SEED LIST 2013 - Ness Botanic Gardens
SEED LIST 2013 - Ness Botanic Gardens
NESS GARDENS NESS NESTON CHESHIRE CH64 4AY FRIENDS OF NESS GARDENS SEED LIST 2013 Friends of Ness Gardens is a registered Charity 2008 No 511294 Key to Symbols to be stratified (I.e. sow in moist compost and leave outside over * winter). ** to be stratified (I.e. as above but requires two winters outside). half hardy, treat as annual or half-hardy perennial, protect from + frost. º sow on pure peat for acacia seed:- to germinate pour boiling water over seed to crack { seed coat, leave overnight; any not plumped up, repeat. A B C P S T Annual Biennial Climber Perennial Shrub Tree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 S S/T T P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P T P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P T P P P P P P P P P P A Abutilon vitifolium Acacia nano-dealbata { (2-10m, fls yellow, late winter) Acacia saccaticupla Aconitum bartlettii "Bressingham Spire" (spires of dark blue to violet fls. 90-120cm) Aconitum carmichaelii "Pink Sensation" (1.2m, fls. Pink) Aconitum lycotonum ssp. vulparium (poisonous, 1.5m, fls dark yellow) Aconitum nagarum (seeed from wild origin, blue flower spikes). Aconitum napellus "Bergfürst" (poisonous, 1.5 m, fls dusky blue) Aconitum tataricum ssp. Ginnala Actaea atropurpurea group * (to 1.5m purple foliage creamy white scented fls in spike autumn) Actaea japonica * (1m, fls white) Agapanthus "Ben Hope" (fls blue, late summer) Agapanthus sp (fls blue) Albuca humilis (summer flowering bulb 15-30 cm fls pale green and white) Albuca humilis JCA 15856 Albuca aff ripestris JCA 15686 Albuca shawii (summer flowering bulb with yellow fls) Albuca mixed Alcea rosea (Hollyhock) (2m, mixed colours) Allium beesianum (30cm, fls blue) Allium aff caeruleum PLC 53 (60cm fls blue) Allium cristophii (50cm, large globular fl heads) Allium insubricum Allium lenkoranicum Allium macranthum Allium siskiyouense 10cm, fls purple) Allium thumbergii "Ozawa" Allium sp. Alnus sieboldiana (small ttree with yellow catkins in spring with ovoid cones in summer) Androsace bulleyana Anomatheca laxa (bulb, 15-20cm, fls red or red/white, summer) Anomatheca laxa var alba (bulb, 15-20cm, fls white, summer) Anthemis tinctoria "Wargrave var." (60cm, fls yellow daisy) Aquilegia vulgaris Aquilegia mixed Aquilegia yellow Arisaema aff consanguineum (1m, fls white striped-green spathes & red berries) Aruum italicum (15-25cm, fls white spathes, red berries in autumn) Aster tongolensis "Berggarten" Astrantia major (80cm, fls greenish-white, good for dried fls) Astrantia major 'Rubra' (80cm, fls red, good for dried fls) Astrantia major 'Shaggy' (80cm, fls larger & more open, good for dried fls) Bellevallia romana Berkheya purpurea "Silver Spike" (spiny leaved plant with white daisy-like flowers) Betula insignis GUIZ 82 Bidens aurea (trailing plant with bright yellow fls. Suitable for hanging baskets) Bloomeria crocea Brimeura amethystina Calamagrostis brachytricha (1.20m grass fls. soft upright plumes) Caloscordum neriniflorum (10-25cm, clump forming bulb, late summer flowering) Campanula latifolia * (Giant Bellflower) to 1.2m, fls blue) Cardiocrinum cordatum * (to 1.5m bulb with white lily fls in summer) Cardiocrinum cordaton glehnii * Carex dallii (ornamental grass Centaurea macrocephala (1m, fls yellow) Cerinthe major var purpurascens (30cm, lvs grey-blue, fls purple-blue) 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 S P P C C C P P S S T P P P P P P P P S B S P P P P P P B C C P B P P A T T T P P P P P P P P P P P P P C S P P Chaenomeles cathayensis (3m spreading open shrub with small pink-flushed white flowers Cirsium rivulare Cirsium rivulare "Atropurpureum" (1.2 Heads of pincushion like crimson flowers) Clematis alpina * (2.5m, fls mauve, spring) Clematis macropetala * (to 2m, fls pendulous, violet-blue) Clematis viticella* (to 3m late summer/autumn nodding bell fls purple/mauve) Colchicum sp. (15cm, fls purple, autumn) Coloscordum neriniflorum ( member of allium family) Colutea arborescens (2m, fls yellow, large inflated seed pods) Cornus capitata B&L 12370 (evergreen dogwood to 12m white summer fls with red fruits) Cotoneaster ogisui Ogisu 95105 (4m big red fruits in autumn Crocosmia 'Lucifer' (to 90cm, fls red, Summer) Cyclamen