The Worlds of Ecuador - Kaleidoscope Adventures
The Worlds of Ecuador - Kaleidoscope Adventures
Tour: The Worlds of Ecuador Destination: Quito, Mindo, Cotopaxi & Baños, Ecuador Specialization: Ecology, Earth Science, Animal Science, Agriculture, Geography & Culture Itinerary: 8-days / 7-nights in destination Availability: Year-round Worlds of Ecuador - Sample Itinerary Day Morning Afternoon 1 Evening Travel to Quito, Ecuador; transfer to Hotel 2 Breakfast Welcome Meeting Equator Line 3 Breakfast Travel to Mindo Ethnic-Scientific Museum 4 Breakfast Chocolate Factory Orchid Farm Excursion Volunteer Activity Tubing on Mindo River 5 Breakfast Travel to Cotopaxi Cotopaxi Volcano Limpiopungo Lake Museum Hike & Salasaca Market Dinner 6 Breakfast Travel to Baños Water Falls & Cable Car Ride Animal Rescue Center Dinner Free Time 7 Breakfast 8 Breakfast Cloud Forest & Butterfly Farm Mountain Biking or Hiking Transfer to Quito Quito Historical Center Dinner Dinner & Canopy Camp Dinner Farewell Dinner Transfer to Airport; Fly Home In this ‘adventure of a lifetime’, Visions partners with a local South American company dedicated to sharing the culture, traditions, and language of Ecuador whilst discovering this beautiful and magnificent country. As with all sample itineraries, please be aware that this is an “example” of a schedule and that the activities included may be variable dependent upon dates, weather, special requests and other factors. Itineraries will be confirmed prior to travel. 1 Kaleidoscope Adventures | 800-774-7337 | Day 1 Meals in flight Travel to Quito, Ecuador via air, arriving in the evening hours or an overnight flight arriving in the morning. (If travelling overnight, this will add an extended day to your itinerary.) After boarding your transportation, your school will be swiftly transferred to your hotel located approximately a 1-hour drive from the airport. Quito… Quito is one of the most compelling cities in Ecuador. Nestled in a long, narrow valley in the Andes, between the Volcano Pichincha to the west and the Machángara River Canyon to the east, Quito enjoys a spectacular natural setting. The Ecuadorian capital city's mix of colonial and modern architecture creates a fascinating built environment. In addition to being the site of the Ecuadorian government, Quito is also the nation's cultural capital, with an impressive selection of museums, festivals, and nightlife. Quito is the perfect place to begin exploring Ecuador with its myriad hotels and hostels. See the historic sites of Quito's Old Town and the city's dozens of museums and other attractions; visit its hundreds of shops, cafes, and restaurants; and take advantage of the plethora of day trips, hikes and climbs in the surrounding area. Quito's central location makes it a perfect base from which to visit other regions of the country as well. Quito's history is very much linked to general Ecuadorian history. During the pre-Columbian era, several indigenous groups inhabited present-day Quito including the Quitus from whom the city took its name. In the beginning of the th 16 century, whilst the Incas controlled Ecuador, Quito served as the capital of the northern half of the Incan Empire. In 1533, the Inca General Rumiñahui destroyed Quito so that it would not fall into the hands of the advancing conquistadors. Just a year later, after the Spanish conquered the Inca, the Spanish Lieutenant Sebastián de Benalcázar began rebuilding Quito from the rubble the Rumiñahui left behind. Ecuador was part of the Viceroyalty of Peru from 1544 until 1720, when it joined the newly created Viceroyalty of Nueva Granada. In 1563, however, Quito became a Royal Audiencia of Spain, thus permitting it to deal directly with Madrid on certain matters instead of going through Lima. The name ‘Quito Audencia’ is misleading because it suggests that the territory under the jurisdiction of Quito was comparable to the limits of the city of Quito today. In truth, the territory of the Quito Audencia greatly exceeded that of present-day Ecuador, encompassing the north of Peru, the city of Cali in the south of Colombia, and much of the Amazon River Basin east of Ecuador. Modern Quito is a city of two halves, Old and New. The Old City remains much the same as it did at the end of the colonial period but the New City bears no marks whatsoever of its colonial past. Whilst the New City does not benefit from the area's brilliant history, it shines in its own right. Take the time to explore both "Cities", neither will disappoint you. Did you know? • Ecuador was colonized by the Spanish in 1563. Independence was gained from Spain in 1822 after defeating the