J-Term Trips - Little Rock Christian Academy


J-Term Trips - Little Rock Christian Academy
Little Rock Christian Academy
J-Term General Information
Modeled after the college January Term idea, “J-Term” is designed to increase learning opportunities
for students. We offer classes and experiences not normally available, giving students an opportunity
to learn in areas of passion, discover and develop their gifts, explore new ideas and skills, and
consider where God may be leading them in their lives. The “block” or trip nature of the two weeks
also allows for focused, in-depth study and deeper relationships with teachers and a small group of
What is the basic program of J-Term?
High school students participate in one of these for the two week J-Term period:
1. Classes (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) for the two weeks.
2. Trips, either educational or mission.
3. Internships for juniors and seniors, exploring careers and learning about the world of work.
Students receive credit and grades. J-Term is required for each year at LRCA. Non-faculty instructors
are also used and bring outside perspective and knowledge.
Do other schools use J-Term?
High school students at Cincinnati Hills Christian were asked, “What is the one thing you would never
change about CHCA.” Across the board, “January Term” was the answer. Typically, students who
have experienced “J-Term” rank it at the top of their high school experience. An increasing range
of great schools offer it, schools such as Cincinnati Hills, Covenant Christian, University High in Indiana,
Delmarva Christian in Delaware, Wheaton Academy, Harpeth Hall in Nashville, Brentwood Academy
in Tennessee, and Dawson School in Colorado. The concept is increasingly meeting the educational
and developmental needs of students.
How does J-Term help regular semester classes?
Schools find that the quality and results of regular semester courses are enhanced by having J-Term.
Reasons for the positive affect on the regular semester courses include:
1. Teachers tend to use time better, focusing all year on good use of time more than
compensating for the J-Term. Since Little Rock Christian began J-Term, ACT scores have risen,
and we have been named a National Blue Ribbon School for exemplary performance.
2. Students are fresher and have better attitudes toward school in general, increasing
3. Relationships are deepened with faculty and others that lay a foundation for stronger
classroom experiences and lifelong relationships; students tend to learn better where there are
positive relationships.
4. Students often develop life purpose or perspective which motivates studies.
J-Term Trips
To quote St. Augustine, “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”
Many Little Rock Christian Academy students expand the pages of their books with both educational
and mission trips. Recently, students traveled on educational trips to Great Britain, France, and Spain
and learned about history and culture first hand, visiting museums, viewing amazing architecture,
and absorbing current culture. Others served on mission trips in construction, working with teens and
small children, and providing Bible study and worship opportunities in the Bahamas, Guatemala, and
Jamaica as they became the hands and feet of Christ, sharing the gospel through word and deed.
Travel is the key to a rich education and grows a person, mentally, emotionally, and most
important, spiritually. Travel opens up God’s world to us. -- Terri Swedenburg, J Term Trip Coordinator
The 2013 opportunities include:
Bahamas mission trip. Throughout the trip, students lead presentations at various elementary and
high schools (two schools per day), work with youth at a local church at night, host cookouts on
three parts of the island for local youth to attend, complete various jobs at Jordan Stone House,
and experience a Bahamian Bible study and worship service.
~ a children’s home for over
Guatemala mission trip. Students spend a week at Casa Para Ninos,
400 children outside of Guatemala City. They serve the young children by planning daily activities
for them and spend quality time with teenagers at the home as well.
Jamaica mission trip. Student experiences includes construction at the Jamaica Christian School
for the Deaf, conducting a Bible School for the children at the Eden Preschool, helping care for
babies and children at Blossom Garden Children’s Home, experiencing a time of worship and
sharing each evening, staying in a hotel over-looking the beautiful Caribbean Ocean, and a day
of sight-seeing, swimming and shopping.
Italy educational trip. Students fly from Little Rock to Rome, proceed to a guided tour of Assisi,
and visit the Basilica of St. Francis. After Assisi, students head to Florence, where they take a
guided tour of the city and key cultural and historical sites. The group continues to Rome for tours
of the Colosseum, the Forum, the catacombs, Vatican City, the Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter’s
The Emerald Isle-Ireland educational trip. Students experience an in-depth immersion into
Ireland that includes magical sites such as Blarney Castle (where we will kiss the Blarney Stone),
the Rock of Cashel (where ancient kings were crowned), the Ring of Kerry (112 mile drive taking
in the ocean view with Ireland’s mystical beauty), Cliffs of Moher, and Adare (the ancestral home
of John F. Kennedy). This tour will allow your student to learn and experience the people, places,
and significance of this wonderful country.
Internship Program Overview
During J-Term, junior and senior students may elect to do an internship.
Internships provide a unique opportunity to observe and experience a working professional’s
life. This experience in the world of adult realities allows students to see the not so obvious
parts of what goes into a particular career choice such as the time lawyers do not spend in
a courtroom, the patience required to teach second grade, or the precision required to be
an engineer or research scientist. These experiences can aid in career decisions that LRCA
students will be making in the near future, and more importantly, provide a great venue for
discovering how God has uniquely gifted, equipped, or prepared them. Students may do
local or global internships – the choices are endless!
Internship Process
Once the application is accepted, the student will receive their packet. (See Mr. Salman for
details if you have questions.)
Each student is then assigned to a faculty supervisor who will guide him or her through the
process and also assign the grade for the J-Term internship.
The main objective is the experience, but the paperwork students do helps them to be
prepared before J-Term and express what they learned during the experience.
Internship Dates
October 17 J-Term Fair in the HS Commons. Course booklets & Registration Forms distributed.
Wednesday, October 24
12th grade Registration Forms due
Turn in to Mrs. South.
Thursday, October 25
7:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
11th grade Course Registration Forms due
Turn in to Mrs. South.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Contract Form due
Tuesday, December 10, 2102
Student Expectations Form & Pre-Visit Research
Form due
January 3-16, 2013
Internship (on site)
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Complete Report due
7:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Please note that missing deadlines will result in a deduction in the grade.
