Chang, Leyen (2011). - The Hanson Group
Chang, Leyen (2011). - The Hanson Group
DEVELOPMENT OF A DIODE LASER SENSOR FOR MEASUREMENT OF MASS FLUX IN SUPERSONIC FLOW A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND THE COMMITTEE ON GRADUATE STUDIES OF STANFORD UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY TSD-184 Leyen S Chang August 2011 © 2011 by Leyen S Chang. All Rights Reserved. Re-distributed by Stanford University under license with the author. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial 3.0 United States License. This dissertation is online at: ii I certify that I have read this dissertation and that, in my opinion, it is fully adequate in scope and quality as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Ronald Hanson, Primary Adviser I certify that I have read this dissertation and that, in my opinion, it is fully adequate in scope and quality as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Brian Cantwell I certify that I have read this dissertation and that, in my opinion, it is fully adequate in scope and quality as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Mark Mungal Approved for the Stanford University Committee on Graduate Studies. Patricia J. Gumport, Vice Provost Graduate Education This signature page was generated electronically upon submission of this dissertation in electronic format. An original signed hard copy of the signature page is on file in University Archives. iii iv Abstract Mass flux is one of the most critical parameters in the calculation of engine thrust and assessment of aeroengine performance. Knowledge of mass flux also provides information about the engine specific impulse, thermal efficiency, and drag – parameters which can be used to evaluate and optimize engine operating conditions. Conventional mass-flux measurements are facilitated with a combination of static and total temperature and pressure probes. These instruments have multiple drawbacks: they tend to disturb the flow, generate shock structures, have limited lifetimes, and require frequent maintenance. In response, there is a growing opportunity for tunable diode laser (TDL) diagnostics, which can be deployed noninvasively with fast time response and high accuracy. Another benefit of diode laser sensing is the ability to exploit mature telecommunications laser technology overlapping the absorption transitions of many common molecules such as H2O, CO2, and O2. The sensor developed in this work builds on a detection technique developed at Stanford beginning in the 1990’s, where mass flux was measured as the product of gas density and velocity. Density was measured by comparing the attenuation of the detected laser signal with the value predicted by theory. Velocity can be measured from the relative Doppler shift of an absorption transition detected on beams directed upstream and downstream in the flow. A major improvement is made to this sensing scheme by taking advantage of the unique noise-rejection and signal-to-noise ratio increase afforded by the 1f-normalized wavelength-modulation spectroscopy with second harmonic detection (WMS-2f/1f ) technique. While WMS-2f/1f has been successfully employed as a tunable diode laser diagnostic for many years, the behavior of the lineshape in response to varying degrees of absorption and laser modulation has not been thoroughly explored. Here the WMS-2f/1f lineshape is analyzed under various conditions and optimized for velocity sensing. v An important – and often overlooked – concern in absorption spectroscopy is the influence of flow nonuniformity on line-of-sight (LOS) measurements. Because absorption is a path-integrated measurement, the detected lineshape can be distorted due to a nonuniform distribution of the gas properties (temperature, pressure, velocity, or composition) along the laser beam path. An analysis of nonuniformity effects on the absorption signal is performed by simulating path-integrated lineshapes from computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solutions; the results are quantified in order to develop a correction to the path-integrated measurements obtained in this work. The primary goal of this thesis is the development of a TDL mass-flux sensor based on water vapor absorption that can be deployed in high-enthalpy, high-velocity flows simulating hypersonic atmospheric flight (specifically a combustion-driven Mach 2.7 wind tunnel at NASA Langley). The WMS-2f/1f technique was incorporated in the sensor to improve velocity precision while simultaneously measuring temperature; density was then inferred from an independent pressure measurement and the ideal gas law. The sensor temperature measurements were first validated against thermocouple readings in a heated cell at Stanford from 650 – 1000K to within 1%. Measurements of velocity were made in a low-speed wind tunnel from 2 – 18m/s with accuracy within 0.5m/s; a reduction of 50% in the standard deviation of the velocity measurement was also observed by using optimized WMS-2f/1f. The capstone mass-flux measurements were made during a field campaign at the NASA Langley Direct-Connect Supersonic Combustion Test Facility. Spatially and temporally resolved measurements were performed in the facility isolator; these measurements were used for comparison with a facility predictive code (a 1-D thermodynamic equilibrium solver) and a CFD solution. The improvement in velocity precision afforded by the optimized WMS-2f/1f technique was again confirmed, with standard deviations of less than 1% in a 1630m/s flow. Temporally resolved velocity data was corrected according to the nonuniformity analysis of path-integrated lineshapes, bringing the sensor velocity measurement within 0.25% of the value predicted by the facility code. Temperature measurements were made with high precision (10K standard vi deviation in a 990K flow), and agreement with the predicted value was also within 1%. Mass-flux measurements had similar precision (standard deviation less than 1% of full scale) and accuracy (within 1% of predicted value). Finally, spatially resolved velocity and mass-flux data taken along both the height and width of the isolator were found to be in close agreement with the CFD solution. These results demonstrate that TDL mass-flux sensing based on WMS-2f/1f can produce temporally and spatially resolved measurements with high precision and accuracy in a supersonic flow, thus proving the sensor’s potential for future deployment in unknown mass-capture environments such as inlet models and flight tests. vii viii Acknowledgments The road to completing graduate study has been both arduous and fulfilling, and I am thankful for the many challenges and lessons learned that have enriched my experience in research, academics, and life in general. Needless to say, this has not been an individual effort, and I wish to thank the many people who have helped me along the way, first and foremost my advisor Professor Ronald Hanson. I came to work with Professor Hanson in 2005 with a fairly vague idea of my research interests, and perhaps an even more nebulous idea of my own strengths and weaknesses. Over the years it has truly been a pleasure to learn both by guidance and example from a world-class researcher like Professor Hanson. He has helped me realize a great deal about myself both inside and outside of the laboratory and fostered the research and technical skills necessary for a successful career in any discipline. I would also like to thank Professors Cantwell and Mungal for taking the time to serve on my reading and exam committees, as well as Professors Alonso and Mitchell for serving on my exam committee. Drs. Dave Davidson and Jay Jeffries have been integral to my success here at Stanford. One can always count on Dr. Davidson’s cheerful assistance with the daily vicissitudes of laboratory work, whether it is a broken pump or a missing piece of equipment. Dave’s help over the years has been invaluable in making my experiments at Stanford run smoothly. I also had the pleasure of working closely with Dr. Jeffries in my research. Jay’s passion for discovery and years of experience with field measurements proved to be a great asset throughout my career at Stanford. I have truly appreciated having the weight of such an accomplished researcher behind me during measurement campaigns, when the word of a graduate student may not have held as much sway. Working in the Hanson research group was also a rewarding experience; it was a pleasure to be surrounded by so many brilliant, motivated, and friendly individuals. And when sitting in front of the 3-zone furnace for hours on end, it didn’t hurt to have good ix company. In particular I’d like to thank Chris Strand for helping me with wind tunnel measurements at Stanford and NASA Langley and Greg Rieker for our countless discussions on the vagaries of WMS. To the many others not mentioned by name, I truly appreciate your assistance and friendship throughout my time here at Stanford. My research could not have continued without the generous support of my colleagues at NASA Langley. I wish to acknowledge Glenn Diskin, Diego Capriotti, and Barry Lawhorne and the DCSCTF team for assisting with the measurement campaigns, Richard Gaffney for computing the CFD solution for our test section, and Troy Custodio of ATK for helping with the test-section design. My thanks also go to Professor Eaton and his students for providing me with access to his wind tunnel for our velocity measurements at Stanford. Last but certainly not least, I would like to thank my parents for their support, guidance, and dedication throughout my entire academic career. Both being teachers, I suppose the decision to continue my education and pursue a doctoral degree came as no surprise. I am grateful for the values and work ethic my parents instilled in me, and know that I stand where I am now because of them. I would also like to thank all the friends and family that have helped me enjoy the past few years at Stanford – sometimes the extracurriculars that keep a graduate student functioning happily are as important as a day in the lab. x Table of Contents Abstract .......................................................................................................................... v Acknowledgments .........................................................................................................ix Table of Contents ..........................................................................................................xi List of Tables ............................................................................................................... xv List of Illustrations ....................................................................................................xvii Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Motivation and Background.............................................................................. 1 1.2 Overview of Dissertation .................................................................................. 5 Chapter 2: Absorption Spectroscopy Theory and Measurement Techniques ............ 7 2.1 Absorption Spectroscopy Theory ...................................................................... 7 2.2 H2O Overtone and Combination Band at 1.4 μm............................................. 13 2.3 Direct Absorption Spectroscopy ..................................................................... 15 2.4 Wavelength Modulation Absorption Spectroscopy ......................................... 16 2.5 Temperature Measurement Methodology........................................................ 23 2.6 Density Measurement Methodology ............................................................... 24 2.7 Velocity Measurement Methodology .............................................................. 25 Chapter 3: 1f-Normalized Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy with 2fDetection ...................................................................................................................... 29 3.1 Theory and Background.................................................................................. 29 3.2 Influence of Optical Depth.............................................................................. 34 3.3 Influence of Modulation Depth ....................................................................... 37 Chapter 4: Line-of-Sight Measurements in Nonuniform Flow Fields ....................... 41 4.1 Nonuniformity in Non-Reacting Flow Fields .................................................. 41 4.2 Modeling WMS Lineshapes in Nonuniform Flow ........................................... 43 4.3 Nonuniformity Analysis for NASA Langley DCSCTF ................................... 44 xi 4.4 Case Studies of LOS Measurements in Nonuniform Flow .............................. 49 4.4.1 Line Selection for Nonuniform Flow....................................................... 50 4.4.2 Nonuniformity Analysis of NASA HDCR Isolator ................................... 52 4.4.3 Nonuniformity Analysis of T2 Free-Piston Facility ................................. 56 4.5 Sensor Design to Minimize Nonuniformity Effects ........................................ 60 Chapter 5: Sensor Design and Experimental Methodology ...................................... 63 5.1 Sensor Architecture ........................................................................................ 63 5.2 Line Selection and Spectroscopy .................................................................... 66 5.3 Experimental Hardware .................................................................................. 72 5.3.1 Lasers, Fiber Optics, and Detectors ....................................................... 72 5.3.2 Optomechanical Components ................................................................. 77 5.3.3 Translation Stages ................................................................................. 78 5.3.4 Sensor Control and Data Acquisition System ......................................... 80 Chapter 6: Temperature and Velocity Validation Experiments at Stanford ........... 83 6.1 Validation of Temperature Measurement........................................................ 83 6.1.1 Experimental Setup ................................................................................ 83 6.1.2 Results of Temperature Velocity Validation ............................................ 84 6.2 Velocity Measurement Validation in Low-Speed Tunnel................................ 86 6.2.1 Facility and Experimental Setup............................................................. 86 6.2.2 Results of Sensor Velocity Validation ..................................................... 89 Chapter 7: Mass-Flux Measurements at the NASA Langley Direct-Connect Supersonic Combustion Test Facility (DCSCTF) ...................................................... 91 7.1 Facility Overview ........................................................................................... 91 7.2 Test-Section Design and Experimental Setup ................................................. 94 7.2.1 Scramjet Isolator Section ....................................................................... 95 7.2.2 Modified Isolator with Optical Access .................................................... 96 7.2.3 Hardware and Experimental Setup......................................................... 99 7.3 Sensor Operation.......................................................................................... 102 7.4 Measurements of Velocity, Temperature, and Mass Flux.............................. 103 xii 7.4.1 Temporally Resolved Velocity Measurements ....................................... 105 7.4.2 Temporally Resolved Temperature Measurements ................................ 106 7.4.3 Temporally Resolved Mass-Flux Measurements ................................... 108 7.4.4 Spatially Resolved Velocity Measurements ........................................... 109 7.4.5 Spatially Resolved Mass-Flux Measurements........................................ 110 Chapter 8: Summary and Future Work ................................................................... 113 8.1 Summary of Thesis ....................................................................................... 113 8.2 Future Research ............................................................................................ 115 8.2.1 Improvements to TDLAS Mass-Flux Sensor .......................................... 115 8.2.2 Pressure and Composition Nonuniformity Analysis .............................. 116 8.2.3 Investigation of Higher-Order WMS Harmonics ................................... 117 8.2.4 Single-Beam Mass-Flux Sensing ........................................................... 119 Appendix A: Polarization-Maintaining Hardware .................................................. 121 A.1 Background and Theory................................................................................ 121 A.2 Polarization-Maintaining Fibers .................................................................... 122 Appendix B: Velocity-Measurement Technique ...................................................... 129 References .................................................................................................................. 135 xiii xiv List of Tables Number Page Table 2.1: Selection criteria for WMS parameters.................................................... 21 Table 4.1: Gas conditions along laser LOS for NASA HDCR isolator. .................... 53 Table 4.2: Gas conditions along laser LOS for T2 shock tunnel. .............................. 57 Table 5.1: Linestrengths and self-broadening coefficients (HWHM) at 296K. ........ 70 Table 5.2: Air-broadening coefficients (HWHM) at 296 K. ...................................... 71 Table 7.1: Nozzle exit plane conditions for Mach 6 and 7 set points at NASA Langley DCSCTF. .................................................................................... 104 xv xvi List of Illustrations Number Page Figure 1.1: Wavelength range of availability for semiconductor diode lasers [42]. ............................................................................................................... 3 Figure 2.1: Lineshape function with full width at half-maximum (FWHM) indicated [47]. ............................................................................................. 10 Figure 2.2: H2O fundamental vibrational modes. ..................................................... 13 Figure 2.3: H2O transition linestrengths from 1 – 2 μm. Primary vibrational modes present in each band are labeled. ................................................... 14 Figure 2.4: Implementation of scanned-wavelength direct absorption technique. .. 15 Figure 2.5: Implementation of wavelength-scanned WMS technique. Data is shown for signals collected during the NASA Langley test campaign: λ=1349nm, T=990K, P=72kPa, XH2O=0.26, L=18.7cm. ............................. 17 Figure 2.6: Intensity (top panel) and frequency (bottom panel) modulation for NEL diode laser at 50kHz. Modified from Reference [65]. ..................... 19 Figure 2.7: Intensity (top panel) and frequency (bottom panel) modulation of slow-scan signal at 250Hz for NEL diode laser. High-frequency modulation is 255kHz. High-frequency modulation in the frequency vs. time signal has been omitted for clarity. .............................................. 20 Figure 2.8: a) Schematic of crossed-beam configuration for Doppler-shift velocimetry. b) Simulated frequency shift for direct absorption lineshapes with λ=1349nm, 2θ = 90o, U = 1600m/s, T = 915K, P = 0.68atm, XH2O = 0.26, L = 18.7cm. ............................................................. 26 Figure 3.1: Simulations of H2O transition at 1341nm for P=72kPa, T=990K, XH2O=0.25, and L=18.8cm. a) Absorbance. b) 1st derivative of absorbance. c) Absolute value of 2nd derivative of absorbance................ 30 xvii Figure 3.2: Simulations of H2O transition at 1341nm for P=72kPa, T=990K, XH2O=0.25, and L=18.8cm. a) Absorbance. b) WMS-1f lineshape. c) WMS-2f lineshape. d) WMS-2f/1f lineshape. Modulation index for WMS simulations is 1.6. Absorption linecenter frequency indicated by dashed line............................................................................................. 32 Figure 3.3: Simulated WMS signals for varying absorbance (or optical depth). Same conditions as those for Figure 3.2 are used, and absorbance is varied by changing path length. Modulation index m=2.2. a) WMS-1f lineshape. b) WMS-2f lineshape. c) WMS-2f/1f lineshape..................... 36 Figure 3.4: Simulation of lock-in amplifier outputs for WMS-1f signals in Figure 3.3: a) X1f . b) Y1f. ....................................................................... 37 Figure 3.5: Normalized amplitudes of: a) index. WMS-2f signal versus modulation b) 1f-normalized WMS-2f signal versus modulation index. Simulation is for H2O transition at 1341.5nm with absorbance = 15%. .. 38 Figure 3.6: Simulations of WMS signals with varying modulation index: a) WMS-1f. b) WMS-2f. c) WMS-2f/1f. Same conditions as Figure 3.2 are used with absorbance = 15%. ........................................................ 39 Figure 4.1: a) NASA DCSCTF isolator section with TDLAS mass-flux sensor configured for vertical translation. b) CFD geometry for DCSCTF isolator (symmetry about vertical axis is assumed) with vertical translation configuration shown. c) CFD geometry for DCSCTF isolator with horizontal translation configuration shown. ....................... 45 Figure 4.2: a) CFD pressure data along laser LOS in vertical translation configuration (units are Pa). b) Temperature, pressure, and velocity data along LOS at the vertical center of duct. .......................................... 46 Figure 4.3: Frequency-shifted path-integrated WMS-2f/1f lineshapes simulated from CFD data. Frequency shift corresponds to a 1600m/s core flow. .... 47 Figure 4.4: a) Measured velocities from path-integrated lineshapes with varying boundary-layer thickness. The position along lineshape refers to the xviii location on the lineshape used for Doppler-shift measurement, with 0 corresponding to the valley and 1 corresponding to the central peak. b) Mean difference between measured velocity of Figure 4.4a and core velocity versus combined boundary-layer thickness as percentage of an 18.7cm path length. ............................................................................... 48 Figure 4.5: Energy-temperature curve for water vapor. .......................................... 51 Figure 4.6: Velocity and temperature distributions along simulated beam path in NASA HDCR isolator................................................................................. 53 Figure 4.7: Measured velocities from path-integrated lineshapes for: a) 1365.6nm line. b) 1487nm line. Modulation index is 0.9. The position along lineshape refers to the location on the lineshape used for Doppler-shift measurement, with 0 corresponding to the valley and 1 corresponding to the central peak. ............................................................ 54 Figure 4.8: Measured velocities from path-integrated lineshapes for: a) 1365.6nm line. b) 1487nm line. Modulation index is 2.2. The position along lineshape refers to the location on the lineshape used for Doppler-shift measurement, with 0 corresponding to the valley and 1 corresponding to the central peak. ............................................................ 55 Figure 4.9: Temperatures measured from path-integrated WMS lineshapes. High E” refers to 1487nm line, low E” refers to 1365.6nm line. ............... 56 Figure 4.10: Velocity and temperature distributions along simulated beam path in T2 shock tunnel. ..................................................................................... 57 Figure 4.11: Measured velocities from path-integrated lineshapes for: a) 1365.6nm line. b) 1487nm line. Modulation index is 0.9. The position along lineshape refers to the location on the lineshape used for Doppler-shift measurement, with 0 corresponding to the valley and 1 corresponding to the central peak. .................................................. 58 Figure 4.12: Measured velocities from path-integrated lineshapes for: a) 1365.6nm line. b) 1487nm line. Modulation index is 2.2. The xix position along lineshape refers to the location on the lineshape used for Doppler-shift measurement, with 0 corresponding to the valley and 1 corresponding to the central peak. .................................................. 59 Figure 4.13: Temperatures measured from path-integrated WMS lineshapes. High E” refers to 1487nm line, low E” refers to 1365.6nm line. .............. 60 Figure 5.1: Two-laser frequency-multiplexed WMS sensor for mass flux at H2O wavelengths λ 1 and λ2 (~1349 and 1341.5nm). The two lasers are combined on a single fiber and then split to be directed upstream and downstream in the supersonic flow with a crossing angle 2θ. Velocity is determined from the relative Doppler shifts of the absorption lineshape, and gas temperature from the ratio of the two absorption signals. ........................................................................................................ 64 Figure 5.2: Schematic of data flow for WMS-based TDLAS mass-flux sensor. Temperature is measured from WMS signals for both wavelengths and velocity is simultaneously measured from the relative Doppler shift of an absorption feature. Temperature and pressure are used to determine density, and coupled with the velocity measurement to determine mass flux. .................................................................................. 65 Figure 5.3: Experimental setup for measurement of linestrength and pressurebroadening coefficients in Stanford heated cell [55]. ................................ 67 Figure 5.4: a) Measurement of linestrength at 400K for 1349nm line. b) Measurement of self-broadening coefficient (FWHM) at 400K for 1349nm line. ............................................................................................... 69 Figure 5.5: a) Measured linestrength versus temperature for 1341nm and 1349nm lines. b) Measured air-broadening coefficient (HWHM) versus temperature for 1349nm line. Best fits from HITRAN database also shown for comparison. ........................................................ 70 Figure 5.6: Simulated absorbances for 1349nm (left panel) and 1341.5nm (right panel) lines. Spectroscopic data from Tables 5.1 and 5.2 are used. xx Conditions are P=72kPa, T=990K, XH2O=0.26, L=18.7cm (vertical translation) or L=10.35cm (horizontal translation). ................................. 71 Figure 5.7: Schematic of a DFB diode laser. .............................................................. 73 Figure 5.8: Transmission of light in a step-index single-mode fiber optic waveguide. Core enlarged for illustration. ............................................... 74 Figure 5.9: Schematic of 2x2 evanescent wave 50/50 coupler. Inset shows crosssection of coupler. ....................................................................................... 75 Figure 5.10: TDLAS sensor optomechanical components: a) Pitch assembly. b) Catch assembly. Red dashed lines indicate window surface. .............. 78 Figure 5.11: Zaber T-LSR 150B translation stage. ................................................... 79 Figure 5.12: Fully assembled TDLAS mass-flux sensor mounted on NASA Langley wind tunnel: a) Pitch assembly. b) Catch assembly. ................ 80 Figure 5.13: Signal flow between computer and DAQ system. Computer is used to generate laser current modulation waveforms; voltage signals are produced by the DAQ cards and sent to the laser controller which modulates laser injection current. Detector signals are digitized by DAQ cards and sent to computer for storage. ........................................... 81 Figure 5.14: Generation of laser drive signals. Slow scan shown on left, complete WMS laser drive signals shown on right. Amplitudes are in volts. ............................................................................................................ 82 Figure 6.1: Experimental setup for temperature validation in 3-zone heated cell. Single-pass setup shown; actual experiment performed for 3 passes ....... 84 Figure 6.2: Measured and calculated 1f-normalized 2f peak ratio for the high E” line (1341nm) divided by the low E” line (1349nm). ................................. 85 Figure 6.3: Comparison of sensor- and thermocouple-measured temperatures in Stanford heated cell. ................................................................................... 86 Figure 6.4: Stanford Flow Control Wind Tunnel with mounted sensor hardware. Beam paths through test section indicated by dark arrows. .. 87 xxi Figure 6.5: Schematic of velocimetry validation experiment at Stanford Flow Control Wind Tunnel................................................................................. 88 Figure 6.6: Doppler-shifted lineshapes for 1371nm transition in Stanford Flow Control Tunnel. Shift corresponds to velocity of 18m/s. ......................... 89 Figure 6.7: Velocity measurements in Stanford high-uniformity tunnel: a) Time-resolved velocity measurements for modulation index of 0.9 and 1.7. b) Measured velocity with one second resolution versus tunnel set point. .......................................................................................... 90 Figure 7.1: Photograph of the DCSCTF at NASA Langley showing flowpath sections as labeled. ..................................................................................... 92 Figure 7.2: Schematic of NASA Langley DCSCTF [120]. ........................................ 93 Figure 7.3: Illustration of flow through a scramjet engine [129].............................. 95 Figure 7.4: Modified DCSCTF isolator section for TDLAS mass-flux sensor. Beam paths in horizontal and vertical translation configurations also indicated (red arrows). .............................................................................. 96 Figure 7.5: Cross-sectional view of sidewall window mount for isolator section. Ray trace for 45o incident beam also shown. ............................................ 98 Figure 7.6: Schematic of experimental setup for TDL mass-flux measurements at NASA Langley DCSCTF. .................................................................... 100 Figure 7.7: Experimental setup in DCSCTF control room..................................... 101 Figure 7.8: Mass-flux sensor installed on custom-isolator section: a) Sensor configured to probe vertical planes of the flowpath; arrows illustrate the beampaths. b) Sensor configured to probe horizontal planes of the flowpath.................................................................................................... 101 Figure 7.9: Measurement locations for spatially resolved data acquisition. Translation directions are indicated with blue arrows, locations indicated with yellow markers. Flow is into the page. ........................... 103 Figure 7.10: Signals collected for 1341.5nm laser in the vertical translation configuration with beams crossing in the center horizontal plane xxii during NASA Langley DCSCTF measurement campaign: a) Timeresolved WMS-2f/1f signals for both beams. b) Measured WMS lineshapes vs. frequency for both beams. ................................................ 104 Figure 7.11: Time-resolved velocity in the middle of the channel, horizontal plane: a) no correction b) with correction for nonuniformity along LOS. ......................................................................................................................... Figure 7.12: Gas temperature for downstream- and upstream-pointing beams: a) In the center horizontal plane for the Mach 7 flight condition. b) In the center vertical plane for the Mach 6 flight condition. Facility model value also shown. .............................................................. 108 Figure 7.13: Mass flux using temperatures taken with downstream- and upstream- pointing beams and BL-corrected velocity: a) In the center horizontal plane for the Mach 7 flight condition. b) In the center vertical plane for the Mach 6 flight condition. Facility model value also shown. ................................................................................................ 109 Figure 7.14: Spatially resolved velocity (no correction applied) plotted from: a) Left to right of channel (facing downstream) in vertical planes. b) Top to bottom of channel in horizontal planes. Solid data points indicate measurements taken during facility startup transient. ............. 110 Figure 7.15 Spatially resolved mass flux (no correction applied) at Mach 7 condition plotted from: a) Left to right of channel (facing downstream) in vertical planes. b) Top to bottom of channel in horizontal planes. ..................................................................................... 111 Figure 8.1: Simulations of H2O transition at 1341nm for P=72kPa, T=990K, XH2O=0.25, and L=18.8cm. a) WMS-3f lineshape. b) WMS-4f lineshape. c) WMS-5f lineshape. d) WMS-6f lineshape. Modulation index is 2.2. ............................................................................................... 118 Figure 8.2: Simulation of WMS-4f/2f signal for same conditions as Figure 8.1. .... 119 xxiii 106 Figure 8.3: Experimental setup for single-beam TDLAS mass-flux sensor. Inset shows basic principle of retroreflector operation. .................................. 120 Figure A.1: Illustration of electromagnetic wave propagation for: a) Linear polarization. b) Circular polarization. c) Elliptical polarization. Direction of electric field vector is indicated by arrows. ........................ 122 Figure A.2: Various types of polarization-maintaining fiber: a) PANDA. b) Elliptical cladding. c) Bow-tie. ........................................................... 123 Figure A.3: Illustration of polarization for light transmitted in: a) Standard single-mode fiber. b) PM single-mode fiber. direction of electric field vector. Arrows indicate Relative size of internal fiber components not drawn to scale................................................................ 124 Figure A.4: Illustration of bend loss in a fiber. Bend is exaggerated for display purposes. .................................................................................................. 125 Figure A.5: Experimental setup for zero-velocity measurements. A single laser is split into two beams and passed through the isolation pipe. The beams are focused with mirrors onto detectors to monitor absorption of atmospheric water vapor, and velocity is measured from the frequency shift between absorption features measured on either beam. ........................................................................................................ 127 Figure A.6: Comparison of zero-velocity measurements using 1349nm transition at atmospheric pressure with ambient water vapor and L=68.6cm. Left panel shows velocity measurements taken with a non-PM laser; right panel shows measurements with a PM laser. ................................. 127 Figure B.1: Comparison of zero-velocity measurements using WMS-2f and WMS-2f/1f at atmospheric pressure with ambient water vapor and L=68.6cm: a) 2f lineshapes for 1371nm line. b) Measured velocity from 2f signals. Panels c) and d) show the corresponding results for WMS-2f/1f. ............................................................................................... 130 xxiv Figure B.2: Illustration of Doppler-shift measurement regions on WMS-2f/1f lineshape: a) WMS-2f/1f signals for 1341nm line on upstream- and downstream-pointing beams. T=990K, P=72kPa, XH2O=0.26, L=18.7cm, m=0.9. b) Doppler-shift measurement regions highlighted in blue and green. c) Normalized Doppler-shift measurement regions. 132 Figure B.3: Illustration of velocity measurement algorithm for WMS-2f/1f lineshapes. The 2f and 1f signals are obtained from detected signals using a lock-in amplifier and converted to the frequency domain using the etalon transfer function. The central peak of the WMS-2f/1f lineshape is then divided in two halves, normalized, and frequency shifts are measured and converted to velocity......................................... 133 xxv xxvi Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Motivation and Background A major initiative for research in the aerospace and propulsion sector is the development of next-generation propulsion systems and improvement of the performance and efficiency of conventional engines. In response, there is a growing need for the development of accurate diagnostics to monitor and assess the performance of both propulsion systems and the supporting test facilities. One of the most essential diagnostics is the measurement of mass flux, defined as the product of gas density and velocity. Mass flux is directly used in the thrust equations for air-breathing engines such as turbojets [1] and scramjets [2,3] as well as rocket propulsion systems [4,5]. Other parameters related to engine operation such as the intake momentum drag (resulting from momentum ingested by the engine inlet) [6], inlet flow distortion [7], and combustor stability [8] are also dependent on mass flux. In a scramjet for example, a measurement of mass capture to within 1% uncertainty is necessary for a 1% uncertainty in the specific impulse [9]. Hence there is motivation to include an accurate measurement of gas mass flux during both in-flight and ground-testing of propulsion systems to monitor vehicle or facility operation and to determine the aerodynamic parameters of the system. Conventional methods for measuring mass flux in ground-test facilities use total and static pressure probes together with total temperature probes or thermocouples [10,11]. These invasive mass-flux probes tend to disturb the flow, generate shock structures, and may have limited ability to survive long-duration runs [12]. Furthermore, water-cooling is often necessary to ensure the survival and operability of total temperature probes above 755K [13]. Accurate temperature measurements using these instruments also require complex models for heat transfer from the thermocouple bead within the probe [14]; this adds further complexity to the data processing as well as 1 additional sources of error. In contrast, optically-based measurement techniques offer a noninvasive, robust, and highly accurate method for determining gas mass flux. A variety of laser-based techniques can be deployed for mass-flux measurements. Gas density can be measured from Rayleigh [15,16] or Raman [17] scattering, laserinduced fluorescence (LIF) [18,19], laser interferometry [20], or laser absorption spectroscopy. A major disadvantage of scattering and LIF techniques is their reliance on large, high-power lasers and expensive camera systems. High laser powers are necessary due to the low signal levels from scattering processes. This inhibits the ability for inflight measurements, and severely limits potential ground-testing facilities since few institutions can make the sizable capital investment and accommodate large laser systems at their test facilities. Scattering and LIF techniques provide measurements at a point; in contrast laser interferometry and absorption are line-of-sight techniques. Interferometry measurements suffer from high sensitivities to mechanical vibrations and fluctuations in the gas properties along the line of sight. This limits the usefulness of these techniques to controlled laboratory settings. However, absorption spectroscopy techniques for density measurement can be designed to be highly robust, easily implemented, and insensitive to perturbations of gas conditions in the beam path [10,12,21-27]. A number of laser-based velocity measurement techniques also exist, the most common being laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) [15,28-30] and particle image velocimetry (PIV) [30-32]. While LDV can provide highly resolved measurements of velocity, its drawbacks include low signal-to-noise ratio (LDV is also a scattering-based technique), high sensitivity to alignment, the need for particle seeding, and high cost of lasers and signal processing equipment [28]. PIV can provide spatially resolved images of velocity components in multiple dimensions; its drawbacks are similar to LDV – namely expensive equipment and the necessity for flow seeding. Flow seeding can be particularly troublesome, since it requires modification of facility hardware, routine cleaning of the facility walls, and proper tracer particle selection (some of which are toxic). Great care also must be taken to ensure the tracer particles are homogeneously distributed and properly sized such that they faithfully follow the flow. Other velocity 2 measurement techniques include laser-induced thermal acoustics (LITA) [33,34] and Raman scattering [35,36]. The LITA technique operates on the basis of a density grating produced by thermalization or electrostriction at the intersection of two coherent beams; an interrogation beam can then be scattered into the grating, and velocity can be determined from the Doppler-shifted scattered signal [37,38]. This technique is capable of producing highly accurate velocity results (0.2% accuracy in a 150m/s flow [39]). However, large high-power lasers are required, and the necessity for multiple-beam mixing significantly increases the experimental complexity. Raman scattering techniques have also been demonstrated for accurate velocimetry; however, the integration times are prohibitively long (>10 minutes) and it has the typical problems of scattering techniques: a reliance on high-power lasers and susceptibility to a low SNR [35,36]. In contrast, absorption techniques (based on Doppler shift) do not require particle seeding, and can be deployed with compact, inexpensive diode lasers [10,12,21-25,27,40,41]. The experimental setup is quite straightforward, and the necessary data processing for absorption techniques is also far less complex and time-consuming than LDV and PIV. Another advantage of absorption techniques is the ability to access mature tunable diode laser technology over a large spectrum of wavelengths. Figure 1.1 illustrates the range over which room temperature semiconductor lasers are available. Figure 1.1: Wavelength range of availability for semiconductor diode lasers [42]. 3 Of particular relevance for this work is the set of lasers centered around 1.3 µm that have been produced for the telecommunications industry. Due to decades of development, TDLs in this wavelength range have decreased in cost, improved in reliability and performance, and have decreased in both weight and size. Furthermore, these diode lasers are often fiber-pigtailed to conveniently interface with fiber optic components. These characteristics are particularly important for deployment in the field, where limitations on size, power consumption, and cost are commonly encountered. Because of these advantages, tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) has been deployed as a robust, noninvasive measurement technique for the harsh environments commonly experienced in high-speed or combusting propulsion flows [43,44]. Mass-flux sensing via TDLAS was pioneered by Philippe and Hanson [27] and patented for thrust measurements in 1993 [45]. Subsequent TDL mass-flux sensors have been deployed for a variety of field tests including a commercial turbofan (PW6000) inlet at Pratt and Whitney [23], a full-scale Pratt & Whitney F-100 engine in an open ground-test stand at the NASA Dryden Flight Research Facility [10], and a model scramjet combustor at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base [12]. In this work, a TDLAS mass-flux sensor was designed and deployed at a combustion-heated Mach 2.7 wind tunnel at NASA Langley. The target facility operates as a part of NASA Langley’s Scramjet Test Complex, simulating hypersonic atmospheric flight conditions for testing of scramjet components. Because the facility is combustionheated, a large mole fraction of water vapor is present in the test gas; hence H2O was targeted as the absorbing species for the TDL sensor. A major goal of this work was to assess the accuracy of TDLAS measurements of mass flux by comparison with facility predictive code and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solutions. Validation of the sensor measurements provides confidence in deploying the sensor in less wellcharacterized flow conditions, e.g. scramjet inlet models where mass capture is poorly known. Additionally, the facility provided an excellent environment to obtain spatially resolved measurements for comparison with CFD, allowing for the effects of flow nonuniformity on line-of-sight measurements to be assessed. 4 1.2 Overview of Dissertation The dissertation is organized as follows: 1) Chapter 1 describes the motivation for mass-flux measurement in the area of aerodynamics and propulsion. Benefits of optical diagnostic techniques are discussed, and the background and history of TDL mass-flux sensing is reviewed. 2) Chapter 2 examines the fundamentals of absorption spectroscopy, which is central to the sensor designed in this work. The theory and implementation of both direct absorption (DA) and wavelength modulation spectroscopy (WMS) techniques are discussed. The temperature and velocity measurement methodologies implemented in this work are then introduced. 3) Chapter 3 examines in further detail 1f-normalized wavelength modulation spectroscopy with 2f detection (WMS-2f/1f ), a modified form of WMS. The influence of optical depth and laser modulation on the absorption lineshape is investigated, and this analysis is used to optimize the lineshape for velocity measurements. 4) Chapter 4 addresses the issue of nonuniformity with regard to line-of-sight measurements. Lineshapes are simulated using nonuniform gas conditions, and the influence on the resulting measurement is assessed. For the case of the NASA Langley sensor, a simple correction for flow nonuniformity is formulated for velocity. A general analysis of the effects of temperature and velocity nonuniformity is presented, leading to the development of design rules to minimize nonuniformity effects on LOS measurements. 5) Chapter 5 outlines the overall sensor architecture. Line selection and fundamental spectroscopy measurements are discussed, and the experimental hardware for the sensor is described in detail. 6) Chapter 6 presents the temperature and velocity validation experiments that were performed at Stanford. These experiments proved the sensor’s accuracy 5 in determining both temperature and velocity against well-known conditions, and successfully tested the sensor hardware and data acquisition systems. 7) Chapter 7 describes the field campaign at the NASA Langley Direct-Connect Supersonic Combustion Test Facility. The mass-flux sensor was deployed for temporally and spatially resolved measurements in a modified isolator section. These results were compared with the facility predictive code and CFD solutions. 8) Chapter 8 proposes areas for further research and summarizes the work described in the thesis. 9) Appendix A examines the background of polarization-maintaining optical components and the associated benefits to using these components for TDLAS sensing. Appendix B describes the algorithm and data processing scheme developed for sensitive detection of velocity. 6 Chapter 2: Absorption Spectroscopy Theory and Measurement Techniques The sensor developed for this work relies on absorption spectroscopy, through which the physical properties of a gas can be extracted from interaction with light. This provides the capability to probe the properties of gases in harsh environments without the need to physically access the test gas. In this section, the fundamentals of absorption spectroscopy are introduced, and the primary methods through which spectroscopy can be applied for quantitative measurements are described. The details of the velocity and density measurement techniques incorporated into the mass-flux sensor are also presented. 2.1 Absorption Spectroscopy Theory Absorption spectroscopy is rooted in quantum theory, which requires that the interaction between mass and radiation occur in discrete amounts (quanta). This theory, first proposed by Max Planck, governs the change in energy level, ΔE, that may occur within an atom or molecule when it interacts with a photon [46]. ∆E = hf (1) Here h is Planck’s constant and f is the frequency of the photon. The terms wavelength λ [nm], frequency f [Hz], and wavenumber ν [cm-1] are often used interchangeably in spectroscopy, as they are related through a constant – the speed of light, c [m/s]: c = cν = λ 7 f (2) Hence the wavelength (or frequency) of light can be described by any of the three aforementioned terms. Because of the quantization of energy, only certain transitions are allowed between the internal energy modes (nuclear, rotational, vibrational, and electronic) of an atom or molecule. Illumination by light at a resonant wavelength can cause the target species to absorb a photon and enter an excited energy state (absorption); conversely, the atom or molecule can be induced to drop to a lower energy state and emit a photon (emission). The relative population of molecules in various energy states is governed by Boltzmann statistics; at a given temperature, some energy states may be more populated than others, resulting in absorption of more photons by highly populated states. Since resonance is restricted to particular wavelengths, lasers provide the ideal light source; they produce coherent, monochromatic light that is rapidly wavelengthtunable and spectrally narrow. Hence the laser can be scanned over the frequency range of an absorption transition to give full spectral resolution of the lineshape (absorption transitions do not occur exactly at the resonant wavelength – they are spectrally broadened through a variety of mechanisms as discussed below). In order to apply absorption spectroscopy for quantitative measurements, the Beer-Lambert Law is used to describe the transmitted light intensity of a collimated beam passing through an absorbing medium. = I t ,ν I 0,ν exp(−αν ) (3) Here It and I0 refer to the transmitted and incident intensities, respectively, and αν is the spectral absorbance. The subscript ν is retained to indicate dependence on the frequency of the incident radiation. For a spatially homogeneous absorbing medium, the transmitted intensity can be expressed in a more explicit form: n m It= I 0,ν exp(−kν L= ) I 0,ν exp − PL Xi Si , jφi , j (ν ) ,ν =i 1 =j 1 ∑ ∑ 8 (4) The spectral absorbance has now been defined as the product of kν, the spectral absorption coefficient, and L [cm], the total path length through the absorbing medium. The spectral absorption coefficient is a function of the static pressure, P [atm], the mole fraction of absorbing species i, Xi, the linestrength of transition j for absorbing species i, Sij [cm-2/atm], and the lineshape function of transition j for species i at frequency ν, φi, j (ν ) [cm]. In the 1.3 μm range, where the current sensor operates, the primary absorber is H2O, and Equation 4 can be simplified to describe a single absorbing species: m − = − It= I k L I PXL S φ ν exp( ) exp ( ) ν ,ν 0,ν 0,ν j j j =1 ∑ (5) The above equations now elicit the functional dependence of light transmission on temperature, pressure, and gas composition. Pressure and mole fraction appear explicitly, while the linestrength is solely a function of temperature, and the lineshape function is a complex function of both temperature and pressure. The temperature dependence of the linestrength is given by the following equation: −hcν 0 1 − exp Q(T0 ) T0 hcE " 1 1 kT exp S (T ) S (T0 ) * = − Q(T ) T k T0 T 1 − exp −hcν 0 kT0 (6) The linestrength is referenced to temperature T0 (typically 296K). Also appearing in Equation 6 are the internal partition function Q, lower-state energy E” [cm-1], the Boltzmann constant k, and the transition linecenter frequency, ν0. The lower-state energy refers to the energy state of the molecule prior to absorption; by selecting a transition from an appropriate E”, the desired temperature dependence of the linestrength can be chosen. The internal partition function governs the distribution of a molecular population among its various energy states as a function of temperature; the internal partition function for H2O including vibrational and rotational modes is given by the following equation: 9 π kT QH 2O Q= = 4 rot Qvib ABC hc 3 hcν i 1 − exp kT i =1...3 ∏ −1 (7) The internal partition function of water is represented as the product of its rotational and vibrational partition functions, Qrot and Qvib. In turn, the rotational partition function depends on the moments of inertia about the three axes of the water molecule, A, B, and C. The vibrational partition function is dependent on the three fundamental vibrational modes of H2O as illustrated in Figure 2.2. Equations 6 and 7 will be discussed in further detail in subsequent sections as the temperature dependence of absorption transitions is examined. The lineshape function describes the spectral distribution of the absorption transition, and is dependent on various line-broadening mechanisms. Broadening arises as a result of phenomena in the test gas which perturb the energy levels of an absorbing atom or molecule; these perturbations cause slight changes in the frequencies at which light is absorbed by the molecule. An illustration of the lineshape function for an isolated transition (line) is reproduced from Reference [47] below. ∞ ∫ φ (ν ) dν = 1 −∞ Figure 2.1: Lineshape function with full width at half-maximum (FWHM) indicated [47]. 10 As shown in Figure 2.1, the integral of the lineshape function with respect to frequency is defined to be unity. Hence Equation 5 can be integrated to obtain the integrated absorbance, A for a single feature: ∞ ∫ A= − ln −∞ I t ,ν I 0,ν dν = SPXL (8) From the above equation, it is seen that the integrated absorbance is a direct function of linestrength, pressure, and mole fraction; thus A can be used to make quantitative measurements if two of these parameters (and the path length) are known. The dominant forms of broadening at atmospheric flight conditions are Doppler and collisional; other broadening mechanisms are negligible, and are discussed in further detail in References [47,48]. Doppler broadening is a result of the same Doppler shift upon which TDL velocity measurement is based (see Section 2.7). At a given temperature, the molecules of a gas follow a Maxwellian velocity distribution [49]. Molecules in different velocity classes will absorb photons at a frequency slightly different from the resonant frequency due to the Doppler-shift effect. This leads to a Doppler lineshape function, φD , with a Gaussian form: 2 ln 2 = φD ∆ν D π 1 2 2 ν −ν 0 exp −4 ln 2 ∆ν D (9) The lineshape function depends on the linecenter frequency, ν0, and the Doppler FWHM, ΔνD: ∆ν D 8kT ln 2 = ν0 mc 2 1 2 (10) Here m is the molecular weight of the molecule. Equation 10 indicates that the Doppler FWHM, and subsequently the Doppler lineshape, is strictly a function of temperature. 11 Collisional broadening is a result of the interaction between the electric fields of molecules during a collision. Collisions change the distribution of internal energy within molecules, and shorten the lifetime of a molecule in a particular energy state; in turn this leads to increased uncertainty and causes collisional broadening following a Lorentzian form: φC = 1 2π ∆ν C (ν −ν 0 ) 2 ∆ν + C 2 2 (11) The collisional lineshape function, φC , is a function of the collisional FWHM, ΔνC: ∑X ∆ν C = P A 2γ B− A (12) A As seen above, the collisional FWHM increases with pressure. XA refers to the mole fraction of collision partner A, and 2γB-A refers to the collisional broadening coefficient between molecule A and the absorbing molecule B. When Doppler and collisional broadening are dominant, the absorption lineshape is a convolution of the two profiles, called the Voigt lineshape, φV : φV = 2 ∆ν D ln 2 π V ( a, w ) (13) V(a,w) is the Voigt function, and the Voigt a and w parameters are given by the following: 12 a= w= ln 2 ∆ν C ∆ν D (14) 2 ln 2 (ν −ν 0 ) (15) ∆ν D Because of the computational expense of calculating the explicit Voigt function (involving complex integrals), numerical approximations are typically used. The above equations now fully model the behavior of the absorption signal as a function of temperature and partial pressure, setting the groundwork for quantitative absorption spectroscopy measurements. 2.2 H2O Overtone and Combination Band at 1.4 μm As previously mentioned, the species of interest for the current sensor is water vapor due to its presence in large quantities in combustion-driven flows. H2O is a nonlinear triatomic molecule and possesses three fundamental vibrational modes as illustrated in Figure 2.2. Vibration of the atoms changes the electric dipole moment of the molecule, allowing for interaction with light at resonant frequencies [50]. H O O O H Symmetric stretch ν1= 3652 cm-1 H H Symmetric bend ν2= 1595cm-1 H H Asymmetric stretch ν3= 3756 cm-1 Figure 2.2: H2O fundamental vibrational modes. Absorption of a photon at any of the three H2O fundamental vibrational frequencies can induce the molecule into an excited vibrational state. Similarly, rotation of the molecule also causes oscillation of its dipole, and an absorbed photon at a resonant frequency can excite the molecule to a higher rotational energy state. Transitions are also 13 allowed at overtones (2νi, 3νi, etc.) and combinations (νi+νj, 2νi+νj, etc.) of the fundamental frequencies, although the transition strength is diminished. Simultaneous changes in rotational and vibrational energy (vibrotational transitions) or rotational, vibrational, and electronic energy (rovibronic transitions) can also occur. The water vapor vibrotational transitions in the region of 1.3 – 1.5 μm originate from five vibrational bands: 2ν1, 2ν3, ν1+ν3, 2ν2+ν3, 2ν2+ν1 [51,52]. A total of 3523 H2O transitions are documented in the HITRAN [53] database from 6700 – 7700cm-1, making this wavelength region attractive when selecting lines for a tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) sensor. The linestrengths for water vapor transitions in the 1 – 2 μm range are plotted in Figure 2.3. HITRAN database, H2O at 300 K 1 10 0 -1 10 -2 S [cm /atm] 10 Telecom diode lasers available ν2+2ν3 2ν1+ν2 ν1+ν2+ν3 2ν3, ν1+ν3, 2ν1 ν1+ν2 ν2+ν3 -2 10 -3 10 -4 10 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 Wavelength [µm] 1.8 2.0 Figure 2.3: H2O transition linestrengths from 1 – 2 μm. Primary vibrational modes present in each band are labeled. As previously discussed, a major benefit to working in the 1.4 μm absorption band is the widespread availability of telecommunications diode lasers and fiber optic components. Robust, inexpensive light sources are readily available to access a wide array of wavelengths. This facilitates the development of multiple-wavelength sensors to simultaneously investigate multiple gas parameters. 