ESPECIAL Línguas Gestuais
ESPECIAL Línguas Gestuais
Cadernos de Saúde NÚMERO E S P E C I A L Línguas Gestuais VOLUME 2, 2009 Publicação Semestral Cadernos de Saúde Vol u m e 2 Número especial de Linguagem Gestual Índice Editorial 5 Alexandre Castro Caldas Ana Mineiro Brain Mechanisms for Sign Language 7 Alexandre Castro Caldas Phonological category resolution: A study of handshapes in younger and older sign languages 13 Categorias fonológicas: um estudo sobre orientação manual em línguas gestuais antigas e novas Assaf Israel and Wendy Sandler Imperativos Análogos a Raízes Infinitivas: Evidência das Línguas de Sinais Americana e Brasileira 29 Imperatives function as analogues to root infinitives: evidence from ASL and LBS Diane Lillo-Martin e Ronice Müller de Quadros Sign production by first-time hearing signers: A closer look at handshape accuracy Produção de gestos por ouvintes gestuantes iniciados: um olhar atento para a orientação manual Deborah Chen Pichler 37 Oral language and sign language: possible approaches for deaf people’s language development 51 Lingua orale e lingua dei segni: approcci possibili per lo sviluppo del linguaggio nei sordi Carmela Bertone and Francesca Volpato LÁBIOS, LEITE, CHOCOLATE, LARANJA, ETC.: um estudo sobre os nomes das cores em LSB 63 LIPS, MILK, CHOCOLATE, ORANGE, ETC.: a study of colors’ names in Brazilian Sign Language Sandra Patrícia de Faria do Nascimento Adding pieces to the Portuguese Sign Language lexicon puzzle: three pilot studies 83 Juntando mais peças ao puzzle do léxico da LPG: três estudos pilotos Ana Mineiro; Joana Pereira; Liliana Duarte and Isabel Morais Cognitive Studies on Portuguese Sign Language (LGP): a work in progress Estudos Cognitivos em Língua Gestual Portuguesa: estudo de arte Maria Vânia Silva Nunes; Paulo Vaz de Carvalho; Ana Mineiro and Alexandre Castro Caldas 99 Editorial Alexandre Castro Caldas Ana Mineiro O Instituto de Ciências da Saúde (ICS) foi vise a formação de docentes de Língua Gestual criado na Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portuguesa, nomeadamente surdos, falantes em 2004. Foi intenção da Universidade orga- fluentes de LGP, proporcionando formação nizar este domínio do saber, de forma ampla científica nesta língua falada com as mãos, e integrando várias áreas do conhecimento, à semelhança daquilo que ocorre em países entre as quais, o ensino e investigação em como os Estados Unidos e o Brasil. Língua Gestual Portuguesa. Tendo em mente este objectivo e consolidada Em 2006, foi lançado pelo ICS o primeiro a tradição do ICS na área da Língua Gestual de Língua Gestual Portuguesa e Educação de Portuguesa, a UCP irá lançar, em 2009, uma Surdos, através de um Protocolo com a Casa Licenciatura em regime de Ensino a Distância, Pia de Lisboa e com a inestimável colaboração leccionada em Língua Gestual Portuguesa. e o apoio constante dos Senhores Doutores O início desta Licenciatura estará sempre Maria Augusta Amaral e Amândio Coutinho. associado à investigação. O facto de a LGP Esse Mestrado teve a particularidade de ser o ser uma língua pouco investigada e não ter primeiro no país, repetindo-se, numa segunda sido alvo de atenção sustentada por parte edição em 2008. dos linguistas portugueses, levou a UCP a A Língua Gestual Portuguesa é reconhecida sedimentar o plano de estudos da Licenciatura pela Constituição (Lei Constitucional nº 1/97, e a concepção da mesma numa estreita ligação artº 74º, alínea h) como a língua através da qual com a investigação nesta língua. A Fundação se deve desenrolar o ensino-aprendizagem das Calouste Gulbenkian apostou neste projecto e crianças surdas portuguesas. Neste sentido, é financiou a dimensão do ensino-investigação necessário criar um quadro universitário que desta Licenciatura, através do Projecto «Turma 6 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s Piloto de LGP». A Fundação PT cedeu a pla- da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, taforma para o Ensino a Distância apoiando Deborah Chen Pichler, da Universidade de este projecto pioneiro. Outros projectos que Gallaudet, Diane Lillo Martin, da Universidade envolvem a forma como os Surdos pensam, de Connecticut, Sandra de Faria, da Universi- aprendem e falam encontram-se em fase de dade de Brasília, Carmela Bertone e Francesca desenvolvimento. Volpato, da Universidade de Veneza. Foi nossa preocupação promover a Conferên- Este número especial dos Cadernos de Saúde cia Internacional, Sign Languages Around the reúne assim os artigos dos investigadores que World de forma a partilharmos e a discutirmos connosco partilharam os três dias que durou os aspectos científicos das línguas gestuais com a conferência. alguns dos investigadores mais conceituados no Agradecemos o apoio pecuniário da Funda- mundo, nomeadamente com Wendy Sandler, da ção para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, da Fundação Universidade de Haifa, Ronice Muller Quadros, Calouste Gulbenkian e da Casa Pia de Lisboa. Brain Mechanisms for Sign Language Alexandre Castro Caldas1* 1 Instituto de Ciências da Saúde – Universidade Católica Portuguesa General Framework The use of modern technologies to explore brain function stimulated the discussion of the proper nature of cognition and behavior. We now have to admit that individual cognitive competences are the result of a convergence of several components. Some of these components are related to biology, some are related to environmental stimulation and some are related to the opportunity. Language is one the competences that made human kind different from the other species. We hardly understand how this phenotype developed with the development of humans and it is necessary to work on hypothesis based on several kinds of findings. If we take in consideration the average situation of a middle aged Caucasian human being that is not left hander that acquired oral language in a normal speaking monolingual community we can discuss the cortical organization of speech processing like, for instance, Hickok and Poeppel did (2007). These authors considered that the cortical areas involved in speech processing are organized in two main pathways: a dorsal stream that maps acoustic speech signals to frontal lobe articulatory networks and a ventral stream that processes speech signals for comprehension. This model assumes that the ventral stream is largely bilaterally organized and that the dorsal stream is strongly left-hemisphere dominant. The bi-hemispheric representation of the ventral stream has to be understood as an asymmetrical distribution of computational processes. The evidence from brain lesion studies, supports the notion that lesions of the regions involved in the right ventral stream do not disturb language. These regions when undamaged can in turn compensate for aphasia resulting from lesions on the left side. This was already suggested in the models of Wernicke and we were also able to demonstrate this effect with dichotic listening in the recovering from aphasia (Castro-Caldas and Silveira Botelho,1980). It is necessary, however, to consider that the findings that support this model are the result of the adaptation of a certain kind of brain to a certain kind of stimulation. There are different brains and different stimuli (for a general review see, for instance, Coppens et al Eds.,1998). Deaf subjects are an example of an exception. We know very little about the importance of the absence of hearing in fetal brain development, we know for sure that the brain is not stimulated by sound and we know that communication stems on visuo-motor system different from the audio-motor system of hearing subjects. Therefore all the considerations that fed the model mentioned above need to be reviewed a least on what concerns the ventral stream. However, we know the brain cortex processes operations that are modality independent. This means that the temporal cortex processes auditory information not because the information is based on sound but because the structure of the information that is carried is best suited to be processed there. This is also true for vision: when born blind subjects read by Braille they activate the visual cortex (Sadato et al. 1998). It is still important to consider that, from the evolutionary point of view, language is probably the result of the evolution of a macaque mirror neuron system for action perception and production (Arbib, * Cadernos de Saúde Vol. 2 Número especial de Línguas Gestuais – pp. 7-12 8 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s 2005). Indeed, since the seminal report of Rizzolatti in monkeys (Rizzolatti et al, 1996) we accumulated evidence of the importance of this system for human cognition and behavior. Through this system both hearing and deaf subjects acquire the competence of communicating which is obviously paced by the cognitive competence of pragmatics. The difference is that deaf subjects use vision to receive information and the hands to produce communicative motor actions and hearing subjects can use two systems. For hearing subjects there is the natural preference of receiving acoustic information and producing communicative motor actions with the vocal articulatory system. The first question that we can raise, therefore, concerns plasticity. We know that the comparison between schooled and unschooled subjects makes a difference in the development of the brain both functionally and anatomically. The comparison made between these two groups in adult age showed functional differences while subjects repeted words and pseudo-words (Castro-Caldas et al, 1998) and anatomical differences in connectivity through the corpus callosum (Castro-Caldas et al, 1999). With this propose Allen et al (2008) investigated whether auditory deprivation and/or sign language exposure during development alters the macroscopic neuroanatomy of the human insula. Volumetric analyses were based on MRI data from 25 congenitally deaf subjects who were native users of American Sign Language (ASL), 25 hearing subjects with no knowledge of ASL, and 16 hearing subjects who grew up in deaf families and were native ASL signers. Significant variation in insula volume was associated with both hearing status and sign language experience. Compared with both hearing groups, deaf subjects exhibited a significant increase in the amount of gray matter in the left posterior insular lobule, which they hypothesize may be related to the dependence on lip-reading and articulatory-based (rather than auditory-based) representations of speech for deaf individuals. Both deaf and hearing signers exhibited an increased volume of white matter in the right insula compared with hearing nonsigners. They hypothesize that the distinct morphology of the right insula for ASL signers may arise from enhanced connectivity resulting from an increased reliance on cross-modal sensory integration in sign language compared with spoken language. This study illustrates well the plasticy of the brain related to the type of information processing. Other differences are probably present that need to be acknowledged along with the better understanding of the computational processes involved both in oral and in sign language. We have to be careful, however, when studying the correlation between function and brain organization in sign language. There are different ways of processing sign language: the subject may be born deaf from deaf parents and be raised very early through sign language, or he can be deaf and born from hearing parents that learn sign language to communicate with him, or he can hear being born from deaf parents and learn very early sign language, or sign language can be learned by hearing subjects in adult life. All this and other possibilities may have an expression in the areas of the brain that are recruited to fulfill the function. Therefore the subjects to be included in the different studies need to be well selected and the results obtained should not be generalized. The last general question that we think it is necessary to have in mind before trying to find the biological basis of sign language concerns the proper nature of the communication system or, in other words, is sign language a language that parallels oral language in all its features or is it a different competence. Not being a linguist it is hard to make a deep analysis of this topic therefore I prefer to quote Klima and Bellugi (1979) that in there seminal work about American Sign Language wrote: “We do not mean to argue that spoken language and sign language are essentially the same. Certainly we would be the last to argue that speech does not constitute part of the biological foundations of language. But if speech is specially selected, if sound constitutes such a natural signal for language, then it is all the more striking how the human mind, when deprived of the faculty that makes sound accessible, seizes on, perfects, and systematizes an alternate form to enable the deeper linguistic faculties to give explicit expression to ideas”(p.315). Furthermore we have still to consider that as we have differences in the structure of oral languages around the world, which matters for mind-brain correlations, it is possible that such differences are also present among sign languages. Lesion Studies The classical method to interpret brain function was based on the observation of patients that for some reasons acquired a brain lesion. There are Brain Mechanisms for Sign Language several theoretical arguments against this method. The main argument is also a classical one and was raised by Jackson in the XIX century. Jackson claimed that “to locate the damage which destroys speech and to locate speech are two different things” (apud Head, 1926). Other arguments are related to the proper nature of the cerebral lesions. Vascular lesions are the more frequent case and were the basis for most of the knowledge that was acquired for the past century. However, ischemic lesions are not random because they occur in vascular territories that are similar from subject to subject. When we discuss vascular aphasia we are talking about arterial syndromes. Traumatic lesions are usually multiple and therefore they are difficult to localize. Tumors are also responsible for focal syndromes, however they are progressive lesions and there are always progressive recovery mechanisms accompanying the growing process of the tumor. Even though, we learned very early with Broca that language was dependent on left hemisphere mechanisms (Broca, 1865) and with Benson that fluent aphasias were the result of post-central lesions and non-fluent aphasias were the result of precentral lesions (Benson, 1967). Both these aspects are important land markers in the history brain function. Therefore, studying patients with brain lesions is still a fundamental source of evidence that contributes enormously to our knowledge. The work of Poizner, Klima and Bellugi (1987) is unavoidable to discuss the effects of brain lesions on sign language performance of deaf subjects. They report their findings in patients with both right and left hemisphere lesions. These and subsequent findings aloud the conclusion that sign language was also left-lateralized and that the classical localizations of lesions resulted in comparable dysfunction between oral and sign speakers. It was suggested that the visual component of sign language could be an important aspect to consider. As a matter of fact signs related to space seem to be disturbed by right hemisphere lesions. Reviewing the literature on aphasia in deaf subjects, Corina (1989) considered that there is a clear indication of left hemisphere dominance for language. There were also findings supporting the relationship of anterior and posterior lesions of the left hemisphere with deficits in producing and deficits in comprehension. “However, this author stated (p.37), whether the exact neural substrates underlying the symbolic systems supporting language comprehension and production are shared by spoken 9 and signed language remains to be determined”. He quotes several single cases in which the comprehension deficit was not related to the classic lesion in Wernicke’s area, and cases in which the production deficit was due to lesions away from Broca’s area. In this paper the author also reviews some aspects of neurolinguistics and the role of the right hemisphere. In the first case the disturbances in sign productions seem to parallel those found in oral aphasia, like the presence of paraphasias of different types or agramatism. Even jargonaphasia was reported in a case from 1943 (Leischner, 1943). The question of the right hemisphere seems to be more complex. Corina (1989) considered that “it seems reasonable to entertain the possibility that the right hemisphere damage does not disrupt linguistic function per se, but rather impairs the execution and processing of linguistic information in sign language, in which spatial information plays a particularly salient role. However, the issues become more complicated when we consider the syntactic aspects of ASL.” There is evidence from some of the cases with right hemisphere lesions that the spatialized syntax is disturbed and Poizner et al (1987) considered that the perceptual processing involved in the comprehension of spatialized syntax involves both left and right hemispheres. Studies on the development of the brain of hearing children revealed that there is a correlation of the growing pattern of the cortex of the inferior frontal grey matter of the left hemisphere and the development of phonology (Lu et al, 2007). On the other hand, we know that the absence of stimulation is a reason for the non development of language (see, for instance, Curtis,1977). Therefore there is a crucial period in which the stimulation induces learning and brain development. The study by Newman et al (2002) calls the attention for a critical period for right hemisphere recruitment in ASL processing. The authors found that the right angular gyrus was active during ASL processing only in those subjects that were native hearing bilinguals (ASL-English) and not in late learners of ASL. This finding is crucial for teaching processes: if the brain is stimulated during the critical period it develops the best structures to deal with the information and therefore we may expect that the quality of the processing is better. It is well known that learning a second language late in life is possible but is very rare that this is done without a foreign accent. 10 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s The link between findings on activation studies with lesion studies is not always easy to establish. Even concerning the involvement of each hemisphere in sign language comprehension Hickok et al (2002) studied a group of nineteen lifelong signers with unilateral brain lesions. The subjects were tested on comprehension with different degrees of complexity. Results showed that subjects with left temporal lobe lesions were much more impaired than the remaining subjects and subjects with right hemisphere lesions were as impaired as hearing subjects with right hemisphere lesions. The authors concluded that deaf and hearing individuals have a similar degree of lateralization of language comprehension processes and that language comprehension in sign language depends primarily on the integrity of the left temporal lobe. Activation Studies Contrary to lesion studies in which Nature decides the localization of the lesion and the observer tries to reveal the processing rules by finding what is disturbed and what is preserved in the performance of patients, in activation studies the observer has to design a task directed to a computational operation in order to reveal which region of the brain becomes active. For the past decade a great number of experimental work has been published illustrating several steps of the complexity of the mechanisms responsible for comprehension and production of sign language. It is hard for the moment to make a comprehensive review of this literature. Therefore, I will review some of the work that can be considered more seminal. May be we could start a so-called Cartesian question. Movement, which is a quality of the body and cognition, which is a quality of the mind. Willems and Hagoort (2007) reviewed recently this question focusing mainly on co-speech gestures. As the authors mentioned, co-speech gestures embody a form of manual action that is coupled to the language system. Both gestures and spoken language occur simultaneously with the intention of communicating. Therefore they belong to one integrated system of communication (see McNeill, 1992). As it was mentioned above both intentional gestures and speech sounds activate the mirror neuron system. When subjects listen to meaningful syllables there are significantly more activity in bilateral precentral gyrus and central sulci than when subjects listen to meaningless sounds (Wilson et al 2004). If we go back to work of Petitto and Marentette (1991) that suggested the parallel development of oral and hand babbling as precursors of oral and sign language we can admit that for the general intention of communicating the brain of deaf signers and oral speakers recruits the same regions. More recently, Corina et al (2007) studied in more detail the activity of this mirror neuron system while both deaf signers and oral speakers were viewing different actions. Subjects were scanned in three different conditions: intransitive self-oriented actions, transitive object-oriented actions and symbolic actionsigns used in ASL. Previous research suggested the involvement of bi-lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC), parietal and superior temporal sulci (STS) activation related to this mirror neuron system (Grezes and Decety, 2001) in hearing subjects. Some authors suggested that it was possible to postulate a model of sensory motor control involving the STS, PFC and F5 in the perception of action and a reverse model used to generate predictions of movement outcome during imitated actions (Miall, 2003; Carr et al, 2003; Iacoboni, 2005). The consistency of these hypothesis in still to be definitively understood and it is well accepted that the nature of the gesture is an important factor to make differences in the activation patterns. The results of the study by Corina et al (2007) demonstrated that the different classes of actions engaged the a frontal/parietal/STS human action recognizing system in an highly similar fashion. This neural consistency across motion classes was true primarily for hearing subjects. Deaf signers engaged left-hemisphere perisylvian language areas during the perception of signed language signs. They also did not engage the expected fronto/parietal/STS circuitry during passive viewing of non-linguistic actions but instead they activated middle-occipital temporal-ventral regions which are known to participate in the detection of human bodies, faces and movements. The authors suggested that deaf subjects may engage specialized neural systems that allow for rapid online differentiation of meaningful linguistic actions from non-linguistic human movements. The study from Campbell and Capek (2008) brings new insight to the knowledge of the mechanisms that are involved in visual processing of information related to communication. The authors raised two questions: do deaf and hearing people differ in the regions activated by (silent) speechreading?, and how does the presence of mouth actions in Brain Mechanisms for Sign Language the sign affect the cortical activation pattern? A group of deaf subjects with good proficiency in lip-reading was compared to a group of hearing subjects while viewing blocks of silent spoken words in the fMRI. For the first question the authors found that the left superior temporal cortex, including auditory regions, was strongly activated in the brains of deaf compared with hearing participants when processing silent spoken (speechread) word lists. In the second place, they found that within the signed language, cortical activation patterns reflected the presence and type of mouth action that accompanied the manual sign. Signed items that incorporated oral as well as manual actions were distinguished from signs using only manual actions. Signs that used speechlike oral actions could be differentiated from those that did not. Thus, whether in speechreading or in sign language processing, speechlike mouth actions differentially activated regions of the superior temporal lobe that are accounted auditory association cortex in hearing people. This is a good example of the plasticity of the brain as was mentioned above. As it was mentioned above the neurobiology of sign language (and even the neurobiology of spoken language) is far from being a finished discussion. The recent paper by MacSweeney et al (2008) calls the attention to some of the outstanding questions that need clarification and that are a good way of concluding this brief review and are as follows: “1. What is the influence of age of first language acquisition on language processing and its underlying neural systems? 2. How do memory and language systems interact and what is the impact of language modality? 3.To date, iconicity does not seem to influence SL processing. However, might iconicity have a role in semantic organization and imagery? 4. What characteristics of SL and SpL influence laterality of processing? 5. Can studies of SL give us further insights into the extent to which the mirror neuron system is involved in language processing? Are the fronto parietal parts of this system differentially involved in SL, SpL and gesture processing? 6. To what extent are regions associated with language processing driven by the intentional stance of the observer and the potentially communicative nature of the actions? 7. Speakers can hear themselves speak. Signers do not see their own signing as others see them. What are the roles of visual and proprioceptive feedback and the proposed mirror system in language monitoring? 8. Does the mouth have a gestural role in SL similar to that of 11 the hands in SpL? Are these “gestures” processed similarly in the brain? 9. How do links between hand and vocal gestures inform our understanding of the evolution of language and its neurobiological bases?” (p.438). References 1. Allen, J.S, Emmorey, K., Bruss, J. and Damasio, H.(2005). Morphology of the Insula in Relation to Hearing Status and Sign Language Experience. The Journal of Neuroscience, 28 :11900-11905. 2. Arbib, M.A. (2005). From monkey-like action recognition to human language: An evolutionary framework for neuroliguistics (with commentaries and author’s response). Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28: 105-167. 3. Benson, D. F. (1067). Fluency in aphasia: correlation with radioactive scan localization. Cortex, 3: 373-394. 4. Broca, P. (1865). Du siege de la faculté du langage articulé. Bulletin de la Société d’Anthropologie, 6: 373-393. 5. Campbell, R. and Capek, C. (2008). 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Neural evidence for the interplay between language, gesture, and action: A review. Brain and Language, 101: 278-289. 30. Wilson, S. M. Saygin, A. P., Sereno, M. I. and Iacoboni, M. (2004) Listen to speech activates motor areas involved in speech production. Nature Neuroscience, 7: 701-702. Phonological category resolution: A study of handshapes in younger and older sign languages* Categorias fonológicas: um estudo sobre orientação manual em línguas gestuais antigas e novas Assaf Israel1** and Wendy Sandler1*** 1 University of Haifa / Sign Language Research Lab Resumo Abstract A existência de um sistema fonológico – um sistema em que se articulam unidades com um significado mínimo para a criação de palavras significantes – é, muitas vezes, considerada como um pré-requisito para a linguagem. A descoberta de que as línguas gestuais contêm um nível de estrutura significante convenceu, definitivamente, os linguistas de que tratava de verdadeiras línguas. Contudo, a questão da emergência do sistema fonológico não foi ainda tratada, tendo em conta que, por um lado, as línguas orais são línguas antigas ou descendentes de línguas antigas e, por outro lado, a maior parte das línguas gestuais que foram estudadas até aos dias de hoje, já têm algum tempo de existência. O presente estudo constitui-se como um passo que documenta a formação de categorias fonológicas numa nova língua gestual: a Língua Gestual Al-Sayid Beduína (ABSL). Esta nova língua emergiu recentemente numa comunidade isolada com uma grande incidência de Surdez. Este trabalho foi motivado pela observação de que esta nova língua parece exibir uma variação na formação de gestos entre os gestuantes (Aronoff et al. 2008). Para dar conta deste fenómeno, medimos a variação de 10 gestuantes relativamente à produção de uma categoria fonológica – configuração – em 15 gestos de ABSL, comparando os resultados com a produção da configuração em duas outras línguas mais estabelecidas – a ISL (Língua Gestual Israelita) e a ASl (Língua Gestual Americana). A nossa metodologia mede o grau de consenso entre os gestuantes, relativamente a cada característica fonética da configuração e ao número de variantes exibido, revelando um padrão consistente nas três línguas em estudo. A maior quantidade de variação foi encontrada em ABSL, seguida da ISL. A ASL foi a língua que apresentou menos variação na produção da categoria configuração. Estes resultados sugerem que as categorias fonológicas ainda se encontram em processo de formação numa nova língua e acreditamos que a combinação de factores históricos e sociais podem explicar a gradação exibida ABSL > ISL > ASL. Os nossos achados The existence of a phonological system – a system of meaningless building blocks that make up meaningful words – is often considered a prerequisite for language, and the discovery that sign languages used by deaf people have a meaningless level of structure convinced linguists that they are real languages. But the question of how a phonological system arises has not previously been addressed, since all spoken languages are old or descended from old languages, and most sign languages that have been studied have also been around for some time. The present study is a step toward documentation of the formation of phonological categories in a new sign language, Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign Language (ABSL), which arose recently in an insular community with a high incidence of deafness. The work is motivated by the observation that this new language appears to exhibit a good deal of cross-signer variation in the formation of signs (Aronoff et al 2008). To put this observation to the test, we measure the amount of variation across 10 signers in the production of one phonological category – handshape – in 15 signs of ABSL, and compare it with handshape production in two other, more established sign languages: Israeli Sign Language (ISL) and American Sign Language (ASL). Our methodology measures the degree of cross-signer consensus with respect to each meaningless phonetic feature of handshape as well as the number of variants (indicating the range of variation), and reveals a consistent pattern across the three languages: The largest amount of variation is found in ABSL; ISL is next; and ASL shows the least amount of cross-signer variation in production of the handshape category. These results suggest that phonological categories are still in the process of being formed in the new language, and we appeal to a combination of historical and social factors to explain this ABSL > ISL > ASL cline. The findings and analysis offer a glimpse into the development of phonological categories in a new language. * This work was supported by the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation and the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders of the National Institutes of Health. * This paper also appears in Rachel Channon & Harry van der Hulst (eds.). Formational Units in Sign Language. Ishara Press. ** *** Cadernos de Saúde Vol. 2 Número especial de Línguas Gestuais – pp. 13-28 14 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s e a sua análise oferecem um primeiro olhar relativamente ao desenvolvimento das categorias fonológicas numa nova língua. Keywords: Sign language phonology, phonetic variation, Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign Language, language emergence Palavras Chave: Fonologia das Línguas Gestuais, variação fonética, Lingua Gestual Beduína AL – Sayyid, emergência da linguagem Linguists began to take sign languages seriously as an object of study after William Stokoe demonstrated that the words of these visual languages are constructed from a discrete and finite list of meaningless units – that they have phonology (Stokoe, 1960). This discovery dispelled the myth that sign languages were comprised of iconic gestures, holistic in form. But do those meaningless units that Stokoe identified exist in a new sign language? Or does it take time for a phonological system to self-organize? Investigating a new sign language gives us insight into this question, and to the broader question of whether it is necessary to have phonology in order to have language. The myth that established sign languages like American Sign Language (ASL) were holistic gesture systems was based on iconic properties that are readily observable in many signs: A sign for book looks like opening a book and a sign for eat looks like putting food in the mouth, to take examples shown in Figure 1 from Israeli Sign Language (ISL). Figure 1 – BOOK, EAT, and LEARN/STUDY in ISL. But Stokoe showed that the handshapes, locations, and movements of signs perform the same role in the lexicons of sign languages as do the meaningless sounds that make up spoken words, coming together in different combinations to create new lexical items. So, ISL LEARN is distinguished from EAT by being articulated at a different location, and ISL ASK and SAY in Figure 2 are a minimal pair, distinguished by aspects of handshape. Stokoe posited handshape, location, and movement as the three major categories of meaningless formational elements in ASL, each with a finite list of contrastive formational elements, to which we return in Section 2. Since then, a good deal of evidence has Figure 2 – ISL ASK and SAY, minimally distinguished by handshape accrued for the existence of a phonological level of structure in sign languages, one which consists of categories and features (Liddell & Johnson, 1989), as well as constraints on their form and combination (e.g., Mandel, 191,; Battison, 198,; Sandler, 199,; Corina, 193,; Brentari, 198,; Sandler, 1999). Further, researchers found evidence for hierarchical organization of feature classes based on their behavior in assimilation and other phenomena (Sandler, 197,; 1989; Corind & Sagey, 1989). These constraints and processes hold on elements of form, irrespective of meaning, showing that sign languages have a meaningful and a meaningless level of structure, a characteristic that Hockett (1960) called ‘duality of patterning’ and proposed as a basic design feature of human language. Although it is assumed that all sign languages have iconic roots – and it would be an inefficient visual language indeed that did not take advantage of this possibility – it has been shown that diachronically signs become less and less iconic (Frishberg, 1995). Over time, they become more restricted and symmetrical, and signs that once involved other parts of the body came to be represented as symbolic images conveyed only by the hands. The changes are in the direction of the self organization of a formal system of meaningless units. But how does this process take place? More specifically, how does a language develop phonological categories? The answer to this question cannot be discovered empirically in spoken languages, as they are all very old. Even pidgin speakers have full command of the phonology of their millennia-old native languages. But sign languages arise anew whenever the right conditions are met – whenever a group of deaf people have an opportunity to gather Phonological category resolution and communicate regularly. And as new languages, sign languages have much to teach us about the emergence of linguistic form. Here we examine in detail the formational characteristics of signs in a new language – Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign Language (ABSL) – and compare them to those of two other sign languages with different social histories, American Sign Langauge and Israeli Sign Language. Initial observation of vocabulary items signed by different people across the Al-Sayyid village revealed unexpected variation – both in the choice of lexical items and in the form of the same lexical item. Following up on this observation, we conducted a detailed analysis of the form of sign productions in isolation. We focus on handshape in the present study, and describe our investigation, which confirmed our impression of considerable variation along most of the parameters involved in this category. By comparing sign productions with those of two other sign languages, we see a cline, with ABSL exhibiting the most variation in the formation of handshapes, ISL next, and ASL showing the least variation across signers. Taken together with other evidence, we hypothesize that ABSL signers are aiming for a holistic iconic image, and that discrete phonological categories are not yet robust in the language. We begin with a description of ABSL in Section 1, and illustrate with some of the variation in sign production that was discovered in the broader ABSL research project (Aronoff et al., 2008; Sandler et al., 2009). We then turn to the study of handshape, coding and analyzing handshapes in 15 signs for ten signers in each of the three languages. Section 2 describes the handshape features of interest and the methodology is the topic of §3. Results and discussion follow, in §4. Alongside the variation in sign production, the ABSL team has also observed early indications of formal organization, and we describe some of these in this section. In Section 5, we consider some explanations for differences across languages, including language age, community size and other social characteristics. While our results suggest that ABSL has not yet formed discrete phonological categories, we see some evidence pointing in that direction, which we exemplify in Section 6. Section 7 is a summary and conclusion. 1. Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign Language The only languages that arise de novo with no model are sign languages, and we have much to learn 15 by observing their early evolution. A sign language emerges whenever a community of deaf individuals is formed, and there are two different routes through which this happens (Meir et al., 2009). A common route is through establishment of schools for deaf children, where local sign languages (and sometimes foreign sign languages like French Sign Language in the case of ASL) together with home sign systems mingle to give rise to national sign languages. Most of the sign languages that have been well studied are deaf community languages of this kind, formed within the past 75 to 300 years. Another setting in which sign languages develop is that of relatively isolated communities with higher than average rates of deafness, where village sign languages are born. Meir et al. (2009) describe six village sign languages in different parts of the world in their survey of new sign languages, but there are many more. The best known deaf community sign language that is new is Nicaraguan Sign Language (NSL), forged from home sign systems when deaf children were first brought together in a school in Managua in 1977. Research on this language has shown that systematic language structure arises when children were brought to the school at a young age, with older children using a more idiosyncratic system as a language model. Spatial modulation – the use of space to indicate the different grammatical roles in a sentence – is one way in which NSL gradually became more systematic at the morpho-syntactic level (Senghas, Coppola & Newport, 1997; Senghas, 2003). The present study focuses on a young village sign language, ABSL. The language took root in the Al-Sayyid Bedouin village in the Negev Desert of present day Israel, when four deaf children were born in a single household about 75 years ago. Due to its insular social structure, consanguineous marriage patterns and high birth rate, genetic deafness spread in the population (Scott et al., 1995), and today, there are about 120-150 deaf people in the village. An indigenous sign language arose among the deaf people and is used by many of the hearing villagers as well (Kisch, 2000). ABSL functions as a full fledged language, used for a range of social interactions, for instructions and plans, and to discuss such topics as personal histories, folk remedies, national insurance, childcare, or how to cajole a husband. The sentences of the second generation of ABSL signers are verb-final, with SOV word order in sentences with all three constituents, and noun-modifier order in noun phrases (Sandler et al., 2005). 