Research And Innovation In Conservation Of Manuscripts
Research And Innovation In Conservation Of Manuscripts
Research Project of National Mission of Manuscripts Research And Innovation In Conservation Of ManuscriptsAn Interim Report B.V. Kharbade , Project officer and Project Principal Investigator Regional Conservation Laboratory (Unit of National Research Laboratory for Conservation Laboratory of Cultural property, Lucknow), Govt of India, Ministry of Culture, GITB Press Campus, Siddarthanagar, Mysore- 570011 (India) Introduction Research in conservation provides essential information to conservators and others caring for cultural heritage on causes of deterioration, devising conservation solutions, option for appropriate method of treatment and assessment of treatment performance and also help in understanding the materials’ composition and techniques used to create works of art. In addition ,also resolve the issues related to dating and authentication of art objects. With these aims, It was appropriately thought by the committee consisting of Director, National Mission Manuscripts, New Delhi, Dr Sudha Gopalan, Director, NRLC, Lucknow, Dr M.V. Nair, Director, Ministry of Culture, Shri A.K. Singh, Conservation Consultant to IGNCA, New Delhi, Shri K.K.Gupta visited Regional Conservation Laboratory, Mysore in the year 2006 to initiate 1 the research project on conservation of manuscripts. It was decided by the committee to allot a research project to RCL, Mysore on the topics; use of traditional materials in manuscripts conservation, alternatives to cellulose acetate hand lamination, suitable adhesives for palm leaf manuscripts, use of oxygen free environment in control of museum pests, storage and display, Development of eco-friendly showcase. On signing a MoU between National Mission for Manuscripts and National Research Laboratory for Conservation of Cultural Property, senior and junior level project assistants on consolidated emolument were engaged and work on all the project topics was started from January, 2007. As stipulated in the MoU, the first report was sent and power point presentation was also given at NMM office, Delhi in which Director, NMM, Dr Sudha Gopalan, Professor ( conservation ) National Museum Institute, New Delhi, Dr K.K. Jain and other staff of NMM and IGNCA were participated. After that, the second report was also sent to the Joint Secretary, IGNCA, Shri A.N. Jha (as the regular director, NMM was resigned and NMM was put under the control of IGNCA) and also discussed the findings of the project in person in his chamber. Appreciating the project findings, the JS, IGNCA suggested for holding a seminar for the beneficiaries, private and public cultural institutions. Accordingly, it was held in January, 2008 at RCL, Mysore, inaugurated by Shri A.N. Jha, Joint Secretary, IGNCA in which directors and heads of many state and central government conservation laboratories 2 museums, archives, libraries, from all over India were participated. Proceedings of the seminar were prepared and copies were sent to NMM, IGNCA and other participants of the seminar. It was felt in the seminar that the time period of one year allotted for the project is too short to conclude some of the findings and it should be extended for one more year . Accordingly, the matter for extending the period of the project was moved to IGNCA and the period of the project work was extended up to the end of 2009 by the competent authority. The similar seminar, as was organized in January 2008, was proposed to organize by Dr Deepti S. Tripathi, Director, of NMM , New Delhi. As a requirement of the proposal , this report is prepared . Alternatives to cellulose acetate hand lamination Cellulose acetate discovered by Schutzenberger in 1869 was used first time in lamination by New York Public Library probably in 1934 and two years later, the same method was discovered by National Archives of India. The use of Cellulose acetate lamination was increased in manifolds in India after simple solvent lamination method developed by Shri. Y.P. Kathapalia of National Archives in 1958. Though the researches on cellulose acetate lamination carried during 1980 in USA, Australia discarded the use of cellulose acetate as it attributes to acidity in paper. This is still being used extensively in India mainly due to lack of alternative method. Therefore, an immediate need has been felt to find out an alternative to cellulose acetate lamination or to modify the existing methods. 3 It is reported that Cellulose acetate releases acetic acid on hydrolysis in hot and humid condition and when the free acid level goes to 0.5mq/g, the hydrolytic degradation reaction becomes auto catalyzed. Those reactions can be arrested if the free acid level of the laminated paper is kept below the level of 0.5mq/g. Therefore, it is thought of building an alkaline reserve in two tissue papers to be used in lamination. The different methods for alkaline reserve building were evaluated but Barrow’s two step method using calcium hydroxide and calcium carbonate and single step magnesium bi-carbonate were found suitable. While keeping optimum opacity in tissue paper, alkaline reserve up to 2 – 4% in tissue paper was built by multiple application and the reserve estimated by the simple Kelly’s titrimetric method with the formula as; Calculation of Alkaline reserve = 1000(ml of acid × normality of acid) - (ml of alkali× normality of NaOH) ________________________________________________________________ Weight of sample Result expressed in meq / kg and (%) percentage The samples were laminated in the laboratory with alkaline reserve tissue paper prepared in the laboratory and then kept for accelerated aging test. Alkaline reserve of the laminated manuscript samples was estimated before and after accelerated ageing by the same method as discussed above and the results is shown in figure 1 concludes that 4 1.20% 1.00% 0.80% a 0.60% b 0.40% c 0.20% 0.00% with out ageing 3 days aging 6 days aging Figure-1 graph shows trends in retention of alkaline reserve built in laminated paper samples before and after subjecting them to accelerated ageing test ; asamples laminated with tissue paper with reserve of 3% MgCO3, b- samples laminated samples laminated with tissue paper with reserve of 3% MgCO3 + CaCO3 , c- samples laminated with tissue paper with reserve of 3% CaCO3. modification made in the existing lamination system with alkaline reserve in tissue paper works satisfactorily without any harmful effect on manuscripts. Along with the above work, to find out alternative to cellulose acetate lamination was attempted in which the data available on films of cellulose polymers were collected, Table 1 which shows that ethyl cellulose gives better option among all other films. Table 1: Properties of film forming cellulose derivatives likely to be used in paper lamination S. N o 1. 5 Property Reagent Cellulose acetate Cellulose +acetic acid + acetic anhydride +sulphuric acid Cellulose propionat e Cellulose acetate butrate Cellulose +acetic acid +prop ionic acid Cellulose + acetic acid + butyric acid Ethyl cellulose Sodium salt of cellulose +ethyl chloride 4. Water absorbtion capacity 1/8in. thik(%) Tensile strength (Psi) Hardness 5. Flexibility 2. 3. 6. 7. Uses Conclusion 1.7-4.5 1.2-2.8 0.9-2.2 2200-6900 1400-7200 1400-6200 3000-4800 To 122 2500104000 To115 170010,000, To112 180092500 Knob, telephone Fabric toys, coating finding, tooth brush Cellulose Water acetate have absorption more water capacity is Absorbtion absorbtion low as capacity is capacity so, compare low it to deteriorate cellulose fast acetate 0.3-1.8 To79-106 4700-6800 -Hot Melts AdhesivesPaper coatings Fluorescent Lighting Its water absorption capacity is very low so it can use for lamination Since the ethyl cellulose film is not available in India, powder ethyl cellulose of M/s S.d. fine chemicals, Mumbai was used in our study. The film was casted by spreading the solution of ethyl cellulose in toluene on a glass sheet and the obtained thin film was peeled off after some time. The properties of prepared ethyl cellulose film e.g. pH, color, flexibility, tensile strength were measured by the standard methods. The manuscript samples were laminated with ethyl cellulose film by solvent, toluene, laminated sample is readable, clear without any fogginess, figure 2 6 Ethyl cellulose A Cast film of ethyl cellulose B C Figure 2, shows the steps involved in ethyl cellulose lamination and comparison between ethyl cellulose and cellulose acetate lamination. A. Cellulose acetate lamination, B. Ethyl cellulose lamination, C. De-lamination Laminated samples then subjected to accelerated aging test. The efficacy of the lamination system was determined on the basis of pH, colour, flexibility and transparency measurements before and after the accelerated aging of the samples. Results show paper laminated with ethyl cellulose is transparent, flexibility is very similar to that of cellulose acetate lamination. Paper can be retrieved easily from ethyl cellulose lamination whereas cellulose acetate lamination is irreversible. Use of traditional materials in manuscript conservation Since ancient times, India is known for the use of natural materials in preserving households. In particular, Neem (Azadirachta indica) leaves 7 has been used in storing food grains and other materials like books, rare manuscripts etc. . Some of the well known practices like application of turmeric paste on skin, taking a bath with water boiled with neem leaves, fumigating home with the smoke of neem and negundo leaves and keeping the baby child infected with chickenpox over the bed of neem leaves are still being carried out in Indian villages. Dr. B.B. Lal, exarcheological chemist, ASI suggested to take up study on banana stem as he found interesting result when the banana stem extract was applied on wall infested with termites. Woolen carpet stored with neem leaves in Maharaj Palace, Jaipur found in good condition even after fifty years. Considering the properties and easy availability, we have selected turmeric, tobacco, banana stem, neem, and negundo leaves for this study, Antifungal cloth and paper A lot of scientific studies on turmeric, Curcuma Longa have been carried in laboratories all over the world and proved it as potent drug for curing many ailments including cancer. Considering that, it is thought to use this valuable indigenous herb in conservation of manuscripts as no study is conducted so far in this field. Use of herbal powders in cloth pouches in museum storage and display cases has been reported elsewhere. This method cannot be applied to turmeric, as it stains the objects very badly on contact. Hence, new method to use turmeric in manuscript’s conservation was devised where the extract of active ingredient of turmeric applied on the treated cloth and paper samples with metallic mordant; ferrous sulphate, alum, copper sulfate, 8 potassium dichromate, tin chloride. The dyed cloth and paper samples were evaluated for their antifungal, insect repellent and staining property. Active ingredient of turmeric, curcumin was extracted following CFTRI, method with slight modification. Curcumin complexes with metallic mordants in-situ on cloth and paper samples. Like turmeric, active ingredients from banana stem, tobacco leaves were extracted and fixed on cloth and paper samples, figure 3. a b c d Figure3: (a) fabric samples impregnated with curcumin, (b).Handmade paper samples impregnated with curcumin, (c) & (d). Fabric