. pulchellum (H4) ——f. album (H4) cernuum 'Hidcote' (H4) cristophii (H4) cyaneum (H4) flavum (H4) giganteum (H4) 'Gladiator' (H4) 'Globemaster' (H4) hollandicum (H4) —'Purple Sensation' (H4) —'Purple Surprise' (H4) insubricum (H4) ~ most plants sold as A. narcissiflorum are this species karataviense (H3) moly 'Jeannine' (H4) oreophilum 'Zwanenburg' (H4) thunbergii (H4) unifolium (H4) 94 94 94 94 94 94 Alyssum (Brassicaceae) 93 93 93 02 02 cordata (H4) glutinosa 'Imperialis' (H4) 94 94 02 02 02 94 94 94 93 93 93 93 × amazonica (H1) ~ min. 15C macrorrhiza 'Variegata' (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C 02 94 alatum 'Bikini' (H3) Anagallis (Primulaceae) 93 02 arborescens 'Variegata' (v) (H1) ~ min. 5C; shrubby aristata (H1) ~ min. 2C bakeri (H1) ~ min. 2C brevifolia (H1) ~ min. 5C descoingsii (H1) ~ min. 10C haworthioides (H1) ~ min. 10C melanacantha (H1) ~ min. 2C rauhii (H1) ~ min. 2C somaliensis (H1) ~ min. 2C variegata (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C vera (H1) ~ min. 2C monellii (H4) —'Gentian Blue' (H4) Ananas (Bromeliaceae) 93 bracteatus var. tricolor (H1) ~ min. 10C Anaphalis (Asteraceae) 93 93 93 margaritacea var. yedoensis (H4) triplinervis (H4) —'Sommerschnee' (H4) Anchusa (Boraginaceae) 93 azurea 'Loddon Royalist' (H4) Andromeda (Ericaceae) 93 93 93 polifolia 'Compacta' (H4) —'Compacta Alba' (H4) —'Macrophylla' (H4) Androsace (Primulaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 carnea subsp. laggeri (H4) —subsp. rosea (H4) lanuginosa (H4) sempervivoides (H4) studiosorum (H4) ~ awarded as A. sarmentosa, a misapplied name Anemone (Ranunculaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 97 93 97 triphylla (H2) Alstroemeria (Alstroemeriaceae) 94 × grandiflora 'Ballerina' (H4) lamarckii (H4) ~ often grown as A. canadensis Ammobium (Asteraceae) Aloysia (Verbenaceae) 94 belladonna (H2-3) Amelanchier (Rosaceae) Aloe (Aloaceae) 02 hypochondriacus 'Green Thumb' (H3) —'Pygmy Torch' (H3) Amaryllis (Amaryllidaceae) Alocasia (Araceae) 93 spinosum 'Roseum' (H4) Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae) Alnus (Betulaceae) 93 93 'Friendship' (H4) ~ recommended for cultivation in the open ground H.R.H. PRINCESS ALEXANDRA = 'Zelblanca' (H2) ~ for cultivation under unheated glass H.R.H. PRINCESS ALICE = 'Staverpi' (PBR) (H2) ~ recommended for cultivation under unheated glass; previously listed as A. FIONA 'Orange Gem' (H4) ~ recommended for cultivation in the open ground 'Orange Glory' (H4) ~ recommended for cultivation in the open ground 'Yellow Friendship' (H4) ~ recommended for cultivation in the open ground 'Apollo' (H4) ~ recommended for cultivation in the open 'Coronet' (H4) ~ recommended for cultivation in the open ground 4 apennina (H4) blanda (H4) —'Radar' (H4) —var. rosea (H4) —'White Splendour' (H4) hupehensis 'Bowles' Pink' (H4) —'Hadspen Abundance' (H4) —var. japonica 'Pamina' (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 97 93 93 93 97 93 93 93 93 97 93 ——'Prinz Heinrich' (H4) × hybrida 'Elegans' (H4) —'Honorine Jobert' (H4) —'Königin Charlotte' (H4) —'September Charm' (H4) ~ previously listed as A. hupehensis 'September Charm' × lipsiensis 'Pallida' (H4) nemorosa (H4) —'Allenii' (H4) —'Robinsoniana' (H4) —'Vestal' (d) (H4) —'Virescens' (H4) ranunculoides (H4) Aquilegia (Ranunculaceae) 93 02 02 93 93 02 93 93 93 02 93 98 02 93 Anigozanthos (Haemodoraceae) 93 93 humilis Lindl. (H1) ~ min. 2C manglesii (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 02 Anomatheca (Iridaceae) 02 02 laxa (H2-3) —var. alba (H2-3) 93 93 Antennaria (Asteraceae) 93 rosea (H4) Arabis (Brassicaceae) Anthemis (Asteraceae) 93 93 93 93 93 punctata subsp. cupaniana (H3-4) Anthericum (Anthericaceae) 93 liliago var. major (H4) Anthurium (Araceae) 02 02 02 andraeanum (H1) ~ min. 15C crystallinum (H1) ~ min. 15C scherzerianum (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 93 93 02 94 02 94 93 montana 'Rubra' (H4) 93 93 93 93 93 cunninghamiana (H1) ~ min. 2C Arctotis (Asteraceae) squarrosa 'Louisae' (H1) ~ min. 10C 98 98 flagelliformis (H1) ~ min. 2C × hybrida 'Flame' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C —'Mahogany' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C Ardisia (Myrsinaceae) Aptenia (Aizoaceae) 02 × andrachnoides (H4) ~ omitted in error from AGM Plants 2002 menziesii (H3) ~ omitted in error from AGM Plants 2002 unedo (H4) ~ omitted in error from AGM Plants 2002 —f. rubra (H4) ~ omitted in error from AGM Plants 2002 Archontophoenix (Arecaceae) Aporocactus (Cactaceae) 02 heterophylla (H1) ~ min. 2C Arbutus (Ericaceae) 'Bronze Chimes' (H3) Coronette Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture Floral Carpet Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture Kim Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture 'Pink Bells' (H3) Sonnet Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture 'Yellow Bells' (H3) Aphelandra (Acanthaceae) 93 elata (H4) ~ may sucker; for wild garden —'Variegata' (v) (H4) Araucaria (Araucariaceae) Antirrhinum (Scrophulariaceae) 94 93 alpina subsp. caucasica 'Flore Pleno' (d) (H4) ——'Schneehaube' (H4) blepharophylla 'Frühlingszauber' (H4) procurrens 'Variegata' (v) (H4) ~ probably correctly treated as a form of A. x suendermannii Aralia (Araliaceae) Anthyllis (Papilionaceae) 93 bertolonii (H4) 'Bluebird' (Songbird Series) (H2) 'Bunting' (Songbird Series) (H2) canadensis (H4) coerulea (H4) 'Dove' (Songbird Series) (H2) flabellata (H4) —var. pumila (H4) ——f. alba (H4) 'Florida' (State Series) (H2) 'Hensol Harebell' (H4) longissima (H4) 'Louisiana' (State Series) (H2) Music Series (H4) ~ sold as a mixture 'Origami Red and White' (Butterfly Series) (H2) ~ may be sold as RED ADMIRAL 'Origami Rose and White' (Butterfly Series) (H2) ~ may be sold as CRENISE ROSA vulgaris 'Nivea' (H4) —var. stellata 'Nora Barlow' (Barlow Series) (d) (H4) 93 cordifolia (H1-2) ~ min. 2C; short-lived perennial 5 crispa (H1) ~ min. 2C Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB Arenaria (Caryophyllaceae) 93 93 93 montana (H4) Arum (Araceae) Argyranthemum (Asteraceae) 02 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 'Butterfly' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Cornish Gold' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Donington Hero' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C foeniculaceum 'Royal Haze' (H1+3) ~ valued especially as a foliage plant; min. 2C frutescens subsp. canariae (H1+3) ~ min. 2C —'Sugar Button' (PBR) (d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C gracile 'Chelsea Girl' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; valued as a foliage plant 'Jamaica Primrose' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Levada Cream' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C maderense (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Mary Cheek' (d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Petite Pink' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Qinta White' (d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Snow Storm' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Vancouver' (d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Whiteknights' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 arcadiensis (H3) ~ widely grown as A. suberosa, another quite distinct species sintenisii (H2-3) Aspidistra (Convallariaceae) 93 93 elatior (H1) ~ min. 2C —'Variegata' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C Asplenium (Aspleniaceae) 93 93 93 97 97 97 candidissimum (H4) bulbiferum (H1-2) nidus (H1) ~ min. 15C scolopendrium (H4) —'Crispum Bolton's Nobile' (H4) —'Kaye's Lacerated' (H4) ~ comes true from spores trichomanes (H4) Astelia (Asteliaceae) 94 littoralis (H1) ~ min. 10C chathamica (H3) Aster (Asteraceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 98 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 juniperifolia (H4) —'Bevan's Variety' (H4) maritima 'Vindictive' (H4) Artemisia (Asteraceae) 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 asparagoides (H1) ~ min. 2C densiflorus 'Myersii' (H1) ~ min. 2C —Sprengeri Group (H1) ~ min. 2C setaceus (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Pyramidalis' (H1) ~ min. 2C Asperula (Rubiaceae) Armeria (Plumbaginaceae) 93 93 93 aethusifolius (H4) dioicus (m) (H4) Asparagus (Asparagaceae) Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae) 93 italicum subsp. italicum 'Marmoratum' (H4) Aruncus (Rosaceae) Arisaema (Araceae) 93 schmidtiana (H4) —'Nana' (H4) abrotanum (H4) absinthium 'Lambrook Mist' (H3-4) —'Lambrook Silver' (H4) alba 'Canescens' (H4) arborescens (H3) caucasica (H3-4) frigida (H3-4) lactiflora (H4) ludoviciana subsp. ludoviciana (H4) ~ previously listed as A. ludoviciana var. ludoviciana —'Silver Queen' (H4) —'Valerie Finnis' (H4) 'Powis Castle' (H3) 6 alpinus (H4) amellus 'Framfieldii' (H4) —'Jacqueline Genebrier' (H4) —'King George' (H4) —'Veilchenkönigin' (H4) 'Coombe Fishacre' (H4) cordifolius 'Chieftain' (H4) —'Sweet Lavender' (H4) ericoides 'Blue Star' (H4) —'Brimstone' (H4) —'Golden Spray' (H4) —'Pink Cloud' (H4) —f. prostratus 'Snow Flurry' (H4) × frikartii 'Mönch' (H4) —'Wunder von Stäfa' (H4) 'Kylie' (H4) lateriflorus 'Horizontalis' (H4) 'Little Carlow' (cordifolius hybrid) (H4) novae-angliae 'Harrington's Pink' (H4) —'Rosa Sieger' (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 93 93 93 93 'Ochtendgloren' (pringlei hybrid) (H4) 'Photograph' (H4) pilosus var. demotus (H4) —var. pringlei 'Monte Cassino' (H4) 'Ringdove' (ericoides hybrid) (H4) turbinellus hort. (H4) Begonia (Begoniaceae) 94 97 94 Astilbe (Saxifragaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 × arendsii 'Brautschleier' (H4) —'Fanal' (H4) 'Bronce Elegans' (simplicifolia hybrid) (H4) chinensis var. pumila (H4) —var. taquetii 'Superba' (H4) × crispa 'Perkeo' (H4) glaberrima var. saxatilis (H4) 'Rheinland' (japonica hybrid) (H4) simplicifolia (H4) 'Sprite' (simplicifolia hybrid) (H4) 'Straussenfeder' (thunbergii hybrid) (H4) 94 93 02 02 94 Astrantia (Apiaceae) 93 93 93 97 97 93 major subsp. involucrata 'Shaggy' (H4) —'Sunningdale Variegated' (v) (H4) maxima (H4) Astrophytum (Cactaceae) 93 02 94 94 myriostigma (H1) ~ min. 2-10C Athyrium (Woodsiaceae) 93 97 97 93 97 94 filix-femina (H4) —'Frizelliae' (H4) —'Vernoniae' (H4) niponicum var. pictum (H3) ~ also valued for cultivation under glass otophorum (H4) 94 02 Aubrieta (Brassicaceae) 02 02 02 02 93 02 02 94 'Argenteovariegata' (v) (H4) 'Aureovariegata' (v) (H4) 'Bressingham Pink' (d) (H4) 'Red Cascade' (Cascade Series) (H4) 'Doctor Mules' (H4) 'Greencourt Purple' (H4) 'Mrs Rodewald' (H4) 02 93 02 Aucuba (Aucubaceae) 93 02 93 02 93 japonica 'Crotonifolia' (f/v) (H4) —'Golden King' (m/v) (H4) —f. longifolia (H4) —'Rozannie' (f/m) (H4) 94 94 Aurinia (Brassicaceae) 93 93 saxatilis (H4) —'Citrina' (H4) 94 Azara (Flacourtiaceae) 93 02 93 microphylla (H3) serrata (H3) 97 97 94 Babiana (Iridaceae) 02 stricta (H1-2) ~ min. 2C Ballota (Lamiaceae) 02 93 94 02 acetabulosa (H3-4) pseudodictamnus (H3-4) Baptisia (Papilionaceae) 93 94 02 94 australis (H4) 7 'Alto Scharff' (H1) ~ min. 15C; shrub-like 'Ambassador Rose' (Ambassador Series) (S) (H3) 'Burle Marx' (H1) ~ min. 15C 'Cleopatra' (H1) ~ min. 15C; rhizomatous Cocktail Series (H2-3) ~ sold as a mixture DRAGON WING RED = 'Bepared' (PBR) (H1+3) ~ min. 10C dregei (T) (H1) ~ min. 15C 'Esther Albertine' (C) (H1) ~ min. 15C 'Expresso Rose' (Expresso Series) (S) (H3) 'Expresso Scarlet' (Expresso Series) (S) (H3) fuchsioides (H1) ~ min. 10C grandis subsp. evansiana (H3-4) 'Illumination Orange' (H2-3) 'Illumination Salmon Pink' (Illumination Series) (H2-3) 'Irene Nuss' (C) (H1) ~ min. 15C listada (H1) ~ min. 15C 'Little Brother Montgomery' (H1) ~ min. 15C maculata (H1) ~ min. 15C 'Marmaduke' (H1) ~ min. 15C masoniana (H1) ~ min. 15C Memory Series (H2-3) ~ sold as a mixture 'Merry Christmas' (R) (H1) ~ min. 15C metallica (H1) ~ min. 15C 'Mirage' (H1) ~ min. 15C 'Munchkin' (H1) ~ min. 15C; rhizomatous Nonstop Series (T) (H2-3) ~ sold as a mixture 'Olympia Starlet' (Olympia Series) (S) (H3) 'Olympia White' (Olympia Series) (S) (H3) 'Orange Rubra' (C) (H1) ~ min. 15C 'Panorama Scarlet' (H2-3) Party Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture 'Pin Up' (H2-3) 'Pin Up Flame' (H2-3) 'Pinafore' (C) (H1) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 94 94 94 94 93 02 94 94 02 02 93 94 94 ~ min. 15C radicans (H1) ~ min. 15C 'Raspberry Swirl' (R) (H1) ~ min. 15C 'Raymond George Nelson' (H1) ~ min. 15C; shrub-like 'Ricky Minter' (H1) ~ min. 15C; rhizomatous 'Silver Queen' (R) (H1) ~ min. 15C 'Snowcap' (C) (H1) ~ min. 15C solananthera (H1) ~ min. 15C 'Sophie Cecile' (C) (H1) ~ min. 15C 'Super Olympia Light Pink' (Super Olympia Series) (H3) Super Olympia Series (H2-3) ~ sold as a mixture sutherlandii (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Thurstonii' (H1) ~ min. 15C; shrub-like 'Tiger Paws' (H1) ~ min. 15C; rhizomatous Beschorneria (Agavaceae) 93 Betula (Betulaceae) 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 94 93 93 93 93 98 93 93 longiflora (H3) Billbergia (Bromeliaceae) 93 93 93 perennis Tasso Series (H4) ~ sold as a mixture 93 darwinii (H4) dictyophylla (H4) × frikartii 'Amstelveen' (H4) 'Georgei' (H4) julianae (H4) × lologensis 'Apricot Queen' (H4) × media 'Red Jewel' (H4) × ottawensis f. purpurea 'Superba' (H4) × stenophylla (H4) —'Corallina Compacta' (H4) temolaica (H4) thunbergii (H4) —f. atropurpurea 'Atropurpurea Nana' (H4) ——'Bagatelle' (H4) ——'Golden Ring' (H4) ——'Red Chief' (H4) ——'Rose Glow' (v) (H4) verruculosa (H4) 93 × gireaudiana (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Muriel Waterman' (H1) ~ min. 10C pyramidalis (H1) ~ min. 10C vittata (H1) ~ min. 10C × windii (H1) ~ min. 10C Blechnum (Blechnaceae) 02 97 97 93 93 brasiliense (H1) ~ min. 15C chilense (H3) ~ often found under the name B. tabulare penna-marina (H4) spicant (H4) tabulare (Thunb.) Kuhn (H1) ~ rare in cultivation; most ferns grown under this name are B. chilense Bomarea (Alstroemeriaceae) 93 caldasii (H1) ~ min. 2C Bougainvillea (Nyctaginaceae) Bergenia (Saxifragaceae) 97 ferulifolia (H1+3) ~ min. 2C Billardiera (Pittosporaceae) Berberis (Berberidaceae) 93 93 93 02 02 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 albosinensis (H4) —var. septentrionalis (H4) ermanii 'Grayswood Hill' (H4) nigra 'Heritage' (H4) pendula (H4) —'Laciniata' (H4) —'Tristis' (H4) utilis var. jacquemontii 'Doorenbos' (H4) ~ this plant may be available in the trade as Betula utilis var. jacquemontii ——'Grayswood Ghost' (H4) ——'Jermyns' (H4) ——'Silver Shadow' (H4) ~ this plant may be available in the trade as Betula utilis var. jacquemontii Bidens (Asteraceae) Bellis (Asteraceae) 02 yuccoides (H3) 93 'Ballawley' clonal (H4) ~ previously listed under B. purpurascens 'Bressingham White' (H4) cordifolia 'Purpurea' (H4) 'Morgenröte' (H4) purpurascens (H4) —var. delavayi (H4) × schmidtii (H4) 'Silberlicht' (H4) 93 93 93 93 8 × buttiana 'Killie Campbell' (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Mrs Butt' (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Poulton's Special' (H1) ~ min. 10C glabra (H1) ~ min. 10C spectabilis 'Margaret Bacon' (H1) ~ min. 10C Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB Brachyglottis (Asteraceae) 93 93 (Dunedin Group) 'Sunshine' (H4) monroi (H4) 02 Brugmansia (Solanaceae) 93 93 93 02 arborea 'Knightii' (d) (H1) ~ min. 2C; previously listed as Brugmansia x candida 'Knightii' × candida 'Grand Marnier' (H1) ~ min. 2C suaveolens (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 ~ min. 15C —'Argentea' (H1) ~ min. 15C roseopicta (H1) ~ min. 15C zebrina (H1) ~ min. 15C Calceolaria (Scrophulariaceae) 93 93 integrifolia (H3) —'Sunshine' (H2-3) Calendula (Asteraceae) Brunfelsia (Solanaceae) 93 officinalis 'Fiesta Gitana' (H4) pauciflora (H1) ~ min. 10C Callicarpa (Verbenaceae) Brunnera (Boraginaceae) Callisia (Commelinaceae) 93 93 93 93 macrophylla (H4) —'Hadspen Cream' (v) (H4) 93 Buddleja (Buddlejaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 02 02 93 93 93 93 93 02 02 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 02 93 02 02 chinensis Milady Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture Calluna (Ericaceae) 02 02 93 02 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 02 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 umbellatus (H4) balearica (H4) sempervirens (H4) —'Elegantissima' (v) (H4) —'Latifolia Maculata' (v) (H4) —'Suffruticosa' (H4) Calathea (Marantaceae) 02 citrinus 'Splendens' (H3) linearis (H3) salignus (H3) Callistephus (Asteraceae) Buxus (Buxaceae) 02 93 93 93 93 elegans (H1) ~ min. 10C Callistemon (Myrtaceae) alternifolia (H4) asiatica (H2) davidii 'Black Knight' (H4) —'Dartmoor' (H4) —'Empire Blue' (H4) —'Nanho Blue' (H4) ~ previously listed as Buddleja davidii 'Nanho Petite Indigo' —'Nanho Purple' (H4) ~ previously listed as Buddleja davidii 'Nanho Petite Purple' —'Royal Red' (H4) —'White Profusion' (H4) fallowiana var. alba (H3) globosa (H4) 'Lochinch' (H3-4) madagascariensis (H1) ~ min. 2C officinalis (H2) 'Pink Delight' (H4) × weyeriana 'Sungold' (H4) Butomus (Butomaceae) 93 bodinieri var. giraldii 'Profusion' (H4) crocata (H1) ~ min. 15C lancifolia (H1) ~ min. 15C majestica (H1) ~ min. 15C makoyana (H1) ~ min. 15C mediopicta (H1) ~ min. 15C picturata (H1) 9 vulgaris 'Alexandra' (PBR) (H4) —'Alicia' (PBR) (H4) —'Allegro' (H4) —'Anette' (PBR) (H4) —'Annemarie' (d) (H4) —'Anthony Davis' (H4) —'Beoley Gold' (H4) —'County Wicklow' (d) (H4) —'Dark Beauty' (PBR) (d) (H4) —'Dark Star' (d) (H4) —'Darkness' (H4) —'Elsie Purnell' (d) (H4) —'Firefly' (H4) —'Gold Haze' (H4) —'J.H. Hamilton' (d) (H4) —'Joy Vanstone' (H4) —'Kerstin' (H4) —'Kinlochruel' (d) (H4) —'Mair's Variety' (H4) —'Mullion' (H4) —'My Dream' (d) (H4) —'Peter Sparkes' (d) (H4) —'Radnor' (d) (H4) —'Robert Chapman' (H4) —'Roland Haagen' (H4) —'Serlei Aurea' (H4) —'Silver Queen' (H4) —'Silver Rose' (H4) —'Sir John Charrington' (H4) —'Sister Anne' (H4) —'Spring Cream' (H4) —'Sunset' (H4) —'Tib' (d) (H4) —'Velvet Fascination' (H4) —'White Lawn' (H4) —'Wickwar Flame' (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB Calocedrus (Cupressaceae) 93 93 93 02 93 93 02 02 93 02 93 02 93 02 02 93 02 99 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 02 93 02 93 93 02 93 02 decurrens (H4) Caltha (Ranunculaceae) 93 93 palustris (H4) ~ needs boggy soil —'Flore Pleno' (d) (H4) ~ needs boggy soil Camassia (Hyacinthaceae) 93 leichtlinii subsp. leichtlinii (H4) Camellia (Theaceae) 02 93 93 93 02 96 02 93 02 93 93 02 93 02 93 02 02 93 93 93 93 02 02 93 93 02 93 02 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 02 02 02 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 'Black Lace' (reticulata x williamsii) (H4) 'Cornish Snow' (cuspidata x saluenensis) (H4) 'Cornish Spring' (japonica x cuspidata) (H4) 'Doctor Clifford Parks' (reticulata x japonica) (H2) 'Francie L' (saluenensis x reticulata) (H3-4) 'Freedom Bell' (hybrid) (H4) hiemalis 'Sparkling Burgundy' (H3) 'Inspiration' (reticulata x saluenensis) (H4) japonica 'Adelina Patti' (H4) —'Adolphe Audusson' (H4) —'Akashigata' (H4) —'Alba Plena' (H4) —'Alexander Hunter' (H4) —'Annie Wylam' (H4) —'Apple Blossom' (H4) —'Australis' (H4) —'Ave Maria' (H4) —'Ballet Dancer' (H4) —'Berenice Boddy' (H4) —'Bob Hope' (H4) —'Bob's Tinsie' (H4) —'Bokuhan' (H4) —'Brushfield's Yellow' (H4) —'C.M. Hovey' (H4) —'Carter's Sunburst' (H4) —'Commander Mulroy' (H4) —'Coquettii' (H4) —'Desire' (H4) —'Doctor Tinsley' (H4) —'Drama Girl' (H2) —'Elegans' (H4) —'Fire Falls' (H4) —'Gloire de Nantes' (H4) —'Grand Prix' (H4) —'Grand Slam' (H2) —'Guilio Nuccio' (H4) —'Hagoromo' (H4) —'Hakurakuten' (H4) —'Joseph Pfingstl' (H4) —'Jupiter' Paul (H4) —'Konronkoku' (H4) —'Lavinia Maggi' (H4) —'Lily Pons' (H4) —'Lovelight' (H4) —'Margaret Davis Picotee' (H4) —'Mars' (H4) —'Masayoshi' (H4) —'Mathotiana Alba' (H4) —'Mathotiana Rosea' (H4) —'Mercury' (H4) —'Nuccio's Gem' (H4) —'Nuccio's Jewel' (H4) —'R.L. Wheeler' (H4) —'Rubescens Major' (H4) —'San Dimas' (H4) —'Scentsation' (H4) —'Souvenir de Bahuaud-Litou' (H4) —'Sylva' (H4) —'Tom Thumb' (H4) —'Tricolor' (H4) —'Wilamina' (H4) 'Leonard Messel' (reticulata x williamsii) (H4) 'Royalty' (japonica x reticulata) (H3) sasanqua 'Crimson King' (H3) —'Hugh Evans' (H3) —'Jean May' (H3) 'Spring Festival' (cuspidata hybrid) (H4) 'Tom Knudsen' (reticulata x japonica) (H3) 'Tristrem Carlyon' (reticulata hybrid) (H4) × williamsii 'Anticipation' (H4) —'Bowen Bryant' (H4) —'Brigadoon' (H4) —'China Clay' (H4) —'Daintiness' (H4) —'Debbie' (H4) —'Donation' (H4) —'E.T.R. Carlyon' (H4) —'Elegant Beauty' (H4) —'Elsie Jury' (H3) —'Galaxie' (H4) —'George Blandford' (H4) —'Glenn's Orbit' (H4) —'J.C. Williams' (H4) —'Joan Trehane' (H4) —'Julia Hamiter' (H4) —'Jury's Yellow' (H4) —'Les Jury' (H4) —'Mary Christian' (H4) —'Mary Phoebe Taylor' (H4) —'Muskoka' (H4) —'Saint Ewe' (H4) —'Senorita' (H4) —'Water Lily' (H4) —'Wilber Foss' (H4) Campanula (Campanulaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 10 betulifolia (H4) 'Birch Hybrid' (H4) 'Burghaltii' (H4) carpatica (H4) chamissonis 'Superba' (H4) cochleariifolia (H4) formanekiana (H2-3) 'G.F. Wilson' (H4) garganica (H4) —'W.H. Paine' (H4) glomerata 'Superba' (H4) isophylla (H2) —'Alba' (H2) —'Mayi' (H2) 'Joe Elliott' (H2-3) 'Kent Belle' (H4) lactiflora 'Alba' (H4) ~ applies to a selected pure white clone —'Loddon Anna' (H4) —'Prichard's Variety' (H4) —'Superba' (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 94 93 97 latiloba 'Alba' (H4) —'Hidcote Amethyst' (H4) —'Highcliffe Variety' (H4) —'Percy Piper' (H4) persicifolia 'Chettle Charm' (PBR) (H4) —'Fleur de Neige' (d) (H4) portenschlagiana (H4) poscharskyana 'Stella' (H4) raineri (H4) tommasiniana (H4) 02 02 Caryota (Arecaceae) 02 93 93 93 93 radicans f. flava (H4) × tagliabuana 'Madame Galen' (H4) 93 02 canariensis (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 93 93 'Alaska' (H3) 'Amundsen' (H3) 'Annaeei' (H3) 'Aphrodite' van Klaveren (H3) × ehemanii (H3) 'Erebus' (H3) 'General Eisenhower' (H3) indica 'Russian Red' (H3) 'Ingeborg' (H3) 'Louis Cayeux' (H3) 'Musifolia' (H3) 'Mystique' (H3) 'Picasso' (H3) 'Ra' (H3) 'Roi Soleil' (H3) 'Schwäbische Heimat' (H3) 'Shenandoah' (H3) 'Striata' (v) (H3) TROPICANNA = 'Phasion' (PBR) (v) (H3) 'Verdi' (H3) 'Whithelm Pride' (H3) 'Wyoming' (H3) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 pentaphylla (H4) buchananii (H4) elata 'Aurea' (v) (H4) —'Knightshayes' (H4) oshimensis 'Evergold' (v) (H4) 93 93 93 93 pomeridiana (H3) ~ annual; min. 2C californica (H3) 93 betulus (H4) —'Fastigiata' (H4) japonica (H4) turczaninowii (H4) 93 cineraria subsp. cineraria (H3) Ceratostigma (Plumbaginaceae) 93 93 caninus (H1) ~ min. 2C plumbaginoides (H3-4) willmottianum (H3-4) Cercidiphyllum (Cercidiphyllaceae) 93 02 Caryopteris (Verbenaceae) 02 orbiculatus Hermaphrodite Group (H4) Centaurea (Asteraceae) Carruanthus (Aizoaceae) 02 atlantica Glauca Group (H4) ~ previously listed as C. libani subsp. atlantica Glauca Group deodara (H4) —'Aurea' (H4) libani (H4) ~ previously listed as C. libani subsp. libani Celastrus (Celastraceae) Carpinus (Corylaceae) 93 93 02 02 arboreus 'Trewithen Blue' (H3) 'Autumnal Blue' (H3) 'Blue Mound' (H3) 'Burkwoodii' (H3) 'Cascade' (H3) 'Concha' (H3) 'Dark Star' (H3) × delileanus 'Gloire de Versailles' (H4) —'Topaze' (H4) 'Edinburgh' (H3) 'Italian Skies' (H3) 'Puget Blue' (H4) 'Southmead' (H3) thyrsiflorus var. repens (H3) —'Skylark' (H3) Cedrus (Pinaceae) Carpenteria (Hydrangeaceae) 93 roseus (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Albus' (H1) ~ min. 10C Ceanothus (Rhamnaceae) Carpanthea (Aizoaceae) 02 caerulea 'Major' (H4) Catharanthus (Apocynaceae) Carex (Cyperaceae) 02 93 98 93 bignonioides (H4) —'Aurea' (H4) × erubescens 'Purpurea' (H4) Catananche (Asteraceae) Cardamine (Brassicaceae) 00 sativa (H4) —'Albomarginata' (v) (H4) Catalpa (Bignoniaceae) Canna (Cannaceae) 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 'Edinburgh' (H4) lycopodioides (H4) 'Muirhead' (H4) 'Randle Cooke' (H4) Castanea (Fagaceae) Canarina (Campanulaceae) 93 mitis (H1) ~ min. 15C Cassiope (Ericaceae) Campsis (Bignoniaceae) 93 93 ~ often sold as 'Heavenly Blue' —'First Choice' (H3-4) —'Worcester Gold' (H3-4) × clandonensis 'Arthur Simmonds' (H4) 11 japonicum (H4) —f. pendulum (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB ~ min. 10C; many sold under this name are C. microspadix; awarded as C. erumpens Cercis (Caesalpiniaceae) 93 93 canadensis 'Forest Pansy' (H4) siliquastrum (H4) Chamaerops (Arecaceae) Ceropegia (Asclepiadaceae) 93 02 93 93 02 02 93 'Newellii' (H2) parqui (H3) 93 93 speciosa 'Geisha Girl' (H4) —'Moerloosei' (H4) × superba 'Crimson and Gold' (H4) —'Knap Hill Scarlet' (H4) —'Nicoline' (H4) —'Pink Lady' (H4) —'Rowallane' (H4) 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 lawsoniana 'Aurea Densa' (H4) —'Chilworth Silver' (H4) —'Ellwoodii' (H4) —'Ellwood's Gold' (H4) —'Fletcheri' (H4) —'Gimbornii' (H4) —'Grayswood Pillar' (H4) —'Green Hedger' (H4) —'Intertexta' (H4) —'Kilmacurragh' (H4) —'Lanei Aurea' (H4) ~ awarded as C. lawsoniana 'Lane' hort. —'Little Spire' (H4) —'Lutea' (H4) —'Lutea Nana' (H4) —'Minima Aurea' (H4) —'Minima Glauca' (H4) —'Pelt's Blue' (H4) —'Pembury Blue' (H4) —'Pygmaea Argentea' (v) (H4) —'Stardust' (H4) —'Wisselii' (H4) nootkatensis 'Pendula' (H4) obtusa 'Crippsii' (H4) —'Nana' (H4) —'Nana Aurea' (H4) —'Nana Gracilis' (H4) pisifera 'Boulevard' (H4) —'Filifera Aurea' (H4) —'Golden Mop' (H4) thyoides 'Ericoides' (H4) 93 93 93 lavandulacea (H1) ~ min. 10C; annual sinensis (H1) ~ min. 10C Chlorophytum (Anthericaceae) 93 93 comosum 'Variegatum' (v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C —'Vittatum' (v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C Choisya (Rutaceae) 93 93 93 'Aztec Pearl' (H4) ternata (H4) —SUNDANCE = 'Lich' (PBR) (H3) Chorizema (Papilionaceae) 93 cordatum (H1) ~ min. 2C Chrysanthemum (Asteraceae) 93 97 95 97 93 94 94 purpureus 'Atropurpureus' (H4) 94 Chamaedorea (Arecaceae) 93 luciliae Boissier (H4) sardensis (H4) siehei (H4) ~ previously listed as C. forbesii Siehei Group Chirita (Gesneriaceae) Chamaecytisus (Papilionaceae) 93 praecox 'Grandiflorus' (H4) —var. luteus (H4) Chionodoxa (Hyacinthaceae) Chamaecyparis (Cupressaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 oppositifolium (H4) Chimonanthus (Calycanthaceae) Chaenomeles (Rosaceae) 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 denticulata (H1) ~ min. 2C peculiaris (H1) ~ min. 2C Chiastophyllum (Crassulaceae) Cestrum (Solanaceae) 93 93 humilis (H3) Cheiridopsis (Aizoaceae) linearis subsp. woodii (H1) ~ min. 10C sandersonii (H1) ~ min. 2C stapeliiformis (H1) ~ min. 2C elegans (H1) ~ min. 10C metallica Cook (H1) ~ min. 10C seifrizii (H1) 94 94 93 12 'Allouise' (25b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open 'Amber Enbee Wedding' (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Amber Yvonne Arnaud' (24b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open 'Angora' (25b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open 'Anna Marie' (19c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Apricot Margaret' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Apricot Shoesmith Salmon' (4a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Bagley Rose' (15b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Bagley Tang' (15b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Beacon' (5a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Blush Shoesmith Salmon' (H2) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 95 00 94 93 95 93 01 93 93 93 99 93 98 01 01 93 96 93 93 93 93 93 93 94 94 93 93 93 98 96 ~ disbudded, under glass BRAVO = 'Yobra' (PBR) (22c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Brietner' (24b) (H3) 'Bronze Cassandra' (5b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Bronze Enbee Wedding' (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Bronze Fairie' (28b) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Bronze Margaret' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Bronze Max Riley' (23b) (H3) 'Bronze Mayford Perfection' (5a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Bronze Nurosemary' (9d) (H2) ~ spray, under glass 'Bronze Pennine Wine' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Bronze Talbot Parade' (29c) (H3) 'Cameo' (28a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Candlewick Limelight' (29d) (H3) 'Cassandra' (5b) (H2) ~ disbudded; late-flowering 'Cerise Mundial' (H2) ~ spray; late-flowering 'Cerise Shoesmith Salmon' (4a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Cherry Nathalie' (19c) (H3) ~ spray, for garden decoration, grown in the open without overhead protection at flowering time 'Chestnut Talbot