16 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s While typical sign language morphological structures such as verb agreement and classifier predicate constructions have not been found to exist in this young language, a kind of size and shape classifier affixation is common across the village (Meir et al., to appear; Sandler et al., 2009). The ABSL research team began to learn about the lexicon of this language as part of a dictionary project in which several hundred lexical items were recorded. This project had two surprises in store for the team. One was the degree of variation in lexical items themselves. Even signs for everyday items sometimes had several variants. There is, of course, a vocabulary of conventionalized signs, but this conventionalization seemed to the researchers to hold at the level of the overall image depicted by the sign. Aronoff et al. (2008) observed that across tokens produced by different signers there is variation in sublexical components, which, according to the authors’ impression, is greater than what they would expect in more established sign languages, such as ISL and ASL. Moreover, tokens seem to vary across features that are potentially contrastive in established sign language. One example is variation in place of articulation found in different tokens for ABSL DOG. The example is repeated in Figure 3. of subgroups within a language community. Rather, it seems to us that this variation is an indication that the ABSL lexicon has not yet developed discrete, meaningless formational categories. No minimal pairs have surfaced in all the recorded forms. In other words, we hypothesize that it takes time for users of a new language to converge on a relatively fixed set of primitives for forming lexical items.2 In fact, closer examination of productions of the sign DOG shows variation along all parameters, as reflected in Table 1, from Sandler et al. (2009). Table 1 – variation across sublexical parameters in different productions of the ABSL sign DOG. Figure 3 – Variation in location across ABSL tokens for DOG. (a) DOG (b) DOG The variant in (a) is articulated in neutral space and the variant in (b) is signed in front of the mouth.1 Variation in ABSL such as illustrated above may be compared to variation in the pronunciation of the English word route, [rut] and [raut]. In the English example, we tend to associate the variation with different varieties or dialects. However, in the case of ABSL, the different signers whom we have recorded are members of the same extended family within a small, closely-knit community, and we suspect that variation is not ‘sociolinguistic’ in the normal sense 1 The figures are taken from Aronoff et al. (2008). In order to test the hypothesis that distinct formational categories are not yet defined in ABSL, it is necessary to record and analyze the amount of variation at different points along the development of a language. We expect that the ongoing research on ABSL will provide us with insights into this issue as the language develops further. At present, we choose to use other, more established languages as points of reference against which variation in ABSL may be compared. 2 Models of linguistic communication proposed in a number of computational studies produce gradual convergence across different “language users” (see, for example, Barr, 2004; Hutchins & Hazlehurst, 1995) 17 Phonological category resolution The current study, taken from a larger project (Israel, 2009), focuses on one sublexical component – hand configuration. In the next section, we discuss briefly the internal structure of this component as a way of introducing the phonetic features that we will use for the coding of signs. This will be followed by a discussion on the measures of variation and the way to compare them across languages. 2. Sublexical structure in sign language: hand Configuration As noted in the introduction, the most influential study in the field of sign linguistics was William Stokoe’s analysis of the internal structure of signs in ASL. Stokoe (1960) was the first to show that signs could be broken into sublexical components, much as spoken words are analyzed as combinations of different sounds. In his analysis, Stokoe referred to three different parameters – hand configuration, location and movement – whose different specifications were proposed to be sign language analogues of phonemes. In other words, Stokoe showed that contrasts between different signs were made by substituting one sublexical component for another, similar to the way spoken words are distinguished by different consonants and vowels. Figures 1 and 2 above showed minimal pairs for location (the mouth for EAT and the forehead for LEARN) and for hand configuration ( in ASK and in SAY) in a different sign language, ISL. Stokoe’s unraveling of the systematic patterning of sublexical components in ASL led to widespread recognition of sign languages as bona fide human languages. That recognition motivated extensive research of sign language structure at all levels of organization. According to more recent accounts, noted above, sublexical components are organized in more complex structures, and each component has its own internal structure. In this study, we are concerned with variation in one complex component – hand configuration.3 We begin by discussing the internal structure of hand configuration. The purpose of the discussion is to arrive at a set of features that may be used for a transparent coding of hand configuration which can capture phonetic variation. A considerable portion of the sign language phonology literature has been dedicated to the lexical 3 The full study compares variation across the three languages in all three major categories, location and movement in addition to handshape (Israel, 2009). representation of hand configuration. Although the specific representation of this component is different across models, there is consensus among phonologists about certain generalizations that should be captured. A fundamental distinction is made between finger selection and finger position: while the position of the fingers may change within a sign, the selection of fingers remains fixed (Mandel, 1981), unless the sign is multimorphemic, in which case finger specification may change across morphemes (Sandler, 1989). This distinction is maintained in several models (Sandler, 1989; van der Hulst, 1993; van der Kooij, 2002; Brentari, 1998). The first complex model of hand configuration was proposed by Sandler (1987; 1989). In that model, finger selection was represented by a set of five features – one for each finger. That is, if a certain handshape selects the index and middle fingers, then the underlying specification of finger selection for this handshape is [+thumb/+index]. This transparent form of representation comes at the expense of economy and explanatory power (cf. later proposals by Sandler 1995; 1996 and van der Kooij, 2002), but it serves well the purpose of representing phonetic variation, the current focus. In the coding of finger selection for the analysis of variation described below, we shall use the unary features [index], [middle], [ring], [pinky] and [thumb]. As for the position of the fingers, we distinguish between the four different degrees of flexion illustrated in Figure 4. The hand’s anatomy allows for flexion at the Metacarpophalangeal joints (or, ‘base joints’) only, at the proximal and distal Interphalangeal joints (also referred to as the ‘non-base joints’) only, or at both base and non-base joints at the same time (Ann, 1996). The four positions in Figure 4 are examples for the four combinations of binary specifications for each type of joints. Figure 4 – Four flexion positions in handshapes with all the fingers selected. The [extended] position has no flexion of the fingers; in a [bent] position, only the base joints are flexed; in a [clawed] position only the non-base joints are flexed; and in the [curved] position, base and non-base joints are flexed. [extended] [bent] [clawed] [curved] 18 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s A generalization which concerns the position of the unselected fingers was stated as the Unselected Fingers Constraint (Corina, 1993) in (1). 1. Unselected Fingers Redundancy Rule: If the selected fingers are in a closed position, then the unselected fingers are open, as in and ; otherwise, the unselected fingers are usually closed, as in and . This generalization means that an underlying specification of the unselected fingers’ position would be redundant. Still, there are cases in which the position of the unselected fingers is not predictable. For example, handshapes with contact between the thumb and the index finger as the only selected finger sometimes vary across signers, with the unselected fingers kept closed by some ). and open by others ( The position of the thumb is yet another feature which is considered redundant. In handshapes with less than all fingers selected, the thumb is often crossed over the closed unselected fingers (Figure 5a). If the position of the selected finger(s) changes from ‘open’ to ‘closed’ during the sign, the thumb will often be in an ‘opposed’ position (Figure 5b). In addition, some suggestions have been made regarding an ‘extended’ position of the thumb (Figure 5c). Battison et al. (1975) indentified six features associated with variation in the position of the thumb in ASL signs with the index finger or the index and middle fingers selected. Importantly, though, those phonological environments did not fully predict thumb position, as different signers produced different variants for the same signs. Battison et al.’s interpretation of that variation is that it reflects a process of diachronic change. Rules for the phonetic implementation of thumb position have also been proposed by van der Kooij (2002). In her model, the ‘extended’ position of the thumb is realized a) when the thumb itself is selected, or b) when the selected fingers are spread. Figure 5 – Thumb position features. a. [crossed] b. [opposed] c. [extended] Another hand configuration feature is finger spreading. According to van der Kooij, a ‘spread’ position of the fingers tends to occur in dynamic signs with all fingers selected, while in static signs fingers are mostly adducted (or, ‘non-spread’). Again, this is a generalization; phonological context does not fully predict the surface form for this feature. For example, one of our ISL consultants did not accept a variant of the sign FISH – a dynamic sign with all fingers selected – in which fingers were in a spread rather than adducted position. The last component of hand configuration to be presented is orientation. This component is used contrastively in sign languages that have been studied. An example from ISL of a minimal pair with different hand orientations is shown in Figure 6. Figure 6 – A minimal pair in ISL with two different orientations of the hand. COMPARE VACILLATE There is no consensus on how orientation should be represented in phonological models of sign language. The option which seems to account best for variation in this component refers to orientation in relative terms, for example by indicating the part of the hand which faces or contacts the place of articulation or that which faces the direction of movement (e.g., Mandel, 1981; Crasborn, 2001; Crasborn & van der Kooij, 1997). However, since in this study we are interested in capturing variation Figure 7 – degrees of freedom in the representation of orientation. The figure shows the position of the hand in the ISL sign SUNDAY. The hand is oriented so that the metacarpal bones point upward (specified as [up]), and the palm faces the contralateral side (specified as [contralateral]), as indicated with solid arrows. Phonological category resolution in form, representing orientation in absolute terms (i.e., in relation to the three dimensional space or to the signer’s body) is more suitable. Therefore, we shall specify orientation with the following features: [up], [down], [in] (faces signer’s body), [out] (faces away from signer), and [contralateral]. These features will used to specify two degrees of freedom: the side faced by the palm side of the hand and the direction in which the hand’s metacarpal bones (i.e., the bones connecting the wrist and MCP joints) point, as illustrated in Figure 7. Table 2 summarizes the subcategories of hand configuration and their respective features. Table 2 – Hand Configuration subcategories and features. Handshape Selected Fingers [index], [middle], [ring], [pinky], [thumb], [any combination of fingers] Flexion [extended], [bent], [curved], [clawed] Aperture [open], [closed] Spreading [spread], [non-spread] Unselected Fingers [open], [closed] Thumb [extended], [opposed], [adducted], [crossed] Orientation [up], [down], [in], [out], [contralateral] As this study addresses convergence on the production of basic phonological elements, we are not concerned here with models of the internal organization of these features, which are based partly on the behavior of phonological elements in forms and rules. 3.Methodology In order to determine whether there is indeed more blurring of possible category distinctions in ABSL than in other sign languages, we investigated sign productions in three sign languages: ABSL, ISL, and ASL. These languages have different histories and social structures, which bear on the issue under investigation. Ten signers from each group, each signing 15 signs, provide the data fo the study 3.1. Participants ABSL Ten ABSL signers participated in the study. The subject selection process took into consideration social structure and constraints within the Al-Sayyid community. Since deafness is genetically determined 19 in the village, and there is a good deal of first cousin marriage, it is common for deafness to be particularly widespread among close relatives, and indeed, the signers included in the study are members of an extended family, six of them members of the same immediate family. The reliance on sign language as the means of communication within the family ensured that the signers chosen are highly proficient in ABSL. A social constraint is imposed on women, who cannot be videotaped if the recording might be watched by men from the village. For those Al-Sayyid women who participated in the study, consented to participate with our reassurance that the recordings would be used for analysis in the lab only. The signers included in the study, then, are people who are comfortable working with investigators and are all highly proficient signers. There was a wide distribution of ages among the subjects: two second generation signers were between 40 and 50 years old at the time of videotaping; one signer was about 28 years old – a young second generation signer; of the third generation participants, fous were between 20 and 30 years od;, anst thres were between 7 and 12 years old. [ASSAF – SAY HOW MANY IN EACH GENERATION AND AGES] While many hearing people know ABSL well and use it daily within deaf families, all ABSL participants in the study were deaf. The oldest two, Th. and A-B., were born in the second generation of deaf people in the Al-Sayyid village. The rest of the participants represent the third generation of deaf people, all of whom are attending school in a nearby village, where some ISL signs are used by the teachers. At school, children from Al-Sayyid interact with deaf children from other villages in the area. However, neither the majority of second generation deaf people nor the hearing signers in the Al-Sayyid village have direct exposure to ISL or other signs from other areas, and we infer from this that the communication among family members takes place in ABSL. In the study, each signer signed to another ABSL signer while being videotaped. In order to compare variations across the three sign languages, group sizes were balanced, so that each of the ISL and ASL groups also numbered 10 signers each. ISL All 10 ISL participants were deaf signers. The ISL group was formed in such a way that it would be as analogous as possible to the ABSL group, both linguistically and socially. Thus, all ISL participants 20 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s were from the same small geographic area, the city of Haifa. This was intended to result in data that are maximally lexically unified.4 In addition, of the 10 participants, four were members of a single immediate family (cf. the six same-family members in ABSL), two of them one generation older (the two parents), aged 45 and 50. The ages of the other participants were 40, 38, 37, 32, 21, 21, and 14. All ISL participants have had formal education. ASL The group of ASL signers was less homogenous than the other two language groups. All 10 participants were “recruited” while spending leisure time on the University of California, San Diego campus.5 All, except for a single participant (who acquired ASL from a deaf parent), were deaf, and the only requirement for participation was a perceived high level of ASL proficiency. No information regarding participants’ (original) area of residence, educational background, etc. was collected. The ages of the two youngest participants are between 20 and 30 years (the exact ages were not recorded). The other participants were 32, 33, 35, 41, 42, 43 and 54 years old. All the participants started learning to sign by the age of six, with three participants acquiring sign language from deaf parents. 3.2. Stimuli and procedure Citation forms were elicited from participants using pictures of objects presented on a computer screen using Microsoft Powerpoint software. The pictures presented single objects with which participants were undoubtedly familiar, such as common animals, furniture, types of vehicles, fruits, etc. During the elicitation procedure, each participant was seated opposite another signer of the same language, and next to the computer used for the presentation of pictures. Participants were instructed to look at the computer screen and then to sign to their interlocutors their sign(s) for the presented object. During the entire procedure, the presentation of pictures on the screen was controlled by a researcher, so that one picture was presented at a time, and the next picture was presented after the sign was produced clearly and to his/her satisfaction by the participant. Since the younger ABSL participants knew some ISL, they were explicitly asked to use only their native (i.e., ABSL) signs. If a participant produced an ISL sign, he or she was asked to sign again, using the local sign. The total number of elicitation pictures presented to each signer was 35. Of the total number of elicited signs, only 15 were analyzed for variation, for several reasons. First, there were cases in which ABSL signers did not seem to remember or know the sign for the presented object, and instead produced sequences of signs with related meanings, such as KNOBS FLAMES OPEN-DOOR TRAY to refer to STOVE. Some of these combinations were lexicalized as compounds.6 Lexicalized sequences often consisted of reduced forms of individual signs, which were unsuitable for a valid analysis of sublexical composition of the individual signs. For example, reduction is known to be related to stress pattern, and unstressed syllables in multisyllabic signs are often displaced and become temporally shorter (Sandler & Lillo-Martin, 2006). We have not seen simplex words of more than one syllable in the language, and we make the assumption that when monosyllabic signs are produced in isolation, their surface forms more accurately reflect their underlyingly form. We therefore chose for the analysis only signs that were monosyllabic.7 A restriction on the choice of signs in the ASL data was imposed by the fact that many responses were fingerspelled.8 These were treated as phonologically different and excluded from the analysis. Finally, in 6 7 8 4 5 Naturally, there are regional lexical differences in ISL, and some ‘concepts’ have different signs representing them in different areas. We attempted to avoid lexical variation by choosing signers from the same area. We are grateful to Carol Padden and Deniz Ilkbasaran for collecting the ASL data used in this study. Meir et al. (to appear) use four criteria to distinguish compounds from other sequences of signs. Compounds are sequences that represent a single concept, are identical across at least some signers and have at least two components in common with other sequences produced for the same referent. In addition, their production is natural and flowing (as opposed to the hesitated signing which characterizes the on-line construction of new sequences). The notion of ‘syllable’ in sign language has been entertained in several models and shown to be a real phonological entity (for a comprehensive discussion of this issue see Sandler & Lillo-Martin, 2006). The syllable is identified with a single movement event (of any single type or simultaneous combination of movement types – but not a sequence of movements), analyzed as a syllable nucleus in some models (e.g., Sandler, 1989; Perlmutter, 1993; Brentari, 1998). Fingerspelling is the use of handshapes which represent letters of the alphabet to spell a word borrowed from a spoken language. It is a system which is phonologically distinct from signing, although fingerspelled words may ultimately undergo formational modifications to adhere to the phonological constraints of the system of signs. Lexicalized fingerspelled forms seem to be especially common in ASL. Phonological category resolution each data set, and especially in ABSL, there were a few sets of tokens that varied lexically. For example, in ABSL, some participants signed HORSE with a gesture representing the bit part of a bridle (a handshape with the thumb and the index finger pressed against each side of the signer’s face across an open mouth); other ABSL signers signed HORSE with an upside-down handshape “mounted” on a to represent a man sitting on a horse. Such lexical variation found in a set of tokens rendered it unsuitable for analysis of sublexical variation, and signs that were lexically different were not included in the comparison. The list of 15 lexical items represented by the data collected is given in Table 2. The first 11 items are shared by all three language sets, and the remaining 4 items overlap only partly, because of the constraints just mentioned. In any case, a lexical match of the three language sets is of no real methodological import, because of the arbitrariness of the form-meaning relation in language. What matters is sublexical variation for the same form in a given language. Table 2 – The lexical items represented in the collected data. Items 1 – 11 were elicited from signers of all three languages and are listed in the same central column. Since in each language four of the items elicited were not shared by both other languages, these items (12 – 15) are listed in a separate colum). Item number ABSL; ISL; ASL 1 LEMON 2 SCORPION 3 TOMATO 4 CARROT 5 COW 6 DONKEY 7 FORK 8 LEAF 9 DOG 10 GOAT 11 TRAIN ABSL ISL ASL 12 WOMAN TELEVISION WOMAN 13 BROOM BROOM EGG 14 STUFFED GRAPE LEAVES FLOWER FLOWER 15 GARLIC CUCUMBER CAT 21 3.3. Measuring variation Naturally, variation cannot be compared across different lexical items. It makes no sense to look at the difference (i.e., variation) between surface realizations produced for different target representations. If one signer represents whiskers for the concept ‘cat’ and another represents ‘cat’ as licking the paws, these are two different lexical items, and not suitable for comparison of sublexical variation. tThe essence of variation is the existence of different variants of the same item, which, in our case (i.e., at the sublexical level), is a single lexical item. Therefore, for each language, variatioisshould be measured first for each of the 15 lexical items separately, and only then can we combine these measures to get an indication of the amount of variation at a more global level. This methodology is outlined belo.. [WHAT DOES THIS LAST SENTENCE MEAN ACTUALLY? HOW ELSE WOULD IT BE MEASURED?] For the analysis, we choose to use two measures which we believe capture the essence of variation in a way that is both transparent and simple. These measures correspond to two important aspects of variation: the range of the distribution and the extent to which the data are concentrated or spread within this range. In Statistics, when measuring the value of a variable along a continuous scale (e.g., from 0 to 100), the range is the difference between the highest and lowest observed values. Recall that in the current analysis, for each token, the hand configuration component is specified in terms of discrete phonetic features which cannot be considered in terms of higher or lower values. This method of coding is comparable to specifying the features [high] [mid] and [low] for vowels, rather than measuring their formant frequencies, since features are discrete whereas frequency is measured along a continuous scale. Therefore, for our purposes we may define the range of variation in hand configuration as the number of different features found across tokens. To make things clear, let us consider a hypothetical situation in which we have two different sets of ten tokens for the sign FORK. For each set of tokens, Figure 8 shows a distribution of features within the subcategory Selected Fingers. We can see that in the first set of tokens (represented by Distribution A) there are two different finger selections: [I+M] ( ) and [I+M+R] ( ). In the other set of tokens (represented by Distribution B) there are three different finger selections, [IMR], [IM] and [I] (as in ). In other words, there are two different variants of SF in the first set 22 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s Figure 8 – Different amounts of variation indicated by the number of variants. Distribution A Category Selected Fingers Signer A Signer B Signer C Signer D Signer E Signer F Signer G Signer H Signer I Signer J I+M I+M I+M+R I+M I+M I+M+R I+M I+M I+M I+M Signer A Signer B Signer C Signer D Signer E Signer F Signer G Signer H Signer I Signer J I+M I+M I+M I+M I+M+R I+M I+M I I+M I+M Distribution B: Category Selected Fingers of tokens and three variants of SF in the second set. That is, the range of variation in SF is wider in the second distribution. The number of different features found within a set of tokens is therefore an indicator of the range of a distribution. We shall refer to this measure as the number of variants. The other measure we will use provides information about the spread (or dispersion) of a distribution. This is the number of tokens with the most frequent feature. Consider the distributions in Figure 9. Since in each distribution there are two different features realizing the SF category, both distributions have the same range of variation (number of variants = 2). However, in Distribution A, eight out of ten tokens have the same feature set [I+M], whereas in Distribution C the two feature sets are distributed more equally across tokens: six tokens have the feature [I+M] and four tokens have the feature [I+M+R]. We may say that in Distribution C tokens are more “spread out” – i.e., they vary more – compared to tokens in Distribution A. The frequency of the modal feature – i.e., the number of tokens in which the most frequent feature is found – is therefore an important measure of variation. For convenience, we shall refer to this measure as the mode (for further discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of this method, see Israel, 2009). Beyond the single lexical item: a global measure of variation The ultimate aim of this study is to use the feature by feature assessment of variation described above to arrive at a more global measure of sublexical variation within a language. The first step is to combine the measures of each type calculated for all lexical items by calculating the average mode value and average number of variants for all lexical items within the same language for a given phonological category, as exemplified with hypothetical data in Table 3. Recall that the first stage in the analysis was to calculate the mode for each lexical item separately. Figure 9 – Different amounts of variation idicated by the frequency of the modal feature. Distribution A: Category Selected Fingers Signer A Signer B Signer C Signer D Signer E Signer F Signer G Signer H Signer I Signer J I+M I+M I+M+R I+M I+M I+M+R I+M I+M I+M I+M Signer A Signer B Signer C Signer D Signer E Signer F Signer G Signer H Signer I Signer J I+M I+M I+M I+M+R I+M+R I+M I+M I+M+R I+M I+M+R Distribution C: Category Selected Fingers 23 Phonological category resolution Table 3 – Average mode and average number of variants as global measures of variation. Category X Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 Item 8 Average Mode (%) 95 80 100 87 80 93 84 100 89.88 % Number of variants 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 1.63 In the above table, 95 represents the mode of the set of tokens produced for Item 1, 80 was the mode of all the tokens elicited for Item 2, etc. Once the averages of all the modes and numbers of variants have been calculated, we will already have reached a more global representation of variation, since for each phonological category we are left with two measures per language: (1) average mode and (2) average number of variants. Now it is possible to compare the values of each of the two measures of variation across languages. For example, if the average mode calculated for Thumb Position is 90 for language A and 95 for language B, we may say that with respect to this measure of variation, language A shows more variation in thumb position than language B. The two languages will also have to be compared with respect to the average number of variants. Going one step up the phonological hierarchy, the average measures calculated for subcategories may be considered together in order to characterize the degree of variation within each of the three major categories. This, again, may be done by calculating an average. That is, we will calculate an average from the averages of each of the seven HC subcategories. with the number of variants being highest in ABSL and lowest in ASL. Within the Flexion subcategory, the highest amount of variation was also found in ABSL, but no difference was found between ISL and ASL. The highest average number of SF variants was the same in ABSL and ASL. The general ABSL > ISL > ASL pattern was reversed for one category: Spread Fingers. Altogether, ABSL showed more variation than the other two languages on all measures, with one exception, Spreading. In order to check whether the differences found are statistically significant, A Kruskal-Wallis test was performed on the data. A highly significant difference was found between the degree of variation in thumb position in ABSL and those measured for ISL and ASL. This was found for both the mode measure (p<0.001) and the number of variants (p<0.01). An instructive form of representation of the differences across ABSL, ISL and ASL is given in Figure Figure 10 – Average mode values within Hand Configuration subcategories. 4. Results Using the methodology outlined in the previous section, the study revealed a consistent ranking across the three language groups with respect to the amount of variation in hand configuration features across tokens. As can be seen in Figure 10, in all subcategories of this component, with the exception of Finger Spreading, mode values were lowest in the ABSL data and highest in the ASL data. That is, as indicated by this measure and the data collected for this study, for each subcomponent of Hand Configuration, the amount of variation is greatest in ABSL and ASL is the least variable. This picture of the differences across the three languages is made clearer by the second measure of variation – the number of variants. Figure 11 shows that in four of the seven hand configuration subcategories the same relative ranking was found, Figure 11 – Average number of variants within each subcategory of Hand Configuration. 24 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s Figure 12 – Ranges of average mode values. Figure 14 – Examples of hand configuration variation in ABSL. [Index] [Index+Middle] (a) STUFFED GRAPE LEAVES (variation in finger selection) Figure 13 – Ranges of average number of variants. [crossed] [extended] (b) WOMAN (variation in thumb position) 12 and Figure 13. This representation shows for each language the range of average mode values and the average number of variants presented in Figure 10 and Figure 11 above. The range measure clearly shows the differences among the three languages with respect to both the size of the range and its location along the Y-axis. As for the mode, in ASL, its values are distributed within the smallest range, about 17 percent. Like ASL, ISL’s maximum value is 100 % (representing a subcategory with zero variation), but its range of average modes is wider – about 23%. Finally, ABSL’s average modes spread over about 27 %. Moreover, unlike ASL and ISL, none of the average modes calculated for ABSL reached 100 %. In other words, there was not a single subcategory of Hand Configuration in which there was no variation across ABSL signers. Figure 13 shows similar differences in the range of average numbers of variants. Examples of variation in ABSL are shown in Figure 14. The analysis of variation shows that, in ABSL, ISL and ASL, different tokens may vary along the sublexical features of hand configuration listed in Table 1. Interestingly, when both measures of variation – the mode and number of variants – are considered, a robust pattern emerges: the amount of sublexical variation is largest in ABSL and smallest in ASL, with ISL in between the two. The fact that this pattern was found in the majority of subparameters of hand configuration suggests that these different amounts of variation reflect some fundamental difference across the three languages. This idea is further supported by results from two additional analyses of variation along features of location and movement – the two other major parameters of sublexical form. Using the same methodology, Israel (2009) found the same cross-linguistic pattern of variation, namely ABSL > ISL > ASL, for both Location and Movement. It is therefore not only the Hand Configuration component which varies to different extents, but the entire form of lexical items.9 Assuming that all languages eventually develop lexicons with highly conventionalized forms of items, the results reported here suggest that ABSL, ISL and ASL are currently situated at different points along this conventionalization continuum. In the next section we discuss the possible contributions of four different factors to the development of regularity in new languages. 9 In this study we did not include non-manual components, such as facial expressions and mouthing, which in some languages may be part of the lexicalized form. Phonological category resolution 5. Three different sociolinguistic backgrounds We would like to put forth the hypothesis that, in the early development of a sign language, an aggregate of sociolinguistic factors affects the convergence of signers on a relatively fixed set of forms used as lexical items. Underlying this hypothesis is the assumption that convergence – i.e., transition from more to less variation – is universal and characterizes all cases in which a new language emerges. Intuitively, it does not seem possible for a new language to exhibit the degree of regularity found in well-established languages at the outset. In each case of language emergence, however, the social and linguistic settings, which obviously have an impact on the way language develops, are unique. Our hypothesis incorporates the following factors: a) relation to other languages, b) the language’s age, c) the size of the community, and d) the existence of prescriptive norms. In this section we discuss the possible influence of these factors and relate it to the case at hand. A new language may come to life in one of two settings: within a community whose members have no language at all, and within a community whose members use different languages but none of which is shared by all. The languages that emerge in settings of the latter type are known as Pidgins and, when passed on to children, as Creoles. Even though these languages are fundamentally distinct from any of the languages used natively by the original members of the community, there is no doubt that some grammatical elements are borrowed from native languages into the pidgin/creole (e.g., McWhorter, 1997). This means that, compared to a language developed by people who know no language at all, pidgins and creoles get a head start. The study of ISL and ASL has shown that both of these languages developed in ways that resemble pidginization and creolization, with contributions from German Sign Language, and other sign languages of Europe, North Africa, and elsewhere in the case of ISL (Meir & Sandler, 2008), and influence from French Sign Language and local American varieties in the case of ASL (Woodward, 1978; Fischer, 1996). Therefore, in both cases, at the outset, there were experienced signers who had been using signs skillfully and consistently. That experience must have been carried over into the new language, and signers presumably did not lose their intuition about the system which underlies sign production, even 25 when the forms themselves were new to them. In contrast, ABSL has emerged in a relatively isolated community and for many years was developed by deaf people who had no knowledge of any other language. It is reasonable to believe that for such signers it takes longer to converge on a single form for each concept. If conventionalization is indeed gradual, then we expect forms to be produced more consistently across signers as the language gets older. A language’s age may be measured not only in years but also in the number of generations of users that have acquired it. Young children have the capacity to acquire and build upon the language as it is passed on to them from a previous generation, as in the case of Nicaraguan Sign Language mentioned above. It is likely that children play an important role in the process of convergence by taking the language a step closer to fully conventionalized production of lexical items. In our case, ASL is the oldest language, which, according to our hypothesis, explains the fact that it exhibits the lowest amount of sublexical variation. However, since ABSL and ISL are of the same age but vary to different extents, it is clear that this factor by itself cannot predict differences in the amount of variation. The size of the community in which a language develops may be another factor affecting the amount of variation. Trudgill (1995) suggests that within a small and isolated community there is likely to be a large amount of shared information, and so variation is more easily tolerated. This may well be the case within the community of Al-Sayyid. When much of the background information is shared by interlocutors, it may be sufficient for a signer to produce a token that approximates the overall image which is conventionally associated with the target concept in order for communication to succeed. Metalinguistic awareness may have a strong impact on language production. One aspect of such awareness is the idea that some forms are “better” or “more appropriate” than others, and that certain forms are “correct” and others are “incorrect”. Usually, these concepts are shaped by authoritative sources, such as schools, books, interpreters, and other influential individuals, often associated with formality. On this basis, it is reasonable to distinguish between languages used in formal settings, such as ISL and ASL, and languages whose users are not subject to prescriptive pressure because it is never used formally, such as ABSL. Thus, in both the ISL and ASL communities there are Deaf organizations which 26 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s organize formal meetings and sign language courses; members of the community meet in Deaf clubs; there exist dictionaries of both languages; there are Deaf theater and dance groups; and, finally, following linguistic studies on both languages, the status of both languages – mainly within, but also outside the Deaf communities – has improved considerably. The existence of prescriptive norms in ISL and ASL may have affected the way signs are produced. In both communities, dictionaries sign language instruction, and interpreter training programs exist, which may have the effect of establishing norms to some extent. Such norms may in turn considerably reduce the variety of alternate forms, thus pushing towards more consistent signing. In the ASL community, the normative sources just mentioned have longer histories and are therefore more established compared to ISL, which could partly explain the differences in the amount of variation found between the two. In Al-Sayyid, where deaf people are fully integrated into the larger hearing community, none of these sociocultural developments has taken place, and, to the best of our knowledge, the language is only used informally.10 We propose that all of the sociolinguistic factors just discussed played a role in the cross linguistic differences found in this study. Table 4 shows that each language has a different aggregate of these factors. According to the discussion in this section, the sum of factors is most conducive to convergence in ASL and least conducive to convergence in ABSL. The hypothesis developed above is motivated by the amounts of variation measured in this study. In order to test this hypothesis further, it is necessary to measure variation in additional sign languages with different aggregates of sociolinguistic factors. We leave this investigation for future research. Table 4 – A summary of cross-linguistic differences along sociolinguistic parameters. ABSL ISL ASL - + + Age ~75 ~75 ~200 Population size ~150 ~10,000 ~500,000 - + + Contribution from other languages Prescriptivism 10 A dictionary of ABSL signs is being compiled at the Sign Language Research Lab in Haifa. At this point, however, the dictionary is not available to ABSL signers. 