J-Term Classes Important Dates
October 17 Wednesday, October 24
7:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Thursday, October 25
7:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Friday, October 26
7:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Monday, October 29
7:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Friday, November 1
November 2-20
Tuesday, November 20
Thursday, January 3 –
Wednesday, January 16
J-Term Fair in the HS Commons. Course booklets & Registration
Forms distributed.
12th grade Registration Forms due
Turn in to Mrs. South.
11th grade Registration Forms due
Turn in to Mrs. South.
10th grade Registration Forms due
Turn in to Mrs. South.
9th grade Registration Forms due
Turn in to Mrs. South.
Student Schedules released on Parentweb
Please make checks payable to LRCA
and mail or drop off all payments
to the Business Office.
Deadline for J-Term Payment
J-Term 2013
J-Term Credit and Transcripts
The J-Term experience earns ½ credit on the student’s transcript. The grade is figured into the
GPA, just like other coursework. It is required that students participate in J-Term.
Registering for Classes & Internships
Students participating in classes or internships will turn in a completed Registration Form along
with the Parental Permission Form and any other required paperwork on the days indicated.
All Registration Forms turned in between 7:45 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. are considered equally in
regard to priority registration. For example, no priority will be given to a form turned in at 7:45
a.m. vs. 10:00 a.m. However, forms turned in after 12:30 p.m. are considered late and will lose
priority. Incomplete or incorrect forms will not be accepted.
Students may not turn in forms early. An exception is granted if a student has a planned
absence and needs to turn his/her form in early in order to meet the registration deadline.
All registration forms are to be turned in to Mrs. Kelly South.
Open & Closed Information
Status of open and closed classes will be posted at 3:00 each day beginning October 24 on
the bulletin board in the HS commons the day before course requests are due for each grade.
Students and parents will also be emailed at the end of each day with this information. Students
may not request classes that are closed. If a student requests a class that has been posted as
closed he/she will be asked to redo the Registration Form before it will be accepted. This way,
we have a full list of usable requests from a student.
Schedule Release
Families will have access to student schedules for J-Term via RenWeb on November 1.
Fee Payment for J-Term
For your convenience, all fees for J-Term courses will be charged to your November statement.
Payment is due November 20th and will be considered past due after this date, in accordance
with LRCA’s financial policies.
Please make checks payable to LRCA and mail or drop off all payments to the Business Office.
Contact Phillip or Hope in the Business Office with any questions regarding payment.
* Please note: J-term fees are not included in monthly bank draft; payments must be mailed or
brought to LRCA Business Office.
It is important that each family understand transportation associated with each course so that
arrangements can be made. See individual course descriptions and the handouts associated
with each course for more details. You may also want to contact the teacher of the course if you
are unsure of transportation requirements. If transportation is the family’s responsibility, we will
assist by connecting parents with each other.
Schedule Changes
Because classes are only two weeks long, no schedule changes are allowed during J-Term once
schedules are released. For this reason, students and parents should carefully consider their
course selection including associated fees, location, and transportation requirements before
turning in the Registration Form.
J-Term Attendance Policy
Because of the compact nature of J-Term, each day of the J-Term experience is vital for purposes
of awarding credit. Students who miss more than 2 days of class will not normally be able to
receive a passing grade, except for unplanned and extenuating circumstances. If a student has
an absence during J-Term, he or she will be required to complete work commensurate with what
was missed during the absence.
All Day Classes
When Helping Hurts (Williams)
Practical Outdoor Skills and Leadership (Kirkes & Wold)
Morning Classes
Afternoon Classes
8:10 a.m.-11:10 a.m.
12:10 p.m.-3:10 p.m.
1. AR Dream Center Service (Griffin)
1. Biblical Womanhood (Reissig)
2. AR Rice Depot Service (Kramer)
2. Crime Study (Keener)
3. Crossfit (Selby)
4. Culinary Arts (Fratesi)
5. Examining the U.S. Constitution
6. Exploring Health Careers (Pugh)
7. Gospel Choir (Parker & Jones)
8. Hero’s Journey (Chism)
9. Ice Hockey (Nipper)
10.Ice Skating (Nipper)
11.Lifetime Fitness (Trembley)
12.Math ACT Practice (McNeer)
13.New Testament Exegesis
14.Our House: Local Missions (Lane)
15.Pattern, Design, and Stitch
4. FBLA Preparation (Thompson)
5. Forensics (Barber)
6. Geology of Arkansas: Can you Dig It? (Toole)
7. Horsemanship (Medders)
8. Interior and Apparel Construction (Kopf)
9. Introduction to Archery (Crabtree)
10.Introduction to Italian (Greenwald)
11.Jane Austen in Film and Fiction (Ferguson)
12.Japanese Culture and Origami (McIntire)
13.Movie Mania (Howell)
14.Perspectives (Tarpley)
15.Re-Create (Sanders)
16.Russian Literature & Culture (Bakke)
17.Scuba Diving (Teague)
18.Small Engine Repair (Kenyon)
16.Photojournalism (Cox & Boyd)
19.Union Rescue Mission Service (Johnston)
17.Physics of Superheros (Rooney)
20.Worship Music (Rogers)
18.Popular Literature (Kopf)
19.Rock Climbing (Jones)
20.Simulated Model UN (Foster)
3. Digital Video (Anderson)
Education &
Culinary, Creative
Science & Mechanics
Digital Media &
Culinary Arts
Digital Video
Ice Skating
Interior and Apparel
Ice Hockey
Exploring Health Related
Lifetime Fitness
Pattern, Design & Stitch
Physics of Superheros
Small Gasoline Engine
Community Service
Literature & Film
Bible & Discipleship
Outdoor Skills
AR Rice Depot
Jane Austin in Film and
NT Exegesis
Practical Outdoor
Union Rescue Mission
Hero’s Journey in Fantasy
When Helping Hurts
AR Dream Center
Popular Literature
Biblical Womanhood
Rock Climbing
Our House
Movie Mania: Watching
with Discernment
Perspectives: Missions
Introduction to
Scuba Diving
Social Sciences
Academic Prep &
Language and Culture
Examining the US Constitution
Worship Music
Math ACT Practice
Introduction to Italian
Crime Study
Gospel Choir
Competition Prep
Japanese Culture & Origami
Simulated Model UN
Russian Literature & Culture
All Day Classes
Please note that if you elect either course, it will be your only class, indicate this
in both the morning and afternoon slots on the Registration Form.