Parade' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Cream Margaret' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Creamist' (25b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open 'Crimson Shoesmith Salmon' (4b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Crimson Yvonne Arnaud' (24b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open DANA = 'Yodana' (25b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open 'Dark Red Mayford Perfection' (4b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Deane Dainty' (9f) (H2) ~ spray, under glass DEBONAIR = 'Yodebo' (PBR) (22c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Dee Gem' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Denise' (28b) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Dowches Patricia' (29d) (H3) 'Eastleigh' (24b) (H3) ~ disbudded, for garden decoration, grown in the open without overhead protection at flowering time 94 93 95 94 93 93 94 94 01 94 93 93 93 93 96 93 94 93 93 93 02 93 01 93 99 93 95 98 93 95 93 13 EMILY = 'Yoemily' (22) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Enbee Wedding' (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Fairie' (28a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Fiji' (9c) (H2) ~ spray, under glass 'Fleet Margaret' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Galaxy' (9d) (H2) ~ spray, under glass 'George Griffiths' (24b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open 'Gold Enbee Wedding' (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Gold Mundial' (H2) ~ spray; late-flowering 'Golden Cassandra' (5b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Golden Creamist' (25b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open 'Golden Margaret' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Golden Mayford Perfection' (5a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Golden Shoesmith Salmon' (4a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Golden Snowdon' (3b) (H2) ~ late flowering GOLDMINE = 'Yogol' (22c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Goodlife Sombrero' (29a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open GRENADINE = 'Yogrena' (22c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Heide' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open HOLLY = 'Yoholly' (22b) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Lautrec' (H3) 'Lemon Margaret' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open LISA = 'Yolisa' (PBR) (22c) (H3) 'Long Island Beauty' (6b) (H2) ~ spray, under glass LYNN = 'Yolynn' (PBR) (22c) (H3) 'Madeleine' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Mancetta Bride' (29a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Mancetta Jupiter' (29a) (H3) 'Margaret' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Mavis' (28a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Max Riley' (23b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 96 93 93 93 97 96 94 99 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 94 00 96 93 93 94 93 93 94 98 94 93 93 96 'May Shoesmith' (5a) (H2) ~ late flowering 'Mayford Perfection' (5a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass MIRAGE = 'Yomira' (22b) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Myss Angie' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Myss Madi' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Nantyderry Sunshine' (28b) (H4) 'Nathalie' (19c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open NICOLE = 'Yonicole' (PBR) (22c) (H3) 'Nora Brook' (25b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open 'Nuflair' (24b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open 'Nurosemary' (9d) (H2) ~ spray, under glass 'Orange Shoesmith Salmon' (4b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Orno' (29b) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Payton Dale' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Payton Prince' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Peach Allouise' (25b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open 'Peach Enbee Wedding' (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Peach Fiji' (9c) (H2) ~ spray, under glass 'Peak Glow' (H3) 'Pennine Alfie' (29f) (H3) ~ spray, for garden decoration, grown in the open without overhead protection at flowering time 'Pennine Calypso' (29b) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pennine Canary' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pennine Club' (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pennine Flute' (29f) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pennine Gambol' (29a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pennine Ginger' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pennine Glory' (29c) (H3) 'Pennine Goal' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pennine Jade' (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pennine Jude' (29a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pennine Lace' (29f) (H3) 94 93 94 97 93 93 99 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 96 94 94 94 93 93 98 93 97 00 93 01 93 93 02 94 14 ~ spray, for garden decoration, grown in the open without overhead protection at flowering time 'Pennine Lotus' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pennine Magic' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pennine Magnet' (29a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pennine Marie' (29a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pennine Oriel' (29a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pennine Phyllis' (29b) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pennine Polo' (29d) (H3) 'Pennine Signal' (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pennine Silver' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pennine Soldier' (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pennine Sweetheart' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pennine Tango' (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pennine Twinkle' (29a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pennine Whistle' (29f) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pink Deane Joy' (9a) (H2) ~ late flowering 'Pink Frill' (9f) (H2) ~ spray, under glass 'Pink Gin' (9c) (H2) ~ spray, under glass 'Pink Julie Ann' (24b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open 'Pink Margaret' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Pink Nurosemary' (9d) (H2) ~ spray, under glass 'Pinocchio' (29c) (H3) 'Poppet' (28a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Primrose Allouise' (24b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open 'Primrose Enbee Wedding' (29d) (H3) 'Primrose Mayford Perfection' (5a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Princess Anne' (4b) (H2) ~ disbudded; late-flowering 'Purple Pennine Wine' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Purple Shoesmith Salmon' (4a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Purple Talbot Parade' (H3) 'Red Bagley Tang' (15b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 96 93 93 94 94 96 93 93 94 94 96 98 93 94 93 94 94 96 93 94 93 93 94 93 94 93 93 97 'Red Medallion' (H2) ~ spray, under glass 'Red Resilient' (4b) (H2) ~ late flowering 'Red Wendy' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Regalia' (24b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open 'Resilient' (4b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Robeam' (9c) (H2) ~ spray, under glass 'Ropure' (9c) (H2) ~ late flowering 'Rose Mayford Perfection' (5a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Rosedew' (25a) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open 'Roy Coopland' (5b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Royal Fiji' (9c) (H2) ~ spray, under glass 'Royal Knight' (22c) (H3) ~ spray, for garden decoration, grown in the open without overhead protection at flowering time 'Ruby Enbee Wedding' (29d) (H3) 'Rylands Gem' (24b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open 'Rynoon' (9d) (H2) ~ spray, under glass 'Rystar' (9d) (H2) ~ spray, under glass 'Salmon Cassandra' (5b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Salmon Enbee Wedding' (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Salmon Fairie' (28a) (H3) ~ spray, for garden decoration, grown in the open without overhead protection at flowering time 'Salmon Nurosemary' (9d) (H2) ~ spray, under glass 'Salmon Pennine Rose' (29b) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Salmon Pennine Wine' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Salmon Talbot Parade' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Satin Pink Gin' (PBR) (9c) (H2) ~ spray, under glass 'Shoesmith Salmon' (4a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Snowdon' (5b/9c) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Solley' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Southway Sure' (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Southway Swan' (29d) (H3) 96 01 02 93 01 93 93 93 93 02 94 02 93 94 93 92 95 93 93 96 94 94 93 93 93 94 93 02 93 93 93 15 ~ spray, in the open 'Sputnik' (9f) (H2) ~ late flowering 'Stockton' (3b) (H2) ~ disbudded; late-flowering SUNNY LINDA = 'Sunny Lindayo' (22c) (H3) 'Superbronze Shoesmith Salmon' (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Susan's Bonnet' (29a) (H3) 'Swalwell' (25b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open 'Talbot Bouquet' (29a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Talbot Imp' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Talbot Parade' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Tightrope' (H3) 'Tricia' (9d) (H2) ~ spray, under glass 'Turner' (H3) 'Vibrant' (9c) (H2) ~ spray, under glass 'Victor Rowe' (5b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Wendy' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Wessex Shell' (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Wessex Tang' (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'White Allouise' (25b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open 'White Margaret' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'White Rynoon' (9d) (H2) ~ late flowering 'White Sands' (9a) (H2) ~ spray, under glass 'Yellow American Beauty' (5b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Yellow Fairie' (28b) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Yellow Galaxy' (9d) (H2) ~ spray, under glass 'Yellow Heide' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Yellow John Hughes' (3b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Yellow Long Island Beauty' (6a) (H2) ~ spray, under glass 'Yellow Mancetta Bride' (H3) 'Yellow Margaret' (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Yellow Mayford Perfection' (5a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Yellow Nurosemary' (9d) (H2) ~ spray, under glass Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 94 94 98 93 93 93 'Yellow Pennine Oriel' (29a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 'Yellow Resilient' (5b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 'Yellow Rio' (22d) (H3) 'Yellow Shoesmith Salmon' (4a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass yezoense (H4) 'Yvonne Arnaud' (24b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open 02 93 02 02 02 93 02 02 02 02 02 93 Chrysothemis (Gesneriaceae) 93 pulchella (H1) ~ min. 10C Chusquea (Poaceae) 93 02 02 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 02 93 93 02 02 93 93 02 02 93 93 02 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 02 02 02 93 02 02 culeou (H4) Cissus (Vitaceae) 93 93 93 antarctica (H1) ~ min. 2C rhombifolia (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Ellen Danica' (H1) ~ min. 10C Cistus (Cistaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 02 93 93 02 × aguilarii 'Maculatus' (H3) × argenteus 'Peggy Sammons' (H3) × cyprius (H4) —var. ellipticus 'Elma' (H3) × dansereaui 'Decumbens' (H4) 'Grayswood Pink' (H4) ladanifer L. (H3) laurifolius (H4) populifolius subsp. major (H3) ~ awarded as Cistus populifolius var. lasiocalyx × pulverulentus 'Sunset' (H3) × purpureus (H3) × skanbergii (H3) 'Snow Fire' (H4) × Citrofortunella (Rutaceae) 93 02 microcarpa (F) (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Tiger' (v/F) (H1) ~ min. 10C Citrus (Rutaceae) 02 02 limon 'Variegata' (F/v) (H1) ~ min. 10C × meyeri 'Meyer' (F) (H1) ~ min. 2C Cleistocactus (Cactaceae) 93 93 ritteri (H1) ~ min. 2-10C strausii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C Clematis (Ranunculaceae) 02 02 93 02 93 02 'Abundance' (Vt) (H4) ALABAST = 'Poulala' (PBR) (Fl) (H4) 'Alba Luxurians' (Vt) (H4) 'Alionushka' (D) (H4) alpina (A) (H4) —'Constance' (A) (H4) 16 —'Foxy' (A) (H4) —'Frances Rivis' (A) (H4) —'Frankie' (A) (H4) —'Jacqueline du Pré' (A) (H4) —'Pink Flamingo' (A) (H4) —'White Columbine' (A) (H4) ANNA LOUISE = 'Evithree' (PBR) (P) (H4) 'Arabella' (D) (H4) ARCTIC QUEEN = 'Evitwo' (PBR) (Fl) (H4) armandii 'Apple Blossom' (H4) 'Betty Corning' (VtxT) (H4) 'Bill MacKenzie' (Ta) (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001; plants raised from seed are not entitled to this cultivar name 'Blekitny Aniol' (J/Vt) (H4) × cartmanii hort. 'Avalanche' (PBR) (Fo) (H3) cirrhosa 'Freckles' (H3) —'Wisley Cream' (H3) 'Comtesse de Bouchaud' (J) (H4) 'Daniel Deronda' (P) (H4) × durandii (D) (H4) 'Edith' (L) (H4) 'Ernest Markham' (J/Vt) (H4) 'Etoile Violette' (Vt) (H4) 'Fuji-musume' (L) (H4) 'Gillian Blades' (P) (H4) 'Gipsy Queen' (J) (H4) GOLDEN TIARA = 'Kugotia' (PBR) (Ta) (H4) 'Helsingborg' (A) (H4) 'Henryi' (P) (H4) 'Huldine' (Vt) (H4) integrifolia 'Pangbourne Pink' (H4) —'Rosea' (H4) 'Jackmanii' (J) (H4) 'John Huxtable' (J) (H4) JOSEPHINE = 'Evijohill' (PBR) (H4) × jouiniana 'Praecox' (H4) 'Ken Donson' (L) (H4) 'Kermesina' (Vt) (H4) 'Lasurstern' (P) (H4) macropetala 'Lagoon' Jackman 1959 (A/d) (H4) —'Markham's Pink' (A/d) (H4) 'Madame Grangé' (J) (H4) 'Madame Julia Correvon' (Vt) (H4) 'Marie Boisselot' (L) (H4) marmoraria (Fo) (H2-3) 'Minuet' (Vt) (H4) 'Miss Bateman' (P) (H4) montana f. grandiflora (H4) —var. rubens 'Broughton Star' (d) (H4) ——'Elizabeth' (H4) ——'Freda' (H4) ——'Mayleen' (H4) ——'Tetrarose' (H4) 'Mrs Cholmondeley' (L) (H4) 'Mrs George Jackman' (P) (H4) 'Nelly Moser' (L/P) (H4) 'Niobe' (J) (H4) 'Pagoda' (PxVt) (H4) 'Paul Farges' (H4) PETIT FAUCON = 'Evisix' (PBR) (H4) 'Polish Spirit' (Vt) (H4) 'Prince Charles' (J) (H4) 'Princess Diana' (T) (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 02 93 02 93 93 02 02 93 93 93 93 02 02 93 02 93 rehderiana (H4) 'Rhapsody' F. Watkinson (P) (H4) 'Richard Pennell' (P) (H4) 'Rosy O'Grady' (A) (H4) 'Royal Velours' (Vt) (H4) 'Royalty' (LxP) (H4) 'Sunset' (J) (H4) tangutica 'Lambton Park' (H4) 'The President' (P) (H4) × triternata 'Rubromarginata' (H4) tubulosa 'Wyevale' (H) (H4) ~ previously listed under C. heracleifolia var. davidiana 'Venosa Violacea' (Vt) (H4) 'Victoria' (J) (H4) viticella (H4) —'Purpurea Plena Elegans' (d) (H4) 'Warszawska Nike' (J) (H4) 'Will Goodwin' (L) (H4) 93 93 97 97 97 Colocasia (Araceae) 93 02 93 02 93 93 hassleriana 'Helen Campbell' (H3) 93 Clerodendrum (Verbenaceae) 02 02 93 93 93 chinense var. chinense (d) (H1) ~ min. 15C; awarded as Clerodendrum chinense 'Pleniflorum' myricoides 'Ugandense' (H1) ~ min. 15C splendens (H1) ~ min. 15C thomsoniae (H1) ~ min. 15C trichotomum var. fargesii (H4) 02 02 02 02 02 alnifolia 'Paniculata' (H4) barbinervis (H4) 02 Clianthus (Papilionaceae) 93 93 02 puniceus (H2) —'Albus' (H2) 02 Clivia (Amaryllidaceae) 93 93 02 02 miniata (H1) ~ min. 2C —'Aurea' (H1) ~ min. 2C —var. citrina (H1) ~ min. 2C nobilis (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 93 93 93 cneorum (H3) sabatius (H3) tricolor 'Blue Ensign' (H4) Copiapoa (Cactaceae) 93 scandens (H3) —f. alba (H3) hypogaea (H1) ~ min. 2-10C Coprosma (Rubiaceae) 02 grey-wilsonii (H4) ~ previously listed as C. convolvulacea, under which name the plant is widely cultivated 02 repens 'Marble Queen' (m/v) (H1-2) ~ min. 2C —'Picturata' (m/v) (H1-2) ~ min. 2C Cordyline (Agavaceae) Colchicum (Colchicaceae) 93 97 93 97 97 majalis (H4) Convolvulus (Convolvulaceae) Codonopsis (Campanulaceae) 93 bilobum (H1) ~ min. 2C flavum (H1) ~ min. 2C gratum (H1) ~ min. 2C longum (H1) ~ min. 2C minimum (H1) ~ min. 2C obcordellum (H1) ~ min. 2C pellucidum (H1) ~ min. 2C truncatum (H1) ~ min. 2C Convallaria (Convallariaceae) Cobaea (Cobaeaceae) 93 93 × banksii (H1) ~ min. 15C 'Chanticleer' (H1) ~ min. 10C gloriosa 'Superba' (H1) ~ min. 15C hirta (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Kewensis Variegata' (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Stavanger' (H1) ~ min. 10C Conophytum (Aizoaceae) Clethra (Clethraceae) 93 93 esculenta (H1) ~ min. 15C Columnea (Gesneriaceae) Cleome (Capparaceae) 93 speciosum (H4) —'Album' (H4) —'Cedric Morris' (H4) tenorei (H4) 'Waterlily' (d) (H4) 93 94 02 02 02 agrippinum (H4) autumnale 'Nancy Lindsay' (H4) byzantinum (H4) 'Pink Goblet' (H4) 'Rosy Dawn' (H4) 17 australis (H3) —'Albertii' (v) (H3) —'Sundance' (H3) —'Torbay Dazzler' (v) (H3) —'Torbay Red' (H3) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 02 02 02 02 02 fruticosa 'Amabilis' (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Baptistii' (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Firebrand' (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Guilfoylei' (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Red Edge' (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 00 Corylopsis (Hamamelidaceae) 93 93 93 01 01 01 93 93 tinctoria 'Sunrise' (H4) verticillata 'Grandiflora' (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 —'Moonbeam' (H4) —'Old Timer' (H4) —'Zagreb' (H4) 02 93 93 99 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 valentina subsp. glauca (H3) ——'Citrina' (H3) 93 93 93 93 93 alba 'Pinkie' (H2) backhouseana (H2) 'Dusky Bells' (H2) 'Mannii' (H2) 'Marian's Marvel' (H2) pulchella (H2) reflexa (H2) 00 00 00 adpressus (H4) atropurpureus 'Variegatus' (v) (H4) bullatus (H4) cashmiriensis (H4) ~ usually grown as C. cochleatus conspicuus 'Decorus' (H4) ~ as grown in gardens dammeri (H4) frigidus 'Cornubia' (H4) horizontalis (H4) integrifolius (H4) ~ often sold as C. microphyllus lacteus (H4) salicifolius 'Rothschildianus' (H4) simonsii (H4) sternianus (H4) × watereri 'John Waterer' (H4) Crambe (Brassicaceae) 93 02 cordifolia (H4) maritima (H4) Crassula (Crassulaceae) richardii (Endl.) Zotov (H3-4) selloana 'Aureolineata' (v) (H3) —'Pumila' (H4) —'Sunningdale Silver' (H3) 93 93 Corydalis (Papaveraceae) 00 02 93 coggygria (H4) —'Royal Purple' (H4) 'Flame' (H4) obovatus (H4) Cotoneaster (Rosaceae) Cortaderia (Poaceae) 02 93 93 93 bipinnatus 'Sensation Pinkie' (H4) —Sonata Series (H4) ~ sold as a mixture Cotinus (Anacardiaceae) Correa (Rutaceae) 02 93 02 93 02 02 02 andreae (H1) ~ min. 2-10C pallida (H1) ~ min. 2-10C Cosmos (Asteraceae) alba 'Aurea' (H4) —'Elegantissima' (v) (H4) —'Sibirica' (H4) —'Spaethii' (v) (H4) alternifolia 'Argentea' (v) (H4) canadensis (H4) controversa 'Variegata' (v) (H4) 'Eddie's White Wonder' (H4) florida 'Cherokee Chief' (H4) kousa var. chinensis (H4) —'Satomi' (H4) mas 'Golden Glory' (H4) —'Variegata' (v) (H4) 'Norman Hadden' (H4) 'Porlock' (H4) sericea 'Flaviramea' (H4) ~ awarded as Cornus stolonifera 'Flaviramea' —'White Gold' (v) (H4) ~ awarded as Cornus stolonifera 'White Gold' Coronilla (Papilionaceae) 93 93 colurna (H4) maxima 'Purpurea' (F) (H4) Coryphantha (Cactaceae) Cornus (Cornaceae) 95 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 pauciflora (H4) sinensis var. calvescens f. veitchiana (H4) —var. sinensis (H4) Corylus (Corylaceae) Coreopsis (Asteraceae) 93 93 ~ previously listed under f. transsylvanica ——'George Baker' (H4) ~ previously listed under f. transsylvanica; reconfirmed after trial 2000 triternata (H4) 93 decipiens hort. (H4) flexuosa (H4) malkensis (H4) ~ re-confirmed after Trial, 2000 schanginii subsp. ainii (H2) solida subsp. incisa (H4) —subsp. solida 'Dieter Schacht' (H4) 93 93 18 falcata (H1) ~ min. 10C ovata (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Hummel's Sunset' (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C pyramidalis (H1) ~ min. 10C rupestris (H1) ~ min. 10C Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB Crataegus (Rosaceae) 93 93 93 93 Cryptanthus (Bromeliaceae) laevigata 'Paul's Scarlet' (d) (H4) —'Rosea Flore Pleno' (d) (H4) × lavalleei 'Carrierei' (H4) ~ often listed as C. x lavalleei persimilis 'Prunifolia' (H4) 93 93 93 Crepis (Asteraceae) 93 incana (H4) 93 Crinodendron (Elaeocarpaceae) 93 hookerianum (H3) 93 Crinum (Amaryllidaceae) 93 97 × powellii (H3) —'Album' (H3) 93 Cryptomeria (Cupressaceae) Crocosmia (Iridaceae) 02 93 02 93 93 02 02 × crocosmiiflora 'Carmin Brillant' (H3-4) —'Solfatare' (H3) —'Star of the East' (H3) 'Lucifer' (H4) masoniorum (H3) —'Rowallane Yellow' (H3-4) 'Severn Sunrise' (H3-4) 93 93 93 98 93 93 angustifolius (H4) banaticus (H4) cartwrightianus (H4) —'Albus' Tubergen (H4) chrysanthus (H4) —'Blue Pearl' (H4) —'Cream Beauty' (H4) —'E.A. Bowles' (H4) —'Ladykiller' (H4) —'Snow Bunting' (H4) —'Zwanenburg Bronze' (H4) corsicus (H4) etruscus (H4) flavus subsp. flavus (H4) goulimyi (H4) —subsp. goulimyi 'Mani White' (H4) hadriaticus (H4) imperati (H4) kotschyanus (H4) laevigatus (H4) longiflorus (H4) × luteus 'Golden Yellow' (H4) malyi (H2-4) medius (H4) ochroleucus (H4) pulchellus (H4) sieberi (H4) —'Albus' (H4) —'Hubert Edelsten' (H4) —subsp. sublimis 'Tricolor' (H4) speciosus (H4) —'Albus' (H4) tommasinianus (H4) tournefortii (H2-4) 'Zephyr' (H4) ~ awarded as C. pulchellus 'Zephyr' 93 93 amabilis (H1) ~ min. 15C lubbersiana (H1) ~ min. 15C oppenheimiana 'Tricolor' (H1) ~ min. 15C Cuphea (Lythraceae) 93 93 hyssopifolia (H1) ~ min. 2C ignea (H1) ~ min. 2C × Cupressocyparis (Cupressaceae) 02 93 93 leylandii (H4) —'Gold Rider' (H4) —'Robinson's Gold' (H4) Cupressus (Cupressaceae) 02 93 93 93 02 93 arizonica var. glabra 'Blue Ice' (H3) —'Pyramidalis' (H3) cashmeriana (H2) ~ previously listed as C. torulosa 'Cashmeriana' macrocarpa 'Goldcrest' (H3) —'Golden Pillar' (H3) sempervirens Stricta Group (H3) ~ previously listed as C. sempervirens 'Stricta' Cyananthus (Campanulaceae) 93 93 lobatus (H4) microphyllus (H4) Cyanotis (Commelinaceae) 93 93 kewensis (H1) ~ min. 10C somaliensis (H1) ~ min. 10C Cycas (Cycadaceae) 93 Crossandra (Acanthaceae) 02 japonica (H4) —'Bandai-sugi' (H4) —'Elegans Compacta' (H4) —'Globosa Nana' (H4) —'Vilmoriniana' (H4) Ctenanthe (Marantaceae) Crocus (Iridaceae) 93 93 93 94 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 94 94 93 93 94 94 93 93 93 94 93 93 93 93 93 93 94 93 93 94 bivittatus (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Pink Starlight' (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C bromelioides var. tricolor (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C fosterianus (H1) ~ min. 10C 'It' (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C zonatus (H1) ~ min. 10C revoluta (H1) ~ min. 2C Cyclamen (Primulaceae) infundibuliformis (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 95 19 cilicium (H2-4) 'Concerto Apollo' (H1) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 93 96 96 96 96 93 96 96 96 96 93 95 95 95 95 93 93 93 95 95 95 95 95 ~ min. 5C ~ from seed; min. 2C coum (H4) —subsp. coum f. coum Pewter Group (H2-4) hederifolium (H4) 'Laser Rose' (H2) ~ intermediate type 'Laser Salmon with Eye' (H2) ~ intermediate type 'Laser Scarlet' (H2) ~ intermediate type 'Laser White' (H2) ~ intermediate type mirabile (H2-3) 'Miracle Deep Rose' (H2) ~ miniature 'Miracle Deep Salmon' (H2) ~ miniature 'Miracle Scarlet' (H2) ~ miniature 'Miracle White' (H2) ~ miniature peloponnesiacum (H2-3) ~ previously listed as Cyclamen repandum subsp. peloponnesiacum persicum 'Halios Bright Fuchsia' (H1) ~ from seed; min. 2C —'Halios Scarlet Red' (H1) ~ from seed; min. 2C —'Halios Violet' (H1) ~ from seed; min. 2C; awarded as C. 'Halios Cattleya Violet' —'Halios White' (H1) ~ from seed; min. 2C pseudibericum (H2-3) purpurascens (H4) repandum subsp. repandum (H3) 'Sierra Fuchsia' (Sierra Series) (H1) ~ from seed; min. 2C 'Sierra Light Purple' (Sierra Series) (H1) ~ from seed; min. 2C 'Sierra Pink With Eye' (Sierra Series) (H1) ~ from seed; min. 2C 'Sierra Scarlet' (Sierra Series) (H1) ~ from seed; min. 2C 'Sierra White With Eye' (Sierra Series) (H1) ~ from seed; min. 2C Cyrtanthus (Amaryllidaceae) 93 02 Cyrtomium (Dryopteridaceae) 93 97 93 93 94 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 02 elata (H4) foliosa (H4) Dahlia (Asteraceae) 96 94 93 99 96 00 94 97 98 95 96 99 95 02 02 95 95 96 95 95 93 94 02 oblonga 'Vranja' Nenadovic (F) (H4) cardunculus (H3-4) amabile (H4) Cyperus (Cyperaceae) 93 cantabrica f. alba 'David Moss' (H4) —'Bicolor' (H4) —subsp. scotica 'Jack Drake' (H4) ——'Silverwells' (H4) ——'William Buchanan' (H4) —'Waley's Red' (H4) Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae) Cynoglossum (Boraginaceae) 93 ardoinoi (H4) battandieri (H4) —'Yellow Tail' (H4) × beanii (H4) 'Boskoop Ruby' (H4) 'Burkwoodii' (H4) 'Hollandia' (H4) × kewensis (H4) ~ only for the largest of rock gardens 'Lena' (H4) multiflorus (H4) × praecox 'Allgold' (H4) —'Warminster' (H4) scoparius f. andreanus (H4) 'Zeelandia' (H4) Daboecia (Ericaceae) Cynara (Asteraceae) 93 falcatum (H3) ~ min. 2C fortunei (H4) Cytisus (Papilionaceae) Cydonia (Rosaceae) 93 elatus (H1) ~ min. 10C falcatus (H1) ~ min. 2C involucratus (H1) ~ min. 2C papyrus (H1) ~ min. 5C —'Nanus' (H1) 20 'Allan Sparkes' (SWL) (H3) 'Almand's Climax' (GD) (H3) 'Alva's Doris' (SS-c) (H3) 'Alva's Supreme' (GD) (H3) 'Andrew Magson' (SS-c) (H3) 'Asahi Chohje' (Anem) (H3) 'Autumn Lustre' (SWL) (H3) 'Aylett's Gaiety' (MinD/DwB) (H3) 'Bednall Beauty' (Misc/DwB) (H3) 'Bishop of Llandaff' (Misc) (H3) 'Bridge View Aloha' (MS-c) (H3) 'Brookfield Delight' (Sin/Lil) (H3) 'Candy Cupid' (MinBa) (H3) 'Catherine Bateson' (MinWL) (H3) 'Chessy' (Sin/Lil) (H3) 'Clair de Lune' (Col) (H3) 'Cream Alva's' (GD) (H3) 'Dark Stranger' (MC) (H3) 'Davar Donna' (MS-c) (H3) 'David Howard' (MinD) (H3) 'Ellen Huston' (Sin/DwB) (H3) 'Fascination' (SWL/DwB) (H3) Figaro Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 95 95 00 96 99 99 02 00 00 00 01 99 93 93 00 93 94 93 93 96 97 93 97 96 96 96 95 93 00 94 94 94 98 94 93 95 01 96 95 95 01 98 96 00 98 98 98 98 96 95 96 93 95 94 01 95 94 98 93 98 00 99 93 99 'Figurine' (SWL) (H3) 'Finchcocks' (SWL) (H3) 'Freya's Paso Doble' (Anem) (H3) 'Freya's Thalia' (Sin/Lil) (H3) 'Gallery Art Deco' (PBR) (SD) (H3) 'Gallery Art Nouveau' (PBR) (MinD) (H3) 'Gallery Cobra' (PBR) (MinD) (H3) 'Gallery Degas' (PBR) (MinD) (H3) 'Gallery Leonardo' (PBR) (SD) (H3) 'Gallery Pablo' (PBR) (SD) (H3) 'Gallery Renoir' (PBR) (SD) (H3) 'Gallery Vincent' (PBR) (MinD) (H3) 'Garden Party' (MC/DwB) (H3) 'Geerlings' Indian Summer' (MS-c) (H3) 'Geoffrey Kent' (MinD) (H3) 'Glorie van Heemstede' (SWL) (H3) 'Hamari Accord' (LS-c) (H3) 'Hamari Bride' (MS-c) (H3) 'Hamari Gold' (GD) (H3) 'Hamari Rosé' (MinBa) (H3) 'Hamari Sunshine' (LD) (H3) 'Hamilton Lillian' (SD) (H3) 'Harvest Amanda' (Sin/Lil) (H3) 'Harvest Inflammation' (Sin/Lil) (H3) 'Harvest Samantha' (Sin/Lil) (H3) 'Harvest Tiny Tot' (Sin/Lil) (H3) 'Hillcrest Desire' (SC) (H3) 'Hillcrest Royal' (MC) (H3) 'Honka' (Misc) (H3) 'Ice Cream Beauty' (SWL) (H3) 'Jeanette Carter' (MinD) (H3) 'John Street' (SWL) (H3) 'Jomanda' (MinBa) (H3) 'Karenglen' (MinD) (H3) 'Kathleen's Alliance' (SC) (H3) 'Kathryn's Cupid' (MinBa) (H3) 'Kenora Sunset' (MS-c) (H3) 'Kenora Valentine' (LD) (H3) 'Kidd's Climax' (GD) (H3) 'Lemon Elegans' (SS-c) (H3) 'Lilac Taratahi' (SC) (H3) 'Lismore Willie' (SWL) (H3) 'Little Dorrit' (Sin/Lil) (H3) 'Marie Schnugg' (Misc) (H3) 'Minley Carol' (Pom) (H3) 'Moonfire' (Misc/DwB) (H3) 'Nicola Jane' (Pom) (H3) 'NZ's Robert' (MinWL/Lil) (H3) 'Omo' (Sin/Lil) (H3) 'Peach Cupid' (MinBa) (H3) 'Peachette' (Misc/Lil) (H3) 'Pearl of Heemstede' (SD) (H3) 'Phill's Pink' (SD) (H3) 'Pink Pastelle' (MS-c) (H3) 'Pink Sensation' (SC) (H3) 'Porcelain' (SWL) (H3) 'Preston Park' (Sin/DwB) (H3) 'Small World' (Pom) (H3) 'So Dainty' (MinS-c) (H3) 'Tally Ho' (Misc) (H3) 'Taratahi Ruby' (SWL) (H3) 'Tu Jays Nicola' (Misc) (H3) 'Wandy' (Pom) (H3) 'Weston Pirate' (MinC) (H3) 99 97 93 93 93 94 94 94 95 'Weston Spanish Dancer' (MinC) (H3) 'White Alva's' (GD) (H3) 'White Ballet' (SD) (H3) 'Wittemans Superba' (SS-c) (H3) 'Wootton Cupid' (MinBa) (H3) 'Wootton Impact' (MS-c) (H3) 'Yellow Hammer' (Sin/DwB) (H3) 'Yelno Harmony' (SD) (H3) 'Zorro' (GD) (H3) Daphne (Thymelaeaceae) 93 93 93 02 93 93 02 93 93 93 arbuscula (H4) bholua 'Jacqueline Postill' (H3) × burkwoodii (H4) —'G.K. Argles' (v) (H4) cneorum 'Eximia' (H4) × napolitana (H4) odora 'Aureomarginata' (v) (H3-4) pontica (H4) tangutica (H4) —Retusa