6. Seeds of phonological form in ABSL ABSL is a language by any functional measure. Conversations about any topic relevant to the community take place in real time with no apparent effort or hesitation. Humor is conveyed, stories are told. There is a shared vocabulary. Even the variation that we find in the lexicon is apparently well tolerated if ease of communication is any indication, possibly suggesting that the language simply has synonyms. It is at once fascinating and surprising to discover that a fully functional language appears to have fewer conventionalized grammatical resources than other more familiar and more established sign languages (see Aronoff et al., 2008 for an overview). But a closer look has revealed both a certain amount of grammatical structure to support the system, as well as the kernels of grammar in several areas. At the syntactic level, though sentences are typically short, strict word order within the clause is in place from the beginning, showing that marking grammatical relations between the predicate and its arguments and between nouns and their modifiers is a fundamental ingredient – perhaps the most fundamental ingredient – in human language (Sandler et al., 2005). Other aspects of grammar are observably in the process of becoming systematic. For example, productive ways of increasing the vocabulary are in place, although much less regular in form than the word order just described. Size and shape compounding or affixation is a widespread word formation strategy, as is compounding in general (Meir et al., to appear). In addition, a prosodic system that demarcates constituents and signals dependencies among clauses is developing, a system that is already much more regular and systematic among young adults of the second generation than among those even twenty years older in the same generation (Sandler et al., to appear). When it comes to phonology, alongside the kind of indeterminacy indicated by the present study, we also see the seeds of a formal system taking root. Evidence for the formation of phonological categories will come, not only from minimal pairs and sharp production of discrete forms, but also from the participation of such units in processes in the language which are related to form only, and not to meaning. A typical example is assimilation. In established spoken and signed languages, phonological assimilation is a regular process, in which some set of units take on characteristics of neighboring units under specific conditions. Nasal Phonological category resolution assimilation in English involves the formal categories nasals and stops, and the direction of assimilation is regressive. All of these are formal properties, unrelated to meaning. Assimilation has been observed in ABSL under certain conditions, spelled out in Sandler et al. (2009). Although not yet general across the community, these instances suggest the beginning of a formal system. One example is found within a single family. Because we have noticed that vocabulary is less varied within families with several deaf people, we have coined the term familylect to describe this sociolinguistic entity. In one familylect, whose members are a deaf mother and five deaf children, we find assimilation in a lexical compound. The compound CHICKEN^OVAL-OBJECT, meaning EGG, is lexicalized across the village, but the assimilation takes place only as signed by this family. CHICKEN is produced with the index finger in a curved shape, palm oriented downward, and the hand bending at the wrist twice, apparently motivated by the beak of a chicken pecking for food. The sign for SMALL-OVAL-OBJECT is produced with three spread fingers, the palm oriented up. The hands for the basic compound are shown in Figure 15a. In the familylect’s assimilated version, the finger selection for the second sign assimilates regressively to the first sign, CHICKEN. Figure 15b shows the hands for the sign, EGG signed in a familylect. The deaf mother and all three of her deaf daughters whom we recorded all signed the ‘CHICKEN’ part of the compound with the same assimilated form. Since they all signed it the same way, we assume that the assimilated form is lexicalized in this familylect. Crucially, the assimilation is a purely formal process in which the hand configuration of the second member of the compound spreads to the first. Note that the result is less iconic than the basic form, as chicken beaks are pointed and not oval-shaped. Alongside the presence of indeterminate phonological categories in this new language, we are beginning to see the buds of a system at the sublexical Figure 15 – (a). Two handshapes for the compound CHICKEN^OVALOBJECT = EGG, standard form. (b). Consistent assimilation of handshape in EGG within a familylect. 27 level. This and other closely observed phenomena show us how ABSL is moving toward phonological organization. 7. Summary and conclusion This study has shown that sign languages differ in terms of the amount of variation in the form of sign production exhibited across a community. The amount of variation in the category of handshape in a new language with little outside influence is shown to be greater for nearly all subcategories of that class than in languages with different social histories. In particular, we find a cline of regularity in form across ABSL, ISL, and ASL, such that ABSL shows the most variation, ISL next, and ASL shows the least amount of sublexical variation. These and other related results (Israel, 2009; Sandler et al., 2009) lead us to suggest first that, while ABSL functions fully as a language and has certain grammatical regularities, it has not yet developed robust phonological categories. 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Imperativos Análogos a Raízes Infinitivas: Evidência das Línguas de Sinais Americana e Brasileira Imperatives function as analogues to root infinitives: evidence from ASL and LBS Diane Lillo-Martin*1,3 e Ronice Müller de Quadros**2,3 1 2 3 University of Connecticut Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Haskins Laboratories Resumo Abstract Neste artigo, investigamos a hipótese de Salustri e Hyams (2003, 2006) de que (em algumas línguas) há imperativos que funcionam como raízes infinitivas usados para expressar significado de irrealis. As línguas em que isso acontece, não apresentam o estágio de raízes infinitivas. Nós investigamos esta hipótese a partir da produção de duas línguas de sinais coletadas longitudinalmente em crianças surdas adquirindo a língua de sinais americana (ASL) e a língua de sinais brasileira (LSB). Nessas línguas, há dois tipos de verbos – um dos quais prediz a realização de imperativos análogos. Os resultados sustentam a hipótese do imperativo análogo de Salustri e Hyams e, além disso, é mais uma evidência para a proposta de Quadros (1999) baseada em dados de adultos. 1. Contextualização Frequentemente tem sido observado que crianças muito pequenas produzem formas verbais não finitas (com sintaxe apropriada), ao lado de formas corretamente flexionadas por volta dos dois anos de idade. Poeppel & Wexler (1993) apresentam o exemplo em (1) de Andreas, com 2,01. Em (1a), o verbo hab está devidamente flexionado e na posição para verbos flexionados, V2. Em (1b), o verbo haben está na forma infinitiva e na posição para verbos infinitivos, ou seja, no final da sentença (que pode aparecer também em orações principais somente quando há um verbo auxiliar na posição V2). Wexler refere exemplos do tipo de (1b) como Infinitivos Opcionais (OI), enquanto Rizzi utiliza o termo Raízes Infinitivas. Neste artigo, usamos os dois termos indistintamente para referir este tipo de exemplo. In this paper, we investigate the hypothesis put forward by Salustri and Hyams (2003, 2006), that (in some languages) imperatives function as an analogue to root infinitives, being used to express irrealis meanings in languages which typically do not show a significant root infinitive stage.We investigate this hypothesis by looking at longitudinal production data from American Sign Language (ASL) and Brazilian Sign Language (LSB), languages in which there are two verb types – only one of which is predicted to behave like Italian in showing an imperative analogue. Our results provide support for the Imperative Analogue Hypothesis. In addition, our results provide support for the analysis of sentences with these verb types proposed by Quadros (1999) on the basis of adult data. (1) a. Ich hab ein dossen Ball. I have a big ball Eu tenho uma grande bola b. du das haben you that have você que tem Também foi observado que o uso dessas formas varia significantemente entre as línguas (ver também Guasti (1993/4), Phillips (1995), Wexler (1998), Buesa Garcia (2007) e Grinstead (2008)). Wexler (1998) concluiu que as línguas nas quais há a marcação do estágio de infinitivos opcionais são línguas que não apresentam sujeitos nulos. O autor sintetiza esta generalização em (2). Note que nas línguas com sujeitos nulos há algumas ocorrências de raízes infinitivas, mas as crianças aprendem que nessas línguas se usa muito menos este tipo de construção, enquanto que as crianças de línguas que não tem sujeitos nulos usam raízes infinitivas com muita freqüência. * ** Cadernos de Saúde Vol. 2 Número especial de Línguas Gestuais – pp. 29-35 30 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s (2) Generalização Sujeitos Nulos/Infinitivos Opcionais: A criança passará pelo estágio de OI se somente se a língua não licencia sujeitos nulos. No entanto, Salustri & Hyams (2003/2006) observaram que raízes infinitivas normalmente tem interpretação mood/irrealis e são eventivas1. Por isso e por outras razões, elas argumentam que as raízes infinitivas apresentam uma base gramatical e representam, portanto, uma manifestação universal. De acordo com as autoras, existe um “núcleo universal” do estágio de raízes infinitivas que se refere ao fato de todas as crianças manifestarem a aquisição de mood. O que é universal no estágio de raízes infinitivas é o mapeamento do mood irrealis em uma estrutura oracional sem marcação de tempo. Para as crianças que estão aprendendo uma língua de sujeito nulo marcado, uma estrutura sem marcação de tempo análoga será usada para expressar o mood irrealis. Nesse caso, a forma imperativa será usada como análoga a raízes infinitivas. Salustri & Hyams não estão dizendo que todas as manifestações de imperativos apresentam todas as interpretações encontradas para infinitivos. Por exemplo, os imperativos não podem expressar intenções futuras. No entanto, eles são irrealis e eventivos e, nesse sentido, há um paralelo entre as raízes infinitivas usadas pelas crianças que estão aprendendo uma língua sem sujeitos nulos e o uso de imperativos por crianças aprendendo uma língua com sujeitos nulos. Para sustentar esta proposição, Salustri & Hyams mostram que os imperativos são muito mais frequentes na aquisição de línguas com sujeito nulos do que em línguas sem sujeitos nulos. Para evidenciar que esses resultados não são determinados por questões culturais, as autoras apresentam também dados de crianças bilíngues adquirindo uma língua de cada tipo. As crianças bilíngues do par italiano-alemão usam em torno de 30 a 60% de imperativos no italiano enquanto que no alemão, usam apenas em torno de 10%, no período de 2;0 a 2;7. 2. Morfologia verbal na ASL e na LSB Nós testamos a hipótese de imperativos análogos de Salustri & Hyams observando a aquisição de línguas que apresentam os dois tipos de verbos, um que permite o licenciamento de sujeitos nulos por meio da flexão de concordância e outro que não licencia sujeitos nulos. Tanto a ASL como a LSB tem verbos com concordância pessoal e locativa que licenciam sujeitos nulos e verbos ‘simples’ sem concordância que não licenciam sujeitos nulos (LilloMartin 1986; Quadros 1997). LSB e ASL (assim como a maioria das línguas de sinais) tem diferentes tipos de verbos que variam entre verbos modificados para indicar argumentos verbais e aqueles que não modificam. A descrição dos verbos com concordância usados aqui é uma modificação do que foi proposto por Meir (1998, 2002). Os verbos indicam seus argumentos pela direção da face da mão e pelas posições iniciais e finais dos sinais no espaço de sinalização. As locações no espaço de sinalização podem ser associadas com referentes de pessoas ou com locativos. Então, os verbos de concordância pessoal (geralmente verbos de transferência) tem a face da mão direcionada para os seus objetos e movem de uma localização associada com seu sujeito (+humano) para a localização associada com o seu objeto (+humano)2. Os verbos simples não tem flexão para indicar o sujeito e o objeto, mas podem ser sinalizados em uma determinada localização indicando a locação do evento, neste caso apresentando um comportamento similar ao dos verbos de concordância locativa. Esta flexão locativa e o movimento do verbo é conhecida como concordância, ilustrada na Figura 1 (ver também Padden, 1988[1983]). Figura 1 – Concordância verbal na ASL a. I-ASK-HER a. eu-pergunto-ela Ambas flexões de concordância pessoal e locativa licenciam argumentos nulos (Lillo-Martin 1986; Quadros 1997). Para a presente proposta, nós agrupamos os verbos com concordância em oposição aos verbos sem concordância (verbos ‘simples’). 2 1 Será mantida a palavra ‘mood’ no inglês. Uma tradução para ‘mood’ no poderia ser ‘estado de ânimo’ associado a ‘irrealis’ para expressar ‘intenções, desejos e vontades’. b. SHE-ASKS-HIM b. ela-pergunta-ele Ver Quadros e Quer (2009) para uma problematização da relação da trajetória da concordância com a noção de transferência, além de não necessariamente termos ALVO em verbos de concordância, mas sim TEMA. 31 Imperativos Análogos a Raízes Infinitivas 3. Primeira questão da pesquisa 3.1. Contextualização Dada a existência de dois tipos de verbos na ASL e na LSB, nossa primeira questão de pesquisa é se o uso de imperativos será diferente entre as sentenças com cada tipo de verbo, como sintetizado em (3). (3) Os imperativos são usados como análogos a infinitivos com verbos concordância, mas não com os verbos simples na ASL e na LSB? A hipótese do imperativo análogo e a hipótese da não existência de analogia dos imperativos apresentam diferentes previsões quanto a realização dos imperativos nas línguas, baseado na suposição de que não há diferença no uso de imperativos entre as línguas, assim como apresentado em (4). (4) Hipóteses Hipótese dos imperativos análogos – imperativos com verbos com concordância > imperativos com verbos simples Hipótese da não analogia dos imperativos – imperativos com verbos com concordância = imperativos com verbos simples 3.2. Participantes Nós analisamos o desenvolvimento da morfologia verbal em duas crianças surdas adquirindo suas línguas de sinais com os seus pais surdos: SAL, adquirindo a ASL, entre 1;07 e 2;03 e de LEO, adquirindo a LSB, entre 1;9 e 2;05. As crianças foram filmadas longitudinalmente nteragindo espontaneamente com sinalizantes fluentes.3 O número de enunciados analisados com um verbo é apresentado na Tabela 1. Tabela 1 – Número de enunciados analisados com um verbo Idade Leo Sal 1;07 17 1;08 85 1;09 56 69 1;10 17 6 1;11 34 19 2;00 25 112 2;01 69 2;02 121 159 2;03 79 93 2;04 92 2;05 110 3.3. Método Na ASL e na LSB, os verbos simples, normalmente, são de ‘estado’ e os verbos com concordância são ‘eventivos’. Como os imperativos são geralmente eventivos, nós esperaríamos encontrar mais imperativos com verbos com concordância do que com verbos simples. Portanto, nós não podemos simplesmente comparar o número de imperativos com os verbos com concordância e os verbos simples. Nós temos que considerar apenas os verbos eventivos das duas categorias verbais. Assim, os resultados reportados aqui distinguem o uso de imperativos entre os verbos eventivos simples e os de concordância. Nós codificamos manualmente cada enunciado declarativo com verbo eventivo, identificando-os como eventivos ou de estado. Quando então tínhamos todos os verbos eventivos, classificamo-los como imperativos e não-imperativos. O contexto e o acento foram usados para identificar as formas imperativas. 3.4. Resultados 3 Esses dados foram coletados como parte de um estudo mais geral da aquisição da ASL e LSB, na Universidade de Connecticut, Gallaudet University e Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina em estudos envolvendo o campo da sintaxe. Ver Chen, Lillo-Martin e Quadros (em preparação) para explicações mais extensivas sobre coleta de dados e métodos de transcrição. Os resultados de nossas análises estão apresentadas na Figura 2. Ambas as crianças produziram mais imperativos com verbos com concordância do que com verbos simples. Os resultados são mais surpreendentes porque há uma produtividade muito maior de verbos simples do que de verbos com concordância (ver Quadros e Lillo-Martin, 2007). Seguem exemplos de uso de imperativos na produção das crianças em (5) e (6). Imperatives - Agr vs. Plain - Sal 32 0.50 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s 0.40 Figura 2 – Resultados do primeiro estudo 0.30 Imperatives - Agr vs. Plain - Sal 0.50 0.20 Agr Plain 0.40 0.10 0.30 0.00 Agr 1;7-1;8 1;9-1;10 1;11-2;0 2;2-2;3 1;7-1;8 1;9-1;10 1;11-2;0 2;2-2;3 Plain 0.20 0.10 0.00 Imperatives - Agr vs. Plain - Leo .5000 .4000 .3000 Imperatives - Agr vs. Plain - Leo .5000 .2000 Agr Plain .4000 .1000 .3000 - Agr 1;8-1;9 1;10-1;11 2;1-2;2 2;3-2;5 Plain .2000 (5).1000 Sal (1;09) IX(bag) PICK-UP<imp>; IX(bag) PICK-UP<imp> BAG. 1;8-1;9 1;10-1;11 2;1-2;2 2;3-2;5 HEY! BAG, PICK-UP<imp> IX(bag). ‘Pick up that bag; see that bag – pick it up! Hey! Pick up the bag!’ Pega aquele pacote; veja aquele pacote – pega ele! Pega o pacote! (6) Leo (2;01) PEGAR<imp>; PEGAR<imp> BALA; PEGAR<imp> BALA IX<lá>; PEGAR<imp>; PEGAR<imp>. ‘Pega, pega aquela bala; pega a bala lá; pega, pega!’ Os resultados confirmam a hipótese do imperativo análogo. 4. Segunda pergunta da pesquisa 4.1. Contextualização Hoekstra & Hyams (1998), Deen & Hyams (2006), e Salustri & Hyams (2006) fazem as seguintes observações em (7) e (8). (7) Efeito de referência mood Frequentemente as raízes infinitivas tem significado de um mood/irrealis. (8) Hipótese de oposição semântica A expressão do mood irrealis na gramática inicial exclui a especificação temporal. Estas observações levam Hyams e seus colegas a postularem que várias formas não finitas são usadas para expressar mood irrealis na gramática da criança. Nós temos visto que em algumas línguas a forma não finita usada é infinitiva, enquanto em outras é o imperativo (e ainda há outras formas, tais como subjuntivo ou outras formas não finitas). Nós observamos no primeiro estudo que os imperativos são usados pela SAL e pelo LEO para expressar mood irrealis. Assim, podemos perguntar se todas, ou virtualmente todas, as intenções irrealis de SAL e LEO são expressas por meio da forma imperativa. Se não, que formas são usadas? Está questão é a base da formulação da segunda pergunta da pesquisa em (9): (9) Como o mood irrealis é expresso na ASL e na LSB da criança? Nós percebemos que os adultos sinalizantes da ASL e da LSB utilizam uma marca não manual que acompanha as expressões de desejo e intenção (irrealis). Esta marca não é usada para expressar o futuro simples. É muito difícil julgar se as crianças estão usando essa marca não manual, pois o ângulo da filmagem normalmente não permite acesso a esta informação e também por outras dificuldades de visualizar suas faces. Todavia, fica claro que elas não estão usando consistentemente a marca não manual de irrealis. 4.2. Participantes e metodologia Foram analisadas algumas sessões do desenvolvimento da SAL e do LEO assim como examinado no primeiro estudo. Foram codificados os enunciados eventivos com um verbo de mood: realis vs. irrealis, separando-se os verbos com concordância dos verbos simples. 4.3. Resultados Os resultados destas análises estão apresentados na Figura 3. Vários aspectos são identificados a partir destes dados. A primeira coisa é que tanto SAL como LEO praticamente não produzem verbos irrealis além de imperativos. Depois, ambos produzem os mood irrealis imperativos e não imperativos como os dois tipos de verbos, com concordância e simples. Imperativos Análogos a Raízes Infinitivas 33 Figure 3 – Resultados do segundo estudo Mood Development – Agr Verbs - Sal Mood Development – Plain Verbs - Sal 1.00 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.60 0.60 Realis Irrealis Imperative 0.40 0.40 0.20 0.00 0.20 1;7 1;8 1;9 1;11 2;0 2;2 0.00 2;3 Mood Development – Plain Verbs - Leo 1.00 0.80 0.80 Realis Irrealis Imperative 0.60 0.40 1;7 1;8 1;9 1;11 2;0 2;2 2;3 Mood Development – Agr Verbs - Leo 1.00 Realis Irrealis Imperative 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.20 0.00 Realis Irrealis Imperative 0.00 1;8 1;9 1;10 1;11 2;1 2;2 2;3 2;4 2;5 LEO, como já identificado anteriormente, não utiliza imperativos com verbos simples. Ao analisar os verbos com concordância, fica claro que ambas as crianças usam formas imperativas e não imperativas para marcar irrealis. Então, não podemos afirmar que o imperativo ‘análogo’ é a forma exclusiva de realizar o mood irrealis nas produções de SAL e LEO. As formas irrealis não imperativas geralmente servem para descrever eventos futuros ou possibilidades, frequentemente com a marcação do verbo PODER ou NÃO-PODER. Veja alguns exemplos em (10). (10) a. Sal 1;09 RING-LOC(here) TABLE; IX(FAT) COMELOC(here) HERE. ‘(He will) bring the table here; he (will) come here.’ Ele trará a mesa aqui; ele virá aqui. b. Sal 2;02 WRITE-LOC(easel) CAN. ‘(You) can write on the easel.’ Você pode escrever no quadro. SAL também fez uso de um emblema g(wait-aminute) para acompanhar as formas não imperativas de irrealis usadas por ela. Alguns exemplos são dados em (11). Este emblema é uma forma gestual convencionalizada usada culturalmente por ouvintes 1;8 1;9 1;10 1;11 2;1 2;2 2;3 2;4 2;5 americanos, por isso chamamos de emblema ao invés de sinal. (11) a. Sal 1;09 COME-LOC(here) g(wait-a-minute). ‘(He will) come here in a minute.’ Ele virá aqui em um minute. b. Sal 2;02 IX(self) HAT BRING-LOC(here) g(wait-aminute) ‘I will bring the hat here in a minute.’ Eu trarei o chapéu aqui em um minuto. Não somente as formas não imperativas de irrealis produzidas por SAL são acompanhadas pelo emblema g(wait-a-minute), mas muitas outras formas. Talvez ela esteja usando este emblema como uma forma de marcação de irrealis. Morford e Goldin-Meadow (1997) verificaram em crianças utilizando sinais caseiros este mesmo gesto convencional (glosado por elas como WAIT) com os mesmos sentidos. As autoras pontuaram que “In addition to using the gesture for this conventional meaning, the deaf children also used the gesture to identify their intentions, that is, to signal the immediate future” (Morford & Goldin-Meadow 1997, p. 429)4. 4 “Além de usar o gesto com o seu sentido convencional, as crianças surdas também o utilizaram para identificar suas intenções, ou seja, para indicar o futuro imediato”. 34 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s Morford e Goldin-Meadow verificaram que os pais não sinalizantes das crianças usaram o mesmo gesto no sentido convencional, que foi caracterizado como ‘pedido’ de tempo ou de ‘espera’. mas elas observaram também que os pais não usaram o gesto para identificar o futuro imediato, como as crianças fizeram. A mãe da SAL utiliza o gesto g(wait-a-minute), mas não conseguimos analisar o seu uso. Não fica claro se o uso deste gesto na ASL já está gramaticalizado, mas nos dados da criança essa possibilidade pode ser considerada. O que acontece com os verbos simples? Fica evidenciado que as crianças não utilizam formas não imperativas irrealis com verbos simples (embora SAL produza algumas formas imperativas com os verbos simples). Estas formas parecem ser infinitivas – não marcada temporalmente – de acordo com a Hipótese da Oposição Semântica. Na verdade, é difícil afirmar se essas formas dos verbos simples são ‘infinitivas’, uma vez que os verbos simples não necessariamente apresentam marca de tempo. Muitos, apesar de não serem todos, verbos simples da produção de SAL estava acompanhado de g(wait-a-minute); por outro lado, nós não podemos afirmar se as crianças usam formas não marcadas de tempo para expressar irrealis com verbos simples. 5. Estrutura Salustri e Hyams levantam uma questão quanto a razão de em algumas línguas os infinitivos serem usados para expressar irrealis, enquanto em outras as formas imperativas (ou outras) serem utilizadas. As autoras propõem que a derivação das formas infinitivas é mais econômica do que a derivação de imperativos, porque o imperativo envolve movimento do verbo para projeções mais altas de Mood e Force. Portanto, o infinitivo sempre será a forma usada a não ser que seja bloqueado por alguma razão. Em italiano, elas propõem que o infinitivo tem que checar traços abstratos de Agr. Uma vez que o verbo se move para Agr, T é necessariamente checado e o infinitivo não será usado para expressar mood irrealis. Neste caso, portanto, o imperativo é usado e não a forma infinitiva. Como isso pode ser aplicado na derivação da diferença entre os verbos simples e com concordância quanto ao uso de imperativos na ASL e na LSB? Quadros (1999) propôs que os verbos simples e com concordância projetam estruturas diferenciadas na LSB (Quadros, Lillo-Martin & Chen Pichler, 2004 estendem esta proposta para a ASL). Quadros apresenta evidências de que a projeção de Agr é necessária para os verbos com concordância, mas não para as sentenças com verbos simples. Nessa análise, os verbos simples não requerem checagem de traços abstratos de concordância, mas sim há um afixo de Tempo que se combina com o verbo por meio da afixação (affix hopping). A estrutura em (12) é proposta para os verbos simples com irrealis. (12) Estrutura para verbos simples com irrealis MoodP M [+irrealis] VP Não há necessidade de usar uma estrutura mais complexa incluindo Força para expressar irrealis, uma vez que os verbos simples podem ser combinados com irrealis sem uma projeção mais alta. Por outro lado, os verbos com concordância requerem o movimento para as projeções de Agr. Na proposta de Quadros, Agr e T são projetados com verbos de concordância. A estrutura em (13) é necessária para os verbos com concordância com irrealis. Então, uma vez que há necessidade de projeções mais altas de qualquer forma, seguindo a proposta lógica de Salustri e Hyams, irrealis pode ser expresso usando uma forma imperativa. (13) Estrutura para verbos com concordância com irrrealis (imperativos) ForceP Force [+imp] AgrP Agr MoodP M [+irrealis] VP Imperativos Análogos a Raízes Infinitivas 6. Conclusão Nós verificamos que as crianças adquirindo ASL e LSB usam imperativos com muito mais freqüência com verbos com concordância do que com verbos simples. Isso é consistente com a Hipótese do Imperativo Análogo, se nós considerarmos os verbos com concordância como línguas do tipo do italiano e os verbos simples como línguas do tipo do alemão. No entanto, nós verificamos que as criançãs não tem problemas com o uso de formas imperativas irrealis (tanto com verbos simples como com verbos com concordância). Essas formas incluem expressão de futuro e mood e, talvez, algumas delas sejam associadas à irrealis com uma forma específica associada para significar isso: g(wait-a-minute). Os resultados de nosso estudo oferecem elementos para corroborar a proposta de Quadros (1999) de que os verbos simples e os verbos com concordância apresentam estruturas diferenciadas; em particular, de que os verbos simples não envolvem movimento para projeções de Agr, mas os verbos concordância sim. Então, este estudo é mais um exemplo de que é possível estabelecer uma relação entre as análises gramaticais e os estudos da aquisição da linguagem. Referências 1. Buesa Garcia, Carlos (2007). Root infinitives are compatible with nullsubject languages: evidence from Spanish. Presented at GALA, Barcelona. 2. Deen, Kamil Ud & Hyams, Nina (2006). 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Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. 15. Quadros, Ronice Müller de, Lillo-Martin, Diane, & Chen Pichler, Deborah (2004). Clause structure in ASL and LSB. 26th Annual Conference of the German Linguistics Association (DGfS); Mainz, Germany. 16. Quadros, Ronice Müller de & Lillo-Martin, Diane (2007). Gesture and the acquisition of verb agreement in sign languages. Proceedings of the 31st Annual BUCLD, 520-531. Cascadilla Press. 17. Quadros, R. M. de e Quer, J. (2009). A caracterização da concordância nas línguas de sinais. In Sintaxe na língua de sinais brasileira. Organização de Heloisa Salles. Editora Unb. (no prelo). 18. Salustri, Manola & Hyams, Nina (2003). Is there an analogue to the RI stage in the null subject languages? Proceedings of the 27th Annual BUCLD, 692–703. Cascadilla Press. 19. Salustri, Manola & Hyams, Nina (2006). Looking for the universal core of the RI stage. In Torrens, V. & Escobar, L. The Acquisition of Syntax in Romance Languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 20. Wexler, Ken (1998). Very early parameter setting and the unique checking constraint: A new explanation of the optional infinitive stage. Lingua, 106, 23–79. Sign production by first-time hearing signers: A closer look at handshape accuracy Produção de gestos por ouvintes gestuantes iniciados: um olhar atento para a orientação manual Deborah Chen Pichler* Gallaudet University Abstract Resumo This paper presents phonetic analysis of hand configurations elicited from hearing adults exposed for the first time to signs in American Sign Language. The accuracy of their production is analyzed in terms of various handshape sub-features, including degree of finger splay and opposition of the thumb. Two familiar factors from spoken second language acquisition, markedness and phonological transfer, are proposed as plausible factors affecting subjects’ handshape accuracy. Although these conclusions are preliminary, based only on a limited data sample, they indicate promising directions for further study of hearing adults learning a sign language as a second language. Research attention in this area stands to greatly deaf children and their parents, the vast majority of whom are hearing and need to become proficient in sign language as efficiently as possible. Este artigo apresenta a crítica das configurações manuais elicitadas de adultos ouvintes expostas pela primeira vez à Língua Gestual. O rigor de sua produção pode ser analizado em termos das subestruturas que suportam a orientação manual, incluindo a abertura dos dedos e a oposição do polegar. Dois factores familiares na aquisição de línguas orais, enquanto L2 – a marcaçãoe a transferência fonológica são factores plausíveis de afectação do rigor da orientação manual nos sujeitos. Apesar de estas conclusões serem preliminares e baseadas, apenas, em dados de amostragem, elas indicam difecções prometedoras para a estudo de adultos ouvintes que tentem a língua gestual como sua L2. A investigação nesta área é necessária tendo em conta a maioria de pais ouvintes com filhos surdos cuja necessidade de proficiência em Língua Gestudal é mandatória. Keywords: sign language; language development; deafness; linguistics Palavras Chave: Língua Gestual – Desenvoltura de Linguagem, Surdez, Linguística Introduction This paper discusses methodological issues related to research on the acquisition of natural sign language1. Although sign acquisition has received much research attention over the past half century, nearly all of that research has focused on very young deaf and hearing children or (less frequently) Natural sign languages such as American Sign Language (ASL) or Língua Gestual Portuguesa (LGP) have evolved over time within deaf communities and have rich lexical and grammatical structures independent from the spoken languages that surround them. They are not to be confused with artificial sign systems such as Signed Exact English (SEE) or Signed Portuguese. The latter systems were invented by educators for the purpose of teaching spoken language and are not naturally transmitted from deaf parent to deaf child in the way that natural sign languages are. * 1 deaf adults who were not permitted to learn sign language until puberty or beyond, leading to late acquisition of their first language. The study discussed in the current paper is unusual in that focuses on an entirely new case of language learning, that of hearing adults learning a natural sign language as a second language. This aspect of sign language acquisition has been severely understudied, despite its clear potential for improving deaf children’s chances for normal linguistic development. At first glance, it seems improbable that studies of hearing adults learning sign language as a second language should have any relevance for linguistic development of deaf children. Extensive research on the transmission of natural sign languages within deaf, signing families has demonstrated repeatedly that when deaf children are exposed to sufficiently rich input in a natural sign language, they acquire Cadernos de Saúde Vol. 2 Número especial de Línguas Gestuais – pp. 37-50 38 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s a first sign language in a manner that is comparable to first language acquisition of speech by hearing children. The question remains, however, as to how native-like sign language input must be in order to qualify as “sufficiently rich.” The vast majority of deaf children (about 95% in the US, according to Mitchell et al. 2006) are born to hearing parents who are unlikely to know a natural sign language such ASL or Lengua Gestual Portuguesa (LGP). Therein lies the value of research on sign acquisition as a second language. Although some of these parents commit to learning sign language, aware of the enormous benefits of sign language exposure to early linguistic development and later academic achievement (Mayberry and Eichen 1991; Wilbur 2005), they have limited pedagogical resources at their disposal, which hinders their progress. As first-time adult learners of a sign language, these parents have to cope not only with difficulties typical of second language acquisition in general (e.g. transfer or interference from the first language), but also difficulties specific to learning language in a new modality (manual/visual versus oral/aural). A better understanding of how second-language and second-modality (M2 for short) factors interact is key to maximizing the speed with which hearing parents can become proficient in natural language and provide their deaf children with the early input critical to their linguistic development. This paper discusses results of a small pilot project focused on one very narrow aspect of M2 acquisition of sign language, handshape accuracy. For readers unfamiliar with sign linguistics, a Background section is provided, providing basic information about sign phonological structure and summarizing previous work on phonological acquisition in sign language first and second language acquisition. This paper also addresses a fundamental methodological issue raised by these previous studies: the importance of a consistent phonetic notation system for sign languages. Background Signs can be described in terms of four basic phonetic parameters: hand configuration (sometimes referred to as handshape2), location, movement, 2 Although handshape and hand configuration have often been used interchangeably, I follow Johnson (2008) and his colleagues in distinguishing between the two terms. I will use hand configuration to refer to actual instances of production by a given individual, while handshape will refer Image 1 – ASL sign for MOTHER and palm orientation. For example, the ASL sign for MOTHER in Image 1 consists of repeated contact (movement) at the chin (location) of the 5 handshape3 oriented with the palm facing the contralateral side of the signer’s body. While small variations in parameter values are common across different signers, forms that deviate too far from the standard in one or more parameters are judged by native signers to be ill-formed and may not be understood. For instance, shifting the location of the ASL sign MOTHER up a few centimetres to the upper lip renders the sign meaningless. Accurate production of the phonetic parameters of signs is thus an important goal for new learners of sign language. Markedness and transfer For new signers, much like for new learners of spoken languages, a variety of factors may prevent accurate phonetic production. One is L1 (first language) transfer, or the tendency of substituting a phonetic form in the learner’s existing L1 phonetic inventory for a phonetic form from the new language, due to the mistaken perception that the two are interchangeable. Another factor affecting accurate phonetic production for second language learners is markedness, or variability in the relative ease with which certain phonetic units are recognized and reproduced. Unmarked forms generally occur more frequently, are more easily perceived and are easier to articulate than marked forms. The concepts of markedness and transfer are familiar from studies of second language acquisition of spoken languages (Jakobson 1968), but they are also 3 to the abstract label (based on the ASL manual alphabet and number system) traditionally used to group similar-looking hand configurations into convenient categories. Thus an individual asked to reproduce a list of signs targeting the Y handshape may produce multiple distinct hand configurations. For a list of common ASL handshapes, the reader is directed to Image 2, appearing later in this paper. Sign production by first-time hearing signers: A closer look at handshape accuracy applicable to L1 and M2 acquisition of sign languages. Boyes Braem (1973, 1990) made the earliest proposal for an anatomically-informed hierarchy of handshape markedness for ASL. She observed that the fingers of the hand are successively bound by ligaments into several autonomous and semi-autonomous bundles, such that certain combinations of fingers are more difficult to manipulate than others. The thumb and index are the most independent of digits, and as such are easy to manipulate individually. In contrast, the ring, middle and pinky fingers are bound together by a ligament, making them difficult to manipulate independently. From these anatomical observations, Boyes Braem predicted that handshapes involving independent manipulation of the thumb or index (eg. the 1 handshape) are less marked than handshapes requiring individual manipulation of the remaining fingers (eg. the 3 handshape). In addition to purely anatomical factors for markedness, Boyes Braem proposed secondary factors that potentially increase articulatory complexity, such as crossing or insertion of fingers (for handshapes R or T and N, respectively), or opposition of the thumb (eg. in handshapes S and 1). Taken together, these factors predict a hierarchy of handshape complexity that Boyes Braem divided into 4 stages (plus A as the maximally unmarked handshape), listed below. Image 2 – Boyes Braem (1973/1990) hierarchy of handshape markedness ASL handshape font courtesy of The predictions of the Boyes Braem hierarchy have been tested on naturalistic output by young children acquiring ASL as their L1 and have generally been found to be consistent with patterns of handshape acquisition and substitution: unmarked handshapes are not only produced earlier than marked handshapes, they are also commonly substituted for the latter (Boyes Braem 1990 and McIntire 1977). Given these effects in L1 signing, it is reasonable to suppose 39 that markedness may exert similar effects on M2 signing. Two recent studies of M2 sign phonology, Rosen (2004) and Chen Pichler (to appear), differed in their portrayal of markedness as a factor in M2 handshape accuracy. Rosen (2004) maintained that adult learners have fully developed motor skills and are less unlikely to struggle with the anatomical demands of marked handshapes as young children do. However, Chen Pichler (to appear) argued that a fully developed motor system does not guarantee flawless motor skills in new physical domains (also noted by Mirus et al. 2001). Thus adult M2 learners may be susceptible to markedness effects, particularly in the beginning of their sign language development. Unlike markedness, which is often assumed to apply universally, regardless of the learner’s L1 and L2, phonological transfer is a language-specific phenomenon. Transfer is said to be positive when a learner correctly perceives a target form as being identical to a form in his or her L1. The learner can then transfer that form into the L2 without having to learn it. On the other hand, transfer is said to be negative when the learner fails to perceive a difference between the target form in the L2 and a similar (but not identical) form in the L1. In this case, the learner fails to establish a new phonetic category for the new form, instead assimilating it to an existing form in the L1. Thus persistent foreign accent, perhaps contrary to intuition, stems more from mispronunciation of target forms that are highly similar to familiar forms in L1, than from forms that are completely foreign to the learner (Best 1995; Flege 1995). Once a phonetic form is recognized by the learner as new, its acquisition is predicted to take place according to the normal developmental path, subject to universal developmental factors such as markedness (Major 2001). Chen Pichler (to appear) argued, contra Rosen (2004), that transfer also exerts an effect on M2 sign