annual review - The Children`s Hospital at Westmead


annual review - The Children`s Hospital at Westmead
Over the past 20 years, The Children’s Hospital
at Westmead has changed many thousands of lives.
We have given a future to countless families.
We have given them hope.
With your continued support, we can give hope
to many more families when they need it most.
Thank you for being our partner in care.
Front cover: Enzo, age 5 and Eloise, age 5
Back cover: Josephine, age 13
Chief Executive Message 2
2015 Highlights
Reflecting on 20 Years
Care in focus
Liver Transplants
Supporters 2014-2015
How to help
Our 20th Anniversary is an important milestone, not just a reason to celebrate the past
two decades of The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, but to imagine the possibilities for
the years ahead.
Back in 1995, it was wonderful to move into our new Hospital, full of promise of things
to come, lives to save. But our Hospital has never just been about our buildings or
equipment, our backbone is our people. Our staff and volunteers, the children and families
in our care and our valued supporters in the community are at the true heart of what we do.
Within this Annual Review, we have chosen four focus areas – neurology, cardiology, cancer
and liver transplants – to demonstrate the work of our Hospital, how far we have come since
1995 and our vision for the future.
Please know that the impact of your ongoing support is felt throughout the Hospital
– in the corridors, in the operating theatres, by the bedsides and behind the scenes in
research labs. As donors, you are such a special and integral part of our Hospital. As the
years tick by we need your ongoing help and support to ensure our facilities remain at a
world-class standard.
It is my hope you will share our vision and enthusiasm for the future. We can continue
to evolve paediatric health care and use research to unlock some of the greatest medical
challenges of our generation. Many more young lives can be saved if we continue to
work together.
Thank you for your support, your time and your kindness. I wholeheartedly assure you that
together we are making a very real and positive difference to sick children and their families..
Dr Michael Brydon
Acting Chief Executive
Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network
Bear Cottage
This year a number of milestones
were reached within our liver and
kidney transplant programs. A record
number of life-saving liver transplants
were performed and we reached
a total of 300 liver transplants
and 150 kidney transplants.
We launched the ‘Footprints in the
Sand’ program at our dedicated
children’s hospice, Bear Cottage,
at Manly. With a record number
of bereaved families to care for,
Bear Cottage launched the program
to provide ongoing support to families
whose child has passed away.
Surgeons also transplanted a liver into
a tiny six-week old baby, Australia’s
youngest ever transplant recipient.
This was in response to the needs of
families and the strong connection
they feel to Bear Cottage, even after
the death of their child.
World First
Hospital in the Home
In a world first, doctors and
researchers at The Children’s Hospital
at Westmead are hoping to find a way
to delay or prevent the onset of juvenile
diabetes by infusing patients with their
own umbilical cord blood.
In an Australian first, The Children’s
Hospital at Westmead adapted the
‘Hospital in the Home’ model of
care to provide home care for a
two-year old boy on the waiting list
for a heart transplant.
It is hoped that the cord blood will
help ‘reboot’ the immune system to
prevent diabetes, which occurs when
the body attacks and kills its own
insulin-producing cells.
This allowed clinicians to provide
care in the comfort of the child’s
home to avoid spending over
100 days in hospital.
Celebration Bell
3D Printing
A celebration bell was recently installed
in the Oncology Clinic as a symbol of
hope to mark the end of treatment for
young cancer patients.
The Centre for Children’s Bone
and Musculoskeletal Health
was established, including a
3D Orthopaedics Laboratory for
engineering and prototyping bone
implants for children using
3D printing technology.
The beautiful ship’s bell is designed to
acknowledge and celebrate the journey
of cancer patients and their families and
was installed after a suggestion from
parents of children who had already
been through cancer treatment.
This innovative treatment
approach is expected to dramatically
improve outcomes for children with
orthopaedic conditions.
The Children’s Hospital at Westmead’s
Diploma of Child Health Program
recently celebrated the graduation of
the first cohort of doctors and nurses
from their International Postgraduate
Paediatric Certificate in Zimbabwe.
Outcomes for patients have been
dramatically improved thanks to
the purchase of a range of medical
equipment with donated funds.
The program has been running for
23 years, educating doctors and nurses
in remote and developing countries.
Some of the key items donated this
year are a $2 million CT scanner, a
ventilator and for the Grace Centre
for Newborn Care, an additional bed
for the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit,
temporary pacemakers for cardiac
patients and monitors for babies at risk
of SIDS disease.
on 20 Years
Friday 6 November 2015 marks
20 years since The Children’s
Hospital at Westmead opened
its doors to begin a new era
of paediatric health care in
Sydney’s west.
In the past 20 years we have
touched the lives of many children
and families from NSW and beyond.
We had treated 530,000 inpatients,
almost one million emergency cases
and have performed 280,000
operations on babies and children.
Our 20th Anniversary is an
important milestone, not just to
celebrate the past 20 years, but also
to look forward to the next 20 years,
continuing to push the boundaries
of child health and improve and
save the lives of many more children
when they need us most.
Annalise, age 6
First described
case of a patient’s blood
type changing to match that
of her organ donor
Official opening of the
‘New Children’s Hospital’
Established the first
Tumour Bank in the
Southern Hemisphere
Clown Doctor Rounds started
Not so ‘new’
anymore, the Hospital is
renamed ‘The Children’s
Hospital at Westmead’
Opening of Bear Cottage
1995 - NOW
Opening of the Book Bunker
Opening of the Butterfly Wing
for patients with eating
disorders and their families
Opening of the
Kids Research Institute
Opening of the
George Gregan Playground
as a Nationally-Funded
Centre for Hypoplastic
Left Heart Syndrome
First labyrinth in an
Australian hospital
First cancer gene
therapy trial for aggressive
brain tumours
Opening of Hall Ward,
the dedicated paediatric
mental health ward
Special visit
to Bear Cottage by
the Duke and Duchess
of Cambridge
Opening of updated
Cardiac Catheter Suite
Moving to Westmead
was the realisation
of the Hospital’s
vision of creating a
‘total-healing environment’
Collin, age 6
Bella, age 6
EEG Monitoring
Care in focus
Neurological disorders affect the brain, spinal cord and nerves and can have a significant
impact on the quality of life of children and their families. Neurological disorders can be
caused by a range of different problems such as genetic disease, infection or trauma.
Some neurological conditions are life threatening, severely affect a child’s quality of life
and can cause a life-long disability.
At The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, the Neurology and Neurosurgery team is skilled
in the use of innovative techniques and technology to investigate and treat neurological
disorders. The team has pioneered some of these techniques in children in Australia.
Surgeons are accomplished in the intricacies of paediatric brain and spinal surgery and
rare disorders are diagnosed and treated in conjunction with Genetics Specialists.
Diagnosing brain disorders requires the very best equipment and technology, with major
funding from community donations.
The Epilepsy Monitoring Unit was established in 2011 thanks to donations and has doubled
the Hospital’s capacity to provide life-changing surgery to children with epilepsy. This has
been a significant boost as 14,000 children in NSW have epilepsy and, for almost 30%,
medication poorly controls their disease.
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Children’s Hospital at
“ The
Westmead has given Eliza
a second chance at life.
She can now look to her
future with hope instead
of fear.