Practical Outdoor Skills and Leadership
Instructors: Mr. Justin Kirkes & Mr. Ben Wold
Restricitons: Boys only
Cost: $60 (for food and group supplies)
Class Size: 10 Students
Location: Ouachita Trail – or other local trail (TBD)
Requirements: Although we do not expect any of our participants to be expert outdoorsmen, we
do ask that individuals take part in some form of conditioning prior to arrival as all trails will, at one
point, have a strenuous climb. We recommend day hikes with a weighted pack and/or weekend
backpacking trips for those with little or no experience.
Are you an active or aspiring wilderness adventurer? Do you watch Bear Grylls and think, “That
doesn’t look so hard!” Then sign up for the Practical Outdoor Skills and Leadership Course. In this
course, you’ll learn a variety of fundamental outdoor skills including: fire and shelter building, minimal
impact camping techniques, cooking and camp set-up, map and compass navigational skills, knot
tying, essential equipment and clothing, as well as trip planning and outdoor team building. Using
the wilderness as our classroom, students in this course will embark on a week-long backpacking trip,
forming a foundation of outdoor knowledge through daily fire building and cooking practice, as well
as hands-on instruction in hard skills like bowdrilling, carving, weaving cordage, and candle-making.
This course will take place entirely outside, so students should wear appropriately layered clothing.
Students participating should be able to provide most of their own gear, though accommodations
can be made on a first come-first serve basis.
When Helping Hurts
Instructor: Ray Williams, Fellowship Bible Church Community Ministries Pastor
Restricitons: 10th and 11th grade
Cost: $50 (Includes some meals, materials and transportation).
Class Size: 8-15
Location: Parents or students will be responsible for transportation to Fellowship Bible Church located
at 1401 Kirk Road by 8:45 a.m. and pick-up from Fellowship Bible Church at 3:00 p.m.
Do you want to follow Christ by seeking justice or caring for the poor? How do you know when your
compassion really helps and when your helping might actually hurt? The Fellowship Missions J-Term
Class is a two-week learning experience designed to offer 10th and 11th grade students at LRCA
the opportunity to explore the biblical foundation for missions and social justice, learn to apply
Fellowship’s When Helping Hurts principles, visit selected ministries that serve: orphans and the unborn;
children in urban schools; prisoners; and the hungry, and serve effectively in the local mission field of
Little Rock. (Transportation to selected locations such as Franklin Elementary School, Crisis Pregnancy
Center, and Tyler Street Opportunity Center and Hidden Creek will be provided by Fellowship Bible
Morning Classes
8:10 a.m. - 11:10 a.m.
Arkansas Dream Center Service Opportunity
Instructor: Mrs. Jacquelyn Griffin
Cost: $0
Class Size: 16 max
Location: Arkansas Dream Center, 1405 West 17th St. Little Rock (transportation is not provided
Transportation: Parents have the responsibility to ensure students have a ride to and from the class.
Students will meet each morning at the Arkansas Dream Center downtown to volunteer. The Dream
Center seeks to serve Arkansans with both tangible and spiritual needs. We will make ourselves
available to the Center’s staff for organizing, sorting, construction projects, prep work, routine
maintenance tasks, or special projects. We won’t know the particulars until we get closer to January.
But, the Dream Center serves people regularly through a food pantry, a clothes closet, collecting
and delivering emergency supplies, homeless outreach, and after school programs.
Arkansas Rice Depot Community Service Project
Instructor: Mrs. Jill Kramer
Cost: $0
Class Size: 20 max
Location: 3801 W. 65th St., Little Rock, AR
Transportation: The mini-bus will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis. The remaining students
will be responsible for their own transportation from campus and back. The Arkansas Rice Depot was formed in 1982 to combat hunger in Arkansas and distributes over 8
million pounds of food a year. The mission of the Rice Depot is to find sensible solutions to hunger in
The Rice Depot fulfills this mission through four core programs:
• Food For Families: Statewide free food bank serves over 300 church and community
• Food For Kids: Backpacks of food and supplies are sent home with children having problems
• Food For Seniors: Home delivered boxes of food and supplies given each month to
• Disaster Relief: Food, blankets, disaster buckets, etc. distributed to any community
hunger organizations.
in school due to hunger at home. Currently operating in 600 schools, serving 28,000 students.
impoverished seniors.
requesting disaster assistance.
During J-Term, students will work in the warehouse stocking shelves, making boxes, bagging items,
sorting products, etc. Come out and join this J-Term class and learn about community service!
Instructor: Jared Selby
Prerequisites: Current physical from a doctor and a base conditioning level of running a mile without
stopping 9:00 minutes or less.
This class is not recommended for: Varsity athletes that are in season; any person with a heart
condition; someone who has not been cleared by a physician; any person who does not have a
competitive drive.
Cost: $25-50. Final cost will be determined by number of participants.
Class Size: 20 max
Location: On campus with some trips off campus
Crossfit is more than an exercise class. Crossfit is rigorous training and exercise designed to push every
participant to their limits physically and mentally. This class is not for the faint of heart. It’s also more
than just wordplay as we use some critical math skills, physics, and scripture to find out what it means
to be good stewards of our bodies. Each student will learn a variety of workouts based on their
“The CrossFit program is designed for universal scalability making it the perfect application for any committed
individual regardless of experience. CrossFit is the principal strength and conditioning program for many police
academies and tactical operations teams, military special operations units, champion martial artists, and
hundreds of other elite and professional athletes worldwide.” – Crossfit.com
Culinary Arts
Instructor: Mrs. Shannon Fratesi
Cost: $80
Class Size: 12 max
Location: TBA
Transportation: Parents have the responsibility to ensure students have a ride to and from the class.