acquisition, despite disparate modalities of the L1 and L2. This is because the source for phonological transfer in these cases lies not in the spoken L1, but in the system of conventionalized gestures (e.g. emblems) commonly used in hearing communities. Image 3 shows two conventionalized gestures that are widely used and understood across the American hearing community. Although they do not qualify as formal phonetic analyses of the handshapes employed by conventionalized gestures, popular “guides to American gesture” such as Axtell (1997) and Armstrong and Wagner (2003) employ a set of plain-English han- 40 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s Image 3 – American conventionalized gestures “call me” (on the left) and “wait a minute” (on the right) dshape labels in their descriptions, such as fist or point or V-shape. This practice suggests that such handshapes are reasonably similar and identifiable across users. Many of these handshapes look identical or similar to those found in ASL, raising the possibility that new ASL learners might transfer them to their M2 signing4. For instance, returning to Image 3 presented earlier, the “call me” gesture utilizes a hand configuration that is potentially conflatable with the ASL Y handshape. Although Y is categorized as marked under the Boyes Braem hierarchy, new signers confronted with this handshape in ASL signs may nonetheless reproduce it accurately, due to the fact that they have experience using it in the conventional gesture “call me.” In this way, proposes Chen Pichler (to appear), markedness and transfer may exert opposing effects on the second language development of handshape. Importance of a phonetic notation system for sign Although studies of handshape development are relatively common in the sign language literature, particularly with respect to first language development, comparability between these studies is hindered by the lack of a standardized way to notate details of sign form. Unlike spoken languages, for which linguists can represent phonetic forms with considerable detail using the Intenational Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), there is currently no widely available notational system to represent the phonetic distinctions of signed forms. Most studies (including Chen Pichler, to appear) use the traditional labels introduced by Stokoe et al. (1965) in the first ASL 4 This possibility is based on the assumption that nonsigners recognize handshape as a discrete subunit of gestures at some level. dictionary to refer to whole handshapes. These labels are based on the manual alphabet and number system in ASL (e.g. Y, F, 1, 3), with additional labels for configurations that do not correspond to any letter or number (e.g. open-8 or b(aby)-O). While referring to “the Y handshape” or “the 1 handshape” is convenient for informal discussion, such global designations are grossly inadequate as a substitute for a phonetic notation system. Small but potentially contrastive differences go unrepresented and potentially distinct hand configurations are lumped together in a single category. For instance, although the two forms in Image 4 differ noticeably in the degree of abduction of the thumb and pinky, both are designated as the Y handshape. Image 4 – Two variations of the Y handshape ca l l m e WRONG We still know little about the distribution of these two configurations in ASL or other sign languages, or the extent to which they are interchangeable. Yet we cannot begin to address such questions using notational systems that conflate the two forms. Sign notation systems that represent signs by specifying the values for each of their four parameters rather than a global designation are a marked improvements over the traditional handshape labeling system, and have been available since Stokoe et al. (1965). Notation systems proposed by (Prillwitz et al. 1989) and Liddell and Johnson (1989) can capture a far greater level of phonetic detail than previous systems and have been adopted by more recent studies of sign phonological acquisition (eg. Takkinen 2002). The latest and most comprehensive notation system to be proposed, Johnson (2008), allows sign forms to be represented in overwhelming detail. While such a system may strike one as overly exhaustive in its descriptive power, it is precisely this feature that permits researchers the means to finally determine what level of phonetic detail is contrastive in natural sign languages and important for language acquisition. Sign production by first-time hearing signers: A closer look at handshape accuracy Material and Methods Goals of the study There are two goals of the current study. The main goal is to look for effects of handshape markedness and handshape transfer in the phonological production of first-time M2 signers. This goal is expressed by two null hypotheses: (a) subjects production of unmarked handshapes will be more accurate than their production of marked handshapes, and (b) subjects will substitute (transfer) a handshape from conventional gesture for a target sign handshape whenever the subject’s gestural rendition of that handshape is identical to the target sign handshape. In cases where the subject’s gestural rendition of the handshape is in fact not similar but not identical to the target sign handshape, such transfer will result in an error (negative transfer). The second goal of the current study is to compare the patterns that emerge from a traditional wholehandshape label system compared to highly detailed phonetic notation system. The majority of the data, previously reported in Chen Pichler (to appear), were coded using the traditional global-labeling system plus minor modifications to specify features such as thumb opposition and finger abduction. The current report includes a comparison of the previously reported analysis with a new analysis based on partial recoding of the data using the Johnson (2008) notation system, probing the extent to which coding practices influence the generalizations that emerge in data analysis. Subjects and stimuli Subjects for this pilot project were four hearing, nonsigning adults (two male and two female) with no previous experience learning a sign language. These adults were not technically ASL learners, since they were not enrolled in an ASL class. Age of exposure to a second language, the environment in which it is learned, the type and amount of exposure the learner receives, the attitude and motivation he/ she brings to the task, etc. all affect development. The net result of these factors is that even within the same classroom, individual students can progress at vastly different rates. By testing subjects with no previous experience with sign languages, this study aimed to mimic the very initial stage of acquisition, before learner variability becomes too pronounced. Also, since this experiment constituted subjects’ first and only input to ASL, this allowed a higher 41 degree of control over subjects’ exposure to the target language than would have been possible if they had been enrolled in an ASL class. Stimuli included five common American gestures and 16 signs from ASL, representing the handshapes S, 1, B-dot, Y, W, and open-8 (the full list of stimuli is given in Appendix A at the end of this report). According to the Boyes Braem hierarchy, both marked handshapes (2/5 gestures and 7/16 signs) and unmarked handshapes (3/5 gestures and 9/16 signs) were represented. Among the stimuli were also signs with handshapes potentially identical or very similar to handshapes used in conventional gesture (14/16 signs), and signs with handshapes distinct from any used in gestures (2/16 signs). To minimize confounding effects of phonological complexity in the other parameters, only signs with relatively unmarked location (either chest, chin or neutral space) and movement (mostly simple contact movements or a shake/trill) were selected, and no more than a single handshape throughout the sign was allowed (i.e. signs with sequences of multiple handshapes were excluded). The resulting 16 ASL signs and 5 conventionalized gestures were presented in random order, in two trials. The signs were modeled by a native signer from a deaf, signing family, filmed from two angles to give as clear a view of each sign as possible. Subjects saw each stimulus three times: first from head-on, then from the side, and finally from head-on again, before being given three seconds to copy the stimulus. Subjects were instructed to try to reproduce each item as faithfully as they could, focusing on the hands. All subject production was videotaped and coded for handshape accuracy. A reproduced sign hand configuration was coded as accurate if it was the same as that used by the model in terms of handshape category (identified by the traditional global labeling system) and any of the following features that were applicable: thumb opposition (fully opposed, partially opposed or unopposed) position of unselected fingers (open or closed), degree of splay (adduction or abduction) of extended fingers (hyper splayed, fully splayed, splayed or unsplayed), and relative position of thumb and pinky when in contact (pinky pinned under thumb, pinky and thumb tips pressed against each other, thumb resting against side of pinky). These criteria were also used for coding subjects’ gestures, although these were not categorized as accurate or inaccurate, on the assumption that subjects would likely produce their 42 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s customary forms for familiar gestures rather than faithfully imitating the model. The production of subject 4 was subsequently recoded in more detail, using notation from the Johnson (2008) system to specify multiple features concerning extension/flexion of the thumb and each finger, adduction/abduction of the four fingers, thumb opposition and abduction, and thumb-finger contact. Appendix B at the end of this report lists the possible values for each feature and their notational symbols as proposed by Johnson (2008). Results Image 5 below presents a visual summary of subject’s percent accuracy in reproducing the six target handshapes under discussion in this chapter. For this initial analysis, a token could only be counted as accurate or inaccurate; tokens in which some aspect of the produced hand configuration matched the target, but others did not, were classified as inaccurate. In other words, hand configurations were evaluated as whole units, following typical practice in previous studies of handshape acquisition. The handshapes in Image 5 are grouped visually by shading pattern: unmarked handshapes (S, 1, B-dot) are represented in solid shading, while marked handshapes (Y, W, open-8) appear in patterned shading (checkered or striped). An absent bar represents a 0% accuracy rate for that particular handshape. Evaluating accuracy on the level of whole hand configurations, subject 4 scored very high for target Image 5 – Table 2: Handshape accuracy in elicited signs handshapes Y and W; her production matched that of the target 100% of the time (8/8 and 4/4, respectively) for finger/thumb splay and thumb opposition. In contrast, subject 4 scored quite low for target handshapes S (1/8), 1 (2/6), B-dot (2/10) and open-8 (1/4). Subject 9 performed at high accuracy for target handshapes 1 (100% or 6/6) and B-dot (90% or 9/10). He was moderately accurate for target handshapes S (63% or 5/8), Y (63% or 5/8) and open-8 (50% or 2/4). All of his production of target W was coded as inaccurate (0% or 0/4) because his pinky was consistently pinned beneath his thumb, a configuration that contrasted with the target forms. Subject 10 was highly accurate in his production of the target S handshape (100% or 8/8) and moderately accurate in his production of target 1 (67% or 4/6) and B-dot (60% or 6/10). He was less accurate for target handshape Y (25% or 2/8), due to the fact that his pinky and thumb were splayed further apart than the model for these signs. His production for both the open-8 handshape and the W handshape were all coded as inaccurate (0% or 0/4 in each case). Like subject 9, his main error in production of target W involved the relative placement of the thumb and pinky. Finally, subject 12 was moderately accurate in her production of five out of the six target handshapes: S (50% or 4/8), 1 (83% or 5/6), B-dot (70% or 7/10), Y (75% or 6/8) and open-8 (50% or 2/4). The only handshape she did not produce accurately was target W (0% or 0/4), for largely the same reason Sign production by first-time hearing signers: A closer look at handshape accuracy 43 Image 6 – Errors with target open-8 handshape: FEEL Target Subject 4 Subject 10 Subject 12 Errors with target W handshape: SIX-YEARS-OLD Target Subject 9 as subjects 9 and 10 (inaccurate relative placement of the thumb and pinky, or contact between the thumb and ring finger). Discussion Handshape accuracy for elicited signs: Effects of markedness The prediction for this study with respect to markedness was that all else being equal, subjects would reproduce unmarked handshapes more accurately than marked handshapes. Applied at the level of overall performance for each subject, this prediction appears to be true only for subject 9, whose production was overall more accurate for unmarked handshapes than for marked handshapes. This was not the case for any of the other subjects, least of all for subject 4, whose performance was overall more accurate for marked than unmarked handshapes. However, examination of the data with respect to specific handshapes rather than pooling overall performance reveals plentiful evidence that markedness should still be considered as an influential factor affecting M2 handshape accuracy. For instance, all subjects but subject 4 were able to reproduce unmarked 1 and B-dot handshapes 60% or more of the time. Conversely, highly marked handshapes W and open-8 posed serious problems for all subjects. With the exception of subject 4, none of the subjects Subject 10 Subject 12 correctly reproduced the W handshape in any of the sign stimuli (0/4 items). As for open-8, subjects 9 and 12 reproduced the handshape accurately in half of the sign stimuli (2/4 items), subject 4 in a quarter of the stimuli (1/4 items) and subject 10 in none of the stimuli (0/4 items). The examples below illustrate the errors with target handshapes open-8 and W, respectively. For each example, the target stimulus viewed by the subjects appears furthest to the left. The open-8 handshape is predicted to be very marked by the Boyes Braem hierarchy and to my knowledge does not occur in any conventionalized American gesture. It is thus unfamiliar to the subjects and predicted to be acquired according to normal developmental patterns, i.e. subject to universal factors such as markedness. Errors with this handshape generally involved placement of the nonselected fingers (thumb, index, ring finger and pinky). Errors with the W handshape, in contrast, were due to relative placement of the pinky and thumb. For instance, subjects 9, 10 and 12 produced instances of this handshape with the nail of the pinky pinned under the thumb, rather than touching padto-pad with the thumb. Although this appears to be a handshape variant permitted in ASL, it was coded as an error, since it did not match the handshape in the stimulus that these subjects received. In the case of subject 10, errors with target W may also be explained by transfer, to be discussed in the next subsection. 44 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s Subjects also made many substitutions of a less marked handshape for one that is more marked. For instance, subjects 4 and 9 substituted the A handshape for target S in the sign SENATE. S is considered by Boyes Braem (1973/1990) to be more marked than A because it requires opposition of the thumb, a secondary feature she claims increases handshape complexity. Since these substitutions are made in the direction of less marked forms, such errors are still compatible with the prediction that markedness exerts a negative influence on accuracy. In the case of subject 4, her particular pattern of substitution could alternatively be analyzed as the result of transfer, as I will detail in the next subsection. Finally, subject 4 was highly successful with marked handshapes W and Y, reproducing them accurately in 100% of the sign stimuli. This result is unexpected, from the viewpoint of the Boyes Braem (1973/1990) hierarchy. One feature that the W and Y handshapes have in common, in contrast to the open-8 handshape, which subject 4 reproduced poorly, is that the index, middle and ring fingers shared the same configuration (i.e. all open or all closed). These three fingers are not bound together in the same way that, for instance, the middle, ring and pinky fingers are. Thus a strictly anatomical/production explanation fails to account for this particular accuracy pattern. Instead, the movement of the inside three fingers as a single block, in opposition to the pinky and thumb, may have improved the perceptual saliency of W and Y for subject 4, leading to successful reproduction. Handshape accuracy for elicited signs: Effects of transfer The second prediction for this pilot study was that subjects would accurately reproduce handshapes that are identical to a handshape they use for a conventional gesture (positive transfer), but commit transfer errors for target handshape that are very similar but not identical to a handshape they use for conventional gesture (negative transfer). In the original Chen Pichler (to appear) analysis, two handshapes were categorized as “very similar but not identical” if they differed only in one of the features used to determine accuracy of handshape reproduction. Of the handshapes analyzed here, only open-8 has no similar gestural counterpart. The other five handshapes are all similar or identical to handshapes found among common American Image 7 – Subject 4 errors in S handshape Target WORK Target SENATE Target SYMBOL Subject 4 WORK Subject 4 SENATE Subject 4 SYMBOL gestures (see Appendix B) and are thus potential sources for transfer. Transfer can be posited in cases where subjects produced a nontarget sign handshape that matched a handshape they also used in gesture. Our data include several such cases of such negative transfer, almost all involving unmarked handshapes S and 1. Subject 4 substituted a fist with unopposed or partially opposed thumbs for the target S handshape (fully opposed thumb) in several signs (WORK, SENATE, SYMBOL), as illustrated in the examples below. As mentioned in the previous sub-section, markedness might be a factor in this substitution pattern, since the S handshape is considered to be slightly more marked than the A handshape. However, markedness alone does not provide a satisfying explanation for these errors. Both A and S handshapes lie at the unmarked extreme of the markedness hierarchy, which should render both of them relatively easy to execute, especially for adults Sign production by first-time hearing signers: A closer look at handshape accuracy Image 8 – Subject 4’s production of the S handshape in gesture Target gesture Yes! Subject 4 gesture Yes! (trial 1) accurate reproduction (at least with respect to thumb position), as seen in the sign ATHLETE below. For signs targeting the S handshape, transfer results in an error, despite the highly unmarked status of the S handshape. A negative transfer account is also plausible for errors in subject 4’s production of the target handshape 1.The sign stimulus WHERE requires full thumb opposition, but was reproduced by subject 4 in both trials with an unopposed thumb. Subsequent analysis reveals that this subject’s gesture for wait a minute was also produced with the unopposed thumb version of the 1 handshape (as illustrated below). The same variant of the 1 handshape occurred in subject 4’s production of the sign DIFFERENT, but only on the dominant hand. Image 10 – Subject 4’s production of target handshape 1 Subject 4 gesture Yes! (trial 2) with fully developed motor abilities. More likely, some other factor has led subject 4 to perceive the S handshape incorrectly as the A handshape in these stimuli. Close examination of subject 4’s production of the gesture Yes! (two fists raised in the air in victory) provides a possible explanation for her handshape errors described above. While the model produced this gesture with two S handshapes, subject 4 reproduced it with unopposed or partially opposed thumbs, as illustrated below. This makes a compelling case for negative transfer, since the same nontarget handshape occurs across both gesture and sign stimuli targeting the S handshape. I propose that subject 4’s handshape inventory includes a handshape that we can call the fist handshape. When she sees signs or gestures with the A and S handshapes, she perceptually assimilates them (Best 1995) to the fist category she already possesses. This leads her to reproduce signs targeting the A and S handshapes with her particular version of the fist handshape, which involves an unopposed or partially opposed thumb. For signs targeting the A handshape, this transfer results in Image 9 – Subject 4’s production of the A handshape Target ATHLETE 45 Subject 4 ATHLETE Target WHERE Target Wait a minute Subject 4 WHERE (trial 1) Subsject 4 WHERE (trial 2) Subject 4 Wait a minute In the initial analysis of the data, almost all instances of negative transfer occurred with unmarked handshapes. The only exception was the case of W, already mentioned in the previous subsection. This highly marked handshape (or something like it) exists in conventional American gesture, namely in the gesture for three (not to be confused with the ASL sign THREE). In the stimuli, our signing model demonstrated this gesture with the tip of her pinky finger pinned under the pad of her thumb. In contrast, for both sign stimuli using the W handshape, our signing model did not use her thumb to pin down her pinky finger, but either placed it beside the thumb (WATER) or pressed its pad against the pad of the thumb (SIX-YEARS-OLD). Subject 46 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s Image 11 – Sign model and subject 10 handshapes for three, WATER, SIX-YEARS-OLD Image 12 – Subject 10 handshape for call me and WRONG Target call me Target three Target WRONG Subject 10 three Subject 10 call me Target WATER Subject 10 WATER Target SIX-YRS-OLD Subject 10 SIX-YRS-OLD 10 pinned his pinky finger under the thumb for both instances of the gesture three as well as for all four sign tokens calling for the W handshape. This pattern suggests that subject 10 may have perceptually assimilated the model’s W handshapes to an existing handshape category in which the tip of the pinky is pinned under the thumb, resulting in negative transfer in his sign production. Comparison of subject 10’s handshapes with those of the sign model are shown below. Finally, negative transfer from gesture did not occur in all cases where it was predicted to occur. For instance, the target Y handshape in the sign stimulus WRONG differs from the handshape in the target gesture call me in the degree to which the thumb and pinky are splayed. The two handshapes are otherwise very similar, and one might have expected subjects to transfer their handshape from the gesture call me to signs requiring the Y handshape. However, this did not occur in the majority of cases. As mentioned earlier, all four subjects accurately reproduced the gesture call me, with the Subject 10 WRONG pinky and thumb splayed widely. They also (even subject 10) accurately reproduced the Y handshape of the target sign WRONG, in which the pinky and thumb were not widely splayed. In this case I agree with Rosen (2004) that marked handshapes do not necessarily pose the same production challenges for M2 learners as they do for L1 child learners whose motor skills are still developing. After all, even complete ASL novices, such as the subjects in this study, were able to accurately reproduce the ASL handshape in WRONG after seeing it for the first time. Nevertheless, comparison of these cases of non-transfer with the cases of transfer documented earlier for subject 4 suggests that markedness may actually exert a subtle influence in both cases. While subject 4 was able to perceptually extract unmarked handshapes 1 and S from sign stimuli and “recognize” them as being part of her existing gestural inventory, highly marked handshape Y apparently did not trigger this same kind of recognition for subjects, and thus was not subject to transfer. Alternatively, of course, subjects’ success in producing distinct Y configurations for their gestures and signs could indicate that they accurately distinguish the two in their perception. The data sample for this pilot study is too limited to rule out either interpretation. Results from recoding of Subject 4 data Subsequent to the initial data analysis reported above, the data from subject 4 was recoded using the recent sign phonetic notation system recently presented by Johnson (2008). This exercise was intended as a small test of the claim, often made by Johnson and others, that researchers can see very different patterns in the data depending on what kind of notational system they adopt for coding. The Sign production by first-time hearing signers: A closer look at handshape accuracy effects of recoding on the interpretation of the data from subject 4 can be represented by the specific examples summarized below. (1) Recoded data led to the same basic generalizations as the initial coding, but greatly increased the degree of certainty with which these generalizations could be made. The initial analysis of subject 4’s production of the 1 handshape identified an error pattern by which the thumb of her dominant hand was consistently in an unopposed position, leading to the proposal of transfer as a factor affecting her production accuracy. Recoding did not change this result, but it did significantly facilitate the coding process. According to Johnson (2008), the feature I initially coded as thumb opposition depends on the joint effects of palmar abduction (the degree to which the thumb is extended forward away from the palm) and radial abduction (the degree to which the thumb is extended laterally away from the index finger). Coding each of these sub-features in turn was significantly more straightforward than coding for thumb opposition, with the result that the second analysis proceeded more quickly and with far less tortuous equivocation than the initial analysis. (2) Recoded data revealed generalizations that were previously overlooked due to lack of detail. The initial coding focused on the degree to which the pinky and thumb were splayed (abduction), roughly determined by the angle between these digits and the nearest neighboring finger. Despite this relative straightforwardness of coding, it did not lead to a clear overall pattern of hand configuration accuracy. In particular, several of the configurations coded as having splayed pinky and thumb (like the target form) nevertheless still looked different from the target form. Recoding of these hand configurations revealed that this difference lay in the degree of flexion of the closed fingers: in the target forms of WRONG, SAME and MEASURE, the first set of knuckles (MCP) are only partially flexed, while they are fully flexed in the gesture call me. As a result, the full length of the metacarpal bone (c) is visible to the camera in WRONG, and fingers 2, 3 and 4 appear loosely closed in SAME and MEASURE. In both subject 4’s gesture and sign production, the MCP was fully flexed, altering the overall appearance of the hand configuration. Although this difference was immediately noticeable, the initial analysis could not capture it, since it did not consider finger flexion. 47 The reanalysis revealed that while the model used distinct configurations for gestures and signs, subject 4 used the same configuration for both, representing another potential example of negative transfer that was missed in the original analysis. (3) Recoded data led to a reinterpretation of the data that directly contradicted the interpretation under the initial coding method. Although there were no cases in which initial coding and recoding of the same feature resulted in clearly contradictory results, I did encounter a related situation in which the recoding process exposed a generalization presented in the initial analysis that was inconsistent with the stated coding criteria. According to the initial analysis, none of the subjects scored above 50% accuracy for the open-8 handshape, a pattern I attributed to the marked status of that handshape. Recoding did not change the overall accuracy scores for the subjects, but it revealed that subject error lay mainly in the degree of flexion of the non-selected digits (in this case, the thumb, index, ring finger and pinky). The initial coding, which did not include flexion, should have been limited to finger and thumb splay, features that alone do not account for the subjects’ low accuracy scores. Apparently, my summary of the initial analysis was influenced by subjective impressions about finger and thumb position that were not formally included in the coding process. Although the ultimate interpretation on subject accuracy for open-8 remained unchanged across both analyses, my error is a reminder that clear coding criteria, based on an objective notation system with sufficient phonetic detail, play an important role in constraining researchers’ perception of the data to only the features on which they claim to base their analysis. Conclusions Previous research on the production of ASL signs by new hearing adult learners of sign language (M2 learners) discounts markedness and transfer as potential factors affecting handshape accuracy (Rosen 2004). However, the limited pilot data presented here provide support for individual effects of markedness and transfer, both individually and interactionally, in M2 signing. These preliminary data also suggest that transfer (both positive and negative) is in some cases blocked for highly marked handshapes. In the terminology of speech perception models such that advanced by Best (1995), markedness appears to be 48 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s a factor that can prevent learners from perceptually assimilating certain handshapes to similar handshapes that they use in gesture and for which they already have an established handshape category. I propose that in such cases, subjects approach the target sign as an unfamiliar bundle of handshape, movement and location features that they must do their best to replicate in a short period of time. Their adult cognitive skills are sufficient to ensure accurate reproduction in some cases (e.g. the Y handshape in WRONG for subject 10) but not in others (eg. the W handshape in WATER for subject 4), where they make errors reminiscent of those observed in the L1 ASL of young signers. Of course, markedness and transfer alone cannot account for all the handshape errors that M2 signers produce. In some cases marked handshapes were reproduced with higher accuracy than expected, even when these handshapes were distinct from handshapes used in common American gestures, and therefore assumed to be novel for our subjects. In these cases, I agree with Rosen (2004) that the cognitive abilities of adult learners sometimes prevail over markedness, allowing for accurate reproduction of the target handshape where a child learner might typically fail. This serves as a reminder of the fundamental complexity of second language acquisition in general: each adult learner brings a unique combination of linguistic experience, aptitude and motivation to the task of a new language, such that no two learners will follow the same developmental path. When the new language also happens to be of a different modality than the learner’s native language, additional challenges may arise. The most effective approach to M2 sign phonology must recognize a variety of factors that influence accuracy, as well as the complex ways in which these factors may interact. Bibliografia 1. Armstrong, N. and M. Wagner (2003) Field guide to gestures: how to identify and interpret virtually every gesture known to man. Philadelphia: Quirk. 2. Axtell, R. (1997) Gestures: The Do’s and taboos of body language around the world. Wiley. 3. Best, C. (1995) A direct realist vew of cross-language speech perception. In W. Strange (ed.), Speech perception and linguistic experience: issues in cross-language research. Baltimore, MD: York Press. 171-204. 4. Boyes-Braem, P. (1973/1990) Acquisition of handshape in American Sign Language. In V. Volterra & C. Erting (Eds.), From gesture to sign language in hearing and deaf children, Springer-Verlag, 107–127. 5. Chen Pichler, D. (to appear) Sources of handshape error in first-time signers of ASL. In D. J. Napoli and G. Mathur (eds). Deaf around the world. 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Sign production by first-time hearing signers: A closer look at handshape accuracy 49 Appendix A: Stimuli list Note: For two-handed signs in which both hands form the same handshape, each hand was counted separately to arrive at the calculations of accuracy presented in Image 5. Highly unmarked handshapes S Gesture: Yes! Signs: WORK, SENATE, SYMBOL 1 Gesture: One/wait a minute Signs: DIFFERENT, WHERE Moderately unmarked handshapes B-dot Gesture: Stop! Signs: MINE, YOURS, SCHOOL, PLEASE Moderately marked handshapes Y Gesture: Call me Signs: SAME, MEASURE, WRONG W Gesture: Three Signs: WATER, 6-YEARS-OLD Highly marked handshapes open-8 Gesture: none Signs: MEDECINE, FEEL 50 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s Appendix B: Handshape notational symbols from Johnson (2008) Domain Sub-domain Thumb config Th-Fing contact Right (or Left) Hand Configuration Finger config Feature tier ext HC CM Opp. CM Abd. MCP Flex. DIP Flex. Thumb Surf.; Bone +/ – th/f contact F Surf.; Bone; Nos. 1 MCP Flex.; 1 PIP Flex. 1 DIP Flex. Abd./Cross 1-2 2 MCP Flex. 2 PIP Flex. 2 DIP Flex. Abd./Cross 2-3 3 MCP Flex. 3 PIP Flex. 3 DIP Flex. Abd./Cross 3-4 4 MCP Flex. 4 PIP Flex. 4 DIP Flex. Categories of Flexion/ Extension F: fully flexed f: partially flexed e: partially extended E: fully extended h: partially hyper-extended H: fully hyper-extended Categories of Abduction and Crossing 〈 widely abducted < neutral (slightly abducted) = adducted and adjacent x more-ulnar crossed over more-radial, normal position xp more-ulnar crossed over more-radial, more-ulnar on tip of more-radial xa more-ulnar crossed over more-radial, tip of more-ulnar on bone a of more-radial X hyper-crossed r more-radial crossed over more-ulnar, normal position rb more-radial crossed over more-ulnar, tip of more-radial of bone a of more-ulnar CM Rotation: O Opposed U Unopposed (Neutral) L Laterally aligned CM Abduction 〈 widely abducted < neutral (slightly abducted) = adducted and adjacent Possible Values +, O, U, L; 〈, <, = E,e,F,f E,e,F,f a,d,p,r,u; DI +,a,d,f,r,u; D,I,P,M; 1,2,3,4 E,e,F,f E,e,F,f E,e,F,f 〈, <, =, x, xp, xa, X r, rp, ra E,e,F,f E,e,F,f E,e,F,f 〈, <, =, x, xp, xa, X r, rp, ra E,e,F,f E,e,F,f E,e,F,f 〈, <, =, x, xp, xa, X r, rp, ra E,e,F,f E,e,F,f E,e,F,f Oral language and sign language: possible approaches for deaf people’s language development Lingua orale e lingua dei segni: approcci possibili per lo sviluppo del linguaggio nei sordi Carmela Bertone*1 and Francesca Volpato**1 1 Dipartimento di Scienze del Linguaggio Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia Abstract Abstract Deafness is a sensory impairment which strongly affects the normal acquisition and development of linguistic abilities. Deaf people are severely hindered in the development of oral speech because they do not have direct access to the linguistic input and many of them do not acquire much more than the rudiments of oral communication. While hearing children acquire easily and naturally a spoken language, deaf children might acquire in the same way a sign language, exploiting the visual modality. This study investigated the general linguistic competence in Italian of four different groups of deaf individuals (orally-trained children with cochlear implants, native signers, non-native signers and deaf foreigners adolescents and adults), by using a standardized picture matching task, in order to determine the level of their linguistic competence. Results revealed that most deaf individuals showed a performance comparable to that of very young hearing children. Cochlear implanted children performed significantly better than all the other groups, and the less accurate performance was that of foreigner deaf students, who often have not any kind of underlying language. Despite the better performance of cochlear implanted children, who generally do not use the sign language, the best solution to approach the oral language would appear to be the combination of oral training and sign language, in order to be able to communicate with both the deaf and the hearing communities. The school system in this sense should find some strategies in order to help deaf foreigners to get access to the grammar of the oral language. La sordità è una minorazione sensoriale che incide gravemente sulla normale acquisizione del linguaggio e sullo sviluppo delle abilità linguistiche. Le persone sorde, non avendo accesso diretto all’input linguistico, sono limitate nel loro sviluppo della lingua orale tanto che molti non acquisiscono che i rudimenti della comunicazione orale. Allo stesso modo dei bambini udenti, che acquisiscono spontaneamente e naturalmente la lingua parlata, i bambini sordi possono acquisire la lingua dei segni, che si serve del canale visivo. Questo studio esamina la competenza linguistica dell’italiano, in quattro differenti gruppi di individui sordi (bambini con impianto cocleare, segnanti nativi, segnanti non nativi e sordi stranieri adolescenti e adulti), studiata attraverso la somministrazione di uno specifico test standardizzato di misurazione della competenza linguistica, e che si avvale dell’associazione di immagini a frasi. I risultati provano che molti soggetti sordi mostrano una prestazione paragonabile a quella di bambini udenti molto più giovani. I bambini con impianto cocleare mostrano una prestazione considerevolmente migliore che negli altri gruppi, mentre la prestazione meno accurata è stata data dagli studenti sordi stranieri i quali spesso non possiedono nessuna lingua di base. Nonostante la prestazione migliore è risultata essere quella dei soggetti impiantati, che generalmente non usano la lingua dei segni, la migliore soluzione per un efficace approccio alla lingua orale, sembra essere la combinazione di apprendimento della lingua orale e uso della lingua dei segni, al fine di comunicare con la comunità sorda e la comunità udente. In tal senso il sistema scolastico dovrebbe trovare le strategie più adeguate per aiutare i sordi stranieri a sviluppare la grammatica della lingua orale del paese che li ospita. Key words: deafness, oral training, sign language, Italian, school teaching, language acquisition, language learning. * ** Cadernos de Saúde Vol. 2 Número especial de Línguas Gestuais – pp. 51-62 52 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s Introduction Children acquire language spontaneously and effortlessly. They do this in a surprising way and they are able to master completely the language to which they are exposed within a period of few years. Children have innate language-specific abilities that allow language acquisition to take place in the first years of life during which environmental exposure is fundamental to stimulate this innate ability [1], [2], [3]. It is therefore necessary for this innate component to be stimulated within a specific period, known as ‘critical period’, the end of which is identified with puberty, or otherwise it becomes more difficult to acquire a language naturally [2]. Some cases of late exposure to linguistic input have indeed confirmed the critical period hypothesis, as is the case of Genie [4], who lived confined in a small room for almost thirteen years. During her confinement she received no auditory stimulation and therefore she could not acquire her language as an infant. She began to learn her first language late, at adolescence and even if over a period of years she improved greatly, her mental grammar remained quite undeveloped. Also deafness inevitably affects the normal development of speech and language acquisition, since it drastically reduces both the quantity and quality of linguistic input available and accessible to the deaf person. Thus, this has severe consequences on cognitive and linguistic development [5], which in most cases persist even after a long rehabilitation process. Various studies investigating linguistic competence of deaf people found that, although these individuals might easily learn the lexicon of a language, they mainly experience difficulties with most morphosyntactic properties of the Italian language ([6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14]). The most frequent errors in written and spoken language, as well as in comprehension and production tasks are omission or substitution of determiners, clitic pronouns, prepositions, incorrect use of number and gender agreement, incorrect use of verbal morphology, omission of copulas, omission and/or substitution of auxiliaries and modal verbs. Deaf learners show preference for shorter sentences and are less successful in structures that violate the noun-verb-noun constituency, like in relative clauses. Also passive constructions are seldom used by deaf people. Information and culture, which