Moose Jaw Express
Moose Jaw Express
MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 • PAGE A1 MOOSE JAW Volume 8, Issue 24 Wednesday, June 24 2015 EXPRESS.COM Moose Jaw’s REAL community newspaper 306.694.1322 Heritage Achievement Award Recognizes Museum By Ron Walter, For Moose Jaw Express JUNE SPECIAL: 10 % OFF SIDING • SOFFIT • FASCIA EAVESTROUGH 306-690-3116 SERVICING MOOSE JAW & SURROUNDING AREAS POW WOWS PART OF FIRST NATIONS CULTURE PAGE A3 A provincial heritage award in early June recognized 47 years of work by volunteers building, maintaining and operating the Sukanen Ship Pioneer Village Museum. Lieut.- Gov. Vaughn Solomon Schofield presented the Heritage Stewardship Achievement Award at a Heritage Saskatchewan ceremony at Government House in Regina. “It’s nice to see all the work of volunteers honoured,” said museum president Gord Ross, a member for 14 years. To this day the museum, a collection of 80 buildings and hundreds of vehicles, has no paid employees except for summer students hired from May to early September. “I guess the recognition will help us” attract more visitors and members. Architectural Heritage Society of Saskatchewan rep Joe Ralko said preserving heritage is important to let current and future generations know what life was like. “Together with numerous antique vehicles and machinery, the museum has captured the spirit of Saskatchewan through its representation of a pioneer village streetscape and farmstead,” said Ralko. “The dedicated volunteers ensure that ongoing maintenance of the buildings is sympathetic to heritage paint colours and original materials. This collection of buildings is one of the finest in Saskatchewan.” Residential industrial and commercial buildings on the site 13 km south of Moose Jaw range from the 1890s to the early 1900s. One of the oldest buildings is the Glover Ranch bunkhouse, built in the 1890s and moved from Baildon where it was a teacherage residence. It and a settler’s house from Baildon formed the core of the museum, and were added to year after year. The museum was not intended as a museum. The first building was put up by members of the Antique Auto Club of Saskatchewan on land purchased from local farmer Erald Jones. The club wanted a building to show and restore vehicles. The club first asked Moose Jaw City Council to obtain one-half an acre from the city near the junction of Highway Two North and the Trans-Canada Highway. Council almost laughed them out of city hall. The first building moved on site was a metal shed used for storage. After the agreement to re-locate the Baildon buildings, other district people asked the museum to take and preserve their buildings. Along with donations of buildings and equipment were mystery donors. Museum members came out to the site one morning to find an old threshing machine at the front gate. That kind of donation continued. In 1975 the Prairie Pioneer Village was renamed the Sukanen Ship Pioneer Village Museum to reflect the crown jewel – the ship built on the Prairie by settler Tom Sukanen to sail home to Finland. One recent major project, moving in a 1913 wooden crib elevator, involved a mystery donation. The elevator could never have come here without the $25,000 anonymous donation. This year, the museum has built a drug store to accommodate a collection of pharmacy-related equipment, furnishings and signs from Fysh Drugs, donated by Dale Toni. “This museum offers ample opportunity to educate younger generations,” wrote museum co-founder Dick Meacher in his chapbook History Preserved. And Meacher added: “Those of us from an earlier generation also have an opportunity to… recreate life as it was lived by our parents.” Nine other Saskatchewan communities received awards. Heritage Stewardship Achievement Awards also went to the Indian Head Fire Hall, and Maple Creek Main Street Project. Ron Walter can be reached at IMG from left, Lieut.-Gov. Vaughn Solomon Schofield, Gord Ross, Joey Mitchell, Frances Fritschke, Garry Davis, Reg Skinner, Ross Ramage, Bill Young, and Dean Redman. Photo Credit: Trevor Owen Moose Jaw Insurance 306-694-4747 324 Main Street N. MOOSE JAW, SK Personal Insurance Auto, Health, Home, Travel, Umbrella Liability Renew your plates online Commercial Insurance Auto/Cargo, Umbrella Liability, Farm, Surety Apartments & Condos Tenant, Condominium visit PAGE A2 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 Great service on all makes. No appointment necessary. THE WORKS ‡ There’s more to it than oil and a filter. * Up to 83-point inspection of every hose, belt and fluid Comprehensive Vehicle Report Card for peace of mind Motorcraft ® premium oil and Motorcraft ® filter change* 79 .99 $ Rotate and inspect all four tires TAXES AND APPLICABLE FEES EXTRA. LIMITED TIME OFFER. DIESELS EXCLUDED. COMING EVENTS Billiards at the Cosmo Centre every Monday at 6 pm and Thursday at 6:30 pm. Please note that coming events are placed where space is available and that priority is given to local non- profit groups and organizations. MAXI BRIDGE TOURNAMENT at the Cosmo Centre on Saturday, June 27 at 10:00 am. Cost $12.50 – includes lunch. MOOSE JAW & DISTRICT SENIORS’ ASSOCIATION @Timothy Eaton Gardens – 101-510 Main St N. For more information, call 306-694-4223 or COSMO POLKA FEST at the Cosmo Centre on August 15th from 4:00 pm to 12:00 am. Cost $20pp; Bands Len Gadica and Leon Ochs. Concession available. Tickets are on sale now! Seating is limited. Jam Sessions at T. Eaton Garden every Friday from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. Cost $2. Fill your morning with music and dance. All are welcome! Friendly Bridge at T. Eaton Garden every Thursday night from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. All are welcome! Eaton Café 101-510 Main St. North. Open daily from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Come and have a cup of coffee, a meal off the menu or enjoy our daily specials. All are welcome! The RCW & Speedy Creek Wrestling Fundraiser has been postponed to June 27 at Timothy Eaton Gardens. Details to follow. COSMO SENIORS’ CENTRE 235 Third Ave. N.E. For more information call (306) 692-6072. For the month of July there will not be any Jam Sessions, Card Tournaments or Dances but will be open for our regular daily activities. CANADA DAY CELEBRATION PANCAKE BREAKFAST at the Cosmo Centre on JULY 1 from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Cost $5. THE MOOSE JAW TRAP AND SKEET CLUB Shoots on Thursday evenings at 6:30 PM and on Sundays at 1:00 PM. Visitors and new members are welcome. The club is also open to women and youth 12 and over. To be a member and to own a shotgun you must have a valid government issued PAL (Possession and Acquisition Certificate). For information about the Trap Club and how to apply for a PAL, contact Al at 306 6928624 or 631-0833. MOOSE JAW’S WHITE HACKLE PIPE BAND will be approaching a significant milestone this coming year. If enough people are interested in forming an organizing committee, then the group will be celebrating their 70th anniversary. Anyone wishing to help establish a committee to organize the group’s 70th anniversary or who has pictures that can be reproduced is asked to contact McKnight at 306-692-3233 or mcknight.russ@ Memories can be preserved or shared on Facebook at “White Hackle Pipe Band Alumni.” THE MOOSE JAW ART GUILD EXHIBITION “SCAPES” runs until July 4th, 2015 at the Moose Jaw Cultural Center. Fast & Friendly WE'RE NOT JUST YOUR GRANDMA'S CAB! If you enjoy riding in a non-smoking clean and well maintained cab WE ARE THE CAB FOR YOU. • • • We are a bonafide legal cab company in Moose Jaw. Our courteous drivers will help you to and from your door. We will help you carry your shopping bags, strollers, walkers etc. to and from the car to your home. Monday - Friday 8-6pm • Closed Saturday & Sunday PRIVATE TAXI 24/7 days a week for airport or other shuttles call Roy at 306-690-6610 to book your trip today. Phone for Taxi times and for all other inquires. Available anytime reserve your ride today. We are available for airport rides, no need to leave your car at the airport. Taxi Day Number 306-681-6691 24/7 Call Roy at 306-690-6610 MOOSE JAW LAWN BOWLING for all ages - 8 years and up with regular bowling Wednesday, Friday and Sunday evenings at 7:00pm. Junior bowling is held at 7:00pm on Tuesdays, Senior’s bowling to be arranged. There are three free lessons for anyone interested in learning this sport. 21ST ANNUAL CONCERTS IN THE PARK at Crescent Park Amphitheatre (NO parking allowed within park area) on Wednesday Evenings, 7 pm – 8:30 pm. June 24 – The Gordas; July 01 – Musical Friends; July 8 – Jacksonville; July 15 – Good Time Music; July 22 – Al & Company; July 29 – Alice and the Midnighters; Aug. 5 – Heritage Fiddlers; Aug. 12 – Band City Band; Aug. 19 – Desperate for Haggis; Aug. 26 – TBA (6:307:30pm). CRAYOLA EASY APPLIQUE CRAFT PRESENTATION with guest speaker Heather Carruthers, Quilters Heaven will take place on Thursday, June 25 at 2:30 p.m. at the Library. Join to rediscover an old favorite… crayons! Using the Melt-nBlend technique anyone can bring out their inner artist. Create beautiful and textured applique designs that bring quilts and other sewing projects to life. Admission is free. Everyone is welcome. For more information please contact: Pam Albert or Gwen Fisher 306-692-2787. ‡ 661 THATCHER DRIVE EAST (306) 694-3278 HOURS: M-FR 8AM-6PM • SAT 8AM-5PM Life is better in the Quick Lane. THE MOOSE JAW ART GUILD SHOW & SALE will be held at Anna Hergert’s studio, 101 Sandpoint Road, Buffalo Pound Lake. Times are Friday, June 26, noon to 9:00 PM and Saturday, June 27 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Art demonstrations occur every day and refreshments are free. For more information call 306 693 0872. GRANDMOTHERS 4 GRANDMOTHERS will be selling Raffle tickets at the Moose Jaw Coop June 26 (Fri) and the 27 (Sat) from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please stop by for support. Lots of prizes, 90x100 inch Handmade Quilt. GM pk, Free massages, restaurant Gift Certificates. Proceeds help AIDS orphans and their caregivers in Africa. Grandmothers 4 Grandmothers is part of the Stephen Lewis Foundation a registered charity. ZION UNITED CHURCH will be holding their final “Old Time Dance” on SATURDAY June 27 in the gym from 8:00 to 11:00 p.m. for members and the community. The cost is $10 for the dance and a lunch is served at 11 pm when the dance is over. All proceeds go to the restoration and preservation of Zion United Church. After that, dances will resume in the fall. MANGA CLUB FOR YOUTHS AGES 10-18 will be held on Saturday, June 27 at 3:00 p.m. at the Public Library for a manga minded gathering consisting of cosplay, crafts, anime viewings, book discussions and more! No registration required. Admission is free. Refreshments will be served. W.J.JONES & SON FUNERAL HOME TREE OF MEMORY CEREMONY will be held on Sunday June 28 at 2:00 p.m. in Crescent Park Amphitheatre. On this day the memory of everyone W.J. Jones & Son Funeral Home served from June 15, 2014 to June 14, 2015 is honoured by the planting a Tree of Memory in Crescent Park. Featuring the music of Joya Johnston. For more information please phone 306-693-4644. If Weather is inclement, the ceremony will be held at W.J.Jones & Son Funeral Chapel. GRANDMOTHERS 4 GRANDMOTHERS will meet Mon. June 29 at 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at 140 High St. East Moose Jaw. Rosewood Apts social hall, main floor. New members welcome. You don’t have to be a Mom or Grandma to join! Call 306-693-4408 for info. AVID KNITTERS GROUP MEETING with Barb Silvester will take place on Tuesday June 30, at 2:30p.m. in the Library. Come and join the group and bring your own projects, yarn and needles. All knitters are welcome from beginners to experienced. Admission is free. Everyone is welcome. CROSSFIT MOOSE JAW FITKIDS SUMMER CAMP Space is VERY limited. See the complete schedule and register your child using the Register links below, OR by contacting our office at 306-692-XFIT (9348) or emailing admin@ FitKids Session 1: July 3-15 Mon/Wed/Fri = 6 sessions for $79 + GST – Ages 5-8, 11am-12pm Register; Ages 9-12, 1pm2pm Register. July 2-14 Tu/Th = 4 sessions for $49 + GST Ages 5-8, 12pm-1pm Register; Ages 9-12, 1pm-2pm Register. CONTINUED ON PAGE A4 A S S E S S ME N T R O L L N O T I C E V IL L A G E O F K E E L E R N o tic e is h e r e b y r o ll fo r th e V illa g e h a s b e e n p re p a re b y c o n ta c tin g th e v e n in g s o n ly , T u 2 6 to J u ly 2 6 , 2 0 1 An y p e r s o n w h o w o r h e r a s s e s s m e n r e q u ir e d to file h is g iv e n o f Ke e d a n d e c le r e s d a y 5. is h e s t to th e o r h e r th a t th e a le r fo r th e is o p e n to k a t 3 0 6 a n d T h u r s s e s y e a in s p - 7 59 s d a y s m e n t r 2 0 1 5 e c tio n -2 6 2 2 , , J u n e to a p p e a l a g a in s t h is Bo a r d o f R e v i s i o n i s n o tic e o f a p p e a l w ith : T h e A ssessor, V i l l ag e of K eel er, B ox 33, K eel er S K S 0H 2 E 0, b y t h e 2 6t h d ay of Ju l y , 2 01 5. D at ed t h i s 2 6t h d ay of Ju n e, 2 01 5. Did you know that SGI offers a free service for finding information on a vehicle's history? l e e e a a la le a a a e e a e e le a a e a e e a a e a e a e y ae e e e a a e a aya le a a a e la y a a e a e 1 2 2 MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 • PAGE A3 MLA for the Moose Jaw North Constituency Keeping Saskatchewan Highways Safe Together, we can keep everyone on our highways safe this construction season. Please remember watch for orange zones and be sure to obey the 60 km/hr speed limit. Learn more at 326-B High Street West Moose Jaw • Open 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday • (306)692-8884 • Pow Wows Part of First Nations Culture Bernice Perkins By Ron Walter For Moose Jaw Express The annual Pow Wow in Wakamow is part of the First Nations process to re-build a culture almost lost by 130 years of residential schools repressing the culture. The large number of young people participating in the ceremonies and dance on the speed skating oval site is a source of pride to leaders. The Wakamow Aboriginal Community Association (WACA) was organized “so we can bring more of the young people in so they will have that opportunity to be elders and pipe carriers and possibly then connect them together so they can be involved in ceremony,” said WACA vice-chair Bernice Perkins. The First Nations name of the former the Sakimay First Nations resident is Babaminosayanimkeequay. “They come into the circle when they are young, when they start walking, most of them. They have to be walking in order to dance.” But this Pow Wow was specifically dedicated to honouring First Nations women. Perkins told the assembled: “Strong women make strong families; strong families make strong communities; and strong communities will recreate a strong nation. “Like many indigenous women, I have experienced generational trauma,” she said. “My identity was stripped by an external government not telling me whom I am. “I grew up getting called dirty names and being ashamed of who I was and also being confused. I watched violence and abuse and experienced it intimately. “But that is not the story I want to share today. We all know that story. We have all experienced a version of that story at some time. “The story I want to share is one of resilience, one of hope, and most of all, one of healing.” Two indigenous women shared their experiences with the large number of intertribal participants and guests. Perkins said they talked about how the Pow Wow and dancing helped them in their lives through some of their difficulties, how it helped them to leave a life of trouble into walking in a sacred manner, how ceremony and culture helped them to live a better life. Ceremony is important to “nurturing the soul” of First Nations people and their identity. “Although I am an urban dweller when I attend ceremonies or even when I carry out aspects of ceremonies in the city it reminds me of where I come from,” said the Moose Jaw resident. In the Kiwanis shelter, bannock and fry bread were served. One First Nations craft table displayed hand-made jewelry while a crafts person demonstrated the art of fine beadwork. Greetings came from Moose Jaw Wakamow MLA Greg Lawrence, wearing his Metis sash, Mayor Deb Higgins, Police Chief Rick Bourassa and a representative of Casino Moose Jaw, which was a pow wow sponsor. Ron Walter can be reached at ronjoy@sasktel. net 80 Ross St. W. Moose Jaw #106-830A Chester Rd. $334,900 134 Marine Dr. Buffalo Pound $359,900 18 Wellington Pl SW $569,900 1637 General Cres NW $429,900 306-694-1234 323 Centre St. Assiniboia 1-306-642-3086 JERA MOHNINGER REALTOR® 306-631-4824 DEBBIE MOHNINGER REALTOR® 306-631-2373 1231-1st Ave NW $189,900 JUSTIN HAMMER REALTOR® 306-684-4266 RICK OAKES REALTOR® 306-630-6356 426 Fairford St W $89,900 CATHY MORRELL REALTOR® 306-630-7015 JODY OAKES REALTOR® 306-631-4168 310 Crawford Ave Coronach $115,000 DIONNE TJELTVEIT REALTOR® 306-640-7480 PAGE A4 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 Good Afternoon Sports People... The Lynbrook is pleased to announce the 4th Holein-One of the year has been recorded by Mr. Lynn Nelson while playing with the Senior Men’s Club on Wed. morning, June 17th/2015. Lynn used a 3 hybrid, on the 14th Hole that was playing at 157 yards. Witnesses to the usually rare event where Don Thompson, Doug Blance and Jim McNeil. This was the 1st hole-in-one ever for Lynn, who also had knee replacement surgery Jan. 19th/2015, and apparently has made him a better golfer, and encouragement for those who are going to have surgery. COMING EVENTS anyone wanting to take part in the discussion. Admission is free. Everyone is welcome. FitKids Session 2: July 24 - Aug 5 M/W/F = 6 sessions for $79 + GST – Ages 5-8, 11am-12pm Register; Ages 9-12, 1pm2pm Register. July 23-Aug 4 = 4 sessions for $49 + GST –Ages 5-8, 12pm-1pm Register; Ages 9-12, 1pm-2pm Register. **save 10% when you purchase both camps together, or for families registering more than one child. SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE CLASSES are held at Moose Jaw Public Library in the Herb Taylor Room on Thursdays from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Come join in for a lively evening of music and dance; a dance for everyone. Great exercise. For information call 306.972.6121 or just drop in. CONTINUED FROM PAGE A2 THE STORYTELLING SESSIONS will take place each Thursday at 6:30pm from July 9th to August 13th. This weekly program invites youths ages 10-18 to explore different methods of storytelling like Improv, Songwriting, Photography and more! With special guest presenters like Megan Nash, Evie Ruddy, Gerry Stonechild and Elizabeth Elich, this is an opportunity you will not want to miss! No registration is required and admission is free. All Materials will be provided and refreshments will be served. The Schedule is as follows: July 9th – Bookbinding with Special Guest Elizabeth Elich; July 16th – Storytelling on the Fly: Improvisational Storytelling; July 23rd – First Person Storytelling with Digital Sound Artist Evie Ruddy; July 30th – Storytelling through Song with Megan Nash; August 6th – Storytelling with Picture not Words; August 13th – Aboriginal Storytelling with Gerry Stonechild. 6TH ANNUAL K+S POTASH CANADA WARRIORS ALUMNI GOLF TOURNAMENT will be held on July 9 & 10. Entry for the tournament is $400 per golfer, registration information or details on how to be a partner is available at or by calling the office at 306.694.5711 or Todd Hudson 306.631.0288. LIBRARY BOOK CLUB MEETING on Thursday, July 2 at 2:30 p.m. at the Library. The Book Club is open to all interested adults and no registration is required. The featured book this month is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. On July 14th Lee’s novel Go Set a Watchmen will be released which is set 20 years after the event in To Kill a Mockingbird. Get prepared for this literary event by revisiting the themes and characters of To Kill a Mockingbird wich is an enduring classic and 1960 Pulitzer Prize winner. Copies of the book are available on a first-come-first-served basis from the Library for SALVATION ARMY Sunday School at 9:30 a.m./Sunday Worship at 11:00 a.m./ Evening Service 6:30 p.m. at Community Complex. ROTARY FAMILY FUN ZONE Get in the ROTARY FAMILY FUN ZONE with the entire family at YaraCentre (1220 High St. W) FREE on the last Sunday of each month from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Come and enjoy some together time on the turf free of charge. Featuring toys and bouncy castles for the little ones, plus room to run or play your favourite game. Watch for special guests, speakers and programs taking place. SCOTTISH COUNTRY BEGINNERS DANCE LESSONS for children ages 10 and under will be held at the Moose Jaw Public Library, ‘’Herb Taylor Room’’ on Thursdays from 6:30 p.m to 7:00 p.m. Please register by calling, McFergus Scottish Country Dancers at 306-972-6121 MOOSE JAW ROTARY CLUB meets Mondays at noon at the Heritage Inn. Information available at 306-692-3842. ROTARY CLUB OF MOOSE JAW WAKAMOW meets the second and fourth Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at the Heritage Inn. “BUTTONS & BOWS” SQUARE AND ROUND DANCE CD CLUB will resume dancing in the fall at St. Andrews Church Social Hall, 60 Athabasca E, Lower Hall – West Door. For more information contact Jo Ann Thompson at 306.693.2605 TAOIST TAI CHI new times – Weds. – Continuing 6:30 – 8pm; Beginners 6-7pm/ Sat. – Continuing 9:30-11am; Beginners 11-12am at St. Andrews Church Social Hall. THE FRIENDLY CITY OPTIMIST CLUB invites everyone to meetings at the Heritage Inn on the second & fourth Tuesday of each month. Social at 6:00 p.m./Supper at 6:30 p.m./meeting at 7:00 p.m. For more info call 306.694.4121 or email K-40 CLUB OF MOOSE JAW generally meets the second Tuesday of the month. TOPS SK2211 meets every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. for weigh-in and meeting follows at 6:30 p.m. at St. Andrew’s United Church, 60 Athabasca St. E. Contact Bonnie at (306) 694-4008. THE MOOSE JAW CAMERA CLUB invites you to their monthly meetings at the Cosmo Centre upstairs. Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. the first Monday from September–June. More info at THE MOOSE JAW SCRABBLE CLUB meets every Friday afternoon at 1:00pm in the Craft Room at the Cosmo Centre 235 3rd Ave NE. Come join us for several games of brain challenging fun. For information call 306 692 0731. INFORMED CHOICES PREGNANCY CENTER Drop-in Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Free confidential and non-judgmental counselling and support available for women and men experiencing an unplanned pregnancy at 251A High St. W. Text 306-690-8462. MOOSE JAW DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB meets at the Comfort Inn three times per week: Mondays – 7:00 p.m. – Rookie-Master Night; Thursdays – 7:00 p.m. – Stratified Open Pairs; Fridays – 1:30 p.m. – Stratified Open Pairs. For Partnerships call Dave Morrell at 693-1427. BINGO is held every Tuesday evening at Church of Our Lady Community Centre, 566 Vaughan St. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and bingo starts at 7:00 p.m. Lunch is available. SERVING MOOSE JAW AND AREA FOR OVER 100 YEARS CHICKEN BREAST SOUVLAKI PRAIRIE BEST BURGERS LEAN 30-1/3LB PATTIESS 10 SKEWERS 99 CASE 5 LB APPROX SEASONED BONELESS SKINLESS CHICKEN BREASTS GREEK RIBLETS 5X2LB PKGS 24 $ 3999 $ 47 $ WE LIEVER DEW PRICES PRIC ES IN IN EFFECT: EFFE FFEC CT: JUN JU NE 2222 - JULY JUNE JULY 4 2015 22001 015 LEMON HERB/CATALINA 99 3999 $ 10LB BOX GOURMET COMBO PAK 5 LB BAG BISON BEEFALO BURGERS 20-1/3LB PATTIES 4999 $ CASE 7999 $ 75 3RD AVE NW, MOOSE JAW Ph: 306-692-4026 Hours: Tue. - Sat. 9am to 6pm Closed Sun. & Mon. “cooking up family values” MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 • PAGE A5 Lions, Leos and Ducks… By Scott Hellings Ducks in the serpentine. The Early Bird Lions Club is certainly busy these days. First, the group is looking to get its Leos Club off the ground. A special information night will provide more details on the club. It will be held on Tuesday, June 30 at 7:00 p.m. at the YMCA (220 Fairford St. E.). Both parents and teens are welcome to attend. The Leos Club is a special offshoot of the Lions that is meant for young people between the ages of 12 and 18. The Leos group is open to anybody and no prior experience is necessary. It is a great opportunity for youth to get involved with the community, while making new friends and gaining contacts and leadership skills. The club will also help bridge the generation gap between youth and their elders. “It is a great opportunity for the kids to put their ideas into action, which will benefit both the community and the environment here in Moose Jaw,” said Early Bird Lions member Bernie Roy. “They will form their own committee and they will set their own agenda. We will only have one person acting as an advisor from the Early Bird Lions, so for the most part, it is their ballgame. If they do need our assistance, we will definitely help them.” Michelle Crawford and Melissa Townsend participated in the Leos Club when they lived in Jamaica. They will both be at the information night to talk about their experience with the Leos. If you are unable to attend on June 30 you can contact Roy for more information by emailing him at or by calling 306-691-5218. The Early Bird Lions are also preparing for their biggest fundraiser of the year. On Sunday, July 5 at 2:00 p.m. the Lions will hold their 11th Annual Duck Derby in Crescent Park. The event sees yellow rubber ducks racing along the water, with the first duck to cross the finish line taking home the top prize. The prize for first place is $2,000. “One hundred per cent of the money that we raise goes back into the community,” said Roy. It is a fun, family-friendly event. The afternoon will also include face painting for the kids, the Band City Band will also provide entertainment, and refreshments will be available. Of course, you can’t win if you don’t buy a ticket. Just 3,000 tickets will be available and there will be over $5,000 in cash prizes. You can purchase one ticket for $5 or five tickets for $20. Tickets for the Duck Derby are on sale now. Contact Todd Busch at 360-690-8633 for more information. Tickets will also be on sale at Superstore on June 25 and 26 and at Sidewalk Days (to be held July 2-4). RATCHET STRAPS REGULAR 99 $ 29 12 VOLT TRAILER LIGHT KIT REGULAR 99 $ 34 $ SALE 1999 SALE 9 $ 99 12 VOLT LED TRAILER LIGHT KIT REGULAR 99 $ 39 26 GALLON COMPRESSOR REGULAR 99 $ 599 SALE 30 GALLON COMPRESSOR 399 $ 99 REGULAR 99 $ 849 $ SALE SALE 9 $ 99 RIDERS COOLERS 2499 $ 579 99 EACH 10 IN 1 IMPLEMENT JACK REGULAR 99 $ 49 $ SALE 2999 PAGE A6 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 D.& D. Quality Care Quality Products For A Healthier Lifestyle Merit Scooters Lift Chairs Power Chairs & Walkers Cher Duckworth Owner Tub Lifts & Ramps ü Aids to Daily Living ü Mastectomy Supplies/Custom Fit ü Wrist/Back Supports ü Compression Stockings ü Sports Braces/Supports ü Rentals Supplementary Health , DVA, WCB and SGI approved. After hour appointments available - call to book yours 306-691-0300 • 11 Hochelaga St W., Moose Jaw • Polka On Down to the Last Old Time Dance of the Season Get your dancing shoes on because Zion United Church will be hosting its final Old Time Dance of the season on Saturday, January 27. This will be the last dance until the fall so be sure to come out for an evening full of fellowship and, of course, great music and dancing. The dance is organized by Howie and Brenda Johnson. They provide the music, with Howie on the guitar and Brenda on the keyboard. As you would expect, they play a wide variety of old time favourites. “We play the polkas, the foxtrots, the old-time waltzes, chatisses, and barn dances,” said Brenda. The dances started up in January and are typically held on the last Friday of the month. They have become a popular night out, with an average of 100 dancers attending each month. Proceeds from the event go towards maintenance of the church building. Brenda and Howie have completed a number of renovations over the years and so they understand just how costly maintenance can be. The two are part of Zion’s music team and have spent decades playing in bands. They decided they could use their music to raise funds that would help offset the costs of renovations. “My husband Howie is the property chairman here and I am on property as well…This is a huge building and there is a lot of expense. We were talking last January and we said, gee, we could actually help with some financing if we were to have some dances,” said Brenda. “We donate our music and our time and we organize it. We told the people of the congregation and made up some posters and we ended up with a really good turnout at that first dance… We feel we have something to offer the church and the community.” Although they donate their time, the Johnsons treat the dances as though it were a professional gig. For example, Brenda says By Scott Hellings they play all night long, taking just two Don’t mis s out on th short, 15-minute breaks. e last dan Regular d ce of the s a nces will s “We treat them like they are coming to easo tart up ag a in in the fa n! a home party. I think people enjoy the ll. atmosphere…These people are paying guests and we treat it as though we are being paid to play,” said Brenda. “We give them their money’s worth. They get hooting and hollering and they have a really good time.” The dances are a lot of fun but they are also a great way to showcase the building itself. “A lot of times people don’t think of Zion Church as a facility where they could have something like a dance,” said Brenda. “We want to get the word out that Zion has some rental space available.” The dance will be held in Zion’s gym. The cost is just $10 and you simply pay at the door. Jugs of water, coffee, and snacks will be made available throughout the dance. The doors will open at 7:00 p.m. and the dance will be held from 8:00 to 11:00 p.m. A lunch will follow and is included in the price. It will be served in the social hall. The lunch will include buns, meat, pickles, tea and coffee, and a wide variety of sweets. MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 • PAGE A7 Inclusive Playground Open and Ready for Play Although the Moose Jaw Co-op Inclusive Playground at Rotary River Park in Wakamow Valley was initially installed in November 2013, it was the object of targeted vandalism last year that delayed its official opening until now. It was a happy day for all involved to celebrate the official opening on June 16th, 2015. CEO of Wakamow Valley Margaret Moran, Mayor Deb Higgins, General Manager of Moose Jaw Coop Gerry Onyskevitch and MLA Greg Lawrence were in attendance, as well as many well-wishers. Of course, there were a number of happy kids from Southwest Day Care and Learning Centre and St. Michael Raphael Centre enjoying the playground. It’s a place where kids of all abilities and their families and friends can play together, regardless of personal restrictions. Play is an integral part of a child’s life and the inclusive playground provides a nurturing environment where children can develop confidence and create friendships, not to mention, it’s in Moose Jaw’s beautiful green space Wakamow Valley. Disabled children need to play as much as nondisabled children and the benefits of kids playing with other kids and getting some physical activity can be a determining factor in their overall well-being. Executive Director of Southwest Day Care and Learning Centre, Lucille Gilliland is thrilled with the inclusive playground. “This is an amazing park,” she said. Gilliland says they bring their kids down to the playground often. “There are lots of visual and interactive things; it’s an asset to the community! “Handicapped parents can also play and interact with their children. We want to make sure everyone is involved.” Gilliland is impressed with the structure and says lots of research and thought went into developing it. “We believe in an inclusive community where everyone can be involved.” With no government money injections to this project, it couldn’t have happened without the support of businesses and organizations here in Moose Jaw. There are a number of major contributors that made the Moose Jaw Co-op Inclusive Playground a reality: Moose Jaw Co-op, Rotary Club of Moose Jaw, 800 CHAB Children’s Fund, President’s Choice Children’s Charity, City of Moose Jaw, Community Initiatives Fund and Ottawa Real Estate. General Manager Gerry Onyskevitch of Moose Jaw Co-op said that this project was one of their ‘Caring for the Community’ Co-op programs and was a very worthwhile endeavour. Mayor Deb Higgins and Co-op General Manager Gerry Onyskevitch unveil the plaque listing all of the contributors. your skin. Better circulation leads to better nutrition to the skin and nervous system and removal of toxins. Exercise will also increase your youth hormones, keeping you looking and “feeling” better. Seriously… Can’t You Feel That? by Dr. Steven Heidinger, Moose Jaw Chiropractor Other than love and companionship, there really are some great perks to being married: Sharing expenses, tag-teaming when dealing with the kids and someone to vent to at the end of a tough day at work, among others. Another benefit I’ve noticed in the last few years is that there is someone there to tell me that I’ve got something on my face. A piece of food, a wayward hair or lint, could have been hanging there on my cheek or above my lip all day long if it weren’t for my wife. “How do you not feel that on your face?” is all too common of a question around our house, and it is usually directed towards me and probably because I’m the oldest in our home. When my wife is away, I need to make a conscious effort to walk around mirrors more often just to make sure part of my lunch is not hanging from my face. Does aging really affect our skin sensitivity? And if it does, is there anything we can do about it? Unfortunately, yes, studies have shown that for a variety of reasons, our skin becomes less sensitive to many different stimuli as we age. As we age, our skin tends to get thicker, drier and saggier. The amount of sensory nerves in and under our skin also declines with age. Sensation to touch, vibration and temperature changes, lessen with time. Unfortunately this leads to more consequences on top not feeling that piece of rice on your lip. Lack of skin sensitivity can lead to injury. Burns, frostbite, abrasions, bruising and even bedsores are more common in elderly in part due to the general lack of sensation. Is there anything that can be done to treat or prevent this from happening? I think so. And with anything health-related, preventing is much easier than treating after the fact. There are two factors affecting skin sensation as we age: the health of the skin and the health of the nervous system. Both of these are greatly affected by the lifestyle choices we make. Exercise. The more you exercise, the more you circulate oxygen throughout your body, including 415 Ath Athabasca St. E. Moose Jaw - 692-8833 PORK CHOPS WHOLE LOIN 3600 369 799 LB LEAN GROUND BEEF CHICKEN LEGS & THIGHS 4KG SMOKED PICNICS 8 -1 0 L B 2 A V G 49 LB C U T F R E E LB 549 LB SIRLOIN STEAKS 5K G 2 8 B O Diet. Avoiding sugars, adding quality Omega-3 fats, drinking more water are basic essentials for healthier skin. Toxins. Tobacco is a sure-fire way to age your skin and nervous system. Aside from the toxins that circulate through a smoker’s body, there is less oxygen traveling to every body part, including the skin. With many smokers, you can just tell that they smoke, due to the quality of their skin. Supplements. B-complex, calcium, magnesium, Omega-3 oils, can improve nerve impulse transmission. Diabetes. All too common now, diabetes is a major factor in nervous system health. Sensation deficit is just one of the many consequences of diabetic neuropathy. Sun exposure. The more you get that “healthy tan,” the more you actually damage the skin. Limit your sun exposure for healthier skin. Live good… look good…. “sense”good. Otherwise just assume that there is always something on your face. 1801 Quebec St. Regina - 522-7508 CHICKEN BREAST I .Q .F . By Joan Ritchie X 90 EA CHICKEN WINGS 2 8 B O X 90 5KG BBQ SMOKIES 99 5 LB PORK BACK RIBS 99 4 LB ROASTING CHICKEN 6 -7 L B A V G . 