Appliance Spare Parts to suit Delonghi Appliances
Appliance Spare Parts to suit Delonghi Appliances
Stokes Appliance Parts 24 Palmerston Road West Ringwood, Victoria 3134 ABN 24 004 554 929 Phone: (03) 9872 7474 Fax: (03) 9872 7444 Freecall: 1800 333 191 Email: Visit us on the web: Appliance Spare Parts to suit Delonghi Appliances Delonghi Appliance Spares - Part Number Reference Guide Delonghi Spare Parts Guide Manufacturers No Stokes Appliance Parts is continually updating its spare parts range to include brands and models sold into the Australian market. Delonghi appliances are a growing manufacturer in our market and to assist repairers in finding parts for Delonghi appliances we have created this guide listing many of the common models sold here. If the part you are looking for is not in this guide, we would be happy to try and source it for you. Also Available now Smeg Appliance Spare Parts Guide coming soon Roband Spare Parts Guide © COPYRIGHT 2008 STOKES (AUSTRALASIA) LIMITED ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This Catalogue may not be reproduced in whole or part by any means, including photographically or electronically, without the express written permission of STOKES (AUSTRALASIA) LIMITED ABN 24 004 554 929 Items offered for sale are not represented to be manufactured by the company that built the original equipment. Reference to makes, models and part numbers does not constitute an endorsement by the original equipment manufacturer. ZP0010016 ZP0040044 ZP0040051 ZP0040052 ZP0050006 ZP0050014 ZP006428 ZP006429 ZP0070035 ZP0070036 ZP0070037 ZP0070038 ZP0160064 ZP0160066 ZP0200115 ZP0250023 ZP0250024 ZP0250025 ZP0250027 ZP0270006 ZP0270007 ZP0270008 ZP0270010 ZP0290003 ZP0290004 ZP0290005 ZP203837 Stokes No Manufacturers No Stokes No Manufacturers No Stokes No 12271 12253 12254 12255 12259 12270 12257 12258 12260 12261 12265 12269 12278 12279 12268 12272 12275 12276 12273 12267 12266 12262 12277 11943 12263 12264 12256 Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Stokes reserve the right to substitute other products which we have deemed equal in performance to discontinued items. Although all care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the data in this publication. STOKES (AUSTRALASIA) LIMITED does not assume liability for any errors or omissions. All sales are subject to STOKES standard terms and conditions of sale as outlined in each products groups main service manual (also available on request) and the only guarantee or warranties are those contained therein. PLEASE NOTE THAT IN SOME CASES, TWO STOKES NUMBERS WILL EXIST FOR THE SAME MANUFACTURERS NUMBER, IN THESE CASES ONE NUMBER WILL BE REPLACED BY THE OTHER DUE TO A MANUFACTURER CHANGE. © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 49 Delonghi Cooking Spares Guide - Product List PART DESCRIPTION PAGE 10800 10801 10802 10803 10804 10805 10806 10807 10808 10809 10810 10811 10812 10813 10814 10815 10816 10817 10818 10819 10820 10821 10822 10823 10824 10825 10826 10827 10828 10829 10830 10831 10832 10833 10834 10835 10836 10837 10838 10839 10840 10841 10842 10843 10844 10845 10846 10847 10848 10849 10850 10851 10852 10853 10854 10855 10856 10857 10858 10859 10860 10861 10862 10863 10864 10865 10866 10867 10868 10869 10870 10871 10872 10873 10874 10875 10876 10877 10878 10879 10880 DOOR HANDLE EGO MULTIFUNCTION SWITCH FUNCTION SWITCH SIMMERSTAT SUIT LCHS60 FAN ELEMENT BTM OVEN ELEMENT - D61GII / SELINI LOWER ELEMENT ELEMENT TOP GRILL BOTTOM ELEMENT HINGE FEMALE (MFPS) HINGE HINGE FEMALE SUIT DMFPW HINGE HINGE MALE (MFPS) HINGE THERMOSTAT PCB PYROLYTIC OVEN MOTOR FAN - OVEN CAVITY COOLING FAN CAVITY COOLING FAN CAVITY COOLING FAN GREASE FILTER SILLICON SLEEVE (FOR NOISY COOLING FAN) CONTROL PCB LAMP SOCKETS SEAL STEM VALVE STEAM - 1385 COFFEE MACHINE STEAM TUBE - 1385 FILTER FOR 1385 COFFEE M/C FILTER RING ASSEMBLY - 1385 now use 10830 FILTER HANDLE ASSY SEAL SEAL O RING - EC700 COFFEE MAKER O RING - EC700 COFFEE MAKER GASKET - EMK6 PISTON GASKET SUIT EMK4 COFFEE M/C O RING NOZZLE - EAM3200 GASKET now use 11990 PIN MILK INTAKE TUBE TUBE FRYER - F626 CASTOR - HEATER FRYER FILTER SET SUIT F9 SERIES KNOB FOR EAM3400 COFFEE M/C HOSE OUTLET KNOB (F11) PORT AIR FILTER - EC700 FAN MOTOR - RANGEHOOD PV90GL now use 10851 FAN MOTOR - RANGEHOOD PV90GL MAXI CAPPUCINO ATTACHMENT COMPLETE HAOLOGEN LAMPS TRAY SUIT EAM3300 CARAFE SUMP GENERATOR TUBE ASSEMBLY now use 10847 PUMP REDUCTION SUIT CF210 AIRCON CROSSPIECE SUIT CF210 AIRCON TUBE LOWER - EC410 RING NUT - EC700 GASKET - EC700 COFFEE MAKER FROTH DISPENSER GASKET - EC700 COFFEE MAKER THERMOSTAT UPPER ELEMENT FAN FORCED OVEN ELEMENT OVEN DOOR HINGE MALE - AM19R\1 SOFT START PCB PCB - 6 BUTTON FLOW DIVERTOR "SHUNTER" FLOW SENSOR HINGE RIGHT HINGE (LEFT) HINGE (RIGHT) PCB - 3 SLIDE SWITCHES LAMP - 40W CANDLE E14 SES COVER 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 10881 10882 10883 10884 10885 10886 10887 10888 10889 10890 10891 10892 10893 10894 10895 10896 10897 10898 10899 10900 10901 10902 10903 10904 10905 10906 10907 10908 10909 10910 10911 10912 10913 10914 10915 10916 10917 10918 10919 10921 10922 10923 10924 10925 10926 10927 10928 10929 10930 10931 10932 10933 10934 10935 10936 10937 10938 10939 10940 10941 10942 10943 10944 10946 10947 10948 10949 10950 10951 10952 10953 10954 10955 10956 10957 10958 10959 10960 10961 10962 10963 10964 10965 10966 PCB 19 HOOK - LID KBM2411-1 19 LID COMPLETE - KETTLE KBM24111 19 GUIDE SUPPORTS 20 DRAIN HOSE 20 ELEMENT 20 INLET HOSE 20 HEATING ELEMENT 20 PRESSURE SWITCH 20 HOSE EXHAUST - PAC45 now use 10892 TURNTABLE MOTOR M.W.O 20 EXHAUST FLEX HOSE 20 TUBE LOWER 20 KNOB - SUIT EAM3300 20 COMPRESSOR SUIT - PAC-GSR A/C 20 OVEN THERMOSTAT (8.16) 20 ELEMENT -PIPETTE SUIT EAM3500S 20 JUG SUIT EAM3500S -O RING SUIT - EC2000.S 20 REMOTE CONTROL - SUIT PAC70ECO 20 EXHAUST PIPE 20 TAP ASSY ESAM3400 20 PULLER FOR MICROWAVE 21 GASKET TO SUIT COFFEE MAKER EC410 21 VARIABLE FROTHING COVER - ESAM3500 21 JUG - ESAM3500 21 CROSS PIECE 21 REDUCTION -SOLENOID FOR PRO130 STEAM IRON 21 FILTER 21 RECEIVER BOARD - CPC505AU A/C 21 CONTROL BOARD TO SUIT D/WASHER DW47S/W 21 IGNITION BUTTON - DFH90 COOKTOP 21 BUTTON BLACK - DMFPS OVEN 21 FILTER - BETA CO RANGEHOOD -CARBON FILTER - BETA CO -COMPRESSOR SUIT PACGSR-N -HEATING ELEMENT -IRON PRO130/180 21 GRILL ELEMENT TOP - DOMFPS 21 PUMP (WATER) SUIT PAC25 21 OUTDOOR COOKING CENTRE ACC. KIT -CAPUCCINO JUG FOR THE ESAM6600 21 DE'LONGHI COFFEE DESCALER 22 FAN FORCED ELEMENT 22 TUBE - SUIT PAC25 SIMULAR TO 10847 TOP ELEMENT - SUIT A106G 22 BOTTOM ELEMENT - SUIT D906GII 22 TOP & GRILL ELEMENT - SUIT DMFPS60 22 BOTTOM ELEMENT - SUIT AP1246GWT now use 10808 TOP & GRILL ELEMENT - SUIT APMFS 22 TOP ELEMENT - SUIT D906GII 22 TOP & GRILL ELEMENT - SUIT L61GW 22 BOTTOM ELEMENT - SUIT DS61GW now use 10805 BOTTOM ELEM BENCH TOP OVEN now use 11822 TOP ELEMENT BENCH TOP OVEN now use 11823 BOTTOM ELEMENT - SUIT EMFPS60B 22 TOP & GRILL ELEMENT - SUIT DS61E 22 LOWER ELEMENT - SUIT DOMFPS60B 22 TOP ELEMENT & GRILL - SUIT LMFPS 22 BOTTOM ELEMENT - SUIT D926GWF 22 BOTTOM ELEMENT - SUIT DMFPS 22 TOP & GRILL ELEMENT (D926GWF) 22 UPPER ELEMENT - SUIT AMI9R 22 ELEMENT LOWER - SUIT AMI9R 23 FAN ELEMENT - SUIT AMI9R 23 GRILL ELEMENT - SUIT AMI9R 23 TOP & GRILL ELEMENT - SUIT EMFPS(60-62) 23 FAN - SUIT CF210 23 TOP HEATING ELEMENT - SUIT MW865 SERIES 23 TOP & GRILL ELEMENT 23 GRILL ELEMENT - SUIT (EO) SERIES 23 WATER TANK TO SUIT MODEL EAM3000 23 GAS LINE SET (PACF400) -BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENT DMFPS90 23 DIFFUSER KIT - SUIT EAM3300 23 SLIDER - SUIT EAM3300 23 SWITCH BOX - TF60 RANGEHOOD 23 CROSS PIECE - PACT120ECO -INLET HOSE KIT - SUIT PACT120 -THERMOSTAT (95 FLC) 23 TIMER - 95 FLC 23 FAN MOTOR (95 FLC) 23 LOWER HEATING ELEMENT 24 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 1 Delonghi Cooking Spares Guide - Product List 10967 10968 10969 10970 10971 10972 10973 10974 10975 10976 10977 10978 10979 10980 10981 10982 10983 10984 10985 10986 10987 10988 10989 10990 10991 10992 10993 10994 10995 10996 10997 10998 10999 11800 11801 11802 11803 11804 11805 11806 11807 11808 11809 11810 11811 11812 11813 11814 11815 11816 11817 11818 11819 11820 11821 11822 11823 11824 11825 11826 11827 11828 11829 11830 11831 11832 11833 11834 11835 11836 11837 11838 11839 11840 11841 11842 11843 11844 11845 11846 11847 11848 11849 11850 UPPER HEATING ELEMENT LAMP AND HOLDER CHANGEOVER SWITCH DOOR HINGE MALE DOOR HINGE FEMALE OVER MULTI FUNCTION SWITCH now use 11824 FAN MOTOR (A106G) ELECTRIC BOARD - DW47S/W ELECTRONIC PROGRAMMER THERMOSTAT CUT OUT 130c LAMP HOLDER MFP LAMP CAVITY COOLING FAN MULTI FUNCTION SWITCH TANGENTIAL FAN A1346G HEATING ELEMENT RED CABLE MFP CUT OUT 140 MFP CUT OUT 55c THERMOSTAT 295C BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENT TOP OVEN ELEMENT DOOR HINGE (MALE) HEATING ELEMENT GREEN CABLE OVEN SWITHC THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT now use 11841 LAMP HOLDER LAMP SAFETY THERMOSTAT LAMP HOLDER FAN MOTOR HINGE (MALE) DOOR HINGE (FEMALE) DOOR FAN MOTOR TOP ELEMENT 145MM ELEMENT LH 1200W IGNITION SWITCH - DELUX6FS 180MM ELEMENT LH 1700W 145MM SOLID H/P 1000W 180MM SOLID H/P 1500W CAN USE 1889 HOTPLATE SWITCH 140MM 1200W HALOGEN 180MM 1800W HALOGEN SMALL HALOGEN OVAL HALOGEN LARGE HALOGEN TOP & GRILL ELEMENT now use 11830 MFP THERMOSTAT now use 11832 SWITCH EHW 180MM 1700W HOTPLATE QUICK LIGHT 145M 1200W QUICK LIGHT H/P TILTABLE ELEMENT ENERGY REGULATOR now use 11847 STAR HOTPLATE 180MM 1700W 145MM 1200W STAR H/P LOWER HEATING ELEMENT - SUIT EO1850 UPPER HEATING ELEMENT - SUIT EO1850 FUNCTION SW KIT OVEN SWITCH THERMOSTAT LOWER HEATING ELEMENT UPPER HEATING ELEMENT THERMOSTAT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT FAN MOTOR THERMOSTAT FAN ELEMENT 2500W now use 10804 BOTTOM ELEMENT 1500W now use 10943 