are transmitted very largely through language both in the spoken and written modality, are in most cases precluded to deaf people, since the difficulties they experience do not only depend on sensory deprivation but also on lack of linguistic competence. Deaf people might acquire and develop naturally a sign language in which meaning and linguistic information is not acoustically conveyed, but conveyed using signs which combine simultaneously hand shapes, orientations, positions and movements of hands, arms, body and facial expressions. These languages exploit the visual modality and for this reason they represent the most natural languages of deaf communities. Indeed, when deaf people interact with each other within their community, it is natural that they use the sign language as the primary means of communication [15]. As a consequence, the only possibility deaf children have of being exposed to a kind of language is the use of sign language. Sign languages are spoken by small groups of individuals. They have the same characteristics as oral languages, i.e. they have their own grammar and they vary cross-linguistically (for instance, we mention the American Sign Language (ASL), the British Sign Language (BSL), the Estonian Sign Language (ESL), the Indo Pakistani Sign Language (IPSL)). On the other hand, deaf individuals are surrounded by hearing people communicating via an oral language, which they have to learn and use in order to avoid isolation from the “world” around them. Hence, both the sign language and the oral language are essential for the deaf individual in order to have an effective communication system with both hearing and deaf populations. This study aims to explore the acquisition and development of the Italian language by four different groups of deaf individuals, in order to identify the main difficulties experienced by these populations in interpreting different types of sentences of the Italian language, by using a standardized comprehension test. We would like our results to help provide information to account for the difference, in performance, between the four groups in order to awaken, as many people as possible, to the problems raised by deafness in the teaching of oral languages. Deafness in Italy and across the world In Italy, approximately one out of 1000 people is born with a hearing loss [16]. Over 94% of deaf children have hearing parents and the remainder are children born to deaf parents [17]. Oral language and sign language Educationally, deaf people constitute a very heterogeneous group. Those who are born deaf or whose deafness occurs before the age of two or three may be described as ‘prelingually deaf’. Deafness occurring after that period is defined as ‘post-lingual’ deafness. Then, we distinguish those who know and use Italian Sign Language (henceforth LIS) and those who do not, those who are trained orally and those who have approached the language either through the bimodal method or through bilingual education (see the next section for a detailed description of these approaches). Deaf people born to deaf parents acquire sign language as their first language (native LIS signers), whereas oral language might constitute for them the second language and is usually learnt after a period of intensive training. They usually do not wear cochlear implants. Native LIS signers form part of the ‘Deaf Community’ and are mostly proud of their language and of their culture. For their children, they claim their right to have a “language of communication” as well as a “language of scholarly education”. Only 5-10% of deaf children can learn sign language naturally from their deaf parents. Generally most deaf children are born to hearing parents and are not exposed to sign language from birth. Hence, for them, it is difficult to determine their first language (either oral or signed), if they actually have any. Indeed, they could be considered as having no actual first language, or only a partial one, depending on the degree of hearing loss and, eventually, on the age of first exposure to sign language. There are deaf children that approach sign language after 3-6 years old (early signers). They learn it from other deaf children when they begin school, in a special school or residential schools where deaf students are introduced in classes with other deaf students, but also live in a boarding arrangement for a long period. There are also many deaf people that approach sign language after 12 years old (late signers). Deaf people who are not exposed to a sign language early or until adulthood, never do as well as those who learned it as children [18]. In 1990, Newport’s study on the acquisition of language and of American Sign Language (ASL) in adulthood, revealed that the ASL of people exposed after 12 years old has more flexible morphological rules if compared to the ASL of native or earlier speakers. In the same way, in Italy we can find people with different levels of linguistic competence of LIS depending on the age of introduction to this 53 language and on the LIS level of the people with whom the subject interacts. A phenomenon that is characterizing Western Europe is that the society is undergoing a radical change due to the emigration of poor populations to rich countries. Schools have to host an increasing number of foreign children, among whom a high number are disable individuals. The presence of deaf foreigners has consequently raised other problems on the correct way of providing them with linguistic competence and to get them integrated both in the hearing and in deaf communities. Unfortunately no data exist, to our knowledge, on the problems raised from this phenomenon and on the linguistic competence of deaf foreigners learning Italian. As a consequence of their different family background, from a linguistic, social, economical and cultural point of view, their linguistic competence, both in Italian and in the sign language, feels the effect of all these variable. Basically, the factors that influence deaf individuals’ language development are numerous and complex; among them is the age of the onset of deafness and its detection, the severity of hearing loss (mild, from 26 to 40 dB, moderate from 41 to 70 dB, severe from 71 to 90 dB and profound greater than 90 dB) the age of the first intervention, the parents’ linguistic background (whether they are native signers or not), the parents’ choice on the approach providing the child with the linguistic input, the degree to which parents simplify the input to the child and the quality of parent-child interaction. According to the educational philosophy of parents, a deaf child may receive language input consisting of oral speech, some form of manual coded language or sign language [19]. Nonetheless, the linguistic input that is given to deaf children is often poor [20]. In the case of deaf foreigner, to all these variables that deeply influence the language development of deaf individuals, the different socio-economic status and linguistic background compound their difficulties in the acquisition of any language. For this reason, in our study, we also want to investigate the linguistic competence in Italian of a group of deaf foreigners, who have been living here for some time, in order to determine whether their performance differs from that of deaf children born to Italian parents. Nevertheless, in our experiment we have observed that Italian linguistic competence, in Italian, of deaf foreigners, that have lived in Italy since they were 6, can be comparable to the Italian deaf children born to hearing parents. 54 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s Linguistic background and methods for developing language The level of linguistic competence a deaf child manages to reach in their own language is influenced by many variables, among which the type of input they receive and the way in which they have access to it play an important part, also strongly depending on the parents’ linguistic background. At present, various language learning methodologies are available to make language accessible to deaf people: 1. the oralist method 2. the use of Sign Language 3. the bimodal method 4. bilingual education 5. logogenia 1. Oralist method. This method employs exclusively written and spoken language without any use of signs. It aims at developing acoustic training, by means of cochlear implants or conventional hearing aids. Conventional hearing aids are external devices helping the deaf children to exploit their residual hearing, and mainly to develop lip-reading, which forms the basis of communication. The cochlear implant is instead a device that is surgically implanted in the inner ear (in the cochlea) and is activated by an external device, worn outside the ear. Conventional hearing aids and cochlear implants have different functions. While the former usually amplifies sounds, the latter stimulates the auditory nerve, thus allowing deaf individuals to receive sounds. It is worth pointing out that due to the high cost of cochlear implants, these devices are mainly used in rich countries. Parents who choose this kind of approach basically exclude the teaching of sign language because they believe that avoidance of sign language and oral speech presentation would result in improved spoken language acquisition. 2. Use of sign language. Sign language is a visualgestural language, which is considered a full-fledged natural language. Linguistic research has demonstrated that it has the same degree of expressiveness and grammatical complexity as any other language in the world [21] and the development of grammar rules in sign language follows the same processes as acquisition of an oral language by hearing children. As already explained in the previous paragraph, sign language represents the first language for deaf children, mainly for those born to deaf parents. Sign languages are the most natural languages of deaf communities and, if we consider that they are spoken by a small group of individuals, they are comparable to local languages. Those who use exclusively sign language tend to reject the oralist method of teaching language. Recently, the new professional figure of deaf educator, with specific competence in teaching sign language to the deaf children and their family, has been introduced. In some cases, however, many families are discouraged from learning the sign language. Indeed they want to remove the handicap eliminating all that can make it evident [31]. 3. Bimodal approach. It combines the oral and the visual-gestural modalities, but is fundamentally based on a unique language (in the case in point, Italian) [22] [23]. Thus, in interactions, words are accompanied by signs, maintaining the word order of the oral language and, for those functional elements that have not an equivalent sign (i.e. articles, prepositions, plurals, inflected morphemes), deaf people use some invented signs and the fingerspelling alphabet. Those who support this approach [22], [23], [24], [25] claim that the use of the visual-gestural modality may be useful to improve the acquisition of a spoken language [26] . 4. Bilingual Education. Bilingualism involves the knowledge and the regular use of two or more languages to the same level. In the case of deaf individuals, it consists in the simultaneous exposure to both oral and sign language. The main assumption of bilingualism is that there is the possibility of deaf children acquiring a sign language in the same way as hearing children acquire an oral one, therefore this will undoubtedly bring them some advantages in the developmental process and in the development of an oral language. Hence, deaf children will be able to meet their own needs, that is, to communicate early with the people surrounding them, developing cognitive abilities, acquiring knowledge of the world and getting acculturated into the world of the hearing and of the deaf.[27], [28], [29], [30], [16], [31], [32], [33], [34]. 5. Logogenia [9]. This method is strictly written and exploits the reading ability of the children, to teach them some properties of the language, making use of strategies like minimal pairs and commands. This method substitutes the sentences they cannot hear with written sentences for them to read. Since it exploits the reading ability, it can only be adopted at a later stage in language development, at a point when this ability is available in the deaf child. Oral language and sign language Independently from the intervention approach adopted, every deaf individual seems to be unique as far as their level of competence, both in oral and in sign language. Each of these interventions gives different results also depending on the person and the intuition of the speech therapist and/or educator. Deafness and school education The outcome of speech therapy varies crossindividually, also depending on the educational system adopted and on the way language is taught at school. Indeed a good teaching method might help the deaf person to develop good linguistic abilities. Deafness raises important problems as far as the learning of Italian and the educational system selected to help to teach oral language to deaf people. Deaf individuals may be introduced in normal schools, in which they attend classes with hearing peers, or in special schools, in which all students are deaf [16]. The main problem deriving from the introduction of deaf people into hearing classes concern the need for them to communicate and to get integrated with the other (hearing) students, as well as to learn the subjects taught at school. Unfortunately, in most cases the Italian school is not adequately equipped to meet deaf people’s requirements. Indeed educational tools and programs are mainly conceived for hearing students rather than for deaf ones, who are often treated as mentally retarded, risking isolation from the rest of the class. In special schools, the situation is far from being better. Although LIS is largely accepted in this type of school as means of communication, it is nonetheless not taught formally, i.e. most teachers do not use it during classes, because they are not native signers, nor have they attended courses in order to learn it. Teachers and school tutors are not adequately trained to teach to deaf people. They use total educational systems that rely on lip-reading and only sometimes they use some signs of LIS, action theatre, reading of textbooks with images, study of grammar to support the oral language. Moreover, educational programs do not differ from those in normal schools, since school subjects in both cases are taught orally, with strong consequences on the actual comprehension of the topics presented during classes. LIS is used by children and students to interact with their schoolmates and friends in informal situations. Sometimes, non-native LIS students use instead a sort of pidgin language. Pidginization is a process 55 occurring as consequence of “relative access to the target model, the lack of mutually intelligible language among interlocutors, an immediate need for communication, and interruption of access to one’s native language” [35], that is, a code using the most common LIS signs and many iconic signs, but without any specific rules. The advantage of attending a special school is that deaf students may easily communicate with their peers, but the disadvantage is that they may feel excluded from the hearing community and from its social rules. Sometimes, special schools attendance may take place very late, after the failure of methods devoted to oral training, again with heavy consequences on the development of linguistic abilities. Among the different methods to help deaf people approach oral language, the most accessible form providing deaf people with grammatical information to access the oral language, is represented by the written modality, however, written language has some limitations, since it is an artificial system, which excludes every kind of phonological information [12]. Some system are based on the study of grammar (e.g.[36]). These involve the mastery of specific metalinguistic abilities, namely a certain degree of knowledge of the grammar and of the rules governing it, and a maturity in the mother tongue in order to understand the description of language. In this case, the early use of a sign language would probably help the deaf person to reflect on the rules governing grammar, in order to apply them in the acquisition of the oral language. Grammar and linguistic information might be conveyed through intensive reading [37] [32].Nonetheless, reading a text also requires certain abilities, namely to be able to carry out semantic analysis of the natural language and to make semantic inference; to have syntax knowledge in order to be able to build the relationship between the sentence constituents; to identify time, places and participants involved in the action; to understand the figurative sense; to identify the most important elements and capture the core idea of the text (for more information in Italian see [38]). The mastery of these abilities requires a high degree of linguistic competence. For the teacher, it is very difficult to set and to control the ability in every child, and to thoroughly consider every component that plays a role in the reading. For deaf children, it is very frustrating to read a text and not to understand it or to misunderstand it. It is necessary to pay a lot of attention 56 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s to calibrating the difficulty of the text and how interesting the text is for the children. Many teachers also adopt grammar texts and teaching methods for foreign learners. Nonetheless, again a mother tongue is needed to transfer the knowledge from the first language to the second language. The problem arises mainly because often deaf people cannot transfer such information due to the lack of a first language. For this reason, a mere communication skill, like the use of a sort of pidgin language, is not sufficient to develop language and linguistic rules. Our aim is not to discuss here the functionality of these methods, which sometimes also produce excellent results, but we want to point out the necessity of being aware that all the above mentioned systems are thought in order to offer the language in an alternative way to the natural one. The artificiality of these systems has consequences on the level of linguistic competence achieved by the deaf individuals. Experimental study: methodology Table 1 – Participants in CI group ID AGE PARENTS USE OF LIS S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 10;8 7;11 9;0 9;6 9;6 8;10 9;5 9;9 9;3 8;1 HEARING HEARING HEARING HEARING HEARING HEARING HEARING HEARING HEARING HEARING NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO SPEECH THERAPY (in years) 9 7 8 9 9 8 8 9 8 7 In the NATIVE LIS group, all participants were profoundly deaf since birth, born to deaf parents. They were native speakers of the Italian Sign Language and were hosted in a residential school for deaf people, in Padua. Two of them habitually used conventional hearing aids. The most relevant data concerning this group are shown in the table (2): Table 2 – participants in the native LIS signers group Participants ID AGE Thirty-seven deaf individuals participated in this investigation. They were differentiated into groups of deaf children using a cochlear implant (CI, N=10; age range: 7;11-10;8; mean age: 9;2), a group of deaf adolescent native signers of the Italian Sign Language (NATIVE LIS, N=7, age range: 13;-17;6; mean age: 15;11) ([13] Grosselle, 2008), a group of non-native signers, earlier or late learners of the Italian Sign Language (NON-NATIVE LIS, N=10; age range 15;10-24;6; mean age: 18;10) and a group of foreign deaf individuals (FOREIGNER, N=10; age range 13;0-24;10, mean age: 17;0). In the CI group, all participants had profound hearing loss. They were deaf since birth and had hearing parents. They had been trained orally and they had never been exposed to the Italian Sign Language. They were fitted with hearing aids within the second year of life and/or they were fitted with cochlear implants within the third year of life. At the time of testing, they were receiving speech therapy two to three times per week and they were attending primary schools in hearing classes. None of the children had associated disabilities. The table (1) contains a summary of each child’s most relevant data. S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 15;9 16;1 16;11 15;5 16;5 17;6 13;7 LIS COMPETENCE NATIVE NATIVE NATIVE NATIVE NATIVE NATIVE NATIVE PARENTS DEAF DEAF DEAF DEAF DEAF DEAF DEAF In the NON-NATIVE LIS group, all participants were deaf since birth, born to hearing parents. They were exposed to the Italian Sign language very late and they managed to achieve relatively good competence in it. Some of them received speech therapy when they were younger. They wore hearing aids only at school during classes. The most relevant data concerning this group are shown in the table (3): The group of foreign deaf individuals was a heterogeneous group including people ranging in age between 13;0 and 24;10 years. They were deaf since birth, born to hearing parents. They mainly came from the Eastern Europe and belonged to families that were not able to provide for them. Most of them had been living in Italy for at least two years. They arrived here at different ages, some of them arrived Oral language and sign language 57 Table 3 – participants in the non-native LIS signers group ID AGE (Y;M) YEARS OF LIS USE LIS COMPETENCE S20 S21 S22 S23 S24 S25 S26 S27 S28 S29 15;10 16;2 17;5 18;3 19;0 19;5 19;6 20;6 24;6 18;2 10 7 14 7 12 5 10 16 18 13 VERY GOOD VERY GOOD VERY GOOD VERY GOOD VERY GOOD GOOD GOOD VERY GOOD GOOD VERY GOOD here when they were very young (about 5 years old) and others arrived when they were between the age of 10 and 20. Four of them attended school in hearing classes. With their hearing peers, they attended practical subjects (musical education, technical drawing, physical education and drawing), they then followed differentiated teaching during English, mathematical and sciences. Six students attended instead a special school for the deaf. They wore hearing aids only during classes. They showed difficulties in getting integrated into classes with hearing students because of the lack of communication skills both in Italian and in sign language. Moreover, because of their low communication skills, it was not possible to obtain some data concerning their hearing loss and their experience. The available relevant data concerning this group are shown in the table (4): Procedure All participants were tested individually in one or more sessions, in a quiet place. Deaf children using a SPEECH THERAPY (IN YEARS) 6 6 1 NO 10 10 14 NO 5 2 PARENTS HEARING HEARING HEARING HEARING HEARING HEARING HEARING HEARING HEARING HEARING cochlear implant were tested by the speech therapist and the second author during their individual speech therapy sessions, while the individuals included in all the other groups were tested by the first author at their school. For children with cochlear implant, the test was presented orally, while for the other deaf groups the written modality was preferred. Sentence stimuli were presented on separate strips of paper in order to avoid difficulties due to incorrect lip-reading. Each participant was presented with some pictures and after the stimulus was read, the participant had to point to the correct picture. For implanted children, the sentence was read by the experimenter, whereas for the other groups, the stimulus was read autonomously by the participant. Before beginning the experiment, the correct comprehension of lexical words was verified in order to make sure that participants were familiar with the names and verbs presented in the experimental trials. Table 4 – participants in the foreign deaf group ID AGE (Y;M) YEARS IN IT LIS COMPETENCE S30 S31 S32 S33 S34 S35 S36 S37 S38 S39 18;2 13;0 17;2 17;11 24;10 17;8 15;0 16;3 14;8 15;7 2 2 2 2 4 5 5 4 8 10 VERY GOOD VERY LITTLE LITTLE VERY LITTLE VERY GOOD LITTLE VERY GOOD LITTLE GOOD GOOD SPEECH THERAPY (IN YEARS) 3 2-3 1 UNKNOWN NO NO 2 NO 3 3 PARENTS HEARING HEARING HEARING HEARING HEARING HEARING HEARING HEARING HEARING HEARING 58 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s Materials and score attribution The test used to assess the linguistic abilities of these participants is a standardized test known as TCGB (Test di Comprensione Grammaticale per Bambini ‘Test of Grammatical Comprehension for Children’) [39]. The test TCGB is standardized on hearing people and it is used to assess the development of children’s comprehension abilities from 3;6 to 8 years. Unfortunately, at least in Italy, there are not linguistic tools elaborated for and standardized on deaf people. Nonetheless this tool is useful in order to provide a picture of language evolution in terms of linguistic age. Through response scores for each sentence typology, it is possible to identify the processes and the strategies underlying some aspects of the Italian grammar and to identify vulnerable linguistic areas. The test includes 76 sentences and, for each trial, four pictures were shown to participant.. After the stimulus is proposed, subjects were invited to point to the picture that correctly matches the sentence, out of the four possible choices. Eight different sentence typologies were investigated: items containing locative complements (e.g. La palla è tra il tavolo e la sedia ‘the ball is between the table and the chair’), items testing verbal and nominal inflectional morphology (e.g. camminano ‘(they) walk’, bambino ‘child.masc’), affirmative active sentences (e.g. la mamma lava ‘the mum washes’), negative active sentences (e.g. il bambino non dorme ‘the child does not sleep’), affirmative passive sentences (e.g. il cane è morso dal bambino ‘the dog is bitten by the child’), negative passive sentences (e.g. la mela non è presa dalla bambina ‘the apple is not taken by the child’), relative clauses (e.g. il babbo tiene il palloncino che il bambino rompe ‘the dad holds the balloon that the child breaks’), sentences containing dative complements (e.g. il babbo porta le sigarette al bambino ‘the dad brings the cigarettes to the child’) For each response, an error score is attributed. Scores were attributed in the following way. Each correct response was attributed 0 scores. If after the first administration, the participant failed to provide the correct response, the sentence was proposed again. When at the second administration, the participant pointed to the correct picture, a score of 0.5 was assigned. When they pointed again to the incorrect picture, a score of 1.5 was attributed. The final total score was obtained by summing all partial scores. For each of the sentence typologies investigated as well as for the overall performance, the TCGB manual provides normative data collected from typically-developing children. On the basis of these data, it was possible to attribute a linguistic age to the participants of this experiment. Results The total scores of each participant in each group are shown in the table (5), also including the mean score and the standard deviation for each group. The comparison of our results with normative data shows that in the CI group, in most cases, the performance is comparable to that of children from 5;6 to age peers. In the NATIVE LIS group, the overall performance was comparable to that of Table 5 – Total TCGB scores for each participant in each group CI GROUP ID TCGB S10 8,5 S11 6 S12 13,5 S13 4,5 S14 0,5 S15 8,5 S16 2 S17 0,5 S18 1,5 S19 3,5 M 4,9 SD 4,24 NATIVE LIS GROUP ID TCGB S1 15,5 S2 4 S3 15,5 S4 16 S5 6,5 S6 11,5 S7 21,5 M SD 12,9 6,04 NON-NATIVE LIS GROUP ID TCGB S20 32 S21 16,5 S22 40,5 S23 46,5 S24 20,5 S25 24,5 S26 29 S27 27,5 S28 34 S29 28,5 M 30,0 SD 8,91 FOREIGNER GROUP ID TCGB S30 15,5 S31 54,5 S32 58 S33 69 S34 32 S35 66 S36 46 S37 73 S38 34 S39 35,5 M 48,4 SD 18,85 Oral language and sign language children ranging in age from 5 to 7;6. In the NONNATIVE LIS group, the performance was comparable to that of children younger than 3;6 till the age of 5;6. In the FOREIGNER group, the performance was comparable to that of children younger than 3;6 till the age of 5;5. Although the participants in the CI group and those in the NATIVE LIS Signers group show the same linguistic age, it is worth pointing out that the chronological age of the former group is much lower than that of the latter group (cf. Tables nr, 1 and 2.) Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS statistical software package. We ran a between-group analysis in order to compare the performance of each of the four groups against the others, by using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test for independent samples, since the assumption of normal distribution of the population was not met in this case. We carried out various comparisons, trying all possible combinations between pairs of groups. The analysis revealed that the CI group is the most accurate. The CI group performed significantly better than the NATIVE LIS group (U=9.000 p=0.011), the NON-NATIVE LIS group (U=.000 p=.000) and the FOREIGNER group (U=.000 p=.000). The NATIVE LIS group, which achieved the media total score of 12.9, performed significantly better than the NON-NATIVE LIS group (U=2.000 =.001) and the FOREIGNER group (U=3.000 p=.002). Finally, we found that that the NON-NATIVE LIS group performed significantly better than the FOREIGNER group (U=18.500 p=.017). On the basis of these analyses, it is possible to establish a classification of the four groups from the one that showed the most accurate performance to that showing the less accurate performance: implanted children, native LIS signers, non-native LIS signers and foreign deaf students. Discussion The present study provided evidence confirming previous data on the difficulties experienced by deaf people in the use of functional elements and in the acquisition of some properties of the Italian language. The analysis of responses revealed that the deaf children included in the CI group mainly follow the same pattern of performance of typically-developing children as far as the choice of responses is concerned. Hence, structures that develop at a later stage in hearing children, i.e. passive sentences, 59 relative clauses, resulted more problematic than other structures for some children with cochlear implant. Some interesting remarks are found in the performance of NATIVE LIS signers, NON-NATIVE signers and in the FOREIGNER group, for whom we identified nonetheless a quite common pattern of response. The fact that the test is not standardized on deaf individuals highlighted that these groups chose some response strategies that are not observed in hearing children. The most interesting aspect was that they mainly relied on linear word order or errors due to different kind of interferences which will be analyzed in detail in this paragraph. The lack of linguistic competence in deaf people leads them to adopt different strategies to interpret sentences. The most important difficulties shown by deaf people are found in the interpretation of passive sentences, especially the reversible ones (e.g., la mamma è presa in braccio dal bambino ‘the mother is picked up by the child’, or il cane è morso dal bambino ‘the dog is bitten by the child’, or il cane è tirato dal bambino ‘the dog is pulled by the man’). Passive sentences are structures with non-canonical word order, in which the patient/beneficiary of the sentence becomes the linear subject, whereas the agent becomes the indirect object, introduced by the preposition ‘by’. When both nouns can potentially be the subject of the sentence, meaning is conveyed not by semantic plausibility, but by syntactic structures and functional elements. Reversible passive sentences proved to be extremely problematic for all groups of deaf individuals, also including cochlear implanted children, who nonetheless performed overall significantly better than the other groups, Many deaf children are trained to comprehend passive sentences and in most cases they are able to correctly interpret irreversible passive sentences, in which the linear subject might be an inanimate noun (e.g. la mela è mangiata dalla bambina ‘the apple is eaten by the child.fem’). However, in most items, either passive or active reversible sentence, the interpretation of a sentence is mediated by knowledge of a world labelled by linguistic knowledge and it is not a spontaneous answer. Hence, for instance, if the sentence “the child bites the dog” is grammatically correct, in the knowledge of world, it is less common than “the dog bites the child”. Many of them are not able to derive the meaning of the sentence using functional words. Therefore, they only consider the lexical words, by omitting functional words, and adopt specific strategies to 60 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s interpret the experimental sentences. For example, to interpret these sentences the deaf groups strongly rely on the linear word order. The two sentences containing the preposition tra (between) may help to explain this phenomenon. Indeed, in the two items la palla è tra il tavolo e la sedia (the ball is between the table and the chair) and Il bambino è tra il babbo e la mamma (the child is between the father and the mother), most participants pointed to the image in which the order of the objects was respectively: ball-table-chair and child-father-mother. Hence, the order of the objects in the picture reflects the linear order of the words in the sentence. This explanation was also provided by the participants, when at the end of the task they were asked to give a reason for their choice. In another experimental trial, the understanding of the prepositions da (from) and a (to) was investigated, and in this case a different strategy was adopted. In the sentence l’uccellino vola dalla casa al nido ‘the bird flies from the house to the nest’, a participant explained that since the nest is the bird’s home, the bird was flying towards it. She pointed to the correct picture, an image in which the bird moves toward the nest, in this case the presence of the building (the house) was not important. So the correct answer is due to a different interpretation respect to the grammatical sense. These two examples show that only through lexical words and semantic plausibility, these participants try to derive the meaning of the sentence, on the basis of some knowledge of the world, independently of the syntactic information conveyed by functional (semantically empty) words. These meanings are nonetheless not shared by any other speaker. As [12] pointed out, the lack of specific functional elements or inflectional forms in deaf people’s written productions does not means that these people do not have any mental grammar. Linguistic rules and grammatical categories are present in the deaf, and the difference in production, between deaf and hearing children, could be due to the fact that they adopt linguistic properties which are not grammatical in Italian, but are available in other languages. There are cases in which, the sentence interpretation does not depend on the level of linguistic competence reached in Italian, but it is due to interferences of the LIS. A positive interference is found, for examples, in those sentences investigating verbal inflection, namely those requiring the identification of an action which is concluded (e.g. Il bambino ha fatto il bagno ‘the child has had the bath’). In LIS, the conclusion of an action (perfect tense) is realized with a specific sign after the verb, meaning ‘done, finished’, which is co-articulated with the labial word fatto (done, finished). This phenomenon is also confirmed by the fact that a participant belonging to the foreign group, who has been living in Italy since 2007, and above all having little knowledge of LIS, did not choose the correct picture. The picture, that was used to investigate the perfect past tense, was also used to ascertain if participants understood the present and future tenses. The positive LIS interference in the perfect tense is confirmed by the fact that, thanks to the word “fatto”, the participants are able to distinguish the perfect tense from the other tenses and, for this reason, they provided the correct response. In the case of perfect tense without the word fatto, participants responded with incorrect answers to each tense (present, past and future tense). Another type of error might be due to the graphical similarity of some Italian words, namely that between tra (between) and tre (three), which caused some confusion in the mind of the participants and hindered them from giving the correct response. Another case of graphical interference is due to the homophony and homography between the past participle of the verb leggere (to read), which is letto (read.PastParticiple), and the word for ‘bed’ (letto), in the stimulus Il libro è letto dal bambino ‘the book is read by the child’. By trying to find the correct picture matching these sentences, some participants asked the experimenter where the bed was, thus proving that they had not understood the sentence meaning. Often, the inflected form of the verb causes some comprehension problems, because deaf people are not able to attribute the correct grammatical category. More generally, when the unknown words were too many in order to understand the sentence, and participants were not able to establish some kind of relationship between the elements of the sentence, those whose performance was comparable to children younger than 3;6 years, pointed randomly to the pictures or avoided giving any response. All these above mentioned strategies suggest that when deaf children read a text, they try to interpret it by using every piece of information they have at their disposal, leaving functional elements out of the computation. When teaching to deaf children, it is necessary to take into consideration all these specific problems shared by most deaf populations. Oral language and sign language Conclusion This study has demonstrated that deafness is a considerable obstacle to natural language acquisition and to the mastering of many properties of the Italian language. For deaf people, and especially for those who have been exposed late to a language, the development of grammar seems to be extremely problematic both in the oral language and in the sign language. If the use of cochlear implant seems to be the best device for children to achieve good competence in the oral language, in some cases the mastering of the oral language is not yet comparable to that of hearing peers. For deaf people, it is evident that language acquisition is a non-natural process, taking place through intensive training and hard teaching, which represents an artificial and non-natural system. We cannot talk about acquisition of language, which involves knowledge in the natural process of absorbing and it is context-dependent. In deaf people, we can mainly talk about language learning, which requires a deliberate method of achieving knowledge involving both the active participation of the learner and a systematic method of teaching; if the former is a natural and spontaneous process, the latter requires strength of will. The study of oral language often requires a lot of effort. For this reason, probably the best solution is the use of a bilingual approach, that is, sign language guarantees the activation of the core grammar which is necessary to gain linguistic competence in the oral language. Indeed, the linguistic competence an individual has in sign language might be transferred into oral language, through the language provided by hearing people. It would be necessary to find easier methods in order to help deaf individuals to approach the oral language. At the moment, we cannot expect deaf children to achieve a linguistic competence comparable to that of hearing people. Deaf children usually have to undergo intense training in oral language and consequently, they do not manage to live all the experiences that hearing children have with reading fairy tales, playing sport, playing games, etc. The use of the LIS makes it possible for deaf children to satisfy their communication needs and, at the same time, to develop linguistic competence in oral language, through a specific training program. 61 Acknowledgments We thank all our deaf participants, their families, their speech therapists, educators and teachers. References 1. Chomsky N. Reflections on Language. New York: Pantheon Books; 1975. 2. Lenneberg EH. Biological Foundations of Language. New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1967. 3. Pinker S. The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language. New York: Harper Collins; 1994. 4. Curtiss S. 