Fisherman ad scaled
Fisherman ad scaled
An old landmark will get a new look in the next several months, as the Golden Fisherman is returned to his original splendor in his new waterfront location near Point Cadet Plaza. The legion of names you see on this page represent the who’s who of those who made Biloxi the seafood capital of the world. These names will be returned to the base of the Golden Fisherman statue, and you’ll see new landscaping and lighting around the statue as part of a community effort to spruce up the fisherman’s new location. We’re planning for this to be a fitting tribute to those who helped build Biloxi’s legendary seafood industry Blessing of the Fleet Royalty 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 and are continuing to help keep it an important part of our economy – and a way of life here in Biloxi. 1957 The seafood industry always has and always will play an important role in Biloxi, so we’re making this a landmark that we can all be proud of. We’re making it one for the ages. ABC 1958 1959 Abel Adams 1960 Adolphsen Adolphson Agregaard 1961 Ahern Aicpom Aken Alleman Allen Alley Alves 1962 Anderson Andrews Anglada Anglado Antichich Anticich Antonsich Arceneaux Arguellas Askin Aucoin Austin 1963 A.J. Holloway Babuchna Badeaux Badger Baker Balius Baltar Bankester Banks Bankster Mayor of Biloxi Bantley Barber Barhanovich Barhonovich Baricev Barich Bario Barnes 1964 Baronich Barras Barrilleaux Barrio Barry Barton Basher Batia Battaya Battise 1965 Battiste Baugez Beale Beaugez Bechtel Becker Begnaud Bellais Bellande Bennett Bennitt Benson Bentley Bentz Bernard Bernich Berninski Berry Beverin Bibbons 1966 Bibson Bienvenue Bilancich Bills Blackwell Blanchard Bodie Bodin Bohn Boling 1967 Bond Boney Booker Borden Bosarge Boudreaux Boudwin Bounds Bourgeois Bourque Boutwell Bozeman Braden Bradford Brander Branechi Branecki Branecni 1968 Brasher Brashier Braun Brazier Breal Breaux Brizier Broadus Brosh Brou Brouadus 1969 Broussard Brown Buckingham Budinich Buford Bui Bullock Burdinich Burton Butler Butte Buxh Buzolich Byrd Byrne Cadin Cadman Caillavet Caldwell 1970 Canaan Cangemi Cannette Cannon Carroll Carron Carrroll Carter Carvin Casper Cassanova Castenera Catchot Caton Cazeaux Celya Cerenich 1971 Cerinich Champagne Chatagnier Chinn Chrutti Churchill Clanchard Clark 1972 Clegg Clemens Cobb Coleman Collier Collins Colson Comeaux Conrad Consoulin Cook Cosmich Cosplich Cospolich Couevas Coulter MNO Covacevich Covich Cox Crawford Creel Croncich Cruse Cruso Curet Mack Curtis Cvitanovich Cvitonich Madison Mallett Mann Manuel Dalgo Daniels Danise Dao Darling Dartez David DEF Mullen Marie Marino Marinovich Davis DeYbarra DeGeorge Degeorge Degeouge Marion Marshall Martinez Martino Dejean DeJean Delacruz Delahoussey Delamarre Mathieu Matthews Mattina Mavar Delcambre Delmarre Deloney Demet Demoran McCaleb McCoy McDuffey McElroy McGin Diddlemeyer Dipmg Dismuke Divoc Do Domingues Dong Dore McGinn McMannas McMurrian McNair McQueen McVeay McVey Dorville Doty Draheim Drieling Dubaz DuBois Dubois Duggan McQueen Meadows Meaut Melancon Melerine Meunier Meyer Meynier Migues Duplain Dupree Duval Duvic Duvigneaud Ewing Falls Fayard Felsher Ferrell