14 In particular, the rapid tuning characteristics, compact size, and low power requirements of tunable diode lasers make them an ideal choice for deployment in field campaigns. 2.3 Direct Absorption Spectroscopy Scanned-wavelength direct absorption spectroscopy has been the traditional technique for absorption-based measurements in gases for many years. Implementation of a direct absorption sensor is quite straightforward, and measurements of line-of-sight gas temperature and species concentration can be made with excellent accuracy [54-56]. The implementation of scanned-wavelength direct absorption spectroscopy is illustrated Gas sample Baseline fit + Beer’s Law Intensity Laser Detector Time Absorbance in Figure 2.4. Integrated absorbance Time Figure 2.4: Implementation of scanned-wavelength direct absorption technique. For diode lasers, wavelength scanning is typically accomplished by temperaturestabilizing the laser and modulating the injection current with a sawtooth waveform. This causes a simultaneous ramping of the laser intensity and wavelength. A laser can then be wavelength-tuned over the spectral range of an absorption transition, producing the detected signal shown in the intensity vs. time plot of Figure 2.4. Using a baseline fit and applying Beer’s Law (Equation 3), the detected signal can be converted to absorbance, which in turn can be used to determine properties of the absorbing species such as temperature and mole fraction. The advantage of the DA technique is its simplicity; implementation is straightforward and calibration-free. However, large measurement uncertainty can arise in harsh, noisy environments where fluctuations in laser transmission can cause errors in baseline fitting. At high pressures, broadening of the absorption lineshape also limits the ability to resolve the baseline. 15 2.4 Wavelength Modulation Absorption Spectroscopy Wavelength modulation spectroscopy (WMS) relies on the same spectroscopic theory as direct absorption, although the analysis and implementation are significantly more complex. The primary benefits of the WMS technique are: • Rejection of low-frequency noise produced by the test environment, e.g. vibration or emission by shifting detection of the absorption signal to a much higher frequency. • Removal of the necessity for baseline fitting as in the DA technique. • Increasing the minimum detectable absorbance by orders of magnitude over the DA technique. • Removal of the effects of non-absorption-related laser transmission fluctuations produced by the test environment (with 1f-normalization of WMS-2f signal). WMS measurements have been proven to be highly accurate, sensitive, and noiseresistant in harsh environments where direct absorption can suffer from a poor signal-tonoise ratio (SNR) [57-60]. The basis of the WMS technique is the application of a highfrequency modulation to the laser injection current. The simultaneous frequency and intensity modulation of the laser light causes harmonics of the modulation frequency to arise upon interaction with an absorption feature. These harmonics can be isolated with a lock-in amplifier and compared to models to infer mole fraction and temperature. The WMS technique can be implemented in two modes: • Fixed-wavelength: The laser center wavelength is fixed at the transition linecenter frequency while high-frequency modulation is applied and the 2f peak signal is recorded. The 2f peak signal is considered for measurements since its sensitivity to laser modulation parameters is minimized [59]. This form of WMS is capable of very high-bandwidth measurements, and is particularly useful for measurements involving blended spectra (common at high pressures) [59]. Typically, the laser center frequency is tuned in a small range about the linecenter frequency to ensure that the 2f peak is resolved (the laser center frequency may 16 not be exactly at linecenter due to current/temperature controller drift, laser drift, and pressure or Doppler shifting). • Scanned-wavelength: The laser wavelength is tuned over all or part of the spectral range of the transition lineshape. Because the laser is tuned over a larger wavelength range, the effective time response of the sensor decreases. However, this technique allows for the complete spectral resolution of a transition for both thermometry and Doppler-shift velocimetry. Implementation of the scanned- Gas sample Time Lock-in @ 1f 2f peak height Time 1f signal Σ Lock-in @ 2f Intensity Detector 2f signal wavelength WMS technique is illustrated in Figure 2.5. 1f value @2f peak location Time Figure 2.5: Implementation of wavelength-scanned WMS technique. Data is shown for signals collected during the NASA Langley test campaign: λ=1349nm, T=990K, P=72kPa, XH2O=0.26, L=18.7cm. As seen above, the laser injection current drive signal consists of a high-frequency (f ) sinusoid superimposed on a lower frequency (fslow) wavelength scan. In practice it is preferable to use a sine wave for the low-frequency scan to avoid adding higher harmonics of this scan frequency to the signal [61]. In the intensity vs. time plot of the figure above, the high-frequency modulation is seen superimposed on the slow scan; the distortion of the detected signal due to absorption is also seen as the laser frequency is scanned through the spectral range of the transition. The detected signal is then input to a lock-in amplifier [62,63] which isolates the harmonics at the frequencies of interest, namely 1f and 2f. Operation of the lock-in amplifier is quite simple; the input signal is multiplied by a reference sinusoid at the required frequency (1f or 2f for the current 17 sensor), which shifts the harmonic signals to DC. The software lock-in can be implemented for multiple wavelengths in real-time, with the ability to extract any number of harmonics simultaneously. A low-pass filter is then used to isolate the harmonic signal. Having obtained the 1f and 2f signals, calibration-free WMS can be applied by comparing the measured signals to simulations in order to infer temperature and mole fraction [57,58,61,64-66]. As indicated in Figure 2.5, the relevant measurements for this analysis are the 2f peak height and the corresponding 1f value at the 2f peak location. In the remainder of this section, the fundamental equations necessary for the application of the 1f-normalized WMS-2f technique are presented for current-tuned TDLs. The theory of WMS-2f has been studied and reported extensively [57,61,65-72], but enough is reproduced here to define terms and allow the reader to understand the details of the sensor design. Nomenclature follows that of References [21,40,57,61,64,65]. The instantaneous laser frequency and intensity of a current-tuned TDL are governed by: ν (t )=ν (t ) + a cos(2π ft ) I 0 (t ) =+ I 0 (t ) i0 cos(2π ft + ψ 1 ) (16) (17) In Equation 16, ν (t ) is the laser frequency [cm-1] averaged over the modulation (with time dependence due to the slow scan), f is the modulation frequency [Hz], and a is the modulation depth [cm-1]. In Equation 17, I 0 (t ) is the laser intensity averaged over the modulation (again with time dependence due to the slow scan), i0 is the linear intensity modulation amplitude, and ψ1 is the linear phase shift between intensity and frequency. The nonlinear intensity modulation terms have been omitted as they tend to be insignificant at the moderate modulation depths used for WMS at or below atmospheric pressures [65]. To successfully model the WMS signal, the parameters a, i0, and ψ 1 must be known. These parameters are specific to a given laser current, temperature, and modulation frequency and must be measured each time these values change. Figure 2.6 illustrates the measurement technique for the laser modulation parameters. 18 I0 i0 ν a Figure 2.6: Intensity (top panel) and frequency (bottom panel) modulation for NEL diode laser at 50kHz. Modified from Reference [65]. The top panel shows the intensity modulation of a DFB laser as the high-frequency modulation (50kHz) is applied to the injection current; simultaneously, the laser frequency modulation is shown in the bottom panel as obtained from the interference signal produced as the laser is fed into a ring etalon. The parameters a, i0, and ψ1 are measured as indicated in Figure 2.6. The complete details of these measurements are given in more detail by Li et al. [65]. Equations 3, 16, and 17 can now be combined to express the transmitted intensity for WMS: I t (t ) = I 0 (t ) + i0 cos(2π ft + ψ 1 ) exp [ −α (ν (t ) + a cos(2π ft )) ] (18) If the slow-scan time dependence is neglected, this function is even and can be expanded using the Fourier cosine series: 19 ∞ ∑ exp [ −α (ν + a cos(2π ft )) ] =H k (ν , a) cos(2π kt ) (19) k =0 1 H 0 (ν , a ) = 2π π exp − Pi L −π ∫ π 1 H k (ν , a ) = exp − Pi L π −π ∫ ∑ S φ (ν + a cos(ξ )) dξ j j (20) j ∑ S φ (ν + a cos(ξ )) cos(kξ ) dξ j j j (21) The spectral absorbance has now been expressed as in Equation 5, where Pi is the partial pressure of the absorbing species, Sj is the linestrength of absorption feature j, and φ j is the lineshape of absorption feature j. Note that in Equations 20 and 21, the integration variable is designated as ξ instead of θ as in References [40,61,64,65]. This is due to the fact that θ appears in later equations as the crossing half-angle used in crossed-beam Doppler-shift velocimetry. The parameters ν and I 0 are the laser frequency and intensity averaged over the modulation at the midpoint of the slow scan as indicated in Figure 2.7. Intensity [V] 4.5 I0 4.0 A Frequency [cm-1] 3.5 0.6 ν 0.4 0.2 Aν 0.0 0 5 10 Time [ms] Figure 2.7: Intensity (top panel) and frequency (bottom panel) modulation of slowscan signal at 250Hz for NEL diode laser. High-frequency modulation is 255kHz. 20 High-frequency modulation in the frequency vs. time signal has been omitted for clarity. The top panel shows the intensity modulation of the WMS laser signal (no absorption); modulation of 255kHz has been superimposed on the slow scan. The bottom panel shows the corresponding modulation of slow-scan laser frequency averaged over the modulation. The parameters A and Aν refer to the slow-scan intensity and frequency modulation amplitudes, respectively. Criteria for selecting the various WMS parameters presented in this section are summarized in Table 2.1. Table 2.1: Selection criteria for WMS parameters. Parameter Selection criteria A, Aν Lineshape spectral resolution, Doppler shifting fslow Sensor bandwidth i0 , a Modulation index f Noise characteristics of environment, compatibility with frequency multiplexing The amplitude of the slow-scan modulation is primarily determined by the required spectral resolution of the absorption lineshape. If only the WMS-2f peak value is of interest (as in fixed-wavelength WMS), the slow scan can be modulated in only a small wavelength range around the linecenter. However for Doppler-shift measurements, it is desirable to resolve the entire lineshape; hence a larger slow-scan amplitude is necessary. The slow-scan amplitude must also be large enough to capture frequencyshifted lineshapes due to bulk velocity of the flow; this Doppler shift can range from 10-5 cm-1 in subsonic flow to >10-1cm-1 in hypersonic flow. Selection of the slow-scan modulation frequency is determined by the rate at which the sensor is to produce measurements (note that the sensor bandwidth is actually 2fslow for sinusoidal modulation since the laser scans through the absorption feature on both the up-scan and down-scan of 21 the sine wave). The properties of the test environment must be considered to ensure that the sensor bandwidth is appropriate for the temporal scale of the phenomena present in the system. The high-frequency modulation amplitude (modulation depth, a) determines the modulation index, which governs the curvature and amplitude of the WMS signals (discussed in the next chapter). The frequency of this modulation should be significantly higher than the characteristic noise frequency of the test environment in order to benefit from the noise-rejection property of the WMS technique. If frequency multiplexing of multiple lasers is to be used, the modulation frequencies should also be selected to minimize cross-talk of the harmonics (see Section 5.1). The signal for transmitted intensity passes through a software lock-in amplifier, which consists of a mixer and a low-pass filter. The mixer multiplies the detected signal by two sinusoids of equal and arbitrary phase, producing an X- and Y-component: X 2 f= GI 0 2 i0 H 2 + 2 ( H1 + H 3 ) cosψ 1 GI i Y2 f = − 0 0 ( H1 − H 3 ) sinψ 1 2 2 (22) (23) where G, the detector gain, now appears in these equations. This technique for extracting the harmonic signal is insensitive to the phase between the input signal and the reference sinusoids applied in the lock-in amplifier. The 2f signal is given by the root-sum-square of the two components: = S2 f X 22 f + Y22f (24) In calibration-free WMS, the 1f signal is used to remove the detector gain and average laser power [21,40,57,61,64,65]. Following the same procedure, the 1f signal can be calculated: 22 X1 f = GI 0 2 H2 H1 + i0 H 0 + cosψ 1 2 GI H Y1 f = − 0 i0 H 0 − 2 2 2 = R1 f sin ψ 1 X 22 f + Y22f (25) (26) (27) The 1f-normalized 2f signal is now described by Equations 20-27, and the necessary parameters can be divided into two classes: laser modulation parameters a, i0, and ψ1, and spectroscopic parameters Sj and φ j . The linestrength is solely a function of temperature, while the lineshape depends on broadening coefficients, which have both a pressure and temperature dependence. TDLAS measurements with WMS require accurate knowledge of both the spectroscopic and laser modulation parameters for the sensor. 2.5 Temperature Measurement Methodology The current sensor measures density by coupling a 1f-normalized WMS-2f temperature measurement with a facility pressure measurement. The ideal gas law is then applied to obtain density. The 1f-normalized WMS-2f signal can be modeled once the laser modulation and spectroscopic parameters described in the previous section have been measured. The temperature dependence of this signal is embedded in the Hi terms of Equations 20 and 21. As described in Section 2.1, the linestrength is solely a function of temperature, while the lineshape function, most commonly modeled with the Voigt profile, requires knowledge of the Doppler- and pressure-broadened half widths. The Doppler contribution to the line width is a function of temperature and physical constants and does not need to be measured experimentally. The pressure-broadened contribution to the linewidth depends on broadening coefficients which must be measured (if not already known) as a function of temperature and composition. 23 The simulation used for the current temperature measurements is based on a model initiated by Li et al. [65], which was thoroughly tested with H2O up to pressures of 30atm and temperatures of 900K [61,73]. The model was further improved by Rieker et al. [61,73] to model the WMS signal beyond the optically thin limit (absorbance < 0.05). This model incorporates Equations 20-27 to calculate the 1f-normalized 2f signal, and temperature is inferred by comparing the measured values (for the ratio of WMS-2f/1f signals for the two targeted transitions) with computed values. This technique has been demonstrated to measure temperature in the reflected shock region of a shock tube within 1% of the theoretical value using H2O absorption [57], and within 0.5% using CO2 absorption [58], as well as flame temperature within 1.5% of a thermocouple reading [74]. The model used for this work was modified to include an improved approximation to the Voigt function [75,76]. 2.6 Density Measurement Methodology Density can be obtained with either DA or WMS techniques. Previous TDL mass-flux sensors have relied on the direct absorption method for density measurements [10,12,22,25,26,77]. This leaves the sensor susceptible to the shortcomings of the DA technique mentioned in Section 2.3. By implementing the WMS temperature measurement technique, the sensor density measurement benefits from both noiserejection and increased SNR. Here the density measurement relies on a temperature and pressure measurement; pressure measurements are obtained with fast time response (20Hz) using pressure transducers installed in the NASA Langley facility. Pressure and temperature are used in conjunction with the ideal gas law to determine density, ρ: P = ρRT (28) Here P is the pressure in Pa, R is the universal gas constant for the gas mixture in J/kgK, and T is the temperature in K. 24 Assumption of ideal gas behavior can be justified by examining the compressibility factor, Z, of the test gas. As the compressibility factor of a gas approaches unity, the more closely the gas is described by ideal gas behavior. The compressibility factor is a function of the reduced pressure and temperature, Pr and Tr, and Z near unity is achieved for most gases, including air, when Pr <0.1 or Tr>2 [78,79]. For the conditions at the NASA Langley DCSCTF, the values of Pr and Tr (0.02 and 7.5, respectively) easily satisfy these conditions. Hence the ideal gas law can be applied to determine density from pressure and temperature with negligible error. 2.7 Velocity Measurement Methodology Diode laser absorption measurements of velocity rely on the Doppler-shift effect. If a component of flow velocity exists parallel to a beam path, an absorption feature will experience a frequency shift of its linecenter, Δν [cm-1], given by: ∆ν ν o = U parallel c (29) This Doppler shift is dependent on the unshifted linecenter frequency νo [cm-1], the speed of light c [m/s], and the component of bulk velocity parallel to the beam path Uparallel [m/s]. A crossed-beam setup as shown in Figure 2.8a is typically used to obtain the relative frequency shift. Because absorption is a line-of-sight measurement, the velocity determined using this technique is not defined at a specific point; the measurement is a spatial average of the velocity within the plane encompassed by the two beams. This leads to the realization that nonuniformity in the flow-field velocity distribution can influence the velocity measured from Doppler-shifted absorption lineshapes. Further discussion of this effect, as well as the ramifications of nonuniformity in other flow properties is found in Chapter 4. 25 Δν 0.4 Air flow velocity, U Unormal 2θ Uparallel Absorbance 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.4 b) a) Upstream-pointing beam Downstream-pointing beam -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 Frequency [cm-1] Figure 2.8: a) Schematic of crossed-beam configuration for Doppler-shift velocimetry. b) Simulated frequency shift for direct absorption lineshapes with λ=1349nm, 2θ = 90o, U = 1600m/s, T = 915K, P = 0.68atm, XH2O = 0.26, L = 18.7cm. The crossing half-angle θ can now be used to recover the axial flow velocity U, as seen in the following equation: ∆ν ν o = 2sinθ ⋅ U c (30) Here the frequency shift is directly proportional to the sine of the crossing half-angle. Hence by maximizing the crossing angle, the frequency shift between the absorption features in Figure 2.8b is also maximized. This causes an increase in the minimum velocity that can be resolved and makes frequency-shift detection less susceptible to noise. However, spatial constraints at most ground-test facilities typically limit the crossing angle to no more than 90o. Previous TDL measurements have applied Doppler-shift velocimetry using direct absorption of water vapor [12,26,41], potassium [41], O2 [10,11], and NO [25,77]. Sensing of velocity via O2 [22,23,27,80] has shown that WMS-2f can provide an improvement in measurement precision and resolution. The current work extends Doppler-shift velocimetry to the WMS-2f/1f technique, taking advantage of improvements in SNR and noise-rejection capability as discussed in the following chapter. The superiority of WMS-2f/1f velocity sensing over the WMS-2f technique is discussed further in Appendix B. 26 Resolution of the velocity measurement is dependent on the linecenter frequency, crossing angle, and the smallest frequency shift that can be measured. For a constant sample rate and scan rate, the frequency-shift detection limit increases with laser scan amplitude (Aν) since the laser must scan farther in frequency between data points. These larger scan amplitudes are necessary to resolve the lineshape of pressure-broadened and Doppler-shifted features. The resolution of the 2f/1f lineshape for a sensor sampling at 5 MHz with a slow-scan frequency of 250Hz and scan range of 0.35cm-1 (typical width of a high-temperature H2O absorption feature) is 7 (10)-5cm-1. Assuming near-IR diode laser absorption with a typical linecenter frequency ~7400cm-1, a frequency-shift detection limit of 7 (10)-5cm-1, and a crossing angle of 90o, a single-sweep velocity resolution of 2m/s is obtained, which is roughly 0.1% uncertainty for a 1500m/s flow and suitable for high-speed test environments. This theoretical resolution for the sensor is applicable in the limit of identical lineshapes measured on the upstream- and downstream-pointing beams which are not distorted by flow nonuniformities, noise, or laser transmission/gas condition fluctuations. By fitting the lineshape and making additional Doppler-shift measurements between data points, the velocity resolution can be improved to better than 1m/s as required for a low-speed validation experiment. 27 28 Chapter 3: 1f-Normalized Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy with 2fDetection The benefits of the 1f-normalized WMS-2f technique have been successfully exploited for TDL measurements in harsh environments for many years. However, study of this technique has typically been focused on the optically thin limit (absorbance < 5%). In this section, the behavior of the 1f-normalized WMS-2f (WMS-2f/1f ) lineshape is investigated for varying optical thickness and modulation index, with particular emphasis on the regime of large absorbance which has not previously been thoroughly analyzed. With a better understanding of the behavior of the WMS-2f/1f signal, simple guidelines are developed to optimize the lineshape for velocity measurement. 3.1 Theory and Background Obtaining the WMS-2f/1f signal is quite straightforward; the lock-in amplifier outputs of Equations 24 and 27 are simply divided to produce the WMS-2f/1f lineshape. Before proceeding, an important parameter must be introduced – the modulation index m: m = a ∆ν HWHM (31) Here ΔνHWHM is the lineshape half width at half-maximum. The modulation index is a measure of the laser frequency modulation relative to the width of the lineshape, and in a following section the 2f/1f lineshape is shown to be a strong function of this parameter. The WMS signals are sensitive to the curvature of the absorption lineshape. In the limit of low modulation indices (derivative spectroscopy), the harmonics closely 29 approximate the derivatives of the absorption lineshape [81-83]. The cause of this behavior can be traced to Equations 22-27, which show that the WMS-kf (k=1, 2, 3…) signal is strongly dependent on harmonic Hk, and a weaker function of the Hk-1 and Hk+1 harmonics. As the modulation index is reduced, i0 simultaneously decreases (this parameter is linearly proportional to modulation depth for current-tuned TDLs [60,65]), and the contribution of the Hk-1 and Hk+1 harmonics to the WMS signal is diminished. Hence the WMS-kf signal becomes dominated by the Hkth harmonic, which is proportional to the kth derivative of the absorption lineshape [69]. Absorbance is plotted Absorbance with its first and second derivatives in Figure 3.1. a) 0.15 0.10 0.05 c) 2nd derivative of absorbance (absolute value) b) 1st derivative of absorbance 0.00 0.001 0.000 -0.001 3.0x10-5 2.0x10-5 1.0x10-5 0.0 7454.10 7454.25 7454.40 7454.55 7454.70 -1 Frequency [cm ] Figure 3.1: Simulations of H2O transition at 1341nm for P=72kPa, T=990K, XH2O=0.25, and L=18.8cm. a) Absorbance. b) 1st derivative of absorbance. c) Absolute value of 2nd derivative of absorbance. 30 The above plot also illustrates the behavior of an idealized diode laser, in which there is no intensity change as the wavelength is tuned. In a real TDL the laser intensity and frequency are tuned simultaneously, which causes the first harmonic (1f ) to reside on a non-zero background: R1 f 0 = 1 GI 0 i0 2 (32) This is in fact the 1f signal in the absence of absorption, obtained by evaluating Equations 24-26 while recognizing that H0=1 and Hk=0 in the case of zero absorption. However for a diode laser where wavelength and intensity tuning are independent, 1f normalization is not possible since the 1f signal resides on a zero background. This is because the linear intensity modulation amplitude, i0, would be zero in the absence of intensity tuning. It is useful to begin analysis of the WMS-2f/1f lineshape by qualitatively examining the nature of the 2f and 1f signals. Figure 3.2 displays simulations of the WMS signals for a current-tuned TDL wavelength-scanned over an isolated water vapor transition at 1341nm. 31 a) Absorbance 0.15 0.10 0.05 b) Simulated 1f signal 0.00 0.10 0.08 0.06 c) Simulated 2f signal 0.04 0.02 0.01 d) Simulated 2f/1f signal 0.00 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 7454.10 7454.25 7454.40 7454.55 7454.70 -1 Frequency [cm ] Figure 3.2: Simulations of H2O transition at 1341nm for P=72kPa, T=990K, XH2O=0.25, and L=18.8cm. a) Absorbance. b) WMS-1f lineshape. c) WMS-2f lineshape. d) WMS-2f/1f lineshape. Modulation index for WMS simulations is 1.6. Absorption linecenter frequency indicated by dashed line. Comparing Figures 3.1b and 3.2b, it is clear that the WMS-1f signal indeed reflects the 1st derivative of the absorption lineshape. As mentioned previously, the 1f signal resides on a non-zero background, a value to which it asymptotes at frequencies farther from the absorption linecenter. Comparison of the 2f signal with the absolute value of the second derivative of absorbance (Figures 3.1c and 3.2c) also illustrates qualitative agreement. The 2f signal is always positive because it is the root-sum-square (RSS) of the lock-in outputs. It is also seen that the 2f peak coincides with the peak in absorbance, and that the zero crossings 32 occur at roughly the same location as the maximum and minimum of the 1f signal. Note that the asymmetry seen in the WMS-2f signal is due to the coupling of frequency and intensity modulation in diode lasers as described in References [60,84]. The WMS-2f/1f signal of Figure 3.2d appears similar to the 2f signal, but displays asymmetry resulting from division by the asymmetric 1f signal. Of particular importance is the fact that normalization of the 2f signal with the 1f signal causes an order of magnitude increase in signal amplitude. This is a result of the sharp downward slope of the 1f signal between its maximum and minimum; the following sections will explore how absorbance and modulation index can be adjusted to exploit and optimize this behavior. A final point to note is that the WMS-2f/1f peak does not occur at the same frequency as the WMS-2f peak. This effect is exacerbated by an increase in absorbance, as will be shown in the following section. Previous TDL measurements of velocity have used either direct absorption [10,12,25,26,41,77] or WMS-2f [22,23,27,80]. The current sensing technique further improves velocimetry precision and resolution by normalizing the WMS-2f signal with the WMS-1f signal. Referring to Equations 22-27, it is seen that the 1f-normalized WMS-2f signal is independent of detector gain and average laser intensity. Such normalization has been demonstrated to improve the stability of optical sensors through resistance to transmitted laser intensity fluctuations from non-absorption-related losses [57,60,61,64-66]. This feature of the WMS-2f/1f signal is of great benefit for velocity sensing, where the ability to resolve Doppler shifts requires sensitive detection of the transition linecenter. In addition to rejecting fluctuations in laser transmission, the WMS-2f/1f signal can be sensitized for velocity measurement by adjusting the modulation depth to optimize the 2f/1f lineshape for varying degrees of optical depth. Detection of the Doppler shift from the difference of transition linecenters is improved when the lineshapes are tall and narrow, as may be accomplished by allowing strong absorption and by adjusting the modulation index. When probing absorption transitions with absorbances of >10%, the first harmonic of the laser transmitted intensity (1f signal) becomes significantly distorted 33 by the absorption lineshape. As mentioned previously, the 1f signal reflects the first derivative of the absorption lineshape, and grows taller and sharper as absorption increases. In the desired case of large absorption, normalization of the WMS-2f signal by the 1f signal can be used to generate a tall, sharply rising feature that is ideal for Dopplershift detection. 