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Por isso, decidiu-se analisar os processos de denominação das cores em Língua de Sinais Brasileira (LSB). Gerou-se um corpus a partir de nomes de cores lexicografadas em dois repertórios com LSB e a esse corpus aplicou-se o Modelo Sílex. Esses procedimentos permitiram: (a) identificar, analisar e sistematizar os processos de construção dos nomes de cores em LSB e, ainda, (b) confirmar a existência da competência construcional dos falantes de LSB, como L1, ao preencherem lacunas lexicais na LSB; (c) constatar que o Modelo Silex sustenta uma análise morfológica que contempla questões funcionais da língua; e, por fim, (d) verificar a importância e validade de análises diacrônicas, na identificação dos processos de construção de palavras em LSB. Palavras-Chave: Cores. Língua de Sinais Brasileira. Modelo Silex. Morfologia. Introdução Os nomes das cores, nas mais diferentes línguas, abrigam questões que vão desde a utilização de um único nome para várias cores e tonalidades até a denominação bem discriminada e detalhada das diversas tonalidades de uma mesma cor. Para analisar os processos de construção morfológica que levam a essas questões, há modelos teóricos estruturalistas excelentes. Para analisar a denominação das cores em Língua de Sinais Brasileira (LSB), optou-se por aplicar à análise do corpus gerado para esse estudo, a segunda versão do Modelo Silex proposto por Corbin (1997b), que se trata de um modelo mais funcionalista. The colors’ names in all languages of the world enclose very interesting linguistic aspects. We decided to analyze the processes of colors denomination in Brazilian Sign Language (LSB) to understand how these processes occur in this language. The colors’ names corpus was generated from two repertoires with LSB. Then, the Silex Model was applied to this corpus. These procedures allowed us: (a) to identify, analyze and systemize the construction processes of the colors’ names in LSB; (b) to confirm the existence of the constructional competence of first language speakers of Brazilian Sign Language, when filling lexical blanks in LSB; (c) to evidence that Silex Model supports morphological analysis that contemplates functional aspects of the language; and, at last, (d) to verify the importance and validity of diachronical analyses, in the identification of the words’ construction processes in LSB. Keywords: Colors. Brazilian Sign Language. Silex Model. Morphology. A grande contribuição desse modelo, criado com o intuito de construir uma teoria própria para o léxico, é a de conceber uma MORFOLOGIA CONSTRUCIONAL ASSOCIATIVA, na qual a Semântica Lexical e a Morfologia se unem para descrever fenômenos formais regulares que levam, em primeira mão, a uma descrição autêntica do léxico. Esse modelo elege palavras mais transparentes na língua e as analisa, indutivamente, de forma a tornar mais evidente a relação que existe entre a unidade lexical e a sua referência. Nesse percurso, descreve como as palavras e seus respectivos significados se constroem numa língua. Para Correia (1999:3), o estudo das palavras construídas, por meio desse * Trabalho desenvolvido durante e após Doutoramento no Departamento de Lingüística, Português e Línguas Clássicas – LIP, da Universidade de Brasília – Brasil. ** Email: Cadernos de Saúde Vol. 2 Número especial de Línguas Gestuais – pp. 63-81 64 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s modelo, constitui um observatório privilegiado para a construção do significado. Outra vantagem do modelo relaciona-se a aspectos extralingüísticos presentes no ato da criação lingüística, isto é, no ato da denominação lexical. Em face do caráter icônico1 das línguas de sinais, o extralingüístico parece mais transparente que nas línguas orais, apesar de uma análise acurada do processo de denominação na língua de sinais permitir a identificação do caráter lingüístico marcadamente cognitivo em todas as etapas da criação lexical, quer pela evidência de construções metonímicas representadas, preponderantemente, pela figura da sinédoque; quer pela identificação de protótipos na composição de denominações dos referentes; quer pelo ícone lingüístico convencionado pelos falantes. Ao se prestar à descrição das línguas de sinais, esse estudo das palavras construídas, em LSB, pode ser extremamente útil à ampliação do léxico tanto da língua comum como do léxico das diversas áreas de especialidade. Assim, a aplicação desse modelo parece possibilitar ao pesquisador, elencar, também, estruturas contidas no lexicón2 da LSB. Uma das importantes considerações trazidas pelo modelo deve ser explicitada para se entender como o sentido de um referente motiva a construção das denominações e, ao mesmo tempo, como as denominações absorvem os sentidos dos referentes que denominam. O Modelo Silex concebe o sentido de uma palavra como inerente a ela; é individual e particular; não é um sentido que resulta no texto e no contexto. Essa ênfase é necessária para não se confundir “construção de sentido de uma palavra” com “construção de sentido de textos”. São dois processos de natureza diferente. O sentido inicial de uma palavra emerge dos processos construcionais lingüísticos que podem ser partilhados com elementos extralingüísticos empregados para a sua concepção; enquanto o sentido de um texto prescinde do contexto e, nele, as palavras, antes com um significado prévio, ressignificam. 1 2 É necessário ter bastante clareza quando se fala em iconicidade nos estudos das línguas de sinais, pois o ícone pode ser visto em duas perspectivas: como forma e como cognição. Ainda que a forma esteja transparente na concepção de um item lexical, em LSB, essa motivação inicial é, por excelência, cognitiva. Essa asserção é irrefutável, dado que a cognição está presente em todo o processo de construção de uma palavra em Língua de Sinais. O termo lexicón, empregado nesse estudo, refere-se ao fundo lexical de uma língua, à base de constituintes e de estruturas lingüísticas internamente organizadas e disponíveis para a construção lexical de uma língua. Assim, o Modelo Silex, que tem como escopo a PALAVRA, advoga que ela tem, sim, um significado lexical inerente, entendido como pré-requisito partilhado3. O significado lexical, baseado nesse modelo, não é de todo adquirido no contexto e no uso. Por isso, nessa concepção, “o significado das palavras construídas não é alvo de memorização: a gramática da língua fornece os meios de o calcular” (CORREIA4, 1999). Nessa ordem, para a compreensão do significado, então, participam três elementos: língua (relacionada ao sentido inerente), cultura (relacionada ao sentido atribuído pelo estereótipo) e percepção (relacionada à concepção prototípica). Para alcançar esse mérito, o modelo postula, então, que há três “significados” intervenientes na construção do “significado”, por exemplo, de uma palavra derivada: o significado conferido pela regra de formação de palavras, o significado herdado da base; o significado específico do operador morfológico (CORREIA, 1999). Processos de construção de palavras – Modelo Silex Corbin (1997b) e Correia (1999:65-77) consideram, para o Modelo Silex, dois grandes processos construcionais: um de produtividade e outro de criatividade. Neles, são reconhecidas as seguintes operações morfológicas para a construção de palavras: (a) como processo de produtividade5: (i) a derivação, que ocorre por meio dos processos de afixação e, mais comumente, por meio da sufixação. Corbin (1997b) e, por conseguinte, Correia (1999) defendem que o afixo é portador de uma instrução semântica específica, e a aplicação dele a uma base obedece a determinadas restrições; (ii) a conversão (CORREIA, 1999:71-3), que equivale ao processo tradicionalmente conhecido por DERIVAÇÃO IMPRÓPRIA, REGRESSIVA, que 3 4 5 A afirmação de que as palavras têm um significado lexical inerente se contrapõe a estudos propostos pela Lingüística textual (cf. KOCH, 2000; MARCUSCHI, 2001 e 2002 e outros) e pela Pragmática (cf. LEVINSON, 1983; MEY, 1993/2001 e outros). Esses estudos focalizam outra dimensão: a construção do sentido de textos. Consideram, portanto, que o sentido não se restringe ao texto e nem é inerente a ele: é construído na interação autor-leitor. Correia (1999) é defensora do modelo proposto por Corbin (1997b). Produtividade, entendida sob o conceito de Lyons (1977) como uma característica inerente ao sistema lingüístico. Lábios, leite, chocolate, laranja etc.: um estudo sobre os nomes das cores em LSB trata da construção de nomes deverbais a partir do radical do verbo, por mera adição de um morfema de gênero. Ocorre em maior proporção na passagem de ADJETIVOS > SUBSTANTIVOS e em menor proporção na passagem de SUBSTANTIVOS > ADJETIVOS; (iii) a composição, que, para CORREIA (1999:701), é a combinação de duas unidades lexicais ou infralexicais6 de significado descritivo. Ela entende que o elemento da esquerda se comporta como elemento de composição quando é um nome, adjetivo, verbo ou advérbio, com significado descritivo. E se comporta como prefixo quando o significado é instrucional. Esse processo altera o significado descritivo da base, sem alterar o significado referencial. Um exemplo em português do Brasil, lembrado por Correia (1999:77), é “beijoca”. Essa descrição permite a organização do esquema ilustrativo, mostrado a seguir, com a síntese dos processos de construção de palavras empregados no Modelo Silex: Esquema 1 – Esquema ilustrativo dos processos de construção de palavras Modelo Silex. MODELO SILEX PROCESSOS DE CONSTRUÇÃO DE PALAVRAS PROCESSOS DE PRODUTIVIDADE (b) como processo de criatividade : os processos deformacionais, entre os quais destacam-se: (i) a APÓCOPE que consiste na supressão de uma parte da palavra, o que a torna mais familiar (CORREIA, 1999:77); (ii) a AFÉRESE que consiste na supressão de um segmento no início da palavra; a AMÁLGAMA, processo pelo qual se constrói uma unidade lexical pela aglutinação de partes de outras unidades. Como exemplos em português europeu: borbotixa, nomes próprios antroponímicos como “Camané” para Carlos Manuel ou em português brasileiro, “Cantõe” para Carlos Antônio; a REDUPLICAÇÃO DE APÓCOPES e/ou AFÉRESES, que surge, freqüentemente, associada a onomatopéias. Também é comum em diminutivos de nomes próprios como: Juju e Cacá; (iii) a SUFIXAÇÃO AVALIATIVA APRECIATIVA que consiste na avaliação qualitativa ou quantitativa do referente por meio de diminutivos, aumentativos, pejorativos, laudativos etc., expressa pelo enunciador; (iv) a SUFIXAÇÃO AVALIATIVA ENUNCIATIVA, normalmente empregada por um enunciador próximo ou familiar do referente. Também é entendida como processo deformacional a SUFIXAÇÃO FAMILIAR, um tipo de sufixação avaliativa enunciativa, sempre associada à construção de significados mais enunciativos do que referenciais, sobretudo em contexto familiar. 7 DERIVAÇÃO POR AFIXAÇÃO CONVERSÃO COMPOSIÇÃO 7 Unidades infralexicais são, tipicamente, afixos que não são sintaticamente autônomos e nem são palavras. Criatividade, entendida sob o conceito de Lyons (1977) como capacidade do falante de alargar o sistema lingüístico por meio de princípios de abstração e comparação imprevisíveis. PROCESSOS DE CRIATIVIDADE PROCESSOS DEFORMACIONAIS AFÉRESE APÓCOPE REDUPLICAÇÃO DE APÓCOPES E/OU AFÉRESES AMÁLGAMA SUFIXAÇÃO AVALIATIVA SUFIXAÇÃO AVALIATIVA APRECIATIVA SUFIXAÇÃO AVALIATIVA ENUNCIATIVA SUFIXAÇÃO FAMILIAR A construção dos nomes de cores em LSB Como prelúdio à aplicação do Modelo Silex à LSB, esse trabalho desenvolve, sucintamente, pequenas reflexões a respeito dos nomes das cores em LSB. A proposta foi tentar aplicar aos indivíduos lexicais8 selecionados, alguns princípios do modelo, entre os quais o princípio da teoria da otimidade9, no qual se acredita que diante da existência de duas regras em concorrência, a língua não vai adotar a mais adequada, mas a que melhor funciona no sistema. Essa análise é bastante interessante, pois justifica a inexistência de um único paradigma para explicar os diferentes processos de construção envolvidos na denominação de indivíduos lexicais de mesma categoria. A teoria da otimidade dá visibilidade ao mundo extralingüístico presente na sistematização dos processos encontrados na análise de denominações das cores, em Língua de Sinais Brasileira, pelo Modelo Silex, como se vê na aplicação do modelo na seção que se segue. 8 6 65 9 “Indivíduo lexical” é o nome dado a uma unidade lexical no Modelo Silex. A teoria da otimidade tem relação com a proposta gerativista. Ela dialoga com o Modelo Sílex uma vez que esse modelo, antes de tornar-se mais funcionalista, estruturou-se sobre bases gerativas e foi perdendo-as à medida que foi evoluindo. Manteve-se, contudo, essa proposta da teoria da otimidade. 66 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s Aplicação do modelo Por questões práticas e didáticas, a seleção do corpus deteve-se aos nomes de cores registrados por Capovilla (2001). Esse repertório apresenta figuras que visam facilitar a leitura da articulação das palavras. Foram localizados, na obra, vinte e seis (26) nomes de cor, entre os quais se encontram aqueles relacionados a nomes de cores propriamente ditos e a nomes para a categoria COR(ES) (Figuras 8, 9 e 10 do anexo). Entre esses nomes, estão relacionadas, ainda, algumas variantes denominativas como BRANCO (Figuras 5 e 6 do anexo), BEGE (Figuras 3 e 4 do anexo), VERDE (Figuras 18 e 19 do anexo), MARROM (Figuras 12 e 13 do anexo), além de hipônimos do nome verde, presentes em verde claro e verde escuro (Figuras 20 e 21 do anexo). O modelo SILEX possibilita, acerca dos dados selecionados, que se identifique a presença de vários fenômenos, de diferentes naturezas, para a denominação das cores em LSB. Essa análise encontra respaldo em Correia (1999:5-6), quando afirma que: “A denominação caracteriza-se por uma relação em grande parte não-explicável lingüisticamente. (...) O sistema lingüístico pode fornecer diversas denominações para uma mesma classe de entidades (...) A razão que preside a escolha de uma ou de outra das possibilidades da língua não é, fundamentalmente, de ordem lingüística. (...) O fato de escolher uma denominação possível em vez de outra é demonstrativo do modo como a categoria de entidades denominadas se dá a ver no âmbito de determinada língua (CORREIA, 1999:5-6)”. Para iniciar a empreitada de análise, como um procedimento viável em um laboratório de Neologia, buscou-se, primeiramente, identificar se os nomes de cores, em LSB, ou alguns deles, são fruto de empréstimos lingüísticos. Esse estudo não se ateve à identificação de empréstimos por meio da comparação entre línguas de sinais, pois é um estudo incipiente e carece de um corpus de várias línguas de sinais para subsidiá-lo. Esta será, portanto, uma investigação necessária em futuros estudos a fim de se ter a certeza de há denominações de cores emprestadas de outras LS. As hipóteses de empréstimos, nesse estudo, entretanto, foram levantadas, por meio de contraste do corpus da LSB com dados de línguas orais, mais especificamente, da língua portuguesa, língua em contato mais direto e freqüente com a LSB. Correia (1999) emprega para o conceito de empréstimo lingüístico o termo importação10. Essa é a terminologia que também será adotada neste estudo. Há, basicamente, duas formas bastante produtivas de “importações” de línguas orais para línguas de sinais: uma ocorre por meio da “digitação11”, ou seja, pelo empréstimo das letras equivalentes ao nome “importado” transliteradas para configurações de mão correspondentes às letras do alfabeto dactilológico; a outra ocorre por meio do empréstimo, apenas, da inicial da palavra da língua oral, totalmente adaptada e apropriada pela língua de sinais receptora, para a articulação do item lexical. Nos casos em que foi constatada “importação”, a formulação encontrada foi sistematizada. Aos casos contrários, foram aplicadas as regras de construção de palavras (RCP) para verificar se as denominações de cores correspondiam ou não a palavras construídas. A partir daí buscou-se a identificação dos processos envolvidos nessa(s) construção(ões). No rol dos vinte e seis indivíduos lexicais gerados pelo corpus, composto de designações de nomes de cor e nomes da própria categoria “cor”, foi identificado uma única denominação cuja forma equivale à digitação de toda a seqüência de letras do nome em língua portuguesa; esse foi o caso de C-O-R12 (Figura 8 do anexo). Normalmente, a digitação de uma palavra da língua portuguesa, pelo alfabeto dactilológico, significa, além da referência a nomes próprios, a “importação” de uma palavra, na ausência de equivalente na LSB ou no desconhecimento da denominação já preconizada pela comunidade surda em outra região do país. Em grande parte das vezes, essa digitação é temporária; ocorre até que um neologismo ocupe esse espaço, na LSB. Muitas vezes, palavras curtas não concorrem com um neologismo na LSB, mas passam por uma adaptação da estrutura “importada” à estrutura lexical da língua. Essa adaptação pode ser manifestada por meio da aceleração rítmica da 10 11 12 “Importação” é o termo preferido por Correia, para as palavras “importadas” de outras línguas. A preferência de Correia é altamente justificável, dado o fato de tais palavras não serem devolvidas à língua de origem, mas, rapidamente, adaptadas e incorporadas ao sistema lingüístico da língua receptora. Designamos por “digitação” ao que normalmente é designado por “soletração” ou dactilologia. A separação das letras da palavra “cor”, por meio de hífens, segue o sistema de transcrição de palavras, da LSB, por meio de notações léxicas. Letras da língua portuguesa, unidas por hífen, significam que a articulação do indivíduo lexical se dá por meio da reprodução das letras transliteradas do alfabeto datilológico, segmentadas por hífen. Lábios, leite, chocolate, laranja etc.: um estudo sobre os nomes das cores em LSB digitação da palavra, tornando-a um item lexical com as mesmas características dos demais itens lexicais da LSB (cf. FARIA, 2009). Não foi o caso do nome “cor” que concorre com variantes não importadas da língua oral, caso de COR II e CORES (Figuras 9 e 10 do anexo). O fenômeno é idêntico ao que ocorre entre as línguas orais. Há casos, na LSB, em que a forma “importada” concorre com o neologismo cujo valor lexical e semântico é o mesmo. No caso de palavras concorrentes na LSB, em que uma é “importada” e outra é construída diretamente em LSB, há uma grande distinção morfológica entre uma e outra, pois a forma “importada” foi motivada por letras do alfabeto da língua oral, transliteradas para configurações de mão da LS e a outra se constitui de uma estrutura típica da LSB. É o caso de COR I (Figura 8 do anexo) e COR II (Figura 9 do anexo). Parece haver uma preferência da comunidade surda pela denominação construída diretamente na língua, sem motivação na língua oral. Nos casos em que a palavra é integralmente “dactilologizada” costuma ocorrer uma acomodação lingüística na LSB, por meio da aceleração rítmica, que resulta na lexicalização do termo importado. O aumento de velocidade na articulação das letras se acomoda à estrutura de um item lexical em LSB. O resultado desse processo é conhecido por “soletração rítmica”. Ocorre uma espécie de assimilação da palavra “importada” à língua receptora. Muitas vezes, esse processo gera apócopes, ou seja, uma palavra digitada e que não concorreu com equivalente construído na língua pode passar pela assimilação e, posteriormente, pelo processo de apócope. É o caso da designação da cor “azul” (Figura 2 do anexo). A digitação da palavra foi, inicialmente, “importada” da língua portuguesa, pelo processo de digitação. Essa denominação sofreu adaptação morfológica e, depois, apócope das letras internas Z e U. Era A-Z-U-L13 e passou a A-L (Figura 2 do anexo). Permaneceram a primeira e a última letra, respectivamente, da denominação em língua portuguesa. No corpus analisado, foi recorrente o processo de construção dos nomes de cores em decorrência de dois recursos. O primeiro, motivado pela “importação” da letra inicial da palavra equivalente em 13 A representação de palavras, na LSB, por letras separadas por hífen significa que o sinal (significante) em LSB está sendo representado pela digitação das letras da palavra em língua portuguesa. 67 língua portuguesa. Essa letra será a CM utilizada para a articulação do item designado. O segundo, motivado pela concepção que o falante tem da entidade a ser denominada. Foram identificados no corpus selecionado, onze “nomes de cores construídos com inicialização”: cinza (Figuras 7 do anexo), bege I (Figura 3 do anexo), e bege II (Figura 4 do anexo), lilás (Figura 11 do anexo), marrom I (Figuras 12 do anexo), preto (Figuras 15 do anexo), roxo (Figuras 17 do anexo), verde I (Figura 18 do anexo), violeta (Figura 23 do anexo), castanho (Figura 29 do anexo) e púrpura/ purpúreo (Figura 35 do anexo). Bege I e bege II representam uma denominação variante da outra. O mesmo nome designa as cores ‘roxo’, ‘violeta’ e ‘púrpura’, o que torna indistinta uma tonalidade da outra. Na verdade, em português, a relação entre roxo e violeta é a mesma, segundo o Dicionário Aurélio Eletrônico da Língua Portuguesa (2004). Entretanto, o mesmo dicionário traz púrpura com equivalência ao vermelho e não ao roxo. Se ‘roxo’ e ‘violeta’ forem analisados em oposição a ‘púrpura’, é possível falar em uma relação polissêmica entre ambas denominações. As denominações relacionadas têm, cada uma, a CM idêntica à da letra do alfabeto dactilológico que corresponde à primeira letra do nome em língua portuguesa. Dessa forma, as CMs dos nomes dessas cores correspondem às letras: “C” para cinza e para castanho, “B” para bege I e bege II, “L” para lilás, “M” para marrom I, “P” para preto, “V” para verde I e “R” para roxo, violeta e púrpura. À exceção de bege II e castanho, os demais nomes são, todos, articulados sobre o dorso da mão passiva. Algumas questões se põem a partir dessa constatação: o dorso da mão passiva pode ser considerado base para formação de palavras? A CM que se aloja sobre essa “base” pode ser considerada um afixo? Aparentemente, sim. A base é o elemento comum entre essas formações e o afixo é o elemento que vai diferir uma cor da outra, que seria o equivalente a cada CM correspondente à letra inicial do nome em língua portuguesa. Trata-se, portanto, de um processo de construção derivacional. Apesar de, nesse contexto, as CMs “B”, “C”, “L”, “M”, “R” “V” carregarem o significado dos nomes das cores na língua da qual as letras foram importadas como motivação para a construção dos nomes de cores em LSB, elas, isoladamente, não podem ser entendidas como elementos com significado. Por isso, não é possível falar em composição. Assim, essas CMs, no contexto analisado, têm estatuto de morfema, 68 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s pois carregam em si um significado suficiente para serem analisadas como afixos. Posta essa análise, outra dificuldade que se impõe é a de determinar se esse afixo diz respeito a um prefixo, um infixo ou um sufixo, diante do fato de a modalidade da LSB favorecer a superposição de morfemas. Parece ser simultânea a articulação da “base” (dorso da mão) e do Morfema “letra-inicial-importada”. Grosso modo, por isso, esses morfemas serão denominados de infixos14. Essa análise se confirma se comparados os indivíduos lexicais registrados por Capovilla aos indivíduos lexicais registrados por Oates (Figura 25 do anexo). Resta, então, desses indivíduos lexicais mencionados como “nomes de cores construídos com inicialização”, tratar do nome ‘bege II’ e ‘castanho’ que não seguiram o paradigma de construção por meio da sobreposição da CM da letra inicial sobre a base. Bege II (Figura 4 do anexo) e castanho (Figura 29 do anexo) tiveram a motivação da letra inicial do nome da cor, em língua portuguesa, mas ambos são articulados no espaço neutro, com movimento idêntico (movimento lateral direita-esquerda-direita). Na ausência de um nome lexicalizado em LSB, falantes de LSB, eventualmente, usam a letra inicial do nome que aparece em dado discurso, em dado contexto, como anafórico, nessa mesma altura, no espaço neutro onde se costuma digitar qualquer palavra, com o mesmo movimento ou circular. Percebe-se, ainda, que esse espaço neutro de articulação das duas denominações não é arbitrário, pois caso o fosse, poderia cada uma das cores ser articulada num ponto diferente do espaço neutro ou do corpo. Trata-se, portanto, de um ponto de articulação possível, determinado pelos falantes, fato que tem uma razão de ser, apesar de não ser possível uma explicação transparente. Também é salutar lembrar que se ‘castanho’, fosse iniciado pela CM da letra “C” no ponto de articulação da base das demais cores, seria um homônimo da denominação para a cor cinza, cor por sinal, em posição prototípica mais periférica que ‘castanho’. Para evitar a homonímia, o falante pode ter empregado como estratégia a locação da denominação em outro ponto com o fim de eliminar o risco de ambigüidade ao ser mencionada a cor em LSB. As categorias de nível superordenado são denominadas, normalmente, em LSB, grosso modo, por um vocábulo especificador da categoria (cf. FARIA, 2009), normalmente constituído de um elemento 14 Para determinar se são, realmente, infixos ou outro, cabem muitas análises nesse tópico. prototípico do nível básico da categoria (ou de atributo desse elemento), acompanhado do indicador de categoria representado pela glosa “ETC.” (equivalente às representações das Figuras 27 e 28 do anexo). Há várias categorias que não seguem esse paradigma. São categorias, aparentemente, opacas. Numa análise sincrônica e superficial da denominação da categoria ‘cor’, em LSB, identifica-se indivíduos lexicais, aparentemente, diferentes do previsto no paradigma (Figuras 9 e 10 do anexo). Para uma análise diacrônica, buscaram-se os repertórios de Gama (1875) e Oates (1983:165-7), com o intuito de verificar se eles introduziam a denominação “cor(es)” em seu repertório. O primeiro não contemplou a categoria cores. Gama (1875), praticamente, não nomeia categorias em nível superordenado. Oates (1983:165-7) inseriu a designação para a categoria “cores” em seu repertório (Figura 24 do anexo). Os dados encontrados em Oates facilitaram uma comparação com o repertório de Capovilla (2001) e tentou-se, a partir deles, reconstruir um percurso diacrônico da denominação da categoria ‘cor’, identificada no corpus por cor II (Figura 9 do anexo) e cores (Figura 10 do anexo). Foram levantadas hipóteses com base na grande probabilidade que a LSB tem para denominar categorias compostas com elementos protótipos associados a um denominador de categorias, caso de ETC. (Figuras 27 e 28 do anexo). Foi localizada, no repertório de Oates (1983), como designação para a referida categoria, a composição VERMELHO (Figura 24 do anexo) e o indivíduo lexical que tem como glosa VÁRIOS, COISAS, DIVERSOS (Figuras 24, 27 e 28 do anexo), mas que pode ser traduzida, também, por ETC. Essa estrutura encontrada em Oates (1983) segue o paradigma da categorização em LSB. Por que, então, os falantes de LSB teriam rompido com esse paradigma e construído um novo item lexical para denominar a categoria, se a lacuna da categoria já estava preenchida com um termo cuja estrutura é perfeitamente aceitável pelos falantes de LSB? A análise diacrônica permite perceber que as denominações encontradas para ‘cor’ não são arbitrárias e nem romperam o paradigma previsto; elas são fruto de evolução resgatada na análise diacrônica. Segue, então, o percurso que este estudo traça, como hipótese de resgate da construção da denominação da categoria “cor”. Os processos assimilativos que atuam nas línguas deram origem à “teoria do menor esforço”. Segundo Fromklin & Rodman (1993:335) nessa teoria, “as Lábios, leite, chocolate, laranja etc.: um estudo sobre os nomes das cores em LSB mudanças [...] devem-se em primeiro lugar, à “preguiça” lingüística uma vez que ao falarmos fazemos o mínimo esforço. Por outro lado, os autores ressaltam também que, embora se verifique simplificação nas gramáticas, encontra-se também elaboração ou complexificação. Entendidos esses processos (de assimilação e de complexificação) como naturais nas línguas e aceita a adaptação lexical como forma de sobrepor informações semânticas sobre um único item lexical, será possível entender que a tendência dos falantes de LSB é a de assimilar lexias complexas, tornandoas itens lexicais únicos. É fato que o fenômeno de complexificação também ocorre em LSB. Para o momento, entretanto, no corpus de estudo, foram identificados especialmente os casos de assimilação. Assim, por meio da alteração rítmica, da alteração da velocidade de articulação do item lexical15, é possível supor que a denominação da categoria cor, presente hoje, na LSB, nada mais é do que o fruto da evolução dos indivíduos lexicais presentes no paradigma VERMELHO ETC. Numa hipótese de reconstituição diacrônica desse item, é possível dizer que o fato de a denominação VERMELHO ser articulada próxima aos lábios, atraiu a articulação de ETC. para perto dos lábios. Assim se constituiria o primeiro estágio de evolução do nome da categoria cor, em LSB. No segundo estágio, levanta-se a hipótese de que as duas CMs (VERMELHO e ETC.) sofreram amálgama. Justifica essa hipótese, a proximidade de articulação dos dois itens e relativa semelhança no parâmetro da CM de ambos. Por hipótese, considera-se, ainda, que o ponto de articulação da denominação de VERMELHO é mais distintivo, icônico e dêitico que o ponto de articulação de ETC., principalmente por que 15 Esse fenômeno de aceleração rítmica da articulação de uma unidade lexical simples em LSB, resultante da composição de duas outras unidades lexicais simples, permite uma análise contrastiva com fenômeno equivalente nas línguas orais. Trata-se da alteração de acento na composição de termos em línguas orais. Em línguas orais, quando duas palavras se unem para formar uma unidade lexical simples ocorre uma perda do acento da primeira palavra constituinte da composição e permanece o acento da sílaba tônica da segunda palavra constituinte da unidade lexical composta. Essa comparação foi sugerida por Heloisa Salles (UnB), em comentários após participar da exposição na qual a pesquisadora apresentou construção semelhante durante divulgação de pesquisa na V Semana de Estudos Lexicais, na Universidade de Brasília, promovida pelo Centro Lexterm na Universidade de Brasília. 69 remete à apontação de uma parte do corpo (os lábios) que metonimicamente faz referência à cor vermelha. Os repertórios acessíveis para pesquisa não contêm dados suficientes para confirmar ou refutar a seqüência reconstruída, mas é possível entender que, num continuum desse estágio, ou, até, no lugar dele, a CM teria passado por uma “distensão” direta, um relaxamento na articulação da CM, que resultaria numa das variantes em uso atualmente (Figura 10 do anexo). Nessa hipótese, a marca de CM, de dêitica, caso de VERMELHO, teria flutuado entre a fixação da CM de ETC. como ocorre na articulação do nome COR na Figura 9 (anexo), e a CM teria se distendido para toda a mão aberta, como na Figura 10 (anexo). Também esse exemplo parece comungar da “teoria do menor esforço16 mencionada anteriormente (cf. FROMKLIN & RODMAN, 1993:53). Sinais próximos do rosto não são articulados, normalmente, com as duas mãos. Essa formação seria redundante e desnecessária. Esta propriedade lingüística teria provocado o terceiro estágio de evolução da denominação da categoria COR, em LSB: o indivíduo lexical passaria a ser articulado com uma única mão. Nesse estágio evolutivo da denominação, a articulação do item resultaria em uma CM da mão toda aberta, com movimentos alternados dos dedos e com Movimento externo da mão que inicialmente se posiciona diante dos lábios e se movimenta na direção ao espaço neutro. Então, duas das variantes tomadas como designação para o nome da categoria cor, em LSB, são fruto da apócope da nomeação prototípica de categorias em LSB, constituída inicialmente, pelo vocábulo especificador da categoria “VERMELHO” acompanhado do indicador de categoria “ETC.” Essa análise aponta fortes indícios de que outros nomes de categorias, totalmente opacos no presente, podem ter percorrido caminho semelhante para a denominação do nível superordenado da categoria que nomeia. Também foi possível encontrar denominações construídas a partir da analogia a objetos do mundo extralingüístico, cuja cor é inerente ou prototípica. 16 Um exemplo claro desse fenômeno de “relaxamento” da CM está presente na constituição do item lexical “e-mail” (Figura 26 do anexo), em LSB, que teve como início, as CM (equivalente à letra “E” do alfabeto dactilológico) e (equivalente à letra “M” do alfabeto dactilológico), rapidamente, modificadas para (equivalente à letra “C” do alfabeto dactilológico) e , respectivamente. 70 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s Esse grupo está designado por “nomes de cores construídos por associação semântica”. Essa associação semântica ocorre, especialmente, a partir de processos metonímicos, entendidos, grosso modo, como nomes que apresentam parte pelo todo, metafóricos, entendidos, grosso modo, como um nome por outro e dêiticos, relacionados diretamente com a apontação do referente no mundo real. As hipóteses apresentadas nas análises desse grupo de indivíduos lexicais, na maioria das vezes, não podem ser confirmadas, pois, na sua maioria, partem das intuições da pesquisadora em sua posição êmica. Por isso, são suscetíveis de equívocos, embora se constituam de hipóteses válidas. Ao observar os indivíduos lexicais analisados nesse grupo tem-se que: (a) Branco I (Figura 5 do anexo) parece estar diretamente relacionado à cor ‘branca’ do leite. A representação da cor branca em Capovilla (2001) é com uma mão mais inclinada e de leite (Figura 32 do anexo) é com a mão na posição mais vertical. Em algumas variações diatópicas da LSB, a articulação do leite se dá com as duas mãos, motivada pela ordenha da fêmea bovina; Branco II (Figura 6 do anexo) parece ser um nome representado deiticamente pela passagem da mão sobre a pele ‘pálida’ de pessoas definidas como brancas. Também pode ser identificado como extensão do nome branco registrado por Oates (1983). Há ainda, em variação diatópica, outra denominação para branco, a qual poder-se-ia considerar BRANCO III. Trata-se da variedade de branco na LSB falada pela comunidade surda de Porto Alegre que denomina branco por meio da apontação de um dos dentes da boca, associação motivada, também, pela cor de um referente no mundo real, como é o caso da associação feita a leite para branco I. (b) Marrom II (Figura 13 do anexo) está praticamente representado pelo mesmo sinal de chocolate. Esse fenômeno será chamado de metáfora antes de se pensar em chamá-lo de sinônimo, homônimo ou polissemia. (c) Negro (Figura 14 do anexo) é um nome articulado próximo à fronte e em movimento circular como a representar uma mecha de cabelo anelado, característica física comum a pessoas de pele negra. (d) Rosa (Figura 16 do anexo) é um nome articulado na maçã do rosto. Possivelmente, esse nome está associado à cor rosada das bochechas. Poderia estar associado, também, ao nome rouge (hoje conhecido por blush), que, na verdade, é palavra oriunda do francês e designa a cor vermelha, e não, a cor rosa. Entretanto, há muitas pessoas que apresentam a bochecha rosada quando riem. Portanto, pode ser considerado, até, um nome dêitico17, apesar de sua forma não ser determinada pela apontação física, mas pela forma da bochecha. Outra análise possível é pensá-lo como CL que se lexicalizou como nome da cor. (e) Vermelho (Figuras 22 e 24 do anexo) estabelece uma relação dêitica com a cor dos lábios ou, propriamente, com a cor prototípica do batom, a cor vermelha. A cor vermelha que em língua portuguesa está associada ao “vermículo” (pequeno verme de coloração vermelha), encarnado oriundo de carne, em LSB, é mais visual e baseia-se em protótipo mais comum, a cor dos lábios. (f) Amarelo (Figura 1 do anexo), grosso modo, é possível uma associação com a cor do brilho de fios de cabelos louros. Entretanto, para se considerar essa hipótese, seria necessário imaginar que, no grupo onde foi criada essa associação, houvesse, ao menos, uma pessoa, com os cabelos louros. É comum em todos esses exemplos, o fato de o significado metonímico passar, metaforicamente, a designar o nome da cor. (g) A cor ‘dourada’ (Figura 30 do anexo) remete à cor do “ouro” (Figura 33 do anexo) pelo toque no dente ou no espaço neutro bem próximo a ele, cuja motivação encontra-se nas obturações dentárias, muito comuns, no passado, com modelagem em ouro. (h) Oates (1983) não registra a cor laranja e Capovilla (2001) só a registra como fruta. Entretanto, nas diversas regiões do Brasil, é comum identificar a denominação da cor laranja pela fruta. A deno17 Os dêiticos têm a função de apontar para o contexto situacional. A significação referencial dos dêiticos só pode ser definida em função da situação, do contexto, do receptor de um ato de fala. Em línguas de sinais, os dêiticos referem-se a apontações literais dos referentes para denominá-los ou para referir-se a eles. Há dêiticos (a) pessoais que apontam as pessoas do discurso eu, tu, nós, vós; (b) espaciais que referem-se a determinantes e pronomes demonstrativos, advérbios, grupos adverbiais – aqui, cá, meu, vosso, este; (c) temporais que se referem a advérbios de tempo, desinências verbais temporais como amanhã, falarei; (d) sociais que assinalam a relação hierárquica entre os participantes e os papéis por eles assumidos, como senhora, pintora, secretária. (In: http://portuguesessencialparaconcursos. Lábios, leite, chocolate, laranja etc.: um estudo sobre os nomes das cores em LSB minação representante da associação semântica integral realiza-se com a cor Laranja (Figura 31 do anexo) que, assim como na língua portuguesa, é homônima da fruta. O nome da cor parte da associação semântica que se faz da cor do fruto ‘laranja’ passar à cor ‘laranja’. Foram identificados, por fim, “nomes de cores sem resgate da motivação”: verde II (Figura 19 do anexo). O processo de construção não é facilmente resgatado. Sabe-se que não foi oriundo de iniciais emprestadas de palavra da língua oral, mas os nomes são opacos o suficiente para dificultarem um resgate da motivação para sua denominação. Por fim, foi identificada composição na análise do processo de construção dos nomes VERDE CLARO (Figura 20 do anexo) e VERDE ESCURO (Figura 21 do anexo). O nome VERDE, ao especificar a variação de tom, passa a pertencer ao nível subordinado da categoria. Essa variação de tons da mesma cor foi construída a partir do composto NOME-DACOR + CLAR@ para designar a cor verde claro, e NOME-DA-COR + ESCUR@ para designar a cor verde escuro. Apesar de o corpus não contemplar outras tonalidades de cor, esse paradigma parece ser aplicável pelos falantes de LSB para a denominação das demais tonalidades de todas as cores, variáveis entre tom claro e tom escuro. Conclusão Esse estudo, ainda que incipiente, uma vez que identifica processos de construção de denominações de cores em LSB, afirma a existência da COMPETÊNCIA CONSTRUCIONAL18 dos falantes de LSB, especialmente, daqueles que a têm como primeira língua, diante das opções que fazem ao denominar referentes. Além de resgatar alguns dos processos de construção dos nomes de cores em LSB, os dados analisados mostram que os falantes preenchem, com propriedade e organização, lacunas lexicais na língua, sempre que necessário, a partir de processos de construção semelhantes aos processos utilizados pelos falantes de Línguas Orais. Emergiu da aplicação do Modelo Silex às cores da LSB, também, a importância e validade da análise diacrônica para a identificação dos processos de construção de palavras. Mais ainda, esse estudo 18 Competência Construcional é expressão cunhada por Corbin e faz paralelo com outras expressões como as cunhadas por Chomsky – competência lingüística – e Hymes (1980) –competência comunicativa –. 71 mostra que o Modelo Silex sustenta uma análise morfológica que não se prende somente a questões estruturais, mas, também, a questões funcionais da língua. Isso se comprova, por exemplo, nas análises que demonstram o significado como aspecto mais relevante na construção lexical em detrimento da forma que tem o constituinte. A mão que, em princípio, era tida como passiva, passa a um constituinte determinante de novas formas diante do significado que incorpora e da função que assume na construção de novas unidades lexicais de mesmo campo semântico. A análise contida nessa pesquisa não permitiu identificar processos de conversão, nem alguns processos deformacionais como: aférese, reduplicação de apócopes e/ou aféreses, nem sufixação avaliativa no domínio da designação de cores em LSB. O fato de tais processos não terem sido identificados não significa que não existam e não sejam produtivos em LSB. Esse fato talvez ocorra por que a análise desenvolvida se restringiu a um corpus restrito. Além disso, os dados foram extraídos de repertórios lexicográficos de propósito menos funcional, cuja natureza tenta eliminar os usos para ser mais geral e alguns dos tipos de construção, especialmente, os que envolvem contextos mais familiares precisam ser extraídos de contextos reais, mais coloquiais e mais familiares. Por fim, o modelo que postula os três “significados” intervenientes na construção do “significado” de uma palavra: o significado conferido pela regra de formação de palavras, o significado herdado da base; o significado específico do operador morfológico (cf. CORREIA, 1999) parece ter sido confirmado pelas análises apresentadas. Bibliografia 1. Capovilla, F.C. & Raphael, W.D. Dicionário Enciclopédico Ilustrado Trilíngüe da Língua de Sinais Brasileira – LIBRAS, v. 1 e 2 São Paulo: EDUSP, 2001. 2. Chomsky, N. Linguagem e Mente. Brasília: UnB, 1998. 3. Corbin, D. Entre les mots possibles et les mots existants: les unités lexicales à faible probabilité d’actualisation. In: Si lexicales. nº 1, Publication de L’U.R.A. 382 du C.N.R.S. (SILEX) – Université de Lille III, 1997a. 4. ______. Le lexique construit. Méthodologie d’analyse. Paris: Armand Colin, 1997b. 5. Correia, M. A denominação das qualidades: contributos para a compreensão da estrutura do léxico português. 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O texto e a construção dos sentidos. Coleção: Caminhos da Lingüística. São Paulo: Contexto, 2000. 12. Levinson, S.C. Pragmatics. London: Cambridge University press, 1983. 