This course will give students the opportunity to develop their culinary skills through demonstrations
and hands-on application. Students will learn the basics (chopping, measuring, making a roux, etc.)
and will use those skills to prepare meals for themselves and others. They will learn time savers to use
in the kitchen and grocery store. Examples of foods that we will prepare and sample include heart
healthy lemon rosemary chicken, my (almost) famous mac and cheese, chicken spaghetti, gumbo,
chicken enchiladas, chocolate chip pound cake, and cupcakes.
Examining the U.S. Constitution
Instructor: Mr. Brian Gibson
Materials: Students will need a 3 ring binder for this class, as well as, note book paper Cost: $0
Class Size: 20 max
Location: On campus
In this course students will examine several Articles and every Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The main goal of this course is to further students understanding of the importance of the Constitution
including how to interpret the terminology and the purpose of every amendment. Learn to
appreciate the uniqueness of our Constitution as we practice discernment regarding the age old
question of “just because I can, does that mean I should?” as it relates to the freedoms granted to
us as U.S. citizens. We will also be examining a U.S. Supreme Court case and its importance to our
freedoms. 12
Exploring Careers in Health
Instructor: Mrs. Paula Pugh
Cost: $10
Class Size: 15 max
Location: On campus with trips off campus. We will try to provide transportation, but may ask for
parent volunteers if mini-buses are not available.
Speech therapy, registered nurse, physician, athletic trainer, physical therapist, occupational
therapist, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner, exercise physiologist. Have you ever considered
a career in one of these fields? If so, this the course for you! We will be exploring a variety of
health related professions, making trips off campus to various area facilities such as hospitals, sports
medicine centers, rehab institutes, schools, nursing homes, health clubs, etc. The course will be
hands on as we learn the basics related to domains that cross into different careers including lessons
in anatomy, blood pressure, nutrition, athletic injuries and taping techniques, and cardio vascular
Gospel Choir
Instructor: Mr. Henry Parker, Chair of Dept. of Fine and Performing Arts, Arkansas Baptist College,
assisted by Mrs. Clara Jones.
Cost: $5.00
Class Size: Min 12, no max
Location: On campus
Students will learn to sing praise to God employing vocal technique, harmonies, instrumentation,
rhythms, and themes unique to urban gospel music. With a focus on urban contemporary gospel
music technique and repertoire, the course will also explore the history of this very rich American
musical genre.
The Hero’s Journey in Fantasy Film: There and Back Again
Instructor: Mrs. Maggie Chism
Cost: $20
Location: Mostly on-campus with a few off-campus outings
Class Size: 20 max
“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you
don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
—J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
In The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell outlined the model of “The Hero’s Journey”
that has since been mirrored in countless fantasy films. In this class, we will examine the various
stages of the hero’s journey, beginning with the “Call to Adventure” and ending with “The Return,” in
several fantasy films. We will also be looking at different fantasy conventions as modeled in the hero’s
journey, such as the mentor figure, the “belly of the whale,” and the use of light/dark imagery. The
goal of this class will be to establish a working knowledge of the Hero’s Journey and analyze, through
the viewing of fantasy films, how this model has been portrayed and subverted. Films will include
Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, George Lucas’s Star Wars trilogy, and The Chronicles of
Narnia. Pixar’s Up is also a possibility. The class will also attend a screening of The Hobbit, which arrives
in theaters in December.
Ice Hockey
Instructor: Mrs. Christy Nipper
Cost: $135.00 (Optional purchase of professional ice skates: additional $75)
Class Size: 24 max
Location: Arkansas Skatium, 1311 Bowman Road, Little Rock, AR 72211
Transportation: Parents have the responsibility to ensure students have a ride to and from the class.
Come join the fun of learning ice hockey at the Arkansas Skatium. There will be 3 hours of ice
time each day with 1 hour designated for instruction of ice hockey from a certified coach from
the Arkansas Skatium. Students will be matched up in to teams with time allowed each day for
scrimmages. Each person will need to find transportation there and back. The hockey skates
will be provided each day. Or if you are interested in owning your own pair, Arkansas Skatium is
offering professional hockey skates at a discounted price of $75 per participant. There will also be
concessions available and complimentary hot chocolate each day. Each participant will receive (2)
free skating passes to come and skate during any open public skate session.
Ice Skating
Instructor: Mrs. Christy Nipper
Cost: $135.00 (Optional purchase of professional ice skates: additional $75)
Class Size: 30 max
Location: Arkansas Skatium, 1311 Bowman Road, Little Rock, AR 72211
Transportation: Parents have the responsibility to ensure students have a ride to and from the class
Come join the fun of learning to ice skate at the Arkansas Skatium. There will be 3 hours of ice time
each day with 1 hour designated for instruction of ice skating from a Certified Coach from the
Arkansas Skatium. We will work on the fundamentals of ice skating and move into more advanced
skills as the student progress. Expect to improve balance, coordination, learn new skills, and stunts. Each person will need to find transportation there and back. The figure skates will be provided each
day. Or if you are interested in owning your own pair, Arkansas Skatium is offering professional ice
skates at a discounted price of $75 per participant. There will also be concessions available and
complimentary hot chocolate each day. Each participant will receive (2) free skating passes to
come and skate during any open public skate session.
Lifetime Fitness, Sport, and Leisure
Instructor: Mr. Austin Trembley
Cost: $90.00 - This fee will cover greens fees, cart rental, bowling lane rental and other facility usage fees
Required Materials: Students will provide appropriate indoor and outdoor athletic wear, court
shoes, and have access to golf clubs and balls, and access to a tennis racquet.