Watching Eliza paint, her bright eyes concentrating on the colourful detail and a playful smile
crossing her face, it’s difficult to imagine her suffering debilitating seizures every few hours.
But this was the heartbreaking reality for Eliza and her family when she was diagnosed with
severe epilepsy at just five years old.
“We felt so scared, anxious and helpless. The fear of the unknown was, at times,
overwhelming,” Eliza’s Mum, Julia, said.
Doctors at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead knew of a revolutionary new surgery
that had never been done on a child before in Australia and decided Eliza was the perfect
candidate. It wasn’t a risk-free operation though, with doctors warning Eliza’s family that
the risks included stroke and loss of vision.
The surgery, called Stereo Electro Encephalography (SEEG), involved drilling small holes
into Eliza’s skull and inserting metal rods into her brain to allow surgeons to precisely
locate where the seizures originated. Brain surgeons then removed the piece of Eliza’s brain
causing the seizures, effectively curing her epilepsy.
Eliza is now an inquisitive, fun-loving and positive girl who loves gymnastics and expressing
herself through her painting and drawing. She is growing back her beautiful blonde hair after
shaving her head for the surgery and hopes to one day become a famous artist.
“The Children’s Hospital at Westmead has given Eliza a second chance at life. She can now
look to her future with hope instead of fear,” Julia said.
“It is truly incredible how far epilepsy treatment and research has come, even in the past
few years. We feel so grateful and fortunate.”
Vision for
The brain is one of the most complex and mysterious parts of the human body, even with
today’s MRI technology which allows us to examine the structures and tissues of the brain
in great detail.
Twenty years ago, the brain was even more mysterious. Tucked away inside the skull with
limited ability to localise brain problems, doctors resorted to observing a patient’s symptoms
and taking a trial and error approach with medications and treatments.
Our team within the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery are now able to accurately
diagnose neurological conditions and offer patients and families a range of surgical options
that would have never been dreamt of when our Hospital first opened in 1995.
One of the conditions that responds best to today’s surgical options is epilepsy. As you
have seen in Eliza’s story, we were able to pinpoint where her seizures originated within
the brain and remove that section, curing her of epilepsy without losing any neurological
or physical function.
There were no surgical options for patients like Eliza 20 years ago, with patients facing
a lifetime of seizures, intellectual disability and risk of sudden death. While this surgical
approach is still not suitable for the majority of children with epilepsy, it has been a dramatic
addition to our range of options for some of the more severe cases.
We are proud of how far we have come but we know there is much more that can be done
in the future. We are beginning to scratch the surface of molecular genetics and personalised
medicine. This will have a monumental impact on diagnosis and treatment for some of the
rarer disorders we see.
We are looking towards refining our use of medicines, in some cases adapting medicines
developed for other illnesses to be part of the treatment regime for neurological patients.
In the operating theatres of the future, robotic surgery will be an increasingly important
technology for use by neurosurgeons. The convergence of new science and technologies
may allow incurable diseases such as spinal cord injury to be treated and perhaps even
one day cured.
I see a promising future ahead where diseases that are untreatable in 2015 become
treatable. We have many more lives to change, and indeed save, in the future.
Dr Richard Webster
Head of Neurology
The Hospital has
always been a
happy and lively place,
despite the serious
nature of its work
Sarah, age 4
Ben, age 10
Cardiac Stress Test
Care in focus
Almost one in every 100 babies born in Australia has a heart abnormality, with about
one third needing some form of surgery or other intervention. Early diagnosis is crucial,
with many major conditions now being detected while the baby is still in the womb.
Heart surgery in babies and children is delicate, with the hearts of babies being barely
the size of a walnut.
Each year more than 3,500 babies, children and adolescents with congenital heart
disease are diagnosed and treated by the Heart Centre for Children at The Children’s
Hospital at Westmead.
Donations have supported and enhanced the work of the cardiac team for many years.
Recent community support has contributed towards the upgrade of our cardiac catheter
laboratory and cardiac ultrasound machines, and fundraising towards a new heart-lung
machine is underway.
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first birthday
“ Jake’s
party will be a
celebration of
his life,
Jake’s first birthday party will be a celebration of his life, which has been hanging by
a thread more than once.
Jake was born with congenital heart disease, with a hole in his heart and his main heart
valve being too narrow to effectively pump blood around his tiny body.
“We were elated to be welcoming another boy into our family but his diagnosis was like
a bomb going off in our lives. We could not believe this was happening to our family,”
Jake’s Mum, Carli, said.
After cuddling her newborn son for less than a minute, he was whisked off to The Children’s
Hospital at Westmead for the first of many heart operations at just two days old. The most
complex operation so far was when he was six months old and his faulty heart valve was
replaced with a donor valve, an 11-hour operation during which his heart and breathing
was stopped for five hours by a state-of-the-art heart lung machine.
“This was a huge operation for my baby boy to endure. In the days after the operation he
had a cardiac arrest, seizures and developed life-threatening pneumonia. He was in the
Intensive Care Unit for 23 days. What he went through, what we went through as a family,
was almost unbearable. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone,” Carli said.
After all he has been through, it’s amazing to see how calm and content Jake is,
with a huge smile that lights up the room.
“There are simply no words to describe our feelings of elation that Jake is here with us
today. When we look at our little miracle boy we are filled with gratitude to his amazing
doctors and hope for the future” said Carli.
Vision for
Our cardiac care over the past 20 years has impacted tens of thousands of families with
children ranging in age from babies in the womb to adolescents.
I can remember sitting in a planning meeting at the old hospital in Camperdown in the
early 1990s and thinking about the next generation of paediatric heart disease care. What
resources would we need? How would care evolve over the coming years? What challenges
would we face?
One of the main areas of growth within paediatric cardiac care since we relocated to
Westmead in 1995 has been our surgery program. We provide safe, reliable, world-standard
surgery outcomes for patients, many of whom are newborn babies with complex heart defects.
Our diagnostic capabilities have developed greatly, especially through fetal cardiac imaging.
We have pioneered in interventional cardiac catheterisation, to provide minimally invasive
diagnosis and treatment of heart conditions.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death from congenital abnormalities in infants under
one year old and represents one third of all birth defects. This drives us to strive towards
refining and expanding our understanding of why these abnormalities occur and how to
provide better futures for these children and families.
One area of research and development is the genetics of congenital heart disease and how
we can use this knowledge to create new opportunities. Stem cell work is now our focus,
which will bring new possibilities for treatment opportunities that will have much improved
long-term outcomes for patients.
This is science at its best – translated from the laboratory and applied at the bedside.
We will continue to invest in our DNA Bank for Congenital Heart Disease. To date there
is no known cause for the majority of congenital heart diseases. Our research through our
DNA Bank aims to establish links between changes in genes known to be involved in
heart development and heart disease. This allows worldwide collaboration and increasing
capacity to unlock some of the mysteries of heart disease.
This and much more is possible through our ongoing commitment to improving care and
with continued support from the community.
A/Prof Gary Sholler
Head of the Heart Centre for Children
and Director of Cardiac Services, Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network
Care, research
and education comes
together in one
place to create
a hub for child health
Jack, age 4
Emily, age 4
Chemotherapy Treatment
Care in focus
There are three types of cancer that can affect children. The most common childhood
cancer is within the blood cells, known as leukaemia. There are also cancers of tissues
and organs, known as solid tumours or sarcomas, and cancer of the brain and central
nervous system.