Spanish Royalist forces and from Gran Colombia in 1830. This makes it one of the only countries to celebrate two independence days. 2 Kaleidoscope Adventures | 800-774-7337 | • There are 24 provinces of Ecuador and each has a capital city. The largest city in Ecuador is Guayaquil with a population of about 3.7 million. The capital city is Quito with a population of about 2.7 million. • The official currency of Ecuador is the US dollar, which was adopted in 2000 after Ecuador suffered a financial crisis and defaulted on their external loans in 1999. The currency that was used before this was called the Ecuadorian Sucre. • The world famous Galapagos Islands were made a part of Ecuador in 1832. They lie over 950 km west of Ecuador. They are famous for the unique wildlife and as the location where Charles Darwin formed his theory of evolution. • The main exports of the country are oil, seafood, wood, gold and many agricultural products. • The main religion of Ecuador is Roman Catholic with 95% of the population professing this faith. • The official language is Spanish, but many people also speak native languages. • The country has many active and inactive volcanoes. Chimborazo is an inactive volcano that is the highest point in Ecuador. Due to its position near the Equator it is known as the closest point on Earth to the Sun. • The climate is varied because of the differences in elevation. The low lying areas are warm and humid and the highlands are cool and dry. • Ecuador is home to a wide variety of plants and animals. It has 4 UNESCO World Heritage Sites and 19% of the country is protected. • The flag of Ecuador represents the diversity of the country (yellow), sky and sea (blue) and blood of those who fought for independence (red). More Ecuador Trivia: Sample Hotel: Hotel Quito - When you stay at Hotel Quito, you will be welcomed by the hospitality that is a longstanding Quito tradition. You will feel very close to the sky because the hotel’s art deco building, whose construction dates back to the sixties, is located on top of a hill from which there is an exceptional 360º view of both the city and the neighbouring valley and the mountains surrounding Quito. Resort amenities include an outdoor swimming pool, garden spa and fitness centre, retail outlets, restaurant and meeting space. Room amenities include cable television, radio, wi-fi, safety deposit box and local newspaper delivery. Students and staff sleep in rooms with two or three single beds per room with each occupant in an individual bed. Transportation: Each visiting school will be assigned an independent motorcoach to use for transportation whilst in Ecuador. Buses are fully equipped with seatbelts and a restroom on-board. Additionally, you will have one driver assigned to your school for the duration of the trip. Day 2 Breakfast * Lunch * Dinner Rise and shine Quito! Today we’re off to the middle of the earth – literally! We’ll travel to the Equator Line and brush up on our geography as we learn about the equator dividing our earth’s surface into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. 3 Kaleidoscope Adventures | 800-774-7337 | In geography, the equator is an imaginary line drawn around a planet, halfway between the poles, where the surface of the roughly spherical planet is parallel to the axis of rotation. The latitude of the equator is 0 by definition. The length of Earth's equator is about 40,070 km. Some climatologists define the climate of a place as ‘equatorial’, rather than merely tropical, if the difference between the normal mean temperatures of the warmest and coldest months is 3°C or less. Climatologist Vladimir Köppen originally set a yearly temperature range of 5°C for equatorial climates and placed the letter 'i' after the applicable two-letter classification (Af, Am, Aw or As) for those climates meeting this standard, the threshold of which was later changed to 3°C, in part to make the 'equatorial' and 'tropical' areas more equal in terms of territory covered. If a place does not qualify for the letter 'i', no third letter is added to its climate designation. In addition to having a narrower range of annual temperatures than at the outer margins of the tropics, what seasonal thermal differences do exist very close to the equator do not necessarily "follow the sun"- that is to say, the warmest month will not necessarily occur at the time of highest sun and longest days, and the "coldest" month need not be at the time of lowest sun and shortest days. Often, the wettest time of year will be coolest, due to its having more cloud cover and hence receiving less direct sunlight (temperatures at higher