africanum (frost protection needed , scented fls, autumn) Cyclamen coum (fls magenta or white, late winter, needs excellent drainage) Cyclamen cyprium (autumn flowering fragrant white fls) Cyclamen graecum (leaves highly marbled, hardy in Wirral) Cyclamen hederifolium (fls pink or white, autumn) Cyclamen hederifolium silver leaf Cyclamen persicum Daphne mezereum "Alba" (1m, fls fragrant white, berries toxic) Daucus carota (wild carrot with white/pink fls. To 1m) Decaisnea fargesii (3-5m, blue bean like toxic fruits) Deschampsia cespitosa (tufted grass to 1.5m) Dianthus deltoides (45cm, fls pink0 Dierama igneum (Angels Fishing Rod) (arching flower stems with bell shaped blooms) Dierama hybrids Digitalis lutea hybrids (60cm, fls pale yellow) Digitalis x mertonensis (fls raspberry pink) Digitalis purpurea (Common Foxglove) (to 1m, fls purple) Eccremocarpus scaber (2-3m small orange fls in summer) Eccremocarpus scaber f. carmineus (fls red) Echinacea purpurea "Lustre hybrids" Echium pininiana (3m, fls blue) Eremurus sp. (Foxtail lily) Eryngium giganteum (1m, fls blue-grey) Eschschlotzia sp (fls cream) Eucalyptus risdonii Eucryphia glutinosa (slow to 10m, fls white, late summer) Euonymus europaeus (Spindle Tree) (to 3m, fruits red in Autumn) Fritillaria acmopetala Fritillaria crassifolia ssp. crassifolia (20cm, fls greenish yellow tesselated brown) Fritallaria laxa Fritillaria meleagris * (Snake's Head Fritillary) (20-30cm, fls purple or white) Fritillaria pallidiflora * Fritillaria pontica Fritillaria sp.* Habranthus texanus Hakonechloa macra (20 cm small growing grass) Helleborus niger * (Christmas Rose) (fls white, early Spring) Helleborus orientalis * (Lenten Rose) (to 45cm, fls white,purple or pink) Helleborus sp. *(yellow flowers) Hesperantha coccinea ex Zeal Salman Humulus (Golden hop) Hypericum forresti (1.5m fls yellow) Inula magnifica (2m, fls yellow) Inula racemosa 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 P P P P P P T T P S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S A S P A A B T P P P P S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Ipheion dialystemon "Rolf Fiedler" Ipheion uniflorum "Froyle Mill" Iris chrysographes * (50cm, fls red/purple) Iris pseudacorus (fls yellow) Iris sibirica * (1m, fls blue) Kniphofia "Royal Castle" Larix potaninii Larix potaninii ssp potaninii (fir tree of the larch family to 50m) Lathyrus aureus (30cm, fls orange) Leptospermum obovatum (to 3m white fls in summer) Leucojum aestivum * (Summer Snowflake) (fls white) Leucojum autumnale Lewisia pygmaea (fls pink) Lewisia tweedyi Lilium formosanum (to 1m white trumpet fls in summer) Lilium langkongense * ex ACE 2210 (1m, fls pink) Lilium mackliniae * (to 40cm, purplish-pink bell-shaped fls) Lilium regale ** (1.3m, trumpet fls, white) Lychnis coronaria (Rose Campion) (to 80cm, fls crimson) Meconopsis betonicifolia (1m fls blue summer) Meconopsis cambrica (70cm fls yellow, summer) Meconopsis grandis (fls blue ) Meconopsis "Lingholm" (fls blue; this name includes "grandis", GS600, Crewdson hybrids, Sheldonii) Meconopsis napaulensis (monocarpic, 1m, fls, red/yellow or pink) Molinia caerulea "Heidebran" (40cm, tussock forming grass) Monarda menthifolia "Petite Delight" (75cm, fls pink) Myrrhis odorata (Sweet Cicely) (fls white leaves ferny, aromatic) Narcissus bulbocodium sub sp bulbocodium var.graellsii Nectaroscordum siculum sub. sp. bulgaricum (1.2 m, fls bellshaped white flushed purple,green) Neillia thibetica L 813 (1.8m bushy shrub with pink fls late spring/summer) Nicandra physaloides (90cm, fls blue, inflated seed pods) Ozothamnus ericifolius (native of Tasmania 1 to 3m white fls in Spring) Panicum virgatum rubrum (2.4m, grass with green leaves with red flush turning red in autumn) Papaver rhoes "Angels Choir" Papaver somniferum (0.7m, fls double pink, summer) Paracaryum coelestinum (90cm blue flowers from spring through summer) Paraserianthes lophantha (5m, fls yellow, late winter/spring) Pennisetum thunbergii "Red Buttons" (to 1m, grass fls red in late summer) Phlomis russelliana (1m, fls yellow, summer, lvs felted) Phlomis tuberosa (1m flowers in summer) Phuopsis stylosa (mat forming to 20cm with rose pink flowers) Pieris formosa 'Forrestii' º (3m, fls white, young lvs red) Polemonium caeruleum (Jacobs