ON/OFF SWITCH (TIMER CONTROL) LARGE TRANSPARENT NOZZLE M31 MAIN P.C. BOARD CPC505 FROTH DISPENSER (EC190CD) FILTER (EC190CD) ELEMENT THERMOSTAT LAMP HOLDER LAMP HALOGEN H/P EGO HOTPLATE 1700W 200MM TRIPLE COIL QUICK LIGHT STAR H/P 145MM ENERGY REGULATOR HEATING ELEMENT ELEMENT MICROWAVE LAMP HOLDER 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 --25 25 -25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 -26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 -27 27 27 27 27 ---27 -27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 11851 11852 11853 11854 11855 11856 11857 11858 11859 11860 11861 11862 11863 11864 11865 11866 11867 11868 11869 11870 11871 11872 11873 11874 11875 11876 11877 11878 11879 11880 11881 11882 11883 11884 11885 11886 11887 11888 11889 11890 11891 11892 11893 11894 11895 11896 11897 11898 11899 11900 11901 11902 11903 11904 11905 11906 11907 11908 11909 11910 11911 11912 11913 11914 11915 11916 11917 11918 11919 11920 11921 11922 11923 11924 11925 11926 11927 11928 11929 11930 11931 11932 11933 11934 LAMP HOLDER LAMP HOLDER THERMOSTAT MFP LAMP THERMO CUT OUT 140c MFP ELECTRONIC TIMER TOUCH CONTROL ELEMENT ELEMENT now use 11927 COOKING ZONE ELEMENT now use 11926 ELEMENT BURNER-CAP R (BLACK) BURNER-CAP A (BLACK) DOUBLE RING BURNER-HEAD DOUBLE RING BURNER-CAP DOUBLE RING BURNER-CAP RING DOUBLE RING BURNER-CAP (BLACK) BURNER-HEAD SR BURNER-CAP RING SR BURNER-CAP SR (BLACK) ELEMENT ELEMENT ES450 ELEMENT WITH TUBES HEATING ELEMENT TRAY - EAM3000 2000W ELEMENT 2400W ELEMENT ELEMENT OIL / WATER 1000W ELEMENT 1500W ELEMENT ELEMENT DEEP FRYER ELEMENT ELEMENT THERMOSTAT ELECTRIC ELEMENT SWITCH THERMOSTAT - ELEMENT TILTABLE ELECTRIC ELEMENT HEATING ELEMENT PRESSURE SWITCH (ST9AU) SIMULAR PHOTO TO 10889 HEATING ELEMENT HEATING ELEMENT ELEMENT CG1440 ELEMENT ELEMENT HEATING ELEMENT ELEMENT OIL FILLED HEATER METAL FILTER MOBILA 90SS ELEMENT OIL FILLED HEATER ELEMENT OIL FILLED HEATER ELEMENT 1KW ELEMENT 1.5KW ELEMENT 1.5KW ELEMENT 1.5KW ELEMENT 1.5KW ELEMENT FOR RAP2400T HEATING ELEMENT HEATING ELEMENT ELEMENT HEATING ELEMENT HEATING ELEMENT HEATING ELEMENT HEATING ELEMENT HEATING ELEMENT METAL FILTER ASSY OVEN THERMOSTAT (MF) LOWER HEATING ELEMENT CARBON FILTER HEATING ELEMENT QUICKLIGHT STAR H/P 145MM LH QUICKLIGHT STAR H/P 145MM RH QUICKLIGHT STAR H/P 195MM LH QUICKLIGHT STAR H/P 180MM RH GUIDE SUPPORT UPPER HEATING ELEMENT HEATING ELEMENT HEATING ELEMENT ELEMENT DEEP FRYER F885V SENSING DEVICE 1000W ELEMENT ELEMENT CG238/248 CONTACT GRILL SWITCH PENTA 1500 VAC SWITCH EHW now use 11815 COVER WATER TANK (EAM32005) 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 -28 29 29 --29 -29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 -30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 -31 31 -31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 -32 32 -- © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 2 Delonghi Cooking Spares Guide - Product List 11935 11936 11937 11938 11939 11940 11941 11942 11943 11944 11945 11946 11947 11948 11949 11950 11951 11952 11953 11954 11955 11956 11957 11958 11959 11960 11961 11962 11963 11964 11965 11966 11967 11968 11969 11970 11971 11972 11973 11974 11975 11976 11977 11978 11979 11980 11981 11983 11984 11985 11986 11987 11988 11989 11990 11991 11992 11993 11994 11995 11996 11998 11999 12000 12001 12002 12003 12004 12005 12006 12007 12008 12009 12010 12011 12012 12013 12014 12015 12016 12017 12018 12019 12020 METAL FILTER R/HOOD BETTA 60SS 70SS 90SS SOLE PLATE PRO130 CORD ASSY PRO130 WIRE CLAMPS OUTDOOR FAN CP504AU CARAFE (KF8150M) KIT "C" FOR EC2000.S (INFUSER) JUG CONTAINER - EC2000.S THERMOCOUPLE 500MM SPARK PLUG SPRING - LGHW INJECTOR .47 LGHW,LGHS,LGHS90,DGHS9011 INJECTOR .60 INJECTOR .76 INJECTOR .90 INJECTOR .83 INJECTOR .70 INJECTOR 1.15 INJECTOR 1.35 INJECTOR 1.45 IGNITION PUSH BUTTON BLACK IGNITION PUSH BUTTON WHITE KNOB BLACK LGHS now use 12284 KNOB WHITE LGHW now use 12131 SPARK PLUG 400MM SPARK PLUG 700MM SPARK PLUG 800MM SPARK PLUG 1050MM BURNER CAP A BLACK DOUBLE RING BURNER CAP BLACK BURNER HEAD A BURNER CAP SR BLACK BURNER CAP RING A BRASS BURNER HEAD SR - LGHW DOUBLE RING BURNER CAP RING BRASS IGNITION SWITCH BURNER HEAD R BURNER CAP R BLACK BURNER HEAD UR ELEMENT FOR OIL HEATER BURNER CAP RING SR BRASS BURNER CAP RING R BRASS TAP .40PB TAP .25 SR-A TAP .34R TAP .35 UR BURNER CAP RING UR BRASS DOUBLE RING BURNER HEAD - LGHW PRESSURE REGULATOR G20 now use 12305 IGNITION COIL LGHW LGHS now use 12282 DOUBLE RING BURNER CAP BRASS SMALL GRATE FILTER (KBX2414S) FILTER - SUIT WF1500E A BURNER GASKET FOR BOILER (EC410B) SR BURNER DOUBLE RING BURNER KWALI STAND CONTROL PANEL LGHW now use 12176 PAN STAND CONTROL PANELLGHS HOB TOP now use 12159 INJECTOR .85 now use 12217 INJECTOR 1.12 now use 12172 INJECTOR 1.55 now use 12126 INJECTOR .53 now use 12050 INJECTOR .70 now use 12093 INJECTOR .94 now use 12300 SPARK PLUG 250MM SPARK PLUG 250MM BURNER CUP GASKET - LGHSII SPARK PLUG 500MM BURNER CAP A BURNER CAP SR FILTER SUIT - EC750 KNOB now use 12089 BURNER CAP INSIDE TC BURNER CAP RING A RING NUT BURNER HEAD A BURNER HEAD SR FOOT TO SUIT HEATER BURNER CAP OUTSIDE TC GREASE FILTER 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 -----34 ---34 ------34 --34 ----34 34 34 34 35 --35 --35 --35 -35 12021 12022 12023 12024 12025 12026 12027 12028 12029 12030 12031 12032 12033 12034 12035 12036 12037 12038 12039 12040 12041 12042 12043 12045 12047 12048 12049 12050 12051 12052 12054 12055 12056 12057 12058 12059 12060 12061 12062 12064 12065 12066 12067 12068 12069 12070 12071 12072 12073 12074 12075 12076 12077 12078 12079 12080 12081 12082 12083 12084 12085 12086 12087 12088 12089 12091 12092 12093 12094 12095 12097 12099 12100 12101 12102 12103 12104 12105 12106 12107 12108 12109 12110 12111 BURNER CAP INSIDE TC 35 TAP - EAM3400 35 IGNITION SWITCHES now use 12237 RIGHT TOP GRATE -LEFT TOP GRATE -TC SPARK PLUGG 500MM 35 BOTTOM OVEN HINGE (MALE) 35 BURNER CUP TC -BURNER CASING now use 12211 BURNER HEAD TC3 now use 12209 COVER - EAM3500 35 CUT OUT THERMOSTAT 160C 35 R BURNER -INLET PIPEWOK GAS COOKER D61G 35 PS BURNER -SR BURNER -UR BURNER -DOUBLE BURNER PAN STAND -PAN STAND -CONTROL PANEL now use 12197 BURNER CASING -WOK TAP GAS COOKER SUIT D61G 35 LOWER HEATING ELEM - SUIT EO-3850 now use 12204 IGNITOR SPRING - DGHS90WF -CASTOR - RD1500 -INJECTOR 1.65 now use 12212 IGNITION PUSH BUTTON 35 INJECTOR .53 35 INJECTOR .91 now use 12175 INJECTOR .95 now use 12088 JUG - TANK - SUIT EAM4500 35 TC SPARK PLUG 500MM 36 DRAW HOSE - SUIT DW03S -INJECTOR 1.45 now use 12113 BURNER CAP A now use 12207 DRIP TRAY COFFEE - EAM3300S 36 SOLONIOD VALVECOFFEE MACHINE EAM3500 36 BOARD SUIT MICROWAVEMW865BI 36 BURNER CAP SR now use 12208 BURNER THERMOCOUPLE 250MM -BURNER THERMOCOUPLE 500MM -TAP .35 36 BURNER HEAD A -BURNER HEAD SR -BURNER CAP OUTSIDE TC now use 12158 IGNITION SWITCHES now use 12249 TC BURNER THERMOCOUPLE 850MM -BURNER THERMOCOUPLE 850MM -ELECTRONIC IGNITION 36 ELECTRONIC IGNITION now use 12191 TAP .25 now use 12179 TAP .30 now use 12153 TAP .62 -BURNER HEAD TC now use 12209 CENTRAL GRATE 36 TOP GRATE -FAN BLADE (R/HOOD) 36 SPRAY ARM FEED HOSE - SUIT DW03S -GLASS WICROWAVE MW865BI 36 FLUE ADAPTOR - BETA90SS 36 BTM ELEMENT - LMFW11 36 BURNER CAP R 36 LID FOR JUG EAM4500 36 INJECTOR .95 36 KNOB 36 TAP .65 36 LID - KG39 GRINDER 37 INJECTOR .70 37 TAP .34 37 UR BURNER D61G 37 IGNITION SWITCHES 37 HEADER - SUIT WF1500E -TEST POINT ADAPTOR now use 12186 PCB BOARD - SUIT PACL30 37 BURNER CUP R -BURNER CAP R now use 12086 DRAIN HOSE TO SUIT DW87S DISHWASHER -BURNER HEAD R -TAP .34 now use 12094 TAP .44 now use 12292 CONTROL PANEL 61C 37 TAP .27 now use 12138 TAP .65 now use 12091 IGNITION SWITCHES now use 12097 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 3 Delonghi Cooking Spares Guide - Product List 12112 12113 12114 12115 12116 12117 12118 12119 12120 12121 12123 12124 12125 12126 12127 12128 12129 12130 12131 12132 12133 12134 12135 12136 12137 12138 12139 12140 12141 12142 12143 12144 12145 12146 12147 12148 12149 12150 12151 12152 12153 12154 12156 12157 12158 12160 12161 12162 12163 12164 12165 12166 12167 12168 12169 12170 12171 12172 12173 12174 12175 12176 12177 12178 12179 12181 12182 12186 12187 12188 12189 12190 12191 12192 12193 12194 12195 12197 12198 12199 12200 12201 12202 12203 SPARK PLUG 250MM INJECTOR 1.45 GRID FOR WOKS TAP .43 PS/PB BURNER HEAD TC CENTRAL GRATE CONTROL LAMP COVER - RED BOILER UPPER - EC410B CONTROL LAMP COVER ORANGE BOTTOM SEAL SUIT D926Gii TOP SEAL SUIT D926GII SEAL SUIT D926GII THERMOSTAT OIL HEATER INJECTOR 1.55 IGNITION PUSH BUTTON now use 12049 BURNER HOUSING 2 GAS - now use 12133 BURNER HOUSING 3 GAS - now use 12130 BURNER HOUSING 3 GAS KNOB - WHITE SUIT LGHW ON/OFF SWITCH RD2400T BURNER HOUSING 2 GAS DISHWASHER DOOR HANDLE BURNER CAP RING SR BURNER CAP A (BLACK) DOUBLE RING BURNER CAP (BLACK) TAP .27 BURNER CAP SR (BLACK) SEAL - DGHS90II BURNER THERMOCOUPLE 400MM BURNER CAP RING R THERMAL CUT OUT OVEN - SUIT LMFS60 TOP OVEN HINGE (MALE) TOP OVEN HINGE (FEMAIL) IGNITION SWITCHES BURNER THERMOCOUPLE 850MM BURNER CAP R (BLACK) DOUBLE RING BURNER CAP RING BURNER CAP FISH BURNER THERMOCOUPLE KNOB now use 12198 TAP .30 BURNER HEAD A - DGHS90II BURNER HEAD SR - DGHS90II BURNER HEAD R BURNER CAPOUTSIDE TC TRAY COFFEE MACHINE ESAM3200 DOUBLE RING BURNER HEAD FLOAT COFFEE MACHINE ESAM3200 BURNER CAP RING FISH BURNER TAP .25 SR now use 12294 TAP .35 R now use 12066 TAP .43 PS/PB now use 12115 SUPPORT SWITCH BOX COVER RANGEHOOD TF60SS BURNER HEAD FISH BURNER WITH RING TRAY OVEN SWITCH / THERMOSTAT INJECTOR 1.12 CONTROL PANEL LMFPS STEAM KNOB - NOW USE 10846 INJECTOR 9.1 CONTROL PANEL LGHW THERMOSTAT FOR HMW2400T CONTROL PANEL TAP .25 FISH BURNER CAP KNOB TEST POINT ADAPTOR COUPLING CARAFE / JUG - COFFEE MACHINE ESAM6600 BRUSH HOLDER - SUIT WF1500E FAN MOTOR - SUIT PACL30 IGNITION