3.2 Influence of Optical Depth WMS measurements of temperature often take advantage of an approximation to Equation 3 which can be made in the limit of small absorption (typically absorbance < 0.05) [57,64]. By linearizing the exponential of Equation 3, the following relation is obtained: I t ,ν I 0,ν = 1 − αν (33) This brings about a corresponding simplification in the formulation of Equations 20 and 21 for the harmonics of the WMS signal: = H 0 (ν , a ) = H k (ν , a ) − Pi L π π − Pi L 2π ∫π ∑ S φ (ν + a cos(ξ )) dξ (34) ∫π ∑ S φ (ν + a cos(ξ )) ⋅ cos(kξ ) dξ (35) j j − j π j j − j With all other equations unchanged, it is seen that dividing the WMS signals for two absorption features removes the direct dependence on partial pressure and path length: 34 (WMS − 2 f /1 f )λ (WMS − 2 f /1 f )λ 1 = 2 S1 f [φ1 (T , P,ν 1 ) ] S2 f [φ2 (T , P,ν 2 ) ] (36) The linestrength is a function of temperature, while the lineshape function is a weak function of temperature and a complex function of pressure. Hence the two-line WMS2f/1f ratio approximates a function of temperature if the transitions are selected such that the lineshape functions have weak or similar temperature dependences. Operating in the optically thin regime simplifies WMS model and the necessary calculations, while removing direct dependence on pressure, mole fraction, and path length. Although this property is attractive, the WMS-2f/1f signals for non-optically thin conditions can still be simulated very accurately if the gas pressure and composition are well known [61,73]. This enables application of the WMS-2f/1f technique to the regime of large absorbance, where dramatic changes to the WMS-2f/1f lineshape are seen; this behavior can subsequently be exploited to improve the measurement of frequency shift for velocity sensing. An additional benefit to using transitions with large absorbance is an increase in SNR. Figure 3.3 illustrates the WMS-1f, WMS-2f, and WMS-2f/1f signals for varying degrees of optical depth. The driving factor for the dramatic increase in the WMS-2f/1f amplitude is the change in the 1f signal as absorbance increases. The increase in amplitude is also accomplished without broadening the lineshape (for the current case where absorbance is increased by increasing path length), a feature which makes the WMS-2f/1f signal attractive for Doppler-shift sensing. 35 c) Simulated 1f signal Simulated 2f signal b) Simulated 2f/1f signal a) Absorbance=0.03 Absorbance=0.15 Absorbance=0.5 Absorbance=1 0.20 0.16 0.12 0.08 0.04 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 7454.10 7454.25 7454.40 7454.55 Frequency [cm-1] 7454.70 Figure 3.3: Simulated WMS signals for varying absorbance (or optical depth). Same conditions as those for Figure 3.2 are used, and absorbance is varied by changing path length. Modulation index m=2.2. a) WMS-1f lineshape. b) WMS-2f lineshape. c) WMS-2f/1f lineshape. The extra inflection point in Figure 3.3a that appears for absorbance > 0.5 is an artifact of the lock-in amplifier output for the WMS-1f signal. The X1f and Y1f signals from Equations 25 and 26 which compose the WMS-1f lineshape are plotted in Figure 3.4. As can be seen in the left panel (Figure 3.4a), the shape of the 1f signal is dominated by the X1f component. As absorbance increases, the X1f lineshape crosses zero; this results in the inflection point when the lock-in amplifier squares the X- and Ycomponents to form the WMS-1f signal (see Equation 27). The same effect can occur at lower absorbances if the modulation index is sufficiently low – lower modulation index 36 results in a lower i0, which moves the X1f signal closer to zero. This property of the 1f 0.15 0.080 0.10 0.075 Simulated Y1f signal Simulated X1f signal signal has been verified experimentally, and is correctly modeled by simulation. 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 Absorbance=0.03 Absorbance=0.15 Absorbance=0.5 Absorbance=1 -0.25 7454.10 7454.25 7454.40 7454.55 7454.70 0.065 0.060 0.055 0.050 Absorbance=0.03 Absorbance=0.15 Absorbance=0.5 Absorbance=1 0.045 0.040 7454.10 7454.25 7454.40 7454.55 7454.70 Frequency [cm-1] a) 0.070 b) Frequency [cm-1] Figure 3.4: Simulation of lock-in amplifier outputs for WMS-1f signals in Figure 3.3: a) X1f . b) Y1f. It should be noted that the even derivatives (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.) of the absorption lineshape are symmetric, while the odd derivatives are all asymmetric. The corresponding harmonic signals reflect this property – the X1f signal (dominated by the H1 harmonic) is asymmetric, while the Y1f signal (composed of the H0 and H2 harmonics) is symmetric. The analysis in this section indicates that large absorbance can significantly increase the amplitude of the WMS-2f/1f signal. In conjunction, the slope of the central peak dramatically steepens as absorbance increases; the next section further examines the behavior of the WMS-2f/1f signal in response to modulation depth. 3.3 Influence of Modulation Depth Previous work [27,56-58,64,65] has often used values of the modulation index m~2.2 where the WMS-2f signal is a maximum, as shown in Figure 3.5a. This value was calculated and experimentally verified for Lorentzian, Gaussian, and Voigt profiles by Reid and Labrie [69]. However, the 2f/1f amplitude has not previously been examined as 37 a function of modulation index; as seen in Figure 3.5b, the WMS-2f/1f peak is maximized for values of the modulation index m~1. The simulations produced in Figure 3.5 are for an isolated transition at 1341nm – in practice, the presence of neighboring lines can cause both the peak 2f and 2f/1f values to shift to slightly different modulation indices. The 2f/1f lineshape is sensitive to the curvature of an absorption feature; hence the specific modulation index at which the 2f/1f amplitude is maximized can vary slightly with different transitions and amount of absorption. However, the previously mentioned effects are minor; simulations for a wide range of transitions (1300nm to 1490nm) and degrees of absorbance (0.01 to 2) show that the maximum 2f/1f amplitude consistently remains within the range m=0.9–1, quite different from traditional use of WMS-2f for 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 a) Normalized 2f/1f peak amplitude Normalized 2f peak amplitude species detection where m~2.2 is desired. 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 0.0 Modulation index 0.4 b) 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 Modulation index Figure 3.5: Normalized amplitudes of: a) WMS-2f signal versus modulation index. b) 1f-normalized WMS-2f signal versus modulation index. Simulation is for H2O transition at 1341.5nm with absorbance = 15%. When m~2.2, not only is the WMS-2f signal a maximum value, but the WMS-2f signal is least sensitive to the lineshape function or variations in m. Similarly when m~1 the 1f-normalized WMS-2f signal minimizes its sensitivity to these variations; e.g., for a change in the modulation index from 0.9-1.1 the 2f/1f signal amplitude changes by less than 1%. However, it should be noted that the range of values for which the WMS-2f/1f signal plateaus is much narrower than for the WMS-2f signal. 38 When the total absorption is greater than ~10%, the WMS-2f/1f lineshape narrows and increases in amplitude for m~1. The behavior of the WMS-1f, WMS-2f, and WMS2f/1f lineshape with varying modulation index is illustrated in Figure 3.6. b) Simulated 2f signal a) Simulated 1f signal 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.025 m=0.5 m=0.9 m=1.6 m=2.2 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 c) Simulated 2f/1f signal 0.000 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 7454.10 7454.25 7454.40 7454.55 Frequency [cm-1] 7454.70 Figure 3.6: Simulations of WMS signals with varying modulation index: a) WMS1f. b) WMS-2f. c) WMS-2f/1f. Same conditions as Figure 3.2 are used with absorbance = 15%. It can be seen that the 2f/1f lineshape at high absorbance is optimized for velocity sensing by use of a modulation index~1. Optimization of the modulation index causes the 2f/1f lineshape to increase in amplitude; this improvement is a result of the steepening of the 1f signal in Figure 3.6a balanced by sufficient strength of the 2f signal in Figure 3.6b. Although the 1f slope is found to be maximized for an m between 0.5 and 0.9, it can be seen that the 2f signal strength drops too sharply in this range to form a suitable 2f/1f signal. For m~1, the 2f amplitude is still roughly 60% of its value at m=2.2 – hence 39 the signal level is of similar strength. However, as m decreases below 0.5, low signal levels may limit velocity resolution. While the 2f signal is maximized as m approaches 2.2, it is also seen that the feature becomes much broader – a result of modulation broadening as described in References [70,85]. This broadening is undesirable for sensitive resolution of the Doppler shift (for velocity detection) and can increase the distortion in the lineshape resulting from neighboring transitions; in contrast, use of a low modulation index results in narrow WMS-2f/1f lineshapes. The current simulations assume that the slow-scan midpoint laser intensity ( I 0 ) is constant at all points along the lineshape. Thus the intensity variation upon which the high-frequency modulation is superimposed has been neglected. A more detailed model for the scanned WMS-2f/1f waveform including intensity modulation by the slow scan is currently being developed. 1 Initial comparisons between the two models show small differences in the 2f/1f away from line center, though variation with absorbance and modulation index as shown above is unchanged. Previous work by Lyle et al. [22] and Philippe and Hanson [27] demonstrated that WMS-2f velocimetry offered improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) compared to direct absorption; here we find that by using an m~1 and selecting transitions with absorbance > 10%, the 1f-normalized WMS-2f approach can further improve velocity resolution. Later in this work, this improvement is demonstrated through velocity measurements conducted in quiescent air (Appendix B), a low-speed wind tunnel at Stanford (Chapter 6), and a supersonic wind tunnel at NASA Langley (Chapter 7). 1 Strand, C. L. 2010. Private communication. 40 Chapter 4: Line-of-Sight Measurements in Nonuniform Flow Fields Absorption spectroscopy measurements are path-integrated, i.e. the temperature, pressure, velocity, and composition at each point along the beam path are incorporated into the detected absorption feature. In uniform flow fields, the gas properties measured from detected lineshapes faithfully represent the conditions of the test gas. However in the presence of flow nonuniformity, the detected signal can become distorted, skewing the resulting measurements. This chapter addresses the effects of nonuniformity in the test gas on LOS absorption measurements by using CFD solutions to simulate pathintegrated lineshapes; this allows for nonuniformity effects to be quantified and enables the development of guidelines for desensitizing LOS measurements to flow nonuniformity. 4.1 Nonuniformity in Non-Reacting Flow Fields Line-of-sight laser absorption sensors have been successfully deployed in a wide variety of environments, and are particularly attractive because they are noninvasive, easily implemented, and highly sensitive to gas parameters. These sensors enable the measurement of flow properties such as velocity and temperature, which is essential for the operation of ground-test facilities, assessing the performance of aeroengine models and components, and validating the accuracy of computational fluid dynamics solutions. Velocimetry and thermometry have been performed with high accuracy using both direct absorption and wavelength modulation spectroscopy in a variety of environments including shock tubes [26,27,58,64,77,80], full-scale engine models [10,23], and supersonic ground test facilities [12,25,56]. However, because the absorption signal is a path-integrated measurement, the detected lineshape is influenced by the pressure, 41 temperature, velocity, and composition profiles existing along the laser beam path. These nonuniformities can cause the LOS temperature and velocity measurements to deviate from the values of interest in the bulk flow. Hence analysis is necessary to quantify the influence of flow nonuniformity on LOS measurements and to develop guidelines to minimize these effects. Distortion in the detected absorption lineshape is a function of the degree of nonuniformity and the pressure and temperature dependence of the selected transition. Distortion of the lineshape can shift the apparent transition line center, producing an error in the measured Doppler shift; similarly, distortion from nonuniformity can cause changes in the amplitude of the detected signals, hence affecting temperature and concentration measurements. Temperature effects on LOS measurements have been studied extensively in flames [86,87]. Based on this analysis, a profile fitting method for temperature was developed [88,89], which involves probing multiple lines with different temperature dependences and using least squares fitting to obtain an appropriate temperature profile. The disadvantage of this method is the necessity for multiple lasers and the computational expense of processing the data. A simpler technique to address nonuniformity effects on LOS measurements is to analyze lineshapes simulated from CFD solutions [61,90]. For simple geometries and well-characterized flow conditions, CFD is a straightforward and accurate method to model the spatially resolved properties of the flow. By applying the equations that model the laser transmitted intensity (see next section), the lineshapes produced by nonuniform flow can be simulated; this provides a simple method to quantify the effects of nonuniformity on a LOS measurement. Velocity nonuniformity effects were investigated in previous work using O2 absorption by Lyle, et al. [23] who demonstrated that at low velocities, the distortion to the detected lineshape caused by boundary layers is nearly negligible. Knowing the fraction of the beam path passing through stagnant regions of absorption, a simple linear correction can be applied to remove the effects of the low-velocity regions [10,23]. 42 This technique was demonstrated at subsonic velocities by simulations assuming simple step-function changes in velocity. However at high velocities, the larger Doppler shift results in more noticeable distortion in the lineshape. Actual flows also possess continuous gradients in velocity, temperature, pressure, and mole fraction that are poorly described by a simple step function. Flow nonuniformity can result from a wide variety of factors, e.g. changes in channel geometry, boundary-layer separation, flow obstructions, and wall heat transfer. Nonuniformity discussed in this section will be restricted to well-mixed, non-reacting flow; the composition of the test gas is considered spatially uniform and unchanging in time (frozen composition). Furthermore, the flow is assumed to be free from shock structures since the discontinuity of flow properties across shocks is not easily addressed with respect to a LOS measurement. Hence the primary types of nonuniformity discussed here will be thermal and velocity boundary layers. 4.2 Modeling WMS Lineshapes in Nonuniform Flow To properly assess the effects of nonuniformity on LOS measurements, accurate simulations of the WMS lineshape must first be produced. This requires modification of the governing equations for the WMS lineshape introduced in Section 2.4 to include the influence of spatially nonuniform flow conditions. From Equation 29 it can be seen that lineshapes along the beam path may experience slightly different frequency shifts caused by nonuniformity in the axial velocity, U, along the line of sight. To simulate the effects of flow nonuniformity, Equations 20 and 21 are modified to allow absorbance to vary as a function of x, the distance along the beam path (more detail in Reference [21]); temperature, velocity, pressure, and composition gradients are now incorporated into the x-dependence of absorbance: 43 1 2π H 0 (ν= , a) H k (ν = , a) 1 π ∫π exp −α (ν + π − ∫π exp −α (ν + π − ) ∆ν ( x) + a cos(ξ ) d ξ 2 ∆ν ( x) + a cos(ξ ) 2 ) cos(kξ ) dξ (37) (38) The relative frequency shift, Δν (as defined in Equation 30), has now been included to indicate that the absorbance may be frequency-shifted due to velocity along the beam path (relative frequency shift is divided by two since these equations consider absorption on a single beam). The sign of Δν is positive for a beam directed downstream and negative for a beam directed upstream; the frequency shift is again a function of x, indicating that different velocities at points along the beam path will cause different magnitudes of frequency shift. The above equations coupled with Equations 22-27 and 30 now completely define the path-integrated WMS-2f/1f lineshape allowing for temperature, pressure, mole fraction, and velocity nonuniformities along the laser line of sight. As described in the next section, these equations will be used to simulate WMS lineshapes in a nonuniform flow. 4.3 Nonuniformity Analysis for NASA Langley DCSCTF A CFD solution was used to simulate lineshapes for lines of sight through nonuniform flow in the DCSCTF isolator used for mass-flux sensor demonstration measurements. The CFD solution provides temperature, pressure, density, and uvwvelocities in three dimensions. Hence this data can be used to calculate the path- integrated values measured by a TDLAS sensor on a specific LOS; these TDLAS lines of sight can then be translated in the flow field. Figure 4.1a shows the sensor mounted to stages to translate the sensor LOS. The setup can be configured to translate either vertically or horizontally across the duct. 44 Nozzle Upstream pointing beam Downstream pointing beam Y X Z b) Vertical translation 2.88” 5.21” Horizontal translation Y X Z c) a) Upstream pointing beam Downstream pointing beam Figure 4.1: a) NASA DCSCTF isolator section with TDLAS mass-flux sensor configured for vertical translation. b) CFD geometry for DCSCTF isolator (symmetry about vertical axis is assumed) with vertical translation configuration shown. c) CFD geometry for DCSCTF isolator with horizontal translation configuration shown. In the vertical translation configuration of Figure 4.1b, the lasers cross in a horizontal x-z plane, which was then translated vertically (y-axis) across the duct. Similarly for the horizontal translation configuration of Figure 4.1c, the lasers cross in a vertical x-y plane and were translated horizontally (z-axis) across the duct. Because the sensor collects measurements as it translates across the duct, planes of CFD data (outlined in black) encompassing all laser lines of sight (indicated by the red dashed arrows of Figure 4.1b and Figure 4.1c) can be used to evaluate the influence of nonuniformities at various locations in the duct. Spatial resolution was limited by the finite beam size of the laser; hence the CFD data, which was produced on a very fine spatial grid, was averaged over the beam diameter (approximately 1mm). The CFD solution for pressure along the laser LOS for the vertical translation configuration is displayed in Figure 4.2a. The planes of data for temperature, velocity, and pressure were extracted along the diagonal laser path indicated by the red arrows shown in Figure 4.1b. 45 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 7 8 9 10 11 Velocity [m/s] Pressure [Pa] Temperature [K] Vertical distance from centerline [in] static pressure: 78000 79800 81600 1.5 1200 1120 1040 960 84000 80000 76000 1600 1200 800 400 0 Distance along beam path [in] a) 0 4 8 12 16 Distance along beam path [cm] b) Figure 4.2: a) CFD pressure data along laser LOS in vertical translation configuration (units are Pa). b) Temperature, pressure, and velocity data along LOS at the vertical center of duct. The thin black box in Figure 4.2a outlines the 1mm region of the slice that was used to determine the CFD-predicted conditions along the laser LOS in Figure 4.2b. The variation of temperature, pressure, and axial velocity is plotted as a function of distance along the downstream-pointing beam for the sensor in the vertical translation configuration. These data were used with the equations defined in the previous section to compute the path-integrated lineshape for each LOS. The process was repeated at various vertical positions in order to compare with measurements taken using the TDLAS sensor. The path-integrated WMS lineshapes of Figure 4.3 were simulated using the CFD data of Figure 4.2b. The 1341nm transition (E”=1962.51cm-1) with a modulation index m=0.9 is considered in this analysis. In the vertical translation configuration, the path-integrated absorbance is roughly 0.16. A significant frequency shift can be seen between the lineshapes produced on the downstream- and upstream-pointing beams (illustrated in Figure 4.1b and Figure 4.1c). 46 Downstream-pointing beam Upstream-pointing beam Simulated 2f/1f signal 0.4 0.3 0.2 Δν 0.1 0.0 7454.2 7454.4 7454.6 -1 Frequency [cm ] Figure 4.3: Frequency-shifted path-integrated WMS-2f/1f lineshapes simulated from CFD data. Frequency shift corresponds to a 1600m/s core flow. The frequency shift can be measured at various points along the lineshape; however, to develop a high-speed, robust velocity detection algorithm, only the data in the laser frequency-scan from the central peak to the two adjacent valleys was considered. Ideally, the velocities measured on either the high- or low-frequency face of the lineshape would be identical. However, the presence of nonuniformities in the beam path can distort the lineshape, causing slight differences in these measured frequency shifts. Figure 4.4a shows the variation of velocity inferred from path-integrated lineshapes as a function of boundary-layer (BL) thickness, where the thickness of the boundary layer was defined as the distance to the point at which the velocity reached 99% of the free stream value. In this analysis the same pressure, temperature, and mole fraction gradients were used for all boundary-layer thicknesses. We will first consider the top two curves in Figure 4.4a (BL=0.9cm thick), which are produced with the data in Figure 4.2b. It is clear that the simulated path-integrated velocity measurement is lower than the core velocity shown in the lower plot of Figure 4.2b (1600m/s). This is to be expected since the measurement is obtained from a path-integrated lineshape, produced as the laser beam travels through two low-velocity boundary layers and the core flow. 47 Indeed, when the previously described measurement technique was applied to lineshapes simulated with no boundary layers, the core velocity was recovered at all measurement points along the lineshape. Intuitively, this suggests that the velocity inferred from LOS measurements should decrease as boundary-layer thickness increases as illustrated in High frequency face Low frequency face Measured velocity [m/s] 1580 BL=0.9 cm 1560 BL=1.8 cm 1540 BL=2.7 cm 1520 1500 BL=3.6 cm 0.0 a) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Position along lineshape LOS measured velocity difference from core value [%] Figure 4.4b. 1.0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 5 b) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 BL thickness/path length [%] Figure 4.4: a) Measured velocities from path-integrated lineshapes with varying boundary-layer thickness. The position along lineshape refers to the location on the lineshape used for Doppler-shift measurement, with 0 corresponding to the valley and 1 corresponding to the central peak. b) Mean difference between measured velocity of Figure 4.4a and core velocity versus combined boundary-layer thickness as percentage of an 18.7cm path length. It should be noted that in addition to an overall decrease in measured velocity as the boundary-layer thickness increases, the difference in velocity measured at various points along the lineshape also increases (moving along abscissa of Figure 4.4a). This is due to increased distortion in the lineshape as the low-velocity boundary layers become a greater percentage of the path length. This distortion also contributes to the increasing discrepancy between velocities measured on the high- and low-frequency faces as boundary-layer thickness increases. Figure 4.4b shows the mean deviation of the path-integrated measurement from the core velocity as a function of the combined boundary-layer thickness. The abscissa of Figure 4.4b is computed as the percentage of the beam path along the 18.7cm laser 48 LOS that passes through the combined boundary layers. In the extreme case where roughly 40% of the laser LOS is contained in the boundary layers, only a 6% decrease in the path-integrated velocity measurement is predicted. For the DCSCTF isolator, the CFD solution predicts that 10% of the path length is contained in the boundary layers, and a decrease of less than 2% in the path-integrated velocity measurement is expected. It is clear that for the current transition and modulation index, the sensitivity of the TDLAS measurement to nonuniformities is quite low. Optimal line selection and optimal choice of modulation index can minimize the TDLAS measurement sensitivity to nonuniformities as will be discussed in the following sections. It is also seen that the decrease in the path-integrated velocity measurement is roughly linear with the boundary-layer thickness. This indicates that the path-averaged velocity measurement can be corrected to recover the core velocity. For example, with 10% of the beam path passing through boundary layers, the simulated path-integrated velocity measurement is roughly 1.5% lower than the core value, and the TDLAS measurement can be adjusted accordingly. In Chapter 7, this analysis of path-integrated lineshapes simulated with the CFD solution is used to correct velocity measurements in the NASA Langley DCSCTF to within 0.25% of the facility-predicted value for the direct-coupled flow. 4.4 Case Studies of LOS Measurements in Nonuniform Flow Having investigated the expected role of nonuniformity for the NASA Langley DCSCTF, the next goal is to proceed with a more general analysis which can lead to the development of broad guidelines to minimize the effects of nonuniformity. Analysis was performed for two ground-test facilities: the T2 free-piston shock facility at Mach 10 and the NASA HIFiRE Direct-Connect Rig (HDCR) isolator at Mach 2.2. For both cases analyzed, a crossed-beam configuration with a 90o crossing angle was assumed, and the 49 WMS-2f/1f technique was again used. It is also assumed that the static pressure and gas composition is constant along the beam path; the effects of pressure and composition gradients can easily be integrated into a more comprehensive analysis in the future. These studies allow for the investigation of nonuniformity effects in both the supersonic and hypersonic regime, where errors can be significant. 4.4.1 Line Selection for Nonuniform Flow The sensitivity of spectroscopic transitions to flow nonuniformities is an important consideration in the design of an optical diagnostic. In general it is desirable to select lines that have strong absorbance at the core flow conditions and weak absorbance at conditions in the boundary layer; appropriate temperature dependence of the transition linestrength is the primary selection criterion for obtaining this behavior. As mentioned previously, the linestrength is a function of the lower-state energy of the absorption transition and the temperature (see Equation 6). The dependence of the linestrength on the molecular partition function is shown in Equation 7. Of interest is the lower-state energy at which linestrength is maximized for a given temperature. This can be derived as in Reference [87] by taking the derivative of the linestrength function with respect to temperature: 1 dS hcE " 1 d (TQ ) = − S dT kT 2 TQ dT (39) The energy-temperature curve is formed by setting the left side of Equation 39 equal to zero: 50 E (T ) = k T d (TQ ) hc Q dT (40) This equation defines the lower-state energy that maximizes transition linestrength at a given temperature. Inserting Equation 7 into Equation 40, the energy-temperature curve for water vapor can be determined as shown in Figure 4.5. Lower state energy [cm-1] 8000 7000 dS >0 dT 6000 5000 4000 3000 dS <0 dT 2000 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 Temperature [K] Figure 4.5: Energy-temperature curve for water vapor. At a given temperature, transitions with a lower-state energy above E(T) will have linestrengths that increase as temperature increases; similarly, the linestrength will decrease with increasing temperature for transitions with E” below E(T). For internal supersonic flow, the boundary layers are typically at a higher temperature than the core flow due to the stagnation condition at the surfaces of the walls. Hence it is desirable to choose a transition with linestrength that decreases as temperature increases, minimizing the contribution of the hot boundary layers to the total absorption. The selection process can be optimized by considering the ratio of linestrengths at the core temperature and at the boundary-layer temperature: 51 R= S (Tcore ) (41) S (TBL ) To maximize sensitivity to the conditions in the core flow, a transition should be selected for which R is maximized, i.e. the linestrength at the core temperature is much larger than linestrength at the boundary layer temperature. This criterion will be applied to the studies performed in the following sections. 