Parts Book PB-94134 9-, 10- and 13-Speed Transmissions Revised 04-04 9-, 10- and 13-Speed Transmissions Models covered in this Catalog — 9-, 10- and 13-Speed Tranmissions with Design Level Numbers 1 and 2 RM9-115A RM9-125A RM9-135A RM9-145A RM9-155A RMO9-125A RMO9-135A RMO9-145A RMX9-125A RMX9-135A RMX9-145A RMO9-115B RMO9-125B RMO9-135B RMO9-145B RMX9-115B RMX9-125B RMX9-135B RMX9-145B RMX9-155B RMX9-115R RMX9-125R RMX9-135R RMX9-145R RM10-115A RM10-125A RM10-135A RM10-145A RD10-145A RMX10-115A RMX10-125A RMX10-135A RMX10-145A RMX10-155A RMX10-165A RMO13-145A ROCKWELL TRANSMISSION MODEL NOMENCLATURE R M X 1 0 -1 4 5 A 2 S 0 0 2 Rockwell Transmission Model Number O.E.M. Transmission Part Number Manufacturing Date Ro ckw ell In terna tion a l CUST# MODEL SERIAL NO. & ASS'Y PLANT RATIO DATE Transmission Serial Number IN OUT IN These Plugs Indicate Oil Pump R M X 10 -14 5 A ROCKW ELL TYPE SPEED Progressive Forward Speeds M = Manual S H IF T PAT T E R N No letter = direct drive standard H pattern X = overdrive standard H pattern O = overdrive 9-speed non-standard pattern OR overdrive 13-speed standard H pattern R AT IO x 10 = Nominal Input Torque 2 OUT S 002 S H IF T B A R H O U S IN G P O S IT IO N F = Forward S = Standard S P E C IF IC AT IO N D E S IG N L E V E L 1 = Serial Numbers LB93001999 and Below 2 = Serial Numbers LB93002000 and Above Transmission Replacements How To Order Follow these steps and refer to the example below to order transmission replacements. 1. Find the model number located on the transmission tag. 2. Remove the specification number. 3. Add “P” if the transmission requires an internal oil pump. 4. Add “R” for a remanufactured transmission. 5. The Design Level number is 2 for a new kit. Example A. Tag Model number RMX9145B1F001 B. Remanufactured replacement RMX9145B1F(P)R C. New replacement RMX9145B2F(P) The kits do not include the shift controls, the output yoke, the speedometer accessories and the clutch housing. If the output yoke and the speedometer accessories from the replaced transmission are in good serviceable order, you must reuse them. A Design Level 2 clutch housing can be used on a Design Level 1 transmission, but a Design Level 1 cannot be used on a Design Level 2 transmission. For replacement clutch housings, refer to page 4. The shift controls, the output yoke, the speedometer accessories and the clutch housing from a Fuller transmission are completely interchangeable with both Design Levels 1 and 2 transmissions. Transmission Sealants CAUTION All transmissions use Loctite® MasterGasket™ Sealant #00203 or Loctite #5699 Ultra Gray Flange Sealant. Other gasket material can cause leaks. Damage to the transmission may result. 2 1 Item Qty. — 1 2 Part Number NLA 2297-C-5905 1 2297-A-7021 1 2297-B-6112 Design Level Description 1,2 1,2 1,2 Loctite Master Gasket Sealant #00203, Use 2297-A-7021 Loctite #5699 Ultra Grey Flange Sealant Loctite Thread Locker 222 i Part of Kit How To Use This Parts Book This parts book contains information for Meritor’s nine-, ten- and thirteen-speed transmissions. Each component table in this catalog contains the following information: aItem ....................................The numbers in the Item column correspond to the numbers in the illustration that identify parts. bQuantity (Qty.) ..................The numbers in the Quantity column indicate the parts required in each component. cPart Number .....................The number that corresponds to the item you will order. dDesign Level.....................The Design Level, or combination of design levels that apply to that particular part. eDescription.......................The Description column gives a brief description of the part. Many of the descriptive elements are abbreviated. For example, under item five of the chart below. • “60T” refers to 60 teeth on the gear • “9” refers to 9-speed transmission • “Dir” refers to direct drive transmission • “O/D” refers to over drive transmission • “A” refers to “A” ratio • “B” refers to “B” ratio • “R” refers to “R” ratio • “115, 125, etc.” (x 10) refers to torque fQuantity (Qty.) ..................The Quantity column indicate the kit(s) that the part number in the corresponding row can be found. Input Shaft Assembly d a b c 1 1 1229-W-4339 1, 2 Snap Ring 2 1 1228-G-1203 1, 2 Ball Bearing NLA 1244-C-1823 1, 2 Item Qty. Part Number 3 e Design Level Description f Part of Kit 5200, 5203, 5215, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5324, 5329, 5363, 5367, 5380, 5381, 5382, 5383, 5384 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5380, 5381, 5382, 5383, 5384 1244-J-2194 1, 2 Spacer, Use with shaft A-3297-Y-1351. Replaced by 1244-J-2194 Spacer, Use with shaft A-3297-B-1380. 4 NLA 1229-H-4168 1 1229-C-4657 1, 2 2 Snap Ring, Replaced by 1229-C-4657 Snap Ring, (Main Drive Gear) 5 1 1 1 1 NLA 3892-W-5015 3892-V-5144 3892-N-5474 3892-F-5232 3892-N-5474 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 2 1 1 1 NLA NLA 1 3892-F-5232 3892-M-5473 3892-W-5015 A4-3297-T-1060 A-3297-C-1329 A-3297-Y-1351 2 2 1, 2 1 1, 2 2 1225-A-1171 1, 2 M/S Gear, Drive (50T) Dir & 13 Speed O/D M/S Gear, Drive (54T) 9-B M/S Gear, Drive (60T) 9-A & R O/D 125, 145 M/S Gear, Drive (60T) 9-A & R O/D 115, 135 M/S Gear, Drive (60T) 10-A O/D 125, 145, 155, 165 (Replaced by 3892-F-5232) M/S Gear, Drive (60T) 10-A O/D All M/S Gear, Drive (54T) 10-C O/D All M/S Gear, Drive (50T) 13 O/D, 10 DIR 115, 125, 135, 145 I/P Shaft Assy, (Replaced by A-3297-Y-1351) I/P Shaft Assy, Replaced by A-3297-Y-1351 I/P Shaft Assy, 2" Pull Type (includes 1225-A-1171 Bushing) Use KIT5367 Bushing, (M/S) 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5239, 5356, 5357, 5358 1 6 7 1 NOTE: All dimensions are in millimeters unless otherwise noted. Millimeters x 0.00394 = Inches Inches x 25.4 = Millimeters ii 5200, 5203, 5238, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5367 5324, 5380, 5381, 5382 5200, 5203, 5215, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5324, 5329, 5367 Table of Contents — Quick Reference 9-, 10- and 13-Speed Transmissions iii Table of Contents Main Case Transmission Case (Manual) ............................................................................................................................................. 1-2 Transmission Case (ESSTM and EOATM) .............................................................................................................................. 3-4 Clutch Housing Assembly — Standard Mount ............................................................................................................... 5-6 Clutch Housing Assembly — Nodal Mount .................................................................................................................... 7-8 Input Shaft Bearing Retainer .................................................................................................................................................9 Main Gear Input Shaft Assembly ............................................................................................................................................................10 Main Shaft Assembly — 9-Speed Direct Drive .......................................................................................................... 11-12 Main Shaft Assembly — 9-Speed Overdrive “A” Ratio ............................................................................................ 13-14 Main Shaft Assembly — 9-Speed Overdrive “B” Ratio ............................................................................................ 15-16 Main Shaft Assembly — 9-Speed Overdrive “R” Ratio ............................................................................................ 17-18 Main Shaft Assembly — 10-Speed Direct Drive ........................................................................................................ 19-20 Main Shaft Assembly — 10-Speed Overdrive “A” Ratio .......................................................................................... 21-22 Main Shaft Assembly — 10-Speed Overdrive “C” Ratio .......................................................................................... 23-24 Main Shaft Assembly — 13-Speed Overdrive ............................................................................................................ 25-26 Main Countershaft Assembly — 9-Speed Direct Drive ............................................................................................ 27-28 Main Countershaft Assembly — 9-Speed Overdrive “A” Ratio .............................................................................. 29-30 Main Countershaft Assembly — 9-Speed Overdrive “B” Ratio .............................................................................. 31-32 Main Countershaft Assembly — 9-Speed Overdrive “R” Ratio .............................................................................. 33-34 Main Countershaft Assembly — 10-Speed Direct Drive .......................................................................................... 35-36 Main Countershaft Assembly — 10-Speed Overdrive “A” Ratio ............................................................................ 37-38 Main Countershaft Assembly — 10-Speed Overdrive “C” Ratio ............................................................................ 39-40 Main Countershaft Assembly — 13-Speed Overdrive .............................................................................................. 41-42 Countershaft Bearing Retainer ...........................................................................................................................................43 Reverse Idler Assembly ........................................................................................................................................................44 Auxiliary Case Assembly Transmission Rear Cover Assembly 9 & 10-Speed .................................................................................................... 45-46 Transmission Rear Cover Assembly 13-Speed ........................................................................................................... 47-48 Auxiliary Drive Gear Assembly 9-/10-/13-Speed ........................................................................................................ 49-50 Auxiliary Countershaft Assembly — 9-Speed Direct Drive & Overdrive “A” Ratio ............................................. 51-52 Auxiliary Countershaft Assembly — 9-Speed Overdrive “B” & “R” Ratio ............................................................ 53-54 Auxiliary Countershaft Assembly — 10-Speed Direct Drive & Overdrive ............................................................. 55-56 Auxiliary Countershaft Assembly — 13-Speed .......................................................................................................... 57-58 Synchronizer Assembly ........................................................................................................................................................59 Output Shaft Assembly — 9-Speed Direct Drive & Overdrive “A” Ratio ....................................................................60 Output Shaft Assembly — 9-Speed Overdrive “B” & “R” Ratio ....................................................................................61 Output Shaft Assembly — 10-Speed Direct Drive, Direct Torque & Overdrive “A” Ratio ........................................62 Output Shaft Assembly — 13-Speed ............................................................................................................................ 63-64 Piston Housing Assembly (Manual) — 9 & 10-Speed ............................................................................................... 65-66 Piston Housing Assembly/Air Filter Regulator (ESSTM and EOATM) — 9 & 10 Speed ............................................. 67-68 Piston Housing Assembly — 13-Speed ....................................................................................................................... 69-70 Top Cover Transmission Top Cover Assembly (Manual) — Standard & Forward Position ................................................... 71-72 Transmission Top Cover Assembly (ESSTM) — Standard & Forward Position ....................................................... 73-74 Transmission Top Cover Assembly (EOATM) — Standard & Forward Position ...................................................... 75-76 Shift Forks and Shafts (Manual) — Standard and Forward Position ..................................................................... 77-78 Shift Forks and Shafts (ESSTM) — Standard & Forward Position ...................................................................................79 Shift Forks and Shafts (EOATM) — Standard & Forward Position ..................................................................................80 Shift Forks and Shafts (Manual) — All X-Bar ............................................................................................................. 81-82 Shift Forks and Shafts (ESSTM) — All X-Bar ................................................................................................................ 83-84 Shift Forks and Shafts (EOATM) — All X-Bar ................................................................................................................ 85-86 Air System Air Slave Valve Assembly .....................................................................................................................................................87 Air Filter/Regulator Assembly ..............................................................................................................................................88 Air Tubes and Range Control Valve 9 & 10-Speed ..................................................................................................... 89-90 Air Tubes and Range Control Valve 13-Speed ............................................................................................................ 91-92 iv Table of Contents Controls Shift Knobs (Manual) — 9 & 10-Speed ..............................................................................................................................93 Shift Knobs (Manual) — 13-Speed .....................................................................................................................................94 Shift Knob — Engine Synchro ShiftTM (ESSTM) ............................................................................................................. 95-96 Shift Knob — Electric Over AirTM (EOATM), available with optional Shift-N-CruiseTM ............................................ 97-98 Remote Control Assembly — Standard Position ..................................................................................................... 99-100 Remote Control Assembly — Forward Position ..................................................................................................... 101-102 Aluminum Shift Tower Assembly .............................................................................................................................. 103-104 Cast Iron Shift Tower Assembly ................................................................................................................................ 105-106 Cast Iron Shift Tower Assembly — New Style ....................................................................................................... 107-108 Isolator Assembly — Straight Lever ........................................................................................................................ 109-110 Non-Isolated Straight Lever ..............................................................................................................................................111 Isolator Assembly — Close Bend 90 degrees ................................................................................................................112 Wire Harness — Engine Synchro ShiftTM (ESSTM) ...........................................................................................................113 Wire Harness — Electric Over AirTM (EOATM) ..................................................................................................................114 Labels Cab Shift Label (Manual) — 9-Speed Transmission Standard ....................................................................................115 Cab Shift Label (Manual) — 9-Speed Transmission RMO ............................................................................................116 Cab Shift Label (Manual) — 9-Speed Transmission R Ratio ........................................................................................117 Cab Shift Label (ESSTM) — 9-Speed Transmission Standard ........................................................................................118 Cab Shift Label (ESSTM) — 9-Speed Transmission R Ratio ...........................................................................................119 Cab Shift Label (Manual) — 10-Speed Transmission ....................................................................................................120 Cab Shift Label (ESSTM) — 10-Speed Transmission .......................................................................................................121 Cab Shift Label (Manual) — 13-Speed Transmission ....................................................................................................122 Miscellaneous Labels ................................................................................................................................................. 123-124 Output Yokes Yokes .............................................................................................................................................................................. 125-126 Speedometer Items Mechanical Speedometer .................................................................................................................................................127 Electronic Speedometer .....................................................................................................................................................128 Oil Pumps Oil Pump Assembly — Integral Mounting (S/N LB9105149 & Below) ................................................................ 1 29-130 Oil Pump Assembly — Integral Mounting (S/N LB9105150 & Above) ................................................................ 1 31-132 Special Service Tools Special Service Tools (Manual) ................................................................................................................................ 133-134 Shift-N-CruiseTM Tester (ESSTM) .........................................................................................................................................134 Kits ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 135-151 Appendix Scheduled Maintenance ....................................................................................................................................................152 Transmission Oil Specifications ........................................................................................................................................152 Transmission Oil Coolers ....................................................................................................................................................152 Air Line Locations/Chart — 13-Speed ..................................................................................................................... 153-154 Air Line Locations/Chart — 9- & 10-Speed .....................................................................................................................155 Recommended Dealer Stocking List ........................................................................................................................ 156-158 Index Parts — Alphabetical Order ...................................................................................................................................... 159-177 Parts — Numerical Order .......................................................................................................................................... 178-195 v Main Case 1 Main Case Transmission Case (Manual) Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description Part of Kit 1 2 6 10X-1446 NLA 1229-B-1666 1, 2 1, 2 Special Screw, 3/8"-16 UNC-2A x 1" Flanged (PTO) Flat Wshr, (Replaced by 10X-1446) 3 4 1 NLA 2 1 4 OPT OPT OPT OPT OPT 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 Cover, (6 Bolt PTO) Screw, (Replaced by 17X-1030, Pop Rivet) Rivet, Pop (ID Plate) Name Plate Magnet, (Trans Case) Nut, 5/8"-18 (Rear Support Bracket) Lock Wshr, (Rear Support Bracket) Stud, 5/8" x 2-1/8" (Rear Support Bracket) Stud, 5/8" x 2-3/8" (Rear Support Bracket) Special Screw, 1-1/4" x 5/8"-11 UNC Flanged Capscrew Special Screw, 1-1/2" x 5/8"-11 UNC Flanged Capscrew Special Screw, 1-3/4" x 5/8"-11 UNC Flanged Capscrew Case Assy, Replaced by A4-3294-B-1016 Case Assy, (W/O Internal Oil Pump) Magnetic Drain Plug, Includes: 10X-1446 Flanged Capscrew, 43X-1150 Dowel & 14X-1837 Stud. Case Assy, (Internal Oil Pump) Use A2-3294-B-1016 Case & A-3303-N-1028 Oil Pump. Case Assy, (Internal Oil Pump) Magnetic Drain Plug, Includes: 10X-1446 Flanged Capscrew, 43X-1150 Dowel & 4X-1837 Stud. Case Assy, Replaced by A2-3294-N-1028 Case Assy, (W/O Internal Oil Pump) Includes: 2297-Y-5849, 43X-1150, A-1250-P-1186, 17X-1030, 2297-B-6554 & 4X-1837. Case Assy, Replaced by A2-3294-P-1030 Case Assy, (Internal Oil Pump) Includes: 2297-Y-5849, 43X-1150, A-1250-P-1186, 17X-1030, 2297-B-6554 & 4X-1837. Dowel, (Rear Cover) O-Ring 5 6 7 8 9 10 OPT 10X-1511 1, 2 OPT 10X-1512 1, 2 NLA A2-3294-Z-1014 1 A4-3294-B-1016 1 1 NLA A-3294-V-1010 1 1 11 12 3266-B-1120 9X-16 17X-1030 2297-B-6554 2297-Y-5849 N-110-1 WA-410-1 SN-1017-1 SN-1019-1 10X-1510 A2-3294-B-1016 1 NLA A2-3294-H-1022 1 A2-3294-N-1028 2 2 NLA A2-3294-L-1026 1 A2-3294-P-1030 2 2 2 3 43X-1150 1205-Y-1039 1, 2 1, 2 13 3 A-1250-J-1128 OPT A-1250-P-1186 1, 2 1, 2 14 15 16 1 8 NLA 8 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 3266-C-1121 1229-E-1513 S-276-A-1 S-276-A-2 Plug Assy, (Drain or Fill) w/O-Ring 1-1/16"-12 UN-2A Plug Assy, Magnetic (Drain or Fill) 1-1/16"-12 UN-2A w/O-Ring Cover, (8 Bolt PTO) Flat Wshr Cap Screw, Replaced by S-276-A-2 Cap Screw, (PTO) 7/16"-14 UNC-2A x 3/4" 2 5299, 5300, 5368, 5369, 5386 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361 Main Case 3 Main Case Transmission Case (ESSTM and EOATM) Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description Part of Kit 1 2 6 10X-1446 NLA 1229-B-1666 2 2 Special Screw, 3/8"-16 UNC-2A x 1" Flanged (PTO) Flat Wshr, (Replaced by 10X-1446) 3 4 1 NLA 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 OPT OPT OPT OPT OPT 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Cover, (6 Bolt PTO) Screw, (Replaced by 17X-1030, Pop Rivet) Rivet, Pop (ID Plate) Name Plate Dowel Detent Ball, Range Shift Spring, Range Shift Detent Plug, Range Detent Magnet, (Trans Case) Nut, 5/8"-18 (Rear Support Bracket) Lock Wshr, (Rear Support Bracket) Stud, 5/8" x 2-1/8" (Rear Support Bracket) Stud, 5/8" x 2-3/8" (Rear Support Bracket) Special Screw, 1-1/4" x 5/8"-11 UNC Flanged Capscrew Special Screw, 1-1/2" x 5/8"-11 UNC Flanged Capscrew Special Screw, 1-3/4" x 5/8-11 UNC Flanged Capscrew Case Assy, Transmission Case Assy, Transmission (Pump) Dowel, (Rear Cover) O-Ring 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3266-B-1120 9X-16 17X-1030 2297-B-6554 43X-1193 2297-R-6986 2258-F-1332 1250-R-1266 2297-Y-5849 N-110-1 WA-410-1 SN-1017-1 SN-1019-1 10X-1510 OPT 10X-1511 2 OPT 10X-1512 2 A-3294-Q-1031 A-3294-R-1032 43X-1150 1205-Y-1039 2 2 2 2 17 3 A-1250-J-1128 OPT A-1250-P-1186 2 2 18 19 20 1 8 NLA 8 2 2 2 2 15 16 1 1 2 3 3266-C-1121 1229-E-1513 S-276-A-1 S-276-A-2 Plug Assy, (Drain or Fill) w/O-Ring 1-1/16"-12 UN-2A Plug Assy, Magnetic (Drain or Fill) 1-1/16"-12 UN-2A w/O-Ring Cover, (8 Bolt PTO) Flat Wshr Cap Screw, Replaced by S-276-A-2 Cap Screw, (PTO) 7/16"-14 UNC-2A x 3/4" 4 5299, 5300, 5368, 5369, 5386 5375 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361 Main Case 5 Main Case Clutch Housing Assembly — Standard Mount Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 NLA 2 4 4 NLA 2 NLA 1 NLA 1 NLA 1 S-2828-A-1 S-2828-A-2 1229-C-1511 1225-X-1194 S-2811-A-1 S-2812-A-2 A-3282-M-1001 A-3282-Z-1040 A-3282-G-1021 A-3282-E-1045 A-3282-V-1010 A-3282-V-1036 Design Level Description 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1 1, 2 1 1, 2 1 1, 2 NLA A-3282-J-1024 1 A-3282-F-1046 1 1, 2 NLA 1 2 4 A-3282-P-1030 A-3282-D-1044 1199-H-1620 1229-B-1666 1 1, 2 1, 2 1 NLA 4 1 6 6 6 S-265-A-1 S-265-A-2 3266-H-1048 4X-1837 1229-U-1503 N-110-1 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 Part of Kit Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-2828-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 1/2"-13UNC-2A x 3-1/2" Flat Wshr Bushing Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-2812-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 1/2"-13 UNC-2A x 1-1/2" Clutch Hsg Assy, (Replaced by A-3282-Z-1040) Clutch Hsg Assy, SAE#1, (Above Centerline Pull) Clutch Hsg Assy, (Replaced by A-3282-E-1045) Clutch Hsg Assy, SAE#1, Iron (Below Centerline Pull) Clutch Hsg Assy, (Replaced by A-3282-V-1036) Clutch Hsg Assy, SAE#1, Aluminum (Above Centerline Pull) Clutch Hsg Assy, (Replaced by A-3282-F-1046) Clutch Hsg Assy, SAE#1, Aluminum (Below Centerline Pull) Clutch Hsg Assy, (Replaced by A-3282-D-1044) Clutch Hsg Assy, SAE#2, Iron (Above Centerline Pull) Oil Fitting, Zerk Flat Wshr 5299, 5300, 5368, 5369, 5386 Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-265-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 3/8"-16UNC-2A x 5/8" Cover, (Clutch Housing) Stud Flat Wshr, 5/8" Nut, 5/8"-18 6 Main Case 7 Main Case Clutch Housing Assembly — Nodal Mount Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NLA 2 4 4 1 1 NLA 2 NLA 1 NLA 1 NLA 1 Design Level Description S-2828-A-1 S-2828-A-2 1229-C-1511 1225-X-1194 1199-Q-901 1199-B-3226 S-2811-A-1 S-2812-A-2 A-3282-T-1008 A-3282-X-1038 A-3282-H-1022 A-3282-G-1047 A-3282-X-1012 A-3282-B-1042 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1 1, 2 1 1, 2 1 1, 2 NLA A-3282-K-1025 1 A-3282-H-1048 1 1, 2 8 9 1 4 1199-H-1620 1229-B-1666 1, 2 1 10 NLA 4 1 6 6 6 S-265-A-1 S-265-A-2 3266-H-1048 4X-1837 1229-U-1503 N-110-1 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 11 12 13 14 Part of Kit Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-2828-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 1/2"-13UNC-2A x 3-1/2" Flat Wshr Bushing Elbow Oil Fitting, Zerk Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-2812-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 1/2"-13 UNC-2A x 1-1/2" Clutch Hsg Assy, (Replaced by A-3282-X-1038) Clutch Hsg Assy, SAE#1, Iron (Above Centerline Pull) Clutch Hsg Assy, (Replaced by A-3282-G-1047) Clutch Hsg Assy, SAE#1, Iron (Below Centerline Pull) Clutch Hsg Assy, (Replaced by A-3282-B-1042) Clutch Hsg Assy, SAE#1, Aluminum (Above Centerline Pull) Clutch Hsg Assy, (Replaced by A-3282-H-1048) Clutch Hsg Assy, SAE#1, Aluminum (Below Centerline Pull) Oil Fitting, Zerk Flat Wshr 5299, 5300, 5368, 5369, 5386 Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-265-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 3/8"-16UNC-2A x 5/8" Cover, (Clutch Housing) Stud Flat Wshr, 5/8" Nut, 5/8"-18 8 Main Case Input Shaft Bearing Retainer Item Qty. Part Number 1 Design Level Description Part of Kit 2 NLA S-2610-A-1 6 S-2610-A-2 6 1229-B-1666 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-2610-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 3/8"-16 UNC x 1-1/4" Flat Wshr 3 4 1 3105-K-1155 NSS 1205-T-2308 1, 2 1, 2 Retainer Oil Seal, (For Shipping Purposes Only. Remove prior to installation.) 