SWITCHES FISH BURNER CAP now use 12181 HOB SEAL - DGHS70WF BURNER HEAD R BURNER THERMOCOUPLE 250MM TC BURNER CONTROL PANEL KNOB MULTI FUNCTION SWITCH (D61C) RUBBER CLEANER - SUIT WF1500E RIGHT TOP GRATE LEFT TOP GRATE CENTRAL TOP GRATE 37 37 37 37 37 -37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 ---38 -----38 38 38 -----39 ---39 39 -39 -- 39 39 -39 39 39 39 39 39 39 -39 39 -40 40 40 -40 40 ---40 40 40 ----- 12204 12205 12206 12207 12208 12209 12211 12212 12215 12216 12217 12219 12221 12222 12225 12226 12228 12229 12231 12234 12235 12236 12237 12239 12240 12245 12246 12247 12248 12249 12250 12251 12252 12253 12254 12255 12256 12257 12258 12259 12260 12261 12262 12263 12264 12265 12266 12267 12268 12269 12270 12271 12272 12273 12275 12276 12277 12278 12279 12280 12281 12282 12283 12284 12285 12286 12287 12292 12294 12295 12296 12297 12299 12300 12302 12304 12305 12308 12309 12311 12312 CH011 LOWER HEATING ELEMENT - SUIT EO3850 TAP .40 R THERMAL FUSE FOR F895 FRYER BURNER CAP A BURNER CAP SR BURNER HEAD BURNER CASING INJECTOR 1.65 CONTROL PANEL LGHS DOOR SEAL - LMFSII INJECTOR .85 KNOB FLOW CONTROL DIVERTER FOR DISHWASHER GLASS SEAL OVEN DOOR (MFPS) WOK IGNITION LEAD DOOR LATCH - SUIT ST9AU HANDLE FOR DW27S DISHWASHER CROSSPIECE SUIT - PACW160A MOTOR PLASET TO SUIT PACT105 TAP .34 IGNITION COIL LGHS90 SPARK PLUG 350MM IGNITION SWITCHES FAN MOTOR - PACL30 A/C SWITCH - CP2400 OIL HEATER LEFT TOP GRATE CENTRAL TOP GRATE TOP HEATING ELEMENT -SUIT EO-2850 TUBE - EAM3400 IGNITION SWITCHES HOOK - EAM3500 IGNITION PACK DGHS60 now use 12191 BURNER CASING - DGHS70W INJECTOR .70 INJECTOR .53 INJECTOR INJECTOR .94 SPARK PLUG 300MM SPARK PLUG 400MM SPARK PLUG 450MM BURNER CUP A BURNER CUP SR FLAME BAFFLE A THERMOCOUPLE 230MM THERMOCOUPLE 500MM BURNER CUP R FLAME BAFFLE SR FLAME BAFFLE KNOB BURNER CUP MICRO SWITCH LIGHTER TAP TAP TAP TAP FLAME BAFFLE GRID LEFT GRID RIGHT SNAP RING DOOR LATCH - ST9AU IGNITION COIL LGHW & LGHS SPRING SPARK PLUG - DGHS KNOB BLACK SUIT LGHS UPPER ELEMENT- SUIT EO-1258 TAP .27 LOWER HEATING ELEMENT - SUIT EO-1258 TAP .44 TAP .25 SR PUMP TO SUIT MODEL PACT105 RUBBER DOOR SEAL IGNITION SWITCH now use 12146 GLASS SEAL (DOOR) MFPW INJECTOR .94 RIGHT TOP GRATE LEFT TOP GRATE PRESSURE REGULATOR G20 SPARK PLUG 500MM HOT PLATE SWITCH ELEMENT ELEMENT THERMOSTAT COLUMN OIL HEATER 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 -41 41 -41 --41 41 41 41 41 41 --41 41 41 41 -41 41 42 ------------------------42 -42 42 42 42 42 42 ---42 --42 42 42 42 42 42 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 4 Delonghi Cooking Spares - Quick find Delonghi Model No Description 1033 Stokes Part No CERAMIC HEATER ELEMENT NLA FREE STANDING OVEN TOP & GRILL ELEMENT 10932 906GWF, D906GII FREE STANDING OVEN MULTIFUNCTION SWITCH OVEN THERMOSTAT TOP ELEMENT CAVITY COOLING FAN FAN MOTOR FAN ELEMENT BOTTOM ELEMENT 10980 10896 10933 10820 10973 10807 10808 10934 95FLC Delonghi Model No Description CHROME BENCH TOP OVEN LOWER HEATING ELEMENT UPPER HEATING ELEMENT FAN MOTOR TIMER ITALORA OVEN THERMOSTAT LAMP HOLDER A726G 10966 10967 10965 10964 10963 10968 A726G 95FLG A1026G A106G A1346G Stokes Part No DOOR HINGE (FEMALE) BOTTOM ELEMENT TILTABLE ELECTRIC ELEMENT FAN ELEMENT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT LAMP COMPLETE FAN 10971 10808 11818 10926 10930 10978 10817 FREE STANDING OVEN LARGE LOWER OVEN MULTIFUNCTION SWITCH CUT OFF THERMOSTAT 140D C CUT OFF THERMOSTAT 130D C CUT OUT THERMOSTAT 55D C THERMOSTAT LAMP HOLDER CAVITY COOLING FAN COMPLETE FAN FAN ELEMENT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT (LOWER OVEN) BOTTOM ELEMENT (LOWER OVEN) 10980 10983 10976 10984 10815 10977 10979 10817 10926 10987 10986 SMALLER UPPER OVEN OVEN SWITCH DOOR HINGE (MALE) THERMOSTAT LAMP HOLDER DOOR HINGE (FEMALE) BOTTOM ELEMENT (UPPER OVEN) TOP ELEMENT (UPPER OVEN) LAMP 10990 10988 10991 10977 10971 10943 10930 10978 PYROLITIC OVEN LAMP LAMP HOLDER OVEN ELEMENT FAN ELEMENT ELEMENT INNER OVEN THERMOSTAT ELEMENT OUTER 11843 11842 10947 10948 10949 11841 10946 BENCH TOP OVEN LOWER HEATING ELEMENT UPPER HEATING ELEMENT FAN MOTOR CHANGE OVER SWITCH TIMER ITALORA OVEN THERMOSTAT LAMP HOLDER 10966 10967 10965 10969 10964 10963 10968 FREE STANDING OVEN MULTIFUNCTION SWITCH OVEN THERMOSTAT CAVITY COOLING FAN BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENT (Top Oven) TOP & GRILL ELEMENT (Bottom Oven) BOTTOM ELEMENT (Bottom Oven) COMPLETE FAN 10802 10896 10820 10935 10944 10942 11831 AM9R FREE STANDING OVEN MULTIFUNCTION SWITCH OVEN THERMOSTAT CAVITY COOLING FAN FAN MOTOR FAN ELEMENT BOTTOM ELEMENT 10980 10896 10820 10973 10804 10928 AP1246GWT FREE STANDING OVEN MULTIFUNCTION SWITCH DOOR HINGE MALE THERMOSTAT LAMP HOLDER ELECTRONIC PROGRAMMER CAVITY COOLING FAN R/H CAVITY COOLING FAN L/H 10980 10970 10815 10977 10975 10818 10981 FREE STANDING OVEN & TWIN (SIDE BY SIDE) THERMOSTAT 10985 FAN MOTOR OVEN 11800 TOP & GRILL ELEMENT 10932 FAN ELEMENT 10926 WARMER DRAWER ELEMENT 11801 CAVITY COOLING FAN 10819 WARMER DRAWER SIMMERSTAT 11847 BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENT 10808 APMFS PYROLITIC OVEN DOOR HINGE MALE OVEN THERMOSTAT LAMP HOLDER FAN MOTOR 10980 10926 10966 10808 10998 10995 10996 11800 10930 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 5 Delonghi Cooking Spares - Quick find Delonghi Model No Description Stokes Part No CAVITY COOLING FAN DOOR HINGE (FEMALE) BOTTOM ELEMENT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT FAN ELEMENT LAMP 10819 10999 10808 10932 10926 10978 Delonghi Model No Description CG400 CONTACT GRILL ELEMENT CG660 CONTACT GRILL CMFPS 11927 BARM29, BARM290 COFFEE MAKERS HEATING ELEMENT 11926 BARM30, EC190CD COFFEE MAKERS HEATING ELEMENT 11926 CONVECTION HEATER ELEMENT BCO261 BCO261B, EC650, EC750 COFFEE MAKERS HEATING ELEMENT BCO65 NLA 11927 CX100 CCHW CEHS CEHW CERAMIC HOB QUICK LIGHT STAR H/PLATE 145MM 1200W QUICK LIGHT STAR H/P 145MM SWITCH QUICK LIGHT STAR H/P 145MM 11802 11921 10803 11921 CERAMIC HOB SWITCH 180MM 1700W QUICK LIGHT H/PLATE QUICK LIGHT STAR H/PLATE 145MM 1200W 10803 11845 11802 COMMERCIAL BUILT IN HOB 145MM 1000W SOLID HOT PLATE 180MM 1500W SOLID HOT PLATE HOT PLATE SWITCH 11805 NLA 11815 COMMERCIAL BUILT IN HOB 145MM 1000W SOLID HOT PLATE 180MM 1500W SOLID HOT PLATE HOT PLATE SWITCH 11805 NLA 11815 CG238, CG248 ELEMENT 10803 D30C OIL FILLED HEATER 11880 OIL FILLED HEATER ELEMENT 11881 FREE STANDING OVEN MULTIFUNCTION SWITCH THERMOSTAT BOTTOM ELEMENT FAN ELEMENT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT 10980 10815 10808 10926 10930 DOMINO BBQ ENERGY REGULATOR TILTABLE ELECTRIC ELEMENT 11847 11818 DOMINO BBQ MULTIFUNCTION SWITCH 180MM 1700W QUICK LIGHT H/P 145MM 1200W QUICK LIGHT H/P 10802 11820 11821 D61LP, D61GII CERAMIC COOKERS FREE STANDING OVEN OVEN THERMOSTAT 11832 D90G D916GWF CONTACT GRILL 11894 11820 10815 10977 10818 10808 10926 10953 10978 10817 11935 D30BBQ CCHS COMMERCIAL BUILT IN OVEN THERMOSTAT LAMP HOLDER CAVITY COOLING FAN BOTTOM ELEMENT FAN ELEMENT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT LAMP COMPLETE FAN CP1500 11848 BETTA 60SS, 70SS, 90SS RANGE HOOD METAL FILTER 11910 ELEMENT COFFEE MAKER ELEMENT CONTACT GRILL ELEMENT CP1200 11892 COFFEE MAKERS 11895 11926 BARM-100, BARM-200 COFFEE MAKERS HEATING ELEMENT BBH100 11896 ELEMENT CGH800 BAR16, BAR14, BAR19, BAR41 COFFEE MAKERS HEATING ELEMENT Stokes Part No 11874 FREE STANDING ELECTRIC MULTIFUNCTION SWITCH OVEN THERMOSTAT FAN ELEMENT BOTTOM ELEMENT COMPLETE FAN FREE STANDING ELECTRIC MULTIFUNCTION SWITCH OVEN THERMOSTAT TOP ELEMENT FAN ELEMENT BOTTOM ELEMENT COMPLETE FAN 11895 10980 10896 10804 10808 10817 10980 10896 10933 10804 10808 10817 11927 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 6 Delonghi Cooking Spares - Quick find Delonghi Model No Description Stokes Part No D926GII TWIN CAVITY DUAL FUEL FREE STANDING OVEN OVEN THERMOSTAT 10896 CAVITY COOLING FAN 10820 FAN ELEMENT 10804 TOP & GRILL ELEMENT 10941 BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENT 10805 TOP & GRILL ELEMENT 10944 COMPLETE FAN 10817 D926GWF FREE STANDING OVEN MULTIFUNCTION SWITCH OVEN THERMOSTAT CAVITY COOLING FAN FAN ELEMENT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENT COMPLETE FAN DCH1030 10980 10896 10820 10804 10941 10805 10817 CERAMIC HEATER ELEMENT DEL1000 NLA OIL FILLED HEATER ELEMENT DEL1501 11897 OIL FILLED HEATER ELEMENT 11899 DEL2001, RD2001 ELEMENT OIL FILLED HEATER DEL2400T OIL FILLED HEATER 11900 ELEMENT 11879 DEL2401TF OIL FILLED HEATER ELEMENT 11879 DGHS, DGHSII, DGHS60, DGHW BUILT IN GAS HOB UNIT SPARK PLUG SPRING IGNITER SPRING SPRING SPARK PLUG BURNER CUP GASKET ELECTRONIC IGNITION SPARK PLUG 250MM SPARK PLUG 500MM SPARK PLUG 250MM PRESSURE REGULATOR G20 IGNITION SWITCH TAP .25 TAP .30 TAP .62 BURNER CAP RING A BURNER CAP RING SR BURNER CUP TC SMALL GRATE GRID FOR WOKS LEFT TOP GRATE RIGHT TOP GRATE 11944 12045 12283 12007 12191 12236 12308 12112 12305 12146 12179 12153 12077 12014 12015 12028 11986 12114 12304 12302 11900 12219 Delonghi Model No Description Stokes Part No BURNER HEAD A BURNER HEAD SR BURNER HEAD TC KNOB BURNER CAP A BURNER CAP INSIDE TC BURNER CAP R BURNER CAP OUTSIDE TC 12067 12068 12078 12219 12207 12021 12086 12158 DGHS70II, DGHS70 BUILT IN GAS HOB UNIT LIGHTER INJECTOR .70 INJECTOR .53 INJECTOR SPARK PLUG 450MM MICRO SWITCH SPARK PLUG 300MM SPARK PLUG 400MM BURNER CUP A BURNER CUP SR BURNER CUP R BURNER CUP GRID LEFT GRID RIGHT KNOB TAP TAP TAP TAP FLAME BAFFLE FLAME BAFFLE SR FLAME BAFFLE A FLAME BAFFLE THERMOCOUPLE 230MM THERMOCOUPLE 500MM INJECTOR .94 DGHS70W 10820 12271 12253 12254 12255 12259 12270 12257 12258 12260 12261 12265 12269 12278 12279 12268 12272 12275 12276 12273 12267 12266 12262 12277 12263 12264 12256 BUILT IN GAS HOB UNIT IGNITER SPRING SEAL BURNER CUP GASKET IGNITION COIL LGHS90 SPARK PLUG 250MM SPARK PLUG 500MM SPARK PLUG 