samples impregnated with tobacco leaf and banana stem extracts. Paper mats from Neem and Negundo leaves Keeping dried neem twigs along with the art objects in storage cases is a practice in some folk museums. But, such use is not advisable as it stains the objects in humid condition. In this study, aromas of the neem 9 and negundo leaves were extracted by steam distillation method in Clevenger apparatus, figure 4. Figure 4: Aromas from Neem and Negudo leaves are extracted using Clevenger apparatus based on the principle of steam distillation. Collected aromas fixed on different paper mats impregnated with fixers, Zeolite, sodium lauryl sulphate and sodium stearate. The paper mats prepared in the laboratory by pouring the slurry of hand made acid free paper in a die, figure 5. b c Figure 5: Process of mat preparation, (a) Preparation of pulp and blending pulp with chemicals, (b) Casting of paper mat with a mould, (c) paper mat 10 Bioassay of samples All the samples; cloth and paper, mats, solid curcumin and its complexes, extracts of tobacco, banana stem were tested for antifungal and insect repellent properties following standard methods against 14 pure fungal strains, commonly occurring in museum objects and silverfishes, book lice. Figures 6- 9 show the different stages involved in bioassay. Figure 6: Isolated fungal strains cultured in laboratory 11 Figure 7: Test plate showing growth inhibition at increasing concentration of test sample P. chrysogenum and R. oligosporus. Figure 8: Showing fabric and paper samples dyed with curcumin and curcumin-copper sulfate complex effective in resisting fungal growth. 12 Figure 9: Showing the testing methodology and showing its effectivity in terms of resisting fungal spore germination. Results show that, among the 14 fungal strains tested for growth inhibitory activity by using prepared complexes (Curcumin and its metal complexes) in solid forms (table1), copper complex of curcumin was found very effective in 500 and 1000 ppm concentration against the strains tested but more effective against A. flavus, R. oligiosporous, A. nidulans, F. solani, P. oxalicum, P. chrysogenum, P. digitatum, T. viride and N. crassa. The antifungal activity of fabric samples and paper samples dyed with same, tested by AATCC–30-1992 and ASTM-D-2020 method respectively, the results were reported in the form of percentage (%) growth in presence of test compounds and classified categorically. Results were very much similar to that of solid samples, the test compound inhibited growth lower to higher was indicated in order F<G<E, where E indicate Excellent (<10%), G indicate Good (10%) and F indicate Fair (<10 to 30%). Likewise in the case of paper samples had shown excellent fungal growth resistance with the use of curcumin copper sulfate complex in most of the fungal strains. 13 Table 2: Antifungal activity of curcumin and its complexes in 100,500 and 1000 ppm concentrations against 14 fungal strains using Neumann-keuls formula gal strain centrations avus giosporous arasiticus dulans migatus ani onilforme ger Alum 500 1000 3.10 4.70 14.8 29.7 16.0 29.1 10.45 16.42 14.8 21.96 4.77 34.5 15.0 15.0 100 1.60 5.41 10.7 4.48 3.66 2.34 2.5 4.60 6.90 rsicolor alicum rysogenum gitatum assa ride 7.26 1.82 0.00 10.35 (+) (+) 11.5 3.58 24.8 13.8 (++) (++) + ++ +++ 14 6.90 CuSO4 K2Cr2O7 100 500 1000 100 500 1.60 81.6 Complete 1.60 1.60 24.3 Complete Complete 1.60 7.15 1.79 13.8 56.2 1.79 1.79 11.95 70.1 complete 8.25 11.5 3.86 17.3 24.9 5.76 12.8 23.3 Complete Complete 4.37 14.7 6.00 12.5 15.0 1.60 3.40 1000 1.60 9.76 8.93 12.6 14.3 19.3 10.5 2.80 4.60 6.90 6.90 2.80 2.80 19.3 9.68 16.1 34.7 3.23 7.15 31.5 Complete Complete 1.60 27.6 41.0 Complete Complete 10.4 20.69 10.35 17.25 Complete 7.25 (+++) (+) (++) (+++) (+) (+++) (+) (++) (+++) (+) 12.1 7.15 25.0 17.9 (++) (++) Less growth inhibition Good growth inhibition Excellent growth inhibition 100 3.10 2.71 5.36 4.39 8.93 9.53 2.53 FeSO4 500 7.19 3.14 7.60 7.57 10.49 14.29 5.54 1000 7.80 4.80 7.15 19.29 10.37 26.2 12.5 SnCl2 100 500 1.60 13.9 8.92 12.1 1.60 20.8 13.44 25.38 6.83 12.9 9.53 4.77 16.25 16.25 1000 23.1 21.63 22.8 29.11 19.2 7.95 18.21 Curcum 100 500 7.70 23.1 12.3 12.7 1.79 13.8 11.95 13.44 3.07 3.39 8.12 22.9 2.5 16.25 4.60 6.90 6.90 2.80 9.10 11.4 4.60 13.7 12.1 9.68 8.23 9.2 25.0 3.50 20.2 17.2 (+++) (+) (+++) (+) 12.3 14.29 13.8 17.2 (++) (++) 14.7 17.86 25.0 19.0 (+++) (+++) 8.76 7.15 13.8 6.9 (+) (+) 22.26 23.89 14.29 14.29 24.8 24.8 6.12 11.32 (++) (+++) (++) (+++) 5.73 7.58 24.2 6.67 (+) (+) 6.46 13.0 24.8 10.35 (++) (++) Table3: Antifungal activity of cloth samples impregnated with Curcumin and its complexes. Fungal strain A.flavus R.oligiosporous A.parasiticus A.nidulans A.fumigatus F.solani F.monilforme A.niger A.versicolor P.oxalicum P.chrysogenum P.digitatum N.crassa T.viride E G F Excellent Good Fair Alum F G G G F E E F E G G G G F CuSO4 K2Cr2O7 FeSO4 E E G E G F E E G G F G F F F E G G E G G F G G F G E G F E F G G E G SnCl2 E G E F E G G Curcumin F F F F F F F G F G G G F F G F G G F F G F G G G F G G Percentage of Growth Area < 10 Percentage of Growth Area ≤ 10 Percentage of Growth Area < 10 to ≤ 30 Table 4: Antifungal activity of paper samples impregnated with Curcumin and its complexes. Fungal strain A.flavus R.oligiosporous A.parasiticus A.nidulans A.fumigatus F.solani F.monilforme A.niger A.versicolor P.oxalicum P.chrysogenum P.digitatum N.crassa T.viride 15 Alum (+) (++) (+) (+) (+) (+) (++) (+) (++) (++) (++) (++) (+) (+) CuSO4 K2Cr2O7 FeSO4 (++) (+) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (+) (+) (+) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (+) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (+) (++) (+) (+) (++) (+) (++) (++) (+) (+) (++) (+) (++) (+) SnCl2 (+) (++) (+) (++) (++) (++) (++) Curcumin (+) (++) (+) (++) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (++) (+) (++) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (++) (+) (+) (+) + ++ +++ Less fungal growth resistance Good fungal growth resistance Excellent fungal growth resistance Table 5: Antifungal activity of cloth samples impregnated with tobacco leaves extract and its complexes. Fungal strain A.flavus R.oligiosporous A.parasiticus A.nidulans A.fumigatus F.solani F.monilforme A.niger Alum F G F F F E E CuSO4 E G G G F E E K2Cr2O7 G F G F F G G FeSO4 G F G G F G G SnCl2 G F G F F G G F F G F G A.versicolor P.oxalicum P.chrysogenum P.digitatum N.crassa T.viride E G G G G F G G F G E G F F G G E G F G F F G G F G G G F F E G F Excellent Good Fair Percentage of Growth Area < 10 Percentage of Growth Area ≤ 10 Percentage of Growth Area < 10 to ≤ 30 Table 6: Antifungal activity of paper samples impregnated with Tobacco leaves extract and its complexes. Fungal strain Alum CuSO4 K2Cr2O7 FeSO4 SnCl2 A.flavus (++) (++) (+) (++) (++) R.oligiosporous (++) (++) (++) (+) (++) A.parasiticus (+) (+) (++) (++) (+) A.nidulans (+) (++) (++) (+) (++) A.fumigatus (+) (++) (+) (+) (++) F.solani (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) F.monilforme (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) A.niger (+) (++) (++) (++) (++) 16 A.versicolor P.oxalicum P.chrysogenum P.digitatum N.crassa T.viride + ++ +++ (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (+) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (+) (+) (++) (++) (+) (++) (+) (++) (++) (+) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) (+) (+) Less fungal growth resistance Good fungal growth resistance Excellent fungal growth resistance Table 7: Antifungal activity of cloth samples impregnated with Banana stem extract and its complexes. Fungal strain A.flavus R.oligiosporous A.parasiticus A.nidulans A.fumigatus F.solani F.monilforme A.niger A.versicolor P.oxalicum P.chrysogenum P.digitatum N.crassa T.viride E G F Excellent Good Fair Alum F F F F F F G CuSO4 F F G G F F G K2Cr2O7 F F F F F G G FeSO4 G F F G F G G SnCl2 F F G F F G G F E G G G G F F F G F G F G F F F G G E F F F G F F G F F F G F F F F Percentage of Growth Area < 10 Percentage of Growth Area ≤ 10 Percentage of Growth Area < 10 to ≤ 30 Table 8: Antifungal activity of paper samples impregnated with Banana stem extract. Fungal strain Alum CuSO4 K2Cr2O7 FeSO4 SnCl2 A.flavus (+) (+) (+) (++) (+) R.oligiosporous (++) (+) (++) (+) (+) A.parasiticus (+) (+) (++) (++) (+) 17 A.nidulans A.fumigatus F.solani F.monilforme A.niger A.versicolor P.oxalicum P.chrysogenum P.digitatum N.crassa T.viride + ++ +++ (+) (+) (++) (++) (++) (+) (++) (+) (++) (+) (++) (+) (+) (+) (+) (++) (+) (+) (++) (++) (+) (+) (+) (++) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (++) (+) (+) (++) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (++) (+) (+) (+) (++) (+) (+) (+) (+) Less fungal growth resistance Good fungal growth resistance Excellent fungal growth resistance Table 9: Antifungal activity of paper mats impregnated with essential oils from extracted from plants (A. indica & V. negundo). Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Fungal strain laurel Zeolite laurel Zeolite stearate stearate sulfate sulfate A.flavus (+) (++) (+) (++) (+ +) (+) R.oligiosporous (++) (+++) (++) (++) (+++) (++) A.parasiticus (++) (++) (++) (++) (+) (+) A.nidulans (+) (++) (++) (++) (++) (++) A.fumigatus (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) F.solani (++) (+++) (++) (++) (+++) (+) F.monilforme (++) (+++) (++) (+) (+++) (+) A.niger (+) (++) (+) (++) (+) (+) A.versicolor (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) P.oxalicum (+) (++) (+) (++) (++) (+) P.chrysogenum (++) (++) (+) (++) (++) (++) P.digitatum (++) (++) (++) (+) (++) (+) N.crassa (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) T.viride (+) (++) (++) (+) (+) (+) + ++ +++ 18 Indicates less/ no growth inhibition Indicate inhibition in c0omparison to control Complete inhibition/ no growth The experimental observation showing that essential oils from neem and negundo extracts in combination with different carriers, among them essential oils in combination with zeolite as carrier shown good activity. Meanwhile antifungal activity of fabric and paper samples dyed with tobacco leaves extract was tested had shown good antifungal effectiveness where as banana stem extract dyed fabric and paper samples found to prone to fungal growth. The insect repellent and insect mortality activity of extracted aroma, in addition to its antifungal activity was achieved and results showed insect (silverfish) killing in very short time span, the fungal growth inhibitory effect was observed in most of the fungal strains tested. Use of oxygen free environment in manuscript conservation. The concept of displaying and storing art objects in oxygen free environment has now been transformed into the techniques for preserving works of art as it is simple and can be modified accordingly to specific needs. The same technique is applied in preservation of our valuable manuscript, “Constitution of India” in which the prototype got constructed by hiring the services of Getty Conservation Institute, USA in 1995. Shin Maekawa, Senior Scientist at Getty Conservation Institute has been working for last more than 20 years on use of oxygen free environment in conservation and published a book but we did not find any reference on this technique in Indian laboratories and universities except a private firm, Pest Control Of India, who has been attempting to devise a prototype named as Anoxicator. The work of GCI, USA prompted us to take up this project to develop such technology in India. After going through