4.4.2 Nonuniformity Analysis of NASA HDCR Isolator The goal of the NASA HIFiRE program is to investigate phenomena related to hypersonic flight through experimentation [91,92]. In support of flight tests, CFD solutions for flow components were performed to examine the flow conditions within model components. In this section, the effects of nonuniformity on a LOS measurement in the HDCR isolator (used to support HIFiRE flight tests) are examined. The flow through the isolator is air at Mach 2.2; a water vapor mole fraction of 25% is assumed (typical of vitiated flows), facilitating the use of H2O absorption features. The beams are crossed in the horizontal plane, and the conditions along the beam path are displayed in Figure 4.6 and Table 4.1. 52 2400 Velocity Temperature Temperature [K] Velocity [m/s] 2000 1600 1200 800 400 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Distance along beam path [cm] Figure 4.6: Velocity and temperature distributions along simulated beam path in NASA HDCR isolator. Table 4.1: Gas conditions along laser LOS for NASA HDCR isolator. Free stream Boundary layer Temperature [K] Velocity [m/s] Pressure [kPa] H2O mole fraction Path length [cm] 846 1363 88 0.25 9.84 variable variable 88 0.25 0.16 The boundary layer in the isolator is extremely thin – roughly 1.6mm; hence the effects of nonuniformity on the LOS measurement are expected to be quite small. However, the effects of laser modulation and proper line selection can still be investigated. Using the conditions shown above, Equation 41 was used to select two lines for the nonuniformity analysis: • Optimal choice: A line at 1365.6nm (E”=95.2cm-1) was selected to maximize the ratio of linestrength at the core conditions to linestrength in the boundary layer. Because the linestrength of this transition at the 53 core temperature is roughly 20 times higher than its linestrength at the boundary layer temperature (~2000K), nonuniformity effects on LOS measurements were minimized. • A line at 1487nm (E”=4436cm-1) was selected to Poor choice: minimize the ratio in Equation 41; this results in a much higher linestrength at the boundary layer temperature than at the core temperature, and clearly illustrates the unwanted effects of nonuniformity. For situations where the boundary layers are cooler than the core flow, the opposite linestrength temperature dependence would be desirable, although the same selection procedure would be applied. The absorbances for the 1365.6nm and 1487nm lines are 8% and 80% respectively at the current conditions. Lineshapes tend to broaden as absorbance increases; this has a detrimental effect on LOS measurements since this causes increased distortion in the lineshape resulting from absorbance occurring near the unshifted linecenter (produced by the low-velocity boundary layers). Hence there is limited benefit to selecting transitions with high absorbance, although optimization of the modulation index can be used to significantly narrow the lineshape. The effects of flow nonuniformity on velocity measurements are now examined for both lines. High-frequency face Low-frequency face 1358 1356 1354 1352 1350 0.0 a) 1355 Measured velocity [m/s] Measured velocity [m/s] 1360 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Position along lineshape 1345 1340 1335 1330 0.0 1.0 b) High-frequency face Low-frequency face 1350 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Position along lineshape Figure 4.7: Measured velocities from path-integrated lineshapes for: a) 1365.6nm line. b) 1487nm line. Modulation index is 0.9. The position along lineshape refers 54 to the location on the lineshape used for Doppler-shift measurement, with 0 corresponding to the valley and 1 corresponding to the central peak. For the optimal line choice in Figure 4.7a, it is seen that the LOS velocity measurement is lower than the core value by only 7m/s in a 1363m/s flow (0.5% difference) whereas the line selected in Figure 4.7b gives an average error of 22m/s (1.6%). Measurements on both the high- and low-frequency faces of the lineshapes match closely, indicating that little distortion caused by nonuniform flow is present in the lineshape. As expected, the LOS measurements faithfully reflect the core properties due to the thin boundary layer, even in a situation where the transition is not chosen properly. Measured velocities for both lines are shown for a modulation index of 2.2 below. 1355 High-frequency face Low-frequency face 1358 1356 1354 1352 1350 0.0 a) Measured velocity [m/s] Measured velocity [m/s] 1360 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1345 1340 1335 1330 0.0 1.0 b) Position along lineshape High-frequency face Low-frequency face 1350 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Position along lineshape Figure 4.8: Measured velocities from path-integrated lineshapes for: a) 1365.6nm line. b) 1487nm line. Modulation index is 2.2. The position along lineshape refers to the location on the lineshape used for Doppler-shift measurement, with 0 corresponding to the valley and 1 corresponding to the central peak. The measured velocities for a modulation index of 2.2 are roughly the same as for m=0.9. However, for the poorly selected line, using m=2.2 does slightly lower the measured velocity, though not by an amount significant at supersonic conditions. However, this is a trend that will become more evident at conditions with thicker boundary layers where nonuniformity is more significant. 55 Temperatures inferred from the 1f-normalized WMS-2f peak values of pathintegrated WMS lineshapes are shown in Figure 4.9. Again, because the boundary layers are thin, the LOS measurements are very close to the core value. However, the measurements performed using the optimized line choice (low E”) do match the core value most closely. The temperature and velocity comparisons show that properly selecting the temperature dependence of the transitions can reduce the influence of flow nonuniformity on LOS measurements. The next section proceeds to analyze path- integrated lineshapes under hypersonic conditions, where nonuniformity effects are more Measured temperature [K] severe. High E", m=0.9 High E", m=2.2 Low E", m=0.9 Low E", m=2.2 900 880 860 840 Core temperature = 846K 820 800 780 760 Figure 4.9: Temperatures measured from path-integrated WMS lineshapes. High E” refers to 1487nm line, low E” refers to 1365.6nm line. 4.4.3 Nonuniformity Analysis of T2 Free-Piston Facility Measurements of the thermal and velocity boundary layers over a flat plate were performed by O’Byrne et al. [93] in the T2 Free-Piston Shock Tunnel Facility [94] at the Australian National University. This provided the necessary data to investigate nonuniformity in a Mach 10 flow, where distortion from nonuniform velocity is more evident. The flat-plate boundary-layer data was mirrored about the axial dimension to 56 simulate flow through a 4cm wide duct as would be seen in an engine model (e.g. a scramjet isolator). The conditions along the laser beam path are summarized below. 3000 Velocity Temperature 2000 Temperature [K] Velocity [m/s] 2500 1500 1000 500 0 0 1 2 3 4 Distance along beam [cm] Figure 4.10: Velocity and temperature distributions along simulated beam path in T2 shock tunnel. Table 4.2: Gas conditions along laser LOS for T2 shock tunnel. Free stream Boundary layer Temperature [K] Velocity [m/s] Pressure [kPa] H2O mole fraction Path length [cm] 362 3107 2.4 0.25 3.62 variable variable 2.4 0.25 0.19 The conditions above were produced using a shock in 98.9% N2 and 1.1% O2; for this analysis, the test gas assumed is 25% H2O (to enable water vapor absorption measurements) with air as the balance. Following the line selection procedure outlined in the previous section, the same two lines chosen previously (1365.6nm and 1487nm) were found to be suitable for nonuniformity analysis at the current conditions. Path-integrated 57 lineshapes were simulated from the data in Figure 4.10, and a comparison of the measured velocities is shown in Figure 4.11. 3108 3106 3104 3102 3100 0.0 a) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Position along lineshape High-frequency face Low-frequency face 1860 High-frequency face Low-frequency face Measured velocity [m/s] Measured velocity [m/s] 3110 1840 1820 1800 1780 1760 0.0 1.0 b) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Position along lineshape Figure 4.11: Measured velocities from path-integrated lineshapes for: a) 1365.6nm line. b) 1487nm line. Modulation index is 0.9. The position along lineshape refers to the location on the lineshape used for Doppler-shift measurement, with 0 corresponding to the valley and 1 corresponding to the central peak. It is clear from these results that proper line selection is essential; measurements using the optimized line choice (Figure 4.11a) precisely yield the core velocity, and are unaffected by the thick boundary layers (~10% of the beam path). However, velocity measurements using the poorly selected line are roughly 44% lower than the core value (see Figure 4.11b). This is a result of the 1487nm line absorbing strongly in the lowvelocity boundary layers and skewing the LOS velocity measurement. 58 1840 High-frequency face Low-frequency face 3108 3106 3104 3102 3100 0.0 a) Measured velocity [m/s] Measured velocity [m/s] 3110 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 High-frequency face Low-frequency face 1820 1800 1780 1760 0.0 1.0 b) Position along lineshape 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Position along lineshape Figure 4.12: Measured velocities from path-integrated lineshapes for: a) 1365.6nm line. b) 1487nm line. Modulation index is 2.2. The position along lineshape refers to the location on the lineshape used for Doppler-shift measurement, with 0 corresponding to the valley and 1 corresponding to the central peak. As shown in Figure 4.12, it is again evident that using a modulation index of 0.9 yields LOS measurements closer to the core value. Velocity measurements using m=2.2 as shown above result in measurements that are roughly 20m/s (1%) lower than those using m=0.9 for the high E” line. This is due to the narrowing of the lineshape as the modulation index is lowered, reducing the influence of distortions resulting from the lowvelocity boundary layers near the transition linecenter frequency. 59 Measured temperature [K] 540 520 500 480 460 440 420 400 380 Core temperature = 362K 360 340 High E", m=0.9 High E", m=2.2 Low E", m=0.9 Low E", m=2.2 Figure 4.13: Temperatures measured from path-integrated WMS lineshapes. High E” refers to 1487nm line, low E” refers to 1365.6nm line. The temperatures inferred from the 1f-normalized WMS-2f peak values of pathintegrated WMS lineshapes are shown in Figure 4.13. There is now a clear discrepancy between temperature measured from the poorly selected line and the core temperature; the measured temperature ranges from 140K – 160K higher than the core value. This is because the high E” line absorbs heavily in the high-temperature boundary layer. The temperature measured with the optimized line matches the core temperature within 4%. These results demonstrate that by properly selecting the transition lower-state energy, the sensitivity of LOS measurements to temperature and velocity nonuniformity can be dramatically reduced. 4.5 Sensor Design to Minimize Nonuniformity Effects The analysis in the previous section demonstrates that lines can be chosen to improve the accuracy of LOS measurements in highly nonuniform flows. The primary factor in selecting lines is the temperature dependence of the linestrength; the goal is to minimize absorption in the boundary layers while maximizing absorption in the core region. For WMS lineshapes, the modulation index can be optimized to further reduce 60 the influence of nonuniform flow; the criteria for selecting lines to minimize nonuniformity effects on LOS measurements are summarized below: • Maximize ratio of linestrength at the core temperature to linestrength at the boundary layer temperature. This minimizes the effects of absorption in the boundary layer on the path-integrated lineshape. The benefit of proper line selection was demonstrated at both supersonic and hypersonic conditions to improve the sensitivity of the temperature and velocity measurements to the conditions in the core flow. • Use optimized modulation index~1. Lowering the modulation index narrows the lineshape, reducing the influence of absorption in the low-velocity boundary layer which occurs near the unshifted linecenter frequency. This improves the accuracy of both the LOS velocity and temperature measurement; as described in the previous chapter, the precision of velocity measurements is also improved at lower modulation indices. 61 62 Chapter 5: Sensor Design and Experimental Methodology In this section, the theory and techniques introduced in the previous chapters are incorporated into the design of the sensor. The fundamentals behind the sensor are first addressed, i.e. selection of suitable absorption transitions for the target conditions and the supporting spectroscopic measurements that were performed. Also addressed in this chapter is the proper selection and design of the sensor hardware for deployment in the harsh environment of the NASA Langley facility. The work presented in this section sets the foundation for the field measurements performed in the following chapters. 5.1 Sensor Architecture The details of the sensor design are shown in Figure 5.1. Two lasers at λ1 = 1349nm and λ2 = 1341.5nm were modulated at f1 (190kHz) and f2 (255kHz) and slowly scanned (250Hz) with a sine wave. Selection of the two laser wavelengths is discussed in the following section. Light from the fiber-coupled polarization-maintaining 2 lasers was combined onto a single fiber, and then the two beams were split and directed upstream and downstream in the flow. The beams were collimated at a crossing angle of 2θ=90o through the test section and captured with detectors. The WMS signals from multiple lasers can be demultiplexed by their modulation frequency, which allowed the use of a single detector for each beam [95,96]. The signals from both beams were collected on upstream and downstream detectors and separated into signals at f1, f2, 2f1, 2 The use of polarization-maintaining lasers and optical hardware is shown to significantly reduce the susceptibility of the optical train to noise from vibrations and fiber bending. These properties are discussed further in Appendix A. 63 and 2f2 using a software lock-in amplifier. The selection of the proper modulation frequencies, f1 and f2, was based on minimization of crosstalk between harmonics in frequency space. Specifically, it is desirable that the harmonics of interest (1f1, 2f1, 1f2, 2f2) are sufficiently isolated from each other and from higher harmonics (3f1, 3f2, 4f1, 4f2, etc.); analysis of the relative widths/strengths of the harmonics in frequency space can assist in the proper choice of modulation frequencies. A more detailed analysis of the selection process is given in Reference [61]. An additional advantage of frequency multiplexing is the ability for simultaneous measurement of both velocity and static temperature corresponding to either beam. N2 purged Detectors U from Doppler shift T from line ratio ρ from ideal gas law 2θ Lasers and detectors translate along horizontal and vertical slot windows in duct Laser #1 @ 1349 nm Analog filter DAQ Computer Laser multiplexer/ splitter Laser #2 @ 1341.5 nm Sinusoid @ f1 Laser Temperature/ Current Controller Sinusoid @ f2 Figure 5.1: Two-laser frequency-multiplexed WMS sensor for mass flux at H2O wavelengths λ 1 and λ 2 (~1349 and 1341.5nm). The two lasers are combined on a single fiber and then split to be directed upstream and downstream in the supersonic flow with a crossing angle 2θ. Velocity is determined from the relative Doppler shifts of the absorption lineshape, and gas temperature from the ratio of the two absorption signals. 64 An illustration of the sensor data flow is shown in Figure 5.2. Signals acquired from the detectors were digitized and passed through a software lock-in, which extracted the 1f and 2f signals at the two wavelengths. The WMS-2f/1f signals at both wavelengths, combined with spectroscopic and laser modulation parameters and a facility pressure measurement, were used to infer temperature as modeled by the equations in Section 2.4. Simultaneously, the WMS-2f/1f signal at λ2 = 1341nm was input to the Doppler-shift measurement algorithm to obtain velocity. Temperature was then converted to density via the ideal gas law and combined with the velocity measurement to obtain mass flux. 2f /1f signal Δν Lock-in amplifier Doppler shift measurement 2f , 1f λ2 WMS 2 f / 1 f WMS 2 f / 1 f 1 2 WMS peak ratio 2f, 1f λ1 Frequency Velocity Mass Flux T Ideal gas law Density Temperature Spectroscopic parameters: S, γair, γself Modulation parameters: a, i0, ψ1 Facility pressure measurement Figure 5.2: Schematic of data flow for WMS-based TDLAS mass-flux sensor. Temperature is measured from WMS signals for both wavelengths and velocity is simultaneously measured from the relative Doppler shift of an absorption feature. Temperature and pressure are used to determine density, and coupled with the velocity measurement to determine mass flux. During field measurements, data was recorded and post-processed; real-time operation was not feasible due to the rapid collection of data and the computational 65 expense of the processing algorithm. However, future iterations of the sensor may include modifications to streamline the data processing scheme for real-time operation. 5.2 Line Selection and Spectroscopy Proper selection of absorption transitions lies at the heart of any TDLAS sensor; here the criteria for selecting lines for the NASA Langley mass-flux sensor are reviewed. These design rules are targeted toward temperature and Doppler-shift velocity measurements based on absorption spectroscopy in high-temperature supersonic flows. A list of 2632 candidate water vapor transitions between 6800cm-1 and 7460cm-1 (1340nm and 1470nm) where telecom diode lasers are readily available was selected from HITRAN 2008 [53] based on a requirement of linestrength greater than (10)-4 cm-2atm-1. The target supersonic test facility has a gas temperature of ~1000K, pressure of 72kPa, H2O mole fraction of 25%, and a path length of 10.5cm (horizontal translation configuration) or 18.7cm (vertical translation configuration). For illustrations of the two translation configurations refer to Figure 4.1. These gas conditions were used to optimize the line selection: 1) Absorbance greater than 0.1 was required for the facility conditions. This allows for implementation of the 2f/1f lineshape optimization for velocity measurement as described in Chapter 3. In addition, this absorbance level guarantees strong SNR for absorption measurements. This reduced the number of candidate lines to 202. 2) Difference in lower-state energies of the two lines was maximized as described in Reference [54] for temperature sensitivity over the expected temperature range in the supersonic test facility. This reduced the number of candidate lines to 10. 3) Minimum separation of the line centers of 0.3cm-1 from the nearest neighbor was required to ensure sufficient isolation and minimize distortion of Dopplershifted features. This reduced the number of candidate lines to 2. 66 Based on these criteria, two H2O lines at λ1=1348.86nm (E1”=1006.12cm-1) and λ2=1341.45nm (E2”=1962.51cm-1) were selected. Although spectroscopic data for these transitions is listed in the HITRAN database, these values can differ significantly from actual measurements. The HITRAN lower-state energies are generally calculated to a high degree of accuracy if the line assignment is correct; however, linestrengths, pressure-broadening coefficients, and exponents for pressure-broadening temperature dependence often need to be measured to improve accuracy for quantitative sensing applications. The linestrengths and air- and self-broadening coefficients (γair and γself) were measured by wavelength-scanned direct absorption in a high-uniformity heated cell at Stanford described in Reference [55]; the experimental setup for these experiments is reproduced in the figure below. Figure 5.3: Experimental setup for measurement of linestrength and pressurebroadening coefficients in Stanford heated cell [55]. The exponents for self-broadening (Nself) and air-broadening (Nair) temperature dependence as defined in the equations below were also measured. 67 T 2γ self (T ) = 2γ self (To ) o T T 2γ air (T ) = 2γ air (To ) o T N self (42) N air (43) The reference temperature, To, is customarily defined to be 296K. As shown in Figure 5.3, the scanned-wavelength direct absorption technique was used, with the laser injection current being driven by a linear ramp. The central zone of the cell was filled with a known pressure of test gas; for linestrength and self-broadening measurements, pure water vapor was used, while an air-water vapor mixture was used for air-broadening measurements. Temperature of the central zone was measured with three equally spaced type-K thermocouples (Omega) with an accuracy of 0.75% of the reading. Pressure was measured with a 1000Torr MKS Baratron pressure transducer accurate to 0.12% of the reading. The gas temperature was allowed to equilibrate at each set point until the three thermocouple readings were within 1K agreement. Attenuation of the laser transmission due to H2O absorption was monitored with detectors, and the regions of the beam path external to the cell were purged with nitrogen to remove ambient water vapor absorption. Direct absorption measurements were taken at fixed temperatures as the pressure of test gas was varied. Data measured for the 1349nm line are shown in Figure 5.4. 68 Linear fit Measured 0.03 S(400K)=2.094 cm-2atm-1 0.02 0.8 a) Collisional width (FWHM) [cm-1] Integrated Absorbance [cm-1] 0.04 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 P*X*L [atm cm] b) 0.016 0.014 Linear fit Measured 2γself(400K)=0.48 cm-1atm-1 0.012 0.010 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 Pressure [atm] Figure 5.4: a) Measurement of linestrength at 400K for 1349nm line. b) Measurement of self-broadening coefficient (FWHM) at 400K for 1349nm line. From the integrated absorbance at various pressures, the linestrength at a particular temperature can be measured (see Equation 8) from the slope of the line plotted in Figure 5.4a. Similarly, by measuring the collisional width at varying pressures, the pressure-broadening coefficient at a given temperature can be determined from the slope of the line in Figure 5.4b using Equation 12. The experimental method outlined in Reference [55] was applied to both linestrength and broadening coefficient measurements, with each point representing the best fit to 150 direct absorption scans. 69 a) b) Figure 5.5: a) Measured linestrength versus temperature for 1341nm and 1349nm lines. b) Measured air-broadening coefficient (HWHM) versus temperature for 1349nm line. Best fits from HITRAN database also shown for comparison. Figure 5.5 shows measurements of the linestrength and air-broadening coefficient as a function of temperature; the broadening coefficient temperature dependence exponents can be determined by performing a power fit to the curve in Figure 5.5b. Best fits based on values from the HITRAN [53] database are also shown. Measured spectroscopic data are presented in Table 5.1 and Table 5.2 and compared with values from the HITRAN database. Table 5.1: Linestrengths and self-broadening coefficients (HWHM) at 296K. Smeasured cm-2/atm SHITRAN cm-2/atm γself, measured cm-1/atm γself, HITRAN cm-1/atm measured 1348.86nm 1.20 (10)-2 1.28 (10)-2 0.299 0.34 0.71 1341.44nm 1.73 (10)-4* 1.86 (10)-4 0.198 0.25 0.56 Line *measured by Liu et al. [55] 70 Nself,, Table 5.2: Air-broadening coefficients (HWHM) at 296 K. Line γair, measured cm-1/atm γair, HITRAN cm-1/atm Nair, measured Nair, HITRAN 1348.86nm 6.21 (10)-2 6.30 (10)-2 0.57 0.49 1341.44nm 3.23 (10)-2 3.18 (10)-2 -0.16 -0.16 As seen in the above tables, the current measurements can differ from the values listed in HITRAN by up to 14%. The measurement uncertainty for the current values is less than 3%. These values provide the database needed to simulate the 1f-normalized 2f signal and are used for temperature validation in the Stanford high-uniformity furnace described in the following chapter. The absorbances for the two selected lines at the expected facility conditions are simulated in Figure 5.6. 0.4 Absorbance 0.3 0.2 0.18 Absorbance Horizontal translation configuration Vertical translation configuration 0.1 0.0 7413.0 7413.7 Horizontal translation configuration Vertical translation configuration 0.12 0.06 0.00 7453.6 7414.4 7454.3 7455.0 Frequency [cm-1] Frequency [cm-1] Figure 5.6: Simulated absorbances for 1349nm (left panel) and 1341.5nm (right panel) lines. Spectroscopic data from Tables 5.1 and 5.2 are used. Conditions are P=72kPa, T=990K, XH2O=0.26, L=18.7cm (vertical translation) or L=10.35cm (horizontal translation). As seen in the above figure, strong absorbance is expected for both lines in the vertical and horizontal translation configurations. This allows for optimization of the WMS-2f/1f signal as described in Chapter 3. 71 Good separation from neighboring transitions is also seen, improving the ability to make Doppler-shift measurements. In the following chapter, the newly measured spectroscopic database is used to validate the sensor temperature measurement prior to deployment at the NASA Langley test facility. 5.3 Experimental Hardware This section describes the selection of the lasers, optics, and optomechanics incorporated in the sensor. Lasers and optics were required to deliver tightly collimated beams with adequate optical power through the test section; robust design of the sensor optomechanical hardware was necessary to maintain alignment in the harsh, vibrating environment of the DCSCTF. Angled optical mounts were necessary to pitch the laser beams through the 45o slots in the test section, and modifications were required to accommodate the purge fittings. The size and weight of the assembled hardware was also constrained by the weight limit of the translation stages and the physical access available around the numerous facility cooling lines and pressure transducer wires. 5.3.1 Lasers, Fiber Optics, and Detectors The lasers used in the sensor are fiber-coupled polarization-maintaining Distributed Feedback (DFB) diode lasers manufactured by NEL (NLK1B5EAAA). The laser wavelengths are 1348.8nm (30mW) and 1341.5nm (20mW). DFB lasers [97-99] fall under the class of edge-emitting lasers such as Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR), and Fabry-Perot (FP); these lasers are fabricated by horizontally stacking a series of ptype and n-type semiconductor layers. 72 Bragg grating p-type layers metal electrodes n-type layer n substrate active region Figure 5.7: Schematic of a DFB diode laser. As shown in the figure above, a Bragg grating is etched into the surface of the active layer. This grating acts as the wavelength selection mechanism for the laser; as the grating expands due to thermal or electrical heating, the wavelength of constructively amplified light in the active region changes. DFB lasers have long been used in the telecommunications industry [100-102], and are attractive for optical sensing due to their reliable single-mode operation, high optical power, and fast tuning characteristics [24,61,64,103,104]. Additionally, DFB lasers are spectrally narrow and free from modehopping behavior, which are some of the drawbacks of FP and DBR lasers. These lasers are ideal for accessing the targeted transitions and accommodating the rapid injection current modulation necessary for WMS measurements. Two 35m polarization-maintaining single-mode fibers manufactured by Oz Optics (PMJ-3A-3A-1300-7/125-3-35-1) were used to deliver light from the lasers into the test facility. Single-mode fibers have small diameter cores and restrict light transmission to a single propagation mode; this avoids the problem of modal noise (manifested as a speckle pattern in the transmitted light) caused by the propagation of multiple incoherent modes within multi-mode fibers [105]. In addition, the small core size results in a smaller beam diameter at the output with less divergence. 