Group (H4) Darlingtonia (Sarraceniaceae) 93 californica (H1) ~ min. 2C Darmera (Saxifragaceae) 93 peltata (H4) ~ can be invasive Dasylirion (Dracaenaceae) 02 wheeleri (H1) ~ min. 2C Datura (Solanaceae) 02 inoxia (H3) ~ can be annual or perennial Davallia (Davalliaceae) 93 93 canariensis (H1) ~ min. 10C mariesii (H3) ~ min. 2C Davidia (Cornaceae) 93 93 involucrata (H4) —var. vilmoriniana (H4) Delosperma (Aizoaceae) 02 aberdeenense (H1) ~ min. 2C Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) 01 01 93 93 93 99 96 01 98 99 93 98 00 93 93 93 21 'Atholl' (H4) (Belladonna Group) 'Atlantis' (H4) 'Blue Dawn' (H4) 'Blue Nile' (H4) 'Bruce' (H4) 'Can-can' (H4) 'Cassius' (H4) 'Cherub' (H4) 'Claire' (H4) 'Clifford Sky' (H4) 'Conspicuous' (H4) 'Constance Rivett' (H4) 'Elizabeth Cook' (H4) 'Emily Hawkins' (H4) 'Faust' (H4) 'Fenella' (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 02 93 93 93 95 93 93 01 98 94 00 98 96 93 93 93 93 93 00 93 96 'Galileo' (H4) 'Gillian Dallas' (H4) 'Giotto' (H4) 'Langdon's Royal Flush' (H4) 'Lilian Bassett' (H4) 'Loch Leven' (H4) 'Lord Butler' (H4) 'Lucia Sahin' (H4) 'Michael Ayres' (H4) 'Min' (H4) 'Olive Poppleton' (H4) 'Oliver' (H4) 'Our Deb' (H4) 'Rosemary Brock' (H4) 'Sandpiper' (H4) 'Spindrift' (H4) 'Summerfield Miranda' (H4) 'Sungleam' (H4) 'Sunkissed' (H4) 'Tiddles' (H4) 'Walton Gemstone' (H4) 00 96 97 94 93 96 93 93 93 96 95 96 93 93 97 93 94 93 Desfontainia (Loganiaceae) 93 95 93 93 93 97 95 95 93 94 01 spinosa (H3) Desmodium (Papilionaceae) 02 elegans (H4) Deutzia (Hydrangeaceae) 93 93 94 93 02 93 × elegantissima 'Rosealind' (H4) × hybrida 'Mont Rose' (H4) —'Strawberry Fields' (H4) longifolia 'Veitchii' (H4) ningpoensis (H4) setchuenensis var. corymbiflora (H4) 94 93 94 98 Dianthus (Caryophyllaceae) 94 93 93 02 97 96 93 93 93 93 98 02 94 02 94 02 98 98 99 94 02 96 95 94 94 01 98 'Alfriston' (b) (H4) alpinus (H4) —'Joan's Blood' (H4) 'Ander's Kath Philips' (pf) (H4) 'Ann Franklin' (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Ann Unitt' (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C × arvernensis (p) (H4) barbatus 'Auricula-Eyed Mixed' (H4) —Nigrescens Group (p,a) (H4) 'Becky Robinson' (p) (H4) 'Betty Morton' (p) (H4) 'Betty's Pink' (b) (H4) 'Bovey Belle' (p) (H4) 'Brilliant Star' (p) (H4) 'Bryony Lisa' (b) (H4) 'Calypso Star' (p) (H4) CARMINE VALDA = 'Devon Louise' (p) (H4) 'Chesswood Sandilands' (p) (H4) 'Chetwyn Doris' (p) (H4) 'Chris Crew' (b) (H4) 'Christine Dickinson' (pf) (H4) 'Claire Tautz' (b) (H4) 'Claret Joy' (p) (H4) 'Coronation Ruby' (p) (H4) 'Cranmere Pool' (p) (H4) 'Crimson Joy' (p) (H4) CRIMSON VALDA = 'Devon Kitty' (p) (H4) 02 95 93 93 98 93 94 98 93 02 95 97 93 93 98 02 95 99 94 94 96 22 'Dainty Dame' (p) (H4) 'Dark Pierrot' (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'David Russell' (b) (H4) 'David Saunders' (b) (H4) deltoides (H4) 'Devon Carla' (p) (H4) 'Devon Dove' (PBR) (p) (H4) 'Devon Glow' (PBR) (p) (H4) 'Devon Maid' (PBR) (p) (H4) 'Devon Pride' (p) (H4) 'Devon Wizard' (PBR) (p) (H4) 'Diane' (p) (H4) 'Doris' (p) (H4) 'Dunkirk Spirit' (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Eileen Neal' (b) (H4) 'Eileen O'Connor' (b) (H4) 'Flanders' (b) (H4) 'Fragrant Ann' (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Golden Cross' (b) (H4) 'Golden Sceptre' (b) (H4) 'Gran's Favourite' (p) (H4) gratianopolitanus (H4) 'Grey Dove' (b) (H4) 'Hannah Louise' (b) (H4) 'Haytor Rock' (p) (H4) 'Haytor White' (p) (H4) 'Hazel Ruth' (b) (H4) 'Hot Spice' (p) (H4) ~ previously listed as 'Redstart' 'Houndspool Cheryl' (p) (H4) 'Houndspool Ruby' (p) (H4) 'Howard Hitchcock' (b) (H4) 'Incas' (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'India Star' (PBR) (p) (H4) 'Indios' (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Inshriach Dazzler' (p) (H4) 'Irene Della-Torré' (b) (H4) 'Irene's Choice' (p) (H4) 'Jacqueline Ann' (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Jean Knight' (b) (H4) 'Jenny Gascoigne' (p) (H4) 'John Faulkner' (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'John Sandall' (b) (H4) 'Joy' (p) (H4) 'Kathleen Hitchcock' (b) (H4) 'Kesteven Kirkstead' (p) (H4) 'La Bourboule' (p) (H4) 'Lemsii' (p) (H4) 'Leon Tautz' (b) (H4) 'Letitia Wyatt' (p) (H4) 'Linfield Dorothy Perry' (p) (H4) 'Louise's Choice' (p) (H4) 'Maisie Neal' (b) (H4) 'Malaga' (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 99 93 99 98 01 00 97 93 96 96 02 96 96 97 93 93 93 99 02 99 93 94 94 98 95 97 93 94 94 95 96 01 01 97 97 93 94 94 98 96 94 97 93 99 00 96 01 93 93 95 96 'Mambo' (pf) (H4) 'Marg's Choice' (p) (H4) 'Marion Robinson' (b) (H4) 'Maureen Lambert' (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Mendlesham Belle' (p) (H4) 'Mendlesham Maid' (p) (H4) 'Michael Saunders' (b) (H4) 'Monica Wyatt' (p) (H4) 'Natalie Saunders' (b) (H4) 'Nichola Ann' (b) (H4) 'Night Star' (p) (H4) 'Oakwood Gillian Garforth' (p) (H4) 'Oakwood Romance' (p) (H4) 'Oakwood Splendour' (p) (H4) pavonius (H4) 'Peter Wood' (b) (H4) 'Pike's Pink' (p) (H4) PINK VALDA = 'Devon Judith' (p) (H4) 'Pixie Star' (PBR) (p) (H4) 'Prado' (pf) (H4) 'Rhian's Choice' (p) (H4) 'Riccardo' (b) (H4) 'Rose Joy' (p) (H4) 'Rose Monica Wyatt' (PBR) (p) (H4) 'Royal Scot' (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Ruth White' (b) (H4) 'Sandra Neal' (b) (H4) 'Sheila's Choice' (p) (H4) 'Spinfield Bridesmaid' (b) (H4) 'Spinfield Happiness' (b) (H4) 'Spinfield Lane' (b) (H4) 'Spinfield Strawberry Crush' (b) (H4) 'Spinfield Verona' (b) (H4) 'Spinfield Wizard' (b) (H4) 'Suffolk Pride' (p) (H4) 'Suffolk Summer' (p) (H4) 'Tamsin' (p) (H4) 'Tamsin Fifield' (b) (H4) 'Tempo' (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Trisha's Choice' (p) (H4) 'Uncle Teddy' (b) (H4) 'V.E. Jubilation' (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Valda Wyatt' (p) (H4) 'Whatfield Can-can' (H4) 'Whatfield Magenta' (p) (H4) 'White Joy' (PBR) (p) (H4) WHITE VALDA = 'Devon Isolde' (p) (H4) 'Whitehill' (p) (H4) 'Whitesmith' (b) (H4) 'Widecombe Fair' (p) (H4) 'Zoe's Choice' (p) (H4) 95 95 95 95 95 95 93 95 95 93 Dicentra (Papaveraceae) 02 93 93 93 93 93 'Bacchanal' (H4) 'Langtrees' (H4) 'Luxuriant' (H4) spectabilis (H4) —'Alba' (H4) 'Stuart Boothman' (H4) Dicksonia (Dicksoniaceae) 93 97 97 antarctica (H3) fibrosa (H3) squarrosa (H2) Dictamnus (Rutaceae) 93 93 albus var. albus (H4) —var. purpureus (H4) Dieffenbachia (Araceae) 02 02 02 02 × bausei (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C 'Camille' (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C 'Exotica' (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C 'Tropic Snow' (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C Digitalis (Scrophulariaceae) 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 ferruginea (H4) grandiflora (H4) × mertonensis (H4) purpurea f. albiflora (Thompson & Morgan) (H4) —Excelsior Group (Suttons; Unwins) (H4) —(Gloxinioides Group) 'The Shirley' (H4) —'Sutton's Apricot' (H4) Dionysia (Primulaceae) 93 aretioides (H2) Dioon (Zamiaceae) 02 edule (H1) ~ min. 5C Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae) 02 02 batatas 'Rudolph Rhoers' (H1) ~ min. 5C elephantipes (H1) ~ min. 5C Dipelta (Caprifoliaceae) Diascia (Scrophulariaceae) 95 95 93 02 95 95 95 'Hector's Hardy' (H3-4) integerrima (H3-4) 'Joyce's Choice' (H3-4) 'Lady Valerie' (H3-4) 'Lilac Belle' (H3-4) 'Lilac Mist' (H3-4) rigescens (H3) 'Rupert Lambert' (H3-4) 'Twinkle' (H3-4) vigilis (H3) barberae 'Blackthorn Apricot' (H3-4) —'Fisher's Flora' (H3-4) —'Ruby Field' (H3-4) CORAL BELLE = 'Hecbel' (PBR) (H3-4) 'Dark Eyes' (H3-4) 'Elizabeth' (H3-4) 'Frilly' (H3-4) 02 floribunda (H4) Disanthus (Hamamelidaceae) 93 cercidifolius (H4) Disocactus (Cactaceae) 93 23 nelsonii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB Dodecatheon (Primulaceae) 94 93 93 93 93 97 93 dentatum (H4) hendersonii (H4) meadia (H4) —f. album (H4) pulchellum (H4) Dypsis (Arecaceae) 93 Doronicum (Asteraceae) 93 'Miss Mason' (H4) bellidiformis (H3) 93 Draba (Brassicaceae) 93 longisiliqua (H2) 93 Dracaena (Dracaenaceae) 02 02 93 02 93 93 02 02 93 93 02 93 draco (H1) ~ min. 10C fragrans (Deremensis Group) 'Lemon Lime' (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C —(Deremensis Group) 'Warneckei' (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C —(Deremensis Group) 'Yellow Stripe' (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C —'Massangeana' (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C marginata (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C —'Tricolor' (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C —'Variegata' (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C reflexa 'Variegata' (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C sanderiana (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C surculosa 'Florida Beauty' (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 Drimys (Winteraceae) 02 02 winteri (H4) Dryas (Rosaceae) 93 93 93 93 octopetala (H4) —'Minor' (H4) × suendermannii (H4) 93 Dryopteris (Dryopteridaceae) 93 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 93 93 93 97 lutescens (H1) ~ min. 10C; awarded as Chrysalidocarpus lutescens Echeveria (Crassulaceae) Dorotheanthus (Aizoaceae) 02 —'Grandiceps Wills' (H4) wallichiana (H4) ~ there is a lot of variation within this species, depending upon the country of origin agavoides (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Bittersweet' (H1) ~ min. 2C derenbergii (H1) ~ min. 2C × derosa 'Worfield Wonder' (H1) ~ min. 2C; previously listed as 'Warfield Wonder' elegans (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Frank Reinelt' (H1) ~ min. 2C gibbiflora var. metallica (H1) ~ min. 2C × gilva 'Blue Surprise' (H1) ~ min. 2C —'Red' (H1) ~ min. 2C harmsii (H1) ~ min. 2C leucotricha (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Perle von Nürnberg' (H1) ~ min. 2C pulidonis (H1) ~ min. 2C pulvinata (H1) ~ min. 2C secunda var. glauca (H1) ~ min. 2C; suitable for bedding setosa (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Victor Reiter' (H1) ~ min. 2C Echinocereus (Cactaceae) affinis (H4) —'Crispa Gracilis' (H4) ~ including cultivated stock of D. 'Crispa Congesta', which is almost certainly the same —'Cristata' (H4) —'Cristata Angustata' (H4) —'Polydactyla Mapplebeck' (H4) cycadina (H4) dilatata (H4) —'Crispa Whiteside' (H4) —'Lepidota Cristata' (H4) erythrosora (H4) —var. prolifica (H4) ~ awarded as Dryopteris erythrosora 'Prolifera' filix-mas (H4) —'Cristata' (H4) 93 93 93 berlandieri (H1) ~ min. 2-10C reichenbachii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C subinermis (H1) ~ min. 2-10C Echinops (Asteraceae) 93 93 96 bannaticus 'Taplow Blue' (H4) ritro L. (H4) —subsp. ruthenicus (H4) Echinopsis (Cactaceae) 93 02 24 ancistrophora (H1) ~ min. 2-10C chamaecereus (H1) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 ~ min. 2C eyriesii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C mamillosa var. kermesina (H1) ~ min. 2-10C Erica (Ericaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 94 93 93 93 93 93 02 02 93 93 02 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 Echium (Boraginaceae) 02 02 02 candicans (H2-3) pininana (H2-3) ~ monocarpic wildpretii (H2-3) Edraianthus (Campanulaceae) 93 pumilio (H4) Elaeagnus (Elaeagnaceae) 93 02 93 × ebbingei 'Gilt Edge' (v) (H4) pungens 'Goldrim' (v) (H4) 'Quicksilver' (H4) ~ usually grown as E. angustifolia var. caspica Elatostema (Urticaceae) 93 95 repens (H1) ~ min. 10C; previously listed as E. repens var. repens —var. pulchrum (H1) ~ min. 15C; awarded as E. pulchra Embothrium (Proteaceae) 93 coccineum (Lanceolatum Group) 'Ñorquinco' (H3) Enkianthus (Ericaceae) 93 93 93 campanulatus (H4) cernuus f. rubens (H4) perulatus (H4) Ensete (Musaceae) 02 ventricosum (H1+3) ~ min. 5C Epimedium (Berberidaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 grandiflorum (H4) —'Nanum' (H4) —'Rose Queen' (H4) —'White Queen' (H4) × perralchicum (H4) pinnatum subsp. colchicum (H4) × rubrum (H4) × versicolor 'Sulphureum' (H4) × youngianum 'Niveum' (H4) Epipremnum (Araceae) 93 93 aureum (H1) ~ min. 10C pinnatum 'Aztec' (H1) ~ min. 10C Eranthemum (Acanthaceae) 02 pulchellum (H1) ~ min. 10C Eranthis (Ranunculaceae) 93 93 hyemalis (H4) —(Tubergenii Group) 'Guinea Gold' (H4) Eremurus (Asphodelaceae) 98 98 robustus (H4) stenophyllus (H4) 25 arborea 'Albert's Gold' (H4) —var. alpina (H4) —'Estrella Gold' (H4) australis (H4) —'Mr Robert' (H3) —'Riverslea' (H4) canaliculata (H3) carnea 'Adrienne Duncan' (H4) —'Ann Sparkes' (H4) —'Challenger' (H4) —'Foxhollow' (H4) —'Golden Starlet' (H4) —'Ice Princess' (H4) —'Isabell' (H4) —'Loughrigg' (H4) —'Myretoun Ruby' (H4) —'Nathalie' (H4) —'Pink Spangles' (H4) —'Praecox Rubra' (H4) —'R.B. Cooke' (H4) —'Rosalie' (H4) —'Springwood White' (H4) —'Sunshine Rambler' (H4) —'Vivellii' (H4) —'Westwood Yellow' (H4) ciliaris 'Mrs C.H. Gill' (H4) —'Stoborough' (H4) cinerea f. alba 'Alba Minor' (H4) ——'Hookstone White' (H4) —'C.D. Eason' (H4) —'C.G. Best' (H4) —'Cindy' (H4) —'Eden Valley' (H4) —'Fiddler's Gold' (H4) —'Golden Hue' (H4) —'Knap Hill Pink' (H4) —'Lime Soda' (H4) —'P.S. Patrick' (H4) —'Pentreath' (H4) —'Pink Ice' (H4) —'Stephen Davis' (H4) —'Velvet Night' (H4) —'Windlebrooke' (H4) × darleyensis 'Arthur Johnson' (H4) —'Furzey' (H4) —'Ghost Hills' (H4) —'J.W. Porter' (H4) —'Jenny Porter' (H4) —'Kramer's Rote' (H4) —'White Perfection' (H4) erigena 'Golden Lady' (H4) —'Irish Dusk' (H4) —'W.T. Rackliff' (H4) lusitanica (H3) × stuartii 'Irish Lemon' (H4) terminalis (H4) tetralix 'Alba Mollis' (H4) —'Con Underwood' (H4) —'Pink Star' (H4) vagans 'Birch Glow' (H4) —'Cornish Cream' (H4) —'Kevernensis Alba' (H4) —'Lyonesse' (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 95 93 93 93 —'Mrs D.F. Maxwell' (H4) —'Valerie Proudley' (H4) × veitchii 'Exeter' (H3) —'Gold Tips' (H4) × watsonii 'Dawn' (H4) × williamsii 'P.D. Williams' (H4) ~ min. 2-10C Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) 93 93 93 93 Erigeron (Asteraceae) 94 93 93 93 Eucharis (Amaryllidaceae) aureus 'Canary Bird' (H4) 'Dunkelste Aller' (H3) 'Foersters Liebling' (H4) karvinskianus (H3) 02 02 02 98 anthyllis (H4) Erinus (Scrophulariaceae) 93 93 93 93 japonica (F) (H3) Erodium (Geraniaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 alpinum (H4) bourgatii 'Oxford Blue' (H4) giganteum (H4) —'Silver Ghost' (H4) × oliverianum (H4) planum 'Bethlehem' (H4) × tripartitum (H4) ~ re-confirmed 1999 93 02 02 02 93 99 93 Erysimum (Brassicaceae) 93 93 93 93 'Bowles' Mauve' (H3) 'Bredon' (H3) cheiri 'Persian Carpet' (H4) × marshallii (H4) ~ previously listed as E. allionii 96 93 02 93 98 93 93 'Apple Blossom' (H4) bifida (H3) 'Donard Radiance' (H4) 'Iveyi' (H3) 'Langleyensis' (H4) 'Peach Blossom' (H4) 'Pride of Donard' (H4) rubra 'Crimson Spire' (H4) 93 02 02 02 93 02 Eschscholzia (Papaveraceae) 93 93 93 caespitosa (H4) californica (H4) —'Dali' (H4) 93 02 02 Escobaria (Cactaceae) 93 roseana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 Espostoa (Cactaceae) 93 ligustrinum (H3) purpureum subsp. maculatum 'Atropurpureum' (H4) rugosum 'Chocolate' (H4) Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae) californicum (H4) —'White Beauty' (H4) dens-canis (H4) 'Pagoda' (H4) revolutum (H4) tuolumnense (H4) Escallonia (Escalloniaceae) 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 alatus (H4) —'Compactus' (H4) europaeus 'Red Cascade' (H4) fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety' (v) (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 —'Emerald 'n' Gold' (v) (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 —'Emerald Surprise' (v) (H4) —'Tustin' (H4) japonicus 'Chollipo' (H4) —'Ovatus Aureus' (v) (H4) phellomanus (H4) planipes (H4) Eupatorium (Asteraceae) Erythronium (Liliaceae) 94 93 93 93 93 93 glutinosa (H4) × intermedia 'Rostrevor' (H3) × nymansensis 'Nymansay' (H3) Euonymus (Celastraceae) glandulosum (H4) × variabile 'Roseum' (H4) Eryngium (Apiaceae) 93 93 93 99 93 99 93 autumnalis (H2-3) bicolor (H2-3) pallidiflora (H4) Eucryphia (Eucryphiaceae) alpinus (H4) Eriobotrya (Rosaceae) 93 amazonica (H1) ~ min. 10C Eucomis (Hyacinthaceae) Erinacea (Papilionaceae) 93 dalrympleana (H3) gunnii (H3) parvifolia (H4) pauciflora subsp. niphophila (H4) 02 nana (H1) 26 amygdaloides var. robbiae (H4) characias 'Portuguese Velvet' (H4) —subsp. wulfenii (H3-4) ~ omitted in error from AGM Plants 2002 ——'John Tomlinson' (H3-4) ~ omitted in error from AGM Plants 2002 ——'Lambrook Gold' (H3-4) ~ omitted in error from AGM Plants 2002 cornigera (H4) EXCALIBUR = 'Froeup' (PBR) (H4) fulgens (H1) ~ min. 15C griffithii 'Dixter' (H4) horrida (H1) ~ min. 5C; shrubby × martini (H3) mellifera (H3) meloformis (H1) ~ min. 5C milii (H1) ~ min. 10C —var. splendens (H1) ~ min. 10C Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 02 93 93 96 02 93 02 02 myrsinites (H4) obesa (H1) ~ min. 5C palustris (H4) polychroma (H4) —'Major' (H4) REDWING = 'Charam' (PBR) (H4) schillingii (H4) sikkimensis (H4) viguieri (H1) ~ min. 10C; shrubby 93 93 Festuca (Poaceae) 93 93 02 acraeus (H4) pectinatus (H2) 93 Exacum (Gentianaceae) 02 affine (H1+3) ~ min. 10C; annual/biennial 93 Exochorda (Rosaceae) 93 93 × macrantha 'The Bride' (H4) 93 Fabiana (Solanaceae) 93 imbricata f. violacea (H3) 93 Fagus (Fagaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 sylvatica (H4) —'Dawyck' (H4) —'Dawyck Gold' (H4) —'Dawyck Purple' (H4) —var. heterophylla 'Aspleniifolia' (H4) —'Pendula' (H4) —'Purple Fountain' (H4) —'Riversii' (H4) 93 93 93 93 93 Farfugium (Asteraceae) 93 japonicum 'Aureomaculatum' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 Fargesia (Poaceae) 93 02 02 93 93 93 93 japonica (H4) —'Variegata' (v) (H3) 02 02 93 96 02 candida (H1) ~ min. 2-10C tigrina (H1) ~ min. 2C tuberculosa (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 02 amelloides 'Santa Anita' (H3) —'Santa Anita Variegated' (v) (H3) 93 major (H4) Fraxinus (Oleaceae) aurantiaca (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 93 93 93 Ferocactus (Cactaceae) 93 × crassifolia 'Meiwa' (F) (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Fukushu' (F) (H1) ~ min. 10C Fothergilla (Hamamelidaceae) Fenestraria (Aizoaceae) 02 × intermedia 'Lynwood' (H4) —WEEK-END = 'Courtalyn' (PBR) (H4) MARÉE D'OR = 'Courtasol' (PBR) (H4) Fortunella (Rutaceae) Felicia (Asteraceae) 93 93 albivenis Argyroneura Group (H1) ~ min. 15C; awarded as F. verschaffeltii var. argyroneura —Verschaffeltii Group (H1) ~ min. 15C; awarded as F. verschaffeltii Forsythia (Oleaceae) Faucaria (Aizoaceae) 93 purpurea (H4) rubra 'Venusta' (H4) Fittonia (Acanthaceae) lizei (H3) —'Annemieke' (v) (H3) —'Variegata' (v) (H3) Fatsia (Araliaceae) 93 93 benjamina (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Starlight' (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C binnendijkii (H1) ~ min. 10C deltoidea (H1) ~ min. 10C elastica 'Black Knight' (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Decora' (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Doescheri' (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Schrijveriana' (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Tricolor' (H1) ~ min. 10C lyrata (H1) ~ min. 10C pumila (H1) rubiginosa (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Variegata' (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C Filipendula (Rosaceae) murielae (H4) —'Simba' (H4) nitida 'Nymphenburg' (H4) × Fatshedera (Araliaceae) 93 93 93 glauca 'Blaufuchs' (H4) Ficus (Moraceae) Euryops (Asteraceae) 93 93 ~ min. 2-10C glaucescens (H1) ~ min. 2-10C viridescens (H1) ~ min. 2-10C fordii (H1) 27 angustifolia 'Raywood' (H4) excelsior 'Jaspidea' (H4) —'Pendula' (H4) —'Westhof's Glorie' (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 ornus (H4) 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 02 02 Fremontodendron (Sterculiaceae) 93 'California Glory' (H3) Frithia (Aizoaceae) 02 pulchra (H1) ~ min. 2C Fritillaria (Liliaceae) 93 97 93 93 93 93 96 93 acmopetala (H4) hermonis subsp. amana 'Cambridge' (H4) imperialis 'Maxima Lutea' (H4) meleagris var. unicolor subvar. alba (H4) michailovskyi (H2) pallidiflora (H4) persica 'Adiyaman' (H4) pyrenaica (H4) 02 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 Fuchsia (Onagraceae) 93 02 02 02 93 93 02 02 02 93 93 93 93 02 93 02 93 93 02 02 93 93 02 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 02 'Achievement' (H4) 'Alice Hoffman' (d) (H3-4) 'Alison Patricia' (H3) 'Alison Sweetman' (H1+3) ~ min. 5C 'Annabel' (d) (H3) 'Army Nurse' (d) (H4) 'Autumnale' (H1+3) ~ min. 5C 'Ballet Girl' (d) (H1+3) ~ min. 5C 'Bella Forbes' (d) (H1+3) ~ min. 5C 'Billy Green' (H1+3) ~ min. 10C boliviana Carrière var. alba (H1+3) ~ min. 10C 'Border Queen' (H3-4) 'Brutus' (H4) 'Carla Johnston' (H1+3) ~ min. 5C 'Celia Smedley' (H3) 'Chang' (H1+3) ~ min. 5C 'Checkerboard' (H3) 'Chillerton Beauty' (H3) 'Coachman' (H4) 'Dancing Flame' (d) (H1+3) ~ min. 5C 'Dark Eyes' (d) (H4) 'Display' (H4) 'Doctor Foster' (H4) 'Dollar Princess' (d) (H4) 'Empress of Prussia' (H4) 'Flash' (H3-4) 'Foxgrove Wood' (H3-4) fulgens (H1+3) ~ min. 10C 'Garden News' (d) (H3-4) 'Gartenmeister Bonstedt' (H1+3) ~ min. 10C 'Genii' (H4) 'Golden Marinka' (v) (H3) 'Hawkshead' (H3-4) 02 02 02 02 93 93 93 02 93 02 02 93 93 02 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 02 93 'Heidi Ann' (d) (H3) 'Herald' (H4) 'Jack Shahan' (H3) 'Jomam' (H3) 'La Campanella' (d) (H3) 'Lady Thumb' (d) (H3) 'Lena' (d) (H3) 'Liebriez' (d) (H3-4) 'Lottie Hobby' (H1+3) ~ min. 5C 'Love's Reward' (H1+3) ~ min. 5C 'Lye's Unique' (H1+3) ~ min. 5C 'Madame Cornélissen' (d) (H3) magellanica var. gracilis (H3) ——'Variegata' (v) (H3) 'Margaret' (d) (H4) 'Margaret Brown' (H4) 'Marin Glow' (H3) 'Marinka' (H3) 'Mary' (H1+3) ~ min. 10C 'Micky Goult' (H1+3) ~ min. 5C 'Mieke Meursing' (H1+3) ~ min. 5C 'Monsieur Thibaut' (H4) 'Mrs Lovell Swisher' (H4) 'Mrs Popple' (H3) 'Mrs W.P. Wood' (H3) 'Nellie Nuttall' (H3) paniculata (H1+3) ~ min. 5C 'Phyllis' (d) (H4) 'Pink Marshmallow' (d) (H1+3) ~ min. 5C 'Preston Guild' (H1+3) ~ min. 5C 'Prosperity' (d) (H3) 'Riccartonii' (H3) 'Rose of Castile Improved' (H4) 'Royal Velvet' (d) (H3) 'Rufus' (H3-4) 'Snowcap' (d) (H3-4) 'Son of Thumb' (H4) splendens (H1+3) ~ min. 10C 'Swanley Gem' (H3) 'Swingtime' (d) (H3) 'Tennessee Waltz' (d) (H3) 'Thalia' (H1+3) ~ min. 10C 'Tom Thumb' (H3) 'White Pixie' (H3-4) 'Whiteknights Pearl' (H1+3) ~ min. 5C 'Winston Churchill' (d) (H3) Gaillardia (Asteraceae) 93 28 'Dazzler' (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB Galanthus (Amaryllidaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 02 'Atkinsii' (H4) elwesii (H4) —var. monostictus (H4) ~ previously listed in error as G. caucasicus (Bak.) Grossh. 'Magnet' (H4) nivalis (H4) —f. pleniflorus 'Flore Pleno' (d) (H4) ~ previously listed as G. nivalis f. pleniflorus 'Flore Pleno' plicatus (H4) ~ including both subsp. plicatus and subsp. byzantinus reginae-olgae subsp. reginae-olgae (H2-4) 'S. Arnott' (H4) woronowii (H4) 96 96 96 93 02 Gelsemium (Loganiaceae) 93 93 93 93 × hartlandii 'Alba' (H4) —'Lady Wilson' (H4) officinalis 'Alba' (H4) 93 93 Galtonia (Hyacinthaceae) 93 93 02 candicans (H4) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 94 02 jasminoides (H1) ~ min. 15C Garrya (Garryaceae) 93 elliptica 'James Roof' (m) (H4) Gasteria (Aloaceae) 02 02 batesiana (H1) ~ min. 2C nitida var. armstrongii (H1) ~ min. 2C Gaultheria (Ericaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 96 93 93 96 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 lindheimeri (H4) Gazania (Asteraceae) 93 93 93 96 96 96 acaulis (H4) asclepiadea (H4) 'Inverleith' (H4) × macaulayi (H4) —'Edinburgh' (H4) septemfida (H4) —var. lagodechiana (H4) sino-ornata (H4) × stevenagensis (H4) 'Strathmore' (H4) verna 'Angulosa' hort. (H4) Geranium (Geraniaceae) cuneata (H4) mucronata 'Bell's Seedling' (f/m) (H4) ~ hermaphrodite; male or several plants are required for the production of fruit in all the other cultivars listed —'Crimsonia' (f) (H4) —'Mulberry Wine' (f) (H4) —'Pink Pearl' (f) (H4) —'Sea Shell' (f) (H4) —'Wintertime' (f) (H4) procumbens (H4) Gaura (Onagraceae) 93 aetnensis (H4) lydia (H4) 'Porlock' (H3) ~ previously listed as Cytisus 'Porlock' sagittalis subsp. delphinensis (H4) × spachiana (H1) ~ min. 2C tinctoria 'Flore Pleno' (d) (H4) —'Royal Gold' (H4) Gentiana (Gentianaceae) Gardenia (Rubiaceae) 02 sempervirens (H1-2) Genista (Papilionaceae) Galega (Papilionaceae) 93 02 02 ~ min. 2C 'Michael' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Northbourne' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C rigens var. uniflora (H1+3) —'Variegata' (v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C Talent Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture 'Aztec' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Chansonette' (H3) 'Cookei' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Daybreak Bright Orange' (Daybreak Series) (H3) ~ bedding type 'Daybreak Garden Sun' (Daybreak Series) (H3) ~ bedding type 'Dorothy' (H1+3) 29 'Ann Folkard' (H4) (Cinereum Group) 'Ballerina' (H4) cinereum subsp. subcaulescens var. subcaulescens (H4) ~ previously listed as G. cinereum var. subcaulescens clarkei 'Kashmir White' (H4) dalmaticum (H4) endressii (H4) himalayense 'Gravetye' (H4) 'Johnson's Blue' (H4) macrorrhizum 'Album' (H4) —'Ingwersen's Variety' (H4) maderense (H2) × magnificum (H4) × oxonianum 'A.T. Johnson' (H4) —'Wargrave Pink' (H4) palmatum (H3) pratense 'Mrs Kendall Clark' (H4) —'Plenum Violaceum' (d) (H4) psilostemon (H4) renardii (H4) × riversleaianum 'Russell Prichard' (H4) sanguineum 'Album' (H4) —'Shepherd's Warning' (H4) —var. striatum (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 93 93 subcaulescens 'Splendens' (H4) ~ previously listed as G. cinereum subsp. subcaulescens var. subcaulescens 'Splendens' sylvaticum 'Album' (H4) —'Mayflower' (H4) wallichianum 'Buxton's Variety' (H4) 93 93 93 Geum (Rosaceae) 93 93 93 93 Gymnocarpium (Woodsiaceae) 'Fire Opal' (H4) 'Lady Stratheden' (H4) montanum (H4) 'Mrs J. Bradshaw' (H4) 93 97 93 trifoliata (H4) Ginkgo (Ginkgoaceae) 93 93 93 93 communis subsp. byzantinus (H4) murielae (H3) 'Robinetta' (recurvus hybrid) (H3) 'The Bride' ( × colvillii) (H3) 93 02 palmatum (H4) 02 triacanthos 'Sunburst' (H4) Globularia (Globulariaceae) 93 93 02 02 bellum (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 02 93 'Canberra Gem' (H3-4) robusta (H1+3) ~ min. 2C rosmarinifolia (H3) 93 93 93 93 littoralis (H3) —'Variegata' (v) (H3) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 lingulata (H1) ~ min. 15C —var. minor (H1) ~ min. 15C monostachya (H1) ~ min. 15C musaica (H1) ~ min. 15C sanguinea (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 lasianthum (H3) ocymoides (H3) 'Susan' (H3) Hamamelis (Hamamelidaceae) 93 97 93 93 93 93 93 × intermedia 'Arnold Promise' (H4) —'Barmstedt Gold' (H4) —'Diane' (H4) —'Jelena' (H4) —'Pallida' (H4) mollis (H4) ~ grafted plants only vernalis 'Sandra' (H4) Hardenbergia (Papilionaceae) Gymnocalycium (Cactaceae) 93 sahucii (H4) wintonensis (H3) —'Merrist Wood Cream' (H3) Halimium (Cistaceae) manicata (H3-4) Guzmania (Bromeliaceae) 93 monticola var. vestita (H4) × Halimiocistus (Cistaceae) Gunnera (Gunneraceae) 93 macra 'Alboaurea' (H4) —'Aureola' (H4) Halesia (Styracaceae) Griselinia (Griseliniaceae) 93 02 albiflos (H1) ~ min. 5C coccineus (H1) ~ min. 5C Hakonechloa (Poaceae) Grevillea (Proteaceae) 93 93 epipactis (H4) Haemanthus (Amaryllidaceae) superba (H1) ~ min. 10C Graptopetalum (Crassulaceae) 02 robustus (H1) ~ min. 5C tubispathus (H1) ~ min. 5C Hacquetia (Apiaceae) cordifolia (H4) Gloriosa (Colchicaceae) 93 rhodopensis (H4) Habranthus (Amaryllidaceae) Gleditsia (Caesalpiniaceae) 93 paniculata 'Bristol Fairy' (d) (H4) repens (H4) 'Rosenschleier' (d) (H4) Haberlea (Gesneriaceae) Glaucidium (Glaucidiaceae) 93 aurantiaca 'Purple Passion' (H1) ~ min. 15C Gypsophila (Caryophyllaceae) biloba (H4) Gladiolus (Iridaceae) 93 93 93 93 dryopteris (H4) —'Plumosum' (H4) ~ comes true from spores Gynura (Asteraceae) Gillenia (Rosaceae) 93 quehlianum (H1) ~ min. 2-10C tillianum (H1) ~ min. 2-10C uruguayense (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 andreae (H1) ~ min. 2-10C baldianum (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 30 comptoniana (H1) ~ min. 2C violacea (H1) ~ min. 2C Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB Hatiora (Cactaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 02 93 02 93 93 93 02 93 93 02 02 93 02 02 93 02 93 gaertneri (H1) ~ min. 10C rosea (H1) ~ min. 10C salicornioides (H1) ~ min. 2-10C Haworthia (Aloaceae) 93 02 02 02 02 93 attenuata f. caespitosa (H1) ~ min. 2-10C pumila (H1) ~ min. 2C reinwardtii (H1) ~ min. 2C retusa (H1) ~ min. 2C truncata (H1) ~ min. 2C venosa subsp. tesselata (H1) ~ min. 2-10C Hebe (Scrophulariaceae) 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 