The Cancer Centre for Children at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead is a comprehensive
referral cancer facility for children in NSW, providing medical care and support services to
over 160 new patients and their families every year.
Facilities include an accredited blood and bone marrow transplantation unit, dedicated
30-bed in-patient ward, a day-stay treatment centre and a long-term follow-up clinic to
monitor general health and long-term effects of cancer treatment on children. Metropolitan
and regional outreach support services are also provided within the community.
Over 4,000 children and adolescents with cancer have been treated by the Centre since
1980. Over 75% are alive today because of advances in therapy, supportive care and
intense research efforts.
Donations to the Cancer Centre for Children not only directly support the clinical care of
young patients but also fund pivotal research into developing more effective and less toxic
therapies and ultimately understanding how and why cancers develop in children.
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are braver and more
“ We
optimistic towards life.
We have learnt to treasure
every day and to give back
what we can.
Neil’s Mum, June, will never forget the moment her son turned from the computer and said,
“Mum, I think I have leukaemia.”
After Neil felt unwell for days, a doctor at their local medical centre suggested blood tests to
find out the underlying cause of his illness. After searching for the symptoms of leukaemia
online shortly after the appointment, Neil felt certain he had cancer of the blood, a diagnosis
soon confirmed by doctors at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead.
“It was a huge shock to us. We were devastated. Our life was turned upside down from the
moment Neil was diagnosed,” June said.
At just 10 years old, Neil embarked on a two-year journey of the latest drugs and treatment
options. It was a harrowing and demanding time for Neil and his family. The chemotherapy
took its toll on his young body and at times it seemed he just didn’t have the strength to
carry on.
Neil completed his program of therapy earlier this year when he was given the all-clear.
He is now feeling strong and healthy again and is excelling at high school, much to the
delight of doctors and his whole family.
“Neil’s older brother decided to study medicine after seeing what he went through.
Neil hopes to follow in his big brother’s footsteps and also study medicine at University.
Together they hope to make a real difference to the lives of others,” June said.
“My family has changed in many ways since Neil’s illness. We are braver and more
optimistic towards life. We have learnt to treasure every day and to give back what we can.”
Vision for
Cancer impacts almost all of us in some way at some time in our lives. A cancer diagnosis
for a child is least expected and usually has the greatest impact on loved ones.
Each year at The Cancer Centre for Children, we see many children who are newlydiagnosed with cancer and are about to embark on the demanding treatment journey,
usually involving a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
We support the whole family and directly involve them in their child’s treatment using a
multidisciplinary team-based model of care and follow up that continues long after the
treatment has finished.
This comprehensive approach to care is underpinned by a strong commitment to research.
The value of investing heavily in a robust clinical trials research program is fundamental
to our quest to improve outcomes for children with cancer. Clinical trials involve rigorous
scientific research to refine and improve treatment strategies for children with cancer.
We are leading the way in innovations in gene therapy clinical trials, brain tumour research
and understanding the biology of cancer. We have a strong commitment to the continued
expansion of our Paediatric Tumour Bank, the first of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere.
We are uniquely placed in having both the cancer research and clinical care units of the
Hospital working closely together under the same roof. This allows us to directly ‘translate’
discoveries in the laboratory and through clinical trials directly to improved treatment at
the bedside.
Recent enhancements in research technologies have greatly assisted the process of
developing treatment approaches that are both disease and patient-specific, known as
personalised or precision medicine. We work in close partnership with other hospitals and
research institutions to achieve much of this important work.
This technology will ultimately enable us to understand why we fail to cure 20% of children
with cancer. Researchers will gain the experimental tools to pinpoint weaknesses in cancers,
identify new therapies and drugs and to minimise the long term impact of treatment.
This will revolutionise the way we treat and care for children with cancer in the future.
Our Cancer Centre for Children has the ‘Skill to Heal, the Spirit to Care and the Vision to Cure’.
Dr Luciano Dalla-Pozza
Head of the Cancer Centre for Children
Keziah, age 5
The artwork,
gardens, cafés and
the sound of children
all contribute to the
special ambience
Amaiyah, age 11 months
Liver patient
Care in focus
Liver Transplants
A liver transplant is a major surgical procedure for a child with liver failure. Over half the
children needing a liver transplant have biliary atresia, an aggressive disease that destroys
the bile ducts that drain the liver. This disease has no cure and, if left untreated, results in
liver failure.
At any one time, six to eight children are on the liver transplant waiting list at The Children’s
Hospital at Westmead, their lives hanging in the balance as they await the precious gift
of life.
The Children’s Hospital at Westmead is the biggest paediatric liver transplant centre
in Australia and performs an average of 15 liver transplants each year. Children from
South Australia, Western Australia, Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory
travel to Westmead for this life-saving surgery which is not available closer to home.
As the liver is the only organ in the body that can regenerate, transplants can be successful
using only part of a liver.
Having a child on the waiting list for a liver transplant takes a toll on the whole family,
especially as most of the children are under three years old. Over the years, financial
donations from the community have helped to create vital support services for these
families in their time of greatest need, as their child awaits transplant and along their
road to recovery.
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take one day at
“ We
a time. We appreciate
life and each other
so much more after
what we have
been through.
Pretty-as-a-picture Maddie loves having a princess tea party just as much as she loves
playing superheroes and villains with her big brother. She is so full of life, thanks to her
gift of life.
Maddie’s birth was bittersweet for her Mum, Ansi. She was overjoyed to be welcoming her
daughter into the world but anxious about what lay ahead. Her precious baby had been
diagnosed with heart and other problems during a pregnancy scan and doctors were already
planning surgery during her first months of life.
“As parents, it’s our job to protect and look after our children. But in this situation we felt
utterly useless,” Maddie’s parents Ansi and Jimmy said.
Maddie successfully underwent cardiac surgery but it became apparent that she had another
unusual congenital condition – the absence of her portal vein, which usually drains blood
into her liver. This was causing her liver to be compromised, so doctors made the brave
decision to place her on the liver transplant list.
This was a nervous time for Maddie’s family and health care team. A transplant for a child
with her condition was uncommon, with no guarantee that her oxygen levels would recover
even after a successful operation.
The donor liver was successfully transplanted into Maddie’s frail body and she began
to slowly become healthier and stronger.
There is a long road ahead for Maddie with more treatment planned, as well as
immunosuppressant medication, for the rest of her life. But for now, she is enjoying being
a normal, happy little girl.
“We take one day at a time. We appreciate life and each other so much more after
what we have been through. There is nothing more important in this world than family.
Nothing else matters.”
Vision for
Liver Transplants
This year is a double celebration for our Liver Transplant Team at The Children’s Hospital at
Westmead as we not only mark our 20th year since relocating from Camperdown, we also
performed our 300th liver transplant.
We have doubled our rate of transplants over 20 years and have significantly improved
patient survival. Improvements have occurred across the broad range of activities and
specialities involved in liver transplantation – organ donation and preservation, transplant
surgery and anaesthesia, post-operative care in the Intensive Care Unit, ward nursing,
nutritional rehabilitation and development of better anti-rejection drugs. This requires a
dedicated team of health care professionals all caring for the child and their family in a
holistic fashion.
The survival rate for children one year after transplant is now 95%, which represents
world-class outcomes, and we are working towards achieving 100%.
