Former BackYard for sale or lease
Former BackYard for sale or lease 2212 EAST FRANKLIN BLVD. EXCELLENCE IN RETAIL REAL ESTATE. Former Back Yard Burger Restaurant 2212 East Franklin Blvd. Gastonia, North Carolina Lease Information Property Photo ¬ « 85 § ¦ ¨ Site £ ¤ S M ai £ ¤ 74 29 S N ew H op Re db ud Dr Rd Location Map Demographic Snapshot (2012) GASTONIA, NC CONTACT Henry J. Breaux 1 mile 3 mile 5 mile Population 3,765 46,704 98,471 Average HH Income $68,691 $54,984 $53,810 Median HH Income $50,778 $45,164 $44,349 Business Establishments 626 2,598 4,088 Daytime Employment 10,205 33,482 48,290 .96 Acres Building Size: 2,874 SF Gaston Co. PID: 117870 Year Built: 2004 Parking: 53 spaces Site Location Comments The property is being sold “as-is” with hoods, freezer, and cooler. All other equipment will be removed. Traffic Count (NCDOT 2010) 19,000 VPD on Franklin Blvd. (704) 644-4580 CONTACT The information above has been obtained by sources deemed reliable. While we do not doubt its accuracy, we have not verified it and make no guarantee, warranty, or representation of it. It is your responsibility to independently confirm its accuracy and completeness. You and your advisors should conduct a careful, independent investigation of the property to determine to your satisfaction the suitability of the property for your needs. Site Acreage: The site is located in close proximity to the recently redeveloped Gaston Mall which includes Target, Harris Teeter, Dick’s, ULTA & TJ Maxx. The site is convenient to I-85, as well as much of Gastonia’s population. e E Garrison Blvd $85,000/year NNN The Gastonia market is part of the greater Charlotte MSA. The immediate area along Franklin Blvd. has been experiencing a number of redevelopments and serves as Gastonia’s main retail corridor. Franklin Square 1 2 3 85 29 Lease Price: Area Information Gaston Mall Eastridge Mall $1,200,000 n St 85 Cox Rd § ¦ ¨ N New Hope Rd 7 Sales Price: 521 E. Morehead St. • Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28202 Phone (704) 365-0820 • Fax (704) 365-8911 Henry J. Breaux (704) 644-4580 27,000 VPD on Cok Road 104,000 VPD on I-85 O rk Rd. . New Hope Rd. E. za e Av F R A NKL I N BLV D. Lowe l l Gaston Memorial Hospital Franklin Square Franklin Square III Eastridge Mall 104,00 0 VPD The Shoppes at Franklin Square 00 V 19,00 Cox Rd. 23,0 Fra nk lin Blvd. 0 VPD PD New Hope Franklin Center 108,00 0 VPD Fr a n klin B l vd . Gaston Mall Ne 21,000 V w Harbor Freight PD Ho pe Rd . Re u db d . Dr NORTH CAROLINA Franklin Square II GASTONIA Akers Center
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