Class Size: 20 max
Location: Off campus with some sessions on campus. Transportation: We will help provide transportation from campus and back. However, parents have the
responsibility to ensure students have a ride, especially if their afternoon class is not on campus at LRCA.
In this course students will participate in a variety of fitness, sports and leisure related activities. Emphasis will be given to the rules, etiquette, and sportsmanship related to the activities we will be
practicing. We will offer instruction and active participation in a variety of lifetime activities found in
an urban setting including golf, bowling, tennis, hiking, and weight training and cardiovascular fitness. The goal of the course is to teach practical skills related to fitness, sports and leisure and to inculcate
a desire in the student to stay active. We will be using school and municipal facilities, as well as
privately owned establishments during the course.
Math ACT Practice
Instructor: Ms. Kelly McNeer
Required Materials: Notebook, writing utensils, calculator (TI-83)
Cost: TBA $20 or less.
Class Size: 20 max
Location: On campus
Students will review topics that are covered on the math section of the ACT. Practice tests will be
taken both as a class and individually. Pre-requisite skills will be reviewed from subjects such as
algebra, pre-algebra, geometry, and basic trigonometry. We will also be doing application problems
and a project that will “spice up” our practice and problem solving time together. In addition to
practicing math for the ACT, we will also be working with the elementary students here on campus to
help them hone their math skills by providing tutoring help and teaching mini-lessons in math.
New Testament Exegesis
Instructor: Mr. Jeff Breeding
Restrictions: 10th -12th grade
Requirements: English Standard Version (ESV) Bible
Class Size: 20 max
Cost: $0 unless student needs to purchase an ESV translation of the Bible
Location: On campus
Do you ever find the Bible hard to understand? Are there some passages that seem more difficult
than others? If you answered yes to these questions, you are not alone. This introductory course
focuses on the art (or is it a science?) of interpreting the NT. Students will learn skills useful for
interpreting and understanding the different parts of the NT. The goal is to equip students for a lifetime
of fruitful study and application of God’s Word.
Our House: Local Missions
Instructor: Mr. Matt Lane
Restrictions: 10th -12th grade
Supplies Needed: Bring your paintbrush, coloring book, favorite recipe, and most of all, your
servant’s heart to give Jesus firsthand to our own Little Rock community.
Cost: $25
Class Size: 20 max
Location: Off campus in the downtown area
Transportation: Parents have the responsibility to ensure students have a ride to and from the class.
Mission-minded but don’t have the money to go overseas? No worries. There are countless
opportunities to minister to and invest in our immediate community right here in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Join Coach Matt Lane on a local ministry adventure, spending your J-Term serving homeless
Arkansans. We’ll do this by working with two service organizations downtown, primarily Our House
Shelter and secondly Step Ministries. Our service projects will vary and you’ll have a few options so
that you can choose the area that best fits your gifts and skill set.
Pattern, Design, and Stitch: Garment Construction through Knitting
Instructor: Mrs. Marian Lubansky
Restrictions: None—guys and girls grades 9 – 12 are welcome!
Cost: $15 plus money for individual projects (yarn and other supplies for projects)
Class size:16 max
Location: On campus
Knitting is an easy and fun skill to learn. Even a beginning knitter can easily make something unique
that shows off their personal style and creativity. Guys and girls can knit some trendy projects.
Beginner and experienced knitters are welcome. Each student will learn several basic stitches and
create a unique project.
Instructors: Mrs. Debbie Cox & Mrs. Janet Boyd
Requirements: Digital camera and flash drive
Cost: $15.00
Class Size: 15 max
Location: On campus with some trips off campus for photo opportunities
This class will be taking trips to various sites (during the scheduled class hours) in order to capture
unusual pictures that tell a story, make a point, create pleasure, etc. We will also edit/present our
pictures via power points, scrapbooking, etc. Hopefully, some guest experts will share mini-how-toworkshops. This will be a learn-by-doing and a learning-from-others class as students share ideas,
processes, and results.
The Physics of Superheroes (and Supervillains!)
Instructor: Mr. Bryan Rooney
Cost: $15
Location: On campus
Class Size: 20 max
Everything we want to know about physics can be learned from comic books. The purpose of this
course is to examine and understand superhero abilities through the application of elementary
physics principles. This is your opportunity to learn physics the fun way! The $15 cost goes towards the
purchase of the class book, movie rentals, and popcorn!
Popular Literature
Instructor: Mrs. Lauren Kopf
Restrictions: Open to 11th and 12th
Cost: around $20 (you will be asked to purchase 2 novels—you can probably get them for cheaper
than this). Kindles and other e-readers are allowed in this course.
Class Size: 20 max
Location: On campus
Contemporary literary culture is built on a paradox: that which most people read is that which critics
value least. The novels of J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, and Agatha Christie have long attracted many
more readers than those works that are the winners of prestigious prizes. When readers were asked
to name their favorite books in a 2003 BBC poll, they placed Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings at number 1.
And yet, such popular literature receives little critical attention, and wins few major prizes. How did
this curious separation of popularity and value come about? Why is there such a large gap between
the texts you read in your English classes, and those you read for fun? The genres that we will discuss
are not universally valued in the academy as Literature—why not! In this survey of popular literature,
we will cover the mystery novel, horror fiction, science fiction stories, comic books, fan fiction, fantasy,
and the adventure novel. While some of these will be read only in sections, there are a few short
novels you will be asked to read for class discussion. We will also discuss the development of the
novel, and writing for the masses, as popularized by Charles Dickens.