We have developed the use of ‘split’ liver grafts where one donor liver is used for two
recipients – the large part goes to an adult and the smaller part to a child, which is
technically more challenging for our surgeons.
In 2008 we reported a world first, where a child who had undergone a successful liver
transplant experienced spontaneous bone marrow transplantation due to donor cells within
the transplanted liver. Earlier this year we successfully performed a liver transplant on one
of Australia’s youngest and smallest transplant recipients – just six weeks old and weighing
only 2.7 kilograms.
By far one of the biggest challenges we face is organ donation rates. Although they have
increased by 50% over 20 years, we can still do better.
We are as excited about our future as we are proud of how far we have come. Gene therapy
and genomic sequencing is an area of exploration, particularly matching appropriate
immunosuppression to patient characteristics. We are exploring the suitability of
immunosuppression withdrawal to determine which patients can safely come off
anti-rejection drugs.
I’m excited about the future possibilities for transplants through the combination of
world class care and ground-breaking research.
Dr Michael Stormon
Head of Hepatology
The purpose behind
the design of the
Hospital is simple
- to provide a
caring atmosphere
for families
Nemanja, age 5
2014 – 2015
Sir Charles Clubbe KBE
Sargents Pies Charitable Foundation
The Kids’ Cancer Project
Woolworths Supermarkets
Inaugurated Founders
2014 – 2015
Estate Late Adolina Zanatta
Estate Late George & Roberte Lomaz
Estate Late John Brisbane Bedwell
Estate Late William Francis Chapman
Helen M Economus
Sydney Trains
The Wishaw Family Estate
Inaugurated Benefactors
2014 – 2015
Amway’s One by One Foundation
B.Braun Australia Pty Ltd
BlueScope Steel Limited
Bob (Tug) Wilson’s Walk
for Kids with Cancer
Camp Quality Limited
Era Polymers Pty Ltd
Estate Late Mary Elizabeth Croxon
Estate Late Ronald Frederick Doyle
Kapstream Capital
Liangrove Foundation Pty Ltd
2UE Radio
The Shaw Foundation
Thiess John Holland Dragados
Tony McCullough Foundation Trust
Woodhead Family Benefaction
A Bear Affair Committee
Bridgestar Pty Ltd
Clubs NSW Eastern Zone
Bear Cottage
Cornucopia Committee Inc
Emerald Ball Committee
Fight Cancer Foundation
Fire and Rescue NSW
Grace Gala Committee
Humpty Dumpty Foundation
James O Fairfax AC
Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd
John & Lois Turk Charitable Gift
Kids with Cancer Foundation
Robert Albert AO
Sir Robert & Lady Mollie Askin
Charities Trust
Sporting Chance Cancer Foundation
Sydney Trains
The Australasian Order of Old
Bastards Southport Qld RSL
The George Gregan Foundation
The Macintosh Foundation
The Petre Foundation
Volunteers – The Children’s Hospital
at Westmead
4 Tracks 4 Kids
400 in 4 Charity Ride
Allergan Australia
ANZ Stadium
Caring for Kids – Bankstown Group
Coca-Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd
ConnecTeD Foundation Incorporated
Costco Wholesale Australia Pty Ltd
DOOLEYS Lidcombe Catholic Club
Dunn Family Trust Fund
Ellaleen Bryer
Endeavour Energy Australia
Fire and Rescue NSW – Katoomba
Firefighters Calendar
Footwear Leather &
Allied Trades Cot Fund
Harold Wilson (The Late)
ICAP Australia Pty Ltd
J & G Bedwell Endowment
K & G Gluck Trust
Lions Club of Carlingford - Dundas
Lowy Foundation Pty Ltd
Macquarie Group Foundation Limited
Margaret Pemberton Foundation
McGrath Mazda Liverpool
Medtronic Australasia Pty Ltd
Mirvac Homes Pty Ltd
NRMA Insurance
NSW Rural Fire Service
Ottomin Foundation
Owen Miller Foundation
Parramatta Leagues Club Ltd
PKU Association of NSW Inc.
R & A Family Holdings Pty Ltd
Rellim Holdings No 2 Pty Ltd
Shipping Industry Golf Challenge
Sydney Invitational Pty Ltd
The Freedman Foundation
The Manildra Foundation
The Profield Foundation
Western Earthmoving Pty Ltd
Estate Late Allen Sampson
Estate Late Anna Jurkiw
Estate Late Annie Dorothy Douglas
Estate Late Anthony Butta
Estate Late
Arnoldus Johannes Van Hulst
Estate Late Arthur Robert Hynes
Estate Late Barry Reginald Bray
Estate Late Bevan Sallaway
Estate Late Claire Alison McGuffie
Estate Late Colin James Brown
Estate Late Constance Power
Estate Late Daphne Mason
Estate Late David Barry Creaghe
Estate Late Donald Edward Cowley
Estate Late Donato Cacchillo
Estate Late Doris May Hanshaw
Estate Late Edith Emmy Julie Langtry
Estate Late Elizabeth Dorrien Parker
Estate Late Elizabeth Ingrid Cohen
Estate Late
Elizabeth Joan Lewis Scully
Estate Late
Elizabeth Lottie M Rosenthal
Estate Late Elizabeth Mary Truman
Estate Late Elsie Jean Ellis
Estate Late Elsie Margaret Greig
Estate Late Evan Frederick J Williams
Estate Late Fikret Alijagic
Estate Late Freda Margaret Millar
Estate Late Geoffrey Francis Scharer
Estate Late George Henry Simpson
Estate Late Gordon Alwyn Purnell
Estate Late Grazia Coco
Estate Late Hilary May Farr
Estate Late Iris Eunice Eling
Estate Late Jack Cowley Frankham
Estate Late Jeanette Lopez
Estate Late Joan Hagers
Estate Late Joan Hope Thomas
Estate Late John Craggs
Estate Late John Murray Stevens
Estate Late John Richard O’Connor
Estate Late Kathy Gatti
Estate Late Kevin Dominic Vardy
Estate Late Leah Winifred Golding
Estate Late Leslie Allan Maurer
Estate Late Lillian Ethel Thomas
Estate Late Lily Emma Farrington
Estate Late
Lionel Ernest Fredrick Dege
Estate Late Lorraine Mary Brophy
Estate Late Manfred Ewald Crnkovic
Estate Late Marjorie Edna Jenkins
Estate Late Mary Elizabeth Croxon
Estate Late Mary Jeanette Pearce
Estate Late Molley Carter
Estate Late Moya Arline Lee
Estate Late Neal John Jackson
Estate Late Patricia Joyce Mason
Estate Late Richard Edgar Weedon
Estate Late Russell Herbert Cohen
Estate Late Sana Jano
Estate Late
Sheila Woodruffe McBryde
Estate Late Shirley Margaret Corder
Estate Late Stella Granger
Estate Late Sylvia Jean White
Estate Late
Valerie Alice May Hancock
Estate Late Vivienne Mary Hobson