available literature on the subject, a proto type was 19 designed and got it fabricated by the local scientific manufactures M/s. Murhopye Scientific, Mysore, figure 10. The chamber was made out of Perspex sheet (Methylmethacrylate) and layered with sun control film of M/s. Gareware India Limited, Mumbai. To keep the chamber at 55% RH (relative humidity), required condition for manuscripts, properly mixed dry and wet streams of nitrogen by rotameter was passed in to the chamber. Figure 10: Prototype designed and got fabricated by Murhopye scientific, Mysore being used for carrying out experiments under oxygen free environment. Oxygen of the chamber is replaced by purging Nitrogen 20 A C B D Figure 11: (A) The growth of foxed spots on paper is visible in 99% humidity whereas no growth is observed when the paper is kept in developed prototype at 50% humidity (B). Iron nail heavily rusted in high humidity and no rust found on nails kept in the prototype (c) silverfish mortality is observed after keeping it in the prototype (D) The oxygen content of the chamber was monitored by oxygen sensor (Ambiotronic Private Ltd., Mumbai) and oxygen scavengers, Methylene Blue eye indicating tablets supplied by M/s. HiMedia, Mumbai. The efficacy of the chamber was tested using three phenomena Iron nail rusting, paper foxing and silverfishes mortality (figure11), (Table10-12). 21 Table 10: shows change in oxygen and RH percentages of chamber on purging with nitrogen (appropriate mixture of dry and wet nitrogen) at the different interval of time during a day. Hours of Nitrogen Oxygen (%) RH (%) 10:00 20.2 51 11:00 0.9 50 12:00 0.2 52 13:00 -0.4 52 14:00 -0.5 51 15:00 -0.5 51 16:00 -0:5 51 17:00 -0:5 51 18:00 -0:5 51 purging Table 11: Show gradual change of rusting on the nails at different RH conditions 50% RH (in Time(hrs) oxygen free chamber ) 22 99% RH ( in desiccator ) Room RH After 24hrs. No change Slight rust No change After 2days. No change Rusted Slight rust After 15 days No change Full rusted Slight rust Table 12: Showing the mortality of silver-fish at different conditions Condition Active state Inactive state Total mortality Dead Stage Nitrogen + Fungus ( in chamber) 10:00a m 1:00pm 4:15pm 6 hrs 15mins Silver to black Nitrogen + Colony of fungus ( in chamber ) 10:30a m 12:15pm 4:30pm 6 hrs Silver to light black Oxygen + fungus ( in desiccator) 10:30a m Alive from 5months No change Oxygen + without fungus ( in desiccator) 9.30 am Alive from 5months No change Observation Rusting of nails was not observed inside the chamber whereas heavy rusting and significant growth were seen when the paper and nails kept in desiccators at high humidity. Mortality of silverfishes was very good in the chamber as shown in figure 11 and table 11 and 12, Nitrogen retention capacity of the chamber was verified experimentally by carrying out the nitrogen purging at different interval of day’s hours for a week, besides, the changes in Oxygen percentage, relative humidity were measured by hygrometer and oxygen detector inbuilt with the chamber as shown in table 10. Results show that the developed proto type can be used in display, storage of artworks as well as in controlling museum pests. 23 Development of Eco-friendly Showcase Humidity and air pollution are serious agents of deterioration of artworks. These cannot be controlled unless HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and air conditioning) is installed in Museum which is based on electrical power and needs air conditioning plants with skilled engineers. India is not self sufficient in power owing to that we get a lot of power failures even in metro cities. Therefore, there is a need to develop showcases which can control relative humidity and air pollution automatically without using any electrical gadgets. Custom made or designer showcases for museums are available in western countries. Many researchers worked on developing buffered or RH stabilized museum showcases and on this subject a body of literature is now available considering hygrometric half life, 20kg of silica gel for 1cubic meter area has been recommended for the climate of New Delhi which can stabilize the required level of humidity for one year. Chemical energy has been used in the researches carried out in the West where different forms of Silica gel, effective humidity absorbent materials, kept inside specially designed showcases. In this project an attempt was made to develop a proto type showcase where the relative humidity and gaseous pollutants like sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and organic humitents from wood and ply board, adhesives used in fabrication of showcases are controlled. The proto type got fabricated in the laboratory using perspects sheet as shown in the figure. The proto type got fabricated in the laboratory using Perspex sheet. The calculated quantities of Silica gel (figure12.A&B), Zeolite (figure12.C) 24 and Activated charcoal (figure12.D) as per the equation worked out and placed in the chambers as shown in (figure13). The effect of gaseous pollutants was assessed by introducing the fumes of acetic acid, formic acid in the chambers and observing their corroding effect on silver object. A. Silica gel before moisture absorption C: Natural form of Zeolite B: Silica gel after moisture absorption D: Forms of activated carbon Figure 12.