FriendsEnrichingSpiritan Tradition
FriendsEnrichingSpiritan Tradition
2011 Auction Booklet_Layout 1 1/19/12 10:44 AM Page 1 20th Annual Firebird Auction F. E. S. T. 20 12 Auc i tion Gu de g n n n s o i i a d t t h i i n c r d i e F ri Enr Spi Tra M A RC H 24, 2012 ■ PE N RY N M A N S I O N I N T H E B E L L E VO I R M A N O R 2011 Auction Booklet_Layout 1 1/19/12 10:44 AM Page 2 Welcome Friends We are celebrating the 20th Annual Firebird Auction, also known as F.E.S.T. – Friends Enriching Spiritan Tradition. The Firebird Auction is Holy Ghost Prep’s largest special event fundraiser of the school year. With this being the 20th Auction it is important to reflect on this special event and why, year after year, we continue the tradition of the Auction. all proceeds from f.e.s.T. directly benefit the students of Holy Ghost Preparatory school By supporting the Holy Ghost Prep Auction you will help demonstrate the Spiritan tradition – a tradition that fosters the cultivation of each student’s unique gifts, academic excellence, and generous service to the poor. Proceeds from previous auctions have helped Holy Ghost Preparatory School become a strong academic institution. This 2012 Auction Booklet will be your complete guide for F.E.S.T. So please be sure to keep it in a safe place as you may refer to it frequently! Included in this book is information on Ads/Sponsorships, Gift Procurement, Raffle Sales, Volunteering, and the HGP Wine Arbor. If you could please help with any or all of the items listed above, you would be helping F.E.S.T. tremendously! Our event is successful because of you! We look forward to working with you on this event and let’s make this the best one yet! If you have any questions, please contact us. Our office is located in Spiritan Hall. Shannon Perkins Holy Ghost Fund Manager/Auction Coordinator 215.639.2102 ext. 204 Ta b l e o f C o n T e n T s Welcome ....................................2 F.E.S.T. Information ..................3 F.E.S.T. Volunteers ....................4 Gift Donations............................5 2 Become a Sponsor ......................6 Advertising Information ............7 Raffle Tickets..............................8 HGP Wine Arbor ......................8 2011 Auction Booklet_Layout 1 1/19/12 10:44 AM Page 3 Frequently asked questions about F. E. S. T. Fr i e 1. on nds En r i c h i n g S p i r i t a n Tr a d i t i What is the F.E.S.T.? F.E.S.T. represents Friends Enriching Spiritan Tradition. F.E.S.T. is Holy Ghost’s largest special event fundraiser of the year, as well as being a fun-filled evening. The evening will include a sit down dinner, silent and live auctions. The auction has been such a success in the past thanks to the support of our HGP parents and alumni. 2. When and where is the Holy Ghost Prep Firebird Auction (F.E.S.T.)? The auction will be held on Saturday, March 24th, 2012 at the Pen Ryn Mansion in the Belle Voir Manor at 6:00 p.m. The address is 1601 State Road, Bensalem, PA 19020. Holy Ghost will be celebrating its 20th Annual Auction. 3. What is the purpose of the Holy Ghost Prep Firebird Auction? Money raised from the auction goes directly back into the school to help Holy Ghost Prep maintain its continued success. The auction helps provide for the current needs of the school. 4. What is the ticket price? Tickets to the event are $85 per person. 5. Can I afford this event? Absolutely!!! Auction items cover a wide range of prices. You can consider bringing family and friends to go in on a larger item together. 6. Where do the items come from? Local merchants and businesses, parents, alumni and friends of Holy Ghost donate items for the auction. There are many organizations raising funds and many businesses are inundated with requests for donations. We need the support of all Holy Ghost Prep families to make our auction a success. If families could help by making a personal donation to either the live or silent auction, or solicit a donation of goods or services from a business with whom they deal on a regular basis, this would help the auction committee a lot. 7. How can I advertise my business? As an advertiser, your ad will be seen by hundreds of loyal Holy Ghost Prep alumni, parents, faculty, staff and friends. Prices of ads range from $100 for a business card to $5,000 for a sponsorship. 8. How can I help? Secure ads & sponsorships, gift donations and volunteer! Everyone is welcome and there are plenty of areas where help is needed. 9. How can I get more information? Please contact Shannon Perkins, Holy Ghost Fund Manager/Auction Coordinator at 215-639-2102 ext. 204 or through email at 3 2011 Auction Booklet_Layout 1 1/19/12 10:44 AM Page 4 Volunteer Opportunities for F. E. S. T. In order for F.E.S.T. to be successful volunteers are needed! There are various volunteer opportunities which are listed below. We hope you can participate in a committee. The more participants we have the better the results! CommiT Tees Ads/Sponsorships Data Entry Gift Procurement Mailing Specialty Items Raffle Sales Reception Set-Up Table Captain Wine Arbor To read more about the committee information, click on then go to Support HGP and click on F.E.S.T. Thank You! Below is a list of volunteers who are helping with f.e.s.T. Please help us build up this list and volunteer! Brenda Bondarchuk Heidi Bryk Angela Dolce Gina Horan Anne Marie Horgan Karen Faber George Freas Monica McDowell Lucia McDonnell Ruthie Menno Donna Reading Joe Stauffer *This list was compiled as of 12/20/11 4 2011 Auction Booklet_Layout 1 1/19/12 10:44 AM Page 5 Silent and Live Auction G i f ts In order for f.e.s.T. to be a success, WE nEEd GIFTS! The gift committee solicits many businesses in and out of the area, which helps provide auction donations. Of course, the Holy Ghost Prep parents provide many gifts as well and we cannot thank them enough for their continued support. The gifts that really sell at the HGP f.e.s.T. are experiences. This year we are looking for vacation homes, timeshares, golf