13. Marcuschi, L.A. Gêneros textuais: definição e funcionalidade. In: Dionísio, A.P., Machado, A.R. e Bezerra, M.A. (orgs.). Gêneros textuais e ensino. Rio de Janeiro: Lucerna, 2002; 20-35. 14. Mey, J.L. Pragmatics: an introduction, 2ª ed., USA: Blackwell Publishers Inc, 1993/2001. 15. Oates, E. Linguagem das Mãos. Aparecida, São Paulo: Santuário, 1983; 1992; 325:165-167. 16. Salles, H.; Faulstich, E.; Carvalho, O.; Ramos, A.A. Ensino de língua portuguesa para surdos: caminhos para a prática pedagógica. v. 1 e 2. Secretaria de Educação Especial. – Brasília: MEC/SEESP, 2003. Anexo – Ilustrações dos nomes de cores em LSB AMARELO (yellow) Figura 119 AZUL (blue) Figura 220 BEGE I (beige I) Figura 321 19 20 21 Figura extraída de Capovilla et al. (2001:185). Figura extraída de Capovilla et al. (2001:254). Figura extraída de Capovilla et al. (2001:284). Lábios, leite, chocolate, laranja etc.: um estudo sobre os nomes das cores em LSB 73 BEGE II (beige II) Figura 422 BRANCO I (white I) Figura 523 BRANCO II (white II) Figura 624 CINZA (gray) Figura 725 22 23 24 25 Figura Figura Figura Figura extraída extraída extraída extraída de de de de Capovilla Capovilla Capovilla Capovilla et et et et al. al. al. al. (2001:284). (2001:314). (2001:314). (2001:412). 74 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s COR I (color I) Figura 826 COR II (color II) Figura 927 CORES (colors) Figura 1028 LILÁS (lilac) Figura 1129 26 27 28 29 Figura Figura Figura Figura extraída extraída extraída extraída de de de de Capovilla Capovilla Capovilla Capovilla et et et et al. al. al. al. (2001:466). (2001:467). (2001:468). (2001:817). Lábios, leite, chocolate, laranja etc.: um estudo sobre os nomes das cores em LSB 75 MARROM I (brown I) Figura 1230 MARROM II (brown II) Figura 1331 NEGRO (black) – para pessoas Figura 1432 PRETO (black) – para objetos Figura 1533 30 31 32 33 Figura Figura Figura Figura extraída extraída extraída extraída de de de de Capovilla Capovilla Capovilla Capovilla et et et et al. al. al. al. (2001:873). (2001:873). (2001:945). (2001:1080). 76 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s ROSA (pink) Figura 1634 ROXO (purple) Figura 1735 VERDE I (green I) Figura 18 VERDE II (green II) Figura 19 34 35 Figura extraída de Capovilla et al. (2001:1152). Figura extraída de Capovilla et al. (2001:1154). Lábios, leite, chocolate, laranja etc.: um estudo sobre os nomes das cores em LSB 77 VERDE CLARO (light Green) Figura 20 VERDE ESCURO (dark Green) � Figura 21 VERMELHO (red) Figura 22 VIOLETA (Violet) Figura 23 78 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s VERMELHO (red) e CORES (colors) Figura 24 BRANCO (white), CINZENTO (gray), PRETO (black), ROXO (purple), VERDE (green) e MARROM (brown) Figura 25 Lábios, leite, chocolate, laranja etc.: um estudo sobre os nomes das cores em LSB 79 E-MAIL Figura 26 COISAS / ETC. (things; etc.) Figura 27 VÁRIOS (several) / ETC. Figura 28 CASTANHO (chestnut) � Figura 29 80 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s DOURADO (golden) Figura 30 LARANJA (orange) � Figura 31 LEITE (milk) Figura 32 OURO (gold) Figura 33 Lábios, leite, chocolate, laranja etc.: um estudo sobre os nomes das cores em LSB 81 CHOCOLATE (chocolate) � Figura 34 PÚRPURA/PURPÚREO (purple, Violet) Figura 35 Adding pieces to the Portuguese Sign Language lexicon puzzle: three pilot studies Juntando mais peças ao puzzle do léxico da LPG: três estudos pilotos Ana Mineiro1*, Joana Pereira2**, Liliana Duarte3***and Isabel Morais4**** 1 Instituto de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (ICS) – Grupo de Neurociências Cognitivas (GNC) – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) 2 Instituto de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (ICS) – Grupo de Neurociências Cognitivas (GNC) 3 Instituto de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (ICS) – Grupo de Neurociências Cognitivas (GNC) – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) 4 Instituto de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (ICS) – Faculdade de Letras das Universidade de Lisboa (FLUL) Resumo Abstract O principal objectivo deste artigo foi apresentar as várias peças que compõem o puzzle do léxico da Língua Gestual Portuguesa (LGP) – a polissemia, a especialização linguística das formas e a história dos gestos através do tempo – demonstrando como essas peças se emolduram no mecanismo linguístico da criatividade humana e da evolução dinâmica das línguas, enquanto factores privilegiados de expressão cultural. Palavras Chave: Língua Gestual Portuguesa (LGP); Léxico; Polissemia; Terminologia; Variação Diacrónica A language’s lexicon is like a galaxy, it lives in permanent expansion for it incorporates the social and personal experiences of the community that speaks it 1. (Nelly Carvalho: 1989) 1. Introductory Notes Words are the building blocks of human language and culture. The ability to create and use words distinguishes homo sapiens from all other animals. In fact, nothing else is so unique and profoundly human as the creation and usage of language. If the ability for language is inscribed in the modern Man’s evolution, the truth is that there are two modalities which reveal and express both our * ** *** **** 1 Translated by the authors. The main goal of this article is to present several pieces of the “puzzle” concerning Portuguese Sign Language (LGP) lexicon – polissemy, linguistic specialization of forms and the sign’s history throughout time –, thus demonstrating how these pieces fit into the linguistic mechanism of human creativity and the dynamic evolution of languages, two privileged factors in cultural expression. Key-Words: Portuguese Sign Language (LGP); Lexicon; Polissemy; Terminology; Diachronic Variation language creation ability and language usage: the oral modality and the visual-gestural modality. Both modalities in human languages are held by a complex system ruled by lexicon, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Such basis is present in every language in the world and differs from one language to the other. As far as this article goes, we will present some of the “pieces” that compose the “lexicon puzzle” in Portuguese Sign Language, brought about by the most recent research work conducted in the area of LGP. We will start by defining lexicon and the lexicon dimensions we will be focusing on. The word Lexicon has its origins in the Greek term «lexicon» and, latu sensu, is a synonym of vocabulary2. The lexicon of a language encloses its complete inventory of words or signs as well as the virtual possibility for creating new items (whether signs or words). A language’s lexicon codifies the 2 In this context we will operatively perceive lexicon and vocabulary as synonyms. Cadernos de Saúde Vol. 2 Número especial de Línguas Gestuais – pp. 83-98 84 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s knowledge shared by the members of the community that uses it, and it integrates and absorbs the new personal and social experiences of such a community of signers or speakers. A given language, through the vocabulary that connects it to the world, reflects society’s valid culture. In the history of languages, the old forms perish as new ones arise. Besides, the way in which form and content relate to one another is constantly changing. In the basis of these modifications lies an endogenous trait of the linguistic system: creativity. This issue is crucial because languages, the same as signers and speakers, born and evolve, so do their signs and words. Therefore, in their “useful life”, lexical units that used to have a certain meaning can come to acquire another or various others due to the effect of polissemy, specialization of meaning (terminology), or as a result of time and usage, effects of the history of the language. In this work we will account for the lexicon’s dynamic and creative function in languages, which renovates, increase and extinguishes words and signs. We will do so by summing up three studies which present these dimensions of language lexicon concerning LGP. We will emphasize that these are the first three research works on this domain, and are therefore must be considered as exploratory studies. LGP is a language without a written form and its lexicon hasn’t yet been systematically explored, gathered up and organized, so to provide researchers with the qualitative and quantitative data required for a thorough analysis of the language’s lexical aspects. Hence, we can only raise hypotheses for terminological, polissemic, and diachronically evolutive signs. 2. Polissemy The concept of polissemy, which is “the association of two or more related senses with a single linguistic form” (Taylor 99), is a common phenomenon in natural languages and for that it has been attended to by researchers from diverse linguistic currents, different branches of Linguistics. Nevertheless, not every linguistic current has paid the same amount of attention to polissemy. After an initial period, centered in diachronic study, Bréal (1887) was the first to provide a synchronic vision of polissemy and to characterize it as a systemic phenomenon connected to semantic change and language evolution. However, polissemy has played a rather secondary role in linguistic studies carried out either by structuralism or generativism. According to structuralists, meaning analysis was based on decomposition into semantic traits. This process allowed them to identify each signifiersignified pair, describing it and relating it to the contiguous meanings (through categorizing in Necessary and Sufficient Conditions, normally represented in the form of matrixes of semantic traits). This methodological perspective with a compositional basis was centered on the equivalence between a phonological form and one single meaning. It minimized perception of a phenomenon which, due to its own nature, demanded a more global, less formal and less compartmented approach. In a way, this confusion between polissemy and homonymy was recovered by generativism. Some authors referred to this dominant paradigm during the most part of the 20th century as the “single meaning approach” (Cuyckens e Zawada, 2001). Hence, generativist linguists, much more interested in the concept of “competence” than “performance”, undertook a semantic analysis where a lexical unit’s different meanings were inserted in a wider, more global meaning, described in the language’s “system”. For this reason, describing real meanings, resulting from usage, did not interest them. Basically, such a lack of interest is due to both linguistic currents considering polissemy as a marginal phenomenon, one that is never regular and systemic. Both considered that, in the relation between form and meaning, the predominant lexical norm was the combination of monossemy (the “single meaning approach”) and homonymy, that is, the formal coincidence in two lexical units which share a common denomination but have separate meanings. It is only when cognitive linguistics arises, throughout the 80’s and the 90’s, that polissemy starts to play a central role in describing lexical meaning (cf. Lakoff e Johnson, 1977; Langacker, 1991; Fauconnier, 1994; Taylor, 1995; Ungerer e Schmid, 1996, and many others). All of these approaches shared one same principle: that lexical units, as well as word classes and grammatical constructions, are conceptual categories which should be studied as a reflex of general cognitive principles, seen as more than merely formal linguistic phenomena. Cognitive linguistics, by including work and methods from other academic disciplines (philosophy of language, experimental psychology), was better equipped to describe polissemy as a regular phenomenon of language. Adding pieces to the Portuguese Sign Language lexicon puzzle: three pilot studies To sum up, cognitive linguistics describes lexical units as categories of interconnected meanings around a prototype (Rosch, 1973), by means of semantic associations or “family resemblances” (words well put by Wittgenstein). Thus, the meaning of a lexical unit would no longer have a unitary, monossemic value, in a given profound structure, and it would become a group of interconnected meanings by means of cognitive processes such as metaphorization, metonymy, specialization or generalization. Up until then, in the dominant paradigm, a polissemic word’s meanings were described as derivations of a main meaning (usually etymologically motivated), whereas in the constructivist paradigm, one meaning (or several of the meanings) of a word can be more relevant (“salient”) than the rest. Here, however, different meanings do not derive from each other; instead they connect to one another through the processes we already mentioned. In this pilot study, carried out by Mineiro et al. (2008)3, we account for interrelations between the different meanings of a number of LGP signs, aiming at explaining family resemblances amidst them. We will show that, apart from cases where the mechanism involved is metonymy stricto sensu, we can also find others that are as yet hard to include in any of the semantic mechanisms proposed in literature, namely, metaphor, metonymy, specialization and generalization. 2.1. Corpus used The Corpus-LGP contains one hundred signs. They were collected bearing in mind the signs registered in Gestuário4 and in didactic5 material used in Deaf Education, because these are the most 3 4 5 The complete original study can be found in Mineiro, A, Duarte, L.P. Carvalho, P.V. Tebé, C. & Correia; M. “Aspectos da Polissemia nominal em Língua Gestual Portuguesa” In: Polissema, Vol 8, Porto, pp.37-56 , 2008. Gestuário is a compilation of basic LGP signs, using written contents and images, and it is similar to any oral language dictionary. Gestuário was coordinated by António Vieira Ferreira and Adalberto Fernandes and published by the Secretariado Nacional para a Reabilitação e Integração das Pessoas (National Secretariat for Rehabilitation and the Integration of People with Disabilities), in Lisbon. The didactic materials’ author is Paulo Vaz de Carvalho, and they were created based on the signs that are intuitively used the most in daily communication, as well as those present in Faria, I. H., Ferreira, J. A., Barreto, J., Martins, M., Neves, N., Santos, R., Vilela, S. (2002b). +LGP – Materiais de Apoio ao Ensino da Língua Gestual Portuguesa: O Mundo. Laboratório de Psicolinguística, FLUL. Publicação em CD-Rom, versão 1.0. 85 used sources used by LGP signers. We chose signs that are commonly used in daily communication, separated into the following themes: animals, fruit, the four seasons, transports, countries and cities. The Corpus-LGP was put together in five different phases. In the first phase, one hundred signs were selected from Gestuário and split into the themes mentioned above. In the second phase, using a written list, seven profoundly deaf subjects (with early LGP acquisition and literate in Portuguese) were requested to produce the signs, and such production was captured on video. In the third phase, two hearing fluent LGP signers and two deaf signers selected signs that were potentially polissemic into a sub-corpus (cf. Table 1), based on their linguistic competence. In the fourth phase, using digitalized images representing the elements in the sub corpus, each informant was asked to comment freely on the images, so that contextualized production of the signs could be recorded and not just the isolated units. After the several signed productions had been analyzed, a week later, the same seven informants were asked to repeat the fourth phase of the process, so to try and quantify variation in the potentially polissemic denominations. 2.2. Methods After building the Corpus-LGP, we verified the polissemy possibility in every signed item – using the linguistic knowledge of two LGP fluent signers (hearing) and two LGP signers (deaf) as reference. Having reached conclusions on the items which were potentially polissemic, we asked the informants to sign the polissemic units in acceptations differing from the initial corpus unit. We verified that certain signs were indeed presented identically for the several acceptations, while others were presented with syntactic and morphophonologic variations. In addition to such proof of variation, the truth is certain signs sometimes appeared with variations and other times were presented identically to the initial form, or the “motivating” form. In order to describe the variation observed and quantify occurrences in the two competing forms, it was necessary for the informants to again undergo a filmed signing process of the polissemic units in a natural context. This study was based on a descriptive methodology and on data observation, an approach that intends to be data-driven and bottom-up, that is, steered by the data and constructed in terms of classifying it through corpus results observation. 86 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s 2.3. Results Bearing into mind what is generally known on languages’ polissemy phenomenon, we verified that LGP shows signed polissemy processes, which we will describe in the following paragraphs. 2.3.1.Polissemy by metonymy Traditionally, metonymy and metaphor are two similar processes6, to the extent that they both represent systematic conceptual mapping of a sourcedomain and a target-domain. The distinction between these two similar processes lies in the fact that metaphor establishes similarity connections, whereas metonymy is built on connections of contiguity. Both processes make a decisive contribution in creating, through extension, language polissemy. In the case of the corpus collected, we found metonymic polissemic signs. In 1995, Correia had already called our attention to cases of metonymy in LGP signs that are part of the Gestuário. From what we know so far, metonymy is probably the most productive process in generating polissemy in LGP – and even in other sign languages. In the following pairs: CAFÉ7 (drink – coffee) e CAFÉ (place where you can have coffee – a cafe), CEREJA (cherry) and FUNDÃO (name of a Portuguese village); BACALHAU (codfish) and SEXTA-FEIRA (Friday – the day when children ate codfish at the Deaf School); and CAVALO (horse) and CARCAVELOS8 (name of a village – place where there was a farm with many horses, at the time the sign was crafted) we found the same sign being produced 6 7 8 In the context of the schematic network model for categorization, made popular by Langacker (1987/1991), both metaphor in its similarity, and metonymy in its contiguity, are presented as extension connections, opposite to schematization connections (generalization) and specification (Silva, 120 and following). Signs are represented in capital letters because they are glosses of LGP into written Portuguese. Despite the article’s translation into English, these glosses are kept in Portuguese throughout this article because it favors comprehension of some of the linguistic aspects described. In the first published version of this study (Mineiro et al. 2008) the pair CAVALO and CARCAVELOS was not considered as metonymic. It was interpreted as caused by reading deviation, taking into account the global reading level of Deaf people. On the occasion of the presentation of this pilot study at an International Conference, in Brazil, May 2009, Amílcar Morais defended that this sign should be classified as metonymic due to its history and its crafting. Hence, we accepted this re-reading of the polissemic process, integrating it in this article. to denominate both referents in each pair. In the case of BACALHAU the sign is produced, in some of the occurrences, using the non-dominant hand. This happens when the sign is produced out of context, whereas when it is produced in context, it is identical to SEXTA-FEIRA. In the case of CAFÉ, we do not know if its polissemy is based on a metonymic process or in the linguistic contact there is between the written Portuguese language and Portuguese Sign Language. This is a possible explanation. Other signs were found that tend to assume metonymic polissemy. PÁSCOA (Easter) and AMÊNDOA (almond) only differed in one of the phonologic parameters: non manuals. The pair PEIXE (fish) and TERÇA-FEIRA (Tuesday – the day when the main course at the Deaf School was fish) also exhibited a close proximity, thus it can come to constitute a polissemic unit. The only difference found between the two (PEIXE e TERÇA-FEIRA) was reduplication9 in TERÇA-FEIRA. The trio UVA(grape)SETEMBRO(September)-PALMELA(Portuguese village) has also shown a tendency for metonymy motivated polissemy, and the variations in these three signs are situated in the syntactic plan (proximal and medial distance). 2.3.2. Polissemy by stereotype effect LGP has several resources for the formation of common and concrete names. For instance, the attribution of sign names is done, within the Deaf community, through an internal and democratic negotiation process based on several types of systems, as we can read in Carvalho’s description (2006). One of the systems for attributing sign names is the “salience effect”, meaning that it is the selection of a physical evident trait (e.g. big nose, small eyes, etc.) or a psychological trait (expressivity, shyness, etc.) that leads to the sign name’s attribution. Another process, which is similar to this one, refers to what happens with concrete names of countries and cities. The name is created from one icon that is consensually considered as representative (stereotype) of a given location (country or city). In the corpus collected in this study, we found several signs for countries and cities built polissemically, through stereotype effect. We will use this notion, in the way Kleiber (1990) conceived it, distinguishing 9 Here we use the term reduplication, meaning the process through which the repetition of a whole sign or the repetition of a part of a sign occurs. Adding pieces to the Portuguese Sign Language lexicon puzzle: three pilot studies it from the notion of prototype (better specimen of a conceptual or linguistic category). Thus, countries and cities are named based on a sign that already exists and which represents a stereotyped, typical form of that same location, as we can see in the following examples. BRASIL (Brazil) is named after TELENOVELA (Soap Opera) (with a variation: reduplication in BRASIL). Both referents are named using the same sign, only differing in the sign’s repetition, in the case of BRASIL, a unit constructed from TELENOVELA. The same happens with ARGENTINA and BOI (Ox), where the reduplication happens in ARGENTINA. Totally identical signs are IRLANDA (Ireland) and HARPA (harp), ESCÓCIA (Scotland) and GAITA-DEFOLES (bagpipes), GUIMARÃES (a Portuguese city) and CASTELO (castle). With variation in one phonological parameter (facial expression), we find the pair TERRAMOTO (earthquake) and ITÁLIA (Italy), where the differentiating facial expression appears in the sign ITÁLIA. With no variation, we find the pair ITÁLIA e ALGÉS (Portuguese village), where the exact same sign is presented for both referents in all occurrences. 2.3.3. Polissemy by linguistic contact In the collected corpus, we think that for signs that are already formed and stabilized, creation of new semantic content can also happen through contact between LGP and written Portuguese. It is a known fact that Deaf people have difficulties in learning to read and in written production of Portuguese. This is described in literature on LGP and Deaf education (Baptista: 2008), and the common “errors” or “deviations to the written norm” are portrayed. For this reason, we present the hypothesis10 that reading influences the formation of the derived acceptation in the pre-existent sign. The process that we present here holds two interesting variants, linguistic contact with no reading deviation and deviant linguistic contact. The fact that we consider the process we present here as polissemic instead of homonymic comes from having operatively limited the notion of polissemy and using this concept whenever there is an intentio10 To think that the written form in Portuguese motivates the creation of LGP signs, through polissemy, is a plausible interpretation but yet to be proved. In order to understand if this is a recurring process, we would have to verify this hypothesis in a statistical study that would allow us to reach a trustworthy conclusion. 87 nal and rational connection between the various acceptations of a linguistic item (sign/word). In this case, we consider that there is a relation of linguistic contact11 between two languages in one community – Portuguese is the “written” language of Portuguese deaf people and it promotes, through the reading channel, an interpretation of two items as related to one single form. A possible example, which illustrates the creation of an acceptation within a pre-existent sign, due to a reading deviation 12 in Portuguese, is the pair BRISTOL and PISTOL(A) (gun). In this pair we see a similarity in writing, between the groups of consonants and vowels used in BRISTOL and PISTOL, which can lead to the creation of an acceptation based on the pre-existent signifier-signified relationship. There are cases, such as the pairs PERU (animal) and PERU (country), and CAFÉ (coffee – the drink) and CAFÉ (location where one drinks coffee), where the similarity of the two signs in each pair seems to be anchored in a reading process of written Portuguese, with no deviations. As we said before, it is impossible to perceive whether CAFÉ (the drink) and CAFÉ (location) are polissemic forms by metonymy within LGP, or if reading in Portuguese has influenced naming these two referents using the same sign. 2.3.4. Polissemy by imagetic synonymy One of the processes for “recycling” signs for inexistent referents was what we thought to have found through visual image. This process seems to be particularly interesting, for it is believed that vision is one of the highly developed senses in Deaf People. Consequently, processing the “image world” will linguistically be an operative process and, namely, an LGP process. The signs’ morphological composition processes are most of all visually motivated, generally referential (indicating indirectly the parts of the body or pronouns), iconic (delineated representation of the object or using hand shape to represent the object itself) and metaphorical and 11 12 We must enphasize that the word creation in oral languages, through linguistic loans (linguistic contact), is also done through the unit of origin’s “linguistic deformation” (e.g abajur, quivi, líder, among others). On this matter, one can consult works on European Portuguese, such as the ones by Rebello de Andrade and Lavouras Lopes (2003). We think that this process is common to other sign languages, namely Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) and British Sign Language (BSL). This hypothesis can be further looked into in future studies. 88 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s metonymical (cf. Hub-Faria et al. 2001: 87-98). It seems to us that the “imagetic synonymy” process proposed here fits in LGP’s tendency to create signs that are visually motivated. In this case, we found pairs concerning brand names where their symbol is a sign that already exists, such as in ELEFANTE (elephant) and JUMBO13 (supermarket brand); ESTRELA (star) and AMADORA (location in Lisbon) (due to the influence of there being a Football Club called “Estrela da Amadora”). Imagetic synonymy (the representative symbol and its referent), in these cases, leads to the attribution of a sign that is identical to its source, resulting in a similar form with several meanings (in the cases above, ELEFANTE equals JUMBO, and ESTRELA equals AMADORA). 2.4. Description of potentially polissemic sign variation Within natural languages, variation is systemic. LGP’s youth can be a promoter of such an internal facet in languages. We can find this in literature, described for example by Henriques (2006), concerning nominal variation in the “história da rã” (the frog story). An interesting issue was raised during data collection; we acknowledged that in such a young language as this one, there are indeed potentially polissemic linguistic forms. Still, in this context, they haven’t yet reached a state where they are completely stabilized. In that case, if some of the collected signs are clearly polissemic linguistic forms, that is, one same sign for several co-relatable meanings, other signs compete with each other to become enveloped in this phenomenon. We think that the “linguistic economy” factor that Aristóteles14 spoke of, referring to the reasons for which polissemy exists, can make a decisive contribution for polissemic forms’ “natural selection” do be done to the detriment of its variants. 13 14 Jumbo is a supermarket chain which symbol is an elephant. Aristóteles finds a correct reason – linguistic economy, meaning the recycling ability of linguistic matter in the face of new referential stimulli (objects, concepts) – to explain polissemy, when he states that: Names exist in a limited number, as well as the plurality of enunciates, whereas this are finite. It is therefore inevitable that the same enunciate and that one same single word means several things. (Aristóteles, Elencos Sofísticos, 165a 10-13, apud Silva, 16 – translated by the author). There were signs which were undoubtedly polissemic (100% of occurrences in the collected corpus), while other signs presented some type of variation, whether concerning syntactic parameters – the same sign being produced in different distances in the syntactic space (proximal, medial and distal); whether relating to morphophonology (such as the sign’s reduplication or a noticeable difference in facial expression). The truth is that signs which presented derivations in relation to their original form (proofing to be according to our opinion, competing variants) do not seem to be yet stable in their differentiated form and have shown occurrences where the two forms are identical (cf. Table 2). Only LGP’s future history will be able to shed some light whether on one form prevailing over the other, or both forms remaining in usage. To sum up, the signs that were presented in every occurrence with one same form were: BRISTOL – PISTOL(A); CAVALO – CARCAVELOS; CEREJA – FUNDÃO; CASTELO – GUIMARÃES; CAFÉ (location) – CAFÉ (drink); ELEFANTE – JUMBO; ESTRELA – AMADORA; HARPA – IRLANDA; ITÁLIA – ALGÉS; GAITA-DE-FOLES – ESCÓCIA; PERU (animal) – PERU (country). The signs that presented variation were: BACALHAU – SEXTA-FEIRA; BOI – ARGENTINA; ESTRELA – AMADORA; UVA – PALMELA – SETEMBRO; TERRAMOTO – ITÁLIA; PÁSCOA – AMÊNDOA; PEIXE – TERÇA-FEIRA; TELENOVELA – BRASIL. 2.5. Concluding Remarks This work presented here is one first systematic approach of this theme. We recognize this study’s “embrionary” nature, but we think it already presents some relevant aspects. It is a work of observation and data description on the polissemy phenomenon, an analysis that as far as we know has not yet been conducted concerning LGP. It is an attempt to classify processes that are subjacent to polissemy in LGP, processes that seem to be a feature of this language. We believe that the causality hypothesis we have enunciated connecting the polissemic form to the polissemy’s origin, particularly in the case of sign formation through reading words in the Portuguese language, need to be developed in future research. Adding pieces to the Portuguese Sign Language lexicon puzzle: three pilot studies 3. Specialization of meaning: terminology in LGP A language’s lexicon progressively expands in new forms, many of which are built from forms that already exist. These new forms result from linguistic creativity as well as human creativity in other fields. Neologisms created in science, technology or art provide us with a linguistic passage to have access to new concepts, therefore accompanying the evolution of societies. We will see that these new linguistic forms are words or signs which contain specialized meaning; they are used in certain linguistic communicative contexts (e.g. science, technology, arts) and obey to the same linguistic creation rules than common lexical items (although there are preferential processes for term formation described for languages in the oral modality). Nowadays, there is an enourmous gap between the interest in LGP terminology and elaboration of terminological work. Studies such as Terminologia da Análise Linguística da Língua Gestual (Terminology of Linguistic Analysis of Sign Language) (Prata;1994), Emergência de uma Terminologia Linguística em Língua Gestual Portuguesa (the Emmergence of a Linguistic Terminology in portuguese Sign Language (Delgado-Martins; 1998), and digital thematic dictionaries such as A Casa (The House) (Faria et al;2001), O Corpo (The Body) (Faria et al; 2002) and O Mundo (The World) (Faria et al;2002) are some of the very few works done in this field. The lack of specialized signs is felt not only by LGP interpreters but also by Deaf students who now have access to higher levels of education, and thus need specialized signs to refer to concepts that are specific of their training area. The goal of this pilot study undertaken by Duarte et al. (2007)15 was to build an inventory of LGP signs collected in a classroom, and to analyze the formation processed used by Deaf students. Due to the impossibility of exploring a wider corpus, on area was chosen for scrutiny: Natural Sciences, a subject present in the “Ensino Básico” (Basic Education) Curricula . 15 The complete study was originally published in Duarte, L., Mineiro, A “Terminologia em Língua Gestual Portuguesa: Uma necessidade para a tradução? Processos de formação de Gestos em Ciências Naturais” In: Encontro Comemorativo dos 50 anos do Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa (CLUL), Lisboa, 2007. 89 3.1. Method In a first phase, contact was established with every “Unidades de Apoio Educativo a Alunos Surdos” (Units for Educational Support of Deaf Students) in the Portugal – more commonly known as UAEAS. They were a total of thirty two, according to the information provided by DGIDC – “Direcção-Geral de Inovação e de Desenvolvimento Curricular” (General Board for Innovation and Curricular Development). This information was gathered at the UAEAS National Meeting, in December 2005. In a second phase, criteria we established for selecting schools. These included all of the important variables to take into account in this sort of study: – Schools which included one UAEAS; – With one or more LGP interpreters; – With one or more LGP teachers; – With classes that had the largest number possible of signing deaf students, in the subject of Natural Sciences/ Sciences of Nature, Biology/ Geology and Geology, with an LGP interpreter in the classroom; The defined conditions reduced our universe of study because not every school that could participate in this study showed interest to do so. Therefore, our universe was cut down to 8 students, from the 7th and 8th grades, with ages between 13 and 19 years (in Coimbra). In a third phase, video recordings were made at the only school that filled the requirements set by us in the beginning. These footages carried out in 6 classes, with a duration of 45 minutes each. In a fourth phase, researchers proceeded to sign collection and analysis, based on the terminological lexicon the students produced in the classroom. Finally, on a fifth phase, the results obtained (the terms registered in the footages) were analyzed, with the assistance of a deaf native LGP signer. 3.2. Corpus collected Atmosfera (atmosphere); CFC (clorofluorcarbono) (chlorophluorocarbons); Chuvas ácidas (Acid rain); Epicentro (Epicenter); Hipocentro (Hipocenter); Maremoto (Seaquake); Marés negras (Black Tides); Ozono (Ozone); Poluição (Polution); Sismo (Seism); Tsunami; Raios Ultravioleta (Ultraviolet Rays). 90 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s 3.3. Results The analysis of the results obtained focused on two different parameters: a qualitative parameter and a quantitative parameter. In both cases the analysis was limited to a descriptive observation of the data. In the future, we hope to widen the corpus so to obtain results that can allow us to withdraw broader conclusions on the resourcefulness and creativity of the formation processes found. Following the qualitative parameter, the obtained signs were classified according to the type of formation they presented whereas in the quantitative parameter, the signs were analyzed according to descriptive statistics data. The methodology used in our corpus qualitative analysis was similar to the one presented in the study of Raquel Delgado Martins (1998). We considered that quantitative analysis can be an interesting option if this study is broadened in the future, which is why we decided to include it in our work. 3.3.1. Qualitative descriptive analysis The sign formation processes produced by the students were scarce since some LGP sign formation processes are not represented here. Formation processes such as derivation, initialization16, paraphrasis or external loan were not found. On the one hand, we think this is due to the reduced dimension of the collected corpus and, on the other hand, to its thematic limitation because it is confined to one specific area of knowledge. The sign formation processes found were: (1) Dactilology: process through which the term is shaped by manual configurations corresponding to the manual alphabet. This process involves some knowledge of written Portuguese, which might not happen in the case of deaf people with a low educational level. In the universe of this study, signs formed by dactilology were: A-T-M-O-S-F-E-R-A; C-F-C; E-P-I-C-E-N-T-R-O; H-IP-O-C-E-N-T-R-O; M-A-R-E-M-O-T-O; O-Z-O-N-O; T-S-U-N-A-M-I; R-A-I-O-S U-L-T-R-A-V-I-O-L-E-T-A. 16 This term, already used in various studies in LIBRAS (Brasilian Sign Language), was used by us in alternative to the syntagmatic term “initial dactilologic configuration”, proposed by Amaral, Coutinho and Delgado Martins (1994) because we think it to be more economical from a linguistic point of view and conceptually more transparent. (2) Internal Loan: process of reusing an existent sign in the common LGP lexicon, conferring a specific meaning of an area of specialty to it. The sign formed through internal loan was: SEISM. In the case of Seism, students used the sign for Earthquake to refer to Seism. Although there seems to be a dim line dividing the concepts seism and earthquake, there are indeed differences. Concerning the concept of seism, we can say that it refers to a quake or vibration that occurs inside the Earth and results from breaking elastic tensions. However an earthquake refers to land shifting. The same process occurs for the term seaquake, which means the existence of underwater movement. We can therefore consider, in this case, that there is a semantic hierarchical connection, where seism appears as a hyperonim of earthquake and seaquake. (3) Composition (sign + sign and sign + sign + sign): process where the concept is expressed through the junction of existent signs, with no morpheme loss. The composed signs were: CHUVA ÁCIDA (Acid rain); MARÉS NEGRAS (Back Tides) and POLUIÇÃO (Pollution) In the case of acid rain, the students used the signs CHUVA (rain) and SUJO (dirty) aggregated sequentially. This composition seems to derive from a visual linguistic motivation, since proximity between the object and its denomination is perceivable. It is also important to mention that the concepts were transmitted by the subject’s teacher through strategies that included explanation, usage of pantomimic gesture, the image referring to the object, and the presentation of negative and positive effects of the concepts. Hence, for acid rain students used CHUVA (rain) + SUJO (dirty) (because of the visible degradation caused to monuments) and for black tides BARCO (boat) + PARTIR (depart) + DERRAMAR (spill) (because of the visual image of the oil tankers). For pollution, students opted by the combination of the signs SUJO (filthy) + ESPALHAR (spread). This association allows us to say that these two signs, clustered together, transmit the perfect understanding of the concept, since pollution is related to filth and is not something that is fixed in one particular location. Adding pieces to the Portuguese Sign Language lexicon puzzle: three pilot studies 3.3.2. Quantitative descriptive analysis So to better visualize statistical distribution of the formation processes in the collected corpus, we present the following graphic: 8% 25% 67% Dactylology Internal Loan Sign Composition As we can see, 67% of the signs were produced through dactylology. We also observe that composition of signs obtained a 25% result whereas the internal loan process attained 8% of the occurrences. These results show a clear predominance of dactilology as a privileged sign formation process in this area of knowledge. The reasons for this result can be connected to the fact that, when the footage was being captured, students were being exposed to these concepts for the first time. So, there might not have been “enough time” to create processes that are endogenous to LGP and are alternatives to dactylology. The dactilology sign formation process is natural in a school community because it involves strategies of identification written Portuguese. If the target population was made of Deaf people with a low level of education or illiterate subjects, results could have shifted and LGP neology would manifest itself in other formation processes. Sign composition seems to be an alternative to the previous process with some representativity. This can be due to available linguistic material (existent signs) being used to create new denominations, which demonstrates LGP’s ability to recruit economical morphological processes. Like any other language whether of an oral or signed modality, LGP has a set of rules that allows it to generate an infinite number of enunciation and signs. The internal loan process presents a result of 8%. 