Ferrill Fields Filipich Fisher Foreman Flowers Ford Forehand Foreman Foretich Forshe Forshee Fortner Foster Fountain Mihojevich Milers Miles Milian Miller Misko Mitchell Mladinich Moberg Mobert Money Montgomery Montiforte Montogomery Moore Moran Moris Morris Morrison Gabrich Gadman Galle GHI Morvant Mouton Mozara Mulholland Mullen Mullins Murray Murrell Muska Musley OEhms Oehms Olander Olier Oliver Olsen Olson Ong Osborne Ott Ouille’ Page Palmer Parker Pates Patrunas Patte Pauli Pavich Pavlov Pawloski PQR Gautier Gautreaux Gavin Gavirs Gazzo Gerinich Germanis Gibbons Gibson Pisarich Pitalo Plylar Polaski Polkosky Polovich Pons Poulos Powajbo Rachuba Radich Radovich Ragusin Raimey Rainwater Raley Ramsay Ramsey Ray Raymond Reaux Redd Redding Redmond Reed Reid Reynolds Rhodes Rich Richard Richards Richardson Rodriguez Rog Rogers Rolkosky Romeo Romero Ronsonet Rosalis Rose Rosetti Ross Roster Glavan Glenn Goff Gollott Gonsoulin Goodman Rousseau Rowell Rug Rush Rushing Ryan ST Saurez Savarro Savoy Scara Schmidt Schneider Scholtes Schonewitz Schultz Skermetta Skinner Skrimetta Skrmetta Skrmetti Skrnice Smith Smolcich Soares Soljan Songe Hanson Hardy Harris Hartman Harvey Havelin Sonnier Sorienz Soriez Spanner Spencer Sprinkles St.Amant Staehling Stafford Stanovich Staples Hebert Hecht Heidenheim Helton Helveston Stein Stevens Steward Stewart Stigletts Stojcich Story Strickland Strong Suarez Summerlin Hengerford Hennig Henning Heppler Herero Sumrall Surian Swaim Taconi Taffs Tafs Taft Taliancich Taltavull Tapper Taranto Tars Terri Terry Herman Hesler Higginbotham Hightower Theobald Theriot Thian Thidobeaux Thomas Thompson Thornton Tiblier Tillman Tisdale Toche Hilderbrand Hill Hilton Hire Holland Holley Toncrey Tootle Touchet Toups Trahan Tran Travis Trebotich Treloar Tremantanna Tremmel Hollier Holliman Holloway Horner Howe Hubbell Trochesset Trochessett Trochessette Trone Trosclair Tucei Tuceit Tumpletter Turner Tyler Vallo Venus Vicknair Vlahos Vlahov Vo Vogt Volpin Vu Vuyovich Wade Hudson Humphreys Hurley Huska Hutcherson Ibele JKL Jenkins Jiminez Johnson Jones Jordan Joullian Jumonville Jurich Keegan Kelley Kelly Kennedy Kersanac Kettering King Klos Kneale Knebel Kohler Kolaski Kolich Konish Konzelman Kopszywa Kordex VWYZ Wadrick Wage Wagner Walker Wallace Wallis Walter Walters Ward Ware Langlinais Latimer Lawrence Le Lebatard Leblanc LeBlanc Lechner Leckich Lee Legros Lehman Leleaux Lemmler Leper Lepoma Lepre Lesso Letort Levins Lienhardt Lipscomb Llad Llado Lombard Long Lonson Lopez Louviere Lucas Lucus Ly Lyons 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Weaver Webster Weeks Weems Weiniewitz Weir Weiss Wells Wenerski Wentzell Wescott Wescovich West Wetzel Wheeler White Wieniewitz Wiesczwiski Wiesgzwiski Wilkes William Williams Wilson 1998 1999 Wiltz Winchester Windha Windham Windom Winkeljohn Winklejohn Winstead Witt Wroten Wrothen Wrotten Yancey Yeager Yellerverton 2000 Yelverton Yerger Young Zarachowicz Zarachowiecz Zierlini Ziz Zorich 2001 Kovacevich Kozlowski Krebs Kriss Kropp Kulivan Kuljis Kuluz Ladner Ladnier Lamey Lamm Landry Lang 1982 Schuman Schwartz Sconyers Sczepaniak Sczepanian Sekul Semski Senseney Halat Hall Hamm Hammond Handler Hankins