9 5299, 5300, 5368, 5369, 5386 Main Gear Input Shaft Assembly Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description 1 1 1229-W-4339 1, 2 Snap Ring 2 1 1228-G-1203 1, 2 Ball Bearing NLA 1244-C-1823 1, 2 3 Part of Kit 5200, 5203, 5215, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5324, 5329, 5363, 5367, 5380, 5381, 5382, 5383, 5384 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5380, 5381, 5382, 5383, 5384 1244-J-2194 1, 2 Spacer, Use with shaft A-3297-Y-1351. Replaced by 1244-J-2194 Spacer, Use with shaft A-3297-B-1380. 4 NLA 1229-H-4168 1 1229-C-4657 1, 2 2 Snap Ring, Replaced by 1229-C-4657 Snap Ring, (Main Drive Gear) 5 1 1 1 1 NLA 3892-W-5015 3892-V-5144 3892-N-5474 3892-F-5232 3892-N-5474 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 2 1 1 1 NLA NLA 1 3892-F-5232 3892-M-5473 3892-W-5015 A4-3297-T-1060 A-3297-C-1329 A-3297-Y-1351 2 2 1, 2 1 1, 2 2 1225-A-1171 1, 2 M/S Gear, Drive (50T) Dir & 13 Speed O/D M/S Gear, Drive (54T) 9-B M/S Gear, Drive (60T) 9-A & R O/D 125, 145 M/S Gear, Drive (60T) 9-A & R O/D 115, 135 M/S Gear, Drive (60T) 10-A O/D 125, 145, 155, 165 (Replaced by 3892-F-5232) M/S Gear, Drive (60T) 10-A O/D All M/S Gear, Drive (54T) 10-C O/D All M/S Gear, Drive (50T) 13 O/D, 10 DIR 115, 125, 135, 145 I/P Shaft Assy, (Replaced by A-3297-Y-1351) I/P Shaft Assy, Replaced by A-3297-Y-1351 I/P Shaft Assy, 2" Pull Type (includes 1225-A-1171 Bushing) Use KIT5367 Bushing, (M/S) 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5239, 5356, 5357, 5358 1 6 7 1 10 5200, 5203, 5238, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5367 5324, 5380, 5381, 5382 5200, 5203, 5215, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5324, 5329, 5367 Main Gear 11 Main Gear Main Shaft Assembly — 9-Speed Direct Drive Item Qty. Part Number 1 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Design Level Description Part of Kit 3107-G-1073 1, 2 Clutch Collar 5200, 5203, 5238, 5359, 5360, 5361 AR AR AR 42X-1256 42X-1412 42X-1255 1, 2 2 1, 2 AR 42X-1413 2 AR AR 5 1 1 5 42X-1257 42X-1414 1244-M-2041 3892-J-5028 3892-F-5232 1229-X-4418 1, 2 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 5 1229-W-4625 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3892-G-5025 3892-E-5023 3892-C-5021 3892-L-5030 43X-1158 16X-1028 3297-X-1116 3297-J-1336 1229-W-4339 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 2 1, 2 Thrust Wshr, (5.50 mm) SN: LB93021753 & Below Thrust Wshr, (6.90 mm) SN: LB93021754 & Above Thrust Wshr, (5.60 mm) (Required in Reverse Gear) SN: LB93021753 & Below Thrust Wshr, (7.00 mm) (Required in Reverse Gear) SN: LB93021754 & Above Thrust Wshr, (5.70 mm) SN: LB93021753 & Below Thrust Wshr, (7.10 mm) SN: LB93021754 & Above Spacer, (Main Shaft Gears) M/S Gear, 3rd (60T) 125, 145, 155 M/S Gear, 3rd (60T) 115, 135 Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Gears) SN: LB93021753 & Below Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Gears) SN: LB93021754 & Above M/S Gear, 2nd (60T) M/S Gear, 1st (64T) M/S Gear, 3/8"-16 UNC-2A x 1" Flanged (PTO) M/S Gear, (6 Bolt PTO) Pin, (Roll) Key, (Mainshaft) Main Shaft, SN: LB93021753 & Below Main Shaft, SN: LB93021754 & Above, Use KIT5363 Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Key) 12 5363 5363 5363 5363 5363 5363 5200, 5203, 5215, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5324, 5329, 5363, 5367, 5380, 5381, 5382, 5383, 5384 Main Gear 13 Main Gear Main Shaft Assembly — 9-Speed Overdrive “A” Ratio Item Qty. Part Number 1 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Design Level Description Part of Kit 3107-G-1073 1, 2 Clutch Collar 5200, 5203, 5238, 5359, 5360, 5361 AR AR AR 42X-1256 42X-1412 42X-1255 1, 2 2 1, 2 AR 42X-1413 2 AR AR 5 1 5 42X-1257 42X-1414 1244-M-2041 3892-W-5015 1229-X-4418 1, 2 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 5 1229-W-4625 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3892-G-5025 3892-E-5023 3892-C-5021 3892-L-5030 43X-1158 16X-1028 3297-X-1116 3297-J-1336 1229-W-4339 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 2 1, 2 Thrust Wshr, (5.50 mm) SN: LB93021753 & Below Thrust Wshr, (6.90 mm) SN: LB93021754 & Above Thrust Wshr, (5.60 mm) (Required in Reverse Gear) SN: LB93021753 & Below Thrust Wshr, (7.00 mm) (Required in Reverse Gear) SN: LB93021754 & Above Thrust Wshr, (5.70 mm) SN: LB93021753 & Below Thrust Wshr, (7.10 mm) SN: LB93021754 & Above Spacer, (Main Shaft Gears) M/S Gear, Overdrive (50T) 125, 135, 145 Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Gears) SN: LB93021753 & Below Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Gears) SN: LB93021754 & Above M/S Gear, 2nd (60T) M/S Gear, 1st (64T) M/S Gear, Low (46T) M/S Gear, Reverse (48T) Pin, (Roll) Key, (Mainshaft) Main Shaft, SN: LB93021753 & Below Main Shaft, SN: LB93021754 & Above, Use KIT5363 Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Key) 14 5363 5363 5363 5363 5363 5363 5200, 5203, 5215, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5324, 5329, 5363, 5367, 5380, 5381, 5382, 5383, 5384 Main Gear 15 Main Gear Main Shaft Assembly — 9-Speed Overdrive “B” Ratio Item Qty. Part Number 1 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Design Level Description Part of Kit 3107-G-1073 1, 2 Clutch Collar 5200, 5203, 5238, 5359, 5360, 5361 AR AR AR 42X-1256 42X-1412 42X-1255 1, 2 2 1, 2 AR 42X-1413 2 AR AR 5 1 1 5 42X-1257 42X-1414 1244-M-2041 3892-B-5150 3892-E-5231 1229-X-4418 1, 2 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 5 1229-W-4625 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3892-Z-5148 3892-X-5146 3892-C-5021 3892-L-5030 43X-1158 16X-1028 3297-X-1116 3297-J-1336 1229-W-4339 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 2 1, 2 Thrust Wshr, (5.50 mm) SN: LB93021753 & Below Thrust Wshr, (6.90 mm) SN: LB93021754 & Above Thrust Wshr, (5.60 mm) (Required in Reverse Gear) SN: LB93021753 & Below Thrust Wshr, (7.00 mm) (Required in Reverse Gear) SN: LB93021754 & Above Thrust Wshr, (5.70 mm) SN: LB93021753 & Below Thrust Wshr, (7.10 mm) SN: LB93021754 & Above Spacer, (Main Shaft Gears) M/S Gear, Overdrive (46T) 125, 145, 155 M/S Gear, Overdrive (46T) 115, 135 Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Gears) SN: LB93021753 & Below Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Gears) SN: LB93021754 & Above M/S Gear, 2nd (54T) M/S Gear, 1st (62T) M/S Gear, Low M/S Gear, Reverse (48T) Pin, (Roll) Key, (Mainshaft) Main Shaft, SN: LB93021753 & Below Main Shaft, SN: LB93021754 & Above, Use KIT5363 Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Key) 16 5363 5363 5363 5363 5363 5363 5200, 5203, 5215, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5324, 5329, 5363, 5367, 5380, 5381, 5382, 5383, 5384 Main Gear 17 Main Gear Main Shaft Assembly — 9-Speed Overdrive “R” Ratio Item Qty. Part Number 1 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Design Level Description Part of Kit 3107-G-1073 1, 2 Clutch Collar 5200, 5203, 5238, 5359, 5360, 5361 AR AR AR 42X-1256 42X-1412 42X-1255 1, 2 2 1, 2 AR 42X-1413 2 AR AR 5 1 5 42X-1257 42X-1414 1244-M-2041 3892-P-5242 1229-X-4418 1, 2 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 5 1229-W-4625 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3892-M-5239 3892-K-5237 3892-C-5021 3892-L-5030 43X-1158 16X-1028 3297-X-1116 3297-J-1336 1229-W-4339 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 2 1, 2 Thrust Wshr, (5.50 mm) SN: LB93021753 & Below Thrust Wshr, (6.90 mm) SN: LB93021754 & Above Thrust Wshr, (5.60 mm) (Required in Reverse Gear) SN: LB93021753 & Below Thrust Wshr, (7.00 mm) (Required in Reverse Gear) SN: LB93021754 & Above Thrust Wshr, (5.70 mm) SN: LB93021753 & Below Thrust Wshr, (7.10 mm) SN: LB93021754 & Above Spacer, (Main Shaft Gears) M/S Gear, Overdrive (48T) 115, 125, 135, 145 Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Gears) SN: LB93021753 & Below Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Gears) SN: LB93021754 & Above M/S Gear, 3rd (52T) M/S Gear, 2nd (70T) M/S Gear, Low M/S Gear, Reverse (48T) Pin, (Roll) Key, (Mainshaft) Main Shaft, SN: LB93021753 & Below Main Shaft, SN: LB93021754 & Above, Use KIT5363 Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Key) 18 5363 5363 5363 5363 5363 5363 5200, 5203, 5215, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5324, 5329, 5363, 5367, 5380, 5381, 5382, 5383, 5384 Main Gear 19 Main Gear Main Shaft Assembly — 10-Speed Direct Drive Item Qty. Part Number 1 3 2 AR AR AR AR AR AR 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Design Level Description Part of Kit 3107-G-1073 2 Clutch Collar 5200, 5203, 5238, 5359, 5360, 5361 42X-1256 42X-1255 42X-1257 42X-1412 42X-1413 42X-1414 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 1 5 1244-M-2041 3892-N-5028 1229-X-4418 2 2 2 5 1229-W-4625 2 1 NLA 1 NLA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3892-G-5025 3892-M-5343 3892-M-5395 3892-N-5370 3892-F-5414 3892-L-5030 43X-1158 16X-1028 3297-X-1116 3297-J-1336 1229-W-4339 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Thrust Wshr, (5.50 mm) SN: LB93021753 & Below Thrust Wshr, (5.60 mm) SN: LB93021753 & Below Thrust Wshr, (5.70 mm) SN: LB93021753 & Below Thrust Wshr, (6.90 mm) SN: LB93021754 & Above Thrust Wshr, (7.00 mm) SN: LB93021754 & Above Thrust Wshr, (7.10 mm) SN: LB93021754 & Above, Use KIT5363 Spacer, (Main Shaft Gears) M/S Gear, Overdrive (50T) Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Gears) SN: LB93021753 & Below Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Gears) SN: LB93021754 & Above M/S Gear, 3rd (60T) M/S Gear, 2nd (Replaced by 3892-M-5395) M/S Gear, 2nd M/S Gear, 1st (Replaced by 3892-F-5414) M/S Gear, 1st, Requires 3297-N-1366 Countershaft M/S Gear, Reverse (48T) Pin, (Roll) Key, (Mainshaft) Main Shaft, SN: LB93021753 & Below, Use KIT5363 Main Shaft, SN: LB93021754 & Above, Use KIT5363 Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Key) 20 5363 5363 5363 5363 5363 5363 5200, 5203, 5215, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5324, 5329, 5363, 5367, 5380, 5381, 5382, 5383, 5384 Main Gear 21 Main Gear Main Shaft Assembly — 10-Speed Overdrive “A” Ratio Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description Part of Kit 1 3 3107-G-1073 2 Clutch Collar 2 AR AR AR AR AR AR 5 1 5 42X-1256 42X-1255 42X-1257 42X-1412 42X-1413 42X-1414 1244-M-2041 3892-W-5015 1229-X-4418 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 1229-W-4625 2 6 7 1 3892-G-5025 NLA 3892-M-5343 1 3892-M-5395 2 2 2 8 NLA 3892-N-5344 1 3892-F-5414 2 2 Thrust Wshr, (5.50 mm) SN: LB93021753 & Below Thrust Wshr, (5.60 mm) SN: LB93021753 & Below Thrust Wshr, (5.70 mm) SN: LB93021753 & Below Thrust Wshr, (6.90 mm) SN: LB93021754 & Above Thrust Wshr, (7.00 mm) SN: LB93021754 & Above Thrust Wshr, (7.10 mm) SN: LB93021754 & Above Spacer, (Main Shaft Gears) M/S Gear, Overdrive (50T) Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Gears) SN: LB93021753 & Below Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Gears) SN: LB93021754 & Above M/S Gear, 3rd (60T) M/S Gear, 2nd (64T) (Replaced by 3892-M-5395) M/S Gear, 2nd (64T) Requires 3892-N-5396 C/S Gear, 2nd M/S Gear, 1st (66T) (Replaced by 3892-F-5414) M/S Gear, 1st (66T) Requires 3297-N-1366 Countershaft M/S Gear, Reverse (48T) Pin, (Roll) Key, (Mainshaft) Main Shaft, SN: LB93021753 & Below, Use KIT5363 Main Shaft, SN: LB93021754 & Above, Use KIT5363 Snap Ring, (Mainshaft) 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 3892-L-5030 43X-1158 16X-1028 3297-X-1116 3297-J-1336 1229-W-4339 2 2 2 2 2 2 5200, 5203, 5238, 5359, 5360, 5361 22 5363 5363 5363 5363 5363 5363 5200, 5203, 5215, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5324, 5329, 5363, 5367, 5380, 5381, 5382, 5383, 5384 Main Gear 23 Main Gear Main Shaft Assembly — 10-Speed Overdrive “C” Ratio Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description Part of Kit 1 3 3107-G-1073 2 Clutch Collar 2 AR AR AR 5 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 42X-1412 42X-1413 42X-1414 1244-M-2041 3892-N-5474 1229-W-4625 3892-Q-5477 3892-R-5478 3892-F-5414 3892-L-5030 43X-1158 16X-1028 3297-J-1336 1229-W-4339 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Thrust Wshr, (6.90 mm) Thrust Wshr, (7.00 mm) Thrust Wshr, (7.10 mm) Spacer, (Main Shaft Gears) M/S Gear, Overdrive (50T) Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Gears) M/S Gear, 3rd (62T) M/S Gear, 2nd (70T) M/S Gear, 1st (66T) M/S Gear, Reverse (48T) Pin, (Roll) Key, (Mainshaft) Main Shaft Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Key) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 24 5200, 5203, 5238, 5359, 5360, 5361 5363 5363 5363 5363 5363 5200, 5203, 5215, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5324, 5329, 5363, 5367, 5380, 5381, 5382, 5383, 5384 Main Gear 25 Main Gear Main Shaft Assembly — 13-Speed Overdrive Item Qty. Part Number 1 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Design Level Description Part of Kit 3107-G-1073 1, 2 Clutch Collar 5200, 5203, 5238, 5359, 5360, 5361 AR AR AR 42X-1256 42X-1412 42X-1255 2 2 1, 2 AR 42X-1413 2 AR AR 5 1 5 42X-1257 42X-1414 1244-M-2041 3892-J-5028 1229-X-4418 1, 2 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 5 1229-W-4625 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3892-G-5025 3892-E-5023 3892-C-5021 3892-L-5030 43X-1158 16X-1028 3297-X-1116 3297-J-1336 1229-W-4339 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 2 1, 2 Thrust Wshr, (5.50 mm) SN: LB93021753 & Below Thrust Wshr, (6.90 mm) SN: LB93021754 & Above Thrust Wshr, (5.60 mm) (Required in Reverse Gear) SN: LB93021753 & Below Thrust Wshr, (7.00 mm) (Required in Reverse Gear) SN: LB93021754 & Above Thrust Wshr, (5.70 mm) SN: LB93021753 & Below Thrust Wshr, (7.10 mm) SN: LB93021654 & Above Spacer, (Main Shaft Gears) M/S Gear, 3rd (60T) Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Gears) SN: LB93021753 & Below Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Gears) SN: LB93021754 & Above M/S Gear, 2nd (60T) M/S Gear, 1st (64T) M/S Gear, Low (46T) M/S Gear, Reverse (48T) Pin, (Roll) Key, (Mainshaft) Main Shaft, SN: LB93021753 & Below Main Shaft, SN: LB93021754 & Above, Use KIT5363 Snap Ring, (Main Shaft Key) 26 5363 5363 5363 5363 5363 5363 5200, 5203, 5215, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5324, 5329, 5363, 5367, 5380, 5381, 5382, 5383, 5384 Main Gear 27 Main Gear Main Countershaft Assembly — 9-Speed Direct Drive Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description 1 2 2 A-1228-W-1349 A-1228-T-1346 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3892-Q-5035 3892-U-5013 3892-Y-5017 3892-S-5011 3892-A-5019 16X-1027 16X-1031 43X-1158 3297-X-1090 3297-K-1259 A-1228-V-1348 A-1228-S-1345 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 8 9 10 Part of Kit Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Front) 5380, 5381, 5382 Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Front) 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 C/S Gear, Drive (66T) C/S Gear, PTO (45T) C/S Gear, 3rd (59T) C/S Gear, 2nd (43T) C/S Gear, 1st (33T) Key, (Countershaft) Key, (Countershaft) Pin, (Roll) Countershaft, (16/17T) Requires 43X-1158, Pin Countershaft, (16/17T) Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Rear) 5380, 5381, 5382 Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Rear) 5239, 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 28 Main Gear 29 Main Gear Main Countershaft Assembly — 9-Speed Overdrive “A” Ratio Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description 1 2 2 A-1228-W-1349 A-1228-T-1346 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3892-K-5159 3892-U-5013 3892-H-5156 3892-S-5011 3892-A-5019 16X-1027 16X-1031 43X-1158 A-3297-X-1090 3297-K-1259 A-1228-V-1348 A-1228-S-1345 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 8 9 10 Part of Kit Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Front) 5380, 5381, 5382 Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Front) 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 C/S Gear, Drive (59T) C/S Gear, PTO (45T) C/S Gear, Overdrive (66T) C/S Gear, 2nd (43T) C/S Gear, 1st (33T) Key, (Countershaft) Key, (Countershaft) Pin, (Roll) Countershaft, (16/17T) Requires 43X-1158, Pin Countershaft, (16/17T) Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Rear) 5380, 5381, 5382 Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Rear) 5239, 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 30 Main Gear 31 Main Gear Main Countershaft Assembly — 9-Speed Overdrive “B” Ratio Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description 1 2 2 A-1228-W-1349 A-1228-T-1346 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3892-M-5135 3892-U-5013 3892-T-5142 3892-R-5140 3892-P-5138 16X-1027 16X-1031 43X-1158 3297-X-1090 3297-K-1259 A-1228-V-1348 A-1228-S-1345 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 8 9 10 Part of Kit Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Front) 5380, 5381, 5382 Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Front) 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 C/S Gear, Drive (62T) C/S Gear, PTO (45T) C/S Gear, Overdrive (73T) C/S Gear, 2nd (44T) C/S Gear, 1st (36T) Key, (Countershaft) Key, (Countershaft) Pin, (Roll) Countershaft, (16/17T) Requires 43X-1158, Pin Countershaft, (16/17T) Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Rear) 5380, 5381, 5382 Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Rear) 5239, 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 32 Main Gear 33 Main Gear Main Countershaft Assembly — 9-Speed Overdrive “R” Ratio Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description 1 2 2 A-1228-W-1349 A-1228-T-1346 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3892-K-5159 3892-U-5013 3892-V-5248 3892-T-5246 3892-R-5244 16X-1027 16X-1031 43X-1158 3297-X-1090 3297-K-1259 A-1228-V-1348 A-1228-S-1345 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 8 9 10 Part of Kit Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Front) 5380, 5381, 5382 Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Front) 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 C/S Gear, Drive (59T) C/S Gear, PTO (45T) C/S Gear, Overdrive (59T) C/S Gear, 3rd (36T) C/S Gear, 2nd (34T) Key, (Countershaft) Key, (Countershaft) Pin, (Roll) Countershaft, (16/17T) Requires 43X-1158, Pin Countershaft, (16/17T) Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Rear) 5380, 5381, 5382 Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Rear) 5239, 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 34 Main Gear 35 Main Gear Main Countershaft Assembly — 10-Speed Direct Drive Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description 1 2 A-1228-T-1346 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3892-Q-5035 3892-U-5013 3892-Y-5017 3892-S-5011 3892-N-5396 16X-1031 3297-N-1366 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 9 2 A-1228-S-1345 2 Part of Kit Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Front) 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 C/S Gear, Drive (62T) C/S Gear, PTO (45T) C/S Gear, (59T) C/S Gear, 3rd (43T) C/S Gear, 2nd (34T) Key, (Countershaft) Countershaft, (17/26T) Requires 3892-F-5414 M/S 5363 Gear, 1st Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Rear) 5239, 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 36 Main Gear 37 Main Gear Main Countershaft Assembly — 10-Speed Overdrive “A” Ratio Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 Design Level Description Part of Kit A-1228-T-1346 2 Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Front) 2 2 2 2 NLA 2 3892-K-5159 3892-U-5013 3892-H-5156 3892-S-5011 3892-L-5342 3892-N-5396 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 8 2 NLA NLA NLA 2 16X-1031 3297-H-1282 3297-V-1348 3297-H-1334 3297-N-1366 2 2 2 2 2 9 2 A-1228-S-1345 2 C/S Gear, Drive (59T) C/S Gear, PTO (45T) C/S Gear, Overdrive (66T) C/S Gear, 3rd (43T) C/S Gear, 2nd (34T) (Replaced by 3892-N-5396) C/S Gear, 2nd (34T) Requires 3892-M-5395 M/S Gear, 2nd Key, (Countershaft) Countershaft, (26/18T) (Replaced by 3297-N-1366) Countershaft, (26/18T) (Replaced by 3297-N-1366) Countershaft, (26/18T) (Replaced by 3297-N-1366) Countershaft, (26/18T) Requires 3892-L-5394 M/S 5363 Gear, 1st Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Rear) 5239, 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 38 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 Main Gear 39 Main Gear Main Countershaft Assembly — 10-Speed Overdrive “C” Ratio Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description 1 2 A-1228-T-1346 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3892-S-5479 3892-U-5013 3892-V-5482 3892-T-5480 3892-U-5481 16X-1031 3297-N-1366 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 9 2 A-1228-S-1345 2 Part of Kit Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Front) 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 C/S Gear, Drive (59T) C/S Gear, PTO (45T) C/S Gear, Overdrive (66T) C/S Gear, 3rd (43T) C/S Gear, 2nd (34T) Key, (Countershaft) Countershaft, (26/18T) Requires 3892-F-5414 M/S 5363 Gear, 1st Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Rear) 5239, 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 40 Main Gear 41 Main Gear Main Countershaft Assembly — 13-Speed Overdrive Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description 1 2 2 A-1228-W-1349 A-1228-T-1346 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3892-Q-5035 3892-U-5013 3892-Y-5017 3892-S-5011 3892-A-5019 16X-1027 16X-1031 43X-1158 3297-X-1090 3297-K-1259 A-1228-V-1348 A-1228-S-1345 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 8 9 10 Part of Kit Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Front) 5380, 5381, 5382 Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Front) 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 C/S Gear, Drive (66T) C/S Gear, PTO (45T) C/S Gear, 3rd (59T) C/S Gear, 2nd (43T) C/S Gear, 1st (33T) Key, (Countershaft) Key, (Countershaft) Pin, (Roll) Countershaft, (16/17T) Requires 43X-1158, Pin Countershaft, (16/17T) Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Rear) 5380, 5381, 5382 Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Rear) 5239, 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 42 Main Gear Countershaft Bearing Retainer Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description 1 2 3 4 5 NLA AR 8 2 AR 1229-C-1121 KIT5325 10X-1537 3105-E-1175 KIT5364 1 1 2 2 2 6 NLA 1229-E-4243 2 1229-B-4656 1 1 7 8 2 3105-B-1172 2 2 3105-Y-1195 2 NLA S-268-1 6 S-268-2 2 2 Part of Kit Snap Ring, Not Required Service Kit, Snap Ring Kit, Main Countershaft Special Screw Retainer, Countershaft Front Bearing Service Kit, Shim Kit, Main Countershaft Front Bearing Snap Ring, Replaced by 1229-B-4656 Snap Ring, (Main Countershaft Rear) Retainer, Countershaft Rear Bearing S/N LB93017864 & Below, Uses 6 S-268-1 Bolts Retainer, Countershaft Rear Bearing S/N LB93017865 & Above, Uses 10 S-268-1 Bolts Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-268-2 Bolt/Capscrew, (3/8"-16 UNC-2b 1" LNG) Note: Use 10 for 3105-Y-1195, use 6 for 3105-B-1172. 43 5322, 5381, 5382 5332, 5383, 5384 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5324 Main Gear Reverse Idler Assembly Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description 1 2 3 4 2 2 4 2 NL-110-1 1229-N-1626 42X-1258 A-1228-E-1175 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 5 6 2 2 3892-N-5032 3198-D-1070 1, 2 1, 2 Part of Kit Lock Nut, (Reverse Idler Shaft) Flat Wshr Thrust Wshr Bearing Assy, (Includes: 1228-E-1175, Needle Bearing & 2297-S-5765, Inner Bearing Race) Idler Gear, Reverse (28T) Idler Shaft, (Rev) 44 5380, 5381, 5382, 5383, 5384 Auxiliary Case Assembly 45 Auxiliary Case Assembly Transmission Rear Cover Assembly 9 & 10-Speed Item Qty. Part Number 1 1 3293-B-1016 1 3293-Z-1014 NLA 3293-W-1037 Design Level Description Part of Kit 1 3293-A-1067 2 2 18 1229-B-1666 1, 2 Cover, Rear 9, 115, 125 Only Cover, Rear 135, 145 Only Cover, Rear 9 & 10 115, 125 (Replaced by 3293-Z-1066) Cover, Rear 9 & 10 115, 125 (C-Ratio 10-Speed uses 3293-A-1067 for all models) Cover, Rear 9 & 10 135, 145, 155, 165 (SN: LB93021753 & Below) (Replaced by 3293-A-1067) Cover, Rear 9 & 10 135, 145, 155, 165 (SN: LB93021754 & Above) All models C-Ratio 10-Speed Flat Wshr 3 NLA 18 NLA 2 8 S-2612-A-1 S-2612-A-2 3266-G-1151 3266-D-1278 1229-B-1666 1, 2 1, 2 1 2 1, 2 Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-2612-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 3/8"-16UNC-2A x 1-1/2" Cover, Replaced by 3266-D-1278 Cover, Bearing Aux., Countershaft Rear 9 & 10 Flat Wshr, (Bearing Cover) NLA 8 1 1 S-268-1 S-268-2 A-1228-K-1207 A-1228-M-1209 1, 2 1, 2 1 1 Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-268-2 Bolt/Capscrew, (Aux. Countershaft Bearing Cover) Bearing Assy, Output 9, 115, 125 Only Bearing Assy, Output 135, 145 Only 1 1 A-1228-G-1307 A-1228-H-1308 2 2 8 9 10 11 1 1 3 NLA 6 A-1850-R-18 5X-1092 A-1250-H-1126 S-2624-A-1 S-2624-A-2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 12 NLA A-1205-M-2223 1 NLA A-1205-W-2311 1, 2 1 4 5 6 7 13 14 15 16 1 1 2 3293-Z-1066 2 NLA 3293-X-1038 2 1 3 NLA NLA 1 NLA 1 1 1 2 A1-1205-W-2467 1205-T-1268 3105-D-1096 3105-K-1181 3105-T-1190 3105-L-1182 3105-Q-1135 3105-U-1191 3221-X-1012 19X-1126 1, 2 1, 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Bearing Assy, Output 9 & 10 115, 125 Bearing Assy, Output 9 & 10 135, 145, 155 Plug Assy, (Mechanical Speedometer) O-Ring Plug Assy, (Elec Speedo) w/O-Ring Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-2624-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 3/8"-16 UNC-2A x 2-3/4" (Rear Retainer) Oil Seal Assy, (Replaced by A1-1205-W-2467, Order KIT5365) Oil Seal Assy, (Replaced by A1-1205-W-2467, Order KIT5365) Oil Seal Assy, Order KIT5365 O-Ring, (Elect Speedo) Retainer, (Replaced by 3105-T-1190) Retainer, (Replaced by 3105-T-1190) Retainer, Output Bearing 115, 125 Retainer, (Replaced by 3105-Q-1135) Retainer, Output Bearing 135, 145 Retainer, Output Bearing 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165 Oil Trough Pin 46 5299, 5300, 5368, 5369, 5386 5299, 5300, 5368, 5369, 5386 5200, 5220, 5380 5203, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5381, 5382 5356, 5359, 5384 5357, 5358, 5360, 5361, 5383 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239 5365 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361 Auxiliary Case Assembly 47 Auxiliary Case Assembly Transmission Rear Cover Assembly 13-Speed Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Design Level Description Part of Kit 1 NLA 1 18 3293-D-1018 3293-V-1036 3293-B-1068 1229-B-1666 1 2 2 1, 2 Cover, Rear Cover, Rear (Replaced by 3293-B-1068) Cover, Rear Flat Wshr NLA 18 NLA 2 8 S-2612-A-1 S-2612-A-2 3266-G-1151 3266-D-1278 1229-B-1666 1, 2 1, 2 1 2 1, 2 Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-2612-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 3/8"-16 UNC-2A x 1-1/2" Cover, Replaced by 3266-D-1278 Cover, Bearing Aux., Countershaft Rear Flat Wshr, (Bearing Cover) 1, 2 1, 2 1 Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-268-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, (Aux. Countershaft Bearing Cover) Bearing Assy, (Output) NLA S-268-A-1 8 S-268-A-2 1 A-1228-M-1209 1 A-1228-H-1308 2 8 9 10 11 1 1 3 NLA 6 A-1850-R-18 5X-1092 A-1250-H-1126 S-2624-A-1 S-2624-A-2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 12 NLA A-1205-M-2223 1 NLA A-1205-W-2311 1, 2 13 1 3 A1-1205-W-2467 1205-T-1268 1, 2 1, 2 14 1 3105-Q-1135 1 1 3105-U-1191 2 Bearing Assy, (Output) Plug Assy, (Mech Speedo) O-Ring Plug Assy, (Elect Speedo) w/O-Ring Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-2624-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 3/8"-16 UNC-2A x 2-3/4" (Rear Retainer) Oil Seal Assy, (Replaced by A1-1205-W-2467, Order KIT5365) Oil Seal Assy, (Replaced by A1-1205-W-2467, Order KIT5365) Oil Seal Assy, Order KIT5365 O-Ring, (Elect Speedo) Retainer, Output Bearing NOTE: If electronic speedometer pickup is nonadjustable it may not work on current production retainer. See OEM dealer for correct speedometer pickup. If mechanical speedometer is used, the retainer requires 1225-Z-1170 bushing. Retainer, Output Bearing 48 5299, 5300, 5368, 5369, 5386 5299, 5300, 5368, 5369, 5386 5203, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5381, 5382 5357, 5358, 5360, 5361, 5383 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239 5365 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361 Auxiliary Case Assembly 49 Auxiliary Case Assembly Auxiliary Drive Gear Assembly 9-/10-/13-Speed Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description Part of Kit 1 2 1 1 42X-1250 A-1228-H-1204 1, 2 1, 2 Thrust Wshr Bearing Assy, (Ball) 3 1 3105-Z-1092 1, 2 2 3105-Y-1195 2 2 NLA NLA 1 5X-1069 3892-P-5190 3892-R-5296 3892-K-5315 1, 2 1 1 1, 2 NLA 3892-X-5094 NLA 3892-Q-5295 1 3892-L-5316 1 1 1, 2 Retainer, Rear Main Bearing S/N LB93017864 & Below. Uses 6 S-268-1 Bolts. Retainer, Rear Main Bearing S/N LB93017865 & Above. Uses 10 S-268-1 Bolts. O-Ring Aux Gear, Drive (38T) Replaced by 3892-K-5315 Aux Gear, Drive (38T) Replaced by 3892-K-5315 Aux Gear, Drive (38T) 115, 125, 9 & 10 “A” Ratio Only, Use 3892-W-5483 for “C” Ratio. Aux Gear, Drive (38T) Replaced by 3892-L-5316 Aux Gear, Drive (38T) Replaced by 3892-L-5316 Aux Gear, Drive (38T) 135, 145, 155, 9 & 10 “A” Ratio Only, use 3892-W-5483 for “C” Ratio. 4 5 1 6 7 3892-W-5483 2 NLA 3892-P-5294 1 3892-M-5317 1 1229-W-4339 1 1, 2 1, 2 NLA S-268-1 6 S-268-2 1, 2 1, 2 Aux Gear, Drive (42T) 10, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, “C” Ratio Only. Aux Gear, Replaced by 3892-M-5317 Aux Gear, Drive (44T) 13 O/D Snap Ring Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-268-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 3/8"-16UNC-2 Note: Use 10 for 3105-Y-1195, use 6 for 3105-Z-1092. 50 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5380, 5381, 5382, 5383, 5384 5295, 5296, 5347, 5348, 5351 5297, 5298, 5349, 5350, 5352, 5353, 5354, 5355 5301, 5346 5200, 5203, 5215, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5324, 5329, 5363, 5367, 5380, 5381, 5382, 5383, 5384 Auxiliary Case Assembly 51 Auxiliary Case Assembly Auxiliary Countershaft Assembly — 9-Speed Direct Drive & Overdrive “A” Ratio Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 NLA 1229-H-4168 Design Level Description Part of Kit 1 Snap Ring, Replaced by 1229-C-4657 2 1229-C-4657 1 Snap Ring 2 A-1228-X-1350 1 2 A-1228-S-1345 2 Bearing Assy, (26/18T) Requires 3892-L-5394 M/S Gear, 1st Bearing Assy, Countershaft Rear Bearing S/N LB93017864 & Below, Uses 6 S-268-1 Bolts NLA 3297-Z-1092 2 3297-H-1256 1 1 NLA 3297-G-1073 1 2 3297-F-1254 1 2 3297-S-1267 2 2 3297-U-1269 2 4 2 2 A-1228-Y-1351 A-1228-U-1347 1 2 5 6 AR AR AR 1229-D-4294 1229-N-4538 1229-P-4540 1 1, 2 1, 2 AR 1229-Q-4541 1, 2 AR 1229-R-4542 1, 2 AR 1229-S-4543 1, 2 AR 1229-T-4544 1, 2 AR 1229-U-4545 1, 2 AR 1229-V-4546 1, 2 AR 1229-W-4547 1, 2 AR 1229-X-4548 1, 2 AR 1229-Y-4549 1, 2 Countershaft, Cup & Cone (Main Countershaft Front) Countershaft, (Aux.) Replaced by 3297-H-1256. NOTE: Auxiliary countershafts should be replaced in sets only. Countershaft, (Aux.) Replaced by 3297-F-1254. NOTE: Auxiliary countershafts should be replaced in sets only. Countershaft, (Aux.) 135, 145 NOTE: Auxiliary countershafts should be replaced in sets only. Countershaft, (Aux.) 115, 125 NOTE: Auxiliary countershafts should be replaced in sets only. Countershaft, (Aux.) 135, 145, 155 NOTE: Auxiliary countershafts should be replaced in sets only. Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Rear) Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Rear) Snap Ring, Replaced by Item 6, use KIT5331. Spacer Washer, Cup & Cone (Front) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (6.563 mm - Green) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (6.696 mm - Yellow) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (6.828 mm - White) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (6.690 mm - Purple) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.092 mm - Orange) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.224 mm - White/Blue) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.356 mm - White/Green) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.488 mm - White/Yellow) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.620 mm - White/Purple) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.752 mm - White/Orange) 52 5324, 5380, 5381, 5382 5200, 5203, 5215, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5324, 5329, 5367 5380, 5381 5239, 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 5380, 5381, 5382 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 Auxiliary Case Assembly 53 Auxiliary Case Assembly Auxiliary Countershaft Assembly — 9-Speed Overdrive “B” & “R” Ratio Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 NLA 1229-H-4168 Design Level Description Part of Kit 1 Snap Ring, Replaced by 1229-C-4657 2 1229-C-4657 1 Snap Ring 2 2 A-1228-X-1350 A-1228-S-1345 1 2 Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Front) Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Front) 1 Countershaft, (Aux.) Replaced by 3297-G-1255. NOTE: Auxiliary countershafts should be replaced in sets only. Countershaft, (Aux.) 135, 145 NOTE: Auxiliary countershafts should be replaced in sets only. Countershaft, (Aux.) Replaced by 3297-D-1252. NOTE: Auxiliary countershafts should be replaced in sets only. Countershaft, (Aux.) 115, 125 NOTE: Auxiliary countershafts should be replaced in sets only. Countershaft, (Aux.) 115, 125 NOTE: Auxiliary countershafts should be replaced in sets only. Countershaft, (Aux.) 135, 145, 155 NOTE: Auxiliary countershafts should be replaced in sets only. Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Rear) Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Rear) NLA 3297-Y-1143 2 3297-G-1255 1 NLA 3297-G-1099 1 2 3297-D-1252 1 2 3297-Q-1265 2 2 3297-W-1271 2 4 2 2 A-1228-Y-1351 A-1228-U-1347 1 2 5 6 AR AR 1229-D-4294 1229-N-4538 1 1, 2 AR 1229-P-4540 1, 2 AR 1229-Q-4541 1, 2 AR 1229-R-4542 1, 2 AR 1229-S-4543 1, 2 AR 1229-T-4544 1, 2 AR 1229-U-4545 1, 2 AR 1229-V-4546 1, 2 AR 1229-W-4547 1, 2 AR 1229-X-4548 1, 2 AR 1229-Y-4549 1, 2 Snap Ring, Replaced by Item 6, use KIT5331. Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (6.431 mm - Blue) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (6.563 mm - Green) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (6.696 mm - Yellow) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (6.828 mm - White) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (6.690 mm - Purple) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.092 mm - Orange) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.224 mm - White/Blue) Spacer Washer, Aux. Counstershaft Selective (7.356 mm - White/Green) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.488 mm - White/Yellow) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.620 mm - White/Purple) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.752 mm - White/Orange) 54 5324, 5380, 5381, 5382 5200, 5203, 5215, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5324, 5329, 5367 5380, 5381 5239, 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 5380, 5381, 5382 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 Auxiliary Case Assembly 55 Auxiliary Case Assembly Auxiliary Countershaft Assembly — 10-Speed Direct Drive & Overdrive Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description Part of Kit 1 2 A-1228-S-1345 2 Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Front) 2 2 3297-T-1320 2 2 3297-J-1284 2 2 3297-L-1390 2 3 2 A-1228-U-1347 2 Countershaft, (Aux.) 115, 125, “A” Ratio Only. NOTE: Auxiliary countershafts should be replaced in sets only. Countershaft, (Aux.) 135, 145, “A” Ratio Only. NOTE: Auxiliary countershafts should be replaced in sets only. Countershaft, (Aux.) 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, “C” Ratio Only. NOTE: Auxiliary countershafts should be replaced in sets only. Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Rear) 4 AR 1229-N-4538 2 AR 1229-P-4540 2 AR 1229-Q-4541 2 AR 1229-R-4542 2 AR 1229-S-4543 2 AR 1229-T-4544 2 AR 1229-U-4545 2 AR 1229-V-4546 2 AR 1229-W-4547 2 AR 1229-X-4548 2 AR 1229-Y-4549 2 Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (6.431 mm - Blue) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (6.563 mm - Green) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (6.696 mm - Yellow) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (6.828 mm - White) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (6.690 mm - Purple) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.092 mm - Orange) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.224 mm - White/Blue) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.356 mm - White/Green) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.488 mm - White/Yellow) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.620 mm - White/Pruple) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.752 mm - White/Orange) 56 5239, 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 Auxiliary Case Assembly 57 Auxiliary Case Assembly Auxiliary Countershaft Assembly — 13-Speed Item Qty. Part Number 1 NLA 1229-H-4168 2 2 3 1229-C-4657 NLA A-1228-Q-1265 2 A-1228-U-1373 NLA 3297-P-1082 Design Level Description Part of Kit 1 Snap Ring, Replaced by 1229-C-4657 1 Snap Ring 1 1 1 Bearing Assy, Replaced by A-1228-U-1373 Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Front) Countershaft, Auxiliary (46/16T) Replaced by 3297-E-1253 Countershaft, Auxiliary (46/16T) NOTE: Auxiliary Countershafts should be replaced in sets only. Countershaft, Auxiliary (46/16T) NOTE: Auxiliary Countershafts should be replaced in sets only. Key C/S Gear, Splitter (53T) Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Rear) Bearing Assy, Cup & Cone (Rear) 2 3297-E-1253 1 2 3297-Y-1273 2 4 5 6 2 2 2 2 16X-1009 3892-L-5082 A-1228-Y-1351 A-1228-U-1347 1, 2 1, 2 1 2 7 8 AR AR 1229-D-4294 1229-N-4538 1 1, 2 AR 1229-P-4540 1, 2 AR 1229-Q-4541 1, 2 AR 1229-R-4542 1, 2 AR 1229-S-4543 1, 2 AR 1229-T-4544 1, 2 AR 1229-U-4545 1, 2 AR 1229-V-4546 1, 2 AR 1229-W-4547 1, 2 AR 1229-X-4548 1, 2 AR 1229-Y-4549 1, 2 Snap Ring, Replaced by Item 8, use KIT5331. Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (6.431 mm - Blue) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (6.563 mm - Green) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (6.696 mm - Yellow) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (6.828 mm - White) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (6.690 mm - Purple) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.092 mm - Orange) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.224 mm - White/Blue) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.356 mm - White/Green) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.488 mm - White/Yellow) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.620 mm - White/Purple) Spacer Washer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (7.752 mm - White/Orange) 58 5324, 5380, 5381, 5382 5200, 5203, 5215, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5324, 5329, 5367 5382 5380, 5381, 5382 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5383, 5384 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 5331 Auxiliary Case Assembly Synchronizer Assembly Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description Part of Kit 1 3 2258-Z-1144 1, 2 Spring 2 3 4 1 1 1 A-3203-Z-1014 3107-S-1111 A-3203-R-1006 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 Synchro Assy, (High) Collar Synchro Assy, (Low) 59 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5270, 5289, 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361 5270, 5289 5289 5270, 5289 Auxiliary Case Assembly Output Shaft Assembly — 9-Speed Direct Drive & Overdrive “A” Ratio Item Qty. Part Number 1 6 1 1 1 NLA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 8 1 42X-1221 NLA 1244-Z-1820 1 1, 2 9 NLA 1227-W-1375 1 1227-T-1554 1, 2 1, 2 2 3 4 5 3297-P-1056 3297-J-1076 3297-Y-1247 3297-C-1251 3297-V-1322 1244-R-2046 1244-W-2103 1244-N-2094 1244-X-2104 1244-F-1852 3892-Q-5009 3892-E-5075 3892-G-5311 3892-E-5309 1229-Y-4211 Design Level Description 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 Part of Kit O/P Shaft, 115, 125 O/P Shaft, 135, 145 O/P Shaft, 115, 125 O/P Shaft, 135, 145 Replaced by 3297-V-1322 O/P Shaft, 135, 145, 155 Spacer Spacer, (Output Shaft) Spacer, 135, 145 Only Spacer, (Output Bearing) Spacer Aux Gear, Low (40T) 115, 125 Aux Gear, Low (40T) 135, 145 Aux Gear, Low (40T) 115, 125 Aux Gear, Low (40T) 135, 145, 155 Snap Ring Thrust Wshr Flat Wshr, 135, 145, 155 Only. No longer used, use 1227-T-1554, Flanged Nut. Nut, (Yoke) Replaced by 1227-T-1554 Nut, Flanged (Yoke) 60 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5324 Auxiliary Case Assembly Output Shaft Assembly — 9-Speed Overdrive “B” & “R” Ratio Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Design Level Description 1 1 1 NLA 1 1 1 3297-P-1056 3297-J-1076 3297-Y-1247 3297-C-1251 3297-V-1322 1244-R-2046 1244-W-2103 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1244-N-2094 1244-X-2104 1244-F-1852 3892-D-5152 3892-V-5222 3892-Y-5329 3892-A-5331 1229-Y-4211 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 7 8 1 42X-1221 NLA 1244-Z-1820 1 1, 2 9 NLA 1227-W-1375 1 1227-T-1554 1, 2 1, 2 Part of Kit O/P Shaft, 115, 125 O/P Shaft, 135, 145 O/P Shaft, 115, 125 O/P Shaft, 135, 145 Replaced by 3297-V-1322 O/P Shaft, 135, 145, 155 Spacer Spacer, Aux. Countershaft Selective (6.431 mm - Blue) Spacer, 135, 145 Only Spacer, (Output Bearing) Spacer Aux Gear, Low (44T) 115, 125 Aux Gear, Low (44T) 135, 145 Aux Gear, Low (44T) 115, 125 Aux Gear, Low (44T) 135, 145, 155 Snap Ring Thrust Wshr Flat Wshr, 135, 145, 155 Only. No longer used, use 1227-T-1554, Flanged Nut. Nut, (Yoke) Replaced by 1227-T-1554 Nut, Flanged (Yoke) 61 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5324 Auxiliary Case Assembly Output Shaft Assembly — 10-Speed Direct Drive, Direct Torque & Overdrive “A” Ratio Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 5 8 9 1 NLA 1 1 1 1 1 NLA Design Level Description 3297-Y-1247 3297-C-1251 3297-V-1322 1244-W-2103 1244-X-2104 3892-P-5346 3892-W-5353 1244-Z-1820 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 NLA 1227-W-1375 1 1227-T-1554 2 2 Part of Kit O/P Shaft, 115, 125 O/P Shaft, 135, 145 Replaced by 3297-V-1322 O/P Shaft, 135, 145, 155, 165 and 145 Direct Torque Spacer, (Output Shaft) Spacer, (Output Bearing) Aux Gear, Low (58T) 135, 145, 155 Aux Gear, Low (58T) 115, 125 Flat Wshr, 135, 145, 155 Only. No longer used, use 1227-T-1554, Flanged Nut. Nut, (Yoke) Replaced by 1227-T-1554 Nut, Flanged (Yoke) 62 Auxiliary Case Assembly 63 Auxiliary Case Assembly Output Shaft Assembly — 13-Speed Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Design Level Description Part of Kit 1 NLA 1 1 NLA 1 1 1 1227-A-1405 1229-U-4233 1229-V-4494 3892-J-5080 3107-U-1087 3107-U-1191 1229-T-4232 1229-V-4234 1, 2 1 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 Nut Thrust Wshr, Use 1229-V-4494 Thrust Wshr, (Only for 3297-Z-1222 Shaft) Aux Gear, (Low) 23T Aux Drive Cplg, Replaced by 3107-U-1191. Aux Drive Cplg, Use Service Kit 5302. Thrust Wshr Snap Ring NLA NLA 1 NLA 1 1 NLA 1 NLA NLA 1 3107-R-1084 3107-M-1131 3107-T-1190 3297-M-1079 3297-Z-1222 1244-L-1988 3892-G-5077 3892-Q-5581 1244-Z-1820 1227-W-1375 1227-T-1554 1, 2 2 2 1 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 Collar, Replaced by 3107-T-1190 Collar, Replaced by 3107-T-1190 Collar, Use Service Kit 5302. O/P Shaft, Use 3297-Z-1222 O/P Shaft, (Requires 1229-V-4494 Washer) Spacer Aux Gear, (Splitter) Replaced by 3892-Q-5581 Aux Gear, (Splitter) Use Service Kit 5302. Flat Wshr, No longer used, use 1227-T-1554. Nut, Replaced by 1227-T-1554 Nut, Flanged 64 5302 5302 5302 5238, 5239, 5302, 5358, 5361 5302 5302 Auxiliary Case Assembly 65 Auxiliary Case Assembly Piston Housing Assembly (Manual) — 9 & 10-Speed Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NLA 1229-V-4286 Design Level Description 1 Part of Kit Snap Ring, Use NL-25-1 1 NLA 1 1 NLA 1 NLA NL-25-1 43X-1168 10X-1534 3296-Q-1161 5X-1068 2297-A-7021 3280-E-8767 1, 2 1 1, 2 1, 2 1 1, 2 1, 2 1 3280-M-9217 2 1 1 5X-1065 2244-E-1071 1, 2 1, 2 1 1 2244-D-1122 2244-T-1060 1, 2 1, 2 2244-E-1123 5X-1083 2230-B-1094 A-2230-X-1194 1, 2 1, 2 1 1, 2 Lock Nut, (Requires 10-X-1534 Bolt) Pin, Use 10-X-1534 Bolt Bolt/Capscrew, (Requires NL-25-1 Nut) Shift Fork, (High/Low) Replaces 3296-P-1108 O-Ring, Use 2297-A-7021 Sealant Seal Kit, (Sealant) Piston Hsg, Use KIT5336 for Design Level 1, 115 & 125. Use KIT5337 for Design Level 1, 135 & 145. Piston Hsg, Use KIT5334 for Design Level 2, 115 & 125. Use KIT5335 for Design Level 2, 135 through 165. O-Ring Shift Shaft, 115, 125 Only, 9-3/8", Order Kit 5334 or 5336 Shift Shaft, 115, 125 Only, 9-1/2" Shift Shaft, 135, 145, 155, 165 Only, 9-3/4", Order Kit 5335 or 5337 Shift Shaft, 135, 145, 155, 165 Only, 9-7/8" O-Ring Piston, (Range Shift) Replaced by A-2230-X-1194 Piston Assy, (Include 5X-1083 O-Ring) 8 9 1 1 NLA 1 10 11 1 1 5X-1066 2208-K-1051 1, 2 1, 2 O-Ring Gasket 12 13 1 1 NL-17-1 3266-N-1314 1, 2 1, 2 Nut Cover 14 4 1229-B-1666 1, 2 Flat Wshr 1, 2 1, 2 Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-2624-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 3/8"-16UNC-2A x 3" 15 NLA S-2624-A-1 4 S-2624-A-2 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239 5255 5334, 5335 5334, 5336 5335, 5337 5241, 5255 5334, 5335, 5336, 5337 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5250, 5334, 5335, 5337, 5356, 5357, 5359, 5360 5334, 5335, 5336, 5337 5299, 5300, 5368, 5369, 5386 66 Auxiliary Case Assembly 67 Auxiliary Case Assembly Piston Housing Assembly/Air Filter Regulator (ESSTM and EOATM) — 9 & 10 Speed Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description Part of Kit 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 1 1 1 5X-1065 P-42-Z-S 3280-D-9390 5X-1217 A-2230-X-1194 2 2 2 2 2 O-Ring Plug, Diagnostic Port Piston Hsg, (Cast) O-Ring, (Range Piston Hsg. Cover Seal) Piston Assy, (Include 5x-1083 O-Ring) 6 7 8 1 1 2 5X-1066 NL-17-1 A-3280-F-9392 2 2 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 2 4 4 2 2 1 5X-1207 5X-1092 10X-1623 WA-43Z WA-34 S-2416-A-1 A-3280-G-9393 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 16 17 2 NLA 4 4 5X-1205 S-2624-A-1 S-2624-A-2 1229-B-1666 2 2 2 2 O-Ring, (Piston) Nut Solenoid Assy, (Includes 5X-1207 and 5X-1092 O-Rings) O-Ring, Solenoid O-Ring, Solenoid Screw, Solenoid/Piston Hsg. Cover Flat Wshr Flat Wshr Bolt/Capscrew Filter/Reg Assy, Air (Not interchangeable with 13-Speed) O-Ring Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-2624-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 3/8"-16UNC-2A x 3" Flat Wshr 1 1 1 1 3266-R-1370 5X-1083 2244-A-1145 2244-B-1146 2 2 2 2 Cover, Range Piston Hsg. O-Ring Shift Shaft, Range Shift 115, 125 Shift Shaft, Range Shift 135, 145, 155 18 19 20 21 68 5334, 5335, 5336, 5337 5299, 5300, 5368, 5369, 5386 Auxiliary Case Assembly 69 Auxiliary Case Assembly Piston Housing Assembly — 13-Speed Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Design Level Description Part of Kit NLA 1 1 NLA 43X-1168 10X-1534 3296-Q-1161 1229-V-4286 1 1, 2 1, 2 1 Pin, Use 10-X-1534 Bolt Bolt/Capscrew, (Requires NL-25-1 Nut) Shift Fork, (High/Low) Replaces 3296-P-1108 Snap Ring, Use NL-25-1 1 2 NLA 1 1 NLA 1 2 NLA 1 NL-25-1 1246-N-482 A-3280-J-8772 A-3280-N-9296 5X-1065 2244-C-1069 2244-C-1121 5X-1083 2230-B-1094 A-2230-X-1194 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 2 1, 2 1, 2 2 1, 2 1 1, 2 Lock Nut, (Requires 10-X-1534 Bolt) Dowel Hsg Assy, Replaced by A-3280-N-9296 Hsg Assy O-Ring Shift Shaft, Replaced by 2244-C-1121 Shift Shaft, (High/Low) 12-1/8" O-Ring Piston, (Range Shift) Replaced by A-2230-X-1194 Piston Assy, (Includes 5X-1083 O-Ring) 10 11 1 1 5X-1066 3208-S-1059 1, 2 1, 2 O-Ring Gasket 12 13 2 6 NL-17-1 1229-B-1666 1, 2 1, 2 Nut Flat Wshr 14 NLA 6 1 1 S-2628-A-1 S-2628-A-2 A-3266-U-1165 A-2297-K-5965 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-2628-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 3/8"-16 x 3.5" Cover Assy Valve Assy, (Cartridge) 1 1 NLA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AR A-1250-S-1137 5X-1081 2230-K-1103 A-2230-Y-1195 2244-J-1076 5X-1133 1205-X-2494 3296-D-1122 26X-1011 LW-1910 2297-A-7021 1, 2 1, 2 1 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 Plug Assy, (Includes O-Ring) O-Ring Piston, (Splitter) Replaced by A-2230-Y-1195 Piston Assy, (Includes 5X-1081 & 5X-1083 O-Rings) Shift Shaft, (Splitter) 5-13/16" O-Ring Oil Seal Shift Fork, (Splitter) Set Screw Lock Wire, (Procure Locally) Seal Kit, (Loctite Master Gasket #00203) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239 5241 5241, 5255 5334, 5335, 5336, 5337 5238, 5239, 5240, 5241, 5358, 5361 5299, 5300, 5368, 5369, 5386 70 5241 5238, 5239, 5241, 5302, 5358, 5361 5241 5302 5302 Top Cover 71 Top Cover Transmission Top Cover Assembly (Manual) — Standard & Forward Position Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Design Level Description NLA 4 1 NLA NLA 1 NLA NLA 1 NLA NLA 1 NLA NLA 1 NLA NLA 1 NLA NLA 1 NLA NLA 1 NLA NLA 1 16 S-244-A-1 S-244-A-2 2205-W-1011 3293-Q-1005 3293-V-1062 3293-L-1078 3293-V-1010 3293-X-1064 3293-N-1080 3293-K-1025 3293-Y-1065 3293-P-1082 3293-L-1026 3293-W-1063 3293-M-1079 A1-3293-Q-1005 A-3293-V-1062 A1-3293-L-1078 A1-3293-V-1010 A-3293-X-1064 A1-3293-N-1080 A1-3293-K-1025 A-3293-Y-1065 A1-3293-P-1082 A1-3293-L-1026 A-3293-W-1063 A1-3293-M-1079 1229-B-1666 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 2 2 1, 2 2 2 1, 2 2 2 1, 2 2 2 1, 2 2 2 1, 2 2 2 1, 2 2 2 1, 2 2 2 1, 2 NLA 16 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 S-2610-A-1 S-2610-A-2 P-46 A-1199-P-1394 A-1250-D-1252 1229-C-1511 NL-18-1 1199-X-596 2297-R-6986 2258-X-1142 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 2 1, 2 NLA 2258-E-1279 3 2258-D-1278 2 2258-N-1184 2 2 1, 2 1 1 1 1 NLA NLA 1 1 1 2 1 1 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 43X-1169 A-1250-H-1126 43X-1165 3780-E-239 1244-J-2090 2247-H-1100 2247-F-1462 2244-R-1084 3221-U-1009 10X-1446 2205-A-1015 2208-G-1047 Part of Kit Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-244-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 1/4"-20 UNC-2A x 1/2" Oil Scoop Cover, (Std.) Use A1-3293-L-1078 Cover, (Std.) Use A1-3293-L-1078 Cover, (Std.) Cover, (Fwd) Use 3293-N-1080 Cover, (Fwd) Use A1-3293-N-1080 Cover, (Fwd) Cover, (Fwd X-Bar) Use A-3293-Y-1065 Cover, (Fwd X-Bar) Use A1-3293-P-1082 Cover, (Fwd X-Bar) Cover, (Std. X-Bar) Use A1-3293-M-1079 Cover, Low (44T) 115, 125 Cover, Low (44T) 135, 145 Cover Assy, Low (44T) 115, 125 Cover Assy, (Output Bearing) Cover Assy, (Output Shaft) Cover Assy, (Fwd) Replaced by A1-3293-N-1080 Cover Assy, (Std. X-Bar) Use 3293-M-1079 Cover Assy, (Fwd) Includes Shift Forks & Rails Cover Assy, (Fwd X-Bar) Replaced by A-3293-Y-1065 Cover Assy, (Fwd X-Bar) Replaced by A1-3293-P-1082 Cover Assy, (Fwd X-Bar) Includes Shift Forks & Rails Cover Assy, (Std. X-Bar) Replaced by A1-3293-M-1079 Cover Assy, (Std. X-Bar) Replaced by A1-3293-M-1079 Cover Assy, (Std. X-Bar) Includes Shift Forks & Rails Flat Wshr 5299, 5300, 5368, 5369, 5386 Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-2610-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 3/8"-16 UNC x 1-1/4" Plug Breather Assy. Plug Assy Flat Wshr, (X-Bar Only) Lock Nut, (X-Bar Only) Detent Ball, S/N LB93017311 & Below Detent Ball, S/N LB93017312 & Above Detent Spring, (Purple) S/N LB93017311 & Below 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5291, 5333 Detent Spring, (White) Replaced by 2258-D-1278 Detent Spring, (Yellow) S/N LB93017312 & Above 5333, 5362 Detent Spring, HD (Red) 4th/5th Shifter Shaft Only, 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, S/N LB93017311 & Below 5238, 5239, 5291 Pin Plug Assy Pin O-Ring, (X-Bar Only) Spacer, (X-Bar Only) OBSOLETE Lever, (X-Bar Only) Replaced by 2247-F-1462 Lever, (X-Bar Only) Replaces 2247-H-1100 Guide Pin, (X-Bar Only) Oil Scoop Special Screw, (Forward Only) Cover Plate, (Forward Only) Gasket, (Forward Only) 5291, 5362 72 Top Cover 73 Top Cover Transmission Top Cover Assembly (ESSTM) — Standard & Forward Position Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 2 16 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Design Level Description Part of Kit 5X-1091 1229-B-1666 2 2 O-Ring Flat Wshr NLA 16 2 1 1 S-2610-A-1 S-2610-A-2 43X-1190 A-1250-H-1126 A-1250-U-1269 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 NLA 4 1 NLA 1 NLA 1 1 2 1 1 1250-Q-1625 2258-D-1278 2297-R-6986 A-1199-P-1394 A-3293-G-1073 A-3293-F-1072 A-3293-K-1077 A-3293-J-1076 3221-U-1009 S-244-A-1 S-244-A-2 2244-R-1084 2247-H-1100 2247-F-1462 1244-J-2090 3780-E-239 2205-W-1011 10X-1446 2205-A-1015 2208-G-1047 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-2610-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 3/8"-16 UNC x 1-1/4" Pin, Actuator Plug Assy, (Includes 5X-1091 O-Ring) Plug Assy, Includes 5X-1091. Optionally available to replace A-1250-H-1126. Has low-profile head with socket hex drive for clearance to RH drive remotes. Plug, (For Jack Screw Holes) Detent Spring Detent Ball Breather Assy. Cover Assy, Top (Standard X-Bar) Cover Assy, Top (Standard) Cover Assy, Top (Forward X-Bar) Cover Assy, Top (Forward) Oil Scoop Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-244-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 