(A,B,C,D) showing moisture absorbing material placed 25 Figure13: Prototypes of showcases, fabricated out of Perspex sheet in the laboratory having two unequal compartment, 1 cubic feet volume of upper one , divided by drawer RH inside the chambers and of the room was measured for about 4-5 months by hygrometer and thermo hygrograph, calibrated every week by hand held whiling hygrometer and the data presented graphically as follows: 26 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Temperature inside room RH inside room RH inside showcase1 9.3 12 2 4 6 RH inside showcase2 Time(hrs) VS Temperature(oC)/RH(%) Temperature(oC)/RH(%) Temperature(oC)/RH(%) Time(hrs) VS Temperature(oC)/RH(%) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Temperature inside room RH inside the room RH inside showcase1 9.3 12 Time(hrs) Temperature inside room 30 20 10 0 RH inside the showcase 1 RH inside room 2 4 6 RH inside showcase2 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 RH inside room RH inside showcase1 9.3 Temperature inside room RH inside room RH inside showcase1 4 2 4 6 RH inside showcase2 6 RH inside showcase2 Time(hrs) Time(hrs) VS Temperature(oC)/RH(%) Temperature(oC)/RH(%) Temperature(oC)/RH(%) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2 12 Time(hrs) Time(hrs) VS Temperature(oC)/RH(%) 12 RH inside showcase2 Temperature inside room Time(hrs) 9.3 6 Time(hrs) VS Temperature(oC)/RH(%) Temperature(oC)/RH(%) Temperature(oC)/RH(%) 70 60 50 40 12 4 Time(hrs) Time(hrs)/Temperature(oC)/RH(%) 9.3 2 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Temperature inside room RH inside room RH inside showcase1 9.3 12 2 4 6 RH inside showcase2 Time(hrs) Figure 14: Graphs showing RH inside chamber and surrounding measured at over the time various periods. The satisfactory stability of RH was achieved by keeping the calculated amount of adsorbents on at least three sides of the chamber. However, keeping adsorbent at the bottom side also showed good stabilization of +- 4-5 %RH. Besides, no any corroding effect on silver objects was observed even after a period of 5 months. Adhesives for palm leaf manuscripts There are adhesives available for paper, textiles other cellulosic art objects but no any attempt has been made so far to find out suitable adhesive for palm leaf manuscripts though the need was felt since long 27 time and it was discussed during several national levels seminars and workshops. Considering that this study on evaluation of available adhesives, natural and synthetic for palm leave manuscripts is undertaken as one of the NMM’s research projects. Physics and chemistry of adhesives have been studied extensively and a volume of literatures are available. From the literature survey, some of the natural and synthetic materials are selected for this study, Table 13. Table 13: Natural and synthetic adhesives used in the study. Adhesives Botanical name/ Chemical Common zoological Vernacular names constitue Name name Order nts and family. White San:Ajakarna, dammar Veteria indica Hin:Safed dammer, white linn.; Ben:Chandrus, dhup, B resens Gutteferales; Kan: Rala, Indian Dipterocarpaceae Mal.Name: payani. copal, Piney resin San:Mandadhupa, Hin:Kala damar, Pentacycli Canarium Ben: goguldhup, Kala c alcohol strictum: Kan: Karedhupa, dammer, Alpha Sapindales, Mar:Dhup, Black and beta Burseraceae Mal.Name: dammar. amyrin Karuttukaungiliam . San:Ajabaksha, Hin:Babbula, Ben: Acacia nilotica.; Indian Rhamnose Babul, Kan: Rosales, Gum , Gobbali, LeguminosaeArabic Glucuroni Mar:Kikar, Mimosoideae. c acid Mal.Name: karuvelakam. Anogeissus San:Baka, Gum Glucuroni latifolia, Hin:Bakla, Ben: Ghatti c acid, Myrtales, Bakli, Kan: Dindga, xylose Combretaceae. Mar:Dhavada, 28 Mal.Name: Malakkanhiram. Azadirachcta indica, Meliaceae Astragalus gummifer Labill. Leguminosae/ Cochlospermum religiosum shellac(insect resin); Laccifer lacca Kerr,; Laccciferidae Wheat starch Tamarind seed paste Egg albumin Casein (milk protein) Animal glue Gelatin San: Arishta, Hin: Balnimb, Ben: Neem, Kan: Bevu, Mar:Balantanimba, Mal.Name: Arayaveppu Neem Glucuroni c acid, fucose - Tragancan th, katira, Hog gum, Indian Tragancan th Rhamnose , Xylose or fucose - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - San: laksha, Hin: lakh, Ben: gala, Guj: lak, Tel:kommolakka Tam:Komburrk, Mal.Name: arakku ambalu. - Impure form is termed glue Purer forms, termed gelatin Polyvinyl acetates (PVA) Poly methyl metha acryl ate (PMMA) Pedicryl Ethyl cellulose Abbreviations : San: Sanskrit, Hin: Hindi, Ben: Bengali, Kan: Kannada, Mar:Marathi, Mal.: malayalum. Guj: Gujarath. 29 About 23 formulations of single component and 16 formulations containing mixtures of adhesives were prepared, (table14). Table 14: Details on the uni-component formulations prepared in the laboratory from the selected adhesives. 30 Formulation No. Method of preparation F1 3 g of gum Arabic in 7ml water taken, warmed at 40 - 500 and other components like Glycerin (0.25 g), calcium hydroxide (0.006 g) and 2 drops of clove oil (preservative) were added with stirring to make homogenous solution. F2 3 g of gum Arabic in 3ml water taken, warmed at 40 - 500 and other components like Glycerin (0.006g), starch (1g) and 2 drops of clove oil (preservative) were added with stirring to make homogenous solution F3 3 g of gum Arabic in 3ml water taken, warmed at 40 - 500 and other components like Gum Tragancanth (1g) and 2 drops of clove oil (preservative) were added with stirring to make homogenous solution F4 F1 method of preparation + Neem gum was used instead of gum Arabic F5 F2 method of preparation + Neem gum was used instead of gum Arabic F6 F3 method of preparation + Neem gum was used instead of gum Arabic F7 F1 method of preparation + Gum Ghatti was used instead of gum Arabic F8 2g of powdered Animal glue was taken in 5ml of cold water and heated at 650c over water bath and other components like Glycerin (3g) and 2 drops of Formaldehyde (preservatives) were added then mixture stirred to make homogenous solution. F9 3g of powdered Animal glue was taken in 2.9ml of cold water and heated at 650c over water bath and other components like 2 drops of Formaldehyde (preservatives) were added then mixture is stirred to make homogenous solution F10 F9 + gelatin used instead of animal glue F11 F10 + gelatin used instead of animal glue 31 F12 5g of casein powder dissolved in 18 ml lime water by triturating it continuously to form homogenous solution. F13 One raw fresh egg white were added with 2 drops of formaldehyde by stirring continuously and used as adhesives. F14 4.5 gram of powdered lac dissolved in 20ml ethanol and other components like Rosin (1.5g), 0.5 ml Turpentine and Barytes (3.5grm) were added by triturating it continuously with pestle and mortar. So that Rosin blended with shellac to give required degree of hardness. F15 Mix the 500 g Wheat flour with a little water in an aluminum or enamel pan, the lumps, being broken up with the hand to form a smooth cream. Boil the remainder 2.5 liters of water separately and add it to the cream, stirring continuously. Raw paste is heated not directly but by standing the pan is a container of water kept boiling (double Pan.) it should be stirred meantime and will soon thicken. After 10 minutes it may be decanted in to a suitable vessel and to prevent a crust forming Small quantities should be removed to a pasting dish and thinned with water as required. F16 3g of Powdered tamarind seed mixed with 2ml of warm water to that mixture 1 drop of glycerin is added. So by stirring to avoid lumps. F17 3g of powdered white dammar dissolved in toluene (15%) and added other components like Glycerin (0.25g), wax (0.25g) and 2 drops of clove oil in the formulation then mixture is triturated still homogenous solution. F18 0.5g of powdered Black dammar dissolved in toluene (10%) and added other components like Glycerin (0.25g), wax (0.25g) and 2 drops of clove oil (preservative) in the formulation then mixture is triturated still homogenous solution. F19 1g poly venial acetate (PVA) dissolved in toluene (10%) then this PVA adhesive are of emulsion type were used F20 2.5 g poly methyl metha acrylic (PMMA) is dissolved in toluene (15%) and by stirring to form homogenous solution. F21 0.25g of Carboxyl methyl cellulose (CMC) soaked in 60ml of water then after 1 hour CMC dissolves completely into solution and by stirring to form homogenous solution. F22 1 g EC dissolved in 10 ml toluene. F23 Pedicryl, applied directly to the edges of palm leaf to study adhesive power. Table 15: Details on the multi-component adhesive formulations prepared in the laboratory form selected adhesive materials. Formulation Components M1 White dammar + Black dammer + Oil + wax M2 Black dammer + wax + oil M3 Gum Arabic + black dammar + wax + oil M4 Gum Arabic + Shellac + black dammar +wax + oil M5 Neem Gum + black dammar +wax + oil M6 Neem Gum +Shellac + black dammar + wax + oil M7 Gum Ghatti +Black dammer + wax + oil M8 Gum Ghatti + Shellac + Black dammer + wax + oil M9 Gum Arabic + egg albumin + black dammar wax + oil M10 Gum Arabic + Casien + black dammar + wax + oil M11 Neem Gum + egg albumin + black dammar + wax + oil M12 Neem Gum + casein + black dammar + wax + oil M13 Gum Ghatti + egg albumin + Black dammer + wax + oil M14 Gum Ghatti + casein + Black dammer + wax + oil M15 Wheat starch + Egg albumin + gum Arabic + Black dammer + wax + oil M16 Wheat starch + Casein + Gum rabic + Black dammer + wax + oil Viscosity, surface tension of all the adhesive formulations were measured by simple Viscometer and Stalagnometer before applying on the samples of palm leaf manuscripts and the tensile strength of the 32 samples after mending with the adhesive formulations was also measured by simple apparatus, designed in the laboratory as shown in figure 15. pH of all adhesive formulation was measured by pH meter, besides their colors were also recorded. To ascertain the strength of the adhesive formulations on ageing, tensile strength of the samples was measured before and after subjecting the samples to accelerated ageing test. Results are presented in tables 15, 16 and figures 16-20 Stalognmeter Viscometer Fig 15: Displays viscometer, stalognometer, viscosity and surface tension measuring equipments and a laboratory made apparatus for measuring tensile strength of adhesive bond. 300 284 268 Formulations 3 F2 9 7 F2 1 F1 F1 F 23 F 21 F 19 F 17 F 15 F 13 F9 F 11 F7 F5 F3 F1 0 5 1 F1 2 F1 3 1 4 F1 3 5 F9 pH 6 F1 7 252 236 220 204 188 172 SURFAC E 156 TENSION 140 124 108 92 76 60 44 28 12 -4 F7 8 F5 9 F3 10 ADHESIVE FORMULATIONS pH Figure 16: Shows the trend in pH of adhesive formulations 33 Figure 17: curve indicates the changes in surface tensions of adhesive formulations 7 6 5 4 VISCOSITY VISCOSITY 3 2 1 0 F1 F3 F5 F7 F9 F11 F13 F15 F17 F19 F21 F23 ADHESIVE FORMULATIONS Figure 18: Bar chart shows variations in viscosity of adhesive formulation 60 0 0 57 0 0 54 0 0 51 0 0 48 0 0 45 0 0 42 0 0 Tensile Strength 33 96 00 00 33 0 0 30 0 0 27 0 0 24 0 0 21 0 0 18 0 0 15 0 0 12 0 0 900 600 300 0 Be f ore a gi ng F1 F5 F9 F13 F17 F21 Af t e r a gi ng Formulations Figure 19 Bar chart displays the changes in bond strength of adhesive formulations after mending the palm leaf samples and before and after accelerated ageing test. 600 500 400 Tensile 300 Strength 200 Before aging After aging 100 0 M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 Mixture Formulations Figure 20: Bar chart shows bond strength of multi-component adhesive formulations measured after mending the palm leaf samples and before and after accelerated aging tests. 