latitudes within the tropics, by contrast, do rise and fall in concert with the astronomical seasons). Whilst here, we’ll visit the Inti Nan Museum. Inti Nan Museum - Here lays the real equator as measured by the Global Positioning System. It is a collection of interesting artefacts and cultural activities that are centred on the actual equator line, just a short distance north from the Mitad Del Mundo Monument and shopping area. It is dedicated to the various aboriginal cultures of the world and hosts a number of totems representing them. There are a number of displays and participative activities, i.e., balancing an egg on end or "walking" the equator line with your eyes closed. Video: After a local lunch, we’re off to the Water Museum! Yaku Water Museum – Yaku means water in the native Quichua tongue. The Yaku Museum is a space to reflect and marvel at water and its potential for life. Located in El Placer neighbourhood, on the slopes of Pichincha Volcano, it is a strategic site for observation and contemplation. Tradition says that in Pre-Hispanic times this site held the ceremonial and purification baths of the Inca Atahualpa, and was called “Casas del Placer del Inca” (Houses of pleasures of the Inca), hence the reason the neighbourhood is named as El Placer (the pleasure). More than 75 percent of the Earth is covered in water. Ninety-seven percentile of that water is saltwater. Two percentile of the water is locked up in ice caps. That means that one percentile of all water on Earth is usable by humans. A miniscule amount of that one percentile is found in the area around Quito. So what's the deal with the water museum? 4 Kaleidoscope Adventures | 800-774-7337 | In the next few years, the Andes could be the site of a water crisis. Quito relies on the surrounding snow-capped volcanoes for water. But as these snow-capped volcanoes become less and less snow-capped as a result of climate change, there could be severe water shortages. Quito decided that it needed to protect and conserve its watershed. Part of this process was an education campaign that explained the water cycle, the importance of conserving water, and how to do so. This is where the museum comes in. Located on a western slope of the valley overlooking the Old Town, the city built the interactive Yaku Water Museum to educate residents about water. It's not a typical tourist destination! It starts by explaining the process by which water arrives at homes: starting on the mountains and streams before being collected in reservoirs and undergoing purification at the water treatment facility before delivery to individual users. Then, visitors talk with the interactive guides about how they can conserve water. The second half of the museum tour is full of experiments to learn about the various properties of water. After completing the tour, visitors can enjoy the views overlooking the valley of Quito. Next, we’ll have time to explore the Quito Historical Centre. Quito Historical Centre - The history of this beautiful colonial city, full of legends woven over more than 400 years is still alive in the memory of its inhabitants. At the beginning of the 16th century, the city adopted a monumental style with the construction of the impressive churches by the various Catholic missions of San Francisco, Santo Domingo, San Agustin and the Cathedral. Tonight, we’ll have dinner, get caught up on rest and get ready for another fabulous day tomorrow! Day 3 Breakfast * Lunch * Dinner Good morning Quito! After breakfast, we’ll travel to Mindo, approximately a 2-hour drive, thru the cloud forest and to the Mountain Range! Mindo… The Mindo area ranges from approximately 1200 to 4780 meters above sea level, and its most popular attractions are typical of the cloud forest cloud flora and fauna. Temperatures range from about 15ºC – 24ºC and rain storms are common throughout the year, although the climate is driest from May through September. July through October is the busiest months for tourists, but weekends and national holidays throughout the year find many people in Mindo. The Andes Mountain Range is a braid that intertwines two high mountain ranges of incomparable beauty alternating moorlands, gorges, rivers and valleys sprinkled with towns rich with culture and old traditions. Impressive snow-capped volcanoes as the Chimborazo (6310m), the Illinizas, the Cotopaxi -the highest active volcano in the world (5907m) - the Antisana, the Cayambe, and the Tungurahua, have for centuries seduced both the curious and adventure bound. Today the magnificent national parks and ecological reserves are a paradise for ecotourism and outdoor activity. Sample Hotel: Mindo Gardens – In the midst of a mega-diverse ecosystem, Mindo Garden has created a home base from which you can enjoy the nearby forest. With various cabins featuring double, triple and quadruple-occupancy rooms, constructed with the best varieties of wood and decorated in a unique and personal style. You will find excellent beds and pillows, exquisite furniture, and walls with hand-painted designs. Everything is specially arranged so that you can appreciate the harmony of the nature that surrounds you, and above all enjoy a level of comfort that will permit you to wake up refreshed and revitalized. 