1/4"-20 UNC-2A x 1/2" Guide Pin, (X-Bar Only) Lever, (X-Bar Only) Replaced by 2247-F-1462 Lever, (X-Bar Only) Spacer, (X-Bar Only) OBSOLETE O-Ring, (X-Bar Only) Oil Scoop Special Screw, (Forward Only) Cover Plate, (Forward Only) Gasket, (Forward Only) 5299, 5300, 5368, 5369, 5386 74 5333, 5362 5291, 5362 Top Cover 75 Top Cover Top Cover Assembly (EOATM) — Standard & Forward Position Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description Part of Kit 1 2 2 16 5X-1091 1229-B-1666 2 2 O-Ring Flat Wshr 3 4 5 16 2 1 1 S-2610-A-2 43X-1190 A-1250-H-1126 A-1250-U-1269 2 2 2 2 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1250-Q-1625 2258-D-1278 2297-R-6986 A-1199-P-1394 A-3293-V-1088 A-3293-U-1087 A-3293-X-1090 A-3293-W-1089 3221-U-1009 S-244-A-2 2244-R-1084 2247-H-1100 3780-E-239 2205-W-1011 10X-1446 2205-A-1015 2208-G-1047 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Bolt/Capscrew, 3/8"-16 UNC x 1-1/4" Pin, Actuator Plug Assy, (Includes 5X-1091 O-Ring) Plug Assy, Includes 5X-1091. Optionally available to replace A-1250-H-1126. Has low-profile head with socket hex drive for clearance to RH drive remotes. Plug, (For Jack Screw Holes) Detent Spring Detent Ball Breather Assy. Cover Assy, Top (Standard X-Bar) Cover Assy, Top (Standard) Cover Assy, Top (Forward X-Bar) Cover Assy, Top (Forward) Oil Scoop Bolt/Capscrew, 1/4"-20 UNC-2A x 1/2" Guide Pin, (X-Bar Only) Lever, (X-Bar Only) O-Ring, (X-Bar Only) Oil Scoop Special Screw, (Forward Only) Cover Plate, (Forward Only) Gasket, (Forward Only) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 5299, 5300, 5368, 5369, 5386 76 5333, 5362 5291, 5362 Top Cover 77 Top Cover Shift Forks and Shafts (Manual) — Standard and Forward Position Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description 1 1 2244-W-1115 1, 2 2 1 5 2244-J-1128 26X-1011 2 1, 2 3 1 1229-V-4286 1, 2 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 NLA 5 1 NSS 1898-H-34 2258-Y-1143 A-3296-M-1131 A-3296-F-1124 2258-A-1145 3280-L-8774 1254-A-53 1254-P-1030 3296-H-1126 2244-X-1116 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 NSS 2244-K-1129 2297-R-5764 43X-1184 2245-X-1064 2245-T-1060 3296-K-1129 2244-Y-1117 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1 NLA 1 1 NLA NLA NLA 2244-L-1130 2245-V-1062 2245-P-1134 2244-S-1059 3280-M-8775 2258-A-1145 1229-V-4286 2 1 1, 2 1, 2 1 1 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Part of Kit Shift Shaft, (1st/Rev) Use KIT5333 for S/N LB930173121 & Below. Use KIT5309 for Shift Rails Only. Use KIT5333 for Shift Rails and 5/16" Air Lines. Shift Shaft, S/N LB93017312 & Above Set Screw, NOTE: Requires Loctiteh 242 (Meritor Part No. 2297-E-4295, 50 ml tube), or equivalent and lockwire. Snap Ring Lock Ball Spring Shift Fork Assy, (1st/Rev) Fwd Cover Shift Fork Assy, (1st/Rev) Std Cover Spring Plunger, (1st/Rev) Lock Wire, Replaced by 1254-P-1030 Lock Wire Shift Fork, (2nd/3rd) Shift Shaft, (2nd/3rd) Use KIT5333 for S/N LB93017311 & Below. Shift Shaft, S/N LB93017312 & Above Ball, (Shift Interlock) Pin, (Interlocking) Sleeve, (2nd/3rd) Fwd Cover Sleeve, (2nd/3rd) Std Cover Shift Fork, (4th/5th) Shift Shaft, (4th/5th) Use KIT5333 for S/N LB93017311 & Below. Shift Shaft, S/N LB93017312 & Above Sleeve, Use 2245-P-1134 Sleeve, (4th/5th) Shift Shaft, (Neutral Check) Plunger, Use 2245-P-1134 Sleeve Spring, Use 2245-P-1134 Sleeve Snap Ring, Use 2245-P-1134 Sleeve 78 5309, 5333 5302 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239 5309 5333 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239 Top Cover Shift Forks and Shafts (ESSTM) — Standard & Forward Position Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description Part of Kit 1 2 1 5 2244-U-1139 26X-1011 2 2 3 1 1229-V-4286 2 Shift Shaft, (1st & Rev.) Set Screw, NOTE: Requires Loctite® 242 (Meritor Part No. 2297-E-4295, 50 ml tube), or equivalent and lockwire. Snap Ring 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 NLA 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1898-H-34 2258-Y-1143 A-3296-M-1131 A-3296-F-1124 2258-A-1145 3280-L-8774 1254-A-53 1254-P-1030 3296-H-1126 2244-V-1140 2297-R-5764 43X-1184 2245-X-1064 2245-T-1060 3296-K-1129 2244-W-1141 2245-P-1134 2244-Y-1143 2258-D-1330 1250-W-1271 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Lock Ball Spring Shift Fork Assy, (1st/Rev) Fwd Cover Shift Fork Assy, (1st/Rev) Std Cover Spring Plunger, (1st/Rev) Lock Wire, Replaced by 1254-P-1030 Lock Wire Shift Fork, (2nd/3rd) Shift Shaft, (2nd & 3rd) Ball, (Shift Interlock) Pin, (Interlocking) Sleeve, (2nd/3rd) Fwd Cover Sleeve, (Std. X-Bar) Shift Fork, (Std.) Replaced by A1-3293-L-1078 Shift Shaft, (Std.) Replaced by A1-3293-L-1078 Sleeve, (Std.) Includes Shift Forks & Rails Shift Shaft, (2nd/3rd) Std Cover Spring, Neutral Checkshaft Plug, Expansion 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 79 5302 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239 5309 5333 Top Cover Shift Forks and Shafts (EOATM) — Standard & Forward Position Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description Part of Kit 1 2 1 5 2244-J-1128 26X-1011 2 2 3 1 1229-V-4286 2 Shift Shaft, (Lo/Rev) Set Screw, NOTE: Requires Loctite® 242 (Meritor Part No. 2297-E-4295, 50 ml tube), or equivalent and lockwire. Snap Ring 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1898-H-34 2258-Y-1143 A-3296-M-1131 A-3296-F-1124 2258-A-1145 3280-L-8774 1254-P-1030 3296-H-1126 2244-K-1129 2297-R-5764 43X-1184 2245-X-1064 2245-T-1060 3296-K-1129 2244-L-1130 2245-P-1134 2244-K-1155 2258-D-1330 1250-W-1271 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Lock Ball Spring Shift Fork Assy, (Lo/Rev) Fwd Cover Shift Fork Assy, (Lo/Rev) Std Cover Spring Plunger, (Lo/Rev) Lock Wire Shift Fork, (1st/2nd) Shift Shaft, (1st/2nd) Ball, (Shift Interlock) Pin, (Interlocking) Sleeve, (1st/2nd) Fwd Cover Sleeve, (1st/2nd) Std Cover Shift Fork, (3rd/4th) Shift Shaft, (3rd/4th) Sleeve, (3rd/4th) Shift Shaft, Neutral Check Spring, Neutral Checkshaft Plug, Expansion 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 80 5302 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239 5333 Top Cover 81 Top Cover Shift Forks and Shafts (Manual) — All X-Bar Item Qty. Part Number 1 NSS 2244-W-1115 Design Level Description 1, 2 2 6 26X-1011 1, 2 3 1 1229-V-4286 1, 2 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 NLA 6 1 NSS 1898-H-34 2258-Y-1143 3296-F-1124 3296-M-1131 2258-A-1145 3280-L-8774 1254-A-53 1254-P-1030 3296-H-1126 2244-X-1116 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 NLA 1 1 NLA NSS 2244-K-1129 2297-R-5764 43X-1184 2245-T-1060 2245-X-1064 2245-G-1125 2244-T-1112 2245-V-1062 2245-P-1134 3296-R-1136 2244-Q-1083 2244-Y-1117 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1 1, 2 1, 2 1 1, 2 1 1 NLA 1 2244-L-1130 2244-S-1059 3280-M-8775 2245-P-1134 2 1, 2 1 1, 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Part of Kit Shift Shaft, (1st/Rev.) Use KIT5333 for S/N LB93017311 & Below. Use KIT5309 for Shift Rails Only. Use KIT5333 for Shift Rails and 5/16" Air Lines. Set Screw, NOTE: Requires Loctiteh 242 (Meritor Part No. 2297-E-4295, 50 ml tube) or equivalent and lockwire. Snap Ring, (Shift Plunger 1st/Rev) Lock Ball Spring Shift Fork, (1st/Rev), Std Cover Shift Fork, (1st/Rev), Fwd Cover Spring Plunger, (1st/Rev) Lock Wire, Replaced by 1254-P-1030 Lock Wire Shift Fork, (2nd/3rd) Shift Shaft, (2nd/3rd) Use KIT5333 for S/N LB93017311 & Below. Shift Shaft, S/N LB93017312 & Above Ball Pin, (Interlocking) Sleeve, (2nd/3rd) Std Cover Sleeve, Shifter (2nd/3rd) Fwd Cover Sleeve, (4th/5th) Shift Shaft, (4th/5th) Sleeve, Use 2245-P-1134 Sleeve, (4th/5th) Shift Fork, (4th/5th) Shift Shaft, Use 2244-Y-1117 Shift Shaft, Use KIT5333 for S/N LB93017311 & Below. Shift Shaft, S/N LB93017312 & Above Shift Shaft, (Neutral Check) Plunger, Use 2245-P-1134 Sleeve Sleeve 82 5309, 5333 5302 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239 5309 5333 Top Cover 83 Top Cover Shift Forks and Shafts (ESSTM) — All X-Bar Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description 1 2 1 6 2244-U-1139 26X-1011 2 2 3 1 1229-V-4286 2 4 5 6 15 16 17 18 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 NLA 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NSS 1898-H-34 2258-Y-1143 3296-F-1124 3296-M-1131 2258-A-1145 3280-L-8774 1254-A-53 1254-P-1030 3296-H-1126 2244-V-1140 2297-R-5764 43X-1184 2245-T-1060 2245-X-1064 2245-G-1125 2244-W-1141 2245-P-1134 3296-R-1136 2244-Y-1117 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 20 21 22 1 1 1 1 2244-L-1130 2244-Y-1143 2258-D-1330 1250-W-1271 2 2 2 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Part of Kit Shift Shaft, (1st & Rev.) Set Screw, NOTE: Requires Loctite 242 (Meritor Part No. 2297-E-4295, 50 ml tube), or equivalent and lockwire. Snap Ring, (Shift Plunger 1st/Rev) Lock Ball Spring Shift Fork, (1st/Rev) Std Cover Shift Fork, (1st/Rev) Fwd Cover Spring Plunger, (1st/Rev) Lock Wire, Replaced by 1254-P-1030 Lock Wire Shift Fork, (2nd/3rd) Shift Shaft, (2nd/3rd) Ball Pin, (Interlocking) Sleeve, (2nd/3rd) Std Cover Sleeve, (2nd/3rd) Fwd Cover Sleeve, (4th/5th) Shift Shaft, (4th & 5th) Sleeve, (4th/5th) Shift Fork, (4th/5th) Shift Shaft, Use KIT5333 for S/N LB93017311 & Below. Shift Shaft, S/N LB93017312 & Above Shift Shaft, Neutral Check Spring, Neutral Checkshaft Plug, Expansion 84 5302 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239 5309 5333 Top Cover 85 Top Cover Shift Forks and Shafts (EOATM) — All X-Bar Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description Part of Kit 1 2 1 6 2244-J-1128 26X-1011 2 2 3 1 1229-V-4286 2 Shift Shaft, (Lo/Rev) Set Screw, NOTE: Requires Loctite® 242 (Meritor Part No. 2297-E-4295, 50 ml tube), or equivalent and lockwire. Snap Ring, (Shift Plunger 1st/Rev) 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1898-H-34 2258-Y-1143 3296-F-1124 3296-M-1131 2258-A-1145 3280-L-8774 1254-A-53 3296-H-1126 2244-K-1129 2297-R-5764 43X-1184 2245-T-1060 2245-X-1064 2245-G-1125 2244-L-1130 2245-P-1134 3296-R-1136 2244-Q-1083 2244-K-1155 2258-D-1330 1250-W-1271 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Lock Ball Spring Shift Fork, (Lo/Rev) Std Cover Shift Fork, (Lo/Rev) Fwd Cover Spring Plunger, (Lo/Rev) Lock Wire Shift Fork, (1st/2nd) Shift Shaft, (1st/2nd) Ball Pin, (Interlocking) Sleeve, (1st/2nd) Std Cover Sleeve, (1st/2nd) Fwd Cover Sleeve, (3rd/4th) Shift Shaft, (3rd/4th) Sleeve, (3rd/4th) Shift Fork, (3rd/4th) Shift Shaft, S/N: LB93017312 & Above Shift Shaft, Neutral Check Spring, Neutral Checkshaft Plug, Expansion 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 86 5302 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239 5309 Air System Air Slave Valve Assembly Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 NLA NLA 1 1 1 7 8 9 10 11 2 1 1 4 4 Design Level Description Part of Kit 43X-1181 2258-V-1166 5X-1151 2245-H-1126 2245-U-1165 2245-B-1198 5X-1134 2208-M-1053 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 2 2 1, 2 1 Pin, (Actuator) Spring O-Ring Sleeve, Replaced by 2245-B-1198, Use KIT5385. Sleeve, Replaced by 2245-B-1198, Use KIT5385. Sleeve O-Ring Gasket KIT5294 P-12Z-S A-3280-Y-8761 WA14 10X-1532 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 Service Kit Plug Valve Assy, (Order KIT5385) Lock Wshr Special Screw, 1/4"-20 x 1-1/2" Allen Head 87 5371, 5385 5371 5280, 5385 5200, 5203, 5220, 5221, 5238, 5239, 5280, 5371, 5385 Air System Air Filter/Regulator Assembly Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description 1 1 A-3280-X-9072 1, 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 NSS NSS NSS 2 2 1 A-3280-Y-9073 5X-1135 5X-1096 2297-A-6163 WA-34 S-2416-A-1 5X-1084 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 Part of Kit Filter/Reg Assy, (9- & 10-Speed Only) Includes Housing Filter/Reg Assy, (13-Speed Only) Includes Housing O-Ring, (Order Kit 5290) O-Ring, (Order Kit 5290) Filter, (Order Kit 5290) Flat Wshr Bolt/Capscrew O-Ring, (13-Speed Only) 88 5290 Air System 89 Air System Air Tubes and Range Control Valve 9 & 10-Speed Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Design Level Description Part of Kit OPT OPT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NLA 2296-T-1034 2296-P-1030 2296-R-1032 2296-M-1076 2296-S-1033 2296-N-1028 A-2206-J-1128 A-2206-L-1130 A-2206-M-1131 A-2206-P-1134 A-2206-K-1129 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1 5 NLA 1 NLA 1 NLA 1 NLA 1 NLA 1 A-2206-G-1151 2296-J-1024 2296-H-1074 2296-L-1026 2296-J-1076 2296-K-1025 2296-K-1077 A-2206-Q-1135 A-2206-F-1150 2257-C-1069 2257-J-1076 1, 2 1 1, 2 1 1, 2 1 1, 2 1 1, 2 1 1, 2 Tubing, (Exhaust) (5/32" O.D. x 50' long - Yellow) Tubing, (Exhaust) (1/8" O.D. x 50' long - Yellow) Tubing, (Pilot Supply) (5/32" O.D. x 50' long - Red) Tubing, (Pilot Supply) (1/8" O.D. x 50' long - Red) Tubing, (Pilot) (5/32" O.D. x 50' long - Black) Tubing, (Pilot) (1/8" O.D. x 50' long - Black) Connector, 5/32" x 1/8" NPT Connector, 1/8" x 1/8" NPT Elbow, 5/32" x 1/8" NPT 90 degrees Elbow, 1/8" x 1/8" NPT 90 degrees Connector, 1/4" x 1/8" NPT Replaced by A-2206-G-1151 Connector, 5/16" x 1/8" NPT Tubing, (1/4") Use 2296-H-1074 Tubing, 5/16" O.D. x 25" (Blue) Tubing, (1/4") Use 2296-J-1076 Tubing, 5/16" O.D. x 26" (Black) Tubing, (1/4") Use 2296-K-1077 Tubing, 5/16" O.D. x 24" (Red) Elbow, Replaced by A-2206-F-1150 Elbow, 5/16" x 1/8" NPT 90 degrees Clamp, Use 2257-J-1076 Clamp NLA 2206-P-1056 OPT A-2206-R-1136 1 2206-C-1147 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 Tube Adapter, Replaced by A-2206-R-1136 Tube Adapter, 5/32" to 1/8" Elbow, 45 degrees 90 5231, 5233, 5251, 5257, 5307 5307 Air System Air Tubes and Range Control Valve 13-Speed TO EXHAUST 3 1 6 4 2 7 10 5 7 9 7 8 5 12 9 7 8 11 10 7 91 13 RCV0002 Air System Air Tubes and Range Control Valve 13-Speed Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 1 1 1 OPT OPT 1 1 2 2 1 1 NLA 5 NLA 1 NLA 1 NLA 1 NLA 1 Design Level Description Part of Kit 2296-R-1032 2296-M-1076 2296-U-1035 2296-Q-1031 2296-T-1034 2296-P-1030 2296-S-1033 2296-N-1028 A-2206-M-1131 A-2206-P-1134 A-2206-J-1128 A-2206-L-1130 A-2206-K-1129 A-2206-G-1151 2296-J-1024 2296-L-1078 2296-L-1026 2296-M-1079 2296-K-1025 2296-N-1080 2257-C-1069 2257-J-1076 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1 1, 2 1 1, 2 1 1, 2 1 1, 2 1 2 Tubing, (Pilot Supply) 5/32" O.D. x 50' Red Tubing, (Pilot Supply) 1/8" O.D. x 50' Red Tubing, (Splitter) 5/32" O.D. x 50' Green Tubing, (Splitter) 1/8" O.D. x 50' Green Tubing, (Exhaust) 5/32" O.D. x 50' Yellow Tubing, (Exhaust) 1/8" O.D. x 50' Yellow Tubing, (Pilot) 5/32" O.D. x 50' Black Tubing, (Pilot) 1/8" O.D. x 50' Black Elbow, 5/32" x 1/8" NPT 90 degrees Elbow, 1/8" x 1/8" NPT 90 degrees Connector, 5/32" x 1/8" NPT Connector, 1/8" x 1/8" NPT Connector, Use A-2206-G-1151 Connector, 5/16" x 1/8" NPT Tubing, (1/4") Use 2296-L-1078 Tubing, (5/16" O.D. x 31") Blue Tubing, (1/4") Use 2296-M-1079 Tubing, (5/16" x O.D. x 28") Black Tubing, (1/4") Use 2296-N-1080 Tubing, (5/16" O.D. x 28") Red Clamp, Use 2257-J-1076 Clamp NLA A-2206-Q-1135 1 A-2206-F-1150 1 2206-C-1147 1 1, 2 1, 2 Elbow, Use A-2206-F-1150 Elbow, (5/16" x 1/8" NPT) 90 degrees Elbow, 45 degrees 92 5231, 5233, 5251, 5257, 5307 5307 Controls Shift Knobs (Manual) — 9 & 10-Speed Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 NLA 1 NLA 1 NLA 1 NLA 1 NLA 1 1 NLA 1 NLA 1 1 A-3280-J-9032 A-3280-F-9366 A-3280-H-9030 A-3280-E-9365 A-3280-T-9276 A-3280-J-9370 A-3280-U-9277 A-3280-K-9371 2297-Z-6526 A-2297-W-7069 A-2297-L-7058 2245-F-1124 2245-P-1186 10X-1524 10X-1625 N-68-1 Design Level Description 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 Part of Kit Shift Knob, Replaced by A-3280-F-9366 Shift Knob, 5/32" Air Lines Shift Knob, Replaced by A-3280-E-9365 Shift Knob, 1/8" Air Lines Shift Knob, Replaced by A-3280-J-9370 Shift Knob, Cruise Control, 1/8" Air Lines Shift Knob, Replaced by A-3280-K-9371 Shift Knob, Cruise Control, 5/32" Air Lines Shield, (Cap-Lens) (Replaced by A-2297-W-7069) Shield, (Cap-Lens) Switch Assy, Cruise Control Shroud, Skirt, Replaced by 2245-P-1186 Shroud, Skirt (Order Item No. 1) Special Screw, Replaced by 10X-1625 Special Screw, (Order Item No. 1) Jam Nut 93 Controls Shift Knobs (Manual) — 13-Speed Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 NLA 1 NLA 1 NLA 1 NLA 1 NLA 1 1 NLA 1 NLA 1 1 A-3280-L-9034 A-3280-H-9368 A-3280-K-9033 A-3280-G-9367 A-3280-V-9278 A-3280-L-9372 A-3280-W-9279 A-3280-M-9373 2297-Z-6526 A-2297-W-7069 A-2297-L-7058 2245-F-1124 2245-P-1186 10X-1524 10X-1625 N-68-1 Design Level Description 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 Part of Kit Shift Knob, Replaced by A-3280-H-9368 Shift Knob, 5/32" Air Lines Shift Knob, Replaced by A-3280-G-9367 Shift Knob, 1/8" Air Lines Shift Knob, Replaced by A-3280-L-9372 Shift Knob, Cruise Control, 1/8" Air Lines Shift Knob, Replaced by A-3280-M-9373 Shift Knob, Cruise Control, 5/32" Air Lines Shield, (Cap-Lens) (Replaced by A-2297-W-7069) Shield, (Cap-Lens) Switch Assy, Cruise Control Shroud, Skirt, Replaced by 2245-P-1186 Shroud, Skirt (Order Item No. 1) Special Screw, Replaced by 10X-1625 Special Screw, (Order Item No. 1) Jam Nut 94 Controls 95 Controls Shift Knob — Engine Synchro ShiftTM (ESSTM) Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Design Level Description 1 1 1 A-2297-L-7058 A-2297-K-7083 A-3280-K-9397 2 2 2 1 A-3280-L-9398 2 1 1 1 N-68-1 2245-P-1186 10X-1625 2 2 2 Part of Kit Switch Assy, Shift-N-CruiseTM Shield, Lens Cap Shift Knob, ESSTM (w/o Cruise Control) Includes; 2245-P-1186 & 10X-1625 Shift Knob, ESSTM (with Cruise Control) Includes; 2245-P-1186 & 10X-1625 Jam Nut Shroud, Skirt Special Screw 96 Controls 97 Controls Shift Knob — Electric Over AirTM (EOATM), available with optional Shift-N-CruiseTM Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Design Level Description 1 1 1 1 A-2297-K-7083 A-2297-L-7058 A-3280-C-9467 A-3280-D-9468 2 2 2 2 1 1 A-3280-E-9469 A-3280-F-9470 2 2 1 1 1 N-68-1 2245-P-1186 10X-1625 2 2 2 Part of Kit Shield, Lens Cap Switch Assy, Shift-N-CruiseTM (Optional) Shift Knob, Assembly Shift Knob, Assembly, with Shift-N-CruiseTM (Optional) Shift Knob, Assembly, Volvo Only Shift Knob, Assembly, with Shift-N-CruiseTM, Volvo Only (Optional) Jam Nut Shroud, Skirt Special Screw 98 Controls 99 Controls Remote Control Assembly — Standard Position Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 NLA 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NLA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3280-E-8741 A1-3280-E-8741 1225-P-1186 2244-Y-1065 2247-K-1077 10X-1521 LW-1310 3237-H-294 2260-R-1032 3237-N-66 10X-1522 2247-M-1079 N-18 N-18-1 K-238 A-2247-F-1098 A-2110-M-1001 1227-F-1384 2297-B-6060 N-68-1 A-2110-N-1002 NL-28-1 Design Level Description 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 Remote Ctrl Hsg, Replaced by A1-3280-E-8741 Remote Ctrl Hsg, Standard Position Bushing Shift Shaft, 11-1/4" Inner Shift Lever Set Screw Lock Wire Strap Boot Strap, Cable Tie Set Screw Outer Shift Lever Nut, Replaced by N-18-1 Nut Pin, Cotter Lever Assy, Selection Ball Socket, Assembly Jam Nut Rod, Adjusting Jam Nut Ball Socket, Assembly Lock Nut 100 Part of Kit 5370 5326, 5370 Controls 101 Controls Remote Control Assembly — Forward Position Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NLA 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3280-G-8743 1225-P-1186 2244-K-1077 2247-K-1077 10X-1521 LW-1310 3237-H-294 2260-R-1032 3237-N-66 10X-1522 2247-N-1080 N-18 N-18-1 K-238 A-2247-G-1099 A-2110-M-1001 1227-F-1384 2297-D-6062 N-68-1 2297-E-6063 A-2110-P-1004 NL-28-1 Design Level Description 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 Remote Ctrl Hsg, Forward Position Bushing Shift Shaft Inner Shift Lever Set Screw Lock Wire Strap, Cable Tie Boot Strap, Cable Tie Set Screw Outer Shift Lever Nut, Replaced by N-18-1 Nut Pin, Cotter Lever Assy, Selection Ball Socket, Assembly Jam Nut Rod, Adjusting Jam Nut Rod, Adjusting Ball Socket, Assembly Lock Nut 102 Part of Kit 5370 5326, 5370 Controls 103 Controls Aluminum Shift Tower Assembly Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 NLA NSS NSS NSS NLA NLA NLA NLA NLA 3237-N-66 2260-V-1036 3237-P-68 1229-T-1242 A-2214-S-1111 2247-V-1088 2247-X-1090 2214-Q-1135 42X-1227 3280-M-8671 Design Level Description 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NLA 3280-J-8122 1 NLA NLA 4 4 S-843 S-2610-A-1 S-2610-A-2 1229-B-1666 1 1 1 1 Strap Boot, Available in Kit only Strap, Available in Kit only Snap Ring, Available in Kit only Ring, Available in Kit only Lever, (Low Tower) Use KIT5368 Lever, (High Tower) Use KIT5369 Ring, Available in Kit only Spring, (Belleville) Available in Kit only Shift Hsg, 6.60"/167.64 mm Bolt Flange to Top, Use KIT5369 - Cast Iron Shift Tower Shift Hsg, 4.64"/117.90 mm Bolt Flange to Top, Use KIT5368 - Cast Iron Shift Tower Set Screw Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-2610-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 3/8"-16 UNC x 1-1/4" Flat Wshr NLA 3208-L-1078 1 3208-N-1080 1 1 Gasket, Replaced by 3208-N-1080 Gasket, (Aluminum Tower Only) 104 Part of Kit 5326, 5370 5326 5326 5326 5326 5326 5326 5299, 5300, 5368, 5369, 5386 5326 5299, 5300, 5333, 5368, 5369, 5386 Controls 105 Controls Cast Iron Shift Tower Assembly Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NLA 1 Design Level Description 3237-N-66 2260-M-1105 1229-Z-4524 2258-F-1254 2214-X-1142 2247-V-1088 2247-X-1090 A-3280-S-9145 A1-3280-J-9318 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 NLA A-3280-U-9147 1 A1-3280-L-9320 1, 2 1, 2 1 3208-N-1080 1, 2 Strap Boot Snap Ring Spring Ring, (Spacer) Lever, (Low Tower) Use KIT5368 Lever, (High Tower) Use KIT5369 Shift Hsg Assy, Replaced by A1-3280-J-9318 Shift Hsg Assy, (Low) 4.64"/117.90 mm Bolt Flange to Top. NOTE: These towers use gasket 3208-N-1080. Shift Hsg Assy, Replaced by A1-3280-L-9320 Shift Hsg Assy, (High) 6.60"/167.70 mm Bolt Flange to Top. NOTE: These towers use gasket 3208-N1080. Gasket, (Cast Iron Tower Only) 106 Part of Kit 5326, 5370 5370 5370 5370 5370 5368 5369 5299, 5300, 5333, 5368, 5369, 5386 Controls 107 Controls Cast Iron Shift Tower Assembly — New Style Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NLA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Design Level Description 3237-N-66 2260-B-1146 3237-H-294 1229-F-4660 2214-V-1166 5X-1201 2247-M-1313 2247-G-1463 2247-N-1314 43X-1188 S-2610-A-1 S-2610-A-2 1229-B-1666 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 Strap Boot Strap Ring, Retainer Ring, Inner O-Ring Lever, Low Lever, Mid Lever, High Pin Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-2610-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 3/8"-16 UNC x 1-1/4" Flat Wshr A1-3280-J-9318 A1-3280-T-9458 A1-3280-L-9320 3105-B-1198 2258-B-1328 3208-N-1080 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 Shift Hsg Assy, Low Shift Hsg Assy, Mid Shift Hsg Assy, High Retainer, Spring Spring Gasket 108 Part of Kit 5326, 5370 5370 5299, 5300, 5368, 5369, 5386 5368 5386 5369 5299, 5300, 5333, 5368, 5369, 5386 Controls 109 Controls Isolator Assembly — Straight Lever Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Design Level Description 1 A-2247-X-1142 1, 2 1 A-2247-T-1190 1, 2 1 A-3268-H-1646 1, 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2245-J-1076 1229-T-4336 1225-B-1198 43X-1174 10X-1611 1227-Q-1525 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 2 2 Lever Assy, (Isolated) 24"/60.96 cm - Measure Hole C/L to Top NOTE: These are straight shift levers and may need to be bent to match application. For specific lever take part number from level or see Truck Line setting ticket. Includes 2245-J-1076 Sleeve Lever Assy, (Isolated) 32"/81.28 cm - Measure Hole C/L to Top NOTE: These are straight shift levers and may need to be bent to match application. For specific lever take part number from lever or see Truck Line setting ticket. Includes 2245-J-1076 Adapter Assy, (Isolated) for PACCAR Non-Isolated Hollow Lever. Includes 2245-J-1076 Sleeve, (Isolator Bushing) Snap Ring, Clip, Use KIT5237 Bushing Pin, Use KIT5237 Bolt/Capscrew, Use KIT5237 Nut, Use KIT5237 110 Part of Kit 5378 5237, 5378 Controls Non-Isolated Straight Lever Item Qty. Part Number 1 Design Level Description 1 A-2247-S-1085 1, 2 1 A3-2247-Q-1083 1, 2 NLA A16-2247-Q-1083 1, 2 Lever Assy, (High Tower) 26"/66.04 cm Measure Center of Ball to Top NOTE: These are straight shift levers and may need to be bent to match application. For specific lever take part number from lever or see Truck Line setting ticket. Lever Assy, (Low Tower) 29-1/2"/74.93 cm Measure Center of Ball to Top NOTE: These are straight shift levers and may need to be bent to match application. For specific lever take part number from lever or see Truck Line setting ticket. Lever Assy, OBSOLETE 111 Part of Kit Controls Isolator Assembly — Close Bend 90 degrees Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 2 2 1 1 1 1229-T-4336 1225-B-1198 2245-J-1076 43X-1174 A-2247-Y-1143 6 7 1 1 10X-1611 1227-Q-1525 Design Level Description 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 2 2 Snap Ring, Use KIT5237 Bushing Sleeve, (Isolator Bushing) Pin, Use KIT5237 Lever Assy, (Isolated) 30"/76.20 cm - Measure Hole C/L to End NOTE: Requires bending to match application. Bolt/Capscrew, Use KIT5237 Nut, Use KIT5237 112 Part of Kit 5237, 5378 5378 Controls Wire Harness — Engine Synchro ShiftTM (ESSTM) Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 1 A-3280-J-9396 1 5X-1091 NLA A-2297-G-7079 Design Level Description 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 A-2297-U-7197 A-3280-A-9413 1205-T-1268 2 2 2 4 2 3280-F-9392 2 NLA 2257-A-1223 6 2257-G-1229 2 2 5 Part of Kit Switch Assy, ESSTM (Includes 5X-1091 O-Ring) O-Ring Wire Harness, Assembly, Replaced by A-2297-U-7197 Wire Harness, Assembly 5372 Speedometer Sensor, (Includes 1205-T-1268 O-Ring) O-Ring 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361 Solenoid Assy, (Includes 5X-1207 and 5X-1092 O-Rings) Clamp, Wiring Harness, Replaced by 2257-G-1229 Clip, Wiring Harness 5372 113 Controls Wire Harness — Electric Over AirTM (EOATM) Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description 1 2 1 1 A-2297-Q-7219 A-3280-W-9409 2 2 3 4 7 2 2257-G-1229 3280-F-9392 2 2 Wire Harness, Transmission Switch Assy, EOATM, Neutral Position (Includes 5X-1091 O-Ring) Clip, Wiring Harness Solenoid Assy, (Includes 5X-1207 and 5X-1092 O-Rings) 114 Part of Kit 5372 Labels Cab Shift Label (Manual) — 9-Speed Transmission Standard Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 1 1 2297-T-6104 2297-Z-7384 Design Level Description 1, 2 1, 2 Decal, Cab Shift Label (Square) Decal, Cab Shift Label (Oval) 115 Part of Kit Labels Cab Shift Label (Manual) — 9-Speed Transmission RMO Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 1 1 2297-E-6167 2297-B-7386 Design Level Description 1, 2 1, 2 Decal, Cab Shift Label (Square) Decal, Cab Shift Label (Oval) 116 Part of Kit Labels Cab Shift Label (Manual) — 9-Speed Transmission R Ratio Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 1 1 2297-X-6550 2297-A-7385 Design Level Description 1, 2 1, 2 Decal, Cab Shift Label (Square) Decal, Cab Shift Label (Oval) 117 Part of Kit Labels Cab Shift Label (ESSTM) — 9-Speed Transmission Standard Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 1 1 2297-A-7125 2297-Q-7245 Design Level Description 2 2 Decal, Cab Shift Label (Square) Decal, Cab Shift Label (Oval) 118 Part of Kit Labels Cab Shift Label (ESSTM) — 9-Speed Transmission R Ratio Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 1 1 2297-C-7127 2297-S-7247 Design Level Description 2 2 Decal, Cab Shift Label (Square) Decal, Cab Shift Label (Oval) 119 Part of Kit Labels Cab Shift Label (Manual) — 10-Speed Transmission Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 1 1 2297-X-7252 2297-D-7388 Design Level Description 2 2 Decal, Cab Shift Label (Square) Decal, Cab Shift Label (Oval) 120 Part of Kit Labels Cab Shift Label (ESSTM) — 10-Speed Transmission Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 1 1 2297-B-7126 2297-R-7246 Design Level Description 2 2 Decal, Cab Shift Label (Square) Decal, Cab Shift Label (Oval) 121 Part of Kit Labels Cab Shift Label (Manual) — 13-Speed Transmission Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 1 1 2297-F-6168 2297-C-7387 Design Level Description 1, 2 1, 2 Decal, Cab Shift Label (Square) Decal, Cab Shift Label (Oval) 122 Part of Kit Labels 123 Labels Miscellaneous Labels Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description 1 1 TP-90175 1, 2 2 3 1 1 TP-93171 2297-N-6904 1, 2 1, 2 Decal, CAUTION - PTO Operation, STATIONARY or ENGAGED Decal, CAUTION - Selecting the Transmission Range Decal, NOTICE - Extended Drain Lubricant 124 Part of Kit Output Yokes MERITOR TRANSMISSION SERIES 115/125 115/125 115/125 135/145 135/145 135/145 115/125 115/125 115/125 135/145 135/145 135/145 115/125 115/125 115/125 115/125 135/145 135/145 115/125 115/125 135/145 135/145 115/125 115/125 135/145 SPLINE SIZE DIA.