250MM INJECTOR .85 INJECTOR .95 INJECTOR .91 INJECTOR 1.12 INJECTOR 1.65 INJECTOR .53 INJECTOR .70 INJECTOR 1.45 PRESSURE REGULATOR G20 IGNITION SWITCHES TAP .25 TAP .30 12179 12045 12193 12007 12235 12236 12308 12112 12217 12088 12175 12172 12212 12050 12093 12113 12305 12249 12179 12153 10896 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 7 Delonghi Cooking Spares - Quick find Delonghi Model No Description DGHS70WF Stokes Part No TAP .40 R TAP .62 BURNER THERMOCOUPLE 250MM BURNER THERMOCOUPLE 500MM BURNER THERMOCOUPLE 250MM TC BURNER BURNER CAP RING A BURNER CAP RING SR BURNER CUP R BURNER CUP TC SMALL GRATE GRID FOR WOKS RIGHT TOP GRATE LEFT TOP GRATE CENTRAL TOP GRATE BURNER CASING BURNER HEAD A BURNER HEAD SR BURNER HEAD R BURNER HEAD TC KNOB BURNER CAP A BURNER CAP INSIDE TC BURNER CAP R BURNER CAP OUTSIDE TC 12205 12077 12064 12065 12195 12014 12015 12102 12028 11986 12114 12201 12245 12246 12252 12067 12068 12194 12078 12219 12207 12021 12086 12158 BUILT IN GAS HOB UNIT IGNITER SPRING SEAL BURNER CUP GASKET ELCTRONIC IGNITION SPARK PLUG 250MM SPARK PLUG 500MM SPARK PLUG 250MM INJECTOR .95 INJECTOR .91 INJECTOR 1.12 INJECTOR 1.65 INJECTOR .70 INJECTOR 1.45 PRESSURE REGULATOR G20 IGNITION SWITCHES TAP .30 TAP .40 R TAP .62 BURNER THERMOCOUPLE 250MM BURNER THERMOCOUPLE 500MM BURNER THERMOCOUPLE 250MM TC BURNER BURNER CAP RING SR BURNER CUP R BURNER CUP TC SMALL GRATE RIGHT TOP GRATE CENTRAL TOP GRATE LEFT TOP GRATE BURNER HEAD SR BURNER HEAD R 12045 12193 12007 12191 12236 12308 12112 12088 12175 12172 12212 12093 12113 12305 12249 12153 12205 12077 12064 12065 12195 12015 12102 12028 11986 12201 12203 12202 12068 12194 12015 12186 Delonghi Model No Description DGHS90II 11950 Stokes Part No BURNER HEAD TC BURNER HEAD TC KNOB BURNER CAP INSIDE TC BURNER CAP R BURNER CAP OUTSIDE TC FISH BURNER CAP 12078 12078 12219 12021 12086 12158 12181 BUILT IN GAS HOB UNIT SPARK PLUG SPRING SEAL IGNITION SWITCH IGNITION COIL LGHS90 SPARK PLUG 400MM SPARK PLUG 700MM SPARK PLUG 800MM SPARK PLUG 1050MM LGHS90 BURNER HOUSING 3 GAS BURNER HOUSING 2 GAS INJECTOR .70 INJECTOR .47 INJECTOR .76 INJECTOR .90 INJECTOR .60 INJECTOR 1.15 INJECTOR 1.45 PRESSURE REGULATOR G20 TEST POINT ADAPTOR TAP .35 R TAP .25 SR TAP .43 PS/PB BURNER THERMOCOUPLE 850MM BURNER THERMOCOUPLE 400MM UR BURNER A BURNER R BURNER SR BURNER PS BURNER SMALL GRATE GRID FOR WOKS TOP GRATE CENTRAL GRATE BURNER CASING BURNER HEAD A BURNER HEAD SR BURNER HEAD R DOUBLE RING BURNER HEAD BURNER HEAD FISH BURNER WITH RING BURNER CAP RING A BRASS BURNER CAP RING SR BURNER CAP RING R DOUBLE RING BURNER CAP (BLACK) DOUBLE RING BURNER CAP RING BURNER CAP A (BLACK) BURNER CAP SR (BLACK) BURNER CAP R (BLACK) 11944 12140 11969 12235 11958 11959 11960 11961 12130 12133 11950 11945 11947 11948 11946 11951 11953 12305 12186 12066 12294 12115 12147 12141 12037 11989 12033 12036 12035 11986 12114 12080 12079 12041 12154 12156 12157 12161 12169 11966 12135 12142 12137 12149 12136 12139 12148 12249 12305 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 8 Delonghi Cooking Spares - Quick find Delonghi Model No Description DGHS90W DGHS90WF Stokes Part No DOUBLE RING BURNER CAP BRASS BURNER CAP RING FISH BURNER BURNER CAP FISH BURNER IGNITION PUSH BUTTON KNOB 11985 12163 12150 12049 12198 BUILT IN GAS HOB UNIT IGNITER SPRING BURNER CUP GASKET IGNITION COIL LGHS90 SPARK PLUG 250MM SPARK PLUG 500MM SPARK PLUG 250MM INJECTOR .85 INJECTOR .95 INJECTOR .91 INJECTOR 1.12 INJECTOR 1.65 INJECTOR .53 INJECTOR .70 INJECTOR 1.45 PRESSURE REGULATOR G20 TEST POINT ADAPTOR IGNITION SWITCHES TAP .27 TAP .34 TAP .44 TAP .65 BURNER CAP RING A BURNER CAP RING SR BURNER CUP R BURNER CUP TC SMALL GRATE GRID FOR WOKS TOP GRATE CENTRAL GRATE BURNER HEAD A BURNER HEAD SR BURNER HEAD R BURNER HEAD TC KNOB BURNER CAP A BURNER CAP R BURNER CAP OUTSIDE TC 12045 12007 12235 12236 12308 12112 12217 12088 12175 12172 12212 12050 12093 12113 12305 12186 12097 12138 12094 12292 12091 12014 12015 12102 12028 11986 12114 12080 12117 12016 12017 12105 12116 12219 12207 12086 12158 BUILT IN GAS HOB UNIT IGNITER SPRING BURNER CUP GASKET IGNITION COIL LGHS90 SPARK PLUG 250MM SPARK PLUG 500MM TC SPARK PLUG 500MM INJECTOR .85 12045 12007 12235 12236 12308 12026 12217 12091 12219 Delonghi Model No Description DHHS DHHS80 DMFPS60 DMFPS60B 11851 Stokes Part No INJECTOR .95 INJECTOR .91 INJECTOR 1.12 INJECTOR 1.65 INJECTOR .53 INJECTOR .70 INJECTOR 1.45 IGNITION SWITCHES TAP .25 TAP .30 TAP .62 BURNER THERMOCOUPLE 250MM BURNER THERMOCOUPLE 500MM BURNER THERMOCOUPLE 850MM TC BURNER THERMOCOUPLE 850MM BURNER CAP RING A BURNER CAP RING SR BURNER CUP TC SMALL GRATE TOP GRATE CENTRAL GRATE BURNER HEAD A BURNER HEAD SR BURNER HEAD TC KNOB BURNER CAP A BURNER CAP SR BURNER CAP INSIDE TC BURNER CAP OUTSIDE TC 12088 12175 12172 12212 12050 12093 12113 12249 12179 12153 12077 12064 12065 12072 12071 12014 12015 12028 11986 12080 12079 12067 12068 12078 12219 12207 12208 12021 12158 CERAMIC HOB, TOUCH CONTROL HI-LIGHT COOKING ZONE 140MM 1200W HI-LIGHT COOKING ZONE 180MM 1800W 11808 11809 COOK TOP SMALL HALOGEN HEATING ELEMENT HEATING ELEMENT 11810 11812 11811 BUILT IN OVEN ELECTRIC BOARD DW47S/W THERMOSTAT CAVITY COOLING FAN BOTTOM ELEMENT FAN ELEMENT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT COMPLETE FAN 10974 10815 10818 10808 10926 10930 10817 OVEN ELECTRIC BOARD DW47S/W THERMOSTAT LAMP HOLDER BOTTOM ELEMENT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT LAMP COMPLETE FAN 10974 10815 11851 10808 10930 10978 10817 10815 11809 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 9 Delonghi Cooking Spares - Quick find Delonghi Model No Description DMFPS60BF Stokes Part No OVEN THERMOSTAT LAMP HOLDER FAN ELEMENT BOTTOM ELEMENT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT LAMP COMPLETE FAN 11853 11851 10804 10808 10930 10978 10817 DMFPS62 DOUBLE OVEN TOP OVEN THERMOSTAT BOTTOM OVEN THERMOSTAT LAMP HOLDER CAVITY COOLING FAN LAMP COMPLETE FAN OVEN TOP OVEN ELEMENTS GRILL ELEMENT BOTTOM ELEMENT FAN MOTOR OVEN BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENTS GRILL ELEMENT BOTTOM ELEMENT FAN ELEMENT DMFPS62B 10896 11826 11852 10818 10978 10817 10921 10940 10817 10954 10943 11833 DOUBLE OVEN THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT BOTTOM ELEMENT FAN ELEMENT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT BOTTOM ELEMENT (UPPER OVEN) TOP & GRILL ELEMENT (UPPER OVEN) COMPLETE FAN 10991 10815 10808 10926 10930 10934 10950 10817 OVEN OVEN THERMOSTAT FAN ELEMENT BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT FAN MOTOR FAN MOTOR THERMOSTAT HEATING ELEMENT UPPER FAN ELEMENT HEATING ELEMENT LOWER 11832 10804 10943 11830 11831 11800 10867 10868 10869 10957 DMFPSI, DMFPS, DMFPW MULTI FUNCTION OVENS MULTIFUNCTION SWITCH OVEN THERMOSTAT CAVITY COOLING FAN FAN ELEMENT BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT COMPLETE FAN 10980 11832 10818 10804 10943 11830 10817 DMFPS901 10804 10943 Delonghi Model No Description Stokes Part No DMFPSII, DMFPS60 OVEN MULTIFUNCTION SWITCH THERMOSTAT LAMP HOLDER CAVITY COOLING FAN BOTTOM ELEMENT FAN ELEMENT FAN ELEMENT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT LAMP COMPLETE FAN 10980 10815 10977 10818 10808 10926 10926 10930 10978 10817 DOMFPSI, DOMFPSII DOUBLE OVEN ELECTRIC BOARD DW47S/W OVEN SWITCH OVEN THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT CAVITY COOLING FAN FAN ELEMENT BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT (TOP OVEN) GRILL ELEMENT (BOTTOM OVEN) BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENT (TOP OVEN) COMPLETE FAN 10974 11825 10896 10991 10818 10804 10943 10806 10954 10940 10817 DPMFPS60B DS30BBQ DS30C DS30DF DS61E 11815 OVEN FAN MOTOR 11800 BOTTOM ELEMENT BOTTOM ELEMENT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT FAN ELEMENT 10808 10808 10932 10926 DOMINO BBQ ENERGY REGULATOR TILTABLE ELECTRIC ELEMENT 11847 11818 CERAMIC HOT PLATES 180MM 1700W QUICK LIGHT H/P 145MM 1200W QUICK LIGHT H/P HOT PLATE SWITCH 11816 11817 11815 DEEP FRYER ELEMENT SWITCH 11886 COOKER MULTIFUNCTION SWITCH OVEN THERMOSTAT CUT OFF THERMOSTAT 140D C LAMP HOLDER ELECTRONIC PROGRAMMER 145MM 1200W QUICK LIGHT H/PLATE 180MM 1700W QUICK LIGHT H/PLATE 210MM 2200W HALOGEN H/PLATE ENERGY REGULATOR FAN ELEMENT BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENT GRILL ELEMENT (BOTTOM OVEN) 10980 11832 10983 11850 10975 11846 11845 11844 11847 10804 10805 10954 10975 10817 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 10 Delonghi Cooking Spares - Quick find Delonghi Model No Description Stokes Part No LAMPHOLDER COMPLETE FAN 11854 10817 DS61E, D61C, D61EII DOMINO BBQ FREE STANDING MULTIFUNCTION SWITCH OVEN THERMOSTAT LAMP HOLDER CAVITY COOLING FAN 145MM 1200W QUICK LIGHT H/PLATE 180MM 1700W QUICK LIGHT H/PLATE 210MM 2200W HALOGEN H/PLATE ENERGY REGULATOR FAN ELEMENT BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENT GRILL ELEMENT (BOTTOM OVEN) LAMP COMPLETE FAN DS61GW DTCH60 DTCH60B DTCH80 10980 11832 11850 10818 11846 11845 11844 11847 10804 10805 10954 10978 10817 Stokes Part No INLET HOSE PRESSURE SWITCH ELEMENT THERMOSTAT ELEMENT EAM300B, EAM3100SB ELEMENT COFFEE MAKER EAM3200S, EAM3000 ELEMENT COFFEE MAKER EAM33000S, EAM3400S ELEMENT COFFEE MAKER EAM3500S, EAM4500 ELEMENT COFFEE MAKER 10887 10889 10886 11929 10888 10982 10989 11862 11872 ECC2400, HMW2400T, HMW2400 OIL FILLED HEATER ELEMENT COOKER MULTIFUNCTION SWITCH OVEN THERMOSTAT FAN ELEMENT BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENT GRILL ELEMENT (BOTTOM OVEN) COMPLETE FAN 10980 11832 10804 10805 10954 10817 COOK TOP HI-LIGHT COOKING ZONE 140MM 1200W HI-LIGHT COOKING ZONE 180MM 1800W 11808 11809 COOKTOP TOUCH CONTROL HI-LIGHT COOKING ZONE 140MM 1200W HI-LIGHT COOKING ZONE 180MM 1800W DOUBLE HI-LIGHT 210/120MM 2200/750W 11857 11808 11809 NLA COOKTOP HI-LIGHT COOKING ZONE 140MM 1200W