5 Kaleidoscope Adventures | 800-774-7337 | Upon arrival, we’ll have our first late morning stop at the Orchid Gardens! The Orchid Garden of Mindo – This private orchid garden is located right in the small town of Mindo. A small office with information is part of the grounds along with a restaurant and guest cabins. Hugolindo, the owner of the garden, has collected hundreds of orchids from the nearby cloud forest and takes great pride in taking guests through his floral history and the science of these beautiful flowers. Then, we’re off to learn about one of our favourite passions…. Chocolate! El Quetzal - Visions groups will love this demonstration focusing on the traditional way of processing cacao. The demonstration includes an overview of the history of the cacao plant throughout the Americas, its origin, use and significance. The group will toast cacao together in a paila, peel cacao, and then grind the cacao in a hand grinder. With the cacao that the students have processed, a delicious fondue will be made, and then when it is ready, the fondue will be enjoyed with fresh tropical fruits. After we’ve tasted our way through the chocolate, we’ll head for a local lunch and then work off our lunch with a 15 to 20 minute walk to learn about the incredible butterflies of Ecuador! The Butterfly Farm of Mindo – Mindo is located approximately 79 kilometres northwest of Quito and is one of the richest areas of the planet with respect to the concentration of bird species, including butterflies. Vision groups will enjoy full contact with nature and the most beautiful butterfly species in the area. The climate in Mindo and the resulting biodiversity is important to the area and results in continual visits by biologists, ormitólogos and nature lovers worldwide. The Farm has a reserve of 29.00 hectares where students will learn about the life cycle of the butterfly and view the metamorphosis process whist studying some of the 3200 species of butterflies, many on endangered lists, found here. Students will have the opportunity to admire, photograph or film the process and flight-metamorphic evolution of these fragile and colourful species that are an important part of the ecosystem of the region. Then, to wrap up an exciting day, we’ll get our feet wet…. La Isla Mindo: Mindo River Tubing Trip – Get ready for fun! The team here will provide all safety equipment plus all training required to have a splashing good time down the Mindo River. Bring your sunscreen and get ready to get wet! This evening, we’ll enjoy our canopy camping and dinner in the Mindo Garden Lodge. 6 Kaleidoscope Adventures | 800-774-7337 | Day 4 Breakfast * Lunch * Dinner Rise and shine Mindo! After breakfast, we’ll pack our bags and get ready for another exciting day! We’ll start with a dedicated morning to participate in a volunteer project at Mindo Gardens. Whilst there, we will work with specialists to plant local trees and vegetation. After our volunteer work, we’ll participate in a 30-minute hike to discover the waterfall, have lunch in town, then hop on our bus and head back to Quito for a fabulous dinner! Day 5 Breakfast * Lunch * Dinner Good morning Quito! After breakfast we’ll board our coach and travel to one of the most amazing sites in the world… Cotopaxi National Park & Cotopaxi Volcano - The Cotopaxi National Park is a massive nature reserve and the most popular in Ecuador. This Ecuadorian national park encompasses an area of 33 393 ha and extends into the Cotopaxi, Pichincha and Napo provinces. The park is also well known for the four volcanoes within its bounds. Located beside Cotopaxi National Park is the El Boliche National Recreational Area. This stunning park possesses both natural wonders and a fascinating history. Many years ago native Ecuadorians in the Cotopaxi vicinity built homes beside the Rio Pita, the ruins of which still remain. The people worshiped the volcano of Cotopaxi. In 1534, Spanish conquistadors were warring with natives during which time Cotopaxi began erupting, sending everyone