2 69 LB PAGE A8 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 A Legion of Classics Classic cars filled the parking lot on June 13 for the Legion’s 14th Annual Show and Shine. Jim Hughes of Moose Jaw was one of the participants. He had both his 1950 Pontiac Silver Streak and his 1958 Chevrolet Delray on display. Hughes says that both vehicles are one-owner cars. That means they are maintained originals and not restored, which is what he prefers. “The thing I like about survivor cars is they have such soul and history behind them,” said Hughes. “Restored cars are nice — I’m not taking anything away from them because I’ve owned them — but survivor cars just have all the memories attached to them from all the previous owners. I just love their character and their soul.” Over the years Hughes has bought and sold a lot of cars. “Cars tend to follow me home. I have owned many, many cars; I am on my 457th vehicle. I had two cars before I was 16. They just kind of follow me home and they magically turn up,” said Hughes. “It’s kind of neat; I’m like an old car magnet. I have owned some pretty rare and cool stuff over the years.” The Toyota Sera is just one example of the unique cars Hughes has had in his collection. It was a Japanese concept car that featured glass panels on the roof and butterfly style doors. “It looked like a spaceship. It was just the coolest little car,” said Hughes. “A collector in Saskatoon had it and I bought it from him. A kid who used to live in Japan and had migrated here to Canada saw it online when I was getting ready to sell the thing. He was living down in Estevan or someplace like that and so he caught a bus up here to buy it. That was his dream car. He literally had to travel halfway around the world to buy his dream car here in Canada.” Hughes owns just three vehicles right now and says he is now on the hunt for another car. The most cars he has had in his driveway at one time is nine. He has no A 1958 Chevrolet Delray. preference in terms of make, model or even vintage. “I have literally owned them all. There is good and bad in everything,” said Hughes. “For me it is really about the character. It doesn’t matter what year or make it is, as long as it has some character that makes it really stand out.” Hughes loves attending show and shines and takes in as many as he can. “I eat, sleep and breathe these shows. I am at every one I can get to and I’ll go anywhere. I love that you get to meet new people. It is just fun and there is always something new,” said Hughes. “You get to hear stories because people come up to you and say their dad, grandfather, cousin, or whoever owned one of these cars. They share all their memories and laughs and it is really quite wonderful. I am kind of addicted to it.” 1947 Lincoln Continental V-12 Coupe. Hot Bakery SPECIALS ASSORTED BROWNIE PLATTERS $ 3 By Scott Hellings 99 PLATTER COME AND SEE OUR NEW AND IMPROVED BAKERY & DELI 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 XL. 1948 Buick Roadmaster Convertible. A 1977 “Smokey and the Bandit” Trans Am. Presents Featuring performances by Jim Cuddy The Skydiggers We are your Community Grocer! MAE WILSON THEATRE FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 25TH, 2015 RECEPTION 6:00PM SHOW 7:00PM 468 LILLOOET ST. W. - MOOSE JAW Tickets available June 19th at the Moose Jaw Cultural Centre Box Office or at SOUTH HILL FINE FOODS (306) 692-1516 MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 • PAGE A9 REFLECTIVE MOMENTS Would pioneers have enjoyed mystery meat? Joyce Walter For Moose Jaw Express The grocery store shelves are lined with hundreds of varieties of tinned and preserved meats, vegetables, pickles, sauces and anything else one’s heart could desire. Pioneers to this land would have stared in bewilderment at the largess of the larders, suddenly not having to worry about what would constitute the next day’s meal. Life for them would have been so much easier if they had had the resources and foodstuffs that we take for granted and seldom think twice about using to save time in our so-called busy lives. I can just imagine a homemaker of yesteryear shaking her head in disbelief if she were asked to compare her busy day to a busy day of today. “What lazy louts,” she would likely think. A busy day in pioneer times meant getting up before the chickens, without a single alarm clock to announce the time. There would be a cow or two to milk by hand, horses and other animals to feed and water, stalls to clean out and eggs to gather. Meanwhile, in the house, the cookstove or perhaps even just a fireplace blaze would be used in the breakfast preparation, a duty that complemented the making of beds, sweeping of floors, lunch preparation for the field or the school house and other duties associated with child rearing and homemaking. Work inside and outside continued all day, with dinner prepared on time, dishes washed, crops seeded or harvested depending on the season, gardens planted, weeded and harvested, provisions put aside for harsh winters, supper on the table, homework supervised, useful lessons like sewing or woodworking taught, some family time after the chores of the evening were completed, and then early to bed and early to rise again. Compare those days with our modern conveniences of electricity, telephone, dishwashers, microwave ovens and robotic vacuum cleaners, plus the addition of fast food outlets, pre-packaged, heat-andserve dinners and tinned meats — those pioneer grannies and grandpaps would have swooned with amazement. But sometimes the modern conveniences aren’t as exciting as might be expected. Take canned meat, for instance. One may purchase flakes of ham, flakes of chicken and flaked turkey, none of which have ever been part of the animal or birds named on the can — no self-respecting turkey ever tasted like those tinned flakes. So why do we buy them? They are quick, usually cheap and easy to zap into a sandwich or as a topping for a salad that needs a bit of meat. Without seeing the name on the can it is almost impossible to tell whether we are enjoying turkey, or maybe because it has a pinkish tone it is ham, but then the chicken is about the same colour. Therefore I have coined the phrase “mystery meat” when telling friends the contents of our luncheon menu. I’ve often used that expression but never once did I think anyone was taking me seriously, that indeed that was the name on the can in the grocery store. Then one day I mentioned buying several cans of “mystery meat” on sale at a local establishment, enough cans to keep us in sandwiches and salads for several months, or until the urge for flakes of something passed. The lady on the other end of the conversation expressed interest and on the very next trip to the store, she searched the shelves so she too could buy “mystery meat”, save a few cents and have something handy in the cupboard in case visitors dropped in. When she returned from her shopping trip, she called to tell me she couldn’t find any tins on the shelves that went by the name of “mystery meat,” suggesting the store must have sold out. After I enjoyed a hysterical moment of laughter at her expense, I carefully explained that “mystery meat” was simply my code for the three flaked meat options. She made rude remarks to me about my vocabulary, but had to laugh when all was said and done. “I’m glad I didn’t ask for a rain check or help from the staff,” she said. If she had it might have been the highlight of the staff’s day, and certainly a story to retell at staff picnics where such “mystery meat” might have a place of honour in the macaroni salad. Even the pioneers would have laughed. Joyce Walter can be reached at ronjoy@ Fans for the Hot and Bothered By Nick Greengrass A protest took place in front of Providence Place on Sunday, June 14th. Some would say a protest but in reality, it was more of a fundraiser than anything else. Instead of raising money, they were raising awareness for the residents and employees of Providence Place, forced to live and work at temperatures as hot as +38 with no working air conditioners. The “protest” only lasted an hour but was successful in drawing plenty of attention to this unfortunate situation and collecting fans for donation. The event organizer, Clay Clysdale (the 1000 Good Deeds Guy) says they collected 10 fans but many were dropped off randomly throughout the week, so an exact number was out of the question. It will be another six-10 weeks before the new air conditioner is running again, so, understandably, everybody involved with Providence Place is concerned about this. People are torn on who to blame and who to talk to but most of them seem to want to see Artsy Garbage By Nick Greengrass Not only does cleaning up the streets do something for making a neighbourhood look great but it can also now be counted on as a way to unite like-minded and creative teenagers and a way to spark real change in society. Axis and Beauti-fi Moose Jaw worked in combination with the City of Moose Jaw to organize the art project; it was a dirty job, considering it was garbage. It’s called “Global Warning” and it can be seen at the Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery entrance, where it will sit until August 19th. The idea is to spread awareness about keeping the community safe and clean and to get youth involved and to let them know they can play an important role within the city. The creations are just what make it all come together. Mayor Deb Higgins officially declared the month of May as a Moose Jaw Pickit-Up city-wide initiative so students have been doing their part picking up the trash anyways; it was the City’s Youth Advisory Committee and Access YMCA who decided to make it into a challenge between schools. “The trophy will be like the Stanley Cup; it will be given to each year’s winner,” said Crystal Froese, co-founder of Beauti-fi Moose Jaw. The trophy was created by local artist Greg Olson. Olson is no stranger to creating things out of recycled materials and the trophy reflects that. “This is just the start,” Crystal continued. “You can only imagine where it will go from here.” Some of the finished pieces are attractive enough to fetch a pretty penny for, but where they end up after the exhibition is anyone’s guess. For instance, Global Warning, a piece created by art students from Grades 10-12 at Riverview Collegiate is a hulking collection of black refuse painted even blacker and welded to what looks like an old coat rack. There’s some piping included, a tire, hubcaps and even a paintball gun and it’s netted together and perched on a painting of earth. It’s striking and provocative and would make for an interesting conversation piece in any gallery anywhere in the world. Nick Penna-Benson and Caitlyn Betker created a garbage can that Nick claims will likely end up in his garage where it will serve as, obviously, a garbage can: A functional piece functional beyond all rationale. “It’s a garbage can;” Nick said, “what better to build with garbage.” Global Warning - created by Grade 10-12 art students at Riverview Collegiate Garbage King - created by Grade 9s at Riverview Collegiate This is a contest, the winning school gets the trophy but the winner is selected by voters who log onto the Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery’s Facebook page and click the Like button of the project of their choice. Nick Penna-Benson and Caitlyn Betker stand beside the garbage can they created out of garbage. more done from local MLA’s, the Five Hills Health Region and Paul Nyhof, the CEO of Providence Place. “My dad is in there. He’s got dementia,” Michelle Wiens said. “To keep the heat down, they have been turning the lights off. That has to contribute to problems.” A lot of small niceties are currently being used inside the care home: Fans, cold cloths, open windows and popsicles are nice but they aren’t solutions. Susanna Fenske’s dad is in there. “He can’t get out of bed because it’s so hot he just lays around naked now. Sweat isn’t good for bedsores.” “We’ve got a thermometer on his wall. When it hits +30 he calls me and I drive in from Mossbank to raise hell,” Susanna continued. It’s just too hot in there. Workers are struggling as much as the residents are. “Go in there; you’ll see nurses standing in front of fans. It’s hard work lifting people in and out of bath tubs,” Wiens said. Karen Purdy (NDP MLA candidate for MJ-Wakamow) was on hand to gin up her fan base. She had this to say: “The most vulnerable people of our society are constantly being dismissed and ignored. We need to have the forethought to prevent these critical incidents from happening.” Providence Place will happily accept any fans you may no longer be using. PAGE A10 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 Moose Jaw Warriors James Gallo, Moose Jaw Warriors, Manager, Communications/ Hockey Administration In early June, the Moose Jaw Warriors announced the promotion of Doug Gasper to Head Scout and Bob Bartlett to Director, Player Development. “I was very impressed in the work Doug and Bob did with our scouting staff, our draft preparation and executing the 2015 WHL Bantam Draft,” commented Warriors General Manager Alan Millar. Gasper, who lives in Saskatoon, originally joined the Warriors in 2007 and was promoted to Assistant Head Scout in 2012. Prior to joining Moose Jaw, Gasper was an area scout with the Prince Albert Raiders from 2005 to 2007 and the Head Scout for the Nipawin Hawks (SJHL) from 2009 to 2012. “Doug is a smart, motivated hockey guy who will work hard and do a great job for us,” said Millar. “I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Alan Millar and the Moose Jaw Warrior Board for giving me this opportunity. The Warriors are a great organization to work for and the fans are very passionate about their Warriors,” said Gasper. “I would also like to thank my wife Kelly and family for their continued support. Scouting in the WHL requires a lot of time away from home and strong family support is very important to success. I look forward to working with Alan and the hockey operations staff to complete our goal of bringing a Memorial Cup championship to the city of Moose Jaw.” Bartlett, who lives in Lethbridge, Alberta, joined the Warriors in 2009 and was promoted to Senior Scout/Manager, USA Scouting and Player Development in 2012. Previously, he scouted for the Lethbridge Broncos from 1974 to 1985, he would later serve as General Manager of the Lethbridge Hurricanes from 1991 to 1995, and under his guidance, they made the playoffs four out of five years and appeared in the 1991 WHL Final. Bartlett has also served as a coach mentor, instructor, and evaluator for Hockey Alberta for more than 20 years and has received several awards. He was inducted in to the Lethbridge Hurricanes/Broncos Hall of Fame in 2011, the Alberta Hockey Hall of Fame in 2010, and the Lethbridge Sports Hall of Fame in 1998. “Bob, with almost four decades of experience, brings a wealth of knowledge and is an invaluable person for myself and our entire hockey operations,” commented Millar. 6th Annual K+S Alumni Golf Tournament... Past and present Moose Jaw Warriors return to the Friendly City July 9 and 10 for the organizations 6th Annual K+S Alumni Golf Tournament. Registration information is available at the Warriors Office, or by calling 306.694.5711. In the past this tournament has raised over $400,000 for the team’s Education Fund. Warriors Kids Camp… The Moose Jaw Warriors summer Kids Camp in partnership with Canadian Tire Jumpstart, will be held August 17 to 21 at Mosaic Place. Assistant Coach Mark O’Leary will be the head instructor, while Head Coach Tim Hunter, current Warriors, and alumni will assist on and off the ice throughout the week. Those taking part in the camp will receive two and a half hours of on ice time each day. Registration information is available at the Warriors Office, or by calling 306.94.5711. 0 Wise customers read the fine print: *, †, Ω, ≥, § The Trade In Trade Up Sales Event offers are limited time offers which apply to retail deliveries of selected new and unused models purchased from participating retailers on or after June 11, 2015. Offers subject to change and may be extended without notice. All pricing includes freight ($1,695) and excludes licence, insurance, registration, any retailer administration fees, other retailer charges and other applicable fees and taxes. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Retailer may sell for less. *Consumer Cash Discounts are offered on select new 2015 vehicles and are deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. †0% purchase financing for up to 60 months available on select new 2015 models to qualified customers on approved credit through RBC, Scotiabank and TD Auto Finance. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Examples: 2015 Ram 1500 Quad Cab SXT 4x4 (25A+AGR) with a Purchase Price of $29,495 with a $0 down payment, financed at 0% for 60 months equals 130 bi-weekly payments of $227 with a cost of borrowing of $0 and a total obligation of $29,495. Ω$10,000 in total discounts includes $8,500 Consumer Cash and $1,500 Loyalty/Conquest Bonus Cash. Consumer Cash Discounts are deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. $1,500 Ram Truck Loyalty/Conquest/Skilled Trades Bonus Cash is available on the retail purchase/lease of 2015 Ram 1500 (excludes Reg. Cab), 2014 Ram 2500/3500 or 2015 Ram Cargo Van and is deducted from the negotiated price after taxes. Eligible customers include: 1. Current owners/lessees of a Dodge or Ram Pickup Truck or Large Van or any other manufacturer’s Pickup Truck or Large Van. The vehicle must have been owned/leased by the eligible customer and registered in their name on or before June 2, 2015. Proof of ownership/Lease agreement will be required. 2. Customers who are skilled tradesmen or are acquiring a skilled trade. This includes Licensed Tradesmen, Certified Journeymen or customers who have completed an Apprenticeship Certification. A copy of the Trade Licence/Certification required. 3. Customers who are Baeumler Approved service providers. Proof of membership is required. Limit one $1,500 bonus cash offer per eligible transaction. Some conditions apply. See your retailer for complete details. ≥3.49% purchase financing for up to 96 months available on the new 2015 Ram 1500 Quad Cab SXT models through RBC, Scotiabank and TD Auto Finance. Example: 2015 Ram 1500 Quad Cab SXT with a Purchase Price of $29,495 (including applicable Consumer Cash and Loyalty Conquest Bonus Cash) financed at 3.49% over 96 months with $0 down payment equals 208 bi-weekly payments of $163 with a cost of borrowing of $4,329 and a total obligation of $33,824. §Starting from prices for vehicles shown include Consumer Cash Discounts and do not include upgrades (e.g. paint). Upgrades available for additional cost. ••With as low as 7.1 L/100 km (40 MPG) highway. Based on 2014 EnerGuide highway fuel consumption ratings. Government of Canada test methods used. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on driving habits and other factors. 10.2 L/100 km (28 MPG) city and 7.1 L/100 km (40 MPG) highway on Ram 1500 4x2 model with 3.0L EcoDiesel V6 and 8-speed automatic. Ask your retailer for EnerGuide information. ¥Longevity based on IHS Automotive: Polk Canadian Vehicles In Operation data as of July 1, 2013, for model years 1994-2013 for all large pickups sold and available in Canada over the last 20 years. ≤Based on 2500/250 and 3500/350 class pickups. When properly equipped. TMThe SiriusXM logo is a registered trademark of SiriusXM Satellite Radio Inc. $ MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 • PAGE A11 % FINANCINGG get up to $ † for 60 monthS 10,000 29,495 PLUS PURCHASE PRICE INCLUDES $8,500 FINANCE CONSUMER CASH,* FOR $1,500 LOYALTY/ CONQUEST BONUS CASHΩ AND FREIGHT. $ BEST-IN-CLASS TOWING ≤ tl in tota total ta discounts *Ω Starting from price for 2015 Ram 1500 Laramie Limited Quad Cab w/ EcoDiesel shown: $55,050.§ CANADA’S MOST FUEL-EFFICIENT Truck EVER •• 2015 RAM 1500 QUAD CAB SXT 4x4 163 3.49 @ BI-WEEKLY≥ % FOR 96 MONTHS WITH $0 DOWN CANADA’S LONGEST-LASTING DIESEL PICKUP ¥ great offers on A 2015 ram heavy duty NOW AVAILABLE 30,000 LB UP TO RAMTRUCKOFFERS.CA PAGE A12 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 TRADING THOUGHTS When mob wins a clash, nobody wins The power of social media was demonstrated again recently when opponents of pipelines trashed Tim Hortons for running an advertisement promoting pipelines. The Canadian coffee icon makes a few extra nickels by running ads on an electronic board shown to the captive audiences in 1,500 doughnut stores. JULY 2, 3 & 4 et, Shop, be One of those ads by Enbridge, promoting the by Ron Walter d down Main Stre an up s. ay w nd ie ur fr yo d t proposed Energy East pipeline from Alberta to Ea up with ol events and meet t ou k ec ch New Brunswick, caught the ire of environmentalists, who bitterly oppose d ne ai entert this pipeline, They got on their handheld devices accessed their Twitter accounts, and let There is just so much to tell you about! Here is a summary of things you can all their followers know about the “inflammatory” ad. Within moments the entire environmentalist universe was “informed.” look forward to at this year’s Moose Jaw Sidewalk Days Festival: : D E D E E N P L E H E G STA the artist get The backlash was phenomenal. The Tim Hortons Twitter message was one and helpmatches ic us m e On all three days, July t2nd 4th, you will find ongoing from of the most viewed in Canada. More than 28,000 people supported a petition liv to n te and lis e orwill Hang ouThe m 10 ed ne e w , High Impact Wrestling. Deja Vu Kid’s Chill Tent & Stage be full, to boycott Tims – all in a few hours. m ready to perfor a .c s including performances by WCMA winning Children’s Rick The Tim Hortons executive suite, with doughnut mix all over their faces, day er@sidewalkperformer, nte ail volu Scott, Magic by Jamie,em juggling, and FunTAZM. Don’t forget, the four yanked the ad immediately and told Enbridge. Moose Jaw Ford Busking Stations will have hourly entertainment all day The issue was over in hours. Or was it? long! Both the Grant Hall and John’s Music Stages will be featuring bands By caving in so quickly, the coffee chain teed off Alberta customers and some people in other oil and gas producing regions. Oil is their lifeblood and from 11:00am - 8:00pm (ending by 9:00pm) anyone who caves to tree-huggers becomes an enemy. THURSDAY, JULY 2ND Even Alberta-based Defence Minister Jason Kenney got on Twitter and gave Tim Hortons some flack. The Scotiabank Songwriters Showcase kicks off the entertainment, followed The media made a joke out of this incident, but there is more at stake in this by outstanding musical performances on both stages. Headliners include: situation than some well-meaning principled people showing their power to Trick Ryder, Sweet Saturday, Andrea L’Heureux, Majetik, River Street and force two giant commercial enterprises to their knees. Random Honesty. What will happen in a world where not necessarily well-informed chatter on Twitter and Facebook forces instant changes to social policy and business FRIDAY, JULY 3RD conduct? With 17 performances on the two main stages, this is our busiest day for We are supposed to be living in a democratic society with a cornerstone sure! There will be something for everyone, including European style fiddle of free speech and processes to discuss and debate ideas on issues, before players Babchouk, folk/world style music with Folk Sanctuary and the achieving a resolution reflecting the majority of opinion. lovely Sarah Harvey. You don’t want to miss names like Highwind, The Where was the discussion and debate in the Tim Hortons situation? There was none. This was mob rule with no discussion, no understanding and no Tilted Kilts, Oddfellas and Moose Jaw favourite The Bromantics! regard for the right of others, large corporations included. TH Of course some of the environmentalists will argue their right to free speech SATURDAY, JULY 4 on these issues was curtailed by federal government refusal in recent pipeline Saturday will be unbelievably busy! Break out the sunblock, and plan to hearings to listen to the “little guy.” They may be right but that doesn’t excuse spend the day! The Wakamow Aboriginal Community Association will have mob rule. some dancers, The Summerfield School of Highland Dance will dazzle you The excesses of mob rule are evident from killing and looting in the French with their ensemble (including full pipe accompaniment!), The Chinese Revolution to the Halifax Riots and more recent Stanley Cup riots in Dragon will make an appearance, as will the CosPlay and Society for Vancouver. Creative Anachronism characters! Of course, you can’t forget about the Air The incident should provide Tim Hortons executives with lessons. Demo featuring our Snowbirds (sponsored by Heritage Inn and Comfort Inn Number One: don’t cave in so easily. Determine first whom else you will Moose Jaw). offend. Number Two: With a reputation like Tim Hortons to protect, why is there a Another full slate of performances, including home town favourite Johnny need to direct other people’s possibly offensive messages to your customers 2 Fingers and The Deformities, The Strutt, Random Honesty and The for a few dollars more? Milkman’s Sons. It will be a fantastic day! That advertising plan has to be one of the year’s dumbest executive strategies. The streets will be lined with food trucks, food vendors and treats everywhere. Enbridge needs to learn slick ads alone are unsuccessful. Environmentalists This will be a Sidewalk Days Festival to remember! We hope to see you - need to be convinced pipelines, compared to rail transport, are the lesser evil. and remember, all information and details are available on Ron Walter can be reached at as well as on our Facebook page! Jacki L’Heureux, Chair Moose Jaw Sidewalk Days Festival From Our Family To Yours Parkview welcomes Jesse Evans Parkview Funeral Chapel is pleased to be the only funeral home in Moose Jaw to offer a GUARANTEE on your pre-paid funeral plan. FIX your funeral service & merchandise costs at TODAY’S PRICES - GUARANTEED. Call Blair or Kelly (306) 694-5500 Blair Scott OWNER/DIRECTOR FUNERAL ATTENDANT Canada Purple Shield Representative 474 Hochelaga St. W Moose Jaw Saskatchewan, S6H 2G9 MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 • PAGE A13 SUBARU WATER PUMPS BLACK LEATHER SECTIONALS 1 LEFT HAND, 1 RIGHT HAND, RECLINER & ADJ. HEADREST 2” x 4.5 HP 4 ONLY NEW MILITARY CLOTHING CANADIAN MADE MILITARY JACKETS 26” SAFETY CONES HEAVY DUTY Retail $65 USED NEW Surplus Surplus Retail $1149 $349 save $800 Retail $4995 Surplus SHIRTS, JACKETS & PANTS $1900 AT BLOWOUT PRICES MOOSE JAW SURPLUS $15 HUGE INVENTORY FROM $20 TO $95 save $50 32 MANITOBA ST. WEST • MOOSE JAW, SASKATCHEWAN THURS-FRI-NOON-6 SAT 10-3 • 306.690.5903 Saskatchewan Festival of Words · Moose Jaw · July 16 to 19, 2015 Experience CanLit Up Close and Personal Schedule Current as of June 10, 2015 (1:37 PM) Schedule subject to change. Thursday July 16 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Kids Ink with Instructor Kevin Sylvester (ages 10-13) Cost is FREE author sponsored by Rotary Club Moose Jaw Wakamow Taylor Room, Public Library 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Living in the Age of the Pitch with Instructor Andrew Pyper Cost $35 Reading Room, Public Library 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Looping Landscapes with Instructor Moe Clark Cost $35 North Studio, Moose Jaw Cultural Centre, Cost $35 Sponsored by the Moose Jaw Cultural Centre 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Storytime for Little Ones with Children's Author Peter Midgley (ages 4 years and up) FREE EVENT Art Museum Theatre, Public Library 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Great Big Book Club Sean Michaels discussing his book Us Conductors Cost $25 South Room, Public Library 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Add Bling to your Book with Substantive Editing with Instructor Peter Midgley Friday July 17 Saturday July 18 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM Steven Heighton Lisa Bird-Wilson Kevin Sylvester Jane Byers Susin Nielsen Greg Simison LOCATION Art Museum Theatre Reading Room South Room Taylor Room 10:10 AM - 11:00 AM Audrey Thomas Gary Geddes Peter Midgley Shayna Stock Deryn Collier LOCATION Art Museum Theatre Reading Room South Room Sponsored by Brenda Walper Bossence James Daschuk Chris Turner Taylor Room 11:20 AM - 12:10 PM LOCATION Dramatic Reading Lisa Bird-Wilson Sean Michaels Guy Vanderhaeghe Art Museum Theatre Reading Room South Room Taylor Room 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM LOCATION Lunch with Lyndon Penner Moderated by Kevin Sylvester St. Andrews Church Hall 6:30 PM Feature Film: My Old Lady starring Maggie Smith and Kevin Kline $10.00 Public Admission (included in pass) Mae Wilson Theatre, Moose Jaw Cultural Centre 9:00 PM Readception Presented by SaskWater at Mosaic Place Conference Centre, 2nd Level Featuring mini readings from: Lisa Bird-Wilson, Jane Byers, James Daschuk, Susin Nielsen, Andrew Pyper, and Greg Simison $20 Public Admission (included in pass) Saskatchewan Festival of Words, 217 Main Street North, Moose Jaw SK, S6H 0W1 Phone: 306-691-0557 Email: Moe Clark Terry Fallis Andrew Pyper Deryn Collier 10:10 AM - 11:00 AM LOCATION Art Museum Theatre Reading Room South Room Taylor Room LOCATION James Daschuk Lisa Bird-Wilson Art Museum Theatre Hyland Memorial Session with Geddes Reading Room & Vanderhaeghe Sponsored by Arts in Motion South Room Poetry Slam Winners Jane Byers Peter Midgley Taylor Room 11:20 AM - 12:10 PM Terry Fallis Chris Turner Lyndon Penner Andrew Pyper Deryn Collier Moe Clark Sean Michaels LOCATION Art Museum Theatre Reading Room South Room Taylor Room 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM LOCATION All Sunday Events Will Be At Mosaic Place Sponsored by Moose Jaw Express with Music by Lorne Deason appearance sponsored by: CBI Julian's Fitness 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM Panel: Backroom Politics and the Power of the Pen with Terry Fallis, James Daschuk, Chris Turner, Jane Byers, and Lisa Bird-Wilson Moderated by Mark Medley 11:10 AM -12:00 PM Panel: Making the Point with Humour with Terry Fallis, Kevin Sylvester Greg Simison, and Susin Nielsen Moderated by Mark Medley $30 Public Admission (included in pass) 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Dramatic Reading Guy Vanderhaeghe Audrey Thomas Lisa Bird-Wilson Deryn Collier Steven Heighton 9:00 AM -12:00 PM 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Saskatchewan Breakfast & Panels Lunch on Your Own Feature with Penner starts at 12:30 Media Sponsor: Moose Jaw Times Herald 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Art Museum Theatre Reading Room South Room Taylor Room 2:40 PM - 3:30 PM LOCATION James Daschuk Art Museum Theatre Sponsored by Heritage Insurance Peter Midgley Lyndon Penner Gary Geddes Greg Simison Teen Read-out Cost $35 Taylor Room, Public Library 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM Audrey Thomas Susin Nielsen Steven Heighton Kim McCullough Sunday July 19 Reading Room South Room Taylor Room Saskatchewan Book Award Winners Gary Geddes Steven Heighton Kevin Sylvester Susin Nielsen Jane Byers Greg Simison 2:40 PM - 3:30 PM Lyndon Penner Andrew Pyper Chris Turner Sean Michaels Terry Fallis Audrey Thomas Art Museum Theatre LOCATIONS KEY Reading Room South Room Taylor Room Art Museum Theatre - Street Level, Public Library Complex Reading Room - Off Main Foyer, Public Library Complex South Room - Upper Level, Public Library Complex Taylor Room - Upper Level, Public Library Complex Mosaic Place - 110-1st Ave. N.W. Conference Centre, 2nd Level Mae Wilson Theatre - 217 Main Street North Bobby's Place - 63 High Street East Moose Jaw Cultural Centre - 217 Main Street North St. Andrews Church Hall - 60 Athabasca St East LOCATION Art Museum Theatre Reading Room South Room Taylor Room Sponsored by CHAB Children's Fund 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM LOCATION 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM LOCATION Friday Feature Chris Turner interviewed by Mark Medley Mae Wilson Theatre Moose Jaw Cultural Centre Saturday Feature An hour with Guy Vanderhaeghe Moderated by Mark Medley Mae Wilson Theatre Moose Jaw Cultural Centre LOCATION Bobby's Place 63 High Street East 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM LOCATION Jackpine Press Broadsheets & Chapbooks Book Launch Upper Lobby Moose Jaw Cultural Centre Individual session tickets available from $10. Full 2015 Festival Pass $200 (a $245 value) Sponsored by Moose Jaw Express 5:30 PM "Live Wires" Trivia Night Sponsored by McDougall Gauley LLP Advance Tickets Required $20 Doors open @ 5:30pmTrivia begins @ 6:00pm 9:00 PM LOCATION Poetry Slam Competition Mae Wilson Theatre with Shayna Stock & Guest Poets Moose Jaw & Special Performance by Moe Clark Cultural Centre $10 Public Admission (included in pass) FREE EVENT 8:30 PM LOCATION Megan Nash and Belle Plaine Live in Concert Sponsored by Casino Moose Jaw Mae Wilson Theatre Moose Jaw Cultural Centre McNally Robinson is the official book seller for the Festival of Words. Visit their Book Shop during the Festival, located in the Discovery Centre, on the Lower Level, Art Museum Complex. PAGE A14 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 Saskatchewan’s Population Continues to Grow Report from the Legislature Saskatchewan continues to be one of the fastest growing provinces in Canada. According to Statistics Canada, as of April 1, 2015, there were 1,134,402 people living in Saskatchewan, Greg Lawrence MLA an increase of 1,762 in the past quarter and an increase of 14,273 in the past year. Saskatchewan had the second highest growth rate among the provinces in the past year and third highest in the past quarter. Our province has now had population growth every quarter for the past 9 years – the longest period of continuous growth since the late 1970s and early 1980s. Building Schools for Saskatchewan Students Our growing population means more than 11,000 students will be attending new state-of-the-art elementary schools in Saskatoon, Martensville, Warman and Regina. Each of these nine new, jointuse schools will include 90 new child care spaces, community space and more. Building schools in fast-growing communities is a priority for our government and, using a P3 model, we will complete this work on-time and on-budget. Construction on the publicly-owned and operated schools is expected to begin this summer and will be ready for students in 2017. Our government is also pleased to support a major renovation and expansion in Gravelbourg that will combine early-learning, elementary and secondary education under one roof. Since 2007, we have committed approximately $948 million toward 65 major school capital projects and numerous smaller projects including preventative maintenance and renewal. Students Saving with Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarships Students who are graduating from Grade 12 this year are now eligible for the $500 Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship. This $500 per year scholarship (to a lifetime maximum of $2,000) is applied to tuition costs at a Saskatchewan post-secondary institution. Since its inception, more than 17,000 Saskatchewan students have been awarded scholarships worth nearly $14 million. In 2015-16, the provincial government is committing $9 million toward the Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship, an increase of $2.3 million from last year. Since 2007, our government has provided $670 million in direct support to students through scholarships, bursaries and grants through the student loan program, the Saskatchewan Advantage Grant for Education Savings and the Graduate Retention Program. More People Working in Saskatchewan Than Ever Before Saskatchewan’s economy is diversified with a broad base of goods and services which has set us apart from other provinces. Our economic outlook is positive – jobs are up, population is up, and other indicators like exports and wholesale trade are making steady gains. New job numbers released by Statistics Canada show that there were 582,700 people working in the province in May 2015, an increase of 4,800 over the previous year. At 4.9 per cent, our province also maintained Canada’s lowest unemployment rate for the 20th consecutive month. Saskatchewan Reports on Patient First Review Progress Saskatchewan has made significant progress addressing patient feedback from its ground-breaking Patient First Review. This includes dramatically reduced surgical wait times and primary health care innovations that are revitalizing health services in rural communities. The focus is now on reducing emergency department waits, improving care for seniors and improving services for people struggling with mental health and addictions. A Patient First Review Update report outlines options under consideration to improve patients’ access to health care, such as recent legislation to pave the way for patients to choose to directly pay a private facility for an MRI scan in Saskatchewan. Other approaches under consideration include a credit system for people who want more choices outside of the province for select services not available in Saskatchewan, and activity-based funding for health facilities. Our government is firmly committed to a health system that puts patients first, and we’ll continue to ask for input and learn from their experiences. Much more work is ahead, but a solid foundation is in place to achieve exceptional patient and family-centred care. Karate Kids Showed Grace Under Pressure Submitted by Nancy Rosnes for Moose Jaw Express On June 6, 2015, members of the Five Hills