Rock Climbing
Instructor: Mrs. Stefan Jones
Estimated Cost: $250.00
Class Size: 12 max
Location: LR Climbing Center, 12120 Colonel Glenn Road, #7000, Little Rock, AR
If you like to learn climb or want to become a better climber then you should consider Rock Climbing
class for J-term! It’s great exercise, fun, and challenging. The class is held at the Little Rock Climbing
Center, located off of Colonel Glenn Road. Students will start out learning basic climbing technique
and progress to more difficult climbing. The class will end with a trip to Pinnacle Mountain State Park
where the students will apply what they learned at the center, to climbing actual rocks. Simulated Model United Nations
Instructor: Mr. Matt Foster
Cost: $0
Class Size: 20 max
Location: On campus
Get a taste of solving global problems in Simulated Model United Nations. Represent foreign
countries like Cameroon or Benin. Debate topics such as: the slave trade, terrorism, freedom of
religion, industrial pollution, and child soldiers. This is both an academic and an interactive, studentdriven course. Week one will be an introduction into different elements of political science and the
United Nations as well as research for the following week. Week two will be a simulated debate
among students. Learn strategies for making friends and influencing people. If you enjoy arguing,
working with others, and/or have a heart for the world’s problems, this is the course for you. 17
Afternoon Classes
12:10 p.m.- 3:10 p.m.
Biblical Womanhood
Instructor: Mrs. Courtney Reissig
Restrictions: Girls only, grades 10-12
Cost: $0
Class Size: 20 max
Location: On campus
What does it mean to be a woman in the 21st century? Do you ever wonder why God created
you as a woman and not a man? This course explores what the Bible and the culture say about
women. We will look at various passages in Scripture, authors, and cultural references to compare
and contrast God’s design for women. We will also briefly look at the history of feminism and this
ideology’s far reaching impact on our understanding of womanhood. This will be a discussion based
class that will involve a lot of class interaction and feedback.
Crime Study: So You Think You Can Solve a Crime…
Instructor: Ms. Emily Keener
Required Materials: Notebook, writing utensils
Cost: $10
Class Size: 12 max
Location: On campus
The sheer volume of crime and procedural television shows that we can choose from on any given
night shows us just how fascinated we, as Americans, are with the innerworkings of crime—especially
solving crimes. TV explores the process from many angles including; military crime solving, crime
scene investigation, forensic anthropology, forensic psychology… But how well does Hollywood
really portray crime and crime solving? Where does crime come from? How does a Biblical view of
reality and humanity affect the way we answer these questions? In this class, we will discuss the fact
and the fiction of crime and crime solving. The course will include a variety of short readings, video,
guest speakers, and possibly a field trip.
Digital Video
Instructor: Mr. Jim Anderson
Cost: $20.00
Class Size: 16 max
Location: On & off-campus for shooting
Transportation: Transportation for any off-campus shooting is the responsibility of the parent
This class will be a crash course in video production. We will learn some basics about shot
composition, camera angles and editing. Our goal will be to produce several small individual and/or
group projects to practice the techniques and one longer movie (approximately 10 minutes).
Instructor: Mrs. Kara Barber
Prerequisite: Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in Honors Biology or Biology. Students must submit the signed parental permission form due to graphic content.
Grades 10-12
Cost: $30.00
Class Size: 20 max
Location: On campus
We will learn the fundamentals of forensics and crime scene analysis including interpretation and
methodology for conducting investigations. This course centers on concepts and skills emphasized
in a science class and building a bridge between science and real-life application. Information and
activities require students to be investigators, gathering data, thinking critically and logically about
evidence and explanations (hypotheses) reinforcing the scientific method.
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Competition Prep
Instructor: Susie Thompson
Prerequisite: Membership in FBLA (can be obtained during J-Term class)
Cost: $15
Class Size: 15 max
Location: On campus
Future Business Leaders of America is an internationally recognized high school organization which conducts regional, state and national competitions each year that will help you in the future in
business or as a leader. We will spend this course time enrolling you in FBLA, helping you select the
competition that is right for you, and preparing for such. The regional competition takes place
in Conway on Jan. 30th, and the state finals are April 8th and 9th. There are over 40 competitive
events to choose from (individual and team) including computer skills, interviews, business plans,
banking, client service, ethics, business math, accounting, entrepreneurship, public speaking, sports
management, hospitality management, global business, digital media, and more. State winners
have the opportunity to compete in the national finals in Anaheim, CA. in June. This is a great
opportunity to see if a management, marketing, financial or business related field is right for you.
Geology of Arkansas: Can you Dig it?
Instructor: Mrs. Michele Toole
Requirements: For trips you will need jeans, closed toes shoes and jacket if cold.
Cost: $10.00
Location: On campus with some off campus fieldwork.
Class Size: 16 max
Students will study geological landforms of Arkansas. They will also learn how to classify rocks,
learn geological history of the state and conduct fieldwork. This will be a hands-on class with
some classroom time for background information. This class will include the study of regional
geomorphology, structure, stratigraphy, and paleontology of Arkansas. Includes field trips to
Ouachita fold belt, Arkansas Valley, and Mississippi Embayment/Gulf Coastal Plain.
Instructor: Mrs. Laura Medders
Prerequisite: A love for horses!
Requirements: You must wear closed-toed shoes and long pants. Bring gloves, especially if cold.
Turn in the signed parental release form.
Cost: TBA
Class Size: 8 max
Location: Medders Home: 14924 Burlingame Road, Little Rock
Transportation: Parents have the responsibility to ensure students have a ride to and from the class.
If you have a love for horses and a desire to learn about how you can minster to others though
equestrian activities, this is the class for you! We will be learning the basics of grooming, safety,
saddling, and riding. We will also learn about training techniques and how to communicate with
the horse. You will even see how our relationship with the horse is like our relationship with God. The
Medders family has started a ministry called Kingdom Reins and will share with students how the
ministry was started and give participants the opportunity to get involved.
Interior and Apparel Construction
Instructor: Mrs. Lauren Kopf
Cost: Will vary per person, but expect to spend around $35 on supplies and materials.
Class Size: 8 max
Location: On campus (with field trips to Fabric stores)
In this quick survey course of basic sewing skills, students will learn general stitching skills, how to use
a sewing machine, how to read patterns, and how to distinguish between different types of seams.