scattering in fear. The best-known eruption of Cotopaxi took place in 1877 when ash that spewed out of the volcano reached the town of Machachi. Even the city of Latacunga was buried in mud and ash. It was a devastating time. Other volcanoes in the area include Rumiñahui, Quilindaña and Antisana. Cotopaxi National Park surrounds Cotopaxi Volcano with its altitude of 19,348 feet. There are a variety of vegetation zones within the park. Snow prevents the forming of flora high up the volcano of Cotopaxi. Humid Mountain Forest dominates the low elevations, particularly around Lake Limpio Pungo. Not many native trees remain after deforestation, but there are pine trees and Paramo grasses. This is an especially good area for bird watching. Rainy Sub-Andean plains are noted for their Paramo grasses as well as mosses. The Rainy Andean Tundra features saturated soils with poor nutrient content. Plants that grow here are low growing mosses and lichens. All-in-all there is 200 plant species in the Ecuadorian park. This fine area is home to an abundance of animal life such as pumas, marsupial mice, llamas, Andean wolves, deer and many bird species. El Boliche Recreational Area near Cotopaxi consists of 227ha and is home to flowering plants, llamas, hawks and more. IMPORTANT NOTE: IT IS VERY STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT ALL PARTICIPANTS HAVE WARM CLOTHES AND BRING A RAINCOAT FOR OUR COTOPAXI TRIP! Whilst here, we’ll enjoy a boxed lunch in the National Park, have a chance to explore the Limpio Pungo Lake & Museum and also take a mountain hike! Then in the afternoon we’ll drive for approximately one hour to visit the Salasaca Community Market! 7 Kaleidoscope Adventures | 800-774-7337 | Salasaca Community Market - The Salasacas are the most important indigenous group of the province of Tungurahua. These people have preserved their traditions, customs and political organization and are the main suppliers for the Otavalo Market in the north of Ecuador, where they exhibit and sell their famous tapestries. The production of these tapestries is still packed full of pre-Colombian traditions and designs, the same which strengthen the identity of this important indigenous group. After visiting the Salasaca Market, the local Pilla family will welcome and share with us the traditions in making these tapestries. They will show us how they spin, dye and knit the wool. Each one of these processes is an art in itself, maintained from times past, as are the symbols found in the designs on each tapestry. This is a wonderful experience for those who are interested in learning about and sharing with other cultures. This evening we’ll drive to Baños where we’ll have dinner locally and get ready for another brilliant day tomorrow! Day 6 Breakfast * Lunch * Dinner Rise and shine Baños! Today we’re off to discover another part of Ecuador – Baños! Baños… A small town in the central highlands of Ecuador, Baños de Agua Santa is nestled into a valley on the Pastaza River, 8km from the crater of the active Volcán Tungurahua, which means “throat of fire” in the indigenous language, Quichua. Baños gets its name from the many hydrothermal hot springs in the area. The lush and unique topography - full of dense vegetation, deep river gorges, and dramatic waterfalls accentuated by the 5,016 meter-high volcano - attracts both nature and adventure lovers. Baños de Agua Santa is known as the gateway to the Amazon not only because of its proximity to the Amazon Basin but also because it’s developed infrastructure makes it easy for travellers to get there numerous ways via bike, go-cart, or bus. Baños has a sub-tropical climate year-round, although during the rainy season, from May through October, temperatures can be cooler, especially in the evenings. It is recommended that students bring some warm clothes and a raincoat. In the morning, we’ll visit the world famous Water Falls! Manto de la Novia Waterfalls - One of the highlights of visiting Baños de Agua Santa is taking the dramatic highway of waterfalls (La Ruta de las Cascadas) to the jungle town of Puyo, a 61km route that descends a total of 850 meters through various climatic zones from cloud forest to jungle. The scenic route hugs the Río Pastaza canyon following the twists and turns of the river, and offers spectacular views of the 19 waterfalls before the thrilling descent into the town of Puyo. It passes by the Agoyán hydroelectric project and Manto de la Novia waterfalls where travellers can take an engine-powered tarabita (cable car) 500m across the river gorge up to the dizzying height of 100m! Then in the afternoon, get ready for an amazing experience… 