Estate Late Walter Raymond Paine
Estate Late Walter Richard Stapleton
Estate Late Zara Rae Splayford
Small Family Bequest
Major Supporters
3 Girls 3 Days 300k’s
65K465 Roses
A Little Adventure
ACCO Australia
Accru Felsers Accountants
Allied Express Transport Pty Ltd
Amalgamated Holdings Limited
Amyson Pty Ltd
Andrews & Rech Pty Ltd
Anthony Suters & Associates Pty Ltd
AOOB Springwood
APC Prosthetics Pty Ltd
Aristocrat Technologies Australian
Arkhadia Foundation
ASQB Window Safety
Ausgrid Employees’ Children’s Appeal
Australian Furniture Removers Assoc
Australian Islamic
Mission Inc Fundraising
Australian Medical Association (NSW)
Australian National Maritime Museum
Australian Reptile Park
Australian Stockbrokers Foundation Ltd
Avant Insurance
Bain & Company
Balgowlah RSL Memorial Club
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Bankstown District Sports Club Limited
Bathurst Real Estate
Bayer Australia Ltd
Bell Potter
Belle-Laide Events
Better Homes & Gardens,
Seven Network Ltd
Borger Crane Hire
& Rigging Services Pty Ltd
Borgnis Street Residents
Brainchild Foundation
Brookvale Mazda
Bruce & Joy Reid Trust
Burton Contractors
C & M Antoniou Pty Ltd
Canley Heights RSL & Sporting Club
Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs
Rugby League Club
Castle Hill Country Club Ltd
Cerner Corporation Pty Limited
Chan & Naylor Foundation
Charity Cabaret for Bear Cottage
Charity Greeting Cards Pty Ltd
Children’s Cancer Welfare Services Inc
Cincotta Discount Chemist
Citigroup Global Markets
City of Blacktown RSL Club Ltd
Clark Equipment Sales Pty Ltd
Clipper International Corp
Club Med Australia
Coates Hire
Combined Choirs Assoc
of St Paul Le Bao Tinh
Commonwealth Bank
Cooks Plumbing Supplies
Count Charitable Foundation
Crown Resorts Foundation
Cystic Fibrosis New South Wales
De-Juliis Hair Fundraising
Dell Australia
Delta Society
Design Intoto Pty Ltd
Deutsche Bank
DHL Supply Chain
Diamantina Designer Homes Pty Ltd
Disabled Children’s Foundation
DNN Constructions
Dorian’s Personal Training
Doyles In Car – Auburn
Eastern Suburbs Law Society
EcoDirect Pty Ltd
Eleven Music
Esanda Dealer Relationships
Fairfield RSL Memorial Club Ltd
Family Health Clinics NSW Pty Ltd
Festa di San Rocco di Cepagatti
Financial Reporting Specialists Pty Ltd
Finsynergy Pty Ltd
First Hand Foundation
Fortnum Foundation Pty Ltd
Foxy’s Memorial Golf Day
Franz Loibner Foundation Pty Ltd
FTF Car Club of NSW Inc
GE Australia Pty Ltd
General Motors Holden
Genworth Australia
GEO Group Australia Pty Ltd
George & Janet Parker Memorial
Gilbert & Roach
GK Kirkby Pty Ltd
Glenorie Bakery
GP Information Services Pty Ltd
Grewlan Investments Pty Ltd
Halix Pty Ltd
Harbour City Ferries Pty Ltd
Harris Farm Markets
Hasbro Australia Ltd
Henry Pollack Foundation
Hope for Ollie
House 2 Home – Moorebank
Humphrey’s Newsagency
Hyundai Help for Kids
I Play All Sports
IACR Partners Pty Ltd
Ian Potter Foundation
IKEA Pty Ltd
Independence Studios Pty Ltd
Insight Enterprises Australia Pty Ltd
Insurance Australia Group
International College of Management
ITS PipeTech Pty Ltd
Jack and Jill Kindergarten – Berowra
James N. Kirby Foundation
JEM Computer Systems
Jemena Limited
Jessica Alispahic Fundraising
Kenny Constructions (Aust) Pty Ltd
‘Kicking Goals for Sick Kids’
Kim Williams No 2 Investments Pty Ltd
Kingsfeld (NSW) Pty Ltd
Lads for a Cause – Perth to Sydney Cycle
LATMA Limited
Liam O’Flaherty Memorial Fund
Lindt & Sprungli (Australia) Pty Ltd
Lions Club of Castle Hill Inc.
Lions Club of West Pennant Hills
– Cherrybrook Inc.
Little Fairy Door
Live It Now
Live Well Health & Fitness Studio
Lornbri Pty Ltd
Lutanda Manor Retirement Village
Macarthur Swimathon for CF
Macquarie Bank – Australia Square
Macquarie Infrastructure
and Real Assets
Magdalene Foundation
Mamakaz Banana Breads
Manly Masquerade Ball
Manly Rugby Football Club Inc
Maple-Brown Family
Charitable Foundation
March into Miracles
Marianne Tannous Charitable Trust
Melissa Lewis Foundation Pty Ltd
Metabolic Dietary Disorders Association
MFS Investment Management
Miles Developments Pty Ltd
Miles to Go
Million Dollar Minute
Montessori Academy
Morgan Stanley Wealth
Management Australia Pty Ltd
Murray Goulburn Co-op Co
Murray Valley Meat Trading Company
Mustang Owners Club
of Australia (NSW)
Myer Stores Community Fund
N & M Hurll Charitable Trust
Narrabeen North Public School
Nicsons Concrete Pty Ltd
Nine Links Foundation
Nottingham Park Enterprises Pty Ltd
NSW Kids in Need Foundation
NSW Police – St George District
Police Charity Ball Committee
Oatlands Public School
Packer Family Foundation
Pallet Logistics
Pamper the Parents
Pan Laconian Association of NSW
Paramount Building Services
Parker Hannifin
Parramatta City Council
Parramatta Park Trust
Patron Financial Advice
Pedal for Pat Fundraiser
Perpetual Foundation
Personality Stationery
Petersen Family Foundation
PhoneCycle Pty Ltd
Pino’s Dolce Vita Fine Foods
Plougastel Pty Ltd
PMB Plumbing
Pools for Prevention Fundraiser
Precious Hearts Inc
Premier Media Group
Preston Mill Proprietary Limited
Primo Smallgoods
Prospect Electrical Wholesalers Pty Ltd
Providence Wealth Advisory
Group Pty Ltd
RAHC – Graduate Nurses Auxiliary
Ramsgate RSL Memorial Club
Rat Pack Golf Tours Inc.
RCR Tomlinson
ResMed Limited
Rest Industry Super
Roche Products Pty Limited
Rotary Club of Balgowlah
Rotary Club of Belrose
Rotary Club of Bombala
Rotary Club of Brookvale Inc
Rotary Club of Frenchs Forest
Rotary Club of Holroyd Inc
Rotary Club of Pennant Hills Inc
Rotary Club of The Hills-Kellyville
Rouse Hill Renegades Rugby
Rydges Hotel Ltd
S & L Steel Group Pty Ltd
Sauer’s Bakehouse Pty Ltd
Scott Electrical Services Pty Ltd
Serendipity Craft Group
Seven Hills Toongabbie RSL Club Ltd
Seven Network Operations Limited
Shop Distributive & Allied
Employees’ Association
Shorrock Partners Pty Limited
SIDS Stampede
Slater and Gordon Lawyers
Smith Charitable Fund
Snell’s Vending Pty Ltd – Beverly Hills
Steps for C.F.