You will learn how to sew on zippers and buttons, how to pick the right fabric for a project, and a few
decorative embroidery stitches. Students will be shown how to make a lined zipper pouch, how to
construct a simple tote bag, and how to get started in making your own apparel.
Introduction to Archery
Instructor: Mr. John Crabtree
Cost: $45 (Unless you are a member of the Archery team by October 19, 2012.)
Class Size: 15 max
Location: Chenal Valley Church Family Life Center at 16025 Taylor Loop Road
If you have ever wanted to shoot a bow, now’s your chance! Although we will do some formal
study, such as learning about the history of archery and the different types of bows and how to
care for them, the focus of the class will be learning proper shooting form and safety. We will get as
much practice time shooting as we can in order to increase our archery skills, preparing for the state
tournament, if you are so inclined. We will shoot indoors this year with brand new equipment! Come
sling some arrows!
Introduction to Italian Language and Culture
Instructor: Mrs. Lindsey Greenwald
Cost: $40
Class Size: 15 max
Location: On campus with some trips off campus
Michelangelo DaVinci Tuscany Florence Rome Venice
rigatoni cappuccino latte bruschetta insalata formaggio
Benvenuto in Italia! Welcome to the beginner’s guide to Italy. In this course we will explore vocabulary
units related to travel, food, greetings, introductions, numbers, colors, etc. In addition, we will experience
Italian culture as we learn some about the history, art, culture, food and customs of Italy.
Jane Austen in Film and Fiction
Instructor: Mrs. Callie Ferguson
Restrictions: Girls in grades 9-12
Cost: $5.00
Class Size: 20 Max
Location: On campus
Jane Austen’s novels are some of the most cherished in all literature. Why do they remain so popular
more than two hundred years after the author’s death? Austen’s novels are filled with psychological
insight and charming casts of characters which transformed the novel as a genre and have become
the inspiration for countless television and film adaptations, sequels, and spinoffs. In this course, open
to girls in grades 9-12, we will watch and evaluate film adaptations of Jane Austen’s novels and read
excerpts from her works. We will investigate her unique writing style and characters, the social and
cultural contexts of her fictional world, and why her writing continues to be relevant to and beloved
by readers and viewers. We will also compare and contrast the role of women in her novels to the
role of women in our society and across cultures today. The novels and films that we will focus on
include Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park, and others as time permits.
Japanese Culture and Origami
Instructor: Mrs. Tasia McIntire
Cost: $35
Class Size: 20 max
Location: On campus with some trips off campus
Explore the ancient Japanese art of paper folding. We will study the origins of origami in Japanese
culture and learn some Japanese history, as well as learning to count to 10 in Japanese. We will also
spend some time learning to make various origami creations. Activities will include a trip to eat lunch
at a Japanese restaurant. We will also try to hear from a guest speaker that has lived in Japan. The
cost for this class includes the trip to eat lunch and an origami book that you can keep so that you
can continue to make wonderful creations from paper even after this class is over! If you can follow
directions, you can learn to do origami!
Movie Mania: Becoming a Discerning Viewer
Instructor: Ms. Rebecca Howell
Restrictions: 11th or 12th grade only
Cost: $15
Class Size: 15 max
Location: On campus
America loves going to the movies! In a rough economy, the entertainment industry is one of the
only businesses that hasn’t taken a serious hit. What is it about movies that appeal to us so much?
And how does story-telling through the medium of film affect us? Are there always worldview issues in
films? Are movies “just” entertainment, or are there messages and meanings hidden in the images?
Does a movie have a “redemptive” theme just because the bad guy turns good? Does love really
conquer all? How should Christians watch movies? Does the kind of movie I most often like say
something about me? In this class we will do a little reading, some movie-watching, and a lot of
discussion as we consider whether or not Hollywood is trying to tell us something and if so, how that
message compares with the reality of the world as described in scripture.
Parents Please Note: Students in this course must be permitted to view R-rated films. Some language
and violence will be viewed, but all sexual content will be blocked. Please feel free to contact me if
you have any questions or concerns: rebecca.howell@littlerockchristian.com.
Perspectives: Missions and Your Place in It
Instructor: Mrs. Heather Tarpley
Prerequisites: Open eyes to see and experience God’s heart! All grades welcome.
Cost: $25
Class Size: Min. 10, max 20
This new J-Term offering is based on a powerful program called Perspectives. Over the course of two
weeks, you will experience God’s heart for all peoples and encounter the momentum of the World
Christian Movement. In addition, you will see how your life is an essential thread in the fabric of the
greatest story of all time. This course will allow you to interact with several missionaries as they share
personal stories of engaging with a host culture to deliver the Good News of Jesus in a powerful and
relevant way. It will also challenge you to examine how God can use you right now to impact His
world through prayer and action.
Instructor: Ms. Brittan Sanders
Restrictions: Girls only
Supplies Needed: The class fee will cover major supplies needed. However, students will purchase
their own items to repurpose on class shopping trips to antique stores and flea markets.
Cost: Supplies $30, student’s choice on cost of items to repurpose
Class Size: 12 max
Location: On campus with off-campus errands
Fit creativity into your everyday life! Learn to see the beauty and potential in objects all around you.
Be a good steward of our planet through re-purposing things. This class has a little bit of everything –
arts and crafts, power tools, spray paint, hot glue guns, sewing machines, interior design, and more. Here’s your chance to turn trash into treasure.