Chito Ryu Karate Club travelled to Winnipeg, MB to attend the Manitoba Provincial Open 2015. This was the first time to attend this particular tournament. This was one of the larger tournaments attended with a total of 130 athletes competing. Five Hills Karate Club sent 12 athletes, with the youngest one being age four. This was the last tournament of the season. The kids put forth their very best effort one more time and it showed. The twelve competitors brought home a total of 20 medals with nine of those being gold. However, it was not the color of the medals that the kids brought home or that they brought home medals at all that impressed the coaches. Once again, the students showed that their hard work and training pays off and that they can hold their own in a very high calibre tournament. All of the students demonstrated their ability to focus on the task at hand, whether it be kata or kumite, and tune out the spectators, the judges, and the other athletes. They showed grace under pressure during their competitions and represented themselves and their dojo with pride. Instructor Nancy Rosnes said, “What Colin and I saw from our students went far beyond the medals, of course. We saw the past year of hard work that the kids have done, the lessons that we have taught them, the different techniques that we have shown them and how we try to get them to let their bodies react naturally to a situation all come together into a solid performance. From our youngest student, fouryear-old Caley to our oldest student, 15-year-old Owen, we saw them put into action everything that they have learned throughout their season of training. During the kumite (sparring) especially, we saw the students reacting instinctively to the techniques that their opponent was throwing at them. We saw them challenge themselves and try different techniques Manitoba Provincial Open instead of staying with the same one over and 2015 Results over. We saw them Held June 6, 2015 in Winnipeg, MB thinking and being smart, Total of 130 competitors from Manitoba using strategy to set up and Saskatchewan. and execute successful techniques. We saw them Five Hills Karate Club sent 12 competitors accidentally get kicked or ranging in age from 4-51 and brought home punched because while a combined total of 20 medals. these tournaments are Finley Henderson Gold in Kata non-contact, accidents Hannah Henderson Silver in Kata, Bronze in Kumite do happen and that is Caley McFaddin Participation medal in Flag Kumite why we wear protection – Daniel Mcfaddin Silver in Kumite, Gold in Team Kata Joshua McFaddin Bronze in Kumite, Gold in Team Kata gloves and mouthguards. Glen McFaddin Gold in Kata, Bronze in Kumite But we saw our students Brett McLean Gold in Kata, Silver in Team Kata take the kick or the punch, Owen McNabb Gold in Kata, Gold in Kumite and still summon the Brandon Rosnes Silver in Kata, Silver in Team Kata Colin Rosnes Gold in Kumite courage to stand there Kristupas Seirys Gold in Team Kata and say, yes it hurt but I Jacob Selby Bronze in Kata, Bronze in Kumite am ok and I will finish the Silver in Team Kata match. And then carry on, not with a wary or fearful approach but with full on determination are learning respect and humility and to score their points and win the match. commitment. One of the things we love That takes a lot of heart for a seven- most is how everyone from the dojo is supportive of one another, for the wins year-old.” “We are so fortunate to be able to share and the losses. Great family to be a part in the lives of these young people that of!! Karate has so much to offer and we come into our dojo, and in a small are happy to have found what we have way contribute to the growth and been looking for.” development of their character,” said “And that is all that Colin and I have Nancy. “I’ll say again, we don’t teach ever wanted to do. To hear that from our karate. We teach kids to become good parents tells us that we are succeeding people – the karate is an extra and the in teaching these kids the valuable medals at tournaments are a by-product things in life and more importantly, that of their hard work. As one of our parents these kids are soaking up our words said to us - “all my kids know that hard and applying them in their lives outside work has its rewards. It has been a the dojo. And that is worth more than all great experience for all of them. They of the gold medals in the world.” MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 • PAGE A15 WHEN YOU CAN LEASE A NEW F-150 EVERY 2 YEARS THE ALL-NEW 2015 F-150 XLT SUPERCREW 4X4 3.5L Lariat Model Shown • BEST-IN-CLASS TOWING† • BEST-IN-CLASS PAYLOAD† LEASE FOR ONLY STEP UP TO AN ECOBOOST ® ENGINE 349 0% $ • MILITARY-GRADE ALUMINUM ALLOY BODY^ • CLASS-EXCLUSIVE AVAILABLE LED LIGHTING^ @ * OR APR /MO FOR ONLY FOR 24 MONTHS WITH $2,460 DOWN PAYMENT. OFFER INCLUDES $4,500 IN MANUFACTURER REBATES, FREIGHT AND AIR TAX. • CLASS-EXCLUSIVE AVAILABLE 360° CAMERA SYSTEM‡ 1 SELLING SUV IN CANADA FOR THE PAST 8 YEARS 43 $ * MORE PER MONTH # (2007-2014)Ұ THE 2015 ESCAPE SE LEASE FOR ONLY 280 0 $ @ /MO STEP UP TO A 4-WHEEL DRIVE THAT’S LIKE % * APR 129 $ ± BI-WEEKLY FOR 48 MONTHS WITH $1,195 DOWN PAYMENT. OFFER INCLUDES FREIGHT AND AIR TAX. OR FOR ONLY 21 $ * MORE PER MONTH F E AT U R E S • 17" SPARKLE SILVER ALLOY WHEELS • REAR VIEW CAMERA • HEATED FRONT SEATS Titanium Model Shown RECYCLE YOUR RIDE IS BACK • SYNC® VOICE-ACTIVATED COMMUNICATION AND ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM BEST SELLING AUTOMOTIVE COMPANY IN CANADA ɸ Bring in your eligible 2008 or older vehicle and get between 1,000 - $2,500 $ ≠ towards most new 2015 Ford Vehicles. SEARCH OUR INVENTORY AT PRAIRIEFORD.CA AND VISIT YOUR PRAIRIE FORD STORE. Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers only valid at participating dealers. Retail offers may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible raincheckable Ford retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof. Retail offers not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). * Until June 30, 2015, lease a new 2015 Ford F-150 SuperCrew 4x4 XLT 300A package with 3.5L Ti-VCT V6/F-150 SuperCrew 4x4 XLT 300A package with 3.5L EcoBoost® V6/Escape SE FWD 2.5L with Cargo Package (200A)/Escape SE 4WD (200A) for up to 24/24/48/48 months and get 0%/0%/0%/0% APR on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Lease a new 2015 Ford F-150 SuperCrew 4x4 XLT 300A package with 3.5L Ti-VCT V6/F-150 SuperCrew 4x4 XLT 300A package with 3.5L EcoBoost® V6/Escape SE FWD 2.5L with Cargo Package (200A)/Escape SE 4WD (200A) with a value of $36,287/$38,774/$27,139/$27,939 (after $2,460/$2,460/$1,195/$1,195 down payment or equivalent trade in and $4,500/$4,500/$0/$0 Manufacturer Rebate deducted and including freight and air tax charges of $1,800/$1,800/$1,790/$1,790) at 0%/0%/0%/0% APR for up to 24/24/48/48 months with an optional buyout of $23,948/$25,406/$11,734/$13,024, monthly payment is $349/$392/$280/$301, total lease obligation is $10,836/$11,868/$14,635/$15,643, interest cost of leasing is $0/$0/$0/$0 or 0%/0%/0%/0% APR. Additional payments required for PPSA, registration, security deposit, NSF fees (where applicable), excess wear and tear, and late fees. Lease offer excludes options, AC Tax, Green Levy (if applicable), license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI, PPSA (if financed or leased) (a maximum RDPRM fee of $44 and third-party service fee of $4 for Quebec, if leased), administration fees, and any other applicable environmental charges/fees and taxes. Some conditions and mileage restriction of 40,000/40,000/64,000/64,000 km for 24/24/48/48 months applies. Excess kilometrage charges are 12¢ per km for Fiesta, Focus, C-Max, Fusion and Escape; 16¢ per km for E-Series, Mustang, Taurus, Taurus-X, Edge, Flex, Explorer, F-Series, MKS, MKX, MKZ, MKT and Transit Connect; 20¢ per km for Expedition and Navigator, plus applicable taxes. Excess kilometrage charges subject to change, see your local dealer for details. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. ± See lease offer legal marked with [*] symbol for monthly payment lease offer details. Comparison payments are for reference purposes only and are calculated as follows: the monthly payment is annualized (multiplied by 12) and then divided by the comparison period (26 for bi-weekly, 52 for weekly and 365 for daily). For example ($299 X 12) / 26 bi-weekly period = $138, /52 weeks = 69, /365 days = $9.83. ¥ Based on Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association year-end 2007 - 2014 total sales data for utility segment vehicles in Canada. † When properly equipped. Max. towing of 12,200 lbs with 3.5L EcoBoost V6 4x2 Max. payloads of 3,300 lbs/3,270 lbs with 5.0L Ti-VCT V8/3.5L V6 EcoBoost 4x2 engines. Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR vs. 2014 competitors. ^ Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs. GVWR. ‡ LED headlamps, taillamps, and side-mirror spotlights available. Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs. GVWR. ≠ Program in effect from May 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015 (the “Program Period”). To qualify, customer must recycle their vehicle through a Ford dealership by turning in a 2008 model year or older vehicle that is in running condition (able to start and move and without missing parts) and has been properly registered/plated or insured for the last 3 months (the “Criteria”). Eligible customers will receive $1,000 towards 2014/2015 Edge, Flex and 2015 Fusion, Fusion Hybrid, Fusion Energi, Mustang (excluding 50th Anniversary, Shelby GT350), Explorer, Escape and Expedition, $2,000 towards 2015 Taurus, Transit Connect, E-Series Cutaway, Transit Van, Transit Wagon, Transit Cutaway, F-150 (excluding XL 4x2), and $2,500 towards 2014 F-150 (excluding Raptor) and 2015 F-250 to F-550 (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). Vehicles of 2014 model year may qualify for the offer depending on available inventory– see dealer for details. Taxes payable before incentive amount is deducted. To qualify: (i) customer must, at the time of the Eligible Vehicle sale, demonstrate to the dealer / provide the dealer with sufficient proof of Criteria and a signed original ownership transferring his/her vehicle to the authorized recycler; and (ii) the Eligible Vehicle must be purchased, leased, or factory ordered during the Program Period. Limit one (1) incentive per Eligible Vehicle sale, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales if valid proof is provided that the customer has 2 separate qualifying recycled vehicles. Offer is transferable only to persons domiciled with the owner of the recycled vehicle. ɸ Based on year-end 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 total sales figures for light vehicles in Canada from DesRosiers Automotive Consultants Inc. ©2015 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2015 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved. Available in most new Ford vehicles with 6-month pre-paid subscription PAGE A16 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 Sea Cadets Lindale Elementary School Playground Officially Opened Lindale Elementary School officially held their Grand Opening of their new playground on June 17th. Director of Education for the Prairie South School Division Tony Baldwin attended to celebrate the event with the students and staff, as well as many board members. The students have been enjoying the playground for the last couple of weeks since its installation at the end of May and finished off the celebrations enjoying some friendly competition on the monkey bars. Thanks to school fundraisers, Lindale Elementary School raised $25,000 for the structure, with the district putting in the rest for a total of $50,000. The playground will provide years of recess and noon hour fun-times for the kids! Teachers and students gathered to officially open the new playground structure at Lindale Elementary School. Director of Education For Prairie South School Division officially cuts the ribbon to open the new playground. Moose Jaw and Regina Sea Cadets traveled to Blackstrap lake for the annual Spring sail, the cadets learned all aspects of sailing and were able to receive there CanSail certification. In the picture is Petty Officer Tory Boczkowski Moose Jaw; Ordinary Seaman Josh Godlien doing the job of skip on the sailboat Moose Jaw and Ordinary cadet Park Regina. Moose Jaw Real Estate Board Donate $100,000 to the Capital Equipment Campaign Each year families in Moose Jaw are helped through the hard work and dedication of Moose Jaw Realtors to find the home of their dreams. Each and every one of those families at some point will require necessary and critical care services that are only provided at the new Moose Jaw Regional Hospital. At the last meeting of the Moose Jaw Real Estate Board, Moose Jaw Realtors gathered in celebration and left an enduring gift to the Moose Jaw Health Foundation that will help families in Moose Jaw for years to come. Members of the Moose Jaw Real Estate Board presented Foundation Executive Director Kelly McElree with a $100,000 donation to the capital equipment campaign for the hospital’s state-ofthe-art trauma room. With this donation the Moose Jaw Real Estate Board leaves a legacy at our new hospital that will impact critically ill patients for years to come that need emergency medical services. The Moose Jaw Health Foundation greatly appreciates the support of Moose Jaw Realtors for the Foundation’s capital equipment campaign for the new Moose Jaw Regional Hospital. Thank you once again for your generous support. Montessori Year End Fundraiser Yolanda Balaberda, director of the Montessori School of Discovery was pleased with the turnout at the annual year end party and fundraiser. Silent auction items, a concession, ticket sales and sponsors made it possible for this private pre-school/kindergarten to amass funds for next year’s programming. The biggest goal, however, as explained by Yolanda, was to have all the children enjoy themselves. Judging from the smiles that were seen all over the arena, this goal was definitely met. Lucas and Mason enjoy a slide on a bouncy castle Eisley waits patiently for her balloon cat Jackson gets his face painted Noah checks out the ambulance Chase, Hunter and their Dad pose as “tourists” Max turns on the lights of the police car Draven is one of the newest fans of the fire department A wide variety of silent auction items provides another fundraising stream MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 • PAGE A17 Finn Motorsports (Bushell Park, Saskatchewan, Canada) The first round of the Canadian Motorcycle Association (CMA) National Mini Roadracing Championship was completed the weekend of June 13th at 3 Flags Motorsports Park in Lumsden, SK. Carrying momentum from two successful regional rounds already completed this season, the Finn Motorsports team started off the national championship with a strong presence on the podium. Finn Motorsports senior rider, Jonathan Finn (11yrs old), was able to find success at the opening CMA national round. “I was able to get a good launch off the starting line which is something I had been struggling with earlier this season. Keeping my head down and settling into a good race rhythm is really important to get to the front” said Jonathan who was able to find himself on the podium 4 times including 2 race wins in the opening round of the CMA National Championship. Matthew Finn (9yrs old), 2013 Canadian Motorcycle Association (CMA) National Champion, showed dominance off the start by getting the hole shot each of his two races in the national Youth class. Able to keep the challengers behind him for most of the race, Matthew could not hold on to the lead for the finish. “I know I could be strong right off the start but we geared the bike for faster top speed down the straight-away. I wasn’t able to keep them from getting the drive out of the corners on me,” said Matthew, who was able to finish the weekend with two strong 2nd place finishes. With the 2015 racing season underway the Finn Motorsports team continues to prepare for their busiest season yet. Competing in the Pacific Coast, Western Canadian and Alberta regional championships as well as the CMA national championships. The team will travel over 10,000km this season competing at events across western Canada. The team’s next race is the third round of the Pacific Coast Regional Series 21 June at Greg Moore Raceway in Chilliwack, BC. The Finn Motorsports team would like to thank their sponsors. ACROSS 1. Porn 5. Inundation 10. Fuss 14. Container weight 15. Stage between egg and pupa 16. Start over 17. Deranged 19. Norse god 20. Missing In Action 21. Academy award 22. A high-pitched woodwind 23. Grand style 25. Unemotional 27. Alcove 28. Filmmaker 31. Patter 34. Auspices 35. Fury 36. Harbor 37. Potato state 38. Balcony section 39. Arrive (abbrev.) 40. Grownup 41. A type of plastic 42. Part of a lock 44. Apiece 45. Birthing coach S U#5 D Sudoku 3 4 Sudoku #7 2 4 6 1 8 5 3 9 7 2 4 6 1 8 5 3 9 7 6 2 4 5 7 1 8 1 3 6 2 9 5 7 9 4 3 8 9 6 2 8 5 4 7 6 2 9 1 3 8 1 O K U 5 3 2 9 7 8 6 5 1 7 5 9 2 1 8 2 4 8 3 5 7 6 2 7 1 9 5 4 6 Sudoku #5 8 3 7 4 1 2 5 6 9 8 3 7 4 1 2 5 6 9 7 8 3 2 9 4 1 4 5 7 8 6 2 9 6 3 5 1 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 9 7 8 1 6 4 5 3 9 1 2 3 6 9 6 5 7 © 2013 7 5 7 3 5 6 9 4 1 2 8 3 7 1 5 6 2 9 3 7 8 4 9 4 5 2 1 7 8 Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9. 3 Puzzle Solutions 5 Sudoku #8 9 7 5 8 2 4 6 3 6 1 9 7 5 8 2 4 6 3 1 9 7 8 5 7 4 1 8 2 6 2 6 5 9 3 4 1 4 3 7 6 2 5 9 3 9 2 4 7 1 8 1 5 9 3 4 3 8 6 7 5 1 2 6 9 4 1 3 8 6 3 2 9 8 1 5 6 4 2 8 PHIL MICKELSON RICKIE FOWLER RORY MCILROY SERGIO GARCIA VICTOR DUBUISSON ZACH JOHNSON 1 Sudoku #6 5 9 1 4 2 7 8 5 4 3 6 2 1 5 9 6 3 4 2 1 6 8 7 9 7 1 5 3 9 2 4 8 8 6 3 7 3 6 9 1 7 8 8 4 5 7 2 3 6 9 1 5 4 2 9 2 9 6 5 3 7 8 4 1 JASON DAY JIM FURYK JIMMY WALKER JORDAN SPIETH JUSTIN ROSE KEVIN NA MARTIN KAYMER MATT KUCHAR PATRICK REED 7 3 5 5 2 7 8 4 3 6 5 9 1 3 2 7 6 8 9 1 5 4 8 4 2 6 3 1 5 7 ADAM SCOTT BILLY HORSCHEL BROOKS KOEPKA BUBBA WATSON CHRIS KIRK DUSTIN JOHNSON HENRIK STENSON HIDEKI MATSUYAMA J.B. HOLMES 2 4 9 2 3 Can you find the hidden words? They may be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, forwards or backwards. Intermediate Sudoku by KrazyDad, Volume 2, 4 GOLFERS 22. Enemies 24. Assist in crime 26. Threesome 28. Gave out 29. Unrestrained revelry 30. Bobbin 31. WW1 plane 32. Minute opening 33. Expose to radiation 34. Servile flattery 37. False god 38. Former Italian currency 40. Adjoin 41. Line of a poem 43. Put clothing on 44. Annoy 46. Two 47. Insect stage 48. Style 49. Fertilizer ingredient 50. South American country 51. “Oh my!” 53. Bridle strap 56. 56 in Roman numerals 57. A gesture of assent DOWN 1. The base part of a tree 2. Craze 3. Not rural 4. Orange pekoe 5. Tastelessly showy 6. Javelin 7. Killer whale 8. Supervision 9. Father 10. Cavort 11. Decrease 12. Modify 13. Anagram of “Note” 18. Neighborhood 7 W O R D S E A R C H 46. Dispute a claim 50. Applied to a wall or canvas 52. Amount of hair 54. Japanese apricot 55. Distinctive flair 56. Officer 58. Be worthy of 59. Vocalization 60. Monster 61. Utilized 62. Not outer 63. One who accomplishes If you use logic you can solve the puzzle without guesswork. Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers pag if you really get stuck. Flying for Fun PAGE A18 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 Planes are often flying overhead in Moose Jaw, but on June 13 a different kind of plane was in the air. That is because the Moose Jaw Radio Control Aircraft Club held its annual Fun Fly event. It served as an excellent showcase for the hobby and the club itself. “This event is something we put on to let people come out and see what the hobby is all about,” said club member Kerry Olson. “We open it up to members from other clubs, and we have good representation today from Regina, Swift Current, Estevan, and different places like that. There is no competition here today, you come just come out and have fun.” Olson has been involved with the hobby since 1984. He has been part of the local club for several years now and is trying to get his grandchildren interested in flying. Olson enjoys the hobby, noting that is unique. He also enjoys meeting fellow enthusiasts. “I like the camaraderie. I like when people come out from different areas and we can share information with each other. It is a very friendly atmosphere.” The club has around 25 active members. They are associated with the Model Aeronautics Association of Canada (MAAC). Their field is located south and west of YaraCentre. Olson says that a booth at the annual model railroad show has really helped increase the group’s visibility and they have attracted several new members as a result. Planes can be purchased on the Internet from places like eBay. There are also two stores in Regina that sell RC aircraft. Fellow hobbyists can prove to be a valuable resource when searching for parts. Members fly a wide variety of models, including gas or electric planes, and even RC helicopters. Some planes must be built while others come ready to fly. “Now a lot of planes will come off an assembly line where they are basically built and ready to fly, as opposed to spending hours of building them. Some DOWN ON THE CORNER By Scott Hellings planes take 80 to 100 hours to build,” said Olson. to be able to take that initial step and work with “There is that side of the hobby, if you are interested somebody,” said Olson. “If you are interested you in building an airplane and figuring out what makes can try out a flight and see how you feel about it its fly and finding its balance and centre of gravity.” Olson has built several of his own planes. He says before you jump in and buy a bunch of equipment.” he has also accumulated several planes from those It truly is a great hobby for young and old alike. who have left the hobby. He tends to prefer “glow Be sure to check out the Moose Jaw Radio Control engine” planes but notes that lately he has been Aircraft Club’s Facebook for more information. dabbling more in electric models. Olson says that Visit to learn more information on the electric planes have become quite popular in the last Model Aeronautics Association of Canada. few years, particularly with younger people. In fact, advanced technology has helped make the hobby more accessible than ever. “The radios and electronics now are far superior to when I started out. Anybody can get started in the hobby very easily with the Foam Flyers and stuff like that,” said Olson. “The hobby is affordable now for people who are interested. It is easier to get into now, or at least a lot more so than when I got started.” Olson says it is also easier to learn how to fly model planes. He adds that the club has an instructor who can help those new to the hobby get a feel for how the models work. Kerry Olson shows off one of his planes. “It works out pretty nice, Game of Thrones Toilets. Most of us use them daily and in some cases many times a day, butt imagine if they did not perform as expected. What measures would you take to “rect”ify the “sit”uation? How far would you “go” for relief? Well, in the USA they will break the law to maintain a normalcy in their bathroom routines and by Dale “bushy” Bush it is all due to the game of thrones between Canada and the USA. A battle over toilets being smuggled into the States from Canada is happening and the $#it is about to hit the fan. What the heck? It all began a few years ago when the American smartypantsknowitallguys forecast that water would be in short supply and began to discover ways to use H2O more efficiently. It was discovered that every time someone sat on the toilet to do their “thing,” and enjoy a crossword puzzle, their “thing” required about five gallons of water to be flushed down the “poop chute.” Multiply that by a few times a day and then multiply that by the population of the USA and you could fill thousands of Olympic sized swimming pools with…water, and other stuff, but mostly water. The smartypantsknowitallguys figured that the population could use the throne less or the throne could use less. The population would not “go” less, so they decided to use less, and then made it a law to use less water per flush on all new toilets sold in the States. The old standard for flushing in the USA was 5 gpf (gallons per flush) or about 18 liters and the new standard was reduced to 3.5 gps or about 13 liters. The wise use of water is a big deal so the USA made it a law to use low flush toilets but it was discovered that using less water per flush was not getting the job done and at times, a second flush was needed to complete the task. When the American law went into effect, it opened a whole new market for Canadian toilet manufacturers who still manufacture the “old” five gallon thrones as well as manufacturing the new lower capacity toilets. Unable to legally import 5 gpf toilets it wasn’t long before the inevitable happened and border agents began to intercept smuggled “full flush” Canadian toilets with increasing “regularity.” Strangely, this is not the first time that toilet smuggling has occurred between the two countries and again it was the Americans smuggling black market toilets from the Canucks. Before the new millennium, green minded Americans found it difficult to get the 3.5 gallon “low flush” toilets and they became the smuggled toilets of choice among eco-minded green poopers who became flushed with excitement with each exciting flush. Isn’t it ironic that after it became a law in the States the old full flushers were needed to get the job done and it made me wonder if there was just a change in efficiency or if there was just more to flush. With the obesity problem plaguing the USA, and Americans being Americans I believe there is just simply more to flush, so it is no wonder they need the maximum flush and the cost is water under their bridge. We all are aware of how precious water is and it is sad that there must be laws to enforce common sense in the first place, but it must be done to help prevent a shortage in the future. In Canada we have been trying to use less water on a volunteer basis by retro-fitting duo-flush units on older toilets and offering low and ultra-low flush biffys for new installations. For the cheap-os out there (me) there is the tried and true, not to mention cheap, old school method of water conservation. If it is brown flush it down, and if it is yellow let it mellow. I hope you do not need an explanation of that old adage, or a demonstration. Toilets are a big business for doing ones business and the science guys are constantly developing more efficient ways to waste not want not. Pressure assisted low flush toilets can be very expensive as can be an “electric” toilet that composts your poopies so you can put it in your garden to grow vegetables. That may sound like a good idea to a science fella but to me it kind of sticks in my throat…from the bottom up. What will the smartypantsknowitallguys come up with next to keep our waste from being wasteful? I am not sure, butt I am sure it will all work out in the end…after the paper work. EXPRESS.COM – March 1 - 7, 2012 Unless you’re the lead dog, the view never changes. MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 • PAGE A19 FREE PERSONAL CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS ccept personal accept personalclassifi classifieds edsthrough throughour ourwebsite websitewww. www. Weewill willpublish publishyour yourclassifi classifieds eds oorun runyour yourclassifi classifieds edslonger, longer,please pleaseresubmit resubmittotothe the T V Channel Guide G Looking for No NoComputer? Computer?We Wecan cantype typeyour yourad adfor foryou you:):) MOOSE U Dropropyour I D E personal classifi ed ad off at 32 Manitoba your personal classified ad off at 32 ManitobaSt. St.W. W. Bell Shaw Sasktel Star Choice ExpressVa Express should resemble the following: Express should resemble the following: 2theMoose WTVS WTVS 56 364 ninthe Express. MooseJaw Jaw Express. CBKFT 270Kris -- ics3from 1990’s,CBKFT 200 issues. mics from s,over over13 issues. ris306-123-4567 5 CFRE CFRE 115 ur 6ad in. our adwill willbe beplaced placed in. CKCK CKCK 02 4 315 urns urnswhen whentyping typingyour yourclassifi classified ed 7 WEAT Weather Net 17 505 398 ===”. ===”.(you (youget getthe theidea) idea) 8 WDIV WDIV 04 360 N ALL IN ALLCAPITAL CAPITALLETERS:) LETERS:) ess ads. To learn more about advertising your CBKT CBKT 09 about advertising 3 306 ness9 ads. To learn more your ail ail11 WWJ WWJ 62 362 12 WXYZ WXYZ 07 361 13 SCN SCN 19 266 352 14 YTV Youth TV 11 552 543 15 TREE Treehouse 91PORTS553 546 S HIGHLIGHTS 16 NW Bell CBC Newsworld 15 AUTO 502RACING390 sktel Star Choice ExpressVa 23 17 NNET CTV Newsnet 16Thursday, 501February391 364 1:00 p.m. 48 SPEED NASCAR The Score 111Racing Sprint 410 Cup: Duel 403at 270 18 SCORE (HD) - 19 TSN TSN 110Daytona. 400 400 5:30 p.m. 48 SPEED NASCAR 4 315 Racing NASCAR Camping 24 408 418 17 20 NET 505 Sportsnet 398 World Truck Series Final - 21 HGTV HGTV 360 102Practice: Daytona. 600 564 (HD) 3 February 24 22 VISIONVision 306 TV - Friday,261 394 362 3:00 p.m. 48 SPEED NASCAR M3 361 13Racing Camping 571 581 World - 23 M3 Series: Daytona, 19 24 MM 266 Much Music 352 12Truck 570 580 Qualifying. (HD) 11 552 543 6:30 p.m. 48267 SPEED NASCAR 25 EDACC Edaccess 351 Racing Camping World 91 553 546 Truck Series: Daytona. 100 602 568(HD) 15 26 W 502 W 390 Friday, March 2 16 27 SLICE 501 Slice 391 101 601 562 12:00 p.m. 48 SPEED NASCAR 111 410 403 Racing Nationwide Series: 28 BRAVO Bravo 73 620 523 110 400 400 Phoenix, Practice. (HD) AV2 Encore418 Ave. 2 205 p.m. 48 SPEED 24 29 ENC408 1:30 NASCAR Sprint Cup: Phoenix, 102 30 A&E600 A&E 564 70Racing 615 520 Practice. (HD) 261 394 3:00 p.m. 48 SPEED NASCAR 31 - Racing 363 13 31 WUHF 571 WUHF 581 Nationwide Series: Phoenix, Final Practice. 12 32 CNN570 CNN 580 50 500(HD) 4:30 p.m. 48 SPEED NASCAR 267 351 Country Music TV 14Racing Sprint 575 Cup: Phoenix, 583 33 CMT 100 602 568 Final Practice. (HD) 34 SPIKE Spike TV 134 628 584 101 601 562 Saturday, March 3 73 35 TLC 620 Learning523 Channel 12:00 71 p.m. 48521 560 SPEED NASCAR 205 Racing Nationwide Series: 36 DISC Discovery 51 520 505 Phoenix, Qualifying. (HD) 70 615 520 1:30 p.m. 48617 SPEED NASCAR Showcase 75Racing 522 - 37 SHOW363 Sprint Cup: Phoenix, 50 38 TOON500 Qualifying. (HD) Teletoon 90 555 545 14 575 583 Sunday, March 4541 30 FAM Family 130 557 134 628 584 1:30 p.m. 31 WUHF NASCAR 71 40 PCH521 WPCH 560 17 131Racing Sprint 294 Cup: Subway 529 Fresh 500. 51 520 505 41 COM Comedy Net 74 626 547 75 617 522 BASKETBALL Classic 132Saturday,- February539 90 42 TCM555 Turner 545 25 130 43 FOOD 557 Food Network 541 103 p.m. 40603 561 12:30 PCH College 131 294 529 Basketball LSU at 44 OUT626 Outdoor547 Life 115Mississippi. 411 (HD) 457 74 1:00 p.m. 11 WWJ College History539 TV 55Basketball522 516 132 45 HIST Regional 103 46 SPACE 603 Space 561 Villanova at 528 72Coverage.627 Georgetown or UCLA at 115 411 457 - Arizona. (HD) 609 55 47 AMC522 AMC 516 1:30 p.m. 59 WSBK College 72 48 FSR 627 Fox Sports 528 Racing 113 417 406 Basketball North Carolina State at Clemson. 609 49 TROP TV Tropolis 135 619 525 3:00 p.m. 11 WWJ College 113 417 406 Basketball Missouri at392 50 SHOP Shopping 21 660 135 619 525 Kansas. (HD) 21 54 MTV660 Music TV 392 2540 PCH College 581 Basketball 566 Florida at Georgia. (HD) 25 581 566 55 MC1 Movie Central 1 200 Sunday, February 26 200 1:00 p.m. 11 WWJ College 56 MC2 Movie Central 2 201 201 Basketball Pittsburgh at 202 57 MC3 Movie Central 3 202Louisville. -(HD) 203 3:00 p.m. 11 WWJ College 58 MC4 Movie Central 4 203 Basketball Big Ten Wildcard: 223 296 654 Teams TBA. (HD) 222 59 WSBK 298 WSBK 653 38 223 296 654 6:00 p.m. 19 TSN 2012 NBA All221 651 60 KTLA295 KTLA 05 222Star Game298(HD) 653 714 28 221Tuesday, 295February651 272 61 WGN145 WGN Local 761 09 7:00 p.m. 19 TSN NBA 273 88 TVA 126 TVA 730 - Basketball -Toronto Raptors 714 at Houston Rockets. (HD) 20 516 89 TV5 512 TVCinq/TV 5 272 145 761 18 396 Wednesday, February 29 90 RDI RDI 273 126 730 VALUE EXPRESS ~ MOOSE JAW, SK 108 SASK SK Legislature 20 516 109 CPAC CPAC 18 512 396 with withaamin. min.$2 donation donationthat thatwill willgo gotowards towardsRiverside iversideMission. Mission. AUTO RACING Dollars Banner *2 in JUNE 25 - JULY 8, 2015 48 FSR NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup Series: Toyota - Save Mart 350, Final Practice. Saturday, June 27 7:00 p.m. 40 PCH College 12:00 p.m. 48 Auburn FSR NASCAR Basketball at Alabama. (HD)Cup Series: Racing Sprint Saturday, March 3 Toyota - Save Mart 350, 1:00 p.m. 11 WWJ College Practice. LSU at Auburn or Basketball Pac-12 Wildcard Game. (HD) 3:00 p.m. 11 WWJ College Sunday, June 28 Basketball Louisville at Syracuse. (HD) 1:00 p.m. 19 TSN NASCAR Sunday, 4 Racing SprintMarch Cup Series: 12:00 p.m. 12 WXYZ NBA Toyota - Save 350. Basketball NewMart York Knicks at Celtics. From TD 48Boston FSR United SportsCar Garden in Boston. (HD) Series 1:00 p.m. Racing 11 WWJWatkins CollegeGlen Basketball Missouri Valley International. Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. From St. Louis. (HD) Sunday, July 5 HOCKEY 3:00 p.m. 8 WDIV Auto Racing Thursday, February 23 Global 6:00 p.m. RallyCross 19 TSN NHLSeries: Hockey San Jose Sharks at Toronto United States Military Base. Maple Leafs. (HD) (HD) Friday, February 24 5:00 p.m. p.m. 19 8 WDIV NASCAR 6:00 TSN NHL Hockey Montreal Canadiens at Racing Sprint Cup Series: Washington Capitals. (HD) Coke Zero 400. (HD) 25 Saturday, February 1:00 p.m. 9 CBKT NHL Hockey St. Louis Blues at Winnipeg Jets. (HD) 4:00 p.m. 18 SCORE Monday, JuneCollege 29 Hockey Minnesota at Nebraska-Omaha. 5:00 p.m. 20 NET MLB 6:00 p.m. 9 CBKT NHL Hockey Baseball Boston RedatSox at Washington Capitals Toronto Maple Leafs. (HD) Toronto Blue Jays. 9:00 p.m. 9 CBKT NHL Hockey Philadelphia Flyers at Tuesday, June Calgary Flames. (HD)30 BASEBALL February 5:00Monday, p.m. 20 NET MLB 27 7:30 p.m. 20 NET NHL BaseballEdmonton Boston Red Soxatat Hockey Oilers Winnipeg Jets.Jays. (HD) Toronto Blue 8:00 p.m. 19 TSN NHL Hockey St. Louis Blues at Calgary Thursday, Flames. (HD) July 2 Wednesday, 29 5:00 p.m. 20 NETFebruary MLB 7:00 p.m. 19Boston TSN NHL Baseball RedHockey Sox at Toronto Maple Leafs at Chicago Blackhawks. Toronto Blue Jays. (HD) Thursday, March 1 Friday, July 6:00 p.m. 9 CBKT NHL3Hockey Minnesota Wild at Montreal 5:00 p.m. 20 NET Canadiens. (HD)MLB 8:00 p.m. 20Toronto NET NHL Hockey Baseball Blue Jays Calgary Flames at Phoenix at Detroit Tigers. Coyotes. (HD) Friday, March 2 Monday, July 6 9:00 p.m. 20 NET NHL Hockey Calgary Flames at Anaheim 6:00 p.m. 20 NET MLB Ducks. (HD) Baseball Toronto Blue Jays Saturday, March 3 at p.m. Chicago White Sox. 6:00 9 CBKT NHL Hockey Toronto Maple Leafs at Montreal Canadiens. Tuesday, July 7(HD) 9:00 p.m. 9 CBKT NHL Hockey Buffalo Vancouver 6:00 p.m. Sabres 20 NET at MLB Canucks. (HD) Baseball Toronto Blue Jays Sunday, March 4 at Chicago White Sox. 3:00 p.m. 61 WGN NHL Hockey Chicago Blackhawks at Wednesday, July 8 Detroit Red Wings. (HD) 6:00 p.m. 20 NET MLB PAGE 1 Baseball Toronto Blue Jays at Chicago White Sox. bed, 2 baths & office. Open living/dining. Finished basement. Appliances included. Detached double insulated garage (possible heat). Gorgeous fenced landscaped large yard (3 lots) - a gardener’s dream. Great location - 20 mins. To M.J., 60 mins. to Regina, 30 min. to Estate Sale: 2008 Buick Allure K+S. 2100 Sq. ft. Priced to sell. Thursday, June 25 5:30 p.m. 19 TSN CFL Football CXL. Leather heated seats, 3.8 $149,900. Call 306-788-4888. Engine. afHT 306-631-7698 CLEANI RIGCall Ottawa RedBlacks at NG Wter= 5:00 P.M. J R Montreal Alouettes. 145 Real Estate state 9:45 p.m.ea 58 HBO Boxing 150 Computers omputers Timothy Bradley vs. Jessie & Technology echno o y Vargas. Timothy Bradley Jr. 155 Music & Instruments usic nstruments 160 takesMiscellaneous onisce Jessie Vargas for the aneous 165 Household vacant WBO welterweight ouseho dItems tems title, 170 Children’s hi dren sItems tems 12 rounds. 175 For orSale ae 180 Lawn & Garden Lawn arden FOOTBALL 185 Sports ports 190 ForPets Places ets 105 AutosLike... 195 Legal Le a Notices otices 200 Yamaha Lost Found 2001 dual purpose Lost& 50cc ound 205 Wanted scooter - anted aftermarket body pan210 Services er ices- 306-693-4861 els - $1250.00 215 Work or Wanted anted Estate Sale: 1977 Mercury 220 Help e pWanted anted Grand Marquis. Loaded, A1 conCheck out more 225 Garage ara eSales a es dition, only 104,000 KM. deals online at:Call 230 Community, Events, ommunity ents 306-631-7698 after 4:00 P.M. Meetings & Occasions eetin s ccasions 110Wright Auto Team Parts Call on the Friday, June 26 Joan & Roy 7:00 p.m. 19 TSN CFL Football Vehicle cargo roof rack - $5 P: 692-0627 • C: 690-6610 306-681-8749 Hamilton Tiger-Cats at Calgary Stampeders. 120 RV’s & Marine Saturday, June 27 Commercial Cleaning 19 Ft. 211 Super Sport Trailer. Done Right Max 3000 mileage, dual wheels, 4000lbs capacity, sleeps seven, roof air, awning, TV, VCR, AM, FM, 1 1/2 bunks, cherfield, 2 door - 2 way fridge, thermostat furnace, 4 125 Trailers - 15” wheels w/ spare. $10,000 24 1/2 Jayco Cabin Trailer - air/ firm. 306-693-3063. shower/fridge & stove; tandem 135etc. Tools Equipment axle, Call&693-1591. 