34 Table 15: Comparative study of properties of adhesive formulations. Tensile strengt Surface h of Formula tension Viscosit adhesiv PH Color tion (dynes/c y (cps) e bond m) in (pa) Before ageing Light F1 6.8 63.02 1.144 690.7 brown Dull F2 6.9 58.45 1.214 2370.1 brown Brownis F3 7.01 59.54 1.156 1996.2 h yellow Dark F4 6.84 65.85 1.018 1818.2 brown Grayish F5 7.5 66.45 1.005 3132.9 red Grayish F6 7.23 64.04 1.144 1692.08 red Gray F7 7.32 66.54 1.023 3529 colour Whitish F8 5.9 59.58 1.984 3529 brown Whitish F9 5.6 57.85 1.141 2965.8 brown Light F10 7.4 66.88 0.984 3821.44 yellow Light F11 6.3 60.05 2.064 7497 yellow Light F12 6.1 64.06 2.123 144.49 yellow Light F13 7.9 62.45 0.974 1977.2 yellow Whitish F14 9.3 59.58 1.004 3365.1 brown Dark F15 7.4 61.05 1.084 2886 brown F16 5.4 55.85 1.045 Brown 95.06 F17 5.6 71.19 1.578 White 984.8 Light F18 7.28 72.95 3.98 1045.6 brown Light F19 6.88 85.65 5.597 3642.7 white 35 Tensile strengt hof adhesiv e bond in (pa) After ageing 221.79 126.73 101.37 69.69 189.47 373.8 969.6 1774.4 2338.4 3041.9 1964.5 1615.7 76 2604.6 171.1 63.3 57.03 475.3 1711.0 F20 F21 F22 6.68 6.45 7.8 291.90 150.69 - 3.225 5.049 - White colorless white 475.30 57.02 4182.6 487.3 38.03 2490.5 F23 7.9 - - white 4213 1692.0 An adhesive is considered good if it has normal pH with less surface tension and high viscosity TABLE 16: Data of tensile strength of mixture Formulations Load Load taken taken Formulati Component (before (After on ageing) ( ageing) gm ) (gm) White dammar + Black dammer M1 93.33 35 + Oil + wax M2 Black dammer + wax + oil 38 34 Gum Arabic + black dammar + M3 248 208 wax + oil Gum Arabic + Shellac + black M4 166 96.66 dammar +wax + oil Neem Gum + black dammar M5 48 21.6 +wax + oil Neem Gum +Shellac + black M6 216 108.33 dammar + wax + oil Gum Ghatti +Black dammer + M7 391 191.6 wax + oil Gum Ghatti + Shellac + Black M8 541 25 dammer + wax + oil Gum Arabic + egg albumin + M9 375 100 black dammar wax + oil Gum Arabic + Casien + black M10 191.66 88.33 dammar + wax + oil Neem Gum + egg albumin + M11 225 86.88 black dammar + wax + oil Neem Gum + casein + black M12 333.33 170 dammar + wax + oil Gum Ghatti + egg albumin + M13 211.66 51.66 Black dammer + wax + oil Gum Ghatti + casein + Black M14 190 55 dammer + wax + oil Wheat starch + egg albumin + M15 gum Arabic + Black dammer + 183 54 wax + oil 36 M16 Wheat starch + Casein + gum Arabic + Black dammer + wax + oil 271.66 133 An adhesive is considered good if it has normal pH with less surface tension and high viscosity. 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Chapter 5 source of library and archival conservation 142. Chapter 8 source in cellulose acetate lamination research and practice 143. Chapter 10 Barrow and alkalization htm/ 144. The Preservation Index and the Time Weighted Preservation Index 145 National strategy for cellulose acetate collection, Australian network for information of cellulose acetate ,National library of Australia , 2001 145. Bigourdan, Jean-Louis; Adelstein, Peter Z.; and Reilly, James M. Acetic acid and paper alkaline reserve: assessment of a practical situation in 47 film preservation. In book. 11th triennial meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1-6 September, 1996: preprints (ICOM Committee for Conservation). Effect of paper alkaline reserve on the chemical stability of acetate base sheet film. Topics in photographic preservation 7 (1997), pp. 43-54 [English w. English summary]. 9 figs., 4 tables, refs. 48 B.V. Kharbade, Director-in-charge No.F. 121/2010-NRLC 22 nd October, 2010 Subject : Seminar for end users of research findings in NMM’s Research Project at RCL, Mysore Dear Madam, This refers to my earlier correspondence on the subject cited above and the telephonic communication had from your office in this regard . To decide on the proposed seminar , as asked by your office, I am submitting herewith an interim detailed report on NMM’s research project carried out by me at RCL, Mysore for your perusal and necessary further action in this regard. It may be mentioned that with the changed circumstances I am now looking after the charge of Director , NRLC, Lucknow and devoting my major time here. Therefore, it may not be possible to hold the seminar at earlier said venue i.e RCL Mysore. The best option now would be either at NMM, New Delhi or NRLC, Lucknow. Just to say again that the end users of this seminar will be directors, curators, conservators, conservation scientists, restorers, administrators, planners, consultants working in and for public and private museums , archives, libraries, art academies and other related institutions in India. Estimate and other modalities will be worked out collaboratively once the NMM approves our proposal in principle. Yours Sincerely (B.V. Kharbade) Prof. Dipti S. Tripathi, Diector, National Mission for Manuscripts, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, 11, Mansingh, Road, New Delhi - 110001 NRLC, Lucknow No.F. 12-1/2010-NRLC 21st October, 2010 49 In continuation of the note, dated 8 th October, 2010 regarding NRLC Newsletter, all scientific and technical staff of NRLC and RCL, Mysore are required to prepare a write up on important activities, achievements/findings and programs of the laboratory and submit it to Smt Madhvi Naveen, Hindi Translator, who will be collecting and compiling the material for NRLC Newsletter. (B.V. Kharbade) Director-in-charge All Scientific and Technical Staff of NRLC & RCL, Mysore and Smt. Madhvi Naveen, HT NRLC, Lucknow No.F. 12-1/2010-NRLC 21st October, 2010 In continuation of the note, dated 8 th October, 2010 regarding NRLC Newsletter, all scientific and technical staff of NRLC and RCL, Mysore are required to prepare a write up on important activities, achievements/findings and programs of the laboratory and submit it to Smt Madhvi Naveen, Hindi Translator, who will be collecting and compiling the material for NRLC Newsletter. (B.V. Kharbade) Director-in-charge All Scientific and Technical Staff of NRLC & RCL, Mysore and Smt. Madhvi Naveen, HT 50
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