Russian Literature and Culture
Instructor: Mrs. Sandy Bakke
Cost: $10 for food and craft supplies (creating Russian wooden eggs)
Class Size: 12 max
Location: On campus
Through Russian literature, film, and films about Russia, we will enter into the majesty past of the Czars
and the people they ruled. Russian short stories, folklore, fairytales, film, food, games, and traditions,
such as nesting dolls and painted eggs, bring the culture to life. We’ll read and watch and taste and
play and create memories while we explore this fascinating land and its people. Scuba Diving Open Water Certification
Instructor: Mr. Joe Teague
Cost: $250.00 max
Class Size: 15 max: 8 girls and & 7 guys
Location: TBD: A Local Dive Shop
Students will meet at a local dive shop and work on an open water certification from Scuba Schools
International. The students will be required to pass written tests. The students will then make a series
of dives in the pool to practice skills learned during the class. At the end of the class students will
have the option of testing in open water during the spring to complete the open water certification. (The open water certification dives are an additional $120.00 if the students elect to do them in the
Small Gasoline Engine Repair
Instructor: Mr. Evan Kenyon
Cost: $30
Location: Mr. Kenyon’s house (929 E. Col. Glenn)
Restrictions: Guys only in grades 9-10
Class Size: 10 max
Required Materials: Tools—Must bring a simple set of tools to class each day, including:
• Regular pliers
• Sharp-nosed pliers
• 3/8”socket set both metric & standard,
• Small and medium screw drivers, (both Flat head and Phillips)
• Pair of gloves
Students will learn the fundamentals of small gasoline engine operation, to include carburation,
ignition, lubrication, and applications. Learning to use appropriate tools and resources, students
will diagnose, disassemble, repair, and reassemble small engines. If time permits, students will work
together to apply the principles learned to real applications.
Union Rescue Mission Service Project
Instructor: Mrs. Araceli Johnston
Cost: $0
Class Size: 20 max
Location: Dorcas House-823 South Park and Nehemiah House - 2921 Confederate Blvd
In 1946, The Union Rescue Mission (URM) was founded for the purpose of giving hope to homeless
men, women and children through the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. By providing assistance
to meet basic needs; effective recovery, educational and job-readiness programs, and by rendering
encouragement, support, counseling, spiritual guidance and referral services, the URM helps striving
participants regain the basic necessities of life and restore their God-given dignity and hope,
empowering them to rejoin the community as full and active members. Students will serve meals,
clean up the kitchen afterwards, lead children’s activities in the daycare on campus, clean and
organize the pantry, do some clean up in the facility and around the neighborhood.
Worship Music
Instructor: Mrs. Jenny Rogers
Prerequisites: Open to all singers, lyricists, and musicians who desire to use their musical talents to
glorify God.
Cost: $10
Class Size: 15 max
Location: TBD, hopefully on campus
Music can glorify many things: love, hate, lust, sorrow. I believe it was created to glorify the Creator.
Each day, we will focus on how to let the cry of hearts be to glorify God by learning, writing, and
performing music.
• Musical talents can be used in different ways to bring praise to our Father:
• Leading a worship song can join a group of believers in praising God together.
• Vocal solos can be a testimony of what God has done or is doing in our lives.
• Instrumental solos can support meditation and prayer times.
• Lyrics can speak truth into peoples’ lives and bring encouragement as they sing
them repeatedly.
Disclaimer: This class will not contain theory or study of the elements of music. This class is not
intended to teach you how to play an instrument or to sing.
2013 J-Term Registration Form
Student’s Name__________________________________________________ Grade
(Please Print.)
(Circle one.)
All students requesting classes or an internship should turn this form in on the assigned day according to grade
level. Please turn in to Mrs. Kelly South. Forms turned in after 12:30 p.m. on the indicated day are considered late.
All forms turned in between 7:45 and 12:30 are considered on time and equal in priority in regard to scheduling.
Wednesday, October 24 Thursday, October 25
Friday, October 26
Monday, October 29
7:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 7:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
7:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
7:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Grade 12
Grade 11
Grade 10
Grade 9
Request for Internship
Please fill in the table below if you plan to intern. If you are interning you should not request classes,
unless your internship request is only a half day.
Type of Profession
Request for Classes
Title of Class Morning class
Title of Afternoon Class
Student’s Signature________________________________________ Date ___________________
Parent’s Signature _________________________________________ Date ___________________
J-TERM 2013
Student’s Name______________________________________ (Please print.)
(Circle one.)
Parents, please, read this permission form carefully and sign below. Students will not be allowed
to participate in any J-Term activity without this permission form completed.
All trips and internships have a separate permission form distributed by the appropriate sponsor.
This permission form covers all J-Term classes other than trips and internships.
Location, Transportation, & Other Requirements
Unless indicated in the course description, it is expected that parents will make arrangements for
transporting students to and from their classes each day. Carefully read the course descriptions
in the J-Term booklet before signing your student up for classes and before signing the
Parental Permission Form. If your student is unable to fulfill the requirements listed in the course
description(s)—including transportation requirements—do not sign your student up for that class.
In some cases, the teachers of the class help with making arrangements, but do not assume that
is the case unless indicated in the description or other materials sent by the teacher.
By signing below you acknowledge that you have read the course description of the classes
that your student has requested and accept all requirements and responsibilities detailed in the
course description, which may include (but may not be limited to):
• Timely Fee Payment: All fees must be paid by November 20
• Using power tools or weapons under the supervision of a trained advisor
• Participation in off-campus field trips (transportation may or may
not be provided by LRCA
• Using the Internet
• Participation in physical activity
I, (printed parent/guardian’s name) _________________________________________________________
understand that precautions will be taken to ensure safety in each J-Term experience. I realize
there can be some dangers or risks involved. I acknowledge the course requirements and that
my student cannot participate in chosen classes if we/he/she cannot fulfill these requirements.
Having read and understood these statements and the course description in the J-Term
brochure, I knowingly and willingly give my student (printed student name)
________________________________________ permission to participate in his/her chosen classes.
I also agree to hold the instructor, school representative, and Little Rock Christian Academy
harmless and free of any legal responsibilities of any claims, demands, or suit for damages arising
from a J-Term experience. I also authorize any Little Rock Christian Academy J-Term instructor to
act in the best interest of my child in case medical attention is needed.
Parent/Guardian Signature________________________________________________ Date__________________
19010 Cantrell Road • Little Rock, AR 72223 • 501.868.9822