12 Volt135 rechargeable drill 2 batEquipment teries - original box - $50.00 Lawnmowers & Roto Tillers for 306-693-4861 3sale. prongCall hay693-1591. fork - $2 306-6816 or more tow rope slings. Call 8749 693-1591. For Sale: John Deere 3 ft. by Calgary Stampeders at 110 Autos Parts 1 -ft.10:with Mitre Call 6931.5 6 insaw. wooden sides Montreal Alouettes. 1984 Dodge 3/4 Ton Truck Top- on1591. 410/3.5 - 4 in air tires. Ph. Saturday, July693-1591 4 per - 318 Motor. Call 972-9172 Real Estate 24:00tires -245-75R16 M&S Wood145 p.m. 19 TSN CFL mechanics creeper - $5 Goodyear,no 826 Athabasca st. w.2011 Football BC rims,$20.00/pair Lions at Ottawa 306-681-8749 , 2RedBlacks. -8 bolt regular rims with For 3 Sale: bdrm,Black 2 bath, Stainless & Decker worktires.9.50R16.5LT rib.$30.00/ mate Appliances,Fenced (vinyl), 14 x with Craftsman miter GOLFwith various gauge. pair. , 5 mags 692-3248 24 Deck, Sod, automatic Uggs, tires on them.All June 16”.Very Sale:garage 1/2 HPand & much 3/4 HP Elec finished more. Saturday, 27 wide For tires.$15.00 per tire with rim., motors. Asking 692-3248 $384,900 Call 97212:003263 p.m. 31 WUHF Golf U.S. 692 For Sale: 7 inch & 6 inch hand 1026 /Text403-505-3342 Senior Open Championship, ice augers in like new condition. Third Round. (HD) 692-3248 1:00 p.m. 5 CFRE 11 WWJ For Sale: Lots of small hand PGA Tour Golf Travelers tools all in excellent condition. Ron Kruse Championship, Third Round. 692-3248 experience (HD)With over 35 years of renovation For Sale: Bostich hand stapler with large assortment of staSunday, June 28 FREE ESTIMATES ples. 692-3248 12:00 p.m. 31 WUHF Golf U.S. Sale: assortment of drill bits 694-1632 630-7104 For Senior Open Championship, in excellent condition. 692-3248 Final Round. (HD) 145 Real Estate 1:00 p.m. 5 CFRE 11 WWJ PGA Tour Golf Travelers Superb - South Hill. Close to Championship, Final Round. several schools, bike & walk(HD)F r a m i n g S t u d i o ing trails. Bright open LV/DI/KI. WeSaturday, bring the art July of framing 4 to you! 4 Bedrooms & 2 baths. Master bedroom XL walk-in closet/ 1:00 We p.m.can 5 CFRE 11 WWJ soaker tub.and Detached garage & do your CUSTOM PRINTING FRAMING! PGA Tour Golf Greenbrier shed. 306-630-2323. 609 Fine art prints • Art paper • Photo paper • Canvas DuffClassic, Third Round. (HD) ield stframing! w. $286,900. Comfee And we still do custom listing #615104. Sunday, July 5 Greatartplace to call home in MarAll your framing needs from to shadow boxes 1:00 p.m. 5 CFRE 11 WWJ quis - Character home with herCall TODAY 694-4790! PGA Tour Golf Greenbrier itage touches. 3 generous sized Classic, Final Round. From The Old White TPC at The Greenbrier in White Sulpher Springs, W.Va. (HD) 3:00 p.m. 19 TSN CFL Football Edmonton Eskimos at Toronto Argonauts. 6:00 p.m. 19 TSN CFL Football 105Blue Autos Winnipeg Bombers at Saskatchewan Roughriders. 1980 ford F250 3/4 ton super cab truck.was parked Thursday, July 2here in 2007.It was running and need6:30a p.m. 19 TSN CFL Football ed muffler.Has a new drive Hamilton Tiger-Cats at shaft.Gas has had stabelizer in Winnipeg Blue Bombers. . it each year.Batteries removed as they Friday, froze.$800.00, July 3 Contact 692 3263 5:30 p.m. 19 TSN CFL Football R J HOME REPAIR Thunder Creek House for sale: In St Victor Sask. Small two bedroom house & 3 lots. Will sell house & lot or sell lots separately or sell house & lots all 3 in one package. Ph. 306-972-9172 160 Miscellaneous Newly built solid wood love seat bench - $40 306-681-8749 Shed antlers - $5 each 306681-8749 15 gallon metal barrel, great for garage garbage can - $5 306-681-8749 For Sale: 2 Simplicity window air con 5200 BTU. Ph. 972-9172 For sale: Rebuilt Lewis cattle oilers. Ph. 972-9172 New with tags NASCAR Joe Gibbs racing hat - $20 306681-8749 Stool with wheels - $2 306681-8749 For Sale: assortment of outdoor extension cords. 692-3248 For sale: Movie camera projector $15. Phone 692-1365 For sale: Coleman camp stove $10. Phone 692-1365 For sale: Men’s cowboy boots size 9 1/2 $5. Phone 692-1365 For sale men’s & ladies 10 speed Peugeot bikes. Best offer. 306 692 8778 165 Household Items Freezer for sale- chest type, 12 cu ft., $150. Call 306-681-6976 Danby black bar fridge - no freezer - like brand new $75.00 - 306-693-4861 Older bar size freezer - doesn’t look pretty but works great $40.00 - 306-693-4861 For sale: 1- pine round wooden table, 5 ft. by 3 ft. with one leaf & 4 chairs. Ph. 306-972-9172 For sale: 1 - 5 ft. by 2 ft. chrome - 3 glass bathroom storage shelf. Ph. 306-972-9172 Central Lutheran Church Half Banner 2 in for walking 3 to 4 hours... VALUE EXPRESS ~ MOOSE JAW, SK ord Classified Ads & Classified Display Ads ommunity Events les & Press releases appear in the following week’s paper eases will be used where space is permitted BOXING CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY SAVINGS?? L June 26 Saturday, June 27 Friday, 105 Autos utos 1:00 48 FSR NASCAR 110 p.m. Auto utoParts arts Racing Sprint Cup Series: 115 Motor otorBikes i es & Snowmobiles Toyota - Save Mart 350, nowmobi es 120 RV’ss& Marine Practice. arine 125 Trailers 4:30 p.m.rai 19 ers TSN NASCAR 130 Farms, Supplies arms uppSeries: ies Racing Sprint Cup & Livestock Li estoc Toyota - Save Martuipment 350, 135 Tools oo s& Equipment 140 For Rent Practice. or ent V G G U U II D D E E V n is our ee y ead ine for: SIZED SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS PAGE 1 Delivering about 400 papers… *Routes, rates & time may vary… Contact or but it's still the best carrier pay in the industry. Joelle at 306-694-1322 between 9am and 4pm. June 28th, 2015 10:30am Worship Service Theme: “Unclean Hands” 7:45am Radio Ministry CHAB Our doors are open, come join us! 27 Hochelaga Street West - Moose Jaw • (306) 694-5575 PAGE A20 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 Money Problems? WEEKDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 Start fresh. We can help. Marla Adams CPA, CA, CIRP Trustee in Bankruptcy FREE consultation 1-800-961-DEBT (3328) . Deloitte For sale: 1 - round pedestal bathroom sink. Ph. 306-9729172 For Sale: 1 - TV & small black roller stand. Ph. 306-972-9172 For Sale: Oak Bedroom set in excellent condition. 692-3248 Double brass headboard - $5 306-681-8749 For sale: Stylish hanging trilight $20 Phone 692-1365 For sale: Coffee maker $5. Phone 692-1365 For sale: set of 3 framed pictures $20. Phone 692-1365 For sale: Glass cake pedestal & cover $2. Phone 692-1365 For sale: Electrolux vacuum cleaner. Comes with bags & parts. $100.00. Phone 624-0426. 2103 11th Avenue Regina, SK 210 Services Will pick up, move, haul and deliver any appliances anywhere - $30 and up 306-6818749 Will do house cleaning. Please call 690-2741 Junk to the dump - $30 and up 306-681-8749 230 Community, Events, Meetings & Occasions Open house at Crestview Manor, 1325 Wolfe Ave was held on Saturday May 23 2015 from 2 - 4 PM. We were very pleased to have 43 guests and 49 residents attend the Open House, applications were handed out along with viewings of units 175 Farm Produce for those interested in being on Bison meat - individual cuts or the waiting list. We would welcarcass portions. Marshall L come inquires. Patterson D.V.M 306-475-2232 Newly built assorted birdhouses - $3 each 306-681-8749 For Sale: 16 in / 40 cm 25cc Craftsman weed eater. Ph. 972-9172 For Sale: 1 - 21 in Craftsman 6.75 gas lawnmower easy start, rear bagger, high wheel. Ph. 306-972-9172 St. Barnabas Traditional Anglican Parish Holy Communion B.C.P. Sunday 10:00 am Worshipping at Parkview Chapel 474 Hochelaga St. West – Moose Jaw Coffee & fellowship after the service. For more information contact: Rev. Glenn Galenkamp, Rector 306-691-2715 or Larry & Dianne Hellings 306-693-6701 All Are Welcome! Better Water Solutions for your entire home. Better water for better living High quality water delivered to your home or office Better water brings out the best in your family 270 Caribou St. W. June 25 - July 1 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 5:30 Sesame St. Cat in the Curious Curious (1:57) Arthur Odd Squad Wild Kratts Varied PBS NewsHour Business Varied Telejournal Varied Dre Grey, anatomie Movie Par ici l’été Mange Princess ET Canada The Talk Days of our Lives Meredith Vieira Debt/Part Young & Restless Global Nat. CTV News Regina The Social The Dr. Oz Show Cleveland Cleveland Dr. Phil Varied Programs (10:00) Sea to Sea Across Canada Across Canada EarthWatch One Today Ellen DeGeneres Show News Inside Ed. Local 4 News at 5 News NBC News Wheel Jeopardy! CBC News Now Recipes Stefano Steven and Chris Republic of Doyle Dragons’ Den CBC News: CBC News: The Talk Millionaire FamFeud Steve Harvey Dr. Phil The Insider CBS News FamFeud FamFeud General Hospital The Dr. Oz Show The Now Detroit 7 Action News at 5pm News World News News The List PAW Patrol Tiga Talk Varied Programs CityLine The Price Is Right Let’s Make a Deal Rated A for Rated A for Nerds Squirrel Almost Sidekick Wayside Kid vs. Kat Sidekick Chucks SpongeBob Varied Zack and Backyard Team Umiz. Ready, Peppa Pig Wally Trucktown Bubble Octonauts Backyard Zack and Mike-Knight CBC News Now CBC News Now With Diana Swain Power & Politics Amanda Lang CTV News Channel Power Play CTV News Channel (11:00) Brady & Walker Prime Time Sports With Bob McCown Varied Programs Varied Programs Soccer World Cup Varied Programs Varied Programs Sportsnet Varied To Be Announced Rehab Rehab Varied Programs Holmes Makes It Right Bryan Decked Out Varied Programs Hope Island Sue Thomas F.B.Eye Marcus Welby, M.D. Poirot Emily of New Moon Murder, She Wrote Mike Cash Cab Cash Cab Corner Gas Cleveland Mike The Mentalist The Social James Corden Conan Jimmy Kimmel Live Tonight Show-J. Fallon Prince Simpsons Varied Programs Ellen DeGeneres Show Rescue Air Dogs Jetstream The Social The Marilyn Denis Show Dr. Phil Varied Programs Love It or List It Property Brothers Movie Varied Programs Property Brothers Friends Friends Varied Programs Friends Friends Surviving Evil Surviving Evil Flashpoint Cold Squad The Listener Criminal Minds Flashpoint Person of Interest Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Varied Programs Hot Bench Hot Bench Maury Judge Judy Judge Judy The People’s Court Mod Fam Mod Fam Big Bang Varied CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Jake Tapper The Situation Room Erin Burnett OutFront CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Spotlight Varied Programs Gags Varied Programs Couple Varied Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Varied Love; Lust Varied Programs Varied Programs How/Made How/Made Daily Planet (11:00) Movie Hawaii Five-0 NCIS NCIS Varied Programs Beauty and the Beast Detention Johnny T Rocket Camp Johnny T Spies! Amazing The Day My Spies! Pokémon Rocket Rocket Lalaloopsy A.N.T. Farm Win, Lose Wizards Wizards Good Luck Phineas A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm Good Luck Phineas Jessie Judge Judge Hot Bench Hot Bench King King The Middle The Middle Seinfeld Mod Fam Big Bang Big Bang Frasier Frasier Big Bang Big Bang Corner Gas JFL Just for Laughs Gags Gags Frasier Frasier Rachael Ray’s Cutthroat Kitchen Chopped Diners Diners Chopped Varied Food Food Storage Storage Liquidator Liquidator Varied Programs I Shouldn’t Be Alive Storage Storage Storage: NY Storage Canadian Pickers M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Varied Programs Stargate SG-1 Castle Star Trek: Next Star Trek: Voyager InnerSPACE Scare Tac. Stargate SG-1 Varied Programs Pinks - All Out Car Warriors Dangerous Varied Pass Time Pass Time Motorcycle Racing Border Border Security Security The Dead Files Ghost Adventures Gotta Eat Eat St. Moves Moves Varied Programs Degrassi Degrassi Student Breaker Friendzone Friendzone Ridiculous. Fantasy Breaker Student Varied Degrassi The People’s Court Raising Friends King King Mike Mike Two Men Two Men Big Bang Big Bang Jerry Springer Maury KTLA 5 News at 1 Maury KTLA 5 News at 3 Bill Cunningham Maury Bill Cunningham Maury WGN Evening News Two Men Two Men TVA West TVA West Varied Programs Journal Chiffres Plus belle Plus belle Tout-monde Quest. Journal Varied Programs (11:30) RDI en direct Le Téléjournal RDI Le National Économie 24/60 Saskatchewan Legislature Saskatchewan Legislature Question Period House of Commons Varied Programs Scrums Revue THURSDAY EVENING 6:00 180 Lawn & Garden 306.693.0606 2 WTVS 3 CBKFT 5 CFRE 6 CKCK 7 WEATH 8 WDIV 9 CBKT 11 WWJ 12 WXYZ 13 CTYS 14 YTV 15 TREE 16 NW 17 NNET 18 SCORE 19 TSN 20 NET 21 HGTV 22 VISION 23 M3 24 MM 25 EDACC 26 W 27 SLICE 28 BRAVO 30 A&E 31 WUHF 32 CNN 33 CMT 34 SPIKE 35 TLC 36 DISC 37 SHOW 38 TOON 39 FAM 40 PCH 41 COM 43 FOOD 44 OUT 45 HIST 46 SPACE 48 FSR 49 DTOUR 50 SHOP 54 MTV 59 WSBK 60 KTLA 61 WGN 88 TVA 89 TV5 90 RDI 108 SASK 109 CPAC 12:30 6:30 June 25 11:30 Death in Paradise Scott & Bailey ’ Å T. Smiley Charlie Rose (N) Å Michigan 2 WTVS Michigan Michigan Doc Martin Å Squelettes Pêcheurs Prière de ne pas envoyer Pénélope McQuade (N) Le Téléjournal (N) (SC) TJ Sask Par ici l’été 3 CBKFT TJ Saskatchewan Ent Big Brother (N) ’ Å Under the Dome “Move On; But I’m Not” ’ Å News Hour Final (N) ET Canada Whatever 5 CFRE News Big Bang Two Men Mistresses (N) ’ Å Saving Hope ’ Å Big Bang etalk (N) ’ News-Lisa CTV News 6 CKCK CTV News Regina (N) EarthWatch One EarthWatch Two 7 WEATH (5:00) EarthWatch One Aquarius (N) ’ Å Hannibal “Apertivo” (N) News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Late Night-Seth Meyers News 8 WDIV Dateline NBC (N) Å Coronation To Russia With Love (N) ’ Å M’ketplace The National (N) Å Exchange Blackstone 9 CBKT CBC News: Murdoch Mysteries ’ Under the Dome “Move On; But I’m Not” ’ Å Two Men (:35) Elementary Å James Corden Comics 11 WWJ Big Brother (N) ’ Å Mistresses (N) ’ Å Rookie Blue ’ Å News (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline ThisMinute Dr Oz 12 WXYZ Astronaut-Club Wayward Pines (N) ’ Hannibal “Apertivo” (N) Python Hunters Å To Be Announced 13 CTYS Mod Fam Mod Fam Between “War” (N) SpongeBob Sam & Cat Assembly Nicky Stanley Just Kid Just Kid Mr. Young Boys Haunting Haunting 14 YTV Parents Peg Trucktown Cat in the Caillou ’ Mike-Knight Big Friend Max & Ruby Backyard Bubble Team Umiz.4 xFresh Beat 15 TREE Toopy 2” ad The National (N) Å CBC News The National (N) Å The National (N) Å CBC News 16 NW CBC News CTV News Channel ’ News-Lisa National News-Lisa National News-Lisa National News-Lisa National 17 NNET CTV News Channel ’ P18AGESCORE 2 ALUE EXPRESS MOOSEHighlights JAW, SK UNEFinal 11 Score - 24,Å2015 NHL Count CHL CHL Plays NHL TopV50 Highlights of the~ Night of the Night Highlights of the Night JThe SportsCentre (N) (Live) Å SportsCentre (N) Å SportsCentre (N) Å 19 TSN (5:30) CFL Football Ottawa RedBlacks at Montreal Alouettes. (N) Sportsnet Central (N) NHL Top 50 NHL Count Sportsnet Central (N) 20 NET MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Houston Astros. (N Subject to Blackout) Income Income Buy It Buy It Hunters Int’l Hunters Income Income Buy It Buy It 21 HGTV Hunters Int’l Hunters McCloud Numbers-racket war threatens a tailor. ’ Emily of New Moon ’ EastEnders (:40) EastEnders ’ EastEnders 22 VISION Columbo Å Reign ’ Å (DVS) The Mentalist ’ Å Cash Cab Cash Cab Reign ’ Å (DVS) Reign ’ Å (DVS) 23 M3 Reign ’ Å (DVS) Tosh.0 South Park The 2015 Much Music Video Awards Å At Midnight Conan (N) Å Awards 24 MM Throwback Thursday The Mentalist ’ Å Mike Cleveland Alberta Primetime Å 25 EDACC Alberta Primetime (N) ’ Degrassi etalk (N) ’ Big Bang Anger Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Masters of Flip Å ›› “Flirting With Forty” (2008) Heather Locklear. Love-List-Vancouver 26 W Say Yes 27 SLICE A Stranger in My Home Emergency Emergency Emergency Emergency A Stranger in My Home Friends ’ Friends ’ Emergency Emergency Complications (N) ’ Graceland “B-Positive” The Listener ’ Criminal Minds ’ Complications ’ 28 BRAVO Blue Bloods ’ Å (6:55) “Parsley Days” (:15) Celebrity Legacies ››› “King Kong” (2005) Naomi Watts. A beauty tames a savage beast. 29 ENC AV2 (5:05) “Ghostbusters” Beyond Scared Straight Beyond Scared Straight 30 A&E Beyond Scared Straight Beyond Scared Straight (:01) American Takedown (:02) The First 48 Å Wayward Pines (N) ’ 13WHAM News at 10 Seinfeld ’ Cleveland Paid Prog. Cougar Anger Paid Prog. 31 WUHF BOOM! ’ Å (DVS) The Seventies Anderson Cooper 360 The Seventies CNN International 32 CNN Anderson Cooper 360 (N) The Seventies (N) Billy Billy Miss. Snake Billy Shipping Shipping Billy Billy Miss. Snake Billy 33 CMT Undercover Bar Rescue “Bikini Bust” Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue 34 SPIKE (5:30) ›› “The Transporter 2” (2005) Bar Rescue My 600-Lb. Life Å My 600-Lb. Life Å My 600-Lb. Life Å My 600-Lb. Life Å My 600-Lb. Life Å 35 TLC My 600-Lb. Life Å Misfit Garage (N) Å Tanked (N) Å North Woods Law (N) Dual Survival Å Misfit Garage Å 36 DISC Dual Survival (N) Å Vikings “Mercenary” ’ Vikings “The Wanderer” NCIS ’ Å Hawaii Five-0 ’ Å 37 SHOW ›››› “Toxic Skies” (2008) Anne Heche. ’ Å Family Guy Awesomes Archer Chicken 38 TOON Johnny T Johnny T Adventure (:45) ›› “Happy Feet Two” (2011) Voices of Elijah Wood. Å Austin I Didn’t K.C. Under. Next Step (:11) ›› “Teen Beach Movie” (2013) Ross Lynch. Good Luck Win, Lose 39 FAM Jessie ’ Liv-Mad. Payne Browns Payne Mod Fam Seinfeld ’ Family Guy Family Guy Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Jeffersons Break 40 PCH Browns Corner Gas JFL Gags Gags Simpsons Just for Laughs Big Bang Big Bang 41 COM Big Bang Big Bang Match ›› “Brainstorm” (1983) Christopher Walken. Å ››› “Enter the Dragon” (1973) Bruce Lee. Å 42 TCM ››› “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” (1967) My. Diners My. Diners Restaurant: Impossible Gotta Eat Gotta Eat Diners Diners Restaurant: Impossible 43 FOOD Chopped “Waste Not” Storage Liquidator Storage: NY Storage I Shouldn’t Be Alive Storage Liquidator Storage: NY Storage 44 OUT I Shouldn’t Be Alive Yukon Gold ’ Å Swamp People ’ Å American Pickers Å Alone “Of Wolf and Man” 45 HIST M*A*S*H ’ M*A*S*H ’ Yukon Gold ’ Å The Last Ship ’ Å The Last Ship ’ Å Killjoys “Bangarang” ’ Castle “Last Call” Å The Last Ship ’ Å 46 SPACE Castle “Last Call” Å ›› “Caddyshack” (1980) Chevy Chase. Å ››› “Shanghai Noon” (2000) Å 47 AMC ››› “Field of Dreams” (1989, Fantasy) Kevin Costner. Å Motorcycle Racing Pass Time Pass Time Motorcycle Racing 48 FSR Motorcycle Racing Monster Energy Supercross: Anaheim. Security Time Trav. Time Trav. Booze Traveler (N) Å Ghost Adventures Å Border Border Time Trav. Time Trav. 49 DTOUR Security Skinn Cosmetics Artizan by Robin Barre Skinn Cosmetics Artizan by Robin Barre Artizan by Robin Barre 50 SHOP Designer Footwear Student Ridiculous. Ridiculous. McMorris Grand Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. 54 MTV Degrassi Degrassi Breaker ››› “What Maisie Knew” (2012) ’ (:10) “Molly Maxwell” ’ 55 MC1 (5:15) “Bless Me, Ultima” (:05) “Foxfire” (2012) Ali Liebert, Raven Adamson. ’ Å › “No Good Deed” (2014) Idris Elba. (:25) ›› “The Art of the Steal” ’ ›› “A Million Ways to Die in the West” (2014) ’ 56 MC2 (5:25) ››› “Enemy” “Dr. Cabbie” (2014) Kunal Nayyar. ’ (:15) ››› “Begin Again” (2013) Keira Knightley. Nurse Jack Nurse Jack Lies Ender 57 MC3 Muppets Katt Williams: Priceless 58 HBO University (:45) “Capturing Mary” (2007, Drama) Maggie Smith. The Brink (:05) True Detective ’ The Jinx: The Life The Mentalist ’ Å WBZ News (N) ’ Å Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ How I Met How I Met Friends Rules 59 WSBK The Mentalist ’ Å 60 KTLA The Steve Wilkos Show News at 6 KTLA News Two Men Two Men Beauty and the Beast (N) The Vampire Diaries ’ KTLA 5 News at 10 (N) Raymond The Middle The Middle 61 WGN Beauty and the Beast (N) The Vampire Diaries ’ WGN News at Nine (N) Celebrity Friends ’ Friends TVA West TVA West. 88 TVA (4:00) TVA West TVA West. Des camions TV5 Jrnl (:40) Thalassa L’estuaire de la Gironde. Jusqu’89 TV5 Des racines et des ailes Les grands reportages Le Téléjournal (SC) 90 RDI Les grands reportages Le Téléjournal (N) (SC) Économie Le National 24/60 (SC) Saskatchewan Legislature 108 SASK (4:00) Saskatchewan Legislature Public Record Å Politics Tête à tête PrimeTime Politics Public Record Å 109 CPAC PrimeTime Politics Thank Thank you MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 • PAGE A21 FRIDAY EVENING 6:00 June 26 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 In Performance... In Performance... T. Smiley Charlie Rose (N) Å 2 WTVS ››› “A Few Good Men” (1992) Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson. Grand Rire Les enfants de la télé Unité 9 (SC) Le Téléjournal (N) (SC) TJ Sask Par ici l’été 3 CBKFT TJ Saskatchewan Ent Divorced Divorced Hawaii Five-0 ’ Å Dual Suspects Å News Hour Final (N) (Off Air) Secret 5 CFRE News Big Bang CSI: Crime Scene Blue Bloods ’ Å Big Bang etalk Å News-Lisa CTV News 6 CKCK 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup EarthWatch One EarthWatch Two 7 WEATH (5:00) EarthWatch One Dateline NBC (N) Å News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Late Night-Seth Meyers News 8 WDIV America’s Got Talent “Audition 5” ’ Å Coronation Gags 22 Minutes the fifth estate ’ Å The National (N) Å Exchange Blackstone 9 CBKT CBC News: Murdoch Mysteries ’ Hawaii Five-0 ’ Å Blue Bloods ’ Å Two Men (:35) Elementary Å James Corden Comics 11 WWJ Undercover Boss Å What Would You Do? (N) 20/20 ’ Å News (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline ThisMinute Dr Oz 12 WXYZ Shark Tank ’ Å Law & Order: UK (N) Broke Girl Two Men The Sky Is the Limit To Be Announced 13 CTYS Mod Fam Mod Fam Survivorman (N) Bella Stanley Assembly Thunder ›› “The Three Stooges” (2012) Sean Hayes. ’ Game On Just Kid Just Kid 14 YTV Henry Peg Trucktown Cat in the Caillou ’ Mike-Knight Big Friend Max & Ruby Backyard Bubble Team Umiz. Fresh Beat 15 TREE Toopy The National (N) Å CBC News The National (N) Å The National (N) Å CBC News 16 NW CBC News News-Lisa National News-Lisa National News-Lisa National 17 NNET CTV News Channel ’ CTV News Channel ’ News-Lisa National Aftermath Highlights Highlights of the Night Highlights of the Night The Final Score Å 18 SCORE WWE SmackDown! ’ Å SportsCentre (N) Å SportsCentre (N) Å 19 TSN Off Record CFL Pre. CFL Football Hamilton Tiger-Cats at Calgary Stampeders. (N) (Live) Å Sportsnet Central (N) MLB Baseball: Mariners at Angels Sportsnet Central (N) 20 NET (5:00) 2015 NHL Draft (N) ’ (Live) Å Custom Custom Custom Custom Hunters Int’l Hunters Custom Custom Custom Custom 21 HGTV Hunters Int’l Hunters EastEnders 22 VISION Last/Wine Keeping Up Gaither Gospel Hour ’ The Concert Series ’ Emily of New Moon ’ EastEnders (:40) EastEnders MasterChef (N) ’ The Mentalist ’ Å Cash Cab Cash Cab Cleveland Anger MasterChef ’ 23 M3 Cleveland Anger Tosh.0 At Midnight At Midnight At Midnight At Midnight Simpsons Work. Tosh.0 Simpsons Simpsons 24 MM Much--Video Awards Mike Cleveland The Last Ship Rachel tries to help the sick. Å Alberta Primetime Å 25 EDACC Alberta Primetime (N) ’ Degrassi etalk Å Love-List-Vancouver Love It or List It Å Property Brothers ›› “The Proposal” (2009) Sandra Bullock. Å 26 W Property Brothers ››› “Spider-Man 2” (2004, Action) Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst. ’ Å Friends Friends ››› “Spider-Man 2” 27 SLICE Fatal Vows ’ Å Missing “Sisterhood” ’ The Listener “Vanished” Criminal Minds ’ Perception “Cipher” ’ 28 BRAVO Blue Bloods “Warriors” Missing “Patient X” ’ Celebrity Damage ›› “The Cable Guy” (1996, Comedy) (:40) ›› “The ’Burbs” (1989) Å 29 ENC AV2 Adaptation “Events Leading-Death” Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ (:01) Criminal Minds ’ (:01) Criminal Minds ’ (:01) Criminal Minds ’ 30 A&E Criminal Minds ’ Simpsons 13WHAM News at 10 Seinfeld ’ Cleveland Paid Prog. Hmtwn Anger Paid Prog. 31 WUHF 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup 32 CNN Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Anthony Bourdain Parts Anthony Bourdain Parts Anthony Bourdain Parts Anthony Bourdain Parts Anthony Bourdain Parts Wheels-Fail › “Georgia Rule” (2007) 33 CMT Funniest Home Videos Wheels-Fail Wheels-Fail › “Georgia Rule” (2007, Drama) Jane Fonda. Premiere. ’ Cops Å Bellator MMA Live (N) ’ (Live) (:15) Cops Cops Å Cops Å Jail Å Jail Å Jail Å 34 SPIKE Cops Å Love; Lust Bride- St. Dare to Wear ’ Å Love; Lust Bride- St. Dare to Wear ’ Å Love, Lust or Run Å 35 TLC Love, Lust or Run Å Mayday Å Mayday “Pilot vs. Plane” Mighty Planes Airshow “Breaking Point” 36 DISC Airshow “Breaking Point” Mighty Planes (N) ›› “Terminator Salvation” (2009) Christian Bale. ’ Å “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” (1991) 37 SHOW “Firequake” (2014) Alexandra Paul. ’ Å Thundr. Thundr. Thundr. ›› “The Punisher” (2004) Thomas Jane. Å 38 TOON Johnny T Johnny T Teen Titans Teen Titans Thundr. Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin “Teen Beach 2” (2015) Ross Lynch. Hank Zipzer (:09) › “Avalon High” 39 FAM Austin Payne Browns Payne Mod Fam Seinfeld ’ Family Guy Family Guy Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Jeffersons Gimme 40 PCH Browns Corner Gas JFL Gags Laughs: All Access Just for Laughs Å Big Bang Big Bang 41 COM Big Bang Big Bang Match ››› “The Stranger” (1946) Å “Scene of the Crime” 42 TCM ››› “The Mask of Dimitrios” (1944) (:45) ›› “Berlin Express” (1948) Merle Oberon. Diners Gotta Eat Gotta Eat Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners 43 FOOD Diners Myth Hunters Å Storage: NY Storage I Shouldn’t Be Alive Myth Hunters Å Storage: NY Storage 44 OUT I Shouldn’t Be Alive Alone “Of Wolf and Man” Secrets of Noah’s Ark ’ Å 45 HIST M*A*S*H ’ M*A*S*H ’ Gangland Undercover ’ Ice Road Truckers Å Killjoys (N) ’ Dark Matter (N) ’ Å InnerSPACE InnerSPACE Killjoys ’ Å (DVS) Dark Matter ’ Å 46 SPACE Castle “Nikki Heat” ’ › “Wild Hogs” (2007, Comedy) Tim Allen. Å ››› “True Lies” (1994) Arnold Schwarzenegger. 47 AMC (5:00) ››› “The Rookie” (2002) Dennis Quaid. NASCAR Racing The 10 A Storm NASCAR Racing 48 FSR NASCAR Racing Security Border Border Security Security Border Border Border Border Bggg Bttls Bggg Bttls 49 DTOUR Security Artizan by Robin Barre Pilates Fitness Studio Designer Watches Pilates Fitness Studio Pilates Fitness Studio 50 SHOP Skinn Cosmetics Student Skins “Tea” Å The L.A. Complex Å Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet 54 MTV Degrassi Degrassi Breaker ›› “The Remaining” (2014) Å ›› “Deliver Us From Evil” (2014) ’ 55 MC1 (4:50) “Pacific Rim” ’ (:05) › “Left Behind” (2014) Nicolas Cage. ’ Remaining 56 MC2 (5:55) “Who the F... Is Arthur Fogel” (:40) ››› “The World’s End” (2013) Simon Pegg. ›› “Non-Stop” (2014) Liam Neeson. ’ Å ›› “Gimme Shelter” (2014) ’ Å (:45) Adore 57 MC3 Md Indigo (:20) “Stolen From the Womb” (2014) (7:50) ›››› “Her” (2013) Joaquin Phoenix. ’ ››› “Citizenfour” (2014, Documentary) ’ Real Time, Bill VICE (N) ’ Last Week 58 HBO Supr Dupr (:20) ››› “Haunter” (2013) ’ Bones ’ Å WBZ News (N) ’ Å Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ How I Met How I Met Friends ’ Rules 59 WSBK Bones ’ Å KTLA 5 News at 10 (N) 60 KTLA The Steve Wilkos Show News at 6 KTLA News Two Men Two Men The Last Ship Rachel tries to help the sick. Å WGN News at Nine (N) Celebrity Friends ’ Friends ’ Raymond The Middle The Middle 61 WGN The Last Ship Rachel tries to help the sick. Å TVA West TVA West. 88 TVA (4:00) TVA West TVA West. Ports d’attache “Nantes” TV5 Jrnl (:40) Des racines et des ailes Corps 89 TV5 Bretagne la promesse des îles Économie Le National 24/60 (SC) Les grands reportages Le Téléjournal (SC) 90 RDI Les grands reportages Le Téléjournal (SC) Saskatchewan Legislature 108 SASK (4:00) Saskatchewan Legislature Tête à tête Question Period Primetime In Committee 109 CPAC Primetime Public Record Å SATURDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 12:30 June 27 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 Cooking Kitchen Cook Rick Steves Music Lawrence Welk Weekend Foot/ Grave As Time... As Time... 2 WTVS Martha 8e feu: les autochtones ›› “Igor” (2008) Voices of John Cusack. (SC) Eli Stone ’ (SC) La semaine verte (N) 3 CBKFT Telejournal Monde PGA Tour Golf Travelers Championship, Third Round. (N) (Live) Å Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons Global Nat. 5 CFRE Ancient Weather Å Cash Cab Farm Gate Soccer World Cup 6 CKCK Prairie Rpt. Farm Gate Corner Gas World Cup 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup Weekend Report Three Weekend Report Three Weekend EarthWatch 7 WEATH Weekend Report Two Track and Field U.S. Outdoor Championships. (N) News NBC News Paid Prog. Wheel 8 WDIV Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Action Sports (N) Å The Nature of Things ’ Amanda Lang Dragons’ Den ’ Rick Mercer 22 Minutes Doc Zone Å (DVS) 9 CBKT Doc Zone Å (DVS) Golf Weekly CBS News Paid Prog. The Insider 11 WWJ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. PGA Tour Golf Travelers Championship, Third Round. (N) (Live) Å ESPN Sports Saturday (N) Å News World News News Paid Prog. 12 WXYZ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. World of X Games (N) Python Hunters Å To Be Announced TBA TBA Mod Fam Mod Fam 13 CTYS Daniel Cook Planet Echo Paint This Connect Sanjay “Open Season 3” (2010) ’ Å Weird Just Kid Game On Game On Game On Stanley Stanley 14 YTV Turtles Backyard Mike-Knight Trucktown Dinopaws Blaze Bubble Octonauts Charmers Dora Peg 15 TREE Zack and Ready, National Issue National Mansbridge The Nature 4ofxThings 16 NW (11:30) CBC News Now With Asha Tomlinson (N) Å 2” ad’ 17 NNET CTV News Weekend ’ CTV News Weekend ’ CTV News Weekend ’ CTV News Weekend ’ CTV News Weekend ’ CTV News Weekend ’ MLS Soccer D.C. United at Toronto FC. (N) Å WWE Main Event Å 18 SCORE WWE Mon. Night RAW WWE SmackDown! ’ Å Soccer Football Å 8, 2015 P19AGE 4TSN Motoring Cabbie VALUE EXPRESS ~ MOOSECFL JAW , SK Edmonton Eskimos at Toronto Argonauts. JUNE(N)25(Live) - JULY MLB Baseball 20 NET MLB Baseball Texas Rangers at Toronto Blue Jays. MLB Baseball Boston Red Sox at Tampa Bay Rays. (N Subject to Blackout) Hunters Int’l Lakefront Log Cabin Caribbean Hawaii Life Flip or Flop Flip or Flop I Wrecked I Wrecked Bryan Bryan 21 HGTV Hunters Punjab Pyar Hi Pyar Hi Rangli Tehlka ’ Sardari ’ G. Punjab Punjabi Sanjha Punjab 22 VISION Virasat ’ Quran Reign ’ Å (DVS) Reign ’ Å (DVS) 23 M3 So You Think You Can Dance “Auditions No. 4” (N) Jen. Falls Younger ’ Pretty Little Liars Å ›› “Paranormal Activity 2” (2010, Horror) Å MuchCountdown (N) ’ Å 24 MM The 2015 Much Music Video Awards Å Cooking Sew Fun Rescue Education Daily Planet ’ Window Opens-Ethiopia Austin Stevens 25 EDACC Way Off Broadway ’ Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes ›› “Twilight” (2008) Kristen Stewart. 26 W ›› “The Proposal” (2009) Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds. Å Fatal Vows ’ Å Handsome Devils Å 27 SLICE (10:00) “Spider-Man 2” ›› “Spider-Man 3” (2007, Action) Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst. ’ Å Murder in the First Å Graceland ’ Å Suits ’ Å Twice in a Lifetime ’ Flashpoint ’ Å 28 BRAVO Complications ’ (:20) ›› “The Legend of Zorro” (2005) Å (:35) ›› “Flash of Genius” (2008) Greg Kinnear. Mickey 29 ENC AV2 (11:40) ›› “Pure Luck” (1991) Å Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Commander Country Country Storage Storage Storage Storage 30 A&E Duck D. MLB Baseball 31 WUHF Golf U.S. Senior Open Championship, Third Round. From Sacramento, Calif. (N) ’ (Live) CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Smerconish CNN Newsroom 32 CNN CNN News Vital Signs CNN Newsroom Best Chow Best Chow Cash & Cari Cash & Cari Deal With It Deal With It Wheels-Fail Wheels-Fail Wipeout Canada Å 33 CMT CMT’s Hottest ’ Jail Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Jail Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å 34 SPIKE Cops Å Born Without Limbs ’ Diagnose Me ’ Å Diagnose Me ’ Å Diagnose Me ’ Å I Didn’t Know I Was 35 TLC Separation Anxiety Buying Al. Buying Al. Airshow “Breaking Point” Mighty Planes How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made 36 DISC Mayday Å Beauty and the Beast ’ “End of the World” ’ 37 SHOW “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines” ›› “Terminator Salvation” (2009) Christian Bale. ’ Å Pokémon Rangers Yu-Gi-Oh! Transformer Hot Wheels Packages-X Grojband Grojband Grojband Grojband 38 TOON “Ice Age: Cont. Drift” Girl Meets Teen Beach 2 Party Live Chat (N) ’ Hank Zipzer Phineas Good Luck Good Luck Next Step Liv-Mad. Dog 39 FAM Liv-Mad. “Lemony Snicket’s Series of Unfortunate” First Family Box Office Community Community 40 PCH ›› “Confessions of a Shopaholic” (2009) Big Bang Big Bang › “Boys and Girls” (2000) Freddie Prinze Jr. Å ›› “Two Weeks Notice” (2002) Sandra Bullock. 41 COM “Two Weeks Notice” (:15) ››› “Bound for Glory” (1976, Biography) David Carradine, Ronny Cox. 42 TCM ›››› “Judgment at Nuremberg” (1961) Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster. Chopped ’ Å Diners Diners Best. Ever. ’ Å Gotta Eat Gotta Eat 43 FOOD Guy’s Grocery Games ’ Cutthroat Kitchen Å Dynamo: Magician Dynamo: Magician Dynamo: Magician Liquidator Liquidator Storage Liquidator 44 OUT Dynamo: Magician Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Engineering Disasters ’ America Unearthed ’ Ancient Aliens ’ Å 45 HIST Restoration Garage ’ Ice Road Truckers Å “Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome” (2013) ’ Doctor Who 46 SPACE (11:50) “Transmorphers: Fall of Man” (:40) “Atlantic Rim” (2013) Graham Greene. ’ Å ›› “Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life” (2003) Å ›› “Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer” 47 AMC “Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome” Drive! MotoGP Racing MotoGP Racing MotoGP Racing Auto Racing 48 FSR NASCAR Racing Border Border Border Border Border Security Security Security Security 49 DTOUR Bggg Bttls Bggg Bttls Border Ali Khan Jewellery The Sound of Bose Soprano Handbags Pilates Fitness Studio Ali Khan Jewellery 50 SHOP Pilates Fitness Studio Teen Wolf Å Teen Wolf “I.E.D.” Å Teen Wolf “Orphaned” Degrassi ’ Degrassi ’ Catfish: The TV Show 54 MTV Teen Wolf “Muted” (:45) “Appleseed: Alpha” (2014) ’ Å (:20) › “R.I.P.D.” (2013) Jeff Bridges. ›› “The Family” ’ 55 MC1 (11:30) ›› “The Equalizer” (2014) (12:50) ›› “2 Guns” (2013) ’ Å (:40) › “I, Frankenstein” (2014) ’ (:15) ›› “The Remaining” (2014) ’ Edge 56 MC2 (11:05) › “Erased” ’ (:25) ›› “Jobs” (2013) Ashton Kutcher. ’ Å (:35) ›› “The Fifth Estate” (2013) ’ Å (:45) ››› “Bears” (2014) ’ Å 57 MC3 Volcano Real Time, Bill Live From D.C. (:05) ››› “Nightingale” (2014) ’ Southern 58 HBO Cnspiracy Southern Rites ’ Å Friends ’ Friends ’ Mike Mike Two Men Two Men Big Bang Big Bang 59 WSBK (11:00) ›› “21” (2008) Jim Sturgess. King Coolest On the Spot Operation Smile Å 60 KTLA Dog Whis Dog Whis Dog Whis Exped. Wild Exped. Wild Rock-Park Animal Atl. State Chicago WGN Saturday Evening Two Men Two Men 61 WGN What Went What Went Alien File Alien File Liv. Healthy Weekend House TVA West TVA West. 88 TVA TVA West TVA West. Hôpital vétérinaire Mixeur Tout-monde Jardin Journal Questions pour champ. 89 TV5 (11:00) Secrets d’Histoire Journal TJ L’épicerie La semaine verte (SC) RDI, direct Monde 90 RDI RDI, direct RDI, direct RDI, direct RDI, direct RDI, direct Journal Saskatchewan Legislature 108 SASK Saskatchewan Legislature In Committee 109 CPAC (11:00) In Committee “From the House of Commons” Coverage of Parliamentary committees. SPONSORS FOR SHOW AND SHINE 2015 Acklands BNC Truck Castle Building Centre Crackmaster DDK Pets Fastenal First Choice Haircutters Flattop Automotive Home Hardware Hub Meats Kal Tire Moose Jaw Ford Safeway Speedy Auto Glass Staples Toyota Village Ford Vivian Wilson Western Dodge Westrum Lumber Westwood Truss Windows Plus 2015 BEAUTIFICATION AWARDS The City of Moose Jaw’s Park & Recreation Department and the following Sponsors want to recognize the beautifully landscaped properties of our City! Nominate a property in one of the following categories: 1. Best Residential Garden Display: To recognize floral, vegetables or herbal gardens. 2. Best Residential Planters and/or Balcony: To recognize apartment dwellers and people with limited space. 3. Best Commercial Property: To recognize the best overall beautification of a business property. 4. Best Residential or Commercial Xeriscaping Property: To recognize the best employment of energy conservation as it relates to the landscaping of the property. 5. Best Residential Property: To recognize the best overall beautification of a residential property. 