02 02 93 02 02 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 Hedychium (Zingiberaceae) albicans (H4) 'Blue Clouds' (H3) ~ of the trade 'Caledonia' (H3) 'Emerald Green' (H3) × franciscana 'Variegata' (v) (H2) 'Great Orme' (H3) hulkeana (H3) macrantha (H3) 'Margret' (PBR) (H4) 'Midsummer Beauty' (H3) 'Mrs Winder' (H4) 'Neil's Choice' (H4) 'Nicola's Blush' (H4) ochracea 'James Stirling' (H4) 'Oratia Beauty' (H4) 'Pascal' (H4) 'Pewter Dome' (H4) pimeleoides 'Quicksilver' (H4) pinguifolia 'Pagei' (H4) 'Pink Elephant' (v) (H3) rakaiensis (H4) recurva 'Boughton Silver' (H3) 'Red Edge' (H4) 'Sapphire' (H4) ~ of the trade topiaria (H4) vernicosa (H3) 'White Gem' (brachysiphon hybrid) (H4) 'Wingletye' (H3) 'Wiri Cloud' (H3) 'Wiri Dawn' (H3) 'Youngii' (H3-4) 93 93 93 93 93 coccineum (H1) ~ min. 2C —'Tara' (H3) gardnerianum (H1) ~ min. 2C Helenium (Asteraceae) 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 'Baudirektor Linne' (H4) 'Blütentisch' (H4) 'Butterpat' (H4) 'Feuersiegel' (H4) 'Gartensonne' (H4) 'Karneol' (H4) 'Moerheim Beauty' (H4) 'Ring of Fire' (H4) 'Rubinzwerg' (H4) 'Sahin's Early Flowerer' (H4) 'Summer Circle' (H4) 'Waldtraut' (H4) 'Wesergold' (H4) Helianthemum (Cistaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 'Amy Baring' (H4) 'Fire Dragon' (H4) 'Henfield Brilliant' (H4) 'Jubilee' (d) (H4) 'Mrs C.W. Earle' (d) (H4) 'Rhodanthe Carneum' (H4) 'The Bride' (H4) 'Wisley Primrose' (H4) Helianthus (Asteraceae) 00 00 00 93 01 01 01 93 Hedera (Araliaceae) 93 93 93 —'Dentata Variegata' (v) (H4) —'Sulphur Heart' (v) (H4) helix 'Angularis Aurea' (H4) —'Caecilia' (v) (H4) —'Ceridwen' (v) (H4) —'Congesta' (H4) —'Duckfoot' (H4) —'Erecta' (H4) —'Glacier' (v) (H4) —'Goldchild' (v) (H3-4) —'Golden Ingot' (v) (H4) —'Ivalace' (H4) —'Manda's Crested' (H4) —'Maple Leaf' (H4) —'Melanie' (H4) —'Midas Touch' (v) (H3-4) —'Minor Marmorata' (v) (H4) —'Parsley Crested' (H4) —'Spetchley' (H4) —'White Knight' (v) (H4) hibernica (H4) ~ especially for large gardens —'Deltoidea' (H4) canariensis 'Gloire de Marengo' (v) (H3) —'Marginomaculata' (H3) —'Ravensholst' (H3) ~ previously listed as H. colchica 'Ravensholst' colchica (H4) —'Dentata' (H4) 31 annuus 'Claret' (H3) —'Pastiche' (H3) —'Valentine' (H3) 'Capenoch Star' (H4) 'Gullick's Variety' (H4) × laetiflorus 'Miss Mellish' (H4) 'Lemon Queen' (H4) 'Loddon Gold' (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 'Monarch' (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 93 94 93 Helichrysum (Asteraceae) 93 93 93 02 96 93 93 Hepatica (Ranunculaceae) italicum (H3) milfordiae (H2-3) petiolare (H2) ~ min. 2C; suitable for bedding —'Goring Silver' (H2-3) ~ min. 2C; suitable for bedding —'Limelight' (H2) ~ min. 2C; suitable for bedding —'Variegatum' (v) (H2) ~ min. 2C; suitable for bedding splendidum (H3) 93 93 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 93 01 sempervirens (H4) Heliocereus (Cactaceae) 93 speciosus (H1) ~ min. 2-10C Heliopsis (Asteraceae) 01 93 01 01 01 01 helianthoides var. scabra 'Benzinggold' (H4) ——'Goldgefieder' (H4) ——'Light of Loddon' (H4) ——'Sonnenglut' (H4) ——'Spitzentänzerin' (H4) ——'Waterperry Gold' (H4) 94 01 93 93 02 tranquillans 'Shiroshima' (v) (H4) Hibbertia (Dilleniaceae) arborescens 'Chatsworth' (H1) ~ min. 2C; suitable for bedding —'Princess Marina' (H1) ~ min. 2C; suitable for bedding 93 scandens (H1) ~ min. 2C Hibiscus (Malvaceae) 02 argutifolius (H4) foetidus (H4) lividus (H2-3) niger (H4) × nigercors (H4) ~ seedlings variable; clones may be virused × sternii Blackthorn Group (H3-4) 93 02 02 93 02 02 93 93 02 02 93 Hemerocallis (Hemerocallidaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 94 'Kimono' (H4) tiarelloides (H4) × Hibanobambusa (Poaceae) Helleborus (Ranunculaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 'Blackbird' (H4) 'Burgundy Frost' (H4) 'Can-can' (H4) 'Chocolate Veil' (H4) 'Fireworks' (PBR) (H4) 'Magic Wand' (PBR) (H4) 'Molly Bush' (H4) 'Purple Petticoats' (H4) 'Quilter's Joy' (H4) 'Raspberry Regal' (H4) 'Regina' (H4) sanguinea 'Alba' (H4) 'Sashay' (H4) 'Scintillation' (H4) 'Smokey Rose' (H4) × Heucherella (Saxifragaceae) Heliotropium (Boraginaceae) 94 nobilis (H4) transsilvanica (H4) Heuchera (Saxifragaceae) Helictotrichon (Poaceae) 93 'Stoke Poges' (H4) 'Tetrina's Daughter' (H4) 'Whichford' (H4) 'Beloved Returns' (H4) 'Berlin Lemon' (H4) 'Berlin Red' (H4) 'Berlin Red Velvet' (H4) 'Burning Daylight' (H4) 'Cartwheels' (H4) 'Chief Sarcoxie' (H4) 'Corky' (H4) 'Golden Chimes' (H4) 'Green Flutter' (H4) 'Helle Berlinerin' (H4) 'Lemon Bells' (H4) lilioasphodelus (H4) 'Marion Vaughn' (H4) 'Missenden' (H4) 'Neyron Rose' (H4) 'Nova' (H4) 'Pink Damask' (H4) 'Red Precious' (H4) 'Royal Mountie' (H4) rosa-sinensis 'Cooperi' (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C schizopetalus (H1) ~ min. 10C syriacus 'Bredon Springs' (H4) —'Cicola' (H4) —'Hamabo' (H4) —'Lenny' (H4) —'Meehanii' (v) (H4) —'Oiseau Bleu' (H4) —'Red Heart' (H4) —WHITE CHIFFON = 'Notwoodtwo' (PBR) (H4) —'William R. Smith' (H4) —'Woodbridge' (H4) Hildewintera (Cactaceae) 93 aureispina (H1) ~ min. 2-10C Hippeastrum (Amaryllidaceae) 93 93 93 02 93 32 'Belinda' (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Bestseller' (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Orange Souvereign' (H1) ~ min. 2C papilio (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Star of Holland' (H1) ~ min. 2C Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB Hippophae (Elaeagnaceae) 93 93 Hydrangea (Hydrangeaceae) rhamnoides (H4) ~ male or several plants are required for the production of fruit 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 Hoheria (Malvaceae) 93 93 95 'Glory of Amlwch' (H3) lyallii (H4) sexstylosa 'Stardust' (H4) Hosta (Hostaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 'Aureomarginata' (ventricosa) (v) (H4) 'Blue Angel' (sieboldiana) (H4) crispula (v) (H4) fortunei var. albopicta (H4) ——f. aurea (H4) —var. aureomarginata (H4) —var. hyacinthina (H4) 'Francee' (fortunei) (v) (H4) 'Frances Williams' (sieboldiana) (v) (H4) 'Golden Tiara' (v) (H4) (Tardiana Group) 'Halcyon' (H4) 'Honeybells' (H4) 'Krossa Regal' (H4) lancifolia (H4) 'Love Pat' (tokudama) (H4) plantaginea var. japonica (H4) ~ awarded as Hosta plantaginea var. grandiflora 'Royal Standard' (H4) 'Sagae' (v) (H3-4) 'Shade Fanfare' (v) (H4) sieboldiana var. elegans (H4) sieboldii 'Paxton's Original' (v) (H4) 'Sum and Substance' (H4) undulata var. erromena (H4) —var. undulata (v) (H4) —var. univittata (v) (H4) ventricosa (H4) venusta (H4) 'Wide Brim' (v) (H4) 99 93 93 93 93 99 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 99 93 99 93 99 Howea (Arecaceae) 02 93 belmoreana (H1) ~ min. 10C forsteriana (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 93 02 carnosa (H1) ~ min. 2C —'Exotica' (H1) ~ min. 10C lanceolata subsp. bella (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 lupulus 'Aureus' (H4) Hyacinthus (Hyacinthaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 × festalis (H1) ~ min. 10C × macrostephana (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Sulphur Queen' (H1) ~ min. 10C Hypericum (Clusiaceae) Humulus (Cannabaceae) 93 anomala subsp. petiolaris (H4) arborescens 'Annabelle' (H4) —'Grandiflora' (H4) aspera 'Macrophylla' (H3) —subsp. sargentiana (H3) —Villosa Group (H3) involucrata 'Hortensis' (d) (H3-4) macrophylla 'Altona' (H) (H3-4) —'Ami Pasquier' (H) (H3-4) —'Europa' (H) (H3-4) —'Générale Vicomtesse de Vibraye' (H) (H3-4) —'Lanarth White' (L) (H3-4) —'Madame Emile Mouillère' (H) (H3-4) —'Mariesii Grandiflora' (L) (H3-4) ~ awarded as Hydrangea macrophylla 'White Wave' —'Mariesii Lilacina' (L) (H3-4) ~ awarded as H. macrophylla 'Mariesii Lilacina' —'Mariesii Perfecta' (L) (H3-4) —'Möwe' (L) (H3-4) ~ previously listed as H. macrophylla 'Geoffrey Chadbund' —'Nigra' (H) (H3-4) ~ valued in particular for its stem effect —'Parzifal' (H) (H3-4) —'Tokyo Delight' (L) (H3-4) —'Veitchii' (L) (H3-4) —'Westfalen' (H) (H3-4) paniculata 'Grandiflora' (H4) —'Kyushu' (H4) —PINK DIAMOND = 'Interhydia' (H4) —'Unique' (H4) 'Preziosa' (H3-4) quercifolia (H3-4) serrata 'Bluebird' (H3-4) —'Diadem' (H3-4) —'Grayswood' (H3-4) —'Miranda' (L) (H3-4) —'Rosalba' (H3-4) —'Tiara' (H3-4) Hymenocallis (Amaryllidaceae) Hoya (Asclepiadaceae) 93 —'Pink Pearl' (H4) orientalis 'Anna Marie' (H4) —'Blue Jacket' (H4) —'Borah' (H4) —'City of Haarlem' (H4) —'Delft Blue' (H4) —'Gipsy Queen' (H4) —'L'Innocence' (H4) —'Ostara' (H4) forrestii (H4) 'Hidcote' (H4) kouytchense (H4) × moserianum (H4) olympicum (H4) —f. uniflorum 'Citrinum' (H4) 'Rowallane' (H3) Hypoestes (Acanthaceae) 93 33 phyllostachya (v) (H1) ~ often grown as H. sanguinolenta; min. 10C Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB Iberis (Brassicaceae) 93 93 94 98 00 93 96 93 93 94 02 93 02 94 02 98 93 94 00 98 93 99 93 00 02 96 94 94 94 93 94 02 96 99 02 02 02 93 94 95 98 00 94 02 02 96 94 94 93 94 02 93 98 95 94 93 02 00 95 93 00 99 94 99 99 99 sempervirens (H4) —'Schneeflocke' (H4) Ilex (Aquifoliaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 95 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 × altaclerensis 'Belgica Aurea' (f/v) (H4) —'Camelliifolia' (f) (H4) —'Golden King' (f/v) (H4) —'Hodginsii' (m) (H4) —'Lawsoniana' (f/v) (H4) aquifolium (H4) —'Amber' (f) (H4) —'Argentea Marginata' (f/v) (H4) —'Ferox Argentea' (m/v) (H4) —'Golden Queen' (m/v) (H4) —'Handsworth New Silver' (f/v) (H4) —'J.C. van Tol' (f) (H4) —'Madame Briot' (f/v) (H4) —'Myrtifolia Aurea Maculata' (m/v) (H4) —'Pyramidalis' (f) (H4) —'Pyramidalis Fructu Luteo' (f) (H4) —'Silver Queen' (m/v) (H4) crenata 'Convexa' (f) (H4) —'Golden Gem' (f) (H4) × koehneana 'Chestnut Leaf' (f) (H4) Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) 93 02 93 02 02 Accent Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture marianae (H1) ~ min. 10C repens (H1) ~ min. 10C walleriana Super Elfin Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture —Tempo Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture Indigofera (Papilionaceae) 93 93 amblyantha (H4) heterantha (H4) Indocalamus (Poaceae) 02 tessellatus (H4) Inula (Asteraceae) 02 magnifica 'Sonnenstrahl' (H4) Ipheion (Alliaceae) 93 93 93 'Rolf Fiedler' (H2-3) uniflorum 'Froyle Mill' (H4) —'Wisley Blue' (H4) Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae) 93 93 93 'Heavenly Blue' (H3) horsfalliae (H1) ~ min. 2C indica (H1) ~ min. 2C Iresine (Amaranthaceae) 93 lindenii (H1) ~ min. 10C Iris (Iridaceae) 98 02 93 93 'Acstede Nine Hundred' (IB) (H4) 'Adoring Glances' (SDB) (H4) 'Adrienne Taylor' (SDB) (H4) 'Agnes James' (CH) (H3) 34 albicans (H4) 'Alison Taylor' (IB) (H4) 'Alizes' (TB) (H4) 'Annikins' (IB) (H4) 'Apricorange' (TB) (H4) 'Arctic Fancy' (IB) (H4) 'Arnold Sunrise' (CH) (H3) aucheri (H2) 'Ballet Lesson' (SDB) (H4) 'Banbury Beauty' (CH) (H3) 'Bedford Lilac' (SDB) (H4) 'Belise' (Spuria) (H4) 'Berlin Tiger' (H4) 'Bewdley' (IB) (H4) 'Bibury' (SDB) (H4) 'Big Money' (CH) (H3) 'Black Sergeant' (TB) (H4) 'Blackbeard' (BB) (H4) 'Blue Ballerina' (CH) (H3) 'Blue Line' (SDB) (H4) 'Blue Luster' (TB) (H4) 'Bob Nichol' (TB) (H4) 'Bold Stroke' (IB) (H4) 'Breakers' (TB) (H4) 'Broadleigh Carolyn' (CH) (H3) 'Bromyard' (SDB) (H4) 'Bronzaire' (IB) (H4) 'Brown Lasso' (BB) (H4) bucharica Foster (H3-4) 'Bumblebee Deelite' (MTB) (H4) 'Cardew' (TB) (H4) 'Carolyn Rose' (MTB) (H4) 'Cee Jay' (IB) (H4) 'Chance Beauty' (SpecHybrid) (H4) 'Chickee' (MTB) (H4) 'Chiltern Gold' (IB) (H4) chrysographes (H4) 'Clara Garland' (IB) (H4) 'Clarke Cosgrove' (Spuria) (H4) 'Clear Morning Sky' (TB) (H4) confusa (H3) 'Cool Treat' (BB) (H4) 'Cranapple' (BB) (H4) 'Cream Soda' (TB) (H4) cristata (H4) crocea (H4) 'Dark Rosaleen' (TB) (H4) delavayi (H4) 'Delicate Lady' (IB) (H4) 'Designer's Choice' (TB) (H4) 'Destination' (Spuria) (H4) 'Diligence' (SDB) (H4) douglasiana (H4) 'Dovedale' (TB) (H4) 'Driftwood' (Spuria) (H4) 'Dwight Enys' (TB) (H4) 'Eardisland' (IB) (H4) 'Early Light' (TB) (H4) 'Eileen Louise' (TB) (H4) 'Eleanor Clare' (IB) (H4) ensata (H4) —'Aldridge Snow Maiden' (H4) —'Aldridge Visitor' (H4) —'Barr Purple East' (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 99 95 95 96 96 96 95 95 96 96 96 96 96 95 95 96 96 95 96 94 93 00 94 97 00 94 94 94 94 99 94 00 02 94 94 96 00 00 94 93 99 93 93 02 94 93 98 02 95 93 00 94 94 93 96 94 00 94 02 94 94 99 93 94 —'Caprician Butterfly' (H4) —'Continuing Pleasure' (H4) —'Flying Tiger' (H4) —'Fringed Cloud' (H4) —'Give-me-Patience' (H4) —'Hue and Cry' (H4) —'Imperial Magic' (H4) —'Katy Mendez' (H4) —'Lasting Pleasure' (H4) —'Magic Opal' (H4) —'Mancunian' (H4) —'Ol' Man River' (H4) —'Returning Tide' (H4) —'Rose Queen' (H4) —'Southern Son' (H4) —'Summer Storm' (H4) —'The Great Mogul' (H4) —'Variegata' (v) (H4) —'Vintage Festival' (H4) 'Eye Magic' (IB) (H4) 'Eyebright' (SDB) (H4) 'Fern Oakley' (TB) (H4) 'Fierce Fire' (IB) (H4) 'Fine Line' (Cal-Sib) (H3) 'Floating World' (CH) (H4) 'Florentina' (IB/TB) (H4) foetidissima (H4) —'Variegata' (v) (H4) forrestii (H4) 'Fritillary Flight' (IB) (H4) × fulvala (H4) 'Garlanda' (TB) (H4) 'George' (Reticulata) (H4) germanica (H4) 'Golden Waves' (Cal-Sib) (H3) 'Goring Ace' (CH) (H3) 'Goring Passion' (CH) (H4) 'Goring Steeple' (CH) (H4) graminea (H4) 'Green Spot' (SDB) (H4) 'Gwyneth Evans' (BB) (H4) 'Happy Mood' (IB) (H4) 'Holden Clough' (SpecHybrid) (H4) 'Honeyplic' (IB) (H4) hoogiana (H3) 'Ice Dancer' (TB) (H4) 'Ila Crawford' (Spuria) (H4) 'Impetuous' (BB) (H4) 'Innocent Heart' (IB) (H4) 'Jane Phillips' (TB) (H4) 'Janine Louise' (TB) (H4) japonica (H3) —'Variegata' (v) (H3) 'Jeremy Brian' (SDB) (H4) 'Katharine Hodgkin' (Reticulata) (H4) 'Katie-Koo' (IB) (H4) 'Ken's Choice' (TB) (H4) kerneriana (H4) 'Kitt Peak' (Spuria) (H4) lactea (H4) lacustris (H4) 'Lady Belle' (MTB) (H4) laevigata (H4) —'Variegata' (v) (H4) 99 00 93 94 94 99 94 02 02 99 94 96 99 02 94 99 93 94 96 99 00 94 99 94 00 02 02 96 96 93 98 93 94 95 93 94 94 94 94 93 93 00 94 02 96 95 96 02 96 94 98 99 94 02 94 94 95 94 93 94 00 97 93 93 35 'Langport Wren' (IB) (H4) 'Lark Rise' (TB) (H4) latifolia (H4) lazica (H4) 'Lincoln Imp' (CH) (H3) 'Lisa Jane' (SDB) (H4) 'Little Tilgates' (CH) (H3) 'Loose Valley' (MTB) (H4) 'Love for Leila' (Spuria) (H4) 'Luli-Ann' (SDB) (H4) lutescens (H4) 'Lydia Jane' (Spuria) (H4) 'Madeleine Spring' (BB) (H4) 'Magic Bubbles' (IB) (H4) magnifica (H3-4) 'Mary Constance' (IB) (H4) 'Mary McIlroy' (SDB) (H4) 'Maui Moonlight' (IB) (H4) 'Meg's Mantle' (TB) (H4) 'Michael Paul' (SDB) (H4) 'Midnight Web' (TB) (H4) milesii (H4) 'Mini Might' (SDB) (H4) missouriensis (H4) 'Mister Matthew' (TB) (H4) 'Monspur Cambridge Blue' (Spuria) (H4) 'Morning's Blush' (SDB) (H4) 'Morwenna' (TB) (H4) 'Nicola Jane' (TB) (H4) 'No Name' (CH) (H3) 'Norton Sunlight' (Spuria) (H4) 'Orange Dawn' (TB) (H4) orientalis Mill. (H4) 'Orinoco Flow' (BB) (H4) 'Ouija' (BB) (H4) 'Pajaro Dunes' (CH) (H3) 'Pale Shades' (IB) (H4) pallida subsp. pallida (H4) —'Variegata' Hort. (v) (H4) 'Paradise Bird' (TB) (H4) 'Pascoe' (TB) (H4) 'Peacock Pavane' (CH) (H4) 'Peggy Chambers' (IB) (H4) 'Phil Edinger' (H4) 'Phil Keen' (TB) (H4) 'Pink Parchment' (BB) (H4) 'Precious Heather' (TB) (H4) 'Prince of Burgundy' (IB) (H4) 'Princess Sabra' (TB) (H4) 'Professor Blaauw' (Dut) (H4) 'Protégé' (Spuria) (H4) 'Prudy' (BB) (H4) pseudacorus (H4) —'Roy Davidson' (H4) —'Variegata' (v) (H4) 'Purple Landscape' (SDB) (H4) 'Rain Dance' (SDB) (H4) 'Raspberry Blush' (IB) (H4) reticulata (H4) 'Ring o' Roses' (CH) (H3) 'River Avon' (TB) (H4) 'Robin Goodfellow' (MTB) (H4) × robusta 'Gerald Darby' (H4) 'Royal Contrast' (SDB) (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 94 94 93 94 96 94 95 96 94 94 96 95 02 02 95 93 99 95 96 93 96 02 96 95 02 96 96 99 02 96 95 96 99 99 96 96 96 96 93 99 95 95 02 96 95 02 95 95 95 96 94 93 00 02 95 93 02 99 99 95 02 02 93 95 sanguinea (H4) 'Sarah Taylor' (SDB) (H4) 'Scintilla' (IB) (H4) setosa (H4) 'Severn Side' (TB) (H4) 'Shelford Giant' (Spuria) (H4) 'Sherbet Lemon' (IB) (H4) 'Sherwood Primrose' (TB) (H4) 'Short Order' (CH) (H3) sibirica (H4) —'Annemarie Troeger' (H4) —'Berlin Ruffles' (H4) —'Blaue Milchstrasse' (H4) —'Bournemouth Beauty' (H4) —'Butter and Sugar' (H4) —'Cambridge' (H4) —'Cleedownton' (H4) —'Cleeton Double Chance' (Sino-Sib) (H4) —'Crème Chantilly' (H4) —'Dreaming Spires' (H4) —'Dreaming Yellow' (H4) —'Exuberant Encore' (H4) —'Glanusk' (H4) —'Glaslyn' (H4) —'Granny Jean' (H4) —'Harpswell Happiness' (H4) —'Isla Serle' (H4) —'Kathleen Mary' (H4) —'Lavendelwein' (H4) —'Mikiko' (H4) —'Oban' (H4) —'Perfect Vision' (H4) —'Plissee' (H4) —'Prussian Blue' (H4) —'Regency Belle' (H4) —'Reprise' (H4) —'Roisin' (H4) —'Rosselline' (H4) —'Ruffled Velvet' (H4) —'Shall We Dance' (H4) —'Shirley Pope' (H4) —'Silver Edge' (H4) —'Siobhan' (H4) —'Smudger's Gift' (H4) —'Soft Blue' (H4) —'Trim the Velvet' (H4) —'Welfenprinz' (H4) —'White Swirl' (H4) —'Zakopane' (H4) 'Sindpers' (Juno) (H3) sintenisii (H4) 'Snowy Owl' (TB) (H4) 'Somerset Blue' (TB) (H4) 'Sonoran Señorita' (Spuria) (H4) 'Sparkling Lemonade' (BB) (H4) 'Stepping Out' (TB) (H4) 'Stinger' (SDB) (H4) 'Strawberry Love' (IB) (H4) 'Sun Doll' (SDB) (H4) 'Sunny Dawn' (IB) (H4) 'Sunrise in Sonora' (Spuria) (H4) 'Sunset Colors' (Spuria) (H4) 'Superstition' (TB) (H4) 'Susan Gillespie' (IB) (H4) 94 94 95 00 93 93 93 02 93 02 93 94 94 94 93 93 99 93 99 93 93 94 94 00 02 02 'Sweet Kate' (SDB) (H4) 'Tarot' (BB) (H4) 'Templecloud' (IB) (H4) 'Thornbird' (TB) (H4) 'Tintinara' (TB) (H4) 'Tirra Lirra' (SDB) (H4) 'Titan's Glory' (TB) (H4) 'Tol-long' (H4) unguicularis (H4) —'Mary Barnard' (H4) 'Vanity' (TB) (H4) variegata (H4) versicolor (H4) 'Vinho Verde' (IB) (H4) 'Violet Icing' (TB) (H4) 'Warleggan' (TB) (H4) 'Welch's Reward' (MTB) (H4) 'Wensleydale' (TB) (H4) 'Westar' (SDB) (H4) 'Wharfedale' (TB) (H4) 'Whiteladies' (IB) (H4) wilsonii (H4) winogradowii (H4) 'Wise Gift' (Cal-Sib) (H4) 'Wyoming Cowboys' (Spuria) (H4) 'Zero' (SDB) (H4) Ismelia (Asteraceae) 93 versicolor 'Court Jesters Mixed' (H4) ~ awarded as Chrysanthemum segetum 'Court Jester'; previously listed as Xanthophthalmum segetum 'Court Jester' Itea (Escalloniaceae) 93 ilicifolia (H3) Jasminum (Oleaceae) 02 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 02 02 angulare (H1) ~ min. 5C azoricum (H1) ~ min. 2C grandiflorum 'De Grasse' (H1) ~ min. 5C humile 'Revolutum' (H4) mesnyi (H2-3) nudiflorum (H4) officinale (H4) —'Argenteovariegatum' (v) (H4) —'Inverleith' (H4) polyanthum (H1-2) sambac (H1) ~ min. 5C —'Maid of Orleans' (d) (H1) ~ min. 5C Jatropha (Euphorbiaceae) 02 podagrica (H1) ~ min. 10C; shrubby Jovellana (Scrophulariaceae) 93 violacea (H3) Juglans (Juglandaceae) 93 93 nigra (F) (H4) regia (F) (H4) Juniperus (Cupressaceae) 93 36 chinensis 'Aurea' (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 —'Blaauw' (H4) —'Kaizuka' (H4) —'Obelisk' (H4) —'Plumosa Aurea' (H4) —'Pyramidalis' (H4) communis 'Compressa' (H4) —'Green Carpet' (H4) —'Hibernica' (H4) —'Hornibrookii' (H4) —'Repanda' (H4) horizontalis 'Wiltonii' (H4) × pfitzeriana 'Old Gold' (H4) —'Pfitzeriana Compacta' (H4) —'Sulphur Spray' (H4) ~ previously listed as J. virginiana 'Sulphur Spray' procumbens 'Nana' (H4) squamata 'Blue Carpet' (H4) —'Blue Star' (H4) —'Holger' (H4) virginiana 'Grey Owl' (H4) Kleinia (Asteraceae) 02 Kniphofia (Asphodelaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 02 02 02 93 93 93 93 93 brandegeeana (H1) ~ min. 10C rizzinii (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 93 beharensis (H1) ~ min. 10C; shrubby manginii (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Mariko' (H1) ~ min. 10C marmorata (H1) ~ min. 10C millotii (H1) ~ min. 10C pumila (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Tessa' (H1) ~ min. 10C tomentosa (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Wendy' (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 02 02 angustifolia (H4) —f. rubra (H4) latifolia (H4) —'Freckles' (H4) —'Little Linda' (H4) —'Olympic Fire' (H4) —'Pink Charm' (H4) 02 02 02 02 leachiana (H4) aloides var. aurea (H1) ~ min. 2C —var. quadricolor (H1) ~ min. 2C —var. vanzyliae (H1) ~ min. 2C bulbifera (H1) ~ min. 2C —'George' (H1) ~ min. 2C contaminata (H1) ~ min. 2C orchioides (H1) ~ min. 2C pustulata (H1) ~ min. 2C viridiflora (H1) ~ min. 2C Lagerstroemia (Lythraceae) 93 japonica 'Golden Guinea' (H4) —'Pleniflora' (d) (H4) indica (H1) ~ min. 2C Lagurus (Poaceae) Kirengeshoma (Hydrangeaceae) 93 × watereri 'Vossii' (H4) Lachenalia (Hyacinthaceae) Kerria (Rosaceae) 93 93 amabilis 'Pink Cloud' (H4) Laburnum (Papilionaceae) Kalmiopsis (Ericaceae) 93 eriantha (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Jester' (H1) ~ min. 15C 'Strawberry Fields' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Tane' (H1) ~ min. 10C warscewiczii (H1) ~ min. 10C Kolkwitzia (Caprifoliaceae) Kalmia (Ericaceae) 93 02 93 02 02 02 02 paniculata (H4) Kohleria (Gesneriaceae) Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae) 02 'Bees' Sunset' (H4) 'Brimstone' (H4) 'Buttercup' (H4) caulescens (H3-4) 'David' (H4) galpinii Baker (H4) ~ name often misapplied 'Royal Standard' (H4) 'Samuel's Sensation' (H4) 'Sunningdale Yellow' (H4) 'Toffee Nosed' (H4) uvaria 'Nobilis' (H4) Koelreuteria (Sapindaceae) Justicia (Acanthaceae) 93 stapeliiformis (H1) ~ min. 10C; shrubby 95 palmata (H4) 37 ovatus (H3) ~ annual grass for drying Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB Lamium (Lamiaceae) 93 01 99 maculatum 'White Nancy' (H4) Lapageria (Philesiaceae) 93 rosea (H3) 97 Larix (Pinaceae) 93 93 decidua (H4) kaempferi (H4) 96 Lathyrus (Papilionaceae) 93 98 97 93 00 95 97 97 94 00 99 93 94 97 97 95 96 95 99 98 96 01 01 95 94 94 95 97 97 latifolius (H4) —'Albus' (H4) ~ perennial, tall, old-fashioned —'Rosa Perle' (H4) —'White Pearl' (H4) ~ most plants now sold under this name are 'Albus' odoratus 'Alaska Blue' (H4) —'America' (H4) ~ annual, tall, old-fashioned —'Aunt Jane' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Bert Boucher' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Bishop Rock' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Bobby's Girl' (H4) —'Bristol' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Charlie's Angel' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Colin Unwin' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Dave Thomas' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Dawn Chorus' (H4) ~ annual, medium height, Spencer —'Dorothy Eckford' (H4) ~ annual, tall, old-fashioned —'Evening Glow' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Flora Norton' (H4) ~ annual, tall, old-fashioned —'Florencecourt' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Gwendoline' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Hannah's Harmony' (H4) ~ annual, medium height, Spencer —'Heartbeat' (H4) —'Isabella Cochrane' (H4) —'Janet Scott' (H4) ~ annual, tall, old-fashioned —'Jayne Amanda' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Jilly' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'King Edward VII' (H4) ~ annual, tall, old-fashioned —'Kiri Te Kanawa' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer 94 94 97 00 01 99 97 95 99 96 99 94 95 96 94 00 02 96 96 94 01 99 01 94 02 93 97 —'Linda C' (H4) —'Lizbeth' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer; previously cited as 'Lisbeth' —'Margaret Joyce' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Marie's Melody' (H4) ~ annual, medium height, Spencer —'Millennium' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Mrs Bernard Jones' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Noel Sutton' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Oban Bay' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Oklahoma' (H4) —'Oxford Blue' (H4) —'Patricia Anne' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Phoebe' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Pink Cupid' (H4) ~ annual, dwarf, old-fashioned —'Pinocchio' (H4) ~ annual, dwarf, Spencer —'Pocahontas' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Ron Entwistle' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Royal Flush' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Sicilian Pink' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Solway Fanfare' (H4) ~ annual, medium, Spencer —'Southbourne' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Starlight Sonata' (H4) —'Sunset' (H4) —'Tahiti Sunrise' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Teresa Maureen' (H4) ~ annual, tall, old-fashioned —'Toby Robinson' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer —'Valerie Harrod' (H4) —'Virgo' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer; available from Kings Seeds as part of their 'Signs of the Zodiac' series —'Wedding Day' (H4) —'White Supreme' (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer rotundifolius (H4) vernus (H4) —'Alboroseus' (H4) Laurus (Lauraceae) 93 93 38 nobilis (H4) —'Aurea' (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB Lavandula (Lamiaceae) 02 93 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 01 93 02 02 93 93 02 Leucanthemella (Asteraceae) angustifolia 'Beechwood Blue' (H4) —'Hidcote' (H4) ~ reconfirmed 2001; plants raised from seed are not entitled to this cultivar name —'Imperial Gem' (H4) —LITTLE LOTTIE = 'Clarmo' (H4) —'Loddon Blue' (H4) —'Loddon Pink' (H4) —'Miss Katherine' (PBR) (H4) —MISS MUFFET = 'Scholmis' (H4) —'Nana Alba' (H4) —'Wendy Carlile' (H4) dentata 'Royal Crown' (H2-3) × intermedia 'Alba' (H4) —'Arabian Night' (H4) —'Hidcote Giant' (H4) lanata (H3) 'Richard Gray' (H3-4) 'Sawyers' (H4) stoechas (H3-4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 —subsp. pedunculata (H3-4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 1999 —'Willow Vale' (H3-4) 93 Leucanthemum (Asteraceae) 93 93 93 02 96 96 96 96 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 × clementii 'Bredon Springs' (H3-4) —'Burgundy Wine' (H3-4) —'Candy Floss' (H3-4) —'Rosea' (H3-4) maritima (H2-3) trimestris 'Beauty Formula Mixture' (H3) ~ annual, from seed —Beauty Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture —'Pink Beauty' (H3) ~ annual, from seed —'Salmon Beauty' (H3) ~ annual, from seed —'Silver Cup' (H3) ~ annual, from seed —'White Beauty' (H3) ~ annual, from seed 02 formosa (H4) Libertia (Iridaceae) 98 grandiflora (H4) Ligularia (Asteraceae) 93 93 98 93 dentata 'Desdemona' (H4) 'Gregynog Gold' (H4) przewalskii (H4) 'The Rocket' (H4) Ligustrum (Oleaceae) 93 93 93 93 lucidum (H4) —'Excelsum Superbum' (v) (H4) ovalifolium 'Aureum' (v) (H4) quihoui (H4) Lilium (Liliaceae) 02 02 93 93 02 02 02 02 93 02 02 02 02 93 02 93 02 02 02 93 'Arctic Tern' (H4) buxifolium (H4) houlletianum (H1) ~ min. 2-10C rupestre (H4) scoparium var. incanum 'Keatleyi' (H3) —(Nanum Group) 'Kiwi' (H3) —'Nichollsii' (H3) —'Nichollsii Nanum' (H2-3) —'Red Damask' (d) (H3) 'Silver Sheen' (H3) Lespedeza (Papilionaceae) 93 brachycalyx (H2) cotyledon (H4) —var. heckneri (H4) —Sunset Group (H4) tweedyi (H2) Leycesteria (Caprifoliaceae) Leptospermum (Myrtaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 fontanesiana (H4) ~ previously listed as L. walteri —'Rollissonii' (H4) ~ previously listed under L. walteri Lewisia (Portulacaceae) Lepismium (Cactaceae) 93 aestivum 'Gravetye Giant' (H4) autumnale (H4) nicaeense (H2-3) vernum (H4) Leucothoe (Ericaceae) Leiophyllum (Ericaceae) 93 purpurea (H1) ~ min. 5C Leucojum (Amaryllidaceae) × Ledodendron (Ericaceae) 93 × superbum 'Aglaia' (d) (H4) —'T.E. Killin' (d) (H4) —'Wirral Supreme' (d) (H4) Leucocoryne (Alliaceae) Lavatera (Malvaceae) 97 97 97 93 93 96 serotina (H4) thunbergii (H4) 39 African Queen Group (VIa) (H4) 'Apollo' (Ia) (H4) candidum (IX) (H4) 'Casa Blanca' (VIIb) (H4) 'Fata Morgana' (Ia/d) (H4) 'Garden Party' (VII) (H4) Golden Splendor Group (VIa) (H4) 'Grand Cru' (Ia) (H4) henryi (IX) (H4) 'Joy' (VIIb) (H4) 'King Pete' (Ib) (H4) lancifolium var. splendens (IX) (H4) 'Lennox' (H4) longiflorum (IX) (H2-3) martagon (IX) (H4) —var. album (IX) (H4) 'Medaillon' (Ia) (H4) 'Novo Cento' (H4) pardalinum (IX) (H4) Pink Perfection Group (VIa) (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 02 93 pumilum (IX) (H4) regale (IX) (H4) 'Sam' (VII) (H4) × testaceum (IX) (H4) 93 98 Limnanthes (Limnanthaceae) 93 douglasii (H4) Limonium (Plumbaginaceae) 93 98 bonduellii 'Forever Gold' (H3) Lindera (Lauraceae) 93 obtusiloba (H4) 98 Linum (Linaceae) 93 93 93 arboreum (H4) 'Gemmell's Hybrid' (H4) grandiflorum (H3) 98 Liquidambar (Hamamelidaceae) 93 93 styraciflua 'Lane Roberts' (H4) —'Worplesdon' (H4) 97 Liriodendron (Magnoliaceae) 93 93 97 97 97 93 97 93 96 tulipifera (H4) —'Aureomarginatum' (v) (H4) Liriope (Convallariaceae) 93 muscari (H4) Lithodora (Boraginaceae) 93 93 93 diffusa 'Grace Ward' (H4) —'Heavenly Blue' (H4) oleifolia (H4) Lobivia (Cactaceae) Lithops (Aizoaceae) 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 93 aucampiae (H1) ~ min. 2C bromfieldii (H1) ~ min. 2C hallii (H1) ~ min. 2C hookeri (H1) ~ min. 2C karasmontana (H1) ~ min. 2C lesliei (H1) ~ min. 2C olivacea (H1) ~ min. 2C pseudotruncatella (H1) ~ min. 2C salicola (H1) ~ min. 2C schwantesii (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 93 93 93 02 02 98 98 98 98 93 93 maritima Easter Bonnet Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture —Golf Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture —'Rosie O'Day' (H3) —'Snowdrift' (H3) —'Violet Queen' (H3) —'Wonderland White' (H3) Lonicera (Caprifoliaceae) 93 97 97 93 chinensis (H1) ~ min. 2C Lobelia (Campanulaceae) 93 93 02 aurea (H1) ~ min. 2-10C cinnabarina (H1) ~ min. 2-10C jajoiana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C winteriana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C wrightiana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C Lobularia (Brassicaceae) Livistona (Arecaceae) 93 ~ award confirmed, for N.L. Chrestensen selection only, in 1998 after trial as a cultivar suitable for growing in the open ground —'Mrs Clibran' (H3) —'Regatta Midnight Blue' (H3) ~ as a cultivar suitable for growing in the open ground and trailing in hanging pots —'Regatta Sky Blue' (H3) ~ as a trailing cultivar suitable for growing in hanging pots —'Riviera Blue Eyes' (H3) ~ as a cultivar suitable for growing in the open ground —'String of Pearls' (H3) ~ as a cultivar suitable for growing in the open ground; award applies to S.E. Marshall's selection 'Fan Orchidrosa' (H3-4) ~ previously listed as L. FAN ORCHID ROSE 'Fan Scharlach' (H3-4) 'Fan Tiefrot' (H3-4) 'Fan Zinnoberrosa' (H3-4) 'Kompliment Scharlach' (H3-4) 'Pink Elephant' (H4) 'Queen Victoria' (H3) richardsonii (H1+3) ~ min. 10C cardinalis (H3) erinus 'Cambridge Blue' (H3) —Cascade Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture —'Colour Cascade' (H3) —'Crystal Palace' (H3) 93 97 93 93 93 40 caprifolium (H4) etrusca 'Donald Waterer' (H4) —'Superba' (H4) × italica (H4) ~ often available in trade as L. x americana; the true L. x americana is much less common japonica 'Halliana' (H4) —var. repens (H4) nitida 'Baggesen's Gold' (H4) periclymenum 'Graham Thomas' (H4) —'Serotina' (H4) ~ the plant selected at East Malling (EM85) is the more vigorous Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 02 93 × purpusii 'Winter Beauty' (H4) sempervirens (H4) similis var. delavayi (H4) tragophylla (H4) 93 93 Lophospermum (Scrophulariaceae) 93 93 93 93 02 93 erubescens (H2-3) Lotus (Papilionaceae) 02 02 02 berthelotii deep red (H1+3) ~ min. 2C × berthelotii (H1+3) ~ min. 2C hirsutus (H3-4) 93 93 93 Luculia (Rubiaceae) 93 gratissima (H1-2) Luma (Myrtaceae) 93 02 apiculata (H3) —'Glanleam Gold' (v) (H3) 93 Lunaria (Brassicaceae) 93 93 93 93 annua var. albiflora (H4) Lupinus (Papilionaceae) 93 93 arboreus (H4) Band of Nobles Series (H4) 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 Lychnis (Caryophyllaceae) 93 98 93 02 93 93 chalcedonica (H4) coronaria (H4) —'Alba' (H4) flos-jovis (H4) viscaria 'Splendens Plena' (d) (H4) × walkeri 'Abbotswood Rose' (H4) Lysichiton (Araceae) 93 93 93 Mahonia (Berberidaceae) americanus (H4) camtschatcensis (H4) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 Lysimachia (Primulaceae) 96 93 93 ciliata 'Firecracker' (H4) clethroides (H4) nummularia 'Aurea' (H4) Lythrum (Lythraceae) 02 93 salicaria 'Blush' (H4) —'Feuerkerze' (H4) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 weddellianum (H1) ~ min. 10C Mackaya (Acanthaceae) 93 bella (H1) ~ min. 2C Macleaya (Papaveraceae) 93 02 93 cordata (Willd.) R. Br. (H4) × kewensis 'Flamingo' (H4) microcarpa 'Kelway's Coral Plume' (H4) 93 93 93 93 93 02 'Evereste' (H4) floribunda (H4) hupehensis (H4) 'John Downie' (C) (H4) × robusta 'Red Sentinel' (H4) 'Royal Beauty' (H4) transitoria (H4) tschonoskii (H4) × zumi 'Golden Hornet' (H4) Malva (Malvaceae) 93 Magnolia (Magnoliaceae) 93 aquifolium 'Apollo' (H4) japonica (H4) lomariifolia (H3) × media 'Buckland' (H4) —'Lionel Fortescue' (H4) —'Underway' (H4) —'Winter Sun' (H4) × wagneri 'Pinnacle' (H4) Malus (Rosaceae) Lytocaryum (Arecaceae) 93 'Heaven Scent' (H4) ~ (Gresham hybrid) 'Jane' (H4) ~ (Kosar hybrid) liliiflora 'Nigra' (H4) × loebneri 'Leonard Messel' (H4) —'Merrill' (H4) 'Milky Way' (H4) obovata Thunb. (H4) ~ awarded as M. hypoleuca 'Pinkie' (H4) ~ (Kosar hybrid) salicifolia (H3-4) —'Wada's Memory' (H4) ~ previously listed as M. x kewensis 'Wada's Memory' 'Sayonara' (H4) ~ (Gresham hybrid) sieboldii subsp. sieboldii (H4) × soulangeana 'Brozzonii' (H3-4) —'Etienne Soulange-Bodin' (H3-4) ~ usually grown as M. x soulangeana —'Lennei' (H3-4) —'Lennei Alba' (H3-4) —'Rustica Rubra' (H3-4) 'Star Wars' (H4) stellata (H4) —'Waterlily' (H4) 'Susan' (H4) ~ (Kosar hybrid) wilsonii (H4) moschata f. alba (H4) Mammillaria (Cactaceae) 'Ann' (H4) ~ (De Vos hybrid) 'Betty' (H4) ~ (Kosar hybrid) denudata (H3-4) 'Elizabeth' (H4) 'Galaxy' (H4) grandiflora 'Exmouth' (H3-4) —'Victoria' (H3-4) 93 93 93 93 41 baumii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C bocasana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C bombycina (H1) ~ min. 2-10C candida (H1) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 ~ awarded as Mertensia pulmonarioides ~ min. 2-10C carmenae (H1) ~ min. 2-10C elongata (H1) ~ min. 2-10C geminispina (H1) ~ min. 2-10C hahniana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C parkinsonii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C plumosa (H1) ~ min. 2-10C pringlei (H1) ~ min. 2-10C prolifera (H1) ~ min. 2-10C sphaerica (H1) ~ min. 2-10C spinosissima (H1) ~ min. 2-10C zeilmanniana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C Metasequoia (Cupressaceae) 93 Microbiota (Cupressaceae) 93 02 02 02 98 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 × amabilis 'Alice du Pont' (H1) ~ min. 10C; previously listed under M. x amoena boliviensis (H1) ~ min. 10C laxa (H2) splendens (H1) ~ min. 10C 01 01 01 01 leuconeura var. erythroneura (H1) ~ min. 15C —var. kerchoveana (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 struthiopteris (H4) 93 93 Cinderella Series (H1) ~ sold as a mixture 93 aurantiaca (H1) ~ min. 2-10C intertexta (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 93 01 01 01 01 01 betonicifolia (H4) (Infertile Blue Group) 'Slieve Donard' (H4) quintuplinervia (H4) 93 magnifica (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 Melianthus (Melianthaceae) 93 deliciosa (F) (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Variegata' (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C Morus (Moraceae) major (H3) Mertensia (Boraginaceae) 93 'Beauty of Cobham' (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 'Cambridge Scarlet' (H4) 'Croftway Pink' (H4) 'Gardenview Scarlet' (H4) 'Marshall's Delight' (H4) 'Squaw' (H4) 'Talud' (H4) 'Violet Queen' (H4) Monstera (Araceae) Medinilla (Melastomataceae) 02 × intermedia (H4) Monarda (Lamiaceae) Meconopsis (Papaveraceae) 93 93 93 caerulea subsp. caerulea 'Variegata' (v) (H4) Moltkia (Boraginaceae) Matucana (Cactaceae) 93 sinensis var. condensatus 'Cosmopolitan' (v) (H4) —'Flamingo' (H4) —'Gewitterwolke' (H4) —'Ghana' (H4) —'Gold und Silber' (H4) —'Grosse Fontäne' (H4) —'Kaskade' (H4) —'Kleine Fontäne' (H4) —'Kleine Silberspinne' (H4) —'Morning Light' (v) (H4) —'Septemberrot' (H4) —'Silberfeder' (H4) ~ awarded as 'Silver Feather' —'Strictus' (v) (H4) —'Undine' (H4) —'Variegatus' (v) (H4) —'Zebrinus' (v) (H4) Molinia (Poaceae) Matthiola (Brassicaceae) 93 aurantiacus (H2-3) 'Calypso' (H3) cardinalis (H3) cupreus 'Whitecroft Scarlet' (H4) 'Highland Red' (H4) lewisii (H3) Magic Series (H4) ~ sold as a mixture naiandinus (H3) ~ previously listed as M. 'Andean Nymph' Miscanthus (Poaceae) Matteuccia (Woodsiaceae) 93 effusum 'Aureum' (H4) Mimulus (Scrophulariaceae) Maranta (Marantaceae) 02 decussata (H4) Milium (Poaceae) Mandevilla (Apocynaceae) 93 glyptostroboides (H4) 93 nigra (F) (H4) virginica (H4) 42 Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB Musa (Musaceae) 93 02 02 93 93 02 98 acuminata 'Dwarf Cavendish' (AAA Group) (F) (H1) ~ AAA Group; min. 10C —'Zebrina' (H1+3) ~ min. 10C basjoo (H3-4) coccinea (H1) ~ min. 10C; awarded as Musa uranoscopus misapplied ornata (H1) ~ min. 10C velutina (H1+3) ~ min. 10C 93 98 93 Muscari (Hyacinthaceae) 93 93 93 93 01 armeniacum (H4) aucheri (H4) azureum (H4) pseudomuscari (H4) 93 Myosotis (Boraginaceae) 93 93 01 'Blue Ball' (H4) 'Ultramarine' (H4) Myrtus (Myrtaceae) 93 93 02 communis (H3) —subsp. tarentina (H3) Nandina (Berberidaceae) 93 02 01 domestica (H3) —'Fire Power' (H3) Narcissus (Amaryllidaceae) 01 95 93 96 93 01 93 94 95 93 'Aberfoyle' (2) (H4) ~ bright yellow with a deep orange-red corona; free flowering and very early 'Accent' (2) (H4) ~ a sturdy flower with a wonderfully deep pink corona 'Actaea' (9) (H4) ~ an old and reliable poeticus daffodil, fragrant and with a deep red rim 'April Tears' (5) (H4) ~ a deep lemon-yellow daffodil of great charm, with several neatly formed pendent flowers per stem 'Arctic Gold' (1) (H4) ~ a vigorous and free flowering trumpet daffodil of the deepest golden yellow 'Arkle' (1) (H4) ~ a deep yellow trumpet daffodil of immense size and vigour 'Armada' (2) (H4) ~ a strong and vigorous plant with vivid yellow petals and orange corona asturiensis (13) (H3-4) ~ miniature yellow trumpet daffodil, hugging the ground; requiring acid soil and flowering from late winter to early spring 'Avalanche' (8) (H3) ~ a plant of amazing vigour, with strong stems bearing up to a dozen beautifully formed yellow and white flowers 98 93 95 98 94 98 95 96 43 'Badbury Rings' (3) (H4) ~ a wonderful yellow small-cupped daffodil with an orange rim; a leader on the show bench as well as a good garden plant 'Bantam' (2) (H4) ~ a bright and perky intermediate-sized daffodil with golden petals and an orange corona often sharply rimmed with red* 'Barnum' (1) (H4) ~ large and robust; deep golden yellow with very wide petals; a long-lasting flower of great substance and proud stance 'Bawnboy' (1) (H4) ~ a deep yellow trumpet daffodil; strong-growing and reliable 'Ben Hee' (2) (H4) ~ a pristine white daffodil of beautiful form 'Biscayne' (1) (H4) ~ a most reliable and vigorous yellow trumpet daffodil of excellent pose 'Border Beauty' (2) (H4) ~ a very large and showy bright red and yellow flower of excellent pose 'Boslowick' (11a) (H4) ~ an excellent, early-season flower with spreading orange corona 'Boulder Bay' (2) (H4) ~ a large yellow flower with trumpet-like corona and flared orange rim; distinct 'Brabazon' (1) (H4) ~ a deep golden yellow trumpet daffodil; tall, strong and free-flowering 'Bram Warnaar' (1) (H4) ~ a sturdy and long-lasting yellow flower with a bold trumpet 'Bravoure' (1) (H4) ~ an extremely large flower with wonderful contrast between white petals and bold yellow trumpet 'Broomhill' (2) (H4) ~ sparkling white; wonderfully reliable for both show and garden 'Bryanston' (2) (H4) ~ a tall, strong and early-flowering plant of "look you in the eye" pose, with well formed and longlasting flowers of deep golden yellow bulbocodium (13) (H3-4) ~ hoop petticoat; miniature yellow flowers with narrow petals and large corona; best in a wet position on acid soil* 'Bunting' (7) (H4) ~ fragrant, and one of the brightest of the orange and yellow jonquils 'Camelot' (2) (H4) ~ large round mid-yellow flower; robust and vigorous 'Cantabile' (9) (H4) ~ the poeticus daffodil by which all others are judged; reliable and well-formed Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 94 94 98 95 95 93 93 95 99 96 01 98 93 95 01 02 99 01 93 cantabricus subsp. cantabricus var. cantabricus (13) (H2) ~ icy white hoop petticoat flowers on short stems; flowering in the alpine house in early spring* ——var. foliosus (13) (H2) ~ milk-white hoop petticoat daffodils flowering in late autumn* 'Carib Gipsy' (2) (H4) ~ strong and vigorous plant; pale yellow petals and a well-contrasted white corona with broad golden yellow rim 'Carlton' (2) (H4) ~ famously reliable for large-scale planting 'Ceylon' (2) (H4) ~ one of the best orange and yellow daffodils for sun resistance and a striking pose 'Charity May' (6) (H4) ~ a free-flowering daffodil of shy pose and sweptback petals* 'Charter' (2) (H4) ~ a large flower with petals and corona rim of luminous lemon-yellow 'Cheerfulness' (4) (H4) ~ sturdy and fragrant, with several neat semidouble flowers per stem 'Chesterton' (9) (H4) ~ a poeticus daffodil of good foliage, form and colour which stands up well to the weather 'Chit Chat' (7) (H4) ~ dainty and bright yellow, with two to four nicely formed round flowers per stem 'Chromacolor' (2) (H4) ~ eye-catching large flower with pure white petals and bright pink trumpet-shaped corona 'Crackington' (4) (H4) ~ reliable orange and yellow double daffodil of rapid increase; standing well in all weathers cyclamineus (13) (H4) ~ miniature yellow trumpet daffodil with strongly reflexed petals; flowering in early spring in a wet position on acid soil; very durable 'Daydream' (2) (H3) ~ a beautifully formed flower with the petals bright lemon-yellow and the corona gradually turning white 'Desdemona' (2) (H4) ~ a tall and reliable all-white daffodil 'Dickcissel' (7) (H4) ~ very free flowering with heads held well above the foliage; good for show, flower arranging and cutting as well as for the garden 'Dispatch Box' (1) (H4) ~ an outstanding yellow trumpet daffodil; free flowering, with the blooms held well above the foliage 'Doctor Hugh' (3) (H4) ~ a large bold flower of great impact, with pure white petals and bright orange cup; a leading show variety too 'Double Event' (4) (H4) 93 02 95 01 93 01 98 93 93 95 95 95 98 98 95 95 93 95 93 95 44 ~ well formed double daffodil with yellow and white petals intermingled 'Dove Wings' (6) (H4) ~ sister seedling to 'Charity May', with all the same qualities but dressed in yellow and white* 'Drumlin' (1) (H4) ~ large and strong, with yellow and white flowers of great impact over a long period 'Dutch Master' (1) (H4) ~ a very large traditional yellow trumpet of great vigour 'Eaton Song' (12) (H4) ~ a short-stemmed, twin-headed, yellow and orange daffodil with a very long flowering period 'Empress of Ireland' (1) (H4) ~ stately and imposing white daffodil with a beautifully flanged trumpet 'Exception' (1) (H4) ~ a sturdy trumpet daffodil of deep golden yellow; free-flowering in early spring 'Falconet' (8) (H4) ~ multi-headed, brightly coloured and fragrant 'February Gold' (6) (H4) ~ distinct profile with swept-back petals and long trumpet; ideal for naturalising 'Feeling Lucky' (2) (H4) ~ a colourful flower of rapid increase 'Foundling' (6) (H4) ~ a sturdy and prolific plant of intermediate size with reflexed white petals and a neat corona of bright pink* 'Gay Kybo' (4) (H4) ~ a large and imposing double daffodil of neat form on a strong stem 'Geranium' (8) (H4) ~ multi-headed, reliable and fragrant; and good for cutting 'Gin and Lime' (1) (H4) ~ lime-yellow trumpet daffodil of immense size and vigour 'Glenfarclas' (1) (H4) ~ one of the few orange trumpet daffodils; very bright and cheerful 'Gold Convention' (2) (H4) ~ smooth flower of beautiful form and deepest yellow; strong constitution and good pose 'Golden Aura' (2) (H4) ~ well rounded flowers of perfect form and polished golden yellow 'Golden Dawn' (8) (H3) ~ reliable tazetta daffodil of attractive colouring; several scented flowers per stem 'Golden Jewel' (2) (H4) ~ deep golden yellow flower with jewel-smooth texture; excellent stem and pose 'Golden Rapture' (1) (H4) ~ a massive golden yellow trumpet daffodil of great impact 'Golden Vale' (1) (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 01 98 01 95 01 99 02 93 01 01 93 95 95 93 95 94 95 98 ~ a sturdy yellow trumpet daffodil with broad and spreading petals 'Goldfinger' (1) (H4) ~ a deep yellow trumpet daffodil; free flowering, long-lasting and consistent 'Grasmere' (1) (H4) ~ a large and formal yellow flower with neatly frilled trumpet 'Hambledon' (2) (H4) ~ a strong and vigorous plant, with the corona of the large lemon-yellow flower becoming a subtle buff pink 'Hawera' (5) (H4) ~ a vigorous and free-flowering triandrus daffodil with a number of neatly nodding flowers per stem 'High Society' (2) (H4) ~ lives up to its name; beautiful white flowers with pink-rimmed yellow corona* 'Highfield Beauty' (8) (H4) ~ tall weather-resistant flowers of strong constitution and very good pose 'Hoopoe' (8) (H4) ~ durable, yellow and orange flowers produced in great quantity over a long period 'Ice Follies' (2) (H4) ~ creamy white flowers, frilled and highly ornate; robust and reliable in all climates; ideal for naturalising 'Ice Wings' (5) (H4) ~ small clusters of nodding pure white flowers on 9-inch stems; vigorous and reliable* 'Intrigue' (7) (H4) ~ hauntingly luminous yellow flowers, with the small corona becoming white 'Irish Minstrel' (2) (H4) ~ a big round flower with white petals and contrasting deep yellow cup; strong and vigorous 'Itzim' (6) (H4) ~ a bright little flower with swept-back petals and long red trumpet* 'Jack Snipe' (6) (H4) ~ a cyclamineus daffodil with creamy white petals typically reflexed and the cylindrical corona in vividly contrasting yellow* 'Jenny' (6) (H4) ~ the white sibling of 'Charity May' and 'Dove Wings'* 'Jetfire' (6) (H4) ~ a cyclamineus daffodil with orange corona; vigorous and free-flowering; early season* jonquilla (13) (H4) ~ jonquil; up to six strongly scented yellow flowers on a round stem* 'Jumblie' (12) (H4) ~ two to three orange and yellow flowers per stem with reflexed petals; a small neat plant ideal for the rock garden* 'Kaydee' (6) (H4) ~ sparkling white reflexed petals and a lightly flared trumpet of vivid pink* 01 93 93 02 00 01 97 93 02 01 93 98 94 01 95 01 01 95 99 93 45 'King's Grove' (1) (H4) ~ a bold flower with yellow petals and orange trumpet; tall and of excellent pose 'Kingscourt' (1) (H4) ~ a mid-yellow trumpet daffodil of classic form and smoothest texture 'Larkwhistle' (6) (H4) ~ reliable all-yellow cyclamineus daffodil* 'Lemon Drops' (5) (H4) ~ very free flowering, and over a long period 'Lingerie' (4) (H4) ~ a floriferous double daffodil on a strong stem, holding its head up well; petals of lemon-yellow and white intermingled 'Little Beauty' (1) (H4) ~ well-named dwarf daffodil with lovely contrast between the white petals and yellow trumpet 'Little Gem' (1) (H4) ~ a well-formed miniature trumpet daffodil of great vigour; ideal for the rock garden 'Loch Owskeich' (2) (H4) ~ a sturdy and rather short-stemmed plant, with robust orange and yellow flowers holding their colour well in full sun 'Manly' (4) (H4) ~ a large double flower of great impact, standing up well on a strong stem 'Menehay' (11a) (H4) ~ excellent example in orange and yellow of the modern split-corona daffodil 'Merlin' (3) (H4) ~ petals of purest white and the brilliant yellow corona rimmed with true red 'Minnow' (8) (H3) ~ beautifully formed miniature flowers, better for a milder climate minor (13) (H4) ~ small yellow trumpet daffodil with forwardfacing petals 'Mission Bells' (5) (H4) ~ several icy-white bell-like flowers per stem; ideal for smaller gardens* 'Misty Glen' (2) (H4) ~ an impeccably formed white flower enhanced by the deep green in the eye of the corona 'Mite' (6) (H4) ~ strongly swept-back petals on a light-weight little flower ideal for the rock garden moschatus (13) (H4) ~ a creamy white trumpet daffodil of medium size with forward-facing petals* 'Mount Hood' (1) (H4) ~ a most reliable white trumpet daffodil 'Notre Dame' (2) (H4) ~ floriferous and late-season, with sun-resistant pink rim obvallaris (13) (H4) ~ the Tenby daffodil; sturdy yellow trumpet daffodil of medium size with spreading petals; early spring flowering* Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 98 93 93 95 01 93 01 96 93 01 94 01 98 01 01 93 98 'Ormeau' (2) (H4) ~ a beautifully smooth flower, greenish yellow and well proportioned 'Oryx' (7) (H4) ~ three or four perfectly formed light yellow flowers on each tall stem 'Papua' (4) (H4) ~ a strong all-yellow double daffodil which stands well in the garden 'Passionale' (2) (H4) ~ a refined daffodil of great vigour, with pastelpink corona 'Peeping Tom' (6) (H4) ~ a deep golden yellow trumpet daffodil, stronggrowing and reliable, with slightly reflexed and nicely twisted petals 'Pimpernel' (2) (H4) ~ a large flower with yellow petals and a small corona of sun-resistant orange 'Pinza' (2) (H4) ~ a colourful sun-resistant flower of excellent pose and great impact 'Pipit' (7) (H4) ~ up to four neatly formed flowers of luminous lemon-yellow per stem 'Pixie's Sister' (7) (H4) ~ a number of well-formed scented flowers gracefully held on a short stem; needs dry summer dormancy poeticus var. recurvus (13) (H4) ~ pheasant's eye; strongly scented flowers with pure white reflexed and twisted petals and a short green or yellow corona with crimson rim; flowering in late spring 'Precocious' (2) (H4) ~ a distinctive white-petalled flower of great impact, with frilled corona of startling reddish pink pseudonarcissus (13) (H4) ~ Lent lily; medium-size trumpet daffodil with downward-facing flowers, straw coloured forwardfacing petals and a darker yellow corona with little flange 'Purbeck' (3) (H4) ~ an immaculately formed flower, with white petals and a small orange-banded corona 'Quail' (7) (H4) ~ a multi-headed jonquil of deep golden yellow; vigorous, free-flowering and fragrant* 'Rainbow' (2) (H4) ~ a reliable white flower with a well-defined rim of salmon pink; good for mass planting 'Rapture' (6) (H4) ~ one of the most perfectly formed of all the golden yellow daffodils with swept-back petals* 'Red Devon' (2) (H4) ~ a very good orange and yellow flower of rounded form 'Reggae' (6) (H4) 93 95 95 94 93 94 94 93 01 96 99 02 98 98 93 96 98 93 93 46 ~ a dainty pink and white flower with fly-away petals; very free flowering, with blooms held well above the foliage* 'Rijnveld's Early Sensation' (1) (H4) ~ earliest to flower of all the larger daffodils; a strong and robust yellow trumpet withstanding the winter weather and lasting a long time in the garden 'Rippling Waters' (5) (H4) ~ several pure white pendulous flowers per stem 'Romance' (2) (H4) ~ a wonderfully strong round flower, with white petals and deep pink lobed corona romieuxii (13) (H2-3) ~ pale primrose hoop petticoat flowers on short stems; flowering in late winter in the alpine house* 'Rugulosus' (7) (H4) ~ a multi-headed and fragrant jonquil; very vigorous and strong growing; good for cutting rupicola subsp. marvieri (13) (H2) ~ solitary yellow flowers on short stems; narrow spreading petals and a conical corona with lobed rim; for the alpine house* —subsp. rupicola (13) (H2-3) ~ solitary yellow flowers on short stems, the petals spreading and usually broad, the corona deeply lobed; for the alpine house* 'Saint Keverne' (2) (H4) ~ deep golden yellow daffodil; tall, straight and regimentally formal 'Salome' (2) (H4) ~ very consistent; with the corona opening yellow and turning to warm pink 'Segovia' (3) (H4) ~ a most attractive little flower in yellow and white; for the rock garden 'Serena Lodge' (4) (H4) ~ a long-lasting and showy double daffodil standing on strong stems 'Silent Valley' (1) (H4) ~ a strong plant with plenty of flowers both for show bench and garden 'Sir Winston Churchill' (4) (H4) ~ several scented double flowers per stem in orange and white 'Special Envoy' (2) (H4) ~ a sturdy and reliable all-yellow daffodil 'Spellbinder' (1) (H4) ~ an entrancing sulphur-yellow flower, with the trumpet turning white at maturity 'Sun Disc' (7) (H4) ~ flowers like gleaming little gold discs; ideal for the rock garden* 'Surfside' (6) (H4) ~ an imposing yellow and white flower with beautifully reflexed petals 'Suzy' (7) (H4) ~ several fragrant yellow flowers per stem, with small coronas of bright orange 'Sweetness' (7) (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 01 95 98 93 01 97 01 01 95 94 01 98 95 98 93 02 01 93 ~ wonderfully fragrant flowers shining like golden stars* 'Swift Arrow' (6) (H4) ~ flower well named for its fly-away golden yellow petals and long trumpet* 'Tahiti' (4) (H4) ~ sturdy and prolific double daffodil with neat orange and yellow flowers 'Tamar Fire' (4) (H4) ~ one of the brightest double daffodils in its colour range; standing well in the garden 'Tête-à-tête' (12) (H4) ~ a magnificent free-flowering little daffodil for pots, rock garden or naturalising* 'Topolino' (1) (H4) ~ a very reliable plant for the rockery, with creamy white petals and a brightly contrasted yellow trumpet* 'Toto' (12) (H4) ~ a graceful flower, with the narrow corona opening yellow and becoming white; of excellent increase 'Tracey' (6) (H4) ~ a charming little white daffodil with swept-back petals 'Trena' (6) (H4) ~ classic form combined with a wonderful contrast between white petals and yellow trumpet make this a much coveted variety* 'Trevithian' (7) (H4) ~ two to three soft yellow fragrant flowers per stem triandrus (13) (H3) ~ Angel's tears; two to six small white pendent flowers per stem, with sharply reflexed petals; flowering on acid soil* 'Tripartite' (11a) (H4) ~ several small mid-yellow flowers per stem with the corona neatly split; exceptionally free flowering and vigorous* 'Triple Crown' (3) (H4) ~ a golden yellow flower with deep red rim; free flowering and quick to increase 'Tuesday's Child' (5) (H4) ~ one to three yellow and white weather-resistant flowers per stem, standing up well in the flower border 'Tyrone Gold' (1) (H4) ~ large deep golden trumpet daffodil; a strong plant with 'look you in the eye' pose 'Ulster Prince' (1) (H4) ~ a golden yellow flower with large pointed petals and bold trumpet 'Unique' (4) (H4) ~ a robust double flower holding its colour well and flowering fairly early in the season 'Vernal Prince' (3) (H4) ~ a vigorous and beautiful daffodil, with smooth white petals and deep greenish-lemon cup 'Verona' (3) (H4) 93 95 93 01 93 98 95 ~ completely round, all-white flower with a small disc-like corona 'Vigil' (1) (H4) ~ a strong and vigorous trumpet daffodil of distinctvely angular form in icy white 'Viking' (1) (H4) ~ a trumpet daffodil of beautiful form in deep golden yellow 'Vulcan' (2) (H4) ~ a tall flower with sun-resistant bright orange corona 'Wheal Coates' (7) (H4) ~ a distinctive orange and yellow flower with a very long flowering season 'White Lion' (4) (H4) ~ a many-petalled double daffodil of nice form, well posed on a strong stem 'Willy Dunlop' (2) (H4) ~ a flower of great size and substance with a good contrast between pure white petals and deep yellow corona 'Yellow Cheerfulness' (4) (H4) ~ an all-yellow sport of 'Cheerfulness', with the same admirable attributes Nematanthus (Gesneriaceae) 02 93 gregarius (H1) ~ min. 15C 'Tropicana' (H1) ~ min. 10C Nemesia (Scrophulariaceae) 99 99 99 99 99 99 BLUE CLOUD = 'Penblu' (H3) ~ previously listed as N. 