DOUBLE HI-LIGHT 210/120MM 2200/750W OVAL DOUBLE HI-LIGHT HEATING ELEMENT HEATING ELEMENT HEATING ELEMENT 11808 NLA 11860 11858 11812 11811 DW03 Delonghi Model No Description EMFPS60B BUILT IN OVEN FAN MOTOR FAN ELEMENT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT BOTTOM ELEMENT 11800 10926 10930 10938 EMFPS62BF, DMFPS62BF DOUBLE OVEN THERMOSTAT (USED IN BOTH OVENS) CAVITY COOLING FAN TOP OVEN ELEMENTS GRILL ELEMENT BOTTOM ELEMENT BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENTS GRILL ELEMENT BOTTOM ELEMENT FAN ELEMENT FAN EN660 EO1258 11879 10991 10818 10950 10986 10930 10943 10926 11831 COFFEE MAKER ELEMENT 11875 BENCH TOP OVEN LOWER HEATING ELEMENT UPPER HEATING ELEMENT 12287 12285 BENCH TOP OVEN LOWER HEATING ELEMENT UPPER HEATING ELEMENT 11822 11823 BENCH TOP OVEN LOWER HEATING ELEMENT UPPER HEATING ELEMENT 12204 12247 DISHWASHER ELEMENT 11913 DW27S, DW27W DISHWASHER ELEMENT DW67 DISHWASHER PCB 6 BUTTON TIMER HINGE LEFT HINGE RIGHT FLOW DIVERTOR (SHUNTER) FLOW SENSOR HINGE RIGHT GUIDE SUPPORT DRAIN HOSE 11847 10875 EO1850 11914 EO3850 10872 10876 10877 10873 10874 10875 11924 10885 ESAM6600, ESAM3400S ELEMENT COFFEE MAKER F14522C2 DEEP FRYER 11874 ELEMENT 11883 10989 11883 10886 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 11 Delonghi Cooking Spares - Quick find Delonghi Model No Description F415C2 Stokes Part No ELEMENT 10805 10934 10817 FREE STANDING OVEN OVEN THERMOSTAT BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENT GRILL ELEMENT (BOTTOM OVEN) COMPLETE FAN 10896 10805 10954 10817 FREE STANDING OVEN MULTIFUNCTION SWITCH FAN MOTOR FAN ELEMENT BOTTOM ELEMENT 10980 10973 10804 10808 LCHS, LCHSII FREE STANDING OVEN/CERAMIC COOKTOP QUICK LIGHT STAR H/PLATE 145MM 1200W QUICK LIGHT STAR H/P 145MM 11802 11921 NLA DEEP FRYER ELEMENT F959V 11928 L61II DEEP FRYER ELEMENT HBP532, 533, HVE332, 333 ELEMENT HCA32F NLA FAN HEATER NLA L91GW CONVECTION HEATER ELEMENT HHP2000 11891 PANEL HEATER ELEMENT HLP500 11911 PANEL HEATER ELEMENT HLP800 NLA LCHS60F PANEL HEATER ELEMENT 11912 HMH433, HVE132 ELEMENT FAN HEATER HMW1200 OIL FILLED HEATER 11919 ELEMENT OIL FILLED HEATER HMW2000, CP2000 ELEMENT OIL FILLED HEATER HMW2000T OIL FILLED HEATER NLA 11877 ELEMENT NLA HMW2400, CP2000, CP2400T ELEMENT HN20 LGHS90 NLA HMW1500, HMW1500T ELEMENT OIL FILLED HEATER 11878 LGHSII PANEL HEATER ELEMENT NLA HTE332, HTN02 ELEMENT FAN HEATER HVN2032, HVN2330B ELEMENT FAN HEATER ISOLA 90GL 11884 NLA RANGE HOOD METAL FILTER 11915 FREE STANDING OVEN OVEN THERMOSTAT CAVITY COOLING FAN 10896 10818 11877 12197 Stokes Part No BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENT BOTTOM ELEMENT (UPPER OVEN) COMPLETE FAN DEEP FRYER F885V L61GW Delonghi Model No Description 10934 COOKTOP HI-LIGHT COOKING ZONE 140MM 1200W HI-LIGHT COOKING ZONE 180MM 1800W ENERGY REGULATOR 11808 11809 11847 GAS COOKING HOB UR BURNER A BURNER R BURNER SR BURNER PS BURNER KWALI STAND SMALL GRATE PAN STAND DOUBLE BURNER PAN STAND BURNER CASING HOB TOP CONTROL PANEL 12037 11989 12033 12036 12035 11993 11986 12039 12038 12041 12159 12197 BUILT IN GAS HOB BURNER CUP GASKET BURNER HEAD TC3 ELCTRONIC IGNITION SPARK PLUG 250MM SPARK PLUG 500MM SPARK PLUG 250MM INJECTOR .85 INJECTOR 1.55 INJECTOR 1.12 INJECTOR .53 INJECTOR .70 INJECTOR .94 PRESSURE REGULATOR G20 IGNITION SWITCHES ER CAP RING A ER CAP RING SR ER CUP TC 12007 12209 12191 12236 12308 12112 12217 12126 12172 12050 12093 12300 12305 12237 12014 12015 12028 11891 10973 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 12 Delonghi Cooking Spares - Quick find Delonghi Model No Description Stokes Part No KWALI STAND SMALL GRATE BURNER HEAD A BURNER HEAD SR BURNER CAP A BURNER CAP SR BURNER CAP INSIDE TC BURNER CAP OUTSIDE TC LEFT TOP GRATE RIGHT TOP GRATE TAP .27 TAP .34 TAP .65 KNOB BURNER CASING 11993 11986 12016 12017 12009 12010 12013 12019 12025 12024 12286 12234 12110 12089 12211 Delonghi Model No Description LGHW, LGHS, LGHS90 GAS BURNERS BURNER HEAD SR BURNER HEAD R BURNER HEAD UR DOUBLE RING BURNER HEAD BURNER CAP RING A BRASS BURNER CAP RING SR BRASS BURNER CAP RING R BRASS BURNER CAP RING UR BRASS DOUBLE RING BURNER CAP BLACK BURNER CAP A BLACK BURNER CAP SR BLACK BURNER CAP R BLACK DOUBLE RING BURNER CAP BRASS DOUBLE RING BURNER CAP RING BRASS 11967 11970 11972 11981 11966 11974 11975 11980 11963 11962 11965 11971 11985 11968 12131 12284 LGHW, LGHS GAS HOB A BURNER DOUBLE RING BURNER BURNER KWALI STAND SMALL GRATE PAN STAND BURNER HEAD R BURNER CAP RING R BRASS BURNER CAP SR BLACK CONTROL PANEL LGHW CONTROL PANELLGHS 11989 11992 11991 11993 11986 11995 11970 11975 11965 12176 12215 LGHW, LGHS, LGHS90 COMMON PARTS KNOB WHITE LGHW KNOB BLACK LGHS LGHW, LGHS, LGHS90 ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS SPARK PLUG SPRING IGNITION SWITCH IGNITION PUSH BUTTON BLACK IGNITION PUSH BUTTON WHITE IGNITION COIL LGHW LGHS IGNITION COIL LGHS90 SPARK PLUG 400MM SPARK PLUG 700MM SPARK PLUG 800MM SPARK PLUG 1050MM LGHS90 INJECTOR .70 INJECTOR .83 INJECTOR 1.35 INJECTOR .47 11944 11969 11954 11955 12282 12235 11958 11959 11960 11961 11950 11949 11952 11945 LMFW, LMFM, LMFSI, LMFS, LMFWI MULTIFUNCTION SWITCH OVEN THERMOSTAT CAVITY COOLING FAN BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT COMPLETE FAN LGHW, LGHS, LGHS90 COMMON PARTS INJECTOR .76 INJECTOR .90 INJECTOR .60 INJECTOR 1.15 INJECTOR 1.45 PRESSURE REGULATOR G20 TAP .25 SR-A TAP .34 R TAP .35 UR TAP .40 PB BURNER HEAD A 11947 11948 11946 11951 11953 12305 11977 11978 11979 11976 11964 11967 10930 Stokes Part No LMFS60F OVEN MULTIFUNCTION SWITCH THERMOSTAT CAVITY COOLING FAN BOTTOM ELEMENT FAN ELEMENT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT COMPLETE FAN 10980 11853 10818 10808 10926 10930 10817 OVENS LMFW60, LMFS60, LMFW60F, LMFSII, LMFWII LAMP HOLDER CAVITY COOLING FAN BOTTOM ELEMENT FAN ELEMENT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT LAMPHOLDER COMPLETE FAN MFPS 10815 10802 11916 10818 10943 10941 10817 OVENS 10977 10818 10808 10926 10930 11854 10817 OVEN MULTIFUNCTION SWITCH OVEN THERMOSTAT CAVITY COOLING FAN GREASE FILTER FAN ELEMENT BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT COMPLETE FAN 10980 10980 11832 10818 12020 10804 10943 10941 10817 10941 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 13 Delonghi Cooking Spares - Quick find Delonghi Model No Description Stokes Part No MFPS60B, DMFPS60 BUILT IN OVEN ELECTRIC BOARD DW47S/W THERMOSTAT CAVITY COOLING FAN BOTTOM ELEMENT FAN ELEMENT TOP & GRILL ELEMENT COMPLETE FAN MFW COMMERCIAL BUILT IN OVEN THERMOSTAT CAVITY COOLING FAN TOP & GRILL ELEMENT LAMP LAMP HOLDER BOTTOM ELEMENT FAN ELEMENT COMPLETE FAN 10815 10818 10953 10978 10977 10808 10926 10817 11898 MW865BIS, MW865BISB, MW865BI OVEN LOWER HEATING ELEMENT UPPER HEATING OVEN ELEMENT ELEMENT 11917 11925 10952 11849 12171 11887 10823 10800 11921 11922 10804 10807 10805 11888 10978 11908 10817 11918 11885 11943 PASTA COOKER ELEMENT RAP1500 11889 OIL FILLED HEATER ELEMENT RAP1500T 11904 OIL FILLED HEATER ELEMENT RAP2400 11906 OIL FILLED HEATER ELEMENT RAP2400T 11905 OIL FILLED HEATER ELEMENT RD1000 11907 OIL FILLED HEATER ELEMENT RD1500 11901 OIL FILLED HEATER ELEMENT RD2000 11902 OIL FILLED HEATER SYMGA90SS TR60SS Stokes Part No OVEN SWITCH THERMOSTAT CONTROL PCB WITH BUTTONS DOOR HANDLE QUICK LIGHT STAR H/P 145MM QUICK LIGHT STAR H/P 195MM FAN ELEMENT FAN ELEMENT BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENT ELEMENT LAMP ELEMENT COMPLETE FAN CARBON FILTER THERMOSTAT THERMOCOUPLE 500MM 10974 10815 10818 10808 10926 10930 10817 MOBILA 90SS RANGE HOOD METAL FILTER PMC110 Delonghi Model No Description ELEMENT 11903 RANGE HOOD METAL FILTER 11915 RANGE HOOD METAL FILTER NLA TRN0505M, TRN505 10800 CERAMIC COOKERS FREE STANDING OVEN 11917 10817 11918 11887 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 14 Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 455mm 10800 DOORS HANDLE 10801 EGO 10802 MULTIFUNCTION SWITCH FUNCTION SWITCH 10803 SIMMERSTAT SUIT LCHS60 455mm 480mm 645mm 192mm 355mm 320mm 280mm 530mm 345mm 10804 FAN ELEMENT 380mm 80mm 10805 BTM OVEN 10806 ELEMENT D61GII / SELINI LOWER ELEMENT 10807 ELEMENT TOP GRILL 10809 HINGE FEMALE (MFPS) 10811 HINGE FEMALE - SUIT DMFPW 350mm 380mm 500 / 1300W 10808 BOTTOM ELEMENT 10810 HINGE 220mm 10812 HINGE 10813 HINGE MALE (MFPS) 10814 HINGE 10815 THERMOSTAT © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 15 Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 195mm 185mm 185mm 10816 PCB PYROLYTIC OVEN 10817 MOTOR FAN - OVEN 10818 CAVITY COOLING FAN 10819 CAVITY COOLING FAN 105mm 365mm 10820 CAVITY COOLING FAN 10821 GREASE FILTER 10822 SILLICON SLEEVE 10823 (FOR NOISY COOLING FAN) CONTROL PCB 10824 LAMP SOCKETS 10825 SEAL 10826 STEM VALVE STEAM 10827 - 1385 COFFEE MACHINE STEAM TUBE - 1385 10828 FILTER FOR 1385 COFFEE M/C 10830 FILTER HANDLE ASSY 10831 SEAL 16 10832 SEAL © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 10833 O RING 10834 O RING 10835 - EC700 COFFEE MAKER - EC700 COFFEE MAKER GASKET - EMK6 10836 PISTON 10837 GASKET 10838 SUIT EMK4 COFFEE M/C O RING 10839 NOZZLE - EAM3200 10841 PIN 10842 MILK INTAKE TUBE 10843 TUBE FRYER - F626 10844 CASTOR - HEATER 10845 FRYER FILTER SET SUIT F9 SERIES 10846 KNOB FOR EAM3400 COFFEE M/C 10847 HOSE OUTLET 10848 KNOB (F11) PORT AIR 10849 FILTER - EC700 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 17 Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 10851 FAN MOTOR RANGEHOOD PV90GL 10852 MAXI CAPPUCINO 10853 ATTACHMENT COMPLETE HAOLOGEN LAMPS 10854 TRAY SUIT EAM3300 10855 CARAFE 10856 SUMP 10857 GENERATOR 10859 PUMP 10860 REDUCTION SUIT CF210 AIRCON 10861 CROSSPIECE SUIT CF210 AIRCON 10862 TUBE LOWER - EC410 10863 RING NUT - EC700 10864 GASKET 10865 - EC700 COFFEE MAKER FROTH DISPENSER 18 10866 GASKET 10867 - EC700 COFFEE MAKER THERMOSTAT © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 