6. Best Back Alley: to recognize cleanliness and best use of space. It's time to recognize Moose Jaw’s most beautiful properties for 2015! Nomination deadline is July 10th Return the Nomination Form to the Parks and Recreation Department 228 Main Street, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 3J8, or Fax (306) 692-7151 Prizes and Awards sponsored by: NOMINATION FORM NAME OF NOMINEE: ___________________________ ADDRESS OF NOMINEE: ________________________ _____________________________________________ CATEGORY: ___________________________________ NOMINATED BY: _______________________________ PHONE # _____________________________________ Thank You Thank you to everyone who assisted and gave moral support when I had the fall outside Canada Tire on Wednesday, June 17. A special thanks to the lady employee who called for the ice packs, etc. Emily Stillwell WORKFORCE CONNECTOR To Book Your Help Wanted Ad Call 306.694.1322 or email PAGE A22 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 SATURDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 June 27 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Australian Pink Floyd-Moon Austin City Limits Å Live From Artists Den 2 WTVS Antiques Roadshow ’ Pasquale Esposito Celebrates Gars, fille La petite séduction Disparition “Le monstre” 1001 vies (N) (SC) TJ Écrire Annika Bengtzon 3 CBKFT TJ Focus Sask 16x9 “Deadly Mills” 2015 Indspire Awards Å Parker News Final Canada Sings Å TV-Torrens 5 CFRE News Anger “Terry” (2005) Shawn Ashmore, Ryan McDonald. Motive ’ Å (DVS) News CTV News 6 CKCK 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup Weekend EarthWatch Weekend EarthWatch Two 7 WEATH (5:00) Weekend EarthWatch One American Ninja Warrior “Orlando Qualifying” ’ News (:29) Saturday Night Live ’ Å News Paid Prog. 8 WDIV Operation Smile Å Relations The Nature of Things ’ Mr. D ’ Mr. D ’ ›› “Moving Day” (2012) Will Sasso. ’ Å Just for Laughs Å 9 CBKT National 48 Hours ’ Å The Good Wife ’ Å The Good Wife ’ Å Leverage Å 11 WWJ CSI: Cyber “L0M1S” ’ NCIS: Los Angeles ’ In an Instant Hostage situation at a retail store. ’ News Castle “Slice of Death” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 12 WXYZ Astronaut-Club Family Seed ’ “Real Gangsters” (2013) Robert Loggia. Å P- Diner Look I Cook 13 CTYS Get Stuffed Saw Dogs Murdoch Mysteries ’ Stanley Assembly Max Stanley Game On ››› “The Karate Kid” (1984, Drama) Ralph Macchio. ’ Å Weird 14 YTV Stanley Mike-Knight Trucktown Charmers Caillou ’ Mike-Knight Big Friend Max & Ruby Backyard Bubble Team Umiz. Fresh Beat 15 TREE Toopy National M’ketplace Hunted in Russia Å Doc Zone Å (DVS) National Mansbridge Hunted in Russia Å 16 NW the fifth estate ’ Å CTV News News CTV News News National News National 17 NNET CTV News Weekend ’ CTV News Weekend ’ News Icons Highlights of the Night Highlights of the Night Highlights of the Night The Final Score Å 18 SCORE Blue Jays Misplays Plays SportsCentre (N) Å SportsCentre (N) Å SportsCentre (N) Å 19 TSN CFL Football Winnipeg Blue Bombers at Saskatchewan Roughriders. (N) Å Sportsnet Central (N) Blue Jays MLB’s Best European Poker Tour Sportsnet Central (N) 20 NET MLB Baseball: Indians at Orioles Income Bryan Bryan Decks Decks Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Bryan Bryan 21 HGTV Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Income Des-Pardes ’ Aikam ’ Taur Punj. Lashkara ’ Waqt 4 U Success 22 VISION Mulaqat ’ Made in Dating Naked ’ Å ››› “Private Parts” (1997, Biography) Howard Stern. ’ Å ›› “Jersey Girl” (2004) Ben Affleck. 23 M3 Dating Naked ’ Å Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons 24 MM Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons Simpsons ›› “Paranormal Activity 2” (2010, Horror) Å W5 ’ Å (DVS) Way Off Broadway ’ 25 EDACC Corner Gas The Social Engraved on a Nation ’ Primeval: New World ’ The Borgias ’ ›› “The Twilight Saga: New Moon” (2009) Kristen Stewart. Premiere. Å ›› “Dear John” (2010) Channing Tatum. Å 26 W (4:30) ›› “Twilight” ››› “Magic Mike” (2012) Channing Tatum. ’ Å 27 SLICE A Stranger in My Home ››› “Magic Mike” (2012) Channing Tatum. ’ Å “Star Spangled Banners” (2013) Brooke White. ’ ››› “Love’s Kitchen” (2011) Claire Forlani. ’ ›› “Addicted to Love” 28 BRAVO Missing “John Doe” ’ “National Lampoon-Weapn” (:25) ››› “Lethal Weapon” (1987) 29 ENC AV2 (5:35) ›› “Mickey Blue Eyes” (1999) (:20) ›› “Pure Luck” (1991) Å Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Country Country Storage Storage Storage Storage 30 A&E Storage News Community Animation Domination Ring of Honor Wrestling Anger Paid Prog. 31 WUHF MLB Baseball: Indians at Orioles CNN Special Report CNN Special Report Medical Mistakes Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic 32 CNN The Seventies Reba Å Yukon Medium Last Man Last Man Reba Å Reba Å Yukon Medium Last Man Last Man 33 CMT Reba Å Vegas Cops Å Cops Å Jail Å Jail Å Cops Å Vegas Cops Å Cops Å Twister ’ 34 SPIKE Cops (N) ’ Cops Å Still Didn’t Know Grandmother Lovers ’ I Didn’t Know I Was Still Didn’t Know Still Didn’t Know 35 TLC Still Didn’t Know Deadliest Catch Å Street Outlaws (N) Misfit Garage Å Deadliest Catch Å Street Outlaws 36 DISC Deadliest Catch ›› “The Hangover Part II” (2011) Bradley Cooper. ››› “The Hangover” 37 SHOW (5:00) “End of the World” ››› “The Hangover” (2009) Bradley Cooper. ’ › “The Sitter” (2011, Comedy) Jonah Hill. Å 38 TOON Johnny T Johnny T Johnny T Johnny T ›› “Journey to the Center of the Earth” (2008) K.C. Under. Liv-Mad. Girl Meets Next Step I Didn’t K.C. Under. Next Step Wingin’ It › “Read It and Weep” 39 FAM Jessie ’ Austin Family Guy Family Guy Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ King King 40 PCH The Middle The Middle ›› “Eurotrip” (2004, Comedy) Scott Mechlowicz. Laughs: All Access Big Bang Big Bang Just for Laughs Laughs: All Access 41 COM Big Bang Big Bang Just for Laughs Å ››› “The Moon and Sixpence” (:45) ›› “Pandora and the Flying Dutchman” (1951, Drama) 42 TCM ››› “The Picture of Dorian Gray” (1945, Horror) Chopped Canada Å Guy’s Grocery Games ’ 43 FOOD Food USA Food USA Chopped Canada (N) ’ Guy’s Grocery Games ’ Chopped ’ Å Storage Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator Mantracker ’ Å Dog and Beth Conspiracy 44 OUT Mantracker ’ Å Secrets of Noah’s Ark ’ Å › “Wrath of the Titans” (2012) Sam Worthington. 45 HIST Hangar 1: The UFO Files Ice Road Truckers Å “Airplane vs Volcano” (2014) Dean Cain. Å “Asteroid vs. Earth” (2014) Tia Carrere. Å “500 MPH Storm” (2013) 46 SPACE (5:25) Doctor Who Å ›› “Fantastic Four” (2005, Action) Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba. “Md Max-Thndr” 47 AMC ›› “I, Robot” (2004) Will Smith, Bridget Moynahan. Å MotoGP Racing MotoGP Racing MotoGP Racing Auto Racing 48 FSR Auto Race NASCAR Racing Border Ghost Adventures Å The Dead Files ’ Å Ghost Adventures Å Ghost Adventures Å The Dead Files ’ Å 49 DTOUR Border Pilates Fitness Studio Pentax Photography Dr. Ho’s Wellness Pentax Photography Pentax Photography 50 SHOP The Sound of Bose Degrassi ’ Degrassi ’ The L.A. Complex Å Teen Wolf Å Teen Wolf “117” Å 54 MTV Ridiculous. Ridiculous. 16 and Pregnant Å ›› “The Judge” (2014) Robert Downey Jr. Premiere. ’ Grudge 55 MC1 (5:00) ›› “The Family” (6:55) ››› “August: Osage County” (2013) ’ (:40) ›› “2 Guns” (2013) Denzel Washington. ’ ›› “The Equalizer” (2014, Action) Denzel Washington. ’ Å 56 MC2 (5:45) ››› “Edge of Tomorrow” ’ (7:50) ›› “Jobs” (2013) Ashton Kutcher. ’ Å ›› “The Fifth Estate” (2013, Docudrama) ’ Å 57 MC3 (:05) ››› “The LEGO Movie” (2014) ’ Å The Brink (:45) Boxing Timothy Bradley vs. Jessie Vargas. (N) ’ (Live) Å 58 HBO (5:30) Southern Rites ’ ››› “Citizenfour” (2014, Documentary) ’ Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ How I Met How I Met Raising Raising Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 59 WSBK ›› “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” (2010) Robert Capron 60 KTLA Celebrity Celebrity KTLA News KTLA News Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Family Guy Family Guy KTLA 5 News at 10 (N) Jane the Virgin ’ Å WGN News at Nine (N) Celebrity ›› “The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou” (2004) Bill Murray. 61 WGN The Originals ’ Å TVA West TVA West. 88 TVA (4:00) TVA West TVA West. TV5 Jrnl (:40) On n’est pas couché Les meilleurs moments de la saison. 89 TV5 Fête de la musique 2015 à Nice (N) TJ Les grands reportages L’épicerie TJ Monde TJ Le National TJ L’épicerie 90 RDI Découverte (SC) Saskatchewan Legislature 108 SASK (4:00) Saskatchewan Legislature Supreme Court Hearings 109 CPAC (5:00) In Committee “From the Senate of Canada” Coverage of Senate committees. SUNDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 June 28 5:30 Poldark on Masterpiece Weekend MetroArts Father Brown ’ Å 2 WTVS Tales-Royal Bedchamber Tales-Royal Wardrobe The Forsyte Saga Å Regard Miss Fisher ’ (SC) Hercule Poirot “Le Crime d’Halloween” ’ (SC) Dans l’oeil du dragon 3 CBKFT Telejournal La semaine verte (SC) PGA Tour Golf Travelers Championship, Final Round. (N) (Live) Å TV-Torrens Simpsons Simpsons Global Nat. 5 CFRE Haven “Fur” W5 ’ Å (DVS) ››› “The American President” (1995) Michael Douglas. ’ etalk Å The Listener ’ 6 CKCK SportsCentre Å Weekend Report Three Weekend Report Three Weekend EarthWatch 7 WEATH Weekend Report Two News NBC News Dateline NBC ’ Å 8 WDIV Red Bull Signature Series From Las Vegas. (N) ’ Track and Field U.S. Outdoor Championships. (N) Doc Zone Å (DVS) Doc Zone Å (DVS) Hundred Years ›› “Cats & Dogs” ’ 9 CBKT Land & Sea Mansbridge Steven and Chris Å CBS News Paid Prog. 60 Minutes (N) ’ Å 11 WWJ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. PGA Tour Golf Travelers Championship, Final Round. (N) (Live) Å News World News Funniest Home Videos 12 WXYZ Top Blower Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. SEC Storied (N) Nordic L Nightclub To Be Announced Storage TBA Storage Liquidator 13 CTYS Think Big Planet Echo Gardening 1 Year Hathaways Thunder Game On Nicky (:45) ›› “Ramona and Beezus” (2010) Joey King. ’ Å “Stormbreaker” 14 YTV Stanley Bubble Octonauts Charmers Dora Peg 15 TREE Zack and Octonauts Backyard Mike-Knight Trucktown Dinopaws Blaze 4 x ’2”Åad M’ketplace Doc Zone Å (DVS) the fifth estate 16 NW (11:30) CBC News Now With Asha Tomlinson (N) Å Question Period Å CTV News Weekend With Scott Laurie ’ Å 17 NNET (10:00) CTV News Weekend ’ Å Plays Gotta See It World Poker Tour VALUE Premier League~Darts Å JAW, SKPlays WWE Main Event Å JUNEWWE ’ P18AGESCORE 6 EXPRESS MOOSE 25 -Experience JULY 8, (N) 2015 NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup Series: Toyota - Save Mart 350. (N) ’ (Live) Å SportsCentre (N) Å Sunday Night Countdown 19 TSN NASCAR Prerace Sportsnet Central (N) 20 NET MLB Baseball Texas Rangers at Toronto Blue Jays. MLB Baseball Kansas City Royals at Oakland Athletics. (N Subject to Blackout) Hunters Int’l Open Open Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Income Income Decks Decks Buy It Buy It 21 HGTV Hunters Food Life Quick Study ICEJ Peter David Arise Å Tomorrow’s Beyond Hope Discovery J. Van Impe 22 VISION Faith Person of Interest Å Person of Interest Å Movie ’ 23 M3 Movie ’ Faking It Faking It Finding Carter (N) Å Much Now & Then Å Much Now & Then Å 24 MM Movie Question Period Å W5 ’ Å (DVS) Daily Planet ’ Beyond Corner Gas History of Science Å 25 EDACC Way Off Broadway ’ ›› “Dear John” (2010) Channing Tatum, Amanda Seyfried. “What Lies Beneath” 26 W Will/Grace ›› “Along Came Polly” (2004) Ben Stiller. Å Emergency Emergency Emergency Emergency 27 SLICE “Tomorrow Never Dies” ›› “Die Another Day” (2002) Pierce Brosnan, Halle Berry. ’ Å (DVS) Jack Taylor “The Magdalene Martyrs” ’ Å Twice in a Lifetime ’ Flashpoint ’ Å 28 BRAVO Jack Taylor “The Pikemen” ’ Å (:25) ››› “Girlfight” (2000) Michelle Rodriguez. (:20) Life 29 ENC AV2 (11:35) ››› “The Best Man” (1999) ››› “Definitely, Maybe” (2008) Ryan Reynolds. The First 48 ’ Å The First 48 ’ Å The First 48 ’ Å Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. 30 A&E The First 48 ’ Å Burgers Burgers 31 WUHF Golf U.S. Senior Open Championship, Final Round. From Sacramento, Calif. (N) ’ (Live) CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Anthony Bourdain Parts 32 CNN CNN Newsroom Gags ››› “My Best Friend’s Wedding” (1997) 33 CMT Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Deal With It Deal With It Gags Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ 34 SPIKE Bar Rescue ’ Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Return to Amish Å Return to Amish Å Return to Amish Å 35 TLC Say Yes Deadliest Catch Å Cold Water Cowboys Bering Sea Gold: Under Cash Cab Cash Cab How/Made How/Made 36 DISC Deadliest Catch ››› “The Hangover” (2009) Bradley Cooper. ’ Defiance ’ Å Vikings “Mercenary” ’ Vikings “The Wanderer” 37 SHOW Rizzoli & Isles ’ Å Spies! Grojband Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp 38 TOON ›› “Alpha and Omega” (2010, Adventure) Å Girl Meets ››› “Motocrossed” (2001) ’ Å Gravity Phineas Good Luck Good Luck Next Step Liv-Mad. Dog 39 FAM Liv-Mad. ››› “Red Eye” (2005, Suspense) Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang 40 PCH “Narnia: Prince Caspian” › “College Road Trip” (2008) ››› “City Slickers” (1991) Billy Crystal, Daniel Stern. Å 41 COM City Slckrs Big Bang Big Bang ››› “Hot Tub Time Machine” (2010) Å ››› “The Birds” (1963) Rod Taylor. Å (:15) ››› “The Gazebo” (1959) Glenn Ford. Å 42 TCM ››› “Dial M for Murder” (1954) Ray Milland. Å Diners Diners Food USA Food USA Carn Eats Carn Eats 43 FOOD Worst Cooks in America My. Diners My. Diners Diners, Drive Dynamo: Magician Dynamo: Magician Dynamo: Magician Liquidator Liquidator Liquidator Storage 44 OUT Dynamo: Magician Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars › “Wrath of the Titans” (2012) Sam Worthington. Ancient Aliens ’ Å Pawn Stars Pawn Stars 45 HIST American Pickers Å “Airplane vs Volcano” (2014) Dean Cain. ’ Å Dark Matter ’ Å 46 SPACE (11:00) “Bigfoot” (2012) “Asteroid vs. Earth” (2014) Tia Carrere. ’ Å ›› “I, Robot” (2004) Will Smith, Bridget Moynahan. Å ››› “Independence Day” (1996) Will Smith. Å 47 AMC “Fantastic Four: Silver Surfer” United SportsCar Series Racing Watkins Glen International. (N) Auto Racing United SportsCar 48 FSR NASCAR RaceDay (N) Bikinis Bikinis Bikinis Time Trav. Time Trav. Booze Traveler ’ Å Security Security Museum Secrets ’ 49 DTOUR Bikinis Dr. Ho’s Wellness International Gold Brian Bailey Fashions Pentax Photography Dr. Ho’s Wellness 50 SHOP Pentax Photography Teen Wolf Å Teen Wolf Å Teen Wolf Å Degrassi ’ Degrassi ’ Teen Mom ’ Å 54 MTV Teen Wolf Å (2:50) ›› “The Purge” (2013) ’ (:20) ››› “Prisoners” (2013) ’ 55 MC1 The Judge (:45) ›› “Oblivion” (2013) Tom Cruise. ’ Å (DVS) (12:55) ›› “Stalingrad” (2013) Pyotr Fyodorov. ’ (:10) ››› “Fury” (2014) Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf. ’ Å (DVS) (:25) Red 2 56 MC2 (10:50) ››› “Rush” (:45) ›› “Maleficent” (2014) ’ Å 57 MC3 (11:15) “The One I Love” (12:50) “Grace of Monaco” (2014) ’ (:35) ››› “Saving Mr. Banks” (2013) ’ Å Real Time, Bill (:20) ›› “Stage Fright” (2014) ’ (3:55) “Bessie” (2015) Queen Latifah. ’ 58 HBO (11:15) “All the Wrong Reasons” ’ The Good Wife ’ Å The Good Wife ’ Å 59 WSBK “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” ›› “The Final Season” (2007, Drama) Sean Astin. White Collar Å The Middle The Middle “The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou” 60 KTLA Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cosmetic Paid Prog. Traveler › “Furry Vengeance” (2010) Brendan Fraser. Å WGN Evening News Monopoly Millionaires 61 WGN MLB Baseball Chicago White Sox at Detroit Tigers. TVA West TVA West. 88 TVA TVA West TVA West. Journal Vivement dimanche! “Michèle Torr” Tout-monde Voisins Journal Pas que des cobayes 89 TV5 Bretagne la promesse TJ Monde Les grands reportages RDI, direct RDI, direct 90 RDI RDI, direct RDI, direct RDI, direct RDI, direct RDI, direct Journal Saskatchewan Legislature 108 SASK Saskatchewan Legislature P.M. In Committee “From the House of Commons” The recent prima-facie rulings. The Fifties Tête à tête 109 CPAC World Showcase Å On the Front Porch by Wanda Smith A Cuppa Joe Today, I’ve been thinking of the countless people who’ve sat around my parent’s table over the years and enjoyed a cinnamon bun or a cup of coffee and a friendly chat. Both my parents have a gift of hospitality and are certainly experienced at making their company feel at home. I attended a “living school of hospitality” all the while growing up and still have the privilege of sitting at their table or joining Mom in the kitchen. The lessons I’ve learned by example and observation are invaluable. Rarely do I remember my mom ever instructing me in anything. Rather she just lived it out and I learned to emulate what she lived. God has given each of us talents and gifts. One of those gifts is the gift of hospitality. Although there are certainly other more flamboyant gifts and talents, please don’t ever underestimate the power of a cup of cold water given in love. Timothy instructs us to “...not neglect the gift you have.” Those who serve out of this gifting are certainly important in the Kingdom of God. Let me tell you, those who serve with a gift of hospitality are essential! Those who flow in the gift of hospitality are almost invisible in what they do yet if they were not around, they would be sorely missed. In fact, we are feeling that effect in our world! The gift of hospitality is certainly needed ... we need a place where we can be refreshed... a place where we can fellowship and meet with others who care and come alongside to support us in our lives. We need a place of connection and a place to let our hair down where we are valued and accepted. Let’s look at certain aspects that a gift of hospitality can include: meeting new people and making them feel welcome, creating an environment where people can feel at ease, cared and provided for as well as encouraging relationship building and fostering a safe, confidential environment usually in your home (or church). It involves a willingness to be ready “in season and out of season.” I am reminded of many times my mom would wash the sheets in the spare room and then of course, clean the house and prepare a meal or more for the guests coming to our home. I know having company was not always convenient with what was going on in her life. I saw her make a choice to serve with a kind heart and the guest would never have known what my mom had gone through to make them comfortable. We are challenged to: “Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace...” Upon my observation, I would venture to say that it seems that those who may be gifted in the area of hospitality are becoming few and far between. It’s not that I don’t believe that there aren’t enough of us to go around ... I just tend to think that there are many who are not using what we’ve been entrusted. What I really wish to say is that if you feel you are gifted in this area, I encourage you to cultivate it. We don’t have to have magazine-ready homes to share love with our neighbors. We’ve bought into the lie that everything has to be perfect before we can host others in our homes. That is simply not the case. It’s about the condition of our heart... not our home. There is phenomenal power that comes when we move within our gifting. There is a spiritual power attached to this gift. You have the ability to minister into the lives and hearts of precious people who need a friend, need fellowship and need a shoulder to cry on. Be empowered to start moving out of your comfort zone and start extending yourself to others by faith. You’ll soon see how God will put people into your path that you can bless with your gift of hospitality. I believe you are in a season of increased fruitfulness. There is an anointing on hospitality. You will pull people from the ashes when you let your gift flow. Allow Holy Spirit to move through you to use your gifts and abilities to strengthen those around you! Start pouring that coffee and get ready for a download from Heaven! “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.” 2 Timothy 4:14, 1 Corinthians 12:4-6, 1 Peter 4:9,10 MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 • PAGE A23 SUNDAY EVENING 6:00 Phone: 306.694.1322 Fax: 888.241.5291 32 Manitoba St. West, Moose Jaw SK S6H 1P7 Publisher: Robert Ritchie - Editor: Joan Ritchie - Sales: John Gibson - Bob Calvert - Wanda Hallborg - Fraser Tolmie - Thank you to all the contributing writers, without your time and support, the paper would not look the same. Send your stories, events and pictures to; Ron Walter Joan Ritchie Joyce Walter Scott Hellings Wanda Smith Janet Kilgannon Dale “bushy” Bush Nick Greengrass 6:30 June 28 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 2 WTVS Last Tango in Halifax ’ Poldark on Masterpiece The Crimson Field (N) ’ Secrets of Underground Last Tango in Halifax ’ Poldark on Masterpiece Découverte (N) (SC) Animo (N) Viens-tu faire un tour? Pénélope McQuade et TJ (:35) ››› “Léolo” (1992) (SC) 3 CBKFT TJ Focus Sask Big Brother (N) ’ Å Madam Secretary Å Family Guy Simpsons News Final Block Security Burgers 5 CFRE News CSI: Crime Scene The Following “Home” News CTV News 6 CKCK CTV News Indigenous Big Bang Big Bang Criminal Minds ’ Weekend EarthWatch Weekend EarthWatch Two 7 WEATH (5:00) Weekend EarthWatch One To Be Announced (:01) American Odyssey News Sports Final Inside Edit. Paid Prog. News Paid Prog. 8 WDIV Dateline NBC (N) Å When Calls the Heart ’ When Calls the Heart (N) The National (N) Å “The Baby Formula” ’ 9 CBKT (5:00) “Cats & Dogs” ’ Heartland Å (DVS) CSI: Crime Scene Blue Bloods ’ Å Blue Bloods ’ Å White Collar Å 11 WWJ (:01) Big Brother (N) ’ Madam Secretary Å (:01) Castle “Kill Switch” 7 Action News Castle “The Dead Pool” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 12 WXYZ Celebrity Family Feud (N) BattleBots (N) ’ Å 1 Year To Be Announced 13 CTYS Get Stuffed Saw Dogs Celebrity Family Feud (N) Scorpion “Shorthanded” (:01) Shameless (N) ’ 1 Year ›› “The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl” Weird Vampire Just Kid Just Kid Haunting Haunting 14 YTV “Stormbreaker” Mike-Knight Trucktown Charmers Caillou ’ Mike-Knight Big Friend Max & Ruby Backyard Bubble Team Umiz. Fresh Beat 15 TREE Toopy The National (N) Å The Passionate Eye “The Trials of Mohammad Ali” The National (N) Å The Passionate Eye 16 NW Scientologists At War News National News National News National News National 17 NNET (4:00) CTV News Weekend With Scott Laurie Å Icons European Poker Tour Highlights of the Night Highlights of the Night Highlights of the Night The Final Score Å 18 SCORE Plays SportsCentre (N) Å SportsCentre (N) Å SportsCentre (N) Å 19 TSN MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs at St. Louis Cardinals. (N) (Live) Å Plays Sportsnet Central (N) Blue Jays MLB’s Best European Poker Tour Sportsnet Central (N) 20 NET NHL Top 50 NHL Count Power Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Buy It Buy It Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop 21 HGTV Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Flip or Flop Flip Leading the J. Meyer Joel Osteen Prince Context Popoff Jewish In Touch ’ J. Van Impe Tomorrow’s 22 VISION Jeremiah Facts Movie ’ Movie ’ 23 M3 Retro 30 Hit music from the ’90s and early 2000s. MuchCountdown ’ Å Finding Carter Å Broad City Broad City Garfunkel Garfunkel 24 MM Much Now & Then Å Dan-Mayor Hiccups ’ “Bridal Wave” (2015, Drama) Arielle Kebbel. ’ Å Mike Cleveland Way Off Broadway ’ 25 EDACC Corner Gas etalk Å Love It or List It Å Brother vs. Brother ››› “Martha Marcy May Marlene” (2011) Å 26 W (5:00) ›› “What Lies Beneath” (2000) Å Emergency Emergency Emergency Emergency ››› “Tomorrow Never Dies” (1997, Action) ’ 27 SLICE ›› “The Vow” (2012) Rachel McAdams. ’ Å ›› “The Beaver” (2011) Mel Gibson. ’ Å ››› “Return to Me” 28 BRAVO Missing “Phoenix Rising” › “The Big Wedding” (2013) Robert De Niro. ’ ›› “Heart and Souls” (1993) Å (:45) ››› “Michael” (1996) Å 29 ENC AV2 (5:20) ›› “Life” (1999) (:10) ›› “Fools Rush In” (1997) Matthew Perry. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. 30 A&E Duck D. Ring of Honor Wrestling Paid Prog. Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Paid Prog. ROH 31 WUHF Simpsons Brooklyn Family Guy Golan the News (8:48) “Glen Campbell... I’ll Be Me” (:35) The Seventies The 70’s 32 CNN Anthony Bourdain Parts ››› “Glen Campbell... I’ll Be Me” (2014) Wheels-Fail Wheels-Fail Wheels-Fail Miss. Snake Shipping Deal With It Deal With It Wheels-Fail Wheels-Fail Miss. Snake Shipping 33 CMT My Best Bar Rescue (N) ’ Catch a Contractor (N) Bar Rescue ’ Bar Rescue ’ Catch a Contractor ’ 34 SPIKE Bar Rescue ’ Return to Amish (N) ’ Gypsy Sisters (N) Å Return to Amish Å Gypsy Sisters ’ Å Return to Amish Å 35 TLC Return to Amish Å Naked and Afraid: Un Naked and Afraid (N) MythBusters ’ Å Alaskan Bush People Naked and Afraid: Un 36 DISC Alaskan Bush People Beauty and the Beast ’ Defiance “Dead Air” ’ NCIS “Split Decision” ’ 37 SHOW Beauty and the Beast (N) Defiance “Dead Air” (N) NCIS “Missing” Å Johnny T Dr. Dimen Camp Total Drama Packages-X The Day My Awesomes Fugget ›› “Shallow Hal” Å 38 TOON Endangered Rocket K.C. Under. Liv-Mad. Girl Meets Austin I Didn’t K.C. Under. Next Step Wingin’ It Girl Meets Liv-Mad. 39 FAM Jessie ’ Austin The Closer Å The Closer Å Win a Date 40 PCH Mod Fam Mod Fam ›› “The International” (2009) Clive Owen, Naomi Watts. LOL :-) LOL :-) Big Bang Big Bang Laughs: All Access Just for Laughs 41 COM Big Bang Big Bang Just for Laughs ››› “The Passion of Joan of Arc” (1928) 42 TCM › “Godzilla vs. Monster Zero” (1965) Nick Adams. ›› “Godzilla, King of the Monsters” (1956) Å Food Network Star (N) Cutthroat Kitchen Å Chopped Canada Å Food Network Star Å Cutthroat Kitchen Å 43 FOOD Chopped Canada Å Liquidator Storage Liquidator Liquidator Mantracker ’ Å Haunted Collector Å MeatEater MeatEater 44 OUT Mantracker ’ Å Yukon Gold ’ Å Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Alone “Of Wolf and Man” 45 HIST Alone “Of Wolf and Man” Swamp People ’ Å The Last Ship (N) Å Salem (Season Finale) (N) ›› “Repo Man” (1984) Emilio Estevez. ’ Å (:15) The Last Ship Å 46 SPACE Killjoys ’ Å (DVS) Humans Å Halt and Catch Fire (N) Humans Å Halt and Catch Fire Humans Å 47 AMC “Independence Day” NASCAR 48 FSR (5:00) United SportsCar Series Racing Watkins Glen International. From Watkins Glen International Raceway, New York. Å Big Crazy Family Xtreme Waterparks (N) Museum Secrets ’ Big Crazy Family Xtreme Waterparks ’ 49 DTOUR Museum Secrets ’ Pentax Photography Silk Impressions Dr. Ho’s Wellness Silk Impressions Silk Impressions 50 SHOP International Gold The 2015 Much Music Video Awards (N) Å The L.A. Complex Å Teen Wolf Å Teen Wolf Å 54 MTV Finding Carter Å Ray Donovan “Rodef” Penny Dreadful (N) Å (10:55) ›› “47 Ronin” 55 MC1 (4:20) ››› “Prisoners” (6:55) ››› “Rush” (2013) Chris Hemsworth. ’ (:25) ›› “Oblivion” (2013) Tom Cruise. ’ ›› “The Judge” (2014) Robert Downey Jr. ’ Å (DVS) 56 MC2 (5:25) ›› “Red 2” (2013, Action) ’ (:25) ››› “The Skeleton Twins” ’ “Grace of Monaco” (2014) ’ One I Lv 57 MC3 Maleficent (:25) ›› “When the Game Stands Tall” (2014) ’ True Detective (N) Å Ballers (N) The Brink Last Week (:35) VICE 58 HBO “All the Wrong Reasons” (2013) Karine Vanasse. ’ (:05) State of Play Å Blue Bloods ’ Å Big Bang Big Bang Two Men Two Men Mike Mike Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 59 WSBK Blue Bloods ’ Å KTLA News KTLA News Monopoly Millionaires Friends ’ Friends ’ 5 News Sunday KTLA 5 News at 10 (N) 60 KTLA “Life Aquatic” News/Nine Replay Chicago Friends ’ Friends ’ Raymond The Middle The Middle 61 WGN ›› “Duplex” (2003, Comedy) Ben Stiller. Å TVA West TVA West. 88 TVA (4:00) TVA West TVA West. Corps et monde TV5 Jrnl Maghreb 200 millions de critiques On passe à l’histoire 89 TV5 ››› “Un secret” (2007) Cécile De France. Les grands reportages Regard TJ L’épicerie TJ Monde TJ Le National 90 RDI Les grands reportages TJ Saskatchewan Legislature 108 SASK (4:00) Saskatchewan Legislature Outburst Chasing In Committee The recent prima-facie rulings. In Committee Coverage of Senate committees. 109 CPAC P.M. As a kid, I never had the good fortune of attending parades. We lived in rural Saskatchewan and parades were few and far between; the only somewhat parade I saw was a consecutive lineup of vehicles driving down the highway to and from town. Parades are sort of a nice way of people coming together in community Joan Ritchie spirit to celebrate community: EDITOR business, organizations, bands and whatever fanfare comes out. Kids especially enjoy getting in on all the excitement; usually there’s at least one organization that flings candy about the street so kids can scramble for it. I think of the Shriners dressed up in their regalia with their identifiable red-tasselled hats, who ride those little motorcars and mini scooter bikes; big kids with big smiles making a big splash en parade route…I like the bands dressed up in their often military uniforms with the rat-a-tat drums and clashing cymbals in hand, and some lip-locked to bugles and trombones. They sure know how to toot their own June 29 MONDAY EVENING horns! Do baton twirlers still dazzle the crowd? (can’t 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 remember seeing any for years). And of course our 2 WTVS Antiques Roadshow (N) Antiques Roadshow ’ The Life of Muhammad Mosque Facing Fear T. Smiley Charlie Rose (N) Å Antiques Squelettes Les Parent Les chefs! La brigade Pénélope McQuade (N) Le Téléjournal (N) (SC) TJ Sask Par ici l’été waving Mayor and MLAs are front-row and centre as 3 CBKFT TJ Sask Voix Ent Continuum Å Remedy Å (8:59) NCIS: Los Angeles News Hour Final (N) (Off Air) Mamas CFRE News they are very identifiable as community celebrities, 56 CKCK CTV News Regina (N) So You Think You Can Dance (N) ’ Å Castle “Bad Santa” ’ Big Bang etalk (N) ’ News-Lisa CTV News EarthWatch One EarthWatch Two 7 WEATH (5:00) EarthWatch One usually riding in a classy ragtop, sometimes classic. (:01) The Island (N) ’ News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Late Night-Seth Meyers News 8 WDIV American Ninja Warrior “Pittsburgh Qualifying” (N) The parade is the precursor to the Hometown Fair. I 9 CBKT CBC News: Murdoch Mysteries ’ Coronation Murdoch Mysteries ’ Comedy Comedy The National (N) Å Exchange Blackstone Scorpion “A Cyclone” ’ (7:59) NCIS: Los Angeles Two Men CSI: Crime Scene James Corden Comics did have a few opportunities as a kid to get to the big 11 WWJ Broke Girl Mike (:01) The Whispers (N) News (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline ThisMinute Dr Oz 12 WXYZ The Bachelorette (N) ’ Å city fair. I guess I could equate it to the highlight of my 13 CTYS Mod Fam Mod Fam The Bachelorette (N) ’ Å Broke Girl Two Men Disasters of the Century To Be Announced Just Kid Just Kid Mr. Young Boys Haunting Haunting summer as holidays were usually spent weeding the 14 YTV Parents SpongeBob Sam & Cat Assembly Game On Max Peg Trucktown Cat in the Caillou ’ Mike-Knight Big Friend Max & Ruby Backyard Bubble Team Umiz. Fresh Beat 15 TREE Toopy garden in the hot noonday sun and otherwise, sunning 16 NW CBC News The National (N) Å CBC News The National (N) Å The National (N) Å CBC News 4 x 2” ad News-Lisa National News-Lisa National News National News National NNET (4:00) CTV News Channel ’ Å myself the rest of the time (sun bathing was the thing 17 Highlights of the Night WWE Monday Night RAW ’ Å 18 SCORE WWE Monday Night RAW With Cole, Lawler and JBL. (N) ’ (Live) Å P AGE 8 V ALUE E XPRESS ~ M OOSE J AW , SK J UNE 25 J ULY to do in those days; now it’s taboo). Rides and more 19 TSN (5:30) 2015 Wimbledon Primetime SportsCentre (N) Å Motoring Motorcycle SportsCentre (N) Å SportsCentre (N)8,Å2015 MLB Baseball: Red Sox at Blue Jays Sportsnet Central (N) MLB Baseball: Yankees at Angels Sportsnet Central (N) NET rides all evening long, that was the thrill of it all until 20 House Hunters Reno Open Open Hunters Int’l Hunters House Hunters Reno Bryan Bryan 21 HGTV Hunters Int’l Hunters theZoomer ’ Biblical Conspiracies ’ Emily of New Moon ’ ›› “The Pathfinder” (1996) Kevin Dillon. ’ Å 22 VISION Columbo Å my stomach couldn’t take them any longer. Crash (N) ’ Å (:15) The Mentalist Å Cash Cab Cash Cab (:15) Played ’ (:15) Crash ’ Å M3 Played ’ Å (DVS) Need I mention that fair food has always been a big 23 South Park Bang! Childrens Community Simpsons At Midnight Conan (N) Å Community 24 MM (5:00) MuchCountdown Tosh.0 Flashpoint ’ Å Mike Cleveland Alberta Primetime Å part of the experience: corndogs, mini donuts, cotton 25 EDACC Alberta Primetime (N) ’ Degrassi etalk (N) ’ Big Bang Anger Say Yes Say Yes Love It or List It Å Property Brothers Brother vs. Brother (N) Love It or List It (N) 26 W Property Brothers candy and much more… but my favourite of all was the 27 SLICE Income Income Million Dollar LA UnREAL (N) ’ Å Matchmaker Friends ’ Friends ’ UnREAL ’ Å Cold Justice (N) Å Murder in the First (N) The Listener “Jericho” Criminal Minds ’ Cold Justice ’ Å Doukhobor bread slathered with butter. Don’t forget 28 BRAVO Blue Bloods ’ Å (6:50) “Modra” (2010) Celebrity Damage ››› “California Split” (1974) George Segal. (10:50) ››› “Casino” 29 ENC AV2 “Brewster’s Millions” the corn on the cob, too. YUM! Corn is something no 30 A&E The First 48 ’ Å The First 48 ’ Å (:01) The First 48 Å (:02) The First 48 Å (:01) The First 48 Å (:01) The First 48 Å You Think You Can Dance (N) ’ Å 13WHAM News at 10 Seinfeld ’ Cleveland Paid Prog. Cougar Anger Paid Prog. one should ever eat on the cob in public, there’s more 31 WUHF So CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 CNN International CNN International 32 CNN Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Anderson Cooper 360 on the face and stuck in the teeth than anywhere else, 33 CMT Wheels-Fail Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Wheels-Fail Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos (7:53) Cops (:31) Cops (:09) Cops “Liar Liar” ’ (9:48) Cops (:26) Cops (:04) Cops (:43) Cops SPIKE (5:57) Cops (:36) Cops (:14) Cops ’ Å and probably a little butter dribble down the front of 34 The Little Couple (N) ’ Å The Little Couple ’ Å To Be Announced 35 TLC To Be Announced the shirt, too, …but who can resist. 36 DISC How/Made How/Made Alaskan Bush: Off Grid Alaskan Bush People (N) How/Made How/Made Alaskan Bush: Off Grid Alaskan Bush People NCIS “Reveille” Å Hawaii Five-0 ’ Å SHOW “Anatomy of Deception” (2014) Natasha Henstridge. The Musketeers (N) ’ NCIS “The Weak Link” The bandstand has always been a really nice place to 37 Archer Amer. Dad 38 TOON Johnny T Johnny T Uncle Gra. Uncle Gra. Total Drama Total Drama Grojband Grojband Futurama Fugget just chill for a song or two. What about the petting zoo, 39 FAM I Didn’t I Didn’t I Didn’t Girl Meets Good Luck “Den Brother” (2010) Hutch Dano. ’ Girl Meets Wingin’ It Good Luck Win, Lose Payne Browns Payne Mod Fam Seinfeld ’ Family Guy Family Guy Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Jeffersons Break PCH Browns a favourite place to take the kids? You’ve got to love 40 Corner Gas JFL Gags Gags Simpsons Just for Laughs Big Bang Big Bang 41 COM Big Bang Big Bang Match “Hannah-Sisters” those miniature goats that hop around and those sly 42 TCM ››› “Hawaii” (1966, Drama) Julie Andrews, Max von Sydow, Richard Harris. (:15) ››› “The Magician” (1958) Ingrid Thulin Best. Ever. ’ Å Worst Cooks in America Food Truck Face Off ’ Diners Diners Worst Cooks in America 43 FOOD Chopped “An Egg Up” lamas that take you into view from across the coral and 44 OUT I Shouldn’t Be Alive Storage Storage Storage: NY Storage I Shouldn’t Be Alive Storage Storage Storage: NY Storage Treasures Decoded ’ Mummies Alive ’ Å Hangar 1: The UFO Files Ancient Aliens ’ Å come barreling forward, stopping on a dime to spit at 45 HIST M*A*S*H ’ M*A*S*H ’ Museum Secrets ’ Dark Matter ’ Å Atlantis (N) ’ InnerSPACE Scare Tac. Castle ’ Å Dark Matter ’ Å 46 SPACE Castle ’ Å you…pretty funny! Take in the exhibits and see what’s 47 AMC (3:30) ›››› “The Godfather, Part II” (1974) Å Making of the Mob Making of the Mob ›››› “GoodFellas” (1990) Robert De Niro. Å 600 One Hot Night NASCAR: Martinsville NASCAR Race Hub Pass Time Pass Time The 600 new in the world of gizmos and gadgets. It’s all in the 48 FSR The Security Security Security Security Security Ghost Adventures Å Security Security Security Security 49 DTOUR Security fun at the Moose Jaw Hometown Fair! Silk Impressions DG2 by Diane Gilman DG2 by Diane Gilman Your Way to Wellness Your Way to Wellness 50 SHOP Sigal Style Steel The contents of this publication are the property of the Moose Jaw Express. Reproduction of any of the contents of this publication, including, but without limiting the generality of the following: photographs, artwork and graphic designs, is strictly prohibited. There shall be no reproduction without the express written consent of the publisher. All ads in the Moose Jaw Express are published in good faith without verification. The Moose Jaw Express reserves the right to refuse, classify, revise or censor any ads for any reason in its sole discretion. This paper may include inaccuracies or errors. The Moose Jaw Value Express does not under any circumstances accept responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of any ads or messages in any of the publications editions. The Moose Jaw Express specifically disclaims all and any liability to advertisers and readers of any kind for loss or damage of any nature what-so-ever and however arising, whether due to inaccuracy, error, omission or any other cause. All users are advised to check ad and message details carefully before entering into any agreement of any kind and before disclosing personal information. If in doubt, please take legal advice. 