'Blue Cloud' caerulea 'Sea Mist' (H3) denticulata (H3-4) 'Fleurie Bluebird' (H3) ~ distinct from N. BLUEBIRD = 'Hubbird' 'Innocence' (H3) MELANIE = 'Fleuron' (PBR) (H3) Neohenricia (Aizoaceae) 93 sibbettii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C Neoporteria (Cactaceae) 93 93 93 93 multicolor (H1) ~ min. 2-10C napina f. mitis (H1) ~ min. 2-10C paucicostata (H1) ~ min. 2-10C wagenknechtii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C Neoregelia (Bromeliaceae) 93 93 93 carolinae f. tricolor (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C marmorata (H1) ~ min. 10C spectabilis (H1) ~ min. 10C Nepeta (Lamiaceae) 02 47 × faassenii (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 02 racemosa (H4) 93 Nephrolepis (Oleandraceae) 97 02 02 02 Oenothera (Onagraceae) exaltata (H2) —'Elegantissima' (H1) ~ min. 5C —'Fluffy Ruffles' (H1) ~ min. 5C —'Hillii' (H1) ~ min. 5C 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 96 93 oleander 'Variegatum' (v) (H1+3) ~ min. 5C 93 93 93 fulgens (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 linariifolia (H1) ~ min. 2C; awarded as N. caerulea 93 damascena 'Miss Jekyll' (H4) —'Miss Jekyll Alba' (H4) 93 93 93 93 93 93 recurvata (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 93 variegata (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C Oreocereus (Cactaceae) apricus (H1) ~ min. 2-10C crassigibbus (H1) ~ min. 2-10C magnificus (H1) ~ min. 2-10C mammulosus (H1) ~ min. 2-10C scopa (H1) ~ min. 2-10C uebelmannianus (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 hendriksenianus var. densilanatus (H1) ~ min. 2-10C Origanum (Lamiaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 amanum (H2-3) laevigatum (H3) —'Herrenhausen' (H4) rotundifolium (H4) vulgare 'Aureum' (H4) Ornithogalum (Hyacinthaceae) 02 93 02 'Escarboucle' (H) (H4) 'Gladstoneana' (H) (H4) 'Gonnère' (H) (H4) 'James Brydon' (H) (H4) 'Marliacea Chromatella' (H) (H4) 'Pygmaea Helvola' (H) (H4) dubium (H1) ~ min.5C nutans (H4) thyrsoides (H1) ~ min.5C Oscularia (Aizoaceae) 02 deltoides (H1-2) ~ min. 2C Osmanthus (Oleaceae) 93 93 93 Nyssa (Cornaceae) 93 microdasys 'Albata' (H1) ~ min. 2-10C rufida (H1) ~ min.2C Orbea (Asclepiadaceae) phyllanthoides (H1) ~ min. 2-10C Nymphaea (Nymphaeaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 africanus 'Variegatus' (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C Opuntia (Cactaceae) Notocactus (Cactaceae) 93 planiscapus 'Nigrescens' (H4) ~ also valued as a pot plant under glass Oplismenus (Poaceae) Nopalxochia (Cactaceae) 93 taurica (H4) Ophiopogon (Convallariaceae) Nolina (Dracaenaceae) 93 nervosum (H4) Onosma (Boraginaceae) Nigella (Ranunculaceae) 93 93 sensibilis (H4) Onopordum (Asteraceae) Nierembergia (Solanaceae) 93 cappadocica (H4) —'Cherry Ingram' (H4) linifolia (H4) Onoclea (Woodsiaceae) Domino Series (H3) langsdorffii (H3) 'Lime Green' (H3) sylvestris (H3) Nidularium (Bromeliaceae) 02 douglasii (H4) Omphalodes (Boraginaceae) Nicotiana (Solanaceae) 93 93 93 93 macrodonta (H3) × mollis (Kirk) Cockayne 'Zennorensis' (H3) ~ valued in particular for its foliage effect × scilloniensis Dorrien-Smith (H3) Olsynium (Iridaceae) bowdenii (H3-4) sarniensis (H2-3) 'Zeal Giant' (H3-4) Nerium (Apocynaceae) 02 fruticosa 'Fyrverkeri' (H4) —subsp. glauca (H4) macrocarpa (H4) Olearia (Asteraceae) Nerine (Amaryllidaceae) 93 02 98 sylvatica (H4) sinensis (H4) 48 × burkwoodii (H4) delavayi (H4) heterophyllus 'Gulftide' (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 —'Variegatus' (v) (H4) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 Osmunda (Osmundaceae) 97 97 93 97 cinnamomea (H4) claytoniana (H4) regalis (H4) —'Cristata' (H4) Osteospermum (Asteraceae) 93 95 93 95 95 95 95 93 93 95 93 93 'Buttermilk' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Hopleys' (H3-4) jucundum (H3-4) —'Blackthorn Seedling' (H3-4) —'Langtrees' (H3-4) —'Merriments Joy' (H3-4) 'Lady Leitrim' (H3-4) 'Pink Whirls' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Silver Sparkler' (v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Weetwood' (H3-4) 'Whirlygig' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'White Pim' (H3-4) Pandanus (Pandanaceae) 93 93 93 02 93 02 97 93 93 93 97 97 97 97 'Snowflake' (H4) adenophylla (H4) enneaphylla (H4) 'Ione Hecker' (H4) triangularis subsp. papilionacea (H1) ~ min. 2C versicolor (H1) ~ min. 2C 97 97 93 02 93 02 93 coralloides (H2-3) ledifolius (H4) rosmarinifolius 'Silver Jubilee' (H3) 93 geayi (H1) ~ min. 10C; shrubby lamerei (H1) ~ min. 10C; shrubby 93 africanus (H2) Parodia (Cactaceae) 93 terminalis 'Green Carpet' (H4) —'Variegata' (v) (H4) 93 lutea (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 Paeonia (Paeoniaceae) 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 lophantha (H1) ~ min. 2C Parochetus (Papilionaceae) Pachystachys (Acanthaceae) 93 catarractae 'Delight' (H3) lyallii 'Julie-Anne' (H3) perfoliata (H3-4) Paraserianthes (Mimosaceae) Pachysandra (Buxaceae) 02 93 liliastrum (H4) Parahebe (Scrophulariaceae) Pachypodium (Apocynaceae) 02 commutatum (H4) —'Ladybird' (H4) orientale 'Aglaja' (H4) —'Black and White' (H4) —var. bracteatum (H4) —'Cedric Morris' (H4) —'Effendi' (H4) —'John III' (H4) —'Karine' (H4) —'Khedive' (H4) ~ re-confirmed 2001 under trial —'Leuchtfeuer' (H4) —'Lighthouse' (H4) Paradisea (Asphodelaceae) Ozothamnus (Asteraceae) 93 93 93 jasminoides 'Rosea Superba' (H1) ~ min. 10C Papaver (Papaveraceae) Oxalis (Oxalidaceae) 93 93 93 02 tectorius 'Laevis' (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Veitchii' (H1) ~ min. 10C Pandorea (Bignoniaceae) Ourisia (Scrophulariaceae) 93 —'Sarah Bernhardt' (H4) —'Whitleyi Major' (H4) mlokosewitschii (H4) obovata (H4) —var. alba (H4) officinalis 'Anemoniflora Rosea' (H4) —'Rosea Plena' (H4) —'Rubra Plena' (H4) peregrina 'Otto Froebel' (H4) 93 cambessedesii (H2-3) delavayi (S) (H4) —var. ludlowii (S) (H4) lactiflora 'Bowl of Beauty' (H4) —'Cheddar Gold' (H4) —'Duchesse de Nemours' (H4) —'Félix Crousse' (H4) —'Festiva Maxima' (H4) —'Lady Alexandra Duff' (H4) —'Laura Dessert' (H4) —'Monsieur Jules Elie' (H4) mairanana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C penicillata (H1) ~ min. 2-10C schwebsiana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C subterranea (H1) ~ min. 2-10C Parrotia (Hamamelidaceae) 93 persica (H4) Parthenocissus (Vitaceae) 93 93 93 henryana (H4) quinquefolia (H4) tricuspidata (H4) Passiflora (Passifloraceae) 93 49 alata (F) (H1) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 ~ min. 10C 'Amethyst' (H1) ~ min. 2C; not P. amethystina Mikan, though has been distributed under the name antioquiensis Karst (H2) caerulea (H3) × exoniensis (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Incense' (F) (H1) ~ min. 2C mollissima (F) (H1) ~ min. 2C quadrangularis L. (F) (H1) ~ min. 10C racemosa (H2) 'Star of Bristol' (H2) × violacea (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 02 94 96 93 93 93 94 99 Paulownia (Scrophulariaceae) 93 tomentosa (H3) 93 Pavonia (Malvaceae) 02 multiflora Jussieu (H1) ~ min. 15C 94 Pedilanthus (Euphorbiaceae) 02 94 tithymaloides 'Variegatus' (v) (H1) ~ min. 5C; shrubby 96 93 Pelargonium (Geraniaceae) 93 93 94 99 93 93 93 93 94 93 93 93 99 93 93 'Alice Crousse' (I/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C AMETHYST = 'Fisdel' (PBR) (I/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Ann Hoystead' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ANTIK ORANGE = 'Tikorg' (PBR) (Antik Series) (Z) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; single; recommended for cultivation under glass 'Apache' (Z/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Apple Blossom Rosebud' (Z/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Ashfield Monarch' (Z/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Ashfield Serenade' (Z) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Askham Fringed Aztec' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Attar of Roses' (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Aztec' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Belinda Adams' (Min/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C BELLINZONA = 'Klebelli' (PBR) (Z) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; single 'Ben Franklin' (Z/d/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Bird Dancer' (Dw/St) (H1+3) 96 99 93 93 93 93 93 94 93 93 94 93 94 93 99 50 ~ min. 2C 'Black Magic Rose' (Z) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Black Magic Scarlet' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Bodey's Picotee' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Bolero' (U) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Brackenwood' (Dw/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Bredon' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Bridal Veil' (Min/C) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Bushfire' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Cardinalis' (Z) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; single 'Cariboo Gold' (Min/C) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Carisbrooke' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Catford Belle' (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Charity' (Sc) (H1+3) 'Chelsea Gem' (Z/d/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Citriodorum' (Sc) (H1+3) 'Claire' (Z) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; single; recommended for cultivation under glass 'Copthorne' (U/Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Corsair' (Z/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Crimson Unique' (U) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C crispum 'Variegatum' (Sc/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Dame Anna Neagle' (Dw/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Darmsden' (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Dolly Varden' (Z/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Earl of Chester' (Min/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Eileen Postle' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Fantasia' white (Dw/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Fareham' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Flakey' (I/d/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; valued especially for its foliage effect 'Flamenca' (Z) (H1+3) ~ single Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 93 94 93 93 94 96 94 02 96 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 94 94 99 94 93 93 96 94 96 94 93 'Flower of Spring' (Z/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Francis Parrett' (Min/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Frank Headley' (Z/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Fringed Aztec' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Galilee' (I/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Galway Star' (Sc/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Gemma Jewel' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Gemstone' (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Georgina Blythe' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Golden Harry Hieover' (Z/C) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; suitable for bedding 'Grace Thomas' (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Grenadier' (Z/St/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Happy Thought' (Z/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Hope Valley' (Dw/C/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C INGRES = 'Guicerdan' (PBR) (I/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Irene' (Z/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Irene Cal' (Z/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Irene Toyon' (Z) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Isidel' (I/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Joy' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Julia' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Juve' (Z) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; single 'Kettlebaston' (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'La France' (I/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Lady Plymouth' (Sc/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Lara Candy Dancer' (Sc) (H1+3) 'Lara Maid' (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Lara Starshine' (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Lavender Grand Slam' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'L'Elégante' (I/v) (H1+3) 93 93 93 93 93 94 02 93 02 93 93 02 02 96 96 02 96 93 93 96 96 02 96 93 93 93 93 93 96 51 ~ min. 2C; valued especially for its foliage effect 'Little Alice' (Dw/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Lord Bute' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Mabel Grey' (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Madame Crousse' (I/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Madame Salleron' (Min/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Margaret Soley' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Maverick Scarlet' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Morval' (Dw/C/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Moulin Rouge' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Mr Henry Cox' (Z/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Mrs J.C. Mappin' (Z/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Mrs Quilter' (Z/C) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; suitable for bedding Multibloom Series (Z) (H1+3) ~ sold as a mixture 'Mystery' (U) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Nervous Mabel' (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Orange Appeal' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Orsett' (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Paton's Unique' (U/Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Pavilion' (Min) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Peter's Luck' (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Princeanum' (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Pulsar Deep Rose' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Radula' (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Red Cascade' (I) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Renee Ross' (I/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Rodomont' (I) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Roi des Balcons Impérial' (I) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Roi des Balcons Lilas' (I) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Roller's Satinique' (U) (H1+3) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 96 94 94 94 02 93 93 94 94 94 96 94 93 94 94 93 99 93 94 94 93 02 02 96 94 94 93 ~ min. 2C ~ min. 2C ROSAIS (I/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Rosita' (Dw/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Royal Oak' (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Royal Princess' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Sancho Panza' (Dec) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Sefton' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Sensation Scarlet' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C SOLIDOR (I/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'South American Bronze' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Spanish Angel' (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Splendour' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Starlight Magic' (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Sweet Mimosa' (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'The Barle' (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'The Boar' (Fr) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'The Tone' (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Tip Top Duet' (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C tomentosum (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'United' (Z) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; single 'Vancouver Centennial' (Dw/St/C) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Variegated Madame Layal' (A/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Velvet Duet' (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C Video Series (Dw) (H1+3) ~ sold as a mixture 'Vogue Carmine Red' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Vogue Red' (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Voodoo' (U) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Wayward Angel' (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'White Glory' (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 'Yale' (I/d) (H1+3) Pellaea (Adiantaceae) 93 rotundifolia (H2) Pennisetum (Poaceae) 93 95 02 orientale (H3) setaceum (H3) ~ annual grass for drying; awarded as P. rueppelii villosum (H3) Penstemon (Scrophulariaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 98 93 97 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 'Alice Hindley' (H3) 'Andenken an Friedrich Hahn' (H4) 'Apple Blossom' (H3-4) 'Beech Park' (H3) 'Cherry' (H3) ~ previously listed as P. 'Cherry Ripe' misapplied 'Chester Scarlet' (H3) 'Connie's Pink' (H3) davidsonii var. menziesii (H4) 'Evelyn' (H4) fruticosus var. scouleri (H4) ——f. albus (H4) 'George Home' (H3) hartwegii (H3-4) heterophyllus 'Catherine de la Mare' (H4) 'Hewell Pink Bedder' (H3) 'Hidcote Pink' (H3-4) isophyllus (H3-4) 'Margery Fish' (H3) 'Maurice Gibbs' (H3) newberryi (H4) 'Osprey' (H3) 'Pennington Gem' (H3) pinifolius (H4) —'Wisley Flame' (H4) 'Port Wine' (H3) procerus 'Roy Davidson' (H4) 'Raven' (H3) 'Rubicundus' (H3) rupicola (H4) 'Schoenholzeri' (H4) 'Sour Grapes' (H3-4) 'Stapleford Gem' (H3) 'White Bedder' (H3) Peperomia (Piperaceae) 93 93 93 02 93 02 93 02 93 52 argyreia (H1) ~ min. 10C caperata 'Emerald Ripple' (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Little Fantasy' (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Luna Red' (H1) ~ min. 15C —'Variegata' (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C griseoargentea (H1) ~ min. 15C obtusifolia (H1) ~ min. 10C —(Magnoliifolia Group) 'USA' (H1) ~ min. 15C scandens (H1) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 02 ~ min. 10C velutina (H1) ~ min. 15C Philodendron (Araceae) 93 Perilla (Lamiaceae) 93 93 frutescens var. crispa (H2) Perovskia (Lamiaceae) 93 93 'Blue Spire' (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 93 Persicaria (Polygonaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 affinis 'Darjeeling Red' (H4) —'Donald Lowndes' (H4) —'Superba' (H4) amplexicaulis 'Firetail' (H4) bistorta 'Superba' (H4) vacciniifolia (H4) Phlomis (Lamiaceae) 93 93 02 93 Petrorhagia (Caryophyllaceae) 93 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 93 93 99 99 99 02 02 02 02 02 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 CASCADIAS YELLOW EYE = 'Dancasye' (PBR) (Cascadias Series) (H3) 'Charlie's Angels Champagne' (Charlie's Angels Series) (H3) 'Charlie's Angels Charlie' (Charlie's Angels Series) (H3) CONCHITA BLUEBERRY FROST = 'Conblue' (Conchita Series) (H3) CONCHITA CRANBERRY FROST = 'Concran' (Conchita Series) (H3) CONCHITA EVENING GLOW = 'Conglow' (Conchita Series) (H3) CONCHITA STRAWBERRY FROST = 'Constraw' (Conchita Series) (H3) Duo Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture × hybrida Carpet Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture —Mirage Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture —'Storm Lavender' (H3) ~ Grandiflora type, grown from seed —'Storm Pink' (H3) ~ Grandiflora type, grown from seed —'Storm Salmon' (H3) ~ Grandiflora type, grown from seed 'Petitunia Happy Dream' (Petitunia Series) (H3) SURFINIA PINK VEIN = 'Suntosol' (PBR) (H3) SURFINIA PURPLE = 'Shihi Brilliant' (H3) SURFINIA PURPLE VEIN = 'Sunpurve' (PBR) (H3) SURFINIA SKY BLUE = 'Keilavbu' (PBR) (H3) 97 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 Phalaris (Poaceae) 93 arundinacea var. picta 'Picta' (v) (H4) ~ can be invasive adsurgens (H4) carolina 'Bill Baker' (H4) —'Miss Lingard' (H4) divaricata (H4) —subsp. laphamii 'Chattahoochee' (H4) douglasii 'Boothman's Variety' (H4) —'Crackerjack' (H4) —'Iceberg' (H4) —'Red Admiral' (H4) drummondii Buttons Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture —'Phlox of Sheep' (H3) 'Kelly's Eye' (H4) maculata 'Alpha' (H4) —'Omega' (H4) —'Princess Sturdza' (H4) paniculata 'Alba Grandiflora' (H4) —'Albert Leo Schlageter' (H4) —'Blue Ice' (H4) —'Brigadier' (H4) —'Bright Eyes' (H4) —'Dodo Hanbury-Forbes' (H4) —'Eventide' (H4) —'Le Mahdi' (H4) —'Mother of Pearl' (H4) —'Mount Fuji' (H4) ~ previously listed as P. paniculata 'Fujiyama' —'Prince of Orange' (H4) —'Prospero' (H4) —'Starfire' (H4) —'White Admiral' (H4) —'Windsor' (H4) × procumbens 'Millstream' (H4) stolonifera 'Blue Ridge' (H4) subulata 'McDaniel's Cushion' (H4) —'Red Wings' (H4) Phoenix (Arecaceae) Philadelphus (Hydrangeaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 chrysophylla (H3) fruticosa (H4) lanata (H3-4) russeliana (H4) Phlox (Polemoniaceae) saxifraga (H4) Petunia (Solanaceae) 02 angustisectum (H1) ~ min. 15C bipinnatifidum (H1) ~ min. 10C erubescens (H1) ~ min. 15C —'Burgundy' (H1) ~ min. 15C scandens (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 'Beauclerk' (H4) 'Belle Etoile' (H4) coronarius 'Aureus' (H4) —'Variegatus' (v) (H4) 'Manteau d'Hermine' (d) (H4) 'Sybille' (H4) 93 canariensis (H1+3) ~ min. 2C roebelenii (H1+3) ~ min. 10C Phormium (Phormiaceae) 93 53 cookianum subsp. hookeri 'Cream Delight' (v) (H3-4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 ——'Tricolor' (H3-4) 'Duet' (v) (H3) 'Sundowner' (v) (H3) tenax (H4) —Purpureum Group (H3-4) —'Variegatum' (v) (H3-4) 'Yellow Wave' (v) (H3) 97 93 93 93 93 93 93 96 93 96 93 93 Photinia (Rosaceae) 93 93 × fraseri 'Red Robin' (H4) villosa (H4) Phygelius (Scrophulariaceae) 02 96 93 96 97 97 aequalis 'Trewidden Pink' (H4) —'Yellow Trumpet' (H3-4) capensis (H3) ~ including plants sold as P. capensis coccineus × rectus 'African Queen' (H3-4) —'Devil's Tears' (H4) —'Salmon Leap' (H4) Pilea (Urticaceae) 93 93 × Phylliopsis (Ericaceae) 98 93 'Coppelia' (H4) 93 Phyllodoce (Ericaceae) 93 93 caerulea (H4) nipponica (H4) 93 Phyllostachys (Poaceae) 93 02 02 93 93 02 93 93 93 alkekengi (H4) 93 93 93 93 opulifolius 'Dart's Gold' (H4) —'Diabolo' (PBR) (H4) Physoplexis (Campanulaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 comosa (H2-3) Physostegia (Lamiaceae) 93 93 virginiana 'Summer Snow' (H4) —'Vivid' (H4) Picea (Pinaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 98 93 93 93 93 93 93 abies 'Little Gem' (H4) —'Nidiformis' (H4) breweriana (H4) glauca 'Echiniformis' (H4) mariana 'Nana' (H4) omorika (H4) —'Nana' (H4) —'Pendula' (H4) orientalis (H4) —'Aurea' (v) (H4) pungens 'Globosa' (H4) —'Hoopsii' (H4) —'Koster' (H4) 93 93 coulteri (H4) heldreichii (H4) ~ previously listed as P. heldreichii var. leucodermis —'Smidtii' (H4) jeffreyi (H4) mugo 'Mops' (H4) —Pumilio Group (H4) ~ previously listed as P. mugo var. pumilio muricata (H4) nigra (H4) —subsp. laricio (H4) parviflora 'Adcock's Dwarf' (H4) patula (H2-3) pinaster (H4) pinea (H4) ponderosa (H4) pumila 'Glauca' (H4) radiata (H3-4) sylvestris (H4) —Aurea Group (H4) ~ previously listed as P. sylvestris 'Aurea' —'Beuvronensis' (H4) wallichiana (H4) Pittosporum (Pittosporaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 Pieris (Ericaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 viburnoides (H4) Pinus (Pinaceae) Physocarpus (Rosaceae) 93 02 cadierei (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Minima' (H1) ~ min. 10C involucrata 'Moon Valley' (H1) ~ min. 15C —'Norfolk' (H1) ~ min. 15C peperomioides (H1) ~ min. 10C Pileostegia (Hydrangeaceae) aurea (H4) aureosulcata f. aureocaulis (H4) —f. spectabilis (H4) nigra (H4) —f. henonis (H4) vivax f. aureocaulis (H4) Physalis (Solanaceae) 93 —'Cavatine' (H4) —'Debutante' (H4) —'Grayswood' (H4) —'Little Heath' (v) (H4) —'Little Heath Green' (H4) —'Mountain Fire' (H4) —'Pink Delight' (H4) —'Prelude' (H4) —'Purity' (H4) —'Sarabande' (H4) —'Valley Valentine' (H4) —'White Rim' (v) (H4) ~ often confused with 'Variegata' in the trade 'Firecrest' (H4) 'Flaming Silver' (v) (H4) 'Forest Flame' (H4) formosa var. forrestii 'Wakehurst' (H3) japonica 'Blush' (H4) 54 eugenioides 'Variegatum' (v) (H3) 'Garnettii' (v) (H3) tenuifolium (H3) —'Irene Paterson' (m/v) (H3) —'Silver Queen' (f/v) (H3) —'Tom Thumb' (H3) —'Warnham Gold' (m) (H3) tobira (H3) —'Variegatum' (v) (H2-3) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB Platanus (Platanaceae) 93 93 02 Polianthes (Agavaceae) × hispanica (H4) orientalis (H4) —f. digitata (H4) 93 Poliothyrsis (Flacourtiaceae) 02 Platycerium (Polypodiaceae) 93 93 93 93 bifurcatum (H1) ~ min. 15C superbum (H1) ~ min. 15C; awarded as P. grande hort. veitchii (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 02 orientalis 'Aurea Nana' (H4) ~ previously listed as Thuja orientalis 'Aurea Nana' —'Elegantissima' (H4) ~ previously listed as Thuja orientalis 'Elegantissima' 93 97 97 97 97 97 grandiflorus (H4) —'Apoyama' (H4) —'Mariesii' (H4) 02 02 auricomus (v) (H4) variegatus (v) (H4) 02 Pleione (Orchidaceae) 93 93 93 93 02 02 93 97 97 93 97 97 bolusii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C compactus (H1) ~ min. 2C nelii (H1) ~ min. 2C 97 97 02 93 93 auriculata (H1-2) —var. alba (H1-2) ~ min. 5C indica (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 93 93 93 93 93 salignus (H3) 02 02 02 02 02 Polemonium (Polemoniaceae) 02 93 'Balsam Spire' (f) (H4) ~ also grown as P. 'TT32' × canadensis 'Aurea' (H4) lasiocarpa (H4) nigra 'Italica' (m) (H4) ~ awarded as P. nigra var. italica tremula (H4) Potentilla (Rosaceae) rubra (H1) ~ min. 10C Podocarpus (Podocarpaceae) 93 cordata (H4) Populus (Salicaceae) Plumeria (Apocynaceae) 02 aculeatum (H4) munitum (H4) polyblepharum (H4) setiferum (H4) —'Divisilobum Densum' (H4) —'Divisilobum Iveryanum' (H4) ~ not available spore grown —'Pulcherrimum Bevis' (H4) tsussimense (H4) Pontederia (Pontederiaceae) Plumbago (Plumbaginaceae) 93 02 guilfoylei (H1) ~ min. 15C —'Victoriae' (H1) ~ min. 15C scutellaria 'Marginata' (H1) ~ min. 15C Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae) formosana (H2) limprichtii (H2) ~ previously listed as P. bulbocodioides Limprichtii Group Shantung g. 'Muriel Harberd' (H2) Versailles g. 'Bucklebury' (H2) Pleiospilos (Aizoaceae) 93 aureum (H1) ~ min. 10C. cambricum 'Cambricum' (H4) —(Cristatum Group) 'Grandiceps Fox' (H4) —'Whilharris' (H4) glycyrrhiza 'Longicaudatum' (H4) interjectum 'Cornubiense' (H4) Polyscias (Araliaceae) argentatus (H2) oertendahlii (H1) ~ min. 2C Pleioblastus (Poaceae) 93 93 × hybridum (H4) odoratum (H4) —'Flore Pleno' (d) (H4) —var. pluriflorum 'Variegatum' (v) (H4) Polypodium (Polypodiaceae) Plectranthus (Lamiaceae) 98 93 calcarea 'Lillet' (H4) chamaebuxus (H4) —var. grandiflora (H4) × dalmaisiana (H1) ~ min. 2C Polygonatum (Convallariaceae) Platycodon (Campanulaceae) 93 93 93 sinensis (H4) Polygala (Polygalaceae) Platycladus (Cupressaceae) 93 tuberosa (H1-2) archibaldiae (H4) 'Lambrook Mauve' (H4) 55 cuneata (H4) fruticosa 'Abbotswood' (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 —'Chelsea Star' (H4) —'Groneland' (H4) —'Hopleys Orange' (H4) —'Jackman's Variety' (H4) —'King Cup' (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 02 02 02 02 02 93 02 02 93 93 93 93 93 —'Limelight' (H4) —MARIAN RED ROBIN = 'Marrob' (PBR) (H4) —'Medicine Wheel Mountain' (H4) —'Penny White' (H4) —'Pink Beauty' (PBR) (H4) ~ awarded as Potentilla fruticosa LOVELY PINK 'Pink Beauty' —'Primrose Beauty' (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 —'Sommerflor' (H4) —'Yellow Bird' (H4) 'Gibson's Scarlet' (H4) megalantha (H4) nepalensis 'Miss Willmott' (H4) × tonguei (H4) 'William Rollison' (H4) 93 98 98 98 93 93 93 93 97 97 Primula (Primulaceae) 02 02 93 98 93 02 93 02 97 97 97 97 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 02 02 93 93 93 98 allionii (2) (H2) alpicola (26) (H4) auricula L. (2) (H4) Barnhaven Blues Group (Prim)(30) (H4) ~ a hardy overwintering type; from seed in the open ground bulleyana (4) (H4) Charisma Series (Prim) (H1) ~ sold as a mixture; for pot and container culture; min. 2C chionantha (18) (H4) cockburniana (4) (H4) 'Crescendo Blue Shades' (Crescendo Series) (Poly)(30) (H4) 'Crescendo Bright Red' (Crescendo Series) (Poly)(30) (H4) 'Crescendo Golden' (Crescendo Series) (Poly)(30) (H4) 'Crescendo Pink and Rose Shades' (Crescendo Series) (Poly)(30) (H4) 'Danova Purple, White Edge' (Danova Series) (Prim)(30) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Danova Rose' (Danova Series) (Prim)(30) (H1) ~ min. 2C Danova Series (Prim) (H1) ~ sold as a mixture; for pot and container culture; min. 2C denticulata (9) (H4) elatior (30) (H4) florindae (26) (H4) frondosa (11) (H4) 'Guinevere' (Poly)(30) (H4) Husky Series (Prim) (H4) ~ sold as a mixture 'Inverewe' (4) (H4) japonica 'Miller's Crimson' (4) (H4) —'Postford White' (4) (H4) kewensis (12) (H2) 'Lady Greer' (Poly)(30) (H4) marginata (2) (H4) —'Beamish' (2) (H4) ~ a hardy plant, but in the south of England recommended for cultivation in alpine house conditions 97 93 93 02 93 93 98 93 93 93 —'Linda Pope' (2) (H4) —'Prichard's Variety' (2) (H4) ~ a hardy plant, but in the south of England recommended for cultivation in alpine house conditions obconica 'Libre Magenta' (H1) ~ min. 2C; from seed, under glass —'Libre White' (H1) ~ min. 2C; from seed, under glass prolifera (4) (H4) × pubescens (2) (H4) pulverulenta (4) (H4) —Bartley hybrids (4) (H4) 'Rainbow Blue Shades' (Rainbow Series) (Poly)(30) (H4) 'Rainbow Cream Shades' (Rainbow Series) (Poly)(30) (H4) 'Rainbow Scarlet Shades' (Rainbow Series) (Poly)(30) (H4) rosea (11) (H4) sieboldii (7) (H4) sikkimensis (26) (H4) veris (30) (H4) vialii (17) (H4) vulgaris (Prim)(30) (H4) —subsp. sibthorpii (Prim)(30) (H4) —subsp. vulgaris (Prim)(30) (H4) 'Wanda' (Prim)(30) (H4) Prostanthera (Lamiaceae) 93 02 93 02 cuneata (H4) ovalifolia (H2) rotundifolia (H2) —'Rosea' (H2) Prunella (Lamiaceae) 93 grandiflora 'Loveliness' (H4) Prunus (Rosaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 56 'Accolade' (H4) 'Amanogawa' (H4) avium (H4) —'Plena' (d) (H4) × blireana (d) (H4) cerasifera 'Nigra' (H4) × cistena (H4) ~ valued in particular for its foliage effect 'Ichiyo' (d) (H4) ~ previously listed as P. 