610mm 540mm 370mm 10868 UPPER ELEMENT 10869 FAN FORCED OVEN ELEMENT 10870 OVEN DOOR HINGE 10871 MALE - AM19R\1 SOFT START PCB 185mm 10872 PCB - 6 BUTTON 10873 FLOW DIVERTOR 10874 "SHUNTER" FLOW SENSOR 10875 HINGE RIGHT 250mm 10876 HINGE (LEFT) 10877 HINGE (RIGHT) 10878 10879 LAMP PCB - 3 SLIDE SWITCHES 40W CANDLE E14 SES 10880 COVER 10881 PCB 10882 HOOK - LID KBM2411-1 10883 LID COMPLETE KETTLE KBM24111 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 19 Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 10884 GUIDE SUPPORTS 10885 DRAIN HOSE 10886 ELEMENT 10888 HEATING ELEMENT 10889 PRESSURE SWITCH 10891 10892 TURNTABLE MOTOR M.W.O EXHAUST FLEX HOSE 10893 TUBE LOWER 10894 KNOB - SUIT EAM3300 10895 COMPRESSOR SUIT - PAC-GSR A/C 10898 10900 PIPETTE SUIT EAM3500S O RING SUIT - EC2000.S 20 10887 INLET HOSE 10896 OVEN THERMOSTAT (8.16) 10901 REMOTE CONTROL 10903 - SUIT PAC70ECO TAP ASSY ESAM3400 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 10904 10905 GASKET TO SUIT 10906 VARIABLE FROTHING 10907 PULLER FOR MICROWAVE COFFEE MAKER EC410 COVER - ESAM3500 JUG - ESAM3500 10908 CROSS PIECE 10910 SOLENOID 10911 FOR PRO130 STEAM IRON FILTER 10912 RECEIVER BOARD - CPC505AU A/C 10913 CONTROL BOARD SUIT D/WASHER DW47S/W 10914 IGNITION BUTTON 10915 BUTTON BLACK - DFH90 COOKTOP - DMFPS OVEN 10919 HEATING ELEMENT - IRON PRO130/180 480mm 395mm 300mm 10920 SEAL 10921 GRILL ELEM TOP - SUIT DOMFPS, D926GII - DOMFPS 10922 PUMP (WATER) SUIT PAC25 10924 CAPUCCINO JUG FOR ESAM6600 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 21 Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 350mm 95mm 750mm 2200W 10925 COFFEE DESCALER 340mm 10926 FAN FORCED ELEMENT 385mm Now use 10806 1250/2200W 10928 10929 TOP ELEMENT - SUIT A106G BOTTOM ELEMENT - D906GII 385mm 370mm 580mm 340mm 280mm 2000W 10930 TOP & GRILL ELEMENT - SUIT DMFPS60 NOTE EARTH TAB LOCATION 10932 TOP & GRILL ELEMENT - SUIT APMFS 400mm 1250/2200W 100mm 10933 TOP ELEMENT - SUIT D906GII 10934 TOP & GRILL ELEMENT - SUIT L61GW 500mm 295mm 360mm 375mm 500mm 1300W 1100W 10938 BOTTOM ELEMENT 10939 TOP & GRILL - SUIT EMFPS60B ELEMENT - SUIT DS61E 340mm 340mm 10940 LOWER ELEMENT - SUIT DOMFPS60B 10941 TOP ELEMENT & GRILL - SUIT LMFPS 340mm 300mm 310mm 510mm 340mm 345mm 70mm 10942 BOTTOM ELEMENT - D926GWF 22 1400W 800W 10943 BOTTOM ELEMENT - DMFPS 80mm 10944 TOP & GRILL ELEMENT (D926GWF) 1635W 10946 UPPER ELEMENT - SUIT AMI9R © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 510mm 320mm 325mm 280mm 350mm 250mm 550mm 1500W 2400W 10947 ELEMENT LOWER 10948 FAN ELEMENT - SUIT AMI9R - SUIT AMI9R 10949 GRILL ELEMENT - SUIT AMI9R 230mm 435mm 700/2000W 10950 TOP & GRILL ELEMENT - EMFPS(60-62) 365mm 320mm 285mm 380mm 1500W 10951 FAN - SUIT CF210 10952 TOP ELEMENT MW865 SERIES 375mm 2000W 10953 TOP & GRILL ELEMENT 10954 GRILL ELEMENT - SUIT (EO) SERIES 515mm 360mm 1550W 10955 WATER TANK - SUIT MODEL EAM3000 10957 BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENT DMFPS90 10958 DIFFUSER KIT - SUIT EAM3300 10959 SLIDER - SUIT EAM3300 10960 SWITCH BOX - TF60 RANGEHOOD 10963 16A 240V THERMOSTAT (95 FLC) 10964 TIMER - 95 FLC 10965 FAN MOTOR (95 FLC) © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 23 Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 110mm 180mm 90mm 300mm 300mm 180mm 2200W (220V) 1000W (225V) 10966 10967 10968 LOWER HEATING ELEMENT UPPER HEATING ELEMENT LAMP AND HOLDER 10969 CHANGEOVER SWITCH 10970 DOOR HINGE MALE 10971 DOOR HINGE FEMALE 10973 10974 FAN MOTOR (A106G) 25W ELECTRIC BOARD DW47S/W 10975 ELECTRONIC PROGRAMMER 10976 T’STAT CUT OUT 130c 10977 LAMP HOLDER Suit SES 10978 MFP LAMP 185mm 10979 CAVITY COOLING FAN 24 10980 MULTI FUNCTION SWITCH 10981 10982 RED CABLE TANGENTIAL FAN A1346G HEATING ELEMENT © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 340mm 310mm 375mm 1000W 10983 MFP CUT OUT 140 10984 MFP CUT OUT 55c 10985 THERMOSTAT 295C 10986 BOTTOM OVEN ELEMENT 10987 TOP OVEN ELEMENT 10988 DOOR HINGE (MALE) 10989 GREEN CABLE HEATING ELEMENT 10990 OVEN SWITCH 10991 THERMOSTAT 10995 SAFETY THERMOSTAT 10996 LAMP HOLDER 10998 HINGE (MALE) DOOR 345mm 280mm 100mm 700W 375mm 453mm 500W 10999 HINGE (FEMALE) DOOR 11800 FAN MOTOR 11801 TOP ELEMENT 11802 145MM ELEM LH 1200W © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 25 Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide Ribbon Type 11803 IGNITION SWITCH 11804 - DELUX6FS 180mm ELEM LH 1700W 11805 145mm SOLID 1000W 11808 11806 180mm SOLID 1500W 140mm 1200W HALOGEN 230mm 1200W Ribbon Type 11809 11810 165MM 180MM 1800W HALOGEN SMALL HALOGEN Total Outside 2400W 11811 OVAL HALOGEN 2100/700W 11812 LARGE HALOGEN 230MM 200mm 175mm 350mm Triple Element 11815 SWITCH EHW Total 200mm 11816 180MM 1700W 11817 145MM 1200W HOTPLATE QUICK LIGHT QUICK LIGHT H/P 165mm 11820 STAR SERIES 11821 HOTPLATE 180MM 1700W SMALL 1200W STAR H/P 26 11818 TILTABLE ELEMENT 11822 11823 LOWER ELEMENT- EO1850 UPPER ELEMENT - EO1850 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 210mm 400mm 300mm 11824 FUNCTION SWITCH 11825 OVEN SWITCH 11826 THERMOSTAT 11828 UPPER HEATING ELEM 460mm 305mm 405mm 11829 THERMOSTAT 11830 TOP & GRILL ELEMENT 11831 FAN MOTOR 11832 THERMOSTAT 11838 FROTH DISPENSER (EC190CD) 11840 RESISTOR (Now use 11849) 11841 THERMOSTAT 11842 LAMP HOLDER Triple Coil 11843 11844 LAMP SES 25W 300degC HALOGEN H/P 200mm 11845 200MM H’PLATE 1700W TRIPLE COIL Triple Coil 11846 145MM 1200W QUICK LIGHT STAR H’PLATE © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 27 Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 11847 15A ENERGY REGULATOR 11848 HEATING ELEMENT 11849 MICROWAVE ELEMENT (RESISTOR) 11850 LAMP HOLDER 11851 LAMP HOLDER 11852 LAMP HOLDER 11853 THERMOSTAT 11854 MFP LAMP 11855 THERMO CUT OUT 140c 11856 11857 MFP ELECTRONIC TIMER TOUCH CONTROL 11860 COOKING ZONE 11862 ELEMENT 28 11858 ELEMENT 11863 11865 DOUBLE RING BURNER-CAP R (BLACK) BURNER - HEAD © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 11866 DOUBLE RING BURNER - CAP 11867 DOUBLE RING BURNER - CAP RING 11870 BURNER CAP RING SR 11872 ELEMENT 11875 HEATING ELEMENT 11876 TRAY - EAM3000 1000W 11873 ELEMENT ES450 11874 ELEMENT WITH TUBES 220mm 370mm 310mm 2400W 11877 2000W ELEMENT 11878 2400W ELEMENT 11879 ELEMENT OIL / WATER 1000W 11880 1000W ELEMENT 465mm 200mm 185mm 345mm 240mm 2200W 11881 1500W ELEMENT 11882 ELEMENT 122mm 11883 DEEP FRYER ELEMENT 11884 ELEMENT © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 29 Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 70mm 140mm 120mm 230mm 11885 THERMOSTAT 11886 11887 11888 TILTABLE ELECTRIC ELEM SWITCH THERMOSTAT - ELEMENT ELECTRIC ELEMENT 180mm 870mm 500mm 11889 HEATING ELEMENT 11891 HEATING ELEMENT 180mm 290mm 2 Elements 1200W 2100W 11895 ELEMENT 1000W 600W 115V 11897 ELEMENT OIL FILLED HEATER 225mm 11898 METAL FILTER MOBILA 90SS 210mm 300mm 185mm 2000W 1500W 30 825mm x 106mm 140mm 11896 HEATING ELEMENT 11899 ELEMENT OIL FILLED HEATER 11894 ELEMENT 185mm 250mm 1000W 11892 FINNED HEATING ELEMENT 11900 ELEMENT OIL FILLED HEATER 11901 ELEMENT 1KW 11902 ELEMENT 1.5KW © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 250mm 380mm 175mm 305mm 2400W 11903 ELEMENT 1.5KW 11904 ELEMENT 275W 11905 ELEMENT 1.5KW 11906 ELEMENT FOR RAP2400T Approx 175mm 150mm 210mm 185mm 500mm 500W 500W 240V 11907 HEATING ELEMENT 11908 HEATING ELEMENT 11910 HEATING ELEMENT 11911 HEATING ELEMENT 320 x 260mm 11913 HEATING ELEMENT 11914 HEATING ELEMENT 11915 METAL FILTER ASSY 11916 OVEN THERMOSTAT (MF) 150mm Outside 165mm 210mm 180mm 11917 LOWER HEATING ELEM 11918 CARBON FILTER 11919 HEATING ELEMENT 11920 QUICKLIGHT STAR H/P 145MM LH © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 31 Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 1200W 11921 145MM QUICK LIGHTSTAR H/P RH 1700W 11922 QUICKLIGHT STAR H/P 195MM LH 11923 QUICKLIGHT STAR H/P 180MM RH 11924 GUIDE SUPPORT 180mm 80mm 290mm 60mm 11925 UPPER HEATING ELEM 11926 HEATING ELEMENT 150mm 11927 HEATING ELEMENT 1800W 11928 ELEMENT DEEP FRYER F885V 280mm 11929 SENSING DEVICE 11931 ELEM CG238/248 11932 11935 METAL FILTER CONTACT GRILL SWITCH PENTA 1500 VAC R/HOOD BETTA 60/70/90SS 11936 SOLE PLATE PRO130 11937 CORD ASSY PRO130 32 11938 WIRE CLAMPS 11939 OUTDOOR FAN CP504AU © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 11940 CARAFE (KF8150M) 11941 KIT "C" 11942 JUG FOR EC2000.S (INFUSER) CONTAINER - EC2000.S 11943 THERMOCOUPLE 500MM 11944 SPARK PLUG SPRING - LGHW 11945 INJECTOR .47 11946 INJECTOR .60 LGHW,LGHS90,DGHS9011 11947 INJECTOR .76 11948 INJECTOR .90 11949 INJECTOR .83 11950 INJECTOR .70 11951 INJECTOR 1.15 11952 INJECTOR 1.35 11953 INJECTOR 1.45 11954 IGNITION PUSH BUTTON BLACK 11955 IGNITION PUSH BUTTON WHITE 11958 SPARK PLUG 400MM 11959 SPARK PLUG 700MM 11960 SPARK PLUG 800MM 11961 SPARK PLUG 1050MM © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 33 Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 11962 BURNER CAP A BLACK 11963 DOUBLE RING BURNER CAP BLACK 11964 BURNER HEAD A 11965 BURNER CAP SR BLACK 11966 BURNER CAP RING A - BRASS 11967 11973 ELEMENT BURNER HEAD SR LGHW FOR OIL HEATER 11977 TAP .25 SR-A 11978 TAP .34R 11979 TAP .35 UR 11987 FILTER (KBX2414S) 11990 GASKET -BOILER (EC410B) 12005 SPARK PLUG 250MM 12006 SPARK PLUG 250MM 12007 BURNER CUP GASKET - LGHSII SILVER 11996 CONTROL PANEL LGHS 34 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 12008 SPARK PLUG 500MM 12011 FILTER SUIT - EC750 12015 RING NUT 12020 GREASE FILTER 12021 60MM 12022 BURNER CAP INSIDE TC TAP - EAM3400 12026 TC SPARK PLUG 500MM 12027 BOTTOM OVEN HINGE (MALE) 12031 COVER - EAM3500 12034 INLET PIPE WOK GAS COOKER D61G 12032 CUT OUT THERMOSTAT 160C 12042 WOK TAP 12049 12050 GAS COOKER SUIT D61G IGNITION PUSH BUTTON INJECTOR .53 12018 FOOT TO SUIT HEATER 12054 JUG - TANK - SUIT EAM4500 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 35 Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 