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 88 89 90 108 109 MTV MC1 MC2 MC3 HBO WSBK KTLA WGN TVA TV5 RDI SASK CPAC Degrassi Degrassi Breaker Student Teen Mom 2 (N) Å Skins Å Teen Mom 2 Å Teen Mom 2 Å (5:10) “Halo: Nightfall” (6:50) ›› “The Expendables 3” (2014) ’ Å Nurse Jack Lies Shameless ’ Å Nurse Jack Am Hustle Am Hustle (:25) ››› “Cottage Country” (2013) ›› “RoboCop” (2014) Joel Kinnaman. ’ Å ›› “Hercules” (2014) ’ Å (DVS) (:40) Gravity (5:30) ››› “The Trip to Italy” (2014) (:20) “Hit by Lightning” (2014) ’ (8:50) ›› “I Give It a Year” (2013) › “Tammy” (2014) Melissa McCarthy. (:15) ›› “Lansky” (1999) Richard Dreyfuss. University Sing “Larry Kramer in Love and Anger” True Detective ’ Å Privileged Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU WBZ News (N) ’ Å Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ How I Met How I Met Friends ’ Rules The Steve Wilkos Show News at 6 KTLA News Two Men Two Men The Originals ’ Å Whose Line Barber KTLA 5 News at 10 (N) The Originals ’ Å Whose Line Barber WGN News at Nine (N) Celebrity Friends ’ Friends ’ Raymond The Middle The Middle (4:00) TVA West TVA West. TVA West TVA West. Secrets d’histoire “Mozart : la liberté ou la mort !” L’attentat de Sarajevo TV5 Jrnl (:40) ARTE reportage Ports d’attache “Nantes” Camions Les grands reportages Le Téléjournal (N) (SC) Économie Le National 24/60 (SC) Les grands reportages Le Téléjournal (SC) (4:00) Saskatchewan Legislature Saskatchewan Legislature PrimeTime Politics Public Record Å Politics Tête à tête PrimeTime Politics Public Record Å PAGE A24 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 TUESDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 June 30 11:00 11:30 “1913: Seeds” Frontline “Growing Up Trans” (N) ’ POV A church is converted into housing. (N) Å T. Smiley 2 WTVS Mount Rushmore Rendez Squelettes Monde Vengeance ’ (SC) Pénélope McQuade (N) Le Téléjournal (N) (SC) TJ Sask Par ici l’été 3 CBKFT TJ Sask Ent NCIS “Cadence” ’ NCIS: New Orleans ’ NCIS: New Orleans ’ News Hour Final (N) (Off Air) Comebacks 5 CFRE News The Mentalist ’ Å Zoo “First Blood” ’ CSI: Crime Scene Big Bang etalk Å News-Lisa CTV News 6 CKCK Women’s World Cup EarthWatch One EarthWatch Two 7 WEATH (5:00) EarthWatch One (:01) I Can Do That (N) News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Late Night-Seth Meyers News 8 WDIV America’s Got Talent Auditions continue. (N) Å Coronation Rick Mercer Fool Creek Standing The National (N) Å Exchange Blackstone 9 CBKT CBC News: Murdoch Mysteries ’ Zoo “First Blood” ’ (:01) NCIS: New Orleans Two Men CSI: Crime Scene James Corden Comics 11 WWJ NCIS “Cadence” ’ News (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline ThisMinute Dr Oz 12 WXYZ Fresh-Boat blackish ’ Extreme Weight Loss (N) ’ Å Broke Girl Two Men P- Diner Look I Cook To Be Announced 13 CTYS Mod Fam Mod Fam America’s Got Talent Auditions continue. (N) Å SpongeBob Sam & Cat Assembly Max Hathaways Just Kid Just Kid Mr. Young Boys Haunting Haunting 14 YTV Parents Peg Trucktown Cat in the Caillou ’ Mike-Knight Big Friend Max & Ruby Backyard Bubble Team Umiz. Fresh Beat 15 TREE Toopy The National (N) Å CBC News The National (N) Å The National (N) Å CBC News 16 NW CBC News News-Lisa National News-Lisa National News-Lisa National News-Lisa National 17 NNET (4:00) CTV News Channel ’ Å Highlights of the Night Highlights of the Night Highlights of the Night The Final Score Å 18 SCORE NHL Count NHL Top 50 European Poker Tour SportsCentre (N) Å SC Å SC Å Fishing SC Top 10 SportsCentre (N) Å SportsCentre (N) Å 19 TSN Women’s World Cup Sportsnet Central (N) MLB Baseball: Yankees at Angels Sportsnet Central (N) 20 NET MLB Baseball: Red Sox at Blue Jays Decks Decks I Wrecked I Wrecked Hunters Int’l Hunters Decks Decks I Wrecked I Wrecked 21 HGTV Hunters Int’l Hunters ›› “The Pathfinder” (1996) Kevin Dillon. ’ Å Emily of New Moon ’ ››› “A Price Above Rubies” (1998) ’ Å 22 VISION Columbo Å Cash Cab Cash Cab Pretty Little Liars Å Wonderland “Weddings” 23 M3 Pretty Little Liars (N) ’ Wonderland “Weddings” The Mentalist ’ Å Tosh.0 South Park Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Community Simpsons At Midnight Conan (N) Å Community 24 MM Playlist Music videos. Big Bang Anger The Flash ’ Å Mike Cleveland Alberta Primetime Å 25 EDACC Alberta Primetime (N) ’ Degrassi etalk Å Love-List-Vancouver Love It or List It Å Property Brothers Property Brothers Masters of Flip 26 W Love It or List It Å Housewives/Atl. Friends ’ Friends ’ Southern Charm Å 27 SLICE Princess ’ Princess ’ Southern Charm (N) ’ Housewives/NYC Saving Hope ’ Å Saving Hope ’ Å The Listener ’ Criminal Minds ’ Boston’s Finest Å 28 BRAVO Blue Bloods ’ Å Film Fest. Celebrity Damage ›› “The Legend of Zorro” (2005, Adventure) Å (:10) “A Knight’s Tale” 29 ENC AV2 (5:35) ››› “Dumb and Dumber” Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Country Country Storage Storage Storage Storage 30 A&E Storage Beat the Champions (N) 13WHAM News at 10 Seinfeld ’ Cleveland Paid Prog. Cougar Anger Paid Prog. 31 WUHF Women’s World Cup CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Special Report CNN International 32 CNN Anderson Cooper 360 (N) CNN Special Report Last Man Last Man Chrisley Chrisley Undercover Last Man Last Man Chrisley Chrisley 33 CMT Undercover Ink Master ’ Å Ink Master (N) ’ Å Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Ink Master ’ Å 34 SPIKE Ink Master ’ Å The Little Couple (N) ’ Kate Plus 8 (N) ’ Å The Little Couple Å Kate Plus 8 ’ Å The Little Couple Å 35 TLC The Little Couple Å Deadliest Catch (N) ’ Cold Water Cowboys Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Å 36 DISC Catching Monsters (N) Deadliest Catch NCIS “Good Wives Club” Hawaii Five-0 ’ Å 37 SHOW “Stonehenge Apocalypse” (2010) Misha Collins. ’ Justified “Ghosts” (N) ’ NCIS “See No Evil” ’ Archer Amer. Dad 38 TOON Johnny T Johnny T Dr. Dimen Dr. Dimen Total Drama Total Drama Grojband Grojband Futurama Fugget Austin Austin Girl Meets Good Luck ››› “Cow Belles” (2006) ’ Å Girl Meets Wingin’ It Good Luck Win, Lose 39 FAM Austin Payne Browns Payne Mod Fam Seinfeld ’ Family Guy Family Guy Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Jeffersons Break 40 PCH Browns Corner Gas JFL Gags Gags Simpsons Just for Laughs Big Bang Amy Sch. 41 COM Big Bang Big Bang Match ›› “Mame” (1974) Lucille Ball, Robert Preston, Beatrice Arthur. “The Philadelphia Story” 42 TCM ››› “Auntie Mame” (1958, Comedy) Rosalind Russell. Å Chopped Canada Å Chopped (N) ’ Å Chopped ’ Å Diners Diners Chopped ’ Å 43 FOOD Chopped ’ Å Escape Illusions Storage: NY Storage I Shouldn’t Be Alive Escape Illusions Storage: NY Storage 44 OUT I Shouldn’t Be Alive UFOs Declassified Å Hangar 1: The UFO Files Pawn Stars Pawn Stars America Unearthed ’ 45 HIST M*A*S*H ’ M*A*S*H ’ Ice Road Truckers Å Ripper Street (N) Å (:15) In the Flesh ’ Å InnerSPACE Castle “Knockdown” ’ Ripper Street ’ Å 46 SPACE Castle “Knockdown” ’ ››› “True Lies” (1994) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis. Å Humans Å 47 AMC (5:00) ››› “Erin Brockovich” (2000, Drama) Å MotoGP Racing MotoGP Racing NASCAR Race Hub Pass Time Pass Time MotoGP Racing 48 FSR MotoGP Racing Security Xtreme Waterparks ’ Big Crazy Family Ghost Adventures Å The Dead Files ’ Å Xtreme Waterparks ’ 49 DTOUR Security DG2 by Diane Gilman Ammolite Gems Paderno The Coin Show The Coin Show 50 SHOP The Coin Show Student 16 and Pregnant Å Reign ’ Å 16 and Pregnant Å Real World Real World 54 MTV Degrassi Degrassi Breaker (:45) ›› “Pompeii” (2014) Kit Harington. ’ Å ›› “300: Rise of an Empire” (2014) “Thor: The Dark World” 55 MC1 (5:40) ›› “Godzilla” (2014) ’ Å ›› “Last Vegas” (2013) Michael Douglas. ’ 56 MC2 (:15) ›› “The Remaining” (2014) ’ (:45) ›› “Fast & Furious 6” (2013, Action) Vin Diesel. ’ Å (8:50) ›› “Cuban Fury” (2014) ’ ›› “Delivery Man” (2013) ’ Å 57 MC3 (5:20) “Cas & Dylan” ’ (6:55) ›› “The Grand Seduction” (2013) ’ Å Ballers ’ The Brink Last Week The Jinx: The Life The Newsroom ’ Å 58 HBO (5:45) “That Burning Feeling” (2013) Live From D.C. Law Order: CI WBZ News (N) ’ Å Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ How I Met How I Met Friends ’ Rules 59 WSBK Law Order: CI iZombie ’ Å KTLA 5 News at 10 (N) 60 KTLA The Steve Wilkos Show News at 6 KTLA News Two Men Two Men The Flash ’ Å iZombie ’ Å WGN News at Nine (N) Celebrity Friends ’ Friends ’ Raymond The Middle The Middle 61 WGN The Flash ’ Å TVA West TVA West. 88 TVA (4:00) TVA West TVA West. Secouristes TV5 Jrnl (:40) “Soeur Sourire” (2009) Cécile de France. Signe-tortue 89 TV5 “Provence perchée : Sur Spécimen (N) Les grands reportages Le Téléjournal (SC) 90 RDI Les grands reportages Le Téléjournal (N) (SC) Économie Le National 24/60 (SC) Saskatchewan Legislature 108 SASK (4:00) Saskatchewan Legislature Public Record Å Politics Tête à tête PrimeTime Politics Public Record Å 109 CPAC PrimeTime Politics WEDNESDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 July 1 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 First Peoples “Asia; Australia” (N) ’ Å SciTech Weapons T. Smiley Charlie Rose (N) Å Operation 2 WTVS Operation Wild (N) Å Océania Squelettes L’épicerie La petite séduction (N) La fête du Canada Téléjrnl. Par ici l’été (SC) Entrevues 3 CBKFT TJ Ent Big Brother (N) ’ Å Rookie Blue ’ Extant ’ Å News Hour Focus Sask ET Canada TV-Torrens 5 CFRE News MasterChef (N) ’ The Mentalist ’ Å Criminal Minds ’ Big Bang etalk News-Lisa CTV News 6 CKCK Women’s World Cup EarthWatch One EarthWatch Two 7 WEATH (5:00) EarthWatch One News Tonight Show-J. Fallon Late Night-Seth Meyers News 8 WDIV America’s Got Talent (N) American Ninja Warrior ’ Å (DVS) Coronation Dragons’ Den ’ Canada Day The National (N) Å Blackstone “50/50” ’ 9 CBKT CBC News: Murdoch Mysteries ’ Criminal Minds ’ Extant ’ Å Two Men CSI: Crime Scene James Corden Comics 11 WWJ Big Brother (N) ’ Å (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline ThisMinute Dr Oz 12 WXYZ The Middle Goldbergs Mod Fam blackish ’ Celebrity Wife Swap (N) News Dog To Be Announced 13 CTYS Mod Fam Mod Fam America’s Got Talent (N) Mod Fam blackish ’ Broke Girl Two Men Dog SpongeBob Sam & Cat Assembly Bella Henry Just Kid Just Kid Gags Gags Haunting Haunting 14 YTV Parents Zigby Big Friend Max & Ruby Backyard Bubble Team Umiz. Fresh Beat 15 TREE Big Friend Cat in the Caillou ’ Mike-Knight Toopy & The National (N) Å CBC News The National (N) Å CBC News Special Canada Day celebrations. Å 16 NW CBC News x 2” ad News-Lisa National News-Lisa National News-Lisa National News-Lisa 4National 17 NNET (4:00) CTV News Channel ’ Å Aftermath Highlights Highlights of the Night Highlights of the Night The Final Score Å 18 SCORE WWE SmackDown! (N) ’ Å SportsCentre (N) Å SC Top 10 SC Top 10 Golf Talk Score Golf SportsCentre (N) Å SportsCentre (N) Å TSN Women’s World Cup P19AGE 10 VALUE EXPRESS ~ MOOSEPlays JAW, SKNHL Count World Poker Tour JUNE 25 - JULY 8, 2015 Sportsnet Central (N) Sportsnet Central (N) 20 NET MLB Baseball Pittsburgh Pirates at Detroit Tigers. Lakefront Log Cabin Caribbean Hawaii Life Hunters Int’l Hunters Lakefront Log Cabin Caribbean Hawaii Life 21 HGTV Hunters Int’l Hunters Cilla Å Breathless ’ Å Emily of New Moon ’ ››› “Dear Frankie” (2004) Emily Mortimer. ’ 22 VISION Columbo Å The Mentalist ’ Å Cash Cab Cash Cab Movie ’ 23 M3 Movie ’ Tosh.0 South Park Nathan-You Big Time Community Simpsons At Midnight Conan (N) Å Community 24 MM Playlist Music videos. Big Bang Anger Arrow “Guilty” ’ Å Mike Cleveland Alberta Primetime Å 25 EDACC Alberta Primetime (N) ’ Degrassi etalk Brother vs. Brother Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes 26 W Brother vs. Brother Surviving Evil ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Suburgatory Suburgatory 27 SLICE Princess ’ Princess ’ Debt/Part Debt/Part Brainwashed ’ Å Suits (N) ’ Å Proof (N) ’ Å The Listener ’ Criminal Minds ’ Suits ’ Å 28 BRAVO Blue Bloods ’ Å (:35) ›› “Dudley Do-Right” (1999) ›› “Wilby Wonderful” (2004) (:40) › “Intern Academy” (2004) Å 29 ENC AV2 (5:40) ››› “Definitely, Maybe” Å Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Country Country Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. 30 A&E Duck D. (:01) Bullseye (N) ’ 13WHAM News at 10 Seinfeld Cleveland Paid Prog. Cougar Anger Paid Prog. 31 WUHF MasterChef (N) ’ Anderson Cooper 360 Anthony Bourdain Parts CNN International 32 CNN Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Anthony Bourdain Parts CNN Tonight Medium Wipeout ’ Å Wipeout ’ Å Medium Medium Wipeout ’ Å Wipeout ’ Å 33 CMT Medium ›› “Shooter” (2007, Suspense) Mark Wahlberg, Michael Peña. ’ Rambo ’ 34 SPIKE ›› “Snitch” (2013) Dwayne Johnson, Barry Pepper. ’ Diagnose Me ’ Å To Be Announced Diagnose Me ’ Å Born Without Limbs ’ 35 TLC Born Without Limbs ’ To Be Announced Deadliest Catch Å Catching Monsters Naked and Afraid Mighty Planes Alaskan Bush People 36 DISC Mighty Planes NCIS “Forced Entry” ’ NCIS “Chained” ’ NCIS “Blackwater” ’ NCIS “Forced Entry” ’ 37 SHOW “Stonados” (2013) Paul Johansson. ’ Å Regular Total Drama Total Drama Grojband Grojband Futurama Fugget Archer Amer. Dad 38 TOON Johnny T Johnny T Regular Girl Meets Wingin’ It Good Luck Win, Lose 39 FAM K.C. Under. K.C. Under. K.C. Under. Girl Meets Good Luck ›› “Princess Protection Program” Payne Browns Payne Mod Fam Seinfeld ’ Family Guy Family Guy Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Jeffersons Break 40 PCH Browns Corner Gas JFL Gags Gags Simpsons Just for Laughs Big Bang Big Bang 41 COM Benched Big Bang Match ››› “Little Big Man” (1970, Western) Dustin Hoffman. Å ›››› “The Searchers” (1956) Å 42 TCM ››› “Jeremiah Johnson” (1972) Robert Redford. Chopped Canada Å Chopped Canada Å Chopped Canada Å Chopped Canada Å Chopped Canada Å 43 FOOD Chopped Canada Å Dog and Beth Storage: NY Storage I Shouldn’t Be Alive Dog and Beth Storage: NY Storage 44 OUT I Shouldn’t Be Alive Ice Pilots NWT ’ Å Ice Pilots NWT ’ Å Ice Pilots NWT “D-Day” Swamp People (N) Å Engineering Disasters ’ 45 HIST Ice Pilots NWT ’ Å › “Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark” (2013) ’ Å InnerSPACE Scare Tac. Castle “Lucky Stiff” ’ “Mega Shark vs.” 46 SPACE Castle “Lucky Stiff” ’ ››› “Back to the Future Part II” (1989) Michael J. Fox. Å ››› “Back to the Future Part III” 47 AMC (5:30) ››› “Back to the Future” (1985) Å Auto Racing NASCAR Race Hub Pass Time Pass Time Auto Racing 48 FSR Auto Racing Security The Dead Files ’ Å Ghost Adventures Å Ghost Adventures Å Border Border The Dead Files ’ Å 49 DTOUR Security Paderno Home Comforts The Coin Show Home Comforts Home Comforts 50 SHOP The Coin Show Student Movie Movie 54 MTV Degrassi Degrassi Breaker “Alexander and the Terrible” “Alexander and the Terrible” (:25) ›› “Ride Along” (2014) ’ 55 MC1 (5:25) “Guardians of the Galaxy” ’ Penny Dreadful ’ Penny Dreadful ’ Å (10:55) “3 Days to Kill” 56 MC2 Draft Day (:35) ›› “The Judge” (2014) Robert Downey Jr. ’ Å (DVS) (:20) ›› “Bad Words” (2013) ’ (8:50) ››› “The Spectacular Now” ››› “The Good Lie” (2014) ’ 57 MC3 (5:40) ›› “Heaven Is for Real” ’ Last Week VICE Å Ballers ’ The Jinx: The Life True Detective ’ Å 58 HBO Citizenfour “Thorne: Scaredycat” (2010) Joe Absolom. ’ Å The Walking Dead Å WBZ News (N) ’ Å Seinfeld Seinfeld ’ How I Met How I Met Friends ’ Rules 59 WSBK The Walking Dead Å Supernatural ’ Å KTLA 5 News at 10 (N) 60 KTLA The Steve Wilkos Show News at 6 KTLA News Two Men Two Men Arrow “Guilty” ’ Å 61 WGN MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs at New York Mets. (N) WGN News at Nine (N) Celebrity Friends ’ Friends ’ Raymond The Middle The Middle TVA West TVA West. 88 TVA (4:00) TVA West TVA West. Peuples “Ces crimes” TV5 Jrnl (:40) ››› “Un secret” (2007) Cécile De France. Écoles 89 TV5 Envoyé spécial RDI, direct Téléjrnl. Économie 24/60 (SC) Les grands reportages Téléjrnl. RDI, direct 90 RDI Les grands reportages Téléjrnl. Saskatchewan Legislature 108 SASK (4:00) Saskatchewan Legislature 2015 Canada Day on Parliament Hill Fireworks Carrousel (:05) The Residences Outburst Fireworks Public Record Å 109 CPAC Politics From The Kitchen Recipes Salute Regions of Canada By Joyce Walter For Moose Jaw Express Canada is a vast land and just as vast is the variety of made-in-Canada dishes throughout the provinces and territories. On July 1 as communities gather to salute the flag and to celebrate the freedoms and lifestyles of Canada, it might also be a way to celebrate some of the dishes from three areas of our country Happy Canada Day from coast, to coast, to coast. Nunavut Caribou Stew 2 tbsps. vegetable oil 3 lbs, caribou stewing meat, cut into chunks 2 onions, chopped 1 rutabaga, chopped 6 carrots, chopped 1 cup pearl barley 6 cups water 2 tbsps. salt or to taste 2 tsps. chili powder, optional 1 tsp. pepper In a large pot, heat oil on medium high heat. Add meat and onions and cook until meat is browned and onions are soft. Stir in carrots, rutabaga, barley, water and spices. Turn heat to high and bring stew to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 1 to 1 1/2 hours, stirring occasionally. Serve with bannock. Makes 8-10 servings. Stew will freeze well. Newfoundland Molasses Pudding 1 cup molasses 1/2 cup white sugar 1 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. allspice 1/2 cup hot water 1 tbsp. baking soda 1/2 cup melted butter 1 cup raisins 3 cups flour Mix together molasses, sugar and spices in a bowl. Dissolve baking soda in hot water and add to molasses mixture. Then add melted butter and raisins. Mix well. Add flour a little bit at a time and mix. Pour mixture into a greased pudding mould and steam for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Serve with a lemon sauce or ice cream. Glazed Ontario Apple Tarts FILLING: 2 lbs. Ontario apples, peeled, cored and cut into 1/2 inch chunks 1/4 cup granulated sugar 1/4 cup apple-flavoured liqueur 1/4 cup whole milk ricotta cheese TOPPING: 2 Ontario apples, peeled, cored and thinly sliced 1/4 cup bottled apple jelly Fill muffin tins with pastry. Preheat oven to 350° F. In a saucepan, over medium-low heat, stir together apples, sugar and liqueur. Cook, covered, stirring occasionally until apples are tender but not mushy, about 20-30 minutes. Remove from heat and cool then add ricotta. Fill pastry-filled muffin cups with 2 tbsp. apple mixture. For topping, fan apple slices decoratively over top of the filling. Melt jelly in microwave, about 30 seconds or until jelly can be poured. Drizzle 1 tsp. over each tart. Bake until pastry is golden, about 20-25 minutes. Cool in pan on rack. Makes 12 tarts. Note: Recommended Ontario apples are Spartan or Cortland. Joyce Walter can be reached at MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 • PAGE A25 Market Place REAL ESTATE 3 bedroom bungalow. Kitchen with oak cabinets. Garden doors off dining area to deck. Lower level features family room, gas fireplace, bar, storage space, utility room and bath. Park like yard, triple attached garage. Sonya Bitz 631-8471 Gladys Gray 631-8181 Spacious living room, formal dining nook, kitchen with ample cabinetry and counter space. Appliances. Main floor laundry& bathroom. 2nd floor with 2 bedrooms. Lower level developed. Garage. Listed at $239,900 of Moose Jaw 306-694-5766 Bryan Gilbert 631-4790 Kerry Hicke 684-0730 OPEN HOUSES Palliser School area! Main floor features living room, dining area, kitchen and 3 bedrooms! Lower level with family room, 2 bedrooms, bath and utility. Recent updates some windows, vinyl siding. Jamie Jackson 631-1571 Frank Hammel 684-9491 SATURDAY JUNE 27 Laurie Lunde 5:30-7:00pm Patricia McDowell 1659 Pascoe Cresent 306-631-4188 Ken McDowell 306-631-4624 Prime Palliser Location! Close to schools, parks & walking trails. 5 bedroom 3 bath. $319,900 SATURDAY JUNE 27TH 1:00-2:00pm Brenda McLash 278 Saskatchewan Street 306-630-5700 Well maintained home close to Siast. Double detached garage! $247,000 SATURDAY JUNE 27TH 1:00-2:00pm Donna Morrison 306-681-9309 A15 1295 9th NE (Formerly Lakeview Trailer Court) AFFORDABLE! 2 bedroom mobile home In great condition. Built in 2009 SUNDAY JUNE 28TH 1:00-2:00pm Donna Morrison 306-681-9309 1023 Coteau Street W NEEDS A NEW OWNER! 2 bedroom and PRICE REDUCED! $210,000 of Moose Jaw 306-694-5766 306-684-2704 Across from Cornerstone School. 1 bedroom on main Excellent starter package! Listed at $176,500. Large foyfloor, 2 bedrooms up. Big back yard. Needs some TLC. er opens to spacious living room, corner fireplace. Large eat in kitchen with lots of cabinets. Main floor laundry, ½ Listed at $129,900 bath. Garden doors off dining area to deck. of Moose Jaw 306-694-5766 In the next ad I'd like to have an Open Lori Keeler 631-8069 Wendy Hicke 681-7820 MORTLACH BERRY FESTIVAL OPEN HOUSES THURSDAY JUNE 25TH Fabulous Home! or more information or viewing! 2 suite property! Well maintained property with 2 bedroom unit on main floor and 1 bedroom unit on 2nd floor. Spacious and bright kitchens in each suite, includes fridge & stove. Large fenced yard, 18x20 garage. 216 Rose Street 11:30-1pm Great Family Home! MLS# 539862 $149,900.00 315 Sims Street 1:15-2:45pm MLS# 536088 $249,900.00 Beautiful Home! Beth Vance 631-0886Berry Bill Festival McLean 630-5409 the Mortlach featured. Co Jeremy Stewart 684-0388 "berry" type colour/style? Text: OPEN HOUSE SUN JUNE 28 1-3PM Thanks 134 Marine Drive Laurie $359,900 Debbie Mohninger 306-631-2373 80 Ross St. West Moose Jaw Saskatchewan Scenery by Gisele Perrault for Moose Jaw Express If anyone tells you that there is nothing to see in Saskatchewan, direct them to groups/1458377541056093/?fref=nf. That is the Facebook page for Saskatchewan Scenery. With over 13,000 members posting pictures of every corner of the province, nobody will be able to say that Saskatchewan is a boring place. The group hosted a photography seminar with guest speakers who offered some valuable advice. Ken Dalgarno and Karla Pratt spoke about post production techniques which ranged from Photoshop and combining photographs to using simple apps that can be downloaded on your iphone. Chad Wells and Chris Rasmussen both relayed the message that you can’t take pictures if you don’t carry a camera, and that the cameras don’t have to be big fancy models to get some great shots. Founder Stuart Anderson introduced the guest speakers. Stuart Anderson, founder of Saskatchewan Scenery is surprised at how the Facebook page has taken off. “When I started the page about a year and a half ago, I expected a couple hundred people to join. As of today, there are over 13,500 members.” From scenery, to wildlife and people, the photographs posted on the site prove that there is indeed lots to see in Saskatchewan. SATURDAY JUNE 27TH 1:00-2:00pm Chad Wells advises, “Don’t leave home without your camera!” Dave Low 306-631-9201 418 Home Street W Maple View Condos Up to $10,000 Government grant to those who qualify! MJ 432 High St. W. (306) 692-7700 Market Place Ken Dalgarno is a local artist, author and photographer who explained post production techniques. Chris Rasmussen, of Wandering Whimzy says “You can’t take a picture if you don’t have a camera.” PAGE A26 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 Annual Event returns for 6th Consecutive Year: Open Studio at Buffalo Pound Lake DALGARNO David Lloyd Dalgarno Lloyd passed away June 18, 2015 at the age of 95 years. Lloyd was born February 9, 1920 and grew up on the family farm first ploughed in the early 1880’s by his grandfather and district pioneer, Andrew Dalgarno, and later by his father Kenneth in 1918. Lloyd lived a vibrant and fulfilling life. He farmed until his retirement in 1992. Lloyd was devoted to his family and their wellbeing. He was always in attendance at his children’s functions and events. Even into his 80’s Lloyd enjoyed babysitting his granddaughters when they were young. Lloyd was predeceased by his mother Lily May (nee Smail) and father George Kenneth Dalgarno; his two brothers; Keith Alexander (Sandy) and Edgar Vaughan. He is survived by his loving wife of 55 years, Kathleen Joyce: son, Herbert Kenneth (Lucia) their two daughters Jasmine and Justine; adoring daughter Margaret Jane (Ron Warner). Lloyd is also survived by sistersin-law; Olive and Verna and numerous nieces and nephews. As per Lloyd’s wishes there will be no funeral. In living memory of Lloyd, a memorial planting will be made by W.J. Jones & Son Funeral Home. Please sign the memorial register at website: (Obituaries). Dayna Smith-Short Funeral Director Help keep essential medical services in Moose Jaw with a memorial donation to support health care at your local hospital. Please contact us for more information. Moose Jaw Health Foundation 455 Fairford St. E. Moose Jaw, SK S6H 1H3 Phone 694-0255 New Interment Option at Sunset Cemetery 25% INTRODUCTORY OFFER DISCOUNT Sunset Cemetery 633 -Caribou St. W. 306-692-8855 On June 26th and 27th, 2015 the doors open once again for the 6th Annual Open Studio Event at Anna Hergert’s Sand Point Beach, Buffalo Pound Lake location. This year the focus is on the Moose Jaw Art Guild. Eighteen active artist members are eager to showcase painting, glass, drawing, caricature, sculpture and fibre to the public. Committed to building community by including and promoting local artists whenever possible, Hergert continually works to organize and promote a diverse offering year after year. “Experience shows that visitors and patrons of the art are likely to travel further if I provide a venue with a variety of art disciplines. I have organized five previous events, four of which featured invited artists. Each time interest grew and word spread across the province when several artists were set up at my studio.” Visitors will have an opportunity to observe artists in action. A tent will be set up to provide a designated space for artists to demonstrate their skill throughout the Open Studio event. Art demonstrations include fused glass, needle felted sculpture, painting, drawing and photography. Artists participating are Roxanne Johnston (abstract painting), Cathy Sinclair (portraits and caricature), Glenda Loustel (fused glass), Erica Silzer and Ciera Mottos (mixed media), Jerry Kaiser (folk art), Jean Bell (fibre sculpture), Cindy Perreault (mixed media), Paula Jolly (textile art), Karen Whitney (painting), Jean Tkatch (water colour), Crystal Thorburn (mixed media and acrylic painting), Dale Duckworth ( painting), Lee Fast (water colour), and Anna Hergert (fibre and photography). There is much to enjoy, besides the art. A meditation spiral on the property offers respite to those who like to spend some quiet time. Others may enjoy the short walk to the lake or simply listen to the song birds over a cup of coffee or tea and home-made goodies on one of the three the decks. For anyone interested in welcoming summer outside the city, mark your calendars with times for the Open Studio Event: Friday, June 26th, 2014 from noon 9 pm; Saturday, June 27th, 2014 from 10 am - 6 pm. Refreshments provided. For more information please visit: announcing-annual-open-studio-event/ or <insert MJ Art Guild Blog/website info> Saskatchewan Scenery By Carol Ferguson for Moose Jaw Express The seminar on Saskatchewan Scenery at T. Eaton Gardens on June 14 was an amazing event. If you missed it, check out the Saskatchewan Scenery Facebook page. Started by Stuart Anderson, it had 300 shares in the Karla Pratt. first twenty-four hours and Anderson is still amazed that the membership is over 13, 500. Four administrators look after the site. It is a closed group but you can join them. Mayor Deb Higgins welcomed the group reminding us that the route for the first roads and rail lines was flat and straight. More than one person mentioned during the evening that many people never leave the highway; Mayor Higgins stated that we need to celebrate the beauty of the prairies. Six experienced photographers took part in the seminar and although their finished works varied, certain similarities kept popping up. Chad Wells, was the first one to state that you don’t need an expensive camera to obtain great results and “Don’t leave home without it,” said Chad. Chris Rasmussen and Karla Pratt of Wandering Whimzy travel all over to find subjects to photograph. You can find them on Face Book. Chris used his iPhone to take pictures of gnomes carved in the salt mines in Poland. “The best photo is the one you take.” Karla uses photo aps such as: befunky; and snapzy; to experiment with her pictures, like blurring the edges. Ken Dalgarno left his artists brush and started taking pictures when he discovered there had never been a book published on the Northern Great Plains Badlands. His book on the Badlands, recently A large group attended to learn more about taking photographs in Saskatchewan. W. J. Jones & Son Funeral Home • Crematorium • Family Resource Centre In the Heart of the Community with a Heart for the Community 106 Athabasca St. E. 306-693-4644 published by Red Deer Press, is available worldwide. His pictures have been mounted aluminium. They are light weight and easy to transport with no glass to break. He does photography at night using time exposure and light-painting the images with a flashlight. Others added to his description of this type of photography during the afternoon. There are teaching videos on-line for those that want more information. Wes Bloom, photographer, documentary filmmaker, and videographer showed his video, ‘SUNSATIONAL SASKATCHEWAN.’ Connie Kalder’s song; ‘Bigger than Anywhere Else’ was the perfect background for prairie pictures. Elk herds, western Sage Grouse (endangered, only 100 left) and views of the Badlands taken from his parachute were spectacular. Facebook, Paradise Pictures. Finishing up the afternoon, Dwaine Senft added to our knowledge about light-painting. Using abandoned houses, vehicles, grain elevators, and churches from forgotten parts of the province, he brought them to life again by putting coloured glo lights in the windows. Photographs of the inner aging and collapsing of those former magnificent buildings was heart-breaking. Filming in the dark, you can walk in and out of the picture without being seen; light can be added to the headlights of vehicles with a flashlight but there is also the danger of falling in a badger hole in the dark… The afternoon was an informative, amazing insight into Saskatchewan Scenery. 15th Annual Tree of Memory Ceremony Sunday June 28th, 2015 2pm Moose Jaw's Crescent Park Amphitheatre BIZWORLD By Ron Walter For Moose Jaw Express Five favourite stocks selected by Bizworld and discussed in an early January column show a mixed return at mid-year posting an average gain of just over 12 per cent by mid-June. The lone loser in price is Husky Oil, down 12.7 per cent to $24.01. The integrated producer-refinerretailer is feeling the investor pinch other oil-related stocks face in the lower oil price market. Based on the 4.3 per cent dividend yield and Husky’s future new projects adding cash flow, Husky is still a favourite to do well, especially over a three-year to five-year time frame. The company has increased production on stream this year and next in Asia, Atlantic Canada and Western Canada. Cash flow for the first quarter of 2015 fell 26 per cent while oil prices fell 50 per cent. Costs were cut $475 million this year. Diversified Royalty, a newer business operation providing cash to expanding businesses in exchange for a royalty stream, has increased 10.4 per cent in price to $3.06. Diversified received a six per cent royalty on $200 annual million sales and on future sales from the owner of 75 restaurants — Original Joe’s, Elephant and Castle, and State and Main — in exchange for $100 million. The money is to build new Original Joe’s units and renovate Elephant and Castle stores The stock has not done as well as expected due to the “Alberta stock flu”, a slow rollout of new Original Joe’s stores and no deal yet for $34 million raised late last year. The new partner just took some of the money to invest, leaving Diversified in a better spot. Yield is 6.6 per cent. Equipment leasing operator Element Financial’s price increased 33 per cent to $18.81 on the AVAILABLE FEATURES INCLUDE: • Intuitive All-Wheel Drive • Nissan Safety Shield with Forward Collision Warning $ MONTHLY LEASE≠ FROM $158 WITH $0 DOWN AT 0% APR FOR 60 MONTHS THAT’S LIKE $ PAYING ONLY strength of better earnings in the rail car, aviation, fleet maintenance and commercial/vendor finance divisions. PER WEEK A General Electric announcement that it is selling the $40 billion finance unit has spurred interest in Element Financial, which has already acquired assets *Valid driver’s license & vehicle required. from GE. H and R Real Estate Investment Trust, has stayed flat with 1.9 per cent price increase to $22.15, but yields just over six per cent. The real estate trust gained $1 billion from property sales in the first quarter and increased cash by two PER WEEK per cent. H and R still owns and operates 46 million square feet of retail, commercial and industrial property across Canada. *Valid s license & vehicle Savaria Corp. increased 33.3driver’ per cent in price to required. $5.80. The company announced the best quarter in history for the three months ended in March. Revenue was up 20 per cent; net income was up 30 per cent. And Savaria raised $14.3 million from new shares as it plans to expand business building and selling elevators and lifts that give people with limited mobility access to homes, elevators for business and institutions as well as converting vans for handicapped users. The company, majority owned by the founder, is poised to capitalize on an aging population in the years ahead. MOOSE JAW The 15 per cent average gain before dividends is not too shabby, seeing that the best investment minds in Moose Jaws one stop for all your flyers. per cent the country predict stock will average a 6.3 MJFLYERS.COM increase this year. CAUTION: Remember when investing, consult your adviser and do your homework before buying any security. Bizworld does not recommend investments. Ron Walter can be reached at $107.25 Average Carrier can do about 100 homes per hour! THE FASTEST GROWING AUTOMOTIVE BRAND IN CANADA Check out some of the reasons why Nissan is Based on full-line brands, on 12 month, year over year rolling unit sales - IT’S BACK THE NISSAN % FINANCE† AS LOW AS MONTHS ON SELECT MODELS 0 84 $ 2015 NISSAN ROGUE †† 26,118 $ – 3,120 $ 22,998 ◆ 36 ◆ STARTING FROM DISCOUNT STARTING FROM ◆ 32,838 $ TOTAL ON ROGUE S FWD – $ WEEKLY ON SENTRA 1.8 S M6 $ GREATEST CHOICES EVER APR FOR UP TO PLUS PICK FROM OUR DISCOUNT 4,040 †† GET UP TO ON SELECT MODELS $ MY CHOICE BONUS CASH1 1,000 1,500 2 = $ TOTAL 28,798 OR ON PATHFINDER S 4X2 CURRENT NISSAN OWNERS THAT QUALIFY ARE ELIGIBLE FOR UP TO AN ADDITIONAL $1,000 LOYALTY CASH ON SELECT MODELS VISIT CHOOSENISSAN.CA OR YOUR LOCAL RETAILER • ENDS JUNE 3OTH WESTERN NISSAN 848 Caribou Street West, Moose Jaw, SK Tel: (306) 691-0016 MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON US2 $ †† OR NO CHARGE EXTENDED WARRANTY PLAN3 UP TO A $2,000 VALUE 1,000 INCLUDES MY CHOICE BONUS CASH SL AWD Premium model shown ▲ 2015 NISSAN PATHFINDER 1,500 INCLUDES MY CHOICE BONUS CASH Platinum model shown ▲ 2015 NISSAN SENTRA INCLUDES MY CHOICE BONUS CASH 1.8 SL model shown ▲ AMVIC Licensed. ◆Equivalent lease payments of $36 on the 2015 Sentra must be made on a monthly basis and cannot be made weekly. Weekly lease payments are for informational purposes only. Offers available from June 2, 2015 to June 30, 2015. 1My Choice Bonus Cash is applicable to customers who purchase, lease or finance a model year 2015 Micra® (excluding S trim)/Versa Note/Sentra/Altima Sedan/Juke®/Rogue/Pathfinder. The $500/$700/$1,000/$1,000/$750/$1,000/$1,500 My Choice Bonus Cash consists of $350/$500/$750 /$750/$500/$700/$1,200 NCI cash and $150/$200/$250/$250/$250/$300/$300 dealer participation which will be deducted from the negotiated selling price before taxes. 2“2 monthly Payments on Us” is available to customers who lease or finance any new model year 2015 Micra® (excluding S trim)/Versa Note/Sentra/Altima Sedan/Juke®/Rogue/Pathfinder through Nissan Canada Inc. and Nissan Canada Financial Services Inc. (collectively, “NCF”) and refers to the first two (2) monthly lease payments or first two (2) monthly finance payments. A customer’s first two monthly payments (inclusive all taxes) will be waived, up to a maximum of $225/$250/$375/$400/$375/$400/$600 per month tax inclusive. After two months, the customer will be required to make all remaining regularly scheduled payments over the remaining term of the contract. Customers must be approved to lease or finance through NCF. Cash purchase buyers or buyers who finance outside of Nissan Finance are also not eligible for this choice. 3No charge extended warranty is valid for up to 60 months or 100,000 km (whichever occurs first) from the warranty start date and zero (0) kilometers. Some conditions/limitations apply. The no charge extended warranty is the Nissan Added Security Plan (“ASP”) and is administered by Nissan Canada Extended Services Inc. (“NCESI”). In all provinces NCESI is the obligor. This offer includes the Gold level of coverage. Retail value of ASP is based on MSRP $1,200/$1,400/$1,500/$1,500/$1,700/$1,700/$2,000 for a new 2015 Micra®(excluding S trim)/Versa Note/Sentra/Altima Sedan/Juke®/Rogue/Pathfinder. Dealers are free to set individual prices. ††CASH DISCOUNT: $3,120/$4,040 cash discount is applicable to the purchase of 2015 Rogue SL AWD Premium (Y6DG15 BK00)/Pathfinder S V6 4x2 (5XRG15 AA00) CVT transmission. $3,120/$4,040 cash discount includes $2,120/$2,540 non-tackable cash along with $1,000/$1,500 My Choice Bonus Cash. ≠Representative monthly lease offer based on any new 2015 Sentra 1.8 S M6 (C4LG55 AA00). 