Jacquet James Jaycox Jelusich 1981 1989 Serman Sewell Sewill Seymour Shemper Sherman Short Simmons Sims Guillotte Gutierrez Guzman Habb Hagan Hahn Illich Irwin 1980 Sadowski Salkowski Sanders Sandoz Santa Cruz Sasada Saujon Saunders Gordon Gorenflo Gospodinovich Graham Grasich Groeschner Groue Gruich Gudry Guice Guidry 1979 Richie Richmond Ridgeway Robbins Roberson Roberts Robertson Rocco Roche Rodolfich Gilbert Gilder Gilheart Gilich Gill Gillis Girouard Gray Green Greenwell Greinke Griffin Grishman 1978 Payne Peleaz Pelous Penton Peresich Perez Phan Phillips Pickich Pilate Powell Powers Premeaux Previto Prevost Provost Pylate Quave Quigley Galloway Galy Garbin Garland Garlotte Gary Gauthreaux 1977 Nadalich Narbo Necaise Nelson Newman Nguyen Nichols Nicovich Noble Norton Novak Fournier Franklin Franko Freche Freeman Freidhoff Frentz Fryou 1976 McAllister McCaleb McCoy McDuffey McElroy McGinn McMurrian McNair Duhon Dujmov Dukate Dunbar Dunn Dunnaway Duong Engelhardt Eskald Esposito Evanovich Evans Everett 1975 Maybury Maycock Maynard Mazarro Denise Dennis Derouen Desilvey DeSilvey Desporte Diaz Eaton Edwards Egers Eleuterius Elliott Ellis Elmer Endris 1973 1974 2002 Mayor A.J. Holloway and the Biloxi City Council 2003 George Lawrence • Eric Dickey Arlene Canaan • Charles T. Harrison Jr. Tom Wall • Mike Fitzpatrick • David Fayard 2004 Gloria Meaut Laura Bell Maynard Betty Ann Hebert Olivia Mavar Kay Freeman Catherine Baricev Marjorie DuKate and Luka Kuljis Regina Meadows and Martin Fountain Jr. Joyce Halat and Steve M. Sekul Deanna Gill and Amos Ross Emily Germanis and John Mavar Sr. Wesley Constance King and Roland Creel Sr. Annette Clegg and Steve C. Sekul Constance Powajbo and George Forshee Geraldine Sekul and George Misko Dot Wilson and Eugene Boudreaux Sharon Jumonville and Jack Williams Linda Gautier and Matre Pitalo Kay Deloney and Pete Semski Molly Pisarich and Nelson Higginbotham Michelle Winkeljohn and Joe Baricev Julie Rushing and Phillip Trochessett Linda Kennedy and Tony Mihojevich Lynn Pitalo and Laz Quave Rachel Gabrich and Leo Eleuterius Tonya Gollott and Mike Kulivan Jan Ross and Theo Savoy Deborah Lynn Marchitto and Roland Creel Jr. Karen Williams and Peter Kuljis Lisa Walker and Obrey Langlinais Rhonda Rosetti and Bill Rosa Lauren Lynn Gutierrez and Steve Marinovich Gwyn Marie Lawrence and Neville “Tejean” Broussard Maureen Elyssa Williams and Tommy Schultz Jennifer Gollott and Albert Misko Stacy Lynn McGuire and Oduse Trahan Rachel Elizabeth Gilich and Wesley Ross Shelli Gary and Tony Gruich Shelly Taranto and “Sang” Langlinais Sheree Wade and Ralph Baker Patricia Ann Gary and Steve Barhanovich Jennifer Sekul and Lewis Langlinais Laurie Ann Ibele and Leroy Duvall Sr. Gretchen Waaga and Martin Skrmetta Meredith Joy Cash and George “Nidgy” Pelaez Rebecca Bradley and Joe Ross Stephanie Dove and Sammy Miller Janet Williams and Jimmy Cannette April Higginbotham and George Higginbotham Shane Everett and Horace Williams Tori Felcher and Sam Smolcich Lauren Reeder and Nguyen Van Nguyen Danielle Metcalf and Robert Begnaud Katie Kirkland and Ronald “Coo Coo” Broussard Jory Coscia and Tommy Gazzo
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