St Johns Park Women’s Bowling Club
Stage Artz
Starbucks Coffee Company
(Australia) Pty Ltd – Westmead
Statewide Design & Print Pty Ltd
Stephen Richardson
Memorial Golf Day
Sydney Mariners
Sydneysiders Express Inc.
Tabcorp Holdings Ltd
Tak Fuk Investments Pty Ltd
Tangalooma Resort
Team Bianca
Team Lochie
Telstra Corporation Limited
The Australian Reinforcing Company
The Blackmore Foundation Pty Ltd
The Carrawa Foundation
The Cerebral Palsy Alliance
The Children’s Help Foundation
The Dick and Pip Smith Foundation
The Doll Collectors Club of NSW
The Good Guys Foundation
The Humour Foundation
The JB Bedwell Endowment
The King’s School
The Lansdowne Foundation
The Lee Falk Memorial Bengali
Explorers Club
The Mill House Foundation
The Philip Bushell Foundation
The Rodney & Judith
O’Neil Foundation
The Rotary Clubs of District 9690
The Schwinghammer Foundation
The Wales Family
Foundation Pty Limited
Thermomix-Sydney North Branch
Tino Vella Design
Toplace Pty Ltd
TOPS Celebration Concert
Trade West Pty Ltd
UBS AG Australia Branch
Ultimate Sign Installations Pty Ltd
Valvoline Australia Pty Ltd
Van Dam & Associates
Vietnamese Catholic Community
Vision Personal Training
Vitaflo Australia Pty Ltd
Vittoria Coffee
Ward Civil & Environmental
Engineering Pty Limited
Ward Family Trust
Westfield Group
Westfield Parramatta
Westfield Warringah Mall
Westmead Medical Research
Foundation (WMRF)
Wiggles and Giggles
Child Care Centres
Woodend Pty Ltd
Yuhu Group
Zanx Welding Pty Ltd
Zipper Tickers Fundraising
ZWF Pty Ltd
Major Supporters
Eva Abdelmessiah
Anthony Aboud
David & Elizabeth Adams
David Adams
Adamsas Family
Lenore Adamson
Lisa Ainsworth
Chris Aldridge
Sue Aldridge Fundraising
Michael Alexander
Constantina Alifakiotis
Felicity Jane Allen
David & Janine Allman
Gloria Amedee
Brendan Ames
Alistair Anderson
Valerie Appleroth
Takako Arain
Michael Aristides
George Armstead
Parmy Army
Garo Artinian
R J Austin & J L McDonnell
F & J Au-Yeung
Henry Aw
Ruth Ayling
Lynette Bain
Peter & Betty Baines
Dhruv Bajaj
Jeanette Baker
Elizabeth Barber
Maria & Nino Barca
Peter Barclay
E Barker
Reginald Barrett
Sophie Bartho
Ken Basha
Terrence Bates
Lucinda Batey
Corinne Bautista
Argeo & Yvonne Beletich
Yvonne Beletich
Evelyn Bell
K Bell
Max Benjamin
Lana Benson
Gwen Beresford
Hertha Berger
Tracey Berger
Alex Berlee
Esther Bernie
Daniel Betros
Ernest Bickford
Sarah Bishop
Charles Blackburn
Stephen Blackler
Leslie Blackshaw
Aileen Bleus
David Blom
C Blomfield
Joyce Blomley
Zelene Bloom
David Bloom QC
Bruce Bolam
Alan Bootes
Vincent Bosco Fundraising
Therese Boustany
Phillip Bowering
Daniel & Jessica Boyson
Mollyjane Boyson Fundraising
Peter Braithwaite
Judith Bridges
Annie Brown
Jenny Brown Fundraising
Maxwell & Annie Brown
Leo & Anne Browne
Norman Brunsdon
Mark Bryant
Peter Budd
Lily & Charlie Bugeja
Marius Buitendag
Ron Bulla
Richard & Susan Bunting
Allana Burke
E Butler
David Cable
M Cahill
Ian Cairns
Ron Callus
John Cameron
Charles Campbell
Peter Campbell
Suzanne Capuano
Cherri Carol
Brian Carpenter
Darren Carr
Rachel Carroll
Jonathan Castley
Barry Chambers
Justin & Isabel Chan
Teddy Chan
Wayne & Carolyn Chan
Lang Thi Chen
William & Lily Chen
Ashish Chhabra
William Chiu
Michael Chrisostomos
Tai Chuang
Yi Chung
Rudolf Cikan
Erin Claire
Jo Clancy
A M Clark
Patrick Clark
Ross Clark
Lisa Clay
M Clift
Salvatore Coco
Bernard Cohen
John Cola
Joanna Collins
David Colmer
Patrick Concannon
David Conley
B Conybeare
Jennifer Cook
In memory of Patrick Coombes
Timothy Cormack
Frank Costa
Darryl Courtney-O’Connor
Samantha Craig
S Crofts
Trevor Croker
Peter Crossing
Faye Cruickshank & Friends
Mitchell Crump
Roderic Cullen
Cindy Cunningham
David Cunningham
Alan & Suzanne Curgenven
Tony D’Amore
George Daniel
Wayne Darcy
Eilise D’arcy
Marco & Alice Davalos
James Davern
Chad Davies
Craig Davies
Kelly Davies
L Davis
E B Day
Kim De Cean
Keith de Jong
Santiago De Silva
Jan Deagan
Michelle DeCeglie
Ian Delaney
Ardavaz Delir
X Demosthenous
Phil Dempsey
James & Mavis Denman
Suat & Lauren Dervish
Baljinder Kaur Dhariwal
Antonio Di Dio
Charlotte Di Mascio & Friends
Fasissal Diab
Thomas & Maria Diep
Linda Dimech
Nick Dimou
Leo Diniotis
Harry Dixon
Gavin Doak
V L & S A Dolfo
Bette Dolman
Elizabeth Dossetor
Elizabeth Dowton
Sarkis Draybi
Anthony Drew
Ansi Drury
Yoram Drutman
Rebecca Duda Fundraising
Tien Dung Dang
Mohammed Dunia
John A Dunlop AM & Family
Georgia Dunn
Imraan Ebrahim
Michael Egan
Sonia Eggins-Allman
Ahmed Elarif
Steele Ellaway
Elizabeth Elliott
Hazel Elsley
Mark Elworthy
K Emery
Peter Evans
Susan Eves
Elizabeth Ewen
Stephen Facer
Shane Fagan
G Falk
John Fanning
Enid Farrow
Gero Farruggio
David Farrugia
W Farwerck
Vincent Fayad
Joseph Fayyad
Robert Fazzari
Darin Ferguson
Jeanette Ferguson
Stephen Ferguson
Ellen Ferrington Michaelis
Dallas Finney
Angus Firth
Diane Fisher
Josephine Fisher
John Fitzgerald
Gary Flanagan
Jean Flood
Michael Forrest
Grant Forster
Barry Foster
Guy Foster
Rick Foster
David & Ines Frearson
Mr & Mrs Freeman
Leone Friend
Jonathan Frost
Richard Fry
Merv & Jenny Fullford
Ernest Fung
Eugene Gabin
David & Gillian Gale
Dean Gale
Carolyn Galvin
Shirley Gardiner
Bradley Gavenlock
A & R Geracitano
Joseph Giandomenico
Elizabeth Giannone
Richard Giannone
Ginsberg Family
Toni Gluseki & Romona Roche
Elaine Gock-Young
Meeta Goel
Marjorie Gollop
Joseph Gomes
Lewis & Jennifer Gomes
Alexandra Goodfellow
Joseph Goodman
B & T Gorman
J Goubran
Gary Goundrie
Geoffrey Goundrie
Sanjeev Goyal
N Grace
Megan Grace
James Graham AM
Cheryl Grant
Louisa Grant
John Gravina
Michael & Carolyn Gray
Robert Gray
Warren Gray
Joe & Carmen Grech
Sebastian & Rach Green
Allen Greenhalgh & Julie Sheridan
Paul Greethead
Anthony Gregory
Richard Gremmo
Alan Griffiths
James Guilfoyle
Hasantha Gunasekera
Eddy & Valerie Gwendoline De Marco
Kenneth Gyde
Georgina Gye
David & Mai Ha
Aju Hadiwijaya
L & Vera Hall
Roger Hallaran
Warren Halloran AM
Edward Halmagyi
AM & NS Hammond
Peter Handel
Louis Hanna
Alan Harris
F & E Harris
Justin Harris
Nicholas Harris
Pepper Harris
Richard Harris
Stephen Harris
J Harrod
Jean Hay
Jayson & Beverley Haydon
Greg Hayes
Thomas Hayes
Rhonda Haynes
Margaret Hayter
Simon & Fiona Hellams
Val Henning
Luke Hepworth
Mandy Herring
Timothy Hext
Michelle Higgins
Wendy Hinks
Alex Hall Himitsu
Gy Ho
Thi Ho
Tam Xuan Hoang
Tom Hobbs Fundraising
Roslyn Hodgkins
Geoffrey & Tina Hodgkinson
James Hodgkinson
Cassandra Hogan
Cath Hogan
Sue Hogan
Jessie Holliday
Sally Holliday
Mary Holt
Adam & Louise Hopcroft
Jessica Hore
Bruce & Patricia Houston
Jordan Howarth
Kenneth & Isabelle Howells
Doug & Beryl Howlett
Peter Hsu
Peter Hudson
Richard Hudson
Brendan Hughes
Richard Hughes
Ryn Hughes
Bradley Hunt
Patricia Huntley
Khanh Huong Do
Doug & Hilary Hutchinson
Mark Hutchinson
Winnie Huynh
Wendy Hyett
Steven Iannello
Biljana Ilkovski
Robert Ingham OA
Cecil Isaac
David Isaacs
Cynthia Jackson
Julianne Jackson
Bruce Jackson
Johann Jacobs
Veronique Jadoul
Matthew James
Phil & Lizzie Jamieson
Arvin Jamshidi
Ian Jedlin
Christopher Jessop
A Johnson
Athol Johnson
John Johnston
Michael Johnston
Catherine Joice
Timothy Jones
Ann Jooste-Jacobs
Avinash Joshi
Paul Joyce
Lincoln Jurd Jurd
D Kaal
Andrew Kanatli
Ann Karmanchuk
Alex Katelanis
John Katelanis
Elaine Keane
Phillip Keen
V Kelsey
Dallas Kelso
Justin Kennedy
Nicole Kennedy
Keith Kent
John Keogh
Christopher Kerr
Kim Kertesz
Megan & Gagan Khannah
Darren King
Richard Kirby
Lorna Klein
Ron & Shirley Knight
Emanuel Kokas
In memory of Alice Kondrajian
Damien Koreas
Namrata Kotecha
Peter Kreljak
Kim Kyoung Im
Betty Lai
Jack Lam
Joy Lambert
Edward Lance
Ada Latham
Jill Laurent
Penelope Lawler
Jeffrey Lay
Eunsuk Lee
Mee-Mee Lee
Patricia Lee
Swan Lee
Jeffrey Lees
Niall Lenahan
Mike Lewis
Richard Light
Thomas Lin
Judy Lipman
Lina Lo
Campbell Lobb
Edward Loong
Roy Lopresti & Family
Erin Low
Michael Lowe
Steve Loxton
Emily & Ben Luke
R Lynch
Alan Ma
Meryll Macarthur
Pauline MacDonald
Bridget Mackay
Gordon Mackay
Malcolm Mackay
Pamela Mackay
Joan Mackisack
Michael Madden
Dale Maguire
Joseph Mai
Barbara Maitland
Rachel Mangan
Natalie Mantakoun
Nadine Maraldo
V & E Mariani Mariani
Bill Marinic
Yvonne Marra
Gino Martignago
Angus Martin
Carina Martin
Helen Martin
Michael Martin
Anne Masi
Paul & Anne Masi
Bruce Mason
J Mataere
Robert Mather
Jennifer Matthews
John Mattingley
Roy Maxwell
Belinda Maynell
Patricia McAlary
Krystell Mcardle
Anne McBeath
Edward & Caroline McBride
Irene Mccadie
Kevin & Deidre McCann
Marilyn McDonald
Matthew & Jo McEwan
Brian McFadyen
Blake McGee Fundraising
Joshua & Natasha McKean
Noel & Lee McKee
Anita McKenzie
Bruce McLennan
Belinda McMahon
Christie McMillan
Julie-Anne McMillan
Michael McNee
Rose McNeill
Paula McPhail
T McPherson
Elizabeth Meagher
Adam Meally
Graham Meany
Sam Mehr
Anastasia Melopoulos
Francesca Menniti
Roshan Menon
Chris Mentis
Tempe Merewether
Joseph Mete
Natalie Mete
Jeff Mexon
Mik Micallef
RJ & M Miles
Betty Miller
Kyra Miller
George Miltenyi
Blake Mitford
Nicole Momirovski
Michael Monaghan
Daniel Mong
Stan Monroe
Jeanette de Montemas
David Moore
Gwyneth Morgan
Catherine Moroney
John Moujalli
Mr & Mrs Moulson
David & Margaret Mullen
Dennis Muller
David Munro
Hamish Murchison
Brian Murphy
Carmelo Mustica
Robert Neale
Arthur Neeson
Marc Nemorin
Sue Netterfield
Lorraine Ng
Anil Mudaliar Thi Nguyen
Gia Thien An Nguyen
John Nguyen
Thanh Vuong Nguyen
Van Nguyen
Cassandra Nicholls
Vince & Jennifer Nicita
Mario Nicomede
Anastasia Nikitina
Rowena Nilsson
Ralph & Fiona Nixon
Alexander Norrie
Stephanie Notaras
Liliane Novak
John O’Brien
Anne Marie O’Connell
John O’Connor (The Late)
Pam O’Donnell
Richard O’Flynn
Tim Oliver
Daniel O’Neill
Michael O’Neill
Ronald & June Oriel
John Duffy Orora
Marino Orozco
Anthony Osmond
Katherine Ostin
Carsten Palme
Chris & Valasia Papadakis
Jamie & Debbie Papagianopoulos
Allan Parapuram
Prudence Parkhill
Richard Parkinson
Tim Parmenter
Dominic Parsons
Terry Parsons
Sagar & Rasikbhai Patel
Sanjay Patel
Brett Paton
Scott Paul
Julie Peacock
Nathan Peats
Sarah Percy Dove
Karan Perkins
Stephen Perks
Christine Perrott
Mira Perry
Heather & Bill Peters
Andrew Phillips
Elizabeth Phillips
Gail Phillpott
Robyn Pickworth
Geoffrey & Sue Pike
Giridharan Pillai
Giovanni Pilu
M Pitts
Justin Playfair
Reg Pollock AM
Gary Pontifex
Armaity Prasad
Peta Price
Carolyn Priestley
H Prodinger
Kim Prodinger
Noi Pung
Mary Puskas
Jonathan Pye
D & Sonia Quarisa
A Quattroville
H Quinlan
Antonia Quispe
Graham Marinne Radforf
Margaret Ralston
David Ratner
Carol Re
Rodney Reberger
Stephen Reed
Luke Reeves
Melissa Reeves
Velma Reibelt
A Reifenstein
Claus Reiner
John Rendle
Lesley Riach
Jane Rich
Matthew Richardson
Renee Richmond
Steve Riddington
Walbert Roach
Craig Roberts
Grace Roberts
Anthony Robertson
In memory of Taylor Robins
Neil Robinson
Sorcha Roche
Julie Rogers
Yufeng Rong
David Rose
Shelagh & Victor Ross
Pamela Rounce
Peter Rowe
Gavin Rozario
Peter Russell
Britta & Ross Ryan
Geoff Ryan
Gerald Ryan
Kevin Ryan
Tania Saad
Sharmin Saadullah
Sayed Sadat
Mohammed Saheed
Marc Saldanoff
Adele Saliba Fundraising
Danyela Salmon
Weng Sam
Ruth Sampson
Mario Sande
Benjamin Sanderson Fundraising
Anna Sansone
Daniel Sant
Allan Sarkis
Danny Sarkis
Simona Sartorel
Michael Satterthwaite
Richard Saxby
Stephen Schreiber
Joe Schubert
Sharyn Schultz
Pera Sciberris
Bryan Scott
Gordon Scott
Meredith Scott
Paul Scott
Salina Scott
Gregory Scriven
Norman Seckold
Maurice Segura
Vivian Shalala
Shahinda Shamaissem
Manish Sharma
Ken Sharpe
Craig & Danielle Sheehan
Connor Sheil
David Sheil
Mary Sherwood
P Shirriff
Chris Shore
Navkamal Singh Sidhu
Hedley Simons
Gurvinder Singh
Piyush Sinha
Mark Sirotti
Mary Siu
Lalithambal Sivasanthakumar
A Siviero
Carli Skurnik
John Slade
Carole Slee
Eva Sloukova
Cassandra Small
John Small
Alan Smith
Jennifer Smith
Paul Smith
Robert Smith
Ronald Smith
Ross Smith
Sarah Smith
Tony Smith
Trevor Snape
Ronald So
Aravinthan Somasunthara Bharathy
Michael Soper
Rose Sorial
Freerk Speckmann
William Jardine & Rachel Spooner
Will Spooner
Joyce Sproat
Jennifer Staley
Ian Stanley
Mark Stanley
Campbell Stannard
Jodi Steel
Maddison Steffe
Mark Steglick
Alison Stephen
Malcolm Stephens
Emma Stevens
Jennifer Stevenson
Valma Steward
Colin Stewart
James Stewart
Cheryl Stoffberg
Murray James Stokan
Irene Stone
Kylie Streeter
Terry & Beverly Stroud
Mark Suter
Nadia Sutherland
Kelly & Richard Sweet
Anthony Sweetman
Edite & Daisy Tang
Diana Tang & The Tang Family
Christine Tarabay
Kathleen Taubman
Paul & Christie Taylor
Peter Taylor
Nick Taylor & C Jones & Family
Joycelyn Teh
Brook Thomas
Jodie Thompson
John Thompson
Katherine Thompson
Mary Thompson
David Thoms
Paul Threlfo
Hua Tien
Hugh & Colleen Tighe
Bruno Tisano
Stanley Tjhai
Robert Tobias
Murray Tobias
Edward Tomicki
Millie Tong
Wendy Tonkin
Daniel Tran
Ngan Tran
Dr Trigg
Thanh Phong Truong
Anh & Hong Tuan
Stuart Tucker
David Tynan
Armin Ulrich
James Unger
Anthony Valos
Anthony Van De Putte
Karen Van Kretschmar
Warwick Vance & Kerry Cambridge
Albert Vandenberg
Mitch Vanreydk
Jacqui Vanzella
Margaret Veitch
John & Marianne Vella & Family
Amanda Versace
Pedro Vicente Maese
Tony Virtue
Michael Volikas
Dru Von Drehnen
Milena Vrankovic
Van The Vu
Juliana Vukas
Sam Wadsworth
Tony & Gai Wales
Philip Walker
Mark Walker
Barbara Wallace
Colin Waller
Madeline Wallis
M Warburton
June Ward
Mal Ward
Philippa Warner
Sudhir Warrier
Edna Warsidi
John Watkins-Wilson
Marjorie Watson
Andrew Watt
Gregory Watts
Peter Watts
Ross Webster
Caroline Wells
Garrie Wells
Julia Wells
Roseline Welsh
Paul Westcott
Rob White
Simon White
Rene White
Hamish Whitemead
Malcolm Whitten
H Whitton
Hilary Whitworth
Michael Whyte
P & J Wilding
Lisa Wilkinson
R & A Willcocks
R Willcocks
Glenn Williams
Kim Williams
Nikki Williams
Paul Williams
Don Wilson
John & Adrienne Wilson
Stuart Windybank
Bik Ching Wong
Gary Wong
Michelle Wong
Peter Wong
Ruwena Wong
Norma Woods
Julie Woolfenden
Helen Wootton
R Yabsley
Lynn Yager
John Yates
Carol Yee
R & Y Young
Alex Zak
Jing Zhang
Yu Zhou
Rosie Zofrea
Goodwill Ambassadors
Melissa Doyle
Steve Jacobs
Jessica Rowe
Louise Sauvage OAM
Your support
is what makes
us a unique and
special place.
Thank You
Rosalie, age 3
How to help
Your generous support of The Children’s Hospital at Westmead is greatly appreciated
by our patients, families and staff.
Our life-saving work would be greatly diminished without your support.
Every dollar counts in our quest to save precious young lives.
Leaving a gift in your will, no matter how large or small,
is a wonderful legacy to leave for the next generation.
Other: ______________________________________
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to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead in my will.
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Westmead in my will.
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Cheque (made payable to:
The Children’s Hospital at Westmead)
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Fax: (02) 9845 3457
Your gift of $2 or over is tax deductible.
Funds will be used at the discretion
of the Chief Executive to improve
the health and welfare of children
cared for by The Children’s Hospital
at Westmead.
Exp date:____________________________________
Name on card: _______________________________
Signature: __________________________________
Thank you for your
valued support.
Thank you to the
children and families
who are featured
in this publication.
Financial information can be
accessed via The Sydney Children’s
Hospitals Network Annual Review
‘Care in focus’ photography by: Michael Amendolia
Anastasia, age 2
Mia-angel, age 4
Fundraising Department
The Children's Hospital at Westmead
Corner Hawkesbury Road & Hainsworth Street
Westmead NSW 2145 Australia
Locked Bag 4001 Westmead NSW 2145
Phone: (02) 9845 3367
© 2015 The Children's Hospital at Westmead