3.4. Concluding Remarks We can consider the collected corpus as an early stage of our study, which scope should be broadened not only within this same thematic area, but also in other curricular areas that interest the Deaf community and every professional that works with LGP. 91 We come to the conclusion that the formation processes used in this study are parallel to those found in oral languages. From a linguistic point of view, this reinforces what biolinguistic studies have been demonstrating: sign languages are true linguistic systems that only differ from oral languages in the modality used for expressing and perceiving them. Even though dactilology was the sign formation process that was the most used by our subjects, we think that happened because LGP signers, in the classroom context, hadn’t had time to completely assimilate the concepts so that more specialized signs would arise naturally, using formation processes which were endogenous to LGP’s morphological system. This result replicates the one described in Amaral, Coutinho & Delgado Matins (1994). We believe that if the students had been filmed during a longer period in time, alternatives dactilological signs would have been found in the classroom context. The dactylology process can be compared to what happens when, in the Portuguese language, we first receive a term belonging to a foreign language. Such a term is not immediately integrated. Firstly, it is used just as it arrived to us: in the form of the language of origin. The integration phase and assimilation occurs latter on. 4. The history of signs in the semantic field of family «The history of a word is the history of its culture and structure; Both aspects should really be described in relation to each other, as if they were two sides of a same coin17» (Helmut Ludtke, 1968) Although Portuguese Sign Language (LGP) is more than two-hundred-years-old, the truth is it was only formally recognized in 1997, having become a legally acknowledge language in the Portuguese Constitution. Signs used in daily communication are easily changeable, ever evolving into new forms, and this often steals away the historical background of the signs themselves. Processes of linguistic economy tend sometimes to simplify the original signs, transforming the lexical cluster of sign languages. 17 Translated by the authors. 92 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s In this exploratory study, conducted by Pereira et al (in press)18 we intend to retrace the historical path and the etymology of a semantic field: family. 4.1. Methods and Materials Data collection was obtained with the participation of 15 Deaf signers, LGP natives which were divided into three age groups: (i) more than 10 years of age, (ii) more than 25 years of age, (iii) and more than 45 years of age. Subjects were selected using high LGP fluency as a main criteria and the research team tried to make the sample as heterogeneous as possible in terms of each of the participants’ language acquisition and educational background. Our sign corpus included 32 family ties, for which we intended to search etymology explanations. The concepts used were: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, son, daughter, uncle, aunt, godfather, godmother, godson, goddaughter, brother, sister, cousin (masculine), cousin (feminine), brother-in-law, sister-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, stepson, stepdaughter, stepfather, stepmother, nephew, niece, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, great-grandfather, great-grandmother, grandson and granddaughter. Subjects were asked to explain the origin of each sign, using a written list of the words above. Proposals of origin for the signs were registered and accounted for. The most mentioned etymology proposal was registered, as well as its level of cohesion, depending on the number of participants who had suggested it; Weak [1 to 5]; Medium [5 to 10]; and High [10 to 15]. Within these categories we also identified others: Weak– [1 to 2]; Weak* = 3; Weak+ [4 to 5]; Medium– [6 to 7]; Medium* = 8; Medium+ [9 to 10]; High– [11 to 12]; High* = 13; High+ [14 to 15]. Where no answer was obtained results were named Null. 4.2. Results According to the most mentioned etymology proposal by our informants, a list of proposal for the etymology of each sign was elaborated (see Table 3). We intend to apply such a list in further research using a wider sample of Portuguese Deaf participants, 18 The complete study on diachrony in the semantic field of family is being published in Pereira, J. Morais, I.; Duarte, L. Morais, A. & Ana Mineiro “Diachronic Variation in Portuguese Sign Language” In: Proceedings of the 1st Symposium in Applied Sign Linguistics, University of Bristol, Centre for Deaf Studies, Bristol: UK. so to determine etymology more accurately in this semantic field. However, and although our informant group was small, some aspects were noticed and are worthy of reflection. These issues pointed in six directions, which can constitute future research hypothesis, to be confirmed through upcoming studies. 1 – Most easily identified signs The signs which origins were most easily identified (or suggested) by the informants were PAI (father), MÃE (mother), BISAVÔ (grandfather), BISAVÓ (grandmother), MADRINHA (godmother), PADRINHO (godfather), AFILHADO (godson), AFILHADA (goddaughter), MADRASTA (stepmother) and PADRASTO (stepfather). These results might have to do with the fact that all these signs refer to direct family members, people that are close to our informants. Perhaps they end up being signs that are more used in signed conversations and, being often part of dialogues and discussions, their origins become more probable to be talked about and transmitted to others. 2 – Gender similarity From the 32 signs analyzed, made of 16 gender pairs (e.g. father/mother, son/daughter, etc.), 12 pairs (24 signs) matched in terms of similar justifications given in the group. We only registered differing etymology proposals in the pairs PAI/MÃE (father/ mother); and ENTEADO/ENTEADA (stepfather/stepmother). It is interesting to observe that gender matches even happened in the pair PADRASTO (stepfather) (PAI-father+SEGUNDO-second)/MADRASTA (stepmother) (MÃE-mother+SEGUNDO-second). In this case gender is not marked adding the sign FEMININO (feminine) in the beginning but using the sign MÃE (mother) instead. 3 – Knowledge vs inventive ability This study’s participants have probably made use of their inventive abilities in order to explain the signs’ origin. Since there is no written record of old LGP signs, we accepted that the justifications provided might come from knowledge transmition from the older to the youngest generations. Nevertheless, we must also consider that the etymology proposals collected can also have been mere explanations given in the moment of questioning, based on the presented sign’s visual motivations and the informant’s sensibility as an LGP signer and member of the Deaf community. Adding pieces to the Portuguese Sign Language lexicon puzzle: three pilot studies 4 – Teaching the language in study In group (ii), an interesting connection was observed: LGP teachers gave more sign etymology proposals than the rest of the informants. Teaching the language in study might be a factor for having a deeper knowledge on the language’s terms etymology. 5 – Historical factor People in group (iii) (over 45) were educated under the oralist system and during the period Salazar’s dictatorship was in power. At the time, before the Revolution of the Carnations (25th April 1974), divorces were scarce and, therefore, signs which express concepts related to the reality of divorce (stepfather, stepfather, stepdaughter, stepson, children of the stepfather or stepmother) are always used recurring to dactylology. This occurs in contrast with what happens in group (i), where the youngest Deaf participants are. In the Portuguese educational system these students already have available Deaf models (Deaf native LGP signers as their teachers), with whom they create a specific dynamic where their language’s past is absorbed and its future is shaped. In this process of language creation and evolution, language terms appear which are already adapted to the social conditions of the present time, such as signs of family ties spurring form divorces. In fact, the most part of these youngsters’ parents are divorced. 6 – Co-relation bewteen age group and metalinguistic conscience The group where more participants provided less than 20 answers with no justification, that is, where they just said they did not know the sign’s origin, was group (ii) (4 informants), followed by group (i) (3 informants), and at last group (iii) (1 participant). This seems to indicate that in the sample we studied, children and young adults reveal more knowledge on the sign’s origins than elder participants. In a way, this contradicts our initial expectations, since we believed the older the participant the more knowledge he/she would have on etymology. This observation, which is opposite to the research team’s expectations, can probably be justified by the fact that nowadays LGP is studied and formally taught, which did not happen in the old days. Thus, a metalinguistic conscience arose from acknowledging and teaching the language. 93 4.3. Concluding Remarks This exploratory study led us to congregate a list of etymological proposals for signs in the semantic category of family, to be tested against a wider population of participants in the future. We also came up with a few hypotheses that we intend to explore in a near future, namely the correlation between the age group and sign etymological conscience, as well as the didactic interest of Deaf teachers in etymological findings. 5. Final remarks In this work, which includes three previously published pilot studies, we intend to account for the fundamentally dynamic features of LGP lexicon. By presenting the effects of polissemy or meaning extension, of the form’s specialization into naming specialized concepts, and the history of common use signs in three age groups, we provided the reader with a few pieces of the complex puzzle which lies underneath language lexicon, particularly that of LGP. 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Adding pieces to the Portuguese Sign Language lexicon puzzle: three pilot studies Table 1 – A few polissemic or potentially polissemic signs BACALHAU/ SEXTA-FEIRA (codfish/Friday CAVALO/ CARCAVELOS (horse/Carcavelos) BOI/ ARGENTINA ox/Argentina CASTELO/ GUIMARÃES (castle/Guimarães) ESTRELA/ AMADORA (Star / Amadora) PÁSCOA/ AMÊNDOA (Easter/almond) UVAS/ SETEMBRO/ PALMELA (grapes/September/Palmela) GAITA-DE-FOLES/ ESCÓCIA (bagpipes/ Scotland) PEIXE/ TERÇA-FEIRA (fish/Tuesday) BRISTOL/ PISTOLA (Bristol/pistol) CAFÉ (bebida) / CAFÉ (local) (coffee-drink/cafe-location) CEREJA/ FUNDÃO (cherry/Fundão) ELEFANTE/JUMBO (elephant/Jumbo) HARPA/IRLANDA (harp/Ireland) PERÚ (animal)/ PERU (pais) (turkey-animal/Peru-country) 95 96 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s Table 2 – Frequency of competing occurences1 Signs 1 2 Total No. of ocorrences Production of the same sign ALGÉS 7 7 ITÁLIA (Italy) 8 8 TERRAMOTO (earthquake) 6 5 1 AMÊNDOA (almond) 9 6 3 PÁSCOA (Easter) 7 6 1 BACALHAU (codfish) 7 7 SEXTA-FEIRA (Friday) 7 7 BOI (ox) 9 7 ARGENTINA 8 8 BRASIL (Brazil) 9 6 TELENOVELA (soap opera) 7 7 CAFÉ (coffee-drink) 7 7 CAFÉ (cafe-location) 7 7 CAVALO (horse) 8 8 CARCAVELOS 8 8 CASTELO (castle) 7 7 GUIMARÃES 7 7 CEREJAS (cherry) 9 9 FUNDÃO 9 9 ESTRELA (star) 3 2 1 AMADORA 14 8 6 ELEFANTE (elephant) 3 3 JUMBO 7 7 GAITA-DE-FOLES (bagpipes) 5 5 ESCÓCIA (Scotland) 7 7 HARPA (harp) 4 4 IRLANDA (Ireland) 9 9 PEIXE (fish) 10 7 TERÇA-FEIRA (Tuesday) 8 8 PERÚ (turkey-animal) 10 10 PERÚ (Peru-country) 6 6 PISTOLA (pistol) 7 7 BRISTOL 7 7 UVAS (grapes) 8 8 SETEMBRO (September) 6 6 PALMELA 8 6 In this column are the signs which presented more occurrences comparing to the column “Variation”. Signs produced with phonological trait variation which does not compromise its meaning. Variation2 2 3 3 2 Adding pieces to the Portuguese Sign Language lexicon puzzle: three pilot studies 97 Table 3 – Most enunciated etymological proposals for signs in the semantic category “Family” SIGN COHESION ETYMOLOCICAL PROPOSAL PAI (father) Medium+ Association with the sign HOMEM (man) e BIGODE (moustache), both very similar to the sign PAI (father). MÃE (mother) Weak+ Related to the old of sons and daughters kissing their mother’s hands; Protectiveness of the mothers towards their children. Weak- Dactilology influence: “A”, first letter in “avô” (grandfather) and initial handshape of the sign; Association of the idea of “grandfather” with the concept of “old”. The location at the chin comes from the location of the sign VELHO (old). AVÓ (grandmother) Weak- Dactilology influence: “A”, first letter in “avó” (grandfather) and initial handshape of the sign; Association of the idea of “grandmother” with the concept of “old”. The location at the chin comes from the location of the sign VELHA (old). BISAVÔ (greatgrandfather) (AVÔ+SEGUNDO) (grandfather+second) Medium* It is the second grandfather. BISAVÓ (greatgrandmother) (AVÓ+SEGUNDO) (grandmother+second) Medium* It is the second grandmother. Weak- Association with the sign MÃE (mother) and the concept mother: – “possession of the mother”; – ”that is after the mother in the genealogic tree” – “that is born from the mother”. Weak- Association with the sign MÃE (mother) and the concept mother: – “possession of the mother”; – ”that is after the mother in the genealogic tree” – “that is born from the mother”. Weak+ “someone that lives as an equal” to a brother (the sign for equal is the same as for brother in LGP); Someone who “grows up with you, and is always near you” Someone who has the “same blood as you”. IRMÃ (sister) (FEMININO+IRMÃ) (feminine+sister) Weak+ “someone that lives as an equal” to a brother (the sign for equal is the same as for brother in LGP); Someone who “grows up with you, and is always near you” Someone who has the “same blood as you”. TIO (uncle) Weak* Dactilology origin: T-I-O. TIA (aunt) (FEMININO+TIO) (feminine+uncle) Weak* Dactilology origin: T-I-A. PRIMO (cousin-male) Weak- Visual triangle that is formed in the genealogic tree and illustrates the relation between two cousins or two families. PRIMA(cousin-female) (FEMININO+PRIMO) (female+cousin) Weak- Visual triangle that is formed in the genealogic tree and illustrates the relation between two cousins or two families. Weak* Old family ties between nephews/nieces and uncles/aunts. The latter were also godfather/godmother to the first. These people were connected not only by a consanguinity issue but also by the ties imposed by a religious ceremony: baptism. Hence, the location and movement of SOBRINHO (nephew) is the same as the location and movement in PADRINHO/MADRINHA/BAPTISMO (godfather/ godmother/baptism). AVÔ (grandfather) FILHO (son) FILHA (daughter) (FEMININO+FILHO) (feminine+son) IRMÃO (brother) SOBRINHO (nephew) 98 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s SIGN COHESION ETYMOLOCICAL PROPOSAL SOBRINHA (niece) (FEMININO+SOBRINHO) (feminine+nephew) Weak* Old family ties between nephews/nieces and uncles/aunts. The latter were also godfather/godmother to the first. These people were connected not only by a consanguinity issue but also by the ties imposed by a religious ceremony: baptism. Hence, the location and movement of SOBRINHO (nephew) is the same as the location and movement in PADRINHO/MADRINHA/BAPTISMO (godfather/ godmother/baptism). PADRINHO (godfather) High- Association with the movement from baptism – to poor water onto the baptized person’s head. MADRINHA (godmother) (FEMININO+PADRINHO) (feminine+goddfather) High- Association with the movement from baptism – to poor water onto the baptized person’s head. AFILHADO(godson) (PADRINHO+FILHO) (godfather+son) Weak+ Comes from the signs PADRINHO/BAPTISMO (godfather/baptism), because the godson is a “son” acquired through baptism. AFILHADA (gaddaughter) (PADRINHO +FEMININO+FILHO) (godfather+feminine+son) Weak+ Comes from the signs PADRINHO/BAPTISMO (godfather/baptism), because the godson is a “son” acquired through baptism. SOGRO (father-in-law) Weak- Dactilology “I”, comes from the idea of “important in the family” (explination given as a mere supposition, with no certainties). SOGRA (mother-in-law) (FEMININO+SOGRO) (feminine+father-in-law) Weak- Dactilology “I”, comes from the idea of “important in the family” (explination given as a mere supposition, with no certainties). GENRO (son-in-law) Null ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORA (daughter-in-law) (FEMININO+GENRO) (feminine+son-in-law) Null ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUNHADO (brother-in-law) Weak* Association to the sign SEGUINTE/AO LADO (next/next to), which is manifested by similarity in handshape to CUNHADO (brother-in-law). CUNHADA (sister-in-law) (FEMININO+CUNHADO) (feminine+brother-in-law) Weak* Association to the sign SEGUINTE/AO LADO (next/next to), which is manifested by similarity in handshape to CUNHADA (sister-in-law). Medium* Combinat6ion of the signs PAI+SEGUNDO (father+second), implying several associations: – a second father; – a false father; – a second person who gets married to the mother. Medium* Combination of the signs MÃE+SEGUNDO (mother+second), implying several associations: – a second mother; – a false mother; – a second person who gets married to the father. Weak+ Combination of the signs FILHO+SEGUNDO (son+second), implying several associations: – a second son; va false son, one who is not the true son. ENTEADA (stepdaughter) (FEMININO +FILHO+SEGUNDO) (feminine+son+second) Weak+ Combination of the signs FILHO+SEGUNDO (son+second), implying several associations: – a second daughter; – a false daughter, one who is not the true daughter. NETO (gradson) Weak- Association to AVÔ e AVÓ (grandfather and grandmother), which are produced with a chin location, for explaining this sign’s location at the chin. NETA (granddaughter) (FEMININO+NETO) (feminine+grandson) Weak- Association to AVÔ e AVÓ (grandfather and grandmother), which are produced with a chin location, for explaining this sign’s location at the chin PADRASTO (stepfather) (PAI+SEGUNDO) (father+second) MADRASTA (stepmother) (MÃE+SEGUNDO) (mother+second) ENTEADO (stepson) (FILHO+SEGUNDO) (son+second) Cognitive Studies on Portuguese Sign Language (LGP): a work in progress Estudos Cognitivos em Língua Gestual Portuguesa: estudo de arte Maria Vânia Silva Nunes1*, Paulo Vaz de Carvalho1, Ana Mineiro1 and Alexandre Castro Caldas1 1 Instituto de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Católica Portuguesa Abstract Resumo The main goal of present paper is to present the research lines that we are presently following in the study of Portuguese Sign Language (LGP), including the replication of previous studies in other sign languages (such as a working memory study) but also proposals that are, to our best knowledge, original (such as the study of time perception in deaf). We start by making a review of the theoretical framework that has supported several studies in other sign languages, particularly in American Sign Language (ASL), identifying then the need of replicating these studies for LGP. The status of our works is also presented. Keywords: Portuguese Sign Language (LGP), American Sign Language (ASL), Working Memory, sign languages, cognitive development, time perception, deafness. Deafness and cognitive development There are no doubts that, although being the result of genetic programming, the development and maturation of the brain and related cognitive development, are crucially dependent of the interaction with the environment. As a key feature of this interaction are sensorial inputs, being now well known that sensorial deprivation may result in deficits in structural and functional organization. Congenital sensorial deprivation, as the one that results from congenital deafness or blindness, can then, theoretically, have a deleterious effect in that organization. Even when there are circumstances where these deficits can be corrected later in life, there is an increased probability of passing the critical period without stimulation. We can identify two different kinds of questions when researching in deafness. The first concern O objectivo principal deste artigo foi apresentar um estudo que se encontra a decorrer, no ICS da UCP. Neste trabalho, propomo-nos replicar estudos já feitos para outras línguas gestuais, nomeadamente, relativamente à memória de trabalho. As nossas propostas englobam também estudos originais, nomeadamente no que concerne a percepção do tempo nos surdos. Neste artigo fazemos uma breve revisão da literatura relativamente ao Estudo da Arte nas outras línguas gestuais, particularmente na ASL, identificando a necessidade de replicação desses trabalhos para a LGP. O Estado do desenvolvimento do nosso trabalho é também apresentado. Palavra Chave: LGP – ASL – Mamória de Trabalho – Desenvolvimento cognitivo – Percepção do tempo pelos surdos is to know how deprivation of auditory sensorial inputs influences cortical and cognitive organization. The second, behind the scope of this article, and of greater relevance for intervention and rehabilitation, concerns the existence of a critical period for the auditory system. This second question, related with the existence of a critical period for the auditory system, gains even greater importance when considering that congenital deaf that are implanted as adults have worst auditory performances and little gains in what concerns their linguistic development. In fact, several studies seem to suggest that auditory performance of congenital deaf with cochlear implants is crucially dependent on the age of implantation. The importance of Sign Language Despite sensorial deprivation, auditory deficiency or deafness are multidimensional phenomena with * Cadernos de Saúde Vol. 2 Número especial de Línguas Gestuais – pp. 99-104 100 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s several social, medical and educational features needing consideration. Therefore children with auditory impairment can follow various developmental pathways. Several factors can account for this variability. When taught sign language as a native language, deaf children are able to achieve linguistic milestones at a proper age. That is probably why one factor of good prognostic is when deaf children have deaf parents, and are immersed in that linguistic environment since birth. However, sign languages and oral languages differ in several relevant features namely in the sensorial modality that it is used to convey the linguistic information. In sing languages we have the linguistic content that is understood as such by the brain, which conveyed to the brain through a different sensorial modality, that is a visuo-spatial modality instead of an auditory one. That poses a problem to the direct application of the classic working memory model to sign language. Working Memory Model The relation between memory, particularly working memory and oral language is well known, and has been extensively explored in numerous studies. In fact the working memory model postulates the existence of a mechanism specialised in processing phonological and linguistic information. Working memory is an influential model that was first proposed in 1974 by Baddeley and Hitch in a seminal paper that points that “despite more than a decade of research on the topic of short term memory we still know virtually nothing about its role in normal human information processing” (p. 48). According to these authors the concept of short term memory should be replaced by one that of a working memory system. In this proposal we have a control system with limited storing and processing capacity, the central executive, and two subsidiary systems, one used for verbal material, the other one used for visuo-spatial material. In this initial paper the authors suggest that working memory plays an important role in several cognitive functions. Phonological loop is the best studied component of the model and it is related with the processing of verbal and phonological material. Two components were proposed as part of the Phonological loop: a speech based store that keeps the mnesic trace and an articulatory control process. It is assumed that auditory information gains mandatory access to the store. This loop explains several experimental effects and its considerable explicative power, has lead people to reflect about the functional role of the phonological Loop in speech comprehension. Subsequently it was proposed that the phonological loop could play an important role in the long term learning of unfamiliar material (Baddeley, Papagno and Vallar, 1988). Its role in understanding the process of language acquisition was also studied (Gathercole and Baddeley, 1990), and relations with the acquisition of skill and knowledge in reading and mathematics are also found (Gathercole et al, 2006). The phonological loop seems to be a “Language Learning Device” to learn new words (Baddeley, Gathercole and Papagno, 1998) that crucially relies on the phonological store. It also seems to be related with a second language acquisition (Service, 1992). Some studies show that phonological working memory capacity, as measured by non word repetition, can influence the outcome of cochlear implantation, even more than implantation age (Willstedt-Svensson et al, 2004). The proposal of a phonological loop to deal with verbal and phonological material is substantially validated. In fact, phonological loop explains several experimental effects: phonological similarity that shows that phonologically similar words are less remembered than dissimilar items (Conrad and Hull, 1964), strengthening the idea of a phonological coding. It also explains the irrelevant speech effect, that shows that irrelevant auditory material disrupts performance (Colle e Welsh, 1976) and reinforces the idea that auditory material gains automatic access to the phonological store, and the word length effect according to which, lists of longer words are less well remembered than lists of short words (Baddeley, Thomson and Buchanan, 1975), which is seen as evidence for an articulatory rehearsal process that seems to occur in real time. This word length effect can be prevented by articulatory suppression (Baddeley, Lewis and Vallar, 1984). Articulatory suppression is obtained when subjects perform an irrelevant mouth movement, while performing a span task. Articulatory suppression also prevents phonological similarity effect for visually presented material since it prevents sub-vocal recoding (Murray, 1986). In the phonological loop people seem to remember as many items as they can say in two seconds (Baddeley et al. 1975), which reinforces the idea that rehearsal occurs in real time. The other subsidiary system, the visuo-spatial sketchpad, is less studied. The visuo-spatial sketchpad is seen as a store that, together with control proces- Cognitive Studies on Portuguese Sign Language (LGP): a work in progress ses, is responsible by registering the visuo-spatial information and keeping it trough a rehearsal process. More recently other component was added to the model, namely the episodic buffer (Baddeley, 2000), but the division between a verbal domain and a visuo-spatial domain seems to reflect a fundamental division in human cognition. Working Memory Model and American Sign Language (ASL) Wilson and Emmorey (1997) studied the working memory system of ASL signers considering the possible interference of the modality by which language reaches the brain: visual or auditory. As pointed by these authors many differences between verbal and visuo-spatial working memory have been attributed to differences between audition and vision. In fact, audition is more related with time, and vision is more related with space. As synthesized by the authors there are strong unidirectional associations between auditory items that are not found in visual working memory that may demand a nonlinear structure. That could imply that working memory for sign language may differ systematically from that for speech. But the authors also stressed that there are several similarities between sign and speech, namely that signs are not holistic gestures but are constructed from a set of meaningless units, combined in a similar manner to that of the phonological level in spoken languages (Battison, 1978 in Wilson & Emmorey, 1997) and that there is a close relationship between perception and production, unlike what happens with the vast majority of visual stimuli that are usually used to evaluate working memory, and that allows rehearsal processes. Based on these similarities, and in the growing evidence at the time that ASL-based memory code for temporary storage resembles the type of speech coding used by hearing subjects, the authors went further and directly explored the existence of a “phonological” loop for sign language. They found a phonological similarity effect (using signs that were either similar or dissimilar in terms of handshape), replicating previous results. They also found a manual articulatory suppression effect (obtained by asking the subjects to open and close their fists, alternating the hands). They argue that suppression and similarity seem to derive from separate components of the system. For material that needs recoding (pictures of easily named objects) 101 the similarity effect was eliminated by articulatory suppression. They obtained similarity effect when there was no hand motion, but hand motion suppressed the similarity effect, so it appears that an articulatory process in needed to recoding. They also found a “word” length effect; presenting short signs and long signs, and showing that memory performance is sensitive to the articulation time of the signs. On the other hand, they also found that suppression prevents the length effect. Synthesizing their findings about the effects, and the interactions between them, are analogous to what happens for oral language, reinforcing the hypothesis of a “sign loop”. Working Memory Model and Portguguese Sign Language (LGP): A work in progress The work of Wilson and Emmorey (1997) and posterior works seem to suggest that the “phonological loop” is a mechanism that is related to the processing of linguistic input, regardless of the modality of that input, suggesting that working memory system is a flexible one. Neuroscience data reinforces this similarity, for instance, recent neuroimaging studies had found an inner sign analogous to the inner speech and recent neurophysiologic evidence supports the notion of an amodal site for carrying phonological, syllable like representations in the temporal lobe that it’s active when either speech or sign are processed in syllable tasks (cf. Ronnberg, 2003). Deaf brain organization, in a similar manner to what happens in blind subjects, seems to display cross modal plasticity (in the case of the deaf it is when sign language activates areas of auditory cortex). In fact is today known from imaging studies that deaf subjects display auditory cortical activity when they are processing sign language gestures or other complex visual stimuli (Pettito et al 2000). Multisensorial convergence seems then to be a generalized feature of brain and cognition (Bavelier et al, 2006). Besides functional reorganization, auditory experience and/or exposure to sign language during human development seems to impact even anatomical organization. For instance volumetric analysis with MR shows that deaf people present a greater volume of grey matter in posterior left insular lobe. (Allen et al. 2008). These results seem to point to a universal response of the brain and cognition to the learning of a sign language, namely ASL. In the case of working 102 Cade rn o s d e S a ú d e Vo l. 2 Nú m e ro es p ec i a l d e L í n g ua s G es tua i s memory, we can think that this similarity of ASL with spoken language reveals and underlying capacity of the human brain and cognition to deal with an alternative sensorial modality of linguistic input. However, and more than in oral languages that are well established, there are significant differences between ASL and LGP. ASL is the dominant language in the American deaf community, in some parts of Canada (Anglican) and in some regions of Mexico. The ASL is also used in other countries like the Filipinas, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico among others. Just like other sign languages its grammar and syntax is different from any other spoken language within its area of influence. The actual ASL has its origin in a confluence of various events and circumstances and has four great influences: Home signs; Martha’s Vineyard sign language; Indians tribe sign language; and the Old French Sign Language. Thus ASL has a grammatical structure based in these four great influences. Having completely different origins, the Portuguese Sign Language (LGP) has a distinctive grammatical structure from ASL. LGP is a language that is used by Portuguese Deaf people in their communication, being the most important window frame of their identity. Introduced in Portugal by professor Per Aron Borg, the great influence in LGP is Swedish Sign Language. It’s possible that even before the arrival of Professor Borg in Portugal, it exist an Old Portuguese Sign Language developed in very little communities spread around the country, but no fonts confirm that hypothesis. Nowadays, the influence of Swedish Sign Language in LGP can only be seen in the hand configuration used in signs that describe the Portuguese manual alphabet, very identical to the Swedish one. Thus, other LGP linguistic parameters are distinctive from the Swedish Sign Language, probably as the result of the grouping of deaf children and youngsters in residential schools. Another great difference between these two languages is their historical educational background. In 1880 in the Congress of Milan it was decided by majority that deaf should be taught orally, that sign language should be banished, and that deaf teachers should be replaced by hearing teachers. These recommendations had the opposition of two countries: the EUA and Sweden that kept sign language as the method of teaching the deaf. As consequence, for over a century, Portugal, as several other countries, prohibited the use of sign language in deaf schools, and LGP developed outside school, namely in households, residential households and deaf associations. Therefore, while ASL was developing inside deaf schools and in deaf communities, broadening its lexicon and refining its grammatical structures, LGP was only practiced in secrecy, becoming reduced to a daily basis communication, being held back in its developing. Although, in some periods in the USA, the use of ASL in schools had lost some importance, in the sixties, due to the linguistic investigations of William Stokoe, ASL reacquired and enlarged its statute as language for teaching the deaf students. In Portugal, only in the nineties LGP became regularly used as the language for educating deaf people and only in 1997 was recognized by law as a true language of deaf community. Due to referred differences between the two languages (ASL and LGP), their distinctive historical background, and some other differences that seem to exist namely in terms of phonological and lexical variation. As previously demonstrated younger sign languages (Aronoff et al., 2008, Israel and Sandler, in press) appear to exhibit a greater amount of sublexical variation (e.g. handshape). Differences in social factors such as language age, size of the Deaf Community and prescriptive language norms seems to contribute to develop robust established lexical and sublexical categories and signs with less variation. Israel and Sandler study (in press) pointed out meaningful differences in phonological variations among categories in ASL, ISL (Israeli Sign Language) and ABSL (Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign Language). ASL presented the less amount of variation, followed by ISL and ABSL showed the most variation. This study leads us to suggest that probably in LGP we will find a greater amount of variation, than in ASL. This is en important issue in order to design the linguistic Stimuli in our work. Some pilot studies conducted by Mineiro et al. (2008) and Pereira et al. (in press) presented us some evidence about the variation of polissemic forms and the diachronic variation of forms in Portuguese sign language lexicon. These findings were consistent with the results of nominal criation in LPG found by Henriques (2006). Although these are preliminary studies summed up to the fact that there is no established corpora for LGP, our feeling is that they are concrete differences in terms of lexical and sublexical variation between LGP and ASL. Further research in this domain is necessary to establish differences. Cognitive Studies on Portuguese Sign Language (LGP): a work in progress We consider that the studies made for ASL should be replicated for LGP, and it is proposed that the results of those studies may held some differences. Presently, we are replicating the study of Wilson and Emorey (1997) on (because there is no established corpora for LGP there are few concrete data in several linguistic parameters) it was considered that the studies made for ASL should be replicated for LGP, and it is proposed that the results of those studies may held some differences. We are presently replicating the study of Wilson and Emmorey (1997) on Working Memory because, although being a relatively old study, it relies on a well established model and holds important conclusions regarding the nature of the cognitive organization for sign language. The materials are already constructed and implied the arrangement of several lists of similar items, dissimilar items, short signs, long signs and easily nameable pictures. Building these materials has proven to be a particularly difficult task. We have also introduced a digit span task. Because a consistent finding in working memory for sign language is that storage capacity is significantly lower for sign that for speech (Emmorey and Wilson, 2004), because Portuguese signs with all the required characteristics to build the list (and with additional semantic constraints) were hard to find, and based on the opinion of experienced deaf teachers, our lists had a maximum span of six items. However in some tasks, when we did the pre-validation of our material with elements of the deaf community we found, a ceiling effect. We can speculate that this ceiling effect was found because probably there are differences in the relation between the articulation length of ASL and LGP and their correspondent oral languages that impact span, or in other linguistic features. We are now increasing the maximum number of items in our lists in order to proceed to the applications in the experimental group. The experimental group, including only native speakers of LGP, is identified, and has already signed consent forms. Experimental results are due until the end of the current year. Time Perception and Portuguese Sign Language (LGP): A relation to explore It is interesting to notice that the span size difference between sign and speech that occurs in immediate serial recall doesn’t occur for more complex 103 tasks (Boutla et al., 2004 in Emmorey and Wilson, 2004). A possible explanation that is put forward is that sign languages rely in visual processing that occurs simultaneously and don’t rely in temporally encoded distinctions (cf. Emmorey and Wilson, 2004). The different pattern that hearing and deaf subjects present in forward and backward digit span, with the backward digit span being more deleterious to hearing subjects is interpreted as reflecting the specialization of the loop in for the exact repetition of a sequence of items in a given order (Wilson and Emmorey, 1997) constituting one aspect in which the authors identified differences between the speech and the sign loop. Taking into consideration these results, and beyond the replication studies in course for LGP, we are also exploring the hypothesis that these differences in the reliance in temporal sequences may have an impact in time perception. Time perception and its measuring are basic components of cerebral function, and temporal processing is an integral part of many everyday goal oriented behaviours. The explanation for subjective time also assumes the existence of an internal-clock mechanism. Previous work has shown an association between the estimation of time and short term memory/ working memory (Coelho et al, 2004). We are presently adapting the tasks and procedures used in this study to LGP in order to address the relation between sign language (LGP), time perception and working memory. Recognized as the official language of the Portuguese deaf community only in 1997, LGP is a language that presents a wide research field to which we expect to contribute in a productive manner. References 1. Allen J., Emmorey K, Bruss J and Damasio H. (2008) Morphology of the Insula in Relation to Hearing Status and Sign Language Experience. Journal of Neuroscience, November 12, 2008, 28(46). 2. Aronoff, M., Meir, I., Padden, C. 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