73 ~5-10 μm Jacket θ Core, ncore Cladding, ncladding Figure 5.8: Transmission of light in a step-index single-mode fiber optic waveguide. Core enlarged for illustration. The schematic above shows the propagation of light in a step-index fiber optic waveguide. Here θ is the acceptance angle for an incoming ray to be transmitted in the waveguide; as illustrated in Figure 5.8, total internal reflection of the light ray is achieved due to the difference in the indices of refraction between the core and cladding materials. Snell’s Law governs the angle at which light is bent (refracted) when moving between media with different indices of refraction: n1 sin θ1 = n2 sin θ 2 (44) Here θ1 is the incidence angle and n1 is the index of refraction for medium 1; θ2 is the refracted angle, and n2 is the index of refraction for medium 2. When a light ray is incident on the interface between media 1 and 2 at an angle greater than the critical angle (with respect to the boundary normal), light is totally internally reflected and propagates along the axis of the waveguide. The critical angle, θc, can be calculated easily from Equation 44 by recognizing that θ2=90o at the onset of total internal reflection: 74 n θc = sin −1 2 n1 (45) This phenomenon occurs for rays moving from a medium of higher index refraction to a medium with a lower index. A 2x2 50/50 polarization-maintaining coupler (Canadian Instrumentation and Research, Ltd. 954P) was used to combine and split the optical power from the two lasers. A schematic of the coupler is shown in Figure 5.9. A 1 2 Index-matching liquid Polished fiber halves B Core separation Figure 5.9: Schematic of 2x2 evanescent wave 50/50 coupler. Inset shows crosssection of coupler. Power from each of the lasers enters the coupler through inputs A and B. The optical power from the two inputs is mixed, then split 50/50 into outputs 1 and 2; nominally there is 50% of the optical power from the wavelength in input A and 50% from that in input B in each of the outputs. The coupler used for the current work operates using the evanescent wave phenomenon; optical contact between the cores of two fibers allows for laser power to be shared between the two waveguides. The amount of energy transferred is a function of the interaction length and core separation distance [106,107]. The coupler is manufactured by polishing the cladding of the fiber until the 75 core is exposed and bringing the cores into optical contact with a thin layer of indexmatching liquid in between. The red circles in Figure 5.9 are the stress-inducing rods found in polarization-maintaining PANDA fibers (discussed further in Appendix A). As shown in the inset, the stress-inducing rod is removed on the half of the fiber that is polished away. Various methods for combining and splitting optical power in fibers exist. Conventional free-space coupling methods typically involve partially reflecting mirrors or thin films/plates to split the input beam; these methods are reviewed more thoroughly in Reference [108]. Major drawbacks include susceptibility to etalons, complex setup, and high sensitivity to alignment. Considering the rigors of shipping and assembling equipment during a field campaign, free-space couplers were not a viable option. The primary fiber-based techniques are fusing or polishing (evanescent wave). Fiber-based coupling has the advantage of providing a compact, simple method for mixing and splitting light that is easily manufactured and implemented. Fused-fiber couplers are made by twisting bare fibers and heating until the fibers are fused together. This method is much easier to implement than the polishing technique; however, the advantage of the evanescent wave coupling technique is that the fiber cores remain intact, unlike fusedfiber couplers [109], resulting in reduced cross-coupling between polarization modes. Evanescent wave couplers also have lower insertion and excess losses (0.005dB and 0.05dB, respectively) than fused-fiber couplers [110]. Insertion loss refers to the total loss of optical power resulting from insertion of the coupler; excess loss is the optical loss within the coupler. Two PM laser attenuators (Oz Optics BB-500-11-2300/1550-7/125-P-40-3A3A3-1) were used to match the powers of the two lasers prior to coupling and transmission to the test environment. By doing this, the laser signals occupied roughly the same dynamic range and experienced the same degree of bit noise from digitization. PM fiber mating sleeves (Thorlabs ADAFC2-PMN) were used to connect fiber components. These connectors are made from a single piece of material, unlike typical fiber 76 connectors that are manufactured in two pieces and screwed together. PM connectors are manufactured with stricter tolerances in order to ensure that the polarization axes of the input and output fiber components are closely aligned. Large area InGaAs detectors (Sciencetech IGA-030-H) were used to obtain the transmitted laser signals. The detector has a 3MHz bandwidth, 0.1μs rise time, and 7mm2 active area. The high bandwidth guaranteed that modulation on the order of hundreds of kHz could be recorded without aliasing. Also, the large active area resisted loss of signal due to beam wandering during a run since the detector was mounted on the heavily vibrating test section. 5.3.2 Optomechanical Components The pitch and catch optical components were carefully selected to maintain alignment of the laser beams through the test section during facility operation. The pitch and catch assemblies are shown in Figure 5.10. The pitch assembly in Figure 5.10a consists of a fiber-coupled collimation lens (Thorlabs F240APC-SP1345), a kinematic mount (Thorlabs KC1-T), and an angled beam tube. The aspheric 3 fiber-coupled lenses provided a small beam diameter (1.4mm) necessary to probe the boundary layer, and were anti-reflection coated at 1345nm to maximize the output laser power. The lens coupling was manufactured to place the fiber tip exactly at one focal length from the lens to optimize collimation. A fixture was drilled in the beam tube to allow for nitrogen purging to remove ambient water vapor. The mounts are very rigid, and the adjustment knobs could be locked in place after alignment; this guaranteed that the beams would remain within the 3-mm wide slots in the isolator walls. The mirror mount (Thorlabs KCB1) for the catch assembly shown in Figure 5.10b allowed the mirror, beam tube, and detector to be integrated into a single component. 3 Aspheric lenses are used to reduce the effects of spherical aberration in lenses, in which rays far from the lens centerline are focused to slightly different locations than rays near the center. This results in improper collimation of a transmitted beam; aspheric lenses, which have closer to ideal surface curvatures, are an excellent solution to this problem. 77 The mirror mount turned the captured beam by 90o, allowing for adjustment of pitch and yaw, and focused the beam onto the detector. The angled beam tube was fabricated to terminate within 1mm of the window surface, and the cavity within the mount was purged with nitrogen to remove ambient water vapor from the beam path. One-inch focal length aluminum-coated spherical concave mirrors (Thorlabs CM254-025-G01) were used to focus the captured beams. These mirrors provide very high reflectivity without undesirable chromatic aberration which can be introduced by a focusing lens. The detector was placed at the focal point of the mirror; this design, along with the large active area of the detectors, prevented loss of signal during testing, even with heavy vibration in the test section. Beam tube Beam tube Purge fitting Purge fitting Detector Fiber-coupled collimation lens Focusing mirror b) a) Figure 5.10: TDLAS sensor optomechanical components: a) Pitch assembly. b) Catch assembly. Red dashed lines indicate window surface. 5.3.3 Translation Stages Two translation stages (Zaber T-LSR 150B) were used to translate the sensor pitch and catch systems for spatially resolved measurements. The stages served as the platforms on which the pitch and catch optics were mounted, and it was necessary that they provide a stable, level surface during testing. The primary selection criteria were: 78 • Appropriate size and weight for integration with the NASA Langley facility hardware. Also sufficient length to allow travel across entire height and width of test section. • Sufficiently high operating temperature to survive close proximity to hot test section (~600K outer wall temperatures). • High rigidity to resist facility vibration and maintain alignment. • Stepper motor to provide smooth, repeatable motion. • Backlash reduction to ensure repeatability of linear motion. • Motor step size sufficiently small to achieve spatial translation on the order of millimeters. • Capability for remote operation and integration with TDL software control. • Sufficient speed and torque to translate TDL sensor across duct during a 20 second run. 150mm travel Computer control data cable 201mm Mounting holes Translation stage link cable Figure 5.11: Zaber T-LSR 150B translation stage. 79 65mm 43mm The selected stages (one unit shown in Figure 5.11) performed reliably both in the lab and during the course of testing at NASA Langley. The stages offered 150mm of linear travel, and could be linked together using the translation stage link cable to move simultaneously. Control was facilitated through Labview, and the stages interfaced with the computer through a serial connection. The translation platform also included a grid of bolt holes for convenient mounting of the optomechanical components detailed in the previous section. Laser light Detector signals Mounted fiber-coupled lens a) Focusing mirror Catch optics Detector b) Figure 5.12: Fully assembled TDLAS mass-flux sensor mounted on NASA Langley wind tunnel: a) Pitch assembly. b) Catch assembly. Figure 5.12 shows the assembled optomechanics of the TDLAS sensor mounted on the NASA Langley test facility. Mounting plates angled at 90o were fastened to the translation stage platform to create a mounting surface perpendicular to the test-section wall. As seen in the above figure, the optomechanical components of the sensor are compact and require minimal assembly and alignment. The components were easily locked in place and were able to maintain alignment of the laser beams through the 3mmwide slots in the isolator section during testing. 5.3.4 Sensor Control and Data Acquisition System Three data acquisition (DAQ) cards (National Instruments PXI-6115) were used to generate the voltage signals to the laser controller and acquire and digitize incoming 80 voltage signals from the detectors. The cards have 12-bit resolution, and the dynamic range can be adjusted to match the signal to be recorded. The maximum acquisition rate is 10MHz/channel; the maximum output rate is 4MHz for a single channel or 2.5MHz for dual channels. The DAQ cards were installed in a National Instruments PXIe-1062Q chassis, and each card was connected to a National Instruments BNC-2110 connector block to output and acquire voltage signals. The chassis provided a rugged, portable housing for the DAQ cards, and interfaced with the computer using a single PXI connection. Signal generation, data acquisition, and operation of the translation stages were facilitated through the computer with the Labview software interface. Laser current & temperature controller Laser 1 current drive signal @f1 Laser 2 current drive signal @f2 Detector signals PXI chassis DAQ computer Connector blocks Test section Detector signals Figure 5.13: Signal flow between computer and DAQ system. Computer is used to generate laser current modulation waveforms; voltage signals are produced by the DAQ cards and sent to the laser controller which modulates laser injection current. Detector signals are digitized by DAQ cards and sent to computer for storage. Figure 5.13 illustrates the operation of the sensor DAQ system. The laser drive signals were produced using the computer, allowing for the slow-scan and modulation 81 frequencies and amplitudes to quickly and easily be adjusted. These signals were transmitted to the DAQ cards in the PXI chassis, which produced the voltage outputs sent to the laser current controller. The two drive signals were output using different cards to minimize crosstalk between the outputs on a single card. The detected voltage signals were then transmitted back to the DAQ cards, which digitized and transmitted the data to the computer for storage. Figure 5.14: Generation of laser drive signals. Slow scan shown on left, complete WMS laser drive signals shown on right. Amplitudes are in volts. The laser drive signals used for testing at NASA Langley are shown above. Beginning with a slow-scan frequency of 250Hz and amplitude of 0.17V, the two laser drive signals were formed by superimposing two different high-frequency modulations. Laser 1 (1349nm) was modulated at 190kHz with an amplitude of 0.85V, which corresponds to an m=2.2; Laser 2 (1341.5nm) was modulated at 255kHz with an amplitude of 0.31V, which corresponds to an m=0.9. Each signal was then delivered to the laser controller as indicated by the red and blue arrows in Figure 5.13. The slow-scan and high-frequency modulation amplitudes and frequencies were adjusted as needed through the control software. 82 Chapter 6: Temperature and Velocity Validation Experiments at Stanford Before deploying the sensor in a harsh, uncharacterized environment, an important task is to validate the sensor measurements against well-known, highly controlled conditions. This allows for a test of the sensor hardware and data processing schemes, characterization of measurement uncertainty, and identification of any potential problems that could arise when the sensor is deployed. With this goal in mind, two wellcharacterized facilities were selected at Stanford for validation of the sensor temperature and velocity measurements. This chapter describes the experimental setup and the results obtained from the validation measurements. 6.1 Validation of Temperature Measurement 6.1.1 Experimental Setup The heated cell described in Section 5.2 provided an ideal environment for validation of the sensor temperature measurement. Water vapor temperature was measured in a quartz cell placed in the center of the three-zone furnace to provide a uniform (~1%) temperature as measured by thermocouples at the center and each end of the cell. The slow-scan frequency was set at 2kHz and the 1349nm and 1341.5nm lasers were modulated at f1=190kHz and f2=255kHz, respectively, with data collected at 5MHz. Modulation frequencies were selected according to the procedure described in Section 5.1. The laser parameters i0, a, and ψ1 were measured at these settings in order to model the 1f-normalized WMS-2f signal for a path length of 228cm (3 passes through cell) and a pressure of 14Torr of neat water vapor. Regions external to the test cell were purged 83 with dry nitrogen to eliminate absorption from the ambient air. The experimental setup is shown below. Furnace Pitch lens, N2 purged Detector, N2 purged Laser controller Fiber coupler Laser 1 current drive signal @f1 DAQ computer Detector signal Laser 2 current drive signal @f2 Figure 6.1: Experimental setup for temperature validation in 3-zone heated cell. Single-pass setup shown; actual experiment performed for 3 passes. Prior to data collection, the background 2f and 1f signals were recorded; the backgrounds were then removed from the measured signals as detailed in Reference [61]. In both the heated-cell experiments and the NASA Langley test campaign, the background signals were negligible – more than an order of magnitude lower than the measured signals. Sources of the WMS-2f background include etalon effects in the laser beam path (typically arising from constructive/deconstructive interference of internal reflections in windows), nonlinear intensity modulation effects, and background absorption outside the measurement region [61,71]. For the experiments described in this work, great care was taken to eliminate etalons and ambient absorption; the modulation depths used were also low enough for nonlinear intensity modulation effects to be insignificant. 6.1.2 Results of Temperature Velocity Validation To infer temperature, the 1f-normalized WMS-2f peak values were computed as a function of temperature for both the 1341.5nm and 1349nm lines (following the equations introduced in Section 2.4); the ratio of these two signals was then produced as in Figure 6.2. 84 1f-Normalized 2f peak ratio (1341 nm/1349 nm) 0.6 Calculated Experimental 0.5 0.4 0.3 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 Temperature [K] Figure 6.2: Measured and calculated 1f-normalized 2f peak ratio for the high E” line (1341nm) divided by the low E” line (1349nm). By comparing the measured 1f-normalized WMS-2f peaks to the simulated values, the temperature was inferred to within 1% of the thermocouple reading for measurements from 650-1000 K, the temperature range of interest for the current sensor. The WMS signals were recorded for 1 second at each temperature condition and averaged. A 4th-order polynomial was fitted to the computed WMS signals and used to convert the measured WMS signals to temperature. Results with similar accuracy can be obtained at lower temperatures, though other transition pairs may have preferable sensitivity in the low-temperature range. The sensor-measured temperature is compared to the thermocouple readings in Figure 6.3. 85 WMS Sensor Temperature [K] 1000 900 Measured Ideal 1% boundary 800 700 600 700 800 900 1000 Thermocouple Temperature [K] Figure 6.3: Comparison of sensor- and thermocouple-measured temperatures in Stanford heated cell. These results show that the sensor is capable of making highly accurate temperature measurements within the temperature range of interest. The time-resolved scatter in the data was less than 0.5% in these experiments. The laser modulation in this experiment was identical to that used in the DCSCTF campaign except for the higher slow-scan frequency (2kHz vs. 250Hz). Because of the complexity of WMS-based measurements, careful laboratory validation at the exact conditions to be used in a measurement campaign is essential prior to deployment of the sensor in the field. 6.2 Velocity Measurement Validation in Low-Speed Tunnel 6.2.1 Facility and Experimental Setup The Stanford Flow Control Wind Tunnel (described in detail in Reference [111]) is used to provide highly uniform, well-known flow velocities up to 18m/s. The facility is closed-loop and operates at atmospheric pressure with room-temperature air and 86 ambient humidity. The tunnel is 91cm high, 61cm wide, and 3.1m long; a picture of the facility is shown in Figure 6.4 along with the pitch and catch optics and an illustration of the beam paths. Figure 6.4: Stanford Flow Control Wind Tunnel with mounted sensor hardware. Beam paths through test section indicated by dark arrows. In this experiment, significant design changes were required in order to deploy the sensor. The walls of the tunnel are made of 1-inch thick Plexiglass, which transmits poorly in the 1300 – 1400nm region accessible to near-infrared diode lasers. To address this problem, it was necessary to drill holes through the top and bottom of the tunnel (drilling through the sidewalls was not acceptable). Additionally, the crossed-beam setup was not possible due to the presence of a conveyor belt along the bottom of the tunnel (see Figure 6.4). This limited optical access to a small region of the tunnel; the details of the experimental setup are shown in Figure 6.5. 87 Figure 6.5: Schematic of velocimetry validation experiment at Stanford Flow Control Wind Tunnel. As seen above, the two beams counter-propagate at a 60o angle; this emulates the crossed-beam setup of Figure 2.8a. Two holes offset by 3 inches along the tunnel centerline were drilled at a 60o angle through the top and bottom of the tunnel. The inner surface of the tunnel was sealed with a thin sheet of plastic, and pitch and catch optics were aligned through the holes. The pitch and catch hardware described in the previous chapter were used; the beams were pitched through fiber-coupled collimation lenses and caught onto 1-inch focal length mirrors which focused the light onto 3-mm diameter InGaAs detectors (3MHz bandwidth). The pitch/catch setups on the top and bottom of the tunnel were purged with nitrogen to remove absorption occurring in regions external to the tunnel. A different water vapor transition was selected for this particular experiment to account for the low temperature (300K) and low water vapor mole fraction (1%). A water vapor transition near 1371nm (E”=23.8cm-1) was used to obtain a signal for the 184cm path length similar to that expected from the high-temperature, humid gas in the NASA Langley test facility (18.7cm path length, 600-1000K, 13%-25% H2O). The slowscan frequency was 250Hz, the modulation frequency was 130kHz, and the sampling rate was 5MHz. The sensor bandwidth in this case was 500Hz; the laser wavelength was 88 scanned via a sine wave over the absorption lineshape twice per cycle. The velocity was determined from the Doppler shift of the 2f/1f lineshape, which included more than 6000 points. Use of 2000 points over a laser frequency-scan range of 0.35cm-1 could achieve similar velocity resolution. For subsonic velocity testing, 50 averages were used to guarantee a measurement scatter well below 1m/s. 6.2.2 Results of Sensor Velocity Validation The Doppler-shifted lineshape for the 1371nm transition at m=0.9 is shown in Figure 6.6. Here it is seen that the 2f/1f amplitude is quite large; this is due to the long beam path (184cm) that was required for this experiment. Δν = 7 x 10-4 cm-1 WMS-2f/1f Signal 5 4 3 2 1 0 -0.03 Downstream beam Upstream beam -0.02 -0.01 0.00 Frequency [cm-1] 0.01 0.02 Figure 6.6: Doppler-shifted lineshapes for 1371nm transition in Stanford Flow Control Tunnel. Shift corresponds to velocity of 18m/s. Data were collected for m=0.9 to optimize the WMS-2f/1f signal and for m=1.7 to demonstrate the improvement in velocity resolution due to optimizing the modulation index. Data are presented in Figure 6.7, where the left panel shows measurements of time-resolved velocity (50 averages, 100ms measurement time per data point), and the right panel shows measured velocity versus tunnel set point. The tunnel set point is adjusted by adjusting the fan speed; no measurements are taken between 16 – 17m/s as 89 the tunnel resonates at this condition. The tunnel velocity is measured with a pitot probe, and the uncertainty was calculated by Matalanis and Eaton [111] to be 0.73% of full scale (0.13m/s). Optimization of the modulation index improved the standard deviation of the measurements by 50%. This was especially important at low-speed conditions where frequency shifts are small – on the order of 10-4cm-1. With m=0.9 the measured velocity measurements have less than a 0.5m/s difference from the tunnel set point. a) b) Figure 6.7: Velocity measurements in Stanford high-uniformity tunnel: a) Timeresolved velocity measurements for modulation index of 0.9 and 1.7. b) Measured velocity with one second resolution versus tunnel set point. The sensor design including modulation optimization demonstrate the capability to resolve frequency shifts less than 10-4cm-1 (the smallest shift measured was 0.97 (10)-4 cm-1, corresponding to a velocity of 2.5m/s), and provide confidence for application of the sensor to the supersonic regime where Doppler shifts of the absorption features are two orders-of-magnitude larger. In the following chapter, the TDLAS mass-flux sensor is deployed in the field at the NASA Langley DCSCTF. 90 Chapter 7: Mass-Flux Measurements at the NASA Langley Direct-Connect Supersonic Combustion Test Facility (DCSCTF) The field campaign results presented in this chapter represent the capstone measurements for the sensor designed in this thesis. The TDL sensor was deployed to measure temperature, velocity, and mass flux in a high-enthalpy, supersonic wind tunnel at NASA Langley. Temporally and spatially resolved measurements were tested against CFD and facility model predictions. Additionally, concepts such as modulation optimization and nonuniformity analysis were applied to improve sensor measurements. The success of the sensor at this facility proves the benefits of TDL mass-flux sensing with WMS-2f/1f, affirms the accurate modeling of facility flow with CFD, and provides confidence in deploying the sensor to environments where mass flux is not wellcharacterized. 7.1 Facility Overview Vitiated ground-test facilities are often used to reproduce hypersonic flight conditions, either by matching flight enthalpy or velocity. A common method for generating high-enthalpy flow is by combustion-heating the air, then expanding the flow through a supersonic nozzle with optional O2 replenishment [112]. This technique is employed at the DCSCTF at NASA Langley, which facilitates the testing of ramjet and scramjet combustor components by simulating flight between Mach 4 and 7.5. Tests of igniters [113], fuel injector geometries [114-116], and nozzle/combustor flow studies 91 [117] are routinely conducted at the DCSCTF. High stagnation enthalpy is achieved by pre-heating with H2-O2-air combustion (O2 input rate is regulated to yield a postcombustion mole fraction similar to atmospheric concentration) and accelerating the heated gas through a Mach 2 or Mach 2.7 converging-diverging nozzle. Additional details regarding facility operation can be found in [118,119]; a picture of the facility is shown in Figure 7.1 and a schematic in Figure 7.2. Figure 7.1: Photograph of the DCSCTF at NASA Langley showing flowpath sections as labeled. At the far left of the photograph is the combustion heater, which operates at stagnation pressures from 115 to 500psi and stagnation temperatures from 890 to 2110K [120]. Flow then enters the water-cooled supersonic nozzle; TDLAS measurements were made in a modified isolator section (described in the following section) directly behind the nozzle. Following the isolator is the fuel injection block and combustor where scramjet models are tested, and at the far right is the exhaust system. Because the isolator section was not cooled, test times did not exceed 30 seconds; between runs, atmospheric air was cycled through the test cell to cool the facility, and tests could be repeated every 15 minutes. 92 Figure 7.2: Schematic of NASA Langley DCSCTF [120]. The facility is outfitted with a Pressure Systems Inc. Electronic Scanning Pressure system with an accuracy of 0.5% of full scale (0.2psi for 45psi scanners). The system outputs data from 50-100Hz, and averages the data down to 20Hz. The facility input flow rates are measured with ASME sharp-edged orifice plates with flange-mounted pressure taps; the mass-flow measurements have an uncertainty of 3%. Based on the uncertainty in pressure (0.5%) and the sensor temperature measurement from Section 6.1.2 (1%), the estimated uncertainty for the sensor density measurement at the DCSCTF is 1.12%. An uncertainty analysis using the sensor density uncertainty and the sensor velocity uncertainty from Section 6.2.2 (0.9%) yields an expected sensor mass-flux uncertainty of 1.44%. This upper limit is a twofold improvement in the current mass-flux uncertainty (measurement accuracy) at the DCSCTF, and measurements in the following sections show mass-flux measurements with uncertainties of less than 1%. The facility flow conditions are currently estimated using an inviscid 1-D thermodynamic equilibrium solver [121-123]. Required parameters for the solver are the input mass fluxes of oxygen, hydrogen, and air, the geometry of the nozzle, and an 93 estimated heat loss between the heater and the nozzle. The solver iterates until a solution for the nozzle exit plane parameters is determined, assuming isentropic flow in the nozzle. This code provides accurate values for comparison with TDL sensor results during the measurement campaign. The Viscous Upwind Algorithm for Complex Flow Analysis (VULCAN) [124] CFD code developed at NASA Langley was used to compute the flow conditions in the DCSCTF isolator. This code has been shown to accurately model experimental measurements of mole fraction, pitot pressure, and total temperature in a Mach 1.8 coaxial jet [125], wall pressures at the exit of a Mach 2.5 nozzle [126], and wall pressures at the inlet and burner of a flight-tested scramjet engine [127]. Based on the stagnation temperature and pressure in the combustion heater, nozzle and isolator geometries, and assumed heat fluxes into the facility walls, the VULCAN code was applied to compute the relevant flow properties within the test section, i.e. static temperature, pressure, and axial velocity. Previous optical diagnostics at the DCSCTF include silane-seeded laser-sheet flow visualization at the nozzle exit, coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) thermometry at the nozzle exit plane [119] and in the combustor [123], OH absorption thermometry at both the nozzle exit and in the combustor [116], and shadowgraph and UV camera imaging for OH radical visualization in the combustor [115]. Hence the diagnostics previously deployed have mostly involved thermometry and flow visualization; the current TDLAS sensor adds spatially and temporally resolved massflux measurements in the facility isolator to the complement of optical diagnostics at the DCSCTF. In the future, the TDLAS mass-flux results could be included as part of the standard diagnostic measurements performed during tunnel operation. 