8 Kaleidoscope Adventures | 800-774-7337 | Yana Cocha Rescue Centre – Yana Cocha Rescue Centre is a non-profit organization founded by the Flores Paredes family in June 2006, who constantly strives for the protection of wildlife and the prevention of the illegal trafficking of Amazonian flora and fauna. The centre performs the function of rescuing animals that are found in poor conditions, without adequate food or water, or generally living in inhumane conditions. When animals are brought to the centre, the work begins of providing them enclosures similar to their natural environment, with enrichment tools to enable them to harness their natural behaviours and live in conditions as close as possible to those they would in the wild. As it is impossible to totally imitate the true wilderness of the rainforest, the objective is to have the centre as an intermediary home before releasing the animals back into their natural environment. While here we will participate in our next volunteer project by working in the centre and preparing the food, feeding the animals and also helping to fix and maintain the trails in the centre. Sample Hotel: Sangay Hotel - The Sangay Spa Hotel is located next to an impressive 80 meter waterfall and across the street from the most famous thermal baths in the City of Baños which are said to have stimulating health restoring properties. Baños Tungurahua Ecuador, a thermal bath destination offers peace and quiet during week days, fun and plenty of activity at weekends. Guest services include wake-up calls, safety deposit boxes, complimentary internet services, business centre, heated swimming pool, Jacuzzi, tennis court, gym, ping pong and pool tables, and full spa services. Students and staff sleep in rooms with two or three single beds per room with each occupant in an individual bed. Day 7 Breakfast * Lunch * Dinner Good morning Baños! Today is our last full day so get ready for fun! After breakfast we’ll set off for Rio Verde! Mountain Biking & Hiking in Baños - Río Verde is approximately 17 km south of Baños and is an area rich in waterfalls and lush vegetation. The biggest waterfall in the area, El Pailón del Diablo, is the stopping point to the south for most tours from Baños and features a less than 1 km path leading through the forest to the waterfall as well as some restaurants and lodges set deep in the woods. In the late afternoon we’ll travel back to Quito to prepare for tomorrow’s flight home. Once back in our hotel, we’ll have a farewell dinner leaving time open for discussion and presentations! Day 8 Breakfast It’s time to head home! Following breakfast and dependent upon our flight departures, we’ll have the morning free then will start to say goodbye to Ecuador as we head off for our flight home; taking memories with us that will last forever as our new friends bid us goodbye! 9 Kaleidoscope Adventures | 800-774-7337 | WORLD OF ECUADOR Minimum Booking Numbers: 20 students What’s Included: Round-trip flights with a scheduled carrier 7-nights accommodation Breakfasts, lunches & dinners daily as shown in itinerary Transportation for programmed activities & airport transfers Fully qualified guides Listed Activities: Excursion to Equator Line Excursion to Inti Nan Museum Excursion to Yaku Water Museum Excursion to Quito Historical Centre Excursion to Mindo Butterfly Farm Excursion to El Quetzal Chocolate Excursion to Orchid Gardens of Mindo Excursion to Mindo River Tubing Trip Excursion to Cotopaxi National Park & Volcano Excursion to Salasaca Community Market Excursion to Baños Waterfalls & Cable Car Ride Excursion to Yana Cocha Rescue Centre Excursion to Baños Mountain Biking & Hiking Full Bilingual Tour Ambassador Service 24-hour emergency cover What’s Not Included: Fully comprehensive insurance (mandatory) Transfers to/from home airport Transportation for activities not shown in the itinerary Cost of visas, full or collective passports Cost of inoculations or medication required for travel Sightseeing / Entertainment Options not shown in Itinerary Hotel incidental deposits & bills – meals, mini-bar items, recreation charges, purchases billed to room, etc Any gratuities – coach drivers, maid service, bellman Service, area guides, tour ambassador ` Additional Information: IMPORTANT NOTE: Passports must have at least 6 months of validity after return and a minimum of 2 unused stamp pages. As always, our staff is available to you to answer any questions you may have regarding programming. If we may serve you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us. Kaleidoscope Adventures | 800-774-7337 | 1 Kaleidoscope Adventures | 800-774-7337 |