Ladder) (75cm, fls blue) Polygonum sino-montana KR 5487 (Bistort) Potentilla aurea ( 10cm, mat forming yellow flowers)+C1363 Primula beesiana CLD 1019 (1.3m, colour form of bulleyana, fls mauve) Primula bulleyana (1.3m candelabra, fls yellow) Primula bulleyana CLD 0920 (candelabra fls orange) Primula chungensis (30cm, fls pale orange) Primula chungensis KR 3667 (30cm, fls orange) Primula florindae (90cm, fls drooping yellow bells, scented) Primula forrestii (50cm, fls yellow) Primula japonica 'Postford White' (fls white) Primula poissonii Primula polyneura (20 - 30cm, fls magenta) Primula prolifera (90cm candelabra, fls bright yellow) 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 P P P P P P P P P P C C S P P S Primula pulverulenta (90cm candelabra, fls magenta) Primula scotica (15cm, fls purple) Primula vialii (fls red & white) Primula candelabra mixed Primula sp. Pulsatilla rubra (15cm, fls red) Pulsatilla vulgaris (Pasque Flower) Pulsatilla vulgaris "Alba" Puschkinia scilloides var. Libanatica (spring floweering bulb growing to 15cm) Raoulia sp. (evergreen cushion forming with small daisy like fls) Rhodochiton atropurpurea (fls maroon-purple, frost tender) Rhodochiton atrosanguineum (fls maroon-purple, frost tender) Rhododendron Mixed azaleas º Rodgersia pinata (1.2m tall pyramidal plumes of feathery fls.suitable for heavy moist soils) Romulea sp. (15cm, fls blue, crocus like, spring) Rosa helenae GCCE 150 (vigorous sp. fls white/pink summer with scarlet fruits) 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 P P P P P P P P T T T S S T T T S S T T Roscoea cautleoides (45cm, fls pale yellow) Salvia argentea (90cm, fls white, lvs woolly-white) Schizostylis coccinea * (Kaffir Lily) (60cm, fls red, late summer) Scilla scilloides (30cm, fls pink in late summer/autumn) Senecio scandens Silene acaulis "Alba" Silene dioica (Red Campion) (50cm, fls bright pink) Silene schafta (10-15 cm, spreading fls, 5 petalled rose-magenta) Sorbus carmesina B&L 12545* (5m attractive folliage with pink fruits Sorbus decora* (12m ornamental leaves with bright red berries) Sorbus forrestii F 19583 * (4m, spreading, fruits white) Sorbus frutescens R 14987* (2.5m fearny folliage with white fruits) Sorbus gonggashanica L 947pp* (3.5m dark leaves with white fruits) Sorbus khumbuensis SCH 2341* (7.5m fruits crimson ripening to pink then white flushed pink) Sorbus rosea* (4m large pink berries) Sorbus pseudovilmorinii SBEC/CLD * (autumn leaf colour, crimson becoming pink) Sorbus aff.rehderiana KR 6401* (3m with deep pink berries) Sorbus aff.rehderiana KR 6700* Sorbus aff. vilmorinii KR 5100 * (fruits crimson becoming white) Sorbus "Pearly-King" * (fruits crimson becoming white) Sorbus sp nov (sect. discolores)* Stachys macrantha (60cm, lvs green, fls purple) Thalictrum rochebrunianum (1m, fls lavender or white) Tricyrtis formosana (Toad Lily) (1m, fls spotted purple) Triteleia laxa (60cm, fls blue) Triteleia nimia "Queen Fabiola" Tulipa cerumiensis * Tulipa "Tinka" * Veratrum viride Verbascum arcturus sport (1.7m, fls yellow, native of Crete) Verbascum lychnitis (1m, fls. white) Watsonia mixed (clump forming corms) Zephyranthes huastacane (tender bulb ) P P P P P P P P P B P P NOTES ON SEED SOWING & CULTIVATION OF SEEDLINGS All seeds must have adequate moisture, air and heat before they will germinate. The seed compost should therefore have a high fibre (peat) content to ensure both good water retention and reasonable aeration. All seed should be sown thinly, and seedlings should be given as much light as possible. In some cases (e.g. Alstroemeria) a few seeds may germinate quickly but the rest will germinate a few at a time over a period of months. CLASS 1 The Anthemis, Lavatera, Clematis tangutica, Rhodochiton, Eccremocarpus, Alstroemeria, Pulsatilla and Fennel are very easy to raise from seed. Sow thinly and cover with 2-3mm layer of sifted compost CLASS 2 The Primula and Meconopsis species require slightly more care as the seeds are small and the young seedlings are delicate. A peaty compost (e.g. Equal parts of seed J.I. and peat) is best. The larger seeded species (P. Florindae, P. Japonica) may be very lightly covered, but the other species should be sown on the level surface of the compost. The surface must therefore be kept moist at all times. A rough