Company - Fecomércio-RS
Company - Fecomércio-RS
Economic Sectors Agriculture Industry Trade in goods and services Primary Sector Secondary Sector Tertiary Sector FECOMÉRCIO-RS SESC/SENAC Trade Association and Labor Union Company Employer Trade Association AFFILIATES ASSOCIATES Legal Representativeness Services Collective Agreements and Negotiation Employee Labor Union AFFILIATES ASSOCIATES Legal Representativeness Services SYSTEMIC VISION CNC National Department SESC National Department Senac FECOMÉRCIO-RS Regional Department SESC 43 Operating Unit 20 Counters 27 State Federations 07 National 1026 Trade Associations 112 Trade Associations 580 Thousand companies 1,61 Million jobs Regional Department Senac TRADE ASSOCIATION Unit Sesc 43 Operating Unit 20 Counters Unit Senac cooperation Social Welfare Shareholder Representation BUSINESS COMPANY Professional Education Customers Fecomércio-RS MISSION VISION ENSURE THE BEST CONDITIONS FOR TERTIARY COMPANIES GENERATE SUSTAINABLE RESULTS LEADING THE TERTIARY COMPANIES WITH RECOGNISED INFLUENCE IN THE STATE DEVELOPMENT MISSION VISION ENSURE THE BEST CONDITIONS MISSÃO FOR TERTIARY COMPANIES GENERATE SUSTAINABLE RESULTS LEADING THE TERTIARY COMPANIES WITH RECOGNISED INFLUENCE IN THE VISÃO STATE DEVELOPMENT LIDERAR AS EMPRESAS DO SETOR TERCIARIO COM RECONHECIDA INFLUÊNCIA NO DESENVOLVIMENTO DO ESTADO ASSESGURAR ÀS EMPRESAS DO SETOR TERCIÁRIO AS MELHORES CONDIÇÕES PARA GERAR RESULTADOS SUSTENTÁVEIS Sesc-RS Promotion Institution of Social Welfare, installed in RS since 1946, in its 68 years, has conducted more than 1 billion attendance in the RS. Attendance* 68 million Education – 464 000 Health ** - 24,801 Culture ** - 2,260 Leisure ** - 7,082 Assistance ** - 35,064 ** data milion * accumulated July 2015 MISSION Promote actions for the welfare of workers of trade in goods, services and tourism and society with actions of Education, Health, Culture and Settlement. 43 Operations, 23 Balconies Sesc/Senac and 11 Mobile Unities 03 Hotels 18 Preschools 02 Programs study skills 39 Fitness gymnastics and bodybuilding 02 Pilates Studios 01 Water park 07 Pitches 08 Outdoor sports court 10 Theatres 02 shows Movie 14 Libraries 04 Spaces Know and Leisure 09 Restaurants 10 Coffee shop 02 snack bars 65 Dental Offices 26 Multipurpose rooms 07 Programs Bureau Brazil 01 Exhibitions Rooms 04 Sesc Games Rooms Senac-RS The National Service of Commercial Learning – Senac, a member of the Fecomércio System. Has been acting in the field of the professional education for 68 years. In Rio Grande do Sul 7 million people were attended in its. Students 34.270 Initial and Continuing Education 26.948 Technical Training Courses 6.145 Undergraduate Courses 1.177 43 Educational Unities 3 Colleges 1 Educational Unit EAD 497 municipalities served Mission Educating for work in the areas of goods, services and tourism. Distance Education Senac-RS operates the Technical Training Courses throughout Brazil. Application Compulsory Revenue in free courses R$ 73.744.396,9100 * Jan-July 2015 Obrigado! Anderson Bohrer da Rocha Sistema Fecomércio-RS Av. Alberto Bins, 665, 13º andar – 90030-142 – Porto Alegre / RS Tel: (51) 3220 3141 / (51) 3286 5677 / Cel. (51) 9880-0846 E-mail: