The Thunderbird
The Thunderbird
The Thunderbird Volume 63, Issue 1 Jan - Jun, 2012 E-MAIL ADDRESS: WEB SITE: FACEBOOK: Lake Seneca-Montpelier, Ohio ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AT ARROWHEAD LODGE MAY 20, 2012 1:30 P.M. Join in the Fun June 30, 2012 The Annual Parade of Garage Sales Sponsored by Lake Seneca Beautification 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Port-a-Pit Chicken at the lodge. See inside for details President’s Message The 2011-2012 Lake Seneca fiscal year has been a difficult year in many respects, but the Lake has pulled through thanks to the office (Carol Swiatkowski), the many volunteers with their talents and service to the Lake and the tremendous efforts by several trustees, notably James Delcamp, Mark and Sue Shenkel, and John Halderman. As a board, we are fortunate to have been building on the healthy budgeting and administrative processes created by Lynn Elston, Janice Bilton and Ron Park, among others. We also are fortunate to continue to have the support of the Beautification, Craft, Recreation and Social Committees, not to mention the Road committee. In terms of the mechanics of the Lake, the big events have been rebuilding of a 1 mile section of Seneca Drive, replacement of one of several needed culvert pipes, and replacement of the barriers over the bridge. The volunteers have kept up with the mowing and a lot of work on the roads, beach and docks, as well as with dirt sales. But the fact is that the Lake is going downhill and will continue to do so. There is a simple reason: not enough money. The good news in this regard is that James Delcamp has arranged a better process for encouraging Lake Members to catch up with overdue payments. But even if we bring up to date all dues, the ongoing amount is insufficient to maintain, let alone improve the lake. The result is going to be a steady decay of lake property values relative to where they could be if we brought the lake to resort standards. We overspent income by about $10,000 last year and have budgeted 2012-2013 to make that up. What have we not budgeted for 2012-2013? Dredging Mosquito spraying Road reconstruction in 2012-2013 Security What do I predict for the future with current revenue levels, assuming improved collections from overdue members? No dredging No mosquito spraying No security 1 mile road reconstructed in 2013-2014 1 mile road reconstructed in 2015-2016 New roof for the lodge If we wish to reverse the deterioration of the Lake as a resort property we need not only keep up what has been built in the past, but add to the Lake assets, by generating and completing new projects such as a swinging bridge across the river below the dam for walkers with room to walk bicycles so members and their kids could walk and cycle around the lake, a marina that functions as a convenient water access and social center which would attract more people to build on off Lake lots, a sewage system to make it possible to build nice houses on small lots, on and off the Lake, and a decent security system (gated community). The current board works hard simply keeping up with basics, but does not have the energy to lead major new projects. What is needed now is enough new revenue to finish the roads in a reasonable time and hire a lake manager to handle the basics. That would be about $500 more per member per year of which $200 (on top of the current $100) would go to the roads to build a mile a year, and $300 would go for a Lake manager and the costs of resuming dredging and catching up on maintenance, like culvert replacement. That would put the Lake in shape to move forward on bigger projects once the dam is paid off. David Deubner ******************* The Thunderbird Page 2 Vice President/Maintenance As I was saying, since returning to the board in August, a number of things have happened. The damaged portals at the bridge have been rebuilt. (They still need signage to I.D. them) We now have only one trash source which should help with wear and tear on the roads plus save each member a couple bucks. What you actually receive from Allied Waste is your trash container, pickup on Monday each week, plus the first Monday of each month is Large Pick Up day. Just sit it out and they will take it. At spring clean-up on May 19th, a large roll-off container will be placed at the lodge for the community to use for the day(at no charge). Most all the equipment has had its repair or service work completed and is ready to be used for whatever work needs to be performed around the lake and there’s always plenty of that from roads, to pumps or mowing. The work seems endless, but there are a bunch of dedicated volunteers without whose help, none of the work for the community would be done and saying thank you will never be enough for what they do. A lot has been done over the last year, but as always, there’s even more to do. Mark Shenkel #################### Treasurer/Office Treasurer’s Report As of February 29, 2012 LSPOA Checking --------Petty Cash --------Operating Fund - Savings - - - - - - - - Dam Fund - Savings --------Capital Reserve Account - - - - - - - - Operating Reserve --------LSPOA Checking w/Huntington Bnk - Special Road Assessment - - - - - - - - Emergency Reserve Fund - - - - - - - - Total Current Assets $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 59.08 200.00 9.67 60,893.22 35,954.81 21,314.33 178.82 3,892.99 16,123.07 $138,625.99 The new 2012 Budget was approved by the Board in the February 9, 2012 Board Meeting. See insert. Please look over. The Budget is to be voted on by the Membership at the Annual Meeting. James Delcamp Office Report Office hours are Monday-Wednesday-Friday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Starting the first Saturday in June (June 4, 2011) the office will be open on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon thru the month of September. The office is closed all holidays. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ The Thunderbird Page 3 Secretary/Buildings & Grounds Winter is almost over and it is one of the best winters I have ever had. Not much going on with the gas prices and building material so high. Homes are not selling right now, but hopefully as the weather improves, the housing market will improve also. Have issued only one building permit for remodeling. It’s been very slow. Sent letters to a few homes about cleaning up their yards. Jim Hulisz #################### Lake, Dam & Waste Water Monthly inspections indicate the dam is holding up well. Water quality was good last summer. Main 2012-2013 project is to remove rocks from the flip bucket (channel below the dam). David Deubner ******************* Dredge & Crane Dredging has ceased and will not continue this summer without funds being budgeted by the board. I am disappointed as we can find funds to mow grass and work on the roads along with other monies spent, but not maintain our lake. Our property values are based on having the lake and the recreational aspects that it provides. A dues increase is needed and should be presented to the membership so we can maintain the lake. Some of the winter repair work has been done to the dredge, but is not proceeding very well. We should be able to clean the river out, as we have funds that were set aside from the sale of the dragline, and the money was designated by the board to be set aside to clean the river with a long reach excavator. Thank You, John Halderman #################### Security I look forward to serving the community in the next year. I believe when we show respect we gain respect. The number one issue I hear in regards to security is the ―4 – wheeler ―problems. A handful of people have done destruction to the Nature preserve and tree farm, among other violations. These people are from the lake and off the lake. A petition was turned in for a vote to ban 3 & 4 wheelers, dirt bikes & go carts. This does not affect golf carts and UTV’s. A vote will be taken at the annual meeting in regards to this. Please vote one way or the other so we know what the majority of the community wants. An insert on the proposal is in the newsletter. The boat launch is another hot issue. Non-members and members not in good standing continue to use the lake at the cost of the members in good standing. You know who you are! It seems the only way to police this are the members in good standing. Let these people know how you feel. Report these violators so they can be dealt with accordingly. In the fall we will vote for a new Sheriff. Please vote! With a new Sheriff come changes. I will support whoever is elected. I want to thank Sheriff Beck for his support on various matters. The Sheriff and Deputies do support the Board and members as far as the rules and by-laws let them. Thank You, Sue Shenkel The Thunderbird Page 4 REMINDER LSPOA ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING MAY 20, 2012 1:30 PM ARROWHEAD LODGE SIGN IN STARTS AT 1:00 PM BALLOT DEADLINE 2:00 PM Beautification Report What is the Beautification Committee and what does it do? We are a dedicated group of Lake Seneca residence who strive to keep our lake attractive by preserving the natural beauty and enhancing areas with trees and plants. Many of the trees planted are memorials donated by loved family members or friends. We care for the Thunderbird sign, guard shack, bridge by the Thunderbird, lodge and all the small thunderbird signs at the access lots and kiddy pond. We plant and care for flowers and trees at many areas of our lake. In order to do this, we must make money. Our biggest fundraiser has always been serving food during our annual garage sale, which will be held on June 30, 2012. We ask each person having a sale to donate $5 so we can cover the cost of advertising. We also ask everyone to donate some baked items as that is 100% profit for us. You have never let us down. Thank you! We also sell Thunderbird yard signs for $30 which are now being made by Jim Hulisz and painted by Joe Nell Beggs. Another money-maker is selling Lake Seneca shirts and hats. We are investigating adding coffee cups. The Lake pays us monthly for cleaning the lodge several times each month. In addition to purchasing plants, trees and mulch, here are some things we have done in the past two years: Had all the trees at the main entrance professionally trimmed and fertilized at a cost of $909.50. Had the trees at the Tass entrance trimmed for $312. Purchased 2 roasters for the lodge for $80. We donated cookies for the annual meeting. We purchased a printer for the office. Split the cost of the new propane tank for the lodge with the Lake so that the Lake could own their own tank and shop around for the best price for gas. We painted the inside of the lodge, bought new shades and put a new floor in the kitchen. We have plans for completing an area in front of the lodge with paving stones and benches. We would also like to redo the woman’s restroom. Now for the ―begging‖ part, our group usually numbers 5 to 7 members and we are all over 65 years of age. We are desperate for more members and helpers. We realize that everyone is busy, but if each person would donate 5 hours a year to help complete needed work, we could survive. We meet on the second Monday at the Lodge at 7:00 pm. We are posting a list of jobs in the office and the lobby (always open). Please pick something to do. Our clean up day for the Lake is May 19th from 9-11. We will have a dumpster at the lodge to help clean up and a list of things that can go in the dumpster will be posted. If you cannot work that day, choose a day that is good for you. We would love the work to be done by the 19th as our annual meeting is the 20th and we would like our lake community to show our pride in living here. The Beautification Committee would like to thank our board for all the volunteer services they do. We would also thank those members that cut grass, plow snow, and help with any other jobs needed to make us all safe. William Penn said, ―I expect to pass through life but once. If, therefore, there can be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now…as I shall not pass this way again.‖ Thank you! Linda Deshetler ******************* The Thunderbird Page 5 Krafters Klub Attention to all crafters! Our LSPOA Kraft Klub has been together for about a year and a half now and we are still a very small group. We're sure there has to be more members here at the lake that would like to share their talents with us! Please let us know if you are interested and a day and time that would be good for you. We will try to accommodate all those who want to come. We have a lot of fun and we are trying to sell our crafts to help with things needed here at our lake. You can call Nancy Elson 419 485 0432, Joe Nell Beggs 419 485 4725 or Pam Sheets 419 485 9129 for any more information you may need. Thank you in advance! ******************* Recreation Committee The ―Rec‖ committee members are taking a break from the activities until the rest of their members come back from Florida. In the past we have had dances, pancake & sausage breakfasts and dinners, taco nights, cards, poker runs, volleyball, horseshoes, golf tournament, hog-roast dinners, chili cook-off, luau at the beach, etc. The Rec committee also sponsored Easter functions and Halloween functions every year for the kids at no charge to anyone except the Rec Committee and its members. This included hot dogs, chips and a drink for the kids (and some parents too). The Rec committee purchased the microwave and two white round tables for the lodge. During our first few years of operation, we had numerous people who helped with all of these activities. Everyone was excited to have fun things going on again at Lake Seneca. We are now looking for more volunteers who want to help and also looking for new event ideas. We did have a fun-filled night on New Year’s Eve. Thanks to all who attended. We now have $459.58 in the checking account (operating fund) and $2,336.57 in savings for a project. We want to thank everyone who supports the Recreation Committee and hope we can continue with the fun-filled activities that we all enjoy. Thank you! ******************* Social Activities Committee As of February 29, 2012 we have on deposit $916.33. We are hard at it planning fun activities for the year. Our committee meets at 7:00 P.M. the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Lodge and we are always looking for volunteers and new ideas. Please join us. The following are activities for this year. Dates and times may change. We may have additional activities. We also post our meetings and functions on the entrance boards to the lake and on Facebook under Lake Seneca – Montpelier Ohio. The Thunderbird Page 6 Social Activities Committee Report Cont.: April 7th – Kids Easter Party (12:00 – 2:00 P.M.) at the lodge. The Social Activities Committee would like to thank the Krafter’s Klub, Beautification Committee and Lonnie & Dawn Sumner for co-sponsoring this event. April 21st – Spaghetti Night (5-7 P.M.) with cards to follow at the lodge. May 27th – Pancake & Sausage Breakfast (9-11 A.M.) at the lodge. July 1st- The 1st Annual Redneck Yacht Club Regatta (2:00 P.M.) at the Beach. How many Popeye & Olive Oils are out there? What about Gilligan & Mary-Ann, will your boat float or sink. There will be 2 age groups – 0-16 years of age and 17-99 yrs. Boats can only be constructed of cardboard and duck tape. They can be painted. Look for more info on this event in the future. There will be registration forms to fill out. July 7th – Pancake & Sausage Breakfast (9-11 A.M.) at the lodge. At dusk will be the annual Tansel Fireworks Display at the Dam! Come enjoy this happening! Doug does a fantastic job! July 18th – Spaghetti Dinner (6-8 P.M.) at the lodge. September 1st- Pancake & Sausage Breakfast (9-11 A.M.) at the lodge. October 20th – Chili Cook-off (6-8 P.M.) with cards to follow at the lodge. November 14th – Taco Night (6-8 P.M.) at the lodge. Please bring a canned good to be distributed to area food banks for the Holidays. (Our November meeting will be held on 11/7). December 12th – Card Night & Munchies(7 P.M. - ?). Please bring a durable good for a child. Ex – Toothpaste, mittens, socks. (Our December meeting will be held on 12/5). December 31st – The 3rd Annual Jayne Ham Polar Plunge, 12:00 noon at the beach! All proceeds go to Trees of Life to benefit the lake! Thank You ******************* Nominating Committee Barb Hulisz is heading up the Nomination Committee for the voting of the 2012 Trustees. There will be 3 openings on the Board. Ballots will be mailed out at the proper time. Your account must be paid in full in order to receive a ballot to vote. Please take the time to support the members of your choice by voting in this election. Thank you. ******************* The Thunderbird Page 7 2012 Election of Board Members Candidates’ Reports. Below you will find the profiles of the volunteers who have agreed to serve on the Lake Seneca Board of Trustees for the next two years: BALLOTS WILL BE MAILED TO ALL MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING! (EXAMPLE, DUES PAID TO DATE) Roger Mann 464 Seneca Drive Montpelier, OH 43543 Lots 785.5, 786, 787 Have been a Member here at Lake Seneca since November 2010. Work History: Retired police officer & Fire Marshal My reason for desiring a Board position is to give property owners reasonable time limits to correct problems and treat them with respect! I have been in contact with Aqua Ohio to paint all fire hydrants and donate fire hose to Lake for controlled burns. Thank you for your consideration. Roger Mann . . . John Halderman 444 Seneca Dr. Montpelier, Ohio 43543 Education : Maumee High School – Maumee, Ohio University of Toledo – Engineering Associate – Toledo, Ohio ICS – Business Administration Work History: Owens Illinois Glass Co. – Design Engineer Winchester Mold Co. – President & CEO. Lancaster Mold co. – President & CEO. Owner of Drug store & Construction Operations Worker Profit Counselors, Consultant, Analyst & V.P. Sales Arnold Machine Co. – Sales Engineer My background has been in Engineering, business analysis both financial and operational and I have worked in construction of Federal Dredging projects on the White and Misissinawa Rivers of Indiana. My basic philosophy is that a board member is to serve the membership that has elected them to the position. If elected I will do my best to represent the needs of the community, recognizing the fact that it is impossible to please everyone all of the time. I will always be willing to discuss my reasons behind my decisions with any member of the community. In closing over the past years, I have served the Lake community in the capacity of President of the board and as a trustee. I have also volunteered my services numerous times in past years for the betterment of the community. I would appreciate your vote. Thank You . The Thunderbird . . Page 8 2012 Election of Board Members Candidates’ Reports Continued: Pamela Sheets 420 Pueblo Trail Montpelier, OH 43543 Lots 1121 thru 1128 I would like to be considered for a position on the Board at Lake Seneca. We have been members since 1992. My husband Richard and I have been living here on a full time basis since 2005 when we retired from our jobs in Michigan. I feel that the Lake has become divided for a while now and would like to see us work together as a team for the good of our Lake Seneca Community. I would be new to all of this, but will work to the best of my ability to do a good job. I am currently a member of the Kraft Klub and enjoy it very much. Thank you. . . . James Coolman 217 Modoc Montpelier, OH 43543 Lots 518, 519, 605, 606 My wife, Peggy, and I have been members here at Lake Seneca since 1995. I was hired for maintenance in 1995 and have worked in maintenance off and on since then. I want to be a voice for the residents of Lake Seneca. Please consider me for a position on the Board. Thank you for your vote. . . . John Raszka 538 Seneca Drive Montpelier, OH 43543 Lot # 885 I am an open minded person. My background gives me experience dealing with service, billing and collections and operating a budget. At this time with a struggling job market and people retired, we need to operate within our means. We need to problem solve and learn how to function effectively and efficiently. I can be an asset to the board to accomplish this task. I am a graduate from Davis and Elkins College 1978 with a BS in Education. I’m married to my wife Karen for 29 years. We have two great kids, a son Jacob 25 and daughter Danielle 24. I am retired and live at 538 Seneca Drive in which I enjoy each and every day. Lake Seneca is a great place to live and we enjoy neighbors and friends that stop by to visit and go fishing. I’m also an active member at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Montpelier. City of Sylvania (Division of Utilities) Retired after 33 years of service. Office Manager the last 6 years working with office personnel, billing and collection, all permits and service to Sylvania’s 9000 water/sewer customers. Prior to that, I managed the service department for 27 years. Upgraded the city to a fixed meter reading system that would read all the water meters electronically therefore enabling city employees to be used more efficiently. The city then was able to do monthly billing utilizing a bar code system to process payment to become more effective. Collections of monies monthly cut down on delinquency and brought revenue in quicker to sustain financial stability. I worked in the office to trim waste and operate more effectively. I was always aware that I was working for the good of the taxpayers of Sylvania. Part Pay Fire Fighter Sylvania Township Fire Fighter/EMT for 28 years with the Sylvania Township. Volunteered and also worked part time to help the Fire Department function within their department budgets. Worked with others with the same goals and purpose to save property and lives. I spent many nights in Toledo on mutual aid to support Toledo’s efforts during major structure fires. The Thunderbird Page 9 2012 Election of Board Members Candidates’ Reports Continued: Sylvania Area Federal Credit Union I was a Loan Officer for 10 years. On the board for 5 years. This was all volunteer board. I was recruited in because of my abilities in managing the billing office for the City of Sylvania. Worked with personnel, rates adjustments and loans. USSF Soccer Referee and Assignor I enjoy refereeing USSF and High School soccer matches. This keeps me fit. I also assign referees for youth soccer games at Pacesetter Park in Sylvania. It is fun working with referees, team managers, and different leagues all in an effort to support the great game of soccer and youth development in sports. . . . Joseph A. Smith 551 Kiowa Trail Montpelier, OH 43543 Lot #s 893, 894, 895 My wife and I moved to Lake Seneca in October of 2009 from Michigan. I was transferred to Ohio with my job at General Motors. We have four adult children who live in different parts of Michigan. We love living on Lake Seneca and enjoy the rural atmosphere. The people around the lake are extremely friendly and have welcomed us. As a board member, I would like to understand the challenges we have within our community. I have been a manager at General Motors for almost 37 years. I think I could utilize my skills from business to help improve our lake community. Thank you. #################### Proposed changes to the By-Laws To be voted on at the Annual Membership Meeting on May 20, 2012: Proposed Revision to By-Laws under Article 6-B – OFFICERS and DUTIES EXISTING: B. Election & Term The Officers of the Association shall be elected, in a meeting of the Board of Trustees, from time to time, to serve until the Board of Trustees, elect their successors. REVISION REQUESTED: B. Nomination, Election & Term The Officers of the Association shall be elected at an annual meeting and serve a two (2) year term. At the end of their term, his/her successor will be elected at the following annual meeting. 1.) An Officer shall be a member in good standing of the Association. 2.) The nomination and election of Officers will be handled in the same manner as, but prior to, the election of the board. The reason for requesting this revision is so we, the members, will have more of a say on who the Association Officers will be. This will eliminate the burden of a Board Trustee being assigned an officer position and might encourage more members to want to participate as board trustees. The Thunderbird Page 10 Proposed Additional Article to By-Laws Article 14 ATV’S – Ban ATV’s, Specifically Go-Karts, 3-Wheelers, 4-Wheelers & Dirt Bikes from all Association property. This is to include all LSPOA Roads, Bridges, Recreation Areas, Beach, Kiddie Pond, Boat Ramp, Nature Preserve and all Common Areas of Lake Seneca. Members may only ride ATV’s on their own lot(s). Proposed Addition to By-Laws under Article 5-L Article 5-L, 2h Replacing Funds that has been utilized from the Operating Reserve Account by Board – If the LSPOA Board utilizes money from the Operating Reserve Account in a fiscal year, that money will be replaced within the first month of the following fiscal year. ################### LAKE SENECA ATV REQUIREMENTS 89.1 all-terrain and recreational vehicles (Amended 1993, 1995 and 2005) No ATVs or other Recreational vehicles are allowed within the Lake Seneca Subdivision boundaries unless titled or registered to a property owner in good standing or member of the property owner’s immediate family, a bill-of-sale may be used to show proof of ownership. For safety, an orange flag with a minimum six (6) foot post shall be displayed of all ATVs and Mopeds. The operator of any ATV or recreational vehicle that operates such vehicle on Lake Seneca Property or within the Lade Seneca Subdivision boundaries without proof of ownership and display of a flag shall be deemed a trespasser and subject to trespass laws. Inexperienced operators are encouraged to take and pass an ATV safety course offered by the ATV club or interested members at Lake Seneca. Unsafe operation will result in loss of privileges at Lake Seneca. SPEED LIMIT FOR ALL VEHICLES AT LAKE SENECA IS 25 MPH. ALL ATVs, BICYCLES, GOLF CARTS, ETC. HAVE TO HAVE AN ORANGE FLAG. Flags can be purchased at Lake Seneca Office. APVs and Snowmobiles May be Used: To cross a highway other than a limited access highway or freeway. On county and township highways whenever approved by those having jurisdictional authority over them. Off and alongside streets or highways from the place of unloading the vehicle to the place at which it is intended and authorized to be used. On the berm or shoulder of any highway, other than a limited access highway, or freeway when the terrain is such that the vehicle can be used safely. On the berm or shoulder of a county or township road when traveling from one area of operation to another. The Thunderbird Page 11 LAKE SENECA ATV REQUIREMENTS Continued: APVs and Snowmobiles May Not be Used: On any limited access highway of freeway or the right-of-way thereof. On any private property without special permission of owner or in any nursery of planting area. On any state controlled land or waters except those which have been posted as permitting snowmobiles or APVs. On track or right-or-way of any operating railroad. When carrying a loaded or un-cased firearm, bow or other hunting implement. To chase, pursue, capture or kill any animal or wildlife. From one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise, unless displaying a lighted headlight and taillight as required under equipment regulations. #################### Get Well Well wishes go to Darrel Durham on his recovery from open heart surgery. Well wishes go to Dale Homler on his continuing recovery from health issues. Well wishes go to Becky Bailey on her kidney transplant. Well wishes go to Gary Raymond on his stents surgery. ******************* With Sympathy To the following Members who have lost loved ones. Our hearts and prayers go out to family and friends. To the family of Elden & Mary Zimmerman on their passing on November 6, 2011 and February 11, 2012 respectfully. They lived at Lake Seneca since 1988 and will be greatly missed. To Jim & Tylene Donze on the passing of Jim’s mother, R. Undine Donze from Bryan on February 6, 2012. To Debra Wilcox and the Wilcox family on the passing of Frank Wilcox from Lake Seneca on November 4, 2011 To Barry Yarger and family on the passing of Sheryl Yarde from Lake Seneca on January 17, 2012 To Mark Jans and family on the passing of Mark’s father Leonard Jans. To the family of Marge Bavin on her passing on February 25, 2012. See the following Obit. The Thunderbird Page 12 Marjorie “Marge” L. Bavin Dec. 19, 1922 - Feb. 25, 2012 Many of Lake Seneca’s older residents knew Marge Bavin and her sisters Marie and Donna. They were at every Lake function taking pictures and playing with the children. Marge then took the pictures and put them into scrapbooks to preserve those memories when she worked in the Lake Seneca Office. Those who played Bunco remember Marie’s ―slow‖ throw that always seemed to score her lots of points. They were recognized as Lake Seneca’s Volunteers of the Year in 2000. They were also very active in their church, the Central United Brethren in Montpelier always making things to sell there or for the Hospital Auxiliary. ―The girls‖, as they were referred to, enjoyed traveling and worked different jobs in the Montpelier area. Marge worked for many years at the Montpelier Hospital as a bookkeeper. During World War II, Marge worked for the U.S. Air Force at Wright Patterson Air Base near Dayton, Ohio as a stenographer. In 2004, a few years after Donna’s sudden death, Marge and Marie moved to Stanwood, Washington to be closer to their sister Lois. They enjoyed being closer to family but still kept in touch with Lake Seneca friends. Marge subscribed to both the Bryan Times and the Leader Enterprise to keep up with Montpelier ―happenings‖. As they aged, life became more and more difficult. Marge had macular degeneration which made it difficult for her to see and write letters to her friends. She also developed some problems with her jaw which made it hard for her to chew her meals. She was faithful till the end when her Savior took her to join her sisters and brother-in-law Ernie. If you would like to send a memorial they can be made to Allen Creek Community Church, 7314-44th Ave., NE, Marysville WA 98270 marked, ―E-3 Ministries, Malawi, Africa‖ or Warm Beach Senior Community, 20420 Marine Dr., Stanwood WA 98292 marked ―Cedar Court Dining room Chair Fund‖. Her sister Lois Epperson’s address is 20420 Marine Dr. Apt. H-3, Stanwood WA 98292 if you would like to drop the family a card. #################### Lots for Sale Lot #s 283 & #284. FREE – Clara Sams – Phone # 419-472-4729. Lot #s 219, #220, #594, #1335 - Call Ray Collins – Phone # 419-536-0515 Lot # 1296 - $900.00 – Brenda Anderson – Phone #567-242-8451 Lot #1033 - $1,500 – Antonio Paat – Phone #419-865-7448, Cell #419-345-5281, e-mail: Lot #183 - $1,500 – Donald Morrow & Patricia Morr – Phone #260-577-4023 Lot #s 583, 584, 585, 600, 681, 862, 863 – Robert Diver – Phone #517-447-3533 Lots 1034 & 1035 – Make Offer – Edithia Williams – Phone #419-799-9504 THIS IS A REMINDER TO ALL DOG OWNERS: THERE IS A LEASH LAW!!! KEEP YOUR DOG(S) ON A LEASH OR IN YOUR YARD. ALSO, PLEASE KEEP YOUR DOGS FROM BARKING ALL HOURS OF THE NIGHT. PLEASE THINK OF YOUR NEIGHBORS!! THANK YOU! The Thunderbird Page 13 BUNCO What’s that? Have some fun with dice and friends. The game is called ―Bunco‖ and requires no special skills. We meet at Arrowhead Lodge on the 1st Monday of each month beginning at 7 p.m. We ask that you bring $2 and a ―munchie‖ to share. If you can count to 6, laugh, and have fun, Bunco is the game for you!! Men or women, young (18+) or old, all are welcome!!! #################### NOTE FROM LSPOA OFFICE: We received the following message as an e-mail from Thomas C. Cikotte after he read an article in our last newsletter about burning yard debris. Thank you, Thomas, for your contribution. OHIO’S OPEN BURNING LAWS Per Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) 3745-19-04(B)(3), the following five criteria must be met in order for people to burn the residential wastes generated on their property, which would include ―landscape wastes‖ or, as you’ve referred to it as, yard debris: (a) The fire is set only when atmospheric conditions will readily dissipate contaminants; (b) The fire does not create a visibility hazard on the roadways, railroad tracks, or air fields; (c) The fire is located at a point on the premises no less than one thousand feet from any inhabited building not located on said premises; (d) The wastes are stacked and dried to provide the best practicable condition for efficient burning; and (e) No materials are burned which contain rubber, grease, asphalt or liquid petroleum products. If a property owner cannot meet these criteria then they are not permitted to burn their waste. If they were to burn their waste they would be in violation of the law. I thought that you may want to pass this along to your association members, as it seems that many of the residents in your community may not be able to meet the 1000’ setback requirement. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding these rules, by all means, please feel free to contact me. Regards, Thomas C. Cikotte Environmental Specialist II Ohio EPA - NWDO - DAPC 347 North Dunbridge Rd. Bowling Green, OH 43402 419.373.3137 419.352.8468 (fax) For your convenience, a copy of Ohio’s open burning rules is in the LSPOA Office. The Thunderbird Page 14 Lake Seneca Property Transfer Form Article 11, section 2 Lake Seneca Rules and Regulations Effective May 15, 1977: Before any Lake Seneca property may be transferred from owner to buyer this transfer form must be filled out and signed by both parties involved in the transaction. It is required that present property owners inform prospective buyers of the entire book of lake Seneca Property Owners Association Rules and Regulations and all owners of Lake Seneca property must be members of the Association. THE COMPLETED FORM MUST BE PRESENTED TO THE OFFICE TO THE LAKE SENECA PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION BY THE SELLER OR DONOR. DATE OF TRANSFER: _______________________ PRESENT OWNER: ___________________________________________________________________ (print name and full address) notifies L.S.O.P.A. of the transfer thru sale or otherwise of lots: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ (please list all lots involved) TO PURCHASER: _____________________________________________________________________ (print name and full address) I hereby state to all interested and concerned that I am owner of the lots being transferred and that I am a member in good standing of L.S.P.O.A. I hereby state that above listed purchaser has been made aware of all the Rules, Regulations and Dues and Assessments of L.S.P.O.A. and knows that with acceptance of the lots listed he/she becomes a member of L.S.P.O.A.. (Signature of Seller) I am the purchaser / acquirer of lots: ______________________________________________________________________________ (please list all lots involved) I affirm that I have been made aware of all Rules, Regulations, Dues & Assessments and responsibilities of ownership in Lake Seneca Subdivision. I am hereby applying for membership in L.S.P.O.A. ______________________________________________________________________________ (please sign full name and address) Date______________________________________________________Phone:______________ Names of family members using Lake property: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ The Thunderbird Page 15 NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS MOWING: Kenneth Durham 419.459.4223 Tobi Fenicle 419.485.8695 . . If you want a copy of the minutes of the Board Meetings, please stop by the office and pick up a copy or check our website at: . BOATING EDUCATION REQUIREMENT (ORC 1547.05) Boating Classes are scheduled on May 12, 2012. Hours are from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm at the LSPOA Lodge. $5.00 per person. Call the LSPOA office to schedule @ 419-485-5995 or ODNR @ 419-836-6003 No person born on or after January 1, 1982, shall operate a power craft powered by more than 10 horsepower unless the operator has received a certificate for successful completion of either of the following: A boating course approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA); A proficiency examination approved by the Ohio Division of Watercraft. ******************* 2012/2013 MEMBERSHIP DUES Membership Dues were due on April 1, 2012. Any and all Dues payments can be mailed to or dropped at the Lake Seneca Office or the Drop Box. We do accept Visa and/or MasterCard with a 3% charge added. Accounts not paid in full by April 1, 2012 are subject to late fees. Please get your Dues in as soon as possible. Remember only members who are paid up-to-date can vote. ################ LAKE SENECA MEMBERS WISH TO THANK THE MEN AND WOMEN SERVING IN OUR ARMED FORCES. MAY GOD BLESS YOU & KEEP YOU SAFE FROM HARM The Thunderbird Page 16 LAKE SENECA FEES and ASSESSMENTS Membership Fee’s (yearly) Due April 1st 275.00 Lot Fee’s (per lot) (yearly) Due April 1st 30.00 Dam Assessment (yearly) Due October 1st 350.00 Road Assessment 100.00 (yearly - 7 years starting 2010) Due August 1st Bridge Assessment * 120.00 ( one-time fee) At Closing for New Members Averages out to be approx. $63.00 per month for a member with 1 lot. There is a one time fee of $120.00 for all members for the maintenance of our bridges. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Rate Changes for Services It was decided at the February 9, 2012 Board meeting to increase rates for Lodge Rental and Dock Rental due to the increased cost to the Property Owners Association. Those who have already reserved the Lodge and are currently on the office calendar thru 2012, are still at the old rate. The following is an updated list of fees effective immediately. Lodge Rental Dock Rental Mowing Fee Dirt/Sand Delivery fee Perk Tests Now $100.00 2012-2013 fiscal year ($125.00 for fiscal year 2013-2014) Now $75.00 per season $50 per lot $50 per load (Association Delivers) $75 Ads in Thunderbird will be: Classified ads Lot for sale Business Card 1/4 Page 1/2 Page 1/3 Page $ 0.30 per word $ 5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $40.00 $30.00 Was $75 Was $45 No Change No Change No Change If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the LSPOA office. The Thunderbird Page 17 Boat Registration It is time to enjoy the summer season again. Register your watercraft with the LSPOA office by providing the office with a copy of your registration along with the Lake Watercraft Form found in this newsletter. Members in good standing will be issued the new combination to the lock at the boat ramp. We would also like to encourage those members living off the lakefront, to reserve their dock space now! Rental fee is $75 (what a deal) per season. ******************* Boats on the Lake Rule 66.6 – In respect to fisherman and fellow boaters, we ask that you observe the following rule: ―Watercraft must not exceed a speed of 5 mph where posted. All motorized watercraft must maintain a no-wake speed between the hours of 8:00 pm and 10:00 am. The size of boats permitted on Lake Seneca is limited to twenty-four (24) feet and pontoons are limited to twenty-six (26) feet. Watercraft are not allowed within fifty (50) feet of the beach and other swimming areas, unless docking. Dangerous or reckless use of watercraft is grounds for denying boating privileges to the offenders. The Association is not responsible for clothing, valuables, or any personal injury sustained while in a watercraft, on the beach, or in/on the water. Temporary guests are not allowed to put any type of watercraft on Lake Seneca. However, full-time renters, living in dwellings of members who have paid their dues, are allowed to put their own watercraft on Lake Seneca waters, each watercraft must be registered at the Association office, and the renter must obey all boating regulations that apply. All watercraft must operate in a counter-clockwise pattern. All Ohio watercraft laws are enforced on waters of Lake Seneca. All watercraft must be titled & registered in Property Owners/Member’s names or fulltime renter’s name. (Full-time renter has mailing address at Lake Seneca.)‖ Beach Fun Rule 66.3 – ―Picnicking and bottles are not allowed on the sandy part of the beach. Children under ten (10) years of age must be accompanied by an adult. Adults with children must be responsible for their children’s conduct and safety. Swimming is restricted to the area bounded by the floats. The use of water toys and similar equipment is left to the judgment of parents.‖ The Thunderbird Page 18 Lake Seneca Property Owners Association, Inc. 233 Seneca Drive Montpelier, Ohio 43543 (419-485-5995) NOTICE This Boat Dock belongs to Lake Seneca Property Owners Association, Inc. It is available for the use of members in good standing on a Dock Rental Basis. Upon payment of $75.00 Dock Rental Fee per space needed. You will be assigned a Dock Space. Each boat must also have a current State Registration Form. Dock Rental Agreement NAME: _____________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ LOT NUMBER:____________________________________________________ I wish to rent dock space # for___________________________Boat (s) I understand that space will be assigned with at least room for one boat near my lot. I agree to use the space assigned. I further agree that Lake Seneca Property Owners Association, Inc. is not responsible for the security of my boat or its contents. Enclosed is my check for _____________________($75.00 per space) Signature:_________________________________ Date:__________________________ THE TEMPORARY DOCKS WILL BE IN THE LAKE FROM MAY 1ST TO OCT 1ST (Please be prepared to move your watercraft before October 1 st) The Thunderbird Page 19 Water Skiing Rule 66.12 – ―Skiing will be accomplished in a counter-clockwise pattern. Skiing is permitted only during the hours from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. no water skiing in posted areas.‖ . . . Fishing Rule 66.13 – ―Members may fish at any community dock, from their own property, or from boats. A current Ohio fishing license is required for all persons who must have a license to fish elsewhere in the State of Ohio.‖ . . . Mowing Lots Rule 69.2 - Lots have to be mowed by June 15th and September 1st or the Lake will mow them. Fee for mowing is $50.00 per lot. . . . THE LAKE RESTAURANT WILL BE OPENING IN LATE SPRING/EARLY SUMMER. . . . BE WATCHING FOR AN ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT THE PRE-OPENING “OPEN HOUSE” WHEN COMPLIMENTARY COFFEE AND ROLLS WILL BE OFFERED. THANKS! Bob and Karen Hemsoth SAFETY Safety flags are available at the office for your ATVs, recreational vehicles and bikes. These flags help drivers see what is over the hill or around the bend. Please follow the State Laws on the speed limits posted around Lake Seneca. Also please know that when you tear up the back roads with your toys, this is costing all members money to fix them. The Thunderbird Page 20 Fremont Youth League Bingo Lets plan Bingo WHO DO I CALL? WATER PROBLEMS: AQUA OHIO 1-877-987-2782 Thurs. 6:00 PM Sat - 12:00 PM Sun 5:00 PM 260-495-0095 SECURITY PROBLEMS: WILLIAMS COUNTY SHERIFF (NON-EMERGENCY) 419-696-3151 EMERGENCY ONLY 911 TAX PROBLEMS: WILLIAMS COUNTY AUDITOR 419-636-5639 Food for thought: Give others a piece of your heart, not a piece of your mind. A position can be bought, but respect must be earned. Remember the tea kettle, it is always up to its neck in hot water, yet it still sings. LAKE SENECA PROBLEMS: MAINTENANCE REQUEST LSPOA OFFICE 419-485-5995 OR ANY TRUSTEE If you have any metal of any kind that you want to dispose of, please bring to the maintenance shop. They will take it to the recycling center to earn extra money for the Association. BEFORE YOU DIG: OHIO UTILITIES PROTECTION SERVICE 1-800-362-2764 DOG WARDEN 419-696-4659 The Thunderbird Also, if you have any old towels, tee shirts, etc. to be cut up and used for rags, please drop off at the maintenance shop. Thank you! Page 21 LAKE SENECA “PARADE OF GARAGE SALES” SATURDAY, JUNE 30TH 9–5 ............. LODGE OPENS 8 TO 4 SERVING LUNCH 10 - 4 RAIN OR SHINE! BAKE SALE AND TAKE OUT AVAILABLE TOO! LUNCH – PORT-A-PIT CHICKEN, HOT DOGS, SLOPPY JOES, CHILI DOGS & DRINKS ##### 3 ENTRANCES OFF S.R. N. 576, P-50, & CR # 8 ON BOTH SIDES OF THE LAKE FOLLOW THE SIGNS * **** 8 MILES OF SALES ALL IN ONE LOCATION The Thunderbird Page 22 GARAGE SALES LAKE SENECA PROPERTY OWNERS ASSN., INC. SPONSORED BY BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE SATURDAY, JUNE 30TH 9:00 AM TO 5:00 PM ######### WE ARE ASKING FOR A $5 DONATION FROM EACH HOME HAVING A GARAGE SALE TO COVER THE COST OF ADVERTISING. WE HAVE PUT IN THE ADS THAT THERE ARE 3 ENTRANCES (N.576, P-50 AND CR 8) AND PLAN TO HAVE SIGNS AT EACH ENTRANCE AS WELL! ######### BAKE SALE AT LODGE NEED DONATIONS PHONE COMMITTEE WILL BE CALLING ######### MENU MEALS SERVED AT LODGE TAKE OUT ALSO AVAILABLE OPEN - 9-4 SERVING LUNCH 10 A.M. - GONE PORT-A-PIT CHICKEN (TWO SIDES) CHILI DOGS SLOPPY JOES HOT DOGS COFFEE, ICED TEA, LEMONADE ALL KINDS OF POP WATER ###### VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR 1 0R 2 HOUR SHIFTS!! IT WOULD BE GREAT IF EVERYONE COULD GIVE AT LEAST A SMALL AMOUNT OF TIME FOR THEIR COMMUNITY! Call 419-485-5205 or 419-485-4206 The Thunderbird Page 23 MEMBER APPLICATION FOR WATERCRAFT FOR YEAR 2012/2013 Member Lot # _________________ This form must be submitted to the office. Member last Name __________________________ Mr. _______________ Mrs. _________________ Mailing Address _____________________________________________________Zip ____________ Lake Seneca Address _________________________________________________________________________________ POWER BOATS & PERSONAL WATERCRAFT (A copy of the Current Registration is required) DESCRIPTION LICENSE # NON-POWERED WATERCRAFT (Such as Row Boats, Sailboats, etc.) DESCRIPTION a. b. c. d. Maximum length Boats 24 ft. Maximum length Pontoons 26 ft. All vessels need Ohio boating registrations tags. Travel lake in a counter-clockwise direction, keeping to the right. Overtake and pass other boats as you would pass another car when driving your automobile. e. Observe the ―No Wake‖ or 15 MPH speeds between 8:00P.M. and 10:00A.M—this applies to all motorized watercraft. f. Pick up downed skiers by circling to the left, using caution to avoid overtaking boats. g. Non-motorized watercrafts have the right-of-way. h. Maintain a distance of 75 feet from the shoreline, docks, and swimming area. Rev. 1-19-07 The Thunderbird Page 24 Guide For Building Permits Williams County Requires Building Permits For The Following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. New Home Garage Any addition to an existing structure Construction o f Decks, Patios, or Porches Siding or Replacement of Siding Replacement Windows Finish of an attic or basement into living area in an existing structure Utility sheds that consist of an area of 150 sq. ft. or greater, despite if placed on skids or a permanent foundation Changing of any Roof Line Lake Seneca Requires Building and/or Excavation Permits for the Following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. New Home Garage Any addition to an existing structure Construction of Decks, Patios, or Porches ( Per Deed Restriction #3) Siding or Replacement of Siding Replacement Windows Finish of an attic or basement into living area in an existing structure Utility sheds that consist of an area of 150 sq. ft. or greater, despite if placed on skids or a permanent foundation Changing of Roof Line Gazebo (On a permanent foundation is considered 2nd building----Per Deed Restriction #2) Dock (Maximum length 30 ft.) Fence Seawall Filling of Ditch ( Minimum 8 inch Tile Required ) Excavation Driveway ( Minimum 8 inch Tile per Township/County Requirements ) (Deed Restriction #7 for Easements ) No Building Permit is Required: 1. 2. Steps to lake ( Contact ODNR for regulations ) Car-Ports ( No permanent foundations; must be able to disassemble and easily move ) The Thunderbird Page 25 LSPOA Calendar of events WATCH FOR FLYERS FOR EVENTS Sun 1 April Fools’ Day Mon 2 APRIL 2012 Wed Tue 3 4 Thu 5 Fri 6 Sat 7 Bunco 7pm @ Lodge Palm Sunday Easter for Kids 12:00 to 2:00 @ Lodge Good Friday Passover 8 9 10 11 Beautification 7pm @ Lodge 12 Social Activities Committee 7pm @ Lodge 13 14 Potluck @ Lodge 6:00 Board Meeting 7:30 p.m. EASTER 15 16 Recreation Committee 6:30 PM 17 18 19 20 21 Spaghetti Night & Cards 6:00 to ? Recycling P-50 & 576 22 23 24 25 26 27 Recycling P-50 & 576 28 Recycling P-50 & 576 29 30 Sun 6 Mon 7 13 Mother’s Day Bunco 7 pm @ Lodge 14 Beautification 7pm @ Lodge MAY 2012 Wed Tue Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 Watercraft Class Lodge 9:00 – 6:00 Social Activities Committee 7pm @ Lodge 15 16 Board Meeting @ Lodge 7:30 pm 17 Potluck @ Lodge 6:00 18 19 Recycling P-50 & 576 20 21 ANNUAL MEETING 1:30 @ LODGE 22 23 24 29 30 31 25 Recycling P-50 & 576 26 Recreation Committee 6:30 PM LSPOA Calendar of events Recycling P-50 & 576 27 28 Pancake & Sausage Breakfast 9 to 11 am @ Lodge Memorial Day The Thunderbird Page 26 LSPOA Calendar of events WATCH FOR FLYERS FOR EVENTS Sun 3 Mon 4 10 Bunco 7pm @ Lodge 11 5 6 12 18 7 Fri Sat 1 2 8 9 13 14 Social Activities Committee 7pm @ Lodge Board Meeting 7:30 p.m. 15 16 Recycling P-50 & 576 Flag Day Recycling P-50 & 576 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 Recreation Committee 6:30 PM Recycling P-50 & 576 24 Thu Potluck @ Lodge 6:00 Beautification 7pm @ Lodge 17 Father’s Day JUNE 2012 Wed Tue 25 LAKE WIDE ANNUAL GARAGE SALES 9 – 5 PM Sun Mon 1 The first Annual Redneck Yacht Club Regatta 2:00 @ Beach 2 8 9 15 Tue 3 4 Thu 5 Fri 7 Pancake & Sausage Breakfast 9 to 11 am Fireworks @ Dam 10:00 pm 14 Independence Day Beautification 7pm @ Lodge Recreation Committee 6:30 PM 23 10 17 24 11 Social Activities Committee 7pm @ Lodge 12 Board Meeting @ Lodge 7:30 pm 13 18 19 20 25 Spaghetti Dinner 6 to 8 pm @ Lodge Sat 6 Bunco 7 pm @ Lodge 16 22 JULY 2012 Wed Potluck @ Lodge 6:00 21 Recycling P-50 & 576 26 27 Recycling P-50 & 576 28 Recycling P-50 & 576 LSPOA Calendar of events 29 30 The Thunderbird 31 Page 27 LSPOA Calendar of events WATCH FOR FLYERS FOR EVENTS Sun 5 Mon 6 12 Bunco 7pm @ Lodge 13 Tue 7 14 AUGUST 2012 Wed Thu 1 2 8 Social Activities Committee 7pm @ Lodge 9 15 16 Board Meeting 7:30 p.m. Fri Sat 3 4 10 11 Potluck @ Lodge 6:00 17 18 Beautification 7pm @ Lodge Recycling P-50 & 576 19 20 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 Recycling P-50 & 576 25 Recreation Committee 6:30 PM Recycling P-50 & 576 26 27 Sun Mon Tue SEPTEMBER 2012 Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bunco 7pm @ Lodge 9 Grandparent’s Day 16 Potluck @ Lodge 6:00 10 Beautification 7pm @ Lodge 11 17 12 Social Activities Committee 7pm @ Lodge 13 Board Meeting @ Lodge 7:30 pm 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 Recycling P-50 & 576 Recycling P-50 & 576 Recreation Committee 6:30 PM Recycling P-50 & 576 23 Pancake & Sausage Breakfast 9 to 11 am 24 30 The Thunderbird Page 28 L.S.P.O.A. 2011-2012 BOARD OF TRUSTEES E-Mail Address: Phone/Fax 419-485-5995 Website: Facebook: Lake Seneca-Montpelier, Ohio POSITION TRUSTEE CHAIRPERSON TELEPHONE President David Deubner 475 Seneca Isle Drive Montpelier OH 43543 Lake & Dam & Waste Water 419-485-3718 Vice President Mark Shenkel 392 Ute Montpelier, OH 43543 Maintenance & Legal 419-485-4591 Secretary Jim Hulisz 366 Seneca Drive Montpelier Oh 43543 Buildings & Grounds 419-485-5205 Treasurer James Delcamp 09178 Cnty. Rd. Q-50 Pioneer, OH 43554 Office & Collection 419-485-0432 Trustee James Donze (208 Seneca Drive) 10627 Blosser Rd Mark Center, OH 43536 Legal 419-658-2438 Trustee Sue Shenkel 392 Ute Montpelier, OH 43543 Security 419-485-4591 Trustee John Halderman 444 Seneca Drive Montpelier, OH 43543 Dredge & Crane 419-485-2276 Arrowhead Lodge & Office 419-485-5995 Fax 419-485-0316 Office Closed Tuesday & Thursday (Hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, Wednesday & Friday ( Saturdays 9a.m.-12 p.m. June thru Sept.) Office Manager Office Assistant Carol Swiatkowski Jan Boerst 419-485-5995 (office) North Western Electric, County Rd. D & St. Rte. 576, Bryan OH 43506 Aqua Ohio, Inc., 8644 Station St. Mentor Oh 44060-4316 In case of Emergency call Bill Newsome 740-361-0698 419-636-5051 440-255-3421 (Fax 440-255-6522) Toll Free 877-987-2782 Allied (Tri-State) Waste Services–12604 County Rd. G, Bryan, OH 43506 419-636-2242 or Call Tiffany at 260-478-0308 for personal assistance. Mention Lake Seneca. The Thunderbird Page 29 Lake Seneca Polo Shirts Sweatshirts T-Shirts Hats Order yours today! Available: NEW Logos or Thunderbird Embroidered! T-Shirts - $13 Sweatshirts - $18 Hooded Sweatshirts - $24 NEW Zippered Hoodies = $32 NEW Polos - $18 NEW Light Windbreaker Jackets - $28 All shirts available in a variety of colors & in both Adult and Youth sizes. (XL, XXL & XXXL sizes additional cost. There is a pontoon logo available that carries an additional cost too.) Hats - $12 & $18 – Khaki with LAKE SENECA embroidered above the bill For more information, to order or to see samples of the shirts call Linda Earhart at 419-485-4206 All profits go to the Beautification of Lake Seneca SHOP EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS! The Thunderbird Page 30 The Thunderbird Page 31 Lake Seneca Property Owners Association, Inc. 233 Seneca Dr Montpelier, OH 43543 Pre Sorted Standard US Postage Paid Permit # 233 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Address Sticker Here All of the these activities are held at the Arrowhead Lodge: BOARD MEETING - 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM ALL MEMBERS ARE INVITED – BEAUTIFICATION MEETING 2nd Monday of each Month at 7:00 PM – POTLUCK 2ND Saturday of each Month at 6:30 PM – RECREATION MEETING 3RD Monday of each Month at 7:00 PM – SOCIAL ACTIVITIES MEETING – 2nd Wednesday of each Month at 7:00 PM BUNCO - 1st Monday of each month at 7:00 PM LSPOA OFFICE HOURS 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Monday, Wednesday & Friday (CLOSED TUES & THURS) 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, Saturday from May 31st to October 1st – –
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