12055 TC SPARK PLUG 500MM 12059 DRIP TRAY COFFEE - EAM3300S 12060 SOLONOID VALVE - 12061 BOARD COFFEE MACH EAM3500 - SUIT M’WAVE MW865BI 12066 TAP .35R 12073 ELECTRONIC IGNITION 12079 CENTRAL GRATE 12081 FAN BLADE (R/HOOD) 310mm 340mm 375mm 1300W 12083 GLASS MICROWAVE MW865BI 12084 12085 BOTTOM FLUE ADAPTOR - BETA90SS ELEMENT - LMFW11 12086 100MM BURNER CAP R 12087 LID FOR JUG - EAM4500 12088 INJECTOR .95 12091 TAP .65 36 12089 KNOB © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 12092 LID - KG39 GRINDER 12093 INJECTOR .70 12094 TAP .34 12095 UR BURNER - D61G 12097 IGNITION SWITCHES 12101 PCB BOARD - PACL30 12108 CONTROL PANEL - 61C 12112 SPARK PLUG 250MM 12113 INJECTOR 1.45 12114 GRID FOR WOKS 12115 TAP .43 PS/PB 12116 BURNER HEAD TC 235mm - 2 CLIPS 12118 CONTROL LAMP COVER - RED 12119 12120 CONTROL BOILER UPPER - EC410B LAMP COVER ORANGE 12121 BOTTOM SEAL - SUIT D926GII © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 37 Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 270mm 390mm 390mm 770MM - 3 CLIPS 12123 TOP SEAL - SUIT D926GII 12124 SEAL - SUIT D926GII 12125 T’STAT OIL HEATER 12126 INJECTOR 1.55 12128 (NOW USE 12133) 12129 (NOW USE 12130) 12130 12131 BURNER HOUSING 2 GAS BURNER HOUSING 3 GAS BURNER HOUSING 3 GAS KNOB WHITE LGHW 12132 12133 BURNER ON/OFF SWITCH RD2400T HOUSING 2 GAS 12134 DISHWASHER DOOR HANDLE 12143 THERMAL CUT 12144 OUT OVEN - SUIT LMFS60 TOP OVEN HINGE - MALE 12145 12146 TOP OVEN HINGE - FEMALE IGNITION SWITCH 38 12138 TAP .27 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 85mm 130mm 12153 TAP .30 12158 BURNER CAP OUTSIDE TC 12160 TRAY - COFFEE MACHINE ESAM3200 12162 FLOAT - COFFEE MACHINE ESAM3200 12167 SUPPORT 12168 SWITCH BOX 12170 COVER - R’HOOD TF60SS TRAY 12172 INJECTOR 1.12 12173 12174 (NOW USE 10846) 12175 CONTROL PANEL LMFPS STEAM KNOB INJECTOR 9.1 12171 OVEN SWITCH/T’STAT 165mm 12176 CONTROL PANEL LGHW 12177 T’STAT FOR HMW2400T 12179 TAP .25 12181 FISH BURNER CAP © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 39 Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 12186 TEST POINT ADAPTOR 12187 COUPLING 12188 CARAGE/JAG COFFEE MACH ESAM6600 12190 FAN MOTOR - SUIT PACL30 12198 KNOB 12199 MULTI FUNC SWITCH (D61C) SILVER 12191 IGNITION SWITCHES 12197 CONTROL PANEL 12207 55MM 12208 75MM 240mm 325mm 12204 LOWER HEATING ELEM 12205 TAP .40R 12206 THERMAL FUSE FOR F895 FRYER 12207 BURNER CAP A 12208 BURNER CAP SR 12209 BURNER HEAD 12211 BURNING CASING 12212 INJECTOR 1.65 12215 CONTROL PANEL LGHS 40 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 12216 DOOR SEAL - LMFSII 12217 INJECTOR .85 12219 KNOB 12222 GLASS SEAL OVEN DOOR (MFPS) 12225 WOK IGNITION LEAD 12228 HANDLE FOR DW27S DISHWASHER 12234 TAP .34 12235 IGNITION COIL LGHS90 12236 SPARK PLUG 250MM 12237 IGNITION SWITCHES 12239 FAN MOTOR - PACL30 A/C 12240 SWITCH OIL HEATER- CP2400 12247 TOP ELEMENT- EO3850 12248 TUBE - EAM3400 12249 IGNITION SWITCHES 12250 HOOK - EAM3500 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 41 Delonghi Appliance Spares - Parts Guide 12253 INJECTOR .70 12254 INJECTOR .53 12255 INJECTOR 12256 INJECTOR .94 12282 IGNITION COIL LGHW LGHS 12284 KNOB BLACK LGHS 12285 12286 UPPER ELEMENT - EO1258 TAP .27 12287 12292 LOWER ELEMENT - EO1258 TAP .44 12294 TAP .25 SR 12300 INJECTOR .94 12305 PRESSURE REGULATOR G20 12308 SPARK PLUG 500MM 12309 HOT PLATE SWITCH 12311 ELEMENT 12312 ELEMENT CH011 THERMOSTAT - OIL COLUMN HEATER 42 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. Delonghi Appliance Spares - Part Number Reference Guide Manufacturers No 29604 53039 53074 53093 53094 53095 63065 63066 82047 82047 82048 82051 84028 84029 84032 84033 94283 94284 101182 101226 101233 101244 101260 101261 101262 101263 101273 101275 103085 103347 103359 103468 103477 103482 103749 106047 106097 106164 106207 106208 Stokes No 12034 10920 12122 12124 12121 12123 12144 12145 11984 12282 12235 12191 12236 12308 12112 12026 12130 12133 12217 12126 12088 12175 12172 12212 12050 12093 12113 12300 12020 12305 12249 12186 12237 12146 12097 12066 12294 12115 12138 12094 Manufacturers No 106209 106221 106224 106230 106243 215175 217498 62057004 68115001 2183007363 5118103800 5205000100 5219103400 003023 02800905 02859391 035033 035094 035095 037191062 047132301 04714230 047142301 04716230 047162301 047162301 047182301 04724230 04733230 04734230 04758230 04759230 04760230 04775230 04776230 04780230 050019004 050021/E 050028 050028.1 Stokes No 12292 12091 12179 12153 12042 12095 12114 11833 12209 12219 12204 12171 12224 12280 11915 10917 11944 12045 12283 10800 11920 11846 11921 11845 11845 11923 11922 11805 11820 11821 11809 11808 11844 11816 11817 11860 11847 12199 10980 10801 Manufacturers No 0500281 050030 050039 0500401 050045 050058 053036 053038 053065 053078 053084 053087 053126 062057004 062058004 062058004 062058004A 062061004 062065004 062066004 062066004 062072004 062073004 062073004 062075004 062079004 062080004 062080004 062083004 062084004 062085004 062090004 062092004 062093004 062093004 062095004 062096004 062097004 062098004 062099004 Stokes No 10801 10802 10803 11825 10990 11886 12299 12140 12193 12007 12222 12216 12216 10804 10943 11834 10940 10941 10934 10805 10935 10921 10806 10929 10933 10954 10807 10939 11830 11888 11818 12085 10932 10808 10931 10944 10942 10926 10930 10953 PLEASE NOTE THAT IN SOME CASES, TWO STOKES NUMBERS WILL EXIST FOR THE SAME MANUFACTURERS NUMBER, IN THESE CASES ONE NUMBER WILL BE REPLACED BY THE OTHER DUE TO A MANUFACTURER CHANGE. © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 43 Delonghi Appliance Spares - Part Number Reference Guide Manufacturers No 062105004 062113004 062115004 062116004 062117001 062128004 063025 063035 063041 063042 063053 063097 063106 063107 063108 063112 066049 066053 066057 066068 066072 066078 066078 066080 066123 066138 066140 066141 066143 066151 066157 068060001 068060006 068061001 068061001 068061006 068062001 068062006 068063001 068075001 Stokes No 10986 10928 10950 10987 11801 10938 10809 10810 10811 10812 10813 10814 12027 10970 10998 10988 11916 11832 11855 10976 10896 10991 11826 10984 12032 11887 12143 10815 10995 10985 11853 11964 12154 11869 11967 12156 11970 12157 11972 11865 Manufacturers No 068075001 068075006 068100007 068109001 068109003 068110001 068110003 068111001 068111003 068115 068115001 068115003 072003 072004 072006 072007 072010 073013001 0730411 0730421 074041 074041 074058SG 077026 079008001F 079008001F 079017 079023 079023 079024 079025 079026 079030 079030 081032 081032004 08103200X 08103200X 081033 082048 Stokes No 11981 12161 12169 12016 12067 12017 12068 12105 12194 12030 12116 12078 11850 11852 10977 10996 11851 11854 12118 12120 10975 11856 10816 11969 10817 11831 10818 10997 11800 10819 10820 10973 10979 10981 11954 10914 12127 12049 11955 12073 Manufacturers No 082051 082051 084007 084009 084010 084014 084022 084028 084029 084032 084033 094283 094284 094390 094433 10.78431.004 101066 101069 101074 101075 101082 101089 101119 101129 101167 101182 101226 101233 101244 101260 101261 101262 101263 101273 101275 103085 1031019 103271080 103347 103359 Stokes No 12074 12251 11958 11959 11960 11961 12225 12005 12008 12006 12055 12129 12128 10971 10999 11845 11950 11949 11952 11945 11947 11948 11946 11951 11953 11999 12001 12052 12051 12000 12048 12002 12003 12057 12004 10821 10822 10915 11983 12070 PLEASE NOTE THAT IN SOME CASES, TWO STOKES NUMBERS WILL EXIST FOR THE SAME MANUFACTURERS NUMBER, IN THESE CASES ONE NUMBER WILL BE REPLACED BY THE OTHER DUE TO A MANUFACTURER CHANGE. 44 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. Delonghi Appliance Spares - Part Number Reference Guide Manufacturers No 103468 103477 103482 103749 103993 106041 106042 106043 106047 106076 106097 106164 106207 106207/G25 106208 106208/G25 106209 106221 106224 106230 106231 106232 107009 107029 107030 107038 107039 107044 107052 107053 10899 1419014115 15102003 20114557 20600900 215190 215191 215195 215197 215204 Stokes No 12100 12023 12297 12111 11857 11977 11978 11979 12165 11976 12164 12166 12109 12286 12106 12234 12107 12110 12075 12076 12205 12077 12151 12147 12141 12064 12065 12195 12072 12071 10899 11803 10851 10823 10824 12037 11989 11992 11991 12033 Manufacturers No 215205 215443 215465 215467 215469 216005011 216006020 216006020 216006025 216007024 216007025 216008022 216070005 216070080 216070080 216074030 216074030S 216074030S 216078005 216078080 216078080 216079005 216079080 216079080 216080005 216080080 216080080 216100040 216100040 216115210 216116005 216129005A 216129005A 216129080 216130005A 216130005A 216130080 216131005A 216131005A 216132005A Stokes No 12036 12035 12014 12102 12028 11966 11870 11974 12135 11975 12142 11980 12137 11868 11963 12149 11867 11968 12136 11864 11962 12139 11871 11965 12148 11863 11971 11866 11985 12163 12150 12058 12207 12009 12062 12208 12010 12103 12086 12021 Manufacturers No 216132080 216133005A 216133005A 216133080 216134005A 216134005A 217299 217303 217415 217464 217501 217504 217505 217508 217540080 217541080 217543 217544 217561 217562 217563 217580 217581 2183009363 218338X339 218338X339 2183442P16 218A00355M 218A00355M 218G00X333 218G00X333 218P00255M 218P00255M 33218503S 33218503S 35C6517SDA 35C9139SDA 35F707SYD2 35P18803DL 35P18803DL Stokes No 12013 12069 12158 12019 12192 12181 11993 11986 11995 12039 12080 12079 12117 12038 12025 12024 12304 12302 12201 12245 12246 12203 12202 12182 12152 12198 12223 11957 12131 12012 12089 11956 12284 11998 12159 12108 12178 12173 11994 12176 PLEASE NOTE THAT IN SOME CASES, TWO STOKES NUMBERS WILL EXIST FOR THE SAME MANUFACTURERS NUMBER, IN THESE CASES ONE NUMBER WILL BE REPLACED BY THE OTHER DUE TO A MANUFACTURER CHANGE. © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 45 Delonghi Appliance Spares - Part Number Reference Guide Manufacturers No Stokes No 35P1880XDA 