7.2 Test-Section Design and Experimental Setup Precise design of the optical test section was crucial for the successful deployment of the TDL mass-flux sensor. Extensive modeling was performed to ensure proper 94 material selection, robust optical access design, and capability for TDL sensor integration. The optical isolator section described in this section successfully survived dozens of tests at the DCSCTF, where flow temperatures were on the order of 800 – 1000K for each run. Excellent optical alignment was maintained throughout each test even in the presence of heavy vibration from the facility and spatial translation of the sensor across several inches of the duct. This section outlines the modifications to the isolator section of the DCSCTF to facilitate TDL measurements. The setup and integration of the TDL sensor with the tunnel hardware are also described in detail. 7.2.1 Scramjet Isolator Section The isolator is an important component of a scramjet engine, consisting of a constant area or slightly diverging section situated between the inlet and the combustor. The flow downstream of the inlet adjusts to the high static back-pressure in the combustor through a pre-combustion shock train that resides in the isolator. Since the pressure rise is accomplished over a finite distance, the combustion process is isolated from the compression occurring at the inlet [128]. The presence of the isolator safeguards against inlet unstart, in which the pre-combustion shock train is expelled from the inlet, causing a large decrease in mass capture by the engine. The main components of a scramjet engine are shown in Figure 7.3. Figure 7.3: Illustration of flow through a scramjet engine [129]. 95 The DCSCTF operates with a constant area rectangular isolator upstream of the combustor model. When the tunnel is operated with no combustion (as was the case for the tests described in this work), flow through the isolator is uniform and shock-free. This makes the isolator an ideal region for a line-of-sight absorption measurement. Furthermore, the simple geometry of the isolator allows for less time-consuming CFD modeling of the flow and facilitates the comparison between TDL measurements of gas parameters and CFD solutions. However, modifications to the isolator section were necessary to facilitate optical access to the flow and to enable integration with the TDLAS mass-flux sensor. 7.2.2 Modified Isolator with Optical Access Design of the optical isolator section was initiated from the original isolator used at the DCSCTF. The length of the isolator was increased for the current design in order to facilitate the crossed-beam setup necessary for the velocity measurement. The test section was machined from a solid block of copper in order to guarantee uniform expansion in response to the thermal load of the high-temperature test gas. Pressure taps Horizontal translation beam paths Vertical translation beam paths Figure 7.4: Modified DCSCTF isolator section for TDLAS mass-flux sensor. Beam paths in horizontal and vertical translation configurations also indicated (red arrows). 96 A picture of the modified DCSCTF isolator is shown in Figure 7.4 with the top and side window mounts removed. The grey residue around the slot on the sidewall is residual GRAFOIL sealing material that was placed between the mount and the test section. The isolator is 17.28” long, with an internal rectangular channel that is 2.88” in height and 5.208” in width (15 in2 area). The top, bottom, and sidewalls are all 1” thick. The beam paths for the horizontal and vertical translation configurations are indicated with red arrows. Two pressure taps are located on each surface at 1.4” from the leading and trailing edges of the test section; these 8 taps provide the pressure measurements needed to compute gas density from measured temperature. Proper design of the windows and window mounts was another crucial task. In addition to sealing the test section, the windows and mounts must also facilitate etalonfree transmission of laser light into and out of the test section while keeping the windows isolated from the test gas. As mentioned previously, etalons in windows can result in unwanted background 2f signals which are unstable and can fluctuate during testing. A schematic of the window mount for the isolator sidewall is shown in Figure 7.5. All dimensions are the same for the mounts on the top and bottom of the isolator, the only difference being the length (dimension into the page). The sidewall mounts are 3.875” long, while the top and bottom wall mounts are 6.21” long; both mounts are 2.75” wide. 97 Incident angle, θ1 0.25” Refracted angle, θ2 θ2 θ2 θ2 1” θ1 1” thick isolator wall 3mm Figure 7.5: Cross-sectional view of sidewall window mount for isolator section. Ray trace for 45o incident beam also shown. Because of the large angle of incidence (45o), a flat window of sufficient thickness can be designed such that all reflections within the window avoid transmission through the test-section slots. The incident and refracted angles are labeled in Figure 7.5. For the current design, the incident angle is 45o in order to obtain the desired crossing angle of 90o as illustrated by the arrows in Figure 7.8a. The index of refraction for air is n1=1 and for BK-7 glass is n2=1.5; the refracted angle θ2 within the window is calculated from Snell’s Law (Equation 44) to be 28o. Knowing this angle and the thickness of the window (0.25”), the horizontal distance that the beam “walks” is determined to be 3.4mm. Internal reflections also occur at the refracted angle of 28o, and are also shifted by 3.4mm. As seen in Figure 7.5, the plenum directly under the window has been dimensioned such that no reflections (dashed arrows) can be transmitted through the slot in the isolator wall. This strategy avoids the design complexity needed to generate a mount for wedged windows (the typical method to eliminate etalons), as well as the increased cost and manufacturing time that would be required. Two 1/8” Swagelok fixtures are inserted at the top and bottom of the mounts in order to purge the plenum area behind the window. The pressurized plenum prevents hot 98 test gases from shooting through the slots in the walls and damaging the windows. In addition, the region between the window and the inner wall of the test section is kept free from unwanted absorption by water vapor in this near-stagnant gas. 7.2.3 Hardware and Experimental Setup This section describes the integration of the TDL mass-flux sensor with the DCSCTF. The translation stages are attached to the test section using 4 bolts, with a ceramic spacer placed between the stage and the test section to minimize heat conduction from the hot copper walls. Purge lines for dry, heated nitrogen were connected to each of the two connections on the window mounts. During testing, only the four windows in use were purged. Figure 7.6 shows a schematic of the experimental setup during the measurement campaign at the NASA Langley DCSCTF. The computer, data acquisition system, lasers, laser controller, and fiber optic hardware resided in the control room above the test cell as shown in Figure 7.7. Light from the two lasers was multiplexed together, split 50/50, and transmitted into the test cell through two 30-meter polarization-maintaining fibers. The fibers and translation stage control cable were routed through an access port in the control room floor and into the test cell. The fibers were coupled to the collimation optics attached to the translation stages which pitched light into the test section. The transmitted light was then focused by a mirror onto detectors (both also fixed to translation stages). The detector signals were transmitted through 30-meter coaxial cables back to the control room and acquired with the data acquisition system. Access to the test cell during a run was not permitted, hence the translation stages were remotely operated with computer control. During a run, tunnel operating conditions were monitored in real-time to ensure that the facility properly maintained the test point. 99 Flow Control room (above test cell) Test cell 2x 30 m fiber to test cell Combustion heater 2x 30 m BNC cable to control room Figure 7.6: Schematic of experimental setup for TDL mass-flux measurements at NASA Langley DCSCTF. 100 Low-pass filters Fiber coupler DAQ computer Mounted diode lasers NI DAQ chassis Laser attenuators Laser controller Figure 7.7: Experimental setup in DCSCTF control room. The mass-flux sensor was mounted on the custom-isolator section located between the nozzle and the fuel injectors in Figure 7.1. Optical access via slot windows on the isolator section is shown in Figure 7.8a. a) b) Figure 7.8: Mass-flux sensor installed on custom-isolator section: a) Sensor configured to probe vertical planes of the flowpath; arrows illustrate the beampaths. b) Sensor configured to probe horizontal planes of the flowpath. The volume between the window and the slots was purged with heated nitrogen to minimize water vapor in the stagnant gases in the optical path through the isolator wall. The nitrogen was heated to 353K and delivered at 305SLPM. Measurements were taken at various purge flow rates to investigate the effect on the TDLAS measurement; no significant variation in the sensor velocity or temperature measurement was seen in 101 response to changing the purge flow rate. The sensor optical components were attached to translation stages as shown in Figure 7.8b. The short optical paths external to the isolator were purged with unheated nitrogen. The optical setup was translated on the vertical walls, then on the horizontal walls to enable measurements in both vertical and horizontal planes. Changing the translation configuration required the removal and remounting of both the pitch and catch translation stages. Realignment of the laser beams was also needed, and the process could be completed within two hours. 7.3 Sensor Operation Sensor control and data acquisition was accomplished through the Labview software interface. The modulation signals for the laser current controller were produced by the software. A digital pulse train was also generated by the software to synchronize signal generation with data acquisition. Data was collected at 5MHz and stored in binary format to reduce file size. The TDL mass-flux sensor was operated in two modes: • Temporally resolved measurements were taken at a fixed position within the duct to monitor facility conditions during the entire run. The sensor was translated to the measurement position prior to testing. Data acquisition began at combustion heater ignition and continued until flow was stopped; this enabled the sensor to capture transients at facility startup and shutdown. • Spatially resolved measurements were taken at ten locations as the sensor was translated either horizontally or vertically across the full height or width of the duct during a single run. The spatial increments are shown in Figure 7.9. Smaller increments were used near the walls of the test section to enable finer resolution of the boundary layer. 102 3mm increments 12mm increments 3mm increments 3mm increments 24mm increments 3mm increments Figure 7.9: Measurement locations for spatially resolved data acquisition. Translation directions are indicated with blue arrows, locations indicated with yellow markers. Flow is into the page. In translation mode, the control software was triggered using a digital pulse supplied by the facility. The pulse was generated at the beginning of tunnel test time, signaling the TDLAS control software to initiate the measurement routine. The translation stage was sent a command to move into position, after which data was acquired for one second and stored to disk. Once acquisition was complete, the sensor automatically moved to the next measurement position and the procedure was repeated. 7.4 Measurements of Velocity, Temperature, and Mass Flux During testing of the TDLAS mass-flux sensor, a Mach 2.65 nozzle was used to simulate Mach 6 and 7 flight enthalpies, producing the nominal test conditions summarized in Table 7.1. These conditions were computed using the facility 1-D thermodynamic equilibrium solver and varied slightly from run to run. 103 Table 7.1: Nozzle exit plane conditions for Mach 6 and 7 set points at NASA Langley DCSCTF. Flight enthalpy Static pressure [kPa] Static temperature [K] Water mole fraction Nozzle exit velocity [m/s] Mach 6 72 714 0.19 1440 Mach 7 72 935 0.25 1630 For a 45o pitching angle through the test section, the path length was 18.71cm in the vertical translation configuration and 10.35cm in the horizontal translation configuration (see Figure 7.4). Upstream-pointing beam Downstream-pointing beam Upstream-pointing beam Downstream-pointing beam 0.2 0.0 a) 0.4 2f/1f amplitude 2f/1f amplitude 0.4 0 5 10 15 0.2 0.0 -0.2 20 b) Time [ms] 0.0 0.2 Frequency [cm-1] Figure 7.10: Signals collected for 1341.5nm laser in the vertical translation configuration with beams crossing in the center horizontal plane during NASA Langley DCSCTF measurement campaign: a) Time-resolved WMS-2f/1f signals for both beams. b) Measured WMS lineshapes vs. frequency for both beams. Measured signals during the DCSCTF campaign are shown in Figure 7.10. As expected, the selected transitions provided high SNR at both facility set points and for both the horizontal and vertical translation configuration. The sensor hardware functioned as designed, collecting strong transmitted intensity signals despite heavy vibration and sensor translation during testing. As shown in Figure 7.10b, the central peaks of the 104 WMS-2f/1f lineshapes are clearly resolved and free from interference from neighboring transitions. 7.4.1 Temporally Resolved Velocity Measurements Figure 7.11 shows the time-resolved (50Hz) velocity measured in the center of the channel with the sensor configured to probe the horizontal plane and a modulation index m=0.9. Figure 7.11a shows the data without boundary-layer correction while Figure 7.11b includes this correction. After the initial start-up transient of the tunnel (caused by a surge of flow after the hydrogen and oxygen supply valves open), the sensor measurement without the BL correction was in good agreement with the velocity computed from the facility predictive code described earlier. The first plateau in velocity from 2.5 to 5 seconds corresponds to an H2 and O2 mass-flow rate of roughly 80% of the operating condition. The CFD solution for the isolator at the Mach 7 condition predicted the boundary-layer thickness to be roughly 9mm. The uncorrected velocity measurements shown in Figure 7.11a are roughly 1.7% lower than the facility-predicted value; Figure 7.11b shows the data of Figure 7.11a with the boundary-layer correction, and the improvement in agreement between measured and facility-predicted velocities. 105 1800 Velocity [m/s] Velocity [m/s] 1800 Predicted velocity = 1630 m/s 1650 1500 1500 1350 1350 0 a) Predicted velocity = 1630 m/s 1650 5 10 15 20 0 25 5 b) Time [sec] 10 15 20 25 Time [sec] Figure 7.11: Time-resolved velocity in the middle of the channel, horizontal plane: a) no correction b) with correction for nonuniformity along LOS. By correcting for the presence of boundary layers, the difference between the sensor-measured velocity and the predicted velocity is reduced by more than a factor of 6, bringing the agreement to within 0.25% in a 1630m/s flow. Because of the necessity for accurate measurement of mass flux, this improvement in accuracy by accounting for nonuniformity along the LOS is quite significant. It should be noted that the BL correction relies only secondarily on the CFD solution. The CFD analysis is used to quantify the effect that boundary-layer thickness has on a LOS measurement; the sensor’s spatially resolved measurements yield a value for BL thickness and indicate the corresponding magnitude of the velocity correction to be applied. 7.4.2 Temporally Resolved Temperature Measurements Static temperature was determined simultaneously with velocity during all runs. Both laser wavelengths were multiplexed onto the upstream and downstream beams, and temperature was determined by comparing the measured 1f-normalized WMS-2f peak values with simulations for both beam paths. The 1349nm laser was modulated at m=2.2 and the 1341nm laser at m=0.9 for velocimetry. As described in References [40,61,64,65], the WMS-2f signal is maximized at m=2.2 and hence changes slowly in 106 response to perturbations such as flow nonuniformity; while only the 1349nm laser was modulated at m=2.2, this mitigated the influence of nonuniformity on the temperature measurement. The temperature measurements were not corrected since the influence of temperature nonuniformity as predicted by the CFD analysis was relatively insignificant. Time-resolved temperature data are plotted in Figure 7.12 with the Mach 7 flight condition on the left and the Mach 6 flight condition on the right. These data were measured at the center of the flow for a horizontal plane at Mach 7 and a vertical plane for Mach 6. The temperatures for the downstream- and upstream-pointing beams are in excellent agreement as expected. The 1-σ standard deviation of the average temperature after the startup transient is ~10K for both conditions. The gas temperature predicted by the facility model is also in excellent agreement with the measured data after the startup transient. More measurements are required to determine if the slow variation in gas temperature is a real facility effect or a measurement artifact, although the gradual rise in temperature during the run could reflect the change in wall losses as the test-section temperature increases. In Figure 7.12b, the fluctuations in temperature are a result of the facility being unable to steadily maintain the Mach 6 flight condition (the nozzle used is designed for the Mach 7 condition). Again the temperature data dramatically show the magnitude and duration of facility startup. 107 Downstream Upstream 1100 900 Downstream Upstream Temperature [K] Temperature [K] Predicted temperature = 992 K 1000 900 800 5 a) 10 15 20 25 30 700 600 500 35 Time [sec] b) Predicted temperature = 762 K 800 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time [sec] Figure 7.12: Gas temperature for downstream- and upstream-pointing beams: a) In the center horizontal plane for the Mach 7 flight condition. b) In the center vertical plane for the Mach 6 flight condition. Facility model value also shown. 7.4.3 Temporally Resolved Mass-Flux Measurements The velocity data (with boundary-layer correction) and temperature data were combined with facility pressure measurements to determine the mass flux as the product of velocity and density. For these data the λ1~1349nm laser was modulated at m=2.2 and λ2~1341nm was modulated at m=0.9. The time-resolved mass flux is shown in Figure 7.13, measured in the center horizontal plane for the Mach 7 flight condition in the left panel (Figure 7.13a), and in the center vertical plane for the Mach 6 flight condition in the right panel (Figure 7.13b). The data for mass flux from the downstream- and upstream-pointing beams are nearly identical, as expected from the excellent agreement in the temperature data in Figure 7.12. There is also close agreement between the measured values and those predicted from the facility model; however, deviations occur near the beginning of the test due to the startup transient and toward the end of the test as the input gas mass flows decreased. The decrease in the measured mass flux is primarily caused by a decrease in the O2 mass-flow rate supplied to the facility. The TDLAS measurements confirm that the mass flux was nearly constant during a run and 108 demonstrate the sensor’s ability to detect slight deviations in mass flux caused by changes in the input mass-flow rates. 500 600 Mass flux [kg/m2s] 450 Mass flux [kg/m2s] Downstream Upstream Downstream Upstream 400 Predicted value = 391 kg/m2s 350 300 250 200 150 a) 500 Predicted value = 475 kg/m2s 400 300 200 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 b) Time [sec] 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time [sec] Figure 7.13: Mass flux using temperatures taken with downstream- and upstreampointing beams and BL-corrected velocity: a) In the center horizontal plane for the Mach 7 flight condition. b) In the center vertical plane for the Mach 6 flight condition. Facility model value also shown. 7.4.4 Spatially Resolved Velocity Measurements The sensor was also translated during a test across the channel for spatially resolved measurements; a scan of vertical planes from the left to the right sidewall of the channel (looking downstream) is shown in Figure 7.14a and a scan of horizontal planes from top to bottom is shown in Figure 7.14b. The sensor was first positioned within 0.5 mm of the wall at its starting position (top wall for vertical translation, left sidewall for horizontal translation) and measurements were taken at ten points as the sensor was translated across the full height or width of the channel during a single tunnel run. At each point in Figure 7.14, the sensor measurements were averaged for one second, and the error bars shown are the 1-σ standard deviations of these average values. The total time for translation and data acquisition was 13 seconds. The optical alignment was degraded near the walls of the channel, where vibrations can block the edge of the laser beam; this reduced the signal-to-noise ratio of the transmitted intensity and produced a corresponding increase in the observed standard deviation shown in the error bars. The 109 spatially resolved CFD velocity data were path-integrated along the sensor beam path, Distance from centerline [mm] and the resulting values are plotted in Figure 7.14 for comparison. TDLAS measurement CFD path-integrated solution 1750 Velocity [m/s] 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 a) -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 30 20 10 TDLAS measurement CFD path-integrated solution 0 -10 -20 -30 0 60 b) Distance from Centerline [mm] 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 Velocity [m/s] Figure 7.14: Spatially resolved velocity (no correction applied) plotted from: a) Left to right of channel (facing downstream) in vertical planes. b) Top to bottom of channel in horizontal planes. Solid data points indicate measurements taken during facility startup transient. Overall there is good agreement between the CFD path-integrated solution and the measured values. The first three TDLAS measurements (solid data points in Figure 7.14a and Figure 7.14b) tend to be higher due to the startup transient seen in Figure 7.11. In the vertical scan direction, the boundary-layer thickness predicted by the CFD (~9mm) is confirmed by the TDLAS measurements. For the horizontal scan in Figure 7.14a, the boundary layer-thickness may be under-predicted by the CFD simulation, although the TDLAS measurements agree closely in the core flow. These data demonstrate that the sensor has the capability to make precise, accurate, spatially resolved velocity measurements in the high-speed, high-temperature flow of the DCSCTF at NASA Langley. 7.4.5 Spatially Resolved Mass-Flux Measurements Temperature and velocity data collected at various points within the duct were processed to produce the spatially resolved mass-flux measurements in Figure 7.15. The 110 sensor measurements are in good agreement with the CFD solution; again the three outliers at the far left of Figure 7.15a and top of Figure 7.15b are a result of increased mass flow during the startup transient. As mentioned previously, optical alignment tended to be poorer near the edges of the slot windows, resulting in the higher standard deviations seen in the sensor measurements near the walls. Overall, the sensor measurements show that there is good spatial uniformity within the test section and prove Distance from centerline [mm] that the CFD solution correctly models the DCSCTF flow conditions. Mass flux [kg/m2s] 400 300 200 100 0 a) Downstream Upstream CFD solution -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 30 20 10 Downstream Upstream CFD solution 0 -10 -20 -30 0 60 b) Distance from centerline [mm] 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Mass flux [kg/m2s] Figure 7.15 Spatially resolved mass flux (no correction applied) at Mach 7 condition plotted from: a) Left to right of channel (facing downstream) in vertical planes. b) Top to bottom of channel in horizontal planes. 111 112 Chapter 8: Summary and Future Work 8.1 Summary of Thesis A mass-flux sensor based on TDLAS of water vapor at 1.4 microns was designed, constructed, and tested under precisely controlled conditions at Stanford prior to deployment in a supersonic flow facility at NASA Langley. Mass flux, the product of velocity and density, was measured based on the combination of velocity and temperature measurements. Velocity was measured from the relative Doppler shift of an absorption transition for beams directed upstream and downstream in the flow. Temperature was measured from the ratio of two absorption signals and used to determine density from the ideal gas law when coupled with a facility pressure measurement. A new strategy to improve TDLAS velocity resolution by optimizing the modulation index for 1fnormalized WMS-2f measurements was described here for the first time. This normalization accounted for non-absorption losses in the transmitted laser intensity, and thus reduced noise from vibration and beam steering. The current analysis represents the first study of the behavior of the WMS-2f/1f lineshape in response to modulation index and absorbance changes; the lessons learned were applied to generate tall, narrow WMS2f/1f lineshapes that were optimal for Doppler-shift velocimetry. Line-selection criteria for the sensor design were stated and the needed spectroscopic database was measured. The measurement scheme was validated in controlled laboratory environments: measurements within 1% of a thermocouple reading were performed in a heated cell at elevated temperatures, and velocity measurements within ±0.5m/s of the tunnel set point were obtained in a low-speed high-uniformity wind tunnel. By using newly developed guidelines for optimization of the 2f/1f lineshape, the velocity measurement precision was increased by 50% over measurements taken with a non-optimized modulation index. These results demonstrated the potential of TDLAS 113 sensing for accurate mass-flux measurements in ground-test facilities, even at low velocities. An analysis of the effects of nonuniformity in temperature, pressure, mole fraction, and velocity on the WMS-2f/1f lineshape was presented for the first time. Because TDLAS is a path-integrated technique, there is a need to understand and quantify the effects of flow nonuniformity on LOS measurements. By incorporating a CFD solution for the flow within the DCSCTF isolator section, path-integrated WMS2f/1f lineshapes were produced, accounting for nonuniform conditions along the laser LOS. A correction to recover the core velocity from the path-integrated velocity as a function of boundary-layer thickness was developed. Temperature and velocity nonuniformity effects on LOS measurements were thoroughly studied in both supersonic and hypersonic conditions; this analysis led to the development of design rules to minimize the influence of nonuniformity on LOS absorption measurements. Having proven the accuracy and precision of the TDLAS mass-flux sensor under controlled conditions, the sensor was then deployed for spatially and temporally resolved mass-flux measurements in a high-speed, high-temperature flow in the DCSCTF at NASA Langley. Measurements at NASA were made in a custom-isolator section with optical access. The isolator was designed to facilitate optical measurements in vertical and horizontal planes, and windows and window mounts were designed to eliminate etalon interference and enable purging. Measurements of mass flux, temperature, and velocity were found to be in close agreement with both the facility predictive code and CFD solutions. The improvement in velocity precision afforded by the optimized WMS2f/1f technique was again confirmed, with standard deviations of less than 1% in a 1630 m/s flow. The TDLAS velocity measurement was then corrected using the previously conducted CFD nonuniformity analysis to within 0.25% of the value predicted by the facility code. Temperature measurements were made with high precision (10K standard deviation in a 990K flow), and agreement with the predicted value was also within 1%. Mass-flux measurements had similar precision (standard deviation less than 1% of full scale) and accuracy (within 1% of predicted value). Finally, spatially resolved mass-flux 114 measurements were shown to be in good agreement with the CFD solution, demonstrating the sensor’s capability to make accurate measurements with spatial resolution on the order of a beam diameter (1-2mm). These results demonstrate the potential of TDLAS sensing for accurate mass-flux measurements in ground-test facilities and the potential for improving line-of-sight TDL measurements in nonuniform flow fields. 