peaty surface is important so that seedlings’ roots can easily penetrate the compost. CLASS 3 Rhododendron (including Azalea), Pieris, Gaultheria and other ericaceous seed is very small and should be sown on the surface of peat, or a mixture of about 10 parts peat to 1 part J.I. Compost. CLASS 4 The Astrantia, Angelica, Hosta, Gentiana, Sorbus, most Acer, and Clematis rehderiana seed requires a cold (and moist) treatment (stratification) before it will germinate. It may be sown in autumn (October/November) in pots and left outside until germination occurs in the spring. If pots are covered to protect them from mice, birds, etc., care must be taken that the soil does not dry out. Alternatively seed may be kept for about 90 days (3 months) in a domestic refrigerator (optimum temperature 1° - 5°C) on moist paper towelling in a covered dish. During this time the seed must not be allowed to dry out. After the cold treatment the seed is sown as Class 1. Some seed may germinate (even at 1°C) in the refrigerator within the 3 month period. The germinated seeds should be pricked out as soon as the elongated radical (little root) can be seen protruding from the seed, and the dish with remaining ungerminated seeds returned to the fridge immediately. With Astrantia and Sorbus, if the seed is kept permanently in the fridge and not sown after 3 months, a much higher percentage of germination can be achieved—though some seeds may not germinate until their third spring after 3 years in the fridge. Fungal growth may be ignored or the seeds may be cleaned and put on clean paper. CLASS 5 Paeonia, Lilium, Fraxinus (Ash) and most Acer griseum, A. palmatum, A. japonicum and A. nikoense seed require 2 cold periods (winters) before they will germinate (e.g. If sown in autumn/winter 2013 they will germinate in spring 2015). SOWING TIME Perennial species may be sown at any time so long as they can be kept growing for 3-4 months (remember to allow up to 6 weeks for germination) before becoming dormant. Sowing is best therefore done in spring, and autumn is best avoided (except, of course, for species requiring stratification) unless adequate light and heat can be provided to sustain growth over the winter GROWING ON Once the seedlings are crowded and large enough to handle (which depends on how thickly the seed was sown and how delicately you can manipulate the seedlings) they should be pricked out into individual pots in compost similar to the seed compost to grow to a reasonable size before planting out in the garden. Rhododendrons in pots should be grown in compost that is at least three-quarters peat. If sown in the spring Primula frondosa will flower later the same growing season. The other species of Primula, Meconopsis, Clematis, Anthemis, Fennel, Astrantia and Angelica will flower in the following season. Rhodochiton atrosanguineum and Maurandia spp. are usually treated as half-hardy annual climbers HOW TO ORDER YOUR SEEDS Please send the following 2 items to:The Seed Department Ness Botanic Gardens Ness, Neston Cheshire CH64 4AY Order Form Padded stamped self-addressed envelope Orders will be dealt with from January 2013. We will endeavour to meet your request in full, but in the event of seed shortage some items may not be available ORDER FORM (MAXIMUM 20 PACKETS) No Name Membership Number:................................................................... Name:...................................................................................................................................... Address:................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................Post Code................................. Not all plants from seed come true. The meconopsis grandis shown right grown from seed at Ness has, instead of a single blue flower, double petals with some cream and purple markings. Meconopsis grandis Some seeds on the list have a collectors code that connects the plant back to where it originated in the wild. In the photo left the F stands for Gerorge Forrest followed by the code number which links to records that show where the plant was collected; in this example, Yunan Province, China. Sorbus forrestii F 19583 Sorbus rosea Chaenomeles cathayensis Sorbus “Pearly-King” Betula insignis GUIZ 82 Alnus sieboldiana Sorbus aff vilmorinii