'Choshu-hizakura' incisa 'Praecox' (H4) 'Kanzan' (H4) 'Kiku-shidare-zakura' (H4) 'Kursar' (H4) laurocerasus (H4) —'Otto Luyken' (H4) lusitanica (H4) 'Okame' (H4) padus 'Colorata' (H4) —'Watereri' (H4) 'Pandora' (H4) pendula 'Pendula Rosea' (H4) —'Pendula Rubra' (H4) 'Pink Perfection' (H4) 'Pink Shell' (H4) sargentii (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 serrula (H4) 'Shirofugen' (H4) 'Shirotae' (H4) 'Shôgetsu' (H4) 'Spire' (H4) × subhirtella 'Autumnalis' (H4) —'Autumnalis Rosea' (H4) 'Taihaku' (H4) 'Ukon' (H4) × yedoensis (H4) 93 02 02 02 Pyrus (Rosaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 amabilis (H4) Pseudopanax (Araliaceae) 93 93 93 (Adiantifolius Group) 'Cyril Watson' (H1) ~ min. 2C lessonii 'Gold Splash' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Purpureus' (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 93 93 93 93 93 Pseudosasa (Poaceae) 93 japonica (H4) 93 menziesii (H4) Ptelea (Rutaceae) 93 93 93 93 cretica (H1+3) ~ min. 2C —var. albolineata (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 02 93 93 93 fraxinifolia (H4) hispida (H4) 93 Pulmonaria (Boraginaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 angustifolia (H4) 'Lewis Palmer' (H4) 'Margery Fish' (H4) rubra (H4) saccharata Argentea Group (H4) ~ awarded as P. saccharata 'Argentea' 'Sissinghurst White' (H4) ~ previously ascribed to P. officinalis 93 93 93 Pulsatilla (Ranunculaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 alpina subsp. apiifolia (H4) halleri (H4) —subsp. slavica (H4) vernalis (H2) vulgaris (H4) —'Alba' (H4) 93 93 93 Punica (Lythraceae) 02 93 granatum var. nana (H3) —f. plena 'Rubrum Flore Pleno' (d) (H3) ~ previously listed as P. granatum 'Flore Pleno' 93 93 93 aureiflora (H1) ~ min. 2-10C deminuta (H1) ~ min. 2-10C donaldiana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C haagei (H1) ~ min. 2-10C kupperiana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C marsoneri (H1) ~ min. 2-10C muscula (H1) ~ min. 2-10C narvaecensis (H1) ~ min. 2-10C senilis var. kesselringiana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C violaciflora (H1) ~ min. 2-10C Rehmannia (Scrophulariaceae) Pyracantha (Rosaceae) 02 aconitifolius 'Flore Pleno' (d) (H4) acris 'Flore Pleno' (d) (H4) calandrinioides (H2-3) gramineus (H4) montanus 'Molten Gold' (H4) Rebutia (Cactaceae) Pterostyrax (Styracaceae) 93 myconi (H4) nathaliae (H4) Ranunculus (Ranunculaceae) Pterocarya (Juglandaceae) 93 sinica (H1) ~ min. 10C Ramonda (Gesneriaceae) trifoliata 'Aurea' (H4) Pteris (Pteridaceae) 93 canariensis (H4) castaneifolia 'Green Spire' (H4) coccinea 'Splendens' (H4) frainetto 'Hungarian Crown' (H4) × hispanica 'Lucombeana' (H4) ~ Originally awarded to Quercus x lucombeana 'William Lucombe' ilex (H4) palustris (H4) petraea (H4) robur (H4) —'Fastigiata Koster' (H4) rubra (H4) Radermachera (Bignoniaceae) Pseudotsuga (Pinaceae) 93 calleryana 'Chanticleer' (H4) salicifolia 'Pendula' (H4) Quercus (Fagaceae) Pseudolarix (Pinaceae) 93 —'Flava' (H4) SAPHYR ORANGE = 'Cadange' (PBR) (H4) SAPHYR ROUGE = 'Cadrou' (PBR) (H4) 'Teton' (H4) 02 93 'Golden Charmer' (H4) ~ often sold as 'Orange Charmer' 'Orange Glow' (H4) rogersiana (H4) elata (H2) glutinosa (H3) Rhamnus (Rhamnaceae) 93 57 alaternus 'Argenteovariegata' (v) (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB Rhaphiolepis (Rosaceae) 93 02 umbellata (H2-3) ~ valued in particular for cultivation under glass 02 02 Rhapis (Arecaceae) 93 excelsa (H1) ~ including R. humilis; min. 2C 93 Rheum (Polygonaceae) 02 93 palmatum 'Atrosanguineum' (H4) Rhipsalis (Cactaceae) 93 93 02 93 monacantha (H1) ~ min. 2-10C pilocarpa (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 93 Rhodanthemum (Asteraceae) 93 hosmariense (H4) 93 Rhodochiton (Scrophulariaceae) 93 atrosanguineus (H1-2) 93 Rhododendron (Ericaceae) 93 02 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 'Addy Wery' (EA) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Albert Schweitzer' (H4) 'Alexander' (EA) (H4) 'Alice' (hybrid) (H4) 'Annabella' (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Argosy' (H4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter argyrophyllum subsp. nankingense 'Chinese Silver' (H4) augustinii 'Electra' (H3-4) 'Avalanche' (H4) ~ i.e. the FCC clone; prefers light shade and shelter 'Bashful' (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 'Beethoven' (EA) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Berryrose' (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Blaauw's Pink' (EA) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Blewbury' (H4) 'Blue Danube' (EA) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Blue Peter' (H4) 'Bouquet de Flore' (G) (H4) ~ Verschaffelt's deciduous azalea; suitable for small gardens 'Bow Bells' (H4) 'Bruce Brechtbill' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens bureavii (H4) ~ valued especially for its foliage; sometimes spelt R. bureaui calophytum (H4) calostrotum 'Gigha' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens —subsp. keleticum (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 58 campylogynum (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Cannon's Double' (K/d) (H4) 'Canzonetta' (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Caroline Allbrook' (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 'Cecile' (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Cetewayo' (H4) 'Champagne' (H3-4) ~ (Tortoiseshell Group) 'Chevalier Félix de Sauvage' (H4) 'Choremia' (H3) ~ i.e. the FCC clone 'Cilpinense' (H3-4) ~ i.e. the FCC clone; suitable for small gardens 'Coccineum Speciosum' (G) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Corneille' (G/d) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Countess of Haddington' (H2) 'Crane' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Crest' (H3-4) 'Curlew' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens; prefers cooler conditions 'Cynthia' (H4) dauricum 'Midwinter' (H4) 'David' (H4) ~ Rose's 'Hugh Koster' hybrid davidsonianum (H3-4) 'Daviesii' (G) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens decorum (H4) 'Doctor M. Oosthoek' (M) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Dopey' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens; reconfirmed after trial 2001 'Dora Amateis' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Double Damask' (K/d) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Dreamland' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens edgeworthii (H2-3) 'Egret' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Elisabeth Hobbie' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Elsie Lee' (EA/d) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Exquisitum' (O) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Fabia' (H3) ~ i.e. the FCC clone 'Faggetter's Favourite' (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 02 02 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 02 93 93 93 02 93 02 02 02 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 falconeri (H3-4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter 'Fantastica' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens fastigiatum 'Blue Steel' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Fastuosum Flore Pleno' (d) (H4) 'Fireball' (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Florida' (EA/d) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens fortunei subsp. discolor (H4) 'Fragrantissimum' (H2-3) 'Frank Galsworthy' (H4) fulvum (H4) 'Furnivall's Daughter' (H4) 'Gartendirektor Rieger' (H4) 'Geisha Orange' (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Gibraltar' (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Ginny Gee' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Golden Torch' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Goldkrone' (H4) 'Gomer Waterer' (H4) 'Gristede' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Hachmann's Marlis' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Hachmann's Polaris' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Helene Schiffner' (H4) 'Hino-crimson' (EA) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Hinomayo' (EA) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens hippophaeoides 'Haba Shan' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Homebush' (K/d) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Horizon Monarch' (H3-4) 'Hotei' (H4) 'Hotspur Red' (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Hydon Dawn' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Hydon Hunter' (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 insigne (H4) 'Irene Koster' (O) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Irohayama' (EA) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'James Burchett' (H4) 'Johanna' (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Kate Waterer' (H4) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 02 93 93 02 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 59 keiskei var. ozawae 'Yaku Fairy' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens kiusianum (EA) (H4) ~ shows great variation but generally excellent; suitable for small gardens 'Klondyke' (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Kluis Sensation' (H4) 'Lady Alice Fitzwilliam' (H2-3) 'Lady Clementine Mitford' (H4) 'Lavender Girl' (H4) 'Lem's Cameo' (H3) 'Lem's Monarch' (H4) 'Linda' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Lodauric Iceberg' (H3-4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter 'Loderi Game Chick' (H3-4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter 'Loderi King George' (H3-4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter 'Loderi Pink Diamond' (H3-4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter 'Loderi Pink Topaz' (H3-4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter 'Loderi Venus' (H3-4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter 'Loder's White' (H3-4) 'Lord Roberts' (H4) lutescens 'Bagshot Sands' (H3-4) luteum (A) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens macabeanum (H3-4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter makinoi (H4) 'Marion Street' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Markeeta's Prize' (H4) 'Martha Isaacson' (Ad) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'May Day' (H3-4) ~ i.e. the AM clone; suitable for small gardens 'Merganser' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Moerheim' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Morning Cloud' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Mother's Day' (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Mrs A.T. de la Mare' (H4) 'Mrs Charles E. Pearson' (H4) 'Mrs Davies Evans' (H4) 'Mrs Furnivall' (H4) 'Mrs J.C. Williams' (H4) 'Mrs Lionel de Rothschild' (H4) ~ i.e. the AM clone 'Mrs R.S. Holford' (H4) 'Mrs T.H. Lowinsky' (H4) mucronulatum 'Cornell Pink' (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 02 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 02 93 02 93 02 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 nakaharae 'Mount Seven Star' (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Nancy Evans' (H3-4) 'Nancy Waterer' (G) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Narcissiflorum' (G/d) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Niagara' (EA) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens niveum (H4) 'Norma' (R/d) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens occidentale (A) (H4) ~ extremely variable; suitable for small gardens 'Old Port' (H4) 'Olga' (H4) 'Orange Beauty' (EA) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens orbiculare (H3-4) oreodoxa var. fargesii (H4) 'Osmar' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens pachysanthum (H4) ~ valued especially for its foliage 'Palestrina' (EA) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Panda' (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Patty Bee' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Penheale Blue' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Percy Wiseman' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens; reconfirmed after trial 2001 'Persil' (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Pink Cherub' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens; reconfirmed after trial 2001 'Pink Pancake' (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Pink Pebble' (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens (PJM Group) 'Peter John Mezitt' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Polar Bear' (H3-4) ~ i.e. the FCC clone; prefers light shade and shelter polycladum (Scintillans Group) 'Policy' (H4) ~ i.e. the FCC clone of the Scintillans Group; suitable for small gardens 'Praecox' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Princess Anne' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Professor Hugo de Vries' (H4) pseudochrysanthum (H4) 'Ptarmigan' (H3-4) 93 93 02 02 93 02 93 02 93 93 02 93 02 02 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 60 ~ suitable for small gardens 'Pucella' (G) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Purple Splendour' (H4) 'Purple Triumph' (EA) (H3) 'Purpurtraum' (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Queen Elizabeth II' (H4) racemosum (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens —'Rock Rose' ex R 11265 (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Racoon' (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Ramapo' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Razorbill' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Rendezvous' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Renoir' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens; reconfirmed after trial 2001 rex subsp. fictolacteum (H3-4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter —subsp. rex (H3-4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter 'Rosata' (Vs) (H4) 'Rosebud' (EA/d) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens roxieanum var. oreonastes (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens russatum (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Saint Merryn' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Sarled' (H4) ~ i.e. the AM clone; suitable for small gardens 'Satan' (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Scarlet Wonder' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Silver Slipper' (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens sinogrande (H3) ~ prefers light shade and shelter 'Sir Charles Lemon' (H3-4) 'Souvenir de Doctor S. Endtz' (H4) 'Souvenir of Anthony Waterer' (H4) 'Spek's Orange' (M) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Squirrel' (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Strawberry Ice' (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Summer Fragrance' (O) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Sunte Nectarine' (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 02 93 93 93 93 02 02 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 02 02 93 93 02 93 02 93 93 93 'Susan' (H4) ~ Williams's R. campanulatum hybrid 'Tatjana' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Taurus' (H4) 'Tessa Roza' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'The Hon. Jean Marie de Montague' (H4) 'The Master' (H4) ~ Slocock's 'China' hybrid 'Tibet' (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Tidbit' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Tortoiseshell Orange' (H3-4) 'Tortoiseshell Wonder' (H3-4) trichostomum (Ledoides Group) 'Collingwood Ingram' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Unique' (campylocarpum hybrid) (H4) ~ Slocock's R. campylocarpum hybrid; suitable for small gardens; omitted in error from AGM Plants 2002 'Vanessa Pastel' (H3-4) vaseyi (A) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Vintage Rosé' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens; reconfirmed after trial 2001 viscosum (A) (H4) ~ variable, but good in all forms; suitable for small gardens 'Viscy' (H4) 'Vulcan' (H4) ~ Waterer's R. griersonianum hybrid 'Vuyk's Rosyred' (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Vuyk's Scarlet' (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'W.F.H.' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Wee Bee' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'White Lights' (A) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 'Whitethroat' (K/d) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens williamsianum (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens wiltonii (H4) 'Winsome' (hybrid) (H3) ~ i.e. the AM clone; suitable for small gardens 'Wombat' (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens yakushimanum 'Koichiro Wada' (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens; reconfirmed after trial 2001 'Yellow Hammer' (H4) yunnanense 'Openwood' (H3-4) Rhodohypoxis (Hypoxidaceae) 93 baurii (H4) Rhoicissus (Vitaceae) 93 capensis (H1) ~ min. 2C Rhombophyllum (Aizoaceae) 02 rhomboideum (H1) ~ min. 2C Rhus (Anacardiaceae) 93 93 93 × pulvinata (Autumn Lace Group) 'Red Autumn Lace' (H4) typhina (H4) ~ may sucker —'Dissecta' (H4) ~ may sucker Ribes (Grossulariaceae) 93 02 93 sanguineum 'Pulborough Scarlet' (H4) —WHITE ICICLE = 'Ubric' (H4) speciosum (H3) Ricinus (Euphorbiaceae) 93 communis 'Carmencita' (H3) Robinia (Papilionaceae) 93 93 pseudoacacia 'Frisia' (H4) × slavinii 'Hillieri' (H4) Rodgersia (Saxifragaceae) 93 98 93 93 aesculifolia (H4) 'Irish Bronze' (H4) pinnata 'Superba' (H4) podophylla (H4) Romneya (Papaveraceae) 93 02 coulteri (H4) —'White Cloud' (H4) Rosa (Rosaceae) 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 94 93 02 02 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 94 93 93 61 ABBEYFIELD ROSE = 'Cocbrose' (PBR) (HT) (H4) 'Adélaïde d'Orléans' (Ra) (H4) 'Agnes' (Ru) (H4) × alba 'Alba Semiplena' (A) (H4) 'Albéric Barbier' (Ra) (H4) 'Albertine' (Ra) (H4) ALEXANDER = 'Harlex' (HT) (H4) 'Aloha' (ClHT) (H4) AMBER QUEEN = 'Harroony' (PBR) (F) (H4) ANISLEY DICKSON = 'Dickimono' (PBR) (F) (H4) ANNA FORD = 'Harpiccolo' (PBR) (Min/Patio) (H4) ANNA LIVIA = 'Kormetter' (PBR) (F) (H4) 'Arthur Bell' (F) (H4) AVON = 'Poulmulti' (PBR) (GC) (H4) BABY LOVE = 'Scrivluv' (PBR) (yellow) (Min/Patio) (H4) 'Ballerina' (HM/Poly) (H4) banksiae 'Lutea' (Ra/d) (H3) 'Belle de Crécy' (G) (H4) BERKSHIRE = 'Korpinka' (PBR) (GC) (H4) 'Blairii Number Two' (ClBb) (H4) 'Blanche Double de Coubert' (Ru) (H4) 'Blessings' (HT) (H4) 'Bleu Magenta' (Ra) (H4) 'Bobbie James' (Ra) (H4) ~ more suitable for larger gardens BONICA = 'Meidomonac' (PBR) (GC) (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 94 93 93 94 93 94 02 93 93 02 93 02 93 96 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 02 02 93 93 93 02 02 93 02 94 02 93 02 93 93 93 02 93 93 02 96 94 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 'Buff Beauty' (HM) (H4) 'Cantabrigiensis' (S) (H4) ~ more suitable for larger gardens 'Capitaine John Ingram' (CeMo) (H4) 'Cardinal de Richelieu' (G) (H4) 'Cécile Brünner' (Poly) (H4) 'Céleste' (A) (H4) ~ previously listed as R. 'Celestial' 'Céline Forestier' (N) (H3) CENTENARY = 'Koreledas' (PBR) (F) (H4) × centifolia 'Cristata' (Ce) (H4) 'Cerise Bouquet' (S) (H4) CHAMPAGNE COCKTAIL = 'Horflash' (PBR) (F) (H4) 'Charles de Mills' (G) (H4) CHARLOTTE = 'Auspoly' (PBR) (S) (H4) 'Chinatown' (F/S) (H4) CIDER CUP = 'Dicladida' (PBR) (Min/Patio) (H4) 'Climbing Arthur Bell' (PBR) (ClF) (H4) 'Climbing Cécile Brünner' (ClPoly) (H4) 'Climbing Etoile de Hollande' (ClHT) (H4) 'Climbing Iceberg' (ClF) (H4) 'Climbing Lady Hillingdon' (ClT) (H3) 'Climbing Mrs Sam McGredy' (ClHT) (H4) 'Climbing Shot Silk' (ClHT) (H4) 'Compassion' (ClHT) (H4) 'Complicata' (G) (H4) CONSTANCE SPRY = 'Austance' (Cl/S) (H4) 'Cornelia' (HM) (H4) 'Crimson Shower' (Ra) (H4) DAWN CHORUS = 'Dicquasar' (PBR) (HT) (H4) 'De Rescht' (DPo) (H4) 'Deep Secret' (HT) (H4) 'Dortmund' (ClHScB) (H4) DUBLIN BAY = 'Macdub' (Cl) (H4) 'Duc de Guiche' (G) (H4) 'Duchesse de Montebello' (G) (H4) 'Easlea's Golden Rambler' (Ra) (H4) EGLANTYNE = 'Ausmak' (PBR) (S) (H4) ELINA = 'Dicjana' (PBR) (HT) (H4) 'English Miss' (F) (H4) ESCAPADE = 'Harpade' (F) (H4) EVELYN = 'Aussaucer' (PBR) (S) (H4) 'Fantin-Latour' (centifolia hybrid) (H4) FASCINATION = 'Poulmax' (PBR) (F) (H4) 'Felicia' (HM) (H4) 'Félicité Parmentier' (AxD) (H4) 'Félicité Perpétue' (Ra) (H4) FELLOWSHIP = 'Harwelcome' (PBR) (F) (H4) 'Ferdinand Pichard' (Bb) (H4) filipes 'Kiftsgate' (Ra) (H4) ~ more suitable for larger gardens FLOWER CARPET WHITE = 'Noaschnee' (PBR) (GC) (H4) 'Fragrant Delight' (F) (H4) 'Francis E. Lester' (HM/Ra) (H4) × francofurtana (H4) 'François Juranville' (Ra) (H4) 'Fred Loads' (F/S) (H4) FREEDOM = 'Dicjem' (PBR) (HT) (H4) FRIEND FOR LIFE = 'Cocnanne' (PBR) (F) (H4) 'Fritz Nobis' (S) (H4) 'Fru Dagmar Hastrup' (Ru) (H4) 'Frühlingsgold' (PiH) (H4) 93 93 93 94 93 02 93 93 02 93 02 02 93 02 02 02 93 96 93 93 94 93 02 93 02 93 02 02 02 93 93 96 02 02 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 02 93 93 93 93 93 02 02 02 02 02 93 93 02 93 93 93 62 gallica var. officinalis (G) (H4) —'Versicolor' (G) (H4) 'Geranium' (moyesii hybrid) (H4) GERTRUDE JEKYLL = 'Ausbord' (PBR) (S) (H4) glauca Pourr. (S) (H4) ~ sometimes listed as R. ferruginea GOLDEN CELEBRATION = 'Ausgold' (PBR) (S) (H4) 'Golden Showers' (Cl) (H4) 'Golden Wings' (S) (H4) GORDON'S COLLEGE = 'Cocjabby' (PBR) (F) (H4) GRAHAM THOMAS = 'Ausmas' (PBR) (S) (H4) GROUSE = 'Korimro' (PBR) (S/GC) (H4) 'Hakuun' (F/Patio) (H4) HANDEL = 'Macha' (Cl) (H4) HERTFORDSHIRE = 'Kortenay' (PBR) (GC) (H4) HIGH HOPES = 'Haryup' (PBR) (Cl) (H4) ICE CREAM = 'Korzuri' (PBR) (HT) (H4) ICEBERG = 'Korbin' (F) (H4) INDIAN SUMMER = 'Peaperfume' (PBR) (HT) (H4) INGRID BERGMAN = 'Poulman' (PBR) (HT) (H4) 'Ispahan' (D) (H4) JACQUELINE DU PRÉ = 'Harwanna' (PBR) (S) (H4) 'Just Joey' (HT) (H4) KENT = 'Poulcov' (PBR) (S/GC) (H4) 'Königin von Dänemark' (A) (H4) L.D. BRAITHWAITE = 'Auscrim' (PBR) (S) (H4) 'La Ville de Bruxelles' (D) (H4) 'Lady Penzance' (RH) (H4) L'AIMANT = 'Harzola' (PBR) (F) (H4) LANCASHIRE = 'Korstesgli' (PBR) (GC) (H4) LAURA FORD = 'Chewarvel' (PBR) (ClMin) (H4) 'Lavender Lassie' (HM) (H4) LAWINIA = 'Tanklewi' (PBR) (ClHT) (H4) 'Leverkusen' (Cl) (H4) LITTLE BO-PEEP = 'Poullen' (PBR) (Min/Patio) (H4) LITTLE RAMBLER = 'Chewramb' (PBR) (MinRa) (H4) LOVELY LADY = 'Dicjubell' (PBR) (HT) (H4) macrophylla 'Master Hugh' (H4) 'Madame Alfred Carrière' (N) (H4) 'Madame Grégoire Staechelin' (ClHT) (H4) 'Madame Hardy' (ClD) (H4) 'Madame Isaac Pereire' (ClBb) (H4) 'Madame Knorr' (DPo) (H4) MAGIC CARPET = 'Jaclover' (PBR) (S/GC) (H4) 'Maiden's Blush' Hort. (A) (H4) 'Maigold' (ClPiH) (H4) MANY HAPPY RETURNS = 'Harwanted' (PBR) (S/F) (H4) 'Marchesa Boccella' (DPo) (H4) MARGARET MERRIL = 'Harkuly' (F/HT) (H4) 'Marguerite Hilling' (S) (H4) MARJORIE FAIR = 'Harhero' (Poly/S) (H4) MARRY ME = 'Dicwonder' (PBR) (Patio) (H4) MARY ROSE = 'Ausmary' (PBR) (S) (H4) MATANGI = 'Macman' (F) (H4) MEMENTO = 'Dicbar' (PBR) (F) (H4) 'Mermaid' (Cl) (H3-4) 'Mevrouw Nathalie Nypels' (Poly) (H4) MOLINEUX = 'Ausmol' (PBR) (S) (H4) 'Morning Jewel' (ClF) (H4) MOUNTBATTEN = 'Harmantelle' (PBR) (F) (H4) mulliganii (Ra) (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 02 93 02 93 93 02 02 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 02 93 02 94 94 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 02 02 93 93 93 93 02 ~ sometimes grown incorrectly as R. longicuspis 'Nevada' (S) (H4) 'New Dawn' (Cl) (H4) NICE DAY = 'Chewsea' (PBR) (ClMin) (H4) 'Nozomi' (ClMin/GC) (H4) 'Nuits de Young' (CeMo) (H4) nutkana 'Plena' (S) (H4) ~ usually grown as R. californica 'Plena' × odorata 'Mutabilis' (Ch) (H3-4) OPEN ARMS = 'Chewpixcel' (PBR) (ClMin) (H4) OXFORDSHIRE = 'Korfullwind' (PBR) (GC) (H4) 'Parade' (Cl) (H4) PAT AUSTIN = 'Ausmum' (PBR) (S) (H4) PAUL SHIRVILLE = 'Harqueterwife' (PBR) (HT) (H4) 'Paul Transon' (Ra) (H4) 'Paul's Himalayan Musk' (Ra) (H3-4) ~ more suitable for larger gardens PEACE = 'Madame A. Meilland' (HT) (H4) 'Penelope' (HM) (H4) PENNY LANE = 'Hardwell' (PBR) (Cl) (H4) 'Perle d'Or' (Poly) (H4) 'Phyllis Bide' (Ra) (H4) pimpinellifolia 'Andrewsii' (H4) PINK FLOWER CARPET = 'Noatraum' (PBR) (GC) (H4) 'Pink Grootendorst' (Ru) (H4) 'Président de Sèze' (G) (H4) PRETTY LADY = 'Scrivo' (PBR) (F) (H4) PRETTY POLLY = 'Meitonje' (PBR) (Min) (H4) primula (S) (H3-4) PRINCESS OF WALES = 'Hardinkum' (PBR) (F) (H4) 'Prosperity' (HM) (H4) QUEEN MOTHER = 'Korquemu' (PBR) (Patio) (H4) 'Rambling Rector' (Ra) (H4) ~ more suitable for larger gardens REMEMBER ME = 'Cocdestin' (PBR) (HT) (H4) REMEMBRANCE = 'Harxampton' (PBR) (F) (H4) 'Rose d'Amour' (S) (H4) ~ now considered to be a R. virginiana hybrid 'Roseraie de l'Haÿ' (Ru) (H4) ROSY CUSHION = 'Interall' (PBR) (S/GC) (H4) ROYAL WILLIAM = 'Korzaun' (PBR) (HT) (H4) rugosa 'Alba' (Ru) (H4) —'Rubra' (Ru) (H4) 'Sally Holmes' (PBR) (S) (H4) 'Sander's White Rambler' (Ra) (H4) SAVOY HOTEL = 'Harvintage' (PBR) (HT) (H4) 'Scabrosa' (Ru) (H4) SCEPTER'D ISLE = 'Ausland' (PBR) (S) (H4) 'Scharlachglut' (ClS) (H4) 'Schneezwerg' (Ru) (H4) 'Seagull' (Ra) (H4) SEXY REXY = 'Macrexy' (PBR) (F) (H4) SHINE ON = 'Dictalent' (PBR) (Patio) (H4) SILVER ANNIVERSARY = 'Poulari' (PBR) (HT) (H4) 'Silver Jubilee' (HT) (H4) soulieana (Ra/S) (H3-4) ~ more suitable for larger gardens 'Southampton' (F) (H4) SUMMER WINE = 'Korizont' (PBR) (Cl) (H4) SUNSET BOULEVARD = 'Harbabble' (PBR) (F) (H4) 02 93 94 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 02 02 93 93 93 02 93 02 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 SUPER ELFIN = 'Helkleger' (PBR) (Ra) (H4) SURREY = 'Korlanum' (PBR) (GC) (H4) SWANY = 'Meiburenac' (Min/GC) (H4) SWEET DREAM = 'Fryminicot' (PBR) (Patio) (H4) SWEET MAGIC = 'Dicmagic' (PBR) (Min/Patio) (H4) TALL STORY = 'Dickooky' (PBR) (F) (H4) TEQUILA SUNRISE = 'Dicobey' (PBR) (HT) (H4) 'The Fairy' (Poly) (H4) 'The Garland' (Ra) (H4) THE LADY = 'Fryjingo' (PBR) (S) (H4) THE TIMES ROSE = 'Korpeahn' (PBR) (F) (H4) TRADITION '95 = 'Korkeltin' (PBR) (Cl) (H4) TROIKA = 'Poumidor' (HT) (H4) TRUMPETER = 'Mactru' (F) (H4) 'Tuscany Superb' (G) (H4) VALENCIA = 'Koreklia' (PBR) (HT) (H4) VALENTINE HEART = 'Dicogle' (PBR) (F) (H4) 'Veilchenblau' (Ra) (H4) virginiana (H4) WARM WELCOME = 'Chewizz' (PBR) (ClMin) (H4) WARM WISHES = 'Fryxotic' (PBR) (HT) (H4) WESTERLAND = 'Korwest' (F/S) (H4) WHITE CLOUD = 'Korstacha' (PBR) (S/ClHT) (H4) 'White Pet' (Poly) (H4) 'William Lobb' (CeMo) (H4) WILTSHIRE = 'Kormuse' (PBR) (S/GC) (H4) xanthina 'Canary Bird' (S) (H4) —f. hugonis (H4) 'Yesterday' (Poly/F/S) (H4) 'Yvonne Rabier' (Poly) (H4) Roscoea (Zingiberaceae) 93 98 93 cautleyoides (H4) —'Kew Beauty' (H4) humeana (H4) ~ name often misapplied Rosmarinus (Lamiaceae) 02 02 93 93 93 officinalis var. angustissimus 'Benenden Blue' (H4) —'McConnell's Blue' (H4) —'Miss Jessopp's Upright' (H4) —'Severn Sea' (H4) —'Sissinghurst Blue' (H4) Rubus (Rosaceae) 93 02 96 93 'Benenden' (H4) biflorus (H4) cockburnianus 'Goldenvale' (H4) thibetanus (H4) Rudbeckia (Asteraceae) 00 93 02 93 93 02 00 00 02 amplexicaulis (H3) fulgida var. deamii (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2002 —var. speciosa (H4) —var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm' (H4) 'Goldquelle' (d) (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2002 'Herbstsonne' (H4) hirta 'Indian Summer' (H3) —'Toto' (H3) laciniata 'Goldkugel' (d) (H4) Ruellia (Acanthaceae) 93 63 makoyana (H1) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB ~ min. 10C 94 93 96 96 94 96 96 93 96 93 96 96 96 96 93 Rumohra (Davalliaceae) 93 adiantiformis (H1) ~ min. 10C Russelia (Scrophulariaceae) 93 equisetiformis (H1) ~ min. 10C Salix (Salicaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 acutifolia 'Blue Streak' (m) (H4) alba var. sericea (H4) —subsp. vitellina (H4) ——'Britzensis' (m) (H4) babylonica var. pekinensis 'Tortuosa' (H4) 'Boydii' (f) (H4) elaeagnos subsp. angustifolia (H4) hastata 'Wehrhahnii' (m) (H4) helvetica (H4) lanata (H4) magnifica (H4) purpurea 'Pendula' (H4) reticulata (H4) Sambucus (Caprifoliaceae) 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 96 93 02 96 96 93 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 93 93 93 93 94 canadensis f. multiplex 'Plena' (d) (H4) Sansevieria (Dracaenaceae) Royale Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture 93 Salvia (Lamiaceae) 93 93 nigra 'Aurea' (H4) —BLACK BEAUTY = 'Gerda' (H4) —f. laciniata (H4) racemosa 'Sutherland Gold' (H4) Sanguinaria (Papaveraceae) Salpiglossis (Solanaceae) 02 'Phoenix Mixed' (H3) pratensis Haematodes Group (H4) —'Indigo' (H4) 'Raspberry Royale' (H3-4) 'Red Arrow' (H3) roemeriana (H3) spathacea (H3-4) splendens 'Vanguard' (H3) —'Van-Houttei' (H3) × superba (H4) —'Rubin' (H4) × sylvestris 'Blauhügel' (H4) —'Mainacht' (H4) —'Tänzerin' (H4) uliginosa (H3-4) 93 argentea (H3) buchananii (H1+3) ~ min. 2C cacaliifolia (H1+3) ~ min. 2C candelabrum (H3-4) ~ min. 2C coccinea 'Lady in Red' (H3) discolor (H1) ~ min. 2C farinacea 'Victoria' (H3) fulgens (H3) guaranitica 'Blue Enigma' (H3-4) involucrata (H3) —'Bethellii' (H3-4) —'Boutin' (H3) × jamensis 'Los Lirios' (H3-4) leucantha (H1) ~ min. 2C microphylla 'Kew Red' (H3-4) —var. microphylla 'Newby Hall' (H3-4) —'Pink Blush' (H3-4) —'Pleasant View' (H3-4) multicaulis (H4) nemorosa 'Amethyst' (H4) —'Lubecca' (H4) —'Ostfriesland' (H4) —'Porzellan' (H4) —'Pusztaflamme' (H4) ~ awarded as S. nemorosa 'Plumosa' officinalis 'Icterina' (v) (H4) —'Purpurascens' (H4) oppositiflora (H1+3) ~ min. 2C patens (H3) —'Cambridge Blue' (H3) 93 93 93 93 trifasciata 'Bantel's Sensation' (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Craigii' (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Golden Hahnii' (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Hahnii' (H1) ~ min. 10C —var. laurentii (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Moonshine' (H1) ~ min. 10C Santolina (Asteraceae) 93 93 93 93 chamaecyparissus (H4) —var. nana (H4) pinnata subsp. neapolitana (H4) rosmarinifolia subsp. rosmarinifolia 'Primrose Gem' (H4) Saponaria (Caryophyllaceae) 93 93 93 93 'Bressingham' (H4) ocymoides (H4) —'Rubra Compacta' (H4) × olivana (H4) Sarcococca (Buxaceae) 93 93 93 93 confusa (H4) hookeriana (H4) —var. digyna (H4) ruscifolia var. chinensis (H4) ~ often listed as S.ruscifolia Sarmienta (Gesneriaceae) 93 repens (H2) Sarracenia (Sarraceniaceae) 93 93 93 64 × catesbyi (H1) ~ min. 2C × chelsonii (H1) ~ min. 2C × excellens (H1) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 93 93 ~ min. 2C flava (H1) ~ min. 2C leucophylla (H1) ~ min. 2C × mitchelliana (H1) ~ min. 2C × wrigleyana (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 Schizanthus (Solanaceae) 02 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 coerulea (H4) 93 02 93 93 93 verticillata (H4) Scilla (Hyacinthaceae) 93 93 93 bifolia (H4) mischtschenkoana 'Tubergeniana' (H4) siberica (H4) Scindapsus (Araceae) 93 pictus 'Argyraeus' (H1) ~ min. 10C Sedum (Crassulaceae) 96 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 'Bertram Anderson' (H4) cauticola (H4) 'Herbstfreude' (H4) kamtschaticum (H4) —var. ellacombeanum (H4) —var. kamtschaticum 'Variegatum' (v) (H4) morganianum (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Ruby Glow' (H4) sieboldii 'Mediovariegatum' (v) (H2-3) spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco' (H4) —'Purpureum' (H4) spectabile (H4) —'Brilliant' (H4) spurium 'Schorbuser Blut' (H4) telephium subsp. maximum 'Atropurpureum' (H4) 'Vera Jameson' (H4) Selaginella (Selaginellaceae) 93 caucasica 'Clive Greaves' (H4) —'Miss Willmott' (H4) stellata 'Drumstick' (H3) 93 93 multiflorus subsp. katherinae (H1) ~ min. 2C —subsp. multiflorus (H1) ~ min. 5C 93 93 Schefflera (Araliaceae) 93 × buckleyi (H1) ~ min. 10C Sciadopitys (Sciadopityaceae) Scadoxus (Amaryllidaceae) 93 coccinea 'Jennifer' (H4) —'Major' (H4) —'Sunrise' (H4) Schlumbergera (Cactaceae) callosa (8) (H4) cebennensis (15) (H2) 'Clarence Elliott' (umbrosa) (11) (H4) 'Cranbourne' ( × anglica) (7) (H4) 'Cumulus' (iranica hybrid) (7) (H4) 'Duncan Lowe' (andersonii) (7) (H4) 'Faldonside' ( × boydii) (7) (H4) federici-augusti subsp. grisebachii (7) (H2-3) ferdinandi-coburgi (7) (H4) fortunei (5) (H4) 'Gloria' (burseriana) (7) (H4) 'Gregor Mendel' ( × apiculata) (7) (H4) 'Jenkinsiae' ( × irvingii) (7) (H4) 'Kathleen Pinsent' (8) (H4) 'Lutea' (paniculata) (8) (H4) 'Luteola' ( × boydii) (7) (H4) 'Major' (cochlearis) (8) (H4) 'Minor' (cochlearis) (8) (H4) 'Peter Burrow' ( × poluanglica) (7) (H4) 'Primuloides' (umbrosa) (11) (H4) ~ Originally listed as Saxifraga umbrosa var. primuloides 'Rosea' (paniculata) (8) (H4) 'Sanguinea Superba' ( × arendsii) (15) (H4) 'Southside Seedling' (8) (H4) 'Splendens' (oppositifolia) (7) (H4) stolonifera (5) (H2) 'Theoden' (oppositifolia) (7) (H4) 'Tricolor' (stolonifera) (5) (H2) 'Tumbling Waters' (8) (H4) × urbium (11) (H4) 'Wisley' (federici-augusti subsp. grisebachii) (7) (H2-3) Scabiosa (Dipsacaceae) 93 93 93 hydrangeoides 'Roseum' (H4) integrifolium (H4) Schizostylis (Iridaceae) Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae) 93 93 93 93 98 96 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 94 93 pinnatus 'Hit Parade' (H3) Schizophragma (Hydrangeaceae) Satureja (Lamiaceae) 93 elegantissima (H1) ~ min. 10C kraussiana (H1) ~ min. 2C —'Brownii' (H1) ~ min. 2C —'Variegata' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C martensii (H1) ~ min. 10C uncinata (H1) ~ min. 10C Semiarundinaria (Poaceae) actinophylla (H1) ~ min. 10C arboricola (H1) ~ min. 10C —'Gold Capella' (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 fastuosa (H4) Sempervivum (Crassulaceae) 93 93 93 65 arachnoideum (H4) —subsp. tomentosum (H4) ciliosum (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 'Commander Hay' (H4) tectorum (H4) 94 Senecio (Asteraceae) 02 93 02 93 93 94 cineraria 'Cirrus' (H3) —'Silver Dust' (H3) haworthii (H1) ~ min. 2C macroglossus 'Variegatus' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C viravira (H3-4) 94 94 94 Senna (Caesalpiniaceae) 93 94 artemisioides (H1) ~ min. 2C 94 Sequoia (Cupressaceae) 93 sempervirens (H4) 94 Sequoiadendron (Cupressaceae) 93 giganteum (H4) 94 Seriphidium (Asteraceae) 93 vallesiacum (H4) 94 Setaria (Poaceae) 95 94 macrostachya (H3) ~ annual grass for drying Solidago (Asteraceae) Sidalcea (Malvaceae) 02 93 02 93 'Elsie Heugh' (H4) 'William Smith' (H4) 93 alpestris 'Flore Pleno' (d) (H4) schafta (H4) 93 perfoliatum (H4) 98 98 02 93 canescens (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Empress Purple Spotted' (H1) ~ min. 5C; from seed, under glass 'Empress Red' (H1) ~ min. 5C; from seed, under glass Empress Series (H1) ~ min. 5C; sold as a mixture 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 idahoense 'Album' (H4) macrocarpon (H2-3) × confusa 'Kew Green' (m) (H4) japonica 'Fragrans' (m) (H4) —'Nymans' (f) (H4) —'Rubella' (m) (H4) 93 93 93 93 93 93 racemosa (H4) ~ previously listed as Maianthemum racemosum Solanum (Solanaceae) 93 93 crispum 'Glasnevin' (H3) laxum 'Album' (H3) ~ awarded as S. jasminoides 'Album' 93 93 93 93 Solenostemon (Lamiaceae) 94 tomentosa var. angustifolia (H4) Sorbus (Rosaceae) Smilacina (Convallariaceae) 93 japonica (H4) microphylla SUN KING = 'Hilsop' (PBR) (H4) tetraptera (H3) Sorbaria (Rosaceae) Skimmia (Rutaceae) 93 93 93 93 margaritacea (H1) ~ min. 15C Sophora (Papilionaceae) Sisyrinchium (Iridaceae) 02 93 heterophylla (H1) ~ min. 2C Sonerila (Melastomataceae) Sinningia (Gesneriaceae) 93 luteus 'Lemore' (H4) Sollya (Pittosporaceae) Silphium (Asteraceae) 02 'Gardone' (H4) 'Goldenmosa' (H4) × Solidaster (Asteraceae) Silene (Caryophyllaceae) 93 93 'Crimson Ruffles' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Firebrand' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Glory of Luxembourg' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Lord Falmouth' (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Paisley Shawl' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Picturatus' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Pineapple Beauty' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Pineapplette' (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Royal Scot' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Walter Turner' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C 'Wisley Tapestry' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C aria 'Lutescens' (H4) —'Majestica' (H4) aucuparia 'Sheerwater Seedling' (H4) —var. xanthocarpa (H4) ~ previously listed as S. aucuparia 'Fructu Luteo' cashmiriana Hedl. (H4) commixta 'Embley' (H4) hupehensis C.K. Schneid. (H4) —var. obtusa (H4) hybrida L. 'Gibbsii' (H4) koehneana C.K. Schneid. (H4) ~ previously listed as S. fruticosa 'Koehneana' reducta (H4) sargentiana (H4) thibetica 'John Mitchell' (H4) vilmorinii (H4) Sparaxis (Iridaceae) 'Buttermilk' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 66 grandiflora (H2-3) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB Sparrmannia (Tiliaceae) 93 africana (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 Spartium (Papilionaceae) 93 93 junceum (H4) Spathiphyllum (Araceae) 93 02 'Mauna Loa' (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 Spiraea (Rosaceae) 02 93 02 02 02 02 93 93 93 02 'Arguta' (H4) × cinerea 'Grefsheim' (H4) japonica 'Candlelight' (H4) —'Dart's Red' (H4) —GOLDEN PRINCESS = 'Lisp' (PBR) (H4) —MAGIC CARPET = 'Walbuma' (PBR) (H4) —'Nana' (H4) nipponica 'Snowmound' (H4) thunbergii (H4) 93 02 93 93 Stachys (Lamiaceae) macrantha 'Robusta' (H4) ~ will grow in total shade 02 Stachyurus (Stachyuraceae) 93 93 93 praecox (H4) Stapelia (Asclepiadaceae) 93 02 gigantea (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 Stenotaphrum (Poaceae) 93 secundatum 'Variegatum' (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 Stephanotis (Asclepiadaceae) 93 02 floribunda (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 Stewartia (Theaceae) 02 93 93 93 malacodendron (H4) pseudocamellia (H4) —Koreana Group (H4) sinensis (H4) 93 93 Stipa (Poaceae) 93 93 gigantea (H4) Stomatium (Aizoaceae) 93 meyeri (H1) ~ min. 2C niveum (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 02 02 93 Strelitzia (Strelitziaceae) 93 Streptosolen (Solanaceae) reginae (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae) 93 02 02 02 02 02 ~ min. 10C 'Crystal Ice' (PBR) (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Cynthia' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Daphne' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Falling Stars' (H1) ~ min. 10C glandulosissimus (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Gloria' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Happy Snappy' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Heidi' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Helen' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Jennifer' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Kim' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Laura' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Lisa' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Maassen's White' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Melanie' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Paula' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Ruby' (H1) ~ min. 10C saxorum (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Snow White' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Stella' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Susan' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Tina' (H1) ~ min. 10C jamesonii (H1) ~ min. 2C Strobilanthes (Acanthaceae) 'Albatross' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Amanda' Dibley (H1) 'Bethan' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Carys' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Catrin' (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Chorus Line' (H1) 93 dyeriana (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C Stromanthe (Marantaceae) 93 sanguinea var. spectabilis (H1) ~ min. 15C Stylidium (Stylidiaceae) 93 67 crassifolium (H2) ~ min. 2C Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB Styrax (Styracaceae) 93 93 02 93 93 hemsleyanus (H4) japonicus (H4) —Benibana Group (H4) obassia (H4) 93 93 Sulcorebutia (Cactaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 arenacea (H1) ~ min. 2-10C candiae (H1) ~ min. 2-10C canigueralii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C crispata (H1) ~ min. 2-10C flavissima (H1) ~ min. 2-10C glomeriseta (H1) ~ min 2-10C mentosa (H1) ~ min. 2-10C mizquensis (H1) ~ min. 2-10C steinbachii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C tunariensis (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 Tamarix (Tamaricaceae) 93 93 93 93 02 caucasicum (H4) × uplandicum 'Variegatum' (v) (H4) Syngonium (Araceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 01 93 93 93 distichum (H4) —var. imbricatum 'Nutans' (H4) Taxus (Taxaceae) × hyacinthiflora 'Esther Staley' (H4) × josiflexa 'Bellicent' (H4) meyeri var. spontanea 'Palibin' (H4) × persica (H4) —'Alba' (H4) × prestoniae 'Elinor' (H4) pubescens subsp. microphylla 'Superba' (H4) ~ awarded as S. microphylla 'Superba' —subsp. patula 'Miss Kim' (H4) vulgaris 'Andenken an Ludwig Späth' (H4) —'Charles Joly' (d) (H4) —'Firmament' (H4) —'Katherine Havemeyer' (d) (H4) —'Madame Lemoine' (d) (H4) —'Mrs Edward Harding' (d) (H4) —'Vestale' (H4) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 baccata (H4) ~ male and female flowers are usually borne on separate plants —'Adpressa Variegata' (m/v) (H4) —'Dovastoniana' (f) (H4) —'Dovastonii Aurea' (m/v) (H4) —'Fastigiata' (f) (H4) —'Fastigiata Aureomarginata' (m/v) (H4) —'Repandens' (f) (H4) —'Repens Aurea' (v) (H4) —'Semperaurea' (m) (H4) —'Standishii' (f) (H4) × media 'Hicksii' (f) (H4) Tecoma (Bignoniaceae) 93 Tagetes (Asteraceae) 01 coccineum 'Eileen May Robinson' (H4) —'James Kelway' (H4) ptarmiciflorum (H3-4) Taxodium (Cupressaceae) podophyllum (H1) ~ min. 10C Syringa (Oleaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 ramosissima 'Rubra' (H4) tetrandra (H4) Tanacetum (Asteraceae) Symphytum (Boraginaceae) 02 93 —'Disco Yellow' (H3) ~ dwarf French marigold —'Discovery' (H3) ~ African marigold —'Hero Orange' (H3) ~ dwarf French marigold —'Honeycomb' (H3) ~ dwarf French marigold —'Perfection' (H3) ~ African marigold —'Queen Sophia' (H3) ~ dwarf French marigold —'Safari Mixture' (H3) ~ dwarf French marigold —'Safari Scarlet' (H3) ~ dwarf French marigold —'Safari Tangerine' (H3) ~ dwarf French marigold —'Tiger Eyes' (King; Marshall) (H3) ~ dwarf French marigold —'Zenith Lemon Yellow' (H3) ~ dwarf French marigold capensis (H1) ~ min. 10C Tecophilaea (Tecophilaeaceae) Gold Coins Series (H3) ~ African marigold, sold as a mixture 'Inca Orange' (Inca Series) (H3) patula 'Aurora Light Yellow' (H3) ~ dwarf French marigold —'Dainty Marietta' (H3) ~ dwarf French marigold —'Disco Orange' (H3) ~ dwarf French marigold 93 93 cyanocrocus (H2) —'Leichtlinii' (H2) Tetranema (Scrophulariaceae) 93 roseum (H1) ~ min. 2C Tetrapanax (Araliaceae) 93 68 papyrifer (H2-3) ~ min. 2C Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB Tetrastigma (Vitaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 voinierianum (H1) ~ min. 15C Teucrium (Lamiaceae) 93 fruticans 'Azureum' (H3) Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae) Thalictrum (Ranunculaceae) 93 93 93 93 02 aquilegiifolium 'Thundercloud' (H4) delavayi (H4) —'Hewitt's Double' (d) (H4) flavum subsp. glaucum (H4) 02 93 Thelocactus (Cactaceae) 93 93 bicolor (H1) ~ min. 2-10C setispinus (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 02 93 occidentalis 'Danica' (H4) —'Holmstrup' (H4) —'Lutea Nana' (H4) —'Rheingold' (H4) —'Smaragd' (H4) plicata 'Atrovirens' (H4) —'Aurea' (H4) —'Fastigiata' (H4) —'Irish Gold' (v) (H4) —'Stoneham Gold' (H4) 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 dolabrata (H4) 93 93 93 93 grandiflora (H1) ~ min. 10C gregorii (H1+3) ~ min. 5C mysorensis (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 93 × citriodorus 'Silver Queen' (v) (H4) Coccineus Group (H4) ~ sometimes listed incorrectly under T. serpyllum polytrichus subsp. britannicus 'Thomas's White' (H4) ~ sometimes listed incorrectly under T. serpyllum; previously listed as T. polytrichus subsp. britannicus 'Albus' pulegioides 'Aureus' (H4) ~ awarded as T. x citriodorus 'Aureus' —'Bertram Anderson' (H4) ~ awarded as T. x citriodorus 'Bertram Anderson' serpyllum 'Pink Chintz' (H4) ~ sometimes listed incorrectly under T. serpyllum 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 cordifolia (H4) wherryi (H4) (Andersoniana Group) 'Isis' (H4) (Andersoniana Group) 'J.C. Weguelin' (H4) (Andersoniana Group) 'Osprey' (H4) cerinthoides 'Variegata' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C fluminensis 'Aurea' (H1) ~ min. 2C —'Quicksilver' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C —'Tricolor Minima' (H1) ~ min. 2C pallida (H2-3) —'Purpurea' (H2-3) ~ awarded as T. pallida 'Purple Heart' sillamontana (H1) ~ min. 2C spathacea 'Vittata' (H1) ~ min. 10C zebrina (H1) ~ min. 2C —'Purpusii' (H1) ~ min. 2C —'Quadricolor' (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C Trichodiadema (Aizoaceae) 02 urvilleana (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 Tilia (Tiliaceae) 93 93 fortunei (H3-4) Tradescantia (Commelinaceae) Tibouchina (Melastomataceae) 93 asiaticum (H2-3) jasminoides (H2-3) —'Variegatum' (v) (H2-3) Trachycarpus (Arecaceae) Tiarella (Saxifragaceae) 93 93 caeruleum (H1) ~ min. 2C Trachelospermum (Apocynaceae) Thymus (Lamiaceae) 93 93 menziesii 'Taff's Gold' (v) (H4) ~ valued in particular as a pot plant under glass Trachelium (Campanulaceae) Thunbergia (Acanthaceae) 93 calcarea (H1) ~ min. 2C Tolmiea (Saxifragaceae) Thujopsis (Cupressaceae) 93 argentea (H1) ~ min. 15C cyanea (H1) ~ min. 15C lindenii (H1) ~ min. 15C Titanopsis (Aizoaceae) Thuja (Cupressaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 × euchlora (H4) × europaea 'Wratislaviensis' (H4) 'Petiolaris' (H4) platyphyllos 'Rubra' (H4) tomentosa 'Brabant' (H4) cordata (H4) —'Greenspire' (H4) 69 densum (H1) ~ min. 2C stellatum (H1) ~ min. 2C Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB Tricyrtis (Convallariaceae) 93 97 95 97 97 93 99 93 95 95 93 99 95 93 95 99 97 97 93 95 97 93 93 95 95 93 97 97 97 93 99 99 95 93 93 97 93 99 99 99 99 97 99 97 99 95 93 95 95 99 93 97 93 93 97 97 93 93 93 93 95 93 99 93 93 formosana (H4) Trillium (Trilliaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 chloropetalum var. giganteum (H4) erectum (H4) grandiflorum (H4) —'Flore Pleno' (d) (H4) luteum (H4) rivale (H3) Tritonia (Iridaceae) 02 crocata (H2-3) Trollius (Ranunculaceae) 93 93 93 93 chinensis 'Golden Queen' (H4) × cultorum 'Goldquelle' (H4) —'Orange Princess' (H4) —'Superbus' (H4) Tropaeolum (Tropaeolaceae) 93 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 ciliatum (H1) ~ min. 2C majus Alaska Series (v) (H3) ~ sold as a mixture —'Darjeeling Double' (d) (H4) —'Hermine Grashoff' (d) (H2-3) ~ min. 2C speciosum (H4) tricolor (H1) ~ min. 2C tuberosum var. lineamaculatum 'Ken Aslet' (H3) Whirlybird Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture Tsuga (Pinaceae) 93 93 93 canadensis 'Jeddeloh' (H4) —'Pendula' (H4) heterophylla (H4) Tulipa (Liliaceae) 97 93 97 97 93 99 95 93 99 93 93 97 95 95 93 95 93 95 99 97 97 93 95 95 99 95 'Addis' (14) (H4) 'Alfred Cortot' (12) (H4) 'Ali Baba' (14) (H4) altaica (15) (H4) 'Ancilla' (12) (H4) 'Angélique' (11) (H4) 'Antonio Moro' (3) (H4) 'Apeldoorn's Elite' (4) (H4) 'Apricot Beauty' (1) (H4) 'Apricot Parrot' (10) (H4) 'Aristocrat' (5) (H4) 'Arma' (7) (H4) 'Artist' (8) (H4) 'Astarte' (3) (H4) aucheriana (15) (H4) 'Baby Doll' (2) (H4) 'Ballade' (6) (H4) 'Ballerina' (6) (H4) 'Barcelona' (3) (H4) 'Bella Vista' (14) (H4) 'Ben van Zanten' (3) (H4) 'Big Chief' (4) (H4) 'Black Diamond' (5) (H4) 'Black Parrot' (10) (H4) 'Blue Bell' (3) (H4) 'Blue Heron' (7) (H4) 70 'Buttercup' (14) (H4) 'Calgary' (3) (H4) 'Calypso' (14) (H4) 'Candela' (13) (H4) 'Capri' (4) (H4) 'Carnaval de Nice' (11/v) (H4) 'China Lady' (14) (H4) 'China Pink' (6) (H4) 'China Town' (8) (H4) clusiana var. chrysantha (15) (H4) —'Cynthia' (15) (H4) 'Companion' (3) (H4) 'Corsage' (14) (H4) 'Cruquius' (3) (H4) 'Crystal Beauty' (7) (H4) 'Czaar Peter' (H4) 'Daydream' (4) (H4) 'Demeter' (3) (H4) 'Don Quichotte' (3) (H4) 'Donald Duck' (14) (H4) 'Donna Bella' (14) (H4) 'Dover' (4) (H4) 'Dreamland' (5) (H4) 'Dynamite' (3) (H4) 'Early Harvest' (12) (H4) 'Early Star' (14) (H4) 'Easter Moon' (13) (H4) 'Easter Surprise' (14) (H4) 'Engadin' (14) (H4) 'Esperanto' (8/v) (H4) 'Etude' (3) (H4) 'Fancy Frills' (7) (H4) 'Fantasy' (10) (H4) 'Fidelio' (3) (H4) 'Fire Queen' (3) (H4) 'First Lady' (3) (H4) 'Flaming Youth' (13) (H4) 'Fringed Beauty' (7) (H4) 'Fringed Elegance' (7) (H4) 'Friso' (3) (H4) 'Garden Party' (3) (H4) 'Gerbrand Kieft' (11) (H4) 'Glück' (12) (H4) 'Grand Prestige' (14) (H4) 'Grand Style' (5) (H4) 'Halcro' (5) (H4) 'Hamilton' (7) (H4) 'Heart's Desire' (3) (H4) 'Holberg' (3) (H4) 'Hollands Glorie' (4) (H4) 'Ivory Floradale' (4) (H4) 'Jeantine' (12) (H4) 'Jewel of Spring' (4) (H4) 'Juan' (13) (H4) 'Julius Caesar' (14) (H4) 'Keizerskroon' (1) (H4) 'Kingsblood' (5) (H4) kolpakowskiana (15) (H4) 'Koningin Wilhelmina' (4) (H4) 'Lambada' (7) (H4) 'Landseadel's Supreme' (5) (H4) 'Lily Schreyer' (3) (H4) linifolia (15) (H4) —Batalinii Group (15) (H4) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 95 97 97 97 97 93 93 99 95 93 93 99 93 93 99 93 97 99 97 93 97 97 95 93 95 97 97 93 99 99 93 95 93 97 95 97 97 93 93 93 95 95 97 97 93 97 95 95 93 97 97 93 95 93 95 97 95 99 93 99 93 93 93 —(Batalinii Group) 'Bright Gem' (15) (H4) 'Little Beauty' (15) (H4) 'Longfellow' (14) (H4) 'Marina' (14) (H4) 'Marit' (4) (H4) 'Marjolein' (6) (H4) 'Maureen' (5) (H4) 'Maywonder' (11) (H4) 'Mieke Bos' (3) (H4) 'Mirella' (3) (H4) 'Monte Carlo' (2) (H4) 'Monte Rosa' (3) (H4) 'Most Miles' (3) (H4) 'Mrs John T. Scheepers' (5) (H4) 'Musical' (3) (H4) 'My Lady' (4) (H4) 'Odia' (14) (H4) 'Ollioules' (4) (H4) 'Olympic Flame' (4) (H4) 'Orange Bouquet' (3) (H4) 'Orange Emperor' (13) (H4) 'Orange Princess' (11) (H4) 'Orange Surprise' (3) (H4) 'Oranje Nassau' (2) (H4) 'Oranjezon' (4) (H4) 'Oratorio' (14) (H4) 'Oriental Beauty' (14) (H4) 'Oriental Splendour' (14) (H4) 'Orleans' (3) (H4) orphanidea Whittallii Group (15) (H4) 'Oxford' (4) (H4) 'Parabole' (7) (H4) 'Parade' (4) (H4) 'Perfectionist' (14) (H4) 'Picture' (5) (H4) 'Pink Impression' (4) (H4) 'Pink Sensation' (14) (H4) 'Plaisir' (14) (H4) praestans 'Fusilier' (15) (H4) 'President Kennedy' (4) (H4) 'Prince Charles' (3) (H4) 'Princess Victoria' (3) (H4) 'Princesse Charmante' (14) (H4) 'Prins Carnaval' (1) (H4) 'Prinses Irene' (3) (H4) 'Purissima' (13) (H4) 'Queen of Bartigons' (5) (H4) 'Queen of Sheba' (6) (H4) 'Red Georgette' (5) (H4) 'Red Impression' (PBR) (4) (H4) 'Red Paradise' (1) (H4) 'Red Riding Hood' (14) (H4) 'Red Shine' (6) (H4) 'Red Surprise' (14) (H4) 'Red Wing' (7) (H4) 'Rosanna' (14) (H4) saxatilis (Bakeri Group) 'Lilac Wonder' (15) (H4) 'Sevilla' (3) (H4) 'Showwinner' (12) (H4) 'Smyrna' (14) (H4) 'Sorbet' (5) (H4) sprengeri (15) (H4) 'Spring Green' (8) (H4) 93 93 99 93 99 93 99 95 93 99 93 97 97 93 95 93 99 99 97 95 95 95 95 99 97 97 93 'Stockholm' (2) (H4) 'Stresa' (12) (H4) 'Strong Gold' (3) (H4) 'Sweet Harmony' (5) (H4) 'Synaeda King' (6) (H4) tarda (15) (H4) 'Ted Turner' (H4) 'Telecom' (3) (H4) 'Temple of Beauty' (5) (H4) 'Tender Beauty' (4) (H4) 'Toronto' (14) (H4) 'Toulon' (13) (H4) 'Trinket' (14) (H4) turkestanica (15) (H4) 'Union Jack' (5) (H4) urumiensis (15) (H4) 'Valentine' (3) (H4) 'Vivex' (4) (H4) vvedenskyi 'Tangerine Beauty' (15) (H4) 'West Point' (6) (H4) 'White Triumphator' (6) (H4) 'Wildhof' (3) (H4) 'Wirosa' (11) (H4) 'World Expression' (5) (H4) 'Yellow Dover' (4) (H4) 'Yellow Purissima' (13) (H4) 'Zampa' (14) (H4) Tweedia (Asclepiadaceae) 93 caerulea (H2) Ulex (Papilionaceae) 93 europaeus 'Flore Pleno' (d) (H4) Uvularia (Convallariaceae) 93 grandiflora (H4) Vaccinium (Ericaceae) 93 93 93 93 corymbosum (F) (H4) cylindraceum (H4) glaucoalbum (H3-4) vitis-idaea Koralle Group (H4) Veltheimia (Hyacinthaceae) 93 93 bracteata (H1) ~ min. 2C capensis (H1) ~ min. 10C Veratrum (Melanthiaceae) 93 nigrum (H4) Verbascum (Scrophulariaceae) 02 93 93 93 93 93 93 chaixii 'Album' (H4) (Cotswold Group) 'Cotswold Beauty' (H4) (Cotswold Group) 'Gainsborough' (H4) (Cotswold Group) 'Pink Domino' (H4) dumulosum (H2-3) 'Golden Wings' (H2-3) 'Letitia' (H3) Verbena (Verbenaceae) 02 01 93 01 01 01 71 bonariensis (H3-4) canadensis 'Toronto' (G) (H3) 'Lawrence Johnston' (G) (H3) 'Moon River' (H3) 'Peaches and Cream' (G) (H3) Quartz Series (H3) ~ awarded to the mixture sold as 'Bunting' Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 93 93 rigida (H3) ~ re-confirmed after trial 2001 Sandy Series (G) (H3) ~ sold as a mixture; re-confirmed after trial 2001 'Silver Anne' (G) (H3) 'Sissinghurst' (G) (H2-3) 93 93 93 93 93 99 Veronica (Scrophulariaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 97 93 austriaca subsp. teucrium 'Crater Lake Blue' (H4) ——'Royal Blue' (H4) cinerea (H4) gentianoides (H4) prostrata (H4) —'Spode Blue' (H4) 'Shirley Blue' (H4) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 Vestia (Solanaceae) 93 foetida (H1) ~ min. 2C 99 Viburnum (Caprifoliaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 02 93 × bodnantense 'Charles Lamont' (H4) —'Dawn' (H4) —'Deben' (H4) × burkwoodii 'Anne Russell' (H4) —'Fulbrook' (H4) —'Park Farm Hybrid' (H4) × carlcephalum (H4) carlesii 'Aurora' (H4) cinnamomifolium (H3) davidii (H4) ~ male or several plants are required for the production of fruit farreri (H4) furcatum (H4) × hillieri 'Winton' (H4) × juddii (H4) opulus 'Compactum' (H4) —'Notcutt's Variety' (H4) —'Roseum' (H4) —'Xanthocarpum' (H4) plicatum 'Mariesii' (H4) —'Pink Beauty' (H4) 'Pragense' (H4) sargentii 'Onondaga' (H4) tinus 'Eve Price' (H4) —'French White' (H4) —'Gwenllian' (H4) 99 99 02 99 02 99 Vitis (Vitaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 difformis (H3-4) major 'Variegata' (v) (H4) minor f. alba (H4) ——'Gertrude Jekyll' (H4) —'Argenteovariegata' (v) (H4) —'Atropurpurea' (H4) —'Azurea Flore Pleno' (d) (H4) —'La Grave' (H4) duvaliana (H1) ~ min. 15C fosteriana (H1) ~ min. 15C psittacina (H1) ~ min. 10C saundersii (H1) ~ min. 15C splendens (H1) ~ min. 15C Washingtonia (Arecaceae) 93 filifera (H1) ~ min. 2C Weigela (Caprifoliaceae) 93 93 93 02 Viola (Violaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 'Brant' (O/B) (H4) coignetiae (H4) vinifera 'Purpurea' (O/B) (H4) Vriesea (Bromeliaceae) Vinca (Apocynaceae) 02 93 02 93 93 93 93 93 cucullata (H4) 'Huntercombe Purple' (Va) (H4) 'Inverurie Beauty' (Va) (H4) 'Jackanapes' (Va) (H4) Joker Series (P) (H4) ~ sold as a mixture 'Juliette Blue, Pale Wings' (H4) ~ small flowered 'Little David' (Vtta) (H4) 'Lorna' (Va) (H4) 'Maggie Mott' (Va) (H4) 'Martin' (Va) (H4) 'Molly Sanderson' (Va) (H4) 'Moonlight' (Va) (H4) 'Nellie Britton' (Va) (H4) odorata 'Wellsiana' (Vt) (H4) Princess Series (H4) ~ sold as a mixture 'Sorbet Blueberry Cream' (Sorbet Series) (H4) ~ small flowered 'Sorbet Yellow Delight' (Sorbet Series) (H4) ~ small flowered 'Sorbet Yellow Frost' (Sorbet Series) (H4) ~ small flowered sororia 'Albiflora' (H4) 'Splendid Blue and Yellow' (H4) ~ small flowered Universal Plus Series (H4) ~ sold as a mixture 'Velour Purple and White' (Velour Series) (H4) ~ small flowered 'Aspasia' (Va) (H4) 'Beshlie' (Va) (H4) 'Clementina' (Va) (H4) cornuta (H4) —Alba Group (H4) —'Minor' (H4) florida 'Foliis Purpureis' (H4) 'Florida Variegata' (v) (H4) 'Praecox Variegata' (v) (H4) 'Red Prince' (H4) Weingartia (Cactaceae) 93 93 72 multispina (H1) ~ min. 2-10C neocumingii (H1) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB 93 93 ~ min. 2-10C pilcomayensis (H1) ~ min. 2-10C pulquinensis (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 Westringia (Lamiaceae) 93 fruticosa (H1) ~ min. 10C 'Dreamland Yellow' (Dreamland Series) (H1+3) 'Oklahoma Mixed' (Oklahoma Series) (H1+3) 'Peter Pan Gold' (Peter Pan Series) (H1+3) 'Profusion Orange' (PBR) (H1+3) 'Profusion White' (H1+3) 'Short Stuff Orange' (Short Stuff Series) (H1+3) 'Starbright Orange' (Starbright Series) (H1+3) Wisteria (Papilionaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 floribunda 'Alba' (H4) —'Multijuga' (H4) —'Rosea' (H4) sinensis (H4) —'Alba' (H4) Woodsia (Woodsiaceae) 97 polystichoides (H4) Woodwardia (Blechnaceae) 93 radicans (H3) ~ min. 2C Xanthoceras (Sapindaceae) 93 sorbifolium (H3-4) Xerochrysum (Asteraceae) 93 02 bracteatum 'Bright Bikini Mixed' (H3) —Chico Series (H3) ~ sold as a mixture Yucca (Agavaceae) 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 elephantipes (H1) ~ min. 2C filamentosa (H4) —'Bright Edge' (v) (H3) —'Variegata' (v) (H3) flaccida 'Golden Sword' (v) (H3) —'Ivory' (H3-4) gloriosa (H4) —'Variegata' (v) (H4) recurvifolia (H4) Zantedeschia (Araceae) 93 97 93 93 93 aethiopica (H3) —'Crowborough' (H3) —'Green Goddess' (H3) elliottiana (H1) ~ min. 2C rehmannii (H1) ~ min. 2C Zauschneria (Onagraceae) 93 02 californica 'Dublin' (H3) —'Western Hills' (H4) Zelkova (Ulmaceae) 93 serrata (H4) Zephyranthes (Amaryllidaceae) 02 grandiflora (H2-3) Zinnia (Asteraceae) 02 02 02 02 02 02 'Benary's Giant Lilac' (Benary's Giants Series) (H1+3) 'Dasher Orange' (Dasher Series) (H1+3) 'Dasher Pink' (Dasher Series) (H1+3) 'Dreamland Mixed' (Dreamland Series) (H1+3) 'Dreamland Rose' (Dreamland Series) (H1+3) 'Dreamland Scarlet' (Dreamland Series) (H1+3) 73 Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2003 • • Please direct queries to AGM Plants, Botany Dept, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB
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