″-TEETH 2-1/2″-10 2-1/2″-10 2-1/2″-10 2-3/4″-10 2-3/4″-10 2-3/4″-10 2-1/2″-10 2-1/2″-10 2-1/2″-10 2-3/4″-10 2-3/4″-10 2-3/4″-10 2-1/2″-10 2-1/2″-10 2-1/2″-10 2-1/2″-10 2-3/4″-10 2-3/4″-10 2-1/2″-10 2-1/2″-10 2-3/4″-10 2-3/4″-10 2-1/2″-10 2-1/2″-10 2-3/4″-10 SPLINE LENGTH 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm 3.00″/76.2 mm HUB DIA. 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm 3.75″/95.25 mm CENTER TO END 5.62″/142.75 mm 6.03″/153.16 mm 5.88″/149.35 mm 5.75″/146.05 mm 5.75″/146.05 mm 6.06″/153.92 mm 5.62″/142.75 mm 6.03″/153.16 mm 5.88″/149.35 mm 5.75″/146.05 mm 5.97″/151.64 mm 6.06″/153.92 mm 4.43″/112.52 mm* 4.75″/120.65 mm* 4.31″/109.47 mm* 4.26″/108.20 mm* 4.50″/114.30 mm* 4.84″/122.94 mm* 5.65″/143.51 mm* 5.15″/130.81 mm* 5.09″/129.29 mm* 5.09″/129.29 mm* 3.62″/91.95 mm* 3.62″/91.95 mm* 4.06″/103.12 mm* (F) = Forged Version *Wing & RPL yokes are face to end. See table for C/E Dims. ENGINEERING NUMBER 17NYS40-125A 176NYS40-14A 18NYS40-4A 17N46931X 176NYS44-4A 18NYS44-4A 17TYS40-144 (F) 176TYS40-14A 18TYS40-4A 17TYS44-10A (F) 176TYS44-4A 18TYS44-4A 72NYS40-99A 82NYS40-28A 85WBYS40-34A 92NYS40-40A 85WBYS44-1A 92NYS44-22A 20WYS40-2A 25WYS40-2A 20WYS44-2A 25WYS44-2A 5WCS40-40A 5WCS40-41A 5WCS44-3A SERIES 17N 176N 18N 17N 176N 18N 17T 176T 18T 17T 176T 18T 72N 82N 85WB 92N 85WB 92N RPL20 RPL25 RPL20 RPL25 5W 5W 5W STYLE ITEM 1710 FR W/DEFLECTOR 1760 FR W/DEFLECTOR 1810 FR W/DEFLECTOR 1710 FR W/DEFLECTOR 1760 FR W/DEFLECTOR 1810 FR W/DEFLECTOR 1710 EZ W/DEFLECTOR 1760 EZ W/DEFLECTOR 1810 EZ W/DEFLECTOR 1710 EZ W/DEFLECTOR 1760 EZ W/DEFLECTOR 1810 EZ W/DEFLECTOR 72N (WING) W/DEFLECTOR 82N (WING) W/DEFLECTOR 85WB (WING) W/DEFLECTOR 92N (WING) W/DEFLECTOR 85WB (WING) W/DEFLECTOR 92N (WING) W/DEFLECTOR RPL20 W/DEFLECTOR RPL25 W/DEFLECTOR RPL20 RPL25 8 HOLE 12 HOLE 12 HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 OTY0001 125 Output Yokes Yokes Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17NYS40-125A 176NYS40-14A 18NYS40-4A 17N46931X 176NYS44-4A 18NYS44-4A 17TYS40-144 (F) 176TYS40-14A 18TYS40-4A 17TYS44-10A (F) 176TYS44-4A 18TYS44-4A 72NYS40-99A 82NYS40-28A 85WBYS40-34A 92NYS40-40A 85WBYS44-1A 92NYS44-22A 20WYS40-2A 25WYS40-2A 20WYS44-2A 25WYS44-2A 5WCS40-40A 5WCS40-41A 5WCS44-3A Design Level Description 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 Yoke Assy, Full Round Yoke Assy, Full Round Yoke Assy, Full Round Yoke Assy, Full Round Yoke Assy, Full Round Yoke Assy, Full Round Yoke Assy, Easy Service Yoke Assy, Easy Service Yoke Assy, Easy Service Yoke Assy, Easy Service Yoke Assy, Easy Service Yoke Assy, Easy Service Yoke Assy, Wing Series Permalube Yoke Assy, Wing Series Permalube Yoke Assy, Wing Series Permalube Yoke Assy, Wing Series Permalube Yoke Assy, Wing Series Permalube Yoke Assy, Wing Series Permalube Yoke Assy, RPL Series Permalube Yoke Assy, RPL Series Permalube Yoke Assy, RPL Series Permalube Yoke Assy, RPL Series Permalube Yoke Assy, Companion Flange Yoke Assy, Companion Flange Yoke Assy, Companion Flange 126 Part of Kit Speedometer Items Mechanical Speedometer Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2297-U-5897 2297-Y-6057 2245-Z-1066 5X-1092 2297-V-5898 2297-X-6056 1225-Z-1170 Design Level Description 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 Speedo Gear, (Drive) 115/125 Only 6T Speedo Gear, (Drive) 135/145 Only 6T Sleeve O-Ring Speedo Gear, Adjusting Speedo Gear, (Driven) 135/145 Only 14T Bushing 127 Part of Kit 5259 5260 5259, 5260 5259 5260 Speedometer Items Electronic Speedometer Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description 1 1 1 2297-A-5903 2297-Z-6058 1, 2 1, 2 2 1 1205-T-1268 1, 2 Rotor, 115/125 Only 16T Rotor, Rotor (Electronic Speedometer) 135/145 Only 16T O-Ring 128 Part of Kit 5356, 5357, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361 Oil Pumps 129 Oil Pumps Oil Pump Assembly — Integral Mounting (S/N LB9105149 & Below) Item Qty. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 NLA 1 1 1 1 1 1 OPT OPT OPT 1 3 3 A1-3303-L-1026 A-3303-M-1027 A1-3196-G-1047 10X-1459 10X-1460 5X-1090 5X-1089 A1-2206-K-1051 A1-2206-T-1034 A-1250-H-1126 2297-J-6406 10X-1520 1829-R-564 Design Level Description 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pump Assy, Replaced by A-3303-M-1027 Pump Assy, (Includes Drive Gear) Piping Assy, (with Screen) Special Screw, 1/4"-20 x 1/2" Allen Head Special Screw, 5/16"-18 x 1-1/2" Allen Head O-Ring O-Ring Plug Assy, (Shipping Only) Connector, (Plug Assembly-Case Outlet) Plug Assy, (Case Return) Plate, (Not Pictured) Shroud, (for Baffle, Not Pictured) Lock Wshr, for Baffle (Not Pictured) 130 Part of Kit 5261 Oil Pumps 131 Oil Pumps Oil Pump Assembly — Integral Mounting (S/N LB9105150 & Above) Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description 1 1 2255-Z-1118 NLA S-264-A-1 1 S-264-A-2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 2 1 1 1 3 OPT 1 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 3 4 5 A-3196-A-1067 5X-1157 A-3303-N-1028 10X-1532 A-1250-H-1126 5X-1156 Bracket, (for Inlet Suction Tube) Bolt/Capscrew, Replaced by S-264-A-2 Bolt/Capscrew, 3/8"-16 x 1/2" (For Bracket — Not Pictured) Tube Assy, (Pipe/Suction with Screen) O-Ring, (Tube — Not Pictured) Pump Assy, (Includes Drive Gear) Special Screw, 1/4"-20 x 1-1/2" Allen Head Plug Assy, (Used in Shipping - Not Pictured) O-Ring 132 Part of Kit Special Service Tools 133 Special Service Tools Special Service Tools (Manual) Item Qty. Part Number Design Level Description 1 1 3256-Z-1014 1, 2 2 3 4 1 1 1 3256-A-1015 3305-W-1141 3256-D-1044 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 5 1 A-3256-W-1037 1, 2 6 1 1 3256-A-1041 A-3256-C-1043 1, 2 1, 2 7 1 3256-T-1060 1, 2 8 1 3256-V-1036 1, 2 9 10 11 1 1 1 2297-P-5840 3256-Y-1013 3256-W-1063 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 Part of Kit Seal Driver, Fits all models. Also supplied by Kent-Moore Tool Co., Part No. J-39161. Tool, (tubing cutter) Retainer Plate, Holding Cover Tool Tool, Countershaft Pusher, Also supplied by G&W Tool Co., Part No. G-28 Tool, Bearing Puller, Also supplied by Kent-Moore Tool Co., Part No. J-41806. Tool, Puller Leg, Replacement Tool, End Play Checker Assy. Also supplied by Kent-Moore Tool Co., Part No. J-41335 Tool, 3/8" Countershaft Adaptor, Also supplied by Kent-Moore Tool Co., Part No. J-41335-25. Tool, Digital Protractor, Also supplied by Kent-Moore Tool Co., Part No. J-38460-A. Hook, Lifting Tool, T-Handle Tool, Service, Tube Grip Shift-N-CruiseTM TesterTM (ESSTM) Item Qty. Part Number 1 1 3256-B-1068 Design Level Description 2 Part of Kit TM Tool, Tester, Shift-N-Cruise 134 Kits KIT5200 Overhaul Kit RM9-115/125, D/L1 Part Number Qty. Description 1225-A-1171 1227-W-1375 1 1 Bushing Nut 1228-E-1175 1228-G-1203 1228-W-1375 1228-X-1376 1229-A-4655 1229-B-4656 1229-C-4657 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 Needle Bearing Ball Bearing Bearing Cup Bearing Cup Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring 1229-D-4294 1229-E-4295 1229-F-4296 1229-G-4297 1229-H-4298 1229-J-4300 1229-K-4301 1229-L-4302 1229-M-4303 1229-N-4304 1229-S-4647 1229-T-4648 1229-U-4649 1229-V-4286 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring 1229-V-4650 1229-W-4339 2 2 Snap Ring Snap Ring 1229-W-4651 1229-X-4652 1229-Y-4211 1229-Y-4653 1229-Z-4654 1244-J-2194 2208-K-1051 2208-M-1053 2258-N-1184 2258-X-1142 2258-Z-1144 2297-S-5765 27820 27881 3107-G-1073 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 1 Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Spacer Gasket Gasket Detent Spring Detent Spring Spring Bearing Race Bearing Cup Bearing Cone Clutch Collar KIT5200 Overhaul Kit RM9-115/125, D/L1 - Cont. Page No. Part Number 10 60, 61, 62, 64 362 368A 3730 3780 383A 386A 5X-1065 5X-1066 5X-1069 A-1205-W-2311 A-1228-H-1204 A-1228-K-1207 A-3297-B-1380 NL-110-1 NL-17-1 NL-25-1 10 43 10, 52, 54, 58 52, 54, 58 Qty. Description 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Bearing Cup Bearing Cone Bearing Cup Bearing Cone Bearing Cup Bearing Cone O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring Oil Seal Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy I/P Shaft Assy Lock Nut Nut Lock Nut Page No. 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 50 46, 48 50 46 44 66, 68, 70 66, 70 KIT5203 Overhaul Kit RM9-135/145, D/L1 Part Number 66, 70, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 50 60, 61 10 66 87 72 72 59 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 135 Qty. Description 1225-A-1171 1227-W-1375 1 1 Bushing Nut 1228-E-1175 1228-G-1203 1228-W-1375 1228-X-1376 1229-A-4655 1229-B-4656 1229-C-4657 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 Needle Bearing Ball Bearing Bearing Cup Bearing Cup Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring 1229-D-4294 1229-E-4295 1229-F-4296 1229-G-4297 1229-H-4298 1229-J-4300 1229-K-4301 1229-L-4302 1229-M-4303 1229-N-4304 1229-S-4647 1229-T-4648 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Page No. 10 60, 61, 62, 64 10 43 10, 52, 54, 58 52, 54, 58 Kits KIT5203 Overhaul Kit RM9-135/145, D/L1 - Cont. Part Number 1229-U-4649 1229-V-4286 1229-V-4650 1229-W-4339 Qty. Description 2 2 2 2 Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring 1229-W-4651 1229-X-4652 1229-Y-4211 1229-Y-4653 1229-Z-4654 1244-J-2194 2208-K-1051 2208-M-1053 2258-N-1184 2258-X-1142 2258-Z-1144 2297-S-5765 27820 27881 3107-G-1073 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 1 Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Spacer Gasket Gasket Detent Spring Detent Spring Spring Bearing Race Bearing Cup Bearing Cone Clutch Collar 362 368A 3730 3780 383A 386A 5X-1065 5X-1066 5X-1069 A-1205-W-2311 A-1228-H-1204 A-1228-M-1209 A-3297-B-1380 KIT5290 NL-110-1 NL-17-1 NL-25-1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Bearing Cup Bearing Cone Bearing Cup Bearing Cone Bearing Cup Bearing Cone O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring Oil Seal Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy I/P Shaft Assy Air Filter Kit Lock Nut Nut Lock Nut KIT5215 Input Shaft Kit, NLA, Use KIT5367 Page No. Part Number 66, 70, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 50 Qty. Description 1229-C-4657 1 Snap Ring 1229-W-4339 1 Snap Ring A-3297-B-1380 1 I/P Shaft Assy Page No. 10, 52, 54, 58 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 50 KIT5220 Rebuild Kit RM9-115/125, D/L1 Part Number Qty. Description 60, 61 1225-A-1171 1227-W-1375 1 1 Bushing Nut 10 66 87 72 72 59 1228-E-1175 1228-G-1203 1228-W-1375 1228-X-1376 1229-A-4655 1229-B-4656 1229-C-4657 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 Needle Bearing Ball Bearing Bearing Cup Bearing Cup Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring 1229-D-4294 1229-E-4295 1229-F-4296 1229-G-4297 1229-H-4298 1229-J-4300 1229-K-4301 1229-L-4302 1229-M-4303 1229-N-4304 1229-S-4647 1229-T-4648 1229-U-4649 1229-V-4286 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring 1229-V-4650 1229-W-4339 2 2 Snap Ring Snap Ring 1229-W-4651 1229-X-4652 1229-Y-4211 1229-Y-4653 1229-Z-4654 2208-K-1051 2 2 1 2 2 1 Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Gasket 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 50 46, 48 50 46, 48 44 66, 68, 70 66, 70 136 Page No. 10 60, 61, 62, 64 10 43 10, 52, 54, 58 52, 54, 58 66, 70, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 50 60, 61 66 Kits KIT5220 Rebuild Kit RM9-115/125, D/L1 - Cont. Part Number 2208-M-1053 2258-N-1184 2258-X-1142 2258-Z-1144 2297-S-5765 27820 27881 362 368A 3730 3780 383A 386A 5X-1065 5X-1066 5X-1069 A-1205-W-2311 A-1228-H-1204 A-1228-K-1207 NL-110-1 NL-17-1 NL-25-1 Qty. Description 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 Gasket Detent Spring Detent Spring Spring Bearing Race Bearing Cup Bearing Cone Bearing Cup Bearing Cone Bearing Cup Bearing Cone Bearing Cup Bearing Cone O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring Oil Seal Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Lock Nut Nut Lock Nut KIT5221 Rebuild Kit RM9-135/145, D/L1 - Cont. Page No. Part Number 87 72 72 59 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 50 46, 48 50 46 44 66, 68, 70 66, 70 KIT5221 Rebuild Kit RM9-135/145, D/L1 Part Number Qty. Description 1225-A-1171 1227-W-1375 1 1 Bushing Nut 1228-E-1175 1228-G-1203 1228-W-1375 1228-X-1376 1229-A-4655 1229-B-4656 1229-C-4657 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 Needle Bearing Ball Bearing Bearing Cup Bearing Cup Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring 1229-D-4294 1229-E-4295 1229-F-4296 1229-G-4297 1229-H-4298 1229-J-4300 1229-K-4301 1229-L-4302 1229-M-4303 1229-N-4304 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Page No. 10 60, 61, 62, 64 10 43 10, 52, 54, 58 52, 54, 58 Qty. Description 1229-S-4647 1229-T-4648 1229-U-4649 1229-V-4286 2 2 2 2 Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring 1229-V-4650 1229-W-4339 2 2 Snap Ring Snap Ring 1229-W-4651 1229-X-4652 1229-Y-4211 1229-Y-4653 1229-Z-4654 2208-K-1051 2208-M-1053 2258-N-1184 2258-X-1142 2258-Z-1144 2297-S-5765 27820 27881 362 368A 3730 3780 383A 386A 5X-1065 5X-1066 5X-1069 A-1205-W-2311 A-1228-H-1204 A-1228-M-1209 NL-110-1 NL-17-1 NL-25-1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Gasket Gasket Detent Spring Detent Spring Spring Bearing Race Bearing Cup Bearing Cone Bearing Cup Bearing Cone Bearing Cup Bearing Cone Bearing Cup Bearing Cone O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring Oil Seal Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Lock Nut Nut Lock Nut Page No. 66, 70, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 50 60, 61 66 87 72 72 59 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 50 46, 48 50 46, 48 44 66, 68, 70 66, 70 KIT5231 Oil Cooler Kit (3/4" Fittings & #8 Hose) Part Number 1199-E-3359 2257-J-1076 3196-P-1056 3280-J-8798 A-2206-B-1042 137 Qty. Description 1 2 1 1 3 Elbow Clamp Hose Oil Cooler Connector Page No. 90, 92 Kits KIT5231 Oil Cooler Kit (3/4" Fittings & #8 Hose) - Cont. Part Number A-2206-D-1044 A-2206-F-1072 A-2206-Z-1040 MPS-3653 Qty. Description 1 2 1 1 KIT5238 Overhaul Kit 13-Speed, D/L1 Page No. Part Number Elbow Connector Connector Misc Hdwr Kit KIT5232 Oil Filter Kit (#8 Hose Adaptable) Part Number Qty. Description 2206-X-1064 2297-U-6417 2297-W-5431 3155-Y-1143 3280-V-8394 A-2206-D-1044 A-2206-Z-1040 A-3155-Y-1143 P-12Z-S 1 .01 .01 1 1 2 2 1 1 Nipple Loctite (cc) Loctite (cc) Bracket Filter Elbow Connector Brkt Assy Plug Page No. 87 KIT5233 Lubrication Line Kit (3/4" Fittings & #8 Hose) Part Number 1199-E-3359 2257-J-1076 3196-V-1062 A-2206-B-1042 A-2206-D-1044 Qty. Description 1 1 1 1 1 Elbow Clamp Hose Connector Elbow Page No. 90, 92 KIT5235 Air Fittings Kit 1/8" Part Number A-2206-L-1130 A-2206-P-1134 Qty. Description 1 1 Connector Elbow Page No. 90, 92 90, 92 KIT5236 Air Fittings Kit 5/32", NLA, Use KIT5376 Part Number A-2206-J-1128 A-2206-M-1131 Qty. Description 1 1 Connector Elbow Page No. 90, 92 90, 92 KIT5237 Isolated Shift Lever Kit Part Number 10X-1611 1225-B-1198 1227-Q-1525 Qty. Description 1 2 1 Bolt/Capscrew Bushing Nut Page No. 110, 112 110, 112 110, 112 138 Qty. Description 1227-A-1405 1227-W-1375 1 1 Nut Nut 1228-E-1175 1228-G-1203 1228-Q-1265 1228-W-1375 1228-X-1376 1229-A-4655 1229-B-4656 1229-C-4657 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Needle Bearing Ball Bearing Bearing Cup Bearing Cup Bearing Cup Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring 1229-D-4294 1229-E-4295 1229-F-4296 1229-G-4297 1229-H-4298 1229-J-4300 1229-K-4301 1229-L-4302 1229-M-4303 1229-N-4304 1229-S-4647 1229-T-4648 1229-U-4649 1229-V-4234 1229-V-4286 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring 1229-V-4650 1229-W-4339 2 2 Snap Ring Snap Ring 1229-W-4651 1229-X-4652 1229-Y-4653 1229-Z-4654 1244-J-2194 2208-M-1053 2258-N-1184 2258-X-1142 2258-Z-1144 2297-S-5765 26878 3107-G-1073 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Spacer Gasket Detent Spring Detent Spring Spring Bearing Race Bearing Cone Clutch Collar 3208-S-1059 1 Gasket Page No. 64 60, 61, 62, 64 10 43 10, 52, 54, 58 52, 54, 58 64 66, 70, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 50 10 87 72 72 59 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 70 Kits KIT5238 Overhaul Kit 13-Speed, D/L1 - Cont. Part Number 362 368A 3730 3780 5X-1065 5X-1066 5X-1069 5X-1081 5X-1082 5X-1084 A-1205-W-2311 A-1228-H-1204 A-1228-M-1209 A-1250-S-1137 A-2297-K-5965 A-3297-B-1380 KIT5290 NL-110-1 NL-17-1 NL-25-1 Qty. Description 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Bearing Cup Bearing Cone Bearing Cup Bearing Cone O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring Oil Seal Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Plug Assy Valve Assy I/P Shaft Assy Air Filter Kit Lock Nut Nut Lock Nut KIT5239 Rebuild Kit 13-Speed, D/L1 - Cont. Page No. Part Number 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 50 70 88 46, 48 50 46, 48 70 70 44 66, 68, 70 66, 70 KIT5239 Rebuild Kit 13-Speed, D/L1 Part Number Qty. Description 1225-A-1171 1227-A-1405 1227-W-1375 1 1 1 Bushing Nut Nut 1228-E-1175 1228-G-1203 1228-W-1375 1228-X-1376 1229-A-4655 1229-B-4656 1229-C-4657 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 Needle Bearing Ball Bearing Bearing Cup Bearing Cup Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring 1229-D-4294 1229-E-4295 1229-F-4296 1229-G-4297 1229-H-4298 1229-J-4300 1229-K-4301 1229-L-4302 1229-M-4303 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Page No. 10 64 60, 61, 62, 64 10 43 10, 52, 54, 58 52, 54, 58 139 Qty. Description 1229-N-4304 1229-S-4647 1229-T-4648 1229-U-4649 1229-V-4234 1229-V-4286 2 2 2 2 1 2 Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring 1229-V-4650 1229-W-4339 2 2 Snap Ring Snap Ring 1229-W-4651 1229-X-4652 1229-Y-4653 1229-Z-4654 2208-M-1053 2258-N-1184 2258-X-1142 2258-Z-1144 2297-S-5765 3208-S-1059 362 368A 3730 3780 5X-1065 5X-1066 5X-1069 5X-1081 5X-1082 5X-1084 A-1205-W-2311 A-1228-H-1204 A-1228-M-1209 A-1228-S-1345 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Gasket Detent Spring Detent Spring Spring Bearing Race Gasket Bearing Cup Bearing Cone Bearing Cup Bearing Cone O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring Oil Seal Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy A-1250-S-1137 A-2297-K-5965 NL-110-1 NL-17-1 NL-25-1 1 1 2 2 1 Plug Assy Valve Assy Lock Nut Nut Lock Nut Page No. 64 66, 70, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 50 87 72 72 59 70 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 50 70 88 46, 48 50 46, 48 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 52, 54, 56 70 70 44 66, 68, 70 66, 70 Kits KIT5240 Piston Housing Seal Kit 13-Speed Part Number 3208-S-1059 5X-1065 5X-1066 5X-1081 5X-1082 NL-17-1 Qty. Description 1 1 1 1 1 2 Gasket O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring Nut KIT5251 Oil Cooler Kit 7/8" Fittings & #10 Hose - Cont. Page No. Part Number 70 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 70 A-2206-R-1084 MPS-3653 2230-B-1094 2230-K-1103 3208-S-1059 5X-1065 5X-1066 5X-1081 5X-1082 A-1250-S-1137 A-2297-K-5965 A-3266-U-1165 A-3280-J-8772 NL-17-1 Qty. Description 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Piston Piston Gasket O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring Plug Assy Valve Assy Cover Assy Hsg Assy Nut Part Number 66, 68, 70 2206-X-1064 2297-U-6417 2297-W-5431 3155-Y-1143 3280-V-8394 A-2206-E-1045 A-2206-R-1084 A-3155-Y-1143 P-12Z-S Page No. 66, 70 70 70 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 70 70 70 70 70 66, 68, 70 A-2206-J-1128 A-2206-M-1131 Qty. Description 1 2 Connector Elbow Page No. 90, 92 90, 92 Part Number 2206-N-1080 2257-J-1076 3196-X-1064 A-2206-C-1043 A-2206-E-1045 2208-K-1051 5X-1065 5X-1066 5X-1083 NL-17-1 Qty. Description 1 1 1 1 1 Gasket O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring Nut Part Number 2245-Z-1066 2297-U-5897 2297-V-5898 5X-1092 Page No. 66 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 2206-N-1080 2257-J-1076 3196-W-1063 3280-J-8798 A-2206-A-1041 A-2206-C-1043 A-2206-E-1045 Qty. Description 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 Elbow Clamp Hose Oil Cooler Connector Connector Elbow 1 .01 .01 1 1 2 2 1 1 Page No. Nipple Loctite (cc) Loctite (cc) Bracket Filter Elbow Connector Brkt Assy Plug 87 Qty. Description 1 1 1 1 1 Elbow Clamp Hose Connector Elbow Page No. 90, 92 Qty. Description 1 1 1 1 Sleeve Speedo Gear Speedo Gear O-Ring Page No. 127 127 127 46, 48, 68, 127 KIT5260 Mechanical Speedometer Kit 135/145 (9/10/13-Speed) Part Number KIT5251 Oil Cooler Kit 7/8" Fittings & #10 Hose Part Number Qty. Description KIT5259 Mechanical Speedometer Kit RM9-115/125 KIT5250 Seal and Gasket Kit 9- & 10-Speed Part Number Connector Misc Hdwr Kit KIT5257 Lubrication Line Kit (7/8" Fittings & #10 Hose) KIT5249 Air Fittings Kit 5/32", NLA, Use KIT5377 Part Number 1 1 Page No. KIT5252 Oil Filter Kit #10 Hose Adaptable KIT5241 Piston Housing Kit - 13-Speed Part Number Qty. Description 2245-Z-1066 2297-X-6056 2297-Y-6057 5X-1092 Page No. Qty. Description 1 1 1 1 Sleeve Speedo Gear Speedo Gear O-Ring 90, 92 Page No. 127 127 127 46, 48, 68, 127 KIT5261 Oil Pump Fittings Kit Part Number A-2206-T-1034 A1-2206-T-1034 140 Qty. Description 1 1 Plug Assy Connector Page No. 130 Kits KIT5262 Oil Pump Fittings Kit Part Number A-2206-G-1073 A1-2206-G-1073 Qty. Description 1 1 KIT5289 Synchronizer Kit, Incl. Collar Page No. Part Number Connector Connector 2258-Z-1144 3107-S-1111 A-3203-R-1006 A-3203-Z-1014 KIT5263 Oil Pump Fittings Kit Part Number A-2206-K-1077 A1-2206-K-1077 Qty. Description 1 1 Page No. Connector Connector 2258-Z-1144 A-3203-R-1006 A-3203-Z-1014 Qty. Description 3 1 1 Spring Synchro Assy Synchro Assy Part Number 2297-A-6163 5X-1096 5X-1135 Page No. 59 59 59 A-2206-R-1084 A1-2206-R-1084 Qty. Description 1 1 Part Number Part Number A-2206-Z-1040 Connector Connector Qty. Description 2 1199-X-596 2208-G-1047 2258-N-1184 2258-X-1142 Page No. KIT5276 Oil Fittings Kit 3/4"-16 UNF 2A, 37° Flare (#8) A-2206-G-1073 Page No. Part Number Connector Qty. Description 2 Page No. Connector 43X-1169 A-1250-D-1252 A-2206-K-1077 Qty. Description 2 A-2206-R-1084 43X-1165 A-1250-H-1126 Part Number Page No. Connector 2208-M-1053 2245-B-1198 A-3280-Q-9455 P-12Z-S Qty. Description 1 1 1 1 Gasket Sleeve Valve Assy Plug Qty. Description 3 1 1 3 87 88 88 88 Page No. Detent Ball Gasket Detent Spring Detent Spring Qty. Description 2 2 72 72, 74, 76 72 72 Page No. Pin Plug Assy Qty. Description 1 1 Pin Plug Assy Qty. Description 0226 3343 28 2 9128 3456 2 9128 3462 01 2 Page No. 87 87 Page No. Filter O-Ring O-Ring 72 72 Page No. 72 46, 48, 72, 74, 76, 130, 132 KIT5294 Service Kit - Slave Valve Exhaust Valves KIT5280 Slave Valve Kit Part Number 1 1 1 Connector Qty. Description 2 Part Number Page No. KIT5279 Oil Fittings Kit 7/8"-14 UNF 2A, 37° Flare (#10) Part Number Qty. Description KIT5293 Service Kit - Pin & Plug, Neutral Switch KIT5278 Oil Fittings Kit 7/8"-14 UNF 2A, 45° Flare (#10) Part Number 59 59 59 59 KIT5292 Service Kit - Pin & Plug, Rev. Switch KIT5277 Oil Fittings Kit 1/2"-14 NPTF Part Number Page No. Spring Collar Synchro Assy Synchro Assy KIT5291 Service Kit - Detent Springs & Ball, Top Cover KIT5275 Oil Pump Fittings Kit Part Number 3 1 1 1 KIT5290 Air Filter Kit KIT5270 Synchronizer Kit Part Number Qty. Description Page No. Screw (Vendor Pt. No.) Disc (Vendor Pt. No.) Cover (Vendor Pt. No.) KIT5295 Auxiliary Cover Assembly RM9-115/125/125A, D/L1 Part Number 3892-K-5315 A-3293-B-1016 141 Qty. Description 1 1 Aux Gear Cover Assy Page No. 50 Kits KIT5296 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM9-115B/115R/125B/125R, D/L1 Part Number 3892-K-5315 A1-3293-B-1016 Qty. Description 1 1 Aux Gear Cover Assy KIT5301 Auxiliary Cover Assembly RMO13-145, D/L1 Part Number Page No. 3892-M-5317 A-3293-D-1018 50 3892-L-5316 A-3293-Z-1014 Qty. Description 1 1 Aux Gear Cover Assy Page No. 50 KIT5298 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM9-135B/135R/145B/145R, D/L1 Part Number 3892-L-5316 A1-3293-Z-1014 Qty. Description 1 1 Aux Gear Cover Assy 1229-B-1666 Qty. Description 4 Flat Wshr 3208-N-1080 1 Gasket A1-3280-U-9147 KIT5237 S-2610-A-2 1 1 4 Shift Hsg Assy Iso Shift Lever Bolt/Capscrew 50 Page No. 1229-B-1666 Qty. Description 4 Flat Wshr 3208-N-1080 1 Gasket A1-3280-S-9145 KIT5237 S-2610-A-2 1 1 4 Shift Hsg Assy Iso Shift Lever Bolt/Capscrew 50 9, 72, 74, 76, 104, 108 Page No. 1227-A-1405 1229-T-4232 1229-V-4234 1229-V-4494 2297-A-7021 26X-1011 1 1 1 1 AR 1 64 64 64 64 66, 70 70, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 64 64 70 64 70 Part Number 2206-C-1147 2257-J-1076 2296-L-1078 2296-M-1079 2296-N-1080 A-2206-F-1150 A-2206-G-1151 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nut Thrust Wshr Snap Ring Thrust Wshr Seal Kit Set Screw Collar Aux Drive Cplg Shift Fork Aux Gear Valve Assy Seal Kit Qty. Description 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 Page No. Elbow Clamp Tubing Tubing Tubing Elbow Connector 90, 92 90, 92 92 92 92 90, 92 90, 92 KIT5309 Overhaul Kit - Shift Shaft Part Number Page No. 