8.2 Future Research 8.2.1 Improvements to TDLAS Mass-Flux Sensor A number of paths for future research stem from the work presented in this thesis. Building on the demonstration of the TDLAS mass-flux sensor’s accuracy in a highenthalpy supersonic flow, the sensor can confidently be deployed to measure mass capture in a test environment where the mass flux is not well-known, such as a model inlet or at a different ground-test facility. Some improvements to the next-generation sensor include: • Adapt the data processing algorithm to measure mass flux in real-time. This would allow the sensor to be deployed as part of a typical diagnostics package during operation of ground-test facilities or in-flight testing. This would require a 64-bit operating system to enable processing of larger data sets, or a decrease in the sampling rate to reduce input data set size. • Reduce dwell time at data acquisition locations during spatially resolved measurements. The spatial resolution of the sensor can be improved by allowing for more measurement points to be probed during a run. Data showed that velocity, temperature, and mass flux during the 1-second measurement time were fairly constant, and hence the need for averaging was minimal. Reducing the measurement time by a factor of 25 to 40ms would still allow for 10 measurements to be taken at a single location. 115 At this rate, many more measurement locations could be probed, covering the span of the duct with a finer spatial resolution. • Adapt sensor to target other absorbing species in atmospheric or combusting conditions. Water vapor is found in large quantities in combustion-driven flows; hence TDLAS based on H2O is more feasible in combustion-driven ground-test facilities and engine exhaust gases. However, water vapor is not present in significant amounts in the atmosphere and the relative humidity tends to vary with both altitude and weather conditions. TDLAS of O2 has been proven for massflux measurement previously [10,22,23,27,80]; adaptation of the current sensor architecture to target O2 would be straightforward. In environments where hydrocarbon combustion is present, the sensor can be adapted to target species such as CO2 and CO. High-accuracy measurements using O2 [22,23,27,80] and CO2 [58,130,131] have demonstrated that the WMS technique can easily be applied to different absorbing species. The signal levels for transitions in the 2.7 μm CO2 band and O2 760nm band are also comparable to those in the H2O 1.3 μm band, guaranteeing good SNR for TDL sensing. • Use 16-bit DAQ or increase sampling rate. This would improve the minimum velocity resolution and enhance the ability to detect small frequency shifts. However, the size of each set of recorded data would increase, resulting in longer data processing times. Finer resolution is especially desirable for low-velocity subsonic measurements. 8.2.2 Pressure and Composition Nonuniformity Analysis The most significant sources of error in LOS measurements are temperature and velocity nonuniformity along the beam path; however, pressure and composition fluctuations often occur, and can also affect the accuracy of LOS measurements. Nonuniform pressure can cause broadening and pressure-shifting of the detected lineshape that is not predicted by a model assuming uniform flow. This can skew the temperature measurement, and the distortion induced in the lineshape by nonuniform 116 pressure can also affect the measurement of velocity. Similar effects result from composition nonuniformity, in which the broadening parameters and amplitude of a lineshape can become distorted. The same approach applied in Chapter 4 can be used to assess the effects of nonuniform pressure and composition, with the goal of quantifying the relative significance of nonuniformity in temperature, velocity, pressure, and composition. Clearly each test environment will have unique flow characteristics, and a complete analysis of the various nonuniformities listed above will aid in the development of line-selection criteria suitable for a specific application. 8.2.3 Investigation of Higher-Order WMS Harmonics The WMS technique can also be extended to higher harmonics beyond the 1f and 2f. The use of a software lock-in allows for multiple harmonics to quickly and easily be extracted from the detected signal. While there is a decrease in signal level [66,132] as higher harmonics are used, there is an improved insensitivity to noise (shifting detection to higher frequencies improves isolation from environmental noise). The ratio of any pair of WMS-kf signals (k=1, 2, 3…) also results in the removal of the dependence on detector gain and transmitted intensity; the pair of harmonics used for the ratio can be tailored to yield the optimal lineshape for the sensor application. Several higher WMS harmonics are plotted in Figure 8.1. 117 b) Simulated 3f signal Simulated 4f signal a) 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 0.010 0.005 c) Simulated 5f signal 0.000 0.006 0.004 0.002 d) Simulated 6f signal 0.000 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.000 7454.2 7454.4 7454.6 Frequency [cm-1] Figure 8.1: Simulations of H2O transition at 1341nm for P=72kPa, T=990K, XH2O=0.25, and L=18.8cm. a) WMS-3f lineshape. b) WMS-4f lineshape. c) WMS-5f lineshape. d) WMS-6f lineshape. Modulation index is 2.2. The number of inflection points increases along with the order of the harmonic. As before, the most desirable lineshapes are narrow with high amplitude; this improves the SNR and precision of the velocity measurement. However, because higher harmonics have multiple peaks, there is now the opportunity for more frequency-shift measurements to be made. As seen in Figure 8.2, the ratio of the 4f and 2f harmonics produces a lineshape with two narrow, large-amplitude peaks. This essentially doubles the number of possible measurements that can be made over the 2f/1f ratio. 118 Simulated 4f/2f signal 2.4 2.0 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.0 7454.25 7454.50 7454.75 -1 Frequency [cm ] Figure 8.2: Simulation of WMS-4f/2f signal for same conditions as Figure 8.1. Further study is necessary to determine the modulation indices at which the various harmonic ratios are optimized; experimentation is also required to find the proper combination of harmonics yielding a lineshape that is optimized for Doppler-shift velocity sensing. Frequency-shift measurements are also possible using the X and Y lock-in outputs. As seen in Equations 22, 23, 25, and 26, the X and Y components both have direct dependence on detector gain and transmitted intensity. Hence a ratio formed with these signals will have the same noise suppression characteristics as a ratio of WMS harmonics. This may reduce the complexity of the resulting lineshape and allow for faster data processing times. 8.2.4 Single-Beam Mass-Flux Sensing Simplification of the optical access to the test section is another area of improvement for the current sensor, as well as TDLAS sensing in general. Reduction of the number of access ports eliminates potential disturbances to the flow, simplifies fabrication, and reduces hardware costs. The current sensor uses two crossed beams, requiring eight angled slots through the test section and eight slot windows and mounts (two on each of the sidewalls and two on each of the top and bottom walls). The experimental setup could potentially be simplified by passing one angled beam through 119 the test section, retroreflecting the beam off the far wall, and detecting the retroreflected beam. This reduces the necessary optical access from eight windows to two (one on a sidewall and one on the top or bottom wall). Laser retroreflectors are compact, and can be installed in a small groove cut into the internal channel, minimizing disturbance of the flow; however, cleaning of the retroreflector surface may be required periodically. The experimental setup for such a technique is shown below. Laser, pitch lens Focusing mirror, detector Retroreflector Figure 8.3: Experimental setup for single-beam TDLAS mass-flux sensor. Inset shows basic principle of retroreflector operation. The data processing for this experiment would be largely unchanged; absorption resulting from the original beam would experience an equal and opposite frequency shift with respect to absorption resulting from the retroreflected beam. However, since the lineshapes are now captured on the same detector, they may blend together in the frequency range between the transitions. This would reduce the usable area for Dopplershift measurements, but may be worth the reduction in experimental complexity and hardware cost. Additional work is necessary to determine the appropriate modulation parameters and spectroscopic requirements for making such a measurement. 120 Appendix A: Polarization-Maintaining Hardware The development of polarization-maintaining capability in fiber optics dates back to the late 1970’s, although the use of PM optical hardware in sensors has only recently been adopted. PM fiber technology is highly important in the telecommunications industry for coherent optical communications [133,134], optical fiber devices [135], and active transmission lines [136]; hence there has been significant effort to improve the reliability, cost-effectiveness, and performance of PM technology since its inception. The benefits of PM technology can be leveraged to enhance the sensitivity and precision of TDLAS mass-flux sensing; in particular, velocity measurements can be improved significantly when the detected signals are free from temporal intensity fluctuations that can be introduced by standard fiber optics. Here the principles of polarization- maintaining fiber optics are investigated, and the benefits of PM hardware for TDLAS velocity measurements are demonstrated. A.1 Background and Theory A fundamental property of an electromagnetic wave such as light is its polarization, i.e. the orientation of the wave’s oscillations. Electromagnetic radiation is a transverse wave: the direction of oscillation is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. Light is composed of many individual waves that can have different directions of oscillation and relative phase shifts; the oscillation of the vector sum of these individual waves describes the polarization state of the overall wave. Electromagnetic waves composed of many random polarizations can always be resolved into orthogonal components; various types of polarization are illustrated in Figure A.1. 121 x x x z z y y a) z y b) c) Figure A.1: Illustration of electromagnetic wave propagation for: a) Linear polarization. b) Circular polarization. c) Elliptical polarization. Direction of electric field vector is indicated by arrows. The electric field vector of a linearly polarized wave oscillates in a single plane as shown in Figure A.1a. If the wave is composed of components with equal amplitude and 90o phase shift oscillating in orthogonal planes, circularly polarized light is produced as displayed in Figure A.1b. Circular polarization is actually a special case of elliptical polarization (Figure A.1c), where the wave is composed of orthogonal components of arbitrary phase shift and amplitude. As light propagates in a waveguide such as an optical fiber, the polarization typically becomes elliptical since cross-coupling between polarization modes frequently occurs. A.2 Polarization-Maintaining Fibers Polarization-maintaining fibers are capable of restricting the polarization of light transmission to a single plane. Typical single-mode fibers allow for transmission of light in two degenerate orthogonal modes [137,138]; coupling between these two polarization modes causes the transmitted light to become elliptically polarized. Because the propagation characteristics of these modes are very similar, transfer of energy between modes occurs frequently. The degree of coupling between polarization modes is primarily a function of the mechanical and thermal stresses applied along the fiber (bending, twisting, tension, or heat) [109,139]. Cross-coupling of energy between transmission modes results in polarization noise, which is manifested as intensity fluctuations at the fiber output. 122 Polarization-maintaining capability is achieved by introducing a strong stressinduced birefringence within the fiber; birefringence refers to the property of an anisotropic material in which the index of refraction depends on the polarization state of the incident light. To some degree, geometrical birefringence also exists within the fiber due to the core being slightly non-circular, although this effect is much less significant than stress-induced birefringence [140]. Because of the large difference in the indices of refraction between the two polarization modes of the fiber, the relative phase of any light that is cross-coupled between the two modes rapidly drifts away. Hence cross-coupling becomes a highly inefficient process, and typical thermal or mechanical stresses on PM fibers do not induce coupling between modes. Various techniques exist for generating stress-induced birefringence in fibers, the most common of which is to introduce stress applying parts (SAP) made of a different material during the fiber drawing process. Since the thermal expansion coefficients of the SAP’s (typically made of glass) and fiber core are different, a highly directional stress field is introduced in the fiber. The stress field is a function of the difference in thermal expansion coefficients between core and cladding materials and the separation of the SAP’s from the core. Some common types of PM fibers are shown in Figure A.2. Core a) Cladding Stress rods b) c) Figure A.2: Various types of polarization-maintaining fiber: b) Elliptical cladding. c) Bow-tie. a) PANDA. Many other configurations exist to maintain polarization within a fiber [109]; however, the most popular type of PM fiber is the PANDA configuration shown in 123 Figure A.2a. In this type of fiber, the fiber core is sandwiched between two stressinducing rods; the bow-tie configuration in Figure A.2c operates using the same principle. External stress x (slow axis) y (fast axis) nx = ny Core Cladding a) External stress x (slow axis) y (fast axis) nx > ny Core Cladding b) Figure A.3: Illustration of polarization for light transmitted in: a) Standard singlemode fiber. b) PM single-mode fiber. Arrows indicate direction of electric field vector. Relative size of internal fiber components not drawn to scale. Figure A.3 illustrates the mechanism through which polarization is maintained in a PM fiber. In a standard single-mode fiber, the indices of refraction in the x and y directions (nx and ny) are identical; hence cross-coupling of light between the two degenerate modes is easily induced upon application of external stress, e.g. vibrations or fiber bending. The indices of refraction are related by the following equation: 124 nx ny C x y (46) Here it is shown that the difference in refractive indices along the slow (nx) and fast (ny) axes of the fiber are a function of the orthogonal stress components in the fiber, σx and σy. The constant C is a function of the material properties used in the fiber. As mentioned previously, the PM fiber fabrication process induces a highly directional stress field in the fiber which generates a large difference in refractive indices nx and ny. In contrast, standard fibers are nominally isotropic, and hence nx is the same as ny. Thus vibrations, bending, and thermal gradients cannot efficiently induce polarization mode crosscoupling because the large intrinsic birefringence exceeds that produced by external stresses. This effect should be distinguished from bend losses, which occur when the fiber is bent such that light rays encounter the core-cladding interface at less than the critical angle and leak into the cladding. This typically occurs only for severe bends in the fiber as shown in the figure below. Core, ncore Cladding, ncladding Figure A.4: Illustration of bend loss in a fiber. Bend is exaggerated for display purposes. While PM fibers are not immune to bend losses, the impregnated stress members make the fiber more rigid and resistant to bends. Exposure to heat has a similar effect to bending by changing the local index of refraction; this can allow some of the transmitted 125 light to leak into the cladding. During field measurements it is important to carefully route the optical fibers such that severe bends and exposure to thermal stresses are minimized. Typical diode lasers produce light with polarization parallel to the diode junction. However, due to spontaneous emission, some light can be emitted with random polarization (usually only significant near the laser threshold current). The polarization extinction ratio (PER) of a diode is the ratio of its parallel polarization component to its perpendicular component, and is typically 1000:1 for an edge-emitting laser operating near maximum power [141]. Hence light is almost completely emitted in one polarization state, but must be fiber-coupled properly to prevent cross-coupling between polarizations. Coupling a diode laser into a PM fiber pigtail makes the laser fully polarization-maintaining; this process is fairly simple, and hence the cost of a PM diode laser is not significantly greater than a conventional diode laser. To maintain a single polarization state at the output of an experimental setup, all components of the optical train must be polarization-maintaining. PM fibers restrict cross-coupling of light between transmission modes; however if the input light is already elliptically polarized, the PM fiber will transmit this polarization state to the output. Hence any component that is fiber-coupled must also be polarization-maintaining, and care must be taken to properly align the polarization axes when launching light into a fiber. In order to compare the performance of PM and non-PM fiber components, a simple laboratory experiment to investigate the zero-velocity sensitivity of the sensor was performed (illustrated in Figure A.5). Light from a single laser was split and both beams were directed through a 2-foot long isolation tube; the tube removed the effect of any drafts present in the room that could affect the velocity measurement. The velocity was then measured based on the Doppler shift between absorption features detected on the two beams. Ideally these velocity measurements would continuously measure zero in quiescent room air. However, intensity fluctuations introduced by polarization changes in the non-PM fiber components were responsible for errors in the velocity measurement. 126 Detectors 2’ isolation pipe Laser Laser splitter DAQ Computer Sinusoid @ f1 = 130kHz Slow scan frequency = 250Hz Laser Temperature/ Current Controller a) 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 2f/1f Velocity [m/s] 2f/1f Velocity [m/s] Figure A.5: Experimental setup for zero-velocity measurements. A single laser is split into two beams and passed through the isolation pipe. The beams are focused with mirrors onto detectors to monitor absorption of atmospheric water vapor, and velocity is measured from the frequency shift between absorption features measured on either beam. 2 m/s 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time [ms] b) 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 0.75 m/s 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time [ms] Figure A.6: Comparison of zero-velocity measurements using 1349nm transition at atmospheric pressure with ambient water vapor and L=68.6cm. Left panel shows velocity measurements taken with a non-PM laser; right panel shows measurements with a PM laser. 127 As seen in Figure A.6, velocity precision was improved through the use of a completely polarization-maintaining optical train; when a non-PM laser was introduced to the system, the precision of the measurements was degraded. More than a factor of two improvement in the velocity precision was obtained when using PM components. The non-PM laser uses standard single-mode fiber coupling instead of the polarizationmaintaining fiber pigtail; hence polarization noise is introduced at the light source and propagates through the optical train. These results demonstrate the ability of PM fiber components to resist random cross-coupling of optical power in a controlled laboratory setting; even more significant benefits are expected in the field where strong mechanical vibrations are present. 128 Appendix B: Velocity-Measurement Technique The development of an efficient, sensitive algorithm for Doppler-shift detection is an essential component of the sensor design. Velocities on the order of 1m/s produce frequency shifts of only ~0.5 (10)-4cm-1 for H2O transitions in the 1.4 μm region. Hence the frequency-shift detection technique must be capable of high resolution, but not so computationally intensive that the reduction of large sets of data is excessively timeconsuming. The majority of previous TDLAS velocity sensors have relied on measurements of the linecenter frequency shift based on either direct absorption [10,11,25,26,41,77] or WMS-2f [27,80]. The drawback to this method is that the frequency-shift detection becomes a single-point measurement, disregarding measurements that could be obtained from the remainder of the lineshape. Increasing the number of Doppler-shift measurement points allows for averaging and reduces sensitivity to random noise in the signals. However, it should be recognized that some portions of the lineshape provide higher quality measurements than others; the regions near the base and wings of the WMS-2f1f signal have low SNR and should be avoided. The algorithm for WMS-2f/1f Doppler-shift measurement in this work builds on the procedure initiated by Lyle et al. [22,23] for velocity measurements based on WMS-2f signals obtained from O2 absorption. 129 0.06 Beam 1 Beam 2 2f velocity [m/s] 2f signal 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 1.0 1.5 a) 2.0 2.5 3.0 b) Time [ms] 1.2 Beam 1 Beam 2 2f/1f velocity [m/s] 2f/1f signal 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 3.6 c) 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 Time [ms] d) 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 0.75 m/s 0 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 20 40 60 80 100 Time [ms] 0.5 m/s 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time [ms] Figure B.1: Comparison of zero-velocity measurements using WMS-2f and WMS2f/1f at atmospheric pressure with ambient water vapor and L=68.6cm: a) 2f lineshapes for 1371nm line. b) Measured velocity from 2f signals. Panels c) and d) show the corresponding results for WMS-2f/1f. Before proceeding, it is useful to first demonstrate the advantage of WMS-2f/1f over WMS-2f for velocity sensing. The same zero-velocity measurement experiment as described in Appendix A was performed using the setup in Figure A.5. Zero-velocity measurements were taken for the 1371nm line (used for the low-speed wind tunnel validation in Section 6.2) by measuring the Doppler shift between lineshapes detected on the two beams. PM components were used in this experiment. The first point to note is the significant amplitude difference between the 2f signals on the two beams (Figure B.1a), while the 2f/1f signals are nearly identical (Figure B.1c). This reflects the independence of the 2f/1f signal from detector gain and incident intensity. Thus the 2f/1f signals require a smaller scaling factor to match the amplitudes, with less chance for the 130 lineshape curvature to become distorted during the normalization process. As will be discussed later, Doppler-shift measurements require lineshapes that are the same amplitude (ideally the lineshapes would be identical). Thus using the 2f/1f signal reduces the degree of normalization needed to match the amplitudes of the two detected lineshapes. Normalization of the lineshapes can introduce error to the measurement if the curvatures of the lineshapes are not identical. Comparing Figure B.1b and Figure B.1d, it is seen that the precision of the WMS-2f/1f velocity measurement is improved by 50% over measurements using the WMS-2f signal. Note that the 2f/1f velocity measurement precision in Figure B.1 is superior to the precision in Figure A.6 due to the much larger absorbance of the 1371nm line in comparison to the 1349nm line. The higher absorbance improves both the SNR and the optimization of the 2f/1f lineshape. For the current data analysis, Doppler-shift measurements were considered for the central WMS-2f/1f peak as illustrated in Figure B.2. The central peak of the lineshape was isolated by identifying the two adjacent local minima (see Figure B.2b). 131 Downstream-pointing beam Upstream-pointing beam 0.3 0.2 0.1 7454.4 7454.6 -1 b) Frequency [cm ] 1.0 Low-frequency face High-frequency face 0.1 0.0 7454.2 a) Low-frequency face High-frequency face 0.3 0.0 7454.2 0.2 7454.4 Normalized 2f/1f Simulated 2f/1f signal 0.4 Simulated 2f/1f signal 0.4 7454.6 -1 Frequency [cm ] 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 7454.400 c) 7454.475 7454.550 Frequency [cm-1] Figure B.2: Illustration of Doppler-shift measurement regions on WMS-2f/1f lineshape: a) WMS-2f/1f signals for 1341nm line on upstream- and downstreampointing beams. T=990K, P=72kPa, XH2O=0.26, L=18.7cm, m=0.9. b) Doppler-shift measurement regions highlighted in blue and green. c) Normalized Doppler-shift measurement regions. The lineshapes were then divided into two segments: from valley to central peak on the low-frequency side of the lineshape (low-frequency face in Figure B.2b), and from central peak to valley on the high-frequency side (high-frequency face in Figure B.2b). As shown in Figure B.2c, these segments were then scaled such that the valley corresponded to an amplitude of zero and the peak corresponded to one. Frequency shifts can be measured by comparing the two high-frequency faces or the two low-frequency faces; the current algorithm considers the frequency shift at 100 points along both pairs of normalized 2f/1f segments and averages the measurements. The velocity-measurement algorithm is illustrated in Figure B.3. 132 Downstream-pointing beam Upstream-pointing beam Upstream-pointing beam Downstream-pointing beam 0.4 Lock-in amplifier @ 2f, 1f 2f/1f amplitude Intensity [V] Detected signals 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -2.5 0.00 Etalon transfer function 0.2 0.0 0.02 0.04 0 5 15 20 1.0 Upstream-pointing beam Downstream-pointing beam Low-frequency face High-frequency face 0.8 Δν 0.6 Δν 0.4 0.4 2f/1f amplitude 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 10 Time [ms] Normalized 2f/1f Velocity [m/s] Time [s] 0.2 0.2 0 10 20 Time [s] Convert to velocity and average 30 0.0 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.0 -0.2 0.10 0.0 0.2 Frequency [cm-1] -1 Frequency [cm ] Divide and normalize peak, measure shifts Figure B.3: Illustration of velocity measurement algorithm for WMS-2f/1f lineshapes. The 2f and 1f signals are obtained from detected signals using a lock-in amplifier and converted to the frequency domain using the etalon transfer function. The central peak of the WMS-2f/1f lineshape is then divided in two halves, normalized, and frequency shifts are measured and converted to velocity. The first step in the velocity-measurement algorithm is to input the detector signals (intensity vs. time) to the lock-in amplifier. A digital filter of appropriate bandwidth is then used to selectively pass the frequency content about the lock-in frequency. This produces 2f and 1f signals as a function of time, which can directly be ratioed to produce the 2f/1f signals vs. time as shown in Figure B.3. The laser frequency is determined as before by passing the laser through a fiber-coupled ring etalon; the etalon transfer function is used to convert the laser signal from the time to frequency domain. As described previously, the central peak on both the downstream- and upstream-pointing beams was then isolated and normalized between 0 and 1. Testing showed that measurements had the best SNR and precision at locations greater than the half-maximum of the central peak. Individual measurements along the high- and lowfrequency faces were averaged to produce a single Doppler-shift value for the lineshape. 133 The presence of nonuniformities in the beam path can distort the absorption feature and cause slight differences in the measured frequency shifts at different locations on the lineshape. Mismatch between the upstream and downstream lineshapes can also result from bit noise, slight perturbations in the gas conditions along the LOS, changes in laser beam transmission, unequal detector gain, and uneven splitting in the coupler [108]. The latter three factors have less of an effect on the WMS-2f/1f signal as shown in Figure B.1. Because detector gain and intensity fluctuations are removed for the WMS-2f/1f signal, the WMS-2f/1f zero-velocity measurement has less scatter (~50% reduction) than the WMS-2f measurements. Once the frequency shift was measured, Equation 30 was used to convert the shift to velocity. Temporal averaging could be applied as necessary to improve measurement precision. This measurement scheme was proven to accurately measure velocities as low as 2m/s and as high as 1630m/s, corresponding to frequency shifts that ranged from (10)-4 cm-1 to 5.5 (10)-2 cm-1. The data processing speed was limited by the opening and closing of the input data sets; since the data recorded for a single run was on the order of 1 gigabyte, it was necessary to divide the data into many smaller subsets to avoid exceeding the computer’s available memory. Each subset of data was then opened, processed, closed, and velocities were written to an output file. 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