outings, sporting event tickets, jewelry, hotel stays, spa gift certificates, restaurant gift certificates, and electronics, to name a few! You can always give from your favorite store or restaurant. If there is a business you frequent, please ask if they are willing to support HGP. Gifts may be dropped off in Spiritan Hall. The deadline to send in gifts is March 1, 2012. Tired of shopping? CasH! This year we are asking friends and family of Holy Ghost Preparatory School to help purchase a Super Gift for our silent and live auction. If you give a gift in an increment of $50, $100, $250, or $500, the Gift Committee will combine the money together and purchase fabulous gifts for this years auction. Gifts can be mailed or dropped off: Holy Ghost Preparatory SchoolSpiritan Hall Attn: f.e.s.T. 2429 Bristol Pike Bensalem, PA 19020 Any questions, please contact shannon Perkins at 215-639-2102 ext. 204 or 5 2011 Auction Booklet_Layout 1 1/19/12 10:44 AM Page 6 Opportunities for Sponsorships There are multiple levels of sponsorship opportunities that really help raise more money for the event. Sponsorships are extremely beneficial to f.e.s.T. because they help offset the cost of the Auction and provide HGP with more funds raised. Each level comes with special rewards and recognition for your generosity and leadership. P remier evenT s Ponsor - $5,000 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Name or Company Name on the front and back cover of the Auction Ad book Name or Company Name on the HGP website with a link to your business website Name or Company Name included in all emails and mailings pertaining to the Auction Prominent sign and verbal recognition on the night of the Auction Reserved seats for (8) to f.e.s.T. (2) full page ads G o ld s P o n s o r - $2,500 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Includes Name/Company Name listed on inside back cover of Auction Ad book Name/Company Name on the HGP website Name/Company Name included in all e-mails and mailings pertaining to the Auction Sign recognition on the night of the Auction Admission for (6) to f.e.s.T. (1) full page Ad s i lv e r s P o n s o r - $1,000 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Includes Name/Company Name listed on inside back cover of Auction Ad book Name/Company Name on the HGP website Name/Company Name included in all e-mails and mailings pertaining to the Auction Sign recognition on the night of the Auction Admission for (4) to f.e.s.T. (1) half page Ad b r o n z e s P o n s o r - $750 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 6 Includes Name/Company Name listed on inside back cover of Auction Ad book Name/Company Name on the HGP website Name/Company Name included in all e-mails and mailings pertaining to the Auction Sign recognition on the night of the Auction Admission for (2) to f.e.s.T. (1) quarter page Ad 2011 Auction Booklet_Layout 1 1/19/12 10:44 AM Page 7 Opportunities for Advertising Our program book is distributed to every attendee at the event and is also placed on Holy Ghost’s website. This is a great opportunity to advertise your business to friends and family of the Holy Ghost Prep community. If you know someone who owns a business, or there is an establishment you frequent, we could really use your help in reaching out to these individuals and ask them to please support the Auction program with an advertisement. a d v e r T i s e m e n T s P e C i f i C aT i o n s ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ All Ads will be produced in black and white. Please provide camera ready artwork sized to specified Ad requested. Final size of the Ad Book is 8.5" x 11". If sent via email, please send in a pdf or jpeg file. If you do not have camera ready artwork for your Ad, please provide us with your company logo or other information you would like to appear in the Ad and the Auction committee will design one for you. Advertising deadline is march 1, 2012. Remember, Ads are a great way to recognize students, graduating seniors, HGP extra curricular activities & sport teams! adverT isemen T sPonsor ■ ■ ■ ■ full Page-$400 (8.5"W x 11"H) Half Page-$250 (8.5"W x 5.5"H) Quarter Page-$150 (4.25"W x 5.5"H) business Card-$100 (3.5"W x 2"H) Any questions, please contact angela dolce at 215-570-0078 or Congratulations on another successful HGP Auction! Jean and John Brennan 7 2011 Auction Booklet_Layout 1 1/19/12 10:44 AM Page 8 Special Raffle Drawings new T H is yearT w o $5,000 P r i z e s w i ll b e awa r d e d !! raffle tickets are an important part of the success of our fundraiser. ■ Tickets are $50 each, or three for $100 ■ This year two cash prizes of $5000 will be given away! why buy raffle tickets? Proceeds directly benefit HGP students! who should i sell them to? Friends, co-workers, parents, siblings, cousins, and neighbors, HGP alumni, just about anyone! when will i receive the raffle tickets? Raffle tickets will be available in February. when should i send them in? You can send them in as soon as you receive them! If you did not receive raffle tickets in the mail and would like to purchase them, please call shannon Perkins at 215-639-2102 ext. 204 and she can mail out the stub – or call you if you win! Happy Selling – and remember – “It’s for the Boys!” Questions? Call Shannon at 215.639.2102 x204 Holy Ghost Prep Wine Arbor The HGP Wine Arbor is present on the night of f.e.s.T. Pay $20 and you have the chance of receiving a bottle of wine valued at $20 or higher. So we need your wine! If you can provide f.e.s.T. with a bottle of wine valued at $20, you would be helping this effort! Please drop off your bottle to Shannon Perkins in Spiritan Hall or contact our Wine Arbor Chairperson, Brenda Bondarchuk at 215.968.2231 or for any questions or to arrange drop off /pick up of your wine! Please remember the wine cannot be sent in with any student of Holy Ghost Prep. an adult needs to carry the wine on school grounds. 8
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