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 46, 48, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 104, 108 104, 106, 108 9, 72, 74, 76, 104, 108 Qty. Description KIT5307 5/16" Air Lines 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 46, 48, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 104, 108 104, 106, 108 KIT5300 Low Isolated Shift Tower Kit, NLA, Use KIT5368 Part Number Aux Gear Cover Assy Part Number 3107-M-1131 3107-U-1087 3296-D-1122 3892-G-5077 A-2297-K-5965 KIT5240 Page No. KIT5299 High Isolated Shift Tower Kit, NLA, Use KIT5369 Part Number 1 1 Page No. KIT5302 Splitter Kit - 13-Speed KIT5297 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM9-135/135A/145/145A, D/L1 Part Number Qty. Description Qty. Description 1254-A-53 3 Lock Wire 2244-G-1125 2244-H-1126 2244-W-1115 2297-A-7021 2297-B-6112 KIT5307 SPI90229 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Seal Kit Adhesive (Ozs) Service Kit Instructions Page No. 78, 79, 82, 84, 86 78, 82 66, 70 KIT5321 Snap Ring Kit, Auxiliary Countershaft, D/L1 Part Number 1229-D-4294 1229-E-4295 1229-F-4296 142 Qty. Description 2 2 2 Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Page No. 52, 54, 58 Kits KIT5321 Snap Ring Kit, Auxiliary Countershaft, D/L1 - Cont. Part Number 1229-G-4297 1229-H-4298 1229-J-4300 1229-K-4301 1229-L-4302 1229-M-4303 1229-N-4304 Qty. Description 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 KIT5326 Overhaul Kit Old Style Alum Shift Tower, OBSOLETE - Cont. Page No. Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring KIT5321 KIT5324 KIT5325 Qty. Description 1 1 1 Service Kit Service Kit Service Kit Qty. Description 3237-N-66 1 Strap 3237-P-68 42X-1227 A-2214-S-1111 S-843 1 3 1 1 Strap Spring Ring Set Screw Page No. Part Number 43 Qty. Description 1229-C-4657 6 Snap Ring 1229-W-4339 3 Snap Ring KIT5324 Snap Ring Kit Part Number Qty. Description 1229-B-4656 1229-C-4657 2 1 Snap Ring Snap Ring 1229-H-4168 3 Snap Ring 1229-W-4339 1229-Y-4211 3 1 Snap Ring Snap Ring Page No. 43 10, 52, 54, 58 10, 52, 54, 58 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 50 60, 61 1229-A-4655 1229-S-4647 1229-T-4648 1229-U-4649 1229-V-4650 1229-W-4651 1229-X-4652 1229-Y-4653 1229-Z-4654 Qty. Description 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Part Number Page No. Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring KIT5326 Overhaul Kit Old Style Alum Shift Tower, OBSOLETE Part Number 1229-T-1242 2214-Q-1135 2260-V-1036 3208-L-1078 Qty. Description 1 1 1 1 Snap Ring Ring Boot Gasket 100, 102, 104, 106, 108 104 104 104 104 Page No. 10, 52, 54, 58 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 50 KIT5331 Selective Washer Kit, Auxiliary, D/L2 KIT5325 Snap Ring Kit, Main Countershaft, D/L1 Part Number Page No. KIT5329 Input and Main Shaft Snap Ring Kit, D/L2 KIT5322 Snap Ring Kit, D/L1 Part Number Part Number Qty. Description 1229-N-4304 1229-P-4540 2 2 Snap Ring Spacer Washer 1229-Q-4541 2 Spacer Washer 1229-R-4542 2 Spacer Washer 1229-S-4543 2 Spacer Washer 1229-T-4544 2 Spacer Washer 1229-U-4545 2 Spacer Washer 1229-V-4546 2 Spacer Washer 1229-W-4547 2 Spacer Washer 1229-X-4548 2 Spacer Washer 1229-Y-4549 2 Spacer Washer Page No. 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 KIT5332 Shim and Washer Kit. D/L2 Part Number Page No. KIT5329 KIT5331 KIT5364 104 104 104 104 143 Qty. Description 1 1 1 Service Kit Service Kit Service Kit Page No. 43 Kits KIT5333 Heavy Duty Shift Rail Kit, S/N below LB93017312 Part Number 1254-P-1030 Qty. Description 6 Lock Wire 2244-G-1125 2244-H-1126 2244-W-1115 2258-D-1278 2258-X-1142 2297-A-7021 2297-B-6112 3208-N-1080 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Detent Spring Detent Spring Seal Kit Adhesive (Ozs) Gasket KIT5307 TP-9375 1 1 Service Kit Service Instructions Page No. 2208-K-1051 2244-D-1122 2297-A-7021 2297-W-6289 3266-N-1314 3280-M-9217 5X-1065 5X-1066 A-2230-X-1194 NL-17-1 S-2624-A-2 Qty. Description 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 Gasket Shift Shaft Seal Kit Lubricant (Ozs) Cover Piston Hsg O-Ring O-Ring Piston Assy Nut Bolt/Capscrew 2208-K-1051 2244-E-1123 2297-A-7021 2297-W-6289 3266-N-1314 3280-M-9217 5X-1065 5X-1066 A-2230-X-1194 NL-17-1 S-2624-A-2 Qty. Description 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 Gasket Shift Shaft Seal Kit Lubricant (Ozs) Cover Piston Hsg O-Ring O-Ring Piston Assy Nut Bolt/Capscrew 2244-D-1122 2297-A-7021 2297-W-6289 3266-N-1314 3280-N-9218 5X-1065 5X-1066 A-2230-X-1194 KIT5307 NL-17-1 S-2624-A-2 78, 82 72, 74, 76 72 66, 70 104, 106, 108 Part Number 2208-K-1051 2244-E-1123 2297-A-7021 3266-N-1314 3280-N-9218 5X-1065 5X-1066 A-2230-X-1194 KIT5307 NL-17-1 S-2624-A-2 66 66 66, 70 66 66 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 46, 48, 66, 68 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Shift Shaft Seal Kit Lubricant (Ozs) Cover Piston Hsg O-Ring O-Ring Piston Assy Service Kit Nut Bolt/Capscrew Page No. 66 66, 70 66 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 46, 48, 66, 68 Qty. Description 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 Gasket Shift Shaft Seal Kit Cover Piston Hsg O-Ring O-Ring Piston Assy Service Kit Nut Bolt/Capscrew Page No. 66 66 66, 70 66 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 46, 48, 66, 68 KIT5346 Auxiliary Cover Assembly RM13-145, D/L2 Part Number Page No. 66 66 66, 70 Qty. Description KIT5337 Piston Hsg & Shaft RM9-135/145 RM10-135/145, D/L1 Page No. KIT5335 Pst Hsg & Sft RM9-135/145/155 RM10-135/145/155 DL2 Part Number Part Number 78, 79, 80, 82, 84 KIT5334 Piston Hsg & Shaft RM9-115/125 RM10-115/125, D/L2 Part Number KIT5336 Piston Hsg & Shaft RM9-115/125 RM10-115/125, D/L1 3892-M-5317 A1-3293-B-1068 Qty. Description 1 1 Page No. Aux Gear Cover Assy 50 KIT5347 Auxiliary Cover Assembly RM9-115/125/125A, D/L2 66 66 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 46, 48, 66, 68 Part Number 3892-K-5315 A1-3293-Z-1066 144 Qty. Description 1 1 Aux Gear Cover Assy Page No. 50 Kits KIT5348 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM9-115B/115R/125B/125R, D/L2 Part Number 3892-K-5315 A3-3293-Z-1066 Qty. Description 1 1 KIT5356 Rebuild Kit RM9-115/125 RM10-115/125, D/L2 Part Number Page No. Aux Gear Cover Assy 3892-L-5316 A1-3293-A-1067 Qty. Description 1 1 Page No. Aux Gear Cover Assy 50 KIT5350 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM9-135B/135R/145B/145R, D/L2 Part Number 3892-L-5316 A3-3293-A-1067 Qty. Description 1 1 Page No. Aux Gear Cover Assy 50 KIT5351 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM10115/115A/125/125A, D/L2 Part Number 3892-K-5315 A5-3293-Z-1066 Qty. Description 1 1 Page No. Aux Gear Cover Assy 50 KIT5352 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM10-135/135A/145/145A, D/L2 Part Number 3892-L-5316 A5-3293-A-1067 Qty. Description 1 1 Aux Gear Cover Assy 3892-L-5316 A7-3293-A-1067 Qty. Description 1 1 50 Page No. Aux Gear Cover Assy 50 3892-L-5316 A9-3293-A-1067 Qty. Description 1 1 3892-L-5316 A11-3293-A-1067 Aux Gear Cover Assy Qty. Description 1 1 Aux Gear Cover Assy 1205-Y-1039 1225-A-1171 1227-W-1375 3 1 1 O-Ring Bushing Nut 1228-E-1175 1228-G-1203 2208-K-1051 2258-Z-1144 2297-A-7021 2297-S-5765 5X-1065 5X-1066 5X-1069 5X-1083 5X-1092 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 Needle Bearing Ball Bearing Gasket Spring Seal Kit Bearing Race O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring A-1205-W-2467 A-1228-G-1307 A-1228-H-1204 A-1228-S-1345 1 1 1 4 Oil Seal Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy A-1228-T-1346 2 Bearing Assy A-1228-U-1347 2 Bearing Assy KIT5291 KIT5332 NL-110-1 NL-17-1 NL-25-1 1 1 2 1 1 Service Kit Major Kit Lock Nut Nut Lock Nut Part Number Page No. 50 KIT5355 Auxiliary Cover Assembly RM10-155A, D/L2 Part Number O-Ring Page No. 46, 48, 113, 128 2, 4 10 60, 61, 62, 64 10 66 59 66, 70 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 50 66, 68, 70 46, 48, 68, 127 46 50 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 52, 54, 56 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 52, 54, 56, 58 44 66, 68, 70 66, 70 KIT5357 Rebuild Kit RM9-135/145/155 RM10-135/145/155, D/L2 KIT5354 Auxiliary Cover Assembly RM9-155B, D/L2 Part Number 3 Page No. KIT5353 Auxiliary Cover Assembly RM9-155, D/L2 Part Number 1205-T-1268 50 KIT5349 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM9-135/135A/145/145A, D/L2 Part Number Qty. Description Page No. 50 145 Qty. Description 1205-T-1268 3 O-Ring 1205-Y-1039 1225-A-1171 1227-W-1375 3 1 1 O-Ring Bushing Nut 1228-E-1175 1228-G-1203 2208-K-1051 2258-Z-1144 2 1 1 3 Needle Bearing Ball Bearing Gasket Spring Page No. 46, 48, 113, 128 2, 4 10 60, 61, 62, 64 10 66 59 Kits KIT5357 Rebuild Kit RM9-135/145/155 RM10-135/145/155, D/L2 - Cont. Part Number Qty. Description 2297-A-7021 2297-S-5765 5X-1065 5X-1066 5X-1069 5X-1083 5X-1092 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 Seal Kit Bearing Race O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring A-1205-W-2467 A-1228-H-1204 A-1228-H-1308 A-1228-S-1345 1 1 1 4 Oil Seal Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy A-1228-T-1346 2 Bearing Assy A-1228-U-1347 2 Bearing Assy KIT5291 KIT5332 NL-110-1 NL-17-1 NL-25-1 1 1 2 1 1 Service Kit Major Kit Lock Nut Nut Lock Nut KIT5358 Rebuild Kit 13-Speed, D/L2 - Cont. Page No. Part Number 66, 70 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 50 66, 68, 70 46, 48, 68, 127 50 46, 48 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 52, 54, 56 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 52, 54, 56, 58 44 66, 68, 70 66, 70 Qty. Description 1205-T-1268 3 O-Ring 1205-Y-1039 1225-A-1171 1227-A-1405 1227-W-1375 3 1 1 1 O-Ring Bushing Nut Nut 1228-E-1175 1228-G-1203 1229-V-4234 2258-Z-1144 2297-A-7021 2297-S-5765 3208-S-1059 5X-1065 5X-1066 5X-1069 5X-1081 5X-1083 5X-1084 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Needle Bearing Ball Bearing Snap Ring Spring Seal Kit Bearing Race Gasket O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring 5X-1092 1 O-Ring 5X-1133 5X-889 A-1205-W-2467 A-1228-H-1204 A-1228-H-1308 A-1228-S-1345 1 1 1 1 1 4 O-Ring O-Ring Oil Seal Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy A-1228-T-1346 2 Bearing Assy A-1228-U-1347 2 Bearing Assy A-2297-K-5965 KIT5291 KIT5332 NL-110-1 NL-17-1 NL-25-1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Valve Assy Service Kit Major Kit Lock Nut Nut Lock Nut Page No. 46, 48, 68, 127 70 50 46, 48 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 52, 54, 56 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 52, 54, 56, 58 70 44 66, 68, 70 66, 70 KIT5359 Overhaul Kit RM9-115/125 RM10-115/125, D/L2 Part Number KIT5358 Rebuild Kit 13-Speed, D/L2 Part Number Qty. Description Page No. 46, 48, 113, 128 2, 4 10 64 60, 61, 62, 64 10 64 59 66, 70 70 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 50 70 66, 68, 70 88 146 Qty. Description 1205-T-1268 3 O-Ring 1205-Y-1039 1227-W-1375 3 1 O-Ring Nut 1228-E-1175 1228-G-1203 1244-J-2194 2208-K-1051 2258-Z-1144 2297-A-7021 2297-S-5765 3107-G-1073 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 Needle Bearing Ball Bearing Spacer Gasket Spring Seal Kit Bearing Race Clutch Collar 5X-1065 5X-1066 5X-1069 5X-1083 5X-1092 1 1 2 1 1 O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring A-1205-W-2467 A-1228-G-1307 A-1228-H-1204 1 1 1 Oil Seal Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Page No. 46, 48, 113, 128 2, 4 60, 61, 62, 64 10 10 66 59 66, 70 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 50 66, 68, 70 46, 48, 68, 127 46 50 Kits KIT5359 Overhaul Kit RM9-115/125 RM10-115/125, D/L2 - Cont. Part Number A-1228-S-1345 Qty. Description 4 Bearing Assy A-1228-T-1346 2 Bearing Assy A-1228-U-1347 2 Bearing Assy A-3297-B-1380 KIT5290 KIT5291 KIT5332 NL-110-1 NL-17-1 NL-25-1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 I/P Shaft Assy Air Filter Kit Service Kit Major Kit Lock Nut Nut Lock Nut KIT5360 Overhaul Kit RM9-135/145/155 RM10-135/145/155, DL2 - Cont. Page No. Part Number 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 52, 54, 56 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 52, 54, 56, 58 A-1228-U-1347 2 Bearing Assy A-3297-B-1380 KIT5290 KIT5291 KIT5332 NL-110-1 NL-17-1 NL-25-1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 I/P Shaft Assy Air Filter Kit Service Kit Major Kit Lock Nut Nut Lock Nut Qty. Description 1205-T-1268 3 O-Ring 1205-Y-1039 1227-W-1375 3 1 O-Ring Nut 1228-E-1175 1228-G-1203 1244-J-2194 2208-K-1051 2258-Z-1144 2297-A-7021 2297-S-5765 3107-G-1073 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 Needle Bearing Ball Bearing Spacer Gasket Spring Seal Kit Bearing Race Clutch Collar 5X-1065 5X-1066 5X-1069 5X-1083 5X-1092 1 1 2 1 1 O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring A-1205-W-2467 A-1228-H-1204 A-1228-H-1308 A-1228-S-1345 1 1 1 4 Oil Seal Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy A-1228-T-1346 2 Bearing Assy Page No. 52, 54, 56, 58 44 66, 68, 70 66, 70 KIT5361 Overhaul Kit RM13-145, D/L2 44 66, 68, 70 66, 70 Part Number KIT5360 Overhaul Kit RM9-135/145/155 RM10-135/145/155, DL2 Part Number Qty. Description Qty. Description 1205-T-1268 3 O-Ring 1205-Y-1039 1227-A-1405 1227-W-1375 3 1 1 O-Ring Nut Nut 1228-E-1175 1228-G-1203 1229-V-4234 1244-J-2194 2258-Z-1144 2297-A-7021 2297-S-5765 3107-G-1073 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 Needle Bearing Ball Bearing Snap Ring Spacer Spring Seal Kit Bearing Race Clutch Collar 3208-S-1059 5X-1065 5X-1066 5X-1069 5X-1081 5X-1083 5X-1084 5X-1092 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Gasket O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring 5X-1133 5X-889 A-1205-W-2467 A-1228-H-1204 A-1228-H-1308 A-1228-S-1345 1 1 1 1 1 4 O-Ring O-Ring Oil Seal Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Page No. 46, 48, 113, 128 2, 4 60, 61, 62, 64 10 10 66 59 66, 70 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 50 66, 68, 70 46, 48, 68, 127 50 46, 48 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 52, 54, 56 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 147 Page No. 46, 48, 113, 128 2, 4 64 60, 61, 62, 64 10 64 10 59 66, 70 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 70 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 50 70 66, 68, 70 88 46, 48, 68, 127 70 50 46, 48 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 52, 54, 56 Kits KIT5361 Overhaul Kit RM13-145, D/L2 - Cont. Part Number Qty. Description A-1228-T-1346 2 Bearing Assy A-1228-U-1347 2 Bearing Assy A-2297-K-5965 A-3297-B-1380 KIT5290 KIT5291 KIT5332 NL-110-1 NL-17-1 NL-25-1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Valve Assy I/P Shaft Assy Air Filter Kit Service Kit Major Kit Lock Nut Nut Lock Nut KIT5364 Shim Kit, Main Countershaft Front Bearing, D/L2 Page No. Part Number 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 52, 54, 56, 58 70 2803-C-2837 2803-R-2826 2803-S-2827 2803-W-2831 2208-G-1047 2258-D-1278 2297-R-6986 Qty. Description 1 4 3 Gasket Detent Spring Detent Ball 2 2 1 1 Shim Shim Shim Shim A1-1205-W-2467 Qty. Description 1 Qty. Description 1229-W-4339 1 Snap Ring 1229-W-4625 5 Snap Ring 1244-M-2041 5 Spacer 16X-1028 1 Key 3297-J-1336 1 Main Shaft 3297-N-1366 42X-1257 1 5 Countershaft Thrust Wshr 42X-1412 5 Thrust Wshr 42X-1414 5 Thrust Wshr Page No. Oil Seal Assy 46, 48 KIT5366 Cruise Control Retrofit Kit 44 66, 68, 70 66, 70 Part Number 2297-J-7082 A-2297-F-1078 Qty. Description 5 1 Page No. Connector Wire Harness KIT5367 Service Kit - Input Shaft Part Number Page No. 72, 74, 76 72, 74, 76 4, 72, 74, 76 Qty. Description 1229-C-4657 1 Snap Ring 1229-W-4339 1 Snap Ring 1244-J-2194 A-3297-B-1380 TP-94110 1 1 1 Spacer I/P Shaft Assy Service Instructions KIT5363 Main Shaft Kit Part Number Page No. KIT5365 Oil Seal Part Number KIT5362 Detent Spring and Ball (SN Above LB93017312) Part Number Qty. Description Page No. 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 50 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 36, 38, 40 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 Page No. 10, 52, 54, 58 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 50 10 KIT5368 Service Kit - Low Shift Tower Assembly Part Number 148 Qty. Description 1229-B-1666 4 Flat Wshr 3208-N-1080 1 Gasket A1-3280-J-9318 KIT5237 S-2610-A-2 1 1 4 Shift Hsg Assy Iso Shift Lever Bolt/Capscrew Page No. 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 46, 48, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 104, 108 104, 106, 108 106, 108 9, 72, 74, 76, 104, 108 Kits KIT5369 Service Kit - High Shift Tower Assembly Part Number 1229-B-1666 Qty. Description 4 Flat Wshr 3208-N-1080 1 Gasket A1-3280-L-9320 KIT5237 S-2610-A-2 1 1 4 Shift Hsg Assy Iso Shift Lever Bolt/Capscrew KIT5374 Service Kit - Misc O-Rings ESS Transmissions Page No. Part Number 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 46, 48, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 104, 108 104, 106, 108 106, 108 5X-1091 5X-1092 2 2 O-Ring O-Ring 5X-1205 5X-1207 2 2 O-Ring O-Ring Qty. Description Part Number 9, 72, 74, 76, 104, 108 1229-Z-4524 2214-X-1142 2258-F-1254 2260-M-1105 3237-H-294 1 1 1 1 1 Snap Ring Ring Spring Boot Strap 3237-N-66 1 Strap Page No. 106 106 106 106 100, 102, 108 100, 102, 104, 106, 108 1250-R-1266 2258-F-1332 2297-R-6986 2208-M-1053 2245-U-1165 2258-V-1166 43X-1181 5X-1134 5X-1151 Qty. Description 1 1 1 1 1 1 Part Number A-2206-M-1131 87 87 87 87 87 87 Part Number A-2206-M-1131 2257-G-1229 A-2297-U-7197 TP-96169 Qty. Description 7 1 1 Clip Wire Harness Service Instructions Part Number 10X-1611 1225-B-1198 1227-Q-1525 2245-J-1076 TP-9732 5X-1065 5X-1066 5X-1083 5X-1217 Qty. Description 1 1 1 1 O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring Plug Spring Detent Ball 4 4 4, 72, 74, 76 Qty. Description 2 Elbow Page No. 90, 92 Qty. Description 3 Elbow Page No. 90, 92 Qty. Description 1 2 1 1 1 Bolt/Capscrew Bushing Nut Sleeve Service Instructions Page No. 110, 112 110, 112 110, 112 110, 112 KIT5380 Service Kit - Seal & Bearing Part Number Page No. 113, 114 113 KIT5373 Service Kit - O-Rings Pist Hsg Assy/Air Filter Reg Part Number 1 1 1 Page No. KIT5378 HDW, Isolated Shift Lever KIT5372 Service Kit - ESS Wiring Harness and Clips Part Number Qty. Description KIT5377 Air Fittings Kit 5/32" Page No. Gasket Sleeve Spring Pin O-Ring O-Ring 74, 76, 113 46, 48, 68, 127 68 68 KIT5376 Air Fittings Kit 5/32" KIT5371 Slave Valve Kit Part Number Page No. KIT5375 Service Kit - Range Shift Detent KIT5370 Service Kit - Shift Tower Part Number Qty. Description Page No. 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 68 149 Qty. Description 1228-G-1203 1228-W-1375 1228-X-1376 1229-H-4168 1 2 2 2 Ball Bearing Bearing Cup Bearing Cup Snap Ring 1229-W-4339 2 Snap Ring 2297-A-7021 A-1228-E-1175 A-1228-H-1204 A-1228-K-1207 A-1228-V-1348 1 2 1 1 2 Seal Kit Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Page No. 10 10, 52, 54, 58 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 50 66, 70 44 50 46 28, 30, 32, 34, 42 Kits KIT5380 Service Kit - Seal & Bearing - Cont. Part Number Qty. Description A-1228-W-1349 2 Bearing Assy A-1228-X-1350 A-1228-Y-1351 KIT5325 KIT5331 KIT5365 TP-9338 2 2 1 1 1 1 TP-9524 1 TP-9525 1 Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Service Kit Service Kit Seal Kit Service Instructions Service Instructions Service Instructions KIT5382 Service Kit - Seal & Bearing - Cont. Page No. Part Number 28, 30, 32, 34, 42 52, 54 52, 54, 58 43 1228-X-1376 1229-H-4168 2 2 Bearing Cup Snap Ring 1229-W-4339 2 Snap Ring 2297-A-7021 A-1228-E-1175 A-1228-H-1204 A-1228-M-1209 A-1228-U-1373 A-1228-V-1348 1 2 1 1 2 2 Seal Kit Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy A-1228-W-1349 2 Bearing Assy A-1228-Y-1351 KIT5325 KIT5331 KIT5365 TP-9338 2 1 1 1 1 TP-9524 1 TP-9525 1 Bearing Assy Service Kit Service Kit Seal Kit Service Instructions Service Instructions Service Instructions KIT5381 Service Kit - Seal & Bearing Part Number Qty. Description 1228-G-1203 1228-W-1375 1228-X-1376 1229-H-4168 1 2 2 2 Ball Bearing Bearing Cup Bearing Cup Snap Ring 1229-W-4339 2 Snap Ring 2297-A-7021 A-1228-E-1175 A-1228-H-1204 A-1228-M-1209 A-1228-V-1348 1 2 1 1 2 Seal Kit Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy A-1228-W-1349 2 Bearing Assy A-1228-X-1350 A-1228-Y-1351 KIT5325 KIT5331 KIT5365 TP-9338 2 2 1 1 1 1 TP-9524 1 TP-9525 1 Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Service Kit Service Kit Seal Kit Service Instructions Service Instructions Service Instructions Page No. 10 10, 52, 54, 58 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 50 66, 70 44 50 46, 48 28, 30, 32, 34, 42 28, 30, 32, 34, 42 52, 54 52, 54, 58 43 1228-G-1203 1228-W-1375 Qty. Description 1 2 Ball Bearing Bearing Cup Page No. 10, 52, 54, 58 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 50 66, 70 44 50 46, 48 58 28, 30, 32, 34, 42 28, 30, 32, 34, 42 52, 54, 58 43 KIT5383 Service Kit - Seal & Bearing Part Number KIT5382 Service Kit - Seal & Bearing Part Number Qty. Description Qty. Description 10X-1537 1228-G-1203 1229-W-4339 8 1 2 Special Screw Ball Bearing Snap Ring 2297-A-7021 A-1228-E-1175 A-1228-H-1204 A-1228-H-1308 A-1228-S-1345 1 2 1 1 4 Seal Kit Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy A-1228-T-1346 2 Bearing Assy A-1228-U-1347 2 Bearing Assy KIT5331 KIT5364 1 1 Service Kit Service Kit Page No. 10 150 Page No. 43 10 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 50 66, 70 44 50 46, 48 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 52, 54, 56 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 52, 54, 56, 58 43 Kits KIT5383 Service Kit - Seal & Bearing - Cont. Part Number Qty. Description KIT5365 TP-9524 1 1 TP-9525 1 KIT5385 Overhaul Kit - Slave Valve Part Number Page No. 2208-M-1053 2245-B-1198 2258-V-1166 43X-1181 5X-1134 5X-1151 A-3280-Q-9455 P-12Z-S Seal Kit Service Instructions Service Instructions KIT5384 Service Kit - Seal & Bearing Part Number Qty. Description 10X-1537 1228-G-1203 1229-W-4339 6 1 2 Special Screw Ball Bearing Snap Ring 2297-A-7021 A-1228-E-1175 A-1228-G-1307 A-1228-H-1204 A-1228-S-1345 1 2 1 1 2 Seal Kit Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy A-1228-T-1346 2 Bearing Assy A-1228-U-1347 2 Bearing Assy KIT5331 KIT5364 KIT5365 TP-9524 1 1 1 1 TP-9525 1 Service Kit Service Kit Seal Kit Service Instructions Service Instructions Page No. 43 10 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 50 66, 70 44 46 50 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 52, 54, 56 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 52, 54, 56, 58 Qty. Description 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page No. Gasket Sleeve Spring Pin O-Ring O-Ring Valve Assy Plug 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 KIT5386 Service Kit - Shift Tower Part Number 43 151 Qty. Description 1229-B-1666 4 Flat Wshr 3208-N-1080 1 Gasket A1-3280-T-9458 KIT5237 S-2610-A-1 1 1 4 Shift Hsg Assy Iso Shift Lever Bolt/Capscrew Page No. 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 46, 48, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 104, 108 104, 106, 108 108 9, 72, 74, 104, 108 Appendix Scheduled Maintenance Every 10,000 Miles (16,000 km) of Vehicle Operation • Check and adjust the oil level in the transmission. Every 50,000 Miles (80,000 km) of Vehicle Operation – Approved Petroleum GL-1 Oils and Heavy Duty Engine Oils • Drain and replace the oil in the transmission. Every 250,000 Miles (400,000 km) of Vehicle Operation – Approved Synthetic Oils • Drain and replace the oil in the transmission. NOTE: Instructions and procedures for checking and adjusting the oil level and draining and replacing the oil are contained in the Lubrication and Maintenance Section of Meritor’s Maintenance Manuals for Manual Transmissions Transmission Oil Specifications CAUTION Use only the specified type of oil. Do not use multi-viscosity oils or EP (Extreme Pressure) GL-5 gear oils. Multi-viscosity oils and EP gear oils may damage components. The use of multi-viscosity or EP oils voids the warranty. Use the specified type of single weight oil when adding or replacing oil. Use the correct type of oil for the outside temperature. Engine oils and synthetic lubricants are required. DO NOT MIX OILS IN THE TRANSMISSION. See Technical Bulletin TP-90114 for a list of “Synthetic Transmission Oil Suppliers” for sources for the specified synthetic transmission oil. Lubricant Type Heavy-Duty Engine Oil A.P.I. -CD, -CE, -SF or -SG (Current Designations Acceptable)* MIL-L-2104B, C or D* Petroleum GL-1 Oil with Rust and Oxidation Inhibitor, A.P.I.-GL-1* Grade (SAE) Outside Temperature 50 Above 10°F (-12°C) 40 Above 10°F (-12°C) 30 Above -15°F (-26°C) 90 Above 10°F (-12°C) 80 Above -15°F (-26°C) Full-Synthetic Oil, Meritor Specification O-81* 50 Above -40°F (-40°C) *Multi-weight and EP gear oils are not recommended. DO NOT MIX OILS IN THE TRANSMISSION. Transmission Oil Coolers Use a transmission oil cooler for any of the following. • The transmission operating temperature is always more than 225°F (107°C) at continuous operation or 275°F (135°C) at intermittent operation. • The engine has a horsepower rating of 399 HP or more. Some aerodynamic vehicles with less than 399 HP require coolers due to the restricted amount of air which flows over the transmission to dissipate heat. Do not use multi-viscosity or EP oils with oil coolers. 