0% lease APR for a 60 month term equals monthly payments of $158 with $0 down payment, and $0 security deposit. First monthly payment, down payment and $0 security deposit are due at lease inception. Prices and payments include freight and fees. Lease based on a maximum of 20,000 km/year with excess charged at $0.10/km. Total lease obligation is $9,322. $1,000 My Choice Bonus Cash included in advertised offer. Conditions apply. †Representative finance offer based on any new 2015 Sentra 1.8 S M6 (C4LG55 AA00). Selling price is $16,685 financed at 0% APR equals 84 monthly payments of $236 monthly for a 84 month term. $0 down payment required. Cost of borrowing is $0 for a total obligation of $19,803. This offer cannot be combined with any other offer. $1,000 my choice bonus cash is included in advertised offers. Conditions apply. ◆ $24,248/$30,998 MSRP price for a new 2015 Rogue SL AWD Premium (Y6DG15 BK00)/Pathfinder S V6 4x2 (5XRG15 AA00) CVT transmission. Conditions apply. ▲Models shown $36,718/$48,788/$26,085 Selling price for a new 2015 Rogue SL AWD Premium (Y6DG15 BK00)/ 2015 Pathfinder Platinum (5XEG15 AA00)/2015 Sentra 1.8 SL (C4TG15 AA00). *◆±≠▲Freight and PDE charges ($1,750/$1,720/$1,567) air-conditioning levy ($100) where applicable, applicable fees (all which may vary by region), manufacturer’s rebate and dealer participation where applicable are included. License, registration, insurance and applicable taxes are extra. Lease offers are available on approved credit through Nissan Canada Finance for a limited time, may change without notice and cannot be combined with any other offers except stackable trading dollars. Retailers are free to set individual prices. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Vehicles and accessories are for illustration purposes only. Offers, prices and features subject to change without notice. ††The Nissan Loyalty Offer (“Offer”) is available only to eligible customers who (as of Feb, 1, 2015) lease/leased, finance/financed or own/owned a 2009 or newer Nissan brand vehicle (an “Existing Vehicle”). Eligibility for the Offer will be determined by Nissan Canada Inc. (“NCI”) in its sole discretion. Proof of current or previous ownership/lease/finance contract will be required. Offer is not transferrable or assignable, except to a co-owner/co-leasee of the Existing Vehicle who resides within the same household as the intended recipient of the Offer. If the eligible customer elects to lease or finance a new and previously unregistered Nissan brand vehicle (excluding NV, Fleet and daily rentals) (an “Eligible New Vehicle”) through NCI and Nissan Canada Financial Services Inc. (collectively “NCF”), then he/she will receive a specified amount of stackable loyalty dollars (“Loyalty Dollars”), as follows: (i) Micra/Versa/Sentra ($500); (ii) Juke/Altima/Rogue ($600); (iii) Frontier/Xterra/Leaf/Murano/Pathfinder ($800); and (iv) Maxima/Z/Titan, Armada/GT-R ($1000). Loyalty Dollars will be applied before taxes which means they are inclusive of all applicable taxes. Alternatively, if the eligible customer elects to purchase or lease/finance an Eligible New Vehicle (excluding GT-R and Leaf) other than through NCF, then he/she will receive a three-year/48,000 kilometers (whichever comes first) Oil Change and Tire Rotation Plan which consists of a maximum of 6 service visits, each consisting of 1 oil change (using conventional 5W30 motor oil) and 1 tire rotation. For complete details on the Oil Change and Tire Rotation Plan, ask your dealer. Offer has no cash redemption value and can be combined with other offers. Offer valid on Eligible New Vehicles purchased/leased/ financed and delivered between June 2 – June 30, 2015. For more information see **Ward’s Large Cross/Utility Market Segmentation. MY15 Pathfinder vs. 2015 and 2014 Large Cross/Utility Class. ^Ward’s Large Cross/Utility Market Segmentation. MY15 Pathfinder and Pathfinder Hybrid vs. 2014 competitors. Offers subject to change, continuation or cancellation without notice. Offers have no cash alternative value. See your participating Nissan retailer for complete details. ©2015 Nissan Canada Inc. Nissan Financial Services Inc. is a division of Nissan Canada Inc. MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 • PAGE A27 ADULT Five Bizworld Favourite Stocks Do Okay CARRIER ROUTES $29.25 NORTH WEST PALLISER – 150 Homes Minimum Pay $19½¢ per home or SW SOUTH HILL – 500 Homes Minimum Pay 19½¢ per home or ! Got an event w o N e l Dav l a C Best Carrier Pay in the Industry! or local9story? 023 These routes will not last... so 0 9 6 your newspaper Contact Carrier for EXPRESS.COM NO READERS LEFT BEHIND 306-694-1322 or Mckarr's 46 Anniversary Sale PAGE A28 • MOOSEJAWEXPRESS.COM • Wednesday June 24, 2015 th INVENTORY BLOWOUT ENDS JUNE 30TH 479 Starting at 2014 MATTRESS $ CLEAROUT Queen A-America Solid Wood Table & 4 Chair No Tax 799 $ No Tax Ashley Reversable Sofa Chaise (Love & Chair available) 659 $ De Fehr 5pc Bedroom Suite Headboard, Footboard, Dresser, Mirror No Tax 7 COLOURS TO CHOOSE FROM 999 $ No Tax FREE DELIVERY & S E IL M 0 6 IN H IT W SET UP OF MOOSE JAW! ON A FULL LINE UP OF ALL MAJOR BRAND FURNITURE Palliser, Superstyle, Buhler, Ashley, Defehr, Winners, A-America, Mazin, Serta, Monarch and more... With our 46 years of family owned business experience we will GUARANTEE YOUR SATISFACTION. W E VA L U E Y O U R R E P E AT B U S I N E S S . Furniture & Mattress Shop NOBODY BUT NOBODY WILL GIVE YOU A BETTER BOTTOM LINE DEAL 88 2nd Avenue N. W. Moose Jaw, SK S6H 7W8 Phone (306) 692-5885 WWW.MCKARRSFURNITURE.COM 12 MONTHS INTEREST FREE FINANCING AVAILABLE. OAC AGRIMARTEXPRESS.COM • JUNE 17 - AUGUST 7 2015 • PAGE B1 Northern Water Cleaners For fresh clean water in the Water Health Life city or on the farm, units built to your water specifications. EXPRESS.COM Moose Jaw - Regina 1-877-694-6555 For more information call Ernie at (306) 694-0000 SOUTH SASKATCHEWAN June 17 - August 7, 2015 Volume 5 - Issue 12 .COM SASKATCHEWAN OWNED & OPERATED 3306.694.1322 06.694.1322 f a x fax: : 8 8 888.241.5291 8.241.5291 e m aemail: i l : s a CLEARANCE SALE Why Main Street programs are needed EVERYTHING MUST GO. Subaru Water Pumps 2” x 4.5HP 4 ONLY NEW IN BOX ONLY $399ea Leather Office/Boardroom Chairs USED - GREAT CONDITION OVER 20 IN STOCK ONLY $100 2 & 3 Drawers Black Pedestals OVER 100 IN STOCK COMPARE NEW AT $319 ONLY $50ea MILITARY CLOTHING NEW SHIRTS, JACKETS & PANTS AT BLOWOUT PRICES MOOSE JAW SURPLUS 32 MANITOBA ST. WEST THURS-FRI-NOON-6 SAT 10-3 306.690.5903 Facebook posting: If you’re having trouble finding a date maybe you need to look at yourself. That same thought applies to communities seeking new residents and investment, says Royce Pettyjohn, Maple Creek Economic Development Officer. Communities need to date prospective residents and investors. Surveys show 69 per cent of Canadians were not born in the community where they reside and “30 per cent of those people first visited their current place of residence as a tourist. “Thirty-two per cent of those said their tourist experience was a major driver in the decision on where they live” Street entrance counting cleanliness, appearance and quality of life. “Only 28 per cent were concerned about the local economy.” There is a link between tourism and economic development, he said. “What these statistics suggest to us is that it’s not necessarily those (monetary) things that drive decision-making processes for people to visit to live or invest in your community.” The quality of life your residents have and how clean and attractive your community and Main Street really is addresses 60 per cent of people. Visitors take four seconds to get a first impression of a community, says Pettyjohn. “Something has to catch the visitors’ attention or they pass on by. If not they will not stop or invest there.” Pettyjohn says we “see ourselves as great places to live, based on our own perceptions. But the public passing through has different ideas. “They can go any other place in the world. What is going to set us apart? What’s going to make us attractive to these new people, these new investors?” By Ron Walter For Agri-Mart Express The newcomers want clean and well-maintained streets, places of architectural interest, greenery and green space, arts/culture, recreation, places that are pedestrian friendly, distinctive shopping and dining. “All of these things we think are fluff around the periphery but they really are central to selling a community and seeing real investment growth.” Architecture and our downtowns play a huge part in defining who we are as a community, says Pettyjohn. “It’s typically where our historic architecture is, where our activity is, where the stories that define us all play out.” Pettyjohn showed the Swift Current tourism conference a series of photos that instantly define cities like Paris, London, Moscow. Then he showed a photo of a big box retailer and asked where that is? Maple Creek is one of four Saskatchewan communities in a pilot Main Street program for Saskatchewan. Four pillars of revitalizing Main Street to get a better first impression for visitors are community organization, economic restructuring, design and heritage conservation and promotion. Rundown downtowns convey a hidden message about viability of a community, public safety, quality of life, the effectiveness of community leadership, he said. Revitalized Main Streets are “an ongoing source of civic pride.” By re-branding its downtown as a centre of ranching and aboriginal heritage, Maple Creek plans on getting more of the 250,000 annual Cypress Hills Park visitors to stop and stay. These programs will always have naysayers, he said. “Just get a group of people together and get it done. “I never thought I’d live to see the day where our community embraces tourism and heritage conservation,” said the longtime Maple Creek resident. Saskatchewan has launched a province-wide Main Street program as part of its growth plan. Ron Walter can be reached at Your Input & Crop “One Stop Shop” PAGE B2 • AGRIMARTEXPRESS.COM • JUNE 17 - AUGUST 7 2015 WHEN YOU CAN LEASE A NEW F-150 EVERY 2 YEARS THE ALL-NEW 2015 F-150 XLT SUPERCREW 4X4 3.5L Lariat Model Shown • BEST-IN-CLASS TOWING† • BEST-IN-CLASS PAYLOAD† LEASE FOR ONLY STEP UP TO AN ECOBOOST ® ENGINE 349 0% $ • MILITARY-GRADE ALUMINUM ALLOY BODY^ • CLASS-EXCLUSIVE AVAILABLE LED LIGHTING^ @ * OR APR /MO FOR ONLY FOR 24 MONTHS WITH $2,460 DOWN PAYMENT. OFFER INCLUDES $4,500 IN MANUFACTURER REBATES, FREIGHT AND AIR TAX. • CLASS-EXCLUSIVE AVAILABLE 360° CAMERA SYSTEM ‡ 1 SELLING SUV IN CANADA FOR THE PAST 8 YEARS 43 $ * MORE PER MONTH # (2007-2014)Ұ THE 2015 ESCAPE SE LEASE FOR ONLY 280 0 $ @ /MO STEP UP TO A 4-WHEEL DRIVE THAT’S LIKE % * APR 129 $ ± BI-WEEKLY FOR 48 MONTHS WITH $1,195 DOWN PAYMENT. OFFER INCLUDES FREIGHT AND AIR TAX. OR FOR ONLY 21 $ * MORE PER MONTH F E AT U R E S • 17" SPARKLE SILVER ALLOY WHEELS • REAR VIEW CAMERA • HEATED FRONT SEATS Titanium Model Shown RECYCLE YOUR RIDE IS BACK • SYNC® VOICE-ACTIVATED COMMUNICATION AND ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM BEST SELLING AUTOMOTIVE COMPANY IN CANADA ɸ Bring in your eligible 2008 or older vehicle and get between 1,000 - $2,500 $ ≠ towards most new 2015 Ford Vehicles. SEARCH OUR INVENTORY AT PRAIRIEFORD.CA AND VISIT YOUR PRAIRIE FORD STORE. Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers only valid at participating dealers. Retail offers may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible raincheckable Ford retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof. Retail offers not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). * Until June 30, 2015, lease a new 2015 Ford F-150 SuperCrew 4x4 XLT 300A package with 3.5L Ti-VCT V6/F-150 SuperCrew 4x4 XLT 300A package with 3.5L EcoBoost® V6/Escape SE FWD 2.5L with Cargo Package (200A)/Escape SE 4WD (200A) for up to 24/24/48/48 months and get 0%/0%/0%/0% APR on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Lease a new 2015 Ford F-150 SuperCrew 4x4 XLT 300A package with 3.5L Ti-VCT V6/F-150 SuperCrew 4x4 XLT 300A package with 3.5L EcoBoost® V6/Escape SE FWD 2.5L with Cargo Package (200A)/Escape SE 4WD (200A) with a value of $36,287/$38,774/$27,139/$27,939 (after $2,460/$2,460/$1,195/$1,195 down payment or equivalent trade in and $4,500/$4,500/$0/$0 Manufacturer Rebate deducted and including freight and air tax charges of $1,800/$1,800/$1,790/$1,790) at 0%/0%/0%/0% APR for up to 24/24/48/48 months with an optional buyout of $23,948/$25,406/$11,734/$13,024, monthly payment is $349/$392/$280/$301, total lease obligation is $10,836/$11,868/$14,635/$15,643, interest cost of leasing is $0/$0/$0/$0 or 0%/0%/0%/0% APR. Additional payments required for PPSA, registration, security deposit, NSF fees (where applicable), excess wear and tear, and late fees. Lease offer excludes options, AC Tax, Green Levy (if applicable), license, fuel fill charge insurance, dealer PDI, PPSA (if financed or leased) (a maximum RDPRM fee of $44 and third-party service fee of $4 for Quebec, if leased), administration fees, and any other applicable environmental charges/fees and taxes. Some conditions and mileage restriction of 40,000/40,000/64,000/64,000 km for 24/24/48/48 months applies. Excess kilometrage charges are 12¢ per km for Fiesta, Focus, C-Max, Fusion and Escape; 16¢ per km for E-Series, Mustang Taurus, Taurus-X, Edge, Flex, Explorer, F-Series, MKS, MKX, MKZ, MKT and Transit Connect; 20¢ per km for Expedition and Navigator, plus applicable taxes. Excess kilometrage charges subject to change, see your local dealer for details. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. ± See lease offer legal marked with [*] symbol for monthly payment lease offer details. Comparison payments are for reference purposes only and are calculated as follows: the monthly payment is annualized (multiplied by 12) and then divided by the comparison period (26 for bi-weekly, 52 for weekly and 365 for daily). For example ($299 X 12) / 26 bi-weekly period = $138, /52 weeks = 69, /365 days = $9.83. ¥ Based on Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association year-end 2007 - 2014 total sales data for utility segment vehicles in Canada. † When properly equipped. Max. towing of 12,200 lbs with 3.5L EcoBoost V6 4x2 Max. payloads of 3,300 lbs/3,270 lbs with 5.0L Ti-VCT V8/3.5L V6 EcoBoost 4x2 engines. Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR vs. 2014 competitors. ^ Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs. GVWR. ‡ LED headlamps, taillamps, and side-mirror spotlights available. Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs. GVWR. ≠ Program in effect from May 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015 (the “Program Period”). To qualify, customer must recycle their vehicle through a Ford dealership by turning in a 2008 model year or older vehicle that is in running condition (able to start and move and without missing parts) and has been properly registered/plated or insured for the last 3 months (the “Criteria”). Eligible customers will receive $1,000 towards 2014/2015 Edge, Flex and 2015 Fusion, Fusion Hybrid, Fusion Energi, Mustang (excluding 50th Anniversary, Shelby GT350), Explorer, Escape and Expedition, $2,000 towards 2015 Taurus Transit Connect, E-Series Cutaway, Transit Van, Transit Wagon, Transit Cutaway, F-150 (excluding XL 4x2), and $2,500 towards 2014 F-150 (excluding Raptor) and 2015 F-250 to F-550 (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). Vehicles of 2014 model year may qualify for the offer depending on available inventory– see dealer for details. Taxes payable before incentive amount is deducted. To qualify: (i) customer must, at the time of the Eligible Vehicle sale, demonstrate to the dealer / provide the dealer with sufficient proof of Criteria and a signed original ownership transferring his/her vehicle to the authorized recycler; and (ii) the Eligible Vehicle must be purchased, leased, or factory ordered during the Program Period. Limit one (1) incentive per Eligible Vehicle sale, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales if valid proof is provided that the customer has 2 separate qualifying recycled vehicles. Offer is transferable only to persons domiciled with the owner of the recycled vehicle. ɸ Based on year-end 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 total sales figures for light vehicles in Canada from DesRosiers Automotive Consultants Inc. ©2015 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2015 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved. Available in most new Ford vehicles with 6-month pre-paid subscription Spring Fling Car Show and Shine AGRIMARTEXPRESS.COM • JUNE 17 - AUGUST 7 2015 • PAGE B3 by Ron Walter The Eighth annual Spring Fling Car Show and Shine was held on Sunday June 7 at Sukanen Ship Museum. All cars, trucks, motorcycles from 1980 and older were welcomed. Smiley Johnson of Glasgow, Montana decided to visit Moose Jaw with his 1957 Chevy convertible and vintage fifth wheeler. He is hoping to convince some Glasgow car buffs to attend the 15 Wing Fellowship car show and concert on Sept. 19 at the air base. This year’s version of Sukanen Spring Fling car show was one of the most successful ever with just over 100 vehicles on display, about one-third more than last year. A 1975 gull-winged door Bricklin sports car, made in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, was one of the rarest units on display. Only 2,854 Bricklins were made from 1974 to 1976 when the company went bankrupt. Ron Walter can be reached at A 1938 Willys Coupe, owned by the museum, was on display. The black coupe was bought with an inheritance by Elmer and Bertha Wilson of Dilke to replace a Model T. A year later a slick -talking salesman convinced them to give him a ride and he stole the car. RCMP found it in Ontario and the Wilsons had to pay to have the coupe shipped home. When Elmer died Bertha donated the car to Sukanen Ship Museum. It had only been driven 37,000 miles. A vintage aerial fire truck, once used by the North Burnaby Fire Department, and recently arrived from B.C., was on display. Farming for Five Hills: An opportunity to participate in MJHF capital equipment campaign The Moose Jaw Health Foundation has a challenge for farmers in the Five Hills Health Region – the 25-Acre Challenge. The challenge is part of Farming for Five Hills – a fundraiser that enables farm families in the health region to become actively involved in the Moose Jaw Health Foundation’s campaign to equip the new regional hospital. “While growing up on our family farm near Baildon, there was a sense of community and a spirit of generosity,” said Andrew Swenson, co-chair of Farming for Five Hills. “Farm families are always willing to lend a helping hand and we hope that spirit of generosity continues with Farming for Five Hills. The new hospital will benefit everyone in the health region – rural and urban.” Through the 25-Acre Challenge, farmers have an opportunity to enhance health care in the Five Hills Health Region by donating 25 acres or more of net profit from one of the crops they grow this year, as well as the following two years. The program is based on cash donations, so participants will receive a charitable receipt for their donations. Farming for Five Hills will help the health foundation equip the new Moose Jaw Regional Hospital with state-of-the-art medical equipment, including the first MRI located outside of Saskatoon and Regina, as well as digital imaging equipment, expanded surgical facilities, dedicated private patient rooms and enhanced labour and delivery services. “Farm families play an important role in our rural communities,” said Dave Reidy, Chair of the Capital Equipment Campaign. “They also play an important role in our capital campaign. Farming for Five Hills will help ensure our physicians and caregivers have the equipment that will allow them to provide the highest quality health care to residents of the health region.” Information about Farming for Five Hills is currently being mailed out to farm families throughout the health region. Further information is available by visiting or calling 306-694-0255. PAGE B4 • AGRIMARTEXPRESS.COM • JUNE 17 - AUGUST 7 2015 NEW LISTING 1600 ACRE Property has 6 deeded & 4 leased quarters. Approx. 430 Acres cultivated, 350 Acres seeded for Canola & 80 Acres Hay, the rest is native grass/pasture able to graze 200-250 head of cattle. Guest Ranch has lots of accommodation & facilities incl. riding arenas, pens, barn & tack room etc. Call for detailed package. CRAIK,SK MLS® ID#1100413 MODERN DAIRY FARM 180 cow free stall barn with state of the art auto identifying double 10 milk parlor and an attached calf-heifer barn. 154.79 kg daily milk quota. 1614 sq.ft. home, and an insulated workshop. OSLER, SK MLS® ID#1100257 34 Quarter Sections (5419.16 Acres) of probably the best grassland around. Numerous sloughs, dugouts & an underground river run through the property. Could be farmed. Yard site with home, corrals & Quonset & another with an older bungalow & well. BENGOUGH, SK MLS® ID#1100380 70.5 Acres of pasture of which much would be arable. Water not far below the surface, accessible by sand point well. CARMICHAEL, SK MLS® ID#1100283 1-866-345-3414 Here are some fun and interesting facts about our furry four-legged family members. · There are estimated 400 million dogs in the world. Dogs nose prints are as unique as a human fingerprints and can be used to identify them. · Petting dogs can lower blood pressure of dog owners. · Dogs have lived with humans for over 14,000 years. · The most popular breed in Canada, USA and Britain is the Labrador retriever. FARM REAL ESTATE · Male dogs raise their legs while urinating to aim higher on a tree or post because they want to leave a message that they are tall and intimidating · Some surveys reports 33% of dog owners admit they talk to their dogs on the phone or leave messages on the answering machine while they’re away. · The most intelligent dogs are the border collies, standard poodles and Golden retrievers; the least intelligent dog is the Afghan hound. · Pekingese are referred to as sleeve because it was bred to fit into a Chinese Empress’ sleeves, which was how it was carried around. · And adult dog has 42 teeth. · The only sweat glands a dog has are between the paw pads. · Dogs are mentioned in the Bible 14 times. · Hyenas aren’t actually dogs; they are more closely related to cats. · There are 175 dog breeds currently recognized with the Canadian kennel club. Most popular recognize breeds for 2014: #1-Labrador retriever for the 20th consecutive year #2-German Shepherd dog #3-Golden retriever #4-Standard poodle one of the most extensively groomed breeds originally bred to retrieve game from water #5-Shetland sheepdog commonly known as a sheltie #6- Yorkshire terrier once employed as a fierce and highly effective rat catcher in British fabric mills in the late 19th century. #7- Bernese mountain dog #8- Havanese #9 & #10 - bulldog and French bulldog are competing cousins, gentle but determined and can be affectionately lap warming. French bulldog is making its way for the first time on record claiming number 10 There are hundreds of official dog breeds in the world, even more mixed and mutts than we can count, each one with his or her own unique characteristics and personalities. These level and wonderful companions are fascinating creatures.. Please remember to kiss your dog good night! Learning about land, hay price at auction By Ron Walter For Moose Jaw Express took a left turn and wound up on the south end of the Lake of the Woods just outside Assiniboia. It was a nice drive. We saw a mother antelope, pelicans, a fox, a swimming horned grebe with two babies on its back, a Western grebe, and a neat old barn. Ron Walter can be reached at We were just walking onto the MacFarlane auction site near Viceroy when we saw a Moose Jaw antique dealer leaving. “This is just your style of stuff,” he insulted my taste in collectibles. We carried on looking at the variety of things up for auction, spotting a slightly damaged Good Year Tire sign. I would have paid $100 for it and made his insult come true. I didn’t think it would sell for my skunk bid price. The sign sold for a whopping $900 — $400 more than I thought it was worth. There is one sign like it in worse condition – one out of 1,000 items I looked at on EBay. The asking price is $595 US, about $740 Canadian. The asking price was reduced from $700 US. Guess I’ve been watching too many Canadian Pickers shows. A roll-top desk sold for $2,500; a clawfoot tub for $15, a replica spinning wheel for $70; two small glass night lamps, $120; two silver plated kerosene lamps for $70 each. The prosperity from $1,500 calves and recent grain prices was evident in the bidding. A $2,500 price for an 1890s .22 rifle with a hexagon barrel at a previous sale was a Wow topic of discussion by bidders. Everyone was envious of the three/tenths inch rain the farm had the night before. Rain in the area ranged from three/tenths to nine-tenths. Some cattle producers are paying $180 a tonne for hay already. The MacFarlane family has been on this property since 1911, a homestead on a hill overlooking the east, south and north. The family used to provide aerial crop spraying services. The farm site is subdivided and for sale as an acreage, about an hour from Moose Jaw, a little less from Assinibioa. When our bellies growled with hunger, we headed for the concession run by the Verwood Community Hall ladies. The beef on a bun was delicious. We skipped the cookie dessert. For us it’s pie or nothing. Over lunch we met two retired farmers from Willow Bunch. They told us how dry it is, commenting they believed that one bad year would send some large 10,000-acre farmers to the poorhouse. And they told us an Asian investor recently paid $170,000 a quarter for 30 quarters of land near Willow Bunch. In mid-afternoon, with nothing left on auction to intrigue us we left with my $2 box of electronic devices, bought because I wasn’t listening closely. On the way home using Highway 36, we purposely Antelope Ford tractor Old stove Cool barn Roll-top desk AGRIMARTEXPRESS.COM • JUNE 17 - AUGUST 7 2015 • PAGE B5 TRANSPORTATION & Proudly Present RIG BIG Shoo&Shine! SASKATCHEWAN JULY 3 & 4 , 2015 rd th 93 HIGHLAND ROAD • MOOSE JAW, SK FRIDAY JULY 3rd 3pm – 9pm 6pm – 8pm 8pm – 12 am 9:30pm – 11pm Start Parking & Registration Supper - Taco In A Bag Beer Gardens Light Show (Trophy to be presented noon on Saturday) All proceeds will go to: SATURDAY JULY 4th 7am – 10am 8am – 10am 10am 12 – 2pm Parking and Registration Pancake Breakfast Show Starts BBQ Website: Email: Show Ends at 4pm with Trophies. • Phone: 1-844-855-1494 • Phone: 1-844-855-1494 PAGE B6 • AGRIMARTEXPRESS.COM • JUNE 17 - AUGUST 7 2015 Keeping an eye out for trouble sure helps If you don’t like the summer weather in Saskatchewan go driving until you find weather that suits your mood. That was the lesson from a day road trip into the southern edge of the Cypress Hills. The day before, weather forecasts for the region predicted mostly sun, some cloud and light breezes. By morning, the same forecasts called for cloudy skies, showers and wind gusts. BG and I were ready to alter the route when we left a cloudy rain-threatened Moose Jaw. Usually we see interesting wildlife within minutes of the city. Today on Highway 363 headed to Shamrock we saw one shaggy coyote. Would we be skunked for sightings today? Just east of Courval I remarked on an unusual duck in the water. BG saw it too, slamming on the brakes and backing up. The red-eyed bird with a gold stripe behind the eye and rust coloured body hatching a nest in the water was subject of speculation for the rest of the 14-hour journey. Was it a lost Alaskan duck or a loon? Minutes later I spotted a “big bird” sitting out in a stubble field and managed a few shaky photos before the golden eagle sensed our presence and flew away. Among the antelope we spotted west of Shaunavon was a cool sight – a doe and her baby, still a bit wobbly on its feet. Most antelope are extremely protective of their young signalling them to hide in vegetation. This mother watched us; decided we were harmless and walked away. This was the second of 12 antelope sightings during the trip plus six deer sightings and four of coyotes. In early June coyotes had not shed their winter coats. Lunch in Eastend was a pleasure viewing the wraparound historical mural in Jack’s Cafe. All fed and watered we left to tour the T-Rex Centre. BG was taken by the stunning view of pretty Eastend. It is still second to Rockglen. We headed from Eastend up into the Cypress Hills and the “bench” on top. A telephone pole by itself in a pasture got our attention. On the side was a board on which a hawk had built a nest. The endangered ferruginous hawk turned its back to us but twisted its neck to view the intruders. We spent a while in the ghost town of Robsart. It’s eerie. Seven deteriorating homes on one street had been abandoned. Curtains and blinds still hang in the windows. You can see furniture inside. Three houses are still inhabited. We headed south into community pasture country and the Old Man on His Back Ranch - a 15,000-acre spread donated by owners Tom and Sharon Butala to the Nature Conservancy of Canada to keep it natural. Hawks were numerous, including two of the biggest rust-bibbed (Swainson’s) hawks I’d ever seen. Another ferruginous hawk sat on a fence. We drove through the Old Man on His Back Ranch past the ghost towns of Claydon, Loomis and Orkney to Val Marie. The bison burgers and the thick Texas bean soup with rice at the Harvest Moon Café were just what two travellers needed. They had run out of Saskatoon pie. No ‘Prairie oysters’ either. The owner was making Saskatoon perogies for the next day. What bad timing! A university summer student learning the ropes could not figure out the Excel program on the laptop. As she gathered my change I asked what she was studying. “Apparently not accounting,” replied the environmental science student. Our server worked there part-time. An artist, she moved to Val Marie from Saskatoon five years ago for affordable living. Darkness soon blanketed us on the way home. Just outside Kincaid we noticed the gas gauge was low. We decided to try the cardlock at the Hodgeville Co-op. No dice; it took only Co-op cards. On a hunch we went to the bar. Nobody had a Co-op card but one of the VLT players told us the Morse Esso closed at 11. It was 10:26. We raced over bumpy roads in the dark, getting there with minutes to spare. Had it been closed we might have made it to Swift Current but not Moose Jaw. Oh, the strange bird on the water was a horned grebe. The horned grebe plays a role in Blackfoot aboriginal lore. The trickster Old Man tricked ducks into closing their eyes while he killed them. One of the smallest ducks saw him and alerted the other ducks. It was a horned grebe, known by the Blackfeet as the first to notice trouble. We could have used a horned grebe with eyes on the gas gauge. Ron Walter can be reached at Wheat Midge Outlook I’ve attached the 2015 Wheat Midge Forecast map which includes a high risk for wheat midge infestations in southeast and east-central parts Wheat midge versus the Lauxani- of Saskatchewan, id fly which can sometimes be con- and also including fused (Lauxaniid fly is not a crop an area south of pest) Moose Jaw. The above than normal moisture conditions during the summer of 2014 promoted healthy pupae going into winter, however there are many variables that will affect the actual wheat midge risk as this summer rolls out. First of all, wheat midge tolerant wheat variety blends are now available. Spraying for wheat midge in these fields is not considered to be economical. Due to other agronomic factors such as specific disease tolerances, farmers may have chosen non-wheat midge tolerant varietal blends to seed this spring. At this time there are also no tolerant durum variety blends at this time. Scouting for wheat midge will be required in these situations. By Ron Walter For Agri-Mart Express Horned grebe Mother and kid Endangered Brent Flaten P.Ag., CCA. Integrated Pest Management Specialist Ministry of Agriculture Moose Jaw Climate conditions so far this summer, particularly temperature and precipitation, will ultimately determine the extent and timing of wheat midge emergence. Wheat midge overwinter as pupae in the top two to four inches of soil. These pupae need soil moisture to continue development into adult midge this summer. Due to the dry spring we’re having, wheat midge development may be either stalled out or at least reduced this summer. Also, cool weather has slowed down pupae development, but it has also slowed crop development so any adult midge emerging may still coincide with the susceptible stage of the crop. Wheat is susceptible as soon as the boot swells enough to split open allowing wheat midge to access the wheat head. Wheat is no longer susceptible once the head is in mid flower (anthesis). During the susceptible stage of the wheat, it is important to scout the crop on consecutive evenings to determine if the economical threshold population of wheat midge has been reached before spraying. For yield, the economic threshold is an average of one adult midge per four to five heads. For grade or higher value wheat, the economic threshold is an average of one adult midge per eight to ten wheat heads. For identification, I’ve included a picture of a Lauxaniid fly which isn’t a pest but can sometimes be misidentified as a wheat midge. For more information, you can contact me at the Ministry of Agriculture Regional Office in Moose Jaw at 1-866-457-2377 or visit our website at Wheat Midge Forecast 2015 Midge / m 2 No infestation < 600 600 <= 1200 1200 <= 1800 > 1800 622 Not surveyed 588 561 555 501 499 472 471 411 382 440 410 351 231 232 142 349 350 Kindersley 261 406 379 378 260 230 171 319 290 376 372 288 287 168 256 226 167 138 108 78 Swift Current 107 77 49 17 284 255 225 136 135 106 76 283 253 224 193 164 134 105 104 75 74 45 223 163 133 341 162 161 132 131 130 102 101 100 73 72 71 70 42 43 12 40 11 367 309 10 366 337 336 307 308 276 277 279 247 248 246 216 217 218 187 189 160 Moose Jaw 103 44 397 219 190 191 395 398 220 221 222 394 426 368 250 251 427 338 339 280 281 252 369 310 312 282 254 194 165 313 428 399 370 340 343 342 314 166 46 18 345 315 286 285 137 79 19 316 257 229 109 111 317 228 139 110 347 400 456 457 Melfort 429 430 371 458 459 460 402 401 373 344 346 318 259 169 141 51 403 404 405 377 487 Prince Albert 431 435 434 Saskatoon 322 321 320 292 436 409 380 381 352 North 437 Battleford 486 490 461 464 463 438 439 466 467 491 493 494 496 469 468 520 488 497 470 442 521 498 502 Lloydminster 158 Regina 186 157 156 99 128 127 98 97 67 69 68 126 96 66 39 38 37 36 9 8 7 6 333 334 304 275 274 245 331 301 303 305 273 271 244 241 Yorkton 243 215 214 213 185 184 183 155 159 129 335 154 125 153 124 95 94 64 65 35 Estevan 5 123 93 63 34 33 4 3 211 181 152 151 122 121 92 91 61 32 2 31 1 AGRIMARTEXPRESS.COM • JUNE 17 - AUGUST 7 2015 • PAGE B7 Kids love cheeseburgers and fries Kids planted the ingredients for a cheeseburger and fries. Do you ever stop to think about where your food comes from? The Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Regional Services Branch and Agriculture in the Classroom recently teamed up to inform kids of the role agriculture plays in the food we eat. Dozens of students came out for the Ministry’s Cheeseburger and Fries Farm, which was held on June 11 and 12 just north of Moose Jaw. During their visit, students rotated through different exhibits, which included vegetable planting and equipment demonstrations, as well as information sessions with groups like Mosaic and Ducks Unlimited. Kids also got to visit the Seed Survivor trailer, which is a mobile classroom fea- turing interactive displays on plants, soils, fertilizers, and watersheds. The kids had a chance to see dairy and beef cows and learn more about the animals. All of the ingredients needed for the cheeseburger and fries were planted, including lettuce, tomatoes, onions, wheat, and potatoes. The event is designed for students in Grades 3 and 4. Students from Palliser Heights, Sacred Heart, Empire, Prince Arthur, St. Margaret’s, Westmount, and Rouleau participated. Hopefully, they gained a better appreciation for the hard work that goes into food production. “Every generation we get around here is another generation removed from people who have a direct connection Kids had the opportunity to get up close and personal with cows. to agriculture. It used to be that everybody’s parents or grandparents had a farm, but we are getting further and further away from that. People don’t have that common knowledge about where your food comes from; it is amazing how many kids don’t know that a hamburger started out as cow,” said Val Panko of the Ministry of Agriculture. “In Saskatchewan and around Moose Jaw, agriculture is a huge part of what we do. We want to increase that general knowledge so everyone understands what we are doing and how agriculture impacts their daily life. The more we can do that, the better.” By Scott Hellings Students will return to the farm in the fall and will get a chance to see how their plants have progressed. “They will come back and harvest everything that we have planted. It will focus more on the products of those raw commodities that we seeded here. We will potentially have a cheese maker here and we will harvest all of the grain that we have,” said Panko. “They’ll get to see the different kinds of things to go into bread and the different kinds of bread that we make. Of course, we will bring the animals back and I think we will have a milking demonstration. We switch it up; we kind of focus on everything going into the ground at the beginning of the year and then what comes out in the fall.” It was certainly a fun and educational experience. “I learned about cows,” said Marvin Yu, a Grade 3 student at Prince Arthur. “In the trailer they had video games I could play and that was really fun, but I really liked seeing the cows.” This is just the second year for the project. In 2014 students planted a pizza farm. Panko is glad that they tried something a little different this year. “I would like to maybe work pulses in next year because we haven’t focused on them yet. We could just keep doing pizza over and over but I think it important that kids don’t get caught up and think that this is just a pizza farm because this is an agriculture project,” said Panko. “I don’t want them to accidentally connect this to pizza forever because I want them to connect agriculture to all of their food.” PAGE B8 • AGRIMARTEXPRESS.COM • JUNE 17 - AUGUST 7 2015 TAYLOR TOYOTA AGRIMARTEXPRESS.COM • JUNE 17 - AUGUST 7 2015 • PAGE B9 TAYLOR TOYOTA PAGE B10 • AGRIMARTEXPRESS.COM • JUNE 17 - AUGUST 7 2015 Farmers can benefit from customized water filtering systems Raydon SUMMER HAS COME! It is time for that new dream kitchen Call Don Swetlikoff today! By Scott Hellings SMART TILES NOVIC STONE Home renovation made easy Starting at $679 AIR CONDITIONERS 8000 BTU $25999 5000 BTU $12999 IRON WALL ART $10 SQ FT STARTING A VERSETTA Almost too starting at nice to hang STONE 99 outdoors Starting at $20 sq ft $34 Moose Jaw’s Real Hardwood Flooring LARGEST LIGHTING CASTANO 84 $6 NICE NICE DISPLAY! 