11996 35P188OXDA 12215 35P2055XDA 12040 35P2055XDA 12197 4025590600 10825 405502800 10827 4055320500 10826 4055502800 DL4055502800 4056001200 10828 4056001400 10829 4056002800 10830 4116D02 12029 4116D02 12211 4117001 12252 4118606 12041 46.26866.518 10801 5032515900 10989 5032516000 10982 504520600 10831 504520700 10832 5105000000 11908 5108002300 11879 5108003100 11897 5108004400 11899 5108004500 11900 5112000400 11912 5113001900 11891 5114002900 11919 511432 10968 511435 12177 5117100200 11889 5118103800 12043 5118105200 10936 5118105200 11822 5118105300 10937 5118105300 11823 5119104000 10952 5119106100 11840 5119106100 11849 512202 10918 Manufacturers No 512316 5125102400 512584 512697 512827 513129 513136 513137 513200 513202 5185000000 5186001400 5186001800 5205000400 5208000500 533135 5332107700 5332113800 5332123100 5332135100 5332140300 5332142600 5332143200 5332144400 5332145200 5332145600 5332149000 5332149800 5332154700 5332184900 5332199800 5332204200 5351014900 536159 536369 536373 5508001900 5508001900 551955 5525106700 Stokes No 11926 11928 11880 10895 11927 11884 11931 11893 11917 11925 12132 11907 11906 12125 CH011 10833 10834 10893 12015 10835 10836 12250 10955 11876 10837 11934 10838 10839 10840 10841 11990 10842 10909 10843 11990 10905 10844 12047 10927 10845 Manufacturers No Stokes No 5528100700 11937 5528103900 11937 5532108700 11838 5532118100 12248 5532120000 11862 5532121100 11872 5532123200 12187 5532124900 10898 5532125700 10846 5532125700 12174 5532127200 10907 5532133900 12187 5532134000 12054 5550005900 10901 5551000600 10890 5551000600 10892 5551000900 10908 5551005400 10902 5551006100 10961 5551011300 10847 555101130DA88 DL555101130DA88 5551016200 12229 5932111300 10894 5951000900 10848 601165 KENKW601165 6032101800 12011 6032102400 11839 6032107600 10849 60602940 12084 60603020 12081 629002 11873 64800190 10850 64800190 10851 64800280 10851 65200115 11898 660018 KEN660018 680379 10852 680379 DL680379 69000445 10853 PLEASE NOTE THAT IN SOME CASES, TWO STOKES NUMBERS WILL EXIST FOR THE SAME MANUFACTURERS NUMBER, IN THESE CASES ONE NUMBER WILL BE REPLACED BY THE OTHER DUE TO A MANUFACTURER CHANGE. 46 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. Delonghi Appliance Spares - Part Number Reference Guide Manufacturers No Stokes No 6932101100 12119 7313008500 11892 7313210271 10906 7313210921 10906 7328115800 11936 7332165800 10854 7332166600 10959 7332169600 10855 7332173100 10856 7332179400 10958 7332182500 10857 7332183200 10903 7332196700 11872 7332196700 11874 7332200000 12188 7332215200 11875 733325 10922 7350001400 10956 7351010200 10911 7351033000 10962 7351034200 10847 7351034200 10858 738572 12018 9416508195291 10924 AC5151003700 10859 AC555100600 10890 AC555100600 10927 AC5951000900 DL5951000900 CAL EL24 11973 CALEL24 11973 CG1021 10951 CG1031 10860 CG1032 10861 CM5332113800 10862 CM5332123100 10863 CM533218 10864 CM5532108700 10865 CP2153 CH011 D0047132301 11802 D0047162301 11804 Manufacturers No Stokes No D004724230 11805 D004737230 11806 D0050019004 11819 D0050028 10980 D00500281 10972 D00500281 11824 D0050033 11807 D0050033 11815 D0050033 11933 D0053084 12296 D0062083004 11813 D0063041 DL063041 D0066053 11814 D0066057 10983 D0066068 10976 D0066080 10984 D0073013001 10978 D0074041 10975 D0084022 12225 D04724230 11805 D0ILA10602 10994 D0ILA43600 10993 D0ILA49206 10992 DAC PUMP1 10922 DB5118103600 11828 DB5118103800 11827 DCG ELE1 11931 DCG ELE2 11893 DCGELE1 11894 DCGELE1 11931 DCGELE2 11893 DCM ELE1 11927 DCM ELE1 12311 DCM ELE2 11926 DCM ELE2 12312 DCM GAS3 DLDCMGAS3 DCM-CUT 12206 DCMELE1 11859 DCMELE2 11861 DCMGAS3 10866 Manufacturers No DCP SWI DCP-EL15 DCP-EL20 DCPEL24 DCP-EL24 DCPSWI DESCALER DFLELEL DFLELEU DFLMOT DFLSWI DFLTIM DFLTST DMF ELE DO 050033 DO047132301 DO04716230 DO047162301 DO04737230 DO050019004 DO050028 DO0500281 DO050033 DO050033 DO053084 DO062083004 DO066053 DO066057 DO066080 DO073013001 DO073013001 DO074041 DO084022 DO35F707SYD2 DOILA10602 DOILA43600 DOILA49206 DOO500281 DPW LAMP EE1126 Stokes No 12240 11881 11877 11878 11878 12240 10925 10966 10967 10965 10969 10964 10963 11884 12309 11802 11845 11804 11806 11819 10980 11824 11807 11815 12296 11813 11814 10983 10984 10978 11854 10975 12225 12173 10994 10993 10992 10972 10968 11848 PLEASE NOTE THAT IN SOME CASES, TWO STOKES NUMBERS WILL EXIST FOR THE SAME MANUFACTURERS NUMBER, IN THESE CASES ONE NUMBER WILL BE REPLACED BY THE OTHER DUE TO A MANUFACTURER CHANGE. © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 47 Delonghi Appliance Spares - Part Number Reference Guide Manufacturers No Stokes No ESAM3500JUG 10899 ESAM3500JUG 10899 ESAM3500JUG 10907 ESAM6600JUG 10924 F00189/1 11918 FP1009 10867 FP1009 DLFP1009 FP1011 10868 FP1011 DLFP1011 FP1013 10869 FP1013 DLFP1013 FP1019 10957 FP1025 12167 FP1027 11829 FP1033 12210 GR30046042 10912 GR30055332 11837 HC0050 10897 HR1021 11911 HS1138 11940 IC1020 11909 ILA02824 10870 ILA10602 11843 ILA43600 11842 ILA45812 10947 ILA45820 10946 ILA45836 10948 ILA45848 10949 ILA49206 11841 KE00140239 11939 KE814018 10871 KW435047 KENKW435047 KW666048 KENKW666048 LN1009 11883 M052906036 10900 M1002 11941 M112922001 11835 M191010098 11942 ML6008 12226 ML6033 12056 Manufacturers No Stokes No ML6085 12082 ML6220 11882 ML6220 11913 ML6235 10872 ML6248 10876 ML6249 10877 ML6253 11890 ML6266 12281 ML6267 11914 ML6278 10873 ML6278 12221 ML6301 10874 ML6346 11885 ML6367 10875 ML6389 12221 ML6409 12228 ML6428 DLML6428 ML6429 DLML6429 MT1057 11987 MV1015 11895 MV179055 11896 MW512767 10891 MW537301 10904 O63107 10970 OCCTOOLSET 10923 RD5185000500 11901 RD5185000600 11902 RD5185000700 11903 RH65200045 10916 RH65200045 11935 RP5186000400 11904 RP5186001800 11905 S11435 12177 SC29991056 11938 SC39990090 10919 SY1078 12092 T01010 DLTO1011 T01011 10883 TF526021 10878 TF526022 10960 Manufacturers No Stokes No TF526031 10879 TF52918 10880 TF52921 10881 TK191 11910 TL1510 12239 TL1518 12190 TL1537 12101 TL1620 12231 TL1622 12295 TN1002 11858 TN1005 11810 TN1007 11812 TN1008 11811 TO1010 10882 TO1011 10883 V05EL10 11930 VC5391116000 12099 VC5391503600 11988 VO5EL10 11930 VOG-EL10 11880 VT105671 10910 VT107983 11932 VT507335 12189 VT507345 12200 VT507370 11836 WQ912-9235-84 10974 WQP129235131 11924 WQP12923535 10885 WQP12923540 10887 WQP12923545 DLWQP12-9235-45B WQP12923547 10889 WQP12-9235-84 10913 WQP129235C40 10886 WQP9235131 10884 WQP-9235C-16 11929 WQP9235C40 DLWQP-9235C-40 WQP9235C45 10888 WQPB9251-1039 12104 WQPB92513022 10884 PLEASE NOTE THAT IN SOME CASES, TWO STOKES NUMBERS WILL EXIST FOR THE SAME MANUFACTURERS NUMBER, IN THESE CASES ONE NUMBER WILL BE REPLACED BY THE OTHER DUE TO A MANUFACTURER CHANGE. 48 © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. Delonghi Appliance Spares - Part Number Reference Guide Delonghi Spare Parts Guide Manufacturers No Stokes Appliance Parts is continually updating its spare parts range to include brands and models sold into the Australian market. Delonghi appliances are a growing manufacturer in our market and to assist repairers in finding parts for Delonghi appliances we have created this guide listing many of the common models sold here. If the part you are looking for is not in this guide, we would be happy to try and source it for you. Also Available now Smeg Appliance Spare Parts Guide coming soon Roband Spare Parts Guide © COPYRIGHT 2008 STOKES (AUSTRALASIA) LIMITED ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This Catalogue may not be reproduced in whole or part by any means, including photographically or electronically, without the express written permission of STOKES (AUSTRALASIA) LIMITED ABN 24 004 554 929 Items offered for sale are not represented to be manufactured by the company that built the original equipment. Reference to makes, models and part numbers does not constitute an endorsement by the original equipment manufacturer. ZP0010016 ZP0040044 ZP0040051 ZP0040052 ZP0050006 ZP0050014 ZP006428 ZP006429 ZP0070035 ZP0070036 ZP0070037 ZP0070038 ZP0160064 ZP0160066 ZP0200115 ZP0250023 ZP0250024 ZP0250025 ZP0250027 ZP0270006 ZP0270007 ZP0270008 ZP0270010 ZP0290003 ZP0290004 ZP0290005 ZP203837 Stokes No Manufacturers No Stokes No Manufacturers No Stokes No 12271 12253 12254 12255 12259 12270 12257 12258 12260 12261 12265 12269 12278 12279 12268 12272 12275 12276 12273 12267 12266 12262 12277 11943 12263 12264 12256 Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Stokes reserve the right to substitute other products which we have deemed equal in performance to discontinued items. Although all care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the data in this publication. STOKES (AUSTRALASIA) LIMITED does not assume liability for any errors or omissions. All sales are subject to STOKES standard terms and conditions of sale as outlined in each products groups main service manual (also available on request) and the only guarantee or warranties are those contained therein. PLEASE NOTE THAT IN SOME CASES, TWO STOKES NUMBERS WILL EXIST FOR THE SAME MANUFACTURERS NUMBER, IN THESE CASES ONE NUMBER WILL BE REPLACED BY THE OTHER DUE TO A MANUFACTURER CHANGE. © Copyright 2008 Stokes Appliance Parts (All Rights Reserved). This Catalogue or part of must NOT be reproduced in any way without written permission of Stokes. Product illustrations & specifications are subject to change without notice. All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the above information, Stokes does not assume any liability for any incorrect information and reccomends that the above be used as a guide only. 49 Stokes Appliance Parts 24 Palmerston Road West Ringwood, Victoria 3134 ABN 24 004 554 929 Phone: (03) 9872 7474 Fax: (03) 9872 7444 Freecall: 1800 333 191 Email: Visit us on the web: Appliance Spare Parts to suit Delonghi Appliances
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