152 Appendix 153 Appendix Air Line Locations Chart — 13-Speed Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Description Pilot Fitting on Selector Valve (1A) to Pilot Fitting on Slave Valve (1B) Pilot Supply Fitting on Selector Valve (2A) to Pilot Supply Fitting on Slave Valve (2B) Exhaust Fitting on Selector Valve Splitter Fitting on Selector Valve (4A) to Splitter Fitting on Piston Housing Cover (4B) Supply Fitting on Filter and Regulator (5A) to Supply Fitting on Slave Valve (5B) L O Range Port on Slave Valve (6A) to LO Range Port on Piston Housing (6B) H I Range Port on Slave Valve (7A) to HI Range Port on Piston Housing (7B) Hose Color Hose Outer Diameter a 5/32" or 1/8" a 5/32" or 1/8" a 5/32" or 1/8" a 5/32" or 1/8" Red 1/4" SAE J844 Type A Black 1/4" SAE J844 Type A Blue 1/4" SAE J844 Type A a See the specifications of the manufacturer of the vehicle for the color of the tube. 154 Specification SAE J844 Type A SAE J844 Type A SAE J844 Type A SAE J844 Type A Appendix Air Line Locations Chart — 9- & 10-Speed Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hose Color Hose Outer Diameter Pilot Fitting on Selector Valve to Pilot Fitting on Slave Valve Pilot Supply Fitting on Selector Valve to Pilot Supply Fitting on Slave Valve Exhaust Fitting on Selector Valve Black* 5/32" or 1/8" Red* 5/32" or 1/8" Yellow 5/32" or 1/8" Supply Fitting on Filter and Regulator to Supply Fitting on Slave Valve L O Range Port on Slave Valve to LO Range Port on Range Cylinder H I Range Port on Slave Valve to HI Range Port on Range Cylinder Red 1/4" Black 1/4" Blue 1/4" Description *NOTE: May vary by OEM 155 Specification SAE J844 Type A SAE J844 Type A SAE J844 Type A SAE J844 Type A SAE J844 Type A SAE J844 Type A Appendix Recommended Dealer Stocking List Meritor Part Number KIT5291 2297-C-5905 3107-J-1076 3208-L-1078 3208-N-1080 3892-Q-5294 3892-R-5296 3892-Q-5295 1205-Y-1039 1205-T-1268 1244-M-2041 1227-W-1375 1244-R-2046 1244-W-2103 1244-N-2094 1244-M-2041 1244-F-1852 42-X-1221 42-X-1250 42-X-1255 42-X-1256 42-X-1257 43-X-1150 43-X-1158 16-X-1027 16-X-1028 16-X-1031 NL-110-1 A-1250-P-1186 A-1205-W-2467 A-2206-S-1059 A-2206-U-1061 A-2297-K-5965 A-3280-Y-9073 A-3280-H-9030 A-3280-J-9032 A-3280-K-9033 A-3280-L-9034 A-3280-X-9072 A-3280-Z-1040 A-3280-X-1038 A-3282-V-1036 A-3282-B-1042 A-3282-D-1044 Description Ball-Shift Detent Sealant Collar Gasket-Shift Tower Aluminum Gasket-Shift Tower Cast Iron Gear RMO 13-145 Gear All RM9-115 & RM9-125 Gear All RM9-135 & RM9-145 O-Ring (For Plug) O-Ring Spacer (M/S) Nut Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Washer Washer Washer Washer Washer Case Dowel Pin Key-Countershaft Key-Countershaft Key-Countershaft Nut Plug, Magnetic Drain Seal-Oil Output Fitting Assy Cnnctr 5/32" x 1/8" NPT Fitting Assy 90 Deg. 5/32" x 1/8" NPT Valve Cartridge RMO13-145 Filter/Reg Assy 13-Speed Valve Assy Shift Knob 1/8" Fittings Valve Saay Shift Knob 5/32" Fittings Valve Assy Shift Knob 1/8" Fittings Valve Assy Shift Knob 5/32" Fittings Filter Regulator Assy 9-Speed Clutch Hsg. (Iron Standard) Clutch Hsg. (Iron Nodal) Clutch Hsg. (Aluminum Standard) Clutch Hsg. (Aluminum Nodal) Clutch Hsg. SAE #2 (Ford Only) NOTE: Select the Shift Knob Tube Size which corresponds to the OEM information provided below: • 1/8" Tube Size — F/L, Volvo • 5/32" Tube Size — PACCAR, W/S, Navistar, Ford 156 Recommended Dealer Inventory 10 6 3 10 10 1 1 1 12 12 6 3 1 1 1 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 6 2 1 1 1 3 6 12 1 1 6 3 12 12 12 12 6 1 1 1 1 Appendix Recommended Dealer Stocking List Meritor Part Number A-3282-G-1047 KIT5215 KIT5237 KIT5310 KIT5240 KIT5241 KIT5250 KIT5336 KIT5337 KIT5280 KIT5290 KIT5307 KIT5333 2245-J-1076 3105-K-1155 3105-T-1190 3105-Q-113 3105-U-1191 3256-Z-1014 KIT5363 KIT5294 KIT5299 KIT5300 KIT5220 KIT5221 KIT5239 KIT5326 KIT5330 KIT5331 3892-J-5028 3892-F-5232 3892-W-5015 3892-B-5150 3892-E-5231 3892-C-5307 1229-X-4418 3892-G-5025 3892-Z-5148 3892-Q-5035 3892-K-5159 3892-M-5135 3892-U-5013 3892-Y-5017 3892-H-5156 Description Clutch Hsg. (Mack Only) Input Shaft Isolated Tower Pin Connector Actuator Pin Kit Piston Hsg. Seal Kit RMO13-145 Piston Hsg. Kit RMO13-145 Piston Hsg Seal Kit All 9-Speeds 115/125 135/145 Air Slave Valve Air Filter 5/16" Air Line S/R Kit Isolator Bushing Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Seal Driver Main Shaft Slave Valve Port Kit High Tower Low Tower 115/125 Rebuild Kit 135/145 Rebuild Kit 13-Speed Rebuild Kit Alum. Tower Service Kit Shims Selective Washers Gear-3rd Main Gear-3rd Main Gear-O/D Main Gear-O/D Main Gear-O/D Main Gear-O/D Main Snap-Ring Gear-2nd Main Gear-2nd Main Gear-Countershaft Drive Gear-Countershaft Drive Gear-Countershaft Drive Gear-Countershaft PTO Gear-Countershaft 3rd Gear-Countershaft O/D NOTE: Select the Shift Knob Tube Size which corresponds to the OEM information provided below: • 1/8" Tube Size — F/L, Volvo • 5/32" Tube Size — PACCAR, W/S, Navistar, Ford 157 Recommended Dealer Inventory 1 2 12 3 3 1 6 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 6 6 6 6 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 6 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Appendix Recommended Dealer Stocking List Meritor Part Number 3892-E-5023 3892-X-5146 3892-M-5343 3892-C-5021 3892-N-5344 3892-L-5030 3892-T-5142 3892-H-5156 3892-S-5011 3892-R-5140 1229-E-4243 3892-A-5019 3892-P-5138 3892-L-5342 Description Gear-1st Main Gear-1st Main Gear-2nd Main Gear-Low or 1st Main Gear-1st Main Gear-Reverse Main Gear-Countershaft O/D Gear-Countershaft O/D Gear-Countershaft 2nd Gear-Countershaft 2nd Ring-Snap Gear-Countershaft 1st Gear-Countershaft 1st Gear-Countershaft 2nd NOTE: Select the Shift Knob Tube Size which corresponds to the OEM information provided below: • 1/8" Tube Size — F/L, Volvo • 5/32" Tube Size — PACCAR, W/S, Navistar, Ford 158 Recommended Dealer Inventory 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 Index Parts — Alphabetical Order Description 5/16" Air Lines A Adapter Assy Air Filter Kit Air Fittings Kit 1/8" Air Fittings Kit 5/32" Air Fittings Kit 5/32" Air Fittings Kit 5/32", NLA, Use KIT5376 Air Fittings Kit 5/32", NLA, Use KIT5377 Aux Drive Cplg Aux Drive Cplg Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Auxiliary Cover Assembly RM10-155A, D/L2 Auxiliary Cover Assembly RM13-145, D/L2 Auxiliary Cover Assembly RM9-115/125/125A, D/L1 Auxiliary Cover Assembly RM9-115/125/125A, D/L2 Auxiliary Cover Assembly RM9-155, D/L2 Auxiliary Cover Assembly RM9-155B, D/L2 Auxiliary Cover Assembly RMO13-145, D/L1 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM10-135/135A/145/145A, D/L2 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM10115/115A/125/125A, D/L2 Part Number KIT5307 Ref Page 142 A-3268-H-1646 KIT5290 KIT5235 KIT5376 KIT5377 KIT5236 KIT5249 3107-U-1087 3107-U-1191 3892-A-5331 3892-D-5152 3892-E-5075 3892-E-5309 3892-G-5077 3892-G-5311 3892-J-5080 3892-K-5315 3892-L-5316 3892-M-5317 3892-P-5190 3892-P-5294 3892-P-5346 3892-Q-5009 3892-Q-5295 3892-Q-5581 3892-R-5296 3892-V-5222 3892-W-5353 3892-W-5483 3892-X-5094 3892-Y-5329 KIT5355 KIT5346 KIT5295 110 141 138 149 149 138 140 64 64 61 61 60 60 64 60 64 50 50 50 50 50 62 60 50 64 50 61 62 50 50 61 145 144 141 KIT5347 144 KIT5353 KIT5354 KIT5301 KIT5352 145 145 142 145 KIT5351 145 159 Index Parts — Alphabetical Order (Continued) Description A (Continued) Auxiliary Cover Assy RM9-115B/115R/125B/125R, D/L1 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM9-115B/115R/125B/125R, D/L2 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM9-135/135A/145/145A, D/L1 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM9-135/135A/145/145A, D/L2 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM9-135B/135R/145B/145R, D/L1 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM9-135B/135R/145B/145R, D/L2 B Ball Ball Bearing Ball Socket Ball Socket Ball Socket Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Part Number Ref Page KIT5296 142 KIT5348 145 KIT5297 142 KIT5349 145 KIT5298 142 KIT5350 145 2297-R-5764 1228-G-1203 A-2110-M-1001 A-2110-N-1002 A-2110-P-1004 A-1228-E-1175 A-1228-G-1307 A-1228-H-1204 A-1228-H-1308 A-1228-K-1207 A-1228-M-1209 A-1228-Q-1265 A-1228-S-1345 A-1228-T-1346 A-1228-U-1347 A-1228-U-1373 A-1228-V-1348 A-1228-W-1349 A-1228-X-1350 A-1228-Y-1351 10X-1534 10X-1611 S-2416-A-1 S-244-A-1 S-244-A-2 S-2610-A-1 S-2610-A-2 S-2612-A-1 S-2612-A-2 S-2624-A-1 S-2624-A-2 S-2628-A-1 S-2628-A-2 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 10 100, 102 100 102 44 46 50 46, 48 46 46, 48 58 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 52, 54, 56 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 52, 54, 56, 58 58 28, 30, 32, 34, 42 28, 30, 32, 34, 42 52, 54 52, 54, 58 66, 70 110, 112 68, 88 72, 74 72, 74, 76 9, 72, 74, 104, 108 9, 72, 74, 76, 104, 108 46, 48 46, 48 46, 48, 66, 68 46, 48, 66, 68 70 70 160 Index Parts — Alphabetical Order (Continued) Description B (Continued) Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Boot Boot Boot Boot Bracket Breather Assy. Bushing Bushing Bushing Bushing Bushing C C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear Part Number Ref Page S-264-A-1 S-264-A-2 S-265-A-1 S-265-A-2 S-268-1 S-268-2 S-268-A-1 S-268-A-2 S-2811-A-1 S-2812-A-2 S-2828-A-1 S-2828-A-2 2260-B-1146 2260-M-1105 2260-R-1032 2260-V-1036 2255-Z-1118 A-1199-P-1394 1225-A-1171 1225-B-1198 1225-P-1186 1225-X-1194 1225-Z-1170 132 132 6, 8 6, 8 43, 46, 50 43, 46, 50 48 48 6, 8 6, 8 6, 8 6, 8 108 106 100, 102 104 132 72, 74, 76 10 110, 112 100, 102 6, 8 127 3892-A-5019 3892-H-5156 3892-K-5159 3892-L-5082 3892-L-5342 3892-M-5135 3892-N-5396 3892-P-5138 3892-Q-5035 3892-R-5140 3892-R-5244 3892-S-5011 3892-S-5479 3892-T-5142 3892-T-5246 3892-T-5480 3892-U-5013 3892-U-5481 3892-V-5248 3892-V-5482 3892-Y-5017 28, 30, 42 30, 38 30, 34, 38 58 38 32 36, 38 32 28, 36, 42 32 34 28, 30, 36, 38, 42 40 32 34 40 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 40 34 40 28, 36, 42 161 Index Parts — Alphabetical Order (Continued) Description C (Continued) Cap Screw Cap Screw Case Assy Case Assy Case Assy Case Assy Case Assy Case Assy Case Assy Case Assy Case Assy Case Assy Clamp Clamp Clamp Clip Clutch Collar Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Collar Collar Collar Collar Connector Connector Connector Connector Connector Countershaft Part Number Ref Page S-276-A-1 S-276-A-2 A-3294-Q-1031 A-3294-R-1032 A-3294-V-1010 A2-3294-B-1016 A2-3294-H-1022 A2-3294-L-1026 A2-3294-N-1028 A2-3294-P-1030 A2-3294-Z-1014 A4-3294-B-1016 2257-A-1223 2257-C-1069 2257-J-1076 2257-G-1229 3107-G-1073 A-3282-B-1042 A-3282-D-1044 A-3282-E-1045 A-3282-F-1046 A-3282-G-1021 A-3282-G-1047 A-3282-H-1022 A-3282-H-1048 A-3282-J-1024 A-3282-K-1025 A-3282-M-1001 A-3282-P-1030 A-3282-T-1008 A-3282-V-1010 A-3282-V-1036 A-3282-X-1012 A-3282-X-1038 A-3282-Z-1040 3107-M-1131 3107-R-1084 3107-S-1111 3107-T-1190 A-2206-G-1151 A-2206-J-1128 A-2206-K-1129 A-2206-L-1130 A1-2206-T-1034 3297-D-1252 2, 4 2, 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 113 90, 92 90, 92 113, 114 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 8 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 8 6 64 64 59 64 90, 92 90, 92 90, 92 90, 92 130 54 162 Index Parts — Alphabetical Order (Continued) Description C (Continued) Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Part Number Ref Page 3297-E-1253 3297-F-1254 3297-G-1073 3297-G-1099 3297-G-1255 3297-H-1256 3297-H-1282 3297-H-1334 3297-J-1284 3297-K-1259 3297-L-1390 3297-N-1366 3297-P-1082 3297-Q-1265 3297-S-1267 3297-T-1320 3297-U-1269 3297-V-1348 3297-W-1271 3297-X-1090 3297-Y-1143 3297-Y-1273 3297-Z-1092 A-3297-X-1090 3266-B-1120 3266-C-1121 3266-D-1278 3266-G-1151 3266-H-1048 3266-N-1314 3266-R-1370 3293-A-1067 3293-B-1016 3293-B-1068 3293-D-1018 3293-K-1025 3293-L-1026 3293-L-1078 3293-M-1079 3293-N-1080 3293-P-1082 3293-Q-1005 3293-V-1010 3293-V-1036 3293-V-1062 58 52 52 54 54 52 38 38 56 28, 30, 32, 34, 42 56 36, 38, 40 58 54 52 56 52 38 54 28, 32, 34, 42 54 58 52 30 2, 4 2, 4 46, 48 46, 48 6, 8 66 68 46 46 48 48 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 48 72 163 Index Parts — Alphabetical Order (Continued) Description C (Continued) Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Plate Cruise Control Retrofit Kit D Decal Decal Decal Decal Decal Decal Decal Decal Decal Decal Decal Decal Decal Decal Part Number Ref Page 3293-W-1037 3293-W-1063 3293-X-1038 3293-X-1064 3293-Y-1065 3293-Z-1014 3293-Z-1066 A-3266-U-1165 A-3293-F-1072 A-3293-G-1073 A-3293-J-1076 A-3293-K-1077 A-3293-U-1087 A-3293-V-1062 A-3293-V-1088 A-3293-W-1063 A-3293-W-1089 A-3293-X-1064 A-3293-X-1090 A-3293-Y-1065 A1-3293-K-1025 A1-3293-L-1026 A1-3293-L-1078 A1-3293-M-1079 A1-3293-N-1080 A1-3293-P-1082 A1-3293-Q-1005 A1-3293-V-1010 2205-A-1015 KIT5366 46 72 46 72 72 46 46 70 74 74 74 74 76 72 76 72 76 72 76 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72, 74, 76 148 2297-A-7125 2297-A-7385 2297-B-7126 2297-B-7386 2297-C-7127 2297-C-7387 2297-D-7388 2297-E-6167 2297-F-6168 2297-N-6904 2297-Q-7245 2297-R-7246 2297-S-7247 2297-T-6104 118 117 121 116 119 122 120 116 122 124 118 121 119 115 164 Index Parts — Alphabetical Order (Continued) Description D (Continued) Decal Decal Decal Decal Decal Detent Ball Detent Ball Detent Spring Detent Spring Detent Spring Detent Spring Detent Spring and Ball (SN Above LB93017312) Dowel Dowel Dowel E Elbow Elbow Elbow Elbow Elbow Elbow F Filter Filter/Reg Assy Filter/Reg Assy Filter/Reg Assy Flat Wshr Part Number Ref Page 2297-X-6550 2297-X-7252 2297-Z-7384 TP-90175 TP-93171 1199-X-596 2297-R-6986 2258-D-1278 2258-E-1279 2258-N-1184 2258-X-1142 KIT5362 117 120 115 124 124 72 4, 72, 74, 76 72, 74, 76 72 72 72 148 1246-N-482 43X-1150 43X-1193 70 2, 4 4 1199-Q-901 2206-C-1147 A-2206-F-1150 A-2206-M-1131 A-2206-P-1134 A-2206-Q-1135 8 90, 92 90, 92 90, 92 90, 92 90, 92 2297-A-6163 A-3280-G-9393 A-3280-X-9072 A-3280-Y-9073 1229-B-1666 Flat Wshr Flat Wshr Flat Wshr Flat Wshr Flat Wshr Flat Wshr Flat Wshr G Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Guide Pin 1229-C-1511 1229-E-1513 1229-N-1626 1229-U-1503 1244-Z-1820 WA-34 WA-43Z 88 68 88 88 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 46, 48, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 104, 108 6, 8, 72 2, 4 44 6, 8 60, 61, 62, 64 68, 88 68 2208-G-1047 2208-K-1051 2208-M-1053 3208-L-1078 3208-N-1080 3208-S-1059 2244-R-1084 72, 74, 76 66 87 104 104, 106, 108 70 72, 74, 76 165 Index Parts — Alphabetical Order (Continued) Description H HDW, Isolated Shift Lever Heavy Duty Shift Rail Kit, S/N below LB93017312 High Isolated Shift Tower Kit, NLA, Use KIT5369 Hook Hsg Assy Hsg Assy I I/P Shaft Assy I/P Shaft Assy I/P Shaft Assy Idler Gear Idler Shaft Inner Shift Lever Input and Main Shaft Snap Ring Kit, D/L2 Input Shaft Kit, NLA, Use KIT5367 Isolated Shift Lever Kit J Jam Nut Jam Nut K Key Key Key Key L Lever Lever Lever Lever Lever Lever Lever Lever Assy Lever Assy Lever Assy Lever Assy Lever Assy Lever Assy Lever Assy Lever Assy Lock Ball Lock Nut Lock Nut Lock Nut Part Number Ref Page KIT5378 KIT5333 149 144 KIT5299 142 2297-P-5840 A-3280-J-8772 A-3280-N-9296 134 70 70 A-3297-C-1329 A-3297-Y-1351 A4-3297-T-1060 3892-N-5032 3198-D-1070 2247-K-1077 KIT5329 KIT5215 KIT5237 10 10 10 44 44 100, 102 143 136 138 1227-F-1384 N-68-1 100, 102 93, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102 16X-1009 16X-1027 16X-1028 16X-1031 58 28, 30, 32, 34, 42 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 2247-F-1462 2247-G-1463 2247-H-1100 2247-M-1313 2247-N-1314 2247-V-1088 2247-X-1090 A-2247-F-1098 A-2247-G-1099 A-2247-S-1085 A-2247-T-1190 A-2247-X-1142 A-2247-Y-1143 A16-2247-Q-1083 A3-2247-Q-1083 1898-H-34 NL-110-1 NL-18-1 NL-25-1 72, 74 108 72, 74, 76 108 108 104, 106 104, 106 100 102 111 110 110 112 111 111 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 44 72 66, 70 166 Index Parts — Alphabetical Order (Continued) Description L (Continued) Lock Nut Lock Wire Lock Wire Lock Wire Lock Wire Lock Wshr Lock Wshr Lock Wshr Low Isolated Shift Tower Kit, NLA, Use KIT5368 Lubrication Line Kit (3/4" Fittings & #8 Hose) Lubrication Line Kit (7/8" Fittings & #10 Hose) M M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear Magnet Main Shaft Main Shaft Main Shaft Kit Mechanical Speedometer Kit 135/145 (9/10/13-Speed) Mechanical Speedometer Kit RM9-115/125 Part Number Ref Page NL-28-1 1254-A-53 1254-P-1030 LW-1310 LW-1910 1829-R-564 WA-410-1 WA14 KIT5300 100, 102 78, 79, 82, 84, 86 78, 79, 80, 82, 84 100, 102 70 130 2, 4 87 142 KIT5233 KIT5257 138 140 3892-B-5150 3892-C-5021 3892-E-5023 3892-E-5231 3892-F-5232 3892-F-5414 3892-G-5025 3892-J-5028 3892-K-5237 3892-L-5030 3892-M-5239 3892-M-5343 3892-M-5395 3892-M-5473 3892-N-5028 3892-N-5344 3892-N-5370 3892-N-5474 3892-P-5242 3892-Q-5477 3892-R-5478 3892-V-5144 3892-W-5015 3892-X-5146 3892-Z-5148 2297-Y-5849 3297-J-1336 3297-X-1116 KIT5363 KIT5260 16 12, 14, 16, 18, 26 12, 14, 26 16 10, 12 20, 22, 24 12, 14, 20, 22, 26 12, 26 18 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 18 20, 22 20, 22 10 20 22 20 10, 24 18 24 24 10 10, 14, 22 16 16 2, 4 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26 148 140 KIT5259 140 167 Index Parts — Alphabetical Order (Continued) Description N Name Plate Nut Nut Nut Nut Nut Nut Nut Nut O O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O/P Shaft O/P Shaft O/P Shaft O/P Shaft O/P Shaft O/P Shaft O/P Shaft Oil Cooler Kit (3/4" Fittings & #8 Hose) Oil Cooler Kit 7/8" Fittings & #10 Hose Oil Filter Kit #10 Hose Adaptable Part Number Ref Page 2297-B-6554 1227-A-1405 1227-Q-1525 1227-T-1554 1227-W-1375 N-110-1 N-18 N-18-1 NL-17-1 2, 4 64 110, 112 60, 61, 62, 64 60, 61, 62, 64 2, 4, 6, 8 100, 102 100, 102 66, 68, 70 1205-T-1268 1205-Y-1039 3780-E-239 5X-1065 5X-1066 5X-1068 5X-1069 5X-1081 5X-1083 5X-1084 5X-1089 5X-1090 5X-1091 5X-1092 5X-1096 5X-1133 5X-1134 5X-1135 5X-1151 5X-1156 5X-1157 5X-1201 5X-1205 5X-1207 5X-1217 3297-C-1251 3297-J-1076 3297-M-1079 3297-P-1056 3297-V-1322 3297-Y-1247 3297-Z-1222 KIT5231 KIT5251 KIT5252 46, 48, 113, 128 2, 4 72, 74, 76 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 66 50 70 66, 68, 70 88 130 130 74, 76, 113 46, 48, 68, 127 88 70 87 88 87 132 132 108 68 68 68 60, 61, 62 60, 61 64 60, 61 60, 61, 62 60, 61, 62 64 137 140 140 168 Index Parts — Alphabetical Order (Continued) Description O (Continued) Oil Filter Kit (#8 Hose Adaptable) Oil Fitting Oil Fitting Oil Fittings Kit 1/2"-14 NPTF Oil Fittings Kit 3/4"-16 UNF 2A, 37° Flare (#8) Oil Fittings Kit 7/8"-14 UNF 2A, 37° Flare (#10) Oil Fittings Kit 7/8"-14 UNF 2A, 45° Flare (#10) Oil Pump Fittings Kit Oil Pump Fittings Kit Oil Pump Fittings Kit Oil Pump Fittings Kit Oil Scoop Oil Scoop Oil Seal Oil Seal Oil Seal Oil Seal Assy Oil Seal Assy Oil Seal Assy Oil Trough Outer Shift Lever Outer Shift Lever Overhaul Kit - 13-Speed, D/L1 Overhaul Kit - Shift Shaft Overhaul Kit - Slave Valve Overhaul Kit Old Style Alum Shift Tower, OBSOLETE Overhaul Kit RM13-145, D/L2 Overhaul Kit RM9-115/125 RM10-115/125, D/L2 Overhaul Kit RM9-115/125, D/L1 Overhaul Kit RM9-135/145, D/L1 Overhaul Kit RM9-135/145/155 RM10-135/145/155, DL2 P Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Part Number Ref Page KIT5232 1199-B-3226 1199-H-1620 KIT5277 KIT5276 KIT5279 KIT5278 KIT5261 KIT5262 KIT5263 KIT5275 2205-W-1011 3221-U-1009 1205-T-2308 1205-X-2494 KIT5365 A-1205-M-2223 A-1205-W-2311 A1-1205-W-2467 3221-X-1012 2247-M-1079 2247-N-1080 KIT5238 KIT5309 KIT5385 KIT5326 138 8 6, 8 141 141 141 141 140 141 141 141 72, 74, 76 72, 74, 76 9 70 148 46, 48 46, 48 46, 48 46 100 102 138 142 151 143 KIT5361 KIT5359 KIT5200 KIT5203 KIT5360 147 146 135 135 147 19X-1126 43X-1158 46 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 42 72 66, 70 72 110, 112 87 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 108 74, 76 100, 102 43X-1165 43X-1168 43X-1169 43X-1174 43X-1181 43X-1184 43X-1188 43X-1190 K-238 169 Index Parts — Alphabetical Order (Continued) Description P (Continued) Piping Assy Piston Piston Piston Assy Piston Assy Piston Housing Kit - 13-Speed Piston Housing Seal Kit - 13-Speed Piston Hsg Piston Hsg Piston Hsg Piston Hsg & Shaft RM9-115/125 RM10-115/125, D/L1 Piston Hsg & Shaft RM9-115/125 RM10-115/125, D/L2 Piston Hsg & Shaft RM9-135/145 RM10-135/145, D/L1 Plate Plug Plug Plug Plug Plug Plug Plug Assy Plug Assy Plug Assy Plug Assy Plug Assy Plug Assy Plug Assy Plug Assy Plunger Plunger Pst Hsg & Sft RM9-135/145/155 RM10-135/145/155 DL2 Pump Assy Pump Assy Pump Assy R Rebuild Kit - 13-Speed, D/L1 Rebuild Kit 13-Speed, D/L2 Rebuild Kit RM9-115/125 RM10-115/125, D/L2 Rebuild Kit RM9-115/125, D/L1 Rebuild Kit RM9-135/145, D/L1 Rebuild Kit RM9-135/145/155 RM10-135/145/155, D/L2 Part Number Ref Page A1-3196-G-1047 2230-B-1094 2230-K-1103 A-2230-X-1194 A-2230-Y-1195 KIT5241 KIT5240 3280-D-9390 3280-E-8767 3280-M-9217 KIT5336 130 66, 70 70 66, 68, 70 70 140 140 68 66 66 144 KIT5334 144 KIT5337 144 2297-J-6406 1250-Q-1625 1250-R-1266 1250-W-1271 P-12Z-S P-42-Z-S P-46 A-1250-D-1252 A-1250-H-1126 A-1250-J-1128 A-1250-P-1186 A-1250-S-1137 A-1250-U-1269 A-1850-R-18 A1-2206-K-1051 3280-L-8774 3280-M-8775 KIT5335 130 74, 76 4 79, 80, 84, 86 87 68 72 72 46, 48, 72, 74, 76, 130, 132 2, 4 2, 4 70 74, 76 46, 48 130 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 78, 82 144 A-3303-M-1027 A-3303-N-1028 A1-3303-L-1026 130 132 130 KIT5239 KIT5358 KIT5356 KIT5220 KIT5221 KIT5357 139 146 145 136 137 145 170 Index Parts — Alphabetical Order (Continued) Description R (Continued) Remote Ctrl Hsg Remote Ctrl Hsg Remote Ctrl Hsg Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Plate Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Rivet Rod Rod Rod Rotor Rotor S Screw Screw Seal and Gasket Kit - 9- & 10-Speed Seal Driver Seal Kit Selective Washer Kit, Auxiliary, D/L2 Service Kit - Detent Springs & Ball, Top Cover Service Kit - ESS Wiring Harness and Clips Service Kit - High Shift Tower Assembly Service Kit - Input Shaft Service Kit - Low Shift Tower Assembly Service Kit - Misc O-Rings ESS Transmissions Service Kit - O-Rings Pist Hsg Assy/ Air Filter Reg Service Kit - Pin & Plug, Neutral Switch Service Kit - Pin & Plug, Rev. Switch Service Kit - Range Shift Detent Service Kit - Seal & Bearing Part Number Ref Page 3280-E-8741 3280-G-8743 A1-3280-E-8741 3105-B-1172 3105-B-1198 3105-D-1096 3105-E-1175 3105-K-1155 3105-K-1181 3105-L-1182 3105-Q-1135 3105-T-1190 3105-U-1191 3105-Y-1195 3105-Z-1092 3305-W-1141 1229-F-4660 2214-Q-1135 2214-V-1166 2214-X-1142 A-2214-S-1111 17X-1030 2297-B-6060 2297-D-6062 2297-E-6063 2297-A-5903 2297-Z-6058 100 102 100 43 108 46 43 9 46 46 46, 48 46 46, 48 43, 50 50 134 108 104 108 106 104 2, 4 100 102 102 128 128 10X-1623 9X-16 KIT5250 3256-Z-1014 2297-A-7021 KIT5331 KIT5291 KIT5372 KIT5369 KIT5367 KIT5368 KIT5374 KIT5373 68 2, 4 140 134 66, 70 143 141 149 149 148 148 149 149 KIT5293 KIT5292 KIT5375 KIT5380 141 141 149 149 171 Index Parts — Alphabetical Order (Continued) Description S (Continued) Service Kit - Seal & Bearing Service Kit - Seal & Bearing Service Kit - Seal & Bearing Service Kit - Seal & Bearing Service Kit - Shift Tower Service Kit - Shift Tower Service Kit - Slave Valve Exhaust Valves Set Screw Set Screw Set Screw Set Screw Shield Shield Shield Shift Fork Shift Fork Shift Fork Shift Fork Shift Fork Shift Fork Shift Fork Shift Fork Assy Shift Fork Assy Shift Hsg Shift Hsg Shift Hsg Assy Shift Hsg Assy Shift Hsg Assy Shift Hsg Assy Shift Hsg Assy Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Part Number Ref Page KIT5381 KIT5382 KIT5383 KIT5384 KIT5370 KIT5386 KIT5294 10X-1521 10X-1522 26X-1011 S-843 2297-Z-6526 A-2297-K-7083 A-2297-W-7069 3296-D-1122 3296-F-1124 3296-H-1126 3296-K-1129 3296-M-1131 3296-Q-1161 3296-R-1136 A-3296-F-1124 A-3296-M-1131 3280-J-8122 3280-M-8671 A-3280-S-9145 A-3280-U-9147 A1-3280-J-9318 A1-3280-L-9320 A1-3280-T-9458 A-3280-C-9467 A-3280-D-9468 A-3280-E-9365 A-3280-E-9469 A-3280-F-9366 A-3280-F-9470 A-3280-G-9367 A-3280-H-9030 A-3280-H-9368 A-3280-J-9032 A-3280-J-9370 A-3280-K-9033 A-3280-K-9371 A-3280-K-9397 A-3280-L-9034 150 150 150 151 149 151 87, 141 100, 102 100, 102 70, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 104 93, 94 96, 98 93, 94 70 82, 84, 86 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 78, 79, 80 82, 84, 86 66, 70 82, 84, 86 78, 79, 80 78, 79, 80 104 104 106 106 106, 108 106, 108 108 98 98 93 98 93 98 94 93 94 93 93 94 93 96 94 172 Index Parts — Alphabetical Order (Continued) Description S (Continued) Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shim and Washer Kit. D/L2 Shim Kit, Main Countershaft Front Bearing, D/L2 Shroud Shroud Shroud Slave Valve Kit Slave Valve Kit Sleeve Sleeve Sleeve Sleeve Sleeve Sleeve Part Number Ref Page A-3280-L-9372 A-3280-L-9398 A-3280-M-9373 A-3280-T-9276 A-3280-U-9277 A-3280-V-9278 A-3280-W-9279 2244-A-1145 2244-B-1146 2244-C-1069 2244-C-1121 2244-D-1122 2244-E-1071 2244-E-1123 2244-J-1076 2244-J-1128 2244-K-1077 2244-K-1129 2244-K-1155 2244-L-1130 2244-Q-1083 2244-S-1059 2244-T-1060 2244-T-1112 2244-U-1139 2244-V-1140 2244-W-1115 2244-W-1141 2244-X-1116 2244-Y-1065 2244-Y-1117 2244-Y-1143 KIT5332 KIT5364 94 96 94 93 93 94 94 68 68 70 70 66 66 66 70 78, 80, 86 102 78, 80, 82, 86 80, 86 78, 80, 82, 84, 86 82, 86 78, 82 66 82 79, 84 79, 84 78, 82 79, 84 78, 82 100 78, 82, 84 79, 84 143 43, 148 10X-1520 2245-F-1124 2245-P-1186 KIT5280 KIT5371 2245-B-1198 2245-G-1125 2245-H-1126 2245-J-1076 2245-P-1134 2245-T-1060 130 93, 94 93, 94, 96, 98 141 149 87 82, 84, 86 87 110, 112 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 173 Index Parts — Alphabetical Order (Continued) Description S (Continued) Sleeve Sleeve Sleeve Sleeve Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Snap Ring Kit Snap Ring Kit, Auxiliary Countershaft, D/L1 Snap Ring Kit, D/L1 Snap Ring Kit, Main Countershaft, D/L1 Solenoid Assy Solenoid Assy Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Washer Spacer Washer Spacer Washer Spacer Washer Spacer Washer Spacer Washer Spacer Washer Spacer Washer Spacer Washer Spacer Washer Spacer Washer Part Number Ref Page 2245-U-1165 2245-V-1062 2245-X-1064 2245-Z-1066 1229-B-4656 1229-C-1121 1229-C-4657 1229-D-4294 1229-E-4243 1229-H-4168 1229-T-1242 1229-T-4336 1229-V-4234 1229-V-4286 1229-W-4339 1229-W-4625 1229-X-4418 1229-Y-4211 1229-Z-4524 KIT5324 KIT5321 KIT5322 KIT5325 3280-F-9392 A-3280-F-9392 1244-C-1823 1244-F-1852 1244-J-2090 1244-J-2194 1244-L-1988 1244-M-2041 1244-N-2094 1244-R-2046 1244-W-2103 1244-X-2104 1229-N-4538 1229-P-4540 1229-Q-4541 1229-R-4542 1229-S-4543 1229-T-4544 1229-U-4545 1229-V-4546 1229-W-4547 1229-X-4548 1229-Y-4549 87 78, 82 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 127 43 43 10, 52, 54, 58 52, 54, 58 43 10, 52, 54, 58 104 110, 112 64 66, 70, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 50 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26 60, 61 106 143 142 143 43, 143 113, 114 68 10 60, 61 72, 74 10 64 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 60, 61 60, 61 60, 61, 62 60, 61, 62 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 174 Index Parts — Alphabetical Order (Continued) Description S (Continued) Special Screw Special Screw Special Screw Special Screw Special Screw Special Screw Special Screw Special Screw Special Screw Special Screw Speedo Gear Speedo Gear Speedo Gear Speedo Gear Speedometer Sensor Splitter Kit - 13-Speed Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Strap Strap Strap Stud Stud Stud Switch Assy Switch Assy Switch Assy Synchro Assy Synchro Assy Synchronizer Kit Synchronizer Kit, Incl. Collar T Thrust Wshr Thrust Wshr Thrust Wshr Thrust Wshr Thrust Wshr Thrust Wshr Part Number Ref Page 10X-1446 10X-1459 10X-1460 10X-1510 10X-1511 10X-1512 10X-1524 10X-1532 10X-1537 10X-1625 2297-U-5897 2297-V-5898 2297-X-6056 2297-Y-6057 A-3280-A-9413 KIT5302 2258-A-1145 2258-B-1328 2258-D-1330 2258-F-1254 2258-F-1332 2258-V-1166 2258-Y-1143 2258-Z-1144 42X-1227 3237-H-294 3237-N-66 3237-P-68 4X-1837 SN-1017-1 SN-1019-1 A-2297-L-7058 A-3280-J-9396 A-3280-W-9409 A-3203-R-1006 A-3203-Z-1014 KIT5270 KIT5289 2, 4, 72, 74, 76 130 130 2, 4 2, 4 2, 4 93, 94 87, 132 43 93, 94, 96, 98 127 127 127 127 113 142 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 108 79, 80, 84, 86 106 4 87 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 59 104 100, 102, 108 100, 102, 104, 106, 108 104 6, 8 2, 4 2, 4 93, 94, 96, 98 113 114 59 59 141 141 1229-T-4232 1229-U-4233 1229-V-4494 42X-1221 42X-1250 42X-1255 64 64 64 60, 61 50 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26 175 Index Parts — Alphabetical Order (Continued) Description T (Continued) Thrust Wshr Thrust Wshr Thrust Wshr Thrust Wshr Thrust Wshr Thrust Wshr Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tube Adapter Tube Adapter Tube Assy Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing V Valve Assy Valve Assy W Wire Harness Wire Harness Wire Harness Part Number Ref Page 42X-1256 42X-1257 42X-1258 42X-1412 42X-1413 42X-1414 3256-A-1015 3256-A-1041 3256-B-1068 3256-D-1044 3256-T-1060 3256-V-1036 3256-W-1063 3256-Y-1013 A-3256-C-1043 A-3256-W-1037 2206-P-1056 A-2206-R-1136 A-3196-A-1067 2296-H-1074 2296-J-1024 2296-J-1076 2296-K-1025 2296-K-1077 2296-L-1026 2296-L-1078 2296-M-1076 2296-M-1079 2296-N-1028 2296-N-1080 