36” X102” TUF RIB STEEL PANELS 4 COLORS $24/ea sq. ft. Restore 4X 1 PIECE 5 FOOT TUB Make your deck look like new! 1 Only $799 TREX DECKING COMPOSITE DECKING BOARDS $344 STARTING AT CASTLE DECKS LINAR FT NEW TO CASTLE BROWN TREATED 2X4X8 $5 4X4X8 $1234 1X6X6 $419 $1,499 Feature 3 ply 2x8 es treated beams. Concrete deck blocks for support. 2x8 joist 16" o/c. 2x6 pre-treated deck. Metal step frames. Shared deck railing. Complete package ULTIMATE DECK - 12'X16' $3,099 43 BROWN STANDARD DECK - 12'X16' Stop by for further details. Features 3 ply 2x8 es treated beams. Concrete deck blocks for support. 2x8 joist 16" o/c. Pre-finished deck peeling included. Metal step frame. Stain included. Aluminum rail included. IKO Shingles reg $27.49 NOW ROCKWELL TABLE SAW Jobsite 10” blade MULTIPURPOSE SCAFFOLDING $199 $449 99 99 $25.99 bundle 50’ X 100’ X 16’ DELUXE POLE BARN FEATURES: • 8" x 8" Laminated 22' Poles - 48" • o/c on long walls • • 2" x 12" - 3 Ply header top of pole on long walls • • 2" x 8" Pressure treated perimeter • Low wall Perlin • • 2" x 6" Wall Perlin 24" o/c • • Roof Truss 48" o/c $36,900 Other sizes available Metal trim & cladding included Galvanized roof, coloured walls, coloured trim Over head door 24' x 24' - Electric operated. Walk in door metal clad, insulated. Complete package includes nails & screws. • Barn construction available GARDEN SHED DIAMOND SERIES 10’ X 10’ GARDEN SHED • Metal roof • 2pc metal clad 5/0’ door • Vinyl siding $2,92553 8X8 SHED Only W/ METAL CLAD Call today we will design your ROLL UP DOOR $1,699 building plans to suite your needs. 10X10 STEEL ROOF 5 FOOT DOOR $1,899 Prices in Effect until June 23,2015 506 HIGH STREET WEST, MOOSE JAW For more information call: 1-800-667-6626 Bus: (306) 693-0211 Fax: (306) 694-0794 Res: (306) 692-6935 Cell: (306) 631-0525 Ernie Butler Water continues to be an important issue in Moose Jaw and area. One person who truly understands the need for good, clean drinking water is Ernie Butler of Northern Water Cleaners. Butler uses a special system that removes a wide variety of chemicals and pollutants from our water, including chlorine, lead, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides and herbicides. It uses a two-stage Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) filter tank. An Iodinator prevents bacteria from growing inside the filter bed. Removing these harmful chemicals is better for your health and it will make your water taste better. “We clean the water and we clean it according to what is in the water; it is not just a general thing. We have designed the water filter to take the pollution out of the water, take out the pharmaceuticals, and take the lead out,” said Butler. “It works perfect. It kills the bacteria in the filter bed and that makes the carbon very efficient. It lasts longer as well and it is also very inexpensive.” Butler says that farmers can benefit from using his system because he is able to customize the unit. Farmers must first get a water analysis from the Department of Health and then give Butler the results. “We customize the unit to fit the water, rather than just hoping a unit will do everything. We have done that ever since we started,” said Butler. “We have four different types of carbon that we put into the water for Moose Jaw and Regina. For our farming units we have to have a water analysis from the farmer and the Department of Health in Regina, to tell us what pollutants are in the water that are detrimental to people. We then design a unit to take that out and we can customize the unit to do the job.” Butler says the water analysis is necessary because it ensures they know what pollutants are in that water supply. Of course, not every farmer will have the same chemicals in their water, due to a wide variety of reasons including geographic area or the depth of a well. Once they know what is in the water, Northern Water Cleaners can ensure it is taken out. “Some people come in and say they have this or that in their water or that it tastes like rotten eggs. That is not good enough. The Department of Health in Regina does an analysis and we go by that,” said Butler. “Different pollutants are different sizes. It is like a coin separating machine where the dimes go the bottom and then the pennies and nickels and quarters. That is the way the carbon filter works; we leave the minerals in that people need for their everyday health and we take the pollutants out.” Butler has sent hundreds of water cleaners across the world to areas like Cambodia, Thailand, and Haiti. Cleaning water is not just a business for Butler, it is his passion. “I think it is important that people start looking at water. We had a scare recently when the city got low on water. That is going to happen more and more in different areas. Fortunately, our water supply is pretty good, but it does still contain pollution,” said Butler. “When we started this, the water was not nearly as bad as it is now — and it is getting worse. Everything that people do in order to make a better lifestyle is causing the water to become more polluted all the time.” Whether you live in the city or the country, Northern Water Cleaners will ensure that your drinking water is as clean as it can be. Northern Water Cleaners is located at 809 High Street West. For more information, visit or call 306-694-0000. TRAILERS • RENTALS Travel & Holiday Flat Bed Cargo & Dump! 306.681.8405 • 306.630.9090 AGRIMARTEXPRESS.COM • JUNE 17 - AUGUST 7 2015 • PAGE B11 Closing out all inventory at Taylor Trailer Sales - Moose Jaw Every trailer will be priced to sell... Hurry in for the Best Deals! Prices slashed again hurry in before the deals are gone. 2015 20’ EZ HAULER PRICED TO GO $11,500 All aluminum 5200lb axles aluminum floor side cargo door rear ramp. Aluminum wheels. 2015 CJAY 7X14 $9,195 Extra Height, Etrack, Aluminum Wheels 2009 MIRAGE 2 PLACE SLED TRAILER $6,295 Drive in Drive Out, 8x16, Side Cargo Door 2014 BISON TWO HORSE $15,000 2015 ICE SHACK $19,900 8x16, Bunk Beds, Fishing Holes, Cook Top, Stereo, A MUST SEE, Last One In Stock, Priced to GO 2014 20’ STOCK TRAILER PRICED TO GO $19,500 All aluminum, 2-7000lb axles, Interior gate, Rubber mats 2015 7X14 CJAY CARGO TRAILER 2014 STEALTH IN LINE SLED TRAILER $9,500 Rear Ramp Door, Aluminum Wheels, Extra Height, E-Track, 2-3500lb Axles $10,200 7x27, Drive in Drive Out, Inside Cabinet, Led Lights, Great Price 2013 16’ STOCK COMBO All Aluminum, Front Tack, Rear Collapsible Tack, 2H Angle Haul PRICED TO GO $11,900 2013 EXISS 3HORSE BP $13,900 All Aluminum, Rear Collapsible Tack, Front Tack, Slant Load 2014 BISON 2 HORSE BP $15,000 Front Tack, Rear Collapsible Tack, All Aluminum, Stud Wall 2012 GATORMADE GOOSENECK PRICED BELOW COST $10,500 25+5 Foot Flat Deck,Flip up Ramps, Loading Lights, Great Shape All Aluminum Front Tack 2011 WHITE WATER CAMPER $11,900 Tip Out Ends, Air, Stereo, Cook Top, Refrigerator, Toilet and Shower, Very Nice Shape 1999 VANGAURD 5TH WHEEL $8,995 26’ Long, Bunk Beds, Refrigerator, Oven/Stove, Microwave,3 piece Bath,Great Shape 2014 STEALTH 4 PLACE SLED TRAILER PRICED TO GO $10,500 Led Lights, Helmet Cabinet, Drive in Drive Out PARTS INVENTORY LIQUIDATION WINCH ALUMINUM HAY RACKS Reg. $725 to $1200 SALE 2013 20’ TRAILTECH FLATDECK $6,250 2-7000lb axles, Slide in ramps, Winch receiver, Gently used 2014 28’ CJAY TOYBOX PRICED TO GO $14,000 Drive in Drive Out, Escapee Door, 6000lb Axles $850 3-in Stock 6x7 2008 KODIAK hybrid bumper pull pop out tent ends $10,000 plus tax two to choose from. 2008 KODIAK with full dinette slide nice shape waiting for a new owner priced at $11,000. $625-$1000 PARTS INVENTORY LIQUIDATION ALL IN STOCK TRAILER PARTS, TIRES-RIMS-HITCHES ETC. AT HUGE DISCOUNTS... EVERY ITEM MUST BE SOLD. PAGE B12 • AGRIMARTEXPRESS.COM • JUNE 17 - AUGUST 7 2015 Served daily & 213 ROSE ST. MORTLACH, SK 306.681.4955 MORTLACH Minutes Well we are into the last week before the Saskatoonberry Festival, this will be an amazing day that we hope everyone will enjoy. The community has been working very hard to make this day happen and now that we have won the tourism award for the event of the year the pressure is really on. There will be enough going on through out the day that you should plan to stay the day. The day begins with Mortlach Playschool serving up pancakes in the hall. This is the parent run playschools major fundraiser for the year and what better way than pancakes to start your morning. The parade down Rose Street begins at 11:00 am. Rose Street will be lined with vendors and VimyPark is set up with entertainment for children. There will be music and food and fun going on all over town and even a pie eating contest so mark your calendars and come on out for an adventure in Mortach. All of Mortlach’s business’ will be open during the day as well so be sure to stop in and check them out. Mortlach Antiques and Collectables will be open at 9am and will have lots of saskatoon berry items as well as Mortlach items for sale, we will also have saskatoonberry cinnamon buns so be sure to stop in. Twigs and Treasures will be doing free painting for kids with paints and materials supplied. They will be Hot Dog If you know me personally, you’ll know that I love to laugh! I loved to LOL (“laugh out loud”) long before we knew how to text with those funny code messages. I would give anything to hang out around the one who was the class clown; I seem to gravitate to those people. I have no doubt why. It is healthy to laugh. It actually increases the endorphins in our body and causes us to feel better. The Bible says “a merry heart does good like a medicine but a broken spirit dries the bones.” You can literally take this for truth. Depression and living discouraged or grumpy will negatively affect our health just as living with a light-hearted attitude can bring health to our bodies. So, I thought it was time to share a little humor with you this week. Maybe it’s time for you to lighten up and do a little guffawing. Have I shared with you that we have a new addition to our animal family? Yes, Buddy, aptly born on New Year’s Day, has been bringing laughs to our family since his arrival at the end of February. We had been looking for a lab or a lab cross for awhile and this was a deal we couldn’t pass up. It was the first time we’d “picked” out our farm dog without visiting the mom and her litter. Buddy was found thanks to good old social media and a few videos to boot; a golden lab and husky cross and looked to fit the bill ...everything except his long, shaggy hair. Neither Hubby or I were big on the long-haired idea however, we agreed that the price was right (free!!) and that the timing was good so we jumped in with both feet. A friend offered to bring him home from Lethbridge and we were soon the proud new parents of this ball of fluff. Buddy was different than all of the other dogs we’ve had. One of his first quirky ways was his uncanny ability to grunt as though he was talking to us. This has nev- Be sure to stop in and see one of the largest built collections of scale model airplanes in Saskatchewan gh Open Sunday through Saturday 12-5PM open for card reading in the afternoon. Mortlach has three restaurants that will all be open and serving; Franklyns Eatery will be serving their famous british fish and chips so be sure to stop in and have a look at everything they have to offer. The Little Red Market will be serving a salad featuring Saskatoonberries, if you have not already been in this cozy little restaurant is definately a must see. Stop in and take a look at Mortlach’s newest restaurant, Country Garden Cafe, they will be serving elephant ears with saskatoonberry sauce There will be a Western Dressage starting at 9am Agenda for Western Dressage at the Mortlach Centennial Centre 9 am to 11:00 am - Classes Outside at the Rink 12 noon – Classes Inside the Rink This year there will be several short seminars being held in the school gym We are very excited to have CJ Katz giving a cooking demo in the afternoon. Agenda for Mortlach Saskatoon Berry Festival Afternoon Seminars Mortlach School Gymnasium Glen Duck with Saskatchewan Association of Agricultural Societies and Exhibitions - Display Moose Jaw Model Railway Association - Display 1:30 pm - CJ Katz Saskatoon Berry Cooking Demo SASKATOON BERRY SHORTCAKES Food Writer for Regina Leader-Post Flavours Mag- British Fish & Chips eatery Former Owners of Country Garden's Tea House FULLY LICENSED PATIO OPEN WE DO CATERING PATIO CALLOPEN FOR INFORMATION Now serving High Tea must make reservations Plus check out our other home style menu items 306-355-3600 • 112 Rose Street • Mortlach, SK azine Documentary Food, Photographer, Culinary Host, The Wheatland Café on CTV, Cookbook Author, Taste: Seasonal Dishes from a Prairie Table 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm Why a Realtor Multicultural Newcomers Group Financial Planner – Athabasca Financial Companion Planting 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm Watershed Quilting Demonstration Landscape Design 3:00 pm - CJ Katz Saskatoon Berry Cooking Demo SASKATOON BERRY SHORTCAKES The Mortlach Museum has a number of activities planned for Saskatoon Berry Festival. 1:00 PM Hand quilting demonstration with Vonnie Forbes 2:00-4:00 PM Music by Kelly Sapergia All day book signing with Peter St John. The Mortlach Saskatoonberry Festival is something you definatley do not want to miss, Saturday, June 27, 2015 make the short drive to Mortlach right on the #1 Highway and check out this amazing little village and spend the day finding all the treasures that we have to offer. h c r o P t n o r F e h On t ith er subsided and he continues to “talk” to us on a daily basis. Another thing he loves to do is play fetch. The funny thing is that he taught us. I’ve often wished a dog would play fetch but either they couldn’t catch on or I quit training them too soon. Well, Buddy was a different story. Somehow he showed us that he wanted to play fetch. This has become a fun activity to do with the family on the beautiful spring nights we’ve been experiencing. The even funnier part is when he’s a little too clumsy to stop in time he does a “head over tea kettle” from time to time. Eventually, he comes up with his ball and sprints back to us with lots of excitement for the next pitch. Not too long ago, Buddy was barking on the step. Of course, we are trying to stay on top of the training at his young age so I got after him for barking but he would not stop no matter how insistent I was. I decided to just watch and observe what the problem was. Apparently, there was something in his dog dish; my first thought was there was a mouse in the hole where the water goes. So Big Sweet Pea (the bravest of the three girls in our household) decided to check it out. Nope. Nothing. No mouse. No nothing. Upon further observation, it finally came to me that Buddy was totally ticked off that there was no food in his dish. Can you even imagine? I gave him a scoop of dry dog food and the barking problem was resolved. I could hardly believe it myself but it was true. Hold off on your knee slapping until you hear this next story: Honestly... this is a hoot. Who has ever heard of a dog that blows bubbles? Well, apparently, if you haven’t... we have the first dog EVER who does (well in our family anyway). So, the story goes like this... Let’s just Sm a d n a By W say that Buddy, the ball of fluff, is well insulated for hot Saskatchewan days, so Auntie had compassion on the “little” hot doggie and bought him a kiddie pool. Yep... he even has his own pool (I’m betting he is one of the few farm dogs who has the luxury of a nice clean pool). On a really warm day, we finally convinced him to try a refreshing dip. First his two front feet, then his two back feet. He walked around in the water, sticking his nose IN the water and BLOWING BUBBLES! I was like... what??!! I think this hot dog is actually blowing air OUT of his nose to make bubbles. Yep. You’ve got it right. He did and ...he does. Anytime he has a dip in his pool, he likes to blow bubbles for the fun of it. This dog is all about personality... To make matters more entertaining, we convinced him to lie down in his pool and of course, he was totally relaxed and grunted to show his approval. He absolutely makes me LOL (texting lingo for: laugh out loud). They say that dogs look and act like their owners... and to that I have to say... no comment. Here’s to enjoying the little things in life this week. Smell the flowers and pet your dog. And don’t worry, I’ll fill you in on any new antics Buddy comes up with in time... who knows what his next move will be?! “I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” Scripture references: Proverbs 16:24, John 10:10 AGRIMARTEXPRESS.COM • JUNE 17 - AUGUST 7 2015 • PAGE B13 summ supe r sale 252 68,995 $ AS LOW AS $ e vent ENDS JUNE 30TH ! Southern Saskatchewan Inventory Blowout! WAS $77,995 er WAS $37,995 29,995 $ BI-WEEKLY* AS LOW AS 110 $ SAVE0! $ 9,00 2015 Lowe Xtreme Series SSX230 Mercury 250HP Verado motor, Tri-toon, factory fish finder, wake tower speaker system, live well. STK# LWC04518B515 WAS $41,995 36,995 $ STK# MX 1031795 AS LOW AS 135 $ BI-WEEKLY* SAVE0! $ 8,00 2016 Gulf Stream Matrix M826CRB WAS $46,900 41,600 $ WAS $54,999 47,999 $ BI-WEEKLY* AS LOW AS 152 $ 175 $ BI-WEEKLY* 2015 Lowe Fish & Ski FS1610 WAS $28,995 22,995 $ 85 WAS $38,995 32,995 $ $ BI-WEEKLY* SAVE0! 6,00 2015 Lowe SF Pontoon 232 Black Fence, Mercury 115HP motor, Tri-toon, fish finder factory installed, live well. STK# LWC03878A515 AS LOW AS Blue Fence, Mercury 150HP motor, Tri-toon, factory fish finder, live well, cleaning station. STK# LWC04472B515 AS LOW AS 121 $ WAS $39,450 33,995 $ BI-WEEKLY* SAVE0! 6,00 $ BI-WEEKLY* 2015 Lowe SS Pontoon 210 2-tone Black, Mercury 115HP motor, fish finder factory installed. STK# LWC05021B515 BI-WEEKLY* SAVE5! 5,45 2014 Livin Lite Camplite 21RBS STK# MX 1031779 AS LOW AS 127 $ $ $ 2015 Gulf Stream Matrix 8’ M718FB AS LOW AS STK# LL 1002338 2016 Gulf Stream Trailmaster 321TBS STK# TM 119052 ANY TRAILER FOR ANY JOB, WE HAVE IT ALL! • PRICED TO SELL AT OLD USD EXCHANGE RATE! WAS $4,195 AS LOW AS 40 3,595 $ $ WAS $4,995 4,195 $ BI-WEEKLY* AS LOW AS 46 $ WAS $11,695 AS LOW AS 80 9,995 $ $ BI-WEEKLY* BI-WEEKLY* SAV 1,70 E 0! $ 2013 Triton 82” x 12’ Utility Sled STK# HH227295 WAS $14,495 10,695 $ AS LOW AS 86 $ 2012 H&H 8.5’ x 24’+2 Flat Deck STK# Triton 11986 WAS $9,495 8,895 $ BI-WEEKLY* AS LOW AS 87 $ STK# HH216648 WAS $14,299 12,995 $ BI-WEEKLY* AS LOW AS 105 $ BI-WEEKLY* SAVE0! 3,80 $ 2014 Triton 82” x 14’ Standard STK# Triton 110064 2012 Triton 6’ x 10’ Dump Box STK# Triton 110022 2014 PJ 8” I-Beam Deckover STK# PJ1198301 FULL LINE of Skidsteer, Flatdeck, Utility and Enclosed TRAILERS available at REDUCED PRICES FINANCING & LEASING AVAILABLE • ALL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED • 100 Hwy #1 East N. Service Rd, Regina SK 306.721.0800 follow us * Taxes & fees not included, see dealer for details. 2013 H&H 5’x8’+V-Nose Flat Top PAGE B14 • AGRIMARTEXPRESS.COM • JUNE 17 - AUGUST 7 2015 GALVANIZED STEP DECKS ROCKR SIDE DUMP LEAD TRIDEM BULKERS CLASSIC SUPER B TRAIN BULKERS TANDEM BULKERS IMPACT END DUMPS LEGACY ALUMINUM BULKERS TRIDEM BULKERS REGINA – TRUCK CENTER 330 – 4TH AVE E S4N 4Z6 306-359-1930 1-800-667-1930 REGINA - TRAILER CENTER 415 LONGMAN CRES., S4N 6G3 306-359-7526 1-855-881-3343 MOOSE JAW BOX 2024 JCT.HWY. 2 N & N SERVICE RD. S6H 7N7 306-693-7253 • 1-877-302-0253 SWIFT CURRENT NO. 1 HWY W 2524 S SERVICE RD. W S9H 5J9 306-773-3030 1-888-773-2744 AGRIMARTEXPRESS.COM • JUNE 17 - AUGUST 7 2015 • PAGE B15 What if wheat price stays in lower range? With July wheat futures prices well off their $6.95 US per bushel highs of last June and off the $6.44 highs in December, farmers are hoping for a weather market to drive up low prices. The weather-based market scenario might happen. While U.S. winter wheat crop conditions are improving they are not optimal. El Nino in Australia could spell tight supplies, and the Russian crop is having difficulties. Weather in Indonesia could provide more demand for wheat from the island nation. And reading the chart entrails signals wheat could be in the last stages of a reverse head and shoulders pattern. But producers must be wondering what to do if no weather price boost occurs. Neil Blue, a market specialist with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, says weaker prices for wheat since last December indicate most buyers are comfortable with the current supply situation and outlook. “Pricing considerations for new crop wheat depend on each individual situation,” he said in an Alberta Agriculture publication. “A farmer who has already forward contracted some wheat for delivery next crop year faces less price risk than one who has no wheat priced. “Those who elected the spring price endorsement with their crop insurance have already purchased some price risk protection.” Farmers with low or no debt are better able to wait for price improvement and withstand the risk of even lower prices. Blue suggests farmers consider the following questions before signing a forward pricing contract: * Will the contract price provide an acceptable margin above cost of production? * Is the quantity to be priced consistent with expected production? (Some farmers price no more than 50 per cent of their expected production before harvest.) By Ron Walter For Agri-Mart Express * If the contract does not provide an “act of God clause”, how will a contract shortfall be handled? How will a different grade than the contract base grade be priced? * Will the contract with that buyer be effective in providing delivery opportunity? * How is a delay in grain acceptance or delivery dealt with? * In case of a dispute over the contract, how will that dispute be resolved? When prices are lower Blue recommends farmers consider using put options or products like put options where you set a minimum price, but can still capture higher prices if that happens. “Many farmers prefer to use their own option trading account with the flexibility advantages it provides them.” He noted the influence of the U.S. winter wheat crop condition at this time of year causes a seasonal trend for wheat prices to move sideways or lower into about mid-July and then improve. “A rally in the market can happen any time, so it’s a good idea to have price targets in mind to capture part of such a rally.” Ron Walter can be reached at GOOD CREDIT, BAD CREDIT... WE’RE YOUR CREDIT SPECIALISTS GOOD CREDIT, BAD CREDIT... WE’RE YOUR CREDIT SPECIALISTS NEW ARRIVAL! LOW PRICE BUY BACK LOW PRICE BUY BACK LOW PRICE BUY BACK LOW PRICE BUY BACK LOW PRICE BUY BACK LOW PRICE BUY BACK NEW ARRIVAL! #15R220 #15R214 #15R214 LOW PRICE BUY#15R225 BACK LOW PRICE BUY#15R215 BACK LOW PRICE BUY#15R209 BACK LOW PRICE BUY#15R216 BACK LOW PRICE BUY#15R218 BACK 2014 LINCOLN MKXMKX AWD 2014 LINCOLN 3.7L LEATHER, 3.7L V6, V6, 14,162KM, 14,162KM, LEATHER, ROOF, THX SOUND ROOF, NAV, NAVIGATION, THX SOUND 46,900 359B/W $ 2014 FORD MUSTANG V6 PREMIUM 30,900 240B/W 16,928KM, LEATHER, CONVERTIBLE, $ PONY PKG, HEATED SEATS/MIRRORS LOW PRICE BUY#15R220 BACK 2014 LINCOLN MKX 2014 FORD FUSION TITANIUM 28,327KM, LEATHER, ROOF, 28,327KM, LEATHER, ROOF; NAV, DRIVERDRIVER ASSISTASSIST PKG PKG NAVIGATION, $ 30,900 240B/W PRICED TO#15R225 SELL LOW PRICE BUY#15R214 BACK 2014 FORD MUSTANG V6 PREMIUM 2014 FORD FUSION TITANIUM 46,900 30,900 30,900 2014 FORD MUSTANG GT 17,000KM, LEATHER, CONVERTIBLE, HEATED $ MIRRORS/SEATS, GT BRAKE PERFRMNC PKG 36,900 285B/W 2014 AUDI A5 TECHNIK 19,076KM, 5-SPEED, FULLY $ LOADED, QUATTRO (AWD) 49,000 383B/W LOW PRICE BUY#15R215 BACK 2014 FORD MUSTANG GT 36,900 2014 FORD TAURUS SEL 31,194KM, MFT, REAR VIEW CAMERA, CLOTH 25,900 203B/W $ 2014 BLOWOUT #15R216 PRICING FULLY #15R209 LOADED 2014 AUDI A5 TECHNIK 49,000 2014 FORD TAURUS SEL 25,900 2014 FORD TAURUS SEL 2014 FORD TAURUS SELAWD 23,009KM, 23,009KM,LEATHER, LEATHER, ROOF, MFT ROOF,NAV, NAVIGATION, MFT 29,900 333B/W $ PRICED #15R218 TO SELL 2014 FORD TAURUS SEL 29,900 3.7L V6, 14,162KM, LEATHER, $ 16,928KM,LEATHER,CONVERTIBLE, 28,327KM, LEATHER, ROOF; 17,000KM,LEATHER,CONVERTIBLE,HEATED 19,076KM, 5-SPEED, FULLY 31,194KM, MFT, REAR 23,009KM, LEATHER, #15R178 #15R213 #15R217 #15R213 #15LT132A #15R206 #14LT294A #14FOC335 #15R178 359B/W PONYPKG,HEATEDSEATS/MIRRORS $ 240B/W NAVIGATION, DRIVER ASSIST PKG $ 240B/W MIRRORS/SEATS,GTBRAKEPERFRMNCPKG $ 285B/W LOADED, QUATTRO (AWD) $ 383B/W VIEW CAMERA, CLOTH $ 203B/W ROOF, NAVIGATION, MFT $ 333B/W ROOF, NAVIGATION, THX SOUND 2014 FORD TAURUS SELSEL AWD 2014 FORD MUSTANG V6 PREMIUM 2011 FORD F-150 XLTXLT 4X4 2014 FORD TAURUS 2011 FORD F-150 2014 FORD TAURUS LIMITED 2013 CHRYSLER 300 TOURING 2014 FORD FOCUS SE (4 DOOR) 2012 FORD FOCUS SE B/W 29,900 LOW 333 PRICE 31,599KM,LEATHER, LEATHER,ROOF ROOF, $ 31,599KM, NAV, MFT MFT NAVIGATION, BUY BACK 30,900 240B/W 18,000KM, LEATHER, CONVERTIBLE, $ PONY PKG; HEATED SEATS/MIRRORS #15R217 #14FOC327 #15R213 2014 FORD FOCUS SE HEATED HEATED $TAURUS SEL $ V6 PREMIUM 2014 FORD18,900 2014SEATS, FORD MUSTANG 186B/W MIRRORS, 16,900190 REMOTE START 18,999 140B/W 70,121KM, TWO TONE LEATHER, CLOTH, $ TONNEAU ROOF, FULLYCOVER LOADED B/W 29,900 31,599KM, LEATHER, ROOF $ NAVIGATION, MFT 30,900 18,000KM,LEATHER,CONVERTIBLE, 333B/W PONYPKG;HEATEDSEATS/MIRRORS $ PRICED TO SELL #15R210 2012 DODGE GRANDEDGE CARAVAN 2014 FORD SEL SXT 20,000KM, 3.5LGO, V6, MFT, HEATED STOW AND $ $ 18,900 146 333B/W B/W 29,900 CLOTH, 7 PASS SEATS/MIRRORS, NAVIGATION #15EXP57B LOW PRICE BUY BACK 2008 CHEVROLET MALIBU LTZ 16,900 70,121KM, TWO TONE LEATHER, $ ROOF, FULLY LOADED LOADED 2014 BLOWOUT PRICING #14LT405A 2012 FORD F-150 LARIAT 2012 FORD F-150 LARIAT 4X4 37,900 309B/W 5.0L, 70,126KM, LARIAT CHROME, $ ROOF, LEATHER, REAR VIEW CAMERA #14FOC327 LOW KM PST PAID 2014 FORD FOCUS SE 18,999 25,900 214B/W 2.0L ECOBOOST, 28,617KM, LEATHER, $ HEATED SEATS/MIRRORS, MFT FULLY 263B/W 33,900 LOADED 2012JEEP JEEPCOMPASS COMPASS NORTH EDITION 2012 NORTHSEL ED. AWD 2014 FORD EDGE 28,900BUY BACK 3.5L 17,319KM,MFT, MFT, 3.5L V6, 17,319KM, LEATHER, ROOF,NAVIGATION NAV LEATHER, ROOF, $ 34,900 270B/W LOW #14M303 PRICE BUY BACK 2014 FORD MUSTANG 2013FORD FORD F-150 LARIAT 2013 F-150 LARIAT 4X4 2012 FORD F-150 LARIAT 52,378KM, 52,378KM,LEATHER, LEATHER, NAV NAVIGATION, 166B/W 19,900FULLY $ LOADED LOW PRICE LOW PRICE BUY BACK #15R155 #15R155 #15R206 2014 LINCOLN MKX AWD 2014 LINCOLN MKX 2.0L, PANORAMIC MOON, HEATED LEATHER, NAV 3.7L V6, 14,162KM, LEATHER, ROOF, NAV, THX SOUND 137B/W 18,6602014 HEATED SEATS, HEATED $ MIRRORS, MOONROOF BLOWOUT PRICED PRICING BUY BACK #15R204 #14LT294A 2014 FORD FLEX SELSEL AWD 2014 FORD FLEX 31,900PST PAID 29,900 52,378KM, LEATHER, B/W NAVIGATION, LOW247 KMS LOW PRICE B/W 24,900 BUY206 BACK $ #14LT369A 2014 FORD FUSION SE LEATHER, MOONROOF, 18” LUXURY WHEELS 23,900 157B/W $ #15R155 LOW KM BUYBACK 2014 LINCOLN MKX 46,900 #15LT113A #14FOC335 2009 FORD F-150 FX4 4X4 2009 FORD F-150 FX4 #15R203 2014 FORD FLEX SELSEL AWD 2014 FORD FLEX 3.5L V6, 23,578KM, CLOTH, MFT, MOON ROOF 31,900 247B/W $ LOW#15R204 PRICE BUY BACK 2014 FORD FLEX SEL 31,900 247B/W LOW KMS 27,900 PST208 PAIDB/W LEATHER, MOOONROOF, LEATHER, MOONROOF, $ NAVIGATION, FULLY LOADED NAV, FULLYAWD, LOADED #14LT394A LOW PRICE 39,900 BUY325 BACKB/W 5.7L V8, 77,723KM, HEMI, $ LONGHORN EDITION, LEATHER, NAV 18,660BUY BACK 2011 RAM1500 1500 2011 STST 2014RAM FORD FUSION SE4X4 #15R226 #15R178 2014 FORD EDGE SELSEL AWD 2014 FORD EDGE 2012 FORD 29,900 FOCUS SE333B/W 3.5L V6, 21,999KM, LEATHER, $ NAVIGATION; CAN WINTER PACKAGE 119 B/W 13,900LOW PRICE BUY BACK 32,407KM, CANADIAN WINTER $ B/W PACKAGE, SYNC, POWER GROUP LOW137 PRICE LOW PRICE BUY BACK PRICED TO SELL #15R228 #15R211 2014 FORD EXPLORER LIMITED AWD 2014 ESCAPE TITANIUM AWD 2014 FORD EXPLORER LIMITED 2014FORD FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM 3.5L 3.5LV6, V6,25,130KM, 25,130KM, LEATHER, LEATEHR, ROOF, TECH PKGTECH PKG ROOF,NAV, NAVIGATION, 44,900 345B/W $ #15LT113A PRICED TO SELL 2009 FORD F-150 FX4 23,900 5.4L, REVERSE SENSOR $ 33,900 263B/W 20,000KM, 20,000 KM, 2.0L EcoBoost, $ LEATHER, ROOF,NAVIGATION, NAV, MFT MFT LEATHER, ROOF, #15R226 FULLY FULLY LOADED LOADED 2014 FORD EDGE SEL 29,900 333B/W 3.5LV6,21,999KM,LEATHER, 223B/W NAVIGATION;CANWINTERPACKAGE $ #15R185 B/W BUY246 BACK 29,900 6.7L DIESEL, FX4 PACKAGE, CAMPER $ PACKAGE, REMOTE START, SYNC #15R203 #15R205 2014 2014FORD FORDFUSION FLEX SELSE 3.5L 3.5LV6, V6,LEATHER, LEATHER, ROOF, ROOF,NAV NAVIGATION B/W BUY246 BACK 29,900 $ PRICED TO SELL #15R228 #14TC365 FORDEXPLORER TRANSIT CONNECT 20142014FORD LIMITED #15R211 #14LT142A 2009 SIERRA 2500HD SLTSLT 4X4 2009GMC GMC SIERRA 2500HD 2014 FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM 6.6L V8 DIESEL, 4X4, DIESEL, $ 20,000 KM, 2.0L EcoBoost, 304 B/W 32,900 $ LEATHER, ONSTAR, REV SENSORS 2.4L I4, 69,498KM, CLOTH, $ MOONROOF, LARIAT PACKAGE, REMOTE 4.7L V8, HEMI, POWER $ 19,678KM, LEATHER, PREMIUM SMALL BUSINESS 20,000KM, 3.5L V6, MFT, HEATED $18,900 159B/W 5.LEATHER, 0L,70,126KM,LARIATCHROME, 3.5L, XTR V6,TRAILER 17,319KM, MFT, $$15,900 135B/W LEATHER, 23,578KM, V6, 25,130KM, LEATEHR, $$26,996 195B/W $$39,900 325B/W 5.0L $21,900 182B/W 3.5L $$27,900 218B/W 3.5L POWER OPTIONS CHROME - FULLY LOADED BRAKE CONTROLLER OPTIONSMOONROOF, ROOF,V6,MFT VEHICLE, REARVIEW CAMERA 333B/W ROOF,LEATHER,REARVIEWCAMERA 309B/W START, 270B/W 18” 157B/W CLOTH, 247B/W ROOF, 345B/W LEATHER, ROOF, NAVIGATION, MFT SEATS/MIRRORS, NAVIGATION LEATHER, ROOF, NAVIGATION LUXURY WHEELS MFT, MOON ROOF NAVIGATION, TECH PKG 29,900 37,900 LOW PRICE FULLY LOADED LOW PRICE BUY BACK #14LT139A 24,900 232B/W #15R208 2013 FORD ESCAPE SE 25,900 2.0LECOBOOST,28,617KM,LEATHER, $ HEATEDSEATS/MIRRORS,MFT FULLY LOWLOADED PRICE LOW KM PST PAID 3.5LV6, V6, 28,416KM, 28,416KM, LEATHER 3.5L LEATHER ROOF NAV ROOF TECH TECH PKG, PKG NAVIGATION 44,900 345B/W $ #15EXP165A 2014 FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM 33,900 LEATHER, MOON ROOF, 214B/W NAVIGATION - FULLY LOADED $ “NEW ARRIVAL” 5.4L, LEATHER, NAVIGATION, $ PWR FOLD MIRRORS, MAX TOW 27,900 259B/W #15ESC130A 31,900 LOW KM BUYBACK #15LT164A 2009FORD FORD F-150 LARIAT 2009 F-150 LARIAT 4X4 44,900 FULLY LOADED PRICED TO SELL #15EXP61A #14LT396C1 LOW PRICE BUY BACK #14EDG364A PRICED TO SELL PRICED TO SELL 2008 SRXXLT BASE 2008 LAND ROVER 2008DODGE DODGE RAM 1500 2011CADILLAC FORD F-150 RAM 1500 SLTSLT 4X4 2008 LAND ROVER LR2LR2 SE SE AWD 2008 6.5 FT BOX, XTR PKG, LEATHER, ROOF, MOONROOF, $ 3.6L, LEATHER, ROOF, 5.7L HEMI, QUAD CAB, 3.2L, $ $ $ 28,900 154B/W B/W ALPINE AUDIO, FULLY LOADED 18,900 206B/W CLOTH, POWER OPTIONS 13,900219 15,900 175B/W SYNC, CLOTH HEATED SEATS #15R230 33,900 263B/W #14LT394A #15R185 FULLY LOADED #14LT164A 2013 F-150 XLTXLT 4X4 2013FORD FORD F-150 29,900 246B/W 5.0L, 18,016KM, XTR PACKAGE, TRAILER $ BRAKE CONTROLLER, REAR VIEW CAMERA #15EXP148A VISIT OUR WEBSITE 24,900 27,900 39,900 29,900 29,900 WEYBURN 842-2645 OR TOLL-FREE: 1-800-667-7660 2013 FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM 2.0L, PANORAMIC MOON, 263B/W HEATED LEATHER, NAV $ FULLY LOADED 23,900 BUY BACK #15R227 2009FORD FORDF-150 F-150 PLATINUM 2014 FORD EXPLORER LIMITED 2009 PLATINUM 4X4 2014 FORD EXPLORER LIMITED AWD 5.4L, NAVIGA5.4L,LEATHER, LEATHER, NAV, $ ROOF,ROOF, FULLY LOADED TION, FULLY LOADED 34,900 BUY BACK #15EXP148A #15EXP148A GREAT FOR SMALL BUSINESS LOW PRICE BUY BACK #14LT369A #14LT220A LOW PRICE BUY BACK F350F-350 SRW XLTPRICE AWD 2013 RAM LARAMIE 4X4 2012 2013 RAM 15001500 LARAMIE LONGHORN 2012FORD FORDSUPER SUPERDUTY DUTY XLT 2012 2012 FORD EXPLORER LIMITED FORD EXPLORER LIMITED AWD LOWSRW LOW PRICE PRICED TO SELL #15R212 2011 FORD F-150 XLT 2011 4X4 2014FORD FORDF-150 FLEXXLTSEL SPORT CLOTH BUCKETS, REVERSE SENSORS, CONSOLE SHIFT HEATED SEATS, HEATED $ B/W MIRRORS, MOONROOF LOW 166 PRICE 3.5L V6, 14,996KM, 7 359B/W PASSENGER, CLOTH, MFT, ROOF $ #15R230 FUSIONSESEAWD 20142014 FORDFORD FUSION PRICED TO SELL #14LT401A 19,900 BUY BACK $ 13,900 119B/W 32,407KM, CANADIAN WINTER $ PACKAGE, SYNC, POWER GROUP TO SELL LOW PRICE BUY BACK 3.7L V6, 14,162KM, LEATHER, 215B/W ROOF, NAVIGATION, THX SOUND $ #15ESC130A #14LT405A #15R250 BUY BACK 14,326KM, LEATHER, ROOF, $ B/W MFT, SONY SOUND SYSTEM LOW238 PRICE 2014 BLOWOUT PRICING #15R212 2014 FORD FLEX SELSEL AWD 2014 FORD FLEX FULLY LOADED #15R210 B/W 31,900 LOW247 PRICE $ V6, 14,162KM, LEATHER,TAURUS V6, 14,996KM, 7 5.4L, REVERSE $ $ 300 TOURING $ SE (4 DOOR) 2011 FORD 29,900 F-150 XLT215B/W 3.7LROOF,2014 FORD LIMITED 3.5L2013 CHRYSLER 2014 FORDSENSOR FOCUS 23,900 223B/W NAVIGATION, THX SOUND 46,900 359B/W PASSENGER, CLOTH, MFT, ROOF 31,900 247B/W LEATHER, CONVERTIBLE, SHAKER $ SOUND SYSTEM HEATED SEATS/MIRRORS 2014FORD FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM 2013 FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM 2014 ESCAPE TITANIUM AWD 2013 FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM AWD PRICED TO SELL #15ESC120A #15ESC120A #14M303 #15LT132A 2014 2014 FORDFORD MUSTANG V6 PREMIUM MUSTANG LEATHER,CONVERTIBLE,SHAKER 140B/W SOUNDSYSTEMHEATEDSEATS/MIRRORS$ #15EXP165A LEATHER, LEATHER,MOON MOONROOF, ROOF, $ NAV, FULLY -LOADED NAVIGATION FULLY LOADED 14,326KM, LEATHER, ROOF, MFT, SONY SOUND SYSTEM BLOWOUT PRICING 5.0L,64,153KM,XTRPACKAGE, 240B/W REMOTESTART,REARVIEWCAMERA $ FULLY HEATED SEATS, HEATED 186B/W MIRRORS, REMOTE START $ #15R208 2013 FORD ESCAPE 2013 FORD ESCAPE SE SE AWD TO2014 SELL 2014 BLOWOUT PRICING #15EXP57B 2008GMC CHEVROLET 2008 CANYON SLEMALIBU 1/4 CREWLTZ CAB 238B/W 28,900 PRICED 5.0L, 64,153KM, XTR PACKAGE, $ REMOTE START, REAR VIEW CAMERA 2014 FORD FUSION SE LEATHER, MOOONROOF, 206B/W NAVIGATION, AWD, FULLY LOADED $ PRICED TO SELL 2013 RAM 1500 LARAMIE LONGHORN 2012 FORD SUPER DUTY F-350 SRW XLT 2012 FORD EXPLORER LIMITED 5.7LV8,77,723KM,HEMI, 208B/W LONGHORNEDITION,LEATHER,NAV $ PRICED TO SELL 325B/W LOW PRICE BUY BACK 6.7LDIESEL,FX4PACKAGE,CAMPER $ PACKAGE,REMOTESTART,SYNC 246B/W GREAT FOR SMALL BUSINESS 3.5L V6, LEATHER, ROOF, NAVIGATION $ ALL PAYMENTS BASED ON BI-WEEKLY, TAX PAID, 0 DOWN 246B/W PRICED TO SELL PAGE B16 • AGRIMARTEXPRESS.COM AGRIMARTEXPRESS.COM • JUNE 17 - AUGUST 7 2015 DOUBLE MATTRESS SETS ALEXANDRIA COMFORT TOP ONEY was $1199 ONL End of Line SURI COMFORT TOP ! t u o r a e Cl ONEY was $1799 ONL NOW $899 QUEEN MATTRESS SETS GIA HIGH LOFT was $1299 TWO Y ONL NOW $649 ALEXANDRIA TIGHT TOP ONEY was $1249 MATTRESS A ATTRESS ONL SETS 50 NOW $599 NOW $624 BRAEMAR TIGHT TOP % ONEY was $999 ONL OFF NOW $499 Clearout! box springs may not match the mattress SAVE AVE UP TO 55% OFF ALL IN-STOCK P AVE PALLISER ALLISER FURNITURE. 50% OFF 50% OFF LEAH SOFA FA & CHAIR FA 55% NOW: $1182 REG: $2360 NOW: $1381 REG: $2829 OFF VENUS SOFA FA & LOVESEAT FA A NOW: $1610 REG: $3499 NOW: $1570 REG: $3140 WESTEND SECTIONAL 50% OFF CARLTEN LTEN SOFA L FA & CHAIR
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