2296-P-1030 2296-Q-1031 2296-R-1032 2296-S-1033 2296-T-1034 2296-U-1035 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26 44 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 90 90 132 90 90, 92 90 90, 92 90 90, 92 92 90, 92 92 90, 92 92 90, 92 92 90, 92 90, 92 90, 92 92 A-2297-K-5965 A-3280-Y-8761 70 87 A-2297-G-7079 A-2297-Q-7219 A-2297-U-7197 113 114 113 176 Index Parts — Alphabetical Order (Continued) Description Y Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Part Number Ref Page 176NYS40-14A 176NYS44-4A 176TYS40-14A 176TYS44-4A 17N46931X 17NYS40-125A 17TYS40-144 (F) 17TYS44-10A (F) 18NYS40-4A 18NYS44-4A 18TYS40-4A 18TYS44-4A 20WYS40-2A 20WYS44-2A 25WYS40-2A 25WYS44-2A 5WCS40-40A 5WCS40-41A 5WCS44-3A 72NYS40-99A 82NYS40-28A 85WBYS40-34A 85WBYS44-1A 92NYS40-40A 92NYS44-22A 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 177 Index Parts — Numerical Order Part Number A-1199-P-1394 A-1205-M-2223 A-1205-W-2311 A-1228-E-1175 A-1228-G-1307 A-1228-H-1204 A-1228-H-1308 A-1228-K-1207 A-1228-M-1209 A-1228-Q-1265 A-1228-S-1345 A-1228-T-1346 A-1228-U-1347 A-1228-U-1373 A-1228-V-1348 A-1228-W-1349 A-1228-X-1350 A-1228-Y-1351 A-1250-D-1252 A-1250-H-1126 A-1250-J-1128 A-1250-P-1186 A-1250-S-1137 A-1250-U-1269 A-1850-R-18 A-2110-M-1001 A-2110-N-1002 A-2110-P-1004 A-2206-F-1150 A-2206-G-1151 A-2206-J-1128 A-2206-K-1129 A-2206-L-1130 A-2206-M-1131 A-2206-P-1134 A-2206-Q-1135 A-2206-R-1136 A-2214-S-1111 A-2230-X-1194 A-2230-Y-1195 A-2247-F-1098 A-2247-G-1099 A-2247-S-1085 A-2247-T-1190 A-2247-X-1142 A-2247-Y-1143 Description Breather Assy Oil Seal Assy Oil Seal Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Bearing Assy Plug Assy Plug Assy Plug Assy Plug Assy Plug Assy Plug Assy Plug Assy Ball Socket Ball Socket Ball Socket Elbow Connector Connector Connector Connector Elbow Elbow Elbow Tube Adapter Ring Piston Assy Piston Assy Lever Assy Lever Assy Lever Assy Lever Assy Lever Assy Lever Assy Ref Page 72, 74, 76 46, 48 46, 48 44 46 50 46, 48 46 46, 48 58 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 52, 54, 56 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 52, 54, 56, 58 58 28, 30, 32, 34, 42 28, 30, 32, 34, 42 52, 54 52, 54, 58 72 46, 48, 72, 74, 76, 130, 132 2, 4 2, 4 70 74, 76 46, 48 100, 102 100 102 90, 92 90, 92 90, 92 90, 92 90, 92 90, 92 90, 92 90, 92 90 104 66, 68, 70 70 100 102 111 110 110 112 178 Index Parts — Numerical Order (Continued) Part Number A-2297-G-7079 A-2297-K-5965 A-2297-K-7083 A-2297-L-7058 A-2297-Q-7219 A-2297-U-7197 A-2297-W-7069 A-3196-A-1067 A-3203-R-1006 A-3203-Z-1014 A-3256-C-1043 A-3256-W-1037 A-3266-U-1165 A-3268-H-1646 A-3280-A-9413 A-3280-C-9467 A-3280-D-9468 A-3280-E-9365 A-3280-E-9469 A-3280-F-9366 A-3280-F-9392 A-3280-F-9470 A-3280-G-9367 A-3280-G-9393 A-3280-H-9030 A-3280-H-9368 A-3280-J-8772 A-3280-J-9032 A-3280-J-9370 A-3280-J-9396 A-3280-K-9033 A-3280-K-9371 A-3280-K-9397 A-3280-L-9034 A-3280-L-9372 A-3280-L-9398 A-3280-M-9373 A-3280-N-9296 A-3280-S-9145 A-3280-T-9276 A-3280-U-9147 A-3280-U-9277 A-3280-V-9278 A-3280-W-9279 A-3280-W-9409 A-3280-X-9072 Description Wire Harness Valve Assy Shield Switch Assy Wire Harness Wire Harness Shield Tube Assy Synchro Assy Synchro Assy Tool Tool Cover Assy Adapter Assy Speedometer Sensor Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Solenoid Assy Shift Knob Shift Knob Filter/Reg Assy Shift Knob Shift Knob Hsg Assy Shift Knob Shift Knob Switch Assy Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Hsg Assy Shift Hsg Assy Shift Knob Shift Hsg Assy Shift Knob Shift Knob Shift Knob Switch Assy Filter/Reg Assy Ref Page 113 70 96, 98 93, 94, 96, 98 114 113 93, 94 132 59 59 134 134 70 110 113 98 98 93 98 93 68 98 94 68 93 94 70 93 93 113 94 93 96 94 94 96 94 70 106 93 106 93 94 94 114 88 179 Index Parts — Numerical Order (Continued) Part Number A-3280-Y-8761 A-3280-Y-9073 A-3282-B-1042 A-3282-D-1044 A-3282-E-1045 A-3282-F-1046 A-3282-G-1021 A-3282-G-1047 A-3282-H-1022 A-3282-H-1048 A-3282-J-1024 A-3282-K-1025 A-3282-M-1001 A-3282-P-1030 A-3282-T-1008 A-3282-V-1010 A-3282-V-1036 A-3282-X-1012 A-3282-X-1038 A-3282-Z-1040 A-3293-F-1072 A-3293-G-1073 A-3293-J-1076 A-3293-K-1077 A-3293-U-1087 A-3293-V-1062 A-3293-V-1088 A-3293-W-1063 A-3293-W-1089 A-3293-X-1064 A-3293-X-1090 A-3293-Y-1065 A-3294-Q-1031 A-3294-R-1032 A-3294-V-1010 A-3296-F-1124 A-3296-M-1131 A-3297-C-1329 A-3297-X-1090 A-3297-Y-1351 A-3303-M-1027 A-3303-N-1028 A1-1205-W-2467 A1-2206-K-1051 A1-2206-T-1034 A1-3196-G-1047 Description Valve Assy Filter/Reg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Clutch Hsg Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Case Assy Case Assy Case Assy Shift Fork Assy Shift Fork Assy I/P Shaft Assy Countershaft I/P Shaft Assy Pump Assy Pump Assy Oil Seal Assy Plug Assy Connector Piping Assy Ref Page 87 88 8 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 8 6 74 74 74 74 76 72 76 72 76 72 76 72 4 4 2 78, 79, 80 78, 79, 80 10 30 10 130 132 46, 48 130 130 130 180 Index Parts — Numerical Order (Continued) Part Number A1-3280-E-8741 A1-3280-J-9318 A1-3280-L-9320 A1-3280-T-9458 A1-3293-K-1025 A1-3293-L-1026 A1-3293-L-1078 A1-3293-M-1079 A1-3293-N-1080 A1-3293-P-1082 A1-3293-Q-1005 A1-3293-V-1010 A1-3303-L-1026 A2-3294-B-1016 A2-3294-H-1022 A2-3294-L-1026 A2-3294-N-1028 A2-3294-P-1030 A2-3294-Z-1014 A3-2247-Q-1083 A4-3294-B-1016 A4-3297-T-1060 A16-2247-Q-1083 K-238 KIT5200 KIT5203 KIT5215 KIT5220 KIT5221 KIT5231 KIT5232 KIT5233 KIT5235 KIT5236 KIT5237 KIT5238 KIT5239 KIT5240 KIT5241 KIT5249 KIT5250 KIT5251 KIT5252 KIT5257 KIT5259 KIT5260 Description Remote Ctrl Hsg Shift Hsg Assy Shift Hsg Assy Shift Hsg Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Cover Assy Pump Assy Case Assy Case Assy Case Assy Case Assy Case Assy Case Assy Lever Assy Case Assy I/P Shaft Assy Lever Assy Pin Overhaul Kit RM9-115/125, D/L1 Overhaul Kit RM9-135/145, D/L1 Input Shaft Kit, NLA, Use KIT5367 Rebuild Kit RM9-115/125, D/L1 Rebuild Kit RM9-135/145, D/L1 Oil Cooler Kit (3/4" Fittings & #8 Hose) Oil Filter Kit (#8 Hose Adaptable) Lubrication Line Kit (3/4" Fittings & #8 Hose) Air Fittings Kit 1/8" Air Fittings Kit 5/32", NLA, Use KIT5376 Isolated Shift Lever Kit Overhaul Kit - 13-Speed, D/L1 Rebuild Kit - 13-Speed, D/L1 Piston Housing Seal Kit - 13-Speed Piston Housing Kit - 13-Speed Air Fittings Kit 5/32", NLA, Use KIT5377 Seal and Gasket Kit - 9- & 10-Speed Oil Cooler Kit 7/8" Fittings & #10 Hose Oil Filter Kit #10 Hose Adaptable Lubrication Line Kit (7/8" Fittings & #10 Hose) Mechanical Speedometer Kit RM9-115/125 Mechanical Speedometer Kit 135/145 (9/10/13-Speed) 181 Ref Page 100 106, 108 106, 108 108 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 130 2 2 2 2 2 2 111 2 10 111 100, 102 135 135 136 136 137 137 138 138 138 138 138 138 139 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 Index Parts — Numerical Order (Continued) Part Number KIT5261 KIT5262 KIT5263 KIT5270 KIT5275 KIT5276 KIT5277 KIT5278 KIT5279 KIT5280 KIT5289 KIT5290 KIT5291 KIT5292 KIT5293 KIT5294 KIT5295 KIT5296 KIT5297 KIT5298 KIT5299 KIT5300 KIT5301 KIT5302 KIT5307 KIT5309 KIT5321 KIT5322 KIT5324 KIT5325 KIT5326 KIT5329 KIT5331 KIT5332 KIT5333 KIT5334 KIT5335 Description Oil Pump Fittings Kit Oil Pump Fittings Kit Oil Pump Fittings Kit Synchronizer Kit Oil Pump Fittings Kit Oil Fittings Kit 3/4"-16 UNF 2A, 37° Flare (#8) Oil Fittings Kit 1/2"-14 NPTF Oil Fittings Kit 7/8"-14 UNF 2A, 45° Flare (#10) Oil Fittings Kit 7/8"-14 UNF 2A, 37° Flare (#10) Slave Valve Kit Synchronizer Kit, Incl. Collar Air Filter Kit Service Kit - Detent Springs & Ball, Top Cover Service Kit - Pin & Plug, Rev. Switch Service Kit - Pin & Plug, Neutral Switch Service Kit - Slave Valve Exhaust Valves Auxiliary Cover Assembly RM9-115/125/125A, D/L1 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM9-115B/115R/125B/125R, D/L1 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM9-135/135A/145/145A, D/L1 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM9-135B/135R/145B/145R, D/L1 High Isolated Shift Tower Kit, NLA, Use KIT5369 Low Isolated Shift Tower Kit, NLA, Use KIT5368 Auxiliary Cover Assembly RMO13-145, D/L1 Splitter Kit - 13-Speed 5/16" Air Lines Overhaul Kit - Shift Shaft Snap Ring Kit, Auxiliary Countershaft, D/L1 Snap Ring Kit, D/L1 Snap Ring Kit Snap Ring Kit, Main Countershaft, D/L1 Overhaul Kit Old Style Alum Shift Tower, OBSOLETE Input and Main Shaft Snap Ring Kit, D/L2 Selective Washer Kit, Auxiliary, D/L2 Shim and Washer Kit. D/L2 Heavy Duty Shift Rail Kit, S/N below LB93017312 Piston Hsg & Shaft RM9-115/125 RM10-115/125, D/L2 Pst Hsg & Sft RM9-135/145/155 RM10-135/145/155 DL2 182 Ref Page 140 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 87, 141 141 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 143 143 43, 143 143 143 143 143 144 144 144 Index Parts — Numerical Order (Continued) Part Number KIT5336 KIT5337 KIT5346 KIT5347 KIT5348 KIT5349 KIT5350 KIT5351 KIT5352 KIT5353 KIT5354 KIT5355 KIT5356 KIT5357 KIT5358 KIT5359 KIT5360 KIT5361 KIT5362 KIT5363 KIT5364 KIT5365 KIT5366 KIT5367 KIT5368 KIT5369 KIT5370 KIT5371 KIT5372 KIT5373 KIT5374 KIT5375 KIT5376 KIT5377 KIT5378 Description Piston Hsg & Shaft RM9-115/125 RM10-115/125, D/L1 Piston Hsg & Shaft RM9-135/145 RM10-135/145, D/L1 Auxiliary Cover Assembly RM13-145, D/L2 Auxiliary Cover Assembly RM9-115/125/125A, D/L2 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM9-115B/115R/125B/125R, D/L2 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM9-135/135A/145/145A, D/L2 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM9-135B/135R/145B/145R, D/L2 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM10115/115A/125/125A, D/L2 Auxiliary Cover Assy RM10-135/135A/145/145A, D/L2 Auxiliary Cover Assembly RM9-155, D/L2 Auxiliary Cover Assembly RM9-155B, D/L2 Auxiliary Cover Assembly RM10-155A, D/L2 Rebuild Kit RM9-115/125 RM10-115/125, D/L2 Rebuild Kit RM9-135/145/155 RM10-135/145/155, D/L2 Rebuild Kit 13-Speed, D/L2 Overhaul Kit RM9-115/125 RM10-115/125, D/L2 Overhaul Kit RM9-135/145/155 RM10-135/145/155, DL2 Overhaul Kit RM13-145, D/L2 Detent Spring and Ball (SN Above LB93017312) Main Shaft Kit Shim Kit, Main Countershaft Front Bearing, D/L2 Oil Seal Cruise Control Retrofit Kit Service Kit - Input Shaft Service Kit - Low Shift Tower Assembly Service Kit - High Shift Tower Assembly Service Kit - Shift Tower Slave Valve Kit Service Kit - ESS Wiring Harness and Clips Service Kit - O-Rings Pist Hsg Assy/ Air Filter Reg Service Kit - Misc O-Rings ESS Transmissions Service Kit - Range Shift Detent Air Fittings Kit 5/32" Air Fittings Kit 5/32" HDW, Isolated Shift Lever 183 Ref Page 144 144 144 144 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 146 146 147 147 148 148 43, 148 148 148 148 148 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 Index Parts — Numerical Order (Continued) Part Number KIT5380 KIT5381 KIT5382 KIT5383 KIT5384 KIT5385 KIT5386 LW-1310 LW-1910 N-18 N-18-1 N-68-1 N-110-1 NL-17-1 NL-18-1 NL-25-1 NL-28-1 NL-110-1 P-12Z-S P-42-Z-S P-46 S-244-A-1 S-244-A-2 S-264-A-1 S-264-A-2 S-265-A-1 S-265-A-2 S-268-1 S-268-2 S-268-A-1 S-268-A-2 S-276-A-1 S-276-A-2 S-843 S-2416-A-1 S-2610-A-1 S-2610-A-2 S-2612-A-1 S-2612-A-2 S-2624-A-1 S-2624-A-2 S-2628-A-1 S-2628-A-2 S-2811-A-1 S-2812-A-2 S-2828-A-1 Description Service Kit - Seal & Bearing Service Kit - Seal & Bearing Service Kit - Seal & Bearing Service Kit - Seal & Bearing Service Kit - Seal & Bearing Overhaul Kit - Slave Valve Service Kit - Shift Tower Lock Wire Lock Wire Nut Nut Jam Nut Nut Nut Lock Nut Lock Nut Lock Nut Lock Nut Plug Plug Plug Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Cap Screw Cap Screw Set Screw Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Bolt/Capscrew Ref Page 149 150 150 150 151 151 151 100, 102 70 100, 102 100, 102 93, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102 2, 4, 6, 8 66, 68, 70 72 66, 70 100, 102 44 87 68 72 72, 74 72, 74, 76 132 132 6, 8 6, 8 43, 46, 50 43, 46, 50 48 48 2, 4 2, 4 104 68, 88 9, 72, 74, 104, 108 9, 72, 74, 76, 104, 108 46, 48 46, 48 46, 48, 66, 68 46, 48, 66, 68 70 70 6, 8 6, 8 6, 8 184 Index Parts — Numerical Order (Continued) Part Number S-2828-A-2 SN-1017-1 SN-1019-1 TP-90175 TP-93171 WA-34 WA-410-1 WA-43Z WA14 4X-1837 5WCS40-40A 5WCS40-41A 5WCS44-3A 5X-1065 5X-1066 5X-1068 5X-1069 5X-1081 5X-1083 5X-1084 5X-1089 5X-1090 5X-1091 5X-1092 5X-1096 5X-1133 5X-1134 5X-1135 5X-1151 5X-1156 5X-1157 5X-1201 5X-1205 5X-1207 5X-1217 9X-16 10X-1446 10X-1459 10X-1460 10X-1510 10X-1511 10X-1512 10X-1520 10X-1521 10X-1522 10X-1524 Description Bolt/Capscrew Stud Stud Decal Decal Flat Wshr Lock Wshr Flat Wshr Lock Wshr Stud Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring Screw Special Screw Special Screw Special Screw Special Screw Special Screw Special Screw Shroud Set Screw Set Screw Special Screw Ref Page 6, 8 2, 4 2, 4 124 124 68, 88 2, 4 68 87 6, 8 126 126 126 66, 68, 70 66, 68, 70 66 50 70 66, 68, 70 88 130 130 74, 76, 113 46, 48, 68, 127 88 70 87 88 87 132 132 108 68 68 68 2, 4 2, 4, 72, 74, 76 130 130 2, 4 2, 4 2, 4 130 100, 102 100, 102 93, 94 185 Index Parts — Numerical Order (Continued) Part Number 10X-1532 10X-1534 10X-1537 10X-1611 10X-1623 10X-1625 16X-1009 16X-1027 16X-1028 16X-1031 17N46931X 17NYS40-125A 17TYS40-144 (F) 17TYS44-10A (F) 17X-1030 18NYS40-4A 18NYS44-4A 18TYS40-4A 18TYS44-4A 19X-1126 20WYS40-2A 20WYS44-2A 25WYS40-2A 25WYS44-2A 26X-1011 42X-1221 42X-1227 42X-1250 42X-1255 42X-1256 42X-1257 42X-1258 42X-1412 42X-1413 42X-1414 43X-1150 43X-1158 Description Special Screw Bolt/Capscrew Special Screw Bolt/Capscrew Screw Special Screw Key Key Key Key Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Rivet Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Pin Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Set Screw Thrust Wshr Spring Thrust Wshr Thrust Wshr Thrust Wshr Thrust Wshr Thrust Wshr Thrust Wshr Thrust Wshr Thrust Wshr Dowel Pin 43X-1165 43X-1168 43X-1169 43X-1174 43X-1181 43X-1184 43X-1188 43X-1190 43X-1193 Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Dowel Ref Page 87, 132 66, 70 43 110, 112 68 93, 94, 96, 98 58 28, 30, 32, 34, 42 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 126 126 126 126 2, 4 126 126 126 126 46 126 126 126 126 70, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 60, 61 104 50 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26 44 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 2, 4 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 42 72 66, 70 72 110, 112 87 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 108 74, 76 4 186 Index Parts — Numerical Order (Continued) Part Number 72NYS40-99A 82NYS40-28A 85WBYS40-34A 85WBYS44-1A 92NYS40-40A 92NYS44-22A 176NYS40-14A 176NYS44-4A 176TYS40-14A 176TYS44-4A 1199-B-3226 1199-H-1620 1199-Q-901 1199-X-596 1205-T-1268 1205-T-2308 1205-X-2494 1205-Y-1039 1225-A-1171 1225-B-1198 1225-P-1186 1225-X-1194 1225-Z-1170 1227-A-1405 1227-F-1384 1227-Q-1525 1227-T-1554 1227-W-1375 1228-G-1203 1229-B-1666 Description Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Yoke Assy Oil Fitting Oil Fitting Elbow Detent Ball O-Ring Oil Seal Oil Seal O-Ring Bushing Bushing Bushing Bushing Bushing Nut Jam Nut Nut Nut Nut Ball Bearing Flat Wshr 1229-B-4656 1229-C-1121 1229-C-1511 1229-C-4657 1229-D-4294 1229-E-1513 1229-E-4243 1229-F-4660 1229-H-4168 1229-N-1626 1229-N-4538 1229-P-4540 1229-Q-4541 1229-R-4542 1229-S-4543 1229-T-1242 Snap Ring Snap Ring Flat Wshr Snap Ring Snap Ring Flat Wshr Snap Ring Ring Snap Ring Flat Wshr Spacer Washer Spacer Washer Spacer Washer Spacer Washer Spacer Washer Snap Ring Ref Page 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 8 6, 8 8 72 46, 48, 113, 128 9 70 2, 4 10 110, 112 100, 102 6, 8 127 64 100, 102 110, 112 60, 61, 62, 64 60, 61, 62, 64 10 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 46, 48, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 104, 108 43 43 6, 8, 72 10, 52, 54, 58 52, 54, 58 2, 4 43 108 10, 52, 54, 58 44 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 52, 54, 56, 58 104 187 Index Parts — Numerical Order (Continued) Part Number 1229-T-4232 1229-T-4336 1229-T-4544 1229-U-1503 1229-U-4233 1229-U-4545 1229-V-4234 1229-V-4286 1229-V-4494 1229-V-4546 1229-W-4339 1229-W-4547 1229-W-4625 1229-X-4418 1229-X-4548 1229-Y-4211 1229-Y-4549 1229-Z-4524 1244-C-1823 1244-F-1852 1244-J-2090 1244-J-2194 1244-L-1988 1244-M-2041 1244-N-2094 1244-R-2046 1244-W-2103 1244-X-2104 1244-Z-1820 1246-N-482 1250-Q-1625 1250-R-1266 1250-W-1271 1254-A-53 1254-P-1030 1829-R-564 1898-H-34 2205-A-1015 2205-W-1011 2206-C-1147 2206-P-1056 2208-G-1047 2208-K-1051 2208-M-1053 2214-Q-1135 2214-V-1166 Description Thrust Wshr Snap Ring Spacer Washer Flat Wshr Thrust Wshr Spacer Washer Snap Ring Snap Ring Thrust Wshr Spacer Washer Snap Ring Spacer Washer Snap Ring Snap Ring Spacer Washer Snap Ring Spacer Washer Snap Ring Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Spacer Flat Wshr Dowel Plug Plug Plug Lock Wire Lock Wire Lock Wshr Lock Ball Cover Plate Oil Scoop Elbow Tube Adapter Gasket Gasket Gasket Ring Ring Ref Page 64 110, 112 52, 54, 56, 58 6, 8 64 52, 54, 56, 58 64 66, 70, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 64 52, 54, 56, 58 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 50 52, 54, 56, 58 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26 52, 54, 56, 58 60, 61 52, 54, 56, 58 106 10 60, 61 72, 74 10 64 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 60, 61 60, 61 60, 61, 62 60, 61, 62 60, 61, 62, 64 70 74, 76 4 79, 80, 84, 86 78, 79, 82, 84, 86 78, 79, 80, 82, 84 130 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 72, 74, 76 72, 74, 76 90, 92 90 72, 74, 76 66 87 104 108 188 Index Parts — Numerical Order (Continued) Part Number 2214-X-1142 2230-B-1094 2230-K-1103 2244-A-1145 2244-B-1146 2244-C-1069 2244-C-1121 2244-D-1122 2244-E-1071 2244-E-1123 2244-J-1076 2244-J-1128 2244-K-1077 2244-K-1129 2244-K-1155 2244-L-1130 2244-Q-1083 2244-R-1084 2244-S-1059 2244-T-1060 2244-T-1112 2244-U-1139 2244-V-1140 2244-W-1115 2244-W-1141 2244-X-1116 2244-Y-1065 2244-Y-1117 2244-Y-1143 2245-B-1198 2245-F-1124 2245-G-1125 2245-H-1126 2245-J-1076 2245-P-1134 2245-P-1186 2245-T-1060 2245-U-1165 2245-V-1062 2245-X-1064 2245-Z-1066 2247-F-1462 2247-G-1463 2247-H-1100 2247-K-1077 2247-M-1079 Description Ring Piston Piston Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Guide Pin Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Shift Shaft Sleeve Shroud Sleeve Sleeve Sleeve Sleeve Shroud Sleeve Sleeve Sleeve Sleeve Sleeve Lever Lever Lever Inner Shift Lever Outer Shift Lever Ref Page 106 66, 70 70 68 68 70 70 66 66 66 70 78, 80, 86 102 78, 80, 82, 86 80, 86 78, 80, 82, 84, 86 82, 86 72, 74, 76 78, 82 66 82 79, 84 79, 84 78, 82 79, 84 78, 82 100 78, 82, 84 79, 84 87 93, 94 82, 84, 86 87 110, 112 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 93, 94, 96, 98 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 87 78, 82 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 127 72, 74 108 72, 74, 76 100, 102 100 189 Index Parts — Numerical Order (Continued) Part Number 2247-M-1313 2247-N-1080 2247-N-1314 2247-V-1088 2247-X-1090 2255-Z-1118 2257-A-1223 2257-C-1069 2257-G-1229 2257-J-1076 2258-A-1145 2258-B-1328 2258-D-1278 2258-D-1330 2258-E-1279 2258-F-1254 2258-F-1332 2258-N-1184 2258-V-1166 2258-X-1142 2258-Y-1143 2258-Z-1144 2260-B-1146 2260-M-1105 2260-R-1032 2260-V-1036 2296-H-1074 2296-J-1024 2296-J-1076 2296-K-1025 2296-K-1077 2296-L-1026 2296-L-1078 2296-M-1076 2296-M-1079 2296-N-1028 2296-N-1080 2296-P-1030 2296-Q-1031 2296-R-1032 2296-S-1033 2296-T-1034 2296-U-1035 2297-A-5903 2297-A-6163 2297-A-7021 Description Lever Outer Shift Lever Lever Lever Lever Bracket Clamp Clamp Clip Clamp Spring Spring Detent Spring Spring Detent Spring Spring Spring Detent Spring Spring Detent Spring Spring Spring Boot Boot Boot Boot Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Tubing Rotor Filter Seal Kit Ref Page 108 102 108 104, 106 104, 106 132 113 90, 92 113, 114 90, 92 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 108 72, 74, 76 79, 80, 84, 86 72 106 4 72 87 72 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 59 108 106 100, 102 104 90 90, 92 90 90, 92 90 90, 92 92 90, 92 92 90, 92 92 90, 92 92 90, 92 90, 92 90, 92 92 128 88 66, 70 190 Index Parts — Numerical Order (Continued) Part Number 2297-A-7125 2297-A-7385 2297-B-6060 2297-B-6554 2297-B-7126 2297-B-7386 2297-C-7127 2297-C-7387 2297-D-6062 2297-D-7388 2297-E-6063 2297-E-6167 2297-F-6168 2297-J-6406 2297-N-6904 2297-P-5840 2297-Q-7245 2297-R-5764 2297-R-6986 2297-R-7246 2297-S-7247 2297-T-6104 2297-U-5897 2297-V-5898 2297-X-6056 2297-X-6550 2297-X-7252 2297-Y-5849 2297-Y-6057 2297-Z-6058 2297-Z-6526 2297-Z-7384 3105-B-1172 3105-B-1198 3105-D-1096 3105-E-1175 3105-K-1155 3105-K-1181 3105-L-1182 3105-Q-1135 3105-T-1190 3105-U-1191 3105-Y-1195 3105-Z-1092 3107-G-1073 3107-M-1131 Description Decal Decal Rod Name Plate Decal Decal Decal Decal Rod Decal Rod Decal Decal Plate Decal Hook Decal Ball Detent Ball Decal Decal Decal Speedo Gear Speedo Gear Speedo Gear Decal Decal Magnet Speedo Gear Rotor Shield Decal Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Retainer Clutch Collar Collar Ref Page 118 117 100 2, 4 121 116 119 122 102 120 102 116 122 130 124 134 118 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 4, 72, 74, 76 121 119 115 127 127 127 117 120 2, 4 127 128 93, 94 115 43 108 46 43 9 46 46 46, 48 46 46, 48 43, 50 50 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 64 191 Index Parts — Numerical Order (Continued) Part Number 3107-R-1084 3107-S-1111 3107-T-1190 3107-U-1087 3107-U-1191 3198-D-1070 3208-L-1078 3208-N-1080 3208-S-1059 3221-U-1009 3221-X-1012 3237-H-294 3237-N-66 3237-P-68 3256-A-1015 3256-A-1041 3256-B-1068 3256-D-1044 3256-T-1060 3256-V-1036 3256-W-1063 3256-Y-1013 3256-Z-1014 3266-B-1120 3266-C-1121 3266-D-1278 3266-G-1151 3266-H-1048 3266-N-1314 3266-R-1370 3280-D-9390 3280-E-8741 3280-E-8767 3280-F-9392 3280-G-8743 3280-J-8122 3280-L-8774 3280-M-8671 3280-M-8775 3280-M-9217 3293-A-1067 3293-B-1016 3293-B-1068 3293-D-1018 3293-K-1025 3293-L-1026 Description Collar Collar Collar Aux Drive Cplg Aux Drive Cplg Idler Shaft Gasket Gasket Gasket Oil Scoop Oil Trough Strap Strap Strap Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Seal Driver Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Piston Hsg Remote Ctrl Hsg Piston Hsg Solenoid Assy Remote Ctrl Hsg Shift Hsg Plunger Shift Hsg Plunger Piston Hsg Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Ref Page 64 59 64 64 64 44 104 104, 106, 108 70 72, 74, 76 46 100, 102, 108 100, 102, 104, 106, 108 104 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 2, 4 2, 4 46, 48 46, 48 6, 8 66 68 68 100 66 113, 114 102 104 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 104 78, 82 66 46 46 48 48 72 72 192 Index Parts — Numerical Order (Continued) Part Number 3293-L-1078 3293-M-1079 3293-N-1080 3293-P-1082 3293-Q-1005 3293-V-1010 3293-V-1036 3293-V-1062 3293-W-1037 3293-W-1063 3293-X-1038 3293-X-1064 3293-Y-1065 3293-Z-1014 3293-Z-1066 3296-D-1122 3296-F-1124 3296-H-1126 3296-K-1129 3296-M-1131 3296-Q-1161 3296-R-1136 3297-C-1251 3297-D-1252 3297-E-1253 3297-F-1254 3297-G-1073 3297-G-1099 3297-G-1255 3297-H-1256 3297-H-1282 3297-H-1334 3297-J-1076 3297-J-1284 3297-J-1336 3297-K-1259 3297-L-1390 3297-M-1079 3297-N-1366 3297-P-1056 3297-P-1082 3297-Q-1265 3297-S-1267 3297-T-1320 3297-U-1269 3297-V-1322 Description Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Shift Fork Shift Fork Shift Fork Shift Fork Shift Fork Shift Fork Shift Fork O/P Shaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft O/P Shaft Countershaft Main Shaft Countershaft Countershaft O/P Shaft Countershaft O/P Shaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft O/P Shaft Ref Page 72 72 72 72 72 72 48 72 46 72 46 72 72 46 46 70 82, 84, 86 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86 78, 79, 80 82, 84, 86 66, 70 82, 84, 86 60, 61, 62 54 58 52 52 54 54 52 38 38 60, 61 56 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 28, 30, 32, 34, 42 56 64 36, 38, 40 60, 61 58 54 52 56 52 60, 61, 62 193 Index Parts — Numerical Order (Continued) Part Number 3297-V-1348 3297-W-1271 3297-X-1090 3297-X-1116 3297-Y-1143 3297-Y-1247 3297-Y-1273 3297-Z-1092 3297-Z-1222 3305-W-1141 3780-E-239 3892-A-5019 3892-A-5331 3892-B-5150 3892-C-5021 3892-D-5152 3892-E-5023 3892-E-5075 3892-E-5231 3892-E-5309 3892-F-5232 3892-F-5414 3892-G-5025 3892-G-5077 3892-G-5311 3892-H-5156 3892-J-5028 3892-J-5080 3892-K-5159 3892-K-5237 3892-K-5315 3892-L-5030 3892-L-5082 3892-L-5316 3892-L-5342 3892-M-5135 3892-M-5239 3892-M-5317 3892-M-5343 3892-M-5395 3892-M-5473 3892-N-5028 3892-N-5032 3892-N-5344 3892-N-5370 3892-N-5396 Description Countershaft Countershaft Countershaft Main Shaft Countershaft O/P Shaft Countershaft Countershaft O/P Shaft Retainer Plate O-Ring C/S Gear Aux Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear Aux Gear M/S Gear Aux Gear M/S Gear Aux Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear C/S Gear M/S Gear Aux Gear C/S Gear M/S Gear Aux Gear M/S Gear C/S Gear Aux Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear M/S Gear Aux Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear Idler Gear M/S Gear M/S Gear C/S Gear Ref Page 38 54 28, 32, 34, 42 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26 54 60, 61, 62 58 52 64 134 72, 74, 76 28, 30, 42 61 16 12, 14, 16, 18, 26 61 12, 14, 26 60 16 60 10, 12 20, 22, 24 12, 14, 20, 22, 26 64 60 30, 38 12, 26 64 30, 34, 38 18 50 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 58 50 38 32 18 50 20, 22 20, 22 10 20 44 22 20 36, 38 194 Index Parts — Numerical Order (Continued) Part Number 3892-N-5474 3892-P-5138 3892-P-5190 3892-P-5242 3892-P-5294 3892-P-5346 3892-Q-5009 3892-Q-5035 3892-Q-5295 3892-Q-5477 3892-Q-5581 3892-R-5140 3892-R-5244 3892-R-5296 3892-R-5478 3892-S-5011 3892-S-5479 3892-T-5142 3892-T-5246 3892-T-5480 3892-U-5013 3892-U-5481 3892-V-5144 3892-V-5222 3892-V-5248 3892-V-5482 3892-W-5015 3892-W-5353 3892-W-5483 3892-X-5094 3892-X-5146 3892-Y-5017 3892-Y-5329 3892-Z-5148 Description M/S Gear C/S Gear Aux Gear M/S Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear C/S Gear Aux Gear M/S Gear Aux Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear Aux Gear M/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear M/S Gear Aux Gear C/S Gear C/S Gear M/S Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear Aux Gear M/S Gear C/S Gear Aux Gear M/S Gear Ref Page 10, 24 32 50 18 50 62 60 28, 36, 42 50 24 64 32 34 50 24 28, 30, 36, 38, 42 40 32 34 40 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 40 10 61 34 40 10, 14, 22 62 50 50 16 28, 36, 42 61 16 195 Meritor Heavy Vehicle Systems, LLC 2135 West Maple Road Troy, MI 48084 USA 800-535-5560 Information contained in this publication was in effect at the time the publication was approved for printing and is subject to change without notice or liability. Meritor Heavy Vehicle Systems, LLC, reserves the right to revise the information presented or discontinue the production of parts described at any time. Copyright 2004 ArvinMeritor, Inc. All Rights Reserved Printed in the USA PB-94134 Revised 04-04 (16579/24240)
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